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CE-112L: Engineering Drawing for Civil Engineers (Lab)

Spring 2016

Isometric Drawings1
Third angle projection orientation.
Axonometric projection is a type of parallel projection used for creating a pictorial drawing of an object, where the
object is rotated along one or more of its axes relative to the plane of projection. There are four main types of
axonometric projection: isometric, dimetric, trimetric projection, and oblique projection.
Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions
in technical and engineering drawings. It is an axonometric projection in which the three coordinate axes appear equally
shown, and the basic reference system of isometric drawings consists of three lines 120 degrees apart. It may also be
thought of as a vertical line and two lines 30 degrees to the horizontal, which means that they can also be drawn using
30-60-90 set square supported by a T-square.

Procedure for drawing isometric drawings from orthographic views:

1. Make, to the best of your ability, a freehand sketch of the solution. Remember that it is easier to make
corrections and changes in a sketch than in a drawing, you should make your sketch as complete and as accurate
as possible.
2. Using very light lines, lay out a rectangular box, whose height, width and length shall correspond to that of the
orthographic projections.
3. Using very light lines, lay out the specific shape, following the same axis system as told in the first paragraph.
Transfer dimensional values directly from the orthographic views to the axis of the isometric drawing.
4. Erase all excess lines, carefully check your work and then darken in all final lines.
Now look at a few sample problems below and try to sketch their isometric drawings and compare with actual.

This lecture contains a four-page supplement also, enjoy practicing!

Engr. Arsalaan Khan

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CE-112L: Engineering Drawing for Civil Engineers (Lab)

Spring 2016

Fig. a

Fig. b

Fig. c
Fig. 1

Fig. 3
Fig. 2

Engr. Arsalaan Khan

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CE-112L: Engineering Drawing for Civil Engineers (Lab)

Spring 2016

Sheet No. 10

Engr. Arsalaan Khan

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CE-112L: Engineering Drawing for Civil Engineers (Lab)

Spring 2016

Engr. Arsalaan Khan

Page IV of IV

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