May 24 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 24, 2016

Why should we strictly refrain from criticizing others? Bhagawan explains to us

the damage this habit will cause to ourselves.

You should never undertake to discuss the good and bad in

others. If you entertain bad qualities in your mind, it will lead you
to a bad path and you will surely fall. People who entertain bad
ideas will certainly be destroyed in course of time despite any
amount of wealth or knowledge that they may possess. An
individual, who endeavours to keep away the bad in oneself and
attempts to promote the good, will make real progress. If you
use a thousand eyes for locating the faults in others and spend
all your time in this process, your heart will get impure and will
develop bad ideas. Our heart is like a camera lens. The object
on which we concentrate our attention gets imprinted on the
mind. Youth and elders alike should try to see that qualities like
jealousy, hatred and lack of forbearance never enters their
- Summer Roses on Blue Mountains 1976, Ch 2.

Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work hence these bad
qualities must be sacrificed. Baba

24 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnMU,hr hwlq iv`c,dUijAW dI inMdw krn qoN ikauN prhyz krnw cwhIdw
hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM dsdy hn ik iksy dI inMdw krn nwl,swfw ik`nw nukswn
huMdw hY[

au`qr: quhwnUM,kdy vI iksI dI cMigAweI Aqy burweI bwry, bihs(crcw) nhIN

krnI cwhIdI[jy qusIN,Awpxy AMdr bury guxW nUM Bro gy qW ieh Avgux
quhwnUMNU,mwVy r`sqy au`qy lY ky jwx gy Aqy quhwfw pqn hoxw,XkInI hY[jyhVy
lok,Awpxy AMdr mwVy ivcwrW nUM jgHw dyx gy,auh BwvyN ijnW mrzI pVHy-ilKy
hox jW igAwnI hox,aunHW dw hOlI hOlI ivnwS hoxw inSicq hY[ijhVw
mnu`K,Awpxy AMdr,mwVy guxW nUM Awaux qoN rokx dI pUrI koiSS krdw hY Aqy
cMgy guxW nUM Apxwaux dI koiSS krdw hY ,aus dI qr`kI inSicq hY[jy qusIN
iksI dy Avgux l`Bx iv`c,hzwrW A`KW dw pRXog krdy ho qW quhwfw
idl,Apiv`qr ho jwvy gw Aqy quhwfy ivcwr,dUiSq ho jwx gy[swfw ihrdy,kYmry
dy lYNz dI qrHW hY[ijhVI vI cIz qy AsIN Awpxw iDAwn kyNidRq krdy hW auh
iDAwn,swfy mn iv`c,C`p jWdw hY[nOjvwnW Aqy bzurgW nUM cwhIdw hY ik
auh,Awpxy mnW iv`c,eIrKw,nPrq Aqy AsihnSIlqw vrgy Avgux,kdy nw
Awaux dyx[(smr Swvrz Awn blU mwauntynz 1976,A`iDAwey do)
ie`CwvW,BgqI dw ivnwS krdIAW hn; gu`sw,bu`DImqw dw ivnwS krdw
hY;lwlc,krm (kMm) dw ivnwS krdw hY[ies leI,ieh bury guxW dw iqAwg
kr dyxw cwhIdw hY[(bwbw)[

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