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D an iel Velasco

4826 Lem ar Way, West Valley City, UT 84120 H : 8016081785

Professional Summary
Interned over the summer in a research and development type of environment. Excelled and
improved on my creativity, problem solving, and productivity skills. Track record of achieving
exceptional results in working hands on with the professor and his Phd student along with another
colleagu e from AMES.

Scien ce
Engineering and Technology

Critical Thinking
Reading Comprehension

I n t e r n , 06/2015 to 10/2015
Sh ad rou n d y Salt Lake City, UT
The specic responsibility was to develop a fabrication process to create exible electrical
circuitsfrom copper coated, paper sized plastic foils.
Successfully developed andcharacterized the process which is now currently used in the lab to
create small scale electromechanicalprototypes for motion to electrical energy converters.

H igh Sch ool D ip lom a: May 2016
Th e Acad em y For M ath , En gin eerin g an d Scien ce - Salt Lake City, UT

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