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By: Robbie Cronin and Elizabeth Sobel

TIM- The main character who has no idea what is going on.
JAY- The supposed best friend of TIM, also the victim of a murder.
NARRATOR- The narrator of the story who only TIM can hear.
MADAM FANCY- An aristocratic women with a high IQ and the granddaughter of OLD GUY.
PUNK TEEN- MADAM FANCYS little bother, a bully, and another grandchild of OLD GUY.
OLD GUY- Rich old man with many grandchildren, who is going senile.
ARM BRO- MADAM FANCYs body guard and a friend of OLD GUYs from the war.
ENTHUSIASTIC BUTLER- The overly enthusiastic butler who is employed by OLD GUY.

Stage is dark
Tim was different from the average boy, for both his mind and choice of companion often
differed from the norm. So it would only make sense that he would take the place as our main
character for this play. The series of events about to befall our young hero, full of lying and deceit
and mystery, will tell a very dark tale of good and evil, Sun and Shadow, LIGHT ANDTIM
Who is that?
A dim spotlight goes up on Tim who is glancing around
Hello? Anyone there?
The NARRATOR ignores TIM
As I was saying, this is a tale of light andTIM
No seriously! I can here you dude, dont ignore me. Where am I?
TIM continues asking questions with the NARRATOR continuing over the questions
light and daTIM
WHERE AM I???!!!
Calm down, I was getting to that. Anyways, our tale takes place at the old Old Mansion, where
Tims only true friend, Jay, was having a birthday party.
Wait what?

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