The Patriot Act Is Taking Away Our Civil Rights!

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The Patriot Act is taking away our civil rights!

By: Hunter Holm

The Patriot Act is taking away our civil rights! The Patriot Act implies
that some branches of Government can tap your phones, search your
homes, hack your computers, and much more, even if you're innocent. The
Patriot Act is violating our rights by taking away our 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th,
and 14th Amendments! Some say these stories are myth but actually most
are real. The reason this Helpful Act is in place is to strengthen, prevent,
detect, and prosecute international money laundering to fund terrorism.
The Patriot Act is suppose to help the U.S. but it seems its just
changing our rights. This Act has access to Special Measures, Special
Due, Diligence Prohibition on U.S. Correspondent Accounts, Information
Sharing, Bank Records, Concentration Accounts, Verification of
Identification, Amendments to Reporting Suspicious Activities, AML
Program, Suspicious Activities by Securities Broker/Dealers, Suspicious
Activities by Underground Banking Systems, Establishment of Highly
Secure Network.(United States Government). The Act can Torture,
Kidnapping and detention, Attack Academic Freedom, and Government
Secrecy. The government can also take your house if they need to use it.
so with all these acts why was this bill created?

The Patriot Act was created to protect the U.S. The Act was created
in a 12 hour bases and was read by Congress in two hours. The Congress
had to read one-hundred pages in a very short time. President Bush named
it the Patriot Act as an acronym for,Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.
Some think President Bush rushed because he was frightened by 9/11.
Some think that the act is not affecting anyone, but they're wrong.
People think stories of the Act are myth or fact but most are real. A
sixteen-year-old boy got arrested for making a bomb
threat!(Government.). There were no bomb-making materials, not even a
blasting cap, not even a wire, Lundeby said. The boy didnt have any
contact with his mom and they couldnt afford a lawyer. Another incident is
when Brandon Mayfield was arrested because his fingerprints were found
at the madrid bombing! He was arrested for one year for investigation
without a word.So still think this almighty bill is good?
The Patriot Act is taking away our civil rights! So the government can
tap your phone, hack your computer, etc. It also shows that they can check
every personal record, bank record, etc. Also they can arrest you without
warrant and torture you for information. Finally this bill was created in less

than a 12 hour timeline and some say President Bush was rushing. This
shows that The Patriot Act is taking away our civil rights.

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