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Paran - Santa Fe

The cities are great creations of men. But are they all the same? This essay
looks at two famous cities in the same country. Paran and Santa Fe
Parana is the capital of the province of Entre Rios. its population is 250
thousand. Not have a definite date of foundation. Between 1853 and 1861 it
was the capital of Argentina Confederation.
On the other hand, Santa Fe is the capital of the province of Santa Fe. Its
population is 420 thousand. Was founded in 1573. In Santa Fe occurred
events of historical significance, such as the signing of the Argentina
Constitution and all its amendments. Therefore it is known as the city of the
"constitution Crib"
To summarise, Santa Fe is larger than Parana both in territory and
population. Santa Fe is more beautiful than Paran. But Paran is calmer than
Santa Fe. In conclusion, are two neighboring cities that make up an urban
area of more than 850,000 inhabitants joined by a tunnel that crosses the
Parana River.

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