Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

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Of Mice and Men by John

Presented by Reid Jentsch
CP Yellow

Important quotes
Now jus for that you dont get to tend no

He came out silently as a creeping bear


Novella Overview
The novella, set in 1930s Mid-california, George and Lennie are roaming workers.
George, a smart and compassionate man who takes care of his larger, burly, dim witted
friend Lennie. Lennie has a kind heart but superfluously dumb, this mixture makes for a
deadly combination. Georges life revolves around Lennie, everything George does based off
of Lennie. George Contemplates leaving the friendship, but after thinking he stays with him.
Lennie becomes fascinated with Curley's wife, the reader may infer he becomes fascinated
towards him because she pays attention to him. Lennie loves animals and he loves to pet
them, the dull minded character Lennie, he tends to strangle the animals. Lennie also tends
to carry the animals around with him after they die, ultimately Lennie meets his sad demise
due to his stupidity, by the merciful hand of his friend george. George knows when he kills
Lennie, he saves Lennie from a much worse outcome.

Artistic Artifact

Author background: John Ernst Steinbeck Jr

Born 1902 in Salinas California
Died 1968
Went to the University of Stanford but he never finished.
After a failed college attempt Steinbeck tried to establish himself as a
freelance writer but he failed and moved back home to California
After a several published short stories and novels Steinbeck gained
recognition After publishing Tortilla Flats in 1935. A series of
comical stories about Monterey's paisanos.
Won: Nobel prize, Pulitzer for Fiction,Presidential Medal of freedom,
National Book for Fiction.

I believe the novella was a good read overall, the story of powerful
friendship makes the reader feel a slew of emotions. I think that the
novella enduring because of how strong the story of friendship is and its
timeless meaning. The contrasting characterization of the leading roles
in the book provided a large insight to the other purpose of all people
can be friends and people from all walks of life may get along. The
novella taught me that friendship can grow much more than what
people see, that friendship is much more than caring for one another. I
learned that the genre can show great things but have a tragic finale.


I Would give Of Mice and Men

8 out of 10 dead mice
I chose to rate my novella a 8 out of 10 because the
Novella had such a sporadic ending and the story of
These two friends really kept my interest.

Works cited
"National Steinbeck Center." John Steinbeck Biography ::. 1 Mar. 2014. Web. 21
Mar. 2016.
MLA style: "John Steinbeck - Biographical". Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB
2014. Web. 21 Mar 2016.
"Steinbeck." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television. Web. 21 Mar. 2016. April
*Images cant be cited

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