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sprEad the WoRd

African Short Film Festival 2010

Create a 4+ minute video highlighting the history, culture, injustice, and aide
opportunities of 1 of the countries that are experiencing conflict in Africa
(Zimbabwe, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Rwanda...). The video will be used to inform
the viewer and offer ways they can become involved.
Choose country from this site (additional countries may be done including Bot-
swana and others if desired):

 4+minutes in length
 Colonial History discussed
 4-5 different topics of country discussed related to conflict
 3-5 facts for each topic
 1 topic regarding preceding events (i.e. disease, famine, poverty, war…)
 At least 1 appropriate song
 At least 1 sources of aide offered and explained (prefer unique to country)
 Many appropriate pictures
 Can use videos (must be brought in from home not downloaded at school)
 Can record voiceover
 Basic bibliography must be turned
in (on paper)
 Final video must be approved by
me no later than May 28th
 Video must be finalized and ren-
dered to be played on my computer
to be counted as a finished prod-

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