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The Dhammapada

A New Edition

edited by

nandajoti Bhikkhu
(version 2.2, September 2007)

The original edition of this text and study was made around 2002,
though I didnt date it at the time. A slightly revised version was
made in February, 2005 while preparing the .pdf version of the file
to reflect my current thinking about the use of titles in Pi. I also
slightly revised the statistics in the study to bring them in line with
the presentation in the Comparative Edition of the Dhammapada;
and I once again revised the work in August/September, 2007
during the preparation of the Patna Dharmapada together with the
Pi parallels.
nandajoti Bhikkhu
September, 2007

Table of Contents
Introduction to the Prosody of the Dhammapada
1: The Text
2: Preliminaries
3: The Metres

1: Yamakavaggo
2: Appamdavaggo
3: Cittavaggo
4: Pupphavaggo
5: Blavaggo
6: Paitavaggo
7: Arahantavaggo
8: Sahassavaggo
9: Ppavaggo
10: Daavaggo
11: Jarvaggo
12: Attavaggo
13: Lokavaggo
14: Buddhavaggo
15: Sukhavaggo
16: Piyavaggo
17: Kodhavaggo
18: Malavaggo
19: Dhammahavaggo
20: Maggavaggo
21: Pakiakavaggo
22: Nirayavaggo
23: Ngavaggo
24: Tahvaggo

25: Bhikkhuvaggo
26: Brhmaavaggo

Dhammapada Indexes
Dhammapada Complete Word Index
Dhammapada First Line Index
Index of the Metres

Introduction to the Prosody of the Dhammapada

1: The Text
The text of the Dhammapada as presented here has been
established through a comparison of the four standard printed
BJT: Dhammapadapi. Buddha Jayanti Tripitika Series,
volume XXIV. Colombo 1960.
PTS: Dhammapada. Edited by O. von Hinber and K. R.
Norman. Pali Text Society, Oxford, 1994.
Thai: Dhammapadagth. The Royal Thai Edition, volume 25.
Originally published 2469 (i.e 1915), reprinted Bangkok, 2500
(i.e 1956).
ChS: Dhammapadapi. Chaha Sangyana Edition, 1956,
reprinted Rangoon 1972.
I have also consulted the following texts for comparison of the
readings (but have not entered the variants in the notes):
The Dhammapada. A new edition by Sriyagoa Sumagala
Thera, Pali Text Society, London 1914.
The Dhammapada. Edited by Nrada Thera (4th Edition).
1993, reprinted Taiwan, 1999.
Dhammapadahakath. Edited by Kahave Siri Ratanasra
Thera & Mahagoa Siri issara Thera. Simon Hewavitarne

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 6

Bequest vol V. 1919; vol XIII, 1922 (= parts I & 2), reprinted
Colombo 1991(?)
For the prosody I have consulted:
WD: The Word of the Doctrine (Dhammapada). Translated
with an introduction and notes by K. R. Norman. Pali Text
Society, Oxford, 1997.
PM: Pali Metre. A. K. Warder. Pali Text Society, London,
When I started preparing the Dhammapada for the Sri Lanka
Tripitaka Project, I really had no intention of re-establishing the
text, but as the work progressed, and I grew more familiar with the
Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka edition (BJT), it became clear that there
were many problems in the text, including non-standard forms,
Sanskritisation, and unmetrical readings. I therefore began a
comparison of BJT with the other main editions and started
entering the variant readings found therein. During the process of
that work it became clear that none of the other texts were quite
satisfactory either, and what had started out as a simple representation of the text as it is found in the Sri Lankan tradition,
has finished up requiring a complete re-appraisal of the text,
especially from the point of view of its metre.

I would like to note here that throughout this work I have also had the
opportunity to consult with Prof. Norman on various points to do with
the establishment of the text, and he has always answered most
courteously and promptly - I am very grateful to him for all the help he
has given. The debt I owe to his written works, of course, should be
evident on every page. References WD are always to the note to the
verse concerned, unless otherwise stated.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 7

As with any verse text, of course, it is essential to understand the

prosody that underlies the composition, otherwise the likelihood is
that wrong readings will find their way into the text. This should
not be understood as implying that every verse should be rigidly
conformed to a standard metre. Indeed it is such unskilful editing
that is one of the faults in the main editions available to us. To
understand the prosody correctly, one must know not only what is
its standard pattern, but also what amount of deviation is allowed
from the norms that otherwise prevail. And to understand that we
must let the texts themselves be our guide.

2: Preliminaries
1: Resolution
A normal feature of Pi prosody is the resolution of one presumed
heavy syllable into two light ones. As I have explained elsewhere
there is an underlying rule regarding resolution which states that
only the first two syllables in a word may be resolved (including
words that appear as the second half of a compound, or after a
prefix).3 With the help of this rule we are able to identify more
accurately the underlying variation, especially in the Siloka prior

In this text syllables in resolution are normally coloured green and are
underlined for the sake of identification.
See my Outline of the Metres in the Pi Canon 1.15.
There is one exception to this, in that it appears from the texts
themselves that na, when it precedes the word it modifies may form the
first half of a resolved syllable. This is no doubt because of the close
syntactic proximity of the negative with the word it is modifying.
Examples of resolution including the negative can be seen in the text at
131d; 291d; 302f; 364d.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 8

lines.1 In the text as here established I count resolution 61 times. 58

of these comply with the rule outlined above, and there are only
two examples where the rule may not hold, the first at 27a, where
the line in question is the opposite of a line in the preceding verse something which often disturbs the prosody; and at 137c.
As can be seen from the table below the syllable most liable to
resolution is the 1st, and in the Tuhubha/Jagat verses that occur
in the Dhammapada it is the only resolution found (marked in red
in the table - all the rest of the resolutions occur in Siloka lines).




(total: 61 instances)
(26 instances): 8a; 20e; 40b; 51d; 52d; 73a; 99a;
108d; 125d; 126d; 140d; 153c; 172c; 173c; 183b;
185a; 227e; 271c; 302f; 307d; 328c; 346d; 347d;
382c; 411c.
(17 instances): 8e; 9b; 14bd; 74b; 131d; 185a;
223d; 228a; 231d; 232d; 233d; 248a; 291d; 302f;
333d; 364d; 414a.
(2 instances): 21a; 27a.
(11 instances): 47a; 48a; 181c; 182a; 183a; 275a;
283c; 292a; 302a; 333c; 418a.

The general usefulness of this rule may be emphasized by noting that

with its help we can certainly identify the variation involved in the
following pdas: 8e; 14bd; 21a; 47a; 48a; 182a; 183a; 183b; 185a; 223d;
228a; 231d; 232d; 248a; 283c; 292a; 302a; 333c; 389a; 414a; 418a whereas otherwise we would have no way of correctly identifying the
Because of the nature of the prosody we do not normally count
resolution as occuring in the mattacchandas verses

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 9

7th: (3 instances): 246c; 387c; 409c.

doubtful: 27a
We may note here that resolution is found in two places within the
same line in the following lines: 185a (1st & 5th); 302f (1st & 4th).
2: Replacement
The compliment to the rule of resolution is the rule of replacement,
which states that when 2 presumed light syllables are replaced by a
heavy one, it is always the first two syllables in a word that are
presumed to be light.
In this edition of the Dhammapada there is replacement in line
with the rule at 40c & 125c. As with resolution, the application of
the rule of replacement can also help us to identify the underlying
structure of the verse, in a way that has not been recognised
before. The reading at 19d (together with its repetition at 20f) has
a Tuhubha line with the following structure:

Sa bhgav smaassa hoti.

In discussing lines like this it has hitherto been thought that there
is replacement of two short syllables in 6th & 7th position by one
heavy one (as is, indeed, normally the case). However if we accept
the rule, we can see that it is in fact the 5th & 6th syllables that
have been replaced, and the underlying structure of the break is:

See Normans comments in his notes to these verses in The Word of the

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 10

This shows once again how helpful the discovery of these rules has
been to understanding the correct prosody of the texts.
3: Sarabhatti
We must also include here the sarabhatti vowels (or epenthetic
vowels) which have been written in the text, but which were not
pronounced; these can sometimes look similar to resolution, but
they can be easily identified as they nearly always involve two of
the semi-vowels and/or the aspirate.1 Sarabhatti is found in the
following 49 places:
arahati 9d, 10d, 230b
-arahanto 98c
ariya- 79c, 190c
ariya 208b
ariya- 191c
ariyna 22d, 164b, 206a
issariya 73c
kadariya 223c
kadariy 177a
kayira 313a,
kayirati 292b
kayir 42a, 43a, 53b, 61c, 105c, 117ab, 118a, 159a, 281b, 330c
kayirtha 25c, 117c, 118b, 211a
garahito 30d
-cariya 61c, 155a, 156a, 312c
-cariyav 267b
-cariy 141a, 388b
payirupsati 64b, 65b

Rarely we find other combinations; in this text vajira, and elsewhere

others like nahru, kilesa, etc. are found.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 11

-pariyodapana 183c
pariyodapeyya 88c
pahareyya 389a
rahado 82a, 95c
vajira 161d
viriyam 112d
viharanta 8a
Note that occasionally in words that have sarabhatti vowels the
vowel must have been pronounced and given its full value as in the
following words, where it is necessary to count the vowel towards
the metre:
arahata 164a, 420c
ariyo 270ad
kayirtha 118c, 313a
viharanta 7a
viharanti 98c
viharma 197d, 198d, 199d
4: Changes in word form
Because of the need to meet the requirements of the metre, which
demands syllables of a specified length in certain places, to
produce the rhythms which make up a verse, there are certain
changes which take place in word form.1 As can be seen from the

It should be noted that in the lists that follow an attempt has been made
to collect all the words that have been changed in the text metra causi.
In the notes to the text itself there is no attempt to be comprehensive
(which would only multiply the notes without good reason). There
changes in word form are normally only discussed when there is need to
explain why I have taken the reading in the text in preference to a
variant reading.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 12

following lists it is the lengthening of i > , especially at the end of

a word, that is by far the most common change that occurs.
long at the end of a word (36 instances):
vuh 13b; 14b
mun 49d
ramat 99b; 116d
vijjat 127c; 128c
khant 184a
jayat 193c; 212ab; 213ab; 214ab; 215ab; 216ab; 282a; 283b
sukh 206d
nayat 257b
pajjat 309b
gat 310a
rat 310b; 373b
palavat 334c
sahat 335a; 336a
chattisat 339a
sabbadh 340a
bhvayat 350b
dhammarat 354c
labhat 374c
suc 393d
long medially (14 instances):
-vriya 7d; 8d
satmato 24a; 91a
-vriyo 112b
hirnisedho 143a
vriyena 144c
icchat 162d
sukh 177d
satmata 181d

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 13

tatya 309d
satm 328d
khantbala 399c
nandbhava- 413c
other vowels lengthened medially (6 instances):
kasm 143d
ajjatanm 227b
-srro 352e
anpalitto 353b
-srra 400c
nirpadhi 418b
shortening of vowels (6 instances):
okata (from okato) 34b
va 138d; 139bc; 195b; 409a
attana 355d
consonants doubled unhistorically (6 instances):
suggati 18d; 319d
ppacessati 44d; 45d
kaukapphala 66d
-cchecchati 350d
consonant groups simplified (4 instances):
dukhena 83c
dukh 186c; 203b; 302b

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 14

niggahta dropped (12 instances):

kata 74a
yesa 92d
paivadeyyu 133b
phuseyyu 133d
lokasmi 143b
macchna 182b
buddhna 184d; 185f
addhna 207b
devna 224d
visssa 272c
vanasmi 334d

3: The Metres
There are 1733 lines in the Dhammapada, written in five metres,
they are:

Siloka (Skt: loka ) 1482 lines, 86%

Vetlya (Vaitlya) 94 lines, 5%
Opacchandasaka (Aupacchandasika) 11 lines, 0.5%
Tuhubha (Triubh) 120 lines, 7%
Jagat (Jagat) 26 lines, 2%

By far the most common metre in the canon, and in the

Dhammapada in particular, is the Siloka which accounts for some

Identified as Anuhubha (loka) by Norman in The Word of the

Doctrine (against his normal practice of calling the metre loka).
However the Anuhubha is a samavutta metre; the Siloka (or loka) is
addhasamavutta, and they shouldnt be confused.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 15

86% of the verses found in the collection.1 The Siloka is an

addhasamavutta syllabic metre, which means it has two dissimilar
lines which make up a pdayuga; two pdayugas (or occasionally
three) make a verse. There are normally 8 syllables to each half of
the pdayuga (pair of lines).
The Siloka has a pathy (normal) structure and 7 variations. The
normal structure can be described as follows: 3

In the text as it has been established here there are pathy lines in
82% of the Siloka pdayugas.4 Another way to emphasise how high
this percentage is, would be to note that there are only 7 Siloka
verses in the whole collection that do not have pathy lines in
7 variations occur in the first half of the pdayuga. They have the
following structure (with the percentage of their occurrence6):

I count only one verse (No 330) as being mixed. The following are
Siloka verses (giving a total of 352 verses, or 741 pdayugas): 1-14, 2123, 25-39, 41-43, 47-53, 55-79, 81-82, 85-93, 96-107, 109-124, 126, 129140, 146-149, 152-176, 178, 181-183, 185-207, 209-220, 222-234, 239,
241-279, 282-283, 286-305, 307-308, 311-323, 327, 330, 332-333, 335-337,
339-340, 351-352, 355-361, 363-370, 372-387, 389, 391-423.
Occasionally we find 9 syllables if one is resolved; or, more rarely, 10 if
2 are resolved in the same half of the pdayuga - for the latter see 8a
(1st & 6th); 185a (1st & 5th); 302f (1st & 4th).
In what follows = a light syllable; = a heavy one; = anceps, the
syllable can be either light or heavy;
= one light, or one heavy, or
two light syllables.
For the references see the tables in the Index of Metres.

Nos 23, 69, 87, 183, 196, 274, 303.

Note that percentages are approximate only.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 16




There are also 8 lines that are irregular.1

Verse no 150 is unusual because, as it stands, it is in Anuhubha
metre, but whether we should count this as a seperate metre, or as
Siloka with 2 Anuhubha variations in the prior line is not sure.
It is well established that in the opening of the Siloka metre, 2
light syllables are normally avoided in 2nd and 3rd positions. That
this is so can be simply proved by reference to the texts themselves,
and noting that the number of times this opening appears is very
much less than a random choice could possibly entail. Besides this
though, we can also see that changes are regularly made to word
forms in order to avoid the opening.
When we examine the Dhammapada itself we can see that changes
have been made in the following words in order to avoid the
unwanted opening: 13b, 14b (vuh); 143a (hirnisedho); 245a
(hirmat); 269b (mun); 374c (labhat); 399c (khantbala); 413c
(nand-). This pattern is repeated in any of the Siloka texts found
in the canonical works.

27a; 116c; 218c; 222c; 260a; 266a; 274c; 315a. These are commented on
in the text.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 17

However, on closer inspection we can see that there are a

significant number of occassions in the Dhammapada when the
pattern does in fact turn up in the opening, sometimes
even when it would be easy to correct the metre if the redacters
had felt that it was wrong. Note that there are no correcting
variants at all recorded for the following lines, where this wrong
opening occurs: 3a; 4a; 68c; 99b; 148c; 265a; 268c; 363a; 375c;
420a; 421a. That is 11 times, and is more than the number of
corrections m.c. that are listed above. Because of this I have not
felt obliged to correct this opening when it occurs, if there is not
good manuscript evidence for it, and have therefore let it stand at
1c; 2c; 121e; 140b; 382b; 415c. In all 6 instances there are
metrically more correct readings found in the PTS edition, but they
are for the most part based on the slim evidence of just 2 old Thai
manuscripts, which can be shown to have a habit of correcting the
metre, when they felt it to be wrong.
Vetlya & Opacchandasaka
The most popular of the mattacchandas (measure) metres in the
Dhammapada is the Vetlya. Whereas the Siloka, Tuhubha &
Jagat1 metres are syllabic metres, and organise their lines by
counting the syllables, in the mattacchandas metres it is the total
number of measures (matt) to the line which is the determining
factor. In Vetlya the prior lines normally have 14 measures, and
the posterior lines 16. With both the cadence is the same:
. There are 105 lines in 30 verses in this metre, which is
roughly 5.5% of the total number of verses.

The latter two are discussed below.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 18

There are only two verses in the Opacchandasaka metre, Nos 184
& 371, and some odd lines that turn up in what are otherwise
Vetlya verses.1 This metre normally has 16 measures in the prior
line, and 18 in the posterior. The cadence is similar to Vetlya,
with an extra, heavy, syllable in penultimate position: .
The description of the openings is the same for both metres, so
they will be treated together here.
In the prior lines the openings are:
(sometimes syncopated to ), 33 instances (= 52%).
(sometimes syncopated to ) 17 instances (=
26%). 3
In 4 places we find this opening (179a; 235a; 348a; 388a);
once (284a); once (95a); and once (349c).
In this text I count the following prior lines as irregular: 24c; 45c;
237c; 334c; 349a; 350c; 362a.
In the posterior lines the openings are:
24 instances (= 36%).
24 instances (= 36%). 6



179a; 342d; 344a; 362d.

15c; 16c; 17c; 18c; 24a; 44c; 45a; 80c; 145c; 179c; 180ac; 184a; 235c;
236ac; 238ac; 240c; 284a; 285ac; 324c; 341c; 342c; 343c; 344ac; 348c;
362c; 371ac; 388c.
15a; 16a; 17a; 18a; 44a; 80a; 95c; 145a; 184c; 237a; 240a; 284c; 324a;
341a; 342a; 343a; 350a.
These are commented on in the notes to the text.
15d; 16d; 17d; 18d; 45c; 80d; 95d; 145d; 180b; 184b; 235d; 236b; 237d;
238b; 284d; 285d; 334b; 341d; 344d; 348b; 350d; 362d; 371b; 388d.
16b; 18b; 24b; 44bd; 45bd; 80b; 145b; 179d; 180d; 184d; 238d; 240d;
284b; 285b; 334d; 341b; 342b; 343b; 344b; 348d; 350b; 388b.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 19

In 2 places we find this opening , which looks like a

variation of the 2nd opening above (235b; 324d); once
(342d); 1 and once (179b). There are 5 irregular lines:
236d; 240b; 324b; 343d; 362b.
The first of the openings listed above seems to have a secondary
form, with a heavy syllable where we would expect to find a light
one, giving the form . This opening occurs with such
frequency, that there can be no doubt that the redacters felt that it
was an acceptable variation. Various theories have been suggested
to account for this variation,4 but up till now none of them are
really very satisfactory.
It is perhaps worth noting here that in verse, the last syllable in the
line is always counted as heavy, no matter what its real length is.
We could perhaps suggest that this phenomena, which is known as
pdantagaru, may well find its compliment here, where the first
syllable sometimes has to be counted as light m.c., no matter what
its true length is. We could perhaps call this phenomena
pddilahu, which would also be complimentary to the phenomena
of pddigaru, which is found in gaacchandas verses.


We should perhaps regard this as a syncopated variant of the second

These are discussed in the notes to the text.
15b; 17b; 24d; 95b; 237b; 349b; 349d; 371d. The last two of the lines
listed here are syncopated. Possibly 343d should be regarded as an
example of this variation also, see the note to that verse.
See Warder, PM, pg 121ff. for an assessment of the various ideas put
In The Word of the Doctrine Norman makes various suggestions on how
we could regularise these lines to give a normal opening, but it is
worthwhile pointing out here, that a number of the changes suggested
there are unusual and that not one of the suggestions has any manuscript
support for it.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 20

Tuhubha & Jagat

Tuhubha is a syllablic samavutta metre normally having 11
syllables to the line,1 and 4 lines to the verse. Approximately 7% of
the verses in the Dhammapada are in this metre. The shape of the
Tuhubha line can be defined thus: .
Jagat is similar but has an extra, light, syllable in penultiumate
. 2% of the lines are in this metre.
The most common form of the opening is , but we also
come across the Vedic opening (142b); the syncopated
opening (144f; 281b); and once we find (354a).
There are many forms to the break, but note that the sequence
is very common, accounting for approximately 73% of the
breaks, no matter where the caesura falls:
, 19b; 40ab; 46a; 54d; 83a; 94b; 108d; 127cd; 128cd; 141b;
142ad; 144d; 151ad; 208c; 221abd; 280b; 281c; 306c; 325bd; 326a;
328b; 329b; 331c; 338d; 345a; 346ad; 347b; 353a; 354bc; 390cd (41
lines = 29%).
, 19c; 20de; 40d; 46b; 54ac; 83bc; 84b; 108a; 127ab; 128ab;
141ad; 144cd; 151c; 177c; 208b; 280d; 281a; 306ad; 309cd; 310c;
329c; 331b; 338ab; 345c; 390b; 326d (36 lines = 25%).

Sometimes, because of resolution, we find a Tuhubha line with 12

syllables: 20e; 40b; 108d; 125d; 328c; 346d; 347d. In each case the
resolution is of the 1st syllable giving the opening: .

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 21

, 20c; 46c; 94c; 125ab; 142c; 144c; 151b; 177d; 208a; 280ac;
309a; 310ab; 325ac; 328c; 331ad; 346c; 347c; 353b; 353d; 390a (25
lines = 17%).
, 208d; 328d; 338c; 345d (4 lines = 3%).
Other regular forms:
, 54b; 108c; 281b (3 lines = 2%).
, 20b; 84a; 94ad; 328a; 329a (6 lines = 4%).
, 19a; 20a; 125d; 142b; 309b; 310d; 330c; 346b (8 lines = 6%).
, 46d; 83d; 84d; 177b; 326bc; 345b; 347d; 354a (9 lines = 6%).
, 354d (1 line = 1%).
The extended form of the metre, pausing at the fifth and restarting
from the same syllable, occurs in 3 places, showing the following
, 306b (1 line = 1%).
, 141c; 177a (2 lines = 1.5%).
Normally in the Tuhubha break there is a light syllable in 6th
position and most scholars1 have refused to countenance the
possibility of a heavy syllable occurring in that position. However,
as I have shown elsewhere,2 in the early verses there is one pattern
to the break which does have a heavy 6th which occurs so
regularly that it must be regarded as an acceptable variation. In
this edition of the Dhammapada we find the same break occuring
in 3 places:
, 144a; 221c; 281d.

Helmer Smith simply ignores the break in the appendix on the metres in
his edition of Saddanti (pg 1151-1154). Warder (PM, pg 208) says that it
should perhaps always be corrected.
See my study of the metre in Pryanavagga, also on this Website.

The Prosody of the Dhammapada - 22

There are 3 other occassions where we have a heavy 6th. They are
, 144b; 353c. & , 108b. In each case we should probably
correct the way we take the reading. See the notes in the text for a
There are 4 places where the break has only 2 syllables owing to
replacement occurring at the 6th (see above).
, 40c; 125c.
, 19d, 20f.
It should be noted that 347a is unusual in that there is nowhere we
can easily count a break as occuring. The following lines, which
are irregular, are commented on in the text: 84c, 329d; 330d.


Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa2

1: Yamakavaggo3
pathy x 3

manopubbagam dhamm, manoseh manomay,

manas ce paduhena bhsati4 v karoti v,

tato na dukkham-anveti cakka va vahato pada. [1]

pathy x 3

manopubbagam dhamm, manoseh manomay,

manas ce pasannena bhsati v karoti v,

tato na sukham-anveti chy va anapyin. [2]



BJT: Suttantapiake Khuddakanikyo (dutiyo gantho) Dhammapadapi;

ChS: Khuddakanikye Dhammapadap; Thai: Suttantapiake
Khuddakanikyassa Dhammapadagth.
PTS omits this line.
PTS: Yamakavagga, and so for all the chapter titles from here on; Thai:
Dhammapadagthya pahamo Yamakavaggo, and similarly for all the
chapter titles from here on.
PTS: bhsat, for a discussion of this reading here and in the next verse
see the The Prosody of the Dhammapada.
PTS: bhsat, cf. vs 1 above.
Thai: anupyin.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 24


akkocchi ma avadhi ma ajini ma ahsi me,


ye ca ta upanayhanti vera tesa na sammati. [3]


akkocchi ma avadhi ma ajini ma ahsi me,


ye ta na upanayhanti2 vera tespasammati. [4]

pathy x 2

na hi verena verni sammantdha kudcana,

averena ca sammanti, esa dhammo sanantano. [5]

pathy x 2

pare ca na vijnanti mayam-ettha yammase,4

ye ca tattha vijnanti tato sammanti medhag. [6]

, mavipul

subhnupassi viharanta indriyesu asavuta,


bhojanamhi amattau,5 kusta hnavriya,


ta ve pasahati mro vto rukkha va dubbala. [7]


BJT, PTS: ye ta.

Thai: ye ta npanayhanti; ChS: ye ca ta nupanayhanti.
PTS: sammant idha kudacana.
Thai: yammhase.
PTS, ChS: cmattau.
PTS: pasahat.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 25

, mavipul

asubhnupassi viharanta indriyesu susavuta,


bhojanamhi ca mattau, saddha raddhavriya,


ta ve nappasahati mro vto sela va pabbata. [8]


anikkasvo ksva yo vattha paridahessati,2


apeto damasaccena na so ksvam-arahati. [9]

pathy x 2

yo ca vantakasvassa slesu susamhito,

upeto damasaccena sa ve ksvam-arahati. [10]


asre sramatino sre csradassino,


te sra ndhigacchanti micchsakappagocar. [11]

pathy x 2

sra-ca srato atv asra-ca asrato,

te sra adhigacchanti sammsakappagocar. [12]


PTS: -pasahat.
ChS: paridahissati.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 26


yath agra1 ducchanna vuh2 samativijjhati,


eva abhvita citta rgo samativijjhati. [13]


yath agra3 succhanna4 vuh5 na samativijjhati,


eva subhvita citta rgo na samativijjhati. [14]

Vetlya x 4

idha socati pecca socati,

ppakr ubhayattha socati,

so socati so vihaati

disv kammakiliham-attano. [15]



BJT: yathgra.
BJT, PTS: vuhi. in the text is m.c. to avoid 2 light syllables in 2nd &
3rd position. I may state again here that changes in word form are
normally only discussed in these notes when there is need to explain
why I have taken the reading in the text in preference to a variant
BJT: yathgra.
ChS: suchanna.
BJT, PTS: vuhi. in the text is m.c. to avoid 2 light syllables in 2nd &
3rd position.
Metre: This is an example of the variant opening discussed in the The
Introduction to the Prosody. As Norman (WD) says we could also read
ppakri m.c. which would give the syncopated opening ,
but note that no manuscripts support the reading.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 27

Vetlya x 4

idha modati pecca modati,

katapuo ubhayattha modati,

so modati so pamodati

disv kammavisuddhim1-attano. [16]

Vetlya x 4

idha tappati pecca tappati,

ppakr ubhayattha tappati,

ppa m katan-ti tappati,

bhiyyo tappati duggati gato. [17]

Vetlya x 4

idha nandati pecca nandati,

katapuo ubhayattha nandati,

pua m katan-ti nandati,

bhiyyo nandati suggati gato. [18]


BJT: kammavisuddham.
Metre: This is an example of the variant opening discussed in the
Introduction. We could also read ppakri m.c. which would give the
syncopated opening .

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 28

, Tuhubha x 4

bahum-pi ce sahita1 bhsamno,


na takkaro hoti naro pamatto,


gopo va gvo gaaya paresa,


na bhgav smaassa hoti. [19]

, Tuhubha x 6

appam-pi ce sahita3 bhsamno,


dhammassa hoti anudhammacr,


rga-ca dosa-ca pahya moha,


sammappajno suvimuttacitto,

anupdiyno idha v hura v,


sa bhgav smaassa hoti. [20]

Yamakavaggo pahamo.5

ChS: sahita.
Metre: Two light syllables have been replaced by one heavy one at the
5th, see the Introduction to the Prosody for a discussion of this reading.
ChS: sahita.
Metre: Two light syllables have been replaced by one heavy one at the
ChS: Yamakavaggo pahamo nihito, and so for all the end titles from
here on.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 29

2: Appamdavaggo1

appamdo amatapada,2 pamdo maccuno pada,


appamatt na myanti, ye pamatt yath mat. [21]

pathy x 2

eta visesato atv appamdamhi pait,

appamde pamodanti, ariyna gocare rat. [22]


te jhyino statik, nicca dahaparakkam,


phusanti dhr nibbna,3 yogakkhema anuttara. [23]

Vetlya x 4

uhnavato satmato,4

sucikammassa nisammakrino,

saatassa ca dhammajvino,

appamattassa yasobhivahati. [24]


PTS: Appamdavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya dutiyo

Thai: amata pada.
BJT: nibba, always this spelling.
BJT, Thai: satimato; -- in the text is m.c. to give the normal cadence.
Metre: we have to count the first syllable as light here to correct the
ChS: omit ca.
Metre: For this variation in the opening see the Introduction.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 30

pathy x 2

uhnenappamdena sayamena damena ca,

dpa kayirtha medhv, ya ogho nbhikrati. [25]

pathy x 2

pamdam-anuyujanti bl dummedhino jan,

appamda-ca medhv dhana seha va rakkhati. [26]


m pamdam -anuyujetha m kmaratisanthava,


appamatto hi jhyanto pappoti vipul sukha. [27]

pathy x 3

pamda appamdena yad nudati paito,

papsdam -ruyha, asoko sokini paja,

pabbataho va bhummahe dhro ble avekkhati. [28]

Metre: this is one place in the Dhammapada where, if the rule of

resolution holds, then the metre is wrong, as this is not a known
variation. Alternatively (with Norman, WD, pg 68) we could count the
4th syllable as resolved, and we then have pathy. It seems to me that
the former is more likely, the prosody having been disturbed as this line
is the opposite of 26a.
Metre: we might have expected a reading pamda, as the labial -m is
incorrect by normal grammatical standards, and, contra Norman (WD)
it doesnt help the metre, which still has to be considered irregular.
PTS: papsda.
ChS: bhmahe.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 31

pathy x 2

appamatto pamattesu, suttesu bahujgaro,

abalassa va sghasso hitv yti sumedhaso. [29]


appamdena maghav devna sehata gato,


appamda pasasanti, pamdo garahito sad. [30]

pathy x 2

appamdarato bhikkhu, pamde bhayadassiv,

sayojana au-thla aha aggva gacchati. [31]

pathy x 2

appamdarato bhikkhu, pamde bhayadassiv,

abhabbo parihnya,2 nibbnasseva3 santike. [32]

Appamdavaggo dutiyo.4

Editors note: Thai, appdena, printers error.

BJT: parihya.
BJT: nibba-.
ChS: Appamdavaggo dutiyo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 32

3: Cittavaggo1
pathy x 2

phandana capala citta drakkha2 dunnivraya,

uju karoti medhv usukro va tejana. [33]

pathy x 2

vrijo va thale khitto oka-m-okata ubbhato,

pariphandatida citta mradheyya pahtave. [34]


dunniggahassa lahuno yatthakmaniptino,


cittassa damatho sdhu, citta danta sukhvaha. [35]


sududdasa sunipua3 yatthakmaniptina,


citta rakkhetha medhv, citta gutta sukhvaha. [36]


dragama ekacara asarra guhsaya,


ye citta saam-essanti mokkhanti mrabandhan. [37]

pathy x 2

anavahitacittassa saddhamma avijnato,

pariplavapasdassa1 pa na pariprati. [38]


PTS: Cittavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya tatiyo Cittavaggo.

BJT, Thai: durakkha.
BJT: sunipuna.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 33

pathy x 2

anavassutacittassa ananvhatacetaso,

puappapahnassa natthi jgarato bhaya. [39]

, Tuhubha x 3

kumbhpama kyam-ima3 viditv,


nagarpama cittam-ida hapetv,4


yodhetha mra pavudhena,5

, Jagat

jita-ca rakkhe anivesano6 siy. [40]

pathy x 2

acira vataya kyo pahavi adhisessati,

chuddho8 apetavio nirattha va kaligara. [41]


diso disa yanta kayir ver v pana verina


micchpaihita citta ppiyo na tato kare. [42]


BJT: paripalavapasdassa.
BJT: -pahassa.
Thai: ida.
Thai: thaketv ?.
BJT: payudhena. Metre: there is replacement of two light syllables
by one heavy one at the 6th.
Thai: anivesino.
ChS: pathavi.
Thai: chuo.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 34

pathy x 2

na ta mt pit kayir ae v pi ca tak

sammpaihita citta seyyaso na tato kare. [43]

Cittavaggo tatiyo.1

ChS: Cittavaggo tatiyo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 35

4: Pupphavaggo1
Vetlya x 4

k ima pahavi2 vicessati3

yamaloka-ca ima sadevaka?

ko dhammapada sudesita,

kusalo puppham-iva ppacessati? [44]

Vetlya x 4

sekho pahavi5 vicessati6

yamaloka-ca ima sadevaka.

sekho dhammapada sudesita,

kusalo puppham-iva ppacessati.8 [45]


PTS: Pupphavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya catuttho Pupphavaggo.

ChS: pathavi.
PTS, Thai: vijessati. Metre: here again the first syllable needs to be
counted as light to correct the metre.
BJT, Thai, ChS: iva pacessati.
ChS: pathavi.
PTS, Thai: vijessati.
Metre: note that this is a posterior line in place of a prior line,
exchanged through metrical licence (cf. 237c).
BJT, Thai, ChS: iva pacessati.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 36

, Tuhubha x 4

phepama kyam-ima viditv,


marcidhamma abhisambudhno,

chetvna mrassa papupphakni,


adassana maccurjassa gacche. [46]

pathy x 2

pupphni heva pacinanta bysattamanasa1 nara,

sutta gma mahogho va maccu dya gacchati. [47]

pathy x 2

pupphni heva pacinanta bysattamanasa2 nara,

atitta yeva kmesu antako kurute vasa. [48]

pathy x 2

yath pi bhamaro puppha vaagandha3 ahehaya

paeti rasam-dya, eva gme mun care. [49]

pathy x 2

na paresa vilomni, na paresa katkata,

attano va avekkheyya katni akatni ca. [50]

PTS: vysattamanasa.
PTS: vysattamanasa.
Thai: vaavanta; ChS: vaagandham.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 37

pathy x 2

yath pi rucira puppha vaavanta agandhaka,

eva subhsit vc aphal hoti akubbato. [51]

pathy x 2

yath pi rucira puppha vaavanta sagandhaka,

eva subhsit vc saphal hoti pakubbato.1 [52]

pathy x 2

yath pi puppharsimh kayir mlgue bah,

eva jtena maccena kattabba kusala bahu. [53]

. Tuhubha x 3

na pupphagandho paivtam-eti,

na candana tagaramallik v,

sata-ca gandho paivtam-eti,

. Jagat

sabb dis sappuriso pavyati.4 [54]

pathy x 2

candana tagara v pi, uppala atha vassik,

etesa gandhajtna slagandho anuttaro. [55]

PTS: sakubbato; Thai: sukubbato; ChS: kubbato.

Thai: mlgue.
ChS: omit v.
BJT, PTS: pavti. See Brough pg 268.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 38

pathy x 2

appamatto aya gandho yya1 tagaracandan,2

yo ca slavata gandho vti devesu uttamo. [56]

pathy x 2

tesa sampannaslna appamdavihrina

sammad-avimuttna, mro magga na vindati. [57]

pathy x 2

yath sakradhnasmi ujjhitasmi mahpathe,

paduma tattha jyetha sucigandha manorama. [58]

pathy x 2

eva sakrabhtesu andhabhte puthujjane,

atirocati paya sammsambuddhasvako. [59]

Pupphavaggo catuttho.4

Thai, ChS: yvya.

ChS: tagaracandana.
ChS: sakrahnasmi.
ChS: Pupphavaggo catuttho nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 39

5: Blavaggo1

dgh jgarato ratti, dgha santassa yojana,


dgho blna2 sasro saddhamma avijnata. [60]

pathy x 2

cara-ce ndhigaccheyya seyya sadisam-attano,

ekacariya daha kayir, natthi ble sahyat. [61]

pathy x 2

putt matthi dhanam-matthi3 iti blo vihaati,

att hi attano natthi kuto putt, kuto dhana? [62]


yo blo maati blya,4 paito v pi tena so,


blo ca paitamn sa ve blo ti vuccati. [63]

pathy x 2

yvajvam-pi ce blo paita payirupsati

na so dhamma vijnti, dabb sparasa yath. [64]

PTS: Blavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya pacamo Blavaggo.

Thai: blna.
PTS: dhana m atthi; Thai: dhanamatthi.
PTS: maat balya.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 40

pathy x 2

muhuttam-api ce vi1 paita payirupsati

khippa dhamma vijnti, jivh sparasa yath. [65]


caranti bl dummedh amitteneva attan,


karont ppaka kamma ya hoti kaukapphala. [66]

pathy x 2

na ta kamma kata sdhu ya katv anutappati,

yassa assumukho roda vipka paisevati. [67]


ta-ca kamma kata sdhu ya katv nnutappati,


yassa patto sumano vipka paisevati. [68]

savipul x 2

madhuv maati2 blo, yva ppa na paccati,

yad ca paccati ppa, atha blo dukkha nigacchati. [69]

BJT: viu.
PTS: maat; the readings in this line, and in line c in PTS are m.c. to
produce the pathy cadence, but the fifth variation (vipul) is
acceptable, and has the most manuscript support, so there is no need for
a change in the normal word form.
PTS: paccat.
Thai places blo in brackets; ChS omits atha. Metre: as it stands there
are two syllables too many in line d, the vv.ll.s arise from trying to
regularize the metre. If this is a Vetlya line as Norman (WD) suggests,
then it is a very unusual shape (cf. 119d; 120d).

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 41

pathy x 2

mse mse kusaggena blo bhujetha1 bhojana,

na so sakhtadhammna kala agghati soasi. [70]

pathy x 2

na hi ppa kata kamma sajju khra va muccati,

ahanta blam-anveti bhasmacchanno3 va pvako. [71]

pathy x 2

yvad-eva anatthya atta blassa jyati,

hanti blassa sukkasa muddham4-assa viptaya. [72]

pathy x 2

asata5 bhvanam6-iccheyya, purekkhra-ca bhikkhusu,

vsesu ca issariya, pj parakulesu ca. [73]

pathy x 3

mameva kata maantu7 gih pabbajit ubho,

mameva ativas8 assu kicckiccesu kismici,

iti blassa sakappo icch mno ca vahati. [74]


ChS: bhujeyya.
PTS: ngghati.
PTS, Thai: bhasmcchanno.
Thai: muddha.
Thai, ChS: asanta.
Thai: bhvam-.
BJT: kata maant; ( is a printers error) in the text niggahta is lost
m.c. to give the pathy cadence.
PTS, ChS: mam evtivas.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 42


a hi lbhpanis, a nibbnagmin,1
pathy x 2

evam-eta abhiya bhikkhu buddhassa svako

sakkra nbhinandeyya, vivekam-anubrhaye.2 [75]


Blavaggo pacamo.

Editors note: BJT, nibbna-, against its usual spelling.

Metre: note that -br- does not make position here, which is very unusual
for br in medial position.
ChS: Blavaggo pacamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 43

6: Paitavaggo1

nidhna2 va pavattra ya passe vajjadassina,


niggayhavdi medhvi tdisa paita bhaje,


tdisa bhajamnassa seyyo hoti na ppiyo. [76]

pathy x 2

ovadeyynusseyya, asabbh ca nivraye,

sata hi so piyo hoti, asata hoti appiyo. [77]


na bhaje ppake mitte, na bhaje purisdhame,


bhajetha mitte kalye, bhajetha purisuttame. [78]

pathy x 2

dhammapti sukha seti, vippasannena cetas,

ariyappavedite dhamme sad ramati paito. [79]

Vetlya x 4

udaka hi5 nayanti nettik,

usukr namayanti tejana,

PTS: Paitavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya chaho Paitavaggo.

BJT: nidhina.
BJT: ovadeyyanusseyya.
PTS: vipasannena; (in WD Norman lists this as a misprint for vippa-).
Thai: udaka-hi.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 44

dru namayanti tacchak,

attna damayanti pait. [80]


selo yath ekaghano vtena na samrati,


eva nindpasassu na samijanti1 pait. [81]


yath pi rahado gambhro vippasanno anvilo,


eva dhammni sutvna vippasdanti pait. [82]

, Tuhubha x 4

sabbattha ve sappuris vajanti,3


na kmakm lapayanti santo,


sukhena phuh atha v dukhena,4


noccvaca5 pait dassayanti. [83]

, Tuhubha x 2

na attahetu na parassa hetu,


na puttam-icche na dhana na raha,

Thai: sammijanti.
PTS: vipasanno.
BJT, ChS: cajanti. See Brough pg 245.
Thai: dukkhena; in the text the consonant cluster is simplified m.c. to
give the normal cadence.
PTS, ChS: na uccvaca.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 45


na iccheyya adhammena samiddhim-attano,

, Jagat

sa slav paav dhammiko siy. [84]


appak te manussesu ye jan pragmino,


athya itar paj tram-evnudhvati. [85]

pathy x 2

ye ca kho sammad-akkhte dhamme dhammnuvattino

te jan pram-essanti, maccudheyya suduttara. [86]


kaha dhamma vippahya sukka bhvetha paito,


ok anoka gamma viveke yattha drama. [87]

pathy x 2

tatrbhiratim-iccheyya hitv kme akicano,

pariyodapeyya attna cittaklesehi paito. [88]

Metre: the line is very poor metrically here, we could read niccheyy
adhammena, or better niccheyydhammena, as the Vedic opening
is found in early Pali verse.
ChS: anokam.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 46

pathy x 2

yesa sambodhi-agesu1 samm citta subhvita,

dnapainissagge anupdya ye rat,


khsav jutimanto2 te loke parinibbut. [89]

Paitavaggo chaho.

Thai, ChS: sambodhiyagesu.

PTS: jutmanto.
ChS: Paitavaggo chaho nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 47

7: Arahantavaggo1
pathy x 2

gataddhino visokassa vippamuttassa sabbadhi,

sabbaganthappahnassa2 pariho na vijjati. [90]

pathy x 2

uyyujanti satmanto, na nikete ramanti te,

has va pallala hitv okam-oka jahanti te. [91]

pathy x 3

yesa sannicayo4 natthi, ye paritabhojan,

suato animitto ca vimokkho yesa gocaro,

kse va sakuntna gati tesa durannay. [92]

pathy x 3

yasssav parikkh hre ca anissito,

suato animitto ca vimokkho6 yassa gocaro,

kse va sakuntna pada tassa durannaya. [93]


PTS: Arahantavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya sattamo

BJT: sabbaganthappahassa.
BJT: satimanto; in the text is m.c. to give pathy, which here has the
support of most of the manuscripts.
Thai: sanniccayo.
PTS, ChS: yesa; in the text niggahta is lost m.c. to produce the normal
Siloka cadence.
PTS: vimokho.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 48

, Tuhubha x 3

yassindriyni samatha gatni,1


ass yath srathin sudant,


pahnamnassa3 ansavassa,
, Jagat

dev pi tassa pihayanti tdino. [94]

Vetlya x 4

pahavisamo4 no virujjhati,

indakhlpam tdi subbato,

rahado va apetakaddamo,

sasr na bhavanti tdino. [95]

pathy x 2

santa tassa mana hoti, sant vc ca kamma ca,

sammad-avimuttassa, upasantassa tdino. [96]


Thai, ChS: samathagatni.

ChS: omit Ass.
BJT: pahamnassa.
PTS, Thai: pahavsamo; ChS: pathavisamo.
Metre: this is an example of the variant opening discussed in the
Introduction, but note we still must read -pam to correct the metre
ChS: indakhilupamo; a reading produced to correct the metre, but it is
not needed as we can scan -o as light, and we then have an acceptable

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 49


assaddho akata ca sandhicchedo ca yo naro,


hatvakso vantso sa ve uttamaporiso. [97]


gme v yadi vrae, ninne v yadi v thale,


yattharahanto1 viharanti ta bhmi rmaeyyaka.2 [98]

pathy x 2

ramayni arani, yattha na ramat jano,

vtarg ramissanti,4 na te kmagavesino. [99]

Arahantavaggo sattamo.5

BJT: yatthrahanto; Thai, ChS: yattha arahanto.

Thai, ChS: bhmirmaeyyaka.
Metre: note that the 2nd and 3rd syllables are light again here.
Thai: ramessanti.
ChS: Arahantavaggo sattamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 50

8: Sahassavaggo1
pathy x 2

sahassam-api ce vc anatthapadasahit,

eka atthapada seyyo ya sutv upasammati. [100]

pathy x 2

sahassam-api ce gth anatthapadasahit,

eka gthpada seyyo ya sutv upasammati. [101]

pathy x 2

yo ce gthsata bhse anatthapadasahit

eka dhammapada seyyo ya sutv upasammati. [102]

pathy x 2

yo sahassa sahassena sagme mnuse jine,

eka-ca jeyya attna5 sa ve sagmajuttamo. [103]

pathy x 2

att have jita seyyo y cya itar paj

attadantassa posassa, nicca saatacrino. [104]

PTS: Sahassavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya ahamo Sahassavaggo.

PTS: ekam.
PTS, Thai: ca.
Editors note: BJT, anatthapadasahita, by mistake.
PTS, Thai, ChS: jeyya-m-attna.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 51

pathy x 2

neva devo na gandhabbo, na mro saha brahmun,

jita apajita kayir tathrpassa jantuno. [105]

pathy x 3

mse mse sahassena yo yajetha sata sama,

eka-ca bhvitattna muhuttam-api pjaye,

s yeva pjan seyyo1 ya-ce vassasata huta. [106]

pathy x 3

yo ca vassasata jantu aggi paricare vane,

eka-ca bhvitattna muhuttam-api pjaye,

s yeva pjan seyyo2 ya-ce vassasata huta. [107]

, Tuhubha x 4

ya kici yiha ca huta ca3 loke,


savacchara yajetha puapekkho,5

BJT: seyy.
BJT: seyy.
BJT, Thai, ChS: yiha va huta va.
The break is unusual here, having a heavy 6th without the caesura
which normally follows it. We should probably understand yajtha m.c.
PTS: puapekho.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 52


sabbam-pi1 ta na catubhgam-eti,

abhivdan ujjugatesu seyyo. [108]


abhivdanaslissa nicca vaddhpacyino,4


cattro dhamm vahanti: yu vao sukha bala. [109]

pathy x 2

yo ca vassasata jve dusslo asamhito,

ekha jvita seyyo slavantassa jhyino. [110]

pathy x 2

yo ca vassasata jve duppao asamhito,

ekha jvita seyyo paavantassa jhyino. [111]

pathy x 2

yo ca vassasata jve kusto hnavriyo,

ekha jvita seyyo viriyam7-rabhato daha. [112]


Thai: Sabba pi.

Thai: ujugatesu.
BJT: seyy.
Thai, ChS: vuhpacyino.
PTS: pavantassa.
BJT: ce.
ChS: vriyam.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 53

pathy x 2

yo ca1 vassasata jve apassa udayabbaya,2

ekha jvita seyyo passato udayabbaya. [113]

pathy x 2

yo ca3 vassasata jve apassa amata pada,

ekha jvita seyyo passato amata pada. [114]

pathy x 2

yo ca vassasata jve apassa dhammam-uttama,

ekha jvita seyyo passato dhammam-uttama. [115]

Sahassavaggo ahamo.

BJT: ce.
BJT, PTS: udayavyaya, and in the next line.
BJT: ce.
BJT: ce.
ChS: Sahassavaggo ahamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 54

9: Ppavaggo1

abhittharetha2 kalye, pp citta nivraye,


dandha hi karato3 pua ppasmi ramat mano. [116]


ppa-ce puriso kayir, na ta kayir punappuna,


na tamhi chanda kayirtha, dukkho ppassa uccayo. [117]


pua-ce puriso kayir, kayirtheta4 punappuna,


tamhi chanda kayirtha, sukho puassa uccayo. [118]


ppo pi passati bhadra yva ppa na paccati,


yad ca paccati6 ppa atha ppo7 ppni passati. [119]



PTS: Ppavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya navamo Ppavaggo.

BJT: abhitvaretha.
BJT, PTS, ChS: karoto.
PTS: kayirthena; ChS: kayir na. Metre: note that the sarabhatti
vowel kayir- is discounted 3 times in the last verse, and also in lines a &
b here - but it has to be counted as a full vowel in line c to fit the
PTS: passat.
PTS: paccat.
Thai places ppo in brackets. Norman (WD) suggests that this is a
Vetlya line, but if that is so it has a very unusual shape to it which
doesnt occur elsewhere in the Dhammapada (cf. 69d; 120d).

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 55


bhadro pi passati1 ppa yva bhadra na paccati,


yad ca paccati bhadra atha bhadro bhadrni passati. [120]

pathy x 2

mppamaetha4 ppassa na ma ta5 gamissati.

udabinduniptena udakumbho pi prati,


prati blo6 ppassa, thokathokam7-pi cina. [121]

pathy x 3

mppamaetha8 puassa na ma ta9 gamissati.

udabinduniptena udakumbho pi prati,

dhro prati10 puassa, thokathokam11-pi cina. [122]

pathy x 2

vijo va bhaya magga appasattho mahaddhano,

visa jvitukmo va, ppni parivajjaye. [123]


PTS: passat.
PTS: paccat.
Thai places bhadro in brackets.
BJT: mpamaetha; Thai, ChS: mvamaetha.
Editors note: BJT actually prints manta here, but ma ta in the next
verse. PTS, ChS: man ta; Thai: matta.
PTS, ChS: prati blo.
Thai: thoka thoka; ChS: thoka thokam.
BJT: mpamaetha; Thai, ChS: mvamaetha.
PTS, ChS: man ta; Thai: matta.
BJT: prati dhro; Thai: prati dhro.
Thai: thoka thoka; ChS: thoka thokam.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 56

pathy x 2

pimhi ce vao nssa hareyya pin visa,

nbbaa visam-anveti, natthi ppa akubbato. [124]

, Jagat

yo appaduhassa narassa dussati,

, Tuhubha x 3

suddhassa posassa anagaassa,


tam-eva bla pacceti ppa


sukhumo rajo paivta va khitto. [125]

pathy x 2

gabbham-ekepapajjanti niraya ppakammino,

sagga sugatino yanti parinibbanti ansav. [126]

, Tuhubha x 4

na antalikkhe, na samuddamajjhe,

na pabbatna vivara pavissa,2


na vijjat so jagatippadeso

yatthahito3 mucceyya4 ppakamm. [127]

PTS: eke upapajjanti; ChS: eke uppajjanti.

Thai: pavsa.
Thai: yatrahito.
PTS: muceyya.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 57

, Tuhubha x 4

na antalikkhe, na samuddamajjhe,

na pabbatna vivara pavissa,

na vijjat2 so jagatippadeso

yatthahita nappasahetha3 maccu. [128]

Ppavaggo navamo.4

Thai: pavsa.
Editors note: BJT actually prints vijjati here, but vijjat, as is required
by the metre, in the previous verse.
Thai: yatrahita nappasaheyya; ChS: yatthahita nappasaheyya.
ChS: Ppavaggo navamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 58

10: Daavaggo1
pathy x 2

sabbe tasanti daassa, sabbe bhyanti maccuno,

attna upama katv, na haneyya na ghtaye. [129]

pathy x 2

sabbe tasanti daassa, sabbesa jvita piya,

attna upama katv, na haneyya na ghtaye. [130]

pathy x 2

sukhakmni bhtni yo daena vihisati,

attano sukham-esno pecca so na labhate sukha. [131]

pathy x 2

sukhakmni bhtni yo daena na hisati,

attano sukham-esno pecca so labhate sukha. [132]


mvoca pharusa kaci, vutt paivadeyyu ta,


dukkh hi srambhakath, paida phuseyyu ta. [133]


PTS: Daavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya dasamo Daavaggo.

Metre: note that the resolution at the 4th here is unusual in that we have
to take the negative as the first syllable in the resolution; it appears that
the negative is so closely attached syntactically to the word it modifies
that it is sometimes taken as though it were part of the following word

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 59

pathy x 2

sace neresi attna, kaso upahato yath,

esa pattosi nibbna, srambho te na vijjati. [134]


yath daena goplo gvo pceti2 gocara,


eva jar ca maccu ca yu pcenti3 pina. [135]

pathy x 2

atha ppni kammni kara blo na bujjhati,

sehi kammehi dummedho aggidaho va tappati. [136]


yo daena adaesu appaduhesu dussati

9 syllables

dasannam-aatara hna khippam-eva nigacchati: [137]

pathy x 2

vedana pharusa jni, sarrassa ca bhedana,

garuka v pi bdha, cittakkhepa va4 ppue, [138]

BJT: nibba.
ChS: pjeti.
ChS: pjenti.
ChS: cittakkhepa-ca.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 60


rjato v1 upasagga,2 abbhakkhna va3 drua,


parikkhaya va tna, bhogna va pabhagura. [139]


atha vssa agrni, aggi8 ahati pvako.


kyassa bhed duppao niraya so upapajjati.9 [140]

, Tuhubha x 4

na naggacariy na ja na pak,

nnsak10 thailasyik v,




PTS: va.
BJT, PTS: upassagga; the variant reading recorded here is m.c. to
produce the pathy cadence, but savipul is acceptable, so there is no
need for a change in the normal word form.
ChS: abbhakkhna-ca.
ChS: parikkhaya-ca.
PTS: tina.
ChS: bhogna-ca. Metre: we might have expected a reading v here as
the shortening of the vowel is not required m.c. It has probably arisen
through imitation of va (< v) is the previous lines.
PTS: pabhagua.
PTS: agg - this reading corrects the metre by avoiding 2 light syllables
in 2nd & 3rd positions, but it doesnt have good manuscript support.
PTS, ChS: sopapajjati.
BJT: nnsik.


A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 61


rjo ca jalla2 ukkuikappadhna,


sodhenti macca avitiakakha. [141]

, Tuhubha x 4

alakato ce pi sama careyya,


santo danto niyato brahmacr,3


sabbesu bhtesu nidhya daa,


so brhmao so samao sa4 bhikkhu. [142]


hirnisedho5 puriso koci lokasmi6 vijjati,


yo ninda7 appabodhati8 asso bhadro kasm-iva.9 [143]


Metre: this is the extended form of the Tuhubha metre, pausing at the
fifth and re-starting from the same syllable.
PTS: rajo va jalla; Thai, ChS: rajo jalla.
Metre: note the Vedic opening which is found quite frequently in early
Pi verse.
Metre: note that sa is read here m.c. for so, to produce the required
Thai: hirinisedho; in the text is m.c. to avoid 2 light syllables in 2nd &
3rd position.
BJT: lokasmi; in the text niggahta is lost m.c. to give the normal
Thai, ChS: nidda.
BJT, Thai: apabodhati; ChS: apabodheti.
PTS numbers this verse 143a. Note that the long in kasm is m.c. to
produce the normal cadence.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 62

, Tuhubha x 2

asso yath bhadro kasniviho


tpino savegino bhavtha.2

, Jagat x 4

saddhya slena ca vriyena3 ca,


samdhin dhammavinicchayena ca,


sampannavijjcara patissat,

pahassatha4 dukkham-ida anappaka. [144]

Vetlya x 4

udaka hi nayanti nettik,

usukr namayanti tejana,

dru namayanti tacchak,

attna damayanti subbat. [145]

Daavaggo dasamo.5


The break is unusual here, having a heavy 6th without the caesura
which normally follows it. We should probably understand savgino
PTS numbers this part of the verse as 143b, and starts 144 from the next
PTS, Thai: viriyena; in the text is m.c. to give the normal cadence.
ChS: jahissatha.
ChS: Daavaggo dasamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 63

11: Jarvaggo1
pathy x 2

ko nu hso kim-nando nicca pajjalite sati?

andhakrena onaddh padpa na gavesatha?2 [146]

pathy x 2

passa cittakata bimba arukya samussita

tura bahusakappa yassa natthi dhuva hiti. [147]

pathy x 2

parijiam-ida4 rpa rogana pabhagura,5

bhijjati ptisandeho maraanta hi jvita. [148]

pathy x 2

ynimni apatthni alpneva7 srade,

kpotakni ahni tni disvna k rati? [149]


PTS: Jarvagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya ekdasamo Jarvaggo.

BJT, PTS: gavessatha.
Thai: dhuva-hiti.
PTS: parijia ida.
BJT: roganiha pabhagura; PTS: rogania pabhagua; Thai:
roganiddha pabhagua.
Metre: the 2nd and 3rd syllables of the prior line are light again in this
ChS: albneva.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 64

Anuhubha x 4

ahna nagara kata


yattha jar ca maccu ca

mno makkho ca ohito. [150]

, Tuhubha x 4

jranti ve rjarath sucitt,


atho sarram-pi jara upeti.


sata-ca dhammo na jara upeti,


santo have sabbhi pavedayanti. [151]


appassutya puriso balivaddo2 va jrati,


masni tassa vahanti, pa tassa na vahati. [152]

pathy x 2

anekajtisasra sandhvissa anibbisa

gahakraka gavesanto: dukkh jti punappuna. [153]


Metre: this is a rare example of a samavutta Anuhubha verse.

ChS: balibaddo.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 65

pathy x 3

gahakraka dihosi! puna geha na khasi:

sabb te phsuk bhagg, gahaka visakhita,

visakhragata citta, tahna khayam-ajjhag. [154]


acaritv brahmacariya aladdh yobbane dhana


jiakoc va jhyanti khamacche va pallale. [155]


acaritv brahmacariya aladdh yobbane dhana


senti cptikhitt3 va purni anutthuna. [156]

Jarvaggo ekdasamo.

PTS: ete.
Thai, ChS: visakhata.
Thai, ChS: cptikh.
ChS: Jarvaggo ekdasamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 66

12: Attavaggo1
pathy x 2

attna-ce piya ja rakkheyya na surakkhita

tiam-aatara2 yma paijaggeyya paito. [157]


attnam-eva pahama patirpe nivesaye,


athaam-anusseyya na kilisseyya paito. [158]


attna-ce tath kayir yathaam-anussati,


sudanto vata dametha, att hi kira duddamo. [159]

pathy x 2

att hi attano ntho ko hi ntho paro siy?

attan va sudantena ntha labhati dullabha. [160]

pathy x 2

attan va5 kata ppa attaja attasambhava,

abhimatthati dummedha vajira vasmamaya mai. [161]


PTS: Attavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya dvdasamo Attavaggo.

PTS, ChS: tia aatara.
Thai: pairpe.
BJT, Thai: dammetha.
ChS: attan hi.
PTS: v amhamaya; Thai: vamhaya.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 67

pathy x 2

yassa accantadusslya mluv slam-ivotata1

karoti so tathattna yath na icchat diso. [162]

pathy x 2

sukarni asdhni attano ahitni ca,

ya ve hita-ca sdhu-ca2 ta ve paramadukkara. [163]


yo ssana arahata ariyna dhammajvina,


paikkosati dummedho dihi nissya ppika,

phalni kahakasseva attaghaya3 phallati. [164]

pathy x 2

attan va kata ppa, attan sakilissati,

attan akata ppa, attan va visujjhati,


suddh asuddh5 paccatta, no aa6 visodhaye. [165]


Thai, ChS: slamivotthata. Metre: there are 9 syllables in line b.

Editors note: BJT, hita-ca sdhu ca.
ChS: attaghtya.
ChS: attan hi.
BJT, Thai: suddhi asuddh; ChS: suddh asuddhi.
BJT: nam-ao.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 68

pathy x 2

atta-d-attha paratthena bahun pi na hpaye,

atta-d-attham-abhiya sa-d-atthapasuto siy. [166]

Attavaggo dvdasamo.1

ChS: Attavaggo dvdasamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 69

13: Lokavaggo1
pathy x 2

hna dhamma na seveyya, pamdena na savase,

micchdihi na seveyya, na siy lokavahano.2 [167]

pathy x 2

uttihe nappamajjeyya, dhamma sucarita care,

dhammacr sukha seti asmi loke paramhi ca. [168]


dhamma care sucarita, na na duccarita care,


dhammacr sukha seti asmi loke paramhi ca. [169]

pathy x 2

yath bubbulaka4 passe, yath passe marcika,

eva loka avekkhanta maccurj na passati. [170]

pathy x 2

etha passathima loka citta rjarathpama

yattha bl visdanti, natthi sago vijnata. [171]

PTS: Lokavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya terasamo Lokavaggo.

BJT: lokavaddhano.
Editors note: BJT, dhammacri, but cf. the next verse.
Thai, ChS: pubbuaka.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 70

pathy x 2

yo ca pubbe pamajjitv pacch so nappamajjati,

s ima loka pabhseti abbh mutto va candim. [172]

pathy x 2

yassa ppa kata kamma kusalena pithyati,

s ima 3 loka pabhseti abbh mutto va candim. [173]

pathy x 2

andhabhto aya loko, tanukettha vipassati,

sakunto4 jlamutto va appo saggya gacchati. [174]


hasdiccapathe5 yanti, kse yanti iddhiy,


nyanti dhr lokamh jetv mra savhana. [175]

pathy x 2

eka dhamma attassa musvdissa jantuno8

vitiaparalokassa natthi ppa akriya. [176]

PTS, ChS: soma. This reading looks very much like a correction to the
metre, and the lectio difficilior is to be preferred both here and below.

ChS: pidhyati.
PTS, ChS: soma.
ChS: sakuo.
Thai: has diccapathe.
BJT: niyyanti.
BJT, ChS: savhini; PTS: savhani.
Editors note: BJT, jantno, printers error.


A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 71

, Tuhubha x 4

na ve kadariy devaloka vajanti,


bl have nappasasanti dna,


dhro ca dna anumodamno,


teneva so hoti sukh 2 parattha. [177]

pathy x 2

pathavy ekarajjena saggassa gamanena v

sabbalokdhipaccena sotpattiphala vara. [178]

Lokavaggo terasamo.4

Metre: another example of the extended Tuhubha, pausing at the fifth

and re-starting from the same syllable.
Editors note: BJT, skh, printers error; in the text is m.c. to give the
normal cadence.
ChS: pathaby.
ChS: Lokavaggo terasamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 72

14: Buddhavaggo1

yassa jita nvajyati,


jita assa2 no yti koci loke,

Vetlya x 2

tam-buddham -anantagocara

apada kena padena nessatha? [179]

Vetlya x 4

yassa jlin visattik,

tah natthi kuhici netave,

tam-buddham -anantagocara

apada kena padena nessatha? [180]


ye jhnapasut dhr nekkhammpasame rat,


dev pi tesa pihayanti, sambuddhna satmata. [181]

PTS: Buddhavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya cuddasamo

BJT, Thai: jitam-assa.
Thai: ta buddha.
Thai: ta buddha.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 73


kiccho manussapailbho, kiccha macchna1 jvita,


kiccha saddhammasavana,3 kiccho buddhnam4 uppdo. [182]


sabbappassa akaraa, kusalassa upasampad,5


sacittapariyodapana - eta buddhna ssana. [183]

Opacchandasaka x 4

khant parama tapo titikkh,6

nibbna parama vadanti buddh.

na hi pabbajito parpaght,

samao8 hoti para vihehayanto. [184]



ChS: maccna; in the text niggahta is lost m.c. to give the normal
Metre: the cadence is incorrect in this line - as Norman (WD) says, it
may be this was originally a prior line (showing pathy structure) which
has been taken over.
Thai, ChS: saddhammassavana.
BJT: buddhna.
Thai: kusalasspasampad.
Thai: ttikkh, printers error.
BJT: nibba.
ChS: na samao.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 74


anupavdo anupaghto,1 ptimokkhe ca savaro,

pathy x 2

mattaut ca bhattasmi, panta-ca sayansana,

adhicitte ca yogo - eta buddhna ssana. [185]

pathy x 2

na kahpaavassena titti kmesu vijjati,

appassd dukh km iti viya paito, [186]

pathy x 2

api dibbesu kmesu rati so ndhigacchati.

tahakkhayarato hoti sammsambuddhasvako. [187]

pathy x 2

bahu ve saraa yanti, pabbatni vanni ca,

rmarukkhacetyni, manuss bhayatajjit. [188]

pathy x 2

neta kho saraa khema, neta saraam-uttama,

neta saraam-gamma sabbadukkh pamuccati. [189]


BJT, Thai, ChS: anpavdo anpaghto. It should be noted that the PTS
readings (which I have accepted here) are based on the old Thai
manuscripts only, but the reading an in the other editions has probably
arisen through imitation of parpaght in the previous verse. If an- is
the correct reading then we have to accept the fact that the metre is
very wrong indeed, giving a 10 syllable line.
Thai: dukkh; in the text the consonant cluster is simplified m.c. to
produce the pathy cadence.
BJT: bah.
PTS: saraa gamma, also in 192 below.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 75

pathy x 2

yo ca buddha-ca dhamma-ca sagha-ca saraa gato,

cattri ariyasaccni sammappaya passati: [190]

pathy x 2

dukkha dukkhasamuppda dukkhassa ca atikkama,

ariya-cahagika magga dukkhpasamagmina. [191]

pathy x 2

eta kho saraa khema, eta saraam-uttama,

eta saraam-gamma sabbadukkh pamuccati. [192]

pathy x 2

dullabho purisjao, na so sabbattha jyati,

yattha so jyat dhro ta kula sukham-edhati. [193]

pathy x 2

sukho buddhnam5-uppdo, sukh saddhammadesan,

sukh saghassa smagg,6 samaggna tapo sukho. [194]


pjrahe pjayato, buddhe yadi va svake,


papacasamatikkante, tiasokapariddave. [195]


PTS: sammapaya.
PTS: saraa gamma.
BJT, ChS: jyati; in the text is m.c. to give the pathy cadence.
Editors note: BJT, kla, printers error.
BJT, PTS, Thai: buddhna.
BJT: smaggi.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 76


te tdise pjayato, nibbute akutobhaye,


na sakk pua sakhtu imettam-api kenaci. [196]

Buddhavaggo cuddasamo.1

Editors note: BJT, cuddasamo Buddhavaggo, against its normal practice

of putting the name first. ChS: Buddhavaggo cuddasamo nihito.

ChS: omits this end title.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 77

15: Sukhavaggo1
pathy x 2

susukha vata jvma verinesu averino,

verinesu manussesu viharma averino. [197]

pathy x 2

susukha vata jvma turesu antur,

turesu manussesu viharma antur. [198]

pathy x 2

susukha vata jvma ussukesu anussuk

ussukesu manussesu viharma anussuk. [199]

pathy x 2

susukha vata jvma yesa3 no natthi kicana,

ptibhakkh bhavissma dev bhassar yath. [200]


jaya vera pasavati dukkha seti parjito,


upasanto sukha seti hitv jayaparjaya. [201]

pathy x 2

natthi rgasamo aggi, natthi dosasamo kali,

natthi khandhasam1 dukkh, natthi santipara sukha. [202]


PTS: Sukhavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya paarasamo

Editors note: BJT, usskesu, printers error.
PTS, Thai: yesan.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 78

pathy x 2

jighacch param rog, sakhraparam dukh, 2

eta atv yathbhta nibbna parama sukha. [203]

pathy x 2

rogyaparam lbh, santuhiparama dhana,

visssaparam t, nibbna parama4 sukha. [204]

pathy x 2

pavivekarasa pitv,5 rasa upasamassa ca,

niddaro hoti nipppo, dhammaptirasa piva.6 [205]

pathy x 2

shu dassanam-ariyna, sannivso sad sukho,

adassanena blna niccam-eva sukh siy. [206]



PTS, Thai: khandhdis.

PTS: sakhr param dukh; Thai: sakhr param dukkh; in the
text the consonant cluster has been simplified m.c. to give the normal
BJT: nibbaparama.
BJT: nibbaparama.
PTS: ptv.
BJT: piba.
PTS: sdhu.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 79

pathy x 3

blasagatacr hi dgham-addhna socati,

dukkho blehi savso amitteneva sabbad.

dhro ca sukhasavso tna va samgamo. [207]

tasm hi,
, Tuhubha x 3

dhra-ca paa-ca bahussuta-ca,


dhorayhasla vatavantam-ariya,1

ta tdisa sappurisa sumedha,


bhajetha nakkhattapatha va candim. [208]

Sukhavaggo paarasamo.


BJT, PTS: riya.

Editors note: BJT, Paarasamo sukhavaggo, against its normal practice
of putting the name first. PTS: Sukhavaggo pannarasamo; ChS:
Sukhavaggo pannarasamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 80

16: Piyavaggo1
pathy x 2

ayoge yujam-attna,2 yogasmi-ca ayojaya,

attha hitv piyaggh, pihetattnuyogina. [209]


m piyehi samgach3 appiyehi kudcana,

9 syllables

piyna adassana dukkha, appiyna-ca dassana. [210]

pathy x 2

tasm piya na kayirtha, piypyo hi ppako,

ganth tesa na vijjanti yesa natthi piyppiya. [211]

pathy x 2

piyato jyat soko, piyato jyat bhaya,

piyato vippamuttassa natthi soko kuto bhaya. [212]

pathy x 2

pemato jyat soko, pemato jyat bhaya,

pemato vippamuttassa natthi soko kuto bhaya. [213]

pathy x 2

ratiy jyat soko, ratiy jyat bhaya,

ratiy vippamuttassa natthi soko kuto bhaya. [214]


PTS: Piyavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya soasamo Piyavaggo.

PTS: yuja attna.
PTS, ChS: samgachi.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 81

pathy x 2

kmato jyat soko, kmato jyat bhaya,

kmato vippamuttassa natthi soko kuto bhaya. [215]

pathy x 2

tahya jyat soko, tahya jyat bhaya,

tahya vippamuttassa natthi soko kuto bhaya. [216]

pathy x 2

sladassanasampanna, dhammaha saccavedina1

attano kamma kubbna, ta jano kurute piya. [217]


chandajto anakkhte, manas ca phuo3 siy,


kmesu ca appaibaddhacitto, uddhasoto ti vuccati. [218]


cirappavsi purisa drato sotthim-gata,


timitt suhajj ca abhinandanti gata. [219]

PTS, Thai: saccavdina.

Thai: tajano.
Thai: phuho.
Metre: line c, as it stands, does not fit into any metre, if we read c m.c.
it gives a Tuhubha line - but as that would make the 3rd line
Tuhubha in what is otherwise a Siloka verse the solution does not seem
very satisfactory.
Thai: kme ca apaibaddhacitto.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 82

pathy x 2

tatheva katapuam-pi asm lok para gata,

puni paigahanti piya tva gata. [220]

Piyavaggo soasamo.2


BJT: patigahanti.
Editors note: BJT, Soasamo piyavaggo, against its normal practice of
putting the name first; ChS: Piyavaggo soasamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 83

17: Kodhavaggo1
, Tuhubha x 4

kodha jahe vippajaheyya mna


sayojana sabbam-atikkameyya

ta2 nmarpasmi3 asajjamna


akicana nnupatanti dukkh. [221]

pathy (x 2)

yo ve uppatita kodha ratha bhanta va dhraye,

tam-aha srathi brmi rasmiggho itaro jano. [222]


akkodhena jine kodha, asdhu sdhun jine,


jine kadariya dnena, saccena alikavdina. [223]

pathy x 2

sacca bhae na kujjheyya, dajjppasmim-pi ycito,6

etehi thi hnehi gacche devna santike. [224]


PTS: Kodhavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya sattarasamo Kodhavaggo.

Thai: Tan.
PTS, ChS: -rpasmim.
Metre: line d has 9 syllables, we could correct it by reading taro m.c.
PTS, ChS: saccenlikavdina.
PTS, Thai: dajj appasmi ycito; ChS: dajj appampi ycito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 84


ahisak ye munayo, nicca kyena savut,


te yanti accuta hna, yattha gantv na socare. [225]

pathy x 2

sad jgaramnna ahorattnusikkhina,

nibbna1 adhimuttna, attha gacchanti sav. [226]


poram-eta atula neta ajjatanm-iva,

pathy x 2

nindanti tuhim-sna, nindanti bahubhina,

mitabhinam-pi3 nindanti, natthi loke anindito. [227]


na chu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati


ekanta nindito poso ekanta v pasasito. [228]


ya-ce vi pasasanti, anuvicca suve suve,


acchiddavutti medhvi, paslasamhita, [229]

pathy x 2

nekkha4 jambonadasseva, ko ta ninditum-arahati?

dev pi na pasasanti, brahmun pi pasasito. [230]


BJT: nibba.
PTS: tuhi sna.
BJT, Thai, ChS: mitabhampi.
ChS: nikkha.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 85


kyappakopa rakkheyya, kyena1 savuto siy,


kyaduccarita hitv kyena sucarita care. [231]


vacpakopa rakkheyya, vcya savuto siy,


vacduccarita hitv vcya sucarita care. [232]


manopakopa rakkheyya, manas savuto siy,


manoduccarita hitv manas sucarita care. [233]

pathy x 2

kyena savut dhr, atho vcya savut,

manas savut dhr, te ve suparisavut. [234]

Kodhavaggo sattarasamo.2


Thai: kyana, printers error - correctly printed in the next line.

Editors note: BJT, Sattarasamo kodhavaggo, against its normal practice
of putting the name first; ChS: Kodhavaggo sattarasamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 86

18: Malavaggo1
Vetlya x 4

paupalso va dnisi,

yamapuris pi ca ta2 upahit,

uyyogamukhe ca tihasi,

ptheyyam-pi ca te na vijjati. [235]

Vetlya x 4

so karohi dpam-attano,

khippa vyama paito bhava,

niddhantamalo anagao,

dibba ariyabhmim-ehisi. [236]

Vetlya x 4

upantavayo ca dnisi,

sampaytosi yamassa santike,4

PTS: Malavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya aharasamo Malavaggo.

ChS: te.
ChS: ariyabhmi upehisi; Metre: the opening of this line is one matt
too short. Norman (WD) suggests reading riya- ().
Thai: santika. Metre: for this variation see the Introduction to the

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 87

vso pi ca te1 natthi antar,

ptheyyam-pi ca te na vijjati. [237]

Vetlya x 4

so karohi dpam-attano,

khippa vyama paito bhava,

niddhantamalo anagao,

na puna jtijara upehisi. [238]

pathy x 2

anupubbena medhv thokathoka3 khae khae,

kammro rajatasseva niddhame malam-attano. [239]

Vetlya x 4

ayas va mala samuhita,

taduhya tam-eva khdati,

ChS: vso te. The Burmese edition has adopted this reading to regularize
the metre. Norman (WD) suggests we read vs pi ca t, which would
have the same effect, but note that the shape of the variation would be
unusual again here, which must count against it. However this is
probably simply a posterior line used in prior position by way of
metrical license, and no correction is needed (cf. 45c).
BJT, Thai: puna.
Thai, ChS: thoka thoka.
Metre: we need to count the first syllable as heavy (pddigaru) here to
complete the matt count.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 88

eva atidhonacrina

sakakammni nayanti duggati. [240]

pathy x 2

asajjhyamal mant, anuhnamal ghar,

mala vaassa kosajja, pamdo rakkhato mala. [241]


malitthiy duccarita, macchera dadato mala,


mal ve ppak dhamm asmi loke paramhi ca. [242]


tato mal malatara, avijj parama mala,


eta mala pahatvna nimmal hotha bhikkhavo. [243]


sujva ahirikena2 kkasrena dhasin,


pakkhandin pagabbhena, sakilihena jvita. [244]

pathy x 2

hirmat3 ca dujjva, nicca sucigavesin,

alnenpagabbhena,4 suddhjvena passat. [245]

Thai, ChS: sni kammni.

PTS: ahirkena.
BJT, Thai: hirimat.
PTS: alnen appagabbhena.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 89


yo pam-atipteti,1 musvda-ca bhsati,


loke adinna diyati, paradra-ca gacchati, [246]


surmerayapna-ca yo naro anuyujati,


idhevam-eso2 lokasmi mla khanati3 attano. [247]

pathy x 2

eva bho purisa jnhi ppadhamm asaat.

m ta lobho adhammo ca cira dukkhya randhayu. [248]


dadti5 ve yathsaddha yathpasdana jano,


tattha yo maku bhavati paresa pnabhojane


na so div v ratti v samdhi7 adhigacchati. [249]


yassa ceta samucchinna mlaghacca samhata,


sa ve div v ratti v samdhi adhigacchati. [250]


PTS: pa atimteti; Thai: pam-atippeti.

BJT: idheva poso.
BJT, ChS: khaati.
BJT: evam-bho.
PTS: dadanti.
BJT: tattha ve maku yo hoti; Thai: tattha yo makuto hoti.
ChS: samdhim.
ChS: samdhim.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 90

pathy x 2

natthi rgasamo aggi, natthi dosasamo gaho,

natthi mohasama jla, natthi tahsam nad. [251]

pathy x 3

sudassa vajjam-aesa, attano pana duddasa,

paresa hi s vajjni opunti1 yath bhusa,2

attano pana chdeti kali va kitav saho. [252]

pathy x 2

paravajjnupassissa nicca ujjhnasaino

sav tassa vahanti, r so savakkhay. [253]


kse va pada3 natthi, samao natthi bhire,4


papacbhirat paj, nippapac tathgat. [254]

BJT: oputi.
Editors note: BJT, bhsa, printers error.
BJT: kse pada; PTS: kse ca pada.
PTS, Thai: bhiro.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 91

pathy x 2

kse va pada1 natthi, samao natthi bhire,2

sakhr sassat natthi, natthi buddhnam-ijita. [255]

Malavaggo ahrasamo.

BJT: kse pada; PTS: kse ca pada.

PTS: bhiro.
BJT: buddhna ijita.
ChS: Malavaggo ahrasamo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 92

19: Dhammahavaggo1
pathy x 2

na tena hoti dhammaho yenattha sahas2 naye,

yo ca attha anattha-ca ubho niccheyya paito, [256]


ashasena dhammena samena nayat pare,


dhammassa gutto medhv dhammaho ti pavuccati. [257]


na tena paito hoti yvat bahu bhsati,


khem aver abhayo paito ti pavuccati. [258]


na tvat dhammadharo yvat bahu bhsati,

pathy x 2

yo ca appam-pi sutvna dhamma kyena passati,

sa ve dhammadharo hoti yo dhamma nappamajjati. [259]


na tena thero hoti yenassa palita siro,


paripakko vayo tassa moghajio ti vuccati. [260]

PTS: Dhammahavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya eknavsatimo

ChS: shas.
ChS: na tena thero so hoti. cf. 266a below. See Brough pg 239. We could
read bhavati to give bhavipul.
PTS: phalita.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 93

pathy x 2

yamhi sacca-ca dhammo ca ahis sayamo damo,

sa ve vantamalo dhro thero iti pavuccati. [261]

pathy x 2

na vkkaraamattena vaapokkharatya v

sdhurpo naro hoti issuk macchar saho. [262]


yassa ceta samucchinna mlaghacca samhata


sa vantadoso medhv sdhurpo ti vuccati. [263]


na muakena samao abbato alika bhaa


icchlobhasampanno samao ki bhavissati? [264]

pathy x 2

yo ca sameti ppni, au-thlni sabbaso,

samitatt hi ppna samao ti pavuccati. [265]


na tena bhikkhu2 hoti yvat bhikkhate pare,


vissa dhamma samdya bhikkhu hoti na tvat. [266]


PTS: thero ti; Thai: so thero ti.

BJT: bhikkh hoti ( is a printers error).

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 94


yodha pua-ca ppa-ca bhetv brahmacariyav,


sakhya loke carati, sa ce bhikkh ti vuccati. [267]

pathy x 2

na monena mun hoti mharpo aviddasu,

yo ca tula va paggayha varam-dya paito, [268]

pathy x 2

ppni parivajjeti, sa mun3 tena so muni,

yo munti ubho loke muni4 tena pavuccati. [269]

pathy x 2

na tena ariyo hoti yena pni hisati,

ahis sabbapna ariyo ti pavuccati. [270]

pathy x 2

na slabbatamattena, bhusaccena v pana,

atha v samdhilbhena, vivittasayanena v, [271]


BJT, Thai: muni; in the text is m.c. to give the pathy cadence.
Metre: note the light 2nd & 3rd syllables in the prior line.
Thai: muni; in the text is m.c. to avoid 2 light syllables in 2nd & 3rd
PTS: mun, PTS probably accepts this reading because of mun in line b;
but it is not needed by the metre here.
Metre: note that twice in this verse we have to scan the sarabhatti vowel
in ariya as having its full value.
BJT, PTS, Thai: vivicca-. See Brough pg 191.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 95


phusmi nekkhammasukha, aputhujjanasevita,


bhikkhu visssa mpdi appatto savakkhaya. [272]

Dhammahavaggo eknavsatimo.2

BJT: visssa mpdi; in the text niggahta is lost m.c. to give the
normal cadence.
ChS: Dhammahavaggo eknavsatimo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 96

20: Maggavaggo1

maggnahagiko seho, saccna caturo pad,


virgo seho dhammna, dipadna-ca2 cakkhum. [273]


eso va maggo natthao dassanassa visuddhiy,


eta hi tumhe paipajjatha, mrasseta pamohana. [274]


eta hi tumhe paipann dukkhassanta karissatha,


akkhto ve5 may maggo aya sallasanthana.6 [275]


tumhehi kicca7 tappa akkhtro tathgat,


paipann pamokkhanti jhyino mrabandhan. [276]

9 syllables

sabbe sakhr anicc ti, yad paya passati,


atha nibbindat dukkhe - esa maggo visuddhiy. [277]


PTS: Maggavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya vsatimo Maggavaggo.

BJT, ChS: dvipadna ca.
PTS, Thai: es eva.
Metre: as it stands line c has 10 syllables.
Thai, ChS: vo.
PTS, Thai: sallasatthana; ChS: sallakantana.
ChS: kiccam.
BJT, Thai, ChS: nibbindati.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 97


sabbe sakhr dukkh ti, yad paya passati,


atha nibbindat dukkhe - esa maggo visuddhiy. [278]

pathy x 2

sabbe dhamm anatt ti, yad paya passati,

atha nibbindat2 dukkhe - esa maggo visuddhiy. [279]

, Tuhubha x 3

uhnaklamhi anuhahno,

yuv bal lasiya upeto,


sasannasakappamano kusto,
, Jagat

paya magga alaso na vindati. [280]

, Jagat

vcnurakkh manas susavuto,

, Tuhubha

kyena ca akusala na kayir,3

, Jagat x 2

ete tayo kammapathe visodhaye,


rdhaye magga isippavedita. [281]

BJT, Thai, ChS: nibbindati.

BJT, Thai, ChS: nibbindati.
ChS: kyena ca nkusala kayir, this reading is probably an attempt to
repair the metre, but it doesnt achieve its aim. We should read c m.c.

PTS, ChS: maggam.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 98

pathy (x 3)

yog ve jyat1 bhri,2 ayog bhrisakhayo,

eta dvedhpatha atv bhavya vibhavya ca,

tathattna3 niveseyya yath bhri4 pavahati. [282]

pathy x 2

vana chindatha m rukkha, vanato jyat5 bhaya,

chetv vana-ca6 vanatha-ca, nibban hotha bhikkhavo. [283]

Vetlya x 4

yva hi7 vanatho na chijjati

aumatto pi narassa nrisu

paibaddhamano va tva so,

vaccho khrapako va mtari. [284]

Vetlya x 4

ucchinda sineham-attano,

kumuda sradika va pin


BJT, PTS: jyati.

PTS, Thai: bhr.
ChS: tathttna.
PTS: bhr.
ChS: jyate.
PTS: vana (omit ca).
BJT yava, omit hi; PTS, Thai: yva hi.
BJT: anumatto.
ChS: omit pin.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 99

santimaggam-eva brhaya

nibbna sugatena desita. [285]

pathy x 2

idha vassa vasissmi, idha hemantagimhisu,

iti blo vicinteti antarya na bujjhati. [286]

pathy x 2

ta puttapasusammatta bysattamanasa nara,

sutta gma mahogho va maccu dya gacchati. [287]


na santi putt tya, na pit na pi bandhav,


antakendhipannassa, natthi tisu2 tat. [288]

pathy x 2

etam-atthavasa atv, paito slasavuto,

nibbnagamana magga khippam-eva visodhaye. [289]

Maggavaggo vsatimo.4

BJT: nibba.
PTS, ChS: tsu.
BJT: nibba-.
ChS: Maggavaggo vsatimo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 100

21: Pakiakavaggo1
pathy x 2

mattsukhapariccg passe ce vipul sukha,

caje mattsukha dhro sampassa vipul sukha. [290]

pathy x 2

paradukkhpadnena attano2 sukham-icchati,

verasasaggasasaho ver so na parimuccati. [291]

pathy x 2

ya hi kicca tad-apaviddha,4 akicca pana kayirati,

unnalna pamattna tesa vahanti sav. [292]

pathy x 3

yesa-ca susamraddh nicca kyagat sati,

akicca te na sevanti kicce staccakrino,

satna sampajnna attha gacchanti sav. [293]



PTS: Pakiakavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya ekavsatimo

PTS, Thai: -dhnena yo attano.
PTS: pamuccati. Metre: note that this is another case where the
negative, being so close syntactically to the word it modifies, is used as
the first syllable of a resolution.
PTS, ChS: kicca apaviddha (omit tad).
PTS, ChS: unnana.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 101

pathy x 2

mtara pitara hantv, rjno dve ca khattiye,

raha snucara hantv, angho yti brhmao. [294]

pathy x 2

mtara pitara hantv, rjno dve ca sotthiye,

veyyagghapacama2 hantv, angho yti brhmao. [295]

pathy x 2

suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak,

yesa div ca ratto ca nicca buddhagat sati. [296]

pathy x 2

suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak,

yesa div ca ratto ca nicca dhammagat sati. [297]

pathy x 2

suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak,

yesa div ca ratto ca nicca saghagat sati. [298]

pathy x 2

suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak,

yesa div ca ratto ca nicca kyagat sati. [299]


BJT: sottiye.
ChS: veyaggha-.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 102

pathy x 2

suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak,

yesa div ca ratto ca ahisya rato mano. [300]

pathy x 2

suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak

yesa div ca ratto ca bhvanya rato mano. [301]


duppabbajja durabhirama, durvs ghar dukh,


dukkhosamnasavso, dukkhnupatitaddhag,

tasm na caddhag siy na ca dukkhnupatito siy. [302]


saddho slena sampanno yasobhogasamappito,


ya ya padesa bhajati tattha tattheva pjito. [303]

Metre: the rule of resolution would allow resolution to be counted at the

5th or the 6th in line a - I mark it at the 6th as the resolution of
prefixes is very common. If we take it at the 5th, the variation would be
Thai: dukkh; dukh in the text is m.c. to give the normal cadence.
Metre: to get a correct reading metrically we have to count na ca as
resolution at the 1st. I do not know of a parallel for this elsewhere, but
it seems we are obliged to take the reading to get a good meaning for
this line.
BJT, Thai: dukkhnupatito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 103

pathy x 2

dre santo paksenti1 himavanto va pabbato,

asantettha na dissanti ratti khitt yath sar. [304]


eksana ekaseyya eko caram-atandito


eko damayam-attna vanante ramito siy. [305]

Pakiakavaggo Ekavsatimo.3

BJT: paksanti.
PTS, Thai: rattikhitt.
Editors note: BJT, ekavsatimo Pakiakavaggo, against its normal
practice of putting the name; ChS: Pakiakavaggo ekavsatimo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 104

22: Nirayavaggo1
, Tuhubha x 4

abhtavd niraya upeti,

, Extended

yo vpi2 katv na karom ti3 cha,


ubho pi te pecca sam bhavanti,


nihnakamm manuj parattha. [306]


ksvakah bahavo ppadhamm asaat,


pp ppehi kammehi niraya te upapajjare. [307]

pathy x 2

seyyo ayoguo bhutto tatto aggisikhpamo,

ya-ce bhujeyya4 dusslo rahapia5 asaato. [308]

, Tuhubha x 4

cattri hnni naro pamatto


pajjat6 paradrpasev,


PTS: Nirayavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya dvvsatimo

BJT, Thai: cpi.
PTS, ChS: omit ti - this reading is taken to regularise the metre, but as it
stands the line is an example of the extended form of the Tuhubha.
Editors note: BJT, bhjeyya, printers error.
ChS: piam.
BJT, ChS: pajjati; in the text is m.c. to give the normal opening.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 105


apualbha na nikmaseyya,

ninda tatya niraya catuttha. [309]

, Jagat x 2

apualbho ca gat ca ppik,


bhtassa bhtya rat ca thokik,

, Tuhubha x 2

rj ca daa garuka paeti ,

tasm naro paradra na seve. [310]


kuso yath duggahito2 hattham-evnukantati,3


smaa dupparmaha nirayyupakahati.4 [311]


ya kici sithila5 kamma, sakiliha-ca ya vata,


sakassara brahmacariya, na ta hoti mahapphala. [312]

pathy x 2

kayira-ce6 kayirthena7 daham-ena parakkame,

sahilo1 hi paribbjo bhiyyo kirate raja. [313]


BJT, Thai: tatiya; in the text is m.c. to give the normal opening.
PTS: duggahto.
PTS: hattha evnukantati.
Thai: nirayypakahati.
PTS: sahila.
BJT, ChS: kayir ce.
Thai: kayirathena.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 106

pathy x 2

akata dukkata seyyo, pacch tapati2 dukkata,

kata-ca sukata seyyo, ya katv nnutappati. [314]


nagara yath paccanta gutta santarabhira,

pathy x 2

eva gopetha attna, khao vo3 m upaccag,

khatt hi socanti nirayamhi samappit. [315]


alajjitye lajjanti, lajjitye na lajjare,


micchdihisamdn, satt gacchanti duggati. [316]


abhaye bhayadassino, bhaye cbhayadassino,


micchdihisamdn, satt gacchanti duggati. [317]


avajje vajjamatino, vajje cvajjadassino,5


micchdihisamdn, satt gacchanti duggati. [318]

Thai, ChS: sithilo.

Thai, ChS: tappati.
PTS: ve.
Thai: ca abhayadassino.
Thai: ca avajjadassino.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 107

pathy x 2

vajja-ca vajjato atv, avajja-ca avajjato,

sammdihisamdn, satt gacchanti suggati. [319]

Nirayavaggo dvvsatimo.1

PTS: dvavsatimo; ChS: Nirayavaggo dvvsatimo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 108

23: Ngavaggo1
pathy x 2

aha ngo va sagme cpto2 patita sara

ativkya titikkhissa, dusslo hi bahujjano. [320]


danta nayanti samiti danta rjbhirhati,


danto seho manussesu yotivkya titikkhati. [321]

pathy x 2

varam-assatar dant jny ca sindhav

kujar ca mahng, attadanto tato vara. [322]

pathy x 2

na hi etehi ynehi gaccheyya agata disa,

yathattan3 sudantena, danto dantena gacchati. [323]

Vetlya x 4

dhanaplak4 nma kujaro


kaukappabhedano dunnivrayo,

PTS: Ngavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya tevsatimo Ngavaggo.

ChS: cpato.
BJT, Thai, ChS: yathttan.
ChS: dhanaplo.
Metre: this line is hypermetric by two matt (or by one matt if we
understand -pabhedan m.c.); the vv.lls here are an attempt to repair the
metre, the PTS reading is based on just one of the old Thai manuscripts
(and assumes the light -o). The ChS reading looks very much like one of
the frequent scribal corrections introduced into that edition.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 109

baddho kabala2 na bhujati,

sumarati ngavanassa kujaro. [324]

, Tuhubha x 4

middh yad hoti mahagghaso ca,


niddyit samparivattasy,

mahvarho va nivpapuho,

punappuna gabbham-upeti mando. [325]

, Jagat x 4

ida pure cittam-acri crika


yenicchaka yatthakma yathsukha,


tad-ajjaha niggahessmi yoniso,


hatthim-pabhinna3 viya akusaggaho. [326]

pathy x 2

appamdarat hotha sacittam-anurakkhatha,

dugg uddharathattna pake sanno va kujaro. [328]

PTS: kaukapabhedano; ChS: kaukabhedano.

ChS: kabaa.
Thai, ChS: hatthippabhinna.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 110

, Tuhubha x 4

sace labhetha nipaka sahya


saddhicara sdhuvihridhra,

abhibhuyya sabbni parissayni


careyya tenattamano satm. [327]

, Tuhubha

no ce labhetha nipaka sahya


saddhicara sdhuvihridhra,

rj va raha vijita pahya

, irregular

eko care mtagarae va ngo. [329]


ekassa carita seyyo natthi ble sahyat,

, Tuhubha

eko care na ca ppni kayir,

, irregular

appossukko mtagarae va ngo. [330]

, Tuhubha x 4

atthamhi jtamhi sukh sahy


tuh sukh y itartarena

Metre: this line is irregular, and cannot be taken as the extended form
of the metre that sometimes turns up, as there is no caesura after the
Metre: as in the previous verse this line is irregular by normal
standards. Note that it also has the Vedic opening.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 111


pua sukha jvitasakhayamhi


sabbassa dukkhassa sukha paha. [331]

pathy x 2

sukh matteyyat loke, atho petteyyat sukh,

sukh smaat loke, atho brahmaat sukh. [332]

pathy x 2

sukha yva jar sla,1 sukh saddh patihit,

sukho paya pailbho, ppna akaraa sukha. [333]

Ngavaggo tevsatimo.2


PTS: slam, printers error.

ChS: Ngavaggo tevsatimo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 112

24: Tahvaggo1
Vetlya x 4

manujassa pamattacrino

tah vahati mluv viya,

so palavat hurhura

phalam-iccha va vanasmi4 vnaro. [334]

pathy x 2

ya es sahat jamm tah loke visattik

sok tassa pavahanti abhivaha va braa. [335]


yo ceta sahat6 jammi taha loke duraccaya


sok tamh papatanti udabindu va7 pokkhar. [336]


PTS: Tahvagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya catuvsatimo Tahvaggo.

Metre: this line is short by one matt.
BJT, ChS: plavati.
BJT, Thai: vanasmi; in the text niggahta is lost m.c. to give the
normal cadence. Reading vanamhi would also correct the metre.
ChS: sahate.
ChS: sahate.
BJT: udabindva.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 113


ta vo vadmi bhadda vo, yvantettha samgat,


tahya mla khaatha usrattho va braa,


m vo naa2 va soto va mro bhaji punappuna. [337]

, Jagat x 4

yath pi mle anupaddave dahe


chinno pi rukkho punar-eva rhati,


evam-pi tahnusaye anhate


nibbattat3 dukkham-ida punappuna. [338]

pathy x 2

yassa chattisat4 sot manpassavan bhus,5

vh6 vahanti duddihi7 sakapp rganissit. [339]


PTS: khanatha.
BJT: nala.
BJT, PTS, Thai: nibbattati; in the text is m.c. to give the normal
BJT, ChS: chattisati; in the text is m.c. to give the pathy cadence.
Editors note: BJT, bhs, printers error.
Thai: vah; ChS: mh.
PTS: duddiha.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 114

pathy x 2

savanti sabbadh1 sot lat ubbhijja2 tihati

ta-ca disv lata jta mla paya chindatha. [340]

Vetlya x 4

saritni sinehitni ca

smanassni bhavanti jantuno,

te stasit sukhesino,

te ve jtijarpag nar. [341]

Vetlya x 3

tasiya purakkhat paj

parisappanti saso va bdhito,



dukkham-upenti punappuna cirya. [342]

Vetlya x 4

tasiya purakkhat paj

parisappanti saso va bdhito,6


BJT, Thai: sabbadhi; PTS: sabbad; in the text is m.c. to give the
pathy cadence.
ChS: uppajja.
Metre: scanning -o- as light m.c. However the variation does
exist, see the Introduction to the Prosody.
ChS: bandhito.
BJT, Thai: saojanasagasatt.
ChS: bandhito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 115

tasm tasia vinodaye

bhikkhu kakha virgam-attano. [343]


yo nibbanatho vandhimutto
Vetlya x 3

vanamutto vanam-eva dhvati

ta puggalam-etha3 passatha

mutto bandhanam-eva dhvati. [344]

, Tuhubha x 4

na ta daha bandhanam-hu dhr,


yad-yasa druja pabbaja-ca,

srattaratt maikualesu

puttesu dresu ca y apekh,6 [345]


Metre: the vv.lls show how much confusion this line has caused,
however to correct the metre we only need to read kakhi, and count
the line as one of the variant openings () discussed in the
Introduction to the Prosody.
BJT: kakh; Thai: kakha; ChS omits bhikkhu and reads
kakhanta, which is an attempt to correct the metre, but this variation
occurs many times, see the Introduction to the Prosody.
PTS, Thai: puggalam eva.
ChS: druja.
BJT: babbaja ca.
Thai, ChS: apekkh.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 116

, Tuhubha x 4

eta daha bandhanam-hu dhr,


ohrina sithila duppamuca,


etam -pi chetvna paribbajanti


anapekkhino kmasukha pahya. [346]

Tuhubha x 4

ye rgarattnupatanti sota

sayakata makkaako va jla,


etam-pi chetvna vajanti dhr,


anapekkhino2 sabbadukkha pahya. [347]

Vetlya x 4

muca pure muca pacchato,

majjhe muca bhavassa prag,

sabbattha vimuttamnaso

na puna3 jtijara upehisi. [348]

Thai: Eta.
PTS: anapekhino.
BJT, Thai: puna.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 117

Vetlya x 4

vitakkapamathitassa1 jantuno

tibbargassa subhnupassino

bhiyyo tah pavahati,

esa kho daha karoti bandhana. [349]

Vetlya x 4

vitakkupasame4 ca yo rato

asubha bhvayat sad sato,

esa kho vyantikhiti,

esacchecchati8 mrabandhana. [350]




ChS: vitakkamathitassa; Metre: we should probably read

vitak[k]apamathitassa m.c. Norman (WD) suggests taking the v.l. from
ChS, but this looks like one of the frequent scribal corrections in that
edition, and cannot be relied on as representing any genuine manuscript
Metre: for this variation see the Introduction to the Prosody.
Metre: this is a syncopated version of the variation that is discussed in
the Introduction to the Prosody. Norman (WD) suggests reading kh, but
this is unnecessary.
PTS, Thai, ChS: vitakkpasame.
BJT: bhvayati; ChS: bhvayate; in the text is m.c. to give the normal
Metre: the metre is one matt short in the opening, we really need to reinstate the sarabhatti vowel and read viyanti- () as Norman (WD,
following Fausboll) suggests.
ChS: byanti-.
BJT, ChS: esa checchati; the unhistoric doubling of the initial consonant
is m.c. to produce the correct matt count.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 118

pathy x 2

niha gato asants, vtataho anagao,

acchindi bhavasallni, antimoya samussayo. [351]


vtataho andno, niruttipadakovido,


akkharna sannipta ja pubbaparni2 ca,

() pathy

sa ve antimasrro mahpao (mahpuriso) ti vuccati. [352]

, Tuhubha x 4

sabbbhibh sabbavidham-asmi,

sabbesu dhammesu anpalitto,


sabbajaho tahakkhaye4 vimutto,


saya abhiya kam-uddiseyya. [353]

PTS: acchidda.
PTS, ChS: pubbparni.
Editors note: I have placed mahpuriso in brackets believing this has
come in from the commentary; if we exclude it we have a normal
Siloka line.
Metre: this is an unusual form of the break, having a heavy 6th, but
without the caesura which normally follows it. We should probably read
tahakhaye to correct the metre.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 119

, Tuhubha x 4

sabbadna dhammadna jinti,


sabba rasa2 dhammaraso jinti,


sabba rati3 dhammarat4 jinti,


tahakkhayo sabbadukkha jinti. [354]


hananti bhog dummedha, no ve5 pragavesino,


bhogatahya dummedho hanti ae va attana.6 [355]

pathy x 2

tiadosni khettni, rgados aya paj,

tasm hi vtargesu, dinna hoti mahapphala. [356]

pathy x 2

tiadosni khettni, dosados aya paj,

tasm hi vtadosesu, dinna hoti mahapphala. [357]


Metre: We should read sabba dna, which gives the Vedic opening
, which is acceptable.
ChS: sabbarasa.
ChS: sabbarati.
ChS: -rati.
PTS: ce; ChS: ca.
BJT, ChS: attan.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 120

pathy x 2

tiadosni khettni, mohados aya paj,

tasm hi vtamohesu, dinna hoti mahapphala. [358]

pathy x 2

tiadosni khettni, icchdos aya paj,

tasm hi vigaticchesu, dinna hoti mahapphala.1 [359]

Tahvaggo catuvsatimo.2

ChS places this verse in brackets, and then includes another verse (but
still within the number 359) which replaces icch- with tah-. The
other editions show no knowledge of this reading.
ChS: Tahvaggo catuvsatimo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 121

25: Bhikkhuvaggo1
pathy x 2

cakkhun savaro sdhu, sdhu sotena savaro,

ghena2 savaro sdhu, sdhu jivhya savaro. [360]

pathy x3

kyena savaro sdhu, sdhu vcya savaro,

manas savaro sdhu, sdhu sabbattha savaro,

sabbattha savuto bhikkhu sabbadukkh pamuccati. [361]

Vetlya x3

hatthasayat pdasayato,
irreg ular

vcya sayat sayatuttamo,

ajjhattarato samhito,

eko santusito tam-hu bhikkhu. [362]



PTS: Bhikkhuvagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya pacavsatimo

Thai, ChS: ghnena.
Metre: in this line we need to scan the first syllable as light m.c.
This is possibly one of the variations discussed in the Introduction, but
we would still have to scan the last syllable in sayato as light m.c. It
maybe we should read vcsayat here instead.
Thai: saatattamo.
Thai: bhikkhu.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 122

pathy x 2

yo mukhasayato bhikkhu, mantabh anuddhato,

attha dhamma-ca dpeti madhura tassa bhsita. [363]


dhammrmo dhammarato, dhamma anuvicintaya,


dhamma anussara bhikkhu, saddhamm na parihyati. [364]

pathy x 2

salbha ntimaeyya, nesa pihaya care,3

aesa pihaya bhikkhu samdhi ndhigacchati. [365]

pathy x 2

appalbho pi ce bhikkhu salbha ntimaati,

ta ve dev pasasanti suddhjvi atandita. [366]


sabbaso nmarpasmi yassa natthi mamyita,


asat ca na socati, sa ve bhikkh ti vuccati. [367]


mettvihr yo bhikkhu, pasanno buddhassane,


adhigacche pada santa, sakhrpasama sukha. [368]

Metre: note the light syllables in 2nd & 3rd positions.

Metre: again the negative in front of the word it modifies forms the
first part of a resolution here.
Thai: pihaya-care.
Editors note: BJT, bhikkh, printers error.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 123

pathy x 2

sica bhikkhu ima nva, sitt te lahum-essati,

chetv rga-ca dosa-ca, tato nibbnam -ehisi. [369]


paca chinde paca jahe, paca cuttaribhvaye,3


paca sagtigo bhikkhu oghatio ti vuccati. [370]


jhya bhikkhu m ca pmado,

Opacchandasaka x 3

m te kmague bhamassu5 citta,

m lohagua gil pamatto,

m kandi dukkham-idan-ti ayhamno. [371]

pathy x 2

natthi jhna apaassa, pa natthi ajhyato,

yamhi jhna-ca pa ca sa ve nibbnasantike.7 [372]


BJT: rga (omit ca).

BJT: nibbam.
PTS: vuttaribhvaye.
ChS: m pamdo; on this reading see Brough, pg 194.
ChS: ramessu.
Metre: another example of the variant opening, again with the
syncopated opening. As Norman (WD) suggests, another way to correct
the metre would be to read duk[k]ham m.c., but there is no support for
this from the texts.
BJT: nibba-.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 124

pathy x 2

sugra pavihassa, santacittassa bhikkhuno,

amnus rat hoti samm dhamma vipassato. [373]


yato yato sammasati khandhna udayabbaya2


labhat3 ptipmojja, amata ta vijnata. [374]


tatryam-di bhavati idha paassa bhikkhuno:


indriyagutti4 santuh ptimokkhe ca savaro. [375]

pathy x 2

mitte bhajassu kalye suddhjve atandite,5

paisanthravuttassa, crakusalo siy,


tato pmojjabahulo dukkhassanta karissati.7 [376]


BJT, ChS: rati; in the text is m.c. to give the pathy cadence.
PTS: udayavyaya.
BJT: labhati; in the text is m.c. to avoid 2 light syllables in 2nd & 3rd
PTS: indriyagutt.
Editors note: PTS takes this line with the previous verse.
BJT, Thai: paisanthravuttyassa; ChS: paisanthravutyassa.
BJT: karissasi.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 125

pathy x 2

vassik viya pupphni1 maddavni pamucati,

eva rga-ca dosa-ca vippamucetha bhikkhavo. [377]


santakyo santavco santav2 susamhito


vantalokmiso bhikkhu upasanto ti vuccati. [378]


attan codayattna, paimsettam-attan,3


so attagutto satim sukha bhikkhu vihhisi. [379]

pathy x 2

att hi attano ntho, att hi attano gati,

tasm sayamayattna5 assa bhadra va vijo. [380]

pathy x 2

pmojjabahulo bhikkhu, pasanno buddhassane,

adhigacche pada santa, sakhrpasama sukha. [381]

Thai: puppaphni, printers error.

Thai: santamano.
PTS: paimse attam attan; Thai: paimasetam- ; ChS: paimasetha
ChS adds a line in here in brackets, which is found in none of the other
editions: (ko hi ntho paro siy).
PTS: samay attna; Thai: saama attna; ChS:

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 126

pathy x 2

yo have daharo bhikkhu yujati1 buddhassane,

s ima loka pabhseti abbh mutto va candim. [382]

Bhikkhuvaggo pacavsatimo.3

PTS: yujate; this reading is taken to avoid the light 2nd & 3rd
syllables, but it is based on just one of the old Thai manuscripts.
PTS, ChS: soma.
ChS: Bhikkhuvaggo pacavsatimo nihito.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 127

26: Brhmaavaggo1
pathy x 2

chinda sota parakkamma, kme panuda2 brhmaa,

sakhrna khaya atv, akatasi brhmaa. [383]


yad dvayesu dhammesu prag hoti brhmao,


athassa sabbe sayog attha gacchanti jnato. [384]

pathy x 2

yassa pra apra v prpra na vijjati,

vtaddara visayutta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [385]

pathy x 2

jhyi virajam-sna katakicca3 ansava

uttamattha anuppatta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [386]

pathy x 3

div tapati dicco, ratti bhti4 candim,

sannaddho khattiyo tapati, jhy tapati brhmao,

atha sabbam-ahoratti buddho tapati tejas. [387]

PTS: Brhmaavagga; Thai: Dhammapadagthya chabbsatimo

Thai: panda.
ChS: katakiccam.
Thai, ChS: rattim-bhti.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 128

Vetlya x 4

bhitappo ti brhmao,

samacariy samao ti vuccati,

pabbjayam-attano mala,

tasm pabbajito ti vuccati. [388]

pathy x 2

na brhmaassa pahareyya, nssa mucetha brhmao,

dh brhmaassa hantra, tato dh yassa mucati. [389]

, Tuhubha x 2

na brhmaassetad-akici seyyo,

yad nisedho manaso piyehi,

, Jagat

yato yato hisamano nivattati,

, Tuhubha

tato tato sammati-m-eva dukkha. [390]

pathy x 2

yassa kyena vcya, manas natthi dukkata,2

savuta thi hnehi, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [391]

pathy x 2

yamh dhamma vijneyya sammsambuddhadesita,

sakkacca ta namasseyya aggihutta va brhmao. [392]


BJT: pabbjayattano.
ChS: dukkaa.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 129

pathy x 2

na jahi na gottena,1 na jacc hoti brhmao,

yamhi sacca-ca dhammo ca so suc so va brhmao. [393]


ki te3 jahi dummedha ki te ajinasiy,


abbhantara te4 gahana5 bhira parimajjasi. [394]


pasukladhara jantu,6 kisa dhamanisanthata,


eka vanasmi jhyanta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [395]

pathy x 3

na cha brhmaa brmi yonija mattisambhava,

bhovd nma so hoti sace hoti sakicano,

akicana andna, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [396]


Thai: gottehi.
Thai, ChS: ca.
Thai: kin-te, and in the next line.
Thai: abbhantaran-te.
BJT, Thai: gahaa.
Editors note: BJT, jant, printers error.
PTS, ChS: bhovdi.
PTS, Thai: sa ve; see Brough 183.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 130

pathy x 2

sabbasayojana chetv yo ve na paritassati,

sagtiga visayutta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [397]

pathy x 2

chetv naddhi varatta-ca, sandma sahanukkama,

ukkhittapaligha2 buddha, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [398]

pathy x 2

akkosa vadhabandha-ca, aduho yo titikkhati,

khantbala3 balnka, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [399]


akkodhana vatavanta, slavanta anussuta,4


danta antimasrra, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [400]

pathy x 2

vri pokkharapatte va, ragge-r-iva ssapo,

yo na lippati5 kmesu, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [401]

pathy x 2

yo dukkhassa pajnti idheva khayam-attano,

pannabhra visayutta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [402]


PTS: nandhi.
PTS: paigha.
BJT, Thai: khantibala; in the text is m.c. to give avoid 2 light
syllables in 2nd & 3rd positions.
ChS: anussada.
ChS: limpati.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 131


gambhrapaa medhvi, maggmaggassa kovida,


uttamattha anuppatta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [403]


asasaha gahahehi, angrehi cbhaya,


anokasri2 appiccha, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [404]


nidhya daa bhtesu tasesu thvaresu ca,


yo na hanti na ghteti, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [405]

pathy x 2

aviruddha viruddhesu, attadaesu nibbuta,

sdnesu andna, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [406]

pathy x 2

yassa rgo ca doso ca mno makkho ca ptito,

ssapo-r-iva ragg, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [407]


akakkasa viapani3 gira sacca4 udraye,


yya nbhisaje kaci, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [408]

ChS: uttamattham.
ChS: anokasrim.
PTS, Thai, ChS: vipani. See Brough p. 184.
ChS: saccam.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 132


yodha dgha va1 rassa v au-thla subhsubha


loke adinna ndiyati, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [409]

pathy x 2

s yassa na vijjanti asmi loke paramhi ca,

nirsaya3 visayutta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [410]

pathy x 2

yasslay na vijjanti, aya akathakath,

amatogadha4 anuppatta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [411]

pathy x 2

yodha pua-ca ppa-ca ubho saga5 upaccag,

asoka viraja suddha, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [412]

pathy x 2

canda va vimala suddha, vippasannam-anvila

nandbhavaparikkha,6 tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [413]


Thai: v; in the text va (<v) is m.c. to give the pathy cadence.

PTS: ndiyate.
ChS: nirsasa.
ChS: amatogadham.
ChS: sagam.
Thai: nandi-; in the text is m.c. to avoid 2 light syllables in 2nd & 3rd

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 133

pathy x 2

yo ima1 palipatha2 dugga sasra moham-accag,

tio pragato jhy anejo akathakath,


anupdya nibbuto, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [414]

pathy x 2

yodha kme pahatvna3 angro paribbaje

kmabhavaparikkha, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [415]

pathy x 2

yodha taha pahatvna,5 angro paribbaje,

tahbhavaparikkha, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [416]

pathy x 2

hitv mnusaka yoga, dibba yoga upaccag,

sabbayogavisayutta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [417]

pathy x 2

hitv rati-ca arati-ca, stibhta nirpadhi,

sabbalokbhibhu vra, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [418]

ChS: yoma - an unnecessary metrical correction.

BJT: paipatha.
BJT: pahtvna.
PTS: kmbhava-; PTS takes this reading to avoid the opening ,
but it occurs many times elsewhere, see the Introduction to the Prosody.
Here there is not good manuscript support for the reading.
BJT: pahtvna.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 134

pathy x 2

cuti yo vedi sattna upapatti-ca sabbaso,

asatta sugata buddha, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [419]


yassa gati na jnanti, dev gandhabbamnus,


khsava arahanta, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [420]

pathy x 2

yassa pure ca pacch ca majjhe ca natthi kicana,

akicana andna, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [421]

pathy x 2

usabha pavara vra, mahesi vijitvina,

aneja nhtaka buddha, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [422]


pubbenivsa yo ved,1 saggpya-ca passati,

pathy x 2

atho jtikkhaya patto, abhivosito muni,

sabbavositavosna, tam-aha brmi brhmaa. [423]

Brhmaavaggo chabbsatimo.2


Thai, ChS: vedi.

ChS: Brhmaavaggo chabbsatimo nihito; Thai: Brhmaaggo,
printers error.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 135


Yamakappamdo Citta, Puppha Blena Paito,

Arahanto Sahassena, Ppa Daena te dasa. [1]

Jar Att ca Loko ca, Buddha6 Sukha Piyena7 ca,

Kodho Mala-ca Dhammaho,8 Maggavaggena vsati. [2]


Pakia Nirayo Ngo, Tah Bhikkhu ca Brhmao,

ete chabbsat11 vagg, desitdiccabandhun. [3]

PTS: omitted in PTS; Thai: Dhammapadagthya uddna; ChS has the

following in brackets, not found in the other editions: (ettvat
sabbapahame Yamakavagge cuddasa vatthni, Appamdavagge nava,
Cittavagge nava, Pupphavagge dvdasa, Blavagge pannarasa,
Paitavagge ekdasa, Arahantavagge dasa, Sahassavagge cuddasa,
Ppavagge dvdasa, daavagge ekdasa, jarvagge nava, attavagge
dasa, lokavagge ekdasa, Buddhavagge nava, Sukhavagge aha,
Piyavagge nava, Kodhavagge aha, Malavagge dvdasa,
Dhammahavagge dasa, Maggavagge dvdasa, Pakiakavagge nava,
Nirayavagge nava, Ngavagge aha, Tahvagge dvdasa, Bhikkhuvagge
dvdasa, Brhmaavagge cattlsti pacdhikni ti vatthusatni.
satevsacatussat, catusaccavibhvin;.
satattayaca vatthna, pacdhika samuhitti).
This is followed by the heading: Dhammapade vaggnamuddna.
PTS, Thai: Yamaka Appamda; Thai actually prints Appamada, a
printers error.
PTS, Thai: Paita.
PTS, Thai: Arahanta.
BJT: Ppadaena.
BJT: Buddho.
BJT: Sukhapiyena.
PTS, Thai: Kodha Mala-ca Dhammaha.
PTS, Thai: Niraya.
PTS, Thai: Taha.
BJT, ChS: chabbsati.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 136


Yamake vsat gth, Appamdamhi dvdasa,

ekdasa Cittavagge, Pupphavaggamhi soasa. [1]
Ble ca soasa4 gth, Paitamhi catuddasa,
Arahante das5 gth, Sahasse honti soasa. [2]

teras Ppavaggamhi, Daamhi dasa satta ca,

ekdasa7 Jarvagge, Attavagge bhave dasa.8 [3]
dvdas9 Lokavaggamhi, Buddhe cahras10 bhave,11
Sukhe ca Piyavagge ca, gthyo honti dvdasa. [4]
cuddas12 Kodhavaggamhi, Malavaggekavsati,
sattarasa ca Dhammahe, Maggavagge tatheva ca. [5]

PTS omits this and the following verses. Thai omits this heading. ChS:
BJT, ChS: vsati.
Thai: Ekdas.
Thai: sattaras !
BJT, ChS: dasa.
BJT, ChS: Terasa.
Thai: Ekdas.
Thai: attavaggamhi dvdasa !
BJT, ChS: Dvdasa.
Editors note: BJT, cahrasa, printers error.
Thai: Buddhavaggamhi soasa ! ChS: Buddhavaggamhi hrasa.
BJT, ChS: Cuddasa.
Thai: Maggavaggamhi soasa ! ChS: Maggavagge sattarasa.

A New Edition of the Dhammapada - 137

Pakie soasa gth, Niraye nge catuddasa,1

chabbsati2 Tahvaggamhi, tevsa Bhikkhuvaggik.3 [6]

cattsekagthyo, Brhmae vaggam-uttame,

gthsatni cattri, tevsa ca punpare,
Dhammapade niptamhi desitdiccabandhun ti.5 [7]
Dhammapada nihita.6


Thai: cuddasa; ChS: ca cuddasa.

Thai: dvvsa; ChS: chabbsa.
Thai: Bhikkhuvaggak.
Thai: Cattsa ca gthyo; ChS: Ekatlsagthyo.
Thai omits ti.
BJT: Dhammapadapi nihit.


Dhammapada Indexes
Dhammapada Complete Word Index

The Dhammapada Indexes - 139

akakkasa, 408
akata, 165, 314
akata, 96, 383
akatasi, 383
akatni, 50
akathakath, 411,
akaraa, 183, 333
akriya, 176
akicca, 292, 293
akicana, 221,
396, 421
akicano, 88
akici, 390
akutobhaye, 196
akubbato, 51, 123
akusala, 281
akkocchi, 3, 4
akkodhana, 400
akkodhena, 223
akkosa, 399
akkharna, 352
akkhtro, 276
akkhte, 86
akkhto, 275
agata, 323
agandhaka, 51
agra, 13, 14
agrni, 139
aggi, 202, 251, 139
aggi, 106
aggidaho, 135
aggisikhpamo, 308
aggihutta, 392
aggva, 31
agghati, 70
akusaggaho, 326
agesu, 89
acaritv, 155, 156

acri, 326
acira, 41
accag, 414
accuta, 225
acchiddavutti, 229
acchindi, 351
ajinasiy, 394
ajini, 3, 4
ajjatanm, 227
ajjaha, 326
ajjhag, 154
ajjhattarato, 362
ajhyato, 372
aatara, 136, 157
a, 57, 75, 95,
275, 411
aya, 275, 411
avimuttassa, 96
avimuttna, 57
ae, 43, 252, 355,
aesa, 252, 365
ahna, 150
ahni, 149
au, 31, 265, 409
aumatto, 284
atandita, 366
atandite, 376
atandito, 305
atikkama, 191
atikkameyya, 221
atitta, 48
atipteti, 246
atirocati, 59
ativas, 74

ativkya, 320
attassa, 176
atula, 227
attagutto, 379
attaghaya, 164
attaja, 161
attadaesu, 406
attadattha, 166
attadattham, 166
attadantassa, 103
attadanto, 322
attana, 355
attan, 66, 160, 161,
165, 379
attano, 15, 16, 50,
61, 62, 84, 130,
131, 160, 163, 217,
236, 238, 239, 247,
252, 285, 291, 343,
380, 388, 402
attasambhava, 161
attahetu, 84
att, 62, 103, 159,
160, 380
attna, 157, 159
attnam, 158
attha, 209, 226,
256, 293, 363, 384
atthapada, 99
atthamhi, 331
atthavasa, 289
atha, 55, 69, 83, 118,
119, 135, 139, 158,
271, 277, 278, 279,
athaam, 158
athassa, 384
athya, 85

The Dhammapada Indexes - 140

atho, 151, 234, 332,

adaesu, 136
adassana, 46, 210
adassanena, 206
adinna, 246, 409
aduho, 399
addhna, 207
adhammena, 84
adhammo, 248
adhigacchati, 249,
adhigacchanti, 12
adhigacche, 368, 381
adhicitte, 185
adhimuttna, 226
adhisessati, 41
anakkhte, 218
anagaassa, 124
anagao, 236, 238,
anatt, 279
anattha, 256
99, 100, 101
anatthya, 72
anantagocara, 179,
anapyin, 2
anapekkhino, 346,
anappaka, 144
angrehi, 404

angro, 415, 416

antur, 198
andna, 396, 406,
andno, 352
anvila, 413
anvilo, 82
ansava, 386
ansavassa, 94
ansav, 125
anikkasvo, 9
anicc, 277
anindito, 227
anibbisa, 153
animitto, 92, 93
anivesano, 40
anissito, 93
angho, 294, 295
anuhahno, 280
anuhnamal, 241
anutappati, 67
anuttara, 23
anuttaro, 55
anutthuna, 156
anuddhato, 363
anudhammacr, 20
anupaghto, 185
anupaddave, 338
anupavdo, 185
anupdya, 89, 414
anupdiyno, 20
anupubbena, 239
anuppatta, 386,
403, 411
anubrhaye, 75
anumodamno, 177
anuyujati, 247
anuyujanti, 26
anuyujetha, 27

anurakkhatha, 327
anuvicintaya, 364
anuvicca, 229
anussati, 159
anusseyya, 158
anussara, 364
anussuk, 199
anussuta, 400
anpalitto, 353
anhate, 338
aneja, 422
anejo, 414
anoka, 87
anokasri, 404
a, 288
antako, 48
antar, 237
antarya, 286
antalikkhe, 126, 127
antimasrra, 400
antimasrro, 352
antimoya, 351
andhakrena, 146
andhabhte, 59
andhabhto, 174
anveti, 1, 2, 71, 123
apajita, 104
apaassa, 372
apatthni, 149
apada, 179, 180
apaviddha, 292
apassa, 112, 113,
apra, 385
api, 65, 99, 100, 105,
106, 187, 196

The Dhammapada Indexes - 141

apualbha, 309
apualbho, 310
apekh, 345
apetakaddamo, 95
apetavio, 41
apeto, 9
appak, 85
appatto, 272
appaduhassa, 124
appaduhesu, 136
appabodhati, 142
appam, 20, 259
appamattassa, 24
appamatt, 21
appamatto, 27, 29,
appamda, 30
appamda, 26
appamdamhi, 22
appamdarat, 327
appamdarato, 31,
, 57
appamde, 22
appamdena, 28, 30
appamdo, 21
appalbho, 366
appasattho, 122
appassd, 186
appassutya, 152
appiccha, 404
appiyna, 210
appiyehi, 210
appiyo, 77

appo, 174
appossukko, 330
aphal, 51
abalassa, 29
abbato, 264
abbhakkhna, 138
abbhantara, 394
abbh, 172, 173, 382
abhabbo, 32
abhaye, 317
abhayo, 258
abhvita, 13
abhiya, 75, 166,
abhivosito, 423
abhittharetha, 115
abhinandanti, 219
abhibhuyya, 328
abhimatthati, 161
abhivaha, 335
abhivdan, 107
abhisambudhno, 46
abhtavd, 306
amata, 113, 374
amatapada, 21
amatogadha, 411
amattau, 7
amnus, 373
amitteneva, 66, 207
aya, 56, 174, 356,
357, 358, 359
ayas, 240
ayog, 282
ayoguo, 308
ayoge, 209
ayojaya, 209
arani, 98

arati, 418
arahata, 164
arahati, 9, 10, 230
arahanta, 420
ariya, 208
ariya, 191
ariyappavedite, 79
ariyabhmim, 236
ariyasaccni, 190
ariyna, 22, 164,
ariyo, 270
arukya, 147
alakato, 141
alajjitye, 316
aladdh, 155, 156
alaso, 280
alpneva, 149
alika, 264
alikavdina, 223
avajja, 319
avajjato, 319
avajje, 318
avadhi, 3, 4
avijnata, 60
avijnato, 38
avijj, 243
aviddasu, 268
aviruddha, 406
avekkhati, 28
avekkhanta, 170
avekkheyya, 50
averino, 197
aver, 258
averena, 5

The Dhammapada Indexes - 142

asavuta, 7
asasaha, 404
asajjamna, 221
asajjhyamal, 241
asaat, 248, 307
asaato, 308
asata, 73, 77
asat, 367
asatta, 419
asants, 351
asantettha, 304
asabbh, 77
asamhito, 109, 110
asarra, 37
asdhu, 223
asdhni, 163
asra, 12
asrato, 12
asre, 11
ashasena, 257
asuddh, 165
asubha, 350
asubhnupassi, 8
asoka, 412
asoko, 28
asm, 220
asmi, 353
asmi, 168, 169,
242, 410
assa, 380
assatar, 322
assaddho, 96
ass, 94
assu, 74
assumukho, 67
aha, 222, 320, 385,
386, 391, 395, 396,
397, 398, 399, 400,
401, 402, 403, 404,

405, 406, 407, 408,

409, 410, 411, 412,
413, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 419, 420,
421, 422, 423
ahsi, 3, 4
ahisak, 225
ahis, 261, 270
ahisya, 300
ahitni, 163
ahirikena, 244
ahehaya, 49
, 226
ahoratti, 387
kakha, 343
kse, 92, 93, 175,
254, 255
kirate, 313
gata, 219, 220
gamissati, 120, 121
gamma, 87, 189,
crakusalo, 376
cina, 120, 121
jny, 322
tappa, 276
tpino, 144
tura, 147
turesu, 198
dya, 47, 49, 268,
di, 375
dicco, 387
diyati, 246
nando, 146
pajjat, 309

bdha, 138
bhassar, 200
bhti, 387
yasa, 345
yu, 109
yu, 135
yogo, 185
ragg, 407
ragge, 401
raddhavriya, 8
rabhato, 112
r, 253
rdhaye, 281
, 188
ruyha, 28
rogyaparam, 204
lasiya, 280
vsesu, 73
savakkhaya, 272
savakkhay, 253
sav, 226, 253, 292,
s, 410
sna, 227, 386
hre, 93
hu, 345, 346, 362
iccha, 334
icchati, 291
icchat, 162
icch, 74
icchdos, 359
o, 264
icche, 84
iccheyya, 73, 84, 88
ijita, 255
itar, 85, 104
itartarena, 331

The Dhammapada Indexes - 143

itaro, 222
iti, 62, 74, 186, 261,
ida, 40, 144, 148,
326, 338
idan, 371
iddhiy, 175
idha, 15, 16, 17, 18,
20, 286, 375
idheva, 247, 402
indriyagutti, 375
indriyesu, 7, 8
ima, 40, 44, 45,
46, 172, 173, 369,
382, 414
imettam, 196
iva, 44, 45, 143, 227,
401, 407
isippavedita, 281
issariya, 73
issuk, 262
, 141
uccayo, 117, 118
ucchinda, 285
uju, 33
ujjugatesu, 108
ujjhnasaino, 253
ujjhitasmi, 58
uhnaklamhi, 280
uhnavato, 24
a, 25
uttama, 115, 189,
uttamattha, 386,

uttamaporiso, 97
uttamo, 56
uttihe, 168
udaka, 80, 145
udakumbho, 121,
udabindu, 336
121, 122
udayabbaya, 113,
udraye, 408
uddiseyya, 353
uddhasoto, 218
unnalna, 292
upaccag, 315, 412,
upahit, 235
upanayhanti, 3, 4
upantavayo, 237
upapajjati, 140
upapajjare, 307
upapatti, 419
upama, 129, 130
upasagga, 139
upasantassa, 96
upasanto, 201, 378
upasamassa, 205
upasampad, 183
upasammati, 100,
101, 102
upahato, 134
upeti, 151, 306, 325
upeto, 10, 280
upenti, 342
upehisi, 238, 348
uppatita, 222

uppala, 55
uppdo, 182, 194
ubbhato, 34
ubbhijja, 340
ubhayattha, 15, 16,
17, 18
ubho, 74, 256, 269,
306, 412
uyyujanti, 91
uyyogamukhe, 235
usabha, 422
usrattho, 337
usukr, 80, 145
usukro, 33
ussukesu, 199
eka, 100, 101, 102,
176, 395
ekaghano, 81
ekacara, 37
ekacariya, 61
eka, 103, 106, 107
ekanta, 228
ekarajjena, 178
ekaseyya, 305
ekassa, 330
eksana, 305
ekha, 110, 111,
112, 113, 114, 115
ekepapajjanti, 126
eko, 305, 329, 330,
eta, 22, 75, 183,
185, 192, 203, 227,
243, 274, 275, 282,
etam, 289, 346, 347
eti, 54, 108
ete, 281
etesa, 55

The Dhammapada Indexes - 144

etehi, 224, 323

ettha, 6
etha, 171, 344
edhati, 193
ena, 313
eva, 72, 125, 137,
158, 206, 240, 285,
289, 338, 344, 390
eva, 13, 14, 49, 51,
52, 53, 59, 81, 82,
135, 170, 240, 248,
315, 377
evam, 75, 338
evnukantati, 311
evnudhvati, 85
esa, 5, 134, 277, 278,
279, 349, 350
esacchecchati, 350
es, 335
esno, 131, 132
eso, 247, 274
essati, 369
essanti, 37, 86
ehisi, 236, 369
oka, 91
okata, 34
okam, 34, 91
ok, 87
oghatio, 370
ogho, 25
onaddh, 146
opunti, 252
ohrina, 346
ohito, 150
kaso, 134
kaci, 133, 408

kaukapphala, 66
kahakasseva, 164
kaha, 87
kata, 74, 314
kata, 67, 68, 71,
150, 161, 165, 173
katakicca, 386
kata, 314
katan, 17, 18
katapuam, 220
katapuo, 16, 18
katkata, 50
katni, 50
kattabba, 53
katv, 67, 68, 129,
130, 306, 314
kadariya, 223
kadariy, 177
kandi, 371
kabala, 324
kam, 353
kamma, 15, 96, 217
kamma, 66, 67,
68, 71, 173, 312
kammakiliham, 15
kammapathe, 281
kammni, 136
kammro, 239
kammehi, 136, 307
kayira, 313
kayirati, 292
kayir, 42, 43, 53,
61, 105, 117, 118,
159, 281, 330

kayirtha, 25, 117,

118, 211
kayirtheta, 118
kayirthena, 313
kara, 136
karato, 117
karissati, 376
karissatha, 275
kare, 42, 43
karoti, 1, 2, 33, 162,
karont, 66
karom, 306
karohi, 236, 238
kala, 70
kali, 202
kali, 252
kaligara, 41
kalye, 78, 116,
kasniviho, 144
kasm, 143
k, 149
kkasrena, 244
kpotakni, 149
kmakm, 83
kmagavesino, 99
kmague, 371
kmato, 215
a, 415
kmasukha, 346
km, 186
kme, 88, 383, 415

The Dhammapada Indexes - 145

kmesu, 48, 186,

187, 218, 401
kyagat, 293, 299
kyaduccarita, 231
kyappakopa, 231
kyam, 40, 46
kyassa, 140
kyena, 225, 231,
234, 259, 281, 361,
kyo, 41
ksva, 9
ksvakah, 307
ksvam, 9, 10
khasi, 154
ki, 264, 394
kicca, 276, 292
kicckiccesu, 74
kicce, 293
kiccha, 182
kiccho, 182
kicana, 200, 421
kici, 108, 312
kitav, 252
kim, 146
kira, 159
kilisseyya, 158
kisa, 395
kismici, 74
kujjheyya, 224
kujar, 322
kujaro, 324, 327
kuto, 62, 212, 213,
214, 215, 216
kudcana, 5, 210
kubbna, 217
kumuda, 285
kumbhpama, 40
kurute, 48, 217

kula, 193
kusaggena, 70
kusala, 53
kusalassa, 183
kusalena, 173
kusalo, 44, 45
kusta, 7
kusto, 112, 280
kuso, 311
kuhici, 180
kena, 179, 180
kenaci, 196
ko, 44, 146, 160, 230
koci, 143, 179
kodha, 221, 222,
kovida, 403
kosajja, 241
khaatha, 337
khatt, 315
khae, 239
khao, 315
khattiye, 294
khattiyo, 387
khanati, 247
khant, 184
khantbala, 399
khandhasam, 202
khandhna, 374
khaya, 383
khayam, 154, 402
khdati, 240
khitt, 304
khitto, 34, 125
khippa, 65, 236,
khippam, 137, 289
khamacche, 155
khsava, 420

khsav, 89
khra, 71
khrapako, 284
khettni, 356, 357,
358, 359
khema, 189, 192
khem, 258
kho, 86, 189, 192,
349, 350
gacchati, 31, 47,
174, 246, 287, 323
gacchanti, 226, 293,
316, 317, 318, 319,
gacche, 46, 224
gaccheyya, 323
gaaya, 19
gata, 220
gataddhino, 90
gatni, 94
gati, 92, 380
gati, 420
gat, 310
gato, 17, 18, 30, 190,
gantv, 225
ganth, 211
gandhajtna, 55
gandhabbo, 105
gandho, 54, 56
gabbham, 126, 325
gamanena, 178
gambhro, 82
garahito, 30
garuka, 138, 310

The Dhammapada Indexes - 146

gavesatha, 146
gavesanto, 153
gahakraka, 154
gahakraka, 153
gahaka, 154
gahahehi, 404
gahana, 394
gaho, 251
gth, 101
gthpada, 101
gthsata, 102
gma, 47, 287
gme, 49, 98
gvo, 19, 135
gira, 408
gil, 371
gih, 74
gutta, 36, 315
gutto, 257
guhsaya, 37
geha, 154
gocara, 135
gocare, 22
gocaro, 92, 93
gotamasvak, 296,
297, 298, 299, 300,
gottena, 393
goplo, 135
gopetha, 315
gopo, 19
ghar, 241, 302
ghena, 360
ghtaye, 129, 130
ghteti, 405
ca, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,
20, 24, 25, 26, 40,
43, 44, 45, 50, 54,
56, 63, 68, 69, 73,

74, 77, 86, 92, 93,

96, 97, 103, 106,
107, 109, 110, 111,
112, 113, 114, 115,
119, 120, 135, 138,
141, 144, 150, 151,
163, 168, 169, 172,
177, 185, 188, 190,
191, 205, 207, 208,
209, 210, 218, 219,
228, 235, 237, 242,
245, 246, 247, 248,
256, 259, 261, 265,
267, 268, 273, 281,
282, 283, 293, 294,
295, 296, 297, 298,
299, 300, 301, 302,
310, 312, 314, 319,
322, 325, 330, 340,
341, 345, 348, 350,
352, 363, 367, 369,
370, 371, 372, 375,
377, 393, 398, 399,
405, 407, 410, 412,
418, 419, 421, 423
cakka, 1
cakkhun, 360
cakkhum, 273
cajanti, 83
caje, 290
cahagika, 191
catuttha, 309
catubhgam, 108
caturo, 273
cattri, 190, 309
cattro, 109
caddhag, 302
canda, 413
candana, 54, 55

candim, 172, 173,

208, 382, 387
capala, 33
cara, 61
carati, 267
caranti, 66
caram, 305
carita, 330
care, 49, 168, 169,
231, 232, 233, 329,
330, 365
careyya, 142, 328
cptikhitt, 156
cpto, 320
cbhayadassino, 317
cya, 104
crika, 326
cvajjadassino, 318
csradassino, 11
cha, 306
cha, 396
chu, 228
citta, 13, 14, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 42,
43, 89, 116, 154,
171, 371
cittakata, 147
cittakkhepa, 138
cittaklesehi, 88
cittam, 40, 326
cittassa, 35
cira, 248
cirappavsi, 219
cirya, 342
cuti, 419
cuttaribhvaye, 370
cbhaya, 404
ce, 1, 2, 19, 20, 61,
64, 65, 100, 101,

The Dhammapada Indexes - 147

102, 106, 107, 117,

118, 124, 142, 157,
159, 229, 267, 290,
308, 313, 329, 366,
ceta, 250, 263, 336
cetarahi, 228
cetas, 79
codayattna, 379
chattisat, 339
chanda, 117, 118
chandajto, 218
chdeti, 252
chy, 2
chijjati, 284
chinda, 383
chindatha, 283, 340
chinde, 370
chinno, 338
chuddho, 41
chetv, 283, 369,
397, 398
chetvna, 46, 346,
jagatippadeso, 127,
jacc, 393
ja, 157, 352
ja, 141
jahi, 393, 394
jan, 26, 85, 86
jano, 99, 217, 222,
jantu, 107
jantu, 395
jantuno, 105, 176,
341, 349

jammi, 336
jamm, 335
jaya, 201
jayaparjaya, 201
jara, 151
jar, 135, 150, 333
jalla, 141
jahanti, 91
jahe, 221, 370
jgarato, 39, 60
jgaramnna, 226
jta, 340
jtamhi, 331
jti, 153
jtikkhaya, 423
jtijara, 238, 348
jtijarpag, 341
jtena, 53
jnato, 384
jnanti, 420
jnhi, 248
jni, 138
jyati, 72, 193
jyat, 193, 212, 213,
214, 215, 216, 282,
jyetha, 58
jla, 251, 347
jlamutto, 174
jlin, 180
jiakoc, 155
jita, 104, 105, 179
jita, 40
jinti, 354
jine, 103, 223
jivh, 65
jivhya, 360

jrati, 152
jranti, 151
jvma, 197, 198,
199, 200
jvita, 110, 111,
112, 113, 114, 115,
130, 148, 182, 244
jvitukmo, 123
jve, 110, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115
jutimanto, 89
jetv, 175
jeyya, 103
jhna, 372
jhna, 372
jhnapasut, 181
jhya, 371
jhyanta, 395
jhyanti, 155
jhyanto, 27
jhyi, 386
jhyino, 23, 110,
111, 276
jhy, 387, 414
hapetv, 40
hna, 137, 225
hnni, 309
hnehi, 224, 391
hiti, 147
ayhamno, 371
aha, 31
ahati, 140
ahanta, 71
ta, 3, 4, 7, 8, 43,
67, 98, 108, 117,
121, 122, 133, 163,
193, 208, 217, 221,

The Dhammapada Indexes - 148

230, 235, 248, 287,

312, 337, 344, 345,
366, 374, 392
takkaro, 19
tagara, 55
tagaracandan, 56
tagaramallik, 54
tacchak, 80, 145
ta, 68, 340
taha, 336, 416
tahakkhaye, 353
tahakkhayo, 354
tah, 180, 334, 335,
tahna, 154
tahnusaye, 338
a, 416
tahya, 216, 337
tahsam, 251
tatya, 309
tato, 1, 2, 6, 42, 43,
243, 322, 369, 376,
389, 390
tatto, 308
tattha, 6, 58, 249,
tattheva, 303
tatrbhiratim, 88
tatryam, 375
tathattna, 162,
tath, 159
tathgat, 254, 276
tathrpassa, 105
tatheva, 220
tad, 292, 326

taduhya, 240
tanukettha, 174
tapati, 314, 387
tapo, 184, 194
tappati, 17, 136
tam, 125, 179, 180,
222, 240, 362, 385,
386, 391, 395, 396,
397, 398, 399, 400,
401, 402, 403, 404,
405, 406, 407, 408,
409, 410, 411, 412,
413, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 419, 420,
421, 422, 423
tamh, 336
tamhi, 117, 118
tayo, 281
tasanti, 129, 130
tasia, 343
tasiya, 342, 343
tasesu, 405
tasm, 208, 211,
302, 310, 343, 356,
357, 358, 359, 380,
tassa, 93, 94, 96,
152, 253, 260, 335,
tat, 288
tya, 288
tdi, 95
tdino, 94, 95, 96
tdisa, 76, 208
tdise, 196
tni, 149
tva, 284
tvat, 259, 266

ti, 17, 18, 63, 218,

257, 258, 260, 263,
265, 267, 270, 277,
278, 279, 306, 352,
367, 370, 371, 378,
tihati, 340
tihasi, 235
tiadosni, 356, 357,
358, 359
tiam, 157
tio, 414
titikkhati, 321, 399
titikkh, 184
titikkhissa, 320
titti, 186
tibbargassa, 349
tram, 85
thi, 224, 391
tuh, 331
tuhim, 227
tumhe, 274, 275
tumhehi, 276
tula, 268
te, 11, 12, 23, 85, 86,
89, 91, 99, 134,
154, 196, 225, 234,
235, 237, 293, 306,
307, 341, 369, 371,
tejana, 33, 80, 145
tejas, 387
tena, 63, 256, 258,
260, 266, 269, 270
tenattamano, 328
teneva, 177

The Dhammapada Indexes - 149

tesa, 3, 57, 92,

181, 211, 292
tespasammati, 4
thailasyik, 141
thale, 34, 98
thvaresu, 405
thla, 31, 409
thlni, 265
thero, 260, 261
thokathokam, 121,
thokik, 310
dajjppasmim, 224
daa, 142, 310,
daassa, 129, 130
daena, 131, 132,
135, 137
dadato, 242
dadti, 249
danta, 35, 321, 400
dant, 322
dantena, 323
danto, 142, 321, 323
dandha, 116
dabb, 64
damatho, 35
damayanti, 80, 145
damayam, 305
damasaccena, 9, 10
dametha, 159
damena, 25
damo, 261
daha, 61, 112,
345, 346, 349
dahaparakkam, 23
daham, 313
dahe, 338
dasannam, 137

dassana, 210
dassanam, 206
dassanassa, 274
dassayanti, 83
daharo, 382
dna, 177
dnisi, 235, 237
dnena, 223
dru, 80, 145
druja, 345
drua, 139
dresu, 345
dihi, 164
dihosi, 154
dinna, 356, 357,
358, 359
dipadna, 273
dibba, 236, 417
dibbesu, 187
div, 249, 250, 296,
297, 298, 299, 300,
301, 387
disa, 42, 323
dis, 54
diso, 42, 162
disv, 15, 16, 340
disvna, 149
dissanti, 304
dgha, 60, 409
dgham, 207
dgh, 60
dgho, 60
dpa, 25
dpam, 236, 238
dpeti, 363
dukkata, 314, 391
dukkha, 69, 191,
201, 210, 390

dukkham, 1, 144,
338, 342, 371
, 191
dukkhassa, 191, 331,
dukkhassanta, 275,
dukkh, 133, 153,
202, 221, 278
g, 302
dukkhnupatito, 302
dukkhya, 248
na, 191
dukkhe, 277, 278,
dukkho, 117, 207
so, 302
dukh, 186, 203, 302
dukhena, 83
dugga, 414
duggati, 17, 240,
316, 317, 318
duggahito, 311
dugg, 327
duccarita, 169,
ducchanna, 13
dujjva, 245
duddamo, 159
duddasa, 252
duddihi, 339
dunniggahassa, 35
dunnivraya, 33
dunnivrayo, 324
duppao, 111, 140

The Dhammapada Indexes - 150

duppabbajja, 302
duppamuca, 346
dubbala, 7
dummedha, 394
dummedha, 161,
dummedh, 66
dummedhino, 26
dummedho, 136,
164, 355
duraccaya, 336
durannaya, 93
durannay, 92
durabhirama, 302
durvs, 302
dullabha, 160
dullabho, 193
dussati, 125, 137
dusslo, 110, 308,
drakkha, 33
dragama, 37
drato, 219
drama, 87
dre, 304
devaloka, 177
dev, 94, 181, 200,
230, 366, 420
devna, 224
devna, 30
devesu, 56
devo, 105
desita, 285
dosa, 20, 369, 377
dosados, 357
dosasamo, 202, 251
doso, 407

dvayesu, 384
dve, 294, 295
dvedhpatha, 282
dhasin, 244
dhana, 26, 62, 84,
155, 156, 204
dhanam, 62
dhamma, 64, 65,
87, 167, 168, 169,
176, 259, 266, 364,
373, 392
dhammagat, 297
dhammacr, 168,
dhammajvino, 24
dhamma, 190, 363
dhammaha, 217
dhammaho, 256,
dhammadna, 354
dhammadharo, 259
dhammapada, 44,
45, 102
dhammapti, 79
dhammam, 115
dhammarat, 354
dhammarato, 364
dhammaraso, 354
a, 144
dhammassa, 20, 257
dhamm, 1, 2, 109,
242, 279

dhammna, 273
dhammni, 82
dhammrmo, 364
dhammiko, 84
dhamme, 79, 86
dhammena, 257
dhammesu, 353, 384
dhammo, 5, 151,
261, 393
dhraye, 222
dhvati, 344
dh, 389
dhra, 208
dhr, 23, 175, 181,
234, 345, 346, 347
dhro, 28, 122, 177,
193, 207, 261, 290
dhuva, 147
dhorayhasla, 208
na, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14,
19, 21, 38, 43, 50,
54, 57, 64, 67, 69,
70, 71, 76, 78, 81,
83, 84, 90, 91, 95,
99, 105, 108, 117,
119, 120, 121, 122,
127, 128, 129, 130,
131, 132, 134, 136,
141, 146, 151, 152,
154, 158, 166, 167,
169, 170, 177, 184,
186, 193, 196, 211,
224, 225, 228, 235,
237, 238, 249, 256,
258, 259, 260, 262,
264, 266, 268, 270,
271, 280, 281, 284,

The Dhammapada Indexes - 151

286, 288, 291, 293,

302, 304, 306, 309,
310, 312, 316, 323,
324, 330, 345, 348,
364, 367, 385, 389,
390, 393, 396, 397,
401, 405, 410, 411,
na, 1, 2, 42, 43,
157, 162, 169, 230
nagara, 150, 315
nagarpama, 40
naggacariy, 141
natthao, 274
natthi, 39, 61, 62,
92, 124, 147, 171,
176, 180, 200, 202,
211, 212, 213, 214,
215, 216, 227, 237,
251, 254, 255, 288,
330, 367, 372, 391,
nad, 251
naddhi, 398
nandati, 18
a, 413
nappamajjati, 172,
nappamajjeyya, 168
nappasasanti, 177
nappasahati, 8
nappasahetha, 128
namayanti, 80, 145
namasseyya, 392
nayat, 257

nayanti, 80, 145,

240, 321
naye, 256
nara, 47, 48, 287
narassa, 125, 284
nar, 341
naro, 19, 97, 247,
262, 309, 310
naa, 337
ngavanassa, 324
ngo, 320, 329, 330
namao, 165
nesa, 365
ntimaati, 366
ntimaeyya, 365
ntha, 160
ntho, 160, 380
ndiyati, 409
ndhigacchati, 187,
ndhigacchanti, 11
ndhigaccheyya, 61
nnsak, 141
nnutappati, 68, 314
nnupatanti, 221
nbbaa, 124
nbhikrati, 25
nbhinandeyya, 75
nbhisaje, 408
nma, 324, 396
nmarpasmi, 221,
nrisu, 284
nva, 369
nvajyati, 179
nssa, 124, 389
nikmaseyya, 309
nikete, 91
nigacchati, 69, 137

niggayhavdi, 76
niggahessmi, 326
nicca, 23, 104,
109, 146, 225, 245,
253, 293, 296, 297,
298, 299
niccam, 206
niccheyya, 256
niha, 351
niddaro, 205
niddyit, 325
niddhantamalo, 236,
niddhame, 239
nidhya, 142, 405
nidhna, 76
ninda, 143, 309
nindanti, 227
nindpasassu, 81
ninditum, 230
nindito, 228
ninne, 98
nipaka, 328, 329
nippapac, 254
nipppo, 205
nibbattat, 338
nibbanatho, 344
nibban, 283
nibbna, 23, 134,
184, 203, 204, 226,
nibbnagmin, 75
nibbnam, 369
nibbnasantike, 372
nibbnasseva, 32
nibbindat, 277, 278,

The Dhammapada Indexes - 152

nibbuta, 406
nibbute, 196
nibbuto, 414
nimmal, 243
niyato, 142
nirattha, 41
niraya, 126, 140,
306, 307, 309
nirayamhi, 315
nirsaya, 410
nirpadhi, 418
nivattati, 390
nivpapuho, 325
nivraye, 77, 116
nivesaye, 158
niveseyya, 282
nisammakrino, 24
nisedho, 390
nissya, 164
nihnakamm, 306
nyanti, 175
nu, 146
nudati, 28
nekkha, 230
neta, 189, 227
netave, 180
nettik, 80, 145
neresi, 134
neva, 105
nessatha, 179, 180

no, 95, 179, 200,

329, 355
noccvaca, 83
nhtaka, 422
paksenti, 304
pakubbato, 52
pakkhandin, 244
pagabbhena, 244
paggayha, 268
pak, 141
pake, 327
pacinanta, 47, 48
pacessati, 44, 45
paccati, 69, 119, 120
paccatta, 165
paccanta, 315
pacceti, 125
pacchato, 348
pacch, 172, 314,
paja, 28
paj, 85, 104, 254,
342, 343, 356, 357,
358, 359
pajnti, 402
pajjalite, 146
paca, 370
paa, 208
paavantassa, 111
paav, 84
paassa, 375
pa, 28, 38, 40,
59, 152, 229, 277,
278, 279, 280, 333,
340, 372
papsdam, 28

paya, 59, 277,

278, 279, 280, 333,
pavudhena, 40
paikkosati, 164
paigahanti, 220
paijaggeyya, 157
paida, 133
paipajjatha, 274
paipann, 275, 276
paimsettam, 379
pailbho, 333
paivadeyyu, 133
paivta, 125
paivtam, 54
paivtameti, 54
paisevati, 67, 68
pahama, 158
pahavi, 41, 44, 45
pahavisamo, 95
paeti, 310
paita, 64, 65, 76
paitamn, 63
pait, 22, 80, 81,
82, 83
paito, 28, 63, 79,
87, 88, 157, 158,
186, 236, 238, 256,
258, 268, 289
paupalso, 235
patihit, 333
patita, 320
patirpe, 158

The Dhammapada Indexes - 153

patissat, 144
patto, 68
patto, 423
pattosi, 134
pathavy, 178
pada, 1, 21, 93,
114, 254, 255, 368,
pad, 273
padpa, 146
paduhena, 1
paduma, 58
padena, 179, 180
padesa, 303
pana, 42, 252, 271,
panuda, 383
panta, 185
pannabhra, 402
e, 195
papacbhirat, 254
papatanti, 336
papupphakni, 46
pappoti, 27
pabujjhanti, 296,
297, 298, 299, 300,
pabbaja, 345
pabbajit, 74
pabbajito, 184, 388
pabbata, 8
pabbataho, 28
pabbatna, 127,
pabbatni, 188
pabbato, 304
pabbjayam, 388

pabhagura, 139,
pabhseti, 172, 173,
pabhinna, 326
pamajjitv, 172
pamattacrino, 334
pamatt, 21
pamattna, 292
pamattesu, 29
pamatto, 19, 309,
pamda, 28
pamdam, 26, 27
pamde, 31, 32
pamdena, 167
pamdo, 21, 30, 241
pamuccati, 189, 192,
pamucati, 377
pamokkhanti, 276
pamodati, 16
pamodanti, 22
pamohana, 274
payirupsati, 64, 65
para, 184, 220
parakulesu, 73
parakkame, 313
parakkamma, 383
parattha, 177, 306
paratthena, 166
paradra, 310
paradra, 246
paradrpasev, 309
a, 291
parama, 184, 203,
204, 243

paramhi, 168, 169,
242, 410
parassa, 84
parjito, 201
parikkhaya, 139
parikkh, 93
paricare, 107
parijiam, 148
paritassati, 397
paridahessati, 9
parinibbanti, 126
parinibbut, 89
paripakko, 260
pariprati, 38
pariphandatida, 34
paribbajanti, 346
paribbaje, 415, 416
paribbjo, 313
parimajjasi, 394
parimuccati, 291
pariyodapeyya, 88
pariho, 90
parivajjaye, 123
parivajjeti, 269
parisappanti, 342,
parissayni, 328
parihnya, 32
parihyati, 364
parpaght, 184
pare, 6, 257, 266

The Dhammapada Indexes - 154

paresa, 19, 50,

249, 252
paro, 160
palavat, 334
palita, 260
palipatha, 414
pallala, 91
pallale, 155
paeti, 49
pavahati, 282, 349
pavahanti, 335
pavattra, 76
pavara, 422
pavti, 54
pavihassa, 373
pavivekarasa, 205
pavissa, 127, 128
pavuccati, 257, 258,
261, 265, 269, 270
pavedayanti, 151
pasasanti, 30, 229,
230, 366
pasasito, 228, 230
pasannena, 2
pasanno, 368, 381
pasavati, 201
pasahati, 7
passa, 147
passat, 245
passati, 119, 120,
170, 190, 259, 277,
278, 279, 423
passato, 113, 114,
passatha, 344
passathima, 171
passe, 76, 170, 290
pahatvna, 243, 415,

pahareyya, 389
pahassatha, 144
paha, 331
pahtave, 34
pahya, 20, 329,
346, 347
pahnamnassa, 94
pceti, 135
pcenti, 135
pam, 246
pni, 270
pina, 135
pin, 124, 285
pimhi, 124
ptito, 407
ptimokkhe, 185,
ptheyyam, 235, 237
pdasayato, 362
pnabhojane, 249
ppa, 17, 69, 71,
119, 120, 124, 125,
161, 165, 173, 176
ppaka, 66
ppakamm, 127
ppakammino, 126
ppak, 242
ppakr, 15, 17
ppake, 78
ppako, 211
ppa, 117, 267, 412
ppadhamm, 248,
ppasmi, 116
ppassa, 117, 121
pp, 116, 307
ppna, 265, 333
ppni, 119, 123,
136, 265, 269, 330

ppika, 164
ppik, 310
ppiyo, 42, 76
ppue, 138
ppehi, 307
ppo, 119
pmojjabahulo, 376,
pra, 385
pragato, 414
pragavesino, 355
pragmino, 85
prag, 348, 384
pram, 86
prpra, 385
pvako, 71, 140
pi, 19, 20, 43, 49,
51, 52, 53, 55, 63,
64, 82, 94, 108,
119, 120, 121, 122,
142, 151, 166, 181,
220, 224, 227, 230,
235, 237, 259, 284,
288, 306, 338, 346,
347, 366
pitara, 294, 295
pit, 43, 288
pitv, 205
pithyati, 173
piya, 130, 157,
211, 217, 220
piyaggh, 209
piyato, 212
piyna, 210
piypyo, 211
piyppiya, 211
piyehi, 210, 390
piyo, 77
piva, 205

The Dhammapada Indexes - 155

pihaya, 365
pihayanti, 94, 181
ptipmojja, 374
ptibhakkh, 200
puggalam, 344
pua, 18, 116,
196, 331
pua, 118, 267,
puapekkho, 108
puassa, 118, 122
puni, 220
, 287
puttam, 84
putt, 62, 288
puttesu, 345
puthujjane, 59
puna, 154
puna, 238, 348
punappuna, 117,
118, 153, 325, 337,
338, 342
punar, 338
puppha, 49, 51, 52
pupphagandho, 54
puppham, 44, 45
puppharsimh, 53
pupphni, 47, 48,
pubbaparni, 352
pubbe, 172, 423
pubbenivsa, 423
purakkhat, 342,

purni, 156
purisa, 248
purisa, 219
purisjao, 193
purisdhame, 78
purisuttame, 78
puriso, 117, 118,
143, 152
pure, 326, 348, 421
purekkhra, 73
pjan, 106, 107
pjayato, 195, 196
pjaye, 106, 107
pj, 73
pjrahe, 195
pjito, 303
ptisandeho, 148
prati, 121, 122
pecca, 15, 16, 17, 18,
131, 132, 306
petteyyat, 332
pemato, 213
pokkharapatte, 401
pokkhar, 336
poram, 227
posassa, 104, 125
poso, 228
phandana, 33
pharusa, 133, 138
phalam, 334
phalni, 164
phallati, 164
phsuk, 154
phuo, 218
phuh, 83
phusanti, 23
phusmi, 272
phuseyyu, 133
phepama, 46

baddho, 324
bandhana, 349
bandhanam, 344,
345, 346
bandhav, 288
bala, 109
balnka, 399
balivaddo, 152
bal, 280
bahavo, 307
bahu, 258, 259
bahu, 53, 188
bahujgaro, 29
bahujjano, 320
bahun, 166
bahubhina, 227
bahum, 19
bahusakappa, 147
bahussuta, 208
bah, 53
bdhito, 342, 343
bla, 125
blam, 71
blasagatacr, 207
blassa, 72, 74
bl, 26, 66, 171,
blna, 60, 206
ble, 28, 61, 330
blehi, 207
blo, 62, 63, 64, 69,
70, 121, 136, 286
blya, 63
bhitappo, 388
bhira, 394
bhire, 254, 255
bhusaccena, 271
bhetv, 267
bimba, 147

The Dhammapada Indexes - 156

braa, 335, 337

bujjhati, 136, 286
buddha, 398, 419,
buddhagat, 296
buddha, 190
buddham, 179, 180
buddhassane, 368,
381, 382
buddhassa, 75
buddh, 184
buddhna, 183, 185
buddhnam, 182,
194, 255
buddhe, 195
buddho, 387
bubbulaka, 170
47, 48, 287
155, 156, 312
brahmacr, 142
brahmaat, 332
brahmun, 105, 230
brhmaa, 383
brhmaa, 385,
386, 391, 395, 396,
397, 398, 399, 400,
401, 402, 403, 404,
405, 406, 407, 408,
409, 410, 411, 412,
413, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 419, 420,
421, 422, 423
brhmaassa, 389
brhmaassetad, 390

brhmao, 142, 294,

295, 384, 387, 388,
389, 392, 393
brmi, 222, 385,
386, 391, 395, 396,
397, 398, 399, 400,
401, 402, 403, 404,
405, 406, 407, 408,
409, 410, 411, 412,
413, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 419, 420,
421, 422, 423
brhaya, 285
bhagg, 154
bhajati, 303
bhajamnassa, 76
bhajassu, 376
bhaje, 76, 78
bhajetha, 78, 208
bhaji, 337
bhaa, 264
bhae, 224
bhattasmi, 185
bhadda, 337
bhadra, 119, 120,
bhadrni, 120
bhadro, 120, 143,
bhanta, 222
bhamaro, 49
bhamassu, 371
bhaya, 39, 123,
212, 213, 214, 215,
216, 283
bhayatajjit, 188
bhayadassino, 317
bhayadassiv, 31, 32
bhaye, 317

bhava, 236, 238

bhavati, 249, 375
bhavanti, 95, 306,
bhavasallni, 351
bhavassa, 348
bhavtha, 144
bhavya, 282
bhavissati, 228, 264
bhavissma, 200
bhasmacchanno, 71
bhgav, 19, 20
bhyanti, 129
bhvanam, 73
bhvanya, 301
bhvayat, 350
bhvitattna, 106,
bhvetha, 87
bhsati, 1, 2, 246,
258, 259
bhsamno, 19, 20
bhsita, 363
bhse, 102
bhikkhate, 266
bhikkhavo, 243, 283,
bhikkhu, 31, 32, 75,
142, 266, 272, 343,
361, 363, 364, 365,
366, 368, 369, 370,
371, 378, 379, 381,
bhikkhu, 362
bhikkhuno, 373, 375
bhikkhusu, 73
bhikkh, 267, 367
bhijjati, 148

The Dhammapada Indexes - 157

bhiyyo, 17, 18, 313,

bhtassa, 310
bhtya, 310
bhujati, 324
bhujetha, 70
bhujeyya, 308
bhutto, 308
bhummahe, 28
bhusa, 252
bhus, 339
bhtni, 131, 132
bhtesu, 142, 405
bhmi, 98
bhri, 282
bhrisakhayo, 282
bhedana, 138
bhed, 140
bho, 248
bhogatahya, 355
bhog, 355
bhogna, 139
bhojana, 70
bhojanamhi, 7, 8
bhovd, 396
-m-, 247, 390
ma, 3, 4, 121, 122
, 150
masni, 152
makkaako, 347
makkho, 150, 407
magga, 57, 123,
191, 280, 281, 289
maggmaggassa, 403
maggo, 274, 275,
277, 278, 279

maghav, 30
maku, 249
macca, 141
maccu, 47, 128, 135,
150, 287
maccudheyya, 86
maccuno, 21, 129
maccurjassa, 46
maccurj, 170
maccena, 53
macchar, 262
macchna, 182
macchera, 242
majjhe, 348, 421
maati, 63, 69
maantu, 74
mai, 161
maikualesu, 345
mat, 21
mattau, 8
mattaut, 185
mattsukha, 290
, 290
matteyyat, 332
matthi, 62
maddavni, 377
madhura, 363
madhuv, 69
mana, 96
manas, 1, 2, 218,
233, 234, 281, 361,
manaso, 390
manpassavan, 339
manujassa, 334
manuj, 306

manuss, 188
manussesu, 85, 197,
198, 199, 321
mano, 116, 300, 301
manopakopa, 233
1, 2
manomay, 1, 2
manorama, 58
manoseh, 1, 2
mantabh, 363
mant, 241
mando, 325
mamyita, 367
mameva, 74
mayam, 6
may, 275
maraanta, 148
marcika, 170
marcidhamma, 46
mala, 240, 241,
242, 243, 388
malatara, 243
malam, 239
mal, 242, 243
malitthiy, 242
mahagghaso, 325
mahaddhano, 123
mahapphala, 312,
356, 357, 358, 359
mahng, 322
mahpao, 352
mahpathe, 58
mahpuriso, 352
mahvarho, 325

The Dhammapada Indexes - 158

mahesi, 422
mahogho, 47, 287
m, 27, 210, 248,
283, 315, 337, 371
mtagarae, 329,
mtara, 294, 295
mtari, 284
mt, 43
mna, 221
mnusaka, 417
mnuse, 103
mno, 74, 150, 407
mpdi, 272
121, 122
mra, 40, 175
mradheyya, 34
mrabandhan, 37,
mrassa, 46
mrasseta, 274
mro, 7, 8, 57, 105,
mlgue, 53
mluv, 162, 334
mvoca, 133
mse, 70, 106
micchdihi, 167
n, 316, 317, 318
ar, 11
mitabhinam, 227
mitte, 78, 376

middh, 325
myanti, 21
mukhasayato, 363
muccati, 71
mucceyya, 127
muca, 348, 389
mucati, 389
mucetha, 389
muakena, 264
mutto, 172, 173,
344, 382
muddham, 72
munayo, 225
munti, 269
muni, 269, 423
mun, 49, 268, 269
musvda, 246
musvdissa, 176
muhuttam, 65, 106,
mla, 247, 337,
mlaghacca, 250,
mle, 338
mharpo, 268
me, 3, 4, 17, 18
mettvihr, 368
medhag, 6
medhvi, 76, 229,
medhv, 25, 26, 33,
36, 239, 257, 263
mokkhanti, 37
moghajio, 260
modati, 16
monena, 268
moha, 20
mohados, 358

moham, 414
mohasama, 251
ya, 25, 66, 67, 68,
76, 100, 101, 102,
108, 163, 292, 303,
312, 314, 335
yajetha, 106, 108
ya, 106, 107, 229,
yato, 374, 390
yattha, 87, 99, 150,
171, 193, 225
yatthakma, 326
, 36
yatthahita, 128
yatthahito, 127
yattharahanto, 98
yathaam, 159
yathattan, 323
yath, 13, 14, 21, 58,
64, 65, 81, 82, 94,
134, 135, 144, 162,
170, 200, 252, 282,
304, 311, 315
yath, 49, 51, 52, 53,
yathbhta, 203
yathsaddha, 249
yathsukha, 326
yad, 345
yad, 28, 69, 119,
120, 277, 278, 279,
325, 384, 390
yadi, 98, 195

The Dhammapada Indexes - 159

yanta, 42
yanti, 126, 175, 188,
yamapuris, 235
yamaloka, 44, 45
yamassa, 237
yammase, 6
yamh, 392
yasobhivahati, 24
, 303
yassa, 67, 68, 93,
147, 162, 173, 179,
180, 250, 263, 339,
367, 385, 389, 391,
407, 410, 420, 421
yasslay, 411
yasssav, 93
yassindriyni, 94
y, 104, 331, 345
ycito, 224
yti, 29, 179, 294,
ynimni, 149
ynehi, 323
yma, 157
yya, 408
yya, 56
yva, 69, 119, 120,
284, 333
yvajvam, 64
yvat, 258, 259,
yvad, 72
yvantettha, 337
yiha, 108
yujati, 382
yujam, 209
yuv, 280

ye, 3, 4, 6, 21, 37,

85, 86, 89, 92, 181,
225, 347
yena, 270
yenattha, 256
yenassa, 260
yenicchaka, 326
yeva, 48, 106, 107
yesa, 92, 293
yesa, 89, 92, 200,
211, 296, 297, 298,
299, 300, 301
yesa, 293
yo, 9, 10, 56, 63, 97,
102, 103, 106, 107,
110, 111, 112, 113,
114, 115, 125, 131,
132, 137, 143, 164,
172, 190, 222, 246,
247, 249, 256, 259,
265, 268, 269, 306,
336, 344, 350, 363,
368, 382, 397, 399,
401, 402, 405, 414,
419, 423
yoga, 417
yogakkhema, 23
yogasmi, 209
yog, 282
yojana, 60
yotivkya, 321
yodha, 267, 409,
412, 415, 416
yodhetha, 40
yonija, 396
yoniso, 326
yobbane, 155, 156
-r-, 401, 407
rakkhati, 26

rakkhato, 241
rakkhe, 40
rakkhetha, 36
rakkheyya, 157, 231,
232, 233
raja, 313
rajatasseva, 239
rajo, 125
raha, 84, 294,
rahapia, 308
rat, 22, 89, 181
rati, 149, 418
rati, 187, 354
rati, 418
ratiy, 214
rat, 310, 373
rato, 300, 301, 350
ratti, 60
ratti, 249, 250,
304, 387
ratto, 296, 297, 298,
299, 300, 301
ratha, 222
randhayu, 248
ramayni, 99
ramati, 79
ramat, 99, 116
ramanti, 91
ramito, 305
ramissanti, 99
rasam, 49
rasmiggho, 222
rassa, 409
rahado, 82, 95
rga, 20, 369, 377
rgados, 356
rganissit, 339

The Dhammapada Indexes - 160

rgasamo, 202, 251
rgo, 13, 14, 407
rjato, 139
rjarath, 151
rj, 310, 329
rjno, 294, 295
rjbhirhati, 321
rjo, 141
rmaeyyaka, 98
rukkha, 7, 283
rukkho, 338
rucira, 51, 52
rpa, 148
rhati, 338
rogana, 148
rog, 203
roda, 67
lajjanti, 316
lajjare, 316
lajjitye, 316
lata, 340
lat, 340
lapayanti, 83
labhati, 160
labhat, 374
labhate, 131, 132
labhetha, 328, 329
lahuno, 35
lahum, 369
lbh, 204
lbhpanis, 75
lippati, 401
loka, 170, 171,
172, 173, 382
lokamh, 175

lokavahano, 167
lokasmi, 143
lokasmi, 247
lok, 220
loke, 89, 108, 168,
169, 179, 227, 242,
246, 267, 269, 332,
335, 336, 409, 410
loko, 174
lobho, 248
lohagua, 371
va, 1, 2, 7, 8, 19, 26,
28, 29, 33, 34, 41,
47, 50, 71, 76, 91,
92, 93, 95, 108,
123, 125, 136, 138,
139, 152, 155, 156,
160, 161, 165, 172,
173, 174, 195, 207,
208, 222, 235, 240,
252, 254, 255, 268,
274, 284, 285, 287,
304, 320, 325, 327,
329, 330, 334, 335,
336, 337, 342, 343,
347, 355, 380, 382,
392, 393, 398, 401,
409, 413
vacduccarita, 232
vacpakopa, 232
vaccho, 284
vajanti, 177, 347
vajira, 161
vajja, 319
vajjato, 319
vajjadassina, 76
vajjam, 252
vajjamatino, 318
vajjni, 252

vajje, 318
vahati, 74, 152,
vahanti, 109, 152,
253, 292
vao, 124
vaagandha, 49
vaavanta, 51, 52
vaassa, 241
vao, 109
vata, 159, 197, 198,
199, 200
vata, 312
vataya, 41
vatavanta, 400
vatavantam, 208
vattha, 9
vadanti, 184
vadmi, 337
vadhabandha, 399
vana, 283
vana, 283
vanato, 283
vanatha, 283
vanatho, 284
vanante, 305
vanam, 344
vanamutto, 344
vanasmi, 334
vanasmi, 395
vandhimutto, 344
vanni, 188
vane, 107
vantakasvassa, 10
vantadoso, 263

The Dhammapada Indexes - 161

vantamalo, 261
vantalokmiso, 378
vantso, 97
vayo, 260
vara, 178, 322
varatta, 398
varam, 268, 322
vasa, 48
vasissmi, 286
vasmamaya, 161
vassa, 286
vassasata, 106,
107, 110, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115
vassik, 377
vassik, 55
vahato, 1
vahanti, 339
v, 1, 2, 20, 42, 43,
54, 55, 63, 83, 98,
139, 141, 178, 228,
249, 250, 262, 271,
385, 409
vc, 51, 52, 96, 100
vcnurakkh, 281
vcya, 232, 234,
361, 362, 391
vijo, 123, 380
vti, 56
vtena, 81
vto, 7, 8
vnaro, 334
vpi, 138, 306
vyama, 236, 238
vrae, 98
vri, 401
vrijo, 34

vso, 237
vssa, 140
vh, 339
vigaticchesu, 359
vicinteti, 286
vicessati, 44, 45
vijnata, 171, 374
vijnanti, 6
vijnti, 64, 65
vijneyya, 392
vijita, 329
vijitvina, 422
vijjati, 90, 134, 143,
186, 228, 235, 237,
vijjat, 127, 128
vijjanti, 211, 410,
vipani, 408
viya, 186
vi, 65, 229
, 349
vitakkupasame, 350
viditv, 40, 46
vinodaye, 343
vindati, 57, 280
vipassati, 174
vipassato, 373
vipka, 67, 68
viptaya, 72
vipul, 27, 290
vippajaheyya, 221
vippamucetha, 377
vippamuttassa, 90,
212, 213, 214, 215,

vippasannam, 413
vippasannena, 79
vippasanno, 82
vippasdanti, 82
vippahya, 87
vibhavya, 282
vimala, 413
vimuttamnaso, 348
vimutto, 353
vimokkho, 92, 93
viya, 326, 334, 377
viraja, 412
virajam, 386
virgam, 343
virgo, 273
viriyam, 112
virujjhati, 95
viruddhesu, 406
vilomni, 50
vivara, 127, 128
vivekam, 75
viveke, 87
visa, 123, 124
visayutta, 385,
397, 402, 410
visakhita, 154
visattik, 180, 335
visam, 124
visdanti, 171
visujjhati, 165
visuddhiy, 274,
277, 278, 279
visesato, 22
visokassa, 90

The Dhammapada Indexes - 162

visodhaye, 165, 281,

vissa, 266
visssa, 272
visssaparam, 204
vihaati, 15, 62
viharanta, 7, 8
viharanti, 98
viharma, 197, 198,
vihhisi, 379
vihisati, 131
vihehayanto, 184
vtataho, 351, 352
vtadosesu, 357
vtaddara, 385
vtamohesu, 358
vtarg, 99
vtargesu, 356
vra, 418, 422
vriyena, 144
vuccati, 63, 218,
260, 263, 267, 352,
367, 370, 378, 388
vuh, 13, 14
vutt, 133
ve, 7, 8, 10, 63, 83,
97, 103, 151, 163,
177, 188, 222, 234,
242, 249, 250, 259,
261, 275, 282, 341,
352, 355, 366, 367,
372, 397
vedana, 138
vedi, 419
ved, 423
, 295
vera, 3, 4, 201

ho, 291
ver, 291
verni, 5
verina, 42
verinesu, 197
ver, 42
verena, 5
vo, 315, 337
vyantikhiti, 350
sa, 10, 20, 24, 37,
52, 63, 84, 97, 103,
104, 142, 250, 259,
261, 263, 267, 269,
352, 367, 372, 396
sayatuttamo, 362
sayamena, 25
sayamo, 261
sayog, 384
sayojana, 31,
k, 342
savacchara, 108
savaro, 185, 360,
361, 375
savase, 167
savso, 207
savuta, 391
savut, 225, 234
savuto, 231, 232,
233, 361
savegino, 144
ano, 280
sasra, 414
sasr, 95

sasro, 60
sakakammni, 240
sakicano, 396
sakuntna, 92, 93
sakunto, 174
sakkacca, 392
sakk, 196
sakkra, 75
sagandhaka, 52
sagga, 126
saggassa, 178
saggpya, 423
saggya, 174
sakapp, 339
sakappo, 74
sakassara, 312
sakrabhtesu, 59
sakiliha, 312
sakilihena, 244
sakilissati, 165
, 70
sakhtu, 196
sakhya, 267
sakhr, 255, 277,
sakhrna, 383
368, 381
saga, 412
sagtiga, 397
sagtigo, 370
sagme, 103, 320

The Dhammapada Indexes - 163

sago, 171
saghagat, 298
sagha, 190
saghassa, 194
, 183
sacittam, 327
sace, 134, 328
sacca, 224, 408
sacca, 261, 393
saccavedina, 217
saccna, 273
saccena, 223
sajju, 71
saatacrino, 104
saatassa, 24
saam, 37
sahilo, 313
saho, 252, 262
sata, 77, 106
sata, 54, 151
satna, 293
sati, 146, 293, 296,
297, 298, 299
satim, 379
satmata, 181
satmato, 24
satmanto, 91
satm, 328
sato, 350
satt, 316, 317, 318,
sattna, 419
sadatthapasuto, 166
sad, 30, 79, 206,
226, 296, 297, 298,
299, 300, 301, 350
sadisam, 61
sadevaka, 44, 45

saddha, 8
saddhamma, 38,
, 182
saddhamm, 364
saddh, 333
saddhya, 144
saddhicara, 328,
saddho, 303
sanantano, 5
santa, 96, 368, 381
santakyo, 378
santacittassa, 373
santarabhira, 315
santav, 378
santavco, 378
santassa, 60
sant, 96
santi, 288
santike, 32, 224, 237
santipara, 202
santimaggam, 285
santuh, 375
santusito, 362
santo, 83, 142, 151,
sandma, 398
sandhvissa, 153
sandhicchedo, 97
sannaddho, 387
sannicayo, 92
sannipta, 352
sannivso, 206

sanno, 327
sappurisa, 208
sappuris, 83
sappuriso, 54
saphal, 52
sabba, 354
ssa, 90
sabbajaho, 353
sabbattha, 83, 193,
348, 361
sabbad, 207
sabbadna, 354
sabbadukkha, 347,
sabbadukkh, 189,
192, 361
sabbadhi, 90
sabbadh, 340
sabbapna, 270
sabbappassa, 183
sabbam, 108, 221,
a, 417
a, 178
sabbavidham, 353
sabbaso, 265, 367,
sabbassa, 331
sabb, 54, 154
sabbni, 328

The Dhammapada Indexes - 164

sabbbhibh, 353
sabbe, 129, 130, 277,
278, 279, 384
sabbesa, 130
sabbesu, 142, 353
sabbhi, 151
sama, 106, 142
samaggna, 194
samacariy, 388
samao, 142, 184,
254, 255, 264, 265,
samativijjhati, 13,
samatha, 94
samappit, 315
sam, 306
samgach, 210
samgat, 337
samgamo, 207
samdya, 266
samdhi, 249, 250,
samdhin, 144
samhito, 362
samijanti, 81
samitatt, 265
samiti, 321
samiddhim, 84
samrati, 81
samucchinna, 250,
samuhita, 240
127, 128
samussayo, 351
samussita, 147

samhata, 250,
sameti, 265
samena, 257
sampajnna, 293
, 144
sampanno, 303
sampaytosi, 237
sampassa, 290
sambuddhna, 181
sambodhi, 89
sammati, 3, 390
sammad, 57, 86, 96
sammanti, 5, 6
sammantdha, 5
sammappajno, 20
sammasati, 374
samm, 89, 373
n, 319
sammpaihita, 43
r, 12
sita, 392
vako, 59, 187
saya, 353
sayakata, 347
sayansana, 185
sara, 320

saraa, 188, 189,

190, 192
saraam, 189, 192
sar, 304
saritni, 341
sarram, 151
sarrassa, 138
salbha, 365, 366
sallasanthana, 275
savanti, 340
savhana, 175
saso, 342, 343
sassat, 255
saha, 105
sahat, 335, 336
sahanukkama, 398
sahas, 256
sahassa, 103
sahassam, 100, 101
sahassena, 103, 106
sahya, 328, 329
sahyat, 61, 330
sahy, 331
sahita, 19, 20
s, 106, 107
staccakrino, 293
statik, 23
stasit, 341
sdnesu, 406
sdhu, 35, 67, 68,
163, 360, 361
sdhu, 163
sdhun, 223
sdhurpo, 262, 263
328, 329
snucara, 294
smagg, 194
smaa, 311

The Dhammapada Indexes - 165

smaat, 332
smaassa, 19, 20
sra, 11, 12
sra, 12
srato, 12
srattaratt, 345
srathi, 222
srathin, 94
sradika, 285
srade, 149
sramatino, 11
srambhakath, 133
srambho, 134
sre, 11
slamivotata, 162
svake, 195
svako, 75
ssana, 164, 183,
ssapo, 401, 407
shu, 206
sica, 369
sitt, 369
sithila, 312, 346
sineham, 285
sinehitni, 341
sindhav, 322
siy, 40, 84, 160,
166, 167, 206, 218,
231, 232, 233, 302,
305, 376
siro, 260
sghasso, 29
stibhta, 418
sla, 333
slagandho, 55
a, 217

slavata, 56
slavanta, 400
slavantassa, 110
slav, 84
slasavuto, 289
slena, 144, 303
slesu, 10
sukata, 314
sukarni, 163
sukka, 87
sukkasa, 72
sukha, 27, 79, 109,
131, 132, 168, 169,
201, 202, 203, 204,
290, 331, 333, 368,
379, 381
sukhakmni, 131,
sukham, 2, 131, 132,
193, 291
sukhasavso, 207
sukh, 194, 331,
332, 333
sukhvaha, 35, 36
sukh, 177, 206
sukhumo, 125
sukhena, 83
sukhesino, 341
sukho, 118, 194,
206, 333
sugata, 419
sugatino, 126
sugatena, 285
suggati, 18, 319
sucarita, 168, 169,
231, 232, 233
sucikammassa, 24

sucigandha, 58
sucigavesin, 245
sucitt, 151
suc, 393
succhanna, 14
sujva, 244
suato, 92, 93
sugra, 373
sutta, 47, 287
suttesu, 29
sutv, 100, 101, 102
sutvna, 82, 259
sudant, 94
sudantena, 160, 323
sudanto, 159
sudassa, 252
suduttara, 86
sududdasa, 36
sudesita, 44, 45
suddha, 412, 413
suddhassa, 125
suddhjvi, 366
suddhjve, 376
suddhjvena, 245
suddh, 165
sunipua, 36
suparisavut, 234
suppabuddha, 296,
297, 298, 299, 300,
subbat, 145
subbato, 95
subhnupassi, 7
subhnupassino, 349
subhvita, 14, 89
subhsit, 51, 52
subhsubha, 409
sumano, 68
sumarati, 324

The Dhammapada Indexes - 166

sumedha, 208
sumedhaso, 29
surakkhita, 157
suvimuttacitto, 20
suve, 229
susavuta, 8
susavuto, 281
susamraddh, 293
susamhito, 10, 378
susukha, 197, 198,
199, 200
suhajj, 219
sparasa, 64, 65
sekho, 45
seha, 26
sehata, 30
seho, 273, 321
seti, 79, 168, 169,
senti, 156
seyya, 61
seyyo, 76, 100, 101,
102, 104, 106, 107,
108, 110, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115, 308,
314, 330, 390
sela, 8
selo, 81
sevanti, 293
seve, 310
seveyya, 167
sehi, 136
so, 9, 15, 16, 63, 64,
70, 77, 127, 128,
131, 132, 140, 142,
162, 172, 173, 177,

187, 193, 236, 238,

249, 252, 253, 260,
266, 269, 284, 291,
334, 379, 382, 393,
sok, 335, 336
sokini, 28
soko, 212, 213, 214,
215, 216
socati, 15, 207, 367
socanti, 315
socare, 225
sota, 347, 383
sot, 339, 340
sotpattiphala, 178
sotena, 360
soto, 337
sotthim, 219
sotthiye, 295
sodhenti, 141
somanassni, 341
soasi, 70
has, 91
hatvakso, 97
hattham, 311
hatthim, 326
hananti, 355
haneyya, 129, 130
hantra, 389
hanti, 72, 355, 405
hantv, 294, 295
hareyya, 124
have, 104, 151, 177,
hpaye, 166
hso, 146

hi, 5, 27, 62, 71, 75,

77, 80, 116, 133,
145, 148, 159, 160,
184, 207, 208, 211,
252, 265, 274, 275,
292, 313, 315, 320,
323, 356, 357, 358,
359, 372, 380
hisati, 132, 270
hisamano, 390
hita, 163
hitv, 29, 88, 91,
201, 209, 231, 232,
233, 417, 418
himavanto, 304
hirnisedho, 143
hirmat, 245
hna, 167
hnavriya, 7
hnavriyo, 112
huta, 106, 107, 108
hura, 20
hurhura, 334
hetu, 84
heva, 47, 48
hoti, 19, 20, 51, 52,
66, 76, 77, 95, 177,
184, 187, 205, 256,
258, 259, 260, 262,
266, 268, 270, 312,
325, 356, 357, 358,
359, 373, 384, 393,
hotha, 243, 283, 327

Dhammapada First Line Index

akakkasa vipani gira sacca udraye, 408.
akata dukkata seyyo, pacch tapati dukkata, 314.
akkocchi ma avadhi ma ajini ma ahsi me, 3.
akkocchi ma avadhi ma ajini ma ahsi me, 4.
akkodhana vatavanta, slavanta anussuta, 400.
akkodhena jine kodha, asdhu sdhun jine, 223.
akkosa vadhabandha-ca, aduho yo titikkhati, 399.
acaritv brahmacariya aladdh yobbane dhana 155.
acaritv brahmacariya aladdh yobbane dhana 156.
acira vataya kyo pahavi adhisessati, 41.
a hi lbhpanis, a nibbnagmin, 75.
ahna nagara kata 150.
attadattha paratthena bahun pi na hpaye, 166.
attan codayattna, paimsettam-attan, 379.
attan va kata ppa attaja attasambhava, 161.
attan va kata ppa, attan sakilissati, 165.
att have jita seyyo y cya itar paj 104.
att hi attano ntho ko hi ntho paro siy? 160.
att hi attano ntho, att hi attano gati, 380.
attna-ce tath kayir yathaam-anussati, 159.
attna-ce piya ja rakkheyya na surakkhita 157.
attnam-eva pahama patirpe nivesaye, 158.
atthamhi jtamhi sukh sahy 331.
atha ppni kammni kara blo na bujjhati, 136.
atha vssa agrni, aggi ahati pvako. 140.
anavahitacittassa saddhamma avijnato, 38.
anavassutacittassa ananvhatacetaso, 39.
anikkasvo ksva yo vattha paridahessati, 9.
anupavdo anupaghto, ptimokkhe ca savaro, 185.
anupubbena medhv thokathoka khae khae, 239.
anekajtisasra sandhvissa anibbisa 153.
andhabhto aya loko, tanukettha vipassati, 174.
api dibbesu kmesu rati so ndhigacchati. 187.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 168

apualbho ca gat ca ppik, 310.

appak te manussesu ye jan pragmino, 85.
appamatto aya gandho yya tagaracandan, 56.
appamatto pamattesu, suttesu bahujgaro, 29.
appamdarat hotha sacittam-anurakkhatha, 327.
appamdarato bhikkhu, pamde bhayadassiv, 31.
appamdarato bhikkhu, pamde bhayadassiv, 32.
appamdena maghav devna sehata gato, 30.
appamdo amatapada, pamdo maccuno pada, 21.
appam-pi ce sahita bhsamno, 20.
appalbho pi ce bhikkhu salbha ntimaati, 366.
appassutya puriso balivaddo va jrati, 152.
abhaye bhayadassino, bhaye cbhayadassino, 317.
abhittharetha kalye, pp citta nivraye, 116.
abhivdanaslissa nicca vaddhpacyino, 109.
abhtavd niraya upeti, 306.
ayas va mala samuhita, 240.
ayoge yujam-attna, yogasmi-ca ayojaya, 209.
alakato ce pi sama careyya, 142.
alajjitye lajjanti, lajjitye na lajjare, 316.
avajje vajjamatino, vajje cvajjadassino, 318.
aviruddha viruddhesu, attadaesu nibbuta, 406.
asasaha gahahehi, angrehi cbhaya, 404.
asajjhyamal mant, anuhnamal ghar, 241.
asata bhvanam-iccheyya, purekkhra-ca bhikkhusu, 73.
asre sramatino sre csradassino, 11.
ashasena dhammena samena nayat pare, 257.
asubhnupassi viharanta indriyesu susavuta, 8.
assaddho akata ca sandhicchedo ca yo naro, 97.
asso yath bhadro kasniviho 144.
aha ngo va sagme cpto patita sara 320.
ahisak ye munayo, nicca kyena savut, 225.
kse va pada natthi, samao natthi bhire, 254.
kse va pada natthi, samao natthi bhire, 255.
rogyaparam lbh, santuhiparama dhana, 204.
s yassa na vijjanti asmi loke paramhi ca, 410.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 169

ida pure cittam-acri crika 326.

idha tappati pecca tappati, 17.
idha nandati pecca nandati, 18.
idha modati pecca modati, 16.
idha vassa vasissmi, idha hemantagimhisu, 286.
idha socati pecca socati, 15.
ucchinda sineham-attano, 285.
uhnaklamhi anuhahno, 280.
uhnavato satmato, 24.
uhnenappamdena sayamena damena ca, 25.
uttihe nappamajjeyya, dhamma sucarita care, 168.
udaka hi nayanti nettik, 80.
udaka hi nayanti nettik, 145.
upantavayo ca dnisi, 237.
uyyujanti satmanto, na nikete ramanti te, 91.
usabha pavara vra, mahesi vijitvina, 422.
te tdise pjayato, nibbute akutobhaye, 196.
eka dhamma attassa musvdissa jantuno 176.
ekassa carita seyyo natthi ble sahyat, 330.
eksana ekaseyya eko caram-atandito 305.
eta kho saraa khema, eta saraam-uttama, 192.
eta daha bandhanam-hu dhr, 346.
eta visesato atv appamdamhi pait, 22.
eta hi tumhe paipann dukkhassanta karissatha, 275.
etam-atthavasa atv, paito slasavuto, 289.
etha passathima loka citta rjarathpama 171.
eva bho purisa jnhi ppadhamm asaat. 248.
eva sakrabhtesu andhabhte puthujjane, 59.
eso va maggo natthao dassanassa visuddhiy, 274.
ovadeyynusseyya, asabbh ca nivraye, 77.
kaha dhamma vippahya sukka bhvetha paito, 87.
kayira-ce kayirthena daham-ena parakkame, 313.
kmato jyat soko, kmato jyat bhaya, 215.
kyappakopa rakkheyya, kyena savuto siy, 231.
kyena savaro sdhu, sdhu vcya savaro, 361.
kyena savut dhr, atho vcya savut, 234.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 170

ksvakah bahavo ppadhamm asaat, 307.

ki te jahi dummedha ki te ajinasiy, 394.
kiccho manussapailbho, kiccha macchna jvita, 182.
kumbhpama kyam-ima viditv, 40.
kuso yath duggahito hattham-evnukantati, 311.
ko nu hso kim-nando nicca pajjalite sati? 146.
kodha jahe vippajaheyya mna 221.
k ima pahavi vicessati 44.
khant parama tapo titikkh, 184.
gataddhino visokassa vippamuttassa sabbadhi, 90.
gabbham-ekepapajjanti niraya ppakammino, 126.
gambhrapaa medhvi, maggmaggassa kovida, 403.
gahakraka dihosi! puna geha na khasi: 154.
gme v yadi vrae, ninne v yadi v thale, 98.
cakkhun savaro sdhu, sdhu sotena savaro, 360.
cattri hnni naro pamatto 309.
canda va vimala suddha, vippasannam-anvila 413.
candana tagara v pi, uppala atha vassik, 55.
cara-ce ndhigaccheyya seyya sadisam-attano, 61.
caranti bl dummedh amitteneva attan, 66.
cirappavsi purisa drato sotthim-gata, 219.
cuti yo vedi sattna upapatti-ca sabbaso, 419.
chandajto anakkhte, manas ca phuo siy, 218.
chinda sota parakkamma, kme panuda brhmaa, 383.
chetv naddhi varatta-ca, sandma sahanukkama, 398.
jaya vera pasavati dukkha seti parjito, 201.
jighacchparam rog, sakhraparam dukh, 203.
jranti ve rjarath sucitt, 151.
jhya bhikkhu m ca pmado, 371.
jhyi virajam-sna katakicca ansava 386.
ta puttapasusammatta bysattamanasa nara, 287.
ta vo vadmi bhadda vo, yvantettha samgat, 337.
ta-ca kamma kata sdhu ya katv nnutappati, 68.
tahya jyat soko, tahya jyat bhaya, 216.
tato mal malatara, avijj parama mala, 243.
tatrbhiratim-iccheyya hitv kme akicano, 88.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 171

tatryam-di bhavati idha paassa bhikkhuno: 375.

tatheva katapuam-pi asm lok para gata, 220.
tasiya purakkhat paj 342.
tasiya purakkhat paj 343.
tasm piya na kayirtha, piypyo hi ppako, 211.
tiadosni khettni, icchdos aya paj, 359.
tiadosni khettni, dosados aya paj, 357.
tiadosni khettni, mohados aya paj, 358.
tiadosni khettni, rgados aya paj, 356.
tumhehi kicca tappa akkhtro tathgat, 276.
te jhyino statik, nicca dahaparakkam, 23.
tesa sampannaslna appamdavihrina 57.
dadti ve yathsaddha yathpasdana jano, 249.
danta nayanti samiti danta rjbhirhati, 321.
div tapati dicco, ratti bhti candim, 387.
diso disa yanta kayir ver v pana verina 42.
dgh jgarato ratti, dgha santassa yojana, 60.
dukkha dukkhasamuppda dukkhassa ca atikkama, 191.
dunniggahassa lahuno yatthakmaniptino, 35.
duppabbajja durabhirama, durvs ghar dukh, 302.
dullabho purisjao, na so sabbattha jyati, 193.
dragama ekacara asarra guhsaya, 37.
dre santo paksenti himavanto va pabbato, 304.
dhanaplak nma kujaro 324.
dhamma care sucarita, na na duccarita care, 169.
dhammapti sukha seti, vippasannena cetas, 79.
dhammrmo dhammarato, dhamma anuvicintaya, 364.
dhra-ca paa-ca bahussuta-ca, 208.
na attahetu na parassa hetu, 84.
na antalikkhe, na samuddamajjhe, 127.
na antalikkhe, na samuddamajjhe, 128.
na kahpaavassena titti kmesu vijjati, 186.
na cha brhmaa brmi yonija mattisambhava, 396.
na chu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati 228.
na jahi na gottena, na jacc hoti brhmao, 393.
na ta kamma kata sdhu ya katv anutappati, 67.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 172

na ta daha bandhanam-hu dhr, 345.

na ta mt pit kayir ae v pi ca tak 43.
na tvat dhammadharo yvat bahu bhsati, 259.
na tena ariyo hoti yena pni hisati, 270.
na tena thero so hoti yenassa palita siro, 260.
na tena paito hoti yvat bahu bhsati, 258.
na tena bhikkhu so hoti yvat bhikkhate pare, 266.
na tena hoti dhammaho yenattha sahas naye, 256.
na naggacariy na ja na pak, 141.
na paresa vilomni, na paresa katkata, 50.
na pupphagandho paivtameti, 54.
na brhmaassa pahareyya, nssa mucetha brhmao, 389.
na brhmaassetad-akici seyyo, 390.
na bhaje ppake mitte, na bhaje purisdhame, 78.
na muakena samao abbato alika bhaa 264.
na monena mun hoti mharpo aviddasu, 268.
na vkkaraamattena vaapokkharatya v 262.
na ve kadariy devaloka vajanti, 177.
na santi putt tya, na pit na pi bandhav, 288.
na slabbatamattena, bhusaccena v pana, 271.
na hi etehi ynehi gaccheyya agata disa, 323.
na hi ppa kata kamma sajju khra va muccati, 71.
na hi verena verni sammantdha kudcana, 5.
nagara yath paccanta gutta santarabhira, 315.
natthi jhna apaassa, pa natthi ajhyato, 372.
natthi rgasamo aggi, natthi dosasamo kali, 202.
natthi rgasamo aggi, natthi dosasamo gaho, 251.
niha gato asants, vtataho anagao, 351.
nidhya daa bhtesu tasesu thvaresu ca, 405.
nidhna va pavattra ya passe vajjadassina, 76.
nekkha jambonadasseva, ko ta ninditum-arahati? 230.
neta kho saraa khema, neta saraam-uttama, 189.
neva devo na gandhabbo, na mro saha brahmun, 105.
no ce labhetha nipaka sahya 329.
pasukladhara jantu, kisa dhamanisanthata, 395.
paca chinde paca jahe, paca cuttaribhvaye, 370.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 173

pahavisamo no virujjhati, 95.

paupalso va dnisi, 235.
pathavy ekarajjena saggassa gamanena v 178.
pamda appamdena yad nudati paito, 28.
pamdam-anuyujanti bl dummedhino jan, 26.
paradukkhpadnena attano sukham-icchati, 291.
paravajjnupassissa nicca ujjhnasaino 253.
parijiam-ida rpa roganiha pabhagura, 148.
pare ca na vijnanti mayam-ettha yammase, 6.
pavivekarasa pitv, rasa upasamassa ca, 205.
passa cittakata bimba arukya samussita 147.
pimhi ce vao nssa hareyya pin visa, 124.
ppa-ce puriso kayir, na ta kayir punappuna, 117.
ppni parivajjeti, sa mun tena so muni, 269.
ppo pi passati bhadra yva ppa na paccati, 119.
pmojjabahulo bhikkhu, pasanno buddhassane, 381.
piyato jyat soko, piyato jyat bhaya, 212.
pua-ce puriso kayir, kayirtheta punappuna, 118.
putt matthi dhanam-matthi iti blo vihaati, 62.
pupphni heva pacinanta bysattamanasa nara, 47.
pupphni heva pacinanta bysattamanasa nara, 48.
pubbenivsa yo ved, saggpya-ca passati, 423.
pjrahe pjayato, buddhe yadi va svake, 195.
pemato jyat soko, pemato jyat bhaya, 213.
poram-eta atula neta ajjatanm-iva, 227.
phandana capala citta drakkha dunnivraya, 33.
phusmi nekkhammasukha, aputhujjanasevita, 272.
phepama kyam-ima viditv, 46.
bahu ve saraa yanti, pabbatni vanni ca, 188.
bahum-pi ce sahita bhsamno, 19.
blasagatacr hi dgham-addhna socati, 207.
bhitappo ti brhmao, 388.
bhadro pi passati ppa yva bhadra na paccati, 120.
maggnahagiko seho, saccna caturo pad, 273.
mattsukhapariccg passe ce vipul sukha, 290.
madhuv maati blo, yva ppa na paccati, 69.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 174

manujassa pamattacrino 334.

manopakopa rakkheyya, manas savuto siy, 233.
manopubbagam dhamm, manoseh manomay, 1.
manopubbagam dhamm, manoseh manomay, 2.
mameva kata maantu gih pabbajit ubho, 74.
malitthiy duccarita, macchera dadato mala, 242.
m pamdam-anuyujetha m kmaratisanthava, 27.
m piyehi samgach appiyehi kudcana, 210.
mtara pitara hantv, rjno dve ca khattiye, 294.
mtara pitara hantv, rjno dve ca sotthiye, 295.
mppamaetha ppassa na ma ta gamissati. 121.
mppamaetha puassa na ma ta gamissati. 122.
mvoca pharusa kaci, vutt paivadeyyu ta, 133.
mse mse kusaggena blo bhujetha bhojana, 70.
mse mse sahassena yo yajetha sata sama, 106.
mitte bhajassu kalye suddhjve atandite, 376.
middh yad hoti mahagghaso ca, 325.
muca pure muca pacchato, 348.
muhuttam-api ce vi paita payirupsati 65.
mettvihr yo bhikkhu, pasanno buddhassane, 368.
ya es sahat jamm tah loke visattik 335.
ya kici yiha ca huta ca loke, 108.
ya kici sithila kamma, sakiliha-ca ya vata, 312.
ya hi kicca tad-apaviddha, akicca pana kayirati, 292.
ya-ce vi pasasanti, anuvicca suve suve, 229.
yato yato sammasati khandhna udayabbaya 374.
yath agra ducchanna vuh samativijjhati, 13.
yath agra succhanna vuh na samativijjhati, 14.
yath daena goplo gvo pceti gocara, 135.
yath pi rahado gambhro vippasanno anvilo, 82.
yath bubbulaka passe, yath passe marcika, 170.
yath sakradhnasmi ujjhitasmi mahpathe, 58.
yathpi puppharsimh kayir mlgue bah, 53.
yathpi bhamaro puppha vaagandha ahehaya 49.
yathpi mle anupaddave dahe 338.
yathpi rucira puppha vaavanta agandhaka, 51.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 175

yathpi rucira puppha vaavanta sagandhaka, 52.

yad dvayesu dhammesu prag hoti brhmao, 384.
yamh dhamma vijneyya sammsambuddhadesita, 392.
yamhi sacca-ca dhammo ca ahis sayamo damo, 261.
yassa accantadusslya mluv slamivotata 162.
yassa kyena vcya, manas natthi dukkata, 391.
yassa gati na jnanti, dev gandhabbamnus, 420.
yassa ceta samucchinna mlaghacca samhata, 250.
yassa ceta samucchinna mlaghacca samhata 263.
yassa chattisat sot manpassavan bhus, 339.
yassa jlin visattik, 180.
yassa jita nvajyati, 179.
yassa ppa kata kamma kusalena pithyati, 173.
yassa pra apra v prpra na vijjati, 385.
yassa pure ca pacch ca majjhe ca natthi kicana, 421.
yassa rgo ca doso ca mno makkho ca ptito, 407.
yasslay na vijjanti, aya akathakath, 411.
yasssav parikkh hre ca anissito, 93.
yassindriyni samatha gatni, 94.
ynimni apatthni alpneva srade, 149.
yva vanatho na chijjati 284.
yvajvam-pi ce blo paita payirupsati 64.
yvad-eva anatthya atta blassa jyati, 72.
ye ca kho sammad-akkhte dhamme dhammnuvattino 86.
ye jhnapasut dhr nekkhammpasame rat, 181.
ye rgarattnupatanti sota 347.
yesa sannicayo natthi, ye paritabhojan, 92.
yesa sambodhi-agesu samm citta subhvita, 89.
yesa-ca susamraddh nicca kyagat sati, 293.
yo appaduhassa narassa dussati, 125.
yo ima palipatha dugga sasra moham-accag, 414.
yo ca pubbe pamajjitv pacch so nappamajjati, 172.
yo ca buddha-ca dhamma-ca sagha-ca saraa gato, 190.
yo ca vantakasvassa slesu susamhito, 10.
yo ca vassasata jantu aggi paricare vane, 107.
yo ca vassasata jve apassa udayabbaya, 113.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 176

yo ca vassasata jve apassa amata pada, 114.

yo ca vassasata jve apassa dhammam-uttama, 115.
yo ca vassasata jve kusto hnavriyo, 112.
yo ca vassasata jve dusslo asamhito, 110.
yo ca vassasata jve duppao asamhito, 111.
yo ca sameti ppni, au-thlni sabbaso, 265.
yo ce gthsata bhse anatthapadasahit 102.
yo ceta sahat jammi taha loke duraccaya 336.
yo daena adaesu appaduhesu dussati 137.
yo dukkhassa pajnti idheva khayam-attano, 402.
yo nibbanatho vandhimutto 344.
yo pam-atipteti, musvda-ca bhsati, 246.
yo blo maati blya, paito v pi tena so, 63.
yo mukhasayato bhikkhu, mantabh anuddhato, 363.
yo ve uppatita kodha ratha bhanta va dhraye, 222.
yo sahassa sahassena sagme mnuse jine, 103.
yo ssana arahata ariyna dhammajvina, 164.
yo have daharo bhikkhu yujati buddhassane, 382.
yog ve jyati bhri, ayog bhrisakhayo, 282.
yodha kme pahatvna angro paribbaje 415.
yodha taha pahatvna, angro paribbaje, 416.
yodha dgha va rassa v au-thla subhsubha 409.
yodha pua-ca ppa-ca bhetv brahmacariyav, 267.
yodha pua-ca ppa-ca ubho saga upaccag, 412.
ratiy jyat soko, ratiy jyat bhaya, 214.
ramayni arani, yattha na ramat jano, 99.
rjato v upasagga, abbhakkhna va drua, 139.
vacpakopa rakkheyya, vcya savuto siy, 232.
vajja-ca vajjato atv, avajja-ca avajjato, 319.
vana chindatha m rukkha, vanato jyat bhaya, 283.
varam-assatar dant jny ca sindhav 322.
vassik viya pupphni maddavni pamucati, 377.
vcnurakkh manas susavuto, 281.
vijo va bhaya magga appasattho mahaddhano, 123.
vri pokkharapatte va, ragge-r-iva ssapo, 401.
vrijo va thale khitto okam-okata ubbhato, 34.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 177

vitakkapamathitassa jantuno 349.

vitakkupasame ca yo rato 350.
vtataho andno, niruttipadakovido, 352.
vedana pharusa jni, sarrassa ca bhedana, 138.
sace neresi attna, kaso upahato yath, 134.
sace labhetha nipaka sahya 328.
sacca bhae na kujjheyya, dajjppasmim-pi ycito, 224.
sad jgaramnna ahorattnusikkhina, 226.
saddho slena sampanno yasobhogasamappito, 303.
santa tassa mana hoti, sant vc ca kamma ca, 96.
santakyo santavco santav susamhito 378.
sabbattha ve sappuris cajanti, 83.
sabbadna dhammadna jinti, 354.
sabbappassa akaraa, kusalassa upasampad, 183.
sabbasayojana chetv yo ve na paritassati, 397.
sabbaso nmarpasmi yassa natthi mamyita, 367.
sabbbhibh sabbavidham-asmi, 353.
sabbe tasanti daassa, sabbe bhyanti maccuno, 129.
sabbe tasanti daassa, sabbesa jvita piya, 130.
sabbe dhamm anatt ti, yad paya passati, 279.
sabbe sakhr anicc ti, yad paya passati, 277.
sabbe sakhr dukkh ti, yad paya passati, 278.
saritni sinehitni ca 341.
salbha ntimaeyya, nesa pihaya care, 365.
savanti sabbadh sot lat ubbhijja tihati 340.
sahassam-api ce gth anatthapadasahit, 101.
sahassam-api ce vc anatthapadasahit, 100.
sra-ca srato atv asra-ca asrato, 12.
shu dassanam-ariyna, sannivso sad sukho, 206.
sica bhikkhu ima nva, sitt te lahum-essati, 369.
sladassanasampanna, dhammaha saccavedina 217.
sukarni asdhni attano ahitni ca, 163.
sukha yva jar sla, sukh saddh patihit, 333.
sukhakmni bhtni yo daena vihisati, 131.
sukhakmni bhtni yo daena na hisati, 132.
sukh matteyyat loke, atho petteyyat sukh, 332.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 178

sukho buddhnam-uppdo, sukh saddhammadesan, 194.

sujva ahirikena kkasrena dhasin, 244.
sugra pavihassa, santacittassa bhikkhuno, 373.
sudassa vajjam-aesa, attano pana duddasa, 252.
sududdasa sunipua yatthakmaniptina, 36.
suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak, 296.
suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak, 297.
suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak, 298.
suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak, 299.
suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak, 300.
suppabuddha pabujjhanti sad gotamasvak 301.
subhnupassi viharanta indriyesu asavuta, 7.
surmerayapna-ca yo naro anuyujati, 247.
susukha vata jvma turesu antur, 198.
susukha vata jvma ussukesu anussuk 199.
susukha vata jvma yesa no natthi kicana, 200.
susukha vata jvma verinesu averino, 197.
sekho pahavi vicessati 45.
seyyo ayoguo bhutto tatto aggisikhpamo, 308.
selo yath ekaghano vtena na samrati, 81.
so karohi dpam-attano, 236.
so karohi dpam-attano, 238.
hasdiccapathe yanti, kse yanti iddhiy, 175.
hatthasayat pdasayato, 362.
hananti bhog dummedha, no ve pragavesino, 355.
hitv mnusaka yoga, dibba yoga upaccag, 417.
hitv rati-ca arati-ca, stibhta nirpadhi, 418.
hirnisedho puriso koci lokasmi vijjati, 143.
hirmat ca dujjva, nicca sucigavesin, 245.
hna dhamma na seveyya, pamdena na savase, 167.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 179

Index of the Metres

(= 83% of the verses)
Pathy: (603 pdayugas): 1ace; 2ace; 3c; 4c; 5ac; 6ac; 7c;
8c; 9c; 10ac; 11c; 12ac; 13c; 14c; 21c; 22ac; 25ac;
26ac; 27c; 28ace; 29ac; 30c; 31ac; 32ac; 33ac;
34ac; 35c; 36c; 37c; 38ac; 39ac; 41ac; 42c; 43ac;
47ac; 48ac; 49ac; 50ac; 51ac; 52ac; 53ac; 55ac;
56ac; 57ac; 58ac; 59ac; 60a; 61ac; 62ac; 64ac;
65ac; 66c; 67ac; 68a; 70ac; 71ac; 72ac; 73ac;
74ace; 75ce; 76ae; 77ac; 78a; 79ac; 81c; 82c; 85a;
86ac; 88ac; 89ac; 90ac; 91ac; 92ace; 93ace; 96ac;
97a; 98a; 99ac; 100ac; 101ac; 102ac; 103ac; 104ac;
105ac; 106ace; 107ace; 109a; 110ac; 111ac; 112ac;
113ac; 114ac; 115ac; 116ac; 117a; 118a; 119c;
120c; 121ac; 122ace; 123ac; 124ac; 126ac; 129ac;
130ac; 131ac; 132ac; 133a; 134ac; 135a; 136ac;
137a; 138ac; 139c; 140a; 146ac; 147ac; 148ac;
149ac; 152c; 153ac; 154ace; 155c; 156c; 157ac;
158c; 159a; 160ac; 161ac; 162ac; 163ac; 164ce;
165ac; 166ac; 167ac; 168ac; 169c; 170ac; 171ac;
172ac; 173ac; 174ac; 175a; 176ac; 178ac; 181a;
182a; 185ce; 186ac; 187ac; 188ac; 189ac; 190ac;
191ac; 192ac; 193ac; 194ac; 195c; 197ac; 198ac;
199ac; 200ac; 201c; 202ac; 203ac; 204ac; 205ac;
206ac; 207ace; 209ac; 210a; 211ac; 212ac; 213ac;
214ac; 215ac; 216ac; 217ac; 218a; 219c; 220ac;
222ac; 223a; 224ac; 225c; 226ac; 227ce; 228c;
229a; 230ac; 231c; 232c; 233c; 234ac; 239ac;
241ac; 242c; 243c; 244c; 245ac; 246a; 247a; 248ac;

The Dhammapada Indexes - 180

249a; 250a; 251ac; 252ace; 253ac; 254a; 255ac;

256ac; 257a; 258a; 259ce; 260c; 261ac; 262ac;
263a; 264c; 265ac; 266c; 267a; 268ac; 269ac;
270ac; 271ac; 272c; 273a; 275c; 276c; 277c; 278c;
279ac; 282ace; 283ac; 286ac; 287ac; 288c; 289ac;
290ac; 291ac; 292ac; 293ace; 294ac; 295ac; 296ac;
297ac; 298ac; 299ac; 300ac; 301ac; 302c; 304ac;
305c; 307c; 308ac; 311c; 312a; 313ac; 314ac;
315ce; 316c; 317c; 318c; 319ac; 320ac; 321c;
322ac; 323ac; 327ac; 330a; 332ac; 333ac; 335ac;
336a; 337ae; 339ac; 340ac; 351ac; 352ae; 355c;
356ac; 357ac; 358ac; 359ac; 360ac; 361ace; 363ac;
364c; 365ac; 366ac; 367a; 368c; 369ac; 370c;
372ac; 373ac; 374c; 375c; 376ac; 377ac; 378c;
379a; 380ac; 381ac; 382ac; 383ac; 384a; 385ac;
386ac; 387ace; 389ac; 391ac; 392ac; 393ac; 394a;
395a; 396ace; 397ac; 398ac; 399ac; 400c; 401ac;
402ac; 403c; 404a; 405c; 406ac; 407ac; 408c; 409c;
410ac; 411ac; 412ac; 413ac; 414ac; 415ac; 416ac;
417ac; 418ac; 419ac; 420a; 421ac; 422ac; 423ce.
navipul: (17 pdayugas): 3a; 4a; 11a; 30a; 35a; 36a; 158a;
164a; 169a; 182c; 201a; 243a; 249c; 264a; 318a;
321a; 375a.
bhavipul: (31 pdayugas): 21a; 23a; 37a; 68c; 75a; 81a; 133c;
143c; 152a; 183c; 195a; 196a; 219a; 225a; 227a;
242a; 258c; 259a; 267c; 272a; 303c; 307a; 311a;
337c; 364a; 370a; 374a; 376e; 379c; 394c; 408a.
mavipul: (50 pdayugas): 7a; 8a; 9a; 13a; 14a; 23c; 42a;
60c; 66a; 76c; 78c; 82a; 87c; 97c; 109c; 117c;
121e; 140c; 165e; 175c; 181c; 196c; 226c; 229c;
231a; 232a; 233a; 246c; 247c; 249e; 250c; 257c;
263c; 273c; 274a; 275a; 276a; 278a; 288a; 315a;

The Dhammapada Indexes - 181

316a; 355a; 368a; 384c; 395c; 403a; 404c; 405a;

409c; 423a.
ravipul: (8 pdayugas): 87a; 155a; 156a; 185a; 305a; 312c;
352c; 378a.
savipul: (16 pdayugas): 7e; 8e; 63ac; 69ac; 89e; 98c; 118c;
119a; 120a; 139a; 159c; 244a; 336c; 400a; 420c.
Anuhubha: (13 pdayugas): 85c; 135c; 143c; 150ac; 183a;
228a; 254c; 302ae; 317a; 367c; 414e.
irregular: (8 pdayugas): 27a; 210c; 218c; 222c; 260a; 266a;
(= 8% of the verses)
Vetlya: (117 pdas): 15abcd; 16abcd; 17abcd; 18abcd;
24abcd; 44abcd; 45abcd; 80abcd; 95abcd; 145abcd;
179acd; 180abcd; 235abcd; 236abcd; 237abcd;
238abcd; 240abcd; 284abcd; 285abcd; 324abcd;
334abcd; 341abcd; 342abc; 343abcd; 344bcd;
348abcd; 349abcd; 350abcd; 362abc; 371a;
Opacchandas (11 pdas): 179a; 184abcd; 342d; 344a; 362d;
aka: 371bcd.

The Dhammapada Indexes - 182

Other Syllabic Metres

(= 9 % of the verses)
Tuhubha: (122 pdas): 19abcd; 20abcdef; 40abc; 46abcd;
54abc; 83abcd; 84ab; 94abc; 108abcd; 125bcd;
127abcd; 128abcd; 141abcd; 142abcd; 144ab;
151abcd; 177abcd; 208abc; 221abcd; 280abc; 281b;
306abcd; 309abcd; 310cd; 325abcd; 328abcd;
329abc; 330c; 331abcd; 345abcd; 346abcd;
347abcd; 353abcd; 354abcd; 390abd.
Jagat: (26 pdas): 40d; 54d; 84cd; 94d; 125a; 144cdef;
208d; 280d; 281acd; 310ab; 326abcd; 338abcd;
irregular: 84c; 329d; 330d;

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