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Unrequited Love

By: Matthew Manco

Estefania Quintero.
The name I had grown to love just by repeating it a million times. Her beauty given to her
by the very hands of god himself. Her eyes could make a grown man melt, her touch could heal a
broken heart, her smile could blind the brightest of stars, her skin as smooth and innocent as a
newborn child, and her hair as dark as the deepest parts of the ocean. I had never noticed how
gorgeous she was until my eyes locked on her.
Love is very confusing. Sometimes your heart will tell you one thing but your mind will
tell you another, or the other way around. However, there are certain cases where both the heart
and mind will tell you the same thing. Estefania was one of those cases, but she did not know.
She could not know.
For a long time now, my feelings had been growing for her. She had my heart in the palm
of her hands and didnt even know it. At any time she could drop it and not even know that she
had just killed me.

Estefania and I had been becoming very close all through freshmen year and spent parts
of our summer together before returning to school. She had become a very big and significant
part in my life and I was not going to do anything stupid that would risk me losing her.
On my first day as a sophomore all I wanted was to have as many classes with her as
possible. I wanted to see her angelic face every day for more than just a minute.
Sure enough we shared three classes together and every other class I had was very near
her classes. We saw each other every day and our friendship flourished. Day by day with just the
sight of her I fell deeper in love, the sound of her voice sent me into a whole other world, where
everything was perfect. Every single thing about her caused me to fall for her even more.

November 22, 2013.

A day that changed the course of my friendship with Estefania.
It was the day I had longed for ever since I saw the first movie in 2011.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was in theaters and Alejandra had planned to go watch it with
her boyfriend, Jose, her brother, Leonardo, our friend, Vanessa, and Estefania. Alejandra knew of
the love I felt for Estefania and decided to invite me. I was jumping of the walls with joy when I
got the invite and I was entirely indebted to Alejandra for inviting me purposely to be with
Ice Skating.
The slippery walk of embarrassment. Alejandra had planned to go Ice Skating right
before we go watch the movie. There was nothing I could do to avoid it. If I stood out and
watched Id be called boring or scared, it would be embarrassing. If I went in however the risk of

embarrassment was even higher then standing on the sidelines. One fall and Id be the joke of the
I had never ice skated before in my life, I had not even touched a pair of skates. We
arrived at the rink and we paid for tickets to get in. I had no idea how to put on the skates. Like a
mother, Alejandra came over and tied them up for Jose and me. It made me feel better that Jose
had never skated before as well. We had to walk to the rink with our skates on. The rink was so
close but felt incredibly far walking in a pair of skates. Each step I took had its own set of pain.
With each step the twigs that were my ankles snapped even more, reaching their breaking point. I
couldnt take another step and I wasnt even on the ice yet.
I walked onto the ice with the most lightest of steps to avoid any early embarrassment. I
saw how many on the ice were mainly occupying the walls, no one wanted to fall. I decided to
stick to the wall like wet on water. Jose and I didnt leave the edge until Estefania and Alejandra
came to our salvation. They came to us and pulled us from the safety of our wall and made us go
out on the slippery floors of hell. Alejandra held on to Jose, his ankles even worse than mine and
on the verge of destruction. Estefania held on to me. In an instance my pain was gone, her touch
had healed me. Too bad her touch did not give me incredible skills on the ice. Jose fell twice and
brought Alejandra down with them. Sitting there, dying of laughter they were. Jose got back up
after the second time and suddenly became an expert on the ice, holding hands with Alejandra as
they skated together.
Estefania and I had a different story. She held on to my hand tightly, preparing for my
fall. I fell at least three times and when I got up I would not learn from my mistakes. She fell
with me and people watched as we sat on the ice laughing our lungs out.
In that moment I realized that I cant keep quiet about what I feel for this girl any longer.

I felt terrible.
She was there to support me and help me in any way she could, while I was there taking
advantage of the situation. I insisted for her to leave me behind and enjoy herself on the ice, there
was no reason both of us had to keep on falling. I returned to the safety of my wall and remained
there until we had to leave for the movie.

The Movie
We arrived at the theater and we had to wait the enormous line, it was not so smart to go
to watch this movie on the same day it just came into theaters. We each paid our own tickets and
went towards the doors of the gate where the movie was going to be shown. We figured that if
we found seats first then we could later get our food. We entered the room to the surprise of
seeing a full house, the theater was packed like church on Sunday. Only seats that were available
were those that no one ever wanted to sit in, as if the seats themselves contained a fatal disease.
The front row.
The worst seats of the house but the only ones we had. The movie was paid for, we had
our seats, and I was going to make sure that I would sit next to Estefania.
I knew that Jose would sit next to Alejandra, they were not a problem, Vanessa could care
less where she sat, all she just wanted to watch the movie. My only threat was Leonardo.
Alejandra took her seat and Jose followed, just as I predicted. I saw as Estefania was walking
towards the seat directly next to Alejandra and I looked at Leonardo with a devilish look and

noticed how he started making his way to the open seat. I rushed to the seat and rooted myself to
it. No force on the earth was going to take me away from that seat.
We had not yet gotten our snacks and drinks that we would have to make last for the
whole time we were in movie mode. Anyone who wanted a snack or a drink would have to get
up and get it themselves, that was the rule. I was starving but I was not going to risk my seat for
a couple of sour patches. Vanessa was the first to get up, she loved to eat. Everyone was either
lazy or still in pain from ice skating, for no one else got up. Then everyone began asking Vanessa
to bring her candy, a drink, or some popcorn. Vanessa tried her best not to get annoyed by all the
demands she was receiving and simply agreed to obtain all that was requested of her.
We all then looked at each other, the cash came flying out and we gave it all to Vanessa.
We all knew that she might need help carrying everything back to our seats and immediately
debated who would go with her, no matter what I would stand my ground and not move from my
seat. Jose wasnt going we knew that much, he was too busy with Alejandra, and Alejandra
wasnt going, she was too busy with Jose. Leonardo and I were the only ones to remain and I
could tell that there was going to be tension between brother and sister.
Leonardo was always a rebellious child, he always had to have the last word and never
did what anyone else told him to do, and when Alejandra commanded him to accompany
Vanessa, a sibling civil war would be created. Alejandra was infuriated with Leonardos refusal
to accompany Vanessa and the whole theater was dead silent all listening to these two argue.
Estefania and I were in the middle of them both taking in all the anger.
Matt, you should go help Vanessa, it would stop them from fighting, the movie
Is about to start, go on ahead, Ill save your seat.

I had forgotten that the only force on Earth that could make me move from my seat was
the sound of her voice and the beauty of her face. I left my jacket, to let people know that the
seat was taken, and I got up, cutting off the argument, and accompanied Vanessa.
We returned with all the drinks and snacks that everyone had requested and took our
seats, the movie was starting.
Throughout the duration of the movie our necks were growing sore and the pain was
unbearable for all except me. As I was watching the movie I continuously looked back at
Estefania glancing at the beauty she possessed. My eyes were drawn away from the screen, all
sound was cut off and I could only hear the calm and innocence in each breath she took and
occasionally she would turn my way and whisper sweet, angelic words that made me forget
where I was.
The movie itself was astonishing. It left the whole audience in suspense and confusion by
the end. It was time to leave the theater and everyone was beginning to exit in an unorganized
manner. To avoid traffic at the doors we decided to stay until the theater was cleared out. I turned
on my phone and noticed that I had received a message from my mother.

I see you, she said

Im outside the theater, she said
The theater was completely abandoned, we could finally exit without any obstacles in our
way. As we made our way up the escalator, I turned back to the surprise that Estefania wasnt
behind me. I grew worried, like a father awaiting his daughter in agonizing concern. I made my
way up the escalator, thinking of where she could be. We all made it outside, all but her.

Vanessa was the first to leave, she had a ride waiting for her. Estefania had still not come
out yet and I wanted to make sure she was okay. I decided to stay outside the theater waiting for
her. I watched as my ride home walked off with her boyfriend and her brother. My patience was
running out, I watched as many girls I had never met before strolled out of the theater but none
of those girls was the one I was looking for. After an eternal wait of ten minutes she finally
walked out.
Hey, whered you go? I asked
I had to go to the bathroom, were you waiting for me?
Well my mom said she was out here somewhere so I decided to stay back
And wait for you, besides if theyre around I dont need a ride from Alejandra,
She gave out a smile releasing the pearl white teeth that shined brighter than the moon
and I accompanied her to where her mother had told her she would be. We walked, talking over
the nights events and laughing when wed remember me falling on the ice, or her leap of fright
in certain scenes of the movie. We reached her moms car and I opened the door for her. As I was
shutting the door I heard a loud booming sound, like trumpets from the sky, on the other side of
the road. It was Alejandras mother.
Her mother had been looking for me ever since Alejandra had left the theater. I stood
there in a puddle of confusion. I turned back to Estefania, said my goodbye and started towards
Alejandras car. The car approached me, Estefanias mom had begun driving away, and the
window rolled down.
Matt, what are you doing here? Weve been looking for you, said Alejandra
Im waiting for my parents, my mom sent me a text saying she was around here

I then turned to the drivers seat and watched as two eyes had turned red with
aggravation, hair so dark it would take you to a dimension of hatred, voice as loud and violent as
a fire-breathing beast of old, and the entire body was shivering with anger, she tried to hold it in
but when she heard my voice speak her anger emerged, bringing Hells demons with it.
I just called your mother to make sure that I was still your ride and she told me I
Was, she roared, I dont know why you thought your parents were picking you
Up after they had said Im your ride, you kids are so irresponsible,
I entered the car and sat there sinking in fear, Alejandras mother had never spoken to me
like that. I was always her favorite. I tried explaining that my mother had sent me text that had
made me believe that she was going to pick me up but she was too darn stubborn to even listen to
my understandable excuse. For the rest of the ride home I sat there in silence with my thoughts.

I did not care that Alejandras mother had just given me the holler of a lifetime, I didnt
care that it was in front of my friends, all I cared about was the time alone I had with Estefania. I
was willing to be alone and abandoned in Rockville just to have some more time with her.

I was willing to do anything and everything for Estefania.

No matter what circumstance.

Winter Lead On
As the days went by Estefania and I continued to be inseparable. We had lunch together,
we laughed together, we helped one another, we walked each other to our classes, and we

comforted each other when the other needed it, we were always there for each other, and
everything was going great.
The season of giving and receiving was right around the corner. Alejandra decided to
organize something to get people in the spirt of Christmas. She asked around for people to join in
her event. In the end she only got a handful of people to join.
Amanda Lessa, who I had grown closer to in the years at Richard Montgomery,
Abby Hernandez, who I had befriended when I first met Estefania, a very energetic young girl,
Lesly Rivas, who Id never met but had seen in the halls, one of the kindest girls I ever met, all
joined Alejandras event.
Estefania and I also took part in the event. It was the first time Id ever done anything like this.
Secret Santa.

The Drawing
Two weeks prior to the big exchange, we had set up a date where we would all put in our
names in a little pouch and pick whoever wed have to give a present to. As the bell rang on the
Friday of a cold winter day, I was walking out of the building with Alejandra to my car, where
my father awaited for us to go home, like every other day. We were about to walk out through the
doors when we heard shouting from our backside. Estefania was running towards us, Lesly,
Amanda, and Abby following her. She approached us and said it was time to pick the names for
the Secret Santa.

Earlier that day Emily, my best friend, had told me something rather interesting. Emily
was going to take part in the whole Secret Santa occasion but was debating if it was worth it.

Estefania had heard of Emilys desire on taking part in our Secret Santa event and spoke with her
to make a request. If, by any chance, Emily was to take part in our Secret Santa event that would
mean that she too would have an opportunity in the drawing. Estefania knew this and by
knowing this she knew that Emily had an equal amount of chance to pick my name during the
drawing. Estefania asked Emily that if, by any chance, she would have the luck of choosing me
during the drawing, and Estefania wouldnt, then she wanted to know if Emily could do her the
favor of switching names, resulting in Estefania having me for the Secret Santa drawing.
Emily, as great of a friend that she is, immediately told me of the request Estefania had
asked her to do in that circumstance. It left me puzzling for days and days. I did not know what
this could mean, but all I knew was that my whole world was about to change
For the better or worse.
Regrettably, Emily did not take part of the event and left Estefania with nothing but
chance. Estefania had me pick first. I knew there was only one paper that had her name on and it
was my goal to obtain it but I knew the chances were slight. I reached into the pouch, nervous of
the name that would come up, hand twitching, eyes shut, concentrated. I pulled out a slip, it was
folded as tightly as the strongest knot, I began opening it slowly, revealing letter by letter.
Hoping fate was on my side, I began to observe each letter.

A, this letter eliminated Lesly and Estefania. I was devastated, at this point I didnt care
who it was and I uncovered the rest of the name very quickly. To my surprise I uncovered an I
then an N then an A and then an F, an E, a T, an S and finally an E. I had been
reading the name backwards but I had chosen Estefania. I wanted to scream my joy but I
couldnt or else everyone would know who I had. Fate was on my side and it was as if destiny
wanted me to choose Estefania.

Alejandra was next in choosing and she did so without hesitation or dramatic pauses. She
put the slip of paper in her pocket and waited for everyone to pick. It seemed as if Estefania
could no longer wait to pick and she immediately put her hand in the pouch. I knew who she was
looking for and I was curious if she would actually get me. She stuck her hand in and pulled it
out fast, she did not hesitate to open the paper, like wrapping on a present she opened it and the
look on her face said it all, she had not gotten me. However, that did not stop her. She folded up
the slip she had chosen and returned it to the pouch to then have a second chance at choosing me.
She picked once more and yet again I could tell that she had not gotten me. We all watched her
as she looked for the one slip of paper that would change her facial expression upon opening it.
She returned the slip and reached into the pouch one last time, this time she had the same tension
and concentration as I did. She shuffled the names in the pouch and pulled her hand out slowly.
She opened the slip carefully and I could tell that she finally had gotten me.

The rest of the group chose the remaining names and we all went our separate ways, for
we all had some shopping to do.

December 23rd, 2013

The day of the exchange. I had bought Estefanias gift on the same day I picked her
name. My mother had helped me pick it, buy it and wrap it. We had set a $30 maximum for the
gift we were going to give to whoever we chose.
My hopes were high. I figured that if Estefania wanted my name so bad it must be for
some reason. I was expecting something significant to occur during the exchange such as a kiss.

We had all planned to meet up for lunch that day to reveal ourselves. It was mandatory
that everyone had to provide a note with five facts of themselves along with the gift they had
bought. It was a way of identifying the person that was your Secret Santa.
A Guessing Game.
We all got the gifts that were intended for us and began reading the notes that were
provided. There was no point in reading, I already knew who it was but I still read the note.
Hey Mattttttt!!!
Merry Christmas my friend, thanks for being such a good and nice person. Im so
glad I get to call you my friend and hope that our friendship lasts for a long time. Love you and hope
you like your present
-From your
5 Facts

I have dark hair

I am from South America
My favorite color is purple
I have brown eyes
I play a sport that might not be considered one but it is one- k

As I was reading the note I saw her observing how my eyes glanced at the note, moving
downward as I was coming to a conclusion as to who was my Secret Santa. I looked up, smiling
with a childlike smile and immediately turned to Estefania. While everyone was still reading and
thinking of who on Earth got them the gift, Estefania and I turned to each other, her face glowing
red and beautiful as always. Everyone starred as we both were getting up from the floor, and
knew instantly that Estefania had gotten me and I had gotten her.

Our bodies met in an everlasting hug that I hoped would never end. We took our seats
again, by this time everyone had guessed their Secret Santa, and began tearing the wrapping
paper like kids on Christmas morning. I watched as Estefania was destroying my mothers work
with excitement. Her present was heavy and she was curious to know why. She then came to the
last bit of wrapping paper and found that under all that wrapping paper was a bright neon pink
box. Excitement had consumed her eyes. She slowly opened the box, flashing lights were
released into the darkness of the box upon opening. She then was too enriched with excitement
that she opened the box faster than the speed of light. The expression her face gave out was more
then what I was hoping for. She was thrilled to find something as simple as Perfume inside the
box. She came toward me again and made me stand up for yet another hug. I then with joy began
Opening my gift, she now going through the long wait I had gone through. Estefania stood there
smiling, awaiting my reaction.
She had gotten me a Black American Eagle sweater. I was never fond of sweaters, they
were all either itchy, too hot or just too damn uncomfortable. However, this particular sweater
was very special to me from the moment I saw it. I thanked Estefania for the gift, we shared yet
another hug and then a wretched sound boomed through the halls.
The Bell.
It was in this moment where we all had to go our separate ways. I knew I had to watch her
leave and with every step she took, the distance between us became eternal. It was the last time I
would see her until the New Year arrived and all the memories that we had would be left behind
to create new ones.
Be it good or bad.

New Years Tears

My eyes had not seen Estefania in many days. Winter Break was an agonizing torture of
long dark days of solitude. Christmas had already passed and everyone was awaiting the coming
of 2014. My parents tried desperately to arrange some sort of party or find some sort of
enjoyable event to enter the New Year with a smile. Unfortunately our budget did not let us end
2013 with a bang.
December 31st, 2013.
I had sent Estefania a message earlier that day to ask if she had any plans for New Years.
I had been doing this with all my friends, my parents had told me that if one of my friends were
having a party or celebration that night I could go and join. This was the first year that my
parents were willing to not send New Years together as a family.
Estefania took what seemed as forever to respond to my message.
Hey Matt, she responded
Hey, Ive been waiting for your response all day, anyways you got plans tonight
Yeah, Im going to my moms friends house
Can I go? Im not trying to spend New Years stuck in my house
I dont know its not my house, Id have to ask
Alright ask, and let me know as soon as possible

Isolated in my room, I waited for her response. Hour after hour passed until we were
nearly 3 hours from the New Year.
Matt? She asked
Yea, Im here, did you ask if I could go

My moms friend said she doesnt know if thatd be okay, Matt I dont think
Youre going to be able to come, its not my house, she said feeling terrible

I could hear the mood in her voice, even though I was reading her words. I was putting
her under too much pressure, which was making her feel awful.
Its okay, thanks for trying and Im sorry if I put you in a hard situation, hope
you have a great New Year, Ill talk to you at midnight
She was pleased to know that I understood that there was nothing she could do. She
simply awaited my message at midnight. 2013 was merely an hour away and none of my friends
had responded to my messages. The time ticking away on the clock, I sat on my coach watching
the live coverage of Times Square, wishing I was there. I was alone and abandoned only thinking
of the night I would have had with Estefania. I watched as the final minute of 2013 was coming
to an end, each second that passed I only thought of her and then I witnessed how the gleaming
Ball made its way down at Times Square. 10, Estefania, 9, Estefania, 8, Estefania, 7, Estefania,
6, Estefania, 5, My, 4, Heart, 3, Is, 2, Forever, 1, Yours. The screeches all around New York,
Frank Sinatras famous New York, New York song booming through the streets and I alone
watching it all on television.
I sent my Happy New Year messages to all my friends but in reality only cared about one
response, a response that would not come until the following morning. I then began to think this
year shall be my year, Ill do great in school, my family will get out of our financial slump and
Ill finally tell Estefania how I feel, hoping she feels the same way.
If, by any chance, Estefania did feel the same way that would mean shed become
another secret to my parents. I asked myself, what if the time comes when my parents find out,
what if Estefanias mom finds out and wants to meet me more in depth. I did not want Estefania

to become another short term secret, but I wanted us to become something more. Therefore I
confronted the issue. I talked to my parents about the whole dating policy. I wanted to have a
girlfriend and have it be known.
If I had the slightest chance with Estefania I did not want to keep our relationship in the
dark. I wanted to let the whole world know, I wanted to do what to go out on dates, kiss in
public, not be consumed by fear or guilt from the thought of my parents not knowing.
I figured since it is the first day of the New Year, my parents and I could start something
new. I started with my mother, I knew she would be a piece of work because she was the most
sensible of us all.
January 1st, 2014.
In the privacy of my mothers room I entered and sat in the seat at the desk while she laid
relaxed ready to fall into a deserving sleep.
Mom, can I talk to you about something, and please try to be serious about this
And for the love of everything dont cry, I said in a stern voice, I wanted to talk
To you about be allowed to have a girlfriend
Her face growing concerned, are you telling me that you want a girlfriend?
Yes, its just that if I find someone special that I really like or they really like me
I dont want to hide a relationship from you guys, I want you guys to be a part of
It, I said with great desperation.
I could see how tears were escaping my mothers eyes, and her voice was beginning to
choke up from all the depression she was going through. My mother still saw me as your young
little boy from pre-school and it was always difficult for her to watch me grow up but she knew
shed had to go through it.

I then noticed a change in my mothers face that struck me back against the walls.
Its Estefania, isnt it? she said with a very clear voice
Without a stutter, Yes, I knew you would ask, mom, I really like her and I
Honestly think that something might happen between us, I know you dont like
Her much but if you got to know her youd grow to like her as I have
Staring at me with a sincere expression, I just dont want you getting hurt and
I dont want to see you crying over some girl
I wont
It took an hour of conversation to finally reach a decision by her part. With pain in her
voice and tears in her eyes she finally agreed to let me have relationships and be allowed to date.
She was still tearing up as I was leaving the room, but then I turned around, went to her side of
the bed and gave her a hug that could kill a bear.
Thanks Mom, youre the best, I said
Your damn right I am, now then when are you going to talk with your father?
I began to think of that situation and was assured myself that talking with my father was going to
be an easy task.
I had made my mother cry, but my mission was accomplished.
If there was any possibility of having a relationship with Estefania, there was now
nothing in my way, guilt was destroyed, fear was thrown away and joy took control of my body.

Two Celebrations, Three Birthdays

January was the month of the Capricorns. After Christmas and New Years passed
there was still celebrations to be held. My birthday, January 9th, was approaching and so was the

birthdays of my two dearest friends, Estefania, January 12th, and Alejandra, January 16th. I was
always older then Alejandra by a mere week. If my birthday was on a Friday her birthday would
literally be the following Friday. However, I was just older then Estefania by just three days. It
thrilled me to know that Estefania was that close to my birthday and that the age difference
between us wasnt large.

January 9th, 2014.

I arrived to school excited to receive the attention of all my friends who had remembered
my birthday but I did not receive the attention of no one, they had all forgotten. The little that
remembered gave me happy wishes and mentioned it to others that had not remembered, which
triggered their memories. My birthday always landed a week before exams, they were always
filled with stacks of paper for me to study, and homework for me to do, and on top of that this
year it fell on a Thursday. Over the past years birthdays for me have diminished in excitement
and it had just become a regular day for me.
That night when I was at home there was no party, no loud music, and not much gifts. It
was a quiet get together with my family and then it was over, once you blow out the candles its
over, the day is done. That was fine with me, as long as I spend it with the people that truly love
me then it had been a day of my life well spent.
The Friday after my birthday, Alejandra came up to me and came up with an idea that
was going to spark happiness in my heart. She had told me that itd be nice to celebrate all three
of our birthdays together on the same day. I was ecstatic, the idea of Estefania and I spending our
birthdays together made me feel a warm feeling that thawed my frozen heart. Of course
Alejandra was also going to share it with us but her birthday was the following Thursday. We

planned to make this celebration into a dinner and a movie party and it was going to be held on
January 11th, 2014, a day before Estefanias birthday.
I knew from the start that the center of attention would be Estefania because her birthday
was the closest, mine had already passed and Alejandras had still many days to come.
January 11th, 2014.
The day had finally arrived and I made sure that I was prepared with a gift for both Alejandra
and Estefania. Alejandra had given me a ride to the restaurant we were going to have dinner in.
Macaroni Grill in the Washingtonian Center. I had been there before, good food, small
portions, and expensive prices. I did not agree with the choice in restaurant that we had chosen
but I had to go with it, besides it was all for Estefania to me. Alejandra, Jose, Leonardo and I
were the first in arriving and we took our seats at the table we had cautiously reserved. In a
couple of minutes into our water, I heard the voice of an angel sing, Estefania had arrived and
was asking I few had arrived. I raised my hand up and notified Estefania of where we were. She
arrived with a friend that I had never seen before and that was awfully shy unless someone
brought her into the conversation, kind of like me in freshmen year.
Amy Rayo.
Estefanias closest friend, they did almost everything together, their friendship had grown
ever since they had been in Middle School, while I was away in another world. She caught my
eye for a second or two but that was more than enough for me to see that she was very attractive
and had a breathtaking cute aspect to her face that could make the manliest men of this planet
kneel before her feet.

It was only a second or two that I paid attention to Amy then my eyes directly locked on
Estefania. Looking as beautiful as ever, and when she took her seat she did so with such delicacy
and class.
We each ordered our food and then came the long, everlasting wait. I ordered a steak with
a side order of fries, and even something as little as that took the restaurant an eternity to prepare.
Estefania and Amy both got a salad, they were the first to receive their food. Everything was
perfect the guys talked guy talk and the girls talked girl talk, and there was laughter all around.
It was time to pay the bill and we had all agreed to pay separately, the restaurant gave us
each checks and payment was not a problem.
As we were preparing to leave, we saw as the waitresses and waiters began huddling
together in front of our table and began singing in a language that sounded like Spanish but
evolved in Italian. Someone from our table had told the restaurant that we were celebrating
birthdays at our table, little did we know it was Alejandra. She had arranged them to sing happy
birthday to us, and being an Italian restaurant they sang in their native tongue. The cook then
came out with a small piece of cake, with one candle on it, big enough for two. I turned to
Alejandra and told her to join us in the spotlight.
The idea was for all of three of us to celebrate our birthdays on the same day but
Alejandra changed everything without telling me or Estefania. She had made the decision that
shed rather not share her birthday and dedicate this day to only Estefania and me. Which was
fine by me and her.
The cook placed the cake on top of the table directly in front of Estefania and we were all
ready to sing happy birthday in our native English tongue when she decided to invite me over to
sit next to her and blow out the candles with her. My heart was racing with love and without a

second thought I rushed over to her and we counted to three. It was as if she was already my
girlfriend and as if I was her boyfriend.
The count to three was short but I slowed every second to savor the moment and when
we reached three, we both blew the fire out and at that moment we both let out our birthday
wishes. The cake was shared amongst Amy and Estefania. It was chocolate cake, I never enjoyed
chocolate, so I let Amy have my half of the cake.
We were going to be late for the movie so as soon as the cake was finished we
immediately bolted out the door and made for the theater. I accompanied them to the theater but
once we arrived I had to be on my way.
My dad was making me go to a soccer game I had that night at the Rockville Indoor
Soccerplex, knowing that after dinner we had planned to watch a movie. I was so annoyed by my
fathers demanding attitude but there was nothing I could do, he wouldnt take no for an answer.
I had not told anyone through the duration of the night to not cause any commotion or
problems. I did not like causing attention towards myself, however, I was going to gain a great
deal of attention after I would give Estefania the surprise I had in store for her.
Weeks before the 11th I had come across a $100 Amazon gift card and I knew that if I was
going to get Estefania something for her birthday, itd be through Amazon and if I had to, Id use
up all the hundred on her.
Puzzling over what to get her, it was not difficult to find something shed like, I just
wanted to make sure she got the best, she deserved the best. I came across a charming two-toned
sterling silver necklace with a yellow gold flashed snowflake. Engraved on the silver were the
words, "Friends Are Like Snowflakes, Unique and Different". It had taken a while but at last I
had in my possession the perfect gift.

The necklace was safely tucked away in the warmth of my jacket pocket while we all
stuffed our faces with Italys finest meals. I knew that the time would come where Id have to
give her the necklace but I was awaiting the perfect moment. I figured that the perfect moment
was that of when I had to depart. Everyone had finished paying for their tickets and were making
their way inside, when I stopped Estefania from entering.
Estefania, can you come here for a second before you go in? I said with the slightest
Crack in my voice.
What is it Matt? she responded.
Well you see the thing is I have this gift here and given the fact that its your
Birthday tomorrow I guess you can have it, I said, giving out a laugh.
Matt! You didnt have to, youre the best thank you, she said with an enormous smile.
Youre welcome, I really hope youll like it, listen I have to go, my dad is waiting for
Me outside, Happy Birthday, expect me to be the first to say it at midnight
She leaned in and gave me a warming hug that protected me from the below freezing
temperature there was outside. I watched as she walked away going through the doors of the
room where their movie was being shown, quickly disappearing into darkness. I then turned
around and walked through the exit doors to find my dad, holding my uniform in hand ready to
take me to a game that I was surely not in any state to be playing in.

Loves Return
I entered my fathers Silver Chevrolet Venture and we began to drive off. I continuously
looked back at the theater, my mind never stopped thinking of her. Imaging her reaction as she

opens her gift, imaging her beautiful face looking up at the screen, hearing her soothing laughter
that I loved so much, and thinking of what could have happened if I stayed.

My father then began speaking to me and I hadnt even noticed until he called out my name.
Matiusco, he said with a sincere voice, Im sorry you couldnt stay with your friends,
I know how much you wanted too, and I know that this day was kind of your
Celebration, but I hope you understand that Im helping you get ready for tryouts at
School and also you have to put whats important first, which is the responsibility you
Have to your team, youre the captain,
I understand, its just that I wanted to have some fun for once in my life but your right,
But do you think we could do something after the game? I asked with hope in my voice.
What is it?
I was wondering if you could take me back to the theater when the game is over, the
Movie theyre watching ends at 11:30P.M and my game is over by 11P.M, it takes about
30 minutes to get there so Id get there at the time theyd be coming out, can we, please?
Alright thats fine, but Alejandra would have to give you a ride home because I have to
Attend your mother at home
Thats fine, thank you so much
We arrived at the Rockville Soccerplex by the time my teammates were warming up. I had
already gotten dressed inside the car and was fully prepared for the game. I led the team in the
stretch and drills that we had to go through before each game.

My coach called us in and set up the team roaster and told us who would be starters on
the field. We all took our places and awaited the referee to sound his whistle. In the moment all I
could think of was Estefania and that in a couple of minutes Id see her again.
The whistle blew, the game had started and the ball was in our possession. We continued
to work as a team, giving passes left and right, forwards and backwards, when we finally reached
the opponents goal, the ball landed in my feet and I was preparing my foot for my famous nonstopper kick. I took my shot and next thing I know Im in the arms of my teammates.
I had scored.
The emotion took control of my body, Estefania took control of my mind and with those to
seizing control of me I was unstoppable on the field. Another series of passes lead to goal after
goal and by the end of the game I had scored my hat trick, and my team had defeated our
unchallenging opponents by a humiliating score of 10-2.
The game was finally over and as I had calculated it had ended promptly at 11P.M, I had
only 30 minutes to reach the theater and I was not going to let anything stop me from getting
there. I sat in the back of the car changing out of my drenched clothing, my foul socks, and my
agonizing cleats.
I had not taken traffic under consideration. To my luck there was enormous amounts of
traffic, keeping me from my happiness. My father did everything in his power to arrive as fast as
he could but once the clock struck 11:30P.M I began to lose faith and imagine Estefania riding
off into the nights utter darkness.
We finally made our way through all the traffic and we arrived at the theater at 11:56P.M,
I began to wait in hope that they would walk out the doors I had walked out when I first left

As I was about to lose all faith, I notice a very young, beautiful and attractive girl. It was
Estefania. She was just walking out of the theater, with everyone else behind her. My dad saw
how I was incredibly filled with joy and excitement. He dropped me off about 25 feet away from
them and drove off.

I made my way slowly to Estefania and as I got closer they all bared witness to my return.
Matt! What are you doing here, didnt you have a game? Alejandra asked with great
I did, it just finished, Im here because I have to do something in about a minute or
two, I said with a very mysterious voice.
Did your team win, did you score? Jose asked.
We won 10-2 and I scored twice
I then began to look at Estefania and I noticed something shimmering from her neck. She had
already opened my gift and was already putting it to good use.
It looked even more beautiful now that it had the honor of being worn around the neck of
someone as spectacular as Estefania.
Youre wearing the necklace, damn I looks great on you, it looks way better on you than
It id on the manikin at the store
I love it, she said with a stunning smile, Thank you so much
It was now 11:59P.M and we were all one minute away from Estefanias official birthday. I stood
there, looking at the time on my phone, awaiting the clock to strike midnight.
So what is it you have to do in a minute or two Alejandra asked with curiosity.
This, I said with great compassion

The minute had passed and as soon as I saw the hour move from 11 to 12, I answered Alejandras
question, turned to Estefania and gave her a big hug.
I wanted to be here in time to say Happy Birthday first and in person, texting is too
Plain and simple, I said as the hug came to an end.

Aww thank you Matt, she said with a soothing voice, I have to go now, Amys mom
Is here to pick me and her up, thanks for the unforgettable night
She said her goodbyes to everyone else and walked away, taking my heart along with her. Again
I watched her disappear into the darkness but this time I felt content because I had done what I
had come to do.
I stood there with Alejandra, Jose and Leonardo, waiting for Alejandras mom in the cold
night that we desperately decided to go back in the warmth of the theater and wait inside.
Alejandras mother had arrived as we were just getting warmed up and honked her loud
booming honk from the street outside. We rushed out and opened the doors of the car, knowing
that the heat in the car would be our salvation.
The night had come to an end. Estefania was probably in bed resting u for the
celebrations to come. I was on my way home, exhausted from the entire night I had just had.
The night was worth it, my first days of 2014 were filled with joyous memories and amazing
friends. I could tell that 2014 was going to be a good year, I could tell that 2014 would be..
My triumphant year.

The Beginning of the End

Everything was perfect.

Estefania and I were great, and I was slowly easing my way into the bravery I needed to tell her
of the feelings I had for her.
School could not be any better. Exams had just finished and everyone at Richard
Montgomery finally received some air in their lungs after being suffocated with stacks of paper.
I was so excited that the semester was coming to an end. I liked my classes and the
friends I had in those classes but I wanted to see new faces and I wanted to see if I could have the
luck of having Estefania for more than just three classes next semester.
My excitement grew even more as my cousin called me to tell me the good news that I
had so longed to here. My cousin always leaves back to his country for the holidays but always
leaves everyone in America with the suspense of his return. One cold winter night I received a
call on Skype. It was my cousin, Angelo.
He said that he would be arriving on the 19th of January and that his father would, my
uncle, would be coming three months after him. I was ecstatic to here of his return and the 19th
was only a couple days away.
January 19th, 2014.
My father and I had driven an extensive drive to reach the airport where my cousin would be
arriving. As we pulled up onto the airport the planes flew directly above us like soaring eagles
and I watched as they landed, each with a different style. My father and I awaited at the gate
where we would see him walk out and stood there for what seemed forever. Finally, from the
distance we notice a young man with a full grown mane of hair, like that of a lion and a face
hidden by hair that had not been shaven off. We knew in that moment, that we were looking at

He arrived with a smile we had never seen before. We could tell that he had missed being
in America, he always said that he preferred America over his country. We said all our greetings
and collected his luggage and made our way to the car.
The ride home seemed much shorter. I dont know if it was the great amount of laughter
that took place that made the time fly by or if it was the fact that I was texting Estefania.
To celebrate the return of my cousin my dad decided to take us all out for dinner at
Buffalo Wild Wings. We picked up my mother from work and we made our way to the
restaurant. My cousin was always stubborn when it came time to eat, hed never accept any food
from anyone, unless they were handing him Chicken Nuggets or Pizza. However, this time he
gave no difficulty in ordering and eating. My father had ordered a platter of chicken wings to
share with my mother and I had ordered a hamburger with French fries on the side, which
Angelo then copied.
The wait for our food was long and torturous.
Finally after about an hour our food had arrived and as I was preparing myself to chow down
on my burger that I had so longed to taste, I receive a message from her that not only gave me a
chill down my spine but completely froze it so that I couldnt move.
Matt, do you like me?
The words I had feared would be in that message. I knew not what to do. My mother and
father were already half way done with their wings and my cousin was on his second cup of
soda, while I sat there, not having touched my food, looking down at my phone with fear and
shock controlling my every move. I did not know what to respond but I knew that if I wasted any
second longer my silence would speak for me. There were only two possibilities. She is asking
me because she feels the same way or she is asking me because she found out and doesnt feel

the same way. I knew that the second possibility was the most probable and it killed me to admit
to myself that my heart was on the verge of extinction.
I had to tell her the truth. If she, by any chance, discovered the feelings I had kept hidden
for so long, and I denied them, Id be lying to her and she would know that I am incapable of
being honest. As I read the message for the 10th time now I knew that this would either end well
for me or end in complete heartbreak.
Look Estefania Im going to be complete honest and direct with you, yes I do like you,
I said with tremendous amount of fear of what was to come next.
Matt thanks for being honest. Look I love you but only as a friend and our friendship is
Going great at the moment, I dont want to ruin anything between us, youre a really nice
Guy and an even better friend, I hope you understand, Im sorry, she said with great
Sympathy and sorrow.
My heart was crushed, no amount of effort could put it back together, and all I could do is
smile for my parents, laugh for my cousin but die inside for myself. My plate lying on the table,
getting cold and hard as my heart was becoming. I looked down at my phone and read her
message once more and could still not believe my eyes. I hoped for it all to be a dream but it was
simply a living nightmare. I then picked up my phone and began to write down my response that
I knew she was anxiously waiting for.
Estefania you dont have to be sorry, I complete understand and I feel the same way,
I love our friendship as it is and I dont want to ruin it either, dont worry, were fine.
I actually have to go right now though, my plate has gotten cold and Im really hungry,
Ill talk to you later alright, I said, lying to myself.

I could not bear the pain in my chest and the stabbing sensation in my head. The pain she had
caused me left a permanent mark on my heart that said Broken by Estefania. I sat there looking
down at my plate and looked over t my parents wings, there were only two, I looked over to my
cousins plate, hed licked it clean, and then I looked down at mine, as cold as ice. I called the
waitress over and with a deep silence, that hid the pain I felt, asked if she could heat up my plate.

Avoiding Pain
I was heartbroken.
I began to look back at all the memories I had created with Estefania and could only sink into a
deeper state of depression. I thought back to all the things I had done throughout the duration of
our friendship. If she needed someone, I was there, if she was hungry, Id use every penny I had
to feed her, being left with nothing for myself but the satisfaction of having given her what she
craved for, if she needed money for anything, Id give her more then she needs and never wanted
to receive a payment in return, if she was struggling in school, Id be the one to help her and
every once in a while let her copy my work, be it on homework, classwork or a test. I made my
mother cry for her, in hope that she and I would become something more than friends. I would
have moved mountains for her, I would have gone around the world for her. I would have done
anything and everything for her.
I had created a false world that was filled with many false truths about each and every
moment we had spent together. I had read each situation wrong and I felt like an idiot for even

believing that a girl as amazing as Estefania was would ever be into a guy as insignificant as
I had fooled myself.
Second semester was approaching and I prayed to the lord almighty for not a single class
with Estefania.
My prayers had been answered, not a single class with her. I figured that this would help
enormously in my process of forgetting her, but that was just another lie I was telling myself.
There was no escaping her. Everywhere I turned, I either saw her face, I had fallen in love with,
heard her voice, which I had grown to know from a mile away, or hear her name, that was as
perfect as the person who possessed it.
Like an animal, I had the ability to sense danger as it approached. I always sensed her
presence, and whenever I would see her from a distance Id quickly look for the nearest safe
zone where I could isolate myself to avoid seeing her. If there was no escape Id have to fight the
desire to look at her or even say a word to her.
I knew in my heart that I needed her in my life but knew I wasnt ready to have her back
in it. I began ignoring her and avoiding her, constantly running away as if she was a monstrous
demon. I did this not out of anger, I did this to help myself. Every moment I saw her, every
moment I heard her voice or every moment her name entered my ears, I would fall in love with
her all over again. I could not fight the love that still existed for her. I would come very close to
forgetting my feelings for her but with just one glimpse of her beauty, one listen of her angelic
voice, I would be restarted to day one, all the progress I had made quickly destroyed by just a
simple turn of the head.

March Madness
It had been two long and excruciating months filled with pain and sorrow. I had made
some great progress by this time. Being away from her had worked out better than I thought. I
had not fully recovered from the pain she had planted in my heart, I was far from that, but I was
ready to have Estefania back in my life. I had missed her ever since the first day our paths
crossed and I said nothing. She had given me peace and happiness despite the fact that she also
gave me pain and misery. I needed her in my life, I needed her and all of the things I loved about
her back in my life.
The birds chirping, the sun shining, and clouds making their ridiculous shapes, all life
was present and in peace. It was spring. I woke up to all this and figured that it was a perfect day
to pick up the phone, find her name and begin a new part of friendship together.
With great audacity I sent a fairly simple message that, in this case, held greater meaning to it
if one was to look deeply between each letter.
Hey, I said waiting with great excitement.
Hey, whos this I lost all my contacts, she said.
Its me, Matt
Oh hey, why are you texting me?
I wanted to talk to you, its been awhile since we talked
Yeah, because youve been ignoring me and avoiding me every time you see me and
Honestly Matt I find it really mean and disrespectful on your part by doing that to me,
Friends dont do that Matt
I stood in the loneness of my balcony watching as yet again another message I did not want to
see appeared on the screen in my hands. I should have known that this would happen. It is easy

to notice when you are being ignored and Estefania was smart enough to tell that that was
precisely what I was doing. I began to feel like an idiot, regretting what I had done, and began to
apologize with a heavy heart for the wrong I had done.
I am so sorry, I had my reasons for doing what I did but they were stupid and I can see
That now, all I want now is our friendship that we left behind when I first began ignoring
You, Im really, really, really sorry, Ill say it a million time if I have to but please accept
My apology, and know that Im being completely sincere when I say, Im sorry

Matt honestly I dont what your reasons were for doing what you did, but friends dont
Do what you did, but I accept your apology
I know and Im really sorry, I was stupid and youre completely right, I was a horrible
Friend for doing that and I promise that itll never happen again
Alright, well listen I got to go, my mom is calling me, I guess well talk later
Alright, Im glad we fixed things, and once again, Im really sorry
I could not stoop repeating my apology. I felt like complete garbage for doing what I did and
Estefania was right, the way acted was not how friends are supposed to treat each other. She
never found out my reason for ignoring her for so long, I knew that if she would she would think
it was stupid and it would create even more problems for me. I was glad to have her back in my
life, a piece of my broken heart was repaired and life was back to normality for the time being.
All was good, I had retrieved a part of my life back, but who would know for how long
normality would last.

Betrayal of a Friend

Ever since second semester had begun, I had new classes, many of them with new faces,
or the same faces only at different parts of the day. I was blessed to have Physical Education after
lunch instead of early in the morning, when I had no energy what so ever. Regrettably I had no
one in that class, they were all friends amongst themselves but I knew none of them, they all
were freshmen. I usually sat alone in the gym until we had to do something but I noticed from
the distance that there was a face in the gym that I did in fact know and she too was isolated from
the group of freshmen. She sat alone every day and made almost no effort in participating,
I had remembered her from the day Estefania and I had shared our birthdays together on the
11th of January. I instantly started a conversation with her and as each day passed by we talked
even more and occasionally had lunch together. We eventually got very comfortable with each
other that we began talking about more personal matters. I got to know Amy even better than just
another pretty face. She was a very fun, lazy, energetic, fun and beautiful girl to be around.
Amy and I had grown very close over the course of many months and she knew things about me
as I did about her. In essence Amy was my way to get to Estefania. Once Estefania and I had
work out all our problems, all my feeling returned because I would see her on a daily basis. I
could not ignore her again, that would destroy our friendship for sure, so I learned to live with
my feelings. Around Mid-April Amy and I were talking about things and out of nowhere
Estefanias name made its way out of our lips. Under the heat of the intensity of the sun I told
Amy of my mothers opinion towards Estefania, stupidity only lived in my head, for I never
thought anything through.

My mothers thoughts toward Estefania were not the fondest, it was Barbara all over
again, she did not like her and she did not like Estefania. Any girl that got too close to me my
mother instantly hated and thought horrid thoughts of.
My mothers opinions were horrible and if word got out it would seriously offend her. I
always hated when my mother insulted her. Whenever she would say something against her I felt
as if it was my duty to defend her honor which is what I always did.
After telling Amy my mothers opinion on Estefania, I told her of my opinion and
thoughts towards her, hoping that she would run off to tell Estefania of the many sweet and
loving things that I had said.
However, instead of making me look good, Amy completely ruined all the progress I had
made with Estefania with only twisting a couple of the words I said to her to make it look like I
was talking behind her back.

Misery of May
Everything was great.
Or so I thought. To my knowledge Estefania and I were as great as we could ever be, but I had
been noticing some growing tension among us. For some reason Estefania had begun ignoring
me and I had no cue of to the reason. I would pass by her, she wouldnt give me a turn of the
head, if she was talking with friends and I was to walk by she and her friends would suddenly
stop talking give me a devilish stare and continue their conversation as I walked away, if I said
anything to her she would keep her mouth shut and keep on walking, s if she didnt want to talk

to me. I figured that she might be getting back at me for the whole time I ignored her to make me
feel the way she felt, and boy did I feel it alright.
I couldnt take it anymore.
I hadnt heard her voice in what seemed to be forever and I wanted to know what was going on.
Hey Estefania, I said hoping shed respond in an instant.
Why are you texting me? I dont talk to people who talk behind my back
What do you mean? What did I do? Please dont go, please tell me what I did wrong
I cant think of what it can be but whatever it is Im sorry in advance, I said with great
Amounts of shock from the response I had just received.

I heard that you said I dress horribly and that I look as if Im a Chola, Matt I did nothing
To you to deserve that kind of treatment, friends dont go behind each others back and
Talk bad about them, I did nothing to you and I find it really offending that you would do
That to me
Estefania I swear I didnt say that, well I did but it wasnt me saying it, those opinions
Are my mothers opinions, not mine, my mother always talks bad about the girls I get
Close with, she is just being a mother, looking after me, but I dont agree with anything
She said against you, I never listen to her when she insults you like that, I dont care for
Her opinions, I have my own and I believe what I believe
Matt dont say that, the opinions of your parents matter, you should always listen to
Them and either way I did nothing to your mother or you to deserve to be insulted like
I know and Im sorry, Im so sick and tired of all these problems we have been having,

I just want to go back to the way we used to be, without any problems, we were so great,
And I just keep screwing it all up, I really just want to go back to the way things were
Between us, what do you say? I really miss those days, and I am honestly really sorry
For this confusion, your right you dont deserve this.
Matt, lets just leave things how they are, I accept your apology, but lets just leave
Things how they are
Does that mean that you want to continue to not talk with each other?
Lets just leave things how they are, go talk to Amanda, I hear your parents like her
Better than me, I got to go, bye

I was in utter confusion and shock.

I had only told one living soul of the opinions of both my mother and I. That is when I
realized that Amy had taken my words mixed them with my mothers opinion and told Estefania
to make it look like I was talking behind her back. My heart was smashed even more because
this time I had lost Estefania as a friend. She was a very significant person in my life and had a
great impact on it that I felt empty without her. I was infuriated with Amy as well as devastated
that someone close to me had crossed my trust and set me up like that.
I knew instantly who had told Estefania but I had taken no actions in addressing the
betrayal that had been committed against me, Amy was too close to me that I did not know what
to do, I just acted as if nothing happened, as if I knew nothing.
The year was coming to an end while all this was happening. I knew that it would not be
easy to fix and I knew that I would enter the summer suffering from the loss of a friend.

I knew that for the entire summer Id solely focus on the one person that was on
my mind every minute of every day.
Estefania Quintero.

Summer Suffrage
The summer of 2014 was one filled with intense heat, severe boredom, and extreme
loneliness and time to devote to my thoughts.
All summer I only thought of her. The last memory that she left me with haunted every night
before going to sleep and every morning as I woke up.
It made me think back on all the good times we had, which made me miss the old days even
more. It made me read the letter she had written to me for Secret Santa more than just once,
which I had kept in my wallet for well over a year after the day she gave it to me.
I felt empty, broken and lost without having her in my life. She was the light in my tunnel
of darkness and when she left I was left with zero visibility in the solitude of my tunnel left with
nothing but my own demons.
My suffering lasted all summer, despite the brightness of day I was still stuck in the
darkness of night without receiving any light for a long period of time.

Almost Done
I was eager to return to school and see everyone after a long summer of darkness and
agonizing pain. I already knew that she would be one of the people that I would also see that day,
I just hoped that I didnt see her in a class of mine.

I entered school, knowing that this would be the hardest year and the classes that would
be presented to me would be the hardest ones I had ever had.
My first class was where I would meet Andy Beltran. I had already known him in
sophomore year but I saw him as an obstacle I had to get passed because he was around
Estefania a lot of the time, but when we got back to school and I saw him in my first class we
automatically became the closest of friends.
My second period was where I met David Martirossian. I was just meeting him more in
depth, I knew his name last year but I didnt know how he was. He turned out to be a hell of a
guy and we became friends instantly, and our friendship flourished even more because I had him
in my third and fourth period.
My fourth period was also where I met a whole set of guys that I connected with
immediately, as well as a whole set of girls that over time I became very close with, such as
Anny Alca, a very beautiful, energetic, funny girl that enriched my life from the first day I met
Lunch was spent with my squadron of guys. We are the owners of the staircase in the
Spanish hallway. Have been ever since freshmen year. Lunch was always my favorite time of
Sixth period was a way for me to blow off steam. Volleyball. I had specifically chosen
this class to practice on my game for Coed Volleyball tryouts. This is the class where I grew even
closer with Anny and where on some occasions would teach her how to play Volleyball.
Seventh period was the end of me.
This was the class I would grow to hate. I had Estefania in this class. She made life in this class
for me a living hell, I had to isolate myself from the entire class just to not say a word, I didnt

want to even speak in the class. I hated this class so much, I tried to switch out in the beginning
of the year, and when I had to present something in front of the class Id be so drowned in fear
and wariness because she was sitting directly in the first row. Damn seating chart.
AP Spanish, waste of my time.
I ended each day by falling asleep in a class I really did not need. Wildlife Biology was a
bore and the class was a complete waste of my time, but it was fine by me, I can end the day

Running from Tension, Andy, & Light

Every time I saw Estefania I would bolt away.
I was not running I just panicked and did not know how to react to the situation. I did not know if
the issues we had last year were still existent. Its not like she made a big effort to talk to me.
Andy is a very close friend to Estefania.
On a gloomy day in school I had told Andy all the problems I had with Estefania, with no desire
of him running off to her and telling her what my side of the story was. Sure enough, he did just
that. After I had specifically told him to not say a word to anyone, especially her, he goes and
tells Estefania that I told him that she and I have had some problems.

Thus initiating the restart button in the relationship between me and Estefania, however
this restart would take a while. Andy had never liked seeing his friends in disputes or in fights or
with problems, he always saw the positive side and he in essence became a messenger for me.
Out of nowhere one day, I witnessed how Estefania was walking out of the building with
Amy by her side, who I had also lost contact with all summer for some reason. As she walked
out, she hollered out a goodbye to Andy, who I was with, and in a miraculous turnoff events she
then said the same to me. Those her first words to me in almost a full year.
The very next day Amy started talking to me again, as if they had made some sort of pact
to not talk to me. I was very confused but at the same time I was happy that there were signs of
Estefania and I becoming friends again.
The negative side of being friends with Andy was wherever he was Estefania tended to
roam around. I could never be at peace and tranquility because the threat of seeing her was
always present. Whenever I would feel her presence or see her from a distance I would just get
out of the room, not because I was afraid but because I was shy and had no idea what to say.
However, leaving all the time gave off the wrong vibe to Estefania. To her knowledge the
reason I was always leaving when she was around was because I was afraid of her, and she
couldnt understand why.

December 23rd, 2014

I had heard of a trip Estefania was going to go on for the holidays. She was going to go to
Colombia for the holidays this trip made me think, what if she decides to stay over there? What if
she never comes back? These questions arose feelings that were hidden inside for the longest of
times and those feeling took control of my body.

I knew I had to talk to her, I still had her number and I knew that if I was going to fix this
then my opportunity was in that moment or never. In class, I began writing the message of a
lifetime that Shakespeare himself would be proud.
Hey its Matt in case you were wondering, I know you werent expecting my text
anytime soon but I heard you were going to Colombia and I dont know it just made me think
that if you dont come back I would hate myself for not fixing things with you, hope your flight
hasnt left cause Im going to say a lot. Okay, look Im really sorry for everything, I know I said
this all last year and Ive been wanting to say it every day since but the thing is that us not
talking for so long has hit like a restart button for me, if you think back to when we first met yo
were the one to talk to me and that is how we became friends, when I see you and I leave Im not
running away I just dont know what to say, its like Im meeting you all over again and Im up
to my head in fear and my shyness has consumed me, I really want us to be the way we use to be
and considering the fact that it is the holidays and a new year I was wondering if next year we
could start all over again, meet each other all over again, I honestly miss you and I dont know if
you know how big of a part u were in my life, you were my first real friend in Richard
Montgomery, and everything was going great until I screwed it all up, I take full responsibility
and Im sorry, you can saying anything you want back but all I want is my friend back , and the
old times we had back and new memories to make
I let her know how much she meant to me. I was lucky enough to catch her right before
she entered her gate and she was able to read it. She then responded with a text of her own that
would in essence solve everything.

A New Beginning
I felt empty.

Knowing she was so far away from me and that I couldnt see her until she returned killed me.
All that could ease my pain was knowing that she was officially backed in my life and that soon
everything would be like it used to be back when there were no problems.
Or so I thought.
When she returned I felt as if I was just meeting her for the first time all over again. I could not
express myself or talk to her because I didnt know what to say. Actually I knew exactly what I
wanted to say but the words didnt make their way through my lips, but they stayed in my mind
and chest. It was very awkward between us for the first couple weeks, she made her effort to talk
to me and start a conversation but I was just too damn shy to even look at her straight in her
captivating eyes.
A new semester had started and rather than pray for no classes with her, like I did when
we werent on speaking terms, I prayed for as much classes with her as possible. I ended up
having her for two classes. Walking into those classes always made me smile, but of course I
could not show it. I was trying to just build a great friendship with her again and go back to the
way everything use to be but as days passed I started developing an idea in my head, things wil
never be the same again.

Feelings that never left

For as long as I could remember I was trying to forget about her.
I knew it would be difficult and probably impossible but I had to try. I then found out that the
feelings I feel for her will never go away, Im stuck with them, and I dont know for how long
they would last. My greatest fear of having her back in my life became a reality, I knew that I
would immediately fall in love with her again and that this time there was nothing I could do
about it because it would put all the progress I had made at risk.

Weeks passed and I still loved her.

There was nothing I could do to forget her. Looking at her beauty, listening to her unforgettable,
angelic voice, just hearing her name was enough to make my affection towards her even more
My heart and head are so linked that just by thinking about her confuses me entirely.
Whenever she is present in both my heart and head everything else in the world doesnt matter, I
forget everything I was thinking of, I forget every problem that I may be going through, I forget
it all because once she enters my thoughts she takes over my entire person to a point where it
takes me awhile to get back to the real world.

It was April.
I remember being incredibly nervous on this day, it was my first time taking the drivers
exam. After having delays with the car getting approved and having to reschedule test dates due
to a confusion in location. I didnt go to school this day, I felt it would distract me. My aunt let
me borrow her car to take the test and regrettably my father could not be present on this day
because of work. I arrived at the MVA and awaited for my number to be called and as a matter a
fact soon as I sat down to wait I was called. An old, small, nice Indian man was my test examiner
and after the standard car inspection he told me that it was time to begin.
I knew I would pass the drivers part of the exam, but it was the parking that I was
nervous about. The first stop of the course was the parallel park, I kept hearing my fathers voice
in my head coaching me and in a matter of seconds I was parked and my test examiner
communicated to me that I could move on to the next part of the course. I mostly had to practice

parking in reverse, it was my weak area but I kept my cool, used my mirrors and again I shocked
myself with a timing under a minute. After having two heart attacks, one right after the other, I
could finally breathe because now the easy part came, driving. I was so proud of myself, and I
knew my father would be as well. I returned home with a smile that not even the worst of news
could take away.
I finally had my license and I had a car to go with it.

Rides, Rides, & Rides

Now that I had my license and a car to take to school I enjoyed having friends in my car.
However, there was only one person that I really wanted in my car. When I still had my learners
permit I had only given Estefania one ride but it was only to a restaurant called Roy Rogers
which was very close to the school. Now I had my license and I would not waste any opportunity
to be alone with her.
Estefania and I were still didnt talk that much, despite being friends again.
I knew that around people I could not talk to her, so I needed to get her alone so when I found
out that she occasionally took the bus home I quickly jumped in to offer my services. I was on
the volleyball team and due to my practices after school I was able to take her home sometimes
because she would stay after school to do work from time to time. On other days that I didnt
have practice Id just take her normally.

I hated it when my parents would need the car and I couldnt take it to school because I
felt as if I was letting her down. But Id make up for it by simply being with her. One day I had a
volleyball game after school but it did not begin until around 5:30P.M therefore I accompanied
Estefania to a nearby Subway food restaurant to eat. I was glad I was getting so much alone time
with her, it made me feel like I was living the good old days. We ate together and then she told
me she had to attend a Zumba class that was somewhat near the school, so I offered walk her to
her class. Unfortunately we didnt know that they were calling for rain on this particular
afternoon and as we made our way to her class, a storm like no other I had ever seen before
struck us and we got soaking wet. The sky was dark, we witnessed lighting strikes not but a mile
away, and the boom of the thunder was so loud that we couldnt hear each other. We arrived at
her Zumba class and luckily she didnt get as soaked as I did, for I still had to bolt my way
through traffic and a storm to reach my volleyball game in time. She felt incredibly bad to see me
completely soaked, and have to run away but I felt the greatest joy in my heart that I was with
her the whole afternoon. As I made it through the doors of my school and into the gymnasium
where my game was taking place I remember the look on everyones faces
Matt! What happened to you? they said, and with my head held high I responded
I was with Estefania when the storm caught us
I probably looked completely stupid to everyone but I didnt care I was happy, and with that
happiness inside of me I played a great game and we ended up winning.
As the days passed by I continued to give her rides home or wherever she needed to go, if
she needed food Id get it for her, if she needed to be somewhere Id take her there, anything she
needed I was always there ready to help if I could.

Colombian Breeze

One day she came to me asking for help.

It was her turn in Latin American History class to present her food for Fiesta Friday as the
teacher called it, the students called it Free Food Friday. She needed to go all the way to
Kentlands to pick up some Empanadas she had placed an order for in a Colombian restaurant
called Colombian Breeze. Our Spanish teacher gave us permission to leave class early to help us
get back to school on time but even 10 extra minutes didnt help us much. She got in my car yet
again and we drove down Interstate 270. I was terrified because she didnt know this, but it was
my first time ever on Interstate 270. I didnt show my fear and played it safe and made it all the
way to Colombian Breeze. She walked in the restaurant to pick up the food and they were still
making them. I awaited her return so that we could make it back to school and at last the
Empanadas were ready and we made our way back to school. We arrived on time but I still had
to park. I pulled up to the front doors and dropped her off so she wouldnt be late and I then went
to go park. I ended up being late but the teacher excused it. Her presentation on the food she had
brought in was perfect and she couldnt be more grateful with me.

For some time I felt betrayed by my best friend.
I couldnt help but notice that every time Andy was with Estefania they would always laugh,
smile, joke around, and be very close with one another. I began to think that Andy might like
Estefania, or maybe the other way around. It killed me to see them that way, and there was
nothing I could do to stop it. I have always wanted to be really close to her as Andy is but for
some reason it was difficult for me. I then began to notice that the way Andy and Estefania were
reminded me of two people that were exactly the same way some time ago, Estefania and I.
Then my mindset changed. What if they are just really good friends? What if Im just

making up ideas in my head? The what ifs always give more than one possible answer so I
always maintained a close eye on Andy.
One day I asked Andy directly, as I gave him a ride to his house, if he liked or has ever
liked Estefania, and he confirmed to me that he did use to like Estefania. This made me even
more paranoid then I already was, what if after all this time he hasnt been able to forget her?,
what if he has been trying to be with her the whole time?.
I couldnt handle all the questions that were jumping in my head, and even when I think
back to it now Im still as paranoid as I was then.

The Dance of my Life

Everything was perfect.
Estefania and I were finally getting back to the way we use to be but I could notice that
despite all efforts it would never be the same. Day by day I felt as I Andy had taken my place and
I had been tossed aside like an insignificant, useless piece of junk. I wanted to be with Estefania
as she was with Andy.
As days went on we talked more, the rides were constant, and her beauty increased along
with my feelings towards her. I wanted to shout it and let her know but I knew what the end
result would be.
One day Estefania approached me in class and asked me something that made me freeze
within myself for a quick second

Hey Matt, I wanted to ask you if you could join me and some other people in this
dancing thing we are doing for the seniors at their graduation ceremony from the
Bilingual Program
I remember wanting to shout out a definite YES but as I sat in my seat I couldnt help but think
of all the people that would be watching me preform and I got terrified, I knew that there was a
possibility of chocking up and getting all shy, I cant even give a simple presentation in front of
the class without freeing out.
I responded as politely as possible and also as unsure as possible. I began to think of how
the partners would be set up for this dance, according to our heights. I knew Christian was a
perfect height for Alejandra, so they would obviously be paired together, then I thought of Andy,
he is the perfect height for a girl like Mitzy to dance with him, meaning I would have the luck to
be dancing with the most beautiful girl of the group.
I had not given my response yet and I knew that she was really counting on me to say
YES but I knew I had to think about it long and hard, so without a pause I gave my answer
Ill think about it, I dont know if the practices for dancing will cross with my soccer
practices, a typical excuse for an athlete like myself.

Days passed since the question that froze me in a winter of confusion, and all I could
think about was dancing with her. From time to time I would discuss the matter with Andy, he
was also asked the same question but his response was somewhat different, he had told Estefania
that if no other guy showed up he would do it; I knew Andy didnt want to do it, due to his
constant begging to make me do it with him.

Estefania needed an answer quick, practices were starting soon and by the time they
started the group would only have one week to rehearse the dance routine. They were just
missing one guy to join in and every guy they had asked had given a profound NO as their
answer. She announced to Andy and myself that she had put both our names on the list of guys
that were confirmed to dance; I guess she felt that she needed to because practices needed to start
I was in shock.
Andy maintained his calm and decided to just go ahead and have fun with the situation. I on
the other hand was still unsure. Estefania at this point was really counting on me and I didnt
want to let her down. However, she had given me an optionIf I didnt want to go through with
it I dint have to come the first day of practice and that would be the end of it. I didnt want to
make a fool of myself in front of many people so I thought over Estefanias proposition for the
whole day.

First Practice
I showed up.
After carefully thinking it through and a bit of a push from Andy I ended up going to practice
and fill in the last spot that needed to be filled. The first day was just to consult what song we
will do along with what type of dance. No partners were being set and the discussion ended in a
quick 15 minutes.
Merengue! said Alejandra.
I began freaking out on the inside, I had never danced merengue ever in my life. Everyone
seemed fine with dancing Merengue, I didnt want to be the one to complicate things so I just
went with it.

The meeting was over and I offered to take Estefania home and Andy tagged along as
well. We began talking about the dance and practices and the day of the performance, and
throughout the whole conversation I just kept on thinking that soon Id be dancing with the best
partner ever. We arrived at Estefanias house and she got out of the car and we all said our
goodbyes. She then disappeared in the rays of sunlight and the day was over.
As soon as I arrived home was when I actually began to freak myself out. I began
watching Merengue dancers and I saw how difficult this dance was going to be and I only prayed
that we wouldnt go crazy over the fancy moves.

Day of Disappointment
The first official day of practice had begun.
I remember being very nervous to begin dancing. I knew that it was going to be difficult,
especially with only one week to learn and memorize the routine. The bell ended the school day
and I wanted to bolt out the door, get in my car and arrive to the comfort of my house, but I knew
I couldnt. We all met up in our Spanish class to begin practice and finally set up partners. Being
in the hands of Estefania would calm me soon enough, I thought to myself.
Partners were finally chosen. As I predicted Alejandra was paired with Christian.
My heart stopped. I couldnt believe my eyes. The odds of this happening were nearly
impossible. In the corner of my eye I witnessed how Mitzy and Estefania were deciding among

themselves who theyd be paired up with, either Andy or Myself. They came towards us and with
no hesitation she, Estefania, picked Andy. I was very confused at the moment, I should have been
with her due to my height. Through process of elimination I was paired with Mitzy. I didnt mind
having her as a partner, she is a very beautiful girl with the greatest personality anyone could
have, but she wasnt Estefania.
It killed me to see Andy and Estefania dancing together, smiling together, and laughing
together. My suspicions around Andy grew even greater, and I loathed him every second I laid
eyes on him.
Practice was about to start.
I awaited to hear the song that the group had chosen, I knew that whatever it was, it would be
fast. In a matter of seconds I began hearing random beeps, I thought someones phone was going
off, but as the beeps got faster and more in rhythm I recalled the song that was being played.
El Beeper.

The Story Shall Continue

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