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Alumni Update

Boiler Up! As the seasons change, so does life around campus. During this time of the year, there is
always a buzz amongst our students, more people active outside and the weather teeters on
awesomenesswith always having a chance of snow!
Our staffing has not changed much over the past year, and we continue to look for opportunities to
grow professionally as a staff. I am sure that Larry will mention the addition of Scott Lawrence as his
replacement, so I will not steal his thunder. Our athletic department graduate assistant, Brooke
McKinnon, will be graduating and leaving for the real world. She has done a great job with our
student-athletes and will be missed.
Every summer presents new challenges. Yet again, we will have a summer of construction around
Mackey Arena with the addition of the Football Performance Center. This new building will be home
to our football program located between Mollenkopf and our outdoor practice fields. New facilities
consisting of a locker room, sports performance area, team rooms, meeting space, coaches offices
and, yes, a new athletic training room. Currently working out of the Newell Athletic Training room,
which is roughly 1200 square feet, we will be moving into a new space that is near 6500 square feet,
located between the new locker room and sports performance area. Check it out online!
The list continues to grow as we continue to honor Pinky Newell and Dr. Combs by selecting the best
of the best for the Newell/Combs scholarship. These awards date back to 1987 and our recognition
display board has finally run out of space. Jane Bline is currently designing a new board that will allow
for more space Stay tuned, pictures to follow! This year, we were able to award $25,000 to 9
deserving students (6 seniors and 3 juniors). This was all possible because of our generous Alums.
This scholarship has a reputation that goes along with the rich tradition of Purdue sports medicine.
Thank you for your continued support.
No person was ever honored for what was received. Honor
has always been the reward for what was given Pinky
Summer has finally arrived and we will get to enjoy a little down time. As a staff, we will try to gain
some life balance back and be ready to serve our student-athlete upon their return to campus. We
are looking forward to seeing you all in Baltimore this summer at our Alumni event. Please join us in
celebration. Boiler Up, Hammer Down, Hail Purdue!

The Departing Grads

Brooke is wrapping up her two years at Purdue University,
graduating with a master's degree in health and
kinesiology. During her time as a graduate assistant in athletics,
she worked with football, men's and women's track and field, and
cheerleading. For her graduate project, she worked with Dr.
Leverenz on a case study about Adductor Insertion Avulsion
Syndrome. She is hoping to have the work published in the
International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. Upon
graduating, she will be actively searching for a full-time Division I
athletic training position.

After two very quick years, Grant will be graduating from Purdue
with a Masters degree in Health and Kinesiology. During his
completion of the degree he greatly enjoyed working with the
undergraduate athletic training students and, from that, focused
on student retention in athletic training programs for his Masters
project. He was a Graduate Assistant with the Division of
Recreational Sports, and just after graduation Grant will be getting
married and he and Betsy will be moving to Georgia.

Welcome New Staff!

Ryanne Paige
Ryanne grew up in Mystic, CT. She
completed her undergraduate degree in
Athletic Training at the University of
Connecticut. Ryanne is excited to be
working with the Track and Field team at
Purdue starting this Fall.

Kaitlin Posey
Kaitlin was born and raised in Boca Raton,
Florida along with her twin brother and two
older brothers. She recently graduated from
Florida Gulf Coast University with a Bachelors
of Science degree in athletic training. She will
be obtaining her Masters degree in Health
and Kinesiology and will be working in the
Co-Rec facility..


Louis Matrisciano Attending Graduate School in Athletic

Abigail McClintock Looking for an industrial

Training through Indiana Wesleyan. Also working as an on-site

athletic training job and applying to osteopathic

industrial athletickkkkkk
trainer in Greensburg, IN.

school in 2017.

Brad Herman Attending

kkkkkk Occupational Therapy School at A. T.
Still University in Mesa, AZ.


Steven Hansen Scheduled to take his MCAT and will either

Grace Browning Graduate Assistant at the

University of Florida working in the co-rec



attend PA or medical school.


Jordan Leikel Graduate Assistant at Central

Michael Howk Graduate Assistant at Baylor University

Michigan University working with womens

working at Bosqueville
kkkkkkHigh School.


Tanner Maksymicz
Graduate Assistant at Western Illinois
University working with Football.

Grace Connell Attending Physical Therapy

School at the University of Indianapolis.

Lori Hann Completing her student teaching this upcoming fall

semester at Tecumseh Middle school and Lafayette Jefferson

Vanessa Saqib-Vicente Moving to Florida to

High school. Once graduating in December, she will start to

look for job as a physician extender.

pursue Graduate schools for Athletic Training.

Natalie Ater Graduate Assistant at Wichita
Madeline Pellikan Graduate Assistant at the University of
Akron working with womens volleyball and tennis.

State University working with track and field.

Thank you to
all those

Junior Athletic Training Student Award Winners

Senior Athletic Training Student Award Winners

Jennifer Hussey, Trilliah Fazle, Claire Albert,

Mitch Thain

Abigail McClintock, Natalie Ater, Grace

Connell, Grace Browning, Maddie Pellikan

Greetings from the academic side

Im writing this column on graduation day 2016. This day is always a happy day for the graduates and their parents as our new
athletic trainers move on to the next phase of their lives. But, its also a day of mixed feelings as they move on from Purdue and
we lose them as students. This year, 13 students graduated on May 14, all passed the BOC, and are now Certified Athletic
Trainers. The students continue to do well. At this time, our 3-year aggregate first-time pass rate on the BOC is a little above
90%, well above the national threshold of 70%. Some have accepted a graduate assistant position, some a job, some are going to
professional school. As Purdue alums, you can be sure all will be successful and carry on the Purdue Athletic Training tradition.
As we graduated one class, we accepted a new group, the Class of 2019. Our enrollment remains around 40 students. The classes
are strong in both the classroom and the clinical setting. Alice, Denny, Casey, Stephanie, and Whitney continue to help with
teaching and Jeff Stein returned to campus this year and taught Therapeutic Exercise with Casey.
We also remain committed to providing Study Abroad opportunities for our students to travel and study overseas. Second
semester junior students can go to Dublin City University for a semester of study that includes rehabilitation and clinical
experiences including work with rugby, hurling, and Gaelic football. Four students have taken advantage of this opportunity
and all enjoyed the experience. Weve also had 3 DCU students at Purdue during the fall semester for clinical experiences with
both university and high school teams. Additionally, I continue to take students on the short term study abroad trip to China.
This year, as you read this, Im with 10 students there. We are celebrating 10 years of the relationship between Beijing Sport
University and Purdue Health & Kinesiology.
Finally, my plan is to retire in 2017. With our accreditation review pending and the move of the program to a masters, Dr. Tim
Gavin, Department Head of HK, and College of HHS Dean, Chris Ladisch agreed to allow us to search and hire a new Program
Director to take over when I retire. This past spring we hired Dr. Scott Lawrance. Scott was at the University of Indianapolis as
their Clinical Education Coordinator. He will begin July 1. You will read in this newsletter an introductory column by Scott. Im
pleased to have Scott join Purdue and lead the program through the next major change. He will be there as we move through the
accreditation process and he and I are charged with moving forward with the changeover to a masters. We will work together to
set the program and the timeline for the change. Scott understands and appreciates the history and legacy of the Purdue AT
program. Im sure he will continue the tradition of excellence for the program and I know he wants to contact and involve you,
our alumni, in the program. If you are in Baltimore this summer, Scott will be there and please make him feel welcome as the
newest member of the Purdue AT family.
Thank you, again, for your support. Anytime you are in the area, please stop in and say hello. We always like to see you.

Greetings everyone!
This is my first opportunity to get in front of you and introduce myself, but first let me
say that its an extreme honor to be able to join the Boilermaker Sports Medicine Family.
Joining the Purdue family as the new curriculum director is a great challenge and one I am
looking forward to undertaking. My entire family is excited about our upcoming move and
we couldnt be happier to put down some roots in West Lafayette. In addition to the
history and legacy the athletic training program here carries, one of the things I have
been most impressed by is the true sense of family and caring among the students,
staff, alumni, and faculty. I cant tell you how welcome Megan and I have been made to feel.
My background in athletic training is varied, but rooted in the clinic. Ive worked across many different environments and
have experiences treating patients ranging from Olympians to middle schools and everyone in between. I made the move to
academia in 2010 after realizing that I enjoyed my interactions with students more than I did with my patients. For the last
6 years, Ive been a faculty member at the University of Indianapolis and Ive had some wonderful learning experiences to
draw from as I come to Purdue. Beyond my work at UIndy, I have a passion for service to the profession and have been
highly involved at the state, district, and national levels for many years trying to help improve the profession I care deeply
about. My wife also is an athletic trainer and we met during our training. She currently works part-time through
Community Health Network at the Subaru plant in Lafayette and has been an industrial AT for 7 years. Together, we have
two young children; Ethan is 8 years old and wants to be an athletic trainer, while Allison is 6 years old and wants to be a
veterinarianwhat better place could we pick than Purdue for their future?
As Im writing this, the thought of trying to replace Larry after he retires is daunting to say the least, so let me say that Im
not even going to try. I dont see coming into this position as a replacement, rather its more like a succession and hopefully
Larry will continue to be around and influence the program for many years to come.
We are entering a time of great change and unrest in athletic training education. You all know the profession is moving
toward the professional degree being offered at the Masters level. The program at Purdue will need to make several
changes in order to meet this requirement. One of my primary duties this next academic year will be to prepare the
program to submit its new curriculum for review by next May. I dont know yet what this program will look like, but I
envision one that offers students great variety, yet offers clinical specialization. It will take advantage of Purdues vast
alumni network and international presence for its clinical education opportunities. We will produce athletic trainers
prepared not only for the clinic, but also for the business environment. Our graduates will be consumers of research and
practice cutting edge techniques. We will train students in skills you and I never learned in school skills such as IV fluid
administration, diagnostic imaging interpretation, suturing, and many other advanced treatment techniques. We will take
the best of Purdues history and traditions and incorporate projected practice trends to make the new curriculum just as
strong as you all expect and demand. I look forward to sharing the progress thats been made with everyone in this forum
next year.
While I dont officially start my duties until July 1st, Im counting NATA as my unofficial start and hope to see all of you in
Baltimore. Ill be at the alumni social and cant wait to see those of you I already know and meet those of you I dont. If
youre not able to attend NATA this year, but youll be on campus, sometime I hope youll consider stopping by the offices to
say hello. Id really like the opportunity to meet all of you! I look forward to many years of serving you, the alumni, and
helping continue the forward the traditions that make Purdue University such a special place.

Yours in good health,

Top Row

Bottom Row

Claire Albert

Morgan Deplanty

Emily Loew

Kristen Mercker

Mitchell Thain

Jessica Wargo

Maureen Brooks

Roxy Maslikowski

Emily Rupp

Mary Jo Soller

Alexander Taylor
Not pictured: Trilliah Fazle, Jennifer Hussey

Top Row

Bottom Row

Darie Kirshling

Kara Kershner

Lindsay Calvert

Alexis Smith

Mike Sundell

Emma Alfred

Sam Toth

Patrick ODonnell

Jacob Rytlewski

Jessica Miller

Alivia Kruger

Devin Hall

Allison Hlavin

Nicole DeMarco
Ellen Reinhold

Top Row

Bottom Row

Joseph Kaiser

Khoa Ho

Timothy Becker

Alayna Daehler

Gavin Bray

Diana Alonzo

Michael Lyznicki

Nancy Sun

Katelyn Posey

Alyce Kessler

Alyssa Prohofsky

Michelle Parr
Marinna Davidson
Courtney Zickmund

The Purdue Athletic Training club is a student run

organization that aids in the preparation of students in
athletic training for the assumption of responsibilities as
a certified/ licensed athletic trainer. The club offers
students opportunities to volunteer in the surrounding
community, participate in student development events
and participate in the mentor/mentee program for preathletic training students.
This year the club proudly organized and participated in
several events. The Fall philanthropic events included
participation in Winterization, Toys for Tots and
hosting a Winter Clothing Drive benefiting the
Lafayette Urban Ministry. The Fall student
development events included providing a guest speaker
from the CCO, a student bonfire and sending over 20
students to the Indiana Athletic Training Association
conference where we had 5 teams compete in the
quizbowl tournament. The Spring philanthropic events
included a food drive for the local food pantry, Relay for
Life, Parent's Night Out and making no sew blankets for
the pediatric department at IU Arnett Hospital. The
Spring student development events included providing a
mini-clinic during athletic training awareness month,
providing a guest speaker on NPI numbers, and mock
emergency situation scenario practice.
The new officers for the 2016-2017 school year are:
Patrick O'Donnell President, Trilliah Fazle - Vice
President, Kara Kershner Treasurer, Lexi Smith
Historian, Nicole DeMarco Secretary, Courtney
Zickmund Representative.
The Athletic Training Club would like to thank
everyone who donated and participated this year! Boiler
up, Hammer Down!

Tir Na Nog Irish Bar and Grill Wednesday

June 22nd
201 East Pratt Street,
Baltimore, MD 21202

Come join us for some finger

foods & a cash bar!

The Varsity P Club was created under the umbrella of the John Purdue Club to
unite former Boilermaker varsity student-athletes, athletic trainers, managers and
spirit squad members into a passionate community with a life-long commitment to
each other and Purdue Athletics. As athletic training alumni, your dedication and
support behind the scenes has proven to be one of the most critical components in
the success of our sport programs. As we look to the future, we recognize that in
order to continue to build a strong athletic training program, we need you and
other athletic training alumni to become active supporters of YOUR program.
To date, there is only 7.6 percent of our athletic training alumni who financially
support Purdue Athletics by being members of the John Purdue Club/Varsity P
Club. This currently places athletic training as the least active sport program at
Purdue. Please take time to discuss this fact with other athletic trainers you stay in
touch with and take pride in making sure your program has a stronger alumni
participation. Remember, you have the choice to determine if you want your
contribution to go towards the Newell-Combs Athletic Training Scholarship fund
to help benefit our current and future athletic trainers or to another sport
For more information, please click the following link Varsity P Club Information or
call Chris Clopton, Director of Varsity P Club, at 765-494-8671. Also, please note
that by joining the John Purdue Club, this automatically qualifies you to become
an active member of the Varsity P Club.

As most of you know from previous years, the

Purdue family has set up an NATA Scholarship
in the name of Denny and Linda Miller. For all
of you who have donated to the scholarship
we thank you very much. This effort has been
spearheaded by Randy Cohen and Craig Voll
and it is our intention to raise enough to make
this a yearly $2,500 scholarship. We are still
working towards endowing the scholarship as
a tribute to Denny and Linda for everything
they have done for Purdue University. If you
are interested in making a contribution please
contact Randy Cohen or Craig Voll.

We have created a database to gather information about our alumni. All you have
to do is go to the link below and fill out your information. By doing this, it will allow
us to keep in touch with you and gather information for future Tapecuts! You can
also go to the website at any point and update your information as it changes. We
are always looking to add/change things to Tapecuts. So if you have any
suggestions/comments please contact Stephanie Leech! Thanks and we look
forward to seeing you all in Baltimore! Boiler Up!
Stephanie Leech, M.Ed, ATC

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