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Intro to Me

By: Cassidy Titchenell

Me: Basic Facts

Name: Cassidy Titchenell
Birthday: December 19, 1999
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Advisor: Maria Silva
Favorite Color: Purple
Live in: Pawtucket, RI

My mom, Mindy. She
is a secretary at
Eastgate Nursing
Home. (Left)

My dad, Dana. He is
a Senior Chief in
the U.S. Navy.

I have
- 1 older brother, Marc
- 1 older sister, Chelsea

1 younger brother, Colin


My cousin, Alana, is also my Goddaughter. She is 4 years old.

My Pets
I have 3 cats: Sug, Spice, and Zoey.
Zoey is about 12 years old and Sug &
Spice are 7 years old.

My Pets
-In addition to my cats, I also have a
dog, Hannah, who is about 9 years
-Hannah is an Australian Blue Cattle
-My family and I got her from West
Virginia while we were visiting family
during the summer of 2006.


Future Goals
In the future, I want to be
-happy and
-a successful surgeon.

Thank you for watching!

Any Questions?

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