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Name What is Figurative Language for? . oa PN Qe oie 1 Odes Fig. Lang, in Explaining Depression and Hand Me Downs Using figurative language is an effective way of communicating an idea that is not easily understood because of its abstract nature or complexity. Although figurative language does not offer a literal explanation, it can be used to compare one idea to a second idea to make the first idea easier to visualize. Figurative language also is used to link two ideas with the goal of influencing an audience to n even if one does not actually exist. Writers of prose and poetry use figurative language to elicit emotion, help readers form mental images and draw readers into the work. Figurative language is a contrast to literal language. Its primary purpose is to force readers to imagine or Intuit what an author means with an expression or statement, What truth are these poems communicating? Explaining Depression r Hand Me Downs What is figurative language doing in the two pooms we read yesterday? Ex ‘My depression is a shapeshifter’ — depression comes in different forms and times; it’s inconsistent and unpredictable "One coy B— NSA dea 't Insomnia ~ oo lower. samy sine ot wig J 3 Hane FA d We. Orack WAIN SHO Boe We Vid Kvacaued PEE caxooucl BEE tors on AWE vaurelres Hetag Of O& Comite WEE AVAVE ANS MOLES ego WOW When sEcone IsTopet’ YOU Coy SER Hnost AWE FESOOAUE WIS Vee Aas. Fomriny. Gvous eto yt > Kou, fective > Bere ide wri ‘Where do literal language and figurative language help the poets convey their truth? (What specific words, lines, or phrases from each poem relate to the poet’s overall truth?) Explaining Depression to my Mother - Literal Figurative RS Ae momar Act 1 lean fem tons pry AB pression \s a geaper VEWOME VAM EWEN Come xO Snierer Wane Use sow onneche. smeehy at a feat pine pe FV cow awatves im Pexierey syne cousin wisi from Of Ate Wet on Sake Sotiaecteel to tsvir] A part ) Rincon yen - Covnpensy J Hand Me Downs Literal BOO WRF rake URndowsS, eovres, hears = Woy COSY AQ A (ors oot) Sounded beter S “Tene, wos diktey ———— Figurative = Tews neve Utes a wrk —Oree BEANIE \< mynd Ch ~Was wavder 4D do, aH DVidury MAKE oO Lot ed aKevevst. ~Diawt acer qo Grist, Jaden Sislincdk geod ob sense,

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