Anthony Quotes Final

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Anthony F

DJ #1 "Who offered him the crown"
This is significant because Cassius is concerned about the crown. This quote shows his
concern because he wants Caesar dead. He wants to assassinate Caesar to keep the
government stable. He wants their to be no ruler but to instead have a senate. Cassius
however also has alternate motives of taking power for himself and taking Caesar out of the
picture. The day of the crowning also is significant because it is the day Caesar is killed.
Caesar is stabbed to death on this day

DJ #2 "Now listen when they tell you that man and the animals have a common interest"
pg. 3

This is significant because he is trying to continue all the animals to rebel. He rallied the
animals and influenced them to believe the humans are their enemies. After this he wants to
ensure they are loyal: He wants them to know that they are the enemy and he sets up the
entire plot of the play. The animals are now set to take over the farm and take control. The
animals feel that they are being enslaved by the humans and not treated properly.

DJ #3 "Should I let him have it" pg. 59

This quote shows characteristics of Raymond and his personality. It shows his aggressive
side. This is shown because he comes back with a gun with the intent to kill the Arab who cut
him. It shows that he doesn't like being the victim in a situation and likes to take control. He
takes control by showing up with a gun with the intent to shoot the Arab. This also leads to
Meursault getting the gun from Raymond. This is significant because he uses that gun to kill
the Arab which leads to him being imprisoned.

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