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Mask Making Lesson Plan 1

Grade/Subject: Grade 9, Drama Unit: Mask Making Lesson Duration: 53 minutes

General Learning Outcomes:
#2: To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and exploration of
various dramatic disciplines
Specific Learning Outcomes:
TT 12: Demonstrate understanding of and apply appropriate regulations, procedures and precautions to ensure safe
working conditions
TT 14: Use appropriate tools and skills to assemble or construct the planned project.

1. Students will demonstrate learned skills to apply plaster strips to the face and create a mask.
2. Students will apply appropriate safety precautions.

I will observe students demonstrating learned skills in applying plaster and creating a mask. I will observe students
using appropriate safety precautions.
Students will create a plaster mask.


Resource #1: Teacher Resource Manual (TRM), Drama
Resource #2: Program of Studies, Education Alberta
Resource #3:


5 tables, one is partitioned off with names for students to put their masks on
Chairs, 8
Plaster Strips
Water Containers
Head Bands,
Face Wash
Wash Cloths

Introduction (5 min.):
Attention Grabber: Display of Mask (Chicken Mask)
Show students what the end project will look like and show students the rubric (what is expected from the end
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: What we are doing will barely fit in the class period so we need to work
quickly and efficiently. Please do not goof off.
SAFETY. Avoid the eyes! If you get plaster in your eye we need to immediately flush it with water. Keep openings for
breathing, either cover the nose and leave the mouth, or cover the mouth and leave the nose, or leave both open. Make
sure before you start make sure you get all the hair out of your face and cover your entire face in a layer of Vaseline.
Transition to Body: Find your partner and find a spot at a table, two masks per table (4 people), make sure you have all

of the supplies.
Body (38 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Base Mask Creation
Students start creating their mask.
Creation starts with the plaster strips; dip them in water and push off excess water. The strip is then laid of the face.
Start across forehead and around face, creating a frame, then fill in across the nose creating a cross, and then continue
filling in the face. Students will have to do at least 3 layers.
When the three layers are finished, the mask must dry for 10-15 minutes without moving. To achieve this the student
should be in a comfortable position so they do not move while the mask is drying.
Once the mask is dry, the wearer slips their fingers under the mask and slowly pops it off, as the maker makes sure the
mask does not fall.
The mask is then placed on the drying table and the name is written on the piece of tape.
Assessments/Differentiation: Assessment is done with the final project, the rubric is given at the beginning of the class.

Closure (10 min.):

Clean up: Once mask is off, the student who has had the mask created must go wash their face with face wash and
make sure all of the Vaseline is off of their face. The person creating the mask needs to clean up their space, getting rid
of the water, wiping the counter down and putting extra strips back in the basket.

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