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Genssol Triqonsoulece Relahay ships. Si O + or O =I Sin h = [tn (1s) tos lr = {4 (14088) Sin 28 = LSinO cos ® Cas 26 = sO - sin*8 Sin (ath) = Sma tslt Cos 2 sub Cos (ath) = Gsa wb F sma sm Db . ee i bob” snB tne Law che @ +b” -2ab asl ee Cosme Law ch = O46 +laobasd / Blick ee i ee Force I Et bt Ly LINEAR AccELcERATION F=ma a 5 Le Rotation ABouT AN AXIS Moment M=0xF 2D simple: axis is» PowT “o" “" Oa t | ere pda} geT SIGN FRom OEE RiG@aT HARD Ruce IN. 2-D moment EITHER "UP" OR “Down” - b = For 3-D case VECTOR APPROACH HELPS et a 4 f BieixF (Note order!) yl? nO oS}... it fx Fa -f +23 she ae & & j kp _ a 2 al €(0)-F 00) +2 (2241.0) i“, Decent = bk . Rigtt Hand RULE CovPigms siters/Dinxn CORRECT. o_o Varienon's Theorem 4 the MOMENT OF A FORCE ABOUT An Axis IS EQUAL To THE Sum OF THE MOMENTS OF zrs componev7s ABouT THAT Axis” Minas | Conry 2005 mes nryiesciany manic, oom ace bh froor: Mo=PxF 3 F= P18 comporents > Mo = pxCPea) CRoss PRoPuct Is _DISTRI BUTI So... Moz Px BrtrxO, Le. Sum of Moments, o—_A-——o Couphé 2 CowsiveR 2% EQUAL AYD OPPoSiTE Forces. NETT Force =O - = Waar is a ? 4 Momeut ef Coupce SAME ABouT ALL Pormts NOTE Stan,-. if we KAD [2 fe ) F then Ge tEd (Rigur HAD Rucé, AGRiD) o—4——o Force- Couple sysrems: You cAN REPLACE A FORCE BY AN EQUAL PARALLEL FoRCE plug A AremEenT: | ie Ff Ft [-e — f 4 & an“y ie at B |. Be MIE RIGHT HAND RULE Gives DiREcrions OF coupc€ Celockwise Me&ATIVE HERE -) ROH AOS MESHCeacinnymerie Sar ¥' bie Samece Feoacem 2/5 5Sways To Sotue : F Geometry de cos(ko”) das 2 sim(4o°) d=ditde= 425m > D> Mo = 2E/ONm crockwise. OR ~2610Nm eS) es z£ ComPoneEats :, . see af = Gookcog w*)€ + (600)(sin 40") § Zuo ( iG of) a a TOTAL =MOMENT IS NOW: a te, — Ceors + 386)(2) = 26r0ym (WE Perone) - Be TRANSMIS IBiLiTy + iCoMPONEATS Force T cAN BE MOVED ALONG rl 40 LINE oF AcTIow te FP oa@ Q He - AT P owney e CompoweT MAS money 4 Ea n Q = g 4 inl as f : 1 ni At P: M= (460M di) -p-1-- Wee =460)Q-tan(io') +4) - = 26/0Nm 5 = AQ: A= to da 1 (2 +4 bnlo*)) = 26/0 Alm TE Caoss Propuct: = i Pig PxB =Ct+4} )«(t cos bot F $2 40") Coo Mo =- 26/028 Kym Nore Sign ‘oO 2D Froblees FRONT WHEELS ExpERICNCE comBmep REacTee of FO0ON) \ Sivan} plus frit. F. Both from ROAD. Resuttant makes 15° angle to Vertial fiop Eauwaears>r Forcé—courc€ system GQ doce if tRiG: =FE +70. x ° ee Frolone Pw t NPI <6 Kan 15°) =(FoocYo-268) = I876N E Moment 4 R abot & =F moments of compo~eut's Mz =C FoooXt-o 4-1 3%6Ke-S) = — FOUd - 938 =-Z9BP Am. +e. 793RAIm Cu So force-Couple @ G =- i824 F000} awd -7938N) Se a couple y Calculate moment Di erenty: Mz Rd R2 F243 da = "O/coslist) = o/o-946= (035 @ di =L) sings) L= 0.5-¢-0Xtan is) — d, = 5- 0-262X0.259)= 0-06 d= lO3S to-0€ = 1-095 M= ¢-095 X24?) a =79385 jm | ‘Michae! Cony 200s mesnrpiessiany meric oor: BLY Cross PeoDuct: Cs a trom Before : R= -I87t + Fo0e} TF ... vector bene Gt A is shot -o-8F ee. a an pf “18% 72D o =¢(05)( o)= (aoe) -} (€b8)(0)-(-18260) the (Q-oyean)- C 1976 60-5) = K(-4070 - 938) UM. =- 7938 z pawl whee mclare'y Sgr ee a RESULTANTS? Concepts already covered: FORCE , MOMEAT, couple ee cnen ney ae TER er ey een Nos: we wont to describe etfect of a system of forcesk couples For multiple forces, we can use force polygon CUke triangle rule Aas R is the R my p Resultant. h A ef" gives magnitude Gad PIRETION ORDER OF ADDITION Do€S HoT MATTER. To GET LimE-oF-AcTion WE must Move FoRCES to A ComUEMIENT REFERENCE Port | UStV& FORCE ComPLE sysTErs. Wer ZFd * ok 3 Force Exampr€ “ Hy sj d= & Finacty, can fs eae eliminate Couple ji RQ by moving force Choose pt.” °" " carefully to make (Le easser Migs Leoncen” 2789 Rolling Rear wheel q car FROST WHEEL DRive A ACCelerat ys +0 RIGHT, Ans forces? Ax = 240N >t240% Ay = 2000N> = 20007 lowlertin ; F = 16ON D-l60% Support. N = 2uoon>+2ko0 F WME weglesw= Foon hoof Ma BNm Bearrs + Sum tv get nett force ™ whe: 4 (240. -- lee) + § C2000 +2400 -loo) S| R= 80% _(onmet!) N t ae Moment about AS 4 BM et80m all of Re Ay W, have Zeto nromentabont A leouss Fae F(O-%/A2) Nm = - Géo0Xo-*s V2 =-- CON total Ma = 3-602=-59 Non c= finn Posy of resultant ..- S¥/g0 2 OFLU mM above A By duspection proment ARm.. ~~ Se Eee — oe Alternatively 2 PxR = -53Nm Faxt « grok a 7 k a“ UN KW OWN als 3 oll- -SFk — {| 80 co o 2D tle)+ Flo) + Ke (te)- 80g) = -sze -80 y= -S? t? y= Sho = oom Agate x Michael Canty 2065 mesnryieacieny manic 250: S- Dimensional Cases: Force %& Important +o be careful & +o use component, DIFFICULT TO PRAW. FHIFM(Li+mpenk) chere Bemtent =| = et +F} +h kk Der feopuct fs PeQ= IPH LQN Coo €. 2 Note YECTORS ORiGin ATE Gt same point tor finding x a Projection Also note: Fx = Fea, Ay- 8:9, R= eb ONTO AXES ANGLE RETUEEN vectors: af Pa Ke Col IPH ca) _ Inverse cosine i# PQ =0 > BIB (assuniy P40 UGK) eo Gus Vs * Fy Ay th Fe Michae Sony -ccks Tmo nryeessiiry cris no. 3-D : moment & Couple Sometimes just like 2-D case Force F x Polat © define a plane Moment E about an AXIS A-A’ normed 4 this plane is Same as tefore. jt we wAwt moment about Axis BR, need te do a bit more work. - note: if B-R’ was perallel 4 F , prome nt world he BERO. woere 7s 0 wi yr along axis B-B! To UMPERSTAND THis... BREAK INTO PlEcES (Fret) = Be. as telve, F oa So (Px2)-# Morn = [Moll IRI cos © Wn=L. so ? IMol cos) NoTe THis ig 4 SCALAR» in last bc4 malt by % So Ms is vector Il» ff wit megnitae 4 Mo Projected mb a 3- Ps) > paar ample ctd, (b4o VARiGWON'S THEOREM iy 3D Me* Z(ReE)= TR uhee Bo SE Coupks > 3:'D same as 2D reall, Mz FRE why? 8 Meihe? -Az? wy a Oe “\h Ho PoP a O—__——-o Resuctaurs ; R= SF Aad H=ZA [te 2D. forces couples "Weenca Rewtant” when cesultant force F (S PARAWEL To THE aieet et couple, = Pasrhce when FB am Lhe lrg nod Oo o£. Sy ae i VR et) CFs ee area Poblem 2/143 bu KEPLACE 2forces + courle by & force-couple suc @ A, O————__'—__——_2 A) Express forces in components labd foreesto aid clarity F Fr = a a Fr is easy: Fa= -Zoknt Note sign oi . F, needs trig? vey ihe @= tan! (#3) = (gee? f, 4 Fry = (40 kN )(Coo Cit-4*)) = 34-95 Fis = (4peniXSin(I6-4))= 12-65 en) 50 Fiz -37-95$+4 2-65 qn To get R=Fith .. ap > R= -20¢% -37-953 #12-651 New +> get couple of resultawt about Ay Ne we have M, alred, : (,=-35% kim Rigen Moments Due + e eh ate a fee | SEE | we | oO -tts +065 Bomar’ Sun % contributions (green) Ma -35% +209 + 25-39 +75-9% = 45BP+kOk kim

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