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EAN University

Sandra Milena Pez Tarapues

Organizational Communication I

How does Marketing contribute to Organizational Communication?

To mention how marketing contributes to Organizational Communication, it is important first
to know what marketing means.
Marketing is a group of techniques to improve the products commercialization.


company in the world have or implements a Marketing Department, and this department has
an important due: commercialize the products company in every place that the company

There are many ways to commercialize products. For example, companies commercialize
their products via Internet, magazines, radio announcements, newspaper advertisements,
etc. Also, companies make offers to their clients, and then improve their offers to maintain
the happiness and the customer loyalty.

For many companies around the world, Marketing is very important because it is a way to
improve the communication with their clients and also, to improve the communication
between the company employees. This means that the employees feel more comfortable
about the services and products that they offer, the client recognizes the employees effort,
the companys head also recognizes the employees and gives them some incentives, for

When the company is doing well, the working environment is excellent, the employees want
to do many things, they are really happy working in the company, customers want to buy the
products every time they need, they also recommend the company to other people and this
is good for the company.

In addition, Marketing contribute to Organizational Communication by immediate response

and cultivate lasting customer relationships. If the client have a complaint or a suggestion,
the company respond as soon as possible, and give the best solution to the client.

All the things that a company make to improve their Organizational Communication are
good. And, in this case, the Marketing in a company is very important to improve the way
that they communicate internally and externally.

Research Material.
Lamar, D; Laney, B. (s,f). How to keep your employees happy and productive.

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