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Career Planning Handout

Use this outline to help you determine the steps needed to achieve your career

Career Objective:
Get a Job in Mechanical Engineering That Pays $50,000/year
Career Requirements (Education and Skills):
Get at least a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering,
and Gain the Skills Required to Put Mechanical Parts Together,
and to Manufacture the Parts.
Timeline: ~12 Years
Potential Connections and Networking Opportunities:
Do I know anyone in this field? Where can I go to volunteer or
meet people in this field? Are there any internships or on the Job
Training opportunities available?
My cousin works in the field of engineering, so I could get him to
help me understand and get a better grip of what I should be doing to
get a career.
Create goals that are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, ActionOriented, Realistic, and Timely) and outline below. Goals that will
create a plan to reach my career objective.
Goal 1: Get a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering
Step 1: Get a scholarship out of high school to an engineering
Step 2: Get into the best engineering classes possible
Step 3: Keep my grades up to retain my scholarship, and try to
graduate as soon as possible
Goal 2: Make a good rsum
Step 1: Make myself get new experiences in the field of engineering
Step 2: Experiment with different employers, and try to leave a
good impression
Step 3: Get many internships to learn more about the job, while also
on the job.
Goal 3: Earn pay raises
Step 1: Work hard in the workplace to impress the higher ranked

Step 2: Show that I have the work ethic and skills to gain more pay
Step 3: Try to increase my workload without exhausting myself, but
also showing my capabilities

What strategies will I use to stay motivated and on-task?

I will focus in on the goals I set, while also achieving the goals one at a
time, taking each one slowly and methodically.

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