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ser-3 Tistiuctions forcandidates TOTAL MAKE 00 TE ALLGTIED — 2HRS- 4. Total Wo, of Questions-100. Each Question is of three marks, 2. One mark wil be deducted for every wrong answr. 3. Do mat wo or mark on the Question Paper. 4, Causation Paper to be returmod before leaving the Exam Hall ‘Read the following passage carefull and newer the questions given below it Educational planning hold aim st meeting the educational needs of the entre population of all age groupe. While the tradiionst stucture of education ae a three tayer frererety {rom the primary stage tothe University represents the core, we shouk! no overtook the periphery which equally mportant. Under madem conditions, workers need 10 rewind, of renew their erthusiaem, or ete out in @ new direction, oF mprove thor side ac much a wy rarest profess. The eros anc the aged have Wek needs as wal, Educalons panning, ‘hor words, should take care ofthe needs of everyone, ur structures of education have been bul up on fhe assumption that there ic a terminal point to education, This baste defect has become tthe mare harmful today. A UNESCO report {nidled ‘Leeming to Be’ propared by Edgar Faure and others in 1673 asserts that the education ‘of chidren must prepare the fulure aul for various forms of selieaming. A viable education ‘ystom of the future ahould consist of modules with diferent kind of fancions serving @ diversity ‘of consituents. And performance. not the period of study, should be the basis for credentials ‘The wting is aleaay on the wa. In lew ofthe fact thatthe signifcance of 2 commitment of Welong learning and Hatime ‘education is being decuseed only in recent years even in-educationaly advanced couriies, the osslbity of the Kdes becoming an. itegral part of educational thinking seems to be a far cry Por, fo move in that direction means so much mare then some simple rearrangement ofthe present orpenieaion of education. Bul @ good beginning can be made by developing pen Univerely progeammes for oer learners of elfen categories and inseducing extension ‘ences inthe conventional colages and schools. Alto, thove insutions should eam to ‘cooperate with numerous community organisations such’ as Ebrries, museums, municipal ‘recreational prograranes, health services et G1. Whatis the main thrust ofthe author? (a) Tradiional sysiors shoud be strengthened. {(®) * Fermaleducaton i more important han non-formal {c) One should never coage o lear. (8) tis impossble to meet the needs of everyone. 02, What chould be tho major characteristic of he lure educational system? (a) Difrent modules with same function. (©) Same module for diferent groups. 6) Nomodules but standard compuleorysrogeamene fra () None of the above. 28. According to the author, what messures shawl epen university adopt 1o mest modern ceonctiona? (@) Develop various programmes fr adit earner, (@) Calor tothe noods of those who reprssont ‘com’ (4) Primary education should be under the corto of open univeraties. 4, nthe content ofthe passage, what is the moaning of the sentence "The wing is aaady nthe wail”? (2) Everything uncertain now-e-days (©) Ghangos have already taken olace. (@)_Thesigns of change ore already visible (2) You cannotchange the future {each of the following questions ch part of the sentence has W there is no mistake, the answer is (d) "No error”. 5, ihwas a vear since / | received any later / from my sister No err a) ) (ec) (a) 06. His fami members may ative ‘any moment / by car./ No enor, > (a) a) v 7. Hewent to office / but returned back /home immediately. / No erp. @) © (c) @ (08. The wo brothers amicabl divided the parent’ property / among them ‘No error @) @ © @ (09, Toaltain a high academic standard in his cotege Sunil worked hard / @ @) st iLnight No eror © 1a) B most effective word trom the giv 2 to fil in the blank to make sentence meaningfully complete. 210. Mohini is an independent and innovative tinker, th fore, His best to grant her a good eal of __ with regard to the drection of her research leverage (0) inlowest—(c) assistance (d)_— money att. The ‘of meat in your refrigerator does not necessariy indicate that you are @ vesetaran, (@) presence (&) absence ()_ amount )-—_colour 12. Due to the rise of new media technology. many people predict newspapers wil soon be. Ta) obsolete) ubiquitous(c)_cormmonplace (é)_widesproad 13. Attention to details he _of fie eratsman, (@)halimark (8) stamp (6) authentcily (4) show 214. Although the two sisters are mins, they look somewhat (@) ake () unique) ciRerent——(@)—_roated Ineach of the fo the word most similar in meaning to the ven in eaplals O15. VENERATE (@) Reject (b) Remove) Love. (©) Respect 16. VACILLATE (2) Waver —(@)—_Disitegrate (c)Retegate (6) Sake 17, Feuicmy (@) Zeal (b) Exctement (¢) Happiness (6) Expertise Pick out the word that is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word given in caphals. 18. HYSTERI, (2) Disease) Ceremony fe) Serenity (d)——Frenzy 19, ABSTAIN (2) Indulge) Dismiss fe) Repl id) cau 26 rary (choose the correct answer. 22%. The famous Grend Trunk (GT) Rose from Peshawar tc Kolkata was but by - @ aber (Ashok (@) ShorShah Suri (d) — Chandragupta 222. The Ashoka Pilar whose Lion Capt! (Carving) was adopted by the Government of india ‘8s National Emblem is situated at- (@) Varanasi (0) Puri (©) Prayag —(@)— Sarath (223, The Preamble ofthe Conettution of inaia was prepared by. (a). Members of Conetiuent Assembly (b) BR Ambeckar {2} Jawaharal Nebru (8) Dr Radhakeshnan 224, The wo proat revolutionaries who twew a bomb in Lepisiatve Assembly were- (2) Bhagat Singh & BK Dutt (©) Bhagat Singh & Chancreshekhar Azad (6) Chanorashekher Azad & Bieri (@) Bhagat Singh & Ashfak lah Khan 225. ‘Duckworth Lewis Rue’ is used inthe game of - (2) Lawn Tennis (6) Cricket (c) Basketball (4) Rugby (225. Dronacharya award is given for outstanding contribution inthe flé of (@) Spore (©) Savy Shisha Abhiyan (@)Anganwedi (Music (227, Who was the frst Indian woman to cmb Mount Everest? (6) JurkoTabei (@) Bachendsi Pal (©) DoleBaneree (6) Sanemache Chanu (228, The frat Oympic Games were held in 1096 at (Rome) Athens) (@) Parts (8) London (229, nia tops the world in production of - (@) Auminam —() Copper («),—-Chromte()- Mica (220. DPT vaccine dees not give protection to chi from - (@) Tetanus (@) Polo fe) Diphtheria (6) Whooping Cough 1231. What wil be the colour of @ reg rose when itis seen through green glass? (a) White) Black (© Pink (6) Brown (052, Which one ofthe folowing i the exclusive power of the Lok Sabha? (a) Totmoduce Monoy Bil. {0} Totty declaration of Emergency. {6} _Tolmnpaach the President. {@)_Topase No Confidence Motion against Counc of Ministers, (233. indigencuaty buit supersonic crise missile is known 2-- (@) BrahMos (0) Prttwi (©) Nag (6) Astra (G34. Which one of he folowing crops enriches nitrogen content in the soil? (a) Pee O) Sunflower (2) Potato (@)— Wheat 1095. Which ofthe folowing periodical winds blowing from sa to land cause summer monsoon in ini? (eo) EastWest (0) NorthEast (c) SouthWest (@) South East (236._ndia's permanent research station “Dakshin Ganges situates in the (@) Great Himalayas ()Indion Ocean (©) Araban Sea (@) Antarctica (037, Which one ofthe followings the busiest ocean route inthe world? (a) tdian Ocean (©) Pactic Ocean + (@) Nort Atante Ocean (d).-—_-South Atante Ocean 038, Detence Services Staff Colege is located at - (a) Khodakvasaia (6) Secundrabed (@) Dehradun (@)_Welington (039. The United Nations Organisation rosponsibie to maintain international peace & security, ‘war estabishod on 24 October in he year = (a) 1920 () 1948 @ 1939 (1902 (040. Who authored the book Freedom st Midnight 7 (2). Salman Rushdie (0) Charles Dickens (6) Mahatma Gandhi 18) Lary Colin ard Dotinique -aoien (241. The number of gis in a class is five times the number of Boys. Which of Ine ican ‘cannot be the total number of children inthe class? @ 30 o 3 oo ‘042, Ram went 1 @ shop to buy 50 kg of rice. He bought we variates of rice which cost hin 4.50 per kg and 5 per kg. He spent a total of € 240, What was the quantty of te cheaper ‘ee purchased by ran? (a) 20K) 25K fe) 20K (8) None ofthese (043. A man has 640 in the denominations of one rupeo, five rupee and ten rupee notes. The ‘number ofeach ype of noles are equal. What the total number of notes he has? @ © 150 © 9 “@) 120 (244, The average of five consecutive odd numbers is 61. What is the diffrence between Iighest and lowest numbar? @ 2 m 5 Ca @ 2 45. Jayosh is ice os old ax Vijay and half as old 2s Suresh. If the sum of Viay's age and ‘Suresh’ age i 85 years what @ te age of Jayesh? (a) Styears "(@) S6years”—(e) GB years (G24 years (246, A cricketer has an average of 30 rune in 14 inings, How many runs shoul! he score in fis next innings to achawe an average of 32 rune? a) 85 oO © 55 @ % (047. What percentage of proft should be aided in the cost price of an tem so as to gain a ‘ro of 38% afer alowing 5% discount othe customer? 4 40 © 2 @ (048. If the manufacturer gains 10%, the wholesale dealer gains 15% and the rtaler gains 25% nd the cost of production of a tale. ‘The retail pice of tablets € 1265 - (@) 800 (&) T1000 (850 @ E1180 (049. A loss of 19% on a shirt gets converted into a profi of 17% when the seling price Is increased by © 162, What is the cost price ofthe shit? (e540 (450) (e600 (360 256. in an examination 75% of the tla! students passed in Engish and 65% passed in Mamemates. hie 15% falled in English ae well ax Matmemates. Is total of 49° candidate: wo 7 1051, When the price of e product was increased by 15%, the number of tems sold was Gecreaced by 20%. What was the net effect? (@) 10% gain (0) Oks (©) Bee (8) AK gain (52. A modure of 40 lires of mik and water contains 10% water. How much water should be ‘ded to ths éxtre so that the new mixture contains 20% water? 5 (sites (6) Sires (@) 65ires ” (d) 7S Fves (053. The rai of three numbers ie 3:45.and the sum of thei squares is 1250. The sum ofthe three numbers ‘) 30 50 © © @ 9 54. The average age of thse boys Is 25 years and thei ages ae in the proportion 357. What the age othe youngest Boy? a) tS years) $B years (©) 2tyeare (4) 13 years 255. Arman has few hens and cows. Ith total number of heads are 48 andthe total number fol feet are 140, then the numberof ens are 2 o 2 (©) 2% ® 2% 256. & certain eum of money becomes three tines of tse in 20 years at simple interest. In ‘pow many yoars wil the inal sum become double at Ue same rate of simple intrest? @ 8 © 10 @ % 057. Ram borrows & 8000 at 12% p.2. simple interest and Mohan borrows € $100 at 10% pa. ‘imple inleres. In how many years vil thelr Borrowed amounts (debt) be equal? @ 8 ® 2 (2 2% (58. Reena took a loan of € 1200 with simple interest for @ cetsin numbers of years. The number of years are same as the interest rate. if she has paid € 432 as interest at the end ofthe loan period, what was the rate of intrest? (38 @ 6 (©) 12d) None of nese (50. A student was asked to divide @ number by 3. But, instead of dividing fhe multiplied ity 3 and got29.7as te anewer. What was the correct answer hed he not made the mistake? (33 ©) 83 88 89 (260. Which of the folowing fraction isthe smallest? (a) 9n3 ‘@) 17728 (©) 2009 (3382 Es consist of hh {0 ach other, lowed by four pairs of, the pair which hss the same 61. STORY : NOVEL (a) Sea: Ocean (®) School: University (6) Book: Dietionary (®) Poetry: Drama (062, GRAIN: SALT (9) Shard : Pottery (0) Shred : Wood (6) Blades : Grass (@) Chips Glass (053. WATER “TIP (a) Student = Marks (©) Worker: Bonus (©) Employee Wages (6) Clem: Bebe (064, PAIN: SEDATIVE (2) Comfort : Stimulant (©) Geet Consolation Trance Narcotic (d)Ache Extraction ‘pees une (o,—anguage | beat Tongue - Souné (a) Vore: Viorator as7, a7, on ar 7s, a7, 7s, 76, a7, 7a, are, 80, os, WAN : COLOUR (2) Gorputent: Weight (@) Pall: Complexon PORK : PIG (a) Rooster: Chicken (0) Steer Beer AFTER: BEFORE (a) * First: Second (©) Contemporary: Historic EAST: ORIENT (a) North: Polar (©) West: tndian DISTANCE: MILE (@) Liquid: Lire (©) Weight: Scale TEN: DECIMAL (2) Seven Septet (9 Two" Binary MUNDANE : SPIRITUAL (2) Common :Ghosty (©) Routine: Nove! LAWYER : COURT (2) Businessman : Market (6) Labourer Factory ARMY: LOGISTICS (@) Business: Strategy (© Wear: Loge (GRAVITY: PULL (0) ron: Metal (6) Magnetism : Atracton FILTER : WATER (a) Cura: Actiay (Eat: Text HOPE : ASPIRES (@) Love Elevates (©) Fb:Lie ‘SADIST: PAIN (@) Killer = Death (©) jury: Bandage ‘SYMPHONY : COMPOSER {(@) Leonardo: Music (6) Colours : Patt ‘CURATOR : MUSEUM (@) WE: Wisdom (©) Manager Office oy @ © ® e) @ & @® © @ ® ® © @) © @ © @ (b) @ © ® ) @ o @ © @ ro) © Insipid : Favour Enigmatic: Puzie ‘Mutton: Sheep Lobeter : Crustacean Present: Past Successor: Predecessor ‘South : Capricom Weet : Ocaident ‘Bushel : Com Fame : Television Four: Quartet Five : Quince Wer : Urworly Secular: Clerical Chemis: Laboratory ‘Athlete: Olympics Soldier: Students oom : Incividual North pole: Directions Dust: Desert Expunge : Book (Consor Play Fim : Flam Fake : Ordinary Teacher: Pup ‘Alcohol: Dipsomenine Fresco: Painter Ar Apprecison Bank : Taller Doctor: Patent Which word in each set of four i the ods one out ? (Look (0) See. i) Wath (d) Face (282. This tost requires you to identity the relationship between two words. Shoe i 0 fot 00k sto (a) wind () hand () foot (6) leo (283, Relaxed means the same as the opposite of — (cam ©) angry (6) tense (@ steep (284. Which number comes next in this series? 447101396 : 7 ow 9 2 (@) "None ofthese (@65, When number comes next in his sores? 1361075 @ 9 (2 © 2% @ 2 (285. Look at this series: 36,34, 30, 28,24... what number should come next? @ 20 oe ©) 23 (6) 2 (287, Look althis series: 22, 21,23, 22, 24, 23,... what number should come next? @ 2 io) 24 (35 (25 (286. Look at his series: $3, 53, 40, 40,27, 27... What qumber should come next? @ 2 4 @ 7 @ 3 (289. Look at this series: 8,22, 8,28, 8, .. What number should come next? @ 9 oo © 2 2 (290, Look at this series: 31.28, 24,22, 17... What number should come next? @ 5 14 8 2 ‘our choices shown as (a, (),(c) & (4) which will continue the sequence. cat \Which symbol in the Answer Figure competes the sequence in the problem figure ~ 395, X [oa] x [os] [X[o] x ob oe ‘There are certain common characteristice/properties botween the two problem figures. Select « Agure from amongst Gwe Answer Figures which shows similar characiaistics! sroper 2 show by he protien tows, Sao ‘Your task hore is to look atthe target figure and decide which ofthe rotated figures betow {s identical to Rf you do not tlak any of the igures i the same as the target shape then ‘Choose the answer option (e) ‘none of these’. oor ee > He o_ oo. © (me ‘Your task here isto look at the series of four figures and them sll. Choose which of the three following figures obey ‘wich does not. 100, re 2 e = z

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