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Graphic Design: Final Questions

Ben Anders (Period 5)

Describe what "Fair Use" means and how it applies to graphic design
Fair use is, at its core, what a person is and isnt allowed to use in a work. In
terms of graphic design it means that a person cant steal your entire work without
your permission and you cant steal the entirety of someone elses work. Even
though, fair use sets some restrictions on the re use of other authors work, it also
protects you if you use work from others as long as it has a new message or is
changed enough as to not be a direct copy. It is intended to protect people who are
also transforming other work for things such as parodies. Fair use in graphic design
is a mechanism in law thats ultimately used to help artists protect their work and to
protect people using parts of other peoples work.

List the Elements of Design and discuss what each one is and how it
contributes to good design
The elements of design are: Line, Shape, Value, Color, Space, Form, and
Texture. Line is, as the name suggests, about lines; line can be used in a good
design to create a barrier and help produce symmetry between parts of an image.
Shape is about 2D objects that can come in two forms, organic or geometric,
organic is really any shape while geometric shapes tend to be symmetrical, shape
can be used in a good design as a container or in a variety of other ways. Value is
about the light values in an image for things such as a dark overall image or a
shadow; value can be used in a good design to create 3D shapes by adding
shadows or can change the overall atmosphere of an image if used correctly. Colors
is about the hue, intensity, and light all coming together; hue is the color, intensity
is the value of the color or how dark/light it is, and light is the shade of the hue; in a
good design, color is used to change the entire atmosphere of a design and can
heavily change the mood or the way people think about the design when applied
correctly. Space is about the distance between objects in a design, in a good design,
space can be used to keep different objects separate or separate ideas. Form is the
creation of 3D shapes by using value, in a good design, form is used to represent
objects or used artistically. Texture is about creating an idea for the viewer of the
sense of touch for the design such as a smooth surface or a rough one; in a good
design, texture is about making a design seem like a physical object and one that
you would know how it would feel to hold.

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