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REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION P.O. BOX 10-9012 1000 MONROVIA 10, LIBERIA WEST AFRICA Oflice Of The Minister Ref: RL/MoE-0185/GKW/66-NTAL/2016 March 3, 2016 Samuel ¥. Johnson, Sr Secretary General National Teachers’ Association of Liberia P.O, Box 4824 Capitol Bye-Pass Adj. LNP HQ. Monrovia, Liberia Dear Mr Johnson, Thank you for your letter regarding public-private partnerships in education, which we received on March 1, 2016, The Ministry is introducing a pllot of Partnership Schools for Liberia to explore how these can improve learning outcomes for children in Early Childhood and Primary Schools. These pitt schools wil main free and government-owned, and wil be tun by private providers according to government standards. The Ministry and the Government are committed to free, quality education for every Liberian child, | am confused by your letter’s assertion that the Ministry: has not been consulting Stakeholders: the Ministry has been holding consultations, both one-on-one and collectively, fince December. These consultations-have included a collaborative meeting with partners held oniJanuary 14" and 15", where NTAL was represented by Ms Alva. Freeman (and the Profession was also represented by many other Liberian teachers). The plot has also been discussed In meetings attended by members of NTAL's leadership during recent weeks, Moreover, | must correct your characterisation of the pilot as privatization, and as somehow threatening the provision of free education. As we have communicated, to your members, including at the January meeting, the pilot will not involve any privatization of education, nor any move towards privatization. As we have affirmed in meetings with stakeholders, including NTAL, the pilot in no way changes the Government’s commitment to free and compulsory basic education. Public-private partnerships differ from privatization, as public schools remain under Government control. Government Primary and Basic Schools will always remain free: Her Excellency President Sirleaf and the entire Government are proud to have set this in a 4 Cur education system, like most others around the world, has always been a hybrid system, with @ mix of government, faith-based and mission, and private schools. For the pilot of public-private partnerships, the Ministry of Education will sign agreements with partners ~ including both local and international, private and non-profit — to manage a small number of what we will call Partnership Schools, The agreements will set out what the partners will do, as well as how they will be held accountable. The schools will continue to be owned by the Government; teachers will remain on the Civil Service payroll; and all partners will be required to abide by Gol and MoE policies. Indeed, the Ministry's-pilot will not be a standard public- private partnership. Informed by a thorough review of lessons learned in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond, we are developing and piloting a framework that is quite new. All of us working in education know that the system is beset by multiple difficulties. We all know indeed, you and your members are ~ proud professional teachers frustrated by the challenges they face each day. The scale of these challenges mean that we must consider every available strategy. Pragmatism is demanded of us; indeed, pragmatism is the only moral response to the challenges we face. The Grade 3 child who Is still struggling to read cannot afford to wait a year, let alone two years or five years, for the system to improve. This means that we are willing to learn from all potential partners who may be able to contribute to the sector. The pilot will allow us to learn from a range of organisations who have the capacity to rapidly improve learning outcomes. This isin line with the goals of improving teaching and learning set out in our Sector and Operational Plans. In addition, the pilot contributes to 8 of the 9 priority projects identified as part of our “Getting to Best” reform agenda. To conclude, then, the Ministry is committed, just as NTAL i, to ensuring that every Liberian child can enjoy free, quality education, We also have the same commitment to supporting Liberian teachers. The pilot of public-private partnerships will complement our ongoing workforce reforms, which aim to ensure that all teachers are well-trained, well-paid, and well- supported. ‘The Ministry will continue to consult with stakeholders throughout the pilot. The Ministry ‘team would also be glad to meet with NTAL representatives to discuss any further concerns. Ce: Dr. Edward McClain Minister, Ministry of States for Presi Hon, Jewel Howard Taylor Chair, Senate Standing Committee on Education Hon, Matthew G. Zarzar Chair, House Standing Committee on Education — Re Elen Para Varley Cll OMNG-SH6-513, Mrs Mary W, Malbab Gender Axes Cal 076-903-068 Me. Edward Kiadi, Vice Presiden Southwestern Region Mr. Davi. Konyon North Central Region Ce Wee729K4 Mr taason 1 Murray Vice resins Southeastern Region Coll 4 086 679-036 (Me Nathaniel Toba Mr, Albert A. Hesse Noneaching Stat Mrs. Bmmon Mera Aes, Nae Coordlantor Non-teacing Staff Mr A, Darkpay Johason aldol Present Prince Associaton Mrs Sarguret H. Flomo Cal #2 88 647296 US hr]T) National Teachers’ Association of Liberia ‘0. v‘ P. 0. BOX 4824, Capitol Bye-Pass Adj. LNP HQ. Monrovia _ Liberia Email:, teachersasscoliberiaagmns ‘ 1m,, February 25, 2016 Hon George K. Weer Minister Ministry of Education Republic of Liberia Dear Hon Werner: Compliments and best wishes come to you from the National Executive Committee and Secretariat of NTAL. JAt the outset we must express our deep opposition to any moves that would result in the loutsourcing and privatization of education in Liberia. In relation to the government's proposed Public-Private Partnership, and the process that has brought us to this point, we must express Jour disappointment with the lack of transpareney and haste in relation to actions taken to date, It is our opinion that a decision that affects the future of Liberia needed to be taken after a [National Consultative Meeting with all relevant stakeholders in education, We are therefore requesting the Government of Liberia through your honorable office to lsuspend any further action in relation to this matter-and commit to a national consultative [process across the country so that every citizen can contribute towards the development and implementation of sound policy aimed at improving educational opportunity and outcomes for all children, |As you are aware, the revised Education Act of August 8, 2011 calls for free and compulsory leducation in Liberia, With the Strategic Plan designed by MoE, we request that we use the [Four-Year Strategic Plan for Education as a working tool to improve the quality of teaching jand learning in Liberia. In the cause of quality, affordable and reliable education, we remai Best regards. Very respectfully yours, es TALOP EY Sémuel Y‘Johnson, Sr. ‘Secretary General-NTAL 12 Motto: Education Pays 1. Maca Nedbal Nyame ‘Mrs. Mary W. M. Nyumah-Vfeé President for Gender Affairs-NTAL 2, SH Mr. David ae President; North central Region-NTAL Kad, r.— Vice President; Southwestern Region-NTAL on 3 Mar A. Darkpay Johnson-President; National Association of Liberian Schools \cipals 5, fi: : Pastor Nathaniel Tobah—National Treasurer-NTAL a N\, towne Mrs. Margaret H. Flomo- Immediate Past President-NTAL 7 PRT Mrs. Albertha Fagans Coker — Secretary General; National Association of Liberian Schools Principals Approved: 2 Rev. al Varfley National President-NTAL Ce: Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf President Republic of Liberia Chairman senate Standing Committee on Education Capitol Building, Capitol Hill : Chairman House Standing Committee on Education Capitol Building, Capitol Hill 22

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