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Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.06 Release Notes
September 11, 2001
- Some Briton female bandits had male sound effects. This has been fixed.
- Name above head should now update on guild join/remove.
- Tints and Emblems should now show correctly in the menu as well as in the game
. Previously, they showed only in-game.
- Weapon condition/durability should now degrade slower at low levels. Let us kn
ow how it works out.
- You should no longer lose Constitution and Experience on PvP deaths. Please no
te that if you have been damaged more that 50% by an NPC monster, you must heal
up to full before engaging in PvP or you run the risk of losing experience point
s on death.
- Friars who cannot get new robes because of the quest wipe can now go talk to t
heir trainers. If you already have a robe, but cannot upgrade it because of the
wipe, drop or sell the one you have, then talk to your trainer. He'll hand you t
he 5th level one. Trade it in, it'll be upgraded. Keep doing this until it is up
graded to the appropriate set of robes for your level.
- The first part of fletching has been implemented. For now you will be able to
create bows. Hopefully within the next few days we will be able to get the abili
ty for you to make arrows (both some out on the field, and the rest in town). Yo
u will need to be near the lathe as your "forge".
Fletching Trade Masters:
Hibernia: Arziqua
Albion: Acey Dalston
Midgard: Gils
Albion: Mercenary, Rogue, Scout, Infiltrator, Minstrel
Midgard: Rogue, Shadowblade, Hunter
Hibernia: Stalker, Nightshade, Ranger
- Port Castles for Hibernia and Albion in Odin's Gate now have working doors.
- Gates for all Frontier Keeps can now be opened without siege equipment (this i
s temporary until siege equip goes in).
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.07 Release Notes

September 12, 2001
- Last names are now supported in Camelot. To qualify for a last name, you must
be at least 10th level. To get a last name, find your Realm's Name Registrar in
that Realm's capital city. Select the Registrar and type /lastname . You will on
ly be able to do this once, so choose well.
- Chat text colors were "messed up" and kept changing. This has been fixed so th
at they stay their intended color.
- Group and minigroup status bars now update much faster.
- Right-clicking on the item you are trading in the trading window now works cor
- Trade window now shows who you are trading with.
- Paper doll should no longer disappear when you equip/unequip weapons and armor
- You can now select items and monsters in the world "through" the chat window.
- You can now select doors and portculli and see their condition. In the near fu
ture you will be able to damage them; this reflects how damaged they are.
- The Briarsprout spell was working incorrectly; it has been fixed.
- Name Registrars are located near the guild and emblem NPCs
Hibernia: Filidh Filiara
Midgard: Ullag Nottlok or Jarl Uffenlong
Albion: Lady Charlitte
- Hibernian Guild Registrar and Emblemeer have been moved into the palace of Tir
na Nog where they belong.
- The extra guild/name/emblem NPCs removed from Jordheim and the old ones moved
to the Great Hall in Jordheim. This was done because Midgard had two emblemeers/
guild and name Registrars and the other Realms had only one.
The Tradeskill vendors in Jordheim have decided to move out of the cramped build
ing they were in. They have moved around to various buildings in Jordheim now. A
lso, Om has finally decided to move out from behind the dwarf eating table. He a
pologizes to his Dwarven patrons who have inadvertently gotten stuck while tryin
g to talk to him.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.08 Release Notes
September 13, 2001


- Blademasters were having problems wielding bows since the last update. This ha
s been fixed.
- Spell effect icons now blink for ten seconds before they go away.
- There is a third cloak type (with no hood at all) that will be slowly introduc
ed into the game over the next few days.
- Shield textures look much better now.
- Above 30th level, the amount of experience loss per death has been reduced.
- If you are above 35th level, your experience has been reset to halfway between
35th and 36th. Due to a bug, all over-35th level characters had their experienc
e deleted. The bug is now fixed, and you should be able to progress normally. So
rry for the inconvenience.
- Another possible bug with losing experience in PvP death has been fixed. Keep
us updated if this is still happening.
The reply functionality should now work in the /advice system. If you are an Adv
isor, just hit "r" to reply to any advice asked of you.
You can now set chat colors for the /Advice channel, as well as choose which tab
advice messages will appear in. Just right click on your chat interface to choo
se your color and tab.
- Cornwall, Snowdonia, and Lough Gur monsters now drop treasure.
- Mithril 2-handed weapons are now sold from the Camelot weapon vendor.
- Fixed a few non-carryable loot bugs.
- Virtually all Cloaks and Shields should now be dyeable/emblemizable.
- There are now 2 bounty quests, one in Snowdonia and one in Cornwall, please se
ek out the NPCs.
- All Hibernian base weapons had their delay and damage tuned.
- Hibernian spears are now 2 handed weapons.
- Albion thrusting weapons had their delay and damage tuned.
- There were a few tweaks to some Albion newbie mobs loot tables. Some of them s
hould drop loot more often now.
Bows were reworked to give Rangers and Scouts one more bow option, which the hun
ter makes up for by having pets and spells. The new specs are as follows:
composite bow 4.0 del 10.8 dmg range normal
great composite bow 4.7 del 12.7 dmg range normal
short recurve bow 4.0 10.8 range normal
recurve bow 4.7 del 12.7 dmg range +5%
great recurve bow 5.4 del 14.6 dmg range normal
hunter bow 4.0 del 10.8 dmg range normal
bow 4.7 del 12.7 dmg range norma
longbow 5.4 del 14.6 dmg range +10%

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.09 Release Notes
September 14, 2001
We are letting in about 500 people a day into beta. Our bandwidth has been
substantially upgraded, which allows many more people to download at once. So,
far, many of the people who have been invited have not created accounts, which
is disappointing, but we'll keep inviting until we have enough players online at
once to do full load testing.
We are, of course, completely devastated by the losses felt by so many people in
the last few days. Our hearts and thoughts go out to all those affected by these
terrible events. It's times like these that show how insignificant our own
problems (deadlines, game features, games in general) really are.
Please note that you can access a help window in game that will give you some
basic information. This help system will be expanded greatly over the next week
to become more full featured. To access help, make sure that "Display Help" in
your keyboard settings is set (default should be F1, but this may not work,
depending on when your account was created). In the future (although not
currently), you will be able to use the "/help" command to display the help
- Blinking spell effect icons have been tamed. They should work as advertised
- Shift-up arrow now works (no longer repeats '/').
- Players with low frame rates in cities should no longer fall through floors.
- Some trees in Myrkwood had bad textures on them. These have been fixed.
Siege weapons are now in. They are intended to be used while trying to take over
an enemy's outpost or relic keep. Siege weapons are made by crafters who use the
new Siegecrafting skill (more information on that in the crafting section of
these release notes).
There are three different types of siege weapons: the ballista, the battering
ram, and the catapult.
Ballista: used to take out enemy siege weapons from a distance
Catapult: used to do area effect damage to enemy players, doors, siege
equipment, although it is less accurate
Battering Ram: used to take down gates, doors, or enemy siege equipment.
Extremely short range.

Once you have acquired a "siege weapon" (via the siegecraft skill, see below),
use "/control" to assume control of it. Anyone who has the siegecraft crafting
skill will be able to assume control of a siege engine. In the future,
additional classes will have this ability as well. Only one person can be in
control of a siege weapon at a time.
Once you have assumed control, a window will be displayed with siege engine
options on it:
To aim a ballista or battering ram, first select the target. In the case of a
battering ram, usually a door is selected. If it is a ballista, another siege
weapon is usually selected. In the case of a catapult, use the area targeting
key (F5 by default) to select the area that you want to damage. Then click the
"Aim" button. This locks the siege weapon on to the target.
Use this button to put the siege weapon in the "ready to fire" position. This
could take anywhere from 15-30 seconds, depending on the siege weapon.
For Ballistas and Catapults, you must load appropriate ammo before firing. You
do this by first directly dropping ammo from your inventory onto the siege
weapon, then selecting the ammo you wish to fire out of the list of ammo in the
siege control window and clicking the "load" button. Battering Rams do not
require ammo.
Fires the siege weapon.
An early version of Siegecraft is in this version. Rams, Ballistae, and
Catapults may be built using the Siegecraft skill, all are difficulty 1 recipes
for now, so anyone who has joined a Craft Order may make them.
To make a ram, approach close to a Door and have Cladding, 2 Swing Harnesses, a
Ram Beak, and 1250 pieces of Elm wood. Bring up your Siegecraft menu and select
the Small Ram.
To make a Ballista, have a Gimbal, 2 Torsion Cables, Spring Arms, and 1500
pieces of Elm wood.
To make a Catapult, you need a Bucket, Arm Cushion, Winding Crank,
Counterweight, Pivot, and 2400 pieces of Elm wood.
For now all ingredients and ammo may be purchased from a temporary Merchant NPC
in the Merchant Keeps near the edge of the Frontier, eventually all ingredients
will be crafted (by trades other than Siegecraft). Please note that several
people will be needed to carry the pieces, and they must all be transferred to
the player assembling the siege engine and then dropped by him within 10 feet of
the location he will be building the engine. At this time they will be under
normal decay timers, so you will need to move quickly, we will be finding a
better solution to the decay issue in the near future.

- New Dungeon. Nisse's Lair: Low level (7-15) Midgard dungeon. The monsters
only drop coin treasure for now. The entrance can be found in the East Svealand
There are now 38 available dye colors, including all your favorites. In general
the colors are divided into shades with the deepest and most vibrant of the
colors being the most expensive. There are also some off shades of a few colors
that are in. There is now a decent selection for everyone of all levels. This
is just a basic guideline and in no way a hard fast rule. Given, you have enough
money you can buy any of these regardless of level. These initial prices are
subject to change, please give feed back if the dye costs are not inline with
the current price points. Please post all inputs and suggestions in the item
discussion area on the beta boards. Thanks!
Here are the price points,
1sp dyes of these colors should be purchasable by all.
5sp these should become affordable around level 10.
25sp these should become affordable around level 20.
1.25gp these should become affordable around level around level 30
6gp these should become affordable around level 40.
30gp these are the most vibrant colors in the game.
Here is a list of the color groups:
6 blue
3 turquoise
4 teal
6 red
5 purple
4 green
3 brown
3 gray
3 orange
3 yellow
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.10 Release Notes
September 17, 2001
- All animated objects in zones (like the bandit fires) should now animate
- Figures now support all six faces across two geometries. With the 8 hair
choices, this gives us about 100 choices per figure.
- Monsters should now hold two handed weapons and bows correctly when idle (out
of combat).
- Right click on top of screen no longer clears summary window.
- NPC Quest interaction text is now saved when you reclick on the same NPC.

It's also not so twitchy - you can move around a little and it won't disappear.
- Nighttime has been shortened. Now there should be much more daylight than
- Purchasing and selling to merchants now correctly updates coins in shop
- /ASSIST command has been implemented and should now work. If you /ASSIST
you should assume the target of the person you are assisting.
- Pet health bar should update correctly even when pet is healing.
- You can no longer jump while sitting.
- New key added for sitting. You must configure it in the keyboard
- Last mouselook setting is saved between sessions and when zoning.
- Last torch setting is saved between sessions and when zoning.
- Gravestones have been added for all three realms. Each has a realm symbol on
it, so no longer will other realms see the gravestone with the Albion Grail.
- Names are now hidden from players in other realms. They should see you only
as your race and class like "Highlander Mercenary"
- Experience bar should no longer blank out after death.
- /HELP command now shows help system.
- A new tutorial system has now been implemented, and will be fleshed out over
the next few weeks. When you create a new character, dialog boxes will pop up
from time to time explaining how the game works, and gives advice on what to do,
how to set up your interface, fight monsters, and other essential information.
- Weapons now show whether they are one or two handed when right clicked on.
- Rainstorms now vary from nothing (just cloudy) to full intensity. Basically,
you'll get a cloudy storm 25% of the time, a full intensity storm 25% of the
time and something in between the other half of the time.
- You can no longer jump into the corner of an object (like a keep or a castle)
and "climb" the wall.
- Rain splashes are no longer affected by the torch (there was a bug where
splashes would become more opaque when the torch was on).
- Bolts and Arrows are now grayed out properly in stores when the player doesn't
have the ability to use the proper bow type.
- Midgard has been brightened a bit - there were many player complaints that it
was simply too dark. Let us know if this change addresses that complaint.
- The camera for shorter figures (i.e. Lurikeen, Kobolds) can no longer be
lowered into the ground.
- You can now properly cancel buffs by shift-right-clicking on the effect.
- Page by page scrolling in chat has been implemented (used to be hard coded to
5 lines per pageup/pagedown).
- Magic items now show proper condition/quality/durability.
- The BONUS field is now shown for all armor, weapons, items, etc in the summary
- More resolutions are now supported - we've added 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 to
the options.
- Client now properly prints "side" for side attacking styles (used to be
- Text when sitting now instructs the user that he can use /STAND or can move to
- Trainers now properly autopopup the SKILLS window (not the stats window).
- There was a bug where when you stood and casted quickly, you received the
message "You can't cast while sitting!" - this has been fixed.
- Craft window no longer says "Making: Nothing"
- Saves now automatically occur once per 15 minutes instead of once per 30
- Spaces are no longer allowed in a player's last name.
- No more brown rectangle when entering the game.
- Loading dots are now displayed on the entry Camelot title screen as the
initial resources are loaded.
- You can now say the keyword "TASK" or "HELP" to get a task.

- If your inventory is full and you kill a monster that "gives" you a quest
object, that object will no longer disappear into thin air. It will appear on
the ground, and be set to be owned by you.
- You now get a dialog box prompting you if you want to be resurrected, if a
cleric/healer character attempts to resurrect you.
- We had problems with monsters that would never give up chasing you. This has
been fixed; monsters now have a maximum amount of time they will chase you
without either hitting you or being hit by you. Once this timer expires, they
will turn and go home.
- A warning is printed that you are encumbered when you try to move while
- A dialog has been added to the NPC constitution point healer. It will now tell
you how much constitution costs, and asks you if you want to purchase them.
- You are now prompted with a dialog box when you leave a guild.
- Pulsing spells no longer print messages. You still see their icon, though -you won't get spammed any more with their text printing.
- There were some problems with trading items with other players while
simultaneously crafting. These have been fixed.
- /BIND command now prints your bindpoint (region/zone name) if you are not
within a bindable area .
- Pets now move at the same speed as a the rest of the group when a speed song
is in effect.
- You can no longer interact with an NPC when they are in combat.
- Frontier Keep doors are now set up correctly for siege warfare: Gates now
change ownership when the keep is taken.
- Additional Siege Vendors added to the "Merchant Keeps" in the frontier zones.
- Additional level 4-8 monsters added to hills above Haggerfel in Midgard.
- Albion armorcrafters can now make Studded Leather similar to the other two
- Now, through fletching, bows have been set up properly based on the informatio
from the patch on Friday. Ignore any previous patch messages regarding arrows.
- Lots of little bug fixes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.11 Release Notes
September 18, 2001
- Snow has now been implemented in the "snowy zones". Please note that some zone
s snow pure snow, and some a rain/snow mix.
- Siege weapons now animate when they are used.
- Monsters should no longer disappear through floors in dungeons.
- /where command now indicates if the NPC you are looking for is "above" or "bel
ow" you if the NPC is in a tower or building.
- On failure in weaponcrafting, you should no longer lose both items. You're muc

h more likely to lose just one -- although losing 2 may happen on a really unluc
ky roll.
- The /autosplit function now goes through an additional round of randomization,
which should even out who gets selected to get loot. It will always be possible
for one person to get loot many times in a row, but over time it will average o
ut so that everyone in the party gets the same amount.
- There was a bug where monsters would not react if you missed on your first swi
ng (or hit for 1 damage). This has now been fixed.
- If trained or otherwise drawn away from their "home" areas, monsters will retu
rn home before doing anything else. This means that scout-type monsters that are
trained in dungeons will not "scout" out players to kill until they get back in
side their spawn radius.
- The Cursed Tomb (found in Gotar) is for levels 15-22, though the lower levels
shouldn't venture deep into the dungeon alone. It is the final resting place of
dishonored warriors and kings of Midgard who deserted in the midst of battle, be
trayed their comrades, let greed and vice get in the way of honor, or died in le
ss-than-heroic circumstances, and whom the Midgard gods wouldn't allow into Valh
alla for their misdeeds.
- Aggro radii in Nisse's Lair tweaked slightly. A bit more caution may be requir
- Some additional 4-6 level non-aggressive animals added to the newbie area in C
amp. Forest.
- Shout-type chants (Paladins and now Skald) have been fixed so that they can be
canceled by using the ability a second time.
- Spells are being renamed this week, and for the first installment the Thane, H
unter and Skald lists are provided here. The spells.html file in your Camelot ga
me directory won't be up to date until all the spells are renamed.
1 Thor's Minor Bolt
3 Thor's Lesser Bolt
6 Thor's Bolt
9 Thor's Greater Bolt
13 Thor's Major Bolt
17 Thor's Minor Lightning
23 Thor's Lesser Lightning
29 Thor's Lightning
38 Thor's Greater Lightning
48 Thor's Full Lightning
4 Thunder's Bash
11 Thunder's Hammer
15 Thunder's Force
21 Thunder's Crush
27 Thunder's Strike
36 Thunder's Blow
46 Thunder's Rend
5 Thunder Shout
8 Greater Thunder Shout
10 Thunder Howl
12 Greater Thunder Howl
18 Thunder Bellow
25 Greater Thunder Bellow
34 Thunder Roar

44 Greater Thunder Roar

2 Thor's Vigor
7 Thor's Strength
14 Thor's Power
20 Thor's Might
30 Thor's Vitality
41 Thor's Fortification
50 Thor's Potence
16 Call Mjollnir
22 Invoke Mjollnir
35 Summon Mjollnir
45 Command Mjollnir
5 Toothgrinders' Hoof
8 Toothgnasher's Hoof
10 Toothgrinder's Bite
12 Toothgnasher's Bite
18 Toothgrinder's Horn
25 Toothgnasher's Horn
34 Toothgrinder's Ram
44 Toothgnasher's Ram
1 Minor Call of Gleipnir
7 Lesser Call of Gleipnir
13 Call of Gleipnir
20 Greater Call of Gleipnir
32 Superior Call of Gleipnir
5 Nimbleness of the Lynx
12 Agility of the Lynx
21 Dexterity of the Lynx
30 Quickness of the Lynx
40 Alacrity of the Lynx
50 Heart of the Lynx
6 Speed of Prey
16 Speed of Quarry
25 Speed of the Chased
34 Speed of the Pursued
43 Speed of the Hunted
2 Lynx's Pelt
4 Snake's Scales
8 Wolf's Hide
11 Turtle's Shell
14 Bear's Mantle
18 Crab's Shell
23 Drake's Hide
31 Wyvern's Scales
42 Arachite's Chitin
3 Influence Insect
9 Compel Insect
15 Charm Insect
22 Control Insect
35 Dominate Insect
10 Wild Spirit
17 Feral Spirit
24 Furious Spirit
33 Raging Spirit
41 Frenzied Spirit

5 Chant of the Brawl

9 Chant of the Fight
14 Chant of the Charge
19 Chant of the Battle
25 Chant of the Siege
35 Chant of the War
46 Chant of Blood
3 Simple Song of Travel
13 Song of Travel
23 Harmonic Song of Travel
33 Magnificent Song of Travel
43 Heavenly Song of Travel
1 Simple Song of Rest
10 Song of Rest
20 Harmonic Song of Rest
30 Magnificent Song of Rest
40 Glorious Song of Rest
50 Heavenly Song of Rest
2 Warcry
7 Warholler
18 Warshriek
34 Warbellow
4 Battle Woop
12 Battle Shout
26 Battle Scream
44 Battle Shout
6 Stunning Shout
15 Disabling Shout
21 Crippling Shout
32 Incapacitating Shout
42 Paralyzing Shout
11 Compel Surrender
17 Compel Submission
22 Compel Resignation
31 Compel Captulation
41 Compel Defeat
Thane changes:
- Thanes have been re-tuned again due to imbalances in PvP. Thor's Lightning has
been converted to an interruptible spell, and is intended to be a pre-combat (i
.e. pulling) attack. The Thunder Shout line has had its timer increased and dama
ge reduced, but remains a shout. A new line of direct damage, Toothgrinder's Hoo
f, has been added with low damage and a shorter timer, and is intended to add so
me extra damage during combat. Please test these changes before complaining abou
t them.
Skald changes:
- Skald songs are now on a short timer, but can be switched in combat.
- Skald shouts have had damages reduced and timers increased to remedy some imba
lances in PvP.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.12 Release Notes

September 20, 2001

This is a big new version with lots of goodies to test. For those naysayers who
prophesied that we would never have Thief classes, we say, "neener neener". Infi
ltrators, Shadowblades, and Nightshades make their debut in this version. They w
ill require lots of testing. Also, at long last, Theurgists have been revamped,
almost totally. Please check their new features. Also, two new dungeons, more tw
eaks to the Thane, and the ability to make more powerful siege weapons.
- Added screen icons for Guard, Protect, and Intercept.
- You should no longer get stuck on doors, because now you will not collide with
a door that is opening or closing
- For the color blind, you'll now see '-' and '+' after the monster name. If it
is yellow to you, you'll see nothing. If its orange, red, or purple, you'll see
+, ++, or +++. If its blue, green, gray, you'll see -, --, or ---.
- The blinking icon syndrome should be fixed. Please let us know if this fix tak
es care of the problems.
- Spell icons have been updated to reflect recent changes.
- The Albion scimitar has been changed slightly to make it look more saracen-esq
Thief classes make their debut in this version of Camelot. Each Realm has one th
ief. Albion has the Infiltrator, Midgard has the Shadowblade, and Hibernia has t
he Nightshade. Please note that the thief is not an easy class to play. It requi
res lots of strategy, and almost every combat will require some sort of planning
The purpose of the thief is to be able to hide, sneak up on enemies, and execute
deadly Critical Strikes that do a lot of damage. They then use a combination of
normal combat and combat styles to finish off the enemy. They can envenom their
weapons to do more damage, and each has a ranged attack that they can use as we
ll. All three get dual wield or left axe. All three are limited to leather armor
Please note that climbing and disguise are not yet implemented.
Critical Strikes
Thief special attacks are learned by specializing in a thief-only skill called "
Critical Strikes". Specializing in this skill will teach the player special comb
at styles, the most basic of which is Backstab. Critical Strike styles are all d
ependent on the player being hidden when they first initiate them; or are based
on styles that require the player to be hidden. So to use a critical strike at a
ll, the player must first be hidden.
Critical Strike Styles
The number is the amount of specialization you have to have in Critical Strikes
to learn the style.
1 Backstab - Medium Fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, me
dium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden

4 Eviscerate - Medium fatigue cost, use after backstab, high bonus damage, cause
s short duration attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, small penalty to de
6 Kidney Rupture - High fatigue cost, use after Eviscerate, Medium bonus damage,
Causes short duration bleed, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
8 Pincer - Medium fatigue cost, Use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, high
bonus to hit, high penalty to defense
10 Backstab II - High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage,
high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden
12 Hamstring - Low fatigue cost, use after evading enemy, medium bonus damage, c
auses medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
15 Thigh Cut - Medium fatigue cost, use after Backstab II, Medium bonus damage m
edium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
18 Garrote - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, causes medium
duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
21 Perforate Artery - Medium fatigue cost, use from in front of enemy, medium bo
nus damage, causes long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to def
ense, use
while hidden
25 Achilles Heel - Medium fatigue cost, use after Garotte, Medium bonus damage,
causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
29 Leaper - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, lon
g duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Ranged Attacks
All three thieves get basic ranged attacks to supplement their Critical Strikes
and other combat styles. The Infiltrator can use crossbows, the Shadowblade can
use throwing knives, and the Nightshade learns level-based direct damage spells.
All thieves learn the Envenom skill at level 5. This allows them
s to their weapons before going into battle. Poison vendors have
und the world -- use them. They sell poisons that have different
enemy -- some debuff, some apply a damage over time, etc. It is
thief will always attack with an envenomed weapon, so make sure
poison before you head out hunting.

to apply poison
been set up aro
effects on your
expected that a
you stock up on

Please note that poisons are level-based, so you will not be able to apply some
poisons until you put more spec points into Envenom. You will be able to gauge t
he relative power of a poison by its name in the store list. Please note that lo
w-level weapons will not be able to be envenomed by high-level poisons. You must
use a level-appropriate poison on your weapon.
Please note that only your melee weapons can be poisoned.
In order to be able to hide better, thieves learn how to use "Distractions". The
y learn this ability by training in the Stealth specialization. You can greatly

increase your hiding chances if you approach a monster from behind - and distrac
tions give you the opportunity to do this. To distract a monster, first hide by
using your stealth skill. Move towards the monster. Target an area where you wan
t the monster to turn by using the "target area" function (F5 by default). Then
click on the distract icon. If successful, the monster will turn and face that a
rea. Please note that the monster has a chance of turning around and immediately
attacking you if you fail the distract roll. The higher you specialization in S
tealth, the better your distracting will be. Please note that you won't get Dist
raction until you have about five spec points in Stealth.
Combat Strategy
The soloing thief should first poison his weapon, then go into stealth mode. Usi
ng distract as needed, he should sneak behind his target, then execute backstab,
and the styles that chain off of backstab. Afterwards he can use a mix of regul
ar tactics and dual wield combat styles as needed until the monster is dead.
Two new dungeons:
1) Spindlehalla - Midgard dungeon - Myrkwood (full groups 30 - 40)
Background: The arachites, sometimes referred to by the Norse as "spidermen," ar
e a dark forest and underground dwelling race of spider- or scorpion-like creatu
res. There are many species of arachites, including the common arachite, icestri
ders, ekyps, deeplurks, and djupt. The common arachites are the most structured
and civilized of the different species and are generally the ones found near the
surface world. Because they dwell underground, they often compete for territory
with the svartalfar and the dverge and will often hunt and/or enslave individua
ls from either of the two groups. All Arachites lack the ability to spin their o
wn webs, so they harvest the silk produced by spiders, which they also tend like
prized sheep. With the silk produced by the spiders, particularly young spiders
and "husks" (silkworms that are found near spiders), the arachite priests have
devised a way that allows the arachites to produce a weblike substance that they
can use.
2) Spraggon Den - Hibernian dungeon - Silvermine Mts. (small groups 15 -22)
Adventurers seeking to rid the Silvermine Mts. of its excessive Spraggon populat
ion should seek out the Spraggon Den, a messy dungeon dug out of the earth and t
he remains of old silver mines that many spraggon call home. It is inhabited pri
marily by the spraggon, along with a few other creatures that make their home in
the earth.
- Upped the monsters in the Burial Mound (Midgard) by four to five levels each a
nd modified the spawners so they'd work similar to the other dungeons. Players m
ay have to fight their way back out, but it'll be consistent with the others. We
apologize for the inconvenience.
poison shops added:
-Deante and Mailor in Tir na Nog in warehouse by palace
-Dorran at the tents in shannon estuary on way to lough gur... high level poison

-Kinney in Connla, lower level poisons

-Kalla in Howth -- lower levels
-Riber at Druim Ligen , higher levels
-Lexie in Ardee lower levels
-Borlai in Tir na mBeo higher levels
-Sarena in Innis Carthaig higher levels
-Lirla in Alainn Binn higher levels
-Sissel and Svewn, Svasud Faste. Low and High level Poison
-Jolpgier and Osk,Audliten, two story norse house. Low and High level Poison
-Bersi and Helja, Fort Atla, inside the tavern, Low and High Level Poison
-Ander and Oilibhear, Jordheim, nearest the Vasudheim enterance. Low and High le
vel Poison
Camelot, 2nd floor of Fletching shop
Kedoenad - low level poison
Velmis - high level poison
Cotswold, Inside Inn, back room
Velmis - low level poison
Humberton, Second level of Humberton Keep, north corner
Nydomath - low level poison
Camp Forest, Camp Station merchant area
Linidd - low level poison
Avalon Marsh, Avalon Marsh Station
Wiceit - low level poison
Avalon Marsh, Second level of Caer Witrin, north corner (high level poison)
Etie - high level poison
Black Mountains North, Second level of Swanton Keep, northwest corner
Glaeric -high level poison
Castle Sauvage, Courtyard
Onyg - low level poison
Melannon - high level poison
- Arrows have been implemented for creation via the tradeskills. The different t
ypes will show up under the Fletching skill specifically.

- Tradesmen can now make the pieces of siege weapons that they are responsible f
or. The starting skill that a tradesman needs to make the raw components is 500.
So a 500 in tailoring, armorcrafting, weaponcrafting, or fletching. The merchan
t the sells said pieces will be removed sometime within the next week.
- Siege Engines: It now takes much less wood overall to make the individual sieg
e engines - hence less people - hence less time to lug it all into one spot.
- Siege Engines Electric Boogaloo: You can tentatively make the level 2 and leve
l 3 versions of the various siege engines, as well. These haven't been fully twe
aked and balanced yet, so they may be over, or under, powered. The level 2 and l
evel 3 versions will cost more to make, but they give you greater damage and a m
uch longer firing range.
Level 1 - Small Ram
Level 2 - Ram
Level 3 - Siege Ram
Level 1 - Scorpion
Level 2 - Ballista
Level 3 - Palintone
Level 1 - Onager
Level 2 - Catapult
Level 3 - Trebuchet
Thane changes:
* Power costs on Thane spells have been reduced.
The... urg.... ist... changes!
* This class has been totally revamped. The Theurgist now uses a new pet dynamic
that hasn't been introduced before. Theurgist pet spells are now a form of dire
cted damage, which require a target to be selected, a range check, facing, etc.
The elemental that is summoned cannot be controlled, and heads to the target sel
ected at casting and attacks. Since the player doesn't have his "controlled" slo
t taken up by the summoned creature, this means he can summon more elementals as
long as he has power.
This is balanced by the fact that the new elementals only survive for approximat
ely 20 seconds, or until they are killed. While the elementals have the flag set
for reduced experience penalty, summoning multiple elementals adds all the dama
ge done by them and counts it as if 1 giant elemental did all the damage. So whi
le it may be possible to take high level targets down, it still generally takes
a lot of power and the elementals absorb a proportional amount of the experience
Theurgists still have 3 elemental elementals in their spec lines, ice, air and e
arth. They each have different dynamics. The air elemental is medium offense, lo
w hit points, and has an evasion chance. The air elemental also has a chance of
stunning its target when it attacks. It can be cast from the longest range, runs
faster and should be effective at harrying opponents (in PvP and PvE). It doesn
't do too much damage, however, so isn't a great taunter.

The earth elemental is the simplest of the 3 elementals, a melee ground pounder
with a self strength buff and bonus hit points and damage. Good for dealing init
ial damage and holding the target engaged. The speed reduction has been removed,
so these guys will happily bound after anyone they can are cast at.
The ice elemental is actually more fragile than the air elemental, with greatly
reduced hit points and offense. However, the ice elemental has a ranged cold dir
ect damage spell that it will cast as long as the target is at range. Once the o
pponent gets into melee range, it will do its best to melee the target, but real
istically its job is done at that point.
Since all elementals are very short in duration, all pet support spells have bee
n removed from the Theurgist's spell lines. They have been replaced by variation
s and reshufflings of old spell lines, and fleshed out a bit. The new specializa
tion and Path of Air lists are listed below under "General Magic changes".
Keep in mind that this style of gameplay is brand new. One known bug is that aft
er summoning an elemental, it sometimes doesn't update its position on the clien
t properly, and so it seems to stand there. On its first attack, it appears next
to the target. This is just a display bug we'll address in the near future. The
re also may be some game dynamics we haven't foreseen with this new style of pet
, and we'll be looking for player input to tune things to maintain balance.
General Magic changes:
* With the Theurgist revision, all the new Wizard and Theurgist spells have been
renamed (and in the case of Theurgist, changed entirely). Here are the new list
0 Path of Earth Elementalist Base List
1 Amethyst Shield Self AF Buff
3 Amethyst Shield (Enhanced)
5 Ruby Shield
9 Ruby Shield (Enhanced)
13 Cobalt Shield
18 Cobalt Shield (Enhanced)
25 Emerald Shield
30 Emerald Shield (Enhanced)
40 Diamond Shield
51 Diamond Shield (Enhanced)
4 Minor Earthen Power Damage add
8 Earthen Power
11 Greater Earthen Power
15 Minor Earthen Burst
20 Earthen Burst
26 Great Earthen Burst
34 Earthen Fury
44 Greater Earthen Fury
0 Calefaction Wizard Earth Spec List
1 Minor Shield of Magma Dmg Shield
5 Shield of Magma
9 Greater Shield of Magma
14 Minor Shell of Magma
22 Shell of Magma
33 Greater Shell of Magma
44 Exalted Magma Shield
2 Bolt of Lava Bolt
4 Bolt of Lava (Enhanced)

7 Lava Strike
12 Lava Strike (Enhanced)
17 Lava Force
24 Lava Force (Enhanced)
31 Lava Strike
38 Lava Strike (Enhanced)
46 Lava's Fury
0 Abrasion Theurgist Earth Spec List
1 Call Minor Earth Elemental Summon Earth Elem.
7 Call Lesser Earth Elemental
12 Call Earth Elemental
20 Call Potent Earth Elemental
32 Call Mighty Earth Elemental
2 Skin of Dust Absorb single hit, self
10 Skin of Sand Absorb single hit, realm
18 Skin of Earth Absorb single hit, group
26 Skin of Rock Absorb single hit, group, pulsing
35 Skin of Stone Absorb single hit, group, pulsing
45 Skin of Diamond Absorb single hit, group, pulsing
3 Minor Friction Attack speed debuff
8 Lesser Friction
14 Friction
21 Major Friction
28 Greater Friction
37 Superior Friction
47 Paralyzing Friction
0 Path of Ice Elementalist Base List
1 Ice Cloud (Minor) Direct damage
2 Ice Cloud
3 Ice Cloud (Greater)
6 Ice Cloud (Potent)
9 Glittering Ice Cloud (Lesser)
13 Glittering Ice Cloud
17 Glittering Ice Cloud (Major)
24 Ice Blast (Minor)
33 Ice Blast
41 Ice Blast (Potent)
50 Ice Blast (Major)
5 Cold's Bitter Grip (Lesser) Root
10 Cold's Bitter Grip
16 Cold's Bitter Grip (Greater)
22 Fingers Of Ice (Lesser)
30 Fingers Of Ice
39 Fingers Of Ice (Greater)
49 Anchor Of Ice
0 Liquifaction Wizard Ice Spec LIst
7 Burst of Steam (Minor) Point blank area effect damage
11 Burst of Steam
15 Steaming Blast (Minor)
20 Steaming Blast
26 Steaming Blast (Major)
32 Steaming Wind (Minor)
39 Steaming Wind
48 Steaming Wind (Major)
5 Ensnaring Haze (Minor) Direct damage, reduces target's speed
9 Ensnaring Haze (Lesser)
13 Ensnaring Haze

17 Ensnaring Haze (Greater)

24 Entangling Haze (Minor)
33 Entangling Haze
41 Entangling Haze (Greater)
50 Entangling Haze (Potent)
6 Searing Wind (Minor)
12 Searing Wind
16 Searing Gust (Minor)
21 Searing Gust
27 Searing Wave (Minor)
37 Searing Wave
47 Searing Blast
0 Refrigeration Theurgist Ice Spec List
2 Frost Blast Direct damage, reduces target's speed
5 Chilling Blast
9 Frigid Blast
13 Snow Blast
17 Ice Blast
24 Winter Blast
33 Auroral Blast
41 Hibernal Blast
50 Arctic Blast
1 Summon Minor Ice Spirit Summon Ice Pet
7 Summon Lesser Ice Spirit
13 Summon Ice Spirit
18 Summon Aged Ice Spirit
25 Summon Elder Ice Spirit
4 Field of Frost Area effect root
10 Field of Slush
16 Field of Snow
20 Field of Ice
30 Floe of Snow
39 Floe of Ice
49 Expanse of Ice
0 Path of Fire Wizard List
3 Summon Fire Direct Damage
5 Fire Wind
7 Circle Of Flames
10 Fiery Orbs
13 Fire Storm (Minor)
17 Fire Storrm
23 Fire Storm (Major)
30 Fiery Maelstrom (Minor)
37 Fiery Maelstrom
47 Fiery Maelstrom (Major)
2 Fire Bolt Bolt
4 Fiery Bolt
6 Fireball
9 Reign of Fire (Minor)
14 Reign of Fire
18 Reign of Fire (Major)
22 Flaming Rocks (Minor)
28 Flaming Rock
36 Flaming Rocks (Greater)
46 Flaming Rocks (Major)
0 Pyromancy Wizard Fire Spec List
1 Minor Combustion Direct Damage

3 Lesser Combustion
6 Combustion
10 Greater Combustion
13 Major Combustion
17 Minor Conflagration
23 Lesser Conflagration
30 Conflagration
37 Greater Conflagration
47 Major Conflagration
2 Explosive Blast (Minor) Area Effect Direct Dmg
5 Explosive Blast
7 Explosive Burst (Minor)
12 Explosive Burst
18 Concussive Blast (Minor)
24 Concussive Blast
32 Ebullient Blast (Minor)
44 Ebullient Blast
0 Path of Air Theurgist List
6 Bolstering Gust (Minor) Attack speed buff
9 Bolstering Gust
14 Bolstering Gust (Major)
21 Bolstering Storm (Minor)
28 Bolstering Storm
38 Bolstering Storm (Major)
49 Bolstering Storm (Greater)
6 Brisk Wind (Minor) Group running speed increase
16 Brisk Wind
26 Lissome Wind (Minor)
36 Lissome Wind
46 Lissome Wind (Major)
0 Vapormancy Theurgist Spec List
1 Call Lesser Air Sprite Summon Air Pet
7 Call Minor Air Sprite
12 Call Air Sprite
20 Call Potent Air Sprite
32 Call Mighty Air Sprite
4 Confusing Gust (Minor) AE short mes
13 Confusing Gust
21 Confusing Gust (Major)
30 Confusing Wind (Minor)
39 Confusing Wind
49 Confusing Storm
2 Blasting Breeze Direct Damage
5 Blasting Gust
8 Blasting Winds
11 Blasting Gale
16 Blasting Squall
22 Blasting Storm
28 Blasting Cyclone
35 Blasting Tempest
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.13 Release Notes

September 22, 2001

- Some issues that were caused by zoning into cities from the home zones of each
Realm. These have been fixed, although keep us appraised of any additional prob
- You should no longer "drop" characters when you type into the chat buffer.
- Running animations were playing too slowly for id-sized and larger races and h
ave been sped up a bit.
There are many postings on the beta boards and elsewhere that dual wield appears
to be "bugged". We think this is a problem where we haven't educated you (the p
layers) on how the system is supposed to work. Please note that this discussion
is not about Left Axe (Midgard). It is only for Albion (Dual Wield) and Hibernia
(Celtic Dual).
Basically, the dual wield system was designed for the dual-wielder to have two f
ast weapons, one in each hand. Testing with this scenario shows this to be true.
If you use a slow weapon in your right hand and a faster weapon in your left, y
ou will not be nearly as effective as a player using one weapon and a shield. If
you use two fast weapons, though, you will do much more damage and be more effe
ctive. So, it does not behoove you to put all your money into one big weapon -spread your cash out a little more by buying two level-appropriate ones instead.
Please test this out and let us know what you find.
- A new dungeon, Tepok's mine -Albion - (small groups of 20 - 30 lvl players) Bl
ack Mts. South, has been added. The story:
The savage goblins of the Black Mts. captured this mine from the surrounding tow
nsfolk, and now make a home there. Toughened by the rigors of underground life,
these goblins and their allies aggressively defend their territory from invaders
- boundary problems in Lough Derg repaired.
- The Hibernian death trap known as the Spraggon Den has been tweaked to allow t
he target-level players a decent survival rate. Grave-spotting should no longer
be a valid sport.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.14 Release Notes
September 25, 2001

Citizens of Hibernia and Midgard, prepare for battle!
This Saturday (Sept. 29th.) at 9PM EST, the Customer Service team will gather pl
ayers from Midgard and Hibernia for an attack on an Albion border gate (Forest S
auvage Main Gate Entry Point). In order to attend, you will need to port into th
e Albion Frontier zone between 8:30pm and 9pm EST. You will then be summoned to
an area just outside the border gate. Once everyone has been brought to the area
, a server wide message will be sent out with orders to charge the gate!
The idea behind all this is to test the strength of the border gate. We ask that
people attending abide by the following:
1) Attendees will refrain from attacking each other during the event.
2) Albion players are asked to stay on the "Albion Proper" side of the border ga
te, and should not attack raiding forces.
3) Should anyone make it through the gates and away from the guards, they
will become fair game to the Albion forces.
Players who do not abide by the above mentioned rules will be summoned away from
the area, and will not be allowed to participate.
We encourage all our high level Midgard and Hibernia testers to come on out and
turn this into a grand, large-scale assault. Based on the turnout and cooperatio
n from players, we may attempt similar assaults on other Realm border gates.
Thank you, and hope to see you this Saturday!
- /follow is now in. You can auto-follow players and NPCs/monsters. Do this by s
electing the NPC/monster/player you want to follow and typing "/follow". You wil
l follow your target, matching speed, until you break off by moving in another d
- You can now /send and who /who across regions in a Realm. So, now you can see
other same-realm players and communicate with them no matter where they are in y
our Realm (i.e. in a dungeon or in a city). Please note that this includes guild
chat and guild "whos" as well. We will be adding group support and other crossregion commands in the next few days.
- Footstep sounds have been re-done. They are not yet considered final, but are
much better than the old set.
- Norse "snow" zones now will have more appropriate "cold" sounding ambient soun
ds (i.e more wind and less crickets).
- Minor bug fixes to Tailoring (all realms), Fletching (all), Armorcraft (Midgar
d) and Metalworking (Midgard).
- Hibernian Arrows should now use the proper kind of metal bars.
- Rams should now do their full damage to doors. Please try to test this again,
they should make knocking down keep doors substantially easier.

-Tepok's Mine Tweaks: Reactivated the monsters in the lower levels that were agg
roing through the floor and cleaning out the lower level players at the entrance
. They
have a reduced aggression radius and should no longer be as much of an issue - p
lease test. Also Tuned some monster encounters to provide more "safe areas" to s
et up in. Hint: It's not the corridors.
3 New Dungeons in need of testing:
- Coruscating Mines - Hibernia Dungeon located in the Valley of Bri Leith
Level Range: 30 - 40 in full sized groups
Background: In the realms of the Sidhe and faeries, there are two major factions
that continuously play against each other. These are the Seelie and the Unseeli
e Courts. The members of the Seelie Court are generally benign in nature and do
not actively seek to harm humans living in their territory. In some cases, they
may even befriend humans such as with the Elves and Lurikeen. The Unseelie Court
, however, is made up of all the dark and evil faeries, which include goblins, p
ookas, siabra, and other creatures of magic that may seek to cause harm to human
kind. Because common metals, particularly iron, is dangerous to all magical crea
tures, both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts forge their weapons, armor and artifa
cts out of magical metals and gems. One of the most precious metals to both grou
ps is true silver, sometimes called Mithril by others. True silver is a light, s
trong, magical silver that has been coveted by the Sidhe for centuries. One of t
he ancient kings of Hibernia, Nuada of the Silver Hand, had a
hand forged of true silver after his had been severed by an opposing Fomorian ki
ng. The silver hand functioned as any normal hand and allowed him to renew his k
ingship (since no one of his kind was allowed to rule so long as they had a blem
ish on their body). The Coruscating Mines, located in the heart of the Silvermin
e Mountains, is completely controlled by the Unseelie Court. Bounty hunters and
other members of this evil faction often raid human and firbolg towns and villag
es to supply a steady workforce. The humans and firbolgs they capture are forced
to labor in the mines against their will; some of them are bound by geas, some
by magical collars, and others by mind manipulation. Because there is a mild lin
e of respect and code of behavior between the two factions, the Unseelie do not
capture members of the Seelie Court. There are rumors that deep within the mines
the Silver Hand of Nuada is protected by powerful guardians loyal to the Unseel
ie, which causes no little amount of unrest among those of t
he Seelie Court.
-Keltoi Fogou -Albion Dungeon - Campacorentin Forest
Level Range: 17-22 in 3-4 person groups
Background: The Keltoi are a very spiritual people and often gather in secluded
places to live, worship, or practice their spiritualistic arts. These people use
the fogou as their spiritual center for ceremony, initiation and teaching. Birt
h and death rituals are conducted in it as it is seen as a transition zone betwe
en this world and the next. Some scholars theorize that it may also be used for
initiations involving entombment where the initiates are sealed in for a time to
face the underworld in order to over-come fear and so emerge 'reborn'. It is ne
ver used for burial. The whole site is considered a sacred space and its design
is perhaps not so much to keep invaders out as to keep certain forces in. Those
who have journeyed there and have returned claim that it has the feel of a world
-Catacombs of Carvoda - Albion Dungeon - Cornwall

Level Range: 26-30 in 3-4 person groups

Background: For many years, an unnamed crypt stood alone within a circle of stan
ding stones in the middle of the Cornwall countryside. No one knew who was burie
d there or how long it had been there. Not much thought was given to this place
until recently when a young shepherd chasing his flock found and entrance to som
ething much larger than just the small crypt that it appeared to be on the surfa
ce. When the shepherd did not return, the locals searched for him. They found hi
s staff near the entrance of the crypt and his flock wandering about but saw no
sign of the boy. They descended into the crypt opening and found themselves with
in an ancient hallway of smooth stone and tiles and pillars that were clearly Ro
man in design. According to their known history, the Romans had not reached this
far into Cornwall so this catacomb was a complete mystery to them. Further expe
ditions into the catacombs revealed that this legion was in company of an empero
r, an emperor that no one could name. There was no record of a
n emperor dying or being buried in Cornwall. One expedition returned with only h
alf their number. The leader of the team claimed that something awoke, something
not living and very angry. He said that before he knew it, half of his team was
dead and the rest fleeing in terror. Since then, the locals refuse to return to
the area, claiming that it is haunted by ancient ghosts.
Quest Changes and Notes:
- All 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th level Midgard epics have been taken offline
temporarily for a major overhall.
- Numerous other bug fixes across the realms
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.15 Release Notes
September 25, 2001
This is a major update, with lots of spell system updates, enhancements, and cha
nges. Read the "spell system notes" section closely.
- Skalds now have Charisma/Strength/Constitution as their primary/secondary/tert
iary stats.
- Rangers now have a spell line to specialize in. See the Spell System Notes for
full information.
- The exp curve has been slightly modified to make level 4 easier. Level 5 and 6
are a hairsbreadth harder to compensate.
- Personal sends now appear by default in all chat tabs. If you wish to change t
his, you can by configuring the chat interface.
- You can no longer follow yourself or your pets using the /follow command.
- You can no longer change your last name (once you have one), and you now must
be 10th level before you can get a last name.
- You can disband a group member, even when he's far away. If he's out of range
and cannot be selected, you must use "/disband "
- Resurrection spells that are designed to do so now correctly teleport dead pla
yers to the caster's feet.
- "/assist " now works - previously it only worked on the selected player.

- /bandage command has been removed. It was never fully implemented.

- Pets should now move around correctly in dungeons.
- Your character's race now shows on the character sheet window.
- Fixed spurious messages on zoning (you get experience, the dies, etc.)
- Rings and bracers will now correctly drop onto empty slots.
- You can now access the Spells Document at
- Disease durations were tuned down, the effect was made the same at all levels,
and at higher levels disease spells are area-of-effect.
- All spells are now using their new names; check
spells.html for the new lists.
Ranger changes:
- Rangers have had a new skill added, Pathfinding, which is the Ranger magic spe
cialization track. See the latest spell list to see what spells are awarded and
at what levels.
Cleric/Friar changes:
- Adjusted levels of Major Restoration line. The second resurrection spells shou
ld no longer be overwriting the L15 major heal.
Eldritch changes:
- Increased range on Shadowburst line.
- Increased radius of Null Storm line.
- Added Strength Dispersal line (Str/Con debuff).
- Paralyzing Wind line is now a mesmerize, with longer duration.
- Negate Sight line now debuffs Dex/Qui instead of just Dex.
Magician changes:
- Increased damage of Aura of Turning line.
Shaman changes:
- Added Fungal Rejuvenation line (Heal over time).
Naturalist changes:
- Slightly shortened healing cast times.
Healer changes:
- Added insta-stun and insta-mesmerize to high level Pacification spec.
- Increased range of several lines in Pacification line.
Spiritmaster changes:
- Added Gift of the Fallen line (self dmg shield).
- Added Spirit Flow line (transfer health to friends).
- Slightly lowered damage of life drain spells.
- Changed Gloomwave line to be point-blank-area-effect mesmerize instead of dama
Runemaster changes:
- Fixed Blackbolt to debuff resistance instead of buffing it (whoops).
- Added Token of Movement line (backup group movement increase).
- Fleshed out Runic Ward line (Bladeturns - self, realm, group, group pulsing, e
Warden changes:
- Shifted Attack Unending to the Regrowth spec track.
- Added Nature's Ward line to Nurture spec (Bladeturns - self, realm, group, gro

up pulsing, etc.).
- Added Guardian's Encouragement line to Nurture spec.
Sorcerer changes:
- Added Amplify Movement line to Mind Twisting spec.
Cabalist changes:
- Added Puncture Spirit line (Area Effect DOT).
- Added Cursed Vigor line to Essence Manipulation (disease).
- Slightly reduced damage on spec lifedrains.
Minstrel changes:
- (Re)Added Cant of Confusion line.
Two new Dungeons:
- Treibh Caillte -- Hibernian Dungeon:
For levels 27-36 (in groups), in Lough Gur.
Treibh Caillte is inhabited by a small tribe of creatures locally known as ursin
e dwellers. The clan lives inside their naturally formed cavern. The reclusive c
lan is hostile to outsiders. No one knows where they came from, only that they r
ecently arrived and inhabited a cavern in Lough Gur they claimed as their own. N
one of the ursine dwellers have been seen outside Treibh Caillte, and since most
locals stay away, not much is known about them.
- Muire Tomb -- Hibernian Dungeon:
For levels 8 - 15 (in groups) in Connacht
Concaire Muire and his family were rich landowners prone to greed and haughtines
s. Bitter and rankled from years of cruel treatment, Muire serfs cast an evil ey
e upon the family. A dementia slowly started to afflict Concaire Muire until one
night, he murdered his entire household and then himself. The family's tomb has
since been a place of unrest.
Dungeon Tweaks:
-Nisse's Lair:
Lowered the agro radii of all the mobs and tweaked the spawn times across the bo
ard hoping to create more "safe spots."
Other Fixes:
- Rumor Mills (barkeepers) in Midgard should now give out quest information. Tra
vel directions are coming soon.
- Gatekeepers should no longer be affected by various AOE spells. Please test th
- Several minor skill bugs fixed in Hibernian Armorcraft.
- Planing Tools were not being required as they should have been for many recipe
s involving wood, this should be fixed now.
- A bug that was causing many Tailoring recipes to display improperly and some s
iege piece recipes not to display at all should now be fixed.
- Siege pieces and the 0 copper arrows should no longer come up for consignments

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.16 Release Notes
September 26, 2001
- When you buy an item that you cannot equip, you will now get a dialog asking y
ou if you really want to buy it.
- Region music has been fleshed out a little more -- you now get region music in
more places, and more tracks play.
- There are two buttons on the keyboard config screen - one for "RPG defaults" a
nd one for "FPS defaults". FPS defaults are the original set for the game. RPG d
efaults are from other popular online RPGs.
- You should no longer "walk in place" on death (for a few moments) any more.
- You should now see spell animations and effects all the time. There was a bug
where they weren't displaying at all under heavy network load.
- You will now climb ramps and steps much more smoothly, without needing to jump
- Rangers now receive the correct skills and spells alluded to in yesterday's pa
tch notes.
- Thief poison can now be purchased in stacks of 10, and can be stackable to 20.
- You can move faster while hidden now, which is dependant on your stealth speci
- Backstab and Backstab II Critical Strike combat styles will now stun.
- Critical Strike combat styles have had their damage raised across the board.
- You can no longer do critical shots on every shot by using the "auto release"
feature. This was a bug. This is not a nerf. Please repeat - it was a bug.
- When taking over a keep, the keep's front door should now come back closed (it
had been rebuilding itself in an open state, which was very silly).
- We are slowly raising the levels of all Realm Guards approaching the levels th
at we want them to be for release. Realm Guards were reduced in level for testin
g purposes, but will be slowly getting tougher as we approach the release date.
- Realm Guards will now agress on you regardless of level.
- We know about the many exploits that some of you are using in Realm Combat, an
d will be addressing them in the next few days.
- Need to note that the merchant cost of Siege Engine pieces was raised 50% (the
y were exactly the same as the cost to craft them, which made it so there was no
reason to do so).
- One New Dungeon:
Name: Varulvhamn
Realm: Midgard - Skona
Level: 31-36 in 3-4 person groups
Background: Varulvhamn is an underground lair wear some werewolves take up resid
ent. Most of the werewolves that live here tend to be less militant than those i
n Skona, though not necessarily less aggressive towards humankind. Two types of

werewolves live here, the "common" werewolves and the wolfaur. Wolfaurs and were
wolves differ slightly. Wolfaurs tends to be older-generation werewolves and as
such, are almost "natural" in their forms. Because of this, they are further rem
oved from their ancestral savagery than normal, "younger-generation" werewolves.
The majority of their society (with the exception of those who are in positions
that require aggression, such as wolfaur headsmen) tends to be less aggressive
than their werewolf counterparts. Much to the annoyance of the werewolves, the w
olfaurs tend to be more philosophical, open-minded, and even willing to accept t
heir human Nordic neighbors.While the wolfaur are not openly aggressive toward h
umans and their companions, they will defend their kindred if needed. Local were
wolf nobles also tend to gather in Varulvhamn to discuss matters of politics.
-Spawn rates in Nisse's Lair tweaked.
-Two Barkeeps added to Jordheim. All other associated barkeeps throughout the la
nd are NOW functional.
-Levels of the guards in the frontier keeps have been modified upwards.
-All crabs in game are now set to type INSECT, and thus charmable.
-All frogs in the game are now set to type ANIMAL, and thus charmable.
Cleric changes:
- Heavenly Visions is now a PB AE Mesmerize on a timer.
- Increased recast timer on Drive Evil line.
- Increased cast time (slightly) on Stunning Flash line.
Sorcerer/Cabalist changes:
- Moved a generic snare line into the Body Destruction list. The spec list roots
now come at higher level, and are area effect.
Mentalist changes:
- Mentalist's were bugged in their mana spec list... this list has been reverted
back to its original form (which is to say, no one uses it) for the time being
until a better revision can be implemented.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.17 Release Notes
September 27, 2001
- We know that there are lots of problems with groups and /who and /send command
s in some dungeons. We'll work on getting a fix for that to you guys soon. This
bug was introduced when we put in the ability to do who and send commands "cross


- Thief classes can now use Critical Strikes (there's no more "you can't use thi
s skill with this weapon" messages"). We fixed this earlier today, so this fix h

as been online since this morning.

- Help system has been buffed out a little more. It will continuously undergo up
dates between now and release (and beyond).
- Monsters that have swim animations now swim in water. Please note that not all
monster models have swim animations. We will be taking steps to add these anima
tions over time.


- Void explosions much improved.
- Created separate Void handglow. Eldritches who cast Void now get a better effe
- Mana handglow tweaked. It is now more attractive.
- Spiritmaster handglow improved. Much bigger and better than the old one.
- Vine-wrap effect is new and is made for the Druid tangle/root spells, but may
be used in other places as well.
- New much improved Dark explosions.

- barkeeps in Midgard towns now give out travel directions.
- tweaked Muire's tomb spawn times.
- Additional tuning of the border keeps to prevent sneak-enabled classes from ge
tting through.
- Midgard Zone: Raumarik is now the home to foul beasts. Unlike most areas, howe
ver, Raumarik is not an area to go if you are looking for quick experience or ea
sy camps. It is an extremely high level zone with only a handful of monsters tha
t do not respawn quickly. Additionally, some of the monsters in the area may req
uire more than one group to take down. We'll be adding high level stuff to this
zone as we go.
- A cap on experience lost above level 30 has been implemented.
General magic changes:
- All bladeturn lines (Skin of Sand, Nature's Ward, Runic Ward) have had their c
asting timers increased. Since these spells potentially have the ability to nega
te large quantities of damage, they will continue to be tuned to deal with any i
mbalances that creep up.
Theurgist changes:
- Extended range and reduced cast time on elemental summoning spells.
Shaman changes:
- Fixed bug with Fungal Rejuvenation overwriting Frigg's line.
Mentalist changes:
- Fixed DoT damage for Mind Fade line.
Cleric changes:
Alright, those last changes didn't go over well. I'm going to implement some cha
nges that were suggested by players, and try that. They weren't my first choice,
but they may solve the problem.
- Removed Holy Wrath line.
- Decreased timer on Drive Evil line to 20 seconds, and increased the damage on
targets further away.

- Reverted Stunning Flash to its old casting time (2.5 seconds)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.18 Release Notes
September 28, 2001
- When Jewelry's condition goes down to zero, it will no longer give you a magic
al bonus.
- Your own name was truncated when you viewed your own character (although it lo
oked fine to others who looked at you). This has now been fixed, so the characte
r named "Bandersnatchy SnatcherDeBandy" will now appear correctly, I'm sure to h
is great relief.
- The checkbox to not show help tips will now work - i.e. if you check it, no ti
ps will be shown when you level between levels 1 through 5.
- Combat Styles now have different colored "trails" depending on which type of w
eapon they are used with.
- The [Tab] key that removes the interface now removes spell effect icons as wel
- The "you jump to location xxxx" debug message that printed when you zoned into
cities and dungeons has been removed.
- You can now use shift-left and right arrow to move the curser inside the chat
input box to edit text.
- You can shift-up and shift-down arrow to go back and forth between your last 1
0 commands (sends, etc.).
- You will no longer see the Tips help box pop up after level 6.
- When you move while interacting with an NPC, and the NPC interaction window go
es away, you can now interact again with that same NPC and you'll see the text t
hat you had seen before.
- We are now experimenting with "sticky" combat. Use the /stick command to stick
to your currently selected enemy, and you will follow him quite closely, while
you can continue to fight him. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY A
T THIS POINT. We may remove it once we test the dynamics of the proposed feature
- You now get the health bar for doors correctly.
- Doors should now be better synchronized (i.e. you won't see them open when oth
ers see them closed, etc.).
- All combat styles have changed. Please see the list in this release note for t
he new styles you character has been given.
- There were some problems with Left Axe combat styles. These have been fixed in
this round of combat style fixes, so now Left Axe styles should do more damage
than before.
- Several spells effects have been fixed and upgraded.
- Midgard should now have the full complement of dye stores scattered throughout
the towns in the Home region.
- The denizens of the Cursed Forest have now made themselves known. Like Raumari
k of Midgard, the Cursed Forest is not an area to go if you are looking for quic
k experience or easy camps. It is an extremely high level zone with only a handf

ul of monsters that do not respawn quickly. Additionally, some of the monsters m

ay require more than one group of higher level players to defeat.
- Component pieces of Leatherworking, Metalworking, and Woodworking for Weaponcr
afting have had their timers cut by 50%, which means you can make weapons in 2/3
the time you could before.
- We have significantly upgraded and buffed out each Realm's combat styles. Thes
e are similar to, but not at all the same as what you are used to. This will req
uire some getting used to, so please get to testing them, and let us know what y
ou find.
- Albion and Midgard styles have their proper names; Hibernian Styles have been
redone but do not yet have final names.
Albion Weapon Styles
-------2 - Ruby Slash
High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Cross Slash
Low fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage, me
dium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
6 - Uppercut Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit
8 - Enrage Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attac
k you, medium penalty to your defense for the next round
10 Bloodletter
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Cross Slash, Causes short d
uration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
12 - Reflect Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower own aggro dama
ge so target will switch off you, raise defense for next round
15 - Opal Slash
Medium fatigue cost, Use after a successful Uppercut, medium bonus
damage, causes light bleeding, bonus to hit
18 Riposte
Low fatigue cost, use after parrying opponent, high bonus damage, medium
bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense for next round
21 - Side Slicer Light fatigue cost, Must be used from either side of target, low
bonus damage, causes reduced movement rate
25 - Cleave
Low fatigue cost, Use after a successful Uppercut, medium bonus damage
, bonus to hit
29 - Amethyst Slash
Medium fatigue cost, low/medium bonus damage, large bonus to h
34 Befuddler
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Riposte, Medium bonus damage,
causes medium duration Stun, medium bonus to hit
39 Back Slash
High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, high bo
nus to hit
44 Sapphire Slash
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Enrage, Medium bonus damage
, Causes medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense for
next round
50 Diamond Slash
High fatigue cost, use after successful Amethyst, High bonus damage
, Very high bonus to hit
-------2 - Daze High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Back Crush
Low fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short dur
ation stun, medium bonus to hit
6 - Maul High fatigue cost, high bonus damage, large bonus to hit, small defensive
penalty for next round

8 - Bludgeon
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Maul, medium bonus damage,
taunts enemy on to you, defensive penalty for next round
10 Bruiser
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Back Crush, Medium bonus damage
, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
12 - Concussion
Medium fatigue cost, Medium bonus damage, slows target s attack speed
temporarily, small bonus to hit
15 Contusions
Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Bludgeon, medium bonus damag
e, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit
18 - Blackjack Use after successful Maul, medium bonus damage, causes short durati
on stun, medium bonus to hit
21 - Protector Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, reduce NPC s anger towards you, d
efensive bonus for next round
25 - Divine Hammer Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damag
e, medium bonus to hit
29 - Skull Breaker Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium
bonus damage, high to hit bonus, low defensive penalty for next round
34 Side Crush
Medium fatigue cost, Use from beside enemy, Medium bonus damage, mediu
m duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
39 Bone Crusher
Low fatigue cost, use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, lon
g duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
44 Body Masher
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Skull Breaker, Medium bonus
damage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
50 Devastate
High fatigue cost, use after successful Side Crush, High bonus damage,
long duration stun, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
-------2 - Impale High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Defender's Cross
Medium fatigue cost, Use from Beside enemy, medium bonus damage,
short movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
6 - Deflect
Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, reduce NPC s anger towards you, high
defensive bonus for next round
8 - Executioner Medium fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium
damage bonus, reduce target s attack speed temporarily, small to hit bonus
10 Defender's Faith
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, short dura
tion bleed, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
12 - Distract Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attac
k you, small to hit bonus, medium defensive penalty for next round
15 Defender's Courage
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Defender's Faith, me
dium bonus damage, medium duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
18 - Crippling Blow Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration move
ment reduction to target, medium bonus to hit
21 - Disabler Low fatigue cost, use after Crippling Blow, medium bonus damage, sho
rt duration attack speed reduction to target
25 - Phalanx Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, medi
um bonus to hit
29 - Mangle
Medium fatigue cost, use after crippling blow, high bonus damage
34 Defender's Rage
Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, Very high bonus damag
e, medium bleed, high bonus to hit
39 Poleaxe
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage
44 Defender's Revenge
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Defender's Rage, long d
uration stun, very high bonus to hit
50 Defender's Aegis
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Phalanx, Long duration
movement reduction, High bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Two Handed:
---------2 - Half Moon High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Double Back
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, Short
duration stun, meduim bonus to hit

6 - Rile
Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you
, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
8 - Pacify Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger towards
you, defensive bonus to next round
10 Two Fists
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Double Back, Medium bonus dam
age, Short duration bleed, Medium bonus to hit
12 - Bone Bruiser
Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration attack
speed reduction, small bonus to hit
15 Double Recovery
Low fatigue cost, Use after you fumble, High bonus damage, Causes
medium duration movement reduction, Medium bonus to hit
18 - Fury
Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium bonus da
mage, causes light bleeding, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense for ne
xt round
21 - Bone Splitter Medium fatigue cost, use after successful bone bruiser, medium
bonus damage, causes medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit
25 - Recenter
Low fatigue cost, Use after successful fury, medium bonus damage, sm
all bonus to hit, high defensive bonus to next round
29 - Bone Breaker
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Bone Bruiser, medium b
onus damage, short duration stun, small bonus to hit
34 Obfuscate
Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Fury, medium bonus damage, Ca
uses heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
39 Doubler
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit
44 Two Moons
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Double Recovery, Medium bonus da
mage, long duration stun, high bonus to hit
50 Sun and Moon
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Bone Breaker, Causes heavy
bleeding, small bonus to hit
Dual Wield:
---------2 - Twin Spikes Medium fatigue cost, very high bonus damage
4 Twin Return
Low fatigue cost, Use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, Short
duration bleed, Medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
6 - Shadow s Edge
Medium fatigue cost, use when behind target, high bonus damage, bonu
s to hit
8 - Inflame Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack
you, medium defensive penalty to next round
10 Orbit
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Twin Return, Medium bonus damage,
Short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
12 - Eclipse Medium fatigue cost, use after successful shadow s edge, medium bonus dam
age, short duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
15 Misty Gloom
High fatigue cost, use any time, Medium bonus damage, small bonus to
18 - Obscure Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger toward
s you, high defensive bonus to next round
21 - Penumbra
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Shadow s Edge, high bonus dama
ge, high bonus to hit
24 - Reflection Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium bo
nus damage, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense for next round
29 - Flank Medium fatigue cost, use from either side of target, medium bonus damag
e, medium duration reduction to target s movement rate, medium bonus to defense for
next round
34 Dark Tendrils
Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, ca
uses heavy bleeding, medium bonus to hit
39 Shadows Rain
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Flank, Medium bonus damage
, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 Hypnotic Darkness
Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Reflection, Medium bo
nus damage, Medium duration stun, high bonus to hit
50 Dual Shadows
Medium fatigue cost, use from in front of enemy, medium bonus damage
, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense

-----2 - Thistle
High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Ratfang
Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, short dur
ation stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
6 - Puncture Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, light bleeding, medium bonu
s to hit
8 - Sting
Medium fatigue cost, Low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack yo
u, medium bonus to hit, high defensive penalty for next round
10 Wolftooth
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ratfang, High bonus damage, s
hort duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
12 - Bloody Dance
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful puncture, medium bonus
damage, causes medium duration bleeding, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to
defense for next round
15 Beartooth
Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage, mediu
m duration stun, high bonus to hit
18 - Tranquilize Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger to
wards you, high defensive bonus for next round
21 - Lunge Medium fatigue cost, use after successful puncture, medium bonus damage
, high bonus to hit
25 - Ricochet
Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, causes medi
um duration bleeding, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next roun
29 Pierce
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, medium du
ration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
34 Liontooth
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Wolftooth, medium bonus damage,
long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
39 Basiliskfang
Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage, he
avy attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 Wyvernfang
Low fatigue cost, Use after successful Beartooth, medium bonus damage,
long duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
50 Dragonfang
Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, long
duration stun, high bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
----2 - Spinning Staff - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to de
4 - Figure Eight - Low Fatigue cost, use after target is parried, high bonus dam
age, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
6 Friar's Ally
Medium fatigue cost, Use after Figure Eight, medium bonus damage, sho
rt duration stun, medium bonus to hit
8 - Defender's Fury - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration
attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit
10 Quick Strike
Medium fatigue cost, use after Defender's Fury, medium bonus damage
12 - Friar's Redress - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt ta
rget off you, very high bonus to defense for next round
15 Double Strike
Low fatigue cost, use after Figure Eight, medium bonus damage, shor
t duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
18 - Friar's Friend - High fatigue cost, use from side of target, high bonus dam
age, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit
21 - Counter Evade - Low fatigue cost, use after target is evaded, high bonus da
mage, medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to de
25 - Banish - Low fatigue cost, use after successful #5, very high bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
29 - Friar's Boon - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to de
34 Holy Staff
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to h

Friar's Fury
Low fatigue cost, Use after Counter Evade, medium bonus damage, medi
um duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 Stunning Wrath
Medium fatigue cost, use after Banish, Long duration stun, high bo
nus to hit, medium bonus to defense
50 Excommunicate
Medium fatigue cost, use after evading enemy, high bonus damage, me
dium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Midgard Weapon Styles
----2 - Whirling Blade High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Frost Cut
Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, short duration b
leed, small bonus to hit
6 - Draw Out Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack
you, medium penalty to defense for next round
8 Northern Lights
Medium fatigue cost, use from side of enemy, medium bonus damage,
small attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit
10 - Assault Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit
12 - Temper
Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, lower NPC s anger towards you, high
defensive bonus for next round
15 Aurora
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Northern Light, high bonus damag
e, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
18 - Baldur's Fury High fatigue cost, use after successful Assault, medium bonus d
amage, causes short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
21 - Reinforcement Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium
bonus damage, causes short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty t
o defense for next round
25 - Ice Storm Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Assault, high bonus damag
e, medium bonus to hit
29 - Rush
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Reinforcement, medium bonus damag
e, causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium penalty to defense for ne
xt round
34 Polar Rift
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to h
39 Niord's Fury
Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, mediu
m duration stun, medium bonus to hit
44 Sif's Revenge
Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Rush, medium bonus damage
, long duration bleed, medium bonus damage
50 Ragnarok
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, heavy a
ttack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, low penalty to defense
-----2 - Thor s Anvil High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Crushing Blow
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, short durati
on stun, medium bonus to hit
6 - Placate Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, lower NPC s anger towards you, mediu
m bonus to defense for next round
8 Slam
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Crushing Blow, medium bonus damage,
short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
10 - Ruiner
Medium fatigue cost, high bonus damage, small bonus to hit
12 Frost Hammer
Medium fatigue cost, use beside enemy, high bonus damage, medium dur
ation movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
15 - Provoke Medium fatigue cost, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, low bonus da
mage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
18 - Demolish
High fatigue cost, use after successful Ruiner, medium bonus damage,
causes short duration stun, small bonus to hit
21 - Revenge Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium bonus

damage, causes medium duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, sma
ll penalty to defense for next round
25 - Crumble
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ruiner, high bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit
29 - Conquer Low fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, medium
duration movement reduction, high penalty to defense for next round
34 Thor's Answer
Medium bonus damage, use after successful Revenge, medium bonus dam
age, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit
39 Lambast
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, long duration ble
ed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 Sledgehammer
Medium fatigue cost, use after Conquer, High bonus damage, high bonu
s to hit
50 Mjolnir's Fury
Medium fatigue cost, use after Thor's Answer, High bonus damage, h
eavy attack speed reduction, high penalty to defense

--2 - Splitter High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Cleave
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack speed
reduction, medium bonus to hit
6 - Plague Medium fatigue cost, Low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack y
ou, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
8 Thrym's Stength
Medium bonus damage, Use after Cleave, medium bonus damage, short
duration stun, medium bonus to hit
10 - Pillage Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, causes short duration attac
k speed reduction, small bonus to hit
12 - Hoarfrost Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger towa
rds you, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense for next round
15 Evernight
Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, medium d
uration bleed, medium bonus to hit
18 - Plunder Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Pillage, medium bonus damag
e, short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
21 - Valkyrie s Shield
Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium
bonus damage, medium bonus to defense for next round
25 - Raider
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Pillage, high bonus damage, cau
ses short duration stun, medium penalty to hit, meduim penalty to defense for ne
xt round
29 - Havoc Medium fatigue cost, use when in front of target, medium bonus damage,
small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense for next round
34 Midnight Sun
Medium fatigue cost, use after Valkyrie s Shield, medium bonus dama
edium duration stun, high bonus to hit
39 Glacial Movement
Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage,
heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, low penalty to defense
44 Arctic Rift
Low fatigue cost, use after Evernight, High bonus damage, medium bonu
s to hit
50 Tyr's Fury
Medium fatigue cost, use after Havoc, high bonus damage, long duration
bleed, high bonus to hit
Left Axe:
-------2 - Counter Slash High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Doubler
Medium fatigue cost, use behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration
bleed, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
6 - Ravager Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit
8 Polar Light
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack s
peed reduction, large bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
10 - Snowblind Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to atta
ck you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
12 - Atrophy Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ravager, medium bonus damag
e, medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit

Frost Shadow
Medium fatigue cost, use after Polar Light, high bonus damage, mediu
m bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
18 - Comeback Low fatigue cost, use after target is evaded by anyone, medium bonus
damage, medium bonus to hit
21 - Scathing Blade
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Atrophy, high bonus
damage, causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium
penalty to defense for next round
25 - Decaying Rage Low fatigue cost, use after successful Atrophy, medium bonus da
mage, strong attempt to lower NPC s anger towards you, medium bonus to hit, high bon
us to defense for next round
29 - Snowsquall
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, me
dium bonus to hit
34 Doublefrost
High fatigue cost, use any time, Medium bonus damage, small bonus to
39 Frosty Gaze
Medium fatigue cost, use after Comeback, medium bonus damage, medium
duration stun, medium bonus to hit
44 Icy Brilliance
Medium fatigue cost, use after Snowsquall, medium bonus damage, lo
ng duration bleed, high bonus to hit
50 Aurora Borealis
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, high bonus damage, heavy attac
k speed reduction, high bonus to hit
----2 - Dazzling Spear High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Return Thrust
Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, short durati
on bleed, medium bonus to hit
6 - Engage Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack y
ou, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
8 Extended Reach
Low fatigue cost, use after Return Thrust, Medium bonus damage, sma
ll attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit
10 - Lancer
Medium fatigue cost, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, small pen
alty to defense for next round
12 - Dismissal Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger towa
rds you, high bonus to defense for next round
15 Wounding Thrust
Medium fatigue cost, use after Engage, medium bonus damage, mediu
m duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit
18 - Stab
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Lancer, no bonus damage, causes m
edium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
21 - Perforate Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage,
causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium penalty to defense for next
25 - Lunging Thrust
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Lance, high bonus da
mage, medium bonus to hit
29 - Raze Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Stab, low bonus damage, causes
long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
34 Whirling Spear
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus
to hit, small penalty to defense
39 Razor Edge
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, mediu
m duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
44 Odin's Wrath
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, High bonus damage, high bonus to
hit, small bonus to defense
50 Gungnir's Fury
Medium fatigue cost, use after Perforation, medium bonus damage, l
ong duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
------3 - Numb Medium fatigue cost, medium damage, short duration stun
8 - Stun Medium fatigue cost, use after successful block, medium damage, short dur
ation stun
13 - Disable
Medium fatigue cost, use when beside target, medium damage, medium du

ration stun
18 - Incapacitate
High fatigue cost, use after successful block, medium damage, me
dium duration stun, medium bonus to defense for next round
23 - Paralyze Medium fatigue cost, use when behind target, medium damage, medium d
uration stun
29 Bash
Medium fatigue cost, use after blocking opponent, medium bonus damage, mediu
m stun
35 Mangle
Medium fatigue cost, use beside opponent, medium bonus damage, long durati
on stun
42 Slam
Very high fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, long duration stu
50 Brutalize
Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, long duration s
(Final names coming soon...)
-----2 - Blades 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Blades 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small att
ack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
6 - Blades 3 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt enemy to
attack you, medium penalty to defense
8 - Blades 4 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off
you, medium bonus to defense
10 - Blades 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage,
medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
12 - Blades 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 2, medium bonus
damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
15 - Blades 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 5, medium bonus da
mage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
18 - Blades 8 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonu
s to hit, small penalty to defense
21 - Blades 9 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking enemy, medium bonus damage,
short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
25 - Blades 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 6, high bonus
damage, medium bonus to hit
29 - Blades 11 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 9, medium bonus d
amage, medium duration bleed, high bonus to hit
34 - Blades 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damag
e, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
39 - Blades 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 8, medium bonu
s damage, heavy attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defe
44 - Blades 14 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 13, high bonus da
mage, medium bonus to hit
50 - Blades 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damag
e, very high bonus to hit
----2 - Blunt 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Blunt 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage,
short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
6 - Blunt 3 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off
you, medium defensive bonus
8 - Blunt 4 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to
attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
10 - Blunt 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage,

low attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit

12 - Blunt 6 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 2, medium bonus dama
ge, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
15 - Blunt 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after you fumble, medium bonus damage, medi
um duration stun, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
18 - Blunt 8 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus
to hit
21 - Blunt 9 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 5, medium bonus d
amage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to d
25 - Blunt 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
29 - Blunt 11 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 7, medium bonus dam
age, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
34 - Blunt 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 9, high bonus da
mage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
39 - Blunt 13 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage
, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Blunt 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 10, medium bonus
damage, very high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
50 - Blunt 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 13, medium bonus
damage, long duration stun, medium bonus to hit
-------2 - Piercing 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Piercing 2 - Low fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, s
hort duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
6 - Piercing 3 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target
to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense
8 - Piercing 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 2, medium bo
nus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
10 - Piercing 5 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target
off you, medium bonus to defense
12 - Piercing 6 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bo
nus to hit, small penalty to defense
15 - Piercing 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus dama
ge, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
18 - Piercing 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 6, medium b
onus damage, medium bonus to hit
21 - Piercing 9 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus dama
ge, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to de
25 - Piercing 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus dama
ge, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
29 - Piercing 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 9, high bo
nus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
34 - Piercing 12 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 7, medium bon
us damage, medium attack speed reduction, very high bonus to hit, medium bonus t
o defense
39 - Piercing 13 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 8, high bonus
damage, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Piercing 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 10, medium
bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
50 - Piercing 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 12, very h
igh bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Large Weapons:
------------2 - Large 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage

4 - Large 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after parry, high bonus damage, medium bonus
to hit, small bonus to defense
6 - Large 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to ta
unt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
8 - Large 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, no bonus damage, attempt to tau
nt target off you, high bonus to defense
10 - Large 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage,
short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
12 - Large 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 2, medium bonus d
amage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
15 - Large 7 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus
to hit, small penalty to defense
18 - Large 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 5, medium bonus d
amage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
21 - Large 9 - High fatigue cost, use from in front of target, medium bonus dama
ge, medium movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
25 - Large 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Large 6, very high bonus
damage, high bonus to hit
29 - Large 11- Medium fatigue cost, use after target parries you, high bonus dam
age, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
34 - Large 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 8, medium bonus
damage, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
39 - Large 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after target blocks you, medium bonus d
amage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Large 14 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Large 11, medium bonus da
mage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, large bonus to defense
50 - Large 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage
, long duration stun, very high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
Celtic Dual:
----------2 - Dual 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Dual 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, sh
ort duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
6 - Dual 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to tau
nt target to attack you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
8 - Dual 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, sho
rt duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
10 - Dual 5 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 4, medium bonus damage
, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
12 - Dual 6 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 2, high bonus damage,
medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
15 - Dual 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 4, medium bonus damage
, attempt to taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high bonus to defe
18 - Dual 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage,
short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
21 - Dual 9 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus
to hit, medium penalty to defense
25 - Dual 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage,
long duration movement reduction, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
29 - Dual 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 8, medium bonus da
mage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
34 - Dual 12 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 10, medium bonus dama
ge, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
39 - Dual 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 9, High bonus dama
ge, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 12, Medium bonus damage, lon
g duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
50 - Dual 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 11, very high bonu

s damage, heavy attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defens
Celtic Spear:
-----------2 - Spear 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Spear 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage,
short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
6 - Spear 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage,
short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defens
8 - Spear 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, attempt to taunt target off you
, high bonus to defense
10 - Spear 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to t
aunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
12 - Spear 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 2, medium bonus d
amage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defe
15 - Spear 7 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, medium bonu
s to hit, medium penalty to defense
18 - Spear 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 3, medium bonus d
amage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
21 - Spear 9 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage,
medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
25 - Spear 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 8, medium bonus
damage, medium attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
29 - Spear 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 9, small bonus t
o hit, small bonus to defense
34 - Spear 12 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonu
s to hit
39 - Spear 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 11, medium bonus
damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
44 - Spear 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, low bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit
50 - Spear 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 14, medium bonus
damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit
Critical Strikes:
---------------2 - Backstab - Medium Fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden
4 - Eviscerate - Medium fatigue cost, use after Backstab, high bonus damage, cau
ses short duration attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, small penalty to
6 - Kidney Rupture - - Low fatigue cost, use after Eviscerate, Very high bonus d
amage, Causes short duration bleed, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defens
8 - Pincer - Medium fatigue cost, Use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, hi
gh bonus to hit, high penalty to defense
10 - Backstab 2 - High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage,
high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden
12 - Hamstring - Low fatigue cost, use after evading enemy, medium bonus damage,
causes medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
15 - Thigh Cut - Medium fatigue cost, use after Backstab 2, Very high bonus dama
ge medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
18 - Garrote - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, causes medi
um duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
21 - Perforate Artery - Medium fatigue cost, use from in front of enemy, medium
bonus damage, causes long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to d
efense, use while hidden

25 - Achilles Heel - Medium fatigue cost, use after Garrote, High bonus damage,
causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
29 - Leaper - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, l
ong duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
34 - Critical 1 - Low fatigue cost, use after Perforate Artery, very high bonus
damage, medium duration stun, high bonus to hit
39 - Critical 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after Critical 1, Very high bonus damage
, very high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Critical 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use after Hamstring, high bonus damage, l
ong duration movement reduction, high bonus to hit
50 - Critical 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use after Leaper, very high bonus damage,
long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.19A Release Notes
October 2, 2001
- Communication problems (/sends, /who, etc.) were not working. These have been
- The Credit Card sign-up window was unresponsive for some beta testers. These p
roblems have been fixed. If you signed up for the special rate, and received ack
nowledgement back, then you are signed up and everything's OK. If you never rece
ived acknowledgement that your signup was successful, then you'll have to do it
again. Please note that the system will not allow you to sign up for this rate t
wice, so if you are unsure if your charge went through or not, sign up again, an
d it will tell you. In any event, we will not charge your card twice.
- Stable Master in East Lough Derg now gives horse correctly.
- Rogue-applied poisons are resisted far less often.
- Horse and rider are now better synchronized.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.19 Release Notes
October 2, 2001
All Camelot Beta testers are invited to join the live game at a reduced cost. Fr
om now until Monday October 8, you will be able to purchase three months of play

ing time on the live game for $9.89/month (for three months).
To take advantage of this special offer, click on the "Pre-Subscribe" button fro
m the Server Selection screen. You'll then see a window allowing you to enter yo
ur credit card number, name, and other information. Click "OK", and your order w
ill be processed.
When you purchase the live game next week (or whenever), use the CD Key that com
es with in the box. Install the game, type in the CD Key, and then log into the
game using the same user name and password that you've always used (i.e. your be
ta name/password). You're account will automatically be set up for four months o
f access (one free month that comes when you buy the box, plus these three month
s at a reduced rate).
Of course, you don't have to take advantage of this offer, but if you are planni
ng on playing the game after release, this is a great deal.

In order to alleviate the traveling time problems, we've decided to implement an
"alternative mode" of transportation: horses. This is the first implementation
of horses; more will come after release. This first step is for ALL level charac
ters to use. It is quite inexpensive.
There is now an extensive network of Stables in each Realm. You can rent a horse
to go from one stable to another - and by linking trips together you can now sa
fely and quickly get from one part of a Realm to another. Please note that you c
annot control a rented horse; you ride it as it takes you down the roads of its
Realm to a predetermined destination. For a list of destinations, see the world
notes, below.
To rent a horse, go to a Stable Master, who can be found in logical places near
the towns and cities of each Realm. Right click on the Stable Master to bring up
a list of destinations that you can rent horses to take you to. For example, th
e Stable Master in Snowdownia Station will rent you a horse that takes you to th
e North Gate of Camelot City. Purchase the ticket from the Stable Master, and th
en drop the ticket on him. Your horse will appear, and you'll be off to your des
tination and a breakneck pace.
Please note that while you are riding no monsters will aggress on you. You can m
ove the camera around using the normal camera movement keys, but you cannot move
your character. You can jump off, if you wish, before you get to your destinati
on by hitting the "jump" key. You'll also notice that your horse will slow down
as it approaches and goes through towns; but it will speed up when it is on the
open road.
There may be some problems with the horse's paths - please take note of situatio
ns where your horse gets "off road" and heads off in a random direction. Please
post which path you were on if this happens.
Horse Rental pricing is experimental and may be changed in the future.


- Hibernian Guardians (base fighting class) have been given Evade. This means th
at all advanced classes based on the Guardian get it as well.
- Hibernian Champions now have 2 training points per level (they were set at 1.5
- Hibernian Blademasters now get Evade II at 15th level. Their base combat skill
s have also been upgraded slightly.
- Several messaging changes have been implemented so servers will be more stable
under high-message conditions; like when hundreds of players are on your screen
at the same time.
- The "/quest" command has been re-enabled.
- We fixed another problem where monsters would chase you forever instead of giv
ing up the chase has been fixed.
- Radius and area-effect spells will no longer pull all monster aggro on the cas
ter. Aggro is now spread out among the group. This does not affect solo casters,
of course (they will receive the aggro of all monsters if soloing).
- Pets in general should take less experience.
- The "No Aggression Timer" when you enter the game has been raised from 10 to 2
0 seconds.
- When you attempt to cast a spell while in combat mode, you will now automatica
lly exit out of combat mode and cast the spell. Previously, you were forced to m
anually exit combat mode, then cast the spell.

Midgard Quests:
- For those currently on the Hunter's level 11 Hill Cat Hunt quest: There were s
everal Viking Huscarls, so to avoid confusion, the quest-related Viking Huscarl
has been renamed Viking Karl
- Warrior Epic, Seer Epic, Mystic Epic and Rogue Epic's are back in up to 20th l
- There is a temporary NPC by the name of Aesa who is located at the palace at J
ordheim. She has the ability to perform a one time clearing of your pending Hous
e-based Epic quest(s). If you are not currently having issues with your line of
quests received from your trainer, then you do not attempt to use this NPC. We s
uggest Aesa be used only if you are currently stuck on a House based quest, or y
ou were in the process of completing a Midgard epic quest prior to today. Please
note that this can only be done ONCE. If any or all of the following quests app
ear as "Pending" in your quest journal, they will ALL be cleared. If the quest h
as been completed it will NOT be cleared.
Traveler's Way quest
Traveler's Way quest
Darksong's dirge quest
Darksong's dirge quest
Wisdom of Time quest

The Rod and the Scholars quest

Visions of Darkness quest
Fressen's Plight quest
Impatience quest
Finn's Hunt quest
Fressen's Story quest
Gathering Forces quest
Madness quest
Kerinar quest
Prove Kobold Helen's innocence quest
Runes of Darkness quest
Grenlock Clan's quest
Siv's Spirit quest
Coplin's Spirit quest
Ove's Spirit quest
Gunner's Spirit quest
Traveler's Way quest
Hunt for Dorga quest
Jewel hunt quest
A War of Old quest
Scout Argyle quest
Lieutenant Salurn quest
General Robin quest
General Charles quest
Taldos' Amulet quest
The Red Dagger quest
Genlu's items quest
Coincidence? quest
Daggers Red Eye quest
Old Hatred quest
- See your trainers in the city to get the new and improved epics
- Factions have been added to monsters in newer zones and dungeons. Note: This s
hould alleviate the "high level aggressive" problem in Hadrian's Wall.
- Rats now look like rats! They don't have rat sounds yet, but they will soon.
- Additional monsters spawns have been added to Connaught (not far from Ardee),
particularly in the level 4-9 range.
- A few monster spawns have been added or adjusted in Lough Derg. There should b
e a few more monsters in the level 5-9 range.
- Adjustments have been made to Shannon Estuary, particularly around Connla. It
should be easier to find hunting in the level 4-9 range. Expect to see more mino
r adjustments to this zone. Also note that some "new" monsters have been added t
o the newbie area immediately surrounding Connla. These may not yet have items.
Because of that, however, they may temporarily drop coins. This will be changed
once appropriate loot is given to those creatures.
- Upped bolt damage by about 10% for the Wizard, Runemaster and Eldritch.
- All "bladeturn" effects now print that they've absorbed a blow.
Theurgist changes:

- Elementals no longer lose hitpoints over their duration.


- Hibernian Siegecraft no longer requires Iron pieces, but instead uses the equi
valent Hibernian metal. Siegecraft pieces created by the other trades in Hiberni
a have also been adjusted, and siege pieces of the appropriate material added to
the Hibernian border merchants.

Start Point: Nob's Farm in Camelot Hills:
Destination: North Camelot Gates
Start Point: North Camelot Gates
Destination: Nob's Farm in Camelot Hills
Start: Humberton
Destination: Castle Snowdonia
Start: Castle Snowdonia
Destination: Humberton
Start: Ludlow
Destination: Castle Sauvage
Start: Castle Sauvage
Destination: Ludlow or Adribard's Retreat in Avalon Marsh
Start: Gronyr's Farm in Camelot Hills
Destination: Campacorentin Station
Start: Camapcorentin Station
Destination: Gronyr's Farm in Camelot Hills or East Camelot Gates
Start: East Camelot Gates
Destination: Campacorentin Station or Snowdonia Station
Start: Snowdonia Station
Destination: East Camelot Gates
Start: Adribard's Retreat (in avalon marsh)
Destination: West Downs (in salisbury) or Castle Sauvage
Start: West Downs (in salisbury)
Destination: Adribard's Retreat (in avalon marsh)
Start: Cornwall Station
Destination: Caer Ulfwych (in camp forest)
Start: Caer Ulfwych (in camp forest)
Destination: Cornwall Station
Start: Caer Witrin (in avalon marsh)

Destination: Western Cornwall

Start: Western Cornwall
Destination: Caer Witrin (in avalon Marsh)
Start: Mularn Village
Destination: Audliten
Start: Audliten
Destination: Mularn Village
Start: Haggerfel
Destination: Vasudheim
Start: Vasudheim
Destination: Haggerfel or Galplen
Start: Galplen
Destination: Ft. Atla or Vasudheim
Start: Ft. Atla
Destination: Galplen
Start: Nalliten
Destination: Vindsaul Faste (west svealand border keep)
Start: Vindsaul Faste (west svealand border keep)
Destination: Nalliten
Start: Huginfel
Destination: Svasud Faste (Mularn border keep)
Start: Svasud Faste (Mularn border keep)
Destination: Huginfel
Start: Gna Faste (Myrkwood)
Destination: Raumarik or Ft. Veldon (Mularn)
Start: Raumarik
Destination: Gna Faste (Myrkwood)
Start: Ft. Veldon (Mularn)
Destination: Skona

Start: Mag Mell
Destination: Howth
Start: Ardee
Destination: Farm in Eastern Lough Derg
Start: Tir Urphost (Moher)
Destination: Ardagh

Start: Druim Ligen (Connacht border keep)

Destination: Connla
Start: Tir na mBeo
Destination: Druim Ligen (Connacht border keep)
Start: Ardagh
Destination: Connla or Tir Urphost (Moher)
Start: Howth
Destination: Innis Carthaig, or Mag Mell
Start: Connla
Destination: Druim Ligen (Connacht border keep) or Innis Carthaig
Start: Innis Carthaig
Destination: Tir na mBeo
Start: Druim Cain (Bri Leith border keep)
Destination: Tir na mBeo or Druim Ligen (Connacht border keep)
Start: Farm in Eastern Lough Derg
Destination: Druim Cain (Bri Leith border keep)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.20 Release Notes
October 2, 2001
- Client crash bug involving name geometries ("names-over-heads") fixed.https://
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.21 Release Notes
October 3, 2001
This is a minor release (no new features) that fixes a couple of annoying crash
- We fixed a client crash related to horses.
- The login server should work properly now. It was denying people entry erroneo
- We fixed a server crash that was plaguing Albion for the last 12 hours or so.h

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.22 Release Notes
October 3, 2001
- We fixed another client crash related to horses.
- You will no longer be granted combat styles if your character does not have th
e ability to perform the opening move. This means you will no longer get Evade b
ased styles if you don't have evade, and so on.
- Horse galloping sounds should be much smoother.
- Midgard monsters should no longer walk "through" objects (except trees). If yo
u are riding a horse in Midgard, you will now cross bridges, not go right throug
h them. Hibernia is the only realm now where monsters don't collide with objects
- The "Stealth" Skill is being changed to become a more all-encompassing thief a
nd rogue skill. Abilities such as Moving While Hidden, Climbing, Perception, Saf
e Fall, and others will be given based on your specialization level in Stealth (
which will probably be renamed). Because of this, we are removing the Climb skil
l from the game. You will see extra "Stealth" abilities appear at some point jus
t before release and beyond.
- Shadowblades, Nightshades, and Infiltrators no longer are able to specialize i
n parry. Instead, they are granted extra levels of evade. This gives them one le
ss skill to specialize in (actually two, since we also removed climb). Their inc
rease in evade more than makes up for the loss of parry.
- Berserkers now get much more evade than they used to. They now get evade 1 at
5th level (instead of 7th), evade 2 at 10th, 3 at 20th, 4 at 30th, 5 at 40th, an
d 6 at 50th. This will alleviate some of the massive damage they regularly take
in battle.
- Targeted spells now benefit more from extra attackers. The bonus per extra att
acker is now 3.75% instead of 2%, so a full group attacking a monster should giv
e a bonus of approximately 25% to the success rate for targeted spells (as oppos
ed to 14%). Note that pets and elementals contribute to the number of extra atta
ckers. This means that nukers in a group should be much more effective than they
used to be. Casters who are not in groups will of course not be effected by the
se changes.
There was a bug in poisons that made them be resisted far more often than we int

ended. We fixed this bug last night, and now the game will use the level of the
poison (on your weapon) relative to your target monster to determine resistance.
This means low level poisons will be resisted more often on higher level monste
rs. Please keep testing the thief classes, but be sure to use appropriate poison
s. Here's a recap and a list of poisons:
All thieves learn the Envenom skill at level 5. This allows them to apply poison
s to their weapons before going into battle. Poison vendors have been set up aro
und the world -- use them. They sell poisons that have different effects on your
enemy -- some debuff, some apply a damage over time, etc. It is expected that a
thief will always attack with an envenomed weapon, so make sure you stock up on
poison before you head out hunting. Because all Thief classes can fight with tw
o weapons at the same time, you can envenom both your weapons - but only with di
Please note that poisons are level-based, so you will not be able to apply some
poisons until you put more spec points into Envenom. You will be able to gauge t
he relative power of a poison by its name in the store list. Please note that lo
w-level weapons will not be able to be envenomed by high-level poisons. You must
use a level-appropriate poison on your weapon.
Please note that only your melee weapons can be poisoned.
Here's a list of the poisons:
DOT, adds about 12% extra level damage
1 Minor Lethal Poison
5 Lesser Lethal Poison
10 Lethal Poison
15 Major Lethal Poison
20 Greater Lethal Poison
25 Minor Lethal Venom
30 Lesser Lethal Venom
35 Major Lethal Venom
40 Greater Lethal Venom
45 Insidious Lethal Venom
50 Lifebane
Str debuff
2 Minor Weakening Poison
6 Lesser Weakening Poison
11 Major Weakening Poison
17 Greater Weakening Poison
22 Minor Enervating Poison
29 Lesser Enervating Poison
37 Major Enervating Poison
47 Greater Enervating Poison
Snare, duration increases with level (put this on a backup weapon)
3 Minor Imbalance Poison
8 Lesser Imbalance Poison
13 Major Imbalance Poison
18 Greater Imbalance Poison
23 Minor Crippling Poison
27 Lesser Crippling Poison
31 Major Crippling Poison
42 Greater Crippling Poison
Disease poison, durations increase with level (good PvP poison)
4 Minor Infectious Serum


Lesser Infectious Serum

Infectious Serum
Major Infectious Serum
Greater Infectious Serum

- A couple new Pony Express routes added:
Castle Sauvage to Castle Snowdonia
Castle Snowdonia to Castle Sauvage
Vindsaul Faste to Svasud Faste
Svasud Faste to Vindsaul Faste
- Several paths tweaked to avoid having horses run through trees.
- Monsters in Spraggon Den, Cursed Tomb, and Treibh Caillte given more varied at
tack types (slashing, crushing, etc) as well as damage resistance tables and var
ied weapons where appropriate.
- A high level (mithril) one-hand weapon shopkeeper has been added to Jordheim b
y name of Dala.
- Many quest objects have had minor tint changes made to bring them in line with
the latest tints.
- Cloak of Shades quest (Albion) made available to rogue classes only (infiltrat
or, minstrel, scout). It is also now tinted dark gray instead of black.
- All NPC factions in the game which had a beneficial effect should now have a
way to "restore" faction.
As an example, the horse station in Western Cornwall in Albion is on an
npc faction with a beneficial effect (use of the stablemaster there). This
faction can be repaired by hunting the moor boogeys in the area.
- Monsters in Campacorentin Forest (Albion) have been reworked in a major way to
make the area a bit more friendly to starting characters. Please continue to gi
ve feedback on the encounters.
- Monster encounters in Silvermine Mts. (Hibernia) have been tweaked - should be
more monsters available at various levels.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.23 Release Notes
October 4, 2001
- Yesterday we reported that Berserkers got six levels of Evade. This was errone

ous. They actually get three levels of evade - 1 at 5, 2 at 10, and 3 at 20. We
apologize for the error.
- There were some problems displaying recipes and/or ingredients for the tradesk
ill system. These have been fixed.
- There is now a "resistances" button on your character sheet. Click on it to ge
t a list of your current resistance levels. Your resistances are based on race a
nd any buffs (spells or items) that you have running.
- You can use the /keyboard setting to see a list of what your keys are mapped t
o. You cannot change keys in game, but you can now see them.
- /loc command has been added back in. Please use this to give us locations for
stuck points and other bug reports.
- Monsters in dungeons that follow other monsters will now path much better than
they did before.
- Berserkers can now use combat styles while they Frenzy. This significantly inc
reases the amount of damage they can dish out.
Use the /friends command to show your current friends list (will show in a popup
window). You can use /friends add and /friends remove to add and remove friends
from the list. Please note that a friend must be logged on in order for you to
add them to the list. Currently, you get text notifications when a friend logs i
n and out. In the (near) future, we'll have a friends window that will show curr
ent friends online, and update it on the fly. Right now you'll have to close the
friends window and re-open it to refresh the list (or just type /friends again)
. When you add and remove a friend, the list is refreshed.
Your friends list is saved on a character basis on the server - NOT by account.
- New Rogue abilities: Danger Sense lets you know when a scout monster has notic
ed your party. It is always on. You get it when you have eight trains in Stealth
. Please note that all Rogues get this, not just the thief classes.
- New Thief ability: Detect Hidden increases range at which you can see hidden e
nemy players. You get this at 16 trains in Stealth.
- Poisons are now applied much more easily - you should not fail as often. Pleas
e note that poisons have levels, and that you won't be able to apply a poison to
your weapon that is higher level than you are. Also, your specialization in Env
enom now helps determine how often your poison is resisted - but be sure to use
poisons that are as close to your level as possible so you won't be resisted as
often. A list of the poisons and their levels is printed once again at the botto
m of this release note.
- Your Backstab combat styles (the ones that require you to be hidden) now do mo
re damage. Please let us know how much this change helps the classes.
- Trade Tools added to towns:
Forges, Lathes, and trade skill merchants added to the following locations:

Gna Faste in Myrkwood (directly across the lake from Galplen)
Cornwall Station in Cornwall
Innis Carthaig in Lough Gur
- there are a few more named guards in Midgard that will give out tasks.
- some adjustments have been made to the Gotar newbie hunting area.
- 20th level Academy Epic - (Albion) "Animare il morti"
Minor modification to difficulty. Quest should be more suited to solo than befor
- Fall through spot in Tir na Nog fixed.
- Bug allowing players to illegally climb walls of some Midgard keeps fixed.
Here's a list of the poisons:
DOT, adds about 12% extra level damage
1 Minor Lethal Poison
5 Lesser Lethal Poison
10 Lethal Poison
15 Major Lethal Poison
20 Greater Lethal Poison
25 Minor Lethal Venom
30 Lesser Lethal Venom
35 Major Lethal Venom
40 Greater Lethal Venom
45 Insidious Lethal Venom
50 Lifebane
Str debuff
2 Minor Weakening Poison
6 Lesser Weakening Poison
11 Major Weakening Poison
17 Greater Weakening Poison
22 Minor Enervating Poison
29 Lesser Enervating Poison
37 Major Enervating Poison
47 Greater Enervating Poison
Snare, duration increases with level (put this on a backup weapon)
3 Minor Imbalance Poison
8 Lesser Imbalance Poison
13 Major Imbalance Poison
18 Greater Imbalance Poison
23 Minor Crippling Poison
27 Lesser Crippling Poison
31 Major Crippling Poison
42 Greater Crippling Poison

Disease poison, durations increase with level (good PvP poison)

4 Minor Infectious Serum
16 Lesser Infectious Serum
26 Infectious Serum
38 Major Infectious Serum
48 Greater Infectious Serum
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.24 Release Notes
October 5, 2001
- The "Friends" tab has been renamed the "Chat" Tab. To chat to your Chat Group,
now use the /chat instead of "/friends".
- There is a "mini" button on your character sheet that launches your mini-frien
ds monitor window. This keeps track of which of your friends is online, in real
- Berserker Frenzy really now lets you use combat styles. We mean it this time.
- Backstab damage has been increased greatly (unlike yesterday, when we told you
it increased, but really didn't). The "Backstab" styles now take your Critical
Strike specialization into account whenever you do one of the "from hidden" styl
es, so you will want to be highly trained in it.
- A problem where you sometimes could not apply poison to a weapon, even though
it was the appropriate level has been fixed.
- "Bolt" type spells will now hit almost always (85%). Against higher level mons
ters, you may do less damage, but you'll hit much more often.
- All damage spells (DOT, Targeted, Directed Damage) will now hit more often, al
though they may do less damage against higher-level monsters.
- Bandwidth usage in congested areas has been optimized by 15%.
- Border keep guards have been raised in level by 5 levels.
- Many grammatical changes and fixes to quest text.
- In Midgard the Tomte Lair is now itemized, item levels 10-16.
- Over 20 new 1 time drops per realm have been added over the week. Included in
these new items are some weapons with magical effects.
- Fixed many bugs with jewelry items that were not initially set up correctly. C
ondition and Durability should be much better on many jewelry pieces.
- After this patch if you find any items that have resists, and the resist is be
low 3% please post this in the item bugs section of the beta boards.
- Some of the male Dwarf models were not using proper face textures (they were u
sing Human Norse textures). These have been fixed; so you may notice your dwarf
male looking a little ruddier when you log in.


- Non-specialization bolt damage was raised by 10% (an oversight from the last b
olt tuning).
- All bladeturn lines (Skin of Sand etc.) have had their costs modified. The low
er levels now use a percent of the caster's pool instead of a fixed amount, sinc
e the amount of damage this spell absorbs goes up with level.
- An architectural change was made to the way shouts and other instant effects w
ork to support future additions to the spell system and fix some bugs with spell
s like the Cleric's Drive Evil spell line. There may be bugs in the system that
need to be worked out, we'll be keeping an eye on things over the weekend. Pleas
e note this change was not intended to alter game balance, so any strange timers
or durations should be reported and they will be corrected as soon as possible.
Wizard changes:
- Changed the functionality of the Burst of Steam line, it should work better no
Bard changes:
- Fixed awarding of Lesser Reconstitution.
Cleric changes:
- Heavenly Visions line is now a mesmerize as intended (it was mistakenly set to
be a root).
- Holy Wrath line was added back in, at higher mana cost than before. This will
be reduced again if there are further balance issues with the spell line.
- Drive Evil should work properly now.
Warden changes:
- Solar Conversion should be castable again.
Champion Changes:
- Reduced the effectivness of higher-level debuffs, which tones down their overpowered RvR capabilities.
Mentalist changes:
- The Mind Fade and Illusory Aches lines of DoTs now stack. This occurred a few
patches ago, but was undocumented.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.27 Release Notes
October 6, 2001
- Some testers have expressed confusion regarding the pre-subscription process.
We thought we had made it clear that pre-subscribe means that you are purchasing
your time immediately. When beta testers sign up for the special $9.89 pre-subs
cription rate, their credit card is immediately charged for the full three month

- Storage Vaults are now in the game. To use them, right-click on a Vault Keeper
NPC and you'll see a window listing all the objects you have in storage. You ca
n drag items to and from your interface into the bank just as you do any other t
rading transaction. See the world notes for locations of the Vault Keeper NPCs.
Please note that you can store only objects in the Vaults - since money does not
have weight, and you do not drop it on death, there is no need to store money i
n the vault. Currently, the vault window shows money slots at the bottom; these
are erroneous and should not be there. We'll fix that soon.
- The "mini-friends" button on the character sheet has been renamed "Friends".
- Berserker Frenzy has been changed. Now, when Berserkers are Frenzying, they wi
ll critical hit every time they hit an enemy, which significantly increases thei
r damage output. All levels of Berserker Frenzy currently act exactly the same;
we will be addressing this over the next couple of days.

New Dungeon:
"Koalinth Tribal Caverns" Hibernian dungeon levels 20 - 30
Koalinths are a coastal / marine species of hobgoblins. A tribe of Koalinths hav
e migrated from their traditional homelands which are under the sea off of the c
oast. They have taken over a series of caves and ancient tunnels near the Cliffs
of Moher. From here they stage hunting raids on nearby settlements, and can sti
ll reach the sea easily to communicate with their homeland. It is unknown why th
ese creatures are moving from their natural element to invade the lands of Hiber
nia, which until now they have largely avoided. The fact that they would underta
ke such a drastic move hints at darker powers.
Storage Vault Locations
Camelot: Lord Urqhart - in the palace
Adribard's Retreat: Trulion Vrundon - in one of the shops on the boardwalk
Castle Sauvage: Earl Grael - in one of the corner towers
Tir na Nog: Bhreagar Hylvian - In the palace
Connla: Ghearic Chauclon- By the tower across the river
Druim Ligen (connacht) Yralun Trallae - in one of the upper rooms
Jordheim: Jarl Yuliwyf - In the Great Hall
Gotar: Yakryl - In the guard post on the road to Myrkwood

Vindsaul Faste: Hralyvar - in one of the upper rooms


- Thane and Champion shouts are now working properly. They can no longer be inte
- Shouts should no longer show erroneous print messages.

- Some siege weapons have been update so as to appear better on uneven terrain.
Their textures have been updated as well.
- New monster skins and models have been added.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.28 Release Notes
October 8, 2001
- The Dark Age of Camelot beta program will end Tuesday morning October 9th. We
expect the first group of paying players to start arriving around then. Thank yo
u all for your wonderful support of Camelot over these last 12 months - without
your input and support, creating Camelot in such a short time and with such grea
t results would not have been possible. We humbly say "thank you" from the botto
m of our hearts.
- We are extending the opportunity for all beta testers to pre-subscribe. You no
w have until Tuesday morning at 10:00am. Remember, only those testers who pre-su
bscribe will keep their characters on Pendragon.
- Characters on Galahad have been wiped. You'll still get 10x Exp and loot on it
, until tomorrow morning, but now you can have characters in one Realm only. Ple
ase test this "one realm per server" change and see if you can break it.
- Relics have been added to the game. See the Relics section below for more info
- Alt-tab has been disabled. Please note that the game will shutdown when you al
t-tab or the game otherwise loses focus. This means that if Instant Messenger at
tempts to pop up a message while you are playing, Camelot will close. If you hav
e a system event (i.e. disk defragging) happen while you are playing, the client
will close. Basically, this means that you want to exit ALL programs before you
run Camelot.

- You can now only have characters in one Realm per server, with the exception o
f Pendragon, which allows you to have characters in all three Realms.
- Thanes now have 2 training points per level (used to be 1.5).
- Some spell effects have been updgraded
- Many loot items that had "question mark" icons have been fixed.
- The Critical Shot ability icon was not displaying. This has been corrected.
- /tell has been added to the game and works exactly like /send.
- The /Realm command shows the status of which Realm controls all outposts and R
- New Guild costs: 1 gold to form guild. 300 gold to pick an emblem. 5 gold to e
mblemize an item.
- *debug has been removed.
- Many style fixes have been implemented - some missing thrust weapon styles hav
e been added in, as well as other fixes and tweaks.
Relics are in, and placed in your Realm's Relic Keep, however there is currently
a bug in the game which makes it impossible for enemies to open the Relic Keep
door. This will be fixed as soon as possible. However, you can go to your own Re
alm's Relic Keeps and see the Relics.
There are six relics in the game (2 per Realm): one is a bonus to melee damage,
and one is a bonus to magical damage. Note that we will be expanding the number
of Relics per Realm in the future. Your Realm's Relics have no bonus to you, but
if you go to another Realm and capture their Relics and bring them back to your
Realm's Relic Keep, then you will get their bonus. Please note that you must ha
ve your two Relics safe in their Keeps before you can take another Realm's Relic
s and thus acquire their bonuses.
Please note that we will be fully documenting the Relic system in a special user
's guide that we will make available to the Camelot community. Expect this in a
few days.
Relic Locations:
Merlin's Staff - Power Relic - Snowdonia Relic Castle
Excalibur's Scabbard - Strength Relic - Forest Sauvage Castle
Cauldron of Dagda - Power Relic - Mt. Collory Castle
Lug's Spear of Lightning - Strength Relic - Cruachan Castle
Thor's Hammer - Strength Relic - Uppland Castle
Horn of Valhalla - Power Relic - Yggdra Castle
Thane Changes

- Increased the duration of Thunder's Bash line to be 5 minutes like the self st
r buff.
- All Thanes should now have a 30 second timer for the Thunder Bellow line.
- Thunder Shout line should now do damage.
Hunter changes:
- Speed of Prey line should no longer be interruptable.
Campacorentin Forest:
- Urfgrat the Green's path has been modified to move him and his posse away from
the newbie areas. He and his group can now be found in south Camp. Forest
- Low level Trainers in Albion will now give the correct quests.
- Bishop Burhoff's Curse. Brother Bishop is no longer summoned through the quest
but is now a night spawn. The quest has changed slightly; read the quest journa
l for instructions.
- Monsters across the game have been getting their spell casting abilities tweak
ed, if your favorite monster has changed the spells he casts, this is why.
- The bug that caused newbie armor not drop should be fixed with this patch. Not
e: this bug was also causing dungeon armor not to drop as well.
- The Undead Halls in Hibernia are now itemized, item levels 10-16.
- Albion and Midgard should now have icons for almost all their items. Hibernia
is soon to follow.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.30 Release Notes
October 15, 2001
- Kay was brought up this morning and is now available for your gaming pleasure.
- Some Thanes who didn't train in their Hammer skill as a Viking (their pre-5th
level class) did not receive their proper Hammer level 2 combat style (Thor's An
vil). This has been fixed. All Thanes should now have this style if they have at
least 2 trains in Hammer.
- A new Hibernian horse route has been added : E. Lough Derg (farm) to Ardagh.

- Minor Faction Adjustment - Midgard. The hobgoblins in and around Gotar and Myr
kwood have joined Clan Smyga.
- For races that start in Howth (Hibernia), an optional, shorter "Learn the Path
s" Level One quest has been added. Players will now be given an opportunity to c
omplete the quest without having to travel too great of a distance. Those curren
tly on the quest can go back and choose this option.
- The merchant Kylie in Shannon Estuary (Hibernia) will no longer spawn in the w
- Sentinel Maitias (Hibernia) will now attack monsters.
- The resistances of Plate type monsters, Chitin monsters (Insects), and Ice mon
sters have been adjusted:
- Plate and Chitin monsters now have no innate bonus or resistance to thrusting
- Ice monsters are now vulnerable to thrusting weapons.
- Keltoi Lair dungeon monsters now drop items as well as cash. Item levels are 2
- All newly purchased arrows and poisons should be stackable to 40.
- Annoying Lucradens in Hibernia now drop armor.
- If you need basic help playing the game, try the player-run advice system (typ
e /advice). If you have a customer support issue in game, use the appeal command
(type /appeal) to get in touch with Customer Support. For web-support, go to ht
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.32 Release Notes
October 19, 2001

The Appeal System:
In order to take care of the issues that are having a serious impact on your gam
e-play, the Customer Support department is prioritizing these critical issues ab
ove all others. If you have "How do I..." types of questions, these can all be a
nswered either by using /Advice, searching our website, or on one of the many fa
n-sites on the Internet. Please be aware that if you send "How Do I ..." types o
f questions in an /Appeal, they will not be answered at this time. We hope to be
able to help you with these types of issues again in the future. Thank you!
Naming Policy:
There have been some changes to our naming policy, and specifically how we deal
with violations of it. Please read the revised Rules of Conduct, so you understa
nd how this works.
The Advisor System:

If you would like

ave, try becoming
ore than 15 hours
ly type /Advisor,

to help your realm-mates with common questions that they may h

an Advisor! The Advisor System is setup so that players with m
of played time, can choose to help others in their realm. Simp
and you will be flagged so that others know you are willing to

E-Mail Support:
If you have sent an e-mail to, and have NOT been co
ntacted by a technician, please send us another e-mail now. We believe that some
e-mails were not received correctly, and have implemented some features to make
sure that this will not happen again.
- All Rogue classes (Minstrel, Scout, Infiltrator, Hunter, Shadowblade, Ranger,
Nightshade) can now train fully in their weapons. Previously, they could not tra
in more than half their level in primary weapon skills.
- Midgard Seers now start with a training shield.
- Midgard Warriors now properly recieve the Thor's Anvil hammer combat Style.
- Poisons above 10th level now work ('proc'), and should be much easier to apply
and resisted far less. Please note that applying poisons to a weapon is now bas
ed on your specialization level in Envenom. If you have 10 trains in Envenom, yo
u can apply 10th level poisons, but not 11th level poisons, and so forth.
- There was a potential crash bug when entering cities while it was raining. Thi
s did not effect too many players, but it has been fixed.
- By default, new players will now see all private send messages in all chat tab
s. Please note that you can configure your chat interface to NOT show these mess
ages, if you wish. Existing characters will not see this automatically; you'll h
ave to configure it manually.
- You are now able to shift-click on values (i.e. when selecting coins out of yo
ur inventory) to increment by 10's.
- When trading coins, you can now "make change".
- The guild officer and alliance chat colors are now on different channels, so y
ou can set them to different colors if you so choose.
- The Performance Meter has been added. There are three indicators: Packet Loss,
Latency, and Frame Rate. Green is good, yellow is ok, red is poor. Use Shift-P
to display it (it has two states, small and large).
- Camelot now supports an on-screen graphical compass. Use Shift-C to toggle bet
ween no compass, small compass, and large compass. You can set transparancy on t
his window if you wish.
- Class name should no longer overwrite level in group window.
- NPC Interaction window now uses the large text font, so you can actually read
it at high resolution.
- The Pet Window now absorbs left-click (you cannot click through it).
- Datagram bandwith used by the game has been optimized and reduced.

- Players were sometimes invisible to other players in the outside zones. This h
as been fixed, although we have a similar bug that is NOT fixed in the cities.
- Buff and hit point updates on the group window should now work correctly and m
ore timely.
- You can now "delve" items to get additional information on their magical and o
ther special properties, including which class can use them. Right click on an i
tem to see its standard information in the small object window, and then use the
"Delve" key (default is shift-I) to see summary information.
- A confirmation dialog has been added when items are dropped.
- The default quicksell key (shift-s) no longer forces the camera to look up.
- A bug in the name checker allowed players to create duplicate names, in some c
ircumstances. This has been fixed.
- The lag time-out has been increased from 30 to 60 seconds. Players should not
get disconnected as often now. Additional streamlining of the datastream has bee
n implemented as well.
- You now have to type "yes" when deleting a character. There should be no more
"I accidentally deleted my character" events.
- The convert guards and Dwarven Priest in Camelot Hills are no longer charmable
- Better better directions added to the Thinking Cap quest
- Sir Graide and Sir Jerem in the Guarding the Stone quest are easier to talk to
- Blackthorns now accompany the lunantishee in Hibernia.
- Ulga moved slightly closer to road as Ulga was spawning to deep within a group
of higher levels.
- The epic for the Viking classes is now up on Pendragon. This will allow player
s to continue and finish their epic.
- Denise no longer gives out directions from Mularn to Mularn. Any players that
may have been stuck on the Lvl 11 shadowblade quest, Jewel Hunt, at the point wh
ere they need to speak to Denise, can now talk to Denise and complete their ques
- Throwing daggers in Midgard now have the correct icons. Sorry, no more throwin
g worms or bags at your enemies!
- Bowyer's Draw quest now gives out the reward. Also, the level of the quest has
been raised to reflect the monsters involved in the quest. Players currently on

the quest will not be affected by the level being raised.

- A few creatures in the world have become a little more talkative.
- Appropriate effects should play for monsters with spells or special abilities
- The weeping willow, envy drakeling, and silverscale drakeling are now slightly
- Guild registrars in all three realms now give instructions on how to fashion a
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.33 Release Notes
October 23, 2001


- /ignore is now in the game, which allows you to cut off all communication with
a player who is bothering you. Use "/ignore" by itself to see a list of charact
ers that you are ignoring. Use "/ignore " to add a player to the list, or to rem
ove that player from your ignore list if he is currently being ignored by you. P
lease note that ignore lists are based on your character, not on your account, s
o you can have different ignore lists for all your different characters. One of
your characters can have up to 20 players ignored at once.
- The /AFK command has been added. This sends a message to anyone that tries a d
irect send to the player that they are away from the keyboard. It also flags you
on the "who" list as being .
- The /FRIEND command has been changed such that it works across regions (you ca
n add and remove friends across regions/cities/dungeons).
- Firbolg sitting and casting animations have been tweaked so their arms and han
ds don't stick through their shields.
- When enchanting an item at a NPC enchanter, you now get a confirmation dialog
box with the amount it will cost.
- In order to alleviate the extremely long times to level between levels 40 to 5
0, we've added a "level step" at the halfway point for each of these 10 levels.
At this "level step" the player will gain extra skill points to raise skills, wi
ll have his death "floor experience" reset to the halfway point, and will have h
is "low exp death" for the level reset.
- We've made some fixes to the /STUCK command. It should work far better when yo
u get stuck in a wall or stuck falling through a geometry.
- We've fixed the autoreply feature when using the /ADVICE command. When replyin

g to an incoming ADVICE message, you'll automatically reply on the ADVICE channe

- The /ADVICE command now presents the user with a popup window listing up to 25
available advisors (it used to scroll by in the chat buffer).
- When a player uses the APPEAL command, they now get a popup dialog asking if t
hey really want to appeal. The dialog tries to direct them to use the /STUCK com
mand if they are stuck or the /ADVICE command if they wish game advice.
- When a spell is resisted, a mage only loses 1/2 power.
- When killed on horseback, your corpse should no longer be stuck to the horse.
- Continued bandwidth reductions on various messages.
Albion Quests:
- Players stuck on the Slythcur Cloak quest in Albion can right-click on Anga We
aver to recover and continue their quest.
- A new level 30 Albion quest added
Hibernia Quests:
- Players having trouble with the Way of Magic, Learn the Paths quest in Hiberni
a: Some changes have been made to journal entries for step 2 to clarify matters.
Re-read your journal entry for hopefully better instructions.
- Another tailoring merchant, Darcy, has been added to Tir na Nog in Hibernia ne
ar the other tailoring merchant, Saffa, due to the large amount of players swarm
ing the one merchant. This should alleviate that problem somewhat.
Midgard Quests:
- A Level 21 Midgard quest for Hunters, Shamans, Thanes and Skalds is up on Pend
ragon for testing.
- The rogue epic can now be completed to 30th level.
- A new level 42 Midgard quest has been added.
- 25th and 30th level portions of the Runemaster/Spiritmaster (Midgard) epics ar
e now online.
- The level 25 Healer/Shaman epic in Midgard is now up for testing. See your tra
iner or read your journal for details!
- The Troll Flayer protecting Galplen in Midgard now patrols the town as intende
- More Focus Item stores have been added to all 3 realms.

Ysunoic - Galplen
Raelyan - Town of Mularn
Merwdda - Vasudheim
Elengwen - Huginfel
Niniver - Fort Atla
Curka - Galplen
Lyna - Town of Mularn
Clena - Vasudheim
Alyllyra - Huginfel
Merarka - Fort Atla
Lavena - Tir na mBeo
Brenna - Ardagh
Glyn - Connla
Glennard - Innis Carthaig
Iama - Alainn Bin
Keir - Caille
Creirwy - Ardee
Liadan - Tir na mBeo
Torlan - Ardagh
Bryanna - Connla
Amynda - Innis Carthaig
Emhyr - Bog (Siopa)
Brynn - Caille
Naomhan - Ardee
Illaliel - Ardagh

Sedric - Mag Mell

Edmyg - Connla
Crayg - Innis Carthaig
Aisling - Alainn Bin
Ariana - Caille
Daron - Ardee
Doreen Egesa - Cotswold Village
Eabae Egesa - Ludlow Village
Loretta Egesa - Lethantis Association
Daisi Egesa - Adribard's Retreat
Cudbert Dalston - Cotswold Village
Farl Dalston - Ludlow Village
Gery Dalston - Caer Ulfwych
Graeme Dalston - Adribard's Retreat
Cauldir Edyn - Cotswold Village
Calldir Edyn - Ludlow Village
Norvel Edyn - Lethantis Association
Wylie Edyn - Adribard's Retreat
Odelia Wyman - Cotswold Village
Andrya Wyman - Ludlow Village
Elga Wyman - Lethantis Association
Wina Wyman - Caer Witrin
Please note that some of these fixes have already been deployed to the live serv

- Wizard, Sorcerer, Cabalist, Theurgist, Spiritmaster, Runemaster, Eldritch, Men

talist, and Enchanter self AF buffs have been re-tuned to provide a smoother cur
ve over the life of the character. Now, the lowest versions give slightly less b
enefit, but the higher level ones give substantially more armor factor bonus.
- Changed a number of spell effects to upgrade and/or use the proper realm's gra
phical effects and animations. Please note that we continue to work on streamlin
ing casting effects.
- There was a bug where some types of "debuffing" spells were never resisted. Th
is has been fixed. You will now notice that some of your debuff spells will be r
esisted just like any other spell.
- Most resisted spells now only take half spell power, instead of the full cost.
Please note that this does not apply to "Bolt" spells.
- Fixed a bug that was causing unintentionally increased power costs for direct
damage casters.
Thane changes:
- Lowered timer on Toothgrinder's Hoof to be 20 seconds, so you now can cast thi
s spell more often.
Skald changes:
- Slightly increased damage on Warcry and Battle Whoop lines.
Theurgist changes:
- Due to the high power regeneration rate at lower levels, the power cost for th
e level 1 elemental summons has been increased.
Spiritmaster/Enchanter changes:
- Increased power cost of pet-only heals.
Magician changes:
- Aura of Turning line in the Way of the Moon list has had its power cost correc
- The Vendo Caves are now itemized. Item levels 22-33.
- Midgard Warrior Guild track quest items for 20 and 25 have been flagged as War
rior only.
- Jewel of Dark beauty backstab changed to critical strike.
- Hollow Breastplate in Albion now has stat bonuses.
- Silvered staff in Hibernia should now work properly.
- Ceremonial cloak in Hibernia is now wearable and takes Emblems.
- Hunter's Broadsword in Albion now uses the Slashing Skill.
- Mantle of Insight in Albion should now be able to be equipped.

- Belt of Misdirection in Hibernia should now be able to be equipped.

- Skeletal minions in Hibernia should no longer drop Roman items. They will now
drop Realm-appropriate loot.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.34 Release Notes
November 1, 2001


- When a player disconnects from the server illegally (either via ALT-TAB or by
going linkdead), their character stays in the world for up to 45 seconds. They c
an be attacked by enemy players and NPCs during this time.
- By popular demand, you can now toggle the bad word filter on and off with the
/FILTER command. This is saved on a character by character basis. Please note th
at the filter is on by default.
- There is a New APPEAL interface. You are now presented with a number of option
s (Advice, Stuck, Harassment, Conduct Report, Bugreport and Appeal). This should
reduce the number of spurious appeals that get sent to Customer Support.
- When a player has an appeal, they get a dialog box when they enter asking if t
hey wish to refresh the appeal or cancel it. If you have any old appeals in the
system that have been resolved, please delete your appeal. If you still need hel
p with that appeal, then refresh it.
- You can now see specific spell information in-game. Right click on the spell a
nd use the "info" button to get more information about the spell, such as level
and type.
- When your inventory is full and you are given a quest item, you now get a dial
og telling you the item was dropped on the ground in front of you.
- The QUICKPLAY options in the login client now save the servername the characte
r belongs to (instead of the word Camelot).
- The number of tombstones in dungeons has been drastically reduced (we had a bu
g that wasn't properly clearing them). No longer will some dungeons look like a
forest of tombstones...
- Monsters should no longer float like balloons under certain network conditions
- Product timer window added with a timer bar for craftsmen. This should make it
much easier to figure out when you are going to be done creating your object.
- Changes to Infiltrator, Shadowblade, and Nightshade (the "Thief" classes). See
"Thief" section below for more information.

- The Berserker Fury skill has been changed. See the "Berserker Fury" section be
low for more information.
- When an incoming arrow is "bladeturned" or if it misses a spellcasting player,
it will no longer interrupt that player's spellcast.
- When a targeted spell is resisted or a bolt spell misses, it will no longer in
terrupt a spellcast or bowshot.
- The /Cancelappeal command has been added to the game. If you wish to cancel an
appeal that you have entered, just issue the /Cancelappeal command, and your ap
peal will be removed from the queue.
- Warden and Runemaster Bladeturn spells now work properly - i.e. they "go away"
after the first attack is turned. An unintended bug made Wardens and Runemaster
s who cast their bladeturn spells invulnerable - this fixes that problem.
- There was a bug where players being powerleved by a group of higher-level frie
nds were, under certain circumstances, being given more experience than their ca
p allowed. This bug meant that players could be leveled by groups much faster th
an we intended. Our policy is still to openly support leveling of friends, but w
e want to make sure it is happening within reasonable guidelines; hence the chan
ge. This change will not effect solo play or standard (i.e. where everyone is wi
thin the same level range) grouping at all.
- The group information window should - finally - update properly, with the righ
t information and display that info quicker.
- Fixed a bug where shields in poor condition did not block correctly. This has
been fixed; you should now see a higher number of blocks.
A bug was introduced in last week's patch that allowed all healing spells to be
cast at half spell points, meaning Clerics and other healers to cast their spell
s at much less cost than intended. This bug was actually fixed directly on the l
ive servers on Friday, so today's note is just an FYI. In the future, we will re
lease patch notes whenever a spell is changed; sadly that did not happen last we
ek. We apologize for the confusion.
We've made the following changes to the Thief classes (i.e. Nightshade, Shadowbl
ade, Infiltrator):
- Thieves have had their Evade skill substantially enhanced. They now receive Ev
ade II at 5th level, Evade III at 10th level, and then the next level of evade e
very 10 levels after that (20th, 30th, 40th, and 50th). A new level of Evade, VI
I has been added, which Thieves will receive at level 50.
- Backstab Critical Strikes now will almost never miss, if fighting a target mon
ster (green, blue, yellow), and will have a much higher chance of hitting a high
er level mosnter than they previously did.
Berserker Fury now does not take Endurance Points to use. It can be used once ev
ery 10 minutes. When turned on, you Critical with every shot, but lose all defen

sive skills (i.e. Parry, Block, Evade). You will deal out lots of damage, but wi
ll take lots as well. It lasts 20 seconds.
We've heard of a lot of confusion and dismay about the relative power of archer
classes in PvP, especially against Mages. For those who aren't aware, "Bladeturn
" spells (which Theurgists, Wardens, and Runemasters receive) work against arrow
s (as well as any other type of non-magical attack as well). Bladeturn spells nu
llify an attack - and can be cast on any player. It would behoove a group going
into PvP to have bladeturn protection spells on all their spellcasters.
- The level 20 Nightshade epic reward (the cloak) had its level incorrectly set
to a much higher level than intended. This resulted in the cape having higher bo
nuses than a player that level should have. Now, Nightshades completing this que
st will receive a cloak with more appropriate bonuses.
- The Spindelhalla Midgard dungeon is now itemized. Item levels 36-50 now drop f
rom monsters.
- Crawlers in the Vendo Cavern should now drop snake loot instead of lizard loot
- The Runewood focus staff of Void now has its Void spec level higher than its M
ana spec level.
- The Grizzly Skin Cloak from Midgard is now able to be equipped.
- The Kobold Ring in Midgard should now have a ring icon.
- The Woven Elemental boots should now be Armor Factor 63 (cloth type armor).
- The Chitin Ring had the additional Quickness stat changed to Piety.
- The Ornate Studded Vest can now be dyed.
- Mantle of Forgotten Prowess now has Dex/Emp instead of Dex/Piety.
- The Fire Threaded Cloak can be dyed now.
Quest - Legend of the Lake FIX
If the 15th level portion of this quest was performed by individuals over 20th l
evel, then you did not receive your quest item and EXP. You can now return and r
ight-click on Lady Nimue to receive the missed item and EXP. Missed items includ
ed: (Armsman-Sleeves of the Stoic, Scout-Gauntlets of Archery, Theurgist-Necklac
e of Elemental Influence, Friar-Soft Leather Traveler's Leggings)
Quest - Hands of fate
The Shade of Ambrosius Aurelianus was not properly spawning as players approache
d. The shade should now respond to players as intended.

Quest - Rebellion Accepted - Albion

The Arawnite Assassin within Snowdonia Keep was spawning and running directly to
kill Sir Rhodri with no regards to player on quest. The assassin should now fun
ction as intended. Be prepared for a fight!
- A level 27 Hibernian quest has been added. See your local Filidh for more deta
- The level 9 Hibernian quest Clik's Raids is now open only to Blademasters and
Heroes, the only two classes that can use the reward.
Quest - Hole of the Dead
Viking type classes were receiving a Dwarven Glima from Frimeth in Vasudheim whi
ch had no bonuses. He should now pass out the proper reward. For players who hav
e completed this quest and received the object titled "Dwarven Glima", please re
turn it to Frimeth in Vasudheim. He will swap it for the proper ring "Dwarven Gl
ima Ring".
Misc Quest Items
Realm medallion stores - The medallion stores within the off-realm portal forts
work properly now. They should only sell you a medallion to return to your home
If you are a shield user, you have always been able to block arrows with your sh
ield; however, we never properly documented how to do this. Here's the scoop:
To use a shield to block arrows:
a) Enter combat mode
b) Face in the direction of the archer
c) To dramatically increase you block chances, use the Engage skill, if you have
The base chance to block a same-level archer is 30%, if your shield specializati
on is maxed for your level this can reach 60%. Quality and condition act as modi
fiers to this chance, if your skill-based chance was 50%, your Shield had a qual
ity of 90% and a condition of 88%, then your actual chance to block would be 40%
Using the Engage skill gives a base 95% chance to block arrows fired by your tar
get. How many archers you can block attacks from is determined by the size of th
e shield, the same as Melee targets. You can Engage one archer and still get nor
mal blocking chances against other archers you are facing, if you have a Medium
or Large shield. Essentially, Engage works exactly the same against arrows as it
does against melee attacks.


November 8, 2001
Fixed platinum/mithril display problem on trade windows. It should all be workin
g correctly now.
You can now set the "You've been hit" message to a different color (red is now t
he default).
Some pet health bars were still showing up in the pet health window after the pe
t was released. This has been fixed.
Strength buffs cast on a player while he is encumbered now immdediately affects
High-level Spiritmasters (40+) should now have all missing spells restored.
When sending to a "best fit" name, if there is more than one fit, the server wil
l tell you that the name is not unique (it will no longer send to the first best
-fit match).
The chatgroup and friends commands now require that you type in an exact match f
or the user's name. Previously it worked on "best fit".
You should no longer get the "All chat groups are full" message
Loot dropping on slopes in dungeons should no longer fall through the floor.
When you zone, you now stay on your selected chat window tab.
Stores now show correct Platinum and Mithril (x1000 instead of x100)
When you release a pet, the pet's health bar no longer remains on screen.
When switching chat tabs with full chat buffers - random messages are no longer
printed at the bottom of the buffer.
When you scroll down in the Trade Skill window then switch trade skills, the win
dow resets to the first page.
Light teal enamel no longer causes funkiness in the character selection screen (
would force a robed figure)
Buffs that are refreshed no longer inherit blinking from previous buffs.
Off-hand usable and two-handed is now shown when right-clicking on an item in a
Bard-type classes can now drop instruments in their ranged weapons slot to more
easily switch between them.
Bard-type instruments with stat buffs now correctly add in to a player's stats w
hen the instrument is held.
Bard-type instruments should now "con" correctly. They also show correct conditi
on, durability, etc.
You cannot FOLLOW or STICK to an opponent unless you are relatively close to the
m. A STICK now breaks if the target gets outside of a certain range.
A new command has been added, /FACE, that allows to you auto-face a target (for

mages and archers).

DPS instead of Damage is now shown when right clicking on weapons.
You can now click on other monsters and players while you are /FOLLOWing a targe
t without breaking the follow.
Class names now show the first four characters (instead of the first three) in t
he looking for group window.
Pets should now properly award realm points in RVR combat when they strike the k
illing blow.
Pets now should trigger task kills on task monsters when striking the killing bl
When you right click on an item and sell it - the item now correctly disappears
from the quickview window.
The /MACRO command has been changed to be /MACRO [name] [text] to allow you to b
etter name your macros.
Magical item levels now show properly in the quickview window.
When you hand in a shield to be repaired or enchanted, the shield is now re-read
ied properly in your left hand.
Stats over 200 (when buffed) now print properly in the character screen.
The "open door" key selects a monster as the target when he is in front of you (
if there is no door).
Repair cost of fast weapons has been reduced since they lose condition more quic
In a city, the /STUCK command takes you to a safe spot in the middle of the city
when you are stuck.
Consignments no longer count towards the max number of tasks you can do for a le
You now get a dialog confirmation when choosing your trade skill profession.
Archer classes now have a chance of becoming visible when they nock their arrow.
The way it worked up until now is that archers would always be invisible if the
y were using stealth until they fired their bow. Now, a skill check is performed
when they "nock" their arrow. If they fail the check, they become visible. The
chance to become visible is based on their specialization in Stealth. On normal
(i.e. NOT critical shots), if they are 50% specc'ed in stealth, they will have a
50% chance of becomming visible; if they are 100% specc'ed, they will have a 10
0% chance of remaining hidden. On Critical Shots, the chance is the same as a no
rmal shot, minus 20% - so an archer max specced in stealth will have an 80% of r
emaining hidden after nocking his bow. Please note that in all cases, an archer
will become visible once the shot is actually fired.
You can no longer hide when your arrow is in-flight (before it hits your opponen
You now will correctly block/evade/parry when not in combat mode. A bug was prev
enting you from using these abilities when not in combat mode.

Cloth armor factors fixed - they were printing as too high for your level and we
re degrading too quickly as a result. They should now "con" and degrade correctl
Better /WHO filter - you can now type /WHO to see people who match a certain tex
t and level range. The Level range can be <1-5> or <10> or any combo.
/FRIENDS command has been changed to work like the /IGNORE command. You now type
/FRIEND to add or remove a friend or just /FRIENDS to see you current friends l
When you are aiming a bow, you don't regenerate endurance.
When attacking a keep door with a normal hand-held weapon (i.e. NOT a siege weap
on), now the correct damage is printed - it was printing your damagex20 previous
As one Realm controls more and more keeps in an enemy frontier, those keeps will
spawn fewer and fewer guards.
Material text now prints correctly for Bardic-Class type instruments in stores.
Enchanters were charging a bit too much for their services. This has been fixed
- you'll note that enchanting armor/weapons is now cheaper.
Enemy Realm guards should no longer follow you into a Realm's home area.
Many new weapon models have been added. These are special weapons that cannot be
purchased in stores. You can craft them or receive them as quest bounty. Please
note that it will be a week or so before you'll start seeing them pop up in gam
e; however, you are downloading them now.
The Kobold Ring in Midgard is now configured correctly. It was inadvertantly set
to require 3000 trains in a random skill to now use.
The Pitted Drake Talon in Albion should now look like a dagger.
The Carved Sphene Ring in Hibernia now adds to the Piercing skill.
The level epic Friar staff now adds to the Staff skill.
The rest of the epic cloaks in Albion can now take emblems.
The rats in Skona should now drop a tails that can be sold.
The Flame Helm in Midgard can now be dyed.
There were some items in the Spraggon Den and Ursine Lair that had resistances s
et too high. These items have been replaced with duplicates that have slightly l
ower resistances on them to bring them in line with all other resistance items.
If you already have any of the original items the resistances on them will not b
e affected in any way.

The leaky ceilings in some buildings in Camelot have been fixed, and it no longe
r rains in them.
Continued addition of high level encounters in the home region.
The black lion and lioness in Camp. forest have been adjusted so they are more a
Minstrels can now perform quests associated with the Black Lions.
A new horse route has been added in Midgard between Ft. Atla and Mularn (in both
Duplicate Named NPCs in Midgard fixed:
Hedin in Gna Faste is now Kedin.
Hedin in Huginfell is now Ryden.
Ingrid in Mularn is now Linna.
Svala in Audliten is now Inga.
Tait in E. Svealand is now Pater.
Ozur in E. Svealand is now Tozur.
Dalla of Jordheim is now Falla
Bersi of Galplen is now Nyden
Halla of Jordheim is now Anya
Krek and Glum now give correct directions to trainers.
Gordin Tuhan no longer spits out text not related to the quest.
Halla gives out her quest now.
The name Njessi is now correctly spelled in the Silent Death Quest.
Sapherds, pine imps, and wood imps have experienced a time of weakening. Their m
elee offense, defense, and their hit points have been tweaked down a bit.
QUEST: Grenlock Clan's Epic and Reach of the shadow
There existed a problem with certain players who were on step two of the Grenloc
k Clan's epic and who needed to kill Ulga to complete the Reach of the shadow qu
est. Players can now complete Siv's Spirit quest (the bulk of Grenlock Clan's st
ep 2), and return to kill Ulga to finish off the Reach of the shadow quest.
QUEST: Shadowblade level 11 Quest: Jewel Hunt
Some players were not able to get their level 11 quest. If you are a Shadowblade
above level 11 and did not receive the Jewel Hunt quest at level 11 from your t
rainer, you can now go back to your class trainer and right-click on him. Comple
tion of this quest will now allow you to get the rest of your Epic Quests.
The leaky ceilings in some buildings in Tir na Nog have been fixed, and it no lo
nger rains in them.
The roaming merchant Achaius in Lough Derg is now set so he'll pretty much follo
w the road rather than roam the countryside.
Added two more named guards: Sentinel Eimile in Ardagh, and Sentinel Moya in Ard

Added poison venders in the nightshade training room in Tir na Nog.

Players on the Balance of Nature quest were supposed to remove the creature Sabh
a by offering it fish. The trainer wasn't giving them fish, so they were just ki
lling Sabha rather than talking. Players that are on that step but don't have fi
sh to give Sabha can see Caoimhe, in Ardee, for some fish.
Some adjustments are being made to the parthanan fields. Currently, only one (Lo
ugh Gur) of the four parthanan fields has been adjusted. More adjustments to tha
t field and the other fields will make their way into the zone in the near futur
Spiritmaster pets now look Norse.
Increased damage of Skald battle shouts.
The lines of the Warden spell Nature's Ward with different target types no longe
r overwrite each other. This means you can now have the self-cast bladeturn and
the "cast on others" bladeturn.
The Enchanter spell Lesser Disenchanting Emission is now awarded at L16. This is
n't the perfect level since the next upgrade comes at L20 (instead of 21), but i
t is now at least available. Note that the name of this spell, and the one follo
wing have had their names changed to Lesser Disenchanting Emission and Disenchan
ting Emission.
Area effect upgrades to Healer and Shaman stun and mesmerize shouts no longer ov
erwrite the non-area effect versions.
The area effect versions of the Bard Lullaby no longer overwrite the original
non-area effect version
Theurgist pets should now work correctly in Dungeons.http://camelotherald.wikia.
Factions - All Realms:
There was an faction error assigning positive faction gains to groups. All membe
rs of a group should now receive a positive faction hit, not just the player get
ting the killing blow. Those responsible for this mistake have been forced to si
t inside with shades drawn on this beautiful fall day.
Dverge Faction (Midgard):
There was an error in repairing dverge faction - which has been addressed. It is
now easier to raise dverge faction. Those who had previously raised their dverg
e faction should now be able to complete the quests involving the dverge.
Quest: Slevins Powder (Hibernia)
layers on step two of Slevin's Powder should now be able to complete the step by
following the journal entry instructions: Speak with Slevin about [Roane Maiden
Quest: Widowers Hunt (Midgard):
Players stuck at step 4 of Widower's Hunt can now return to Yver in Haggerfel an
d continue to the quest by right-clicking on him. Dreadkane Dwarfeater will now
be easier to find.
We found and fixed a server problem that was plaguing communication (groups, who
commands, guild chat, etc.) across zones on many different servers last night.W
e fixed some lingering group bugs that caused random players in the group window

to become "grayed-out" randomly, even if they were in the same zone.

There was a weapon in Hibernia (the Pestilent Sickle) that had its quality inadv
ertently set far too high, resulting in the weapon hitting for max damage every
time it hit an enemy. This has been fixed. The fixed weapon will now drop as loo
t, and all weapons in player's inventories have been converted to a more appropr
iate quality.
Hibernia Quest: Anxious Healer:
A fix has gone in for players stuck on the Anxious Healer quest. This will fix t
he problems for players who have already turned in Lashold's Claw to Kimba but a
re still being told to turn in Lashold's Claw. Players at this step should go ba
ck to Kimba in Lough Gur and right click on her. They will then be able to conti
nue on the quest.
These notes (2:45 PM) are the newest version, and are the most accurate. (Edit 5
:32 PM EST - this got left off the patch notes: "A self bladeturn (Barrier of Ne
gation) was also added to L19 of the Magician base list Way of the Moon.")
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.37c Release Notes
December 4, 2001
Now, when a player character crafts an item, their name will be attached to that
item. If someone delves the item the crafter's name will be displayed as part o
f the item information.
Here is a short description of Realm points, levels, and titles. There are 100 t
otal realm levels, which are sub-divided into 11 ranks, each of which has a titl
e and potentially a gift associated with it. When you gain your first Realm poin
t (by engaging in RvR combat), you will be promoted to Rank 1, level 1. As you c
ontinue to fight in RvR, your next level will be Rank 1, level 2, and so forth.
When you gain Rank 1, level 9, your next level gain will promote you to Rank 2,
level 1. At Rank 2, you will gain a Realm Rank and a new title. You will gain th
ese new titles and ranks at levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 70, 80, 90, and 100. S
o, you must be 10th Realm Level (Rank 2) before you will see your Realm Title ch
Starting with this version, when you gain a Realm Rank, you will gain a 1 point
bonus to each of your specializations per Rank. This begins at realm rank 2. So,
a player of Realm Rank 5 would have a total of +4 (i.e. one per realm rank afte
r the first) to all his skills. A maxed-out RvR player would have a +10 to all s
kills. Please note that this acts just as if that player has a magic object that
"buffs" skills - i.e. you will not get abilities awarded to you because of the
bonuses, but for combat and other calculations, the buff will be included in the
formula. Currently, this bonus does not display on your character sheet.
In the (near) future, we plan on having a slightly more robust Realm Rank gifts,
where you gain cash rewards for RvR combat, and at some point after that, addit
ional skills and abilities. We'll give you all more information about that when
the time comes.
- You can now select and destroy Relic Keep doors.

- Siege weapons can now be repaired using the "/repair" command.

- Magical effects such as stun and mesmerize now "remember" if they have been ca
st on a player, and if cast again, the spell will last for a shorter duration th
an the first instance of the spell. This will effect combat vs. monsters as well
- You will now come out of hiding when you use the "/repair" command, if you are
- Repairing a door now takes 20 seconds to go through the entire repair cycle. P
reviously, it took 5 seconds, which enabled one or two players to hold off many
enemy players attacking the door.
- Guild Realm Points will now be tracked properly, and won't reset randomly. You
'll notice that your guild's Realm Points will be adjusted as members log into t
he game
- Keep doors should now be properly synchronized across all people's computers.
Previously, some players would see doors open, when in reality they were closed.
- When low level mage characters cast mesmerization and stun spells on higher le
vel-characters and monsters, the spells used to last as long as if a high level
mage cast the spell. Now, the duration of the mez/stun will lower based on how m
uch lower level the mage is than the target.


- The "Appeal" interface has been modified and streamlined so players who wish t
o contact Customer Support should have an easier time expressing their problem.
- Eight new monster skins have been added. Expect to see some new-looking monste
rs wandering about Pendragon later in the week.
- All outdoor zones for all realms have new pathing data, which means that pets,
monsters and NPCs should now enter and move around buildings and structures pro
perly. This fixes problems like pets going the "wrong" way around a building whe
n following you, refusing to enter a building with you, or moving in an erratic
fashion near objects.
- If you are hidden, monsters are now much less likely to target you than other
group members, although they still have a chance of "finding" you.
- Heal spells should no longer be castable on dead player bodies.
- The "anonymous" flag no longer resets on quitting or zoning.
- There's now a confirmation dialog on Emblemeers and Smiths, which ask you if y
ou are sure you want to purchase the emblem/repair the object.
- When you are missing an ingredient when making an object, the game will now li
st ALL the ingredients you are missing.
- Most NPC dialog will now print money in terms of units of currency, not just c
opper. Previously, you would see "50099 copper" - now that is translated into go
ld, silver, copper, etc.

- Condition and durability has been tweaked so that generally speaking, items no
w last longer (i.e. have greater durability), but need to be repaired slightly m
ore often.
- Items with qualities below 90 will no longer salvage for the same amount of ra
w materials as higher-quality items.
- When you get a dialog box prompting you for resurrection, you now must acknowl
edge it within 15 seconds. If you don't, the resurrection spell must be recast.
- Berserker Frenzy now grants a "to hit" bonus and can be used every 7 minutes (
used to be every 10 minutes).
- You can no longer "/upgrade" non-door objects. Due to a bug, you were able to
upgrade all wooden objects (bows, staves, etc.), even though it was not cost-eff
ective to do so.

- Briton, Hibernian, and Midgard guards have gotten an armor appearance upgrade.
You should start seeing this later in the week.
- Albion plate armor has been upgraded in appearance.

Albion Quests / NPCs:
Quest: Legione perso. Players attacking Lunaris were having difficulty in moving
to the next step of this quest. This problem has now been resolved.
Quest: Fortune of Few. Armsmen were receiving a Embossed Crossbow reward for thi
s level 11 quest. For those Armsmen who wish to receive a usable item for their
level, please return to Master Graent. You can hand him the Embossed Crossbow an
d you will receive a Belt of Battle in exchange.
Quest: Heart of Sephucoth. Players who were also on the Ripper quest were not ab
le to receive the bone they required for the Heart of Sephucoth quest. This issu
e has now been resolved and shortly after receiving the bone for the Ripper ques
t, you should receive the bone required to complete the Heart of Sephucoth quest
Quest: Captured Courier. Player attempting to complete the Dunston section of th
is quest in groups were having trouble. Dunston would run away shortly after the
first of the group performed the proper steps. This has now been resolved. Duns
ton will wait for up to 1 minute while all members of the group perform the requ
ired steps.
Quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice. The Sacrificer Harish encounter has been brough
t back up to its original level of difficulty.
Quest: Traveler's Way -- Supply Run. Journal entries have been changed to reflec
t Sceley's smith profession.
Hibernia Quests / NPCs:

Quest: Secret of Nuada's Silver. Players on step three of the Secret of Nuada's
Silver quest that don't have the ore to hand in to Chief Proinnsias will fail th
e quest and get chastised for being careless. They'll be able to get the quest a
gain. This is so the customer service people don't have to continually reset que
sts for people who get the ore and then destroy it or drop it.
Quest: Seek the Moonstone. An earlier fix to the Seek the Moonstone epic allowed
players who lost the enchanted collar to speak to the hounds. This has confused
players who never lost the collar, so an alteration has been implemented that s
hould hopefully help alleviate player confusion. Players who have lost the colla
r only need to say [the moonstone] as indicated in their journal. Players who ha
ven't lost their collar can now give the collar to the hound to initiate hound-s
Siabra reorganization. The different clans of siabra have been differentiated. T
he new names are now reflected in the quests and talk indexes.
New Quest: Freeing Osier. A new level 19 Hibernian quest: Freeing Osier... a Con
nla merchant believes her beloved, lost many years ago, is now a spectral wicker
man. (Osier is no longer a one-time drop)
New Shopkeeper. Cleit, in Tir na Nog, sells shields. He's located just past the
first pub in Tir na Nog, entering from the Lough Derg entrance.
New Shopkeeper. Cragen, in Tir na Nog, now sells tacuil armor.
Quest Sile's Sight: Keeper Rasa has moved away from the empyreans who guard her,
and now resides by herself in a hut near their grove.
Quest West Wind: Bards completing the West Wind quest will now receive a ring as
well as coin and experience. The reward for Nightshades and Rangers who've comp
leted the West Wind quest has been changed from reinforced to leather. All exist
ing objects will be updated.
Nightshades now get a leather hauberk as a reward for this quest.
Blademasters now get reinforced greaves as a reward for this quest.
The Hauberk of Lies is going to remain reinforced. However, nightshades can turn
in their Hauberk of Lies to Bairfhionn in Tir na Nog and receive a leather Haub
erk of Deceit. Only players who've completed the quest and have the Hauberk of L
ies in their inventory will be able to get the new quest reward. This can only b
e done once.
Blademasters who have received the Scale Greaves of Might can turn in this item
to Bairfhionn in Tir na Nog and recieve reinforced Greaves of Might. Only player
s who've completed the quest and have the Scale Greaves of Might in their invent
ory will be albe to get the new quest reward. Players can only do this once.
Midgard Quests / NPCs:
Quest: Red Daggers. Midgard Warriors who've completed the Red Dagger quest, or w
ho are currently on the quest, and received the Stormrider's Hauberk, the level
25 Thane reward, can turn in the hauberk for the correct warrior reward, a set o
f War Ravager Gauntlets. Players should turn the Thane item in to the Gythja of
Bragi, in Jordheim
Quest: Sveawolf Guardian. The Sveawolf Guardian quest now has better directions

in the quest journal. The Elder sveawolf now gives more specific directions for
dealing with the other creatures involved. Also, the Barkeeps will now tell you
which town they are referring to in their rumors about this quest.
Quest: Krrrck's Torment. Krrrck in Krrrck's Torment should be easier to find in
Skona Ravine. The directions in the quest and in the journal have been given mor
e detail, and Krrrck will spawn more.
Quest: Furf's Reward
Quest: Zrit-Zrit
Quest: Sulphine's Demise
The directions to and Zrit-zrit in Skona and Sulphine have been made a little cl
earer. Furf will also spawn more frequently in Skona.
Quest: Simple Misgivings. In Simple Misgivings, Hilde in Haggerfel now asks for
forge plans instead of blueprints to match the object you receive from the monst
Quest: Tomte Jerkin. The Tomte Jerkin quest will now be offered at the appropria
te level and only classes able to use the Jerkin will be given the quest. An ite
m for casters will be added soon.
Quest: Price of Excellence. Players on the Price of Excellence quest should now
see their talisman 'glow' when they are near the correct monster. They should al
so now be able to complete the quest by killing Ulfgar.
Quest: Wisdom of Time. Players working on the Wisdom of Time epic (shaman, heale
r) who did not receive a subquest (The Rod and the Scholars, Visions of Darkness
, Decoding the Map, Gashir) should return to Inaksha in Haggerfel to receive the
quest they need.
Quest: Silent Death. Players who chose an axe as their reward for Silent Death b
ut were not able to receive the axe should return to Eindridi the smith in Fort
Atla. Right-click on him to receive your reward.
Quest: Widower's Hunt. Widower's Hunt - Players who were killed by the Widower a
nd are on step 7 should return to Yver in Haggerfel to be able to fight Widower
Quest: Silent Death: The level of the Silent Death quest has been lowered to 22
to match the level of the monster. The quest level was set too high, making the
rewards too low.
Update on Silent Death: Due to a bug with the Silent Death quest, players that c
hose a two-handed axe instead of a one-handed axe may now return to Eindridi in
Fort Atla and exchange their axe.
Quest: Hunting Party: Bork of Huginfell now actually gives out money he mentions
for the Hunting Party quest.
Quest: Aegan's Letter to Helen: The journal entry for Aegan's Letter to Helen no
w reminds you where Helen lives.
Quest: Tric's Lost List: The directions to Gib for Tric's Lost List given by Tri
c have been added to the quest journal.
Quest: Grenlock Clan: The NPC's associated with the Grenlock Clan epic (for spir
itmasters and runemasters) have undergone a slight name change. The sons' last n
ame is now Alfevson instead of Grenle to match their father's last name.

Dverge Faction fix - The activities of the dverge in Muspelheim have roused the
anger of the Lost Souls, who have summoned new spirits to combat them. These new
spirits can be hunted to gain favor with the Dverge.
Quest: Zrit-Zrit's Item quest: Gautr in Gotar now correctly refers to Zrit-Zrit
as a badger, not an offspring of a bear. Gautr also gives a direction and a refe
rence point in Skona Ravine to help find Zrit-Zrit. Also, Zrit-Zrit is no longer
quite so shy, so players should be seeing him more often.
Quest: Krrck's Torment: The directions given out by Arnleif in Vasudheim for Krr
ck's location are now included in the quest journal.
Quest: Tomte
nic has been
ers who have
nge it for a
ifference is

Jerkin quest: The quest is now available to all classes. A Tomte Tu

added for runemasters and spiritmasters. Runemasters and Spiritmast
already received a Jerkin can return to Gwaell in Audliten to excha
Tomte Tunic. The tunic has the same stats at the jerkin; the only d
the material.

Quest Healer's Shield: Healer's Shield has been renamed Protecting the Healer. T
here was some confusion with the name and the reward. A bracer has been added fo
r runemasters, spiritmasters, healers, and shaman. If you cannot use the sword,
return to Saydyn in Huginfell to swap out your sword.
Quest Additions
Quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice. Players who were stepped to step 7 and did not
receive the sub-quest (Deserter Amono) can return to their Camelot trainer to re
ceive this quest. Players who were stepped to step 10 and did not receive the su
b-quest (Point of Reason) can return to their Camelot trainer to receive this qu
Players who were stepped to step 12 and did not receive the sub-quest (Chains of
Death) can return to their Camelot trainer to receive this quest.
Quest: Legend of the Lake. Players who were stepped to step 3,4,7 or 8 and did n
ot receive the sub-quests (Barbaric tales) or (Wizard Lost) can return to Lady N
imue to receive one of these quests.
Quest: Rebellion Accepted. Players who were stepped to step 5 and did not receiv
e the sub-quest (Path of the Renegade) can return to Captain Rhodri to receive t
his quest.
Players who were stepped to step 7 and did not receive the sub-quest (Regal Nobi
lity) can return to Captain Rhodri to receive this quest.
Quest: Scura tragedia. Players who were stepped to step 7 and did not receive th
e sub-quest (La morti parla) can return to Master Vismer to receive this quest.
Players who were stepped to step 9 and did not receive the sub-quest (Animare il
morti) can return to Master Vismer to receive this quest. Players who were step
ped to step 11 and did not receive the sub-quest (Legione perso) can return to M
aster Vismer to receive this quest.
Monster Encounter Updates:
Over the next few weeks we'll be making a concerted effort to improve and divers
ify many of the monster encounters throughout the realms. The goal of this is to
make the adventuring areas feel as though they have more impact in the world, a
nd that there are more distinct areas with a variety of behavior, treasure, and
monster types. Included in this version are the first steps in this direction. A
s you can see our first pass is in some of the Hibernian zones, but all realms w

ill receive attention. This set of improvements represents just the beginning of
how we plan to implement your feedback.
Hibernia Monster Encounters:
- The druid grove of Howth has done extensive investigation of the group of dark
magical beings known as the Siabra. Disturbingly, they discovered that the Siab
ra reach and influence was quite extensive. While they all hail to one great que
en and are seen as one group of beings, the closer investigation has revealed th
at there are regionalized differences between the Siabra people. One of the bigg
est differences is in their choice of colors to wear. The Siabra of the Lough De
rg region, for example, have been known to wear red with highlights of violet. R
egardless of the region though, violet seems to be a recurrent theme. The druids
concluded their research by giving names to each of these siabra region-groups.
Those in the Lough Derg area are the dergan siabra, those in Brileith and Mt. C
ollory are the siog, in the Cliffs of Moher they are moheran, in Silvermine are
the sheevra, in the Shannon Estuary are the eriu, and in Lough Gur are the gurit
e. Those who reside near their faerie queen, Cliodna, in the Bog of Cullen are s
till referred to by their original siabra name.
- Siabra Fury, Enchanter, and Skirmishers in Lough Derg are now known as dergan
fury, dergan enchanter, and dergan tussler, respectively.
- Dergan enchanter now correctly uses a thrust attack. It was previously using a
crushing attack.
- Rock and stone sheeries have evolved slightly, and as a result, look a little
different than they did before. They have also shed the cloth tunics they once w
- Whistlers, magical creatures that take on the form of black horses, have recen
tly asserted some influence over the dergan near Macnol's tower in Lough Derg.
- Moss sheeries have migrated towards Lough Derg and may now be found behind the
dergan grove
- Druids have classified a new type of sheerie, the clubmoss sheerie. It is slig
htly bigger and more magical than the smaller moss sheeries. The clubmoss sheeri
e is only found in Lough Derg.
- Rock sheeries have claimed a lonely stone circle on the east side of Lough Der
g. Rounders, a more magical type of rock sheerie has also been sighted in that l
- More curmudgeons have migrated into the Lough Derg area and some have taken on
new roles. Investigating wardens have noted crab-catchers, campkeepers, and eve
n a singing curmudgeon.
- A rare species of arachnid known as the dampwood mite has found a home in the
Lough Gur area. At least four colonies of these creatures have been discovered.
- Reports have come in of ghoulies moving closer to Innis Carthig
- Survey groups claim to have seen gurite (Lough Gur Siabra) tempriars on the ro
ad between Lough Gur and the Bog of Cullen. Caution is advised for those traveli
ng southeast.
- Stone sheeries have made their way as far south as the stone circles in Lough
Gur. Yet another type of sheerie, called the chipstone, has been seen with these

- Many Lurikeen have reported that a small herd of faerie horses has emerged to
take up resident on the island in Lough Gur
- Wayward reports have trickled in of escorted envoys of the Unseelie Court head
ing from Lough Gur towards Cliodna's tower. Many have been sent to investigate t
hese reports, but as of yet, no one has returned with confirmation.
- Magical black cats called scanradh (fright) have been seen with the gurites in
their southwestern camp of Lough Gur. Like the whistlers of Lough Derg, these s
eem to have some power of authority over the gurites.
- A ragged messenger out of Alainn Bin inform has informed Connla authorities th
at cronicorns have been sighted in the Bog of Cullen. A sole surviving witness s
aid the creature, leading a group of siabra, smited down his entire party with a
mere wave of its horn. The village of Alainn Bin slips further and further from
our grasp.
- Times of war can be seen by the increased number of disturbed spirits that roa
m the frontier lands, fallen invaders and defenders alike have risen from their
unpleasant deaths to lash out at any who cross their paths.
- Additional camps of luricadunes have been spotted in the valleys of Silvermine
to the west of Howth.
- The gray spectres have spread their influence from the solitary camp in the so
- The sheevra have occupied additional areas on the shoreline and hills of Silve
rmine. Our guardian scouts report that these new camps are more dangerous and ag
gressive than the siabra of before.
- Tangua, Slothi and Natyl have been spotted more frequently at their camp in Br
i Leith
- Dullahans may appear more frequently at night in the Lough Gur area
- Cave fairies and enhornings now heal themselves less often.
- The pooka formerly known as Spook is now known as Shadowgnash.
- Some of the heavy-drinking cluricaun have found abandoned homes in Connacht th
at they now use for their wild parties. They have sent messengers out to their k
in to join them and are waiting them to arrive later this week.
Albion Monster Encounters
- The Arawnites in Llyn Barfog have established a more permanent presence.
- The boggart and Gwalchmai factions in the Pennine Mountains should now be givi
ng a correct faction message.
- The vigilis in the Catacombs has a slightly longer range on his bow. Additiona
lly, it will now run after those who confront him.
Midgard Monster Encounters

- The hagbui appear to have been disturbed by adventurers in the swamp and now r
oam their lairs even in the daylight hours.
- Forest spiders in Vanern swamp spawn in daytime as well as night. They have al
so received an appropriate poison attack.

- Stonehenge Barrows is itemized, equipment levels are 36-50.
- The Bracer of the Paranoid from the Muire tomb now has the correct bonuses. Al
l bracers will auto-update.
- The Bogeyman Crystallized Eye can now be equipped.
- Arachnid silk can now be picked up / carried.
- The Ceremonial Cloak in the Muire Tomb should now take dyes.
- Hrodrek's chain should now take dyes.
- The Blackorm Coif should now drop with the proper Armor Factor.
- The Runic Rigid Orm spine should now equip in the 2hd slot.
- The Wispy Rigid Orm spine should now equip in the 2hd slot.
- The Roman Body Shield was renamed to Ancient Body Shield and now more monsters
other than Roman Undead drops it.
- The Roman Battle Bracer was renamed as Ancient Battle Bracer for the same reas
- Loot tables in the Vale of Mularn and East Svaeland were tweaked. Some rare ob
jects were added and drop rates were modified.
- The Orm Skullcap Shield now has the proper icon and uses the shield skill.
- The Bear-bracer should now raise Sword skill instead of slash.
- The Spine Splitter stats were changed to modify Large Weaponry and Strength. T
he previously stat bonuses did not help any characters that could use the weapon
- The Crystal Shard now raises the piercing skill instead of thrusting.
- The Twilight Blade-stopper should now "consider" correctly.


- Added an AE attack speed debuff to the Enchanter's Bedazzling list (Field of S
cintillation), to add to Hibernia's area-effect repertoire.
- Added a power regen line to Holism for Mentalist (Empowering Unity), and an AE
DoT to Holism line for Mentalist (Shroud of Madness). This is one step towards
evening out Hibernian area effect spells, and adds some extra benefit for specci

ng in Mana.
- Added "nearsight" line to Runemaster Runes of Suppression list (Suppress Sight
), Matter Manipulation (Cab matter spec, Encrust Eyes) list, and Eldritch Shadow
Control list (changed old dex debuff line to Negate Coordination, and Negate Si
ght line is the nearsight spell). Nearsight reduces the range at which spells ca
n be cast and arrows fired by a percentage. This is a "harrying" type spell that
should give casters a
non-damaging counter to archers.
- Added AE DoT (Spore Cloud) to Shaman Cave spec. to flesh out the line, and add
an area effect spell that Midgard did not have.
- Upped range on Healer, Druid, and Cleric insta-heals from 1200 to 1350 to matc
h normal heal range.
- Added self bladeturn to L19 of Spiritmaster Summoning list (Protecting Spirit)
, Wizard Path of Fire (Aura of Incineration), and Mage Matter base list (for Sor
cerer and Cabalist, Barrier of Warding). A self bladeturn (Barrier of Negation)
was also added to L19 of the Magician base list Way of the Moon. This should imp
rove viability of casters in both RvR and PvE.
- Normalized the following buff lines (from all realms) to last 10 minutes: Shie
ld of Magma, Minor Earthen Power, Bolstering Gust, Detect Flaw, Encourage Aggres
sion, Aura of Protection, Hammer of Faith, Shield of Faith, Rune of Discomfort,
Minor Force of the Deep, Thunder's Bash, Thor's Vigor, Nails of the Wild. Mainta
ining some of these buffs detracted from their benefit, and weren't an appreciab
le balancing factor in their use.
- Enchanter pets were raised from 86% of the caster's level to 88%, matching Cab
alist and Spiritmaster pet levels.
- Bladeturns can now be penetrated by attacks from higher level monsters and pla
yers. The chance of the bladeturn deflecting a higher level attack is approximat
ely the caster's level / the attacker's level. This change actually went in a fe
w weeks ago, and was undocumented, for which we apologize. Please be aware that
everything in the game is level/chance based - nothing works 100% of the time in
all cases. It was a bug that caused it to work 100% of the time - now it takes
the levels of the players involved into account.


- Changed recipes to match what is in the ingredients lists. Several tailoring,
fletching, and weaponcrafting recipes should now use the proper ingredients.
- Albion Mail armor has been revised to use Cymric leather components rather tha
n Siluric. The minimum cost is still about the same if you use crafted component
s, but if you're using store-bought this will increase your profit margins.http:
Live, from Fairfax, Virginia, it's the Tuesday patch notes:
Edit: Added this line - We also corrected a display problem with siege equipment
where the recipes displayed incorrectly.
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.38 Release Notes

December 11, 2001
- Falling damage has been enabled. Damaged is assessed based on the distance fal
len, and is expressed as a percentage of a player's total hit points. In general
, you'll only experience this when you jump off of a wall, building, tower, dung
eon pit, steep hill or mountain, etc. If you're at full hits, you will never tak
e enough damage to kill you from one fall (99% maximum). However, if you've been
hit by a monster or player, a subsequent fall may kill you. When descending ste
ep terrain, some extra care will be needed, especially when under the effect of
speed-enhancing magic. Remember to use the Walk key (defaults to F) to help you
safely navigate steep mountains and hills.
- Thief classes get a new ability called Safe Fall as part of their Stealth spec
ialization track. They receive one level of Safe Fall per 10 levels of Stealth.
Each level of safe fall lessens the damage from a fall and increases the minimum
"no damage" height they can fall from. The highest levels of Safe Fall allow th
e thief to jump from a keep wall and take very little damage.
- There was a problem with the Critical Shot skill for Archer characters from Mi
dgard and Hibernia only who were Realm Rank 2. Under those circumstances, their
critical shots did only normal damage. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where a siege equipment could sometimes cause damage to members of
the realm that built it. We also corrected a display problem with siege equipme
nt where the recipes displayed incorrectly.
- You can now jump normally in cities (some city spots would keep you from jumpi
- Players with low frame rates will no longer fall through the city after they j
- Players would sometimes not be able to see other players in the city - this ha
s been fixed.
- We've fixed the bug where high level players (35+) would sometimes not be gran
ted higher level combat styles and spell abilities. Older characters are convert
ed as they enter the game to gain these abilities and newer characters should ge
t them normally.
- We fixed an issue where relics would respawn in a state where they were not ca
- The percent chance to hit with your second weapon when dual wielding has been
increased (thus increasing the aggregate DPS for dual wielders). Likewise, the d
amages for left axe have been increased.
- There was a bug where you could manipulate the salvage system to duplicate ite
ms. This was relatively unknown - but it has bene fixed.
RvR Frontier Keeps:
We have made some changes to the frontier keeps throughout all three realms, par
ticularly with the roaming patrols that move about the zones controlled by the k
eeps. Up until this point the areas of land controlled by the keeps has been qui

te small, with large gaps between the controlled lands, allowing armies to bypas
s the keeps to get deep into an enemy realm. In order to encourage invaders to t
ake the frontier keeps, and defenders to defend them we have increased the area
that the outlying patrols from each keep move about in. In general these areas n
ow overlap, so that it's possible that patrols from more than one keep guard a s
ingle section of land. The number of these patrols has also been increased to ac
count for the larger area that needs to be patrolled. Over the course of this we
ek we'll be making more changes to the frontier keep and relic keep guard forces
and adding incentives to the keeps to give more benefits to owning them. All of
these changes will be made with the intent to give the frontier keeps more mean
ing, and encourage invaders to take them and defenders to defend them.
* Patrol areas around frontier keeps increased in size.
* Number of patrols around frontier keeps increased to account for larger patrol
* The frontier keeps now control a contingent of strong guards to help defend
the home relics. Look for them at the relic gates. This force will diminish as f
rontier keeps are conquered by an invader. So, an army on a relic raid will be e
ncouraged to take as many frontier keeps as possible to make taking the relic ea
The well-trained Lords and guards in the frontier keeps should now be using thei
bows and spells regardless of distraction.
An additional "Border keep" patrol should now originate at each of the frontier
keeps in the same zone as the border keep to explore the regions near the border
keep. Note that this patrol depends upon the home Frontier keep for support, an
d if this keep is lost, this patrol does not generate for the enemy.
Combat Style Notes:
The bonus damage from a combat style now increases as the skill specialization o
f the style increases. Before, players would slowly "outgrow" lower level styles
as the damage of their base attack increased thus rendering older styles effect
ively useless. In addition, styles that have openings or are at the end of three
style "chains" do additional bonus damage with specialization since they are mo
re difficult to use and happen more rarely.
Hibernia Faction:
The enemy factions of the cluricauns and leprechauns will now give positive
faction when you kill the opposing faction.
Monster Encounters:
The bug causing certain Icestriders in Uppland to be un-hittable has been fixed.
Horse Routes:
A couple of new horse routes have been added to Midgard between Gna Faste and Ga
lplan, and Gna Faste and Huginfel.
Monster Encounters:

* The cluricauns in Connacht have been having so much fun in their newly claimed
homes that they have invited their kin to join the party. One old adventurer sa
id, "They be bouncin' all over the place and dancing so fast it made me eyes spi
n. They asked me ta join 'em but I know better 'n to put on thar dancin' shoes!"
* A group of giant men in robes were seen gathering around a circle of stones in
northern Connacht. No one yet knows why they are there.
* The druids have further classified a group of small spectres as bantam spectre
s. A new group of these bantam spectres were sighted in Connacht around a trio o
f standing stones.
* Large walking rocks have been sited in the western reaches of Connacht.
* Another group of
he Cliffs of Moher
, was also sighted
ng forth creatures

rock sheeries have settled into a shallow vale of stones in t

region. An extremely large sheerie, called a sheerie summoner
there. It was reported that this sheerie summoner began calli
of giant molten rock. No other information is available.

* The Connla town council has found a poison that was contaminating their water,
causing the beach rats to become aggressive. After purifying the water source,
the council has announced that the rats have returned to their normal docile nat
* The southern half of the Cliffs of Moher have seen an influx in activity, both
human and non-human. Local scholars theorize that this influx will continue.
* A small group of moheran distorters were seen with large creatures. The ranger
who reported them referred to them as "moheran beasts."
* A group of grovewoods have taken root in a small group of trees in the souther
n portion of the Cliffs of Moher.
* Another ranger reported that several standing stones near the cliff face in Mo
her began glowing a few nights back. The ranger said that when the glowing stopp
ed, hideous creatures appeared but stayed within the square stone formation.
* The cliff dweller population has grown. They not only do they refuse to aid us
in our fight against the invading forces of Albion and Midgard, but they also a
ttack any messengers or envoys we send their way.
* Based on player feedback, we filled in some blank spots in Lough Gur with some
high 40's monster encounters.
* The Albion borderguards found in Snowdonia have declared their retirement. The
y have been replaced with younger, less experienced guards.
* The runners of Albion have been given orders to not engage the enemy unless at
tacked first.
* Many moons ago, several groups of Albion adventurers journeyed to the Pennine
Mountains. Perhaps it was the time they spent away from civilization or perhaps
it was another reason, but today, they consider themselves isolationists. They h
ave shown open aggression to those who approach their camps.
* An increase in the frequency and quantity of creatures has been reported all a

cross the Pennine Mountains

Midgard Quests / NPCs:
The merchant who sells leather, metal, and wood is back in Gna Faste. He was
unintentionally removed when the vault keeper Idonna was added to the area.
Midgard guards will no longer salute members of opposing realms.
Quest: Protecting the Healer:
Players who traded in their Nightsworn sword to Saydyn and received a
Healer's Defender and cannot use it should return to Saydyn in Huginfell. Give
Saydyn the Healer's Defender and he will return your Nightsworn sword. Also,
Saydyn will no longer tell melee-classes they cannot use the sword.
Quest: Price of Excellence:
Players who did the quest prior to the level of
the quest being raised may return to the drunken dwarf in Jordheim to
upgrade their hammer by completing a small quest. Players will have to turn
in Ulfgar's Hammer to get the quest for the new hammer.
Quest: The Red Dagger: Players no longer need to say 'Thane's Blood' to Lynnleig
h on the island when they are on step 11 on The Red Dagger quest. Simply right-c
licking on her at the appropriate level will continue the quest.
Quest: Ghastly Axe: The Ghastly Sword one time drop is now called the Ghastly Ax
e one time drop to match the item given.
Quest: Big Paw: Players will now actually receive the Big Paw quest from Finna i
n Fort Atla.
Quest: The Price of Excellence: The level of the quest The Price of Excellence h
as been raised. The named monster involved in the quest has also been raised in
level, as well as the reward. Players currently on the quest may need to wait a
level or two to complete the quest successfully, but they will receive the rewar
d based on the new level.
Quest: Paranoid Guard: The Paranoid Guard quest will now give players an accept/
decline box when they speak to Angor Crusher in West Svealand.
Quest: Foolish Dancers: The unquenched maul that is part of the Foolish Dancers
quest has been changed to a generic quest item. It was never meant to be an actu
al, wieldable weapon. Players should complete the Foolish Dancers quest to recei
ve the actual Ashen Maul.
Quest: Traveler's Way: Spiritmasters can now receive their level 7 quest from ei
ther trainer in Jordheim.
Quest: Zrit-Zrit's Item: - Gautr no longer asks you to come back to him after
you kill Zrit-zrit.
Albion Quests / NPCs:
Quests: Legend of the Lake & Hands of Fate. Players were receiving a fully funct
ional Ebony Collar of the Dead when slaying the Shaman Aslis. It was intended th
at this object be a non-functional intermediary item up till the 30th level Hand
s of Fate epic. At that time players were to hand this temporary item to Loremas

ter Alain and receive the fully functional collar. This update will brings the L
egend of the Lake epic back in line with the above.
Quest: Guild preparation. Problem existed where an Acolyte could complete step o
ne and not gain any response from their trainer when returning to complete this
quest. This has now been resolved.
Quest: Rebellion Accepted. The Arawnite assassin is now more tolerant of group m
embers trading agro. Should the assassin be drawn off the quest player, it will
attempt to re-agro before running to attack Sir Rhodri.
Quest: The Captured Courier. Cilydd Difwych was speaking to everyone. He insiste
d everyone had failed the Bandit Camp Quest! We have now set him straight.
Quest: Entry into Tomorrow. Captain Dillon was misleading players into thinking
Frund and Agisthil were located in the northern black mountains. He will now cor
rectly point players to the southern black mountains.
- Dread Blackscale armor pieces should now all have the proper AF and con.
- Manifested Terror Armor pieces should now all have the proper AF and con.
- Ruby Weave Robes should now have the proper AF and con.
- The Agile Defender now has a Bracelet icon.
- The Cloak of Broichan should now take emblems.
- The Ashen maul should now have a 2handed hammer icon/graphic.
- Njessi's hammer should now have a 2 handed hammer icon/graphic.
- East Svealand had some more mobs itemized.
-In the Stonehenge Barrows, Delusional Cloth, Runic Ravenbone Studded, and Ebony
Plate armor occurred on some treasure tables more than once giving them an over
2x greater chance to drop. This has been corrected and they should now occur on
ly once per monster.
- The Ghostly Cloak in Midgard should now take dyes and emblems.
- The Boneclaw Ring of Morra now has a ring icon.
Spell System Notes
- The Shaman Spore Cloud line was not intended to stack with the Fungal Dispersi
on line. This has been fixed. This change was made because Shaman who max specia
lized in Cave Magic could potentially solo oranges by stacking these DOTs. This
change will effect only those Shaman who are heavily specialized in Cave Magic.
Please note that higher level Shaman problems are still on our to-do list.http:/
It's up! (Added bug fix about crafted cloth caps at 11:11 EST.)

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.39 Release Notes
Tuesday, December 18, 2001
- Please note that a new website was a few weeks ago dedicated to disseminating
information from us to you, the Camelot community. You can find it at www.camelo There you will find regular updates, information, columns by Mythic
employees, Realm War maps and status, and per-server guild information.
- The Camelot client now properly synchronizes with the server when a player ent
ers the game. Now, your character will not be "in" the game until you are able t
o control it. Previously, your character would be in the game for upwards of 15
seconds before you could actually control it. This led to your character being s
laughtered by monsters before you could do anything about it. We had introduced
a temporary workaround, where your character gained 20 seconds of immunity when
it first entered the game. This immunity has been removed, so from now on, bewar
e when you enter the game - your character is now immediately "fair game" for an
y monsters or enemy PCs that are in the area.
- The last patch had a change to Hibernian Piercing combat styles - Sidewinder w
as changed to require an opening style that itself had a block opening. This had
the large unintended consequence that many classes (who didn't use shields) cou
ld no longer use these styles. So, we're changing it back to the way it was befo
re. Sidwinder now requires as its opening Black Widow. We apologize for the conf
- We think we've finally nailed down the last bug that was preventing high level
characters from getting combat styles. You should now see all your styles when
you log in.
- You'll now see arrows fly through the air when an archer fires at a target. Wh
en the arrow hits the target, the arrow sticks in the target for a couple of sec
onds letting the target know the rough direction from which the arrow was fired.
- Players can now climb ladders. To climb a ladder run up to it and continue hol
ding down the move forward key. You'll climb up the ladder. To climb down the la
dder, use the move backward key. If you are on a wall and wish to climb a ladder
, move backwards and fall off of the wall onto the ladder - you'll stick to it a
nd can climb up and down.
- Monsters now respect doors so that if a door is closed (but not locked) the mo
nster will open the door before going through. If a door is locked (i.e. at a fr
ontier or relic keep), the monster will not come through at all.
- You now get a dialog box for confirmation when you give weapon or armor to a g
- If you have no chance to repair an items, you now get a message telling you ju
st that - previously you would just get a message telling you that you failed, b
ut no mention that you had no chance of making it.

- Previously, you could not be interrupted while shooting a bow after you draw t
he bow but are just "waiting to fire". Now you have a chance of getting interrup
ted while waiting to fire as well as when you are drawing the bow.
- If you are mesmerized in the middle of a spell cast, you no longer complete yo
ur spell when the mez wears off. You now have to recast your spell.
- You can now simply type "/who 30 40" to find players of certain levels. Previo
usly you had to type "/who level 30 40" to find the same information.
- You can no longer inadvertently downgrade an object by using the "upgrade" com
mand and specifying a lower level than the object's current level.
- You can no longer salvage an item for 0 money.
- The position of the tradeskill timer should save now when you exit the game.
- Mercenaries and Blademasters now get Dual Wield/Celtic Dual at 5th level and S
hortbows at 10th. Previously, they got shortbows at 5th and Dual Wield at 10th however, since Dual Wield is a defining skill of their class, the two skills ha
ve been swapped. Please note that existing Mercenaries and Blademasters between
5th and 10th level will be given Dual Wield, but will retain shortbows. This cha
nge is the first of a couple of additions that we will be giving to the Mercenar
ies and Blademasters over the next few versions.
- Mercenaries now have the option of receiving a piercing weapons at 5th level u
pon joining the Guild of Shadows.
- When a Berzerker or Shadowblade uses the Left Axe skill, the axe in his left h
and should now properly check his Left Axe specialization rather than the specia
lization of the weapon itself (generally Axe) when determining damage.
- When an Assassin class (i.e. Infiltrator, Shadowblade, Nightshade) attacks fro
m a hidden position (i.e. when doing a critical strike backstab), the attack can
not be parried, evaded, blocked or bladeturned. Please note that the attacker ca
n simply miss, however, which leaves a bladeturn active.
- There was a bug in the Critical Strike combat style Leaper - it only allowed p
layers to perform it after a parry. Since none of the Assassin characters get pa
rry as a skill, then Leaper could never be performed. This has been fixed by cha
nging some of the Critical Strike Styles: Leaper has been changed to work off a
successful Hamstring. Rib Separation now works off a successful Leaper, and Ripp
er now works off a successful Rib Separation. This makes a powerful 4-style chai
- There was a bug in Midgard left-Axe wielding which permitted Berserkers and Sh
adowblades to put a 2-handed axe in their left hand. This has been fixed. You ca
n no longer do this.
- Some errors in collision detection around the edges of boundary walls near fro
ntier keeps have been fixed. These errors were allowing players of other realms
to "slip" past the frontier keeps.
- When a player trains, he'll be granted all combat styles from previous levels
which he may not have been awarded due to skill limitations (parry, evade, etc).
This means that if you don't have a skill (such as parry) when you are eligible
to receive a combat style that requires it, you will not be awarded it. However
, as soon as you gain that skill, you can go back to your trainer, right click o
n him, and you will be awarded those styles you are now eligible for.

- The troglodyte model has been updated and enhanced with a new skin and correct
ed model.
- Crafted Cloth Caps in Albion should now be sellable.
RVR Frontier Keeps:

A Forge and Lathe have been added to the following frontier keeps:
Albion : Caer Benowyc in Hadrian's Wall
Midgard: Bledmeer Faste in Odin's Gate
Hibernia: Dun Crauchon in Emain Macha

- Merchants have ventured into the frontier with the various armies and have set
up shop selling certain wares related to war. Arrows, throwing axes, and poison
s can now be purchased in certain keeps throughout the frontiers, depending on w
hich army holds the fortress.
- The guards patrolling in the frontiers have been given strict orders to attend
to their patrol routes as opposed to aiding members of their realm with other c
Monster Encounters
- Rangers have reported an increase in Siabra activity near the center of the Bo
g of Cullen. The power of that area also seems to be growing, not just with the
Siabra, but with all the creatures found there. The guardians seem harder, more
disciplined; the archmagi seem stronger; and the raven wraiths and cronicorns se
em even nastier than they already were. The one good side of this is that the ba
nshees seem to shriek a little less often than they once did.
- A nightshade who snuck into the Coruscating mines reports an increase of the n
umber of sentries. He also mentioned other guards, slightly larger than the sent
ries who patrolled the lode room.
- Princess Brigit of Tir na Nog has dispatched Sentinel Champions and their Nobl
e Steeds to help protect Innis Carthaig. They should be able to protect the city
from any Siabra invasions.
- In Silvermine mountains, Chieftain Dergal and his followers have decided to st
op concealing themselves in trees before attacking.
- The Guardians of Midgard have re-examined their priorities and decided to begi
n life as neutral to players characters.
- A wandering minstrel sings of his ventures in to Cornwall. He tells a story of
how the Cornish frogs and brown bears, both young and old, have changed, and ho
w more boogies haunt the area. The spirits of Romans long dead line the road and
around their villa. The minstrel sings of the muryans, the shape-shifting small
people of Cornwall who grow smaller with each change of their form until at las
t the smallest form is reached and they remain as ants until the end of their da

ys. At the end of his song, the minstrel began to weep for the loss of his lute,
which saved his life by deflecting the blow of a Cornish giant.
- New factions have been added for the fellwoods, boogies, and grimwoods in the
frontier of Albion. They have both allying and opposing factions throughout the
- Lyonesse Additions: Warning to all explorers! We've just received word from a
reliable source the sunken, dead land of Lyonesse has been stirring with superna
tural activity. This source, who has been keeping a close eye on the tainted lan
d, went so far as to describe creatures not previously documented. Among the cre
atures mentioned are pygmy goblins, smaller than the goblins found in the Black
Mountains region, but much more savage, ruthless and have the tendency to swarm.
Other creatures include the moorlich, bone snappers--gigantic shelled monsters
known for eating whole men and their horses, the witherwood with their symbiotic
woodeworms, and the telamon (lesser, medial, and greater)--giant supernatural c
reatures that seem bear the burden of guarding a road to some place lost long ag
Hibernia Quests / NPCs
- The Level 40 Hibernian epics are in. See the trainers in Tir na Nog for detail
- A level nine quest for Hibernia is in. See your local filidh for more informat
Albion Quests / NPCs
- All level 40 section of the epics have been added to Albion. See your trainer
for information.
- A merchant selling crossbow bolts has taken up shop in Fortress Sauvage, hopin
g to capitalize on the war.
Midgard Quests / NPCs
Quests Added:
- All level 40 epics have been added to Midgard. See your trainer for informatio
Quest Big Paw: Players on the Big Paw quest will now receive the item when they
kill Big Paw in Skona Ravine.
Quest Monsterous Beast: Players who accidently close their dialog box can now re
sume talking with Vik in the Vale of Mularn.
Quest Viking Trainers: Players who accidently close their dialog box can now res
ume talking with Saeunn in Vasudheim.
Quest Copious Striders: The class restrictions have been removed so anyone may d
o the quest.
Quest: Price of Excellence and Quest: Ulfgar's Hammer: There was a bug that allo
wed players to get the Price of Excellence quest a second time when they went to
upgrade their hammer. Players do not need to redo the entire Price of Excellenc

e quest again to get the new hammer (just the Ulfgar's Hammer quest). If you rec
eived the Price of Excellence quest the second time, you must return to the drun
ken dwarf to remove it from your quest list. You will not get a hammer if both t
he Price of Excellence and
Ulfgar's Hammer are pending.
Quest Mucking through the Ick: PENDRAGON ONLY This quest is not working at the m
oment. Players with this quest in their pending list should not attempt to finis
h it yet. We will notify you when the quest is ready to go.
Quest Widower's Hunt: Yver now sends you to talk to his brother Yric in Myrkwood
. Yric will be not despawn after you are finished talking to him, making it poss
ible for more
than one player to complete the quest. Yver's talk and accompanying journal entr
ies have been changed to reflect this.
Quest Waking of the Fallen: Change journal entries so players know to talk to Sa
ydyn in Huginfell before going out to kill Broch.
Quest Fervent: Players on step 1 can seek out Wildtooth in West Svealand and kil
l her to complete their quest. Players starting the quest now have the option of
choosing to follow the elder sveawolf to Wildtooth or going on their own. Journ
al entries for this quest have been updated.
Quest A War of Old: Players who are on step 2 of A War of Old and did not receiv
e the Scout Argyle quest can return to Morlin Caan in Jordheim and get it. Playe
rs on Step 4 of A War of Old and did not receive the Lt. Salurn quest can return
to Morlin Caan in Jordheim to get it.
Quest Grenlock Clan: Spiritmasters who received gloves they cannot use can retur
n to Anrid in Jordheim and exchange them for gloves they can use.
Albion Quests:
Quest: Oaken Boots. The Oaken Knight will now spawn with greater frequency.
- Minstrels and Bards can now view information about their songs, just like othe
r spellcasters can do with their spells (the "i" key).
- All pulsing spells now print to everyone in the group. A chat channel has been
added in the system chat channel picker to turn off all pulsing prints.
- Spiritmasters should properly have the Protecting Spirit spell at level 19 in
their Summoning list now.
- Runemasters should properly have the Suppress Sight line starting at level 11.
Previously this list was not being awarded properly.
- The ghastly axe that drops off of Moira the Quiet will now be less powerful an
d will now be called a screaming ghastly axe. The damage and delay were lowered
3 levels while the stats on the axe remain the same. The item was 5 levels highe
r than the monster that drops it, so it was not level appropriate. Existing ghas
tly axes will not be effected by this change.

- The Hibernian dungeon, Coruscating Mines, is now itemized. Equipment and loot
range from levels 36-50.
- The polished stone necklace now has necklace icon instead of ring icon.
- The Michealian Staff was updated to require the proper skill (Staff), so both
Clerics and Friars should have no trouble equipping it.
That little patch at 4:00? Here's why:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.39A Release Notes
This is a small update version to 1.39 (released this morning) which fixes some
problems introduced then.
- Blademasters between the levels of 5 and 9 will properly receive their Celtic
Dual skill (instead of Dual Wield, which they were mistakenly being given).
- Players should no longer be able to climb the walls of Hibernian keeps.
- Many players reported getting stuck on objects (such as houses) in the world.
This has been fixed.
- Level 15 Minstrel stun Stunning Shout has had its timer corrected to 3 seconds
. It was erroneously set to 30 seconds.
- Characters with pulsing charm spells should no longer be able to charm friendl
y NPCs.
Good morning! The patch that lived on Pendragon over the holidays is now live. H
ere are the notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.40 Release Notes
Thursday, January 3, 2002
- Spells from the Magician Aura of Turning line in the Way of the Moon list can

now be cast on friendly realm mates - previously they could only be cast on your
- The range on the Wizard's Explosive Blast line and the Eldritch's Lesser Null
Squall AE Direct Damage have been slightly increased.
- New area-effect direct damage line in the Mentalist Illusions (light spec)list
3 Deluge of Illusion
7 Flood of Illusion
13 Sea of Illusion
19 Rush of Illusion
26 Flux of Illusion
34 Inundation of Illusion
44 Cataclysm of Illusion
- New area-effect root line in the Druid's Nature specialization track:
4 Patch of Ivy
10 Patch of Vines
16 Patch of Tangleweed
22 Field of Ivy
29 Field of Vines
39 Field of Tangleweed
49 Expanse of Tangleweed
- New Constitution buff added to Naturalist's Nurture base track:
5 Oak's Stoutness
11 Oak's Stamina
15 Oak's Girth
24 Redwood's Stoutness
33 Redwood's Stamina
43 Redwood's Girth
- New group heal added to Druid's Regrowth spec track:
13 Healing Conflux
22 Renewing Conflux
34 Restoring Conflux
44 Reviving Conflux

Midgard Quests:
Quest: Taldos' Amulet. Taldos will no longer disappear when you turn in the amul
et to him, making it possible for more people to turn in objects to him. He will
continue disappear with the morning light.
Quest: Blessed Enchantments: The one handed axe is now usable in the left hand s
Quest: Silent Death. Players that completed Silent Death, received a two handed
axe, and turned it into Eindridi to get it repaired have been receiving one hand
ed axes in return. Players may now go to Bork in Huginfell to exchange this one
handed axe for their two handed one. All axe exchanges for this quest have been
moved to Bork.
Quest: The Three Sisters. Spiritmasters that received a staff with a focus of ru
necarving may go to Anrid in Jordheim to exchange it for the correct staff.

Quest: The War Continues. The Shadowblade trainer Elin will now tell players to
seek out Morlin Caan in Jordheim rather than Inaksha.
Quest: The Red Dagger. The journal entries for The Red Dagger are once again cor
Quest: Blessed Enchantments. All ice giants are now dropping eyes for this quest
Hibernia Quests:
Quest: Alastriona's Chest. Nightshades, Rangers, Heroes and Casters who have com
pleted the Alastriona's Chest quest can turn in their Reinforced Skinner's Glove
s to Alastriona for a new set of gloves usable by their class. Players must have
completed the quest, and must turn in the old pair of gloves before receiving t
he new pair.
Players that complete the quest will get level-appropriate gloves.
Midgard Monsters:
- Stripe, Furf, and Thasior in Skona Ravine have better chances of spawning now.
Some of these monsters do have placeholders that will need to be dispatched bef
ore they will appear.
- Local children around Mularn have been instructed to discontinue feeding lefto
vers to the vein spiderlings. As a result, the newer generation of vein spiderli
ngs seems to have diminished in size.
Albion Monsters:
- Lyonesse: The cathedral of old has become overtaken with followers of Lord Ara
wn. Their thirst for death rivals that of the Arawnites. Travelers beware!
- The small skeletal centurions in Cornwall have been adjusted to act more appro
priately for their level.
- Those familiar with Camelot Hills may notice that a few things have changed. T
he guardsmen don't seem too worried, though they did note an increase number of
some creatures such as boulderlings, wild sows, bandits, and dragon ants.
- In the Salisbury Plains, Slythcur has been a busy mother, and some of her newe
r spawn have migrated across the road to make more room for themselves.
- The bandit camp in the hills behind West Downs seems to be having an increase
of activity of late.
- The stone circles in the Salisbury Plains, frequented by pagan worshippers, ha
ve also shown signs of increased activity.
- Skeletal Centurions have taken command of the fallen roman tower on the banks
of the Avon River.
- Sir Merin recently captured and interrogated one of the villainous tomb raider
s that have been violating the burial mounds and barrows in Salisbury. From that
interrogation, we've learned that the tomb raiders have become somewhat more or

ganized. They seem to have also hired mercenaries from outside their organizatio
n to aid them in their grave robbing activities. These mercenaries apparently di
dn't come cheap and are considerably more seasoned than most raiders we've seen
to date. Sir Merin came to the conclusion that the southeastern border of the Pl
ains is somewhat more dangerous than it already was.
Hibernia Monsters:
- Miner Cucugar and his sheevra friends are also no longer hiding in trees in
- The Valley of Silvermine has seen some changes, including additional camps
of daemhons and spectres.
- The new Sentinel Champions in Innis Carthaig have made the Unseelie Envoy rath
er nervous. As a result, the Envoy and his escorts have chosen to take a more co
ncealed route that makes a wide berth around the village.
We put up version 1.42 at 8:30 am this morning on all live servers. Version 1.42
contains everything that has been in testing on Pendragon for the last few week
s. Click (more) to view the 1.42 Release Notes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.42 Release Notes
- Assassin classes can now receive the Climb ability, which lets the scale keep
walls. You use this ability to infilrate into keeps before your Realm has broken
down its doors. You will get Climb at your 25th train in the Stealth specializa
tion. Once you have the Climb ability, you must walk around each keep until you
find an area suitable to climb (there are a few per relic and frontier keep), an
d once you find the area, you may climb it as if it were a ladder.
- Berserkers now change into a Bear-Person (i.e. a Vendo) when they go into thei
r Berserker Frenzy. The Frenzy ability itself has not changed - we've simply add
ed shapechanging to it. You will continue to hold your weapons, but you will not
see your armor (although you are still wearing it). Please note that there is o
nly one bear-person form - male and female berserkers will shapeshift into the s
ame creature.
- Hibernian Heroes have receieved a new ability - "Spirit of the Hunt". Whenever
this ability is used, the Hero will shapeshift into a fearsome stag-headed Hunt
sman from Celtic Lore, and will receive bonus hit points. There are four differe
nt levels of of this ability: Initiate(15th level), Member(25th level), Leader(3
5th level), and Master(45th level). While in this form, the hero has increased h
it points - +20% for the 15th level ability up to +50% for the 45th level abilit
y. The ability lasts for thirty seconds - at the end of this time, the hero's ma
ximum hits will return to normal, but he keeps any hit point gain from the abili
ty in his current hits (but he cannot exceed his pre-buffed maximum). The abilit
y can be used once every 30 minutes played. Please note that there is only one H

untsman creature - male and female Heroes will both shapeshift into the same cre
- Mercenaries get a new ability called "Dirty Tricks". This essentially throws a
puff of dirt into their enemy's eyes (use while enemy is targeted). The effect
lasts for 30 seconds and while the monster is under the ability's influence, the
y will miss you 25% more often and when they missed their fumble rate is 50% mor
e often than their base fumble rate. This ability operates as a shout-type spell
, so it has a chance to be resisted by higher-level players and monsters. You ca
n use it once every half hour. In a related event, monsters now have a chance to
fumble while this effect is on them (Monsters didn't fumble in previous version
s at all).
- Blademasters get a new ability called "Triple Wield" where they summon a magic
al sword that adds damage to their attacks. This sword will enable you to do 50%
more damage (i.e. via a Damage Add spell) for 30 seconds (assuming you hit your
target, of course). This ability also can be used once every 30 minutes.
- Graphical weapon effects are in the game now, so you'll see flaming swords, ic
e swords, etc. Please note that your current weapon *may* have an effect on it,
as we chose to imbue many of the 43-and-higher weapons with effects. We will be
adding graphically-enhanced weapons on an on-going basis.
- A bunch of new monster skins have been added into the game, and a few new mode
ls. See the world notes for updates to the monster population.
- We fixed a guild chat bug - now, when you quit a guild, you will no longer rec
eive guild chat messages from it.
- A bug where following monsters got separated from their leader that caused the
m to warp erratically has been fixed.
- Monsters following leaders will no longer stop and face you when you interact
with them.
- Guild Realm points will now be tracked much more effectively. Your Guild shoul
d no longer "lose" guild realm points randomly.
- When you are stealthed, and are attacked, you will now come out of hiding for
everyone. Previously under certain circumstances, you'd be visible to some chara
cter in the area, but not others.
- You can no longer upgrade keep doors unless you have the proper amount of wood
- Keep door material types (i.e. level of wood) will now be saved when a server
- Destroying a keep door will now reset it down to the lowest level of wood - yo
u'll then have to upgrade it from there.
- Critical failures in weapon crafting will now cost less materials - you'll los
e less when you fail.
- You can no longer cast instant-cast spells (i.e. shouts) when you are mesmeriz

- In Player vs. Player situations, all "sleep" type spells (mesmerize, stun, roo
t) now can be cast only once per minute per target. This should alleviate some p
layer concerns about being "chain-stunned". You can still cast the spell as norm
al, however, it will have no effect on a player if he has had that same effect o
n him in the previous minute. Please note that this change effects only PvP comb
at - other players and realm-flagged monsters (i.e. guards). Sleep spells cast a
t normal monsters will act the way they always have.
- Leaders of guard patrols can no longer be "directed" around by players.
- Bounty Points and Bounty Stores are now in. See the section on Bounty Points a
nd Stores below.
Bounty points and stores have been added to Dark Age of Camelot. It works as fol
lows: as you accrue Realm Points, you now accrue Bounty Points, which you can sp
end in special stores to get special magical items. Once you spend bounty points
, they go away just like money does. There are three types: healing, stamina , a
nd spell power healing. There are a few levels of these, please see the list bel
ow. Please note that will will add more bounty store objects over time.
You can find the Bounty stores in each Realm's main city. See the World notes fo
r the precise store locations.
You may have a maximum number of bounty items based on your realm rank - i.e. on
e per Realm Rang. To use a bounty item, the item must be your level or lower - o
therwise the item will not work for you.
To use the item, place it somewhere in your inventory (they do not have to be eq
uipped). Then left click on the item to make a short cut to the item on your hot
bar. After this to use simply click on the hot-bar icon. At that point the item
s spell will be cast and it will disappear. One bounty item may be used every 3
minutes of real time - you can use it while fighting, but you'll have to exit ou
t of combat mode and wait for your weapon timer to expire to do so (usually just
a few seconds). Then click the item to "fire" its effect and re-enter combat.
Higher level objects have more healing power than lower level ones.
The cost
level 20
level 30
level 40
level 50

is as
- 100
- 200
- 300
- 400

bounty points
bounty points
bounty points
bounty points

Stamina Heals
Smooth Earthen Stone - level 20 stamina
Imbued Earthen Stone - level 30 stamina
Luminescent Earthen Stone - level 40 stamina
Pulsing Earthen Stone - level 50 stamina
Health Heals
Smooth Watery Stone - level 20 healing
Imbued Watery Stone - level 30 healing
Luminescent Watery Stone - level 40 healing
Pulsing Watery Stone - level 50 healing

Power Heals
Smooth Fiery Stone - level 20 power
Imbued Fiery Stone - level 30 power
Luminescent Fiery Stone - level 40 power
Pulsing Fiery Stone - level 50 power
Stamina Heals
Carved Totem of Heimdal - level 20 stamina
Polished Totem of Heimdal - level 30 stamina
Embossed Totem of Heimdal - level 40 stamina
Encrusted Totem of Heimdal - level 50 stamina
Health Heals
Carved totem of Eir - level 20 healing
Polished Totem of Eir - level 30 healing
Embossed Totem of Eir - level 40 healing
Encrusted Totem of Eir - level 50 healing
Power Heals
Carved Totem of Odin - level 20 power
Polished Totem of Odin - level 30 power
Embossed Totem of Odin - level 40 power
Encrusted Totem of Odin - level 50 power
Stamina Heals
Tiny Crystal of Arduina - level 20 stamina
Small Crystal of Arduina - level 30 stamina
Crystal of Arduina - level 40 stamina
Precious Crystal of Arduina - level 50 stamina
Health Heals
Tiny Crystal of Dianecht - level 20 healing
Small Crystal of Dianecht - level 30 healing
Crystal of Dianecht - level 40 healing
Precious Crystal of Dianecht - level 50 healing
Power Heals
Tiny Crystal of Fintan - level 20 power
Small Crystal of Fintan - level 30 power
Crystal of Fintan - level 40 power
Precious Crystal of Fintan - level 50 power
Midgard Quests
Quest ? Brack - Rollo?s Story: Players are now instructed to return to their tra
iner in Jordheim, not in Mularn and Haggerfel. Also, Hunters can now complete th
e quest by speaking to Singrid in Jordheim.
Quest ? Bowyer?s Draw: Players will now only need to right-click on Hakon in Hug
infell to complete the quest if your quest journal says ?Talk to Hakon to see if
he's finish crafting the bow.?
Quest ? Sveawolf Guardian: The wounded sveawolf will now spawn neutral instead o

f aggressive.
Quest ? Cape of the mother wolf: Shadowblades may now do this quest. Speak to Sv
eck in East Svealand for details.
Quest ? Rogue Trainer Quest: Hauk will now reward rogues with experience in addi
tion to money when they complete the Rogue Trainer quest.
Quest ? Venture to Gotar: This quest will no longer give out experience, only mo
ney. This quest was initially put in to compensate players facing the dangers of
travelling from Galplen to Fort Atla at low levels (only vikings and seers that
started in Galplen got this quest). With the addition of horses, traveling is s
afer and we felt it was no longer necessary to reward experience for this quest.
Players will still receive 5 silver to compensate them for the cost of a horse
Quest ? Hole of the Dead: Dwarves who have lost or dropped their house gift will
now be able to get a new one (ONLY ONE!) from Frimeth in Vasudheim. Return to h
im and he will give you a new one, provided you have not killed any dwarf bone s
keletons. Dwarves just starting the quest will be asked if they need a new house
gift. Please do not lose the gift Frimeth gives you, because he will only give
you one.
Quest ? Spat the Cat: Players that killed Spat, didn?t receive the object, and w
ere stepped to a blank step will now see a journal entry for that step. Kill Spa
t again and you will receive the object and be placed on the correct step. Playe
rs already on step 3 will now receive the object from Spat when they kill him.
Misc Midgard World Items:
- Ulfgar for the Price of Excellence quest should be showing up more.
- Baron Falwur is now associated with a quest rather than a one-time drop. Speak
to Darrius in Fort Atla.
- The Gythja of Bragi in Jordheim will no longer tell warriors to give her the S
tormrider?s Hauberk if they already have the War Gauntlets in their inventory.
- Object ? Ring of the Stealthy. The Ring of the Stealthy no longer has a materi
al type of cloth.
- Level 40 guild track rewards are now ?no sell?.
- Shields have been added as a choice for all level 40 guild track quests. A lar
ge shield had been added for warriors, a medium shield for thanes, a small shiel
d for skalds, berserkers, shadowblades and hunters, and a different small shield
for shamans and healers. If you wish you exchange your weapon for a shield, spe
ak to Mildrid in Haggerfel. Players may only exchange their weapon for a shield
- The boundary of Vasudheim has been adjusted so that all the buildings are incl
uded in the region.
Albion Quests
Quest: Hidden Insurrection: A left-handed crushing weapon for Mercenaries, a lef
t-handed thrusting weapon for Mercenaries and Infiltrators, and a left-handed th
rusting weapon for Infiltrators has been added to the list of rewards for this q
uest. Mercenaries and Infiltrators who have completed this quest can return to C

aptain Rhodri at the Snowdonia border keep to obtain a one time swap of their qu
est item.
Quest: Departed Fellowship: A Hammer with Enhancement properties for Clerics has
been added to the list of rewards for this quest. Cleric who have completed thi
s quest can visit their trainers in Camelot to obtain a one time swap of their q
uest item.
Quest: Departed Fellowship: A two-handed crushing weapon, and two-handed thrusti
ng weapon for Paladins has been added to the list of rewards for this quest. Pal
adins who chose the Greatsword of Eternal Virtue can visit their trainers in Cam
elot to obtain a one time swap of their quest item.
Quest: Craft of Retribution: A two-handed crushing weapon, two-handed thrusting
weapon, crushing polearm, and thrusting polearm for Armsmen has been added to th
e list of reward for this quest. Armsmen who chose the Great Axe of Retribution
or the Bardiche of Retribution can visit Captain Leri at the Snowdonia border ke
ep to obtain a one time swap of their quest item.
Quest: Bedelia's Grief: Players who were stuck at step 1 or 2 of this quest can
now turn in Barnett's portrait as indicated in their journal to proceed.
Quest: The Walelden's Pendant: Fixed a keyword issue when players were interacti
ng with Fianya. Please NOTE that players on this quest will now be dealing stric
tly with Eiddin.
Hibernia Quests
Quest: Sile?s Sight: Heroes can now do the Sile's Sight Quest.
Quest: The Feud: Casters who completed "The Feud" quest can turn in their staff
to Lasrina for a class-specific staff. Non-casters who completed "The Feud" can
turn their staff in for coin.
Quest: The Lost Townsfolk of Bran Llyr: Heroes that have completed the level 40
portion of their guild track and chose a shield can turn in their medium shield
to Kimba in exchange for a large shield.
Midgard Monsters
Werewolves: We fixed a faction bug with many of the werewolves and wolfaur of Mi
dgard, who were set to an incorrect faction. Be careful travelling, as all werew
should now be honoring the correct alliances, and previously safe travel may now
be unsafe.
Dungeon Change, Varulvhamm: Some minor tweaks have been made to Varulvhamn, most
of which affect the lunarian chamber. Soloing there may become more difficult.
- Frostbite wildlings, nip mephits, and snow imps have all taken on a more winte
ry appearance.
- Raumarik is being updated to contain more encounters for higher level players.
Work on this zone is ongoing, so be on the lookout over the next couple of vers
ions for new encounters.
- Be careful in areas that were once relatively empty and safe for travel, as th
ey may now contain unfriendly inhabitants.

- Raumarik: New inhabitants have migrated to Raumarik. The ancient guardians of

the area have become more tolerable to those that wish to help rid their once pe
aceful area of their bothersome neighbors. Even bounty hunters have been called
in to exterminate some of the local wildlife.
- Added monsters for players level 40 - 50
Hibernia Monsters
- A bug was found with the path of the Unseelie Envoy and his escort. His escort
s and stallions should no longer decide that the trip to the Bog is not worth th
eir time and cross through Innis to return home. This group may now also show up
during the day or night (previously, he only came out in the day).
- The cliff dwellers were previously seen gathering on the shores of Moher in a
massive packs to witness a spectacle that seemed to baffled outsiders. Apparentl
y, the spectacle has passed, and they will now continue along their daily routin
- The giant ants found in various areas of Hibernia have lost their bright red l
- The giant lusus, an abomination of nature, was reported as looking even more b
izarre than previous sightings.
- The Cursed Forest is undergoing an update to add more encounters for higher le
vel players.
- Beware of new denizens stalking what once may have been safe areas. Changes to
this zone are ongoing so be on the lookout for new additions over the next coup
le of versions.
- Cursed forest: Rangers are reporting that the Cursed Forest is stirring with m
ore creature activity than before. It is advised that you do not explore the for
est alone. Poachers have flocked to the area to take advantage of the more ferti
le hunting grounds. Powerful and dangerous forest scorpions have been spotted in
certain areas as well. Fomorians have invaded the southern region of the Cursed
Forest. Also, undead have been appearing in the northern expanses of the forest
. (player levels 40-50)
Albion Monsters
- The Keltoi casters should no longer "chain" cast.
- Some changes are being made to Llyn Barfog. If you frequented that area, know
that your same favorite creatures to hunt are still there, but they may have mig
rated to different areas. Expect to see more changes soon.
- Some of the more powerful cythraul are now called wicked cythraul
- Scholars have discovered that creatures in the lake called "afanc" are actuall
y just afanc hatchlings. One of the scholars warns of the day when their mother
will return.
- Boggarts, found in Pennine Mountains, have taken on a somewhat more sinister h
ue to their appearance.

- The bogmen of Avalon Marsh have learned to blend in better with their surround
ing environment.
- Scouts have classified a new creature in Llyn Barfog that they call the diamon
dback toad. The amphibian is described as being large, fast, and has a very toug
h diamondlike skin that is hard to pierce. Fortunately, the animal appears to be
content with its surroundings and does not appear bother other creatures.


- All spells were gone through and ranges made consistent. No spell was reduced
in range, but many were increased, in order to be consistent with spells from ot
her casters, and in some cases with spells from other Realms. The following spel
ls had their ranges increased: Shift Health, Reflect Attack, Inflict Minor Forge
tfulness, Wake Senseless, Fungal Dispersion, Grasping Creepers, Fungal Covering,
Minor Earthen Power, Minor Shield of Magma, Renew Spirit, Spirit Flow, Hugin's
Affliction, Lesser Mind Jolt, Summon Fire, Minor Combustion, Minor Raven Bolt, M
isleading Rapture, Minor Lullaby, Detect Flaw, Encourage Aggression, Convert Spi
rit, Persuade Will.
- Fixed bug with resistance debuff on Searing Wind line and Minor Raven Bolt. Th
ese should properly debuff resistance now.
Albion Stores
Bounty StoresCalldir Edelmar - Guild Hall, Camelot City
Freya Edelmar - Guild of Shadows, Camelot City
Maye Edelmar - The Academy, Camelot City
Dare Edelmar - Defenders of Albion, Camelot City
Aklee Edelmar - Church of Albion, Camelot City
Quilted Store
Sebil Lenut - Lethantis Association, Campacorentin Station
Staves:Brother Salvar - Defenders of Albion, Camelot City
Hibernia Stores:
Bounty StoresKiley -- Located in the Way of Stealth advanced trainer's building
Antaine -- Located outsided the Way of Arms advanced trainer's building
Grainne -- Located in the Way of Nature advanced trainer's area
Ailson -- Located in the Way of Magic building
Aghaistin -- Located in the Palace
Midgard Stores:
Royd ?
Elli ?
Tora ?

StoresAesir Temple
Jotun Temple
the Main Hall, with the guild registrar

- All magic item drop rates for dungeons were tuned down slightly, while all dro
p rates for surface magic items were tuned up slightly. Dungeon drop rates are s
till higher than surface drop rates overall.
- Some of Bri Lieth's denizens were itemized (level 10-20).
- The Cap of Mind Bending can now be dyed.
- Mantle of bear-like visage can now be dyed.
- The Singed Fellwood Shield had the class restrictions removed. Now only classe
s that can use large shields can equip it. It now raises Strength and Constituti
on instead of Piety.
- The Jewel Dusted Robe now raises the Mentalism skill instead of Mind.
- The Ancient Oak Longbow now raises the Longbow skill instead of bow.
- The Glowing Sherrie beads is now set with its correct level.
- The Rangers Charm should have its correct level now.
- The Encrusted Truesilver necklace should have its correct level now.
- The Eir Blessed Tunic now can take enamel dyes.
- The Reincarnated Femur War Maul now has a 2 handed hammer graphic.
- The Ebony Axe of Mindless Rage now raises Strength instead of Berserk.
- The Gauntlets of Black Death now raises Strength instead of Celtic Dual
- Winter's Spears now "proc" for appropriate level Hunters.
- The "Spirit Threaded Cloak" (cabalist quest reward) now take emblems.
- The Riva hauberk (Midgard) can be dyed.
Okay, servers coming up! If they aren't up as you read this, they will be by the
time you're done reading the notes ;) The patch notes are long, and contain man
y, many pieces of information. Please read them closely. Especially note the buf
f system changes and explanations. I've been ducking "stat" questions for a few
weeks; hopefully, this patch will explain everything. But still, I'm braced for
questions, and surfing five different message boards today.
If you logged in earlier this morning and noticed something screwy with your ite
ms, be advised that we've restored your character to where it was before we put
1.44 up the first time (which means you're missing about twenty minutes from you
r character's life), and everything should be peachy.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.44 Release Notes

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

- Ground targeting mode no longer causes your figure to "run in place".
- When using /STUCK or falling through a city, you'll now return to a safe spot
in the city instead of your bindpoint.
- We have converted all your existing Realm Points into Bounty Points.
- Pet buffs are now shown in the Pet control window.
- Fixed a crash bug dealing with nocking arrows. This bug would cause players in
view of the archer to crash.
- Fixed a rare client crash bug that happened when players were interacting with
interface dialog boxes.
- Fixed a bug where if a player went linkdead while zoning when carrying the rel
ic, the relic would respawn at the shrine. It now respawns in the portal keep (l
ast known position before the player zoned).
- In the next step of modifying our buffing system, you'll now notice that your
stat-buffing items have much more effect than they did before - 50% more. So, if
you had a +10 strength buffing item, it will now be (automatically) a +15 stren
gth item. You can see the new buff amounts on your items by right-clicking on th
em and pressing shift-I (by default, if shift-I doesn't work type /keyboard and
scroll down to "Information" to see where you have it hotkeyed) for information.
- Debuff spells are now very effective against enemy buffs. You'll now notice th
at debuff spells can "take down" an enemy buff quite well. Debuff spells are sti
ll effective against non-buffed enemies, but are stronger against buffed ones.
- We fixed a bug where parrying against another player in PvP would work inconsi
stently. You'll now notice that you parry much more reliably when fighting other
- When a pet in a group kills a monster, anyone in the group can now pick up the
treasure. Previously, there was a bug that only the master of the pet could pic
k up the loot.
- Bardic/Minstrel instruments now have stat and skill bonuses just like other ob
jects. They also now have condition/durability like other objects, and will degr
ade with use. We have set all existing instruments (i.e. the ones your character
is now using)to max condition - but they will start degrading from there.
- New monster pathing data has been integrated that keeps pets from walking thro
ugh closed keep doors.
- A bug where dialog boxes (system messages, group invites, etc.) were not being
displayed to characters who were moving has been fixed. The dialog now displays
correct no matter if the character is moving or standing still.
- You should no longer be able to squirm through a boundary wall (it does a doub
le collision check).
- Names for stag form Heroes is now displayed at a proper height - it no longer

intersects with the model's head and antlers.

- You can now get extra information about combat styles by right clicking on the
m and hitting shift-i (by default) to view information. This works much the same
way that it does for spells - you'll see extended information about the style,
including when you can perform the style, and what effects (if any) it has. It a
lso lists the specific style required as an opening move, if one is required.
- The bug where players could fire spells and arrows through doors has been fixe
- The bug where players could cast certain spell (such as buffs and ressurection
s) through walls has been fixed.
- Dual wield and Celtic dual wield percentages have been increased slightly. Low
er level (pre-20th) dual-wielding classes won't notice much difference, but up a
t the higher levels, you'll notice that you attack more often with both weapons.
- Fletchers can now repair bows.
- Weaponcrafters can now repair shields.
- Salvaging Natural Material items will now return correct type of material.
- Pets will no longer attack doors continously after they are released.
- Assassin-type classes (Infiltrators, Shadowblades, Nightshades) were being awa
rded level 1 of Safe Fall twice instead of Level 2, when they qualified for leve
l 2. This has been fixed, and if your character has enough specialization to war
rant level 2 in Safe Fall, they will have it when you log in.
- Dexterity now modifies a spellcaster's casting time. Your casting speed can be
modified up to 25% faster for a character that is max-buffed and has a high dex
- We removed range restriction from pets in Defend mode. Now they can go after a
rchers autonomously.
- Pulsing group based spells now work for solo casters and their pets. Previousl
y, they only worked if the caster was in a group.
- Pets may now be commanded to attack doors and objects.
- In Defend mode, Pets will no longer go into combat mode against attackers unle
ss that attacker does damage (meaning the pet will no longer attack on a miss/bl
- When a member of your group goes linkdead - they'll change to a different colo
r and their name will be surrounded by *'s.
- You can now map a new "strafe toggle" key - hold this with turn left/right to
strafe left/right.
- When chatting, you can now use SHIFT-HOME and SHIFT-END to move the cursor to
the front or back of the chat line.
- You can now see larger monsters from farther away.
- Right clicking on an empty slot in the backpack no longer shows a question mar

- You no longer have to hit the tilde key (camera toggle) to recenter the camera
with the camera recenter key.
- When you shift-rightclick to get rid of a concentration buff, you'll no longer
quick view the spell.
- When you die and release, your camera recenters behind your character in third
person view.
- Spell effects cast on your player can now have extended information displayed
with the SHIFT-I key. Right click on the effect to quickview it then hit SHIFT-I
to get more information.
- The tradeskill timer window now remembers alpha and position settings.
- The middle mouse button is now mappable in the keyboard configuration screen.
- The quest accept/decline window will now properly go away if you move too far
away from the NPC who gave you the quest.
- Treasure in dungeons should no longer fall through the floor.
- New setting added to monsters to make them light up at night, if they are conf
igured to do so.
- The CONTROL-ENTER key no longer allows you to print text in your system chat w
Stealthed characters can no longer sneak into a Relic Keep, pick up a Relic, and
sneak out. The intent when designing the class was to let them sneak into a kee
p, but become visible once the Relic was picked up - so they could be able to do
reconnaisance, or take advantage of a chaotic situation by sneaking in the keep
in the middle of a fight, grabbing the relic, and running. They were not intend
ed to be able to steal Relics on their own. So, in light of this, we have made t
he following two changes:
- Whenever a stealthed character picks up a Relic, they will become visible.
- You can no longer go into stealth mode when you are carrying a Relic.
- Robe caster shield spells have been increased in effectiveness to bring them o
n par with the target armor factor for their level.
- Some new damage absorption spells have been added to bolster robed mage defens
e, giving them some absorption from non-magical damage. Each Robed caster now ge
ts a new spell at 30th and 41st level, which gives 5% and 10% damage absorption,
Wizard/Theurgist, Path of Earth
30 Buffer of Earth
41 Buffer of Stone

Sorcerer/Cabalist, Matter
30 Dampening Ward
41 Nullifying Ward
Spiritmaster/Runemaster, Suppression
30 Magical Buffer
41 Suppressive Buffer
Eldritch/Mentalist/Enchanter, Way of the Moon
30 Ward of Power
41 Barrier of Power
- We updated the the concentration spell system, so now concentration spells poi
nt costs have now been changed to use absolute costs. This means that when you c
ast lower level concentration buff spells, you'll be able to cast more of them,
but when you cast higher level ones, you can cast fewer.
- All concentration buff spell casters now have a choice of at least one lower l
evel spell in addition to their normal higher level spell. This now gives them t
he choice to cast many low level buff spells, or a few higher level ones.
- Players can now cast a maximum of 16 concentration spells, no matter their lev
- Midgard Shaman have a new spell line in their Augmentation specialization that
buffs dexterity and quickness.
3 Gloom's Guide
6 Gloom's Wisdom
10 Gloom's Enlightenment
14 Murk's Guide
21 Murk's Wisdom
28 Murk's Enlightenment
37 Shadow's Wisdom
47 Shadow's Enlightenment
- We changed the way buffs work to make them more useful to casters who wish to
specizlize in advanced buff spell lines. Previously, there was little reason to
specialize in advanced buff spell lines - you could buff enough with baseline bu
ff spells to hit the level cap, making it essentially useless to specliaze in ad
vanced buffs. Also, because spell buffs had such high values, the effect of cons
titution and strength enhancing items were severely reduced. The intent of the r
ecent change was to modify the effect of the buffs as little as possible, but ma
ke items and buffs consistent across all classes and levels. With this new syste
m, you now can have as much enhancement as you did under the old system, but you
must gain the buffs from items, base buffs, and specialized buffs - they all st
ack with one another and are now capped separately. So, with this new system, yo
u can have as much buff in strength and constitution as you did before, but you
must receive buffs from different places in order to reach the same level. Now,
stat-buffing objects are much more useful, as are buff-specialized casters.
Stat buffs and debuffs should effect the following factors:
Strength: affects offensive skill for players and monsters.
Dexterity: affects defensive skills and casting time for players, and defensive
skill for monsters.
Quickness: affects attack speed for players and monsters.
Constitution: affects hitpoints for players, and affects damage absorption for m

Remember that pets use the monster bonuses. Players can have a stat buffed up to
10 points or their level, whichever is higher. Also, "Combo Buffs" stack on top
of normal buffs to add even more points (up to double).
- Mage dexterity buffs now correctly reduce (not add to) casting time.
- Fixed the graphical spell effects for numerous monster spells. The correct gra
phical effect should now play when a monster casts a spell.
- Increased ranges on Theurgist spell lines Blasting Breeze, Searing Wind, and F
rost Blast.
- The Runic Ward line was set up improperly in the Runes of Suppression list for
Runemasters. The levels had to be changed to keep the spells from overwriting e
ach other. The new progression is as follows:
L2 Runic Ward
L10 Runic Fend
L16 Runic Shield
L26 Runic Guard
L34 Runic Barrier
L44 Runic Wall


- Fixed a bug when using /salvage on Reinforced armor. It will now give you the
correct type of strips, not leather squares.
- Stiletto hilt and blade recipe icons now show the correct dagger icon.
- Trinket recipes no longer should have ?'s as their icons.
- Changed the icon for the trinket recipes to be a bit more uniform across the b
oard. The trinkets for the lower half of the skill range will be a white gem ico
n, with the trinkets for the upper half will be the black gem icon.
- Fixed Midgard cloak recipe so that there should be a separate hooded cloak rec
- We changed the difficultiy of Hibernian two handed sword hilt to be similar di
fficulty to the blade and final combine.
- We made large-scale changes to the treasure drops in the Bog
ern Swamp. You'll now notice lots more treasure there and much
o, if you currently have items that you've already gotten from
may notice that they are slightly more powerful than they were

of Cullen and Van

more variety. Als
these areas, you

Midgard Quests:
Quest Wisdom of Time: Inaksha will no longer skip over her entire talk when you
first speak with her.

Quest: Spat the Cat: Players can now continue speaking with Vik if they are on s
teps 1 or 2 and lost their dialog box.
Hibernia Quests:
Two new Hibernian quests have been added. Players should speak to their local wa
ndering Filidh's for more details.
Lusmorebane and Driss no longer have one-time drops - they now have quests assoc
iated with them.
Midgard Objects:
The Mischief Maker?s Axe will now proc its spell.
Albion Monsters:
While trying to obtain more information about the newly discovered diamondback t
oads in the Llyn Barfog area, scouts came across what they describe as a "two-le
gged no-armed goblin with a nasty set of teeth." The scouts also said that these
creatures appear to live in colonies that center around ancient mystical rock f
ormations. Caution is advised to all who travel along the western shores of the
There are a few things in this set of patch notes that are not in the old set a different buff ceiling, and we scaled back the death penalty from levels 30-39
. Check it out! Read closely!
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.45 Release Notes
February 7, 2002
Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.45 introduces three new "Epic" zones into the game
, plus a load of bug fixes, itemized zones, objects, monsters and much more. Thi
s list of additions and changes is extensive, so please read these release notes

Three Dragons (Wolf-headed, Stone, and Glimmer), with sounds.

Demon model, with sounds
Imp model, with sounds.
Afanc model, with sounds.
Baby afanc model, with sounds.
three Rock Ogres (one new model, three new skins).
new flying pixie model, with sounds.
new werewolf-model skins.
There is a new giant humanoid monster model.
New "glow in the dark" Glimmer Knight (2 types), Glimmer Witch (2 types), and

Glimmer Ghoul figures have been added to the Hibernian Epic zone.
- By public demand, the frog model finally has his own sound effects.
- The Svartalf (dark elf) now has his own model.
- There is a new "scaly wolf" skin to go with the new Midgard Epic zone.


- Stats are now "clamped" at 300 (i.e. 300 is the most that any one stat can be
buffed) as far as the underlying buff effect is concerned. Previously, the clamp
was at 250, so now you can get an extra 50 points added to a stat when it is bu
ffed. Please note that this change is different from the one tested on Pendragon
, which was determined not to be as good for the game as intended.
- The experience point death penalty was too high for those players in the mid t
o high 30's level range. We have scaled back the number of experience points you
lose on death in those level ranges.
- In response to player demand, you can now turn spell effects off if you wish t
o increase your frame rate in situations where there are lots of spells being ca
st. You can now toggle spell effects to all/none/self only with the /EFFECTS NON
E, /EFFECTS ALL, /EFFECTS SELF toggles. With /effects self turned on, you see yo
ur own spell effects, but not those of other casters.
- The Detect Hidden ability was changed to increase the range at which Nightshad
es, Shadowblades, and Infiltrators (the only classes that receive Detect Hidden)
can detect other hidden players.
- In our buff system overhaul of last version, we introduced a bug that we must
take steps to fix. The effect of Quickness buffs increased overall player damage
per second far more than same-level strength and dexterity buffs (thus removing
the need to have strength and dexterity buffs in some cases). So, we've reduced
the effectiveness of quickness buffs by 10-15% (depending on the level of the s
pell). This change will affect all melee and archer characters who have Quicknes
s buffs cast on them. You will notice that you attack a little slower now than y
ou used to when your Quickness is buffed.
- We found that Combat Haste buffs are far too effective - they lower player's a
ttack timers down to 1.5 seconds or less, in some cases. Their effectiveness has
been reduced, and it now abides by the overall 1.5 second attack timer clamp. T
his change affects melee character who had Combat Haste buffs cast on them (alth
ough not archers, who were not affected by Combat Haste buffs). Please note that
we have lessened the effect this change has on Friars by bumping up the effecti
veness of their self-haste buff to compensate.
- Fixed the spell information (shift - I) function such that "damage type" only
appears for spells that actually do damage.
- Monster corpses will no longer spin to face the killer.
- The /WHERE command (to make a guard point towards an NPC) should now be more r
- When you target yourself, you'll always be yellow.
- The appeal window will no longer disappear when moving (you can now appeal whi
le falling for instance).
- The Performance Meter (SHIFT-P) has been fixed - previously it did not update

correctly. Now you can see network latency (lag), dropped packets, and frame rat
e performance.
- You should no longer see a dead player perform his death animation long after
he died. This happened when you came within download (visible) range of him whil
e he was dead.
- Realm titles have been added to other player's names in RVR warfare. For insta
nce, instead of seeing a "Briton Defender" you'll see a "Briton Dragonknight" if
the other player has a realm title.
- When zoning, if your client crashed, you would re-enter at your bindpoint (a f
ree teleport). This has been fixed.
- The /FRIENDS command should now show your full friends list correctly.
- Players whose framerates would drop below 5 fps would run more slowly (and fai
l to catch up with the rest of their group). This has been fixed.
- Dead people can no longer see stealthed enemies.
- On a ladder (or when climbing), when you hit the ground, you will now automati
cally detach from the ladder (or wall).
- You now should go to the correct "safe spot" in the cities when you fall throu
gh the city or type /STUCK.
- New sounds now play when you change inventory items.
- You should now be able to get information (shift-I) on an item that is in a pl
ayer trade window (i.e. when you are selling or trading items with other players
- Scouting monsters now have the Detect Hidden ability. If you are higher level
than they, then you still have a good chance of staying hidden, but beware of sc
outing monsters that are higher level than you.
- You can no longer "lock up" NPC archers who are defending keeps. Previously, s
ome players were exploiting a bug where when you had an archer with 0 max veloci
ty, you could engage him from a distance then back out of his arrow range where
he could not be attacked. The NPC archer would remain "locked up" and would not
attack anyone else. This has been fixed - the NPC archer will now pick a differe
nt target within range if he can't reach his original target.
- Fixed a collision problem where people could warp through doors and walls.
- You can now click on open doors to select them.
- fixed upgrading of doors to level 9 and 10 for free. You now have to have the
requisite number of materials to upgrade to these levels.
- The minimum attack timer has been reduced, so you should see quickness buffs h
ave more positive effect on your attack timer than they used to - i.e. you shoul
d now see yourself attacking more quickly. Previously, it was too easy to hit th
e minimum attack timer when quickness was buffed, this reducing the effectivenes
s of these buffs.
- You now have to use a "use item" key when using a charged item's special magic
al ability. In order to use these charged items, you must have first dragged the
magical item's icon to your quick bar. Then, to fire it, press the use item key

, and then within 1 second, press the quick bar number of the item. Please note
that there is currently no way to use the mouse to use these items.
- Troll males had one hair combination that referenced a bad art file that resul
ted in their "hair" not having a texture. This has been fixed.
- We slightly increased the damage of some of the non-backstab styles in the Ass
assin's critical strikes combat style line.


General Changes
- We've made a change in the way that specialization affects Self Armor Factor b
uffs for robed casters. Now, robed casters are no longer affected by specializat
ion (casters who specced outside their shield line's skill were taking a signifi
cant defense hit). However, Armor Factor Buffs for concentration casters remain
affected by specialization.
- Damage clamp of spell damages raised to be comparable with damage clamps from
melee attacks. These should only come into play when you smack low level targets
(grays). Now caster max damage against low level players and monsters should be
about the same as melee max damage.
- Low level monsters could previously interrupt much higher level spell casters
and archers. This has been fixed.
- You should no longer get the "You cannot cast while moving!" print when you st
and and try to immediately cast.
- Wizards, Theurgists, Spiritmasters, and Runemasters will now be awarded all sp
ecialization spell lists when they change class (before you had to specialize to
level 5 in your base skills to get your specialization lists). Existing charact
ers will get their new lists after the first time they train in their base skill
s (at any level).
- Please note that many spell graphics have changed since the last version. We a
re currently revamping the way spell graphics are assigned to spells. The graphi
cs will be in flux for a short time before we complete the change. Pay special a
ttention to your spells and be sure you are familiar with their new visual appea
- We've added the chance for "robe" caster spells to do additional critical dama
ge. Specifically, the classes whose direct damage (bolt, AE, regular DD) spells
will have the chance to do extra critical damage are: Wizard, Theurgist, Cabalis
t, Sorcerer, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Eldritch, Mentalist, and Enchanter.
Buff Spell Changes
- The Constitution buff in Midgard has been moved from the Healer Augmentation s
pecialization track to the Seer basic abilities (meaning now Shaman and Healers
will both get the base Con buff). We made this change to bring Healer/Shaman in
line with healing/buffing classes in other realms that have con buffs as a base
class abilities. The levels awarded are:
3 Augment Health
9 Increase Health


Enhance Health
Strengthen Health
Exaggerate Health
Intensify Health
Amplify Health

- Mage "acuity" buffs are now in the game, in the primary buffing track in each
realm. This buff enhances the primary stat of the realm's "robe" casters, which
directly raises the damage output of direct damage spells. Classes helped by thi
s buff: Wizard, Cabalist, Theurgist, Sorcerer, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Mentali
st, Eldritch, and Enchanter.
Cleric Enhancement Spec
11 Acuity of the Seer
22 Acuity of the Prophet
31 Acuity of the Sage
42 Acuity of the Magi
Shaman Augmentation Spec
12 Sight of the Deep
22 Wisdom of the Deep
31 Sagacity of the Deep
42 Vision of the Deep
Druid Nurture Spec
11 Nature's Sight
22 Nature's Wisdom
31 Nature's Sagacity
42 Nature's Vision
New Area Effect Spells
- Several new area effect damage lines were added to the Wizard, Runemaster, and
Eldritch. The problem that is addressed by this fix was that in most cases, rob
e-casters had only one line which contained area effect damage spells. Because a
rea effect damage spells are by far the most popular and effective RvR spell to
use, most players were specializing only in those lines that contained area effe
ct damage spells, because they wanted to be sure that they had these spells when
they raised to a high enough level to RvR. This led to many under utilized spel
l specializations, and worse, players that did specialize in those lines that di
d not contain area effect spells sometimes found themselves in a situation where
they wanted to contribute area effect damage to RvR, but could not, because the
y simply did not specialize that way.
So, now more spell lines contain area effect damage spells, but be aware that th
e specializations that received these spells previously (such as the Fire Specia
lization for the Albion Wizard) do more damage than the new spells. All of these
new AOE damage spells cost more power to cast and do less damage than the prima
ry AOE spells (the ones that were in the game previous to this update). So, a Wi
zard who is specc'ed in Fire will still do more area effect damage (more spells
cast, more damage per spell) than a Wizard who is specialized in Earth; however,
the Earth-specc'ed wizard can now contribute area effect damage against enemy p
layers and monsters, albeit at a lower rate.
The new AOE spells:
Calefaction (Earth spec list)

8 Molten Earth
11 Lava Field
15 Expanse of Magma
20 Molten Puddle
28 Molten Pool
36 Molten Lake
47 Molten Ocean
Liquifaction (Ice spec list)
8 Simmering Cloud
14 Broiling Cloud
22 Sweltering Cloud
29 Burning Cloud
36 Torrid Cloud
46 Boiling Cloud
Runes of Darkness (Darkness spec list)
9 Raven Drove
14 Raven Flock
19 Raven Horde
25 Raven Throng
32 Raven Host
40 Raven Cloud
50 Raven Legion
Runes of Suppression (Suppression spec list)
7 Field of Suppression
14 Field of Slackening
20 Field of Entrapping
27 Field of Snaring
36 Field of Tangling
46 Field of Mazing
Vacuumancy (Mana spec list)
10 Lesser Kinetic Dispersal
14 Kinetic Dispersal
19 Lesser Kinetic Dampening
25 Kinetic Dampening
34 Lesser Kinetic Siphon
44 Kinetic Siphon
In order to make the resistance system more streamlined, we've consolidated the
various damage types and resistances inside of the game to six basic groups:
Heat Cold Matter
Body -

Fire and Light

Void and Dark
- Earth and Matter
- Spirit, Mind, and Wind
- Electricity and Mana
Body, Poison and Disease

For now, this change will have little effect on your character. When you use the
/resist command, you will now see these resistances printed instead of the old
ones - also, when you get information about an item (shift-I), you'll see the it

em's resistance buffs printed in this new format as well. Please note that in th
e near future we will be adding resistance buffs and debuffs that will adhere to
this new system.

Pet System Changes

The pets summoned by the Cabalist, Enchanter, and Spiritmaster have been revised
to fix some bugs and improve functionality. Each Cabalist pet has different eff
ects that trigger in combat, Enchanter pets can now cast various spells, and Spi
ritmaster pet effects are cumulative - each higher level pet will have the effec
ts of all the lower level ones.
Please note that we are aware that some of the pet self-buffs are sometimes redu
ndant with buffs that the player can cast on their pets. This is a known issue a
nd it is on our list to address.
- You'll no longer see your pet self-buffing in combat instead of fighting.
The new Pets and their effects:
Amber Simulacrum - Has a self shield to improve defense, and extra hitpoints. A
basic tank, plus has a chance to stun its target.
Ruby Simulacrum - Has a self damage-add spell that improves melee damage, but ha
s lower defense and hitpoints.
Sapphire Simulacrum - Has a lifetap proc that improves survivability
Emerald Simulacrum - Has a chance of proccing either a poison dot or disease eff
Jade Simulacrum - Has a self damage shield buff to do damage to attackers.
Spiritmaster (special abilities are cumulative)
- Spiritmaster summoned creatures can now be female.

fighter - no special abilities.

soldier - adds chance to proc a stun effect.
swordsman - adds chance to proc cold damage
warrior - adds chance to proc lifedrain
champion - adds chance to proc self bladeturn

Underhill friend - basic tank, no special abilities
Underhill companion - caster, low offense and hp, has a direct damage spell
Underhill ally - low offense and hp healer, casts a regen buff and will heal ser
iously injured group mates
Underhill compatriot - tank with enhanced defense, casts a self shield
Underhill zealot - advanced caster, has a chance of casting two different types
of direct damage, and has a self dmg shield for melee.
We are making several archer changes in this version. In short, archers are too
powerful in RvR combat, but feel they don't have enough to offer in group-based
monster hunting. We have spent a lot of time testing this in-house over the last
week, as well as analyzing player and tester feedback, and have come to the con
clusion that archers can kill higher-level players far more easily than we ever

intended. Currently, low-40's archers can two-shot kill 50th level mages (who ar
e red or purple to the archer), which is far too powerful. The testing also foun
d that archers were not as effective fighting monsters in groups as we designed
the classes. This version takes steps to correct both these problems.
- Archers no longer receive a to-hit bonus against sitting opponents. Low level
archers could previously crit shot much higher level sitting targets - ones they
normally could not hit at all if the target was standing.
- We've lessened the damage that Critical Shots do against higher-level player t
argets. Against same-level or lower enemy players, your critical shots will do e
xactly the same damage they always have. However, against higher-level enemy pla
yers, your damage will be less, depending on how much higher the player is than
you. Please note that this change does not affect critical shot damage versus mo
nsters at all - the change only effects RvR combat.
- Arrows do exactly the same amount of damage in combat versus monsters as they
always have, but they now accumulate less "aggro". This means that you can use y
our critical shot or normal shot in combat with monsters and the monster will be
less likely to aggro on you, and will be easier to pull off you if you it does
aggro. We made this change because of archer complains (and subsequent testing)
showed that archers indeed did so much damage to monsters that they automaticall
y had the monster attack them exclusively for the entire encounter - an encounte
r which the archer would rarely survive. Now it will be much easier for them to
do critical shot/normal bow damage against that same monster with much less chan
ce of the monster focusing exclusively on them.

3 New Zones added:
Three new "Epic" zones make their debut in this patch: one in each realm's home
region. These zones are full of high level content intended for large groups of
players 35 - 50th level. The encounters in these zones are fully itemized with a
ppropriate treasure. The zones are laid out differently from most of our other o
utdoor areas, they are designed to more tightly constrict player movement, funne
ling groups (to some extent) through more targeted encounters that have to be by
passed or defeated before they can move on. Each of the zones has as its ultimat
e encounter a fearsome creature of monstrous power, let those who wander these z
ones take plenty of friends!
Please note that many of the monster models that appear in the new zones are pla
ceholders and will be replaced with new ones over the course of this week.
Albion Zone: Dartmoor
In the times of Uther Pendragon, Articus, son of a Roman dignitary left his home
land to get away from the politics of Rome. He and his family settled in an area
in the Cornwall region known as Dartmoor, a beautiful moorland with wooded vall
eys and windswept Tors. They had built a castle and established a respectable ho
lding in the rugged area. About ten years had passed and still little was known
about Lord Articus and his family, since they often preferred to keep to themsel
ves. Duke Marcus of Cornwall dispatched a messenger to his quiet neighbor with i
nvitations for them to attend an upcoming celebration. When the messenger never
returned, a second messenger was sent. The second one, like the first, was never
seen again. Whether out of concern or suspicion, Duke Marcus sent his son along
with a contingent of knights to both investigate the disappearance of the messe
ngers and the welfare of Lord Articus. Two weeks later, Duke Marcus' son returne

d alone. He was badly injured and his armor singed. He never told his father or
anyone else what he saw. Some say it was fear. Others claim that it was his prid
e. The only thing he did convey was that Lord Articus, his family, and his serva
nts were all dead. Until recently, people of Briton were warned away from Dartmo
or. However, the people have grown restless and hunger for adventure. Their memo
ries fade, and most have forgotten the warnings.
Last month, Sir Arward and 30 of his best fighters ventured deep in to the depth
s of Dartmoor. Two days ago, Sir Arward?s scribe?s journal, slightly singed and
stained with blood fell out of the sky and landed in front of the guards at Pryd
wen Keep.
A summary of the journal explains a bit of what the party discovered. At first,
all they found were wild ponies, small but tough little beasts. The group, think
ing that they?ve been afraid to venture to the area because of a bunch of wild p
onies, relaxed their guard considerably. Sir Arward ordered one of his scouts to
climb a nearby granite tor so that he might see further in to the distance. How
ever, as soon as the scout approached the giant granite mass, it turned and face
d them. It was a giant, made entirely from granite, carrying a giant shepherd?s
staff. The poor scout never had a chance. The armored fighters engaged the massi
ve creature and managed to defeat it. Their need for caution had been restored.
As they moved deeper into Dartmoor, it became immediately obvious that the giant
they fought was neither unique nor alone. What had previously been mistaken for
giant rocks seemed to come alive with movement. Trying to avoid the behemoths (
though some fights were unavoidable), the group found themselves in a giant gran
ite quarry surrounded by a group of ogre-like creatures. Surprisingly, they didn
?t attack the party. In a limited, barbaric grasp of the Briton language, the og
res claimed to be the Stonecrush Clan. They mined and ate granite, which angered
the granite giants to no end. It was obvious that there had been some hostiliti
es between the giants and the ogres, and the Stonecrush Clan considered Sir Arwa
rd?s group as friends since they had fought and killed giants.
The journal contained little more information. The next page seemed to have been
partially burned. Only one large word near the bottom could be read: Golestandt
Midgard Zone: Malmohus
Hunters have reported that the Svartalfar have been extremely active in the Skon
a Ravine area. It seems they have been sending masses of their best scouts and i
nfiltrators in to the woodland south of Skona Ridge, a little-known and less-exp
lored region known as Malmohus. The werewolves of Skona, however, seem to be afr
aid of the area - they avoid it almost as if they believed Malmohus to be cursed
A large group of hunters was sent to follow the Svartalfar into Malmohus, for it
was obvious they were up to something. The hunters temporarily lost the Svartal
far trail when they stumbled across some odd looking creatures. They looked like
wolves, but had scales and a lizard?s tail. The hunters called them scaled varg
s, and found out happily that their beast charms worked on the creatures.
They renewed their tracking of the Svartalfar and were fortunate enough to find
a single Svartalf scout, who they restrained and interrogated. The svartalf was
young and was almost happy to give the hunters the information they desired, so
long as his life would be spared. The svartalf explained that these lands were t
he home of Gjalpinulva, a daughter of great beast Fenris Wolf, and some huge unk
nown creature. The scout said that Gjalpinulva, herself a gigantic abomination,
in her loneliness, created creatures that would be loyal to her and serve her: i

ntelligent scaled wolves that walk on two legs. The Svartalfar, the scount claim
ed, came to Malmohus to investigate the Gjalpinulva and her brood and possibly d
estroy them. The Svartalvear needed to gather more information about the huge cr
eatures before contemplating any action against Malmohus.
The hunters let the young svartalf go, anxious to return to Jordheim and report
their findings. The great beast Gjalpinulva and her minions have not yet been si
ghted. Their appearance and power remain a mystery, although it is assumed that
she is gigantic and immensely powerful.

Hibernian Zone: Sheeroe Hills

In a routine scouting pass through the outskirts of the Bog of Cullen, a small g
roup of seasoned rangers found that the landscaped had changed along the bog?s n
orthern edge. A pass, which had not been there previously, appeared from under a
thick layer of mists. The rangers, dubious of the nature of the pass, scouted i
t cautiously. Before they ventured too far, small spirits that seemed to "glimme
r" with an unusual light confronted them with aggressive intentions. Suspecting
it to be a siabra trick, the rangers quickly dispatched the odd creatures. Not t
oo long after their first encounter larger spirit-type creatures, sharing the sa
me type of ?glimmer? as the previous spirits, also attacked the group. These wer
e obviously more powerful than the small spirits that were encountered previousl
y, almost too powerful. The behavior of these spiritual beings was very unlike t
he siabra, and this new experience was more than the rangers wanted to handle wi
thout more information about what they were facing.
The rangers returned with their findings and decided to consult others. They fou
nd themselves reciting their story to many, but no one seemed to have any more i
nformation on these glimmers, as they came to be known. That was, until they fou
nd themselves in the company of the ancient elven sage, Tyldifyl. "Like the king
doms of man," he began, "the Otherworld is also divided into regions, each often
having its own ruler and laws. Some of those "kingdoms" are more known than oth
ers, since some wish to remain unseen. One such place is called the Sheeroe Hill
s, ruled by Cuuldurach the Glimmer King. Cuuldurach is an ancient and powerful b
eing. He rules with absolute power in his realm, in the realm of what you call t
he Glimmers..."
The rangers gathered more information and found that the worshippers of the Grea
t Azure, ancient relatives of the Firbolg who find their faith in the unclouded
sky, have sent strong expeditions into the Sheeroe Hills. In their zealot-like r
everence for their god, they believe that the glimmers are evil, tainted creatur
es of death, and because of that, they believe it is their duty to cleanse the l
and of their presence. They have established strongholds in the Sheeroe Hills an
d guard them closely, distrusting anyone but one of their own to venture near.
Dragon Behavior
The Dragon encounters in the new zones have been given special AI and abilities.
These abilities will be used by the dragon at various times during combat, depe
nding on the situation. Among other nasty things that the dragon does during com
bat (that we will not divulge) the dragon will get restless and go on a patrol o
nce a day throughout his territory. Players in the zone will be given a warning
via a zone-wide broadcast that the beast is on his way. He will fly through the
zone, dive-bombing certain spots throughout the zone (clearings, monster camps,
well-traveled pathways, etc.). So if you are hunting in one of the new zones and
see a broadcast indicating the dragon is getting restless keep a sharp eye out.

Note that when the dragon on patrol does a "swoop down" on a player or group, he
won't stick around to complete the fight - he'll keep on his path and return to
his lair after dealing out some death from above. So, you're not going to be ab
le to fight him fully while he's patrolling, but you can damage him.
Other Monster Encounter Changes:
- The telamon of Lyonesse seem to be a tad less vigilant than before.
- Extremely nasty and intimidating creatures have been seen around Llyn Barfog.
Some even claim that the Legendary Afanc, a demonic water creature of King Arthu
r's time, has returned to tend to her young. Use extreme caution when exploring
this area.
- The isalf forayer population has increased slightly throughout the Midgard fro
- Relic Keep doors now set to Wood (material type) 10 instead of Wood 1. This me
ans that they never need to be upgraded, since Relic Keeps can never be taken ov
er by an enemy team.
Graphics Update:
- Several new monster models have been provided by our wonderful art team. Here
is a list of some of the creatures that are sporting a new look.
manes demon
grumoz demon
wind mephit
fiery fiend
afanc hatchling
faerie mischief-maker
faerie wolf-crier
faerie bellwether
Lady Leanna
Ellyll windchaser
mist sprite
pixie scout
pixie imp
Pixie Queen
flaming raukomaz
Lord Fire
wind sprite
mora rider
mora dancer

cruiach demon
Idol of Crom Cruiach
cruach imp
deamhan aeir
mountain mephit
tunnel imp
orchard nipper
NPC Fixes
Runthal Devyn, the imposter fletching master that would not let you join the tra
de order has been removed from Camelot City by the city guard. Acey Dalston is t
he only fletching master authorized to admit new members.
Item Recharger NPCs
These NPCs will recharge all chargeable items (for a price, of course).
- Camelot City: Miran Esric, at the Palace
- Cornwall: Larel Esric, at Cornwall Station
- Kigua in Connla
- Tegau, in Tir na Nog. Tegau is located in the building across the street from
the guard building where Sentinel Teadoir and Sentinel Kynon hang out.
- Ingirun in Jordheim
- Alrik in Gna Faste.
Hibernian Quests:
Quest - Criofan's Fish: Casters that finished Criofan's Fish can turn in the lea
ther boots to Criofan, in Connla, for a set of cloth boots. Nightshades and Rang
ers can now do the quest.
Midgard Quests:
Quest ? The Red Daggers: Players now have a reminder in their quest journal to t
urn in the scroll of seithkona to the Gythja of Bragi. Players that do not turn
it in will now automatically have it deleted from their inventory when they comp
lete that section of the guild track quest. Players that have it stored in their
bank may DELETE IT!
Quest ? Widower?s Hunt: Healers have been added to the list of classes able to d
o this quest.
Ick and Piercer now have quests associated with them. Speak to the Barkeeps for

The Mischief Maker?s Axe now procs correctly.
Albion Quests:
Quest: Amulet of the Planes
More detail regarding Borwyr's spawn time has been added to the journal.
Quest: Legione perso
Players on this quest should now be able to continue normally when fighting Luna
ris primus pilus. Pets will no longer cause players difficulty when attempting t
o complete this quest.
Quest: The Captured Courier
Dunsten can now be re-spawned killing Elithralia Nodith. Dunsten should also rem
ain in place longer so that players can turn their items into him.
Chargeable and other Magic Items
Some of the very high level monsters may drop charged items on occasion. This is
a new object type that has just been added to the game. Chargeable items are re
gular weapons/armor/jewelry that have magical spells associated with them. These
spells have a limited number of time that they can be used. To use a charged it
em, drag the object's icon to the quick bar (please note that the object must be
equipped for this to work) and then click on it.
There are two types of charged items. The first type is non-rechargeable but the
item will still function as normal (i.e. without its spell) once the charge has
been expended. This means that if you have a sword with a fire spell attached t
o it, once the fire spell has been cast, you cannot cast any more spells with th
e sword, but the sword itself still functions as a regular sword.
The second type of recharged item can be used over and over again, requiring rec
harging from a special NPC (currently called a spellcrafter, but this name will
change shortly). The NPC will charge a fee based on the item type you trying to
recharge. See the world notes for a list of Spellcrafter locations.
This version also includes a ton of additional weapons with particle effects, an
d some new spell effects on items.
Many zones have been totally itemized or tweaked:
Note: Albion being the oldest realm, had more rare items to begin with. You will
notice many of those rare objects have been modified so they now drop with upda
ted magic bonuses. Existing items will not be affected.

Cursed Forest (Hibernia) - is now itemized

Raumarik (Midgard) - is now itemized.
Salisbury (Albion) - added rare items and fixed non-humanoid drops
Black Mountains South (Albion) - fixed non-humanoid drops
Black Mountains North (Albion) - added rare items and fixed non-humanoid drops
Camp Forest (Albion) - added Rare items and fixed non-humanoid drops
Avalon Marsh (Albion) - added Rare items and fixed non-humanoid drops
Llyn Barfog (Albion) - itemized the remaining new camps and added rare items t


old camps.
Lyonesse (Albion), item levels 30-50 (existing zone)
Dartmoor (Albion), item levels 35-50 (new epic zone)
Malmohus (Midgard), item levels 35-50 (new epic zone)
Sherroe Hills (Hibernia), item levels 35-50 (new epic zone)
Cornwall (Albion)
Skona Ravine (Midgard)
Silvermine Mts. (Hibernia)
Cliffs of Moher (Hibernia)
Shannon Estuary (Hibernia) - added rare drops
Myrkwood Forest (Hibernia) - added rare drops
Svaeland West (Midgard) - added rare drops
Lough Gur (Hibernia) - added rare drops

Please note that Raumarik, Cursed Forest, and parts of Llyn Barfog have treasure
that drops less often than other zones, but the items that are dropped are far
more valuable.
We also went back through a couple of zones that were rare item drops, and made
changes where appropriate. You'll now find that these zones have much more to of
- Muspelheim (Midgard), item levels 20-32
- Valley of Bri Leith (Hibernia), item levels 15-40
Other Object notes
- The Shadowed Vest should now be dyeable with leather dye (was previously only
using enamel)
- Gloves of the Spined Backpiercer should now be dyeable.
- Yellow Silken Robes can now be dyed.
- Hammer of Smiting should be sellable now.
- Band of Woven Gold (enc quest reward) had the +cha bonus changed to +dex inste
- Supple Serpent-Hide Vest should now be correctly displaying information (one o
f the fields had resistance chosen but no actual value put in, so it was display
ing "0%")
- Fixed a typo in the name of the Eagle Eye Talon.
- Changed the Gossamer Seolc Cap of Mentalism to correctly buff mentalism.
- Changed the article associated with the Kraggon Cloak to "a", and also changed
the armor class to none so that it doesn't try to display an armor factor when
information about it is shown.
- Changed the armor class to none on the Morbid Mantle (see Kraggon Cloak above)
- The Spectral Shroud (Hibernia) should now be dyable.
- The Shadowhands Cloak shouldn't display Armor Factor anymore.
- The following should now display con/dur/qua etc. : Glowing Ball of Mud, Gyrg'
s Cloak, Silver Chain, Belt of Animation, and Boneclaw Ring of Morra.


- Fixed a bug when using /salvage on Reinforced armor. It will now give you the
correct type of strips, not leather squares.
- Stiletto hilt and blade recipe icons now show the correct dagger icon.
- Trinket recipes no longer should have ?'s as their icons.
- Changed the icon for the trinket recipes to be a bit more uniform across the b
oard. The trinkets for the lower half of the skill range will be a white gem ico
n, with the trinkets for the upper half will be the black gem icon.
- Fixed Midgard cloak recipes so that there should be a cloak recipe a separate
hooded cloak recipe.
- You should be able to buy the correct tanned torsion cables now instead of the
incorrect linen torsion cables
- Icons for Midgard stave recipes show an actual staff icon now instead of a shi
Version 1.46 is going live as I type this. As you all may know from reading the
various test release notes, this version contains many enhancements to Assassins
, Friars, the charming spell system for Mentalists and Minstrels, as well as oth
er class adjustments, the debut of the new spell resistance system, as well as a
pile of bug fixes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.46 Release Notes
This version has some updates to the Assassin (Shadowblades, Nightshades, Infilt
rators) classes, which should make them much more forgiving when it comes to tra
ining. We gave some of the classes additional abilities and all received a varia
ble number of extra specialization points to give each of the Assassins a differ
ent "feel".
- Shadowblades have been given more hit points (as befits the more fighting-cent
ric ethos of Midgard), as well as have had their specialization points raised to
2.2 per level.
- Nightshades now have a new line of level-based combat shout direct damage spel
ls (in addition to the normal direct damage spells they already had) that they c
an use during combat to increase damage. They have also had their specialization
points increased to 2.2 per level.
- Infiltrators have had their specialization points raised to 2.5 per level, a s

ignificant jump. This makes it possible for them to train much more in many more
skills than they previously could, and have the chance to be much more well rou
In all three cases, existing assassin characters will be granted the spec points
they "should have" gotten based on the new number of spec points per level.
Besides any additional needed balancing of existing abilities (poisons, damages,
etc.), which will be done as necessary, this makes assassins complete except fo
r the disguise skill which is still to be implemented. Disguise will be primaril
y an RvR-centric skill - our current plan for disguise is that all three assassi
n classes will be able to disguise: Infiltrators by an ability/skill, Shadowblad
es by a magical ability, and Nightshades by a spell. Thus, please note that we h
ave removed spell points from Shadowblades, as the "spell" they will use to disg
uise will be an ability and will not require spell points.

With this version we have made some changes to the Friar to address that class's
relative weakness at higher levels.
- Friars now have 1.5 specialization points per level (up from 1.0). This will a
llow them to specialize more fully in a few skills, and make them much more well
rounded than they have been up until now. All existing Friars will be awarded t
he spec points they "should have" gotten, and can take advantage of this change
immediately by spending these spec points.
- Friars now get Evade 5 at 33rd level.
- Friars now receive a line of Armor Absorption buff spells on their Enhancement
s specialization. See the spell system changes section for more information.
- Friars can now use shields (although not spec in them). Shields were never int
ended to be a big part of playing a Friar, but they were supposed to be able to
at least equip and use them.
Friar Spell Change
We fixed a couple of problems with existing Friar spells that should make specia
lizing in Enhancements much more useful.
- We converted Saint's Vigor (pulsing fatigue regen) to a shout so it can be act
ivated in combat.
- We converted all the rest of the fatigue regeneration spells (Saint's Energy u
p through Saint's Tenacity) to reduce fatigue costs in a more consistent manner
than they did before. Now these spells are self only duration effect, not pulsin
g spells, that progressively reduce the fatigue costs of all endurance-using act
- We changed the Speed of the Angel line to be a self only shout, that gives a 3
0 second haste buff that's should be quite effecitve. It can be re-used every 3


We've changed the way that Mentalists and Minstrels pulsing charm spells work, b
ased on player feedback and testing. This new system should be much easier to us
e than the old system, and have greater results.
- The Minstrel Charm does not require an instrument in hand while it is being us
ed. Thus, a Minstrel can now have a controlled pet and melee at the same time.
- Even when the target is switched, the spell will continue to pulse on the orig
inal monster you had targeted. This means you can have two targets engaged at on
ce, should you choose to do so (one for your pet, one for you).
- The Minstrel/Mentalist has an almost certain chance to charm/retain control of
a creature his level or lower, although there is a small random chance that it
could fail. The higher the level of the charmed creature compared to the Minstre
l/Mentalist, the greater the chance the monster has of breaking the charm. Pleas
e note that your specialization level in the magic skill that contains the charm
spell will modify your base chance of charming and retaining control. The highe
r your spec level, the greater your chance of controlling.
- If the charm breaks, the charmed monster will wipe his agro list and only agro
on the player who was charming him. All creatures attacking the charmed creatur
e will forget their agro against him.
- Please note that there is a small per-round power point cost for the Mentalist
when they have a monster under their control.
Minstrel/Mentalist Charm Overview
The Minstrel/Mentalist charm ability does not work the way other charms work, no
r is it intended to. This charm is intended not as a "pet" ability in the sense
that all other pet abilities in the game are intended, but as an added ability t
hat can be used for assistance during group or solo combat, or during emergency
situations when charming a foe may work to the advantage of the group or solo pl
To charm a monster, you no longer require the use of the flute (for Mnstrels). S
imply target the monster and use the corresponding spell/song for your charm. Mo
nsters at or below your level will have a very small chance of resisting the cha
rm as it pulses, which means there's always an element of risk involved. You may
also charm monsters above the your level (oranges, reds and low purples), thoug
h as the monster level increases above that of the caster's, so does the risk of
the monster resisting the charm and aggressing the caster. It is advised to not
risk charming orange, red or purple monsters unless you believe the situation w
arrants this emergency action and only if you are prepared to accept the potenti
al penalties involved with doing so.
Note that when a monster is charmed and in battle, and the charm pulse stops (or
the monster is no longer under your control), the previously charmed monster's
aggression will be turned away from the monster it was fighting and toward the c
aster until it is recharmed, it dies, the caster dies or the caster moves beyond
the normal AI timer-based range of the monster. As casters become more experien
ced with using this ability, they should learn how to manipulate it to best fit
their needs when solo or group hunting, so a degree of skill is involved.
Tip: When a charm breaks, the monster will immediately aggress the caster. This
includes times when the caster actually releases the monster, so it's advisable
to have the pet window set to "Stay" and then to get a comfortable distance away
before releasing the monster, or to ensure you are capable of killing the monst
er upon releasing it.

Tip: You may use other songs in conjunction with this type of charm, though doin
g so will require song "twisting" - where you switch between playing two songs.
Bugs to note: There is a bug with the Minstrel's charm, where upon releasing the
pet, even if you are further than melee range, the monster will still interrupt
your current song when it aggresses (speed, mana or health), though only for th
e ten seconds the timer takes to elapse and for the song to restart (as with any
other monster when the monster is aggressing in melee range). This is a known i
ssue and will be fixed at some point in the future.
World Issues: We're aware of the limitations and availability of charmable, huma
noid monsters (for Minstrels and Sorcerers) in Albion's high level zones - prima
rily Lyonesse, Dartmoor and Stonehenge Barrows - and we're taking steps to resol
ve this issue soon, so please watch for announcements.
- We've decreased (again) the aggro that archers do to monsters while fighting m
onsters. This means that archers can now do even more damage to monsters without
having the monster turn on them.
- We've increased the damage that archer Critical Shot does against higher-level
monsters (monsters only, no change was made to RvR CS damage).
- Archers will hit more often in group situations - the group melee "to-hit" bon
us has been increased. Archers (as well as any melee attacker) has more of a cha
nce to hit a monster based on the number of people in the group. Archers now hav
e a bonus over and above the regular melee bonus on "to-hit".
- Arrows that do different damage types (crush/slash/thrust) will now correctly
show the damage additions.
- Archers will no longer see tenths of seconds when readying arrows. We never in
tended archers to see their timer on such an intimate level - it was initially s
et that way for balancing and debugging purposes in beta, and was never changed.
Please note that all other timers in the game (spell timers, ability timers, et
c.) print in seconds, not tenths of seconds. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DID NOT INCREAS
way that this is printed to you.


- When we made all Stun/Mez/Root spells not chain cast-able a few versions ago,
we unintentionally left the Spiritmaster point blank AE mesmerize line (the Gloo
m Wave line) as chain cast-able. This has been fixed, so you can no longer chain
-mez with this line of spells.
- When you are trading to a craftsman who can repair - the craftsman can click o
n a new "repair" flag in the trade window to turn the trade into a repair sessio
n. For more information, see the section "new repair system", later in this rele
ase note.
- Bleed and Acid damage have been correctly assigned to body and matter resistan
ce types.
- "/EFFECT SELF" should now show the correct spell effects that you cast on othe

r players.
- Graphical weapon effects should now show correctly to other players. Previousl
y, all weapons showed graphical effects to the person holding them, but some did
not show up that way to other players looking at them. Now, they all work.
- We fixed a bug with evade that will effect those characters with evade 6 or ab
ove. You'll now see yourselves evading more often if you are a high level assass
in character.
- You can now add multiple people to a chatgroup with a single slash command. Us
e /CG INVITE etc
- When an assassin poisons an enemy and the poison does DOT damage, the assassin
will now be able to rehide even though he is doing damage against the target.
- Pets will no longer warp after killing an opponent and returning.
- Pets should now properly use their spells after engaging a target.
- Charged items (wands, etc) can no longer be used against players in your realm
- Repairs on doors now cost 1/4 the wood they used to but only repair 1/2 the co
ndition. Thus, to repair a door up to full will now take 1/2 the total wood but
take twice the total time.
- Relic Keep doors are no longer upgradable. They will spawn at a high wood leve
l (8) and will remain there. They can still be repaired.
- Recharger NPCs now work properly. They will now replenish charged items.
- There was a bug that prevented monsters from buffing and healing one another (
if they are so designed). This has been fixed.
- There is better feedback on some of the tradeskill "fail" messages which tells
you what level of the appropriate skill you need in order to create the object.
- When you are carrying a Relic and are killed, the Relic will now drop on the g
round where you died.
- You can now longer pick up Relics (or any other items) while dead.
- You can no longer equip/unequip items while you are mesmerized.
- You can no longer perform dual wield/celtic dual combat styles while you are h
olding a sword and a shield.
- There was a bug that caused Intercept to stop working after only a few seconds
if the enemy attacking your friend never landed a blow (i.e. missed).
- A charmed/controlled pet will now chase a target for a certain distance, and t
hen return to its master. Previously, it would chase its target forever.
- Spell text messages of hidden (stealthed) players will no longer print to othe
r players in the area.
- The Demon and Imp models inadvertently were introduced into the game a few ver
sions ago with the other's skins attached to them. This has been fixed: the demo
n is now red and the imp is now green.

- If you are hidden, BAF monsters will no longer target you, if you are hidden b
efore they are pulled.
- You can now cast damage spells on and send Theurgist pets to attack doors.
To repair an object without dropping it on the ground, follow these steps:
1) The player (who wants the item repaired) drops the item on the (player) smith
2) This brings up a trade window between the two players.
3) The smith clicks on the REPAIR box in the lower left of the trade window. Onl
y the smith (receiving player of the trade) can click on this box.
4) The title of the window will now change.
5) The Player can add as many items as he likes to be repaired. If the smith can
not repair any item added, the repair box will uncheck and both will get a print
6) The Player can add coins to the trade to pay for the repair.
7) The smith can add neither coins nor items to the repair/trade when in repair
mode. Any items and money in the trade when repair is clicked should be cleared
8) When both click "Accept" all items are repaired and returned to the Player. A
ll coins are moved to the smith.


Spell resistence buffs and debuffs are now in the game. Currently resistance buf
fs and debuffs only affect direct damage and bolt spells (not DOT, damage adds o
r damage shields).
Sorcerer body spec list
23 Illusions of Flame (heat resistance debuff)
33 Visions of Flame
44 Dreams of Flame
24 Illusions of Winter (cold resist debuff)
34 Visions of Winter
46 Dreams of Winter
27 Illusions of the Wastes (matter resist debuff)
36 Visions of the Wastes
48 Dreams of the Wastes
Cabalist Spirit spec list
22 Diminish Immunities (debuff body)
33 Disspate Immunities
46 Banish Immunities

24 Diminish Will (debuff spirit)

36 Dissipate Will
47 Banish Will
28 Diminish Conductivity (debuff energy)
37 Dissipate Conductivity
49 Banish Conductivity
Cleric enhancement spec
24 Spiritual Shield (spirit buff)
36 Spiritual Guard
47 Spiritual Barrier
27 Energy Shield (energy buff)
37 Energy Guard
48 Energy Barrier
23 Shield of Health (body buff)
33 Guard of Health
45 Barrier of Health
Friar enhancement spec
21 Resillience of the Wanderer (heat buff)
31 Fortitude of the Wanderer
46 Piety of the Wanderer
25 Hearth's Blessing (cold buff)
35 Hearth's Benison
48 Hearth's Gift
27 Attunement to Creation (matter buff)
37 Blessing of Creation
49 Oneness with Creation
Spiritmaster darkness spec
22 Dampen Health (body debuff)
33 Suppress Health
45 Extinguish Health
25 Dampen Spirit (spirit debuff)
35 Suppress Spirit
48 Extinguish Spirit
27 Dampen Capacity (energy debuff)
38 Suppress Capacity
49 Extinguish Capacity
Runemaster runecarving spec list
22 Vex of Heat (heat)
33 Vex of Fire
45 Vex of Flames
25 Vex of Cold (cold)
34 Vex of Frost
46 Vex of Ice
27 Vex of Soil (matter)
36 Vex of Dirt
48 Vex of Earth

Healer Augmentation spec

23 Gods' Health (body buff)
33 Gods' Vigor
46 Gods' Potency
24 Gods' Drive (spirit)
36 Gods' Will
47 Gods' Spirit
27 Thunder Affinity (energy)
37 Storm Affinity
48 Lightning Affinity
Shaman augmentation spec
23 Wrap of the Deep (heat buff)
30 Shroud of the Deep
43 Caress of the Deep
24 Warmth from Below (cold buff)
35 Heat from Below
45 Fires from Below
25 Rock Unity (matter buff)
38 Stone Unity
48 Cavern Unity
Enchanter mana spec
23 Amplify Heat (heat debuff)
33 Endow Heat
44 Empower Heat
24 Amplify Cold (cold debuff)
34 Endow Cold
46 Empower Cold
27 Amplify Matter (matter)
36 Endow Matter
49 Empower Matter
Eldritch void spec
22 Nullify Hardiness (body debuff)
33 Negate Hardiness
45 Void Hardiness
26 Nullify Spirit (spirit)
35 Negate Spirit
48 Void Spirit
27 Nullify Dissipation (energy/electricity)
39 Negate Dissipation
49 Void Dissipation
Druid Nurture spec
23 Strength of the Sun (resist heat)
32 Resillience of the Sun
43 Aura of the Sun
24 Warmth of the Badger (resist cold)
35 Warmth of the Wolf
45 Warmth of the Bear

26 Earth Affinity (resist matter)

38 Earth Bond
48 Earth Union
Warden nurture spec
22 Bolster Health (resist body)
32 Bolster Resillience
43 Bolster Heartiness
23 Warden's Courage (resist spirit)
33 Warden's Honor
48 Warden's Spirit
27 Defy Thunder (resist energy)
37 Defy Storm
49 Defy Lightning
- Buff-casting spellcasters can now have up to 20 concentration spells cast on t
heir friends at one time. The previous limit was 16.
- Added new absorption buffs to the Friar Enhancement specialization track. Bles
sing of Resilience adds 5% melee damage absorption, Blessing of Absorption adds
10%, and Blessing of Dissipation adds 15%.
26 Blessing of Resilience
34 Blessing of Absorption
44 Blessing of Dissipation
- Added a direct damage shout to the Nightshade magic abilities. It will automat
ically be awarded as you level. It has a short range and a 20 second recast time
r, and can be used in combat.
6 Dart of Night
9 Dagger of Night
13 Knife of Night
18 Stiletto of Night
24 Arrow of Night
31 Rapier of Night
39 Spear of Night
48 Lance of Night

Midgard Quests:
Quest: Silent Death: Bork will no longer offer players a yes/no choice for selli
ng the skull. If you chose ?No? and are now stuck on step 3, you can return to B
ork in Huginfell and right click on him to continue the quest.
Quest: Hole of the Dead: Players that Dwarven Boots of Air or Gloves of the Eter
nal that con green to them should return to Frimeth in Vasudheim to exchange the
m for an updated pair. Players may only exchange their item one time.
Quest: Family Business: Slippers of Favor have been adjusted so they give a bonu
s to piety instead of intelligence. The items will be updated automatically, the

re's no need to turn them in to get the correction. Also, NPC Thrand has moved c
loser to civilization. He felt it would be in his best interest to relocate to j
ust outside Mularn, near the guard tower
Due to popular demand, the Gloves of the Spined Backpiercer have been returned t
o the game. On a related note, there's a pretty new face in the svartalf camp.
Quest: The War Continues: Hunters will no longer be offered a shield as a choice
for their level 40 guild track quest nor will they be allowed to trade in their
weapon for a shield. Hunters that have a Midnight Defender, either from complet
ing their guild track quest or trading in their weapon may now return to Mildrid
in Haggerfell and exchange the shield for their choice of a weapon (1h sword, 2
h sword, bow, spear). Hunters may only perform this shield trade in once!
Quest: Hole of the Dead
Items Dwarven Boots of Air and Gloves of the Eternal will now con correctly.
Quest: Evening?s Empty Blessings
Adjustments have been made to the quest journal so players will have better info
rmation about their tasks.
Quest: Fervent
The elder sveawolf has gotten too old to lead players to Wildtooth anymore. He w
ill give you directions to find Wildtooth.
Quest: Klippa?s Claw
Players will no longer have to die to Riv to obtain the Riva hauberk. Players sh
ould follow their quest journal rather than doing what they THINK they should do
to obtain the rewards for this quest.
Hibernia Quests:
Quest: Morven's Return
Blademasters and Druids who find repairing Cathbad's Blade a little too costly c
an turn the weapon in to Cathbad, in Howth, who will replace it with the same we
apon minus the pricey repair cost. Players can only do this one time, and must h
ave completed the quest.
Quest: Summoner's Expulsion
The Summoner has been tuned to be not quite so deadly to low level questers.
Albion Quests:
Quest: Guild preparation: Humberton base class trainers will now respond to play
ers when asked about a specific class.
Quest: Traveler's Way -- Supply Run: Players who are stuck on step one can conti
nue along this quest by following new instructions in their journal.
Quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice: Sacrificer Harish should now spawn a bit more f
Quest: Cloak of Shades Part 1: Those hunting undead druids in Salisbury should n
ow receive their quest item.
Object: Rancid Black Tooth: This item should now "proc" as normal.
Quest: Traveler's Way - Dwarf raid. Raised the level of Girdle of Stalwart Spiri
t to make it a more appropriate reward for this quest.

Quest: Departed Hero: Players stuck on this quest can check their journal for in
structions on what to say to Lieutenant Brude to continue.

Albion Monster Encounters:

The manes and grumoz demons look slightly different than before.
The Tylwyth Teg camp areas along the north border of Snowdonia have been adjuste
d. They should no longer be out of range when they are clearly standing right in
front of you.
The Legendary Afanc has migrated to different part of Llyn Barfog, though still
along the water. Scouts report that she seems to have acquired a few odd behavio
Hibernia Monster Encounters:
The Coruscating Mines have been adjusted slightly to make it a little more group
-friendly in a few areas.
The Cursed Forest has been modified to improve it as a general hunting ground. G
roups should be able to find easier paths to the eastern portions of the zone. T
here are more spots to pull to, and make camp now as well.
Cornwall: Troubled by the continuing ravages on their lands in Cornwall, the Cor
Farmers have begun showing more friendliness to those who hunt their enemies.
Tomb of Mithra: The undead denizens of the tomb of Mithra should now be giving a
ppropriate bonuses and resistances to attackers.
Midgard Monsters:
The black orms are no longer white.
Vanern Swamp: Hunters from Vanern report that Mokkurvalve has been restless of l
ate. Though nobody has gotten close enough for a thorough examination, most that
have seen him recently are confirming that he has added bulk.
Hibernia Monsters
Cliffs of Moher: The Selkies have increased the size of their expedition near th
e cliffs of Moher.
Cursed Forest: Rangers returning from the Cursed Forest are telling horrific tal
es of being chased by a swarm of Fire blights. It is unknown what connection the
se foul monsters may have to Blight itself.
Hibernian Factions:
The land sheeries and water sheeries have banded together to fight their respect
ive enemies. The land sheeries have agreed to wage war on curmudgeons who enter
their territory, in exchange for the water sheeries pledge to assault any Koalin
th trespassers.

The Selkie and Suire are also responding to the Koalinth menace, putting aside t
heir longstanding differences, at least temporarily, to concentrate on their mut
ual enemy.

- Two more dungeons have been itemized: Midgard's Cursed Tomb, and Albion's Roma
n Catacombs. This means there are now three dungeons that have yet to be itemize
d (one in each Realm). Those are coming soon.
- The Stonefoot press is now much smaller.
- The Forge Tender's Tunic is now spelled correctly.
- The Dispositional Cloak had the evade skill replaced with dexterity. The const
itution penalty was removed.
- The Frozen Windswept Axe bow has stat bonuses.
- The bonuses on the Howl at the Moon axe were changed slightly.
- The Jet Bone Shield had the its stat bonus changed from Piety to Strength.
- The Smoking Sable Protector now additionally buffs Piety.
- The Cailiondar Rapier should now "con" properly. Its DPS was originally incorr
ectly set and would result in the weapon remaining orange to the player.
- The Drakulv Militia Great Axe now increases the correct skill.
- The Empyrean had their loot tables fixed.
- The Deluged Kelp helm now increases parry skill (was incorrectly set to smite)
- The Gnarled Witherwoode staff now increases parry skill (was also set incorrec
tly to smite).
- The Shepherds Shod Staff now increases parry skill instead of smite.
- Mad Changelings should not drop 0 cp loot any longer.
- The "Ancient Ebon Ring" should now have the correct power level.
- The "fylgja pelt" can now be carried.
- The Scepter of Intellect and the Deathrune Robes had the class restriction "el
ementalist" replaced with "cabalist."
- Corrected the AF on the Ancient Bloodbound Boots (they were 36th level but sho
uld have been 50th level).
Version 1.47 is now live on all servers. It has two major new features: the abil
ity for guilds to claim keeps (and get bonuses from them), as well as a special
RvR battleground for level 30-35 characters. We will observe the popularity of t
he new battleground, and will add others with different level ranges if necessar
y. Version 1.47 also has many bug fixes and other updates - read the patch notes

carefully for complete information.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.47 Release Notes
- Resurrecting classes are now added to a monster's "hate" list if they resurrec
t a player while the monster that kills that player is still in combat. All resu
rrecting classes should be careful about rezzing someone who was killed by a mon
ster if that monster is still alive and is still in combat. Please note if the m
onster is no longer in combat, then no aggro is accrued, and resurrection can be
performed with no danger.
- Some root and snare spells (across all Realms) were incorrectly set to "recast
", so they could be chain-cast on players. This has been fixed.
- A monster AI bug was causing "trained" monsters in dungeons to aggress on play
ers not involved with that combat. This has been fixed - monsters will now retur
n properly to their home after being trained.
- The RESISTS button on the character sheet has been changed to BONUSES. This gi
ves insight not only into your resistances, but to the various realm and outpost
bonuses. Now you can clearly see the effect that Relics have on your character
and your Realm.
- Guilds can now conquer and "claim" frontier keeps. See the section on that bel
- A lower-level RvR battleground is now available for 30-35th level players. See
the section on the battleground below.
- All player attacks now do less damage against doors and siege equipment. This
is to slow down the massive groups of people that group up and take doors down t
oo quickly.
- If you train a specialization to level 50, it will now correctly award you 50t
h level spells (if there is a 50th level spell on that specialization). Previous
ly, you didn't always get your 50th level spell awarded.
- Experience points now print with commas, so when you kill a monster, especiall
y at high levels, you can more easily see how much you were awarded.
- Strength buffs/debuffs will now immediately affect your movement rate.
- We fixed several bugs that caused players to become buried in walls or "warp"
through walls.
- In your character's specialization window, spec bonuses now print differently.
Previously, the spec list had your "base" number of trains in the list with any
bonuses already added in. Now you see the "base" number of trains you have in t
hat spec and next to it is the total number of object/realm point bonuses that a

ffect that specialization.

- A bug was causing all 2H weapon users to parry half as much as they should hav
e. This has been fixed - all 2H users should see their characters parrying much
more often.
- Another bug in Alliance Chat has been fixed. Now when your guild leaves an All
iance, you will no longer see chat from that Alliance.
- Berserkers will now do (on average) more critical damage while they are in Fre
nzy mode - Only in RvR combat.
- Paladins now have increased hit points.
- Champions have had their hit points and melee damages increased.
- Blademasters now get Evade III at 25th level.
- We've split the /REALM command into two separate commands: /REALM and /RELIC.
The /REALM command gives keep information and the /RELIC command gives relic inf
- Fixed the level 45 Cabalist class title for females from Sorceress to Master I
- Spell damage is now properly attenuated against keep doors - you'll notice tha
t you do much less damage with spells while "attacking" doors now than you used
to. Melee damage has always been properly attenuated; now spell damage is as wel
Character levels 30-35 now have the option of going to a special RvR battlegroun
d that is limited to characters of those levels. This is being set up as a place
to go to hone your RvR skills without needed to worry about being killed by muc
h higher level characters. You do not have to go to this Battleground - if you w
ish you may still participate in the standard RvR raids and defenses.
To get to the battlefield, go to your standard Medallion merchant and purchase t
he medallion that goes to the battlefield. Please note that only people who are
30th - 35th level can teleport, and only those who are realm level 0 to 9 can te
leport (realm rank 0 or 1).
Players who are between 30th-35th level and realm level 0-9 can quit and reenter
the battlegrounds normally. If you exceed this range, when you quit and reenter
, you'll return to your bindpoint.
The battleground has one "home" keep for each Realm, and one keep in the middle
that can be taken over. Please note that initially this keep is held by renegade
NPC guards, and will have to be conquered before it can be claimed by the first
Realm to take it over.


We've uncovered some pretty large imbalances that greatly reduce the damage that
Bolt spells do in the game. So, we've made the following changes Bolt spells:

- We (greatly) increased the damage that Bolt spells do to monsters, starting at

around 40th level. This change should not effect RvR.
- Remember, it is difficult to cast a bolt on a target that is engaged in melee
- We've kept the chance for a shield to block a bolt.
General Spell Changes
- You'll notice that Epic monsters now resist damage spells more than they did b
- All non-area of effect single stat debuffs, double stat debuffs, and resistanc
e debuffs have had their casting times reduced to 2 seconds.
- We changed confusion spells back to the way they were initially implemented confused monsters now have a chance of aggressing on other monsters as well as p
layers once again. However, now they will not agress on a monster more than one
"color" higher than they (i.e. they will attack oranges, but not reds).
- The Twinkling Visions line (Mentalist Light spec) has had its range upped to 1
500 like all other spec DD spell lines.
- Sorcerer, Minstrel and
higher levels. The first
ds animal type monsters,
s magical type monsters.
different level ranges.

Mentalist charms now charm additional monster types at

spell in each line charms humanoids only. The second ad
the third adds insect type monsters, and the fourth add
This should alleviate some issues with finding pets at

- Damage add chants (Paladin, Skald, Warden) now stack with base damage add buff
s, but only add half damage when stacked. Pet-only damage adds and shields also
stack the same way.
- The Warden has had the higher levels of endurance regen chant changed similar
to the Friar; higher levels now give a percent reduction to fatigue costs.
- Champion stat debuffs have been (much) increased in effectiveness in negating
- Added group resistance chants for the Paladin, Skald, and Bard:
Paladin Chants

Body Ward
Body Shield
Mind Ward
Mind Shield
Energy Ward
Energy Shield
Heat Ward
Heat Shield
Cold Ward
Cold Shield
Earth Ward
Earth Shield

Skald Battlesongs


Body Bolstering Chant

Body Bolstering Song
Spirit Bolstering Chant
Spirit Bolstering Song
Energy Diminishing Chant
Energy Diminishing Song
Heat Diminishing Chant
Heat Diminishing Song
Cold Diminishing Chant
Cold Diminishing Song
Matter Diffusing Chant
Matter Diffusing Song

Bard Music Spec




Body Guarding
Body Protection
Spirit Guarding
Spirit Protection
Energy Guarding
Energy Protection
Heat Guarding
Heat Protection
Cold Guarding
Cold Protection
Earth Guarding
Earth Protection

New Sorcerer/Cabalist Spells

A new dexterity debuff spell line has been added to the Matter list (base list f
or Sorcerers and Cabalists):
8 Mystic Web
12 Mystic Trap
17 Mystic Net
23 Magical Web
29 Magical Trap
36 Magical Net
46 Sorcerous Web
The Sorcerer's Minor Mesh of Force line in Telekinesis has been converted to a d
ouble debuff (Dex/Qui) and had values raised accordingly. All spec debuffs are s
upposed to be double debuffs, and there was no single dex debuff in a base line,
which the other realms have. This and the previous change fixes that.
Two new spell lines have been added to the Cabalist's Spirit Animation list:
5 Mend Simulacrum Pet heal
9 Patch Simulacrum
13 Repair Simulacrum
19 Restore Simulacrum
28 Reconstruct Simulacrum
35 Reanimate Simulacrum
44 Rebuild Simulacrum
4 Improve Dexterity Pet dex buff
8 Develop Dexterity


Increase Dexterity
Enhance Dexterity
Amplify Dexterity
Augment Dexterity
Magnify Dexterity

Two new spell lines have been added to the Cabalist's Vivification spell list:

Strengthen Golem Str/Con buff

Invigorate Golem
Foritify Golem
Empower Golem
Vivify Golem


Hurry Golem Dex/Qui buff

Animate Golem
Quicken Golem
Accelerate Golem

These spell lines should significantly enhance pet survivability at higher level
s, primarily due to the extra defense from the Quickness and Constitution bonuse
- The higher levels of the Cabalist's Convert Spirit line have been removed, as
they were essentially identical in functionality.


Guild Bounty Points
Guilds now have a pool of Guild Bounty Points (GBP's) that it can spend on the c
laiming and upgrading of claimed keeps. Guilds will earn one GBP per Bounty Poin
t each player in the guild earns.
Player guilds can now claim a frontier keep for their guild.
How to Claim Keep:

you must be of a guild rank that has claim permissions.

you must be in a full group with 7 other members of your guild.
your guild must have at least 500 Guild Bounty Points. (see below)
You must be standing next to the Keep Lord of the keep you wish to claim.
no other friendly guild can currently be owning it.
your guild must not currently own another keep.
after all these conditions are met, type /GC CLAIM

A message is printed to the realm that currently controls an outpost when it is

claimed or released. Only realm members of realm level 10 or higher see these me
ssages, or those that belong to the guild.
To retain control of your keep your guild will be charged 50 Guild Bounty Points
per hour for every upgrade level of the keep. The upgrade level is 1 by default
when the keep is claimed. When your guild runs out of bounty points, your claim
on the keep is released.

A guild can "step up" the number of GBP's they spend per hour to upgrade the var
ious NPC's of their Keep. The guildmaster (or anyone of a realm rank that has Up
grade permissions) can use the /GC UPGRADE command to upgrade the keep's level.
Each Keep will have an "upgrade" level from 1 to 10. Depending on the Keep's upg
rade level, the guards, archers, patrollers and keep lord have their combat stre
ngth upgraded. An upgraded keep costs additional GBP's to support - 50 per level
of upgrade. Thus, the guild will spend from 50 to 500 GBP's per hour.
To release a claim on a keep, a guild member who is of a rank that has Release p
rivileges can use the /GC RELEASE command (from anywhere in the game). This will
stop the hourly charge on your Guild Bounty Points, as well as allow you to cla
im a new keep.
Benefits of Owning a Keep:
- When a guild has claimed a Keep - all members of that guild and all allied gui
lds will gain certain bonuses when in PVP combat.(see section on Keep Bonuses, b
- Each Keep has a 'difficulty' rating from 1 to 5. Those keeps in the guild's ho
me frontier close to the home zones are the lowest difficulty (1). Those keeps d
eep within enemy territory are the highest difficulty (5). The low difficulty ke
eps will give very few bonuses. The high difficulty keeps will give the most bon
- The guild earns (1000 * Keep Difficulty) GRP's per hour that they hold the kee
- When a guild owns a keep - all guards who spawn in that keep will spawn with t
he guild's emblem on their cloaks and the tagged with the guild's name.
- A banner will be placed on the keep with the guild's emblem.
Keep Bonuses:
We've added bonuses to PvP combat directly relating to the ownership of the vari
ous Frontier Keeps. All of these bonuses, as well as bonuses for the Relics, can
be viewed by clicking the Bonuses button on your character sheet (this used to
be the Resists page).
These bonuses only affect PVP melee damage, PVP spell damage, realm point accrua
l and bounty point accrual. They are:
- +1% per enemy Keep conquered by your realm in an enemy realm
- +2%xDIFF if your guild is currently holding a keep (DIFF is the outpost diffic
ulty level 1 to 5)
- +3%xDIFF if you are defending a keep that your guild alliance is holding
For example, if your realm has conquered 5 outposts in other realms, you'll alwa
ys receive a +5% bonus no matter where you are. If in addition you are in a guil
d holding a difficulty 3 keep just across the border, you'll get an additional +
6% (total of +11%) bonus no matter where you are. If in addition you are fightin
g in the name region of your held keep you'll get an additional +9% (total of +2
Listing of Keep Difficulty Levels:

Note that each keep's difficulty is relative to each Realm. Here is a listing of
the keeps and their difficulties.
Albion Keeps:
Caer Hurbury: Albion=1, Midgard=5, Hibernia=5
Caer Renaris: Albion=1, Midgard=5, Hibernia=5
Caer Boldiam: Albion=1, Midgard=4, Hibernia=4
Caer Berkstead: Albion=1, Midgard=4, Hibernia=4
Caer Erasleigh: Albion=1, Midgard=3, Hibernia=3
Caer Sursbrooke: Albion=1, Midgard=3, Hibernia=3
Caer Benowyc: Albion=2, Midgard=2, Hibernia=2
Midgard Keeps:
Fensalir Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=5, Hibernia=5
Arvakr Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=5, Hibernia=5
Hlidskialf Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=4, Hibernia=4
Glenlock Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=4, Hibernia=4
Nottmoor Faste: Midgard=1 Albion=3, Hibernia=3
Blendrake Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=3, Hibernia=3
BLedmeer Faste: Midgard=2, Albion=2, Hibernia=2
Hibernia Keeps:
Dun Scathaig: Hibernia=1, Albion=5, Midgard=5
Dun Ailinne: Hibernia=1, Albion=5, Midgard=5
Dun Da Behnn: Hibernia=1, Albion=4, Midgard=4
Dun na nGed: Hibernia=1, Albion=4, Midgard=4
Dun Bolg: Hibernia=1, Albion=3, Midgard=3
Dun Crimthainn: Hibernia=1, Albion=3, Midgard=3
Dun Crauchon: Hibernia=2, Albion=2, Midgard=2
We've increased the bonuses for holding each relic to +10% per relic. Your own R
ealm's Relics are not longer countted when figuring the bonuses. Thus, if you ha
ve both your Relics, and all four enemy Realm Relics, you will have a 20% bonus
for both PVE and PVP damages for melee and spells. Note that you are still incen
ted to hold your own relic since you can't claim another relic unless you have y
our own. For instance if you have your own strength relic and one other strength
relic, you'll get +10% to all melee damages. In the worst case, if all your rel
ics are taken, you'll receive no bonuses (and no penalties). Please note that yo
u can now view this bonus information using the new "bonuses" button on your cha
racter sheet.
We've buffed out the feedback given to players for RvR events:
- The "resists" button on the character sheet has been changed to "bonuses". The
Bonuses window now shows all your resistances and will also show all of the abo
ve relic and outpost bonuses when you click on it.
- When your guild claims a keep, all members of the guild will get a message.
- When your guild loses a claimed keep, all members of the guild will get a mess
- When your realm conquers a keep, all members of the realm with at least one re

alm rank will get a message.

- When your realm loses or gains a relic, all members of the realm will get a me
ssage telling them of the change.

The weapon rewards given out for the level 40 guild track quests in Hibernia wer
e overvalued, making them incredibly expensive to repair. Players may now exchan
ge these weapons for the same weapon with the correct value one time only. Playe
rs should speak with the following based on their path:
Morna Path of Focus: Hero, Ranger, Warden, Eldritch
Odhran Path of Essence: Champion, Bard, Enchanter, Nightshade
Nairna Path of Harmony: Blademaster, Druid, Mentalist
All three can be found in the courtyard at the entrance to the palace in Tir na
Midgard Quests:
Quest Klippas Claw: The journal entry for step 2 is now correct. Players should kill
Klippa on step two, not Riv.
Albion Quests:
Quest: Save the Spirits: Players who received the item "reward" can now return t
o Aserod, hand him this item and receive the proper reward.
Quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice: Lady Nimue has been move slightly towards the s
hore. She should no longer be swimming in the water and out of sight.
Hibernia Quests:
Quest: Seek the Moonstone: The level 15 and 20 encounters have been tweaked slig
htly to make them a bit more balanced for the target level.
Albion Encounter:Lyonesse
Power from a pagan god has been bestowed upon Cailleach Uragaig. She now command
s the Torch of Light and will use it to protect her sisterhood. Be warned! This
Torch of Light is rumored to rain fire from the heavens!
Midgard Dungeon: Nisse's Lair
Some slight changes have been made to Nisse's Lair. Adventurers should find it l
ess deadly to travel deeper into the dungeon with the addition of clear spots, r
elatively free of monsters, and the reduction of BAF in some areas.
Monster Encounters
Hibernia: Sheeroe Hills: It is rumored that Maldahar has manifested new dark pow
ers. War parties returning from the Sheeroe Hills claim to have heard Maldahar's
voice in their head saying that he will steal their life.
Midgard: Malmohus: It appears that a strange variety of tree spider that was nes
ting near Yar's home have grown. The spiders appear to only get agitated when ad
venturers get close to Yar himself.

Albion: Dartmoor: Moran's guards have been spotted climbing the hill to his east
. The guards have been making markings in the cliff wall where Moran has managed
to heave boulders. Apparently Moran has been boasting that he could throw a hum
an over the hill there.

-Tepok's Mine (Albion) fully itemized, Item levels 20-35
-Koalinth Lair (Hibernia) fully itemized, Item levels 17-28
-Varluvheim (Midgard) fully itemized, Item levels 34-39
-Nissies Lair(Midgard) got a tweak and should now drop less common loot and more
Here's what the 1:00 PM EST patch was all about:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Server Update
March 7, 2002
- The middle keep in the Battlegrounds zone is now climbable.
- The Minstrel charm shout was incorrectly set to have no cast timer. It has bee
n updated to have a short (5 second) recast timer. This is to prevent an exploit
whereby one could acquire a purple pet.
- One Guild can no longer claim two keeps at the same time.
- Sorcerer Charm spells have been returned to their proper pet level threshold.
They were inadvertently set to charm monsters that were too low level.
- Guards will now upgrade properly when you upgrade their keep. This means they
will do more damage and have more hit points.
- Minstrel charm spells had a bug where Minstrels "lost" their pet as a target a
fter the first resist. This meant they had to immediately re-cast the charm song
or risk having the monster turn on them. Now it works properly - if the monster
resists the first time, targeting will not be lost, and the next "pulse" of the
song will re-charm the monster (assuming it doesn't resist twice).
- Roots and snares now have "diminishing returns", which means each successive t
ime they are cast on the same monster/enemy PC, their duration is halved. Howeve
r, now they start wearing off 80% into the duration, instead of 50%. This increa
ses the duration of full effectiveness of the spells. Also, now you can recast t
he spell during this period to reset the timer without getting the "your target
already has that effect" message.
Camelot 1.48 is going live - it should be up by 10:00am eastern time today (Tues

day). It has two new battlefields, lots of bug fixes, and easier leveling betwee
n 35 and 50.
Edit 10:45 AM - changed 45 to the correct number 35
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.48 Release Notes
March 19, 2002
- We've reduced the level based to-hit penalties in RvR combat for lower level p
layers attacking higher level players. Thus, lower level RvR players (35-40) wil
l be able to hit higher level players (45-50) more often but for less damage. Pl
ease note that a side effect of this change is that high level players will no l
onger get "bonus" damage against players 2 quantas or more below them (low green
and grays) - which means you character will do less damage against low green an
d gray enemy players. The purpose of this change is to make players of wider lev
el ranges viable in RvR.

In order to lessen the tedium of leveling in the 35-50 level range, we're making
a change that should help players of those levels gain experience faster. Exper
ience clamps have been raised from 1.1x a same level kill to 1.25x a same level
kill. This change has two effects: it will allow lower level players in a group
to gain more experience faster (15% faster), and it will also let higher level p
layers (the 35-50s who tend to hit this clamp more often) to gain experience fas


- Chat filters have been moved to the server for filtered system messages. This
should help reduce bandwidth in big battles.
- Weapon Effects on mage staves should now show when the mage casts a spell. In
general, weapon effects only show when a weapon is drawn and the player is in co
mbat mode. Mages are rarely in combat mode. Thus, the staff weapon effects shows
when a spell is cast and lasts until the mage moves, jumps, or strafes.
- The animation speed of campfires and smoke clouds has been slowed to normal sp
- Solo experience now follows the same clamping rules as group experience. We ha
d an issue where a group of people could disband and fight a monster individuall
y and get more experience per player.
- You can no longer use charged items when mesmerized.
- When a Realm conquers a keep that is owned by a Guild, the keep will show only

the new Realm's banners. There was a bug that kept the original Guild's banners
on the keep even though a new Realm had conquered it. Of course when the Guild
that led the siege claims the keep, that Guild's banner will then be displayed.
- Some extremely high level items required far too much money to repair. This ha
s been fixed.
- You can no longer use siege equipment when dead.
- The /GC UPGRADE flags no longer resets when a server is rebooted.
- You can no longer enter stealth mode while mezzed.
- Previously, a player who used shift-rightclick to remove a Cleric's buff also
removed that same buff from all other players with that buff cast by the same Cl
eric. This has been fixed.
- When a keep door is open and is repaired back up to 25%, it can now be closed.
Previously it required a 100% repair.
- Guilds can now change their emblem only once. There is no time limit on this;
it can be done any time after the guild emblem is initially selected - however,
it can be done only once.
- High level poison damages have been increased. Assassin characters should see
an increase in their poison damages.
- You should now be able to melee while using /stick more easily than before, al
though it still is not a guaranteed hit.
- Players should now get their 50th level abilities and spells when
o 50th level. Really. We promise this time. Unlike the previous two
e said we'd fixed this but really hadn't; now, we have. Also, chars
eady attained 50th level will be converted to have their 50th level

they raise t
times when w
who have alr

- When you claim a keep, that keep's guard guild names should now dynamically up
date when their cloak/shield symbol updates. Previously, they only updated when
you quit and come back in.
- When an NPC has damaged a player and you get no Realm Points, you'll now get a
message telling you.
- Guild leaders now implicitly have the permissions to CLAIM and UPGRADE a keep
without setting the flags to Y.
- Rank titles should now print correctly when you gain rank levels. Previously,
you would get the proper rank, but the message telling you of your new rank was
listing an incorrect title.
- Commas have been added to experience prints when you complete a task or quest.
- Guards will now face you to salute when you click on them (if they are designe
d to do that).
- Attack speed debuff spells no longer keep the target from evading or blocking.
It now literally only slows down their attacks.
- There is now a timer on how often you can /say and /yell, twice per second for
/say and once per second for /yell. You should only notice this if you are usin
g a macro.

- "Camp bonuses" have been substantially upped in dungeons. Now camp bonuses in
dungeons are, on average, 20% higher than outside camp bonuses.
- Guilds can no longer claim multiple keeps. If they have multiple keeps - only
the last keep taken stays with the guild.
- Heal spells have no effect on doors (and never had). Now, when you cast a heal
spell on a door, you get a message telling you that it has no effect.
- Characters can now have 16 total buffs on them at any one time. Previously, th
ey could have 20; now the "extra" 4 buff slots are reserved for debuffs/poisons/
dots and other "enemy" effects.
- Player encumbrances are now adjusted on the fly as ingredients are consumed du
e to upgrading and repairing.
- You can no longer fire arrows or cast spells through the terrain - such as "un
derneath" through a hill into a keep.
- Concentration pools should be calculated correctly when you quit and log back
in while rez-sick.
- Bounty Points are no longer given in the Battlefields. Bounty points are your
Realm's payment to you for defending your Realm. Because the Battlefields are tr
aining grounds, not real Realm combat, no Bounty Points will be given.
- You should no longer be able to repair a keep door when in the room above the
- You can now see more than 65000 bounty points printed on your screen. This was
a display problem only - you did have more bounty points; they just didn't prin
- The racial resistances were printing incorrectly (reversed). They now show cor
rectly in your RESISTANCE screen.


We've added a few new guild commands, some of which have already slipped into th
e live version. These commands let you specify a guild web page and guild email
address, which show up on your guild's listing on the Camelot Herald. The other
new commands are for alliance messages of the day and its associated rank settin
/gc webpage [] - is an additional line set by the leader that c
an be display in a /gc info command, as well as on the Herald.
/gc email [] - is an additional line set by the leader that
can be displayed in a /gc info command, as well as on the Herald.
/gc amotd - Alliance Message Of The Day set by the alliance leader and viewable
by all members of the alliance who log in. Note, that follower guild leaders can
edit *their guild* amotd, but this information is not displayed. In other words
, the information is stored on the guild, if this guild, in the future became an
alliance leader, the amotd would display.
/gc omotd - Officer Message Of The Day - set by the guild leader for the officer

/gc edit [ranknum] motd [y/n] - ability for the guild leader to allow a rank to
edit the guild motd.
/gc edit [ranknum] alli [y/n] - ability for the guild leader to allow a rank to
enter/leave alliances (create a diplomatic officer).

- We've added more cloth robes to the game. You may notice that your mage's outf
it is different when you log into the game - as there are many more robes to go
around now, we've spread the new robe graphics around.
- Friars now have a few of their own robes, which are naturally colored (i.e. no
t a mage robe tinted brown).
- Previously, Guild Emblems were displaying backwards on all shields. This has b
een fixed.
- The Glimmer King Dragon now has the same "glow in the dark" effect as other mo
nsters in that zone.


We have added two new restricted RvR battlefield zones, which brings the total n
umber of Battlefields up to 3. Each is restricted by level. The lowest is for le
vels 20-24, the second for levels 25-29, and the third is for levels 30-35. The
intent of these battlefields is to provide a training ground where lower-level c
haracters can practice and learn RvR tactics without having to worry about highe
r-level players marauding them. Each Battlefield has been configured to allow ea
ch player approximately 100 enemy "kills" before you will no longer be allowed t
o port there.
The Battlefields:
- Caledonia - levels 30 - 35, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 9
- Murdaigean - levels 25 - 29, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 5
- Thidranki - levels 20 - 24, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 3
The medallion merchant's speech has been updated to reflect the changes within t
he Battlegrounds. Should you have questions on the function of the portals or wh
ich battleground your level/realm rank can travel to, please seek him out.


The Camelot Herald ( displays Guild Information. Version 1
.48 allows guild leaders to specify which options are displayed on these web pag
Character display options:

The default setting for characters to be displayed is name, class, level, realm
points and guild affiliation.
Items under the characters control:
/webdisplay nopoints - If this flag is set to on (default), realm points are dis
played on the herald. Off - not displayed.
/webdisplay trades - If this flag is set to on, tradeskill levels are displayed
on the herald. Off (default) - not displayed
Guild display options:
/gc displayofficers - If this flag is set to on (default), a hierarchy of the gu
ild from ranks 0-9 is displayed. Off - not displayed.


- The Albion Cabalist's Ruby Simulacrum pet should be proccing properly, and the
poison DoT procced by the Emerald Simulacrum has had its damage increased.
- Fixed icons of new Wizard bolts.
- Resistance debuff component of Runemasters' Minor Raven Bolt line and Raven Dr
ove line should debuff the proper element now.
- In order to buff out Wizard damage, we've added a bolt to the Wizard's Fire sp
ecialization Pyromancy list. It uses the same timer as the Bolt of Lava line.
4 Minor Fire Streak
8 Fire Streak
14 Minor Flame Streak
19 Flame Streak
25 Minor Incendiary Lance
33 Incendiary Lance
41 Minor Flame Spear
50 Flame Spear

- We've removed the central patrols in the Battlefield, these realm guards now w
ill guard the island area only and should not be able to be pulled to the portal
Albion One-time Drops: Dai - Keltoi BattleMail (will now drop for Minstrels)
Tusker - Tusker's Old Wound (will now drop for Minstrels)
Midgard Faction
The Guardians of Midgard are now aggressive to those who enter their territory.
Note that Midgard residents should receive positive benefits to the Guardian fac
tion when hunting traditional enemies of the realm.

Albion Encounters
Lyonesse: Sister Blythe has tapped into the hidden power of the Temple of Arawn.
It is rumored she now has the ability to rise the dead and command them to do h
er will!
Lyonesse / Cornwall: It seems as though the pygmy goblins in Lyonesse have been
toying with new magics of late, explosions have been heard in the area. There ha
ve been reports of more strange monster activity in Lyonesse and Cornwall.
Pennine: Sir Bors has received troublesome reports from a scout in the Pennine M
ountains. It appears Lord Elidyn can now wield farie magic. The scout claims Lor
d Elidyn's power can change frogs into Ellyll heroes!
Hibernia Encounters
Bri Leith: Travelers returning from the Valley of Bri Leith report strange gusts
of wind in the southern regions of the valley. Rumors are that some sort of mag
ical beast is responsible.
Lough Gur: A group of adventurers returning from Lough Gur have reported that th
ey were attacked by grasping roots when traveling through the forest.
Midgard Encounters
Muspelheim: A giant in Muspelheim has apparently found a new way to harness the
power of lava. This giant has been throwing glowing boulders at any passers, sla
ying more than one unwary adventurer.
Vanern Swamp: Magical storms have been illuminating the evening sky in the North
eastern region of the swamp. The hagbui have been restless of late and seem more
defensive of their lands. Extra caution would be advised when traveling in the
Hibernia Quests
Quest: Wolf Infestation: Players that follow the Way of Nature and use Caoimhe i
n Ardee as their trainer will now receive their level 4 trainer quest.
Quest: Returning for more/Traces of Mad Changelings: Lusmorebane will now give c
asters Lusmorebane's Jeweled Necklace when they kill him for the Traces of Mad C
hangelings quest. Enchanters, Eldritches, and Mentalists who received the Belt o
f Spryness may return it to Tressa Gorrym'jiarg on the hill above Druim Cain in
Bri Leith to exchange it for Lusmorebane's Jeweled Necklace.
Midgard World
Cursed Tomb: Players seeking adventure in the Cursed Tomb will no longer need to
Commander Draugr who wanders past the entrance. Finding no match for himself at
the front of the dungeon, he now seeks refuge deeper within awaiting those who w
ish to challenge his might.
Vendo Caverns: Hunters have reported that some of the bears within the dungeon h

ave migrated to safer havens away from the cramped confines of the Caverns. Ther
e have also been reports of strange occurrences within the snakepit, but the cau
se of this remains unseen.
Hibernia World
Spraggon Den: Spraggon Den has had a few changes. Players adventuring within the
dungeon should find that a few more "safe spots" have been added to the dungeon
RvR World Note
- The keep lords in Caer Benowyc should not be getting stuck on the roof of Caer
Benowyc. Therefore, "This monster is too far away to attack." messages should b
e much less common in Caer Benowyc.
- The Albion mile fort gates can now be attacked, broken, and repaired.
New Material Merchants
The new merchants in the Merchant keeps should now be spawning correctly.
Merchants selling the higher level tradeskill materials have also been added to
the Relic Keeps.
Eythan Greene ? Castle Myrddin
Kathlynne Snowe ? Castle Excaliber
Sidroc Johannson ? Grallarhorn Faste
Synnove Byornsdottir ? Mjollner Faste
Eadaoin T'Kela ? Dun Dagda
Galen MacDugal ? Dun Lamfhota

We've scrubbed through the object database and fixed many small bugs that have b
een accumulating.
Item fixes:
- Stonewatch Bracer should now be set to the correct level.
- Ancient witherwoode bark was changed to a more appropriate icon.
- Stringed puppets, dolls, and hinges now have an icon.
- Cat Hide Boots and the cloth Tomte Tunic are now dyeable by the appropriate dy
- The Runic Manslayer was returned to its previous proc'ing state.

- Typos fixed in the "Webbed Shadow Jerkin", "Rogue Infiltrator Pendant", "Kelto
i Infiltrators Disguise", "guide to infiltration", "Empyrean Mist Cloak", "deamh
an hound tooth", "deamhan hound claw", "deamhan hound pelt", and a few others.
- The Furlined Hunter's Belt can now be equipped.
- The Snake Charm now has a level, and with that, it should be displaying condit
ion, durability, etc. correctly.
- The Ollipheist Eye now has a level.
Several items ended up with some resist bonuses listed twice as a result of the
resist consolidation a few weeks ago. The following are the ones that have been
changed thus far:
Ring of the Mental Fortress, Ghoulish Shackle, Shadowsteel Necklace, Belt of Spr
yness, Bracer of Dauntless Courage, Thunder-striders Leggings, Majestic Mantle o
f the Eternal, Svartalf Crafted Belt, Dread Blackscale Hauberk, Jewel Spiked Gau
ntlets, Restless Centurion Belt, Latticed Shadow Vest, Gossamer Seolc Sleeves, D
rum of Fading Valor, Aeiry Belt
Other item fixes:
A few dropped weapons, and some of the player-crafted weapons were displaying de
lve information indicative of the item possessing a proc, although the proc wasn
't named, nor did the weapon actually proc. This should be fixed for all the pla
yer-crafted weapons, and for the dropped weapons reported as bugged in this repe
Stackable Items:
The object database has been overhauled! A large portion of the common loot drop
s are now stackable in a person's inventory, in varying numbers. This includes r
egular and pristine versions of many pelts and carapaces, small-sized body parts
(ew!), small non-magic items (for example, rings or gems), flat items such as p
aper or notes, small junk loot, and medium junk loot. NOTE: The items may not au
tomatically stack in a player's inventory when picked up. To stack an item, clic
k on the icon in your inventory, move the cursor to the icon of a duplicate item
, and click again. Once an item is stacked, it cannot be separated into single o
bjects again, and the whole
stack is sold when interacting with a vendor.
- The drop rates for epic monsters in Raumarik, Cursed Forest and Llyn Barfog ha
ve been substantially increased. Happy hunting!
- The Woebegone Boots will now drop with the proper material setting.
- The Medal of Valor should now have the proper level and con.
- The Boots of Loki now increase Dexerity by 6 instead of increasing the climb s
- The Glimmerspirit Shortbow will now drop with the proper material setting.
- The Stonewatch bow now increases dexerity instead of bow skill.

- The Smiter's Belt is now equipable on the waist.

- The Supple Frogskin Pants can now be dyed.
- The Runed Clay Gloves now increase poison skill instead of backstab.
- The Mire walker's Helm now has the correct AF.
- The Bog Stider's Hauberk should now have the correct AF.
- The Belt of Animation should now Con correctly.
- The Black Golden-embossed Hood can now be dyed.
- The Majestical Ring should now be able to be equiped in either ring slot.
- The Cave Prowler's Gauntlets had the second quickness entry changed to
- The Enraged wolf Pelt Cloak can now be dyed.
- The Ruby Dusted Robe can now be dyed.
- The Diamond dusted robe can now be dyed.
- The Emerald Dusted robe can now be dyed.
- The Drakulv Mightcaller Ring now has the correct icon.
- The Ripper Jerkin can now be dyed.
- Sinach fangs can now be carried.


- The 9th/10th material type recipes are in. If you have the appropriate skill/r
ank you should be able to see the newer recipes.
- The amount of raw wood needed in the final recipe/step for all Siege Engines h
as been halved.
Clarification on /repair and the trade window repair
The /repair on the ground takes about half the skill required to make the item.
So if a sword requires a skill of 800 to make, it takes about a skill of 400 to
/repair it. This allows you to repair items that are way above your level, but o
nly takes time to do. This also limits you to being able to repair only one at a
The trade window repair takes about the skill required to make the item. So a sw
ord that takes a skill 800 to make will take about an 800 skill to repair it wit
h the trade window. This allows a highly skilled crafter to repair multiple item
s without any extra delay associated with it.
Here are the final Camelot 1.49 Release Notes. 1.49 has one major new feature: t
he new Darkness Falls dungeon; as well as some features to make it a bit easier

to protect your Relics, and lots of other fixes and tweaks.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.49 Release Notes
- Groups now get more Realm Points when killing other players. A full group of 8
people gets a 100% bonus - 12.5% per person in the group.
- The range that Realm Points are awarded for group members has been doubled fro
m 4000 to 8000 units.
- When forming a guild or purchasing/changing an emblem, the group leader's cash
display is now updated properly.
- Guild promotion/demotion now shows immediately on the player's interface. Prev
iously, it was not updated until the player logged off and back on.
- Changes to rank titles now show up in the listing.
- Monsters will no longer become "unrooted" when the character casting the root
is healed by another player.
- You can now change your guild's emblem one time only. It costs 100 gold.
- Very long falls in a dungeon now result in a player's immediate death.
- You can now raise above 1000 in your tradeskills.
- You now see a message when using an item.
- You can no longer cast charm on other players.


A reminder from Customer Support about the possibility of XP loss in RvR combat:
The new Darkness Falls dungeon is a place to hunt monsters where there is a sig
nificant chance that you will encounter enemy players. Remember that when you ar
e injured by a monster and have not healed to 100% health before getting killed
by an enemy in RvR, you will take XP loss just as if you were killed by the mons
ter. This is not a bug, and Customer Support cannot help with any XP lost in thi
s manner. Be careful out there and have fun!


We have gone through all spells and graphical spell effects to make them consist
ent and more easily identifiable. Please note that these changes are in appearan
ce only - the actual effectiveness of the spells have not been changed, just the
ir icons and graphics. Because of this, you will notice that the graphical effec

ts and/or icons for your spells may have changed. We realize that this change wi
ll cause some confusion, but it's much more consistent than it was previously, a
nd you'll be able to identify all spells on sight.
The spell effects have undergone the following general changes:
1) Some were split into components that can be more readily re-used without bein
g realm-specific. (e.g. the angel wings and Norse runes)
2) Lists have been diversified to have fewer repeat effects within lines. Some c
asting classes that had a lot of the same effects repeated over and over should
get much more variety.
3) Several older effects have received minor facelifts to look a bit more attrac
tive and to be more easily discernable
4) A number of new effects were created to help with diversifying the spell list
s as per #2
5) Sound sets have been re-assigned for many spells to something more appropriat
e than the previous sound assigned to it.
Spell functionality Changes
- In order to give the Shamans who specialize in cave magic a little more offens
ive power, we've increased damage on the Shaman Cave magic spell lines Fungal Di
spersion and Fungal Pin lines by 20%.
- Increased range on Minstrel Compelling Cadence line.
- Warden spell line Nature's Revenge is now a shout. Ferocity of Nature is now a
self buff instead of a chant. Fixed bug with Attack Unending; it is now a shout
, and is no longer overwritten by Attack Unfading.
- Healer spells in the Guardian's Ward line and Wake Forgetful line should no lo
nger overwrite each other.
- The Theurgist Refrigeration spell Snow Blast is now awarded at L12 instead of
13 (which is when Summon Ice Spirit is awarded).

A new dungeon makes its debut in this version of Dark Age of Camelot: the subter
ranean land of the dead known as Darkness Falls. Populated by Demons, Imps, and
other hellish creatures, Darkness Falls is an immense sprawling underground king
dom dominated by the arch-demon Legion.
Accessing Darkness Falls
Any character brave (or foolish) enough to want to explore Darkness Falls will h
ave to find one of the portals that have been put in each Realm's home zone. Add
itionally, there are portals in each Realm's Relic Keeps. Please note that Darkn
ess Falls is attuned to the power of each Realm - only those members of the Real
m that hold more territory than the others are allowed entry. In order to activa
te your Realm's portal, your Realm must hold more frontier keeps (Outposts) than
either of the other two Realms.

Please note that you can only use portals located in your Realm, not an enemy Re
In the dungeon there are several different exits that take you different places
based on your realm.
Each realm has a wing in which they enter the dungeon, Near each entrance (a cou
ple rooms away) is an exit that will take the 'home' realm to back to their home
region, but will take 'enemies' to their portal keep in the opposing frontier.
Thus, a Midgard player going through Albion's exit portal will end up in Hadrian
's Wall in the Midgard portal keep, while an Albion player going through Albion'
s exit will end up near the dungeon entrance portal in Camelot Hills.
Darkness Falls has many sub-bosses in addition to Legion, the main boss of the d
ungeon. Each boss encounter has an exit portal nearby that takes each realm to t
heir home zone.
Near the center of the dungeon (near the transition to the lower level) is a por
tal that takes each realm to their home zone.
When you are in Darkness Falls and another Realm takes control of the portals, y
ou can stay in the underworld until you exit (via a portal) or /release on death
. This means that while adventuring in Darkness Falls, please be aware that you
will probably run into members of opposing Realms. RvR combat is fully supported
in the underworld, so beware. When portal control changes from one Realm to ano
ther, those members of the original Realm that had control are still able to adv
enture throughout Darkness Falls, so long as they don't release on death. As lon
g as they are resurrected on death by a friendly healer-type that is with them,
they can stay in Darkness Falls for as long as they want.

The Political Situation in Darkness Falls

The demons residing within Darkness Falls adhere to a strict structural hierarch
y that is based on the power of the demon. The most powerful of the demons have
titles and underlings who serve them. Of all the demons in the Darkness Falls, n
o group is physically weaker or smaller than the Picullus Imps. Because they are
so small and weak, the larger, nastier demons take pleasure in harassing them o
r make them do menial labor. Like small fish that live in the sea, the Picullus
Imps have learned to survive by gathering together around their siblings and rel
atives and hiding out as far away from the big demons as they can.
While they may be small and weak, the Picullus have learned to use their small s
ize to their advantage, perfecting the art of sneaking and infiltrating. Since t
hey are unable to fight back against the large demons physically, they have foun
d other ways to extract their revengeby stealing away anything and everything they
can from the big demons. Fortunately for them, the demons never even think that
the imps are clever enough (or brave enough) to try something so foolish as to r
aid the demons hordes.
The imps never use anything that they steal, and unfortunately for them, the one
thing that they covet above all else is something they cannot get on their own.
Each demon possesses a seal, a center of focus that is a part of the demon. The
re are different types of seals, which are determined by the power of the demons
. The seals are shiny, and the shinier they are, the more they are desired by th
e imps. The unfortunate part is that they can only be obtained upon the death of
a demon, something the imps are incapable of doing.

Unlike most demons, the imps do not dislike humanity. In fact, they tend to like
just about anyone who wont hurt them. The Picullus Imps have learned to obtain tha
t which they covet by offering up their stolen goods to those who would kill the
greater demons and bring back their seals. The different types of seals carry d
ifferent value in the eyes of the imps, and the imps will barter for them like m
oney. So by accumulating a lot of seals, one could potentially acquire many item
s of value.
Darkness Falls Loot System
Darkness Falls uses a different set of rules for the acquisition of loot. The co
mmon denizens of this dungeon drop magic items but they are not the ones you usu
ally see. There are various types of jewel-like seals that can be found. You wil
l likely find more of them on the powerful demons and lords.
There are imps that want the seals. The stealthy imps have stolen a lot of treas
ure from the demons and will offer it in return for the different types of magic
al seals. The imps could not steal the items from the powerful demons in the dun
geon, and will gladly trade you their items for your seals.
When trading, seals are deducted from your inventory as you barter with the imps
. Different imps want different magic seals so check with all of them. When you
speak with the imp he will tell you what type of magical seal he wants. Any item
s from that imp will require the correct type of seal. There is a value next to
each item in the store window, which is its cost in seals.
Note: this method allows for very even loot distribution in groups, but keep in
mind you cannot unstack items, so be careful when you decide to stack them.


We've made a few changes that should make throwing weapons - for Midgard Warrior
s and Shadowblades - much more effective.
There are now 2 types of each thrown weapon. The cheapest type are called balanc
ed knives/axes/hammers. They have a 30% range increase over the old thrown weapo
ns, sell in stacks of 20, and stack up to 40 - and now cost much less than they
used to.
The second version of the weapons - called "weighted" hammers/axes/knives - have
a 60% range increase over the old thrown weapons. These cost more than the bala
nced version but are still cheaper than the old thrown weapons overall. The stor
es also now feature these weapons up to the Asterite level in material - we did
this so the new throwing weapons could compete a little better with the huge var
iety of arrows and bolts.
Note: "balanced" throwing weapons still have a small range disadvantage over xbo
ws, short bows (when using normal range arrows) and a large range disadvantage a
gainst regular archer bows (using normal range arrows or bolts). The weighted ve
rsions still have a small range disadvantage over xbows and short bows, and a la
rge range disadvantage against archer bows when they use extra range arrows.

- Rumor Mill NPCs: We've added more backstory and world-related information to t

he Rumor Mill NPCs in each realm (criers, barkeeps, and filidhs).

- Hibernian players can now get simple directions and descriptions for appropria
te level dungeons. See a wandering Filidh for more details.
Albion World:
There were certain conditions where a some monsters in Keltoi dungeon would not
respawn. Now they will respawn slowly under those conditions (as opposed to not
at all).
Mootang should no longer be displayed as "the Mootang".
Lyonesse: The pygmy goblin sapper and bombardier were correctly set up as unchar
mable, and now they are now properly displaying as uncharmable humanoids.
Basilisks and cockatrices will now have a stun-like ability. They were trying to
use an ability that had no effect on players previously.
Golestandt's allies will heal less frequently.
Llyn Barfog: The bearded gorger, frenzied feeder and needletooth devourer popula
tion has risen in Llyn Barfog. These beasts are more ravenous than ever, sometim
es swarming their prey.
Midgard World:
Vanern and Muspelheim: You will no longer need to be right on top of the Jotuns
in Vanern or the Fire Giants in Muspelheim to hit them.
Vanern: Reduced the Hagbuis defensive abilities and hit points to balance their imp
roved spell powers and special abilities.
Vanern: Mokkurvalves shards will now be slightly aggressive.
Gotar: The crabs on the beaches should no longer be "too far away to attack" upo
n spawning.
Gjalpinulva's allies will heal less frequently.

Hibernia World:
Cuuldurach's allies will heal less frequently.
The monsters in Muire Tomb should now be correctly displaying their adjectives.
"a mummy hag" vs. "mummy hag"
Midgard: The level 43 to 50 guild track quests are now available to players that
have completed the previous guild track quests. Please speak to your class trai
ner in the city of Jordheim and the surrounding towns for details.
Midgard: A new troll named Trustan has moved into Huginfell from Myrkwood. He fl
ed in a hurry to due problems with the arachites, svartalfs, and werewolves and

could use some help with a few problems he is still having. He and his friend At
zar know quite a bit about the three groups and are willing to share their infor
Albion: The level 43 to 50 guild track quests are now available to players that
have completed the previous guild track quests. Please speak to your class train
er in the city of Camelot for details.
Albion: Although the rumors have been denied by some, it is said that Lieutenant
Kuebler in Castle Sauvage is having trouble with the fellwoods of Forest Sauvag
Albion: Sister Rhigwyn of the Church of Albion is looking for strong, brave citi
zens to assist her in recovering a lost artifact of the Church. She has been pra
ying for assistance in the church in Camelot.
Albion: Master Kless of Cotswold Village is seeking someone to help the Academy
with a problem it has encountered recently.
Hibernia: The level 43 to 50 guild track quests are now available to players tha
t have completed the previous guild track quests. Please speak to your class tra
iner in the city of Tir na Nog for details.
Hibernia: Four low level quests have been added to Hibernia. These quests are fo
r player levels 1 to 4 and give out experience and coin.
Hibernia: The unseelie court has plagued the natives of Hibernia for many years.
Some feel it is in their best interest to remain impartial to them. Many try no
t to cross their path at all. Some even hope to ally themselves with the unseeli
e court, since they are such a great power. Few know the truth, or the reasons,
the unseelie court remains in Hibernia. But players seeking to find knowledge wo
uld be wise to seek out their filidh, for some residents of Hibernia have taken
it upon themselves to study the unseelie court; others have taken it upon themse
lves to help rid the land of the unseelie court, seeking assistance from more po
werful adventurers; still others simply wish to share their knowledge of the uns
eelie court, for the small price of a favor.
RVR - Battlegrounds:
The central keep gates in Thidranki and Murdaigean have been reduced in strength
. Additionally all Albion gates can now be upgraded in all Battlegrounds.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps:
Players can now speak a keyword as well as interact with gatekeepers at the fron
tier and relic keeps in order to enter and exit. Note that the keywords are now
"Enter" or "Exit" as appropriate.
Frontier Changes
The frontier keep guards at the relic keeps have gone through an overhaul - most
have been reassigned to stationary posts and greater numbers now man the keeps.
Arkavr Faste should no longer have a blank Albion guild banner when owned by oth
er realms.

The guard patrols from the frontier keeps have returned to their old aggressive


- Changed Hand Axe Blade to Hand Axe Head
- Change War Axe Blade to War Axe Head
- Changed War Cleaver and War Cleaver head skill to be in line with War Cleaver
Haft skill
- Changed Torsion Cable leatherworking sub-skill to be correct minimum
- Removed the basic Blunt Arrows from being able to be picked in a consignment,
- Dwarven Short Sword hilt recipe icon now the correct icon
- Dwarven Great Sword blade recipe icon now the correct icon
- Changed Pick Hammer Haft skill to be in line with Pick Hammer and Pick Hammer
- Changed Torsion Cable leatherworking sub-skill to be correct minimum
- Fixed an issue with leatherworking being tagged as a sub-skill needed for the
Sledge Hammer, Pick Hammer, and Hooked Spear
- Staff and Shod Staff recipe icons now the correct icons
- Added Crossbows for Albion
- Added Instruments for Albion and Hibernia


This version of Dark Age of Camelot has the guild track quests for characters le
vel 43-50. The reward for completing these quests are class-specific armors and
robes (depending on the class). Please note that there is not yet new art for th
ese armors - they will use the standard armor "look" - but we will have the new
armor art in the game by the next patch. Please remember that this armor that yo
u get in version 1.49 will look different (and much better!) in the next patch.

- The Accursed Scroll in Albion and Hibernia is now working properly.

- The Maligned Summoners staff now focuses the proper skill.
- The Hibernian Diabolic Helm now has stat bonuses.
- The Warden Avernal Gloves had the bow skill increase changed.
- The Friar Atramentous Bile Gauntlets now increase staff skill instead of quart
- The Demonic Turmoil Gauntlets are now friar only instead of cleric only.
- The Abysal helm for thanes has been changed and now increases sword and axe.
- Albion Cloth armors got a tweak and now increase more stats that are used more
- The New damage spells associated with the item in Darkness Falls are getting t
oned down some.
- The Accursed Avernal Short Sword now increase Slash skill.
- Some of you may find your robes look different. We have started adding the new
robes to the game for Friars and casters.
1.49B has several fixes to problems that cropped up in yesterday's 1.49 update.
It addresses Relic Guard problems, rooted monster problems, and a trade skill pr
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.49B Release Notes
This is a server update that fixes a couple of problems introduced on the live s
ervers when 1.49 went live yesterday.
- A Realm that controls four relics now has the proper amount of "Relic" Guards
spawn. Previously, Realms with four or five relics would have no Relic Guards at
- You may no longer send pets to areas that are not normally accessible to playe
rs (through walls, etc.)
- When you are close to a monster that is rooted, it will no longer follow you a
t normal speed if you move away from it.
- Sheathing or wielding a weapon will no longer interrupt a pending trade skill.
- You can now go above 1000 in trade skill. Currently you do not get a new title
when you achieve 1000 points, but you will in the near future.

- The toggle command /gc officerdisplay we incorrectly listed in the 1.48 notes.
The actual command is /gc officerdisplay

Hibernia World: The horses at the parth farm in Lough Durg should now correctly
be neutral to the players. Previously they conned aggressive but were, in fact,
Albion World: Tradeskills: Brach Leof has been moved into the building just nort
h and west of the lathe.
Midgard Quest: War Concluded: Hunters that received a Crystalized Snowflake Pin
for their level 43 reward and their level 45 reward should speak with Salevia in
Fort Atla. She will ask for one of the crystallized snowflake pins and give out
the correct level 43 reward (Arrowhead necklace). In addition, The Shadowblades re
ward, Dancing Flame, is now a more reasonable weight.
Midgard Quest: Saving the Clan: Runemasters who turned in Runils scrolls but could
not continue may return to Danica in Mularn and resume their quest.


To alleviate some of the confusion brought on by the guard changes in 1.49, here
's an explanation of how the system works.
Each home Outpost (frontier keep), when "owned" by the home realm, controls a co
ntingent of guards at each Relic Keep. For example, if the forces of Albion cont
rol the Albion Outpost Caer Benowyc, a number of guards representing Caer Benowy
c will appear at the Relic Keeps in the Albion frontier. The number of "Relic Gu
ards" these outposts spawns depends on the location of the outpost - the number
is either 2,3, or 4 guards. These are referred to as "Outpost relic guards", and
are distinguished from normal guards at the relics by being higher level and ha
ving the name of the "controlling" Outpost keep over their heads.
However, the actual number of "Outpost Relic Guards" at the relic keep is modifi
ed by two factors: Outposts owned and Relics owned.
Relics owned:
Outpost Relic Guards are reduced by 25% for every relic over 2 owned by a Realm.




75% frontier keep relic guards

50% frontier keep relic guards
25% frontier keep relic guards
0% frontier keep relic guards

Outposts Owned
When an Outpost is captured by the enemy, the guards it controls are not spawned
at the relic keeps.
Camelot 1.50 is now live. Here's the full release notes to the version. Big item
s in 1.50 are the debut of the new Realm Ability system, graphics for the level

50 armors, some spell additions, and lots of tweaks and bug fixes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.50 Release Notes
- Class-specific items in backpacks can now be used by the class that they were
intended for; other classes can not.
- Enemy players should now longer be able to take control of siege equipment thr
ough a door.
- If you're in combat mode and you sit down, you'll now exit out of combat mode.
- Really large experience awards should no longer print as negative numbers (eve
n though the proper amount of experience was being awarded).
- High-level poisons are now stripped from a weapon that is used by a lower leve
l player. Previously the poison would not "fire", and the poison would stay on t
he weapon indefinitely.
- Chat groups will now support up to 50 players.
- [/gc who alliance] will now show you everyone in the alliance, not just player
s in your guild.
- Keep Lords and Guards will no longer warp to the roofs of keeps when fighting
- You can no longer use charged items directly out of your inventory.
- You can no longer "pull" players via resurrection behind boundary walls or oth
er illegal locations.
- Pets will no longer attack mesmerized enemies if the pet is in defensive mode.
If he is set to aggressive, he will still attack mezzed enemies.
- Hibernian and Midgard "in-game" guilds now grant their members level titles up until now, only Albion guilds had this feature. Please note that you may have
to level your character once to see your title.
- Midgard Warriors now are granted the Intercept ability at level 12. Any Warrio
r currently over level 11 will be converted and given the skill.


The time has come to take the wraps off our new Realm Ability system. The purpos
e of this system is to give higher-level players new abilities that they can att
ain by engaging in RvR combat. A secondary benefit is to give classes more abili

ties that can help them during RvR battles - for example, one of the Realm Abili
ties open to melee classes is to gain an increased resistance to stun/mez spells
Please remember that there are Realm Ranks and Realm Levels. There are 100 Realm
levels, which are divided into 10 Realm Ranks. For the Realm Ability system, ea
ch player will receive one Realm Skill Point for each Realm Level attained - giv
ing the player a maximum of about 100 points to spend on these new abilities.
In order to "spend" Realm Ability Points on a skill, you'll go to your standard
class trainer. The Realm Abilities available to your class will be listed there.
Please note that you do not have to have a high number of Realm Levels to be ab
le to take advantage of these new abilities - in almost all cases, a character t
hat has just a few realm levels can purchase at least a couple of new abilities.
There are two types of realm abilities: Passive and Active. Passive realm abilit
ies are always on, and can affect your character in small ways, generally 3% per
level (high levels of passive realm abilities grant substantial bonuses, howeve
r). Active abilities have re-use timers between 5 and 30 minutes, and are either
instant effects or duration effects lasting between 30 and 60 seconds. Each cla
ss has a list of abilities tailored to them, and each class has an ability uniqu
e to them.
Some realm abilities have multiple levels, and each level will add more bonus. F
or example, the Augmented Strength realm ability awards 6 Strength points per le
vel of the ability purchased, and there are five levels. So, in our example, a L
evel 3 Augmented Strength would give +18 Strength to a character.
The costs for each level of ability, as well as the advanced abilities increase
with the level you are trying to attain. Also, please note that some Realm Abili
ties have pre-requisites that must be purchased before you can buy them. Pre-req
uisite skills may have to be purchased to a given level before an advanced skill
can be trained.
For a complete list of Realm Abilities broken down by class, go to

This version of Camelot has the first version of our new ambient sound system. Y
ou'll notice while running around that you won't hear so much dead silence. This
version is just the first step in the changes, though - so all you'll hear are
non-interactive sounds such as birds, animals, wind, etc. All zones have had thi
s sound upgrade, which includes both new day and night sounds. Please note that
these new sounds are only in outdoor terrain zones. Cities and dungeons will be
worked on next.


These are the first of the Strike Team Combat Style changes, based on player, Te
am Lead, and in-house testing feedback. This are NOT the only changes that we wi
ll be making to combat styles; they are merely the first of the changes.
- You will now be able to cancel a combat style after you activate it but before
you swing by hitting the same style button again (i.e. hitting it once activate

s the style, hitting it again cancels it).

- You can now be able to specify a "backup" style. This means you can activate,
for example, an "evade" style, and as a backup, a no opening style. This means i
f your target attacks you again before you get your next style off and you DON'T
evade, the game will use your backup style (the no opening one) instead. You ch
oose the "backup" style by hitting the key for your primary, and then they key f
or the backup. Please note that once you specify a primary and a backup style, y
ou cannot cancel them.
- Please note that for both canceling and setting up a backup style that you don
't have to keep repeatedly mashing the buttons to get a combat style off, even i
n low frame rate conditions. The game will buffer your command and send it, even
if you are not getting good performance from your client.
We are aware that hitting Shift-# key to switch toolbars does not work this
- All Left Axe styles which grow in damage as you train further in left axe have
the amount they grow doubled. This is to balance out the fact that left axe dam
age is cut in half (because two weapons hit every round).
- Tracking Spear now uses Parry as an opening.
- Wyvern's Bite now uses Dragonspider as its opening.
- Evernight is now rear positional.
- Valkyrie's Shield is now based on you blocking.
- The opening for Defender's Rage now is whenever a combat style is used success
fully on you.
- "Double Recovery" as been changed to "Onslaught" and now is side positional.
- Odin's Wrath now chains off Razor Edge.
- Brilliant Blade now chains off Revenging Blade.
- Prismatic Blade now chains off Dancing Blade.
- Bludgeon has had its fatigue cost cut in half; its taunt is now 50% more effec
tive, and it has a medium bonus to hit.
- Decaying Rage's detaunt amount has been tripled.
- Side Slicer is now correctly side positional.


Those rogue-types who specialized up to level 50 in Stealth were not being award
ed Safe Fall 5. This has been fixed, and all existing rogues with 50 stealth wil
l now be given that skill. Additionally, future Rogues who level up to 50 in ste
alth will receive the skill properly.


We've added in the graphics for the level 50 armors.


- On your character sheet, there are two values: WeapDam and ArmorFact. WeapDam
is representative of your weapon's damage per second. ArmorFact is the aggregate
armor factor of each piece of armor weighted by the percent chance to hit the a
rea where the armor is worn. Previously, ArmorFact took the quality of the piece
into account - unfortunately WeapDam did not. It's now fixed such that the Weap
Dam printed on the character sheet takes the quality of the weapon and multiplie
s it into the DPS to get the effective dps of the weapon. Note that for most pla
yers, this factor will be reduced when they log into this new version (since it
ED JUST BECAUSE THIS NUMBER IS LOWER. You can get information (shift-I) on the w
eapon to see that the base numbers have not changed - just the WeapDam value (wh
ich is a conglomeration of all the numbers) has.
- More information has been added to the Shift-I Info window for weapons. You no
w see:
Base DPS
Clamped DPS
Effective Damage
Where the Effective Damage is the Clamped DPS multiplied by the Quality and Cond
ition factors.
(3) More information has been added to the Shift-I Info window for armor. You no
w see:
Base Factor
Clamped Factor
Effective Factor
Where the Effective Factor is the Clamped Factor multiplied by the Quality and C
ondition factors and divided by the absorption.


- We've gone through all the bug reports from the last spell graphics update, an
d have made many fixes. Some spells had no effects at all, some were displaying
incorrect graphics, etc.
- A new group heal spell line has been added to the Mending base spell list:



- Added new group heal spell line to Healer Mending spec track:
15 Favor of Battle

26 Boon of Battle
36 Dispensation of Battle
46 Tribute of Battle
- Added new area-effect root line to the Shaman Cave spec:

Vine Field
Weed Field
Creeper Field
Tendril Field

- Added
27 Mold
37 Mold
47 Mold

point blank area-effect disease shout to Shaman Cave spec:


- Resistances now affect the duration of debuffs, which include mez/root/snare/s

tun. Positive amounts in your bonus page will reduce the duration of debuffs *of
that damage type* by the listed percent. Negative amounts will increase the dur
ation of debuffs except for mesmerize, stun and root/snare. This means that mez/
root/snare/stun duration will never be longer than they were previous to this up
date - but if you are resistant to a particular one, its duration will be shorte
r. These bonuses are cumulative with realm ability magical resistance.

Trade Skills: all craft trainers will now give additional information to players
just prior to joining a crafting guild. Information details what the player wil
l be creating and how well the player can craft within the other crafting skills
Realm Portals: All portal stores will now indicate the names of battleground you
will travel to during your later levels.
- The additional tradeskill areas in the three home cities should now host a mer
chant for each of the crafting skills.
- Craft Trainers will no longer tell you "Welcome to our order!" when you have y
et to join. Trainers will also correctly inform you if the craft is not availabl
e to your class.
Hibernia World:
Dungeon: Muire Tomb: One survivor of a grave-robbing expedition in Muire Tomb re
turned to Ardee, where he succumbed to madness. Before he became incoherent, he
reported that his expedition had broken through the tomb walls in several locati
ons, revealing new passageways which delve deeper into the ancient crypt than an
y records ever indicated. The skeletal remains of the Muire family dating back t
o even before Connaire have been found to be even more dangerous than the last k
nown head of this powerful elven family.
Lough Gur: The gurite waylayer hiding just a bit too well in the trees should no
w be targettable.
Midgard Monsters:

- The entrancing dirge should no longer be able to chain-cast a mesmerization sp

ell while in melee combat.
- The wayward fenrir scout in Raumarik has located his home camp to pull allies
Albion Monsters:
The Salisbury Giant should no longer be able to attack adventurers from a distan
ce while the player is "out of range" for spell casting.
Hibernia Monsters
Cliffs of Moher: The Koalinth Sentinels guarding Koalinth Caverns taken new sent
ry posts away from the exit of the dungeon.
Midgard Quests:
New Quest: Thorgil, the farmer driven from his home outside Audliten, is still h
aving problems with the tomtes. Thorgil is looking for those that helped him wit
h the first problem to visit him again. Thorgil could use their help with the pl
ot the tomtes have cooked up for Thorgil and Audliten.
We have added two repeatable quests, similar to the Soul Gem and Fell Tooth Albi
on-based quests. These Midgard quests begin in Uppland, and there is a limit to
the maximum number of times you can complete them.
New Quest: Gudlor of Huginfell is worried about a dangerous book that is in his
possession. Those that have helped Gudlor before should seek him out for he need
s assistance.
Hibernia Quests:
New Quest: Mannix, in Mag Mell, swears he knows where adventurers can obtain som
e useful, enchanted items, for a small risk.
New Quest: Gormghlaith, in Howth, is looking for people to collect water beetle
carapaces for her home-made concoctions, but there seems to be more to her simpl
e request for help than meets the eye.
Hibernia Quests: We have added two repeatable quests, similar to the Soul Gem an
d Fell Tooth Albion-based quests. These Hibernian quests begin in or near Mt. Co
llory, and there is a limit to the maximum number of times you can complete them
Albion Quests:
In our next patch, we will be adding a very high limit to the maximum number of
times you can complete the following quests: Save the Spirits and Fell Creatures
Bounty. If you want to guarantee that you can turn in any items you might have
been saving for these quests, you should turn them in before the next patch.
Albion Quests: Remember, in our next patch, we will be adding a limit to the max
imum number of times you can complete the following quests: "Soul Gem" and "Fell
Tooth Bounty." If you want to guarantee that you can turn in any items you migh
t have been saving for these quests, you should turn them in before the next pat
Realm v. Realm Notes

- Frontier Keeps: It should be easier to target NPC archers at all frontier keep
s, and particularly the hibernian frontier keeps.
- The guild banners on Caer Hurybury and Blendrake Faste should now be working c
orrectly. (Note: This fix was also made to live servers on 5/2/02)
- The realm guards should be not quite so vigilant about shouting out at their e
nemies as they attack.

- Stiletto of the Soulshade (Albion) now properly uses thrust instead of slash.
- The chewed staff had its incorrect resistence buff fixed.
- The Spirit Bone Pin may now be worn.
- The double Body resist entries for the Worn Jewel Dusted Robe are now a single
- The double Body resist entry for the Truesilver Flute has been fixed.
- Supple Willow branches should stack properly.
- Changed the +emp bonus on the Dancing Silk tunic (Midgard) to +pie
- The Smoldering Ember staff (Albion) is now friar only.
- The Gnawed Staff (Albion) should be displaying a proper resist.
- The Brigadine Gloves of Vigilant Defense ( Scout quest armor) now correctly bu
ff the longbow skill.
- Baln's Sulfuric Slicer (Midgard version) correctly buffs sword instead of slas
- The Enraged Wolf Pelt Cloak should be emblemizable.
- Avernal Maligned Staff of Mind, Accursed Demon Hammer, Accursed Demon Crusher,
Accursed Demon Staff of Light, Accursed Demon Staff of Enchantment, and Accurse
d Demon Recurve Bow (Hibernia DF items) were all adjusted to be the appropriate
- The new monsters for Muire Tomb are itemized, complete with new magical goodie
s to round out the existing equipment set in the zone.
- Several common loot objects are now stackable that previously weren't. This in
cludes necklaces, collars, chains, bracelets, bracers, armbands, bottles, differ
ent kinds of dust, essences, pins, and a few other assorted small items.
- Salvage values based on the value of the object have been set on existing drop
ped armor and weapons.
- Removed "phantom proc" from the Worn Dark Guardian Sword.
- The stat bonuses on the Granny's Shawl were tuned to be more level appropriate

- Salvage values based on the value of the object has been set on existing
quest armor and weapons.
- The Cloak of Night can now take emblems.
- The Emerald-beaded strand now has the correct icon.


- Crafted items now have a minimum quality of 94 percent. There is now an even c
hance that any crafted item will have a quality of 94-99 percent, with a very sm
all chance of 100 percent.
- When you go up in level in a crafting skill, the print line will now tell you
what your new level is.
- Added in the ability for armorcrafters and tailors to make the "level 6" versi
on of their various types of armor. This enables them, at the material 10 level,
make armor that is 51st level (versus the 50th level of dropped items and quest
items). This will enable tradeskillers to make the current highest possible bas
e AF armors for their realms.
- Timers for all of the recipes have been changed. This has a slight increase to
the timers at the high end, but is about the same, if not lower, for the level
10 materials. You will notice a distinct drop in the timer for materials 6-9. We
changed the base equation that we used for the timers so everything was more un
iform. Weaponcrafters should notice a significant decrease in the *overall* time
it takes to craft a weapon. They still take the most time to make a single item
, but it isn't as artificially high as it was before.
- To coincide with the addition of salvage values for almost every single item t
hat is dropped or quested (see note at end), we also equalized the salvage value
s for crafted items as well. They were set too high before, and in some cases wo
uld allow a crafter to salvage enough material back to make a positive amount of
coin. Salvage was always intended to allow you to get materials back from items
from the world, not allow you to powerskill up without any additional coin from
your own items.
***Note: Any weapon, armor, etc, that drops/is quested should be salvagable now.
Most of the other drops, as well, should give you some type of salvage, but it
is possible that the object wasn't set up properly for that. As we have time, we
'll be going back through to try to change that.***
Crafting Items Coming Soon
- Fletchers will get the ability to create the "level 6" versions of Bows/Staves
- Crafters of 1000+ skill will be able to ignore the item quality cap that is
currently in place (i.e. if you are skill 1050 then anything you make, regardles
s if it is red, orange, etc will have the full chance of being a 94-100 quality
Crash bug is all better, as you can see - but I have a little update to the patc
h notes. The note about sub-regions in cities should be disregarded, as it makes
reference to something only on Pendragon. Also, the new post-20 tasks are not l
ive yet, since their implementation wasn't working. We still plan to do both cha

nges, but not until we've got the kinks worked out.
Some fixes and clarifications:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.50B Release Notes
Wednesday, MAy 8, 2002
- Druid Realm Abilities were set incorrectly - Druids were not getting the abili
ties they were selecting from their trainer. This is now fixed. Please note that
all Druids have had their realm abilities wiped and realm points refunded to co
rrect the problem. All Druids will need to retrain to get their correct Realm Ab
- The realm ability Majesty of Magery has been renamed Majestic Will to reduce c
onfusion with Master of Magery.
- Nightshade and Ranger realm ability lists have been revised. Nightshades get W
ild Arcana, not Mastery of the Arcane, and the Ranger gets Mastery of the Arcane
, not Wild Arcana.
- Strength enhancing Realm Abilities will now immediately increase Encumbrance.
- In certain situations, group abilities (such as Group Purge) were not having t
heir timer set, allowing the caster to cast the ability over and over. This has
been fixed.
- Some Realm Abilties were able to be used by characters that were dead. This ha
s been fixed.
Any character who mistakenly trained in Majesty/Mastery of Magery intending to s
elect the opposite can appeal to a CSR to be given the one you wanted in the fir
st place. The same is true for Nightshades and Rangers who by mistake trained in
Mastery of the Arcane/Wild Arcana. Please note that these are the only Realm Ab
ilities situations that the CSRs will "fix" on your character. Also please note
that CSRs will only do this for the next 48 hours.
Camelot version 1.50C is live as of 7:45am, Thursday May 16. It has many fixes t
o the Realm Ability system, a whole host of object tweaks and fixes, and the abi
lity for characters to wipe their Realm Abilities and retrain them.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.50C Release Notes

Up until last Tuesday, Assassin characters were able to remain hidden if they ki
lled their target in one shot. This "ability" has been in the game since the inc
eption of Critical Strike Combat Styles. However, we never intended for it to wo
rk that way - it is generally not a good game dynamic to have stealthed characte
rs killing people and not becoming visible. Some assassins (not all, just some)
were abusing this "ability" to one-shot kill "gray" level enemies and kill them
with no chance of being found. But, at the time that we found out that assassins
were able to do this, the assassin classes as a whole were still a bit underpow
ered, so we made the choice not to fix the bug.
As most assassins know, in the 1.50 patch, we inadvertently fixed the "one shot
kill but remaining stealthed" bug (by fixing a few bugs relating to hidden playe
rs attacking monsters). Now that assassin characters are no longer underpowered,
and no longer need any additional advantages, we have decided to keep this fix
in. So, assassins will no longer be able to remain stealthed after one-shot kill
s. Assassins will still be able to kill some lower level (and probably "blue" le
vel mages) characters in one shot, but no longer will they be able to do this wi
th the impunity that they have enjoyed.


- The ability to respec Realm Abilities is in. You can respec Realm Abilities at
level 20 and level 40. Use the "/respec" command to do this. Please note that y
ou can only use this command when you are near your class trainer.
- New and more complete documentation for Realm Skills is up on the Camelot Hera
- Stun spells are no longer "un-resistable". In some cases, you would get a mess
age when casting a stun spell on a monster that it had resisted your spell; and
then the stun would stick anyway. This has been fixed.
- Ground Target area effect spells will no longer damage siege equipment and doo
rs as much as they previously did.
- Hidden players can now trigger runes and be hit by volley.
- There was a bug where using a combat style with about 30% of your endurance wo
uld lead to a message saying that you didn't have enough endurance to perform th
e style, even though you did. This bug has been fixed.
- Slightly decreased casting time on Shaman Cave spec Grasping Creepers line.
- Disease spells have had their values tweaked. RvR effectiveness of the strengt
h debuff has been increased, and the PvE effectiveness should be the same. The s
nare component of disease will work on players, but does not currently work on m
- Concentration points will no longer be "used" if the spell does not cast on it
s target because that target already had that same buff.
- In some cases, Purge did not have its 30 minute timer reset, which led to "cha

in purging". This has been fixed.

- There was a bug when you respec Realm Abilities that the interface did not upd
ate to show you that you had your realm ability points given back to you. This h
as been fixed.
- Realm Ability Falcon's Eye has been raised from 3% per level to 5% per level,
to bring it in line with the other critical-hit buffing realm abilities.
- Raging Power and Second Wind have been changed to have only one level (since t
hey heal power and fatigue to full, respectively) that costs 10 points.
- The documentation for True Sight has been changed to show that the ability can
be used every 30 minutes, and it lasts one minute. This was never actually chan
ged in-game, but the documentation was. Now, both are synched up properly.
- Runemaster Epic Armor has been tweaked a bit to give it more of a "cloth" look
- Purge and Group Purge should now properly remove all bad effects from yourself
(and group members, for group purge).
- Falcon's Eye will now function correctly - previously it didn't help (or hinde
r) your chance to get a critcal hit.
- Realm Ability combat styles have had their bonus damages normalized to a 4 sec
ond weapons. Because these types of styles do not take endurance, they were pena
lizing fast weapon users. Now everyone does the same bonus damage no matter what
speed weapon they are using.
- Realm Ability Combat Styles have had their timers reduced to 10 minutes (previ
ously they were usable every 15 minutes).
- Siege Bolt now has a normal range. Previously, it could be used from any range
- Severing the Tether now is area-effect and will turn enemy pets against their
- Changed Mastery of Concentration realm ability to last 15 seconds instead of 6
0, but it now gives a greater chance to avoid interruption. Note that this abili
ty is dependent on the level of your attacker. A red monster will still be very
difficult to cast spells on.
- Mastery of the Arcane now boosts run speed chants. Buffs boosted by this abili
ty are still under the existing spell caps, however.
- The Brilliant Aura of Deflection should give the proper level of bonus now, an
d is not capped.
- Avoidance of Magic is now outside the normal resistance bonus caps.
- Realm ability Mastery of Pain is now based on Augmented Dexterity.
- Realm ability First Aid has had its effect increased.
- Realm ability Ignore Pain is no longer a complete heal. It has 3 levels, like
First Aid, and heals for slightly less than First Aid per level.
- Realm ability Thornweed Field has had its damage per tick increased.

- Realm ability Mastery of Water has had its effectiveness increased from 3%
to 5% per level.
- Realm ability Regeneration has had its effect increased.
- Realm ability Bladedance has had its damage changed so that it is more effecti
ve and scales with level.

Albion Quests:
Scouts, Infiltrators and Minstrels who have completed the quest Wizard's Appeal
and recived a Brooch of Conferred Blessings may return to Cynwik the Wizard to r
ecive a one time swap for the correct reward.
Camelot 1.51 contains a huge host of changes and fixes - most importantly the St
rike Team spell system updates. Please read this release note closely, because i
f you are a spellcaster of any kind, you probably were affected by the patch. Pl
ease note that this is an updated patch note - an older version was posted for a
bout 10 minutes earlier today. This one fixes a few spell change descriptions.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.51 Release Notes
Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot version 1.51, which contains a massive update to
the game's spell system. Spellcasting classes were analyzed by the game's Strike
Team, and many changes were made based on the recommendation of testers and pla
yers. Version 1.51 contains these changes. There are new spells for some classes
, many spell bug fixes, as well as tweaks to existing spells to tune them better
. Be sure to check out the extensive "SPELL NOTES" section in this release note.
Version 1.51 also has many regular bug fixes, as well as some new fun additions
that let you play card games, roll dice, and produce random numbers. There is al
so a completely new system for combat style icons that should make them much eas
ier to use to differentiate your character's combat styles from one another. Ano
ther huge part of 1.51 are many dozens of armor/weapon object fixes that you'll
see listed in these release notes. These object fixes are another example of the
Strike Team at work: all objects that buff unnecessary stats or skills have bee
n changed to be more appropriate, as well as other general fixes.
The Strike Team will next move on to Realm vs. Realm combat issues. Expect to se
e updates to RvR combat in testing on Pendragon soon. And, FYI, just because the
Strike Team is moving on to other issues does NOT mean that we are in any way "
done" with spells. We will continue to make spell tweaks and bug fixes as needed
just like we always have.

We plan to have the next live version of the game contain the ability for player
s to "respec" one of their specializations at two points in their careers, as wa
s announced a month or so ago. We needed to implement these 1.51 changes first,
before the respec, since 1.51 contains so many "class changing" spell updates.


- Previously, when you used the purge Realm Ability, your timer was not being re
set, so if you used purge to get rid of a bad effect (mesmerize, for example), y
ou could immediately be re-mezzed. This has been fixed.
- The "/random" command is now in, which will give you a random number. Type "/r
andom #" to print out a number between 1 and the number you chose.
- The guild commands PROMOTE, DEMOTE, LEADER, and REMOVE now work by player name
, not target, and work across zones. Use the format "/gc promote [playername] [r
ank]", for example.
- When you are above 1000 in your main tradeskill, any item you can successfully
make will now have an even chance of being 94-100% quality.
- There were some monster pathing problems in Darkness Falls that prevented pets
from moving between rooms properly. This has been fixed.
- You should no longer be able to "screenshot jump".
- Shadowed players - i.e. hidden players who have been uncovered by the See Hidd
en Realm ability, or friendly stealthed players - no longer "pop" into full view
when they initially come into view. They now appear correctly as shadows.
- You can no longer utilize an exploit to "rez-pull" a player through a keep wal
l or boundary wall.
- Poison Merchants are now listed as such over their heads.
- When you select an object with the mouse, then use F7 to select the nearest ob
ject or monster, the summary window should now correctly update. Previously, it
would only show the monster's health bar.
- You should no longer run into the "cast while sitting" bug. Players would tap
on the forward key to stand (when sitting), then immediately cast and would get
the "you cannot cast while sitting".
- Target Nearest Object no longer targets tombstones.
- You should now get an icon on your screen when you are stealthed.
- The Ignore Pain Realm Ability is a full heal every 30 minutes, with one 14 pt
level. The documentation on the Herald will be updated to reflect this.
- Added a new key (which is by default unmapped) that allows the player to targe
t the last attacker. In general (if a player has no target already), his last at
tacker will be auto-targeted. This allows the player to switch to the last creat
ure to do damage to him even if he's already targeted.
- The Use Item key has been added to the /keyboard list.
- /INVITE now invites a person to a group by name - you no longer has to be targ

eted. /INVITE with no name still invites the targeted player.

- Poisons can now be hotkeyed. When you activate the poison it automatically app
lies to the readied weapon in the right hand. If the right-hand weapon already h
as a "poison" effect, the poison will auto-apply to the left handed weapon.
- Flying monsters should now face the correct direction when pulled into combat
by a player.
- Pets now correctly give faction hits when they make the killing blow.
- The /GC LEADER command now prints the correct rank of the new leader.
- The Darkness Falls entrance status is now on the /REALM command.
- When you prepare to use a bow, you now longer get the extra messages about "us
ing" the bow.
- When you delve (shift - I) a duration effect on yourself, it now shows the tim
e left in the effect.
- You can now change your last name for a fee of 10 gold at the name registrar.
You can do this as many times as you wish.
- The /AREMOVE and /AREMOVE commands now correctly work without typing additiona
l words.
- Mashing the attack command key should no longer make pets attack dead corpses.
This was actually difficult to do to begin with, but there is now a second chec
k that should prevent it entirely.
- Keep lords should no longer pull through the roof
- The who and /gc who commands now take a final parameter which is the player nu
mber you wish to start viewing at. So by typing /gc who, /gc who 25, gc who 50,
etc, you can see the entire list of players.
- Self Concentration buffs should now save for real. We added an extra security
check at the last minute before the last version which was supposed to prevent o
ther players' concentration buffs from saving on you, but also prevented your ow
n. It was very secure, perhaps too much so.
- AE realm abilities should no longer damage allies.
- Style Bonus damage should now display the correct amount when attacking keep d
oors/siege equipment.
- After a mez spell wears off, another cannot be cast for one minute. When in th
is state, when a player zoned, the mez would become immediately re-active after
zoning. This has been fixed.
- The damage from the Left Axe skill has been adjusted slightly to grow more wit
h the player as he specializes more in Left Axe. Previously, higher level people
could do more damage with normal two-handed weapons than with their "special" L
eft Axe attacks. The damages at higher levels should now be more equivalent.
- There was a bug where Disease spells would only "snare" (slow) the target occa
sionally. They should now work consistently against both players and monsters.
- Delving a permanent duration effect no longer gives an incorrect timer for sec

onds remaining.
- Monsters who have a Confusion spell cast on them should no longer warp erratic
- /GC AUTOREMOVE should now work properly. This command can be executed by guild
leaders only. This command removes the specified player from a guild, even when
he is not online.
- Group Purge now correctly checks all players affected by it, and if any player
in the group has a negative effect removed, the caster's group purge timer is r
eset. Previously, there were situations where the caster could use group purge w
ithout the timer resetting.
- Spellcasting monsters should no longer inch forward between casts.
- Instant cast debuffs should no longer interrupt other player casters and playe
r archers.
- Cloud and trap spells should show damage values now when you delve them.
- Previously, if you zoned with a constitution buff on your character, you would
"lose" the amount of bonus hit points granted to your character, which would th
en regenerate normally over time. This has been fixed so that your hit points (a
nd any other bonus attained from a stat buff) will remain at their proper level
when you zone.

- Hunters now get Evade II at 20th level.
- Berserkers now receive the throwing weapon ability upon joining the House of M
odi. Please note that this is the ability to use throwing weapons, not to specia
lize in them.


Combat style icons are all-new and improved. First, each combat style now has it
s own unique icon (previously styles shared icons). Each weapon specialization h
as a separate icon color to help players tell their styles from different weapon
types apart. Additionally, the new icons' borders are red to help you know it?s
a combat style (as opposed to a spell or macro).
Each icon also now has a series of widgets to help you quickly remember the prer
equisites for each style. From conversations with players, it became clear that
what would become most helpful is knowing if the style requires an opening posit
ion and/or is a chaining style.
The upper left hand corner indicates whether the style chains off of another or
is the opener for a chain. A yellow square indicates it is the first style in a
chain. A single triangle indicates the second. Two triangle stacked indicates a
third, and so on.
Blue triangles on the sides of the icon tell you if the style requires a positio
nal opening. Two triangles on the side stands for a side-opener. A triangle abov
e means you must be in front of the target. A triangle below means you must be b

ehind the target.

The upper right hand corner indicates whether the style requires you target has
just been blocked, parried, or evaded. A purple arrow widget indicates a block i
s required. A green arrow widget indicates a parry is required. A blue arrow wid
get indicates an evade is required.
The lower right hand corner indicates an effect the style may have on your targe
t. A blue arrow widget indicates it may ?turn away? your target. A red arrow wid
get indicates it may taunt your target. A red box widget indicates it may de-tau
nt your target.
Also, combat style weapon trail colors have changed. Previously, combat style we
apon trail colors were keyed to the weapon used - all 1H crush styles, for examp
le, used the same color. We've changed this system to be level based. Now, all l
ow level styles are green, higher ones are blue, and so on to the highest level
styles, which are purple. This way you'll know approximately what level style yo
ur opponents are using on you.


- The Staff combat style "Counter Evade" now has a longer movement reduction tha
n it used to.
- The style "Niord's Fury" now chains off Frost Cut. Niord's Fury used to be a f
umble based style and fumbles don't happen often enough to base a style from.
- The Friar Staff "Friend" style has its fatigue cost lowered. Its stun effect h
as been changed to a movement effect.


We've added a few new "fun" commands to Camelot that allow you to roll dice and
even play cards.
- a "/roll [number dice]" command is in, which simulates a dice roll. You can sp
ecify how many die rolls you want. This command simulates a six-sided dice only.
- "/shuffle [number of decks]" will create the number of decks you specify and a
utomatically shuffle them. Please note you must use this command before using th
e /deal command (see below).
- "/deal [name] [u/d]" will deal one card to the player of your choice. u/d dete
rmines whether the card is up or down (whether it is printed to the other player
s or not). Please note you must use the "/shuffle" command first to actually cre
ate the decks of cards. Also please note that the "cards" are text-only; there a
re no graphics with the card system. Also, you may play cards only with your gro
up members.
- "/held" gives you a list of all the cards in your hand. Each of your cards are
listed with a number beside them. "/help g" gives you a list of all the players
in your group and what cards they are showing.
- "/discard [#] will discard the card in your hand that you specify. "/discard a
ll" gets rid of all your cards.

- "/show" shows your whole hand (turns all your 'down' cards to 'up').
- Please note that you can filter off all card and dice text by turning off emot
e text.


- Concentration effects that a caster has on himself will no longer go away when
they zone or quit.
- Concentration pool should update correctly when you get and lose Rez sickness
- Nightshade direct damage should be set to "Skill 0" now, reducing its variance
- Changed Wizard Liquefaction Simmering Cloud line to do Heat damage instead of
Cold. The old damage type was a bug.
- Fixed the targeting problems with the Wizard Calefaction ground-targeted AE DD
Earth Eddies line.
- Hostile duration effects (debuffs, mez, stun, etc) are now affected by resista
nces as originally intended. Durations of sleep effects (mez, stun, etc) are als
o now properly affected by level variance, so that low level players casting on
higher level players will get less duration from their spells.
- The realm ability Perfect Recovery should no longer use power.
- The realm ability Thornweed Field has had its damage returned to normal (a dat
a error caused its damage to be raised), but its snare effect has been improved.
- We've scrubbed through the spells and fixed all known spell printing problems
(misspellings, pet spells printing as though they affected you, etc.).
- The Mercenary ability Dirty Tricks and Blademaster Triple Wield should no long
er print "you cast a spell".
- Fixed Healer Celerity line; before it was not having any effect on the buff's
target, it should now provide increased attack speed as intended. The Asgard's S
trength and Defense lines should no longer take concentration points and should
use power as intended.

- Increased damage and decreased casting time of the pet focus damage shields fo
r the Spiritmaster (Spirit's Revenge line) and Enchanter (Aura of Echoing line)
to bring them in line with the Cabalist focus damage shield.
- The Bard Captivate Audience line has had all its spells set to 350 radius to m
ake it consistent with similar spells in other class' lists.
- All DOTs now have their damage based on the caster's primary casting stat. Thi
s means that high intelligence (or other prime stat) casters will do significant

ly more DoT damage than they did previously.

- Increased range of Mentalist DoTs to 1500.
- Increased damage and decreased duration and frequency of Shaman and Druid DoTs
. They still do 6 ticks, but over a shorter period of time.
- Druid DoTs now stack with Mentalist DoTs.
- Increased pet-only buffs to last 20 minutes for the Cabalist, Spiritmaster, an
d Enchanter.
- Changed all list-caster debuffs to be instant cast. Base debuffs (Strength and
Dexterity debuffs) are on their own 15 second timer, and all advanced debuffs (
combo stat debuffs, AE debuffs, and resist debuffs) share a second 15 second tim
er. This requires some thought on the part of the caster into exactly which debu
ffs to use against particular opponents, and add benefit to having multiple debu
ffers. All debuffs of the appropriate type are set to be instant. Debuffs in thi
s case refer to attack speed debuffs, resist debuffs and stat debuffs. This shou
ld make it much more practical to use debuffs in combat, since there won't be a
damage tradeoff. Since these debuffs should be more prominent and useful, durati
ons have generally been shortened, and area effect versions have had their power
costs increased appropriately.
- Increased range on pet heals as part of the healing revision.
- Changed Warden pulsing bladeturn into a chant so Wardens can switch between th
eir existing chants and this one in combat.
- Changed all concentration based resistance buffs to be 10 minute duration grou
p targeted buffs. They now cost power instead of concentration points. This was
done to allow buffers more leeway to provide more buffs on their party members.
- The Cleric Smite line was re-tuned to bring this specific class/skill combinat
ion into line with other healers. The primary change was a reduction to the dire
ct damage spells (single target and AE), which were doing the equivalent damage
to a nuker direct damage spells. This was inappropriate due to offensive and def
ensive melee capabilities of the Cleric. The Heavenly Strike line (AE DD) now ha
s had its radius increased to 350 at all levels, however.
- Changed the re-use timer on the new taunt spells (Friar and Paladin) to 30 sec
- Increased range of Cabalist and Spiritmaster health transfer spells and Shaman
Frigg's lines to 2000, since they are effectively healing spells.
- DoT spells are now properly affected by resistances to bring them in line with
DD spells.
- The range of Mentalist Curative Trance line has been increased to be in line w
ith the recent healing changes.
- Increased the effectiveness of Champion debuffs to give them more impact in Rv
R and make the spells more commensurate with their fatigue cost.
- Increased damage on the Enchanter pet direct damage spell.
- Increased recast timer on Warden's Nature's Guard, Nature's Barrier, and Natur
e's Wall chants to 16 seconds.


- Added a base group heal to Hibernian Regrowth line. All Druids/Bards/Wardens s
hould have it now. This gives the healing classes in all 3 realms a base group h
Group heal:


- Added Cure Poison and Cure Disease to Bard Regrowth spec. This was done to giv
e Hibernia two classes with these abilities like the other realms; previously on
ly the Druid could cure disease and poison.

Cure Disease
Cure Poison

- Added a short duration, high attack speed debuff to Enchanter Bedazzling spec
to improve the usefulness of the list.
Short duration, high attack speed debuff
Dazzling Flash
Dazzling Torch
Dazzling Flare
Dazzling Strobe
- Added ground targeted area effect direct damage to Eldritch Void spec:




- Added insta-cast root to Druid Nature spec; these are all on the same 10 minut
e timer. All Druid roots have been set to "no recast", however. This was done to
alleviate Hibernia's lack of instant-cast crowd control.
Sprouting Undergrowth
AE Insta-root
Bursting Undergrowth
Choking Undergrowth
- Added insta-cast mes to Bard Music spec; these are all on the same 10 minute t
imer. This was done to alleviate Hibernia's lack of instant-cast crowd control.
Hypnotic Harmony

AE Insta-mes
Deluding Harmony
Entrancing Harmony
- Added a self strength/constitution buff to the Champion Valor spec track to ma
ke them more competitive with tank classes that have higher natural constitution
5 Vigor of the Champion
10 Strength of the Champion
16 Fortification of the Champion
23 Focus of the Champion
32 Power of the Champion
40 Force of the Champion
50 Might of the Champion
- Druid pets now have more productive abilities, and new abilities with level. T
hese abilities are cumulative:
L1 summon: No special abilities
L7 summon: Self AF buff, now scales with level (the higher level the pet,
the greater the bonus)
L12 summon: Str/Con buff (scales with level)
L20 summon: chance of a short stun (this is the old stun, but the
area-effect component has been removed)
L32 summon: chance of proccing a short duration bladeturn effect
- Moved Enchanter Lesser Effervescence line from Empowering list to the Enchantm
ent base list; this is consistent with the way the other realms are set up. The
levels the spells are awarded changed slightly:
5 Lesser Effervescence
14 Effervescence
25 Greater Effervescence
34 Superior Effervescence
45 Maximum Effervescence

- Added the following spells to the Wizard Calefaction spell list to help make t
he Earth specializition track more appealing as an option to Fire and Ice.
AE Root
Trembling Earth
Quaking Earth
Buckling Earth

targetted AE DD
Earth Eddies
Earth Splash
Earth Ripple
Earth Wave

Matter-based DoT


Molten Wrap
Greater Molten Wrap
Molten Blanket
Greater Molten Blanket
Sheet of Lava
Greater Sheet of Lava
Sheet of Magma
Greater Sheet of Magma

- Added following spells to Sorcerer Telekinesis (Matter spec) list to flesh out
the list and give it more specialization value.
AE Dex/Qui debuff
Constricting Field
Restraining Field
Major Constricting Field
Major Restraining Field
Snare + DD
Lesser Constricting Jolt
Constricting Jolt
Lesser Constricting Force
Constricting Force
Major Constricting Blast
- Added taunt spell line to Paladin Chant
ate the fact that Paladins have no ranged
o damage that accrues on the hate list of
They are on 8 second timers, and cost no

spec. This spell is intended to allevi

technique to pull with. These spells d
their target, but do no actual damage.


- Added a taunt line to the Friar to allow them to pull in PvE (primarily when s

target, timer based taunt


- Added a self Dex/Quickness buff to the Friar's Enhancement spec to better refl
ect that they primarily use Staves, which are dexterity based.
7 Readiness
12 Coordination
18 Agility
25 Precision
35 Gracefulness
45 Fluidity
- Added a new area effect mesmerize spell to the Minstrel. This new line of spel

ls are half duration mez. Since the Cleric was often being used for AE Mez crowd
control with their PB AE Mez, and since that has been put on a 5 minute reuse t
imer, the secondary crowd controller in the realm (the Minstrel) is now being gi
ven a little extra versatility in this realm to bring them up to par with other
secondary crowd controllers.

Comforting Lullaby
Enchanting Lullaby
Pacifying Lullaby
Entrancing Lullaby
Sedating Lullaby
Enrapturing Lullaby

- Added the following spells to Shaman Cave Magic line:
Single target DD; note that this damage spell is on the same timer as the Fungal
Pin line, and should be used as an alternative to the bolt spell for targets in
melee combat.



- Added point blank area effect direct damage spell to Spiritmaster Spirit Suppr
ession list:
8 Soul Dissipation
14 Soul Dispersal
20 Soul Blast
26 Soul Explosion
34 Soul Banish
41 Soul Destruction
49 Soul Annihilation
- Added low level resurrect to Spiritmaster Spirit Enhancement list:

Restore Spirit

- Added ground targetted area effect direct damage to Runemaster Rune spec:




- Added some new spells to the Healer Augmentation spec track. These new spells
are intended to make the Healer more effective in combat, without adding explici
tly offensive magic. This is intended to provide an alternate track for a Healer
to spec in to give a different play style.
Short duration group haste buff, stacks with concentration based haste
Enhanced Celerity
Amplified Celerity
Pure Celerity
Self only Str/Con buff
Asgard's Lesser Strength
Asgard's Strength
Asgard's Lesser Potence
Asgard's Potence
Asgard's Lesser Might
Asgard's Might
Self only damage

Lesser Defense
Greater Deflection


The standard healing spells (ones with normal cast times, including the standard
group heals) have been significantly revised, both to fix some longstanding eff
iciency problems at higher spec levels, and also to encourage healing classes to
heal more in RvR. In general, these revisions affect casting times, range and p
ower costs, not amounts healed. The intent is that this will have the effect of
decreasing downtime and increasing effectiveness in RvR, without altering the ba
lance of PvE combat too much. PvE changes are not the intent of these fixes, but
some give and take is accepted here. The Cleric/Friar in Albion, Shaman/Healer
in Midgard, and the Druid/Bard/Warden/Mentalist in Hibernia are all affected by
these changes, and all equivalent spell lines have been adjusted according to th
e same new baselines.
There was a bug in the Hibernian healing lines due to them using outdated baseli
nes that resulted in some of the Druid/Bard/Warden healing spells to be less eff
ective than equivalent level healing spells in the other realms; this has been c
orrected with these changes.
The primary change that affects all of these spells is that the efficiencies nev
er go down at higher levels. These means the higher level spells are always goin
g to heal at least the same number of hit points per power point as a spell of l
ower level. Since efficiencies were previously decreasing, this means that many
healing spells have had their power costs reduced, especially higher level spell
s. This is the primary change to the non-spec heals (which all healers have).
The "third tier" healing spells, a.k.a. "major heals", are the lower heals earne
d by specializing in healing. These spells have been revised to significantly in
crease in power efficiency with level. Again, this effectively decreases the pow
er costs of these spells at higher levels, and makes it possible to heal for ext

ended duration in combat.

The "fourth tier" healing spells, a.k.a. "greater heals", have had their costs r
e-tuned to make sure their efficiency does not decrease. These spells are not as
power efficient as third tier heals, however. The new change that should signif
icantly increase the utility of these spells is that the higher level the spell,
the lower its casting time will be. The first spells in these lines have had th
eir casting times slightly reduced, and the further a healer specializes, the lo
wer the casting time goes. At the highest levels, the casting time can go below
3 seconds. Since these spells heal the most hit points, the lower casting times
should make them much more practical and useful in RvR.
Both group heal lines have had similar tuning so that their efficiencies no long
er go down, and their costs have in general decreased to reflect the increased e
fficiency. The base group heal increases in efficiency now, so the upper levels
cost substantially less, while the spec group heal has been changed so that its
casting time decreases with spec, and the amount it heals has been increased.
The last change is very significant, and that is that all standard heals have ha
d their ranges increased to 2000, and group heals have a radius of 2000. This is
intended to increase healer survivability by allowing them heal from distance,
and increasing their availability to resurrect after battle.


- All musical spellcasters now get the floating notes cast effect for some spell
. The new notes effect is smaller and less obtrusive, though. Musical effects wh
ich seemed to have the old and new notes at the same time should be cleared up.
- Pulse effects for musical casters are mostly removed, except for the speed son
g, which has the small foot twinkles. Other songs now just have a one-time hit e
- A downward, colorful spiral was added to some of the stun effects to different
iate them from some other, similar effects in the game. Stun and "mez" effects a
re still being tweaked, and a better method of showing when such spells "break"
is being looked into.
- Two effects which make silver and gold twinkles were adjusted to a smaller, mo
re appropriate scale. (Purely aesthetic change).
- Adjusted the clashing sword/axe buff effect for Midgard so it no longer hits t
all trolls in the head.
- Switched the Berserk effect to a more appropriate red swirl.
- Added a magical rune effect for some Midgard shield spells.
- Fixed Spiritmaster Point Blank mesmerize spell graphics to have the appropriat
e mesmerize "zzzzz" effet.


- Random ambient outdoor sounds have been tweaked. Many confusing or otherwise a
nnoying sounds have been removed, and replaced by different, more appropriate so


- The Firbolg male model no longer carries his shield too far away from his fore
arm. It is now much closer.


- Heavy Shod Staff and Heavy Shod Quarterstaff recipes in Albion now produce
the correct Staff
- Heavy Shod Staff recipes now start at 495, instead of 595
- Heavy Shod Quarterstaff recipes now start at 515, instead of 615
- Heavy Composite Bow recipes now start at 515, instead of 615
- Fixed all level 51 armor recipes that created the wrong item, as well as recip
e values.
- Level 51 armors will no longer be picked for consignments.
- Added new items to fletching for all three realms:
Albion: Heavy Short bow, Heavy Longbow, Light crossbow, Heavy Staff, Heavy Shod
Midgard: Heavy Staff, Heavy Composite bow
Hibernia: Heavy Short bow, Heavy Recurve bow, Heavy staff

- Hibernia: You can now bind in Tir Na Nog.
General Quests
We're continuing our introduction of a new type of quest intended to pick up whe
re kill tasks leave off. These new quests are a storyline-based type of kill tas
k. There are 21 of these quests being added for each realm, and they are intende
d for players between levels 21 and 41. To maximize your benefit we recommend yo
u do them at the suggested level, but you may need to bring a partner to ensure
your success in slaying the appropriate monster. Speak with your local barkeep f
or more info.
Albion Quests
- We have added a limit to the maximum number of times you can complete the foll
owing quests: "Soul Gem" and "Fell Tooth Bounty."
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps:

- Siege merchants in the frontier are no longer be charmable.

Dungeon Notes
Three more dungeons have gotten an overhaul. These changes include new sections
of the dungeons opened for player use, and new encounter areas.
Albion: Tomb of Mithra: Rumors of increased activity in the Tomb of Mithra have
run rampant through the local alehouses. Lord Prydwen has issued an official edi
ct that all citizens of the Realm are not to explore the dungeon. Any attempt to
do so may spark greater evil than that which currently inhabits the tomb.
Albion: Catacombs of Cardova: During a recent journey to the Catacombs of Cardov
a, a group of adventurers happened upon the corpse of a tomb raider. Upon closer
examination, they found him to be mumbling incoherently, his body in tattered r
uins, his flesh singed and hair completely burned off. Disregarding the dying th
ief's warnings, the group descended the steps into the darkness of the crypt. On
e member made it outside before he died.
Midgard: Nisse's Lair: There have been rumors of recent activity in Nisse's Lair
. The tomte of the region have begun digging new caves and passages within their
home and more tomte have begun moving to the area. Hunters of the realm are uns
ure of the cause for this sudden flurry of activity.
Midgard Dungeon: Varulvhamn: The King of the Werewolves has returned to Varulvha
mn seeking fresh sacrifices for the Altar of Lyceaon. Werewolf kin of Midgard ha
ve begun shouting praises at his return as well as the essences of nature that o
nce flowed through their blood. Uncovering a once-hidden maze of passages , the
werewolves within their dark lair have now made room for its increased populatio
n of lycanthropes. Tread lightly lest you wish to be the king's next sacrifice.
Please note that the revised dungeons have multiple exits, some of which are one
-way, meaing you cannot re-enter from the same spot.
Midgard - Nisse's Lair: You should no longer get dumped into the void and then b
ack to your bind point. All monsters in the new areas of the dungeon should now
be spawning correctly.
Albion - Tomb of Mithra: All monsters in the the new areas of the dungeon should
now be spawning correctly.
Hibernia: Lough Gur: Melancholic fairies have been harassing passers-by in the s
outhwest of Lough Gur. These fairies will attack those that disturb their home o
r even get near it.
Hibernia: Cursed Forest: Blight begins his life in the form of eight small skele
tons. It seems that occasionally one of these eight would stray off from his gro
up. This would result in Blight's second phase not appearing when the first grou
p is killed since all of the small skeletons must be found and killed. The small
skeletons will be much better about staying together now and will periodically
regroup with one another just to make sure.
Hibernia: A healer, enchanter, smith and arrow merchant have decided to set up s
hop outside the North Gate of Tir Na Nog.

Midgard: Fire giant scouts in Muspelheim should no longer say they are too far a
way to target even when you are right next to them.
ALBION: The Gytrash in Albion have had their apperance changed so they look more
Albion: Cotswold citizens are overjoyed at the newest addition to their town, Br
other Lawrence. He is a devoted servant of the church and is waiting to ease the
suffering of anyone who needs his help.
Monsters: Albion: Stonehenge Barrows: The advisors in the Wizard Lichas' room ar
e no longer required to stand still when casting their spells.

We have begun to weed out items that have invalid skill bonuses or stat increase
s that are not useful. This is the first batch of fixes, and we will be continui
ng to fix these types of problems on an on-going basis. The majority of these it
ems had evade, bow skill, and/or were Paladin items with chants or piety. None o
f these bonuses helped anyone, so they were changed.
Please note that some of these items were originally documented as fixed in vers
ion 1.50 (the previous version). These fixes are now fixed as of this current ve
rsion (1.51).
- The Serrated Black Tooth should now have body and matter resist, instead of tw
o body resist entries.
- The Petrified Bardic Wonder now has cold, matter, and body resists instead of
three cold resist entries.
- The Accursed Cloak of Shadows (Albion & Midgard) can now be dyed and emblemize
- The Dull Asterite Runed Staff and the Dull Asterite Spirit Staff now have a sa
lvage value set.
- Due to player feedback, the minstrel quest reward Ring of Coruscating Harmony
now buffs +charisma, +strength, and +spirit resistance.
- The Dartmoor ponies should no longer be dropping silver in addition to their n
ormal pelt drops.
- The common loot drop on hill scrags was altered so that they?d drop more silve
r on average.
- The Yellow Silken Robes should now have a working charge effect.
- The Bracelet of Defense can no longer be held.
- The Boots of the Stealthy can no longer be held.
- Ring of Shades had its stats appropriately raised.
- Ignuixs Portable Shadow had its stats appropriately raised.
- Nightshade's Jewel had its stats appropriately raised.

- The Cloak of Night had its stats appropriately raised.

- Shadow Woven gloves had their bonuses appropriately raised.
- The Dark Shod staff had its strength bonus changed to dexterity.
- Boots of the Forlorn now have the correct armor factor.
- Moonlit Helm had its quickness stat replaced with constitution.
- Blademaster Initiate gloves are now reinforced armor.
- Glistening Shilleagh should have the proper damage setting.
- Diamond Scimitar should now have the proper damage setting.
- Nibbled Staff now has a heat resistance.
- Soft drake hide sleeves now increase dexterity.
- The proc on the protector of the stone oracles is now reactive.
- All Instruments should purchased from stores at 85% quality.
- Splendid Boots of Glory now have crush resist in place of the second cold resi
- Kedger's Quick Boots can now be dued by the proper dye.
- The Twisted Truesilver Ring now has slash resist in place of the second body r
- The Ancient Witherwoode Shield had the second cold resist changed to energy.
- Padded leather robes can now be dyed.
- Regal robes can now be dyed.
- All albion level 50 vests have been converted to a robe.
- Tundra Walker's Mantle can now take dyes and emblems.
- Helm of vision now has a studded helm graphic.
- Giant gutter had the phantom proc ability removed.
- Valor bound spear now has a constitution bonus rather than charisma.
- The Truesilver kite shield had the second body resist changed to spirit.
- Robes of Celerity now increase parry instead of evade.
- The Lynx Spider Jerkin, had the invalid backstab increase changed to critical
- The Ruined Roman Helm had the piety removed and replaced with strength.
- The Skull of Aer'ambor had the piety removed and replaced with constitution.
- The Slythcur cloak now increases critical strike and stealth instead of evade.

- Studded Fae boots now increase stealth instead of evade.

- Bounder Fur boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- The Girdle of catlike movement now increases critical strike instead of evade.
- The Hollow plate helm now increases strength instead of piety.
- Boots of the Agile evader now increase stealth instead of evade and were renam
ed to Boots of the Slinker.
- Forest Hunter's Boots now increase hit points instead of evade.
- The Kraggon Worm Helm had the piety and chants removed and replaced with const
itution and hit points.
- The Frosted Plate Helm had piety and chants removed and replaced with parry an
d dexterity.
- The Ghoul Knight helm had the piety removed and replaced with strength.
- The Bear Mask had the Berserk replaced with parry.
- Mourning Rage had its berserk skill replaced with axe.
- The Boots of Loki had the evade skill replaced with strength.
- The boots, Dancing Evaders had the evade skill replaced with stealth and were
renamed Boots of Stealthy Evasion.
- The Black Night Cloak had the evade skill removed and replaced with critical
strike. It was renamed Cloak of Night.
- The Serpent Hide helm had the berserk removed and replaced, the item also had
unusable entries changed.
- The Runed Clay boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- Supple Serpent hide boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- The Supple Serpent hide helm now increases dexterity instead of berserk and ha
d unusable entries changed.
- Jotun Black Orm Boots now increase Matter resist instead of evade.
- Brendig's Belt now increases Critical Strike instead of evade.
- Pillager's boots now increase constitution instead of evade.
- Boots of the Frenzied bear now increase strength instead of evade and berserk.
- Shadowhand's Cloak now increases critical strike instead of evade.
- The Windbound Cloak now increases stealth instead of evade.
- The Lion Embossed Helm now increases hit points instead of chants, piety and c
- The Forester's Helm now increases Longbow instead of evade.

- The Ancient Helm now increases constitution instead of piety.

- Bloodied Leather Boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- Spirit Fighters Robes now increase parry instead of evade.
- Redoubled Leggings now increase strength instead of piety.
- The Flute of Displacement increases stealth instead of evade.
- The Heavy Pull short bow had the bow skill increases removed and replaced with
- Cath Gloves had the parry increases removed and dispersed to critical strike
and envenom.
- The Formorian Short bow had the bow skill increase removed and replaced with
- The Splintered Mephit Femur had the invalid backstab skill increase replaced
with critical strike.
- The Kedger Short Bow had the bow skill increase replaced with dexterity.
- Idolator Boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- Earth Crafted Molded Boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- The Earthen Defender now has additional blade skill instead of evade.
- Boots of the Wicked Evader now increase stealth instead of evade and were rena
med Boots of the Wicked.
- Kedger's Gilded Boots now increase dexterity instead of evade.
- Master Nightshade's Necklace now increases critical strike instead of evade.
- The Ore Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Hardended Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Belt of Misdirection now increases quickness instead of evade.
- The Vest of Dislocation now increases stealth instead of evade.
- The Worn Asterite Shod Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Fine Asterite Shod Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- Musty leather boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- Observer Boots now increase quickness instead of evade.
- The Tainted Avernal Breastplate now increases strength instead of piety.
- Tainted Avernal Gauntlets now increase strength instead of piety.
- The Tainted Avernal Helm now increases strength instead of piety.

- The Tainted Demon-forged Breastplate now increases quickness instead of piety.

- Tainted Demon-forged Gauntlets now increase constitution instead of piety.
- The Tainted Demon-forged Helm now increases constitution instead of piety.
- The Abysmal Breastplate now increases contitution instead of piety.
- Abysmal Plate Gauntlets now increases strength instead of piety.
- The Abysmal Plate helm now increases hit points instead of piety.
- The Maligned Avernal Short Bow now further increases dexterity and quickness
instead of bow skill.
- Stonewatch Gauntlets now increase strength instead of piety.
- The Helm of the Malevolent now increases hit points instead of piety.
- The Avernal Maligned Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill.
- The Acursed Demon Short Bow now further increases dexterity instead of bow ski
- The Infernal Malison Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill.
- The Goblin Archer Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill.
- The Flawed Runic Short Bow now increases Dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Runic Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Truesilver short bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Bow of the Silver Talon now increases quickness instead of bow skill.
- The Nightshade's Jewel had the bonuses appropriately raised.
- The Eldritch class armor now has more resists.
- Softened bark armor should now have the proper armor factor.
- Gold lined drinking horns can now be used by any class.
- The Boots of Favor and Heavy Boots of Favor can now be dyed.
- Wrym Sleeves can no longer be held.
Salvageable Items
We've been going through in-game objects to make them able to be salvaged. Here'
s the first list of those items that can now be salvaged. Note that some of thes
e items may have different repair and/or sell values, as they were using outdate
d values that are now correct with current standards. Please note that we contin
ue to work on this, and that more items will be salvalgeable in future versions
of Camelot.
Albion: Kraggon Worm Boots, Kraggon Worm Greaves, Kraggon Worm Breastplate, Krag
gon Worm Arms, Kraggon Worm Helmet, Kraggon Worm Gauntlets, and Kraggon Sword. A

lso Huntsman's Longbow, Imbued Longbow, Sylvan Longbow, Rune Longbow, Glyphed Lo
Midgard: Klippor sword (also added a +str bonus), Riva hauberk (also added more
hitpoints), Wiley's Boots, Bow of Winter
Hibernia: Elven Recurve Bow, Oaken Recurve Bow
Misc. Salvageable Items
- Any dropped Weighted asterite runed staves are now salvagable.
- Any dropped Weighted asterite spirit staves are now salvagable.
- Any dropped Black Golden-embossed Hoods are now salvagable.http://web.archive.
It's enormous, but it's full to bursting with chocolatey goodness. Please read t
hese carefully - we got up to the letter I in testing, and things have evolved a
bit since the first time you read some of these notes. ESPECIALLY read the part
about respecs. There aren't any do overs, so be sure that what you do is what y
ou really wanted to do. Enjoy!
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.52 Release Notes
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
You will see many changes in this version, the largest is probably that of respe
c (being able to re-allocate your character's specialization points). We have de
cided to give all current players of the game the ability to respec fully - not
just select one specialization at two different levels (although we will support
that as well) as we previously announced. We are giving all current characters
the chance to fully respec as a way of thanking all current players for being wi
th us over the last eight months, and to allow all of them to take advantage of
skills and abilities that were not available to them when they started playing a
nd speccing their characters.
We have taken the following steps in this version to make the melee combat exper
ience more fun and meaningful in RvR (you can get the full details on each of th
ese further down in the release notes):
- Behind the scenes melee rules changes. We have changed two separate "under-the
-hood" game mechanics to make melee combat more fun. One was to remove the level
-based "to hit" modifier, and the other was to change the way the game calculate
s how many players are in combat with each other at once. These sound like small
changes, but they will both let you hit more often (in the case of the first),
and parry/block much more often (in the case of the second). The combination wil
l mean that you will live longer, and thus, deal more damage.
- We have changed the armor tables in the game so that one damage type (crush) w
ill no longer be the most powerful in the game. See the section on armor tables

below for more information.

- We have alleviated some of the frustration of being mesmerized in combat by gi
ving special "cure mez" spells to some casting classes. Judicious use of these s
pells will mean that you will be mezzed far less often than before.
- In the case of Blademasters and Mercenaries, we have given them additional abi
lities that will let them add extra damage every few minutes.
- You can now toggle the "cancel style" feature off and on.
The overall intention of these changes is not to focus on any one particular mel
ee class - it was to look at the system as a whole and make changes where approp
riate that will help all of them. Of course some of these changes spill over to
other classes as well, but the overall net result of the changes should be longe
r RvR combats which means that those with the most hit points and best defense (
i.e. melee classes) will live longer and be much more productive.
When we first announced we were looking into these problems, we thought we could
simply reduce RvR damage by 35%. That proved not to be good for the game overal
l, so we decided to make tweaks and changes to the overall system to produce the
same results as a straight damage reduction, but make it more strategic and fit
within the already established rules of the game.


- We have removed the level-based "to-hit" modifier from RvR combat. This means
that lower-level players will be able to hit higher-level targets much easier (a
lbeit for a small amount of damage). This affects all damage in the game, includ
ing melee, bow, and spell damage. Please note that this change removes only the
chance your character has "to hit" his opponent, and makes it possible for lower
level players to enjoy RvR combat. This change was implemented on the PvP serve
rs (Mordred and Andred) first, and has been very successfully and happily receiv
ed there.
- We have changed the way we determine who is "in combat" with any RvR opponent
and with monsters. The result of these changes is that parrying and shield block
ing should happen much more often than before, and you should notice the "your t
arget is currently in melee combat" message less often.
- The /cancelstyle command is in. This command enables you to turn off the abili
ty to "cancel" or designate a backup combat style. Use this for situations where
you simply want to do the same-no opening style over and over, such as when you
are in a huge RvR melee. /cancelstyle is a toggle; use it once to turn off canc
eling styles, type it again to turn canceling styles back on.
- Players who are level 50 and realm rank 5 or above have had their unbuffed Arm
or Factor and DPS raised as if they were 51st level players. Thus, they clamp un
buffed at a DPS of 16.5 and an AF of 510.
- There was a bug that allowed characters in some situations to execute side pos
itional combat styles while in front of their enemy. This has been fixed.
- Buying gear from a Darkness Falls merchant should no longer say "You just boug
ht a nothing". It will now tell you what you just purchased.
- Health loss on zoning due to item and spell hit point buffs should no longer o

- Concentration points should be fully restored after your rez sickness is remov
- There was a bug where 5th level spellcasters would not get their appropriate 5
th level spells if they trained first at their base class trainer before joining
their new guild. This has been fixed.
- Control and use of siege equipment while dead should no longer be possible.
- When you cast a strength buff and you are already encumbered, your movement sp
eed should be correctly updated
- When you are killed by a pet, the game now prints the pet's controller as the
killing entity.
- We fixed the cloth Armor Factor bug where you got incorrect Armor Factor infor
mation when delving a cloth armor piece. The effective AF for cloth is now corre
ctly clamped at its 1/2 value (of corresponding other armors). There was a situa
tion where lower-level casters who wore high-level armor resulted in them attain
ing more AF from the armor than they should have had. This has fixed, and caster
s will now correctly have to rely on buffs to reach their AF clamp. This change
will not have any effect on casters who wear level-appropriate armor - the only
players who will notice a change are those cloth-armor casters who are wearing "
orange" armor and above. The difference in AF in orange armor is noticeable, but
negligible. The difference in red or purple armor is more meaningful.
- When you hold a flaming staff and directly switch to another non-flaming staff
, other players would see the non-flaming staff (now in your hands) as still fla
ming. This has been fixed.
- You no longer flinch, parry or evade while on horseback.
- When you move away from a VaultKeeper, your vault window should now correctly
close automatically.
- The keyboard 1-8 keys to activate your quickbar should now correctly bring up
a product recipe window when you hotkey a tradeskill.
- The /SETWHO command now correctly shows Legendary Master Crafter status (level
- The craft order warning box (when joining a crafting order) no longer overwrit
es off of the edge of the box.
- Focus spells will now correctly cancel when their caster has another spell typ
e cast on him. There was a bug in the game where casters of focus-type spells co
uld get in a situation where their focus spell was continuing to have effect, bu
t they could move around and cast other spells.
- Monster casted mesmerization spells will now correctly trigger the mesmerizati
on immunity timers on players. This means that those monsters in all those encou
nter areas that you've been avoiding will no longer chain-mez you.
- There was a bug where all Bard spells (in the "music" spec) were using differe
nt damage types. Now all Bard Music spells are set to Body damage type. Resist y
ourselves accordingly.
- The realm ability Soldier's Barricade now has a much more noticeable impact wh
en active (it wasn't being properly factored into defense before), and should pr

operly affect the entire group instead of just the character using it.
- All "clerical" (i.e. Healer, Shaman, Druid, Bard, Warden, Friar, Paladin, Hunt
ers, Rangers and Cleric) baseline armor factor buffs are now assessed "outside t
he cap". In situations where you were at your armor factor cap, and had one of t
hese buffs on you, you would have gotten no additional armor factor, but now wit
h this change, you will. There is currently a display problem where this additio
nal armor factor is not being displayed, but it is being assessed.
- Low level ground-targeted area-effect spells should be able to hit higher leve
l players now. There was a bug that was preventing low-level GTAOEs from hitting
higher-level characters. They won't hit for much damage, but they will hit now.
- Cabalist Amber Simulacrum pets had no spell effect when casting its self const
itution buff. This has been fixed.
- The Enchanter's Underhill Compatriot pet should no longer be perpetually casti
ng its "self shield" spell.

As you can see from the world notes (below), we have taken some steps to make th
e Albion and Midgard frontier as attractive to RVR in as Emain Macha (in Hiberni
a). The initial steps taken in this version are to scale down the aggression and
faction of monsters in Hadrian's Wall and Odin's Gate, as well as to remove som
e of the trees in Odin's Gate to improve sightlines. We will probably be taking
additional steps in the future to balance these three zones as well.
You can now bind in one of your Realm's "portal out" keeps. This means that you
won't have to take a horse from your bind point to the portal keep in order to g
et back into an RvR battle - since now you can bind at your portal keep, you onl
y have to wait for the next porting ceremony.
Friendly frontier keeps and border keeps now have an NPC ally who will give you
a free speed buff to aid you in getting to wherever you need to go (if you don't
already have a speed buff from a friendly group member). You can find these all
ies in all friendly frontier keeps as well as border keeps.

Respeccing (the ability to change your character's skill specializations) is now
in the game. The previously-announced ability to change one of your character's
specializations at levels 20 and 40 has been implemented, as well as the specia
l one-time ability for all current players of the game to fully respec their cha
racters. Since the game has changed so much since release, it is only fair that
those characters who already play the game be given the chance to fully respec s
o that they can take advantage of skills and abilities that were not implemented
when they started playing (and speccing).
Here's how it works:
Full Respec
If you have a current character in Dark Age of Camelot, you may elect to do a fu
ll respec. This resets ALL of your character's specializations to zero (or that

spec's minimum allowed for your class), and gives you the equivalent number of s
pec points back to you so you can retrain however you see fit. Please note that
respeccing is a one-time thing, and is irrevocable. You cannot do a full respec
again, so be sure you know how you want to spec your character before you do thi
NOTE: if your class has a "min spec level" on any specialization then you will b
e taken down to the minimum allowed when you do a /respec all based on your leve
l. You cannot go under your class minimum (based on your level) for those specia
ALSO NOTE: Full respec only is available to current characters of the game, and
is offered to them as a way to take advantage of the many game features that hav
e been implemented since the game began (and presumably since their character wa
s initially specced). Future characters will receive the normal "spec-line" resp
ecs at levels 20 and 40, but not a full respec.
To do a full respec, go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec ALL". You
will only have a limited time to do a full respec: within two levels of when yo
u first log into this version. So, if you are level 22, and you want to respec,
you will have to do it before you attain 24th level.
In order to facilitate faster re-training, you can now select a specialization a
t your trainer and click the train button multiple times. Previously, you had to
select the specialization you wanted to train in every time you trained in it.
Now you can just select it once and click the "train" button multiple times.
Single-Skill Respec
From now on, when a character reaches the levels of 20 and 40, they will gain th
e ability to "de-train" a specialization by doing a single-spec respec.
To do a single-skill respec (when you reach level 20 or level 40), go to your tr
ainer, select him, and type "/respec SKILL NAME". Please note that you cannot re
do this - once you respec a skill, it is done.
Please note that you must perform a spec-line respec within the level that you g
ain the ability to do so: at level 20 or level 40. You will not be able to "hold
" spec-line respecs forever; you must use them at those specific levels.
Also, please note that you gain this skill when you level from 19 to 20 and from
39 to 40. This means that an existing character who is level 20 will not gain t
he level 20 single-spec respec, but since everyone gets the full respec, that pl
ayer could fully respec (and in fact must do so before attaining level 22 if the
y wish to respec at all before level 40).
Finally, you will not gain the single-skill respec if you are eligible to use a
full respec and have not. So, if you are 19th level, you have a full respec avai
lable to you, and you advance to 20, you will not gain the single-skill respec b
ecause you still have the full respec available to you. Any changes you want to
make to your character can be made through the full respec at that time.
Future Respecs
If we ever make a class-defining change in the future, we will offer single-spec
respecs to those class/spec combinations that are affected by the change.


A new ability for Archers has been added - that of Camouflage. The purpose of Ca
mouflage is for the Archer to be able to move about unseen, but not be able to u
se it to engage in stealthed combat. We want archers to be able to perform their
scouting duties, but not become the overpowering solo killers that they once we
Camouflage is awarded to all Scouts, Hunters, and Rangers at level 30. You use i
t just like any other ability - first, you must be hidden (via your normal steal
th icon). Then, drag the Camouflage icon to your quickbar and click on it to act
ivate the ability. When you are Camouflaged, essentially you are invisible from
the assassin See Hidden ability - however, you abide by all the rules of being s
tealthed normally; i.e. you have a greater chance of being visible to those that
are higher level than yourself.
When you are a camouflaged, you abide by all the rules of stealth. You will move
at your normal stealthed speed, and you will become visible if you engage in co
mbat (take damage, attack someone, shoot someone with a bow, etc.). Please note
that you can Camouflage any time ten minutes after your last attack. This makes
Camouflage useful to scout around unseen, but it will not help you in combat, si
nce you will not be able to use the skill for 10 minutes after you attack someon
e else.


Blademasters and Mercenaries have had two changes in this version (one which the
Berserker also gets):
- at level 30, each receives a new ability called "Flurry", which is on a 2 minu
te timer. Flurry essentially gives the BM/Merc a "free" attack by doing instant
damage on their Realm opponent. Please note that this ability will only work on
Realm enemies (i.e. enemy guards and players), and will not work against normal
monsters. Also, please note that there is no animation for this ability yet. The
Flurry ability uses the skills Dual Wield (for Mercenaries) and Celtic Dual (fo
r Blademasters) when determining damage.
- All Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers are now given a new ability call
ed "Advanced Evade" at 35th level, which enables them to evade in a 360 degree r
adius around them. Normal evade evades only those enemies who attack from the fr


We have changed the armor tables for the game. Armor tables are the game's mecha
nism for determining how vulnerable/resistant a specific damage type (i.e. slash
, crush, etc.) against a particular armor. Previously, the armor tables worked i
n such a manner that it was advantageous for melee characters to specialize only
in crushing/blunt/hammer weapons. Now, the armor tables are spread out more eve
nly, giving all armor advantages and disadvantages against every weapon type.
We've added specific armor tables for Norse Chain, Norse Leather, Norse Studded,
and Hibernian Leather to spread out the damage options. This means that now eve
ry Realm has a specific set of damage tables.

- In RvR only, area effect Mesmerization spells have been modified so that the d
uration effect of the mez spell is lessened the farther the player is from the c
enter of the area of effect. The duration is 100% at the middle of the area, and
it tails off to 50% duration at the edges. This does NOT change the way area ef
fect spells work against monsters, only realm enemies (i.e. enemy players and en
emy realm guards).
- All targeted spells should now properly print their damage type when Delved.
- Increased radius of Healer "Allay Area" line to 350, which is more consistent
with the radii of analogous lines in the other realms.
- Fixed the Bard and Warden spec healing line's spell characteristics to match t
he Druid's as originally intended. This affected casting time and power cost.
- Lowered casting time on the Wizard "Summon Fire" and "Minor Combustion" single
target direct damage lines to make them more consistent with the casting time o
f analogous lines in the other realms.
- Put the Wizard's Calefaction "Bolt of Lava" line on a separate recast timer fr
om the Pyromancy "Minor Fire Streak" line.
- We've added a ranged AE mez to the Spiritmaster's Spirit Dimming list to give
Midgard a ranged AOE mez option since they are currently lacking in AE mez:


of Gloom
of Shadow
of Pitch

- Fixed the Warden pulsing bladeturn line (starting with "Nature's Guard") to be
castable in combat as originally intended.
- Increased the run speed of Theurgist air and earth summons.
- Theurgist air pets have been tuned so that they stun a bit less in RvR, but re
tain a normal PvE stun rate. Previously, the high chance of the stun proc firing
in RvR combined with a lack of a recast timer made the pet able to chain stun R
vR targets.
"Cure Mez" Spells
We have taken an additional step to alleviate the effects of mesmerize - now the
re are "heal mez" spells in the game. In general, these spells have been given t
o those classes that cast the mez spells for their Realm. The class that gets th
e new "dispell" in each realm as part of their base line is generally the realm'
s primary mesmerizer: the Sorcerer, Healer, and Bard. The secondary mesmerizers
in each realm will need to spec to get the dispell: Minstrel, Spiritmaster, and
Mentalist. These spells should alleviate some of the problems with long term cro
wd control spells in RvR.
Sorcerer Mind Twisting
24 Clear Mind

Minstrel Instruments spec

27 Focusing Chant
Healer Pacification
23 Cleanse Mind
Spiritmaster Suppression spec
28 Spirit Purge
Bard Music
24 Clarifying Harmonies
Mentalist Mind Mastery (mind spec list)
28 Mental Purification

A quick note of explanation about bolt spells. As every "robe" caster knows, bol
t spells are intended to hit targets that are not in combat. They do much more d
amage than direct damage spells, but they are usable only in certain situations.
A bug was fixed in 1.52C which changes how the game determines if a player or m
onster is "in combat" - now to be truly flagged as in combat, you must actively
be attacking someone (or something) else. Previously, large numbers of players w
ould be flagged as "in combat" when they were in fact not actively engaging some
one. So, theoretically, that change made bolts easier to use in RvR, although th
ey still will not be usable in all situations.

- Two new models, the Tomte, and a beetle, have been added to the game. You shou
ld see them wandering about the world, ready to be beaten down.


The game's spell and skill icons have undergone a revision. This revision has ta
ken its cues from player feedback and suggestions and should make using and iden
tifying spells much easier and intuitive (as well as cut back on the repetition
of spell icons in the game). Many of the symbols you are familiar with have not
changed, but the colors of those icons have. The icon color is now the central d
eterminer of what the spell does.
Icon color = Spell Type
The color of the icon is now the way to identify what KIND of spell it is. This
is universal across all realms:
Red - Direct Damage, Bolt, Poison and Disease spells (basically, anything that d
eals damage)
Green - Buff / Enhancement spells
Blue - Heal spells
White - Debuff spells

Purple - stun spells

Yellow - Mez, Charm, Confusion and Amnesia spells
Orange - Root and Snare spells
Gold - Resurrection spells
If you've got a yellow icon on top of your UI, you'll know you've been mezzed, c
onfused, etc.. If you've got a red icon above, you'll know you've been dealt dam
age of some type. If you see a green icon, you'll know you've been buffed, and s
o on and so on.
Border color = Spell Level. The color of the icons' border will give you a gener
al idea of the level of the spell:
grey - low
green - low/mid
blue - mid
yellow - mid/high
purple - high
BASELINE BUFFS have a green background. This applys to all classes.
BASELINE HEALS cast by a Healing class have a blue background.
SPECLINE HEALS cast by a Healing class have a yellow background.
Icon shapes have been largely standardized. So now, if a spell affects your Armo
r Factor, you'll see the same icon every time (The AF symbol looks like a chestp
late, for instance.)
In some cases you can have a baseline and a specline spell that essentially do t
he same thing. In that instance, every attempt has been made to make sure the ic
ons are different. There has also been an effort made to keep as many legacy ico
ns as possible to maintain variety. Mainly, the color's the thing.
There are a series of widgets which identify aspects of the spell. These widgets
will be the same color as the spell boarder. These sound confusing in text form
, they make more sense when you see them.
Self - A circle drawn around the icon indicates a self-only spell.
Group - Small marks radiating to the four corners of the icon indicate a Group-o
nly spell.
Debuff - In addition to being white, all debuff spells look like the icon has be
en cut out of a small circle.
Area Effect - A small series of concentric circles below the spell icon indicate
s an area effect spell
Ground Target Area Effect - two small wedges (anchoring it to the ground) beside
the area effect symbol indicate a ground target area effect spell
Over Time - any spell which happens over time will be bracketed on the sides and

have four small "tick" marks at the corners.

Area Effect Over Time - Combines the "Over Time" and "Area Effect" widgets.
Resist - A resist spell will have a shield drawn around it.


- Dungeons and Cities now have random ambient sounds, and will no longer sound s
o empty.
- Footstep sounds have been tweaked a bit and should sound less intrusive.

- Broadcast messages now work at all Frontier Keeps and Relic Keeps. This includ
es the three center Battleground Keeps.
- More guards have been hired inside Tir Na Nog and Jordheim, so now it should b
e easier to get directions in those areas.
Albion Trainers: Starting classes that are equipped with a training shield can n
ow obtain another should they lose it. This operates similar to training weapons
Hibernia Quests: It seems that Larylle in Ardee has been visited by a strange vi
sitor. She will tell her story of it should you be willing to listen.
Hibernia Dungeon: Treibh Caillte: A runaway thrall was recently captured by a pa
trol near this lair. He spoke only of the "Dreaded One". A strong expeditionary
force was sent to investigate. Although they slew everything in sight, they repo
rted no "Dreaded One" in the lair.
Albion Horse Route: The route from Snowdonia Station to Caer Witrin should no lo
nger take an unnecessary detour to Castle Sauvage.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: You will no longer take faction hits from monste
rs that are killed in the Battlegrounds.
Realm v. Realm - Border keeps: Bindstones have been placed in the main Portal Ke
eps (Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste, and Drum Ligen) of each realm.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: A new weapon has been granted to each of the ke
ep lords in the struggle for realm dominance. Each frontier keep has now been ou
tfitted with a new ally, a Hastener, who will grant a run speed buff to friends
of the realm. Further, each border keep now has a Hastener ally as well.
Midgard Quests: Family Business - Piercer is back in "business" and will no long
er try to give players kill tasks.
Albion: An expeditionary force of Trolls established a tower overlooking a key c
rossroads in Hadrian's. Lord Prydwen himself, aided by many knights of the realm
threw these stone beasts down, and christened the tower in honor of one of the
Hibernia: After years of battles near his keep, Chieftain Crauchon tasked severa

l of his Guardians with securing the outlying tower nearby. Although the Guardia
ns were slain in defense of the tower, their legacy remains, as the local fauna
has been driven off, and the area now bears their name.
Midgard: A slightly more intelligent expeditionary force of Vikings established
a forward tower overlooking the roads in Odin's Gate. They worked their magic th
ere, and wisely retreated to the safety of Bledmeer Faste once the task was comp
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: The strength of each of the battleground keep do
ors has been adjusted downward (again) to be more appropriate for the battlegrou
Midgard: Two new camps of Frore Lich's have been added. One is in Odin's Gate an
d one is in Jamtlands.
Hibernia: Tidal Sheeries no longer give positive faction to themselves when you
kill one. They now correctly give positive faction to the Koalinth.
Stonehenge Barrows: The advisors in Wizard Lichas' room have been adjusted to pr
event abuse.
We've added some additional challenging encounters to the follow zones:
For Midgard (Gotar, Mularn, East Svealand)
For Albion (Camelot Hills, Salisbury Plains)
For Hibernia (Lough Derg, Cliffs of Moher, Lough Gur, Shannon Estuary).
Albion Frontier: Scouts are sending reports back from Hadrian's Wall that the nu
mber of monsters in the area has decreased. This should make it easier for trave
lers to visit the outposts, however, be on the lookout for increased invader act
ivity looking to take advantage of this development.
Monsters: We have continued to adjust and add styles to selected monsters throug
hout the realms.
Midgard Frontier: British woodcutters have invaded Odin's Gate and have started
chopping down the forest. The improved visibility should mean more ferocious bat
tles for those daring and courageous enough to venture through the land.
Hibernia Frontier: Reports have come in that more monsters have been seen roamin
g the Northeast area of Breifine.
Many of the ethereal monsters in the game have taken on a more transparent appea
rance. Included in this change are: Spectral essences, the echo of life, menacin
g presences, shivering presences, and many of the other spirits that haunt the T
omb of Mithra.
The Albion, Hibernian and Midgard waylayers in Hadrians Wall have banded togethe
r under new leadership. It is rumored that the constant assaults under the ongoi
ng war have prompted this change.
Albion: Golestandt has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challengin
g fight.
Midgard: Gjalpinulva has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challeng
ing fight.

Hibernia: Cuuldurach has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challeng

ing fight.
A new force has united the disparate outcasts ravaging the forest in the frontie
r of Hibernia. The celtic brehons, nordic choppers, and albion woodcutters all h
ave fallen under the influence of unknown powers, and now travel together as one
General: Selected monsters throughout the realms have been given the ability to
use combat styles while in battle. We are just starting to integrate this into e
xisting monster encounters to add to the variety and spice of melee combat. More
will be added as this version progresses.
Midgard: The Wood-eater King and Royal Guards in Mularn should no longer roam in
to the guard tower and kill the guards.
Hibernia: There are no longer aggressive mobs roaming outside the entrance to Tr
eibh Caillte.
- A few horse routes have been changed so you are dropped off closer to the stab
le master. They are:
Snowdonia Station to Caer Witrin
Gna Faste to Hugginfel
Adribard to Castle Sauvage
Caer Ulfwych to Cornwall
Tir na mBeo to Drum Ligen
- Paladin, Infiltrator and Armsmen trainers will now give a thrusting weapon cho
ice when you join your guild.
Midgard: Tomte Runners are no longer set as Scouts in Nisse's Lair.
Hibernia: The Koalinth bouncer in Koalinth Caverns that kept walking through the
wall after he finished his patrol has been fixed.

Mordred Specific World Notes

- There is now an alternate means to complete the Departed Fellowship Quest. Sea
rch the druid groves near Keltoi Fogou.

- The Trident of Night should now be set at the appropriate level.
- The Blessed Pendant (Albion) now buffs the two-handed skill instead of chants.
- The Reinforced Truemail Helm (Hibernia) now has an energy resist in place of o
ne of the two body resists that used to appear upon delving.
- The Avenging Knight?s Cloak (Albion) now has a matter resist in place of one o
f the two body resists that used to appear upon delving.

- The Shepherd?s Robe (Albion) should now be dyeable with the appropriate dye ty
pe, and it has also been changed to look like a leather robe instead of cloth.
- The "Vae Inimicus Jewel" can now be picked up.
- The "Cailiondar Battle Robe" can now be dyed.
- The "Veiled Bracer of Eyes" can no longer be held.
- The "Rancid Fur Cape" can now be dyed.
- The +chants increase on the "Holy Crushed Gauntlets" has been changed to +str.
- The +chants increase on the "Holy Crushed Breastplate" has been changed to +co
- The "Ghastly Mendicant Gem" can now appropriately be equipped in the jewelry s
- The "Splendid Boots of Pilgrimage" can now be dyed by the appropriate dye.
- The "Manaweave Ring" can now be equipped appropriately.
- The Kraggon Sword now has the appropriate weight.
- One of the doubled body resists on the "Ghost Wolf Hide Cloak" has been change
d to a spirit resist.
- "Shin bones" can no longer be equipped as a weapon.
- The Forged Darksteel Spirit Staff (Midgard) now has a salvage value set.
- The "pristine white wolf pelt" that drops in the Midgard frontier can now be p
icked up by all realms.
- Throwing weapons in Midgard no longer display that they are useable in the lef
t hand.
- The "Crafted Darksteel Composite Bow" now has a salvage value set.
- The following bounty quest items should no longer be stackable: Lost Pearl (Mi
dgard), Glimmering Gem (Hibernia), Grovewood Bark (Hibernia), Terra Crab Claw (M
idgard), Black Orm Gland (Midgard), Drakulv Scale (Midgard)
- The Forged Darksteel Runic Staff (Midgard) now has a salvage value set.
- The +pie stat on the Rod of the Soulshade (Midgard) should now correctly affec
t the player?s piety when equipped.
- The following Midgard items now have a salvage value set: Reinforced Chitin Sh
ield, Twilight Doombringer, Twilight Blade-stopper, Runic Ember, Frozen Soul-sha
tter, Fell Cat?s Razor Tooth, Shadow Razer, Dark Frozen Eviscerator.

- Nightshades wishing to exchange their weaker Moonlit Leggings for a more usefu
l pair of Leather Moonlit Leggings should speak to Blathnaid's assistant, Nona,
in the Chamber of Stealth in Tir Na Nog. You may only exchange the item one time
- The Mischievous Greenbriar set of armor should now have an appropriate 25% mag
ical bonus instead of 15%.
- The Twisted Evil Ruby Scepter (Hibernia) is now appropriately class-restricted
- Saeor?s Rod of Balefire (Hibernia) should now correctly affect the intelligenc
e stat.
- The duplicate body resist entry on the delve information for the "Horse Mane B
racelet" has been replaced by a spirit resist.
- The duplicate cold resist entry on the delve information for the "Truesilver H
eater Shield" has been replaced by an energy resist.
- The "Caster?s Missing Eye" can now be picked up.
- The following quest rewards in Hibernia will no longer be given out with charg
es: Twilight Vest, Fagan?s Staff, Fagan?s Gloves of Poison, Fagan?s Helm of Hono
r, and Gloves of Black Death. Previously, these items appeared to have a charge
attached but in fact did not.
- The following items in Hibernia should now have salvage values set: Infernal F
lute, Bodb?s Wailing Flute, Topaz Studded Shell Flute, Melodic Flute, Flawed Car
ved Flute, Carved Flute, Coruscating Truesilver Flute, Flute of the Hollow Wind,
Melodic Lute, Bodb?s Wailing Lute, Flawed Embossed Lute, Embossed Lute, Corusca
ting Truesilver Lute, Lute of the Hollow Soul, Cath Drum, Bodb?s Wailing Drum, F
lawed Etched Drum, Etched Drum, Coruscating Truesilver Drum, Drum of the Hollow
- The Enchanter Staff of Channeling (Hibernia) now appropriately buffs the encha
ntments focus instead of mentalism.
- The Moonlit Leggings (nightshade class quest armor) is now made of the 10th le
vel leather instead of the original 8th level leather (now up to par with all th
e other class quest armors).


- The ability to craft crossbow bolts in Albion has been added.
- The ability to craft arrows/bolts that are additional blunt/piercing damage ty
pes has been added.
- Staves are now repaired by Fletchers instead of Weaponcrafters. There was a bu
g where Fletchers could make staves, but not repair them.
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.53 Release Notes

Here's the total release note for version 1.53. This new live patch has a wealth
of new tweaks and content. We've made substantial changes to the experience poi
nt curve to give levels 40-45 a faster progression, as well as now allow players
of more disparate levels to group together without the experience penalty. We'v
e made updates to melee classes to address their concerns and to make them more
effective in RvR combat. We've added a new dungeon in the Frontier of each Realm
. And, of course, we've made a myriad other updates to classes, objects, quests
and the game world.
- After gathering a year's worth of data, and listening to Team Lead and player
concerns, we are lessening the experience point curve between levels 40-45. Unde
r the current system, from levels 1 to 40, the time-played per level slowly incr
eases. At level 40, time played increases dramatically and remains the same (giv
e or take) from 40 to 50. We had intended a smoother curve from levels 40 to 45
to "ramp up" to levels 45 to 50 (which we intended to take a long time). In orde
r to compensate for this, we've reduced the number of monsters you will need to
kill between levels 40-45 - you'll still get the same amount of experience point
s per kill, but you'll need to kill fewer monsters each level.
- The experience awarded for killing 35th to 40th level monsters has been increa
sed. We had a "bump" in our awarded experience per level of kill at that range a
nd we're smoothing out the curve by raising the experience awarded per kill.
- The experience awarded for completed quests has been increased by 10% across t
he board (more than 10% for levels 40-45, due to the "fewer monsters killed per
level change").


- We've relaxed the rules that govern the experience clamp that occurs when lowe
r level characters group with higher level characters and the group fights monst
ers deemed unchallenging to the group's total strength. You should now be able t
o group with a wider range of players in the group without suffering an experien
ce point penalty.


In order to make everyday life in RvR more fun and compelling for primary melee
characters, we've made some updates to the Realm Ability system, as well as adde
d a new "free" ability to some melee classes. These changes and updates are focu
sed on the RvR capabilities of these classes, hence the use of the Realm Ability
system to implement the changes.
The intent of the changes is to make primary melee classes (i.e. those melee cla
sses that do not have spells) able to close with their enemies better, and to be
able to have the chance of preventing their enemies from escaping once they hav
e closed with them.

The following changes to realm abilities for Armsmen, Mercenaries, Heroes, Blade
masters, Warriors and Berserkers have been made:
- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Ignore Pain to 8 points.
- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Determination to 1/2/3/6/10 points.
- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Purge for these classes to 4 points.
- Added new passive Realm Ability "Prevent Flight" When active, if the tank's se
lected target turns and runs, the tank has a 35% chance of hitting and proccing
a 50% snare for 10 seconds. Cost: 14 points.
All of these primary melee tanks will be able to respec their Realm abilities to
take advantage of these changes.
Additionally, we've added a new (level-based) ability called "Charge", learned b
y Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers only, at 40th level. To charge, the
tank selects an enemy, and initiates this ability. When active, the tank sprints
at full sprint speed, with no endurance loss, for 10 seconds towards the target
. If he breaks off, or changes target, or the 10 seconds expires, the tank goes
back to normal running speed. Can be used every 5 minutes.

We are making the following updates to Paladins to make them more desirable in R
vR, and to generally make them slightly more effective at upgrading their group'
s overall power and effectiveness.
- All Paladin chants have had their range increased to 1500 (their regeneration
chant was at 700).
- The Paladin self armor-factor chant now stacks with other armor factor buffs.
- A new line of endurance regeneration chants have been added to the Paladin. Th
ese new chants consume power.
- A new line of stackable resistance buffs have been added to the Paladin. These
new chants stack with the resistance buffs of other classes and consume power.
The new spells (all take power at every pulse):
- Endurance Regeneration line
2 Chant of Endurance
12 Chant of Stamina
22 Chant of Persistence
32 Chant of Resilience
42 Chant of Perseverance
- Resistance to Heat/Cold/Matter, stacks with single element buffs:
27 Elemental Ward
46 Elemental Shield
- Resistance to Body/Spirit/Energy, stacks with single element buffs:
25 Soul Ward
44 Soul Shield


- Found and fixed a bug that was causing players to not evade, parry and block i
n RvR at the same rate that they were parrying/blocking/evading against monsters
. All characters who evade, block, and/or parry should now see themselves parryi
ng/blocking/evading much more often in RvR.
- We've substantially updated the in-game (F1) help system.
- Realm Abilities now have their correct icons.
- We finally fixed the long-standing print bug with the display of cloth armor's
Armor Factor. You'll see the number go up or down by 1-3 points (depending on y
our level) because now the correct Armor Factor is being printed. We made this f
ix now to lessen the confusion over cloth armors now that spellcraft/alchemy are
- Several "fall-through" problems in various dungeons fixed.
- You can now highlight an item in a store and click "buy" multiple times to buy
multiple items.
- The middle button can once again be configured in the keyboard configuration.
- Gold should now update correctly when trading to another player. Start a trade
, then change the amount of money in your trade window. It should correctly upda
te to the other player.
- "making change" in the trade window should work correctly. Try to trade a sing
le gold to another player. Then try to "pull back" 20 or so silver. You should n
o longer see 1G -20S on the screen - it should make correct change.
- All held equipment (weapons, shields, helms, etc) should now be "lodded" (remo
ved) from the figure at a distance of 2500 units. Note that at this distance the
player is approximately 22 pixels tall. This should help frame rate.
- When you delve your weapons, the correct base and clamped DPS are printed - th
ey were reversed.
- When you right click on an item in the incoming trade window, it now correctly
shows the bonus field.
- When a player had a combat style selected on his mouse and an Accept/Decline d
ialog appeared, the dialog would not work correctly. This has been fixed.
- /FOLLOW, /STICK and /FACE have been added to the command repeat (shift-up) que
- /follow, /stick, and /face can now be bound to a keyboard key in the keyboard
set up screen.
- /REPORT commands and /APPEAL have been removed from the command repeat (shiftup) queue.
- a new slash command; "/scrollchat" has been added. This toggles the Chat Buffe
r scrolling. If it is toggled on, messages in your visible chat buffer will disa
ppear after 90 seconds - but you'll still be able to view old messages by scroll
ing back in the chat buffer.
- Using a charge on a magic item now correctly brings a stealthed player out of

- You can no longer interact with shopkeepers who are away from their home (spaw
n) location.
- Realm Guards now drop cash when killed.
- The "Last Attacker" key in the keyboard configuration has been re-enabled.
- When you respec skills, you will now be displayed a dialog box that cautions y
ou about the severity of what you are about to do, and forces you to click an ac
cept/decline button.
- Any time you zone, you have a 30 second PVP invulnerability much like the PVP
servers. Note that on standard servers, you will not get a message when your tim
er expires since it only affects you in rare cases (like the new PVP dungeons).
- Gray items now take 1/2 the time to craft for all Crafters.
- In order to prevent server spamming, you can now only /UPGRADE a keep once per
10 minutes.
- You should now be able to pick up the loot dropped by the Glacier Giant in the
Midgard Frontier.
- Endurance Heal bounty potions will now properly update your endurance bar - it
was working before, but was not updated properly on the interface.
- The recipe display bug - where more than 3 components in a recipe can now be d
isplayed - has been fixed.
- Charged items with PBAE spells now work correctly - previously they required t
hat the caster be self-targeted.
- The infamous "missing line" scroll bug on the tradeskill recipe window has bee
n fixed - when you scroll down pages there was an item that was 'between' them t
hat you could never see.
- The scroll page reset bug has been fixed - before, if you were scrolled down a
nd crafted an item that increased your skill, the next time you clicked on the t
radeskill window to open/close an item it would jump back to the first page.


- The damage of Thane Toothgrinder line spells has been increased.
- The recast timers on Thane Thor's Minor Bolt and Thunder Shout lines have been
decreased from 30 to 20 seconds - you can now cast them more often.
- Shaman "Fungal" bolt spells and "Fungal" direct damage lines now have separate
timers so they can be cast independently of each other.
- Added a new endurance regen buff to the Shaman Augmentation spec:
2 Minor Earth Invigoration (single target)
12 Lesser Earth Invigoration (single target)
22 Earth Invigoration (single target)
32 Greater Earth Invigoration (group target)
42 Superior Earth Invigoration (group target)

Please note that the two highest spells in the new Shaman Earth Invigoration lin
e are in a separate line. You will keep Earth Invigoration for buffing realm all
ies not in your group.
- Fixed bug with damages on Spiritmaster Spirit's Revenge line - it has been inc
reased to be on par with the damage of other casters.
- Fixed cast times and damage/costs on Bard Major Resurgence and Tones of Health
lines. There was a problem where some Bard spells took too much power to cast a
nd/or were not effective enough.
- Druid pets have been changed so that the trees do crushing damage, the cats do
thrust damage, and the wolves do slashing damage. Previously, all pets did slas
hing damage - this gives them some variety.
- Snare should no longer work backwards - previously, it snared your target a li
ttle at the beginning of the effect, then ramped up to 100%. Now it correctly sn
ares for full effect at the beginning of the spell, and slowly wears off.
- The icon for Paladin chants are now displayed in the concentration window, and
can be canceled from there. The text reads "Pulse: " for the chant.
- Haste on pets should now work.
- Spiritmasters can now learn the realm ability "Wild Power".
- Fixed some errors in the Healer healing spells. Several had higher costs than
intended; these have been reduced in cost.
- All Healer Pacification Spec-line root spells were erroneously set to be "chai
n-castable". This has been fixed.


- Added Wild Power to Cabalist realm ability list.
- Armor of Faith is now properly set to be 1 level for 10 points, which provides
+150 AF for 60 seconds.
- Added Ethereal Bond to Minstrels.
- Changed description of First Aid to the following: "Self heal that heals a set
amount of hit points per level gained in the ability. This value increases with
the character's level. At level 50, it heals approximately 300 hitpoints per le
vel. It cannot be used in combat."

New Dungeons
Adventurers in all three realms are complaining of increased sightings of undead
in their frontiers. There has been word that a new group has risen to power who
se only interest is the complete and total domination of the three realms. By us
ing their powerful magic, they have managed to carve a maze of dungeons beneath
the frontier allowing them to enter and leave each realm's frontier at will. The

y have also amassed an army of undead big enough to wage a three-front war.
- We have found an entrance to Marfach Caverns in the Hibernian frontier of Brei
- In the Jamtland Mountains of the Midgard frontier, we have located the entranc
e to Gruva av Dod.
- The entrance to the Hall of the Corrupt has been located in the Pennine Mounta
ins of Albion.
Item note: Common monsters in the RvR dungeons have been itemized with magic ite
m drops under the new "Uniquely Generated Object" system explained in further de
tail below.
General Notes
- When your guild owns an outpost and a guard is slain at your outpost, you now
receive a print via guildchat channel.
Midgard: Huginfell no longer has two /broadcast regions - the number has been re
duced to one.
- TirNaNog - the Chamber of Nature has been adjusted in size.
- TirNaNog - Cullin's Inn in Tir Na Nog has been named - The Green Rose Pub area
has been increased to catch all of the patrons. Many of the merchants and NPC's
in Tir Na Nog now have a richer backstory.
- Bri Leith - Fagan has ordered his forces to scout and report back on the activ
ities in the Cursed Forest. To support this mission, a new town with a bindstone
, Brynach, has been established in the valley of Bri Leith.
- The bindable areas in Tir Na mBeo and Ardagh have received bindstones.
- When taking a horse from Innis or Connla to Culraid the horse will no longer r
un through a tree.
- A smith, a poison merchant, a healer, and an arrow merchant have set up shop o
utside Culraid.
- Harpers now have lutes instead of drums.
- The Evern encounter in Breifine has been modified to be of like difficulty to
that of the Glacier Giant.
Monsters: Albion : The Green Knight encounter has been modified to be of like di
fficulty to that of the Glacier Giant.
Albion Monsters: The pygmy goblins have been given additional intelligence and a

bilities, and adjusted in strength.

Quests: General
- Additional story-based kill tasks have been introduced in all three realms, ta
rgetting players level 41 and higher.
- Fixed many mispellings and incorrect directions in the quest journal. Thanks f
or reporting these!
Quests- General: A small number of "bounty" quest objects have had their "no sel
l" flags removed, so that even after you?ve completed the quests the maximum num
ber of times the drops can be sold to a merchant. These items include Fell, Dang
erous, and Malefic teeth, and soul gems, sett pelts and white pelts. Be careful
that you don?t sell them before you?ve maxed the quest out, as they won?t be rei
mbursed to you.

Albion Quests
- A Deed of Old - Boneclaw Ring of Morra has had its level increased from 5 to 8
- Lady Nimue's spell effects were getting in the way of players turning in objec
ts to her. This effect has been fixed and she should now accept any items passed
to her
- Secret Orders: The Arawn Commander will now only appear for players on the cor
rect step of this quest.
- Legend of the Lake: We have made some changes to the 15th level portion of thi
s quest in an attempt to bring it up to the level of other quests within the rea
lm. The main change is the addition of two sub-quests to complement the existing
"Barbaric Tales" and "Wizard Lost". Players who encounter this step of the ques
t will be given the option to perform two of the possible four sub-quests. Pleas
e note that these changes will not affect players that have already performed th
is section of the quest.
- The material type on Bernor's Numinous Robes has been upgraded to be in line w
ith the rest of the epic armors. Wizards may notice their current robes appear t
o have lost a few levels. To exchange your current robe for the new one, please
see Gardowen Egesa in Camelot. This exchange can only be made one time.
- A merchant by the name of Grindan Halig at Caer Ulfwych, is looking for a brav
e soul to descend into the Catacombs of Cardova and search for something.
- Willing Sacrifice - The Church has become deeply concerned about the presence
of the followers of the Cult of Mithra in their midst, and how they might influe
nce faithful Church members. Brother Codeth from the Church has been assigned to
find adventurers willing to rid the realm of this evil.
Midgard Quests
- Asdis in Upplands is no longer charmable.
- It has been rumored that Gothi of the Juton possesses the power to reveal the
object of one's dreams. You would be wise to seek him out and discover what powe

r lies in your future.

- Tomte of Doom - Yandu, a well-known adventurer and explorer has new informatio
n about the Tomte Lair that she might be willing to share.
- Spiritmaster Trainers will now give out the level 7 quest as intended.
- Many of the merchants and NPCs in Jordheim now have a richer backstory.
Hibernia Quests:
- Straw's in Town - There should no longer be problems with players being unable
to hit the elusive spraggon, Straw.
- Kinney of Connla has shown great concern over a mysterious man that frequents
the town. It is said she seeks adventurers to assist her in this matter.
- Rest In Peace - The curse of the Muire family is almost complete. Gogarty Muir
e is the last surviving Muire and though he clings to the final shreds of sanity
, it's only a matter of time before he too succumbs to madness and death.
- Lost Townsfolk of Bran Llyr - Clodagh and Enan will now respond correctly and
transport players on the quest.
- Merle the Old will no longer strike back at unfortunate Hibernians that accide
ntally attack him.
- Search for the Missing Smith - The reward for this quest, Otherworldly Ring, h
as been improved to make it an appropriate level reward for this quest. If you a
lready have this item it will automatically upgrade.
- Aid for Alainn Bin - Players that have completed this quest may choose to retu
rn to Rois in the Bog of Cullen to exchange their staff. The new staves are leve
l 50, they have charges instead of procs, and they give a single higher spell fo
cus instead of two lesser ones.
Realm v. Realm: Battlegrounds
- The Battleground keep lords now have similar abilities to the regular frontier
- The few rare, remaining monsters that dropped loot in the Battlegrounds have b
een removed.
- The central keep guards in Dun Murdaigean, Thidranki Faste and Caer Caledon sh
ould no longer chase players to their portal keeps.
- Battlegrounds (ALL): We have added a new NPC type called a Siege Master. These
Siege Masters can be found at your realm?s portal keep within the Battlegrounds
. The primary purpose of these Siege Masters is to provide a method for players
to gain experience in the use of siege weaponry in these RvR training grounds. P
lease visit this new NPC within your Battleground in order to gain more insight.
Tokens sold from the Siege Masters will now reflect if you can use siege weapon
s at all. If you cannot use the weapon and attempt to buy one of these tokens, y
ou will be warned. We have also added a general description of what each weapon
can do to the Siege Master's introduction. Finally, the Siege Master can now als
o provide you with twenty units of ammo for your selected siege weapon.

Realm v. Realm: Frontier Keeps

- The Keep Lords have acquired new abilities and longer range bows to counter so
me of the more exploitive tactics used against them.
- Kirawyr is once again serving Albion in Nottmoor Faste.
- Several NPC archers at Bledmeer Faste, Dun Da Behn, Arvakr Faste, and Dun Aili
nne have been moved to make them easier to target from outside the keeps.
- The crafting material and siege material merchants will now spawn more quickly
at the merchant keeps.
- Hasteners will now buff all friendly player and npcs in range of the player ac
tivating the Hastener. This includes pets.
Dungeons: Hibernia
- Koalinth Caverns - The rare, existing, monsters of Koalinth Caverns have been
capitalized appropriately.
- Treibh Caillte - Several rocky golems who insisted on facing the wall while fi
ghting have been adjusted. The thralls have received new orders to attack and ki
ll all on sight, and are consistently attacking all they see.
- Additionally, the constant traffic from Culraid to Treibh Caillte has forced t
he roaming monsters along this route to seek new homes.
- Muire Tomb - some of the murkmen hiding inside of the columns have been adjust
ed. The weak spiders who had wandered down to Frang's room have retreated to the
entrance halls after Frang began baking spider crunchies on a daily basis.
- The untargettable Muire Hero in Connaire's room has been moved out of the wall
- Spraggon Den - the untargettable spraggon cutter in the entrance room has been
moved out of the wall.
Dungeons: Albion
- Tomb of Mithra - Acolyte Nascita has grown in strength and power.
- Tepok's mine - The cave fishers, fisher hatchlings, and cave bear cubs all hav
e grown fat, lazy and non-aggressive after years of feasting on hapless wounded
- Catacombs of Cardova - New, faster, less damaging spears have been issued to t
he infantry. Sorcerors scouting the dungeon happily report that some moor boogey
s appear to have wandered inside and set up a nest.
Dungeons: Midgard
- Cursed Tomb - The aggressive monsters at the entrance to Cursed Tomb have foun
d new homes - scouts returning from the dungeon report that fewer wanderers appe
ar to inhabit the dungeon.

- Spindelhalla - the untargettable cave trow trollkarls in the Pit area have mov
ed into the interior of the room.
- Nisse's Lair: The tomte caitiff and tomte seer now command fewer allies.
Monsters: Albion
- Tales abound that the Green Knight has returned to Forest Sauvage. Should you
encounter this knight, caution would be best. He cannot be happy with all that h
as happened during his absence.
Monsters: Midgard
- The soul sinkers in Myrkwood Forest will no longer chain cast their DOT.
- The Briton Woodcutters who had invaded Odin's Gate seem to have left as quickl
y as they came.
- A hoard of glacier fairies has descended upon the Glacier Giant within Odin?s
Gate. These pests have done nothing but infuriate him. Expect the giant to be ev
er more unpleasant than before.
Monsters: Hibernia
- Cliffs of Moher - Coimirceoir once again resides with the Vehement Guardians.
Their numbers have been reduced slightly.
- Grovewoods are no longer quite so adept at self-heals and have an increased ch
ance to drop their quest related item.
- Ire wolves no longer drop badger parts and have an increased chance to drop th
eir quest related item.
- The wraith Evern within Breifine has discovered the key to a powerful ritual!
She now has the ability to summon fairies to do her bidding. Those who anger her
must be ready for a prolonged battle.
Item Notes
- The Kraggon Cloak (Albion) now buffs cold and body resist, instead of body res
ist twice.
- The "elementalist" requirement on the Ebony Staff (Albion) has been changed to
- The "studded warhound collar" should now have an icon.
- The "carrion drake talon" is no longer stackable, as it is meant to be a weapo
- The spelling of "forgotten silk cloth" was corrected.
- The Softened Bark Frock (Albion) should now be dyable.
- The Plate of Eternal Midnight (Albion) now buffs spirit and body resist, inste
ad of body resist twice.

- Several more common loot drops in Spindelhalla are now stackable.

- The Gauntlets of Celerity (Albion) should have the correct icon in a player?s
- The Resplendent Ring (Albion) now has an energy resist instead of two body res
- Players should now be able to sell player-crafted lutes to NPC merchants.
- The Vaporous Crown (Midgard) now buffs piety rather than intelligence.
- The Mischievous Bracer (Hibernia) now buffs cold and spirit resist instead of
spirit twice.
- The Bone Necklace (Albion) should have the appropriate icon.
- The Huntman?s Cloak (Midgard) can now hold an emblem.
- The Putrefied Robes (Albion) can now be dyed with leather dye and should have
the appropriate leather robe look.
- The Jeweled Rigid Leggings (Hibernia) now buffs body, energy, and spirit resis
- The frontier zones are itemized with common loot.
- Many of the new monsters introduced in Treibh Caillte in 1.52 have new item dr
- The following Albion instruments have been changed to drop as higher level ins
truments (This change should be considered an upgrade to future instruments that
enter the game, not a retro-active fix to the existing instruments):
Ellyll Drum, Fine Asterite Drum, Drum of Fading Valor, Accursed Avernal Drum, Av
ernal Malison Drum, Ellyll Flute, Fine Asterite Flute, Flute of Dementia, Accurs
ed Avernal Flute, Avernal Malison Flute, Polished Granite Flute, Ellyll Lute, Fi
ne Asterite Lute, Lute of Haunting Melody, Accursed Avernal Lute, Avernal Maliso
n Lute, Polished Granite Lute.
- The following Hibernian instruments have been changed to drop as higher level
instruments (This change should be considered an upgrade to future instruments t
hat enter the game, not a retro-active fix to the existing instruments):
Bodb's Wailing Drum, Glimmerstrike Drum, Accursed Demon Drum, Infernal Malison D
rum, Coruscating Truesilver Drum, Drum of the Hollow Heart, Bodb's Wailing Flute
, Topaz Studded Shell Flute, Warshade Flute, Accursed Demon Flute, Infernal Mali
son Flute, Coruscating Truesilver Flute, Flute of the Hollow Wind, Bodb's Wailin
g Lute, Cursed Lute, Deathwatcher Lute, Accursed Demon Lute, Infernal Malison Lu
te, Coruscating Truesilver Lute, Lute of the Hollow Soul.
- The Silvered Staff (Hibernia) should salvage for the correct material.
- More of the common loot drops in Coruscating Mines, Cursed Tomb, and the Vendo
Caverns should now be stackable.
- Players should now be able to salvage cloth items.
- Player-crafted trinkets are now stackable up to 10.
- The Accursed Avernal Staff of Fire (Albion) is now appropriately class-restric

- The range on the Runic Throwing Axes and Tomte Throwing Axes (Midgard) has bee
n increased to current throwing axe standards. These axes, along with the Infern
al throwing Axes, have also had berserker added to the class restrictions.
- Arrows, bolts, poisons and thrown weapons can now stack to 100.
- Arrows, bolts, and thrown weapons are lighter.
- The base stack size for poisons is now 20 instead of 10. The cost per stack re
mained the same, this results in an overall reduction in poison cost.
- The "polished bone" (quest item) should no longer stack.
- Wolf Hide Leggings (Albion) should now be dyable.
- Players should now be able to pick up the Insidious Golden Band.
- Bounty potions are now usable in combat.
- In the Hibernia Darkness Falls stores, there were mistakenly two hauberks with
the same name, the Avernal Hauberk. To alleviate confusion, the Avernal Hauberk
which could be purchased with diamond seals is now called the Abysmal Hauberk,
while the one that could be purchased with emerald seals remains the same.
- The following items have had the +pac stat increase changed to a more useful s
tat increase: Jewel of Vanera Swamp, Retainers Signet Ring, Corrupt Fiend-forged
Helm, Corrupt Fiend-forged Hauberk, Corrupt Daemon-crafted Helm, Corrupted Daem
on-crafted Hauberk, Corrupt Abyssal Helm, Golden Alloy Hammer, Eir Blessed Penda
nt, Soulbound Necklace, Wolftooth Hauberk, Healer?s Touch Necklace, Ancient Drag
on Etched Coif, Valhalla Touched Gloves. Because of this change, please note the
Bracer of Pacification is now known as the Bracer of Mending.
- The following items have had the +beastcraft stat increase changed to a more u
seful stat increase: Beastfriend?s Bracer, Shrunken Bear Skull.
- Blessed Tyr Gloves (Mid) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- Gauntlets of Celerity (Alb) can now by dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- The Collector Carapace is now spelled correctly and no longer stacks.
- The common mobs have in the RvR dungeons have been itemized with magic item dr
- The Arcing Bludgeoner (Alb) should now be restricted to mercenaries only.
- The Rod of Souls (Alb) should now actually increase intelligence properly.
- The Petrified Bardic Wonder (Hibernia) now has a salvage value set.
- The Darkened Battle Shield (Hibernia) now has a salvage value set.
- The Dispositional Cloak (Midgard) can no longer be held.
- The Malefic Studded Helm (Midgard) now buffs piety and dexterity, instead of p
iety and empathy.
- The Ring of Arawn (Albion) that was previously a level 14 drop is now a level

40 drop. The stats on the item will remain the same.

- Shadowbinder's Mantle will now show its level correctly.

PvP-Server Specific Notes

- Material types 9 and 10 for all realms are now available at all 3 merchant kee
- The crafting material and siege material merchants will now spawn more quickly
at the merchant keeps.
- Many of the PvP server quests are now available to players of all three realms
- particularly the bounty and one time drop quests.


With the introduction of the new RvR dungeons, we are also unveiling a new syste
m for treasure drops. This system is a change from the existing treasure drops t
hat you have become accustomed to.
This system allows us to vary the power of similar items that drop from one mons
ter. As such, each "Unique Object" that you recieve as treasure is different fro
m those that have dropped before, and those that will drop in the future. Items
can vary in quality, magic bonus, stat bonusses, skill bonusses, resist bonuses,
etc. etc. Each object that drops under this new system will delve as a "Unique
Object" to reflect the rarity of this particular combination of bonusses and qua
lity. Please note that the name of these new items reflects the bonusses that ar
e on the object.
Similar objects will have the same name, however the properties will be differen
t - remember that delving will reveal the properties of the object.
To summarize:
1) Objects created under this system will have varying properties attached to th
2) Some objects with different properties will have the same name.
3) Every object created under this system has "Unique object" listed when it is
4) Players will have to delve every object to determine the value to the player.
Here they are, the official patch notes for your viewing enjoyment:
Edited at 10:09 EST - in the spellcrafting instructions, we should have said "ac
cept" instead of "trade."
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.54 Release Notes

Tuesday, November 11, 2002

Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot version 1.54, a major addition to the game. In th
is version are several complete new game systems - Spellcraft/Alchemy and Duelin
g - as well as many smaller tweaks and additions that have been requested by the
Camelot community - 10 hotbars of 10 keys each, color coding of names, macros i
n chat text. Additionally, we've made some substantial updates to the frontier o
utpost RvR system and many updates to siege warfare to make it easier and more a
dvantageous to use.


Spellcraft and Alchemy make their debut in Dark Age of Camelot with this update,
which are the two crafting skills that allow player crafters to imbue weapons a
nd armor with magical properties. This is an extensive system that has many opti
ons and associated skills. For full documentation of the Spellcraft and Alchemy,
go to the Camelot Herald at Yo
u'll find all the information you need to get started there.
General Overview of Spellcraft/Alchemy
Spellcraft and Alchemy work exactly like the other tradeskills as far as their r
ecipes, and the objects they create go. Once you have the object, you "combine"
them, via the trade window to an object.
For example, Player A takes their Sword they want to have strength added to it t
o a Spellcrafter. They place it in a trade window with the Spellcrafter. The Spe
llcrafter places a strength Gem in the sword's gem socket and clicks the "combin
e" button. Satisfied (both players will get text information on the combine, how
many points it took, etc), Player A places some money in the trade window and h
its accept. The Spellcrafter then hits accept, the combine happens. Viola! Playe
r A has a sword with a strength bonus, and the Spellcrafter has the satisfaction
of making another magic item.
The "forge" object for Spellcraft and Alchemy is the new Alchemy table that you
will see placed in various parts of the home cities. You will find the merchants
needed for these two crafts close by.
The tools that you will need for various recipes are the Spellcraft Kit, Alchemy
Kit, and Mortar and Pestle. The kits are always needed for their specific trade
, the Mortar and Pestle is needed for making any of the poisons.
You may need to scroll sideways in the Spellcraft/Alchemy Merchants to find the
items that you need (using the new multiple store indexes per merchant feature).
Names of Guild Masters:
Spellcraft Guild Master: Clayton Gage
Alchemy Guild Master: Adelaide Dinsmore

Spellcraft Guild Master: Hradi Thorleif

Alchemy Guild Master: Armod Dag
Spellcraft Guild Master: Shannen
Alchemy Guild Master: Aslander
Trade Skill Reset
In order to "wipe" your trade skills so that your character can learn Spellcraft
/Alchemy if they already belong to another trade Order, we've put in a special q
uest in each Realm that will guide your character through the process. Please no
te that you can only go on this quest ONCE, and you can only do it to switch fro
m whatever tradeskill you currently know to Spellcraft or Alchemy - NOT to any o
ther tradeskill.
We've placed an NPC in each of the capital cities of each realm in the general v
icinity of the name registrar. Each of these NPC?s will instruct you as to the p
rocess of changing your order. Please note that once you have established yourse
lf within the new order, you cannot change back. All of these changes are final!
Change Trade Order NPCs:
Albion ? Edie Wharton
Hibernia ? Fabrice
Midgard ? Gudmund


We've made a few changes to make taking and holding frontier keeps much more att
ractive. The changes are designed to make it slightly easier to defend keeps, as
well as give you more reason to control them. We will be making more enhancemen
ts to this system over time.
- Now, when a guild claims an outpost, all guards from that outpost raise one le
vel. Additionally, as the keep is upgraded - one level is added to every guard f
or every upgrade level on the keep. Note that the named guards at the relic keep
s are "from" these outposts and enjoy the same upgrades.
- Heal spells now receive a bonus from the power relic - finally healing classes
will benefit by their Realm controlling power relics.
- Now, when the outer door of a keep is destroyed, all scouts from the outpost s
till alive will converge on the keep door to attempt repel all attackers.
- Players now receive an exp bonus when fighting within 16,000 units of a keep c
ontrolled by your realm or your guild. You get 20% bonus if your guild owns the
keep or a 10% bonus if your realm owns the keep.


- With great ado, we now support 10 hotbars with 10 icons each.

- There has also been a new slash command added, /qbar which allows you to pick
a quickbar with a slash command. Example: /qbar 2 switches to your second quickb
ar, the same as pressing Shift-2. This change allows you to assign /macro comman
ds that will select between different quickbars. The current quickbar page will
now persist across zoning and quitting.


We now support an alternative scheme to display the names over all in-game model
s (player, monster, and enemy player). There is a new slash command: "/colorname
s" that enables the new name coloring scheme:
Monsters: Names are colored by con color
NPCs: Cyan
Realm Enemies: Red
Guild Members: Dark Green
Group Members: light orange/brown
Players: Normal Color (light blue)
Graves/Dead People: Brown
Selected Target: White
Note that when you turn this on, selected target is no longer yellow, it is whit
e. Yellow names are yellow-con level monsters.
To restore the game to the old system, type "/oldnamecolors", which restores the
original name coloring. Your name coloring preference will persist across zonin
g and quitting.


There is another new slash command used to hide player, monster, and grave names
. The command is as follows:
/hidenames players | monsters | self | graves | all
/shownames players | monsters | self | graves | all
players - any normal player characters
monsters - any NPCs, any monsters, any pets
graves - gravestone names
self - your own name
all - all names
Shift-N effectively acts like a toggle between "/hidenames all" and "/shownames
/hidenames self graves
Will hide your name and any grave names, but show monster names and other player
names. Name filtering (including Shift-N) will persist across zoning and quitti
Please note that when you hide names (using Shift-N or the new /hidenames slash
command), they are no longer clickable. Previously, if you hid them they could s
till be targeted, leading to some problems of selecting yourself when you were t

rying to select another player.


- You should now always get the siege weapon control window when you assume cont
rol of any siege weapon. There was a bug that prevented the window from correctl
y being displayed.
- The control radius of a siege weapon has been reduced from 512 to 300. When yo
u go out of the radius, the control window now disappears
- You can now salvage up to 5 stacks of 200 items each if necessary. This should
fix salvaging large amounts of wood from siege equipment.
- Timers on the control window for siege equipment will now correctly reflect th
e real timers.
- Catapult and Ballista minimum ranges are now 1500 across the board.
- The range of all rams has been doubled.
- The siege ram, palintone and trebuchet should all salvage for the correct type
of wood.
- Hibernian siege merchants no longer sell siege parts that can not be used for
- If you dropped a piece of siege ammo on the siege window, the ammo would disap
pear and you would not be able to click on your backpack until you logged. This
is fixed.
- You can now load multiple ammo into a siege equipment and select and fire them
individually. Keep in mind that you now have to specifically select a piece of
ammo in the siege equipment window and LOAD it - the first item is no longer "au
- Fixed some the updating of the siege window to accurately reflect the state of
the equipment (armed, loaded, aimed, ready) in its title.
- Added more messages when firing siege equipment to give better feedback on whe
n timers have expired.
- If you are controlling a piece of siege equipment and you close your siege win
dow, you can type /CONTROL to show the window again (you don't have to release a
nd re-control the siege equipment).


By popular request, there is now a way to fight characters from your own realm a dueling system, where both parties agree to fight.
To start the duel, select the character you want to fight and type, "/duel chall
enge". The character responds with "/duel accept" to accept the challenge and fi
ght you. They can also type "/duel decline" to reject the challenge. Once the fi
ght starts, either combatant can type "/duel surrender" to surrender the fight.

All duels are to the death. No constitution or experience is lost on a dueling d

eath. A message is printed to all nearby on victory or surrender notifying bysta
nders of the outcome of the duel.
Please note the following:
- damage is not "remembered" for the purposes of PVP vs PVE death.
- if either opponent is hit by a monster or a realm opponent, the duel is auto-t
- you cannot initiate or accept a duel if you are not at 100% hits or have your
combat timer set
- After a duel, if you are low on hits and are killed by a monster or enemy play
er, you take a "real" PvE death. Be careful where you duel.
- Dueling will cancel when one player quits, zones, or is teleported.
- When a duel ends, all spell effects cast by the duel target on either player a
re wiped (positive and negative effects).
- After being killed in a duel, you will autorelease to your exact same position
in 10 seconds.
- Please note that using some Realm Abilities will drop you out of a duel.


Many objects in the Darkness Falls dungeon were set to have a salvage value far
too high relative to their worth (in gold). In order to keep the game's economy
in balance, we've had to adjust the salvage values of some items found on Darkne
ss Falls vendors. Now, all objects purchased from vendors in Darkness Falls have
a consistent salvage value based on the seal cost of that object. This means th
at for those items that were adjusted you will get less salvageable material tha
n you previously did.
Note: we did not adjust the actual seal cost of any item, only the salvage setti
ngs on the items.
Note: this change is retroactive, so clear your vaults if you were storing any o
f these items for later salvage.


- The Recovery combat style in the Hibernian Blunt list is now named Windfall, a
nd its opening is the previous style Impact. It also now does a moderate attack
speed debuff instead of a stun.
- Added new interface for Self Crafting of items. When you quickview an item (in
the lower right summary window) - you can currently hit SHIFT-I to delve the it
em. We've added a new key (default is SHIFT-R) to "craft" an item directly from
the player's backpack. A small mini-craft window appears when you press this key
with three options: Repair, Salvage and Craft. Please note that for the next da

y or two, the "craft" option will not work. Also, when you repair, it will repai
r the item, but information on the repair won't be updated until you move the it
em from one inventory slot to another.
- Items that you craft, trade, pick up, or otherwise put in your inventory will
now auto-stack with like items.
- You can now split stacks of items in your inventory. To do this, simply pick u
p a stack of objects in your inventory or bank. Drop it onto an empty backpack o
r bank slot. You'll be presented with a small window prompting you for the numbe
r of items in the stack to move. Note that you cannot split stacks into a trade
window or onto a monster - you must split into an empty slot in your inventory f
- You can now use target macros with the %t or %T fields. For instance, type "/m
acro /say Hello, %t!" - this will set up a macro that will say hello to your cur
rent target.
- You can now set a follow up spell to be cast. If you press a hotkey to cast a
second spell when a first spell is being cast, the second spell is queued up to
be to "autocast" after the first is cast. Note that when the second spell actual
ly begins the cast process, it will cast on the target the player has currently
targeted. You can cancel the spell in the normal fashion by moving when starting
to cast. If you wish, you can turn off this feature by toggling the "/noqueue"
- Attackers now receive a specific bladeturn message when their attack is bladet
urned. Previously the message they received simply stated the attack missed.
- When you craft an object that cannot be carried, you now get a print saying "y
ou create the object on the ground".
- Sprint can now be bound to a key in the keyboard configuration.
- You can no longer turn your figure when stunned or mezzed. This will allow mel
ee characters the chance to use position styles against stunned/mezzed enemies.
- When you use a hot-key to ready a one-handed weapon, you will now automaticall
y equip your shield if you have one readied.
- If you used the last of your stack of thrown weapons, you used to get garbled
combat messages if you had no readied weapon. This is fixed.
- Fixed issues with Mesmerize - under certain situations if cast on a player, th
e casting player would not be put into combat mode.
- "/assist " should now work correctly. Up until now it only worked properly on
your currently selected target.
- Some of the portal ticket vendors will now also sell siege ammunition as a sec
ondary store index.
- Monsters will no longer wiggle back and forth across a path-point if they are
traveling fast.
- Monsters in formations in dungeons with multiple levels should no longer have
creatures drop through the floor.
- When crafting objects, stat bonuses will display both the 100 and 150 percent

- Focus gems now delve the correct amount.

- When you enter stealth or camo and you are sprinting, your sprinting is halted
- Heroes can no longer enter stagform while dead.
- Monsters should no longer turn to face you when Mezzed or stunned, so now posi
tional combat styles will be easier to perform against them.
- There was a bug that prevented back-up combat styles from working properly if
one of the styles was shield-based. This has been fixed.
- You now have to reach deeper water before you go into swim mode.
- Monsters will now propagate much more smoothly when they are flying.

- Portal Ceremonies across all realms have been adjusted to handle an increased
teleport load. This should alleviate problems noted when teleporting cross realm
for large relic and keep raids.
- The leaders of guard patrols in the frontiers should now appear at a greater v
isual distance for players.
- Quests: We have added one quest per realm to provide an introduction to the ne
w races that will debut in the Shrouded Isles expansion.
- Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: We have adjusted the levels of many of the mon
sters in the battlegrounds - to provide better pets for charming classes. The gi
ant spiders, tomb raiders, cliff beetles, goblin whips, large bloated spiders, d
eath spiders, and rage wolves have all been adjusted.
- Merchants in the three capital cities have been combined for your convenience,
now that merchants can have up to four pages of items to sell. If you can't fin
d your usual merchant, click on the merchants nearby to find the items you need.
- The following merchants now carry enchanting/recharging components: Freyne Aeo
elred in Camelot, Ereck Hemingr in Jordheim, and Cedric in Tir na Nog
- PvP servers only: Under some existing circumstances, the Relics on the PvP ser
vers can reset to their original relic keeps. Under 1.54, more relics will be re
set to their keeps, as such, the guardians of these keeps have taken it upon the
mselves to periodically replace the Relic Keep doors.
- Realm v. Realm: Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: The patrolling guards should
now move more quickly throughout their patrols.
- Realm v. Realm: To help prevent people from exploiting the immunity timer in t
he new RVR dungeons, we have moved the exit to the dungeons. You can no longer z
one out where you zoned in, but instead must travel a distance to a new zone poi
- Battlegrounds: Siegemasters will now specify when and where they drop ammo. Th
is will be indicated by a pop-up "OK" box at the time of the ammo drop.

Courier Missions
We have introduced a new set of tasks named "Courier missions". These missions t
ake place within the frontiers and can only be given to players who are 30th lev
el or higher. There are two sides to each mission, a kill task and a protect tas
k. The primary goal of the kill task is to speak with the mark dealer for a task
, locate the courier listed, hunt the courier down, and then kill it. The protec
t task is a bit different in that you must find the courier, speak to it to obta
in the task, and then ensure the courier reaches its destination alive. To bette
r assist the defenders in locating a courier to defend, we have also added a sta
tus monitor within both border keeps. These status monitors will broadcast to th
e entire keep if a courier needs a defender and where this courier is located. Y
ou can also speak with this monitor to find if there are any couriers in transit
that require assistance. As with all tasks, you may use /task command to receiv
e the status of your task at any time. Please note that you will have only one h
our to complete this task. Should the courier take longer than this to reach its
destination or should you not locate the courier, the task is considered forfei
The details of the rewards are as follows:
Kill Task - A large sum of coin will be split evenly to anyone who is on this ta
sk when the courier is killed. In order to receive your reward, you must be with
in 6000 units (just outside of visual range) of the courier when it dies.
Protect Task - A large sum of coin will be split evenly to anyone who is on this
task when the courier reaches its destination. In order to receive your reward,
you must be within 6000 units (just outside of visual range) of the courier whe
n it reaches this point.
Following is the list of Mark Dealers and Status Monitors:
Status monitors: Kirbie Hareford (Castle Sauvage), Paytan Varden (Snowdonia Keep
Midgard mark dealer: Ohtor (Portal Keep - Hadrian?s Wall)
Hibernia mark dealer: Edouarz (Portal Keep - Hadrian?s Wall)
Status monitors: Ulfr (Svasud Faste), Steig (Vindsaul Faste)
Albion mark dealer: Bardolf Culthit (Portal Keep - Odin?s Gate)
Hibernia mark dealer: Drust (Portal Keep - Odin?s Gate)
Status monitors: Garth (Druim Ligen), Eodan (Druim Cain)
Albion mark dealer: Centwine Melgim (Portal Keep - Emain Macha)
Midgard mark dealer: Skuti (Portal Keep - Emain Macha)

Albion Quests:
Bounty Quest - (peallaidh) - Thule Ruthic wasn't taking peallaidh hides. This ha
s been fixed, he takes them now.
Legend of the Lake AND Barbaric Tales - Players couldn't turn in the second gobl
in tome - this has been fixed, they can turn it in now.
Willing Sacrifice - The quest reward tells the player they're going to get a bel
t. The rewarded object is now correctly set to a belt.

Midgard Quests
- Tomte of Doom - Yandu wouldn't respond to players trying to choose a circlet.
This has been fixed, players can go back and talk to Yandu. The journals now hav
e the trigger word: [inventory]
- Midgard Quests: Tomte of Doom - Players should no longer have difficulty selec
ting their reward.

Hibernia Quests
- Unnatural Powers - Invisible Green Maws were killing the players. This has bee
n fixed, players can attempt this encounter again now.
- The Moonstone Twin - Giant Caithor was spawning briefly and then despawning. P
layers couldn't continue. This has been fixed, players can attempt this encounte
r again now.
Albion Quests
- Andrew's Metal Bits is now only available to Scouts.
- RvR Dungeons: The innocents all now operate under the undead damage tables.
- Hibernia - Treibh Caillte - the few earth golems who occasionally got stuck ne
ar the entrance have been moved.
- Dungeon: Darkness Falls: Dried worm husks have recently been discovered in the
wake of the giant demon Beliathan's passage. Their origins have not yet been di
scovered, nor have any been seen alive thus far in order to determine their purp
ose or meaning.
- Dungeon: Treibh Caillte: Rock golems which have been pulled to the entrance sh
ould now return to their spawn points. The rocky golems are now a little bit tou
- Coruscating Mines: The undead Drudgers should now all use the same damage tabl

- The Dragon Stun used by all three dragons will now trigger a stun immunity tim
- The following monsters throughout the realms have armed themselves - the Danao
ins, the snowshoe bandits, many of the ghostly invaders, as well as the cutpurse
s and poachers.
Albion: Dartmoor - the granite giant pounders in the southeast should no longer
be "too far away to attack"
Albion: The few cave fairies who were immune to all ranged attacks have been fix
Albion: Camelot Hills - the river sprites south of Cotswold have returned.
Albion: Merchants dressed in foreign armors have changed their clothes.
Albion: The pygmy goblin tanglers should no longer chase players forever.
Albion: Some scouts report seeing a new breed of spider roaming Hadrian's Wall.
Also some reports of some enraged panthers being spotted in the area.
Albion: Starved of their normal prey, the bone snappers have grown weaker.
Midgard: Merchant Tig is no longer aggressive.
Midgard: Several of the missing factions, notably Pack Drakulv and the Bounty Hu
nters, have been restored.
Midgard: Guards patrolling Odin's Gate reported seeing a new type of spider.
Midgard: Hill Scrags are now correctly classified as giants instead of humanoid
(matching the other types of scrags).
Hibernia: The cliff beetles in Emain now have a wider level range.
Hibernia: The poison merchant in Druim Ligen now sells both low and high level p
Item notes
- New RvR dungeons - the few instances where loot usable by the wrong realm were
dropping have been fixed.
- The few instances where the wrong realm's stats were added to items have been
- The shade of Aelfgar now is dropping loot correctly.
- Svelte Armor Leggings (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The Icebound Effluvium Staff of Summoning (Midgard) should now con correctly.
- The second body resist entry on the Resplendent Necklace (Albion) has been cha
nged to energy.
- The Eternal Strife Frock (Albion) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye typ

- The Adamant Coral Helm (Albion) now buffs the shield skill instead of chants.
- All cloth helms and caps in the game should now display a cloth icon in invent
ory - this should not affect the appearance on the character.
- Werewolf warders should no longer be dropping loot from Muspelheim.
- The Windswept Cloak (Midgard) can now be dyed.
- The Demoniac Turmoil Frock (Albion) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye t
- The Cinder Stained Vest (Midgard) now increases the composite bow skill instea
d of beastcraft.
- The Siabrian Staff of Mana (Hibernia) should now have the appropriate level re
quirement set.
- Focus staves created from the unique item generators should be salvageable.
- The Cailiondar Helm (Albion) now increases the parry skill instead of chants.
- The Ghastly Mendicant Frock (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The Tactician?s Belt (Albion) should now buff matter, body and spirit.
- The Boots of Favor (Midgard) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye.
- The Berolig shield (Midgard) now buffs mending.
- The Skogfru Skin Bracer (Midgard) now buffs composite bow.
- All cloth, reinforced, studded, chain and scale helms in the game should now d
isplay the correct icon in inventory. This should not affect their appearance on
the character.
- The Riven Silk Robe (Hibernia) can now be dyed.
- The Feelion Razor (Hibernia) now has matter and body resists instead of 2 matt
er resist listings.
- The Latticed Shadow Boots (Midgard) now has body and heat resists instead of 2
body resist listings.
- The Lion Embossed Greaves (Albion) had the charisma bonus changed to strength.
- The Bracelet of Voided Talent (Hibernia) now has a bracer icon.
- The "granite chisel" now has an icon.
- The Petrified Wisened Oak Shield (Hibernia) now has the correct salvage value.
- The Erubescent Strife Dirk (Hibernia) now correctly buffs the piercing skill.
- The icon on the Imbued Gloves (Hibernia) is now correctly set to reinforced.
- The Partial Map is no longer equippable.

- The Wintry Effluvium Sword (Hibernia) should now be set at the correct level.
- The Blodjeger Hammer (Midgard) should now longer display that it is usable in
the left hand.
- The Shimmering Etheric Helm (Albion) is no longer set to no-sell.
- The Woven Darksteel Boots (Midgard) now have heat, spirit and body resists, in
stead of two body resist entries.

- You can now "self-combine" items. Right click to quickview the item you want t
o self-craft. Use the MiniCraft hotkey. Press the CRAFT button. You'll get a tra
de window that is preloaded with the combine flag set and the item you wish to c
raft pre-populated. Add your components to the right side and hit ACCEPT to craf
- Increased the stack size of tradeskill components from 100 to 200 and from 20
to 100
- Changed the title of the final rank from "Legendary Grandmaster " to "Legendar
y "
- Fixed the long dirk blade to have the correct icon
- Fixed the needle mace head to have the correct icon
- Fixed the base value for the long dirk and needle mace so they sell back to me
rchants for the correct amount
- reinforced kite shields will start at the appropriate skill level (instead of
100 points higher)
- The weighted bearded axe, reinforced round shield, reinforced kite shield, and
reinforced tower shield are listed in seperate lists in midgard now
- reinforced round shield fittings in hibernia will start showing up on the appr
opriate list at the appropriate skill value now
- Hibernian reinforced shields now will ask for the correct ore type, instead of
a metal type
- The final recipe for the barbed mace, in Hibernia, will now ask for the correc
t material types for the final two components -The whistle and toy sword will no
w ask for the correct type of wood not "WOO10" for the 10th material
Note the Rez change:
Breaking news on 1.55 - I was just told the ETA on the servers is now 11:45 AM.
Dark Age of Camelot
Camelot 1.55 Test Release Notes

Monday, November 25, 2002



- As of this patch, Lurikeen can become Heroes. Thanks for the great roleplaying
moments to everyone involved in the Uprising. Enjoy!


- We have made it so you can no longer duel in cities. Peace has once again been
restored to crafters.
- Fixes a problem where archers would play one frame of a combat swing animation
after killing an opponent with a bow. This was a client animation problem only
- it didn't actually affect bow shot times, and it appeared randomly.
- Couriers should now honor all pathing geometries and should obey zone wall bou
- Realm guards should now follow leaders and maintain speed with leader. This sh
ould also fix the aggro problem when realm guards would lag behind and not aggro
on enemies.
- We have implemented a /GROUNDASSIST
nd, your own groundtarget assumes the
ound target. This allows for a "front
a ground target for a siege equipment

command on the server. By using this comma

same location as your targeted player's gr
spotter" who is possibly stealthed to set
controller or spellcaster.

- We fixed the delving of combat spell abilities - these were printing incorrect
- When you upgrade an outpost you are setting a desired level on the outpost. Th
e level will only increase or decrease one notch per 6 minutes.
- Performing a successful Guard or Intercept no longer causes an interrupt to a
caster who is guarded.
- Level 51 cloth armor should now get the correct amount of bonus levels.
- Legendary crafting titles should now set and display correctly.
- Bards can now hold and use staves (although they cannot train in them). This i
s a longstanding bug. All classes should be able to hold and use staves.
- You can no longer put proc effects on jewelry, cloaks or instruments to artifi
cially boost their level.
- Monsters will no longer attempt to cast a 20th concentration effect repeatedly
- The Realm Abilities First Aid and Mystic Crystal Lore can no longer be used in
combat. Using them in combat was a bug, and it is now fixed.

We are halfway through transitioning to a new, better system of displaying helms
. This system will allow us to create new helmet graphics much faster, and allow
them to fit player models much more effectively. Please be aware that there may
be some display issues with some helmet/race combinations until we fully migrat
e to the new helm system.


Please note that on Pendragon, we've been testing a system that gives classes th
at can resurrect their fallen comrades Realm Points for doing so. For now, we're
holding off rolling this system live until we've worked all the kinks out of th
e system, based on the concerns of the Pendragon community and the team leads. S
o, none of the Pendragon resurrection-specific spell changes that you may have r
ead about in the various 1.55 test release notes have been implemented in this l
ive version, which includes getting Realm Points for rezzing, decreased casting
times for higher-level rezzes, etc.

- We have made it so you can gain experience points for engaging in RvR and kill
ing, or helping to kill, enemies. You will not lose experience when you die, but
when you kill an enemy, you will now be awarded "normal" (i.e. as if the enemy
was a monster, based on level) experience for the kill. Thus if the player is bl
ue to you, you will be given normal "blue" monster experience for the kill. Plea
se note that there is a known bug currently in this system where under some circ
umstances if you are grouped you won't get experience for a group-member's kill.
We are looking at this problem right now and will fix it as soon as we can.

In advance of Shrouded Isles, we have taken steps to correct a longstanding spel
l issue. Several spells allow casters to buff lower-level characters without adh
ering to a cap of any type, thus enabling lower-level characters to be able to f
ight monsters far above their level, with almost no danger. This allows low-leve
l characters to level far faster than intended. We want these spells to help low
level characters, but not without a cap of some type.
So, these Damage Add and Damage Shield spells are now capped, so they will no lo
nger give 50th level damage-per-second to a 1st level character. However, given
that some players are used to being able to do this, we have made the cap higher
than it normally would be - you'll still be able to help out lower level charac
ters with these spells, but not to the extremes that existed up until now.
Please note that we have implemented this on a sliding scale as per
the buffs in the game. If you are a mage that has these spells, the
you are, the less this change will impact you. The most impact will
xtremely high mage (i.e. 40+) buffing a 1st or 2nd level character.
llowed slides up from there.

the rest of
lower level
be from an e
The damage a


Siege damage has been flattened across the entire area affected. In other words,
there is no drop off from a direct hit and someone at the edge of the bolt.
Additional types of catapult ammunition have been added to the ammunition stores
. Note that the cost of existing ammunition has been raised, to be more in line
with the new ammunition:
- A catapult bullet - which is a higher damage, low area shot.
- Grapeshot - which is a lower damage, high area shot.
- A ball of ice - which is similar to the existing catapult stone, but does cold
The "power level" of all siege ammunition has been increased. This should lead t
o higher, more consistent damage when using these weapons.

- Many of the Midgard NPC's have removed the robes favored in enemy lands, and r
eplaced them with appropriate Midgard vests.
- Dungeon: Summoner Hall: Grand Summoner Govannon should no longer be able to he
al himself multiple times in the course of combat.
- Darkness Falls: Beliathan can no longer be fought in the tunnels of Darkness f
alls, however, he will now linger longer in the room when he spawns.
- Hibernia: Touched now correctly resembles the diseased Celt that he is.
- Albion: We have added a bindstone near Swanton Keep in North Black Mountains.
The Snowdonia Relic keep (Albion Power) was the relic keep that was the farthest
from any bindstone. This bindstone should provide a binding location for Albion
players who wish to defend this relic.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps
Keep Lords - At low health, the Keep lords will now summon help from the courtya
rd and the new "personal guard" spawned at keep upgrade level 8. Given their new
found confidence in their allies, keep lords will no longer use their anti-blade
turn abilities.
- When a keep is upgraded to level 8 - 4 additional Keep Guards will spawn near
the lord room.
- If you take over an enemy's keep and that realm has at least one of your relic
s, if you upgrade the keep to level 10 it will spawn a corpse summoner NPC. If y
ou die in PvP and type /transfercorpse "keep name" without the quotes your corps
e will transfer to that keep, although you will still need to be resurrected onc
e you get there. Note that enemy players can kill this NPC and if they do so, th
e /transfercorpse command will be unavailable to you for that keep until he resp
awns (in one hour).

- Fixed the higher material Wrought Jewelry Boxes so they are able to be made co
rrectly now in Albion.
- Fixed the stable leeching tincture recipe so that it creates the leeching tinc
ture and not the ablative tincture.
- In Albion labeled the stable leeching tincture recipe correctly.
A little light reading:
Dark Age of Camelot
Camelot 1.56 Release Notes
Tuesday, December 3, 2002
With 1.56 comes the launching of Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles, the first
expansion pack for the game. Shrouded Isles is a major upgrade for players of Ca
melot - it has an all-new graphics engine, an ambient music soundtrack, revamped
interfaces, new lands to explore, six new classes, and three new races. With Sh
rouded Isles, you'll be able to find new weapons and armor, experience a newer,
deadlier, monster AI, and loads of new content. As of today, if you have purchas
ed the SI box, you'll now be able to explore the new continents and play the six
new classes. For information on the new continents, races, and classes, please
visit the Shrouded Isles web site at


1.56 has a lot of class tweaks and balance changes, and new stuff to test. Hunte
rs and Warriors get boosted in melee power. Healing-types now get RP for resurre
cting their friends, and we've changed resurrection spells around a bit to suppo
rt that. There is a new type of healing spells for each Realm's primary healers
that will make keeping people alive in RvR much easier. We have also taken steps
to address the problems of Assassins being able to fight in melee combat better
than we intended. Read through these notes closely.

We've decided to make Hunters more effective in Melee combat. These changes will
help them greatly in both PvE as well as RvR:
- All Hunter melee skills base damages have been increased "behind the scenes".
The specific melee skills involved are sword and spear. Hunters will now notice
that they do more damage every time they attack an opponent with these weapon ty

pes. Hunters now do more base damage than the other two Archer classes, and will
not need to do anything to take advantage of this change - it will happen autom
atically every time they hit with a weapon.
- Hunters have been given a new line of spells in their Beastcraft specializatio
n that allows them to insta-cast a wolf pet. This can be done at any time, even
in combat. These are shouts that cost 25% power and have a 2 minute recast time.
Please note that if a Hunter is controlling a charmed pet, they cannot summon a
wolf pet. Here's the list:
1 Hunter's Companion 80%
7 Hunter's Pet 80%
13 Hunter's Ally 80%
20 Hunter's Protector 80%
32 Hunter's Avatar 82%

In order to make the Warrior more of a melee damage-dealer, we've increased his
weapon skills (again, behind the scenes, as with the Hunter) so that he will do
more damage every time he hits with an Axe, Hammer, or Sword (both 1 and 2h). Wi
th this change, the Warrior now does more base damage than any other class in th
e game. Warriors don't need to do anything to take advantage of this change - it
will happen automatically every time they hit with a weapon.


Because of the great advantages Assassin classes - Nightshades, Shadowblades, an
d Infiltrators - now have over almost any other class in the game (poisons, stea
lth, devastating combat styles, good base damage, extremely high evade, etc.), w
e've decided to take some steps to bring them back in line with the rest of the
classes in the game. We realize that these three classes are not exactly the sam
e, but they all have a combination of abilities that make them more powerful tha
n other classes of their level. The overall design goal of the assassin is to ha
ve them be able to defeat opponents using a combination of stealth and their "ba
ckstab" combat style chains. Now, with these changes, they'll have to use more s
trategy to defeat their target opponents. There's no way to sugar coat this - th
ese steps will make Assassins less effective in direct combat.
- We've removed the Ignore Pain Realm Ability from all three Assassin classes. T
hese classes have been granted back the realm training points they spent to get
Ignore Pain. It was an oversight that Assassins were given IP at all, and we sho
uld have taken it away sooner.
- We are capping the maximum amount that any player (of any class) can evade at
50%. Assassins are the only classes that can currently go above this cap, by lin
king together their Evade 7 ability, plus the Realm Ability Dodger, plus stat bo
nuses. Assassins will be granted a Realm Ability respec for those who no longer
want Dodger ability (as it is usually Dodger that pushes them above 50%). Please
note that you will get the realm ability respec only if you currently have Dodg
er and you are a Nightshade, a Shadowblade, or an Infiltrator.


The three base healing classes (Clerics, Healers, Druids) now have a new type of
healing spell that will help them in heavy battle - particularly RvR - situatio
ns. This spell type is called a "Spread Heal". These spells need no target - the
y search through the group applying healing power to whoever is lowest in health
(As a percentage of their max, not as a straight value) until the group is full
or the pool has been used. These spells should be especially useful in RvR enco
unters where targeting is a problem and many people can be taking damage at the
same time. In normal PvE encounters or where one target specifically is taking t
he most damage, directed heals remain the most efficient and effective option. W
hen everyone in the group is low, standard group heals remain the best option. S
preadheals fall somewhere in between - when some members of the group are still
full or near full, and some members are falling fast, these heals will be the mo
st efficient option.
Cleric Rejuvenation spec
30 Gift of the Host
39 Boon of the Host
48 Blessing of the Host
Healer Mend spec
30 Ancestor's Gift
39 Ancestor's Favor
48 Ancestor's Boon
Druid Regrowth spec
30 Regenerating Spirits
39 Resuscitating Spirits
48 Reviving Spirits
Battery of Life Realm Ability
Also, a new realm ability is now available to the primary healers in each realm
at a 10 realm point cost, called Battery of Life, which is a different variety o
f spreadheal. It allows the user to create a spreadheal pool that essentially re
mains on him as a battery; checking every round to see if anyone needs healing a
nd applying it when needed just like a spreadheal. If the entire battery is not
used, the remaining amount remains on the caster waiting to be used. This abilit
y should also be particularly useful in RvR - it can grant the healer the initia
tive to heal before everyone in his group starts taking damage. As soon as the g
roup begins taking damage they're already being healed by the battery, and the h
ealer can begin casting another spell which will hopefully be cast before the ba
ttery runs out. The battery and the spreadheal used together should go a long wa
y towards allowing healers in RvR to do what they're intended to do - keep the g
roup alive as long as they have the power left to do so. One important differenc
e to note about the battery from spreadheal - it does not flow into the caster,
only their group mates. This is not intended to be an automatic complete heal fo
r the healer.


Due to the recent change where you now receive Realm Points for resurrecting you
r realm-mates in RvR battles, we've had to change some of the resurrection spell
s. Here's the list:
- All resurrection spells now have a 4 second cast time.
- The power costs for all resurrection spells have not been changed.

- When casting a resurrection spell, you receive a message and the spell cancels
if the target is already considering a resurrection from someone else.
- Resurrection sickness now goes from 100% to 50% when doing a "full rez" on ano
ther player.
- Low level resurrection spells now give 5% RP's to the caster and high level re
zzes do up to 15% of the RP's to the caster. Mid level ones are between the two.

With the class changes that come with 1.56, we're giving the following respec op
tions to the various classes affected by the changes:
- all primary healing classes over level 30 get a single-line respec (because of
spread heal).
- all primary healing classes get a realm ability respec (because of heal batter
- Hunters get a full respec (because of new wolf pets and melee combat changes).
- all Assassin classes automatically get the points back they initially spent fo
r Ignore Pain, and IP is stripped from their character, if they had IP to begin
- all Assassin classes get a realm ability respec if they have Dodger, Ignore Pa
in, or First Aid.
Please note that if you meet these criteria, but you already have a respec of th
e type listed here, you will not get an additional one - for example, if you are
an Infiltrator with a Realm Respec that you haven't used, you won't get another
one. But, if you are an Infiltrator who does not have a Realm Ability respec, y
ou will be given one.

- There is a new window - the Command Window - which has two rows of buttons of
commonly-used Camelot commands. You'll find things like "attack", "sit", "relic
status" and so forth on this window. You can Shift-Left-Click buttons on the Com
mand Window to make quickbar buttons out of them.
- There is a new "Options" window (displayed by clicking "options" from the char
acter stat/information window). This dialog lets you specify in-game settings li
ke sound/music/ambience/ambient music volumes, and name-color scheme. The Shroud
ed Isles client has many more options as well.
- The mini-info window (comes up when you right click on an item) is now a separ
ate window and doesn't share a window with your target/health window.
- There are no longer "white" con color items when you are crafting. When a craf
ting recipe was on a skill boundary (about to change from red to orange con), it
would turn white for one skill point.
- When you use a performance configuration slash command or popup command from i

n game, the changes are saved and should reflect in the main configuration windo
- The compass is now be on by default for new players


- We now support eight characters per realm per server.
- Healing-type classes will now receive Realm Points for resurrecting a friendly
player. Please note that you will not get Realm Points for resurrecting someone
if they did not "give" Realm Points when they were killed. Also please note tha
t the number of RPs you can get from one resurrection is capped at 2x the RPs th
at you yourself are worth.
- Characters in the main menu will now perform an emote after being selected.
- Dying a standard PvE or Suicide fall death should no longer allow you to use t
he corpse summoner. PvP deaths are not affected by this change.
- Corpse summoners can no longer summon corpses while in combat.
- Any summoned pet to a ground target should now obey visibility (turrets for an
- You should no longer see your circular shadow below you when swimming in class
ic shadows. Likewise, you should no longer see your high definition shadow below
you for new shadows when swimming.
- Fixed a bug where brush was sorted incorrectly versus rivers in the classic cl
- Shadows for large monsters on hills should no longer be clipped oddly in terra
in zones from certain angles.
- You can no longer load the Expansion zones while running the Classic client. P
reviously, you could run the expansion client, teleport to an expansion zone, th
en run the classic client and try to enter with that same character, resulting i
n either a client crash or you'd end up in an empty zone. Now if you try to ente
r a SI zone with the classic client, you'll get an error message, and it won't l
et you load.
- The zone loading bar has been moved to not interfere with pretty loading scree

There are five new emotes:
- "/ponder" - for when you just want to go "hmmmmmm".
- "/military" - a military salute.
- "/present" - to present someone with something.
- "/taunt" - a very naughty gesture when you really want to insult someone.

- "/rude" - a rude gesture.


The new sound options allow independent volume setting for each of the following
- Sound Effects: gameplay sounds (combat sounds, spells, etc.)
- Music: basically, the MP3s (play when you enter the game, towns, combat music,
- Ambient Sound Effects: random non-music sounds (birds, wind, etc.)
- Ambient Music: self-explanatory
You should be able to set these options in the old Character Select options menu
and in the new in-game options menu. Possible settings are: "Off", 1-9 (increas
ing volume) & "Full" (full volume).
Sound setting changes made in either the Character Select options menu or the in
-game options menu should persist between play sessions.
Additional Notes:
In the Main Menu of the game, you can change the sound settings (via the Options
button) but they won't take effect until you enter the game or exit and come ba
ck in. However, if you change the settings in the in-game options menu, the volu
me should change in real time giving an audible cue to the current sound level (
if sounds or music is playing at the time).
In the original "classic" Camelot, you only have 2 sound options: Sound Effects
and Music. In this case, the Ambient Effects use the Sound Effects volume value
while music uses the Music volume value.

- Dexterity buffs now affect casting speed on monsters.

The following monsters have had their models changed:

Weakened Demon
red rager
flame thrower
Bright Flame
fire phantom
Spirit of Flames
flame spout

- Dungeon: Darkness Falls: Marbo, the Sapphire Seal Merchant, will now sell a Co
rrupted Dismal Vest for Berserkers.
- All three dragon lairs have been extended in area (to allow better raid co-ord

Albion: A new horse route has been added from Snowdonia Station to Llyn Barfog.
Hibernia: A new horse route has been added from Brynach to Cursed Forest.
Midgard: A new horse route has been added from Gna Faste to West Skona.
Midgard: A new horse route has been added from West Skona to Gna Faste.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: Corpse Summoners will no longer appear at Bledm
eer Faste, Dun Crauchon and Caer Benowyc.
Treasure, General
- The Radiant Moonclipper (Albion) now salvages for the appropriate amount.


- We've added three medallions of passage to all city medallion merchants. These
medallions will port you to the expansion starting zones and will only work if
you have purchased the expansion. New Port Destinations: Gothwaite Harbor, Aegir
hamn, Grove of Domnann

- Fixed the Skill value that the newer Albion Spellcraft gems were set to be mor
e appropriate for what they are
- Split the new Albion weapons out to separate lists appropriately
- Changed the name of the wizened wood to wisened wood
-Added Soul Rending spec and focus gems to Albion Spellcraft: Steaming Fervor Si
gil and Steaming Sigil
- Removed the Soulrending Focus gem from Albion spellcraft
- Fixed new weapon components only using 10th rank materials for Albion and Midg
- Fixed recipes where a "null" object was created in Albion
- Fixed all of the icons for the newer weapons to use the appropriate icon for s
aid weapons (i.e. flexible, hand to hand, and scythes)
- Fixed weapons that are leather, instead of metal, to have their DPS progress n
- Fixed issue with Midgard Alchemy, Herbcraft, etc, not showing up properly
The notes from this morning's patch, officially:

Dark Age of Camelot
Camelot 1.56e Release Notes
Thursday, December 5, 2002
- Delve information on Animist Turret spells will now properly describe the spel
- Turrets and pets set to aggressive will now attack targets that are green thro
ugh red to the caster.
- Player Necromancer resistances from buffs and objects should now "pass through
" to their pets.
- Animist spec levels now "pass through" to their bomber pets. This should affec
t the random damage range that the bombers do.
- If you make a macro with "%s and %t" in it, it will no longer crash the client
- We fixed a problem with power costs for Resurrection spells, where sometimes y
ou would not be able to resurrect another player.
- We fixed a problem with spreadheals where sometimes you would heal for a negat
ive value.
- We fixed a problem where spell effects cast on "spell effect" monsters (like t
he corpse-light) would not play correctly.
- We fixed a problem in Aegirhamn where a cliff piece was invisible from certain

Albion: A new horse route has been added from Llyn Barfog to Snowdonia Station.
Hibernia: A new horse route has been added from Cursed Forest to Brynach.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: The broadcast regions around the 3 center battle
ground keeps have all been made equivalent.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: The broadcast regions around all 21 frontier ke
eps have been extended. Please note that this also means that the bonus RP regio
n is now also larger.
- The guard patrols at the frontier keeps have been split up so they don't all s
pawn in the same spot. They will now spawn on the sides of the castles in additi
on to the front gate.
- The Benowyc Knights are now correctly spawning at Excalibur Castle.

- The corpse summoner for Hildskialf Faste will now spawn at the correct keep.
- The corpse summoner at Nottmoor Faste has been moved away from the wall.


We have added three NPCs (one in each main city) that will assist 1st-10th level
players in returning to their home realms for training. These NPCs will inform
you of two items they will accept in return for a return transport medallion. Th
ese items to be turned in are common drops from monsters local to the main citie
s. Please note that players under eleventh level can only use these medallions.
Also note that during the course of your characters career they may only receive
a total of ten return transport medallions. Please see the following NPCs for m
ore info:
Tir Na Nog: Duvessa
Camelot: Geraint
Jordheim: Bifrost

Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: The Benowyc Knights are now correctly spawning
at Excalibur Castle.
- The corpse summoner for Hildskialf Faste will now spawn at the correct keep.
- The corpse summoner at Nottmoor Faste has been moved away from the wall.http:/
It's a boy! Welcome, Gaheris, to our server family.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.57 Release Notes
Thursday, December 12, 2002


With this version, Gaheris is live, and as such is being moved to the live patch
er instead of the test patcher. There will be no character wipe.


- On a Co-Op server, the realm skill respec should now grant the correct number
of realm skill points.

- All armor/weapon dye colors should now be much closer to what they were in the
Classic Client (SI Only)
- Performance Meter window should now save alpha value correctly between logging
/zoning (SI & Classic)
- (Gaheris/CoOp only) "Select nearest enemy" key (default F8) should now only ta
rget monsters.
- (Gaheris/CoOp only) Name coloring of other players, NPCs, and Pets should now
be correct.
- You can now use the "Ambient Music" setting in the character manager and in-ga
me options menus to change the ambient music volume separate from the ambient ef
fect volume.
- Savages had access to two versions of Purge and Ignore Pain. Savages who purch
ased both types of both abilities will have one stripped and the points refunded
- Savages were not being awarded the Protect I skill, as they should have been.
Savages will now be granted this ability at 15th level, and all current Savages
level 15 or higher will automatically be given it.

We're adding some more emote animations into this version. Please note that one
of these is a replacement for the current "taunt" emote. When we put the origina
l taunt emote in, we didn't foresee the problems people would have with it, and
perhaps we should have. In hindsight it really doesn't fit the spirit of the gam
e as well as the newer (and far funnier) taunt emote that is included in this ve
rsion. We realize that some of you had no problem with the old taunt, but it jus
t didn't "feel" right, so we are replacing it.

Hug - self-explanatory.
Charge - onward!
No - shake your head.
Yes - nod your head.
Raise - raise your hand, as in volunteering or getting attention.
Shrug - shrug your shoulders.
Slap - slap someone.
Slit - let your enemy know what you want to do to him.
Surrender - I give up!

- Animist turrets will no longer attack "gray" level monsters.
- Fixed delve info on support bombers (e.g. Healing Spirit and Spirit of Remedy
in the Animist Verdant Path list).
- GTAE direct damage spells will now critical for list casters like their other
spells. Wild Power affects this normally.
- Fixed a bug with GTAEs sometimes hitting twice.

- Decreased amount of exp taken by Animist controlled turrets (Forest's Servant,

Grove's Assailant, and Battle Messenger lines).
- Lowered level of Animist spell Tangler Youngling in the Arborial Mastery list
by one level to L21. It was overwriting the Spirit of Wrath DD spell.
- Put level caps on the Animist Battle Messenger summons in the Verdant Mastery
list. Since their melee damage (their primary attack) scales up with level diffe
rently from all other turrets, this is a necessary balancing factor to keep lowspecced Animists from using full power turrets.

- Fixed the issue with the Ashen Primal Rune, and Ashen Rune in Midgard Spellcra
ft not showing up properly in the lists
- Enchantment Dusts: The magical dusts that are used in spellcrafting had incorr
ect prices, in some cases over 10x what they should have been. These prices have
been fixed. NOTE: This change is retro-active and has lowered the value of exis
ting dusts in inventories.


- The horse route from Castle Sauvage to Snowdonia Fortress has been shortened a
- The horse route from Snowdonia Fortress to Castle Sauvage has been shortened a
Marfach Caverns: The Ancient Black Oak in Marfach Caverns has granted the Black
Lady new abilities to better defend herself against attackers who choose to flee
combat and return upon healing themselves.
- The reaver-specific diamond seal armor in Darkness Falls should now be availab
- All of the arrows and bolts in the game should now look like arrows and bolts
in inventory and on the ground.
- Jailer Vifil, in Albion, should now drop loot each time he is killed.


Midgard Quests: Players with the sword, the Claw of Ibicus, can turn the sword i
n to Ota Ylring in Aegierhamn for a hand-to-hand version of the Claw of Ibicus.
Hibernia Quests: Players with the lvl 14 item "Valewalker Reward" can turn the i
tem in to Ailionora Parra in the Grove of Domnann for a Shadow Scythe.

Dungeon: Doden's Gruva: You can no longer send a pet at Aros the Spiritmaster in
Doden's Gruva to distract him and run to the other side of the room. Some guard
s have decided to move closer to their leader.
Monsters: Midgard: Iarnwood: Unok is now the proper size and no longer smaller t
han the surrounding redcaps in the area.
- The charges on the Morvalt Ring of the Ancients (Midgard) should now be useabl
- Dagar?s Light Crossbow is now Dagar?s Composite Bow (Midgard).
- The Wight-scarred Breastplate (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The non-merchant inhabitants of Altan Garran and Krrzck in Hibernia have been


- We have increased the amount of Glowing Seals dropped at the frontier and reli
c keeps.
(Edit 11:02 - The format error has been fixed. Thanks :)) Servers are returning,
so I guess you'll be wanting these:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.58 Release Notes
Tuesday, January 7, 2003
In order to give players the chance to respec at high levels, we've put in the a
bility to find objects in the world that will grant the player a realm ability o
r career specialization respec.
Because of their extreme power and high worth, these objects are currently found
only on the dragons in each realm's mainland. On their death, Golestandt, Gjalp
inulva, and Cuuldurach will now drop fifty Luminescent Stones. Half of these wil
l be Full Career Skill respec stones, half Realm Skill respec stones. These ston
es can be traded or sold to other players as any other object in the game.
Luminescent stones can then be taken to special new type of NPC (listed below) a
nd turned in to receive the associated Career or Realm respec.
Please note that after performing a respec, all choices made are your responsibi
lity. Here are the respec NPCs, the objects they will take, and their respec abi

Ellette Redding - Luminescent Exerpise Stone ? Career Skill Respec
Paiton Hazlett - Luminescent Exeregum Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
Tordis - Luminescent Exerpise Stone ? Career Skill Respec
Haili - Luminescent Exeregum Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
Tir na Nog:
Dywana - Luminescent Exerpise Stone ? Career Skill Respec
Bretta - Luminescent Exeregum Stone ? Realm Skill Respec


We're holding off on Windowed mode for the time being, while we address some tec
hnical and support issues. We'll keep you posted on when it will arrive.


- NPCs that are charmed and have healing abilities now will generate more aggres
- Necromancers can no longer control siege weapons in shade mode.
- You can now use left-axe styles on PVE and PVP servers if wielding Albion slas
hing or Hibernian blade weapons.
- Monsters will no longer accept stacked items as quest triggers.
- We fixed a bug where you could have a difficult time picking to select monster
in dungeons or in front of objects.
- Damage adds are now clamped to be the maximum possible
one in a swing rather than the actual damage done (which
ss). This will allow those classes that have damage-adds
ons (i.e. clerical classes) to once again be able to use
m solo monsters.

damage you could have d

was subject to randomne
but cannot spec in weap
damage-adds to help the

- When a player in a group casts an AE damage spell, it no longer puts everyone

in the group into combat. This will mean that abilities such as Mystic Crystal L
ore will now "work" the way they did previously.


- Necromancers now must be visible to their controlled creatures to perform "pet
cast" spells. This fixes the exploit where Necromancers could park their pets i
n keep towers and wander around outside, and have their pets cast at the Necroma
ncer's target.
- Pets of classes such as the Enchanter, Animist, and Bonedancer (and any other
class that can cast offensive spells) will not be able to cast spells on a targe
t unless that target is visible to the pet. We expect this fix to take care of t
he LOS issues for Enchanter-type pets most of the time, but players still may ru

n into situations where the spells are cast even though the pet cannot "see" its
target. We will continue to work on this problem as needed.


We've analyzed the player numbers and level progression on Modred and Andred and
are now making some changes calculated to bring up the population of the PvP se
rvers. Based on our analysis, we've found that even though players get more expe
rience from killing other players, they still level slower than on the live serv
ers on average because they take more deaths (both PvE and PvP) than do players
on the normal servers. In light of this, we're making the following changes:
- We've increased the experience gained by killing level 1 - 30 monsters.
- Experience for killing other players has been increased.
- on PVP servers there's now a 5 minute timer for no experience, realm points, o
r gold. This timer used to be 15 minutes, which resulted in the majority of PvP
kills not generating experience, realm points, or gold.
- Low level dungeons (those under 30th level) have been made PvP-safe (i.e. no k
ill zones).
- The maximum level cap for a few of the dungeons have been changed:
- Cursed Tomb will be capped at 32
- Vendo Caves will be capped at 44
- Koalinth Caverns will be capped at 32
- In patch 1.59 (i.e. the next live patch after this one), the maximum level cap
for Catacombs of Cardova will be changed to level 45. The delay for the changes
in these dungeons are dependent upon the epic quests that some classes may need
to complete. It is highly recommended that players on the Arc of Ages and Craft
of Retribution quests complete these quests before this change goes live.
- In order to ease new characters into the PvP server community, we're putting a
ll newly created characters in a series of "newbie" guilds. These guilds are rou
ghly based on the character's starting location, so all players in the same area
will probably be in the same guild. There are four guilds per Realm, each named
based on the geographical location. Characters can remove themselves from these
guilds by doing a "/gc quit" any time. Please note that characters can technica
lly remain in these guilds for the life of their character, should they choose t
o do so. Being automatically put in a guild at creation gives new characters an
instant chat group and a sense of community with the other players around them.
They can discard this guild at any time, and join a player-run guild when they m
eet the right guild.


- Added Determination to the Savage realm ability list.
- Fixed some bugs in the power costs of the Animist Sap Strength line. Some were
taking no power at all, and some were taking too much. Now all are set to the c
orrect power cost.
- The Animist Briar Eruption spell should now be properly awarded at L17 in the

Verdant Mastery line.

- The Animist Woodspirit Sheath (AOE Bladeturn) line in Verdant Mastery should n
ow pick targets to buff correctly. Please note that it still (correctly) picks r
andom targets in its AOE (up to its maximum), so not everyone in the area will b
e protected.


On the PVP and Co-operative servers you can now buy spell crafting materials use
d by the other realms in each realms major city.
- In Tir Na Nog look for Morolt.
- In Camelot City look for Anyon Becket.
- In Jordheim look for Embla.
Midgard Quests: Bonedancers working on the "Saving the Clan" quest should no lon
ger have to /say Arnfinn to Danica continue on the level 48 portion of the quest
. Also, Arnfinn should now respond to Bonedancers and step them on the quest.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: Resolved a problem with couriers broadcasting w
hen entering their destination keep region. Couriers should now only broadcast w
hen initially spawning.
Dungeon: Earthquakes have shaken the Silvermine Mountains, collapsing large port
ions of the Spraggon Den. The spraggons, confused and disoriented by the earthqu
ake sought a new leader to guide them. Finally, one was chosen to lead them. His
first order of business was to rebuild the den. Adventurers on the live servers
are warned of this Pendragon note. Please do not log out in the spraggon den, o
r your character may log in and fall through the world.
Items: Midgard: The Bonedancer reward 'Odin's Eye Choker' now has the correct sk
ill bonus on it (Bone Army).


- The horse from Caer Diogel to Caer Gothwaite will no longer run through the mi
ddle of trees.
Albion Quests: Players working on the quest "Restoring the Magic" should once ag
ain find Adelon on the ground instead of too far away to speak to him.
Albion Dungeon: Krondon: There was an error with the faction of the ogres inside
of Krondon where players have been receiving positive faction hits with the fac
tion of ogres inside of Krondon by slaying monsters on the Drakoran Legion facti
on. We have retro-actively corrected this on Pendragon - and it will go live wit
h the next version. The ogres inside of Krondon will now be aggressive towards a
ll intruders that venture into their domain, regardless of any previous faction
gains. Note that this change will not affect the ogres outside of Krondon.
Albion Monsters
- The hit points and resistances on Apocalypse have been lowered a bit.

- Rain elements in Aldland will now disappear when they kill a target and after
they have been in combat for 20 seconds.
Albion Quests: Players stuck on step 5 of "Spirits of the Orchard" can now get t
heir seeds from Tomos by right-clicking on him. If Tomos is not up, players will
have to kill Nalsor again to spawn Tomos, then right-click on him. (Note that t
his change was also read into the live servers)
- Noguribando's Vest (Hibernia) should now have the appropriate bonus amounts.
- Grul's Glorious Trident (Midgard) should now drop at the correct level with ap
propriate bonuses.
1.59 (Edited at 9:36 AM EST, two quest notes on the Mammoth Hunt):
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.59 Release Notes
Thursday, January 23, 2003
- Windowed mode and the ability to Alt-Tab have been enabled in the Shrouded Isl
es client. Remember, you may have significant technical issues when you run the
game in windowed mode; be sure to report any problems you find.
- Poisons applied to weapons will now save when zoning.
- In some cases, when a keep lord was killed (usually by a GTAOE spell), the kee
p status would not be changed. This has been fixed.
- A new command for pets has been added - HERE - which commands the pet to come
to your position. Look for it on your pet control window.
- The Looking for group system should now work across zones. It stores up to 30
of each type of group leaders or solo players, and displays the zone name. LFG s
tatus is now saved when zoning.
- You can no longer /INVITE hidden players on PvP severs.
- Certain negative effects on the player would not be overwritten by more powerf
ul negative effects (like slow spells). This has been fixed, and will fix a numb
er of style related effect issues that rely on these spell types.
- Savages will no longer be able to resist their self parry buff (Nails of Kelgo
r line).
- The Purge realm ability is now properly available to Necromancers.

- All Savages now are properly awarded Ignore Laceration at L48 Savagery.
- Necro pets now only get item resistance bonuses from their controller (previou
sly resistance bonuses from buffs were being passed down as well, allowing doubl
e effects).
- Necro power taps cast on monsters now cap the amount of power regained at the
monster's current hitpoints or level, whichever is lower.
- Necromancers in shade mode can no longer use charged items.
- Long macros and macros with commas are no longer cut off when you log out or z
- Sylvan using Large Weapon combat styles will now animate correctly.
- We fixed a bug where sometimes, in rare cases, guild would be created using th
e same guild number. This led to problems where guild messages of the day showed
messages from other guilds, mis-assignment of guild emblems, etc.
- The stack sizes of the Spellcraft ingredients have been changed from 1 to 10.
- Previously, when you /assisted someone, you would target them but your targeti
ng/summary window would not immediately update to reflect it. This has been fixe
d and it will now update as soon as you target them.
- There was a problem where, when moving stacks of objects, sometimes the quanti
ty designated was not calculated, and only one object in the stack was moved. We
fixed, this and now, if you drop a stack on the icon square, it will bring up t
he stack splitter dialog. Also, if you drop a stack on the text area (next to th
e icon, where the item name is displayed) it moves the whole stack without askin
g you. This will allow you to move stacks without any extra clicks.
- Previously, when you make a macro with %T, and have yourself targeted, the mac
ro always returned , for your own name. This has been fixed.
- There was a bug where the command window would not function after you selected
someone's name on the looking for group window. This has been fixed.


You may now buy multiple items at once. With the merchant dialog open, select an
item and Shift-LeftClick on the "BUY" button. It will open a window that allows
you to select how many of the item you would like to purchase. LeftClicking the
left and right arrows on this dialog increases/decreases the amount by 1, Shift
-LeftClicking on the left and right arrows increases/decreases the amount by 10.
If you click on an item's icon in the merchant window, so that the icon of the i
tem you want to purchase is attached to your mouse cursor, you can use the slash
command "/mbuy #" where # is the number (from 1 to 100) that you would like to
This will allow you to macro exact quantities onto your quickbar: eg: /macro BUY
50 /mbuy 50
NOTE: Buying multiple items is the same as if you selected the item and clicked
"buy" X times. This means that if you are buy 10 of an item that is already stac
ked in stacks of 10, you are buying 100 total items.

We've taken a long look at Albion's spellcasting classes, as well as the Thane i
n Midgard, with an eye towards making them more fun to play and functional.
Theurgist Changes
- Theurgist elementals can no longer be rooted or mezzed.
- Theurgist Confusing Gust line has had its radius raised to 350.
- Increased range of Theurgist summons to 2000.
Wizard Changes
- Reduced casting time of Burst of Steam line to 2.5 seconds, which matches the
Spiritmaster and Enchanter PBAE cast times.
Friar Changes
- Increased duration of all Friar self buffs to 15 minutes.
Sorcerer/Cabalist Changes
- Increased value on L48 self shield Nullify Offense to 250.
Sorcerer Changes
- Sorcerers can now charm any monster type. This should strengthen their Mind sp
ec considerably, and facilitate better charming in dungeons (where many monsters
are undead).
- Added Minion Control to the Sorcerer RA list.
- Increased radius of Fog, Blanket and Cloud of Senility to 350.
- Added a power regen buff to Mind spec list so that all three realms have a ver
sion of this spell:
5 Comprehension of Power
15 Perception of Power
26 Perspicuity of Power
36 Cognition of Power
46 Lucidity of Power
- Instead of adding more crowd control to any realm, Sorcerers are getting two n
ew ways of dealing with crowd control.
1) Added a self mez-duration reduction buff to Mind Spec.

Shield Mind
Harden Mind
Steel Mind
Invulnerable Mind

2) Added group mez-duration reduction chant to Mind Spec.

29 Solidarity of Mind
39 Unity of Mind
49 Brotherhood of the Mind
General Magic Changes
- Increased duration of all self-only buffs that had 10 minute timers to 15 minu
- Fixed a delve bug that affected the "cast time" print. Spells with fractional
cast times were truncating the fractional component, so spells with 2.5 second c
ast times (for example) were listed as 2 seconds. Unless noted elsewhere in the
patch notes, no cast times actually changed, they just print correctly now. Plea
se note that spells on the Camelot Herald have always included the fractions of
a second; it is only the delve print function that is being updated.
Thane Changes
- Removed recast timer from Thor's Minor Bolt line. This is consistent with the
Call Mjolnir line, which also doesn't have a recast timer.
- Changed Thor's Vigor line from a Strength only to Strength/Constitution buff.


- We have revised the dragon AI to provide a more consistent breath weapon use i
n all three realms.
- Midgard Quests: Players working on the "Helping the Svartalfar" quest will no
longer be able to get the rabid sveawolf skull from any sveawolf. They must get
it from the rabid sveawolf.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps
- We have added additional camps of higher level mobs for players to hunt at eac
h keep so they can take advantage of the keep experience bonus for claiming a ke
- We have modified the spawn of the guard patrols as well as modified the area t
hese patrols cover. The patrols closest to enemy portal keeps have been reduced
in number and the area they patrol has been reduced as well. Patrols closest to
the border keeps have been increased in number.
- The door for the central keep has been moved making it easier for players usin
g rams to damage the door. Prior to this change, rams were not as effective on t
he door because the door was placed slightly inside the proper location making i
t very difficult to target. Players will not see a visual change, but the ease i
n damaging the door should be noticeable.
- Monsters: Monsters summoned by Summoner Lossren in the Summoners Hall will no
longer drop loot. (already fixed on live)
- We have revised the dragon AI in all three realms - in an effort to provide a
more predictable encounter, as far as breath weapon use, for Golestandt, Cuuldur
ach, and Gjalpinulva.

Hibernia: After having been annihilated by a combination of disease and the brut
ality of the Fomorians in eons long past, the souls of the Parthelonians have be
come restless and seek to extract vengeance against the Fomorians and any other
unlucky individual that cross their path.
Item Notes
- The Seafarer's Death Shroud (Midgard) can now by dyed.
- Future drops of the Sapling Staff (Hibernia) should salvage for the correct ma
terial type.
- Gold Stitched Boots (Midgard) should now correctly appear as cloth.
- The Feverish Runner Drum (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- The Ring of Abundance (Midgard) now increases piety, not intelligence.
- The Dried Moss Ring (Hibernia) should now equip in the ring slot.
- The Mandible Headed Axe (Midgard) should no longer display that it has a proc.
- The Deathsight Perfection Bracer (Albion) has had its magic bonuses slightly a
ltered so that it will not continue to generate a "fails to affect you" message.
The new magic bonuses are: resist darkness 6%, skill deathsight +6, power +1, s
tat int +9.
- The Poorly Woven Vest (Midgard) has been replaced with a new drop, the Poorly
Woven Garb.
- The Circle Protector Ring (Albion) can now be worn in the ring slot.
- The Spider Keeper's Gloves (Hibernia) now has thrust and body resist, instead
of two body resist entries.
- The Decorated Seashell Staff (Hibernia) should now salvage for the appropriate
- The Seething Death Boots (Albion) that are actually leggings have been renamed
Seething Death Leggings.
- The Sable Boots of Dementia (Albion) now increase slashing and body resistance
s, instead of having two body resist entries.
- The Gauntlets of Mortification (Albion) now increase crushing and cold resista
nces, instead of having two cold resist entries.
- The Worn Mail of Dissolution (Albion) now increases thrusting and body resista
nces, instead of having two body resist entries.
- The Diseased Rat Tail (Albion) now increase spirit and body resistances, inste
ad of having two body resist entries.
- The Flesh Stretched Riddle Staff (Albion) now has a Death Servant focus added.
- Future drops of the Bear Mask helm (Midgard) should salvage for the correct ma
terial. Please note that this does not apply to Bear Masks that currently exist
in a player's inventory at the time of this patch.


- Albion Quests: Lost Treasures: Due to a bug, the reward portion of the quest h
as been restructured. If your quest journal now says 'Step 13 - Choose your seco
nd bracer from Ariette' and you did not make a first choice, return to Ariette b
ehind Fort Gwyntell in Dales of Devwy and she will allow you to get your first b
racer. Players will no longer be able to get unlimited no-sell, no-trade bracers
- Albion Quests: Players on Ogre's Might who killed Scureol Hyrde and have the C
hanneler's Orb, but couldn't turn the item in to Master Xavier can now turn the
item in and finish the quest.
Midgard Quests
- The quest "Silent Death" has been opened to Savages and Bonedancers. Also, ALL
rewards for this quest have been changed to "No Sell".
- Mammoth Hunt - Savages that received the non-functioning Tusk Bladed Fist can
take it to Bothrar Hadd in Bjarkan (Gripklosa Mountains) and exchange it for a f
unctioning Tusk Bladed Fist. Players must have Mammoth Hunt listed in their comp
leted quests to exchange the item. Players may only trade in their Tusk Bladed F
ist once.
- Mammoth Hunt: The spells on the following rewards for this quest were set
incorrectly. They now have the correct spells. The rewards affected are:
Ivory Bladed Hammer, Tusked Handled Battlehammer, Tusk Blade, and Boned
Ivory Staff.
- Mammoth Hunt: There were some other problems with the Tusked Handled
Battlehammer that could not be auto-updated. Because of this we have made it
non-functioning. Any player who now has a non-functioning Tusked Handled
Battlehammer (now called a Broken Tusked Handled Battlehammer) should take
it to Bothrar Hadd in Dyrfjell and exchange it for a working one. Because
the object will not be usable at all anymore, players do not have to have
Mammoth Hunt in their completed quests list to perform the exchange. Players
may still only exchange one Battlehammer.
- Bonedancers have been added to the available classes for the Stripe quest.
- A woman named Medana has come to Aegir's Landing to help stop Catla Gardasdott
ir's mad plans. Anyone that is level 49 or 50 should speak to Medana in Dyrfjell
if they wish to help.
- Mucking Through the Ick: Savages and Bonedancers have been receiving the wrong
rewards for this quest. Savages who received the Silkstand Belt (+2 power) can
take it to Belyria in Haggerfel and exchange it for the Hardened Silkstrand Belt
. Bonedancers who received the Hardened Silkstrand Belt (+HPs) and would prefer
the Silkstrand Belt (+power) can also speak to Belyria and exchange their belt.
Players must have completed the Mucking Through the Ick quest and have the belt
with them to exchange it. The exchange may only be done once.
Albion Monsters
- Avalon Isle: Nalsor would sometimes chase players indefinitely or kill them ag
ain at their bindstone after they release. This should no longer happen.

- Isle of Glass: A drakoran commander has been spotted in the drakoran encampmen
ts in the Northwest of the Isle of Glass. It is suspected that he is planning an
attack on Avalonian positions in that region. He has only been seen plotting wi
th his underlings in the early morning hours.
- Crystal Cave: The Xanxicarian Elite have been toned down slightly. They also c
hant correctly during battle now.
- NPC Changes Bjarken: Berge is now a Smith instead of a Vault Keeper. Sisko now
sells Dye making supplies and enchanting/recharging supplies.
- NPC Changes in Hagall: Alfdis Rannveig is now a Smith instead of a Healer. She
has been moved from Bjarken to Hagall. Mikkal will no longer sell spellcrafting
supplies for other realms. A new enchanter has come to the town of Hagall. His
name is Bolverk and he can be found near the three huts in the town.
- NPC Changes in Knarr: Reynilda will now sell Midgard spellcrafting supplies in
stead of Hibernian ones.
- Monsters: Midgard: Iarnwood: The skalds of Aegir are telling tales of a horrib
le creature named Sariloc in Iarnwood forest. The beast is supposedly very deadl
y and can reportedly swallow a kobold in one bite. It is unknown if this beast a
ctually exists or is merely a rumor.
- Ibicus should no longer spawn inside the bridge.
- Cothrom Gorge: Travelers passing by the waterfall have reported that the area
now smells of death. There are also reports of earth tremors in that area. Some
even claim to have seen the very rock around the waterfall move! Globs of green
sludge have been collecting behind the waterfall as well. There is some speculat
ion that the sludge is the source of the foul odor, but others suspect that some
thing else lurks behind the waterfall.
- Vigilant Rock: The sylvanshades south of Necht have reportedly appointed a lea
der as well as placed a scout to watch over the area.
Treasure Changes in Vigilant Rock
- The randomly generated objects that dropped from the monsters Rinne, Taiore, a
nd Laraida in the Vigilant Rock will now drop off Tuliros. The randomly generate
d objects that dropped on Luaire will now drop off Merugat. Tuliros and Merugat
roam in the twisted sylvan valley where Luaire and his co-horts are located.
- Luaire, Rinne, Taiore, and Laraida have been returned to their normal quest sp
awn timer.
Treasure Changes in Vale of Balor
- The randomly generated objects that dropped from the monsters Adwyth, Drygau,
and Anhylaw will now drop off the monsters Cragger and Monger. Cragger (a fomori
an) can be found in one of the houses around the Fomorian town area in Vale of B
alor. Monger (an ixthiar) can be found in and around one of the tree-trunk house
s in the ixthiar area in the Vale of Balor.
- Adwyth, Drygau, and Anhylaw have been returned to their normal quest spawn tim

Expansion Item Notes

- Bonedancers may now wear the Stripe Hide Helm.
- The bonuses on the Necromancer's initiate gift, Necromancer's Staff, have been
changed to match the other caster initiate gifts. Necromancers will now receive
a focus staff at level 5 that contains all three of their spell lines.
- The Pelted Fury cloak reward given to Runemasters, Spiritmasters, Healers, and
Shamans for the "Ota's Quest" the has been altered. The cloak is a multi-class
cloak that previously favored runemasters and spiritmasters. The skills have bee
n adjusted so all four classes will gain a skill benefit.
- Gazsi's Battle Hammer and Gazsi's Blade (Midgard) should now proc correctly.
- Dagda's Cauldron (Hibernia) has been renamed to Cauldron of Clarity to avoid c
onfusion with the relic Cauldron of Dagda.
- The Staff of Repugnance (Albion) is now wielded as a two-handed weapon.
- The Ring of Tangled Vines (Hibernia) should now equip correctly for Hibernia p
- The Golden Disk Brake (Albion) should no longer display that it has a proc.
- The Azure Prayerbound suit of armor in Caer Sidi should now appear as leather
instead of studded.
- The Masterful Agony Boots (Hibernia) now increase mana magic skill instead of
body magic.
- The Barkstripper's Scythe (Hibernia) can now be recharged.
- The Silvered Leather Jerkin (Hibernia) now has body and slashing resist, inste
ad of two separate body resist entries.
- The dwarf Ornulf of Delling Crater should now have Midgard appropriate drops.
- The Birghirian Hauberk (Midgard) can now be worn by shadowblades.
- Gorvos' Frozen Bardiche (Albion) now buffs crush resist instead of power.
- The haunted rowans in Caldey should now be dropping appropriate level unique i
tem focus staves.
- The Glacier Jewel with the resistances to cold, slashing, and body should now
work at the correct level (47).
- The Braided Ivy and Vine Staff now has the correct focus - mentalism.
- Albion: Ariach's Purged Staff is now correctly set as a two-handed weapon.
- The Darkened Vine Necklace (Hibernia) now correctly increases empathy instead
of piety.
Unique Item Generator
In the expansion areas and certain dungeons the Unique Item generator is used. A

reas that use these see more treasure drops on average than old areas of the gam
e. We had not altered the salvage on the objects to compensate for that fact. Th
e base objects for the Random Item Generator now have a consistent salvage value
and are now broken down by size.
Small items - small weapons, small shields, boots and gauntlets.
Medium items - medium sized weapons, medium shields sleeves and helms.
Large items - large weapons, large shields, leggings and chestpieces.
Metal / Strips

/ Ore

Wood / Leather Cloth


Epic Dungeon Item Notes

The second pass through the epic dungeons is done. The following changes were ma
de to improve the risk vs. reward in Caer Sidi, Tuscarian caves, and Galadoria.
- The class set armor pieces are now all level 51.
- The reactive procs on those pieces were upgraded.
- Many items received increased bonuses.
- Salvage was heavily reduced in these dungeons.
Tur Suil Changes
- Queen Qunilaria's drop rates were altered. She will now only drop 1 100Q item,
with a *chance* to drop randomly generated items.
- The Gloves of the Black Archer are now correctly known as the Sleeves of the B
lack Archer (Albion).
- Fur Brushed Chain Leggings (Midgard) can now be dyed and salvaged.
- The charges on the Gatekeeper's Reversion Cloak (Midgard) can now be used. How
ever, please note this item is NOT rechargeable.
Epic Dungeon Notes
We are closely watching the Risk vs reward in the epic dungeons and will continu
e to do so. These are the first of possible changes and are geared towards small
er raid groups.
1) All non-boss monsters in Caer Sidi, Tuscarian Caverns, and Galadoria now drop
more coin.
2) All non-boss monsters in Caer Sidi, Tuscarian Caverns, and Galadoria had thei
r drop rates increased.
3) Numerous treasure table bugs were fixed in the Tuscarian Caverns.
4) Lord Lron Should in Caer Sidi should now drop items.


Albion Quests: Free the Rogue! - Animists and Valewalkers should now be able to
complete this quest.
Hibernia Quests: Crace's Desire - players from Albion and Midgard should now be
able to finish this quest.
- All Portal Master NPCs on the PvP/PvE Servers will now respond to the key word
s [port me]. You must be wearing the medallion of your target destination in ord
er for this to work. This is just an additional method to use the Portal Masters
. You can still continue to use them the previous way if you choose.


- The maximum level cap for Catacombs of Cardova has been changed to level 45. T
he delays for the changes in this dungeon are dependent upon the epic quests tha
t some classes may need to complete. For players who are over the level cap and
are attempting to complete their epics, we have provided the following options f
or the PvP servers only:
- Arc of Ages ? Players over 45th level and attempting to perform step 4 can now
find the forgotten emperor in Cornwall, west of the Catacombs.
- Craft of Retribution ? Players over 45th level and attempting to perform steps
5, 6, or 7 can now find and animated version of the Amulet of Fasius Previlus i
n Cornwall, near the Cornish Giants.


- Grand Lord Martel's difficulty has been adjusted.
- The monsters that have taken control of Grallarhorn Faste on Gaheris have beco
me stronger.
- The "Famine" one-time drop is now do-able by necromancers.
- The encounters at Hildskialf Faste, Bledmeer Faste and Nottmoor Faste have had
their difficulty increased.
Kick back, grab a refreshing beverage, and check out the patch notes. I'm told t
he servers will be back within the hour:
Edit 12:30 PM - sorry about the volley inconsistency. The reuse timer on Volley
is fifteen seconds, and all the patch notes on the subject now agree.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.60 Release Notes
Monday, February 24, 2003

- (SI Only) The paperdoll image should no longer be corrupted by alt-tabbing in
fullscreen mode.
- (SI Only) You can now run multiple instances of the client on the same compute
r simultaneously. You may not log into the same server on two different realms (
except for Co-op and PVP servers). PLEASE BE AWARE that running two instances of
Camelot on one computer is not recommended and will work with only the most adv
anced computer systems. You will be able to run two versions of Camelot simultan
eously only if you have 512megs or more of system RAM. If you run into any probl
ems with running two Camelot instances on the same computer, exit one of them be
fore calling customer support.
- The Looking for Group window is now sortable by clicking on the column headers
- Runes should no longer misprint the name of the first target they hit
- Area of Effect spells should no longer affect group members' camouflage timers
- Players can no longer become realm level 11. Realm Level 10 is the highest.
- You can no longer upgrade a keep door while mezzed, paralyzed, or in shade mod
- It should no longer be possible to earn exp from a duel, which was possible by
using a number of class/pet combinations.
- Bonedancer pet levels will be counted in a more consistent way. This will fix
a bug that allowed them to summon the pets in a certain order to have more pet l
evels total than were intended.
- Previously, there was a bug with name registration, where you would get a mess
age that you already had a last name, even when you didn't. This erroneous messa
ge has been removed.
- If a necromancer is in a group which does all of the damage to a target withou
t the necro/pet attacking at all and the rest of the group is killed, the monste
r should try to attack the pet, not the shade.
- Chat groups can hold up to 200 members
- Relics are now given up to 60 seconds to transfer between zones. This should f
ix most of the problems with players transferring between regions and losing the
ir relic.
- There was a problem with the Bonedancer focus snare spell that would result in
the character losing all spell points. This has been fixed.
- Each time a player attempts to enter/exit stealth, a roughly one and a half se
cond timer is set in which they can't attempt to do it again. This fixes the ste
alth spamming exploit.
- (SI Client Only) Lava should now glow in Muspelheim.
- Delving store objects past the first page should now work.

- A number of bugs with the /groundassist command have been fixed. The range it
can be used in has also been increased to help make it more useful for siege equ
ipment "spotters".
- Dispel mesmerize spells will no longer remove the immunity timer if the target
has a sleeping mesmerize effect on them.
- The Mercenary ability Dirty Tricks should delve properly now (it was previousl
y delving as a "combat heal chant").
- Player guild messages and the guild Message Of The Day should now echo to othe
r regions much more consistently.
- A Necromancer's target window will now update to reflect a target his pet has
acquired, if he does not already have a target.
- Previously, the combat style Kelgor's Might (Midgard, Savage) would pull other
wise stationary NPCs from frontier keeps. This has been fixed.
- Randomly generated items have had their bonus points increased across the boar
d, to make them more competitive with Spellcrafted items. In general Spellcrafte
d items have a huge benefit in customizability, while randomly generated items c
an have bonuses that, while individually nice, do not perfectly suit any one cha
racter. The higher bonus points will allow items to be generated that may have 3
bonuses that are worth using, even though
the 4th may not be perfectly tuned for a given character. High level monsters (7
0+) get even more bonus points, and random object drops from "epic" monsters now
get a quality bonus as well. This should greatly reduce the chance of high leve
l and boss monsters from dropping undesirable items, and produce some variety fr
om existing spellcrafted templates.
- Now, when you use any timer-based ability, spell, or combat style that has a t
imer, the spell/ability/style hotkey on your quickbar will now "gray out". It wi
ll pop back into color mode once it's reusable again.
- When an item is dropped from a flying monster, it drops to the floor height on
the server and the client. We had some issues with flying monsters over water a
nd on slopes where the player could not get the item (it was "out of range"). Th
ese issues should now be fixed.
- When a Necromancer's constitution drops to 3 or below, he can no longer summon
a shade. This change should primarily affect Necromancers on the PvP servers.
- If you are casting a non-targeted spell and your actual target dies or quits,
it no longer cancels the spell. Examples of non targeted spells are: pet targete
d, ground targeted or radius spells.
- In a dungeon, if an item or body is underwater, you should be able to click on
it correctly. You used to get the "player is not visible" message.
- You should now get visual timers on your client when you Repair, Upgrade or Sa
- The following command states are now saved on the server: /SETWHO, /CANCELSTYL
E and /NOQUEUE. The /COLORNAMES was always saved on the client by account and ch
aracter. The /SPELLEFFECTS is not saved.
- Archers whose target dies while trying to release an arrow will now remain noc
ked, and they can select a new target.

- The Theurgist realm ability Siege Bolt can now be used against targets that ar
e in combat.
- Longshot has had its cost reduced to 6 points. A refund is granted for players
who have already purchased it.
- Volley has had its cost reduced to 8 points and its reuse time is now 15 secon
ds, significantly shorter than before. A refund is granted for players who have
already purchased it.
- The initial time to prepare a Volley is now half of what it was.
- Necromancers in shade form can move through doors and stairs more easily.

Version 1.60 has a couple of large changes to the battleground system. The inten
t of these changes is to get more players involved in RvR at lower levels by inc
enting them with experience points. There are two major parts of these additions
: we've added a new lower-level battleground for those players levels 15-19, and
now you can gain lots of experience by completing each Battleground.
Experience for Battlegrounds
We've added a system for experience rewards for completing each battleground. Ba
sically, when you complete a battleground, you can go to a new special NPC that
will give you a medal. That medal can be taken to another new NPC and turned in
for a significant amount of experience points.
To complete a battleground, you must achieve three objectives (note that only th
e keep raid must take place in the Battleground, the rest can be achieved in sta
ndard RvR):
1. Participating and living through a successful raid on a central keep that has
been held by the enemy for at least 45 minutes
2. Being at the realm point cap for that battleground
3. Being in the level range for the battleground, plus one level.
Please note that the realm points
hey can be gained in standard RvR
eep raid and reached the required
their home city and receive their

need not all be earned in the battleground - t

as well. Once players have participated in a k
Realm Point level, players go to a new NPC in
medal of valor.

You can only receive the medal for a battleground if you are within the level ra
nge for that specific battleground, plus one level. For instance, you can only r
eceive the Thidranki medal if you are between 20 and 25.
Medal NPCs
Camelot: Commander Kise can be found on the porch of his house by The Mug.

Jordheim: Ostaden who is repairing his equipment at the local smithy.

TirNaNog: Mobryn who resides in a house near the Chamber of Arms.
After receiving the medal, players may turn in the medal and receive a substanti
al experience reward. Please note that battleground medals must be used within o
ne level of the level cap for a battleground. For example, you can turn in the m
edal and receive the experience reward for Thidranki at 25 but not at 26 or abov
e. You can only turn in one medal per battleground.
Battlefield Experience NPCs
Camelot: Sir Dinairak is in the royal library.
Jordheim: Aiesill is in the great hall.
TirNaNog: Rheollyn is in the palace courtyard.
New Low-Level Battleground
Additionally, a new battleground, Abermenai, has been opened for players to get
their very first taste of RVR action at an earlier level. Characters can enter A
bermenai if they are level 15-19. The realm point cap for this battleground is l
ower than Thidranki(125), but high enough so that players can purchase their fir
st realm abilities at an earlier level.

- Minstrels now receive Danger Sense, Distractions, Climb Walls, and Safe Fall I
- V by specializing in their Stealth skill. They receive these abilities at the
same spec levels that Infiltrators do.


Corpse Summoners are intended to help retrieve relics - some players are using c
orpse summoners to camp out in keeps and simply defend it, gaining Realm Points
all the time. This had led to a situation where some Realms actively do not want
their Relics. We're making two changes in this version to incent Realms to want
to keep their Relics and to not over-use their Corpse Summoners.
1. Characters who are defending
se summoner in their realm will
they currently control (Up to a
ty of defense in this situation

their home frontier against invaders with a corp

now receive a 15% RP bonus for each enemy relic
60% total bonus) to recognize the added difficul
and as an additional relic reward.

2. Characters now will not earn Realm Points in the 30 minutes following a resur
rection at a corpse summoner.
At long last, Dark Age of Camelot gets some new distinctive headwear. We'll be a
dding in new non-armor clothing outfits as well in a few weeks.

- New hats have been added to the game as well as patterns for two of the hats w
hich can be crafted as armor.
Pointed Steeple Hat
Woodsman's Cap
Jester Hat
Pointed Steeple Hat Pattern
Crown Pattern
Pointed Steeple Hat
Fur-Trimmed Cap
Winged Hat
Wolf-head Hat
Pointed Steeple Hat Pattern
Circlet Pattern
Pointed Steeple Hat
Woodsman's Hat
Entwined Leaf Hat
Antlered Hat
Pointed Steeple Hat Pattern
Wreath Pattern
We have added 1 new merchant to each realm. These merchants travel between the t
wo towns outside of the capital city and sell the hats and patterns that we have
Albion: Merwyn Hawley
Midgard: Vinandr
Hibernia: Melanaha


/cg listen - puts the chat group on listen mode. Only the moderator and leaders
can speak.
/cg leader (name) - declare another member of the chat group as a leader. This p
layer can invite other players into the chat group and speak when the chat group
is on listen mode. You don't need to use parentheses.
/cg public - The chatgroup is public and anyone can join by typing /cg join
/cg private - The chatgroup is invite or password only.
/cg join (moderator name) - joins a public chat group by name of the moderator.

/cg join (moderator name) (password) - joins a private chat group which has a pa
ssword set.
/cg password - display the current password for the chat group (moderator only)
/cg password clear - clear the current password (moderator only)
/cg password (text) - set a new password


- You now see an animation when drinking potions.
- You'll now see a graphical effect when you level.
- Binding now has an animation.
- A new effect has been added for when a Spellcraft overcharge goes horribly wro
- You'll now see a special animation when /praying at your gravesite.
- Three new emotes have been added - beg, induct, and dismiss. Use /beg to plead
, /induct when inducting a new guild member (or other ceremonial occasion), and
/dismiss to visually show someone that you're done with them.


Any player level 35-50 will see any other player 35-50 who is lower than them as
"yellow". You will still see players higher than you as orange/red/purple. If y
ou or your target is lower than level 42, the con color will be the same as they
have been. The intent of this change is to have high-level characters not immed
iately go after lower-level enemies that are "easy" kills.
Please note that this change does not affect anything other than how the player
cons to you. To-hit, damage, etc, are NOT affected by this.

- Fixed the stack size of Scales so they are once again created in stacks of 20.
- Wizened wood for Alchemy is now spelled correctly.
- The last two material types of the Wrought Jewelry Box for Midgard have been c
orrectly set to 825 and 925 skill.
- Dropped timer for creating potions so that they are half of what they currentl
y are.
- Shifted the 1000 skill potions/poisons down one rank so they show up while alc
hemists are skilling up in the 900 range


General Magic Changes
- Life transfers can no longer be used on the caster.
Albion Changes
We're entering into the home stretch of Albion changes based on some detailed an
alysis of the realm's capabilities. Hopefully the recent changes will help smoot
h out the capabilities of the realm in RvR by making required RvR abilities more
prevalent, without making them more powerful.
Cleric Changes
- Increased the range on the baseline stun to 1350, and decreased the cast time
on the spec single target DD to 3 seconds.
- Added 2 new lines of buffs in the Enhancement spec track.
1) These spells are 10 minute group cast buffs, which for the duration give the
chance to proc a healing effect when hit.
29 Strength From Adversity
38 Test of Faith
49 Trial By Fire
2) These spells are 15 minute self buffs which raise melee damage output.
17 Refiner's Strength
28 Purifying Strength
39 Mercybringer
Friar Changes
Added group targeted heal-over-time spell to Rejuvenation spec track:
24 Blessed Encouragement
34 Holy Encouragment
44 Champion's Encouragment
Minstrel Changes
- Significantly increased values on the higher levels of the Song of Healing lin
- Significantly reduced the cost of offensive shouts to be comparable to other c
- Increased stun shout duration to be comparable to other single target stun spe
- Added new hit point buffer song (shoutable chant)
30 Barrier of Sound
40 Shield of Melody
50 Wall of Song
Mage (Base Class) Changes

- Instead of getting the root spell Minor Crippling at L3 in Body Destruction, M

ages now get the Vitality Drain lifetap upgrade.
Sorcerer Changes
- Increased Mind Spec AE Mez to 1875 range.
Cabalist Changes
- Life transfers will now transfer up to the listed delve value before healing c
ritical hits from RAs are factored in, and half the amount transferred will be d
educted from the caster. The costs have been raised significantly however to bri
ng them closer in cost to major heal spells. If the caster doesn't have enough l
ife to cast the spell at full value, it will still cast successfully, but will r
educe the caster to 1 hitpoint.
- Changed Ruby Simulacrum proc to be a ranged spell that can be interrupted.
- Increased melee damage on Sapphire Simulacrum.
- Increased defense on Emerald Simulacrum and the damage on its DoT proc.
- Increased damage on Jade Simulacrum's damage shield self buff.
Hibernian Bard Changes
- Significantly increased values in the higher levels of the Chant of Healing li
Midgard Skald Changes
- Significantly reduced the cost of Warcry, Battle Whoop, and Stunning Shout lin
es to be comparable to other classes.
- Significantly increased values in the higher levels of the Simple Song of Rest
Realm Ability Changes
- Longshot now has a reuse timer of 5 minutes, and Volley now has a reuse timer
of 15 seconds.
- Brilliant Aura of Deflection should now last 30 seconds (not 60) as the docume
ntation on the Herald indicates.


We've made a number of changes to siege warfare in 1.60. The intention of these
changes is to make siege weapons useful in keeping and defending keeps. We've in
creased the viability of other siege weapons, so players will not have to rely o
n enormous numbers of Rams when attacking a frontier or relic keep.
Now, attackers should be able to use Catapults to attack players and NPCs inside
the keep, wear them down, then use a more limited number of Rams to get through

the doors. Of course, keep defenders can also use Catapults and Ballistae to pr
otect themselves.
Additionally, we've made Catapults and Ballistae last longer in the world, and t
hey are easier to build and carry than previously.
We'll be monitoring the effects of these changes on keep and relic raids and wil
l make additional tweaks as necessary.
- Ballista and Catapult ammo now stack up to 20.
- The non-raw wood components for catapults and ballistae now weigh roughly half
of what they did previously. This puts them down into the range of non-raw wood
weight of the rams.
- Catapults and Ballistae will naturally degrade now half as fast as they did pr
- The arming timer for Ballistae and Catapults has been cut in half.
- Rams can no longer attack enemy rams.
- Defending rams cannot target their own keep doors.
- Only 3 siege weapons can now attack a door at the same time.
- Ballista damage bonus has been substantially increased against enemy siege wea


- The frontier monster camps that were added in 1.59 have had their difficulty t
weaked slightly. They have had their levels lowered slightly to make the areas m
ore enticing for players to hunt in.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps
- New named guards have replaced one of the personal guards that spawn when a ke
ep is upgraded.
- Albion keeps will receive a "Captain", Hibernian keeps will receive a "Niallan
", and Midgard keeps will receive a "Bryti" to help defend the wealth of the rea
lm stored in the keep.
Experience Point Rewards
We have added an experience reward for 2 level ranges outside of the battlegroun
d. They are 35 to 40 and 40 to 45. In order to receive the experience reward you
must take a merchant keep in an enemy frontier after it has been controled for
at least 45 minutes. You must do this once for each level range.
After taking the keep, if you meet the minimum realm points for that level range
, you may go to the medal NPC in the capital cities and receive your Medal of Va
Minimum Realm Level:
35-40 Realm level 2 rank 0

40-45 Realm level 2 rank 5

Once the medal is in a player's posession, it can be taken to the NPC in the cap
ital cities that accepts the battleground medals. Again, a significant experienc
e reward will be given.
In order to receive the medal and hand the medal in for experience, you must be
within the appropriate level range. The medals cannot be saved for use outside o
f the level ranges listed above, and you can only receive each medal and experie
nce reward only once.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds
- Once a battleground keep has been held for 45 minutes, in addition to the shou
t made by the keep lord, an additional banner will appear signifying that taking
the keep would result in the completion of the keep requirement for the battleg
round medal of valor.
- We have slightly altered the configuration of the battleground keeps so that t
he center keep doors face the portal keep that the keep is from. Changes are as
Dun Abermenai faces a neutral location.
Thidranki Faste faces the Midgard portal keep (original layout)
Dun Murdaigean faces the Hibernia portal keep.
Caer Caledonia faces the Albion portal keep.
- Rumors in the alehouses around Prydwen Keep are that the Mithrans have begun c
onverting some of the local youth to their dark ways. Adventurers may spot them
lurking near the entrance to the cursed tomb of Mithra.
General Quest Notes
- All three home cities have arranged for an officiant to perform weddings. Plea
se see either Gilby, Ardkill or Dillion to find out more about a wedding ceremon
- The caster staff rewards for the level 40 guild quest have been changed. The n
ew versions no longer have a proc; instead they now come with a charged effect.
Anyone who completes the quests will now receive the new staffs. For anyone who
has already completed the quests, an NPC has been added to each capital city tha
t will gladly take the old staff and return the new one.
Midgard: Braden who is on the second floor in the house with the three caster tr
Hibernia: Vinry who can be found in the chamber of magic.
Albion: Magess Dejahra who can be found in the first floor of the library in the

Albion Quest Notes

- Weakened Bonds: Players should now find that Archdruid Glasan is once again sp
- Malignant Creatures: All players should now be able to complete this quest.
- Willing Sacrifice: Players should once again be able to summon High Priest And
ania with a willing sacrifice.
- Hands of Fate: The Shade of Ambrosius should be working correctly again.
Albion Monsters
- Dooben in Avalon Marsh is can no longer be charmed.
- A heat resist debuff component has been added to Golestandt's breath weapon.
- The Ellyl and Ravenclan Giants located in Pennine Mountains have decided to se
nd settlers to various places in Llyn Barfog. These explorers have taken their t
reasure and equipment along for the journey to aid them in their relocation.
- The Arawnites, Hollow Men, Cyclops and Bwcas of all types have decided to send
bands of explorers into Lyonesse to discover new grounds to set up camp. Hoping
that the new lands will prove safer to their kind, all of the worldly possessio
ns of these monsters have been sent with the exploring bands.
New Hibernian Quests
- The Broken Seal(level 24): Druid Tobryn has been studying the koalinth near Ti
r Urphost. He is making quite a fuss about his findings. Pay a visit to Druid To
bryn in Tir Uphorst to find out what all the commotion is.
Hibernia Quest Notes
- The Lesser of Two Evils: Players should now find that the siabra and curmudgeo
ns once again have their battle at high noon.
Midgard Quest Notes
- Gokstad's Jewel - This level 18 Hunter only quest, given out by Singrid, has b
een renamed "The Wanestone Jewel" quest to avoid confusion with the level 11 Sha
dowblade trainer quest, "Jewel Hunt".
- Dark Places of the Soul - Rumor has it that a woman in Fort Veldon by the name
of Idona has happened upon some mysterious information. Perhaps you should visi
t her.
Darkness Falls Notes
- Prince Asmoien and Prince Ba'alorien's AI was updated to ensure their encounte
rs reliability.
- The imp merchants of Darkness Falls will no longer aggro on characters from th
e realm they sell items for. They are also not attackable by the realm they sell

items for. Players can still attack other realms merchants, but doing so will r
uin their faction with their own merchants and not allow them to purchase items
until they raise their faction. As a side effect of this change, none of these m
erchants will be killable at all on the PvE or PvP servers.
Tradeskill Merchant Notes
In keeping with our policy of
adeskill tools, we have moved
one area, purchase materials,
tools moved are listed below,

not having tradeskill merchants in range of the tr

many tools so it will not be possible to stand in
and craft without moving. The towns that have had
as well as what tools were moved.

Cornwall station: The forge has been moved to a more appropriate location.
Gna Faste: The lathe and the forge have been moved to more appropriate locations
Innis Carthaig: The lathe has been moved to a more appropriate location.
Tir na Nog: The alchemy table has been moved to just outside of the druid cirle.
Item Notes
In order to compete with Shrouded Isles items, future item drops and quest rewar
ds level 40+ will now come into existence with the magic bonus appropriate to th
e item's level, instead of the magic bonus that corresponds to the material from
which it is made. Previously, the magic bonus was capped at 25% in most instanc
es because the objects are made from their respective 8th level material type. A
s for Darkness Falls vendor items, the sapphire seal equipment will now have a 2
5% magic bonus, and the diamond seal equipment will have a 30% magic bonus. This
change to the magic bonus for old world items DOES NOT apply to existing object
s already in a player's inventory at the time of the applies only to
future drops, future finished quests, and future DF vendor purchases.
The old world "uber rare" objects have had their magic bonuses upgraded to compl
y with current standards. These objects are the 90% quality ones you rarely see
dropping in the old world, up to level 31. This applies only to future drops of
these items, not ones that are currently in existence on a player.
- The Braided Darksteel Helm (Midgard) now buffs slashing and body resists, inst
ead of having two separate body resist entries.
- Pants of the Risen (Albion) now have a spirit resist and energy resist, instea
d of having two separate energy resist entries.
- Bonedancers are now able to use the following staves: Rod of the Soulshade, Kr
opp's Staff, Stately Arcane Staff of Darkness, and Stately Arcane Staff of Suppr
- The Brittle-bone Great Sword (Midgard) had an invalid spell proc removed.
- The salvage value for the Whirling Defender staff (Albion) has been corrected.
- Eir's Circlet (Midgard) can now be salvaged.
- Rod of the Soulshade (Albion and Midgard versions) can now be salvaged.

- Barbed Ebon Coif (Midgard) now has the correct chain icon and graphic instead
of leather.
- The Siabrian Staff of Light, Siabrian Staff of Enchantment, and Siabrian Staff
of the Void (Hibernia) now have the correct number of max charges.
- Seething Death Sleeves (Albion) now increase quickness in place of the second
strength entry.
- Cap of the Keen Mind (Albion) now increases dexterity instead of charisma.
- Ebony Helm of the Corrupt (Albion) now has crush resist in place of a second c
old resist entry.
- Grrar`s Cloak of Evasion (Albion) can now be dyed.
- Blessed Tyr Gloves(Midgard) now have the correct studded icon and graphic inst
ead of leather.
- The Avernal Malison Flail should no longer display that it is left-hand wielda
- The Prismatic Hammer (Midgard) should now have the correct DPS and delay.
- The Runic Ember and the Frozen Soul-shatterer (Midgard) can now be equipped by
Spiritmasters, Runemasters, and Bonedancers.

New horse routes that have been added:
Tir Urphost to Ardee
Ardee to Tir Urphost
Brynach to Drum Cain
Innis Carthaig to East Lough Derg
East Lough Derg to Innis Carthaig
(changed) Horse route from Innis Carthaig to Tir na mBeo now drops you off at th
e stable master.
Castle Sauvage to West Cornwall
West Cornwall to Castle Sauvage
Caer Ulfwych to Snowdonia Fortress
Snowdonia Fortress to Caer Ulfwych
Nalliten to Galplen
Galplen to Nalliten
Gna Faste to Audliten

Audliten to Gna Faste


Albion General
- Barak is no longer charmable.
New Albion Quests
Protecting Anniogel (level 8)
The Drakoran are a continual threat to the town of Anniogel in the Isle of Glass
. Kaere, an Inconnu sent to aid Lady Treva Evasca, is seeking out brave souls to
help her protect the town from possible attacks. Seek out Kaere if you wish to
help protect Anniogel.
Undead Infestation (level 30)
Eafa Smith in Caifelle needs some worthy adventurers to help him with the undead
infestation ruining his lands. Seek him out and hear his story.
Albion Quests
- Lost Treasure: Players who received the object "Grip of the Troll" may return
it to Ariette outside of Fort Gwyntell and exchange it for a Charismatic Bracer.
Players must have Lost Treasure in their completed quests list to exchange the
- Lost Treasure - When on the step to kill either a drakoran archiator or blue-g
reen algae, the quest will now properly step when the algae is killed.
Albion Monsters
- We have fixed a small issue where Kelsanor could be enticed to leave his area.
Now, he will no longer leave his area.
New Hibernia Quests
Cyllane's Cure (level 10)
Cyllane has recently come to Hy Brasil to give aid to Niara, the Priestess of th
e Grove. Cyllane must collect some things for Niara, but she does not know the l
and. She is looking for someone to help her. Speak to Cyllane in Bann-didein if
you can aid her.
The Sylvan's Pain (level 47)
Some Sylvan have come down with some strange disease that causes them great pain
! Sandu is offering a nice reward to any who can cure them. If you think you can
help cure them, speak with him in Droighaid.
Hibernia Quests
- Blademasters who received the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Silent Resistance can exc
hange it for the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Strength by taking it back to Krazck in
World's End. Players must have the quest Corruptors, Botonids and Trade in their
completed quests list to exchange the bracer. From now on, Blademasters will re

ceive the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Strength as their reward for this quest.
- Twisted Evil - Raiaya now refers correctly to the quest rewards Song of the Vi
nes, Song of the Scythe, and Song of Stealth.
New Midgard Quests
Solving the Argument (level 10)
Ailsa and Olvaerr in Dyrfjell are having a terrible argument and it's keeping Sk
orri from doing his job. Skorri is looking for someone to help him end the argum
ent. If you think you can end the argument, speak with Skorri in Dyrfjell.
Helping the Weaponsmith (level 25)
Yrling in Aegir's Landing needs some help with some experimental armor he's been
working on. If you're traveling that way, you could stop by and see if he needs
Midgard Quest Notes
- Savages have been added to the list of classes that may get the Ghastly Axe on
e-time drop quest.
- Morvalt Crystal: The material type was set incorrectly on two of the rewards f
or this quest. Because material type does not auto-update, players can take thei
r Studded Mammoth Pants and their Fur Brushed Chain Legs back to Kekov and excha
nge them for a pair with the correct armor factor and material type. Players mus
t have the Morvalt Crystal listed in their completed quests list. The exchange m
ay only be performed once.
- The Shambling Shade should no longer be given as a kill task.
- Some of the guards in Aegirhamn, Dyfjell, Bjarkan, and Hagall have been moved
inside the town. This should make it a little easier for players using the /wher
e command.
- Changed the "Enraged Scimitar Kit" in Aegir's Landing so the mob can no longer
be given as a kill task.
- Some low level mob spawns near Aegir's Land in the newbie area were causing mo
bs to roam beyond the wall of the zone. This was changed so that mobs should no
longer spawn or roam behind zone walls.
- The Morvalt larlings that were taking residence at the base of the large junct
ion room with the bridges near Trollheim's entrance are no longer there.
- Cothrom Gorge: Dremcis will not summon his Beomarbhan pet as often as he did a
fter it is slain. The Fuilslathach's will now dissolve a short time after the Be
omarbhan's death.
- Guardians Moirne and Pairu have been moved inside the Grove of Domnann.
- Guardians have been moved inside the two forts of Droighaid. This should help

players using the /where command.

- More Guardians have been added to the Grove of Aalid Feie.
Albion Dungeon Notes
- Krondon: The spell effects used in the Orylle and Orshom Brond encounter have
been greatly reduced to improve framerates.
Midgard Dungeon Notes
- Tuscaren Glacier: King Tuscar's sword would only take on the magical propertie
s of the first spell that hit him. His sword will now properly take on the magic
al properties of the spells he is hit with for short periods of time throughout
the course of his battles
- Tuscaren Glacier: The spell effects used in the King Tuscar and Queen Kula enc
ounter have been greatly reduced to improve framerates.
Crafting Notes
In keeping with our policy of
adeskill tools, we have moved
one area, purchase materials,
tools moved are listed below,

not having tradeskill merchants in range of the tr

many tools so it will not be possible to stand in
and craft without moving. The towns that have had
as well as what tools were moved.

Fort Gwyntell: The alchemy table has been moved to a more appropriate location.
Knarr: The lathe, forge, and alchemy table have been moved to a more appropriate
Aalid Feie: The forge and alchemy table have been moved to more appropriate loca
Droighaid: The forge and alchemy table have been moved to more appropriate locat
Item Notes
- The proc on the Monstrous Proboscis (Hibernia) should now be adding damage as
intended. This should affect other weapons using the same proc type, in all real
- Ariach's Purged Staff (Albion) will no longer use "mace" in combat text.
- Thuxra's Twiggy Staff (Hibernia) should now proc correctly.
- The Dragon-shadow Crown (Midgard) should now increase the hand to hand skill i
nstead of savagery.
- Players should now be able to use the weapons dyes in Tuscaren Glacier on all
the weapons from that zone.
- Nokkvi's Mauler (Midgard) should now increase +hammer skill instead of +crush,

and it should also be using the proper 1-hand hammer animations.

- Unok's Chain Leggings (Midgard) now increase cold and body resistances, instea
d of having two body resist entries.
- Durval's Bloodied Quarterstaff (Albion) should now proc correctly.
- Ancient Stag Skull (Hibernia) now increases crush and slash resistances, inste
ad of having two slash resists.
- Studded Mammoth Pants (Midgard) are now able to be salvaged and dyed.
- Gneiss (Hibernia) in Cothrom Gorge has been itemized.
- The Earthmelder weapons behind the waterfall in the Hibernian Expansion Area s
hould drop with the correct material setting now. Previous drops will not update
- Tuscarian Bloodforged Sleeves had the thrown skill value replaced with parry.
All sleeves will update.
- The Temmelig bracelet, one of the rewards for the Catla's Downfall quest has h
ad its bonuses slightly modified to give players a higher bonus in Charisma and
less of a bonus to Battlesongs.
- Scureol's Belt, from the Ogre's Might Quest, previously had Piety 5 and Consti
tution 5.
Because this belt is given to both Friars and Infiltrators, the 5 Constitution h
as been changed to Dexterity 5.
- The staff Quarter Might now has the correct bonus - a plus to staff.
- Vine Covered Sleeves (Hibernia) now increase blunt skill instead of piercing.
- The Hollowed Earthmelder Wrist unique item (Hibernia) should now equip in the
proper slot. This change should automatically update for players who already hav
e one.
- Khrin's Claw (Midgard) no longer increases power. Instead, the quickness bonus
has been increased to +7.
- The Blade of Ibicus (Midgard) should no longer display that it is usable in th
e left hand.
- Ibicus Studded Sleeves (Midgard) are now made of metal instead of leather. Not
e that this does not auto-update.
- Keelladna Falion in Domnann should be dropping random object generator weapons
that are the appropriate level.
- The Drakoran Scale Robe (Albion) is now set to the correct material and level.
- The Phosphorescent Belt (Hibernia) had the Piety bonus changed to Empathy.
- Particle effects were added to the weapons in Caer Sidi (Albion), Tuscaran Gla
cier (Midgard), and Galladoria (Hibernia). There are still some weapons in these
dungeons that have no particle effects, because there are none that fit correct
ly at this time.
- Skilled Bowstring Ring (Midgard) will now equip in the ring slot as intended.

- Hallowed Legs (Albion) should now have +crush resist displayed instead of a bl
ank 4% entry.
- Marine skrats should no longer be dropping Albion armor.
- Blood Spire Cloak (Albion) can now be given an emblem.
- Otrygg's Darkened Cloak (Midgard) can now be given an emblem.
- The Morvalt Obsidian Sword (Midgard ) can no longer be equipped. This is a bou
nty quest item and was not intended for use as a weapon.
- The following Albion gems can now be recharged: Caster's Minding Thoughts, Str
engthening Power, Quickening Power, Darkening Powers.
- Wrapped Defender (Hibernia) was changed from +3 Valor to +10 constitution.
- The Vine Covered Sword (Hibernia) was changed from +3 Valor to +40 hits.
- The Vine Covered Hammer (Hibernia) was changed from +3 Valor to +40 hits.
- Frosty skeletts in Midgard should now be dropping equipment for the appropriat
e realm.
- Devmer's Holding Robe and Stolen Robes of an Ancient Friar in Albion should no
w have the appropriate sell value.
- Thrawn ogre thrashers in Albion should no longer be dropping a bonedancer staf
- The following cloaks in Hibernia can now be dyed: Darkened Vine Cloak, Phospho
rescent Cloak, Verdant Cloak, Braided Ivy Cloak and Shadowed Blackthorn Cloak.
- Itchy Wool Gloves (Hibernia) had the +6 power bonus reduced to +5 power. Playe
rs are able to receive these gloves at level 9, but the previous level of bonuse
s was preventing their use until level 10.
- The Grim Ward Ring (Albion) can now be equipped.
- Flurry's Dancing Blade and Flurry's Dancing Defender (Albion) should now be us
ing the correct thrusting skill. Flurry's Dancing Defender can now be wielded in
the left hand.
Beaded Resisting Stones
There will be a change to the Beaded Resisting Stones, one of the random quest r
ewards for Ancestral Secrets. IN 1.60, THE NECKLACE WILL BE SET TO NO TRADE. Eve
ryone needs to make sure the necklace is where you want it to stay, because afte
r the next patch you won't be able to give it to any other characters.
We are making this change because we will be implementing some changes in the qu
est that will allow ALL Midgard players the opportunity to get this highly covet
ed necklace, even if they have already finished the quest. Look for patch notes
explaining the changes we made. Please note that quests that offer equivalent re
wards for Albion and Hibernia are in the works.
Additional Salvage Changes

The new salvage chart introduced in version 1.59 has been applied to the handmad
e magic loot (not the "unique" ROG loot) from named mobs in Shrouded Isles. As a
refresher, here is the chart again:
Item size:
small - small shields, small weapons, gloves, boots
medium - medium shields, medium weapons, sleeves, hats
large - large/2h weapons, large shields, legs, chest pieces
Salvage chart:
small - 5 metal/ore/strips; 12 leather/wood; 18 cloth
medium - 10 metal/ore/strips; 24 leather/wood; 36 cloth
large - 15 metal/ore/strips; 36 leather/wood; 54 cloth
New Delve Information
In Shrouded Isles, some of the named monster drops have a functionality that has
been hard to explain, and to identify at a glance. Those items were set up as a
rmor and weapon procs, but the procs are limited to a certain number of charges.
The delve info for those items up until now only displayed the "charged magic i
tem" portion of the item, which leads to many players being frustrated when the
objects don't work with the "use" key. So, with this patch, the delve info for t
hose charged-proc items has changed. If you have a piece of armor that has a cha
rged proc, instead of seeing "charged magic item" above the number of charges, y
ou will now see "Defensive Proc Charges." For weapons, if the proc is charged, y
ou will now see "Offensive Proc Charges." Items that are set up to have normal c
harges will still display the usual "Charged Magic Item" line. Please note that
these charged-proc objects can be recharged like a normal charged item.
Monster Loot Changes
The following quest monsters do not drop unique items anymore. These monsters ar
e associated with quests and should not have had unique items associated with th
em, due to their respawn rate.
ALBION - Barak, Nalsor, Kelsanor, Pazia, Tyian, Avice Swett, Bartholomew Swett,
Warin Grym, Everard Grym, Juliana Grym
MIDGARD - Pyserlian, Edrigu, Modolf, Loden, Urtzi
HIBERNIA - Cronwort, Fuilwort, Tachtwort, Luaire, Rinne, Taiore, Laraida, Adwyth
, Drygau, Anhylaw

ITEM NOTES (SI & Classic)

- A few new armor skins for the high teens to low 40's players have been added a
s new items in various places around the old lands and Shrouded Isles.
- All classes should now be able to complete the Mammoth Hunt Quest.
- Valewalkers and Animists should now be able to complete the Albion quest, Voic
es of the Dead.

- Grand Lord Martel has been slightly adjusted.

- Dun Ailinne and Caer Berkstead have had their difficulty slightly decreased.
Nottmoor Faste, Avarkar Faste, Hlidskialf and Blendrake Faste have had their dif
ficulty slightly increased.
- Gote is no longer set as a name registrar.
Cooperative Server Quest Notes
- Animists should now be able to complete the Albion quest Restoring the Magic.
- Animists and Valewalkers should now be able to continue working on the Stonehe
art Quest.
- Blademasters, Champions, Shamans and Spiritmasters should now be able to compl
ete the Albion quest Malignant Creatures.
Just some bug fixes - no "new" stuff.
Dark Age of Camelot
1.60B Release Notes
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
- Couriers will no longer stop on their path when interacted with by a player.
- Minstrels were erroneously given Evade III at 30th level. All Minstrels who we
re granted Evade III have it removed from their character, and no new Minstrels
will be granted the ability.
- We have temporarily removed the merchants that sell siege equipment in the Bat
tlegrounds while we work on some battleground-only siege weapon bugs.
Cooperative Server
- Grand Lord Martel was spawning more quickly than designed at some keeps. This
has been fixed.
Hibernia Quests
The Broken Seal - Players should now have an easier time using the talisman in t
he mouth of Koalinth Caverns.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds

- Fixed an issue where stealth classes could possibly not receive credit for cap
turing keeps. This should hopefully fix any remaining issues with players finish
ing the requirements correctly, but not getting credit for it. Remember, if you
arent sure you got the requirement, make sure you type /quest and make sure you
see the "Keep Capture quest" completed for the appropriate battle ground you are
fighting in BEFORE you leave.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps
- Fixed a small issue where a few frontier patrols were not grouping correctly.
- Fixed the issue with the Midgard heavy starkakedja helm still wanting to use a
circlet pattern.
- Fixed the Albion weighted flail to correctly come out at the appropriate mater
ial level/type for the material 9 and 10 recipes.
Midgard Quests
Note: Temporary fix until next patch. Players stuck on Helping the Weaponsmith b
ecause they need to speak with the shale golem emissary should now be able to re
gularly find him next to Yrling.
Albion Monsters
- Svarm will no longer be given as a kill task.
- The Primal of Air encounter has been made slightly easier.
- The Primal of Fire encounter had some minor changes made to its pathing and sh
ould now function correctly.
- Fixed a small bug with Aroon the Urlamhai in Galladoria were he would not summ
on his guards occasionally.
As you can tell, the emphasis this patch was on making improvements to underutil
ized zones, items, interface improvements, and other user-friendly content thing
s for all our players. By the way - in the frontiers itemization note, please no
te that guards are not technically monsters, and thus drop only coin.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.61 Release Notes

Tuesday, April 1, 2003


We've raised the player stat caps so that high level buff spells will not exceed
the cap. Players who receive high level buff spells from friendly casters will
notice this change the most. This means that races that a high starting stat (su
ch as strength or dexterity) will now be able to buff it a bit more than those r
aces that do not have a high starting stat.


- Pressing Shift-LeftClick on your pet's name in the pet window will now create
a hotbar icon that you can drag to your quickbar. Pressing this new hotkey will
select your pet. (Note: The rest of the buttons/commands on the pet window could
already be made into hotkeys by Shift-LeftClicking on them).
- The mousewheel will now scroll the chat buffers and the quickbar when your mou
se cursor is hovering over them.
- If another player traded 10 items with you, the 10th item would incorrectly sh
ow up in your trade window on later trades. This has been fixed.
- Pressing TAB to toggle the interface will now hide/restore all windows correct
ly. Previously, some windows (such as the compass) would not be hidden, and othe
r windows (the Command Window) would not reappear after you toggled the interfac
e back on.
- There were many monster pathing issues in Avalon City. These have been fixed.
- All frontier zones have been itemized using the Unique Object Generator system
. All monsters killed in all frontier zones will now drop loot.
- Some Bards were able to chain-cast their spells in the Minor Lullaby line, byp
assing the 5 second recast timer. This has been fixed.
- Some Mage cloth helms were incorrectly using the plate helm graphic. This has
been fixed.
- We now have new crafting sounds. You'll now hear a distinct sound for crafting
failure, lose-item failure, success, and masterpiece.


Unique Item Generator Notes

- Unique object drops from Midgard should no longer have +thrown.

- "Unique item" friar robes can now be dyed. This change should apply retroactiv
ely for any "unique" friar robes.
- Midgard chain items should no longer drop with +thrown.
- Items in the 1-10 level range will only use points on two bonus slots instead
of being spread across all four. Items 11-20 will use points on three bonus slot
s. Items 21+ will use the normal four bonus slots.
- The variance on magic bonus has been removed. All Unique Object Generator item
s should drop with the proper magic bonus amount for that item's material level.
- The variance on item points has been removed. All Unique Object Generator item
s should drop with the total proper amount of item points for the monster's leve
- The quality ranges for common monster Unique Object Generator drops, drops fro
m named monsters less than level 50, and drops from named monsters higher than l
evel 50 have been narrowed. The base quality for these drops is now 89%, and can
extend to 100% depending upon which category the monster falls into.
- Resists on items level 1-10 will be a little less common than before.
- Caster staves will no longer be class-restricted in the 1-6 level range.
New Merchants
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Necromancer focus
Gardowen Egesa - Camelot
Doreen Egesa - Cotswold Village
Eabae Egesa - Ludlow Village
Loretta Egesa - Lethantis Association
Daisi Egesa - Adribard's Retreat
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Reaver flexible w
Tyngyr Blade - Adribard's Retreat
Langston Fall - Caer Ulfwych
Ethan Farley - Camelot
Grannis Ynos - Cotswold Village
Ban Ronem - Humberton Village
Alburn Hale - Prydwen Keep
Ember - Snowdonia Station
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Animist focus sta
Iaine - Ardagh
Eleri - Ardee
Izold - Ceannai
Marus - Connla
Cait - Howth
Mearchian - Mardagh
Jiskarr de'Mordan - Tir na Nog

Romney - Tir na Nog

The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Valewalker scythe
Iama - Alainn Bin
Brenna - Ardagh
Creirwy - Ardee
Keir - Caille
Glyn - Connla
Glennard - Innis Carthaig
Lavenna - Tir na mBeo
Kedric - Tir na Nog
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Bonedancer focus
Niniver - Fort Atla
Ysunoic - Galplen
Elengwen - Huginfel
Anya Vinsdottir - Jordheim
Raelyan - Mularn Village
Merwdda - Vasudheim
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Savage hand to ha
nd weapons:
Armond - Audliten
Svard - Dvalin
Yop - Fort Atla
Hlif - Fort Veldon
Gestod - Galplen
Burr - Haggerfel
Auda - Huginfel
Ema - Jordheim
Hrolf - Mularn Village
Leik - Vasudheim
General Notes
- We have added a horse route from Snowdonia Fortress to Humberton.
- The horse routes that go to Tir Urphost in Hibernia will take a different rout
e that will bring you closer to Koalinth Caverns.
- In the following quests involving the following monsters, players who are on t
he appropriate step will receive credit if they die while attempting to kill the
monster, but their allies get the kill:
Scureol in Ogre's Might, Quillan Muire in Muire Tomb, and Callilepis in Nisse's
Hibernia Quests
- Broken Seal should now be able to be completed.

Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds

- Players who attempt to capture the battleground or merchant keeps for the expe
rience reward and die will receive the requirement if they are within the keep r
egion when the lord is killed by their allies.
- Fixed an issue in Murdaigean where the additional banner that would spawn when
Albion controlled the keep would be a Midgard Banner.
Midgard Dungeons
- We fixed a problem with an arachite prelate attacking players with a root spel
l through the walls at the entrance of Spindelhalla.
Monster Notes
- The three dragons located in the epic zones should provide more feedback to pl
ayers during their encounter to help players developing strategies for the encou
- Ibicus should no longer spawn behind a zone wall.
- The monsters that roam the area by Koalinth Caverns have moved to a new huntin
g ground.
- Fixed the Parthelonians so that they will correctly group up and BAF.
Item changes in the frontiers
- The four Summoners in the Summoner's Hall dungeon now have a chance to drop a
Luminescent Abrogo Stone. These stones can be turned in to the NPC's listed belo
w to receive a Realm Skill Respec. A different type of respec stone is dropped i
n Shrouded Isles - see below.
Camelot: Paiton Hazlett - Luminescent Abrogo Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
Jordheim: Haili - Luminescent Abrogo Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
Tir na Nog: Bretta - Luminescent Abrogo Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
- Frontier monsters are now itemized using new class specific random object gene
rator templates.
- Bards Song now has dexterity instead of empathy.
- The Prismatic Hammer (Midgard) should now have the correct DPS and delay.
- The Runic Ember and the Frozen Soul-shatterer (Midgard) can now be equipped by
Spiritmasters, Runemasters, and Bonedancers.
- The Cath Cloak (Hibernia) now has body resistance 6 instead of duplicate body
resist entries.
- The Bloody Fang (Midgard) should now be the appropriate level.

- All dropped alchemy components are now marked as no sell. Note: these items di
d not previously have a sale value. They have been marked as no sell to prevent
players from mistakenly selling them for 0 copper.
- The Malevolent Shield (Midgard) can now be equipped by Healers and Shamans.
- Gloves of Night (Hibernia) may now be salvaged.
- The second body resist entry on the Bracer of the Pious Defender (Albion) has
been changed to energy.
- Wispy Rigid Orm Spine (Midgard) may now be salvaged.
- Particle effects were added to many of the weapons in Dartmoor, Cursed Forest
and Raumarik.
- The Mouldering Moor Boots (Albion) should now drop with the appropriate level/
AF. This does not apply to any drops of this item previous to this patch.
- The Blue Diamond Staff (Midgard) can now be used by Bonedancers.
- The Chain of Suppression (Midgard) now increases suppression as the name sugge
- One of the doubled body resist entries on the Worn Jewel Dusted Vest (Hibernia
) has been changed to heat resist.
- The Omni Hunting Boots, Omni Hunting Gauntlets, Omni Warchain Boots, Omni Warc
hain Gloves, and Omni Warchain Coif (Midgard) should now have the appropriate na
me and icon sorted out correctly.
- The Ceremonial Robe (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- Troll Hide Sleeves (Albion) can now be dyed.
- Silverwolf Sleeves (Midgard) now give a bonus to piety in place of intelligenc


- We have revisited many of the monsters of Iarnwood and lowered their aggressiv
eness and their attack radius in order to compensate for the low visibility in t
he zone. Players should not be attacked my monsters they were unable to see ofte
n as was previously possible. The area is still dangerous, but it should be much
easier to navigate safely around the wildlife.

Major Changes to Ancestral Secrets Quest

The long awaited changes to the Ancestral Secrets quest in Midgard are finally h
ere. Here?s what we did to allow all players a chance to get the coveted Beaded
Resisting Stones as well as the other random rewards. We have made the quest Anc
estral Secrets repeatable. If you have already completed the quest once you may
go back to Ota Yrling in Aegirhamn and get it again. The rewards are still given
out randomly after you are teleported by Jaklyr, and you may only get each rand
om reward once. Once you have all three random rewards, Ota will no longer give

out the quest. The standard rewards for the quest have not changed. Players that
complete the quest two or more times will not be offered the standard rewards a
t the end of the quest. Instead they will receive a small amount of experience a
nd a decent amount of gold.
Other important changes to this quest:
- The Ancestral Keeper?s level has been raised. Taking a few friends with you is
- The Beaded Resisting Stones are now flagged NO TRADE because everyone now has
the chance to get the Necklace for themselves.
There is an Albion and a Hibernian version of this quest. The Albion version is
called The Lost Stone of Arawn and begins with Honayt?rt in Wearyall Village. Th
e Hibernian version is called The Lost Seed and begins with Terod in Droighaid.
Each quest offers a version of the Beaded Resisting Stones as well as the other
two random rewards.
Hibernian Quests:
Krazckz will now offer players a choice of rewards for finishing the quest "Corr
uptors, Botonids and Trade." If you have already completed the quest and would l
ike to choose a something different, bring your old reward back to Krazckz and h
e will exchange it one time.
- Albion: Xanxicar in the Crystal Cave will no longer spam his stomping message.
Also his defense has been lowered slightly.
- Albion: All ogres are now a part of the Children of Orylle faction and will au
tomatically be aggressive to all players.
- Midgard: Iarnvidiur should now take slightly more damage from attacks.

Albion Dungeons
- Krondon: The oozes of Krondon have burrowed another way out of the dungeon. Pl
ayers can now use this as a secondary entrance and exit point for the dungeon wh
ich will avoid the ogres guarding the main entrance.
- Urlo the spellcraft merchant in Agerirhamn has moved from outside on the ledge
to inside by his fellow merchants.
- Old Matriarch's healing has been toned down.

Item changes in the epic dungeons

- Monsters in Caer Sidi, Tuscaran Glacier and Galladoria now have a chance at dr
opping a single line respec stone. Note that non boss monsters have a significan
tly different drop rate than named boss monsters. These stones can be turned in

to the following NPC's:

Albion: Mae Oswy - Humberton Castle
Midgard: Hjortr - Vasudheim
Hibernia: Ita - Mag Mell
- The jewelry drops in the epic dungeons (Caer Sidi, Tuscaran Glacier and Gallad
oria) have received an increase in imbue points.
- The magic bonuses on the Blackened Arcanium Crescent (Albion) have been modifi
ed to be more reaver appropriate. The magic bonuses are now: +flexible 4, +parry
4, +hitpoints 60, +piety 15.
- The Light Walker's Blade (Hibernia) should now have a particle effect that fit
s correctly.
- The Obsidian Bastard Sword, Obsidian War Hammer, Obsidian Great Sword, and Obs
idian Great Spiked Hammer (Midgard) should now increase the correct weapon skill
- The Dread bone Great Hammer (Midgard) should now look like a hammer instead of
an axe.
- The Nature's Blessed Cudgel (Hibernia) has a different proc attached that shou
ld not interfere with the spells of the weapon's intended class.
- The unique items from Durval (Albion) should now be set to the appropriate lev
el when dropping. Note that this does not apply to objects received from Durval
before this patch.
- Sys'sro's Robes of Substance (Albion) can now be dyed.
- Brungar's Slasher (Midgard) no longer increases the slash skill. In addition,
the magic bonuses have been increased to the appropriate level for the item.
- The Seething Frostbound Axe (Midgard) has a different proc attached that shoul
d no longer interfere with the spells of the weapon's intended class.
- The drop rate for Old Matriarch (Midgard) is now set appropriately for the enc
- The Sacristan Coward's Belt (Albion) should now have the appropriate inventory
- The Rift (Midgard) should now drop items as intended.
- Thuxra's Rooty Staff (Hibernia) has been renamed to Thuxra's Rooty Spear and T
huxra's Twiggy Staff has been renamed to Thuxra's Twiggy Spear.
- The second body resist entry on the Smiting Pendant (Albion) has been changed
to spirit.
- The drop rate for the garran treant seedlings that are part of the Cuinn encou
nter in Hibernia have been adjusted to the appropriate level.
- The Gilded Songster's Vest, the Blessed One's Leggings, and the Songsung Leggi
ngs (Albion) can now be dyed by the appropriate dye type.

- Shadow Walker's Blade now has the correct particle effect.

- The lathe in Bjarken has been moved to a more appropriate location.
- The alchemy table in Gothwaite Harbor has been moved t a more appropriate loca
- The Verdant Scythe (Hibernia) has a different proc attached that should not in
terfere with the spells of the weapon's intended class.
- The Krrzck guardians and the Krrzck warlocks (Hibernia) will now drop more lev
el appropriate treasure.
- Krrkxrx will no longer drop items when it is killed. This mob is a quest NPC a
nd was not intended to be killed for loot.
- In Caer Sidi, there were two drops called "Emerald Encrusted Ring." One of tho
se items fits in the waist slot, and the name has been changed to Emerald Encrus
ted Belt, as originally intended.
- The new versions of Xaga's Tethered Staff and Xaga's Enshrouded Staff (Hiberni
a) should now have the same particle effects as the old versions.
- The Mace of the Valiant and the Bladed Crystal Rapier (Hibernia) had the +valo
r skill replaced with bonuses that are more useful for champions.
- The Ebonynight Void Belt (Albion) and the Ebonynight Spirit Belt have been ren
amed to bracelets as intended.
- The Mammoth Lined Leggings (Midgard) can now be salvaged.
- The Flayed Skin Necklace (Albion) should now display as a necklace in a player
's inventory.
- The Rapier of the Otherworld (Albion) has been renamed to Dirk of the Otherwor
ld to correctly reflect the weapon model.
- The common cash loot item "scimitar cat pelt" has been renamed to "scimitar ca
t hide", to avoid confusion with the "Scimitar Cat Pelt" that is turned in as a
bounty quest item.
- The Darkened Vine Cloak can now have an emblem applied.
- The furry urchin cape, furry urchin shroud, and furry urchin mantle (Albion) c
an now be dyed and have an emblem applied.
- Shambler's War Hammer (Midgard) should now have +1 hammer, and +2 crush resist
- The Mace of Aid (Albion) now increases piety instead of the +crush skill.
- The Blood Spire Cloak can now be dyed.
- The common cash loot item "skimmer skin" has been renamed "ragged skimmer skin
" to avoid confusion with the "Skimmer Skin" that is turned in as a bounty quest
- The Shadowed Blackthorn Cloak, Phosphorescent Cloak, and Verdant Cloak (Hibern
ia) can now have an emblem applied.

- The Bladed Fang (Midgard) should now have the correct DPS.
- Sterkvill (Midgard) can now be salvaged.
- Nokkvi's Mauler (Midgard) should now proc as intended.
- The Darkened Defender (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- Magister Kurgol's Vest (Midgard) now increases piety instead of intelligence.
- The Braided Ivory Cloak can now have an emblem applied.
- Agmundr's Foe Hammer (Midgard) now has a particle effect that fits a bit bette
r than previously.
- All of the Tab'Fren series of staves in Albion should have the appropriate par
ticle effect attached.
- Durval's Staff of Blindness (Albion) should now have the correct DPS.
- Grrar's Cloak of Evasion (Albion) can now have an emblem and dye applied.
- The particle effect should fit correctly on the following staves:
Runed Mammoth Bone, Griffon Bone Staff, Call of the Griffon Staff, Empyrean Rune
walkers Staff, Lord of Niflheim Staff, and Empyrean Bonewalker's Staff, in Midga
Staff of the Dragon Lich, Staff of the Weary Mind, Staff of the Thunder Swarm, E
ye of the Hellfires, and Dark Staff of the Construct, in Albion
- The hard to target lifeless scouts at Caer Hurbury have been moved.
- Lowered the aggro range of the tormented knights guarding Caer Erasleigh.
- The Rock Giant Shamans inside Caer Benowyc should no longer cast at people out
side the keep.
- Bledmeer Faste has had its difficulty increased.
- The encounters at Glenlock Faste, Hlidskialf Faste and Nottmoor Faste have had
their difficulty increased.
- The bosses of the Relic Keeps will now drop more Glowing Dreaded Seals then be

- The higher level material stores (materials 6-10) now carry the essential tool
s for crafting.

More Things That Should Have Been in the Notes
Posted By: Sanya Thomas 2003-04-03 18:18:00
Sometimes the good stuff slips through the documentation cracks as well as... th
e other stuff. Read on!
Players can now zone into Darkness Falls from the Dun Dagda entrance.
/target (name) now works for friendly players.
Archer RA's have been disabled in Darkness falls to prevent some exploits (Volle
y and Longshot)
Pets auto-attacking rooted mobs is fixed. They now act like when a mob is mezzed
. If you have two mobs incoming, and root one, when the first dies, the pet will
not run and attack the rooted one till told to attack.
Pets run to position when you use the "here" command.
Both single target and group insta heals no longer have the timer reset if they
don't heal anyone.
Normal heals and group heals have a reduced power drain if you don't heal anyone
NPC's can no longer shoot through bladeturn.
Version 1.61b is a small update that fixes some bugs and issues introduced in ve
rsion 1.60, and it also documents some 1.60 items that were not included in thos
e release notes. Please note that some of these items have been posted on the He
rald already, but this is a complete list.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.61b Release Notes
1.61b is a small patch that fixes some bugs and issues introduced in 1.60.
- On the PvP servers only, a bug was introduced in 1.60 where anyone (friendly o
r not) could port into a keep via the gatekeeper NPC. This has been fixed; now o
nly those players who are considered friendly to the keep can use the gatekeeper
- The windows key has been disabled on both the classic and SI clients.
- The /mbuy command has been restricted to 100 items at a time to prevent a rare
stacking error.
- Players can now zone into Darkness Falls from the Dun Dagda entrance.

- /target (name) now works for friendly players.

- Longshot and Volley have been disabled in Darkness Falls to prevent exploits.
- Pets auto-attacking rooted monsters is fixed. They now act like when a monster
is mezzed. If you have two monsters incoming, and root one, when the first dies
, the pet will not run and attack the rooted one until told to attack.
- Pets now correctly run to your position when you use the "here" command.
- Both single target and group instant heals no longer have the timer reset if t
hey don't heal anyone.
- Normal heals and group heals have a reduced power drain if you don't heal anyo
- NPCs can no longer shoot through bladeturn.
- You can now target cloud/air/fire type creatures from a distance - you no long
er have to click their name.
- Skald and Shaman damage adds should now stack correctly.
- Valkyn now have their correct spellcasting animations.
- /bind now has a 60 second timer.
- Cuuldurach The Glimmer King has become more vulnerable to heat based damage.
Item Notes
- Several changes were made to the frontier Unique Object Generator treasure tab
les. This should resolve issues of some items not having the correct bonuses for
the intended class as well as insuring the object can be equipped.
- Weaponmaster's Axe (Midgard) - The bonus to slash skill has been changed to a
bonus to axe skill; the duplicate body resist was changed to a cold resist.


Quest Notes
We would like to clear up a few misconceptions about the high level repeatable q
uests that were introduced in this last patch: Ancestral Secrets, The Lost Seed
and The Stone of Arawn.
- First, the reward for doing these quests is a weapon. You will receive the wea
pon reward the first time you do the quest. We recognize that not every weapon i
s tailored for the way your spec'd your character, but we currently do not have

plans to modify these rewards.

- Second, there are three other rewards that can be received by doing this quest
. However, they are RANDOM. You may do the quest multiple times before you get a
ny of them. Please don't appeal to customer service unless you have done the que
st over 10 times and haven't received any of the random rewards at all.
- Third, we had set a maximum number of times that players would have to do the
quest before getting the necklace and unfortunately, mostly due to faulty expect
ations on our part, this didn't work. We have fixed this on the live servers now
and invite all of you that have done the quest more than 10 times to do it agai
n. You should get the necklace on your next run through.
- Fourth, we know that in some cases players will have to do the quest many time
s before getting the necklace. We sympathize, but wish to remind you that we mad
e the quest
repeatable at your request, so that those that wanted the necklace but weren't l
ucky enough to get the random the first time through could keep trying until you
did get it.
- Fifth, thanks for your patience and feedback as we continue make adjustments t
o these quests to make them as smooth as possible for you.
Albion Quests
Several changes have been made to the Lost Stone of Arawn quest. After players h
ave received all three random reward items, they should no longer be able to get
the quest. Also, the NPCs should now recognize that the player has recieved the
random rewards and no longer give them out.
- The Stone of Arawn, step 10 - those of you that didn't get a note from N'cheve
r to give to Ing'ati will have to appeal for a new note. From now on though , N'
chever will give the note.
- Zombies, ghosts and necromancers, step 8. Berzerkers on Gaheris that couldn't
turn in the rod can now do so.
Midgard Quests
- Kyllikki's Scrolls - Catla was sometimes giving leather stealth leggings to He
alers. For now, healers will need to appeal to have their incorrect reward excha
nged for Ukjent Leger leggings. But Catla should now be giving the Ukjent Leger
leggings consistently to healers.
Mammoth Hunt, step 7 - Classes that couldn't turn in the whisker should now be a
ble to.
Ota's Quest, step 8 - Thanes can now turn in the pelt to Ota.
Hibernia Quests
- Corruptors, Botonids and Trade, step 8 - Players should now be able to choose
the "strength and regrowth bracer" if they wish. Follow the directions in your q
uest journal.
Item Notes
- Bow of Monstrosities (Hibernia) - The haste proc has been changed to a more ap

propriate ablative aura proc.

- The quest rewards for Lost Stone of Arawn should be set to the proper material
type and magic bonus. Note that this does not update for players who have alrea
dy finished the quest.

Cooperative Server Notes

- The hard to target Shaman at Hlidskialf Faste has been moved.http://web.archiv
Short list:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.61c Release Notes
Wednesday, April 9, 2003
- The timer on the siege window will now be displayed correctly.
- The chat channel tab that was incorrectly titled "Friends" is now restored to
- Fixed some problems where interface panels could mistakenly get set to zero al
pha and be fully transparent.
- Fixed monster pathing problems with the new entrance sections of Krondon.http:
php?t=game&storyid=888Here are the notes for Dark Age of Camelot version 1.62. A
s you can see, there are a lot of notes to read through that touch almost all as
pects of the game: melee, pet classes, archers, newbie guilds, respecs, etc. As
always, 1.62 is not the end of bug fixes and tweaks - we'll keep working on outs
tanding issues for 1.63 and beyond.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.62 Release Notes
After a long development and testing cycle, here is Dark Age of Camelot version
1.62. It started out development as a "Hibernia tweak and bug fix patch", but qu
ickly mushroomed into a general class balance and bug fixing patch. We've substa
ntially updated/tweaked/adjusted light tanks, pet classes, archers, and made man
y more changes to other classes.

We know that there are more items to tweak and fix in the game, but we strongly
feel that with 1.62, we've come a lot closer to bringing more balance to the gam
e, as well as some needed new features. As always, there are more things to do,
and we'll keep working on any outstanding bug fixes and balance issues as we do
future patches.
A big Thank You must go out to the Team Leads who have been so helpful in provid
ing feedback and testing for 1.62 as it has gone through the testing process. Yo
u should all be proud of yourselves.
Here's a list of just the major items we've addressed in 1.62:
- Many many tweaks and fixes to Hibernian classes. Yes, we know there are more t
o make in the future, but the list of items done for Hibernian classes in 1.62 i
s extensive.
- Addressed Realm Balance via the new /level command. Now, if you have a level 5
0 character on any server, you can create level 20 characters on any other serve
r, and level 30 characters on specific Realms on different servers that we have
determined to be underpopulated. We'll see how this affects Realm balance and ma
ke more changes as appropriate.
- Archers. Archers been given some extra tools to work with - Penetrating Arrow
and Quick Shot.
- Addressed Left Axe combat style being very overpowered. Not a popular decision
with Berserkers and Shadowzerks, but a good one for game balance.
- Addressed light tank issues. Mercenaries and Blademasters have had combat styl
e damage increased on one chain each on their Dual Wield/Celtic Dual styles, as
well as bleed damage from those styles that cause bleeding was increased across
the board. Additionally their special abilities (Dirty Tricks and Triple Wield)
have been made more attractive and useful.
- Implemented the "newbie guild" system on all live servers.
- Pet Classes. We made many enhancements and refinements to various pet classes
from each Realm.
- Re-tuned several high-level encounters. Dragons in each Realm are now easier t
o kill, as is the final encounter in Galladoria (Hibernia, Shrouded Isles).
- Found the infamous "Block/Parry" bug and fixed it.
- Re-tuned the way Bolt spell damage is assessed. You should now see Bolt damage
s raised, especially when hitting lightly armored targets.


Because 1.62 has so many sweeping changes to so many classes, we are designating
this a "class balance patch" and will be granting single line respecs to everyo
ne in the game (level 5 and above) regardless of class or Realm.
Things to remember when using this type of "gift" single line respecs:
- YOU WILL NOT BE GIVEN THE RESPEC IF if you already have 2 unused single respec

s, or if your character has a full respec that you haven't used.

- THE RESPEC WILL BE STRIPPED FROM YOUR CHARACTER if you do not use it before th
e next time you level. If you want to use the respec, use it immediately after l
ogging in; otherwise you risk leveling and losing the respec.
All Assassin classes in 1.62 who had the See Hidden Realm Ability will have that
ability stripped from their character and have the points invested in it return
ed to them, for use in specializing in any other Realm Abilities they wish (incl
uding re-investing in See Hidden if they so choose).


- We found and fixed the infamous "Block/Parry bug" - the one that caused player
s to block and parry less often when attacked by a grouped opponent. This change
will have the most effect in RvR situations where you are fighting an opponent
who is in a group. This fix will also fix an issue with opponents appearing to b
e "in melee" and having bolt spells fired at them blocked more often than intend
- Bolt Spells in general have had their damage calculation modified so that now
you should see damages slightly increased across the board, with much more damag
e inflicted against lightly armored (leather, cloth) opponents. Please note that
this change is for RvR only - it does not affect bolt damage against monsters.
- Side Positional combat styles now will work an extra 15 degrees towards the re
ar of an opponent, and rear position styles work in a 60 degree arc rather than
the original 90 degree standard. This change should even out the difficulty betw
een side and rear positional combat styles, which have the same damage bonus. Pl
ease note that front positional styles are not affected by this change.
- We slightly adjusted combat style (and combat style only) bleed effects so tha
t higher versions go above 7 damage on the initial "tick".
- /mbuy is now added to the command history (accessible by pressing Shift-Up Arr
- /clock now toggles display of a new window that shows the current time of day
(real time, not game time)
- Renamed several keys in the keyboard config to make their use more clear.
- When you level, if your strength increases, your encumbrance will properly inc
- For casters with concentration points, when you level, your concentration pool
is now properly updated.
- You may now delve items in your vault to see additional information about them
- All of the craft recipe windows now display your current skill level in the wi
ndow title, for example: Armorcrafting (705).
- Deaths from DOTs cast by players (including assassin poisons) after the castin
g player has died and released or quit will no longer result in an experience lo
ss death.

- All Nearsight spells now have a 1 minute immunity timer.

- There was a bug where Savage combat styles that hit more than one target were
hitting multiple targets even when the opening for that particular style was not
performed correctly. Now, you'll have to get the style off successfully (i.e. m
eet the opening criteria) in order to hit multiple targets.
- When salvaging cloth items, Clothworking will be checked now instead of Tailor
- If you had any items from your backpack on your quickbar (poisons, potions, et
c) the quickbar icons would be deleted whenever you traded with another player.
This is now fixed and the icons should remain on the quickbar and still point to
the correct items in your backpack.
- You can now /face your pets.
- If you were far enough away from your pet for a long enough duration, sometime
s your pet window would pick up another creature in the zone and start displayin
g its health. This will no longer happen -- if you are too far away from your pe
t for too long, the pet's health meter will now disappear completely. When you m
ove back in range of your pet, the health meter will reappear with the correct i
- (SI Only) Fixed a bug that was causing player hair/head textures to be drawn i
ncorrectly on ATI Radeon 9000+ cards.
- (SI Only) The new Battlegrounds, Abermenai (BG0), should now have a splash scr
een picture when you are entering the zone.
- All monsters names whose names begin with a vowel should now use the article '
an' instead of 'a'.
- Many spell icons were set incorrectly - we've scrubbed through all of them and
made many fixes and adjustments.
- Monsters should no longer target a necromancer in shade mode after the pet has
been rooted.
- There was a bug when repairing an object directly from the trade window would
display a timer bar with a "flashing" indicator bar. Now, repairing in the trade
window should no longer give any repair timer bar - repair is instant, so no ba
r is needed.
- Specialization will now adjust the amount healed in heal over time spells.
- There was a bug on the PvP servers where some Bard pulsing songs would not tak
e effect because of the immunity timer. This has been fixed.
- Alliances on the Co-Op server (Gaheris) will no longer be reset every time a n
ew patch is launched.
Chat Tab Changes
You can now modify your chat tabs to change chat channels to talk in Alliance or
Officer chat by default. When you change the outgoing chat type for a tab, the
tab will now change names to reflect your choice.

Right click on the name of the tab group, and right click on the name of the mes
sage type that you would like to talk to. Your chat tab will change names to ref
lect this. You can set it to: Say, Broadcast, Group, Guild, Alliance Chat, Offic
er Chat, or Chat Group.
To control what messages are visible in this channel, check or uncheck the boxes
to the left of the message type.
To change colors for a specific message type, click on the name of the message t
ype and use the arrow buttons.


There's been a lot of discussion, controversy, and misunderstanding about light
tanks in Dark Age of Camelot. One of the main requests we get is an explanation
for what purpose a light tank serves in a group (both in PvE and RvR). In our de
finition, light tanks are Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers. There is a
fuzzy line in some places (the Savage can also be considered a light tank) but f
or the purposes of this discussion, we're only talking about Blademasters, Merce
naries, and Berserkers.
The purpose the light tank was designed for was to be a damage dealer, but not h
ave much defense. Because of this, they should not be a good one-on-one class, b
ut they should be able to do a great amount of damage when not holding aggressio
n from an enemy player or monster.
A way of illustrating this is that a Blademaster should not be able to go head t
o head (one on one) with an Armsman or Warrior (primary tank) and reliably win.
However, a Blademaster and a Hero working together should be much more effective
in dealing damage than two Heroes working together. The same holds true for the
other Realms - A Mercenary should not be able to take on a Warrior head to head
and win reliably, but a Mercenary/Armsman team should be quite effective. This
is why the primary combat style chains for these light tanks are positional in n
ature - they assume that someone else is holding a monster or enemy player's agg
From reading this description, everyone familiar with these three classes will k
now that they deviate from the design goal in several different points. Berserke
rs do more damage, as they can (usually) go head to head with a same-level prima
ry tank from an enemy realm and win. Those who play Blademasters and Mercenaries
know that in RvR they can not only not go head-to-head with an enemy tank, but
they are not even as effective as intended in tandem with another primary tank two Armsmen or two Heroes are more effective than working with their Realm's li
ght tank.
In light of this, we are making some changes in 1.62 to even the playing field.
Mercenaries and Blademasters do less damage than they should, so in this update,
we are increasing substantially the bleed damage on their high-spec level style
s that have a bleed component, as well increasing the damage on some other style
s. In addition, we're making some changes to Blademaster and Mercenary special a
bilities in this version - check out the "Class Updates" section below, for more
The Berserker being overpowered comes from the fact that Left Axe combat styles
do too much damage overall, which makes them - as well as "Shadowzerks" - do mor
e damage than they should. So, Left Axe style damage is being reduced to return
Berserkers to be consistent with the light tank philosophy.

Blademaster Changes
- The Blademaster Triple Wield special ability has been updated. It is now on a
7 minute re-use timer (it was previously set to 30 minutes). It now will stack p
roperly with other damage adds - it will always increase damage no matter what o
ther buffs or damage adds are currently affecting the Blademaster. Triple Wield
also now makes Blademasters immune to critical melee damage.
- The Ice Storm -> Tempest -> Supernova chain has been modified for Blademasters
only (i.e. Rangers and Nightshades are not affected by this). The damage for ea
ch has been increased, and Ice Storm now has a short stun component.
- Increased bleed damage for Celtic Dual combat styles Tempest and Twin Star. Th
is is a Blademaster ONLY change - other classes that receive Celtic Dual will no
t see increased bleed effects on these styles.
Mercenary Changes
- The Mercenary Dirty Tricks special ability is now on a 7 minute re-use timer (
it was previously set to 30 minutes), and has changed in effect. It now activate
s a 30 second offensive proc effect on the Mercenary that applies a 10 second de
buff on the Mercenary's target every time it is hit. This debuff gives the targe
t a 50% chance to fumble all their melee attacks while under the debuff's effect
- The damage for both styles in the Flank -> Shadow's Rain combat style chain ha
s been increased for Mercenaries only (Infiltrators are not affected).
- Increased bleed damage for Dual Wield combat styles Dark Tendrils and Dual Sha
dows. This is a Mercenary ONLY change - other classes that receive Dual Wield wi
ll not see increased bleed effects on these styles.
- The Dual Wield combat style Dark Tendrils is now based off Parry for Mercenari
es. Formerly it was based off Evade. Please note that Infiltrators will still ha
ve Evade as the opening for this style.
Left Axe Changes
- Reduced the damage done by Left Axe Combat Styles. This will affect both class
es that can specialize in Left Axe (Berserkers and Shadowblades).
- Berserker Left Axe Snowsquall, Icy Brilliance, and Aurora Borealis have had th
eir damage slightly increased (based on the new damage, see previous note) for t
he Berserker (only, this change will not affect the Shadowblade). Additionally,
Aurora Borealis now chains off of Icy Brilliance and has a cold-based DD proc.


Dark Age of Camelot now supports creating new mid-level (20th level) characters
for those players who have attained 50th level on any character on any server. I
n addition, we've flagged certain Realms on some servers as "underpopulated" - o
n those Realms, if you are eligible to use the /level command, you'll be able to
create a new 30th level character.
Check the Camelot Herald at for a list of Realms (by Serve

r) where /level will grant you a level 30.

Once the flag is set, you can enter the game as a brand-new first level characte
r with zero experience points. You must target your trainer and use the /LEVEL c
ommand to grant your player experience. You'll start with at least enough experi
ence to raise to 20th level (30 on some Realms on some servers). You must go to
your trainer and right click on him to gain levels.
Note that any existing character who is below the experience being granted can u
se the /level command. Use of this command will grant experience to reach level
20.5 or level 30.5
Please note that we can dynamically change what level (20 or 30) the /level comm
and will grant you. When we decide to change a Realm's /level status, we'll make
a post on the Herald to announce the change.

We've implemented the newbie guild system, so now all new characters will be pre
-set in a guild. This is the same system that has been featured on the PvP serve
rs for the last few months. Now, when you create a new character, you'll be plac
ed in a guild that is based on your new character's starting location. This will
give legitimately new players some community in their general starting area via
guild chat and an easy way to meet up with like-level new players.
There are four guilds per Realm, each named based on the geographical location.
You can remove yourself from the newbie guild by doing a "/gc quit" any time. Pl
ease note that you can technically remain in these guilds for the life of your c
haracter, should you choose to do so. Being automatically put in a guild at crea
tion gives you an instant chat group and a sense of community with the other pla
yers around you. You can discard this guild at any time, and join a player-run g
uild when they you meet and are invited to the right guild.


Valewalker Changes
- The Valewalker base melee ability has been increased. Valewalkers will now do
more damage every time they hit a target with a melee weapon.
- Changed combat style Damaging Grasp to be a rear positional style to make it e
asier to use. Previously it was in a chain.
- Changed combat style Stunning Blade to have a to-hit bonus.
- Changed Valewalker Close Path line to a shout with a 20 second recast timer.
- Added Mystic Crystal Lore, Raging Power, Wild Power, and Wild Arcana to the Va
lewalker RA list.
- Many Valewalker spells had inconsistent icons. These have been fixed.
Animist Changes
- Animist pets will no longer attempt to attack monsters that are set as "no kil

l" - merchants, gatekeepers, etc.

- Animist pets will now target all enemy players. Previously they would not atta
ck gray or purple enemy players.
- The line of sight check for ground target turret summon spells should now be d
one before the spell is cast. This should prevent animists from losing power whe
n they attempt to cast a turret in an area they can't see.
- The "In Air" check on turret casts has been removed because all turrets should
be created on the nearest point of ground. The "You can't cast this spell in th
e air!" message will not be seen as much now. However, there are still some (vas
tly reduced) situations where this message will erroneously appear. We will cont
inue to work on this problem in future patches.
- Animist pets will target purple monsters. Previously they would not attack any
monsters higher than red.
- Corrected an AI bug in the Essence of the Tree, Guardian Emissary, and Woodspi
rit Sheath bombers that was causing problems with buffing other targets.
- The Constraining Spirit line has had its range increased to 1500.
- The Grove's Assailant line will now display correct information when delved.
- Animist Turrets should no longer attempt to target things which are not in the
ir line of sight.
- Many Animist spells had inconsistent icons. These have been fixed.
- Increased range of the Animist Dancing Spark line to 1500.
- The Ligneous Sheath line of turrets should now properly buff realm-mates withi
n range of their melee buffer spell.
- The turrets summoned by the Vent of Elemental Resistance and Vent of Physical
Resistance spell lines now must be killed normally. Previously, they would alway
s die on the first instance of damage taken by an enemy.
- Please note that we are aware of additional Animist line of sight issues that
have not been addressed in 1.62. These problems still affect, in some cases, pet
and caster line of sight. We'll keep working on these issues in future Camelot
Bard Changes
- Ameliorating Melodies now heals twice as much (its tick frequency was halved f
rom 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds).
- Rhythm of Hibernia, Rhyme of Earth, and Chant of Healing have all had their ra
nges increased to 2000.
- Added Dodger to the Bard RA list to give them the option of boosting their eva
sion chance while playing instruments.
- Bard Pulses on the PvP server should now work while their PvP immunity timer i
s up whether they're targeting themselves or not.

Warden Changes
- Added Mastery of Blocking, Wild Healing, and Mastery of Healing to the Warden'
s RA list.
- Increased the heal values on the Solar Conversion line, and increased the fati
gue cost reduction on the Attack Unfading line. This is to give a reasonable rew
ard for sacrificing martial skills for spec in Regrowth.
Eldritch Changes
- The Lesser Mana Ripple line has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, maki
ng it similar to PBAEs in the other realms.
- The spells Blank, Obliterate, and Extinguish Coordination have had a radius co
mponent added to them, making them similar to the Lesser Health Dispersal line.
- Reduced cast time of the Ethereal Concussion line to 2.6 seconds; this brings
it in line with the Gleam Ray line.
- Added a baseline single-target strength debuff shout in Way of the Eclipse:
8 Cancel Strength
15 Negate Strength
21 Unmake Strength
29 Abrogate Strength
35 Void Strength
43 Vitiate Strength
50 Null Strength
- Added a baseline single-target dexterity debuff shout in Way of the Eclipse:



- The Lesser Kinetic Dispersal line has had its attack speed debuff component re
placed with a snare component.
- Eldritch class special RA Negative Maelstrom has had a cold resist debuff comp
onent added (and its base damage slightly reduced to compensate).
Enchanter Changes
- Tuned pet AI to allow pets to melee better while on the run.
- Raised threshold at which the underhill ally will heal.
- Changed underhill zealot AI so that it will no longer charge opponents instead
of casting.
- Fixed underhill zealot's resist debuffing spell to properly debuff heat damage
- Changed Dazzling Flash line to be a single target melee damage debuff.

Mentalist Changes
- Halved the round cost of the Illusory Enemy line.
- Decreased the cast time of the Delusion line to 3 seconds and increased the ra
nge to 1500.
- Changed the Curative Trance line to be a true Heal-over-time. It lasts 10 seco
nds, has a 2 second frequency, and has had its cost and healing amounts adjusted
- Adjusted the costs of the Curative Trance. The new costs are:

Curative Trance 18
Restorative Trance 34
Healing Trance 47
Sanative Trance 58

Hero Change
- Stag Form ability is no longer usable while sitting. Hopefully this should eli
minate some "misfires". It also now has an appropriate icon.

It's time to give Archer classes a bump in ability, as they have been somewhat l
eft behind by the addition of many new abilities and spells in other classes. In
this version, we attempt to bring the Archer back in line to be a fun to play c
lass. However, it is not our intention to ever return the Archer to the sniping
overpowered force that he was at Camelot's launch. These changes should make the
Archer useful and fun, but not make him overpowered.
By "Archer", we are referring to the Hunter, Ranger, and Scout.
General Archer Notes
- We've adjusted the way we calculate fumbles for Archery. Archery attacks have
always had fumbles calculated differently than regular melee attacks. We've rewo
rked this part of the Archery fumble calculation to be more in line with the way
melee fumbles work, meaning Archers should notice a substantial decrease in the
ir fumble rates, somewhere on the order of 1/4 what they were.
- Camouflage timers will no longer be reset by PvE attacks. Only an attack by th
e Archer on another player or a pet or turret controlled by another player will
reset the timer. Camouflage is designed to let the Archer scout in PvP situation
s, so PvE interactions should not affect its timer.
- We have seen complaints that Archers miss their targets at a higher rate then
melee fighters. Please be aware that we have run extensive tests as well as look
ed at the formulas and have found the miss rates for Archers and melee are the s
ame. We will continue to look into this as more reports and logs are generated b
y Archers, but for now there are no miss fixes.
- We have modified how the See Hidden ability interacts with Archer classes. We'

ve varied the range that an assassin can see a non camouflaged hidden archer any
where from 1/4 to 3/4 of the current range depending on the archer's stealth spe
c vs the assassin's level. On average this means that an assassin will have to b
e within about 1/2 the range that he can see the archer from compared to how the
system works currently on the live servers.
Critical Shot Notes
- We've changed the way that aggression is calculated when Archers use Critical
Shot against monsters. Now, aggro generated from damage done by a Critical Shot
is divided among all group members of the Archer. Please note that the Archer wi
ll still get a fraction more damage than any other group member, but it will now
be much easier to pull the monster off the Archer once it has been hit by a Cri
tical Shot. This should make Archers one of the better monster "pullers" for any
PvE group.
Arrows And Bladeturn
All three Archers now receive a new skill called "Penetrating Arrow", which allo
w them to penetrate, to some extent, Bladeturn spells. Here's the details:
- Penetrating Arrow will never go through Bladeturns (both pulsing and single-ta
rget) on the character that cast the spell. This means that a Warden who casts a
bladeturn on himself will never have his own personal bladeturn penetrated.
- Bladeturns cast on group/realm mates can be penetrated. So a Hero that has a p
ulsing bladeturn (or single target) on him from a friendly Warden can have that
bladeturn penetrated.
- Archers receive Penetrating Arrow based on their specialization in their parti
cular Bow skill. They get Penetrating Arrow 1 at 30th spec, Penetrating Arrow 2
at 40th spec, and Penetrating Arrow 3 at 50th spec. Lower levels of PA do less d
amage by not fully penetrating the bladeturn. The highest level of PA does norma
l damage.
- Additionally, Longshot and Volley penetrate ALL Bladeturns, regardless of who
cast them.
- Please note that in this version we have made sure that self bladeturns will n
o longer be overwritten by other bladeturns.
Rapid Fire
The three Archers now also receive a new ability called "Rapid Fire", which allo
ws them to release their bow shot before the normal bow timer. Here's the detail
- When an Archer has this skill, at any time after halfway through their normal
bow timer they can release the shot.
- If you release the shot 75% through the normal timer, the shot (if it hits) do
es 75% of its normal damage. If you release 50% through the timer, you do 50% of
the damage, and so forth - The faster the shot, the less damage it does.
- Rapid Fire shots takes the same endurance as a normal bow shot, but do less da

- Archers receive Rapid Fire 1 at 35 specialization level in their particular bo

w skill, and Rapid Fire 2 at spec level 45. The difference between the two is ho
w much endurance they take - RF 2 takes less endurance than RF 1.
- Please note that you cannot use Rapid Fire with Longshot or Volley.


In order to encourage pet casters to spec in their pet specialization spells, we
are making many additions and tweaks to some of the pet casters in all three re
General Pet Notes
- You can now /face your pets.
- Pet targeted spells should now recognize whether the pet is out of range befor
e the spell is cast.
- If you were far enough away from your pet for a long enough duration, sometime
s your pet window would pick up another creature in the zone and start displayin
g its health. This will no longer happen - if you are too far away from your pet
for too long, the pet's health meter will now disappear completely. When you mo
ve back in range of your pet, the health meter will reappear with the correct in
Pet Control Note
We've changed the way that the different "modes" (passive, aggressive) work when
controlling pets. Now, pets in aggressive mode will automatically attack non fr
iendly targets (before that target performs any aggressive actions), so long as
they are within the pet's aggressive range and the pet isn't currently engaged i
n another action.
In order to still allow the previous "aggressive behavior", where a pet in aggre
ssive mode would not take any action on a target attacking the controller until
the controller told it to, we have also changed the way that Passive mode works.
Pets in Passive mode will now set their target, attack, and change to defensive
mode when the "attack" button on the Pet Control Window is pressed.
The only exception to this new pet control change is the Bonedancer, due to the
complexity of his commander/minion AI. For those Bonedancers who used Aggressive
mode for passive behavior, you should instead use Passive mode, since in Aggres
sive mode your pets will not attack monsters. In RvR Bonedancer pets will attack
players higher than "gray con" however. We will look at this issue in 1.63 and
address it should the need arise.
Animist Changes
- Bombers now use the wisp model and will be visible at all times. Previously th
ey used another effect that caused them to disappear in some cases.
- It is no longer be possible to summon turrets that cannot be attacked by melee
- Tangler turrets now cast increasing duration roots.

- Animists now have access to the RA Wild Minion.

- The Animist pet summoned by the Forestheart Ambusher Realm Ability have been i
ncreased to the proper amount of hitpoints for its level.
Spiritmaster/Runemaster/Bonedancer Changes
- Added a L50 DD, Obsidian Strike, in the Darkness base list to make it more con
sistent with the base lists in other Realms.
- Increased damage on Runemaster Runes of Pain line to be commensurate with dama
ge adds in the other realms.
- The Cold and Matter resist debuffs in the Runemaster Runes of Destruction list
(Vex of Cold line and Vex of Soil line) have been adjusted to require a higher
spec to debuff the damage type of the baseline DD. The Vex of Cold line requires
higher specialization level now, while Vex of Soil requires less. The new level
s for all Runes of Destruction resist debuffs (Vex of Heat didn't change) are:




Spiritmaster Changes
- Changed the Gift of the Fallen line to be realm castable with a 60 second dura
tion. This means you can now cast it on friendly Realm members.
- Reduced casting time of the Dampen Lifeforce line to 2.5 seconds to make it co
nsistent with other casters.
- Added a pet-only mez reduction buff, Tenacious Warrior Spirit at L35 and Indom
itable Warrior Spirit at L45 in the Spirit Enhancement list, to help compensate
for spirit warriors' lack of ranged attack.
35 Tenacious Warrior Spirit
45 Indomitable Warrior Spirit
- Spiritmaster pets, starting with the spirit soldier, now have a chance to take
the melee attack for their controller. The chance increases up to the spirit ch
ampion. The caster must be standing close to the pet for this ability to be used
- Added a pet-only attack speed buff to the Spirit Enhancement list.




- Added the Hinder Prey line to the Spirit Enhancement list, a pet-only offensiv
e proc buff that gives the caster's pet a chance to ensnare a target for a short
time. The speed reduction increases with higher levels, and it won't break in c
28 Hinder Prey
38 Snaring Blow
48 Hunter's Trap
Cabalist/Spiritmaster/Enchanter Changes
- Increased value on pet-only spec stat buffs to be equal to spec buff levels.
Cabalist Changes
- The Strengthen Golem and Hurry Golem lines should be checking the correct skil
l now.
- Added a line of pet-only runspeed enhancement buffs to the Vivification list.
25 Tracker Enhancement
35 Chaser Enhancement
45 Pursuer Enhancement
Enchanter Notes
- The underhill zealot pet now will always cast the DD + debuff spell. Previousl
y it also had a chance of casting a DD + Snare spell which was not as effective
as the DD + Debuff.
- Added a pet-only buff to the Enchantment Mastery list that enhances the effect
iveness of the pet's spells. Against targets higher level than the pet, this sho
uld reduce the chance of a full resist. If used against lower level targets, dam
age done will go up.
40 Beguiling Will
50 Insidious Will
- Added a pet-only buff to the Enchantment Mastery list that gives a chance of a
self heal each time the pet is hit in melee.
29 Enchanted Armor
38 Shimmering Armor
49 Splendorous Armor
- Swapped the levels of the Enchanter Amplify Heat and Amplify Matter lines. Pre
viously, Enchanters were doing high amounts of damage too easily by being able t
o debuff an extremely high level DD of the same element. With this change, Encha
nters will still be able to use this strategy, but now the amount of damage they
can inflict will be more variable.
New Heat Debuff
27 Amplify Heat
36 Endow Heat
49 Empower Heat

New Matter Debuff

23 Amplify Matter
33 Endow Matter
44 Empower Matter
Mentalist Changes
- Ghostly Enemy now adds undead to the list of monster types that can be charmed
, and Dream Enemy can charm any type of creature.


- Changed the Shaman Minor Earth Invigoration line (fatigue regeneration buff) t
o be realm targeted concentration buff. If the target of this buff moves more th
an 1500 world units away from the caster, it will stop affecting the target unti
l he moves back within this range. As with all concentration buffs, if the caste
r is killed all the buffs he is supporting will drop.
- All Bolts have had their cast times reduced to 2.5 seconds.
- Fixed a bug where heal-over-time spells were not updating the target's health
- Fixed a bug where snares that fire off combat styles were using a lower value
than intended.
- Resist debuffs will now interrupt casters once again. Several versions ago, re
sist debuffs were temporarily changed to shouts and when that happened their int
errupt checks were removed. Soon after that patch, resist debuffs were returned
to a castable spell (i.e. were no longer shouts). However, they were still set i
ncorrectly to non-interruptible. They have now been correctly returned to interr
uptible, as they are no longer shouts.
- Self bladeturns will no longer be overwritten by other bladeturns.
- Strength (and strength only) debuffs and disease spells should no longer reduc
e a player's encumbrance below their unbuffed maximum. Debuffers were using the
fact that you could reduce an enemy to 0 movement speed as an effective one minu
te total snare with no counter, which was not the intention of strength debuff s
Realm Abilities
- The Wizard class special Realm Ability Volcanic Pillar has had its damage and
radius increased.
- The Augmented Acuity RA now affects power pool and damage for Nightshade spell
- The Whip of Encouragement Realm Ability has had its reuse timer lowered to 10
minutes and will no longer break in combat.
- The Excited Frenzy Realm Ability has had its reuse timer lowered to 10 minutes
and it should properly increase a pet's attack speed.


- Hibernia: Elves can now be Blademasters.


Epic Zones Revisited
In a continuing effort to revitalize under-utilized areas of the game, we have r
evisited the three zones that contain the original dragons. After evaluating all
three, we are adding new AI for all the existing named mobs to increase the var
iety of encounters in the zone, and tweaking the Dartmoor and Sheeroe Hills zone
s so they will hopefully have as much appeal for players in those realms as Malm
ohus has for Midgard players. In order to do this, we have decreased the scout r
ange of all scout mobs in each zone. This should allow players to navigate the z
one easier and lower the chances of having mobs aggro from distances that are to
o far for players to deal with. We have also lowered the spawn times of some gen
erators that were spawning faster than players were able to reliably deal with.
Additionally, all three dragons have had their damage on one of their two breath
spells greatly lowered.
/Leveled Character Equipment
With the /level command, a system has been added to equip the newly high leveled
characters with some base equipment. The following NPCs will be able to assist
you in obtaining these items.
Camelot: Hadreth, Assistant Wells, Galaris Pritchard, and Lucia Pritchard.
Tir na Nog: Carraent, Aetheonyc, Rhyryn, Gwucyn, Somyr, and Caryan
Jordheim: Gair and Kelleher
General Quest Notes
- Item drops for the Level 20+ bounty quests should now all be stackable. The qu
est NPC's will only take one item at a time, so players will need to unstack the
items in order to turn them in.
- We are thrilled to announce that the winning entries of the "Once Upon a Time.
.." quest contest have been implemented into the game. There is one for each rea
lm: The Hibernian quest is called, "Two Ales, Ailish!," the Albion quest is call
ed "Heart of Albion," and the Midgard quest is called, "The Legend of Fenrir's F
olly." Be sure to read the winning entries on the Herald, we are certain you'll
be as impressed with them as we were, and hope that you'll enjoy our implementat
ions of these wonderful stories.
Albion Quests
- "Heart of Albion": Lady Nimue in Avalon Marsh seeks someone willing to gather
the scattered shards of the Pendant of Hope.

Hibernia Quests
- "Two Ales, Ailish!" Speak with Iao in the Green Rose Pub in Tir na Nog. He see
ms to have lost his glasses and could use some help finding them.
- Season of Remorse - Irksa, in Howth, has been asking for a brave soul to help
rescue some noble empyreans.
Midgard Quests
- Silent Death - Savages that received a hand to hand weapon but are specced ano
ther way, may now turn in their hand to hand weapons to Vahn in Mularn for a ONE
TIME weapon exchange. Be very sure this is what you wish to do because all trad
es are considered final.
- The Legend of Fenrir's Folly - Silvertone in Vasudheim has an interesting stor
y to tell about an adventure with his friends and the dread wolf Fenris.
- Dying wish and Burning Realm - Gudlor, in Huginfell, is seeking adventurers to
help defend the realm.
- Albion: The Fallen Warriors in Barrows are now set correctly to undead monster
- A new wisp model has been added to the game. You should see them floating abou
t the world.
- Albion: The Rock Giant Wizards and Shamans in the Albion frontier are now corr
ectly set to uncharmable.
- Midgard: Fixed a problem with the Vendo Snake Charmer in the Vendo Caverns whe
re upon his death, the summoned snakes would vanish. Now, they will remain up un
til they have been killed.
- Hibernia: The Troglodytes and Thorg in Treibh Caillte have been correctly set
to type "humanoid".
- Hibernia: The Amalgamate Parthanans should now spawn correctly.
Item Notes
- We have enhanced items in one dungeon per realm to increase the dungeons desir
ability as a hunting ground. Note that these changes are retro-active. If you ha
ve any items from the following dungeons; Koalinth, Tepok?s Mine, and The Cursed
Tomb, give them a check. Many items from these areas were increased in effectiv
- The reactive procs on Omni armor were set to the intended spell for each locat
- The Diamond Dagger (Albion) now increases the slash skill and not thrusting.
- Dommel's Fiery Gauntlets (Hibernia) received after this patch should salvage f

or the proper material.

- Robes of the Neophyte (Albion) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- The Blodstein Ring (Midgard) now has the following stats: +2 power, +2 cave ma
gic, +2 mending.
- The Elder Staff of Iceshadow, Elder Staff of Icy Sundering, Elder Staff of Fro
zen Runes, and Elder Staff of Windy Calling (Midgard) can now be equipped by bon
edancers, and also have had particle effects added.
- The Deamhan Circlet of Speed (Hibernia) has been replaced with a new level-app
ropriate version called the Deamhan Circlet of Agility. Note that this new item
is not the original item, so the Deamhan Circlet of Speed players may already ow
n will not be updated.
- Each realm now has a suit of "roleplay" clothes, available on the existing rol
eplay hat merchants. Just like the roleplay hats, these outfits are intended for
looks only, so they do not qualify as armor pieces.
- The curmudgeon crab-catcher in Hibernia should no longer drop Albion items.
- The Resilient Sleeves, Resilient Gloves, and Cap of the Keen Mind (Albion) no
longer have class restrictions, so that necromancers are able to use these items
as well.
- Siegecraft items should now have an inventory icon.
- The Lightbringer sword (Albion) now increases the slash skill instead of chant
- The Vendo Flesh-flayer (Midgard) will no longer delve as having a proc. This i
tem was not intended to be a proc'ing weapon, so the spell was removed.
- The flint knife (Albion) will no longer delve as having a proc. This item was
not intended to be a proc'ing weapon, so the spell was removed.
- Most of the boss mob loot in the frontier dungeons has been upgraded. The old
stats were compared to SI's boss mob imbue points and brought up to par. The onl
y items that were not increased were already equal to or above equivalent SI bos
s mob loot in bonuses. In addition, a few new items were added for the Reaver, N
ecromancer, Animist, Valewalker, Savage and Bonedancer.
- Instances where objects that began with a vowel but were prefixed by the artic
le "a" (a orb of animation) have been corrected.
- All cloaks can now have dyes and emblems applied.
- Future drops of the Sleeves of Night Fire (Hibernia) should salvage for chitin
strips as intended. Any drop previous to this patch will salvage for diamond ba
- Future drops of the Shadowsilk Gloves, Shadowsilk Vest, Shadowsilk Pants, Elve
n Gossamer Gloves, Elven Gossamer Vest, and Elven Gossamer Sleeves (all from Hib
ernia) should be the correct level for the mobs from which those items drop. Pla
yers who already own those items will need to go out adventuring to replace thos
e items, as the field changed will not automatically update on existing items.
- A focus of deathsight has been added to the Mortal Coil Scrying Staff (Albion)

- The Lifeblinder staff (Albion) has been replaced with a new staff called Staff
of the Lifeblinder. The Lifeblinder staves already in existence will remain unc
hanged, but will no longer drop. The new version of the staff has a focus added
in place of one of the bonuses from the original Lifeblinder.
- Particle effects have been added to the Flesh Stretched Riddle Staff, Mortal C
oil Scrying Staff, the old version of the Lifeblinder staff, and the new Staff o
f the Lifeblinder (all in Albion).
- The cloth version of the Sleeves of Buri (Midgard) should now look like cloth
armor and can be dyed with cloth dye.
- The Wretched Skin Robe (Albion) should salvage for the proper amount.
- The Heavy Bastard Sword (Hibernia) should no longer appear to have a proc in d
elve info.
- The items in Dartmoor, Sheeroe Hills, and Malmohus have been upgraded to Shrou
ded Isles standards in bonus points, except for the dragon-specific loot. All it
ems changed were increased in items bonuses were lowered.
- The Njessi Carved Fang (Midgard) should now require sword skill instead of two
- The Lucent Spirit Helm (Hibernia) no longer increases strength twice. Instead,
one of the strength entries is now dexterity.
- The Omni Enchanted Cap and Omni Enchanted Boots (Hibernia) should now be named
properly for the slot in which they equip.
- Blessed Loki Boots (Midgard) should now salvage properly.
- The Sword of the Fiery Heart (Midgard) now has stat increases.


Bounty Quest Notes
- All SI Bounty quest items have been changed to sellable and stackable. The max
imum stack is 15. NPCs will not take an entire stack. You will need to unstack a
nd give bounty items one at a time.
Porting Note
- We have removed the wait time for the portal from the expansion areas to the r
ealm portal keeps after another player begins to teleport back. Players can now
teleport back to the portal keeps at any time without waiting for the portal cer
emony to finish.
Midgard Quests
- Stoneheart - The Runed Cloak of the Trolls and the Cloak of the Troll Fathers
needed to complete this quest are no longer tradeable.
- Ota's Quest - Berserkers who recieved the Griffin's Impervious Pelt Shield wil

l be able to turn that into Ota Yrling in Aegirhamn for a new item that is useab
le by Berserkers.
- Mammoth Hunt - Vorkald will now give Furry Boned Legs with the appropriate AF.
For those who received the original legs, you may return to Vorkald and turn th
em in to receive the appropriate ones.
- Mammoth Hunt: We have slightly toned down the difficulty of step 5, which requ
ires players to clear a Morvalt camp.
Albion Quests
- Free the Rogue - we have made some significant changes to this quest to make i
t easier for players to lure Mercal from his hiding place. Also, players no long
er need to accompany Mercal on his return to town, he will meet you there.
- The Lost Stone of Arawn - Sali'ah now let's the players know that the archmace
is a two-handed weapon.
Hibernia Quests
- Fylara's Armor - In response to player concerns about the long wait for broodm
others, we have decreased the wait time between broodmother spawns.
Albion Monsters
- Caer Sidi: The Apocalypse encounter should no longer stall and be unable to re
start after a failed attempt.
- Dales of Devwy: The spawn rate of the Hoges, Lindon, Dyer, Parmenter and Tinct
or ghost families have been lowered slightly.
- Caer Sidi: Lich Lord Ilron should no longer reset his encounter when he is not
supposed to.
- Players releasing to the bindstone at Wearyall Hill are less likely to be atta
cked by monsters around the bindstone.
- Haunted appletree seedlings will be longer be given as kill tasks.
- The amount of time before Xanxicar's lair (The Crystal Cave) fills with lightn
ing has been increased.
Hibernia Monsters
- Aroon the Urlamhai in Galladoria should not aggro through the walls anymore.
- The special sonic attack used by most shriller monsters should now work reliab
- Lesser anglators should no longer attack you while invisible.
- The difficulty of the final Galladoria encounter has been lowered.
Midgard Monsters

- Iarnvidiurs Lair: Hurjavelen will no longer BAF with the other mobs in it's ar
- Aegir's Landing: The Morvalt that join Gormor and his lieutenants in their dis
ease attack on Dyrfjell will no longer linger outside of the town after their le
aders have left or been killed.
Dungeon Notes
- Trollheim: A bug in 'The Rift' encounter in Trollheim that did not allow The R
ift monster to give experience or drop loot has been fixed.
- Trollheim: Bring a friend problems where monsters would attack from below or a
bove a room have been reduced.
- Tuscaren Glacier: Several bugs with the Icelord Skuf and Steinvor encounter ha
ve been fixed. Steinvor's seers should now work better. Both Steinvor's and Skuf
's magical abilities should now work better.
Item Notes
- Flurry's Dancing Defender (Albion) should now increase +slash resist, instead
of having two separate thrust resist entries.
- Steinvor's Sturdy Axe, Steinvor's Frenzied Axe, and Skuf's Cave Crusher (Midga
rd) can now be dyed with the weapon dyes from Tuscaran Glacier.
- The Vine Wrapped Defender (Hibernia) has a new model.
- The Ancient Stag Spine Spear (Hibernia) no longer has two spirit resist entrie
s. Instead, one of the entries has been replaced by slashing resist.
- Easmarach's Stinger (Hibernia) can now be dyed with the weapon dyes from Galla
- The Water Cat Pelt (Midgard) should now stack properly.
- The Vest of the Infamous Blade (Albion) should now look like leather armor as
- The Cured Saracen Skin Cloak, Cured Highlander Skin Cloak, Cured Avalonian Ski
n Cloak, and Cured Briton Skin Cloak (Albion) can now have an emblem and dye app
- The spelling of Tiaga's Blessed Charm and Tiaga's Charm (Hibernia) is now corr
- The Ancient Engraved Maul (Midgard) should now look like a two-handed hammer a
s intended.
- The Drakoran Scale Chain (Albion) is now set to the appropriate level.
- The Symbiotic Wrap and Arcane Symbiotic Wrap (Albion) now look like a bracer a
s intended.
- Urchin filchers (Albion) should no longer be dropping level 8 jewelry.

- Soxulfr's Hammer Belt (Midgard) should now equip in the waist slot as intended
- The Sapphire Encrusted Ring (Albion) that equipped in the waist slot has been
renamed Sapphire Encrusted Belt.
- The Bladed Crystal Rapier (Hibernia) now increases intelligence instead of the
valor skill.
- Devmer in Albion should no longer drop jewelry items with focus increases.
- The Morvalt Obsidian Sword in Midgard that is a bounty quest item can no longe
r be equipped.
- The proc on the Brazen Stout Defender (Albion) has been changed to a different
spell that should no longer conflict with a friar's own buffs.
- The particle effect on Steinvor's Frenzied Axe (Midgard) should fit correctly.
- Shambler's Large Axe (Midgard) should now increase the axe skill instead of sl
- The Belt of the Deceitful (Albion) should now look like a belt instead of a br
- The Darkened Vine Dirk (Hibernia) can now be dyed with the weapon enamels from
- The urchins in Albion should be dropping level appropriate gear now.
- In Caer Sidi, there were two drops called "Diamond Encrusted Ring." One of tho
se items fits in the waist slot, and the name has been changed to Diamond Encrus
ted Belt, as originally intended.
- The Ancient Brass-shod Staff (Albion) now has a reuse timer and can be recharg
- Host's Regenerative Skin (Albion) can be dyed.
- Yrjo in Aegirhamn now sells low level spears. Niklaas now sells low level twohanded axes, hammers and swords.
- The Emissary of Logi hand-made loot (Midgard) has had a few changes. The Emiss
ary's Ring now increases parry instead of slash. Also, the Emissary's Ring, Logi
's Gem, and the Emissary's Tassel Belt did not have the correct amount of points
assigned to magic bonuses. These have been increased to the appropriate level o
n all three items.
- The Griffin Claw (Midgard) is no longer wieldable in the left hand.
- The model for the Dreaded Frost bound Fang has been changed to better reflect
the area it comes from.
- The Mayor's Ruby Ring (Midgard) can now be equipped in the ring slot.
- The Griffon Slicer, Dark Weaved Vest, and Dark Weaved Leggings (Midgard) now h
ave a proc chance set.
- The Vine Covered Scythe and Verdant Scythe from Galladoria have new weapon mod
els and particle effects.

- The Verdant Recurve Bow and the Primal Windwalker's Bow from Galladoria now ha
ve new bow models.
- The Dreaded Frostbound Fang (Midgard) now has a particle effect.
- Anyone with a non-glowy version of Aroon's Ancient Staff or Aroon's Verdant St
aff (Hibernia) should note that particle effects have been added.
- The Essence Shifted Flail and Essence Shifted Whip (Albion) should include the
ir correct name in combat text (ex. You hit xxxx with your flail, You hit xxxx w
ith your whip). Previously, the flail showed up as mace in combat text, while th
e whip showed up as flail.
- The Azure Silencer Fang and the Livid Silencer Fang (Albion) can now be dyed w
ith the weapon enamels from Caer Sidi. Please note that using dye on these weapo
ns will change only the hilt color.
- The Obsidian Doomspear (Midgard) should now proc as intended, and the +parry b
onus has been changed to +stealth.
- Quillan's Reinforced Vest (Hibernia) should now be dyed with enamel dye instea
d of leather dye.
- The Shadowed Blackthorn Mace (Hibernia) will now repair for the correct cost.
- The Medallion of Albion (one of the rewards in the Secret Orders quest in Albi
on) has been changed. There will be NO TURN IN NPC for this quest. Don't look fo
r one. Your item will simply update by itself.
- Palifan should no longer be dropping crossbows with longbow skill increases.
- The Disembodied Gauntlets (Albion) now increase the slash skill instead of swo
- Gazsi's Friendship Staff (Midgard) can now be salvaged.
- Herbalist's Tunic of Power (Midgard) can now be salvaged.
- The Trident of Soulless Lament (Midgard) can now be dyed with the weapon ename
ls from Tuscaran Glacier.
- The Ring of Shadows (Albion) should now have the icon of a ring instead of a g
- The Morvalt Forced March Ring (Midgard) will now fit in the ring slot as inten
- The Ring of Tangled Vines (Hibernia) now has a use timer and can be recharged.
- The following weapons from Tuscaran Glacier can now be dyed: Tuscarian Runewal
kers Staff, Tuscarian Soul-tethering Staff, Tuscarian Nifl-tethered Staff, Tusca
rian Soul-wrenchers Staff, Tuscarian Bonesplitters Staff, Tuscarian Bonewalkers
Staff, and Tuscarian Shadow-tethered Staff.
Here are the patch notes for Dark Age of Camelot version 1.63. By far the bigges
t component of this patch is suport for Foundations, our optional housing expans
ion. For more information on Foundations, see the housing section of the Herald.
1.63 also has many bug fixes, tweaks, and world/item updates.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.63 Release Notes
With 1.63, Dark Age of Camelot: Foundations makes its debut. This is the optiona
l housing expansion - you can download it if you wish. For more information abou
t Foundations, go to where you'll find informatio
n about the expansion, including a user's guide, house descriptions, maps and ot
her invaluable information.
Getting the Foundations Client
In order to install Foundations, you first must install the client. Here is a li
st of places where you can find the Foundations client:
- Download. It is approximately 55 megs. Go to for
a list of download locations.
- From the CD included in the July issue of Computer Gaming World (SI Client Onl
- From the Dark Age of Camelot: Gold Edition (SI Client Only).
There are two different download options for Foundations: a Classic client versi
on, and a Shrouded Isles version. Obviously, if you have Shrouded Isles, you mus
t install the Foundations SI client, and vice versa.
Please note that the version of Foundations on the magazine CD and the Gold Edit
ion CD will require about a 15mb patch when you first launch the game after inst
alling. The magazine and Gold Edition CDs are for the SHROUDED ISLES CLIENT ONLY
. If you have classic Camelot, you'll have to download the Foundations Classic c


- Added extended delve descriptions for all spells.
- Fixed a bug in delve where most '%' symbols weren't displaying properly.
- Fixed a bug where the sell value of Unique Items greatly decreased after zonin
g the first time after they were found.
- Fixed a bug with the /clock displaying the wrong times for noon and midnight.
- The Unique Object Generator focus staff drops should no longer be a "xxxxx Foc
us Staff" unless there is a focus bonus on the object. The generic name for the
staves has been changed to "Invoker's Staff."

- We have expanded the /ignore command to filter out more messages from anyone o
n your ignore list. In addition to the text that it used to block, it will now b
Chat Group
Guild Chat
Alliance Chat
Officer Chat
Emotes (/bow and /em )

We've decided to remove some of the extra steps required in crafting items. The
purpose of these changes is not to decrease the overall concept of time, or coin
, that goes into these tradeskills, but to remove some of the extra possible fru
stration of the added layers that they create.
With this we have "flattened" Weaponcraft and most of Armorcraft. Flattening is
the process in which we remove the extra steps needed to make a final recipe. Pr
evious to this, if you wanted to make a weapon, you had to make two sub-componen
ts first, then combine them to make the final weapon. Now, you simply use the sa
me amount of total materials that you would have making the sub-combines, and th
e same overall amount of time... but you fire off a single recipe. No more 100%
quality hilts, just to get a 94% final weapon.
In Armorcraft, we've removed the need to create studs, wires, scales, and strapp
ing (this also includes the various studded recipes in Albion Tailoring). We've
replaced them with the best equivalent amount of raw materials, erring on the sm
aller side. This will cause the costs of the armors to change a minor amount, bu
t nothing on a grand scale. And yes,
Armorcraft still requires Tailoring components. Please note that this change wil
l cause a slight variance in the costs from what you are used to, but not by muc
Also, you will notice that most of the recipes in Weaponcraft, Armorcraft, Tailo
ring, and Fletching will now show you the level of the item that is created from
said recipe, when you delve them. As we continue moving forward, we will contin
ue trying to add more useful information to help the crafter do his job.
Other crafting notes
- Flattened the recipes for Weaponcraft and Armorcraft in all three realms, and
Tailoring in Albion
- Added level values to most of the recipes in Weaponcraft, Armorcraft, Tailorin
g, and Fletching for all three realms.
- Added Woodworking recipes that allows for the ability to create smaller, or la
rger, versions of various pieces of furniture for housing.


Classic/SI - Guild track quest rewards, except for the epic quest armors, have b

een upgraded to Shrouded Isles standards in bonus points, except in a few rare i
nstances where the item was at or above the desired bonus point value already. N
o object was decreased in bonus points.
We have added guild bounty point merchants to coincide with the bounty merchants
in the capital cities and expansion starting cities. The NPC names are as follo
Torrence Edelmar
Elenya Edelmar
Luce Edelmar
Daniel Edelmar
Alexander Edelmar
Caer Gothwaite:
Samuel Kriston
The Grove of Domann:
Albion Quests
- Lady Nimue will now spawn in the following locations for the times listed belo
Avalon Marsh - NIGHT ONLY spawn.
Camp Forest - DAY ONLY spawn.
Snowdonia - DAY ONLY spawn.
Midgard Quests
- Thorgil's Daughter - The tomte Rygnol has been moved back to the Executioner's
- Wisdom of Time: Gashir - The bug causing the Priestess of Gashir and her Elves
to blink when players approach them has been fixed.
Albion Dungeon Notes
- Keltoi Fogou: Beven is no longer charmable.

Albion Monsters
- Hunter Kenwin and Guardian Aron at Campacorentin Station now give Kill Tasks.
Midgard Monsters
- Raumarik Revenant now has his damage table set correctly. He will also no long
er heal himself when hitting a player wearing a breastplate dropped by Legion.
Hibernia Monsters
- Word has it that the Meruchas have been appearing more frequently by the water
in Connacht.
Item Notes
- The Omni Bloodhide Robe (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The Omni Bloodhide Gloves and Omni Bloodhide Boots (Midgard) should now be nam
ed properly for the slot in which they equip.
- The 80% quality items intended for salvage purposes will now drop as 89% quali
ty items.
- The Midgard small training shield now has the correct speed.
- Bonedancers can now equip the Vest of the Diabolic.
- The Obsidian Longsword (Midgard) can now be traded to other players.
- The Forked Mephit Tail (Hibernia) now increases blunt instead of crush.
- The Ebony Arms of the Corrupt (Albion) now increases energy resist in place of
a duplicate body resist.
- The class restrictions on the Manaweave Ring (Albion) have been removed.
- Muryan tricksters in Albion should now be dropping level appropriate items.
- The Vindicator set of staves from Cursed Forest should now have particle effec
- The Fallen Archer's Dagger (Albion) will no longer drop. It has been replaced
with a new item, the Felled Archer's Dagger, that uses the proper model. The ori
ginal version will remain as-is for players who already possess one.
- The Stoic Defender (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- Shadowhands Gloves (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The Hibernia version of the Gossamer Soultourn Sleeves will now salvage for a
lower value. The salvage value was inadvertently set too high on this item.
- The following items that were spiritmaster and runemaster only are now set to
allow bonedancers: Twisted Evil Emerald Scepter, Twisted Evil Ruby Scepter, Twis
ted Evil Sapphire Scepter, Twisted Evil Diamond Scepter, Snow Crystal Runecarver
's Staff, Snow Crystal Summoner's Staff, Darkened Staff of Hoarfrost, Suppressor

's Staff of Hoarfrost, Regal Lupine Staff, Royal Lupine Staff, Icebound Effluviu
m Staff of Runes, and Icebound Effluvium Staff of Summoning.
- The Prismatic Studded Gloves (Midgard) should now have the proper AF.
- The Ember Necklace (Midgard) should now be the proper level.
- The Elven Arrows and Barbed Elven Arrows (Albion) will now stack to 100.
- Skull-embossed Gauntlets (Albion) should now salvage.
- The Huntsman's Jerkin (Midgard) can be dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- Deathrune Robes (Albion) can be dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- All store-bought focus staves should now salvage.
- The rust colored dyepot is now called "rust colored cloth dye."
- The Brimstone Breastplate (Midgard) now has the proper magic bonus. Note that
this change will not retroactively update for players who already possess this i
tem. The change only affects future "drops" of this one-time drop item.
- The Mephit Wing (Hibernia) can now be equipped in the cloak slot.
- Robes of Regalia (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- The required level for the weapon rewards in Ancestral Secrets (Midgard), Lost
Seeds (Hibernia), and Lost Stone of Arawn (Albion) has been lowered to level 48
- Faded Sleeves (Albion) now look like studded armor instead of leather.
- The parthelonians in the frontiers should now drop only common loot and ROG ma
gic loot, while the parthelonians in Cursed Forest should now only drop common l
oot and the handmade magic loot they've always had.


Midgard Quests
- Gem of the Dwarven King - Players may now only use Longbeard's Necklace in the
area where they locate the box containing the Gem of the Dwarven King. Players
trying to use the necklace outside of that area will receive a message that they
cannot use the necklace.
Midgard Dungeon Notes
- Trollheim: We have reenabled "Bring A Friend" inside this dungeon to pre-1.62
Monster Notes

- Dungeons and outdoors: Particle effect based monsters such as water elementals
and blobs will now scale properly on the fly. Water elementals will grow during
rainstorms and shrink when the storms have passed. Certain types of blobs that
split in two when they suffer a particularly devastating attack will now properl
y change scale on the fly.
- Master Reginald the Rogue trainer in Caer Gothwaite is now a Saracen rather th
en an Avalonian
Items Notes
- The cold cervideth shroud (Hibernia) can now be equipped.
- Kvasir's Sword of Blight and Hjalmar's Thorned Bow (Midgard) can now be dyed w
ith weapon enamels.
- The Robes of the Severed Soul (Albion) has been renamed to Vest of the Severed
- Tuscar's Runed Buckler (Midgard) now increases energy resist in place of a sec
ond heat resist entry.
- The Choker of Catlike Quickness (Hibernia) has been renamed to Choker of Catli
ke Acuity.
- Luso's Claws (Midgard) should now be set to the correct DPS.
- The Death Shroud (Hibernia) should now equip in the cloak slot.
- The Vest of the Gravewalker (Albion) now increases matter resist in place of a
duplicate body resist entry.
- Steinvor's Sturdy Axe (Midgard) has a different particle effect that fits a li
ttle better than the previous one.
- Players should now be able to trade the gem rewards from the Malignant Creatur
es quest in Albion.
- Mammoth Lined Leggings (Midgard) can now be dyed.
- Weno'iak's Chain Leggings (Albion) now increase enhancements instead of augmen
- Weno'iak's Chain Mittens (Albion) will now increase stats correctly.
- The Vine Covered Scythe (Hibernia) had the haste proc replaced with a life tap
- Ancient Brass Longsword - procs a minor vitality drain
- Ancient Brass Cudgel - indendiary pyre (fire DD)
- Ancient Brass Rapier - electrical DD
- Ancient Brass Pike - mana DD
- Ancient Brass Lochaber Axe - mana DD

- Ancient Brass Lucerne Hammer - mana DD

- Ancient Brass Battlehammer - fire DD
- Ancient Brass Two-Handed Sword - stamina heal
- Ancient Brass-Tipped Whip - damage shield
- Ancient Brass-Shod Staff - fire DD
- Ancient Brass-Shod Quarterstaff - minor vitality drain
- Ancient Brass Scythe - Protective Aura of Flame (damage shield)
- All weapons for the The Lost Seed quest in Hibernia have had procs added to th
- Claidheamh falcata - Minor vitality drain
- Birrag Cuaille mace - Incindiary Pyre
- Cuinnsear dagger - void DD
- Ailm Darach spear - ice DD
- Bruais Creigeir shillelagh - Incindiary pyre
- Ard-Ennoilys sword - damage shield
- Corran scythe - dark DD
- Caorrunn Calbh staff - Fire DD
- Gneiss (Hibernia) should now drop 95% quality items. This will only apply to f
uture drops after this patch. Any items from Gneiss before this patch will not r
etroactively update.
- The spell charge on the Ancient Spore Cluster's Cloak (Hibernia) has been chan
ged from an endurance regen.
- The spell charges on the Olcasgean Root Drum, Olcasgean Root Lute, and Olcasge
an Root Flute (Hibernia) has been changed so as not to interfere with any of the
bard's music spells.
- The skelks in World's End will no longer drop small amounts of copper. Itemize
d as an "animal" this mob should not be dropping cash at all.
- The Insidious Samn's Eye (Hibernia) no longer has 2 separate cold resists list
- The Tab'fren series of staves in Albion have new models and particle effects.
- The Braided Ivy Staff (Hibernia) has a new model.
- The Cold's Touch Staff (Albion) now has a particle effect.
- The Guthlac Great Shield (Midgard) has a new model.

Cooperative Server Object Notes

- The Glowing Dreaded Seal now stacks to 10.
Servers are coming down now (as I posted yesterday) and will return in a few hou
rs. Watch this space for more details. Anyway, here are the updated notes we're
bringing live this morning:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.63d Release Notes
Tuesday, July 8, 2003
- When trying to use the "/housefriend" command in a non-housing zone, you now g
et an appropriate message that the command can only be used in a housing zone.
- Under some circumstances, level 1 houses would not charge money for external u
pgrades (roof materials, doors, etc.). This has been fixed.
- There
e deed.

was an issue on Gaheris (the co-op server) where "alt" characters who at
to purchase a lot would be charged for the lot but would not be given th
This situation happened when that account had another character who was
a homeowner and who made that house a guild house. This bug has been fix

- We fixed a bug where if you attempted to purchase an item from a consignment v

endor and dropped that item directly onto your "paper doll" interface (instead o
f simply clicking the 'buy' button), the item would be purchased, but would dele
te an item in your inventory.
- There was a bug that prevented the withdrawal of money from a consigment merch
ant if that merchant had more than 200 plat. This has been fixed. The merchant w
ill give you enough plat such that you have 200 total and will hold onto the res
- You can no longer trade a house to a player if that player already owns a lot
with a different character.
Good morning, everyone - here's what we're bringing live right now. Watch this s
pace for more details! (New note added 9:08 AM EDT)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.63e Release Notes
Thursday, July 10, 2003


Please note that there is a bug that sometimes causes vaults to swap positions w
ithin a house with more than one vault after a server reboot. All items and perm
issions for that vault will be maintained - it's just the order of the vaults wi
thin the house which will sometimes change. This bug will soon be fixed such tha
t you can place your vaults in any order you wish and they will remain in that o
rder after a reboot. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- (NEW 9:08 AM EDT) You can no longer upgrade a house to a bigger one if you hav
e any item attached to a hookpoint. This means that if you have a consignment me
rchant, vault, portal NPC, regular merchant, etc. attached to a hookpoint in you
r house, you'll have to pick it up before upgrading to a larger house.
- A house can no longer be traded if there is money in the consignment merchant.
- Now, you cannot split a stack when dropping into the house vault. You can spli
t a stack when retrieving from a house vault into your inventory - you can only
split stacks where the destination is your inventory backpack or bank vault.
- Fixed a problem on Gaheris where broadcast chat in the housing zone could be h
eard inside individual houses.
- Previously, when editing the guild ranks to your house list from the House Fri
end Permissions List, the name of the rank did not display under the "Name Field
" - it only showed "Guild Rank" under the "Type" Field. This has been fixed, but
please note that you will have to remove the rank as a friend and reset it to s
how the rank name correctly if it is currently mis-set.
- "Repo Men" are now flagged as "House Bankers" in their over-the-head labels. P
reviously they were unlabeled.
- Rent tokens can now be dropped on both the interior and the exterior of a hous
e to pay rent. Previously a bug prevented home owners from dropping rent tokens
on the exterior of their house.
- The porch and carpet colors selected in the selection window now match the col
or that is actually produced by the transaction.
- Fixed some terrain errors in the housing zones - now you won't see floating ga
rden objects, bridges that don't line up correctly, water abnormalities, etc.
- Fixed issue with Albion Cottage and Albion House where some garden points in f
ront of the stairs were blocked.
- Fixed an issue with the Hibernian Villa where players and merchants would sink
into the porch.
- You can no longer transfer a house from a personal home to a guild house, or s
ell a house to another player if your house has a consignment merchant or vault
active. If you want to transfer or sell your house, you must now pick up the con
signment merchant and vault, or sell them.
- We've changed the "order" in which permissions are enforced by the server. Her
e is the new list, in order of priority: Account -> Personal -> Guild Rank -> Gu

ild. This means that any account permissions will take precedence over all other
types of permissions, Personal permissions will take precedence over Guild, etc
Comfy? Good, read on:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.64 Release Notes
Tuesday, August 12, 2003


- Upgraded keeps that are /released will now return to un-upgraded levels. Previ
ously, when a guild claimed and upgraded a keep, then later released the keep, t
he guards would retain some of the bonuses for being upgraded (including having
the appearance of being upgraded guards) even though the keep was unclaimed. In
addition to the keep reverting, all the NPC guards will now revert to normal unupgraded status when a keep is released.
- The Mastery of Arms realm ability should now be affecting attack speed properl
- We have fixed all known icon problems with regards to combat styles and spells
. No changes were made to the actual styles or spells, only the icons were chang
- Using the /lastname command without entering a new last name will now allow ch
aracters to erase their current last name, as requested by the Role Playing Team
- The CHAT.LOG file will no longer be automatically closed when you zone. It wil
l still close when you exit the game to go back to the character select screen.
- Information from delve, /relic, /realm, etc, are now written to your chat.log.
- A new /effects flag, group, which will show any spells cast on or by your grou
p members. (Settable by /effects group or in the options menu).
- New naming options, in both the /hidenames and /shownames command as well as t
he options dialog. Before: Self, Players, Monsters, Gravestones. Now: Self, Play
ers, Monsters, Gravestones, Groupmates, Guildmates, Enemy Players.
- A new /faceloc command has been added. This will turn your character to face t
hese local coordinates.
- Salvages on stacks of items will now return the correct amount of salvage mate
rials. If there are not enough items in the stack to return anything, an error m
essage will be returned to the player and the salvage will not take place.

- The error messages that previously occurred when you were too close to another
repo man and trying to remove an object from your vault have been fixed. Note t
hat a few of the repo man error messages (Wrong realm, doesn't service this vaul
t) will no longer appear, instead only a generic "You aren't close enough to a v
ault or a consignment merchant!" message will appear.
- The /release house command is no longer case sensitive.
- Studded armor will check armor crafting and tailoring for Albion players and u
se whichever skill is higher for repairs.
- Lockbox and consignment monies will combine to pay a house's rent if neither a
lone has enough, but their combined sum is.
- A consignment merchant can no longer sell items if it is already holding over
200 plat.
- You can no longer sell items back to get more than 200 platinum on your charac
- '/sshot ' -- will allow you to give a base name for your screenshots. For exam
ple, to name your screenshots: Raid-01.jpg, Raid-02.jpg, type: /sshot Raid
- A new slash command, "/househelp". Normally, most of the housing popups are sh
own only the first time you do things. Typing /househelp will cause them to be s
hown again.
- Right clicking on Spellcrafting and Alchemy items in Consignment Merchant wind
ows will now show their normal mini-info quick description.
- Fixed a bug where you could port into the housing zone and no houses would app
- When you click on a house, it will now print the house owner's name and the lo
t number to your system message buffer.
- Added an extra tag at the end of weapons and armor on consignment merchants both types will now show quality, armor will show AF and weapons will show DPS i
n the merchant window:
arcanite two-handed sword [200g] (99%, 15.1 dps)
heavy caliocht vest [200g] (100%, AF 35)
- Archer line of sight is now checked both at the draw and the release of a shot


We have added a new performance option to decrease hitching and pausing in key g
ame situations: when first going into towns or portal keeps after zoning, and fi
rst encountering large RVR groups of enemies from other realms.
The option is under the "Config Performance" menu that allows you to control how
the client loads skins from disk. This will allow you to partially load some of
the textures the game uses to avoid hitches and pauses in key game situations.
- [No Precaching] will work largely as before.

- [Precache Armor Skins] is the suggested regular setting. Armor skins will be p
artially loaded into memory. It will take up more memory on average than [No Pre
caching], but it will eliminate some hitches and pauses.
- [Precache All Skins] is recommended for machines with >512MB of RAM. This opti
on will cause the game to take up more memory, but should significantly decrease
s hitches as you run around the world.
These options are documented in-game in the "Config Performance" menu (under "Op
tions" at the character select screen.)
We have optimized the creation of houses as you move around the housing zone. Yo
u should experience far less hitching and lag as you move around or zone into th
ese zones.


Dark Age of Camelot now has a new player market system, where player crafters ca
n choose to publish all the wares being displayed on their consignment merchants
to a database than can be searched by other players. Please note that this syst
em will only be available in housing zones.
If you are a merchant, to publish the contents of the consignment merchant that
you own to the search engine database, type "/listmerchant". Typing /listmerchan
t again removes your merchant from the database. Once a merchant is in the datab
ase, all changes to that merchant will be updated on the fly (price changes, add
ing items to merchant, items being sold from merchant, etc) with no further inte
rvention from the user. Note that /listmerchant will only work when you are near
a house you own.
To search the consignment merchant database, you will right click on the Market
Explorers that are placed at the entrance to each area, as well as in the centra
l market of each zone. Use the window to enter information about the item you ar
e searching for, and click "search". A list of all items matching your search cr
iteria will be returned to you in pages of 20 items at a time. You can page thro
ugh the items using the Previous and Next buttons."
Please note that when you get a list of items back from your search, you will be
given a lot number where the consignment merchant selling the item can be found
- you must then go to that merchant to purchase the item.
Skill lists on the Player Market Query window will only show those skills availa
ble to your realm (except on Gaheris, Mordred, and Andred where it will show ski
lls from all three realms).


1.64 has a new feature for Roleplayers, an "/rpfilter" that lets you filter out
commonly used game terms and abbreviations for any text that you wish. It works
as follows:
/rpfilter will filter your clients chat, eg:
/rpfilter LFG looking for group

So if anyone in chat says "/s LFG blah blah blah" your client will actually prin
So and so says, "looking for group blah blah blah".
The chat is only altered client-side, the server and logs will have all the orig
inal text as it was typed.
- The string to replace must be between 3 and 10 characters long.
- The string to replace it with may be between 1 to 20 characters long.
- Case insenstive (lfg is treated the same as LFG, lFG, LfG, etc)
- The new RP filter will try to not replace words that are parts of larger words
. It does so by checking either side of the search string to see if there are ch
aracters around the letters it tries to replace. So, in the case of "/rpfilter L
FG looking for group"
LFG -> looking for group
xLFG -> xLFG
xLFGx -> xLFGx
LFG!! -> looking for group!!


- In this patch, we have added new bonus types to our dropped items. These bonus
types are detailed below. At this time, these features are only available for t
he classic Camelot dragon loot and Shrouded Isles class-specific epic dungeon ar
- The existing items on classic Camelot dragons have been upgraded with these ne
w bonus types, and new items added to their treasure tables. Please note that a
few items were near or at the desired bonus point level, so those few items did
not receive any noticeable increases. No bonuses were lowered on any of the exis
ting dragon items.
- The Shrouded Isles class-specific epic dungeon armors have also been tweaked t
o get rid of mutually exclusive bonuses. Players who already have some of these
items may notice a few new features in the delve information.
- ALL magic skills - This bonus will increase your skill in any and all of your
spell lines. In other words, if your item is updated to have "ALL magic skills:
+3", then all of your spell lines (if your class has multiple spell lines) will
have a +3 skill increase from that item.
- ALL melee weapon skills - This bonus will increase your skill in many weapon t
ypes. This bonus does not increase shield, parry, archery skills, or dual wield
skills (hand to hand is the exception, as this skill is also the main weapon ski
ll associated with hand to hand weapons, and not just the off-hand skill). If yo
ur item has "All melee weapon skills: +3" and your character can train in hammer
, axe and sword, your item should give you a +3 increase to all three.
- Focus: ALL spell lines - This bonus will give you focus for all your focus spe
ll lines. "Focus: ALL spell lines: 50" would mean that your focus staff gives yo

u 50 focus in darkness, suppression, and runecarving, if you're a runemaster.

- Acuity - This bonus will increase your casting stat, whatever your casting sta
t happens to be. If you're a druid, you should get an increase to empathy, while
a bard should get an increase to charisma.
- The "old" dragon items from Cuuldurach, Golestandt, and Gjalpinuva will now dr
op made of level 10 materials, instead of the standard classic Camelot level 8 m
aterials. Unfortunately, this does not apply to existing original dragon items..
.to accomplish this, totally new items had to be made that are copies of the ori
ginal set of dragon items, because an object's material cannot be changed retroa
ctively. Of these new items, most armor pieces are set to be reactive procs now,
and some of the less popular weapon procs are changed to more favorable ones.

- Added new "level 51" weapons into Fletching and Weaponcraft to help give a sli
ghtly broader choice of weapons now for various specs. This has caused the sideeffect of increasing the "max skill" for these tradeskills, due to where the new
weapons ended up in the skill range.
- Fixed the levels that were shown when delving Fletching recipes. This is a man
ual entry and was off by a single level, or so, in a few of the items.
- Tried to spread out the new "level 51" Fletching recipes to help fill in the v
arious skill gaps that existed in the recipes. We will review this going forward
to see if any additional changes are required.
- All forges and lathes have been updated with the housing graphic.
- Note: The new magus staff has a hidden restriction that will not allow it to b
e equipped by anyone other than a focus caster.


- Changed the "osnadurtha gauntlet" recipes to be labeled "osnadurtha gloves" si
nce that is what is made from said recipes.
- Corrected spelling on the various "mammalogy" potions.
- Albion boned armor now shows the correct level when you delve the various reci
- Hibernian spiked mace recipes now show the levels of said weapons.


Quests- General
- Life Stones given out by Mystemas in Darkness Falls had Quality or Durability

incorrectly set. Return to him to get stones with the proper settings.
Hibernia Quests
- The Piper's Price: Innis Carthaig has been suffering from a rat infestation. P
erhaps you can help them.
- Viraniel?s Plague - Viraniel in Tir na Nog is suffering from a strange ailment
. Seek her out and see what you can do to help her.
- Banba?s Road to Grandmaster - Banba in Howth is almost a grandmaster tailor! S
peak with her and see how you can help her achieve her goal.
- The Lost Relics - Lobais in Tir Na Nog has been troubled by a vision that he's
had. Speak with him to find out about it.
Realm v. Realm
- The spells that Master Eldritches, Master Wizards and the Master of Runes cast
are now direct damage instead of bolts.
- The snare that all three realms Master casters cast has had it's casting range
- Master Eldritches now cast void direct damage spells instead of fire based spe
- Broadcast now works in all the Frontier Portal Keeps.
Relic Keep Guard Changes
- There is a small change to how some guards will now handle relic raids. For ev
ery Relic Keep, the interior doors will now be guarded by named guards from the
keep that is closest to the other Relic Keep in that realm. For example, the int
erior doors of Castle Excalibur are now being guarded by Hurbury Knights. These
inner door guards have been given strict instructions to not leave the courtyard
at any time, and they also cannot be damaged by players outside of the area the
y protect.
Albion Monsters
- Argus Bowman a weapon merchant in Ludlow, has decided to put on the correct cl
othes for his realm.
Midgard Monsters
- In response to player feedback, Innocents in Dodens Grava are now aggressive t
o players.
Hibernia Monsters
- Eresidae in Emain is no longer charmable.
- The choppers in the Hibernian frontier will now group up correctly.
- Cuuldurach's call for help range has been slightly lowered to match that of th

e other old world dragons.

Frontier Dungeons
- In response to Team Lead feedback, we have converted the innocents in each rea
lm's frontier dungeon so they will now protect that realm's players while still
attacking players from other realms.
Item Notes
- The Cloak of Elemental Buffering (Midgard) should no longer have blank level,
condition and durability attributes.
- The sapphire seal hand to hand weapons should now be available on the sapphire
seal weapon merchant for Midgard.
- The Omni Warscale Coif and the Omni Warscale Boots (Hibernia) should equip in
the proper slots.
- The Lesser Telamon Scimitar (Albion) now has magic bonuses.
- The Eir Blessed Pendant (Midgard) should look like a necklace.
- The Ranger Charm (Hibernia) increases stealth instead of parry.
- The Grim Bound Ring (Albion) can now be equipped in either ring slot.
- The Salisbury Dagger (Albion) is now called Salisbury Sword, which better refl
ects the weapon model it uses.
- The Diamond Lochaber Axe (Albion) now increases spirit resist in place of a 2n
d matter resist entry.
- The Charred Scale Hauberk (Hibernia) now increases constitution instead of cha
- The Inconnu Fate Stone (Albion) has been increased in bonus amounts.
- The Ensorcelled Robes of Celerity (Albion) can now be dyed with leather dye.
- The Impish Gem (Albion) is now equipped in the gem slot, instead of the ring s
- The Bracelet of Enchanted Talent (Hibernia) now looks like a bracer instead of
a ring.
- Ngadra should no longer drop Albion items for Midgard players.
- Fathomless Deepscale Gauntlets (Hibernia) now increase constitution in place o
f a dexterity increase that occurred twice on the object.
- The Doomcaller hammer (Albion) now increases matter resist in place of a body
resist increase that occurred twice on the object.
- The class restrictions have been removed from the Bear Mask (Midgard).
- The drop rate for Bricriu Nemhthenga has been increased.

- The Perfect Life Stone and the Weakened Life Stone have been set with the corr
ect durability.
- The Band of Sought Painworking (Albion) is now equippable in both ring slots.
- The Sinister Alluvion Falcata (Hibernia) should no longer have a spell listed
in the delve information.
- The earthshakers will now drop the appropriate armor selections, instead of lo
w level Warden weapons.
- The Rod of the Soulshade (Albion and Midgard) will now salvage for a more appr
opriate value.
- The Gold Lined Drinking Horn (Hibernia) is now stackable.
- Unique large shields from the Frontiers will no longer drop with Thane specifi
c stats.
- The Cath Lute (Hibernia) is now salvageable.
- The Militia Great Mace of Night (Hibernia) now has a more appropriate particle
- The Midgard version of the Book of Chaos will now grant a piety bonus instead
of an intelligence bonus.
- The Bear Claw Talisman (Hibernia) has been granted higher bonuses due to the l
evel of the item.
- The hill cat tooth (Midgard) has had the damage value removed, which was causi
ng it to appear to be a weapon when it was not.
- The Gloves of the Resolute (Albion) are no longer restricted to specific class
- The Hard Leather Sleeves (Albion) are now able to be salvaged.
- The druidic spirits should no longer drop gear of inappropriate levels. (Albio
- The named encounters (other than the dragons) in Sheeroe Hills, Dartmoor, and
Malmohus now have their own exclusive item drops, instead of utilizing item drop
s from other parts of their respective zones.
- The Snow Sapphire (Albion), the Snow Emerald (Hibernia), the Snow Diamond (Mid
gard), the Verdant Ornate Ring (Albion), the Verdant Ornate Necklace (Albion), t
he Verdant Ornate Bracer (Albion), the Verdant Justice (Albion), the Verdant Orn
ate Shield (Albion), the Gilded Verdant Ring (Midgard), the Gilded Verdant Neckl
ace (Midgard), the Gilded Verdant Bracer (Midgard), the Verdant Vengeance (Midga
rd), the Gilded Verdant Shield (Midgard), the Dazzling Verdant Ring (Hibernia),
the Dazzling Verdant Necklace (Hibernia), the Dazzling Verdant Bracer (Hibernia)
, the Verdant Honor (Hibernia), the Dazzling Verdant Shield (Hibernia), the Shim
mering Drakescale Bracer (Albion), the Shimmering Drakescale Chain (Albion), the
Shimmering Drakescale Band (Albion), the Shimmering Drakescale Shield (Albion),
the Shimmering Drakescale Staff (Albion), the Luminescent Drakescale Bracer (Mi
dgard), the Luminescent Drakescale Chain (Midgard), the Luminescent Drakescale B
and (Midgard), the Luminescent Drakescale Shield (Midgard), the Luminescent Drak
escale Staff (Midgard), the Ethereal Drakescale Bracer (Hibernia), the Ethereal
Drakescale Chain (Hibernia), the Ethereal Drakescale Band (Hibernia), the Ethere

al Drakescale Shield (Hibernia), and the Ethereal Drakescale Staff (Hibernia) al

l have received additional bonuses due to their level.


Albion Quests
- Casters that finish the quest The Stone of Arawn will now receive a focus staf
f instead of the previous staff which will no longer be given in the game. If yo
u've already completed the quest and would prefer the new reward, you should ret
urn and speak with Honayt'rt in Wearyall Village.
- Clerics will now be given a choice to choose a more cleric-appriopriate weapon
as their reward for The Stone of Arawn. If you've already completed the quest a
nd would prefer the new reward, you should return and speak with Honayt'rt in We
aryall Village.
- The weapon rewards from the quest The Lost Stone of Arawn can now be traded be
tween players.
Hibernia Quests:
- Level 49 players can now do the Writhing Death quest as well as level 50's, an
d we have added some additional rewards. If you've already completed this quest,
just return and speak with Treal in Cothram Gorge to choose one of the new rewa
rds. You don't need to bring your original reward.
- Casters that finish the quest The Lost Seed will now receive a focus staff ins
tead of the previous staff which will no longer be given in the game. If you've
already completed the quest and would prefer the new reward, you should return a
nd speak with Terod in Droighaid.
Midgard Quests
- Casters that finish the quest Ancestral Secrets will now receive a focus staff
instead of the previous staff which will no longer be given in the game. If you
've already completed the quest and would prefer the new reward, you should retu
rn and speak with Ota Yrling in Aegirhamn.
Dungeon Notes
- Galladoria: The Organic Energy Mechanism will now properly command its minions
to attack players engaged in the encounter. This closes some exploits that made
the encounter much easier than intended.
Item Notes
- The following changes have been made in Tuscaren Glacier: the class specific c
hest pieces have been moved to Hurika, Torst, Jailer Vifil, and Fornfrusenen. Th
is means that Issorden, Elder Icelord Suttung, and Elder Icelord Hjalmar will no
longer drop the chest pieces they have been. King Tuscar now has a small chance
of dropping the necklaces that can only be used with a class's full suit of arm

or equipped.
- Nosdoden (Midgard), Myrddraxis (Hibernia), and Xanxicar (Albion) will now drop
more items per kill.
- The Ebony Impaler (Albion) has a new particle effect that fits the weapon mode
l a little better than the previous one.
- The Tab'fren series of staves in Albion can now be dyed with the epic dungeon
weapon enamels.
- Gloves of the Sagacious Naturalist (Hibernia) will now increase creeping path
and verdant path appropriately.
- The +bow increase on the Petrified Bow (Hibernia) had been removed. The other
magic bonuses on the item have been increased.
- The treasure tables on the Rift (Midgard) have been corrected so that items wi
ll drop as intended. In addition, the number of drops per kill has been increase
d, as well as the quality of future drops. Please note that quality of drops pre
vious to this patch will not update retroactively.
- The Staff of Mind and Body (Albion) can now be dyed with weapon enamel from th
e epic dungeons.
- The Spined Piercer (Hibernia) now has a particle effect.
- The Fine Easmarach Skin (Hibernia) can be dyed with the appropriate enamel dye
- Handmade magic items (Items not created through the Unique Item Generator) fro
m SI mobs level 40+ should now drop with the proper magic bonus. This change wil
l not apply to drops already existing on your will only apply to
future drops of these items. If you should find any new handmade magic items fr
om named mobs in SI that drop without the proper bonus, please /report the bugge
d item in-game.
- Mammoth Boned Boots (Midgard) should now have the proper AF.
- The Unique Object drops from Orylle (Albion) should now drop as appropriate le
vel items. Unfortunately, this does not apply to items that dropped previous to
this patch.
- The Azure Prayerbound set from Caer Sidi can now be dyed with leather dye.
- Dagar's handmade drops should now drop at 95% quality instead of 89. This chan
ge will only affect future drops, not drops acquired before this patch.
- The Essence Shifted Whip (Albion) is now set to do slashing damage as intended
, instead of crushing damage.
- The Emissary's Tasseled Belt (Midgard) is now called the Emissary's Imbued Car
nelian, as it fits in the gem slot and not the belt slot.
- The Death's Kiss Axe (Albion) now has a particle effect.
- The Death Shroud (Hibernia) will now accept an emblem and dye.
- The Ogre's Pious Belt (Albion) now has a correct belt icon.

- The Goosedown Slippers' (Hibernia) extra cold resist bonus has been changed to
- Nesnuir's Staff (Midgard) has had the intelligence bonus replaced with a piety
- The Belt of Palifan, Palifan's Belt, and Palifan's Woven Belt have all had the
ir bonus statistics increased to be more appropriate to the level of the item.
- The portal scrolls are no longer able to be worn around the neck.
- The Flesh Stretched Riddle Staff (Albion) had its salvage value increased to a
n appropriate value.
- Items using the "Titans Speed" proc should now have a buff duration of 1 minut
e after they proc.
- The bugbear scavengers in Tur Suil should now drop more appropriate items.
- The Shining Aura Cloak (Albion) has had the +Chants bonus changed to a +Resist
- The Cyclop's Pupil (Albion) has had the +Chants bonus changed to a +Dex bonus
and had its other stats increased to bring them to more appropriate levels.
- The Death Entrancement Ruby (Albion) should now look like a ruby in your inven
- The Hammer of the Otherworld (Albion) has had its +Flexible bonus lowered so t
hat it can be used by players of the appropriate level.
- Medairis' Tail (Albion) should no longer drop at 70% condition.
- The Enchanter piece Moonspun Robe (Hibernia) has had its salvage value increas
ed to the appropriate level.
- The Enchanted Gold Chain (Hibernia) should now look like a necklace instead of
a ring in your inventory.
- The Blackhearted Great Sword (Midgard) should now cost the correct amount to r
- The class-specific epic dungeon armor suits have been tweaked to get rid of mu
tually exclusive skill increases. Please see the "New Item Features" section to
get details.
- The +battlesongs increase on the skald's Tuscaren Glacier suit has been replac
ed with +parry.
- The +battlesongs increase on the Frozen Blackhearted Axe has been replaced wit
h +strength.
- The +valor increase on the Bladed Crystal Leggings has been replaced with +shi
- The reactive proc spell attached to the leg and sleeve pieces from each of the
epic dungeon armor suits has been changed to an ablative proc, instead of a dir
ect damage proc.
- The Knotted Vine Belt (Hibernia), the Belt of Leaves (Hibernia), the Fern Leaf

Belt (Hibernia), the Braided Willow Belt (Hibernia), the Braided Root Belt (Hib
ernia), and the Twisted Root Belt (Hibernia) have received additional bonuses du
e to their level.
- The Dancing Staff (Midgard) has had its stats increased to be more appropriate
for the item's level and by popular demand now has focuses instead of the Power
and Resist bonuses.
- The Dancing Staff of Darkness (Midgard) has also had its stats increased to be
more appropriate for the item's level and by popular demand now has focuses ins
tead of the Power and Resist bonuses.
- The Vine Wrapped Bladeblocker (Hibernia) no longer increases mutually exclusiv
e weapon skills


- A few bonus names for focus were changed, due to spacing limitations in the na
Old name New name


Phasebound Focus
Soulbound Focus
Fogbound Focus
Mindbound Focus
Woebound Focus
Thrallbound Focus

- A new housing zone has been introduced in each realm:
- Old Sarum in Albion.
- Arothi in Midgard.
- Dunshire in Hibernia.
- With the introduction of the new housing zones, we have increased the decay ra
te on the reverse auctions of the housing lots. Lots will now drop at 1.2 platin
um per hour, instead of the 500 gold per hour decay rate. Further, the minimum p
rice on a housing lot has been lowered to 300 gold.
- Permission level for Consignment merchant added with Deposit/Remove items, and
Withdraw cash permissions.
- Permission level added to allow players other than the owner to pay rent. Plea
se note that this is cash-only; others cannot pay rent with Bounty Points.
- CLASS friend type added to house permissions. Now you can set up your house to
include or exclude certain classes.
- RACE friend type added to house permissions. Now you can set up your house to
include or exclude certain races. This was added at the request of the Roleplayi
ng Team Lead.

- Vault IDs are now displayed when the vault is opened.

- We have added a new /bountyrent command. This will allow players to directly p
ay for their house rent with bounty points, rather than purchasing tokens which
may not be correct in value. This will also only allow players who are guild lea
ders to pay with their own guild bounty points - rather than a guild leader buyi
ng bounty tokens for his own house - or buying guild tokens and using them on a
future guild house. The syntax is /bountyrent personal/guild . The amount is the
number of bounty points you wish to spend. Each bounty point is worth 1gp in re
nt. Only house owners and guild leaders can perform this command.
- When placing a garden object, the player will be told how many more slots are
remaining in the garden.
- When placing an interior object, the player will be told how many more slots a
re remaining in the interior.
- If you are the primary owner of a personal house, your house lot # will be dis
played in the 'Additional Information' section of your character sheet.
- Apprentice and Grandmaster Merchants now carry all 5 types of feathers.
- Valmak's Remains, Tuka's Remains, Oldest's Remains, Coimirceoir's Remains, and
Geirshnae's Remains should have appropriate inventory icons.
- Siegecraft Supplies merchants now carry siegecraft ammo.
- A 20 gold rent token is now available from the housing bounty stores. Addition
ally - Players will be able to turn the 100 gold rent token back in to the house
bounty merchant. The merchant will make change for the players and hand back fi
ve 20 gold rent tokens.
- A Taxidermy Supplies merchant is now available to purchase from the interior h
ousing merchant hookpoints.
- The Nosdoden Wall Trophy should now place correctly.
- Easmarach should now drop Easmarach's Remains as intended.
- The scale of the Nkosi Floor Trophy has been toned down to better fit inside t
he houses.
- The portal keep and Shrouded Isles teleporters for sale in the houses have bee
n combined. There is now one NPC for each realm that can be purchased in your ho
use that will teleport to both locations. All old NPC's have been replaced with
a combined NPC.
The names for the NPCs are as follows:
Svasud Faste and Aegirhamn Teleporter
Druim Ligen and Domnann Teleporter
Castle Sauvage and Gothwaite Teleporter
- Since the portal keep and Shrouded Isles teleporters have been combined into o
ne NPC, players who wish to dispose of their old Shrouded Isles teleporters can
sell the Gothwaite Harbor Teleporter object, Domnann Grove Teleporter object, or
Aegirhamn Teleporter back for full purchase price.
- Players in Hibernia can now obtain mantid trophies by killing Klzkizk and Kris

- Trophy items are no longer sellable to npc merchants for 2cp. They can still b
e sold to other players.
- We have slightly altered how the Hearth passage scrolls and medallions work. I
f you own a lot or a house, the medallions will function as they always have. Ho
wever, if you do not own a lot or a house and try to use the Hearth passage item
s, it will now teleport you to the entrance of the housing area instead of previ
ously where it would do nothing at all and still use the medallion or scroll.
- The Dye, Tincture & Enchantment Supplies merchant should now have all the appr
opriate catalysts.
- Two new signs have been added to the garden signs store, House for Sale and Ba
ttle Plunder for Sale.
- The low hedge, barrel, two barrels, and three barrel stack available from the
garden store should now have the intended prices.
- All known locations where players would 'lose' interior decorations by placing
them in a spot where they could not be picked back up have been fixed.

- The evil Lords in the keeps on Gaheris will now call the monsters in the keep
for help when attacked.
- Fixed an issue at Dun Da Behnn where one of the Ghostly Glimmer Warders would
spawn over and over till the keep was taken.
And here are the live release notes!
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.64g Live Release Notes
Tuesday, August 19, 2003


- A healer will now be able to see how much they heal for when they cast a heal
spell on pet.
- All area affect procs on items will now correctly fire.
- /webdisplay house will now cause your house to display on the herald. Default
is display off.

- There is a new "Hearth Bind Passage Medallion" that will port you to your hous
e bind point at the portal locations. See the foundations section of the note fo
r details.
- /rpfilter now has a maximum of 75 entries. The playing community discovered ma
ny other uses for /rpfilter, so we have expanded the allowed number of entries t
o accomodate.
- /ignore now has a maximum of 50 entries.
- A new slash command, '/groundset ', suggested by the Animist TL report. For ex
ample, To set a groundtarget 500 units in front of you, use '/groundset 500'.
- A healer instant heal's timers are now listed in mm,ss format rather than ssss
- Valewalker and animist spells now print a message to the chat window when cast
and when they expire.
- A proper spell effect has been added to the necromancer's pbae-dot line of spe
lls. You will now see a spell effect emination from the pet regardless of whethe
r or not the spell lands on a target.
- A new sound affect has been added to the necromancer's pbae-dot line of spells
- Necromancers will now receive a "you can not cast that right now" message when
their pet is mezzed or stunned.
- The shade-cast lifetap line of necromancer spells now have a spell effect on b
oth hands during the casting animation.
- Bonedancer Strengthen Pack line and Hasten Pack line pet-only buffs are now af
fecting all pets in the area of effect.
- Bonedancers have now access to Wild Minion RA since it was a prerequisite for
Minion Control RA already on their list.
- The Bonedancer unique RA Resilience of Death now correctly affects all pets no
t only the commander as it was doing previously.
- You can no longer jump while mezzed.
- Potion re-use timers have been fixed.
- The "Items Remaining" feature inside the house will now list the correct numbe
r of decorations remaining.
- /faceloc has been disabled inside of houses.
- Low level druid pets should no longer detect stealthed characters.
- Innis Carthaig is correctly spelled on all road signs.
- Huntress Lena at Caer Ulfwych should now be spawning correctly.

Albion Quests
- Lorraine Elgen in Camelot will once again accept new Armorsmith apprentices.
Midgard Quests
- Savages who completed the quest An End to the Daggers, will now correctly get
coin as part of their reward.
Hibernia Quests
- We've fixed the text that was getting cut off in the Hibernia quest, Viraniel'
s Plague.
- You should be able to more easily find NPC Morven for the Hibernian quest Morv
en's Return.
- The blackthorn leaves for the quest A Piece of Gormghlaith's Mind are now set
to no trade.
- Hibernian players will now be able to engage Klzkizk in combat.
- Banba's Road to Grandmaster Quest - There was a bug where Master Armin in Tir
na Nog would not correctly step you when you completed a quest step. This has be
en fixed. Additionally, the amount of gold rewarded in this quest has been lower
ed to levels more consistent with other quests.

- The magic bonuses on the Ring of Arcane Gestures (Albion) have been corrected,
so that players will be able to equip the ring and gain the magic benefits on i
t once again.
- The Widowmaker, the Belts of Technique, the Pikeman's Belt, the Belt of the Cl
adhammer, the Belt of Swift Flight, and the Belt of Coiled Destruction now have
correct icons.
- The Cape of the Devout will now be worn in the cloak location instead of the g
love location.
- The Greater Staff of Fulmination's health regeneration charge effect has been
changed to a power regeneration charge effect to be more in line with other stav
es of this set.

- The Tuscarian Oracle Vest (Midgard) will now correctly increase "all magic ski
lls" instead of augmentation.

- The forge in Domnann is no longer half buried in the wall.

- It should no longer be possible to pull Chief Galt out side his room in Arvakr
- Floor decorations in the Hibernian villa vault room will be moved back to thei
r pre-1.64 locations.
- The 'Camelot Teleporter' house merchant now sells the correct medallion .
- The teleporters in the housing marketplaces on the PvE and PvP servers now all
sell the correct medallions.
- The spelling of the Potion, Tincture, & Enchantment Vendor should now be corre
ct in all realms.
- Since the portal keep and Shrouded Isles teleporters have been combined into o
ne NPC, players who wish to dispose of their old Shrouded Isles teleporters or p
ortal keep teleporters can sell the combined Svasud Faste and Aegirhamn Teleport
er, the Druim Ligen and Domnann Teleporter, or the Castle Sauvage and Gothwaite
Teleporter back for full purchase price.
- A new teleport has been added to the Portal Ceremonies and Shrouded Isles tele
porters on the regular servers and the Portal, City, and Shrouded Isles teleport
ers on the PvE and PvP servers. This new teleport uses the Hearth Bind Passage M
edallion or Scroll depending on which teleporter you use. The teleporter will tr
ansport players to the house that they are bound in. This does not necessarily m
ean a personal or guild house unless the player is bound in one. Note, the Medal
lion or Scroll will be consumed and you will not be teleported if you are not bo
und in a house.
And here are the 1.64b release notes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.64b Release Notes


- Effective immediately, you may only use /house in the region where your house
is located. Note that you can use house for both guild and personal houses, so b
e certain you are checking the right house when you use the command.
- All of the markets have been cleared. This step was taken to eliminate all of
the "false positives" players had been seeing on market searches.
- Merchants are now properly saved on the marketplace. All players will need to
use the /listmerchant command once to relist all of their items.
Well, as you no doubt know, servers went up at 2:40 PM EDT. Sorry, guys, for not
letting you know about the delay - Herald fell down and went boom. Anyway, if y
ou can't get to the game, the following patch note volume should take the rest o
f the afternoon to read ;)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.65 Release Notes
October 8, 2003
Version 1.65 is the first patch where many of the balance changes came directly
to us from feedback from the community via the reorganized Team Lead program. Of
course there are other sources for player feedback to reach us, but the Team Le
ad program is designed specifically to monitor, assess, and relay community feed
back to us.
For those who are unaware, a few months ago, we hired a producer to be in charge
of Realm balance; to work with the Team Lead program to focus feedback and give
suggested changes. 1.65 is the first live Camelot patch to show the fruit of th
is labor. We want to thank all the Team Leads, the Pendragon testers, and everyo
ne else in the community that gives us constructive feedback for their efforts i
n making Camelot a better game. We hope that this live version is the first of m
any to make Camelot more fun and balanced for everyone.
As noted on the Herald, this patch will bring change to the overall RvR experien
ce in Camelot.
- The frontier keeps now have a new layout to provide variety in keep taking, as
well as to shift the focus from a single door fight to a courtyard fight at man
y of the keeps.
- We have implemented a login check to prevent attackers or defenders from "camp
ing" a frontier or relic keep with alternate characters.
- Based upon Team Lead and Player feedback, we have implemented many RvR-centric
class, combat style and realm ability changes.
- New siege weapon art is in place for all siege equipment.

- The resist system has been updated to lower the effect of extremely high resis
t cases and to lower the extreme effectiveness of casters resist debuffing their
own damage.
Further, many PVE changes have been incorporated into this patch.
- Three additional bonus zones on the Shrouded Isles client have been unlocked.
See the Shrouded Isles section for details.
- New crafting quests to aid crafters have been introduced.
- The drop rates of lower level monsters has been increased, to help lower level
players keep their equipment at an appropriate level.
And, finally, in response to player feedback, we have incorporated some long-req
uested features into the game - such as the /hood command and spell list organiz
ation for non-cloth casters.


- Fixed a bug that in some cases was causing increased resist rates for direct d
amage spells on epic (level 65+) monsters.
- All old world dragons have become more resistant to attacks from extremely sma
ll raiding parties (less than 3 groups). This does not affect the way the dragon
s will fight at all; it only changes the minimum number of people that need to f
ight the dragons to kill them effectively.
- The /gc autoremove account (character name) command is now active. This comman
d allows you to autoremove all of a player's characters from your guild - includ
ing any alternates. Note that this command will fail in tota when attempted on a
guild leader's account.
- All possessive class titles in Midgard have been fixed.
- All known spelling errors in spell text have been fixed.
- Gaining the points necessary for more than one realm level will now award you
the correct number of realm skill points.
- Spell resists from realm abilities are now displayed and applied separately to
the character, which should reduce some of the extreme cases of very high resis
- Previously, resist debuffs counted double versus resist buffs. This has been c
hanged to make them count normally against item, buff, and racial resists.
- The amount of aggro generated by any damage add or damage shield spell has bee
n reduced.
- Added the 'Stormcalling' spec line to the Player Market Query interface.
- We have added a new channel to the system window, "Resists Changed" messages.
Any time your resists change from equipping items or spells (including those cas
t by Animist turrets), the messages will be printed in this channel, which can n
ow be toggled. You can toggle the colors and display of these prints by right-cl
icking on the system text window.

- You should now see a pulsing "sprint" icon when sprinting.

- You should now be able to place instruments on the walls of your house.
- When you use the F7 key to find nearest object - it should select the coins fi
rst if a monster drops multiple objects.
- Guild permissions, when set, should now propagate to all zones much more consi
- Monsters should no longer turn with your character after being stunned.
- There is now a gold amount line printed in the chat window after completed tra
- Mythic Customer Service now has the ability to set a "Server Message of the Da
y" on each server.
- Many of the items that can be found in Darkness Falls have been reviewed and d
etermined to be weaker than what is appropriate to the level of the item. To cor
rect this problem new items have been created based on the original item design,
but with more level appropriate magical bonuses. These new items can be found b
oth available for purchase with seals and dropped from important monsters around
the dungeon. The original items will no longer be available for purchase nor wi
ll they drop from monsters. Combined with the new items, the Darkness Falls merc
hants have had their stores reorganized. Due to this reorganization, the Albion
merchant imp Daro is no longer necessary and has been removed.
- All NPC triggered teleports now should teleport players at the proper angle of
arrival. This should primarily be noticed when using gatekeepers.
- The information button in the class trainers' window was not working correctly
. It displayed all styles and abilities as being rewarded at one level higher th
an it was supposed to. This also meant that level 50 styles rolled over to level
1. This bug has been fixed.


- The /hood command is now implemented. Players wearing hooded cloaks can switch
between hood up and hood down with this command. Default for hooded cloaks is h
ood down.
- Ability Casters (non-cloth wearing casters) will now have their spells display
ed by spec line and spell level, similar to 'List Casters' (cloth wearing caster
- We now, by default, display RvR combat deaths in the color of the realm scorin
g the kill.
(green text) Bob was just killed by Hibchar!
(blue text) Bob was just killed by Midchar!
(red text) Bob was just killed by Albion Keep Lord!
- There is now a graphical timer that shows how long your character has before a
utoreleasing after death.

- Nodrop/Notrade/Nodestroy items now display as such in delve.

- Quickcast will now grey out (like other spells/abilities with recast timers).
- Added new bindable keys for Right Handed Weapon Slot, Two Handed Weapon Slot,
and Ranged Weapon slot. Pressing these keys will act the same as if you had drag
ged the icon to the quickbar and clicked on it.
- In the /realm screen, it now lists keeps that have been claimed by a guild.
- You can now type "/afk (MESSAGE)" and it sets an autoresponse message when som
eone gives you a tell. "/afk" with no argument clears the message.
- Fixed a bug where keys that were held down (such as Ground Target,Mouselook, e
tc) would not work in high framerate situations.
- Fixed a bug where a key bound to 'Shift-(Key)' could fire when pressing just s
hift under certain situations and keybindings.
- Added new slash commands, /rpfilteron and /rpfilteroff to enable and disable t
he RpFilter. This flag saves on zoning and logging.
- Styles that must be performed from Stealth now correctly state this when delve
- Direct damage spells should now delve correctly.
- All SI classes should now show up under the proper categories in the LFG windo


- We have introduced a new frontier keep layout at all frontier keeps except for
Dum Crimthainn, Caer Erasleigh, and Nottmoor Faste, which will keep the old lay
out. This keep layout adds an interior door at the lord tower, and removes one o
f the doors at the gatehouse. Additionally, new doors have been added at each ra
mpart into the lord tower. These new doors will only allow players from the real
m that owns the keep to enter and exit the tower.
- We have replaced the Battlegrounds keeps with the new frontier keep layout.
- A group leader can now claim outposts for his guild with any full group of 8 p
layers. Claiming will require confirmation of agreement by all group members.
- The experience bonus near frontier keeps now matches that of dungeons.
- When a frontier keep is claimed by your guild, with the guild and new frontier
bonus, you will now get the highest experience bonus in the game when hunting a
round that keep.
- Players who attempt to log in near a frontier keep or relic keep that is "unde
r attack" or owned by an enemy realm will now be moved to a "safe point". "Under
attack" is defined as when the doors are actively taking damage or are complete
ly broken open. The safe point for attackers is the portal keep of the enemy fro
ntier they are in. The safe point for defenders is the border keep with the port
al pad of the frontier they are defending.
- Note that players who go linkdead near a frontier will have a 10 minute "windo

w" during which they can log back in without being moved to the safe point.
- Some of the regular courtyard guard contingent of the relic keeps have been as
sociated with keeps throughout the frontier. When a keep is under enemy control,
the guard associated with that keep will no longer be available to assist in re
lic defense.
- Players can no longer climb up two of the climb points at Dun Crimthainn. They
have been blocked in order to give Crimthainn four climb points like all of the
other frontier keeps.

- Single line respecs have been granted for Savages, Cabalists, Enchanters, Rune
masters and Spiritmasters as a result of the changes below.
- All self buffs with 15 minute durations have had their durations increased to
20 minutes.
- The following AE DD lines have had their cast times reduced from four seconds
to three seconds
Calefaction: Molten Earth line
Liquefaction: Simmering Cloud line
Pyromancy: Explosive Blast line
Runes of Destruction: Odin's Ire line
Illusions: Deluge of Illusion
Vacuumancy: Lesser Kinetic Dispersal
Void Mastery: Lesser Null Squall
- The power costs on all higher level Thane spells have been adjusted down.
- The values on Thor's Vigor have been increased to be consistent with other spe
c buffs.
- The radius of the Thunder Shout line has been increased to 300 and the damage
adjusted upwards.
- The radius of the Call Mjollnir line has been increased to 350 and the damage
adjusted upwards.
- Increased the range of the Chant of the Brawl line to 1500.
- Decreased the reuse timer on the Warcry and Battle Shout lines to 15 seconds.
- Added a new shout in the Warcry and Battle Shout lines. War Howl is a new leve
l 43 shout and Battle Roar is a new level 50 shout.
- Skald base hit points have been raised.

- Added a new shout in the Discordant Note and Lesser Cacophany lines. Discordan
t Howl is a new level 43 shout and Deafening Cacophany is a new level 50 shout.
- A bug in Savage's chances to triple or quad has been fixed. Savages should now
triple more frequently than before, and quad less frequently than before. Due t
o this, overall savage damage should decrease.
- Savage buffs have been halved in duration, and had their health cost halved.
- The Savage "Irreverent Gesture" line has been changed from a shout to a four s
econd cast time.
- Savage buffs now subtract a percent of your maximum health, not your estimated
health. Since estimated health was lower, this is an increase from what it used
to be.
- We've toned down the damage that Savages do while wielding any weapon other th
an a Hand to Hand weapon.
Sorcerer/Cabalist changes
- Added a L50 baseline lifedrain in the Body Destruction list (Essence Devourer)
- The Minor Vitality Drain line in the Sorcerer/Cabalist Body Destruction list h
as had its damage increased slightly.
Cabalist/Enchanter/Runemaster changes
- The Diminish Immunities line in the Cabalist Vivification list, the Vex of Col
d line in the Runemaster Runes of Destruction list, and the Amplify Heat line in
the Enchanter Empowering line have been reduced from 15 to 8 seconds. These thr
ee lines debuff damage types the caster herself can cast, which makes the leeway
provided by the increased "teamwork" duration the other resist debuff lines hav
e unnecessary.
Cabalist/Enchanter/Spiritmaster changes
- The focus damage shield spell lines found in the Cabalist, Spiritmaster and En
chanter spell lists have been adjusted so that using them against monsters or pl
ayers higher level than the =caster= has reduced effect. These spells have been
used in exploitive ways that make certain encounters much easier than originally
intended. Players will now have to use more conventional tactics to get past hi
gh-level encounter areas.
Warden Changes
- Increased range on Nature's Revenge chant to 1500.
Cleric Changes

- The range on Stunning Flash line was raised to 1500.

Necromancer Changes
- +CON bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet additional health when
- +QUI bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet quicker attack speed.
- +DEX bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet quicker casting speed.
- Melee resistance bonuses on items worn by the Necromancer will now be inherite
d by the pet.
- Magic items with +HPs worn by necromancers now correctly transfer the addition
al hits to their pets when summoning.
- Items with +CON/+DEX/+QUI/+Hit benefits transferred to necromancer pets will u
se the necromancer's level for the purpose of determining level-based caps.
- Increased range of Confusing Gust line to 1500. This is a bug fix.
- Added new earth summon spells in the Theurgist Abrasion list at levels 40 and
- Added new ice summon spells in the Theurgist Refrigeration list at levels 32,
40, and 48.
- Reduced the hitpoints on earth elementals, but increased the duration of their
summon from 30 to 60 seconds. Their offensive bonus and run speed increases wit
h higher spec.
- Spells cast by Theurgist ice elementals have been tuned to cast faster, do mor
e damage, and scale appropriately with level to help deal with resists.


- The realm ability Empty Mind was not functioning properly. It has been fixed,
and the effects and costs have been lowered. Empty Mind now grants 5% resistance
per level at a cost of 3, 6, and 10 for levels 1, 2, and 3, respectively. All p
layers who had previously purchased this ability have had the ability removed an
d the cost refunded.
- Spell resists from realm abilities are now displayed and applied separately to
the character, which should reduce some of the extreme cases of very high resis
tances. As a result of this change, all players who had previously purchased the
realm ability Brilliant Aura of Deflection and/or Avoidance of Magic have had t
hese abilities removed and the costs refunded.
- Volcanic Pillar?s radius has been changed from 700 to 500 to bring the ability
more in line with the original intent of the design. All players who had previo
usly purchased this realm ability have had the ability removed and the cost refu

- Note that the refunded abilities above can be re-purchased by players. They st
ill exist, with the modified abilities above.
- Added the Mystic Crystal Lore ability to the list of Realm abilities Thanes ca
n purchase.


Albion Polearm
- Disabler has been changed to medium to-hit and now chains off of Defender's Cr
- Poleaxe has been changed to chain off of Defender's Rage and now has a high to
-hit bonus as well as a higher growth rate.
- Defender's Revenge has been changed to medium fatigue and chain off of Phalanx
. Additionally, the damage has been lowered.
Albion 2handed
- Doubler has been changed to a rear positional, medium damage snare style.
- Sun and Moon has been changed to a high damage 7s stun style that chains off o
f doubler.
- Bone Breaker has been changed to a bleed that chains off of Bone Splitter.
Albion Crush
- Concussion has been changed to a parry opener.
- Bone Crusher has been changed to chain off Concussion.
- Bludgeon has been changed to an anytime style.
Hibernia Blades
- Return blade has been changed to a parry opener.
Hibernia Piercing
- Viper now chains off of Tarantula.
- Cobra now chains off of Copperhead.
- Sidewinder's growth rate has been adjusted to the proper level.
Hibernia Scythe
- Thorny Shield now chains off of Sawgrass.

Midgard Left Axe

- Berzerker Aurora Borealis now has an increased growth rate and higher damage p
Midgard Axe
- Raider is now an evade style. The style?s growth rate has been upwardly adjust
ed and all penalties/bonuses removed.
- Thrym's Strength had the short stun component removed.
Midgard Hammer
- Mjolnir's Fury now chains off of Lambast and has a medium attack bonus with no
defense penalty.
- Demolish now chains off of Frost Hammer and has a medium attack bonus with a m
edium fatigue cost.
Midgard Sword
- Ice Storm now has an evade opener and has had its growth rate adjusted upward.
- Sif's Revenge now chains off of Ice Storm
- Draw Out now has a high to-hit bonus


Hibernia Monsters
- Some of the armorsmith trainers in Hibernia were not training properly. The fo
llowing NPC's have been fixed: Dunstan, Monaghan, Gonvan, Navar, Ormor and Glodr
Quests- General
- We are excited to announce a few new types of quest rewards for players that a
re working to increase their tradeskills. These rewards can be gained through qu
ests given by your tradeskill masters in the capital cities of each realm. Playe
rs must have a minimum skill level of 500 and be a minimum of level 5. For now,
players will be able to do the level 500 quests repeatedly until they have recei
ved all of the different types of tradeskill rewards. In future versions we will
add additional quests at higher levels. These quests will require that players
achieve level 10 and have higher tradeskill levels. We hope that you will enjoy
the benefits from these rewards as you continue to advance your tradeskill ranks
Hibernia Quests

- The quest "Piaras and Lhia" has been changed from level 50 to level 49.
Midgard Quests
- Dark Places of the Soul - This quest was always intended to be a Midgard only
quest. Players that were getting the quest without meeting all of the quest requ
irements will no longer be able to do so. The quest will still be available to a
ll Midgard players that are level 49 or higher and have completed the quest, Muc
king Through the Ick.
Item Notes
- Low level monsters have received an increase in their chance to drop armor, we
apons, and jewelry. This should help players maintain their expected level of eq
uipment as they level up.
- Siege weapons and their sub-components have received new models and icons.
- Many trinket items have received new icons.
- The Accursed Demon Scythe's proc has been adjusted so as to not conflict with
the effect from the Firefox style.
- The Ghostly Cloak one-time drop reward can now be equipped by all three realms
- The pointed steeple hat patterns are now stackable.
- The crown patterns are now stackable.
- The circlet patterns are now stackable.
- The pointed wreath patterns are now stackable.
- The Cloak of Physical Buffering (Midgard), Cape of the Devout (Albion), and Cl
oak of Elemental Buffering (Midgard) can now be emblemized.
- The Wulfen Luminary Hauberk that appears to be leg armor has been renamed to t
he Wulfen Luminary Leggings.
- Jambiyas will no longer report as daggers in combat messages.
- The Small Runic Defender will now grant a stealth bonus instead of an Instrume
nt bonus.
- The common monsters in Doden's Gruva, Marfach Caverns, Hall of the Corrupt, an
d the Summoner's Hall will now drop class-specific unique objects, similar to th
e other frontier areas.
- The Staff of Split Marrow is now restricted to use only by spiritmasters, rune
masters, and bonedancers. In addition, the recharge cost has been lowered to a m
ore reasonable amount.
- The phantom proc from the Cliff Dweller Sword has been removed.
- The Hardened Wormhide Wrap, Worked Wormhide Wrap, Tanned Wormhide Wrap, Harden
ed Wormhide Cloak, Worked Wormhide Cloak, and Tanned Wormhide Cloak have been re
duced in power so that they may be successfully worn

- Grand Summoner Govannon is now guaranteed to drop a magic item when he is kill
- Belt of Etheric Mist (Albion) has received additional bonuses due to its level
- The Glimmerstrike Shield's (Hibernia) proc effect has been changed to a reacti
ve proc effect.
- The Knifeman's Dagger (Albion) is now salvageable.
- Elven Arrows (Albion) and Barbed Elven Arrows (Albion) will now have the appro
priate arrow icon.
- The Wulfen-fur Trimmed Cloak (Midgard) has had its broken charge effect remove
d. Newly dropped cloaks will have a working charged effect.
- The "Flayed Skin" cloth armor (Albion) has been given the correct Albion cloth
armor icons and skins.
- The Bardic Ring (Hibernia) should now have a ring icon in your inventory inste
ad of looking like a gem.
- The Lustrous Summoner Staff (Albion) should now have a particle effect.
- The Sublime Summoner Staff (Hibernia) should now have a particle effect.
- The Radiant Summoner Staff (Midgard) should now have a particle effect.
- The Forgotten Lore Necklace (Albion) will now have a necklace icon.
- Icestrider Frostweavers will no longer drop a lower level bracer.
- The Solitary Gem Choker (Midgard) now has a more appropriate icon.
- The Pendulum Amulet (Albion) now has a more appropriate icon.
- You can no longer wear a brown adder stone (Albion) as a necklace.
- The Robes of Lethean (Albion) have been renamed to the Vest of Lethean, to be
consistant with the appearnce of the item.
- The Mildewed Tunic (Albion) should now be dyable.
- The Death Servant's Staff (Albion) should now be usable by Necromancers.
- Icestriders found in the Midgard frontier now have unique drops.
- Many common objects are now stackable.
- Some dragon dropped items have had their magical bonuses slightly redistribute
d. The power level of these items has not changed, nor will existing items recei
ve the redistribution. The items affected are:
Hibernia: Buckler of Crystalline Mist, the Shield of Tornadic Fury, the Protecto
r of Weary Souls, Ram's Folly, the Ring of Tarka'oz, the Frigid Azure Crusher, t
he Semi-ethereal Robe, Netherworldy Scale Hauberk
Midgard: Brutish Brawler's Armguards, the Ensorcelled Draconic Shield, the Bewit

ched Draconic Shield, the Staff of Ageless Power, the Dragonscale Bracelet, the
Azure Soul Quencher, Runed Saga Etched Shield
Albion: Staff of Perfect Incantation, the Diamond Spiked Vest, the Dragonscale B
uckler, the Defender of Scorched Dreams, the Dragonflame Protector, the Ring of
Arcane Strength, the Robes of the Magus, Timeless Indigo Mail
- The Druidic Oaken Recurve Bow (Hibernia) will no longer claim it needs to be r
epaired after every shot.


We are proud to introduce a new free zone expansion to our customers who have Sh
rouded Isles. Each realm has a new zone available for use by anyone who has Shro
uded Isles installed. These zones are targeted for players who are level 35 or h
igher. The new zones can be reached by either swimming to them or by using one o
f the new flying creatures routes available from the nearest faction based creat
ure tamer.
Albion: Inishail Island
Directly west of Gwyddneau is the foggy marshlands of Inishail Island. The islan
d has a large presence of orcs who were fleeing from the constant attacks of the
ogres, but who now unfortunately have instead come into contact with hostile la
mmias who came to the island to eradicate any undead presence on Inishail. These
two factions are now battling for control of the island while avoiding the mars
hlands, where slimes and sinkholes abound and threaten to kill anyone who ventur
es into the swamp. Adventurers wishing to explore the island can swim from the s
hore or if they are liked by the lammia, they can visit Nimea in Clifton for a q
uicker way to the lammia encampment on Inishail Island.
Midgard: Modernagrav
The eastern rockwall of Faraheim has been destroyed by morvalt who are following
rumors that the Mother can be found on the island east of the rocky barrier. Th
ey were saddened to find that the only thing on the island was a huge, half-buri
ed, ancient skeleton with a large undead presence guarding the remains. Fearing
the remains were the Mother, the morvalt have set up a camp to try and contact t
he spirit. The iarn dwarves have heard of the new island as well and have sent s
ome explorers to the area to investigate. The friends of the iarn dwarves will b
e pleased to find that they can talk to Minerva in the new iarn dwarf settlement
in Faraheim for an unusual trip to her brethren in Modernagrav.
Hibernia: Allta Fearann
For generations, a legend has spread through the ranks of the mantids telling of
an untamed land. The mantids believe their legend is finally becoming reality.
They have found a great island untouched by mortals which they have named Allta
Fearann. Though a closely guarded secret by the mantids, it has been discovered
that this new land is off the coast of World's End. The mantids realize that the
y are not strong enough to complete their exploration of the land alone, and are
allowing those who have shown their friendship a quick passage to Allta Fearann
from their base in World's End to help them tame these wild lands. Dalniver is
the contact for those wishing to use this passage.
- There are new ridable routes to the new faction based mounts. These new routes
will all require you to have the proper faction to use the mounts (the same fac
tion as the destination points), to ensure players do not accidentally take a tr

ip into a hostile area. The new merchants can be found in the following areas:
Albion: Vilmalin can be found right outside Caer Diogel and will sell players a
ride to Clifton.
Midgard: Korlis can be found just outside Hagall and will sell players a ride to
the Iarn dwarf outpost in Faraheim.
Hibernia: Zrrazk can be found just outside of Necht and will sell players a ride
to the Krrzck outpost in World's End.
Quests- General
- We have added quests to the new SI zones for players level 36 and 49. The leve
l 36 quests must be completed before starting the level 49 quests. They begin wi
th the following NPC's: Hibernia - Xaxnxi, Midgard - Shiake, Albion - Veena.
- Rumors have run rampant throughout the realms of strange visions of a far away
place filled with incredible creatures and amazing treasure. Many young adventu
rers have heard these rumors and decided to find out the truth for themselves. S
ome are seeking help in order to begin their journey or to assist one who has al
ready made his way there. Will you assist them with their journey into the unkno
Albion adventurers should visit Gothwaite Harbor and talk to Squire Wellings.
Midgard explorers should visit Aegir's Landing and offer assistance to Kauko.
Hibernian players should meet with Ailionora Para in the Grove of Domnann.
Albion Monsters
- Undead seedsman, haunted appletree seedlings and haunted appletrees can no lon
ger be charmed.
- The final Apocalypse encounter in Caer Sidi has had its difficulty level tweak
ed slightly downward to match the other epic dungeon final encounters.
- Dales of Devwy - A bloodied adventurer named Syhtric has stumbled into Fort Gw
yntell with a dark tale to tell. He was the leader of a band of profiteering mer
cenaries that disappeared in the Dales days ago. His wounds are severe and he ma
y not live long, it would be wise of anyone traveling through the Dales to hear
him out and heed his warnings.
Midgard Monsters
- Monsters should now stay further away from the outside entrance of Trollheim.
Hibernia Monsters
- A new, hardier species of shriller has been spotted outside of Fomor.
- Some monsters in Fomor have been relocated to make navigating past the entranc
e of the dungeon slightly easier.
Item Notes
- We have changed the few Midgard items in the game that were slower than 5.5 se
conds to restrict them from Savage use. Savages who already own one of these wea

pons at the time of this patch will not be affected by this change. However, any
weapon that has a delay slower than 5.5 seconds has been replaced in all future
drops in the game with an identical version that will not allow savages to equi
p the new item.- The new items have had their names modified so that they can be
differentiated from the versions that are not restricted. The new versions of t
he "Mourning Rage", "Dull Asterite Great Sword", "Brittle-bone Great Axe", "Drag
on-shadow Great Axe" and "Dragon-shadow Great Hammer" are named "Mourning Fury",
"Lusterless Asterite Great Sword", "Bone-shard Great Axe", "Wurm-shadow Great A
xe" and "Wurm-shadow Great Hammer", respectively.
- Nosdoden, Myrddraxis and Xanxicar will now drop more items when slain.
- The Vinebound Bladeblocker has had its effect improved to be equivalent with o
ther effects of the same level.
- The cloak rewards from the Writhing Death quest are now dyable and will take a
n emblem.
- The Moonbound Protector now has a reactive effect instead of a volatile effect
- The Writhing Fang Greave (Midgard) will now display the correct DPS in the qui
ckview window.
- The Spear of Victory (Hibernia) will now display the correct DPS in the quickv
iew window.
- Gazsi's Battle Hammer (Midgard) will now salvage for arcanium bars.
- Fiacha Qua (Hibernia) will now drop items with a higher bonus, as appropriate
to the level of the items.
- The Avalon's Watcher (Albion) is now salvageable.
- The Ixthiar Nature's Aid Stone (Hibernia) can be recharged.
- Hurionthex's Belt of Intellect (Hibernia) can be recharged.
- The named items dropped by Olen den Bartender (Midgard) should now have an app
ropriate Bonus % and DPS for their level. These items include: the Morvalt Blade
d Ericril, the Pristine Frost Orm Jerkin and the Pristine Fire Orm Gloves.
- The Singing Beads (Hibernia) should now have a necklace icon in your inventory
- The Disonant Falchion's (Albion) instrument bonus has been replaced with a str
ength bonus.
- Unique object drops from Dalicren will now be the appropriate level.
- The Vine Wrapped Bladed Crystal (Hibernia) will now have a particle effect lik
e other weapons dropped in the area.
- The Wulfen Night Fang (Midgard) should now have a chance to proc.
- The named items dropped by Snemel den Forsumlig (Midgard) should now drop with
an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Snemel
's Sleeves, Snemel's Dancing Mug, Snemel's Mug of Cheer and Snemel's Bladed Moon
Fang. Please note that this will only affect newly dropped items.

- The named items dropped by the various "animate" weapon mobs (Midgard) should
now drop with an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items in
clude: Animated Kite Shield, Animated Great Bow, Animated Great Spiked Hammer, A
nimated Dwarven Great Sword, Animated Double-bladed Axe and Animated Spear. Plea
se note that this will only affect newly dropped items.
- The named items dropped by Alchemist Phorzbreg (Midgard) should now drop with
an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Phorzbr
eg's Cap, Phorzbreg's Hooded Mantle, Phorzbreg's Gift Ring, Phorzbreg's Constitu
tion Ring and Phorzbreg's Mending Staff. Please note that this will only affect
newly dropped items.
- The named items dropped by Overste Callejo (Midgard) should now drop with an a
ppropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Callejo's P
ants, Callejo's Gloves, Callejo's Moon Claw, Callejo's Bladed Moon Claw and Call
ejo's Bladed Fang Greave. Please note that this will only affect newly dropped i
- The rewards from Crace's Desire will now be given with a higher bonus as appro
priate to the level of the items.
- The Griffon Slicer Axe will now grant axe skill instead of slash skill.
- The Griffon Seeker's Knife will now grant a dexterity bonus instead of throwin
g skill bonus.
- Arr will now drop bows of the correct realm.
- The Ogre's Magical Belt (Albion) now has a more appropriate icon.
- The Dragon Crystals (Blue, Red, Black, Green, and Purple) have been given colo
r appropriate icons.
- The Darkened Vine Dirk will now repair for the proper amount.
- Xcrzrk will now drop his remains.
- The Death's Protector Shield will now grant Enhancement instead of Enchantment
- Marfoirwort's Rapier will now grant piercing instead of thrusting skill.
- Future drops of the ageless time frozen cloth should salvage properly. Unfortu
nately, this will not apply to any instances of this item already existing at th
e time of the patch.
- The Corrupt Primal of Fire should now drop the appropriate amount of items per
- Twirl will no longer drop unique large weapons with blade skill.
- Grym's Great Robes are now salvageable.

- The Balor's Head wall trophy (Foundations - Hibernia) has been increased to a
more appropriately impressive size.

- The Nosdoden's Head wall trophy (Foundations - Midgard) has been increased to
a more impressive size.
- The Dye, Tincture and Enchantment Supplies vendor should now have the stable e
roding catalyst and the reactive eroding catalyst.
- You can no longer use a porch demolition deed if you have a consignment mercha
- You can now purchase and place a Dye Supply Master in your house to obtain all
of your dyes.
- The method of teleportation for the housing teleporters has been changed. All
the housing teleporters, those that can be purchased and those that are in the m
arketplace on Mordred and Gaheris, have been converted to the scroll method of t
eleportation. Players will be able to purchase a scroll from the merchant and ha
nd it in to be teleported to the desired location.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Evil Keep Lord at Dun Crauchon to spawn mo
re often than normal.
- Occasionally Priestess Linna's personal guards at Nottmoor Faste were not spaw
ning. This has been fixed.
It just wouldn't be a patch without some updates, tweaks, and other details! The
se notes are going live:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.65a Release Notes
October 9, 2003


- Note that, when upgrading a house, players will receive back the deed from the
house type being replaced. Downgrades and "side-grades" (Gaheris and Mordred-on
ly) will not return a deed. This went live with 1.65, but was not noted.
- The issue in dungeons where monsters would spawn in incorrect locations in som
e dungeons has been fixed.
- All animations in dungeons should now be working.
- The crash issue introduced in 1.65 when zoning into dungeons on Windows 98 and
Windows ME machines has been fixed.

- All gatekeepers in the lord tower in Thidranki now port to the correct locatio
- Materials merchants in Dun Crauchon have been moved outside of the lord tower.
- All doors in Caer Sursbrooke are now attackable by the enemy when the keep is
owned by Hibernia.
- Albion players controlling Dun NGed can now use both inner tower doors properl
y. (Fixed last night via read file)
- All earth theurgist pets will last the correct amount of time. (Fixed last nig
ht via read file)
- Existing Gazsi's Battle Hammers (Midgard) have returned to their previous DPS
rating. As a result, the hammer will also now salvage for asterite. (Fixed last
night via read file)
- The new shrillers outside of Fomor are no longer aggressivehttp://web.archive.
Few quick things, in response to feedback. Thanks! Read on:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.65b Release Notes
October 10, 2003


- Targeting enemies has been made easier.
- We have changed the default realm kill text colors for Albion and Midgard kill
- On Mordred, realm kill text colors have been reverted to previous colors.http:
Whoa. That was faster than I had dared to hope. Here are the notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.66 Release Notes
October 28, 2003


Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot version 1.66. With this live version, we are happ
y to introduce Camelot's second retail expansion, Trials of Atlantis. As of this
morning, Trials of Atlantis has shipped, and will be available in stores as soo
n as retailers receive their shipment.
Trials of Atlantis is about exploration and discovery, and as such, we have inte
ntionally left some parts of the expansion undocumented. It is up to you, the pl
ayers of the game to discover the secrets of this long-lost civilization for you
rselves. However, you will find documentation on some of the expansion's feature
s such as a Master Ability overview, basic mapping information, etc. on the Came
lot Herald at
Welcome to Atlantis!
- Players from all three realms can now purchase new portal medallions at their
primary portal location (Druim Ligen, Castle Sauvage, or Svasud Faste). Players
who have the Shrouded Isles expansion can port there with the Medallion of Isles
Passage. Players who have the Trials of Atlantis expansion can port there with
the Medallion of Heroes Passage.
- In an effort to increase framerates during large scale raids like relic keep r
aids, we have converted many of the guards in the frontier to a new model which
should increase framerate performance, at the cost of a little less variety in t
he guards looks.
- The runemaster Raven Bolt line will no longer incorrectly delve as having a 20
second recast timer.
- Increased the range on Ameliorating Melodies to 2000.
- Increased the range of all cure disease and cure poison spells to 2000.
- All lava in the game is now extremely damaging. Resistances will not mitigate
damage from lava. Travelers should be very careful around lava flows.
- The Midgard Mile Fort doors in Hadrian's Wall will remain unlocked.
- Delving items in the trade window will now correctly show left hand usable and
two handed flags on weapons.
- Shields now display level on the mini-info window.
- Note that version 1.66 contains a large download, for players with the Shroude
d Isles and Classic clients, so that those customers will be able to see armors
and equipment from the Trials of Atlantis Expansion.
- Fixed an issue where monsters would sometimes not spawn correctly. This fixes
the problem where mudmen would not spawn outside of Ardee, as well as other simi
lar problems.

We have added a new feature to help large player groups coordinate and share cre
dit for certain encounters. Battlegroups (similar in function to chatgroups) all
ow players to band together in large numbers (up to 200). Basically battlegroups
behave just like chatgroups, with the added ability for the developers to set c
ertain encounters to give credit to all the members of a battlegroup (instead of
a single player or the group that gets the kill). Right now this is used throug
hout ToA for the Trial Encounters, so more than one group of players can get cre
dit for participating in the encounter, whether or not they or their immediate g
roup got the killing blow. Experience will still be given out based on your imme
diate group. We will be adding additional tools in a version in the near future
that will allow battlegroups to allocate loot amongst the members of the group.
We've also added the ability for battle groups to have a ?Treasurer?. This syste
m works similar to Group autosplit ? If the treasurer is within 4096 units (in g
ame terms, which is approximately 340 feet in real world terms) of loot which is
picked up by a battle group member the loot will go to the treasurer as long as
he has room for it and the item is at least the level set with the bg lootlevel
command. (see below). This should facilitate distribution of loot in large raid
- bg = shorthand for battlegroup in all commands.
- bc = shorthand for battlegroup chat in all commands.
- Battle group sends and battle group leader sends each have their own chat chan
nels now which are customizable on the client.
/battlegroup invite [playername] : Invites the specified player to the battle gr
/battlegroup who : Lists all members of the battle group
/battlegroup groups : will display a group focused version of the /battlegroup w
ho command. It will identify who is grouped within the battlegroup, who is group
ed with people outside the group, and who is solo.
/bg loot treasurer/normal command will toggle the Treasurer feature on or off.
/bg treasurer [battle group member name] to declare a treasurer.
/bg lootlevel [level] to set a threshold for the level an item must be to enter
into this sytem.
/battlegroup remove [playername] : Removes the specified player from the battle
/battlegroup leave : Remove oneself from the battle group
/battlegroup listen : Puts the battle group on listen mode; only the leader and
leaders can speak
/battlegroup leader : Declare another member of the battle group as leader; This
player can invite other players into the battle group and speak when the battle
group is on listen mode.
/battlegroup public : The battle group is public and anyone can join by typing /
bg join

/battlegroup private : The battle group is invite or password-only

/battlegroup join [leader name] : Join a public battlegroup group by name of the
/battlegroup join [leader name] [password] : Join a private battle group which h
as a password set
/battlegroup password : Display the current password for the battle group (leade
r only)
/battlegroup password clear : Clears the current password (leader only)
/battlegroup password [new password] : Sets a new password


Midgard Monsters
- The Seer of Ancient Dawning's normal location has been shifted slightly out of
the lava.
Hibernia Quests
- Magic's scar - Eugor can now be found much more easily.
Item Notes
- Nightfire (Albion) has had its DPS increased to be in line with the other obje
cts dropped in that area.
- The Belt of Protection (Hibernia) will now confer 6% Heat resist in place of t
he 2nd Body resist.
- Increased the value of the smooth golem stone to be more appropriate based on
the situations in which it drops.
- The Ghostly Cloak (Albion) will now grant Instruments instead of Battlesongs s
- The Welkin Helm (Hibernia) will now have the correct reinforced helm icon.
- The Banded Coral Boots (Albion) has had its extra body resist changed to matte


Albion Monsters
- Sarcodina should now have a chance to drop magical loot.

Hibernia Monsters
- The cnoigcrag mincers should now drop cnoigcrag mincer carapaces instead of cu
tter carapaces.
- Curengkur in Alta Fearran will now correctly call for help.
Albion Quests
- Under Attack - On step 2, players need to kill the Drakoran lieutenants and co
mmanders. We received reports that these officers were despawning during combat.
Players fighting the officers located in the camp need to know that at 3AM all
of them will despawn unless all of the officers are engaged in combat. If player
s have aggro on all of the officers at once, they will continue to stay up until
they are killed. Folks that pull them out of camp one at a time will find that
they'll all despawn at 3AM, so please take this into consideration when planning
your strategies.
Item Notes
- Warriors should now be able to equip the Dire Medallion when wearing the full
suit of warrior-only armor from Tuscaren Glacier.
- Recurve Bows dropped by Razorbeak will now come with bonuses attached.
- Wradech's Skin Belt(Albion) will now delve at the correct level.

- Players with the Trials of Atlantis expansion can now use the Heroes portal sc
roll to port to Atlantis. As a result, the following housing teleporters have be
en renamed:
Svasud and Aegirhamn Teleporter is now Svasud, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter
Castle Sauvage and Gothwaite Teleporter is now Sauvage, Isles, and Heroes Telepo
Druim Ligen and Domnann Teleporter is now Ligen, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter

- All PvP and PvE teleporters have been switched to the scroll method of telepor
tation. This means that a player will need to purchase the correct scroll for th
e location they wish to go to then hand it to the teleporter.
- The teleporters on Gaheris and Mordred will allow players who purchase the Tri
als of Atlantis expansion to teleport to Atlantis.

- Keeps under attack on PVP servers will no longer teleport players to a 'safe p

Tomorrow at 10:00 AM EST, we will be taking this small patch live. Expected serv
er downtime is two hours.
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.66m Release Notes
October 28, 2003


- You can no longer target things underwater when above water and vice versa. Th
is means you cannot fire arrows or spells.


Item Notes
- The Crimson Heart-stoppers (Hibernia) should no longer look like daggers in a
player's inventory.


Caer Sidi
- Lich Lord Ilron's images will no longer attack the Lich Lord himself.
- When the Lich Lord lowers his image spell, he will broadcast to everyone in th
e immediate area.
- The period between combat ending and the lowering of the image spell has been
increased slightly.
Item Notes
- The Onyx-tipped Cat o' Nine Tails (Albion) can now be salvaged.
- The Gurgling Rapier (Albion) has been changed to the Gurgling Stiletto to corr
ectly reflect the weapon model used.

- Slogclochs (Hibernia) should no longer drop unique item blades weapons with +p
ierce item bonuses.
- Pester's Barbed Tail (Albion) now increases soulrending skill instead of painw


Item Notes
- The value of some common loot items for centaurs, cyclops, taurs, siam-hes, an
d volurgons were increased to the appropriate amounts for the level of the mobs.

- So that all the water-breating potion components are in one place for those wh
o own houses, ceramic flasks and flasks of water are now available on both the P
oison and Potion Supplies merchant and the Potion, Tincture, & Enchantment Vendo
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, this patch is only seventeen hours and
fifteen minutes aaaaaaah-waaaaaaaaaay!
Um. Yeah. Servers down at 10:00 AM EST, and this goodness applied. Server downti
me estimated at two hours.
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.66o Release Notes
October 29, 2003


- Fixed a bug with the Valewalker spell Banestrike, having no casting animation.
- We have added a /use2 slash command for using secondary abilities, to be consi
stent with the /use and /interact commands.
- Setting the outgoing chat channel to battlegroup should work properly in all c
lients. You should not be able to set your outgoing channel to BGLeader.


Item Notes
- Summoner Cunovinda should no longer drop Albion gloves for Midgard players.


Item Notes
- The Azure Arcanium Crush (Albion) should now have particle effect that fits be
Here's what's going live tomorrow at 10:02:
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.66q Release Notes
October 30, 2003


Albion Monsters
Dales of Devwy
- The blood liches and ancient zombies associated with the Valnir encounter will
no longer attack when other kinds of undead nearby are attacked.


Oceanus Quests
- We have resolved numerous problems with Krojer and his troop. Please note that
Krojer's champions will now de-spawn briefly should any of the player combatant
s be disqualified. (This was run as a read file, and this fix is currently live.
- Asoeron had his quest level improperly set. If you have done or are doing the
Wicoessas Proposition quest, try checking back with Asoeron. He should take your ru
ins now.
- The Seed Pouch Players stuck on steps 5 and 6 should try /searching for the seed

lings again. A change was made earlier that should fix this issue.
Item Notes
- The Fiery Defender (Hibernia) no longer increases strength cap twice.
- The greater nereid potion and the potion of aquatic respiration can no longer
be sold to NPC merchants.
The patcher is open! Go ahead and download the following:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.66d Release Notes
November 4, 2003


- The mystical boards summoned by the Convoker Summon Wood ability are now trada
ble. They have also had their weight increased in accordance with the intent of
the ability.
- Fixed a bug where the Battlemaster 1 ability Sapping Strike was using old valu
es. The correct values have a higher endurance cost for the user and inflict a l
ower endurance penalty on enemy targets within range
- Fixed a bug that allowed boats to be dropped in lava.
- We have added additional feedback to many of the area actions. (Dig, search, e
tc.) This timer dialogue should tell players how long they have remaining before
they complete these actions (or if they cancel them).


Oceanus Encounters
- Runihura can no longer be pulled outside of his temple.
- The stone encased necklace and the bloodied barbed staff can no longer be pick
ed up by necromancers.
- The jagger sharks are now a little tougher. They are also a little faster when

Egg of Youth
- Resolved an issue where one of the braziers surrounding Sililias Lair would be se
t to realm friendly, thus making it resistant to all damage.
- Sililia level has been adjusted slightly in order to bring it better in line w
ith the expectation of a 2-3 group encounter. The huge braziers have also been l
owered in hits and they will no longer issue a test message when destroyed.
- Clicking on a treasure chest in the Aten's shield encounter area will now brea
k stealth.
- Slight modifications were made to the removal of the belt and gem associated w
ith this trial. When Kirkleis dies, anyone within the structure surrounding the
statue will lose both objects. Anyone who is in the surrounding area (outside of
the structure) and has not completed this encounter or Master Level 1 will keep
these two items. This should alleviate the issue where groups that are waiting
their turn to complete the encounter would lose their belts and gems.
- Fadrins barrier will no longer spawn without Fadrin first being present.
Oceanus Quests
- Berserkers who received the wrong item from the Wicoessas Proposition quest will
now be able to turn their vest into Wicoessa for the correct item.
- Players on Step 1 of the Seed Pouch quest should return to Astoissi near the H
aven of Oceanus if they did not receive their pouch of seeds.
Stygia Encounters
- The burning lengui will now aggro on players sooner, should they come under at
Stygia Quests
- Aponsul has been moved closer to Abteb for The Other Side quest. He can still
be found along the black river in the necropolis.
- On the Lost in the Sands of Time quest, players can now return to Tey if they
lose to Sekhmun and return to find him no longer spawned.
- Players should have an easier time finding Oseye for the Mau of Bastet quest.
- Players that are on step 6 of the Marauding Bandits quests and are stuck becau
se they do not have the Golden Statuette may speak with one of the following NPC
s to receive another one. Players will ONLY be able to receive ONE statuette.
Albion - Soldier Hayden in the Haven of Stygia (next to Scout Relion)
Midgard - Soldat Irina in the Haven of Stygia (next to Hunter Relion)

Hibernia - Saighdear Loghan in the Haven of Stygia (next to Ranger Relion)

Volcanus Quests
- Players can now return to Telgar on the Telgar's Redemption quest if they lose
Bronyar before they giving him the note.
- Players who were getting stuck on the Magical Ingredients quest step 11 will n
ow be able to proceed with their quest as normal after killing the barracuda.
Aerus Quests
- Players stuck after dying to Xelret on the Seven Coin quests should follow the
ir updated quest journal. They can now return to the havens to get another chanc
e at Xelret.
- Players can now kill the vigilant statues again on the Stone King quests to re
spawn the King if they had died and someone else killed that spawn.
Aerus Encounters
- Eramai will now give players a better clue on how to continue the encounter.
Sobekite Eternal Encounters
- There can now be a max of three reavers up at any given time (at least one on
each side).
- Increased the spawn time of the Shadow Reaver.
- Amenemhat should now reset himself upon a player's death and if a player choos
es to accept the challenge and then leave the area.
- The Antron and Speos chieftains will be more common.
- The Antron Treasure Hunter, Diplomat and Arch Mage will be more common now. Th
e Speos Treasure Hunter, Diplomat and Arch mage will be more common now. These m
onsters drop one item needed to initiate Onuris's challenge every time they die.
- The items needed to initiate Onuris's challenge will now drop at a higher rate
from all the common tritons in the dungeon.
- Rrionne will spawn more frequently now.
Item Notes
- Existing and new Sand Scorched Caps and Sun Scorched Helms will have the corre
ct monster type requirements.
- The Ring of the Seventh Solstice (Midgard) now increases mending instead of re
- Bard instruments created from the unique object generator should no longer hav
e a bonus to style damage, melee damage, or melee haste.


- Vault Keepers have been added to all Havens.
Stygia Quests
- Players that are on step 6 of the Marauding Bandits quests and are stuck becau
se they do not have the Golden Statuette may speak with one of the following NPC
s to receive another one. Players will ONLY be able to receive ONE statuette.
Soldat Dwana in the Haven of Stygia (next to Ranger Relion)http://web.archive.or
Read on...
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66e Release Notes
November 6, 2003


- We have added the /bu command as an alternative to /bc to chat in battlegroups
. Note that /bc still works, but /bu is a keyboard friendly alternative.
- Boats have been adjusted further to better predict which boat is in front to a
void locking collision conditions.
- Monsters should follow their leaders up and down better underwater with less s
- Animist summon turret spells will fail if the ground target is adjusted out of
animist line of sight during the cast.
- Item summoning abilities and spells will properly update player encumberance a
fter summon.
- Item summoning abilities and spells (such as Summon Wood) no longer fail if th
e item summoned will over-encumber the user.
- Storm spells wont affect a target with an engage radius if the caster is currentl
y outside that radius.
- Summoned creatures (Such as Theurgist pets and Animist Turrets) won't cause lo
ss of quest kill credit when their summoner leaves the region as they continue t
o attack a monster.

- We have reduced the length of necro pet tether if pet has encounter-related no
-purge effects.
- Fixed a bug where some Master Level Abilities could be quick-cast. All Master
Level Abilities should now be properly flagged as no quick-cast.
- Fixed a bug that caused the length of time that a player was not worth realm p
oints after death to be longer then intended. This bug was introduced in version


Item Notes
- The Vine Choker (Hibernia) can now be equipped by players who have a full suit
of their respective classes' armor from Galladoria.


Trials - General
- We have greatly increased the number of monsters that give Master Level experi
ence in both the original and Shrouded Isles areas. Try exploring areas that you
normally may not visit to find these monsters.
- Nikkas in the Haven of Stygia will now sell catalysts as part of his wares ins
tead of having two lists of liquids and blood.
- Throwing weapon have been added to the merchants in the Havens. Here is a list
of merchants that now sell throwing weapons. Remember to page through the diffe
rent store lists. This list applies to both regular servers and PVP/PVE servers.
Ylwa Eddadottir - the Haven of Oceanus
Terjo - the Haven of Stygia
Ingred - the Haven of Volcanus
Ruupo - the Haven of Aerus.
Nannulf in the Ruinerar Atlantis on the regular servers and Lannulf in the Ruins
of Atlantis on Gaharis/Mordred also sell throwing weapons.
Oceanus Encounters
- Fadrin will now properly reward exp and loot upon death.
Oceanus Quests

- Players stuck on the Origins of the Harpies quest will now be able to speak to
one of the following NPCs to receive the items they need. These NPCs will delet
e any of the capitalized harpy pieces players already have in their inventories
and replace them with new ones. All NPCs can be found in their respective Oceanu
s Haven zones. After speaking with the NPCs, players should get stepped to step
5 for the turn in.
Albion players should speak with Mercenary Deryne.
Midgard players should speak with Warrior Vanja.
Hibernia players should speak with Hero Royan.
Mordred and Gaheris players should speak with Soldier Rydderch.
Stygia Encounters
- The Sphinx Deshrentan should no longer be too far away to interact with player
Stygia Quests
- Grouped players on the Lost in the Sands of Time quest should all be stepped w
hen Sekhmun is summoned
- Marauding Bandits (Albion): Players stuck on Step 9 should return to Scout Rel
ion and say the key word [safe passage] to continue their quest.
Volcanus Quests
- Players who were previously stuck on the Magical Ingredients quest and were mi
ssing either their seaweed or their Lavender Root will now be able to speak with
the following NPCs and retrieve the items they need to continue on with the que
st. All NPCs are located in their appropriate zones in the Volcanus Haven. After
speaking with the NPCs, players should get stepped back to step 12 for the turn
Albion players will need to speak Mercenary Aniqa.
Midgard players will need to speak with Warrior Meino.
Hibernia players will need to speak with Frearwen.
Gaharis/Mordred players should speak with Saighdear Tiriona.
Volcanus Quests
- On the Sacrificial Rites Quest, grouped players should now be stepped at the s
ame time when the Jagged Claw is used.
Aerus Quests
- The Ring of the Seventh Solstice has had it bonuses changed to make it more re
alm approriate. The Midgard version now increases mending instead of rejuvenatio
n. This is a retroactive change and Midgard players will not need to do anything

to obtain the correct ring. Druids or Bards with a mending Ring of the Seventh
Solstice can turn them in to Jowan to receive the correct regrowth ring. Clerics
can give their mending Ring of the Seventh Solstice to Edgan for the correct re
juvenation ring.
Aerus Quests
- On the Seven Coins quests, grouped players should all step when Xelret is summ
Aerus Encounters
- Karise can now be damaged outside of her encounter area again.
Sobekite Eternal
- A "sobekite observer" can now be found behind each locked door that will telep
ort folks one by one to a safe location in the temple if they speak to him.
Item Notes
- The Blood Splattered Keys will now open the Blood Splattered Chests found near
- The Cobra Striking Great Hammer is now correctly set to use Hammer skill and c
rushing damage.
- The Albion studded versions of the Barnacle Encrusted Boots and the Sand Scorc
hed Helm can now be dyed using enamel dyes.
- The Large Weapon skill bonus on the Albion Sand-edged Great Sword has been rep
laced with the Two-handed Weapon skill bonus.
- Hunter jewelry created by the unique object generator should no longer get pow
er regeneration charges.
- Bassem should no longer drop staves set to 22.2 dps.
- The power regen proc on Borjad's Spear (Midgard) now has a proc more suited to
the hunter class.
- Golden Scarab Vest (Hibernia) Enchanters, Eldritches, Mentalists, Animists, Va
lewalkers, Druids, Wardens, Heroes, and Champions that turned their Golden Scara
b Vest to either Miodac or Deavin and are now stuck can return to either one of
these NPCs to have their locked artifact returned to them and the Scarab Wing Ve
st quest removed from their pending list. These classes cannot use the Golden Sc
arab Vest.
Notes that just went live:

Dark Age of Camelot

Live Version 1.66g Release Notes
November 12, 2003
- Some abilities in the Sojourner line were incorrectly set with a power cost. T
hese power costs have been removed.
- (TOA Only) We have addressed several issues with the client memory usage incre
asing over time, and we will continue to monitor this closely.
- (TOA Only) Left clicking and Shift-LeftClicking on the text of the Pet Command
s (Follow, Aggressive, etc) will work properly now, in addition to being able to
click on just the radio button portion of the command.
- (TOA Only) Fixed a display-only issue where you would log out a character with
bounty points and switch to another character with no bounty points, and the ch
aracter sheet would show you has having the bounty of points of the previous cha
- (TOA Only) We have addressed an issue with blue/white fogged screen occurring
with a small number of our users in certain TOA/SI zones. This should allow you
to play without using the 'Water Compatibility Mode' introduced last week. If af
ter this patch you are still experiencing this specific bug, please email toabug with your debug.log, and dxdiag.txt.
- Fixed a bug where the zone names were not displaying correctly in the LFG wind
ow if you were in an Atlantis Hibernia or Atlantis Midgard zone.
- Summoned wood will now work for upgrading keep doors.
- The quest journal will now display all of your pending quests (previously it w
ould only display your first 10 quests).
- Fixed a bug where monsters would lose their pathing in certain situations.
- Necromancers in shade form can now use siege weapons, but only if their pet is
right next to them.
- Necromancers in shade form can now repair doors, but only if their pet is righ
t next to them.
- The total amount of haste a player can receive from items has been increased.
- Prescience Node now has the proper 5 minute recast timer.
- Sapping Strike and Power Leak will now have fixed endurance costs.
- Hunters can now summon appropriate underwater pets.


Albion Quests
- Half Ogres may now obtain and complete the Inconnu Poison quest in Shrouded Is


- Trial encounters that require battlegroups will be noted as such in the master
level window.
Quests - General
- The Melos Alliance quest now correctly states in the journal that you need to
kill a shallow water barracuda.
Oceanus Quests
- The following objects have been set to tradable; harpy feather, harpy talon, a
nd animal bones. Players are now able to barter with other players for these ite
ms to complete the side quest that accompanies the Origins of the Harpies quest.
- The Skyros Order, The Naxos Society, The Melos Alliance (all levels) - There w
as a bug that allowed players to get the repeatable quests for the Skyros Order,
the Naxos Society, and the Melos Alliance after their faction had become neutra
l. This bug has now been fixed.
- For the Love of a Nereid Quest - Players who are stuck on step 11 and need to
kill Naida should speak to Sollon at the meeting place indicated in their journa
l. It is important that players speak to Sollon at the meeting place, not in Mel
os Territory.
Stygia Quests
- The Mau of Bastet and the Mau of Sekhmet - Inarus should now respond to the ke
ywords [prove yourself].
- The Mau of Bastet - The bug preventing Oseye has been found and fixed. (We pro
mise!) Players should now be able to find him in the Land of Atum.
Encounters - General
- Spawn times for many of the master level encounters have been drastically redu
- The Antron and Speos Treasure Hunters, Diplomats and Arch Mages will now spawn
more often.
- Many encounter monsters will now reward players with Master Level Experience w
hen they are killed.

Oceanus Encounters
- Hermes may now occasionally snare his targets.
Stygia Encounters
- Players who did not receive their reward from Abasi after completing the Aidin
g the Mau quest should return to Abasi. He has recognized his error and will be
happily rewarding players for their hard work.
- Nahkt has been set to killable, but players who kill him will receive no exper
ience. This is to discourage players from killing him so those on his quest migh
t be able to complete it.
- Oukesson the Ghillan will now only drop treasure once his final form has been
- Masters of the Desert: This encounter has been moved slightly west from its or
iginal location. This was done to ensure the nomads in Stygia do set up camp on
top of the encounter area.

Volcanus Encounters
- Taurs with healing abilities can now be interrupted.
- Lateef will now spawn much more frequently.
Temple of Twilight Dungeon
- Antioos the Deceitful: Anyone that is missing an item for the "Tasks for Antio
os" quest can go back and acquire the item by killing the associated mob. Also,
players should no longer get stepped ahead in the quest unless they acquire the
correct item.
- Moirai the Shielded: Moirai's Minions should no longer get stuck within her sh
ield when they are wounded.
Sobekite Eternal
- Runihura - Runihura's spike traps now do much less direct damage than they did
before. Runihura will now emote hints as to how to approach the encounter more
frequently than he did before.
- The Antron and Speos Chieftains will now spawn much more frequently.
- Rrionne will now spawn much more frequently. Rrionne will no longer respawn he
r Reflection under any conditions after it is destroyed.
- Runihura will now spawn much more frequently.
Item Notes
- Frozen Cold Glands will now properly stack.

- Salamander Hatchling can no longer be charmed.

- Gorgons in Temple of Twilight will now drop the Ancient Atlantean Sword at a l
ower rate.
- The drop rate for the Fool's Bow and Traldor's Oracle artifacts has been incre
ased to enable them to drop every time from their associated encounters.http://w
In 1.66H you'll find changes to Prescience Node, a way to respec your master lev
el ability track, better explanation of some Trial steps by quest NPCs, the abil
ity for dead battlegroup members to get Trial encounter credit, and many other f
ixes and tweaks for Trials of Atlantis. We will keep working on finding bugs and
issues and are commited to fixing them as fast as possible.
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66h Release Notes
November 13, 2003
- Summoned wood will work for upgrading keep doors.
- Necromancers in shade form can now use siege weapons, but only if their pet is
right next to them.
- Necromancers in shade form can now repair doors, but only if their pet is righ
t next to them.
- Dead members of battlegroups will now receive quest and kill credit as long so
meone in the battlegroup gets credit, if the monster is set up to give battlegro
up credit. This will primarily effect Atlantis encounters at this time.
- Items that add to the stat cap for acuity now actually do so.
- Items that add to the stat cap for any casting stat (acuity or specific) now a
dd to the owner's power pool if their casting stat is raised as a result of rais
ing the stat cap.
- When a monster is considered, a message is now displayed telling you if master
level experience can be gained by killing that monster.
- Spellcrafters and Alchemists have been granted 1 point in Siegecrafting. Note
that this is not "full" siegecraft - spellcrafters and alchemists will not be ab
le to raise their siegecraft skill as high as other crafts. This change in our a
pproach to siegecraft and Spellcrafters and Alchemists allows them to utilize th
e new Master Abilities, while still allowing us to add additional siege related
abilities to these crafts in the future.
Prescience Node was designed to add additional risk to stealthed enemies in the

node's area of effect, without making the stealther immediately open to attacks.
The following changes have been made to Prescience Node in order to more accura
tely reflect the original intent of the ability.
- Enemies revealed by Prescience Node should no longer be attackable through ran
ged attacks nor should it be possible to send a pet to attack them. Area effect
spells should still work as they would on any stealthed target.
- Prescience Node has been updated with a more appropriate object that is easier
to see and target.
- Prescience Node radius has been adjusted down to 1000.


- Players can now switch their Master Level track by using an item that every "f
inal" Trial encounter boss monster has a chance of dropping.


Quests- General
- We have changed the following encounter monsters to give quest credit to an en
tire battlegroup: Legion, Green Maw, and the Ellyl seer.


Quests- General
- We have changed the following encounter monster to give quest credit to an ent
ire battlegroup: Abomos the Soultrapper, Scurceol Hyrde, Marfoirwort, Cronwort,
Fuilwort, and Tachtwort.
Item Notes
- The number of magical item drops from Mortufoghus (Midgard) and Spirit of Lord
Emthoro (Albion) has been increased to a more appropriate amount.


Story Scrolls
- Clues have been added to the following uncombined scrolls to indicate which ar
tifact a particular scroll is related to: Eirene's Journal, Alvarus' Letters, Be
llona's Diary, Kalare's Memoirs, Advisor's Log, Tyrus' Epic Poem, Dysis' Tablet,
Adnes' Letters, Mariasha's Wall, the Fish Scales, Wooden Triptych, Spear's Hist
ory, King's Vase, Marricus' Journal, Julea's Story, Loukas' Journal, Vara's Medi
cal Log, King Kiron's Notes, Tarin's Animal Skin, Carved Tablet, A Love Story, D
amyon's Journal, and the Champion's Notes.

Oceanus Quests
Origins of the Harpies
- All pieces received from the harpies for the sidequest are now stackable.
- Keywords and interaction lines have been added so that players who go linkdead
or logout are able to recover the NPC dialogue.
- Riranwyn will now tell players about Alaeth for the sidequest.
Priceless Antiques
- Nydimeth will now reference all scholars, lorekeepers and sages as researchers
- Luscire Raysano will now hit slower, but for more damage.
- [Safe] has been removed as a keyword in Branigans text.
- The quest journal for step 8 will now tell players to hand the chest into Nydi
meth first.
Broken Communications
- The search area for the scattered shipwreck bits has been changed. Players wil
l no longer be able to /search on the top of the water for the pieces.
- There have been interaction lines and keywords added to various parts of the q
uest journal and the NPCs so players who go linkdead or logout are able to recov
er the NPC dialogue.
Stygia Quests
Marauding Bandits
- Relion will now give better directions to the sobekite marauder camp.
- The sobekite marauder will now cast on players before running.
- Various interaction lines and keywords have been added to the NPCs and the que
st journal so players who go linkdead or logout are able to recover the NPC dial
Volcanus Quests
Magical Ingredients

- Alchemist Yilanna now properly references the fiery orb instead of the fiery essen
- All turn in quest related items have been capitalized for easier identificatio
- Alchemist Yilanna should now give better directions to the beach where players
need to /search for the dried seaweed.

- Various interaction lines and keywords have been added to the NPC and the ques
t journal so players who go linkdead or logout are able to recover the NPC dialo
Oceanus Encounters
- Staff of the God: Jagger shark AI has been improved to counter a potential exp
- The Monument: Fixed a problem where incorrect messages were being displayed th
at a player had moved off one of the five pads.
- Belt of the Sun: This encounter will now give proper credit upon completion.
- Belt of the Moon: This encounter will now give proper credit upon completion.
Stygia Encounters
- Snake Charmer's Weapon: The reward text has been changed to match the object g
iven upon completion.
- Snake Charmer's Weapon: The snake charmer will no longer be attackable prior t
o his walk.
Volcanus Encounters
- Azar has been adjusted slightly to better meet the target difficulty of her en
Sobekite Eternal
- The mechanism that Runihura uses to count the number of players in different l
ocations in the room to fire off the spike traps has been revamped. It would oft
en over-count the number of players in a given location inside of the temple thu
s Runihura would fire the spike traps where he shouldn't normally. The counts wi
ll now be accurate. Be warned that he will still fire the traps off where there
are clusters of players inside of the temple.
Temple of Twilight
- Credit for the "Glowing Barracuda" quest should now correctly be given upon th
e death of the barracuda. Players who have not received credit can kill the barr
acuda again to be given credit correctly.
- The Darid Gremna Eel stomach should now drop more frequently.
Item Notes
- The effective ranges of the Artifact ability "Stealth Lore" have been slightly
- The clouded jewel that drops from the minor dust janni should now sell to NPC

merchants for the appropriate price.

- The following shields will no longer allow emblems due to their unique model:
Sinovia's Protector, Sinovia's Block, Sinovia's Shield, Antioos' Protector, Anti
oos' Block, Antioos' Shield, Qebehsenuef's Shield of Dread, Shield of Silent Obl
ivion, Imsety's Shield of Dread, Hapy's Shield of Dread, Magma Infused Buckler,
Magma Infused Heater Shield, Magma Infused Defender, Enchanted Runed Defender, G
olden Runed Defender, Mystic Runed Defender
- The Embedded Scale Vest (Hibernia) now increases dexterity and dexterity stat
cap instead of piety and piety stat cap.
- The Clerical Mace of Sand (Albion) now increases enhancements instead of encha
- Valewalkers should no longer receive haste procs on unique items.
- The Sand-edged Moon Claw (Midgard) now increases score cap dexterity in place
of a duplicate score cap strength bonus.
- Laodameia's Bow (Albion) should now increase longbow skill.
- Newly dropped Gale, Chasm, Depths, and Blaze weapons (such as the Hammer of th
e Gale, Hammer of the Chasm, etc.) have been changed to a more level appropriate
sell value.
- Cynere`s Rough Skin now correctly equips as a helm.
- The weapon procs on the Fiery Defender Shields for Albion and Hibernia have be
en changed to reactive procs.
- The +Staff skill on the Dreadfin Dire Hammer has been changed to +Hammer.
- The second Spirit resist on the Eye of Bast has been changed to Energy resist.
- Ancient Forged Vest for Berserkers will use the proper Atlantis graphics.
- Midgard's version of the studded Cinder Tainted Sleeves has been changed to us
e +Melee Skill All.
These went live earlier this morning (everything else on Pendragon would require
us to take the servers down - I'll let you know about that as soon as I hear it
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66i Release Notes
November 18, 2003


- In addition to the performance and memory changes made last week, this
client should have better performance and lower memory usage during long
play sessions, especially when you are travelling frequently between areas
in Atlantis.
- We have modified the Trials of Atlantis Options Menu to include 'Mouse
Mode', which offers the same choices as were present in SI and Classic
Clients for 'Mouselook On', 'Mouselook Off', and 'Mouselook Reverse'.http://web.
All right! Thanks for the feedback that made many of these notes possible:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66j Release Notes
November 20, 2003


- Item-based spell duration bonuses no longer work for damage over time spells.
- Artifacts no longer display "Required Level:" in delves.
- In certain cases it was possible to have a pet in defensive mode attack a targ
et it was not intended to be able to strike. This should solve the problem of pe
ts interfering with Chath's Test of Strategy.
- Artifacts now report to the user when they gain experience.
- Changed the print from Pickpocket. It should now print to the pickpocketer "Yo
u pickpocket !", and to all other groupmates " pickpockets for the group!"
- Fixed a crash that could occur on zoning.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when delving some Master Level abilities.


Experienced Trials players who help less-experienced friends complete trials are
now given Master Level Experience for providing this help. The system works as
- Experienced players who have attained at least Master Level 1 are given Master
Level experience if they are in a group with any other player who is granted cr

edit for completing a Trial Step.

- In order to get ML experience for the kill, the experienced player must be gro
uped with at least one player receiving credit for completing the Trial step.
- The experienced player helping out will recieve Master
ch less-experienced player that he helps per Trial step.
player gets credit for completing the encounter, Master
nted to the helper. If two get credit, then twice the ML
o the helper, and so forth.

Level experience for ea

If one less-experienced
Level experience is gra
experience is granted t

- Master Level experience is given only on steps for which the experienced playe
r has already completed.
- Please note that Trials designed to be completed by solo players will not gran
t ML experience for anyone helping out.


Marfach Caverns
- Withered oaks are now considered a plant type and should now meet the requirem
ent for artifacts which require this type of monster for advancement.


Midgard Quests
- Ota's Quest has a step which requires players to gain enough faction to speak
with a bergklan pelterer, but it is requiring longer than we intended for player
s to adjust their faction. We have added an NPC named Pelterer Blegkrak to the e
ntrance area of the big camp of bergklans, and though you'll still need to gain
faction to talk to him, he is more willing to listen to outsiders than pelterers
in the past have been.



We have fixed a number of bugs with the Artifact scrolls. Some bugs related to s
crolls being given the wrong name while others related to the way scrolls were b
eing combined.
Scroll Name Changes
- There were two separate sets of individual scrolls called 'Champion's Notes' i

n the game. One set could be combined to form Remus' Story while the second set
formed the Complete Thoughts of Hermes. This second set has been renamed 'Inscri
bed Stones'.
- The Inscribed Stone scrolls that were already being dropped by monsters were i
ncorrectly named. They are now called 'Atlantis Tablet' scrolls.
Combining Scrolls
- Players can combine a set of Oceanus Artifact Scrolls in various ways now besi
des just combining scrolls in numerical order. This should help save on inventor
y space. For example, scrolls 1 and 2 can be combined into one scroll, and then
later a player could use scroll 3 to combine both into the final book. This can
be done with any combination of scrolls 1, 2, and 3. Also, if players have alrea
dy combined scrolls 1 and 2, and scrolls 2 and 3 (to form two scrolls), they can
now combine those two scrolls to form the final book. This will work with any o
f the combined, but incomplete, scrolls.
Volcanus Quests
- The quest Magical Ingredients has been altered slightly. Players who have comp
leted the quest are urged to return to Alchemist Yilanna in the Volcanus Haven f
or an extra reward for their hard work. Those of you still doing the quest will
be rewarded properly upon completion.
Oceanus Encounters
- The named Priests and Priestesses in Mesothelassa have had their Master Level
Experience rewards slightly reduced.
- It is no longer possible for Linos to despawn during combat.
- Staff of the God - Jagger sharks now have a very small chance to attack someon
e who is healing the person carrying the staff.
Stygia Encounters
- There have been new sightings of prism-winged scarabs in remote areas of Stygi
Fortress of Storms
- The amount of laborers that leave the fortress to repair the forts has been cu
t in half. The amount of laborers that leave the forts to repair the camps has n
ot changed.
- The length of time between the spawning of labor crews has been increased slig
- Warning: Aggressive player pets may attempt to put out the fires in the camps/
forts/fortresses. Doing so may aid in the recovery of those areas, against the p
layer's best interests. The fire fighter behavior is not new with this patch.
Volcanus Encounters

- It will now be a bit more difficult to pull the elite taur defenders away from
Chimera's lair.
- The elite taur defender's chance to mesmerize players has been lowered.
Item Notes
- Lion's Fur Cloak can now be dyed.
- Lion's Share Sleeves previously had a Bonus to Healing Effectiveness value of
28% which rendered the item unusable due to the imbue value being too high. The
bonus has been reduced to the correct value of 4%.
- Players will now receive the Archery Skill bonus when equipping the Cape of th
e Gale.
- Skyros's Sword in Midgard has received a reduction in weapon speed. The speed
was incorrectly set to that of a two-handed sword.
- Multiple items in Aerus were using a non-functional requirement. These items w
ill now receive the corresponding bonuses and list the correct mobs.
- The delve information on raw artifacts has been updated to include the level o
f the final artifact.
- Skyros's Hammer and Skyros's Axe in Midgard have received a reduction in weapo
n speed. The speeds were incorrectly set to that of a two-handed weapon.
- The Battler will now drop Albion medium and large shields with bonuses appropr
iate to the classes that can use those shields.
- The Belt of Lightning (All Realms) has had the bonus requirement moved from th
e duel wield skill to the melee damage skill.
- Animists using the Ancient Chest will now receive Animist items instead of Val
ewalker items.
- The studded Neriad Sharktooth Vest (Midgard) will now grant a Composite Bow in
stead of Long Bow bonus.
- Mane of the Lion Circlet now uses the correct leather helm icon.
- The Charisma bonus on the Wind Torn Cloak received by Armsmen and Paladins has
been changed to a Constitution bonus.
- The Crocodile Tear Ring and the Shield of Khaos have received new requirements
for earning experience. Any experience earned while in enemy frontier regions w
ill go towards the artifact's experience; previously it was earned during period
s of snow or rain.
- The Belt of the Sun will now summon both the slashing and the thrusting versio
ns of its weapons. Also, the summoned Sun Axe is now set as a level 51
These are pretty sweeping changes - they seem small until you think about their
impact on your supplies of gold and time. Thank you all very much for your lists

of reasons and suggestions. Enjoy!

Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66k Release Notes
November 21, 2003


As part of our continuing effort to respond to your feedback about Trials of Atl
antis, we have made changes to a couple of systems with the goal of reducing the
difficulty of traveling around Atlantis. We have made some changes to the Water
Breathing potions, and opened up the use of the Djinn Stones of Atlantis to mak
e them more available and useful.
Water Breathing Potion Changes
Durations have been doubled and the swimming speed has been increased across the
board for all the potions. The full list of changes is as follows:
- Lesser Nereid Potion (crafted) duration = 1hour (was 30 min), movement speed =
95% of land speed (was 90%)
- Serous Constant Underwater Breathing Aid (bounty points) duration = 1 hour (wa
s 30 min), movement speed = 85% of land speed (was 80%)
- Potion of Aquatic Respiration (store bought) duration = 30 min (was 15 min), m
ovemement speed = 80% of land speed (was 50%).
- Sip of Ancient Mead (dropped) duration = 40 min (was 20 min), movement speed =
90% of land speed (was 85%)
- Potion of Aquatic Freedom (quest reward) duration = 1 hour (was 30 min), movem
ent speed = 85% of land speed (was 80%).
Djinn Stone Changes
- We have added three additional Djinn Stones to ToA. Each Haven now has a Djinn
stone located nearby, with the goal of speeding up travel between the major are
as of Atlantis. The Aerus Haven, Stygia Haven, and Volcanus Haven have all had n
ew stones placed. In addition, the stone that was located in Oceanus Hersperos h
as been moved close to Oceanus Haven, to make it more convenient.
- In addition to the new stones, the Master Level requirement has been removed f
rom the use of the stones, making them open to all.

Artifact Changes
- Wall Glyphs: Players should now be able to combine the Wall Glyphs for the Tra
itor's Dagger artifact in any combination.
- To help with the problem of matching up scrolls to artifacts, delve informatio
n has been added to every scroll (both individual and combined) that includes th
e name of the artifact it is associated with.
Sobekite Eternal
- All monsters that drop keys will now drop keys every time they die. Additional
ly the Antron and Speos chieftains who drop two different keys will now always d
rop both keys.
- The items required by Onuris to start his challenge will now drop at a much hi
gher rate from all common tritons and nereids in the Sobekite Eternal dungeon.
Aerus Encounters
- Karise should now properly give single groups credit if they defeat her.
Stygia Quests
The Mau of Sekhmet
- There was a bug that stopped some players from speaking with Inarus beyond his
opening paragraph. This bug has been fixed.
The Mau of Bastet
- There was a problem with Oseye's splitting into two that caused him to stop sp
awning. This has been fixed.
- There was a bug that stopped some players from speaking with Inarus beyond his
opening paragraph. This bug has been fixed.
Item Notes
- The Legs of the Spitting Cobra (Albion) are now dyable with enamel.
- Laodameia's Drum (Hibernia) is now actually a drum, instead of a flute.
- The Bracer of Etheric Vitae (Hibernia) will now grant empathy instead of piety
- The Vest of Demise (Midgard) will now grant all melee skill instead of all cas
ter skill.

- The Vest of Casuistry (Midgard) will now grant all melee skill instead of all
caster skill.
- The Desert Shadow Baglama (Albion) and the Pipes of Landrine (Albion) are now
usable by the Albion realm.
- Laodameia's Fist (Midgard) now increases stat cap quickness instead of stat ca
p piety, and style damage instead of spell damage.
- Cloaks with Atlantis-only textures can no longer have emblems applied.
Boats and bug fixes, for which we're all at least somewhat thankful:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66l Release Notes
November 24, 2003


- You can no longer take falling damage when underwater.
- Volley will now attempt to find the next stack in a player's inventory if the
current stack runs out during the volley.


Based on player feeback about TOA's boats, we are making the following changes t
o player-controlled boats in Trials of Atlantis:
- Fixed the bug where the ground target was placed to far away and the server wo
uld respond that the "target was not visible". You should now be able to place t
he boat waypoint at much farther distances.
- You can now sail a boat if you have a quarter of the maximum passengers on the
boat. Thus, for an 8 person boat, you need two people to sail it(instead of fou
- A boat will reach its maximum speed when you have half the maximum passengers
on the boat (instead of a full boat). This will allow smaller groups to get to t
he various adventuring spots in Atlantis more quickly.
- A new command has been added for boats "/VSET (PUBLIC|PRIVATE)". This allows t
he owner of the boat to set the boat's permissions to be public such that anyone
can board the boat with no invitiation. All boats default to "private" when dro

pped in the water.

Back two hours earlier than expected, it's 1.67 for your enjoyment:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.67 Release Notes
December 16, 2003


- We have fixed a bug that would keep players from gaining Master Level experien
ce while helping other players working on the same encounter and trial. Please n
ote that you must have completed the encounter, and the person you are helping m
ust be doing the encounter for the first time.
- Added the command /vdestination x y (eg: /vdestination 32000 32000) which will
sail your boat to a /loc within your current zone.
- /Vfollow command has been added, which allows the controller of a movable vehi
cle to follow their currently targeted object.
- Players who die in a duel while having a "song" charmed pet will no longer tak
e experience deaths.
- Fixed delve on water breathing potions.
- All objects will now have their weights displayed on the mini-info window.
- (TOA Only) Reflective Water will now have a much more visible water surface at
- Players should now receive updates for house rent due whenever they log into t
he game, regardless of zone.
- (TOA Only) In response to player feedback, we have increased the brightness un
derwater at night.
- The portal ceremonies at the border keeps have been altered slightly, to assis
t players who forget their necklaces from time to time. A new, earlier port has
been added during the period where the teleporters previously stood around and w
aited for players to get ready. After the master and lackeys cast this new telep
ort, they will wait on the teleport pad and then cast the ceremony a second time
- Items generated from the Unique Item generator that have charges can now prope
rly be recharged.
- The game has a new default configuration for GeForceFX 5200 users. This change

will not override any settings for current GeForceFX 5200 users.
- Necromancers who are shapechanged no longer lose the shapechange when summonin
g a shade.
- Spells modified by Radiant Aura artifact ability now last more than one pulse.
- Players can now use /bountyrent on personal houses with alternate characters o
n the same account as the character that owns the house. As a result of this cha
nge, the rent token merchants will be disabled in a future readfile.
- The Panther Form level 10 ability of the Dreamsphere artifact has been changed
. When a character in panther form is attacked, they revert to normal form and l
ose all associated bonuses. This change is specific to the Dreamsphere only and
does not affect other shapechange forms.
- The Egg of Youth artifact had several bugs preventing it from working as desig
ned. These bugs were fixed and the effect altered. The Egg of Youth level ten Ce
lestial Resurrection spell will now restore 10% health and no power to resurrect
ed players. The artifact's ability now costs no power to cast and will resurrect
up to a maximum of 8 realmmates within 1000 radius. This is a retroactive chang
- We have fixed a problem that could cause +all spell skill bonus items to give
double the intended bonus on certain skills.
- Secondary spells on artifacts will no longer be activated if the artifact does
not meet the correct requirement.


We are making a number of changes to how credit is awarded for Atlantis encounte
rs, as well as allowing players to 'work ahead' of their current Master Level, w
hich should allow players to gain a better sense of accomplishment for helping o
thers defeat an encounter. We appreciate everyone's feedback about Trials of Atl
antis, and we hope that these changes will greatly improve the Atlantis experien
ce for everyone involved. We will continue to review areas of Atlantis, and Dark
Age of Camelot as a whole, in a continuing effort to improve the entire Dark Ag
e of Camelot experience for all players.


- We have identified and corrected a problem that could cause players to not be
awarded credit for completing an encounter. With this version, we will be changi
ng artifact and trial encounters to award credit to the group that gets loot rig
hts from the encounter. Battlegroups will also follow this new system if the enc
ounter is battlegroup enabled. This should solve many of the problems players ha
ve with not being awarded encounter credit properly. However, please note that a
ny players that are not in the group or battlegroup when credit is awarded will
still not get credit.


- Currently, players who have not finished their current trial can do all the st

eps except the final encounter of a higher level trial. With this patch, players
will be able to do all encounters of a trial, even if they have not finished th
eir previous trial. Please note that players will still get master level abiliti
es in order.
Here's an example, if you have not finished the first trial, you can now go do R
unihara in trial two and receive credit (if you've completed all the other encou
nters in trial two), but you will not get the level two abilities until you've f
inished the first trial, and then completed the second level's experience requir


- Shark Routes have been added to Atlantis! Stablemasters have been added to the
docks outside of each of the Havens, Oceanus, Stygia, Volcanus and Aerus. There
is also a stablemaster located in Mesothalassa which has routes to each of the
Havens. These merchants also have a ticket that gives you a tour of some of the
more important areas and features of their respective zones. For those of you lo
oking to take advantage of these new routes, don't forget your breathing potions
and look for the following tritons:
- Feurbe is the Oceanus Haven Stablemaster with routes to the Mesothalassa stabl
emaster, and a tour of Oceanus Hesperos.
- Lokhas is the Mesothalassa stablemaster with routes to Haven of Oceanus, Haven
of Aerus, Haven of Stygia, Haven of Volcanus and a tour of Mesothalassa.
- Splogorf is the Volcanus Haven stablemaster with routes to the Mesothalassa st
ablemaster and a tour of Oceanus Anatole.
- Estcheron is the Stygia Haven stablemaster with routes to the Mesothalassa sta
blemaster and a tour of Oceanus Boreal.
- Gombuor is the Aerus Haven stablemaster with routes to the Mesothalassa stable
master and a tour of Oceanus Notos.


- When you use /appeal to check the status of an appeal in-game, you will now se
e the total number of regular tickets waiting for help across all servers, as we
ll as the total number of regular tickets from the server you are on. You will a
lso see the placement of your ticket in this queue. This should give you a bette
r idea of how CSR resources are spread across the servers to help with your ques

- The conversion recipes for Tempered Metal Studs, Tempered Wire, and Tempered S
trapping have been removed from the Metalworking recipe list.

- The conversion recipes for Tempered Metal Studs and Tempered Wire have been re
moved from the Metalworking recipe list.
- The Lugged Spear should now have the appropriate recipe icon in the Tradeskill
recipe list.
- The conversion recipes for Tempered Metal Studs, Tempered Wire, and Tempered S
cales have been removed from the Metalworking recipe list.


To help players find other people to group with, both in Master Level Trials as
well as normal gameplay, we have significantly revamped our
Looking-For-Group system. You can now search and flag yourself and indicate what
kind of group you are seeking (RVR, XP, etc), as well as flags for specific ML
The old checkboxes 'Not Looking', 'Looking For Group', and 'Looking for ...' hav
e been replaced with a new button 'Set LFG' that will allow you to set all your
LFG options.
This new window exists for the TOA client only. SI and Classic clients will stil
l be able to search and list themselves using the old options.

- The group window and mini-group window now show the additional following state
s by changing the affected player's name to an associated color. This functional
ity is present in Classic, Isles, and Trials of Atlantis clients. These states w
ill be prioritized and displayed in the following order with the associated colo
r in parenthesis: linkdead (blue), dead (red), mezzed (cyan), diseased (orange),
poisoned (green), out of zone (grey), nominal (white)
- (TOA Only) We have added several new color choices to the Chat Messages and Sy
stem Messages windows. To adjust the color for specific types of chat
messages (such as 'Alliance Chat' or 'Broadcast') right click on any of the chat
tabs. To adjust the colors for system messages (such as 'Loot Dropped'), right
click on the system message window itself.
- (TOA Only) When adjusting the alpha settings for XML-enabled windows (such as
the chat and summary windows), you can now adjust the text and background alpha
values independantly. Alpha settings are changed as they have always been, by ri
ght clicking on the windows.


This patch contains several updates to the TOA Configurable User Interface syste
m. Some custom skins may not work, or may need minor adjustment to work with the
new changes. As we update the system, we will provide detailed notes in these p

atch notes containing what has been changed.

Anytime you experience any problems with a custom skin, you should switch back t
o one of the pre-built skins using the Options Menu at the Character Select scre
- The following styles have been changed in styles.xml. If you have copied this
file into your custom folder, you will either need to recopy it after patching o
r copy the appropriate control templates to your custom styles.xml:
ButtonTemplate: combo_label
MenuTemplate: generic_menu
ComboBoxTemplate: generic_combobox
- The Help Window, Emblem Picker, Spells window, and ingame Options Menus have a
ll been converted to XML. The new XML files are:
- The new LFG windows use the following new XML files:
- Fixed a crash that UI Modders were encountering when removing health bars from
some windows.
- The group_level adapters will now clear to zero when not being used.
- The following option has been added to label and scalar label definitions:
TextCentered - the text for the label will be centered inside it's width
- The following option has been added to scalar label definitions:
DontDrawWhenZero - the scalar label will not draw when the bound adapter has a v
alue of zero.
- Custom windows now remember their position, alpha, and font alpha settings.
- Custom window support has been added. Window templates for custom windows are
required to have Name fields set to "customX_window" where X is 0 through 9. No
entries have been added to uimain.xml for custom windows. Modders will need to a
dd Include directives in their custom files. (TOA Only)
- The following events have been added allowing modders to toggle windows on and
ToggleStatsIndex (minimizes the stats window)



Quests- General
- The tradeskill masters in each capital city have decided that it is time to pa
ss on their tarnished tradeskill tools.
Albion Quests
- Leoma in Prydwen Keep is seeking assistance in obtaining a potion which can re
store her eyesight.
- The Wounding Stone will now be useable in shade form.
Hibernia Quests
- Mystaia in Ardagh has been causing some trouble around town and the townspeopl
e are not very pleased. She needs someone to help her get out of her predicament
Midgard Quests
- Grimkel in Fort Atla knows of a potion which is said to create wealth. He need
s assistance in collecting the ingredients for the potion.
Item Notes
- Future drops of salvageable common loot items in Spraggons Den should salvage
for the appropriate material. Please note that this change does not affect items
dropped before this patch.

- The empyrean wraiths in the Hibernia frontier should no longer drop Midgard it
- The duplicate Strength bonus on the Vengeance Shield (Midgard) has been change
d to Dexterity.


Albion Quests
- Friars will no longer have to travel back to the trainers in the classic zones
to exchange their Friar Robes every five levels. Sister Evangeline in Caer Goth
waite will now perform this exchange for Friars.
Item Notes
- Shreg's Thin Blade (Midgard) will now grant sword skill instead of slash skill


Quests - General
- Players working on obtaining the Scarab Wing Vest will now need to have neutra
l faction with the maubastet to turn in their Magical Scarab Wing to Tey.
Marauding Bandits
- Thanes and Skalds will no longer be given the choice of a left axe as one of t
heir rewards.
Encounters - General
- We are aware there has been some confusion about whether players have received
credit for a story encounter or not. To help clear up this confusion, players w
ill now receive a message when they successfully complete a story encounter, whe
ther they obtain the artifact or not. Players will see a message like "You have
completed the Fool's Bow Encounter quest." This will then show up in your comple
ted quest list, although story encounters are not quests. If no message is recei
ved, then credit for that encounter was not awarded. When a player unlocks an ar
tifact, the Encounter listing will be removed from the completed list and replac
ed with the Artifact Completion message (such as 'You have completed the Fool's
Bow quest'). Check your completed quest list to see which story encounters you h
ave received credit for in the past.
Artifact Updates
- The Wing's Dive Book now has the story attached to it.

- Information about what artifacts are available to which classes can now be fou
nd on the apprentices in all Havens. Speak to the following apprentices to learn
more about the artifacts.
Stygia: Albion - Danielle, Midgard - Yanja, Hibernia - Wyia.
Volcanus: Albion - Dredge, Midgard - Aidanar, Hibernia - Rhianera
Aerus: Albion - Alice, Midgard - Yager, Hibernia - Noira
Traitor's Dagger and Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Albion)
? We have added thrusting versions of each of these artifacts. Players that have
a slashing version and would like a thrusting version should speak with Scholar
s Margoria or Colene for the Traitor?s Dagger and Scholars Daelin or Samaya for
the Crocodile?s Tooth Dagger. They will offer players a trade-in that once done
cannot be changed. From this point forward, all Albion classes that can activate
either of these Daggers will be offered a choice.
Traitor's Dagger and Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Hibernia)
? We have added piercing versions to each of these artifacts. Nightshades, Range
rs, Heroes, Champions and Blademasters that have a blades version and would like
a piercing version should speak with Sages Darragh or Kelleigh for the Traitor?
s Dagger and Sages Miodac or Deavin for the Crocodile?s Tooth Dagger. They will
offer players a trade-in that once done cannot be changed. From this point forwa
rd, Nightshades, Rangers, Heroes, Champions and Blademasters will be offered a c
hoice of blades or piercing.
Aten's Shield (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that allowed Savages to obtain Aten's Shield although they
could not use it. Savages should return to Loremaster Jorian or Loremistress Ag
neta to return their activated Aten's Shield. The Lorekeepers will give Savages
a locked version of the Aten's Shield which can then be traded or sold. Remus' S
tory will not be returned to Savages.
- Also, we discovered and fixed a bug that was stopping Healers and Shamans from
either unlocking the Shield or having it returned. Any Healer or Shaman that ha
s the Aten's Shield quest in their pending list can either say [Aten] to continu
e the process of unlocking it or say [dispose] to have the Shield returned to th
em for trading/selling.
Bruiser (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing the Lorekeepers in Midgard to give out th
e wrong versions of Bruiser. Players that selected the one-handed version were i
nstead receiving the two-handed version while players that wanted the two-handed
version were receiving the one-handed version. Players may return to Loremistre
ss Hetha or Loremistress Marga to exchange their Bruiser. Please note that this
exchange can only be done ONCE and cannot be undone. Also note that only players
who received Bruiser before this fix can exchange it.
Bruiser (Hibernia)

- We have fixed a bug that was causing the Sages in Hibernia to give out the Mid
gard version of the two-handed Magma Bruiser. Players that received this version
should return to Sage Girom or Sage Aideena to exchange the Midgard Magma Bruis
er for the Hibernian one.
Cycloptic Shield (Albion)
- Friars may now activate the Cycloptic Shield.
Enyalios Boots (Albion)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing Mercenaries to get the plate version of E
nyalios Boots. Mercenaries can take their plate Enyalios Boots to Scholar Girec
or Nisreena to exchange them for a chain version.
Enyalios Boots (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing Berserkers and Savages to get the chain v
ersion of these boots instead of the studded version. Berserkers and Savages can
take their chain Enyalios Boots to Loremaster Pahr or Loremaster Sverrir to exc
hange them for a studded version.
Enyalios Boots (Hibernia)
- We have fixed a bug that was preventing Bards from activating the Enyalios Boo
Guard of Valor (Albion)
? We have fixed a bug with Scholar Girec that was causing him to give Armsmen an
d Paladins a chain version of the Guard of Valor. Armsmen and Paladins who recei
ved a chain version from Scholar Girec should take it back to him in the Hall of
Heroes and exchange it for a plate one. Only Scholar Girec will perform this tr
ade in.
Maddening Scalars Gloves (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing Berserkers and Savages to receive the cha
in version of the Maddening Scalars Gloves. Berserkers and Savages who received
chain versions should return to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their
chain gloves for the Studded Maddening Scalars Gloves.
Oglidarsh Belt (Midgard)
- Savages can now activate the Belt of Oglidarsh. Pure Casters will now have a c
hoice for activating the Belt of Oglidarsh.
Oglidarsh Belt (Albion)
- Pure casters will now have a choice for activating the Belt of Oglidarsh.

Shades of Mists (Hibernia)

- Valewalkers can now unlock the magic of the Shades of Mists Cloak.
Spear of Kings (Hibernia)
- We have fixed a bug with Valewalkers receiving the large weapons version of th
e Spear of Kings. Any Valewalker who received the large weapons version can retu
rn it to Sage Kaenva or Sage Kalin in exchange for a scythe version of the Spear
of Kings.
Winged Helm
- The following classes may now activate the Winged Helm: Scouts, Berserkers, Sa
vages, Hunters, Blademasters, Bards, and Rangers.
Wings Dive (Albion)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing the Scholars to give Mercenaries a plate
version of the Wings Dive leggings instead of chain. Mercenaries can take their
plate version of Wings Dive back to Scholar Girec or Scholar Nisreena and exchan
ge them for a chain version.
Wings Dive (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing the Lorekeepers to give Berserkers and Sa
vages a chain version of the Wings Dive leggings instead of studded. Berserkers
and Savages can take their chain version of Wings Dive back to Loremaster Pahr o
r Loremaster Sverrir to exchange them for a studded version.
Wings Dive (Hibernia)
- We have fixed a bug that was preventing Bards from activating the Wings Dive l
Researcher Updates
- We have added artifact information to each realm's Apprentice researcher in th
e Haven of Oceanus. The Apprentices will now tell players which classes can use
a specific artifact. In Albion, speak to Apprentice Aegan. In Midgard, Apprentic
e Yian has this information while Apprentice Garrad in Hibernia knows about the
artifacts. We are in the process of adding this information for Stygia, Volcanus
and Aerus. Please remember, they are only apprentices and they are still learni
ng, so the information they give may change as they learn and grow.
Item Notes
- All partially and fully combined artifact scrolls can now be traded.
- The delve information on Pheobus' Letters, 1 of 3, has been fixed.
- The Corrupt Cincture of Terkari (Midgard) no longer has a 0 power bonus.

- The Axe of the Whispering Wind (Albion) will now have a chance to proc.
- The Embedded Scale Vest (Hibernia) has been renamed to Embedded Bone Vest.
- Stygian and Aerus named quest mobs should no longer drop artifact scrolls. Ple
ase note that the correct number of scrolls were already dropping from common mo
bs, but were mistakenly added to some quest mobs as well.
- Animists can now activate the Cloudsong Artifact.
- The amount of experience required to level the following artifacts has been re
duced: Fool's Bow, Crown of Zahur, Scepter of the Meritorious, Battler, Tartaro'
s Gift, Snatcher, Ceremonial Bracers and Band of Stars. This is a retroactive ch
- The Intelligence Score Cap bonus on the Stone of Atlantis (Midgard) had been c
hanged to a Piety Score Cap bonus.
- Storm Struck Great Axe now has the correct Axe skill bonus.
- Lightning Embossed Studded Helm now uses enamels instead of leather dyes.
- Sleeves of Silent Oblivion (Hibernia) now has a bonus to Intelligence instead
of Piety.
- The Empathy Cap Bonus on the Water-worn Gauntlets (Hibernia) has been changed
to an Acuity Stat bonus.
- The Intelligence Stat and Intelligence Cap bonuses on the Sea Rotted Club were
changed to Acuity Stat and Acuity Cap bonuses.
- The skiff (all realms), Viking Longship (Midgard), British Cog (Albion), and E
lvish Caravel (Hibernia) can now be sold back to NPC merchants for 75% of the pu
rchase price.
- The Wing's Dive Book now has the story attached to it.
- The item level 10 ability on the Belt of the Moon will now summon a one-hand h
ammer appropriate for each realm, in addition to the Moon Staff that is already
part of the ability.
- The charged effect from the Shield of Khaos will now apply the proper affects
to targets inside the area of effect.
- The second spell on Eirene's Chestpiece has been changed to a charged effect,
lasting 30 seconds and converting 15% of spell damage.
- The Belt of Oglidarsh will now equip in the waist slot as intended.
- Lightning Etched Leather Sleeves now have the correct Dexterity value, the pre
vious amount prevented players from receiving the bonus.
- The Shadow-twisted Hauberk (Albion) now uses the correct armor graphic.
- We are happy to introduce a new housing area for each realm with this version.

Albion players can now settle down after a long day of adventuring in Brisworth
y, while Midgard players can start building Frisia into a bustling haven of acti
vity, and Hibernians can stake their claims and design the house of their dreams
in Saerenthal.
Stuff from this morning, some read files, *cough*some stuff we missed from yeste
rday*cough* - enjoy:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.67a Release Notes
December 17, 2003


- Stealth should be working again as it was in 1.66. You should no longer see a
"ghost" of a player who stealths in your own realm or on the PVP servers in oppo
sing realms.
- The /VFOLLOW command has been fixed so it will no longer cause a crash when us
ing just /VFOLLOW with no target to "remove" the follow state.
- Fixed some issues with the new Looking for Group and Looking for Members windo
ws that could cause the client to lockup and go linkdead when retrieving large n
umbers of players.
- The zone wall of Modernagrav should be in the proper place on both the Trials
of Atlantis and Shrouded Isles clients.
- Necromancer armor will now degrade based on their pet being hit. This was chan
ged in 1.67 previously, but was not properly noted. The reason this was changed
was due to the fact that previously necromancers were the only class in the game
that did not receive damage to their armor under normal combat conditions. This
is no longer the case, and now necromancers will need to repair their armor lik
e other classes are required to.


Encounters - General
- Criosphinx witnesses are no longer charmable, as they are there to mark a spec
ific encounter area. This was changed previously in version 1.67, but was not pr
operly noted.
Stygia Encounters

- We fixed an issue with the Golden Spear which would cause Hounthro to dissapea
r with the Golden Spear much too quickly. We have also fixed an issue where the
encounter would not completely reset, causing some future encounters to either o
btain the spear and credit early, or not be able to obtain credit and the spear
at all.
Volcanus Encounters
- Lateef is a little faster now.
Shades of Mist
- The encounter will now properly reset itself when the Long Black Cloak decays
on the ground.
Temple of Twilight
- A bug was introduced with Medusa's lair door not properly unlocking after a fa
iled attempt to slay her. This has been fixed.
- Medusa's Death Gaze damage over time component is no longer curable. This spel
l also has had its area effect stun component changed to a single target stun. T
he chance of this spell occuring has also been lowered.
- Antioos should no longer give "Tasks for Antioos" when a player has finished T
rial 3.
Item Notes
- The item level 10 ability on the Belt of the Sun will now summon more weapon t
ypes appropriate for each realm.
- The Health regen spell on the Light Stone and the Power regen spell on the Dar
k Stone will now stack with other regen spells.

- The new Market Explorer teleporter token merchants in the Midgard housing area
s will sell their tokens now.
Here's the latest edition of our efforts:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.67b Notes
December 18, 2003



- The new LFG Settings window will now save its current settings across zoning.
(TOA Only)
- Fixed an issue with the /vdestination command that could cause the boat to tra
vel to an incorrect location. (TOA Only)
- Fixed a bug where characters in other zones could sometimes display as the wro
ng status color on the Group and Mini-Group window (appearing as the new 'mezzed
' color instead of the 'out-of-zone' color).
- Fixed a bug where the gravestones checkbox on the options menu was not correct
ly disabling gravestone names. (TOA Only).


Stygia Quests
- Explorer Ulfson from Midgard and Wanderer Maldon from Hibernia will now direct
players to the appropriate NPCs for the quests 'Welcoming for a Warrior' and 'H
omecoming for a Hero'.
Encounters - General
- We have added a number of new camps in Oceanus to increase the overall number
of monsters that can drop certain artifact scrolls which were not entering the w
orld fast enough.
Volcanus Encounters
- You will now receive trial encounter credit for killing the Pallida-Uraei if y
ou kill it before it splits.
- Misplaced Sacrifice: More than one Anathemic Salamander may spawn at a time no
- When hunting the Volurgons, Shaitan, Apophians, and Hephaestians in Deep Volca
nus, players will no longer receive large positive faction hits for monsters of
opposing factions.
- It is now easier to hit Typhon's Essence in the Heart of Volcanus.
Item Notes

- Maddening Scalars: Friars will now be able to get the activated version of thi
s artifact.
- Rangers should no longer receive unique item recurve bows in Atlantis with mul
tiple strength cap bonuses.
- Hunter unique items in Atlantis now have a chance at having a spell duration b
And a bunch of other stuff, of course:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.67d Release Notes
January 13, 2004


- Fixed an issue where shepherd Master Level Experience was incorrectly awarded
to group members under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where some monsters were incorrectly conning as worth Master Le
vel Experience.
- Fixed Gateway Master Level ability - you can no longer use this ability when h
olding a Relic. The ability has been re-enabled due to this fix.
- Wearing a jewelry piece in a body slot which doesn't have the corresponding ar
mor piece covering (a helm covering your necklace) will no longer cause the jewe
lry piece to occasionally take massive condition loss.
- Chants/songs modified by Radiant Aura (lvl 10 ability of Crocodile's Tear Ring
) to affect all realm-mates within range no longer spam spell effects to all pos
sible targets each pulse. It should now only show spell effects on the caster, o
n the initial cast.
- Sphere of Rejuvenation and Font of Power have been changed so that multiple wa
rds of the same type will no longer have a stacking effect. Additionally, these
fields have been set to return the maximum healing or power values with every ti
ck, with no variance. These will stack with all other forms of power and health
regeneration, friggs, and HoTs. The amount of benefit received from each pulse w
ill be displayed on screen.
- Fixed a bug with the Arch Magery bonus that exists on Traldors Oracle and other a
rtifacts. This bonus should now correctly reduce the target's resist by the list
ed amount. Please note that this only works against resist bonuses that are gran
ted to a target from items (such as spell crafted armor or jewelry).
- Master Level Experience awards have been doubled.

- Leaving all ML step checkboxes unchecked will now include you in the search re
sults for anyone who has also selected that ML and any of the specific trial ste
ps (the same as if you had checked them all)
- Fixed an issue where soloers who did not set an objective would not see group
leaders who had set an objective.
- Fixed an issue where group leaders using the Shrouded Isles/Classic clients wo
uld not see any players in their search listings.

- Fixed a display-only problem with the transparent skin where bringing up the s
pell window, and then another window would cause the spell window to still be dr


Hibernia Monsters
- Players will no longer get multiple koalinth faction improvements from tidal s
heeries. Killing these monsters will now return negative faction for both land s
heerie and water sheerie as well as positive faction for Selki and Koalinth.


Story Encounters
- Players will now receive credit for the following encounters at level 40: Mari
asha's Sharkskin Gloves, Traitor's Dagger, Belt of the Sun, Belt of Oglidarsh, a
nd the Night's Shroud Bracelet.
Sobekite Eternal
- Fixed a problem where it was possible for two Kanakhts to be up at the same ti
me. This encounter should no longer become stuck due to this.
- Ammut's summoned minions will no longer stop short of the lowest ramp in Ammut
's room.

Heart of Volcanus
- We have fixed a bug that caused Katorii's encounter to get into a confused sta
And we're back, or nearly so! Please note that the PBT changes did not go live.
We've decided to hold these off until 1.68, do more testing and get more feedbac
k from our Pendragon players. Thanks to those who have provided first hand feedb
ack thus far. On to this morning's notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.67e Release Notes
January 20, 2004


- Chants/songs modified by Radiant Aura (level 10 ability of Crocodile's Tear Ri
ng) to affect all realm-mates within range no longer spam spell effects to all p
ossible targets each pulse.
- The Spymaster ability, Sabotage, should now delve correctly.
- The Bodyguard and Sabotage Master Level abilities should now work correctly.
- Players who have completed the final encounter of a specific trial, but have n
ot met the master level experience requirements to advance to the next master le
vel, can now receive 'shepherd' experience for assisting others on their current

- We have created alliances for newbie guilds of the same realm. Players in thes
e newbie guilds will be able to speak in alliance chat and will provide better c
ommunication between new players in the game environment.


Item Notes
- There were instances of unique items generated with bonuses to damage (archery
, melee, spell or style) or range (archery or spell) that were not given a speci
fic enemy type making them more powerful than intended. Since these bonuses were
designed to be globally effective for artifacts and other extremely rare object

s only, all instances of these unique items have had the type set to humanoid enemies.

I am starting off with a HUGE apology for the notes, guys. There is no good reas
on for these two things to have been undocumented:
1.67E Errata
- The level ten spells for the Spear of Kings, Cloudsong, and the caster version
of the Crown of Zahur now expire after ten minutes. Because this spell is a cha
nt, the duration will not be displayed in the item or spell delve information. H
owever, the time remaining is displayed in the Bonuses display window.
- The delve information on waterbreathing potions (explaining how fast you move)
is now reflecting the actual percentage of your movement. Now, if the delve say
s 90, you're moving at 90% of land speed. The potions themselves are unchanged.
And, now, two issues:
First, item durability: I've said in IRC and on the Pendragon boards, and now I'
m saying here - we have been reading your reports and comment threads, and we kn
ow there is an issue. The trouble is, the issue does not affect all items in the
game. Heck, at first it was just necromancers sending reports. We are not going
to drop it, and we welcome continuing reports with as much hard data as you can
generate. But right now, we've got nothing conclusive we can point to and say "
A ha! It is this piece of code, and this type of item affected!" We WILL let you
know when we know something concrete.
Second, if you are a Sphere of Rejuvenation or a Font of Power user, we are awar
e of your problems. "But it worked fine on Pendragon," she whimpered weakly. We'
re tracking down the problem now, and the Herald will have more information as s
oon as possible.
Oy. Again, I apologize for the frustration.
Couple small notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.67f Release Notes
January 28, 2004


- Sphere of Rejuvenation and Font of Power should now properly cast on all valid
targets in the area.
- Extra Bodyguard checks are now made to prevent multiple/chained Bodyguards.


- The following changes to PBT are in effect on live servers (and are also on Pe
ndragon's 1.68a Version) - A recast timer has been added to the Pulsing Blade Tu
rn spells for Wardens, Theurgists, and Runemasters. Once a target receives a "bu
bble", they will be ineligible to receive another one for 2.5 seconds.
- Please note that when spell pulses are turned on in the text window, a failure
notice will be returned to the target if PBT tries to place a second bubble wit
hin 2.5 seconds. This failure notice should allow groups with two PBT classes to
synchronize their PBT more easily.
Well, bless my biscuits, it's not even 10:30 yet. Knock on vinyl. Here are the f
inal notes:
EDIT: The Herald is now fully displaying these GARGANTUAN patch notes. Sorry, th
ey were cutting off 2/3rds of the way through.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.68 Release Notes
February 19, 2004


- Monsters that previously awarded master level experience on a scale based upon
your current master level no longer check that requirement. This will result in
players always receiving the maximum allowed master level experience possible f
or each kill.
- Players will now be able to earn Master Level Experience through realm vs. rea
lm combat. Please note that you will only receive master level experience if the
enemy realm player you have killed is also worth realm points.
- Keep lords now award Master Level Experience on death.
- Creatures killed by damage over time spells while the original caster is dead
will now properly award quest, battlegroup, and trial credit for the kill.

- (TOA Only) The Master Level window now contains 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons
to allow you to page through all 9 master level trials to see which steps you ha
ve and have not completed. You can also enter '/master #' to jump to a specific
trial #.
- By default NPC healers will attempt to restore all of a player's constitution
at once assuming they have enough cash. If the player does not have enough cash
to afford a full restore of constitution, the NPC healer will offer to restore a
s many constitution points as the player can afford.
- Added [Level ##] tag to the end of quest confirmations to indicate the minimum
level for that quest.
- To make selecting and getting your own loot easier, we have added a new key, '
Target Nearest Loot'. This key will target only items that you can actually pick
up (personal & group loot, relics, etc).
- To make finding your loot easier in raid situations, you can now use /stick, /
follow, and /face on objects/loot.
- To make guild information easier to view - we have split the /gc info command
into /gc info, /gc ranks, and /gc alliance into different smaller chunks of info
- The /bg groups command will now list level, class, and zone of soloers in the
- The /bg who will now list level, class, and zone.
- We have added a new /bg groupclass command to see the class makeup of each of
the groups in the battlegroup.
- Shields now display their DPS and size in the delve window.
- "You are hit for..." messages have been changed to "(Attacker name) hits you f
or" in most cases.
- Autosplit messages will now include the name of the item in the "Loot goes to
(player)" message.
- Personal boats will now have the owner's guild emblem on the sail.
- Players will now be able to trade the skiff, Elvish Caravel, British Cog, and
Viking Longship.
- Spells will now cause an interrupt chance on a given target for a duration of
2 seconds after they strike the target. This fixes a bug where casters would be
interrupted for an incorrect amount of time when hit with spells in some cases.
- If a DoT spell is cast from an object with a caster (such as a rune), it is tr
eated as being cast by that object's caster when the effect is placed on the vic
- Graphical effects from radius effect spells will no longer be sent out to thir
d parties in the area if there are more than 40 players around who would receive
it. This is to cut down the general amount of graphical spam in the area. The c
aster and target of a spell will still always see the effect properly.
- AE spells that are cast while above water will not cast on targets under water

and vice versa.

- Fixed a bug with delving spell lists (pressing the "Info" button when highligh
ting a spell line at the trainer). Delving the spell list will now print the cor
rect spell level and print level 50 spells if they exist (previously it was prin
ting 1 spell level higher than the actual level).
- All DD/Snare and DD/Debuff spells will now delve correctly.
- Fixed body/spirit/energy and heat/matter/cold combo resist buff delves.
- If the weapon you are attempting to perform a style with will always fail by t
rying to drain more fatigue than you have (in the case of the Faultfinder style)
, you will see the following message: "Your weapon is too slow to perform the xx
xx style!"
- Guard death messages will no longer have an extra linefeed at the end.
- Items that raise Acuity score cap now correctly raise the cap for items that r
aise the individual score (+Intelligence, +Empathy, etc); previously Acuity scor
e cap items only worked with +Acuity bonus items.
- Items with global melee resist no longer print the resist value twice.
- Rings with use timers will now decrement properly (previously rings with timer
s would be stuck at 15 minutes until they could be used and never be usable).
- Ground Targets will now appear at the current player level when you are underw
ater, instead of going to the ocean floor.
- Fixed a bug where /stick and /follow were breaking too easily while going up a
nd down hills.
- You may now bind game actions to the 'extra' mouse buttons on the side of many
newer mouse models (referred to as 'Mouse4' and 'Mouse5').
- (TOA Only) The options menu will now contain a list of valid resolutions for y
our monitor/video card, to support newer widescreen-style monitors.
- We have made optimizations to crossing zone boundaries to reduce pauses/hitche
s when crossing from one zone into another.
- Characters will now move into the proper polearm attack stance when wielding t
he Lucerne Hammer Polearm Legendary Weapon.
- Trying to purchase an item from a consignment merchant and being refused for n
ot having enough money will no longer result in the item being removed from Mark
et Explorer searches. We strongly recommend that all players with a consignment
merchant go to their merchant and use /listmerchant to refresh their listings in
the consignment market.
- /ignore will now work in battlegroups.


- To make loot distribution easier, you can now print item stats automatically t
o the guild, group, chatgroup, and battlegroup chat channels.

- To use this feature, drag an item from your backpack to the chat buffer. It wi
ll print the delve information of the item to your current outgoing chat channel
- You will be able to use item chat delve in ToA, SI, and Classic interfaces.


As most of you know, Trials of Atlantis features many powerful items and artifac
ts that give very strong bonuses to new special buffs created just for the expan
sion. These buffs were to casting/melee/archery haste, casting/melee/archery dam
age, combat style damage, and archery/casting range. Since the expansion's launc
h we have become aware that by mixing and matching different Trials of Atlantis
items with bonuses to these buffs, players can make their characters far more po
werful than we intended. Because of this, we are now making changes to the way t
hat stat bonuses and some buff types from ToA items are capped, as well as makin
g changes to some of the items themselves.
- In researching this issue, we found that a 50th level character could receive
up to 50 bonus stat points (the character's level divided by 1) from items, buff
s, etc. Our design called for the stat cap to be set at the character's level di
vided by two (plus one), and we've even given this answer out in discussions and
chats. Feedback from our users proved there was a discrepancy. We have fixed th
is bug, so now everyone's stat cap bonus will be lowered to meet the new formula
. Now, a level 50 character's stat bonus cap will be 26, not the overpowered 50.
- A new cap has been added that limits the bonus from ToA items and the amount o
f new ToA buffs that one character can receive. Previously, characters received
the full bonus. Now, they are capped to be level divided by 5, total, for each o
f those three buffs. So, now a level 50 character with three items that each giv
e a +5% bonus to melee combat speed will receive a 10% bonus, cumulative, from t
hose items, instead of 15%.
- Additionally, we have altered all Artifacts as well as many other ToA dropped
items to reduce the amount of bonus they give you to these ToA-specific buffs. A
list of some of these items can be found in the items section later in this pat
ch note.


- Non list casters who have Wild Power will now correctly have a chance to criti
cal hit on DD spells. Note, non list casters still do not receive the additional
base chance that list casters have.
Pet Classes
- Direct damage (including PBAOE) spells cast by a pet now report whether they h
it or are resisted, and how much damage they do, to their owner.
- Duration effects (such as debuffs) cast by casters, necromancer pets, or animi
st bombers outside of /say range (512 units) now also report the effect directly
to the caster.

- Pets that cast spells that their targets resist will now report resist message
s to their owners.
- Theurgist and Animist pets will no longer cast an effect graphic on the caster
's current target.
- The Animist's Vent of Elemental Resistance and Vent of Physical Resistance tur
ret lines will no longer spam the area with messages when the spells are cast or
when they expire. The turrets will also now recast these spells before they exp
- Animist turrets that cast buffs on group members now begin from a random point
in the group when buffing instead of always beginning with the first group memb
- The Briar Burst line of Animist pet-cast PBAOE spells now take into account th
e Animist's specialization and acuity (intelligence) stat.
- Animist bomber pets now gain the benefit of ToA item bonuses for spell damage
and archmagery.
- Animist bomber pets now gain the benefit of their caster's Majestic Will Realm
- The Animist's area of effect root bombers will now behave correctly when used
against monsters that are already rooted, or monsters that were rooted within a
minute of firing the bomber.
- The Animist's Fire and Forget root turrets, as well as their root bombers, wil
l now behave correctly when used against monsters that are already rooted, or mo
nsters that were rooted within a minute of firing the bomber.
- The pets from the Animist's Constraining Spirit line will now attempt to root
the targets in the area even if they are already rooted.
- Forest's Core, in the Animist's Creeping Path base line, will no longer be ins
tant casting its spell; it will now have a three second cast time.
- The Elder Sporespawn, in the Animist's Creeping Mastery spec line, will now hi
t its target appropriately.
- The Dancing Flame spell line, in the Animist's Creeping Mastery spec line, wil
l now fire on its target appropriately, even if the target already has the effec
- Animist Fire and Forget turrets no longer try to target invisible monsters.
- When summoning Animist turrets, the spell will now attempt to summon the turre
t correctly on the ground if the turret would be in an illegal location.
- The icons for the Animist's Constraining Spirit line have been fixed.
- (Classic) The fossil guardian (Summon Bone Patroller line) will now have a vis

ible shield when viewing the monster while running the classic client.
- We have replaced the druid's tree pet with a black bear. This change should el
iminate the problems many druids had with the tree pet interfering with visibili
ty and targeting.
- The erroneous print displaying to the user of Dirty Tricks has been removed.
- Necromancers casting petcast spells now check of line of sight visibility inst
ead of forward arc checks. This should solve a good deal of problems with necrom
ancer pet usability.
- Necromancers in shade mode must be within 100u of their pet when casting storm
- Objects created by necromancers in shade mode (including siege weapons and Pre
science Nodes) are no longer invulnerable.
- The Spiritmaster's spirit champion pet's spells will now all have the correct
icons and casting animations.
- The Thane's direct damage line - beginning with Thor's Minor Bolt and ending w
ith Thor's Full Lightning - has had its damage increased.


- The Crystal Titan ability will now summon a Crystal Titan monster that hits fo
r considerably more damage, has more hit points, and is higher in level.
- Leadership and Warguard should both now share the same recast timer.
- ML10 Spymaster - Blanket of Camouflauge ? Fixed a bug that allowed group membe
rs to move while stealthed in some situations.
- The master ability Banestrike has been renamed to Banespike to avoid any confu
sion with the Valewalker spell Banestrike.
- The Battlewarder ability will now summon a Battlewarder monster that always do
uble hits. Additionally, the Battlewarder can no longer attack any non realm ass
ociated monsters, even if they are being attacked by such monsters.
- (PvP Only) The Warlord ML ability Bolstering Battlecry now only heals the corr
ect friendly targets (groupmate/guildmate/battlegroup member) on PvP servers.

- Convoker Master Level Ability 1, 'Summon Wood', will no longer summon elm wood
boards. The percentage chance of summoning each wood type has changed as well.
While Oak wood boards will now have the highest likelihood of being summoned, th
e Convoker will have a chance of receiving higher quality wood (up to and includ
ing duskwood).
- The Essence Flare master ability, which creates a poison in the inventory of t
he user, has been changed so that the poison may be used by any assassin class w
ith an envenom skill of 1 or greater.
- Font of Power will now generate aggression similar to the recent change for Sp
here of Rejuvenation.
- Grappled targets can no longer be attacked in melee (you will still be able to
attack with arrows). Additionally, Grapple now correctly stuns the caster for 1
2 seconds. This fixes a bug that allowed the caster doing the grappling to conti
nue casting other spells.
- Powerdrain spells (including the Convoker ML ability, Power Trap) will no long
er print erroneous damage messages to players who have 0 power.
- Convokers can no longer place a Prescience Node unless the caster has line of
sight to the ground target.
- Fixed a bug where certain wards, storms, and fonts would spam players with the
message ?You cannot attack this target?
- The Siegewrecker master ability will no longer work against doors.
- The Stormlord master ability, Focusing Winds, now has delve information.
- The Throw Weapon ML ability now checks to see if the user has line of sight to
the target before firing.
- Fixed delve on 'Wave of Healing' to indicate that the target must be in the ca
ster's line of sight to be healed.
- The following ML abilities will only work on enemy realm targets or affect att
acks from enemy realm targets (enemy players or controlled pets): Chaotic Power,
Leadership, Phase Shift.
- All Convoker list master abilities will now be on separate recast timers.
- The Convoker master ability, Brittle Guard, will now be on a five minute recas
t timer.
- Dazzling Array, Enervating Gas, Inebriating Fumes, Mental Siphon, Sense Dullin
g Cloud and Energy Tempest will all now share the same recast timer.
- Dissonating Ward will now have the correct recast time of 5 minutes.
- Energizing Aura and Defending Martyr will both now share the same recast timer
- Leaping Health and Restore the Soul will both now share the same recast timer.
- Oppression, Chaotic Power and Agony Transmission will all now share the same r
ecast timer.

- Primal Agony, Tactical Insight and Demoralization will all now share the same
recast timer.
- Resilient Will, Guided Strike and Cleansing Aura will all now share the same r
ecast timer.
- Sphere of Rejuvenation, Font of Power, Determination Field and Dissonating War
d will all now share the same recast timer.
- Tanglesnare and Poisonspike will both now share the same recast timer.
- Zone of Unmana, Inexorable Defeat and Snaring Tendrils of Power will all now s
hare the same recast timer.


- Bards are now able to purchase the realm ability, Mastery of Concentration.
- Clerics are now able to purchase the realm ability, Wild Power.
- Thanes are now able to purchase the realm abilities, Mastery of Magery and Wil
d Power.


- Drops received after this version that are created by the unique item generato
r will no longer have haste, damage, and range bonuses. This adjustment includes
the following: melee haste, archery haste, spell haste, melee damage, style dam
age, archery damage, spell damage, archery range, and spell range. Any unique it
em drops received prior to this version will be changed to have reduced haste, d
amage, and range bonuses.
- Standard item drops (items not created by the unique item generator) will now
have reduced haste, damage, and range bonuses. This adjustment includes the foll
owing: melee haste, archery haste, spell haste, melee damage, style damage, arch
ery damage, spell damage, archery range, and spell range. Along with this change
, other bonuses on each item have been increased to retain the value of the item
. This change applies for new item drops and any items received prior to this ve
- Please note that item bonuses that were previously limited to being effective
only versus types of mobs will continue to have those restrictions.
- For more information on these changes, please go to http://www.camelotherald.c

- Players will now be able to earn experience from RvR for every artifact. The P
vE requirements will still work, allowing players to choose whether to continue
following the PvE requirement or to engage in RvR. None of the changes involving
the addition of RvR requirements to the artifacts will have any effect on Gaher
is players.

- Rather than focusing on specific classes or races, the following artifacts hav
e also been changed to earn experience from any RvR: Fool's Bow, Crown of Zahur,
Scepter of the Meritorious, Tartaro's Gift, Battler, and Snatcher. The time of
day requirements for earning experience for the Ceremonial Bracers and Band of S
tars has been removed.
- Basic Stealth Lore, Stealth Lore, and Greater Stealth Lore have had their dura
tions reduced to 30, 60, and 90 seconds respectively. The bonus to stealth detec
tion granted by these abilities has also been moderately increased. The intent i
s to make these bonuses very effective in helping to find enemy stealthers in sp
ecific situations (for example, after an enemy stealther has killed several real
mmates in an area). Currently, the bonus granted is too low with such a long dur
ation that it?s basically ?always on.?
- Fixed the spell, 'Aura of Magic', and the delve to 'Feather Fall' on the Cloud
song artifact.
- Damage converted via the level 6 Crocodile's Tear Ring ability will now update
the player's power and endurance bars.
- Fixed archery bonuses (range and haste) to work properly with requirements (su
ch as artifact levels).
- Fixed display of experience remaining on artifacts, so that the experience cou
nter always resets to 0% remaining after each new level instead of displaying "5
0% exp earned towards level 2" immediately after getting the first level.
- Omni-Lifedrain spells (special lifedrain abilities on certain artifacts that d
rain life, power, and endurance) now fail if the user is at full life, power, an
d endurance (previously it would fail if the user was at full life, regardless o
f power/endurance levels).

- To allow players to better bind their keys to player abilities, we're introduc
ing a system of 'Quickbinding'. This allows you to bind any free keyboard key to
a particular quickbar slot.
- To allow players to leave keys free to be used for quickbinding, you can now s
et keys in the Keyboard Config screen to 'No Key'. Select the key, and press the
'[Clear Key]' button that appears. Previously, if you left a key as UNSET, a de
fault key would be selected for it if one was free.
- These bind to a particular slot, so changing what is in the slot will change w
hat the keypress does. You may only assign quickbinds to keys which do not yet h
ave any action mapped to them in the normal keyboard config screen. These quickb
inds are saved on a per-character basis.
(To bind a new key) /qbind bar# slot#
(To get rid of a keybinding) /qunbind bar# slot#
(To see all your current bindings) /qbind
- For example, if you put Quickcast on page 10, slot #5 of your quickbar, and wa
nted to bind a key to it, you would enter: /qbind 10 5
- You will then be prompted to press the key to bind this ability to.

- (TOA Only) We have added a new Quiver Window to allow archer classes to manage
their arrows more easily. There are 4 additional inventory slots on your backpa
ck to place arrows in, and you can pick which arrow will be used to fire next. I
f there are no arrows in your quiver, it will draw out of your backpack as it al
ways has. Type /quiver to bring up the new window.
- You can now drag arrow icons (using Shift-LeftClick) from the quiver to the qu
ickbar to hotkey switching arrow types.

- We have added a new command - /nohelp. A player can use this command to preven
t situations where a player outside of his or her group is healing, for the purp
ose of leeching experience from a monster kill, without their consent. Players c
an also use this command to decline any assistance from nearby Spheres of Rejuve
nation and Fonts of Power.
- If /nohelp is active, the following spells and abilities will not affect the p
layer in any way unless the caster is a member of the player's group: All heal s
pells and regen buffs, the Wave of Healing artifact ability, and the Sphere of R
ejuvenation and Font of Power master level abilities.
- If a player casts a heal spell on a non-consenting player, the spell will comp
lete, but instead of the actual heal taking effect, the player will be told, "Th
at player does not want assistance", in the upper chat window.
- Spell effects will still play over non-consenting players if heal spells, Font
s of Power or Spheres of Rejuvenation try to affect them.


- To address the issue of players maxing out their completed quest list, we have
done two things. First, we have added the ability for players level 26 and over
to clear out specific quests from their completed quest list. Currently a selec
tion of quests that fall in the level 1 to 15 range will be cleared with the exc
eption of guild track quests from levels 7 to 50. To clear a quest, speak to one
of the "Quest Journalists" scattered throughout the land and they will search t
hrough all your completed quests and delete any quest that matches their list of
quests and delete them for you. On Gaheris and Mordred, players may speak to an
y Quest Journalist, not just the one from their realm to have quests deleted.
- The second thing we have done is added a maximum level cap to the level 1-15 q
uests that can be cleared. The cap is 10 levels over the starting level of the q
uest. So if a quest can be received at level 15, only players level 15 through 2
5 can obtain this quest. This will prevent players from repeating quests once th
ey have been deleted from their completed list. The exception to this rule is th
e level 1 through 4 trainer quests, which have been capped at level 5. These que
sts do not affect players beginning their guild track quests at level 7. Also, t
he guild track quests do not have a maximum level cap.
- Please note that this is only for quests you have previously completed. Once t

hey have been cleared, you will not be able to do the quest again. Quests that y
ou still have pending in your journal cannot be cleared by a Quest Journalist. Q
uest Journalists can be found at the following locations:
Camelot Classic
- Cotswold entrance to Camelot (Albion)
- Humberton entrance to Camelot (Albion)
- Mularn entrance to Jordheim (Midgard)
- Vasudheim entrance to Jordheim (Midgard)
- Mag Mell entrance to Tir na Nog (Hibernia)
- Connacht entrance to Tir na Nog (Hibernia)
Shrouded Isles
- Gothwaite Harbor Portal (Albion)
- Aegirhamn Portal (Midgard)
- Grove of Domnann Portal (Hibernia)
Trials of Atlantis (All Realms)
- Hall of Heroes
- Oceanus Portal in Oceanus Hesperos
- Stygia Haven
- Volcanus Haven
- Aerus Haven

- Recipes have been added to the Hibernia Metalworking that will allow crafters
to make trinkets that use strips.
- The rag doll, bedroll pillow, and scarf trinkets will no longer sell back to v
endors for 100% return. Instead, the return value on these trinkets should be in
line with other trinkets (98% return).
- Clothworking - A new trinket called "ruffled scarf" has been added for all mat
erial levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets consume
d, at an increased recipe timer.
- Leatherworking - A new trinket called "tooled leather saddlebag" has been adde
d for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous tri
nkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.

- Metalworking - A new trinket called "gem-studded jewelry box" has been added f
or all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinke
ts consumed, at an increased recipe timer.
- Woodworking - A new trinket called "carved souvenir box" has been added for al
l material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets co
nsumed, at an increased recipe timer.
- Hibernia Metalworking only - A new trinket called "ornate lantern" has been ad
ded for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous t
rinkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.
- Alchemy - Dye Removal Agents for the removal of cloth, leather and enamel dyes
have been added at skill level 108.
- Alchemy - Recipe icons for all dyes will now correspond to the inventory icons
of dyes.
- Albion Spellcrafting - The recipe icons for the Vacuous Fervor Sigil and the V
acuous Sigil will now match the final product's inventory icon.
- Midgard Spellcrafting - The recipe icons for the Ashen Primal Rune and Ashen R
une will now match the final product's inventory icon.
- Hibernia Spellcrafting - The recipe icons for the Light War Spell Stone, Steam
ing Nature Spell Stone, and Steaming Spell Stone will now match the final produc
t's inventory icon.


- Potions and poisons now have color-coded inventory and recipe icons.
- For Alchemy potions, the color coding is as follows: Stat buffs - purple bottl
e; Heal and health regen - red bottle; Endurance heal and endurance regen - gree
n bottle; Power heal and power regen - yellow bottle; Damage shield - orange bot
tle; Attack speed/haste - blue bottle
- For Poisons, the color coding is as follows: DoTs - black vial; Strength debuf
fs - blue vial; Snares - orange vial; Diseases - purple vial; Miscellaneous (atk
speed debuff, and others) - aqua vial


- The combat styles window, the Spec/Ability window, and the Bank/House Vault wi
ndow have now been converted to XML.
- The compass can once again be set to fully transparent (0 alpha).


- Custom windows now remember if they are showing or not between zoning.
- The compass window and performance meter windows no longer need to be open for
the adapter values to be updated.

- The 'DontDrawWhenZero' flag has been added for VerticalStatusBarDefs

- Ten more custom windows have been added, named custom10_window through custom1
- A scalar adapter for combat mode has been added, called "combat_mode".
- New XML Files - stats_spec_abil_window.xml, stats_combat_window.xml, vault_win
dow.xml, vault_chooser.xml
- Modified XML Files - master_level_window.xml
- As with all updates to our UI modding system, this could cause problems with s
ome custom skins. Any time you experience a user interface problem using a custo
m UI, please switch back to a prebuilt skin before treating it as a bug.
- We have added a new adapter, "game_time" to use as the current ingame time.


- We have enhanced the ambient sounds in each realm's capital city.
Midgard Quests
- An End to the Daggers - There was a bug that was causing one of Geyra's Guards
not to follow her. This has been fixed.
- Dark Places of the Soul - Players are now able to trade the Herbalist's Tunic
of Power.
General Monsters
- Rock Giant Shamans now have a higher chance to continue casting while being at
Item Notes
- Items with ablative procs and charges will now have a spell effect and buff ic
on to indicate when the effect has been triggered.
- The Cath Helm (Hibernia) has had its stat bonus changed from Intelligence to D
- The Faded Gloves (Albion) will now have the correct inventory icon.
- Several common loot drops found in Keltoi Fogou have been made stackable by po
pular demand.
- The Aqueous Vest (Albion) has had its salvage value increased slightly to matc
h vests of similar value.
- Cuuldurach's Remains, Golestandt's Remains, and Gjalpinulva's Remains now have
a power level set to 35 for battle group treasury assignment.

- The Robes of Ghostly Light (Albion) will now salvage for a more appropriate am
ount of leather squares.
- The Faded Leggings (Albion) now correctly look like studded armor instead of l
- The Ring of False Bravado (Midgard) has been renamed to Bracelet of False Brav
ado to match the slot in which the item fits.
- The Fuliginous Tiara (all realms) will now salvage for a more appropriate amou
nt of cloth squares.
- (Midgard) The Lashed Web Hauberk's salvage value has been increased.
- (Hibernia) The Loyalist's Scalemail Hauberk and Leggings have been slightly re
named to be consistent with the rest of the armor set.
- Snow vendos in Dodens Gruva will no longer drop low level weapons for Albion p


- Lady Eve will now offer new Paladins a choice of a thrusting one-handed weapon
in addition to the slashing and crushing one-handed weapons and the slashing tw
o-handed weapon she already offers.
Hibernia Quests
- Missing Tapestry: Lilerbad's Beads of Valor have been changed to Lilerbad's Be
ads of Parrying. This item will now grant +2 Parry instead of +2 Valor. Blademas
ters who received Lilerbad's Beads of Quickness with +2 Stealth can trade them b
ack to Lilerbad for the Lilerbad's Beads of Parrying.
- The Lost Seed: We have fixed a bug that allowed pure casters to get a second r
eward from Terod after they completed the quest. Players with the old staff, the
Caorrunn Calbh Staff, may still talk to Terod and receive the replacement focus
- The spawn rate of all of the hall guards and patrols has been greatly reduced.
This will make it easier to travel throughout Krondon's caverns to reach the bo
ss encounters.
Item Notes
- The Charmed String Ring (Midgard) has been changed to be equipped in the ring
slot as opposed to your jewelry slot.
- All Named drops from Trollheim, Avalon City, and Fomor will now have procs/cha
rges (and weapon effects, where appropriate). This will affect pre-existing item

- Nesnuir's Gloves (Midgard) have had the shield bonus changed to a melee haste
bonus as no Midgard Studded wearers can spec in shield.
- Weapons that are dyable will now display as such in the delve information.
- Weapon enamels have been granted a level of 50, so that they may be used in th
e battlegroup treasure system.
- Selected level 50 and 51 bows found in the Classic and Shrouded Isles zones ha
ve been granted offensive procs. For bows selected that already had a charged ef
fect, this change will not be retroactive.
- Balor's Remains, Xanxicar's Remains, and Nosdoden's Remains now have a power l
evel set to 35 for battle group treasury assignment.
- Xanxicar will now drop the appropriate amount of items.


- We have modified the way the Arbiter offers players their Master Level Paths.
Previously, when players clicked on the name of the Master Level Path, they woul
d receive a line asking, "are you [sure] you want that path", or "is that the [c
ourse] you wish to take". These keywords were causing problems for players who h
ad completed ML 1 but hadn't chosen their path yet and said either of those word
s around the Arbiters.
- We have removed those two keywords. Now when a player clicks on the name of a
Master Level Path (such as Warlord or Battlemaster), a dialog box will pop-up, a
sking the player if they wish to choose that path. Players must then either clic
k accept (and be set on that path) or decline. When players accept, they will se
e a message stating that they have been given the Choose Your Path quest and tha
t they have completed this same quest. The quest will then be removed from their
completed list. This should help avoid players being given a path by accident r
ather than by their choice.
Hibernia Remnant Zone
- Shaiee will no longer spawn on top of her tent or in the middle of the ocean.
Her adventurous days are over and she has agreed to return to her normal job ins
ide her tent.
Quests - General
- Fruth, in the tents near the Hall of Heroes, needs someone to help him with so
me errands.
- Verica, in the Ruins of Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item w
hich will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.
- Oktava, in Ruinerar Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item which
will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.
- Athiela, in Scrios de Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item whi

ch will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.

Oceanus Quests
- Players may now use the Janni Powder to combine their objects for the Naxos So
ciety Quest (level 30-39).
- Stolen History - Champions will now be able to equip the Melos Braided Pearl N
ecklace. Any Paladin or Champion who received a Melos Knotted Pearl Necklace can
return it to Actanei in the Melos Territory in Mesothalassa and receive a Melos
Braided Pearl Necklace instead.
- Broken History - Koryna and Oleta will no longer spawn on top of each other.
- Alaeth will now reference a Bunch of Harpy Feathers instead of harpy feathers
to avoid confusion among players.
Stygia Quests
- Marauding Bandits - Berserkers may now choose a one- or two- handed sword as p
art of their reward choices.
Volcanus Quests
- The Great Forge - Sanura can no longer be charmed.
Bounty Quests
- Bounty Quests have been added to the Trials of Atlantis for level 35 to 50 for
all three realms. Speak to the residents of the Havens to learn more about thes
e new Bounty Quests.
Oceanus Monsters
- Melos Harpers are now charmable.
Stygia Monsters
- Setian Desert Scouts will now correctly attempt to enter melee combat when int
Oceanus Encounters
- Due to player feedback, the story encounter, "The Silver Horn", has had a new
function added to it. This function is for groups not wanting to wait for the fu
ll time to expire in between tiers of fighters. Players now have the ability to
walk up to the Triton Announcer and /say ready. This will send out the next tier
of fighters a few seconds later.
- The spell, "Weight of Atlantis", now has a small damage component. This will c
ause players picking up the Heavy Strongbox to take damage and be brought into c
ombat mode, losing benefits such as stealth and speedsong.

- The shark, Razorfin, for the Alvarus' Leggings encounter will now spawn more f
- Players who have the Belt of the Sun or Moon key and did not pick up the belt
from the pedestal can return to the islands from which they obtained it. As long
as the Belt of the Sun or Moon is not spawned you will be able to "USE" your ke
y and receive the Belt of the Sun or Moon and credit for the respective encounte
- Battlegroups will now receive credit for killing the Naxos Tidal Lord.
- The Phoebus Harp encounter no longer awards credit to just one player in the g
roup or battlegroup.
- The Raging Tornado had a slight problem in its growth progress. This has been
repaired and it is now alive and well.
- Sunkaio in Trial 1.1, "Lucky Survivor", would incorrectly deathblow some playe
rs participating in the encounter. This has been fixed.
- Triton treasure hunters are no longer charmable.
- Triton Shamans and Moughart will now award standard master level experience wh
en killed.
Stygia Encounters
- Fortress of Storms has had its difficulty reduced. We have lowered the total a
mount of monsters across the board needed to be defeated to complete this encoun
- Healer's Embrace - Mesedsubastet now has a much lower chance of being attacked
by confused monsters.
- Scarab Wing Vest - Players must now be level 46 to speak to Tey and create the
Magical Scarab-wing Gloves.
- Colossal no longer requires players to be level 50 in order to receive credit
for successful completion of the encounter.
- The Golden Spear story encounter bosses Landrine, Hounthro and Jomnaer have ha
d an engage radius placed on them. This is to prevent training into the Havens.
- Jamaluddin the Dao will now properly drop the Gem of Absorption upon death.
- Some of the Iaculus in the Stygia zones were incorrectly set to have no aggres
sion, this has been fixed.
- Setian guards now have the appropriate Setian faction settings.
Volcanus Encounters
- The general taur population has been thinned out a bit throughout Typhon's Rea
ch and Ashen Isles, particularly around bridges and the entrance area to Deep Vo
lcanus. This should allow a single group a fighting chance to make their way int
o Deep Volcanus.
- The general population taur have had their aggression radius tuned down.

- Erinys Charms - After Samut enters the fray you will now have much more time t
o do battle with him. Samut's Charm effect will now always vanish after Samut pe
rishes. Additionally, the charms will remain with Samut until he perishes after
the battle begins.
- The story encounter, "A Flask", has had its difficulty reduced. The aggro rang
e of any Taur checking for the flask carrier has been reduced. The amount of mon
sters in the area for the encounter has also been reduced.
- The mez spell cast by the Elite Taur Defenders has been changed so it is now o
n an immunity timer.
- Battler will no longer get stuck when chasing retreating players into the lava
in Ashen Isles.
- Encounter 6.1 has been given a new quest name. Rather than completing the 'Rar
e Snake Quest', you will now complete the 'Hunt for the Haje-Uraei'.
- The story encounter, "Shades of Mist", would not properly reset in certain sit
uations. This has been fixed.
Aerus Encounters
- The alternate ending to the Cyclops' Eye encounter has been slightly modified.
Where an entire group of Cyclops would previously charge Kertom under certain c
onditions, now only one brave Cyclops will.
- Kratos has had his roaming area drastically reduced. He will now only roam the
general area where he spawns.
- Cyclops' Eye - A bug has been found and fixed that prevented players from rece
iving quest credit in some cases when defeating either Kleps or Klops to obtain
the Cyclops' Eye Shield.
- Upon turning in the items to Kratos, all players associated with the battlegro
up will receive credit.
- Upon killing Ghita, each player associated with the battlegroup will now recei
ve one token as opposed to a number equivalent to the players in the battlegroup
- Ibn will no longer get stuck in Whirlwind form. Additionally, we have fixed an
issue where Ibn would become unkillable and aggressive before Agne's Sword was
Sobekite Eternal
- Both Chath's Knight and the player Knight have been modified slightly to have
an option for the Diamondback taunting style instead of the Boomslang detaunt st
- When choosing the Horror encounter, Djedkare will now indicate to players that
only 16 people will be rewarded for completing the encounter.
Temple of Twilight

- The non-trial related monsters in the Temple of Twilight will now respawn at a
slower rate, allowing players to move through the dungeon with greater ease.
- The majority of the monsters outside of any of the Gorgon temples have had the
ir spawn rate significantly reduced due to player feedback.
- It should now be easier for players to reach the pregnant cobra area of the du
ngeon. The amount of monsters that need to be killed to reach this area have bee
n reduced.
- Pregnant cobras will now spawn more frequently.
- The Gremna Eel Stomach should now be easier to obtain. The Gremna Eel's will s
pawn more frequently and they now have a higher chance to drop the stomach.
- The molded statues and statue sentinels have been changed to always be active.
This is to fix the targetting issues and the inability to do damage to these mo
- Antioos will only give players the 'Tasks for Antioos' quest once now. If play
ers have received the quest more than once, it will be removed from their pendin
g list when they receive credit for killing Medusa.
- We have fixed an issue where Medusa's temple door would sometimes not properly
unlock itself after the encounter was finished.
- Sinovia has been given a ranged Damage Over Time attack to combat targets out
of melee combat.
Deep Volcanus
- Players who find themselves dead at the end of any of the four Mediator Challe
nge encounters will have their corpses ported back to the Mediator that they spo
ke with to begin the encounter. This will allow players a chance to be resurrect
ed rather than having to /release to bindpoint.
- Trial 7.2, "Know Your Opponent", has had some changes made to how the faction
gaining system works. Now each member in the group will share in an equal amount
of faction gain. This should help ensure that support classes will not be left
behind in a group.
- Crush weapons will now do more damage to Typhon.
- The monsters used in Trial 7, Encounter 9 to take down the mystical barriers i
n Typhon's room have had their level lowered.
- Typhon's defense has been lowered.
- We have fixed an issue where the Katorii encounter could get stuck if an entir
e raid were to die or leave the dungeon before killing Katorii.
City of Aerus Encounters
- Generator Operators should be slightly easier to take down before they reach t
heir destination.
- Trial 9.2, "Defeating Lachlen" will now award battlegroup credit as well as si
ngle group credit.

- We have fixed a bug that could cause Katri to become unkillable if her persona
l guard was killed before reinforcements came.
- After a failed attempt at the final encounter, Ladon's minions will properly r
- We have made a change to Draco that will prevent him from despawning during co
Artifacts and Researchers
- We have fixed a bug that prevented Scouts from receiving the activated Guard o
f Valor from the Scholars.
- We have fixed a bug that prevented Friars from receiving the activated Aten's
Shield from the Scholars.
- We have fixed a bug that was causing Mercenaries to receive the large version
of Aten's Shield instead of the medium one. Mercenaries that received the large
version will return it to Scholars Ailigean or Leron to receive their medium ver
- Due to a bug previous bug with the maubastet Tey, some players below level 46
were able to acquire (but not activate) the Golden Scarab Vest. Since credit for
the encounter is not awarded below level 46 and Tey will only give one pair of
Magical Scarab-wing Gloves to each player, these players are now stuck. We have
put in a fix for these players so they may activate the Golden Scarab Vest. Play
ers that are stuck may obtain credit for the Scarab Wing Vest encounter by speak
ing to Tey provided they meet all of these requirements: they have previously co
mpleted the Magical Scarab-wing Gloves Quest from Tey, they are now at least lev
el 46, they have neutral faction with the maubastet, they have the Golden Scarab
Vest artifact in their inventory, and they have not received credit for the Sca
rab Wing Vest or its encounter already.
Crocodile's Tear Ring
- Up until now, the Crocodile's Tear Ring has been inadvertantly granted to heal
ing classes - the NPC who creates the artifact does not include healing classes
in his text dialog, but accepts the artifact pieces anyways. The classes who fal
l into this category are: Clerics, Friars, Healers, Shaman, Wardens, and Druids.
This has led to some balance problems with some healing classes' spells combine
d with the level 10 ability of that artifact. Instead of removing the Crocodile
Tear Ring totally from these classes, we are giving them the chance of keeping t
he ring, but the level 10 ability for that artifact will not be available for th
ose classes.
- If you are a Cleric, Friar, Healer, Shaman, Warden or Druid that has already a
ctivated the Crocodile's Tears Ring and no long wish to keep it, you may return
it to Scholars Shamira or Khalial in Albion, Loremistresses Margit or Vendela in
Midgard, and Sages Linyive or Narvla in Hibernia. They will give the above clas
ses a locked version of the Crocodile's Tears Ring as well as a copy of Tyrus' E
pic Poem so that they may sell or trade these items. Players may only perform th
is return once.

Traitor's Dagger and Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Midgard)

- (Midgard) We have added axe versions of both the Traitor's Dagger and the Croc
odile's Tooth Dagger. Midgard players will now be given a choice of activating t
hese artifacts as a sword weapon or an axe weapon. For players that have already
activated either of these artifacts, they may exchange their sword version for
an axe version of the artifact. Please note that any levels/experience the artif
act has gained will be lost when it is traded in.
- Loremistress Tyraa and Loremaster Torolf will perform the trade-in for the Tra
itor's Dagger. Loremaster Trygve and Loremaster Joakim will perform the trade-in
for the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger.
Maddening Scalars Gloves (Midgard)
- We are aware of the fact that some Berserkers and Savages received 0 con/70 du
r Gloves when they traded their chain version of the Maddening Scalars Gloves in
for studded ones. To help fix the problem, we have set up another trade-in for
these two classes. Berserkers and Savages with the bugged Maddening Scalars shou
ld return to Loremistress Hetha or Loremistress Marga to exchange their Gloves.
This exchange may only be done once and any artifact levels/experience gained wi
th the Gloves will be lost. Players activating the Gloves with this patch will n
ot be able to trade in their gloves later on.
Bracelet of Zo'karat (All Realms)
- We have fixed a bug that was allowing all classes to obtain this item, althoug
h it is intended for pure casters and healing classes only. A requirement has be
en added to the Bracelet so that only pure casters and healing classes may equip
it. Additionally, only pure casters and healing classes may activate this artif
act from now on. Any class that had previously activated the Bracelet of Zo'kara
t and now cannot use it may return it to one of the following researchers and re
ceive their locked artifact and book back so that they may be traded or sold to
Albion - Scholars Margoria or Colene
Midgard - Loremistress Tyraa or Loremaster Torolf
Hibernia - Sages Darragh or Kelleigh
Traldor's Oracle (All Realms)
- We have fixed a bug that was allowing all classes to obtain this item, althoug
h it is intended for pure casters and Friars only. Any class that previously act
ivated Traldor's Oracle but cannot use it may return it to one of the following
researchers and receive their locked artifact and book back so they may be trade
d or sold to another. Only pure casters and friars may activate this artifact fr
om now on.
Albion - Scholars Margoria or Colene
Midgard - Loremistress Tyraa or Loremaster Torolf
Hibernia - Sages Darragh or Kelleigh

Aten's Shield (All Realms)

- We have replaced the Golden Flames proc on Aten's Shield with a damage shield.
The Golden Flames spell was, under certain cases, causing players to not receiv
e credit for completing encounters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future p
atch to give this shield a more appropriate ability.
Artifact Notes
- Trials of Atlantis introduced many new area of effect artifacts and abilities
that pulse to players within a certain region. Unfortunately, affecting every pl
ayer in range has proven to be unbalancing and damaging to the game, in many way
s. In 1.68, we are introducing limits to the maximum number of players affected
by these artifacts and abilities, to give us a balance point that we can use for
these abilities.
- The maximum number of player targets affected by Radiant Aura spells is now ca
pped at twenty.
- The Fountain of Health and Fountain of Power spells on Jacina's Sash will now
affect a maximum of forty players.
- The Celestial Healing and Herbal Regrowth spells on A Healer's Embrace will no
w affect a maximum of forty players.
- The Aura of Kings spell on the Spear of Kings will now affect a maximum of twe
nty players.
- The Zahur's Aura of Magic spell on the Crown of Zahur will now affect maximum
of twenty players.
- The Aura of Magic Power spell on the Cloudsong cloak will now affect a maximum
of twenty players.
- Players shapechanged by the Band of Stars will no longer be able to right-clic
k remove the effect.
- The Band of Stars will now correctly cast the shapechange, bolt, and debuff po
rtions of the level ten spell.
- The accuracy bonus for the Skill of the Gladiators spell on Battler has been r
- The weapons summoned by the Belt of the Moon will now be lost when the player
logs out or dies during daytime. The weapons will remain if the player dies duri
ng the nighttime or zones to a new area.
- The weapons summoned by the Belt of the Sun will now be lost when the player l
ogs out or dies during nighttime. The weapons will remain if the player dies dur
ing the daytime or zones to a new area.
- The resist bonuses on the cloth version of the Crown of Zahur (Albion) have be
en raised to 5% to match the other versions.
- The chain version of the Crown of Zahur (Albion) now uses an acuity bonus in p
lace of the piety bonus.
- The Dream Sphere artifact (all 3 realms) has been changed so that it now level

s on any mobs killed in ANY Shrouded Isles zone at night.

- The Dream Sphere's self only shapechange spell will no longer be overwritten b
y the group version.
- The Inversion spell on Eirene's Hauberk has been modified. It will now convert
half of the spell damage received into healing. The spell is now set to be a re
active proc and will drop after converting one damage spell.
- The reactive proc on Eirene's Hauberk will now fire correctly during RVR and P
VE combat.
- The Ethereal Phoebus Harp can now be equipped in the Ranged slot.
- The Ethereal Phoebus Harp (Hibernia) will now be equipable by Bards and will n
o longer give the "you have no skill in that weapon" message.
- The Waters of Life spell from A Flask will no longer prevent players from stea
- The Goddess Necklace (all realms) can no longer be held in a weapon slot.
- The Javelins of Flame summoned by the Golden Spear now work as a charged item
and will no longer use ground targeting.
- Jacina's Sash will now earn experience from killing Atlantean cyclops in addit
ion to Atlantean sphinxes and enemies from other realms.
- Weary Explorers now have the correct faction settings to allow Kalare's Neckla
ce to gain experience off of hunting them. Additionally, Kalare's Necklace can n
ow earn experience from the following monsters: Lethos the Unifier, Advisor Tima
nthes, Advisor Zarlanthus, Advisor Gyges, and Advisor Anzelm.
- The Maddening Scalar gloves will now earn experience in the frontier dungeons.
- The Malice weapon proc on the Malice's Axe artifact has been changed to debuff
a percentage of the target's buffed stats.
- Mariasha's Sharkskin gloves will now fire both the damage over time and the di
sease spell correctly.
- Sebak now has an increased chance to drop the Nailah's Robe artifact.
- Radiant Aura (Crocodile Tear Ring level 10 ability) now only works on players
and controlled monsters (pets and charmed monsters). Guards and other realm frie
nds will no longer be affected.
- Radiant Aura will now work on controlled monsters after the first pulse (previ
ously pets would not keep up with Radiant Aura'd speed songs).
- The Scepter's Boon spell on the Scepter of the Meritorious will no longer be c
ancelled when pulsing spells are cancelled. It will also no longer be displayed
in the Bonuses window.
- Scepter of the Meritorious is now set to the correct duration and the pulsing
effect was removed.
- The Traitor's Dagger now has a higher chance to proc the level five spell. Add
itionally, the summoned vampiric mist now has an increased chance to cast its li

- Traldor's Oracle - The Friar version of this artifact has had the melee haste
and style damage each reduced by 1%. The piety bonus has been increased by 3.
- The Harpy Feather Cloak - The melee haste on the cloak has been reduced by 5%.
The parry skill bonus has been increased by 1.
- Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves - The archery haste and archery range bonuses on t
he gloves were each reduced by 2%. The slash, crush, thrust, heat, cold, and ene
rgy resistance bonuses have been increased by 1% for each.
- Scepter of the Meritorious - The melee damage bonus on the Scepter was reduced
by 3%. The strength and dexterity bonuses have been increased by 2.
- Fool's Bow - The archery haste, archery range and archery damage bonuses on th
e Bow have been each reduced by 2%. The Dexterity and Quickness bonuses were eac
h increased by 2 and the archery skill bonus was increased by 1.
- Aten's Shield - The summoned trident of golden flame has had the melee haste b
onus reduced by 2%. The hit point bonus has been increased by 8 hit points and t
he strength bonus has been increased by 4.
- Eirene's Chest piece - All versions of the chest piece that have Style damage
and Melee damage, had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust
resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the chest piece that h
ave spell range and spell Damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%
. The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- The Scorpions Tail - The spell haste bonus on the ring has been reduced by 2%.
The power percentage bonus has been increased by 1%, and the armor factor bonus
has been increased by 2.
- The Golden Spear - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 1% and the style damag
e bonus was reduced by 4%. The strength bonus was increased by 2, the dexterity
bonus was increased by 2, and the slash, crush, and thrust resistance bonuses we
re each increased by 2%.
- Nailah's Robe / Vest - The spell range and spell damage bonuses were each redu
ced by 1%. The crush and thrust resistance bonus were each increased by 1%.
- Crocodiles Tooth - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 3%, the Style damage b
onus was reduced by 2% and the Melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The Strengt
h and Dexterity bonuses were each increased by 6.
- Snake charmers Whip - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee d
amage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit
resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Snake charmers Greave - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee
damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spiri
t resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Snake charmers Scythe - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee
damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spiri
t resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Golden Scarab Vest - All versions of the vest that have archery range and arch
ery damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust
resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the vest that had the
style damage and melee damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%.

The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Battler / Magma Battler - Each version of the Battler / Magma Battler had the
melee haste bonus reduced by 2% and the melee damage bonus reduced by 1%. The sl
ash, crush and thrust resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Bruiser / Magma Bruiser - The versions of Bruiser with melee haste and style d
amage had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The spirit and energy resistance
bonuses were each increased by 1%. The remaining versions of Bruiser / Magma Bru
iser were unaffected.
- Jacina's Sash - The spell piercing bonus on the sash was reduced by 1%. The sp
ell duration bonus on the sash was increased by 1%.
- Braggarts Bow - The archery haste bonus was reduced by 3%, the archery damage
bonus was reduced by 2%, and the archery range bonus was reduced by 1%. A bow sk
ill bonus of 3 was added.
- Guard of Valor - The damage, range, and haste bonuses were reduced to 4%. Two
of the score cap increase bonuses were increased by 1.
- Belt of the Sun - The sun weapons Melee damage, and Style damage bonuses were
each reduced by 1%. The sun weapon melee haste bonus was reduced by 5%. The skil
l bonus was increased by 1 and the strength bonus was increased by 6.
- Belt of the Moon - The Moon weapons had the spell haste bonus reduced by 2%. T
he power percentage bonus was increased by 1%.
- Phoebus Harp Necklace - The summoned harp had the spell haste bonus reduced by
3%. Matter, body and spirit resistance bonuses were added at a 2% value.
- Bracelet of Zo'arkat - The spell range bonus was lowered by 2%. The matter, bo
dy and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
Item Notes
- We have fixed some problems where the monsters in Necropolis were not dropping
scrolls correctly.
- Loukas' Journal, Vol. 1 and 2 will now correctly display the partial story whe
n interacted with.
- The Maddening Scalars level ten spell will now correctly shape-change the play
er and cast the buff spell.
- All weapons summoned by the Crocodile Tooth Dagger will now be the correct lev
- Bence's Letter, 1 of 3 was dropping from rare and difficult to reach mobs. The
scroll has been added to setian sandscryers, setian tremorlings, and setian san
dstrutters that are more accessible and common.
- Dream Gem scrolls can now be sold as there is not a corresponding artifact.
- The Ancient Transmuter now sells greater infectious serum instead of greater l
ethal venom.
- Weapons that are dyable will now display as such in the delve information.

- The blank bonus on Akil's Fury (Hibernia) has been set to a Dexterity bonus.
- The Empathy bonus on the Whirling Song Leggings (Hibernia) has been replaced w
ith a Charisma bonus.
- The Hammer of the Scaled now has the correct chance to proc as well as a parti
cle effect.
- The Dreadfin Dire Sword now has the correct chance to proc.
- The Oceanus chests will now create appropriate level two-handed axes for Warri
- The duplicate Slash Resist bonus on the Worked Wormhide Bracer has been change
d to Spirit Resist.
- The Miasmic Sword (Midgard) will now give a bonus to Sword instead of Two-hand
- The Qebehsenuef's Leggings of Dread (Midgard) now has a bonus to Piety Cap ins
tead of a bonus to Intelligence Cap.
- The duplicate Strength bonus on the Cudgel of the Whispering Wind (Albion) has
been changed to a Constitution Bonus.
- The melee haste bonus on the Lightning Etched Vest (Hibernia) has been changed
from 0% to the correct value.
- The Bow of Apollo (Midgard) now grants a bonus to Composite Bow instead of Lon
- The Runed Wind-wrought Pants (Albion studded) now use enamel dyes instead of l
eather dyes
- The Gloves of the Cryth (Hibernia) no longer have a requirement for the bonus
to healing effectiveness.
- The Mace of the Zenith (Hibernia) will now look like and be wielded as a 1 han
ded mace.
- The Magus Staff of the Chasm, Magus Staff of the Gale, Magus Staff of the Blaz
e, and Magus Staff of the Depths can now be recharged.
- The Lightning Etched Studded Vest (Albion) has had its bonus to melee combat s
peed increased to 5% from 0%.
- Sadri the Traitor (Midgard) will no longer drop staves with bonuses to piercin
- Hapy's Jewel of Dread has had its Piety bonus changed to an Acuity stat bonus.
- The Cyclopean Cloud Skewer (Midgard) has had its stats changed to be appropria
te for a hunter instead of casters.
- The Echo of Imsety (Stygia) will now drop Scale armor instead of chain for Hib
ernian players.
- The Hibernian and Midgard versions of the Azar's Guard shield have had their r
eactive proc changed to a charged ability to bring them in line with the more us
eful Albion version. This will affect pre-existing items, but they will start wi

th zero charges and need to be recharged.

- Hapy's Jewel of Dread (Hibernia) now increases the acuity stat instead of piet
- Imsety's Gloves of Dread (Hibernia) now increase intelligence instead of piety
- The Choker of the Zephyr now increases power percentage in place of a duplicat
e power cap bonus.
- The Ring of the Deep (quest-related item) now has the proper ring inventory ic
- The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Albion) will now drop with a slower attack spe
ed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed.
- The Bow of Silent Oblivion (Hibernia and Albion) will now drop with a slower a
ttack speed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed.
- The Mystic Runed Defender (All Realms) and the Golden Runed Defender (Midgard/
Hibernia) have had their strength bonuses increased slightly to be more appropri
ate to the level of the item.
- The Heart of Volcanus named drops will now have the correct 90 second re-use t
imer and recharge cost for all charged items.
- The Aura of Armoring reactive proc on the Guard of Valor will now stack with a
ll types of armor factor buffs.
- The healing bonus on the Salamander Skin Drum (Albion) has been removed. The r
emaining magical bonuses have been increased.
- The Corroded Circlet of Sutekh (Midgard) now increases quickness instead of pi
ety, and parry instead of staff.
- The Runemasters Staff of Sand (Midgard) will no longer display two "Usable by"
- The Vest of Reveries (Hibernia) no longer has a requirement associated with it
s bonus to constitution.
- The Mace of Blood (Hibernia) now has a bonus to Constitution to replace the bl
ank stat bonus.
- Volcanus items will no longer have "vs. mob type" requirements for stat or res
istance bonuses.
- The blank resistance bonus on the Enchanted Runed Defender (Albion) has been s
et to thrusting resistance.
- The Constitution bonus on the Lightning Etched Mail Hauberk (Albion) is now co
rrectly set to 15 points.
- The Staff of Blood for all three realms now has a Lifetap charge.
- Naxos's Tidal Sword (Hibernia) now correctly gives a bonus to large weaponry i
nstead of blades.
- The Storm Struck Bow (Albion) now gives a bonus to Longbow instead of Bow.

- The Thunder Skin drum (Hibernia) is now able to be equipped by Bards.

- The Rod of Kepa (Midgard) is now set to the correct dps.
- The constitution bonus on the Lightning Etched Mail Hauberk (Midgard) is now c
orrectly set to 15.
- The intelligence bonus on the Shadow-bound Pants (Midgard) has been changed to
- The Wind-dance Lute (Hibernia) is now equipable by bards.
- The Belt of the Clouds (All Realms) has had an Arrow Damage bonus added, to br
ing it to a more appropriate level.
- Azar's Defense (Albion) will now appear to be a small shield, instead of a stu
dded helm.
- The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Midgard) will now drop with a slower attack sp
eed. Existing bows will not be changed.
- The Bow of Silent Oblivion (Midgard) will now drop with a slower attack speed.
Existing bows will not be changed.
- (Pendragon Only) The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Albion) has been adjusted to
be consistent with established bow speeds. This change only applies to newly dro
pped versions of the bow.
- The Bows of the Blaze (All Realms), Bows of the Chasm (All Realms), and the Bo
ws of the Depths (All Realms) have had their bonuses adjusted to be more benefic
ial to archers.
- The Magma Infused Defender shield (All Realms) has had its proc changed so tha
t it is triggered when the shield is used as a weapon.
- Abstrusus Gantelet (Albion) now increases piety and dexterity, instead of inte
lligence and strength.
- Future drops of the Albion caster version of the Storm Struck Staff will drop
with the correct magic bonus. This change does not apply retroactively to existi
ng staves, but players with a 0% bonus staff can still have the magic bonus appl
ied by an NPC enchanter.
- The Legs of the Mutilator has had its second bonus to Dexterity changed to Qui
- The Conflagrant Short Sword (Albion & Hibernia) and the Conflagrant Hatchet (M
idgard) have had their proc damage increased slightly.
- The Voltaic Great Hammer, Voltaic Great Sword, Voltaic War Pick, Voltaic Hooke
d Spear, and Voltaic Battle Spear have had their proc damage increased slightly.
- Lucky Failm (Hibernia) now increases charisma instead of intelligence.
- Pants of the Transfixer (Hibernia) now increase quickness in place of a second
dexterity bonus.
- The particle effect on the Elven Dagger of the Breeze (Hibernia) has been chan
ged to one that should fit the blade better.

- The bonuses on the Call of the Desert Leggings (Skald) have been changed. The
casting haste is now melee haste and the heal bonus has been changed to score ca
p - charisma.
- The Statuesque Eye (all realms) has been adjusted to have the proper amount of
imbue points.
Partial List of Item Changes
- The following is a partial list of items changed that had a significant bonus
reduction for damage, range, or haste.
- The Shawl of Clouds (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Constitution 1
5, Spell Damage 2%, Power Cap 10, Matter Resist 6%, Slashing Resist 9%
- The Sash of the Calm (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Dexterity 15,
Spell Damage 2%, Armor Factor 16, Spirit Resist 6%, Debuff Bonus 10%
- The Bracer of Snow now (all realms) has the following bonuses: Acuity 24, Spel
l Range 2%, Casting Haste 2%, Body Resist 9%, Spell Duration 10%
- The Belt of Thunder (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Melee Damage 2
%, Constitution 22, Energy Resist 8%, Spirit Resist 8%, Body Resist 6%
- The Belt of the Zephyr (all realms)now has the following bonuses: Spell Damage
2%, Constitution 22, Energy Resist 8%, Spirit Resist 8%, Body Resist 6%
- The Ring of the Torrent (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Casting Ha
ste 2%, Crushing Resist 11%, Slashing Resist 10%, Thrusting Resist 10%
- The Cyclone Bracer (all realms)now has the following bonuses: Melee Haste 2%,
Crushing Resist 11%, Slashing Resist 10%, Thrusting Resist 10%
- The Ring of the Cyclone (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Acuity 15,
Spell Range 2%, Power Percentage 10%, Energy Resist 9%, Hit Points 40
- The Bracelet of the Zephyr (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Spell R
ange 2%, Dexterity 18, Matter Resist 8%, Cold Resist 8%, Fire Resist 8%
- The Bracer of Thunder (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Style Damage
2%, Strength 18, Matter Resist 8%, Cold Resist 8%, Fire Resist 8%
- The Gem of the Twilight (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Style Dama
ge 2%, Dexterity 16, Body Resist 8%, Envenom skill 4, Hit Points 52
- The Great War Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Ha
mmer 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%
- The Great War Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe 3
, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%
- The Great Spear of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Celtic
Spear 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%
- The Ancient Forged Vest (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Left Axe 3, S
core Cap: Constitution 8, Score Cap: Dexterity 9, Melee Damage 2%
- The Mace of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Crush 3, Streng

th 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

- The Great Hammer of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee S
kill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The War Pick of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill
All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Mace of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Crush Skill 3,
Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Dagger of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Thrust Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Blade of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Slash Skill 3,
Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Chain of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Flexible Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Long Hammer of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Sk
ill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Glaive of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill A
ll 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Great Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer
Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Great Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Fang Greave of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hand to
Hand Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage
- The Battle Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe Skil
l 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Moon Claw of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hand to H
and Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2
- The Great Hammer of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Large
Weapon Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Dama
ge 2%
- The Spear of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Celtic Spear
Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Adze of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Piercing Skil
l 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Hammer of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Blunt Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Blade of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Blades Skill

3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

- The Scythe of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Scythe Skil
l 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

- New Trials of Atlantis bonuses are now available for searches via the Market E
- We have added ambient sounds to the player housing market areas, stables, and
- Esbeth, the Tailor Tradeskill Master in the Arothi marketplace will now correc
tly promote players to the next tradeskill level.
- The Bane Merchants and the Potion, Tincture, & Enchantment Vendors now have a
random chance of saying their idle chatter to players instead of saying it every
Trials of Atlantis Trophies
- Players can now make trophies from 9 final Trial encounter monsters, as well a
s barracudas from the waters of Atlantis. New taxidermists and apprentice taxide
rmists have been added to the housing zones in each realm to create the trophies
. Speak to the following NPCs in the housing zones to create your trophies for C
etus, the Runihura, Medusa, Martikhoras, Ammut, the Chimera, Typhon, Talos, and
the Phoenix. The apprentice taxidermists will create barracuda trophies.
Albion - Ectant Dinailaine, Ilphrae Dinailaine, Jhanva Dinailaine, Airyn Dinaila
ine, Ybaedric Dinailaine
Midgard - Frolder, Warmir, Hudi, Thieya, Aenda
Hibernia - Sannan, Sabrea, Sionyn, Sadoc, Sioned


- Players on the PvP and PvE servers will now get the option to teleport to all
three major Realm Frontier Gates when using the Djinn Stones in Atlantis.
- The Albion Decorator for the Mordred and Gaheris servers will now have a Grand
master Merchant token available to purchase.
Artifacts and Researchers
- There was a bug that was allowing players on Gaheris and Mordred to turn in ce
rtain locked artifacts to other realms' researchers. Because the researchers are
set up to only deal with their realm's players, they would not accept the compl
eted book from players of other realms. This left these players thinking they we
re now stuck, their artifact gone, and the activation quest pending. Players in
this situation should take their completed book to their realm's researcher and
turn it in to receive their activated artifact. From now on, players on Gaheris

and Mordred will only be able to turn in their locked artifacts to their own rea
lm's researchers.
Sorry for not updating sooner - technical difficulties with the Herald Hamster.
Here's the errata and hot fix notes:


- The marketplaces in the housing zones now have ambient sounds.
- When an underwater breathing potion expires, players will now get a popup wind
ow that looks like the release timer, but is captioned, "Holding Your Breath."
- The Crystal Titan can no longer be used against monsters.
- The Crystal Titan's duration is now 5 minutes and its recast time is now 30 mi
- Players can can once again bind in Prydwen Keep.
- The Star of Destiny will now correctly be deleted from inventory once it is us
- The bonedancer's life tap shout should no longer share a re-use timer with any
of the master level abilities.
- We have fixed a bug which allowed items with bonuses to the acuity stat cap to
exceed the intended ceiling on item stat cap bonuses.
Here's what just went live:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.68A Release Notes
February 24, 2004


- This client patch includes performance enhancements for both the Shrouded Isle
s and Trials of Atlantis clients that have been in testing on Pendragon recently
. These optimizations are designed to increase framerate when around large numbe

rs of figures (in RVR battles, PVE raids, and in populated towns), as well as im
prove performance when first encountering and loading up new figures.
- To assist satellite users who have been having problems with the login client,
we have made some connection adjustments that should help alleviate many or all
of the issues.
- Necromancers can now once again use power drain spells on targets with 0 power
. These spells will damage the target and give the caster power as in version 1.
- We have fixed a bug that was preventing players from creating trophies with re
mains that required the extraordinary behemoth potion. (Golestandt, Xanxicar, Cu
uldurach, Balor, Gjalpinulva, and Nosdoden)
- Multiple friendly ward/storm spells in the same area will no longer spam the c
asters with error messages.
- The Powerstrike spell found on Unique Items now has the correct damage value.
Quest Journalist Changes
- Connla's Well (Hibernia) will no longer be removed from completed quest lists
by the Quest Journalist.
- Fortune of the Few (Albion) will no longer be capped at level 21.
- Spinner's Cloak (Hibernia) will no longer be capped at level 20, because it is
a prerequisite for other quests. Also, the Quest Journalist will not remove thi
s quest from completed quest lists anymore.
- Egg of Youth (Hibernia) - We have fixed a bug that was preventing Bards from a
ctivating the Egg of Youth.
- Bruiser (Midgard) - We have fixed a bug that was preventing Shamans and Healer
s from activating Bruiser.
- The Foppish Sleeves artifact level 5 ability "Chink in the Armor" should now g
ive its target a more appropriate debuff icon.
- The Wing's Dive and Foppish Sleeve artifacts should now correctly proc their l
evel ten spell in PvP combat.
- The Shield of Khaos, the Eerie Darkness Stone and the Crocodile Tear Ring now
show the correct experience requirement information. Additionally, the Crocodile
Tear Ring will now correctly earn experience in the frontier dungeons.
- We have replaced the Unending Vengeance proc on Maddening Scalars with a damag
e shield. The Unending Vengeance spell was, under certain cases, causing players
to not receive credit for completing encounters. We will be adjusting the spell
in a future patch to give the gloves a more appropriate ability.
- We have replaced the Silver Aura charge on the Snakecharmer's Whip, Snakecharm
er's Greave, Snakecharmer's Scythe with a damage shield. The Silver Aura spell w
as, under certain cases, causing players to not receive credit for completing en
counters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future patch to give the weapons a

more appropriate ability.


Oceanus Encounters
- We have fixed an issue with the Guardian of Atlantis despawning incorrectly wh
ile the Tablet of Atlantis encounter was taking place.
Item Notes
- The Legs of the Mutilator has had its second bonus to Dexterity changed to Qui
- The invalid charge settings have been removed from the Magma Infused Defender
shields(all realms).
And we're up! Here are the final notes, everybody:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.68b Release Notes
February 26, 2004


- Some users were experiencing pauses in open field RVR combat with our initial
optimization patch, as well as some texture flickering. We have removed the prob
lematic optimizations from the live client patch while we continue to look into
Majestic Will Changes
As you know, the documentation for the Majestic Will realm ability says that it
gives the user a bonus to hit 5% per level, and up to three levels. So, technicall
y, at its best, Majestic Will should have been granting a bonus of 15%.
Players who have been blowing away epic monsters, however, know that the actual
granted bonus is much higher. Weve always tracked how often the epic monsters and d
ragons die, and the rate is fast increasing. So, we need to make Majestic Will r
eflect its listed documentation immediately.

- Majestic Will has had its timer reduced from 30 minutes to 10 minutes. This ch
ange is already on live servers as of February 24, 2004.
- The Augmented Acuity III pre-requisite for Majestic Will has been removed.
- There will remain three levels of Majestic Will. Unfortunately, we didn't fore
see some of the technical difficulties involved in making our first 5 level *act
ive* realm ability. (All the other "five level" RAs are passive abilities.) Sinc
e this will involve more testing than we can accomplish in an evening, weve decided
to keep Majestic Will at three levels for now (but at the costs we promised on
February 24). We will revisit Majestic Will along with all the other Realm Abili
ties during the RA review that will occur in New Frontiers.
- Cost per level will be: Level I - 1 point, Level II - 3 points, Level III - 6
- All costs and bonuses are cumulative; meaning that Majestic Will III will cost
10 realm ability points and give a 15% bonus against spell resists.
Majestic Will Refund
- Players that have previously purchased Majestic Will now have the realm abilit
y removed from their characters and their realm skill points refunded.


Shield of Khaos (Midgard and Hibernia)
- We have fixed a bug with the researchers giving out the Shield of Khaos to Tha
nes and Champions. Since the Shield of Khaos is a large shield, these classes sh
ould not have been able to activate it, but they were. Thanes and Champions will
no longer be able to activate the Shield of Khaos. Thanes and Champions that ha
ve already activated the shield may return it to the following researchers and e
xchange it for the completed Shield of Khaos Book and locked artifact. These ite
ms may then be traded or sold to other players.
Midgard - Loremaster Pahr or Loremaster Sverrir
Hibernia - Sage Mareva or Sage Tiernan
Grab a soda, a snack, and your ring shaped pillows, gang:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69 Release Notes
April 14, 2004


- Client performance caused by spell effects, encountering new players/monsters,
and large battles should be greatly improved, especially on Windows XP systems.
- Optimized speed of zoning between two different worlds (Shrouded Isles to Home
land, etc).
- When attempting to repair a door without enough wood, you will now receive a m
essage informing you of the number of wood units you need and the number of wood
units you currently have.
- Speed of the Realm, the spell cast by each realm's hastener NPCs, has had its
duration increased to 4 minutes. This should allow players to make it to the fir
st keep in their frontiers before the spell expires.
- Other speed spells or songs will no longer overwrite Speed of the Realm.
- Self targeted "no recast" spells, such as self bladeturns, should now overwrit
e group pulsing bladeturns even during the 2.5 second no recast period.
- Enemy realm targeted spells can now be cast on targets you're dueling.
- Group-targeted spells and abilities now properly check for the distance of any
pets of group members when casting.
- Point blank area of effect spells no longer fail if the caster has an object t
- Focus spells now properly drop their effects when the caster is the victim of
a crowd control spell.
- Endurance drain spells now report, "Your target's stamina wavers!" to the cast
er/proc beneficiary.
- Non list casters who have a spell list (usually by choosing a master level tra
ck) should now once again have their spell timers updated correctly.
- The stun component on the Albion thrust style, Dragonfang, has been reduced to
5 seconds.
- Dual wield type styles which have a self targeted spell effect should now fire
even in the case that the second attack in the dual wield strike fails for any
reason (target dead, out of range, etc).
- Legendary weapons made before 1.68 will now have reduced melee, spell, and arc
hery damage bonuses. This change has been made to bring these items in line with
the new guidelines established for Trials of Atlantis objects in Version 1.68.
For more information, please visit
- The damage over time "proc" on the Fool's Bow artifact will now fire correctly
- The Restoration ability will now only convert healing to endurance based on th
e actual amount healed. A full health character who receives a heal will no long
er gain endurance with this ability.

- Artifacts no longer incorrectly report experience gains from grey con monsters
- Staves with +All Magic skills no longer give double Druid Nature skill bonuses
- The Jerkin of Withering now reports endurance loss properly to the target.
- Items owned by their owners with heal procs no longer check for /nohelp.
- Players with /nohelp on will no longer be affected by the Crocodile's Tear Rin
- Pets are treated as their owner for the purposes of the /nohelp command.
- With no quiver slot selected, a player's highest ammo slot in their inventory
will always be chosen.
- When you successfully stick/follow/face someone, Run Lock will be automaticall
y disabled so it does not kick back in after the target is no longer valid to fo
llow (such as after the target player/monster dies).
- If you attempt to stick/follow/face someone and it fails, you will no longer s
top following your previous target.
- When riding on horses, your arrow keys will no longer move the camera around (
unless you are in mouselook mode or have mouselook toggle pressed down). Arrow k
eys will move the camera by default only when riding on a boat.
- Fixed an issue where spamming a key bound to a quickbar macro could make the m
acro (such as /qbar) fire incorrectly.
- (ToA Only) When running in windowed mode, the resolutions 800x600, 1024x768, 1
152x864, and 1280x1024 will always be available to select, even if your video ca
rd does not report them as available resolutions.
- (PvP Only) Necromancers on PvP servers can now attack one another when one or
both necromancers are in shade form.
- (PvE & PvP Servers) Using something other than a left axe in your off-hand as
a shadowblade or berserker will no longer allow you to dual wield.
- (PvP Servers) Players will now correctly receive realm points when killing a p
layer who is riding a boat.
- Boats can no longer be dropped in dungeons.
New Commands and Command Changes
- We have added the /gc logins command. This command will toggle a flag on your
character which will send a text message informing you whenever a member of your
guild (who isn't anonymous) logs on or off.
- The /who command has been altered to show a [CG] and a [BG] next to players' n
ames who are the leaders of a public chat group and battlegroup respectively.
- The /who command now allows multiple different search filters at once. For exa
mple, typing /who 40 50 Wizard Emain Dragonhearts would list all of the level 40
through 50 Wizards currently in Emain Macha with a guild that matches the "Drag

onhearts" filter.
- Any member of a public chat or battle group can now invite other players to jo
- A member count has been added to the /bg status command.
- You can now save your default camera position to your own setting. Place your
camera where you want it to be, and type "/setcamera". To erase your custom sett
ings, use "/resetcamera". Once you set a new camera position with /setcamera, yo
u can move your camera back to that position by pressing the 'Reset Camera' key.
This setting is saved on a per-character basis.
- We have added slash commands for "/bonuses" and "/journal" - these commands do
the same thing as if you had clicked on the respective buttons on the Command W
- Added a new slash command: "/quiver dump" - it will take any arrows in your qu
iver and drop them on the ground.
Interface Changes
- (ToA Only) The group and minigroup windows will now display endurance for each
group member.
- (ToA Only) A new group buffs window has been added to let you see all of your
groupmates' buffs. The new window can be opened with the button on your large gr
oup status window.
- Attempting to trade a no-trade item will automatically set the repair flag for
the recipient of the trade. If the target can't repair the item or removes the
repair status, any no-trade item will be removed from the trade.
- Quality and Condition have been added to shield chat delves.
- Speed has been added to weapon and shield full delves.
- Power percent bonuses now display in the BONUSES window.
- Right clicking on a Combat Style icon will now display the name of the Previou
s Style requirement if there is one (before, it would simply show that there was
a previous style required).
- You will now receive a pop-up confirmation box when using a realm ability resp
- (ToA Only) The Vault has been changed to optionally have a "Page Mode" where y
ou can view only items on a certain page, for those players who like to organize
their personal and house vaults by pages.
- You will now get an icon at the top of your screen if you are being protected,
guarded, and/or intercepted. Right clicking on this icon will display who is do
ing the action to you.
- (ToA Only) A "Quiver" button has been added to the Combat Style page to allow
you to bring up your quiver (instead of typing /quiver).
- The text of a macro will no longer be added to the list of previously entered
commands (accessed by pressing "Shift-Up").

Realm v. Realm
- Both of the tower doors on Caer Benowyc can now be used to enter the tower by
Hibernians when Hibernia controls the keep. (Previously, one did not work)
- Relic capture messages now display once to everyone in every zone.
- Keep capture messages now display once and only once to everyone in every zone


General Changes
- We?ve added pet cure mesmerize spells for Necromancers, Bonedancers, and Animi
sts. Necromancers will receive Dead Awakening in their baseline Painworking line
. Bonedancers will receive Free Spirits in their baseline Bone Army line. Animis
ts will receive Purifying Rain in their baseline Verdant Path line.
Archer Changes
- We have given archers a new ability called Sureshot that is available at 45 bo
w specialization for Hunters, Rangers, and Scouts. When Sureshot is toggled on,
the archer will brace herself against attacks from range, giving her a 100% chan
ce of not being interrupted by any ranged attack, including arrows and spells. B
ecause the bow is being fired from a less natural position, the damage from each
arrow is halved. Sureshot cannot be used with Rapid Fire, Critical Shot, Longsh
ot, or Volley. Penetrating Arrow benefits will count towards arrowed fire using
- Increased the buff spells for both Hunters and Rangers to bring them more inli
ne with those available from buffing classes. Hunter?s Frenzied Spirit and Heart
of the Lynx lines have been adjusted upwards, as has Ranger?s Sharpened Senses
Healing and Buffing Class Changes
- Spread heal spells for the Healer, Druid, and Cleric will no longer overwrite
each other in the character's spell list as the character progresses in speciali
zation. As new spread heals are obtained through specialization, the old spread
heal spells will remain on the healer's list. This will allow healing specced cl
erical classes the option of casting a lower level version of spread heal in sit
uations where the power cost of the higher level spread heal might be prohibitiv
- New buff spells have been added for the three primary buff classes in the game
(cleric, shaman, and druid). These spells are point blank area of effect buffs
that affect up to 40 targets within a radius of 1000 units, and which are about
50% as effective as their concentration counterparts on the same lists and have
a 10 minute duration. These new buff spells are intended to help more characters
have access to buffs in RvR and on PvE raids.
Cleric - Enhancements Spec Line


Archangels Allotment (Strength/Constitution)

Archangels Apportioning (Strength/Constitution)
Benefit of the Archangel (Dexterity/Quickness)
Bounty of the Archangel (Dexterity/Quickness)
Acuity of the Council (Acuity)
Acuity of the Congregation (Acuity)

Shaman - Augmentation Spec Line

35 Dispersal of the Deep (Strength/Constitution)
45 Partitioning of the Deep (Strength/Constitution)
36 Shadow's Blessing (Dexterity/Quickness)
46 Shadow's Endowment (Dexterity/Quickness)
30 Alacrity of the Deep (Acuity)
41 Clarity of the Deep (Acuity)
Druid - Nurture Spec Line
33 Strength of the Wildwood (Strength/Constitution)
43 Strength of the Hinterland (Strength/Constitution)
38 Hurricane's Dance (Dexterity/Quickness)
48 Typhoon's Dance (Dexterity/Quickness)
30 Nature's Enlightenment (Acuity)
41 Nature's Sapience (Acuity)
- We have added buff shearing spell lines to the Shaman, Druid, and Cleric buffi
ng lines. These spells are designed to be used offensively against enemy realm t
argets to remove one of their buffs. Characters who have a buff enhancement ripp
ed off them via these spells will also take some damage due to the buff shearing
effect (except in the case of Cleric and Shaman Constitution shearing, which wi
ll result in a natural drop in hit points). Characters who do not have a buff re
moved will not be damaged. Any buff that a player has cast on himself (whether c
oncentration or timed) will not be affected by buff shearing. The Shaman spells
have a bonus to casting speed, the Cleric spells have a bonus to range, and the
Druid spells have a bonus to damage.
Cleric - Enhancements Spec Line (Single Target)
31 Piety Sequester (Acuity)
32 Adroitness Commandeer (Dexterity)
33 Embodiement Annex (Constitution)
35 Brawn Appropriate (Strength)
36 Endowment Seize (Strength/Constitution)
38 Deftness Usurp (Dexterity/Quickness)
Cleric - Enhancements Spec Line (Area of Effect)
42 Piety Bounce (Acuity)
43 Adroitness Eradicate (Dexterity)
44 Embodiement Banish (Constitution)
47 Brawn Unloose (Strength)
48 Endowment Dispossess (Strength/Constitution)
50 Deftness Irrupt (Dexterity/Quickness)
Shaman - Augmentation Spec Line (Single Target)
28 Acuity Cut (Acuity)
31 Dexterity Fragment (Dexterity)
33 Constitution Hash (Constitution)
34 Strength Lop (Strength)
37 Potency Whack (Strength/Constitution)
39 Agility Trunc (Dexterity/Quickness)
Shaman - Augmentation Spec Line (Area of Effect)


Acuity Slash (Acuity)

Dexterity Mangle (Dexterity)
Constitution Clip (Constitution)
Strength Hack (Strength)
Potency Sever (Strength/Constitution)
Agility Mince (Dexterity/Quickness)

Druid - Nurture Spec Line (Single Target)

32 Intelligence Rupture (Acuity)
34 Fleetness Disjoin (Dexterity)
35 Willpower Dissolve (Constitution)
36 Power Cross (Strength)
37 Might Sunder (Str/Con)
39 Nimbleness Tear (Dex/Quick)
Druid - Nurture Spec Line (Area of Effect)
42 Intelligence Gut (Acuity)
44 Fleetness Segment (Dexterity)
45 Willpower Dock (Constitution)
46 Power Unbind (Strength)
47 Might Rend (Str/Con)
49 Nimbleness Shear (Dex/Quick)
- Focus Shell spells have been added to the buffing lines of Druids, Shaman, and
Clerics. These spells, which can be cast on others as well as oneself, absorb a
significant amount of damage from all sources. The caster of the spell will hav
e power drained as the focus shell is held in place, and the shell will drop if
the caster moves or takes any other action. The recipient of the focus shell wil
l not be able to take any action or use any ability, including attacking or heal
ing, while the focus shell is up without causing the shell to fail. The recipien
t of the focus shell (if other than the caster) will be able to move without the
shell breaking, provided they remain within a 2000 unit range of the focus shel
l caster and maintains line of sight. The shell will only protect against realm
Shaman - Augmentation Spec Line
41 Spirit Shell (Absorbs 70%)
Cleric - Enhancement Spec Line
46 Hand of God (Absorbs 85%)
Druid - Nurture Spec Line
47 Nature's Cocoon (Absorbs 90%)
- Animists now have a spell that will allow them to release multiple pets at a t
ime. This spell, called "Release Clump", is available to animists at level 4 in
the Creeping Path base line.
- The maximum number of turrets that an Animist can have spawned at any one time
has been reduced to 15. Please note that bombers will not count towards this to
tal. We are making this change because of the severe problems to game balance, f
rame rate, and server stability caused by the combination of Animist turrets and
power increasing items found in Trials of Atlantis.
- Animist turrets will no longer attempt to snap to the floor when summoned unde
rwater in dungeons.

- Animist bomber pets now check for the Phase Shift master level ability.
- The following Friar spells now have the appropriate expire messages attached t
o them: Shield of Faith, Shield of Piety, Shield of Devotion, Shield of Grace, S
hield of Justice, Shield of Zeal, Shield of Holiness, Shield of the Sanctified,
Blessing of Absorption, Blessing of Dissipation, Saint's Energy, Saint's Stamina
, Saint's Persistence, and Saint's Tenacity.
- Hunters may now attempt to find hidden enemies who have just killed one of the
ir Realmmates via a new ability called "Call of the Hounds". To activate this ne
w ability, the body of your Realmmate must first be selected. Then, six hounds a
re "called" that will sniff their way to any nearby enemies (stealthed or not).
The hounds move at a very slow speed, but should they somehow catch up to a stea
lther, they will not attack but will bark incessantly instead. If there are no n
earby enemies when this ability is used, no hounds will be summoned.
Hunter - Beastcraft Spec Line
30 Call of the Hounds
- Infiltrators have been granted a single line respec as a result of the changes
made to the Dragonfang thrust style this version.
- The damage of the Nightshade's line of shouts, Dart of Night through Lance of
Night, has been increased.
- Spiritmasters can now summon Frostalf and Valkyn pets.
- Warden pulsing blade turn spells will no longer overwrite each other in the ch
aracter's spell list as the Warden progresses in specialization. As new pulsing
blade turn spells are obtained through specialization, the old pulsing blade tur
n spells will remain on the Warden's list. This will allow nurture specced Warde
ns the option to elect to run 8 or 10 second pulsing blade turn to save power.


- (SI and ToA Only) Master level ability runes and wards now have new art to rep
lace the old ground target widget used for these abilities. The art is also colo
r coded with the realm color of the person who cast it.

- The master level ability, Sabotage, will now work only on wards.
- Strafing will now remove Blanket of Camouflage.
- The master level ability, Demoralization, now correctly subtracts value from u
ser's spec level when attacking or casting spells.
- The master level ability, Defending Martyr, has had its cast time removed. It
should now be an instant cast spell.
- The master ability, Blanket of Camouflage, has been changed in the following w
ays: Duration increased to 10 minutes. Recast time increased to 10 minutes. Cast
time increased to 20 seconds.
- The icons for combat styles in the Battlemaster master level line should now d
isplay correctly.
- The Warlord master ability, Warguard, is now a point blank area effect with a
750 radius and 35 second duration. This ability is also now on a 10 minute timer
- Fixed a bug with the Battlewarder master ability. Convokers should now be able
to cast the Battlewarder to their area of choice regardless of whether or not t
hey have line of sight (For example, a caster in the courtyard during a keep def
ense will now be able to summon a battlewarder on the outside of the keep door t
o deter attackers). The battlewarder has also had its level and rate of attack i
- The Master Level ability, Agony Transmission, now reports any damage done to t
he caster. It also now has far less variance and (as stated in the ability's del
ve) also does a significant amount of damage to the caster when cast.
- The master ability, Summon Warcrystal, should no longer share the same re-use
timer as the Spiritmaster's line of specialization debuffs.
- Essence Shatter will no longer strip pulsing buffs (this includes buffs receiv
ed from fonts).
- If a concentration buff is stripped by Essence Shatter, the caster should have
his/her concentration pool restored.
- If a focus shell is stripped by Essence Shatter, the caster should no longer c
ontinue to be power drained.
- If Essence Shatter successfully strips a buff, the name of the buff stripped i
s reported to the caster.
- Wood summoned by Convokers will now disappear when players log out.
- Necromancers no longer lose shade form when they lose control of Master Level
ability pets.
- All master level abilities should now have delve information.
- Master level timer-based abilities will now grey icons out correctly in all si


- Alchemists can now find Unique Cloth Dyes, Unique Leather Dyes, and Unique Ena
mels in their recipe lists at Skill 855.
- The skill check for salvaging cloth items has been changed to Clothworking rat
her than Tailoring.
- Alchemy - Potions, poisons, and tinctures now indicate their respective levels
in recipe delves.
- Tailoring (Midgard) - Frisia will now let the appropriate classes become tailo
rs. In fixing the problem with Frisia, it was discovered a bug that was stopping
Hunters from becoming Tailors. We have fixed the problem now. Happy stitching!
- The inventory icons for the following poisons should now be correct: weak esse
nce of weariness, essence of weariness, weak essence of lethargy, and essence of
- "Ethereal ashes" has been renamed "ethereal ash" to properly correspond to the
tradeskill recipe delve for the extraordinary behemoth potion.
- Delve information has been added to identify mob-dropped Alchemy components.


- Status icons no longer draw when the bound adapter's value is less than 0.
- Mini group invisible buttons no longer require Control IDs.
- Added new adapters for group endurance: "ground_endurance0" to "group_enduranc
- New Events: ToggleQuiver
- New Events: QuiverDump
- New XML Window: Group Buffs (group_buffs.xml)
- New Event: ToggleGroupBuffs
- Adapters for all group buff icons: group_0icon0 to group_7icon29

- Village ambient sounds have been added to the towns and villages across the re



- Some new faces can be seen in each realm's portal keep. They each have a tende
ncy to gossip and supposedly have heard rumors of some new things to come.
- Legiliwin, the Albion Arrow Merchant in Blendrake Faste, now sells arrows in a
ddition to bolts.
- A new stablemaster named Carsten has been added outside the north gates of Tir
Na Nog. He has tickets for the following horse routes.
Tir na Nog to Druim Ligen
Tir na Nog to Brynach
Tir na Nog to Innis Carthaig
- New horse routes have also been added throughout the realm. The new horse rout
es are listed below and tickets can be purchased from the stable masters at the
appropriate location.
Mag Mell to East Lough Derg
East Lough Derg to Mag Mell
Tir na mBeo to Connla
Connla to Tir na mBeo
Druim Cain to Brynach
- New horse routes have also been added throughout the realm. The new horse rout
es are listed below and tickets can be purchased from the stable masters at the
appropriate location.
West Downs to Snowdonia Fortress
Snowdownia Fortress to West Downs
Adribard's Retreat to West Cornwall
West Cornwall to Adribard's Retreat
Campacorentin Station to Adribard's Retreat
Adribard's Retreat to Campacorentin Station
East Camelot Gates to West Cornwall
West Cornwall to East Camelot Gates
East Camelot Gates to Castle Sauvage
Castle Sauvage to East Camelot Gates
- New horse routes have also been added throughout the realm. The new horse rout
es are listed below and tickets can be purchased from the stable masters at the
appropriate location.
Nalliten to Mularn
Mularn to Nalliten
Vasudheim to Vindsaul Faste
Vindaul Faste to Vasudheim
Vasudheim to Huginfel
Huginfel to Vasudheim
Mularn to Svadud Faste
Svasud Faste to Mularn
Huginfel to Raumarik

Raumarik to Huginfel
Quests - General
- For those of you who have been eagerly awaiting the next round of tradeskill q
uests, they are finally here! Crafters should make it a point to visit their cap
ital city trainers to obtain these new quests. Please note that you must have co
mpleted both the 500 and 600 skill level quests before you will be able to acqui
re these new quests.
Quests - Albion
- The Quest Journalist will no longer remove Fortune of Few from players' Comple
ted Quest lists.
- Wolf Pelt Cloak - Players between levels 1 and 11 that have completed this que
st may return to Steward Willie for money and experience. Steward Willie will no
w give money and experience as part of the reward for this quest.
- New Quest - Ydenia's Crush. Level 1 (to level 11) players that can help Ydenia
should speak to her in Cotswold Village.
- New Quest - Andrew's Skins - Level 3 (to level 13) players that can help Andre
w Wyatt should speak to him in Cotswold Village.
- New Quest - Argus's Arrows - Level 4 (to level 14) players that can help Argus
Bowman should speak to him in Ludlow
- New Quest - Godeleva's Need: Godeleva in Cotswold needs someone to help her wi
th a small errand. Visit her in the tavern for more details (Level 2 Quest).
- New Quest - Humberton's Small Problem: Siom Felanis needs someone to help with
a small problem in Humberton Village. Seek her out for more details (Level 4 Qu
Quests - Midgard
- Lover's Circle - Quest Journalists will no longer remove this quest from playe
rs' completed quest list. Players over level 25 may once again obtain this quest
- Sveabone Hilt Sword - Players between levels 1 and 11 that have completed this
quest may now return to Gridash in East Svealand and receive money as part of t
he new reward for this quest. Gridash will now give money as part of the reward
for this quest.
- Rinda's Lost Keys - Players between levels 1 and 11 may return to Dwarven Guar
d Rinda to receive an additional reward for this quest. Dwarven Guard Rinda will
now give this reward as part of the quest.
- Brutal Chains - Players between levels 4 and 14 may return to the Thrall Keepe
r and receive an additional reward for this quest. The Thrall Keeper will now gi
ve out this reward as part of the quest.
- Bolli's Leather Supplies - Players between levels 3 and 13 may return to Bolli
and receive an addiitonal reward for this quest. Bolli will now give out this r
eward as part of the quest.

- Bluebell's Disappearance - Players between levels 4 and 14 may return to Guard

Eske and receive an additional reward for this quest. Guard Eske will now give
out this reward as part of the quest.
- Tric's Lost List - Players between levels 4 and 14 may return to Tric and rece
ive an additional reward for this quest. Tric will now give out this reward as p
art of the quest.
Quests - Hibernia
- A rumor has recently been spreading through Hibernia that a cursed lute has su
rfaced and is causing problems. Kyle, the Healer in Ceannai, could use some help
with this problem. If you are at least level 12, seek out Kyle if you can help
- Tadhg's Lost Treasure - Players between levels 1 and 11 that have completed th
is quest may return to Tadhg in Connla to receive an addtional reward fo rthe qu
est. Tadhg will now give this reward as part of the quest.
- Troya's Research - Players between levels 2 and 12 that have completed this qu
est may return to Troya in Howth to receive an addtional reward. Troya will now
give this reward as part of the quest.
- Kylirean's New Armor - Players between levels 3 and 13 that have completed thi
s quest may return to Kylirean and receive an additioanl reward. Kylirean will n
ow give this reward as part of the quest.
- Youth Gone Wrong - Players between levels 4 and 14 that have completed this qu
est may return to Mandra and receive an additioanl reward. Mandra will now give
this reward as part of the quest.
- New Quest - Nyra's Package - Level 1 (to level 11) players should speak to Nyr
a in Mag Mell if they can help her deliver a package.
- New Quest - Anra's Magic: Anra in Howth has lost her magic and is looking for
someone to help her get it back. Visit her for more details (Level 4 Quest).
- The summoned weapons by the Blue Lady in Marfach Caverns will no longer leave
her room.
Item Notes
- The salvage value on the Robes of Ghostly Light (Albion) has been reduced to a
more appropriate amount.
- The Gold Lined Drinking Horn (Hibernia) should no longer display that it has m
agical bonuses in the delve.
- Slicer (Hibernia) will no longer appear to have an invalid spell attached.
- The Restless Robes (Albion) can now be dyed with leather dye instead of cloth
- Delve information has been added to all respec stones to denote the type of re

spec for which they may be used.

- In some cases, the salvage values of stackable common loot were set incorrectl
y, so that it was impossible to get a salvage return. This has been corrected fo
r all realms.
- Keelia's Protector of Music (Hibernia) now increases dexterity instead of empa
- All instances of the Icy Glacier Skin dropped in Albion should now be usable.


Albion Monsters
- Wradech is no longer immune to physical damage.
Hibernia Monsters
- All Twisted Sylvans are now be correctly set to type - plant
- The fomorian bonic, contrad, saveast, fieralant, feralidin, annek, selbor, cru
errior, marder, smijer, krelier, skajer, shekiant, jonimar, crecher, hofscorian,
alespiar, creln, grendler, balantore, ferresian, lampren, shawilet, jorober wil
l no longer use invisible weapons.
- The balorian maccus, liosliath, and ewyn will no longer use invisible weapons.
Quests - General
- Bounty Quests (All realms) - We have placed a maximum level cap on the bounty
quests in Shrouded Isles. This was done to keep higher level players from being
given teasers about quests they could no longer do. The cap level was set based
on when the highest level monster involved in the bounty quest turned green to p
layers. Example: If the highest level monster involved in a level 20 bounty ques
t is level 21, the quest is capped at level 29 since above level 29 the monsters
involved will be gray. Any bounty quests that involve monsters level 36 and ove
r were not capped.
Quests - Hibernia
- Whatcha Gonna Do - Ailionora will now give Champions a more level appropriate
reward. Champions who received the scale version of the Vine Entwined Hauberk ca
n return to Ailionora to exchange it for the reinforced version of the reward.
Item Notes
- Delve information has been added to all respec stones to denote the type of re
spec for which they may be used.
- The Huleskygge bracer (Midgard) now has a power regen charge instead of an acu
ity buff charge.

- The Sublime Summoner Bracer (Hibernia) now uses charges instead of a weapon pr
oc. Unfortunately players will need to recharge the shield before it can be used
- The Bracer of Sepulchral Light (Albion) now has a power regen charge instead o
f an acuity buff charge.
- The Sepulchral Bardiche (Albion) will now drop with the correct material and d
ps values.
- (Midgard) Grip of the Troll and Troll Fingers can now be salvaged.


- Players will no longer have a chance to get stuck in a tree on their return tr
ip from Atlantis to Hibernia.
- (Hibernia) The Volcanus Haven guards have returned to their posts and are once
again guarding the Haven.
- Martikhoras will no longer vary in level when it spawns.
- The Naxos tetrarch will no longer continue to snare players after they die and
- The gorgon lifesapper, guardian, spellsmith, prowler, keeper, dismantler, high
warrior, and the grotesque gorgon are now all classified as female.
- Naxos wave-riders now use duration based buffs instead of concentration buffs.
This change will allow players to remove a buff cast on them by a charmed Naxos
- Abasi will now engage players in melee combat instead of attempting to fight a
t range.
General Quests
- Traveler Peter will now correctly give out information about Stygian quests.
Oceanus Quests
- The Secrets of Naxos (All realms) - Players on steps 12 and 13 will now receiv
e the Bracers of the Tritons when they kill Nikoda.
Oceanus Encounters
- The Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves encounter will now properly grant encounter cr
edit to all group members.
- Zahur and his minions will now correctly return to their spawn point after com
bat is over.

- The Tablet of Atlantis Encounter should reset properly after completion or fai
lure of the encounter.
- Alvarus' Leggings - Players who do not receive anything from Casyndra's Chest
will now receive a message saying they did not find anything in the chest.
Volcanus Encounters
- The Livid Salamander will no longer assist the salamander hatchlings in battle
unless he is aggro'd independently.
- Shades of Mist - The aged statue will no longer despawn when the Long Black Cl
oak is accidentally left to decay on the ground.
- Shades of Mist - When the Long Black Cloak is removed from the appropriate are
a, the criosphinxes will no longer cease combat, they will continue to pursue pl
ayers normally. Additionally, if a criosphinx has stolen the cloak from a player
and then chases a player outside of the appropriate area, the cloak will return
to the aged statue.
- Tartaros' Staff - Players will no longer be able to engage High Priest Akil in
a manner that denies the High Priest help from his siam-he portal priests.
Aerus Encounters
- When the Cyclops Eye shield drops to the ground, it will now display one messa
ge indicating this rather than several.
- Destin has been moved to a more visible location in the Aerus Haven.
- Enyalios' Boots - Players will no longer receive a Small Crystalline Phial fro
m the creatures of Aerus if they already have one in their inventory. If players
should lose or destroy their existing one, they will be able to obtain another.
- It is no longer possible to pull Danos away from his three guards when he move
s to his night camp.
Sobekite Eternal
- Trial 2, Encounter 10 - The snakes outside of the temple will no longer spawn
extra snakes after making a kill.
- The "To Become A Mummy" encounter will now apply the appropriate mummy skin fo
r the character's race and gender.
Deep Volcanus
- You can no longer stealth by the Barriers in Deep Volcanus in Typhon's Room.
Artifacts and Researchers
- Reavers are now able to receive the activated version of the Scepter of the Me

Belt of the Sun (Hibernia)

Bards will now automatically receive the Belt of the Sun instead of being give
the choice of activating the Belt or having it returned to them. The Sages wer
mistakenly telling Bards that they couldn't use all the features of the Belt o
the Sun, but they can.

Spear of Kings (Midgard)

- Hunters can now choose between a one-handed and a two-handed swords version of
the Spear of Kings in addition to the spears version. Any Hunter that would lik
e to trade in their spears version of the Spear of Kings for a swords version sh
ould speak to Loremaster Jorian or Loremistress Agneta. Please note any experien
ce or levels the spears version of the Spear of Kings has gained will be lost wh
en it is exchanged for the swords versions.
Spear of Kings (Midgard)
- With the recent change to the damage type of the one-handed and two-handed swo
rds version of the Spear of Kings, we have set up a trade-in for players. Player
s may exchange their one-handed sword Spear of Kings for a two-handed sword vers
ion and vice versa. Players may only perform this exchange once. Players can als
o choose to return their one-handed or two-handed Spear of Kings and receive the
locked artifact and Spear of Kings Tale back. These items can then be traded or
sold to another player.
Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Albion)
- A one-handed crush version of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has been added for
Mercenaries, Reavers, Paladins and Armsmen. These classes may exchange their sla
shing or thrusting versions of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger for the crushing ver
sion by speaking to Scholars Daelin or Samaya. Please note any experience or lev
els the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has gained will be lost when it is exchanged fo
r the crushing version.
Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Midgard)
- A one-handed hammer version of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has been added for
Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Berserkers. These classes may exchange t
heir swords or axe versions of the Crocodile's Tooth for the hammers version by
speaking to Loremasters Trygve or Joakim. Please note any experience or levels t
he Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the
hammers version.
Crocodile's Tooth (Midgard)
- Savages now have the choice of activating the Crocodile's Tooth as a hand to h
and weapon in addition to their other choices of sword, axe, and hammer. Savages
that wish to have a hand to hand version should return to Loremasters Trygve or
Joakim to exchange their weapon. Please note any levels or experience your Croc
odile's Tooth has gained will be lost when it is traded in for the hand to hand

Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Hibernia)

- A one-handed blunt version of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has been added for
Heroes, Champions, and Blademasters. These classes may exchange their blades or
piercing versions of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger for the blunt version by speak
ing to Sages Miodac or Deavin. Please note any experience or levels the Crocodil
e's Tooth Dagger has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the blunt vers
Malice's Axe (Albion)
- Crushing versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Clerics and Friars may now
activate Malice's Axe as a one-handed crushing weapon (Malice's Mace). Mercenari
es and Reavers can now select from a slashing version and a one-hand crushing ve
rsion. Armsmen and Paladins can now select from a one-handed slashing, a two-han
ded slashing, a one-handed crushing or a two-handed crushing version. Mercenarie
s, Reavers, Armsmen, and Paladins can speak to Scholars Brivela or Torradan to e
xchange their old Malice's Axe for a crushing version. Please note any experienc
e or levels Malice's Axe has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the cr
ushing version.
Malice's Axe (Midgard)
- Hammer versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Shamans and Healers may now a
ctivate Malice's Axe as a one-handed or two-handed hammer. Warriors, Thanes, Ska
lds, Savages, and Berserkers may now choose from the one-handed or two-handed ha
mmer version in addition to their other choices. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savag
es, and Berserkers can speak to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their
old Malice's Axe for one of the hammer versions. Please note any experience or l
evels Malice's Axe has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the hammer v
Malice's Axe (Hibernia)
- Blunt versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Blademasters, Druids, Bards, a
nd Wardens may now choose between a one-handed blade and a one-handed blunt vers
ion of the Axe. Heroes and Champions may choose between the one-handed and two-h
anded blunt version in addition to their other choices. Any of these classes can
speak to Sages Girom or Aideena to exchange their old Malice's Axe for a blunt
version. Please note any experience or levels Malice's Axe has gained will be lo
st when it is exchanged for the blunt version.
Battler (Albion)
- Crushing versions of Battler have been added. Clerics and Friars may now activ
ate Battler as a one-handed crushing weapon. Mercenaries and Reavers can now sel
ect from a slashing version and a one-hand crushing version. Armsmen and Paladin
s can now select from a one-handed slashing, a two-handed slashing, a one-handed
crushing or a two-handed crushing version. Mercenaries, Reavers, Armsmen, and P
aladins can speak to Scholars Brivela or Torradan to exchange their old Battler
for a crushing version. Please note any experience or levels Battler has gained
will be lost when it is exchanged for the crushing version.

Battler (Midgard)
- Hammer versions of Battler have been added. Shamans and Healers may now activa
te Battler as a one-handed or two-handed hammer. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savag
es, and Berserkers may now choose from the one-handed or two-handed hammer versi
on in addition to their other choices. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Be
rserkers can speak to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their old Battle
r for one of the hammer versions. Please note any experience or levels Battler h
as gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the hammer version.
Battler (Hibernia)
- Blunt versions of Battler have been added. Blademasters, Druids, Bards, and Wa
rdens may now choose between a one-handed blade and a one-handed blunt version o
f Battler. Heroes and Champions may choose between the one-handed and two-handed
blunt version in addition to their other choices. Any of these classes can spea
k to Sages Girom or Aideena to exchange their old Battler for a blunt version. P
lease note any experience or levels Battler has gained will be lost when it is e
xchanged for the blunt version.
Artifact Notes
- The Shades of Mist and Traitor's Dagger now use new artwork to replace the nec
romancer shade form previously used for the shape change illusions. This change
will no longer allow characters to be effectively invisible in some situations.
- Artifact spells will now be usable as they are unlocked. Previously the artifa
ct spells were set to a minimum level higher than the level at which players cou
ld receive the artifact.
- The time of day requirements for earning experience have been removed from the
Eerie Darkness Stone and the Night's Shroud Bracelet.
- The level ten spells for Aten's Shield and the Snakecharmer weapons and the le
vel five spell for the Maddening Scalars are now a linked absorption buff and da
mage shield.
- The Snakecharmer's Scythe will now cast a damage shield and a 12% absorption b
uff which will stack with their Arborial path absorption buff.
- The Disarm spell procced by the level five spell on the Harpy Feather Cloak wi
ll now last the correct duration.
- The Shadow weapons summoned by the Crocodile's Tooth now have +8 Score Cap bon
uses instead of +10 Score Cap bonuses in order to allow players to use the weapo
ns at level 45.
- The Scorpion Tail should now correctly earn experience from all scorpions.
- The Ceremonial Bracers and the Band of Stars will now earn experience at the s
ame rate as the other RvR only artifacts.
- The spells on Nailah's Robe and Wings Dive should now proc correctly in PvP an
d PvE.
- Snatcher should now correctly earn experience on Gaheris from undead mobs.
- The Strength Cap bonus on the Friar version of the Staff of the God has been c

hanged to a Dexterity Cap bonus.

- The Acuity Cap bonus on the Crown of Zahur (melee scale version) has been chan
ged to a Constitution Cap bonus.
- The reactive proc on Enyalios Boots will now correctly debuff the opponent.
- The axe version of Blade Shadow (Midgard) should now increase axe skill instea
d of sword.
- The crush resist on the Golden Scarab Vest has been increased to 6%.
- The Snakecharmer's Whip has been changed to 3.5 speed in response to player fe
edback. This is a retroactive change.
- The Albion version of the Dream Sphere should now correctly gain experience in
- The Spear of Kings for Midgard sword users is now correctly set to do slashing
- The Harpy Feather Cloak should now earn experience from Defender of Gaa'rvik a
nd Chronus the Mad.
Unique Object Generator Changes
Please note that the changes below do not affect existing items, only future uni
que object drops.
- Removed the old power bonus from all unique object templates.
- Reduced the chance of piety, intelligence, empathy, and charisma to the same l
evel as other stat chances for Atlantis unique object templates.
- Removed strength, constitution, and hits from all unique object bow templates.
- Removed piety, piety cap, power, and power percentage from all unique object p
late armor templates.
Item Notes
- The Harpy Talon Neckguard, the Animal Bone Bracelet, and the Harpy Feather Cha
rm can now be traded.
- The Celestius encounters will now drop new items using new spells; this will n
ot affect existing Celestius items.
- Earth-Studded Gloves (Albion) can now be dyed with enamel dye.
- The 0% Spell Damage bonus on Ember (Hibernia) has been changed 2%
- Laodameia's Bow (Albion) no longer has a requirement attached to the Dexterity
- The Midgard versions of Mace of Blood and Mace of the Pure have been renamed t
o Hammer of Blood and Hammer of the Pure. These two weapons should now also have
hammer inventory icons.

- The Blade of the Tainted (Midgard) should now have the appropriate weapon mode
- The Hissing Dire Trident (Hibernia) should no longer display a second hitpoint
s bonus.
- Any Volcanus hand-made items with reuse timers set to 15 minutes should now ha
ve a reuse timer set to 90 seconds.
- The Great Sword of Dissolution (Hibernia) should now increase large weaponry s
kill instead of blades.
- The Scaly Buckler (Hibernia) should now increase the acuity stat, instead of d
isplaying a blank bonus set to 27 points.
- The Falchion of the Zenith (Albion) now has a particle effect that fits.
- The Cyclopean Sky Scraper (all realms) can now be dyed with weapon enamels.
- The Inscribed Stone, 3 of 3 scroll was previously dropped from mobs that were
very rare spawns. The scroll will now drop from the following mobs: Melos Guards
man, Melos defender, Melos weapon master, Melos frenzied blade. The information
provided by Apprentice Yian, Apprentice Garrad, and Apprentice Aegan has been up
- The bonus to Parry Skill on the Abstrusus Gantelet (Hibernia) has been changed
to a Score Cap Charisma bonus.
- The leather version of the Shadow-bound Leggings (Albion) should now have the
appropriate leather inventory icon. In addition, the leather version of the Shad
ow-bound Leggings will no longer drop, as there is also another set of leather l
egs with identical magical bonuses from that encounter. Instead, there will now
be a studded version of the Shadow-bound Leggings that has a chance to drop.
- The particle effect on Kul's Iron-tipped Whip (Albion) has been changed to one
that fits the weapon better.
- Delve information has been added to the arrows summoned by the Braggart's Bow
and Mariasha's Sharkskin gloves to indicate their bonuses.
- Items with Damage or Range bonuses that use a "vs. monster" requirement are no
w effective against several types of monsters.
- The Legs of the Subjugator (Hibernia) now have the correct reinforced icon ins
tead of a plate icon.
- The Robe of Withering (Albion) is now restricted to friars only.
- Savages and Valewalkers will now correctly receive the Parry bonus on the Shad
es of Mist cloak.
- The Falcon's Strike spear (Midgard) now has a melee damage bonus instead of a
spell damage bonus.
- The Blade of Illusions (Midgard) is now set to do slashing damage.
- Pipe of Desolation (Albion) now has a bonus to stealth instead of healing.
- The Divine Light sword (Midgard) is now set to do slashing damage.

- Borjad's Spear (Midgard) is now set to do slashing damage.

- Savages should now be able to use the Filth Encrusted Key dropped by Martikhor
- The Melodic Drum (Hibernia) now has the appropriate drum model.
- Chisisi should no longer drop Blighted Dirks with intelligence bonuses for Alb
ion players.
- Dimitri's Sword, Bulis's Shield, Kaletor's Staff, and Thoas's Staff can no lon
ger be sold to NPC merchants.

- We are happy to introduce a new housing zone for each realm with this version.
Albion players can now start building in Aylesbury, while Midgard players can n
ow stake their claims in Kaupang, and Hibernians can now settle in Aberillan.
- The Market Explorer database has been cleared. Players who have listed their c
onsignment merchant on the Market Explorer will need to re-list their vendors to
have their wares show up in market searches. To re-list the consignment merchan
t, type /listmerchant twice.
- The /houseloc command has been added. When in the same region as a given lot,
/houseloc (lot number) will tell you the owner's name, the zone name, and the x
and y coordinates within that zone.
- Player Market searches now return the first four letters of the zone name that
the house's merchant is in (i.e. "Caer: Setian Ear" instead of "Setian Ear").
- You can now /settle (value) with a consignment merchant if you wish to remove
less than the full amount of cash. Please note that value is in coppers (For exa
mple, /settle 20000 results in removing 2 gold from the consignment merchant).
- Fixed an issue which was causing additional hitches immediately after entering
housing zones.
- Other speed spells or songs will no longer overwrite Favorable Wind, the spell
cast by each realm's housing musician NPCs.
- Players who use their personal house teleporters to get to Atlantis will now b
e transported to the Oceanus Haven zone, in front of the djinn stone.
- A new horse route has been added to Midgard housing. Jorund now sells tickets
to Yili in the Frisia Marketplace.
- Brisworthy (Albion) - There is now a horse route from Lucearak to Morgealaine.
- Meath (Hibernia) - There are now horse routes that run between the following s
ets of NPCs: Kennet and Erie, Kennet and Ainslee, Ainslee and Cintusmus, Tomin a
nd Cintusmus.
- The doors in the tavern in Brisworthy will now open.
Trials of Atlantis Trophies

- We have added trophies for the following Trials of Atlantis creatures: Ora, Si
novia, Gilia, Naxos Tidal Lord, Melos Wave Master, Skyros Dreadnaught, Hallea, K
osma, Zoea, Chissisi, Daehien, Pallida-Uraei, Keres, Kleps, and Klops. Players c
an speak to the following NPCs in the housing zones to create the new trophies.
Albion - Ectant Dinailaine, Ilphrae Dinailaine, Jhanva Dinailaine, Airyn Dinaila
ine, or Ybaedric Dinailaine
Midgard - Frolder, Warmir, Hudi, Thieya, or Aenda
Hibernia - Sannan, Sabrea, Sionyn, Sadoc, or Sioned
Okay, here we go with live server notes!
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69a Release Notes
April 15, 2004


- The Skald's speed spells should no longer randomly drop while running.
- Please note that the respec given to Infiltrators with yesterday's version mus
t be used at the character's current level. Once your character has gained a lev
el, the respec is removed.

- (Midgard) Players will once again be able to get to their homes in Frisia by g
oing through the Carlingford housing zone.
HOORAY! Everything's up and working, and if I knock on wood any harder I'm going
to break my knuckles. Here are the notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69b Release Notes
April 16, 2004



- Characters who were accidentally awarded Sure Shot at an incorrect bow skill l
evel will now have it stripped on login.
- The /who command should once again support /who (level) without an extra param
- Players should once again see a message if a spell did not take hold due to th
e player being in combat.
- Speed spells will now properly not take hold on targets that are in combat, an
d for 10 seconds thereafter.
- Skalds will now be able to start their speed spells while in combat (however,
their spell will not affect the player, as indicated from the note above).
- The Animist's Release Clump spell releases all pets and turrets under the Anim
ist's control, including Convoker pets.
- You will now be presented with an appropriate error message when attempting to
/release or log into a zone which your client does not support. For example, wh
en playing with the Shrouded Isles client, you were bound in a Trials of Atlanti
s zone and died and attempted to /release. Your character will still move to the
ir bindpoint, but you must log in using use the correct client.


Tradeskill Quests
- Adelaide Dinsmore will now ask for the appropriate elixirs for those doing the
700 alchemy tradeskill quest for Albion.
- Players on the Hibernia 700 tailoring quest will now be asked to hand in the c
orrect gloves and boots (sylvan instead of seamist) and are now properly instruc
ted to return to Tir na Nog.
- Albion players doing the level 700 Fletching quest are now able to turn in the
ir runewood longbows to Acey Dalston at 96% quality or higher.


Artifact Notes
- Artifacts and their spells will now be usable as they are unlocked. This means
that the artifact level for some artifacts (such as the Belt of the Sun) will b
e lowered to the level at which the player can receive the unlocked artifact fro
m the NPC researcher. Previously the artifact spells were set to a minimum level
higher than the level at which players could receive the artifact.

- The secondary ability on the Egg of Youth should now function properly.

- Players should no longer be getting 'stuck' behind housing boundary walls in M
eath, Kilcullen, Carlingford, and Aylesbury.
Read on:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version Release 1.69c Notes
April 19, 2004


- Mystic Crystal Lore and First Aid can no longer be used while the player is in
combat. This fixes a bug that was introduced with version 1.69.
Along with account splitting, we've put in a few fixes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69d Release Notes
April 28, 2004


- Clerics, Druids, and Healers should now be correctly converted to receive the
lower level spreadheals.
- The Convoker master level abilities, Crystal Titan and Battlewarder, have been
reverted back to their normal levels and damage output. However, these two mons

ters will no longer be able to attack enemy realm guards. They may only be used
against enemy players and their pets.
- The friends list should now work correctly.
- Speed spells should correctly resume at the same time for pet owners and pets
after leaving combat.

- With this version we have introduced an account splitting feature (/charxfer)
for individuals who share an account with multiple characters on them and wish t
o transfer some of these characters to a new account. For more details on the ac
count splitting procedure and fee, please visit
We're back early - here are your notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69e Release Notes
May 6, 2004


- Fixed an issue were a Necromancer pet would become invulnerable if they were w
earing negative constitution items.
- The Crystal Titan and Battlewarder will no longer attack realm guards. These t
wo abilities should now work only against enemy realm players and their pets.htt
I got this note from a player:
"Is yellow armour intrinsically better than blue, or is it all based on AF?"
So I asked Mahrin Skel (a world developer, for those of you not familiar with hi
m), and he replied:
"Effective AF is all the combat algorithm looks at, if blue gear is giving bette
r AF than yellow because of higher Quality, the blue gear *is* better. I've test
ed this extensively, 50 percent quality 30th level armor gives the same performa
nce as 100% 15th level armor of the same type (assuming you are 30th). We're goi
ng to be changing the right-click item info to display effective AF so people ar
e more aware of this."

I replied with a look of confusion. There are two kinds of AF? What the heck? He
gave a longer explanation, with tons of detail:
"Okay, I'm going to have to talk in math here.
"Effective AF" is derived from base AF (the number currently displayed
on right-click). Every armor item has a base Armor Factor, base AF divided
by 2 equals Item Level for everything but Cloth, where AF = Level. But when
you're in combat, the base AF is affected by Quality and Condition. Quality
affects both the chance the armor will completely absorb the blow, and the
amount of damage you take when it does, so the impact of quality "double
dips". Condition only affects the damage taken. So "Effective AF" equals
Base AF times Quality squared times Condition.
The "ArmorFact" field on the character display has always reflected this
effective AF rather than base AF. Soon, right-click will also show
effective AF, and base AF will only be shown on Shift+I."
This may look familiar - because it's a repost of part of a Q&A I did with OfCam But for the benefit of those of you not familiar with that wonderful w
ebsite, I have copied the data below. Coming next week, Mahrin promised to give
a similar explanation for armor.
Quality - the direct modifier to how much damage your weapon does.
Condition - another direct modifier, but one that kicks in AFTER quality.
Durability - has no effect on anything but how long a weapon will remain in the
So, all other things being equal (and dozens of factors go into the damage rolls
, I can't explain them all without some serious mathematics, and guys, cut me so
me slack, I majored in theatre and secondary English education), if you (with yo
ur skill in the weapon type) wielding the weapon could do 100 damage, but the qu
ality and condition of the weapon were both 80%, then the weapon would first be
cut to 80 (quality) and then 80% of 80 (the second 80% being the weapon's condit
Bonus - This takes into account any bonuses on the armor of the person you're hi
tting. I'll use the simplest possible example. Let's say your opponent is wearin
g a shirt with a 10% bonus. You have a sword with a 15% bonus. What you then hav
e is a 5% addition to your "to hit" (which is simply your chance to hit the oppo
nent). It doesn't affect how MUCH you hit for, it increases your chances of land
ing a hit on him at all.
Your specialization in the weapon type determines your "range" - the number betw
een the minimum damage the weapon can do and the maximum. Let's say someone with
no spec in sword can hit, with a certain type of sword, for as low as 5 points
and as many as 20. If you have points in that type, you could still only hit for
a max of 20, but your damage floor would be higher - let's say 10. The more spe
c points, the higher the floor. So being speced in a weapon type means you will
over time do a much higher average damage than someone who is untrained.
The whole system is an attempt to make it as realistic as possible.
A quick and dirty spellcraft description, the link to the siege weapon documenta
tion, and a guild page clarification.
A player asked what spellcrafting would be like, and this was my reply. As a spe
llcrafter, you imbue gemstones with magical properties - strength, resists, etc.
Then you apply the gems to high quality player-crafted armor and weaponry. The
skill gains come from making the gems - for the sake of our programmers, the gam
e will assume that if you have the skill to make the gem, you have the skill to
apply them. Of course, if you go beyond certain parameters (you can only add so
many gem properties to a piece safely) and try to over enchant an item, there is
a chance the item you're trying to decorate will blow up in your face and injur
e, maybe even kill you.
Only casters can be spellcrafters - pure melee and hybrids won't be able to even
Check out the siegecraft documentation located here. One helpful tip? If the def
enders are repairing the door against your battering ram faster than you can do
damage, other siege weapons might be of assistance ;).
Finally, I'm getting a lot of email (thanks for the love and the constructive cr
iticism, you guys rock), and a number of you have had questions about the guild
pages. Here's what I told one guildmaster - Right now, the website information w
ill only have the guild name, the emblem, and the number of realm points the gui
ld has accrued. All of that will be drawn automatically from the game, so your g
uild will be listed without you doing a thing. Later on we hope to add more feat
ures, some of which might require your interaction, but you'll be able to access
everything from the web.
If there's anything in particular you would like to see included in future featu
res, please just let me know and I will include it in the feedback I pass on to
Okay! Thanks everyone!
These questions have no relation to one another, they were just recurring themes
in my email and on the boards this week. There were more, of course, but these
I have ANSWERS to. Y'all have a good weekend.
Q: The Igraine server went down tonight at approx 9:30pm. Ok no prob. Figured I
would just log into the Tristan server and play my character over there. But ala
s, when trying to log back in I received the message - account already logged in
. Therefore, I was stuck in limbo until the Igraine server was brought back onli
ne (or the *backup* server). What if the turn around time on this was more than
24 hours?? I am a techy and can understand servers going down from time to time.
But not being able to log in to another server?? Doesn't seem reasonable to a p
aying customer.
A: Okay, this is how it works:
Normally, when a server is shut down while players are still in it, the last thi
ng it does before exiting is to "log out" each of the players. This notifies the
accounting system that the player is no longer in the game and makes it availab
le for use on other servers. When a server goes down in an uncontrolled manner,
there is no notification for the accounting system, and so accounts logged into
that server remain unavailable until the server restarts and lets the accounting

system know what happened.

Q: The /command list is great, but there were some that I dont even RECOGNIZE. Plea
se define upgrade, repair, salvage, and make. Hey! Make isnt on the list anymore! W
hat gives?
A: Here you go:
/upgrade (crafter skill)
Allows for the upgrading of keep doors. This will increase the AF and Total Heal
th of said door.
/repair (crafter skill)
Allows for the repair of items similar to the Smith NPC. Increases the condition
back towards 100% while dropping the durability appropriately.
/salvage (crafter skill)
Allows for the "melting down" of an item for the purpose of extracting the base
material used to make the item.
(Note: for all three of the above, if you have no skill points in that specializ
ation, you can type the command, but it wont do anything until you have the skill.)
An internal command that lets Mythic make crafted items to test them. It shouldnt b
e on a player guide. If players can make this work, wed really, REALLY like to know

Q: When I cast the spells is says you cast the spell, or, you cast the spell and
the creatures is whatever, or your spell is resisted. I know what the resisted
one means, I know what the success one means, but what about the one where it ju
st says I cast the spell? ....Is it resisted? Cast but not effective? Cast but j
ust no success statement? It only happens the first time I cast them in a fight.
..after that is always lets me know if it works or not.
A: You're out of range of the effect print; if it doesn't say it's resisted, the
effect stuck.

Q: How can you tell if autosplit has been turned off by your group leader?
The group gets a message when the leader first makes the change. But if you miss
that, or you have joined the group late, you can tell simply by checking your s
ystem messages whenever someone loots. If autosplit is on, all looting messages
will have (autosplit) in front of the text. If autosplit is off, the message wil
l read So and so loots an item.
Fabulous Friday Q&A, from your emails and the boards. Y'all be safe for the holi

days, and take care of yourselves.

Q: So, the raid I was on destroyed the supply keep. We really needed the supply
MERCHANT to respawn because we were out of siege equipment parts. It took FOREVE
R. How do those keeps respawn after they come under new management?
A: You need to prove you can hold the fort. Right after you win, you are extremely vul
nerable. Only the keep lord instantly respawns, along with the doors and the fla
gs. The next NPC youll see will be an archer, and then guards. The supply merchant
and the roaming guards of your realm are the last to spawn. For a supply keep to
be fully respawned takes a bit less than an hour.
Note that regular keeps have the merchants popping right away.
Q: So whats it take to get credit for capturing a keep? Ive been on a lot of keep beat
downs, but /gc info still shows outposts captured: 0.
A: This is one of the guild features that isnt fully implemented yet most raids are N
OT the work of one guild, so we need to find a fair formula.
Q: The 40th level bezerker epic gives you a choice of weapons, and I wanted an a
xe. But I cant wield it in my left hand. Um, this sucks?
A: Well, the quest and item people agree with you, so the next patch will have t
he axe auto-update to be a weapon for either hand. Just hang on to it.
Q: The loot in the top of (insert high level dungeon here) is rather unimpressiv
e. Whats up with the 80% quality gear?
A: The easily accessible loot right inside is really only meant for two purposes
one, a fast and cheap source of armor for a player who would otherwise be naked o
r in gray armor. And the second, and primary purpose, is for crafters to salvage
the parts are things they need to make higher level armor. Perhaps people in need
of some terrific armor could work out a deal with a crafter to supply them with
parts in return for clothes.
Q: I left my old guild to join a new one. I had a zillion realm points, but when
I joined my new guild their point total didnt change. What gives?
A: Guild realm points are accumulated via straight addition, by adding up the po
ints of the individual members. However, the program does not simply add up the
points that show in your individual program. The points are totaled on the fly,
as someone wearing that guild banner earns them. So when you leave a guild, your
points are your own, but the guild total still includes your earnings while you
were among them. Your new guild doesnt get credit for points you earned as a membe
r of another group.
Q: Ive been leveling out on the frontier on those tasty purple monsters, and I was
still a little bloody from the encounter. Then I died on the frontier to a playe
r, and I lost experience and constitution. WTH?
A: This is intentional. If you are down so much as a single hit point from monst
er damage when you are killed by another player, you will lose exp/con. It seems
unfair, but the alternative is more unbalancing to the game people would fight mo
nsters, and if it looked like they were going to lose, theyd suicide on the nearest

guard and gain risk free, no-loss experience. Leveling on the frontier is not m
eant to be risk-free the possibility of someone taking advantage of your weakened
state is a clear and present danger. The other side of the coin (enemies using t
he native fauna to cause you to suffer) is considered a tactic. Its not terribly NI
CE, but war isnt.
Q: Mesmerize/stun how does it work?
A: Here is how its supposed to work. Each spell has a certain duration. Stuns vary
between 3 and 10 seconds (ten seconds, that is, at level 50), and a mez can last
up to 30 seconds. A stun cannot be broken, but a mez breaks when the victim is
hit or damaged. A melee stun is the same as a caster stun for the purposes of du
ration and effect on the victim.
Both mez and stun spells are affected by the code of diminishing returns, timed
by the victim. For example, say Mark Jacobs hits me with a stun for ten seconds.
The second time he stuns me, I will only be stunned for five seconds. The third
time, 2, the fourth, 1, the fifth, 1, and the sixth doesnt work at all. If I am no
t hit (not necessarily a stun, but not hit in combat at all) again for sixty sec
onds, the timer of diminishing returns is reset. With a mez, the same thing happens. 3
0 seconds, then 15, etc.
This code is activated per victim. Diminishing returns has no knowledge of how t
he spell was cast (shout, spell, ability, style, etc). Lets go back to me being rep
eatedly stunned by Mark, and this time, Matt Firor joins the party. Mark stuns m
e for ten seconds. When Matt takes a swing at me, HIS stun only lasts for five s
econds. Marks second spell (the THIRD time I got hit in this little battle) only la
sts for two.
Some stun and mez spells are instant casts, but they have a recycle time of ten
Please bear in mind that the diminishing by halves stated above may change to ha
ve the timer diminish a little faster than halves.
Got some great questions from the boards and email - here are the answers. Dual
wield, upgrade, and much much more. (DOH! Correction, 11:01 AM 1/3/02 - I was wo
rking off some old numbers, my bad. The base bonus percentages in dual wield are
now correct.)
Q: Can I have some more information on the /upgrade command?
A: /Upgrade works off the Woodworking trade skill. This is generally a secondary
trade skill, so one does not need to be primarily a Woodworking crafter in orde
r to upgrade or repair doors. At the level of 400, you have all the points you n
eed to upgrade a keep or fort door to its maximum level.
Q: What's up with weaponcrafting? It seems way harder and more expensive than an
y of the other trades.
A: You can't compare the cost of one trade to another; they stand alone - so yes
, it's more expensive in some ways, but that's not an accident. Weapons are the
most purchased, most used items in the game - the demand for new and better weap
ons outpaces that of the demand for armor, and they require repair more often. Y
our fellow players swing their weapons more often than they get hit! We're worki
ng closely with crafters to see if anything needs to be adjusted.

Q: Do stats (like intelligence) have anything to do with how often you succeed o
r fail at a trade skill?
A: Nope, the only thing that matters is your skill level. Failure is a percentag
e based on the level of the item relative to your skill, and is random. You coul
d have a hundred successes in a row (statistically unlikely, but possible) becau
se the chance is the same each attempt.
But remember, critical failures (where you lose a component) only happen on item
s that con orange to your skill level. If you find yourself losing too many part
s, drop back to yellows for awhile, where failure only costs you time, not money
Q: My best friend and I were sharing our account. We had an argument, and he cha
nged the password on me. I am the one paying for the account, and I don't think
this is fair.
A: For most situations, as far as Mythic is concerned, the person who has the se
cret word (not the password, the secret word you chose when you signed up) is th
e person who owns the account and has ultimate control. Therefore, if you call u
s (we don't do this via email) and provide the secret word, we will work with yo
u to help keep the account secure.
If an account changes hands for whatever reason, please be sure to call us with
the old secret word and request a new one, along with changing the password. Eve
n if the password is changed, the holder of the secret word has the ultimate con
Q: On my character information sheet, there are fields for Attack Skill and Weap
on Damage. What do these numbers mean?
A: Your attack skill is a composite number that reflects a lot of information ba
sed on your character - your level, spec points, +skill items, weapon bonuses, a
nd buffs.
Weapon damage is a composite number that reflects information that comes from th
e way your weapon interacts with you. (The damage on the weapon's information sc
reen doesn't take into account anything about you and your skill.) For instance,
a purple weapon in your hands does not do the same amount of damage that it wou
ld do in the hands of a higher level player. When you level, the weapon stays th
e same, but your weapon damage on the character information sheet would be highe
Q: I can't find the post you made about the way dual wield, celtic dual, and lef
t axe works. Could you repost it?
A: Sure.
Albion: You wield a weapon in each hand. Each attack round, a coin is tossed - h
eads, you swing the right hand weapon, tails you swing the left. The speed of th
e attack is determined by the speed of the "winning" weapon. Damage is assessed
for each swing based on the spec points you have into that damage type, just as
it is if you're using a single weapon.
In addition, there is a 25% base chance of swinging both weapons. That's if you
never put a single spec point into dual wield - the more you spec in dual, the g
reater the chance of swinging both weapons.

Midgard: Left axe is different. Obviously, you're limited to an axe in your left
hand. You always swing with both weapons, every round - but the base damage is
half what each weapon would normally hit for. This is modified by your spec poin
ts in left axe - there is a base bonus of 20%, and it goes up as you spec.
Your skill in left axe also determines the "floor" damage your left axe does. Yo
ur "floor" damage for your RIGHT hand is determined by your spec in that weapon
type. The higher you spec in both left axe and your primary weapon, the higher y
our average damage per hand will be.
Damage is assessed by your skill in left axe, not by the spec you have in your p
rimary weapon (note - you don't need to spec in axe, unless you're also using an
axe as your primary weapon). You can't get away with only specing in left axe,
though - you'll need to put points into your primary weapon type to get the cool
Hibernia: See Albion. (/em hides)
After much testing, tweaking, comparing, and discussion, here's how group experi
ence works in DAOC:
Let me start off by explaining that the "75% range rule" you old-timers remember
was accurate at one point during the beta. Then, we found a bug - group bonuses
were getting added AFTER people's exp caps were reached, and to a low level pla
yer, those bonuses were sometimes equal to more than three times their experienc
e cap. (Don't worry, newcomers, all the terms will be explained below.) Then som
e aspects of the system were exploited (not really a good word, because no one w
as doing anything bad, but it was not the way we had intended the system to work
). Then we put in some code that made the acceptable range entirely too strict.
Since then, we've tweaked the code, relaxed some restrictions, made the formulas
a bit more generous, etc. This, below, is how the system works. I am sorry this
explanation was so late in coming.
All group experience is divided evenly amongst group members, if they are in the
same level range. What's a level range? One color range. If everyone in the gro
up cons yellow to each other (or high blue, or low orange), experience will be s
hared out exactly evenly, with no leftover points. How can you determine a color
range? Simple - Level divided by ten plus one. So, to a level 40 player (40/10
+ 1), 36-40 is yellow, 31-35 is blue, 26-30 is green, and 25-less is gray.
But a range like that is awfully narrow. Our 40th level friend will be grouping
with more than just yellows, so what happens to the other colors? It's still div
ided exactly evenly (our highest level friend gets the same share he would have
gotten if all his group mates were his level), but lower level group members onl
y keep their experience up to their "experience cap," and the leftover points go
away. (That cap, by the way, is defined as yellow + 10%, aka low orange, and ap
plies to everyone - even solo artists.) In DAOC, anyone can group with anyone el
se and get experience. But for everyone in the group to get the maximum amount o
f experience possible, the encounter must be a challenge to the group.
But what's a challenge to the group? A good rule of thumb goes like this: If the
group has two people, the monster must at least be (con) yellow to the highest
level member. If the group has four people, the monster must at least be orange.
If the group has eight, the monster must at least be red. There are exceptions
(because the higher the level of the players, the wider the level range within a
color is), but that's basically how it works. If an encounter is not challengin
g enough to the group, "challenge code" kicks in.
If "challenge code" has been activated, then the experience is divided roughly l

ike so in a group of two (adjust the colors up if the group is bigger): If the m
onster was blue to the highest level player, each lower level group member will
ROUGHLY receive experience as if they soloed a blue monster. Ditto for green. As
everyone knows, a monster that cons gray to the highest level player will resul
t in no exp for anyone. If the monster was high blue, challenge code may not kic
k in. It could also kick in if the monster is low yellow to the high level playe
r, depending on the group strength of the pair.
It is not possible to say exactly where challenge code kicks in for several reas
ons. For one, the colors are just a convenient way to talk about monsters; "high
blue" and "low blue" will vary from monster to monster. The formula given in th
e first paragraph only applies to players, although it does approximately work f
or monsters. For another thing, challenge code isn't an on-off thing - it slowly
drops off throughout the range.
Again, everyone will hit their cap or thereabouts as long as the encounter was a
challenge to the group.
I will be cruising the various boards all weekend looking at threads on this top
ic, and clarifying this article as needed on Monday. And you know me - if it see
ms to not work the way I said it does, I am ALWAYS glad and grateful to get feed
back. But bear in mind that this issue has a ton of factors. Complete feedback w
ill have your level, the level of your groupmates, where you were fighting, the
monsters you are fighting, what kind of bonuses (camp, BAF, etc) the monsters we
re giving if any, the relative con to each player, the amount of exp received pe
r player, and as much other information as you feel is relevant. "I fought this
monster, I think it was a skeleton, and it was blue and my friend who is 20 leve
ls under me got exp like it was a green" is too vague to help us find a problem,
just FYI =)
Y'all have a good weekend.
All right! Got a lot to cover today, so let's go.
Q: When do hostile mobs become aggressive?

A: Our faction chain isnt completely linear: Hostile does not proceed to aggressive; h
ostile and aggressive are the same faction rating. The difference is that some m
obs are flagged attack and some are flagged never attack. In other words if yo
a neutral mob it will become EITHER hostile if flagged never-attack OR aggressiv
e if flagged attack a hostile mob will never become aggressive or vice versa.
Thanks to our Mentalist team lead for the concise answer!
Q: I want to go to events. Where do I find them?
A: Over there on your left is a link to the calendar. All kinds of people are pu
tting together events for trade fairs, guild recruitment, RVR wars, and even poe
try contests. Go find one, or even start one. If you want to have an event, you
need to provide information a place for people to gather, a time to get together,
a contact name or three, and a real life email address for me to contact you if
I have questions.
Q: The manual states the auto-release timer is one minute per level. This is not

A: Youre right, its not. The manual is incorrect as of this writing its ten minu

the board.
Q: I got into trouble for using a name that YOUR name generator gave me. Uh, wha
ts up with that?
A: Well, our name generator basically takes several authentic sounding syllables
, mushes them together, and presents it to you as an option. **You still need to
use your judgment.** If the resulting name looks or sounds like a racial slur,
a disease, or something else nasty, dont use it. Remember, every warning or suspens
ion letter has a contact address at the bottom for disputing actions taken again
st your account, and we do read all such emails and have reversed name suspensio
ns in the past.
Q: Hi! Just hit 9th with my Cabalist and all my pets are green, regardless of wh
ich pet spell I cast. I tried everything to get a better pet, no dice.
A: At level 9, the pet is always green, although at 10 you have a shot at blue o
nes again, Mr. Cabalist. The max level of your pet is a percentage of your level
, so its always the same ratio to you 88% of you. So, at level 9, high green and low
blue are the same, and your level is so low that 88% of you is green.
Q: How do focus staves work?
A: Oh, boy. Okay, first let me say we are CHANGING this. The current system is n
ot as effective as we want it to be at higher levels.
Focus staves do not affect skill, they affect power costs. It costs 120% of nomi
nal power cost to cast a spell without a focus stave. It also costs 120% of the
power cost if the spell is higher in level than the level of the stave. Having t
he right stave can lower your casting cost down to 90% under the current system.
All existing staves are triple-foci.
That is the current system. I am going to take a risk here and tell you how the
new system will work in advance. The new system combined with new staves current
ly in development will be more effective for the higher level players (40+) and
(with the right stave) lower the casting cost to 80%, not 90%.
Again THIS SYSTEM IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. It will be SOON. Do not write to tell me
it doesnt work this way I know. It doesnt yet. It will. Watch the patch notes for
timing. The current system caps you at 90%.
Here goes, straight from the designers keyboard:
The value of a focus item is based on the *level* of the spell that is being cast.
It is not based on the caster casting it, or the spec level of the caster. If th
e spell level is equal to or less than the number on the focus staff the spell w
ill be cast at 80% of power cost. If the spell level is greater than the focus o
n the staff you will see diminishing returns. If the focus is 3/4 of the spell l
evel the spell will be cast at 90% of power cost, 1/2 of the spell level the spe
ll will be cast at 100% of power cost, 1/4 will be cast at 110%, and no focus wi
ll be cast at 120% of power cost. Keep in mind this is a sliding scale and these
are not tiers, they are just points that I chose to illustrate power costs at d
ifferent intervals. Depending on the focus stave you use you can literally end u
p with a power cost of anywhere between 80-120%.
(Note from Sanya in other words, if your stave is marked 20, and your spell is lev
el 20 or below, that stave will make the spell cost 80% of the listed power cost

. If the stave is 15, and the spell is 20, your spell will cost 90%. If the stav
e is 25 and the spell is 50, the cost will be 100%. And so on.)
There will also be staves that affect a single focus, they will have a bit more
spice than the standard 3 foci staves. It will be much easier to bring a focus t
o minimum power cost using these new ones, albeit at the cost of focusing the ot
her 2 foci.
I hope to heaven that made sense. And people wonder why I prefer Unga Kill class
es; you spellcasters make my head hurt on Friday afternoons. ;)
Q: How can you tell what realm a siege weapon belongs to?
A: Take a whack at it, or cast a spell on it. If you can hurt it, its not yours. I
have heard that the person who BUILT the thing can damage his own machine, but I
have not personally confirmed that. This is a design choice so that the attacke
rs can cast AE spells without damaging friendly weapons.

Have a good weekend, be safe. Next week: Parry and evade skills and how they wor
The weekly list o' questions! Incidentally, I did not get a whole lot of evade q
uestions, so the focus is on block and parry instead of what I said last Friday.
Q: The known issues section of the Herald has changed. What's up?
A: What's up is that instead of it being a list compiled by hand, we're moving t
o a more automated system. Every emailed bug, every appealed bug, every bug that
isn't really a bug but is causing confusion - they're all going into a central
database. People are assigned to go through it and verify that the entry is a bu
g. Once past that stage, it gets marked "Display On Herald" or "Do Not Display."
(It's not totally done yet, which is why all you see at the moment is the old l
ist, only clearer.)
Why not display them all on the Herald automatically? Because in my dreadfully h
umble opinion, the player base does not require step by step instructions on the
occasional exploit, nor does the player community wish to see every spelling er
ror we've made. There may also be several entries for what is essentially the sa
me issue. But it is with great anticipation that we start to roll out the new sy
stem, and hopefully the list will be more comprehensive in the future.
Q: I took some time off from DAOC, and now I want to "re-up." Only, I can't reme
mber my password, and I definitely do NOT want to make a long distance call to g
et it. I also don't want to buy the game again. Help?
A: There's a new tool located at
ml. Assuming you gave us a real email address when you registered the first time
, you can go to that page, fill out a brief form, and your password will be sent
to the address on file.
Q: How long does it take to repair a keep door?
A: Four minutes, assuming you have all your supplies on hand. I can hear the bit
ter laughter of those trying to repair level eight doors now. There's some hope

for you - as a result of some investigating we did on a related matter, we are c

onsidering making higher level door repairs require more time, but less wood.
Remember, when you upgrade a door, you should repair it to 100% before you upgra
de again. See last week's Grab Bag for more detail.
Q: When you parry or block, is your target the only enemy you CAN parry or block
A: Parrying only requires that your target be in front of you in your "visible a
rc;" you do not have to have the enemy specifically targeted. You can't parry or
block attackers who are behind you.
Q: Do you have the same chance to block all the mobs in your visible arc?
A: The same base chance, yes, but remember, the level of the mob relative to you
is part of the equation. Also, you can only block a swing that otherwise would
have hit.
Q: Is there a "timer" for block and parry, ie, does the last time you blocked or
parried have any bearing on your chances to do it again?
A: No. The chance of a successful block or parry is the same each time.
Q: Is your target always one of the enemies you have a chance to block or parry?
A: At the start of a fight, the enemies you have a chance to block or parry are
the first three to swing at you in a six second period, regardless of your targe
t. After that, especially in multiple enemy skirmishes, figuring out which you h
ave a chance to block or parry gets kinda... complicated. It boils down to you h
ave a chance to avoid damage from anything taking a whack at you at some point.
Q: When guarding, can you only guard a friend from blows by your target?
A: You are guarding your friend from everything in your visible arc.
Q: Some people feel that you can't block or parry attacks of the special combat
style nature. Is this true?
A: If it is, it's a bug and we welcome detailed information reported via /appeal
with the bug option selected. (Please, please don't just submit a general appea
l - it dramatically impacts the effectiveness of our in game CS. Be sure to sele
ct the bug option, so that it pops straight into the database the developers use
!) You may be thinking of bladeturn, which doesn't work against special assassin
That about wraps it up. Send corrections and clarifications to me at the address
on your left. Have a good one!
No, I was not able to resolve the many excellent evade questions I received this
week. They have not been forgotten. For now, read onwards for resolution order,

CS questions, and an explanation of why the buff system explanation didn't work
for some classes.
Q: The way you explained the new buff system seems wrong, wrong, wrong for my (i
nsert hybrid class here). Whos crazy, me or you?
A: Me. It was an internal miscommunication. I gave the original explanation exac
tly as *I* received it, and the explanation works for the classes I am personall
y familiar with through my own play time. But it seems that originally, spec buffs wer
e envisioned as buffs that worked on two stats, and base buffs would only affect one s
tat. This isnt how it ultimately worked out, as you all well know. However, some of
us at Mythic kept using the term spec buff to refer to double buffs, as opposed to bu
ffs that require spec points to use. Im told I looked like Id eaten a cockroach when t
his little detail was explained to me.

So the original explanation still applies, but you should substitute double stat bu
ff where it says spec, and single stat buff where it says base. The orig
ut there are too many exceptions - exceptions can be explained by my poor use of
terminology. I completely apologize for the confusion.
Q: I was being harassed in the game, and I sent in an appeal. No one ever talked
to me!
A: We usually deal with harassment by talking to the person who is being a creti
n, not the victim. If we go to investigate, and see nothing, we never just delet
e the appeal we go look at the logs to see what happened. Our CSRs play the game a
nd know perfectly well how frustrating some circumstances are.
Q: Why did you delete my appeal?
A: We didnt. We never delete appeals but we may close some without personally respond
ing to the customer. If thats the case, an email is automatically sent to the addre
ss we have on file for you.
Q: What exactly is the email used for?
A: That email address is ONLY used for technical and billing support. Any other
questions sent there generally receive a polite form letter letting you know tha
t they dont handle gameplay issues. The people that read that email do forward feed
back-type letters. Usually to me, so addressing a letter to support AND me is no
t necessary.
Q: I looked in my errorlog.txt as you suggested last week, and tried to send it
to you. But the file was huge, and my email server wouldnt process it. Do you still
want them?
A: We can only use error logs that are less than two weeks old from the current
date, so you can go ahead and delete old ones. By the way, a complete error log
contains a header, and two enormous chunks of data. Just sending us the header d
oesnt help. Weve used the error logs received in the last few weeks to solve some pret
ty big issues, so keep them coming!
Q: I spent a few days going link dead a lot. Whats going on?
A: A lot of different things. Cable users had a lot of problems this week due to

some infrastructure issues on the cable networks across the country. Were doing wh
at we can to alleviate the problems with some tweaks to the way we send out pack
ets. When the problem is US, youll know because hardly anyone can log into DAOC. Al
so, when its US, well tell you as we have in the past. You may not get as immediate an
answer as you would like, because our network people have to investigate, conta
ct our ISP, and wait for an answer. If the answer is inconclusive, we have to in
vestigate our own material, and possibly call the ISP back with the mature adult
equivalent of It is SO your fault. Either way, its a time consuming process that ta
while to get an answer more definitive than we think or we guess.
Q: Whats the time difference between the Herald and Europe?
A: Us to GMT is 5 hours. Youll have to do the math for your particular part of Europe.
Q: Regarding spellcrafting you said that a mistake at the highest levels of spellc
rafting could kill you. Uh, Im a pure crafter, I really dont want to lose experience.
Also, if Im imbuing a player made object, whose name goes on the item as the creato
A: You wont lose exp, and both names go on the object.
Q: What is the resolution order of attacks and blocks?
A: First, the game checks to see if the enemy would have even hit you. (Bladetur
ns, damage shields, etc all fall into this step.) Next, the game checks to see i
f you evaded the attack. If you dont evade, the game checks to see if you parried t
he attack. If you dont parry, you get a chance to block if youre equipped to do so. Af
ter all that, the game tells you how much damage you took. This is how it works th
e lead programmer just looked directly at the code to be absolutely certain. Sho
rt version the checks are hit/miss, evade, parry, block.
More fun than a cat at a fish fry:
Q: How do haste spells work?
A: You swing more often. Bear in mind that everyone has a melee damage range, an
d that the number of points of inflicted damage can vary anywhere in that range.
(Your range depends on factors such as specialization points, other stat buffs,
enhancing items, your natural stats, etc.)
I have had a lot of questions on this recently, because we recently nerfed it (i
t used to make you swing almost twice as fast as normal even if the person who h
asted you was low level). However we have run EXTENSIVE tests on this spell. Becau
se that potential damage range can be wide, and some fights can be short (short
defined as less than five swings), it is possible to have a situation where you
do less damage with haste up than otherwise. However, those situations are not c
ommon, and have zero to do with the haste spell. All but one of our test runs sh
owed the hasted character doing more damage overall as opposed to the non-hasted
character. And the effect gets better the higher level the haste spell.
Now, Ive been doing these grab bags long enough to know some of yall will disagree wit
h me violently. If youre going to, please send the following information with HASTE
as your subject header (BTW, when I ask for a header, its so I can sort through my
seven billion emails and pull out the ones that are relevant): Class, race, lev
el, weapon spec points, dual wield/left axe spec (if applicable), and weapon spe

Q: How do you set priorities at Mythic in terms of what the coders do each day?
A: Our number one priority is anything that would stop the game for a player. Th
is isnt just crash bugs, this includes anything that would keep you from playing th
e game targeting bugs keeping you from initiating combat, a spell line not working
at all, and so on.
Our second priority involve exploitative scenarios, behavior that falls outside
parameters we have set damage either far above or far below what we consider appro
priate, gold machines (meaning an effortless means of acquiring cash), etc.
From there we try to strike a balance between old stuff and new. For old stuff,
we have four dedicated employees who do nothing but go through player appeals an
d reports. Their job is to read, verify, duplicate, isolate, and report. One of
the people is solely devoted to gathering class feedback, and getting that infor
mation to the developers. I help with that, as there is sometimes a disconnect b
etween the relatively small population on Pendragon and popular opinion as seen
through email and the boards. And of course, the rest of the dev team has their
own niche they look out for the spell guy, the item guy, the item girl, the trades
kill guy, the pathing guy, the quest horde, etc. They do cruise the web, but mos
tly I forward them emails and links. I also follow up in a persistent fashion. I
may not win each debate, but I dont go away =)

Its hard, I think. Its hard for ME, and I know whats going on behind the scenes! For
thing, theres a delay from when YOU say something to when a decision is made on the
topic and it appears in game. The stuff thats been coming in lately higher crit stri
kes for assassins, new spells, etc is all based on feedback we collected two month
s ago. For another thing, our programmers are looking at the game as a whole. Th
ey might have to drop working on a spell or style that doesnt work exactly right in
favor of solving a crash bug, because that crash bug affects ALL the players, n
ot just the player of class X. It doesnt mean that class X, or any other subset of
players, is not very important.
Q: I am missing (insert style here). When can I expect it?
A: Go right click your trainer, and check your style list. Dont forget to scroll up
or down. If it did not appear, please email me your name, your class, your serv
er, and the name of the style. Put a subject header that reads STYLE MISSING for
me, please! From what I have been told, no one should be missing their styles but
they do need to right click their trainer to get it if it had been missing befo
Q: When are you going to fix /stick?
A: Well, technically, its not broken. Its just like /follow, but with a smaller radius
. It still doesnt get you close enough to actually melee the person you are stuck t
o. At this point, I have been told that this is to prevent automatic combat, whe
re you just pick, click, and stick. Whats it good for then? Well, if youre stuck to so
meone, and they stop to cast a spell, youre RIGHT there to whack them. I understand
that a number of you do not like the way this works, and have passed on that fe
Q: Can you comment on the BSI lawsuit?

A: Not and keep my job at the same time, no. And I really like this job. Youll have
to wait for the tell-all book after Mythic fires me. Thanks for the supportive
emails, though!
Q: Why have archers been whacked with the nerf bat so hard?
A: Well, three things one, barring the unforeseen thats the last of the major adjustm
ents, and two, some of that nerf pain was NOT on purpose, it was a bug (category
two, by the definition of our priorities mentioned above) see that patch note mar
ked 1.45C posted by Matt Firor early this morning. Im really sorry about that. So i
s everyone here thats why we took the servers down this morning to fix it.
And three, heres a sample of my email: Can you tell me how I am lvl 42 and totally buf
fed (I am an enh spec cleric) and ONE Archer does over 1100 points of damage to
me before I can take 10 steps? The guy did a crit on me for 599 points and then
two hits for approx 300 each. How in the world can Mythic justify that AND give
them the speed to get away as well? Well, I really cant say I blame the guy for being
a little traumatized.
If you disagree with the disgruntled gentleman posted above,
class (and if you arent an archer Ill delete it, FYI,
r poor clerics, I dont need any more ;)), race, level,
d a **concise** list of reasons why Mythic is wrong. Use the

please send me your

I have tons more emails like ou
and spec point distribution, an

Ill be camping the boards this weekend, as we are collecting feedback about our pro
posed hardcore PVP server. Please dont email me with your ideas, use the boards
y one of the terrific fan-run forums, I lurk at nearly a dozen boards. Have a wo
nderful weekend everyone!
Here's the latest edition. Champions, take note:
Q: Will resist caps be raised? Currently I am at 24% spirit even though I wear 2
8% worth of gear. What I want to know is will the buff stack with my gear giving
me, say, 48%?
A: Yes. The item cap and the buff cap are separate.
Q: (Insert unhappy comment about Champions and the new debuffs here.)
A: The impact was heavier than intended. We are going to be revisiting the debuf
f changes next week. This applies to any class that uses debuffs, incidentally,
but I used Champions in the question as they are a class that really built itsel
f around debuffs. We're also going to be looking over the Champions in general,
in addition to the Friars. And for the love of god, please stop using the word "
disgruntled" in your headers, I wish I'd picked a more fun word like "pickled."
Q: (Insert question answered on the Herald last month.)
A: We do have a keyword search here on the Herald - it's on the left column.
Q: (Insert buff here) does nothing for my class! Could you change it to be usefu
l to me?

A: This is a design choice - not every spell you may be able to cast will necess
arily be usable by you. One example of such a spell, the acuity buff Midgard Sha
men recently received, doesn't actually do anything for a Shaman. Rather, it hel
ps Runemasters and Spiritmasters (with Piety increases) - this was to make Shame
n more desirable in a group, not to necessarily make the Shaman himself any stro
Q: Where are the spells.xml and styles.xml lists you spoke of lo these many moon
s ago?
A: Well, we've been doing some serious revamping of this material lately, so we
decided to hold off putting it into XML until we were finished reviewing it all.
In addition, no one has had the time yet to put together the file. I'm afraid t
here is no ETA on this, although it's something we REALLY want to do. It has not
been forgotten, merely pushed back on the priority list. Sorry =(
Q: With the new display options coming soon for individual guilds on the Herald,
why not make all the possible information (spec breakdowns per character, craft
ing skill levels per character, /played time, etc) available via XML but not dis
played on the Herald itself?
A: While we COULD do that, we SHOULDN'T do that - because anyone could get acces
s to your guild's XML stuff and display it on their own website. This would be a
n egregious invasion of privacy, in our opinion. Password protection is an optio
n, but we do not have the programmer time available to set up such a thing.
Incidentally, check out the new Realm War pages, we've added some nifty features
. The first version of this page did not include unguilded players in the Top Pl
ayer listings - this was a bug, and now corrected to display people without an o
fficial guild.
Q: I cannot solo a freaking blue. It is highly annoying.
A: It should be highly annoying, since that is not our intent. BUT - we run test
s whenever we get class/race/spec/target monster information, and more than half
the time we can solo a blue just peachy. (When we can't, we get cracking on fig
uring out ways to fix that.) Here's one thing - our test characters are in blue/
yellow armor. So, if you cannot kill a blue, AND you are wearing mostly blue or
better armor, please send me your feedback (class/race/level/spec points/overall
armor con color/target monster) with the heading PICKLED SOLOIST.

Have a spiffy weekend!
Short and sweet (Spellcraft/Tradeskill update among the most notable answers):
Q: Any new information on the newest material types?
A: Yes. From our tradeskill guy:
With the advent of the recipes for the 9th/10th material types, we've had to restru
cture the database that we use for all of the tradeskill recipes. Not only did t
his allow us to increase the size, but also allowed us to resequence the recipes
themselves (at least internally) to better deal with future additions.

With this, we'll be rolling out the recipes on our internal server within the ne
xt day, or so. It should then go up to Pendragon within a couple days of that (d
epending on when a Pendragon update is done).
The NPC's that sell the materials for the 9th/10th material types will not be on
Pendragon yet, as we want to make sure that the recipes for the 1st through 8th
material types still work.
Once that happens, the updated recipes will be cycled live, while the Merchants
selling the 9th/10th material types will be added onto Pendragon.
Q: What about Spellcrafting?
A: Theres more from the tradeskill guy!
The plan is to work on implementing Spellcrafting once the 9th/10th materials go fu
lly live, and any of the kinks they may have, are worked out.
For those that aren't aware of what Spellcrafting is, in a nutshell, it'll allow
a Spellcrafter to imbue a player-made item with magical properties.
We plan on "launching" Spellcrafting with the ability to imbue items with these
1) Stat buffs
2) Skill buffs
3) Resistance buffs
In the future, we hope to add the ability to imbue weapons with "procs" and poss
ibly imbue an item with spell charges.
Q: My blademaster needs a little love. Got anything good for me?
A: Would Evade III help? Were adding that to Blademasters next week.
Q: Did you mean for minstrels and mentalists to get the same kind of charm syste
A: Yes, but on further reflection its not working for mentalists very well, given t
hat a minstrel has a better chance of surviving if their pet attacks them, while the m
entalist's chance is lower. Were going to see if we can even that out a little. No,
we wont decrease the minstrels effectiveness, well add something to the mentalist.
Q: The Realm War/RP standings are all messed up. When will it be fixed?
A: Well, hopefully tonight. Post to your favorite message board on Monday if it
doesnt seem to be fixed by then.
Q: Quest contest? Finalist list?
A: Another delay, guys =( I missed two days this week, and I am an army of one h

Q: Why dont you support Windows XP?

A: We do. =)
Here it is - got a ton o' stuff for you tonight.
Q: Why are the flights to the frontier zones every fifteen minutes?
A: The idea behind that design choice was so that if you die in battle and have
no rezz, youre out of that engagement, and the other combatants dont have to kill you
over and over. It brings more tactics into play besides the zerg rush wars of attr
ition are possible with the delay in the return to the field. We would prefer th
at the engagements last longer, which brings us to the next question:
Q: About patch 1.48 it seems like a good step, but as it stands now, is having a b
ig effect on certain classes. When is this patch going live?
A: Weve been keeping tabs on the boards and email, as that patch has some pretty bi
g concepts in it. There has been quite a lot of commentary generated! Many like
it, some hate it, and just about everyone agrees that bringing it live early nex
t week would, well, suck. Everyone includes your favorite dev team. This patch is NOT
going live on Tuesday it needs a lot of testing and discussion. I have a lot of lo
ve going out to and their related community sites, the Safehouse,
the Drunken Friar, Catacombs, and a few other sites for their thoughtful discuss
ions on the new patch. Even the Vault has some useful threads ;) But the biggest
appreciation goes to the Pendragon players, who will be the biggest help to us
in tuning this patch. Which leads us to:
Q: I really want to copy my character to Pendragon. Are you guys ready to do tha
t yet?
A: Not yet :(
Q: The salvage feature seems to be inconsistent in terms of how much value you c
an strip from some items. Is it bugged?
A: It is not bugged, but it is inconsistent. In the future, we will be overhauli
ng the equations, and adding features such as being able to salvage more items tre
e branches for their wood, for a possible example.
Q: How important is it that I have my weapon enchanted?
A: Well, the game assumes you will take advantage of every possible self-improve
ment available to you, and enchanting your armor and weapons (steel or better ma
terials) is part of that. It doesnt matter so much at lower levels, but by your 40s
, you would be at a pretty big disadvantage in PVE if you have not at least some
what improved your gear via enchantments. The disadvantage in RVR, of course, de
pends on what the other players have done.
Q: I know rez effects lower your concentration point pool, but sometimes the rez
effect wears off but I dont get my conc points back. Whats up with that?
A: That is a known bug we will be fixing soon the temporary work around is to log
out and log back in.

Q: If I sprint, and then go into stealth mode, my stamina keeps reducing as if I

were still sprinting. If I tap the sprint key to turn it off I get a message sa
ying You cant sprint while stealthed.
A: That is a display bug tapping the key DOES turn sprint off, but it gives you th
e you cant message.
Q: For once and for all, do spec points over level make a difference?
A: Sometimes. It does not affect all skills and specializations evenly. And for
the ones that ARE impacted, the differences should be small spec points drasticall
y improve your performance up to a certain point, and then level off so that fur
ther improvements are minute but present up to your level. Again, past your leve
l, not all skills are affected by points. Someday, there will be a list out sayi
ng which are so affected. But if in your experience, a given skill improves howe
ver minor the result, youre probably not crazy.
I, on the other hand, am definitely crazy. Yall have a good weekend.
Short 'n' sweet:
Q: I gotta say I totally disagree with the order of resolution you posted awhile
back because of (insert extremely long log file here).
A: One email is a lone crackpot, two emails is a possible problem and I got more t
han two emails on the subject. So I went and poked someone with a stick, and got
the following answer the order is evade, parry, shield, guard, hit/miss, and last
ly bladeturn (if hit = yes). Try THAT and see if its correct.
Q: How far does the LFG flag propagate?
A: Roughly one zone the range is a circle with you in the middle. If you were stan
ding on the line between two zones, your flag would reach about half of each zon
e. (This question and several others were part of a regular Q&A I do with www.da, one of a dozen sites I hit every day.)
Q: How come you dont visit (insert website here)?
A: If you know of a terrific class-specific forum, please send me a link with TR
Y THIS WEBSITE as the header. I currently lurk at the Safehouse, the Drunken Fri
ar, and an Ezboard dedicated to wizards, and Im always happy to add more.
Q: How does an increase or bonus in spec points affect support class spell lines
A: Warning, jargon ahead. I got this straight from the spell designer. Basically
, any spec points that take you over the level of the spell will make it hit/eff
ect for the maximum. Mez/stun/roots arent affected, but healing for example will do
+25% every time if your spec is artificially boosted over the level of the spel
l. Buffs are affected the same way. DD spells will start at +25% if the spec is
artificially boosted, but the actual damage will of course be moderated by resis
tances, etc.

So if you have a natural 50 in your spec line, bonus spec will not help much. Bu
t if you can get up to 50 with items, you can save points for other things and s
till get full spec bonuses. Remember that there are extra bonuses for realm rank
s as well.
Q: Could the XML somehow relate characters on the same account/played by the sam
e person? I am asking for the purpose of a guild web page Im putting together.
A: The trouble with XML is that its available for anyone to use, not just your guil
d. We cannot authenticate who is using which set of information without linking
databases, and we dont want to link our Herald databases to our secure account info
rmation databases. See for more FAQ ab
out the guild features.
Q: What is the overall point of patch 1.48? And when is it going live?
A: We have two goals with 1.48 one is making RVR last longer, to bring in more tac
tical elements that are currently not possible with the lightening fast battles.
The other goal is evening out the discrepancy between levels. Ive been saying sinc
e we launched that our intent was that a 40th level player should have a shot at
a 50th level player. Maybe not a GREAT chance, but a chance. Hence the increase
to the to-hit factor for lower level players and pets in RVR, along with some o
ther changes currently on Pendragon.

1.48 has gone through several revisions in response to feedback from people who
have actually tried it out, as well as a lot of internal testing. I am keeping a
close watch on the concerns of the player community as well. It will go live wh
en weve gotten in beaten into rough shape it is a huge thing, and hopefully when we
ne it will be a good thing as well.
Let's get ready to rumble....
Q: I play an (insert class here) and saying that youre done doing class balance is
(insert adjective here).

A: The producers note did not say done. Let me trot out an old analogy I have used b
. Think of this game as a stereo. We have finished attaching all the knobs and b
uttons. I doubt we will ever be finished with adjusting the volume, the bass boo
st, or the options menu. I can think of some planned additions to a few classes
right off the top of my head, and Im alone in the office on Friday night. If I were
surrounded by the actual designers, the list in my head would be longer. No, I
am not going to list the classes. I do not believe in discussing changes until t
hey have been coded; it only causes problems =)
Q: My friends and I have been hunting in a particular area, and not once did we
see an item drop of (insert armor type here). Instead, we are drowning in (inser
t other armor type here). What gives?
A: Some zones have a random element to them, in that any piece can drop from any
creature. The zone you are talking about is more divided if you hunted in one par
ticular place for six hours, you would indeed be drowning in leather armor. Get
up and move around a little the chain armor youre seeking is about twenty feet thataw

Q: I received an email from It contained some ki

nd of virus, and a note about this being a new game and he hoped Id like it. Why di
d Scott send me a virus?
A: Scott did not. If you have the technical knowledge to do so, look beyond the
header into the origin information youll see that this email did not originate with M
ythic, but came from somewhere else and was set up to appear that it came from M
ythic. Dear (expletive deleted) who is sending these fake emails you have been rep
orted. Please crawl back under your rock and stay there. Now, back to our custom
ers if you are not expecting an email from Scott (ie, you did not send him an emai
l first), delete the messages unopened. And please, please, please use a virus c
hecker regularly. I have more copies of the Sircam virus than any woman will eve
r need.
Q: Do +pac items actually do anything at this time?
A: It appears that +pac, +evade, and +beserk items do not actually affect the sk
ills in question at this time. I would not suggest throwing them out, however the
items will be useful in the future, either by working as advertised or changed t
o something that is useful to the characters likely to have such items. By the w
ay, the rumor that +envenom items do not work is not true the item designer person
ally verified that they DO work. He has a natural 49 in envenom, and has a +1env
enom item, and sure enough, can use the 50th level poisons. To the best of my kn
owledge, all the other +skill items are effective. Do you disagree? Start a thre
ad at your favorite board, or email with +SKILL as the header.
Q: I still do not have my level 50 (insert skill/spell here).
A: First, try right clicking on your trainer and then zoning. This should retroa
ctively give you your hard earned result. If you STILL do not have it, your char
acter may need to be given your level 50 toy by hand. First, double check to be
sure your spec level entitles you to whatever you are seeking. If you're sure yo
u should have it, please email me with LEVEL 50 STYLE/SPELL as your header, and
provide your class, spec point spread, level, and the name of the missing goody.
I have been assured that after all the sacking, the only emails I should get ar
e people whose characters are bugged. I sure hope so. I have some sacks waiting
just in case. The plastic kind.
Q: What resists are effective against mez, stun, and root?
A: Right now, none of them. That is on the agenda, obviously. When they do go in
, be aware that they will behave as all resists do they will not have an affect on
the spell landing, instead the damage you take will be reduced. In the case of mez/st
un/root, the damage is the length of time they are on you. So a high resist will
reduce the amount of time youre trapped. More details to come when this enters the
In other news, MistWolf from Classes of Camelot just finished a tour here at Myt
hic, and has posted the interview on his forum. Thanks, MistWolf, for coming by.
On a side note, there are many great forums and websites out there being run as
selfless projects by terrific people OFTEN AS A FINANCIAL LOSS TO THE OWNERS AND
MANAGERS. Bandwidth isnt free, gang. If you have a special home on the internet, c
onsider helping them out with your loose change. Having independent websites to
get your gaming news from is an invaluable resource. The fansites (and the rants

ites *innocent whistling*) play a major role in keeping people honest. Besides t
he news reporting free of corporate spin, many of these sites eventually form in
to communities for people to belong to. The community is, after all, the real po
int of all the sound and fury in the MMOG genre. But theres no such thing as a free
lunch. Just my two cents for the evening, take it for what its worth.
Thanks, everyone! Have a great weekend!
First up - a teaser about the PVP server.
Q: Where can I find more information on the much-anticipated PVP server?
A: You can find the information less than a week in the future. Keep your eyes o
n the Herald next week for a message from our producer. Hell be posting details on
the new server, as well as detailed information on the new Realm Skills system.
Q: What are the siege weapon commands?
A: Go to our guide to siege weapons and have a look. Several people have written
to me looking for the slash commands every command you need is available through
the GUI (graphical user interface). By the way, you can also give up control of
the weapon by getting out of the control radius, at which point anyone can take
control of it.
Q: What makes armor and weaponry made from the new material types better than mo
nster drops?
A: Well, for one thing, they last longer. The 10th type lasts 50% longer than hi
gh level drops, and the 9th type lasts 25% longer. More durability means less co
st in the long run. In addition, you should check out the next question.
Q: Did the effective AF display change (mentioned on 1/11/02) ever go into the g
A: No, it didnt, turned out to be not possible at this time. So to truly determine
the value of the armor or your weapon, you need to do a little multiplication.
For armor multiply the AF by the quality.
For DPS multiply the displayed DPS by the quality.
As you can see, quality has a major effect on the value and effectiveness of you
r gear.
Q: Why does the address send me form letters whe
n I ask questions?
A: Because that address is ONLY FOR TECH SUPPORT AND BILLING INQUIRIES. (Sorry f
or the caps, yall, this is a FAQ thing.) In the usual 20/20 hindsight everyone has,
we should have called it techbillingsupport instead of just support. For other
questions, try the plethora of fansites, try searching our Knowledge Base (you c
an find it by clicking the FAQ link to your right), and try the search feature t
o dig through four months of grab bags.

Q: Any more details available about that new guild leader thingy that Jeff Hickm
an posted about earlier this week?
A: Why yes!
- If no character in the guild is active, because the entire guild shifted realm
s, the guild will remain untouched.
- As long as someone is marked as a leader (rank 0), other, inactive guild leade
rs will not be demoted.
I understand that many people travel for work and school, go on vacation, etc.,
for more than three weeks. The thing is, three weeks is an eternity in game time
, and things come up for guilds that require someone with administrative powers.
If youre going to be gone for a few weeks, its a good idea to have a second-in-comman
d ANYWAY. You can always demote the stand-in when you return. There are a number
of guilds out there that have been helpless for months to promote, form allianc
es, buy emblems, take over keeps, etc., because their leaders left without turni
ng over administrative control. We (probably naively) assumed that leaders who d
ecided to leave Camelot would not do so without giving someone else the reins. T
his new program addresses these concerns.
Please, though, make sure the email address you have registered with us is accur
ate and up to date. Im a little worried about guild leaders who have been playing t
winks or alts that may miss the email asking them to log in for a few seconds wi
th their leader character. We do not and will not share our email list with anyo
ne at any time entering your real email address will not cause you any spam.
Happy Easter, Passover, or just a darn nice weekend!
Here it is - nothing big tonight, just some odds and ends.
Q: Have you seen the website

A: I sure have. Gang, its another scam. All youre doing when you fill in the form on t
his website is sending your password to some cretin. You arent going to get a hundr
ed gold pieces, or a super fast jump to level 45. If someone offers you somethin
g for nothing, its probably a scam. If you fell for this one, dont waste time chang
r password IMMEDIATELY. If you need further assistance, please contact our tech
and billing support crew. Remember, whoever has the secret word is the person we
consider the legitimate account holder.
Q: I noticed you announced that the PVP server ruleset announcement was delayed
until next week. What about the Realm Point Skill system?
A: That also has been put off until next week. =/ Tis better to be posting and l
ate than to never have posted at all.
Q: There seems to be a problem with stun. Heres the progression first, you successful
ly stun the attacker. Then you try to cast another spell, but youre told that you h
ave been interrupted because youre being attacked. By the time youre done waiting, the
stun has worn off!
A: Er I was under the impression stun was working a little TOO well, but if youve had
this problem, please send a log of the battle with timestamps (so we can see wha
t order things occurred) to me with the header STUN BUG. Be sure to tell me your

class, race, level and the name of the stun in your email.
Q: Darkness Falls items how come realm Xs version of item Z is twice as powerful and
half as expensive?
A: Because its a bug, and we very much appreciate people who send these bugs in whi
le theyre still on the test server and not live. Thanks, all, keep em coming as you fi
nd these things.
Q: What realm do the developers play in?
A: All three. About evenly split, too.
Q: Regarding Darkness Falls what if the keep score is tied?
A: Good question. Okay. Servers go live with the dungeon. Lets say your server is e
venly tied, seven keeps each. Then Hibernia takes one extra from Midgard. The Hi
bbie portal opens. The Midgard forces immediately react and take it back. The sc
ore is back to seven all but the Hib portal is still open. You have to have*more*
keeps than the other two realms to open the portal, but you have to have *fewer*
keeps than one of your enemies for the portal to close. Did that make sense?
So, the score is seven all, but the Hibs are inside and more entering. The Mids
still have a force assembled from taking back their stolen fort, and go over and
take one from Albion. Now Midgard has more keeps, and Hibernias portal closes. Mid
gards portal opens, and the hordes rush in.
As you can see, the only time a tie score results in three closed portals is rig
ht after a server comes up from a reboot.
Can Hibernia, upon realizing that they lost control of the portal, now rush to t
he winning realms port in spot and camp the hapless Middies? Well, no. The port in
spot is set up to keep it safe from port campers. Youll be able to fully zone into
the new dungeon, buff up, etc., before you have to enter into combat with your e
Gang, bear in mind that this new toy is HUGE. You can drop all three of the bigg
est realm dungeons into DF, and STILL have room for most of the other dungeons.
Give it a try, let us know how its working.
I got an email from Jasarina Anarawyn, announcing the opening of the Anarawyn Library.
This is a message board set up for roleplay stories. She assures me her bandwid
th can take the hit, so check it out if youre so inclined.
Thanks, all, and have a good weekend!
It's a big one today, so let's get it up early for you clock watchers out there
in cubicle land ;)
Q: Im still getting those emails that look like they are from you or Scott Jennings
. Whats going on?
A: My initial thought, that someone was being a jerk, was incorrect. Mea culpa.
It is a worm program affecting half the known universe right now called Klez. You can
find more information on it here. By the way, the last five copies Ive received hav

e come from Harvard University, just FYI to the gang in Boston. I run a full sca
n on my machine several times a week, as well as the automatic updater than come
s with any of the good antivirus products. I have to. Good lord, Im still getting S
irCam viruses every week, and that one is as pass as big hair and acid washed jeans
Q: I was hunting in the frontier, and got in a little over my head, so I ran to
the guards for some help. They just stood there and mocked me as I got hammered
on like a door during a drug bust. What was that about?
A: If, when you click on the guy in armor, it says So and so is friendly and is a g
uard, he will help you beat down a monster. If he says hes friendly and a realm guard,
hell only help you beat down another player. Check your potential rescuers message as
you head past him.
Q: Is DAOC Unleashed a legal program?
A: I suddenly got two dozen of these inquiries in the last week, and Im not sure wh
y. No, it is not a legal program. No third party program that provides you with
information in a format unavailable to you within the game, or provides you with
an advantage over players not using said program will ever BE legal. Check out
our EULA for the legalese and how carefully weve covered our tails. If we catch you
, we will ban you, and there are no second chances for that account.
Q: Hey, you took your email address off the website! Now theres a form to fill out!
A: Yes. Check out the link to our new feedback form. It still dumps straight to
my email in box, just as before, but presorted by category. This helps me to get
through the feedback much, much faster than before. And of course, if youve ever g
ot problems with something that doesnt fit a category, or customer service, or mayb
e you just feel like getting something off your chest, Im still at sanya@mythicente No response is guaranteed, but I am still committed to reading ev
erything you send.
Q: Why does (insert monster here) start dodging me like a madman whenever I get
too far away?
A: One of the developers asked me to post her mini-essay here. Heres her comments:
One of the lesser-known features of some of our monsters is the engage radius. This
is a radius defined on a case-by-case basis with specific monsters that we want
to keep within an area. For example, the dragons have an engage radius that pre
tty much encompasses their lairs. If not out on patrol, they will stay within th
eir lair and cannot be pulled from there.
You can often get the monster in question right to the edge of that radius. Howe
ver, if you a standing even one step outside that radius, the monster will begin
to "dodge your blow" (both for ranged and melee attacks). Your characters body mus
t be inside that radius for the dodging to stop. This is there to prevent people
from abusing the fact that the monster cannot physically get to them. Also, mos
t monsters with an engage radius set will have some sort of ranged attack (spell
s, breath weapon, etc.) that they will use if everyone they were fighting has le
ft the area. The ranged attack is also there to minimize abuse of the system.
The reasoning for giving some monsters these radii vary. For example, one of the
newest creatures, Legion, will not go much farther than the bottom of his steps

. We limited him to this distance mostly because of his size, and we wanted to k
eep him away from the pillars that are in his room.
There are currently a couple of minor items that have cropped up relating to the
engage radius that may have caused some confusion to players. Those items are:
Some forces are able to get a monster such that its back is up against t
he engage radius. When in this position, a large monster may try to adjust its m
elee distance against those who are too close by taking a couple steps backwards
. In doing this, it is slowly pushed out of its engage radius (which is defined
by its spawn point). If the monster gets pushed all the way out of that radius,
it will dodge everything. The programmers are looking in to this. In the meantim
e, if you know a monster you are fighting has an engage radius, try to keep it i
n the center of its area, if possible.
There are a few monsters/npcs, such as the RvR gatekeepers, are not mean
t to be killed. These monsters will also give you monsterX swifly dodges your blow as
a message. It is very similar to the message you receive with the engage radius
monsters. We will change this message to make it less confusing to players.
Q: Can you go over the armor factor/absorb/etc stuff again? Previous explanation
s were confusing, and I want to be able to make good choices when I have two sim
ilar pieces of armor and must decide between them.
A: This next part is taken directly from the Vault thread in which I answered so
meones post, so forgive me if it sounds a little out of context. The players questions
are in bold.
"1) How is Total AF calculated (Condition, Quality, location weighting, etc.)?"
The trouble with my answers to these questions, and the answers I have given on
the Herald in the past, is that they are all simplified. I do not have the entir
e formula, and probably won't ever - the WHOLE thing involves tables, probabilit
ies, outside factors, blah blah blah. It's immense. What I have given out are th
e broad brushstrokes, and the best I can do for you.
"1a.) If a dropped loot armor piece has the exact same AF, the exact same qualit
y and the exact same condition as player crafted piece, is it truly identical to
player made or is there some secret calculation for player made armor that make
s Total AF register higher?"
"2) How do AF caps really work (base armor AF vs AF spells)?"
There is technically a cap as to how much AF you can have. You will hit this cap
if every piece of armor you have is your level (armor level = displayed AF/2) a
nd 100% quality. Condition also plays a role - when you get messages saying such
and such could use repairs, you're losing effectiveness.
Now, there are some exceptions - spec line AF buffs of healing classes can take
you over your cap. Certain items can also be coded with a bypass function to tak
e you over your cap.
"3) What does AF actually do? We assume AF determines Hit/Miss only, but is it a
lso used in damage reduction? If its hit/miss only, how does it work? Is your To
tal AF the *only* number used in the hit/mist calculation or are individual armo
r locations/pieces used in determining hit/miss?"
AF is factored into many, many things, to varying degrees, so I can't give you a

complete answer.
But I can sorta answer the last question. Your total AF plays a
he individual pieces play a role elsewhere in the calculations.
off the top of my head, but I want to say the BP covers 25% of
e remember what I said before? The last time I gave percentages
om a design document, so they were accurate.

role, yes, AND t

I can't remember
your body? Anyon
I was working fr

"4) How does Absorb work? Is it simply a % reduction in damage? (i.e. you are hi
t for 100, but have 19% absorb at that location, therefore you are hit for 81) o
r does Absorb use AF to determine how much damage is prevented"
My answer to #1 pretty much applies here too.
Now, for the examples, to make all the above blathering relate to practical term
s. I will use your definition of "better" (1) which makes me get totally missed
more? 2) which makes me get hit FOR LESS when I get hit?), and assume that you'r
e more or less evenly rigged out in appropriately leveled armor:
"I am a lvl 20 Cleric. I have a choice between the following items. Which is "be
1) AF 38 Chain, 27% absorb, 100% qual, 100% cond, 0 bonus
2) AF 40 Studded, 19% absorb, 100% qual, 100% cond, 0 bonus"
The first piece is level 19, the second is 20. The 8% absorb is more significant
than the one level difference, and all other factors are equal, so the answer i
s the first piece.
"or these two:
1) AF 38 Chain, 100% Q/C, 5% bonus, Quest item
2) AF 40 Chain, 100% Q/C, 0% bonus"
Kind of a tossup here. If you're going to be fighting things that have enchanted
weapons (ie, have bonuses applied), you'd rather have the piece with the bonus,
because it will reduce your damage maybe a hair more than the extra AF. But it'
s not significant. You'll outlevel the piece before you see enough fights to tel
l much of a difference. I'd personally go for the quest item, just because they
tend to have their durability set higher than regular stuff, and thus last longe
r and can be repaired more.
"or these two:
1) AF 40 Chain, 100% Q/C, 0% bonus (yellow)
2) AF 44 Chain, 100% Q/C, 0% bonus (orange)"
The orange
better for
your total
d. So, the

is two levels higher than you, and will degrade faster. It's not any
you than the yellow in the slot it occupies, and its contribution to
AF is wasted if the rest of your gear is decent and you've been buffe
yellow piece is optimal.

(Remember, color is a range that gets bigger the higher you are in levels. You n
eed to determine the actual level of the piece to determine how big a waste it i
s. The higher level than you, the bigger the waste.)
None of your examples included quality differences - in any situation where it's
a close call, go with the higher quality item. Keep your stuff in good repair,
as well.
I can't give you an order of value for each factor, as the value of each factor
changes depending on the situation. GENERALLY - level, quality, bonus, condition
. The bottom two are what change the most in weight depending on circumstances -

level and quality ALWAYS matter.

If I've horribly lost anyone, I apologize, and I will try and make it clearer.

Whew. Big grab bag today! The outpouring of comments on the upcoming PVP server
is extremely interesting, and I am lurking in approximately two dozen discussion
s on the subject. Also, the outpouring of interest in our upcoming Fan Meet has
been tremendous thank you all very much for your support. Were looking forward to mee
ting you.
Be safe, unless youre in the frontiers, and have a good weekend!http://web.archive.
Here it is:
Q: At what level does a weapon proc?
A: A weapon, or a charged item proc, goes off when it is either your level, with
in one level of you, or within two levels of you, depending on the item. Reverse pr
oc items (ie, gloves that proc) follow the same guidelines.
Please bear in mind that you cannot make reverse proc items go off when you choo
se they go off when you are struck in that area. In other words, if you have proci
ng gloves, they go off when youre hit in the hand.
Q: Where can I find a good crafter on my server?

A: Recently, the Herald got some new goodies along with the alliance details. If
you click on Realm War Status, select a server, and then click one of two optio
ns, you can get a great list of crafters who have elected to be known. The first
link is at the top of the page, and says Crafter Listing. Another way to get the same
information is to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the realm war status
page and click either the tree, the hammer, or the grail that page has the realm
guild rankings, and at the bottom, a series of bars labeled Heroes of the Realm cli
ichever you wanted to know more about. This list includes people who have chosen
to be anon. If you want to change your listing, the toggle is /webdisplay trade
Incidentally, the Heroes of the Realm buttons also sort out the top players of t
he realm by class click and see where you stand!
Q: When is the PVP server going to launch?
A: I have no date yet, as the new server is still being coded.
By the way, for those of you
new server I suggest you
el for the game again. A lot
different from when the game
tactical advantage.

who canceled awhile ago but plan to return for the

re-up a little before the new server launches, just to get
has changed in three months, and a TON of stuff is
launched. Those familiar with the game will have a

Q: What are the realm rank titles?

A: For Midgard, the ranks are Vakten, Skiltvakten, Isen Vakten, Flammen Vakten,
Elding Vakten, Stormur Vakten, Isen Herra, Flammen Herra, Elding Herra, Stormur

Herra, Einherjar.
For Albion, the ranks are Protector, Guardian, Warder, Myrmidon, Gryphon Knight,
Eagle Knight, Phoenix Knight, Alerion Knight, Unicorn Knight, Lion Knight, Drag
on Knight.
For Hibernia, the ranks are Wayfarer, Savant, Cosantoir, Brehon, Grove Protector
, Raven Ardent, Silver Hand, Thunderer, Gilded Spear, Tiarna, Emerald Ridere.
Q: That armor factor discussion last week didnt make sense to me I wear (insert cloth
armor type here).
A: Argh. Quite right to determine the level of your armor, you divide the AF by 2,
unless you wear cloth armor, in which case the AF IS the level. My bad.
Q: What steps are you taking to reduce framerate issues in RVR battles?
A: This is one of our hottest issues well be working on in the next few patches. So
me of the things we will be doing include rendering less detail on distant figur
es (right now the game draws everything even if the object is just a speck in th
e distance), and simplifying the geometry on distant environmental objects.
Q: Inquiring Bards want to know what does EMP do for us?
A: Nothing. The reason it lights up
se class can become a class that DOES use
bards power pool. This is not the most
here precisely HAPPY about it, but it is

on the character creation screen is because the ba

empathy for power. Only CHA affects a
satisfying answer Ive ever given, nor is anyone
the truth.

Short and sweet today by the way, the last two questions were taken from a Q&A I d
id for - head over and check it out in the next few days.
Yall be safe, and have a good weekend.
Let's do it:
Q: Why does studded leather show up in both Tailoring and Armorcraft for Albion?
And why can only one of the two tradeskills repair it?
A: Straight from Mr. Trade Designer: Studded leather was in Tailoring originally
. When we went to make the tradeskills for Midgard and Hibernia, we realized sin
ce they didn't have a Plate equivalent, their armorcrafters would only have a si
ngle thing to make. So for those two realms, we moved Studded leather from Tailo
ring to Armorcraft. We added Studded Leather to Armorcraft in Albion as well, bu
t left their tailors the ability to make it since taking away the ability would
have meant removing something they had previously been able to do. As far as the
repairs to studded leather go, only one tradeskill can be set up to repair an i
tem type (i.e. weapon, armor, etc) so that is why only one of those two can repa
ir Studded, and not the other.
Q: You posted some information a few weeks back on how Quality and Condition aff
ect the AF and DPS of items. But months ago you posted something on Quality some
how "double dipping" when dealing with AF and it was a different equation. Which

is correct?
A: For a quick rule of thumb, to find the effective AF or effective
DPS of an item it is simply AF/DPS*Quality*Condition. Side note: If you are usin
g something that is above your level, any level caps that come into play are app
lied first, then quality and condition kick in.
The "double dipping" we talked about before was misinterpreted when we were firs
t discussing it. Quality and Condition come into play a 2nd time during combat.
When you hit a location on a defender, the magic bonus, quality, condition, and
damage modifiers (if that armor is strong/weak versus that armor type), absorpti
on, and AF come into play.
So if you are attacking someone that has armor that is weak to your weapon type,
and the quality, magic bonus, and condition of your weapon is higher then their
armor, you will do a significant amount more damage then you would if everythin
g was even.
Put another way if you have a weapon that is 100% quality, and you hit someone wea
ring 85% quality armor, first the game checks for plus or minuses to that armor
type, and armor level (displayed AF). But after that addition or subtraction, yo
u as the wielder of the weapon will get a 15% bonus. The bonus is then modified
slightly depending on the state of repair (condition) of the weapon and the armo
The short version is get yourself that high quality gear.
Q: Did you know you dont have to wait for the opening Mythic logo screen to go away
on its own? You can click on it as soon as it pops up, and it will go away, and
take you straight to the login box.
A: No kidding? Damn, I learn something new every day from the forums.
Q: Last week, the weapon proccing question your answer should have read a proc goes o
ff when the item is one or two levels higher than you, and always when you are h
igher level than it is.
A: Youre correct, I mistakenly assumed that it would go without saying that a proc
would work if you were higher level than the proccing item. (Is proccing a word?
Q: Which stats affect parry, evade, and block?
A: Parry = dex, evade = dex and quick equally, block = dex.
Q: Which stats affect offensive attacks?
A: Celtic spears use str, all other spears and thrust/pierce weapons use str/dex
equally, crossbows use str/dex equally, all other bows use plain dex, swords an
d hammers use plain str. Staff weapons use str according to my notes, but my fri
ends at The Drunken Friar say (and quite convincingly too) that dex is the modif
ier for friar staffs. Were investigating that here at Mythic; I hope to have some f
ollowup comments next Friday.
Q: Any word on the embarrassingly low percentage rates of block/parry in RVR?

A: So far, it APPEARS that block and parry are working fine its that they dont work
nst styles, which in extremely short combats, are all that a player will be faci
ng. People tend to be, well, dead before anyone is out of endurance. Therefore t
he problem appears to be the pace of combat, not the skills themselves, but we a
re investigating this week to see if there is anything skill-related that needs
tweaking while we continue to search for ways to lengthen the RVR encounters. I
know that's not much of an answer, but I wanted y'all to know we are aware of th
e problem.
Be good, and if you cant be good, be careful. And for heaven's sake, run a virus ch
ecker, people, this Klez thing is making me crazy. Have a great weekend!http://w
Short and sweet:
Q: Any more details about the fan meet scheduled in June?
A: Only a little more the response has been completely out of this world. More tha
n three thousand people have told us they want to be there. So, Ive got some bad ne
ws. When we do open registration, it will be first come first served, with a lim
it on the number of places available so please wait on making transportation reser
vations until you see if youve got a spot. Weve got a whole bunch of activities planne
d, and everyone at Mythic is looking forward to meeting the community in person.
Its evolving into something much bigger than the simple meet and greet we original
ly planned! If the June gathering is as much fun as I think it will be, we will
organize parties around the country.
Q: Does weapon specialization affect your chance to hit a target?
A: No. Weapon spec affects your damage range (from the smallest amount you can d
o to the largest amount you can do), and therefore your average damage, when usi
ng the type of weapon you specced in.

Q: Follow up to last week whats the word on staff weapons, and while Im at it, pole
What stats affect these weapons?
A: Staff weapons are straight dex (many apologies for the confusion I caused las
t week), and polearms are all str., no matter what kind of polearm were talking abo
Q: Will my chant/pulse/regen break mez when 1.50 goes live?
A: Only heals, from one of the healing classes, will break mez in the upcoming p
atch. The various pulsing chanting or regen spells do not break mez.
Q: Any word on the Pendragon character copy?
A: Were not yet done with the automatic functions, so it wont be ready before 1.50 goe
s live. However, the new realm skills system required some serious high level te
sting, so we have copied over 500 high level characters to help us test out the
current patch. We are not planning to copy over any more characters until we hav
e the automatic tool in place, so please dont ask.

Q: Why do +env items actually allow the player wearing the item to apply the hig
her level posions, but my +skill item does not grant me access to the higher lev
el skills or abilities?
A: Envenom is a special case. Envenom ability is a simple check does this person h
ave the requisite skill level or not to use this poison. A poison is not more ef
fective because the user has a higher spec in envenom; either he can use the poi
son or he cannot. Other than that skill check, +envenom items dont do anything. Eve
ry other skill, ability, and spec line in the game is not such a simple true/fal
se equation. Rather, all the other things improve average damage, resist rates,
effectiveness, and so forth. Theyre about the same in terms of how much power the i
tems grant to the individual player.
Short column today were still working diligently on fixing annoying things, adding ne
w goodies, working on player housing, the PVP server, and more, so theres not too m
uch I can say about those things until we get the test patch versions in front o
f you.
Attention fansite editors: If youre going to E3, now is the time to contact me, and
let me know if youd like an interview and a peek at our new engine and other assor
ted bits of goodness. That contact address is, in
case youd forgotten.
Have a spiffy weekend!
In the midst of our fan gathering planning, E3 preparing, PVP server coding, rea
lm skills fixing, housing installing, old bug repairing, new content creating FR
ENZY, I bring you a fresh hot grab bag!
Q: So, NOW do you know any more about the fan gathering?
A: The section of the Herald devoted to the first Camelot Roundtable will be ope
n and accepting reservations on Monday.
Q: What is the difference between +int items and +power items? I thought intelli
gence added to your power pool, so why have two different stat bonuses that do t
he same thing?
A: +Power adds only to your power pool. +Int also adds to your power pool, but p
lays a role in a few other formulas for int casters, such as your concentration
pool total and the average damage that you do when you cast an attack spell. (Da
mage range is mostly determined by your spec points in the specific spell line,
but int plays a minor role.) Also, it is possible to hit a cap with int, whereas
there is no such cap for power. So, both items serve a real purpose.
Q: Same question as above the difference between +con and +hits, please?
A: Essentially the same answer - +hits adds only to your hit point total, but +c
on adds to your HP total AND your defensive range your average damage taken is sli
ghtly affected by con. Nothing big, but a small difference.
Q: Before you all decided to hold off on the heal-breaks-mez-when-the-mezzed-pla
yer-is-at-full-health change, you said that chants, regens, and pulses would not
break mez, and only heal spells would. We paladins beg to differ! Our chant was
indeed breaking mez. Even though the mez change didnt end up happening, why are we


A: After dozens of paladins wrote to inform me of my error, I asked the designer

s. They told me that unlike all the other pulses/regens/chants, the paladin spel
l is unique in that a pally is actually casting a heal spell each cycle. So ther
e you have it youre not chanting, youre automatically casting a small heal every fe
onds. No, I dont know why youre special, you just are.
Q: What does +enhance bonus on some items do for clerics?
A: It mostly helps clerics that are not fully specced in enhancement. Having a +
enhance item does not grant you access to higher level enhancement spells, but i
t allows you cast the spells you do have with the authority, cost, and strength
of someone with a higher spec.
Q: Does dexterity really affect casting time?
A: Yes, if your spell has a casting timer. Chants are not affected, as they have
a standard cast time. If your dex hits the cap, you will be casting 25% faster
than someone with the lowest possible dex.
Q: PVP server testing begins when?
A: Next week. The first wave of beta testers have been invited. If your guild wa
s not invited, you may yet be included in future stages.
Next week youll see the new realm skill system documentation (and hopefully, the fi
nal round of skills fixes - thanks to all who have sent me logs regarding your s
kills). As astute followers of the Herald are already aware, we will be offering
a reset of realm skills for folks that made errors once we have the new documen
tation in place. Decide carefully after we have the accurate information in place,
we will not be offering resets again.
Thanks for playing, and have a wonderful weekend!
Q: The fan gathering seems like it's on the expensive side. Could you explain th
e costs?
A: We are trying to put together the best possible gathering we can, and the pri
ce we've quoted you is all-inclusive. At other gathering events, you may have no
ticed that a ticket to get in is X dollars, an event t-shirt is X more dollars,
and if you'd like to eat dinner it will cost you X more. At the Camelot Roundtab
le, the price of admittance includes the event shirt, a full roster of activitie
s, entrance into drawings for prizes such as a new GeForce 4 video card, and a f
ull lunch or dinner, depending on when you decide to come. After you add everyth
ing up, our costs are pretty comparable to other professional events.
We have to pay for space at the hotel, hotel staff, liability coverage, material
s, and entertainment. One of the most expensive costs is audiovisual aka microphon
es, so you can hear the developers answer your questions. If more than fifty peo
ple come, a microphone is a must, and the hotels rarely allow companies to bring
their own equipment.

We are absolutely NOT making a profit on this event, and are shooting for dead e
ven or a small loss.
Purely-player run events are less expensive because there are some things that a
company is legally obliged to do that a more informal group can get away with a
voiding (such as permits, security staff, and so on). They are also generally mu
ch smaller, allowing them to avoid audiovisual fees, large room fees, staffing c
osts on the part of the hotel, etc. In fact, usually a purely player-run event c
onsists of setting a time and a place, and everyone just showing up and talking.
These small events are also a lot of fun, and I look forward to attending them
But this event grew well beyond a simple lunch and meet n greet. We have a lot of stuf
f planned, and cool door prizes (the ONLY thing the event sponsors are providing free
of charge, by the way) to give away, and neat things to do, because we want you
to walk away from it thinking, damn, that was fun. (Did I mention that this gath
ering is going to be the place we bring out the expansion to show for the first
time to the general public, and if enough people attend, were hoping to set up a co
mputer room so you can take it for a spin?) We are very much looking forward to
meeting our players for the first time face to face. Everyone here is planning t
o attend.
Q: Will Mordred have a kill list, so we can see how many kills?
A: Were test driving that feature right now, check out the realm status page for Mo
rdred if youre curious.
Q: Shaman disease still has trouble with its snare component, was that meant to
go live?
A: No. We thought wed fixed it, because before it never snared. There are some circ
umstances under which it does not snare, and we are working on a fix.
Q: Theres a rumor going around that the expansion will have more than four characte
r slots per realm. True or false?
A: False. We cant add more character slots. Well, I should say its so insanely difficu
lt that it borders on the impossible. I know, I know, I wish I had more too. Try
ing to choose which alt to delete so I can try something new is like choosing be
tween children sometimes.
Sorry its so short today getting Mordred off the ground and getting ready to strut ou
r stuff at E3 AND trying to get 1.50 clean for you has kept Mythic very busy the
se last few weeks.
For those of you who do not follow gaming news obsessively like I do, E3 stands
for Electronic Entertainment Exposition. Its a trade show where game companies from
all over the world take over a convention center and show off their games, new,
old, and evolving. Last year, Mythic had a booth shaped like a castle, to give
you some idea as to the level of excess =) This year, were taking the product that
is currently entertaining 200K subscribers around the world, and demonstrating w
hat were doing to make it better.
And in between bouts of that, I shall be wandering the booths playing with the n
ew toys and hanging out with the people who write your favorite fan and news sit
es. Catacombs? Allakhazam? Casters Realm? Vault Network? Game Banshee? Stratics? Wa

rcry? All of them and many more are getting some time in the Mythic hangout to a
sk us questions on your behalf, so be sure to check out your favorite news site
to see what they have to say. You could use the time you would normally have spe
nt reading the grab bag, as I will still be in Los Angeles next Friday, and wont be
able to bring you this column.
Have fun, be safe, and see you all the week after next.
Here it is, get comfortable:
Q: Please talk about the patch 1.50 changes to left axe, and specifically the do
ublefrost style.
A: Heres everything I have found out in the last week. To refresh everyones memory, th
e patch note said the following:
- All Left Axe styles which grow in damage as you train further in left axe have th
e amount they grow doubled. This is to balance out the fact that left axe damage
is cut in half (because two weapons hit every round).
The reason this change was made was simple left axe styles, because both weapons h
it every round, do half the damage that a regular style does. Therefore, their b
ase damage figure is double that of an ordinary style. The growth rate of left a
xe styles should also be double that of an ordinary style. Left axe users were n
oticing diminishing returns as they leveled up because we had the growth rate set
wrong. So, the purpose of this patch was to fix that problem. Putting more spec
into left axe through either skill points, realm points, or item bonuses, should
now result in the kind of damage more in keeping with a higher spec.

A separate issue, and one not named in the patch notes - doublefrost was set inc
orrectly. There are three kinds of damage formulas for styles use anytime styles ha
e lowest base damage, styles that require an opening move have a medium base dam
age, and end of chain styles have the highest base damage. DF had a medium base damage
, when it should have had the lowest version.
This was not a big deal until we fixed the growth rate. With the growth rate being
wrong, DF was a great style. With the correct growth rate scaling up your damage
as you spec, DF would have been INSANE. So, the base damage of DF was modified
so that it would show growth at the high levels as all the other styles now do,
but not such outrageous growth as to need destruction.
The reduction should not have been noticeable, and in fact players at higher lev
els (both in character and left axe) should be seeing a small improvement. Worst
case scenario: If you have left axe specced ONLY to 34, if you have no realm ra
nks, and if you have no bonus items, you will have the maximum possible reductio
n approximately a 3% reduction.
This was the result of our tests, and the result of tests conducted with actual
player characters. Each set of tests was conducted with the same character, wear
ing the same equipment, fighting the same opponent, forty five minutes of fighti
ng for each test, with the only difference being the code old code and new code.
Short version you shouldnt be seeing much of a difference in doublefrost, but you sho
uld have an improvement in all other styles, one that becomes more apparent the
higher your spec level goes.
I do welcome logs, as always. I am especially interested in logs (parsed if poss
ible, but Ill slog through them no matter what) that compare and contrast RVR damag

e against similar opponents both pre-1.50 and post-1.50. Please note all your vi
tal stats in your email, so we can make a version of you on our internal server
if we have to.
Q: Does my skill in my right hand weapon affect the damage I do with my offhand
weapon, as a left axe user? What about when I use my styles, does my main weapon
skill affect style damage in any way?
A: Your style damage is purely bonus damage, and the base damage formula for tha
t only takes into account your skill in left axe (well, along with the weapons dama
ge, of course). Your regular non-style damage DOES take into account your weapon
spec when calculating the base damage for either hand.
Q: What happened to Whered they go?
A: The world is full of jerks, and OfCamelot was the victim of several such jerk
s specifically, their host company and a speculator in web addresses. The hosting
company expired the domain name and instantly put it up for grabs, with no warni
ng to our favorite site hosts, and a web domain broker snatched it up. Fansites
do not as a general rule make money, and so our friends at OfCamelot are unable
to fight the host company or buy their name back.
The site formerly known as can now be found at http://www. The forums belonging to OfCamelot are now located at http:
//, if youre trying to find your old home. OfCamelot was and wil
l be one of my favorite places to lurk, and I wish that crew the best of luck in
getting their news page back up and running.
Q: Are you going to wipe Mordred before you send it live?
A: Yes. Everyone starts over from scratch when we finish beta. No, we havent decide
d when that is. We just moved to phase 2, and if all the testers report bugs and
exploits as soon as they find them, well be finished that much faster. Phase 3 wil
l bring our population to capacity, so stay tuned. Please dont send me any more ema
il asking if you can join the beta test the original applicant pool still has thou
sands of people in it!
Q: Whats the strike team doing?
A: There are a whole wad of spell lines being re-examined at this time. No, I ca
nt talk about which ones yet. As soon as I have permission from the spell designer,
Ill tell the world.

Speaking of websites and Mordred, someone out there sent me a link to their new
website devoted to the Mordred server. Looked like a neat project, and I was pla
nning to link to it except the dog ate my email. Dear Site Host resend, please, I can
ind the link. Sorry about that!
Have a good and safe weekend, everyone.
Here 'tis:
Q: The Herald keep data updates kinda slowly. Any chance of speeding up the refr
esh rate?

A: At this time, not without crashing the web server. Believe it or not, there s
eems to be a DAOC internet radio station that does keep news updates every twelv
e to twenty minutes. Go here to check it out.
Q: One guild took two keeps the other day, did you reintroduce that bug?

A: No. The Herald occasionally lags behind reality, but keeps are still one per
guild (no matter what server youre playing on sorry, Mordred players, youll have to
alliances to dominate the world).
Q: I am an armorcrafter who wouldnt mind having his skill displayed on the Herald.
How do I display my numbers?
A: You need to type /webdisplay trades while youre in the game. Any questions you m
ight have, theres a FAQ on the display page itself.
Q: Do you have any comments on damage changes in 1.51?
A: No, and everyone I could ask has left the building. I will try and get more i
nformation next week.
Q: Keep guards in the frontiers and the battleground keep guards behave differen
tly. Is this a bug?
A: No. The battleground guards are more like ordinary mobs they have fewer hit poi
nts, and they have no real patrol route that they feel like they must follow. In other
words, if the guard is beating on you, it will follow you until one of you dies
. You need to be out of range for a bit before hell give up on you.
Q: What kind of support do you offer for player-run events?
A: We basically lurk in the area, so in the event of appeals that report some ki
nd of harassment or disruption, we can be on the spot. We also monitor chat chan
nels if that becomes necessary, but generally we try to stay out of things unles
s asked for assistance.
If youre planning something big and elaborate, toss me a heads up notice, and I will m
ake sure the team is aware of it. The server leads are very much on top of thing
s for their communities, though, so I expect anything I forward will be already
Q: (Insert question here about 1.51A)
A: Guys, just about everything in 1.51A was straight from player requests. Some
of you seem to feel that fun things like the cards and dice should not have been
included. I just wanted you to know that a) most of our roleplayers had been re
questing small tavern games for months, and b) the cards and dice took almost no
time at all one of our main programmers was putting in the /random command (by po
pular demand), and the cards and dice aspects took fifteen minutes of extrapolat
ing the code he used for /random.
The next round of strike team fixes include the tweaking of a number of spell lines, i
ncluding all the healing spells.

Q: Mordred launch is... when again?

A: We're doing well =) Phase three will begin in a week or two.
Our fan gathering planner wanted me to mention that more details are coming toge
ther. Well be having a number of panel discussions, with plenty of scheduled time t
o answer your questions. One of the presentations will be the debut of Shrouded
Isles details. I am informed that Im doing a presentation as well. This fills me wi
th horror, but I have three weeks to get over my stage fright
There will be a costume contest in the evening portion of the gathering, a Weake
st (Chainmail) Link trivia contest, food, fun, and over 180 prizes to give away.
There are still spaces available, with discount tickets for children. Sign up,
and get your chance to PK me in person =)
Be safe, be well, and have a good weekend.
Taken from the feedback forms you've been lovingly filling out! But first, some
gentle reminders on behalf of the CSR team:
Q: (Insert question about the appeal process here)

A: Guess its been a few months since we covered the whole appeal thing, so lets go ove
r Appealing 101. (Note to people who have been writing to take issue with my use
of the masculine gender when referring to non-specific people I say he when I mean
he because, well, its technically proper grammar. No offense intended.)
For the best and fastest results:

** Choose the correct option from the menu. If youre stuck in the landscape (and th
e /stuck command doesnt get you loose), you want us to respond as fast as possible.
Sending your Im trapped appeal to the main, non-emergency queue could mean a severa
r wait but selecting the stuck option from the menu will get you help in just a few
tes. Same with all the other options your high priority problem will be dealt with
much faster if you use our system to tell us where in the priority list you are
. Theres no little elf in a pointy hat routing the appeals its all done by the prog

** Be detailed. The most time consuming aspect of customer service is gathering

information. If we know what your problem is before we talk to you, we may be ab
le to have a solution ready before you even lay eyes on one of our CSRs. Sending
an appeal that says help, and then appending it to read help NOW is not going to
y informative to our brilliant but not omniscient staff. Tell us names, zones, t
imes, anything we might need to solve your problem.
** Be specific. My quest is broken means a CSR is going to contact you, and ask what q
uest, what step youre on, what exactly went wrong, and so forth. If you give us tha
t information in an appeal, your problem will be fixed (assuming its not an issue t
hat needs a developer to address it) much faster.
** Dont try to work around the system. If you send your non-emergency problem to a
queue like the stuck list, the CSR will just move it to the proper queue without
talking to you =)
** The bug appeal queue is different from the others. You wont hear back from a per
son. Instead, two people on the strike team read every single bug appeal, and ad

d it to the list. There are actual humans reading this queue. They are sitting t
wenty feet away from me. Their entire job is reading this stuff and verifying th
e problems. But you wont hear anything from them, because if they answered each app
eal, they would have no time to read the appeals. On a related note, please dont se
nd your bug appeal to the regular queue. If you do so, the CSR who talks to you
is only going to send your appeal to the bug queue. The time he spent doing this
might have been better spent helping someone with an emergency. That person wit
h the emergency could be you next time, so help us help you.
** Name violations are another area you wont hear anything back from us. We do read
them, we do take care of them, but there is a priority order here as well. We a
re committed to removing the worst first racial slurs, open obscenity, etc.
** Escalations are not visible. If the CSR told you hed send it to the bug queue, h
e did it. If he told you he could not assist you, and would need to escalate you
r appeal, that is exactly what he did. The supervisor queue is not visible with
the tools you have to see the status of your appeal. Someone WILL get back to yo
u as soon as they can, unless the issue at hand was a bug.
** If you send a harassment appeal, make sure youre being harassed. Please dont appeal
people who walk up, say something insulting, and then leave. This person is a s
impleminded jerk, not a harassment appeal waiting to happen. The key difference
between harassment and simple jerk behavior? The jerk has an extremely short att
ention span, and walks away. By the time youve finished appealing him, he has alrea
dy left, and we can do absolutely nothing. Unless he said something really, real
ly foul (ur a stoopid noob is not really, really foul), just let it go, or /ignore him
. Harassment is repeated bad behavior after you have politely requested that the
individual go away and leave you alone. If thats the case with you, by all means,
contact us and choose the harassment option, and provide the name of the evildoe
r, so we can take care of the problem.
** Cancelling appeals is easy. If, in the heat of passion, you decided to send a
n appeal and then think better of it, you CAN cancel it without having to log ou
t and in to get the pop up refresh window. Just type /cancelappeal (all one word
), and its gone.
** Emailing us for help? Make sure you give us an account login name when you do
so some of you have more than one email address and more than one DAOC account, a
nd its not always possible for us to tell which account you need help with.
Hopefully, youll never need to talk to us. If you do, we want to take care of your
problem as fast as possible. Thanks for checking out these tips.
Q: How exactly do the attribute caps work?
A: Three factors here, separate caps that stack with each other. Heres how to calcu
late your caps:

Item bonuses = 1.5 times your level, rounded down.

Combo buffs (that buff two stats) = 1.5 times your level, rounded down.
Single buffs = your level

Add those three things, and thats your stat cap. At level fifty, your cap is whatev
er your stat is plus 200. I am not entirely clear at this time how realm ability
buffs calculate into this formula, and Ill try to get that for next week, but the
above is the basic formula.
Q: Does having stealth higher than 50 affect movement speed while stealthed, dam

age done in Perforate Artery, and increase your detect hidden range?
A: No, no, and yes.
Q: In an earlier grab bag, you told us that 2H weapons are modified by strength,
and thrust weapons were modified by strength and dexterity. Well, what about 2H
thrust weapons?
A: 75% strength, 25% dexterity.
Q: Regarding Spirit Ward Shield, does it decrease the chance the spell will land
, or decrease the duration of the spell when it does land?
A: This answer applies AFTER 1.51 goes live, since its a little screwy right now. W
hen it is working properly, it will decrease the duration of the spell. The chan
ce to land is simply your level versus the level of the caster. (On Mordred, tha
t is still true, except for that server weve removed a multiplier for level differe
nces. Theres still a level difference, but it is not as marked.)
Q: For 1H/shield users, do you block AND parry, or block OR parry? What I mean i
s, if I have a 10% chance to block and a 10% chance to parry, will I block/parry
10% of the time or 20%?
A: It doesnt work exactly that way, because block and parry are at different points
in the order of combat resolution. (For more information, see an earlier grab b
ag the Herald is fully searchable.) Its impossible to give you percentages, because y
ou only have the chance to parry what you dont block.
Q: Do +pac items do anything?
A: Nope. Most +skill items increase damage taken or given. In the case of the pa
c line, the only way it could do more damage would be to make the spells have a longer
duration, which would be interesting. So, well either change the way +pac works, or d
o like we did with evade and simply remove items with that bonus and add more ap
propriate stats. I have no ETA on a change, but it is something we are aware of.
Okay! Keep sending those feedback forms - except for Appealing 101, everything t
his week came straight from the forms. Heck, everything in the last few patches
have come from our team leads, our testers, and those forms.
Have a nifty weekend; we'll see you Monday.
A little short today, due to early check in for the Fan Gathering starting in tw
o hours, but it's still sweet. Realm rank point totals, further explanation of d
exterity and casting speed, and Ground Targeting 101.
Q: What are the points you need to raise your realm rank?
A: The whole list is pretty long, since each rank is subdivided into ten! Ill put t
he quick and dirty version here:
You start at Rank 1.
To rise to Rank 2, you need 7125 realm points.
Rank 3 = 61750


4 = 213875
5 = 513500
6 = 1010625
7 = 1755250
8 = 2797375
9 = 4187000
10 = 5974125

Q: Sometimes I get a message saying a player was not worth any realm points to m
e, but I know for a fact that his timer was up. Is this a bug?
A. Nope. There are some circumstances under which you will not be rewarded for r
epeatedly killing another player, that have nothing to do with his timer. This i
s primarily an anti-farming measure.
Q: Got a set of PVP server rules I can look at?
A: We have the most recent version on the sidebar to the left of this article. C
heck it out!
Q: Would you please give more detail as to how dex affects a caster? For instanc
e, I understand that when I have my dex maxed I will cast 25% faster. How does t
his work incrementally? And will a lurikeen be able to cast faster in the end th
an another race?
A: From a dex of 50 to a dex of 250, the formula lets you cast 1% faster for eac
h ten points. From a dex of 250 to the maximum possible (which as you know depen
ds on your starting total), your speed increases 1% for every twenty points. So,
as you can see, a lurikeen may be able to cast A VERY TINY AMOUNT faster than a
nother race, but just barely, and even then depending on the starting stat.
By the way, this same explanation works for the quickness stat for weapon users.
Q: (Insert question here on ground targets)

A: Weve been getting a lot of bug reports, and the problem isnt a bug, its bad docum
ion on our part. Heres our attempt at making that better, guest written for the gra
b bag by a member of the Strike Team. Everyone say hi to James, one of the peopl
e who reads every single bug appeal that is sent. Heres his essay:
Ground Targeting 101
To have the ability to use the new Runemaster and Eldritch Ground Target Area of
Effect (GTAoE) Spells one must first be able to select a ground target since th
e spells will not work if they are just targeted on a Mob. So how do you select
a piece of ground to target? There are two variations of Ground Targeting (GT) o
ne is for players that use mouse look and the other is for those players that mo
ve around with their arrow keys. Since these are so different each will be cover
ed separately. First we will cover mouse look then keyboard.
The first thing to do in Ground Targeting is to find out what key is mapped to t
he Ground Target function. The defaults for this are F5 in FPS style and SHFT-T
in RPG style. If neither of these seem to work then use the /keyboard command to
find out what key Ground Target has been remapped to. If you are using the RPG
default keyboard I suggest that you remap the Ground Target function to somethin

g other than SHFT-T or any other SHFT+key since using the SHFT key with some of
the keys that move the Ground Target Indicator around can lead to confusion and
unexpected difficulties. Once you have found out which key brings up the Ground
Target hold it down for a few seconds and you will see a set of arrows with an i
nverted pyramid in the middle appear at your feet. This is the indicator that yo
u will move to where you want the spell to fire.
If you are using mouse look then all you need to do to move the indicator is cli
ck and hold your right mouse button while holding down the assigned ground targe
t key, i.e. F5, to move the indicator away from you. The left mouse button bring
s it back towards you. Moving the mouse from side to side will move the indicato
r around you in a circle. If you lose sight of the indicator over a rise or in t
he grass you can rotate your mouse wheel forward to raise the center pyramid. Th
is allows you to see where the indicator is even if you cannot see it because of
intervening terrain or bodies. To bring the center pyramid again to ground leve
l simply rotate the mouse wheel back towards you. Once you have the indicator wh
ere you want the spell to fire simply release the Ground Target key and cast the
spell. If you lose the indicator or leave it somewhere then all you need to do
is hold down the Ground Target key again for a few seconds and the indicator wil
l again appear at your feet.
If you use the keyboard to predominately move around the world of Camelot then G
round Targeting for you is only a little different than the mouse look descripti
on above. You still need to hold down the key assigned to Ground Target and you
will have the arrows at your feet in a few seconds. The difference is in how you
move the indicator around. To move the indicator away from you press the forwar
d arrow while holding the Ground Target key. The back arrow key moves the indica
tor back towards you. The left and right arrows move the indicator around you in
a circle. To raise or lower the center pyramid use the Page Up and Page Down ke
ys. Again once you have the Ground Target Indicator where you want the spell to
fire release the Ground Target key and cast the spell. Again if you lose the ind
icator simply hold the Ground Target key for a few seconds again and the Indicat
or will appear at your feet.
This sounds a whole lot more complicated than it actually is in practice and tha
t is exactly what it takes to get proficient at Ground Targeting, practice, prac
tice, practice. The most important thing to remember is to keep the Ground targe
t key pressed while you move the Indicator around. Once you have it where you wa
nt it you will not need to move it very often. If you do need to move it just pr
ess the Ground Target key and the Indicator will appear where you have targeted.
Hold the Ground target key a couple more seconds without moving the Indicator a
nd it will move to a location relevant to you and the indicator's initial placem
ent. A few seconds more and it will reappear at your feet.
This is the same method used to Ground Target with catapults and trebuchets.
By the way, everyone - we received a threat from a friendly neighborhood hacker,
threatening to send out spam mail with a message such as "Want to speed up DAOC
on your machine? Go to the command line on your PC and type this code."
If you get an email that sounds like this, or see a post along those lines, plea
se let me know. The command our little friend says he'll put in the letter will
erase your hard drive.
Be safe, and have fun, gang!
A solid mix tonight, let's get to it:

Q: On Mordred/Andred, why can we not wear helms from a realm other than our own?
A: Heads in DAOC were not designed to be interchangeable, although bodies to som
e extent were. Take the number of helmets and multiply that by the number of rac
es, and youll see why we were unable to bring you the server and allow hats to be s
hared between realms.
Q: Also on Mordred/Andred, a hero can use a polearm, with their spec in spear. D
o armsmen get the same deal, vice versa?
A: Yes. Its a little unfair to armsmen, since they must spec two lines to use a spe
ar while heros only need to spec one line, but the alternative was to not let ei
ther use another realms weapons.
Q: Sometimes during high volume situations, I will get kicked from my server, an
d when I try to relog, I will get the message that I am already logged in. No, Im n
ot! What should I do?
A: Well, the first thing to check is Was this everyone, or just me that got booted? If
it was everyone, then the server will reset itself and solve the problem for yo
u. The next thing to try is simply waiting five minutes. If you try to get back
in before that time, you will traumatize our login server. So give it a minute go
get a drink, reintroduce yourself to family members, what have you. Next on the
list is the technique beloved of tech departments everywhere reboot your machine.
The last resort is contacting our tech support department if you really did wait f
ive minutes between attempts, if rebooting did nothing, and the Herald tells you
that other people are happily playing, you may need to be reset by hand.
Q: Is the loot a monster drops determined when it is spawned, or when it dies?
A: When it dies. Upon death, the game looks at the loot table and chooses from a
list (a list with only one item, for some creatures). This is why, when you giv
e a Realm Guard a weapon, you dont get the weapon back when the Realm Guard dies. T
he Realm Guard has a loot table with nothing on it, regardless of what it might
be holding.
Q: When spellcrafting goes in, will I be able to reset my trade? I have a tailor
ing of 100 and would rather be a spellcrafter.
A: Yes, we are providing an option that will allow you to reset a trade to zero
when we put in spellcrafting.
Q: I have an item that gives me four stats all weapon skill boosts but my class has
five options! Could this item be changed to allow five stat boosts?
A: Unfortunately, no, non-enhanced items are hard coded to only allow for four +
X options.
Q: Please explain how interrupts work in your game. In another game I used to pl
ay, if a magic user started casting a spell, he could finish it so long as he wa
snt hit during the cast time. In DAOC it seems more random.
A: Its not random at all, but it is a very different system than you may be familia

r with. Its a lot more fair to large weapon users, as their potential to interrupt
a caster is exactly the same as a small fast weapon user. Hold on to your backpa
cks, this is going to be fun.
First, we need to understand how melee attacks work in DAOC. Lets say youre swinging a
weapon with a five second delay between swings. You press attack. It goes SWING
(tick tick tick tick tick) SWING (etc). Obviously, this means a two second dela
y weapon goes SWING (tick tick) SWING (etc). Now, according to the game, youre atta
cking for that whole swing/tick cycle. The damage you do is registered at the sa
me time as the swing, but a full cycle consists of the swing AND the ticks.
If you attack a caster, you have a chance of interrupting his regular (non-quick
cast) spells during the whole cycle. The chance to interrupt is purely level bas
ed if the caster is higher level than you, your chance to interrupt is lower.
A quickcast spell does not have any chance of being interrupted doesnt check for that
at all. However, a quickcast spell does not wipe the interrupt check of a cycle
. For example, lets say I am swinging an enormous hammer at Mahrin Skel. Theres a ten
second delay. On the third second, he quickcasts something at me. It hits me. Le
ts say Im stunned. But when he casts a regular spell at me during the same ten second
cycle that began when I first swung my hammer, I may still interrupt him even th
ough I am stunned by the quickcast, because my cycle is still running.
Still with me? Lets see what happens when multiple people are attacking our caster
friend. (Its hard to explain in text, please forgive the sophomoric illustration at
the bottom of all this.)
I have a weapon with a five second delay. Chris has a weapon with a three second
delay. And Jason also has a five second delay weapon. Mahrin will yet again ser
ve as our caster, and he is casting a spell with a three second timer.
First, I swing. One tick later, Chris swings. One tick later than that, Jason sw
ings. One tick after Jason, Mahrin starts to cast. Who will have a chance to int
errupt him? Its all in the timing. In this BEAUTIFUL diagram, s = swing, c = cast,
and t = tick.
At about the halfway point during Mahrins cast, the interrupt check happens. So, go
to halfway (the middle T in Mahrins row). Chriss cycle is finished, and will not inte
rrupt Mahrin. My cycle is ending at about the same time Mahrins interrupt check beg
ins on that spell, so Ive got a 50/50 chance of interrupting him, depending on the
exact timing. Jason is in the middle of his cycle, and therefore definitely has
a chance of interrupting Mahrin.
Whether or not Jason DOES interrupt him depends on level and luck. The chance of
interruption isnt very high. The above applies whether the SWING part did damage o
r not.
As you can see, this system is more fair to all weapon users, and is more realis
tic (a big honking axe is actually just as distracting as a dagger when its swung a
t your head). But, in the interests of fun, weve kept the actual chance low, and th
e higher level the caster, the less likely the caster will lose concentration.
Whew. I need a frosty beverage after all that. I wish you all a safe and happy w
eekend, and well see you Monday. Or maybe on the frontiers before then =)http://web
Time for some grab bag goodness:
Q: What is Mythics policy for third party program users? Are there any exceptions?
A: Taken from a post of mine on the Vault regarding this very subject:
We have a one strike, you're out policy, as our rule of thumb. There are excepti
ons, generally due to the "proof" aspect of our internal policy. There are also
(very rare) exceptions, such as information gathering.
We will suspend someone as long as we have some proof, even though the investiga
tion may not be complete. However, we will NEVER ban someone for hacking or 3rd
party programs without absolute proof. And that proof must come from in-game. We
do not accept logs or screenshots that were not taken by a Mythic employee as a
bsolute proof.
We will happily look at logs and screenshots, and give the submitting player the
benefit of the doubt. We will use such logs and screenshots as a reason to open
an investigation. But those are never the grounds for banning a player in and o
f themselves.
If you think about it, you'll appreciate that - you would not enjoy being banned
based on a potentially altered log, eh?
We have a number of methods by which we catch people using these programs. Pleas
e rest assured that none of those methods involve invading your computer - as ea
sy as that would make catching cheaters, it's unacceptable to all of us at Mythi
c who are at our cores players first. (I personally would quit before I'd work f
or a company that used such blatant invasions of privacy.)
Finally, a number of players from the Dreds have been busted for Jedi, Telepathy
, Ronald McDonald, Kreskin, or whatever the hell people are calling it this week
. All banned. Banning cheater accounts is a priority everywhere, but it's especi
ally important in a full PK environment. If enough cheater accounts crop up and
require banning from the same player, eventually we kick into "ban by IP/credit
card" mode. We do not need or want these players, because they end up chasing aw
ay more people than they represent.
Feel free to /appeal anyone you suspect of cheating. (Please, though, put more t
han "NameofCheater" in your appeal - "I believe that Soandso of such and such gu
ild is using a speedhack, because I am in XXX zone and watching him as of 11:30
PST" is much more helpful.) If they remain in the game after two or three weeks,
either they aren't cheating and they're just that good/organized/clever, *or* w
e could not definitively prove that they were cheating from within the game.
Q: Is fighting from a roof in the frontier considered an exploit or not?
A: I just love these it depends answers (not), but until we have a code solution, our
CSRs are in the extremely uncomfortable position of having to judge each roofer on a c
ase by case basis.
Basically, I would recommend no one fight from a roof. Doing so is a quick and e
asy way to get a reputation as an exploiter, and to invite scrutiny from our sta
ff. For those of you who do not mind a reputation, heres a quick and dirty way to t
ell if youre exploiting: If you cannot be targeted, hit, or if you can only be hit
by one type of attack, youre exploiting. Get down.

For those of you who do not appreciate sharing server space with these creatures
, heres how to tell if you should /appeal someone and get an investigation going: G
et an archer, a distance caster, and a point blank caster. If only one or none o
f you can hit the roofer, hes exploiting. Appeal him. And even if hes gone before the
CSR arrives, dont sweat it too much, because the fine fellow is now on our watch li
I know thats not a very satisfactory answer, and were working on better solutions, but
its what we do at this time.
Q: I hit this guy and he went right back into stealth! I thought you fixed that

A: We did. If hes an infiltrator, thats not a bug, thats a realm ability called V
Q: About blocking or parrying styles can you or cant you?
A: Yes, you can. Your chances of doing so are best when you are solo, trying to
block or parry a style from someone who is also solo. The chances of doing so de
crease with grouped, simultaneous attackers. How much this chance decreases is s
omething we are looking at very closely as part of the melee improvements for 1.
52. Bolt users may recognize this issue as similar to their own, and to them I s
ay you are correct, its the same piece of code involved.
Q: Once spellcrafting is in, will you be able to take the spellcrafted item to a
n enchanter and get further bonuses applied?
A: Yes, but why would you? The spellcrafter will be able to enchant items the sa
me way the NPC does, for less cost.

Q: I use the critical strike style Achilles Heel, which lowers the targets attack sp
Does this mean my target will now hit for more damage per attack (in order to ma
intain their DPS, which is now slower due to my style)? Also, what is the durati
on of this debuff? Finally, does it break as snare does the next time they get h
A: No (the DPS is also lowered as part of this debuff), it varies due to your le
vel vs. target level so I cant answer without more information, and no, once the ta
rget is debuffed, he stays debuffed until it wears off unless he purges.
Q: Another combat resolution question for you where does Guard/Intercept happen in
the order of resolution?
A: At the very beginning, since the real first event in a resolution chain is Hit =
Before I take off, I just have one side note gang, if you send me email, make sure
your inbox is not so full that your provider is not allowing you to receive any
more messages. I had several bounce back to me today as a result. Taking a tech
nique from Dear Abby: Confidential to SUSPENDED?!: We do send out notices to your emai
l address of record the instant we suspend your account explaining what we did,
why, and what your avenues of appeal are. When the notice bounces back, you may
be left with the impression that we didnt give you an explanation. Ive been trying to

let you know for two days what happened empty your box and try again, please?
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Bring it on:
Q: So, rumor has it the spellcrafting and alchemy design document is ready for p
ublic viewing. Can I see it?
A: Sure. Were still on track for getting spellcrafting into the game in the first h
alf of August, so you might as well see all the details: Go here, or click the l
ink on the sidebar.
Q: (Insert comment about exploiting here)
A: I am not sure how this idea took root, but judging from the number of appeals
weve had on the subject, I thought Id best clarify. No, I did not say it was okay to
sit in the world geometry and exploit. Please stop telling our CSRs that I told
you it was okay. I didnt. Its not. If you can let me know where my choice of words was
confusing, I will be happy to clarify - none of us here saw anything ambiguous,
but that doesn't mean much.
Also, if you are a melee, and standing on the ground, it does not follow that th
e guy on the roof is exploiting because you cannot hit him. The guy on the roof
is exploiting if he cannot be hit by more than one damage type such as arrows, nuk
es, PBAOE, etc. Melee doesnt count in determining whether or not our little roofer
is cheating.
Now, people on the same z-axis as you are cheating if you cannot hit them with m
elee damage (such as bridge sitters). By the way, just because someone is cheati
ng from the same z-axis level as you, does not grant you immunity if you ALSO ch
eat to kill him. That just makes you both cheaters. Please /appeal the cheater,
without resorting to cheating yourself.
Thanks much!
Q: Why is there no white dye in the game?
A: I have answered this before, but I am going to shamelessly steal an answer fr
om the wonderful website DAOC Tradeskills, or rather, their forums. A poster nam
ed CapnBry explained it thusly, and hit the ball out of the park:
Think of it this way. Take any item, your desk for instance (I'm assuming you have
a brown wood desk). Turn off all the lights, and your computer monitor, and carr
y the desk into a dark closet. What color is the desk now? Black. Now get one of
those cool Navy Seal red flashlights and shine it on the desk, what color is it
? Mostly red. Now grab one of those annoying blue laser pointers all the damn ki
ds have at the movie theaters. Shine that on the desk, what color is it now? Mos
tly blue. Now get a flashlight out and shine it on, what color is it? Brown agai
n. Get a stronger flashlight. Still brown. Try to think what color light you'd h
ave to shine on a brown desk to get it to turn white. When you figure that out,
we can pass that to Mythic, and probably the Nobel Prize people because it's imp
That's how materials work in any D3D or OpenGL environment, you light a material
to tint a texture.

CapnBry, I salute you. Thats the best and clearest explanation of the problem, EVER
Q: (Insert comment about the proposed armor damage tables from 1.52D)
A: We arent completely satisfied with the way our proposed changes are working in p
ractice. Wed gotten as far as we could go with theory, and needed to put the basic
idea onto the test server to get some real world feedback on it. Please, rest as
sured that things on the test server are not finished products, and we do pay cl
ose attention to your feedback. Some changes are definitely incoming soon.
One thing though some armor types are worn by so many classes that a small change
to that type has a disproportionate effect on the overall game. Just keep that i
n mind as you evaluate the system.
Q: I am confused about how the full respec will work with autotraining. Can you
A: Lets start with some background. Autotraining is a feature of the game for some
classes, but not all of them. One class that has autotrain is the paladin they hav
e slash and chants as skills that autotrain up (extremely slowly) IF they do not
choose to train those skills of their own accord. If a paladin never puts a sin
gle point into slash, by the time he is level 30, he will have a spec of 7 in sl
ash. If he gets to 50 without ever training in slash, he will have autotrained u
p to 12. This feature went into the game a long time ago, and was intended to pr
event a player from entirely gimping himself.
When we first introduced autotrain, the game
to make sure you never fell below a certain
and to cut to the chase, we fixed autotrain
. Instead, if autotrain kicks in, it creates

would use your spec points FOR you,

level. The public outcry was great,
so that it did not take your points
the points and adds them to your to

The free points thing sounds like a much bigger deal than it actually is. For in
stance, going back to our paladin example, a pally has two lines with the autotr
ain option chants and slash. I do not think there is a single paladin that would t
ry and level without putting any points at all into chants.
Now, on to the respec thing. When you activate your respec, the game will check
your character to see if you have any autotrain lines that have a minimum attach
ed to them. If our paladin is level 50, the game will automatically assign point
s to the autotrain lines until they are both at 12, before our paladin does anyt
hing else. (The game calculates what the minimum level should be depending on yo
ur level.)

Why? Well, if a player autotrained, the points he had were free and to prevent abus
the system, those free points must be assigned to the line from which they came.
However, code is an if/then, either/or kind of thing, and the game cannot tell
if the training you did at level whatever was the result of an autotrain or a ch
oice on your part. So the points are automatically deducted.
A player who autotrained, and accepted the fact that he was going to be gimped j
ust to get that handful of extra points, has more points total than a player who
did not autotrain. Its a severe tradeoff for very little reward, but the reward do
es exist.
This is why some people on the test server have a few more points than others of
the same class.

I know theres some objection to minimum spec levels post-respec in the community ri
ght now, and I have passed on your feedback thus far and will continue to do so.
It is still on the test server, after all! But hear me out: The reason weve done i
t this way is because we had a choice between this way, and basically throwing a
ll the points into the pool without taking autotrain into account at all. Had we
chosen the latter option, classes with more than one autotrain line (some class
es have three), you would have seen a situation where some classes had significa
ntly more points than others, and used their free points to bring one spec to full, an
d still have enough points left over to bring other lines to powerful levels. Th
is struck us as bad. So, we put in the restriction. Since its a sure bet that at le
ast one of the lines the points automatically go to is one that the player will
want to pour points into, the number of points the player isnt controlling is very
I am following threads
in terms of the number
e respec). Thats
o have the best chance

on the topic. If you want to comment, please be specific

of points involved, and your level (and spec spread befor
not fair is not good feedback you need to tell me why its no
of being heard.

I hope that helps, and I look forward to the feedback that is sure to result. Yall
have a great weekend, and thanks for being a part of this community.http://web.a
Q: An archer who is aiming an arrow at me, with the bow drawn, has a chance of i
nterrupting my cast even though he hasnt fired at me and I dont see him. Is this inten
A: No, and it should be fixed as part of 1.52. Its related to the problem that prev
ented melee users from blocking or parrying as often as they should have been in
Q: Why dont acuity buffs affect the healing classes?
A: Acuity checks to see if you are a list caster (youre a list caster if your spell
is nicely organized; if your list is a bit of a muddle youre not a list caster, and
more on that in a moment), and if so boosts your casting stat. Mainly this is i
ntelligence, but its piety for the Spiritmaster and Runemaster. But its a class check,
not a stat check, that determines if you can use the buff. The description of a
cuity is a little misleading, and for that I apologize.
Q: Are you done tweaking the Theurgists?
A: No, but the remaining tweaks are things we will be tuning upwards, not downwa
rds. I am not able to go into details, but they are in response to feedback weve ga
Q: Can my (insert class here) have the same organized spell list as the (insert
list caster here)?
A: Not at this time. The two different sorts of classes are organized and coded
very differently. However, the request to sort the spell lists the same way is a
popular request, and HAS been passed on. I look at my shaman list and cry somet
imes, trying to remember which buff is the big one. =)

Q: (Insert question here, that was already handled in a Grab Bag)

A: The Herald is searchable many of the questions I got this week through email an
d the feedback forms are ones I have answered in the past. Were working on making t
he Knowledge Base a little more knowledgable, but in the meantime you CAN search th
e Herald. Try it out! The players have steered this column over a wide range of
territory in the last eight months.
Q: Why is the Cabalist focus shield overwritten by shields that arent as good?
A: Because the overwrite function is determined solely by level, not by power or
quality or affect on DPS. We know this is a problem for some classes and have s
tarted investigating. I am not making any promises, because I dont know what soluti
ons are possible if any.
Q: Does every class have a team lead?
A: As of today, yes. The TL coordinator was heartily sick of listening to me nag
him about filling the empty spots, and was not being too subtle about picturing
me on a spit being slow roasted.
Q: Will you reopen the Pendragon character copier?
A: Yes. The reason we didnt do so during 1.52 was that we made some changes to what
amounts to the character stat sheets at the beginning of 1.52 (to allow for spe
llcrafting and alchemy). This means characters currently on Pendragon are incomp
atible with characters on the live servers, and copies would have had all kinds
of corruption issues. As soon as the character sheets are synced up again, we wi
ll reopen the copier.
Q: Please describe the power rating for the Dreds.
A: Heres Scotts explanation, previously posted to the Vault. By the way, the power rat
ing as it applies to guilds? It doesnt actually DO anything. Its a means by which peop
le can congratulate themselves over how cool they are. Try not to worry too much
about it, just enjoy it. The bonus referred to in the explanation is NOT an in-game b
onus, its a bonus factor in the formula, and the formula alone.

Were still messing with the formula, and will post again if we alter the way power i
culated. The following is the present version:
We've just changed the way power rankings (the "POWER" list on the Camelot Herald s
erver page) are calculated. Since it's changed, we've decided to let you guys kn
ow exactly how the number is calculated, so you can give us feedback on how effe
ctive it is in actually measuring a guild's potential power on a given server.
Note that the following represents *potential* power. Actual applied power is alrea
dy measured - alliance points. If a guild is high in potential power but low in
applied power, they aren't using their power effectively. If a guild is low in p
otential power, but high in applied power, they should congratulate themselves they're benefiting from factors (such as human skill, tactics, strategy and com
munication) that numbers like these can never measure.
Anyway. On to the explanation.

We start with a guild's membership. Very simple here: if a character's logged in in

the past week, they get 1 point per level. We then add the character's realm ra
nk, rounding down. A character with R2L7 has 2 points added. (This factors in th
e added power a character gains through realm abilities.)
That number (level plus realm rank) becomes the Base Character Value (BCV). A level
50 at R3L2 would have a BCV of 53. A level 20 with 3 realm points would have a
BCV of 20.
Now, just showing up for the party isn't enough... how long did they stay? We want
to factor in how long a character's been logged in. We take how many minutes a p
layer has been on that week, divide it by 100, and multiply it by their BCV. We'
ll call that their Online Value (OV). So, that level 20 in the earlier example w
as on for 8 hours (480 minutes) - 4.8 * their BCV of 20. They have an OV of 96.
The level 50 in the previous example who was on for 2 hours (120 minutes) - 1.2
* 53... an OV of 63.6. The level 20, even though he doesn't hit as hard as the l
evel 50, is on (and presumably able to be called on) for longer periods, so he c
ounts for a little more.
(What changed today, by the way, is how the OV was calculated. Previously we weren'
t weighting it by level as heavily.)
If a player's earned more than 10 alliance points in the last week, his BCV is mult
iplied by 4. This weighs heavily those characters who actively participate in Pv
P. Call that a modified BCV - mBCV.
With all that,
power rankings k, has (53 * 4) +
l 20, who didn't,

we can figure out exactly what every character adds to their guild's
mBCV + OV. The level 50, who earned some realm points last wee
63.6, for a total power value of 275 (rounding down). The leve
has 20 + 96, for a total power value of 116.

Now that we have all that, we have one final calculation ld for holding a keep and/or relics. Holding a keep gives the
0%. Holding a relic gives the guild a bonus of 20% per relic.
random guild out of the air, Conquest has a bonus of 130% on
- 20% for every relic and 10% for the keep they live in.

what we award to the gui

guild a bonus of 1
So, just to pick a
their guild power

There you have it!

On a side note, I've had a lot of email complaining about radar users and certai
n zone hole exploits. You can help us with zone hole exploits by sending me emai
l with the exact /loc of the hole and a header of EXPLOIT. As for radar users, t
here are more than fifty sadder but wiser players who in the last few weeks have
discovered that using magic jedi tricks may help you level faster, but it just
means your character is a high level when it gets banned. We have been identifyi
ng users as soon as they use the program, and smacking them. We are committed to
doing so as often as necessary to keep DAOC free of the cheating and exploiting
that has damaged other games in the past.
Thanks for the great questions, thanks for playing, and y'all have a wonderful w
Here we go!
Q: Whenever I try to buy an item for a friend (that my own class or race cannot
equip) I get the message you cannot buy this item. Is this a bug?

A: It is but its only a half bug. While we work on fixing this, heres the workaroun
ad of clicking the name of the item and then clicking buy, click and drag the items
to the buy button and click on it. That will allow you to purchase the item for
your friend.
Q: Im not blocking much more than I did pre-patch 1.52, but my friend is blocking l
ike crazy. We have the same spec. Am I bugged?
A: No, but your friend is most likely using a player crafted shield. The quality
of the player crafted item will make a significant difference try it and see. The
same goes for armor, by the way. You will take less damage while wearing the pl
ayer made stuff than you will in fancy looted gear. That +1 str pair of sleeves?
Bleh. Ditch them and support your nearest crafter.
Q: The new icons are very bright. What can I do?
A: Right click and make the bar a little bit more see-through. That will dull th
e colors and still make them easy to see.
Q: Did the change to Theurgist air/earth pets and their run speed go live? I dont s
ee a difference.
A: As of yesterday, the change was definitely live. To see for yourself, have a
pet race between an air or earth pet and a theurgist ice pet (their speed didnt cha
You need to use a target pretty far in the distance, because the ice pets will s
top running and cast their spell when theyre in range to do so. But still, try it o
ut. The new, faster pets will win the race. Its not a dramatic change; you really h
ave to see the old speed and the new speed next to each other in order to see th
e difference.
Q: Are the new hastener NPCs on the frontier working?
A: No. They will be fixed in 1.53.
Q: Why are archers doing so much damage to me now?
A: Its not all archers, its just the tactical ones. Archers now have a variety of arro
w types, which can be matched against the armor type for maximum damage. The arc
her who hit you extra hard chose an arrow that had a bonus against your type of
Q: How do blocking and parrying work?
A: Both of these skills use dexterity, and the quality of your shield/weapon, to
create a numerical value. That value is compared to your opponents weapon skill va
lue to determine your chances to block or parry. If the numbers are equal, your
base chance is determined entirely by your skill level. Also, before this compar
ison happens, the game looks to see if your opponent is in your forward arc to det
ermine that arc, make a 120 degree angle, and put yourself at the point.
Dual wielders throw an extra wrinkle in. You have half the chance of shield bloc
king a dual wielder as you do a player using only one weapon. Your chance to par

ry is halved if you are facing a two handed weapon, as opposed to a one handed w
If you have multiple attackers, your chance to parry any one attack (which is de
termined in part by your skill in parry) will be divided by the number of attack
ers. Blocking is a little different your chances of blocking multiple opponents pa
rtly depends on the size of your shield. (One opponent for small, two for medium
, three for large.) You will have no chance to shield block any more than that n
umber in any given round of combat.
So what did we do in 1.52 to increase your chances of blocking or parrying? Well
, before this patch, the game was artificially inflating the number of opponents
. (For instance, if you were being attacked by one person, the game was counting
that player AND his groupmates as opponents against you, even if that guys group w
as nowhere nearby. There were other factors as well, but that was the biggest pr
oblem right there.) So for blocking, if one guy was swinging at you, but he was
grouped with four people, the game would decide you had five attackers, and your
small shield might block someone who wasnt actually hitting you. And for parrying,
usly the division mentioned above would be a much smaller number. Now, the game
is only counting people who are actively trying to cause you harm.
But you will never block or parry in RVR as much as you do in PVE,
R youre almost always facing multiple opponents, and as you can
explanation, the chances to block or parry are directly related to
attackers. The change we made in patch 1.52 is most noticeable in
one group battles, but certainly has an impact in epic scale RVR.

because in RV
see from the above
the number of
one group vs.

Q: What is the percentage chance each kind of attack damage has to critical hit?
Do things like the realm abilities that add to critical percentage stack on top
of this or are they a percentage of this?
All attacks start with a base chance of 10%. If you have a skill that says adds 5%, yo
ur base chance is 15%. Incidentally, there is one attack that is an exception to
this - an archers Critical Shot ability will never get additional damage from (low
er case c) critical hits. Remember, because it is a chance and not a hard number
, you will get runs of good luck and runs of bad luck. A true test is conducted
over time. I believe we used four hours as a baseline the last time we tested th
is in house.

By the way, theres a new gaming news site - Virtual World Chat. Theyve done an intervi
ew with Mark about Imperator, and a friendly little interview with me, in the la
st week. Theyre trying to cover MMOGs in general. Give them a look!
Thanks for playing, and have a wonderful weekend.
More fun than guacamole dip:
Q: (Insert question about the newly reopened Pendragon character copier here)
A: Common answers to common questions this week:
You can only copy to Pendragon ONCE. You cant delete the copied character a
nd do over if you didnt like a choice you made. The copier is looking to see if you
successfully copied a character to Pendragon. If the answer is yes, it wont let you
do it again.

The character on Pendragon will have the name of the placeholder you cre
ated, NOT the name of the character you copied over. So, dont name your Pendragon p
laceholder DroopyDrawers as a joke, because youre going to have to live with it, eve
your real character is known as Pippen Galadriel Moonbeam. (For that matter, ple
ase dont name your character DroopyDrawers even as a joke. Its not as funny as you thi
nk it is. Really.)
Q: What happens if you feel that you were treated badly by a CSR? Who watches th
e watchers, so to speak? Is it even worth it to appeal a CSR? Are there other av
enues to address customer service problems besides appeals?
A: Theres a few things you can do. First and foremost, you absolutely may appeal. S
uch appeals will be escalated to the supervisor level. After all, a CSR is the o
nly personal contact with a Mythic employee (and they are all paid employees, lo
cated here at Mythic headquarters) that most customers will ever have, so its in ou
r best interest to make sure that your contact is always polite and professional
. We do log the conversations that CSRs have with customers, so there is always
a record of what was said and by whom for us to look at. You can also always ema
il me my job is to be on your side and assume youre in the right unless the logs prov
e differently. I will always open an investigation if a player asks me to do so. - use the header PROBLEM WITH CSR. Im also always ha
ppy to get HAPPY WITH CSR email too =)
Q: I seem to get more loot, and more rare drops, when I first move into an area.
Are the loot tables somehow connected to the camp bonuses?

A: Nope, its completely random. Youre just having good luck. With that said, its alw
ood to move around ANYWAY, for those fabulous camp bonuses. I just rolled an alt
on one of the servers with a rather low population, and its blissful. Every green
gives the exp of a blue, and all the convenient to town campsites are always ful
l of mobs.
Q: Is there a cap on skills such as parry or block? If I take one of those to 50
, and then add to it with a realm ability, will I hit a point where Im not gaining
any percentages to my skill?
A: Nope. Theres no hard cap at all. The only limit is how many points you have to s
Q: How do you fill the team lead positions? What do the team leads do?
A: Team leads are chosen, never elected. Theres a bunch of things we look for in a
team lead:
Active on class message boards. This doesnt have to mean the Vault there are
many smaller forums we lurk in, and many class-specific sites we watch (The Safe
house, the Drunken Friar, etc.).

An analytical nature. By this, we dont mean a picky britches, although that

does help a lot. We like spreadsheets, charts, and factual data. Someone with a
basic grasp of statistics is always welcome.

Rational. If you have a tendency to post this suxxors without backing up that
statement, you will probably never be a team lead.

Recommendations from other team leads. One from the class TL youre replacin
g cant be beaten, but recommendations from other classes doesnt hurt. The TLs are a te
am, and people are expected to get along. The Pendragon boards can have some pre
tty heated discussions, and a good TL gets along with the others.

A reputation for being a calming influence, not a rabble rouser.

Team leads are expected to give us information. They are not required to post to
message boards at all, although wed prefer our TLs stay active in their communitie
s. They are expected to have a solid grasp of the mechanics of their class, and
while they do not have to be level 50, they should at least be familiar with the
concerns of the high end player of their class.
They are expected to have an excellent microview of their class and its needs. W
e dont expect our team leads to see the big picture of all the classes, thats our job.
We expect the team leads to be civil in tone, and to keep the private board dis
cussions private but we DONT expect the team leads to agree with us, or be little yes
-men and women. Weve got a lot of strong personalities and passionate players, and
thats just the dev team, let alone the other testers =). If youre the type that rolls
over rather than face a little healthy conflict, it might not be a fun experienc
e for you.
It takes a lot of time to be a team lead, and it takes a lot of love for the cla
ss itself. Its largely a thankless job, and one that takes a lot of energy to fulfi
ll. However, despite what some of our TLs may feel like after many months, we co
uldnt do this game without them. They know their classes better than we do (well, e
xcept for those of us whove played a class to 50, and that group of devs would say
they were equal to a TL, not superior), and if weve got a question, we know we can
get an answer from the TLs.
Id ask the TL coordinator to add a few words, but he just finished printing out all
the TL reports, and took the 90 page document in ten point font home for a litt
le light reading this weekend.

At any rate, as I said, the TLs are chosen, not elected. Its a job you cant apply for,
the theory being that youd have to be crazy to want the job =) I do read the email
s from people who want to be team leads, and make suggestions, but the decision
isnt mine. If you want me to take a look at you, just be sure to include your posti
ng name and the URL to the board youre active on. But no promises (and no replies,
if Im going to have the time to read your posts =)) wed rather limp along with an e
spot than fill the spot with the wrong person in a hasty decision.
All righty. I know thats short, but were gearing up for some changes to the website, w
ere looking over styles, were looking at classes that seem to be underperforming in RV
R, and were standing over the guys doing spellcrafting and alchemy, beating them wi
th tree branches.
A special thanks to all the fan mail senders this week =) I cant tell you how much
its appreciated.
An even more special thanks to the critical mail senders we are listening. I only
wish I could answer each one.
If youre looking for a news site, you might want to check out MassiveMultiplayer.or
g. Its another general MMOG news site. I just gave them a little somewhat sassy int
erview. No, Mystery, I wasnt drunk. Sheesh.
And on a final note, the DAOC Atlas Book is now listed at the Mythic Store for p
re-orders. It will be available on August 21, and will be certainly more durable

than the three ring binder or the accordion folder youre currently using, and abso
lutely cheaper than the second computer you keep telling your spouse that you re
ally, really need. Head over here and check it out! We are grateful to Kirstena,
whom I never link to for fear of crashing her web server, but if you know her m
aps, you love them, trust me. I don't play the game without her and the guys her
Have a good weekend everyone, and as always, thanks for being part of the crew.h
Quick note before I get going: We had something weird going on with the log in s
ervers a few hours ago, and Im told the issue is resolved. The trouble is, if you t
ried to log in while things were squirrely, you might be getting the message tha
t youre still logged into the game. Step one: Wait 20 minutes and try again. Step t
wo, assuming step one doesnt solve your problem: Contact Customer Support through t
he phone or email, and we will reset you by hand. Sorry for the inconvenience, f
Now, on to the Bag:
Q: What is the maximum +skill bonus that you can get from items?
A: Your character level divided by five plus one rounded down.
Q: How did you choose the beta testers for the closed phase of Shrouded Isles?
A: The closed beta testers are currently team leads, and testers specifically re
commended by our internal test team. These people arent actually testing the new zo
nes and classes/races the closed beta test is actually a test of the new engine an
d how it works as people go about their normal playtime. The next stage of beta
is where we introduce the new content, and that stage of beta will be bigger, us
ing players taken randomly from the community. Keep watching the Herald for deta
Q: Why are my appeals regarding the Skill Respec being deleted?
A: This answer is guest written by your friends in customer service:
Customer Support is always here to help you with any problems you may have, but we
will not be resetting skill respecs on an individual basis. Any appeals related
to skill respecs will be closed, with an email sent to the customer telling them
that this has occurred. We understand the serious nature of these appeals, and
we wish we could assist you further; unfortunately, we are unable to do so. Plea
se take a moment to review the contents of the previous post (reprinted below) o
n common respec mistakes, and please remember to take your time when respeccing
your character.
Cost vs. Actual Skill The training window shows you the cost to train in t
hat particular skill; it is one level higher than what you currently have. If th
e training window says 50, you do not actually have 50 points in the skill, you
have 49, and you need 50 more points to get to 50.
Double check your points. If you think you have extra points, recheck wh
at you currently have. The chances are good you havent fully trained something you
thought you had, as in the example above. Reread #1, and double check before you
make a final decision.

Take your time! Dont try to get ahead of yourself you have put a lot of time
into this character. Attempting to speed through your respec by clicking somethi
ng rapidly may cause you to spend too many points.
Please remember that you have within two levels to complete the full respec. If
you were level 44 when we put up the respec patch, you have the remainder of lev
el 44, and all but the last pixel of level 45 to take the full respec. Once the
odometer clicks over to level 46, the chance will be past.
Q: I have a set of +4 light gloves, and a set of +10 dex gloves. Which is better
A: It depends. Dex helps your casting time, but the light bonus affects the dama
ge variance (the size of the range between your minimum damage and your maximum
damage) youll have namely, it will raise the floor within that particular spell line.
So, which is better depends on which aspect of your character you want to improve.
Q: Why do my emails to not get answered?
A: The emails DO get answered if they have anything to do with technical support o
r billing issues. If they dont, youd be better off filling out a feedback form.
Q: I was suspended for macroing but I absolutely was not using a macro program. Wh
at gives?
A: Our EULA and our rules of conduct contain a little clause about hardware macr
oing, and thats what you may have been suspended for. Whats hardware macroing? Sometim
es called dime macroing, or lego macroing, it means doing something physical to
your keyboard to cause your character to do something without you actually being
at the keyboard.
How do we determine whether or not youre doing that? Well, almost all of the time i
ts because another player reported you. If your character or pet is killing somethi
ng in an empty room, and youre AFK, you might not realize it when another player or
group enters the area, and therefore you wont realize it if you end up killstealin
g from those other people. And if youre AFK, youre certainly not going to be able to a
nswer when those people try to ask you to either join them, take turns, or stop!
So its important that you physically be present while you are in solo combat. If y
ou are alone and must go AFK, you need to stop fighting, and move your avatar to
an out of the way location to keep from interfering with the play time of other
people who ARE at their keyboards.
If you are interfering with or damaging someone elses experience in the game, a CSR
will contact you and politely ask whats going on. If you dont answer within a reasona
ble time frame (and meanwhile, your character or your pet continues to fight), w
e will need to take action. Since macroing is clearly labeled cheating, we respo
nd as we do to other types of cheating.
Q: Okay, I know that when you guys change a quest item, you let us swap out the
old item for the new. Do you do the same thing for dropped items?
A: No. Quest items are usually used for multiple levels, and can only be acquire
d once, so its only fair that we give you the new and improved version. Dropped ite
ms, however, are generally only useful for a certain level range, and if you can
still use it, you can still get another one.

Q: How is the number of concentration points determined?

A: You get a set amount each time you level; its not based on any stat or skill.

And thats it for this week. There were many Shrouded Isles questions that I DIDNT answ
er, and hopefully the new website (click the link at the top of this page) will
have more and more of the answers in the coming weeks.
By the way, several of you wrote to request that I give some publicity to a batt
legrounds discussion site. It seems that the discussions there are terrific, and
could only get better with more traffic. So, if you love fighting in the battle
grounds, check out Battlegrounds for more details.
Thanks for the wonderful questions, and yall have a terrific weekend. Ill see you in b

Greetings and salutations Before I kick off here, I would like to remind you all t
hat if youve got the problem with your account already logged in, the solution is 1)
twenty minutes, and if that fails, 2) contact Technical Support at support@myth, or at the phone number in the back of the manual that came
with the game. Feedback forms wont help you I go through a different category each da
y, and Im not the person who can help you reset your account anyway. So please, con
tact the right address so we can get you back in the game as fast as possible. N
ow, on to the bag!
Q: Does the realm ability Wild Arcana (duration spell crit enhancer) benefit pet
s in any way?
A: No.
Q: Do you lose more durability if you wait to repair your items as opposed to re
pairing them often, vice versa, or neither?

A: Neither. Durability points are converted to condition points by a ratio formu

la. You may lose a percentage point of durability to our system rounding up if y
ou happen to hit it at the wrong moment, but that is the only exception. You bas
ically need to keep your stuff at 90% condition or better, as there is a noticea
ble difference in the damage you take or give at that point. Its an exponential dro
p you wont notice much of a difference anywhere in the 90s, but youll really feel i
you go below that point.
Q: I know that +envenom items work like skill levels, meaning that if I am level
40 and have +10 worth of envenom items equipped, I can then use the 50th level
poisons. Is the same true of +stealth items? What good does it do me to go over
50 in stealth?
A: It doesnt do you any good to go over 50 (50th level is the point at which you ha
ve the smallest possible detect radius and the highest possible speed-while-stea
lthed), but the items can be used in place of skill points to get you to 50, jus
t like envenom.
Q: Last week, you told us that the maximum +skill items you can equip equals you
r level divided by five plus one. So, at level 50, you could have a maximum of +

11 to your skills. But realm ranks, past the first rank, grant you +1 for a tota
l of +9 at realm rank 10. Do these two factors stack?
A: Yes, they do. If youre realm rank 10, and level 50, you could have a total of +2
0 to some things.
Q: When you spec in polearms, do you have to spec in a specific weapon type?
A: Its a good idea just to max out your average damage speccing in polearm raises you
r maximum damage, and the specific weapon spec raises the bar on the minimum lev
el of damage you will do.
Q: How much damage will I do if my print out reads:
A: (EDIT: I'm taking the answer I had posted out, there is some argument between
the official answer and the experience of the CSRs, so this one will have to wa
it until next week to straighten out. Sorry!)
Q: How much damage will I do if my print out reads:
You hit the bunny for 180 (-23)
You hit the bunny for 50 points in critical damage!
A: Same as above, 230.
In this case, if the bunny had a print out, the bunny would have seen:
You were hit for 230!
The bunny would then have probably felt that you were overpowered, because the c
reatures in his realm cannot hit for 230 in one swing. However, as you can see,
those were actually two different hits, and you arent overpowered unless you manage
to get a crit off every single round. I would not blame the rabbit for feeling
a little frustrated, however.
Q: I am level 40. I have Celtic Dual specced to 39, and Blades to 21. Im seeing ser
iously conflicting answers as to whether or not I should take the blade spec hig
her. What is optimal?
A: Well, that depends on what type of character you want to play, but I do under
stand what youre getting at. Just as the game assumes that characters past level 30
have gone to the trouble of enchanting their armor and weapons (covered in an o
ld grab bag, that), the PVE game assumes a certain level of proficiency with you
r weapon.
First, Im going to answer in a general way, applicable to all classes who can spec
in their weapon. This formula doesnt take styles into account at all (as in, most p
eople only spec up to the style they like best and then stop), its simple math that
determines the damage you will do.
If you have NO trains in your weapon at all, each swing may do 25% to 125% of X
in damage. X is equal to the result of a complex formula, taking into account we
apon quality, condition, bonuses, your strength or dex, the opponents armor, and so
me other things.
If you have trained up to 2/3 of your level in your weapon, each swing may do 75
% to 125% of X.

If you are trained up to your level, each swing may do 100% to 150% of X.
The optimum level as far as the game is concerned is 2/3 your level.
For YOU, Mr. Blademaster, the game takes an average of Celtic Dual and your weap
on spec. And since you are 40th, and your average spec in the two areas is 30, y
ou are currently running better than optimal.
Q: What in the name of a vengeful god is a TGA file, and who do I have to kill t
o look at my own screenshots?
A: Any image editing software will let you at least look at them, AC/DSee has a
nice freeware version. Or you could purchase a copy of Photoshop, or install a c
opy you already own for work or school purposes. TGA is the nicest, most detaile
d file type out there. Or so I was told when I whined about wanting screenshots
in JPG format.
Q: Does the realm ability Serenity stack with mana regen spells?
A: Yes.
Special note of thanks to the gang at the Vault for a fabulous thread on exp gai
n trials and tribulations. I think every possible view has been covered in that
enormous list, and I had a fun morning tabulating and summarizing for the dev te
am. Your voice was heard and appreciated, now you and I will sit back and watch
the patch notes.
And that does it for me, folks, stick a fork in me. You all have a good one, and
for you American types, have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I have learned to m
y sorrow that a monitor tan will not protect you from the rays of the sun at the
beach, so for heavens sake be careful out there.
Short and sweet this week - most of the questions seemed to be about Shrouded Is
les (nothing new to impart this week, we're still whipping the engine into shape
- and no, I don't know anything about Shrouded Isles in Europe, I am really sor
ry) and 1.53, which is still being tested and added to. But read on for what I c
ould say!
Q: Specific to the Dred servers If youre in a group of eight, and the group kills one
person, does everyone get one added to their kill count? Do grays add to the ki
ll count?
A: Yes. No.
Q: How do the resists for each realm match up? For example, only Hibernia has Vo
id spells. Can the other realms resist void attacks?
A: When each spell is delved, the type of damage it does is revealed, regardless
of the realm name for it. Each realm has the resists necessary to defend agains
t the attacks of the other two kingdoms.

Q: Instruments is it worth it to upgrade to higher conned instruments or can I jus

t play this gray one until it breaks apart in my fingers?
A: Im told that the only thing instrument con affects is the length of each song pu
lse a higher level instrument pulses a fraction longer, which is better for offens
ive uses. If you never use your instruments to charm or mez, it probably doesnt mat
ter at all.
Q: Another rumor constitution only affects the number of points you get when you l
evel, so it is a good idea to have +con items on you just as you level. Then you
can take them off and put on other items. True or false?
A: Completely false. Your hit points are always related to your current constitu
tion, however it is affected by buffs, items, whatever.
Q: As you know, people wearing guild cloaks cannot stealth you can still see the c
loak. Any plans to fix this?
A: This one is still a dead horse for the time being not even the new engine can s
olve the problem of allowing multiple layers to become transparent. I sure wish
we could fix it.
Q: A while ago there was a discussion of granted support classes realm points fo
r performing their support role in battle. Any news?
A: We already made one big change it used to be that group members had to be reall
y close together to get points when the groups killers beat down an enemy. We more
than quintupled that range, so that the cloth wearers and healers didnt have to be
in the thick of combat in order to get the points. Were keeping an eye on the progr
ess of those classes before we talk about adding more things.
Q: Any update on the Hibernian dragon? You said you were investigating it, since
it hadnt died yet.
A: It has died the Europeans killed it. And heres the interesting thing theyre
US by a few patches, so they killed the harder version of the dragon. So keep tr
ying! It can be done!
Q: I want to transfer a character on my account to my friends account. He and I had
been sharing mine, but he FINALLY got his own and we would like to play togethe
A: At this time, we dont have that available as an option. Believe me, every week I
pass on how popular that idea is with you guys.
Thanks for the questions, thanks for playing, and have yourselves a wonderful we
Q: How exactly are realm points shared out in a group?

A: First, in order to get points from a kill someone else in your group makes, y
ou need to be in range. Recently, we made that range huge, so that the support c
lasses could get more of the action.

Next, the actual split. The points are split among all the people who did damage
to the victim, and the groupmates of that person. Your share is modified by a r
atio of your level to the level of the highest level person. You are rewarded by
your perceived contribution, measured by your level. Lets say youre level 40, and you
grouped with three other level forty players and a level 45 healer. That level 4
5 healer is considered the highest level person in the formula, even if he didnt do
any actual damage to the victim. The game considers that healer to be integral
to the success of the group. The higher your relative level in the group, the mo
re realm points you get.
People outside your group are calculated in as well if a level 50 ungrouped person
also attacked the victim, then the ratio in the formula awards you points as yo
u relate to the level 50. If the person not in your group is in his own group, t
hen the points are split between the two groups.
Q: I am a tank who trained up in piercing styles. Some piercing styles require e
vade as an opener, which I do not have as a pure tank. Is this an error?
A: No, its not. Weve gone through and cleaned out the errors in the style lines, so an
y of the remaining opening move style listings are intentional. The piercing lines are
rogue oriented. Basically, if youre a pure tank you need to decide if you want the
versatility of having several weapon skills (very useful given the resists we p
ut in a few weeks back) or the concentrated oomph of focusing on a more traditional wa
rriors weapon.
Being able to use a large weapon, then switch to a bleeder style, etc, sounds a
little overpowered. I know it's confusing to have styles you can't use show up o
n your list mingles with things you CAN use, and it is a known issue.
Q: Speaking of styles it seems to me that Ripper doesnt do enough damage for what you
say it should do.
A: Yall, Im going to need to see numbers. Looking at the spreadsheet of styles and the
ir damage settings, all is right with the world. Thats not to say there isnt any chanc
e theres a problem somewhere else outside of the spreadsheet, and Id be happy to look
into it. From what I was looking at, the only style that will consistently outpe
rform the Ripper over time is Perf Artery. Some of the backstabs may sometimes d
o more damage, but not over time. Bring on the logs!
Q: What does +instruments do?
A: It will increase the strength of your direct damage, if youre an instrument user
Q: Is the bonus field the same whether the item comes with a bonus, you get one
added by an enchanter, or its on player crafted armor? Or is it a different type of
A: Its the same. For more details, use the Herald search feature and revisit the di
scussion of bonuses as they apply to armor and weaponry.

Q: Will (insert class here) get a respec after 1.53 goes live?
A: Not determined. Guys, a respec isnt meant to be a pass card to the uber of the mont
h club. Its meant to allow people to undo mistakes made in the past. If something is f
undamentally wrong with a class, it needs to be fixed. For example, were trying to
make blocking more of a factor in RVR. Thats a basic feature of the class. It neede
d to be worked on, quite independently of the respec factor. A respec isnt somethin
g you do on a whim, its a significant change. Any decision you make regarding a res
pec should be made knowing that it is a final decision, with no going back. Did
that make sense?
Q: Why are you making (insert realm ability) cheaper for pure tanks and not for
A: Because if youre playing a pure tank, there should be some benefit unique to tha
t type of playstyle. Wed rather not make hybrid fighters and pure tanks identical i
n every way. It just makes sense for heavy fighters to be able to do some things
more easily.
Q: When is 1.53 going live?
A: The second most popular question this week! We are debating what the best thi
ng to do is spellcrafting and its brother alchemy are not ready yet, but the other
things are nearly done cooking. We may decide to hold back the new tradeskills
and bring the rest live next week.
Q: The new druid pet damage is neat, but wouldnt it make more sense for the cats to
slash and the wolves to thrust?
A: I suspect that some of you started a write in campaign, because there was mor
e email about this than any of the other proposed changes. I mentioned it to the
designer in charge of pets for you.
Q: I was at the Catacombs chat, and several questions got booted to the grab bag
. Got the answers yet?
A: Here you are!
Whats the new level range for group exp without penalty? Answer no, I still d
ont know. The programmer I spoke to tells me I need to take this up with the lead p
rogrammer and overall boss man, who had to leave early today. I want to know thi
s answer myself! It will have to wait another few days, though, I am very sorry.
Is it true that some of the drops from the new RVR dungeon salvage for 9
th and 10th material types? Answer yes.
Will items dropped under the new ROG system that have different qualitie
s have a different value when sold? In other words, two swords, same level, diff
erent stats different prices? Answer no, they will sell for the same amount. You mig
ht be better off selling these items to other players.
What a week! Thanks for your questions, and the terrific feedback Ive been seeing r
egarding our latest and greatest patch. You guys have a great weekend, and well see
you back here soon.

Questions from all over:

Q: I thought the eight character slots option would be in the last patch?
A: Many people made this assumption, because the letter from our president with
our future intentions was included in the patch notes. However, we do not have t
hat option coded yet. We are going to make sure you have the option by the time
Shrouded Isles is launched so that you can explore the new races and classes, ev
en if you already have four characters on your favorite server.
Q: Are the new races restricted to the new classes, or can the new races be the
old classes too?
A: The new races can be some of the old classes. Keep watching the Shrouded Isle
s page for more details.
Q: Will Shrouded Isles be playable over a 56K modem?
A: Yes. The expansion requires a strong video card/computer rig to make the most
of the new eye-candy (although it is playable on lesser systems, you just wont get
the ooh-shiny effects), and the new engine is going to make a big difference in
framerate, but were not doing anything that will affect the rate of data transfer.
Q: When I trained in (insert spell line here), my trainer said I gained power in
that spell line, but I did not see any new spells. Did I miss something?
A: After the first few levels, you dont always get new spells when you add spec poi
nts. But there are changes behind the scenes. For instance, your minimum damage
floor gets raised, so your average damage becomes higher. And base spells you al
ready have will become more effective, especially at the higher levels where you
r spec and the level of the base spell are different. (The closer your spec is t
o the level of the spell, the more effective that spell will be.)
Q: I was in the new RVR dungeon, and a yellow-to-me Innocent nailed me with a di
sease. It lasted an extremely long time. Was this intentional?

A: Yep. There are several classes that get Cure Disease at a very low level seek on
for relief, because Disease in DAOC means that you dont regen any hit points, and
that any heals you get are only half as effective. In other words, if someone tr
ies to heal you for twenty hit points, you will only be healed by ten.
By the way, I had better mention that we have a bug with the way diseased people
display hit points after they zone. If you have a disease and zone, there is a
chance that your hit points will display as full even if you only have one hit poi
nt with no chance of regenerating more due to your illness. Getting this fixed i
s on our top ten list but until then, please be very careful when zoning with a di
Q: There seems to have been a change to poisons in 1.53. In some cases, they are
as effective as they ever were. But in other cases, they seem to be doing less
damage. Yes or no?

A: This answer I give with some serious embarrassment. I was told about half an
hour ago that a patch note was left out of 1.53. Poisons, like all other forms o
f damage, are now set on the damage resist table. That resist type is body damage. So
anyone with a high body resist is going to suffer less from poison damage, and t
he other resist types will have no effect. Poison was the only sort of damage th
at had no possible resist, so the verdict (AFTER consulting a number of assassin
s) was that this change was necessary. However, it was NOT properly documented,
and for that I am truly sorry.

Q: Can I recopy my character to Pendragon after deleting the copy thats already ther
A: Not at this time. While the copying process is automatic, its flagged as one to a c
ustomer, and we dont have the resources necessary to make further copies by hand unles
s the original copy was bugged. And, if thats the case, please contact us before yo
u delete the character to let us know what happened.
Q: Why did my PVP safety flag turn off on (insert name of server NOT ending in Dred he
A: Check out the patch notes. Theres a PVP invulnerability flag that now operates i
n certain places, to prevent lurking players from attacking people not yet in co
ntrol of their avatars.
Q: What is my Account ID that Mythic is always asking for when I fill out forms?
A: Your account ID is also known as your log in name. Not the CD key number, and
DEFINITELY not your password. Remember, no one from Mythic will ever ask you fo
r your password. Please dont give that to anyone.
Q: I am a cloth caster. My 48th level armor has an AF of 48, and the effective A
F does not go up when the bonus does. My other non-cloth wearing characters have
a higher AF when the bonus goes up. Is this on purpose?
A: Yes, because the bonus has nothing to do with the AF of the armor. The bonus
only kicks in at the time someone or something is attempting to inflict grievous
bodily harm on you. The factor that is making the affective AF rise on your oth
er characters is the absorption which, as a cloth caster, you do not have.

Well, judging from the questions folder, youre mostly insatiably curious about Shro
uded Isles testing. As I posted earlier, the registration form for open beta wil
l be open starting Monday afternoon for 24 hours, and the open beta testers will
be randomly selected from that pool. We are as excited as you are, and look for
ward to having the community crawl over our newest classes and races and helping
us to refine them.
See you here next week, same time, same bat channel. Thanks for reading!http://w
Lets kick off the grab bag tonight with the latest and greatest attempt to scam you
out of your account:

Hello. I have been told that (your highest level character name here) and alts w
ill be deleted within 24 hours of this message being received. If you dont want
your acct deleted, send a email to the email address listed below with your user
name and password information, including the secret word, and your personal info
and I will make sure nothing happens. You will have access the folowing busines
s day. =)
PS: please dont reply to this message, as i more than likely wont get back to yo
u soon. I receive hundreds of emails a day, and it takes me all weekend to sort
through. So send me a email to, which is my personal addre
ss so I can take care of it first thing tomorrow.
Sanya M. Thomas
Internet Relations Manager
Mythic Entertainment
I have to say, this one is funny. The punctuation and grammar are dreadful, and
the entire email directly contradicts everything Ive ever said on the subject of yo
ur secret word or your password. It asks you to send your information to an addr
ess CLEARLY not from Mythic. Furthermore, while it might appear to be from me, i
f you examine the header (in Outlook, you do that by going to Edit --> Options),
youll find that this message originated with someone named Ryan using an
As always, if you fell for this, get in touch with our support staff (support@da immediately and make sure your account is secure.
On to the bag!
Q: For a mercenary, does putting points in dodger also affect advanced evade?
A: The effects stack, so the answer is not exactly, but it wont hurt.
Q: Does a stun break if the victim gets hit while he is stunned?
A: No.
Q: After someone interrupts me, and I try to cast again, sometimes I get the mes
sage you cannot cast again for X seconds. What is going on here?
A: When you are hit for damage, you are considered to be in combat, and you need
three seconds to recover from that. If you dont see the message when you attempt t
o cast, either you took no damage or three seconds elapsed.
Q: Why do you do your maintenance in the mornings?
A: We do know that we have plenty of players from overseas, and US players who w
ork the third shift. However, we have to do our maintenance at a time when the f
ewest players are affected, and that time for our server populations is the morn
ing. I do want to say that this week had much more morning downtime than usual (
between our need to fix the new dungeon lag and the Worldcom meltdown, the morni
ng crew had a bad time of it), and I am very sorry for the inconvenience we are al
l hoping that things wont be this rough again, and we've done what we can to ensure
it won't.

Q: Are you aware of the problems that happen on many relic raids with the zone c
A: Yes, we very much are. Especially those of us that are ON those relic raids w
hen they crash. You dont have to tell us how frustrating it is, believe me. At any
rate, were working on making improvements, I am told.
Q: Why do we have to /setwho trade every time we log in?
A: Its on our bug list as something that needs to be fixed, but as it is not a game
stopper, its one of those fixes that will happen whenever a programmer has a momen
t. We are aware of it, however, and we do plan to fix it.

Q: Why wont the degree of zoom (controlled by the tilde key on the default settings)
from session to session?
A: It wasnt on the list of things to fix, but I will take a look into it.
Q: Last week you told us that the new races can be some of the old classes how abo
ut the other way around, can the old races be the new classes?
A: Yes, in some cases. I was told the list of possible combinations will be on t
he Shrouded Isles site next week, at some point.
Q: You guys adjusted the grouping range code. Can you be a little more detailed as to
what changed? What exactly did you do?
A: Regular readers of the grab bag have been wondering where this was! I finally
managed to trap the programmer responsible, and got the explanation.
There are no actual limits to grouping in DAOC. A level 50 can group with a leve
l 1, if they want. However, each player has a cap on how much experience he can
receive from each kill (which amounts to a high yellow kill plus some), and a pl
ayer cannot hit his cap if the monster was not considered a challenge to the gro
up. And our code also takes a look at each member of the group in relation to th
e monster, and determines whether or not a group member was capable of contribut
ing to a successful kill. Some experience is drained off if the answer was no. S
o, the grouping range is actually a term used by the players affectionately known as t
he min-maxers people who prefer to play at peak efficiency, with no experience poi
nts going to waste because there is no hard limit to who can group with whom. Grou
ping range strictly refers to the range at which there is no penalty.
Because its true a group composed of members falling beyond a certain range will have
some points from a kill vanish, due to either the challenge code requirements that th
e monster be sufficiently difficult for the group, or to the players own experience
We made several changes to the way the group experience code works, in response
to player feedback and requests. First, we widened the challenge range for group
s. A group will now have several levels more of a difference between the highest
level member and the lowest level the group can have without penalty. (I cant say
how many exactly, since the number changes depending on the level of the highest
level person and what the group is fighting.)
Then we followed up that change with another one. As I said above, the code cons

iders whether or not a group member was able to contribute to a successful kill,
and drains off some experience if the answer was no. Our second change was to s
ignificantly reduce the experience drain for lower level (and therefore less lik
ely to contribute) group members. Again, I cant say exactly how much, because the a
nswer depends on the discrepancy between the lowest level group member and the b
ottom level of the challenge range. However, no matter what the difference, the
amount of penalty drain has been reduced across the board, making it easier for
high level players to level up their lower level friends.
Im really not trying to be vague, here, but the formula has too many variables to g
ive you any information beyond the broad brushstrokes. Its now easier for EVERYONE,
and the more efficient the group, the more obvious the effect should be.
Thats it for this week! One small note before I vanish Mythic has finally outgrown th
e original office space, and we are in the midst of packing up and moving to a n
ew (well, new to US) building. The move will not affect your play experience at
all, as our live servers have never been located at our office headquarters. Our
customer service team will remain in the old facility for a little while longer
, because we need to get the new phone system and network installed and tested b
efore we make the switch.
But you will notice some twitches with this, the beloved Camelot Herald, as the
webserver is moving this weekend. The Herald statistics have always needed six s
traight hours of uninterrupted connection to the servers in order to complete an
update cycle (hence the problems with updating this week, by the way), and so y
ou will notice some lag on stats and realm status updates. This link will tell y
ou the last time your server was updated, if youre wondering why your latest conque
st doesnt seem to have made the news. We will get it back up and updating as soon a
s we can!
Thanks, all, and have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Ah, another scam for us to laugh about this Friday. Todays attempt at being a socia
lly maladjusted weasel is from Astute Camelot follo
wers will note that Mythic Entertainment does not use email accounts ending in @ If you receive an email from this fine person asking you for your ac
count name and password, do NOT reply. If you have already replied, dont be embarra
ssed - get in touch with us at as soon as possible.
The account you save may be your own.
On to the regularly scheduled grab bag:
Q: I had been hunting in the new dungeon ever since it came out, and I got used
to a certain drop rate. Since the final patch to fix the lag issues, the drop ra
te has seemed much lower. Did you change it?
A: I went and asked the item team to look up the drop rates, and they assure me
they did not touch any of the treasures, either drop rates or items on any monst
ers (except to fix a few bugs here and there, like items dropping for realms tha
t couldnt use them). If you disagree, please feel free to send me the name of the s
pecific monster whose loot drop rate you feel has changed, and I will investigat
e that specific encounter.
Q: Are there any restrictions on how many Paladin heal chants can be run in a gr
A: No. Paladin heals are instants its as if several clerics all insta-healed a player

at once. So, yes, you could have seven paladins and one fighter, and have all s
even heal chants stack.
Q: I was wondering how power regen spells work with the Serenity realm ability.
Is there a limit to how much power you can regenerate at any one time?
A: The realm ability stacks with all power regen spells, and there is no limit.
Q: Hi, are you planning to announce who got beta accounts?
A: No were about to start ramping up the number of people we let in each week, and po
sting all those names would make quite a long list. You will know if you were ra
ndomly selected if you receive an email. Due to time constraints, I cannot answe
r any emails from people who write to ask if I got their registration.
I will say that at this point, we are still selecting from the regular Pendragon
players, and not yet from the general player population.
Q: I was talking to a friend who respecced from axe/left axe to hammer/left axe,
and although he is three levels below me, he is doing consistently more damage
than me. We tested this by pulling the same monster at the same time he killed his
faster. We did this many times in a row. Both of my axes are top of the line an
d in 100% condition, and I am three levels higher. Is there any explanation?
A: I applaud you for testing this out before sending in your question but there is
nt enough information there for me to be able to tell if there is a problem. Was th
e monster you used for testing susceptible to crush damage? What spec did you bo
th have, exactly? What is the DPS on his weapons versus your weapons? If you hav
e roughly similar DPS numbers, and if there is no wild difference between your s
pecs (except for yours being higher, obviously), and if you get the same results
on different types of monsters with different resistances, then there is a prob
lem and I want to know about it.
Q: So wheres the information on which of the old races can be the new classes?
A: I was just told that were holding off on announcing that until we can give out t
he information for all three realms at the same time which, I am further told, wil
l be next week.
Q: A friend of mine keeps telling me that different classes can do different amo
unts of weapon damage depending on their class. Is it class based, or is melee d
amage dependent on stats/equipment/spec?
A: Both! A pure melee can do more base melee damage than any other classes. Othe
r classes may have special attacks with prerequisites that may allow some indivi
dual attacks to be much higher than the pure tank can achieve, but your basic no
-frills whack with a weapon will always be more damaging coming from a pure mele
e class. The difference between say, the base melee damage of a hybrid and a pur
e tank is not that big, but the difference between a pure tank and a caster is s
ignificant. Further adjustments to damage beyond that basic framework depend on
your stats, equipment, and spec decisions.
Q: Anything planned for the big one year anniversary?

A: Nope. Were just planning to keep on keeping on. Thank you SO much to all of you
who sent congratulations and letters of good wishes with the feedback form I passe
d on many of them to the entire dev team. I wish I could thank you individually
for the morale boosters, they mean a lot to us.
Q: Is there any value (as a Champion) to have Valor to 50 with sheer spec as opp
osed to Valor to 42 with +8 Valor in items?

A: Like any spell line, the +Valor items grant you the power and damage adjustme
nts that speccing in that line would give you, but it will NOT grant you the add
itional spells that a natural spec would. So, you have to decide do you want the sp
evels that come after 42, or not?
Q: Some of the questions on the grab bag have seemed sort of obvious to me. Just
looking for easy questions, are you? ;)
A: I see from your character list that you are a long time player and in fact, I t
hink I remember you specifically from beta 3. So many of these questions will se
em silly and basic to a person who has been playing Dark Age of Camelot for a wh
ole year, but were always adding new customers for whom many things are as yet a my
stery. Also, every day we meet people who do not yet know that they can search t
he Herald for their particular topic and read old Grab Bags. Were working on a bett
er system thats easier to use, FYI.
And that, as they say, is that. For this week, anyway. Thanks, everyone (and I d
o mean everyone, even, maybe especially, you ranters out there ;)), for making t
his a crazy and wonderful year. Right now, on the US servers, there are 3,483,70
2 characters on the active accounts, and we're glad to have every single one. We
couldnt have had such a great year without you!
Thanks again, and have a wonderful and safe weekend.
Very short this week
Q: I was wondering if youd ever consider adding a spell at level 50 to (insert spel
l line here). It sucks that there is no point in speccing to 50 or taking the li
ne past 47.
A: What youre seeing here is a design decision. We wanted to allow people the optio
n of not taking a skill all the way to 50, to give them room to try a more varie
d spec if they chose to do so. So, not all the lines have a 50th spell. But speccing t
o 50 DOES do something it increases your damage range and average. So, you decide is
that little extra edge in damage worth it to you, or would you rather use the 1
47 points for something else?
Q: When each realm has an equal number of keeps, how is the tie broken for control of
Darkness Falls? Do the battlegrounds have anything to do with it?
A: Nope. The battlegrounds have no effect on anything outside their borders. Dar
kness Falls defaults to whoever had been winning before it was a tie.
Q: In an old Grab Bag, you said that empathy did nothing for a bard, that only c
harisma mattered in terms of our power pool. Ive tested this out, and while it is t
rue that only charisma affects our power pool, empathy definitely affects someth

ing the amount of direct damage we can do! Do you have any plans to change this so
that our damage and our power are affected by the same stat?
A: You are absolutely correct, your damage is affected by empathy. Im sorry my earl
ier answer was incomplete. There are no plans to make any changes at this time b
ased on testing and feedback.
Q: Why is evade not affected by either dual wielders or large weapons when block
and parry take penalties against them?
A: It was a design choice; not right or wrong, just evade is not included in the
calculating formulas.
Q: New classes, new races, old classes, old races, where are the details as to w
hich combinations we can enjoy?
A: Delayed yet again. =( This week had some other topics take a great deal of ti
me this week (see the earlier Herald post about the tradeskills :)) for the pers
on who is writing out that class/race combo document. Also, there are some other
details were still working out. We dont want to tell you a class and a race can combi
ne if we turn out to be unable (or for whatever reason, unwilling) to do it.

(I know this is the second delay, and I regret that. Please understand that when
Im writing this column, its the end of a week and sometimes we get a little optimi
in terms of we can finalize in the next week. I feel bad when this happens, but
all I can do is keep you posted.)
Q: I just have a question on the dueling system will people get realm points for d
uels? Is there any benefit to winning?
A: The only benefit to duelists is a good time. Well, that and to satisfy your o
ffended honor ;)
Incidentally, a good time is all you should expect from a duel we will not look at
dueling results during any discussion of class balance. The classes in your own
realm were never intended to stack up against one another in a toe to toe battl
e royale. Some classes arent built that way, some classes need the element of surpr
ise or first strike, etc. Just letting you know in advance enjoy your duels for wh
at they are, and dont try to interpret the results too much.

There is one exception if youre just measuring damage numbers (my spell lands for thi
s much when my opponent is wearing this kind of armor) I will be willing to look
at your logs. Just dont send me something proving this class is better than t
My, what a week. The grab bag will be longer next week, thats for certain. I have a
little stack of topics I had to put a hold on while I waited for verification,
and so next weeks column will have those answers as well as a full complement of ne
w questions. Thanks for your passion and excitement, as always. A special nod an
d smiley emoticon to the players who hang out at the DAOC Tradeskills forum for
such good discussions =) Be safe, be well, be victorious in battle!
The usual mixed bag, pardon the pun:

Q: What does condition/bonus/ quality matter on jewelry?

A: Condition at or below 70% you stop getting stat increases or specific benefits.
Bonus (the bonus field, I should say) at this time, nothing. Quality at this time,
nothing, with one exception: all items including jewelry with a quality of 99, o
r 100 have extra hidden durability past the displayed 100, and thus those items last l
onger than items of lower quality.
Q: Any chance we can recopy characters to Pendragon? Id like to test using a more r
ecent version of my character.
A: Were looking at changing the system to allow you to update your character copy a
fter this next patch goes live.
Q: How do I as the guild leader remove a character (named, say, Bob) from my gui
A: Type /gc autoremove Bob and then wait 24 hours.
Q: Is there a stat I can boost that will affect my miss ratio with my bolts? (I
am not talking about the in-combat penalty that a bolt takes, strictly talking a
bout misses.)
A: No, no stat affects that. The to-hit chance is based strictly on your level v
s. the level of the target. The damage that you do is based on a number of facto
rs, including but by NO means limited to your spec level vs. the level of the ta
rget, and the armor absorption rating of your targets gear.
Q: Why do shouts not have a critical factor? There are critical heals, critical melee
hits, and critical direct damage spell attacks.

A: You cant really compare heals in this case; a critical heal is a realm ability.
(Critical DOTs are also a realm ability.) But the other things all melee attacks h
ave a chance to critical, and all direct damage spell attacks (including bolts)
by a robe or list caster (a caster whose spell book is organized into drop down m
a chance to critical. No other magical attacks have the chance to critical its just t
he design.
Before anyone asks, the request to have all spell lists fixed up like that of th
e list caster has been passed on.
Q: Okay, I understand now why an enemy miss still has the chance to interrupt yo
u, but why does a successful intercept or guard also have the chance to interrup
t you? What about bladeturn?
A: Because someone just charged towards you with a nasty weapon and someone thre
w themselves in the path of the nasty thing to save you. Bladeturn it would help i
f you thought of bladeturn not as a bubble of protection, but as extremely speci
al body armor that fits like a second very hard skin. You arent standing inside a s
afe little room the safety margin stops a millimeter from your tender flesh.
Our system is very different from the one used by other games. If you need a ref
resher on exactly how our interrupt system works, go to the Herald search functi
on and type interrupt. Select the July 12 grab bag and scroll to the bottom (or select
Edit on your browser and use the Find on this page option. Remember, the Herald

ched in this manner for the answers to all sorts of questions.

Q: I heard this is the patch where you get a free level 20 if you have a 50th le
vel character.

A: Its not, were still discussing the specifics of that. To be perfectly frank, that
bably a couple months off, we have a lot of other changes (the four extra charac
ter slots, for example) that were going to put in first.
Q: If I have 800 in my current craft and I decide to do the reset quest and swit
ch to spellcrafting, do my 800 points get switched to spellcrafting or do I star
t at nothing? If my points get wiped, will I get back the money I spent in my cu
rrent craft?
A: Oh dear. I must have not been clear. The tradeskill reset is a RESET. It is n
ot a reSPEC. If you decide to wipe out your points in your current tradeskill, t
hey are gone, gone, gone. You will not get them back for any reason. We are putt
ing in a reset more for the benefit of the people who truly feel that theyd rather
be spellcrafters or alchemists but didnt have the choice back when they originally
picked a trade, and for the benefit of the people who have a handful of points i
n a skill they dont care about at all. If you want to sacrifice 800 points, that is
your choice, but you will be starting from zero in the new skill.
No, there are no refunds. So, please, I beg of you, think through your decision.
If there is the TINIEST chance you might not like the new trade, roll a new cha
racter or wait for the expanded character slots.
Q: What is the formula for how dex affects parry, block, and evade?
A: I cant give you the exact formula, because there are just too many variables. De
x is the only stat that matters as far as stats go in the formulas for parry and
block, so buff the heck out of dexterity to get the maximum benefit (again, the
maximum benefit as far as personal stats go).
Evade is not a skill, and it works very differently from parry and block. Primar
ily, the effectiveness of evade is related to your level of evade (and of course
, your level versus the level of your target). There are many minor factors, of
course, but that is the big one. The stats that affect evade are dex and qui in
equal proportions, just not in as large a proportion as they are in parry or blo
Q: Does a critical arrow shot hit for 1.5X or 2X normal damage?
A: I had a simple answer, but you know, our Scout Team Lead has a document with
about ten billion times the detail as I was going to include, and he kindly offe
red to let me direct traffic to him. Go read his page. Thanks, O!
Q: I am missing (insert style) and I play (insert class that does not get the pr
erequisite for that style, although the class can get access to the line that th
e style is in).
A: You arent missing that style, technically. If your class doesnt get the prerequisit
e ability, then you will not get the style. (You will also not get followups tha
t use that style as an opening move.) In a few cases, you will get the missing styles
when you get to the level where your class gets the ability. Regular readers of
this little column will notice this question is a repeat, but your friends in CS

tell me were still getting a number of appeals on the subject.

Q: Wouldnt it be cool if you could check appeals while you were offline?
A: Heck yes. Were not there yet, but were starting to add more functionality to the su
pport site. Go to the top of this page, and click Camelot Support (the little man with
the red cross on his shield). The left hand column is entitled Get Help click the
option on the list, Appeal Information. Click the top option, Appeal Statistics.
d the global results, or select for your favorite server.
This information used to be released to you in the form of Jeff Hickmans Customer S
ervice Report, and now you can see it whenever you like. A few notes about the s
ystem, however:

Be sure to check the time stamp so you can tell when the information was
reported to the website. The numbers may fluctuate depending on time of day for i
nstance, when lots of people get home from work or school, the offline numbers will dr
op like a rock as those people log into the game and take their place in the lin
e depending on the age of their appeal.
Bear in mind that the times are ONLY for non-escalated appeals. If you a
re stuck, being harassed, or you were told that your appeal had been escalated t
o a supervisor, then your appeal is not being counted as part of the queue, and
you should be hearing from someone much sooner than the average time mentioned.
If you sent a bug appeal, you will not hear back from anyone. Your appea
l is being read by a human, who will then go test whatever it is youre talking abou
t. Yes, a real human. The humans are named Jason, Chris, Aileen, James, and Jen.
And anyone who complains that theyve got nothing to do ;)
- Even if you're offline, our fabulous customer service people may be able to he
lp you and email you the answer. So it's EXTREMELY important that you have the c
orrect email listed on your registration information. We do not sell or share yo
ur email addresses with anyone - please take that leap of faith and give us a re
al email address.
My big project has been reading all the The One Thing threads around the fansites and
forums, and I feel like a kid in a candy store. Too many terrific possibilities,
and too few hours in the day! I will get to all of them, however if your favorite
board has a thread on the one thing I want to see most, make sure the moderator sent
me a link!
Our Shrouded Isles testers are in overdrive, and I hear that next week theyll be wo
rking even harder. Which means its probably a good thing that were raising the limit o
n the number of testers admitted each week. Were also drawing from the general serv
er population now, so watch your mail! Matt K. from Minnesota, your beta CD came
back to me marked Addressee Unknown. Yall might want to drop me a line, because if
ont, I can name about twenty six thousand players whod like to have it.
Thats it for the bag this week! Ill be seeing some of you on the battlefield. You know
what they say, dont bother running because youll only die tired =) And with that litt
le piece of smack talk Ill probably live to regret - Thanks all, and have a wonderf
ul weekend.
New scam for us tonight, as our Grab Bag Appetizer: There is a person using the
email address, and he, she, or it is trying to get you to s
end along your login and password. Remember, no one from Mythic is going to ask
you for your password in an email, so dont give this joker a second thought. If you
already gave him a second thought and your password to boot, dont be shy, give out
tech support crew a call and protect your account.

Another note before I get started on the weekly Q&A earlier this week I was hangin
g out at the Vault, and got into a discussion about exploit spots in the game. It used
to be we had a whole bunch of spots where a player could stand and kill enemies
with no risk to himself. Weve been fixing these spots, and my wording in the threa
d could be interpreted to mean that we were not going to make any more fixes. Th
ats not the case at all if you think youve found a new exploit spot, by all means r
it to us, and report players abusing those spots. The rule of thumb is simple if
the player cant take damage, hes cheating, and customer service will handle it. And th
e dev team will try to create a more permanent solution. So dont hesitate to report
troublesome perches and other geography exploits!
On to the questions, many of which were about Shrouded Isles this week:
Q: What are the system specs for Shrouded Isles?
A: We're still nailing those down. We'll let you know ASAP.
Q: Dont tell me, you still dont have the new class/race combinations for me.
A: Well, not officially, although the clever players on the Shrouded Isles-speci
fic forums have figured out one way to get a sneak peek =) Were just very hesitant
to release an official list in case we have to take a combination out of the pic
ture. And just today, we were seriously discussing removing one of the projected
combinations. Until the list is a little more set in stone, I have to keep dela
ying. The combinations *are* all in internal testing at this time, and many comb
inations are in beta testing.
Q: I heard a rumor that the engine for Shrouded Isles is the same one used by Mo
rrowind. True?
A: No. Both Morrowinds engine and Shrouded Isles engine are based on the NetImmerse 4
engine, but they are not the same.
Q: What resolution are the Shrouded Isles official screenshots taken in?
A: 1024 X 768.
Q: We have five accounts here in my house, and really we only need one CD we just
need five CD keys to activate the expansion. Is there any way we can just buy th
e keys and not the software?
A: We dont have any way to do that. :(
Q: Will people who dont get the expansion still be able to group with people who ha
ve it? What about items? If my friend gets a nifty hat from one of the Isles, wi
ll he be able to come back home and give it to me?
A: Yes. All the loot and characters from the expansion will be completely visibl
e to someone running only the original game. You just wont be able to go to the new
lands or be one of the new races/classes.
Q: Is there a relationship between distance and base damage for an archer, ie, d

oes my basic arrow hit for more up close or far away?

A: No. Range is not a modifier for base arrow damage.
Q: How do you determine how many hit points my character has? Im new to Camelot!
A: Welcome =) Hit points are determined first by your class. There are roughly t
hree base hit point amounts tank, caster, and hybrid. (Rogues are considered hybri
ds as far as hit point totals go.) Your base number of hit points, and the base
number of hit points you get each time you level, are therefore determined by yo
ur class.
Next, your constitution is taken into account. This number is your CON without b
uffs, items, or realm abilities. This number DOES include any bonus points you may hav
e put in while you were rolling up your character.
The next things to be taken into account are any CON buffs you may have, and +CO
N items.
Then realm abilities affecting CON or Health.
Finally, +HP items are added on to the figure for the grand total.
The exact formula is too complex to go into here, but thats the gist of it. CON is
the stat to put bonus points into, if having more hit points matters to you.
Q: Some items Ive come across lately have useless stats are these bugs?
A: Not necessarily. Weve been making a big effort to remove stats that dont work at al
l from items but stats that work are probably not bugs. For example, if your cloth
hat has +QUI on it, it is not a bug. QUI is a working stat in our game. Not eve
ry item provides major enhancement for your particular class. Sometimes its just a
cool looking item with normal AF and a quirky stat boost effect. Or it might be
an item intended to be worn by more than one class.
Q: Ive been on a bunch of Legion raids, and he never seems to drop (insert item her
e) for my (class/spec). Is this a bug?
A: No. Legion and his fellow boss mobs do not drop one of everything instead, they
esigned so that every class can use at least one of their drops. For example, Le
gion may not drop your particular weapon type, but he does drop a breastplate or
a ring or some such that you can use. But keep reading, the second part of the
next answer will be of interest.
Q: It seems to me that the diamond seal level staff for my eldritch is better th
an the Legion dropped staff. Is this a bug?
A: No, it isnt. However, it is something of an oversight. After Shrouded Isles is l
aunched and on its way, our item man and woman intend to evaluate the loot on Le
gion and his comrades. Keep your eyes on the patch notes in the coming months.
Q: Heres my question (insert question here). Please do not respond on the Herald, p
lease reply via email.
A: I am very, very sorry, but I dont usually respond to questions via email. Hundre

ds of people send me their questions each week, and I try to choose questions fo
r this column that have been asked by many players. If I answered each question
personally, I would not have time to read them all!
What a week! Another hundred beta CDs went out this week regretfully, they were sl
ightly delayed leaving the Northern Virginia area, and the randomly chosen teste
rs (a number from all of our servers) may not get into Shrouded Isles until earl
y next week. (Incidentally, if you received a welcome email from me earlier this
week, be advised that I made a typing error - the latest you should get your CD
is November 8, not November 1.) In the next few weeks, were going to let in hundre
ds maybe thousands more, so watch your mailboxes!
Were very excited, and a little overly-caffeinated, but working hard on 1.54. A spe
cial thank you to the testers helping us catch those recipe bugs!
Have a wonderful and safe weekend, and Ill see you all next week.http://web.archive
Before I get going, lets start with a Pendragon note: "We have added a bindstone ne
ar Swanton Keep in North Black Mountains. The Snowdonia Relic keep (Albion Power
) was the relic keep that was the farthest from any bindstone. This bindstone sh
ould provide a location for Albion players who wish to defend this relic to bind
." This was added to Pendragon today, and will go live with the rest of 1.55.
On to the Bag!
Q: My beta CD has not yet arrived!
A: Some CDs have been returned to me with no such address printed on them. The address
ed we used were the ones that potential testers had entered on the form, NOT the
address on the accounts. Im sorry I wont be able to track down those players, but the
re simply isnt enough time left in the test. In some circumstances I will resend a
CD on Monday such as a broken beta disk. I am still working through the emails peo
ple sent, and I regret that due to the volume of mail, I am unable to answer eac
h one. If you have not received a reply by Monday evening, you may assume that I
double checked your address in my database, and that the CD was sent properly.
Q: I heard that you sent the CDs by (insert one, Fed Ex, Airborne Express, UPS,
Pony Express). When I called them, they said that no such package was sent to me
by Mythic!
A: Thats because we didnt use those companies. Just a rumor, sorry. We used the US Pos
tal Service.
Q: I was the first to reach the XXXX tailoring level on (insert server here), ac
tually only the Xth in the game to do so, yet, I'm listed as #2 on the list. Thi
s is not right, not fair, I get no recognition because someone with a name in th
e alphabetic sort higher than mine is in the (edited) top box!
A: I can completely understand your frustration, and I certainly congratulate yo
u. I edited your question a bit to remove your name and server because it is pos
sible that not everyone will appreciate your passion on this topic.
The answer is that the Herald draws its data from the servers, and the servers d
o not measure the order of events. So, while I am sure you were first on your se
rver, there were two of you with the same skill when the Herald took the server

data. And the Herald currently breaks ties by alphabetical order.

But that does raise an interesting point. As the population grows, more and more
crafters are sure to top out in skill. I wish we could sort by first to arrive,
e cant, what do you think we should sort by? We could sort by level. Or time played
. Or amount of gold in the inventory. Alphabetical is the default, thats all.
Crafters! What do you think? Email me at with the
subject line CRAFTER TIEBREAKER and cast your vote! All votes received by Monday m
orning (November 25, 2002) at 8:00 AM EST will be considered. One vote per playe
r, please!
Q: I like the idea of the Co-op server! Is it going to be an RP flagged server,
using the RP server rules for names?
A: Gaheris will not be an RP ruleset server, but were certainly keeping our eyes on
the feedback should we ever put up another co-op server.
Q: Is /charcopy broken?
A: Nope, its just running about ten hours behind, due to the extremely heavy demand
for copies to Pendragon and Gaheris. As the demand dies down, the poor copier w
ill be able to catch up. Please allow a full day before you write or call asking
if the copy occurred. By the way if your copy failed and you did not get an email
, or if you entered the request and didn't get an email, the problem is that the
email we have on file for you is wrong (or your in-box is full Hotmail users, cle
an out your files! ;)). Please update your registration information!
Q: How do you do /charcopy?
A: This information can be found on the Herald, simply by using the handy search
feature over there on your left.
Q: Thats annoying.
A: Youre right, that is. Please recommend the search feature to your friends, thoug
h =) Here are the instructions:
Go to the server you want to make a copy on. (Your choices at this time are Pend
ragon and Gaheris.)
Create a level one character. That IS the name youre going to be stuck with while y
oure testing, so pick a good one.
Log in to that level one character.
When logged in, type /charcopy Server Charactername (if the character you were c
opying was named Uther on Lancelot, you would type /charcopy Lancelot Uther).
Log out.
Watch your email. You'll get an email when we receive your /charcopy request, an
d another when your character is actually copied. Depending on demand, this may
take some time (hours/days in extreme cases).
Copied characters lose everything in their "backpack" inventories and vault. The

y carry with them equipped items and gold. They do not carry with them last name
s or guild affiliations.
If you log into your new character copy and there is ANY anomaly (missing spells
/skills/etc) please do not attempt to /appeal Customer Support, as there's nothi
ng they can do. Delete the character, create a new 1st level character, and emai
l your favorite tools programmer, Scott ( to let
him know what happened and so he can re-copy the character if necessary. (Note t
hat he will check the deleted character to see what hosed up, so just deleting a
character you're tired of isn't recommended.)
If you are from the MLF server, type /charcopy Morgan charactername.
Q: I have a really cool PC and a mediocre laptop machine. Theres no way Shrouded Is
les is going to run on my laptop, but I can play the classic version after a fas
hion. I like taking the laptop on business trips and play DAOC on the road so my q
uestion is, will I be able to play my future reaver even on a computer without S
hrouded Isles?
A: Yes. BUT you will not be able to go into the expansion area zones, so before yo
u leave on a business trip, be sure to park your reaver in one of the original z
Q: In the notes for 1.55D, there was a thing about keep updating. I was wonderin
g how that works?
A: If you are in charge of upgrading your keep, you type /gc
keep will upgrade one level every six minutes until it gets
el. So if your keep is level eight, and you type /gc upgrade
vel ten keep in twelve minutes. If someone else tries to add
he process, there should be a message letting them know they
making that request.

upgrade ##, and the

to your desired lev
10, it will be a le
an upgrade during t
need to wait before

Q: The new rez changes notes are a little confusing.

A: We will have a better version included with the live patch notes.
Q: Popups have been crashing DAOC when I try to play, and no, I am not running K
azaa or trying to hack the game.
A: The first step is to just double check your icons next to the clock on your d
esktop. If I had a nickel for every time Id left my IM running by accident, I would
be on a beach somewhere with a nice adult slushy.
But its possible your machine could be infested with something. Check out this link
for more details.
And check this link for instructions on how to make the pain stop.
I also have recently fallen in love with a program called Ad Aware if you ever cau
ght the Napster/Morpheus/Kazaa bug, I highly recommend running it. The darndest
stuff was installed on my home computer. You can get the free download from Lava
soft, the company that makes it.
And remember anti-virus software is your friend. Get some. Please. My email is beg
ging you.

Q: What are the system specs for Shrouded Isles?

A: Your friends in Customer Service have put together this document:
Here is a list of the Minimum and Recommended system requirements for Shrouded Isle
s. Please read below for an explanation of what we consider the "Minimum".
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS in this case is being used to represent one specific type o
f system configuration that we have found to provide good, stable performance wh
en playing Shrouded Isles. Many other types of configurations will run very well
with Shrouded Isles, as long as you meet the minimum ram and video requirement
and depending on what other types of components that you have:
--The most important thing for good performance is your video card. Upgrading yo
ur video card will give you the biggest boost to Shrouded Isles game performance
, and could allow you to run the game on a slower CPU, etc.
--The second most important thing for good performance is system RAM. Upgrading
your RAM to 384 MB or higher will give you a good performance boost.
--Finally, your CPU definitely plays a factor in Shrouded Isles performance. You
will achieve better load times and performance from a faster CPU.
What this means is that if you are running a PIII 733 Mhz system with 256MB Ram
and a GeForce 3ti video card (or other similar combinations of components), you
will probably have fine performance playing Shrouded Isles, despite the fact tha
t your CPU does not meet the minimum requirements.
Please note, there may be other factors that could hinder game performance. Plea
se be sure to search for various troubleshooting to
System Requirements
The Minimum system requirements are:
O/S: Windows 98/ME/XP (Windows 95/NT not supported) with DirectX 8.0 or later in
CPU: Pentium III 1.4Ghz or AMD Athlon equivalent
Video: Requires compatible 3D-Acceleration Card with 32MB Video RAM
Internet Connection: An Internet connection is required
For full compatibility details please check
The Recommended System Requirements are:
O/S: Windows 98/ME/XP (Windows 95/NT not supported) with DirectX 8.0 or later in
CPU: Pentium 4 1.4Ghz or better
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti series 3D Video Card with 64MB+ Video RAM or equivale

Internet Connection: An Internet connection is required
For full compatibility details please check
Sanya here: I know that many of you may feel that the best specs are what we really me
an for minimum. I can assure you that is not the case with us. We are actively t
esting on many different kinds of systems. Our beta testers run the entire gamut
of available system configurations. You wont get some of the eye candy with the lo
wer end cards and systems, but the new engine and areas are completely playable
on minimum systems. I know my machine here at the office is EXACTLY the minimum re
quired, complete with lousy video card, and I am definitely seeing a performance
increase as opposed to before. And the part about you being able to mix and mat
ch to some extent is quite true, you CAN get away with a lower end CPU as long a
s your other components are terrific. Use your own judgment, and understand that
the minimum is the minimum we recommend.
My old, trusty P2 450 with 128 RAM and the off-brand 32 MB video card at home is
just not going to cut it with this expansion, however, no matter how much rever
se engineering our programmers do. I knew I was going to have to transfer four y
ears worth of stories, video games, and music files eventually, I just didnt want t
o do it now.

I just got a disturbing letter from a player trying to help out a friend. It see
ms she'd written to ask us for a name change, because someone was stalking her i
n the game. Y'all, we don't do name changes unless your name is in violation. So
me people like to act like... nasty people... and then request a name change to
get away from their now-sleazy reputation. So we won't change your name - but if
someone is stalking you (repeated, unwanted contact), take these steps:
1) Tell the person, in /send and /say, to leave you alone.
2) Tell your friends you have asked this person to leave you alone.
3) If the person does not leave you alone, send us an appeal, and from the menu,
make sure you choose the harassment button.
4) Put the person on /ignore.
5) If the person tries to get around the /ignore feature (by following you, jump
ing up and down, getting into your field of vision, taking your monsters or kill
s, etc), continue to appeal them.
We would rather throw your harasser out of the game than have you quit. And for
heaven's sake, be careful giving out in game information. If you have already do
ne so, and someone is stalking you in real life, don't call us - CALL THE COPS.

And on that note, its time to say goodnight, farewell, and happy hunting. Next week
, the Bag will appear on Wednesday, so fill out those question feedback forms by Tuesd
ay if youd like to be included. Have a good weekend!
Because I couldn't leave without doing SOME kind of Bag =):
Before I kick off this baguette, I would like to tip my hat to the assassin comm
unity for the politest protest form letter I have ever received since we launche
d this game. Whoever wrote it was an artist. However, I forwarded one copy to th

e producer, and the rest were thrown out. Also, if youll check the most recent patc
h notes, youll note that you do not actually need to send me any more. Thank you th
ough, I never thought I'd say that I enjoyed spam =)
Next note, from your friends in technical and billing support, we have a new for
m for you it will help speed up the getting help process even more.
Go here: Http://
The text on the page reads: "This page was designed as a way for you to get help
from our Technical Escalation Team as rapidly as possible. The information you
include with this form will help our technical staff determine quickly what migh
t be causing issues that are hindering or preventing you from enjoying Dark Age
of Camelot. Please do not use this form for in-game issues. Customer Service Rep
resentatives are available in game to handle your issues via /appeal, 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week."

Q: Could we please get (insert formula here) to determine if Im near my cap or not?
I need to know because (insert good reason here).
A: Im working on that for you. I know thats not a good answer; honestly, the only reas
on its in the grab bag today is because I wanted everyone to know that I wasnt ignorin
g the question!
Q: I have been told by many that adding the INT buff to a Cleric or even a Minst
rel will help them with their damage and/or healing abilities. True or false?
A: False.
Q: I have had some debates with some fellow clerics that concern the higher leve
l Enhancement buffs. Such as the Dex/Quick or Con/Strngth buffs. They say that s
peccing the Enhance line past level 40 is a waste since by level 40 your buffs w
ill be capped on a player. That even though you could buff for +75 quick and Dex
that the player you are buffing could only gain +50 from it and so it's a waste
. Is this true? Will having a full enhance Cleric be useless?
A: Well, your friends would be sort of right if a full enhance cleric casted sta
t buffs and ONLY stat buffs. (I say sort of because the STR/CON buff you get at 46 may
take people over the cap, but it definitely does some good.) There is an issue
with the very highest level double buffs taking people over the cap, don't get m
e wrong. BUT there are other spells in the enhance line that are of use. Like the
resist energy at a spec of 48, for instance.
Q: Is there a 50.5 mid-ding?
A: No. You might be thinking of the bonus you get if you are level 50 and realm
rank 5.
Q: I live in the UK and I play on US servers. Will I be able to buy the European
edition of S.I. when it is released or do I need to buy the U.S Edition? Is the
re a difference?
A: No, and yes. The European version is customized for their servers. Also, the
European version will be coming out somewhat after ours. I dont have any of the det

ails on the European deal, sorry to say.

Q: I cannot find the new siege ammo types for sale!
A: Albions merchant is Sall Fadri. Hibernians is Arisa, and Midgards is Gwulla. But
ed to scroll to the second page to see them.
Q: Will players be able to add sparkly effects to weapons any time soon?
A: I have no ETA on that. It may not be something we can do at this point. Curre
ntly, each individual sparkly item is lovingly given the sparkles by hand in som
e arcane process. We would need to make the sparkling an automatic process, and
that takes time.
Q: How does a player go about enchanting weapons/recharging items?
A: I am told our official guide to that will be up next week here on the Herald.
Sorry for the delay =(
Q: I would like the option of the bare headed look without losing the stats from
that gear slot.
A: There are invisible hats in the game right now =)
Q: I know pets get a share of the experience when a pet user is fighting monster
s. How will that work with the Bonedancer?
A: Exactly as any pet class does. The experience the pet skims off the top is re
lated to how much damage the pet did in the first place. The amount of damage th
at a pet, or multiple pets, can take is capped at 50% - so the bonedancer wont shar
e more than half the experience with a pet, no matter how many pets he has up an
d running. And of course, the more damage he does directly, the less exp the pet
Q: What about the Necromancer? He cant actually do anything without the pet.
A: True, which is why he will be treated as a non-pet class in terms of exp.

There it is, a miniature Grab Bag to hold us through next week. Next week is goi
ng to be crazy, but we cant wait for everyone to see Shrouded Isles for themselves!
As was mentioned earlier in the week, while our technical and billing support de
partment will be closed tomorrow (its Thanksgiving Day in the USA), our in game CSR
s will still be working around the clock. So have a good holiday in DAOC were thankfu
l to have you there =)
Here it is!
Q: Does DAoC:SI support Anti-aliasing 4xS offered by the GeForce 4 Ti 4600 card?

A: Im not a techie, so I passed this one straight to our technical support lead. Hi
s reply: "SI will work with 4XAA but you may take a performance hit depending on
your system specifications. If you require further assistance or info, please e
(Side note speaking of the support email address, heres a gentle reminder for everyon
e. Its not a general mail address. It should only be used for technical issues or b
illing problems. If you have general questions or comments, there is a handy dan
dy feedback form link down there at the bottom left of this page. Or you can pos
t messages to your favorite message board I either lurk or post at ten different s
Q: (Insert technical question here)
A: Try the support website first believe me, if youre having a problem the odds are g
ood a few dozen other people are having the same one. If it turns out that you a
re indeed a unique snowflake when it comes to technical issues, contact us at th
e email above.
Q: I never got my beta CD, although I did get your email welcoming me. What happ
A: Right this moment, I am looking at a HUGE pile of envelopes. They say things
like "no such address," "incomplete address," and even "no such post office." We
did not address these things by hand I loaded the randomly chosen into a spreadsh
eet that was then imported into a label-making program. In other words, the addr
ess we used was exactly the one that was typed into the registration form. I am
so, so sorry for those of you who got your hopes raised and then dashed. I reall
y do feel bad. Believe me, your feedback requesting a download the next time we
do this has been passed on =/
Q: Last Grab Bag there was a question about pet damage, and you said that the po
ssible pet exp share was capped at 50%. I thought it was 25%?
A: I should have said "up to" 50%. There are three exceptions to the 50% cap encha
nters, spiritmasters, and cabalists all have their pets exp share capped at 25%. An
d of course, as I said last week, the necro is his own exception, being that his
pet is an extension of him.

Remember, thats up to X% the more damage the pets owner does directly, the le
n earn. And of course, these percentages only apply if the pet owner is soloing.
Q: The battleground guards are bugged because (insert reason here).
A: Actually, they are not bugged, they are just different from frontier guards.
This difference was documented in our patch notes awhile back. Heres how they are d
ifferent they have an engage radius. In order to do damage to them, you have to be
within a certain range. This is to keep them from being trained off the center
island and used as an offensive weapon at the zone in staging areas.
Q: You said that spellcrafters can enchant items like the NPC enchanters can, an
d that alchemists would be able to recharge items like the recharger NPC. Wheres th
e documentation?

A: You can now find that information in the guide located on the left of this pa
ge. Since certain reporters who shall remain nameless (because I still love them
) have pointed out that "on the left" has been confusing readers when these colu
mns are reprinted elsewhere, let me quote the relevant bits:
"Enchanting and Recharging Items: Frugal Skills for a Spendthrift Vocation"
"As the spellcrafter and alchemist gain in skill, they each gain unique abilitie
s that help them to save a little coin for themselves and their associates.
"The spellcrafter may enchant items with a bonus (similar to what NPC enchanters
have been providing, but at a higher cost). To do this, the spellcrafter uses d
usts (coppery imbued dusts to platinum ensorcelled dusts) and combines them with
the item in question to graft an enchantment bonus on it. The enchantment bonus
can go all the way to 35% for the highest level items, and you can imbue partia
l enchantments (if, for example, you wish to save on the cost of dusts). You can
also enchant an item partially and then come back later to imbue the remainder.
You'll see all of this reported in your chat window when you combine the dust t
o the weapon or armor.
"The alchemist can recharge items that previously had charges (either their own,
someone else's, or looted from a monster). This is an all-or-nothing propositio
n, unlike enchanting items. The alchemist uses distillates that are of the same
level as the item's tincture being recharged (alloy to arcanium). If the alchemi
st has enough skill, the item is recharged. The amounts of distillate used are t
he same regardless of how many charges remained on the item. Note that in additi
on to being cheaper than the NPC recharger, the alchemist can actually recharge
items anywhere - which should make him or her quite popular on the battlefield w
hen items start running low on charges."
Q: You have spells.xml, what about styles.xml?
A: Id been telling people we would get it out there as soon as our fearless tools p
rogrammer had a few moments, and the moment is finally here. Sorry it took so lo
ng the information was not in a simple database file despite what some may have th
ought, so getting it in user-friendly condition was a process that took some tim
e. But if youd like to load up the styles list for your news/fan site, please check
out the XML link on the left tool bar. Its ready for you!
Two things one, please note that we are aware there is a discrepancy between the g
ame delve information and the data on the site. At this time, the website inform
ation is the accurate material. I am not sure what happened, or when the bug occ
urred, but we are working on resolving the discrepancies as soon as possible.
And two, we cannot help people with installing the XML stuff on their websites u
nder any circumstances, no exceptions. If you dont have the technical ability alrea
dy, please dont try. This is just a nifty little tool made available to those who h
ave the knowhow. For those of us with *my* level of programming skill, well, tha
ts why the Herald is here ;)

Ive got two websites to point you towards today. The first is from the wild and cra
zy woman who brought you The Drunken Friar website and community she has created a
site for the dark side of the force, The Crypt of Albion. I have no doubt that
Crypties will be as much fun as those loony friars. I may not post at either ver
y often, but I will be lurking.
And the second is actually a blast from the past with an all new package. Rememb

er This was a wonderful little news site that began in the origin
al beta, and unfortunately got screwed by a domain name incident. Im happy to say t
hey are back, as Direct Damage. You can hit this link for the press release. Def
initely check them out theyve got an interview with me as the top feature, using ques
tions taken from their message boards. Some of the information is a little outda
ted (the interview was a while back), but there are plenty of other useful nugge
ts to enjoy. *cough*housing gossip*cough
Quick advertising - check the Mythic Store link at the top of the Herald, we add
ed a new shiny thing. It's actually very nice, we added it for launch and gave o
ut a few samples when we hung out at the local software store. I'm thinking, sto
cking stuffer!
Okay! Im not ignoring the previous request for certain formulas, or the great emote
debate I simply have no new information to share. Your feedback and concerns HAVE
been passed on, and I appreciate you taking the trouble to send me your comment
s very much.
Next week realm ability information for our newest classes. Have a safe, and fun w
eekend. If the roads are still nasty where you live, for heavens sake, stay inside
and play DAOC :)
I don't CARE that the movie is getting bad reviews. Let me be excited and make t
hinly veiled references to it with my grab bag. Speaking of which:
Q: If evade is capped at 50% chance to evade, and I have evade 7 and dodger 5, w
here do I stand without any buffs and capped stats? Do I have any use for the hi
ghest level of dodger? Is it possible to give a simple answer?
A: It isn't possible to give a simple answer. The formula includes such elements
as your level, your target's level, your level of evade, your QUI, your DEX, yo
ur buffs to QUI and DEX, the number of people attacking you, your target's weapo
n level, your target's spec in the weapon he is wielding, the kind of attack (DW
, range, etc), attack radius, angle of attack, the style you used most recently,
target's offensive RA, debuffs, and a few others. (The type of weapon large, 1H,
etc doesnt matter.) So it's entirely situational.
Your base chance to evade at Evade 7 is 35% (5% per level). Dodger 5 (3% per lev
el) adds another 15%. But that's just a BASE. Those percentages can be modified
by all of the above. The cap is 50% - but after your base is modified, you might
not be at 50.
So if you were fully buffed, fighting a lower level opponent who wasn't very ski
lled, had evade 7, and dodger 5, you would be over your cap for certain. Which e
lement took you over your cap, I couldn't say. Could be a buff, could be dodger,
could be the level and skill of your opponent.
But if you're fighting multiple attackers, or significantly higher level mobs, o
r someone your level who was buffed and specced better than you are, or someone
smacks you with a debuff, then you would still need dodger 5 to hit your cap. It
might take you over, but you wouldn't reach the cap without it.
So you see, it's really up to you. Do you mostly RVR, or do PVE? Solo or group?
Do you have friends that will keep you buffed all the time, or do you spend a lo
t of time without buffs? The decision is yours, and there is no real right or wr
ong answer.

Q: Is a savage on the tank RA table or the hybrid table?

A: Savages should be on the full tank RA table, and yes, they are currently miss
ing determination. They will get it in the near future, I am told.
Side note Ive seen some threads on savage miss rates. Guys, your miss rate against OR
ANGES is going to be high, so dont bother passing me those logs as proof that youve go
t a problem. I only want to see blue and yellow opponents, and be sure to note i
n your message whether you had a bonus or a penalty against that particular mob
Q: Why are the savage weapons called greaves? If you will check any history text
, you will see that greaves cover the lower legs, not the lower arms.
A: You are technically quite correct but the weapon of the savage is a hybrid desi
gn between the offensive weapon element and the defensive element and look of a
piece of leg armor. Hence the long names of the individual items. Bracers or vam
braces are still worn while wielding the weapon.
Q: If you have two level 50 infiltrators and one trains to 50 in stealth, but th
e other trains to 38 and takes 12 stealth stat bonuses from spellcrafted gear, w
ill they be equally hard to detect? I know the first one will also have safe fal
l, but Im just talking about detection while stealthed.
A: I am told that the two examples will be equally hard to detect.
Q: I typed /gc autoremove Nameofjerk and hes still in my guild. What happened?
A: The autoremover got hung up on something. So, just so everyone knows if the per
son youre trying to remove has not gone away in 24 hours (assuming they are NOT of
guild leader rank I know this is a problem for some, and we are discussing possibl
e solutions), please contact us. Send me an email with FAILED AUTOREMOVE in the
Q: Thanks for the spellcrafter enchantment directions. But can you be more speci
fic? What do each of the dusts do?

A: The cost to enchant is the simplest way to figure it out. Take the item to th
e NPC enchanter. Dont let him enchant the item, just find out how much he wants to
charge you. Lets say he tells you That will cost two gold to enchant. The spellcraft
n then add up to one golds worth of dusts. That can be a dust that costs one gold,
or two dusts that each cost 50 silver, or whatever. The dusts are not different
materials theyre just in denominations like ten and twenty dollar bills. And the effe
ct is cumulative.
The NPC charges approximately 20% of the value of the item. It will cost a playe
r half that to enchant the same item. If you cant add up the cost of dust to equal
exactly half the NPCs price, round up.
Now, thats the base cost to the player. What a spellcrafter wants to charge is up t
o him. The spellcrafters time and effort is certainly worth something.
Q: I am the first female (insert class here) on the server; is there any way to
find out about the other servers?

A: No J Male or female doesnt matter in our fantasy world here, so theres no way that
can be searched for in game or on the Herald. But congratulations anyway.
Q: Are you planning to release an official poster map of Shrouded Isles?
A: No plans that I know of although I want one, darn it.
Q: Realm abilities. New classes. You SAID this week.
A: I have the designer hanging in chains in our dungeon prototype. He swears tha
t he will have them to me on Monday. I was out most of this week with either a c
old or a voodoo doll induced curse and was unable to apply the thumbscrews. Im sorr
y. Please put the voodoo dolls away.
There we go, everyone. By the way, hiding pets inside world objects, and then nu
king enemies with impunity, IS considered an exploit and we will take action if
you're reported. Remember, if you're wondering if you're exploiting, ask yoursel
f if someone can damage you. If they can't, you're exploiting.
See you next time, same bat channel. Have a great weekend, and live long, and pr
I know a lot of you were wondering, so before I get started - he and his wife ha
ve a baby boy, and the family is doing well, despite the little guy's early arri
val. Thanks for the good wishes, you guys :) On to the grab bag!
Q: Does an RA like Wild Power work for necromancers? What about Mastery of Conce
A: Yes.
Q: Is it an oversight on Mythics part that the necromancers power drain spell does not
actually take away power from the enemy caster?
A: No. Heres what the spell was designed to do it does damage to the target. That dam
age is converted into power, which gets added to your pool. Like the blood ritua
ls in your favorite pulp fantasy novel, for example.
Q: Why would I use the Creeping Path spec level 28 Spore Jet over the Creeping P
ath spec level 25 Sporespawn Youth?
A: Because Sporespawn Youth debuffs a single incoming target as soon as its in rang
e, and Spore Jet is a pulsing AOE debuff. Much of the time, if a higher spell se
ems like its not much of an improvement, check to see if your new spell isnt an AOE of
some kind. If thats not the case, please feel free to send me a feedback form, and
I will pass it on to the design team.
Q: You addressed the share of experience the pet takes when an owner is soloing.
What about groups?
A: In a group, the pet gets experience based strictly on the total damage the pe
t does to the target. The pet is NOT treated as another group member (group memb

er experience is total exp divided by number of players in the group modified by

player level vs. the levels of the other group members). Its not much, unless youre u
sing the pet as the main tank for some reason, and even then it would not even b
e equal to a characters share.
Q: When a spell is cast by a pet, what determines the effectiveness of the spell
? Pets level? Your spec?
A: At this time, a pets base casting ability is only modified by the level of the p
et. (The necro being the exception, of course.) I should say this is something w
e are keeping an eye on, and looking at controlled test results for.
Q: Does durability affect the combat formulas at all?
A: Nope. Durability only affects repair issues. If the item has a high durabilit
y it can be repaired to full for less money. As it loses durability, it costs mo
re to make repairs, and then it becomes impossible to fully repair the item. Eve
ntually (when durability hits zero) you can no longer make repairs at all.
Q: Siege weapons vs. mobs can they be used? Do you still get experience for killin
g mobs with siege engines? What about drops? What kind of damage is it considere
A: Siege damage is melee damage, and can be used. Using a siege weapon on a mons
ter will also build ag and put you on the critters hate list. However, you do not g
et experience or drops from a creature that was killed with siege weapons.
Q: Last week you said that the assassin with a natural 50 in stealth and an assa
ssin with a natural 38 and 12 in +stealth items would be equally hard to detect
(although the natural 50 would have better safe fall). But what about if both of
them have a natural 50 in stealth, but one of them has 10 in +stealth items? Do
es it do any good?
A: There is no hard cap on stealth so the player with a total of 60 points in stea
lth will be harder to detect (both for PVE and RVR) than the one with 50. Please
keep in mind that the difference between the detect rates at 50 and 51 would be
so tiny that youd have to be running developer tools in order to really notice it.
At the 50+ level, you wont see dramatic change.
Q: What is a renderer creation failure?
A: It means the graphics engine failed to initialize. In practical terms, it mea
ns a hardware problem. Before you do anything, check and make sure your system i
s up to the minimum spec listed. Shrouded Isles has a different set of system sp
ecs than the original game. If your system is fine, the first thing to try is re
boot and start over. That cures most problems, right there. The next thing to tr
y is updating your drivers both video AND sound. (Remember to reboot after install
ing new drivers, even if the installer doesnt force you to do so.) The third step i
s contacting our technical support wizards at
Q: What exactly does the "taunt" aspect of some melee styles do? Does it give a
bonus to AF, chance to hit, or anything like that?
A: None of that. What "taunt" styles do in our game is move you up on a monsters ha

te list out of proportion to the amount of damage that youve done. I dont have a formu
la, so I couldnt say how much the normal ag is multiplied.
Q: Any update on the "free 20th character if youve got a level 50" option? What abo
ut (insert question here about the specifics of the offer)?
A: Other than were still planning to do it in the next few months? No. Though judgi
ng from the number of questions Ive gotten asking for more information on it, its a go
od thing weve got it on the chart with a bullet.

Some of you may have heard weve got a new team lead looking out for the Dreds hes o
up his own forums at - if youre a Dred player, head
on over and join the fun. Its Scrappinak's forum, and he moderates it as he choose
For those of you celebrating next week, have a wonderful and safe holiday. See y
ou in the game!
And here you thought I didn't get you anything! :)
Q: I am a new minstrel, and I was wondering what sort of pets can I charm?
A: Your first pet spell means you can charm humanoid monsters. The second is hum
anoid plus animal types, the third is those two plus insects, and the fourth is
those three plus magical creatures. The last pet spell levels raise the level ca
p on the creatures you can control without a lot of backtalk from your minion. R
emember that there is also a level cap of sorts on charmed pets the potential pet
will resist the heck out of you if its too high in level. This explanation also wor
ks for mentalists.
The sorcerer has a hard limit built into his progression his first level pet spell
is humanoid, and he cannot ever charm humanoids higher level than 10th. His nex
t pet spell allows him to charm animals in addition to humans, but no humans or
animals higher in level than 15th. And so on.
Hunters are different from all of these, in that they have specific spells for s
pecific pet types. And of course, the necro is also an exception for obvious rea
Q: Some friends and I play
ldings, forts, etc in game
rgaming terrain. How would
ithout violating any rules

miniature wargames. Ive been looking at a lot of the bui

and thinking that those would make incredibly cool wa
you suggest someone go about surveying a building in game w
or copyrights?

A: Id never had this question before, and this week half a dozen requests come in.
You cant ever use our models for profit. But if you want to build a model for your
own private enjoyment, Im told that the average sized human is 80 units tall, and yo
extrapolate from there. If anyone does build a model, Id love to see a picture!
Q: I would like to transfer a character (my wifes) from my account to the account I
bought her for the holidays.
A: At this time, we dont have the resources to offer this option. I do understand t
hat a number of people would like to have this option available, and Ive added you

to the list of people making the request.

Q: I forgot my secret word! Can you help me?
A: Youll need to call our customer service number. For security reasons, we cant help
you with this one via email. The secret word is the final line of defense in you
r account security, and email accounts can be hacked, trojaned, and forwarded ar
ound the entire internet.

Which reminds me! Dont help the hackers never answer an email sent to you from Myth
g you for your password. We will NEVER send you an email asking for your passwor
d. In fact, well never ask you for your password at all. We already know it, eh?
Q: I appealed so and so for nuking from inside the keep, and the CSR said he was
nt exploiting. The Herald seems to imply that what so and so was doing WAS exploiti
ng! Was the CSR wrong?
A: No, the CSR was quite right. The pet LOS fixes currently on Pendragon are the
first step towards rectifying a long standing issue with our game, but that doe
s not mean people who are using the currently live system are cheating.
An exploit IS:
hiding inside geometry where you cannot be hit (rocks, trees, bridges, e
standing on surfaces where you cannot be hit (some rooftops, rocks, etc.
using geometry and/or pathing errors to avoid damage (the infamous stand on
rock so the monster cant hit you ploy)
An exploit is NOT:
standing inside a keep and having ones pet nuke attackers using a nuke that
doesnt require LOS
using GTAOE spells in a cheesy yet legal manner

Using a nuke that doesnt require LOS cant be cheating, see what I mean? Thats a game
lem, not an exploit. The problem with the indoor nuking and the GTAOE targeting issue
isnt that the person or pet casting the spell has somehow found a way to get around
the system, its that the system has a flaw. A flaw that the dev team IS working on
fixing. But for the time being, theres nothing the CS team can do to stop it. I ho
pe that makes things a little more clear. And I hope with all my heart and all m
y typing fingers that these issues become moot in the future.
Q: How come my appeal was canceled without anyone talking to me?
A: Some appeals are closed without an in-game person speaking to you but no appeal
is closed without you being notified. Its just that sometimes we notify you by ema
il. The email address we use for these messages is the one you registered with.
So please, keep your registration up to date! We will never sell or share your e
mail address with anyone, ever, so please do not fear the evil spam god.
Q: The siege master in the battleground is bugged and I cant get the weapons to hit
A: Were having a tough time reproducing this one. So, if this happens to you again,
please send an appeal with your zone, your /loc, your name, and your characters le
vel, along with the date and time that you found the bug. Make sure you mark the

appeal as a bug appeal. You wont hear back, but a human being will read your report
Q: I cant zone? Huh?
A: This is another one we cant reproduce. Logging out and then logging back in fixe
s the problem (and if that doesn't, rebooting your machine will), but before you
log out, send us a bug appeal and tell us the time and date, how long youve been l
ogged in that day, the zone youre in, and the zone you were trying to go to.
Q: Lots of filthy names this week what can I do to help speed up the process of ge
tting these off my server?
A: We welcomed a lot of new players to our world in the last week, and a handful
of those new citizens may need a little adjustment. What you can do is send a name
appeal. Type /appeal Yuckyname is a bad name, hit return, and select the name o
ption. You do not need to go into detail as to why a particular name is bad. Cha
nces are good that the reason is obvious, and if your appeal is short we can rea
d it and get it handled that much faster.
You can also help by not being too jumpy ask yourself if the name is really going
to damage your ability to enjoy the game. Some names WILL damage your enjoyment,
no question, and you should not hesitate to ask us for help. Other names are on
ly lame, or silly, and they wont be taken care of as quickly. We do triage the foules
t of the foul get handled first (with a banstick dont test us), and then the merely d
isgusting. Stupid names are last on the list, so if you see a stupid name linger
for a few weeks, dont appeal again well get to it as soon as possible.

Thats it for this Friday, everyone! Remember, is ON

LY for technical issues or billing problems they cant help you with in-game needs. Ou
r in-game support staff is NOT on vacation, and are working their keyboards off
as I type this. Emergency issues such as people who are stuck, or people being h
arassed (ie repeated and unwanted contact if it isnt both, it isnt harassment) are
handled very quickly.
/public service announcement on - I hope everyone is having fun so far this holi
day season. And youll enjoy the rest of the holiday season if you get someone sober
to drive you home from your New Years Eve celebration. Just saying. Even if youre not
the celebratory type, be careful on the roads. /public service announcement off
Happy New Year!
And we're off!
Q: I am playing on the RP servers,
t the scene, the person I appealed
down. The thing is, hes been a
him. What can I do to speed up the

and it seems like by the time a CSR arrives a

for being a jerk in open channels has quieted
jerk for two weeks straight, and Im sick of appealing

A: The first thing to do after sending us an appeal is /ignore him. If your igno
re list is full, try taking some people off ignore chances are good the first pers
on you put on that list has moved on. (And of course, you are welcome to send me
a feedback form requesting a bigger ignore list!) The reason I suggest ignoring
the creature is simply because if its annoying you, its probably annoying everyone el
se in the area and weve gotten a hundred appeals on it. We will pull logs, and do w
hatever we need to do.

One thing you can do, by the way, is be sure you choose the "violation" option f
rom the drop down menu that appears. (Type /appeal Muttonhead is using the /br c
hannel to talk about Britney Spears wawas here in Jordheim, and has not stopped eve
n though Ive asked him to, hit enter, and choose "violation.") Those appeals take h
igher priority than the generic appeal, and will bring a CSR to the area that mu
ch quicker. If youre wondering if youre choosing the right options from the menus, che
ck out the Herald sidebar, where you will see a new link called How to Appeal. C
heck it out!
(By the way, dont forget to ask the offender to stop before you send the appeal. As
with all harassment and channel violation policies, when we pull logs we need t
o see that you did make a polite attempt at handling the situation. We only step
in if you tried and failed.)
Q: Respec stones on Ebay. Nice.
A: Yeah, I had a hunch it wouldn't take long for the farmers to whip out the ove
ralls and tractors. Item sales are against our EULA, and we will take action aga
inst anyone we catch at it. We are also continuing to evaluate the respec situat
ion in-game. Please feel free to send me links to illegal auctions.
Q: The book I bought says that as an assassin I get a bunch of skills when I lev
el. But I dont seem to.
A: The book is an excellent reference guide I use it myself :) But like most thing
s in life, its not perfect. Some of the abilities on that list arent level based, they
are stealth spec based. Heres the list:
5 Distraction
8 Danger Sense
10 Safe Fall I
16 Detect Hidden
20 Safe Fall II
25 Climb Walls
30 Safe Fall III
40 Safe Fall IV
Before I am swarmed by people who have issues with higher levels of safe fall an
d detect hidden, I would like to say that I have passed on the feedback.
Q: What does Danger Sense do?
A: Detects Scout monsters. As in, youll get a message that says something like "You
detect you are being watched" if a scout monster is giving you the evil eye.
Q: In the 1.59A patch notes it mentions in the "Items" section "The
Deathsight Perfection Bracer (Albion) has had its magic bonuses slightly altered
so that it will not continue to generate a "fails to affect you" message. The n
ew magic bonuses are: resist darkness 6%, skill deathsight +6, power +1, stat in
t +9." My questions are: Since when is there a resist called darkness? What char
acters/monsters use the darkness type attacks? Will I be able to obtain resistan
ce to that type of attack?
A: Whoops! This is a simple typo in the patch notes. It should have said "The ne
w magic bonuses are: resist cold 6%, skill deathsight +6, power +1, stat int +9.

" There isnt any such thing as a darkness attack.

Q: Does Mastery of the Arcane work on debuff spells as well as "buff" spells lis
ted as stated on the Realm Abilities list? Spells such as the necromancer AF deb
uff series of spells?
A: Mastery of the Arcane does work on AF debuffs.
Q: Could you please explain the proposed (1.59a notes)change to necro power taps
in more detail? The notes say "Necro power taps cast on monsters now cap the am
ount of power regained at the monster's current hitpoints or level, whichever is
lower." I assume that means that if you use the spec 1 power tap on a Level 1 m
onster you get back 1 power at a casting cost of 2 power? Likewise if you cast t
he spec 25 tap on a L18 mob you would get a max 18 power back for a casting cost
of 15?
A: This is correct. The cap does not apply
he effect of this is that in groups (where
s), and in RvR (where you aren't capped by
power, which are where the spell is really

when casting on players, of course. T

you are fighting higher level monster
target level), you'll gain much more
supposed to shine.

The current system is basically allowing for zero downtime in solo combat, which
is not the intent for any class.
Q: Why cant you character copy from Gaheris or the Dred servers over to Pendragon?
A: Because on those servers, a troll might be in Tir Na Nog when the copy takes
place, and Pendragon is a regular ruleset server, and therefore said troll will
be hacked to death by lurikeens and have no way to escape a horrible death loop
and post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Q: How do scam artists GET our emails to send us those stupid attempts at passwo
rd theft in the first place?
A: The most common way involves checking your profiles on message boards. Anothe
r method involves basically just taking your character name and adding @yahoo or
@hotmail or another common free email service. My advice is to keep your emails
private if the board offers you an option, or set up a dummy free account to us
e for things like board registration.
Q: What do you do to stop the scammers besides warning us on the Herald?
A: There are several things we can do. We report them, and we contact email prov
iders and tell them their service is being illegally used. We have very good rel
ationships with some providers the guy at Hotmail, for instance, is the best when
it comes to helping us track down and shut down cretins. If you work for an emai
l provider and would like to form a relationship with us to help fight the battl
e, drop me a line!
Q: I never got your email about (insert topic here) because my free email accoun
t exceeded its storage space.
A: Many of the free services have premium upgrades that charge a very small fee
for insane amounts of space. It's either that or clean out your inbox :)

Q: When I type /who nameofzone, I get back peoples guild names and zones I didnt type
in. Any way to limit my searches?
A: Yes. Type /who "Nameofzone" the search needs the quotes and you need to pay att
ention to which letters should be capitalized.
Q: This question: "Q: I am level 40. I have Celtic Duel specced to 39, and Blade
s to 21. Im seeing seriously conflicting answers as to whether or not I should take
the blade spec higher" got a seriously wrong answer lo these many moons ago.
A: It indeed was quite wrong. Here was the word I got today Celtic Duel and your w
eapon spec are two totally different skill checks. (You cant directly compare CD wi
th left axe.) Your spec in Celtic Duel determines only the percentage chance of
you getting a second swing during that round of combat. Celtic Duel has nothing
to do with the damage either swing can do.
The amount of damage done by the weapon is determined by your weapon spec. As weve
all discussed before, raising your spec helps you to do more damage in two diffe
rent ways. First, it raises the damage ceiling, meaning the maximum amount of da
mage a single swing can do. Second, it lowers your variance, meaning the distanc
e between the minimum damage you can do and the maximum damage you can do, by br
inging up the minimum damage limit.
Everyone has a base damage figure with any given weapon type, involving your cla
ss and level (among other factors). Being able to specialize in a weapon type me
ans you will do your base damage times a percentage factor. (Remember, however,
that the base damage number is also affected by what it was that youre attacking your
targets armor and damage types will also affect the damage.) The formula numbers g
iven in August are all too low these days part of the melee improvements a few pat
ches ago was to raise those percentages significantly across the board.
So in the example above, I cant really answer the player. Which is preferable to yo
u? Having a greater chance to swing twice in a single round of combat, or having
each swing count for more? How high you spec past half level depends mostly on
which styles you want to use, although certainly someone who has fully specced i
n their weapon will be doing more damage, and more consistent damage, across the
board. In the end, though, its up to you and the kind of character you want to pla
Q: I want to change my last name. Can I?
A: Sure. Go to the last name registrar and type /lastname Insertnamehere just li
ke you did the first time you got a name. The registrar will charge you ten gold
for the privilege.
All you fashionistas out there, theres a terrific solution available to the questio
n of "but does this color really WORK for me" - click here and see Dye Chart. Th
e famous Maia, who updates for Catacombs and for The Grail Brotherhood aka Grail
News put it together for another famous person, Darkflame from the Camelot chap
ter of Allakhazam's. Please remember, the chart was made with torches on, and in
daylight conditions. Colors can look different under different lighting. Also,
colors will appear differently depending on the computer system and the quality
of the monitor so what you preview at work might look different when you go home.
But caveats aside, its a really nifty chart, and so a big thank you to Maia for all
her hard work, and to Allakhazams for playing host to this useful tool.

(/public service announcement on) Y'all, speaking of community tools and website
s, consider subscribing to a premium service or at least clicking on an ad banne
r now and again. If you use an Emblem Previewer or a Dye Chart or a Character Bu
ilder or a map site or a message board, or even if you just go to the same site
over and over because their link list is better than your bookmarks, it costs th
e host money. If you found something helpful and worth a few bucks, give the aut
hor a little boost - if we the users don't support these sites, eventually they'
ll either shut down or charge big bucks to use them. (/public service announceme
nt off)
I'm off the soapbox for the night, I swear. :) Time to log in! Have a great week
Hey, it's still Friday! Technically, I've got three hours and change left! Anywa
y. Moving right along:
Q: Do regen spells (endurance, power, and health) stack with their realm ability
equivalents (Tirelessness/Longwind, Serenity, and Regeneration)?
A: Yes. Questions on the possible caps on the amount that can be regenerated nee
d to wait, however, as I am getting conflicting reports from the loyal crew that
proofreads these columns.
Q: Is it true that single cast power regens do not stack with group chant regens
, such as Empowering Tranquility stacking with a Bard's Rhyme of Nature?
A: Whichever is higher will overwrite.
Q: Spell resists. Can you give me more details as to how the system works?
A: Heres the answer, straight from the desk of the spell designer:
"Spells have a factor of (spell level / 2) added to their chance to hit. (Spell
level defined as the level the spell is awarded, chance to hit defined as the ch
ance of avoiding the "Your target resists the spell!" message.) Subtracted from
the modified to-hit chance is the target's (level / 2). So a L50 caster casting
a L30 spell at a L50 monster or player, they have a base chance of 85% to hit, p
lus 15%, minus 25% for a net chance to hit of 75%. If the chance to hit goes ove
r 100% damage or duration is increased, and if it goes below 55%, you still have
a 55% chance to hit but your damage or duration is penalized. If the chance to
hit goes below 0, you cannot hit at all. Once the spell hits, damage and duratio
n are further modified by resistances.
"In general, RvR is between opponents within 1 quanta of each other (in the fron
tiers for example, L45-50), and the spells cast are L40+. This results in a 2.55% modifier, which is somewhat lost in the noise of the bonuses from Int/Acuity,
realm abilities, and modifiers from resistances. For characters using spells ar
ound L30, they will see a more significant reduction however, and this factor is
part of it."
Q: Question about the Juggernaught ability. Does it have a proc?
A: No. This pet is simply 100% of your level. Although "simply" hardly seems the
word for such a big pet.

Q: Do melee resistances transfer to the Necromancer's servant?

A: Necro servants rely on their own absorption and buffs for melee attacks. Item
resistance bonuses on the necro himself dont count. However, those do help the act
ual necro, should he be attacked.
Q: Under the bonedancer realm abilities in the documentation on this site, BDs c
an have minion control but not wild minion which is the pre-requisite for it.
A: Oops, thats a bug. Thanks!
Q: In last weeks grab bag, you mentioned such spells as the necro AF debuff spells
fall under the Mastery of the Arcane realm ability. However, after dropping a fe
w points into the RA I was disappointed in the fact that it did not affect our p
ower transfer spell line. Is this not considered a "buff" spell? Is this by desi
gn or just an oversight?
A: Instant effects like heals, damage, and power transfers are not affected by M
astery of the Arcane. I guess the best way to define a buff is "a spell that aff
ects ones starting statistics." If there are exceptions, I will happily publish the
m next week.
Q: Is the Mastery of the Arcane realm ability suppose to be available to Skalds?
If so, why doesn't it have any effect on our chants?
A: Some Skald chants have low values that require a high level of Mastery of the
Arcane to "round up" to the next point. This is an issue Im told will be getting a
nother look.
Q: Why, when I use the character quick entry on my log in screen, does it keep t
elling me that the Gaheris server is a test server when it's not?
A: Because its a bug fixed in the next patch.
Q: The limits on PVP in lower level dungeons have changed a bunch lately where can
I find that information outside the patch notes?
A: First, go to the top of the Herald. Click the button marked "Camelot Support"
its the little guy with the red cross on his shield. On the left of the Support fron
t page is a list of links. Look under "guides and how-tos." Weve updated the file m
arked "Where can I find information about the PvP "hardcore" server?"
Q: What plays into how fast your weapon swings?
A: Base speed of the weapon, quickness, and haste buffs. The end result can be r
educed by haste debuffs. Dex, weapon level, quality, and bonus don't enter into
it, FYI.
Q: I got this email this morning at my hotmail account. The subject line was "Le
ts (sic) be friends" and the sender was a fansite for DAOC. The email was large,
but it looked blank. I open everything through Outlook so it got scanned for vi
rus protection. Not sure what the text was supposed to be, but I thought Id give yo
u a heads up that there might be a new scam going around or something.

A: I appreciate the thought. I like to think Im pretty up to date on the various sc

ams going around, but Im only one person I welcome any warnings people want to give m
e! But this isnt a scam. This is a fairly simple virus-inspired email. Someones addres
s book is infected, and is sending these emails to everyone in their book. It mi
ght be the person with the address you can see, or it might be a spoofed email.
(You can tell spoofs by checking the header information in the options menu.)
But I do want to warn you Outlook is NOT enough protection. You really need to be
running a reputable virus scan software program, preferably one that you keep up
dated by downloading patches on a regular basis. That, and never, ever open an a
ttachment you werent expecting.
Q: I have a whole lot of pending quests, and I cant see some of my most recent ones
. I completed some old ones, but my newer ones didnt become visible! What can I do
besides resorting to the paper system?
A: This is a known bug, when a player gets more than ten pending quests. But fea
r not, your quests have not vanished. This is a known bug that we are working on
- in the meantime, the workaround is the old slash command - /quest.
Q: I appealed someone for harassment and other assorted problems indicating that
he did not play well with others. He probably runs with scissors, too. Anyway,
a CSR arrived in a fairly timely fashion, and the Annoying Person quieted down.
The CSR helped us reach a compromise, and all was well at the campground for twe
nty minutes. Then, I guess the medication wore off, and he was back to being a c
reep, only worse. So we appealed him again and this time, no one showed up. And our
appeals kept getting deleted. It completely ruined our night.
A: Yes, this question is sort of made up I combined a bunch of different cases. Wh
y? Same reason a CSR wont tell you what they said to the other player in harassment
tes. Our CSRs do not discuss the action taken against another persons account, and
neither do I, as it is a matter of privacy. In this case, and in all others that
Ive seen, heres the behind the scenes action:
1) You appealed.
2) The CSR arrives (assuming your appeal was clearly a case of harassment and re
quired the presence of the CSR).
3) The CSR issues a warning to Mr. Antisocial.
4) The CSR lingers, invisibly, to make sure everyone is following the very few,
very simple rules of how to share.
5) The CSR leaves to handle the next emergency.
6) Mr. Antisocial returns to form.
7) The CSR sees the appeal. The CSR can no longer do anything, as the extent of
that CSRs power is issuing a warning.
8) The CSR sends your appeal to someone with the power to suspend and to ban. Th
is makes it APPEAR that your appeal has been deleted, but it hasnt. Its in a new queue
that doesnt report times. The people with the power to suspend or ban are responsi
ble a number of servers. Also, we dont suspend or ban casually there are lots of hoop
s they jump through, gathering evidence to justify the suspension.

So you see, you werent ignored. Mr. Antisocial just had a suspension coming to him,
and your appeal was on the desk of a supervisor, who needed the time to gather
enough proof to explain to HIS boss why Mr. Antisocial needed a vacation from DA
OC. I am sorry this fellow ruined your night, and we work every night towards fi
ltering these people out of the game. We WILL get them. It sucks that you might
have to change your camp spot to keep your night from being ruined. But I can te
ll you, it doesn't matter whether your time was disrupted three minutes, three h
ours, or three days after the appeal was escalated, the logs don't go out of sty
Q: I copied a character to Pendragon for the dragon raids this weekend, and I ke
ep seeing abbreviations after peoples names BTC and TL. What do those mean?
A: TL is "team lead" those insanely dedicated people who help us with feedback on
their class or area of expertise. BTC stands for "bumped test character" right now
, that means someone who has had his RA points artificially bumped to help us te
st the realm abilities in PVE. People with BTC after their names are not suppose
d to be in RVR, incidentally, and hold a position of special trust. (Good luck a
t the dragon raids, testers!)
Another plea from the customer service trenches - please update your email addre
ss entered into your registration information. It's the only way we have of gett
ing in touch with you offline. We don't sell, lend, or trade our customer inform
ation with anyone - if you're willing to put your real email address in your sig
nature file or board user profile (where the scammers regularly go, FYI), please
consider sharing it with us!
By the way, gang, I am getting the minstrel petition. After I realized it was a
petition, I have been deleting all the new copies unread. Congratulations to Den
nis A. of Tuscon, Arizona, who was the first minstrel to send me a copy. The pet
ition is nicely and politely written, and I have passed it to the development te
am along with a count of the number received. Please dont send me anymore at this poi
nt it wont make any difference, and the feedback HAS been expressed. I appreciate t
he courtesy inherent to whomever composed the original document.

Okay, yall, thats it for me this evening. Thanks for the great questions, and well s
u next week!
Ready, set, GO:

Q: Are there any stats that have an affect on weapon proc rates?
A: No.
Q: What effect if any does the quality of a proc tincture have on the proc rate
of the weapon that said tincture is applied to? In other words, is there a diffe
rence between 94% quality and 100% quality?
A: According to the code we looked at, there is no difference between 94 and 100
. I realize that many people feel that there is a difference. If you are among t
hose that thinks it makes a difference, please feel free to send logs. At the to
p of the log, please list your results (in a hundred swings, how many procced) a
long with the name of the weapon with the tincture, and the type of creature or
player you tested it against. Please note that you need to run the same test sev

eral times one run through with each tincture isnt enough evidence, because you might
have had a lucky run.
If I get enough logs (use the header TINCTURE QUALITY LOGS) that say otherwise,
I will investigate again.
Q: After 1.59, Ive noticed that I have to be closer to the keep doors to repair the
m. Was that a change?
A: Yes - Keep door repair range has been reduced. It is no longer possible to re
pair the outer door from within the keep, or vice-versa.
Q: How much damage do I do when I get a critical hit?
A: It depends. In PVE, a critical hit can be for anything between 10 and 100% of
your base damage. In PVP, a critical hit can be for anything between 10 and 50%
. Berserkers who are, well, berserking, hit for 10 to 100% on a critical in PVP
(among other benefits granted through that skill).
Q: The savage uses dex and str. If the savage uses a piercing weapon (both weapo
ns), is the damage base a combo of dex and str or just str. And if it is a combo
, what are the percentages?
A: Piercing is half str half dex, so using the savage's hand to hand ability wit
h piercing weapons is still half strength half dex.
Q: When you obtain a new rank level, you receive another +1 to all specs. Is the
re a cap on total level of spec? Like if I have something trained to 50, does my
+1 get added on?
A: Yes, the +1 is always added, no matter how high youve got something trained, or
how many points youve got through items.
Q: Does purge and Raging Power work on my pet or just on my shade?
A: Purge is supposed to work, and at the moment, works except when the pet is me
zzed or stunned. This is a known bug, and we will fix it. Also a known issue, cu
rrently the other "castable" RAs are not transferring to the necro's shade, but
again, the intent is to fix in the near future.
Q: I have a question regarding pets. Many times now, in combat with the enemy re
alms has my pet been charmed by the enemy and then used to attack me. Mentalists
can do this. Was this intended?
A: Yes. Its a realm ability called Sever the Tether, and thats, well, what the realm a
bility does.
Q: I am getting various reports from people about Dex for HEALING classes. Does
it reduce the casting time of our heals? I have thrown this question into the fo
rums, and most people said it does. However, an official answer would be very mu
ch appreciated. Mainly because I don't see a difference between my 75 Dex and my
178 Dex casting of heals.

A: From
me is 2
ce. The
so on a

the spell designer: "Dex affects cast time for everyone. Minimum cast ti
seconds, so if you're already hitting that mark you won't see a differen
difference between 75 Dex and 178 Dex looks like about a 15% reduction,
3 second spell your cast time should have shaved off half a second."

Q: Why do you sometimes test changes and then not put them live?
A: Well, I could answer that question in my own words, or I could borrow the wor
ds of one of our most valued testers:
"The changes on Pendragon dont always go straight to live. In this most recent case
, that was because they were not tested thoroughly enough that we could say with
confidence how they would interact with other changes planned for the class. Ra
ther than put a patch live with some changes and make more in the future, and ha
ving to make any balance adjustments to the first round of changes because of th
e second, we decided it was better to make and evaluate all changes at once. We
knew that we were not done with certain class changes in version 1.59, so it was
easier to hold them off for future versions. Watch future patch notes and come
help test out the combined changes when they come to Pendragon."
Q: I (a sorcerer) was in the Tomb of Mithra and was unable to charm any of the m
onsters in the dungeon. I was under the impression that with patch 1.59 I would
be able to charm any monster type. Is this a bug?
A: The patch note says "any type of mob" but as you may have already noticed, not
every individual mob is set to charmable. For instance, quest monsters and NPC m
erchants cant be charmed.
In the case of The Tomb of Mithra, the choice was made to flag the lower level m
obs as uncharmable. The reason is simple a new monster wont pop up until the first on
e dies, and we wanted to be sure the Tomb always had a good supply of monsters,
regardless of pets. Higher level monsters in that dungeon are charmable.
BUT! In response to much feedback, I can bring you the following note: "In versi
on 1.60 we will add a new, faster spawning, level 8 mob to the entrance area - t
o allow lower level sorcerers to charm an entrance pet, while still preserving t
he entrance mobs for players to hunt."
Q: I saw this screenshot that says this dude has X mithril due to an exploit. WT
A: No one in DAOC has ever had one mithril at once, let alone the number suggest
ed by that fake screenshot. We monitor the levels of currency in the game very c
losely. If one person were to have their money fluctuate beyond a certain tolera
nce level, a system alarm would tell us to pull logs on that player. We would th
en check out his inventory and his chat logs to be certain there was a good reas
on for him or her to have so much cash. For instance, a guild crafter might inde
ed have a bunch of platinum but his chat logs would show him taking craft orders,
and his activity logs would show him crafting. We do not tolerate exploiters and
Q: Um, I camped out in (insert dungeon here) and when I logged back in, I was at
my bind point.
A: This is a bug that we have fixed, but your server will need to reboot before
you see the fix take effect. Basically, the PVP server rules are affecting every

server so if youre over the "limit" when you camp out in the dungeon, the game will
throw you back to your bind point. Here is a list of the level limits, and pleas
e accept my apologies for the inconvenience.
Tomb of Mithra: 23
Nisses Lair: 28
Muire Tomb: 31
Spraggon Den: 35
Cursed Tomb: 32
Keltoi Fogou: 41
Vendo Caves: 44
Koalinth Caverns: 32
Catacombs of Cardova: 45
Q: Is there a maximum cap for the total regeneration amount? For example, if I h
ave Serenity III and a Mentalist casts Empowering Tranquility on me, will that m
ake for a total power regen of 6?
A: No, there is no cap, and yes, the total regen in that example would be six.
Q: Windowed mode is working perfectly for me, but not my roommate.
A: Let me reprint what I said on one of the forums I was lurking in this week:
One of the reasons we were hesitant to do windowed mode was the technical compli
cations. We tested it and got it to work on a number of systems. However, it is
impossible to test on every single possible configuration. Please send in a bug
report (and be SURE you tell us in that report what your system specs are) if yo
u have problems.
Even if you can run windowed mode, you need to understand that most systems will
take a performance hit. The game was not designed to run in windowed mode and i
s not optimized for it. If you're running three other programs and a chat client
and surfing the web, please do not be surprised when DAOC lags out and stutters
Honestly, if you don't have a tip top system, you might want to consider not run
ning windowed mode. For instance - here, on my semi-spiffy work machine, I can r
un email and the game. I can add a web page to the mix if my character is doing
something like say, resting. My home machine has trouble surfing the web and pla
ying minesweeper, let alone DAOC. If I were to try and run windowed mode at home
, our tech department would mock me. They usually mock me, mind you, so that may
not be relevant.
Our magnificent tech team will be glad to try and help. If you email them (at su with a full description of your system, your drivers
, and so forth, they may be able to help you optimize your system. However, it i
s possible that they will be unable to do so in which case they will suggest you j
ust run it in regular mode.

Okay, thats it for me. Two quick announcements, and then Ill be off one, crafters,
an stop sending the email where you explain how you need a "single component pur
chase option." Next patch, you should have what you need. Two, a little bird tel
ls me that some in our community are being called up for active duty be safe, yall.
And on that note, have a good weekend. (Stay off the roads on Sunday if you live

near a sports bar ;)) I have a hunch that medieval freezers around the country
will be stuffed with dragon meat haunches by Sunday night good luck to all the dra
gon raiders!
The Grab Bag! With a mention of the (mumble whisper /blush)
Q: When a group that had the LFG flag on becomes full, the flag does not automat
ically go off. Is this a bug?
A: No, its a design choice. Lets say your group is full. Suddenly the only healer says
I have to study for midterms and the main tank says "Oops, the kids will be home from
school soon, I need to get dinner started." Both of them say they can stay for
another fifteen minutes. The group is full, but you still need to put the LFG fl
ag on.
The flag not automatically turning off is not a bug but I am told there is a probl
em where group leaders cannot turn the flag off even when they want to. I am loo
king into this.
Q: When a dragon dies on his perch, the loot falls through the mound. Are you aw
are of this bug, and what are you doing in the meantime to make sure everyone ge
ts their loot?
A: Were definitely aware of the bug, and we are working on fixing it. Meanwhile, we
do have a policy. From our in game support supervisor: "If we can prove that th
e loot fell through the ground, we return it. Thing is, though, we can only pull
inventory logs on high level monsters, level 75 and above. Dragons, Legion, etc
So if loot from your big raid cant be picked up, just let us know. (By the way, if
only the raid leaders appeal with the problem, we will be able to get through th
e process much faster not everyone on a raid needs to send that appeal :))
Q: I submitted a bug report on a ROG (random object generator) object in January
, and have not seen any patch notes or fixes on it. What is up?"
A: From the mouth of our Content Producer: "To duplicate ROG bugs, our team need
s the monster name, the item name, the bug, and the location where the monster w
as killed - your bug report may not have had enough information for us to track
down the bug. Please resubmit any ROG bugs with this information and our team wi
ll track this down."
Remember (and this is true of ALL bugs in game), we need to be able to duplicate
the problem in order to correct it. The more information you give us, the faste
r we can help.
Q: 1.55 Patch Notes: "If you take over an enemy's keep and that realm has at lea
st one of your relics, if you upgrade the keep to level 10 it will spawn a corps
e summoner NPC. If you die in PvP and type /transfercorpse "keep name" without t
he quotes your corpse will transfer to that keep, although you will still need t
o be resurrected once you get there. Note that enemy players can kill this NPC a
nd if they do so, the /transfercorpse command will be unavailable to you for tha
t keep until he respawns (in one hour)." I have found that he respawns much fast
er than one measly hour.
A: The notes should have said "(up to an hour)" there is a timer on him at the pre

sent time, so if the timer comes up right after he dies, he might pop right away
Q: What are the bounty quest items and who accepts them?
A: Bounty quests are quests that can be repeated multiple times. (Regular quests
can only be done once.) Basically, if you get a quest that doesnt appear in your j
ournal, youve found a bounty quest. Some can be repeated until you never want to se
e another bandit ear, and others can only be done a handful of times.
You dont get experience for completing these as you do with all other quests (altho
ugh you get the usual mob exp for killing the creature), but the item you eventu
ally get when you turn in the bounty item sells for more than the loot off the t
arget generally sells for. (The aforementioned bandit ears in Albion, for instan
ce they sell for squat, but the medal of merit you get (after turning in the ears
to get the letters to get the medal) sells for a nice amount.) All the realms ha
ve a bunch of these bounty quests. Be sure you talk to all the NPCs you come acr
oss in your travels!
Q: I know of a person who is continually trading accounts with people, he tells
them he does not remember the secret word. He trades accounts, changes their sec
ret word to one he picks, and then call you and gets his own account back.
A: Thats pretty awful. But we have no way of knowing whats going on in emailed convers
ations or talks on the phone, so for us, the person who owns the secret word own
s the account. Do NOT trade accounts with or buy an account from someone who doe
snt give you a secret word. This person may not be trying to cheat you, but better
safe than sorry.
Q: Where are the theurgist staffs in SI? I really want my own glowie. ;)
A: With the Random Object Generator, its hard to be specific. (See the next paragra
ph.) I can promise you that there are the same number of theurgist staffs as the
re are of the other types. I can also tell you that the "glowies" only drop from
named creatures. (For those of you new to our world, "named" means they have a
capitalized name "Sanya" instead of "arachnite warrior.")
By the way, I cant search our database for "theurgist staff" the items are rarely nam
ed that way. An equal number of staffs are planned to boost stats and specs spec
ific to each type of caster, but then the final designs are entered into the dat
abase as "Glowing Staff of Niftiness" as opposed to "Theurgist Staff #7." Add in
the ROG factor, and I cant get a quick answer as to whom you should kill to get yo
ur staff. I truly didnt mean to duck your question, and I hope Ive given you enough re
assurance to keep looking!
Q: What does "proc" mean? Sorry to ask such a newb question.
A: Everyone is a newb at first. Every grab bag has questions that seem simplisti
c to game veterans, but new players join the world every week. Dont be sorry, and s
uggest to anyone sneering at your question on a message board whatever youd like to su
ggest they do with such an enormous amount of free time.
The answer is its short for "process," a term for a triggered action. You swing you
r sword, and that action may trigger a process.

Q: What is the max. effect resist that you can have? With all the magical items
I have, certain resists display 60%+, however I believe I read that the max effe
ctive resist is 20% (or other number I don't recall). When asking other folks, I
get a mix of answers ranging from 10% to unlimited. I've attempted to search th
e archives for an answerto this question, but can't seem to find it anywhere =)
Would you be able to clarify this for me? Thank you =)
A: There is a limit as to how much of a resist stat you can boost from any one s
The max from items should be 26%
From buffs, 26%
Racial resists might add in up to 5%
The RA Avoidance of Magic can add up to 15%
The RA Brilliant Aura of Deflection can add up to 35%.
By the way, I realize that all of those things can under the right circumstances
add up to more than 100%. Even if ALL the resists are stacked together, I dont bel
ieve you can make yourself completely impervious to a particular attack type.
The answer to the question is you might be displaying 60% resist, but if all you
r resists are from items and only items, youre only getting a 26% effective resist.
Q: I am an Arboreal specialized Animist. I would like to know if my Bomber eleme
ntals receive the 3% per level damage increase with the Mastery of Magery realm
ability, and if they receive the additional 5% chance to critical hit per level
with the Wild Power realm ability.
A: Yes to both.
Q: For a reaver, is it true Flexible weapons are based on the same stats as thru
st weapons? (50% Strength, 50% Dexterity)
A: Yes. By the way, our reaver team lead asked me to add that speccing slash or
crush does not affect flexible weapons in anyway.

We have a new person working behind the scenes on the Herald team, as you can se
e from the redesign less scrolling, more reading, pretty buttons. Her presence is
helping us with something more the bane of my existence, my private Waterloo, the
running joke that is my life the Quest Contest!
All entries have now been read. There are seventy (yes, seventy) semi-finalists.
I must confess, a little tear came to my eye as I cross checked the semi-finali
sts against the account database, and found that most of them are still playing an
d many of those on their original characters. I noticed a trend the original chara
cters tend to be on roleplay servers. You roleplay types are amazing, wonderful
Not to say that having an active account will make a difference in the final jud
ging for this particular contest (since its entirely my fault the contest got backburnered for so long) good writing is good writing. No purchase necessary to win.
At any rate, one of our best quest people will be picking winners next week. (He
r time has indeed already been scheduled for this task.) I do not envy her the t

Ten points and a cookie to the person with the best "one year later" joke!
And on that note yes, I am blushing, and for those of you who were at the Camelot
Roundtable last summer, you know how red that is have a good weekend, everyone.htt
Short tonight - because today was all about the quest contest! Read on:
Q: The proposed medal
(see the 1.60B Pendragon notes) for the battlegrounds is interes
ting can you better define participation
for me?
A: You need to be within a certain radius of the keep lord. We are trying to set
that radius so people can t just hang out at the portal keep and get the credit, ye
t big enough so that healers and other people not directly on the front line wil
l still get the credit. You also need to be alive at the time of the keep lord s dea
th. I sure do wish we could program it so that someone who fought for the whole
raid and just died two seconds before the end could still get the nod, but it s not
technically possible at this time. The keep lord kicks over, and the program loo
ks around the defined area and puts a stamp on everyone in the circle.
Q: What is the respawn timer on (insert critter here)?

A: Well, we don t really have respawn timers in our game, so the time that a mob die
s has nothing to do with how soon he will reappear. Each monster is set on a cyc
le Monster Z has a Y% chance to pop every X minutes.
Every X number of minutes, the
checks to see if the monster is up. If the monster is not there, the game rolls
the dice, and decides if we re going to put up a new creature.
The laws of probability apply if a monster is set to do a spawn check every thirty
minutes, and you kill it during minute 29, you stand a chance of still being on
the spot when a new one arrives. Only the very strong, or the very crunchy, sho
uld stand on spawn points.
Q: I found a Random Object Generator (ROG) item that had a stat very useful to m
y class and a stat that my class never, ever uses. Is this a bug?
A: Nope! Most of the ROG loot is meant to be used by multiple classes. The only
"useless" ROG item is one with stats that are completely unusable by the realm t
hat it was found in.
Other examples A Midgard sword with a hand to hand bonus? Not a bug
a savage can tra
in in sword, and equip a sword in his right hand (paw?) and a hand weapon in his
left. Unusual, but possible, and we try to make sure every possible spec has so
me treasure.
A hand to hand weapon with a sword bonus? See above.
A 2H sword with H2H bonus? Um I
A cloth cap with parry? Not a bug

ll get back to you. :)

ask a valewalker.

A ROG item without stats, despite having capital letters in its name? Not a bug,
if it came off a creature under level six.
But generally speaking, I want to thank you all very much for submitting the det
ailed bug reports. It s very, very helpful, and very much appreciated.

Q: I have a 25 envenom skill. 20 points are "natural," two points from my ring,
and three points spellcrafted onto my sword. But when I try to apply a level 25
poison to my sword, it says I don t have the skill. What s wrong?
A: With the click and drag method of poison application, our system briefly uneq
uips your sword. This means at the second of poison application, you don t have the
sword equipped, and you re losing the three spellcrafted points you need to use a le
vel 25 poison.
The solution? Hotkey your poisons!
Put a poison on your hotbar. When you hit that hotkey, the poison will first che
ck your right hand weapon for a poison. If it has nothing applied, the poison wi
ll stick there. If your right hand weapon already has a poison, it will check yo
ur left hand weapon for a poison. If the left weapon has nothing applied, the po
ison will stick on that one.
Be aware that if both weapons already have poison applied to them, the hotkeyed
poison will overwrite (first the right hand, then the left) whatever was already
there, regardless of level.

Now, on to the Quest Contest.

Once upon a time, I put out a call for quests. As I said last week, the failure
to finish this contest was the darkest cloud in my sky. FINALLY, it is done, and
I think the results are worthwhile.
Originally we were going to choose a winner and a runner up. Forget that. It wou
ld have been like choosing a favorite child.
Tonight's batch of winners wrote incredible stories that can't be implemented in
to the game for whatever reason. Often, the reason is our technological limitati
on - we just don't have the tools or the mechanics to put them in the game. Othe
rs, we didn't see a quest - we saw backstory that we loved too much to reject ou
t of hand, but didn't see the "quest" in it. Others we felt were as quests, too
simple, but as stories, too wonderful to ignore.
So, check out our Honorable Mentions (the link is
contest). Be sure to tune in next week as we bring you the rest of the winners.
Have a great, and safe, weekend!
Q: The item "Arawn's Gift" (potion of power regen 5) is usable only one time? I
have one, I am afraid to use it...
A: I got your answer from the Item Princess, who said, "Arawn's Gift is given to
players during the Voices of the Dead quest. It is supposed to be an extra litt
le boost right before the end fight...a gift from Arawn. Casters get a version w
ith one charge of a power regen, and melee get a version with a health regen. Up
on using the item's one charge, it will disappear from the player's inventory fo

Q: What effect does the realm ability "Duelist's Reflexes" have on Hand-to-hand
spec double/triple/quadruple hitting? Does it increase all three, or just double
hitting? And if it increases only double hitting, does that mean triple and qua
druple hitting rates are consequently lowered along with single hitting? Or is j
ust single hitting lowered?
A: The realm ability raises your chance to get a second attack. It doesnt directly
influence the triple or the quad hit chances, but it mathematically helps in an
indirect way your second attack is a prerequisite for your third attack, and so on
. So by increasing your chances to get a second, youre automatically upping your ch
ances to GET a third, and then a forth. So the answer is the RA only helps get m
ore double attacks, but the effect will trickle down into your other attacks.
Q: I heard that the primary melee classes dont want haste buffs, because they will
not hit as hard each combat round.
A: Completely not true a haste buff makes you attack faster and does not affect yo
ur damage per swing at all.
Q: If all a haste buff does is speed up how fast you swing, why not just get a f
aster weapon?
A: With a haste buff, you can swing a heavy, high damage weapon at the same spee
d as a lighter, lower damage weapon, so it makes you more powerful.
Q: Can you explain the patch note "Life transfers can no longer be used on the c
A: It means you cant use the life transfer spell to self-heal.
Q: In the proposed notes for 1.60, I saw the oft-requested feature of grayed out
hotkeys. What I was wondering is are those keys completely disabled or just tur
ned gray?
A: According to the producer, our intent is that you can still click on a grayed
out hotkey to see how long that particular feature has left to go before it rec
ycles. To which I say, yippee :)
Q: Battleground medals sound nifty. Can you spell out exactly how the game will
decide if we have fulfilled the keep lord part of the requirements for a medal?
A: From one of our encounter designers: "Participation in taking of the battlegr
ound keeps currently involves being alive in the keep region at the time the kee
p lord falls to your realm. There is a limitation to this however. The keep must
have been under the control of an enemy realm for a minimum of 45 minutes.
"If you watch the top portion of the chat window, the region can be seen when yo
u enter it. For example, when you enter the keep region for Murdaigean, the top
portion of the chat window would have a line of text that says, "(Region)You hav
e entered Dun Murdaigean."
"At the time the keep lord falls, a check is done. The check looks for anyone fr
om the realm that got the killing blow and is alive within the region. Those pla
yers are then marked signifying they have completed the keep requirement needed
to receive the medals."

Q: I received a letter telling me that I got a warning on my account for (insert

situation here). I would like to argue my case with a human being.
A: A human being reads every email and investigates every case sent to dispute@m HOWEVER he instantly deletes anything having to do with ga
me mechanics, general feedback, and so forth. He only reads emails related to wa
rnings, suspensions, and bannings. Please dont waste your time unless you are dispu
ting something to do with a warning from customer service. All other types of fe
edback need to go through the Herald forms.
Side note I am perfectly willing to hear you out if you still have concerns after
you have contacted dispute. Thats part of why Im here. But please, use the system firs
t. The vast, vast majority of customers looking to discuss their case are satisf
ied after talking to Dispute King. Hes very nice. Give him and the system a chance.
And give him a few days to review your situation before you contact me. I am th
e Court of Last Resort, and the first thing I do in each case (if you dont send me
a copy of what he told you) is ask Dispute King what he found when he investigat
Q: I have been hunting for the ROG (random object generator) loot, and not findi
ng very much.
A: Shrouded Isles is the primary source for ROG loot hop through a portal and chec
k it out!
Okay, everybody! Thats it for the questions this week. Couple notes first, I have got
ten the minstrel letters, so please dont feel ignored. I do feel like I should say
that there is no clear majority, so in effect the pro and con arguments are canc
eling each other out on this topic. Particular weight is being granted to those
who have actually tried the changes, or seen the effect of these changes - thank
you, testers.
While I am on the subject of petitions, Ive also seen lots of copies of the Dred pe
tition. Again, I should say that feelings run strongly on both sides of the deba
Either way, on either petition, you can stop sending them now opinions on both top
ics had been passed on before, but now theyre REALLY passed on. Thank you for carin
g enough to send both emails and the feedback forms. (The forms are a little mor
e helpful to me, as I am better able to associate an account with the feedback.)

For those of you who are still a little new to our world, or those of you who we
re part of the "I cant believe I didnt know X" thread on the Vault (I forget which s
board it was, but it was darn funny), we are working on getting documentation o
f the basics up there. Todays addition to that category is over there to your left
under "Game Documentation." Its a file called Character Docs, and its got basic inform
ation about, well, some of the basics :) Thanks to our fabulous team leads for c
ombing over this information, it is much appreciated.
Happy Valentines Day, (or Dead Flowers Day, depending on your frame of mind), and h
ave a wonderful weekend. If youre in the Washington, DC area, stop reading this col
umn and go stock up on frozen pizzas and cocoa mix before the storm hits!http://
Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin:

Q: Is there a faster way to select how much gold Im going to give to someone? One a
t a time makes my carpal tunnel disease flare up.
A: Hold down shift as you click, and youll move select ten per click.
Q: I have not seen my question answered, even though Ive sent it in every week.
A: Keep sending it in believe it or not, there is a method to my Grab Bag madness.
Each question you see here was asked by more than one player since the previous
Friday AND I was able to get the Official Answer approved. I read the forms eve
ry week! By the way, you can increase your odds of seeing your question by not s
wearing or using the word "suck," and by quickly proofreading your submission to
be sure it makes sense. Thanks :)
Q: What is a scabbard used for in the game and how would I use it?

A: According to our Item Princess, we dont have any sword scabbards (its the thing a s
word rests in, a sheath, for those of you new to fantasy and ancient history) th
at are used as part of your outfit in the game at this time. Right now, theres the
Albion relic, theres a crafted item in the "trinket" category, quest related items,
and "cash loot" items items that arent used for anything, theyre just there for fu
to sell at the end of a hunting trip.
Q: What is the arcanium simulacrum's advantage over the other "natural" simulacr
ums? How many hitpoints does it have? Everyone seems to say it does the same dam
age as the sapphire, before the proc.
A: Because it is higher level, the arcanium simulacrum hits harder in melee, abs
orbs more damage and has more hitpoints. One thing to note were planning on taking an
other look at these in the near future, and you may find that they become more d
istinctive. If you quote me on this, notice I didnt give an ETA ;)
Q: Question about "overcapping" buffs. As a Friar, I
fs since they hit the buff cap of 50 with my enhance
r the 50 limit, does the game "store" any overage in
ords, is there any benefit whatsoever in overcapping
quipment, buffs, or elsewise?

use my lower level base buf

score of 45. If they go ove
case of debuffs? In other w
if we can do it, be it by e

A: I am told that right now, points over the cap just poof into the void, but Im to
ld that the caps are going to get another look soon and that overcapping points ma
y in the future be stored for the exact reason you mention. Again, see above, Im no
t giving any ETAs, just giving you an idea on things well be looking at soon.
Q: Does the toughness RA add 3% of your hp WITHOUT items or 3% of your max HP in
cluding the points you get from loot?
A: The bonus is applied to the number of hit points you have before hit points y
ou get from +HP items are added in.
Q: Hello! I'm writing to inquire about summonable pets and their armor and weapo
ns. I noticed when I played a spiritmaster that the initial pet is unarmored and
unarmed. As the SM grows in strength and gets new summon spells, the pets start
becoming armored and armed. My question is this: do they actually have armor on
, and do their wielded weapons actually make a different, or are they merely gra

phics? (i.e. is a spirit champion actually wearing chain? and an abomination, as

it appears, plate?)
A: The armor shows what sort of damage the pets armor is vulnerable to. If a pet is
wearing "plate" armor, then the pet is susceptible to crush damage, as if it we
re wearing plate armor... but it's not actually WEARING the armor. It is not ben
efiting from the absorption or armor factor. By the way, a pets displayed weapon wo
rks the same way a pet swinging a hammer isnt actually holding the hammer, but will g
et a bonus against plate armor.
Q: How come my applied tincture isnt working? Is this a bug?
A: Nope! See if this makes sense there are three different sorts of tinctures that
an alchemist can make and apply. Reactive, volatile, and stable tinctures all h
ave different purposes.
Reactive these are applied to armor worn on the head, torso, arms, hands, legs, or
feet. When you are hit in one of those areas, this tinctures effect has a chance o
f going off. These do not work when applied to weapons or shields. A reactive ti
ncture is a defensive measure.
Volatile there are applied to weapons and shields, and have a chance of going off
when the weapon or shield scores a hit of some kinds. The shield tincture wont go o
ff when the shield is used to block. A volatile tincture is used as an offensive
(By the way I should spell out "all weapons except bows," and the reason for that
is long, confusing, and boils down to "because bow damage is a range effect and
calculated more like a spell than a weapon.")
Stable these are charges, effects that can be used, that can be applied to most an
ything that holds still. Please note if an alchemist puts a charge on something, o
nly an alchemist can recharge that something. The NPC chargers are of no use whe
n it comes to player made charges.
Most of the appeals weve gotten on this topic, saying their tincture is bugged and
not working, come from players who attempted to apply reactive tinctures to weap
ons and shields. Just check first to see what type of tincture was used before y
ou report it as a bug.

And thats the bag. If you were going to make fun of me for that song reference I op
ened with, now's the point in our program where we do so :)
Announcement time: On Monday were bringing 1.60 live, and its a pretty hefty patch. Al
bion hadnt had a turn under the microscope in a few months, and it seems like we ma
de up for lost time in one fell swoop. Theres also big things with battlegrounds, a
nd roleplaying meat and marrow (weddings and hats), and literally tons more. I r
ecommend putting aside a few hours Monday just to read the patch notes!
Regular visitors to the Herald have noticed our efforts to improve documentation
. If you host a message board devoted to DAOC, youre welcome to start a thread abou
t what youd like to see the most under "Game Docs" over there to your left. Send me
the link, and well do our best to get the favorites up and running!
Your friends at the Catacombs just redid their map index section a handy "table of
contents" to the DAOC maps on the internet. Check it out.

Also worth a look is the IGN Vault Online Worlds Roundtable - our own Matt Firor
, Producer Man, was a participant.
Just a gentle reminder to our friends and fans who play on servers outside the U
nited States were thrilled to have you playing DAOC, but I, Sanya, can only help with
issues affecting our customers who play on US servers. If youve got technical issu
es, you need to contact the company that hosts your servers. Of course, youre more
than welcome to fill out a Camelot Herald Feedback Form and ask questions for th
e grab bag. But please note - I dont have special character sets installed on my co
mputer, so mail arriving from yall in Asia tends to be gibberish to me. So please,
use the English alphabet for your emails and feedback forms. (If those of you wh
o are bilingual could translate this message and post it to foreign language fan
sites, I would be eternally grateful.)
Have a fabulous weekend, all.
The questions continue to fall like snowflakes in Northern Virginia:

Q: Is the new Minstrel buff "Ablative Armore" supposed to be 100% absorb or 25%?
A: It's set to 100%.

Q: From 1.60: "- Scureol's Belt,

ty 5 and Constitution 5. Because
ors, the 5 Constitution has been
is Scurceol, I see that the C is
ve stats listed at 7 not 5, from

from the Ogre's Might Quest, previously had Pie

this belt is given to both Friars and Infiltrat
changed to Dexterity 5." First thing, his name
missing every time you refer to him. Also, I ha
several sources, please look into it. Thanks.

A: Youre quite right, and the patch note is quite wrong. Thanks for the heads up.
Q: What is the difference between Tower and Heater shields (they're both large s
hields, but is there any difference between the two besides looks)?
The difference is strictly appearance - there is no further difference than what
can be found in the delve and right click info.
Q: Is there a cap on the chance to block?
A: There is currently no hard cap.
Q: Does shield quality affect your chance to block?
A: Not currently.
Q: Does shield condition affect your chance to block?
A: Yes.
Q: What does enchanting a shield do?

A: Increases chance to block.

Q: Do To-Hit modifiers on styles have any effect on whether your opponent succes
sfully Evades, Blocks, or Parries?
A: Nope.
Q: Is the correct Order of Resolution in combat definitely Evade, Parry, Block (
Shield), Guard, Hit/Miss, and then Bladeturn?
A: Yes.
Q: What are the ideal criteria for proving a point through log testing? When att
empting to test Melee combat would being fully unbuffed or fully buffed be more
A: In the exact words of one of our lead programmers: "It really depends on exac
tly what kind of test you're trying to do. In general, the longer the test the b
etter. Sending one log in which shows you fumbling 3 times in a row doesn't prov
e that you have a high fumble rate. That test would require setting out to do a
test specifically on that. Fight with the same weapon, keep the weapon repaired
to the same point, fight against the same creatures if possible, for as long as
possible, and detail the number of fumbles you've had at the end of the test. Ge
nerally a good solid number like 1000 swings gives decent data. The thing to kee
p in mind is there really is a lot of luck involved. Both good and bad. You gene
rally don't notice as much when you're having good luck, it's those bad streaks
that stick out and make you believe that something's wrong."
So, its not so much buffed vs. unbuffed as it is making sure your test is consisten
t throughout the process, and to repeat the test often enough to create a statis
tically significant data pool. We have and will continue to take action using in
-depth player logs. We run our own tests every day, and we try and stay as close
to the scientific method as possible.
Q: How does the Bonus % on a staff affect it? Does it simply effect to-hit when
in combat with the staff? Does it affect spells in any way? Does it affect the d
uration/condition of the staff in any way?
A: Just to hit. It doesn't flow into the duration/condition of the staff to make
it more effective in spellcasting.
Q: (Insert question about a technical problem with your computer or a video card
or problems logging in or billing and so forth.)
A: Guys, my heart breaks whenever I see a tech question in the feedback forms. W
hy? Because although I read all the questions, I dont go through it every day, and
had you contacted tech support, youd probably be taken care of already.
And I cant just forward your emails due to the way our system works. Every time you
send an email to, a customer service ticket is cre
ated using the header information on your email. Those tickets exist to make sur
e a live human being gets in touch with you within 72 business hours (although Im t
old we manage same day service 99% of the time). It would not do you any good to
have my contact information on your service ticket! So, please, dont ask technical
questions of me write to the above address.

But as I said in another grab bag, DO use the Herald form for other questions. T
he Support email address is only for technical issues and billing support any bala
nce issues or other in-game related things are just deleted.
Q: Why did you change the name appeal system?
A: First off, everybody, let me apologize. There was a miscommunication about wh
en the new system was going live, and I did not explain the new system in advanc
e as I should have. So, my bad. Part of what follows appeared on a message board
earlier this week.
The new name appeal system requires you to click on the offending character in o
rder to appeal it. The main concern people seem to have is that they are unable
to report names they see scrolling by in zone chat or death spam. Why is this ok
ay? Because while you might not be able to report a particular bad name, believe
me, everyone standing next to the guy with the bad name already has. Our new sy
stem is designed in part to cut down on duplicate appeals, so that we can read t
hem and respond to them much faster than we have been able to in the past.
Let me give you a classic example. Every case Ive investigated this week has gone e
xactly the same way. The first person I worked with is a terrific person, a long
time customer, and has submitted more name appeals than any other player ever h
as in the history of DAOC. She was concerned about a particularly raunchy name,
and her fear was that no one had appealed it. (Since she had not been in visual
range of the person, and had only seen their name in her text box, she was unabl
e to appeal it herself.) So, she sent a regular appeal and was told not to do that
again. She was pretty mad, and so she and I got in touch. I looked it up for he
r and in the time it took her to send one regular appeal, eleven people who had be
en in visual range had clicked on the raunchy name and appealed it. Eleven in le
ss than two minutes, everybody, using the new system. Just imagine how many appe
als we got using the old system!
Now, under the old system, when we got the very first appeal, our "name cops" ho
pped on it, and changed it. But since we have a policy of reading every single a
ppeal, the ten other appeals needed to be opened and read. And reading those oth
er ten appeals meant that the next name to be appealed had now been in the game
for five minutes. That name had fifteen appeals attached to it. So, the name cop
changed the second name. All fifteen appeals had to be opened. And the time THA
T took meant the third name had twenty five appeals on it. And of course, people
who were AFK would come back, see the first name in their text window, and send
an appeal, not realizing the bad name was already changed. The CSR would get th
at appeal, and if enough time and enough other cases had passed, wouldnt remember t
he specific case and would need to do research and make sure it had been changed
. Add to all that the fact that we do triage we remove raunchy and racist names fi
rst, and then stupid names and we had a problem that snowballed out of control.
How much did it snowball? Eleven thousand new name appeals for three hundred nam
es. Several dozen of which arent even bad at all. In one day. Adding to the backlog
the name staff couldnt get to in days past.
Hence the new system. Its in place mostly because of the RP servers (indeed, it is
to the players of the RP servers that I am speaking to right now :)), although i
t applies to all servers. We have now had a few days to check it out every email I
have received about a bad name, written by a player who was worried that no one
appealed it, has been checked out. Each and every bad name mentioned by email h
ad been appealed by no less than a dozen other players.
The new system allows us to see how many people appealed the same name, cuts dow

n on duplicates, and allows us to "mark" good names so that they cannot be appea
led again. This is going to save us SO much time time that can be better spent on
other essential RP server problems. (Which, speaking of, we worry about as much
as you do. Channel abuse, immersion breaking people, etc, all things that were conc
erned about, and trying to find solutions.) Try to remember that you not being a
ble to appeal a name is not preventing all the people standing next to the bad n
ame from appealing it. And try to keep in mind that this system is allowing us t
o make real headway on the huge backlog of bad names. If youre really, truly worrie
d that no one else has appealed a particular name, or if a name is marked as goo
d and you disagree, you are welcome to email me or send a form through the Heral
d, and well look it up. But Ill bet that someone else beat you to it using the new sys
tem. Please do not send regular appeals about names.
This is only step one in what we hope will be a whole new approach to these kind
s of problems. But the next step, I swear we wont surprise you with it.
And thus ends the bag for this week. In theory I am going out of town tomorrow (
she says as she peers out the window at the gathering storm), hence the early po
st. For some reason, mother nature thinks this is the frozen tundra of the north
and not a climate billed as "temperate," and keeps dumping snow on us, and I am
getting a teensy bit annoyed.
Be safe, have fun, see you Monday!
Short and sweet, with a dash of bitter:
Q: Could you please explain the percentages that each piece of armor is likely t
o be hit by a mob? Also, does the mob matter? For example, if the mob is a flyin
g monster is it more likely to hit your head/arms/hands and by the same token, i
s a small mob like a spider or snake more likely to hit your boots/pants?
A: We opted to move a little bit away from realism with this formula, for the sa
ke of our programs sanity. So the type or size of the creature attacking you doesnt ma
tter, and the percentages are the same for man and beast: 40% Torso, 25% legs, 1
5% arms, 10% head, 5% hands, 5% feet.
Q: You told some of us that youd revisit the shield quality question this week, to
be absolutely 100% certain.
A: Well, here's that bitter part - I asked again and the answer is still that qual
ity does not affect the chance to block at this time. The reason my August grab
bag had a different answer was because I did not check with someone who knew the
code for the answer I asked a designer looking at a design document instead. Sinc
e August, all my answers have been checked with a programmer looking directly at
the game code, and Ive been trying to revisit questions asked back then. Im sorry, gu
ys. I know its frustrating when I contradict myself in this column, and I do the be
st I can to update you as soon as I am aware of such a contradiction.
Q: Embarrassing, but I am sure I am not the only one affected. This question per
tains to my first character, which I lovingly nurtured to 50. Yup. My pally has
5 points of the initial 30 points in Empathy. (laugh now :)) Why? Well, it was m
y first char, I knew nothing about the game when I made him other than it seemed
like a nice trait for him "empathy, great, why not". Didnt know better. A mistake
made by a Newbie, on his first toon.
I am wondering why it is impossible to change the char's initial specs and corre

ct things like that.

A: Well, youre definitely not the only one. My very first MMOG, I did the same thin
g, but with charisma. My only experience up to that point was D&D, and I liked t
o play characters with high CHA scores.
But the reason we cant help you fix that is because our CSRs dont have access to that
part of your character. Its literally welded to your avatar from the first moment t
hat it enters the DAOC world. Im afraid that this one is going to have to go into y
our file of "yeah, top THIS" stories for fan gatherings and guild chat, and into
our file for "future reference."
Q: Does piety affect a Thane or Skald's power at all?
A Thane's power is affected by piety, but the Skald's power is affected by chari
Q: How does the Realm Ability "Avoidance of Magic" know the difference between "
damage types of magic" and other forms of magic? As far as I can tell, all types
of magic - cold, heat, spirit, matter, body, energy have both damage spells and c
rowd control spells.
A: Its bad phrasing in our documentation as opposed to an omniscient spell - Avoida
nce of Magic affects all spells.
Q: "Random" loot splitting I thought whoever got drops was supposed to be complete
ly random. But the last couple weeks have been very frustrating. Let me give one
example: Today I was running in a DF group with my roommate. After about an hou
r with nobody dying, we had equal amounts of gold but I had no diamond seals and f
ive sapphire seals, and my roommate had eight diamonds and twenty-five sapphires
! This has happened to me every day for a few weeks.
So my question is: Is there any chance that your choice of character-class affec
ts your chance of receiving loot, or have I only been darn unlucky for the last
few weeks?
A: You have been officially whacked with the bad luck stick. But it really is ra
ndom this is one of those things weve tested the heck out of, over the course of many
hours and many logs. The loot is distributed evenly over time. The key there is "o
ver time." For example, everyone knows that when you flip a coin, the odds of ge
tting heads or tails is fifty percent, or one chance in two. If you flip the sam
e coin, you will notice "runs" of all tails or all heads. Maybe even twenty-five
in a row. The coin is not broken, however! The thing is, no matter how many tim
es the coin landed on heads before, the odds are always one in two every time yo
u flip it.
So even though your friend got twenty-five sapphires, the odds are still one in
eight (assuming you guys were in a full group) that he will get the next one. Wh
at happened before has no affect on a truly random number generator. If the loot
splitter could assign loot based on what happened before, it would not be truly
Youre certainly due a run of good luck. The last time I had that much good luck com
ing to me, I drew the queen to fill out my royal flush. I'm crossing my fingers
for you.
Q: I just read your post about that polling booth, and I tried to participate. N

ow I realize only players playing on the US servers can take part. Is there any
chance players from the EU can participate in your polls?
A: The thoughts and feelings of European customers (and all the other DAOC playe
rs around the world, in places like Italy and Korea) are important to us. But th
e thing is, we rely on our partners who provide service to those areas for feedb
ack. An MMOG is both a product and a service. We provide the product to everyone
but we only run the service aspect for customers playing on the servers located h
ere in the U.S.
And the polls are going to help us guide the service aspect for the servers you
see listed here on the Herald. (The Herald is an extension of the service, which
is why each of our partners has their own Herald-type website.) Also the polling
booth is connected to our database of accounts. We dont have access to the accounts
located on the servers outside the U.S. at all, so wed have no way of knowing whet
her or not you had an account or not.
But you are always welcome to send me feedback forms, no matter where in the wor
ld you play.
Q: How confidential are your polls? Do you keep records on us as individuals, an
d do you share the info?
A: The polls will be giving us "the big picture." I am able to see the poll resu
lts page, and all it does is tell me the raw number totals how many people said th
ey were male, how many said they preferred not to answer, etc.
No action would ever be taken against your account based on how you answered a p
oll. For example one of the questions in the most recent poll asked if the account
was played by one person, shared in a family, or so forth. Account sharing is t
echnically against the EULA, so I can understand why a lot of people chose to se
lect "I prefer not to answer." But my results page doesnt say "John Doe in Greensbo
ro, North Carolina says he shares the account with his wife." It just says XXX p
eople in total said they share the account.
Our customer information is absolutely private. We may or may not share the raw
number totals, but we would have to see a warrant before wed share anything specifi
Thems the questions. Speaking of European players, there are a bunch of crazed luna
tics planning a tour of "Albion." Seriously. Theyre going on a week long camping tr
ip/sightseeing tour/drinking binge, with planned stops at sites found both in ga
me and in real life. It looks like more fun than ANYTHING, and I surely do wish
I could go. Their website cant take the hit a Herald link would bring them, so forg
ive me for not posting such a link but I just wanted to give a shout out to Amothu
s, Sparklehorse, and the rest of the CT crew for coming up with the plan in the
first place. If this trip is fun, theyre planning future trips to "Midgard" and "Hi
This particular trip is booked already, with the bus already rented but just out o
f sheer curiosity, who thinks that sounds like fun? Would you go if it had less
camping and more showering? If youve got an opinion one way or the other, write to
me with the header TOUR. Seriously interested parties only if you dont even have a pa
ssport, please wait until the topic comes up again. It probably will.
If youve planned a trip like that, or even just a gathering of players at the local
Dairy Queen, and youd like me to announce it, just drop me a line (sanya@mythicent with GATHERING in the header. Im happy to publicize any event that

is really going to happen please, no "maybes or might bes."

Have a good weekend, everyone! A little bird tells me there will be some updates
next week on long awaited things, so watch this space.
Here it is! Lots of battleground questions this week, in game and in feedback fo

Q: What does the confusion spell do against players?

A: According to the magic man, Confusion against a player interrupts their current
action, whether it's a bow shot or spellcast.
Q: Where can I find the Stained Boogey Helmet that infiltrators have been wearin
g lately?

A: Goodness. Usually I dont get enough where is this item questions to make a grab b
ntion worthwhile, but the Boogey Helmet is apparently a hot fashion. The answer
is greater boogeys in Cornwall.
Q: Is there a battleground FAQ I can look at?
A: Eventually were going to get all of this stuff sorted better. For now, heres your h
andy battleground FAQ:
1) What level range battlegrounds are there, and how many are there?
There are four
Levels 15-19 =
Levels 20-24 =
Levels 25-29 =
Levels 30-35 =

Abermenai (realm point cap 125)
Thidranki (realm point cap 350)
Murdaigean (realm point cap 1375)
Caledonia (realm point cap 7125)

By the way, if someone levels past the level cap while in the battlefield, they
are not exploiting. As soon as they log out, zone out, or die and fail to get a
rez, theyre gone. But they technically can be there until then.
2) What are the benefits of killing the enemy in a battlefield other then the en
joyment of killing the enemy?
Thats not enough? Just kidding. :) You gain realm points, which you can use for rea
lm abilities. (Theres a chart with all the realm abilities listed on the left sideb
ar of the Herald.) However, battlegrounds do not give bounty points.
3) Where is the entrance to the battlegrounds?
At the portal keep - buy a Battlegrounds medallion, and stand on the portal pad.
At this time you should not be stealthed when the porting ceremony occurs, or y
ou may fail to port.
4) Are there quests involved in the battlefields? and if so are they applicable
to all classes?
We added a really nifty one in the 1.60 patch. Here is the proper section of the

patch notes:
We've added a system for experience rewards for completing each battleground. Ba
sically, when you complete a battleground, you can go to a new special NPC that
will give you a medal. That medal can be taken to another new NPC and turned in
for a significant amount of experience points.
To complete a battleground, you must achieve three objectives (note that only th
e keep raid must take place in the Battleground, the rest can be achieved in sta
ndard RvR):
1. Participating and living through a successful raid on a central keep that has
been held by the enemy for at least 45 minutes (If you are wondering if you met
this requirement when the battle is over, type /quest after the battle before y
ou do anything else. If you met the requirement, there will be a message indicat
ing that to you.)
2. Being at the realm point cap for that battleground
3. Being in the level range for the battleground, plus one level.
Please note that the realm points
hey can be gained in standard RvR
eep raid and reached the required
their home city and receive their

need not all be earned in the battleground - t

as well. Once players have participated in a k
Realm Point level, players go to a new NPC in
medal of valor.

You can only receive the medal for a battleground if you are within the level ra
nge for that specific battleground, plus one level. For instance, you can only r
eceive the Thidranki medal if you are between 20 and 25.
Medal NPCs
Camelot: Commander Kise can be found on the porch of his house by The Mug.
Jordheim: Ostaden who is repairing his equipment at the local smithy.
TirNaNog: Mobryn who resides in a house near the Chamber of Arms.
After receiving the medal, players may turn in the medal and receive a substanti
al experience reward. Please note that battleground medals must be used within o
ne level of the level cap for a battleground. For example, you can turn in the m
edal and receive the experience reward for Thidranki at 25 but not at 26 or abov
e. You can only turn in one medal per battleground.
Battlefield Experience NPCs
Camelot: Sir Dinairak is in the royal library.
Jordheim: Aiesill is in the great hall.
TirNaNog: Rheollyn is in the palace courtyard.
5) Are there any different rules to the battlefields, then there are on the regu
lar fighting fields?

Yes. Because of the smaller size of the zone, the central guards are different t
han regular frontier keep guards. They have an "engage radius," which in this ca
se means they will not chase players to their portal keeps. Due to this engage r
adius, we made a design decision that siege weapons do not affect them.
The central battleground keeps cannot be claimed by guilds and upgraded, unlike
regular RvR keeps.
Because of the lower level of people in the Battlegrounds - we have provided red
uced cost (Battleground only) Siegemasters - who will give players Siege equipme
nt. These Siegemasters are located in the portal keeps.

Q: When I look at my individual character record on the Herald, I have a very ni

ce I Remain Standing Score. Its easily the highest one on my server, when I check th
ts on the server standings displays. But my name doesnt appear! Is this a bug?
A: Many lists (like the "I remain standing" list youre talking about) require a min
imum number of RP to appear on the server listings. The server I Remain Standing listi
ng requires 30,000 RP earned in one week before a character will display. I am t
old that we programmed it that way because otherwise a secondary character (one
not played, more like parked in a somewhat cheesy manner) could go out to the milegate
once, get one grouped high level kill, and be #1 on the listing. That would be
profoundly annoying to those who actually go out and fight.
Q: (Insert question here about how fast, or how slow it seems, that the Herald u
pdates character and keep data.)
A: The answer is some things we can make faster, some things we cant. We are active
ly working on ways to make the character updates happen faster. Keep watching. A
s for keep and guild information, were at the limits of what we can do technically
with the equipment weve got. And that limit is about once an hour, assuming the ser
vers havent been taken down for things like patches. We could technically do it fas
ter. Unfortunately, that does horrible things to our servers, and so until the m
agic server fairy arrives, we can only sit and dream of real time updates.
Q: I dont remember my secret word. What can you guys do to help me remember?

A: Unfortunately, not much. The example given (of what a typical secret word is)
when you register is mothers maiden name, and thats exactly what the CSR who ans
one is going to tell you.

Because secret words are the final line of security (passwords change, and we ar
e aware of that, thats why account ownership goes to the holder of secret word), its a
good idea to pick a secret word that really is something easy to remember, yet
something only you would know like your mothers maiden name. If you dont remember yo
cret word, I suggest you change your password on a regular basis and of course, no
t giving out the password at all. Why? Because if no one has your password, you
wont NEED to remember your secret word because youll never have to call us to prove
account is your own.

And if youre playing another persons account because theyve given it up, remember, i
dont have the secret word, you will not be able to prove to us that the account is
yours if theres ever a dispute. Caveat emptor.
Q: I gave a creep a helmet, and he said hed pay me later. He has not done so. Can y
ou do anything?

A: I am afraid not. You both accepted the trade where he got a helmet and you go
t nothing. Please, unless you know and trust the person you are trading with, do
not accept the trade unless you are satisfied with the trade exactly as it appe
ars in your window.

Thats it for this week. For all of you who are enjoying a laugh at the Herald chimps e
xpense, I say to you, ook. Last week, when I posted about the little bird and th
e long awaited news, I really, really thought the announcement would be bigger,
with a few more features described. Heres the thing. Were trying very hard not to talk
specifically about stuff unless its THIS close to done, so no one gets frustrated
by hearing about features we ultimately cant include. I am awfully sorry if you fee
l like the news was like American Idols idea of a twist. (I know, I know, I
hat show, but I cant help it. Its like a car wreck with sarcasm on top. What can I say
, Im a chimp.)

We do have a new Herald feature to put up some time next week. This is the Proje
ct X Ive been hinting about I really dont know what I love more, the new Town Squar
d wow, you guys took to that like ducks to water, geesh, already a ton of events
planned) or Project X. Yall tell me next week.
Speaking of the Town Square as with any new toy, there are things to be tweaked an
d fixed. Our newest Herald programmer already has gathered from you some ideas t
o add to it, and a list of little things to fix Monday morning. Keep on sending
that feedback!
Have a spiffy weekend, and well see you in the frontier.
Well, not really, but it sure is thundering outside. I'm on the top floor of the
building here, and have an unfortunate habit of beseeching the heavens to strik
e me down if etc and so forth. I need to get the heck out of here.
Q: Why cant we see the poll results?
A: Several reasons, but mostly because this is a very competitive industry, and
our market research is to help us tune the game for our customers, not someone e
lses customers :) The response so far has been TERRIFIC, but it sure would be nice
to break a hundred thousand (not to mention make an all time record for a compan
y poll) so tell your friends :)
Q: Insert question here about allowing a fill in your own comments section for the Tow
n Square form.

A: The old calendar was a popular feature used by thousands of people, and I ful
ly expect the Town Square to become that popular as well, as word of mouth sprea
ds. But each and every entry to the old calendar had to be reviewed by a human being
avoid problems. It is entirely possible to create a raunchy calendar entry with
out using any word that would trip a bad word filter. It is also possible to be
cruel to another player, and to be generally insulting without swearing. No filt
er on earth can do a good job at moderating an open forum.
So the Town Square is designed specifically to require no moderation, no oversig
ht, and no chance to offend other people using our website. Youre probably familiar
with the phenomenon (especially if youve ever driven in urban traffic), the ten pe
ople with no self control make things more difficult for a thousand others. Howe

ver, we want to make it as user friendly as possible without creating problems.

If weve left out a type of event, please, by all means, submit a feedback form there
en a form for it, Herald Issues.
Thanks to those already using the new feature but, you guessed it, tell your frien
Q: Why do you have aggressive Koalinth located right outside the Koalinth cavern
s (and, on another note, the Caverns are still not itemized, to the best of my k
nowledge)? They kill you the second you zone out.
A: Yikes this scared me, until our world guys did a little digging. First, those K
oalinth were moved ages ago. Patch 1.50: Cliffs of Moher: The Koalinth Sentinels
guarding Koalinth Caverns taken new sentry posts away from the exit of the dung
And itemization: from the 1.47 notes:
-Tepok's Mine (Albion) fully itemized, Item levels 20-35
-Koalinth Lair (Hibernia) fully itemized, Item levels 17-28
-Varluvheim (Midgard) fully itemized, Item levels 34-39
Q: Does enchanting an instrument to put a % bonus on it do anything?
A: Enchanting an instrument doesn't do anything for it, so save your money.
Q: What causes instrument wear, just having a song running, or starting the song
A: Instrument wear is caused by each use (pulse) of a song.
Q: What does the bonus figure do for weapons and armor? I know you answered befo
re, just making sure the answer hasnt changed.
A: Touche :) The answer is still Magic bonuses on weapons and armor affect their ch
ance to hit or be hit, respectively.
Q: I understand how quality effects armor and weapons, but how does it affect ot
her items such as bracers and rings. Do you only get some of the bonuses listed
on the items description, or does it just affect how long the item will last?
A: Quality in the specific case of bracers and rings only affects how long these
items will last, not the potency of their magical effects.
Q: I am a creeping path specced animist. I chose this path mostly because I want
ed the strongest possible fire and forget damage turrets. Does my creep spec lev
el "pass through" to the forest heart turrets? Does my intelligence?
A: The Spell Man sayeth: Intelligence and spec do not affect detached pets. Detache
d pets (theurgist elementals, animist turrets, bonedancer minions) have a spec e
qual to 2/3 their level and effectively have a "medium" intelligence for their l

Q: In the patch notes for 1.56 E, the following was included: "- Animist spec le
vels now "pass through" to their bomber pets. This should affect the random dama
ge range that the bombers do." No mention was made of turrets. The way the spell
is listed on The Herald seems to indicate that at least intelligence and spec l
evel should "pass through" to turrets.
A: Again, the Spell Man sayeth: Turrets are detached pets (theurgist elementals, an
imist turrets, bonedancer minions), and as such don't get the bonuses from the c
aster. Bombers are a special effect of the animist's "normal" spells, and thus t
he caster's stats pass through to their damage checks.
Q: Is the "sticking" chance of the Healer Pacification line spells affected by r
elative level of healer to target, the pacification skill level of the healer, o
r both?
A: Sticking chance is based on level of the caster and level of the spell vs. th
e target's level.
Q: Does +Pacification from items have ANY effect on the above chance of sticking
, or, on the spell effectiveness, assuming it does stick?
A: No.
Okay, thats it for questions. I did get more overcapping questions, to be truthful,
t this point, I think wed better wait a few days to let the changes shake out on Pe
ndragon. Anything on Pendragon is subject to change without notice. Please, give
us a few more days.

One thing I do want to explain to everyone is how to determine level the formulas Matt
published. You start at rank one, level one. So, in the formula blank for level you w
ould put in one. Now, lets say for example that you are rank three, level four. You
enter 24 into the formula, not 34. Thats the most common math error Ive seen, an
e that helps a little.
Please keep in mind during discussions of the proposed overcapping system that t
he change is not intended to be overly dramatic. As you rise in realm level, you
will have a little more flexibility in your stat caps than you did as a realm w
ar beginner. But it COULDNT be a dramatic change, or it would harm our less fanatic
players, who have things like jobs and children. At any rate, we appreciate the
help testing the proposed change.
Quick reminder being big dorks here at Mythic, we like to go to computer shows. Yo
u know, SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY, COMPUTERS FOR 300 DOLLARS. Those shows also sell s
oftware and weve been amused to find our own software on the giant tables next to Civ
3 and other staples of the traveling show. However, weve noticed that often these b
oxes are European copies, not U.S. Please be aware that European boxes mean you
have to play on European servers, and that US boxes mean you have to play on our
servers. If you already know what server you want to play on, make sure the sof
tware you buy matches. They are different versions, and while we provide the gam
e to our partners all over the world, we only run the servers located in our bac
k yard.

Got a letter from a guy named Kwip. He runs a funny, funny website called www.Ne But heres the deal he and his wife, the Kwipette, head up a sort of
rs for a cure thing for multiple sclerosis. If youd like to take part in this worthy c
ause, please, check this link.

Time for me to head on out have a good weekend. Be nice to each other, everyone, i
ts been a long week and my guess is the people logging into a virtual world are parti
cularly trying to escape the real one. Do your part to make it a pleasant escape
? See you on the other side.
This week's grab bag consists of general announcements instead of the miz of que
stions and announcements you are used to. Why?
As you might imagine, I get a copy of every virus and spam encouraging me to enh
ance various bits of my anatomy. The fact that I do not actually have some of th
ose bits owing to the gender I was born with is irrelevant to those sending me t
he spam. Anyway. Something I got earlier this afternoon is locking up my email c
lient, and I cannot open the "questions" folder - where the questions and the an
swers for tonight's grab bag are stored. So, the usual Q&A of the evening is goi
ng to have to wait until Monday.
I do have the annoucements portion, of course, as I type those up throughout the
week. Read on:
April Fool's Day is next Tuesday. Please be aware that several clever people are
planning general wackiness. Indeed, one clever patch note spoofer even jumped t
he gun a bit and posted some this afternoon. Remember, if you don't see it on th
e Herald, it's not true. The Herald does not do April Fool's jokes. The resident
typing chimp does not have a sense of humor in that regard. Just double check h
ere before you hit any panic buttons!
Speaking of the Herald, there is a handy dandy web form for those of you who hav
e technical and other hardware issues. Please go to, fill it out, and someone from technic
al support will hop on it. Please do not use this form for billing issues or in
game problems forms with those types of problems will be deleted.

Got a letter from a guy named Vincano on the Iseult server. He tell me that hes tryi
coordinate a server wide event, and the Town Square wont help. It seems the plan w
as originally for his guild to get together and take a picture (a screenshot) to send
to a guildmate who is in a dusty, sandy place right now, and wont be home for awhil
e. Then someone suggested that all of Albion get together for the picture. AND T
HEN he though maybe it might be fun for the entire server to gather for a pictur
e, to be sent to all the Iseult players who are in dusty, sandy places far from
So, heres his event:
On March 29th, Albion will gather at the North Gate of Camelot for pics and video t
aking, starting at 4PM EST. Then at 5PM EST, we will gather at the Albion Mile G
ate to gather w/ our Midgard and Hibernia server mates and have another pic/vide
o session.
I should say this event is not sponsored by anyone at Mythic, and we cant guarantee t
hat other people will respect the event or not kill anyone attending. I also fee
l like I should point out that it might well be a trifle well, laggy if turnout is
high. But I certainly wish you all the very best of luck in getting a screenshot
to remember. Id love a copy :)
Speaking of screenshots, go to the Camelot Vault. Scroll down to the Featured Sc
reenshot (it's an article, *and* a link on the right sidebar). Look at the scree
nshot. Make sure you click the screenshot and look at all the teeny details. Ye
gods and little fishes. Our friend Lepidus wasnt kidding when he declared this the

Best. Screenshot. Ever.

One of the devs asked me to put this in the column last week due to the number o
f inquiries he had on the subject, and I completely had a memory lapse. Here it
is, a week late:
Q: From the Herald: "Frontier monsters are now itemized using new class specific
random object generator templates." Does this mean that items will be "Skald On
ly, Bard Only" types or will they simply have class specific bonuses?
A: They have class specific bonuses.
See you Monday afternoon with the rest of the bag. Have a great, safe
Last Friday's questions, short and sweet:
Q: Is parry affected by both swords or just the main weapon?
A: From the programmer in charge of such things: Whether holding one weapon, two we
apons, a weapon and a shield, or a two hander, you always get one chance to parr
y per round based on the weapon you're holding in your right hand and your base
chance to parry always increases by 1/2% per spec point in parry.
Q: The Morvalt Ring of the Ancients, a drop from Trollheim dungeon, cannot be re
charged. It has 20 charges to start. Bug or feature?
A: It can't be recharged because it has 20 charges on it in the first place, whi
ch is way more than we normally put on charged items. (A mistake on our part.) H
owever, since we cant edit the number of charges on the item, we just decided to ma
ke it a use it and lose it kind of item. It was either that or remove it from the game
, which we didnt want to do.
Q: Why do the Ashen and other types of Fellwoods not turn neutral/friendly after
killing many grimwoods, but the Knotted and Gnarled Fellwood do turn neutral?
A: They are on different factions - the grimwoods and the mountain fellwoods hat
e each other, the ashen fellwoods and the other fellwoods are not involved. (If
there isnt some dialogue in the game to indicate this, there will be soon.)
Q: For the crafting noises, is everyone going to be able to hear these or just t
he crafter?
A: Just the crafter.
Q: In the Albion frontier, monsters like the Grimwood, Teg Rangers, and
Ravenclan Giants all give a + to Gwalchai. What exactly is a Gwalchmai?
A: Gwalchmai and his horse Destrier were temporarily removed from the game for r
etraining, and will reappear in the future.
Q: How do I update my guilds webpage link on the Herald?

A: A rank 0 person needs to type the command /gc webpage

while in game.
Q: What is the percentage chance per hit for an item to proc? Is this chance dif
ferent for higher level procs? Reactive vs. active?
A: It is set strictly on a per-item basis, so theres no way I could tell you here o
n the grab bag an answer about a particular item.
Q: Why dont Thane's stormcalling spells crit?
A: Only list caster spells naturally crit. (A list caster, for those of you new
to the grab bag, is a caster whose spells organize themselves into neat little d
rop down menus. Also known as a cloth caster.)
Q: How does Piety affect stormcalling?
A: Piety affects spell damage the same way strength affects melee damage.
Q: Does dexterity do more for a list caster than for a hybrid caster?
A: Dex affects casting time the same for all classes.
Here we go!
Q: I submitted a bug report on a ROG (random object generator) object in January
, and have not seen any patch notes or fixes on it. What is up?"
A: From the mouth of our Content Producer: "To duplicate ROG bugs, our team need
s the monster name, the item name, the bug, and the location where the monster w
as killed - your bug report may not have had enough information for us to track
down the bug. Please resubmit any ROG bugs with this information and our team wi
ll track this down."
Remember (and this is true of ALL bugs in game), we need to be able to duplicate
the problem in order to correct it. The more information you give us, the faste
r we can help.
Sanya here: I had a bit of a chuckle at one point this week, one of the message bo
ard had a thread about major ROG object bugs. We RAN to the bug appeal queue and di
d not find a single report. You guys are our best and most important resource, a
nd well-documented, duplicatable (is that a word?) bugs are the ones most likely
to be squashed.
Q. The 1.61 patch notes said "All frontier zones have been itemized using the Un
ique Object Generator system. All monsters killed in all frontier zones will now
drop loot." I've spent the last 2 days hunting Giant Wolves and Forest Adders i
n Forest Sauvage outside of Castle Sauvage in Forest Sauvage. I have not recieve
d one ROG item in that time. Are these guys bugged, or am I just the most unluck
y guy in the universe?
A. Just a reminder - insects/plants/animals/reptiles won't have the new treasure

tables on them. Those mob types don't normally receive magic loot (and were alr
eady itemized with cash loot), and so they wont have a ROG.
Q: A question about the ROG in the frontier: I got a two-handed hammer in Albion
(Hadrian's wall) that my thane could use. Are the drops specific to the realm o
f the person receiving the drop? (I was confused because I thought Midgard chara
cters couldn't use other realm's two-handed weapons.) Another way to put it - we
re my eldritch high enough to hunt in the frontier, would she get Hibernian ROG
stuff in the Midgard or Albion frontiers?
A: Yes, you get ROG stuff specific to your realm.
Q: What is the point of in-game, character marriage (or hats, or pretty dresses,
or whatever)?
A: I could answer that, but a roleplayer would probably give a better answer. An
y roleplayers want to take a swing at explaining the answer? Sanya@mythicenterta Use "WHY GET MARRIED" as the header.
Q: Will the Windswept Wraiths in the frontier still drop the Band of Ice rings,
since they have been given a random object generator?
A: There is a new camp of the old windswepts in Raumarik. The frontier ones have ROG.
Q: Does charisma affect the minstrel's charm spell?
A: No only the minstrels specialization matters.
Q: A previous grab bag stated that primary casting stat has no affect on the con
centration pool, but I tested it with my warden, and she was definitely able to
cast more and better buffs with higher empathy.
A. Increasing your primary casting stat will increase the size of your
concentration pool. Currently, you must relog to see the increase. (Sanya here I s
tole the answer word for word from the player (thanks, L :)) who submitted the q
uestion after checking with the Spell Man, who added yes, you must log in/out to see
it, and it is a bug.
Q: Does the size of the shield affect the chance to block?
A: Nope. The shields size only makes a difference when multiple things are attackin
g you a small shield can block one attacker, a medium shield can block two at once
, and a large shield can block three.
Q: When using a shield related combat style (Slam, Brutalize, etc), does the gam
e use your current slash/thrust/crush weapon skill as its base (as shown on your
character info screen) OR is there a 'hidden' Shield weapon skill not shown on
your character info screen (based on STR? & Shield Spec) that it uses instead?
A: It uses your shield skill - which is based on both your specialization level
and dexterity.

Q: I heard that specializing in Parry does not affect the number of times you ca
n parry in combat. Is this true?
A: Specializing in parry does raise your base chance to parry by 1/2% per spec p
oint. (Remember, base chance means that the chance is modified by other variable
s.) This answer is also true for shield spec.
Q: I just started a berserker and I think I recall seeing in a grab bag that ber
serkers are the only class that can crit for up to 100% in RVR, even if they are
not in frenzy mode. Am I right? Id like to have an answer because Im arguing this wit
h a friend.
A: I hope you didnt bet any money according to the programmer who just looked it up f
or me, when not in frenzy mode berserkers have the same max crit percentages as
everyone else: up to 100% in PvE and up to 50% against enemy players.
Q: When in melee combat, does a miss get calculated first due to evade/block/wha
tever and then armor?
A: Yes, all parrying, blocking (including guard) and evade is calculated before
the actual hit/miss check.
Q: If someone misses but would have hit were it not for your armor, does it do a
ny wear-and-tear damage to your armor, or is that just hits?
A: Misses don't cause any wear and tear to armor.
Q: Does a miss wear down your weapon/shield less than a hit, or at all?
A: Regular melee misses don't cause any damage to the weapon, though parries, bl
ocks, and fumbles (which are basically a special case of miss - if you hadn't fu
mbled you still would have missed anyway) do.
Q: If someone hits, but just barely, does it do more damage, or is damage calcul
ated irrespective of how much you exceeded AF and such by?
A: Wear and tear to armor does not factor in the amount of damage done in the st
rike. At some point we cant be TOO realistic or the game will bog down :)
Q: Are critical hits rolled for before the attack is calculated to hit/miss, or
do you only have a chance to "spend" a crit when you hit?
A: Critical hits are only possible once a hit has already been determined.

Not a whole lot in the way of announcements this week. I do have one big one I am
about to start my E3 scheduling. (The Electronic Entertainment Exposition May 14 16 i
n Los Angeles - three days of sensory overload and machines that go PING.) Its offi
cially a trade only event that you can only get into if youre a reporter, a game mak
r a game technology maker. However, the system is not unbeatable, and I met plen
ty of fans last year. If you are planning to attend, and want to meet up, let me
know now so I can schedule an appointment for you. Last year I was booked from

start to finish, and had more fun than cheese dip hanging out with everybody, ev
en if we didnt have very much time.
Names - just a quick reminder, your name is your name, and we will only change i
t if the name violates one of our rules (not because you are tired of it, and wa
nt a different one). If you think your name was unfairly changed, the means by w
hich you can dispute the change are outlined at the bottom of your letter notify
ing you of the change. If your name was changed and you didn't get the letter, p
lease check your registration information to be sure we have the most recent ema
il address for you. And above all else, please do not contact our phone support
people for name issues - they are strictly for technical and billing support. Th
anks :)
Got a nice letter from a man on Bors: "You had mentioned in the grab bag, about
a player setting up a all realm meeting, and we want to do this on the Bors serv
er as well. We have decided to hold this at 6pm EST Saturday April 5th. The loca
tion is at the AMG in Odins Gate. We're encouraging people to come and take scre
enshots, video, and get up close to poeple that they would normally try to kill,
for one hour in a peaceful get together to support the troops over in iraq. We
have some guildies over there, and I also have a little brother over there as we
"Basically, everyone can start gathering at AMG at 6pm est with weapons unequipp
ed. No spells are to be casted, except for buffs. Then at 7pm EST we will all go
our own way."
Remember - Mythic isn't part of this, we won't help keep the peace, etc and so f
orth. You know the drill.
Thanks for playing, and have a wonderful weekend!
My brain is hanging upside down, I need something to slow me down:
Q: Hot rumor when you adjusted the salvage rates on ROG items, you also adjusted t
he drop rates of said items downwards. True or false?
A: False, so far as I know. If there is a specific area or monster that has a lo
wer drop rate in your opinion, please feel free to let me know. Remember, as wit
h all bugs, we cant do much without specific details. The more you tell me, the mor
e equipped I am to help you.
Q: How are you planning to do housing, scattered throughout the landscape or in
a separate zone?
A: This design point changed from information Id passed to you before we will now hav
e housing in a separate zone, so that more people will be able to have their own
Q: How will I (or my guild/alliance) be able to buy a house? With gold, or with
bounty points, or both?
A: Gold.
ill be a
he range
duals as

There will be upkeep fees, as well. More detail, I cannot give. There w
whole feature on the Herald about all the various options and prices. T
of options is, well, astounding. There are options available for indivi
well as for groups, by the way.

Q: Is the lifetap considered a DD spell?

A: Yes.
Q: When can I, as an alchemist, put a glowie effect on weapons?
A: I sometimes get dj vu when I read questions, but there was a whole flurry of these
this week. The answer, from the crafting devs:
In the initial designs for Alchemy was the ability for Alchemists to add particle e
ffects to weapons. This was publically listed as one of said abilities.
We had to pull that concept (and was documented in patch notes and on the Herald
, I believe) as the way that particle effects are set up right now, it was not f
easible to do.

Basically, glowies are currently not a plug and play option, but something specif
t onto each particular weapon.
Q: Is there any way to raise faction with the monsters connected to the Lords of
the [Un?]Dead (in the Summoner Hall) or the Awakened (Summoner Hall and the fro
ntier dungeons)? If not, then why are they connected to factions at all? A simil
ar question can be directed at all of the monsters in DF other than the Picullus
A: Not all of our factions have counter-factions. Many of them only lower. The l
ead world dev also had this to add: In the case of the RvR dungeons, the intention
was - the more you go to these dungeons, the more they hate you. Factions that o
nly lower do have some uses. Tracking factions on the character gives us a point
of reference for quests, for example.
Q: Just a question about the Savage style, Kelgor's Might. I know its effect is
a PBAoE Haste Debuff. I was just curious on whether the effect was centered on y
ou, or the mob you are attacking, and what the radius of the PBAoE is. Thanks!
A: It's actually AoE, not PBAoE. It's centered on the target, radius 350. (By th
e way, the average sized human model is 80 units tall, if that helps to give you
a frame of reference.)
Q: Do CON buffs work on pets?
A: Yes, Con buffs and debuffs affect melee absorption on pets. (On all monsters,
Q: Will the Volatile Celeric Arcanium Weapon Tincture stack with the savage's se
lf haste?
A: No, they won't stack.
Q: As most DAoC
main reference
USA, European,
ow the versions

Users use the Camelot Herald for all their DAoC Information, and
point no matter what version of DAoC they play whether it be the
Australian etc., could you not expand your guild data base to sh
server too?

A: Just a reminder I love hearing from everyone around the world, but the Herald s
tatistics are only for the US servers. The reason for this is simple we do not hav
e access to the servers in the other countries. So, there is literally no physic
al way for us to build stats pages for our friends playing on other servers.
Mythic-the-developer makes the game for everyone, but Mythic-the-game provider o
nly handles the US servers. And it is Mythic-the-game provider that does the Her
ald. Thats why each one of our partner companies writes and runs their own version
of the Herald.
Q: I would just like to ask if it is possible for people playing the European ve
rsion of DAoC to post feedback regarding questions that you post?

A: You can write me a feedback form, no matter where in the world you play. I al
so am happy to read links to ANY message board that you care to send me, so if t
heres a feedback thread youd really like me to see, send it on! I dont have any spec
haracter sets installed on my computer, and I regretfully only speak English, so
please make allowances for my ignorance if you speak something else as your pri
mary language.
Q: I thought the new [Herald statistics update] system was supposed to be better
on updating the guild boards and player info? Its not working entirely as I expect
ed. Im from Pellinor, by the way.
A: From the Herald programming gorilla: With the latest patch, we've changed the He
rald realm/guild pages so that they are updated by the game itself. There are st
ill some bugs with the new system that we're working on fixing; we hope to have
a completely working system in place by the next patch. In the mean time, all se
rvers should now be updating normally (Pellinor was down for a week) and all sta
t displays and crafter displays (with the exception of the I Remain Standing... list,
which still has some issues) should be working normally.

Herald typing chimp, here: Because the server now updates the stats directly, as
opposed to the old system using an intermediate set of machines, we have to wai
t until we patch to make changes to the program. Some things we can fix with a read
file, and other things we cant. Were still ironing out the kinks of the new system,
Im sorry for the annoyance factor.
Q: I keep noticing that my shaman will have a high I remain standing score and not get
on the List for it Is that due to her not haveing massive RPs compared to the o
A: Well,
ppear on
nts. You

as I said above, some things are still a little screwy with the Herald
But I have a feeling what youre talking about isnt bug related. In order to a
the overall server page, you need to have a minimum of 30,000 realm poi
need at least 10,000 to appear on your servers class page.

Okay, gang! Quick note before I bail out and log in Ive had a number of inquiries abo
ut whether or not were doing anything about this class or that class. Basically, any
Producer Man didnt specifically mention in his letter to you, people are asking ab
out. Guys, he mentioned only things we will ***definitely*** get to in the next
patch. There are several other hot topics I know for a fact that we are discussi
ng, but he didnt mention them in case we have to push the tangible results of those
conversations off until the patch after next. Just because he didnt say it, doesnt me
an its off our radar. Its not possible for us to look at all thirty nine classes each

and every patch, but we try to do what we can.

By the way, its easier for me to pass on clear, concise feedback letters with bulle
ted points than it is for me to convince a dev working a sixty hour week to read
a ten paragraph essay. Unless, of course, I wrote to you requesting the essay!
Just FYI.
I had such fun reading the WHY GET MARRIED email, that I think we should do it a
gain. This weeks theme (and email header) is WHY CRAFT. If you love crafting, tell
me why.
Have a swell weekend, everybody!
The poor little "questions" folder exploded this week with housing, housing, HOU
SING. So, were having a theme Grab Bag this evening. Guess what were talking about?
Q: I heard that we will be able to put trophies in our houses, like the heads of drago
ns and other fearsome beasts such as vicious pixies. Does this mean I should han
g onto my wolf pelts and other objects Ive already collected?
A: Currently, trophy objects (monster parts that can be attached to the wall of
your house) are not in the game they are part of the housing patch. The objects wi
ll be labeled as such in the live game.
Q: June? We have to wait for our house until JUNE?! I cant possibly wait that long!
Im too excited!
A: Well, it would be up sooner, but theres this little thing called E3 the Electronic
Entertainment Exposition. Its happening in mid-May, and attendance isnt optional for
many of us. Its the time of year where everyone in the gaming industry trots out th
eir shiniest new material. Last year, we showed off our Shrouded Isles stuff. Th
is year were showing off our three expansions, and for a week well all be in Los Angel
es. (And if youre going to be at the show, remember, you can email me and make an a
ppointment to see the new stuff and meet in person.)
Q: Didnt Mark promise that we wouldnt have to pay extra for housing? Why is it an expa
A: Dark Age of Camelot: Foundations is completely free to every single customer.
Were calling it an expansion because of the sheer scope of this project, and the l
evel its going to take the game to for many people. In terms of features, its definite
ly more than just a patch.
Q: Hrm. I recall you moving lathes/forges/merchants so that I couldnt craft in plac
e - to cut down on macroing. But it sounds like now people can build their house
s and make extremely macro friendly craft areas.
A: Nope. You will not be able to place elements close enough together in order t
o craft in place.
Q: While were talking about home-based crafting, the 25% reduction in costs combine
s with player merchants will make a house practically pay for itself.
A: Whoops, I better clarify service merchants such as Healers, Emblemeers, and Enc

hanters will offer discounts, not materials merchants. Sorry for the confusion,
weve corrected our documentation.
Q: Will my alts be granted access to my house?
A: Currently, in this beta version, you cant grant access to any character not curr
ently online, which means no alts. Were still discussing exactly what we should do
in this respect. On one hand, it sure would be handy to have a house that all yo
ur alts can go into aka, use the personal vault to transfer items. On the other ha
nd, granting automatic access might be a problem in some situations. Someone mig
ht belong to one guild with one character, and another guild with his alternate
character. (Our system allows personal houses to become guild houses if alts autom
atically get access to personal houses, wed have to make sure that alts were automa
tically removed from the access list and possibly teleported elsewhere, and so o
n and so forth. No simple, snap solutions.) There are some other ramifications a
bout alt character access we still need to discuss and decide on. The short answ
er is, were still too early in the beta process, and we have not decided.
Q: If I purchase a home and then make it a guild house can I then purchase anoth
er house for me personally?
A: Yes.
Q: Can a guild have more than one house?
A: No.
Q: What is going to be done to prevent a massive "land grab" when housing become
A: We do in fact have a plan. It wouldnt be fair to have a system where the people
who can log in at 10 AM automatically have a house. However, I cannot talk about
the plan you will see the details when they go into testing.
Q: What if you run out of houses?
A: We expect that we will. There are currently 400 housing foundations per realm
and we are launching with at least that on each server. I have been assured tha
t well open more zones if we (the powers that be at Mythic) decide we need to. Expe
ct some serious crowding at the beginning, obviously.
Q: If we have to pay rent on a weekly basis, what happens when we are on vacatio
n for three weeks and cant play the game? Do we lose the house?
A: Right now you can prepay up to four weeks rent. Obviously, this is a beta system, a
nd the amounts that can be prepaid are not set in stone.
Q: When can the testers post screenshots?
A: Currently all screens must be approved (since were in such early beta), but the
testers have instructions on how to go about getting screenies approved. Well tell
you when the restriction is lifted or, far more likely, our testers will tell you b
y posting zillions of screenshots!

Q: How are testers chosen?

A: Testers are currently being selected from the Pendragon community, and of cou
rse, the final stage of testing is open to everyone with a character on that ser
Q: How much will houses and the various accessories cost?
A: Prices are not the least bit set at this time, and are set extremely low on P
endragon to encourage people to test every single element.
Q: (Insert other housing question here, along the lines of are you going to add XYZ).
A: Not everything is implemented yet we will be adding more stuff over the next mo
And now, a word from our live team producer: I would like to ask everyone to unders
tand that we are in early beta. We are testing functionality of the systems. NOT
EVERYTHING IS IMPLEMENTED YET, he says with a big grin.

I second that there are lots of things were still implementing. If youre making muf
and you dump in all the blueberries in at once instead of folding them in slowl
y, you get three muffins filled with mashed blueberries and nine that might as w
ell be coffee cake. Why do I always talk about food right before I go to the gym
? Man, I really want a muffin now. Anyway, my point is simply that this is a ver
y complex project, with many elements and objects to be tested. We are only at t
he most basic stage right now, and we are adding more features as we go.

Announcements if you missed my post a few weeks back, I just thought Id remind everyo
ne that Team Kwip from is going to the MS Walk on May 4th,
and that they are sponsored entirely by gamers. Go to his site and click on "MS
News" for more information.
Speaking of web humor, the famous Woody Hearn of /Gu Comics has started to inclu
de Dark Age of Camelot in his extremely funny comic strip and heres our first one! (N
ote to parents like the games he so hilariously lampoons, the strips are rated Tee

Thank you, crafters, for your fabulous essays and excellent feedback. Im going to v
ary the theme a little this week instead of something obvious like Why RVR, tell me
best RVR story, and why it was so meaningful or exciting to you. If you include
the name of your guild, be absolutely sure the rest of the guild is okay with h
aving your common name slapped up on the Herald.

Hey, speaking of crafters seems like many people dont realize that there is a crafter
listing here on the Herald. Click on your realm there at the top is a crafter link
ck it, and a list of every crafter on your sever who was willing to have his or
her skill displayed on the internet will fill your screen.
Thats it for me, everybody have a terrific weekend!
Not a bag, not a baguette:

Q: In patch notes 1.51, there was a note about future respecs, and the condition
s that had to be met for Mythic to grant a respec (not including the dragon ston
es and whatever you all add in the future). I feel (insert class here) has been
changed enough to meet that criteria.
A: There has been a lot of discussion and debate here over the respec issue. As
we suspected when we initially implemented the whole concept of respec, the line
between a major change to a class and a minor one was very blurry, and often de
pended on where you stood. So we've made a change to our policy, and hopefully m
ade it one where there was less gray area.
If a specialization line is weaker than it should be, and we tune it up/add spel
ls or styles, there will be no "free" respec granted. If a specialization line i
s stronger than it should be, and we tune it down/remove anything, we will assig
n "free" respecs.
This is different than what was said before. I apologize for past inconsistency,
and hope that this new policy leaves less room for doubt and confusion. Feedbac
k requesting more alternate means of getting respec stones in game has been pass
ed on, just FYI.
Q: I copied my level 50 character to Pendragon, hoping to test the new /level co
mmand. It wouldn't let me. Is your system bugged?
A: No. As we said, the current /level command is only functional on the accounts
of those flagged for housing testing. So, if you are not in the housing beta, y
ou will not be able to try out /level yet.
Q: Insert all other questions about the proposed /level command here.
A: As I said on one of the message boards - "More details later" means we'll giv
e more specific details... well, later! Seriously, I don't have the details to g
ive you, nor can many of the questions you have be answered at this time. The pu
rpose of the post by our intrepid producer was to let you know that the bare bon
es of the system were done and ready for testing.
Just to be sure we're all on the same page, ALL we have settled for now is that
anyone with a level 50 on their account:
- May create a level 20 character anywhere, including their home server.
- May create a level 30 character on a realm we've designated as "Most Severely
- May create as many of those freebies as they want.
**Everything else** is still under discussion, if you catch my meaning. Thank yo
u for your feedback while we're still in this early phase!
Q: What does condition/bonus/ quality matter on jewelry? You answered this in Oc
tober, but sometimes things change.
A: Grab Bag, 10-25-02: Condition at or below 70% you stop getting stat increases o
r specific benefits. Bonus (the bonus field, I should say) at this time, nothing.
Quality at this time, nothing, with one exception: all items including jewelry wit
h a quality of 99, or 100 have extra hidden durability past the displayed 100, and thu
s those items last longer than items of lower quality. This is still true to the

best of my knowledge.

Q: What is the determining factor for Bow fire rate (other than the bow itself)?
I've heard/read both Dex and Qui but haven't been able to find a definitive ans
A: Quickness.
Q: You guys changed some items by upping the bonuses. Are the older items still
in game or completely replaced by the new ones? Specifically, is a "Shimmering D
oodad of Ooh Shiny" the same as "The Doodad of Ooh Shiny"?
A: "Typically, if the item name remains exactly the same - it has only been upda
ted," said the Lord of the Live Team. "That's correct," said the Item Princess.
"If we *replace* something with a new item, we usually give it a slightly differ
ent name and mention that it was replaced. Otherwise, it's still the original it
em, just a little better. The only thing that might throw people off is that whe
n we update the old items to have the correct bonus, the change takes place on t
he treasure index - which causes it to add "brilliant," "shining" etc, just as i
f you took an item to an enchanter."
I'm sorry the Q&A part of the column is so short this week things are just a bit c
razed around here, what with all the stuff being coded and tested on Pendragon.
I am making up for it with announcements!
Most of the questions this week revolved around the material currently on Pendra
gon, and it's very difficult to answer questions about things that can change by
the hour. One note, if I may? It is easier to understand the questions (and get
answers) from people who have actually tried out the proposed changes. The most
wonderful email in the world about your fears and concerns can't be passed on i
f you don't actually know from experience. Thank you very much for the experienc
ed feedback I did receive this week! It has been passed on the where it will do
the most good. With luck, next week there will be more time to answer questions.
Need a break? A new webcomic about Dark Age of Camelot has appeared. I got to se
e previews, and laughed my tail off at them all, so I think y'all will enjoy thi

One of the joys of being a MMOG provider is being a fat juicy target for con art
ists and scammers. One example someone sent me via feedback form: Ever wondered
how to get free items and money on Dark Age of Camelot? Well here is the way. My
thic receives thousands of e-mails every day. They set up bots to return dynamic
messages to the senders of the mails. Almost every possible email is covered by
a bot. Sending all of those replies often creates far too much traffic to be se
nt out through one mail server. Mythic uses many other web-based mail servers to
snake, or crawl the return mail to the senders. Unfortunately for Mythic, regula
n abuse these bots. This is one of the best ways to do that
That is not at all true. While some of our departments use form letters to addre
ss the thousands of similar issues they deal with each day (which we do only so
we can respond to each customer in a timely fashion), we do not use bots or craw
lers or whatever the heck this scammer was babbling about. If you are concerned
as to whether or not something you see on the web, or something you receive in y
our email is legitimate or not, please do not hesitate to ask me. I will post (a
s I did this morning) or I will reply to you and let you know. I really apprecia

te you guys making me aware of problems.

Pendragon people two things for you one, sorry about the boards, we know they've bee
n up and down all day. It drove us crazy, too. And two, the detailed feedback on
various topics is much appreciated, and read by many.
Let's see, what else yes! Ladies t-shirts! Also known as "baby doll" style shirts,
our Mythic Store now carries a black version and a white version with a scaled-d
own tri-knot logo on the front, suitable for those of us who are not six feet ta
ll with shoulders like a linebacker. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
But after months of nagging the poor beleaguered business manager to get us hoo
ked up with something that didn't fit us like nightgowns, the Mythic Women final
ly have their teeny t-shirts. /em cackles with glee and runs off clutching her s
On that note, I shall take my leave on this rainy Friday, and go whack a few pla uh
, quietly inquire in an anonymous fashion as to the opinions of my fellow player
s within the game! Rawr!
Don't you be rolling your eyes at me and my silly titles, you're going to see X2
tonight same as I am. Anyway, on to the Bag!
Q: What's the purpose of +enhance or +rejuve on your gear - exactly what happens
A: Sayeth the Spell Overlord: "You get a penalty applied to your spells (actual
value for buffs, or variance for heals) if your spec is below the spell's level.
As your spec approaches the level of the spell you actually gain a bonus to you
r buffs or reduced variance on your heals."
Q: About the new Penetrating Arrow I know it will go through one sort of bladeturn
. Will it take bladeturn down altogether?
A: No. This new type of special attack (currently on Pendragon) will not "pop" b
ladeturn, it will just pass through it. You're still safe from other arrow damag
Q: (Insert question about level 50 and Pendragon players)?
A: Once /level goes live, Pendragon 50s will not be excluded from the freebie pr
You no longer need to be in the housing beta in order to test the /level command
. Now, anyone with a level 50 on Pendragon can try it. BUT - only the people in
the housing beta are likely to find the process bug-free. There are still some b
ugs in the system (which is why the system is on Pendragon and all), so, if you
are not in the housing beta and cannot create your free level 20, please wait 24
hours and try again. (The problem is related to logging in and character saves,
the solution will be in place on Monday.)
Q: Can you change the /level reward to 19 and 24? For the battlegrounds! :)
A: New people buy the game every day, and it wouldn't be fair to anyone to have
the battlegrounds invaded by dozens of people at the top of the curve. We alread
y considered this, and decided not to do it. I can't blame anyone for asking, th
ough ;)

If you're itching for some BG action with one of your alts, may I recommend Pend
ragon Battlegrounds? We could always use more testers on the server, and more te
sting of combat scenarios.
Q: I have an ati 9700 video card. Inside cities my torch does not work
properly with the SI addon. I thought it was just a bug you guys would
get around to fixing, but then checked your site and found no known bug
with it. My other pc has a gforce 4MX and does not have the problem.
A: As with all other technical oddities, email - ou
r tech support crew will more than likely be able to solve your problem. If they
can't, they'll at least let you know whether there's anything we can do. And wh
o knows maybe your information will be the crucial piece of data we needed to make
a fix or an improvement.
Q: I just did a class-specific quest I got from my trainer, and the item reward
doesn't do me and my chosen spec line any good. Is this item wrong, or is the qu
est broken?
A: Neither. Not every single quest reward will be suited for every possible spec
line. If you feel that your particular spec line does not have as many suitable
items obtainable from quests, please send us a feedback form to that effect, an
d I will look into it.
Q: Does mana song work during combat? I think it does, just by the way songs are
designed. Every pulse it adds it's modifier to the groups mana pool, regardless
of combat. Mana regens at 1/2 rate during combat, but it does regen, yes?
A: This is correct. You regen the same amount of mana in combat as you do at res
t, just at longer intervals. Mana song affects the regen amount regardless of in
terval. So, if you normally get five points a tick, and in combat you normally g
et five points every two ticks, then with a five point regen song, you would get
ten points a tick at rest and ten points every two ticks in combat. (A tick = u
nit of time.)
Q: Can you block special attacks?
A: Yes.
Q: Does QUI affect spell casting speed, or is that only affected by DEX? Most pl
ayers think only DEX, but some lvl 50s are confident QUI matters.
A: The programmer in charge of such matters looked, and he looked, and he looked
again in multiple places in the code. According to all the data at his disposal
, quickness does not affect casting speed for players.
Q: Will a "+ skill" item have ANY affect when a player already
eyond the level of the spell being used? In other words, if my
in only ice at level 32 (32 ice spec), and is casting a level
(which of course is all he would have available), will having
e ANY difference?

has spec points b

wizard is specced
32 or below spell
a +2 ice ring mak

A: This is a little complex, so I'll just quote the programmer and designer who

answered the question for me: "Items which boost spec will help casting damage u
p to the point where the total spec level including bonuses meets the level of t
he target. This means that a 32nd level Wizard with 32 in Ice will not gain anyt
hing from a +2 item when casting on a 32nd level or lower target, but will on an
ything higher."
Announcements goodness, but have I gotten an avalanche of "The One Thing" links an
d comments. It will take me awhile to sort through everything, but I thank you a
ll for your thoughtful comments and detailed responses. I am going to use all th
is to make a huge list, which will go straight to the producers. Regular readers
of our patch notes know that we make an effort every patch to include something
fun or interesting.
Quest contest, the final update buried in 1.62A were the names of three new quests
. Astute readers may have remembered those quest names from our contest! Indeed,
the three realm winners are now in testing, and will be live for everyone's enj
oyment in the very near future.
A gentle reminder about account security ever hear the old clich about a secret not b
eing a secret if more than one person knows it? The same is true of your passwor
d. If you have given your password to your best friend, or your wife, or your sc
hnauzer, now might be a great time to do a little "spring cleaning" and change t
hat not-secure password. Remember, a random mixture of letters and numbers, uppe
r and lowercase, is the most secure. Most of us would forget such a secure passw
ord, of course, and a password written on a sticky note attached to your monitor
is almost as bad as having "password" for a password. So do the best you can and
keep it to yourself.
Have a terrific weekend!
Go to it:
Q: What forms of cheating and exploiting are allowed in DAOC?
A: I know people are going to think I made this question up. I wish I were makin
g this up. The answer is "there aren't any." And "please report any new cheat or
hack programs you may encounter as you flit across the internet." We know about
most of the programs out there, and actively work on breaking the programs or b
anning the users but I can't be everywhere, and greatly appreciate any tips.
Q: What I would like to know is how item bonuses affect Longbow spec. Since crit
ical hit 9 (the last one) is at spec level 27, will my overall experience be any
different if I continue to spec in longbow to 50, or if I stop at 38 and contin
ue to 50 with items? Also, will the new archer abilities be gained naturally as
we level or with our bow spec, and at what levels?
A: The new archer abilities (Penetrating Arrow and Rapid Fire) will only be lear
ned through specialization in your bow skill. A combined spec/item bonus above 5
0 will give you better results with a bow against targets above level 50.
Q: Is the base chance to critical hit the same for all weapons (bow, sword, spel
l, etc)?
A: All attacks have the same base chance of a critical hit. This chance can then

be modified by things like realm abilities and frenzy mode.

Q: In the Grab Bag of Feb 21 (
?storyid=762) the uses and efficacy of various tinctures was clarified. Specific
ally, it was stated that reactive procs would not fire when applied to a shield
that then blocks. I have personally observed several shields wielded by several
different players proc a reactive in testing. The one player would execute the E
ngage skill, and the other would beat on him. The reactive would invariably fire
after enough hits.
Is this a bug, or was the usage reconsidered (frankly, a reactive SHOULD logical
ly work on a shield)? I don't want to run to an Alc to get one applied, to have
it later switched off. :(
A: Grab bags often turn up bugs, or things not working right, or wrong answers.
In this case, the answer was incomplete. Here's what I got from the Programmer I
n Charge Of Such Things: "[The code says] that if a reactive proc is placed on a
shield, it will go off when the shield blocks but not when you bash with the sh
ield. If an offensive proc is put on the shield, it will go off for bashes but n
ot blocking."
Q: What effect does Ripper have? Does it still come off Leaper? This seems unfai
r the infiltrator's Dragonfang is a single chain off evade.
A: The effect is a bleed. It still comes off Leaper. And it's set to do a whole
lot more damage than Dragonfang, so it's not exactly comparable.
Q: Does Wild Healing (critical heal Realm Ability) have a chance of critically l
anding on Battery of Life (resulting in a larger pool)?
A: No, but Mastery of the Arcane will increase the size of the pool.
Q: Currently pets can see through stealth as long as they are set to attack a pl
ayer before he stealths, this seems a little unfair. Is this an intended part of
the game or a bug?
A: It is an intended part of the game. Now, I realize you make not LIKE the way
it works, and as with all things, I take and report feedback to that effect. Jus
t remember that it is not broken, and that your feedback should reflect that you
're asking for a change, not a fix. (It does matter fixes are a higher priority th
an changes.)
Q: I am looking to buy a laptop. I want to know if the newer ATI Mobile GPU's, o
r Nvidia Geforce2Go video processors will display all of Shrouded Isles graphica
l enhancements. Can you tell me if there are any known issues running DAOC on cu
rrent model laptops?
A: I asked our technical guru, as I am not yet willing to be tethered via a lapt
op :) He replied: "Definitely go with an NVIDIA graphics chip, HOWEVER no laptop
s really right now run SI without some sort of glitch with the SI engine. We are
hoping newer graphics chips can keep up soon." So if you really must play DAOC wh
en you're on the road with only your laptop for company, you may want to conside
r installing the classic client. (Edit: and BIND in one of the classic zones bef
ore you leave for your trip!)

Announcements: Browsing one of my favorite forums today, I realized that it's ti

me for the regular reminder of what "impossible" really means to a game company
like Mythic. When someone from here uses the word "impossible," what they mean t
o say is "this cannot be done with the staff we have and/or the time we have ava
ilable to dedicate to the problem." That's why you'll see someone saying somethi
ng is impossible and six months later it appears in patch notes. As a company, we a
re constantly evolving. Fresh blood often brings fresh thinking, and more help m
eans more time to devote to things we couldn't schedule before.
If you somehow missed the announcement yesterday, we have a new poll up and
y to get your feedback and commentary. A side note one of the questions
asking you to pick your favorite thing. Please rest assured that we're not
g to throw out the rest of the list! We're just asking what you'd most like
ee, to make sure there's an interest in all those things, and we're looking
which item we should schedule first and foremost. Watch the patch notes for
re details.

is a list,
to s

Some of your favorite sources for Camelot news and information around the intern
et had housing beta Sneak Peek contests this week. All those account names have
been submitted to the testing crew. If you were a winner, you should get your in
vitation around the 27th or 28th of May. The invitations will be arriving at the
email address registered to your account so if you think your email address as ch
anged, please be sure to update that information in the next week!
Feeling disappointed that you didn't win a Sneak Peek? Well, they're called snea
k peeks because the plan is currently to go to open beta shortly after the sneak
peek players get their tour. So you won't have to wait too long.
If you haven't checked the wallpaper section lately, take a look. Some fun stuff
Got this letter from a guy on Bors: "Not sure if you can assist us on the Bors s
erver, but there is a player that has been diagnosed with a Brain Tumor. I am tr
ying to coordinate a multi-realm picture taking event for this individual to rai
se their spirits in this sad time. Can you post anything on the Herald to spread
the news so we can have a successful and great turnout? The event is taking pla
ce Saturday May 10th in Hadrians Wall at the crossroads/aquaduct." For more info
rmation, check the Vault board for Bors.
Going to E3? I personally am completely booked at this point, but we'd still lov
e to meet you. Not the royal we, the Mythic we. There will be people at our boot
h in West Hall all three days, ready and willing to give virtual tours and shake
your hand. So stop on by, check out Foundations and Trials of Atlantis, and sha
re a few laughs.
Hold back your tears the Grab Bag is about to hit a two week hiatus. Next week is
E3, and the week after, I'll be out of town. That's not true of the rest of the
company, of course. Everyone else will be back at work, putting the shine on 1.6
2 and Foundations. I'll miss you, but I keep hearing about this bright yellow th
ing in the sky that purportedly provides heat and light. I no longer believe the
rumors, and am forced to see it for myself.
You all have yourselves a wonderful weekend. I don't say this enough but thanks fo
r being part of this community.
Mmm... grab bag...

Q: Lately it seems like my server can be a place that players are using all kind
s of swearing and rude and lewdness. When I've asked them politely to stop, they
have become worse telling me to use my /filter option.
A: There's an old saying that goes "His right to swing his fist ends just where
my nose begins." This applies to swearing which to some people is like an assault
on the ears (or eyes as the case may be).
My mastery of the profane could shock a dockworker. Many are the times that the
air around me takes on a blue tint. But I don't swear on the open channels of a
massively multiplayer game, because unlike a website or a private conversation,
random customers do not have a choice when it comes to "hearing" me.
With that said, people do need to take some responsibility for their own sensiti
vity. If you know you just can't stand certain words, and even a single instance
will upset you to the point of ruining your playtime, turn on the filter. Peopl
e are people. They mess up.
So, Mythic doesn't get involved with single instances of swearing. We don't care
about swearing in guild channels how much swearing is tolerated in a guild channe
l is completely up to the guild.
But if someone is *repeatedly* using inappropriate language in a public channel,
we do want to know, filter or no filter. If you are receiving repeated /sends a
nd /tells in language you have specifically told the speaker you don't want to h
ear, it's harassment and we want to put a stop to it. We can pull logs, so pleas
e don't worry if the person has stopped by the time a CSR arrives.
Short version use your own judgment, use /ignore and /filter without hesitating, a
nd use the appeal system if you have to.
Q: I'm contemplating getting Dodger 3 on my Blademaster, but I can't find any do
cumentation to tell me whether or not this affects my "advanced evade" rather th
an just the "frontal arc" of my character. I'd like to purchase this RA to encha
nce my rear evade (as other tanks hit me in the back when I'm killing their cast
ers), but don't want to spend the points if it won't help me.
A: Dodger affects all your evades.
Q: This "Gold" version what's it have included?
A: All the original content, as many of the patches as are complete by the time
we ship out the master copy, Shrouded Isles, the Shrouded Isles engine (not the
original engine the system specs printed on the Gold Edition box reflect that), th
e housing zones, a really nifty "newbie guide" that actually helps newbies, and
Q: I remember reading that it was decided that crafters with the same skill leve
l were to be ordered in the crafter listing based by /play time, instead of Alph
abetically. (Insert example here conclusively proving that they are not listed c
orrectly.) Did this change?
A: I remember counting all the votes by hand to see what crafters preferred (thi
s was before our poll system was installed). It darn well should be play time. S
o I asked a programmer "The individual skill pages were displaying correctly, the
massive list of crafters for each realm was displaying alphabetically but that [was

a bug, and] has been now fixed." Thanks for bringing that to my attention!
Q: Is the guild autopromote function working?
A: It's not at the moment we hope we'll have it working properly in the near futur
Q: My guildmate told me that +power items don't increase the power pool of hybri
d classes.
A: Your guildmate is yanking your chain. If you have a power pool, +power items
affect it.
Q: What is the benefit to having items granting bonuses to soulrending and to ba
A: They affect damage on shouts.
Q: Is there any way to get the patches other than through the game? I've got a n
ew computer, and I do NOT want to download a year and a half of patches!
A: Yikes. I wouldn't want to, either. You can burn a CD with all your Camelot fi
les from your old computer and copy it that way. You can network the machines an
d copy the files over. If you don't have a CD burner, and you don't want to netw
ork the machines permanently, there's a nifty software package you can buy for a
bout fifty dollars (and a rebate to get some of that back) that comes with a cab
le to connect the machines, and the program then moves all your old files to the
new machine. I took this option, myself - I cannot for the life of me remember
what the program is called, though, so check your local retailer.
Q: Will we be able to use the /level command in realms that we do not have a lev
el 50 character in when this goes live? (ie: I have a level 50 in Midgard but no
t in Hibernia, can I still make a character with the /level command in Hibernia?
A: Yes. Having any 50, anywhere, unlocks access to the new feature.
Q: I'm just wondering when the new patch comes out when we get our /level comman
d does our character have to be on level 5? Or can they start at level 1 and do
it? I was just wondering so I can be prepared to do so.
A: From the fellow who designed the new feature:
"Any character who has less experience than /level will give them can use the co
"So, if your server realm gives you level 20.5 - if you are between 1 and 20.5 you can use /level to get to 20.5.
"So, if your server realm gives you level 30.5 - if you are between 1 and 30.5 you can use /level to get to 30.5."
Q: I remember seeing in, I think, one or two grab bags that it doesn't matter if

a crafter repairs your items or a smith, the durability goes down at the same r
ate. The only difference being that the crafter may or may not charge you for th
e repair, but the smith certainly will. I have heard other players saying that c
rafter repairs take away less durability than smith repairs do. They don't belie
ve me when I say that it was posted to The Herald that the repairs are the same.
A: I couldn't find the answer with the search feature either, although I could h
ave sworn I answered. Anyway, you are correct, the durability costs are equal, n
o matter who makes the repair.
Q: When 1.62 goes live, could you please be more specific about how the hunters
stealth spec will effect see hidden, and also if bonuses to stealth affect See H
idden, or if it is just based off of base stealth. (ie: Will 35+15 stealth be as
effective as 50+0 stealth against See Hidden?)
A: From the programmer in charge of such things: "A 35+15 will be as effective a
s a 50+0, but a 50+15 would be even better."
Q: This question is in regards to the realm
on says, "Grants 5% chance to critical with
ability." I expected it to relate to heals
appears to work for those you don't target
clarify this?

ability, Wild Healing. The descripti

direct heal spells per level of this
that need you to target, but it only
someone (i.e group heals). Could you

A: From the spell king: "It should work on single target heals." So, if it does
not, please appeal it as a bug so that a product quality person can run some tes
All hail the graduating class of 2003! (Thanks for the reminder =)) Be safe, and
try not to celebrate too much. And if you do celebrate too much, stay the heck
off the road.
Do you have a family that plays Dark Age of Camelot together? Write to me at san and let me know how many generations and family membe
rs are logging in and making connections. If there are enough of you out there t
o make an interesting column, I'll print the best responses. You'll need to incl
ude your server(s) and all character names in your email to be eligible to be fe
atured, but I won't print any of your identities without your specific permissio
n to do so.
Thanks for playing, and have a wonderful weekend!
Another big one for you:
Q: The Midgard endurance regen spell I thought the range would be 1500, not 1000?
A: The delve on this spell is throwing people off a bit. When you delve this spe
ll, it tells you the range is 1000. That's quite true you must be within a thousan
d units to cast the spell on the target. The tether range, which doesn't current
ly display in the delve, is correctly set to 1500 units.
Q: (Insert question about community news and such here)

A: If you'll look just above the top Herald story on the front page, you'll see
two "tabs," one that says "Game News" and one that says "Community News." Click
on the tab that you want to see. If you'd like to submit a story or a congratula
tions notice, the form is on the left sidebar, under Herald Features, under the
feedback form, with a link called "Server News."
Q: (Insert Rapid Fire question here)
A: From the producer in charge of such things (astute message board readers may
have seen a very similar quote from one of our team leads earlier today): "The e
ntire intent of rapid fire was to allow archers to fire faster, and by design al
lows them to go as fast as .9 seconds per shot. However, this change should in n
o way allow the archers DPS to go higher then it was 1.62, since damage scales d
ownward along with draw times. We're aware of some issues that may cause an incr
ease in the damage rate in some cases, but this is not intended and will be trea
ted as a bug as soon as we isolate the problem. We'll continue testing this over
the weekend."
Related note interrupts are determined by the speed of the bow is fired, meaning t
hat the time of interruptions for each shot will be scaled down proportionally t
o bow speed. If that made your eyes bleed, here's an example from someone who wo
uld know: "I fire a 5.0 spd bow. Because I am buffed and have stat bonuses, I fi
re that bow at 3.0 seconds. The resulting interrupt on the caster will last 3.0
seconds. If I rapid fire that same bow, I will fire at 1.5 seconds, and the resu
lting interrupt will last 1.5 seconds."
Q: (Insert question about PVE "to hit" rates here)
A: Let's start this answer with a quick refresher in how our "to hit" bonuses wo
rk. For every person attacking a monster, a small bonus is applied to each playe
r's chance to hit the enemy. Allowances are made for those who don't technically
hit things when they are participating in the raid for example, a healer gets cre
dit for attacking a monster when he heals someone who is attacking the monster,
because that's what he does in a battle.
Block, parry, and bolt attacks are affected by this code, as you know. We made a
fix to how the code counts people as "in combat." Before this patch, everyone g
rouped and on the raid was counted as "in combat." The guy AFK getting Mountain
Dew was in combat, the level five guy hovering in the back and hoovering up some
exp was in combat if they were grouped with SOMEONE fighting, they were in combat
. This was a bad thing for block, parry, and bolt users, and so we fixed it.
Sayeth the Executive producer: "We are aware that there are many reports from pl
ayers about the "to hit" problems against high level monsters in 1.62. We are lo
oking into these reports now, and will be especially taking note of any high lev
el raids that happen this weekend. We have run some initial tests internally whi
ch do not show any lowering of "to hit" in those situations. However, we will ru
n more tests and try to figure out where the problems many players are reporting
are coming from. We'll keep you posted on what we find on Monday."
With what I said before his quote in mind, make sure everyone in your group is a
ctively participating in combat, doing whatever their class does. Heal, crush, s
ing, shout, stab, nuke, slash whatever. Everyone off their butts and out of the ba
throom. Make sure you've brought enough people to the battle, because some NPCs
have a set number of attackers that should be met for optimum death. MORE than t
his number won't make the to-hit chances any better, but fewer will make it hard
er to kill.

If you want to add your two cents to our investigation, make sure you tell us ho
w many people were in the raid, what you were fighting, and roughly what level e
veryone was. What classes/exact levels were there would be good to know as well,
but I know that data can be hard to gather in the chaos of battle.
Short version we are continuing to investigate. The initial results matched the to
-hit rates we were seeing pre-patch. If you want to help, send details. Thanks f
or all the feedback so far!
Q: How did you decide which realms got /level 30 bonuses? Why was (insert realm
here) left out? How often will you update the list?
A: Well, I can't say much. We have a method that determines whether or not a par
ticular realm will be on the /level 30 list. We are not going to release this me
Why, you reasonably ask? Well, it may seem odd to some, but for a realm to need
/level 30 *isn't* something we want to happen. Being on this list isn't a good t
hing! Our reward-for-50 system is intended for /level 20. We definitely don't wa
nt anyone reverse engineering our method for determining which realms are added
to the /level 30 list, and then perhaps trying to convince his realm mates to st
op going to battle (or to quit altogether) just to get on the list of ailing rea
We will monitor the populations constantly, and update the level 30 realms as ne
eded. It is our fondest hope that someday, there will be no server on the list b
esides Pendragon.
Q: Is /level all you're going to do for realms with population issues?
A: We need a little time to see the effects of /level before we add any other fi
xes to the fire. Please, let's let the first rush to /level an alternate charact
er settle down before we reach any conclusions.
Q: I used the /level command to get a 30th level character, and let me tell you,
the armor is not EVEN as good as wet Kleenex. This stuff was obviously meant fo
r someone with one of the free level 20s.
A: There are two suits, one for 20s and one for 30s here's what the world builder
in charge of this had to say: "We'd like to take a minute and make some clarific
ations about the free equipment NPC's we added to help the players that use the
/level command.
"In Hibernia you will need to go to Tir na Nog. If you are level 20 you need to
seek out Somyr and Caryan near the mage trainers, and level 30 players need to s
peak with Carraent, Aetheonyc, Rhyryn, and Gwucyn in the stables. We will be add
ing some additional dialogue in 1.63 that will guide you to the right NPC a litt
le more easily.
"In Albion, you will speak with Hadreth, Assistant Wells, Galaris Pritchard, and
Lucia Pritchard in Camelot for both the level 20 and the level 30 equipment. Yo
u need to speak with them while you are exactly level 20 or level 30, they won't
respond to anyone outside of these levels.
"In Midgard you will need to go to Jordheim and speak with Kelleher and his wife
Andras for the level 20 equipment, and you will speak with Gair Svensson for th
e level 30 equipment. The NPC's should mention if they feel you'd be better serv

ed by different level equipment and will indicate with whom you should speak to
get it."
Q: Hey, my Ancient Brass weapon/Lost Seed quest weapon has a proc now! Is this a
A: Nope undocumented feature. From the world builder: "All weapons for the Lost St
one of Arawn quest in Albion have had procs added to them.

Brass Longsword - procs a minor vitality drain

Brass Cudgel - indendiary pyre (fire DD)
Brass Rapier - electrical DD
Brass Pike - mana DD
Brass Lochaber Axe - mana DD
Brass Lucerne Hammer - mana DD
Brass Battlehammer - fire DD
Brass Two-Handed Sword - stamina heal
Brass-Tipped Whip - damage shield
Brass-Shod Staff - fire DD
Brass-Shod Quarterstaff - minor vitality drain
Brass Scythe - Protective Aura of Flame (damage shield)

All weapons for the The Lost Seed quest in Hibernia have had procs added to them
Claidheamh falcata - Minor vitality drain
Birrag Cuaille mace - Incindiary Pyre
Cuinnsear dagger - void DD
Ailm Darach spear - ice DD
Bruais Creigeir shillelagh - Incindiary pyre
Ard-Ennoilys sword - damage shield
Corran scythe - dark DD
Caorrunn Calbh staff - Fire DD
Q: Were any changes made to the Sheeroe Hills encounters?
A: Yes. Technically, we made them easier. Scout monster ranges were reduced from
4000 units to 750. Agro radius units were reduced from 1250 to 768.
Q: On my champion I have the Vine Wrapped Defender shield that is dropped from G
alladoria. The look of the shield was very unique and fit my setup quite well. I
t was a rare item to have as it was a medium round shield. In 1.62 this was chan
A: Yes in response to player feedback, complaining that the shields looked exactly
like shield available from NPC merchants.
Q: From the patch notes: "- The Azure Silencer Fang and the Livid Silencer Fang
(Albion) can now be dyed with the weapon enamels from Caer Sidi. Please note tha
t using dye on these weapons will change only the hilt color." Do the dyes dropp
ed in Sidi only affect hilts on dropped weapons or is it the same on crafted? If
these only dye hilts, is there be a blade enamel dye?
A: From our Item Princess: "The epic dungeon dyes typically affect the entire we
apon model. However, the Azure Silencer Fang and the Livid Silencer Fang "models
" are what we call bladeless hilts, with a particle effect that turns on in comb
at that makes up the "blade" at that point. In that case, the dye only affects t
he hilt, and not the particle effect. The epic dungeon dyes do not work on craft
ed items, and they also do not work on drops that are not from an epic dungeon."
And that's all for this week. Not much to announce I FINALLY have the "Families Who S

lay Together" emails all sorted and read. We have a lot of families logging in e
very night, ranging in age from three years to seventy four! I guess you guys mi
ssed the memo on how only single males in their early twenties play massively mu
ltiplayer games.
Have a good weekend!
Those of you here on the East Coast know what I'm talking about. I swear I just
saw a row of animals go by in twos. Anyhow, on to this week's installment:
Q: (Insert question here about the Lost Seed Bow and how it has no proc.)
A: We are aware of this there are no procs currently tuned for archer and archer d
amage. We completely understand how the Lost Seed bow owners feel, and we're dis
cussing possible options. Thank you for your suggestions.
Q: I have a simple question about the damage penalty you get when using a left h
and axe without any LA spec. My SB wants to use 2 1H and be a crit blade, but pe
ople tell me I must have spec in LA, else I will lose X% damage on my main hand.
How much do I need in LA to get rid of this penalty?
A: There isn't a penalty. Here's what one of our lead programmers had to say whe
n I forwarded your question to him: "That's a very odd way of viewing it. That's
like saying in order to get rid of the -1000% damage penalty my level one chara
cter has, I must reach level fifty and spec to fifty in such and such skill.
"You're not under a penalty for not training left axe, you just don't get the bo
nus that each extra train would give you. Wielding two weapons but not putting p
oints into a dual wield type of skill isn't really a great idea"
Q: Hi, I'd like to ask a question about the way that dex affects block,
parry, evade (dex/qui for evade). Is the dex bonus to these skills "additive" or
Example: if it's additive, let's say that having 200 dex will add the same evade
% to a player with evade I (5% base chance) and to a player with evade V(25% ch
ance). Let's say 200 dex gives +X% evade, first player will end with 5+X% evade
chance and second with 25+X% evade chance. Similar for parry and block.
If it's multiplicative, let's say that having 200 dex multiplies your base evade
chance by X. So 1st player would end with 5*X chance to evade, and second playe
r with 25*X% chance to evade.
A: I used the whole question because it was an excellent and clear description o
f the difference between additive and multiplicative. What a cool word. Anyhow,
the answer is "it's multiplicative."
Q: I heard that Healing someone while they are in battle (and you are not groupe
d with that person) will steal their xp. I thought that I read on the Herald tha
t healing a non grouped person would not steal their xp. Could you clarify this
for me please?
A: Healing does take some experience (and builds ag, so be careful lest you draw
the attention of the beast) for the healer on the monster or monsters being fou
ght. That's why it's considered polite to ask a soloing player if they want your
help before you heal them. A nice buff never took any exp, of course!

Of course, if you're a slow typist and he's about to die, go on ahead and if he gi
ves you attitude for saving his life, don't ever save him again =)
Q: (Insert question about possible changes to drop rates.)
A: I always look into this sort of question, to make certain
al changes or fat fingered database entries. Our mighty Item
ghly looked at our material, and tells me there have been no
rates in months. I do thank you for asking, as we can't fix
now about.

we made no accident
Princess has thorou
adjustments to drop
problems we don't k

Quick reminder about drops every monster has a loot table. A loot table has severa
l different fields. Those fields include the percentage chance that an item will
drop, and then a subset of percentages indicating the sort of loot that will dr
op (most creatures drop different kinds of loot). So, it is possible to have a b
ad run of luck while repeatedly killing a particular monster, and not get anythi
Oddly enough, no one ever asks me if something could be wrong when the same mons
ter drops the same rare object each and every time.
Q: What is your policy on the word "rape"? I believe that to use this word in ca
sual conversation is wrong, and that people should be appealed for using it.
A: The meanings of the word, according to my American Heritage Dictionary, are a
s follows:

The crime of forcing a person to submit to sexual intercourse.

The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
A plant with oil rich seeds used as fodder

See also rapine: the seizure of property by force; plunder.

I respect your sensitivities. On the other hand, it is a word that may be used l
egitimately in our game. As with all things, context is everything. If you were
to ask a person (who was perhaps cheering about having raped a dragon) to, as a
friend, not use that word around you out of respect for your feelings, and he re
sponded, "What word? RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE," then he's a jerk and you should
probably ignore him. If he then followed you around spamming the word at you, yo
u should appeal him for harassment. If someone were to send you messages that he
wanted to rape you, that is considered to be a real life threat, and should be
reported immediately. We log everything, and we will find out the truth of the c
But if people are simply celebrating the utter defeat of an enemy, I'd say, this
is an excellent time to /follow a friend, and go AFK. Perhaps to the kitchen fo
r a little snack, or maybe now's a good time for a bathroom break. At least unti
l the celebration is over. It's not the word it's the intent behind the word.
All right, let's end on a happy note. The family feature was such fun anyone want
to tell me if they met a friend in game? Friend, future spouse, future spouse wh
o is currently your spouse, reunions with old friends thought to be lost in the
sands of time, I'd love to hear about it. Let me know if your friendship is new,
or ongoing ever since DAOC was launched. Tell me if you've met in real life. I'

ll print a selection of the responses, should there be enough to make a good col
umn. The subject header should be MET IN THE GAME, and addressed to Sanya@mythic
I had a lot of technical and billing questions in the Questions folder this week
please note that you do not want me answering anything to do with your hardware o
r your credit card. Insert your own joke here. Seriously, contact support@darkag (or look at the top of the Herald, click the little guy with the
Red Cross symbol on his shield, click "Contact Mythic" on the top yellow bar, an
d select the web form option). Don't use either of these methods for anything bu
t a technical or billing issue! I think you'll be pleased with the response time
. Our techies rock.
Have a terrific weekend, everyone!
Mmm, crunchy:
Q: My friend has the housing files on a CD can I just use his?
A: Yes it's a free expansion, and we want all our customers to have it. But be sur
e before you start that you can use his files if you don't have Shrouded Isles, yo
u need to use the Classic Foundations file set. If you do have Shrouded Isles, y
ou can use the Shrouded Isles Foundations file set.
Q: /charcopy failed me! I must have typed /charcopy pervical Myname a hundred ti
A: Our copier isn't case sensitive but it is spelling sensitive. Please check extra
carefully to be sure you're typing Percival, or Morgan Le Fay, or however your
server name is spelled (according to the server list on the right side of the He
Q: When Foundations is formally released, will it be available by any other mean
s besides a download? Those of us who live in technological blackholes that are
confined to dial up will pay dearly in time and frustration if it's not.
A: We're planning to offer a CD at the Mythic store not at a profit, mind you, jus
t the cost of the CD, the time it takes to burn it, and the shipping costs. Keep
an eye out here for details.
Q: (Insert question about the location of the housing zone, whether or not one c
an have a guild house and a personal house, etc.)
A: We have a pretty solid manual in the housing section of the Herald. Most of t
he questions I got this week can be answered by the manual (the which, I'm told,
will be in a nice printer friendly format when Foundations goes live). The rest
of the questions I got this week revolved around pricing and I don't know anythin
g yet for certain. I imagine just about everyone will have an opinion once we pu
t up our first pass at costs and values =)
Q: I achieved Legendary Grand Master status last week, and was a little hurt to
be left off the Scroll of Valor on Monday. Was my server forgotten?
A: Nope the Scroll of Valor is just not an automatic process. Not everyone wants t

o be recognized in so public a fashion, so the Scroll is a listing of all the pe

ople who asked to be included. We just made a few changes on the Herald to make
it easier for you to report your good news after you read this Bag, click the "Com
munity News" tab. On the right side of the "tab line" is a drop down server menu
, and a link that says "Submit News." If you are a new level 50, or if your char
acter just got married, or if you recently achieved LGM status, click that link.
Next, fill out the form, and for "event type," select "Congratulations To"
Q: My question is about the dragon. I have seen some say that the
purely random, nothing in particular triggering them. I have seen
that it is random BUT is triggered by (choose some or all of the
gs) casting, debuffing, healing, running a healing chant, using a

dragon AOE is
too other said
following thin
proc weapons,

A: Fear not none of the above listed items will cause the dragon (in any realm) to
Q: I play on Mordred is my house safe, and am I safe in the housing zone?
A: Because of the fact that there is no monster pathing in the housing zones, an
d the placement of objects will change drastically depending on the mood and res
ources of the property owners, the housing zones will not be enabled for PVP, no
matter what server we're talking about.
Q: Why not develop a faction inquiry command? i.e. /faction
It would be great to know where you stand with different mobs before traveling a
ll the way to a certain location only to find out that they are aggressive to yo
u and you are unable to get by them.
A: That was such a cool idea that I passed it right to the content producer. As
with many ideas, there was an angle I hadn't thought of. Here's what he told me:
"The problem with a faction inquiry command is that not all monsters on a parti
cular faction care about where you are.
"And not to the same degree.
"In other words, even if we returned a generic "positive" or generic "negative"
values, it may not match up specifically to a particular monster."
Sorry, it's a little short today my usual sources for information have been burnin
g the midnight oil, lately, and will have to resume grab bag duty next week.
But I do have a pair of entertaining links for you - - read
the Journal by a fellow named Jason. The next time someone tells you MMOG playe
rs don't get enough exercise, tell them that Jason is doing it for you. Go, Jaso
n, go!
Been to lately? Woody did a comic for DAOC on Thursday about th
e lack of facilities in our housing. Big smile to Team Lead Guest Akeel for suggest
ing the idea =) Note to those seriously wondering where the bathrooms are in the
houses outhouses are available for purchase.
Talk to you Monday!

Here we go! Sorry about the Herald outage. We are now running on new hardware, a
nd hope you'll find the performance much improved.
Q: From patch notes: "- If a spell is resisted, the spell graphic effect will no
t play on the target creature/player. A white hand (the new spell resist graphic
) will appear above the character's head to indicate the resist."
Can I resist the healing that my pet tries to give me?
A: You are not supposed to resist healing if you are getting the spell effect when
you're being healed, please report it as a bug.
Q: A few months ago, I read, in a grab bag, that you could have 8 paladins runni
ng their heal chants at once, and they would all stack. Does this hold true to s
kalds as well? Thanks!
A: No, the Paladin heal chant is unique in this way.
Q: I have a necro that I want to get armor spellcrafted for, but no one can tell
me what stats transfer to the pet. I have heard only Int and resists transfer.
However, I was recently told that melee resists do not transfer.
A: From our magic designer: "Melee resists currently do not transfer. We're look
ing at ways to pass more stats down to your pet, so you may want to hold off on
buying your suit." Keep in mind that this may or may not happen, and that I have
no ETA if it does happen. I'm printing this just so you know we're thinking abo
ut it =)
Q: My (insert fancy weapon here) doesn't have a glowie or a sparkly effect. I th
ink it is just as rare as (insert weapon with sparkly effect here).
A: We have made a list of all the rare or otherwise special weapons that have no
glowie or sparkly, and sent the list up the chain. There's no specific delivery
date I can give you, but we know about the absent special effects, I assure you
Q: Any chance you can put in a quest to get our monster heads made into trophies
, instead of having to work with a crafter? Also, is there a list of all the mon
sters that might be made into trophies for our houses?
A: We intentionally designed the trophy system so that other players would be ne
eded to make the trophies, and that's not going to change. As for the list, for
now at least it's something to be discovered we won't consider posting or linking
to any spoilers for quite some time to come =) For the details of "how to make a
trophy" be sure to read the manual:
Q: Let's say I buy a lot and a house and I want to turn it into a guild house. W
e have 3 guildmasters, but I have been chosen to be "in-charge" of the guild hou
se and finances. When I deed it to a guild, will the control of the house be giv
en to all 3 GMs?
A: All rank zero characters in the guild are treated as owners of the house.

Q: Where's that CD with the Foundations files? The one you said Mythic would be
selling for cost?
A: I am told you should look on the store next week.
Q: My primary server is Gaheris and I'd like to know if we can build any realm h
ouse on any realm lot, no matter what realm your character is. In other words...
Can a Hib character build a Mid house on an Alb property on the Gaheris server?
A: Yup. Just be sure you buy a Midgard deed in the above described scenario.
Q: If I buy a cottage now and want to upgrade to a house later.... do I pay full
price for the house (10p) or do I get 1p "credit" for my cottage?
A: At this time, you'll need to pay full price for the upgrade.
Q: If someone buys a house for a certain amount of money and then sells it to me
for a different amount of money, what will my weekly rent be? Will it be based
on what the original selling price was or what I paid for it?
A: Rent is based upon the type of the house only, not the buying price or sellin
g price.
Q: After you purchase a lot, how long does a player have to put a house on it?
A: One week of real life time.
Q: What happened to weaponcrafting? Previously, I was a 740ish weaponcrafter. I
have not worked on my woodworking skill that much, it was only at 500. Now it is
required that I level up my wood skill to make an item that doesnt even require
woodworking previously. Is this an error or is this going to be pernament?
A: Straight from the keyboard of the crafting designer: "Weaponcrafting is like
any other tradeskill now wherein if a material is used in the creation of an ite
m, then the appropriate material skill check is required.
"Because of this, items that did not require wood before do now, items that did
not require leather may now as well.
"Once your skill has been brought up to the level that you can create the full r
ecipes again, it will stay constant with the other sub skills involved."
Q: Awhile back, maybe a few months, I found an item called "Broken Shackler Bits
". This item was dropped from a Drakoran Sneak inside Avalon City. It appears to
be a quest item, specifically for a bounty turn in. I have asked around, and to
my surprise, no one else has found this item, seen it, or seen an NPC asking fo
r it. Is it possible that this item is "broken," or the NPC disabled, quest chan
ged, etc.?
A: When I looked for the answer to your question, we turned up a bug. The item *
is* for a bounty turn in quest but you're not supposed to kill drakoran anything t
o get it =) There are monsters called "shacklers" in the Dales of Devwy, and if
you've got good faction with the drakoran, you can turn in the bits to a drakora
n named Beath in the same zone. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Announcement time! As many people know, many people with larceny in their hearts
will grab "one letter off" domain names similar to popular website destinations
. The Herald has arrived there is a site called (there's no "
h" on the word herald). It's not porn, though, it's a scam collector. They ask f
or your account name and password, and then redirect you to the real Herald. You
will not ever need to enter your password just to read the news page of the Cam
elot Herald. So, be careful when you type in our address!
I know lots of people are planning to use bounty points to pay rent
they're buying next week. May I recommend you convert only as many
u need at one time, instead of converting all your points to tokens
will be developing new bounty point rewards in the next few months,
want to have some stockpiled.

on the homes
points as yo
at once? We
and you may

I had an interesting time on IRC yesterday. I first went to #realiseult on the S

tratics IRC server as a favor to a favorite "little brother" of mine. Unfortunat
ely, that channel was not moderated, and well, if you've been in a bathroom at a bu
s station, you can imagine the caliber of the text. A mod from another channel (
shout out to Lexi, who did her best and no, Lex, I level up same as everyone else
does, one pixel at a time) generously invited me to the much more enjoyable envi
ronment of #gawaine, where I had a good time shooting the breeze with the local
inmates uh, community. At least until I got booted from the channel for being an im
poster. That was a very odd feeling, being told I was impersonating myself. So,
Picus NOW do you believe me?
And on that note next week is the Independence Day holiday for the USA, and I'm go
ing to be celebrating by moving instead of doing the grab bag. Hey, if you come
help move about sixty crates of books and a box full of broken computer parts, t
here's free soda and beer at my new place anyway. Have a good one, thanks for hangi
ng in there with us this week, and we'll see you Monday!
It's not ALL Foundations questions, I just thought that title would be funny. Mo
ving right along:

Q: Why don't you ever ban cheaters?

A: In the same twenty four hour block of email that this question was included i
n, I had four people writing to complain about being banned for cheating people sa
ying they deserved another chance, that being banned for cheating was too harsh
a penalty. (To which I say "wah," incidentally. I hear there are games out there
that turn a blind eye towards cheaters, perhaps one of them will be happy to ha
ve you.) We do ban, and suspend, and do whatever we need to do. But we also don'
t discuss the action we take against an account with anyone but the owner of tha
t account, and sometimes, it takes time to gather enough proof to ban. Just repo
rt cheating as you come across it, we will investigate. Remember, however, that
just receiving a beat down doesn't mean the other guy was cheating. Think carefu
lly, and then appeal.
Q: I got a drop called a Giant Ring, except it goes in the wrist slot. It's a ri
ng, not a bracer, so is this a bug?
A: No, that's us being clever. The ring of a Giant must be really big, so big th
at a regular sized person could even wear it as a bracelet.

Q: How can I get my name to appear on the Housing Directory?

A: For now, you need to type /webdisplay trades. Until we get a new command in 1
.64, we "piggybacked" the command onto the one that displays your trade skill le
vel. If you want to keep your crafter skill off the Herald, but wouldn't mind be
ing in the directory, just wait a little longer for the specific command.
Q: I got myself a nifty 100 BP rent token only to discover that my lock box will on
ly hold a maximum of 80. Yikes! What can I do!?
A: Hang onto your token until 1.64. We're putting in something to let you trade
in your supersized token in exchange for five smaller tokens. (It's not a questi
on of unstacking them they aren't stacks. They are single tokens worth X amount.)
Q: In the access permissions for housing, one of the options you can enable is t
he option to banish? How do we go about banishing someone from our home?
A: The command is /boot (playername). You don't actually have to type the parent
heses, and you should be standing inside your house with the one you wish booted
on your target. So, if I want to boot a guy named Drizzt TheUnorginal out of my
house, I would target him, and type /boot Drizzt - and then he's gone.
Q: Regarding the Unique Object Generator in the frontier. With my cleric, scout
and wizard I have hunted out there a lot since the generator was put in the fron
tier. The drop rate is very, very good. Great place to farm for items for my new
/leveled characters. However, it seems to be designed primarily for mages, necr
omancers, and reavers all the class specific loot seems to be for them.
A: I asked the lead content producer, and he tells me that there is a camp with
assigned loot for every class out in the frontier. It sounds like you're hanging
out in the areas that are dropping mage, necro, and reaver loot, since that's a
ll you're getting. Move around a bit more :)
Q: (Insert question about rent.)
A: Okay, here's the deal. You buy a lot. The weekly rent clock starts ticking th
e day you buy it. The AMOUNT of rent you pay is calculated by the size of your h
ome. We don't allow for land speculators in our game, you must build on your pro
perty within one week of purchasing the land, or lose the lot. This is not a bug
, this is entirely intentional you have exactly seven days to build, or the system
won't know what to charge you and will take back the lot.
So it doesn't matter when in that first week you build your house, rent is still
due one week after you buy your lot. Buying a lot on July 1st in the evening, a
nd waiting until the morning of the 8th to build, is more than likely borrowing
After you build your home, your house will want rent money dropped onto it (you
can drop the money nearly anywhere on the interior or the exterior). The system
*wants* you to have enough money on the house to pay your rent, and it will nag
nag nag until you pay up. Every time you zone into the Foundations area that has
your house and lot, you will see a message telling you that you need to pay, un
til sufficient funds are dropped onto the house. This warning isn't a joke! You
will not see it unless you need to fork over more money.

To avoid losing your house, you should try to put money on your house as soon as
you see the warning. If you wait until the last minute, you may find you've wai
ted too long and you'll have to get your things from the repo man.
As always, if your home disappears due to a bug, we will get it all back for you
. We have extensive logs and can find out what we need to do if your loss was bu
g related (and who dropped money on the house, and when they dropped the money,
and how much money was there) just remember that pulling those logs takes a lot of
time, and you may not hear back from us for a few days. Please don't appeal ask
ing how we're doing on your appeal that will make the process take longer for ever
yone, and even one minute extra feels like forever when it's your stuff you're a
sking about.
Q: It has been said that people on our server are claiming a keep, setting the k
eep level 10 , put the doors to lvl 4 and release it shortly after its lvl 10. T
his way they don't waste bounty sitting on a mid to low level keep for hours.
The reason they do this is to save bps. Making one keep lvl 10 keep releasing it
and having it for 12+ hours this way burns less bounty points than setting the
same keep lvl 5 and losing it one hour later 3x in one day.
My question is: IS this a Bug? Or are keeps SUPPOSED to remain at level 10 after
you release them?
A: This was a bug we have since fixed. Keeps will revert to their start level wh
en a guild chooses to release. But please note DOORS remain at whatever level they
were upgraded to until the keep falls and is taken over by the next invading fo
rce. Keeps cost bounty points to maintain, but door strength is based on wood an
d player crafting, with no maintenance costs.
Q: I heard that you were putting in a "search vendor" feature for the next patch
. I'm looking for specific armor sets and would like to know whose porch I shoul
d go to. So, is it true?
A: Yes, the search vendor feature is scheduled for 1.64 (as in, no promises, but
we're working on it right now). The search feature will work zone wide for each
housing zone. (Each server has nine housing zones, and will soon have twelve.)
So, just as in real life, if you don't like the selection at one mall, head over
to the mall in the next county and see what they've got to offer. Twelve shoppi
ng areas should make for an interesting variety!
Q: Is it possible as a homeowner to set it so that all my characters can port ho
me using the Hearth Scrolls? It seems now that only the actual person who bought
the house can and all the alts cannot. The reason I find this very frustrating
is that all my slots are filled and I play all my characters.
A: I understand the frustration. This has been a very popular question this week
, and I have passed it and your feedback on right now, all I can tell you is that
it's not possible at this time, and we're looking into the different options.
Q: (Insert person here) was crossteaming. Do you care?
A: Yes, we care. From the head of in-game services: "If they suspect someone of
cross teaming, they should appeal. We investigate every appeal regarding any vio
lation. We do not, however, contact the customer back who appealed. We can't giv

e out any info on any other account, so we can't tell them what actions we took,
other than it was investigated."
Sanya here: I know a certain number of you (as befits the audience of a game set
roughly in the medieval period) are fans of public hangings and guillotines set
in the town square. But we have to run our customer service team by the standar
ds of the modern era and that means every account is entitled to privacy, and THAT
means we can't tell you what we've done or not done and why to someone else's a
Anyway, your appeals aren't going into a black hole; it is in our best interest
to make our game as free of cheaters as possible.
Q: I was just wondering how a spell gets completely resisted. Not to be confused
with the 'resists' stats that are raisable by items.
I was wondering if say, I had a level 50 Wizard with say 50 points in fire and 2
0 points in ice. Would my level 20 ice spells be resisted more because they are
level 20 spells, or would they be resisted the same as my level 50 spells, only
doing less damage? I wish to know this because it is important to how I'm basing
my specs of some characters I wish to make.
A: Our spell designer told me that lower level spells are resisted more (they ha
ve a lower "to-hit" chance). Hope that helps!
All righty! I don't have much in the way of announcements, so I'll just get out of
the way and let you get to your weekend. For those of you who sent in NON-Founda
tions questions I got them, they've been passed on, and I'm told I'll get the answ
ers next week.
Thanks very much for playing we're glad to have you, and we're glad you're enjoyin
g the game.
I had a whole bunch of announcements, so much so that they made their own grab b
ag. Read on!
You may have noticed that the "guild bounty points in exchange for guild house r
ent" NPCs were removed from the 1.63 patch notes. Our goal is to get this featur
e back in the game with the 1.64 patch, just FYI.
Undocumented feature alert: our rent collecting system will check your consignme
nt merchant for money if the rent is due and you've forgotten to put the gold on
your house. The system will always check the house for money first, but the mon
ey on the consignment merchant does act as a little safety net.
Got a fun in game event you'd like to share
you just make 50? Did your favorite crafter
character get married in game? Look up and
re at the top of the Herald. Submit a story

with the rest of the community? Did

finally achieve LGM status? Did your
check out the Community News tab the

In recent weeks, a number of "returning" customers have asked if there's any way
to acquire a year and nine months of patches without that agonizing download. T
here is now - We're charg
ing for the cost of the CD and our time to burn it but it's free if you buy anythi
ng else from the store.
Just in case you weren't aware, we have an informal "good citizen" reward progra

m. The first person to report an exploit or a dupe without first exploiting it r

eceives a prize. Just today I talked to a gentleman who reported a dupe to us (f
irst testing it with a hat pattern, to see if it truly was a dupe). From next Mo
nday onwards, he'll be playing the game for free, and he and his wife will be ou
r guests as beta testers in every closed beta from now on. It's the least we cou
ld do for someone who directly contributed to the betterment of the game. So, sh
ould you find something with the potential to be seriously harmful to the game,
please send an appeal with all the information, and an email to me (Sanya@mythic, with the header DUPE). The reward depends on the severity of
the problem (i.e., not everything scores a free account ;)), but I will demonstr
ate our gratitude in some way if you're indeed the first to report the problem,
and you've done so in honesty and good faith.
A frequently asked question do you guys at Mythic play the game? We sure do. We ev
en send around little emails when another of our characters hits 50 or saves up
enough to get their house =) We belong to a number of different guilds (anonymou
sly, of course!) to get a better view of the "player on the street" perspective.
We also play independently, to check out the feel of the game for those that ch
oose to remain unguilded. So be nice to random strangers :P. I particularly appr
eciate the nice people that give my little lowbies piles of gold. You see, Mythi
c people can be and have been fired for *any* form of cheating in Dark Age of Ca
melot. We do not help ourselves, or friends, under any circumstances with exp or
gold or items. In fact, we do not log into live servers with anything but a nat
urally grown and leveled (or /leveled) character. As a result, we have to scrimp
for that first suit of "good" armor just like everyone else.
We can and do create characters and gold on Pendragon out of thin air it's often n
ecessary for testing purposes. But the live servers will never be subjected to m
ysterious characters appearing out of thin air, and no one on a live server will
suddenly wield a magic weapon or come into a huge pile of gold. Too many of us
have played MMOGs for too long. That kind of behavior destroys the integrity of
the game, and is useless to us anyway we know you cannot make balance decisions by
creating a character and jumping into the game with no context or experience.
And, that's all I've got tonight. The questions will return next week. http://we
Not at all the same thing as hammer time, fortunately, because I look silly in t
hose pants:
Q: I've found what seems to be a discrepancy among the Morvalt factions. There a
re some morvalts, conning blue and yellow at the moment, that do not give positi
ve 'anti-morvalt' faction, nor do they give negative 'morvalt' faction. The ones
we've found so far are Morvalt renegades (ok that makes a certain amount of sen
se) and Morvalt landflykes. Is there some explanation for why they are faction-l
ess? Is this a bug?
A: You've already hit on why renegades aren't related to the Morvalts, and when
I asked for the explanation behind the landflykes, the same logic will apply it se
ems that "landflyke" is a word that translates as "exile."
Q: I was wondering if you could explain how the immunity timers are supposed to
work with mez. I keep hearing about this immunity timer, but I do not seem to ha
ve any immunity at all unless I'm lucky enough to receive resists buffs.
A: From the spell designer: "If you have a spell cast on you that sets the immun
ity timer, another spell that sets the immunity timer cannot be recast on you fo
r 60 seconds after the effect wears off. Each =type= of spell is on its own immu

nity timer, and the immunity timer doesn't -have- to be set (but it should be on
all player CC spells).
- Healer stuns you. For 60 seconds
ed by a Healer again.
- Immediately after the stun wears
type of spell, so it's got its own
wears off you cannot be mezzed by

after the stun wears off, you cannot be stunn

off, the Healer mezzes you (it's a different
immunity timer). For 60 seconds after the mez
a Healer again (or any other player)."

Just to be doubly sure, I asked one of our fearless programmers to take a look a
t the code. He told me, "Looks to me like any spell set to no recast will set a
60 second time period after it ends in which no spell of that type can be cast a
gain, no matter if the followup spell is set to no recast or not."
Q: A lot of people say Midgard twohanded does ~+15% damage bonus vs. onehanded,
and in Hibernia and Albion (as they have special speccs) twohanded does ~+40% da
mage bonus vs onehanded. I'm talking about style damage. Is that quite correct?
A: Just as a side note, be very afraid of things that "a lot of people" say. For
some reason unknown to mortal man, "a lot of people" tend to be either wrong, o
r not very many people after all.
But that's not the answer to your question! The answer according to the swell gu
y who looked it up is "All two handed weapons get a base 10% damage bonus, plus
an extra amount based on their specialization level."
Q: Are there any plans to fix the Spirit Master's Focus Damage Shield? Currently
it drops when the pet's target is listed in the SM TL Report, I would
just like to know the ETA.
A: I am told we're actively working on it, and to watch the patch notes.
Q: I got Wild Arcana and I've noticed for a Healer it doesn't actually DO anythi
ng. I was hoping you could critical with the Haste debuff, but you can't - and i
t does nothing for roots, mezzes, stuns, and such. Is there
any reason at all for them to have this..?
A: It should be possible to critical with a haste debuff, so if you cannot, it i
s a bug. If you encounter something like this, please send us an appeal with a d
escription of the problem (the amount of detail in the above question is perfect
, thanks). Make absolutely certain you choose "bug appeal" from the menu that po
ps up, so that it goes straight to our test team. We will not contact you, but s
omeone will investigate straight away.
Q: Once and for all, do +Pac skills from SCed armor do anything?
A: Specialization only affects spells with variable values like damage and heali
ng, not stuns and mezmerizes. So, no. We will be looking into making this more u
seful in the future.
Q: I see in the recent patch notes that on Gaheris you changed /broadcast in the
housing zones so that it cannot be heard inside the individual houses. I was wo
ndering what the reasoning is behind disallowing it inside the houses.

A: It came down to feedback from the majority of users people wanted privacy in th
eir houses. Or, put another way, people didn't like the broken illusion when the
y could hear the conversations of hundreds as they hung out inside their lairs.
Enjoyable village chit chatting can still be had as you hang out in your gardens
Q: Wondering - what are the gravestone rules? I know you can only have one at a
time - but how long will they last?
A: 48 hours.
Q: I appealed a quest as broken, and that seemed to help. Meaning, I solved the
quest after I sent the appeal. How do I cancel appeals?
A: Type in /cancelappeal (all one word) - and don't feel bad, it happens to all
of us.
Announcement time! Yesterday, when I announced the beginning of closed beta, I a
dded a teeny bit about "not emailing us." Please don't email me telling me how s
well you are it just breaks my heart when I have to tell you no. "But, but, how ca
n I become known as a trusted tester without getting into beta? What a catch-22!
" The answer to that is easy everyone wants to test the new shiny expansions, but
people who want to test our patches and regular encounters are rare and special.
So rare and special, in fact, that we get to know our testers very well (especi
ally those that are on Pendragon, every patch, reporting every bug they see). An
d the testers who have been around for a while get first crack at the new stuff.
But we always welcome more test server regulars. Keep an eye on the Pendragon c
alendar starting soon there will be a renewed surge of hosted encounter testing.
Another route into the closed betas involves being a team lead. (Yet another rou
te not recommended for the faint of heart.) We just so happen to have some openi
ngs at this time. Check out the Team Lead Program (linked there under Herald Fea
tures) or go directly here for details on what we're looking for and how to appl
Y'all have a safe and enjoyable weekend we'll see you in the game.
Crunch all you want:
Q: I saw that you're no longer reading the Developer's Round Table (one of the m
any Vault message boards). How can I contribute my feedback and opinions?
A: We're still reading Vault boards, just not the Roundtable board. We continue
to read the more specific, smaller boards on that forum. (There are also several
other fan-run message boards around the internet that we lurk at.) And while I
don't answer the feedback forms very often, I do read them. That's actually WHY
I don't answer very many - to make more time to read them all! The forms are alm
ost always better written, anyway the author isn't trying to prove anything to any
one but me, and isn't trying to outdo anyone else. Basically, we haven't so much
stopped reading a board as we have refocused our energy into sources that give
us a better picture of our player base as a whole.
Q: There's a note in the 1.64 test patch notes about style and icon fixes. Can y

ou be more specific?
A: As noted in the 1.64C clarifications, we made over 200 small fixes to icons.
Sorry, IRC guys, I was screwed up. The style lookover is still in the future.
Q: Why did you not fix (insert name of style/spell/equipment) when you looked ov
er similar things?
A: I don't have a direct answer to your question, because there is a difference
between a fix and a change. A change is when we alter something that works in re
sponse to ever-evolving design decisions and player feedback. Before reporting s
omething as broken, be sure that you're not actually requesting a change in desi
Bug appeals are not answered by our CSRs. Instead, those appeals are sent to the
product quality team to read, investigate, and tally. Requests for design chang
es should be sent with a feedback form. Again, you won't hear anything directly
(as I've said before, if I answered all of them, I wouldn't have time to read mo
st of them), but rest assured your "votes" are tallied.
Q: In the herald messages, I see that new /commands are being added all the time
, but I don't always get to read the Herald before the postings go away. Would y
ou please let me know if there is a database or listing somewhere and where I co
uld get access to this?
A: Our loyal and talented Herald programmer updates the list whenever a patch go
es live. The link is on the left sidebar under "Game Documents." There's even a
nice printable version. Let me know with a feedback form (there's a "Herald" cat
egory) if we left something off.
Q: I know I probably didn't get a beta invite, but I had my junk mail being auto
matically being deleted so if it did go into my junk mail folder I never got the
chance to see it. I was wondering if I get a second chance if I did get invited
A: Add us to your list of approved addresses! Okay, seriously this round of tester
s was extremely small and consisted entirely of TLs, TL guests, and people who h
ad a specific invitation from me to join all future closed betas. The next few r
ounds will no doubt consist of testers who have regularly tested things on Pendr
agon over the last few months. If you're not in those categories, you don't need
to worry about having lost your invitation.
Please do update your mail filters to accept mail from us, though. With so many
people asking for beta accounts, we don't need to resend invitation letters, and
I'd hate for anyone to miss out.
Q: Are people allowed to take over the hunting spot I've camped for the last cra
zy number of hours?
A: Yes. Technically, there are no "camps" that people can own. If someone tries
to grab a monster you've already engaged, or tries to leech experience off a mon
ster you're already fighting, then that would be an honor in combat violation. I
f you are unable to resolve **that** particular issue, you can appeal it as a ha
rassment problem. But if another player grabs a spawn from "your" area, there's
nothing we can do. Nobody "owns" a room in a massively multiplayer game. If you
can make agreements with your fellow players, that's great but we can't enforce th

ose agreements for you. And even if someone is behaving in a manner that upsets
you, you cannot break our honor in combat rules in retaliation.
Q: I recently completed the Caledonia keep capture quest with one of my "younger
" characters and was quite happy with the xp I got as a reward. I remember seein
g a while back that there were similar quest for capture of Merchant Keeps in th
e enemy frontier zones. I believe there were 2 such quests for 35-40 and 40-45 l
evel ranges. I think there was a realm rank needed besides the keep capture for
each of these. Could someone fill me in on what RR I would need to attain for th
ese level ranges?
A: To complete these quests, you need to be Realm Rank 2 (if you're between leve
ls 35 and 40), and Realm Rank 2, Level 5 for levels 40 to 45.
Q: I bought an alchemy table for our guild house. I purchased an incantation
chant for spellcrafting and have noticed that I have to buy two merchants to
all the alchemy supplies. Why is that? Since you only have a limited number
hookpoints in the player houses (especially in the smaller houses), wouldn't
be better to have just one merchant like spellcrafting does?


A: It would be except there is no room to combine all of the alchemy supplies. Each
merchant may only carry up to 150 items at this time, and there are more alchem
y components than that hard limit.
Q: I was doing a few trophies the other day and killed Faewren (who can be made
into one of the Cat Trophies for Hibernia). However, it didn't drop remains, Sin
ce myself with my husband have been doing them on our Alb server since the begin
ning of Housing I know that if a mob drops remains it is on first kill. He was b
lue to me, and I did get xp for killing him, but he didn't drop remains. So I wa
nted another four game days for him to spawn again and killed him again and this
time I got remains. While I was waiting for the respawn I reported it. When the
CSR got there, he said that Remains don't drop every time on first kill. Can yo
u please clarify this for me?
A: You're both right. Not every monster drops remains every time. However, this
particular creature is set to drop remains every time it dies, and if it doesn't
, it's a bug.
Q: I spoke with a CSR about a "bug" that displayed the DPS on a weapon different
ly in two locations. The item is a Balor drop and is named "Spear of Victory". W
hen you simple right click the weapon it shows the DPS as being 16.4. When you u
se Shift I to get the delve information it shows the weapon being Base DPS 16.5.
The CSR told me that the delve information is correct.
A: The right click window truncates the value, so if it shows 16.4, it's possibl
e that the value is really 16.4999999. The delve info rounds 16.499999 to 16.5.
At any rate, delve shows the values that are used in calculation.
Q: I have trained to Serenity 4, and I have Empowering Perfection mana regen 5.
Do they stack so essentially I have mana regen 9, or have I wasted my realm skil
l points?
A: Our spell designer told me, "Serenity stacks with spell-based power regen buf

Q: I've asked several other people, and none of us can figure out what this mean
s in the 1.64A patch notes:
"Salvages on stacks of items will now reduce the amount of bars returned based o
n how full the stack is. A full stack will return the entire amount specified in
the salvage count field, a half stack would return half that, etc. If there are
not enough items in the stack to return anything, an error message will be retu
rned to the player and the salvage will not go through."
Can you clarify?
A: I forwarded this question to our trade designer, and added that I too was ver
y confused by the patch note, but I hadn't asked for a rewrite because I assumed
crafters would understand. (For those of you new to the Herald, let me explain I
don't write the patch notes, but I request revisions when I think the notes migh
t be confusing to the typical player.) He replied:
"You aren't the only one that's confused, from what I've heard... it must be how
it is worded.
"It's probably also that most people don't realize that most of the SI common lo
ot is salvagable. You just had to salvage them 1 at a time before.
"If you have a stack of items, you can salvage them now.
"If the stack can have up to 10 items, but your stack that you are salvaging onl
y has 5 items in it, then you only get 50% of the salvage (since salvage is base
d on the total possible stack size).
"If somehow the salvage is set up in such a way that you are getting less then 1
salvage point per item (i.e. for a stack of 10 items you only get 5 bars of met
al) and you try to salvage a stack of 1, it won't let you, since you can't get a
half bar."
I'm still a little confused, but I hope it makes sense to you salvage operators!
Two quick announcements: First, I know this is old news to some of you, but ther
e's a fun little website out there for you trophy makers. They've got a good lis
t up already, and are always looking for more submissions. Check them out at htt
And second, our partner IGames has another event happening! They're calling it t
he month long LAN party the Dark Age of Camelot August Extravaganza. Go to http:// for more details.
Well, stick a fork in me, I'm done for the week. See you all next Monday!http://
It's mighty mighty, it lets it all hang out:
Q: Does QUI affect run speed?
A: No. Run speed is a constant in our game, affected only by haste magic.

Q: Is it possible for a relic to be carried through Darkness Falls using the DF

portal at the relic keep? What about through the RVR frontier dungeons?
A: You can't carry it through the DF portal located in the keep you got the reli
c from, because the portal only works for the relic's "home team." But it's quit
e possible to haul the relic into the RVR dungeons.
Q: I would like to know once and for all (to silence the debate) whether your to
rch (if on) can be seen by the enemy realm?
A: Yes. You're "lit up" if your torch is on.
Q: I just got done exploring Dartmoor on Pendragon, looking for named giants to
kill to check out the new drops. I noticed that the named giants do not always d
rop items now. Is this intended? Or, put another way, are the named giants in Da
rtmoor supposed to drop items all the time as they used to, or has this changed
with the new item drop list that they now utilize?
A: Well, this one engendered a two-part response from our friends on the world t
eam. First, an excellent explanation of how we set drop rates for named mobs in
Dark Age of Camelot emerged from the keyboard of the item princess. Read on:
"Drop rates for named mobs are determined by how often the mob can spawn, and to
a lesser degree what level the mob is. A longer spawn rate means a higher chanc
e at magic drops, while a shorter spawn rate means a lower chance at magic drops
. Named mobs above level 50 will tend to have slightly higher drop rates than na
med mobs below level 50.
"The named mobs in Dartmoor, Sheeroe Hills, and Malmohus that received new items
during 1.64 spawn frequently enough that they do not have a guaranteed 100% dro
p rate."
Great explanation but does that mean the drop rates have been changed in 1.64 for
these creatures? Short version yes. The drop rates for the named mob encounters in
the three zones listed above are incorrectly set on the live servers, and will
change in 1.64. (You can't say we don't 'fess up when we did in fact make change
s! ;) Thanks to the Pendragon tester for bringing this to my attention, so that
I could make sure our whole player base was correctly informed.)
Q: I have a level 30 Paladin and he seems to parry better when he uses his slash
ing weapon more so that when he wields his war mace. Is the weapon type a modifi
er for the parry skill?
A: Certain weapon "styles" can give bonuses to parry/block/evade chance, but the
weapons themselves don't.
Q: In the notes for 1.64D under the Items section you say, "Trophy items are no
longer sellable." However, in another section of the notes you say that the item
s can now be searched for on the player consignment merchants. I'm confused.
A: Our content producer explains, "(As of 1.64) you can no longer accidentally s
ell trophies to a vendor for 2cp. You can still sell them through your merchant
to other players."
Q: So, I was armor crafting, right? I bought 50 alloy bars to start with. I was

crafting boned and llamar armor. After I was done salvaging the stuff I ended up
with 70 alloy bars. I then made another full inventory and finally finished the
night with 95 alloy bars. Is this right?
A: Sure looks good when you put it like that, eh? The fact of the matter is, tho
ugh, while you came out of the deal with more alloy bars, you didn't get back an
y of your other components, so it's not quite the deal it first appears to be. T
he salvage system only returns one type of material to you.
Q: Which is better, 50 spec in weapon/offensive magic line XYZ or 39 (+11 item b
onus points)?
A: I never answer these definitively, because that way lies madness. What's bett
er? It's entirely subjective, and depends on you and your style of play. Do you
solo or group? Do you prefer open field combat, or dungeon crawling? Are you int
o PVE or PVP? And if you picked PVP, do you enjoy mass combat or do you really l
ike dueling? Are you going to make it all the way to fifty, or are you the type
of player who actually prefers the thirties? Do you have a defensive or an offen
sive style?
Here's the thing. A "natural" 50, where you chose to put each of those points in
to the spec line, has some advantages. You get more spells and styles, obviously
, and there are other formulas involving damage and skill that use your spec num
ber. However, when we're talking about strictly base damage, 50 spec is equal to
39 plus 11 points in items. If you have that natural 50, plus 11 points in item
s, you will consistently hit things in your upper range because your base damage
and your maximum damage are both high in other words, low variance.
Many people choose to get to fifty with items, as opposed to going natural. They
feel that the extra improvement and offensive prowess gained in one skill line
going with spec points isn't equal to the value of getting a certain level of pr
oficiency in another line with the points they "save."
The point is, it's about choices. You can be the best ever at one thing, or sacr
ifice a certain amount of your "perfection" to gain more coverage across your ot
her lines. It's up to you, and no answer I can give you will be appropriate for
all contexts.
Q: Is the Realm Ability "Second Wind" usable in combat?
A: Yes.
Q: What's the math for Mentalist's Level/Spec vs the level of pet you can charm?
A: I can't give out the formula, because it's too complicated, with too many fac
tors playing a role. Roughly: The chance to charm a creature is a sliding scale.
As the level of the potential pet exceeds the caster's level, your chance to ch
arm greatly diminishes. Your spec in the pet line does play a part, however, so
someone with specialization will consistently charm higher level pets.
Q: Insert necro question here.
A: Y'all, most of the necro questions I got this week got the response "currentl
y under discussion and will be addressed in 1.65 if not sooner." Sorry to be so
vague, but you are on the schedule.

Q: Is Shield damage (when using a bash intended to damage, for example) dependen
t on a primary weapon skill?
A: When using a shield bash, it's your shield skill that determines damage.
Q: Are monsters affected by acuity buffs?
A: Nope.
That's it for the column this week, thanks for all the questions. And thanks for
the feedback on our new Herald design. Our programmer has been working on it fo
r quite some time, and it's great having so many eyes on it helping us to put th
e final shine on everything.
If you're looking for opportunities to put your own shine on things a little mor
e directly, don't forget to click the Team Lead Ticket and check out the volunte
er opportunities.
Have a great weekend!
Here we go!
Q: Is there any particular reasons why the Blackhearted Spear, from Tuscaran Gla
cier in Midgard, has no particle effects (no 'glowies') on it? Do you think such
an effect will be added to it in the future, and if so, will the ones already i
n game be modified?
A: Short version the reason there's no glowy is because the "attach point" (the po
int on the weapon that a spell effect is attached to) is in a weird place on tha
t weapon, and any effect would look silly. Whether or not that will change depen
ds on whether or not anyone on the art staff is unchained from their desk long e
nough to look at issues unrelated to their deadlines. And that point is several
months away. May I suggest asking again in a few months?
Q: I've heard from several players that procs from armor and weapons dropped in
epic dungeons goes off quite a bit more often than normal player crafted equipme
nt. Is there anything to this?
A: Not a thing. We looked into it and ran some tests to be sure. Side note, thou
gh: Make sure that your things are properly enchanted (the "bright" effect you g
et when you take your items to an NPC enchanter) the game assumes that you will ha
ve the bonuses applied.
Q: Is it an exploit to jump up on the top step at the entrance to the other real
m's Darkness Falls entrance?
A: Yes, and I should add that it's an exploit to get up on any of those steps be
longing to the other realm. Doing so can result in action against your account.
Q: Does the /level command work if we copy our level 50 character to Pendragon,
and then delete the level 50 from the live server?
A: Yes. But please don't delete your level 50 from any live server we won't restor

e it should you change your mind, and there's a saying about grass always lookin
g greener until you actually jump over the fence, etc.
Q: I am curious about my conc pool. I have spoken with other friars, and they ca
n all cast 20 buffs but I can't. I realize that some buffs have a higher cost than
others, but I believe they are casting the same ones I am.
I spoke with a CSR who informed me that enhancement spec has nothing to do with
the conc pool, only the level of the character affects the conc pool. Is this co
A: The CSR is correct, spec does not matter when it comes to figuring out how ma
ny concentration points you have to spend. However, our spell designer tells me
that your casting stat (in your case, piety) also plays a role in determining th
e size of your concentration pool, in addition to your character's level. So ask
your friends what their piety is, and figure out for certain if you are in fact
casting the same buffs.
Q: I haven't seen a Vine Wrapped Impaler drop in Galladoria in a long time is it (
the drop table) still working?
A: Yep. We looked it up and checked the drop settings it's currently coming off se
ven different creatures, four named and three common spawns. Keep hunting :)
(But, but, but Sanya, why can't you tell me exactly where it drops from? The ans
wer to that is either because I'm not supposed to give spoilers, or because I'm
a mean, mean person who is presently somewhat overcaffeinated. You decide! ;))
Q: I recently formed a new guild. I set up all my permission levels and rankings
, and logged out. When I logged back in this morning, nothing was set! This was ann
A: Ow. This is a rare bug, that doesn't affect very many people, so it's difficu
lt to fix. (The first step to fixing a bug is duplicating it, and when it doesn'
t happen very often, we don't have much of a data pool to work with.) Obviously,
we're working on it. Meanwhile, I apologize for the frustration, and hereby pro
vide you with the workaround
If this happens to you, and you're forced to reset everything and don't want to
risk having it happen again, first report the problem to us. Next, go to your re
alm's keep in an Albion frontier zone and set up the ranks and permissions. The
reason you do this is because from what we can tell so far, the server looks in
Albionian (is that a word?) zones and not those of the other two realms to check
for guild settings to propagate for a very few unlucky players. I couldn't begi
n to tell you why that is, other than something vague about how Albion was the f
irst realm we put up on the hardware. I just know it works. But remember to repo
rt that problem via bug appeal so we can add your character information to the s
earch for a fix.
* * *
Slow news day, sorry, y'all. Got a good tip from a fellow known as "Ant" you can u
se the new /rpfilter command to help keep track of your friend's alts. Just set
up the filter so that when you see a friend's alt, it prints out on your client
as "AltName (MainName)." Meaning, if you see me log in as Gertrude, but you know
me better as my main, Sanya, set up the filter so that whenever my name prints
out, you see it as "Gertrude (Sanya) tells you blah blah blah."

Several of you have discovered how much fun it is to mess with each other's name
s in this fashion. By the way, if you change someone's name, and find that you c
an no longer send someone a tell because you can no longer remember what their a
ctual name is, remember you can type /rpfilter (without anything else) and a pop
up window will tell you what youre currently filtering.
Have fun storming the castle, and we'll see you next week.
Off we go!
Q: In the notes from 1.46, it says "-Relic Keep doors are no longer upgradable.
They will spawn at a high wood level (8) and will remain there. They can still b
e repaired." But it seems like they can be upgraded.
A: I can't find a note between now and then (1.46 weren't dinosaurs still walking
the earth back then?), so it's possible it was undocumented but we did change it s
o that that the doors spawn at 8 and can be upgraded up to ten. Thanks for bring
ing this to our attention.
Q: Wow, sure are a lot of virus emails floating around.
A: Yes. And it's another spoofer virus, so delve the headers to see where they c
ame from - they aren't coming from the address you see in your mailbox. Run a to
p of the line, recently updated virus checker often. And take comfort no matter ho
w many of these virus infested emails you're getting, I'm getting more. A lot mo
re. I also get invitations to join extremely specialized porn sites. If you are
the one who signed me up for the one with the tentacles, I will someday find you
and kill you.
Q: One of my friends lost his house. His credit card expired, so his account was
closed for three days and when he came back, the house was gone. Do houses disa
ppear when an account goes into billing suspension?
A: No, they don't. Our billing system and our game aren't connected in any way the
billing system is like a switch, it either lets you have access to the game or
it doesn't. Your characters and your houses continue to exist whether or not you
have access to them. So, if you've got money in the lockbox, our system will co
ntinue to automatically deduct rent every week until the money is gone.
I'm happy to request logs on anyone's behalf so far, each case we've looked into h
as turned out to be a simple matter of there not being enough money to pay the r
ent in the lockbox, or on the consignment merchant.
Q: Three new zones for Shrouded Isles people? This sounds like a crazy download.
A: Actually, it's not going to be that bad. We planted the zone textures (althou
gh not the treasures, the quests, the encounters, or the NPCs) on the Shrouded I
sles CD way back when. When the SI CD was ready for gold master, we determined t
hat we had just enough space to put extra, empty zones on that CD, so our intrep
id Content Producer came in for a few weekends to put those in for future use those zone textures are a bear to download, as you know!
Q: I heard rumors about DAOC's servers and possible security problems. Is there

any truth to this kind of rumor?

A: No.
But let me explain how I can be so definite. (Sorry if this is an overly simplif
ied explanation remember, I have to print my answers for both the technical and th
e non-technical people out there.) A game like ours has two kinds of code, clien
t side (the part that happens on your computer at home) and server side (the cod
e on you guessed it our servers).
Dark Age of Camelot servers have never been hacked. The tools that allow creatio
n of monsters and other world items on live servers are internal development too
ls. (Here at Mythic HQ, access to these things means you work here in our office
and are closely supervised.) These tools are mainly used for two purposes - on
Pendragon during encounter testing, and on live servers by our customer service
people who are replacing lost quest items and other such things. There has never
been a misuse of these tools on any of our live servers.
Our password server has also not been hacked. Every case of "account hacking" ha
s been people not keeping their passwords secure. If you share your password wit
h others, if you email your password to strangers, and if you say, boot up a thi
rd party program and then type your password, your password is not secure. We fe
el bad for people who get taken advantage of, but we can't restore their account
s or their treasures. So never give out your password, and change it frequently.
There are, as many of you know, some client hacks out there. While they cannot c
reate gold or monsters, or provide you with any actual gameplay skill, they can
affect things that your client controls, such as your run speed.
We ban people using these every day. Because we do not want to ban innocent play
ers, our investigation process is painstaking and a little slow. But we get the
cheaters eventually. It's unfortunate, but a fact of life you get a lot of people
together, and the odds are good that a very few of them will be special people who can
't compete without cheating. So, we get copies of all the cheat programs, learn
how to find their users, and make frequent and daily use of the ban stick.
But I digress. The short answer is that DAOC servers have not been hacked.
Q: Hi! Since I got my bard to 50, I have been making some alts and taking them t
o Thidranki. I have a 24 huntress, and as I was playing her last night, I swear
I got 2 or 3 realm points for a particular single kill. However, my friend tells
me I am a liar and that all kills get you only one RP in Thidranki. Is it possi
ble to get more than one RP per kill in Thidranki?
A: Your friend is wrong. Below level 22, a player will only be worth one realm p
oint as a base.* A higher level player that's been in Thidranki for a while coul
d certainly be worth several realm points.
*In regular RVR, remember that past the base score, a player will be worth one e
xtra point for each realm rank they have.
Q: I recently completed the Albion quest "Reports" and I chose the reward of Ava
lon's Watcher, a flexible crusher. My groupmate chose Avalon's Victory, a one-ha
nded crusher. I was able to salvage Victory, but when I try to salvage Watcher,
it says it can not be salvaged. Is this intended?
A: Nope, thanks for letting us know, and watch the patch notes for the fix.

Q: Which Realm Ability will increase the healing of Frigg's?

A: Mastery of the Arcane.
Q: I currently own the original DAoC, and I've downloaded Foundations. If I went
out and bought Shrouded Isles, how would that effect my foundations? Would I ne
ed to re-install, or would it automatically be upgraded with the installation of
The reason i'm asking is because I'm currently on a Dial-Up connection, and I wo
uld hate to download Foundations.
A: Wince. You need to install the SI version of Foundations. However, you're not
stuck with the DL option we're selling CDs on the Mythic store at cost with the f
iles on it (just charging for the CD itself and the time it took to burn one). A
lso, if you buy a t-shirt, the CD is free :)
Q: Are there any plans to add more levels? And if I am level 50, will I just fil
l the exp bar completely, or will it "roll over" and show me an empty bar?
A: Your first question shudder. No, no plans to do so. Your second the bar will fill
up completely, and then hit the ceiling.
Q: I've heard that if we do not pickup the loot dropped by the mobs, the respawn
timer waits until the loot disappears before starting. Is there any truth in th
A: Nope.
* * *
Man, this worm virus thingy is annoying me. Every so often, someone actually doe
s write in with a thank you but I'm afraid the hammer of Thor will come down on me
if I dare open an email with a "thank you" header.
By the way, at 5:00 PM, we successfully moved 178 characters whose owners execut
ed the command correctly. We're going to wait out the weekend and make sure ever
ything is fine with those players. If it is, there will be another character mov
e at 10:00 AM Monday morning, and then each following morning at the same bat ti
me, same bat channel. So! If you're a Dred player who missed tonight's move, go
ahead and play this weekend, just be sure to use the command at some point, and
stay off the Dreds Monday morning.
Speaking of the Dreds if you use the character mover, please be certain to spell y
our Andred character's name correctly. The program is, as all programs are, extr
emely literal if it doesn't find an EXACT match, it will fail. So far, all the fai
led moves are because of simple typing errors.
What a week. Time to go home and kill stuff! Have a great weekend. For those of
you back at college and back to your T1 connections welcome back, we've kept the l
ight on for you.
Labor Day special! Read on:

Q: On the Sidi Inf boots, it says +3 ALL Melee Skills yet Duel Wield isn't liste
d. It's a speccable melee skill with its own styles the same as CS. Both are dep
endent on a secondary spec like slash or thrust, yet DW isnt included on the Royal
Assasins Boots. Will this be changed?
A: The phrase "all melee skills" is a little misleading, sorry about that. Check
the patch notes again, where we explained what the new +melee bonus did:
"- ALL melee weapon skills - This bonus will increase your skill in many weapon
types. This bonus does not increase shield, parry, archery skills, or dual wield
skills (hand to hand is the exception, as this skill is also the main weapon sk
ill associated with hand to hand weapons, and not just the off-hand skill). If y
our item has "All melee weapon skills: +3" and your character can train in hamme
r, axe and sword, your item should give you a +3 increase to all three."
Perhaps a more precise way of putting it would be to say that +melee grants you
a bonus to your handheld, close-quarters weapons.
Q: I looked up a question for the grab bag, and found two different answers. The
n I looked up a second question, and found two different answers again, and both
of them seemed wrong. Can you enlighten me?
A: There are two reasons the grab bag might be wrong:
1) It is describing the way something SHOULD work. If the game is different, the
n the grab bag is still right and the game has a bug; or
2) The grab bag in question is old copy, the game has changed/evolved since then
, and I've had no occasion to revisit the topic because no player has asked me t
o do so.
The most recent answer always "wins" in a battle with earlier answers. But if th
e most recent answer still seems wrong, check the date on the grab bag you're re
ferencing. If it's more than a few months old, I ask that you send me the questi
on again with a note saying the game seems to be different.
For a perfect example of a topic in need of revisiting, see the next question:
Q: (Insert Focus Staff Question here)
A. Here is the updated explanation behind focus staff use. Bear in mind that it'
s a complicated piece of code drawing from many different formulas, and I may ad
d something to this next week:
When you are not using any focus staff at all, a spell will cost you 120% of its
delved cost to cast, provided it is a spell that uses focus. i.e. Healing class
es do not use focus for their spells.
A focus staff will only benefit you if it has focus bonus in the same line as th
at spell, as modified below. (i.e. A staff with 50 levels in Mana will help Mana
spells but not Void spells)
If you are using a focus staff, a spell will cost you between 80-120% of its del
ved power cost to cast, depending upon several factors.

If the condition of the staff is not 100%, you will not get the full focus bonus
, and it will cost more power to cast spells.
If your modified spec level* is below the level of the spell, you will not get t
he full focus bonus, and it will cost more power to cast the spell.
If the focus level on the staff is below the level of the spell, you will not ge
t the full focus bonus, and it will cost more power to cast the spell.
Note that all three of the above conditions factor into power cost. Thus, To get
the the full 80% cost on your spells, you would use a 100% condition staff with
a focus bonus greater than the level of the spell you want to cast, and cast a
spell that is lower in level than your modified spec level. As each of these fac
tors (condition, spec level, and focus level) gets further away from the optimal
condition, the power cost slides from 80% to 120%.
A few examples:
If you have a staff with 50 levels in Mana, are casting a level 50 mana based sp
ell. and your modified spec is 48 (35 spec + 11 in items + 2 for Realm Rank 3) y
ou will get most of the power bonus from using the staff)
If your modified spec was 50 (35 spec +11 in items +4 for Realm Rank 5) then you
would get all of the bonus.
If your modified spec was 16 (1 spec +11 in items +4 for Realm Rank 5) then you
would get little bonus from the staff.
*Your base spec is the number of points you have put into the line. Your modifie
d spec is that number plus items plus realm rank bonuses.
Q: Is the Weekly Rps earned total on the herald a rolling total for the previous
7 days or is it reset on a certain day of the week?
A: It's a rolling total meaning that it's seven days from the last time the page w
as updated.
Q: If you cannot spec a particular skill, but you equip an item with a +skill, w
ill it affect your character at all? For example, as a warden I cannot spec shie
ld, but will using +shield items help me block more?
A: No. In this example, wearing bonus items for shields will not grant you any e
xtra ability to block if you can't train in the specialization.
If you were wondering what the Bag title means long ago, before we had flat screen
monitors and instant Swiss White Chocolate coffee, there used to be an etiquett
e rule that said you shouldn't wear white shoes after Labor Day and before Memor
ial Day. You could get special dispensation for Easter shoes. I have utterly no
idea why. There's your useless trivia for the day.
On the front page of the Herald is a link to the TL program if you're interested i
n applying to be one of our team leads, follow the link and follow the direction
s. Specifically, please put the name of the TL position you're applying for in t
he subject header. Thanks and good luck!
Our fearless Content Producer had a suggestion for anyone concerned about 1.65's

patch day in a month or so. If you want to beat the rush, and have a light down
load on the big day, why not give Pendragon a try? You'll get all of the new art
files now, which is the bulk of any download with new zones to play in. On patc
h day, you'll have a much smaller patch, since you'll already have many of the f
iles. Hope that helps!
It's Labor Day weekend, and the driving is terrible be safe driving out there. If
you party a little too much, stay at the party or call a cab. Don't take any sil
ly chances.
You know I wouldn't leave you without posting it if I could help it:
Q: I tried to submit my beta test application, and it said I already submitted!
Is this because I answered the riddle?
A: No. The application was bugged, briefly if you got that message and you KNOW yo
u didn't sign up, try again. Be sure to check with well meaning spouses and room
mates who may have signed you up, thinking you might not get a chance to do so.
Q: This person that mailed out fake Beta invites...where did he/she get the addr
A: Message boards, IRC, and so forth. It helps a little to write out your email li
ke Player at Hotmail dot com. Everyone still understands, but harvester programs
will ignore it. Also, always select the "keep my email private" option on messa
ge boards whenever possible. Finally, I recommend having two email addresses one f
or boards and such, and one that you register with us. We do not sell our custom
er information.
Q: Any word on Jewelcraft?
A: Jewelcraft is on the back burner, and looking at the schedule for the next si
x months, that's not going to change. I wish I didn't have to say that, but bett
er the truth than false hope.
Q: I'm a 40 SB, I have +constitution and +hp completely capped via stats on gear
. If I spent realm skill points on Augmented Constitution, does it stack with my
A: I am told that yes, it does.
Q: In the battlegrounds...if I fall off the steps made of wood that lead from th
e Portal Keep courtyard to the second level or the Central Keep courtyard to the
second level my characters can lose anywhere from 50-75% of their health! Yet w
hen I fall off or jump from second level of the Portal Keep or Central Keep I lo
se on average 10% health. Heck I even jumped off the four level of the Central K
eep to the courtyard and lose 60% health. Why is this?
A: That sounds like a bug. Anything like that where you lose more health from a
point that is technically lower than another point you've jumped off of, submit
the details (the zone name, the /locs of the two spots) to our bug appeal queue.
You won't hear back directly, but someone will look into it.
Q: I noticed while playing the other day a mention by an NPC of "Mercenary's." A

s you should know, there is no such word.

A: *cringe* I hate those. Anything like that, send as a bug appeal. Wewell, the con
tent producer, but anyway, we just did another sweep looking for those and think
we've fixed most of the most egregious errors. Thank you for bringing that to m
y attention.
Q: This is a question to whether this is a glitch or not, please read: A day tha
t I was helping my friends level, we were all in World's End in Hybrasil. We cam
e upon a monster called the "rencan tri", we already knew that all monsters with
the first name rencan will die within seconds and a "giant anglator" will come
out, yet after I pulled the rencan tri there came no "giant anglator" or as we t
hought, because it was actually INVISIBLE. We were not able to target it unless
it made contact with us and even then it said is wasn't visible, though we kille
d it because we had PBaoe.
I am asking is this a glitch or an actual intended part of the game?
A: Invisible monsters (and your Giant Anglator is one of them) are supposed to b
ecome visible when they attack. This looks like the monster didn't come all the
way out of his invisible state for some reason. If this happens again, please no
te down all the details (how many attackers, what you used to pull with, etc) an
d send a bug appeal.
Q: I was wondering why the following item was not usable by the savage
class: Agmundr's Foe Slayer. Savages can spec themselves in Sword so why they ca
nnot use this sword drop from Tuscaran Glacier. Stats are not class specific. Th
ey are general stats. I consider this as a bug. How can I report this to Mythic
developers? Thanks for any help you can offer me!
A: Well, you found the best way to report this to Mythic developers :) But it's
not a bug, it's a design choice. That weapon is very fast for a two hander, and
savages have a number of innate haste boosters. It would be somewhat overpowerin
g in the hands of a savage.
Don't hesitate to send me things like this for the questions file, though you neve
r know when there might have been an oversight. Right now, our item bug list is
completely clear. Let's give the item princess and her handmaidens things to suf
fer over!
Q: Do you even read negative feedback? (Insert long list of really good feedback
A: Well, yes, if it's written clearly and concisely and free of accusations of b
ias towards a particular realm. Bulleted lists are nice. I have a lot of materia
l I need to read each day, so I love it when someone gets straight to the point
and lays out the data without long essays.
Q: Does the Master of Concentration RA prevent a cast from being interrupted if
an amnesia spell is cast on them?
A: No the amnesia spell is the one thing that will always interrupt, by design. In
cidentally, Mastery of Concentration does not prevent interrupts, it simply impr
oves your chances to not be interrupted.

As you may have noticed, we decided to leave the beta sign up form up through th
e weekend instead of yanking it tonight several of you wrote in to let me know tha
t you could not surf the net at work. We will be pulling the form off the web on
Monday, though, so don't wait too long!
I did a fun interview with an old friend named Mystery it's posted over at Warcry.
Check it out!
Andred players if you missed the excitement in the last few weeks, you can still m
ove your characters, you just can't log into Andred and look at your inventories
. The directions can be found here.
Gentle reminder all third party programs that directly and actively impact the gam
e are illegal, and once we have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is
using such a program, we have a one strike and you're out policy. If you're won
dering a simple log parser that returns results to a separate window = fine. A sim
ple log parser that returns results to your in game chat windows = bad. Anything
that gives you an advantage over another player such as speed or "radar" = very
bad, not to mention pathetic. If you can't compete without cheating, this may n
ot be the game for you.
Of course, remember the other side of the coin just because the other fellow beat
you is not in itself proof that he cheated.
I believe it is time for me to consume some complex carbohydrates. Thanks, as al
ways, for being part of our community.
Hey, if anyone has a copy of that DAOC movie "Ring of Fire," send it or a link t
o me - I'd wanted to post it tonight, and alas! My copy is gone. Anyway, time fo
r the bag:
Q: I have 3300 realm points now and I am totally lost on when I will get to real
m rank 2. I can't find a ladder anywhere that seems accurate. According to an ol
d one I found, I should be around rank 1 level 7 at this point but I'm only rank
1 level 4. How many realm points do I need to get to rank 2?
A: You should indeed be 1.7. The realm point system has a quirk. If you get enou
gh points to go up more than one level, you'll only go up one level but the next t
ime you get so much as a single point, you will go up another level. This will h
appen until you have all the levels you are entitled to.
Of course, on Gaheris, this poses a special problem since you guys usually only
get points in whopping big chunks. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I am loo
king into it.
By the way, your friends in the CSR Pit of Despair recommend this realm point ch
nks. Lots of other neat stuff on that website, too, although I haven't had a cha
nce to personally vouch for everything.
Q: Do dual wield classes have a separate chance to parry with both weapons? Or i
s it the same as if I had only one weapon wielded?
A: Dual wielding does not grant more chances to parry than a single weapon.
Q: Seems like a lot of TOA stuff, and not a lot of stuff about 1.65. What gives?

A: Well, as the Herald typing monkey, I can only post certain things. Usually, I
post about things that are ready for you guys to use or test I get twitchy when I
have to talk about things that are more than a few days away. The riddle contes
t (brought to you by the Herald team and ONLY the Herald team everyone else is wor
king on the actual game) is something I can post every day. Patch notes, the nex
t section of which is coming Monday or Tuesday, barring the unforeseen, can only
be posted after they've been coded and at least tested internally. There are se
veral more installments of 1.65 in the works.
Q: The Ancient Roman Coin from the Stone of Arawn quest is tradable but the Anci
ent Copper Necklace from the same quest isn't tradable. Why is that?
A: The Ancient Copper Necklace is one of the better items in the game. Originall
y it was only rewarded randomly to about 5% of players. When we made the quest r
epeatable so that everyone could have a fair chance at the necklace, we made it
no trade to avoid flooding the game with it. The Ancient Roman Coin is a nice it
em, but not on par with the necklace and is therefore, tradeable.
Q: I've noticed some strange aggro AI on the mylings in Gripklosa Mountains. The
y build "hate" differently than every other mob that I've seen.
So far I've seen:
--They ignore damage from damage shields (focus and concentration) for agro purp
oses. They take damge from it, but the damage seems to be attributed to the cast
er of the shield and not the target of the shield for agro purposes.
--They occasionally accrue hate from the Shaman's heal over time spells.
--They occasionally aggro randomly against players in the area in which they are
engaged. For example, I was playing a level 27 hunter and had a friend helping
me with his 47 shaman. On 3 non-consecutive pulls, the shaman did nothing but bu
ff (no heal, no HoT), yet the myling hit the shaman anyway. I got no experience
reward for those kills even though the Shaman did no damage to the myling direct
ly (shaman didn't have damage shield on himself or me).
Are the mylings behaving differently by design or is thisbehavior a bug?
A: Not every encounter in the game has the same kind of ag, and you're talking a
bout one of the more unique encounters. The content producer's minion told me "T
his is by design. Mylings are very spastic and will attack players almost comple
tely at random. Mylings can also check an area around them and attack anyone reg
ardless of level in that area, so this is one of the few areas where a grey mob
could potentially aggro on a player."
Q: I gave someone a rez, and got realm points for it and being as I was very close
to a new realm rank level, I immediately looked at my character information scr
een. My points were not there!
A: Rez realm points sometimes take a bit to update. Zone, or just wait until you
get other realm points via a kill or a group kill they'll catch up.
Q: I have a guild house that I would like to convert to a personal house. Can th
is be done?
A: I am afraid not. Once a guild house, always a guild house on a fundamental co

de level. There are no plans to change this at this time.

Q: I have done (insert repeatable quest name here) a number of times, and have n
ot yet gotten the (insert rarest reward here). Is the quest broken?
A: Random means just that random. What has happened before has no bearing on the p
resent. Let's say there is a one in twenty chance that you will receive the rare
st possible prize from a particular quest. Even if you got the "common" prize ni
neteen times in a row, there is no guarantee that you will get the rare prize th
e twentieth time. This is because each time you get to the reward stage, your ch
ances are always one in twenty.
I'll certainly investigate at your request, but most often, I've found the reque
st has originated from someone with very bad luck.
Ah, beta madness. If riddles, random selection, and crazy beta stunts weren't en
ough, there are some contests floating around the internet providing MORE chance
s to win a Trials of Atlantis beta! The two I've seen so far:
Classes of Camelot
Camelot Vault
I expect there will be more out there soon.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Got a few interesting tidbits, here:
Q: Where is my beta CD? I got my letter AGES ago.
A: The first round of Beta CDs are on their way across the world, and the second
batch should go out within the week.
Q: What classes can the new races of Atlantis be?
A: Remember that we're still a month and a few days away from launching Trials o
f Atlantis, so this is subject to change. Right now, here's how things stand:
Frostalf: Thane, Healer, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Shaman
Shar: Hero, Champion, Blademaster, Ranger, Nightshade, Mentalist
Half Ogre: Armsman, Mercenary, Cabalist, Wizard, Theurgist, Sorceror
Q: I didn't see a report from my class team lead this month. Was this due to NDA
issues or to some other factor? What do you do when you don't get the reports?
A: There are no reports that are being kept private due to NDA issues right now.
Our volunteers are expected to fill out regular reports, but we also respect th
e fact that our team leads have busy lives outside the game. Sometimes it's just
not possible for someone to get their report done due to family emergencies or

pressure in their day jobs. We aren't going to fuss at someone for that. Of cour
se, if they *regularly* are unable to meet their commitments, we do ask that the
y allow someone with more time to take over the position.
Q: I recently purchased a house beside a lake, yet it didn't have the ambient wa
ter sound effects like my guild house (also on a lake) did. How can you tell if
your house is close enough to the water to have water sounds while inside?
A: Our live producer is out of town, so I asked his minion to answer. Minion Man
replied, "If there is a specific example of places that seem like they should b
e playing water sounds and aren't or vice versa, players should /appeal it as a
bug so we can get it on the list of things to fix." Basically, if your house is
on the shoreline, you should be able to hear water from your front yard. If you
do not have beachfront property, you should not be able to hear it.
Q: My char is an LGM SC. I have been trying to reach the new cap for SC by craft
ing the etched aquamarine eye. I am stuck at 1058. I have crafted 242 of these i
ncredibly expensive gems in the attempt to reach 1059. I have asked the people o
n Guinevere and Percival who have reached 1059 and they say they reached it in a
bout 100 gems. I NEED to know:
a. Am I bugged??
b. Is only one person per server allowed to reach 1059?
c. What is the probability of reaching 1059 after 242 tries?
d. Were the people who made it in 100 gems incredibly lucky or am I just incredi
bly unlucky?
A: I took your question to the trade skills guy, and he answered:
"a) No.
"b) No.
"c) Doesn't matter, it doesn't keep track of how many tries. It once took someon
e 1600 combines to get the last point.
"d) They were incredibly lucky."
There you have it. Personally, I'm betting that it doesn't take you 1600 tries jus
t as the odds are highly against getting from 1058 to 1059 in 100 tries, it is e
xtremely unlikely you'll require 1600. But I'll cross my fingers, eh?
Q: I am a bonedancer. When I went from level 42 to 43, I stopped being able to c
ast both minions in addition to my commander. What gives?
A: What gives is a quirk of the rounding system. You can still have two minions,
it's just that one of them needs to be a little lower level.
The general feeling of most bonedancers about this quirk has been passed on to t
he dev team.

It's not that there weren't other good questions this week it's that we lost time
out of a tight schedule due to Isabel last week, and we're okay, who am I kidding,
my valiant coworkers are pulling overtime to make up for it. Coding all night does
not lend itself to answering questions particularly well. We need to be ready to
open the servers for paying Trials of Atlantis users by the end of October, and
we need to finish 1.65 as well, storm or no storm. The next couple grab bags ar
e likely to be a little on the light side as a result. I beg patience for this p

oor little column until then.

Gentle reminder: the particular "skill" known commonly as "lag jumping" (a metho
d of climbing stairs that are intended to be unclimbable, such as those in Darkn
ess Falls) is considered an exploit and will earn consequences on your account.
Just say no to exploiting and yes, it's still an exploit if you "jump" up your own
realm's stairs to get away from whatever or whoever is chasing you.
If you are sponsoring a beta contest and I haven't put up a link to you yet, let
me know we've got players out there who are dying to take part!
Got a great story from an in game event? We'd love to tell the world over in our
community section. There's a flashing button that says "submit news," and our J
ulie is waiting with bated breath for your tales.
Thanks, and have a terrific weekend!
Read on!
Q: (Insert beta CD question here).
A: The last batch of CDs (except for contest winners) has gone out. Please give
them a few days to arrive before you worry. We are starting to get "return to se
nder" CDs, stamped with messages such as "no such address." I am very sorry to s
ay that we can't spend the time to track down the correct mailing addresses. Tha
t's why we always ask that you provide the address to reduce the number of these r
If you get a CD, but something is wrong (such as having two CDs and both labeled
"disk 2"), please reply to the invitation email with your account name (NOT you
r character name, password, or CD key number), your mailing address, and a descr
iption of what is wrong with the CD.
Q: What is my account name?
A: This was quite a common question this week. Your account name is one of the t
wo things you enter every time you log into Dark Age of Camelot. First you enter
your account name (although if you always play on the same computer, you'll fin
d that your account name will automatically be in a little drop down menu), and
then your password. As I said above, your account name is NOT your CD key number
. We here at Mythic have no CD keys and no way to verify them that is a number pro
vided by the publisher.
Q: Are you still doing character moves from Andred to Mordred?
A: Absolutely. The moves happen every morning at 6:00 AM EDT. If you still have
a character to move, go to Mordred, create a level one character of the realm an
d race your old character has, and type /charpull OldName. Log out, stay out, an
d wait!
Q: I noticed on the recent patch notes that savages had their insta-taunt turned
into a castable one, presumably to remove their ability to insta-taunt enemy ca
sters while moving. However, I didnt see where the Friar and Paladin version of the
insta-taunt was removed. Was this an oversight?

A: Not at all. The savage was the only class in the game that had both insta-tau
nt AND tank Ras such as Determination, and the combination was a little unfair.
Here's a quote from our Balance Producer (whose Team Lead program is responsible
for many of the class balance suggestions we implemented in 1.65):
Savages, Friars, and Paladins all had the ability to insta-interrupt casters at ran
ge (as do others who either do damage or a form of CC with their instas). This a
bility is on a 30 second timer and is most often used at the start of the battle
to help these classes have a better chance of getting into melee range without
being mezzed, stunned, or rooted. The problem wasnt with the interrupt itself, but
with the fact that the Savage was the only class in the game that had both the i
nsta-taunt AND access to tank Realm Abilities.(Determination, Purge, etc at a re
duced cost). Given the choice between removing determination and other RA from t
he savage, or removing the insta-taunt ability, we felt that the making a change
to the insta-taunt would be much less disruptive to the players of that class.
Q: I have a Dwarven Glima Ring when I delve it, it has no listed restrictions, but
I cannot use it. Is this item bugged?
A: Sort of. It's bugged in that you can't see the restriction, but the fact that
you can't equip it is not a bug. Here's what's going on a small number of items (
such as the Glima Ring) have a requirement field in our database, meaning the it
em requires you to be a certain class, race, or what have you in order to wear i
t. But too many requirements cause the item to not show those requirements.
Let's say an item requires you to be one of the Viking classes well, there are fiv
e Viking classes. Five or more requirements make the system choke, so any item t
hat requires you to be a Viking will not say so. We are aware of this bug, and w
orking to fix it.
Q: In Patch 1.65J, you removed the bounty rent merchants. How come? Can we no lo
nger pay rent with our bounty points?
A: We'd hoped to replace the bounty rent merchants for a simpler system we intro
duced in 1.64. (That system - using your bounty points to pay rent on your house
s, using the /bountyrent personal ### or /bountyrent guild #### commands.) We pu
t the merchants back in 1.65K, since there are still some kinks to work out of t
he new system, but please consider this official notice that the merchants will ev
entually retire.
Beat the download rush for 1.65! Try out the new goodness on Pendragon this week
end and when the patch goes live, you'll already have most of the files, and won't
suffer through the patch day patcher clog. We expect to bring 1.65 live next we
ek, although as usual, my saying that will probably incur some sort of major sno
Have a terrific weekend, everyone; we'll see you out on the battlefield.http://w
While it's not as good as the middle chapter, it's still pretty satisfying!
Q: Will the ToA beta testers still need to purchase the ToA expansion CDs, or wi
ll they be able to just use the beta CDs?

A: While the files are the same, what you need to buy is the CD key that comes w
ith the disk, which is what we use to authorize your account.
By the way, everybody we at Mythic don't have access to CD keys directly, and we d
o not have any way of knowing what key belongs to what account. The CD keys come
from our publisher. This means two things one, it won't help to give us your CD k
ey for any reason in the future, and two, make sure your Trials of Atlantis box
is closed, sealed, and was never opened before you put down your money for it. I
f your "CD Key is already in use," you have to take it back to the store to deal
with the problem as much as we'd like to, we won't be able to help you.
Q: I have two accounts, and I don't want to buy two CDs when all I need are two
CD keys.
A: I don't blame you at all, and believe me, I have passed on that feedback. But
again, Mythic doesn't have anything to do with the CD key process, and can't ju
st give you a key.
Q: Do you plan to make DF seal items (with the new improved bonuses from the 1.6
5 patch) salvage for their level-appropriate materials? i.e. lvl 45+ diamond sea
l items = arcanium, etc.?
A: The intention behind the change was to increase the utility of the darkness f
alls items for player use as armor - not to change the salvage values.
Q: Since 1.65, seems like the mudmen huts around Ardee stopped spawning mudmen.
I didn't see a patch note
A: Whoops. You didn't see a patch note because it wasn't on purpose. We're fixin
g that in 1.66. I apologize for the error.
Q: (insert 1.65 resist changes question here)
A: Here's the answer I got from Balance Boy:
"Prior to 1.65, resists were all added together to create a single percentage wh
ich was reduced from the damage of the appropriate type that was taken.
"For example:
"If you had 26% cold resist in items, 14% in cold resist buffs, Avoidance of Mag
ic III (9%), and Brilliant Aura of Deflection (36%), your total resist to cold t
ype damage would be:
"So if you were hit by a spell that did 500 cold damage, the actual damage you r
eceived after resists would be 500*(1- .85) or 75 points. The person casting the
spell on you would see the damage result as 75(-425). That's the way it WAS.
"With the NEW system, resists are added into two separate categories that are ap
plied to the damage consecutively instead of all together at once. Items, Buffs,
and Racial abilities are calculated into the first resist check and Realm Abili
ties that affect resists are calculated in the second check.
"Using the same example as above:

"Your 26% cold resist items and 14% cold resist buffs would be counted first, so
"Then with the same 500 point cold damage spell, the calculation would be 500*(1
-.40) or 300.
"That 300 would then be checked against the AoM III (9%) and BAoD (36%), so 300*
(1-.45) or 165. The person casting the spell on you would see the damage as 165(
"So in this case, we a spell that would have only done 75 points of damage befor
e 1.65, now doing 165.
"This change was designed to address the rare cases of extremely high resists (6
5% and up), without penalizing those with low to moderate resists.(20-40%)."
Now, let me just remind everyone the example above is JUST an example. The math in
the game won't work exactly that way, because in the game, you're wearing armor
, debuffs are in action, etc. But for the purposes of explaining the changes, th
e example needed to be as simple as possible.
Q: I've read that "Trials of Atlantis is designed to further challenge high-leve
l players by introducing a Master Level advancement system. As a player moves se
quentially through each of the nine Trials, they will achieve a corresponding Ma
ster Level. Emphasizing group play, the Trials will have to be surmounted by gro
ups of players journeying through the portal together."
This needs to be clarified please. I cannot buy the game until I know exactly wh
at this statement entails. Are you saying that this is linear ONLY game play? Ar
e you saying that I cannot complete all 9 trials solo? Are you saying that I mus
t be with the same group of people to complete all 9 trials? PLEASE answer these
questions for me!
A: There will be more information coming out in the next few weeks, but in respo
nse to your email, here's what I was just handed hot off the email server:
- The expansion is meant to be played much like a tabletop module, BUT
- It has normal hunting grounds as well.
- Groups of players in their 20s can enjoy much of the hunting, but the Master L
evel Trials and the associated quests start at level 40.
- Many of the encounters that are part of the Trials themselves can be done by o
ne group (although some will require more, such as the final encounter for each
of the Trials.)
So, it's not just linear gameplay, there are lots of new places to hunt and new
treasures to acquire, but the story arc is meant to be followed sequentially. An
d you will need a group for many things, just like the current game, but no, not
the same eight people for the whole expansion. Solo Trials? No. Hope that helps
ease your mind a little.
Q: After patch day, how long does it take the dragon to spawn?
A: All spawn timers in the game have a percentage chance to spawn every few minu
tes. If the dragon fails his spawn roll, he could conceivably not spawn for seve
ral hours. This isn't like other games you may have played, where patch day is a
signal for everyone to stay home for work and pray they kill the giant lizard f
irst. Appealing and asking for the CSR to spawn the dragon won't make it spawn a

ny faster
Clicked the Community tab recently? Our Miss Julie is running a costume contest
for those of you who are dressing up like a character or a monster out of DAOC t
his year. We're looking forward to seeing your pictures, so send 'em in. And it'
s not me judging the contest, so yes, the results really will be announced aroun
d Halloween.
Some people have written to say they'd be perfect for the tech support job, and
that it's not fair that we won't consider them just because they live in, say, O
hio. I'll tell you, Ohio, your resume kicked ass, and you would have been hired
in a second if you lived here. The thing is, we really need someone who can star
t yesterday. Promotions come from within around here, we just moved one of our g
ood people up, and so there's a gap in entry level tech support right NOW. If we
know about a job opening in advance, we consider out of state applicants. Today
's opening has some urgency to it. Sorry :( Keep watching the Herald for opportu
Shout out to the DC Percival Player Gathering! That rolling party just rolled ou
t of here after a fun filled few hours of dev watching and producer harassing. F
or those of you who took the bleeping sunglass holders, you rock! Drive safe, Ca
nadians. And thank you, Kardinal and Crunchy Head, for producing these awesome p
arties. If you're local to DC and would like to catch up to these loons, they're
planning to take over the Maryland RennFaire tomorrow Crownsville will never be th
e same.
And with that, I'm off. Have fun storming the castle.
Definitely has an Atlantean flavor tonight:
Q: How will battlegroups work on Mordred will we be able to use these to keep AEs
from hurting temporary allies?
A: Not at this time, no. I have passed on your requests and feedback on the topi
c, though.
Q: Okay, so, the regular servers have three instances of Trials of Atlantis runn
ing parallel to each other, with different NPCs depending on the realm. How does
this work on Mordred and Gaheris?
A: Those two servers have one instance of TOA that all players have access to. T
he NPCs will be mixed to reflect those servers. I expect the players of those se
rvers to be among the first to complete the Master Levels, since high level play
ers from all three realms are available to raid. Well, assuming that people are
able to get off the boat docks on Mordred ;)
Q: Is TOA going to be a "no PVP" area on Mordred?
A: Heck no. All kill, all the time.
Q: About those waterbreathing potions. I'm a necromancer, and as you know, shade
s can't use potions. Am I doomed to a life of waterwings and noseplugs?

A: From the design team: "We've added code that will support us designing certai
n potions that can be used by Necros in shade form. This should address any fear
s of necros drowning since they will now be able to use water breathing potions.
" From me: we're going to make it so waterbreathing potions are usable by the sh
Q: Can regular, non-necro pets breath underwater?
A: They're really, really good at holding their breath. The mushrooms don't hold
their breath, they just don't have noses.
Q: You're not funny.
A: I know.

Q: What happens when I drown underwater and I /release? Will there be a floating
grave or will my grave just sink to the bottom? What if I'm killed somewhere in
between the surface and the ocean floor?
A: A grave is supposed to appear at the spot you died. If you die while dog padd
ling, the gravestone appears on the surface. If you die on the sandy bottom, it
appears there. If you die while diving, it's just there, neither floating nor si
nking. Make a /loc macro.
Q: Can the boats go on water in the original and Shrouded Isles zones? What happ
ens when boats crash into each other? Can you fight on boats?
A: I am told that at this time boats can't be used on the water outside of TOA.
Boats can't crash into each other if two set off at the same time, the server will
roll to see who goes first. The galley slaves on the winner may then catcall to
the slowpokes rowing away behind.
No combat actions can be taken on the boats. So no pirating, sorry.
Q: Master Abilities sound cool. What "tracks" go with which classes?
A: I can't tell you yet we are still making a few last minute balancing tweaks - b
ut I am told I'll get the list on Monday to post.
Normally, when I'm given dates and times, I fudge the heck out of it. In this ca
se, since we're launching on Tuesday, I think I'm pretty safe.
Q. Will there be a way to respec later if I don't like the track I
A: Yes, players will be able to discover ways to change tracks.

Q. Sounds like these abilities are going to have a huge impact in RvR. Am I goin

g to need to buy TOA to be able to compete?

A. From Balance Boy: "These abilities will likely have a significant impact on h
ow people RvR. However, they were designed as a whole to focus on helping in lar
ger scale Realm on Realm battles, as opposed to 1 on 1 or even 8 on 8." Many of
the abilities are designed to help allies within range on the frontier so you'll s
till get the benefits, even if you haven't picked up the expansion yourself.
Q: How many Master Level Abilities are there? How many will I be able to get?
A: There are nine Master Levels. There are two tracks each player can choose fro
m. There are eight tracks altogether (obviously, there is some overlap between t
he classes). So, there are a total of 72 Master Abilities, but you'll only be ab
le to have nine of them yourself. (All nine will be different not the "bigger vers
ion of last level's" you were worried about.) You'll choose your track when you
finish the first Master Level Trial, and subsequent abilities on the track will
be awarded automatically.
Q. So even though we can choose from two tracks, we can't mix and match
abilities from the two?
A. No. You'll have the choice of track A or track B. If you select A,
then you will receive abilities A1 through A9 as you complete the trials. If you
choose B, you'll receive B1 through B9.
Q. I've heard that these abilities are PvE only from some people, but
then others are saying they are RvR only, which is it?
A. Neither, really. MAs are designed primarily for use in RvR. Some of them will
only be usable on "realm enemies" meaning enemy players, enemy guards, enemy su
mmoned pets, enemy charmed pets, etc, but not on NPC monsters. Others will be us
able in both PvE and RvR.
Q. Will there be a full listing of the MAs made available at some point?
A. Yes. The Herald will have a brief overview at some point of all the Master Le
vel abilities to help give people an idea of how they function. But we will not
be providing hard delve information for these as we do existing spells and abili
ties. The idea behind TOA is one of discovery and we want people to try out the
abilities and learn what they do and when they are most effectively used.
I know you all have a lot more questions about the Master Abilities there will be
more information next week.
So! Have a great weekend, enjoy the anticipation.
For some reason a bit of doggerel about smelling feet keeps running through my m
Q: There are a few new slash commands can you explain them a little better?
A: /use2 this slash command is the same as the "use secondary ability" on the keyb
oard settings. It's meant mainly for artifacts that might have more than one abi

/interact this is how you might read or otherwise interact with a scroll or an art
ifact. If you've got something potentially nifty, try and /interact with it. See
what happens.
There are some other, quest specific commands as well. One of the ladies on the
Pendragon board said it best "Rule of thumb: if a quest explanation says SEARCH, P
LANT, USE, EXCAVATE, etc., it usually implies that is the command you need to us
Q: Insert technical question here:
A: Go to the Knowledge Base search field in the upper right hand corner, and typ
e in Trials of Atlantis. Thousands of typing chimps have worked their little paw
s to the bone updating the knowledge base with solutions to everything our tech
support people have come across. And believe me, after this week, we've come acr
oss just about everything.
Q: If I do parts of another trial before I finish the first trial, can I still g
et credit?
A: From the criminal mastermind herself, our Director of Mythological Ecology: "
If players do the sub-parts to other trials, they will get credit for them. Howe
ver, it will not show up on their master sheet until they are officially on that
trial. For example, if a person is on master level 1(and hasn't killed the fina
l boss) and they finish three sub-parts of master level 2, they will get credit
for those three subparts (but never for the final 10th encounter). It will not s
how up on their sheet until master level 1 is out of the way."
Q: I found an artifact! What does it do? Or, rather, what might it do someday on
ce it's been well-used?
A: For more information, you can ask one of the named Sphinxes in the region the
artifact belongs to. Don't be surprised if you get a riddle back Sphinxes are not
orious for not giving straight answers.
Q: My quest journal doesn't show all my quests either that or some of my quests ha
ve disappeared!
A: The quest journal does have some limits fortunately, the slash command does not
. Just type /quest, and you'll get a nice list of everything you still have goin

* * *
Short bag tonight, guys I'm about to slap up a monstrous document with more detail
s on making your own User Interface skins. I'd like to warn you it's not for the f
aint of heart or those without a fair amount of technical skills. It's definitel
y not stuff friendly to a tech newb and as will all our XML stuff, we don't provid
e personal assistance if you run into trouble. Seriously, if you
don't understand the document, don't even try to make your own skin.
Other announcements:

News from the CS pit we are resolving a large number of problems via email. The wa
y our customer service tools work, though, is one of the CSRs presses a button c
leverly marked "send email to customer." The system pulls up the email address y
ou gave us when you registered. So please, for the love of all that is good and
lightly fermented, please make sure your registration information is up to date
with your real email address.
Hugh Hancock, writing on behalf of, reminded me to let you all kno
w that one of our own DAOC movie makers took home a prize at the film festival so
our heartiest congratulations to Joe Falcione, the director of "The Outcome," fo
r his award for Best Editing! Nice work!
Tonight, we all watch for the return of the Great Pumpkin, and if you don't get
that reference, please don't email me to make me feel old. Speaking of pumpkins,
I got a bunch of terrific emails with photos of DAOC-themed carvings my favorite
was from Zeldara and Festa of Percival. I don't want to crash their webserver wi
th traffic, so take my word for it, it was way cool. Thanks for sending those in
, everybody.
Shout out to Goonster of Palomides, who apparently was a real hero and saved the
life of a friend in a serious car wreck. Get well soon, man, you have a lot of
friends who miss you.
Have a fab Halloween weekend. There are a billion small creatures darting in and
out of traffic, so please drive cautiously and should you indulge in a little wit
ches' brew of your own, get someone else to drive you home. Be safe, y'all.http:
Time for your Friday dose of crunchy goodness:
Q: My Cleric received an item with a bonus to "stat enhancement spell effectiven
ess", but it doesn't seem to be doing anything to the buffs I'm casting. What is
this bonus supposed to do?
A: Spoke the Item Mistress: "There are hard caps in place that limit the amount
of stat increases a player may receive from spells. The new stat enhancement bon
us items from Atlantis will not allow players to go over these limits. Instead,
players will be able to use these bonuses to achieve more effective stat and arm
or factor buffs from lower level spells."
Basically, it will make lower level buffs, buff for more, but with the cheaper c
oncentration costs of the lower level buffs.
If you need a quick reminder of the hard cap numbers:
Hard cap for spec buffs: Player level * 1.5 * 1.25 (93 at level 50)
Hard cap for baseline buffs: Player level * 1.25 (62 at level 50)
Hard cap for buffs from items: Player level * 1.5 (75 at level 50)
Q: I can't seem to use the summoned wood to upgrade doors, only to repair them.
Is this a bug or the design?
A: I am told that this is a bug. Thanks for sending the bug report.
Q: Won't the first Perfecter ability, Purging Wave, make the RA purge obsolete (

except for with AE mezzes), since there is no recast timer?

A: Nope. Balance Boy told me "Purging wave only cures disease. It isn't actually
Q: I stumbled upon Warrior of Stone (for the Kala-something Necklace artifact) H
e was yellow at 50, so I went for it. He didn't fight back at all.
Can it be I stumbled upon the right way to kill him, or isnt he meant to fight b
A: Here's what our director of mythological ecology told me: "This is by the des
ign. The Warrior of Stone was a warrior who fell in love with an Atlantean princ
ess. She'd given him a magical necklace to aid him through the trials. However,
her father, an Atlantean King, forbade her from seeing him again. To that end, h
e cursed the necklace, which turned the warrior in to stone. So, the warrior has
now been where he stands for eons, alive but unable to do anything but watch. H
e desires nothing more than to die so that he can finally rest. Because of that,
he won't fight back."
I really appreciate you asking me, though as you noted, normally a creature who do
esn't fight back *is* bugged, and we're always happy to check.
Q: Are the solo monsters supposed to be harder in TOA than in SI? I'm used to ha
ving no trouble with blue/low-yellow encounters, but I got my clock cleaned.
A: I'm completely happy to ask our designers about monster toughness (since some
thing might be set wrong, you never know), but you'll need to be specific. In th
e past, one or two people did all the creature difficulty settings, but TOA is s
o enormous that we had a sizable crew working on them. So please let me know the n
ame of the zone and the name of the enemy when you submit questions.
Q: Greetin's lads! Were ye going to do something with those taurs that can heal
themselves without bein' interrupted? The taurs are already red to us 50's, whic
h makes them a bloody challenge. Perhaps maybe ye can lower the healing spell by
a few percent. Or if ye want to keep the healing spell, maybe ye can make it in
terruptable or lower the strength of the taurs.
A: Arr, laddie. I'm a lass, m'self.
And the situation you describe was not on purpose. Thank you for bringing it to
our attention it has been fixed in the read files posted right before this grab ba
Q: I'm a level 50 infiltrator and chose the spymaster track. It gives you pickpo
cket at level one. My question: is the reward supposed to the group leader every
A: If the reward ALWAYS goes to the group leader, please report it as a bug. The
group should be sharing in the rewards. From Balance Boy:
The leader is the only one who gets the message.
But the ability is designed so that it adds 20% to the total coin drop, which is
then split with the entire group.

This can be easily confirmed by having everyone sound off how much coin they rec
eived per drop. As long as they are all within 1 copper, it's working fine."
Q: I'm a necro. I can't pick up the "Staff of God" artifact in either my shade f
orm or my necro form. Is this intentional?
A: The evil overlord of encounter design replied, "Because of the nature of the
necromancer shade form, players were able to move in and out of the encounter ar
ea without ever actually activating the encounter. This was causing a great imba
lance in the system as the encounter was designed for one to two groups of playe
rs. So, as it stands right now, a necromancer cannot pick up the item. However,
the necromancer can still aid in the encounter, and the artifact piece is tradab
le (until it is turned in to the NPCs). This means that they will need others to
help them with the encounter."
Q: On some ToA items, I've seen bonuses such as increased range against humanoid
s. Does this bonus apply against players or monsters or both?
A: Just monsters.
Q: Is it possible for more than one person on a server to have the same artifact
A: Yes.
Someone here in the DC area nearly caused an accident on the Capital Beltway. Ou
r Item Mistress was driving along when she saw the plate "ALBZERG." Obviously, a l
ot of people who work here have DAOC or gaming related plates, but we hadn't see
one on someone who didn't work here. Thanks for the laugh, whoever you are!
I got a letter asking why these grab bags have been so Atlantean lately the answer
is that the nature of the prizes and abilities are such that even if you never
set foot in Atlantis, you'll still be affected by it, and it helps everyone to k
now how it works. Besides I can only answer the questions that I get :) So send 'e
m in.
This particular column had a few "thanks for sending the bug report" answers. Le
t me emphasize my thanks, and let those questions serve as proof that your bug a
ppeals and feedback forms may not get a personal response, but they sure do have
an impact. Thanks.
Okay, crew, be safe, have fun, and I'll see you Monday, same bat time, same bat
It got cold here on the East Coast. Let this extra long grab bag keep you inside
and away from annoying outdoor chores!
Q: My character is a junior weaponsmith on a roleplay server. He refuses to serv
e nonhuman races; that is to say, he will not provide weaponry to Inconnu and Ha
lf-Ogres. When confronted by his "racism," he defends his right to not serve inc
onnu and other sub-human races. Sometimes he uses the word "peck," borrowed from
the movie "Willow" the intent is to make fun of the small size of the Inconnu.
Many players believe that it is role-playing and not a violation of the Code of

Conduct, and whether or not they have fun with it, they leave me be. However, I'
m also frequently being told by other players that I am violating the Code of Co
nduct on areas of both racist comment and verbal abuse, and that a report will b
e filed with a CSR.
I have no problem if someone wants to argue with my "no subhuman" stance in char
acter. However, I get really bothered by threats to contact a CSR. As such, I wa
nted to find out if I am indeed violating the Code of Conduct.
A: I edited your question just to keep it from being a grab bag by itself. ;) Fo
r the benefit of the rest of tonight's readers the player made it clear that he ne
ver uses real life slurs or language, and that he's strictly going along with ou
r own backstory in which we indicate the presence of tensions between the mythic
al races.
Short answer no, sir, you are not in violation of the COC. Rather, you're enrichin
g the atmosphere of your server. As long as your language is clean, and doesn't
drag real world horror into the fantasy world, you're in the clear.
Long answer I asked the CS guys to look over your email to make sure I wasn't abou
t to say anything crazy, and our Roleplay CSR gave me this reply:
"Racism, in any medium, is a very touchy subject and with good reason. However,
there's a definite difference between racism in the real world and racial enmity
and hatreds in a fantasy setting.
"Many, if not most, fantasy settings from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy to
Gary Gygax's Dungeons and Dragons to Mythic's Dark Age of Camelot contain racia
l and cultural tensions and feuds. Elves and Dwarves, in most settings, dislike
each other. Dark Elves typically hate every other race other than their own (and
often their own at that). Same can be said with Orcs, trolls, goblins, etc. Cul
ture, race and religion are defining characteristics of potential conflict and s
"Dark Age of Camelot is a game built on such conflict. Three realms with several
races, cultures and religions clash with one another in effort to put an end to
their enemies. Trolls and Dwarves are bitter combatants against Elves and Firbo
lgs who are in turn dire enemies of Avalonians and Saracens. This animosity is w
hat fuels the Realm Vs Realm aspect of Camelot.
"DAoC has recently provided further fiction for roleplay potential within the re
alms with new races that are often seen with distrust or outright hatred. The In
connu and Shar are notable examples of this. Not that such inter realm conflict
is mandated, but it isn't frowned upon either if players choose to go that route
. There are plenty of examples from our quests and encounters to back this up.
"The difference between roleplaying in game racial tensions and being racist in
the real world is being able to differentiate between In Character and Out of Ch
aracter. Roleplaying a Briton who dislikes the new upstart races of the Inconnu
and Half Ogres is perfectly fine within the roleplay aspects of the game setting
s, and adds more depth in roleplay interaction. However, when real world termino
logy is used, and we all know what that is, then the line has been crossed and i
t is no longer "in character."
"We can't fault anyone for wanting to roleplay the tension between uneasy allies
in game. It's definitely not a violation of the Code of Conduct, in any way in
my opinion. At best the term "peck" may be considered a RP violation since it's
from the movie Willow and even then I would think it's not a violation, no more
than calling a dwarf, shorty or stubby or what have you. ;o)"

So there you go. Keep real world language out of it, be consistent, and hope tha
t your fellows on a roleplay server understand that there's a difference between
a character and a player.
Q: Why is my level 34 Mercenary (with 34 DW) getting Flank at 29 and Dark Tendri
ls at 34, when the Herald states that 29 DW is Hypnotic Darkness, 34 is Flank, a
nd 39 is Dark Tendrils?
A: The Herald was wrong, and I thank you for letting us know. The correct inform
ation should read that level 29 is Flank, level 34 gives
Dark Tendrils, and level 44 gives Hypnotic Darkness.
All of you with character builders out there on your websites, please update, an
d accept my apology for the wrong information.
Q: How exactly is one supposed to make Mythic aware of peeving text? For example
, Saffa in Tir na Nog says "Oh, a enchantress..." and, being a spellcrafter, I s
ee that message a LOT. Needless to say it's gotten on my nerves, and I've tried
appeal channels to no effect. If there is an appropriate place to send these sor
ts of concerns to, I would love to know. Or perhaps I've found the right place?
;) Oh, and what's with the badger?
A: You found the right place. Those things make me crazy too :) This particular
one is fixed now, and we welcome hot tips on the others.
EDIT 7:00 PM EST - The badger is an extremely silly joke. SNAAAAKE!
Q: We recently acquired the Fool's Bow artifact for a guildie and are looking to
level it. What classifies as a magic using class?
A: From the Item Prince: "Any class with a usable power pool and/or a class that
creates magical abilities with health and endurance (e.g. savages)."
Q: Can a character possess more than one activated artifact?
A: You can have one of each artifact that is usable by your class. Have fun.
Q: Does the AoE effect on the Battlemaster MLA "Sapping Strike" break mez?
A: Yes.
Q: Is there any way to /follow a boat?
A: No, but the request for such a command has been passed on.
Q: Does the "Mastery of Magery" realm ability affect bolts as well as DDs?
A: It should if it does not, please report it as a bug.
Q: The new items (from ToA) that increase the cap of any ability: Do they actual
ly give an increase to the stated ability? (For example: the Ancient Wrought Hau
berk has a "Bonus to Constitution attribute bonus cap: 5." Does it actually add
anything to Constitution?)

A: From the Item Mistress: " The Bonus to (Stat) attribute cap does not increase
the stat itself. It does raise the cap on the amount of +Stat items the player
will be able to equip. For example, a level 50 player is normally capped at +75
Constitution. However, if they add an item with a Bonus to Constitution bonus ca
p: 5, they will now be able to equip items totaling +80 Con and receive the full
80 points."
Q: The Aten's Shield gains experience or whatever by killing Demons. Is it safe
to assume that anything in Darkness Falls is in the demon category?
A: The overlord of encounters said: " The necyomancers are humanoid and the fami
liars are animals. Everything else in there is a demon."
Q: I was fighting near the haven city of Hesperos. A sphinx popped on the small
harpy island I was on. Didn't think too much of it until I did my PBAE style and
then it attacked me and I died!
A: Again, I called on the overlord she said " The sphinx are wise and powerful and
are tasked with monitoring the various areas in ToA, but they are not invulnera
ble. Attacking and/or killing them (even by accident) does nothing but anger the
entire family.
Q: I need some faction information about buccas/bwcas/angry bwcas. For RP reason
s, I need to raise my bucca/bwca/angry bwca faction to friendly. No, really, I'm
serious. Is this possible?
A: Man, had a lot for the overlord today: " These guys are very grumpy and hate
everyone equally."
Q: I should by all accounts have GREAT Mau faction. I've never killed anything t
o bring down my faction, and I even spent two entire days doing a faction quest
even though they were already friendly to me. As I was on my way to turn in the
results of the quest, I passed some Mau out on the desert. They attacked and kil
led me. I did not kill one of those that attacked me before I died. I released t
o the city and then went back out in the desert to con some neutral, a
ll the rest aggressive!!!! How could this be? My character was conning friendly
to them after hours and hours of faction adjustment. Now she cannot even turn in
the ears for the quest, because she cannot get near the Mau, let alone talk to
them. She is back to square one!
A: I couldn't tell from your question if you went and checked your faction with
the village that gave you the quest originally, or if you just checked the facti
on of those that killed you. It seems there are several kinds of Mau allies to eac
h other, but not necessarily you.
From the overlord: " There are two different Mau factions. There are the maubast
et and the mausekhmet. They are allied. The mausekhmet, however, are a warrior t
ribe and are more distrusting than the maubastet. You can be friendly to the mau
bastet and still have the mausekhmet dislike you. As a side note, killing sacred
lions will lower your faction with both."
Now, you didn't say you'd killed any sacred lions, so I don't think that's your
problem. The things you said you'd killed in your letter should not have had any
effect. Please go back to the village and check and let me know if they specifica
lly dislike you.

* * *
Got a letter asking why the writer wasn't listed on the scroll of valor the answer
is that the Scroll is not an automatic thing. Not everyone wants to have their
new level fifty, or their new Grandmaster Status, announced to the world. If you
would like the recognition, just click on the community news tab, and fill out
the "submit news" form there on the bar. We're always looking for stories from o
ur community, so don't be shy!
Gentle reminder: We play this game along with you, and most of us have played ot
her MMORPGs it's actually a requirement for hire in our customer service pit, you
need to be an experienced DAOC player (read: 40+) and familiar with the genre ov
erall. After all, if we didn't play, we wouldn't have the necessary empathy. So,
the CSRs do know very well how frustrating it is when something goes wrong, and
they try to cut angry people a lot of slack. Now, we need your help. Please und
erstand that a human being reads each and every appeal, and usually the person r
eading the appeal isn't the one who can fix your problem. Skip the swearing and
remarks on potential ancestry, and use the text buffer to tell us the /loc of th
e problem, the NPC name, and other factual tidbits. Cursing in an appeal is the
same thing as cursing directly at a CSR or another player, and as everyone knows
, those things generally result in a little time off. No one deserves to be cuss
ed at or personally attacked. Thanks in advance.
And one other note please, if your friend has a problem, encourage your friend to
appeal. You can't do it for him neither I nor the CSRs can investigate anything ba
sed on the word of a friend, and reading third party appeals means it'll be that
much longer before we get to the person with the problem. Help us get to the pe
rson who needs us don't appeal unless it's your problem. We appreciate it.
Goodness gracious, what a week. You guys have really been the best I cant tell you ho
w much we've appreciated your feedback, questions, and comments. As you can tell
from all the patch notes, read files, and posts, we've been taking it all in. T
Go forth and conquer, I'll see you Monday.
Here it is - short and sweet:
Q: How do I activate an artifact?
A: From Our Lady of Artifacts came this reply:
"To activate an artifact, players have to do three things:
1. Get the Artifact
2. Get the completed book, scroll, etc.
3. Get credit for the encounter.
Players also need to be the right level to turn everything in. If players don't
meet any one of these requirements when they speak to the researcher, it will gi
ve them a message saying 'You're not ready to turn this in and here's generally
what you need to do.' It then goes through the steps I listed above."
Now, with that said we are looking into ways to make it clearer that the player ha
s in fact received credit for the encounter. Most of the bug appeals we're getti
ng on artifact encounters aren't bugged, it's that the player was not part of th

e group that got encounter credit. Thanks for your feedback so far as you know fro
m patch notes, feedback often leads to changes.
Q: Bob and Fred kill the tiger and get the (unactivated) Cornflakes Artifact.
They read on the internet that Cornflakes give you tiger strength. So they give
the unactivated Cornflakes to George, who could use some tiger strength. They al
so give George the scrolls that can be combined to form the book that he turns i
n to activate the Cornflakes.
Can George activate the cornflakes? If he can't, is there anything he can do?
A: From the Evil Encounter Overlord:
"George cannot activate the cornflakes, because he does not have the encounter c
redit. But if he helps Wilma get her cornflakes, that action will give him the c
redit he needs to activate his."
George should also NOT combine the scrolls unless he is sure that he'll be activ
ating the Cornflakes, because the resulting book is not supposed to be tradable.

Q: (Insert question about decoys here.)

A: Decoys aren't supposed to be completely convincing representations of players
they should look real enough to confuse an enemy in the thick of battle, but not
so much that a real attention-to-detail fellow would be confused.
However, if the decoy appears to be able to see hidden, it's a bug.
Q: I tried putting my guild's emblem on my Flayed Cetus' Skin last night, and th
e result nearly cost me my eye-sight.
A: Whoops that's because that cloak along with a number of others in TOA was not s
upposed to be able to take emblems at all. Thanks for letting us know. It's impo
rtant to us that the cloaks that CAN take emblems look good, and that cloaks tha
t can't support the emblem not have the option enabled lest it blind an innocent
Q: I have a question about the tradeskill tools. There is one that says it has a
bonus on minimum crafting quality of 1%. Does this mean that if I craft a 99% w
eapon while I have equipped this quality tool I would get a MP instead? Or is it
s purpose only to get 95% quality as a minimum instead of 94%?
A: From the Item and Tradeskill Princess: " The minimum crafting quality bonus r
aises your quality floor, so as long as you have this item equipped, you should
get a minimum of 95% quality on items you make."
Q: I got to spot 3 in the appeal queue, and all of the sudden I'm at spot 12. Eh
A: Nine people logged in, all of whom submitted an appeal before you did probably
last night or earlier. Logging out doesn't lose your place in line, so if you've
got a hot date, don't wait you'll skip to the head of the line the next time you
log in.

Q: Do you have any paying jobs that I could do remotely?

A: Sorry, no all our paid positions require that you work on site. On the bright s
ide, if you do live around here and land one of our jobs, we offer benefits for
all positions, hourly and salaried.
Q: Is it possible to change my character's gender/hair/face/height/stats?
A: If you had to choose the variable during the character creation process, it's
hard-wired to your character and impossible for our CSRs to change for you.
Q: My Craftmaster seems to have part of a quest, with the keyword "continue" that
I can't click on.
A: That quest isn't supposed to be active yet, and is not complete. Once it is,
you'll be able to well, continue.
* * *
The main announcement tonight is really to go check out the hot fixes we have be
en running this evening the changes all come from your feedback and suggestions.
Other than that, not a whole lot else to say tonight, so I'll let you get back t
o your battles. Good night and good hunting!
Here's this week's edition:
Q: Is there any way at all to change my character's name?
A: Unless the name somehow violates our naming rules, we do not change first nam
es. The character's name is the only identifier other players have to remember r
eputations and past behavior. I realize this caused consternation among the popu
lation when an account trades hands, so caveat emptor.
Q: May I log in using the command line workaround?
A: Should you? No. You're bypassing the patcher, which means you might be missin
g vital files and bug fixes. It's also bypassing our account security system. Sh
ould you have any technical problems, or should you lose control of your account
because you used the command line log in, we will regretfully not be able to he
lp you.
Q: Can we move characters between accounts?
A: This is a commonly requested feature I have passed up the food chain. It's un
der discussion, although I don't expect to hear anything in the near future. See
ms like every other email was about this, this week.
Q: Instead of actually using my bow artifact, I used two other weapons in my wea
pons slots, and kept the artifact bow in the two hand slot, thus not causing any
con loss. To my surprise, it levels up

even when I don't use it. Is this working as intended?

A: There are several reasons why this is all right. For example, changing it wou
ld make leveling up an artifact bow prohibitively difficult. After all, bow user
s typically pull monsters to them with the bow before switching to melee to fini
sh the monster off. It's just as you said later in your letter something nifty. Th
anks for checking, though, I appreciate it.
Q: How long do you guys keep accounts that are not being paid for? I have been d
eployed overseas and will not be able to play for the next six months.
A: We promise not to delete accounts for three weeks after the account's billing
is canceled. However I think you'll be all right. We have never deleted any accou
nts at all, and if we suddenly needed the room, we'd start with characters that
had not been accessed since 2001. And we'll announce that purge here on the Came
lot Herald.
One key thing to note sometimes people delete their characters, and we're happy to
restore them *IF* the backups haven't been purged or written over. (If you dele
te a character and realized to your horror that you didn't really mean it, do no
t create any new characters until you've appealed and had your character restore
d to you. And make that appeal as soon as humanly possible.) So! If you delete a
character, close the account, and at some point reopen the account, you can't e
xpect us to be able to restore the character because the backups will be long gone
Q: I won the lotto for the key to the chests in Cetus's lair. You can imagine my
disappointment when I received a very uninspiring unique object generator item.
A: Our Item Princess explained to me how the treasure chests work: "The treasure
chests are set up to be triggered unique object tables. When you use the key, t
he chest checks your class, and rolls for an item off treasure tables set up for
your class. As for the magic bonus distribution, normal unique object standards
apply... sometimes you get nice items, and sometimes you get something not so u
seful to you."
One of the gentlemen with this question also told me about a club with a blade b
onus on it. Yikes. We fixed the generator bug, so no one else will have this pro
blem. Because items created using the generator are unique, fixes can't be retro
actively applied to the bugged items. If you've got a unique object generator it
em that makes you go "hrm," such as a club with a blade bonus, please appeal it
as a bug.
Q: I'm having trouble finding piercing artifacts the two most obvious candidates,
the Traitor's Dagger and the Crocodile's Tooth, are both blades!
A: The existing design is not wrong teeth and daggers can indeed slice things. But
I see your point. Quoth our Princess: "The 1.67 patch to Pendragon will be addi
ng a thrusting version of the Traitor's Dagger and the Crocodile's Tooth for Alb
ion and a piercing version for Hibernia." Thanks for the feedback.
Q: I am a Reaver, and as you know, we really do like our flexible weapons. Yet d
espite many hours of hunting, I have not found a single flexible weapon in TOA.
Can you give me any hope?

A: Your description of waterlogged armor broke my heart. The Item Mistress told
me you were basically having horrible luck: "Looking at Reavers in particular, o
ne in six mobs in Oceanus eligible to drop gear is able to drop Reaver equipment
, including flexible weapons."
If the area you're hunting does not yield any equipment of the sort you dream of
, try another area.
Q: For the artifacts that are blades and are left hand usable, are they consider
ed a left axe (Midgard) when equipped in the left hand?
A: Again with the Mistress: "Swords that are set to be left hand usable in Albio
n and Hibernia may only be used in the main hand in Midgard. However, left axe a
rtifacts do exist."
Q: Scroll farming: If a Scroll of Uberness 2 of 3 has dropped off of an Uber Nax
os Dude in Meso at 25k 47k, will that same mob type drop the Scroll of Uberness
2 of 3 if he is at a different camp located in Meso at 12k 56k? Or in other word
s: Is the drop table dependant upon mob type or loc or both?
A: The

short version is "mob," but that's a little misleading. Here's the long v
from the Mistress: "The scrolls are placed upon individual mobs. However,
can be multiple mobs with the same name, and each of those might drop dif

For example, there are six different mobs all named setian stormlord, but only t
hree of those six drop XYZ Scroll while the other three drop ABC Scrolls. Additi
onally, some of those setian stormlords might spawn in multiple camps in which c
ase they would drop the same scrolls in each camp."
So, while the it may appear that the camp has something to do with the scroll, i
t actually does not.
Q: Why do artifacts decay?
A: The decay rate for artifacts is intended to be much slower than it is for reg
ular items, just to make sure you can still get good use from one after you've l
eveled it to its maximum power. But we don't ever want to put items into the gam
e that don't decay at all. Getting an item into a game is essentially a function
of time. Without removing items somehow, an economy becomes completely clogged,
and special things are no longer special.
Many people who have made something of a hobby out of game world economies have
written essays on "mudflation" (MMORPGs have their roots in Multiple User Dungeo
ns text based games) I even know people doing their graduate school thesis papers on
the topic. Something about a game economy being a nice microcosm of a real econ
omy. If you've got dreams of being a game designer, it's certainly a good concep
t to be familiar with.
But anyway if you think your artifact is decaying too fast, please
ug appeal. Include information such as the item's DUR at the start and
your play session, how long your session was, how much combat you saw
e session, and the decay rate of a "regular" item you had equipped for
length of time. We will not be able to respond personally, but we will
y investigate.
* * *

report it via b
finish of
during th
the same

An interview with our UI Guy is up at Y'all should hit that li

nk anyway, if you're into customizable interfaces tons of useful information, and
premade mods you can use. I can't pick a favorite to give some love to, so I'll
just give the love to the guys running the site and the forums, and to the intre
pid interviewer "Acliley." And if you like the site, remember there's no such th
ing as a free lunch. SOMEONE has to pay for the bandwidth used when you download
a mod, or the site goes the way of the dodo.
Computer Gaming World magazine has a free DVD-ROM this month, featuring Dark Age
of Camelot. "But I already have the game, k thx," you say? If you're currently
running the classic edition of Dark Age of Camelot, and you have a P3 1.4 gig ma
chine with 256 RAM (and a 32MB 3D video card), grab the magazine and use the DVD
to upgrade to the Shrouded Isles engine for free. You won't get the Shrouded Is
les content for that you need to get the expansion but you can get the graphics and
the performance. Next year at some point, we're going to be phasing out the clas
sic engine. So upgrade for free now, and save yourself the trouble later. (If yo
u forget, we plan to offer a low-cost engine upgrade if you really, really don't
want to get Shrouded Isles.)
And on that note, I'd better skedaddle before more scary white stuff falls. This
is the DC area, after all. For some reason, the locals fear precipitation, and
I certainly wouldn't want to weather the coming FOUR INCHES OF WINTRY MIX withou
t two hundred rolls of toilet paper to call my own. Have a good weekend, everyon
Happy birthday to us! And by us, I mean the dev team that drops what they're wor
king on to get answers for me, and you guys that send the great questions. But l
et's just cut to the column:
Q: I have a Traitor's Dagger that slices right now can I trade it in for a piercin
g version after 1.67, or do I have to get another one? If I can trade it in, can
I get the experience currently on the dagger transferred to my new piercing dag
A: You certainly can trade it in for a stabbing version, I'm told, but there's n
o system coded to allow NPCs to transfer experience. So the new dagger will be s
et to zero.
Q: I saw a patch note about mini-group window colors indicating the status of yo
ur group mates. I was wondering, what happens when more than one thing applies t
o a group member?
A: The order of precedence (meaning situational colors on the top of the list ap
ply over things lower on the list) is:

linkdead (blue)
dead (red)
mezzed (cyan)
diseased (orange)
poisoned (green)
out of zone (grey)
nominal (white)

Q: I read in the patch notes that salamanders now properly take damage from
cold based spells. Does this apply to salamander hatchlings as well?

A: It should.
Q: The difficulty of the Krojer champions seems to vary wildly is this intentional
A: Yes. None of the difficulty settings are incorrect. Some champions are much e
asier to defeat and you only need to kill one to move on in the trial itself but the
loot goes to only the powerful that can beat all six champions.
Q: I'm a young mentalist, and I have what's probably a stupid question for the c
olumn. What kind of monsters can I charm with the different spells?
A: No questions are stupid new players are joining the game all the time. Glad to
have you :)
Spell --- What it can charm
Illusory Enemy --Humanoid
Fabricated Enemy --- Humanoid, Animal
Imaginary Enemy --- Humanoid, Animal, Insect
Phantom Enemy --- Humanoid, Animal, Insect, Magical
Ghostly Enemy --- Humanoid, Animal, Insect, Magical, Undead
Dream Enemy --- Any monster
Q: The Shades of Mist cloak has a very poetic description on it ("used by those
who move unseen and by those who stand at the front of battle") that I think des
cribes me just fine. But I can't equip the cloak!
A: For the purposes of this cloak, "healer types and sub-types" are excluded. Th
at means the following CANNOT use the item: clerics, friars, healers, shamans, d
ruids, bards, and wardens.
Q: I recently started playing on Gaheris. The documentation I have found here on
the Herald says that level 20+ can turn in seals for realm points. Where can le
vel 20-25 characters go to earn these seals?
A: Keep raids. Also, if someone is nice and wants to give you a few seals, you c
an turn them in because we've set the "turn in" flag so low.
I'm also told that on Gaheris, you'll earn a realm ability point with each level
over 20.
Q: I'm on Gaheris, and I just saw this Pendragon note: - Players can now use /bo
untyrent on personal houses with alternate characters on the same account as the
character that owns the house. As a result of this change, the rent token merch
ants will be disabled in the future once this ability is on live servers.
Does this mean I can do this command with my lvl 50 reaver (who has over 13k bou
nty points) and it will pay for her house in Midgard AND my bonedancer's house i
n Albion?
A: This one wound up in the claws of our Product Quality dragon he replied, "Using
the PvE rule set any character on an account can pay the rent using the /bounty
rent command on any house owned by any character on that account. The character
paying the rent must be in the area of the house that he is paying the rent on."

Q: I got in an argument with some folks about how many times you can acquire and
activate a particular artifact, and would like to have an official answer put i
n a grab bag, please?
Let's say I get an armor artifact all leveled up, and eventually wear it out (it
being armor). Is it then possible for me to regain the artifact again just by c
ompleting the previous steps or am I (and everyone else) restricted to only gain
ing each artifact once per characters lifetime?
A: Each character can activate only one of each artifact you can't go back and get
a new one when the first one wears out. So if you've got a really, really cool
artifact that you want to keep for a long, long time, use it sparingly.
Q: I'm curious for some more detail as to the question involving scroll farming
from your last grab bag. If I'm looking for a scroll dropped by mob A, are my ch
ances of getting that scroll better if I kill each spawn point of a mob, then mo
ve on to another spot where that mob spawns? EI. is every scroll "up" in the wor
ld at one point in time on SOME mob of the name which drops it? Or is it a matte
r of camping one named mob until that instance of the mob that holds a scroll ap
A: If I understand your question correctly, you're asking if more than one scrol
l is "waiting" to drop at any one point.
That's not how our system works. Loot doesn't actually exist until the creature
dies. Then the computer rolls to see what drops. Each monster has a percentage c
hance to drop whatever.
So, if a scroll has a 10% chance to drop, your odds are the same whether you wan
der killing all the creatures with the same name, or whether you kill the same m
onster over and over.
Your exp will be better if you move around, though.
Q: My question is about the new TOA magic item Attributes: Many add to your dama
ge towards a particular class, i.e. Demons, Dragons, reptiles. If you have multi
ple items with increased damage to Dragons, for example, will they stack? Is the
re a cap?
A: The Item Mistress gave me this answer: "Items with Melee
, Style Damage or Archery Damage bonuses do indeed stack up
bonus, provided they are versus the same enemy types. Items
versus Humanoids will only be effective versus mobs flagged
against other players."

Damage, Spell Damage

to a maximum of 25%
with a damage bonus
as humanoid, but not

Remember last week, the link to DAOCMODS? If you liked the site, toss them a few
bucks the site's in danger of disappearing due to bandwidth costs. Or, if you've
got a big healthy bandwidth pipe that you feel like sharing, give them a buzz.
I had a number of grab bag questions this week, asking if a particular scroll dr
op was broken. When you write in with that question, you need to tell me what mo
nsters you're killing in an attempt to get the specific scroll. Some of the spoi
ler websites out there have incorrect information, and you'll hunt until the cow
s come home without getting your drop. I'm happy to get someone to investigate f

or you, but I need to make sure you haven't been barking up the wrong tree.
Two functions are going to be off for the next few days you will not be able to co
py characters to Pendragon, or remove every character on a particular account fr
om your guild. These two functions should be back online next Wednesday I'm sorry
for any inconvenience.
Holy cheese dip and badgers. As of this night, the second Friday in December, th
e Friday Grab Bag is two years old. So much for a one time only feature. Thanks
for all the great questions. Together we've turned up all kinds of stuff, and it
's really helped to make the game better.
Time for me to go snarf some eggnog. Have a good weekend, and we'll see you Mond
Of COURSE I went and saw the movie. Didn't we all? On to the column!
Q: Does mob level have any bearing on drop chances? I ask particularly relating
to scrolls. Does a blue con mob have a lower chance to drop a scroll than an ora
nge or red con mob?
A: I asked the Item Mistress, and the answer isn't a simple yes or no. She said
"The difficulty of an encounter is one factor in determining the number of *magi
c* items that are dropped, as well as the drop rate of specific items in a parti
cular encounter. The level of the mob does not necessarily correspond to the dif
ficulty of the encounter, therefore the mob level is not used in setting the dro
p rates.
"Scrolls do not follow the same rules as magic items for their drop rate. There
are two possible drop rates for each scroll, with higher level mobs receiving th
e higher rate."
Q: Will the RA Mastery of the Arcane raise buffs above the hardcap listed in a p
revious grab bag ( click here for the reference)?
A: I am told no, the cap still applies.
Q: Does the necro armor change (based on pets hits) mean the armor will degrade
as if the necro was a tank?
A: Not exactly like a tank but according to Balance Boy, it should be on a par wit
h "a suppression bonedancer, who tends to tank while their pets heal them Necros no
w take the same amount of durability penalty as every other cloth wearing class
in the game. For example, if a Necro pet is hit 1000 times by a sword, and a run
emaster is hit 1000 times by a sword, both should suffer the exact same penalty
to item durability." I certainly appreciate all the feedback on this topic, and
please rest assured it has been passed to the live team.
We're NOT DONE investigating various reported issues. Please see my first announ
cement below for instructions on how to help us isolate any decay rate issues. D
Q: (Insert question here about staff durability.)
A: One of our programmers responded, " A staff will generally only lose conditio

n when it is used as a focus item to cast a given spell (which I assume at the h
igher levels it almost always will be)." And of course, if the staff is used as
a melee weapon, it would lose condition at the same rate as any other melee weap
Q: My artifact says I need to hunt "primitive races" to level it up. What exactl
y are primitive races?
A: The world team Minion 2.0 tells me that in Albion, it's the Highlander and Ha
lf-Ogre; in Midgard, the Troll and the Valkyn; and in Hibernia, the Firbolg and
the Shar.
No insult is intended to these noble races, who have all contributed much to the
ir respective alliances.

As I travel around the internet, I see comments about bugs often, how obvious such
and such a problem is, etc. Here's the thing, y'all. If we can't duplicate it,
we can't fix it. We can know about a problem as players, we can hear you guys ta
lking about a problem, but if we can't make the bug happen while we're running d
ebug programs, we're stuck.
You can help us duplicate the bugs, though! The more information you give us, th
e faster we can set up the proper scenario in our testing dungeon and make it ha
ppen. Give us locs, give us item names, NPC names, zone names. We don't need ela
borate descriptions, usually, although we do appreciate complete sentences. "Fix
gear bug" in a game with hundreds of thousands of items won't help us. "My anci
ent silver ring was at 98 CON at 2:30 PM, and by 3:30 PM, it was 84 CON. I fough
t harpies as the main tank for 45 of those minutes" now, we're cooking with gas. B
ring on the details in those bug appeals!
I've seen a number of posts and questions about the Realm Ability revamp. That r
evamp is scheduled to launch with Frontiers, and fair warning, we're not talking
about a couple tiny adjustments here. The new system is not at all ready for pu
blic consumption, even as a rough draft. But so far, it looks to me to be cleare
r and more consistent. It's a true system, meant to work as a cohesive unit. Any
way, you'll see it before you have to use it, don't fret.
Wow, a deluge of feedback on the proposed Midgard Frontier map. It was overwhelm
ingly positive, and we're glad to know we're on the right track. By far, the pri
mary concern you guys expressed to us was your horror of travel time between the
three frontiers, and your fear of increased travel within a particular frontier
in general. While I can't say anything specific right now, since the details ar
en't actually programmed, I know the guys had travel time as one of their primar
y design concerns, and will be unveiling their transportation ideas next month.
There was also a lot of good feedback on tower placement, strategic point locati
ons, and questions about movement. Thanks for everything.
You guys would have enjoyed hanging out in my office as I went through the hundr
eds of forms. I read one feedback form explaining in detail why he wanted more h
ills and rocks in the terrain, and how the expansion wouldn't be cool without it

. The very next form explained in detail why we should remove every hill and shr
ub if we wanted to make the expansion cool. Then I opened one form telling me we
'd be fools if we put any monsters into the frontier, but that was followed by a
note from a pet charmer, asking us to be sure we didn't limit the monsters to t
he woods! We'll do our best to make compromises that don't compromise the qualit
y of the expansion.
I had a brilliant idea for a pet vending machine, and then I realized I'd left t
he cap off my markers. Those fumes are killer, gang. Never sniff and type. Or, f
or that matter, never drink spiked eggnog and drive, hint hint. Be careful out t
here during this festive season.
That's it for the 2003 Grab Bags. I'd like to send love to Amodin and the rest o
f the Vault Board Moderator gang for all they've done for us this year. Hugs and
sloppy kisses to Catacombs for all the features they host to make life more fun
for the players. Shout out to DAOCMODS for their contribution to helping people
understand our most technical new feature. Warm thanks are due to Allakhazam's,
Warcry, GameRifts, Vault, and the rest of the websites that report our news, ho
st movies and features, and tolerate me with such grace. (I'm probably leaving s
omeone out I'm sorry in advance :)) A wink and a wave to all the IRC chatrooms I l
urk in under various names, pure feedback without observational bias is always a
And to all of you players in the game that I've hung out with, twinked and been
twinked by, been killed by and been repeatedly killed by, bless your hearts for kee
ping it all fun for me. Have a wonderful holiday season.
See you Monday with the Hibernia Frontier proposal!
On to it!
Q: Me and a guildie were having a discussion on whether or not distance from a m
ob affects the aggro generated by spellcasting. For example, if I DD the wee wol
f from 10 units away, do I generate more aggro than if I DD it from 1500 units a
A: According to Mighty Server Man, "It's not so much that you generate less aggr
o when you're further away you still generate just as much. Monsters will generall
y put a higher priority on closer targets though when they're looking for a mele
e attack, so standing further back means you can do more to them before they'll
go after you. Once they've acquired you as a target, however, you've generated a
lot more than your tanks and they may have some difficulty getting the mob off
Q: I was just wondering what the Morvalt Skydda Eyes are for, or worth? I haven'
t found any info leading me to what I should do with them, either sell them, or
turn them in for loot or xp.
A: The Lady of the Quests looked this up for you. Here's her answer: "Morvalt Sk
ydda Eyes are a Midgard bounty item that can be turned into Cadbg,
in Hagall, for experience. You must be at least level 34 to turn them in."
Please note that our CS people can't tell answer this type of question for you,
although they wish they could.

Q: Does the +x% stat debuff bonus with ToA items also work to increase the effec
tiveness of the melee speed debuff that theurgists have?
A: (Side note did anyone else need to read that twice? Y'all never ask the simple
ones after a holiday break!) I am told that the answer is yes. Overall, the stat
debuff bonus affects single stat debuffs and double stat debuffs. Also, some ar
tifact spells and some master level ability spells can also be affected by the d
ebuff bonus.
Q: I recently received a drop in Typhons Reach on one of the encounters for ML6.
The item is a Flame Weapon Enamel, and I can't seem to get it to work on anythi
ng. (Player then demonstrates he did try darn near everything.) Could you please
tell me what this item is used to dye if any, or if this a bug?
A: We've actually got a solution cooking for everyone with similar questions. Ou
r faithful Item Mistress told me that "The next live content patch (not a hot fi
x) will add a line of text to any weapon able to be dyed by enamels found in eit
her Atlantis or Shrouded Isles zones." So you won't have to ask your item will tel
l you :)
Q: For Grab Bag: Regarding Mad Scalars Gloves for Druids, Clerics and Healers: C
urrently Healing classes who get this artifact will receive tank-like stats. Is
this intentional?
A: Sayeth the Mistress: "Not every armor artifact has a version for casters and
meleers. The caster versions usually have different bonuses, as cloth casters ju
st do not melee. So, giving them melee bonuses is not a good option! However, he
aling and hybrid classes do melee, and are able to use all kinds of bonuses on t
he version they receive. Please note that all versions have the same level five
and ten abilities."
Q: Just wanted to ask what happened to the tempters on the Hib side of DF? In th
e room just before the drinkers all along the top were tempters. They seem to ha
ve disappeared. Was this intentional?
A: Nope. It's not a broken spawn generator, though, it's a little more complex.
It is a known issue, and we'll get them fixed as soon as we can.
Q: A recent patch note: "- In response to player feedback, the artifact scrolls
have been adjusted to drop from only one mob type per artifact. Scrolls were als
o moved to different mobs if the associated encounter required players to have g
ood faction with the mobs previously dropping the scrolls." That's confusing. Fo
r example, Regarding Shades 1 drops from siam-he priests, Regarding Shades 2 fro
m those deep purple con taurs, and Regarding shades 3 from purple con siam-he wa
rriors. So will they all drop from priests now, or from siam-hes?
A: Good question, and a popular one in the last few days. In your example, they
will all drop from siam-he monsters. Here's our Item Mistress yet again with the
full answer: "Because scrolls 1 and 3 were found on siam-he, scroll 2 was moved
to a siam-he mob as well (siam-he devotees). Scroll 1 remains on the priests an
d scroll 3 on the warriors.
"Once the players actually go and talk to the npc's, they should understand what
happened since the npc's will list out each scroll and what mobs drop that scro
ll. I can see how the phrase "mob type" was throwing people off."

Hope that helps!

Announcements: If you haven't clicked the "realm ability" link over there on the
left sidebar of the Herald, it's changed. We added the "how far to the next mil
estone" chart in response to popular demand. While an extensive realm ability re
design is cooking along behind the scenes here at Mythic, the number of points i
t takes to climb the ranking ladder will not change.
Regarding lingering issues with encounter credit bugs: Please, please submit the
se problems as bug appeals. Include all the information you can. If you cannot f
it all the information into an appeal, please feel free to email me, or fill out
a Herald form. Our CSRs can't grant encounter credit without a major convoluted
process involving half the dev team and me with an edged weapon, so please don'
t ask them to.
Regarding rumors: Some of the questions this week started off with "I heard a ru
mor about my class, are you really going to" Depends on where the rumor came from.
If it came from the Camelot Herald and was posted by me, then it is probably tru
e! For those of you who do not particularly think I'm funny, that means that you
can't assume anything about rumors until you see what actually happens. Some ru
mors turn out to be true. Others don't. Until it's on the Herald, you never know
. So check the Herald often!
Next week sometime we're going to launch the Frontiers section of the website. I
t won't be much at first, but we hope you'll make it your go to spot for more in
formation on the progress of the next free to subscribers expansion.
Have a swell weekend, everyone!
"It's time to play the music! It's time to light the lights! It's time to meet..
." the weekly grab bag!
Q: There seems to be a lot of confusion about durability loss from armor and wea
pon repairs. You answered this question in a previous grab bag awhile back and s
tated that durability loss is only affected by the amount of con repaired.
However, many experienced players state that there is an ADDITIONAL cost for the
repair itself. In other words: All items will lose 1% DUR for every 1% CON repa
ired, and they will lose 1% more DUR for the repair itself. Thus, an item repair
ed at 99% CON will lose 2% DUR.
A: In this case, the players are quite right. My old answer is wrong. Thanks for
writing and a gentle reminder to all my loyal Friday night readers: If the Herald
kicks back two answers, always use the one with the most recent date.
Q: Phoebus Harp. Your notes said it was fixed. It's not.
A: Thanks for all the reports, guys the fix has been fixed internally, and should
roll live in 1.68. For those of you who do not know what I'm on about the Phoebus
Harp artifact encounter is not correctly giving encounter credit to when complet
ed. I am sorry for the inconvenience and annoyance.

Q: Trial 2, Encounter 7 Pick Your Poison. My battlegroup picked Horror, but we did
n't all get encounter credit. (Insert spoiler here) doesn't say anything about a
credit limit!
A: I hate to say this, but you can't ever assume a spoiler has the most updated
information. We fixed that bug with the NPC's dialogue awhile back, but no one h
as updated the spoiler with a better screenshot.
Generally speaking, you can rely on spoilers to give good general guidelines and
suggestions. But a MMORPG changes and evolves according to feedback and concept
ual adjustments, and the game is the final authority, not a website or a printed
Q: Hiya. I've recently downloaded a UI mod which allows me to view the frontier
zone maps. Is this considered "legal"? It only displays an overview of a zone, a
nd isn't a cheat program that shows other players' locations or anything like th
at. It can be found at the UI skin site, I'd really appreciate
some sort of clarification on this. I think it's great and I'd hate to actually
be cheating the whole time.
A: I checked with the guys if it's JUST a static map, with no "radar" elements tha
t would show the locations of players, NPCs, or monsters, or anything but terrai
n, it's fine. Using this mod gives you no advantage over other players they can pr
int out a map and have the same information.
Q: (Insert question about using our logos and images.)
A: There were about three dozen of these inquiries this week. I'm scared but anyway
. The basic guideline is "are you deriving any profit from the use of our images
? If yes, you're doing something wrong."
If you're planning to get a tattoo of your character, that's fine. Send
me a picture. Unless it's, you know, there.
If you're planning to get all of our player races and logos tattooed all
over you, for the purposes of hiring yourself out as a circus freak and earning
a living, that's bizarre. Please don't.
If you're putting your guild logo on Shrinky Dinks and making keychains
during your guild gathering (hello, PC! Thanks for my keychain, I love it :)), t
hat's terrific.
If you're putting the Dark Age of Camelot title logo on T-shirts and sel
ling them, that's a violation of our trademark.
Anything in the fan site kit is fine to use, if you're making an actual
fan or guild site. For business purposes, you need our specific permission and a
carefully worded disclaimer.
If you have any questions, by all means, mail 'em in to info@mythicentertainment
.com, with the subject header LOGO USE.
Q: Any way to display master levels on the Herald?
A: We're working on it. We prefer to implement "opt out" features first, for tho
se of you who hate being displayed on the internet.
Q: I got the crown of zahur on my heroine and it is scale. There was no option t

o pick a healer type crown, so I know I did not pick some option by accident. At
lvl 9, my crown gained a +charisma cap bonus ... but it is scale, meaning no ch
arisma users can get this bonus.
A: We turn now to our friendly Item Mistress, who wanted me to tell you, "This w
as a bug and has been fixed on the internal server. With 1.68, it will be change
d retroactively to an Acuity Cap bonus.
Thank you for reporting it!"
By the way, our Mistress answered about a zillion things for me this week, but I
try my best to avoid posting unless a fix has been verified as working (at leas
t internally). Since much of the Mistress' work is still being tested as I type
this, you'll have to watch for patch notes.
The Medium Sized Evil Overlord (live producer) and I decided to start something
new and special in 2004, called Just FYI. Meaning, if we know we're going to do
something, but we're still not ready to do a patch note, we're still going to po
st a warning, so as to give you a little head's up.
The first Just FYI is in regards to the Croc Ring. In 1.68, we're going to chang
e it. Healing classes who can currently turn in the artifact and the scrolls (in
spite of the NPC dialogue) can keep it if they want to, capped at level five. I
f you're a healing class who doesn't want the ring without the level ten ability
, we will be putting in a trade option, where you can get the locked artifact an
d the scrolls back and give/sell them to another player. If you are not a healin
g class, you will not be affected.
Basically, we're letting you know early so you won't spend any more time levelin
g the item.
Regarding the New Frontiers expansion I spend so much time talking to people about
this stuff that I tend to take some things for granted. For example, anyone loo
king at the maps sees that the shape of the new peninsula looks exactly like the
current frontier. "But I thought you were doing a total redesign!" Yes, we are bu
t for technical reasons we've kept the outline to save time. We're ripping out e
verything within that outline, though :) Also, bear in mind that the new zones w
ill NOT look like the feature maps we've released. The maps we've released so fa
r are merely to give you an idea of the layout and the features, not the look an
d feel of the finished areas. They're for you to give feedback on the concepts,
not a future look.
It has been suggested that I clarify the "free respecs" we have automatically pr
ogrammed into the game. Every character gets a single line respec upon achieving
their 20th level, and it must be used before they turn 21. I tell people to mak
e plans at 19, and use it the instant they turn 20 if that's what they want. The
same thing happens at 40, and it must be used before you turn 41.
In the 1.67D patch notes, there's a line: " - Players will now receive credit fo
r the following encounters at level 40: Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves, Traitor's D
agger, Belt of the Sun, Belt of Oglidarsh, and the Night's Shroud Bracelet." Let
me clarify this one it used to be you had to be higher level to receive encounter
credit for these artifacts. Now you can get credit beginning at level 40. It do
es NOT mean retroactive credit is applied (not possible with our system) and it
doesn't mean turning 40th automatically gives you encounter credit for these fiv
e artifacts. Hope that helps.

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!

Where's my blender, darn it. Here, read the column while I look for it:
Q: Most people say that friars are affilated with the church of albion, which is
logical, but then why does it say in the manual that friars are affilated with
the Defenders of Albion? And if the former is true, then why are there friar tra
iners in the Defenders of Albion building in Camelot City?
A: A lore question! From one of our original world designers comes the reply: "F
riars are members of an order called "The Brotherhood." This order was establish
ed by members of the Church who felt their skills could be better used on the ba
ttlefield. This order would work directly for Camelot's army and not the Church
of Albion. This is why they are members of the Defenders of Albion. Friars take
direction from the King, but ultimately answer to the Church." Hey, I learned so
mething today! Thanks for sending in the question.
Q: I was considering getting the Tartaro's Gift artifact on my home server, Gahe
ris (Co-op). I've read from some spoiler sites that it levels off of 'primitive
races'. I've heard many people say that means that you need to RvR to level the
artifact. I'd really like to acquire this artifact (it would be my first. ;)) bu
t my server doesn't have any RvR! How would I accomplish this?
A: The Item Mistress, so fast with the reply button it burns, said, "There are n
ine artifacts that earn experience by killing players from other realms. Gaheris
has alternate leveling requirements that are displayed when the item is delved.
For example, Tartaro's Gift earns experience from killing animals on Gaheris, b
ut earns experience from primitive races on all other servers."
Q: Why can't my reaver cast his Debt to Arawn spell after using the Spirit of th
e Duelist spell on the Harpy Feather Cloak?
A: The official reply: "Players are only able to have one offensive proc buff on
their character at a time. You will need to decide which spell better suits the
situation and cast accordingly."
Q: In a house, if a weapon is placed on the wall for decoration, as soon
as it is double clicked on it disappears completely. Doesn't end up in the doubl
e clickers pack, just disappears. For random clickers like myself (who like to s
ee what everything is ;)), this can be frustrating, and unfair to the person who
Is there any way to make it so the weapon that is clicked on will end up in the
pack of the clicker as oppose to in limbo? :)
A: Well, as
ally on the
So, you can
k, it would

the Evil Overlord had to remind me, the thing on the wall isn't actu
wall it's a copy of something that still exists on someone's account.
see how if we were to let the thing on the wall copy to your backpac
be a wee bit of an exploit.

He says, though, that it *would* be cool to put labels on the decorations, so we

'll add it to our improvements wish list. And I'll look into whether or not it w
ould be possible to "lock" decorations outside the permissions list just to keep
the pretty wall stuff safe from clickers :)

Q: I've noticed that some of the ROG drops from TOA do not have any bonus to the
m; was this on purpose?
A: I don't think so. Kicking your question to the item team means a response fro
m the Item Mistress: "All armor and weapon ROG drops from Atlantis should have t
he bonus value set to the appropriate amount. Jewelry items are the exception be
cause the bonus has no effect on the performance of the jewelry. (The bonus incr
eases the chance to hit for weapons, increases the chance to block for shields,
and decreases the chance of being hit for armor.) If you do receive armor or wea
pons without a bonus, please /appeal it as a bug, and include the name of the mo
b that dropped the item if possible."
But before you appeal it, ask around to see if the item is truly a ROG item, and
not part of a quest or a story encounter. Your fellow players are the greatest
resource of any MMORPG.

My spyware detector has identified 3 files as spyware related:


...what's up?
A: I bounced this to the tech team; those guys have seen nearly everything at th
is point. Sure enough, they'd seen this before the problem is probably a spyware p
rogram with "fizzle" in their name or in their files. Our Techie Sean told me th
at he played another game with a sound effect for an alligator "alligator.wav" and w
ithout fail the spyware catcher would tag is as potentially part of the Gator fa
mily of programs. The sound effect you mention (which is found in all three dire
ctories, if you've got all the expansions installed) is clean.
Q: Last week, this was in the bag: "Q: I have a question about the tradeskill to
ols. There is one that says it has a bonus on minimum crafting quality of 1%. Do
es this mean that if I craft a 99% weapon while I have equipped this quality too
l I would get a MP instead? Or is its purpose only to get 95% quality as a minim
um instead of 94%?"
And the answer was "A: From the Item and Tradeskill Princess: " The minimum craf
ting quality bonus raises your quality floor, so as long as you have this item e
quipped, you should get a minimum of 95% quality on items you make."
As they say at news conferences, "Ma'am, I have a follow-up question". Is it acc
urate to say that when I have the quality bonus item equipped, I have a 2% chanc
e for an MP and a 19.6% chance for each of 95, 96, 97, 98 and 99? If that's not
accurate, what are the right numbers?
A: Good question. Here again is our Princess: "That's correct. Using the minimum
crafting quality bonus leaves your chance at a masterpiece exactly as it has al
ways been - 2%. It wouldn't be very helpful if having a +1 minimum quality bonus
eliminated your 94% quality products, only to leave you with twice as many 95%
So, the remaining 98% chance is divided evenly between the five other possible q
uality outcomes (95, 96, 97, 98, and 99%)."

Announcements: Hi, Agamemnon. Agamemnon is the Vault Forum guy who wants to be f
amous in a creepy internet way, and since he's been such a hell of a guy, here's
me doing my part to make him happy.
Speaking of making people happy, the authors of Mimir's Well (both from the Bede
vere server) are pleased to announce their 200,000th stat hit. If you're not in
the know, let me catch you up it's an IRC bot you can have installed in your IRC c
hannel that automatically interacts with the Herald to display character stats i
n the chat. I don't want to link directly to them for fear of driving their band
width costs out of control, but I just wanted to tip my hat to Notin and Dominus
securis for making something cool. If you're an IRC mod for a server channel loo
king for a nifty channel bot, head to Google! (And if your server channel has Mi
mir's Well, try !stat, !estat, and !help for more information.)
Kind of a slow announcement day, eh? Well, if you're in the path of the snow, st
ay safe, and if you're in one of the warm states think of me kindly. Hey! There's m
y blender!
Have a great weekend, everyone.
It's that time again! Here's the weekly dose:
Q: (Insert question here about artifacts, and the rate at which they gain experi
ence in RVR versus PVE.)
A: From the evil overlord: "The experience gain in RvR is very very slow, and tr
uly not comparable to the PvE experience gain, both in terms of risk and reward.
We are allowing RvR experience gain precisely for this reason, and have no plan
s to increase RvR artifact exp. gain, or add additional methods for other artifa
ct leveling."
In other words, we added the ability to gain a little experience in response to
feedback asking for it. If you play as you might normally play without setting p
articular goals, youll see the experience increase. If youre the sort of player who do
esnt enjoy playing without min-maxing, youll want to stick with PVE. But, if you want
to go raid, youll still make progress. Make sense?
Q: Static Tempest - in a duel, if you, as a thane, activate Static Tempest, afte
r the second pulse, the duel is stopped. It just ends on its own. I thought you
could use all RAs and such while dueling?
A: This is listed on our tracking program as a bug, and scheduled to be fixed.
Q: Why is the Traitor's Dagger artifact offhand usable in Hibernia and Albion bu
t not Midgard?
A: Its scheduled to be made usable in Midgard during 1.68, along with another artif
act. So says the Mistress. Thanks for writing!
Q: (Insert question about the Belt of the Sun.)
A: Our Item Mistress responds: The Belt of the Sun summons one weapon for each skil
l line to ensure that every class has a weapon they can equip. There are no plan
s at this time to add more versions for any realm. Unfortunately, it is not poss
ible to summon only the weapon that matches the player's training.

Q: I was wondering, when Im getting exp for artifacts and I have two artifacts equi
pped that can benefit from what Im hunting, is the exp split between them?
A: Nope. Heres the full answer from the Mistress: Each equipped artifact will receive
the full amount of artifact experience earned. It will not be split. For example
, if you are hunting mobs while
in an enemy frontier, your Crocodile Tear Ring and Egg of Youth artifacts would
each receive full experience with every magical mob killed.
Please note that this answer is for EQUIPPED artifacts. Things perching in your
inventory dont magically get experience.
Q: On a master level 6 raid I got (insert randomly generated item here). I canno
t use this item, however, because it is not a Large Weapon, but a Midgard 2-hand
ed crush weapon. When will I get this hammer changed to a weapon usable by Hiber
nia? And can Customer Service do anything?
A: That item was created using the games Random Object Generator (you may have seen
people in chat talking about a ROG item; well, this is one). As a result, its not
something that can be fixed, either retroactively or on the spot. The gang in Cu
stomer Service doesnt have the ability to fix it, and no patch can fix it either.
The monster or chest that dropped that item is bugged so if something like this ha
ppens again, please send a bug appeal. I apologize for the frustration.
In general, when you send bug appeals, be sure to mention the name of the item,
the monster it dropped from, the /loc you were fighting at, and the name of the
zone. The faster we have all the information, the faster we can make fixes.
Q: As taken from 1.68B patch notes, and I quote:
""Item Notes
- The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Albion) will now drop with a slower attack spe
ed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed.
- The Bow of Silent Oblivion (Hibernia and Albion) will now drop with a slower a
ttack speed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed."
What about Midgard?
A: I hope you dont mind that I edited your passionate letter, good sir. The problem
here is twofold first, the notes arent really explaining what the problem was, and s
econd, your legitimate feedback. So were going to try and reword the notes to expla
in that were actually fixing a bug, but allowing a few items to be grandfathered in
(as we often do when were the ones to screw up), and well add a slow bow for Midgard
to our list of items to add.
Q: I'm a level 5 (insert starting class here). Why won't the (insert advanced tr
ainer here) in the Hall of Heroes zone (or outlying towns in Shrouded Isles) let
me become a (insert advanced class here)?
A: The answer comes from a world goddess: Only certain trainers will promote player
s from their starting class to an advanced class. In the classic zones, these tr
ainers are located in the three main cities - Camelot, Jordheim, and Tir na Nog,
as well as the small towns where new characters first enter the world (the base

trainers direct players to the appropriate advanced trainers). In Shrouded Isle

s, only the trainers in the starting areas of Caer Gothwaite, Aegirhamn, and the
Grove of Domnann will promote players to their advanced classes. The advanced t
rainers in these areas are set up to either start the guild track quests or to d
irect players to the trainer that begins the guild track quest.
Trainers in the outlying towns of Shrouded Isles and those in the Hall of Heroes zo
nes in ToA will not promote players from a starting class to an advanced one.

Weve got some new friends reading the column! One of you wrote in, and very politel
y let me know that Id forgotten to replace my insert question here blurb with an act
uestion. Although I have lost no fewer than three Diet Vanilla Cokes today, by v
irtue of wandering around the office and leaving them in places like the copier
room and the bathroom, I havent forgotten to replace something on the grab bag. Whe
never you see me say insert question here, its meant to let you know that I got a nu
of similar questions on the same theme, and that the same answer applied to all
of them. If YOUR question wasnt answered, please feel free to send it on in.
Thats all from me you all have a fun weekend.
I wouldn't leave without posting this!
Q: When I upgrade a house, I get the deed for my old house back. But when I down
grade my house, I dont get the deed! Is this a bug?
A: No, its not. The system is designed to give you an incentive to upgrade, but hav
e no incentive to downgrade your home.
Q: The realm abilities documentation says there is a two second hard cap on cast
ing speed. No way.
A: That information is in fact outdated and currently
ing to hold off on posting this in the grab bag until
ussing the issue and what all we were planning to do.
g to do, but there are changes in the works that will
g other things. Your feedback on these topics is much

wrong. Heres the deal I was try

the dev team finished disc
I still dont know what were goin
affect casting speed, amon

Q: In the patch notes you mention that pet spells will start sending information
to the owner of the pet. Does this include procs done by pets too? Will my Spir
it Champion tell me how much he's lifetapping for?
A: One of our programmers responded, "The intention is that all spells cast by a
pet report their damage done as feedback to their owner. Due to the amount of s
pells already in the game there may be exceptions; they should be treated as bug
s and appealed as such so that they can be fixed." So there you have it! Head ov
er to Pendragon and help us track down the exceptions!
Q: How long is 1.68 going to be on Pendragon?
A: Yall need to help me knock on wood, because Im about to take an educated guess. Two
weeks. Barring the unforeseen. Longtime readers of this column just started cur
sing my parents for spawning me, because Bad Things happen whenever I say barring t
he unforeseen.

Q: With the change to the group window to color code party members condition are
there any indicators for color blind players similar to the - and + used to sho
w relative con?
If there are what are they and where are they documented?
A: Straight from the programmers keyboard:
If "Name" is the character's name, the following sequences indicate state:
Dead: =Name=
Mezzed: !Name!
Out of Zone:


Q: Is there any way it would be possible for all characters on the same
account to be able to port directly to the house of one character on the account
? Maybe a Family Hearth rank?
A: This is the second most popular request I get with housing. (Full co-owner pr
ivileges is the most popular, if you were wondering.) Unfortunately, we dont have a
way to grant all characters on one account porting access. It would not be a sm
all code fix, and there are other potential problems, such as properly stripping
access from all character when the house was sold, etc. So Im afraid the answer is
no at this time. Its a neat idea, though, and Ive tagged it as a popular one.
Q: Insert idea about things to do with the Andred hardware here.
A: You guys are creative, and Ive certainly filed away all your ideas for alternate
server rulesets. But the truth of the matter is we repurposed the Andred hardware bac
k when the server was closed. Andred is basically a brain in a jar, metaphorical
ly speaking, not the whole body.
Remember, if you havent copied over, get moving were tossing the brain on Feb. 26.
Q: My question is, is Essence Flames considered an offensive proc buff? Because
it appears to stack with artifact buffs and both offer offensive procs. Is this
intended or a bug?
A: From the keyboard of Balance Boy: This is a bug. A character should never have m
ore then one offensive proc on at any time. Thanks for pointing out this issue w
ith Essence Flames.
Q: Can you or any of the code boys state if Quality matters for Legendary Weapon
A: The answer lay with not the code boys, but the Item Princess! Indeed it does. Ev
en though the damage that comes from a legendary weapon is elemental instead of
physical (slash, crush, or thrust), the quality of the legendary weapon affects
the DPS the same as if it were a normal damage type weapon.

Q: I went into an area of the game that had no monsters. Whats up?
A: If an area is entered using a geometry exploit, the area might not populate c
orrectly, or creatures may not behave appropriately. You need to find the door.
If you have to jump three hundred times while taking screenshots and chanting th
e name of a Lovecraftian demon, the designers probably didnt mean for you to enter
an area that way. Thanks in advance for reporting any bad geometry.
* * *

Just FYI your quest journal is not of infinite size. There are plans in the works t
ress any storage issues that may come up for our hardcore questers. By hardcore,
I mean those of you who cannot rest until youve spoken to every NPC in our world.
You know who you are. The rest of you stop making fun of us, were having fun our way!
This weeks shout out goes to Chrysanthe, top bug reporter of the week. When one pla
yer tester directly leads to five different patch notes, you know shes special.
As some of you have no doubt observed, this patch contains some things designed
to hinder, break, spindle, fold, and mutilate certain third party programs. Wed app
reciate it if everyone could pop onto Pendragon in the next two weeks and make s
ure there are no performance or movement problems for our average customers who
dont need to cheat to be good at video games. Thanks!
Hey, any of you out there using ZoneAlarm? Theyre looking for beta testers who do t
hings like play MMOGs with their products. Go here if you want to sign up.
Speaking of beta testing as soon as the New Frontiers beta test is ready for you, w
ell post on the Herald. Please just watch the website, and only send feedback to th
e poor little RVR Expansion feedback form. Beta requests are just getting delete
d. Im glad you guys are excited, though, because this is going to need play testing
like weve never seen before. Its not every day that a MMORPG completely changes such
a major part of their game.
Have a nifty keen weekend. No, not a lurikeen. Such dirty minds, sheesh.http://w
Y'all, I am just fresh out of clever, so instead of a cute title, I'm just going
to get this sucker posted.

Q: Is melee style damage also in the 1.68 list of TOA buffs with the new 10% cap
A: Yes. Im sorry it wasnt listed in the original notes.
Q: The seven day trial of the game is it supposed to require a credit card?
A: Yes. The free download of the game comes with seven days of free play, but yo
u do need to enter a credit card number to activate the account. By the way, if
you purchase the software online or at a regular store, there is still a thirty
day free trial attached to the CDs.

Q: Do the following RA skills work for a necro in shade form?

Purge, Majestic Will, Strike the Soul, The Empty Mind, Mastery of Concentration
and finally Mastery of Magery.
I've heard mixed reports from people saying that: None of these RA's work for ne
cros, Some of them work, or that all of them work.
Can you clarify for me? I'm 4L3 and would like to know where to invest my points
A: Heres the most recent list as I know it. If your experience is different, please
let me know:
Mastery of Magery is working by all accounts.
Majestic Will is working by all accounts.
Strike the Soul is working by all accounts.
There are known bugs with the other three and the shade form that were working on.
Its not a pretty answer, but its a true one.
Remember, the RA system will be changing dramatically in a few months. Youll get al
l your points refunded, of course, but just keep the impending change in the bac
k of your mind.
Q: With all the new caps, I have not seen any reference to caps on the +power po
ol, healing effectiveness, and buff effectiveness . Is this an oversight or will
those buffs stay at level/2?
A: The current design calls for those abilities to be capped at your level divid
ed by two.
Q: What exactly does the power pool % increase do? Does it increase the amount o
f power my cleric can generate (like having higher piety)? Or, like the dex cap
increase, do I have to put spellcraft points into power to make it worth anythin
A: Im better off quoting Balance Boy directly here: Power pool is affected by your ac
uity stat, +power bonus, the Ethereal Bond Realm ability, and your level. The re
sulting power pool is adjusted by your power pool % increase bonus.
So if your power pool was 400 after all was said and done, and you had a +4% pow
er pool bonus item, your power would go up 4% to 416.
+ power % works entirely independently from +power itself. So the
comparison to how dex works with dex cap increasing items doesn't apply.
Q: Just curious if the abs proc off Spear of Kings stacks with or overrides the
ablative melee health proc you can get put on player crafted armor?
A: From the Spreadsheet Keeper (yes, my dear regulars, someone new is joining my
merry band of victims er, devs who answer my questions!): Yes, they will stack. One i
s a hit point buffer and one is an aura shield. They are not the same type of sp
Q: Just put on a Giant's Black Sapphire Ring (lvl 50 item). It looks like a ring

, but fits in a wrist spot - not a ring spot :)

A: Imagine how big the ring of some twenty foot tall man mountain would be. Abou
t as big as a bracelet!
Q: Was there some kind of account or Herald clean-up back in January? I monitor
the statistics for my alliance, and I noticed every guild had dozens of their in
active members drop off the Herald rosters between Jan 19 and Jan 20.
A: We did a massive Herald clean up. The Herald computers were in dire need of a
purge; we had year old data clogging up the arteries like pastrami sandwiches.
* * *
Please. Im begging. If you have any plans, at all, to ever contact customer service
for any reason, please make sure the email address we have on your registration
page is valid. We often use email to contact our players. I have a very sad let
ter from someone who has been looking for help for weeks, and yet hes never had an
answer from us. Weve tried to contact him three times, but the email address we hav
e for him is outdated and wrong. Fortunately, he emailed me, so we now have a wa
y to make contact with him. We will never sell your email address so please, give
us one you check regularly.
Well, this was quite a week. Fortunately, my blender is clean. I sure do appreci
ate the many players who took the time to write such thoughtful letters. You guy
s are the best.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sunday always comes too late, but it's Friday Q: Insert question here about 4000 unit reporting, crossed swords, refresh rate,
A: If you dont know what that question means, get on over to the New Frontiers Tran
sportation System page and see what everyones talking about.
I CANT answer the questions youve sent because we just laid out everything we have
nd. Those are the paper plans and ideas, and were going to be working with our play
ers to determine what the final design looks like.
I know that one on one fights wont show up on the map, but how big a force it takes
to get on the map hasnt been set for sure we need to see how it works in practice. W
ere planning to have the map refresh every five seconds, but if that turns out to b
e bad for the server, well change it. If 4000 units turns out to take the fun out o
f the game, well reduce it. Who knows? We dont, not until the beta gets going!
Think of it like an elaborate system based on the guard death spam when that spam
rolls, you know there is action in that area. Well, this is a GUI (graphical use
r interface, for you newcomers to our happy band) version.
Q: Okay, whats all this talk about master level ten?

A: You got us :) It was a secret level, we just thought that would be fun. Weve put
stuff like that in the game before, and this was more of the same. You dont know g
lee until youve planned a surprise.
But there you have it Celestius is actually the final trial, and you get to the ar
ea by porting through the secret gates after youve completely finished levels one t
hrough nine.
Q: I have rolled a berserker and have 2 items on from TOA that add +3 to all mel
ee skills. However, I have NO pluses to my Left Axe ability. Why is Left Axe not
considered a melee skill?
A: From the Item Mistress: The Melee Skill All bonus is intended to increase a wea
pon skill when training in one usually excludes the others. For example, players
are unlikely to be trained in both Sword and Axe and therefore will really only
receive an effective bonus for one skill. However, training in Axe does not pre
clude training in Left Axe or Parry, since the player is likely to use both or a
ll at once. If we had included any of the dual wield skills, we would have been
giving those players a double bonus. A player trained in Left Axe always has ano
ther weapon trained, so increasing both was not a viable option.
Q: Did I lose any experience on my artifact when 1.68 went live?
A: No. Before the patch, the percentage display was a number created by some hor
rible formula from hell that I dont understand after three explanations. NOW, the p
ercentage reflects nothing more than how much progress youve made to the artifacts nex
t level. When you ding the artifact, the number will reset to zero and youll start
Q: Was there any changes made to Galladoria? I've set up two raids there this pa
st week to kill both the Conservator and Xaga, and out of killing them both 2 ti
mes over the past 4 days, we've walked away with only ONE single line skill resp
ec stone (Luminescent Ceriac). Also, Darkness Falls seems to not be producing th
e amount of seals it used to.
A: Column regulars know I like to have the dev team
case things were accidentally changed while we were
We looked up both of these for you. Galladoria has
a stone is not a good one, so I think you just got
ed away with one every raid.

look up drop rates, just in

working on the spreadsheets.
not changed the chance to drop
lucky if in the past youve walk

And the DF question? From the Mistress: There have not been any intentional change
s to the drop rates for the seals in Darkness Falls. However, if you provide us
with the names of the mobs you feel are not dropping the normal amount of seals,
we would be happy to check for problems.
Q: Why didnt the player-run consignment merchants update the artifacts they were se
lling to reflect the lower bonuses in 1.68?
A: It has to do with the way we store data. There are literally billions of item
s in the game right now, and to go through them all to update the display would
take years. So the system updates the display on active items things in your inven
tory and bank vault are considered active when you log in. Items on the consignm
ent merchants are not currently considered active until they are moved to the in
ventory of a player. The display then updates when an inventory check is done, w
hich you can force by logging in and logging out.

The item itself had the bonus reduced in the patch, because when you use an item
, it contacts the server to find out what it should do.
Sorry about any confusion, yall.
Q: The artifact "Crocodile Tear Ring" says in the delve that it will gain xp fro
m kills in enemy frontiers. As a Hibernian, this says to me that this artifact s
hould gain xp while in the Midgard and Albion frontiers. The artifact does gain
xp while in the outdoor areas of Mid/Alb frontiers but not from kills inside the
frontier dungeons.
Maddening Scalars artifact was changed in 1.68 to gain xp in the frontier dungeo
ns. Should my Crocodile Tear Ring also gain xp while in enemy frontier dungeons?
A: Again from our lovely Mistress: The Crocodile Tear Ring should gain experience
from experience earned in the frontier dungeons. This will be fixed with the nex
t patch. Thanks for the report!
Q: I have the artifact named Guard of Valor. When I delve, it says that it level
s in the realms frontier dungeons and a place called House of the Dead...where/what
is the House of the Dead? Ive asked around... and no one knows, not even in Map-alot.
A: Wow, theres a blast from the past. House of the Dead was an old name, kind of a
placeholder from an early design document. Oh, Mistress! This was indeed an entry e
rror on our part. The delve has been corrected by replacing "House of the Dead"
with the correct "Summoner's Hall".
Q: Is anyone else having the problem where debuff storms are no longer hitting m
obs? Dex/Quick debuff, starting with yesterdays patch, was no longer hitting any mo
b I tried it on. Using duels I was able to hit buffed players with it, but even
then it would not hit my opponents charmed pet. Was there a patch note I missed?
A: This one caused quite a bit of consternation. Weve been digging all afternoon. H
eres the word, from the Moderately Evil Overlord: In version 1.68, we fixed a bug that
allowed the Battlewarder to be used against monsters. As a result of this fix,
many additional Master Abilities in this 'category' were inadvertently affected.
We are investigating this issue and will look at fixes in a later version. The
list of all abilities that fall into this 'category' is as follows: Cowering Bel
low, Agony Transmission, Zone of Unmana, Primal Agony, Essence Shatter, Dissonan
ce Trap, Snaring Tendrils of Power, Inexorable Defeat, Oppression, Demoralizatio
n, Power Leak, Sapping Strike, Power Trap, and Enervating Gas.
I am really sorry, gang.
Q: Question concerning the one Perfector ability "Greatness" can u tell me what
the ability actually does. Is the ability used for increasing the number of perm
ent buff spells u can cast at once-- 20 spells capped for will it give you 4 ext
ra perment buffs extra to cast or is it what it says increases conceration pool
by 20%. Can you plz clarify this????
A: From our Balance Boy: Whenever you cast a concentration buff, it costs a certai
n amount of concentration points. Obviously, if you cancel a buff, you get those
concentration points back. You are limited in the number of buffs you can cast
based on your concentration pool. Greatness increases your concentration pool by

20% allowing you to cast more buffs.

HOWEVER, there is a second limit to the number of concentration buffs you can ha
ve cast at one time which is currently 20. This is a technical limitation and in
creasing that number is currently on our list of improvements to make.
The higher the level of concentration buffs you are trying to cast, the higher t
he chance that you'll run into the concentration pool cap before you run into th
e 20 buff cap. This is the case where Greatness comes into play by increasing yo
ur conc pool by 20% and letting you cast more buffs.
I hate to be the voice of doom, but I feel like I should mention here that on the l
ist means no deadline has been set, but we do want to do this.
Q: My question is regarding my Belkin Nostromo N52. It allows recordable macros
which would allow me to craft without actually pressing any buttons.
Is this against the rules? My guildmates informed me that it may get me banned o
r my Alch skill reset. So, I have not used it yet. Please let me know.
A: Your guildmates are right on. From the head of in-game customer service: When we
catch people using this, we first suspend the player for 5 days and wipe all of
his tradeskills to zero. Second time is a ban.
Q: I have a Shadowblade on Percival and was wanting to make an infiltrator on Gu
inevere with the same name. I checked the Herald and the name does not show up,
yet when I try and make the character with name of choice, it says name is taken. I wa
s thinking that all names would be on the Herald. Is this a bug, or can somebody
have the name and not show on the Herald?
A: Really old characters that havent logged in for awhile may not appear on the Her
ald. We have never erased any characters (though please remember, Andred is clos
ing on Thursday the 26th, and those characters will indeed be lost forever if yo
u dont copy yours to Mordred), so even a character around but unplayed since 2001 i
s still reserving the name.
If we ever wipe old, unplayed characters, we will post here with plenty of warni
* * *
File it under we are aware of the issue, and trying to resolve it: Powertaps from Necr
omancers on any person that does not have a power pool causes the spell to not w
ork - it takes their power, but does no damage. We are working on the fix but it c
ant be hot wired to the server, and I wont know anything more until Monday.
I dont have a lot of announcements tonight we made them during the day :) Thanks for
a great week, thanks for the great feedback, and Ill see you here next week!http://
Here it is:
Q: We used a trebuchet to take down a monster, and when he died, he dropped loot
but we got no experience or encounter credit. Is this a bug?
A: Nope. There was a point, many moons ago, where it was allowed. For balance re
asons we had to change that, and it was noted in a patch. But its the kind of thing

that newer members of our community wouldnt know. So! Thanks

ught the need for this reminder to my attention. The game allows
ons to be used to kill creatures, and does not allow other siege
sed at all. If you do choose a siege weapon that can be used, be
will not receive encounter credit or experience for the kill.

to the people who bro

some siege weap
weapons to be u
aware that you

Q: Do the offensive spell procs on weapons get affected by the users acuity for dam
age purposes? More specifically, is the damage of the offensive clickable spell
procs on artifacts (i.e. bolt on Band of Stars) affected by acuity? I am wonderi
ng if for instance a Band of Stars would do more damage in the hands of my heale
r with 198 piety as opposed to my warrior who has about 50.

A: There shouldnt be a difference. The item is casting the spell, not your character
Q: (Insert question about display freezing and crashing here.)
A: I was having the exact same problems as many of you. Imagine my chagrin when
I found out how ancient my video card drivers were. Its not just game companies tha
t release patches! Anyway, updating the drivers solved my difficulties. If that
doesnt help you, please contact our technical support people: http://support.darkag Please DONT contact the Questions feedback form I only go th
rough this folder once or twice a week, and I am not technically qualified to he
lp you. You do not want my technical help. You want me to stay very, very far fr
om your computer.
Q: Legendary Bows - Do these bows do elemental damage, or the arrow listed damag
e? Popular belief is that they debuff the right elemental, but still do pierce/s
lash/blunt damage. Before I get a bow made could you let us know if they really
do elemental damage?
A: From the keyboard of the Item Princess: Currently, elemental damage types will n
ot function on bows or arrows. For legendary bows, the damage type dealt is stil
l dependent on the arrow's damage type, even though the proc debuffs an elementa
l resist. However, the proc rate on the legendary bows is higher than that of ot
her legendary weapons, which allows the direct damage portion of the spell to he
lp compensate for the lack of elemental damage done by using the legendary bow.
Q: Is there any place either on the Herald or the internet where I can go and te
st how I want to spec a new toon?
A: I build possible characters over at I dont promise th
at its always perfect, but they keep it updated, and as I said, I use it myself. I
lack the technical skills to build one that had as many nifty little features, s
o I just direct people to Catacombs. Plus Im secretly in love with the forum regula
rs over there. Shh, dont tell anyone.
Q: I am having a problem, and I submitted a bug appeal. When am I going to hear
A: Bug appeals are not answered. Not directly, anyway. We have a team of people
in a dungeon who sort and assign your bug appeals for testing.
The first step in any bug fix is duplicating the bug we need to see precisely what
happens on a code level when players do things. If the bug team cant make it happe
n, its not possible to fix the problem. Thats why we always ask for as much data as yo

u can think of.

For example, I recently submitted a bug appeal about an item durability problem.
In order to give our test team enough information to work with, I told them the
- The exact name of the item I had a problem with
- The condition and durability of the item BEFORE repair
- The condition and durability of the item AFTER repair
- Whether a player repaired the item, or an NPC
- Where I was when I was having my item repaired

With all that information, the testing team can set up tests that EXACTLY duplic
ate my circumstances. If I leave any of that information out, the test might com
e back as we couldnt duplicate your results. That drives me bonkers - *I* know I had
eaking problem, darn it! But, when I give them all the information, they CAN dup
licate the problem and the odds of fixing the problem goes way, way up.
But I still wont get an email from them. I know they got my appeal, of course, beca
use the head of testing comes up here and throws things at me. Youll have to take m
y word for it the appeals GET READ. It is in our best interest to fix things as qu
ickly as possible. If something isnt fixed, its because we have not yet been able to d
uplicate it here in our labs. So give us all the details even things you dont think c
ould possibly matter. And please remember that a human being reads each and ever
y appeal, so help them process as many appeals as possible by giving them just t
he facts save the editorials for the feedback form and me.
Q: I was on my necro [on Mordred] today when a shaman and his armsman friend dec
ided to jump me, the shaman kept recasting the dot and although they were not st
acking it was rehitting constantly and doing a lot of damage I died faster then
i have ever died in my life because of this and I was wondering if this is inten
ded to happen or simply a bug which this shaman was exploiting I have a 50 shama
n myself and have never noticed / seen this been done before. I would love to kn
ow if this is a bug or not because if its not I may bring my shaman out of retireme
nt and become hated once again.

A: If Ive understood you, and I certainly dont discount the possibility that Im comp
y befuddled, it sounds like the shaman was not exploiting a bug, but his constan
t casting was interrupting you and preventing you from doing anything. Have a go
od time.
Q: Mastery of arms increases melee weapon speed by 3% per level. Do shields coun
t as a melee weapon?
A: Yes.
Q: I have one unit of Salamander Ash in my back pack, and I cant remove it. Can't b
e dropped, can't be put in vault, can't be sold, can't be salvaged. How do I get
it out of my backpack?
A: If you dont need it to complete an encounter (thats what the Ash is for), you can d
estroy it by selecting the item and hitting your destroy keys. The default destroy key
s are Shift+D if that doesnt work, you can type /keyboard and see what the command is

on your computer.


I start every grab bag session by going through the folder and scattering questi
ons to the developers to answer. Every time, I swear that I wont answer any questio
ns personally, because I just dont have the time to answer EVERYONE. So of course I
cant help it, and as Im sorting the questions with my rapid fire usage of the forwa
n (along with the rapid fire use of the keyboard to add pithy comments like Yeah, Id l
ike to know, too and good point and once my eyes stopped bleeding, I found she ha
int), I answer a few. Those recipients almost always write back with shock and amaz
ement that they havent just been screaming down a well.

Ive spent a total of five years swimming around the MMORPG community pool. Half on
the player side, half on the dark side (which also happens to be a player side,
if its not too hard to believe you dont take jobs like this if you dont love PLA
eaking games). I know what its like to be constantly giving feedback and asking que
stions, and never hearing a single peep acknowledging that I was even alive.
The Herald team is 100% committed to reading every scrap of feedback because of
that. The volume is insane, so we cant promise a reply. The dev team is informed on
a regular (by that I mean hourly) basis what the top issues and concerns are. I wish
I could write to everyone, and personally reassure you all.
Feh, enough of my blathering go on, weve got raids to get to. See you next week.http:
Chow down:
Q: From the 1.68i Release Notes, it states: - We have replaced the Unending Vengean
ce proc on Maddening Scalars with a damage shield. The Unending Vengeance spell
was, under certain cases, causing players to not receive credit for completing e
ncounters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future patch to give the gloves a
more appropriate ability.
The lvl 10 ability on those gloves has been said to be called "Frothing Wound" y
et the notes refer to an "Unending Vengeance". Which leads me to believe that th
e name of the lvl 5 Ability is the Unending Vengeance. I'm just confused as to h
ow changing the gloves from a shield/dmg shield proc to a regular damage shield
proc is "a more appropriate ability" or how, more importantly, it fixes the "cau
sing players to not receive credit for completing encounters?"

A: First Id better clarify the subject of the question. The Maddening Scalars artif
act has a level five ability, Unending Vengeance. It was a reactive proc that reflecte
d damage back to the enemy. The artifacts level ten ability is called Maddening Aura,
its proc turns you into a werewolf. When you are a werewolf, you have a chance
to proc onto your enemy an effect called Frothing Wound, which is a disease based DOT.
God, I love my job. I can say things like when you are a werewolf and no one even blin
I headed over to our sweet Item Mistress for the answer to the question. She had
this reply: The level five spell was replaced on the Maddening Scalars with a more
conventional damage shield as a temporary measure. The previous shield was capa
ble of dealing large amounts of damage to the mobs, and in those situations the
players did not receive encounter credit upon the death of the mob. The current

type of damage shield should not cause any issues with encounter completion cred
it. We anticipate a new spell will be in place for 1.69 that is closer to the or
iginal function.
Q: I have been looking through all of the patch notes and grab bags on the Heral
d, but I cannot find anything that specifically says savages are restricted to 5
.0 delay two handed weapons.. I have been told that the savage cannot equip weap
ons slower then 5.0, however I have equipped a 5.2 delay two handed hammer. My q
uestion is, What weapons are savages restricted from using? Can they equip two h
anded Artifacts that are labeled as having a speed delay of 5.6? Can you give me
the specifics on what they restricted?
A: Restrictions were added to weapons slower than 5.5 seconds to prevent their u
se by Savages as of version 1.65. However, this restriction is not in place for
the artifacts so Savages will be able to use the 5.6 delay two-handed artifacts.
The following is the original 1.65 patch note:
- We have changed the few Midgard items in the game that were slower than 5.5 se
conds to restrict them from Savage use. Savages who already own one of these wea
pons at the time of this patch will not be affected by this change. However, any
weapon that has a delay slower than 5.5 seconds has been replaced in all future
drops in the game with an identical version that will not allow savages to equi
p the new item.- The new items have had their names modified so that they can be
differentiated from the versions that are not restricted. The new versions of t
he "Mourning Rage", "Dull Asterite Great Sword", "Brittle-bone Great Axe", "Drag
on-shadow Great Axe" and "Dragon-shadow Great Hammer" are named "Mourning Fury",
"Lusterless Asterite Great Sword", "Bone-shard Great Axe", "Wurm-shadow Great A
xe" and "Wurm-shadow Great Hammer", respectively.
Q: You recently refunded the points for Majestic Will. My question is this, I do
n't have MW yet. But I was working towards getting it. I just purchased Aug Acui
ty 3. Will I get any refund in points?
A: If were JUST AA3, we totally would have done it. We discussed it long and har
d. But after a lot of agonizing, this was the result. Speaking for the dev team,
I have here the Moderately Evil Overlord: If we refund Augmented Acuity 3, then we
are also forced to refund several abilities that follow on to it - such as Mast
ery of the Art, Concentration, and Mastery of Concentration. Given that all Real
Abilities will be refunded and reworked in New Frontiers, we needed to draw the
semi-evil overlord's line somewhere, and this is where it has been drawn.
So there it is everyone will get a total refund in the future, and it was determin
ed that doing it now had the potential to be more disruptive than helpful. I und
erstand where youre coming from, believe me, and if we WERENT actively working on a pl
an that involved a full refund, wed have done it already no matter what the consequ
Q: After the last patch, I am starting to get DEADLINK too much. My ping to serv
er is about 200 and it has never happened before. Can you please check it and re
ply? My other friends here in Turkey are having the same problems.
A: Im hopelessly provincial, I get such a kick out of knowing we have players all o
ver the world.

Coming from as far away as you, sir, its likely theres a more local problem. However,
were always glad to take a look. Youll need to send us a traceroute our helpful web

provides step by step instructions.

Q: I sold my house and still have stuff on the Bankers, how long will it stay th
ere - until I get it, or will they clean out in a month?
A: Right now it wont go anywhere, but I make no promises as to how long that will b
e true. Its meant as PURELY temporary storage, and if the data file starts to get t
oo big, well start purging it.
Q: I have two houses, sort of. I signed one over to a dear friend. She has gotte
n upset as ladies do sometimes. She has given me the porters and stuff that were
in the house. She left the house set as she had set it per my instructions when
I gave it her. That is with me having full permissions to pay rent and use merc
hants. My question is, if she stops paying her monthly fee and her account goes
inactive, will the house disappear even if I keep paying rent?

A: Fear not as long as the rent is paid on a personal house, it doesnt matter whether
the owners account is active. Please note, though, that the pop up pay your rent me
s wont appear, and you wont be able to retrieve the stuff if you get evicted, so be vi
I would be remiss if I didnt also point out that if it was a nasty breakup, you mig
ht want to reconsider keeping anything of value in the house. It IS still hers, and sh
e can walk in anytime she likes, and take everything and we cant do a darn thing abou
t it.
Q: (Insert grappler question here.)
A: We know about the, er, issues, and working on fixes as I type.
Q: After the last patch +duration items appear to be not working at all. With +1
8% duration prior I was getting 7 ticks on 6 tick DoT. Now after +the patch with
+23% duration, I get only 6 ticks. I read the notes very carefully, and +durati
on seemed to be one of the only things that was not nerfed to 10%. Rightly so, f
or many spells (DoTS expecially) +10% is meaningless. I would think that Theurgi
st pets, Animist pets, debuffs, buffs (PoT, HoT) and DoTs wouild all benefit fro
m this. What gives?
A: Heres the answer from our Code Warrior:
Damage over Time: does not benefit from +duration items
Theurgist pets: do not benefit
Animist turrets: do not benefit
Debuffs: do benefit
Buffs: do benefit
Basically anything that results in a spell icon being placed on a character that ha
s a duration listed, with the exception of damage over time spells, benefit from
duration bonuses.

General comments dear ones, I have a rhetorical question for you. If someone write
s to me to complain about crashing, and evidence suggests that hes also running an

illegal third party program am I going to hell when I laugh at him? And how do I po
litely phrase the sentiment, Well, first, stop cheating, and call me if that doesnt he
lp. Wait, I just found the right way to phrase it. So, there you have it. If you kn
ow someone who is crashing a lot, please make sure he uninstalls illegal program
s before he blames us. Or gives us credit. Whatever.
Of course, if that's not the problem, please, please report the problem to us wi
th your error log, so we can take care of the real issue.
All righty, with that, its off to the weekend. Farewell!
Here it is!
Q: Jewelcraft?

A: Another job for the Moderately Evil Overlord he tells me its not dead, although we
not talking about it any time soon. New Frontiers and the live game are taking a
ll available resources, and so I wouldnt even spare the concept any brain cells. BU
T, just to prepare the field, I thought wed best post this quote: Any original hints o
r plans we had for Jewelcraft are dead. Let me be perfectly clear on that. Any p
lan or hint or system we described in the past was long, long ago nullified by t
he current state of the game.
Q: Can quick cast be changed to an instant cast ability?
A: Well, quick cast is not a fully descriptive name it really means twice as quick as
the spell says.
Making QC into an instant effect would have a lot of balance implications, most of the
m bad. Very, very bad.
Q: I've been looking for a house in the FRISIA zone. I have searched through all
the housing areas and there is no horse merchant that allows me to go to the ce
ntral market for Frisia. Is this an oversight, or am I missing something?
A: Looks like we need to update the ol Herald. There is a horse route which travels
from Jorund to the Frisia Marketplace. Yili is the name of the stable merchant
for the Frisia Marketplace, and Jorund sells tickets to this merchant.
Q: I use multiple arrow types depending on the circumstances, and I use the Shro
uded Isles client (I dont have TOA, and thus, no quiver option.) There seems to be
some kind of bug I cant get the game to accept my changing arrow types. Whatever type
of arrow that was up top when I logged in is the type Im stuck with, even when I m
ove the stacks around.
A: That is a bug, and were trying to figure out what the deal is. Meanwhile, the wo
rkaround (aside from the annoying move the stack, log out, log back in routine) is to
split out a single arrow from the stack you DONT want to use, and have the stack th
at you DO want to use directly beneath the single arrow. That sounds crazier tha
n it is. Here:
Say youve got, in your first bag in your inventory:
20 keen footed
20 blunt footed

20 barbed footed
You dont want the keen arrows right now, you want to use blunt arrows. Arrange your
inventory as follows:
1 keen footed
20 blunt footed
20 barbed footed
19 keen footed
Now fire off the single arrow at whatever. Youll switch to the blunt arrows automat
ically. It does waste an arrow, and Im sorry about that. But its a better work around
than logging, and hopefully you wont have to do it forever.
Q: My tradeskill master in Caer Gothwaite / Grove of Domnann / Aegir's Landing w
on't give me a tradeskill tool quest.
A: As we stated in the 1.67 patch notes, you must speak to your tradeskill maste
r in your realm's capital city to receive one of the tradeskill tool quests.
I've been made aware of some discrepancies - other masters in other locations ha
ve been offering the quests. The above is the intended design. Please send a Tra
deskill/Economy feedback form if you want to suggest other alternatives.
Q: In 1.69A, you have a patch note that says - New buff spells have been added for
the three primary buff classes in the game (cleric, shaman, and druid). These sp
ells are point blank area of effect buffs that affect up to 40 targets within a
radius of 1000 units, and which are about 50% as effective as their concentratio
n counterparts on the same lists and have a 10 minute duration. These new buff s
pells are intended to help more characters have access to buffs in RvR and on Pv
E raids. Im confused as to what spells these shears will affect.

A: Youre not alone. Heres a clarified patch note: - We have added buff shearing spel
es to the Shaman, Druid, and Cleric buffing lines. These spells are designed to
be used offensively against enemy realm targets to remove one of their buffs. Ch
aracters who have a buff enhancement ripped off them via these spells will also
take some damage due to the buff shearing effect. Characters who do not have a b
uff removed will not be damaged. Any buff that a player has cast on himself (whe
ther concentration or timed) will not be affected by buff shearing.
Does that help at all? We really appreciate the help testing these, BTW. As with
all new concepts, the more people who actually try them and provide feedback, t
he more we can tweak and improve the implementation.
Q: My healer has +35% to power pool on items from ToA. This of course is capped
at 25%, so overall I have 25% more power than I would have
otherwise. To me, this means that casting something such as a rez would cost les
s of a percentage of power (from what my power bar shows) than if I didn't have
the 25% increase. So before ToA, my rez on level 50's was costing 50% of my powe
r. After the 25% increase however, it still costs 50% of my power. Am I not unde
rstanding how this works, or is this a bug that I should report?
A: In the case of a rez spell, it doesnt matter how much power you have or what bon
uses you carry, because the rez spells take a percentage of your full power, not
a particular number of power points.
If youre showing a discrepancy on a spell with a fixed power cost, please, let me k

now so that I can investigate.

Q: Will patrols be included in New Frontiers? If so, will they remain as bloody
fast as they are?
A: The Moderately Evil Overlord (one of a number of people on the primary design
team for New Frontiers) replied, "We will have patrols of guards around the imm
ediate vicinity of the Castles in New Frontiers. Their running speed has not bee
n finalized."
Your implied feedback is duly noted, though ;)
Q: Last night, I was running a ML1 Raid for some guildies and we had this item a D
uskwood Ember - drop on Fire Island. It is a lovely staff, but you will note tha
t the bonus to humanoids is a bit , errr, odd, 0%?
A: Thaaaats a bug. Thanks :) It is currently fixed on our internal server, and the
Item Mistress says, "The spell damage value has been changed to the correct valu
e of 2% and will go live with 1.69. Thanks for the report!"

The 1.69 Challenge is on! (Check the earlier story for details.) A few of you ou
t in message board land have the impression were putting in some New Frontiers stuf
f in 1.69. I hope I dont ruin anyones day when I say such is not the case. This contes
t came about because Ive started getting a certain type of email that I get every t
ime were about to start a beta. The nice versions say You know, my friends and I are r
eal testers. Wed love to be in beta. The less friendly versions say You know, you ne
ick real testers, you only pick X. Im a real tester. Pick me.
We dont try to exclude real testers, but in
to the selection. And the small, closed betas
tor going on. So, with some luck, this contest
eal Testers who are always writing to say that

the big betas theres a huge random element

definitely have a high who you know fac
will bring to our attention the R
theyve been left out in the cold.

For those of you Real Testers without a group of friends, I recommend copying up
on Pendragon anyway. Because 50% of the judging criteria will be the test guilds r
ealm point score, there may well be some smaller guilds looking to make a few ne
w friends. And hey, if you feel like youre a tester at heart, Pendragon is always a
n option and Pendragon regulars are always invited to the beta tests before the ge
neral public.
For you small test groups worried that youll need to combine with other guilds just
to have a chance at cracking the rankings do not be afraid, Ill consider your size w
hen I read your reports and look at your point scores. Better to have one solid
group of testers that plays every night than some artificially inflated zerg. So
unds like the opposite advice that I just gave to the solo tester? Its not. I recom
mend that you small groups do consider taking on one or two new friends on Pendr
agon. In this contest, a good tester will be a pearl beyond price, but a mass of
people who dont work as a team will be a hindrance.
Off to the weekend. Be good, and if you cant be good, be careful.http://web.archive
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding:
Q: Last week, you answered a question about Quick Cast, and your answer was bad.

A: Youre right. The answer I should have given was that Quick Cast reduces the time
needed to cast to a flat two seconds, and that a spell that has been quick cast
ed cannot be interrupted. I have been told that the latter is not always the cas
e. If you have been interrupted while quick casting, please report it, and feel
free to send me a screenshot or a log.
Q: In order to obtain certain TOA quests, you first have to gain good faction wi
th certain "tribes". The only way that I have found is by completing the faction
quests over and over again. Is there another way to improve these factions othe
r then having to do quests?
A: From the lips of the quest goddess to your monitor: In most cases, he can raise
his faction in the traditional way - hunting monsters of the opposite faction. U
nless something was changed, there are only two factions that can't be raised th
rough hunting - the Guardians of Paleognosis (named sphinxes) and the taur spect
ators and you start out neutral to those. Don't kill them and you're okay. All t
he other factions in ToA can be raised through hunting.
Since your question didnt specify what kind of monster youre talking about, the answer
is more general than usual. With our luck, youre talking about the exact two facti
ons that she lists as exceptions, eh?
Q: After copying over to Pendragon I noticed that some of my artifacts levels ha
ve changed (ie. Band of Stars and Belt of Oglidarsh). I did not see anything in
notes about the level of them changing. Also, with their decreased level (if it
stays at the lower than 50 level) will the experience required to level them als
o decrease? Thanks for your time.
A: Sayeth the Item MistressL The amount of experience required to level the Band of
Stars and the Ceremonial Bracers was reduced in 1.69a on Pendragon. This change
is retroactive, so players will likely see an increase in their artifact's leve
l if it has not yet reached level ten. No change has been made to the Belt of Og
lidarsh's experience requirement.
Q: I want to know if the amount of experience my character earns is related to t
he experience my artifacts earn. More specifically, on my level 43 minstrel, if
I hunt yellows and get 20m xp, or greens and get 1m xp, will my artifact get mor
e xp from yellows or greens. Also, will my artifact get more xp from hunting yel
lows at 45, say, getting 30m xp, than at 43, getting 20m xp. Thanks!
A: Again, we turn to the Mistress for the answer (although she was not the desig
ner, she is the one who has been working on them and addressing your feedback an
d concerns): The amount of experience earned for the artifact directly corresponds
to the experience earned by the player. Hunting monsters worth 30 million experi
ence points will level the artifact quicker than monsters worth only 20 million
experience points.
Q: Can someone who is using bodyguard to protect another player be focus shelled
A: We summon Balance Boy for this, and all the other buff shear system questions
: Yes, a person who is bodyguarding another can be given a focus shell. Here are so
me points to keep in mind, however:
- The bodyguard cannot use any active ability (not even switching ther target th

at they are bodyguarding) or the focus shell will drop.

- The person being bodyguarded is still entirely vulnerable to all forms of rang
ed damage.
- Both the person casting the focus shell and the bodyguarder will be doing noth
ing at all offensively during the time the shell is up.
Q: Will buff shears break mez?
A: Yes, any successful buff shearing will break mez, regardless of whether or not i
t does damage.
Q: Why do the con shears for clerics and shaman classes no longer do damange, an
d the damage for druid buff shears is half of the original design?
A: The shears are slightly different for each realm.
- Clerics get the benefit of extra range.
- Shaman get the benefit of a quicker casting time.
- Druids get the benefit of doing more damage.
The reason we made this change is because players lose max hit points when they
lose constitution buffs. So, rather then double penalize someone for having a co
n buff sheared, we removed the base damage done by all three classes when castin
g a con or str/con shearIt would be unfair if we removed *all* damage for con sh
ears from druids (since more damage is their class-specific benefit), so instead we ha
lved the amount of damage they do and removed all damage from the shaman and cle
ric versions. This decision was made based on player feedback from Pendragon. We
appreciate the comments, and will be looking for more in response to this chang
Q: Would the new focus shell protect against realm Guards? Or keep guards?

A: Okay, heres the design INTENT. Dont hold me to any of this, since its not impleme
or tested yet.
- It can only be cast on player characters (and Necro pets)
- It will only absorb damage from player characters and pets. (not PvE mobs and
not Realm Guards)
So the answer to your question is no.
I gather I've missed some excitement this week. I blame Balance Boy and the Evil
Overlord of In-Game CS. Those two have offices on either side of mine, and appa
rently could only recover from the Martian Death Flu by giving it to me. I've be
en able to forward your messages, but not reply from my laptop at home. (I told
you, I'm not the most technical human that ever walked the earth.) Please accept
my apologies for the lack of response to the Challenge feedback and other email
s, I will reply next week.
We all really appreciate all the feedback you've sent regarding 1.69. As you can
see, feedback has already resulted in a number of evolutions, and will no doubt
result in more.

We'll see you next week. Meanwhile, I'm going to eat my pudding.
It's still too early to answer most of the questions you've raised (and in some
cases I literally CAN'T answer, see the end of the column), so I'm afraid it's s
hort today. I thank you for sending and posting such great questions, and promis
e I'm keeping track. Here's a few small answers that I DO have:
Q: Is the friar special supposed to be a stun?
A: If it goes into the game exactly as designed, it's supposed to keep those aff
ected from using any weapons, but the targets can still run around, cast spells,
and so forth. So, it's not a stun, in that you aren't just frozen and waiting t
o die.
Q: Why is Mastery of Concentration I so weak?
A: Well, it's not exactly weak, except maybe in comparison to the old version! P
eople who get it will be able to remove mez, lessen the impact of DOT spells, et
c. It's not as powerful as the currently live version, because the new version w
ill be available for a much lower cost. Thus, more people will have it (which is
intentional, as our feedback and personal experience tells us that being mezzed
/stunned is the most annoying part of the current endgame).
Q: It seems like many things are less impressive, and this is unfair to (insert
character here). Is it going to be like this when you take it live?
A: This redesign has to be looked at in the big picture we weakened a lot of thing
s across the board. Every template is taking a hit in some form, not just one or
two. Players with a lot of points should enjoy some benefits, but newcomers (an
d classes that don't rack up the points as well) should not find the system inac
cessible. Everyone should be able to get into the realm point goodies.
We expect to do a lot of tuning in the next few months in response to people bet
a testing. I do NOT think this chart represents the final, end result. Heck, as
the team leads will tell you, it's not even the chart they saw last.
Q: I disagree with your reasoning on Dodger, is this going to get another look?
A: Many of you have made excellent points. We're going to take another look at D
odger for some specific classes.
Q: When is this going live? Will it be part of a patch?

A: No, this isn't part of a patch or even on a particular schedule. It's part of
New Frontiers, the free expansion. Since the expansion is free AND a download,
we're not on any kind of deadline (as we would be if we were trying to meet publ
ishing deadlines - we don't print the boxes or burn the CDs ourselves, so expans
ions like that tend to be hard to stop from launching). Beta will start when alp
ha is over. If everything ticks along on schedule, beta will begin next month. R
egular Herald readers are experiencing a little dj vu, considering I said that awhile
we're going to extend internal testing for as long as necessary.
So, live? I really couldn't say. Late spring? Maybe? I'm guessing wildly here, y

Q: Can you please list out which classes are considered which archetype?
A: That's a great request. I'm going to have one of the designers go back over h
is chart and spell out what classes get what, because the standard archetype cha
rts don't apply to this one. A savage could be both a light tank and a hybrid. A
warden is a hybrid, and a secondary healer Forget it. I'm confusing myself. Next w
eek should see a much improved graph for you.
Across the world, there was just now a collective sigh of, "That's IT? Jeez, tha
t didn't answer hardly ANYTHING." I know, I know. There was an important game de
veloper conference out in California this week, and so we've been missing Balanc
e Boy, the Evil Overlord, the Code Warrior, and others that I haven't made up na
mes for yet. It was HIGH time we released that chart, though, because we needed
to get the first round of feedback and commentary from the general player base b
efore we got any deeper into the implementing stage. But, because of the timing
of the announcement, it made it tough to get answers to questions like "But whats t
he duration on Charge? If I miss with Desperate Bowman, does the no-combat timer
still start? Are the Volley ranges exact, or are there any typo problems?"
Sorry, folks. We'll be back on all cylinders on Monday, bright and early.
For those of you who are getting extremely... excited, I'll say it again, guys.
That chart WILL change. I expect a lot of tuning. I expect some abilities to be
outright discarded, and others changed in a drastic way. I think there's a chanc
e that some things that are currently off the chart will come back on. ESPECIALL
Y once we get into testing, and get user feedback.
And I think your feedback will be crucial. Please try to keep emotions out of yo
ur essays, and try to be as concise and clear as possible. Your voice matters, a
nd your passion is appreciated. Reread our statements of intent right before you
respond we've tried to be very open with the thinking behind the changes, so you
can evaluate our plans with the right context. For the first time in my memory,
players are seeing plans for changes to a released game when those plans are sti
ll basically rough drafts. Remember that, and if you're so inclined, join the ex
periment with your own email.
On that note, it's time to go home and sort through questions to have a good list r
eady on Monday :P If you can't be good, be careful.
Here's what I've got:
Q: I have played since launch. I have also hidden from my enemies in trees since
launch, and since TOA, people beeline right for me. Clearly, these people are c
A: Well, hiding in trees is technically a geometry exploit. But that aside, ther
e is an explanation besides cheating to explain your experiences. Many of you wh
o have written with this complaint don't have the Trials of Atlantis expansion p
In TOA, we changed the way our game draws the trees on the your client. The tree
s are thinner, more graceful, and more realistic looking and hard if not impossible
to hide in. If you don't have the expansion pack, you might appear on your OWN

display to be completely hidden. Meanwhile, someone with TOA sees someone skulki
ng next to a tree in broad daylight.
Q: What happened to the Region Naming Contest?
A: Welcome to the joys of alpha. Our wonderful world team had actually chosen do
zens of winners but then we had to redesign the way we named regions. The new way
needs far fewer region names than the old way. New winner lists will be forthcom
ing, as soon as we're reasonably sure there won't be more revisions.
Q: The search results window doesn't always pop up when I try to use the Market
Explorer. What's up?
A: Sometimes the thing appears if you just give it a few minutes. We know about
the problem and are investigating. If you have any ideas on how to duplicate the
bug, please include them with your bug appeal. CSRs do not answer bug appeals,
but the appeals are all read carefully.
Q: I had four scrolls in my inventory for the same book. The fourth scroll was a
duplicate of the third, and I was planning to give it to a friend. When I combi
ned my three scrolls into a book, the extra one vanished too! WTH?
A: This is a known issue, and to be honest,
rk around is to place ALL your scrolls in a
tend to combine in your inventory. The CSRs
his time, even though they wish they could.

I don't know an ETA on a fix. The wo

vault, and only have the ones you in
can't replace your lost scrolls at t
I'm very sorry for any frustration.

Q: Are mushrooms on horse paths and siege weapons near portal points legal on Mo
A: Yes, because on Mordred, you have the option of destroying them. With one exc
eption you cannot put them in capital cities, because the three capitals are "no-R
VR zones," and therefore other players do not have the option of destroying them
Q: Beta? Progress?
A: The very first beta stage will begin next week. That stage is EXTREMELY limit
ed, and barely can be called a beta it will consist solely of our Team Leads. But
it's finally departing the alpha station, so we're awfully excited. The week aft
er, we're scheduled to add the regular Pendragon players. Of course, that will o
nly happen if the first stage goes well, so it's subject to change.
Hey, speaking of team leads, a new Team Lead coordinator is starting on Monday.
Mike AKA Mackey has moved on to other responsibilities here at Mythic, and he's
going to bring to those the same level of dedication and focus that he brought t
o our beloved volunteers.
But all good things must end, and this gives us the chance to make a new friend.
Miss Linda is going to join the Herald army early next week as the Team Lead co
ordinator, as well as taking on a few other projects near and dear to her heart.
I don't want to go into too much detail, because the Team Leads are going to wa
nt to meet her first. But watch this space, gang there are five team lead openings

, and once she's settled in, we're going to want to fill those openings quick as
a wink. Please don't apply over the weekend give us a chance to transfer all the
addresses and phaser weapons from Mike to Linda. If you're a (no particular orde
r) druid, savage, roleplayer, friar, or necromancer, and you dearly love analysi
s and goat jokes, think about applying when I come out here begging.
Next week, we're also planning to release the "updated for New Frontiers" siege
weapon information, complete with new and shiny screenshots.
Keep that feedback on New Frontiers coming. I'm about cross eyed from staring at
spreadsheets, where I'm keeping score of the major issues and concerns, but it'
s good stuff and I'm glad to have it. And as I've said in various conversations
around the net this week, that email address is
going straight to the design team in charge of New Frontiers. If your letter is
concise, clear, and to the point (you know, NOT like me and my columns), I can
promise you that the fellow in charge of the design team is personally reading i
We've got something else that needs feedback as much as New Frontiers does, and
that's the 1.69 patch currently in testing. Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby throw
the last tattered shreds of my dignity to the winds and openly beg if you can, pl
ease, spend two hours this Saturday night on the Pendragon server. The teams sti
ll participating in the 1.69 Challenge have written some of the best feedback re
ports I've seen in the two and a half years I've sat here as your Herald typing
monkey but they can't do more without more data. You don't have to write a report,
submit a bug, or do a darned thing but come out and roam the frontiers attempti
ng to destroy them.
If everyone who ever copied to Pendragon showed up at say, 8:00 PM EST tomorrow
night for a rumble in Emain, it would be quite a show. Grab your friends, and fo
llow these simple steps tonight:
1. Create a 1st level character on Pendragon. This is the name the character wil
l have on Pendragon, so pick a name you can tolerate that does not violate our r
ules. It does have to be in the same realm as the character you are copying.
2. Log into that level one character.
3. Type /charcopy Server Charactername (For example: if the character you were c
opying was named Bob and was found on Lancelot, you would type /charcopy Lancelo
t Bob).
4. Log out.
5. Watch your email. (Hey, is your email address on the registration page up to
date? If it's not, you won't get anything.) You'll get an email when we receive
your /charcopy request, and another when your character is actually copied. You
do NOT have to stay off your character on your home server, but you do need to s
tay off the Pendragon placeholder.
We'll see you tomorrow at 8 EST! And we will be watching there are no official cont
ests, but you never know who might be nominated for beta inclusion based on the
Gentle reminder CSRs cannot give encounter credit, however much they want to. It i
s true that groups have been granted encounter credit by a customer service pers
on in the past. It's a very, very rare occasion, and the guy doing the granting
is the guy in charge of the whole department, doing so after having watched a pr
earranged raid. Your average Joe (and Josh, James, and Janet) on the floor canno
t grant credit.

Whew. That was a whole lot of announcements, and I need to bail. We'll see you t
omorrow at 8 PM EST, and on Sunday at 2 PM EDT. That's right, Daylights Savings
Time begins this weekend, so if you're in a location that adjusts for that, reme
mber to set your clocks an hour ahead before you pass out Saturday night.
Have a spiffy weekend!
Short this week - I needed to get the 1.69 feedback collated and rated for the c
ontest. We'll return to the usual verbosity next week.
Q: I was participating in a card game/dice game/game of chance, and lost all my
gold. Can your CSRs get it back for me?
A: Am I the only one who finds it deeply, deeply funny and yet deeply, deeply bi
zarre and disturbing that we have CASINOS operating within DAOC? Anyway, heres the
deal with the gold or anything else you might bet you have to trade with another p
layer to give them gold (and all other items). All trades are FINAL in our game.
Dont complete a trade with another player with anything youre not willing to lose for
ever. (And if that gambling problem of yours bleeds into the real world, please,
as a friend in that creepy online way, I beg you - get help before it costs you
more than virtual gold.)
And, on a related note: Dont accept a trade where you give someone an item and he p
romises to pay you later, unless you trust that person implicitly AND youre willing
ss the item goodbye.
Q: 1.69A notes said: - The stun component on the Albion thrust style, Dragonfang
, has been reduced to 5 seconds. We will be offering a respec for those affected
by the Dragonfang change before this change goes to the live servers.
Most recently in the Test Version 1.69n Release Notes this was also stated:
- Infiltrators have been granted a single line respec as a result of the changes
made to the Dragonfang thrust style in version 1.69a.
So, does EVERYONE who uses Dragonfang get the respect or just INFs?
A: I can see how that note caused uncertainty the answer is just Infiltrators. Ive co
llected quite a bit of feedback from the other classes, and I expect there will
be more. Just remember I am reading these things, so if you could keep that in m
ind as you list the reasons you disagree, Id be forever grateful.
Q: Ive had so much fun at the Pendragon events, when will we get them on live serve
rs? What about other times for people on the left coast or overseas?
A: First, the second question were holding an event for the early (by East Coast stan
dards) next week, barring unforeseen weirdness with Pendragon. If youre awake at 7:
30 AM EDT on the 14th, and youve got nothing else to do, come on out. If attendance
is good, our Miss Julie may be able to do more in the future.
Your second question we dont do these events on live servers. I answered a similar qu
estion on the Role Play Vault board (Id stopped by to see if anyone had welcomed ou
r new RP TL). Heres what I said, edited for clarity:
I know that some people, especially roleplayers, would love them. But we have no pl
ans to do them on live servers.

I have done roleplay events for other games, and they have a number of problems:
1. Non-roleplayers (and griefers) swamp the event and disrupt it. The only way to e
ven partially keep the event on track is to have more CSRs muffling, removing an
d suspending people than there are people doing the event... and even then that
doesn't entirely work.
2. Very few players get to participate directly, compared to the population of the
server. Hundreds of people write to complain that they didn't get to interact wi
th the characters or influence the plot.
3. Negative feedback always outweighs the positive - the reward was "stupid," the s
tory was "lame," etc.
4. The staffing requirements for official events is significant as I hinted at in #
1, and when we have the chance to add staff to our loyal pit crew, it helps more
of our customers to add more CSRs. There are already complaints that we don't g
et to appeals fast enough - imagine the wait time if the twenty people working o
n Friday night had to ALL be at an event on one server to prevent chaos!
5. Events are considered by many players as disruptive of their playtime - i.e., "I
wanted to hunt in this dungeon tonight, but I can't because company representat
ives are there doing an event."
There are lots of other reasons, but those are the big ones
But you know - nothing I've announced on Pendragon lately couldn't be done by a pla
yer on a live server. They haven't been roleplaying events at all, not by my def
inition anyway. You don't need me or anyone else to do these things on live serv
ers. And Miss Julie's "submit news" button on the community section of the Heral
d would be perfect for announcing your own contest winners.
Anyway, I know I won't convince too many people that Mythic shouldn't have events,
but I thought you ought to have the explanation behind why we don't do them.
Q: As a sorcerer, I can charm pets that cast buffs. When Im in a group where some p
eople already have the buffs that the pet is casting, the pet doesnt stop spamming
the buffs. ETA on a fix?
A: It is a bug were aware of, but I have no ETA on a fix. Popular one, this week.
Q: Why did my guild not win the 1.69 Challenge?
A: We had many great guilds. A small number were great, and sadly didnt submit all
three reports. High scoring guilds didnt have to write GREAT reports, but they did
need to send three. I suggest that your guild leader apply for inclusion in the
guild beta sign up the form will be posted on about April 20th.
One of the 1.69 challenge winners had this to say in his last report: The people on
Pendragon are great. They've gone out of their way to make us feel welcome and
have always been eager to help. They're excellent hosts, even though we turned P
endragon into an MMORPG version of the Sturgis Bike Rally. There's a wonderful s
ense of community here, with many people having characters in all 3 realms. Pendie
regulars, take a well deserved bow!

Pendragon events will continue simple, fun things that exist primarily to give eve
ryone a starting time, a starting place, and a simple goal to aim towards. Most
bugs that we dont catch with internal testing come out eventually as people simply
play the game. I spent a good bit of time thinking about events this week. Were not
spending that much time planning them, you know? Were just taking the lead on anno
uncing a time and place something every single one of you can do. I know we could
use some more tools to that effect to help you all coordinate your own versions
of scavenger hunts and hide and seek games. The problem usually comes when we tr
y to take your suggestions and make them jerk proof. Got a jerk proof suggestion for e
vent functionality? Send it to me here at the Herald (Sanya at mythicentertainme
nt dot com) with the subject line JERK PROOF EVENT TOOL. I make no promises, but
I will make a list of the best ideas and send em up the chain.
Have a good weekend for those of you driving somewhere to share a holiday, be safe
For some reason, I've been all over forums and IRC today. So let's get to the co
lumn, shall we?
Q: What happened to the "Style Review" I kept hearing about in team lead reports
A: We've decided that it makes more sense to look at styles in context with each
patch, instead of constantly putting the issues off until a "Style Review." Ins
tead of waiting for some mythical (no pun intended) future date that keeps getti
ng pushed back, we're going to try and provide answers to the team lead reports
as we get them.
This is a change from what's been said in the past, I know. I hope you guys can
understand that Mythic has been shuffling employees around, and different people
now have new responsibilities and new ideas. Some change was inevitable. This p
articular call was made awhile ago, but we wanted to talk to the team leads abou
t it first since they were the most affected by our change in plans.
Some people on the forums seem to feel that this means we will not be looking at
styles at all. This is just not true. Next week, we are planning to show some p
roposals to our team leads, and you'll start seeing those notes in 1.70. I'm not
saying it'll fix every style issue ever MENTIONED, but it's the start of real r
esults gleaned from discussions. Better to begin now than to wait!
Other people have asked what's been going on with styles for the last bunch of m
onths. The things we finished, you've seen in patch notes. Behind the scenes, so
meone has been working with a spreadsheet for quite some time. I know some have
expressed concern about their time being wasted again, those discussions are leadi
ng to results, even if the results won't come dramatically all at once. There's
no such thing as wasted discussion if it leads to better understanding.
I've seen a number of our testers and players out in public forums arguing that
an annual "Review with a capital R" was a bad concept (not to mention making a s
imple process sound a lot bigger than it was), and that they were only looking f
orward to it because they thought it was their only chance for this or that issu
e. Ultimately, we agreed that it didn't make sense. The system as it was, was no
t working and was putting off needed change for far too long. The volunteers sho
uldn't have to wait for months to hear answers related to style issues they ment
ion in their reports, and now, they won't.

Q: I dont like my (insert artifact here), and I noticed in the patch notes that you

have set up an NPC to trade it in. Well, I handed it to the NPC, and I didnt like
what I got back. Was the fact that I didnt get to choose what I got back a bug?
A: There were a number of appeals on this topic today you need to check the patch
notes very carefully. Whatever the note says youll get back from the NPC is what yo
ull get no other options.
Q: Will the /level 30 command still work on Pendragon?
A: Yes!
Q: I noticed the new RA chart doesn't list prerequisites, is this on purpose?
A: Yes. In the quest to simplify the system and make it more fair, we've done aw
ay with most prerequisites. With one exception, of course most "tier two" and "tie
r three" versions of an ability require the lower level version of the ability a
s a prerequisite.
Q: My husband has been playing a character on my account when I'm not home, and
has fallen in love with the game. We're going to buy him his own account and com
puter, but can we move his character off my account to his?
A: This is certainly one of the most popular questions I get. Every so often, I
post it here, and I tell people that while we don't have that option right now,
I appreciate their feedback and keep track of how many requests we get for it.
This time? All I'm going to say is you shouldn't roll up any characters on that
new account just yet keep it clean and pristine. And watch this space.

SCAM ALERT: This one is well, its from a special and unique snowflake, all right. It c
laims to be an "exploit" allowing users to get something for nothing.
A couple of months ago the Mythic Entertainment Dark Age of Camelot website
was promoting a contest for 6 months of free subscription (value ~$60).
Entrants were required to have met the following:
1) an DAoC account at least 30 days old
2) submission of a 300 word paragraph describing how DaoC fully immersed
him/her into its medieval world"
Then after a lot of silliness, we get to the meat:
Please follow the instructions provided below to activate your 6 months of
1) Send an e-mail to:
2) Subject line: DAOCcontest.Code2319
3) The body of the e-mail should contain the following:
(insert instructions to provide account names and passwords)

Finally, the Nobel prize winner who dreamed this up explains that Mythic didnt want
to use their OWN EMAIL SYSTEM, and farmed the contest out to Yahoo.
If you know anyone who fell for this scam, tell them to contact our billing supp
ort with their secret word ASAP and change their password. And tell them not to
be embarrassed, people have been taken in by worse.
Two "Matt Firor, Executive Producer" interviews are floating around the internet
if youre a news hound. The first is more of a general industry topic, a transcript
from an in person conversation at a trade show: The second is a
little four question FAQ on Catacombs, and MOST fittingly, that exclusive is loc
ated at the news and resource siteCatacombs! Man, that amuses me. I dont know why.
I owe a great big apology to Catriona, the leader of Cannyssagh Saighin of Hiber
nia, Igraine. She and her people participated in the 1.69 Challenge, and should
have been listed among the second place winners. They were not because of a fili
ng error on my part. I salute her, and her guild, and welcome them to the New Fr
ontiers beta.
What. A. Week. My tell all book is going to have a whole chapter devoted to "Beh
ind the Scenes on Patch Day," let me tell you. Let us all sit back with our slus
hies, and go kick some enemy realm tail.
Hey, what can I say, I'm in a New York state of mind:
Q: I thought that in 1.69, druids, clerics, and healers would all get access to
our lower level spreadheals. Healers didnt, though. Whats up?
A: Its a known issue, and I am really sorry for the frustration, healers. The probl
em isnt something we can fix with a simple hot fix, or even a quick server reboot,
or wed have taken care of it by now. Please know that were working on it.
Q: Is there any way to cycle through the people who sent you tells most recently
? For example, lets say my friend Aarenderestrialis sends me a tell, and then Bob s
ends me a tell before I have the chance to reply to the first person. Is there a
n easy way to get to my friend with the miserably long and complicated name with
out having to type it?
A: Yes, as it happens. Hit r as if you were going to reply to Bob, and then hit escape
, and then hit r again. I learn something every darn day around here.
Q: I JUST finally broke down and bought my own copies of the game, and started a
character over again and then you announce the account splitting. AARGH. Im only leve
l seven, anything I can do?
A: Yes, delete the lowbie. Just be sure to delete EVERY character on the new acc
ount. All of them. Even that level one you accidentally rolled up on the wrong s
erver. The new account (with all the same expansions as the source account) must
be completely empty in order to work.

Q: I would like to transfer a character to an account I have a level 47 on. Can

I do that with account splitting?
A: No, sorry. The account splitting feature was introduced in response to two an
d a half years of player requests from roommates, spouses, and friends, and inte
nded to apply to a very specific situation those who wanted to split a character o
nto a brand new account.
While I know that there are some who would like to transfer characters, and ther
e are some that would like to transfer servers, we are currently only introducin
g the most often requested feature account splitting. We appreciate our players th
at have introduced a friend or family member to the game, and thank them for pay
ing us what I consider to be the highest compliment possible.
Q: I won a contest, and I still dont have my beta invitation!
A: Look in your mailbox on Monday and Tuesday next week. If you use one of the f
ree services, please be aware that your invitation may wind up in the spam folder, so
check there before you panic.
Q: What happened to the guild beta?
A: Were actually still discussing that. There is a chance well go to open beta sooner
than expected, in which case, everyone will get in if they feel like it. I shoul
d know more next week.
Q: My friends have 2 debates going right now. One is about the crit cap for RvR
combat. They refuse to believe that the crit damage cap for RvR combat is at 50%
for players who arent Zerked. They seem to think that it's at 99% all the time. Co
uld you please clear that up?
A: For this, I summoned Balance Boy. He says to you, Tell your friends they should
listen to you more. In RvR a critical hit will do 1-50% additional damage.
Q: The second debate: I seem to recall reading somewhere that one Relic means yo
u get a 10% bonus to damage in RvR combat alone, and 2 Relics means you get it 1
0% in both PvE and RvR. But my friend doesnt think thats true either, could you clear
that up for us please? Thanks!
Since Balance Boy is still here, and the Mackeymobile has a ten minute reuse tim
er, hes still here: Ahh, obviously you should listen to your friends more. ;) Owning o
ne relic, meaning your own relic, gives no bonus at all. Owning two relics (your
s plus another realms) provides a 10% bonus in both PvE and RvR. Owning all three r
elics of a specific type would mean a 20% bonus in both PvE and RvR. Remember, ther
e are two different types of relics, so the bonus in question will vary.
Q: Quick question about dyes. My husband tells me that when you dye something yo
u should use dye remover first because otherwise the old colour will affect the
new colour. This seems like far too much information to store about the colour o
f an object to me. Can you give a definitive answer?
A: The Moderately Evil Overlord (whose wife plays with him at home, in case you
cant tell from his answer) replied, No, your husband is incorrect. (Aren't they always
?) Anyways, the dye remover or bleach is only for folks who want to use the base
color of their gear, and is not required to switch dye types.

Q: 1) Is it true that a bodyguarded person cannot be attacked .... even by spell

2) Is it true that you can create a chain of bodyguards to protect a high damage
caster type? For example ... Tank A bodyguards Tank B who then Bodyguards Caste
r C?
A: The reuse timer on Balance Boy is up! 1) Bodyguard prevents melee attacks only.
A person who is bodyguarded is still vulnerable to ranged damage. Consider invit
ing that archer or caster standing on the corner outside the portal keep into yo
ur group next time you head out to RvR.
2) A bodyguard cannot bodyguard another bodyguard. So no, it can't be chained.
Q: It was stated previously that, in the newly redesigned Realm Ability system,
all the Realm Rank abilities timers would be shortened to be no more than 15 min
utes. Will this include class timers as well?
A: At this time, class timers are not included in that statement about fifteen m
inute limits. Well be looking at those class ability timers some time in the future
Q: Last month, you said that a Quick Cast cannot be interrupted. Here are my log
s of my caster being repeatedly unable to cast a spell, even when Quick Casting.

A: /em slashes the Mackeymobiles tires to prevent him from escaping. Ah, good, hes sti
ll here! Maybe I should have been a little clearer. A Quick Cast, by design, cannot
be "interrupted". But there are ways to stop a player from casting a spell besi
des causing an interruption. If you are mesmerized, stunned, or you become the v
ictim of amnesia while casting, your cast will not be completed. Though you cons
ider yourself to be interrupted in the literal sense of the word, you have not b
een interrupted as far as the games code is concerned. One joke around the office i
s that dead men dont quick cast, meaning that quick-cast is no guarantee that a spel
l go off, just a guarantee that your spell wont be interrupted as the side-effect o
f an attack.
Your friends on the CS floor would like to remind you to pay the rent on your ho
use if youve disabled the warning message, you may be dangerously low on funds. We do
investigate to see if the house was wrongly repossessed, but those investigatio
ns take time. Please, err on the side of caution, and toss some gold into your l
ock box.
Its cheese dip and slushy time. Well see you Monday morning, gang.http://web.archive.o
Short on questions, long on announcements:
Q: Where is the guild beta?
A: Weve decided that it will be better in the long run if we have a longer open bet
a, instead of multiple stages of closed beta. Open beta is currently scheduled t
o begin on May 5. Of course, thats subject to change, depending on how testing goes

over the next week. We look forward to seeing you in New Frontiers!
Q: My guild leader has been MIA for a few weeks now, and I was hoping the autopr
omote feature would kick in soon. Is it working?
A: Its currently disabled it had been acting up, and rather than risk any wrongful pr
omotions, we turned it off. Unfortunately, the programmer responsible for fixing
the feature is busy implementing the new realm ability system for New Frontiers
, and needs to get that done first. Sorry, everyone.
Q: Will 1.70 bring the release of Frontiers?
A: Thats the plan.
Q: I havent seen any style changes in the patch notes so far?
A: Wince. I should have known better than to say anything. After looking at all
the stuff we were doing for 1.70, and all the stuff we had to do in the next thr
ee weeks, it became obvious that something had to be pushed back until May. That
something was the proposed style changes. We still have more than twenty change
s currently designed, and we are NOT going back on presenting them to you but they
have to wait until the coders have time to put them in. Sorry, folks, but I had
to tell you.
Q: Will there be RA respecs with the new RA system?

A: Weve got it listed on the website, but Ill happily say it again YES. A total, 10
fund of all realm ability points will be given.
Q: I am a new player, and I dont understand some of your comments in the grab bag.
For that matter, what the heck is a grab bag?
A: A grab bag question about the grab bag. Theres something funny about that. Here
are some definitions and a short list of the in jokes:

Grab Bag I used to try and do a weekly feature about the topic that garnered the m
ost questions over each week. The fourth week of this, I had a week where the qu
estions didnt fit a theme, so I titled the column Grab Bag. It stuck. That was in De
r of 2001.
Cheese dip I was a game volunteer for another company in another lifetime. I had a
habit of saying more fun than cheese dip, and the other volunteers would tease me for
it. Its just a shout out to those old comrades, and a reminder to myself to not ge
t too far up on my high horse.
Slushy ice, fruit juice, and secret ingredients mixed in a blender at high speed. O
ften enjoyed on Fridays by responsible adults over twenty one who have designate
d drivers.
Item Princess one of our item designers and implementers, the much beloved KC.
Item Mistress another item designer, the equally beloved Yvonne.
Moderately Evil Overlord the live producer, Walt aka Copper.

The Really Evil Overlord the executive producer, Matt Firor.

Quest Goddess several ladies on the quest team have this title, really, but most o
ften its our fabulous Jennifer H.
Balance Boy Mike, aka Mackey, currently doing work on the design team, and serving
as the design teams liason to the Herald women. Heaven help all four of us.
Typing Chimpanzee me :P
Miss Julie, Miss Linda the other members of the Herald team. Miss Julie handles co
mmunity news and hangs out on the Vault (and recently has taken on several feedb
ack folders), and Miss Linda is our Team Lead coordinator and den mother.
Code Warrior one of the programmers, Scott, who wrote many of the features of the
Camelot Herald before moving over to the server programming team. He still slums
with us when something falls down and goes boom, and answers code questions.
Dan the Client Man one of the programmers, cleverly named Dan, who does client pro
gramming and answers questions for me related to that.
Miss Georgia the programmer who wrote the rest of the Herald features and current
web programmer, among other coding duties.
There are probably other people Ive got silly names for, but they dont come up much in
the column.

Psst: Over there. On the left sidebar. Theres a link called Account Splitting FAQ, w
will answer many common questions. There is one mistake in there right now it says
the destination account must be brand new. This is not true. You just need to b
e certain there are NO characters on the server youre trying to move characters to.
For those of you watching for our next product, weve got the basic, bare bones webs
ite up and ready for your perusal: Expect more goodies once
E3 is over. Whats E3? Keep reading!
Attention beta testers: the Jamtland Mountains entrance into the frontier dungeo
n does not work. We will get it back up on Monday. Youll need to access the dungeon
via the other frontiers for the weekend.
Oh, and anyone on Pendragon trying out the new RA system (and you do NOT need to
be a beta tester to do so, simply on Pendragon), please note that weve disabled th
e Static Tempest RA for the weekend. If youre wondering, it was causing a permanent
stun. Funny for the first couple minutes if youve got a sick sense of humor as I d
o, not so funny after that. Well be fixing it to work as the spreadsheet says it do
es next week.
Please, please, please do not use the Herald feedback forms for reporting bugs.
The Herald forms are categorized and sent to email folders on the Herald team, a
nd each folder is only checked once a week. Using the bug appeal function from i
n the game means a human will see the report much, much faster. Theres one exceptio
n send me dupe bugs or other major exploits straight to me, with a subject header
such as DUPE or EXPLOIT. As many of you know, we reward our good citizens with s
wag, beta invites, and even free accounts depending on the severity of the repor
ted exploit or dupe.

Attention all website editors and reporters its that time of year again, gang. Im d
nto my planning for E3 (Electronic Entertainment Exposition). For the third year
in a row, Im meeting with players, fans, and writers in Los Angeles to show them t
he new stuff we have in store and ply them with lanyards. Okay, not just lanyard
s, we have T-shirts, too. If youre going to be there, and youd like to come by the boo
th, contact me (Sanya AT mythicentertainment DOT com) with three twenty minute t
ime blocks that you could spend at our private interview booth located in Concou
rse Hall. Ill do my best to accommodate you. But dont wait I have to turn people aw
ery year and it breaks my heart, so please, make an appointment now.
That not tempting enough? The Moderately Evil Overlord is running the demo with
If YOURE already booked up, and cant come by, be sure to stop by our kiosk in South Ha
ll, under the Vivendi Universal banner.
All right. Let me thank all of you for your patience this week, and wish you a v
ery happy weekend. Well see you Monday!
Pendragon hard cap, design questions answered, and a beta event teaser - read on
Q: What is the hard cap on Pendragon?
A: We were maybe a little pessimistic when we set it to 2000 but people are enjoyi
ng New Frontiers so much that weve had to set it to 1500. We are attempting to simu
late the conditions for a live server, and on a live server with 3000 people, th
ere are definitely not more that 1500 people in the RVR areas at once. We had th
ought when we set the 2K limit, there would still be people in the other parts o
f the game but no. Every last one of you appears to be in the new areas. Hey, were gla
d youre having fun. The new limit should make play testing a little more realistic.
Q: I was foraging for the items for the Origin of the Harpies quest, and after I
found the fourth item, I was unable to get all the random things my friend got.
Is this a bug?
A: Nope. Let me explain (answer edited, sorry for the confusion):
When youre on the quest, you have to forage for four things Harpy Nest Fragments, Har
py Hair, Harpy Bones, and Harpy Teeth, right? And while youre foraging, you sometim
es get lower case items, like harpy talons, or harpy feathers. (With one exception - "
Bunch of Harpy Feathers" - and I'll find out the week after next why that except
ion exists :)) The upper case items cannot be traded, and the quest is designed to not
let you forage any longer than it takes to get the fourth item.
The lower case things are completely random as to which ones (if any) that youll ge
t, and they can be traded for. So, if you want one of the little trinkets you ca
n get when you turn in the lower case items, look for people who might want to t
Q: Is the character copier working?
A: Yes, just a little behind. Its a popular feature this week, as you might have gu
essed. More than four thousand characters have been copied since we reset the fl
ag yesterday!
(These next questions are excerpted from a Q&A I wrote up for Clay, Steve, Mike,

and Alan, hosts of a website that is not at all worksafe so not worksafe that I c
ant even post the name of their website. The questions were great, though, so I wan
ted to get this up here for you all. The answers are all from Balance Boy, excep
t from the first one. If youre comparing the original to this one, please know that
here Ive edited the questions and the answers for clarity.)
Q: It was said that there would be new classes released with Catacombs, Are thos
e even on the drawing board yet? Or have you gotten that far with development?
A: They're on the drawing board. Specifically, the artist's drawing board! Were not
ready to release information; we're still in the "wouldn't it be cool if we had
a class that did THIS" stage.
Q: Why Remedy for nightshades? The cost of the ability makes it almost a reactio
nary defense, while the other two received offensive abilities, I just don't see
it being as effective as intended.
A: Its true that its not as sexy (note to Sanya: Can I say sexy? - Mike)(Since when
I been able to stop you from saying anything? Sanya) as the abilities the other tw
o assassins have, but dont let the lack of sex appeal fool you. Viper (a realm abil
ity that will increase poison damage) is one of the most powerful assassin realm
abilities, and will play a big role in assassin on assassin battles. Remedy is
going to be an extremely potent tool for nightshades, especially in battles agai
nst rival assassins.
Your feedback from within the beta is, as always, welcomed.
Q: About the realm point pool feature (Sanya here: In New Frontiers, you gain re
alm points from killing keep lords, and from being in the area when a keep is de
feated): have you considered the consequences of someone AFK camping a keep and gainin
g free RPs without participating in the siege?
A: Honestly? No. Or should I say, not before you asked this question. Rest assured
that well make sure its not possible to scam a piece of the realm point pool pie by ha
nging out afk someplace. Thanks for bringing that up.
Q: True Sight and Stealth Lore: Will these two counteract each other? Or stack?
A: Right now the two will stack. True Sight is something were going to continue to be
watching very closely through the Frontiers open beta as its going to be a very delica
te balance issue.
Q: TS2 currently is allowing sight of stealthers past the ts2 range, but wont re
-detect until the ts2 range. Once you "Uncover" someone it seems you can see the
m to the edge of the ts3 range.
A: Sounds like a bug. You should only be able to see people within the proper range
at all times.
Q: Why did archers gain access to both Physical Defense and Avoidance of Magic?
A: Mainly because archers are a class that is very vulnerable to both melee classes
and nuking classes. This allows an archer to tailor their defenses to the oppon
ents they feel they face the most, depending on their style of play.

Q: The skald's damage add spontaneously stops pulsing from time to time... Has a
nyone else noticed this? or am I just cursed? =)

A: This is an issue that has been reported, but we have yet to be able to reproduce
consistently. We cant fix it until we can duplicate it. (Note from Sanya if you ca
e this happen on command, please spell out the step by step instructions in a bu
g appeal. That would help a whole lot.)
Q: Why did mentalists get the group evade buff(Strike Prediction)?
A: They are Mentalists. These are those MENSA high IQ type folks who have really bi
g heads and mess with peoples minds and stuff. Where as the other classes who get t
his ability are using their battle training to help their groupmates evade bette
r in combat, the mentalists use their powers of the mind to for-see strikes befo
re them come, at which point they calmly say, My friend, if I were you I would duck ri
ght aboutNOW!
If you are beta testing, would you please give us the zone name and your /loc wh
en you send your bug emails to frontierbugs AT mythicentertainment DOT com? Some
bugs are location-specific, and we can fix them faster if we know where you wer
e when you had a problem. Thanks!
Speaking of beta testing, there will be beta events next week while were in Califor
nia. All you people with time to burn during the day, stay tuned because Ill be peekin
g in on you while Im out in Los Angeles. Up for grabs will be E3 Loot, and even per
manent in game recognition for you or your guild. Ill go into details on Monday, bu
t lets just say that groups who practice moving up a supply chain this weekend will
be at a decided advantage come Wednesday.
That crack of thunder just outside my window was definitely a hint to hit the ro
ad. Ill see you Monday with bells on, gang.
It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack:
Q: New Frontiers question: Can you siege keeps and other things on shore from yo
ur ship? Or can you only attack other ships?
A: Anything that can take damage from a siege weapon can be attacked from a ship
, if youre in range. Attacking other ships is fun, especially when you sink them an
d all the sailors have to dog paddle on the surface of the water. I expect some
great screenshots, soon. Anyway, we had the beachfront keeps in mind when we had
a mental image of ship-mounted siege weaponry, so have at it.
Q: Can you restore my character? My account was in enemy hands for a time and I
recently got it back. But some of my favorite characters were deleted. Now I'm w
ondering, is it possible for Mythic to reset my account to before they were dele
ted? Or give me back my friar, if not all the characters I had? If it is possibl
e, I was wondering who I would need to contact about it. Thank you in advance.
A: Ouch. Im glad your account is back in your hands. I hope you changed your passwo
rd, and called technical support to change your secret word as well.

There is a chance we can get your old character back, but theres no guarantee. It i
s possible, not certain, that the characters you want restored still exist in ba
ckups. Every character deleted, created, or played since a character was deleted
decreased the chance of an old back up, however so dont create anything new, definit
ely dont delete anything further, and send in an appeal right away. Be aware that t
he oldest backups may be naked, with no gear or cash.
If the CSR CAN restore your character, he or she will do so. They empathize with
things like this. If they cant, believe me, they wish they could, but no one in CS
can restore files that have been overwritten.
Q: Just
ard had
in the
us. The

was curious, after a busy week of RvRing, I couldnt help notice that my wiz
disappeared from the weekly charts. With my score, I should have been up
top three or four. Does this happen often? Not a big deal, but was curio
overall total is correct. What happened to the last seven days ranking?

A: I should have posted yesterday, and I apologize. The database that keeps trac
k of the seven day totals is supposed to delete numbers older than a week. That
makes sense, since the formulas that calculate the numbers for display only use
the last seven days of figures. Something went screwy with the database, however
, and the old numbers werent being deleted. THAT made the machine slower than snot,
and the updates were falling behind/taking too long to load. Weve fixed the proble
m, we hope, but we had to completely reset the database yesterday afternoon. Sor
ry about that.
Q: I have heard a lot of questions and speculation about the Quickness stat, so
was wondering if I could get a true answer in the Grab Bag?
We know that the higher your Quickness is, the faster your swing speed is. Howev
er, does this reduce "frontload" damage? If so, could you give us a good explana
tion on how this works? Also, do Realm Abilities such as "Mastery of Arms" and T
oA bonuses to melee speed do the same?
A: I went to the Code Warrior for the answer to this one. If I understand "frontloa
d" damage correctly, he's asking about the correlation between DPS and actual sp
eed - slow weapons hitting slower but for more damage. Quickness does affect thi
s; it can reduce the weapon's speed by up to 40%, and any Quickness over 250 has
no effect. Mastery of Arms and TOA bonuses also reduce weapon speed by what's l
isted in their delve.
Increasing your Quickness decreases your swing time - style damage, however, is bas
ed on your swing time. Therefore by decreasing your swing time, you also decreas
e your style damage, thus reducing frontloading. Over time, increasing your swin
g speed adds more damage because the non-style damage comes faster while the sty
le damage remains the same, however each individual hit will do less damage.
Q: Another New Frontiers question: In the 1.70T patch notes it talks about playe
rs earning exp for taking the center keep in the battle grounds. The note is bel
- Experience rewards have been added which will be granted upon the successful k
eep capture in the battlegrounds from levels 1-44. Upon successfully killing the
Keep Lord/Jarl/Chieftain, every eligible player inside the keep region will be
awarded approximately 25% of their level in experience. This experience reward c
an be earned once per level for every level, up to level 44.

I have a few questions about this.

1) Is the formula based Current Lvl * 25% = exp earned or is it current exp * 25
% = exp earned?
2) The exp can be earned once per lvl for every lvl up to 44. Does this include
lvl 44?
3) is this exp bonus available for the mini dings from lvl 40-44?
A: From the Moderately Evil Overlord:
1. The experience is equal to 25% of the current levels experience. In other words, 2.
5 bubbles.
2. Yes.
3. No, once per level.
Q: What is the strongroom? Inside the Relic Keep there is a door that says stron
groom door. When you click on it, it says The door is locked. Use a key to open it. Wh
ere do I get a key, and whats inside?
A: Ah, youve found a bit of vestigial design. We built a storeroom into the keeps,
in case we wanted to have more treasures and so on for quests. That was during t
he art stage, when were actually building the world objects. By the time the object
s got to the content team, wed changed our minds and decided that the relic keeps s
hould only have relics in them.
And now, of course, were beta testing relic temples lovely open air things you can on
ly reach if youve conquered enough territory to open the gates AND mounted a defens
ive force to keep away last ditch defenders so the strongroom will be gone soon.
Q: How often can I copy to Pendragon? Ive copied one of my characters over, but Id als
o like to copy over my other 50.
A: Its once per account per patch, normally. 1.70 is special, though, and weve reset t
he copier a whole bunch of times. Well probably do it again next week at some point
Q: I've noticed that quite often the time of day changes (day to night or vice v
ersa) when zoning between the capital city and the cities surrounding it. What's
up with that? Are the capitals so huge they span multiple time zones? Or is the
re an evil spell afoot?
A: The evil spell of the demon Server Sync. ;) The capital city is on one machin
e, and the zone outside is another. Ive grossly oversimplified, of course, but thats t
he basic issue at hand. We try to keep them close in time, of course, since lots
of people like to shop or train while they wait for a night spawn or what have
you, but keeping them perfectly synced up is one of those things that would take
resources weve currently allocated to other things (like New Frontiers, grin).
As regulars to the Community section of the Herald already know, along with regu
lars to the Vault message boards, it wasnt Elvis that left the building it was our Mi

ss Julie. We wish her the very best as she leaves to pursue other opportunities.
Dont cry, Vault regulars, she will be replaced. Meanwhile, several of us (including
the content producer, the executive producer, and me) will continue to lurk as
we always have, looking for thoughtful posts and feedback.
Ive got to keep this short. I need to go home and wash my favorite Mythic t-shirt a
nd pull out my dancing shoes (the ones that make me SUPER TALL; you know, 56), because
Im off to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Theres a big honking player gathering going on, a
nd since itll be a few months before we have one of our own, I cant resist the chance
to meet the crazy northerners. Neither can Mythics intrepid marketing princess, Bec
ky, who will be there as well. So if you see two Virginia blossoms, used to eigh
ty five degrees of summer sun, out on John Street trying to decide if 17 degrees
C is hot or cold, give us some pity. Metric system, bah.
Theres yet another player planned gathering the FOLLOWING weekend near here in Coll
ege Park, Maryland, for those loony Percivalians. Man, you guys just dont stop part
ying. I blame Kardinal and Danyeel.
Attention, Camelot loving Hawaiians whens your gathering?!
Have a great weekend, gang. If youre staying in the United States to enjoy your thr
ee day weekend, remember, be safe behind the wheel.
Hey, it's Friday night, we're gonna rock this joint until the morning light...
Q: I'm a level 5 (insert starting class here). Why won't the (insert advanced tr
ainer here) in the Hall of Heroes zone [or outlying towns in Shrouded Isles] let
me become an (insert advanced class here)?
A: I shall quote the Quest Goddess: Only certain trainers will promote players from
their starting class to an advanced class. In the classic zones, these trainers
are located in the three main cities - Camelot, Jordheim, and Tir na Nog, as we
ll as the small towns where new characters first enter the world (the base train
ers direct players to the appropriate advanced trainers). In Shrouded Isles, onl
y the trainers in the starting areas of Caer Gothwaite, Aegirhamn, and the Grove
of Domnann will promote players to their advanced classes. The advanced trainer
s in these areas are set up to either start the guild track quests or to direct
players to the trainer that begins the guild track quest.
In other words, trainers in the outlying towns of Shrouded Isles and those in th
e Hall of Heroes zones in ToA will not promote players from a starting class to
an advanced one.
Q: You mentioned earlier on the Herald that you would find out how the new death
penalty system in New Frontiers would apply to the Mordred server. Got any upda
A: The answer is that the new system wont apply at all. On regular servers, being k
illed in PVE gives your character a special flag. In RVR, you get a different fl
ag. All deaths on Mordred are flagged as PVE, so the new system (which needs the
RVR flag in order to work) wont apply.
Q: Last week in the grab bag you mentioned that you were coming to Canada. I did
nt even know about player meet in Toronto!

A: It was a Percival server gathering, planned and run entirely by players, for
players. I was there to sip cosmopolitans, answer questions, and generally horse
around. And tease the guy who didnt realize I was actually from Mythic until three
in the morning. Actually, if you want to be specific, it was a gathering of pla
yers who post on a specific message board revolving around the Percival server.
Anyone can put a gathering together! Go ahead, go crazy! If its big (around fifty p
layers, give or take a few uncomfortable looking spouses), drop me a line and well
see if we can send anyone to the party.

And of course, you can email events AT, with GATHERING i

n the header, and well pop your event in the Player Gatherings section of the Herald
link is up there to your left under Herald Features.

Q: What does Mythic mean by population and underpopulation? The context is in reg
fee reduction schedule posted in 1.70W.
A: We look at a number of factors. Raw population is just the beginning. We also
look at population over level 30, the population of players over level 40, RVR
activity in terms of realm points exchanged, RVR activity in terms of territory
changing hands, relics, the number of people in RVR zones, realm population, rea
lm activity as it related to realm population, and more.

I know Im dodging your real question, which is whats the formula? Our concern wit
the actual formula is that it wouldnt take much for an organized group to have an
unwanted impact. Please rest assured that we take a lot of factors into consider
ation, and that we recalculate the numbers on a weekly basis.
Q: This guy has a TERRIBLE name, and its not changed yet. Whats up?
A: Our system requires five individual appeals from five different people. After
that minimum standard is reached, a ticket is generated and sent to a CSR. A re
ally terrible name (involving major religious figures, race or gender stereotype
s, natural but somewhat icky bodily functions, or some combination thereof) usua
lly hits that five appeal threshold in milliseconds.
Sometimes it takes a little longer, because community standards vary from server
to server. If a name annoys or offends you for more than a week, youre welcome to
send it to me. I am unlikely to reply due to sheer volume, but I will forward yo
ur note to CS and well look into it.
Q: What happened to my skalds sparkly feet when my speed song was running?
A: We removed the effect in response to overwhelming player feedback, complainin
g that the sparkly feet made them a big fat target in RVR. I have passed on the
request for a toggle switch. (The toggles in game right now are strictly client
side, meaning they only control whether or not the visual effects are on or off
on your machine as far as the server is concerned, the effects are always on. To d
o a server toggle would be a brand new bit of programming.)
Q: You stated earlier that legendary weapons con stat is going to be changed to
either dex or str. Is there anyway to get which are going to have str and which
are going to dex?
A: Our lovely Item Mistress responds, The new versions of the legendary weapons are
currently on Pendragon. I would suggest that curious players log in there and t
ake a look, as there are really too many weapons to list here.


Big thanks to Anders he wrote to me about an automatic boat issue. Internally, they
working. On most servers, they were fine. I dont know what happened to his server,
but we finally tracked down the problem, and I want to thank Mr. Anders for bei
ng so persistent. The Content Underlord sent me this email: The boats have been ret
urned to their regularly scheduled routes. Please keep your hands and feet insid
e the ride at all times. You must be at least three feet tall to ride this ride.
I think Im learning Japanese, I think Im learning Japanese, I really think so! Badly p
araphrased eighties music aside, I just want to remind any players with an inter
est in a Japanese language server that you do NOT need to be a current customer
in order to sign up for the Japanese server beta. The links are at the bottom of
the Heralds left side bar spread the word!
Not all Dark Age of Camelot-sounding URLs belong to us. It would be impossible t
o own all possible Camelot related URLs, after all! Theres a URL out there that I r
efuse to glorify with a link, but it uses a common acronym for this little game.
Theres no actual content there, but it redirects to the official-sounding website
of a scam artist/auction site lamer with the ethics of rat droppings. Anyway, on
e of our customers went there, didnt understand what shed stumbled into, and clicked o
n live help. She was asked for her account name, and then informed that her account wa
s canceled. Of course, you can guess what happened next. If you have given your
account name to someone on this site, please be advised we cannot restore your cha
racters, your equipment, or your gold. Once someone has your password, they can
do whatever they want with your account, and we cant stop them. In fact, if you giv
e them the secret word in addition to your password, they can even take permanen
t control of your account, and were helpless. We recommend you change your password
(and if needed, your secret word as well) as soon as possible, and protect your
self from thieves.
Okay, gang, stick a fork in me, because I think Im done. Ill see you back here on Mond
ay morning or maybe slightly before that, out in the Frontiers.http://web.archive.o
I gave up trying to be coy, and just put your main question right on top:

Q: Will there be a full skill respec in New Frontiers, as well as the realm abil
ity respecs mentioned in the patch notes?
A: Yep. Theres a great big post coming with a lot more information, but I expect th
ats the short answer that everyone was looking for.
Q: Its been said that at the launch of New Frontiers, RA respec stones will be sell
ing for 10 silver off of NPC's. What are you planning to do with people who load
up on the stones with like 100 of them and plan to sell them for 1 to 2 plat af
ter that week of selling has gone away?
A: Laugh at them, because the stones will vanish once the week is over.
Q: Whens launch day, exactly?

A: Ask me on Monday. I dont know for sure right now. Since were not selling this expan
sion, our launch is not set in stone. So, the specific answer depends on how we
feel after the weekend.
Q: The badger at the bottom of the Herald was replaced with a cat? A cat with a
A: Im a tiny bit disturbed yet pleased at the sheer number of you who noticed, and
wrote to ask.
The badger was an old company joke, that predated that goofy badger/mushroom/sna
ke video, thank you very much. WAY predated. In a fit of overcaffeinated exhaust
ion, the Herald designer and tools programmer, Miss Georgia, responded to my req
uest to retire the badger by replacing him with a vicious attack kitten. We just
thought it was funny. We really, REALLY didnt think this many people even scrolled
all the way to the bottom of the website, let alone noticed our weirdness. Colo
r me sheepish. This was the third most popular question I got, and we only did i
t a few days ago.
Q: From the patch notes: - Mastery of Magery has been slightly reduced in effective
ness. Tier 3 and 4 will give an additional 5% bonus instead of 7% and Tier 5 wil
l give an additional 5% bonus instead of 9%. The total bonus with Mastery of Mag
ery V will now be 20% instead of 28%. How much is it per level? It seems that it sh
ould end up at 24% if I'm calculating it correctly. I thought it was 4% for leve
l I and 5% for each level after that now. If it was at 28% and we dropped it by
4% then wouldn't it be at 24%?? Where am I missing something?
A: Were in the process of updating the chart to reflect all the tweaks, changes, ad
justments, and complete redesigns that have gone on in the last few months. Mean
while, the answer to your MoM question:




2% total.
5% total.
10% total.
15% total.
20% total.

Sorry this is so short tonight. Many of popular questions this week are still un
der discussion here at Mythic, and I could not answer them. Also, I got started
late this week, what with all the New Frontiers excitement.
One common question is always why? Why did we choose this or that? Why did we decide t
o take one action versus another?
The general answer always has something to do with because we thought it would be b
est for the big picture in the long run. Sometimes the long run proves we were wron
g, and we have to change our minds. Sometimes it works out for the best. All we
can do is try stuff out, look at the feedback, ask for advice, and ultimately, g
ive it our best shot. And never, ever quit trying.
None of us have a crystal ball. Beware of game developers claiming that they kno
w what their virtual world will be like in three months. They dont.
We do believe right now that the way we did New Frontiers will ultimately prove
the right way. We tossed our plans up earlier in the process than any MMORPG tha

t I know of has ever tried, and invited feedback. We made changes, and invited m
ore feedback. There hasnt been a single step made without consulting actual players
both in and outside the company.
Thats not to say decisions are based on outcry on this message board or that, or ba
sed on my feedback forms, or even on really brilliant petition drives. Ultimatel
y, the decisions are made by the design team, because SOMEONE has to drive.
But I have forwarded all my petitions, with notes explaining how many I got. Our
TL coordinator has been forwarding every scrap of data she gets along with the
context of the information. The design team has pored over the emails to the fee
dback form and RA Review address for hours. I think it shows. And were not done! I
look forward to seeing more of your feedback from this weekends wars.
Ive got the best job in the WORLD.
See you on Pendragon.
Going down the only road I've ever known, metaphorically speaking:
Q: There has been talk of this new hack-detecting technology. I am all for this
and think it's a great idea. However, I have one concern. I am a programmer that
has a lot of medical clients and if there is some kind of 'drive-scan' I'll eit
her have to quit playing or purchase a new computer for DAoC. Can someone provid
e some kind of clarification on this?
A: There are no drive scans. We are not looking to establish new legal
s, and were not violating anyones privacy. While I am rubbing my
he thought of booting some deserving butts to the curb, I do not think
means necessary is a good attitude for a company to have, and Im
ork for a company that feels the same way.

talons with glee at t
that by any
pleased as punch to w

Q: Do you have any new information on getting CDs burned for those of us who wou
ld rather chew glass than endure the download on our dial up connections?
A: Yes! We have arranged for a partner who now has CDs for sale for the cost of
shipping. The order form can be found here:
Q: Some of the sites on the downloads page have downloads for New Frontiers(open
beta) and thats all.
A: The files on our download link page are now all final it just took a little tim
e for some of our partners to take the word beta off the links. Heck, it took a little
time for ME to take the word beta off the site. Download away.
Q: I recently started playing again. However, my guild leader and officers with
the ability to invite new guild members has left. How long does it take for auto
promote to kick in?
A: Autopromote is temporarily disabled. The programmer who can fix it should hav
e some time now that New Frontiers is on the runway waiting for takeoff. Im very so
rry about the delay.
Q: (Insert question here about autotrain and free respecs.)

A: Okay, first I have to explain that Im a big monkey who phrased the announcement
very badly. Im sorry. TOTALLY my bad. If you dont care about context, skip the next pa
You see, we get appeals every day from autotrained people who try to respec, and
find that they dont get all the points back for their free and especial use. The l
ong, boring, eye-glazing explanation usually fails, and I tend to boil it down t
o those points are lost to you.
While theres a chance were going to take another cold hard look at autotrain in the fu
ture, there are no changes in the way respecs work with autotrained characters f
rom the way it is now on live.
Here is the full, long, eye-glazing explanation for How It Works. If you've been
with us since 2002, you may even recognize this as being basically ripped strai
ght from an old Grab Bag, with new clarifications and edits by the beloved Team
Q: I am confused about how the full respec will work with autotraining. Can you
A: Lets start with some background. Autotraining is a feature of the game for some
classes, but not all of them. One class that has autotrain is the paladin they hav
e slash and chants as skills that autotrain up (extremely slowly) IF they do not
choose to train those skills of their own accord. If a paladin never puts a sin
gle point into slash, by the time he is level 28, he will have a spec of 7 in sl
ash. Those seven levels of points are "free" and don't come from any specializin
g or leveling. If he gets to 48 without ever training in slash, he will have aut
otrained up to a spec level of 12. Again, those seventy plus points just magical
ly appear. This feature went into the game a long time ago, and was intended to
prevent a player from entirely gimping himself.
Whether the feature serves its intended function, or has become instead a tool u
sed primarily by players known as "min/maxers" or "kind of scary" is not the poi
nt of this wee essay, and an entirely separate discussion. Certainly the discuss
ion coming from my badly worded and, well, WRONG note the other day has been car
efully observed and passed up the chain.
When we first introduced autotrain, the game
to make sure you never fell below a certain
and to cut to the chase, we fixed autotrain
. Instead, if autotrain kicks in, it creates

would use your spec points FOR you,

level. The public outcry was great,
so that it did not take your points
the points and adds them to your to

This is why some people have a few more points than others of the same class.
The free points thing
stance, going back to
ain option chants
ry and level to fifty

sounds like a much bigger deal than it actually is. For in

our paladin example, a pally has two lines with the autotr
and slash. I do not think there is a single paladin that would t
without putting any points at all into chants, do you?

A player who autotrained, and accepted the fact that he was going to be gimped j
ust to get that handful of extra points, has more points total than a player who
did not autotrain. Its a severe tradeoff for very little reward, but the reward do
es exist.
Now, on to the respec thing. When you activate your respec, the game will check
your character to see if you have any autotrain lines that have a minimum attach
ed to them. If our paladin is level 50, the game will automatically assign point

s to the autotrain lines until they are both at 12, before our paladin does anyt
hing else. (The game calculates what the minimum level should be depending on yo
ur level.)

Why? Well, if a player autotrained, the points he had were free and to prevent abus
the system, those free points must be assigned to the line from which they came.
However, code is an if/then, either/or kind of thing, and the game cannot tell
if the training you did at level whatever was the result of an autotrain or a ch
oice on your part. So the points are automatically deducted.
NOW we're getting to the whole "lost" thing. If you try to spec out of a line th
at you autotrained into a line you did not autotrain, you will not be able to sp
ec it as high. That's because when you train, autotrain lines AUTOMATICALLY take
however many points that would have been gathered via autotraining. You can thu
s get lines with autotrain back to the same level they were before you respec'ed
, but lines without cannot go that high.
Points are not technically lost. But they can, in some specific circumstances, b
e lost to YOU and customer service is COMPLETELY UNABLE to remove the points from
the autotrained line and give them to you to use.

And just in case it helps, heres a wee chart showing which classes get what, and ho
w many free points you might have at which levels, if you dont ever, ever put points
an autotrained line:
Class Skills Auto Trained
Armsman Slashing, Thrusting
Slashing, Thrusting
Paladin Chants, Slashing
Reaver Slashing, Flexible Weapons
Scout Long Bows
Class Skills Auto Trained
Ranger Recurved Bows
Class Skills Auto Trained
Warrior Axes, Hammers, Swords
e been

Level of spec (counting from one) auto trained if no training points hav
spent in the skill



ou are this close to your next level, you should use your respec before you so much as
whack a single badger."
Do realm level's count? Realm ranks? Basically, if I'm level 50 already, can I l
ose my respec?
A: This free, full skill respec will overwrite anything you happen to be hoardin
g from previous Mythic giveaways, but since you cant outlevel it, you cant lose it, ei
Q: You recently stated that you can no longer crit with a weapon proc. Does this
include style procs, such as Blizzard Blade?
A: Yes.
Q: When Mythic does an update, does the removal or deletion of old files occur?
Will Mythic eventually create a new cd with current files? If so, what of your c
urrent customers? How will this impact them?

A: For your first question, I turn to a programmer whose work is so far behind t
he scenes that I dont even have a clever nickname for him. Therefore, Martys nickname
is Marty. When I asked him what happened to orphan files, he replied, They [the orph
will be cold, dirty and fed gruel.
No, seriously, the number of orphaned files has always been pretty low. Usually, we
replace (overwrite) existing files or add new files as we go along.
Whenever we release a new version, such as the Dark Age of Camelot: Gold Edition
, we print a new master of the classic game, with all the updates to the point w
e ship the new CD. Were going to do another release soon with the original game, Sh
rouded Isles, Foundations, Trials of Atlantis, and New Frontiers, all in a box c
alled Dark Age of Camelot: Platinum. That way, brand new customers dont have to sit
through two years of patches.

Returning customers are a different kettle of fish. Weve offered patch CDs on the My
store before, and we will again the current one is a little out of date. The free
trial available on Gamespy helps returning customers as well as newbies. Finally
, were going to be sending out come home CDs in the next month watch this space
And of course, current customers already have the latest, greatest patches.
Q: If I have already downloaded the New Frontiers Open Beta for Pendragon, will
I need to download the installer again (from the partner sites) to play on my re
gular servers?
A: Wow, two for Marty in one day?! He assures me
ger patch than others on opening day, you do NOT
a second time. I recommend playing on Pendragon
to be sure youve gotten as many of the patch

that while you might have a big

need to get the installer files
up to the bitter end on Monday,
files as humanly possible.

Q: With this full respec, how do I get my artifact weapon exchanged for my new s
A: Unfortunately, the short answer is that you can't. Once an artifact has been
activated, it can not be deactivated or exchanged for another type of that artif
act. Your friends in the CS pit would like you to know that as much as they'd li
ke to help you out, they are powerless to assist you in this matter. If you real
ly love your (insert artifact here) so much that you don't want to give it up, y
ou should probably not respec that skill line.
Yeah, I know, I'm late tonight. I've been scribbling away at the documentation f
or New Frontiers we've got a whole lot more than there is on the beta site, and it
all needs to be pulled together.
Really, if Miss Linda and the Team Lead Program weren't handling the RA document
ation, I'd have lost the rest of my mind by now. The RA chart is just about as f
inal as final can be. Any changes from this point on will be extremely minor, so
please, feel free to rely on it this weekend if you'd like to get a jump on pla
nning your new Realm Ability template. And while you peruse that wonderful chart
, thank a volunteer for helping to ensure that the chart matches what you'll enc
ounter in game. Thank you, volunteers, can't say that enough.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Good night.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.06 Release Notes
September 11, 2001
- Some Briton female bandits had male sound effects. This has been fixed.
- Name above head should now update on guild join/remove.
- Tints and Emblems should now show correctly in the menu as well as in the game
. Previously, they showed only in-game.
- Weapon condition/durability should now degrade slower at low levels. Let us kn
ow how it works out.
- You should no longer lose Constitution and Experience on PvP deaths. Please no
te that if you have been damaged more that 50% by an NPC monster, you must heal
up to full before engaging in PvP or you run the risk of losing experience point
s on death.
- Friars who cannot get new robes because of the quest wipe can now go talk to t
heir trainers. If you already have a robe, but cannot upgrade it because of the
wipe, drop or sell the one you have, then talk to your trainer. He'll hand you t
he 5th level one. Trade it in, it'll be upgraded. Keep doing this until it is up
graded to the appropriate set of robes for your level.
- The first part of fletching has been implemented. For now you will be able to
create bows. Hopefully within the next few days we will be able to get the abili
ty for you to make arrows (both some out on the field, and the rest in town). Yo

u will need to be near the lathe as your "forge".

Fletching Trade Masters:
Hibernia: Arziqua
Albion: Acey Dalston
Midgard: Gils
Albion: Mercenary, Rogue, Scout, Infiltrator, Minstrel
Midgard: Rogue, Shadowblade, Hunter
Hibernia: Stalker, Nightshade, Ranger
- Port Castles for Hibernia and Albion in Odin's Gate now have working doors.
- Gates for all Frontier Keeps can now be opened without siege equipment (this i
s temporary until siege equip goes in).
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.07 Release Notes
September 12, 2001
- Last names are now supported in Camelot. To qualify for a last name, you must
be at least 10th level. To get a last name, find your Realm's Name Registrar in
that Realm's capital city. Select the Registrar and type /lastname . You will on
ly be able to do this once, so choose well.
- Chat text colors were "messed up" and kept changing. This has been fixed so th
at they stay their intended color.
- Group and minigroup status bars now update much faster.
- Right-clicking on the item you are trading in the trading window now works cor
- Trade window now shows who you are trading with.
- Paper doll should no longer disappear when you equip/unequip weapons and armor
- You can now select items and monsters in the world "through" the chat window.
- You can now select doors and portculli and see their condition. In the near fu
ture you will be able to damage them; this reflects how damaged they are.
- The Briarsprout spell was working incorrectly; it has been fixed.
- Name Registrars are located near the guild and emblem NPCs
Hibernia: Filidh Filiara
Midgard: Ullag Nottlok or Jarl Uffenlong
Albion: Lady Charlitte
- Hibernian Guild Registrar and Emblemeer have been moved into the palace of Tir
na Nog where they belong.

- The extra guild/name/emblem NPCs removed from Jordheim and the old ones moved
to the Great Hall in Jordheim. This was done because Midgard had two emblemeers/
guild and name Registrars and the other Realms had only one.
The Tradeskill vendors in Jordheim have decided to move out of the cramped build
ing they were in. They have moved around to various buildings in Jordheim now. A
lso, Om has finally decided to move out from behind the dwarf eating table. He a
pologizes to his Dwarven patrons who have inadvertently gotten stuck while tryin
g to talk to him.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.08 Release Notes
September 13, 2001
- Blademasters were having problems wielding bows since the last update. This ha
s been fixed.
- Spell effect icons now blink for ten seconds before they go away.
- There is a third cloak type (with no hood at all) that will be slowly introduc
ed into the game over the next few days.
- Shield textures look much better now.
- Above 30th level, the amount of experience loss per death has been reduced.
- If you are above 35th level, your experience has been reset to halfway between
35th and 36th. Due to a bug, all over-35th level characters had their experienc
e deleted. The bug is now fixed, and you should be able to progress normally. So
rry for the inconvenience.
- Another possible bug with losing experience in PvP death has been fixed. Keep
us updated if this is still happening.
The reply functionality should now work in the /advice system. If you are an Adv
isor, just hit "r" to reply to any advice asked of you.
You can now set chat colors for the /Advice channel, as well as choose which tab
advice messages will appear in. Just right click on your chat interface to choo
se your color and tab.
- Cornwall, Snowdonia, and Lough Gur monsters now drop treasure.
- Mithril 2-handed weapons are now sold from the Camelot weapon vendor.
- Fixed a few non-carryable loot bugs.
- Virtually all Cloaks and Shields should now be dyeable/emblemizable.
- There are now 2 bounty quests, one in Snowdonia and one in Cornwall, please se
ek out the NPCs.
- All Hibernian base weapons had their delay and damage tuned.
- Hibernian spears are now 2 handed weapons.

- Albion thrusting weapons had their delay and damage tuned.

- There were a few tweaks to some Albion newbie mobs loot tables. Some of them s
hould drop loot more often now.
Bows were reworked to give Rangers and Scouts one more bow option, which the hun
ter makes up for by having pets and spells. The new specs are as follows:
composite bow 4.0 del 10.8 dmg range normal
great composite bow 4.7 del 12.7 dmg range normal
short recurve bow 4.0 10.8 range normal
recurve bow 4.7 del 12.7 dmg range +5%
great recurve bow 5.4 del 14.6 dmg range normal
hunter bow 4.0 del 10.8 dmg range normal
bow 4.7 del 12.7 dmg range norma
longbow 5.4 del 14.6 dmg range +10%
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.09 Release Notes
September 14, 2001
We are letting in about 500 people a day into beta. Our bandwidth has been
substantially upgraded, which allows many more people to download at once. So,
far, many of the people who have been invited have not created accounts, which
is disappointing, but we'll keep inviting until we have enough players online at
once to do full load testing.
We are, of course, completely devastated by the losses felt by so many people in
the last few days. Our hearts and thoughts go out to all those affected by these
terrible events. It's times like these that show how insignificant our own
problems (deadlines, game features, games in general) really are.
Please note that you can access a help window in game that will give you some
basic information. This help system will be expanded greatly over the next week
to become more full featured. To access help, make sure that "Display Help" in
your keyboard settings is set (default should be F1, but this may not work,
depending on when your account was created). In the future (although not
currently), you will be able to use the "/help" command to display the help

- Blinking spell effect icons have been tamed. They should work as advertised
- Shift-up arrow now works (no longer repeats '/').
- Players with low frame rates in cities should no longer fall through floors.
- Some trees in Myrkwood had bad textures on them. These have been fixed.
Siege weapons are now in. They are intended to be used while trying to take over
an enemy's outpost or relic keep. Siege weapons are made by crafters who use the
new Siegecrafting skill (more information on that in the crafting section of
these release notes).
There are three different types of siege weapons: the ballista, the battering
ram, and the catapult.
Ballista: used to take out enemy siege weapons from a distance
Catapult: used to do area effect damage to enemy players, doors, siege
equipment, although it is less accurate
Battering Ram: used to take down gates, doors, or enemy siege equipment.
Extremely short range.
Once you have acquired a "siege weapon" (via the siegecraft skill, see below),
use "/control" to assume control of it. Anyone who has the siegecraft crafting
skill will be able to assume control of a siege engine. In the future,
additional classes will have this ability as well. Only one person can be in
control of a siege weapon at a time.
Once you have assumed control, a window will be displayed with siege engine
options on it:
To aim a ballista or battering ram, first select the target. In the case of a
battering ram, usually a door is selected. If it is a ballista, another siege
weapon is usually selected. In the case of a catapult, use the area targeting
key (F5 by default) to select the area that you want to damage. Then click the
"Aim" button. This locks the siege weapon on to the target.
Use this button to put the siege weapon in the "ready to fire" position. This
could take anywhere from 15-30 seconds, depending on the siege weapon.
For Ballistas and Catapults, you must load appropriate ammo before firing. You
do this by first directly dropping ammo from your inventory onto the siege
weapon, then selecting the ammo you wish to fire out of the list of ammo in the
siege control window and clicking the "load" button. Battering Rams do not
require ammo.
Fires the siege weapon.

An early version of Siegecraft is in this version. Rams, Ballistae, and

Catapults may be built using the Siegecraft skill, all are difficulty 1 recipes
for now, so anyone who has joined a Craft Order may make them.
To make a ram, approach close to a Door and have Cladding, 2 Swing Harnesses, a
Ram Beak, and 1250 pieces of Elm wood. Bring up your Siegecraft menu and select
the Small Ram.
To make a Ballista, have a Gimbal, 2 Torsion Cables, Spring Arms, and 1500
pieces of Elm wood.
To make a Catapult, you need a Bucket, Arm Cushion, Winding Crank,
Counterweight, Pivot, and 2400 pieces of Elm wood.
For now all ingredients and ammo may be purchased from a temporary Merchant NPC
in the Merchant Keeps near the edge of the Frontier, eventually all ingredients
will be crafted (by trades other than Siegecraft). Please note that several
people will be needed to carry the pieces, and they must all be transferred to
the player assembling the siege engine and then dropped by him within 10 feet of
the location he will be building the engine. At this time they will be under
normal decay timers, so you will need to move quickly, we will be finding a
better solution to the decay issue in the near future.
- New Dungeon. Nisse's Lair: Low level (7-15) Midgard dungeon. The monsters
only drop coin treasure for now. The entrance can be found in the East Svealand
There are now 38 available dye colors, including all your favorites. In general
the colors are divided into shades with the deepest and most vibrant of the
colors being the most expensive. There are also some off shades of a few colors
that are in. There is now a decent selection for everyone of all levels. This
is just a basic guideline and in no way a hard fast rule. Given, you have enough
money you can buy any of these regardless of level. These initial prices are
subject to change, please give feed back if the dye costs are not inline with
the current price points. Please post all inputs and suggestions in the item
discussion area on the beta boards. Thanks!
Here are the price points,
1sp dyes of these colors should be purchasable by all.
5sp these should become affordable around level 10.
25sp these should become affordable around level 20.
1.25gp these should become affordable around level around level 30
6gp these should become affordable around level 40.
30gp these are the most vibrant colors in the game.
Here is a list of the color groups:


3 orange
3 yellow
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.10 Release Notes
September 17, 2001
- All animated objects in zones (like the bandit fires) should now animate
- Figures now support all six faces across two geometries. With the 8 hair
choices, this gives us about 100 choices per figure.
- Monsters should now hold two handed weapons and bows correctly when idle (out
of combat).
- Right click on top of screen no longer clears summary window.
- NPC Quest interaction text is now saved when you reclick on the same NPC.
It's also not so twitchy - you can move around a little and it won't disappear.
- Nighttime has been shortened. Now there should be much more daylight than
- Purchasing and selling to merchants now correctly updates coins in shop
- /ASSIST command has been implemented and should now work. If you /ASSIST
you should assume the target of the person you are assisting.
- Pet health bar should update correctly even when pet is healing.
- You can no longer jump while sitting.
- New key added for sitting. You must configure it in the keyboard
- Last mouselook setting is saved between sessions and when zoning.
- Last torch setting is saved between sessions and when zoning.
- Gravestones have been added for all three realms. Each has a realm symbol on
it, so no longer will other realms see the gravestone with the Albion Grail.
- Names are now hidden from players in other realms. They should see you only
as your race and class like "Highlander Mercenary"
- Experience bar should no longer blank out after death.
- /HELP command now shows help system.
- A new tutorial system has now been implemented, and will be fleshed out over
the next few weeks. When you create a new character, dialog boxes will pop up
from time to time explaining how the game works, and gives advice on what to do,
how to set up your interface, fight monsters, and other essential information.
- Weapons now show whether they are one or two handed when right clicked on.
- Rainstorms now vary from nothing (just cloudy) to full intensity. Basically,
you'll get a cloudy storm 25% of the time, a full intensity storm 25% of the
time and something in between the other half of the time.
- You can no longer jump into the corner of an object (like a keep or a castle)
and "climb" the wall.
- Rain splashes are no longer affected by the torch (there was a bug where
splashes would become more opaque when the torch was on).
- Bolts and Arrows are now grayed out properly in stores when the player doesn't
have the ability to use the proper bow type.
- Midgard has been brightened a bit - there were many player complaints that it
was simply too dark. Let us know if this change addresses that complaint.
- The camera for shorter figures (i.e. Lurikeen, Kobolds) can no longer be

lowered into the ground.

- You can now properly cancel buffs by shift-right-clicking on the effect.
- Page by page scrolling in chat has been implemented (used to be hard coded to
5 lines per pageup/pagedown).
- Magic items now show proper condition/quality/durability.
- The BONUS field is now shown for all armor, weapons, items, etc in the summary
- More resolutions are now supported - we've added 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 to
the options.
- Client now properly prints "side" for side attacking styles (used to be
- Text when sitting now instructs the user that he can use /STAND or can move to
- Trainers now properly autopopup the SKILLS window (not the stats window).
- There was a bug where when you stood and casted quickly, you received the
message "You can't cast while sitting!" - this has been fixed.
- Craft window no longer says "Making: Nothing"
- Saves now automatically occur once per 15 minutes instead of once per 30
- Spaces are no longer allowed in a player's last name.
- No more brown rectangle when entering the game.
- Loading dots are now displayed on the entry Camelot title screen as the
initial resources are loaded.
- You can now say the keyword "TASK" or "HELP" to get a task.
- If your inventory is full and you kill a monster that "gives" you a quest
object, that object will no longer disappear into thin air. It will appear on
the ground, and be set to be owned by you.
- You now get a dialog box prompting you if you want to be resurrected, if a
cleric/healer character attempts to resurrect you.
- We had problems with monsters that would never give up chasing you. This has
been fixed; monsters now have a maximum amount of time they will chase you
without either hitting you or being hit by you. Once this timer expires, they
will turn and go home.
- A warning is printed that you are encumbered when you try to move while
- A dialog has been added to the NPC constitution point healer. It will now tell
you how much constitution costs, and asks you if you want to purchase them.
- You are now prompted with a dialog box when you leave a guild.
- Pulsing spells no longer print messages. You still see their icon, though -you won't get spammed any more with their text printing.
- There were some problems with trading items with other players while
simultaneously crafting. These have been fixed.
- /BIND command now prints your bindpoint (region/zone name) if you are not
within a bindable area .
- Pets now move at the same speed as a the rest of the group when a speed song
is in effect.
- You can no longer interact with an NPC when they are in combat.
- Frontier Keep doors are now set up correctly for siege warfare: Gates now
change ownership when the keep is taken.
- Additional Siege Vendors added to the "Merchant Keeps" in the frontier zones.
- Additional level 4-8 monsters added to hills above Haggerfel in Midgard.
- Albion armorcrafters can now make Studded Leather similar to the other two
- Now, through fletching, bows have been set up properly based on the informatio

from the patch on Friday. Ignore any previous patch messages regarding arrows.
- Lots of little bug fixes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.11 Release Notes
September 18, 2001
- Snow has now been implemented in the "snowy zones". Please note that some zone
s snow pure snow, and some a rain/snow mix.
- Siege weapons now animate when they are used.
- Monsters should no longer disappear through floors in dungeons.
- /where command now indicates if the NPC you are looking for is "above" or "bel
ow" you if the NPC is in a tower or building.
- On failure in weaponcrafting, you should no longer lose both items. You're muc
h more likely to lose just one -- although losing 2 may happen on a really unluc
ky roll.
- The /autosplit function now goes through an additional round of randomization,
which should even out who gets selected to get loot. It will always be possible
for one person to get loot many times in a row, but over time it will average o
ut so that everyone in the party gets the same amount.
- There was a bug where monsters would not react if you missed on your first swi
ng (or hit for 1 damage). This has now been fixed.
- If trained or otherwise drawn away from their "home" areas, monsters will retu
rn home before doing anything else. This means that scout-type monsters that are
trained in dungeons will not "scout" out players to kill until they get back in
side their spawn radius.
- The Cursed Tomb (found in Gotar) is for levels 15-22, though the lower levels
shouldn't venture deep into the dungeon alone. It is the final resting place of
dishonored warriors and kings of Midgard who deserted in the midst of battle, be
trayed their comrades, let greed and vice get in the way of honor, or died in le
ss-than-heroic circumstances, and whom the Midgard gods wouldn't allow into Valh
alla for their misdeeds.
- Aggro radii in Nisse's Lair tweaked slightly. A bit more caution may be requir
- Some additional 4-6 level non-aggressive animals added to the newbie area in C
amp. Forest.
- Shout-type chants (Paladins and now Skald) have been fixed so that they can be
canceled by using the ability a second time.
- Spells are being renamed this week, and for the first installment the Thane, H
unter and Skald lists are provided here. The spells.html file in your Camelot ga
me directory won't be up to date until all the spells are renamed.

1 Thor's Minor Bolt

3 Thor's Lesser Bolt
6 Thor's Bolt
9 Thor's Greater Bolt
13 Thor's Major Bolt
17 Thor's Minor Lightning
23 Thor's Lesser Lightning
29 Thor's Lightning
38 Thor's Greater Lightning
48 Thor's Full Lightning
4 Thunder's Bash
11 Thunder's Hammer
15 Thunder's Force
21 Thunder's Crush
27 Thunder's Strike
36 Thunder's Blow
46 Thunder's Rend
5 Thunder Shout
8 Greater Thunder Shout
10 Thunder Howl
12 Greater Thunder Howl
18 Thunder Bellow
25 Greater Thunder Bellow
34 Thunder Roar
44 Greater Thunder Roar
2 Thor's Vigor
7 Thor's Strength
14 Thor's Power
20 Thor's Might
30 Thor's Vitality
41 Thor's Fortification
50 Thor's Potence
16 Call Mjollnir
22 Invoke Mjollnir
35 Summon Mjollnir
45 Command Mjollnir
5 Toothgrinders' Hoof
8 Toothgnasher's Hoof
10 Toothgrinder's Bite
12 Toothgnasher's Bite
18 Toothgrinder's Horn
25 Toothgnasher's Horn
34 Toothgrinder's Ram
44 Toothgnasher's Ram
1 Minor Call of Gleipnir
7 Lesser Call of Gleipnir
13 Call of Gleipnir
20 Greater Call of Gleipnir
32 Superior Call of Gleipnir
5 Nimbleness of the Lynx
12 Agility of the Lynx
21 Dexterity of the Lynx
30 Quickness of the Lynx
40 Alacrity of the Lynx
50 Heart of the Lynx
6 Speed of Prey
16 Speed of Quarry

25 Speed of the Chased

34 Speed of the Pursued
43 Speed of the Hunted
2 Lynx's Pelt
4 Snake's Scales
8 Wolf's Hide
11 Turtle's Shell
14 Bear's Mantle
18 Crab's Shell
23 Drake's Hide
31 Wyvern's Scales
42 Arachite's Chitin
3 Influence Insect
9 Compel Insect
15 Charm Insect
22 Control Insect
35 Dominate Insect
10 Wild Spirit
17 Feral Spirit
24 Furious Spirit
33 Raging Spirit
41 Frenzied Spirit
5 Chant of the Brawl
9 Chant of the Fight
14 Chant of the Charge
19 Chant of the Battle
25 Chant of the Siege
35 Chant of the War
46 Chant of Blood
3 Simple Song of Travel
13 Song of Travel
23 Harmonic Song of Travel
33 Magnificent Song of Travel
43 Heavenly Song of Travel
1 Simple Song of Rest
10 Song of Rest
20 Harmonic Song of Rest
30 Magnificent Song of Rest
40 Glorious Song of Rest
50 Heavenly Song of Rest
2 Warcry
7 Warholler
18 Warshriek
34 Warbellow
4 Battle Woop
12 Battle Shout
26 Battle Scream
44 Battle Shout
6 Stunning Shout
15 Disabling Shout
21 Crippling Shout
32 Incapacitating Shout
42 Paralyzing Shout
11 Compel Surrender
17 Compel Submission
22 Compel Resignation
31 Compel Captulation

41 Compel Defeat
Thane changes:
- Thanes have been re-tuned again due to imbalances in PvP. Thor's Lightning has
been converted to an interruptible spell, and is intended to be a pre-combat (i
.e. pulling) attack. The Thunder Shout line has had its timer increased and dama
ge reduced, but remains a shout. A new line of direct damage, Toothgrinder's Hoo
f, has been added with low damage and a shorter timer, and is intended to add so
me extra damage during combat. Please test these changes before complaining abou
t them.
Skald changes:
- Skald songs are now on a short timer, but can be switched in combat.
- Skald shouts have had damages reduced and timers increased to remedy some imba
lances in PvP.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.12 Release Notes
September 20, 2001
This is a big new version with lots of goodies to test. For those naysayers who
prophesied that we would never have Thief classes, we say, "neener neener". Infi
ltrators, Shadowblades, and Nightshades make their debut in this version. They w
ill require lots of testing. Also, at long last, Theurgists have been revamped,
almost totally. Please check their new features. Also, two new dungeons, more tw
eaks to the Thane, and the ability to make more powerful siege weapons.
- Added screen icons for Guard, Protect, and Intercept.
- You should no longer get stuck on doors, because now you will not collide with
a door that is opening or closing
- For the color blind, you'll now see '-' and '+' after the monster name. If it
is yellow to you, you'll see nothing. If its orange, red, or purple, you'll see
+, ++, or +++. If its blue, green, gray, you'll see -, --, or ---.
- The blinking icon syndrome should be fixed. Please let us know if this fix tak
es care of the problems.
- Spell icons have been updated to reflect recent changes.
- The Albion scimitar has been changed slightly to make it look more saracen-esq
Thief classes make their debut in this version of Camelot. Each Realm has one th
ief. Albion has the Infiltrator, Midgard has the Shadowblade, and Hibernia has t
he Nightshade. Please note that the thief is not an easy class to play. It requi
res lots of strategy, and almost every combat will require some sort of planning
The purpose of the thief is to be able to hide, sneak up on enemies, and execute
deadly Critical Strikes that do a lot of damage. They then use a combination of

normal combat and combat styles to finish off the enemy. They can envenom their
weapons to do more damage, and each has a ranged attack that they can use as we
ll. All three get dual wield or left axe. All three are limited to leather armor
Please note that climbing and disguise are not yet implemented.
Critical Strikes
Thief special attacks are learned by specializing in a thief-only skill called "
Critical Strikes". Specializing in this skill will teach the player special comb
at styles, the most basic of which is Backstab. Critical Strike styles are all d
ependent on the player being hidden when they first initiate them; or are based
on styles that require the player to be hidden. So to use a critical strike at a
ll, the player must first be hidden.
Critical Strike Styles
The number is the amount of specialization you have to have in Critical Strikes
to learn the style.
1 Backstab - Medium Fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, me
dium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden
4 Eviscerate - Medium fatigue cost, use after backstab, high bonus damage, cause
s short duration attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, small penalty to de
6 Kidney Rupture - High fatigue cost, use after Eviscerate, Medium bonus damage,
Causes short duration bleed, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
8 Pincer - Medium fatigue cost, Use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, high
bonus to hit, high penalty to defense
10 Backstab II - High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage,
high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden
12 Hamstring - Low fatigue cost, use after evading enemy, medium bonus damage, c
auses medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
15 Thigh Cut - Medium fatigue cost, use after Backstab II, Medium bonus damage m
edium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
18 Garrote - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, causes medium
duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
21 Perforate Artery - Medium fatigue cost, use from in front of enemy, medium bo
nus damage, causes long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to def
ense, use
while hidden
25 Achilles Heel - Medium fatigue cost, use after Garotte, Medium bonus damage,
causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
29 Leaper - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, lon
g duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Ranged Attacks
All three thieves get basic ranged attacks to supplement their Critical Strikes

and other combat styles. The Infiltrator can use crossbows, the Shadowblade can
use throwing knives, and the Nightshade learns level-based direct damage spells.
All thieves learn the Envenom skill at level 5. This allows them
s to their weapons before going into battle. Poison vendors have
und the world -- use them. They sell poisons that have different
enemy -- some debuff, some apply a damage over time, etc. It is
thief will always attack with an envenomed weapon, so make sure
poison before you head out hunting.

to apply poison
been set up aro
effects on your
expected that a
you stock up on

Please note that poisons are level-based, so you will not be able to apply some
poisons until you put more spec points into Envenom. You will be able to gauge t
he relative power of a poison by its name in the store list. Please note that lo
w-level weapons will not be able to be envenomed by high-level poisons. You must
use a level-appropriate poison on your weapon.
Please note that only your melee weapons can be poisoned.
In order to be able to hide better, thieves learn how to use "Distractions". The
y learn this ability by training in the Stealth specialization. You can greatly
increase your hiding chances if you approach a monster from behind - and distrac
tions give you the opportunity to do this. To distract a monster, first hide by
using your stealth skill. Move towards the monster. Target an area where you wan
t the monster to turn by using the "target area" function (F5 by default). Then
click on the distract icon. If successful, the monster will turn and face that a
rea. Please note that the monster has a chance of turning around and immediately
attacking you if you fail the distract roll. The higher you specialization in S
tealth, the better your distracting will be. Please note that you won't get Dist
raction until you have about five spec points in Stealth.
Combat Strategy
The soloing thief should first poison his weapon, then go into stealth mode. Usi
ng distract as needed, he should sneak behind his target, then execute backstab,
and the styles that chain off of backstab. Afterwards he can use a mix of regul
ar tactics and dual wield combat styles as needed until the monster is dead.
Two new dungeons:
1) Spindlehalla - Midgard dungeon - Myrkwood (full groups 30 - 40)
Background: The arachites, sometimes referred to by the Norse as "spidermen," ar
e a dark forest and underground dwelling race of spider- or scorpion-like creatu
res. There are many species of arachites, including the common arachite, icestri
ders, ekyps, deeplurks, and djupt. The common arachites are the most structured
and civilized of the different species and are generally the ones found near the
surface world. Because they dwell underground, they often compete for territory
with the svartalfar and the dverge and will often hunt and/or enslave individua
ls from either of the two groups. All Arachites lack the ability to spin their o
wn webs, so they harvest the silk produced by spiders, which they also tend like
prized sheep. With the silk produced by the spiders, particularly young spiders
and "husks" (silkworms that are found near spiders), the arachite priests have
devised a way that allows the arachites to produce a weblike substance that they

can use.
2) Spraggon Den - Hibernian dungeon - Silvermine Mts. (small groups 15 -22)
Adventurers seeking to rid the Silvermine Mts. of its excessive Spraggon populat
ion should seek out the Spraggon Den, a messy dungeon dug out of the earth and t
he remains of old silver mines that many spraggon call home. It is inhabited pri
marily by the spraggon, along with a few other creatures that make their home in
the earth.
- Upped the monsters in the Burial Mound (Midgard) by four to five levels each a
nd modified the spawners so they'd work similar to the other dungeons. Players m
ay have to fight their way back out, but it'll be consistent with the others. We
apologize for the inconvenience.
poison shops added:
-Deante and Mailor in Tir na Nog in warehouse by palace
-Dorran at the tents in shannon estuary on way to lough gur... high level poison
-Kinney in Connla, lower level poisons
-Kalla in Howth -- lower levels
-Riber at Druim Ligen , higher levels
-Lexie in Ardee lower levels
-Borlai in Tir na mBeo higher levels
-Sarena in Innis Carthaig higher levels
-Lirla in Alainn Binn higher levels
-Sissel and Svewn, Svasud Faste. Low and High level Poison
-Jolpgier and Osk,Audliten, two story norse house. Low and High level Poison
-Bersi and Helja, Fort Atla, inside the tavern, Low and High Level Poison
-Ander and Oilibhear, Jordheim, nearest the Vasudheim enterance. Low and High le
vel Poison
Camelot, 2nd floor of Fletching shop
Kedoenad - low level poison
Velmis - high level poison
Cotswold, Inside Inn, back room
Velmis - low level poison
Humberton, Second level of Humberton Keep, north corner
Nydomath - low level poison

Camp Forest, Camp Station merchant area

Linidd - low level poison
Avalon Marsh, Avalon Marsh Station
Wiceit - low level poison
Avalon Marsh, Second level of Caer Witrin, north corner (high level poison)
Etie - high level poison
Black Mountains North, Second level of Swanton Keep, northwest corner
Glaeric -high level poison
Castle Sauvage, Courtyard
Onyg - low level poison
Melannon - high level poison
- Arrows have been implemented for creation via the tradeskills. The different t
ypes will show up under the Fletching skill specifically.
- Tradesmen can now make the pieces of siege weapons that they are responsible f
or. The starting skill that a tradesman needs to make the raw components is 500.
So a 500 in tailoring, armorcrafting, weaponcrafting, or fletching. The merchan
t the sells said pieces will be removed sometime within the next week.
- Siege Engines: It now takes much less wood overall to make the individual sieg
e engines - hence less people - hence less time to lug it all into one spot.
- Siege Engines Electric Boogaloo: You can tentatively make the level 2 and leve
l 3 versions of the various siege engines, as well. These haven't been fully twe
aked and balanced yet, so they may be over, or under, powered. The level 2 and l
evel 3 versions will cost more to make, but they give you greater damage and a m
uch longer firing range.
Level 1 - Small Ram
Level 2 - Ram
Level 3 - Siege Ram
Level 1 - Scorpion
Level 2 - Ballista
Level 3 - Palintone
Level 1 - Onager
Level 2 - Catapult
Level 3 - Trebuchet
Thane changes:
* Power costs on Thane spells have been reduced.

The... urg.... ist... changes!

* This class has been totally revamped. The Theurgist now uses a new pet dynamic
that hasn't been introduced before. Theurgist pet spells are now a form of dire
cted damage, which require a target to be selected, a range check, facing, etc.
The elemental that is summoned cannot be controlled, and heads to the target sel
ected at casting and attacks. Since the player doesn't have his "controlled" slo
t taken up by the summoned creature, this means he can summon more elementals as
long as he has power.
This is balanced by the fact that the new elementals only survive for approximat
ely 20 seconds, or until they are killed. While the elementals have the flag set
for reduced experience penalty, summoning multiple elementals adds all the dama
ge done by them and counts it as if 1 giant elemental did all the damage. So whi
le it may be possible to take high level targets down, it still generally takes
a lot of power and the elementals absorb a proportional amount of the experience
Theurgists still have 3 elemental elementals in their spec lines, ice, air and e
arth. They each have different dynamics. The air elemental is medium offense, lo
w hit points, and has an evasion chance. The air elemental also has a chance of
stunning its target when it attacks. It can be cast from the longest range, runs
faster and should be effective at harrying opponents (in PvP and PvE). It doesn
't do too much damage, however, so isn't a great taunter.
The earth elemental is the simplest of the 3 elementals, a melee ground pounder
with a self strength buff and bonus hit points and damage. Good for dealing init
ial damage and holding the target engaged. The speed reduction has been removed,
so these guys will happily bound after anyone they can are cast at.
The ice elemental is actually more fragile than the air elemental, with greatly
reduced hit points and offense. However, the ice elemental has a ranged cold dir
ect damage spell that it will cast as long as the target is at range. Once the o
pponent gets into melee range, it will do its best to melee the target, but real
istically its job is done at that point.
Since all elementals are very short in duration, all pet support spells have bee
n removed from the Theurgist's spell lines. They have been replaced by variation
s and reshufflings of old spell lines, and fleshed out a bit. The new specializa
tion and Path of Air lists are listed below under "General Magic changes".
Keep in mind that this style of gameplay is brand new. One known bug is that aft
er summoning an elemental, it sometimes doesn't update its position on the clien
t properly, and so it seems to stand there. On its first attack, it appears next
to the target. This is just a display bug we'll address in the near future. The
re also may be some game dynamics we haven't foreseen with this new style of pet
, and we'll be looking for player input to tune things to maintain balance.
General Magic changes:
* With the Theurgist revision, all the new Wizard and Theurgist spells have been
renamed (and in the case of Theurgist, changed entirely). Here are the new list
0 Path of Earth Elementalist Base List
1 Amethyst Shield Self AF Buff
3 Amethyst Shield (Enhanced)
5 Ruby Shield
9 Ruby Shield (Enhanced)
13 Cobalt Shield

18 Cobalt Shield (Enhanced)

25 Emerald Shield
30 Emerald Shield (Enhanced)
40 Diamond Shield
51 Diamond Shield (Enhanced)
4 Minor Earthen Power Damage add
8 Earthen Power
11 Greater Earthen Power
15 Minor Earthen Burst
20 Earthen Burst
26 Great Earthen Burst
34 Earthen Fury
44 Greater Earthen Fury
0 Calefaction Wizard Earth Spec List
1 Minor Shield of Magma Dmg Shield
5 Shield of Magma
9 Greater Shield of Magma
14 Minor Shell of Magma
22 Shell of Magma
33 Greater Shell of Magma
44 Exalted Magma Shield
2 Bolt of Lava Bolt
4 Bolt of Lava (Enhanced)
7 Lava Strike
12 Lava Strike (Enhanced)
17 Lava Force
24 Lava Force (Enhanced)
31 Lava Strike
38 Lava Strike (Enhanced)
46 Lava's Fury
0 Abrasion Theurgist Earth Spec List
1 Call Minor Earth Elemental Summon Earth Elem.
7 Call Lesser Earth Elemental
12 Call Earth Elemental
20 Call Potent Earth Elemental
32 Call Mighty Earth Elemental
2 Skin of Dust Absorb single hit, self
10 Skin of Sand Absorb single hit, realm
18 Skin of Earth Absorb single hit, group
26 Skin of Rock Absorb single hit, group, pulsing
35 Skin of Stone Absorb single hit, group, pulsing
45 Skin of Diamond Absorb single hit, group, pulsing
3 Minor Friction Attack speed debuff
8 Lesser Friction
14 Friction
21 Major Friction
28 Greater Friction
37 Superior Friction
47 Paralyzing Friction
0 Path of Ice Elementalist Base List
1 Ice Cloud (Minor) Direct damage
2 Ice Cloud
3 Ice Cloud (Greater)
6 Ice Cloud (Potent)
9 Glittering Ice Cloud (Lesser)
13 Glittering Ice Cloud
17 Glittering Ice Cloud (Major)

24 Ice Blast (Minor)

33 Ice Blast
41 Ice Blast (Potent)
50 Ice Blast (Major)
5 Cold's Bitter Grip (Lesser) Root
10 Cold's Bitter Grip
16 Cold's Bitter Grip (Greater)
22 Fingers Of Ice (Lesser)
30 Fingers Of Ice
39 Fingers Of Ice (Greater)
49 Anchor Of Ice
0 Liquifaction Wizard Ice Spec LIst
7 Burst of Steam (Minor) Point blank area effect damage
11 Burst of Steam
15 Steaming Blast (Minor)
20 Steaming Blast
26 Steaming Blast (Major)
32 Steaming Wind (Minor)
39 Steaming Wind
48 Steaming Wind (Major)
5 Ensnaring Haze (Minor) Direct damage, reduces target's speed
9 Ensnaring Haze (Lesser)
13 Ensnaring Haze
17 Ensnaring Haze (Greater)
24 Entangling Haze (Minor)
33 Entangling Haze
41 Entangling Haze (Greater)
50 Entangling Haze (Potent)
6 Searing Wind (Minor)
12 Searing Wind
16 Searing Gust (Minor)
21 Searing Gust
27 Searing Wave (Minor)
37 Searing Wave
47 Searing Blast
0 Refrigeration Theurgist Ice Spec List
2 Frost Blast Direct damage, reduces target's speed
5 Chilling Blast
9 Frigid Blast
13 Snow Blast
17 Ice Blast
24 Winter Blast
33 Auroral Blast
41 Hibernal Blast
50 Arctic Blast
1 Summon Minor Ice Spirit Summon Ice Pet
7 Summon Lesser Ice Spirit
13 Summon Ice Spirit
18 Summon Aged Ice Spirit
25 Summon Elder Ice Spirit
4 Field of Frost Area effect root
10 Field of Slush
16 Field of Snow
20 Field of Ice
30 Floe of Snow
39 Floe of Ice
49 Expanse of Ice

0 Path of Fire Wizard List

3 Summon Fire Direct Damage
5 Fire Wind
7 Circle Of Flames
10 Fiery Orbs
13 Fire Storm (Minor)
17 Fire Storrm
23 Fire Storm (Major)
30 Fiery Maelstrom (Minor)
37 Fiery Maelstrom
47 Fiery Maelstrom (Major)
2 Fire Bolt Bolt
4 Fiery Bolt
6 Fireball
9 Reign of Fire (Minor)
14 Reign of Fire
18 Reign of Fire (Major)
22 Flaming Rocks (Minor)
28 Flaming Rock
36 Flaming Rocks (Greater)
46 Flaming Rocks (Major)
0 Pyromancy Wizard Fire Spec List
1 Minor Combustion Direct Damage
3 Lesser Combustion
6 Combustion
10 Greater Combustion
13 Major Combustion
17 Minor Conflagration
23 Lesser Conflagration
30 Conflagration
37 Greater Conflagration
47 Major Conflagration
2 Explosive Blast (Minor) Area Effect Direct Dmg
5 Explosive Blast
7 Explosive Burst (Minor)
12 Explosive Burst
18 Concussive Blast (Minor)
24 Concussive Blast
32 Ebullient Blast (Minor)
44 Ebullient Blast
0 Path of Air Theurgist List
6 Bolstering Gust (Minor) Attack speed buff
9 Bolstering Gust
14 Bolstering Gust (Major)
21 Bolstering Storm (Minor)
28 Bolstering Storm
38 Bolstering Storm (Major)
49 Bolstering Storm (Greater)
6 Brisk Wind (Minor) Group running speed increase
16 Brisk Wind
26 Lissome Wind (Minor)
36 Lissome Wind
46 Lissome Wind (Major)
0 Vapormancy Theurgist Spec List
1 Call Lesser Air Sprite Summon Air Pet
7 Call Minor Air Sprite
12 Call Air Sprite

20 Call Potent Air Sprite

32 Call Mighty Air Sprite
4 Confusing Gust (Minor) AE short mes
13 Confusing Gust
21 Confusing Gust (Major)
30 Confusing Wind (Minor)
39 Confusing Wind
49 Confusing Storm
2 Blasting Breeze Direct Damage
5 Blasting Gust
8 Blasting Winds
11 Blasting Gale
16 Blasting Squall
22 Blasting Storm
28 Blasting Cyclone
35 Blasting Tempest
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.13 Release Notes
September 22, 2001
- Some issues that were caused by zoning into cities from the home zones of each
Realm. These have been fixed, although keep us appraised of any additional prob
- You should no longer "drop" characters when you type into the chat buffer.
- Running animations were playing too slowly for id-sized and larger races and h
ave been sped up a bit.
There are many postings on the beta boards and elsewhere that dual wield appears
to be "bugged". We think this is a problem where we haven't educated you (the p
layers) on how the system is supposed to work. Please note that this discussion
is not about Left Axe (Midgard). It is only for Albion (Dual Wield) and Hibernia
(Celtic Dual).
Basically, the dual wield system was designed for the dual-wielder to have two f
ast weapons, one in each hand. Testing with this scenario shows this to be true.
If you use a slow weapon in your right hand and a faster weapon in your left, y
ou will not be nearly as effective as a player using one weapon and a shield. If
you use two fast weapons, though, you will do much more damage and be more effe
ctive. So, it does not behoove you to put all your money into one big weapon -spread your cash out a little more by buying two level-appropriate ones instead.
Please test this out and let us know what you find.

- A new dungeon, Tepok's mine -Albion - (small groups of 20 - 30 lvl players) Bl

ack Mts. South, has been added. The story:
The savage goblins of the Black Mts. captured this mine from the surrounding tow
nsfolk, and now make a home there. Toughened by the rigors of underground life,
these goblins and their allies aggressively defend their territory from invaders
- boundary problems in Lough Derg repaired.
- The Hibernian death trap known as the Spraggon Den has been tweaked to allow t
he target-level players a decent survival rate. Grave-spotting should no longer
be a valid sport.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.14 Release Notes
September 25, 2001
Citizens of Hibernia and Midgard, prepare for battle!
This Saturday (Sept. 29th.) at 9PM EST, the Customer Service team will gather pl
ayers from Midgard and Hibernia for an attack on an Albion border gate (Forest S
auvage Main Gate Entry Point). In order to attend, you will need to port into th
e Albion Frontier zone between 8:30pm and 9pm EST. You will then be summoned to
an area just outside the border gate. Once everyone has been brought to the area
, a server wide message will be sent out with orders to charge the gate!
The idea behind all this is to test the strength of the border gate. We ask that
people attending abide by the following:
1) Attendees will refrain from attacking each other during the event.
2) Albion players are asked to stay on the "Albion Proper" side of the border ga
te, and should not attack raiding forces.
3) Should anyone make it through the gates and away from the guards, they
will become fair game to the Albion forces.
Players who do not abide by the above mentioned rules will be summoned away from
the area, and will not be allowed to participate.
We encourage all our high level Midgard and Hibernia testers to come on out and
turn this into a grand, large-scale assault. Based on the turnout and cooperatio
n from players, we may attempt similar assaults on other Realm border gates.
Thank you, and hope to see you this Saturday!
- /follow is now in. You can auto-follow players and NPCs/monsters. Do this by s
electing the NPC/monster/player you want to follow and typing "/follow". You wil
l follow your target, matching speed, until you break off by moving in another d

- You can now /send and who /who across regions in a Realm. So, now you can see
other same-realm players and communicate with them no matter where they are in y
our Realm (i.e. in a dungeon or in a city). Please note that this includes guild
chat and guild "whos" as well. We will be adding group support and other crossregion commands in the next few days.
- Footstep sounds have been re-done. They are not yet considered final, but are
much better than the old set.
- Norse "snow" zones now will have more appropriate "cold" sounding ambient soun
ds (i.e more wind and less crickets).
- Minor bug fixes to Tailoring (all realms), Fletching (all), Armorcraft (Midgar
d) and Metalworking (Midgard).
- Hibernian Arrows should now use the proper kind of metal bars.
- Rams should now do their full damage to doors. Please try to test this again,
they should make knocking down keep doors substantially easier.
-Tepok's Mine Tweaks: Reactivated the monsters in the lower levels that were agg
roing through the floor and cleaning out the lower level players at the entrance
. They
have a reduced aggression radius and should no longer be as much of an issue - p
lease test. Also Tuned some monster encounters to provide more "safe areas" to s
et up in. Hint: It's not the corridors.
3 New Dungeons in need of testing:
- Coruscating Mines - Hibernia Dungeon located in the Valley of Bri Leith
Level Range: 30 - 40 in full sized groups
Background: In the realms of the Sidhe and faeries, there are two major factions
that continuously play against each other. These are the Seelie and the Unseeli
e Courts. The members of the Seelie Court are generally benign in nature and do
not actively seek to harm humans living in their territory. In some cases, they
may even befriend humans such as with the Elves and Lurikeen. The Unseelie Court
, however, is made up of all the dark and evil faeries, which include goblins, p
ookas, siabra, and other creatures of magic that may seek to cause harm to human
kind. Because common metals, particularly iron, is dangerous to all magical crea
tures, both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts forge their weapons, armor and artifa
cts out of magical metals and gems. One of the most precious metals to both grou
ps is true silver, sometimes called Mithril by others. True silver is a light, s
trong, magical silver that has been coveted by the Sidhe for centuries. One of t
he ancient kings of Hibernia, Nuada of the Silver Hand, had a
hand forged of true silver after his had been severed by an opposing Fomorian ki
ng. The silver hand functioned as any normal hand and allowed him to renew his k
ingship (since no one of his kind was allowed to rule so long as they had a blem
ish on their body). The Coruscating Mines, located in the heart of the Silvermin
e Mountains, is completely controlled by the Unseelie Court. Bounty hunters and
other members of this evil faction often raid human and firbolg towns and villag
es to supply a steady workforce. The humans and firbolgs they capture are forced
to labor in the mines against their will; some of them are bound by geas, some
by magical collars, and others by mind manipulation. Because there is a mild lin

e of respect and code of behavior between the two factions, the Unseelie do not
capture members of the Seelie Court. There are rumors that deep within the mines
the Silver Hand of Nuada is protected by powerful guardians loyal to the Unseel
ie, which causes no little amount of unrest among those of t
he Seelie Court.
-Keltoi Fogou -Albion Dungeon - Campacorentin Forest
Level Range: 17-22 in 3-4 person groups
Background: The Keltoi are a very spiritual people and often gather in secluded
places to live, worship, or practice their spiritualistic arts. These people use
the fogou as their spiritual center for ceremony, initiation and teaching. Birt
h and death rituals are conducted in it as it is seen as a transition zone betwe
en this world and the next. Some scholars theorize that it may also be used for
initiations involving entombment where the initiates are sealed in for a time to
face the underworld in order to over-come fear and so emerge 'reborn'. It is ne
ver used for burial. The whole site is considered a sacred space and its design
is perhaps not so much to keep invaders out as to keep certain forces in. Those
who have journeyed there and have returned claim that it has the feel of a world
-Catacombs of Carvoda - Albion Dungeon - Cornwall
Level Range: 26-30 in 3-4 person groups
Background: For many years, an unnamed crypt stood alone within a circle of stan
ding stones in the middle of the Cornwall countryside. No one knew who was burie
d there or how long it had been there. Not much thought was given to this place
until recently when a young shepherd chasing his flock found and entrance to som
ething much larger than just the small crypt that it appeared to be on the surfa
ce. When the shepherd did not return, the locals searched for him. They found hi
s staff near the entrance of the crypt and his flock wandering about but saw no
sign of the boy. They descended into the crypt opening and found themselves with
in an ancient hallway of smooth stone and tiles and pillars that were clearly Ro
man in design. According to their known history, the Romans had not reached this
far into Cornwall so this catacomb was a complete mystery to them. Further expe
ditions into the catacombs revealed that this legion was in company of an empero
r, an emperor that no one could name. There was no record of a
n emperor dying or being buried in Cornwall. One expedition returned with only h
alf their number. The leader of the team claimed that something awoke, something
not living and very angry. He said that before he knew it, half of his team was
dead and the rest fleeing in terror. Since then, the locals refuse to return to
the area, claiming that it is haunted by ancient ghosts.
Quest Changes and Notes:
- All 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th level Midgard epics have been taken offline
temporarily for a major overhall.
- Numerous other bug fixes across the realms
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.15 Release Notes
September 25, 2001

This is a major update, with lots of spell system updates, enhancements, and cha
nges. Read the "spell system notes" section closely.
- Skalds now have Charisma/Strength/Constitution as their primary/secondary/tert
iary stats.
- Rangers now have a spell line to specialize in. See the Spell System Notes for
full information.
- The exp curve has been slightly modified to make level 4 easier. Level 5 and 6
are a hairsbreadth harder to compensate.
- Personal sends now appear by default in all chat tabs. If you wish to change t
his, you can by configuring the chat interface.
- You can no longer follow yourself or your pets using the /follow command.
- You can no longer change your last name (once you have one), and you now must
be 10th level before you can get a last name.
- You can disband a group member, even when he's far away. If he's out of range
and cannot be selected, you must use "/disband "
- Resurrection spells that are designed to do so now correctly teleport dead pla
yers to the caster's feet.
- "/assist " now works - previously it only worked on the selected player.
- /bandage command has been removed. It was never fully implemented.
- Pets should now move around correctly in dungeons.
- Your character's race now shows on the character sheet window.
- Fixed spurious messages on zoning (you get experience, the dies, etc.)
- Rings and bracers will now correctly drop onto empty slots.
- You can now access the Spells Document at
- Disease durations were tuned down, the effect was made the same at all levels,
and at higher levels disease spells are area-of-effect.
- All spells are now using their new names; check
spells.html for the new lists.
Ranger changes:
- Rangers have had a new skill added, Pathfinding, which is the Ranger magic spe
cialization track. See the latest spell list to see what spells are awarded and
at what levels.
Cleric/Friar changes:
- Adjusted levels of Major Restoration line. The second resurrection spells shou
ld no longer be overwriting the L15 major heal.
Eldritch changes:
- Increased range on Shadowburst line.
- Increased radius of Null Storm line.
- Added Strength Dispersal line (Str/Con debuff).
- Paralyzing Wind line is now a mesmerize, with longer duration.
- Negate Sight line now debuffs Dex/Qui instead of just Dex.
Magician changes:
- Increased damage of Aura of Turning line.
Shaman changes:
- Added Fungal Rejuvenation line (Heal over time).

Naturalist changes:
- Slightly shortened healing cast times.
Healer changes:
- Added insta-stun and insta-mesmerize to high level Pacification spec.
- Increased range of several lines in Pacification line.
Spiritmaster changes:
- Added Gift of the Fallen line (self dmg shield).
- Added Spirit Flow line (transfer health to friends).
- Slightly lowered damage of life drain spells.
- Changed Gloomwave line to be point-blank-area-effect mesmerize instead of dama
Runemaster changes:
- Fixed Blackbolt to debuff resistance instead of buffing it (whoops).
- Added Token of Movement line (backup group movement increase).
- Fleshed out Runic Ward line (Bladeturns - self, realm, group, group pulsing, e
Warden changes:
- Shifted Attack Unending to the Regrowth spec track.
- Added Nature's Ward line to Nurture spec (Bladeturns - self, realm, group, gro
up pulsing, etc.).
- Added Guardian's Encouragement line to Nurture spec.
Sorcerer changes:
- Added Amplify Movement line to Mind Twisting spec.
Cabalist changes:
- Added Puncture Spirit line (Area Effect DOT).
- Added Cursed Vigor line to Essence Manipulation (disease).
- Slightly reduced damage on spec lifedrains.
Minstrel changes:
- (Re)Added Cant of Confusion line.
Two new Dungeons:
- Treibh Caillte -- Hibernian Dungeon:
For levels 27-36 (in groups), in Lough Gur.
Treibh Caillte is inhabited by a small tribe of creatures locally known as ursin
e dwellers. The clan lives inside their naturally formed cavern. The reclusive c
lan is hostile to outsiders. No one knows where they came from, only that they r
ecently arrived and inhabited a cavern in Lough Gur they claimed as their own. N
one of the ursine dwellers have been seen outside Treibh Caillte, and since most
locals stay away, not much is known about them.
- Muire Tomb -- Hibernian Dungeon:
For levels 8 - 15 (in groups) in Connacht
Concaire Muire and his family were rich landowners prone to greed and haughtines
s. Bitter and rankled from years of cruel treatment, Muire serfs cast an evil ey
e upon the family. A dementia slowly started to afflict Concaire Muire until one
night, he murdered his entire household and then himself. The family's tomb has

since been a place of unrest.

Dungeon Tweaks:
-Nisse's Lair:
Lowered the agro radii of all the mobs and tweaked the spawn times across the bo
ard hoping to create more "safe spots."
Other Fixes:
- Rumor Mills (barkeepers) in Midgard should now give out quest information. Tra
vel directions are coming soon.
- Gatekeepers should no longer be affected by various AOE spells. Please test th
- Several minor skill bugs fixed in Hibernian Armorcraft.
- Planing Tools were not being required as they should have been for many recipe
s involving wood, this should be fixed now.
- A bug that was causing many Tailoring recipes to display improperly and some s
iege piece recipes not to display at all should now be fixed.
- Siege pieces and the 0 copper arrows should no longer come up for consignments
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.16 Release Notes
September 26, 2001
- When you buy an item that you cannot equip, you will now get a dialog asking y
ou if you really want to buy it.
- Region music has been fleshed out a little more -- you now get region music in
more places, and more tracks play.
- There are two buttons on the keyboard config screen - one for "RPG defaults" a
nd one for "FPS defaults". FPS defaults are the original set for the game. RPG d
efaults are from other popular online RPGs.
- You should no longer "walk in place" on death (for a few moments) any more.
- You should now see spell animations and effects all the time. There was a bug
where they weren't displaying at all under heavy network load.
- You will now climb ramps and steps much more smoothly, without needing to jump
- Rangers now receive the correct skills and spells alluded to in yesterday's pa
tch notes.
- Thief poison can now be purchased in stacks of 10, and can be stackable to 20.
- You can move faster while hidden now, which is dependant on your stealth speci
- Backstab and Backstab II Critical Strike combat styles will now stun.
- Critical Strike combat styles have had their damage raised across the board.
- You can no longer do critical shots on every shot by using the "auto release"
feature. This was a bug. This is not a nerf. Please repeat - it was a bug.
- When taking over a keep, the keep's front door should now come back closed (it
had been rebuilding itself in an open state, which was very silly).

- We are slowly raising the levels of all Realm Guards approaching the levels th
at we want them to be for release. Realm Guards were reduced in level for testin
g purposes, but will be slowly getting tougher as we approach the release date.
- Realm Guards will now agress on you regardless of level.
- We know about the many exploits that some of you are using in Realm Combat, an
d will be addressing them in the next few days.
- Need to note that the merchant cost of Siege Engine pieces was raised 50% (the
y were exactly the same as the cost to craft them, which made it so there was no
reason to do so).
- One New Dungeon:
Name: Varulvhamn
Realm: Midgard - Skona
Level: 31-36 in 3-4 person groups
Background: Varulvhamn is an underground lair wear some werewolves take up resid
ent. Most of the werewolves that live here tend to be less militant than those i
n Skona, though not necessarily less aggressive towards humankind. Two types of
werewolves live here, the "common" werewolves and the wolfaur. Wolfaurs and were
wolves differ slightly. Wolfaurs tends to be older-generation werewolves and as
such, are almost "natural" in their forms. Because of this, they are further rem
oved from their ancestral savagery than normal, "younger-generation" werewolves.
The majority of their society (with the exception of those who are in positions
that require aggression, such as wolfaur headsmen) tends to be less aggressive
than their werewolf counterparts. Much to the annoyance of the werewolves, the w
olfaurs tend to be more philosophical, open-minded, and even willing to accept t
heir human Nordic neighbors.While the wolfaur are not openly aggressive toward h
umans and their companions, they will defend their kindred if needed. Local were
wolf nobles also tend to gather in Varulvhamn to discuss matters of politics.
-Spawn rates in Nisse's Lair tweaked.
-Two Barkeeps added to Jordheim. All other associated barkeeps throughout the la
nd are NOW functional.
-Levels of the guards in the frontier keeps have been modified upwards.
-All crabs in game are now set to type INSECT, and thus charmable.
-All frogs in the game are now set to type ANIMAL, and thus charmable.
Cleric changes:
- Heavenly Visions is now a PB AE Mesmerize on a timer.
- Increased recast timer on Drive Evil line.
- Increased cast time (slightly) on Stunning Flash line.
Sorcerer/Cabalist changes:
- Moved a generic snare line into the Body Destruction list. The spec list roots
now come at higher level, and are area effect.
Mentalist changes:
- Mentalist's were bugged in their mana spec list... this list has been reverted
back to its original form (which is to say, no one uses it) for the time being
until a better revision can be implemented.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.17 Release Notes
September 27, 2001
- We know that there are lots of problems with groups and /who and /send command
s in some dungeons. We'll work on getting a fix for that to you guys soon. This
bug was introduced when we put in the ability to do who and send commands "cross


- Thief classes can now use Critical Strikes (there's no more "you can't use thi
s skill with this weapon" messages"). We fixed this earlier today, so this fix h
as been online since this morning.
- Help system has been buffed out a little more. It will continuously undergo up
dates between now and release (and beyond).
- Monsters that have swim animations now swim in water. Please note that not all
monster models have swim animations. We will be taking steps to add these anima
tions over time.


- Void explosions much improved.
- Created separate Void handglow. Eldritches who cast Void now get a better effe
- Mana handglow tweaked. It is now more attractive.
- Spiritmaster handglow improved. Much bigger and better than the old one.
- Vine-wrap effect is new and is made for the Druid tangle/root spells, but may
be used in other places as well.
- New much improved Dark explosions.

- barkeeps in Midgard towns now give out travel directions.
- tweaked Muire's tomb spawn times.
- Additional tuning of the border keeps to prevent sneak-enabled classes from ge
tting through.
- Midgard Zone: Raumarik is now the home to foul beasts. Unlike most areas, howe
ver, Raumarik is not an area to go if you are looking for quick experience or ea
sy camps. It is an extremely high level zone with only a handful of monsters tha
t do not respawn quickly. Additionally, some of the monsters in the area may req
uire more than one group to take down. We'll be adding high level stuff to this
zone as we go.
- A cap on experience lost above level 30 has been implemented.


General magic changes:
- All bladeturn lines (Skin of Sand, Nature's Ward, Runic Ward) have had their c
asting timers increased. Since these spells potentially have the ability to nega
te large quantities of damage, they will continue to be tuned to deal with any i
mbalances that creep up.
Theurgist changes:
- Extended range and reduced cast time on elemental summoning spells.
Shaman changes:
- Fixed bug with Fungal Rejuvenation overwriting Frigg's line.
Mentalist changes:
- Fixed DoT damage for Mind Fade line.
Cleric changes:
Alright, those last changes didn't go over well. I'm going to implement some cha
nges that were suggested by players, and try that. They weren't my first choice,
but they may solve the problem.
- Removed Holy Wrath line.
- Decreased timer on Drive Evil line to 20 seconds, and increased the damage on
targets further away.
- Reverted Stunning Flash to its old casting time (2.5 seconds)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.18 Release Notes
September 28, 2001
- When Jewelry's condition goes down to zero, it will no longer give you a magic
al bonus.
- Your own name was truncated when you viewed your own character (although it lo
oked fine to others who looked at you). This has now been fixed, so the characte
r named "Bandersnatchy SnatcherDeBandy" will now appear correctly, I'm sure to h
is great relief.
- The checkbox to not show help tips will now work - i.e. if you check it, no ti
ps will be shown when you level between levels 1 through 5.
- Combat Styles now have different colored "trails" depending on which type of w
eapon they are used with.
- The [Tab] key that removes the interface now removes spell effect icons as wel
- The "you jump to location xxxx" debug message that printed when you zoned into
cities and dungeons has been removed.
- You can now use shift-left and right arrow to move the curser inside the chat
input box to edit text.
- You can shift-up and shift-down arrow to go back and forth between your last 1
0 commands (sends, etc.).
- You will no longer see the Tips help box pop up after level 6.
- When you move while interacting with an NPC, and the NPC interaction window go

es away, you can now interact again with that same NPC and you'll see the text t
hat you had seen before.
- We are now experimenting with "sticky" combat. Use the /stick command to stick
to your currently selected enemy, and you will follow him quite closely, while
you can continue to fight him. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY A
T THIS POINT. We may remove it once we test the dynamics of the proposed feature
- You now get the health bar for doors correctly.
- Doors should now be better synchronized (i.e. you won't see them open when oth
ers see them closed, etc.).
- All combat styles have changed. Please see the list in this release note for t
he new styles you character has been given.
- There were some problems with Left Axe combat styles. These have been fixed in
this round of combat style fixes, so now Left Axe styles should do more damage
than before.
- Several spells effects have been fixed and upgraded.
- Midgard should now have the full complement of dye stores scattered throughout
the towns in the Home region.
- The denizens of the Cursed Forest have now made themselves known. Like Raumari
k of Midgard, the Cursed Forest is not an area to go if you are looking for quic
k experience or easy camps. It is an extremely high level zone with only a handf
ul of monsters that do not respawn quickly. Additionally, some of the monsters m
ay require more than one group of higher level players to defeat.
- Component pieces of Leatherworking, Metalworking, and Woodworking for Weaponcr
afting have had their timers cut by 50%, which means you can make weapons in 2/3
the time you could before.
- We have significantly upgraded and buffed out each Realm's combat styles. Thes
e are similar to, but not at all the same as what you are used to. This will req
uire some getting used to, so please get to testing them, and let us know what y
ou find.
- Albion and Midgard styles have their proper names; Hibernian Styles have been
redone but do not yet have final names.
Albion Weapon Styles
-------2 - Ruby Slash
High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Cross Slash
Low fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage, me
dium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
6 - Uppercut Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit
8 - Enrage Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attac
k you, medium penalty to your defense for the next round
10 Bloodletter
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Cross Slash, Causes short d
uration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
12 - Reflect Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower own aggro dama
ge so target will switch off you, raise defense for next round
15 - Opal Slash
Medium fatigue cost, Use after a successful Uppercut, medium bonus
damage, causes light bleeding, bonus to hit
18 Riposte
Low fatigue cost, use after parrying opponent, high bonus damage, medium

bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense for next round

21 - Side Slicer
Light fatigue cost, Must be used from either side of target, low
bonus damage, causes reduced movement rate
25 - Cleave
Low fatigue cost, Use after a successful Uppercut, medium bonus damage
, bonus to hit
29 - Amethyst Slash
Medium fatigue cost, low/medium bonus damage, large bonus to h
34 Befuddler
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Riposte, Medium bonus damage,
causes medium duration Stun, medium bonus to hit
39 Back Slash
High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, high bo
nus to hit
44 Sapphire Slash
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Enrage, Medium bonus damage
, Causes medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense for
next round
50 Diamond Slash
High fatigue cost, use after successful Amethyst, High bonus damage
, Very high bonus to hit
-------2 - Daze High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Back Crush
Low fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short dur
ation stun, medium bonus to hit
6 - Maul High fatigue cost, high bonus damage, large bonus to hit, small defensive
penalty for next round
8 - Bludgeon
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Maul, medium bonus damage,
taunts enemy on to you, defensive penalty for next round
10 Bruiser
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Back Crush, Medium bonus damage
, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
12 - Concussion
Medium fatigue cost, Medium bonus damage, slows target s attack speed
temporarily, small bonus to hit
15 Contusions
Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Bludgeon, medium bonus damag
e, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit
18 - Blackjack Use after successful Maul, medium bonus damage, causes short durati
on stun, medium bonus to hit
21 - Protector Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, reduce NPC s anger towards you, d
efensive bonus for next round
25 - Divine Hammer Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damag
e, medium bonus to hit
29 - Skull Breaker Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium
bonus damage, high to hit bonus, low defensive penalty for next round
34 Side Crush
Medium fatigue cost, Use from beside enemy, Medium bonus damage, mediu
m duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
39 Bone Crusher
Low fatigue cost, use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, lon
g duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
44 Body Masher
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Skull Breaker, Medium bonus
damage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
50 Devastate
High fatigue cost, use after successful Side Crush, High bonus damage,
long duration stun, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
-------2 - Impale High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Defender's Cross
Medium fatigue cost, Use from Beside enemy, medium bonus damage,
short movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
6 - Deflect
Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, reduce NPC s anger towards you, high
defensive bonus for next round
8 - Executioner Medium fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium
damage bonus, reduce target s attack speed temporarily, small to hit bonus
10 Defender's Faith
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, short dura
tion bleed, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense

12 - Distract
Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attac
k you, small to hit bonus, medium defensive penalty for next round
15 Defender's Courage
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Defender's Faith, me
dium bonus damage, medium duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
18 - Crippling Blow Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration move
ment reduction to target, medium bonus to hit
21 - Disabler Low fatigue cost, use after Crippling Blow, medium bonus damage, sho
rt duration attack speed reduction to target
25 - Phalanx Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, medi
um bonus to hit
29 - Mangle
Medium fatigue cost, use after crippling blow, high bonus damage
34 Defender's Rage
Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, Very high bonus damag
e, medium bleed, high bonus to hit
39 Poleaxe
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage
44 Defender's Revenge
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Defender's Rage, long d
uration stun, very high bonus to hit
50 Defender's Aegis
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Phalanx, Long duration
movement reduction, High bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Two Handed:
---------2 - Half Moon High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Double Back
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, Short
duration stun, meduim bonus to hit
6 - Rile Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you
, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
8 - Pacify Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger towards
you, defensive bonus to next round
10 Two Fists
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Double Back, Medium bonus dam
age, Short duration bleed, Medium bonus to hit
12 - Bone Bruiser
Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration attack
speed reduction, small bonus to hit
15 Double Recovery
Low fatigue cost, Use after you fumble, High bonus damage, Causes
medium duration movement reduction, Medium bonus to hit
18 - Fury
Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium bonus da
mage, causes light bleeding, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense for ne
xt round
21 - Bone Splitter Medium fatigue cost, use after successful bone bruiser, medium
bonus damage, causes medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit
25 - Recenter
Low fatigue cost, Use after successful fury, medium bonus damage, sm
all bonus to hit, high defensive bonus to next round
29 - Bone Breaker
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Bone Bruiser, medium b
onus damage, short duration stun, small bonus to hit
34 Obfuscate
Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Fury, medium bonus damage, Ca
uses heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
39 Doubler
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit
44 Two Moons
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Double Recovery, Medium bonus da
mage, long duration stun, high bonus to hit
50 Sun and Moon
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Bone Breaker, Causes heavy
bleeding, small bonus to hit
Dual Wield:
---------2 - Twin Spikes Medium fatigue cost, very high bonus damage
4 Twin Return
Low fatigue cost, Use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, Short
duration bleed, Medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
6 - Shadow s Edge
Medium fatigue cost, use when behind target, high bonus damage, bonu
s to hit
8 - Inflame Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack
you, medium defensive penalty to next round

Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Twin Return, Medium bonus damage,
Short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
12 - Eclipse Medium fatigue cost, use after successful shadow s edge, medium bonus dam
age, short duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
15 Misty Gloom
High fatigue cost, use any time, Medium bonus damage, small bonus to
18 - Obscure Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger toward
s you, high defensive bonus to next round
21 - Penumbra
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Shadow s Edge, high bonus dama
ge, high bonus to hit
24 - Reflection Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium bo
nus damage, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense for next round
29 - Flank Medium fatigue cost, use from either side of target, medium bonus damag
e, medium duration reduction to target s movement rate, medium bonus to defense for
next round
34 Dark Tendrils
Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, ca
uses heavy bleeding, medium bonus to hit
39 Shadows Rain
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Flank, Medium bonus damage
, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 Hypnotic Darkness
Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Reflection, Medium bo
nus damage, Medium duration stun, high bonus to hit
50 Dual Shadows
Medium fatigue cost, use from in front of enemy, medium bonus damage
, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
-----2 - Thistle High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Ratfang
Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, short dur
ation stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
6 - Puncture Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, light bleeding, medium bonu
s to hit
8 - Sting
Medium fatigue cost, Low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack yo
u, medium bonus to hit, high defensive penalty for next round
10 Wolftooth
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ratfang, High bonus damage, s
hort duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
12 - Bloody Dance
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful puncture, medium bonus
damage, causes medium duration bleeding, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to
defense for next round
15 Beartooth
Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage, mediu
m duration stun, high bonus to hit
18 - Tranquilize Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger to
wards you, high defensive bonus for next round
21 - Lunge Medium fatigue cost, use after successful puncture, medium bonus damage
, high bonus to hit
25 - Ricochet
Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, causes medi
um duration bleeding, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next roun
29 Pierce
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, medium du
ration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
34 Liontooth
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Wolftooth, medium bonus damage,
long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
39 Basiliskfang
Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage, he
avy attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 Wyvernfang
Low fatigue cost, Use after successful Beartooth, medium bonus damage,
long duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
50 Dragonfang
Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, long
duration stun, high bonus to hit, small penalty to defense

----2 - Spinning Staff - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to de
4 - Figure Eight - Low Fatigue cost, use after target is parried, high bonus dam
age, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Friar's Ally
Medium fatigue cost, Use after Figure Eight, medium bonus damage, sho
rt duration stun, medium bonus to hit
8 - Defender's Fury - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration
attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit
10 Quick Strike
Medium fatigue cost, use after Defender's Fury, medium bonus damage
12 - Friar's Redress - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt ta
rget off you, very high bonus to defense for next round
15 Double Strike
Low fatigue cost, use after Figure Eight, medium bonus damage, shor
t duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
18 - Friar's Friend - High fatigue cost, use from side of target, high bonus dam
age, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit
21 - Counter Evade - Low fatigue cost, use after target is evaded, high bonus da
mage, medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to de
25 - Banish - Low fatigue cost, use after successful #5, very high bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
29 - Friar's Boon - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to de
34 Holy Staff
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to h
39 Friar's Fury
Low fatigue cost, Use after Counter Evade, medium bonus damage, medi
um duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 Stunning Wrath
Medium fatigue cost, use after Banish, Long duration stun, high bo
nus to hit, medium bonus to defense
50 Excommunicate
Medium fatigue cost, use after evading enemy, high bonus damage, me
dium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Midgard Weapon Styles
----2 - Whirling Blade High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Frost Cut
Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, short duration b
leed, small bonus to hit
6 - Draw Out Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack
you, medium penalty to defense for next round
8 Northern Lights
Medium fatigue cost, use from side of enemy, medium bonus damage,
small attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit
10 - Assault Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit
12 - Temper
Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, lower NPC s anger towards you, high
defensive bonus for next round
15 Aurora
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Northern Light, high bonus damag
e, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
18 - Baldur's Fury High fatigue cost, use after successful Assault, medium bonus d
amage, causes short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
21 - Reinforcement Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium
bonus damage, causes short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty t
o defense for next round
25 - Ice Storm Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Assault, high bonus damag
e, medium bonus to hit
29 - Rush
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Reinforcement, medium bonus damag
e, causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium penalty to defense for ne
xt round
34 Polar Rift
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to h

Niord's Fury
Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, mediu
m duration stun, medium bonus to hit
44 Sif's Revenge
Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Rush, medium bonus damage
, long duration bleed, medium bonus damage
50 Ragnarok
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, heavy a
ttack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, low penalty to defense
-----2 - Thor s Anvil High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Crushing Blow
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, short durati
on stun, medium bonus to hit
6 - Placate Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, lower NPC s anger towards you, mediu
m bonus to defense for next round
8 Slam
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Crushing Blow, medium bonus damage,
short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
10 - Ruiner
Medium fatigue cost, high bonus damage, small bonus to hit
12 Frost Hammer
Medium fatigue cost, use beside enemy, high bonus damage, medium dur
ation movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
15 - Provoke Medium fatigue cost, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, low bonus da
mage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
18 - Demolish
High fatigue cost, use after successful Ruiner, medium bonus damage,
causes short duration stun, small bonus to hit
21 - Revenge Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium bonus
damage, causes medium duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, sma
ll penalty to defense for next round
25 - Crumble Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ruiner, high bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit
29 - Conquer Low fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, medium
duration movement reduction, high penalty to defense for next round
34 Thor's Answer
Medium bonus damage, use after successful Revenge, medium bonus dam
age, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit
39 Lambast
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, long duration ble
ed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 Sledgehammer
Medium fatigue cost, use after Conquer, High bonus damage, high bonu
s to hit
50 Mjolnir's Fury
Medium fatigue cost, use after Thor's Answer, High bonus damage, h
eavy attack speed reduction, high penalty to defense
--2 - Splitter High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Cleave
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack speed
reduction, medium bonus to hit
6 - Plague Medium fatigue cost, Low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack y
ou, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
8 Thrym's Stength
Medium bonus damage, Use after Cleave, medium bonus damage, short
duration stun, medium bonus to hit
10 - Pillage Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, causes short duration attac
k speed reduction, small bonus to hit
12 - Hoarfrost Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger towa
rds you, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense for next round
15 Evernight
Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, medium d
uration bleed, medium bonus to hit
18 - Plunder Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Pillage, medium bonus damag
e, short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
21 - Valkyrie s Shield
Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium
bonus damage, medium bonus to defense for next round
25 - Raider
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Pillage, high bonus damage, cau
ses short duration stun, medium penalty to hit, meduim penalty to defense for ne

xt round
29 - Havoc
Medium fatigue cost, use when in front of target, medium bonus damage,
small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense for next round
34 Midnight Sun
Medium fatigue cost, use after Valkyrie s Shield, medium bonus dama
edium duration stun, high bonus to hit
39 Glacial Movement
Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage,
heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, low penalty to defense
44 Arctic Rift
Low fatigue cost, use after Evernight, High bonus damage, medium bonu
s to hit
50 Tyr's Fury
Medium fatigue cost, use after Havoc, high bonus damage, long duration
bleed, high bonus to hit
Left Axe:
-------2 - Counter Slash High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Doubler
Medium fatigue cost, use behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration
bleed, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
6 - Ravager Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit
8 Polar Light
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack s
peed reduction, large bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
10 - Snowblind Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to atta
ck you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
12 - Atrophy Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ravager, medium bonus damag
e, medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit
15 Frost Shadow
Medium fatigue cost, use after Polar Light, high bonus damage, mediu
m bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
18 - Comeback Low fatigue cost, use after target is evaded by anyone, medium bonus
damage, medium bonus to hit
21 - Scathing Blade
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Atrophy, high bonus
damage, causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium
penalty to defense for next round
25 - Decaying Rage Low fatigue cost, use after successful Atrophy, medium bonus da
mage, strong attempt to lower NPC s anger towards you, medium bonus to hit, high bon
us to defense for next round
29 - Snowsquall
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, me
dium bonus to hit
34 Doublefrost
High fatigue cost, use any time, Medium bonus damage, small bonus to
39 Frosty Gaze
Medium fatigue cost, use after Comeback, medium bonus damage, medium
duration stun, medium bonus to hit
44 Icy Brilliance
Medium fatigue cost, use after Snowsquall, medium bonus damage, lo
ng duration bleed, high bonus to hit
50 Aurora Borealis
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, high bonus damage, heavy attac
k speed reduction, high bonus to hit
----2 - Dazzling Spear High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 Return Thrust
Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, short durati
on bleed, medium bonus to hit
6 - Engage Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack y
ou, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round
8 Extended Reach
Low fatigue cost, use after Return Thrust, Medium bonus damage, sma
ll attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit
10 - Lancer
Medium fatigue cost, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, small pen
alty to defense for next round
12 - Dismissal Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC s anger towa
rds you, high bonus to defense for next round
15 Wounding Thrust
Medium fatigue cost, use after Engage, medium bonus damage, mediu
m duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit

18 - Stab
Low fatigue cost, use after successful Lancer, no bonus damage, causes m
edium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
21 - Perforate Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage,
causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium penalty to defense for next
25 - Lunging Thrust
Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Lance, high bonus da
mage, medium bonus to hit
29 - Raze Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Stab, low bonus damage, causes
long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
34 Whirling Spear
High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus
to hit, small penalty to defense
39 Razor Edge
Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, mediu
m duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
44 Odin's Wrath
Low fatigue cost, use after parry, High bonus damage, high bonus to
hit, small bonus to defense
50 Gungnir's Fury
Medium fatigue cost, use after Perforation, medium bonus damage, l
ong duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
------3 - Numb Medium fatigue cost, medium damage, short duration stun
8 - Stun Medium fatigue cost, use after successful block, medium damage, short dur
ation stun
13 - Disable
Medium fatigue cost, use when beside target, medium damage, medium du
ration stun
18 - Incapacitate
High fatigue cost, use after successful block, medium damage, me
dium duration stun, medium bonus to defense for next round
23 - Paralyze Medium fatigue cost, use when behind target, medium damage, medium d
uration stun
29 Bash
Medium fatigue cost, use after blocking opponent, medium bonus damage, mediu
m stun
35 Mangle
Medium fatigue cost, use beside opponent, medium bonus damage, long durati
on stun
42 Slam
Very high fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, long duration stu
50 Brutalize
Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, long duration s
(Final names coming soon...)
-----2 - Blades 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Blades 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small att
ack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
6 - Blades 3 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt enemy to
attack you, medium penalty to defense
8 - Blades 4 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off
you, medium bonus to defense
10 - Blades 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage,
medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
12 - Blades 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 2, medium bonus
damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
15 - Blades 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 5, medium bonus da
mage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
18 - Blades 8 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonu
s to hit, small penalty to defense
21 - Blades 9 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking enemy, medium bonus damage,
short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense

25 - Blades 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 6, high bonus
damage, medium bonus to hit
29 - Blades 11 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 9, medium bonus d
amage, medium duration bleed, high bonus to hit
34 - Blades 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damag
e, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
39 - Blades 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 8, medium bonu
s damage, heavy attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defe
44 - Blades 14 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 13, high bonus da
mage, medium bonus to hit
50 - Blades 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damag
e, very high bonus to hit
----2 - Blunt 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Blunt 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage,
short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
6 - Blunt 3 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off
you, medium defensive bonus
8 - Blunt 4 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to
attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
10 - Blunt 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage,
low attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit
12 - Blunt 6 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 2, medium bonus dama
ge, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
15 - Blunt 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after you fumble, medium bonus damage, medi
um duration stun, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
18 - Blunt 8 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus
to hit
21 - Blunt 9 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 5, medium bonus d
amage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to d
25 - Blunt 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
29 - Blunt 11 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 7, medium bonus dam
age, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
34 - Blunt 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 9, high bonus da
mage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
39 - Blunt 13 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage
, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Blunt 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 10, medium bonus
damage, very high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
50 - Blunt 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 13, medium bonus
damage, long duration stun, medium bonus to hit
-------2 - Piercing 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Piercing 2 - Low fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, s
hort duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
6 - Piercing 3 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target
to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense
8 - Piercing 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 2, medium bo
nus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
10 - Piercing 5 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target
off you, medium bonus to defense
12 - Piercing 6 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bo
nus to hit, small penalty to defense

15 - Piercing 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus dama
ge, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
18 - Piercing 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 6, medium b
onus damage, medium bonus to hit
21 - Piercing 9 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus dama
ge, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to de
25 - Piercing 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus dama
ge, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
29 - Piercing 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 9, high bo
nus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
34 - Piercing 12 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 7, medium bon
us damage, medium attack speed reduction, very high bonus to hit, medium bonus t
o defense
39 - Piercing 13 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 8, high bonus
damage, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Piercing 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 10, medium
bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
50 - Piercing 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 12, very h
igh bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Large Weapons:
------------2 - Large 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Large 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after parry, high bonus damage, medium bonus
to hit, small bonus to defense
6 - Large 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to ta
unt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
8 - Large 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, no bonus damage, attempt to tau
nt target off you, high bonus to defense
10 - Large 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage,
short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
12 - Large 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 2, medium bonus d
amage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
15 - Large 7 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus
to hit, small penalty to defense
18 - Large 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 5, medium bonus d
amage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
21 - Large 9 - High fatigue cost, use from in front of target, medium bonus dama
ge, medium movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
25 - Large 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Large 6, very high bonus
damage, high bonus to hit
29 - Large 11- Medium fatigue cost, use after target parries you, high bonus dam
age, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
34 - Large 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 8, medium bonus
damage, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
39 - Large 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after target blocks you, medium bonus d
amage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Large 14 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Large 11, medium bonus da
mage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, large bonus to defense
50 - Large 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage
, long duration stun, very high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
Celtic Dual:
----------2 - Dual 1 4 - Dual 2 ort duration
6 - Dual 3 nt target to

High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage

Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, sh
bleed, medium bonus to hit
Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to tau
attack you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense

8 - Dual 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, sho
rt duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit
10 - Dual 5 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 4, medium bonus damage
, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
12 - Dual 6 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 2, high bonus damage,
medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
15 - Dual 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 4, medium bonus damage
, attempt to taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high bonus to defe
18 - Dual 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage,
short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
21 - Dual 9 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus
to hit, medium penalty to defense
25 - Dual 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage,
long duration movement reduction, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
29 - Dual 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 8, medium bonus da
mage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
34 - Dual 12 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 10, medium bonus dama
ge, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit
39 - Dual 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 9, High bonus dama
ge, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 12, Medium bonus damage, lon
g duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
50 - Dual 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 11, very high bonu
s damage, heavy attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defens
Celtic Spear:
-----------2 - Spear 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage
4 - Spear 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage,
short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
6 - Spear 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage,
short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defens
8 - Spear 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, attempt to taunt target off you
, high bonus to defense
10 - Spear 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to t
aunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
12 - Spear 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 2, medium bonus d
amage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defe
15 - Spear 7 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, medium bonu
s to hit, medium penalty to defense
18 - Spear 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 3, medium bonus d
amage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
21 - Spear 9 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage,
medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
25 - Spear 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 8, medium bonus
damage, medium attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
29 - Spear 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 9, small bonus t
o hit, small bonus to defense
34 - Spear 12 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonu
s to hit
39 - Spear 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 11, medium bonus
damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit
44 - Spear 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, low bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit
50 - Spear 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 14, medium bonus
damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit

Critical Strikes:
---------------2 - Backstab - Medium Fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage,
medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden
4 - Eviscerate - Medium fatigue cost, use after Backstab, high bonus damage, cau
ses short duration attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, small penalty to
6 - Kidney Rupture - - Low fatigue cost, use after Eviscerate, Very high bonus d
amage, Causes short duration bleed, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defens
8 - Pincer - Medium fatigue cost, Use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, hi
gh bonus to hit, high penalty to defense
10 - Backstab 2 - High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage,
high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden
12 - Hamstring - Low fatigue cost, use after evading enemy, medium bonus damage,
causes medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense
15 - Thigh Cut - Medium fatigue cost, use after Backstab 2, Very high bonus dama
ge medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense
18 - Garrote - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, causes medi
um duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense
21 - Perforate Artery - Medium fatigue cost, use from in front of enemy, medium
bonus damage, causes long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to d
efense, use while hidden
25 - Achilles Heel - Medium fatigue cost, use after Garrote, High bonus damage,
causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit
29 - Leaper - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, l
ong duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
34 - Critical 1 - Low fatigue cost, use after Perforate Artery, very high bonus
damage, medium duration stun, high bonus to hit
39 - Critical 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after Critical 1, Very high bonus damage
, very high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
44 - Critical 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use after Hamstring, high bonus damage, l
ong duration movement reduction, high bonus to hit
50 - Critical 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use after Leaper, very high bonus damage,
long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.19A Release Notes
October 2, 2001
- Communication problems (/sends, /who, etc.) were not working. These have been
- The Credit Card sign-up window was unresponsive for some beta testers. These p
roblems have been fixed. If you signed up for the special rate, and received ack
nowledgement back, then you are signed up and everything's OK. If you never rece
ived acknowledgement that your signup was successful, then you'll have to do it
again. Please note that the system will not allow you to sign up for this rate t
wice, so if you are unsure if your charge went through or not, sign up again, an
d it will tell you. In any event, we will not charge your card twice.

- Stable Master in East Lough Derg now gives horse correctly.

- Rogue-applied poisons are resisted far less often.
- Horse and rider are now better synchronized.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.19 Release Notes
October 2, 2001
All Camelot Beta testers are invited to join the live game at a reduced cost. Fr
om now until Monday October 8, you will be able to purchase three months of play
ing time on the live game for $9.89/month (for three months).
To take advantage of this special offer, click on the "Pre-Subscribe" button fro
m the Server Selection screen. You'll then see a window allowing you to enter yo
ur credit card number, name, and other information. Click "OK", and your order w
ill be processed.
When you purchase the live game next week (or whenever), use the CD Key that com
es with in the box. Install the game, type in the CD Key, and then log into the
game using the same user name and password that you've always used (i.e. your be
ta name/password). You're account will automatically be set up for four months o
f access (one free month that comes when you buy the box, plus these three month
s at a reduced rate).
Of course, you don't have to take advantage of this offer, but if you are planni
ng on playing the game after release, this is a great deal.

In order to alleviate the traveling time problems, we've decided to implement an
"alternative mode" of transportation: horses. This is the first implementation
of horses; more will come after release. This first step is for ALL level charac
ters to use. It is quite inexpensive.
There is now an extensive network of Stables in each Realm. You can rent a horse
to go from one stable to another - and by linking trips together you can now sa
fely and quickly get from one part of a Realm to another. Please note that you c
annot control a rented horse; you ride it as it takes you down the roads of its
Realm to a predetermined destination. For a list of destinations, see the world
notes, below.

To rent a horse, go to a Stable Master, who can be found in logical places near
the towns and cities of each Realm. Right click on the Stable Master to bring up
a list of destinations that you can rent horses to take you to. For example, th
e Stable Master in Snowdownia Station will rent you a horse that takes you to th
e North Gate of Camelot City. Purchase the ticket from the Stable Master, and th
en drop the ticket on him. Your horse will appear, and you'll be off to your des
tination and a breakneck pace.
Please note that while you are riding no monsters will aggress on you. You can m
ove the camera around using the normal camera movement keys, but you cannot move
your character. You can jump off, if you wish, before you get to your destinati
on by hitting the "jump" key. You'll also notice that your horse will slow down
as it approaches and goes through towns; but it will speed up when it is on the
open road.
There may be some problems with the horse's paths - please take note of situatio
ns where your horse gets "off road" and heads off in a random direction. Please
post which path you were on if this happens.
Horse Rental pricing is experimental and may be changed in the future.


- Hibernian Guardians (base fighting class) have been given Evade. This means th
at all advanced classes based on the Guardian get it as well.
- Hibernian Champions now have 2 training points per level (they were set at 1.5
- Hibernian Blademasters now get Evade II at 15th level. Their base combat skill
s have also been upgraded slightly.
- Several messaging changes have been implemented so servers will be more stable
under high-message conditions; like when hundreds of players are on your screen
at the same time.
- The "/quest" command has been re-enabled.
- We fixed another problem where monsters would chase you forever instead of giv
ing up the chase has been fixed.
- Radius and area-effect spells will no longer pull all monster aggro on the cas
ter. Aggro is now spread out among the group. This does not affect solo casters,
of course (they will receive the aggro of all monsters if soloing).
- Pets in general should take less experience.
- The "No Aggression Timer" when you enter the game has been raised from 10 to 2
0 seconds.
- When you attempt to cast a spell while in combat mode, you will now automatica
lly exit out of combat mode and cast the spell. Previously, you were forced to m
anually exit combat mode, then cast the spell.


Midgard Quests:
- For those currently on the Hunter's level 11 Hill Cat Hunt quest: There were s
everal Viking Huscarls, so to avoid confusion, the quest-related Viking Huscarl
has been renamed Viking Karl
- Warrior Epic, Seer Epic, Mystic Epic and Rogue Epic's are back in up to 20th l
- There is a temporary NPC by the name of Aesa who is located at the palace at J
ordheim. She has the ability to perform a one time clearing of your pending Hous
e-based Epic quest(s). If you are not currently having issues with your line of
quests received from your trainer, then you do not attempt to use this NPC. We s
uggest Aesa be used only if you are currently stuck on a House based quest, or y
ou were in the process of completing a Midgard epic quest prior to today. Please
note that this can only be done ONCE. If any or all of the following quests app
ear as "Pending" in your quest journal, they will ALL be cleared. If the quest h
as been completed it will NOT be cleared.
Traveler's Way quest
Traveler's Way quest
Darksong's dirge quest
Darksong's dirge quest
Wisdom of Time quest
The Rod and the Scholars quest
Visions of Darkness quest
Fressen's Plight quest
Impatience quest
Finn's Hunt quest
Fressen's Story quest
Gathering Forces quest
Madness quest
Kerinar quest
Prove Kobold Helen's innocence quest
Runes of Darkness quest
Grenlock Clan's quest
Siv's Spirit quest
Coplin's Spirit quest
Ove's Spirit quest
Gunner's Spirit quest
Traveler's Way quest
Hunt for Dorga quest
Jewel hunt quest
A War of Old quest
Scout Argyle quest
Lieutenant Salurn quest
General Robin quest
General Charles quest
Taldos' Amulet quest
The Red Dagger quest
Genlu's items quest
Coincidence? quest
Daggers Red Eye quest
Old Hatred quest
- See your trainers in the city to get the new and improved epics
- Factions have been added to monsters in newer zones and dungeons. Note: This s

hould alleviate the "high level aggressive" problem in Hadrian's Wall.

- Rats now look like rats! They don't have rat sounds yet, but they will soon.
- Additional monsters spawns have been added to Connaught (not far from Ardee),
particularly in the level 4-9 range.
- A few monster spawns have been added or adjusted in Lough Derg. There should b
e a few more monsters in the level 5-9 range.
- Adjustments have been made to Shannon Estuary, particularly around Connla. It
should be easier to find hunting in the level 4-9 range. Expect to see more mino
r adjustments to this zone. Also note that some "new" monsters have been added t
o the newbie area immediately surrounding Connla. These may not yet have items.
Because of that, however, they may temporarily drop coins. This will be changed
once appropriate loot is given to those creatures.
- Upped bolt damage by about 10% for the Wizard, Runemaster and Eldritch.
- All "bladeturn" effects now print that they've absorbed a blow.
Theurgist changes:
- Elementals no longer lose hitpoints over their duration.


- Hibernian Siegecraft no longer requires Iron pieces, but instead uses the equi
valent Hibernian metal. Siegecraft pieces created by the other trades in Hiberni
a have also been adjusted, and siege pieces of the appropriate material added to
the Hibernian border merchants.

Start Point: Nob's Farm in Camelot Hills:
Destination: North Camelot Gates
Start Point: North Camelot Gates
Destination: Nob's Farm in Camelot Hills
Start: Humberton
Destination: Castle Snowdonia
Start: Castle Snowdonia
Destination: Humberton
Start: Ludlow
Destination: Castle Sauvage
Start: Castle Sauvage
Destination: Ludlow or Adribard's Retreat in Avalon Marsh
Start: Gronyr's Farm in Camelot Hills

Destination: Campacorentin Station

Start: Camapcorentin Station
Destination: Gronyr's Farm in Camelot Hills or East Camelot Gates
Start: East Camelot Gates
Destination: Campacorentin Station or Snowdonia Station
Start: Snowdonia Station
Destination: East Camelot Gates
Start: Adribard's Retreat (in avalon marsh)
Destination: West Downs (in salisbury) or Castle Sauvage
Start: West Downs (in salisbury)
Destination: Adribard's Retreat (in avalon marsh)
Start: Cornwall Station
Destination: Caer Ulfwych (in camp forest)
Start: Caer Ulfwych (in camp forest)
Destination: Cornwall Station
Start: Caer Witrin (in avalon marsh)
Destination: Western Cornwall
Start: Western Cornwall
Destination: Caer Witrin (in avalon Marsh)
Start: Mularn Village
Destination: Audliten
Start: Audliten
Destination: Mularn Village
Start: Haggerfel
Destination: Vasudheim
Start: Vasudheim
Destination: Haggerfel or Galplen
Start: Galplen
Destination: Ft. Atla or Vasudheim
Start: Ft. Atla
Destination: Galplen
Start: Nalliten
Destination: Vindsaul Faste (west svealand border keep)
Start: Vindsaul Faste (west svealand border keep)
Destination: Nalliten
Start: Huginfel
Destination: Svasud Faste (Mularn border keep)
Start: Svasud Faste (Mularn border keep)

Destination: Huginfel
Start: Gna Faste (Myrkwood)
Destination: Raumarik or Ft. Veldon (Mularn)
Start: Raumarik
Destination: Gna Faste (Myrkwood)
Start: Ft. Veldon (Mularn)
Destination: Skona

Start: Mag Mell
Destination: Howth
Start: Ardee
Destination: Farm in Eastern Lough Derg
Start: Tir Urphost (Moher)
Destination: Ardagh
Start: Druim Ligen (Connacht border keep)
Destination: Connla
Start: Tir na mBeo
Destination: Druim Ligen (Connacht border keep)
Start: Ardagh
Destination: Connla or Tir Urphost (Moher)
Start: Howth
Destination: Innis Carthaig, or Mag Mell
Start: Connla
Destination: Druim Ligen (Connacht border keep) or Innis Carthaig
Start: Innis Carthaig
Destination: Tir na mBeo
Start: Druim Cain (Bri Leith border keep)
Destination: Tir na mBeo or Druim Ligen (Connacht border keep)
Start: Farm in Eastern Lough Derg
Destination: Druim Cain (Bri Leith border keep)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.20 Release Notes
October 2, 2001

- Client crash bug involving name geometries ("names-over-heads") fixed.https://
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.21 Release Notes
October 3, 2001
This is a minor release (no new features) that fixes a couple of annoying crash
- We fixed a client crash related to horses.
- The login server should work properly now. It was denying people entry erroneo
- We fixed a server crash that was plaguing Albion for the last 12 hours or so.h
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.22 Release Notes
October 3, 2001
- We fixed another client crash related to horses.
- You will no longer be granted combat styles if your character does not have th
e ability to perform the opening move. This means you will no longer get Evade b
ased styles if you don't have evade, and so on.
- Horse galloping sounds should be much smoother.
- Midgard monsters should no longer walk "through" objects (except trees). If yo
u are riding a horse in Midgard, you will now cross bridges, not go right throug
h them. Hibernia is the only realm now where monsters don't collide with objects
- The "Stealth" Skill is being changed to become a more all-encompassing thief a
nd rogue skill. Abilities such as Moving While Hidden, Climbing, Perception, Saf
e Fall, and others will be given based on your specialization level in Stealth (
which will probably be renamed). Because of this, we are removing the Climb skil
l from the game. You will see extra "Stealth" abilities appear at some point jus
t before release and beyond.

- Shadowblades, Nightshades, and Infiltrators no longer are able to specialize i

n parry. Instead, they are granted extra levels of evade. This gives them one le
ss skill to specialize in (actually two, since we also removed climb). Their inc
rease in evade more than makes up for the loss of parry.
- Berserkers now get much more evade than they used to. They now get evade 1 at
5th level (instead of 7th), evade 2 at 10th, 3 at 20th, 4 at 30th, 5 at 40th, an
d 6 at 50th. This will alleviate some of the massive damage they regularly take
in battle.
- Targeted spells now benefit more from extra attackers. The bonus per extra att
acker is now 3.75% instead of 2%, so a full group attacking a monster should giv
e a bonus of approximately 25% to the success rate for targeted spells (as oppos
ed to 14%). Note that pets and elementals contribute to the number of extra atta
ckers. This means that nukers in a group should be much more effective than they
used to be. Casters who are not in groups will of course not be effected by the
se changes.
There was a bug in poisons that made them be resisted far more often than we int
ended. We fixed this bug last night, and now the game will use the level of the
poison (on your weapon) relative to your target monster to determine resistance.
This means low level poisons will be resisted more often on higher level monste
rs. Please keep testing the thief classes, but be sure to use appropriate poison
s. Here's a recap and a list of poisons:
All thieves learn the Envenom skill at level 5. This allows them to apply poison
s to their weapons before going into battle. Poison vendors have been set up aro
und the world -- use them. They sell poisons that have different effects on your
enemy -- some debuff, some apply a damage over time, etc. It is expected that a
thief will always attack with an envenomed weapon, so make sure you stock up on
poison before you head out hunting. Because all Thief classes can fight with tw
o weapons at the same time, you can envenom both your weapons - but only with di
Please note that poisons are level-based, so you will not be able to apply some
poisons until you put more spec points into Envenom. You will be able to gauge t
he relative power of a poison by its name in the store list. Please note that lo
w-level weapons will not be able to be envenomed by high-level poisons. You must
use a level-appropriate poison on your weapon.
Please note that only your melee weapons can be poisoned.
Here's a list of the poisons:
DOT, adds about 12% extra level damage
1 Minor Lethal Poison
5 Lesser Lethal Poison
10 Lethal Poison
15 Major Lethal Poison
20 Greater Lethal Poison
25 Minor Lethal Venom
30 Lesser Lethal Venom
35 Major Lethal Venom
40 Greater Lethal Venom
45 Insidious Lethal Venom

50 Lifebane
Str debuff
2 Minor Weakening Poison
6 Lesser Weakening Poison
11 Major Weakening Poison
17 Greater Weakening Poison
22 Minor Enervating Poison
29 Lesser Enervating Poison
37 Major Enervating Poison
47 Greater Enervating Poison
Snare, duration increases with level (put this on a backup weapon)
3 Minor Imbalance Poison
8 Lesser Imbalance Poison
13 Major Imbalance Poison
18 Greater Imbalance Poison
23 Minor Crippling Poison
27 Lesser Crippling Poison
31 Major Crippling Poison
42 Greater Crippling Poison
Disease poison, durations increase with level (good PvP poison)
4 Minor Infectious Serum
16 Lesser Infectious Serum
26 Infectious Serum
38 Major Infectious Serum
48 Greater Infectious Serum
- A couple new Pony Express routes added:
Castle Sauvage to Castle Snowdonia
Castle Snowdonia to Castle Sauvage
Vindsaul Faste to Svasud Faste
Svasud Faste to Vindsaul Faste
- Several paths tweaked to avoid having horses run through trees.
- Monsters in Spraggon Den, Cursed Tomb, and Treibh Caillte given more varied at
tack types (slashing, crushing, etc) as well as damage resistance tables and var
ied weapons where appropriate.
- A high level (mithril) one-hand weapon shopkeeper has been added to Jordheim b
y name of Dala.
- Many quest objects have had minor tint changes made to bring them in line with
the latest tints.
- Cloak of Shades quest (Albion) made available to rogue classes only (infiltrat
or, minstrel, scout). It is also now tinted dark gray instead of black.
- All NPC factions in the game which had a beneficial effect should now have a
way to "restore" faction.
As an example, the horse station in Western Cornwall in Albion is on an

npc faction with a beneficial effect (use of the stablemaster there). This
faction can be repaired by hunting the moor boogeys in the area.
- Monsters in Campacorentin Forest (Albion) have been reworked in a major way to
make the area a bit more friendly to starting characters. Please continue to gi
ve feedback on the encounters.
- Monster encounters in Silvermine Mts. (Hibernia) have been tweaked - should be
more monsters available at various levels.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.23 Release Notes
October 4, 2001
- Yesterday we reported that Berserkers got six levels of Evade. This was errone
ous. They actually get three levels of evade - 1 at 5, 2 at 10, and 3 at 20. We
apologize for the error.
- There were some problems displaying recipes and/or ingredients for the tradesk
ill system. These have been fixed.
- There is now a "resistances" button on your character sheet. Click on it to ge
t a list of your current resistance levels. Your resistances are based on race a
nd any buffs (spells or items) that you have running.
- You can use the /keyboard setting to see a list of what your keys are mapped t
o. You cannot change keys in game, but you can now see them.
- /loc command has been added back in. Please use this to give us locations for
stuck points and other bug reports.
- Monsters in dungeons that follow other monsters will now path much better than
they did before.
- Berserkers can now use combat styles while they Frenzy. This significantly inc
reases the amount of damage they can dish out.
Use the /friends command to show your current friends list (will show in a popup
window). You can use /friends add and /friends remove to add and remove friends
from the list. Please note that a friend must be logged on in order for you to
add them to the list. Currently, you get text notifications when a friend logs i
n and out. In the (near) future, we'll have a friends window that will show curr
ent friends online, and update it on the fly. Right now you'll have to close the
friends window and re-open it to refresh the list (or just type /friends again)
. When you add and remove a friend, the list is refreshed.
Your friends list is saved on a character basis on the server - NOT by account.

- New Rogue abilities: Danger Sense lets you know when a scout monster has notic
ed your party. It is always on. You get it when you have eight trains in Stealth
. Please note that all Rogues get this, not just the thief classes.
- New Thief ability: Detect Hidden increases range at which you can see hidden e
nemy players. You get this at 16 trains in Stealth.
- Poisons are now applied much more easily - you should not fail as often. Pleas
e note that poisons have levels, and that you won't be able to apply a poison to
your weapon that is higher level than you are. Also, your specialization in Env
enom now helps determine how often your poison is resisted - but be sure to use
poisons that are as close to your level as possible so you won't be resisted as
often. A list of the poisons and their levels is printed once again at the botto
m of this release note.
- Your Backstab combat styles (the ones that require you to be hidden) now do mo
re damage. Please let us know how much this change helps the classes.
- Trade Tools added to towns:
Forges, Lathes, and trade skill merchants added to the following locations:
Gna Faste in Myrkwood (directly across the lake from Galplen)
Cornwall Station in Cornwall
Innis Carthaig in Lough Gur
- there are a few more named guards in Midgard that will give out tasks.
- some adjustments have been made to the Gotar newbie hunting area.
- 20th level Academy Epic - (Albion) "Animare il morti"
Minor modification to difficulty. Quest should be more suited to solo than befor
- Fall through spot in Tir na Nog fixed.
- Bug allowing players to illegally climb walls of some Midgard keeps fixed.
Here's a list of the poisons:
DOT, adds about 12% extra level damage
1 Minor Lethal Poison
5 Lesser Lethal Poison
10 Lethal Poison
15 Major Lethal Poison
20 Greater Lethal Poison
25 Minor Lethal Venom
30 Lesser Lethal Venom
35 Major Lethal Venom

40 Greater Lethal Venom

45 Insidious Lethal Venom
50 Lifebane
Str debuff
2 Minor Weakening Poison
6 Lesser Weakening Poison
11 Major Weakening Poison
17 Greater Weakening Poison
22 Minor Enervating Poison
29 Lesser Enervating Poison
37 Major Enervating Poison
47 Greater Enervating Poison
Snare, duration increases with level (put this on a backup weapon)
3 Minor Imbalance Poison
8 Lesser Imbalance Poison
13 Major Imbalance Poison
18 Greater Imbalance Poison
23 Minor Crippling Poison
27 Lesser Crippling Poison
31 Major Crippling Poison
42 Greater Crippling Poison
Disease poison, durations increase with level (good PvP poison)
4 Minor Infectious Serum
16 Lesser Infectious Serum
26 Infectious Serum
38 Major Infectious Serum
48 Greater Infectious Serum
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.24 Release Notes
October 5, 2001
- The "Friends" tab has been renamed the "Chat" Tab. To chat to your Chat Group,
now use the /chat instead of "/friends".
- There is a "mini" button on your character sheet that launches your mini-frien
ds monitor window. This keeps track of which of your friends is online, in real
- Berserker Frenzy really now lets you use combat styles. We mean it this time.
- Backstab damage has been increased greatly (unlike yesterday, when we told you
it increased, but really didn't). The "Backstab" styles now take your Critical
Strike specialization into account whenever you do one of the "from hidden" styl
es, so you will want to be highly trained in it.
- A problem where you sometimes could not apply poison to a weapon, even though
it was the appropriate level has been fixed.
- "Bolt" type spells will now hit almost always (85%). Against higher level mons
ters, you may do less damage, but you'll hit much more often.
- All damage spells (DOT, Targeted, Directed Damage) will now hit more often, al

though they may do less damage against higher-level monsters.

- Bandwidth usage in congested areas has been optimized by 15%.
- Border keep guards have been raised in level by 5 levels.
- Many grammatical changes and fixes to quest text.
- In Midgard the Tomte Lair is now itemized, item levels 10-16.
- Over 20 new 1 time drops per realm have been added over the week. Included in
these new items are some weapons with magical effects.
- Fixed many bugs with jewelry items that were not initially set up correctly. C
ondition and Durability should be much better on many jewelry pieces.
- After this patch if you find any items that have resists, and the resist is be
low 3% please post this in the item bugs section of the beta boards.
- Some of the male Dwarf models were not using proper face textures (they were u
sing Human Norse textures). These have been fixed; so you may notice your dwarf
male looking a little ruddier when you log in.
- Non-specialization bolt damage was raised by 10% (an oversight from the last b
olt tuning).
- All bladeturn lines (Skin of Sand etc.) have had their costs modified. The low
er levels now use a percent of the caster's pool instead of a fixed amount, sinc
e the amount of damage this spell absorbs goes up with level.
- An architectural change was made to the way shouts and other instant effects w
ork to support future additions to the spell system and fix some bugs with spell
s like the Cleric's Drive Evil spell line. There may be bugs in the system that
need to be worked out, we'll be keeping an eye on things over the weekend. Pleas
e note this change was not intended to alter game balance, so any strange timers
or durations should be reported and they will be corrected as soon as possible.
Wizard changes:
- Changed the functionality of the Burst of Steam line, it should work better no
Bard changes:
- Fixed awarding of Lesser Reconstitution.
Cleric changes:
- Heavenly Visions line is now a mesmerize as intended (it was mistakenly set to
be a root).
- Holy Wrath line was added back in, at higher mana cost than before. This will
be reduced again if there are further balance issues with the spell line.
- Drive Evil should work properly now.
Warden changes:
- Solar Conversion should be castable again.
Champion Changes:
- Reduced the effectivness of higher-level debuffs, which tones down their overpowered RvR capabilities.
Mentalist changes:

- The Mind Fade and Illusory Aches lines of DoTs now stack. This occurred a few
patches ago, but was undocumented.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.27 Release Notes
October 6, 2001
- Some testers have expressed confusion regarding the pre-subscription process.
We thought we had made it clear that pre-subscribe means that you are purchasing
your time immediately. When beta testers sign up for the special $9.89 pre-subs
cription rate, their credit card is immediately charged for the full three month
- Storage Vaults are now in the game. To use them, right-click on a Vault Keeper
NPC and you'll see a window listing all the objects you have in storage. You ca
n drag items to and from your interface into the bank just as you do any other t
rading transaction. See the world notes for locations of the Vault Keeper NPCs.
Please note that you can store only objects in the Vaults - since money does not
have weight, and you do not drop it on death, there is no need to store money i
n the vault. Currently, the vault window shows money slots at the bottom; these
are erroneous and should not be there. We'll fix that soon.
- The "mini-friends" button on the character sheet has been renamed "Friends".
- Berserker Frenzy has been changed. Now, when Berserkers are Frenzying, they wi
ll critical hit every time they hit an enemy, which significantly increases thei
r damage output. All levels of Berserker Frenzy currently act exactly the same;
we will be addressing this over the next couple of days.

New Dungeon:
"Koalinth Tribal Caverns" Hibernian dungeon levels 20 - 30
Koalinths are a coastal / marine species of hobgoblins. A tribe of Koalinths hav
e migrated from their traditional homelands which are under the sea off of the c
oast. They have taken over a series of caves and ancient tunnels near the Cliffs
of Moher. From here they stage hunting raids on nearby settlements, and can sti
ll reach the sea easily to communicate with their homeland. It is unknown why th
ese creatures are moving from their natural element to invade the lands of Hiber
nia, which until now they have largely avoided. The fact that they would underta
ke such a drastic move hints at darker powers.
Storage Vault Locations

Camelot: Lord Urqhart - in the palace
Adribard's Retreat: Trulion Vrundon - in one of the shops on the boardwalk
Castle Sauvage: Earl Grael - in one of the corner towers
Tir na Nog: Bhreagar Hylvian - In the palace
Connla: Ghearic Chauclon- By the tower across the river
Druim Ligen (connacht) Yralun Trallae - in one of the upper rooms
Jordheim: Jarl Yuliwyf - In the Great Hall
Gotar: Yakryl - In the guard post on the road to Myrkwood
Vindsaul Faste: Hralyvar - in one of the upper rooms


- Thane and Champion shouts are now working properly. They can no longer be inte
- Shouts should no longer show erroneous print messages.

- Some siege weapons have been update so as to appear better on uneven terrain.
Their textures have been updated as well.
- New monster skins and models have been added.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.28 Release Notes
October 8, 2001
- The Dark Age of Camelot beta program will end Tuesday morning October 9th. We
expect the first group of paying players to start arriving around then. Thank yo
u all for your wonderful support of Camelot over these last 12 months - without

your input and support, creating Camelot in such a short time and with such grea
t results would not have been possible. We humbly say "thank you" from the botto
m of our hearts.
- We are extending the opportunity for all beta testers to pre-subscribe. You no
w have until Tuesday morning at 10:00am. Remember, only those testers who pre-su
bscribe will keep their characters on Pendragon.
- Characters on Galahad have been wiped. You'll still get 10x Exp and loot on it
, until tomorrow morning, but now you can have characters in one Realm only. Ple
ase test this "one realm per server" change and see if you can break it.
- Relics have been added to the game. See the Relics section below for more info
- Alt-tab has been disabled. Please note that the game will shutdown when you al
t-tab or the game otherwise loses focus. This means that if Instant Messenger at
tempts to pop up a message while you are playing, Camelot will close. If you hav
e a system event (i.e. disk defragging) happen while you are playing, the client
will close. Basically, this means that you want to exit ALL programs before you
run Camelot.
- You can now only have characters in one Realm per server, with the exception o
f Pendragon, which allows you to have characters in all three Realms.
- Thanes now have 2 training points per level (used to be 1.5).
- Some spell effects have been updgraded
- Many loot items that had "question mark" icons have been fixed.
- The Critical Shot ability icon was not displaying. This has been corrected.
- /tell has been added to the game and works exactly like /send.
- The /Realm command shows the status of which Realm controls all outposts and R
- New Guild costs: 1 gold to form guild. 300 gold to pick an emblem. 5 gold to e
mblemize an item.
- *debug has been removed.
- Many style fixes have been implemented - some missing thrust weapon styles hav
e been added in, as well as other fixes and tweaks.
Relics are in, and placed in your Realm's Relic Keep, however there is currently
a bug in the game which makes it impossible for enemies to open the Relic Keep
door. This will be fixed as soon as possible. However, you can go to your own Re
alm's Relic Keeps and see the Relics.
There are six relics in the game (2 per Realm): one is a bonus to melee damage,
and one is a bonus to magical damage. Note that we will be expanding the number
of Relics per Realm in the future. Your Realm's Relics have no bonus to you, but
if you go to another Realm and capture their Relics and bring them back to your
Realm's Relic Keep, then you will get their bonus. Please note that you must ha

ve your two Relics safe in their Keeps before you can take another Realm's Relic
s and thus acquire their bonuses.
Please note that we will be fully documenting the Relic system in a special user
's guide that we will make available to the Camelot community. Expect this in a
few days.
Relic Locations:
Merlin's Staff - Power Relic - Snowdonia Relic Castle
Excalibur's Scabbard - Strength Relic - Forest Sauvage Castle
Cauldron of Dagda - Power Relic - Mt. Collory Castle
Lug's Spear of Lightning - Strength Relic - Cruachan Castle
Thor's Hammer - Strength Relic - Uppland Castle
Horn of Valhalla - Power Relic - Yggdra Castle
Thane Changes
- Increased the duration of Thunder's Bash line to be 5 minutes like the self st
r buff.
- All Thanes should now have a 30 second timer for the Thunder Bellow line.
- Thunder Shout line should now do damage.
Hunter changes:
- Speed of Prey line should no longer be interruptable.
Campacorentin Forest:
- Urfgrat the Green's path has been modified to move him and his posse away from
the newbie areas. He and his group can now be found in south Camp. Forest
- Low level Trainers in Albion will now give the correct quests.
- Bishop Burhoff's Curse. Brother Bishop is no longer summoned through the quest
but is now a night spawn. The quest has changed slightly; read the quest journa
l for instructions.
- Monsters across the game have been getting their spell casting abilities tweak
ed, if your favorite monster has changed the spells he casts, this is why.
- The bug that caused newbie armor not drop should be fixed with this patch. Not
e: this bug was also causing dungeon armor not to drop as well.
- The Undead Halls in Hibernia are now itemized, item levels 10-16.
- Albion and Midgard should now have icons for almost all their items. Hibernia

is soon to follow.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.30 Release Notes
October 15, 2001
- Kay was brought up this morning and is now available for your gaming pleasure.
- Some Thanes who didn't train in their Hammer skill as a Viking (their pre-5th
level class) did not receive their proper Hammer level 2 combat style (Thor's An
vil). This has been fixed. All Thanes should now have this style if they have at
least 2 trains in Hammer.
- A new Hibernian horse route has been added : E. Lough Derg (farm) to Ardagh.
- Minor Faction Adjustment - Midgard. The hobgoblins in and around Gotar and Myr
kwood have joined Clan Smyga.
- For races that start in Howth (Hibernia), an optional, shorter "Learn the Path
s" Level One quest has been added. Players will now be given an opportunity to c
omplete the quest without having to travel too great of a distance. Those curren
tly on the quest can go back and choose this option.
- The merchant Kylie in Shannon Estuary (Hibernia) will no longer spawn in the w
- Sentinel Maitias (Hibernia) will now attack monsters.
- The resistances of Plate type monsters, Chitin monsters (Insects), and Ice mon
sters have been adjusted:
- Plate and Chitin monsters now have no innate bonus or resistance to thrusting
- Ice monsters are now vulnerable to thrusting weapons.
- Keltoi Lair dungeon monsters now drop items as well as cash. Item levels are 2
- All newly purchased arrows and poisons should be stackable to 40.
- Annoying Lucradens in Hibernia now drop armor.
- If you need basic help playing the game, try the player-run advice system (typ
e /advice). If you have a customer support issue in game, use the appeal command
(type /appeal) to get in touch with Customer Support. For web-support, go to ht
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.32 Release Notes
October 19, 2001


The Appeal System:
In order to take care of the issues that are having a serious impact on your gam
e-play, the Customer Support department is prioritizing these critical issues ab
ove all others. If you have "How do I..." types of questions, these can all be a
nswered either by using /Advice, searching our website, or on one of the many fa
n-sites on the Internet. Please be aware that if you send "How Do I ..." types o
f questions in an /Appeal, they will not be answered at this time. We hope to be
able to help you with these types of issues again in the future. Thank you!
Naming Policy:
There have been some changes to our naming policy, and specifically how we deal
with violations of it. Please read the revised Rules of Conduct, so you understa
nd how this works.
The Advisor System:
If you would like
ave, try becoming
ore than 15 hours
ly type /Advisor,

to help your realm-mates with common questions that they may h

an Advisor! The Advisor System is setup so that players with m
of played time, can choose to help others in their realm. Simp
and you will be flagged so that others know you are willing to

E-Mail Support:
If you have sent an e-mail to, and have NOT been co
ntacted by a technician, please send us another e-mail now. We believe that some
e-mails were not received correctly, and have implemented some features to make
sure that this will not happen again.
- All Rogue classes (Minstrel, Scout, Infiltrator, Hunter, Shadowblade, Ranger,
Nightshade) can now train fully in their weapons. Previously, they could not tra
in more than half their level in primary weapon skills.
- Midgard Seers now start with a training shield.
- Midgard Warriors now properly recieve the Thor's Anvil hammer combat Style.
- Poisons above 10th level now work ('proc'), and should be much easier to apply
and resisted far less. Please note that applying poisons to a weapon is now bas
ed on your specialization level in Envenom. If you have 10 trains in Envenom, yo
u can apply 10th level poisons, but not 11th level poisons, and so forth.
- There was a potential crash bug when entering cities while it was raining. Thi
s did not effect too many players, but it has been fixed.
- By default, new players will now see all private send messages in all chat tab
s. Please note that you can configure your chat interface to NOT show these mess
ages, if you wish. Existing characters will not see this automatically; you'll h
ave to configure it manually.

- You are now able to shift-click on values (i.e. when selecting coins out of yo
ur inventory) to increment by 10's.
- When trading coins, you can now "make change".
- The guild officer and alliance chat colors are now on different channels, so y
ou can set them to different colors if you so choose.
- The Performance Meter has been added. There are three indicators: Packet Loss,
Latency, and Frame Rate. Green is good, yellow is ok, red is poor. Use Shift-P
to display it (it has two states, small and large).
- Camelot now supports an on-screen graphical compass. Use Shift-C to toggle bet
ween no compass, small compass, and large compass. You can set transparancy on t
his window if you wish.
- Class name should no longer overwrite level in group window.
- NPC Interaction window now uses the large text font, so you can actually read
it at high resolution.
- The Pet Window now absorbs left-click (you cannot click through it).
- Datagram bandwith used by the game has been optimized and reduced.
- Players were sometimes invisible to other players in the outside zones. This h
as been fixed, although we have a similar bug that is NOT fixed in the cities.
- Buff and hit point updates on the group window should now work correctly and m
ore timely.
- You can now "delve" items to get additional information on their magical and o
ther special properties, including which class can use them. Right click on an i
tem to see its standard information in the small object window, and then use the
"Delve" key (default is shift-I) to see summary information.
- A confirmation dialog has been added when items are dropped.
- The default quicksell key (shift-s) no longer forces the camera to look up.
- A bug in the name checker allowed players to create duplicate names, in some c
ircumstances. This has been fixed.
- The lag time-out has been increased from 30 to 60 seconds. Players should not
get disconnected as often now. Additional streamlining of the datastream has bee
n implemented as well.
- You now have to type "yes" when deleting a character. There should be no more
"I accidentally deleted my character" events.
- The convert guards and Dwarven Priest in Camelot Hills are no longer charmable
- Better better directions added to the Thinking Cap quest
- Sir Graide and Sir Jerem in the Guarding the Stone quest are easier to talk to

- Blackthorns now accompany the lunantishee in Hibernia.
- Ulga moved slightly closer to road as Ulga was spawning to deep within a group
of higher levels.
- The epic for the Viking classes is now up on Pendragon. This will allow player
s to continue and finish their epic.
- Denise no longer gives out directions from Mularn to Mularn. Any players that
may have been stuck on the Lvl 11 shadowblade quest, Jewel Hunt, at the point wh
ere they need to speak to Denise, can now talk to Denise and complete their ques
- Throwing daggers in Midgard now have the correct icons. Sorry, no more throwin
g worms or bags at your enemies!
- Bowyer's Draw quest now gives out the reward. Also, the level of the quest has
been raised to reflect the monsters involved in the quest. Players currently on
the quest will not be affected by the level being raised.
- A few creatures in the world have become a little more talkative.
- Appropriate effects should play for monsters with spells or special abilities
- The weeping willow, envy drakeling, and silverscale drakeling are now slightly
- Guild registrars in all three realms now give instructions on how to fashion a
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.33 Release Notes
October 23, 2001


- /ignore is now in the game, which allows you to cut off all communication with
a player who is bothering you. Use "/ignore" by itself to see a list of charact
ers that you are ignoring. Use "/ignore " to add a player to the list, or to rem
ove that player from your ignore list if he is currently being ignored by you. P
lease note that ignore lists are based on your character, not on your account, s
o you can have different ignore lists for all your different characters. One of
your characters can have up to 20 players ignored at once.

- The /AFK command has been added. This sends a message to anyone that tries a d
irect send to the player that they are away from the keyboard. It also flags you
on the "who" list as being .
- The /FRIEND command has been changed such that it works across regions (you ca
n add and remove friends across regions/cities/dungeons).
- Firbolg sitting and casting animations have been tweaked so their arms and han
ds don't stick through their shields.
- When enchanting an item at a NPC enchanter, you now get a confirmation dialog
box with the amount it will cost.
- In order to alleviate the extremely long times to level between levels 40 to 5
0, we've added a "level step" at the halfway point for each of these 10 levels.
At this "level step" the player will gain extra skill points to raise skills, wi
ll have his death "floor experience" reset to the halfway point, and will have h
is "low exp death" for the level reset.
- We've made some fixes to the /STUCK command. It should work far better when yo
u get stuck in a wall or stuck falling through a geometry.
- We've fixed the autoreply feature when using the /ADVICE command. When replyin
g to an incoming ADVICE message, you'll automatically reply on the ADVICE channe
- The /ADVICE command now presents the user with a popup window listing up to 25
available advisors (it used to scroll by in the chat buffer).
- When a player uses the APPEAL command, they now get a popup dialog asking if t
hey really want to appeal. The dialog tries to direct them to use the /STUCK com
mand if they are stuck or the /ADVICE command if they wish game advice.
- When a spell is resisted, a mage only loses 1/2 power.
- When killed on horseback, your corpse should no longer be stuck to the horse.
- Continued bandwidth reductions on various messages.
Albion Quests:
- Players stuck on the Slythcur Cloak quest in Albion can right-click on Anga We
aver to recover and continue their quest.
- A new level 30 Albion quest added
Hibernia Quests:
- Players having trouble with the Way of Magic, Learn the Paths quest in Hiberni
a: Some changes have been made to journal entries for step 2 to clarify matters.
Re-read your journal entry for hopefully better instructions.
- Another tailoring merchant, Darcy, has been added to Tir na Nog in Hibernia ne
ar the other tailoring merchant, Saffa, due to the large amount of players swarm
ing the one merchant. This should alleviate that problem somewhat.
Midgard Quests:

- A Level 21 Midgard quest for Hunters, Shamans, Thanes and Skalds is up on Pend
ragon for testing.
- The rogue epic can now be completed to 30th level.
- A new level 42 Midgard quest has been added.
- 25th and 30th level portions of the Runemaster/Spiritmaster (Midgard) epics ar
e now online.
- The level 25 Healer/Shaman epic in Midgard is now up for testing. See your tra
iner or read your journal for details!
- The Troll Flayer protecting Galplen in Midgard now patrols the town as intende
- More Focus Item stores have been added to all 3 realms.
Ysunoic - Galplen
Raelyan - Town of Mularn
Merwdda - Vasudheim
Elengwen - Huginfel
Niniver - Fort Atla
Curka - Galplen
Lyna - Town of Mularn
Clena - Vasudheim
Alyllyra - Huginfel
Merarka - Fort Atla
Lavena - Tir na mBeo
Brenna - Ardagh
Glyn - Connla
Glennard - Innis Carthaig
Iama - Alainn Bin

Keir - Caille
Creirwy - Ardee
Liadan - Tir na mBeo
Torlan - Ardagh
Bryanna - Connla
Amynda - Innis Carthaig
Emhyr - Bog (Siopa)
Brynn - Caille
Naomhan - Ardee
Illaliel - Ardagh
Sedric - Mag Mell
Edmyg - Connla
Crayg - Innis Carthaig
Aisling - Alainn Bin
Ariana - Caille
Daron - Ardee
Doreen Egesa - Cotswold Village
Eabae Egesa - Ludlow Village
Loretta Egesa - Lethantis Association
Daisi Egesa - Adribard's Retreat
Cudbert Dalston - Cotswold Village
Farl Dalston - Ludlow Village
Gery Dalston - Caer Ulfwych
Graeme Dalston - Adribard's Retreat

Cauldir Edyn - Cotswold Village

Calldir Edyn - Ludlow Village
Norvel Edyn - Lethantis Association
Wylie Edyn - Adribard's Retreat
Odelia Wyman - Cotswold Village
Andrya Wyman - Ludlow Village
Elga Wyman - Lethantis Association
Wina Wyman - Caer Witrin
Please note that some of these fixes have already been deployed to the live serv
- Wizard, Sorcerer, Cabalist, Theurgist, Spiritmaster, Runemaster, Eldritch, Men
talist, and Enchanter self AF buffs have been re-tuned to provide a smoother cur
ve over the life of the character. Now, the lowest versions give slightly less b
enefit, but the higher level ones give substantially more armor factor bonus.
- Changed a number of spell effects to upgrade and/or use the proper realm's gra
phical effects and animations. Please note that we continue to work on streamlin
ing casting effects.
- There was a bug where some types of "debuffing" spells were never resisted. Th
is has been fixed. You will now notice that some of your debuff spells will be r
esisted just like any other spell.
- Most resisted spells now only take half spell power, instead of the full cost.
Please note that this does not apply to "Bolt" spells.
- Fixed a bug that was causing unintentionally increased power costs for direct
damage casters.
Thane changes:
- Lowered timer on Toothgrinder's Hoof to be 20 seconds, so you now can cast thi
s spell more often.
Skald changes:
- Slightly increased damage on Warcry and Battle Whoop lines.
Theurgist changes:
- Due to the high power regeneration rate at lower levels, the power cost for th
e level 1 elemental summons has been increased.
Spiritmaster/Enchanter changes:
- Increased power cost of pet-only heals.

Magician changes:
- Aura of Turning line in the Way of the Moon list has had its power cost correc
- The Vendo Caves are now itemized. Item levels 22-33.
- Midgard Warrior Guild track quest items for 20 and 25 have been flagged as War
rior only.
- Jewel of Dark beauty backstab changed to critical strike.
- Hollow Breastplate in Albion now has stat bonuses.
- Silvered staff in Hibernia should now work properly.
- Ceremonial cloak in Hibernia is now wearable and takes Emblems.
- Hunter's Broadsword in Albion now uses the Slashing Skill.
- Mantle of Insight in Albion should now be able to be equipped.
- Belt of Misdirection in Hibernia should now be able to be equipped.
- Skeletal minions in Hibernia should no longer drop Roman items. They will now
drop Realm-appropriate loot.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.34 Release Notes
November 1, 2001


- When a player disconnects from the server illegally (either via ALT-TAB or by
going linkdead), their character stays in the world for up to 45 seconds. They c
an be attacked by enemy players and NPCs during this time.
- By popular demand, you can now toggle the bad word filter on and off with the
/FILTER command. This is saved on a character by character basis. Please note th
at the filter is on by default.
- There is a New APPEAL interface. You are now presented with a number of option
s (Advice, Stuck, Harassment, Conduct Report, Bugreport and Appeal). This should
reduce the number of spurious appeals that get sent to Customer Support.
- When a player has an appeal, they get a dialog box when they enter asking if t
hey wish to refresh the appeal or cancel it. If you have any old appeals in the
system that have been resolved, please delete your appeal. If you still need hel

p with that appeal, then refresh it.

- You can now see specific spell information in-game. Right click on the spell a
nd use the "info" button to get more information about the spell, such as level
and type.
- When your inventory is full and you are given a quest item, you now get a dial
og telling you the item was dropped on the ground in front of you.
- The QUICKPLAY options in the login client now save the servername the characte
r belongs to (instead of the word Camelot).
- The number of tombstones in dungeons has been drastically reduced (we had a bu
g that wasn't properly clearing them). No longer will some dungeons look like a
forest of tombstones...
- Monsters should no longer float like balloons under certain network conditions
- Product timer window added with a timer bar for craftsmen. This should make it
much easier to figure out when you are going to be done creating your object.
- Changes to Infiltrator, Shadowblade, and Nightshade (the "Thief" classes). See
"Thief" section below for more information.
- The Berserker Fury skill has been changed. See the "Berserker Fury" section be
low for more information.
- When an incoming arrow is "bladeturned" or if it misses a spellcasting player,
it will no longer interrupt that player's spellcast.
- When a targeted spell is resisted or a bolt spell misses, it will no longer in
terrupt a spellcast or bowshot.
- The /Cancelappeal command has been added to the game. If you wish to cancel an
appeal that you have entered, just issue the /Cancelappeal command, and your ap
peal will be removed from the queue.
- Warden and Runemaster Bladeturn spells now work properly - i.e. they "go away"
after the first attack is turned. An unintended bug made Wardens and Runemaster
s who cast their bladeturn spells invulnerable - this fixes that problem.
- There was a bug where players being powerleved by a group of higher-level frie
nds were, under certain circumstances, being given more experience than their ca
p allowed. This bug meant that players could be leveled by groups much faster th
an we intended. Our policy is still to openly support leveling of friends, but w
e want to make sure it is happening within reasonable guidelines; hence the chan
ge. This change will not effect solo play or standard (i.e. where everyone is wi
thin the same level range) grouping at all.
- The group information window should - finally - update properly, with the righ
t information and display that info quicker.
- Fixed a bug where shields in poor condition did not block correctly. This has
been fixed; you should now see a higher number of blocks.
A bug was introduced in last week's patch that allowed all healing spells to be
cast at half spell points, meaning Clerics and other healers to cast their spell

s at much less cost than intended. This bug was actually fixed directly on the l
ive servers on Friday, so today's note is just an FYI. In the future, we will re
lease patch notes whenever a spell is changed; sadly that did not happen last we
ek. We apologize for the confusion.
We've made the following changes to the Thief classes (i.e. Nightshade, Shadowbl
ade, Infiltrator):
- Thieves have had their Evade skill substantially enhanced. They now receive Ev
ade II at 5th level, Evade III at 10th level, and then the next level of evade e
very 10 levels after that (20th, 30th, 40th, and 50th). A new level of Evade, VI
I has been added, which Thieves will receive at level 50.
- Backstab Critical Strikes now will almost never miss, if fighting a target mon
ster (green, blue, yellow), and will have a much higher chance of hitting a high
er level mosnter than they previously did.
Berserker Fury now does not take Endurance Points to use. It can be used once ev
ery 10 minutes. When turned on, you Critical with every shot, but lose all defen
sive skills (i.e. Parry, Block, Evade). You will deal out lots of damage, but wi
ll take lots as well. It lasts 20 seconds.
We've heard of a lot of confusion and dismay about the relative power of archer
classes in PvP, especially against Mages. For those who aren't aware, "Bladeturn
" spells (which Theurgists, Wardens, and Runemasters receive) work against arrow
s (as well as any other type of non-magical attack as well). Bladeturn spells nu
llify an attack - and can be cast on any player. It would behoove a group going
into PvP to have bladeturn protection spells on all their spellcasters.
- The level 20 Nightshade epic reward (the cloak) had its level incorrectly set
to a much higher level than intended. This resulted in the cape having higher bo
nuses than a player that level should have. Now, Nightshades completing this que
st will receive a cloak with more appropriate bonuses.
- The Spindelhalla Midgard dungeon is now itemized. Item levels 36-50 now drop f
rom monsters.
- Crawlers in the Vendo Cavern should now drop snake loot instead of lizard loot
- The Runewood focus staff of Void now has its Void spec level higher than its M
ana spec level.
- The Grizzly Skin Cloak from Midgard is now able to be equipped.
- The Kobold Ring in Midgard should now have a ring icon.
- The Woven Elemental boots should now be Armor Factor 63 (cloth type armor).
- The Chitin Ring had the additional Quickness stat changed to Piety.

- The Ornate Studded Vest can now be dyed.

- Mantle of Forgotten Prowess now has Dex/Emp instead of Dex/Piety.
- The Fire Threaded Cloak can be dyed now.
Quest - Legend of the Lake FIX
If the 15th level portion of this quest was performed by individuals over 20th l
evel, then you did not receive your quest item and EXP. You can now return and r
ight-click on Lady Nimue to receive the missed item and EXP. Missed items includ
ed: (Armsman-Sleeves of the Stoic, Scout-Gauntlets of Archery, Theurgist-Necklac
e of Elemental Influence, Friar-Soft Leather Traveler's Leggings)
Quest - Hands of fate
The Shade of Ambrosius Aurelianus was not properly spawning as players approache
d. The shade should now respond to players as intended.
Quest - Rebellion Accepted - Albion
The Arawnite Assassin within Snowdonia Keep was spawning and running directly to
kill Sir Rhodri with no regards to player on quest. The assassin should now fun
ction as intended. Be prepared for a fight!
- A level 27 Hibernian quest has been added. See your local Filidh for more deta
- The level 9 Hibernian quest Clik's Raids is now open only to Blademasters and
Heroes, the only two classes that can use the reward.
Quest - Hole of the Dead
Viking type classes were receiving a Dwarven Glima from Frimeth in Vasudheim whi
ch had no bonuses. He should now pass out the proper reward. For players who hav
e completed this quest and received the object titled "Dwarven Glima", please re
turn it to Frimeth in Vasudheim. He will swap it for the proper ring "Dwarven Gl
ima Ring".
Misc Quest Items
Realm medallion stores - The medallion stores within the off-realm portal forts
work properly now. They should only sell you a medallion to return to your home

If you are a shield user, you have always been able to block arrows with your sh
ield; however, we never properly documented how to do this. Here's the scoop:
To use a shield to block arrows:
a) Enter combat mode
b) Face in the direction of the archer
c) To dramatically increase you block chances, use the Engage skill, if you have
The base chance to block a same-level archer is 30%, if your shield specializati
on is maxed for your level this can reach 60%. Quality and condition act as modi
fiers to this chance, if your skill-based chance was 50%, your Shield had a qual
ity of 90% and a condition of 88%, then your actual chance to block would be 40%
Using the Engage skill gives a base 95% chance to block arrows fired by your tar
get. How many archers you can block attacks from is determined by the size of th
e shield, the same as Melee targets. You can Engage one archer and still get nor
mal blocking chances against other archers you are facing, if you have a Medium
or Large shield. Essentially, Engage works exactly the same against arrows as it
does against melee attacks.
November 8, 2001
Fixed platinum/mithril display problem on trade windows. It should all be workin
g correctly now.
You can now set the "You've been hit" message to a different color (red is now t
he default).
Some pet health bars were still showing up in the pet health window after the pe
t was released. This has been fixed.
Strength buffs cast on a player while he is encumbered now immdediately affects
High-level Spiritmasters (40+) should now have all missing spells restored.
When sending to a "best fit" name, if there is more than one fit, the server wil
l tell you that the name is not unique (it will no longer send to the first best
-fit match).
The chatgroup and friends commands now require that you type in an exact match f
or the user's name. Previously it worked on "best fit".
You should no longer get the "All chat groups are full" message
Loot dropping on slopes in dungeons should no longer fall through the floor.
When you zone, you now stay on your selected chat window tab.
Stores now show correct Platinum and Mithril (x1000 instead of x100)
When you release a pet, the pet's health bar no longer remains on screen.
When switching chat tabs with full chat buffers - random messages are no longer
printed at the bottom of the buffer.

When you scroll down in the Trade Skill window then switch trade skills, the win
dow resets to the first page.
Light teal enamel no longer causes funkiness in the character selection screen (
would force a robed figure)
Buffs that are refreshed no longer inherit blinking from previous buffs.
Off-hand usable and two-handed is now shown when right-clicking on an item in a
Bard-type classes can now drop instruments in their ranged weapons slot to more
easily switch between them.
Bard-type instruments with stat buffs now correctly add in to a player's stats w
hen the instrument is held.
Bard-type instruments should now "con" correctly. They also show correct conditi
on, durability, etc.
You cannot FOLLOW or STICK to an opponent unless you are relatively close to the
m. A STICK now breaks if the target gets outside of a certain range.
A new command has been added, /FACE, that allows to you auto-face a target (for
mages and archers).
DPS instead of Damage is now shown when right clicking on weapons.
You can now click on other monsters and players while you are /FOLLOWing a targe
t without breaking the follow.
Class names now show the first four characters (instead of the first three) in t
he looking for group window.
Pets should now properly award realm points in RVR combat when they strike the k
illing blow.
Pets now should trigger task kills on task monsters when striking the killing bl
When you right click on an item and sell it - the item now correctly disappears
from the quickview window.
The /MACRO command has been changed to be /MACRO [name] [text] to allow you to b
etter name your macros.
Magical item levels now show properly in the quickview window.
When you hand in a shield to be repaired or enchanted, the shield is now re-read
ied properly in your left hand.
Stats over 200 (when buffed) now print properly in the character screen.
The "open door" key selects a monster as the target when he is in front of you (
if there is no door).
Repair cost of fast weapons has been reduced since they lose condition more quic
In a city, the /STUCK command takes you to a safe spot in the middle of the city

when you are stuck.

Consignments no longer count towards the max number of tasks you can do for a le
You now get a dialog confirmation when choosing your trade skill profession.
Archer classes now have a chance of becoming visible when they nock their arrow.
The way it worked up until now is that archers would always be invisible if the
y were using stealth until they fired their bow. Now, a skill check is performed
when they "nock" their arrow. If they fail the check, they become visible. The
chance to become visible is based on their specialization in Stealth. On normal
(i.e. NOT critical shots), if they are 50% specc'ed in stealth, they will have a
50% chance of becomming visible; if they are 100% specc'ed, they will have a 10
0% chance of remaining hidden. On Critical Shots, the chance is the same as a no
rmal shot, minus 20% - so an archer max specced in stealth will have an 80% of r
emaining hidden after nocking his bow. Please note that in all cases, an archer
will become visible once the shot is actually fired.
You can no longer hide when your arrow is in-flight (before it hits your opponen
You now will correctly block/evade/parry when not in combat mode. A bug was prev
enting you from using these abilities when not in combat mode.
Cloth armor factors fixed - they were printing as too high for your level and we
re degrading too quickly as a result. They should now "con" and degrade correctl
Better /WHO filter - you can now type /WHO to see people who match a certain tex
t and level range. The Level range can be <1-5> or <10> or any combo.
/FRIENDS command has been changed to work like the /IGNORE command. You now type
/FRIEND to add or remove a friend or just /FRIENDS to see you current friends l
When you are aiming a bow, you don't regenerate endurance.
When attacking a keep door with a normal hand-held weapon (i.e. NOT a siege weap
on), now the correct damage is printed - it was printing your damagex20 previous
As one Realm controls more and more keeps in an enemy frontier, those keeps will
spawn fewer and fewer guards.
Material text now prints correctly for Bardic-Class type instruments in stores.
Enchanters were charging a bit too much for their services. This has been fixed
- you'll note that enchanting armor/weapons is now cheaper.
Enemy Realm guards should no longer follow you into a Realm's home area.
Many new weapon models have been added. These are special weapons that cannot be
purchased in stores. You can craft them or receive them as quest bounty. Please
note that it will be a week or so before you'll start seeing them pop up in gam
e; however, you are downloading them now.
The Kobold Ring in Midgard is now configured correctly. It was inadvertantly set

to require 3000 trains in a random skill to now use.

The Pitted Drake Talon in Albion should now look like a dagger.
The Carved Sphene Ring in Hibernia now adds to the Piercing skill.
The level epic Friar staff now adds to the Staff skill.
The rest of the epic cloaks in Albion can now take emblems.
The rats in Skona should now drop a tails that can be sold.
The Flame Helm in Midgard can now be dyed.
There were some items in the Spraggon Den and Ursine Lair that had resistances s
et too high. These items have been replaced with duplicates that have slightly l
ower resistances on them to bring them in line with all other resistance items.
If you already have any of the original items the resistances on them will not b
e affected in any way.
The leaky ceilings in some buildings in Camelot have been fixed, and it no longe
r rains in them.
Continued addition of high level encounters in the home region.
The black lion and lioness in Camp. forest have been adjusted so they are more a
Minstrels can now perform quests associated with the Black Lions.
A new horse route has been added in Midgard between Ft. Atla and Mularn (in both
Duplicate Named NPCs in Midgard fixed:
Hedin in Gna Faste is now Kedin.
Hedin in Huginfell is now Ryden.
Ingrid in Mularn is now Linna.
Svala in Audliten is now Inga.
Tait in E. Svealand is now Pater.
Ozur in E. Svealand is now Tozur.
Dalla of Jordheim is now Falla
Bersi of Galplen is now Nyden
Halla of Jordheim is now Anya
Krek and Glum now give correct directions to trainers.
Gordin Tuhan no longer spits out text not related to the quest.
Halla gives out her quest now.
The name Njessi is now correctly spelled in the Silent Death Quest.
Sapherds, pine imps, and wood imps have experienced a time of weakening. Their m
elee offense, defense, and their hit points have been tweaked down a bit.

QUEST: Grenlock Clan's Epic and Reach of the shadow

There existed a problem with certain players who were on step two of the Grenloc
k Clan's epic and who needed to kill Ulga to complete the Reach of the shadow qu
est. Players can now complete Siv's Spirit quest (the bulk of Grenlock Clan's st
ep 2), and return to kill Ulga to finish off the Reach of the shadow quest.
QUEST: Shadowblade level 11 Quest: Jewel Hunt
Some players were not able to get their level 11 quest. If you are a Shadowblade
above level 11 and did not receive the Jewel Hunt quest at level 11 from your t
rainer, you can now go back to your class trainer and right-click on him. Comple
tion of this quest will now allow you to get the rest of your Epic Quests.
The leaky ceilings in some buildings in Tir na Nog have been fixed, and it no lo
nger rains in them.
The roaming merchant Achaius in Lough Derg is now set so he'll pretty much follo
w the road rather than roam the countryside.
Added two more named guards: Sentinel Eimile in Ardagh, and Sentinel Moya in Ard
Added poison venders in the nightshade training room in Tir na Nog.
Players on the Balance of Nature quest were supposed to remove the creature Sabh
a by offering it fish. The trainer wasn't giving them fish, so they were just ki
lling Sabha rather than talking. Players that are on that step but don't have fi
sh to give Sabha can see Caoimhe, in Ardee, for some fish.
Some adjustments are being made to the parthanan fields. Currently, only one (Lo
ugh Gur) of the four parthanan fields has been adjusted. More adjustments to tha
t field and the other fields will make their way into the zone in the near futur
Spiritmaster pets now look Norse.
Increased damage of Skald battle shouts.
The lines of the Warden spell Nature's Ward with different target types no longe
r overwrite each other. This means you can now have the self-cast bladeturn and
the "cast on others" bladeturn.
The Enchanter spell Lesser Disenchanting Emission is now awarded at L16. This is
n't the perfect level since the next upgrade comes at L20 (instead of 21), but i
t is now at least available. Note that the name of this spell, and the one follo
wing have had their names changed to Lesser Disenchanting Emission and Disenchan
ting Emission.
Area effect upgrades to Healer and Shaman stun and mesmerize shouts no longer ov
erwrite the non-area effect versions.
The area effect versions of the Bard Lullaby no longer overwrite the original
non-area effect version
Theurgist pets should now work correctly in Dungeons.http://camelotherald.wikia.

Factions - All Realms:

There was an faction error assigning positive faction gains to groups. All membe
rs of a group should now receive a positive faction hit, not just the player get
ting the killing blow. Those responsible for this mistake have been forced to si
t inside with shades drawn on this beautiful fall day.
Dverge Faction (Midgard):
There was an error in repairing dverge faction - which has been addressed. It is
now easier to raise dverge faction. Those who had previously raised their dverg
e faction should now be able to complete the quests involving the dverge.
Quest: Slevins Powder (Hibernia)
layers on step two of Slevin's Powder should now be able to complete the step by
following the journal entry instructions: Speak with Slevin about [Roane Maiden
Quest: Widowers Hunt (Midgard):
Players stuck at step 4 of Widower's Hunt can now return to Yver in Haggerfel an
d continue to the quest by right-clicking on him. Dreadkane Dwarfeater will now
be easier to find.
We found and fixed a server problem that was plaguing communication (groups, who
commands, guild chat, etc.) across zones on many different servers last night.W
e fixed some lingering group bugs that caused random players in the group window
to become "grayed-out" randomly, even if they were in the same zone.
There was a weapon in Hibernia (the Pestilent Sickle) that had its quality inadv
ertently set far too high, resulting in the weapon hitting for max damage every
time it hit an enemy. This has been fixed. The fixed weapon will now drop as loo
t, and all weapons in player's inventories have been converted to a more appropr
iate quality.
Hibernia Quest: Anxious Healer:
A fix has gone in for players stuck on the Anxious Healer quest. This will fix t
he problems for players who have already turned in Lashold's Claw to Kimba but a
re still being told to turn in Lashold's Claw. Players at this step should go ba
ck to Kimba in Lough Gur and right click on her. They will then be able to conti
nue on the quest.
These notes (2:45 PM) are the newest version, and are the most accurate. (Edit 5
:32 PM EST - this got left off the patch notes: "A self bladeturn (Barrier of Ne
gation) was also added to L19 of the Magician base list Way of the Moon.")
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.37c Release Notes
December 4, 2001
Now, when a player character crafts an item, their name will be attached to that
item. If someone delves the item the crafter's name will be displayed as part o
f the item information.
Here is a short description of Realm points, levels, and titles. There are 100 t
otal realm levels, which are sub-divided into 11 ranks, each of which has a titl

e and potentially a gift associated with it. When you gain your first Realm poin
t (by engaging in RvR combat), you will be promoted to Rank 1, level 1. As you c
ontinue to fight in RvR, your next level will be Rank 1, level 2, and so forth.
When you gain Rank 1, level 9, your next level gain will promote you to Rank 2,
level 1. At Rank 2, you will gain a Realm Rank and a new title. You will gain th
ese new titles and ranks at levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 70, 80, 90, and 100. S
o, you must be 10th Realm Level (Rank 2) before you will see your Realm Title ch
Starting with this version, when you gain a Realm Rank, you will gain a 1 point
bonus to each of your specializations per Rank. This begins at realm rank 2. So,
a player of Realm Rank 5 would have a total of +4 (i.e. one per realm rank afte
r the first) to all his skills. A maxed-out RvR player would have a +10 to all s
kills. Please note that this acts just as if that player has a magic object that
"buffs" skills - i.e. you will not get abilities awarded to you because of the
bonuses, but for combat and other calculations, the buff will be included in the
formula. Currently, this bonus does not display on your character sheet.
In the (near) future, we plan on having a slightly more robust Realm Rank gifts,
where you gain cash rewards for RvR combat, and at some point after that, addit
ional skills and abilities. We'll give you all more information about that when
the time comes.
- You can now select and destroy Relic Keep doors.
- Siege weapons can now be repaired using the "/repair" command.
- Magical effects such as stun and mesmerize now "remember" if they have been ca
st on a player, and if cast again, the spell will last for a shorter duration th
an the first instance of the spell. This will effect combat vs. monsters as well
- You will now come out of hiding when you use the "/repair" command, if you are
- Repairing a door now takes 20 seconds to go through the entire repair cycle. P
reviously, it took 5 seconds, which enabled one or two players to hold off many
enemy players attacking the door.
- Guild Realm Points will now be tracked properly, and won't reset randomly. You
'll notice that your guild's Realm Points will be adjusted as members log into t
he game
- Keep doors should now be properly synchronized across all people's computers.
Previously, some players would see doors open, when in reality they were closed.
- When low level mage characters cast mesmerization and stun spells on higher le
vel-characters and monsters, the spells used to last as long as if a high level
mage cast the spell. Now, the duration of the mez/stun will lower based on how m
uch lower level the mage is than the target.


- The "Appeal" interface has been modified and streamlined so players who wish t
o contact Customer Support should have an easier time expressing their problem.
- Eight new monster skins have been added. Expect to see some new-looking monste
rs wandering about Pendragon later in the week.

- All outdoor zones for all realms have new pathing data, which means that pets,
monsters and NPCs should now enter and move around buildings and structures pro
perly. This fixes problems like pets going the "wrong" way around a building whe
n following you, refusing to enter a building with you, or moving in an erratic
fashion near objects.
- If you are hidden, monsters are now much less likely to target you than other
group members, although they still have a chance of "finding" you.
- Heal spells should no longer be castable on dead player bodies.
- The "anonymous" flag no longer resets on quitting or zoning.
- There's now a confirmation dialog on Emblemeers and Smiths, which ask you if y
ou are sure you want to purchase the emblem/repair the object.
- When you are missing an ingredient when making an object, the game will now li
st ALL the ingredients you are missing.
- Most NPC dialog will now print money in terms of units of currency, not just c
opper. Previously, you would see "50099 copper" - now that is translated into go
ld, silver, copper, etc.
- Condition and durability has been tweaked so that generally speaking, items no
w last longer (i.e. have greater durability), but need to be repaired slightly m
ore often.
- Items with qualities below 90 will no longer salvage for the same amount of ra
w materials as higher-quality items.
- When you get a dialog box prompting you for resurrection, you now must acknowl
edge it within 15 seconds. If you don't, the resurrection spell must be recast.
- Berserker Frenzy now grants a "to hit" bonus and can be used every 7 minutes (
used to be every 10 minutes).
- You can no longer "/upgrade" non-door objects. Due to a bug, you were able to
upgrade all wooden objects (bows, staves, etc.), even though it was not cost-eff
ective to do so.

- Briton, Hibernian, and Midgard guards have gotten an armor appearance upgrade.
You should start seeing this later in the week.
- Albion plate armor has been upgraded in appearance.

Albion Quests / NPCs:
Quest: Legione perso. Players attacking Lunaris were having difficulty in moving
to the next step of this quest. This problem has now been resolved.
Quest: Fortune of Few. Armsmen were receiving a Embossed Crossbow reward for thi

s level 11 quest. For those Armsmen who wish to receive a usable item for their
level, please return to Master Graent. You can hand him the Embossed Crossbow an
d you will receive a Belt of Battle in exchange.
Quest: Heart of Sephucoth. Players who were also on the Ripper quest were not ab
le to receive the bone they required for the Heart of Sephucoth quest. This issu
e has now been resolved and shortly after receiving the bone for the Ripper ques
t, you should receive the bone required to complete the Heart of Sephucoth quest
Quest: Captured Courier. Player attempting to complete the Dunston section of th
is quest in groups were having trouble. Dunston would run away shortly after the
first of the group performed the proper steps. This has now been resolved. Duns
ton will wait for up to 1 minute while all members of the group perform the requ
ired steps.
Quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice. The Sacrificer Harish encounter has been brough
t back up to its original level of difficulty.
Quest: Traveler's Way -- Supply Run. Journal entries have been changed to reflec
t Sceley's smith profession.
Hibernia Quests / NPCs:
Quest: Secret of Nuada's Silver. Players on step three of the Secret of Nuada's
Silver quest that don't have the ore to hand in to Chief Proinnsias will fail th
e quest and get chastised for being careless. They'll be able to get the quest a
gain. This is so the customer service people don't have to continually reset que
sts for people who get the ore and then destroy it or drop it.
Quest: Seek the Moonstone. An earlier fix to the Seek the Moonstone epic allowed
players who lost the enchanted collar to speak to the hounds. This has confused
players who never lost the collar, so an alteration has been implemented that s
hould hopefully help alleviate player confusion. Players who have lost the colla
r only need to say [the moonstone] as indicated in their journal. Players who ha
ven't lost their collar can now give the collar to the hound to initiate hound-s
Siabra reorganization. The different clans of siabra have been differentiated. T
he new names are now reflected in the quests and talk indexes.
New Quest: Freeing Osier. A new level 19 Hibernian quest: Freeing Osier... a Con
nla merchant believes her beloved, lost many years ago, is now a spectral wicker
man. (Osier is no longer a one-time drop)
New Shopkeeper. Cleit, in Tir na Nog, sells shields. He's located just past the
first pub in Tir na Nog, entering from the Lough Derg entrance.
New Shopkeeper. Cragen, in Tir na Nog, now sells tacuil armor.
Quest Sile's Sight: Keeper Rasa has moved away from the empyreans who guard her,
and now resides by herself in a hut near their grove.
Quest West Wind: Bards completing the West Wind quest will now receive a ring as
well as coin and experience. The reward for Nightshades and Rangers who've comp
leted the West Wind quest has been changed from reinforced to leather. All exist
ing objects will be updated.
Nightshades now get a leather hauberk as a reward for this quest.

Blademasters now get reinforced greaves as a reward for this quest.

The Hauberk of Lies is going to remain reinforced. However, nightshades can turn
in their Hauberk of Lies to Bairfhionn in Tir na Nog and receive a leather Haub
erk of Deceit. Only players who've completed the quest and have the Hauberk of L
ies in their inventory will be able to get the new quest reward. This can only b
e done once.
Blademasters who have received the Scale Greaves of Might can turn in this item
to Bairfhionn in Tir na Nog and recieve reinforced Greaves of Might. Only player
s who've completed the quest and have the Scale Greaves of Might in their invent
ory will be albe to get the new quest reward. Players can only do this once.
Midgard Quests / NPCs:
Quest: Red Daggers. Midgard Warriors who've completed the Red Dagger quest, or w
ho are currently on the quest, and received the Stormrider's Hauberk, the level
25 Thane reward, can turn in the hauberk for the correct warrior reward, a set o
f War Ravager Gauntlets. Players should turn the Thane item in to the Gythja of
Bragi, in Jordheim
Quest: Sveawolf Guardian. The Sveawolf Guardian quest now has better directions
in the quest journal. The Elder sveawolf now gives more specific directions for
dealing with the other creatures involved. Also, the Barkeeps will now tell you
which town they are referring to in their rumors about this quest.
Quest: Krrrck's Torment. Krrrck in Krrrck's Torment should be easier to find in
Skona Ravine. The directions in the quest and in the journal have been given mor
e detail, and Krrrck will spawn more.
Quest: Furf's Reward
Quest: Zrit-Zrit
Quest: Sulphine's Demise
The directions to and Zrit-zrit in Skona and Sulphine have been made a little cl
earer. Furf will also spawn more frequently in Skona.
Quest: Simple Misgivings. In Simple Misgivings, Hilde in Haggerfel now asks for
forge plans instead of blueprints to match the object you receive from the monst
Quest: Tomte Jerkin. The Tomte Jerkin quest will now be offered at the appropria
te level and only classes able to use the Jerkin will be given the quest. An ite
m for casters will be added soon.
Quest: Price of Excellence. Players on the Price of Excellence quest should now
see their talisman 'glow' when they are near the correct monster. They should al
so now be able to complete the quest by killing Ulfgar.
Quest: Wisdom of Time. Players working on the Wisdom of Time epic (shaman, heale
r) who did not receive a subquest (The Rod and the Scholars, Visions of Darkness
, Decoding the Map, Gashir) should return to Inaksha in Haggerfel to receive the
quest they need.
Quest: Silent Death. Players who chose an axe as their reward for Silent Death b
ut were not able to receive the axe should return to Eindridi the smith in Fort
Atla. Right-click on him to receive your reward.
Quest: Widower's Hunt. Widower's Hunt - Players who were killed by the Widower a

nd are on step 7 should return to Yver in Haggerfel to be able to fight Widower

Quest: Silent Death: The level of the Silent Death quest has been lowered to 22
to match the level of the monster. The quest level was set too high, making the
rewards too low.
Update on Silent Death: Due to a bug with the Silent Death quest, players that c
hose a two-handed axe instead of a one-handed axe may now return to Eindridi in
Fort Atla and exchange their axe.
Quest: Hunting Party: Bork of Huginfell now actually gives out money he mentions
for the Hunting Party quest.
Quest: Aegan's Letter to Helen: The journal entry for Aegan's Letter to Helen no
w reminds you where Helen lives.
Quest: Tric's Lost List: The directions to Gib for Tric's Lost List given by Tri
c have been added to the quest journal.
Quest: Grenlock Clan: The NPC's associated with the Grenlock Clan epic (for spir
itmasters and runemasters) have undergone a slight name change. The sons' last n
ame is now Alfevson instead of Grenle to match their father's last name.
Dverge Faction fix - The activities of the dverge in Muspelheim have roused the
anger of the Lost Souls, who have summoned new spirits to combat them. These new
spirits can be hunted to gain favor with the Dverge.
Quest: Zrit-Zrit's Item quest: Gautr in Gotar now correctly refers to Zrit-Zrit
as a badger, not an offspring of a bear. Gautr also gives a direction and a refe
rence point in Skona Ravine to help find Zrit-Zrit. Also, Zrit-Zrit is no longer
quite so shy, so players should be seeing him more often.
Quest: Krrck's Torment: The directions given out by Arnleif in Vasudheim for Krr
ck's location are now included in the quest journal.
Quest: Tomte
nic has been
ers who have
nge it for a
ifference is

Jerkin quest: The quest is now available to all classes. A Tomte Tu

added for runemasters and spiritmasters. Runemasters and Spiritmast
already received a Jerkin can return to Gwaell in Audliten to excha
Tomte Tunic. The tunic has the same stats at the jerkin; the only d
the material.

Quest Healer's Shield: Healer's Shield has been renamed Protecting the Healer. T
here was some confusion with the name and the reward. A bracer has been added fo
r runemasters, spiritmasters, healers, and shaman. If you cannot use the sword,
return to Saydyn in Huginfell to swap out your sword.
Quest Additions
Quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice. Players who were stepped to step 7 and did not
receive the sub-quest (Deserter Amono) can return to their Camelot trainer to re
ceive this quest. Players who were stepped to step 10 and did not receive the su
b-quest (Point of Reason) can return to their Camelot trainer to receive this qu
Players who were stepped to step 12 and did not receive the sub-quest (Chains of
Death) can return to their Camelot trainer to receive this quest.
Quest: Legend of the Lake. Players who were stepped to step 3,4,7 or 8 and did n
ot receive the sub-quests (Barbaric tales) or (Wizard Lost) can return to Lady N

imue to receive one of these quests.

Quest: Rebellion Accepted. Players who were stepped to step 5 and did not receiv
e the sub-quest (Path of the Renegade) can return to Captain Rhodri to receive t
his quest.
Players who were stepped to step 7 and did not receive the sub-quest (Regal Nobi
lity) can return to Captain Rhodri to receive this quest.
Quest: Scura tragedia. Players who were stepped to step 7 and did not receive th
e sub-quest (La morti parla) can return to Master Vismer to receive this quest.
Players who were stepped to step 9 and did not receive the sub-quest (Animare il
morti) can return to Master Vismer to receive this quest. Players who were step
ped to step 11 and did not receive the sub-quest (Legione perso) can return to M
aster Vismer to receive this quest.
Monster Encounter Updates:
Over the next few weeks we'll be making a concerted effort to improve and divers
ify many of the monster encounters throughout the realms. The goal of this is to
make the adventuring areas feel as though they have more impact in the world, a
nd that there are more distinct areas with a variety of behavior, treasure, and
monster types. Included in this version are the first steps in this direction. A
s you can see our first pass is in some of the Hibernian zones, but all realms w
ill receive attention. This set of improvements represents just the beginning of
how we plan to implement your feedback.
Hibernia Monster Encounters:
- The druid grove of Howth has done extensive investigation of the group of dark
magical beings known as the Siabra. Disturbingly, they discovered that the Siab
ra reach and influence was quite extensive. While they all hail to one great que
en and are seen as one group of beings, the closer investigation has revealed th
at there are regionalized differences between the Siabra people. One of the bigg
est differences is in their choice of colors to wear. The Siabra of the Lough De
rg region, for example, have been known to wear red with highlights of violet. R
egardless of the region though, violet seems to be a recurrent theme. The druids
concluded their research by giving names to each of these siabra region-groups.
Those in the Lough Derg area are the dergan siabra, those in Brileith and Mt. C
ollory are the siog, in the Cliffs of Moher they are moheran, in Silvermine are
the sheevra, in the Shannon Estuary are the eriu, and in Lough Gur are the gurit
e. Those who reside near their faerie queen, Cliodna, in the Bog of Cullen are s
till referred to by their original siabra name.
- Siabra Fury, Enchanter, and Skirmishers in Lough Derg are now known as dergan
fury, dergan enchanter, and dergan tussler, respectively.
- Dergan enchanter now correctly uses a thrust attack. It was previously using a
crushing attack.
- Rock and stone sheeries have evolved slightly, and as a result, look a little
different than they did before. They have also shed the cloth tunics they once w
- Whistlers, magical creatures that take on the form of black horses, have recen
tly asserted some influence over the dergan near Macnol's tower in Lough Derg.
- Moss sheeries have migrated towards Lough Derg and may now be found behind the
dergan grove

- Druids have classified a new type of sheerie, the clubmoss sheerie. It is slig
htly bigger and more magical than the smaller moss sheeries. The clubmoss sheeri
e is only found in Lough Derg.
- Rock sheeries have claimed a lonely stone circle on the east side of Lough Der
g. Rounders, a more magical type of rock sheerie has also been sighted in that l
- More curmudgeons have migrated into the Lough Derg area and some have taken on
new roles. Investigating wardens have noted crab-catchers, campkeepers, and eve
n a singing curmudgeon.
- A rare species of arachnid known as the dampwood mite has found a home in the
Lough Gur area. At least four colonies of these creatures have been discovered.
- Reports have come in of ghoulies moving closer to Innis Carthig
- Survey groups claim to have seen gurite (Lough Gur Siabra) tempriars on the ro
ad between Lough Gur and the Bog of Cullen. Caution is advised for those traveli
ng southeast.
- Stone sheeries have made their way as far south as the stone circles in Lough
Gur. Yet another type of sheerie, called the chipstone, has been seen with these
- Many Lurikeen have reported that a small herd of faerie horses has emerged to
take up resident on the island in Lough Gur
- Wayward reports have trickled in of escorted envoys of the Unseelie Court head
ing from Lough Gur towards Cliodna's tower. Many have been sent to investigate t
hese reports, but as of yet, no one has returned with confirmation.
- Magical black cats called scanradh (fright) have been seen with the gurites in
their southwestern camp of Lough Gur. Like the whistlers of Lough Derg, these s
eem to have some power of authority over the gurites.
- A ragged messenger out of Alainn Bin inform has informed Connla authorities th
at cronicorns have been sighted in the Bog of Cullen. A sole surviving witness s
aid the creature, leading a group of siabra, smited down his entire party with a
mere wave of its horn. The village of Alainn Bin slips further and further from
our grasp.
- Times of war can be seen by the increased number of disturbed spirits that roa
m the frontier lands, fallen invaders and defenders alike have risen from their
unpleasant deaths to lash out at any who cross their paths.
- Additional camps of luricadunes have been spotted in the valleys of Silvermine
to the west of Howth.
- The gray spectres have spread their influence from the solitary camp in the so
- The sheevra have occupied additional areas on the shoreline and hills of Silve
rmine. Our guardian scouts report that these new camps are more dangerous and ag
gressive than the siabra of before.
- Tangua, Slothi and Natyl have been spotted more frequently at their camp in Br
i Leith

- Dullahans may appear more frequently at night in the Lough Gur area
- Cave fairies and enhornings now heal themselves less often.
- The pooka formerly known as Spook is now known as Shadowgnash.
- Some of the heavy-drinking cluricaun have found abandoned homes in Connacht th
at they now use for their wild parties. They have sent messengers out to their k
in to join them and are waiting them to arrive later this week.
Albion Monster Encounters
- The Arawnites in Llyn Barfog have established a more permanent presence.
- The boggart and Gwalchmai factions in the Pennine Mountains should now be givi
ng a correct faction message.
- The vigilis in the Catacombs has a slightly longer range on his bow. Additiona
lly, it will now run after those who confront him.
Midgard Monster Encounters
- The hagbui appear to have been disturbed by adventurers in the swamp and now r
oam their lairs even in the daylight hours.
- Forest spiders in Vanern swamp spawn in daytime as well as night. They have al
so received an appropriate poison attack.

- Stonehenge Barrows is itemized, equipment levels are 36-50.
- The Bracer of the Paranoid from the Muire tomb now has the correct bonuses. Al
l bracers will auto-update.
- The Bogeyman Crystallized Eye can now be equipped.
- Arachnid silk can now be picked up / carried.
- The Ceremonial Cloak in the Muire Tomb should now take dyes.
- Hrodrek's chain should now take dyes.
- The Blackorm Coif should now drop with the proper Armor Factor.
- The Runic Rigid Orm spine should now equip in the 2hd slot.
- The Wispy Rigid Orm spine should now equip in the 2hd slot.
- The Roman Body Shield was renamed to Ancient Body Shield and now more monsters
other than Roman Undead drops it.
- The Roman Battle Bracer was renamed as Ancient Battle Bracer for the same reas
- Loot tables in the Vale of Mularn and East Svaeland were tweaked. Some rare ob

jects were added and drop rates were modified.

- The Orm Skullcap Shield now has the proper icon and uses the shield skill.
- The Bear-bracer should now raise Sword skill instead of slash.
- The Spine Splitter stats were changed to modify Large Weaponry and Strength. T
he previously stat bonuses did not help any characters that could use the weapon
- The Crystal Shard now raises the piercing skill instead of thrusting.
- The Twilight Blade-stopper should now "consider" correctly.


- Added an AE attack speed debuff to the Enchanter's Bedazzling list (Field of S
cintillation), to add to Hibernia's area-effect repertoire.
- Added a power regen line to Holism for Mentalist (Empowering Unity), and an AE
DoT to Holism line for Mentalist (Shroud of Madness). This is one step towards
evening out Hibernian area effect spells, and adds some extra benefit for specci
ng in Mana.
- Added "nearsight" line to Runemaster Runes of Suppression list (Suppress Sight
), Matter Manipulation (Cab matter spec, Encrust Eyes) list, and Eldritch Shadow
Control list (changed old dex debuff line to Negate Coordination, and Negate Si
ght line is the nearsight spell). Nearsight reduces the range at which spells ca
n be cast and arrows fired by a percentage. This is a "harrying" type spell that
should give casters a
non-damaging counter to archers.
- Added AE DoT (Spore Cloud) to Shaman Cave spec. to flesh out the line, and add
an area effect spell that Midgard did not have.
- Upped range on Healer, Druid, and Cleric insta-heals from 1200 to 1350 to matc
h normal heal range.
- Added self bladeturn to L19 of Spiritmaster Summoning list (Protecting Spirit)
, Wizard Path of Fire (Aura of Incineration), and Mage Matter base list (for Sor
cerer and Cabalist, Barrier of Warding). A self bladeturn (Barrier of Negation)
was also added to L19 of the Magician base list Way of the Moon. This should imp
rove viability of casters in both RvR and PvE.
- Normalized the following buff lines (from all realms) to last 10 minutes: Shie
ld of Magma, Minor Earthen Power, Bolstering Gust, Detect Flaw, Encourage Aggres
sion, Aura of Protection, Hammer of Faith, Shield of Faith, Rune of Discomfort,
Minor Force of the Deep, Thunder's Bash, Thor's Vigor, Nails of the Wild. Mainta
ining some of these buffs detracted from their benefit, and weren't an appreciab
le balancing factor in their use.
- Enchanter pets were raised from 86% of the caster's level to 88%, matching Cab
alist and Spiritmaster pet levels.
- Bladeturns can
yers. The chance
ely the caster's
w weeks ago, and

now be penetrated by attacks from higher level monsters and pla

of the bladeturn deflecting a higher level attack is approximat
level / the attacker's level. This change actually went in a fe
was undocumented, for which we apologize. Please be aware that

everything in the game is level/chance based - nothing works 100% of the time in
all cases. It was a bug that caused it to work 100% of the time - now it takes
the levels of the players involved into account.


- Changed recipes to match what is in the ingredients lists. Several tailoring,
fletching, and weaponcrafting recipes should now use the proper ingredients.
- Albion Mail armor has been revised to use Cymric leather components rather tha
n Siluric. The minimum cost is still about the same if you use crafted component
s, but if you're using store-bought this will increase your profit margins.http:
Live, from Fairfax, Virginia, it's the Tuesday patch notes:
Edit: Added this line - We also corrected a display problem with siege equipment
where the recipes displayed incorrectly.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.38 Release Notes
December 11, 2001
- Falling damage has been enabled. Damaged is assessed based on the distance fal
len, and is expressed as a percentage of a player's total hit points. In general
, you'll only experience this when you jump off of a wall, building, tower, dung
eon pit, steep hill or mountain, etc. If you're at full hits, you will never tak
e enough damage to kill you from one fall (99% maximum). However, if you've been
hit by a monster or player, a subsequent fall may kill you. When descending ste
ep terrain, some extra care will be needed, especially when under the effect of
speed-enhancing magic. Remember to use the Walk key (defaults to F) to help you
safely navigate steep mountains and hills.
- Thief classes get a new ability called Safe Fall as part of their Stealth spec
ialization track. They receive one level of Safe Fall per 10 levels of Stealth.
Each level of safe fall lessens the damage from a fall and increases the minimum
"no damage" height they can fall from. The highest levels of Safe Fall allow th
e thief to jump from a keep wall and take very little damage.
- There was a problem with the Critical Shot skill for Archer characters from Mi
dgard and Hibernia only who were Realm Rank 2. Under those circumstances, their
critical shots did only normal damage. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where a siege equipment could sometimes cause damage to members of
the realm that built it. We also corrected a display problem with siege equipme
nt where the recipes displayed incorrectly.
- You can now jump normally in cities (some city spots would keep you from jumpi
- Players with low frame rates will no longer fall through the city after they j

- Players would sometimes not be able to see other players in the city - this ha
s been fixed.
- We've fixed the bug where high level players (35+) would sometimes not be gran
ted higher level combat styles and spell abilities. Older characters are convert
ed as they enter the game to gain these abilities and newer characters should ge
t them normally.
- We fixed an issue where relics would respawn in a state where they were not ca
- The percent chance to hit with your second weapon when dual wielding has been
increased (thus increasing the aggregate DPS for dual wielders). Likewise, the d
amages for left axe have been increased.
- There was a bug where you could manipulate the salvage system to duplicate ite
ms. This was relatively unknown - but it has bene fixed.
RvR Frontier Keeps:
We have made some changes to the frontier keeps throughout all three realms, par
ticularly with the roaming patrols that move about the zones controlled by the k
eeps. Up until this point the areas of land controlled by the keeps has been qui
te small, with large gaps between the controlled lands, allowing armies to bypas
s the keeps to get deep into an enemy realm. In order to encourage invaders to t
ake the frontier keeps, and defenders to defend them we have increased the area
that the outlying patrols from each keep move about in. In general these areas n
ow overlap, so that it's possible that patrols from more than one keep guard a s
ingle section of land. The number of these patrols has also been increased to ac
count for the larger area that needs to be patrolled. Over the course of this we
ek we'll be making more changes to the frontier keep and relic keep guard forces
and adding incentives to the keeps to give more benefits to owning them. All of
these changes will be made with the intent to give the frontier keeps more mean
ing, and encourage invaders to take them and defenders to defend them.
* Patrol areas around frontier keeps increased in size.
* Number of patrols around frontier keeps increased to account for larger patrol
* The frontier keeps now control a contingent of strong guards to help defend
the home relics. Look for them at the relic gates. This force will diminish as f
rontier keeps are conquered by an invader. So, an army on a relic raid will be e
ncouraged to take as many frontier keeps as possible to make taking the relic ea
The well-trained Lords and guards in the frontier keeps should now be using thei
bows and spells regardless of distraction.
An additional "Border keep" patrol should now originate at each of the frontier
keeps in the same zone as the border keep to explore the regions near the border
keep. Note that this patrol depends upon the home Frontier keep for support, an
d if this keep is lost, this patrol does not generate for the enemy.
Combat Style Notes:
The bonus damage from a combat style now increases as the skill specialization o
f the style increases. Before, players would slowly "outgrow" lower level styles
as the damage of their base attack increased thus rendering older styles effect

ively useless. In addition, styles that have openings or are at the end of three
style "chains" do additional bonus damage with specialization since they are mo
re difficult to use and happen more rarely.
Hibernia Faction:
The enemy factions of the cluricauns and leprechauns will now give positive
faction when you kill the opposing faction.
Monster Encounters:
The bug causing certain Icestriders in Uppland to be un-hittable has been fixed.
Horse Routes:
A couple of new horse routes have been added to Midgard between Gna Faste and Ga
lplan, and Gna Faste and Huginfel.
Monster Encounters:
* The cluricauns in Connacht have been having so much fun in their newly claimed
homes that they have invited their kin to join the party. One old adventurer sa
id, "They be bouncin' all over the place and dancing so fast it made me eyes spi
n. They asked me ta join 'em but I know better 'n to put on thar dancin' shoes!"
* A group of giant men in robes were seen gathering around a circle of stones in
northern Connacht. No one yet knows why they are there.
* The druids have further classified a group of small spectres as bantam spectre
s. A new group of these bantam spectres were sighted in Connacht around a trio o
f standing stones.
* Large walking rocks have been sited in the western reaches of Connacht.
* Another group of
he Cliffs of Moher
, was also sighted
ng forth creatures

rock sheeries have settled into a shallow vale of stones in t

region. An extremely large sheerie, called a sheerie summoner
there. It was reported that this sheerie summoner began calli
of giant molten rock. No other information is available.

* The Connla town council has found a poison that was contaminating their water,
causing the beach rats to become aggressive. After purifying the water source,
the council has announced that the rats have returned to their normal docile nat
* The southern half of the Cliffs of Moher have seen an influx in activity, both
human and non-human. Local scholars theorize that this influx will continue.
* A small group of moheran distorters were seen with large creatures. The ranger
who reported them referred to them as "moheran beasts."
* A group of grovewoods have taken root in a small group of trees in the souther
n portion of the Cliffs of Moher.
* Another ranger reported that several standing stones near the cliff face in Mo

her began glowing a few nights back. The ranger said that when the glowing stopp
ed, hideous creatures appeared but stayed within the square stone formation.
* The cliff dweller population has grown. They not only do they refuse to aid us
in our fight against the invading forces of Albion and Midgard, but they also a
ttack any messengers or envoys we send their way.
* Based on player feedback, we filled in some blank spots in Lough Gur with some
high 40's monster encounters.
* The Albion borderguards found in Snowdonia have declared their retirement. The
y have been replaced with younger, less experienced guards.
* The runners of Albion have been given orders to not engage the enemy unless at
tacked first.
* Many moons ago, several groups of Albion adventurers journeyed to the Pennine
Mountains. Perhaps it was the time they spent away from civilization or perhaps
it was another reason, but today, they consider themselves isolationists. They h
ave shown open aggression to those who approach their camps.
* An increase in the frequency and quantity of creatures has been reported all a
cross the Pennine Mountains
Midgard Quests / NPCs:
The merchant who sells leather, metal, and wood is back in Gna Faste. He was
unintentionally removed when the vault keeper Idonna was added to the area.
Midgard guards will no longer salute members of opposing realms.
Quest: Protecting the Healer:
Players who traded in their Nightsworn sword to Saydyn and received a
Healer's Defender and cannot use it should return to Saydyn in Huginfell. Give
Saydyn the Healer's Defender and he will return your Nightsworn sword. Also,
Saydyn will no longer tell melee-classes they cannot use the sword.
Quest: Price of Excellence:
Players who did the quest prior to the level of
the quest being raised may return to the drunken dwarf in Jordheim to
upgrade their hammer by completing a small quest. Players will have to turn
in Ulfgar's Hammer to get the quest for the new hammer.
Quest: The Red Dagger: Players no longer need to say 'Thane's Blood' to Lynnleig
h on the island when they are on step 11 on The Red Dagger quest. Simply right-c
licking on her at the appropriate level will continue the quest.
Quest: Ghastly Axe: The Ghastly Sword one time drop is now called the Ghastly Ax
e one time drop to match the item given.
Quest: Big Paw: Players will now actually receive the Big Paw quest from Finna i
n Fort Atla.
Quest: The Price of Excellence: The level of the quest The Price of Excellence h
as been raised. The named monster involved in the quest has also been raised in
level, as well as the reward. Players currently on the quest may need to wait a

level or two to complete the quest successfully, but they will receive the rewar
d based on the new level.
Quest: Paranoid Guard: The Paranoid Guard quest will now give players an accept/
decline box when they speak to Angor Crusher in West Svealand.
Quest: Foolish Dancers: The unquenched maul that is part of the Foolish Dancers
quest has been changed to a generic quest item. It was never meant to be an actu
al, wieldable weapon. Players should complete the Foolish Dancers quest to recei
ve the actual Ashen Maul.
Quest: Traveler's Way: Spiritmasters can now receive their level 7 quest from ei
ther trainer in Jordheim.
Quest: Zrit-Zrit's Item: - Gautr no longer asks you to come back to him after
you kill Zrit-zrit.
Albion Quests / NPCs:
Quests: Legend of the Lake & Hands of Fate. Players were receiving a fully funct
ional Ebony Collar of the Dead when slaying the Shaman Aslis. It was intended th
at this object be a non-functional intermediary item up till the 30th level Hand
s of Fate epic. At that time players were to hand this temporary item to Loremas
ter Alain and receive the fully functional collar. This update will brings the L
egend of the Lake epic back in line with the above.
Quest: Guild preparation. Problem existed where an Acolyte could complete step o
ne and not gain any response from their trainer when returning to complete this
quest. This has now been resolved.
Quest: Rebellion Accepted. The Arawnite assassin is now more tolerant of group m
embers trading agro. Should the assassin be drawn off the quest player, it will
attempt to re-agro before running to attack Sir Rhodri.
Quest: The Captured Courier. Cilydd Difwych was speaking to everyone. He insiste
d everyone had failed the Bandit Camp Quest! We have now set him straight.
Quest: Entry into Tomorrow. Captain Dillon was misleading players into thinking
Frund and Agisthil were located in the northern black mountains. He will now cor
rectly point players to the southern black mountains.
- Dread Blackscale armor pieces should now all have the proper AF and con.
- Manifested Terror Armor pieces should now all have the proper AF and con.
- Ruby Weave Robes should now have the proper AF and con.
- The Agile Defender now has a Bracelet icon.
- The Cloak of Broichan should now take emblems.
- The Ashen maul should now have a 2handed hammer icon/graphic.
- Njessi's hammer should now have a 2 handed hammer icon/graphic.

- East Svealand had some more mobs itemized.

-In the Stonehenge Barrows, Delusional Cloth, Runic Ravenbone Studded, and Ebony
Plate armor occurred on some treasure tables more than once giving them an over
2x greater chance to drop. This has been corrected and they should now occur on
ly once per monster.
- The Ghostly Cloak in Midgard should now take dyes and emblems.
- The Boneclaw Ring of Morra now has a ring icon.
Spell System Notes
- The Shaman Spore Cloud line was not intended to stack with the Fungal Dispersi
on line. This has been fixed. This change was made because Shaman who max specia
lized in Cave Magic could potentially solo oranges by stacking these DOTs. This
change will effect only those Shaman who are heavily specialized in Cave Magic.
Please note that higher level Shaman problems are still on our to-do list.http:/
It's up! (Added bug fix about crafted cloth caps at 11:11 EST.)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.39 Release Notes
Tuesday, December 18, 2001
- Please note that a new website was a few weeks ago dedicated to disseminating
information from us to you, the Camelot community. You can find it at www.camelo There you will find regular updates, information, columns by Mythic
employees, Realm War maps and status, and per-server guild information.
- The Camelot client now properly synchronizes with the server when a player ent
ers the game. Now, your character will not be "in" the game until you are able t
o control it. Previously, your character would be in the game for upwards of 15
seconds before you could actually control it. This led to your character being s
laughtered by monsters before you could do anything about it. We had introduced
a temporary workaround, where your character gained 20 seconds of immunity when
it first entered the game. This immunity has been removed, so from now on, bewar
e when you enter the game - your character is now immediately "fair game" for an
y monsters or enemy PCs that are in the area.
- The last patch had a change to Hibernian Piercing combat styles - Sidewinder w
as changed to require an opening style that itself had a block opening. This had
the large unintended consequence that many classes (who didn't use shields) cou
ld no longer use these styles. So, we're changing it back to the way it was befo
re. Sidwinder now requires as its opening Black Widow. We apologize for the conf
- We think we've finally nailed down the last bug that was preventing high level

characters from getting combat styles. You should now see all your styles when
you log in.
- You'll now see arrows fly through the air when an archer fires at a target. Wh
en the arrow hits the target, the arrow sticks in the target for a couple of sec
onds letting the target know the rough direction from which the arrow was fired.
- Players can now climb ladders. To climb a ladder run up to it and continue hol
ding down the move forward key. You'll climb up the ladder. To climb down the la
dder, use the move backward key. If you are on a wall and wish to climb a ladder
, move backwards and fall off of the wall onto the ladder - you'll stick to it a
nd can climb up and down.
- Monsters now respect doors so that if a door is closed (but not locked) the mo
nster will open the door before going through. If a door is locked (i.e. at a fr
ontier or relic keep), the monster will not come through at all.
- You now get a dialog box for confirmation when you give weapon or armor to a g
- If you have no chance to repair an items, you now get a message telling you ju
st that - previously you would just get a message telling you that you failed, b
ut no mention that you had no chance of making it.
- Previously, you could not be interrupted while shooting a bow after you draw t
he bow but are just "waiting to fire". Now you have a chance of getting interrup
ted while waiting to fire as well as when you are drawing the bow.
- If you are mesmerized in the middle of a spell cast, you no longer complete yo
ur spell when the mez wears off. You now have to recast your spell.
- You can now simply type "/who 30 40" to find players of certain levels. Previo
usly you had to type "/who level 30 40" to find the same information.
- You can no longer inadvertently downgrade an object by using the "upgrade" com
mand and specifying a lower level than the object's current level.
- You can no longer salvage an item for 0 money.
- The position of the tradeskill timer should save now when you exit the game.
- Mercenaries and Blademasters now get Dual Wield/Celtic Dual at 5th level and S
hortbows at 10th. Previously, they got shortbows at 5th and Dual Wield at 10th however, since Dual Wield is a defining skill of their class, the two skills ha
ve been swapped. Please note that existing Mercenaries and Blademasters between
5th and 10th level will be given Dual Wield, but will retain shortbows. This cha
nge is the first of a couple of additions that we will be giving to the Mercenar
ies and Blademasters over the next few versions.
- Mercenaries now have the option of receiving a piercing weapons at 5th level u
pon joining the Guild of Shadows.
- When a Berzerker or Shadowblade uses the Left Axe skill, the axe in his left h
and should now properly check his Left Axe specialization rather than the specia
lization of the weapon itself (generally Axe) when determining damage.
- When an Assassin class (i.e. Infiltrator, Shadowblade, Nightshade) attacks fro
m a hidden position (i.e. when doing a critical strike backstab), the attack can
not be parried, evaded, blocked or bladeturned. Please note that the attacker ca
n simply miss, however, which leaves a bladeturn active.

- There was a bug in the Critical Strike combat style Leaper - it only allowed p
layers to perform it after a parry. Since none of the Assassin characters get pa
rry as a skill, then Leaper could never be performed. This has been fixed by cha
nging some of the Critical Strike Styles: Leaper has been changed to work off a
successful Hamstring. Rib Separation now works off a successful Leaper, and Ripp
er now works off a successful Rib Separation. This makes a powerful 4-style chai
- There was a bug in Midgard left-Axe wielding which permitted Berserkers and Sh
adowblades to put a 2-handed axe in their left hand. This has been fixed. You ca
n no longer do this.
- Some errors in collision detection around the edges of boundary walls near fro
ntier keeps have been fixed. These errors were allowing players of other realms
to "slip" past the frontier keeps.
- When a player trains, he'll be granted all combat styles from previous levels
which he may not have been awarded due to skill limitations (parry, evade, etc).
This means that if you don't have a skill (such as parry) when you are eligible
to receive a combat style that requires it, you will not be awarded it. However
, as soon as you gain that skill, you can go back to your trainer, right click o
n him, and you will be awarded those styles you are now eligible for.
- The troglodyte model has been updated and enhanced with a new skin and correct
ed model.
- Crafted Cloth Caps in Albion should now be sellable.
RVR Frontier Keeps:

A Forge and Lathe have been added to the following frontier keeps:
Albion : Caer Benowyc in Hadrian's Wall
Midgard: Bledmeer Faste in Odin's Gate
Hibernia: Dun Crauchon in Emain Macha

- Merchants have ventured into the frontier with the various armies and have set
up shop selling certain wares related to war. Arrows, throwing axes, and poison
s can now be purchased in certain keeps throughout the frontiers, depending on w
hich army holds the fortress.
- The guards patrolling in the frontiers have been given strict orders to attend
to their patrol routes as opposed to aiding members of their realm with other c
Monster Encounters
- Rangers have reported an increase in Siabra activity near the center of the Bo
g of Cullen. The power of that area also seems to be growing, not just with the
Siabra, but with all the creatures found there. The guardians seem harder, more
disciplined; the archmagi seem stronger; and the raven wraiths and cronicorns se
em even nastier than they already were. The one good side of this is that the ba
nshees seem to shriek a little less often than they once did.

- A nightshade who snuck into the Coruscating mines reports an increase of the n
umber of sentries. He also mentioned other guards, slightly larger than the sent
ries who patrolled the lode room.
- Princess Brigit of Tir na Nog has dispatched Sentinel Champions and their Nobl
e Steeds to help protect Innis Carthaig. They should be able to protect the city
from any Siabra invasions.
- In Silvermine mountains, Chieftain Dergal and his followers have decided to st
op concealing themselves in trees before attacking.
- The Guardians of Midgard have re-examined their priorities and decided to begi
n life as neutral to players characters.
- A wandering minstrel sings of his ventures in to Cornwall. He tells a story of
how the Cornish frogs and brown bears, both young and old, have changed, and ho
w more boogies haunt the area. The spirits of Romans long dead line the road and
around their villa. The minstrel sings of the muryans, the shape-shifting small
people of Cornwall who grow smaller with each change of their form until at las
t the smallest form is reached and they remain as ants until the end of their da
ys. At the end of his song, the minstrel began to weep for the loss of his lute,
which saved his life by deflecting the blow of a Cornish giant.
- New factions have been added for the fellwoods, boogies, and grimwoods in the
frontier of Albion. They have both allying and opposing factions throughout the
- Lyonesse Additions: Warning to all explorers! We've just received word from a
reliable source the sunken, dead land of Lyonesse has been stirring with superna
tural activity. This source, who has been keeping a close eye on the tainted lan
d, went so far as to describe creatures not previously documented. Among the cre
atures mentioned are pygmy goblins, smaller than the goblins found in the Black
Mountains region, but much more savage, ruthless and have the tendency to swarm.
Other creatures include the moorlich, bone snappers--gigantic shelled monsters
known for eating whole men and their horses, the witherwood with their symbiotic
woodeworms, and the telamon (lesser, medial, and greater)--giant supernatural c
reatures that seem bear the burden of guarding a road to some place lost long ag
Hibernia Quests / NPCs
- The Level 40 Hibernian epics are in. See the trainers in Tir na Nog for detail
- A level nine quest for Hibernia is in. See your local filidh for more informat
Albion Quests / NPCs
- All level 40 section of the epics have been added to Albion. See your trainer
for information.
- A merchant selling crossbow bolts has taken up shop in Fortress Sauvage, hopin
g to capitalize on the war.

Midgard Quests / NPCs

Quests Added:
- All level 40 epics have been added to Midgard. See your trainer for informatio
Quest Big Paw: Players on the Big Paw quest will now receive the item when they
kill Big Paw in Skona Ravine.
Quest Monsterous Beast: Players who accidently close their dialog box can now re
sume talking with Vik in the Vale of Mularn.
Quest Viking Trainers: Players who accidently close their dialog box can now res
ume talking with Saeunn in Vasudheim.
Quest Copious Striders: The class restrictions have been removed so anyone may d
o the quest.
Quest: Price of Excellence and Quest: Ulfgar's Hammer: There was a bug that allo
wed players to get the Price of Excellence quest a second time when they went to
upgrade their hammer. Players do not need to redo the entire Price of Excellenc
e quest again to get the new hammer (just the Ulfgar's Hammer quest). If you rec
eived the Price of Excellence quest the second time, you must return to the drun
ken dwarf to remove it from your quest list. You will not get a hammer if both t
he Price of Excellence and
Ulfgar's Hammer are pending.
Quest Mucking through the Ick: PENDRAGON ONLY This quest is not working at the m
oment. Players with this quest in their pending list should not attempt to finis
h it yet. We will notify you when the quest is ready to go.
Quest Widower's Hunt: Yver now sends you to talk to his brother Yric in Myrkwood
. Yric will be not despawn after you are finished talking to him, making it poss
ible for more
than one player to complete the quest. Yver's talk and accompanying journal entr
ies have been changed to reflect this.
Quest Waking of the Fallen: Change journal entries so players know to talk to Sa
ydyn in Huginfell before going out to kill Broch.
Quest Fervent: Players on step 1 can seek out Wildtooth in West Svealand and kil
l her to complete their quest. Players starting the quest now have the option of
choosing to follow the elder sveawolf to Wildtooth or going on their own. Journ
al entries for this quest have been updated.
Quest A War of Old: Players who are on step 2 of A War of Old and did not receiv
e the Scout Argyle quest can return to Morlin Caan in Jordheim and get it. Playe
rs on Step 4 of A War of Old and did not receive the Lt. Salurn quest can return
to Morlin Caan in Jordheim to get it.
Quest Grenlock Clan: Spiritmasters who received gloves they cannot use can retur
n to Anrid in Jordheim and exchange them for gloves they can use.
Albion Quests:
Quest: Oaken Boots. The Oaken Knight will now spawn with greater frequency.


- Minstrels and Bards can now view information about their songs, just like othe
r spellcasters can do with their spells (the "i" key).
- All pulsing spells now print to everyone in the group. A chat channel has been
added in the system chat channel picker to turn off all pulsing prints.
- Spiritmasters should properly have the Protecting Spirit spell at level 19 in
their Summoning list now.
- Runemasters should properly have the Suppress Sight line starting at level 11.
Previously this list was not being awarded properly.
- The ghastly axe that drops off of Moira the Quiet will now be less powerful an
d will now be called a screaming ghastly axe. The damage and delay were lowered
3 levels while the stats on the axe remain the same. The item was 5 levels highe
r than the monster that drops it, so it was not level appropriate. Existing ghas
tly axes will not be effected by this change.
- The Hibernian dungeon, Coruscating Mines, is now itemized. Equipment and loot
range from levels 36-50.
- The polished stone necklace now has necklace icon instead of ring icon.
- The Michealian Staff was updated to require the proper skill (Staff), so both
Clerics and Friars should have no trouble equipping it.
That little patch at 4:00? Here's why:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.39A Release Notes
This is a small update version to 1.39 (released this morning) which fixes some
problems introduced then.
- Blademasters between the levels of 5 and 9 will properly receive their Celtic
Dual skill (instead of Dual Wield, which they were mistakenly being given).
- Players should no longer be able to climb the walls of Hibernian keeps.
- Many players reported getting stuck on objects (such as houses) in the world.
This has been fixed.

- Level 15 Minstrel stun Stunning Shout has had its timer corrected to 3 seconds
. It was erroneously set to 30 seconds.
- Characters with pulsing charm spells should no longer be able to charm friendl
y NPCs.
Good morning! The patch that lived on Pendragon over the holidays is now live. H
ere are the notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.40 Release Notes
Thursday, January 3, 2002
- Spells from the Magician Aura of Turning line in the Way of the Moon list can
now be cast on friendly realm mates - previously they could only be cast on your
- The range on the Wizard's Explosive Blast line and the Eldritch's Lesser Null
Squall AE Direct Damage have been slightly increased.
- New area-effect direct damage line in the Mentalist Illusions (light spec)list
3 Deluge of Illusion
7 Flood of Illusion
13 Sea of Illusion
19 Rush of Illusion
26 Flux of Illusion
34 Inundation of Illusion
44 Cataclysm of Illusion
- New area-effect root line in the Druid's Nature specialization track:
4 Patch of Ivy
10 Patch of Vines
16 Patch of Tangleweed
22 Field of Ivy
29 Field of Vines
39 Field of Tangleweed
49 Expanse of Tangleweed
- New Constitution buff added to Naturalist's Nurture base track:
5 Oak's Stoutness
11 Oak's Stamina
15 Oak's Girth
24 Redwood's Stoutness
33 Redwood's Stamina
43 Redwood's Girth
- New group heal added to Druid's Regrowth spec track:
13 Healing Conflux
22 Renewing Conflux

34 Restoring Conflux
44 Reviving Conflux

Midgard Quests:
Quest: Taldos' Amulet. Taldos will no longer disappear when you turn in the amul
et to him, making it possible for more people to turn in objects to him. He will
continue disappear with the morning light.
Quest: Blessed Enchantments: The one handed axe is now usable in the left hand s
Quest: Silent Death. Players that completed Silent Death, received a two handed
axe, and turned it into Eindridi to get it repaired have been receiving one hand
ed axes in return. Players may now go to Bork in Huginfell to exchange this one
handed axe for their two handed one. All axe exchanges for this quest have been
moved to Bork.
Quest: The Three Sisters. Spiritmasters that received a staff with a focus of ru
necarving may go to Anrid in Jordheim to exchange it for the correct staff.
Quest: The War Continues. The Shadowblade trainer Elin will now tell players to
seek out Morlin Caan in Jordheim rather than Inaksha.
Quest: The Red Dagger. The journal entries for The Red Dagger are once again cor
Quest: Blessed Enchantments. All ice giants are now dropping eyes for this quest
Hibernia Quests:
Quest: Alastriona's Chest. Nightshades, Rangers, Heroes and Casters who have com
pleted the Alastriona's Chest quest can turn in their Reinforced Skinner's Glove
s to Alastriona for a new set of gloves usable by their class. Players must have
completed the quest, and must turn in the old pair of gloves before receiving t
he new pair.
Players that complete the quest will get level-appropriate gloves.
Midgard Monsters:
- Stripe, Furf, and Thasior in Skona Ravine have better chances of spawning now.
Some of these monsters do have placeholders that will need to be dispatched bef
ore they will appear.
- Local children around Mularn have been instructed to discontinue feeding lefto
vers to the vein spiderlings. As a result, the newer generation of vein spiderli
ngs seems to have diminished in size.
Albion Monsters:
- Lyonesse: The cathedral of old has become overtaken with followers of Lord Ara

wn. Their thirst for death rivals that of the Arawnites. Travelers beware!
- The small skeletal centurions in Cornwall have been adjusted to act more appro
priately for their level.
- Those familiar with Camelot Hills may notice that a few things have changed. T
he guardsmen don't seem too worried, though they did note an increase number of
some creatures such as boulderlings, wild sows, bandits, and dragon ants.
- In the Salisbury Plains, Slythcur has been a busy mother, and some of her newe
r spawn have migrated across the road to make more room for themselves.
- The bandit camp in the hills behind West Downs seems to be having an increase
of activity of late.
- The stone circles in the Salisbury Plains, frequented by pagan worshippers, ha
ve also shown signs of increased activity.
- Skeletal Centurions have taken command of the fallen roman tower on the banks
of the Avon River.
- Sir Merin recently captured and interrogated one of the villainous tomb raider
s that have been violating the burial mounds and barrows in Salisbury. From that
interrogation, we've learned that the tomb raiders have become somewhat more or
ganized. They seem to have also hired mercenaries from outside their organizatio
n to aid them in their grave robbing activities. These mercenaries apparently di
dn't come cheap and are considerably more seasoned than most raiders we've seen
to date. Sir Merin came to the conclusion that the southeastern border of the Pl
ains is somewhat more dangerous than it already was.
Hibernia Monsters:
- Miner Cucugar and his sheevra friends are also no longer hiding in trees in
- The Valley of Silvermine has seen some changes, including additional camps
of daemhons and spectres.
- The new Sentinel Champions in Innis Carthaig have made the Unseelie Envoy rath
er nervous. As a result, the Envoy and his escorts have chosen to take a more co
ncealed route that makes a wide berth around the village.
We put up version 1.42 at 8:30 am this morning on all live servers. Version 1.42
contains everything that has been in testing on Pendragon for the last few week
s. Click (more) to view the 1.42 Release Notes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.42 Release Notes

- Assassin classes can now receive the Climb ability, which lets the scale keep
walls. You use this ability to infilrate into keeps before your Realm has broken
down its doors. You will get Climb at your 25th train in the Stealth specializa
tion. Once you have the Climb ability, you must walk around each keep until you
find an area suitable to climb (there are a few per relic and frontier keep), an
d once you find the area, you may climb it as if it were a ladder.
- Berserkers now change into a Bear-Person (i.e. a Vendo) when they go into thei
r Berserker Frenzy. The Frenzy ability itself has not changed - we've simply add
ed shapechanging to it. You will continue to hold your weapons, but you will not
see your armor (although you are still wearing it). Please note that there is o
nly one bear-person form - male and female berserkers will shapeshift into the s
ame creature.
- Hibernian Heroes have receieved a new ability - "Spirit of the Hunt". Whenever
this ability is used, the Hero will shapeshift into a fearsome stag-headed Hunt
sman from Celtic Lore, and will receive bonus hit points. There are four differe
nt levels of of this ability: Initiate(15th level), Member(25th level), Leader(3
5th level), and Master(45th level). While in this form, the hero has increased h
it points - +20% for the 15th level ability up to +50% for the 45th level abilit
y. The ability lasts for thirty seconds - at the end of this time, the hero's ma
ximum hits will return to normal, but he keeps any hit point gain from the abili
ty in his current hits (but he cannot exceed his pre-buffed maximum). The abilit
y can be used once every 30 minutes played. Please note that there is only one H
untsman creature - male and female Heroes will both shapeshift into the same cre
- Mercenaries get a new ability called "Dirty Tricks". This essentially throws a
puff of dirt into their enemy's eyes (use while enemy is targeted). The effect
lasts for 30 seconds and while the monster is under the ability's influence, the
y will miss you 25% more often and when they missed their fumble rate is 50% mor
e often than their base fumble rate. This ability operates as a shout-type spell
, so it has a chance to be resisted by higher-level players and monsters. You ca
n use it once every half hour. In a related event, monsters now have a chance to
fumble while this effect is on them (Monsters didn't fumble in previous version
s at all).
- Blademasters get a new ability called "Triple Wield" where they summon a magic
al sword that adds damage to their attacks. This sword will enable you to do 50%
more damage (i.e. via a Damage Add spell) for 30 seconds (assuming you hit your
target, of course). This ability also can be used once every 30 minutes.
- Graphical weapon effects are in the game now, so you'll see flaming swords, ic
e swords, etc. Please note that your current weapon *may* have an effect on it,
as we chose to imbue many of the 43-and-higher weapons with effects. We will be
adding graphically-enhanced weapons on an on-going basis.
- A bunch of new monster skins have been added into the game, and a few new mode
ls. See the world notes for updates to the monster population.
- We fixed a guild chat bug - now, when you quit a guild, you will no longer rec
eive guild chat messages from it.
- A bug where following monsters got separated from their leader that caused the
m to warp erratically has been fixed.
- Monsters following leaders will no longer stop and face you when you interact

with them.
- Guild Realm points will now be tracked much more effectively. Your Guild shoul
d no longer "lose" guild realm points randomly.
- When you are stealthed, and are attacked, you will now come out of hiding for
everyone. Previously under certain circumstances, you'd be visible to some chara
cter in the area, but not others.
- You can no longer upgrade keep doors unless you have the proper amount of wood
- Keep door material types (i.e. level of wood) will now be saved when a server
- Destroying a keep door will now reset it down to the lowest level of wood - yo
u'll then have to upgrade it from there.
- Critical failures in weapon crafting will now cost less materials - you'll los
e less when you fail.
- You can no longer cast instant-cast spells (i.e. shouts) when you are mesmeriz
- In Player vs. Player situations, all "sleep" type spells (mesmerize, stun, roo
t) now can be cast only once per minute per target. This should alleviate some p
layer concerns about being "chain-stunned". You can still cast the spell as norm
al, however, it will have no effect on a player if he has had that same effect o
n him in the previous minute. Please note that this change effects only PvP comb
at - other players and realm-flagged monsters (i.e. guards). Sleep spells cast a
t normal monsters will act the way they always have.
- Leaders of guard patrols can no longer be "directed" around by players.
- Bounty Points and Bounty Stores are now in. See the section on Bounty Points a
nd Stores below.
Bounty points and stores have been added to Dark Age of Camelot. It works as fol
lows: as you accrue Realm Points, you now accrue Bounty Points, which you can sp
end in special stores to get special magical items. Once you spend bounty points
, they go away just like money does. There are three types: healing, stamina , a
nd spell power healing. There are a few levels of these, please see the list bel
ow. Please note that will will add more bounty store objects over time.
You can find the Bounty stores in each Realm's main city. See the World notes fo
r the precise store locations.
You may have a maximum number of bounty items based on your realm rank - i.e. on
e per Realm Rang. To use a bounty item, the item must be your level or lower - o
therwise the item will not work for you.
To use the item, place it somewhere in your inventory (they do not have to be eq
uipped). Then left click on the item to make a short cut to the item on your hot
bar. After this to use simply click on the hot-bar icon. At that point the item
s spell will be cast and it will disappear. One bounty item may be used every 3
minutes of real time - you can use it while fighting, but you'll have to exit ou
t of combat mode and wait for your weapon timer to expire to do so (usually just

a few seconds). Then click the item to "fire" its effect and re-enter combat.
Higher level objects have more healing power than lower level ones.
The cost
level 20
level 30
level 40
level 50

is as
- 100
- 200
- 300
- 400

bounty points
bounty points
bounty points
bounty points

Stamina Heals
Smooth Earthen Stone - level 20 stamina
Imbued Earthen Stone - level 30 stamina
Luminescent Earthen Stone - level 40 stamina
Pulsing Earthen Stone - level 50 stamina
Health Heals
Smooth Watery Stone - level 20 healing
Imbued Watery Stone - level 30 healing
Luminescent Watery Stone - level 40 healing
Pulsing Watery Stone - level 50 healing
Power Heals
Smooth Fiery Stone - level 20 power
Imbued Fiery Stone - level 30 power
Luminescent Fiery Stone - level 40 power
Pulsing Fiery Stone - level 50 power
Stamina Heals
Carved Totem of Heimdal - level 20 stamina
Polished Totem of Heimdal - level 30 stamina
Embossed Totem of Heimdal - level 40 stamina
Encrusted Totem of Heimdal - level 50 stamina
Health Heals
Carved totem of Eir - level 20 healing
Polished Totem of Eir - level 30 healing
Embossed Totem of Eir - level 40 healing
Encrusted Totem of Eir - level 50 healing
Power Heals
Carved Totem of Odin - level 20 power
Polished Totem of Odin - level 30 power
Embossed Totem of Odin - level 40 power
Encrusted Totem of Odin - level 50 power
Stamina Heals
Tiny Crystal of Arduina - level 20 stamina
Small Crystal of Arduina - level 30 stamina
Crystal of Arduina - level 40 stamina
Precious Crystal of Arduina - level 50 stamina
Health Heals
Tiny Crystal of Dianecht - level 20 healing

Small Crystal of Dianecht - level 30 healing

Crystal of Dianecht - level 40 healing
Precious Crystal of Dianecht - level 50 healing
Power Heals
Tiny Crystal of Fintan - level 20 power
Small Crystal of Fintan - level 30 power
Crystal of Fintan - level 40 power
Precious Crystal of Fintan - level 50 power
Midgard Quests
Quest ? Brack - Rollo?s Story: Players are now instructed to return to their tra
iner in Jordheim, not in Mularn and Haggerfel. Also, Hunters can now complete th
e quest by speaking to Singrid in Jordheim.
Quest ? Bowyer?s Draw: Players will now only need to right-click on Hakon in Hug
infell to complete the quest if your quest journal says ?Talk to Hakon to see if
he's finish crafting the bow.?
Quest ? Sveawolf Guardian: The wounded sveawolf will now spawn neutral instead o
f aggressive.
Quest ? Cape of the mother wolf: Shadowblades may now do this quest. Speak to Sv
eck in East Svealand for details.
Quest ? Rogue Trainer Quest: Hauk will now reward rogues with experience in addi
tion to money when they complete the Rogue Trainer quest.
Quest ? Venture to Gotar: This quest will no longer give out experience, only mo
ney. This quest was initially put in to compensate players facing the dangers of
travelling from Galplen to Fort Atla at low levels (only vikings and seers that
started in Galplen got this quest). With the addition of horses, traveling is s
afer and we felt it was no longer necessary to reward experience for this quest.
Players will still receive 5 silver to compensate them for the cost of a horse
Quest ? Hole of the Dead: Dwarves who have lost or dropped their house gift will
now be able to get a new one (ONLY ONE!) from Frimeth in Vasudheim. Return to h
im and he will give you a new one, provided you have not killed any dwarf bone s
keletons. Dwarves just starting the quest will be asked if they need a new house
gift. Please do not lose the gift Frimeth gives you, because he will only give
you one.
Quest ? Spat the Cat: Players that killed Spat, didn?t receive the object, and w
ere stepped to a blank step will now see a journal entry for that step. Kill Spa
t again and you will receive the object and be placed on the correct step. Playe
rs already on step 3 will now receive the object from Spat when they kill him.
Misc Midgard World Items:
- Ulfgar for the Price of Excellence quest should be showing up more.
- Baron Falwur is now associated with a quest rather than a one-time drop. Speak
to Darrius in Fort Atla.
- The Gythja of Bragi in Jordheim will no longer tell warriors to give her the S

tormrider?s Hauberk if they already have the War Gauntlets in their inventory.
- Object ? Ring of the Stealthy. The Ring of the Stealthy no longer has a materi
al type of cloth.
- Level 40 guild track rewards are now ?no sell?.
- Shields have been added as a choice for all level 40 guild track quests. A lar
ge shield had been added for warriors, a medium shield for thanes, a small shiel
d for skalds, berserkers, shadowblades and hunters, and a different small shield
for shamans and healers. If you wish you exchange your weapon for a shield, spe
ak to Mildrid in Haggerfel. Players may only exchange their weapon for a shield
- The boundary of Vasudheim has been adjusted so that all the buildings are incl
uded in the region.
Albion Quests
Quest: Hidden Insurrection: A left-handed crushing weapon for Mercenaries, a lef
t-handed thrusting weapon for Mercenaries and Infiltrators, and a left-handed th
rusting weapon for Infiltrators has been added to the list of rewards for this q
uest. Mercenaries and Infiltrators who have completed this quest can return to C
aptain Rhodri at the Snowdonia border keep to obtain a one time swap of their qu
est item.
Quest: Departed Fellowship: A Hammer with Enhancement properties for Clerics has
been added to the list of rewards for this quest. Cleric who have completed thi
s quest can visit their trainers in Camelot to obtain a one time swap of their q
uest item.
Quest: Departed Fellowship: A two-handed crushing weapon, and two-handed thrusti
ng weapon for Paladins has been added to the list of rewards for this quest. Pal
adins who chose the Greatsword of Eternal Virtue can visit their trainers in Cam
elot to obtain a one time swap of their quest item.
Quest: Craft of Retribution: A two-handed crushing weapon, two-handed thrusting
weapon, crushing polearm, and thrusting polearm for Armsmen has been added to th
e list of reward for this quest. Armsmen who chose the Great Axe of Retribution
or the Bardiche of Retribution can visit Captain Leri at the Snowdonia border ke
ep to obtain a one time swap of their quest item.
Quest: Bedelia's Grief: Players who were stuck at step 1 or 2 of this quest can
now turn in Barnett's portrait as indicated in their journal to proceed.
Quest: The Walelden's Pendant: Fixed a keyword issue when players were interacti
ng with Fianya. Please NOTE that players on this quest will now be dealing stric
tly with Eiddin.
Hibernia Quests
Quest: Sile?s Sight: Heroes can now do the Sile's Sight Quest.
Quest: The Feud: Casters who completed "The Feud" quest can turn in their staff
to Lasrina for a class-specific staff. Non-casters who completed "The Feud" can
turn their staff in for coin.
Quest: The Lost Townsfolk of Bran Llyr: Heroes that have completed the level 40

portion of their guild track and chose a shield can turn in their medium shield
to Kimba in exchange for a large shield.
Midgard Monsters
Werewolves: We fixed a faction bug with many of the werewolves and wolfaur of Mi
dgard, who were set to an incorrect faction. Be careful travelling, as all werew
should now be honoring the correct alliances, and previously safe travel may now
be unsafe.
Dungeon Change, Varulvhamm: Some minor tweaks have been made to Varulvhamn, most
of which affect the lunarian chamber. Soloing there may become more difficult.
- Frostbite wildlings, nip mephits, and snow imps have all taken on a more winte
ry appearance.
- Raumarik is being updated to contain more encounters for higher level players.
Work on this zone is ongoing, so be on the lookout over the next couple of vers
ions for new encounters.
- Be careful in areas that were once relatively empty and safe for travel, as th
ey may now contain unfriendly inhabitants.
- Raumarik: New inhabitants have migrated to Raumarik. The ancient guardians of
the area have become more tolerable to those that wish to help rid their once pe
aceful area of their bothersome neighbors. Even bounty hunters have been called
in to exterminate some of the local wildlife.
- Added monsters for players level 40 - 50
Hibernia Monsters
- A bug was found with the path of the Unseelie Envoy and his escort. His escort
s and stallions should no longer decide that the trip to the Bog is not worth th
eir time and cross through Innis to return home. This group may now also show up
during the day or night (previously, he only came out in the day).
- The cliff dwellers were previously seen gathering on the shores of Moher in a
massive packs to witness a spectacle that seemed to baffled outsiders. Apparentl
y, the spectacle has passed, and they will now continue along their daily routin
- The giant ants found in various areas of Hibernia have lost their bright red l
- The giant lusus, an abomination of nature, was reported as looking even more b
izarre than previous sightings.
- The Cursed Forest is undergoing an update to add more encounters for higher le
vel players.
- Beware of new denizens stalking what once may have been safe areas. Changes to
this zone are ongoing so be on the lookout for new additions over the next coup
le of versions.
- Cursed forest: Rangers are reporting that the Cursed Forest is stirring with m
ore creature activity than before. It is advised that you do not explore the for

est alone. Poachers have flocked to the area to take advantage of the
le hunting grounds. Powerful and dangerous forest scorpions have been
certain areas as well. Fomorians have invaded the southern region of
Forest. Also, undead have been appearing in the northern expanses of
. (player levels 40-50)

more ferti
spotted in
the Cursed
the forest

Albion Monsters
- The Keltoi casters should no longer "chain" cast.
- Some changes are being made to Llyn Barfog. If you frequented that area, know
that your same favorite creatures to hunt are still there, but they may have mig
rated to different areas. Expect to see more changes soon.
- Some of the more powerful cythraul are now called wicked cythraul
- Scholars have discovered that creatures in the lake called "afanc" are actuall
y just afanc hatchlings. One of the scholars warns of the day when their mother
will return.
- Boggarts, found in Pennine Mountains, have taken on a somewhat more sinister h
ue to their appearance.
- The bogmen of Avalon Marsh have learned to blend in better with their surround
ing environment.
- Scouts have classified a new creature in Llyn Barfog that they call the diamon
dback toad. The amphibian is described as being large, fast, and has a very toug
h diamondlike skin that is hard to pierce. Fortunately, the animal appears to be
content with its surroundings and does not appear bother other creatures.


- All spells were gone through and ranges made consistent. No spell was reduced
in range, but many were increased, in order to be consistent with spells from ot
her casters, and in some cases with spells from other Realms. The following spel
ls had their ranges increased: Shift Health, Reflect Attack, Inflict Minor Forge
tfulness, Wake Senseless, Fungal Dispersion, Grasping Creepers, Fungal Covering,
Minor Earthen Power, Minor Shield of Magma, Renew Spirit, Spirit Flow, Hugin's
Affliction, Lesser Mind Jolt, Summon Fire, Minor Combustion, Minor Raven Bolt, M
isleading Rapture, Minor Lullaby, Detect Flaw, Encourage Aggression, Convert Spi
rit, Persuade Will.
- Fixed bug with resistance debuff on Searing Wind line and Minor Raven Bolt. Th
ese should properly debuff resistance now.
Albion Stores
Bounty StoresCalldir Edelmar - Guild Hall, Camelot City
Freya Edelmar - Guild of Shadows, Camelot City
Maye Edelmar - The Academy, Camelot City
Dare Edelmar - Defenders of Albion, Camelot City
Aklee Edelmar - Church of Albion, Camelot City
Quilted Store

Sebil Lenut - Lethantis Association, Campacorentin Station

Staves:Brother Salvar - Defenders of Albion, Camelot City
Hibernia Stores:
Bounty StoresKiley -- Located in the Way of Stealth advanced trainer's building
Antaine -- Located outsided the Way of Arms advanced trainer's building
Grainne -- Located in the Way of Nature advanced trainer's area
Ailson -- Located in the Way of Magic building
Aghaistin -- Located in the Palace
Midgard Stores:
Royd ?
Elli ?
Tora ?

StoresAesir Temple
Jotun Temple
the Main Hall, with the guild registrar

- All magic item drop rates for dungeons were tuned down slightly, while all dro
p rates for surface magic items were tuned up slightly. Dungeon drop rates are s
till higher than surface drop rates overall.
- Some of Bri Lieth's denizens were itemized (level 10-20).
- The Cap of Mind Bending can now be dyed.
- Mantle of bear-like visage can now be dyed.
- The Singed Fellwood Shield had the class restrictions removed. Now only classe
s that can use large shields can equip it. It now raises Strength and Constituti
on instead of Piety.
- The Jewel Dusted Robe now raises the Mentalism skill instead of Mind.
- The Ancient Oak Longbow now raises the Longbow skill instead of bow.
- The Glowing Sherrie beads is now set with its correct level.
- The Rangers Charm should have its correct level now.
- The Encrusted Truesilver necklace should have its correct level now.
- The Eir Blessed Tunic now can take enamel dyes.
- The Reincarnated Femur War Maul now has a 2 handed hammer graphic.
- The Ebony Axe of Mindless Rage now raises Strength instead of Berserk.
- The Gauntlets of Black Death now raises Strength instead of Celtic Dual
- Winter's Spears now "proc" for appropriate level Hunters.

- The "Spirit Threaded Cloak" (cabalist quest reward) now take emblems.
- The Riva hauberk (Midgard) can be dyed.
Okay, servers coming up! If they aren't up as you read this, they will be by the
time you're done reading the notes ;) The patch notes are long, and contain man
y, many pieces of information. Please read them closely. Especially note the buf
f system changes and explanations. I've been ducking "stat" questions for a few
weeks; hopefully, this patch will explain everything. But still, I'm braced for
questions, and surfing five different message boards today.
If you logged in earlier this morning and noticed something screwy with your ite
ms, be advised that we've restored your character to where it was before we put
1.44 up the first time (which means you're missing about twenty minutes from you
r character's life), and everything should be peachy.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.44 Release Notes
Tuesday, January 29, 2002
- Ground targeting mode no longer causes your figure to "run in place".
- When using /STUCK or falling through a city, you'll now return to a safe spot
in the city instead of your bindpoint.
- We have converted all your existing Realm Points into Bounty Points.
- Pet buffs are now shown in the Pet control window.
- Fixed a crash bug dealing with nocking arrows. This bug would cause players in
view of the archer to crash.
- Fixed a rare client crash bug that happened when players were interacting with
interface dialog boxes.
- Fixed a bug where if a player went linkdead while zoning when carrying the rel
ic, the relic would respawn at the shrine. It now respawns in the portal keep (l
ast known position before the player zoned).
- In the next step of modifying our buffing system, you'll now notice that your
stat-buffing items have much more effect than they did before - 50% more. So, if
you had a +10 strength buffing item, it will now be (automatically) a +15 stren
gth item. You can see the new buff amounts on your items by right-clicking on th
em and pressing shift-I (by default, if shift-I doesn't work type /keyboard and
scroll down to "Information" to see where you have it hotkeyed) for information.
- Debuff spells are now very effective against enemy buffs. You'll now notice th
at debuff spells can "take down" an enemy buff quite well. Debuff spells are sti
ll effective against non-buffed enemies, but are stronger against buffed ones.

- We fixed a bug where parrying against another player in PvP would work inconsi
stently. You'll now notice that you parry much more reliably when fighting other
- When a pet in a group kills a monster, anyone in the group can now pick up the
treasure. Previously, there was a bug that only the master of the pet could pic
k up the loot.
- Bardic/Minstrel instruments now have stat and skill bonuses just like other ob
jects. They also now have condition/durability like other objects, and will degr
ade with use. We have set all existing instruments (i.e. the ones your character
is now using)to max condition - but they will start degrading from there.
- New monster pathing data has been integrated that keeps pets from walking thro
ugh closed keep doors.
- A bug where dialog boxes (system messages, group invites, etc.) were not being
displayed to characters who were moving has been fixed. The dialog now displays
correct no matter if the character is moving or standing still.
- You should no longer be able to squirm through a boundary wall (it does a doub
le collision check).
- Names for stag form Heroes is now displayed at a proper height - it no longer
intersects with the model's head and antlers.
- You can now get extra information about combat styles by right clicking on the
m and hitting shift-i (by default) to view information. This works much the same
way that it does for spells - you'll see extended information about the style,
including when you can perform the style, and what effects (if any) it has. It a
lso lists the specific style required as an opening move, if one is required.
- The bug where players could fire spells and arrows through doors has been fixe
- The bug where players could cast certain spell (such as buffs and ressurection
s) through walls has been fixed.
- Dual wield and Celtic dual wield percentages have been increased slightly. Low
er level (pre-20th) dual-wielding classes won't notice much difference, but up a
t the higher levels, you'll notice that you attack more often with both weapons.
- Fletchers can now repair bows.
- Weaponcrafters can now repair shields.
- Salvaging Natural Material items will now return correct type of material.
- Pets will no longer attack doors continously after they are released.
- Assassin-type classes (Infiltrators, Shadowblades, Nightshades) were being awa
rded level 1 of Safe Fall twice instead of Level 2, when they qualified for leve
l 2. This has been fixed, and if your character has enough specialization to war
rant level 2 in Safe Fall, they will have it when you log in.
- Dexterity now modifies a spellcaster's casting time. Your casting speed can be
modified up to 25% faster for a character that is max-buffed and has a high dex

- We removed range restriction from pets in Defend mode. Now they can go after a
rchers autonomously.
- Pulsing group based spells now work for solo casters and their pets. Previousl
y, they only worked if the caster was in a group.
- Pets may now be commanded to attack doors and objects.
- In Defend mode, Pets will no longer go into combat mode against attackers unle
ss that attacker does damage (meaning the pet will no longer attack on a miss/bl
- When a member of your group goes linkdead - they'll change to a different colo
r and their name will be surrounded by *'s.
- You can now map a new "strafe toggle" key - hold this with turn left/right to
strafe left/right.
- When chatting, you can now use SHIFT-HOME and SHIFT-END to move the cursor to
the front or back of the chat line.
- You can now see larger monsters from farther away.
- Right clicking on an empty slot in the backpack no longer shows a question mar
- You no longer have to hit the tilde key (camera toggle) to recenter the camera
with the camera recenter key.
- When you shift-rightclick to get rid of a concentration buff, you'll no longer
quick view the spell.
- When you die and release, your camera recenters behind your character in third
person view.
- Spell effects cast on your player can now have extended information displayed
with the SHIFT-I key. Right click on the effect to quickview it then hit SHIFT-I
to get more information.
- The tradeskill timer window now remembers alpha and position settings.
- The middle mouse button is now mappable in the keyboard configuration screen.
- The quest accept/decline window will now properly go away if you move too far
away from the NPC who gave you the quest.
- Treasure in dungeons should no longer fall through the floor.
- New setting added to monsters to make them light up at night, if they are conf
igured to do so.
- The CONTROL-ENTER key no longer allows you to print text in your system chat w
Stealthed characters can no longer sneak into a Relic Keep, pick up a Relic, and
sneak out. The intent when designing the class was to let them sneak into a kee
p, but become visible once the Relic was picked up - so they could be able to do

reconnaisance, or take advantage of a chaotic situation by sneaking in the keep

in the middle of a fight, grabbing the relic, and running. They were not intend
ed to be able to steal Relics on their own. So, in light of this, we have made t
he following two changes:
- Whenever a stealthed character picks up a Relic, they will become visible.
- You can no longer go into stealth mode when you are carrying a Relic.
- Robe caster shield spells have been increased in effectiveness to bring them o
n par with the target armor factor for their level.
- Some new damage absorption spells have been added to bolster robed mage defens
e, giving them some absorption from non-magical damage. Each Robed caster now ge
ts a new spell at 30th and 41st level, which gives 5% and 10% damage absorption,
Wizard/Theurgist, Path of Earth
30 Buffer of Earth
41 Buffer of Stone
Sorcerer/Cabalist, Matter
30 Dampening Ward
41 Nullifying Ward
Spiritmaster/Runemaster, Suppression
30 Magical Buffer
41 Suppressive Buffer
Eldritch/Mentalist/Enchanter, Way of the Moon
30 Ward of Power
41 Barrier of Power
- We updated the the concentration spell system, so now concentration spells poi
nt costs have now been changed to use absolute costs. This means that when you c
ast lower level concentration buff spells, you'll be able to cast more of them,
but when you cast higher level ones, you can cast fewer.
- All concentration buff spell casters now have a choice of at least one lower l
evel spell in addition to their normal higher level spell. This now gives them t
he choice to cast many low level buff spells, or a few higher level ones.
- Players can now cast a maximum of 16 concentration spells, no matter their lev
- Midgard Shaman have a new spell line in their Augmentation specialization that
buffs dexterity and quickness.
3 Gloom's Guide
6 Gloom's Wisdom
10 Gloom's Enlightenment
14 Murk's Guide
21 Murk's Wisdom
28 Murk's Enlightenment
37 Shadow's Wisdom
47 Shadow's Enlightenment

- We changed the way buffs work to make them more useful to casters who wish to
specizlize in advanced buff spell lines. Previously, there was little reason to
specialize in advanced buff spell lines - you could buff enough with baseline bu
ff spells to hit the level cap, making it essentially useless to specliaze in ad
vanced buffs. Also, because spell buffs had such high values, the effect of cons
titution and strength enhancing items were severely reduced. The intent of the r
ecent change was to modify the effect of the buffs as little as possible, but ma
ke items and buffs consistent across all classes and levels. With this new syste
m, you now can have as much enhancement as you did under the old system, but you
must gain the buffs from items, base buffs, and specialized buffs - they all st
ack with one another and are now capped separately. So, with this new system, yo
u can have as much buff in strength and constitution as you did before, but you
must receive buffs from different places in order to reach the same level. Now,
stat-buffing objects are much more useful, as are buff-specialized casters.
Stat buffs and debuffs should effect the following factors:
Strength: affects offensive skill for players and monsters.
Dexterity: affects defensive skills and casting time for players, and defensive
skill for monsters.
Quickness: affects attack speed for players and monsters.
Constitution: affects hitpoints for players, and affects damage absorption for m
Remember that pets use the monster bonuses. Players can have a stat buffed up to
10 points or their level, whichever is higher. Also, "Combo Buffs" stack on top
of normal buffs to add even more points (up to double).
- Mage dexterity buffs now correctly reduce (not add to) casting time.
- Fixed the graphical spell effects for numerous monster spells. The correct gra
phical effect should now play when a monster casts a spell.
- Increased ranges on Theurgist spell lines Blasting Breeze, Searing Wind, and F
rost Blast.
- The Runic Ward line was set up improperly in the Runes of Suppression list for
Runemasters. The levels had to be changed to keep the spells from overwriting e
ach other. The new progression is as follows:
L2 Runic Ward
L10 Runic Fend
L16 Runic Shield
L26 Runic Guard
L34 Runic Barrier
L44 Runic Wall


- Fixed a bug when using /salvage on Reinforced armor. It will now give you the
correct type of strips, not leather squares.
- Stiletto hilt and blade recipe icons now show the correct dagger icon.
- Trinket recipes no longer should have ?'s as their icons.
- Changed the icon for the trinket recipes to be a bit more uniform across the b
oard. The trinkets for the lower half of the skill range will be a white gem ico

n, with the trinkets for the upper half will be the black gem icon.
- Fixed Midgard cloak recipe so that there should be a separate hooded cloak rec
- We changed the difficultiy of Hibernian two handed sword hilt to be similar di
fficulty to the blade and final combine.
- We made large-scale changes to the treasure drops in the Bog
ern Swamp. You'll now notice lots more treasure there and much
o, if you currently have items that you've already gotten from
may notice that they are slightly more powerful than they were

of Cullen and Van

more variety. Als
these areas, you

Midgard Quests:
Quest Wisdom of Time: Inaksha will no longer skip over her entire talk when you
first speak with her.
Quest: Spat the Cat: Players can now continue speaking with Vik if they are on s
teps 1 or 2 and lost their dialog box.
Hibernia Quests:
Two new Hibernian quests have been added. Players should speak to their local wa
ndering Filidh's for more details.
Lusmorebane and Driss no longer have one-time drops - they now have quests assoc
iated with them.
Midgard Objects:
The Mischief Maker?s Axe will now proc its spell.
Albion Monsters:
While trying to obtain more information about the newly discovered diamondback t
oads in the Llyn Barfog area, scouts came across what they describe as a "two-le
gged no-armed goblin with a nasty set of teeth." The scouts also said that these
creatures appear to live in colonies that center around ancient mystical rock f
ormations. Caution is advised to all who travel along the western shores of the
There are a few things in this set of patch notes that are not in the old set a different buff ceiling, and we scaled back the death penalty from levels 30-39
. Check it out! Read closely!
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.45 Release Notes

February 7, 2002
Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.45 introduces three new "Epic" zones into the game
, plus a load of bug fixes, itemized zones, objects, monsters and much more. Thi
s list of additions and changes is extensive, so please read these release notes
- Three Dragons (Wolf-headed, Stone, and Glimmer), with sounds.
- Demon model, with sounds
- Imp model, with sounds.
- Afanc model, with sounds.
- Baby afanc model, with sounds.
- three Rock Ogres (one new model, three new skins).
- new flying pixie model, with sounds.
- new werewolf-model skins.
- There is a new giant humanoid monster model.
- New "glow in the dark" Glimmer Knight (2 types), Glimmer Witch (2 types), and
Glimmer Ghoul figures have been added to the Hibernian Epic zone.
- By public demand, the frog model finally has his own sound effects.
- The Svartalf (dark elf) now has his own model.
- There is a new "scaly wolf" skin to go with the new Midgard Epic zone.


- Stats are now "clamped" at 300 (i.e. 300 is the most that any one stat can be
buffed) as far as the underlying buff effect is concerned. Previously, the clamp
was at 250, so now you can get an extra 50 points added to a stat when it is bu
ffed. Please note that this change is different from the one tested on Pendragon
, which was determined not to be as good for the game as intended.
- The experience point death penalty was too high for those players in the mid t
o high 30's level range. We have scaled back the number of experience points you
lose on death in those level ranges.
- In response to player demand, you can now turn spell effects off if you wish t
o increase your frame rate in situations where there are lots of spells being ca
st. You can now toggle spell effects to all/none/self only with the /EFFECTS NON
E, /EFFECTS ALL, /EFFECTS SELF toggles. With /effects self turned on, you see yo
ur own spell effects, but not those of other casters.
- The Detect Hidden ability was changed to increase the range at which Nightshad
es, Shadowblades, and Infiltrators (the only classes that receive Detect Hidden)
can detect other hidden players.
- In our buff system overhaul of last version, we introduced a bug that we must
take steps to fix. The effect of Quickness buffs increased overall player damage
per second far more than same-level strength and dexterity buffs (thus removing
the need to have strength and dexterity buffs in some cases). So, we've reduced
the effectiveness of quickness buffs by 10-15% (depending on the level of the s
pell). This change will affect all melee and archer characters who have Quicknes
s buffs cast on them. You will notice that you attack a little slower now than y

ou used to when your Quickness is buffed.

- We found that Combat Haste buffs are far too effective - they lower player's a
ttack timers down to 1.5 seconds or less, in some cases. Their effectiveness has
been reduced, and it now abides by the overall 1.5 second attack timer clamp. T
his change affects melee character who had Combat Haste buffs cast on them (alth
ough not archers, who were not affected by Combat Haste buffs). Please note that
we have lessened the effect this change has on Friars by bumping up the effecti
veness of their self-haste buff to compensate.
- Fixed the spell information (shift - I) function such that "damage type" only
appears for spells that actually do damage.
- Monster corpses will no longer spin to face the killer.
- The /WHERE command (to make a guard point towards an NPC) should now be more r
- When you target yourself, you'll always be yellow.
- The appeal window will no longer disappear when moving (you can now appeal whi
le falling for instance).
- The Performance Meter (SHIFT-P) has been fixed - previously it did not update
correctly. Now you can see network latency (lag), dropped packets, and frame rat
e performance.
- You should no longer see a dead player perform his death animation long after
he died. This happened when you came within download (visible) range of him whil
e he was dead.
- Realm titles have been added to other player's names in RVR warfare. For insta
nce, instead of seeing a "Briton Defender" you'll see a "Briton Dragonknight" if
the other player has a realm title.
- When zoning, if your client crashed, you would re-enter at your bindpoint (a f
ree teleport). This has been fixed.
- The /FRIENDS command should now show your full friends list correctly.
- Players whose framerates would drop below 5 fps would run more slowly (and fai
l to catch up with the rest of their group). This has been fixed.
- Dead people can no longer see stealthed enemies.
- On a ladder (or when climbing), when you hit the ground, you will now automati
cally detach from the ladder (or wall).
- You now should go to the correct "safe spot" in the cities when you fall throu
gh the city or type /STUCK.
- New sounds now play when you change inventory items.
- You should now be able to get information (shift-I) on an item that is in a pl
ayer trade window (i.e. when you are selling or trading items with other players
- Scouting monsters now have the Detect Hidden ability. If you are higher level
than they, then you still have a good chance of staying hidden, but beware of sc
outing monsters that are higher level than you.

- You can no longer "lock up" NPC archers who are defending keeps. Previously, s
ome players were exploiting a bug where when you had an archer with 0 max veloci
ty, you could engage him from a distance then back out of his arrow range where
he could not be attacked. The NPC archer would remain "locked up" and would not
attack anyone else. This has been fixed - the NPC archer will now pick a differe
nt target within range if he can't reach his original target.
- Fixed a collision problem where people could warp through doors and walls.
- You can now click on open doors to select them.
- fixed upgrading of doors to level 9 and 10 for free. You now have to have the
requisite number of materials to upgrade to these levels.
- The minimum attack timer has been reduced, so you should see quickness buffs h
ave more positive effect on your attack timer than they used to - i.e. you shoul
d now see yourself attacking more quickly. Previously, it was too easy to hit th
e minimum attack timer when quickness was buffed, this reducing the effectivenes
s of these buffs.
- You now have to use a "use item" key when using a charged item's special magic
al ability. In order to use these charged items, you must have first dragged the
magical item's icon to your quick bar. Then, to fire it, press the use item key
, and then within 1 second, press the quick bar number of the item. Please note
that there is currently no way to use the mouse to use these items.
- Troll males had one hair combination that referenced a bad art file that resul
ted in their "hair" not having a texture. This has been fixed.
- We slightly increased the damage of some of the non-backstab styles in the Ass
assin's critical strikes combat style line.


General Changes
- We've made a change in the way that specialization affects Self Armor Factor b
uffs for robed casters. Now, robed casters are no longer affected by specializat
ion (casters who specced outside their shield line's skill were taking a signifi
cant defense hit). However, Armor Factor Buffs for concentration casters remain
affected by specialization.
- Damage clamp of spell damages raised to be comparable with damage clamps from
melee attacks. These should only come into play when you smack low level targets
(grays). Now caster max damage against low level players and monsters should be
about the same as melee max damage.
- Low level monsters could previously interrupt much higher level spell casters
and archers. This has been fixed.
- You should no longer get the "You cannot cast while moving!" print when you st
and and try to immediately cast.
- Wizards, Theurgists, Spiritmasters, and Runemasters will now be awarded all sp
ecialization spell lists when they change class (before you had to specialize to
level 5 in your base skills to get your specialization lists). Existing charact
ers will get their new lists after the first time they train in their base skill

s (at any level).

- Please note that many spell graphics have changed since the last version. We a
re currently revamping the way spell graphics are assigned to spells. The graphi
cs will be in flux for a short time before we complete the change. Pay special a
ttention to your spells and be sure you are familiar with their new visual appea
- We've added the chance for "robe" caster spells to do additional critical dama
ge. Specifically, the classes whose direct damage (bolt, AE, regular DD) spells
will have the chance to do extra critical damage are: Wizard, Theurgist, Cabalis
t, Sorcerer, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Eldritch, Mentalist, and Enchanter.
Buff Spell Changes
- The Constitution buff in Midgard has been moved from the Healer Augmentation s
pecialization track to the Seer basic abilities (meaning now Shaman and Healers
will both get the base Con buff). We made this change to bring Healer/Shaman in
line with healing/buffing classes in other realms that have con buffs as a base
class abilities. The levels awarded are:
3 Augment Health
9 Increase Health
14 Enhance Health
20 Strengthen Health
29 Exaggerate Health
38 Intensify Health
47 Amplify Health
- Mage "acuity" buffs are now in the game, in the primary buffing track in each
realm. This buff enhances the primary stat of the realm's "robe" casters, which
directly raises the damage output of direct damage spells. Classes helped by thi
s buff: Wizard, Cabalist, Theurgist, Sorcerer, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Mentali
st, Eldritch, and Enchanter.
Cleric Enhancement Spec
11 Acuity of the Seer
22 Acuity of the Prophet
31 Acuity of the Sage
42 Acuity of the Magi
Shaman Augmentation Spec
12 Sight of the Deep
22 Wisdom of the Deep
31 Sagacity of the Deep
42 Vision of the Deep
Druid Nurture Spec
11 Nature's Sight
22 Nature's Wisdom
31 Nature's Sagacity
42 Nature's Vision
New Area Effect Spells
- Several new area effect damage lines were added to the Wizard, Runemaster, and
Eldritch. The problem that is addressed by this fix was that in most cases, rob

e-casters had only one line which contained area effect damage spells. Because a
rea effect damage spells are by far the most popular and effective RvR spell to
use, most players were specializing only in those lines that contained area effe
ct damage spells, because they wanted to be sure that they had these spells when
they raised to a high enough level to RvR. This led to many under utilized spel
l specializations, and worse, players that did specialize in those lines that di
d not contain area effect spells sometimes found themselves in a situation where
they wanted to contribute area effect damage to RvR, but could not, because the
y simply did not specialize that way.
So, now more spell lines contain area effect damage spells, but be aware that th
e specializations that received these spells previously (such as the Fire Specia
lization for the Albion Wizard) do more damage than the new spells. All of these
new AOE damage spells cost more power to cast and do less damage than the prima
ry AOE spells (the ones that were in the game previous to this update). So, a Wi
zard who is specc'ed in Fire will still do more area effect damage (more spells
cast, more damage per spell) than a Wizard who is specialized in Earth; however,
the Earth-specc'ed wizard can now contribute area effect damage against enemy p
layers and monsters, albeit at a lower rate.
The new AOE spells:
Calefaction (Earth spec list)
8 Molten Earth
11 Lava Field
15 Expanse of Magma
20 Molten Puddle
28 Molten Pool
36 Molten Lake
47 Molten Ocean
Liquifaction (Ice spec list)
8 Simmering Cloud
14 Broiling Cloud
22 Sweltering Cloud
29 Burning Cloud
36 Torrid Cloud
46 Boiling Cloud
Runes of Darkness (Darkness spec list)
9 Raven Drove
14 Raven Flock
19 Raven Horde
25 Raven Throng
32 Raven Host
40 Raven Cloud
50 Raven Legion
Runes of Suppression (Suppression spec list)
7 Field of Suppression
14 Field of Slackening
20 Field of Entrapping
27 Field of Snaring
36 Field of Tangling
46 Field of Mazing
Vacuumancy (Mana spec list)


Lesser Kinetic Dispersal

Kinetic Dispersal
Lesser Kinetic Dampening
Kinetic Dampening
Lesser Kinetic Siphon
Kinetic Siphon

In order to make the resistance system more streamlined, we've consolidated the
various damage types and resistances inside of the game to six basic groups:
Heat Cold Matter
Body -

Fire and Light

Void and Dark
- Earth and Matter
- Spirit, Mind, and Wind
- Electricity and Mana
Body, Poison and Disease

For now, this change will have little effect on your character. When you use the
/resist command, you will now see these resistances printed instead of the old
ones - also, when you get information about an item (shift-I), you'll see the it
em's resistance buffs printed in this new format as well. Please note that in th
e near future we will be adding resistance buffs and debuffs that will adhere to
this new system.

Pet System Changes

The pets summoned by the Cabalist, Enchanter, and Spiritmaster have been revised
to fix some bugs and improve functionality. Each Cabalist pet has different eff
ects that trigger in combat, Enchanter pets can now cast various spells, and Spi
ritmaster pet effects are cumulative - each higher level pet will have the effec
ts of all the lower level ones.
Please note that we are aware that some of the pet self-buffs are sometimes redu
ndant with buffs that the player can cast on their pets. This is a known issue a
nd it is on our list to address.
- You'll no longer see your pet self-buffing in combat instead of fighting.
The new Pets and their effects:
Amber Simulacrum - Has a self shield to improve defense, and extra hitpoints. A
basic tank, plus has a chance to stun its target.
Ruby Simulacrum - Has a self damage-add spell that improves melee damage, but ha
s lower defense and hitpoints.
Sapphire Simulacrum - Has a lifetap proc that improves survivability
Emerald Simulacrum - Has a chance of proccing either a poison dot or disease eff
Jade Simulacrum - Has a self damage shield buff to do damage to attackers.
Spiritmaster (special abilities are cumulative)
- Spiritmaster summoned creatures can now be female.


fighter - no special abilities.

soldier - adds chance to proc a stun effect.
swordsman - adds chance to proc cold damage
warrior - adds chance to proc lifedrain
champion - adds chance to proc self bladeturn

Underhill friend - basic tank, no special abilities
Underhill companion - caster, low offense and hp, has a direct damage spell
Underhill ally - low offense and hp healer, casts a regen buff and will heal ser
iously injured group mates
Underhill compatriot - tank with enhanced defense, casts a self shield
Underhill zealot - advanced caster, has a chance of casting two different types
of direct damage, and has a self dmg shield for melee.
We are making several archer changes in this version. In short, archers are too
powerful in RvR combat, but feel they don't have enough to offer in group-based
monster hunting. We have spent a lot of time testing this in-house over the last
week, as well as analyzing player and tester feedback, and have come to the con
clusion that archers can kill higher-level players far more easily than we ever
intended. Currently, low-40's archers can two-shot kill 50th level mages (who ar
e red or purple to the archer), which is far too powerful. The testing also foun
d that archers were not as effective fighting monsters in groups as we designed
the classes. This version takes steps to correct both these problems.
- Archers no longer receive a to-hit bonus against sitting opponents. Low level
archers could previously crit shot much higher level sitting targets - ones they
normally could not hit at all if the target was standing.
- We've lessened the damage that Critical Shots do against higher-level player t
argets. Against same-level or lower enemy players, your critical shots will do e
xactly the same damage they always have. However, against higher-level enemy pla
yers, your damage will be less, depending on how much higher the player is than
you. Please note that this change does not affect critical shot damage versus mo
nsters at all - the change only effects RvR combat.
- Arrows do exactly the same amount of damage in combat versus monsters as they
always have, but they now accumulate less "aggro". This means that you can use y
our critical shot or normal shot in combat with monsters and the monster will be
less likely to aggro on you, and will be easier to pull off you if you it does
aggro. We made this change because of archer complains (and subsequent testing)
showed that archers indeed did so much damage to monsters that they automaticall
y had the monster attack them exclusively for the entire encounter - an encounte
r which the archer would rarely survive. Now it will be much easier for them to
do critical shot/normal bow damage against that same monster with much less chan
ce of the monster focusing exclusively on them.

3 New Zones added:
Three new "Epic" zones make their debut in this patch: one in each realm's home
region. These zones are full of high level content intended for large groups of
players 35 - 50th level. The encounters in these zones are fully itemized with a

ppropriate treasure. The zones are laid out differently from most of our other o
utdoor areas, they are designed to more tightly constrict player movement, funne
ling groups (to some extent) through more targeted encounters that have to be by
passed or defeated before they can move on. Each of the zones has as its ultimat
e encounter a fearsome creature of monstrous power, let those who wander these z
ones take plenty of friends!
Please note that many of the monster models that appear in the new zones are pla
ceholders and will be replaced with new ones over the course of this week.
Albion Zone: Dartmoor
In the times of Uther Pendragon, Articus, son of a Roman dignitary left his home
land to get away from the politics of Rome. He and his family settled in an area
in the Cornwall region known as Dartmoor, a beautiful moorland with wooded vall
eys and windswept Tors. They had built a castle and established a respectable ho
lding in the rugged area. About ten years had passed and still little was known
about Lord Articus and his family, since they often preferred to keep to themsel
ves. Duke Marcus of Cornwall dispatched a messenger to his quiet neighbor with i
nvitations for them to attend an upcoming celebration. When the messenger never
returned, a second messenger was sent. The second one, like the first, was never
seen again. Whether out of concern or suspicion, Duke Marcus sent his son along
with a contingent of knights to both investigate the disappearance of the messe
ngers and the welfare of Lord Articus. Two weeks later, Duke Marcus' son returne
d alone. He was badly injured and his armor singed. He never told his father or
anyone else what he saw. Some say it was fear. Others claim that it was his prid
e. The only thing he did convey was that Lord Articus, his family, and his serva
nts were all dead. Until recently, people of Briton were warned away from Dartmo
or. However, the people have grown restless and hunger for adventure. Their memo
ries fade, and most have forgotten the warnings.
Last month, Sir Arward and 30 of his best fighters ventured deep in to the depth
s of Dartmoor. Two days ago, Sir Arward?s scribe?s journal, slightly singed and
stained with blood fell out of the sky and landed in front of the guards at Pryd
wen Keep.
A summary of the journal explains a bit of what the party discovered. At first,
all they found were wild ponies, small but tough little beasts. The group, think
ing that they?ve been afraid to venture to the area because of a bunch of wild p
onies, relaxed their guard considerably. Sir Arward ordered one of his scouts to
climb a nearby granite tor so that he might see further in to the distance. How
ever, as soon as the scout approached the giant granite mass, it turned and face
d them. It was a giant, made entirely from granite, carrying a giant shepherd?s
staff. The poor scout never had a chance. The armored fighters engaged the massi
ve creature and managed to defeat it. Their need for caution had been restored.
As they moved deeper into Dartmoor, it became immediately obvious that the giant
they fought was neither unique nor alone. What had previously been mistaken for
giant rocks seemed to come alive with movement. Trying to avoid the behemoths (
though some fights were unavoidable), the group found themselves in a giant gran
ite quarry surrounded by a group of ogre-like creatures. Surprisingly, they didn
?t attack the party. In a limited, barbaric grasp of the Briton language, the og
res claimed to be the Stonecrush Clan. They mined and ate granite, which angered
the granite giants to no end. It was obvious that there had been some hostiliti
es between the giants and the ogres, and the Stonecrush Clan considered Sir Arwa
rd?s group as friends since they had fought and killed giants.
The journal contained little more information. The next page seemed to have been
partially burned. Only one large word near the bottom could be read: Golestandt

Midgard Zone: Malmohus

Hunters have reported that the Svartalfar have been extremely active in the Skon
a Ravine area. It seems they have been sending masses of their best scouts and i
nfiltrators in to the woodland south of Skona Ridge, a little-known and less-exp
lored region known as Malmohus. The werewolves of Skona, however, seem to be afr
aid of the area - they avoid it almost as if they believed Malmohus to be cursed
A large group of hunters was sent to follow the Svartalfar into Malmohus, for it
was obvious they were up to something. The hunters temporarily lost the Svartal
far trail when they stumbled across some odd looking creatures. They looked like
wolves, but had scales and a lizard?s tail. The hunters called them scaled varg
s, and found out happily that their beast charms worked on the creatures.
They renewed their tracking of the Svartalfar and were fortunate enough to find
a single Svartalf scout, who they restrained and interrogated. The svartalf was
young and was almost happy to give the hunters the information they desired, so
long as his life would be spared. The svartalf explained that these lands were t
he home of Gjalpinulva, a daughter of great beast Fenris Wolf, and some huge unk
nown creature. The scout said that Gjalpinulva, herself a gigantic abomination,
in her loneliness, created creatures that would be loyal to her and serve her: i
ntelligent scaled wolves that walk on two legs. The Svartalfar, the scount claim
ed, came to Malmohus to investigate the Gjalpinulva and her brood and possibly d
estroy them. The Svartalvear needed to gather more information about the huge cr
eatures before contemplating any action against Malmohus.
The hunters let the young svartalf go, anxious to return to Jordheim and report
their findings. The great beast Gjalpinulva and her minions have not yet been si
ghted. Their appearance and power remain a mystery, although it is assumed that
she is gigantic and immensely powerful.

Hibernian Zone: Sheeroe Hills

In a routine scouting pass through the outskirts of the Bog of Cullen, a small g
roup of seasoned rangers found that the landscaped had changed along the bog?s n
orthern edge. A pass, which had not been there previously, appeared from under a
thick layer of mists. The rangers, dubious of the nature of the pass, scouted i
t cautiously. Before they ventured too far, small spirits that seemed to "glimme
r" with an unusual light confronted them with aggressive intentions. Suspecting
it to be a siabra trick, the rangers quickly dispatched the odd creatures. Not t
oo long after their first encounter larger spirit-type creatures, sharing the sa
me type of ?glimmer? as the previous spirits, also attacked the group. These wer
e obviously more powerful than the small spirits that were encountered previousl
y, almost too powerful. The behavior of these spiritual beings was very unlike t
he siabra, and this new experience was more than the rangers wanted to handle wi
thout more information about what they were facing.
The rangers returned with their findings and decided to consult others. They fou
nd themselves reciting their story to many, but no one seemed to have any more i
nformation on these glimmers, as they came to be known. That was, until they fou
nd themselves in the company of the ancient elven sage, Tyldifyl. "Like the king
doms of man," he began, "the Otherworld is also divided into regions, each often
having its own ruler and laws. Some of those "kingdoms" are more known than oth
ers, since some wish to remain unseen. One such place is called the Sheeroe Hill
s, ruled by Cuuldurach the Glimmer King. Cuuldurach is an ancient and powerful b

eing. He rules with absolute power in his realm, in the realm of what you call t
he Glimmers..."
The rangers gathered more information and found that the worshippers of the Grea
t Azure, ancient relatives of the Firbolg who find their faith in the unclouded
sky, have sent strong expeditions into the Sheeroe Hills. In their zealot-like r
everence for their god, they believe that the glimmers are evil, tainted creatur
es of death, and because of that, they believe it is their duty to cleanse the l
and of their presence. They have established strongholds in the Sheeroe Hills an
d guard them closely, distrusting anyone but one of their own to venture near.
Dragon Behavior
The Dragon encounters in the new zones have been given special AI and abilities.
These abilities will be used by the dragon at various times during combat, depe
nding on the situation. Among other nasty things that the dragon does during com
bat (that we will not divulge) the dragon will get restless and go on a patrol o
nce a day throughout his territory. Players in the zone will be given a warning
via a zone-wide broadcast that the beast is on his way. He will fly through the
zone, dive-bombing certain spots throughout the zone (clearings, monster camps,
well-traveled pathways, etc.). So if you are hunting in one of the new zones and
see a broadcast indicating the dragon is getting restless keep a sharp eye out.
Note that when the dragon on patrol does a "swoop down" on a player or group, he
won't stick around to complete the fight - he'll keep on his path and return to
his lair after dealing out some death from above. So, you're not going to be ab
le to fight him fully while he's patrolling, but you can damage him.
Other Monster Encounter Changes:
- The telamon of Lyonesse seem to be a tad less vigilant than before.
- Extremely nasty and intimidating creatures have been seen around Llyn Barfog.
Some even claim that the Legendary Afanc, a demonic water creature of King Arthu
r's time, has returned to tend to her young. Use extreme caution when exploring
this area.
- The isalf forayer population has increased slightly throughout the Midgard fro
- Relic Keep doors now set to Wood (material type) 10 instead of Wood 1. This me
ans that they never need to be upgraded, since Relic Keeps can never be taken ov
er by an enemy team.
Graphics Update:
- Several new monster models have been provided by our wonderful art team. Here
is a list of some of the creatures that are sporting a new look.
manes demon
grumoz demon
wind mephit

fiery fiend
afanc hatchling
faerie mischief-maker
faerie wolf-crier
faerie bellwether
Lady Leanna
Ellyll windchaser
mist sprite
pixie scout
pixie imp
Pixie Queen
flaming raukomaz
Lord Fire
wind sprite
mora rider
mora dancer
cruiach demon
Idol of Crom Cruiach
cruach imp
deamhan aeir
mountain mephit
tunnel imp
orchard nipper
NPC Fixes
Runthal Devyn, the imposter fletching master that would not let you join the tra
de order has been removed from Camelot City by the city guard. Acey Dalston is t
he only fletching master authorized to admit new members.
Item Recharger NPCs
These NPCs will recharge all chargeable items (for a price, of course).
- Camelot City: Miran Esric, at the Palace
- Cornwall: Larel Esric, at Cornwall Station
- Kigua in Connla
- Tegau, in Tir na Nog. Tegau is located in the building across the street from
the guard building where Sentinel Teadoir and Sentinel Kynon hang out.

- Ingirun in Jordheim
- Alrik in Gna Faste.
Hibernian Quests:
Quest - Criofan's Fish: Casters that finished Criofan's Fish can turn in the lea
ther boots to Criofan, in Connla, for a set of cloth boots. Nightshades and Rang
ers can now do the quest.
Midgard Quests:
Quest ? The Red Daggers: Players now have a reminder in their quest journal to t
urn in the scroll of seithkona to the Gythja of Bragi. Players that do not turn
it in will now automatically have it deleted from their inventory when they comp
lete that section of the guild track quest. Players that have it stored in their
bank may DELETE IT!
Quest ? Widower?s Hunt: Healers have been added to the list of classes able to d
o this quest.
Ick and Piercer now have quests associated with them. Speak to the Barkeeps for
The Mischief Maker?s Axe now procs correctly.
Albion Quests:
Quest: Amulet of the Planes
More detail regarding Borwyr's spawn time has been added to the journal.
Quest: Legione perso
Players on this quest should now be able to continue normally when fighting Luna
ris primus pilus. Pets will no longer cause players difficulty when attempting t
o complete this quest.
Quest: The Captured Courier
Dunsten can now be re-spawned killing Elithralia Nodith. Dunsten should also rem
ain in place longer so that players can turn their items into him.
Chargeable and other Magic Items
Some of the very high level monsters may drop charged items on occasion. This is
a new object type that has just been added to the game. Chargeable items are re
gular weapons/armor/jewelry that have magical spells associated with them. These
spells have a limited number of time that they can be used. To use a charged it
em, drag the object's icon to the quick bar (please note that the object must be
equipped for this to work) and then click on it.
There are two types of charged items. The first type is non-rechargeable but the
item will still function as normal (i.e. without its spell) once the charge has
been expended. This means that if you have a sword with a fire spell attached t
o it, once the fire spell has been cast, you cannot cast any more spells with th
e sword, but the sword itself still functions as a regular sword.

The second type of recharged item can be used over and over again, requiring rec
harging from a special NPC (currently called a spellcrafter, but this name will
change shortly). The NPC will charge a fee based on the item type you trying to
recharge. See the world notes for a list of Spellcrafter locations.
This version also includes a ton of additional weapons with particle effects, an
d some new spell effects on items.
Many zones have been totally itemized or tweaked:
Note: Albion being the oldest realm, had more rare items to begin with. You will
notice many of those rare objects have been modified so they now drop with upda
ted magic bonuses. Existing items will not be affected.

Cursed Forest (Hibernia) - is now itemized

Raumarik (Midgard) - is now itemized.
Salisbury (Albion) - added rare items and fixed non-humanoid drops
Black Mountains South (Albion) - fixed non-humanoid drops
Black Mountains North (Albion) - added rare items and fixed non-humanoid drops
Camp Forest (Albion) - added Rare items and fixed non-humanoid drops
Avalon Marsh (Albion) - added Rare items and fixed non-humanoid drops
Llyn Barfog (Albion) - itemized the remaining new camps and added rare items t
old camps.
Lyonesse (Albion), item levels 30-50 (existing zone)
Dartmoor (Albion), item levels 35-50 (new epic zone)
Malmohus (Midgard), item levels 35-50 (new epic zone)
Sherroe Hills (Hibernia), item levels 35-50 (new epic zone)
Cornwall (Albion)
Skona Ravine (Midgard)
Silvermine Mts. (Hibernia)
Cliffs of Moher (Hibernia)
Shannon Estuary (Hibernia) - added rare drops
Myrkwood Forest (Hibernia) - added rare drops
Svaeland West (Midgard) - added rare drops
Lough Gur (Hibernia) - added rare drops

Please note that Raumarik, Cursed Forest, and parts of Llyn Barfog have treasure
that drops less often than other zones, but the items that are dropped are far
more valuable.
We also went back through a couple of zones that were rare item drops, and made
changes where appropriate. You'll now find that these zones have much more to of
- Muspelheim (Midgard), item levels 20-32
- Valley of Bri Leith (Hibernia), item levels 15-40
Other Object notes
- The Shadowed Vest should now be dyeable with leather dye (was previously only
using enamel)
- Gloves of the Spined Backpiercer should now be dyeable.
- Yellow Silken Robes can now be dyed.
- Hammer of Smiting should be sellable now.

- Band of Woven Gold (enc quest reward) had the +cha bonus changed to +dex inste
- Supple Serpent-Hide Vest should now be correctly displaying information (one o
f the fields had resistance chosen but no actual value put in, so it was display
ing "0%")
- Fixed a typo in the name of the Eagle Eye Talon.
- Changed the Gossamer Seolc Cap of Mentalism to correctly buff mentalism.
- Changed the article associated with the Kraggon Cloak to "a", and also changed
the armor class to none so that it doesn't try to display an armor factor when
information about it is shown.
- Changed the armor class to none on the Morbid Mantle (see Kraggon Cloak above)
- The Spectral Shroud (Hibernia) should now be dyable.
- The Shadowhands Cloak shouldn't display Armor Factor anymore.
- The following should now display con/dur/qua etc. : Glowing Ball of Mud, Gyrg'
s Cloak, Silver Chain, Belt of Animation, and Boneclaw Ring of Morra.


- Fixed a bug when using /salvage on Reinforced armor. It will now give you the
correct type of strips, not leather squares.
- Stiletto hilt and blade recipe icons now show the correct dagger icon.
- Trinket recipes no longer should have ?'s as their icons.
- Changed the icon for the trinket recipes to be a bit more uniform across the b
oard. The trinkets for the lower half of the skill range will be a white gem ico
n, with the trinkets for the upper half will be the black gem icon.
- Fixed Midgard cloak recipes so that there should be a cloak recipe a separate
hooded cloak recipe.
- You should be able to buy the correct tanned torsion cables now instead of the
incorrect linen torsion cables
- Icons for Midgard stave recipes show an actual staff icon now instead of a shi
Version 1.46 is going live as I type this. As you all may know from reading the
various test release notes, this version contains many enhancements to Assassins
, Friars, the charming spell system for Mentalists and Minstrels, as well as oth
er class adjustments, the debut of the new spell resistance system, as well as a
pile of bug fixes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.46 Release Notes

This version has some updates to the Assassin (Shadowblades, Nightshades, Infilt
rators) classes, which should make them much more forgiving when it comes to tra
ining. We gave some of the classes additional abilities and all received a varia
ble number of extra specialization points to give each of the Assassins a differ
ent "feel".
- Shadowblades have been given more hit points (as befits the more fighting-cent
ric ethos of Midgard), as well as have had their specialization points raised to
2.2 per level.
- Nightshades now have a new line of level-based combat shout direct damage spel
ls (in addition to the normal direct damage spells they already had) that they c
an use during combat to increase damage. They have also had their specialization
points increased to 2.2 per level.
- Infiltrators have had their specialization points raised to 2.5 per level, a s
ignificant jump. This makes it possible for them to train much more in many more
skills than they previously could, and have the chance to be much more well rou
In all three cases, existing assassin characters will be granted the spec points
they "should have" gotten based on the new number of spec points per level.
Besides any additional needed balancing of existing abilities (poisons, damages,
etc.), which will be done as necessary, this makes assassins complete except fo
r the disguise skill which is still to be implemented. Disguise will be primaril
y an RvR-centric skill - our current plan for disguise is that all three assassi
n classes will be able to disguise: Infiltrators by an ability/skill, Shadowblad
es by a magical ability, and Nightshades by a spell. Thus, please note that we h
ave removed spell points from Shadowblades, as the "spell" they will use to disg
uise will be an ability and will not require spell points.

With this version we have made some changes to the Friar to address that class's
relative weakness at higher levels.
- Friars now have 1.5 specialization points per level (up from 1.0). This will a
llow them to specialize more fully in a few skills, and make them much more well
rounded than they have been up until now. All existing Friars will be awarded t
he spec points they "should have" gotten, and can take advantage of this change
immediately by spending these spec points.
- Friars now get Evade 5 at 33rd level.
- Friars now receive a line of Armor Absorption buff spells on their Enhancement
s specialization. See the spell system changes section for more information.
- Friars can now use shields (although not spec in them). Shields were never int
ended to be a big part of playing a Friar, but they were supposed to be able to

at least equip and use them.

Friar Spell Change
We fixed a couple of problems with existing Friar spells that should make specia
lizing in Enhancements much more useful.
- We converted Saint's Vigor (pulsing fatigue regen) to a shout so it can be act
ivated in combat.
- We converted all the rest of the fatigue regeneration spells (Saint's Energy u
p through Saint's Tenacity) to reduce fatigue costs in a more consistent manner
than they did before. Now these spells are self only duration effect, not pulsin
g spells, that progressively reduce the fatigue costs of all endurance-using act
- We changed the Speed of the Angel line to be a self only shout, that gives a 3
0 second haste buff that's should be quite effecitve. It can be re-used every 3


We've changed the way that Mentalists and Minstrels pulsing charm spells work, b
ased on player feedback and testing. This new system should be much easier to us
e than the old system, and have greater results.
- The Minstrel Charm does not require an instrument in hand while it is being us
ed. Thus, a Minstrel can now have a controlled pet and melee at the same time.
- Even when the target is switched, the spell will continue to pulse on the orig
inal monster you had targeted. This means you can have two targets engaged at on
ce, should you choose to do so (one for your pet, one for you).
- The Minstrel/Mentalist has an almost certain chance to charm/retain control of
a creature his level or lower, although there is a small random chance that it
could fail. The higher the level of the charmed creature compared to the Minstre
l/Mentalist, the greater the chance the monster has of breaking the charm. Pleas
e note that your specialization level in the magic skill that contains the charm
spell will modify your base chance of charming and retaining control. The highe
r your spec level, the greater your chance of controlling.
- If the charm breaks, the charmed monster will wipe his agro list and only agro
on the player who was charming him. All creatures attacking the charmed creatur
e will forget their agro against him.
- Please note that there is a small per-round power point cost for the Mentalist
when they have a monster under their control.
Minstrel/Mentalist Charm Overview
The Minstrel/Mentalist charm ability does not work the way other charms work, no
r is it intended to. This charm is intended not as a "pet" ability in the sense
that all other pet abilities in the game are intended, but as an added ability t
hat can be used for assistance during group or solo combat, or during emergency
situations when charming a foe may work to the advantage of the group or solo pl

To charm a monster, you no longer require the use of the flute (for Mnstrels). S
imply target the monster and use the corresponding spell/song for your charm. Mo
nsters at or below your level will have a very small chance of resisting the cha
rm as it pulses, which means there's always an element of risk involved. You may
also charm monsters above the your level (oranges, reds and low purples), thoug
h as the monster level increases above that of the caster's, so does the risk of
the monster resisting the charm and aggressing the caster. It is advised to not
risk charming orange, red or purple monsters unless you believe the situation w
arrants this emergency action and only if you are prepared to accept the potenti
al penalties involved with doing so.
Note that when a monster is charmed and in battle, and the charm pulse stops (or
the monster is no longer under your control), the previously charmed monster's
aggression will be turned away from the monster it was fighting and toward the c
aster until it is recharmed, it dies, the caster dies or the caster moves beyond
the normal AI timer-based range of the monster. As casters become more experien
ced with using this ability, they should learn how to manipulate it to best fit
their needs when solo or group hunting, so a degree of skill is involved.
Tip: When a charm breaks, the monster will immediately aggress the caster. This
includes times when the caster actually releases the monster, so it's advisable
to have the pet window set to "Stay" and then to get a comfortable distance away
before releasing the monster, or to ensure you are capable of killing the monst
er upon releasing it.
Tip: You may use other songs in conjunction with this type of charm, though doin
g so will require song "twisting" - where you switch between playing two songs.
Bugs to note: There is a bug with the Minstrel's charm, where upon releasing the
pet, even if you are further than melee range, the monster will still interrupt
your current song when it aggresses (speed, mana or health), though only for th
e ten seconds the timer takes to elapse and for the song to restart (as with any
other monster when the monster is aggressing in melee range). This is a known i
ssue and will be fixed at some point in the future.
World Issues: We're aware of the limitations and availability of charmable, huma
noid monsters (for Minstrels and Sorcerers) in Albion's high level zones - prima
rily Lyonesse, Dartmoor and Stonehenge Barrows - and we're taking steps to resol
ve this issue soon, so please watch for announcements.
- We've decreased (again) the aggro that archers do to monsters while fighting m
onsters. This means that archers can now do even more damage to monsters without
having the monster turn on them.
- We've increased the damage that archer Critical Shot does against higher-level
monsters (monsters only, no change was made to RvR CS damage).
- Archers will hit more often in group situations - the group melee "to-hit" bon
us has been increased. Archers (as well as any melee attacker) has more of a cha
nce to hit a monster based on the number of people in the group. Archers now hav
e a bonus over and above the regular melee bonus on "to-hit".
- Arrows that do different damage types (crush/slash/thrust) will now correctly
show the damage additions.
- Archers will no longer see tenths of seconds when readying arrows. We never in
tended archers to see their timer on such an intimate level - it was initially s

et that way for balancing and debugging purposes in beta, and was never changed.
Please note that all other timers in the game (spell timers, ability timers, et
c.) print in seconds, not tenths of seconds. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DID NOT INCREAS
way that this is printed to you.


- When we made all Stun/Mez/Root spells not chain cast-able a few versions ago,
we unintentionally left the Spiritmaster point blank AE mesmerize line (the Gloo
m Wave line) as chain cast-able. This has been fixed, so you can no longer chain
-mez with this line of spells.
- When you are trading to a craftsman who can repair - the craftsman can click o
n a new "repair" flag in the trade window to turn the trade into a repair sessio
n. For more information, see the section "new repair system", later in this rele
ase note.
- Bleed and Acid damage have been correctly assigned to body and matter resistan
ce types.
- "/EFFECT SELF" should now show the correct spell effects that you cast on othe
r players.
- Graphical weapon effects should now show correctly to other players. Previousl
y, all weapons showed graphical effects to the person holding them, but some did
not show up that way to other players looking at them. Now, they all work.
- We fixed a bug with evade that will effect those characters with evade 6 or ab
ove. You'll now see yourselves evading more often if you are a high level assass
in character.
- You can now add multiple people to a chatgroup with a single slash command. Us
e /CG INVITE etc
- When an assassin poisons an enemy and the poison does DOT damage, the assassin
will now be able to rehide even though he is doing damage against the target.
- Pets will no longer warp after killing an opponent and returning.
- Pets should now properly use their spells after engaging a target.
- Charged items (wands, etc) can no longer be used against players in your realm
- Repairs on doors now cost 1/4 the wood they used to but only repair 1/2 the co
ndition. Thus, to repair a door up to full will now take 1/2 the total wood but
take twice the total time.
- Relic Keep doors are no longer upgradable. They will spawn at a high wood leve
l (8) and will remain there. They can still be repaired.
- Recharger NPCs now work properly. They will now replenish charged items.
- There was a bug that prevented monsters from buffing and healing one another (
if they are so designed). This has been fixed.
- There is better feedback on some of the tradeskill "fail" messages which tells

you what level of the appropriate skill you need in order to create the object.
- When you are carrying a Relic and are killed, the Relic will now drop on the g
round where you died.
- You can now longer pick up Relics (or any other items) while dead.
- You can no longer equip/unequip items while you are mesmerized.
- You can no longer perform dual wield/celtic dual combat styles while you are h
olding a sword and a shield.
- There was a bug that caused Intercept to stop working after only a few seconds
if the enemy attacking your friend never landed a blow (i.e. missed).
- A charmed/controlled pet will now chase a target for a certain distance, and t
hen return to its master. Previously, it would chase its target forever.
- Spell text messages of hidden (stealthed) players will no longer print to othe
r players in the area.
- The Demon and Imp models inadvertently were introduced into the game a few ver
sions ago with the other's skins attached to them. This has been fixed: the demo
n is now red and the imp is now green.
- If you are hidden, BAF monsters will no longer target you, if you are hidden b
efore they are pulled.
- You can now cast damage spells on and send Theurgist pets to attack doors.
To repair an object without dropping it on the ground, follow these steps:
1) The player (who wants the item repaired) drops the item on the (player) smith
2) This brings up a trade window between the two players.
3) The smith clicks on the REPAIR box in the lower left of the trade window. Onl
y the smith (receiving player of the trade) can click on this box.
4) The title of the window will now change.
5) The Player can add as many items as he likes to be repaired. If the smith can
not repair any item added, the repair box will uncheck and both will get a print
6) The Player can add coins to the trade to pay for the repair.
7) The smith can add neither coins nor items to the repair/trade when in repair
mode. Any items and money in the trade when repair is clicked should be cleared
8) When both click "Accept" all items are repaired and returned to the Player. A
ll coins are moved to the smith.


Spell resistence buffs and debuffs are now in the game. Currently resistance buf
fs and debuffs only affect direct damage and bolt spells (not DOT, damage adds o
r damage shields).
Sorcerer body spec list
23 Illusions of Flame (heat resistance debuff)
33 Visions of Flame
44 Dreams of Flame
24 Illusions of Winter (cold resist debuff)
34 Visions of Winter
46 Dreams of Winter
27 Illusions of the Wastes (matter resist debuff)
36 Visions of the Wastes
48 Dreams of the Wastes
Cabalist Spirit spec list
22 Diminish Immunities (debuff body)
33 Disspate Immunities
46 Banish Immunities
24 Diminish Will (debuff spirit)
36 Dissipate Will
47 Banish Will
28 Diminish Conductivity (debuff energy)
37 Dissipate Conductivity
49 Banish Conductivity
Cleric enhancement spec
24 Spiritual Shield (spirit buff)
36 Spiritual Guard
47 Spiritual Barrier
27 Energy Shield (energy buff)
37 Energy Guard
48 Energy Barrier
23 Shield of Health (body buff)
33 Guard of Health
45 Barrier of Health
Friar enhancement spec
21 Resillience of the Wanderer (heat buff)
31 Fortitude of the Wanderer
46 Piety of the Wanderer
25 Hearth's Blessing (cold buff)
35 Hearth's Benison
48 Hearth's Gift
27 Attunement to Creation (matter buff)
37 Blessing of Creation
49 Oneness with Creation
Spiritmaster darkness spec
22 Dampen Health (body debuff)

33 Suppress Health
45 Extinguish Health
25 Dampen Spirit (spirit debuff)
35 Suppress Spirit
48 Extinguish Spirit
27 Dampen Capacity (energy debuff)
38 Suppress Capacity
49 Extinguish Capacity
Runemaster runecarving spec list
22 Vex of Heat (heat)
33 Vex of Fire
45 Vex of Flames
25 Vex of Cold (cold)
34 Vex of Frost
46 Vex of Ice
27 Vex of Soil (matter)
36 Vex of Dirt
48 Vex of Earth
Healer Augmentation spec
23 Gods' Health (body buff)
33 Gods' Vigor
46 Gods' Potency
24 Gods' Drive (spirit)
36 Gods' Will
47 Gods' Spirit
27 Thunder Affinity (energy)
37 Storm Affinity
48 Lightning Affinity
Shaman augmentation spec
23 Wrap of the Deep (heat buff)
30 Shroud of the Deep
43 Caress of the Deep
24 Warmth from Below (cold buff)
35 Heat from Below
45 Fires from Below
25 Rock Unity (matter buff)
38 Stone Unity
48 Cavern Unity
Enchanter mana spec
23 Amplify Heat (heat debuff)
33 Endow Heat
44 Empower Heat
24 Amplify Cold (cold debuff)
34 Endow Cold
46 Empower Cold
27 Amplify Matter (matter)

36 Endow Matter
49 Empower Matter
Eldritch void spec
22 Nullify Hardiness (body debuff)
33 Negate Hardiness
45 Void Hardiness
26 Nullify Spirit (spirit)
35 Negate Spirit
48 Void Spirit
27 Nullify Dissipation (energy/electricity)
39 Negate Dissipation
49 Void Dissipation
Druid Nurture spec
23 Strength of the Sun (resist heat)
32 Resillience of the Sun
43 Aura of the Sun
24 Warmth of the Badger (resist cold)
35 Warmth of the Wolf
45 Warmth of the Bear
26 Earth Affinity (resist matter)
38 Earth Bond
48 Earth Union
Warden nurture spec
22 Bolster Health (resist body)
32 Bolster Resillience
43 Bolster Heartiness
23 Warden's Courage (resist spirit)
33 Warden's Honor
48 Warden's Spirit
27 Defy Thunder (resist energy)
37 Defy Storm
49 Defy Lightning
- Buff-casting spellcasters can now have up to 20 concentration spells cast on t
heir friends at one time. The previous limit was 16.
- Added new absorption buffs to the Friar Enhancement specialization track. Bles
sing of Resilience adds 5% melee damage absorption, Blessing of Absorption adds
10%, and Blessing of Dissipation adds 15%.
26 Blessing of Resilience
34 Blessing of Absorption
44 Blessing of Dissipation
- Added a direct damage shout to the Nightshade magic abilities. It will automat
ically be awarded as you level. It has a short range and a 20 second recast time
r, and can be used in combat.
6 Dart of Night

9 Dagger of Night
13 Knife of Night
18 Stiletto of Night
24 Arrow of Night
31 Rapier of Night
39 Spear of Night
48 Lance of Night

Midgard Quests:
Quest: Silent Death: Bork will no longer offer players a yes/no choice for selli
ng the skull. If you chose ?No? and are now stuck on step 3, you can return to B
ork in Huginfell and right click on him to continue the quest.
Quest: Hole of the Dead: Players that Dwarven Boots of Air or Gloves of the Eter
nal that con green to them should return to Frimeth in Vasudheim to exchange the
m for an updated pair. Players may only exchange their item one time.
Quest: Family Business: Slippers of Favor have been adjusted so they give a bonu
s to piety instead of intelligence. The items will be updated automatically, the
re's no need to turn them in to get the correction. Also, NPC Thrand has moved c
loser to civilization. He felt it would be in his best interest to relocate to j
ust outside Mularn, near the guard tower
Due to popular demand, the Gloves of the Spined Backpiercer have been returned t
o the game. On a related note, there's a pretty new face in the svartalf camp.
Quest: The War Continues: Hunters will no longer be offered a shield as a choice
for their level 40 guild track quest nor will they be allowed to trade in their
weapon for a shield. Hunters that have a Midnight Defender, either from complet
ing their guild track quest or trading in their weapon may now return to Mildrid
in Haggerfell and exchange the shield for their choice of a weapon (1h sword, 2
h sword, bow, spear). Hunters may only perform this shield trade in once!
Quest: Hole of the Dead
Items Dwarven Boots of Air and Gloves of the Eternal will now con correctly.
Quest: Evening?s Empty Blessings
Adjustments have been made to the quest journal so players will have better info
rmation about their tasks.
Quest: Fervent
The elder sveawolf has gotten too old to lead players to Wildtooth anymore. He w
ill give you directions to find Wildtooth.
Quest: Klippa?s Claw
Players will no longer have to die to Riv to obtain the Riva hauberk. Players sh
ould follow their quest journal rather than doing what they THINK they should do
to obtain the rewards for this quest.
Hibernia Quests:
Quest: Morven's Return
Blademasters and Druids who find repairing Cathbad's Blade a little too costly c
an turn the weapon in to Cathbad, in Howth, who will replace it with the same we
apon minus the pricey repair cost. Players can only do this one time, and must h

ave completed the quest.

Quest: Summoner's Expulsion
The Summoner has been tuned to be not quite so deadly to low level questers.
Albion Quests:
Quest: Guild preparation: Humberton base class trainers will now respond to play
ers when asked about a specific class.
Quest: Traveler's Way -- Supply Run: Players who are stuck on step one can conti
nue along this quest by following new instructions in their journal.
Quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice: Sacrificer Harish should now spawn a bit more f
Quest: Cloak of Shades Part 1: Those hunting undead druids in Salisbury should n
ow receive their quest item.
Object: Rancid Black Tooth: This item should now "proc" as normal.
Quest: Traveler's Way - Dwarf raid. Raised the level of Girdle of Stalwart Spiri
t to make it a more appropriate reward for this quest.
Quest: Departed Hero: Players stuck on this quest can check their journal for in
structions on what to say to Lieutenant Brude to continue.

Albion Monster Encounters:

The manes and grumoz demons look slightly different than before.
The Tylwyth Teg camp areas along the north border of Snowdonia have been adjuste
d. They should no longer be out of range when they are clearly standing right in
front of you.
The Legendary Afanc has migrated to different part of Llyn Barfog, though still
along the water. Scouts report that she seems to have acquired a few odd behavio
Hibernia Monster Encounters:
The Coruscating Mines have been adjusted slightly to make it a little more group
-friendly in a few areas.
The Cursed Forest has been modified to improve it as a general hunting ground. G
roups should be able to find easier paths to the eastern portions of the zone. T
here are more spots to pull to, and make camp now as well.
Cornwall: Troubled by the continuing ravages on their lands in Cornwall, the Cor
Farmers have begun showing more friendliness to those who hunt their enemies.
Tomb of Mithra: The undead denizens of the tomb of Mithra should now be giving a
ppropriate bonuses and resistances to attackers.
Midgard Monsters:

The black orms are no longer white.

Vanern Swamp: Hunters from Vanern report that Mokkurvalve has been restless of l
ate. Though nobody has gotten close enough for a thorough examination, most that
have seen him recently are confirming that he has added bulk.
Hibernia Monsters
Cliffs of Moher: The Selkies have increased the size of their expedition near th
e cliffs of Moher.
Cursed Forest: Rangers returning from the Cursed Forest are telling horrific tal
es of being chased by a swarm of Fire blights. It is unknown what connection the
se foul monsters may have to Blight itself.
Hibernian Factions:
The land sheeries and water sheeries have banded together to fight their respect
ive enemies. The land sheeries have agreed to wage war on curmudgeons who enter
their territory, in exchange for the water sheeries pledge to assault any Koalin
th trespassers.
The Selkie and Suire are also responding to the Koalinth menace, putting aside t
heir longstanding differences, at least temporarily, to concentrate on their mut
ual enemy.

- Two more dungeons have been itemized: Midgard's Cursed Tomb, and Albion's Roma
n Catacombs. This means there are now three dungeons that have yet to be itemize
d (one in each Realm). Those are coming soon.
- The Stonefoot press is now much smaller.
- The Forge Tender's Tunic is now spelled correctly.
- The Dispositional Cloak had the evade skill replaced with dexterity. The const
itution penalty was removed.
- The Frozen Windswept Axe bow has stat bonuses.
- The bonuses on the Howl at the Moon axe were changed slightly.
- The Jet Bone Shield had the its stat bonus changed from Piety to Strength.
- The Smoking Sable Protector now additionally buffs Piety.
- The Cailiondar Rapier should now "con" properly. Its DPS was originally incorr
ectly set and would result in the weapon remaining orange to the player.
- The Drakulv Militia Great Axe now increases the correct skill.
- The Empyrean had their loot tables fixed.
- The Deluged Kelp helm now increases parry skill (was incorrectly set to smite)

- The Gnarled Witherwoode staff now increases parry skill (was also set incorrec
tly to smite).
- The Shepherds Shod Staff now increases parry skill instead of smite.
- Mad Changelings should not drop 0 cp loot any longer.
- The "Ancient Ebon Ring" should now have the correct power level.
- The "fylgja pelt" can now be carried.
- The Scepter of Intellect and the Deathrune Robes had the class restriction "el
ementalist" replaced with "cabalist."
- Corrected the AF on the Ancient Bloodbound Boots (they were 36th level but sho
uld have been 50th level).
Version 1.47 is now live on all servers. It has two major new features: the abil
ity for guilds to claim keeps (and get bonuses from them), as well as a special
RvR battleground for level 30-35 characters. We will observe the popularity of t
he new battleground, and will add others with different level ranges if necessar
y. Version 1.47 also has many bug fixes and other updates - read the patch notes
carefully for complete information.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.47 Release Notes
- Resurrecting classes are now added to a monster's "hate" list if they resurrec
t a player while the monster that kills that player is still in combat. All resu
rrecting classes should be careful about rezzing someone who was killed by a mon
ster if that monster is still alive and is still in combat. Please note if the m
onster is no longer in combat, then no aggro is accrued, and resurrection can be
performed with no danger.
- Some root and snare spells (across all Realms) were incorrectly set to "recast
", so they could be chain-cast on players. This has been fixed.
- A monster AI bug was causing "trained" monsters in dungeons to aggress on play
ers not involved with that combat. This has been fixed - monsters will now retur
n properly to their home after being trained.
- The RESISTS button on the character sheet has been changed to BONUSES. This gi
ves insight not only into your resistances, but to the various realm and outpost
bonuses. Now you can clearly see the effect that Relics have on your character
and your Realm.
- Guilds can now conquer and "claim" frontier keeps. See the section on that bel

- A lower-level RvR battleground is now available for 30-35th level players. See
the section on the battleground below.
- All player attacks now do less damage against doors and siege equipment. This
is to slow down the massive groups of people that group up and take doors down t
oo quickly.
- If you train a specialization to level 50, it will now correctly award you 50t
h level spells (if there is a 50th level spell on that specialization). Previous
ly, you didn't always get your 50th level spell awarded.
- Experience points now print with commas, so when you kill a monster, especiall
y at high levels, you can more easily see how much you were awarded.
- Strength buffs/debuffs will now immediately affect your movement rate.
- We fixed several bugs that caused players to become buried in walls or "warp"
through walls.
- In your character's specialization window, spec bonuses now print differently.
Previously, the spec list had your "base" number of trains in the list with any
bonuses already added in. Now you see the "base" number of trains you have in t
hat spec and next to it is the total number of object/realm point bonuses that a
ffect that specialization.
- A bug was causing all 2H weapon users to parry half as much as they should hav
e. This has been fixed - all 2H users should see their characters parrying much
more often.
- Another bug in Alliance Chat has been fixed. Now when your guild leaves an All
iance, you will no longer see chat from that Alliance.
- Berserkers will now do (on average) more critical damage while they are in Fre
nzy mode - Only in RvR combat.
- Paladins now have increased hit points.
- Champions have had their hit points and melee damages increased.
- Blademasters now get Evade III at 25th level.
- We've split the /REALM command into two separate commands: /REALM and /RELIC.
The /REALM command gives keep information and the /RELIC command gives relic inf
- Fixed the level 45 Cabalist class title for females from Sorceress to Master I
- Spell damage is now properly attenuated against keep doors - you'll notice tha
t you do much less damage with spells while "attacking" doors now than you used
to. Melee damage has always been properly attenuated; now spell damage is as wel
Character levels 30-35 now have the option of going to a special RvR battlegroun
d that is limited to characters of those levels. This is being set up as a place
to go to hone your RvR skills without needed to worry about being killed by muc

h higher level characters. You do not have to go to this Battleground - if you w

ish you may still participate in the standard RvR raids and defenses.
To get to the battlefield, go to your standard Medallion merchant and purchase t
he medallion that goes to the battlefield. Please note that only people who are
30th - 35th level can teleport, and only those who are realm level 0 to 9 can te
leport (realm rank 0 or 1).
Players who are between 30th-35th level and realm level 0-9 can quit and reenter
the battlegrounds normally. If you exceed this range, when you quit and reenter
, you'll return to your bindpoint.
The battleground has one "home" keep for each Realm, and one keep in the middle
that can be taken over. Please note that initially this keep is held by renegade
NPC guards, and will have to be conquered before it can be claimed by the first
Realm to take it over.


We've uncovered some pretty large imbalances that greatly reduce the damage that
Bolt spells do in the game. So, we've made the following changes Bolt spells:
- We (greatly) increased the damage that Bolt spells do to monsters, starting at
around 40th level. This change should not effect RvR.
- Remember, it is difficult to cast a bolt on a target that is engaged in melee
- We've kept the chance for a shield to block a bolt.
General Spell Changes
- You'll notice that Epic monsters now resist damage spells more than they did b
- All non-area of effect single stat debuffs, double stat debuffs, and resistanc
e debuffs have had their casting times reduced to 2 seconds.
- We changed confusion spells back to the way they were initially implemented confused monsters now have a chance of aggressing on other monsters as well as p
layers once again. However, now they will not agress on a monster more than one
"color" higher than they (i.e. they will attack oranges, but not reds).
- The Twinkling Visions line (Mentalist Light spec) has had its range upped to 1
500 like all other spec DD spell lines.
- Sorcerer, Minstrel and
higher levels. The first
ds animal type monsters,
s magical type monsters.
different level ranges.

Mentalist charms now charm additional monster types at

spell in each line charms humanoids only. The second ad
the third adds insect type monsters, and the fourth add
This should alleviate some issues with finding pets at

- Damage add chants (Paladin, Skald, Warden) now stack with base damage add buff
s, but only add half damage when stacked. Pet-only damage adds and shields also
stack the same way.
- The Warden has had the higher levels of endurance regen chant changed similar

to the Friar; higher levels now give a percent reduction to fatigue costs.
- Champion stat debuffs have been (much) increased in effectiveness in negating
- Added group resistance chants for the Paladin, Skald, and Bard:
Paladin Chants

Body Ward
Body Shield
Mind Ward
Mind Shield
Energy Ward
Energy Shield
Heat Ward
Heat Shield
Cold Ward
Cold Shield
Earth Ward
Earth Shield

Skald Battlesongs

Body Bolstering Chant

Body Bolstering Song
Spirit Bolstering Chant
Spirit Bolstering Song
Energy Diminishing Chant
Energy Diminishing Song
Heat Diminishing Chant
Heat Diminishing Song
Cold Diminishing Chant
Cold Diminishing Song
Matter Diffusing Chant
Matter Diffusing Song

Bard Music Spec




Body Guarding
Body Protection
Spirit Guarding
Spirit Protection
Energy Guarding
Energy Protection
Heat Guarding
Heat Protection
Cold Guarding
Cold Protection
Earth Guarding
Earth Protection

New Sorcerer/Cabalist Spells

A new dexterity debuff spell line has been added to the Matter list (base list f
or Sorcerers and Cabalists):
8 Mystic Web


Mystic Trap
Mystic Net
Magical Web
Magical Trap
Magical Net
Sorcerous Web

The Sorcerer's Minor Mesh of Force line in Telekinesis has been converted to a d
ouble debuff (Dex/Qui) and had values raised accordingly. All spec debuffs are s
upposed to be double debuffs, and there was no single dex debuff in a base line,
which the other realms have. This and the previous change fixes that.
Two new spell lines have been added to the Cabalist's Spirit Animation list:
5 Mend Simulacrum Pet heal
9 Patch Simulacrum
13 Repair Simulacrum
19 Restore Simulacrum
28 Reconstruct Simulacrum
35 Reanimate Simulacrum
44 Rebuild Simulacrum
4 Improve Dexterity Pet dex buff
8 Develop Dexterity
14 Increase Dexterity
21 Enhance Dexterity
33 Amplify Dexterity
38 Augment Dexterity
48 Magnify Dexterity
Two new spell lines have been added to the Cabalist's Vivification spell list:

Strengthen Golem Str/Con buff

Invigorate Golem
Foritify Golem
Empower Golem
Vivify Golem


Hurry Golem Dex/Qui buff

Animate Golem
Quicken Golem
Accelerate Golem

These spell lines should significantly enhance pet survivability at higher level
s, primarily due to the extra defense from the Quickness and Constitution bonuse
- The higher levels of the Cabalist's Convert Spirit line have been removed, as
they were essentially identical in functionality.


Guild Bounty Points
Guilds now have a pool of Guild Bounty Points (GBP's) that it can spend on the c
laiming and upgrading of claimed keeps. Guilds will earn one GBP per Bounty Poin
t each player in the guild earns.


Player guilds can now claim a frontier keep for their guild.
How to Claim Keep:

you must be of a guild rank that has claim permissions.

you must be in a full group with 7 other members of your guild.
your guild must have at least 500 Guild Bounty Points. (see below)
You must be standing next to the Keep Lord of the keep you wish to claim.
no other friendly guild can currently be owning it.
your guild must not currently own another keep.
after all these conditions are met, type /GC CLAIM

A message is printed to the realm that currently controls an outpost when it is

claimed or released. Only realm members of realm level 10 or higher see these me
ssages, or those that belong to the guild.
To retain control of your keep your guild will be charged 50 Guild Bounty Points
per hour for every upgrade level of the keep. The upgrade level is 1 by default
when the keep is claimed. When your guild runs out of bounty points, your claim
on the keep is released.
A guild can "step up" the number of GBP's they spend per hour to upgrade the var
ious NPC's of their Keep. The guildmaster (or anyone of a realm rank that has Up
grade permissions) can use the /GC UPGRADE command to upgrade the keep's level.
Each Keep will have an "upgrade" level from 1 to 10. Depending on the Keep's upg
rade level, the guards, archers, patrollers and keep lord have their combat stre
ngth upgraded. An upgraded keep costs additional GBP's to support - 50 per level
of upgrade. Thus, the guild will spend from 50 to 500 GBP's per hour.
To release a claim on a keep, a guild member who is of a rank that has Release p
rivileges can use the /GC RELEASE command (from anywhere in the game). This will
stop the hourly charge on your Guild Bounty Points, as well as allow you to cla
im a new keep.
Benefits of Owning a Keep:
- When a guild has claimed a Keep - all members of that guild and all allied gui
lds will gain certain bonuses when in PVP combat.(see section on Keep Bonuses, b
- Each Keep has a 'difficulty' rating from 1 to 5. Those keeps in the guild's ho
me frontier close to the home zones are the lowest difficulty (1). Those keeps d
eep within enemy territory are the highest difficulty (5). The low difficulty ke
eps will give very few bonuses. The high difficulty keeps will give the most bon
- The guild earns (1000 * Keep Difficulty) GRP's per hour that they hold the kee
- When a guild owns a keep - all guards who spawn in that keep will spawn with t
he guild's emblem on their cloaks and the tagged with the guild's name.
- A banner will be placed on the keep with the guild's emblem.
Keep Bonuses:

We've added bonuses to PvP combat directly relating to the ownership of the vari
ous Frontier Keeps. All of these bonuses, as well as bonuses for the Relics, can
be viewed by clicking the Bonuses button on your character sheet (this used to
be the Resists page).
These bonuses only affect PVP melee damage, PVP spell damage, realm point accrua
l and bounty point accrual. They are:
- +1% per enemy Keep conquered by your realm in an enemy realm
- +2%xDIFF if your guild is currently holding a keep (DIFF is the outpost diffic
ulty level 1 to 5)
- +3%xDIFF if you are defending a keep that your guild alliance is holding
For example, if your realm has conquered 5 outposts in other realms, you'll alwa
ys receive a +5% bonus no matter where you are. If in addition you are in a guil
d holding a difficulty 3 keep just across the border, you'll get an additional +
6% (total of +11%) bonus no matter where you are. If in addition you are fightin
g in the name region of your held keep you'll get an additional +9% (total of +2
Listing of Keep Difficulty Levels:
Note that each keep's difficulty is relative to each Realm. Here is a listing of
the keeps and their difficulties.
Albion Keeps:
Caer Hurbury: Albion=1, Midgard=5, Hibernia=5
Caer Renaris: Albion=1, Midgard=5, Hibernia=5
Caer Boldiam: Albion=1, Midgard=4, Hibernia=4
Caer Berkstead: Albion=1, Midgard=4, Hibernia=4
Caer Erasleigh: Albion=1, Midgard=3, Hibernia=3
Caer Sursbrooke: Albion=1, Midgard=3, Hibernia=3
Caer Benowyc: Albion=2, Midgard=2, Hibernia=2
Midgard Keeps:
Fensalir Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=5, Hibernia=5
Arvakr Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=5, Hibernia=5
Hlidskialf Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=4, Hibernia=4
Glenlock Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=4, Hibernia=4
Nottmoor Faste: Midgard=1 Albion=3, Hibernia=3
Blendrake Faste: Midgard=1, Albion=3, Hibernia=3
BLedmeer Faste: Midgard=2, Albion=2, Hibernia=2
Hibernia Keeps:
Dun Scathaig: Hibernia=1, Albion=5, Midgard=5
Dun Ailinne: Hibernia=1, Albion=5, Midgard=5
Dun Da Behnn: Hibernia=1, Albion=4, Midgard=4
Dun na nGed: Hibernia=1, Albion=4, Midgard=4
Dun Bolg: Hibernia=1, Albion=3, Midgard=3
Dun Crimthainn: Hibernia=1, Albion=3, Midgard=3
Dun Crauchon: Hibernia=2, Albion=2, Midgard=2
We've increased the bonuses for holding each relic to +10% per relic. Your own R
ealm's Relics are not longer countted when figuring the bonuses. Thus, if you ha

ve both your Relics, and all four enemy Realm Relics, you will have a 20% bonus
for both PVE and PVP damages for melee and spells. Note that you are still incen
ted to hold your own relic since you can't claim another relic unless you have y
our own. For instance if you have your own strength relic and one other strength
relic, you'll get +10% to all melee damages. In the worst case, if all your rel
ics are taken, you'll receive no bonuses (and no penalties). Please note that yo
u can now view this bonus information using the new "bonuses" button on your cha
racter sheet.
We've buffed out the feedback given to players for RvR events:
- The "resists" button on the character sheet has been changed to "bonuses". The
Bonuses window now shows all your resistances and will also show all of the abo
ve relic and outpost bonuses when you click on it.
- When your guild claims a keep, all members of the guild will get a message.
- When your guild loses a claimed keep, all members of the guild will get a mess
- When your realm conquers a keep, all members of the realm with at least one re
alm rank will get a message.
- When your realm loses or gains a relic, all members of the realm will get a me
ssage telling them of the change.

The weapon rewards given out for the level 40 guild track quests in Hibernia wer
e overvalued, making them incredibly expensive to repair. Players may now exchan
ge these weapons for the same weapon with the correct value one time only. Playe
rs should speak with the following based on their path:
Morna Path of Focus: Hero, Ranger, Warden, Eldritch
Odhran Path of Essence: Champion, Bard, Enchanter, Nightshade
Nairna Path of Harmony: Blademaster, Druid, Mentalist
All three can be found in the courtyard at the entrance to the palace in Tir na
Midgard Quests:
Quest Klippas Claw: The journal entry for step 2 is now correct. Players should kill
Klippa on step two, not Riv.
Albion Quests:
Quest: Save the Spirits: Players who received the item "reward" can now return t
o Aserod, hand him this item and receive the proper reward.
Quest: Abolishment of Sacrifice: Lady Nimue has been move slightly towards the s
hore. She should no longer be swimming in the water and out of sight.
Hibernia Quests:

Quest: Seek the Moonstone: The level 15 and 20 encounters have been tweaked slig
htly to make them a bit more balanced for the target level.
Albion Encounter:Lyonesse
Power from a pagan god has been bestowed upon Cailleach Uragaig. She now command
s the Torch of Light and will use it to protect her sisterhood. Be warned! This
Torch of Light is rumored to rain fire from the heavens!
Midgard Dungeon: Nisse's Lair
Some slight changes have been made to Nisse's Lair. Adventurers should find it l
ess deadly to travel deeper into the dungeon with the addition of clear spots, r
elatively free of monsters, and the reduction of BAF in some areas.
Monster Encounters
Hibernia: Sheeroe Hills: It is rumored that Maldahar has manifested new dark pow
ers. War parties returning from the Sheeroe Hills claim to have heard Maldahar's
voice in their head saying that he will steal their life.
Midgard: Malmohus: It appears that a strange variety of tree spider that was nes
ting near Yar's home have grown. The spiders appear to only get agitated when ad
venturers get close to Yar himself.
Albion: Dartmoor: Moran's guards have been spotted climbing the hill to his east
. The guards have been making markings in the cliff wall where Moran has managed
to heave boulders. Apparently Moran has been boasting that he could throw a hum
an over the hill there.

-Tepok's Mine (Albion) fully itemized, Item levels 20-35
-Koalinth Lair (Hibernia) fully itemized, Item levels 17-28
-Varluvheim (Midgard) fully itemized, Item levels 34-39
-Nissies Lair(Midgard) got a tweak and should now drop less common loot and more
Here's what the 1:00 PM EST patch was all about:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Server Update
March 7, 2002
- The middle keep in the Battlegrounds zone is now climbable.
- The Minstrel charm shout was incorrectly set to have no cast timer. It has bee
n updated to have a short (5 second) recast timer. This is to prevent an exploit
whereby one could acquire a purple pet.

- One Guild can no longer claim two keeps at the same time.
- Sorcerer Charm spells have been returned to their proper pet level threshold.
They were inadvertently set to charm monsters that were too low level.
- Guards will now upgrade properly when you upgrade their keep. This means they
will do more damage and have more hit points.
- Minstrel charm spells had a bug where Minstrels "lost" their pet as a target a
fter the first resist. This meant they had to immediately re-cast the charm song
or risk having the monster turn on them. Now it works properly - if the monster
resists the first time, targeting will not be lost, and the next "pulse" of the
song will re-charm the monster (assuming it doesn't resist twice).
- Roots and snares now have "diminishing returns", which means each successive t
ime they are cast on the same monster/enemy PC, their duration is halved. Howeve
r, now they start wearing off 80% into the duration, instead of 50%. This increa
ses the duration of full effectiveness of the spells. Also, now you can recast t
he spell during this period to reset the timer without getting the "your target
already has that effect" message.
Camelot 1.48 is going live - it should be up by 10:00am eastern time today (Tues
day). It has two new battlefields, lots of bug fixes, and easier leveling betwee
n 35 and 50.
Edit 10:45 AM - changed 45 to the correct number 35
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.48 Release Notes
March 19, 2002
- We've reduced the level based to-hit penalties in RvR combat for lower level p
layers attacking higher level players. Thus, lower level RvR players (35-40) wil
l be able to hit higher level players (45-50) more often but for less damage. Pl
ease note that a side effect of this change is that high level players will no l
onger get "bonus" damage against players 2 quantas or more below them (low green
and grays) - which means you character will do less damage against low green an
d gray enemy players. The purpose of this change is to make players of wider lev
el ranges viable in RvR.

In order to lessen the tedium of leveling in the 35-50 level range, we're making
a change that should help players of those levels gain experience faster. Exper
ience clamps have been raised from 1.1x a same level kill to 1.25x a same level
kill. This change has two effects: it will allow lower level players in a group
to gain more experience faster (15% faster), and it will also let higher level p
layers (the 35-50s who tend to hit this clamp more often) to gain experience fas



- Chat filters have been moved to the server for filtered system messages. This
should help reduce bandwidth in big battles.
- Weapon Effects on mage staves should now show when the mage casts a spell. In
general, weapon effects only show when a weapon is drawn and the player is in co
mbat mode. Mages are rarely in combat mode. Thus, the staff weapon effects shows
when a spell is cast and lasts until the mage moves, jumps, or strafes.
- The animation speed of campfires and smoke clouds has been slowed to normal sp
- Solo experience now follows the same clamping rules as group experience. We ha
d an issue where a group of people could disband and fight a monster individuall
y and get more experience per player.
- You can no longer use charged items when mesmerized.
- When a Realm conquers a keep that is owned by a Guild, the keep will show only
the new Realm's banners. There was a bug that kept the original Guild's banners
on the keep even though a new Realm had conquered it. Of course when the Guild
that led the siege claims the keep, that Guild's banner will then be displayed.
- Some extremely high level items required far too much money to repair. This ha
s been fixed.
- You can no longer use siege equipment when dead.
- The /GC UPGRADE flags no longer resets when a server is rebooted.
- You can no longer enter stealth mode while mezzed.
- Previously, a player who used shift-rightclick to remove a Cleric's buff also
removed that same buff from all other players with that buff cast by the same Cl
eric. This has been fixed.
- When a keep door is open and is repaired back up to 25%, it can now be closed.
Previously it required a 100% repair.
- Guilds can now change their emblem only once. There is no time limit on this;
it can be done any time after the guild emblem is initially selected - however,
it can be done only once.
- High level poison damages have been increased. Assassin characters should see
an increase in their poison damages.
- You should now be able to melee while using /stick more easily than before, al
though it still is not a guaranteed hit.
- Players should now get their 50th level abilities and spells when
o 50th level. Really. We promise this time. Unlike the previous two
e said we'd fixed this but really hadn't; now, we have. Also, chars
eady attained 50th level will be converted to have their 50th level

they raise t
times when w
who have alr

- When you claim a keep, that keep's guard guild names should now dynamically up

date when their cloak/shield symbol updates. Previously, they only updated when
you quit and come back in.
- When an NPC has damaged a player and you get no Realm Points, you'll now get a
message telling you.
- Guild leaders now implicitly have the permissions to CLAIM and UPGRADE a keep
without setting the flags to Y.
- Rank titles should now print correctly when you gain rank levels. Previously,
you would get the proper rank, but the message telling you of your new rank was
listing an incorrect title.
- Commas have been added to experience prints when you complete a task or quest.
- Guards will now face you to salute when you click on them (if they are designe
d to do that).
- Attack speed debuff spells no longer keep the target from evading or blocking.
It now literally only slows down their attacks.
- There is now a timer on how often you can /say and /yell, twice per second for
/say and once per second for /yell. You should only notice this if you are usin
g a macro.
- "Camp bonuses" have been substantially upped in dungeons. Now camp bonuses in
dungeons are, on average, 20% higher than outside camp bonuses.
- Guilds can no longer claim multiple keeps. If they have multiple keeps - only
the last keep taken stays with the guild.
- Heal spells have no effect on doors (and never had). Now, when you cast a heal
spell on a door, you get a message telling you that it has no effect.
- Characters can now have 16 total buffs on them at any one time. Previously, th
ey could have 20; now the "extra" 4 buff slots are reserved for debuffs/poisons/
dots and other "enemy" effects.
- Player encumbrances are now adjusted on the fly as ingredients are consumed du
e to upgrading and repairing.
- You can no longer fire arrows or cast spells through the terrain - such as "un
derneath" through a hill into a keep.
- Concentration pools should be calculated correctly when you quit and log back
in while rez-sick.
- Bounty Points are no longer given in the Battlefields. Bounty points are your
Realm's payment to you for defending your Realm. Because the Battlefields are tr
aining grounds, not real Realm combat, no Bounty Points will be given.
- You should no longer be able to repair a keep door when in the room above the
- You can now see more than 65000 bounty points printed on your screen. This was
a display problem only - you did have more bounty points; they just didn't prin
- The racial resistances were printing incorrectly (reversed). They now show cor
rectly in your RESISTANCE screen.


We've added a few new guild commands, some of which have already slipped into th
e live version. These commands let you specify a guild web page and guild email
address, which show up on your guild's listing on the Camelot Herald. The other
new commands are for alliance messages of the day and its associated rank settin
/gc webpage [] - is an additional line set by the leader that c
an be display in a /gc info command, as well as on the Herald.
/gc email [] - is an additional line set by the leader that
can be displayed in a /gc info command, as well as on the Herald.
/gc amotd - Alliance Message Of The Day set by the alliance leader and viewable
by all members of the alliance who log in. Note, that follower guild leaders can
edit *their guild* amotd, but this information is not displayed. In other words
, the information is stored on the guild, if this guild, in the future became an
alliance leader, the amotd would display.
/gc omotd - Officer Message Of The Day - set by the guild leader for the officer
/gc edit [ranknum] motd [y/n] - ability for the guild leader to allow a rank to
edit the guild motd.
/gc edit [ranknum] alli [y/n] - ability for the guild leader to allow a rank to
enter/leave alliances (create a diplomatic officer).

- We've added more cloth robes to the game. You may notice that your mage's outf
it is different when you log into the game - as there are many more robes to go
around now, we've spread the new robe graphics around.
- Friars now have a few of their own robes, which are naturally colored (i.e. no
t a mage robe tinted brown).
- Previously, Guild Emblems were displaying backwards on all shields. This has b
een fixed.
- The Glimmer King Dragon now has the same "glow in the dark" effect as other mo
nsters in that zone.


We have added two new restricted RvR battlefield zones, which brings the total n
umber of Battlefields up to 3. Each is restricted by level. The lowest is for le
vels 20-24, the second for levels 25-29, and the third is for levels 30-35. The
intent of these battlefields is to provide a training ground where lower-level c
haracters can practice and learn RvR tactics without having to worry about highe
r-level players marauding them. Each Battlefield has been configured to allow ea
ch player approximately 100 enemy "kills" before you will no longer be allowed t

o port there.
The Battlefields:
- Caledonia - levels 30 - 35, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 9
- Murdaigean - levels 25 - 29, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 5
- Thidranki - levels 20 - 24, Realm rank 1, Realm level up to 3
The medallion merchant's speech has been updated to reflect the changes within t
he Battlegrounds. Should you have questions on the function of the portals or wh
ich battleground your level/realm rank can travel to, please seek him out.


The Camelot Herald ( displays Guild Information. Version 1
.48 allows guild leaders to specify which options are displayed on these web pag
Character display options:
The default setting for characters to be displayed is name, class, level, realm
points and guild affiliation.
Items under the characters control:
/webdisplay nopoints - If this flag is set to on (default), realm points are dis
played on the herald. Off - not displayed.
/webdisplay trades - If this flag is set to on, tradeskill levels are displayed
on the herald. Off (default) - not displayed
Guild display options:
/gc displayofficers - If this flag is set to on (default), a hierarchy of the gu
ild from ranks 0-9 is displayed. Off - not displayed.


- The Albion Cabalist's Ruby Simulacrum pet should be proccing properly, and the
poison DoT procced by the Emerald Simulacrum has had its damage increased.
- Fixed icons of new Wizard bolts.
- Resistance debuff component of Runemasters' Minor Raven Bolt line and Raven Dr
ove line should debuff the proper element now.
- In order to buff out Wizard damage, we've added a bolt to the Wizard's Fire sp
ecialization Pyromancy list. It uses the same timer as the Bolt of Lava line.
4 Minor Fire Streak
8 Fire Streak


Minor Flame Streak

Flame Streak
Minor Incendiary Lance
Incendiary Lance
Minor Flame Spear
Flame Spear

- We've removed the central patrols in the Battlefield, these realm guards now w
ill guard the island area only and should not be able to be pulled to the portal
Albion One-time Drops: Dai - Keltoi BattleMail (will now drop for Minstrels)
Tusker - Tusker's Old Wound (will now drop for Minstrels)
Midgard Faction
The Guardians of Midgard are now aggressive to those who enter their territory.
Note that Midgard residents should receive positive benefits to the Guardian fac
tion when hunting traditional enemies of the realm.
Albion Encounters
Lyonesse: Sister Blythe has tapped into the hidden power of the Temple of Arawn.
It is rumored she now has the ability to rise the dead and command them to do h
er will!
Lyonesse / Cornwall: It seems as though the pygmy goblins in Lyonesse have been
toying with new magics of late, explosions have been heard in the area. There ha
ve been reports of more strange monster activity in Lyonesse and Cornwall.
Pennine: Sir Bors has received troublesome reports from a scout in the Pennine M
ountains. It appears Lord Elidyn can now wield farie magic. The scout claims Lor
d Elidyn's power can change frogs into Ellyll heroes!
Hibernia Encounters
Bri Leith: Travelers returning from the Valley of Bri Leith report strange gusts
of wind in the southern regions of the valley. Rumors are that some sort of mag
ical beast is responsible.
Lough Gur: A group of adventurers returning from Lough Gur have reported that th
ey were attacked by grasping roots when traveling through the forest.
Midgard Encounters
Muspelheim: A giant in Muspelheim has apparently found a new way to harness the
power of lava. This giant has been throwing glowing boulders at any passers, sla
ying more than one unwary adventurer.
Vanern Swamp: Magical storms have been illuminating the evening sky in the North
eastern region of the swamp. The hagbui have been restless of late and seem more
defensive of their lands. Extra caution would be advised when traveling in the

Hibernia Quests
Quest: Wolf Infestation: Players that follow the Way of Nature and use Caoimhe i
n Ardee as their trainer will now receive their level 4 trainer quest.
Quest: Returning for more/Traces of Mad Changelings: Lusmorebane will now give c
asters Lusmorebane's Jeweled Necklace when they kill him for the Traces of Mad C
hangelings quest. Enchanters, Eldritches, and Mentalists who received the Belt o
f Spryness may return it to Tressa Gorrym'jiarg on the hill above Druim Cain in
Bri Leith to exchange it for Lusmorebane's Jeweled Necklace.
Midgard World
Cursed Tomb: Players seeking adventure in the Cursed Tomb will no longer need to
Commander Draugr who wanders past the entrance. Finding no match for himself at
the front of the dungeon, he now seeks refuge deeper within awaiting those who w
ish to challenge his might.
Vendo Caverns: Hunters have reported that some of the bears within the dungeon h
ave migrated to safer havens away from the cramped confines of the Caverns. Ther
e have also been reports of strange occurrences within the snakepit, but the cau
se of this remains unseen.
Hibernia World
Spraggon Den: Spraggon Den has had a few changes. Players adventuring within the
dungeon should find that a few more "safe spots" have been added to the dungeon
RvR World Note
- The keep lords in Caer Benowyc should not be getting stuck on the roof of Caer
Benowyc. Therefore, "This monster is too far away to attack." messages should b
e much less common in Caer Benowyc.
- The Albion mile fort gates can now be attacked, broken, and repaired.
New Material Merchants
The new merchants in the Merchant keeps should now be spawning correctly.
Merchants selling the higher level tradeskill materials have also been added to
the Relic Keeps.
Eythan Greene ? Castle Myrddin
Kathlynne Snowe ? Castle Excaliber
Sidroc Johannson ? Grallarhorn Faste
Synnove Byornsdottir ? Mjollner Faste

Eadaoin T'Kela ? Dun Dagda
Galen MacDugal ? Dun Lamfhota

We've scrubbed through the object database and fixed many small bugs that have b
een accumulating.
Item fixes:
- Stonewatch Bracer should now be set to the correct level.
- Ancient witherwoode bark was changed to a more appropriate icon.
- Stringed puppets, dolls, and hinges now have an icon.
- Cat Hide Boots and the cloth Tomte Tunic are now dyeable by the appropriate dy
- The Runic Manslayer was returned to its previous proc'ing state.
- Typos fixed in the "Webbed Shadow Jerkin", "Rogue Infiltrator Pendant", "Kelto
i Infiltrators Disguise", "guide to infiltration", "Empyrean Mist Cloak", "deamh
an hound tooth", "deamhan hound claw", "deamhan hound pelt", and a few others.
- The Furlined Hunter's Belt can now be equipped.
- The Snake Charm now has a level, and with that, it should be displaying condit
ion, durability, etc. correctly.
- The Ollipheist Eye now has a level.
Several items ended up with some resist bonuses listed twice as a result of the
resist consolidation a few weeks ago. The following are the ones that have been
changed thus far:
Ring of the Mental Fortress, Ghoulish Shackle, Shadowsteel Necklace, Belt of Spr
yness, Bracer of Dauntless Courage, Thunder-striders Leggings, Majestic Mantle o
f the Eternal, Svartalf Crafted Belt, Dread Blackscale Hauberk, Jewel Spiked Gau
ntlets, Restless Centurion Belt, Latticed Shadow Vest, Gossamer Seolc Sleeves, D
rum of Fading Valor, Aeiry Belt
Other item fixes:
A few dropped weapons, and some of the player-crafted weapons were displaying de
lve information indicative of the item possessing a proc, although the proc wasn
't named, nor did the weapon actually proc. This should be fixed for all the pla
yer-crafted weapons, and for the dropped weapons reported as bugged in this repe
Stackable Items:
The object database has been overhauled! A large portion of the common loot drop

s are now stackable in a person's inventory, in varying numbers. This includes r

egular and pristine versions of many pelts and carapaces, small-sized body parts
(ew!), small non-magic items (for example, rings or gems), flat items such as p
aper or notes, small junk loot, and medium junk loot. NOTE: The items may not au
tomatically stack in a player's inventory when picked up. To stack an item, clic
k on the icon in your inventory, move the cursor to the icon of a duplicate item
, and click again. Once an item is stacked, it cannot be separated into single o
bjects again, and the whole
stack is sold when interacting with a vendor.
- The drop rates for epic monsters in Raumarik, Cursed Forest and Llyn Barfog ha
ve been substantially increased. Happy hunting!
- The Woebegone Boots will now drop with the proper material setting.
- The Medal of Valor should now have the proper level and con.
- The Boots of Loki now increase Dexerity by 6 instead of increasing the climb s
- The Glimmerspirit Shortbow will now drop with the proper material setting.
- The Stonewatch bow now increases dexerity instead of bow skill.
- The Smiter's Belt is now equipable on the waist.
- The Supple Frogskin Pants can now be dyed.
- The Runed Clay Gloves now increase poison skill instead of backstab.
- The Mire walker's Helm now has the correct AF.
- The Bog Stider's Hauberk should now have the correct AF.
- The Belt of Animation should now Con correctly.
- The Black Golden-embossed Hood can now be dyed.
- The Majestical Ring should now be able to be equiped in either ring slot.
- The Cave Prowler's Gauntlets had the second quickness entry changed to
- The Enraged wolf Pelt Cloak can now be dyed.
- The Ruby Dusted Robe can now be dyed.
- The Diamond dusted robe can now be dyed.
- The Emerald Dusted robe can now be dyed.
- The Drakulv Mightcaller Ring now has the correct icon.
- The Ripper Jerkin can now be dyed.
- Sinach fangs can now be carried.


- The 9th/10th material type recipes are in. If you have the appropriate skill/r
ank you should be able to see the newer recipes.
- The amount of raw wood needed in the final recipe/step for all Siege Engines h
as been halved.
Clarification on /repair and the trade window repair
The /repair on the ground takes about half the skill required to make the item.
So if a sword requires a skill of 800 to make, it takes about a skill of 400 to
/repair it. This allows you to repair items that are way above your level, but o
nly takes time to do. This also limits you to being able to repair only one at a
The trade window repair takes about the skill required to make the item. So a sw
ord that takes a skill 800 to make will take about an 800 skill to repair it wit
h the trade window. This allows a highly skilled crafter to repair multiple item
s without any extra delay associated with it.
Here are the final Camelot 1.49 Release Notes. 1.49 has one major new feature: t
he new Darkness Falls dungeon; as well as some features to make it a bit easier
to protect your Relics, and lots of other fixes and tweaks.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.49 Release Notes
- Groups now get more Realm Points when killing other players. A full group of 8
people gets a 100% bonus - 12.5% per person in the group.
- The range that Realm Points are awarded for group members has been doubled fro
m 4000 to 8000 units.
- When forming a guild or purchasing/changing an emblem, the group leader's cash
display is now updated properly.
- Guild promotion/demotion now shows immediately on the player's interface. Prev
iously, it was not updated until the player logged off and back on.
- Changes to rank titles now show up in the listing.
- Monsters will no longer become "unrooted" when the character casting the root
is healed by another player.
- You can now change your guild's emblem one time only. It costs 100 gold.
- Very long falls in a dungeon now result in a player's immediate death.
- You can now raise above 1000 in your tradeskills.

- You now see a message when using an item.

- You can no longer cast charm on other players.


A reminder from Customer Support about the possibility of XP loss in RvR combat:
The new Darkness Falls dungeon is a place to hunt monsters where there is a sig
nificant chance that you will encounter enemy players. Remember that when you ar
e injured by a monster and have not healed to 100% health before getting killed
by an enemy in RvR, you will take XP loss just as if you were killed by the mons
ter. This is not a bug, and Customer Support cannot help with any XP lost in thi
s manner. Be careful out there and have fun!


We have gone through all spells and graphical spell effects to make them consist
ent and more easily identifiable. Please note that these changes are in appearan
ce only - the actual effectiveness of the spells have not been changed, just the
ir icons and graphics. Because of this, you will notice that the graphical effec
ts and/or icons for your spells may have changed. We realize that this change wi
ll cause some confusion, but it's much more consistent than it was previously, a
nd you'll be able to identify all spells on sight.
The spell effects have undergone the following general changes:
1) Some were split into components that can be more readily re-used without bein
g realm-specific. (e.g. the angel wings and Norse runes)
2) Lists have been diversified to have fewer repeat effects within lines. Some c
asting classes that had a lot of the same effects repeated over and over should
get much more variety.
3) Several older effects have received minor facelifts to look a bit more attrac
tive and to be more easily discernable
4) A number of new effects were created to help with diversifying the spell list
s as per #2
5) Sound sets have been re-assigned for many spells to something more appropriat
e than the previous sound assigned to it.
Spell functionality Changes
- In order to give the Shamans who specialize in cave magic a little more offens
ive power, we've increased damage on the Shaman Cave magic spell lines Fungal Di
spersion and Fungal Pin lines by 20%.
- Increased range on Minstrel Compelling Cadence line.
- Warden spell line Nature's Revenge is now a shout. Ferocity of Nature is now a
self buff instead of a chant. Fixed bug with Attack Unending; it is now a shout
, and is no longer overwritten by Attack Unfading.
- Healer spells in the Guardian's Ward line and Wake Forgetful line should no lo

nger overwrite each other.

- The Theurgist Refrigeration spell Snow Blast is now awarded at L12 instead of
13 (which is when Summon Ice Spirit is awarded).

A new dungeon makes its debut in this version of Dark Age of Camelot: the subter
ranean land of the dead known as Darkness Falls. Populated by Demons, Imps, and
other hellish creatures, Darkness Falls is an immense sprawling underground king
dom dominated by the arch-demon Legion.
Accessing Darkness Falls
Any character brave (or foolish) enough to want to explore Darkness Falls will h
ave to find one of the portals that have been put in each Realm's home zone. Add
itionally, there are portals in each Realm's Relic Keeps. Please note that Darkn
ess Falls is attuned to the power of each Realm - only those members of the Real
m that hold more territory than the others are allowed entry. In order to activa
te your Realm's portal, your Realm must hold more frontier keeps (Outposts) than
either of the other two Realms.
Please note that you can only use portals located in your Realm, not an enemy Re
In the dungeon there are several different exits that take you different places
based on your realm.
Each realm has a wing in which they enter the dungeon, Near each entrance (a cou
ple rooms away) is an exit that will take the 'home' realm to back to their home
region, but will take 'enemies' to their portal keep in the opposing frontier.
Thus, a Midgard player going through Albion's exit portal will end up in Hadrian
's Wall in the Midgard portal keep, while an Albion player going through Albion'
s exit will end up near the dungeon entrance portal in Camelot Hills.
Darkness Falls has many sub-bosses in addition to Legion, the main boss of the d
ungeon. Each boss encounter has an exit portal nearby that takes each realm to t
heir home zone.
Near the center of the dungeon (near the transition to the lower level) is a por
tal that takes each realm to their home zone.
When you are in Darkness Falls and another Realm takes control of the portals, y
ou can stay in the underworld until you exit (via a portal) or /release on death
. This means that while adventuring in Darkness Falls, please be aware that you
will probably run into members of opposing Realms. RvR combat is fully supported
in the underworld, so beware. When portal control changes from one Realm to ano
ther, those members of the original Realm that had control are still able to adv
enture throughout Darkness Falls, so long as they don't release on death. As lon
g as they are resurrected on death by a friendly healer-type that is with them,
they can stay in Darkness Falls for as long as they want.

The Political Situation in Darkness Falls

The demons residing within Darkness Falls adhere to a strict structural hierarch

y that is based on the power of the demon. The most powerful of the demons have
titles and underlings who serve them. Of all the demons in the Darkness Falls, n
o group is physically weaker or smaller than the Picullus Imps. Because they are
so small and weak, the larger, nastier demons take pleasure in harassing them o
r make them do menial labor. Like small fish that live in the sea, the Picullus
Imps have learned to survive by gathering together around their siblings and rel
atives and hiding out as far away from the big demons as they can.
While they may be small and weak, the Picullus have learned to use their small s
ize to their advantage, perfecting the art of sneaking and infiltrating. Since t
hey are unable to fight back against the large demons physically, they have foun
d other ways to extract their revengeby stealing away anything and everything they
can from the big demons. Fortunately for them, the demons never even think that
the imps are clever enough (or brave enough) to try something so foolish as to r
aid the demons hordes.
The imps never use anything that they steal, and unfortunately for them, the one
thing that they covet above all else is something they cannot get on their own.
Each demon possesses a seal, a center of focus that is a part of the demon. The
re are different types of seals, which are determined by the power of the demons
. The seals are shiny, and the shinier they are, the more they are desired by th
e imps. The unfortunate part is that they can only be obtained upon the death of
a demon, something the imps are incapable of doing.
Unlike most demons, the imps do not dislike humanity. In fact, they tend to like
just about anyone who wont hurt them. The Picullus Imps have learned to obtain tha
t which they covet by offering up their stolen goods to those who would kill the
greater demons and bring back their seals. The different types of seals carry d
ifferent value in the eyes of the imps, and the imps will barter for them like m
oney. So by accumulating a lot of seals, one could potentially acquire many item
s of value.
Darkness Falls Loot System
Darkness Falls uses a different set of rules for the acquisition of loot. The co
mmon denizens of this dungeon drop magic items but they are not the ones you usu
ally see. There are various types of jewel-like seals that can be found. You wil
l likely find more of them on the powerful demons and lords.
There are imps that want the seals. The stealthy imps have stolen a lot of treas
ure from the demons and will offer it in return for the different types of magic
al seals. The imps could not steal the items from the powerful demons in the dun
geon, and will gladly trade you their items for your seals.
When trading, seals are deducted from your inventory as you barter with the imps
. Different imps want different magic seals so check with all of them. When you
speak with the imp he will tell you what type of magical seal he wants. Any item
s from that imp will require the correct type of seal. There is a value next to
each item in the store window, which is its cost in seals.
Note: this method allows for very even loot distribution in groups, but keep in
mind you cannot unstack items, so be careful when you decide to stack them.


We've made a few changes that should make throwing weapons - for Midgard Warrior
s and Shadowblades - much more effective.

There are now 2 types of each thrown weapon. The cheapest type are called balanc
ed knives/axes/hammers. They have a 30% range increase over the old thrown weapo
ns, sell in stacks of 20, and stack up to 40 - and now cost much less than they
used to.
The second version of the weapons - called "weighted" hammers/axes/knives - have
a 60% range increase over the old thrown weapons. These cost more than the bala
nced version but are still cheaper than the old thrown weapons overall. The stor
es also now feature these weapons up to the Asterite level in material - we did
this so the new throwing weapons could compete a little better with the huge var
iety of arrows and bolts.
Note: "balanced" throwing weapons still have a small range disadvantage over xbo
ws, short bows (when using normal range arrows) and a large range disadvantage a
gainst regular archer bows (using normal range arrows or bolts). The weighted ve
rsions still have a small range disadvantage over xbows and short bows, and a la
rge range disadvantage against archer bows when they use extra range arrows.

- Rumor Mill NPCs: We've added more backstory and world-related information to t
he Rumor Mill NPCs in each realm (criers, barkeeps, and filidhs).
- Hibernian players can now get simple directions and descriptions for appropria
te level dungeons. See a wandering Filidh for more details.
Albion World:
There were certain conditions where a some monsters in Keltoi dungeon would not
respawn. Now they will respawn slowly under those conditions (as opposed to not
at all).
Mootang should no longer be displayed as "the Mootang".
Lyonesse: The pygmy goblin sapper and bombardier were correctly set up as unchar
mable, and now they are now properly displaying as uncharmable humanoids.
Basilisks and cockatrices will now have a stun-like ability. They were trying to
use an ability that had no effect on players previously.
Golestandt's allies will heal less frequently.
Llyn Barfog: The bearded gorger, frenzied feeder and needletooth devourer popula
tion has risen in Llyn Barfog. These beasts are more ravenous than ever, sometim
es swarming their prey.
Midgard World:
Vanern and Muspelheim: You will no longer need to be right on top of the Jotuns
in Vanern or the Fire Giants in Muspelheim to hit them.
Vanern: Reduced the Hagbuis defensive abilities and hit points to balance their imp
roved spell powers and special abilities.
Vanern: Mokkurvalves shards will now be slightly aggressive.

Gotar: The crabs on the beaches should no longer be "too far away to attack" upo
n spawning.
Gjalpinulva's allies will heal less frequently.

Hibernia World:
Cuuldurach's allies will heal less frequently.
The monsters in Muire Tomb should now be correctly displaying their adjectives.
"a mummy hag" vs. "mummy hag"
Midgard: The level 43 to 50 guild track quests are now available to players that
have completed the previous guild track quests. Please speak to your class trai
ner in the city of Jordheim and the surrounding towns for details.
Midgard: A new troll named Trustan has moved into Huginfell from Myrkwood. He fl
ed in a hurry to due problems with the arachites, svartalfs, and werewolves and
could use some help with a few problems he is still having. He and his friend At
zar know quite a bit about the three groups and are willing to share their infor
Albion: The level 43 to 50 guild track quests are now available to players that
have completed the previous guild track quests. Please speak to your class train
er in the city of Camelot for details.
Albion: Although the rumors have been denied by some, it is said that Lieutenant
Kuebler in Castle Sauvage is having trouble with the fellwoods of Forest Sauvag
Albion: Sister Rhigwyn of the Church of Albion is looking for strong, brave citi
zens to assist her in recovering a lost artifact of the Church. She has been pra
ying for assistance in the church in Camelot.
Albion: Master Kless of Cotswold Village is seeking someone to help the Academy
with a problem it has encountered recently.
Hibernia: The level 43 to 50 guild track quests are now available to players tha
t have completed the previous guild track quests. Please speak to your class tra
iner in the city of Tir na Nog for details.
Hibernia: Four low level quests have been added to Hibernia. These quests are fo
r player levels 1 to 4 and give out experience and coin.
Hibernia: The unseelie court has plagued the natives of Hibernia for many years.
Some feel it is in their best interest to remain impartial to them. Many try no
t to cross their path at all. Some even hope to ally themselves with the unseeli
e court, since they are such a great power. Few know the truth, or the reasons,
the unseelie court remains in Hibernia. But players seeking to find knowledge wo
uld be wise to seek out their filidh, for some residents of Hibernia have taken
it upon themselves to study the unseelie court; others have taken it upon themse
lves to help rid the land of the unseelie court, seeking assistance from more po

werful adventurers; still others simply wish to share their knowledge of the uns
eelie court, for the small price of a favor.
RVR - Battlegrounds:
The central keep gates in Thidranki and Murdaigean have been reduced in strength
. Additionally all Albion gates can now be upgraded in all Battlegrounds.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps:
Players can now speak a keyword as well as interact with gatekeepers at the fron
tier and relic keeps in order to enter and exit. Note that the keywords are now
"Enter" or "Exit" as appropriate.
Frontier Changes
The frontier keep guards at the relic keeps have gone through an overhaul - most
have been reassigned to stationary posts and greater numbers now man the keeps.
Arkavr Faste should no longer have a blank Albion guild banner when owned by oth
er realms.
The guard patrols from the frontier keeps have returned to their old aggressive


- Changed Hand Axe Blade to Hand Axe Head
- Change War Axe Blade to War Axe Head
- Changed War Cleaver and War Cleaver head skill to be in line with War Cleaver
Haft skill
- Changed Torsion Cable leatherworking sub-skill to be correct minimum
- Removed the basic Blunt Arrows from being able to be picked in a consignment,
- Dwarven Short Sword hilt recipe icon now the correct icon
- Dwarven Great Sword blade recipe icon now the correct icon
- Changed Pick Hammer Haft skill to be in line with Pick Hammer and Pick Hammer
- Changed Torsion Cable leatherworking sub-skill to be correct minimum

- Fixed an issue with leatherworking being tagged as a sub-skill needed for the
Sledge Hammer, Pick Hammer, and Hooked Spear
- Staff and Shod Staff recipe icons now the correct icons
- Added Crossbows for Albion
- Added Instruments for Albion and Hibernia


This version of Dark Age of Camelot has the guild track quests for characters le
vel 43-50. The reward for completing these quests are class-specific armors and
robes (depending on the class). Please note that there is not yet new art for th
ese armors - they will use the standard armor "look" - but we will have the new
armor art in the game by the next patch. Please remember that this armor that yo
u get in version 1.49 will look different (and much better!) in the next patch.
- The Accursed Scroll in Albion and Hibernia is now working properly.
- The Maligned Summoners staff now focuses the proper skill.
- The Hibernian Diabolic Helm now has stat bonuses.
- The Warden Avernal Gloves had the bow skill increase changed.
- The Friar Atramentous Bile Gauntlets now increase staff skill instead of quart
- The Demonic Turmoil Gauntlets are now friar only instead of cleric only.
- The Abysal helm for thanes has been changed and now increases sword and axe.
- Albion Cloth armors got a tweak and now increase more stats that are used more
- The New damage spells associated with the item in Darkness Falls are getting t
oned down some.
- The Accursed Avernal Short Sword now increase Slash skill.
- Some of you may find your robes look different. We have started adding the new
robes to the game for Friars and casters.
1.49B has several fixes to problems that cropped up in yesterday's 1.49 update.
It addresses Relic Guard problems, rooted monster problems, and a trade skill pr
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.49B Release Notes

This is a server update that fixes a couple of problems introduced on the live s
ervers when 1.49 went live yesterday.
- A Realm that controls four relics now has the proper amount of "Relic" Guards
spawn. Previously, Realms with four or five relics would have no Relic Guards at
- You may no longer send pets to areas that are not normally accessible to playe
rs (through walls, etc.)
- When you are close to a monster that is rooted, it will no longer follow you a
t normal speed if you move away from it.
- Sheathing or wielding a weapon will no longer interrupt a pending trade skill.
- You can now go above 1000 in trade skill. Currently you do not get a new title
when you achieve 1000 points, but you will in the near future.
- The toggle command /gc officerdisplay we incorrectly listed in the 1.48 notes.
The actual command is /gc officerdisplay

Hibernia World: The horses at the parth farm in Lough Durg should now correctly
be neutral to the players. Previously they conned aggressive but were, in fact,
Albion World: Tradeskills: Brach Leof has been moved into the building just nort
h and west of the lathe.
Midgard Quest: War Concluded: Hunters that received a Crystalized Snowflake Pin
for their level 43 reward and their level 45 reward should speak with Salevia in
Fort Atla. She will ask for one of the crystallized snowflake pins and give out
the correct level 43 reward (Arrowhead necklace). In addition, The Shadowblades re
ward, Dancing Flame, is now a more reasonable weight.
Midgard Quest: Saving the Clan: Runemasters who turned in Runils scrolls but could
not continue may return to Danica in Mularn and resume their quest.


To alleviate some of the confusion brought on by the guard changes in 1.49, here
's an explanation of how the system works.
Each home Outpost (frontier keep), when "owned" by the home realm, controls a co
ntingent of guards at each Relic Keep. For example, if the forces of Albion cont
rol the Albion Outpost Caer Benowyc, a number of guards representing Caer Benowy
c will appear at the Relic Keeps in the Albion frontier. The number of "Relic Gu
ards" these outposts spawns depends on the location of the outpost - the number

is either 2,3, or 4 guards. These are referred to as "Outpost relic guards", and
are distinguished from normal guards at the relics by being higher level and ha
ving the name of the "controlling" Outpost keep over their heads.
However, the actual number of "Outpost Relic Guards" at the relic keep is modifi
ed by two factors: Outposts owned and Relics owned.
Relics owned:
Outpost Relic Guards are reduced by 25% for every relic over 2 owned by a Realm.




75% frontier keep relic guards

50% frontier keep relic guards
25% frontier keep relic guards
0% frontier keep relic guards

Outposts Owned
When an Outpost is captured by the enemy, the guards it controls are not spawned
at the relic keeps.
Camelot 1.50 is now live. Here's the full release notes to the version. Big item
s in 1.50 are the debut of the new Realm Ability system, graphics for the level
50 armors, some spell additions, and lots of tweaks and bug fixes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.50 Release Notes
- Class-specific items in backpacks can now be used by the class that they were
intended for; other classes can not.
- Enemy players should now longer be able to take control of siege equipment thr
ough a door.
- If you're in combat mode and you sit down, you'll now exit out of combat mode.
- Really large experience awards should no longer print as negative numbers (eve
n though the proper amount of experience was being awarded).
- High-level poisons are now stripped from a weapon that is used by a lower leve
l player. Previously the poison would not "fire", and the poison would stay on t
he weapon indefinitely.
- Chat groups will now support up to 50 players.
- [/gc who alliance] will now show you everyone in the alliance, not just player
s in your guild.
- Keep Lords and Guards will no longer warp to the roofs of keeps when fighting

- You can no longer use charged items directly out of your inventory.
- You can no longer "pull" players via resurrection behind boundary walls or oth
er illegal locations.
- Pets will no longer attack mesmerized enemies if the pet is in defensive mode.
If he is set to aggressive, he will still attack mezzed enemies.
- Hibernian and Midgard "in-game" guilds now grant their members level titles up until now, only Albion guilds had this feature. Please note that you may have
to level your character once to see your title.
- Midgard Warriors now are granted the Intercept ability at level 12. Any Warrio
r currently over level 11 will be converted and given the skill.


The time has come to take the wraps off our new Realm Ability system. The purpos
e of this system is to give higher-level players new abilities that they can att
ain by engaging in RvR combat. A secondary benefit is to give classes more abili
ties that can help them during RvR battles - for example, one of the Realm Abili
ties open to melee classes is to gain an increased resistance to stun/mez spells
Please remember that there are Realm Ranks and Realm Levels. There are 100 Realm
levels, which are divided into 10 Realm Ranks. For the Realm Ability system, ea
ch player will receive one Realm Skill Point for each Realm Level attained - giv
ing the player a maximum of about 100 points to spend on these new abilities.
In order to "spend" Realm Ability Points on a skill, you'll go to your standard
class trainer. The Realm Abilities available to your class will be listed there.
Please note that you do not have to have a high number of Realm Levels to be ab
le to take advantage of these new abilities - in almost all cases, a character t
hat has just a few realm levels can purchase at least a couple of new abilities.
There are two types of realm abilities: Passive and Active. Passive realm abilit
ies are always on, and can affect your character in small ways, generally 3% per
level (high levels of passive realm abilities grant substantial bonuses, howeve
r). Active abilities have re-use timers between 5 and 30 minutes, and are either
instant effects or duration effects lasting between 30 and 60 seconds. Each cla
ss has a list of abilities tailored to them, and each class has an ability uniqu
e to them.
Some realm abilities have multiple levels, and each level will add more bonus. F
or example, the Augmented Strength realm ability awards 6 Strength points per le
vel of the ability purchased, and there are five levels. So, in our example, a L
evel 3 Augmented Strength would give +18 Strength to a character.
The costs for each level of ability, as well as the advanced abilities increase
with the level you are trying to attain. Also, please note that some Realm Abili
ties have pre-requisites that must be purchased before you can buy them. Pre-req
uisite skills may have to be purchased to a given level before an advanced skill
can be trained.
For a complete list of Realm Abilities broken down by class, go to

This version of Camelot has the first version of our new ambient sound system. Y
ou'll notice while running around that you won't hear so much dead silence. This
version is just the first step in the changes, though - so all you'll hear are
non-interactive sounds such as birds, animals, wind, etc. All zones have had thi
s sound upgrade, which includes both new day and night sounds. Please note that
these new sounds are only in outdoor terrain zones. Cities and dungeons will be
worked on next.


These are the first of the Strike Team Combat Style changes, based on player, Te
am Lead, and in-house testing feedback. This are NOT the only changes that we wi
ll be making to combat styles; they are merely the first of the changes.
- You will now be able to cancel a combat style after you activate it but before
you swing by hitting the same style button again (i.e. hitting it once activate
s the style, hitting it again cancels it).
- You can now be able to specify a "backup" style. This means you can activate,
for example, an "evade" style, and as a backup, a no opening style. This means i
f your target attacks you again before you get your next style off and you DON'T
evade, the game will use your backup style (the no opening one) instead. You ch
oose the "backup" style by hitting the key for your primary, and then they key f
or the backup. Please note that once you specify a primary and a backup style, y
ou cannot cancel them.
- Please note that for both canceling and setting up a backup style that you don
't have to keep repeatedly mashing the buttons to get a combat style off, even i
n low frame rate conditions. The game will buffer your command and send it, even
if you are not getting good performance from your client.
We are aware that hitting Shift-# key to switch toolbars does not work this
- All Left Axe styles which grow in damage as you train further in left axe have
the amount they grow doubled. This is to balance out the fact that left axe dam
age is cut in half (because two weapons hit every round).
- Tracking Spear now uses Parry as an opening.
- Wyvern's Bite now uses Dragonspider as its opening.
- Evernight is now rear positional.
- Valkyrie's Shield is now based on you blocking.
- The opening for Defender's Rage now is whenever a combat style is used success
fully on you.
- "Double Recovery" as been changed to "Onslaught" and now is side positional.
- Odin's Wrath now chains off Razor Edge.

- Brilliant Blade now chains off Revenging Blade.

- Prismatic Blade now chains off Dancing Blade.
- Bludgeon has had its fatigue cost cut in half; its taunt is now 50% more effec
tive, and it has a medium bonus to hit.
- Decaying Rage's detaunt amount has been tripled.
- Side Slicer is now correctly side positional.


Those rogue-types who specialized up to level 50 in Stealth were not being award
ed Safe Fall 5. This has been fixed, and all existing rogues with 50 stealth wil
l now be given that skill. Additionally, future Rogues who level up to 50 in ste
alth will receive the skill properly.


We've added in the graphics for the level 50 armors.


- On your character sheet, there are two values: WeapDam and ArmorFact. WeapDam
is representative of your weapon's damage per second. ArmorFact is the aggregate
armor factor of each piece of armor weighted by the percent chance to hit the a
rea where the armor is worn. Previously, ArmorFact took the quality of the piece
into account - unfortunately WeapDam did not. It's now fixed such that the Weap
Dam printed on the character sheet takes the quality of the weapon and multiplie
s it into the DPS to get the effective dps of the weapon. Note that for most pla
yers, this factor will be reduced when they log into this new version (since it
ED JUST BECAUSE THIS NUMBER IS LOWER. You can get information (shift-I) on the w
eapon to see that the base numbers have not changed - just the WeapDam value (wh
ich is a conglomeration of all the numbers) has.
- More information has been added to the Shift-I Info window for weapons. You no
w see:
Base DPS
Clamped DPS
Effective Damage
Where the Effective Damage is the Clamped DPS multiplied by the Quality and Cond
ition factors.
(3) More information has been added to the Shift-I Info window for armor. You no
w see:
Base Factor
Clamped Factor

Effective Factor
Where the Effective Factor is the Clamped Factor multiplied by the Quality and C
ondition factors and divided by the absorption.


- We've gone through all the bug reports from the last spell graphics update, an
d have made many fixes. Some spells had no effects at all, some were displaying
incorrect graphics, etc.
- A new group heal spell line has been added to the Mending base spell list:



- Added new group heal spell line to Healer Mending spec track:

Favor of Battle
Boon of Battle
Dispensation of Battle
Tribute of Battle

- Added new area-effect root line to the Shaman Cave spec:


Vine Field
Weed Field
Creeper Field
Tendril Field

- Added
27 Mold
37 Mold
47 Mold

point blank area-effect disease shout to Shaman Cave spec:


- Resistances now affect the duration of debuffs, which include mez/root/snare/s

tun. Positive amounts in your bonus page will reduce the duration of debuffs *of
that damage type* by the listed percent. Negative amounts will increase the dur
ation of debuffs except for mesmerize, stun and root/snare. This means that mez/
root/snare/stun duration will never be longer than they were previous to this up
date - but if you are resistant to a particular one, its duration will be shorte
r. These bonuses are cumulative with realm ability magical resistance.

Trade Skills: all craft trainers will now give additional information to players
just prior to joining a crafting guild. Information details what the player wil
l be creating and how well the player can craft within the other crafting skills
Realm Portals: All portal stores will now indicate the names of battleground you
will travel to during your later levels.

- The additional tradeskill areas in the three home cities should now host a mer
chant for each of the crafting skills.
- Craft Trainers will no longer tell you "Welcome to our order!" when you have y
et to join. Trainers will also correctly inform you if the craft is not availabl
e to your class.
Hibernia World:
Dungeon: Muire Tomb: One survivor of a grave-robbing expedition in Muire Tomb re
turned to Ardee, where he succumbed to madness. Before he became incoherent, he
reported that his expedition had broken through the tomb walls in several locati
ons, revealing new passageways which delve deeper into the ancient crypt than an
y records ever indicated. The skeletal remains of the Muire family dating back t
o even before Connaire have been found to be even more dangerous than the last k
nown head of this powerful elven family.
Lough Gur: The gurite waylayer hiding just a bit too well in the trees should no
w be targettable.
Midgard Monsters:
- The entrancing dirge should no longer be able to chain-cast a mesmerization sp
ell while in melee combat.
- The wayward fenrir scout in Raumarik has located his home camp to pull allies
Albion Monsters:
The Salisbury Giant should no longer be able to attack adventurers from a distan
ce while the player is "out of range" for spell casting.
Hibernia Monsters
Cliffs of Moher: The Koalinth Sentinels guarding Koalinth Caverns taken new sent
ry posts away from the exit of the dungeon.
Midgard Quests:
New Quest: Thorgil, the farmer driven from his home outside Audliten, is still h
aving problems with the tomtes. Thorgil is looking for those that helped him wit
h the first problem to visit him again. Thorgil could use their help with the pl
ot the tomtes have cooked up for Thorgil and Audliten.
We have added two repeatable quests, similar to the Soul Gem and Fell Tooth Albi
on-based quests. These Midgard quests begin in Uppland, and there is a limit to
the maximum number of times you can complete them.
New Quest: Gudlor of Huginfell is worried about a dangerous book that is in his
possession. Those that have helped Gudlor before should seek him out for he need
s assistance.
Hibernia Quests:
New Quest: Mannix, in Mag Mell, swears he knows where adventurers can obtain som
e useful, enchanted items, for a small risk.

New Quest: Gormghlaith, in Howth, is looking for people to collect water beetle
carapaces for her home-made concoctions, but there seems to be more to her simpl
e request for help than meets the eye.
Hibernia Quests: We have added two repeatable quests, similar to the Soul Gem an
d Fell Tooth Albion-based quests. These Hibernian quests begin in or near Mt. Co
llory, and there is a limit to the maximum number of times you can complete them
Albion Quests:
In our next patch, we will be adding a very high limit to the maximum number of
times you can complete the following quests: Save the Spirits and Fell Creatures
Bounty. If you want to guarantee that you can turn in any items you might have
been saving for these quests, you should turn them in before the next patch.
Albion Quests: Remember, in our next patch, we will be adding a limit to the max
imum number of times you can complete the following quests: "Soul Gem" and "Fell
Tooth Bounty." If you want to guarantee that you can turn in any items you migh
t have been saving for these quests, you should turn them in before the next pat
Realm v. Realm Notes
- Frontier Keeps: It should be easier to target NPC archers at all frontier keep
s, and particularly the hibernian frontier keeps.
- The guild banners on Caer Hurybury and Blendrake Faste should now be working c
orrectly. (Note: This fix was also made to live servers on 5/2/02)
- The realm guards should be not quite so vigilant about shouting out at their e
nemies as they attack.

- Stiletto of the Soulshade (Albion) now properly uses thrust instead of slash.
- The chewed staff had its incorrect resistence buff fixed.
- The Spirit Bone Pin may now be worn.
- The double Body resist entries for the Worn Jewel Dusted Robe are now a single
- The double Body resist entry for the Truesilver Flute has been fixed.
- Supple Willow branches should stack properly.
- Changed the +emp bonus on the Dancing Silk tunic (Midgard) to +pie
- The Smoldering Ember staff (Albion) is now friar only.
- The Gnawed Staff (Albion) should be displaying a proper resist.
- The Brigadine Gloves of Vigilant Defense ( Scout quest armor) now correctly bu
ff the longbow skill.
- Baln's Sulfuric Slicer (Midgard version) correctly buffs sword instead of slas

- The Enraged Wolf Pelt Cloak should be emblemizable.
- Avernal Maligned Staff of Mind, Accursed Demon Hammer, Accursed Demon Crusher,
Accursed Demon Staff of Light, Accursed Demon Staff of Enchantment, and Accurse
d Demon Recurve Bow (Hibernia DF items) were all adjusted to be the appropriate
- The new monsters for Muire Tomb are itemized, complete with new magical goodie
s to round out the existing equipment set in the zone.
- Several common loot objects are now stackable that previously weren't. This in
cludes necklaces, collars, chains, bracelets, bracers, armbands, bottles, differ
ent kinds of dust, essences, pins, and a few other assorted small items.
- Salvage values based on the value of the object have been set on existing drop
ped armor and weapons.
- Removed "phantom proc" from the Worn Dark Guardian Sword.
- The stat bonuses on the Granny's Shawl were tuned to be more level appropriate
- Salvage values based on the value of the object has been set on existing
quest armor and weapons.
- The Cloak of Night can now take emblems.
- The Emerald-beaded strand now has the correct icon.


- Crafted items now have a minimum quality of 94 percent. There is now an even c
hance that any crafted item will have a quality of 94-99 percent, with a very sm
all chance of 100 percent.
- When you go up in level in a crafting skill, the print line will now tell you
what your new level is.
- Added in the ability for armorcrafters and tailors to make the "level 6" versi
on of their various types of armor. This enables them, at the material 10 level,
make armor that is 51st level (versus the 50th level of dropped items and quest
items). This will enable tradeskillers to make the current highest possible bas
e AF armors for their realms.
- Timers for all of the recipes have been changed. This has a slight increase to
the timers at the high end, but is about the same, if not lower, for the level
10 materials. You will notice a distinct drop in the timer for materials 6-9. We
changed the base equation that we used for the timers so everything was more un
iform. Weaponcrafters should notice a significant decrease in the *overall* time
it takes to craft a weapon. They still take the most time to make a single item
, but it isn't as artificially high as it was before.
- To coincide with the addition of salvage values for almost every single item t
hat is dropped or quested (see note at end), we also equalized the salvage value
s for crafted items as well. They were set too high before, and in some cases wo
uld allow a crafter to salvage enough material back to make a positive amount of

coin. Salvage was always intended to allow you to get materials back from items
from the world, not allow you to powerskill up without any additional coin from
your own items.
***Note: Any weapon, armor, etc, that drops/is quested should be salvagable now.
Most of the other drops, as well, should give you some type of salvage, but it
is possible that the object wasn't set up properly for that. As we have time, we
'll be going back through to try to change that.***
Crafting Items Coming Soon
- Fletchers will get the ability to create the "level 6" versions of Bows/Staves
- Crafters of 1000+ skill will be able to ignore the item quality cap that is
currently in place (i.e. if you are skill 1050 then anything you make, regardles
s if it is red, orange, etc will have the full chance of being a 94-100 quality
Crash bug is all better, as you can see - but I have a little update to the patc
h notes. The note about sub-regions in cities should be disregarded, as it makes
reference to something only on Pendragon. Also, the new post-20 tasks are not l
ive yet, since their implementation wasn't working. We still plan to do both cha
nges, but not until we've got the kinks worked out.
Some fixes and clarifications:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.50B Release Notes
Wednesday, MAy 8, 2002
- Druid Realm Abilities were set incorrectly - Druids were not getting the abili
ties they were selecting from their trainer. This is now fixed. Please note that
all Druids have had their realm abilities wiped and realm points refunded to co
rrect the problem. All Druids will need to retrain to get their correct Realm Ab
- The realm ability Majesty of Magery has been renamed Majestic Will to reduce c
onfusion with Master of Magery.
- Nightshade and Ranger realm ability lists have been revised. Nightshades get W
ild Arcana, not Mastery of the Arcane, and the Ranger gets Mastery of the Arcane
, not Wild Arcana.
- Strength enhancing Realm Abilities will now immediately increase Encumbrance.
- In certain situations, group abilities (such as Group Purge) were not having t
heir timer set, allowing the caster to cast the ability over and over. This has
been fixed.

- Some Realm Abilties were able to be used by characters that were dead. This ha
s been fixed.
Any character who mistakenly trained in Majesty/Mastery of Magery intending to s
elect the opposite can appeal to a CSR to be given the one you wanted in the fir
st place. The same is true for Nightshades and Rangers who by mistake trained in
Mastery of the Arcane/Wild Arcana. Please note that these are the only Realm Ab
ilities situations that the CSRs will "fix" on your character. Also please note
that CSRs will only do this for the next 48 hours.
Camelot version 1.50C is live as of 7:45am, Thursday May 16. It has many fixes t
o the Realm Ability system, a whole host of object tweaks and fixes, and the abi
lity for characters to wipe their Realm Abilities and retrain them.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.50C Release Notes
Up until last Tuesday, Assassin characters were able to remain hidden if they ki
lled their target in one shot. This "ability" has been in the game since the inc
eption of Critical Strike Combat Styles. However, we never intended for it to wo
rk that way - it is generally not a good game dynamic to have stealthed characte
rs killing people and not becoming visible. Some assassins (not all, just some)
were abusing this "ability" to one-shot kill "gray" level enemies and kill them
with no chance of being found. But, at the time that we found out that assassins
were able to do this, the assassin classes as a whole were still a bit underpow
ered, so we made the choice not to fix the bug.
As most assassins know, in the 1.50 patch, we inadvertently fixed the "one shot
kill but remaining stealthed" bug (by fixing a few bugs relating to hidden playe
rs attacking monsters). Now that assassin characters are no longer underpowered,
and no longer need any additional advantages, we have decided to keep this fix
in. So, assassins will no longer be able to remain stealthed after one-shot kill
s. Assassins will still be able to kill some lower level (and probably "blue" le
vel mages) characters in one shot, but no longer will they be able to do this wi
th the impunity that they have enjoyed.


- The ability to respec Realm Abilities is in. You can respec Realm Abilities at
level 20 and level 40. Use the "/respec" command to do this. Please note that y
ou can only use this command when you are near your class trainer.
- New and more complete documentation for Realm Skills is up on the Camelot Hera

- Stun spells are no longer "un-resistable". In some cases, you would get a mess
age when casting a stun spell on a monster that it had resisted your spell; and
then the stun would stick anyway. This has been fixed.
- Ground Target area effect spells will no longer damage siege equipment and doo
rs as much as they previously did.
- Hidden players can now trigger runes and be hit by volley.
- There was a bug where using a combat style with about 30% of your endurance wo
uld lead to a message saying that you didn't have enough endurance to perform th
e style, even though you did. This bug has been fixed.
- Slightly decreased casting time on Shaman Cave spec Grasping Creepers line.
- Disease spells have had their values tweaked. RvR effectiveness of the strengt
h debuff has been increased, and the PvE effectiveness should be the same. The s
nare component of disease will work on players, but does not currently work on m
- Concentration points will no longer be "used" if the spell does not cast on it
s target because that target already had that same buff.
- In some cases, Purge did not have its 30 minute timer reset, which led to "cha
in purging". This has been fixed.
- There was a bug when you respec Realm Abilities that the interface did not upd
ate to show you that you had your realm ability points given back to you. This h
as been fixed.
- Realm Ability Falcon's Eye has been raised from 3% per level to 5% per level,
to bring it in line with the other critical-hit buffing realm abilities.
- Raging Power and Second Wind have been changed to have only one level (since t
hey heal power and fatigue to full, respectively) that costs 10 points.
- The documentation for True Sight has been changed to show that the ability can
be used every 30 minutes, and it lasts one minute. This was never actually chan
ged in-game, but the documentation was. Now, both are synched up properly.
- Runemaster Epic Armor has been tweaked a bit to give it more of a "cloth" look
- Purge and Group Purge should now properly remove all bad effects from yourself
(and group members, for group purge).
- Falcon's Eye will now function correctly - previously it didn't help (or hinde
r) your chance to get a critcal hit.
- Realm Ability combat styles have had their bonus damages normalized to a 4 sec
ond weapons. Because these types of styles do not take endurance, they were pena
lizing fast weapon users. Now everyone does the same bonus damage no matter what
speed weapon they are using.
- Realm Ability Combat Styles have had their timers reduced to 10 minutes (previ
ously they were usable every 15 minutes).
- Siege Bolt now has a normal range. Previously, it could be used from any range

- Severing the Tether now is area-effect and will turn enemy pets against their
- Changed Mastery of Concentration realm ability to last 15 seconds instead of 6
0, but it now gives a greater chance to avoid interruption. Note that this abili
ty is dependent on the level of your attacker. A red monster will still be very
difficult to cast spells on.
- Mastery of the Arcane now boosts run speed chants. Buffs boosted by this abili
ty are still under the existing spell caps, however.
- The Brilliant Aura of Deflection should give the proper level of bonus now, an
d is not capped.
- Avoidance of Magic is now outside the normal resistance bonus caps.
- Realm ability Mastery of Pain is now based on Augmented Dexterity.
- Realm ability First Aid has had its effect increased.
- Realm ability Ignore Pain is no longer a complete heal. It has 3 levels, like
First Aid, and heals for slightly less than First Aid per level.
- Realm ability Thornweed Field has had its damage per tick increased.
- Realm ability Mastery of Water has had its effectiveness increased from 3%
to 5% per level.
- Realm ability Regeneration has had its effect increased.
- Realm ability Bladedance has had its damage changed so that it is more effecti
ve and scales with level.

Albion Quests:
Scouts, Infiltrators and Minstrels who have completed the quest Wizard's Appeal
and recived a Brooch of Conferred Blessings may return to Cynwik the Wizard to r
ecive a one time swap for the correct reward.
Camelot 1.51 contains a huge host of changes and fixes - most importantly the St
rike Team spell system updates. Please read this release note closely, because i
f you are a spellcaster of any kind, you probably were affected by the patch. Pl
ease note that this is an updated patch note - an older version was posted for a
bout 10 minutes earlier today. This one fixes a few spell change descriptions.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.51 Release Notes

Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot version 1.51, which contains a massive update to
the game's spell system. Spellcasting classes were analyzed by the game's Strike
Team, and many changes were made based on the recommendation of testers and pla
yers. Version 1.51 contains these changes. There are new spells for some classes
, many spell bug fixes, as well as tweaks to existing spells to tune them better
. Be sure to check out the extensive "SPELL NOTES" section in this release note.
Version 1.51 also has many regular bug fixes, as well as some new fun additions
that let you play card games, roll dice, and produce random numbers. There is al
so a completely new system for combat style icons that should make them much eas
ier to use to differentiate your character's combat styles from one another. Ano
ther huge part of 1.51 are many dozens of armor/weapon object fixes that you'll
see listed in these release notes. These object fixes are another example of the
Strike Team at work: all objects that buff unnecessary stats or skills have bee
n changed to be more appropriate, as well as other general fixes.
The Strike Team will next move on to Realm vs. Realm combat issues. Expect to se
e updates to RvR combat in testing on Pendragon soon. And, FYI, just because the
Strike Team is moving on to other issues does NOT mean that we are in any way "
done" with spells. We will continue to make spell tweaks and bug fixes as needed
just like we always have.
We plan to have the next live version of the game contain the ability for player
s to "respec" one of their specializations at two points in their careers, as wa
s announced a month or so ago. We needed to implement these 1.51 changes first,
before the respec, since 1.51 contains so many "class changing" spell updates.


- Previously, when you used the purge Realm Ability, your timer was not being re
set, so if you used purge to get rid of a bad effect (mesmerize, for example), y
ou could immediately be re-mezzed. This has been fixed.
- The "/random" command is now in, which will give you a random number. Type "/r
andom #" to print out a number between 1 and the number you chose.
- The guild commands PROMOTE, DEMOTE, LEADER, and REMOVE now work by player name
, not target, and work across zones. Use the format "/gc promote [playername] [r
ank]", for example.
- When you are above 1000 in your main tradeskill, any item you can successfully
make will now have an even chance of being 94-100% quality.
- There were some monster pathing problems in Darkness Falls that prevented pets
from moving between rooms properly. This has been fixed.
- You should no longer be able to "screenshot jump".
- Shadowed players - i.e. hidden players who have been uncovered by the See Hidd
en Realm ability, or friendly stealthed players - no longer "pop" into full view
when they initially come into view. They now appear correctly as shadows.
- You can no longer utilize an exploit to "rez-pull" a player through a keep wal
l or boundary wall.
- Poison Merchants are now listed as such over their heads.

- When you select an object with the mouse, then use F7 to select the nearest ob
ject or monster, the summary window should now correctly update. Previously, it
would only show the monster's health bar.
- You should no longer run into the "cast while sitting" bug. Players would tap
on the forward key to stand (when sitting), then immediately cast and would get
the "you cannot cast while sitting".
- Target Nearest Object no longer targets tombstones.
- You should now get an icon on your screen when you are stealthed.
- The Ignore Pain Realm Ability is a full heal every 30 minutes, with one 14 pt
level. The documentation on the Herald will be updated to reflect this.
- Added a new key (which is by default unmapped) that allows the player to targe
t the last attacker. In general (if a player has no target already), his last at
tacker will be auto-targeted. This allows the player to switch to the last creat
ure to do damage to him even if he's already targeted.
- The Use Item key has been added to the /keyboard list.
- /INVITE now invites a person to a group by name - you no longer has to be targ
eted. /INVITE with no name still invites the targeted player.
- Poisons can now be hotkeyed. When you activate the poison it automatically app
lies to the readied weapon in the right hand. If the right-hand weapon already h
as a "poison" effect, the poison will auto-apply to the left handed weapon.
- Flying monsters should now face the correct direction when pulled into combat
by a player.
- Pets now correctly give faction hits when they make the killing blow.
- The /GC LEADER command now prints the correct rank of the new leader.
- The Darkness Falls entrance status is now on the /REALM command.
- When you prepare to use a bow, you now longer get the extra messages about "us
ing" the bow.
- When you delve (shift - I) a duration effect on yourself, it now shows the tim
e left in the effect.
- You can now change your last name for a fee of 10 gold at the name registrar.
You can do this as many times as you wish.
- The /AREMOVE and /AREMOVE commands now correctly work without typing additiona
l words.
- Mashing the attack command key should no longer make pets attack dead corpses.
This was actually difficult to do to begin with, but there is now a second chec
k that should prevent it entirely.
- Keep lords should no longer pull through the roof
- The who and /gc who commands now take a final parameter which is the player nu
mber you wish to start viewing at. So by typing /gc who, /gc who 25, gc who 50,
etc, you can see the entire list of players.

- Self Concentration buffs should now save for real. We added an extra security
check at the last minute before the last version which was supposed to prevent o
ther players' concentration buffs from saving on you, but also prevented your ow
n. It was very secure, perhaps too much so.
- AE realm abilities should no longer damage allies.
- Style Bonus damage should now display the correct amount when attacking keep d
oors/siege equipment.
- After a mez spell wears off, another cannot be cast for one minute. When in th
is state, when a player zoned, the mez would become immediately re-active after
zoning. This has been fixed.
- The damage from the Left Axe skill has been adjusted slightly to grow more wit
h the player as he specializes more in Left Axe. Previously, higher level people
could do more damage with normal two-handed weapons than with their "special" L
eft Axe attacks. The damages at higher levels should now be more equivalent.
- There was a bug where Disease spells would only "snare" (slow) the target occa
sionally. They should now work consistently against both players and monsters.
- Delving a permanent duration effect no longer gives an incorrect timer for sec
onds remaining.
- Monsters who have a Confusion spell cast on them should no longer warp erratic
- /GC AUTOREMOVE should now work properly. This command can be executed by guild
leaders only. This command removes the specified player from a guild, even when
he is not online.
- Group Purge now correctly checks all players affected by it, and if any player
in the group has a negative effect removed, the caster's group purge timer is r
eset. Previously, there were situations where the caster could use group purge w
ithout the timer resetting.
- Spellcasting monsters should no longer inch forward between casts.
- Instant cast debuffs should no longer interrupt other player casters and playe
r archers.
- Cloud and trap spells should show damage values now when you delve them.
- Previously, if you zoned with a constitution buff on your character, you would
"lose" the amount of bonus hit points granted to your character, which would th
en regenerate normally over time. This has been fixed so that your hit points (a
nd any other bonus attained from a stat buff) will remain at their proper level
when you zone.

- Hunters now get Evade II at 20th level.
- Berserkers now receive the throwing weapon ability upon joining the House of M
odi. Please note that this is the ability to use throwing weapons, not to specia
lize in them.


Combat style icons are all-new and improved. First, each combat style now has it
s own unique icon (previously styles shared icons). Each weapon specialization h
as a separate icon color to help players tell their styles from different weapon
types apart. Additionally, the new icons' borders are red to help you know it?s
a combat style (as opposed to a spell or macro).
Each icon also now has a series of widgets to help you quickly remember the prer
equisites for each style. From conversations with players, it became clear that
what would become most helpful is knowing if the style requires an opening posit
ion and/or is a chaining style.
The upper left hand corner indicates whether the style chains off of another or
is the opener for a chain. A yellow square indicates it is the first style in a
chain. A single triangle indicates the second. Two triangle stacked indicates a
third, and so on.
Blue triangles on the sides of the icon tell you if the style requires a positio
nal opening. Two triangles on the side stands for a side-opener. A triangle abov
e means you must be in front of the target. A triangle below means you must be b
ehind the target.
The upper right hand corner indicates whether the style requires you target has
just been blocked, parried, or evaded. A purple arrow widget indicates a block i
s required. A green arrow widget indicates a parry is required. A blue arrow wid
get indicates an evade is required.
The lower right hand corner indicates an effect the style may have on your targe
t. A blue arrow widget indicates it may ?turn away? your target. A red arrow wid
get indicates it may taunt your target. A red box widget indicates it may de-tau
nt your target.
Also, combat style weapon trail colors have changed. Previously, combat style we
apon trail colors were keyed to the weapon used - all 1H crush styles, for examp
le, used the same color. We've changed this system to be level based. Now, all l
ow level styles are green, higher ones are blue, and so on to the highest level
styles, which are purple. This way you'll know approximately what level style yo
ur opponents are using on you.


- The Staff combat style "Counter Evade" now has a longer movement reduction tha
n it used to.
- The style "Niord's Fury" now chains off Frost Cut. Niord's Fury used to be a f
umble based style and fumbles don't happen often enough to base a style from.
- The Friar Staff "Friend" style has its fatigue cost lowered. Its stun effect h
as been changed to a movement effect.


We've added a few new "fun" commands to Camelot that allow you to roll dice and
even play cards.
- a "/roll [number dice]" command is in, which simulates a dice roll. You can sp
ecify how many die rolls you want. This command simulates a six-sided dice only.
- "/shuffle [number of decks]" will create the number of decks you specify and a
utomatically shuffle them. Please note you must use this command before using th
e /deal command (see below).
- "/deal [name] [u/d]" will deal one card to the player of your choice. u/d dete
rmines whether the card is up or down (whether it is printed to the other player
s or not). Please note you must use the "/shuffle" command first to actually cre
ate the decks of cards. Also please note that the "cards" are text-only; there a
re no graphics with the card system. Also, you may play cards only with your gro
up members.
- "/held" gives you a list of all the cards in your hand. Each of your cards are
listed with a number beside them. "/help g" gives you a list of all the players
in your group and what cards they are showing.
- "/discard [#] will discard the card in your hand that you specify. "/discard a
ll" gets rid of all your cards.
- "/show" shows your whole hand (turns all your 'down' cards to 'up').
- Please note that you can filter off all card and dice text by turning off emot
e text.


- Concentration effects that a caster has on himself will no longer go away when
they zone or quit.
- Concentration pool should update correctly when you get and lose Rez sickness
- Nightshade direct damage should be set to "Skill 0" now, reducing its variance
- Changed Wizard Liquefaction Simmering Cloud line to do Heat damage instead of
Cold. The old damage type was a bug.
- Fixed the targeting problems with the Wizard Calefaction ground-targeted AE DD
Earth Eddies line.
- Hostile duration effects (debuffs, mez, stun, etc) are now affected by resista
nces as originally intended. Durations of sleep effects (mez, stun, etc) are als
o now properly affected by level variance, so that low level players casting on
higher level players will get less duration from their spells.
- The realm ability Perfect Recovery should no longer use power.
- The realm ability Thornweed Field has had its damage returned to normal (a dat
a error caused its damage to be raised), but its snare effect has been improved.

- We've scrubbed through the spells and fixed all known spell printing problems
(misspellings, pet spells printing as though they affected you, etc.).
- The Mercenary ability Dirty Tricks and Blademaster Triple Wield should no long
er print "you cast a spell".
- Fixed Healer Celerity line; before it was not having any effect on the buff's
target, it should now provide increased attack speed as intended. The Asgard's S
trength and Defense lines should no longer take concentration points and should
use power as intended.

- Increased damage and decreased casting time of the pet focus damage shields fo
r the Spiritmaster (Spirit's Revenge line) and Enchanter (Aura of Echoing line)
to bring them in line with the Cabalist focus damage shield.
- The Bard Captivate Audience line has had all its spells set to 350 radius to m
ake it consistent with similar spells in other class' lists.
- All DOTs now have their damage based on the caster's primary casting stat. Thi
s means that high intelligence (or other prime stat) casters will do significant
ly more DoT damage than they did previously.
- Increased range of Mentalist DoTs to 1500.
- Increased damage and decreased duration and frequency of Shaman and Druid DoTs
. They still do 6 ticks, but over a shorter period of time.
- Druid DoTs now stack with Mentalist DoTs.
- Increased pet-only buffs to last 20 minutes for the Cabalist, Spiritmaster, an
d Enchanter.
- Changed all list-caster debuffs to be instant cast. Base debuffs (Strength and
Dexterity debuffs) are on their own 15 second timer, and all advanced debuffs (
combo stat debuffs, AE debuffs, and resist debuffs) share a second 15 second tim
er. This requires some thought on the part of the caster into exactly which debu
ffs to use against particular opponents, and add benefit to having multiple debu
ffers. All debuffs of the appropriate type are set to be instant. Debuffs in thi
s case refer to attack speed debuffs, resist debuffs and stat debuffs. This shou
ld make it much more practical to use debuffs in combat, since there won't be a
damage tradeoff. Since these debuffs should be more prominent and useful, durati
ons have generally been shortened, and area effect versions have had their power
costs increased appropriately.
- Increased range on pet heals as part of the healing revision.
- Changed Warden pulsing bladeturn into a chant so Wardens can switch between th
eir existing chants and this one in combat.
- Changed all concentration based resistance buffs to be 10 minute duration grou
p targeted buffs. They now cost power instead of concentration points. This was
done to allow buffers more leeway to provide more buffs on their party members.
- The Cleric Smite line was re-tuned to bring this specific class/skill combinat
ion into line with other healers. The primary change was a reduction to the dire
ct damage spells (single target and AE), which were doing the equivalent damage

to a nuker direct damage spells. This was inappropriate due to offensive and def
ensive melee capabilities of the Cleric. The Heavenly Strike line (AE DD) now ha
s had its radius increased to 350 at all levels, however.
- Changed the re-use timer on the new taunt spells (Friar and Paladin) to 30 sec
- Increased range of Cabalist and Spiritmaster health transfer spells and Shaman
Frigg's lines to 2000, since they are effectively healing spells.
- DoT spells are now properly affected by resistances to bring them in line with
DD spells.
- The range of Mentalist Curative Trance line has been increased to be in line w
ith the recent healing changes.
- Increased the effectiveness of Champion debuffs to give them more impact in Rv
R and make the spells more commensurate with their fatigue cost.
- Increased damage on the Enchanter pet direct damage spell.
- Increased recast timer on Warden's Nature's Guard, Nature's Barrier, and Natur
e's Wall chants to 16 seconds.


- Added a base group heal to Hibernian Regrowth line. All Druids/Bards/Wardens s
hould have it now. This gives the healing classes in all 3 realms a base group h
Group heal:


- Added Cure Poison and Cure Disease to Bard Regrowth spec. This was done to giv
e Hibernia two classes with these abilities like the other realms; previously on
ly the Druid could cure disease and poison.

Cure Disease
Cure Poison

- Added a short duration, high attack speed debuff to Enchanter Bedazzling spec
to improve the usefulness of the list.
Short duration, high attack speed debuff
Dazzling Flash
Dazzling Torch
Dazzling Flare
Dazzling Strobe
- Added ground targeted area effect direct damage to Eldritch Void spec:





- Added insta-cast root to Druid Nature spec; these are all on the same 10 minut
e timer. All Druid roots have been set to "no recast", however. This was done to
alleviate Hibernia's lack of instant-cast crowd control.
Sprouting Undergrowth
AE Insta-root
Bursting Undergrowth
Choking Undergrowth
- Added insta-cast mes to Bard Music spec; these are all on the same 10 minute t
imer. This was done to alleviate Hibernia's lack of instant-cast crowd control.
Hypnotic Harmony
AE Insta-mes
Deluding Harmony
Entrancing Harmony
- Added a self strength/constitution buff to the Champion Valor spec track to ma
ke them more competitive with tank classes that have higher natural constitution
5 Vigor of the Champion
10 Strength of the Champion
16 Fortification of the Champion
23 Focus of the Champion
32 Power of the Champion
40 Force of the Champion
50 Might of the Champion
- Druid pets now have more productive abilities, and new abilities with level. T
hese abilities are cumulative:
L1 summon: No special abilities
L7 summon: Self AF buff, now scales with level (the higher level the pet,
the greater the bonus)
L12 summon: Str/Con buff (scales with level)
L20 summon: chance of a short stun (this is the old stun, but the
area-effect component has been removed)
L32 summon: chance of proccing a short duration bladeturn effect
- Moved Enchanter Lesser Effervescence line from Empowering list to the Enchantm
ent base list; this is consistent with the way the other realms are set up. The
levels the spells are awarded changed slightly:
5 Lesser Effervescence


Greater Effervescence
Superior Effervescence
Maximum Effervescence

- Added the following spells to the Wizard Calefaction spell list to help make t
he Earth specializition track more appealing as an option to Fire and Ice.
AE Root
Trembling Earth
Quaking Earth
Buckling Earth

targetted AE DD
Earth Eddies
Earth Splash
Earth Ripple
Earth Wave

Matter-based DoT
Molten Wrap
Greater Molten Wrap
Molten Blanket
Greater Molten Blanket
Sheet of Lava
Greater Sheet of Lava
Sheet of Magma
Greater Sheet of Magma
- Added following spells to Sorcerer Telekinesis (Matter spec) list to flesh out
the list and give it more specialization value.
AE Dex/Qui debuff
Constricting Field
Restraining Field
Major Constricting Field
Major Restraining Field
Snare + DD
Lesser Constricting Jolt
Constricting Jolt
Lesser Constricting Force
Constricting Force
Major Constricting Blast
- Added taunt spell line to Paladin Chant
ate the fact that Paladins have no ranged
o damage that accrues on the hate list of
They are on 8 second timers, and cost no


spec. This spell is intended to allevi

technique to pull with. These spells d
their target, but do no actual damage.



- Added a taunt line to the Friar to allow them to pull in PvE (primarily when s

target, timer based taunt


- Added a self Dex/Quickness buff to the Friar's Enhancement spec to better refl
ect that they primarily use Staves, which are dexterity based.
7 Readiness
12 Coordination
18 Agility
25 Precision
35 Gracefulness
45 Fluidity
- Added a new area effect mesmerize spell to the Minstrel. This new line of spel
ls are half duration mez. Since the Cleric was often being used for AE Mez crowd
control with their PB AE Mez, and since that has been put on a 5 minute reuse t
imer, the secondary crowd controller in the realm (the Minstrel) is now being gi
ven a little extra versatility in this realm to bring them up to par with other
secondary crowd controllers.

Comforting Lullaby
Enchanting Lullaby
Pacifying Lullaby
Entrancing Lullaby
Sedating Lullaby
Enrapturing Lullaby

- Added the following spells to Shaman Cave Magic line:
Single target DD; note that this damage spell is on the same timer as the Fungal
Pin line, and should be used as an alternative to the bolt spell for targets in
melee combat.



- Added point blank area effect direct damage spell to Spiritmaster Spirit Suppr
ession list:
8 Soul Dissipation
14 Soul Dispersal
20 Soul Blast
26 Soul Explosion
34 Soul Banish
41 Soul Destruction
49 Soul Annihilation
- Added low level resurrect to Spiritmaster Spirit Enhancement list:

Restore Spirit

- Added ground targetted area effect direct damage to Runemaster Rune spec:




- Added some new spells to the Healer Augmentation spec track. These new spells
are intended to make the Healer more effective in combat, without adding explici
tly offensive magic. This is intended to provide an alternate track for a Healer
to spec in to give a different play style.
Short duration group haste buff, stacks with concentration based haste
Enhanced Celerity
Amplified Celerity
Pure Celerity
Self only Str/Con buff
Asgard's Lesser Strength
Asgard's Strength
Asgard's Lesser Potence
Asgard's Potence
Asgard's Lesser Might
Asgard's Might
Self only damage

Lesser Defense
Greater Deflection


The standard healing spells (ones with normal cast times, including the standard
group heals) have been significantly revised, both to fix some longstanding eff
iciency problems at higher spec levels, and also to encourage healing classes to
heal more in RvR. In general, these revisions affect casting times, range and p

ower costs, not amounts healed. The intent is that this will have the effect of
decreasing downtime and increasing effectiveness in RvR, without altering the ba
lance of PvE combat too much. PvE changes are not the intent of these fixes, but
some give and take is accepted here. The Cleric/Friar in Albion, Shaman/Healer
in Midgard, and the Druid/Bard/Warden/Mentalist in Hibernia are all affected by
these changes, and all equivalent spell lines have been adjusted according to th
e same new baselines.
There was a bug in the Hibernian healing lines due to them using outdated baseli
nes that resulted in some of the Druid/Bard/Warden healing spells to be less eff
ective than equivalent level healing spells in the other realms; this has been c
orrected with these changes.
The primary change that affects all of these spells is that the efficiencies nev
er go down at higher levels. These means the higher level spells are always goin
g to heal at least the same number of hit points per power point as a spell of l
ower level. Since efficiencies were previously decreasing, this means that many
healing spells have had their power costs reduced, especially higher level spell
s. This is the primary change to the non-spec heals (which all healers have).
The "third tier" healing spells, a.k.a. "major heals", are the lower heals earne
d by specializing in healing. These spells have been revised to significantly in
crease in power efficiency with level. Again, this effectively decreases the pow
er costs of these spells at higher levels, and makes it possible to heal for ext
ended duration in combat.
The "fourth tier" healing spells, a.k.a. "greater heals", have had their costs r
e-tuned to make sure their efficiency does not decrease. These spells are not as
power efficient as third tier heals, however. The new change that should signif
icantly increase the utility of these spells is that the higher level the spell,
the lower its casting time will be. The first spells in these lines have had th
eir casting times slightly reduced, and the further a healer specializes, the lo
wer the casting time goes. At the highest levels, the casting time can go below
3 seconds. Since these spells heal the most hit points, the lower casting times
should make them much more practical and useful in RvR.
Both group heal lines have had similar tuning so that their efficiencies no long
er go down, and their costs have in general decreased to reflect the increased e
fficiency. The base group heal increases in efficiency now, so the upper levels
cost substantially less, while the spec group heal has been changed so that its
casting time decreases with spec, and the amount it heals has been increased.
The last change is very significant, and that is that all standard heals have ha
d their ranges increased to 2000, and group heals have a radius of 2000. This is
intended to increase healer survivability by allowing them heal from distance,
and increasing their availability to resurrect after battle.


- All musical spellcasters now get the floating notes cast effect for some spell
. The new notes effect is smaller and less obtrusive, though. Musical effects wh
ich seemed to have the old and new notes at the same time should be cleared up.
- Pulse effects for musical casters are mostly removed, except for the speed son
g, which has the small foot twinkles. Other songs now just have a one-time hit e
- A downward, colorful spiral was added to some of the stun effects to different

iate them from some other, similar effects in the game. Stun and "mez" effects a
re still being tweaked, and a better method of showing when such spells "break"
is being looked into.
- Two effects which make silver and gold twinkles were adjusted to a smaller, mo
re appropriate scale. (Purely aesthetic change).
- Adjusted the clashing sword/axe buff effect for Midgard so it no longer hits t
all trolls in the head.
- Switched the Berserk effect to a more appropriate red swirl.
- Added a magical rune effect for some Midgard shield spells.
- Fixed Spiritmaster Point Blank mesmerize spell graphics to have the appropriat
e mesmerize "zzzzz" effet.


- Random ambient outdoor sounds have been tweaked. Many confusing or otherwise a
nnoying sounds have been removed, and replaced by different, more appropriate so


- The Firbolg male model no longer carries his shield too far away from his fore
arm. It is now much closer.


- Heavy Shod Staff and Heavy Shod Quarterstaff recipes in Albion now produce
the correct Staff
- Heavy Shod Staff recipes now start at 495, instead of 595
- Heavy Shod Quarterstaff recipes now start at 515, instead of 615
- Heavy Composite Bow recipes now start at 515, instead of 615
- Fixed all level 51 armor recipes that created the wrong item, as well as recip
e values.
- Level 51 armors will no longer be picked for consignments.
- Added new items to fletching for all three realms:
Albion: Heavy Short bow, Heavy Longbow, Light crossbow, Heavy Staff, Heavy Shod
Midgard: Heavy Staff, Heavy Composite bow
Hibernia: Heavy Short bow, Heavy Recurve bow, Heavy staff

- Hibernia: You can now bind in Tir Na Nog.
General Quests
We're continuing our introduction of a new type of quest intended to pick up whe
re kill tasks leave off. These new quests are a storyline-based type of kill tas
k. There are 21 of these quests being added for each realm, and they are intende
d for players between levels 21 and 41. To maximize your benefit we recommend yo
u do them at the suggested level, but you may need to bring a partner to ensure
your success in slaying the appropriate monster. Speak with your local barkeep f
or more info.
Albion Quests
- We have added a limit to the maximum number of times you can complete the foll
owing quests: "Soul Gem" and "Fell Tooth Bounty."
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps:
- Siege merchants in the frontier are no longer be charmable.
Dungeon Notes
Three more dungeons have gotten an overhaul. These changes include new sections
of the dungeons opened for player use, and new encounter areas.
Albion: Tomb of Mithra: Rumors of increased activity in the Tomb of Mithra have
run rampant through the local alehouses. Lord Prydwen has issued an official edi
ct that all citizens of the Realm are not to explore the dungeon. Any attempt to
do so may spark greater evil than that which currently inhabits the tomb.
Albion: Catacombs of Cardova: During a recent journey to the Catacombs of Cardov
a, a group of adventurers happened upon the corpse of a tomb raider. Upon closer
examination, they found him to be mumbling incoherently, his body in tattered r
uins, his flesh singed and hair completely burned off. Disregarding the dying th
ief's warnings, the group descended the steps into the darkness of the crypt. On
e member made it outside before he died.
Midgard: Nisse's Lair: There have been rumors of recent activity in Nisse's Lair
. The tomte of the region have begun digging new caves and passages within their
home and more tomte have begun moving to the area. Hunters of the realm are uns
ure of the cause for this sudden flurry of activity.
Midgard Dungeon: Varulvhamn: The King of the Werewolves has returned to Varulvha
mn seeking fresh sacrifices for the Altar of Lyceaon. Werewolf kin of Midgard ha
ve begun shouting praises at his return as well as the essences of nature that o
nce flowed through their blood. Uncovering a once-hidden maze of passages , the
werewolves within their dark lair have now made room for its increased populatio
n of lycanthropes. Tread lightly lest you wish to be the king's next sacrifice.
Please note that the revised dungeons have multiple exits, some of which are one
-way, meaing you cannot re-enter from the same spot.

Midgard - Nisse's Lair: You should no longer get dumped into the void and then b
ack to your bind point. All monsters in the new areas of the dungeon should now
be spawning correctly.
Albion - Tomb of Mithra: All monsters in the the new areas of the dungeon should
now be spawning correctly.
Hibernia: Lough Gur: Melancholic fairies have been harassing passers-by in the s
outhwest of Lough Gur. These fairies will attack those that disturb their home o
r even get near it.
Hibernia: Cursed Forest: Blight begins his life in the form of eight small skele
tons. It seems that occasionally one of these eight would stray off from his gro
up. This would result in Blight's second phase not appearing when the first grou
p is killed since all of the small skeletons must be found and killed. The small
skeletons will be much better about staying together now and will periodically
regroup with one another just to make sure.
Hibernia: A healer, enchanter, smith and arrow merchant have decided to set up s
hop outside the North Gate of Tir Na Nog.
Midgard: Fire giant scouts in Muspelheim should no longer say they are too far a
way to target even when you are right next to them.
ALBION: The Gytrash in Albion have had their apperance changed so they look more
Albion: Cotswold citizens are overjoyed at the newest addition to their town, Br
other Lawrence. He is a devoted servant of the church and is waiting to ease the
suffering of anyone who needs his help.
Monsters: Albion: Stonehenge Barrows: The advisors in the Wizard Lichas' room ar
e no longer required to stand still when casting their spells.

We have begun to weed out items that have invalid skill bonuses or stat increase
s that are not useful. This is the first batch of fixes, and we will be continui
ng to fix these types of problems on an on-going basis. The majority of these it
ems had evade, bow skill, and/or were Paladin items with chants or piety. None o
f these bonuses helped anyone, so they were changed.
Please note that some of these items were originally documented as fixed in vers
ion 1.50 (the previous version). These fixes are now fixed as of this current ve
rsion (1.51).
- The Serrated Black Tooth should now have body and matter resist, instead of tw
o body resist entries.
- The Petrified Bardic Wonder now has cold, matter, and body resists instead of
three cold resist entries.
- The Accursed Cloak of Shadows (Albion & Midgard) can now be dyed and emblemize

- The Dull Asterite Runed Staff and the Dull Asterite Spirit Staff now have a sa
lvage value set.
- Due to player feedback, the minstrel quest reward Ring of Coruscating Harmony
now buffs +charisma, +strength, and +spirit resistance.
- The Dartmoor ponies should no longer be dropping silver in addition to their n
ormal pelt drops.
- The common loot drop on hill scrags was altered so that they?d drop more silve
r on average.
- The Yellow Silken Robes should now have a working charge effect.
- The Bracelet of Defense can no longer be held.
- The Boots of the Stealthy can no longer be held.
- Ring of Shades had its stats appropriately raised.
- Ignuixs Portable Shadow had its stats appropriately raised.
- Nightshade's Jewel had its stats appropriately raised.
- The Cloak of Night had its stats appropriately raised.
- Shadow Woven gloves had their bonuses appropriately raised.
- The Dark Shod staff had its strength bonus changed to dexterity.
- Boots of the Forlorn now have the correct armor factor.
- Moonlit Helm had its quickness stat replaced with constitution.
- Blademaster Initiate gloves are now reinforced armor.
- Glistening Shilleagh should have the proper damage setting.
- Diamond Scimitar should now have the proper damage setting.
- Nibbled Staff now has a heat resistance.
- Soft drake hide sleeves now increase dexterity.
- The proc on the protector of the stone oracles is now reactive.
- All Instruments should purchased from stores at 85% quality.
- Splendid Boots of Glory now have crush resist in place of the second cold resi
- Kedger's Quick Boots can now be dued by the proper dye.
- The Twisted Truesilver Ring now has slash resist in place of the second body r
- The Ancient Witherwoode Shield had the second cold resist changed to energy.
- Padded leather robes can now be dyed.

- Regal robes can now be dyed.

- All albion level 50 vests have been converted to a robe.
- Tundra Walker's Mantle can now take dyes and emblems.
- Helm of vision now has a studded helm graphic.
- Giant gutter had the phantom proc ability removed.
- Valor bound spear now has a constitution bonus rather than charisma.
- The Truesilver kite shield had the second body resist changed to spirit.
- Robes of Celerity now increase parry instead of evade.
- The Lynx Spider Jerkin, had the invalid backstab increase changed to critical
- The Ruined Roman Helm had the piety removed and replaced with strength.
- The Skull of Aer'ambor had the piety removed and replaced with constitution.
- The Slythcur cloak now increases critical strike and stealth instead of evade.
- Studded Fae boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- Bounder Fur boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- The Girdle of catlike movement now increases critical strike instead of evade.
- The Hollow plate helm now increases strength instead of piety.
- Boots of the Agile evader now increase stealth instead of evade and were renam
ed to Boots of the Slinker.
- Forest Hunter's Boots now increase hit points instead of evade.
- The Kraggon Worm Helm had the piety and chants removed and replaced with const
itution and hit points.
- The Frosted Plate Helm had piety and chants removed and replaced with parry an
d dexterity.
- The Ghoul Knight helm had the piety removed and replaced with strength.
- The Bear Mask had the Berserk replaced with parry.
- Mourning Rage had its berserk skill replaced with axe.
- The Boots of Loki had the evade skill replaced with strength.
- The boots, Dancing Evaders had the evade skill replaced with stealth and were
renamed Boots of Stealthy Evasion.
- The Black Night Cloak had the evade skill removed and replaced with critical
strike. It was renamed Cloak of Night.
- The Serpent Hide helm had the berserk removed and replaced, the item also had
unusable entries changed.

- The Runed Clay boots now increase stealth instead of evade.

- Supple Serpent hide boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- The Supple Serpent hide helm now increases dexterity instead of berserk and ha
d unusable entries changed.
- Jotun Black Orm Boots now increase Matter resist instead of evade.
- Brendig's Belt now increases Critical Strike instead of evade.
- Pillager's boots now increase constitution instead of evade.
- Boots of the Frenzied bear now increase strength instead of evade and berserk.
- Shadowhand's Cloak now increases critical strike instead of evade.
- The Windbound Cloak now increases stealth instead of evade.
- The Lion Embossed Helm now increases hit points instead of chants, piety and c
- The Forester's Helm now increases Longbow instead of evade.
- The Ancient Helm now increases constitution instead of piety.
- Bloodied Leather Boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- Spirit Fighters Robes now increase parry instead of evade.
- Redoubled Leggings now increase strength instead of piety.
- The Flute of Displacement increases stealth instead of evade.
- The Heavy Pull short bow had the bow skill increases removed and replaced with
- Cath Gloves had the parry increases removed and dispersed to critical strike
and envenom.
- The Formorian Short bow had the bow skill increase removed and replaced with
- The Splintered Mephit Femur had the invalid backstab skill increase replaced
with critical strike.
- The Kedger Short Bow had the bow skill increase replaced with dexterity.
- Idolator Boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- Earth Crafted Molded Boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- The Earthen Defender now has additional blade skill instead of evade.
- Boots of the Wicked Evader now increase stealth instead of evade and were rena
med Boots of the Wicked.
- Kedger's Gilded Boots now increase dexterity instead of evade.

- Master Nightshade's Necklace now increases critical strike instead of evade.

- The Ore Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Hardended Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Belt of Misdirection now increases quickness instead of evade.
- The Vest of Dislocation now increases stealth instead of evade.
- The Worn Asterite Shod Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Fine Asterite Shod Short Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- Musty leather boots now increase stealth instead of evade.
- Observer Boots now increase quickness instead of evade.
- The Tainted Avernal Breastplate now increases strength instead of piety.
- Tainted Avernal Gauntlets now increase strength instead of piety.
- The Tainted Avernal Helm now increases strength instead of piety.
- The Tainted Demon-forged Breastplate now increases quickness instead of piety.
- Tainted Demon-forged Gauntlets now increase constitution instead of piety.
- The Tainted Demon-forged Helm now increases constitution instead of piety.
- The Abysmal Breastplate now increases contitution instead of piety.
- Abysmal Plate Gauntlets now increases strength instead of piety.
- The Abysmal Plate helm now increases hit points instead of piety.
- The Maligned Avernal Short Bow now further increases dexterity and quickness
instead of bow skill.
- Stonewatch Gauntlets now increase strength instead of piety.
- The Helm of the Malevolent now increases hit points instead of piety.
- The Avernal Maligned Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill.
- The Acursed Demon Short Bow now further increases dexterity instead of bow ski
- The Infernal Malison Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill.
- The Goblin Archer Short Bow now increases quickness instead of bow skill.
- The Flawed Runic Short Bow now increases Dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Runic Bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Truesilver short bow now increases dexterity instead of bow skill.
- The Bow of the Silver Talon now increases quickness instead of bow skill.

- The Nightshade's Jewel had the bonuses appropriately raised.

- The Eldritch class armor now has more resists.
- Softened bark armor should now have the proper armor factor.
- Gold lined drinking horns can now be used by any class.
- The Boots of Favor and Heavy Boots of Favor can now be dyed.
- Wrym Sleeves can no longer be held.
Salvageable Items
We've been going through in-game objects to make them able to be salvaged. Here'
s the first list of those items that can now be salvaged. Note that some of thes
e items may have different repair and/or sell values, as they were using outdate
d values that are now correct with current standards. Please note that we contin
ue to work on this, and that more items will be salvalgeable in future versions
of Camelot.
Albion: Kraggon Worm Boots, Kraggon Worm Greaves, Kraggon Worm Breastplate, Krag
gon Worm Arms, Kraggon Worm Helmet, Kraggon Worm Gauntlets, and Kraggon Sword. A
lso Huntsman's Longbow, Imbued Longbow, Sylvan Longbow, Rune Longbow, Glyphed Lo
Midgard: Klippor sword (also added a +str bonus), Riva hauberk (also added more
hitpoints), Wiley's Boots, Bow of Winter
Hibernia: Elven Recurve Bow, Oaken Recurve Bow
Misc. Salvageable Items
- Any dropped Weighted asterite runed staves are now salvagable.
- Any dropped Weighted asterite spirit staves are now salvagable.
- Any dropped Black Golden-embossed Hoods are now salvagable.http://web.archive.
It's enormous, but it's full to bursting with chocolatey goodness. Please read t
hese carefully - we got up to the letter I in testing, and things have evolved a
bit since the first time you read some of these notes. ESPECIALLY read the part
about respecs. There aren't any do overs, so be sure that what you do is what y
ou really wanted to do. Enjoy!
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.52 Release Notes
Wednesday, August 7, 2002

You will see many changes in this version, the largest is probably that of respe
c (being able to re-allocate your character's specialization points). We have de
cided to give all current players of the game the ability to respec fully - not
just select one specialization at two different levels (although we will support
that as well) as we previously announced. We are giving all current characters
the chance to fully respec as a way of thanking all current players for being wi
th us over the last eight months, and to allow all of them to take advantage of
skills and abilities that were not available to them when they started playing a
nd speccing their characters.
We have taken the following steps in this version to make the melee combat exper
ience more fun and meaningful in RvR (you can get the full details on each of th
ese further down in the release notes):
- Behind the scenes melee rules changes. We have changed two separate "under-the
-hood" game mechanics to make melee combat more fun. One was to remove the level
-based "to hit" modifier, and the other was to change the way the game calculate
s how many players are in combat with each other at once. These sound like small
changes, but they will both let you hit more often (in the case of the first),
and parry/block much more often (in the case of the second). The combination wil
l mean that you will live longer, and thus, deal more damage.
- We have changed the armor tables in the game so that one damage type (crush) w
ill no longer be the most powerful in the game. See the section on armor tables
below for more information.
- We have alleviated some of the frustration of being mesmerized in combat by gi
ving special "cure mez" spells to some casting classes. Judicious use of these s
pells will mean that you will be mezzed far less often than before.
- In the case of Blademasters and Mercenaries, we have given them additional abi
lities that will let them add extra damage every few minutes.
- You can now toggle the "cancel style" feature off and on.
The overall intention of these changes is not to focus on any one particular mel
ee class - it was to look at the system as a whole and make changes where approp
riate that will help all of them. Of course some of these changes spill over to
other classes as well, but the overall net result of the changes should be longe
r RvR combats which means that those with the most hit points and best defense (
i.e. melee classes) will live longer and be much more productive.
When we first announced we were looking into these problems, we thought we could
simply reduce RvR damage by 35%. That proved not to be good for the game overal
l, so we decided to make tweaks and changes to the overall system to produce the
same results as a straight damage reduction, but make it more strategic and fit
within the already established rules of the game.


- We have removed the level-based "to-hit" modifier from RvR combat. This means
that lower-level players will be able to hit higher-level targets much easier (a
lbeit for a small amount of damage). This affects all damage in the game, includ
ing melee, bow, and spell damage. Please note that this change removes only the
chance your character has "to hit" his opponent, and makes it possible for lower
level players to enjoy RvR combat. This change was implemented on the PvP serve
rs (Mordred and Andred) first, and has been very successfully and happily receiv
ed there.

- We have changed the way we determine who is "in combat" with any RvR opponent
and with monsters. The result of these changes is that parrying and shield block
ing should happen much more often than before, and you should notice the "your t
arget is currently in melee combat" message less often.
- The /cancelstyle command is in. This command enables you to turn off the abili
ty to "cancel" or designate a backup combat style. Use this for situations where
you simply want to do the same-no opening style over and over, such as when you
are in a huge RvR melee. /cancelstyle is a toggle; use it once to turn off canc
eling styles, type it again to turn canceling styles back on.
- Players who are level 50 and realm rank 5 or above have had their unbuffed Arm
or Factor and DPS raised as if they were 51st level players. Thus, they clamp un
buffed at a DPS of 16.5 and an AF of 510.
- There was a bug that allowed characters in some situations to execute side pos
itional combat styles while in front of their enemy. This has been fixed.
- Buying gear from a Darkness Falls merchant should no longer say "You just boug
ht a nothing". It will now tell you what you just purchased.
- Health loss on zoning due to item and spell hit point buffs should no longer o
- Concentration points should be fully restored after your rez sickness is remov
- There was a bug where 5th level spellcasters would not get their appropriate 5
th level spells if they trained first at their base class trainer before joining
their new guild. This has been fixed.
- Control and use of siege equipment while dead should no longer be possible.
- When you cast a strength buff and you are already encumbered, your movement sp
eed should be correctly updated
- When you are killed by a pet, the game now prints the pet's controller as the
killing entity.
- We fixed the cloth Armor Factor bug where you got incorrect Armor Factor infor
mation when delving a cloth armor piece. The effective AF for cloth is now corre
ctly clamped at its 1/2 value (of corresponding other armors). There was a situa
tion where lower-level casters who wore high-level armor resulted in them attain
ing more AF from the armor than they should have had. This has fixed, and caster
s will now correctly have to rely on buffs to reach their AF clamp. This change
will not have any effect on casters who wear level-appropriate armor - the only
players who will notice a change are those cloth-armor casters who are wearing "
orange" armor and above. The difference in AF in orange armor is noticeable, but
negligible. The difference in red or purple armor is more meaningful.
- When you hold a flaming staff and directly switch to another non-flaming staff
, other players would see the non-flaming staff (now in your hands) as still fla
ming. This has been fixed.
- You no longer flinch, parry or evade while on horseback.
- When you move away from a VaultKeeper, your vault window should now correctly
close automatically.

- The keyboard 1-8 keys to activate your quickbar should now correctly bring up
a product recipe window when you hotkey a tradeskill.
- The /SETWHO command now correctly shows Legendary Master Crafter status (level
- The craft order warning box (when joining a crafting order) no longer overwrit
es off of the edge of the box.
- Focus spells will now correctly cancel when their caster has another spell typ
e cast on him. There was a bug in the game where casters of focus-type spells co
uld get in a situation where their focus spell was continuing to have effect, bu
t they could move around and cast other spells.
- Monster casted mesmerization spells will now correctly trigger the mesmerizati
on immunity timers on players. This means that those monsters in all those encou
nter areas that you've been avoiding will no longer chain-mez you.
- There was a bug where all Bard spells (in the "music" spec) were using differe
nt damage types. Now all Bard Music spells are set to Body damage type. Resist y
ourselves accordingly.
- The realm ability Soldier's Barricade now has a much more noticeable impact wh
en active (it wasn't being properly factored into defense before), and should pr
operly affect the entire group instead of just the character using it.
- All "clerical" (i.e. Healer, Shaman, Druid, Bard, Warden, Friar, Paladin, Hunt
ers, Rangers and Cleric) baseline armor factor buffs are now assessed "outside t
he cap". In situations where you were at your armor factor cap, and had one of t
hese buffs on you, you would have gotten no additional armor factor, but now wit
h this change, you will. There is currently a display problem where this additio
nal armor factor is not being displayed, but it is being assessed.
- Low level ground-targeted area-effect spells should be able to hit higher leve
l players now. There was a bug that was preventing low-level GTAOEs from hitting
higher-level characters. They won't hit for much damage, but they will hit now.
- Cabalist Amber Simulacrum pets had no spell effect when casting its self const
itution buff. This has been fixed.
- The Enchanter's Underhill Compatriot pet should no longer be perpetually casti
ng its "self shield" spell.

As you can see from the world notes (below), we have taken some steps to make th
e Albion and Midgard frontier as attractive to RVR in as Emain Macha (in Hiberni
a). The initial steps taken in this version are to scale down the aggression and
faction of monsters in Hadrian's Wall and Odin's Gate, as well as to remove som
e of the trees in Odin's Gate to improve sightlines. We will probably be taking
additional steps in the future to balance these three zones as well.
You can now bind in one of your Realm's "portal out" keeps. This means that you
won't have to take a horse from your bind point to the portal keep in order to g
et back into an RvR battle - since now you can bind at your portal keep, you onl
y have to wait for the next porting ceremony.
Friendly frontier keeps and border keeps now have an NPC ally who will give you

a free speed buff to aid you in getting to wherever you need to go (if you don't
already have a speed buff from a friendly group member). You can find these all
ies in all friendly frontier keeps as well as border keeps.

Respeccing (the ability to change your character's skill specializations) is now
in the game. The previously-announced ability to change one of your character's
specializations at levels 20 and 40 has been implemented, as well as the specia
l one-time ability for all current players of the game to fully respec their cha
racters. Since the game has changed so much since release, it is only fair that
those characters who already play the game be given the chance to fully respec s
o that they can take advantage of skills and abilities that were not implemented
when they started playing (and speccing).
Here's how it works:
Full Respec
If you have a current character in Dark Age of Camelot, you may elect to do a fu
ll respec. This resets ALL of your character's specializations to zero (or that
spec's minimum allowed for your class), and gives you the equivalent number of s
pec points back to you so you can retrain however you see fit. Please note that
respeccing is a one-time thing, and is irrevocable. You cannot do a full respec
again, so be sure you know how you want to spec your character before you do thi
NOTE: if your class has a "min spec level" on any specialization then you will b
e taken down to the minimum allowed when you do a /respec all based on your leve
l. You cannot go under your class minimum (based on your level) for those specia
ALSO NOTE: Full respec only is available to current characters of the game, and
is offered to them as a way to take advantage of the many game features that hav
e been implemented since the game began (and presumably since their character wa
s initially specced). Future characters will receive the normal "spec-line" resp
ecs at levels 20 and 40, but not a full respec.
To do a full respec, go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec ALL". You
will only have a limited time to do a full respec: within two levels of when yo
u first log into this version. So, if you are level 22, and you want to respec,
you will have to do it before you attain 24th level.
In order to facilitate faster re-training, you can now select a specialization a
t your trainer and click the train button multiple times. Previously, you had to
select the specialization you wanted to train in every time you trained in it.
Now you can just select it once and click the "train" button multiple times.
Single-Skill Respec
From now on, when a character reaches the levels of 20 and 40, they will gain th
e ability to "de-train" a specialization by doing a single-spec respec.
To do a single-skill respec (when you reach level 20 or level 40), go to your tr
ainer, select him, and type "/respec SKILL NAME". Please note that you cannot re
do this - once you respec a skill, it is done.

Please note that you must perform a spec-line respec within the level that you g
ain the ability to do so: at level 20 or level 40. You will not be able to "hold
" spec-line respecs forever; you must use them at those specific levels.
Also, please note that you gain this skill when you level from 19 to 20 and from
39 to 40. This means that an existing character who is level 20 will not gain t
he level 20 single-spec respec, but since everyone gets the full respec, that pl
ayer could fully respec (and in fact must do so before attaining level 22 if the
y wish to respec at all before level 40).
Finally, you will not gain the single-skill respec if you are eligible to use a
full respec and have not. So, if you are 19th level, you have a full respec avai
lable to you, and you advance to 20, you will not gain the single-skill respec b
ecause you still have the full respec available to you. Any changes you want to
make to your character can be made through the full respec at that time.
Future Respecs
If we ever make a class-defining change in the future, we will offer single-spec
respecs to those class/spec combinations that are affected by the change.


A new ability for Archers has been added - that of Camouflage. The purpose of Ca
mouflage is for the Archer to be able to move about unseen, but not be able to u
se it to engage in stealthed combat. We want archers to be able to perform their
scouting duties, but not become the overpowering solo killers that they once we
Camouflage is awarded to all Scouts, Hunters, and Rangers at level 30. You use i
t just like any other ability - first, you must be hidden (via your normal steal
th icon). Then, drag the Camouflage icon to your quickbar and click on it to act
ivate the ability. When you are Camouflaged, essentially you are invisible from
the assassin See Hidden ability - however, you abide by all the rules of being s
tealthed normally; i.e. you have a greater chance of being visible to those that
are higher level than yourself.
When you are a camouflaged, you abide by all the rules of stealth. You will move
at your normal stealthed speed, and you will become visible if you engage in co
mbat (take damage, attack someone, shoot someone with a bow, etc.). Please note
that you can Camouflage any time ten minutes after your last attack. This makes
Camouflage useful to scout around unseen, but it will not help you in combat, si
nce you will not be able to use the skill for 10 minutes after you attack someon
e else.


Blademasters and Mercenaries have had two changes in this version (one which the
Berserker also gets):
- at level 30, each receives a new ability called "Flurry", which is on a 2 minu
te timer. Flurry essentially gives the BM/Merc a "free" attack by doing instant
damage on their Realm opponent. Please note that this ability will only work on
Realm enemies (i.e. enemy guards and players), and will not work against normal

monsters. Also, please note that there is no animation for this ability yet. The
Flurry ability uses the skills Dual Wield (for Mercenaries) and Celtic Dual (fo
r Blademasters) when determining damage.
- All Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers are now given a new ability call
ed "Advanced Evade" at 35th level, which enables them to evade in a 360 degree r
adius around them. Normal evade evades only those enemies who attack from the fr


We have changed the armor tables for the game. Armor tables are the game's mecha
nism for determining how vulnerable/resistant a specific damage type (i.e. slash
, crush, etc.) against a particular armor. Previously, the armor tables worked i
n such a manner that it was advantageous for melee characters to specialize only
in crushing/blunt/hammer weapons. Now, the armor tables are spread out more eve
nly, giving all armor advantages and disadvantages against every weapon type.
We've added specific armor tables for Norse Chain, Norse Leather, Norse Studded,
and Hibernian Leather to spread out the damage options. This means that now eve
ry Realm has a specific set of damage tables.

- In RvR only, area effect Mesmerization spells have been modified so that the d
uration effect of the mez spell is lessened the farther the player is from the c
enter of the area of effect. The duration is 100% at the middle of the area, and
it tails off to 50% duration at the edges. This does NOT change the way area ef
fect spells work against monsters, only realm enemies (i.e. enemy players and en
emy realm guards).
- All targeted spells should now properly print their damage type when Delved.
- Increased radius of Healer "Allay Area" line to 350, which is more consistent
with the radii of analogous lines in the other realms.
- Fixed the Bard and Warden spec healing line's spell characteristics to match t
he Druid's as originally intended. This affected casting time and power cost.
- Lowered casting time on the Wizard "Summon Fire" and "Minor Combustion" single
target direct damage lines to make them more consistent with the casting time o
f analogous lines in the other realms.
- Put the Wizard's Calefaction "Bolt of Lava" line on a separate recast timer fr
om the Pyromancy "Minor Fire Streak" line.
- We've added a ranged AE mez to the Spiritmaster's Spirit Dimming list to give
Midgard a ranged AOE mez option since they are currently lacking in AE mez:


of Gloom
of Shadow
of Pitch

- Fixed the Warden pulsing bladeturn line (starting with "Nature's Guard") to be

castable in combat as originally intended.

- Increased the run speed of Theurgist air and earth summons.
- Theurgist air pets have been tuned so that they stun a bit less in RvR, but re
tain a normal PvE stun rate. Previously, the high chance of the stun proc firing
in RvR combined with a lack of a recast timer made the pet able to chain stun R
vR targets.
"Cure Mez" Spells
We have taken an additional step to alleviate the effects of mesmerize - now the
re are "heal mez" spells in the game. In general, these spells have been given t
o those classes that cast the mez spells for their Realm. The class that gets th
e new "dispell" in each realm as part of their base line is generally the realm'
s primary mesmerizer: the Sorcerer, Healer, and Bard. The secondary mesmerizers
in each realm will need to spec to get the dispell: Minstrel, Spiritmaster, and
Mentalist. These spells should alleviate some of the problems with long term cro
wd control spells in RvR.
Sorcerer Mind Twisting
24 Clear Mind
Minstrel Instruments spec
27 Focusing Chant
Healer Pacification
23 Cleanse Mind
Spiritmaster Suppression spec
28 Spirit Purge
Bard Music
24 Clarifying Harmonies
Mentalist Mind Mastery (mind spec list)
28 Mental Purification

A quick note of explanation about bolt spells. As every "robe" caster knows, bol
t spells are intended to hit targets that are not in combat. They do much more d
amage than direct damage spells, but they are usable only in certain situations.
A bug was fixed in 1.52C which changes how the game determines if a player or m
onster is "in combat" - now to be truly flagged as in combat, you must actively
be attacking someone (or something) else. Previously, large numbers of players w
ould be flagged as "in combat" when they were in fact not actively engaging some
one. So, theoretically, that change made bolts easier to use in RvR, although th
ey still will not be usable in all situations.

- Two new models, the Tomte, and a beetle, have been added to the game. You shou
ld see them wandering about the world, ready to be beaten down.


The game's spell and skill icons have undergone a revision. This revision has ta
ken its cues from player feedback and suggestions and should make using and iden
tifying spells much easier and intuitive (as well as cut back on the repetition
of spell icons in the game). Many of the symbols you are familiar with have not
changed, but the colors of those icons have. The icon color is now the central d
eterminer of what the spell does.
Icon color = Spell Type
The color of the icon is now the way to identify what KIND of spell it is. This
is universal across all realms:
Red - Direct Damage, Bolt, Poison and Disease spells (basically, anything that d
eals damage)
Green - Buff / Enhancement spells
Blue - Heal spells
White - Debuff spells
Purple - stun spells
Yellow - Mez, Charm, Confusion and Amnesia spells
Orange - Root and Snare spells
Gold - Resurrection spells
If you've got a yellow icon on top of your UI, you'll know you've been mezzed, c
onfused, etc.. If you've got a red icon above, you'll know you've been dealt dam
age of some type. If you see a green icon, you'll know you've been buffed, and s
o on and so on.
Border color = Spell Level. The color of the icons' border will give you a gener
al idea of the level of the spell:
grey - low
green - low/mid
blue - mid
yellow - mid/high
purple - high
BASELINE BUFFS have a green background. This applys to all classes.
BASELINE HEALS cast by a Healing class have a blue background.
SPECLINE HEALS cast by a Healing class have a yellow background.
Icon shapes have been largely standardized. So now, if a spell affects your Armo
r Factor, you'll see the same icon every time (The AF symbol looks like a chestp
late, for instance.)
In some cases you can have a baseline and a specline spell that essentially do t
he same thing. In that instance, every attempt has been made to make sure the ic

ons are different. There has also been an effort made to keep as many legacy ico
ns as possible to maintain variety. Mainly, the color's the thing.
There are a series of widgets which identify aspects of the spell. These widgets
will be the same color as the spell boarder. These sound confusing in text form
, they make more sense when you see them.
Self - A circle drawn around the icon indicates a self-only spell.
Group - Small marks radiating to the four corners of the icon indicate a Group-o
nly spell.
Debuff - In addition to being white, all debuff spells look like the icon has be
en cut out of a small circle.
Area Effect - A small series of concentric circles below the spell icon indicate
s an area effect spell
Ground Target Area Effect - two small wedges (anchoring it to the ground) beside
the area effect symbol indicate a ground target area effect spell
Over Time - any spell which happens over time will be bracketed on the sides and
have four small "tick" marks at the corners.
Area Effect Over Time - Combines the "Over Time" and "Area Effect" widgets.
Resist - A resist spell will have a shield drawn around it.


- Dungeons and Cities now have random ambient sounds, and will no longer sound s
o empty.
- Footstep sounds have been tweaked a bit and should sound less intrusive.

- Broadcast messages now work at all Frontier Keeps and Relic Keeps. This includ
es the three center Battleground Keeps.
- More guards have been hired inside Tir Na Nog and Jordheim, so now it should b
e easier to get directions in those areas.
Albion Trainers: Starting classes that are equipped with a training shield can n
ow obtain another should they lose it. This operates similar to training weapons
Hibernia Quests: It seems that Larylle in Ardee has been visited by a strange vi
sitor. She will tell her story of it should you be willing to listen.
Hibernia Dungeon: Treibh Caillte: A runaway thrall was recently captured by a pa
trol near this lair. He spoke only of the "Dreaded One". A strong expeditionary
force was sent to investigate. Although they slew everything in sight, they repo
rted no "Dreaded One" in the lair.

Albion Horse Route: The route from Snowdonia Station to Caer Witrin should no lo
nger take an unnecessary detour to Castle Sauvage.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: You will no longer take faction hits from monste
rs that are killed in the Battlegrounds.
Realm v. Realm - Border keeps: Bindstones have been placed in the main Portal Ke
eps (Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste, and Drum Ligen) of each realm.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: A new weapon has been granted to each of the ke
ep lords in the struggle for realm dominance. Each frontier keep has now been ou
tfitted with a new ally, a Hastener, who will grant a run speed buff to friends
of the realm. Further, each border keep now has a Hastener ally as well.
Midgard Quests: Family Business - Piercer is back in "business" and will no long
er try to give players kill tasks.
Albion: An expeditionary force of Trolls established a tower overlooking a key c
rossroads in Hadrian's. Lord Prydwen himself, aided by many knights of the realm
threw these stone beasts down, and christened the tower in honor of one of the
Hibernia: After years of battles near his keep, Chieftain Crauchon tasked severa
l of his Guardians with securing the outlying tower nearby. Although the Guardia
ns were slain in defense of the tower, their legacy remains, as the local fauna
has been driven off, and the area now bears their name.
Midgard: A slightly more intelligent expeditionary force of Vikings established
a forward tower overlooking the roads in Odin's Gate. They worked their magic th
ere, and wisely retreated to the safety of Bledmeer Faste once the task was comp
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: The strength of each of the battleground keep do
ors has been adjusted downward (again) to be more appropriate for the battlegrou
Midgard: Two new camps of Frore Lich's have been added. One is in Odin's Gate an
d one is in Jamtlands.
Hibernia: Tidal Sheeries no longer give positive faction to themselves when you
kill one. They now correctly give positive faction to the Koalinth.
Stonehenge Barrows: The advisors in Wizard Lichas' room have been adjusted to pr
event abuse.
We've added some additional challenging encounters to the follow zones:
For Midgard (Gotar, Mularn, East Svealand)
For Albion (Camelot Hills, Salisbury Plains)
For Hibernia (Lough Derg, Cliffs of Moher, Lough Gur, Shannon Estuary).
Albion Frontier: Scouts are sending reports back from Hadrian's Wall that the nu
mber of monsters in the area has decreased. This should make it easier for trave
lers to visit the outposts, however, be on the lookout for increased invader act
ivity looking to take advantage of this development.

Monsters: We have continued to adjust and add styles to selected monsters throug
hout the realms.
Midgard Frontier: British woodcutters have invaded Odin's Gate and have started
chopping down the forest. The improved visibility should mean more ferocious bat
tles for those daring and courageous enough to venture through the land.
Hibernia Frontier: Reports have come in that more monsters have been seen roamin
g the Northeast area of Breifine.
Many of the ethereal monsters in the game have taken on a more transparent appea
rance. Included in this change are: Spectral essences, the echo of life, menacin
g presences, shivering presences, and many of the other spirits that haunt the T
omb of Mithra.
The Albion, Hibernian and Midgard waylayers in Hadrians Wall have banded togethe
r under new leadership. It is rumored that the constant assaults under the ongoi
ng war have prompted this change.
Albion: Golestandt has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challengin
g fight.
Midgard: Gjalpinulva has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challeng
ing fight.
Hibernia: Cuuldurach has been adjusted in an attempt to provide a fair, challeng
ing fight.
A new force has united the disparate outcasts ravaging the forest in the frontie
r of Hibernia. The celtic brehons, nordic choppers, and albion woodcutters all h
ave fallen under the influence of unknown powers, and now travel together as one
General: Selected monsters throughout the realms have been given the ability to
use combat styles while in battle. We are just starting to integrate this into e
xisting monster encounters to add to the variety and spice of melee combat. More
will be added as this version progresses.
Midgard: The Wood-eater King and Royal Guards in Mularn should no longer roam in
to the guard tower and kill the guards.
Hibernia: There are no longer aggressive mobs roaming outside the entrance to Tr
eibh Caillte.
- A few horse routes have been changed so you are dropped off closer to the stab
le master. They are:
Snowdonia Station to Caer Witrin
Gna Faste to Hugginfel
Adribard to Castle Sauvage
Caer Ulfwych to Cornwall
Tir na mBeo to Drum Ligen
- Paladin, Infiltrator and Armsmen trainers will now give a thrusting weapon cho
ice when you join your guild.
Midgard: Tomte Runners are no longer set as Scouts in Nisse's Lair.
Hibernia: The Koalinth bouncer in Koalinth Caverns that kept walking through the

wall after he finished his patrol has been fixed.

Mordred Specific World Notes

- There is now an alternate means to complete the Departed Fellowship Quest. Sea
rch the druid groves near Keltoi Fogou.

- The Trident of Night should now be set at the appropriate level.
- The Blessed Pendant (Albion) now buffs the two-handed skill instead of chants.
- The Reinforced Truemail Helm (Hibernia) now has an energy resist in place of o
ne of the two body resists that used to appear upon delving.
- The Avenging Knight?s Cloak (Albion) now has a matter resist in place of one o
f the two body resists that used to appear upon delving.
- The Shepherd?s Robe (Albion) should now be dyeable with the appropriate dye ty
pe, and it has also been changed to look like a leather robe instead of cloth.
- The "Vae Inimicus Jewel" can now be picked up.
- The "Cailiondar Battle Robe" can now be dyed.
- The "Veiled Bracer of Eyes" can no longer be held.
- The "Rancid Fur Cape" can now be dyed.
- The +chants increase on the "Holy Crushed Gauntlets" has been changed to +str.
- The +chants increase on the "Holy Crushed Breastplate" has been changed to +co
- The "Ghastly Mendicant Gem" can now appropriately be equipped in the jewelry s
- The "Splendid Boots of Pilgrimage" can now be dyed by the appropriate dye.
- The "Manaweave Ring" can now be equipped appropriately.
- The Kraggon Sword now has the appropriate weight.
- One of the doubled body resists on the "Ghost Wolf Hide Cloak" has been change
d to a spirit resist.
- "Shin bones" can no longer be equipped as a weapon.
- The Forged Darksteel Spirit Staff (Midgard) now has a salvage value set.

- The "pristine white wolf pelt" that drops in the Midgard frontier can now be p
icked up by all realms.
- Throwing weapons in Midgard no longer display that they are useable in the lef
t hand.
- The "Crafted Darksteel Composite Bow" now has a salvage value set.
- The following bounty quest items should no longer be stackable: Lost Pearl (Mi
dgard), Glimmering Gem (Hibernia), Grovewood Bark (Hibernia), Terra Crab Claw (M
idgard), Black Orm Gland (Midgard), Drakulv Scale (Midgard)
- The Forged Darksteel Runic Staff (Midgard) now has a salvage value set.
- The +pie stat on the Rod of the Soulshade (Midgard) should now correctly affec
t the player?s piety when equipped.
- The following Midgard items now have a salvage value set: Reinforced Chitin Sh
ield, Twilight Doombringer, Twilight Blade-stopper, Runic Ember, Frozen Soul-sha
tter, Fell Cat?s Razor Tooth, Shadow Razer, Dark Frozen Eviscerator.
- Nightshades wishing to exchange their weaker Moonlit Leggings for a more usefu
l pair of Leather Moonlit Leggings should speak to Blathnaid's assistant, Nona,
in the Chamber of Stealth in Tir Na Nog. You may only exchange the item one time
- The Mischievous Greenbriar set of armor should now have an appropriate 25% mag
ical bonus instead of 15%.
- The Twisted Evil Ruby Scepter (Hibernia) is now appropriately class-restricted
- Saeor?s Rod of Balefire (Hibernia) should now correctly affect the intelligenc
e stat.
- The duplicate body resist entry on the delve information for the "Horse Mane B
racelet" has been replaced by a spirit resist.
- The duplicate cold resist entry on the delve information for the "Truesilver H
eater Shield" has been replaced by an energy resist.
- The "Caster?s Missing Eye" can now be picked up.
- The following quest rewards in Hibernia will no longer be given out with charg
es: Twilight Vest, Fagan?s Staff, Fagan?s Gloves of Poison, Fagan?s Helm of Hono
r, and Gloves of Black Death. Previously, these items appeared to have a charge
attached but in fact did not.
- The following items in Hibernia should now have salvage values set: Infernal F
lute, Bodb?s Wailing Flute, Topaz Studded Shell Flute, Melodic Flute, Flawed Car
ved Flute, Carved Flute, Coruscating Truesilver Flute, Flute of the Hollow Wind,
Melodic Lute, Bodb?s Wailing Lute, Flawed Embossed Lute, Embossed Lute, Corusca
ting Truesilver Lute, Lute of the Hollow Soul, Cath Drum, Bodb?s Wailing Drum, F
lawed Etched Drum, Etched Drum, Coruscating Truesilver Drum, Drum of the Hollow
- The Enchanter Staff of Channeling (Hibernia) now appropriately buffs the encha

ntments focus instead of mentalism.

- The Moonlit Leggings (nightshade class quest armor) is now made of the 10th le
vel leather instead of the original 8th level leather (now up to par with all th
e other class quest armors).


- The ability to craft crossbow bolts in Albion has been added.
- The ability to craft arrows/bolts that are additional blunt/piercing damage ty
pes has been added.
- Staves are now repaired by Fletchers instead of Weaponcrafters. There was a bu
g where Fletchers could make staves, but not repair them.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.53 Release Notes
Here's the total release note for version 1.53. This new live patch has a wealth
of new tweaks and content. We've made substantial changes to the experience poi
nt curve to give levels 40-45 a faster progression, as well as now allow players
of more disparate levels to group together without the experience penalty. We'v
e made updates to melee classes to address their concerns and to make them more
effective in RvR combat. We've added a new dungeon in the Frontier of each Realm
. And, of course, we've made a myriad other updates to classes, objects, quests
and the game world.
- After gathering a year's worth of data, and listening to Team Lead and player
concerns, we are lessening the experience point curve between levels 40-45. Unde
r the current system, from levels 1 to 40, the time-played per level slowly incr
eases. At level 40, time played increases dramatically and remains the same (giv
e or take) from 40 to 50. We had intended a smoother curve from levels 40 to 45
to "ramp up" to levels 45 to 50 (which we intended to take a long time). In orde
r to compensate for this, we've reduced the number of monsters you will need to
kill between levels 40-45 - you'll still get the same amount of experience point
s per kill, but you'll need to kill fewer monsters each level.
- The experience awarded for killing 35th to 40th level monsters has been increa
sed. We had a "bump" in our awarded experience per level of kill at that range a
nd we're smoothing out the curve by raising the experience awarded per kill.
- The experience awarded for completed quests has been increased by 10% across t
he board (more than 10% for levels 40-45, due to the "fewer monsters killed per
level change").


- We've relaxed the rules that govern the experience clamp that occurs when lowe
r level characters group with higher level characters and the group fights monst
ers deemed unchallenging to the group's total strength. You should now be able t
o group with a wider range of players in the group without suffering an experien
ce point penalty.


In order to make everyday life in RvR more fun and compelling for primary melee
characters, we've made some updates to the Realm Ability system, as well as adde
d a new "free" ability to some melee classes. These changes and updates are focu
sed on the RvR capabilities of these classes, hence the use of the Realm Ability
system to implement the changes.
The intent of the changes is to make primary melee classes (i.e. those melee cla
sses that do not have spells) able to close with their enemies better, and to be
able to have the chance of preventing their enemies from escaping once they hav
e closed with them.
The following changes to realm abilities for Armsmen, Mercenaries, Heroes, Blade
masters, Warriors and Berserkers have been made:
- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Ignore Pain to 8 points.
- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Determination to 1/2/3/6/10 points.
- Reduced cost of the Realm Ability Purge for these classes to 4 points.
- Added new passive Realm Ability "Prevent Flight" When active, if the tank's se
lected target turns and runs, the tank has a 35% chance of hitting and proccing
a 50% snare for 10 seconds. Cost: 14 points.
All of these primary melee tanks will be able to respec their Realm abilities to
take advantage of these changes.
Additionally, we've added a new (level-based) ability called "Charge", learned b
y Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers only, at 40th level. To charge, the
tank selects an enemy, and initiates this ability. When active, the tank sprints
at full sprint speed, with no endurance loss, for 10 seconds towards the target
. If he breaks off, or changes target, or the 10 seconds expires, the tank goes
back to normal running speed. Can be used every 5 minutes.

We are making the following updates to Paladins to make them more desirable in R
vR, and to generally make them slightly more effective at upgrading their group'
s overall power and effectiveness.
- All Paladin chants have had their range increased to 1500 (their regeneration
chant was at 700).
- The Paladin self armor-factor chant now stacks with other armor factor buffs.

- A new line of endurance regeneration chants have been added to the Paladin. Th
ese new chants consume power.
- A new line of stackable resistance buffs have been added to the Paladin. These
new chants stack with the resistance buffs of other classes and consume power.
The new spells (all take power at every pulse):
- Endurance Regeneration line
2 Chant of Endurance
12 Chant of Stamina
22 Chant of Persistence
32 Chant of Resilience
42 Chant of Perseverance
- Resistance to Heat/Cold/Matter, stacks with single element buffs:
27 Elemental Ward
46 Elemental Shield
- Resistance to Body/Spirit/Energy, stacks with single element buffs:
25 Soul Ward
44 Soul Shield
- Found and fixed a bug that was causing players to not evade, parry and block i
n RvR at the same rate that they were parrying/blocking/evading against monsters
. All characters who evade, block, and/or parry should now see themselves parryi
ng/blocking/evading much more often in RvR.
- We've substantially updated the in-game (F1) help system.
- Realm Abilities now have their correct icons.
- We finally fixed the long-standing print bug with the display of cloth armor's
Armor Factor. You'll see the number go up or down by 1-3 points (depending on y
our level) because now the correct Armor Factor is being printed. We made this f
ix now to lessen the confusion over cloth armors now that spellcraft/alchemy are
- Several "fall-through" problems in various dungeons fixed.
- You can now highlight an item in a store and click "buy" multiple times to buy
multiple items.
- The middle button can once again be configured in the keyboard configuration.
- Gold should now update correctly when trading to another player. Start a trade
, then change the amount of money in your trade window. It should correctly upda
te to the other player.
- "making change" in the trade window should work correctly. Try to trade a sing
le gold to another player. Then try to "pull back" 20 or so silver. You should n
o longer see 1G -20S on the screen - it should make correct change.
- All held equipment (weapons, shields, helms, etc) should now be "lodded" (remo
ved) from the figure at a distance of 2500 units. Note that at this distance the
player is approximately 22 pixels tall. This should help frame rate.

- When you delve your weapons, the correct base and clamped DPS are printed - th
ey were reversed.
- When you right click on an item in the incoming trade window, it now correctly
shows the bonus field.
- When a player had a combat style selected on his mouse and an Accept/Decline d
ialog appeared, the dialog would not work correctly. This has been fixed.
- /FOLLOW, /STICK and /FACE have been added to the command repeat (shift-up) que
- /follow, /stick, and /face can now be bound to a keyboard key in the keyboard
set up screen.
- /REPORT commands and /APPEAL have been removed from the command repeat (shiftup) queue.
- a new slash command; "/scrollchat" has been added. This toggles the Chat Buffe
r scrolling. If it is toggled on, messages in your visible chat buffer will disa
ppear after 90 seconds - but you'll still be able to view old messages by scroll
ing back in the chat buffer.
- Using a charge on a magic item now correctly brings a stealthed player out of
- You can no longer interact with shopkeepers who are away from their home (spaw
n) location.
- Realm Guards now drop cash when killed.
- The "Last Attacker" key in the keyboard configuration has been re-enabled.
- When you respec skills, you will now be displayed a dialog box that cautions y
ou about the severity of what you are about to do, and forces you to click an ac
cept/decline button.
- Any time you zone, you have a 30 second PVP invulnerability much like the PVP
servers. Note that on standard servers, you will not get a message when your tim
er expires since it only affects you in rare cases (like the new PVP dungeons).
- Gray items now take 1/2 the time to craft for all Crafters.
- In order to prevent server spamming, you can now only /UPGRADE a keep once per
10 minutes.
- You should now be able to pick up the loot dropped by the Glacier Giant in the
Midgard Frontier.
- Endurance Heal bounty potions will now properly update your endurance bar - it
was working before, but was not updated properly on the interface.
- The recipe display bug - where more than 3 components in a recipe can now be d
isplayed - has been fixed.
- Charged items with PBAE spells now work correctly - previously they required t
hat the caster be self-targeted.
- The infamous "missing line" scroll bug on the tradeskill recipe window has bee
n fixed - when you scroll down pages there was an item that was 'between' them t

hat you could never see.

- The scroll page reset bug has been fixed - before, if you were scrolled down a
nd crafted an item that increased your skill, the next time you clicked on the t
radeskill window to open/close an item it would jump back to the first page.


- The damage of Thane Toothgrinder line spells has been increased.
- The recast timers on Thane Thor's Minor Bolt and Thunder Shout lines have been
decreased from 30 to 20 seconds - you can now cast them more often.
- Shaman "Fungal" bolt spells and "Fungal" direct damage lines now have separate
timers so they can be cast independently of each other.
- Added a new endurance regen buff to the Shaman Augmentation spec:
2 Minor Earth Invigoration (single target)
12 Lesser Earth Invigoration (single target)
22 Earth Invigoration (single target)
32 Greater Earth Invigoration (group target)
42 Superior Earth Invigoration (group target)
Please note that the two highest spells in the new Shaman Earth Invigoration lin
e are in a separate line. You will keep Earth Invigoration for buffing realm all
ies not in your group.
- Fixed bug with damages on Spiritmaster Spirit's Revenge line - it has been inc
reased to be on par with the damage of other casters.
- Fixed cast times and damage/costs on Bard Major Resurgence and Tones of Health
lines. There was a problem where some Bard spells took too much power to cast a
nd/or were not effective enough.
- Druid pets have been changed so that the trees do crushing damage, the cats do
thrust damage, and the wolves do slashing damage. Previously, all pets did slas
hing damage - this gives them some variety.
- Snare should no longer work backwards - previously, it snared your target a li
ttle at the beginning of the effect, then ramped up to 100%. Now it correctly sn
ares for full effect at the beginning of the spell, and slowly wears off.
- The icon for Paladin chants are now displayed in the concentration window, and
can be canceled from there. The text reads "Pulse: " for the chant.
- Haste on pets should now work.
- Spiritmasters can now learn the realm ability "Wild Power".
- Fixed some errors in the Healer healing spells. Several had higher costs than
intended; these have been reduced in cost.
- All Healer Pacification Spec-line root spells were erroneously set to be "chai
n-castable". This has been fixed.


- Added Wild Power to Cabalist realm ability list.

- Armor of Faith is now properly set to be 1 level for 10 points, which provides
+150 AF for 60 seconds.
- Added Ethereal Bond to Minstrels.
- Changed description of First Aid to the following: "Self heal that heals a set
amount of hit points per level gained in the ability. This value increases with
the character's level. At level 50, it heals approximately 300 hitpoints per le
vel. It cannot be used in combat."

New Dungeons
Adventurers in all three realms are complaining of increased sightings of undead
in their frontiers. There has been word that a new group has risen to power who
se only interest is the complete and total domination of the three realms. By us
ing their powerful magic, they have managed to carve a maze of dungeons beneath
the frontier allowing them to enter and leave each realm's frontier at will. The
y have also amassed an army of undead big enough to wage a three-front war.
- We have found an entrance to Marfach Caverns in the Hibernian frontier of Brei
- In the Jamtland Mountains of the Midgard frontier, we have located the entranc
e to Gruva av Dod.
- The entrance to the Hall of the Corrupt has been located in the Pennine Mounta
ins of Albion.
Item note: Common monsters in the RvR dungeons have been itemized with magic ite
m drops under the new "Uniquely Generated Object" system explained in further de
tail below.
General Notes
- When your guild owns an outpost and a guard is slain at your outpost, you now
receive a print via guildchat channel.
Midgard: Huginfell no longer has two /broadcast regions - the number has been re
duced to one.
- TirNaNog - the Chamber of Nature has been adjusted in size.
- TirNaNog - Cullin's Inn in Tir Na Nog has been named - The Green Rose Pub area
has been increased to catch all of the patrons. Many of the merchants and NPC's
in Tir Na Nog now have a richer backstory.

- Bri Leith - Fagan has ordered his forces to scout and report back on the activ
ities in the Cursed Forest. To support this mission, a new town with a bindstone
, Brynach, has been established in the valley of Bri Leith.
- The bindable areas in Tir Na mBeo and Ardagh have received bindstones.
- When taking a horse from Innis or Connla to Culraid the horse will no longer r
un through a tree.
- A smith, a poison merchant, a healer, and an arrow merchant have set up shop o
utside Culraid.
- Harpers now have lutes instead of drums.
- The Evern encounter in Breifine has been modified to be of like difficulty to
that of the Glacier Giant.
Monsters: Albion : The Green Knight encounter has been modified to be of like di
fficulty to that of the Glacier Giant.
Albion Monsters: The pygmy goblins have been given additional intelligence and a
bilities, and adjusted in strength.
Quests: General
- Additional story-based kill tasks have been introduced in all three realms, ta
rgetting players level 41 and higher.
- Fixed many mispellings and incorrect directions in the quest journal. Thanks f
or reporting these!
Quests- General: A small number of "bounty" quest objects have had their "no sel
l" flags removed, so that even after you?ve completed the quests the maximum num
ber of times the drops can be sold to a merchant. These items include Fell, Dang
erous, and Malefic teeth, and soul gems, sett pelts and white pelts. Be careful
that you don?t sell them before you?ve maxed the quest out, as they won?t be rei
mbursed to you.

Albion Quests
- A Deed of Old - Boneclaw Ring of Morra has had its level increased from 5 to 8
- Lady Nimue's spell effects were getting in the way of players turning in objec
ts to her. This effect has been fixed and she should now accept any items passed
to her
- Secret Orders: The Arawn Commander will now only appear for players on the cor
rect step of this quest.
- Legend of the Lake: We have made some changes to the 15th level portion of thi
s quest in an attempt to bring it up to the level of other quests within the rea
lm. The main change is the addition of two sub-quests to complement the existing
"Barbaric Tales" and "Wizard Lost". Players who encounter this step of the ques

t will be given the option to perform two of the possible four sub-quests. Pleas
e note that these changes will not affect players that have already performed th
is section of the quest.
- The material type on Bernor's Numinous Robes has been upgraded to be in line w
ith the rest of the epic armors. Wizards may notice their current robes appear t
o have lost a few levels. To exchange your current robe for the new one, please
see Gardowen Egesa in Camelot. This exchange can only be made one time.
- A merchant by the name of Grindan Halig at Caer Ulfwych, is looking for a brav
e soul to descend into the Catacombs of Cardova and search for something.
- Willing Sacrifice - The Church has become deeply concerned about the presence
of the followers of the Cult of Mithra in their midst, and how they might influe
nce faithful Church members. Brother Codeth from the Church has been assigned to
find adventurers willing to rid the realm of this evil.
Midgard Quests
- Asdis in Upplands is no longer charmable.
- It has been rumored that Gothi of the Juton possesses the power to reveal the
object of one's dreams. You would be wise to seek him out and discover what powe
r lies in your future.
- Tomte of Doom - Yandu, a well-known adventurer and explorer has new informatio
n about the Tomte Lair that she might be willing to share.
- Spiritmaster Trainers will now give out the level 7 quest as intended.
- Many of the merchants and NPCs in Jordheim now have a richer backstory.
Hibernia Quests:
- Straw's in Town - There should no longer be problems with players being unable
to hit the elusive spraggon, Straw.
- Kinney of Connla has shown great concern over a mysterious man that frequents
the town. It is said she seeks adventurers to assist her in this matter.
- Rest In Peace - The curse of the Muire family is almost complete. Gogarty Muir
e is the last surviving Muire and though he clings to the final shreds of sanity
, it's only a matter of time before he too succumbs to madness and death.
- Lost Townsfolk of Bran Llyr - Clodagh and Enan will now respond correctly and
transport players on the quest.
- Merle the Old will no longer strike back at unfortunate Hibernians that accide
ntally attack him.
- Search for the Missing Smith - The reward for this quest, Otherworldly Ring, h
as been improved to make it an appropriate level reward for this quest. If you a
lready have this item it will automatically upgrade.
- Aid for Alainn Bin - Players that have completed this quest may choose to retu
rn to Rois in the Bog of Cullen to exchange their staff. The new staves are leve
l 50, they have charges instead of procs, and they give a single higher spell fo
cus instead of two lesser ones.

Realm v. Realm: Battlegrounds

- The Battleground keep lords now have similar abilities to the regular frontier
- The few rare, remaining monsters that dropped loot in the Battlegrounds have b
een removed.
- The central keep guards in Dun Murdaigean, Thidranki Faste and Caer Caledon sh
ould no longer chase players to their portal keeps.
- Battlegrounds (ALL): We have added a new NPC type called a Siege Master. These
Siege Masters can be found at your realm?s portal keep within the Battlegrounds
. The primary purpose of these Siege Masters is to provide a method for players
to gain experience in the use of siege weaponry in these RvR training grounds. P
lease visit this new NPC within your Battleground in order to gain more insight.
Tokens sold from the Siege Masters will now reflect if you can use siege weapon
s at all. If you cannot use the weapon and attempt to buy one of these tokens, y
ou will be warned. We have also added a general description of what each weapon
can do to the Siege Master's introduction. Finally, the Siege Master can now als
o provide you with twenty units of ammo for your selected siege weapon.
Realm v. Realm: Frontier Keeps
- The Keep Lords have acquired new abilities and longer range bows to counter so
me of the more exploitive tactics used against them.
- Kirawyr is once again serving Albion in Nottmoor Faste.
- Several NPC archers at Bledmeer Faste, Dun Da Behn, Arvakr Faste, and Dun Aili
nne have been moved to make them easier to target from outside the keeps.
- The crafting material and siege material merchants will now spawn more quickly
at the merchant keeps.
- Hasteners will now buff all friendly player and npcs in range of the player ac
tivating the Hastener. This includes pets.
Dungeons: Hibernia
- Koalinth Caverns - The rare, existing, monsters of Koalinth Caverns have been
capitalized appropriately.
- Treibh Caillte - Several rocky golems who insisted on facing the wall while fi
ghting have been adjusted. The thralls have received new orders to attack and ki
ll all on sight, and are consistently attacking all they see.
- Additionally, the constant traffic from Culraid to Treibh Caillte has forced t
he roaming monsters along this route to seek new homes.
- Muire Tomb - some of the murkmen hiding inside of the columns have been adjust
ed. The weak spiders who had wandered down to Frang's room have retreated to the
entrance halls after Frang began baking spider crunchies on a daily basis.
- The untargettable Muire Hero in Connaire's room has been moved out of the wall

- Spraggon Den - the untargettable spraggon cutter in the entrance room has been
moved out of the wall.
Dungeons: Albion
- Tomb of Mithra - Acolyte Nascita has grown in strength and power.
- Tepok's mine - The cave fishers, fisher hatchlings, and cave bear cubs all hav
e grown fat, lazy and non-aggressive after years of feasting on hapless wounded
- Catacombs of Cardova - New, faster, less damaging spears have been issued to t
he infantry. Sorcerors scouting the dungeon happily report that some moor boogey
s appear to have wandered inside and set up a nest.
Dungeons: Midgard
- Cursed Tomb - The aggressive monsters at the entrance to Cursed Tomb have foun
d new homes - scouts returning from the dungeon report that fewer wanderers appe
ar to inhabit the dungeon.
- Spindelhalla - the untargettable cave trow trollkarls in the Pit area have mov
ed into the interior of the room.
- Nisse's Lair: The tomte caitiff and tomte seer now command fewer allies.
Monsters: Albion
- Tales abound that the Green Knight has returned to Forest Sauvage. Should you
encounter this knight, caution would be best. He cannot be happy with all that h
as happened during his absence.
Monsters: Midgard
- The soul sinkers in Myrkwood Forest will no longer chain cast their DOT.
- The Briton Woodcutters who had invaded Odin's Gate seem to have left as quickl
y as they came.
- A hoard of glacier fairies has descended upon the Glacier Giant within Odin?s
Gate. These pests have done nothing but infuriate him. Expect the giant to be ev
er more unpleasant than before.
Monsters: Hibernia
- Cliffs of Moher - Coimirceoir once again resides with the Vehement Guardians.
Their numbers have been reduced slightly.
- Grovewoods are no longer quite so adept at self-heals and have an increased ch
ance to drop their quest related item.
- Ire wolves no longer drop badger parts and have an increased chance to drop th
eir quest related item.

- The wraith Evern within Breifine has discovered the key to a powerful ritual!
She now has the ability to summon fairies to do her bidding. Those who anger her
must be ready for a prolonged battle.
Item Notes
- The Kraggon Cloak (Albion) now buffs cold and body resist, instead of body res
ist twice.
- The "elementalist" requirement on the Ebony Staff (Albion) has been changed to
- The "studded warhound collar" should now have an icon.
- The "carrion drake talon" is no longer stackable, as it is meant to be a weapo
- The spelling of "forgotten silk cloth" was corrected.
- The Softened Bark Frock (Albion) should now be dyable.
- The Plate of Eternal Midnight (Albion) now buffs spirit and body resist, inste
ad of body resist twice.
- Several more common loot drops in Spindelhalla are now stackable.
- The Gauntlets of Celerity (Albion) should have the correct icon in a player?s
- The Resplendent Ring (Albion) now has an energy resist instead of two body res
- Players should now be able to sell player-crafted lutes to NPC merchants.
- The Vaporous Crown (Midgard) now buffs piety rather than intelligence.
- The Mischievous Bracer (Hibernia) now buffs cold and spirit resist instead of
spirit twice.
- The Bone Necklace (Albion) should have the appropriate icon.
- The Huntman?s Cloak (Midgard) can now hold an emblem.
- The Putrefied Robes (Albion) can now be dyed with leather dye and should have
the appropriate leather robe look.
- The Jeweled Rigid Leggings (Hibernia) now buffs body, energy, and spirit resis
- The frontier zones are itemized with common loot.
- Many of the new monsters introduced in Treibh Caillte in 1.52 have new item dr
- The following Albion instruments have been changed to drop as higher level ins
truments (This change should be considered an upgrade to future instruments that
enter the game, not a retro-active fix to the existing instruments):
Ellyll Drum, Fine Asterite Drum, Drum of Fading Valor, Accursed Avernal Drum, Av
ernal Malison Drum, Ellyll Flute, Fine Asterite Flute, Flute of Dementia, Accurs

ed Avernal Flute, Avernal Malison Flute, Polished Granite Flute, Ellyll Lute, Fi
ne Asterite Lute, Lute of Haunting Melody, Accursed Avernal Lute, Avernal Maliso
n Lute, Polished Granite Lute.
- The following Hibernian instruments have been changed to drop as higher level
instruments (This change should be considered an upgrade to future instruments t
hat enter the game, not a retro-active fix to the existing instruments):
Bodb's Wailing Drum, Glimmerstrike Drum, Accursed Demon Drum, Infernal Malison D
rum, Coruscating Truesilver Drum, Drum of the Hollow Heart, Bodb's Wailing Flute
, Topaz Studded Shell Flute, Warshade Flute, Accursed Demon Flute, Infernal Mali
son Flute, Coruscating Truesilver Flute, Flute of the Hollow Wind, Bodb's Wailin
g Lute, Cursed Lute, Deathwatcher Lute, Accursed Demon Lute, Infernal Malison Lu
te, Coruscating Truesilver Lute, Lute of the Hollow Soul.
- The Silvered Staff (Hibernia) should salvage for the correct material.
- More of the common loot drops in Coruscating Mines, Cursed Tomb, and the Vendo
Caverns should now be stackable.
- Players should now be able to salvage cloth items.
- Player-crafted trinkets are now stackable up to 10.
- The Accursed Avernal Staff of Fire (Albion) is now appropriately class-restric
- The range on the Runic Throwing Axes and Tomte Throwing Axes (Midgard) has bee
n increased to current throwing axe standards. These axes, along with the Infern
al throwing Axes, have also had berserker added to the class restrictions.
- Arrows, bolts, poisons and thrown weapons can now stack to 100.
- Arrows, bolts, and thrown weapons are lighter.
- The base stack size for poisons is now 20 instead of 10. The cost per stack re
mained the same, this results in an overall reduction in poison cost.
- The "polished bone" (quest item) should no longer stack.
- Wolf Hide Leggings (Albion) should now be dyable.
- Players should now be able to pick up the Insidious Golden Band.
- Bounty potions are now usable in combat.
- In the Hibernia Darkness Falls stores, there were mistakenly two hauberks with
the same name, the Avernal Hauberk. To alleviate confusion, the Avernal Hauberk
which could be purchased with diamond seals is now called the Abysmal Hauberk,
while the one that could be purchased with emerald seals remains the same.
- The following items have had the +pac stat increase changed to a more useful s
tat increase: Jewel of Vanera Swamp, Retainers Signet Ring, Corrupt Fiend-forged
Helm, Corrupt Fiend-forged Hauberk, Corrupt Daemon-crafted Helm, Corrupted Daem
on-crafted Hauberk, Corrupt Abyssal Helm, Golden Alloy Hammer, Eir Blessed Penda
nt, Soulbound Necklace, Wolftooth Hauberk, Healer?s Touch Necklace, Ancient Drag
on Etched Coif, Valhalla Touched Gloves. Because of this change, please note the
Bracer of Pacification is now known as the Bracer of Mending.
- The following items have had the +beastcraft stat increase changed to a more u
seful stat increase: Beastfriend?s Bracer, Shrunken Bear Skull.

- Blessed Tyr Gloves (Mid) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- Gauntlets of Celerity (Alb) can now by dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- The Collector Carapace is now spelled correctly and no longer stacks.
- The common mobs have in the RvR dungeons have been itemized with magic item dr
- The Arcing Bludgeoner (Alb) should now be restricted to mercenaries only.
- The Rod of Souls (Alb) should now actually increase intelligence properly.
- The Petrified Bardic Wonder (Hibernia) now has a salvage value set.
- The Darkened Battle Shield (Hibernia) now has a salvage value set.
- The Dispositional Cloak (Midgard) can no longer be held.
- The Malefic Studded Helm (Midgard) now buffs piety and dexterity, instead of p
iety and empathy.
- The Ring of Arawn (Albion) that was previously a level 14 drop is now a level
40 drop. The stats on the item will remain the same.
- Shadowbinder's Mantle will now show its level correctly.

PvP-Server Specific Notes

- Material types 9 and 10 for all realms are now available at all 3 merchant kee
- The crafting material and siege material merchants will now spawn more quickly
at the merchant keeps.
- Many of the PvP server quests are now available to players of all three realms
- particularly the bounty and one time drop quests.


With the introduction of the new RvR dungeons, we are also unveiling a new syste
m for treasure drops. This system is a change from the existing treasure drops t
hat you have become accustomed to.
This system allows us to vary the power of similar items that drop from one mons
ter. As such, each "Unique Object" that you recieve as treasure is different fro
m those that have dropped before, and those that will drop in the future. Items
can vary in quality, magic bonus, stat bonusses, skill bonusses, resist bonuses,
etc. etc. Each object that drops under this new system will delve as a "Unique
Object" to reflect the rarity of this particular combination of bonusses and qua
lity. Please note that the name of these new items reflects the bonusses that ar
e on the object.
Similar objects will have the same name, however the properties will be differen
t - remember that delving will reveal the properties of the object.

To summarize:
1) Objects created under this system will have varying properties attached to th
2) Some objects with different properties will have the same name.
3) Every object created under this system has "Unique object" listed when it is
4) Players will have to delve every object to determine the value to the player.
Here they are, the official patch notes for your viewing enjoyment:
Edited at 10:09 EST - in the spellcrafting instructions, we should have said "ac
cept" instead of "trade."
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.54 Release Notes
Tuesday, November 11, 2002
Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot version 1.54, a major addition to the game. In th
is version are several complete new game systems - Spellcraft/Alchemy and Duelin
g - as well as many smaller tweaks and additions that have been requested by the
Camelot community - 10 hotbars of 10 keys each, color coding of names, macros i
n chat text. Additionally, we've made some substantial updates to the frontier o
utpost RvR system and many updates to siege warfare to make it easier and more a
dvantageous to use.


Spellcraft and Alchemy make their debut in Dark Age of Camelot with this update,
which are the two crafting skills that allow player crafters to imbue weapons a
nd armor with magical properties. This is an extensive system that has many opti
ons and associated skills. For full documentation of the Spellcraft and Alchemy,
go to the Camelot Herald at Yo
u'll find all the information you need to get started there.
General Overview of Spellcraft/Alchemy
Spellcraft and Alchemy work exactly like the other tradeskills as far as their r
ecipes, and the objects they create go. Once you have the object, you "combine"
them, via the trade window to an object.
For example, Player A takes their Sword they want to have strength added to it t
o a Spellcrafter. They place it in a trade window with the Spellcrafter. The Spe
llcrafter places a strength Gem in the sword's gem socket and clicks the "combin
e" button. Satisfied (both players will get text information on the combine, how
many points it took, etc), Player A places some money in the trade window and h

its accept. The Spellcrafter then hits accept, the combine happens. Viola! Playe
r A has a sword with a strength bonus, and the Spellcrafter has the satisfaction
of making another magic item.
The "forge" object for Spellcraft and Alchemy is the new Alchemy table that you
will see placed in various parts of the home cities. You will find the merchants
needed for these two crafts close by.
The tools that you will need for various recipes are the Spellcraft Kit, Alchemy
Kit, and Mortar and Pestle. The kits are always needed for their specific trade
, the Mortar and Pestle is needed for making any of the poisons.
You may need to scroll sideways in the Spellcraft/Alchemy Merchants to find the
items that you need (using the new multiple store indexes per merchant feature).
Names of Guild Masters:
Spellcraft Guild Master: Clayton Gage
Alchemy Guild Master: Adelaide Dinsmore
Spellcraft Guild Master: Hradi Thorleif
Alchemy Guild Master: Armod Dag
Spellcraft Guild Master: Shannen
Alchemy Guild Master: Aslander
Trade Skill Reset
In order to "wipe" your trade skills so that your character can learn Spellcraft
/Alchemy if they already belong to another trade Order, we've put in a special q
uest in each Realm that will guide your character through the process. Please no
te that you can only go on this quest ONCE, and you can only do it to switch fro
m whatever tradeskill you currently know to Spellcraft or Alchemy - NOT to any o
ther tradeskill.
We've placed an NPC in each of the capital cities of each realm in the general v
icinity of the name registrar. Each of these NPC?s will instruct you as to the p
rocess of changing your order. Please note that once you have established yourse
lf within the new order, you cannot change back. All of these changes are final!
Change Trade Order NPCs:
Albion ? Edie Wharton
Hibernia ? Fabrice
Midgard ? Gudmund


We've made a few changes to make taking and holding frontier keeps much more att
ractive. The changes are designed to make it slightly easier to defend keeps, as

well as give you more reason to control them. We will be making more enhancemen
ts to this system over time.
- Now, when a guild claims an outpost, all guards from that outpost raise one le
vel. Additionally, as the keep is upgraded - one level is added to every guard f
or every upgrade level on the keep. Note that the named guards at the relic keep
s are "from" these outposts and enjoy the same upgrades.
- Heal spells now receive a bonus from the power relic - finally healing classes
will benefit by their Realm controlling power relics.
- Now, when the outer door of a keep is destroyed, all scouts from the outpost s
till alive will converge on the keep door to attempt repel all attackers.
- Players now receive an exp bonus when fighting within 16,000 units of a keep c
ontrolled by your realm or your guild. You get 20% bonus if your guild owns the
keep or a 10% bonus if your realm owns the keep.


- With great ado, we now support 10 hotbars with 10 icons each.
- There has also been a new slash command added, /qbar which allows you to pick
a quickbar with a slash command. Example: /qbar 2 switches to your second quickb
ar, the same as pressing Shift-2. This change allows you to assign /macro comman
ds that will select between different quickbars. The current quickbar page will
now persist across zoning and quitting.


We now support an alternative scheme to display the names over all in-game model
s (player, monster, and enemy player). There is a new slash command: "/colorname
s" that enables the new name coloring scheme:
Monsters: Names are colored by con color
NPCs: Cyan
Realm Enemies: Red
Guild Members: Dark Green
Group Members: light orange/brown
Players: Normal Color (light blue)
Graves/Dead People: Brown
Selected Target: White
Note that when you turn this on, selected target is no longer yellow, it is whit
e. Yellow names are yellow-con level monsters.
To restore the game to the old system, type "/oldnamecolors", which restores the
original name coloring. Your name coloring preference will persist across zonin
g and quitting.


There is another new slash command used to hide player, monster, and grave names
. The command is as follows:

/hidenames players | monsters | self | graves | all

/shownames players | monsters | self | graves | all
players - any normal player characters
monsters - any NPCs, any monsters, any pets
graves - gravestone names
self - your own name
all - all names
Shift-N effectively acts like a toggle between "/hidenames all" and "/shownames
/hidenames self graves
Will hide your name and any grave names, but show monster names and other player
names. Name filtering (including Shift-N) will persist across zoning and quitti
Please note that when you hide names (using Shift-N or the new /hidenames slash
command), they are no longer clickable. Previously, if you hid them they could s
till be targeted, leading to some problems of selecting yourself when you were t
rying to select another player.


- You should now always get the siege weapon control window when you assume cont
rol of any siege weapon. There was a bug that prevented the window from correctl
y being displayed.
- The control radius of a siege weapon has been reduced from 512 to 300. When yo
u go out of the radius, the control window now disappears
- You can now salvage up to 5 stacks of 200 items each if necessary. This should
fix salvaging large amounts of wood from siege equipment.
- Timers on the control window for siege equipment will now correctly reflect th
e real timers.
- Catapult and Ballista minimum ranges are now 1500 across the board.
- The range of all rams has been doubled.
- The siege ram, palintone and trebuchet should all salvage for the correct type
of wood.
- Hibernian siege merchants no longer sell siege parts that can not be used for
- If you dropped a piece of siege ammo on the siege window, the ammo would disap
pear and you would not be able to click on your backpack until you logged. This
is fixed.
- You can now load multiple ammo into a siege equipment and select and fire them
individually. Keep in mind that you now have to specifically select a piece of
ammo in the siege equipment window and LOAD it - the first item is no longer "au

- Fixed some the updating of the siege window to accurately reflect the state of
the equipment (armed, loaded, aimed, ready) in its title.
- Added more messages when firing siege equipment to give better feedback on whe
n timers have expired.
- If you are controlling a piece of siege equipment and you close your siege win
dow, you can type /CONTROL to show the window again (you don't have to release a
nd re-control the siege equipment).


By popular request, there is now a way to fight characters from your own realm a dueling system, where both parties agree to fight.
To start the duel, select the character you want to fight and type, "/duel chall
enge". The character responds with "/duel accept" to accept the challenge and fi
ght you. They can also type "/duel decline" to reject the challenge. Once the fi
ght starts, either combatant can type "/duel surrender" to surrender the fight.
All duels are to the death. No constitution or experience is lost on a dueling d
eath. A message is printed to all nearby on victory or surrender notifying bysta
nders of the outcome of the duel.
Please note the following:
- damage is not "remembered" for the purposes of PVP vs PVE death.
- if either opponent is hit by a monster or a realm opponent, the duel is auto-t
- you cannot initiate or accept a duel if you are not at 100% hits or have your
combat timer set
- After a duel, if you are low on hits and are killed by a monster or enemy play
er, you take a "real" PvE death. Be careful where you duel.
- Dueling will cancel when one player quits, zones, or is teleported.
- When a duel ends, all spell effects cast by the duel target on either player a
re wiped (positive and negative effects).
- After being killed in a duel, you will autorelease to your exact same position
in 10 seconds.
- Please note that using some Realm Abilities will drop you out of a duel.


Many objects in the Darkness Falls dungeon were set to have a salvage value far
too high relative to their worth (in gold). In order to keep the game's economy
in balance, we've had to adjust the salvage values of some items found on Darkne
ss Falls vendors. Now, all objects purchased from vendors in Darkness Falls have

a consistent salvage value based on the seal cost of that object. This means th
at for those items that were adjusted you will get less salvageable material tha
n you previously did.
Note: we did not adjust the actual seal cost of any item, only the salvage setti
ngs on the items.
Note: this change is retroactive, so clear your vaults if you were storing any o
f these items for later salvage.


- The Recovery combat style in the Hibernian Blunt list is now named Windfall, a
nd its opening is the previous style Impact. It also now does a moderate attack
speed debuff instead of a stun.
- Added new interface for Self Crafting of items. When you quickview an item (in
the lower right summary window) - you can currently hit SHIFT-I to delve the it
em. We've added a new key (default is SHIFT-R) to "craft" an item directly from
the player's backpack. A small mini-craft window appears when you press this key
with three options: Repair, Salvage and Craft. Please note that for the next da
y or two, the "craft" option will not work. Also, when you repair, it will repai
r the item, but information on the repair won't be updated until you move the it
em from one inventory slot to another.
- Items that you craft, trade, pick up, or otherwise put in your inventory will
now auto-stack with like items.
- You can now split stacks of items in your inventory. To do this, simply pick u
p a stack of objects in your inventory or bank. Drop it onto an empty backpack o
r bank slot. You'll be presented with a small window prompting you for the numbe
r of items in the stack to move. Note that you cannot split stacks into a trade
window or onto a monster - you must split into an empty slot in your inventory f
- You can now use target macros with the %t or %T fields. For instance, type "/m
acro /say Hello, %t!" - this will set up a macro that will say hello to your cur
rent target.
- You can now set a follow up spell to be cast. If you press a hotkey to cast a
second spell when a first spell is being cast, the second spell is queued up to
be to "autocast" after the first is cast. Note that when the second spell actual
ly begins the cast process, it will cast on the target the player has currently
targeted. You can cancel the spell in the normal fashion by moving when starting
to cast. If you wish, you can turn off this feature by toggling the "/noqueue"
- Attackers now receive a specific bladeturn message when their attack is bladet
urned. Previously the message they received simply stated the attack missed.
- When you craft an object that cannot be carried, you now get a print saying "y
ou create the object on the ground".
- Sprint can now be bound to a key in the keyboard configuration.
- You can no longer turn your figure when stunned or mezzed. This will allow mel
ee characters the chance to use position styles against stunned/mezzed enemies.

- When you use a hot-key to ready a one-handed weapon, you will now automaticall
y equip your shield if you have one readied.
- If you used the last of your stack of thrown weapons, you used to get garbled
combat messages if you had no readied weapon. This is fixed.
- Fixed issues with Mesmerize - under certain situations if cast on a player, th
e casting player would not be put into combat mode.
- "/assist " should now work correctly. Up until now it only worked properly on
your currently selected target.
- Some of the portal ticket vendors will now also sell siege ammunition as a sec
ondary store index.
- Monsters will no longer wiggle back and forth across a path-point if they are
traveling fast.
- Monsters in formations in dungeons with multiple levels should no longer have
creatures drop through the floor.
- When crafting objects, stat bonuses will display both the 100 and 150 percent
- Focus gems now delve the correct amount.
- When you enter stealth or camo and you are sprinting, your sprinting is halted
- Heroes can no longer enter stagform while dead.
- Monsters should no longer turn to face you when Mezzed or stunned, so now posi
tional combat styles will be easier to perform against them.
- There was a bug that prevented back-up combat styles from working properly if
one of the styles was shield-based. This has been fixed.
- You now have to reach deeper water before you go into swim mode.
- Monsters will now propagate much more smoothly when they are flying.

- Portal Ceremonies across all realms have been adjusted to handle an increased
teleport load. This should alleviate problems noted when teleporting cross realm
for large relic and keep raids.
- The leaders of guard patrols in the frontiers should now appear at a greater v
isual distance for players.
- Quests: We have added one quest per realm to provide an introduction to the ne
w races that will debut in the Shrouded Isles expansion.
- Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: We have adjusted the levels of many of the mon
sters in the battlegrounds - to provide better pets for charming classes. The gi
ant spiders, tomb raiders, cliff beetles, goblin whips, large bloated spiders, d
eath spiders, and rage wolves have all been adjusted.

- Merchants in the three capital cities have been combined for your convenience,
now that merchants can have up to four pages of items to sell. If you can't fin
d your usual merchant, click on the merchants nearby to find the items you need.
- The following merchants now carry enchanting/recharging components: Freyne Aeo
elred in Camelot, Ereck Hemingr in Jordheim, and Cedric in Tir na Nog
- PvP servers only: Under some existing circumstances, the Relics on the PvP ser
vers can reset to their original relic keeps. Under 1.54, more relics will be re
set to their keeps, as such, the guardians of these keeps have taken it upon the
mselves to periodically replace the Relic Keep doors.
- Realm v. Realm: Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: The patrolling guards should
now move more quickly throughout their patrols.
- Realm v. Realm: To help prevent people from exploiting the immunity timer in t
he new RVR dungeons, we have moved the exit to the dungeons. You can no longer z
one out where you zoned in, but instead must travel a distance to a new zone poi
- Battlegrounds: Siegemasters will now specify when and where they drop ammo. Th
is will be indicated by a pop-up "OK" box at the time of the ammo drop.
Courier Missions
We have introduced a new set of tasks named "Courier missions". These missions t
ake place within the frontiers and can only be given to players who are 30th lev
el or higher. There are two sides to each mission, a kill task and a protect tas
k. The primary goal of the kill task is to speak with the mark dealer for a task
, locate the courier listed, hunt the courier down, and then kill it. The protec
t task is a bit different in that you must find the courier, speak to it to obta
in the task, and then ensure the courier reaches its destination alive. To bette
r assist the defenders in locating a courier to defend, we have also added a sta
tus monitor within both border keeps. These status monitors will broadcast to th
e entire keep if a courier needs a defender and where this courier is located. Y
ou can also speak with this monitor to find if there are any couriers in transit
that require assistance. As with all tasks, you may use /task command to receiv
e the status of your task at any time. Please note that you will have only one h
our to complete this task. Should the courier take longer than this to reach its
destination or should you not locate the courier, the task is considered forfei
The details of the rewards are as follows:
Kill Task - A large sum of coin will be split evenly to anyone who is on this ta
sk when the courier is killed. In order to receive your reward, you must be with
in 6000 units (just outside of visual range) of the courier when it dies.
Protect Task - A large sum of coin will be split evenly to anyone who is on this
task when the courier reaches its destination. In order to receive your reward,
you must be within 6000 units (just outside of visual range) of the courier whe
n it reaches this point.
Following is the list of Mark Dealers and Status Monitors:
Status monitors: Kirbie Hareford (Castle Sauvage), Paytan Varden (Snowdonia Keep

Midgard mark dealer: Ohtor (Portal Keep - Hadrian?s Wall)
Hibernia mark dealer: Edouarz (Portal Keep - Hadrian?s Wall)
Status monitors: Ulfr (Svasud Faste), Steig (Vindsaul Faste)
Albion mark dealer: Bardolf Culthit (Portal Keep - Odin?s Gate)
Hibernia mark dealer: Drust (Portal Keep - Odin?s Gate)
Status monitors: Garth (Druim Ligen), Eodan (Druim Cain)
Albion mark dealer: Centwine Melgim (Portal Keep - Emain Macha)
Midgard mark dealer: Skuti (Portal Keep - Emain Macha)
Albion Quests:
Bounty Quest - (peallaidh) - Thule Ruthic wasn't taking peallaidh hides. This ha
s been fixed, he takes them now.
Legend of the Lake AND Barbaric Tales - Players couldn't turn in the second gobl
in tome - this has been fixed, they can turn it in now.
Willing Sacrifice - The quest reward tells the player they're going to get a bel
t. The rewarded object is now correctly set to a belt.

Midgard Quests
- Tomte of Doom - Yandu wouldn't respond to players trying to choose a circlet.
This has been fixed, players can go back and talk to Yandu. The journals now hav
e the trigger word: [inventory]
- Midgard Quests: Tomte of Doom - Players should no longer have difficulty selec
ting their reward.

Hibernia Quests
- Unnatural Powers - Invisible Green Maws were killing the players. This has bee
n fixed, players can attempt this encounter again now.
- The Moonstone Twin - Giant Caithor was spawning briefly and then despawning. P
layers couldn't continue. This has been fixed, players can attempt this encounte
r again now.
Albion Quests

- Andrew's Metal Bits is now only available to Scouts.

- RvR Dungeons: The innocents all now operate under the undead damage tables.
- Hibernia - Treibh Caillte - the few earth golems who occasionally got stuck ne
ar the entrance have been moved.
- Dungeon: Darkness Falls: Dried worm husks have recently been discovered in the
wake of the giant demon Beliathan's passage. Their origins have not yet been di
scovered, nor have any been seen alive thus far in order to determine their purp
ose or meaning.
- Dungeon: Treibh Caillte: Rock golems which have been pulled to the entrance sh
ould now return to their spawn points. The rocky golems are now a little bit tou
- Coruscating Mines: The undead Drudgers should now all use the same damage tabl

- The Dragon Stun used by all three dragons will now trigger a stun immunity tim
- The following monsters throughout the realms have armed themselves - the Danao
ins, the snowshoe bandits, many of the ghostly invaders, as well as the cutpurse
s and poachers.
Albion: Dartmoor - the granite giant pounders in the southeast should no longer
be "too far away to attack"
Albion: The few cave fairies who were immune to all ranged attacks have been fix
Albion: Camelot Hills - the river sprites south of Cotswold have returned.
Albion: Merchants dressed in foreign armors have changed their clothes.
Albion: The pygmy goblin tanglers should no longer chase players forever.
Albion: Some scouts report seeing a new breed of spider roaming Hadrian's Wall.
Also some reports of some enraged panthers being spotted in the area.
Albion: Starved of their normal prey, the bone snappers have grown weaker.
Midgard: Merchant Tig is no longer aggressive.
Midgard: Several of the missing factions, notably Pack Drakulv and the Bounty Hu
nters, have been restored.
Midgard: Guards patrolling Odin's Gate reported seeing a new type of spider.
Midgard: Hill Scrags are now correctly classified as giants instead of humanoid
(matching the other types of scrags).

Hibernia: The cliff beetles in Emain now have a wider level range.
Hibernia: The poison merchant in Druim Ligen now sells both low and high level p
Item notes
- New RvR dungeons - the few instances where loot usable by the wrong realm were
dropping have been fixed.
- The few instances where the wrong realm's stats were added to items have been
- The shade of Aelfgar now is dropping loot correctly.
- Svelte Armor Leggings (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The Icebound Effluvium Staff of Summoning (Midgard) should now con correctly.
- The second body resist entry on the Resplendent Necklace (Albion) has been cha
nged to energy.
- The Eternal Strife Frock (Albion) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye typ
- The Adamant Coral Helm (Albion) now buffs the shield skill instead of chants.
- All cloth helms and caps in the game should now display a cloth icon in invent
ory - this should not affect the appearance on the character.
- Werewolf warders should no longer be dropping loot from Muspelheim.
- The Windswept Cloak (Midgard) can now be dyed.
- The Demoniac Turmoil Frock (Albion) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye t
- The Cinder Stained Vest (Midgard) now increases the composite bow skill instea
d of beastcraft.
- The Siabrian Staff of Mana (Hibernia) should now have the appropriate level re
quirement set.
- Focus staves created from the unique item generators should be salvageable.
- The Cailiondar Helm (Albion) now increases the parry skill instead of chants.
- The Ghastly Mendicant Frock (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The Tactician?s Belt (Albion) should now buff matter, body and spirit.
- The Boots of Favor (Midgard) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye.
- The Berolig shield (Midgard) now buffs mending.
- The Skogfru Skin Bracer (Midgard) now buffs composite bow.
- All cloth, reinforced, studded, chain and scale helms in the game should now d
isplay the correct icon in inventory. This should not affect their appearance on

the character.
- The Riven Silk Robe (Hibernia) can now be dyed.
- The Feelion Razor (Hibernia) now has matter and body resists instead of 2 matt
er resist listings.
- The Latticed Shadow Boots (Midgard) now has body and heat resists instead of 2
body resist listings.
- The Lion Embossed Greaves (Albion) had the charisma bonus changed to strength.
- The Bracelet of Voided Talent (Hibernia) now has a bracer icon.
- The "granite chisel" now has an icon.
- The Petrified Wisened Oak Shield (Hibernia) now has the correct salvage value.
- The Erubescent Strife Dirk (Hibernia) now correctly buffs the piercing skill.
- The icon on the Imbued Gloves (Hibernia) is now correctly set to reinforced.
- The Partial Map is no longer equippable.
- The Wintry Effluvium Sword (Hibernia) should now be set at the correct level.
- The Blodjeger Hammer (Midgard) should now longer display that it is usable in
the left hand.
- The Shimmering Etheric Helm (Albion) is no longer set to no-sell.
- The Woven Darksteel Boots (Midgard) now have heat, spirit and body resists, in
stead of two body resist entries.

- You can now "self-combine" items. Right click to quickview the item you want t
o self-craft. Use the MiniCraft hotkey. Press the CRAFT button. You'll get a tra
de window that is preloaded with the combine flag set and the item you wish to c
raft pre-populated. Add your components to the right side and hit ACCEPT to craf
- Increased the stack size of tradeskill components from 100 to 200 and from 20
to 100
- Changed the title of the final rank from "Legendary Grandmaster " to "Legendar
y "
- Fixed the long dirk blade to have the correct icon
- Fixed the needle mace head to have the correct icon
- Fixed the base value for the long dirk and needle mace so they sell back to me
rchants for the correct amount
- reinforced kite shields will start at the appropriate skill level (instead of
100 points higher)

- The weighted bearded axe, reinforced round shield, reinforced kite shield, and
reinforced tower shield are listed in seperate lists in midgard now
- reinforced round shield fittings in hibernia will start showing up on the appr
opriate list at the appropriate skill value now
- Hibernian reinforced shields now will ask for the correct ore type, instead of
a metal type
- The final recipe for the barbed mace, in Hibernia, will now ask for the correc
t material types for the final two components -The whistle and toy sword will no
w ask for the correct type of wood not "WOO10" for the 10th material
Note the Rez change:
Breaking news on 1.55 - I was just told the ETA on the servers is now 11:45 AM.
Dark Age of Camelot
Camelot 1.55 Test Release Notes
Monday, November 25, 2002


- As of this patch, Lurikeen can become Heroes. Thanks for the great roleplaying
moments to everyone involved in the Uprising. Enjoy!


- We have made it so you can no longer duel in cities. Peace has once again been
restored to crafters.
- Fixes a problem where archers would play one frame of a combat swing animation
after killing an opponent with a bow. This was a client animation problem only
- it didn't actually affect bow shot times, and it appeared randomly.
- Couriers should now honor all pathing geometries and should obey zone wall bou
- Realm guards should now follow leaders and maintain speed with leader. This sh
ould also fix the aggro problem when realm guards would lag behind and not aggro
on enemies.
- We have implemented a /GROUNDASSIST
nd, your own groundtarget assumes the
ound target. This allows for a "front
a ground target for a siege equipment

command on the server. By using this comma

same location as your targeted player's gr
spotter" who is possibly stealthed to set
controller or spellcaster.

- We fixed the delving of combat spell abilities - these were printing incorrect

- When you upgrade an outpost you are setting a desired level on the outpost. Th
e level will only increase or decrease one notch per 6 minutes.
- Performing a successful Guard or Intercept no longer causes an interrupt to a
caster who is guarded.
- Level 51 cloth armor should now get the correct amount of bonus levels.
- Legendary crafting titles should now set and display correctly.
- Bards can now hold and use staves (although they cannot train in them). This i
s a longstanding bug. All classes should be able to hold and use staves.
- You can no longer put proc effects on jewelry, cloaks or instruments to artifi
cially boost their level.
- Monsters will no longer attempt to cast a 20th concentration effect repeatedly
- The Realm Abilities First Aid and Mystic Crystal Lore can no longer be used in
combat. Using them in combat was a bug, and it is now fixed.

We are halfway through transitioning to a new, better system of displaying helms
. This system will allow us to create new helmet graphics much faster, and allow
them to fit player models much more effectively. Please be aware that there may
be some display issues with some helmet/race combinations until we fully migrat
e to the new helm system.


Please note that on Pendragon, we've been testing a system that gives classes th
at can resurrect their fallen comrades Realm Points for doing so. For now, we're
holding off rolling this system live until we've worked all the kinks out of th
e system, based on the concerns of the Pendragon community and the team leads. S
o, none of the Pendragon resurrection-specific spell changes that you may have r
ead about in the various 1.55 test release notes have been implemented in this l
ive version, which includes getting Realm Points for rezzing, decreased casting
times for higher-level rezzes, etc.

- We have made it so you can gain experience points for engaging in RvR and kill
ing, or helping to kill, enemies. You will not lose experience when you die, but
when you kill an enemy, you will now be awarded "normal" (i.e. as if the enemy
was a monster, based on level) experience for the kill. Thus if the player is bl
ue to you, you will be given normal "blue" monster experience for the kill. Plea
se note that there is a known bug currently in this system where under some circ
umstances if you are grouped you won't get experience for a group-member's kill.
We are looking at this problem right now and will fix it as soon as we can.

In advance of Shrouded Isles, we have taken steps to correct a longstanding spel
l issue. Several spells allow casters to buff lower-level characters without adh
ering to a cap of any type, thus enabling lower-level characters to be able to f
ight monsters far above their level, with almost no danger. This allows low-leve
l characters to level far faster than intended. We want these spells to help low
level characters, but not without a cap of some type.
So, these Damage Add and Damage Shield spells are now capped, so they will no lo
nger give 50th level damage-per-second to a 1st level character. However, given
that some players are used to being able to do this, we have made the cap higher
than it normally would be - you'll still be able to help out lower level charac
ters with these spells, but not to the extremes that existed up until now.
Please note that we have implemented this on a sliding scale as per
the buffs in the game. If you are a mage that has these spells, the
you are, the less this change will impact you. The most impact will
xtremely high mage (i.e. 40+) buffing a 1st or 2nd level character.
llowed slides up from there.

the rest of
lower level
be from an e
The damage a


Siege damage has been flattened across the entire area affected. In other words,
there is no drop off from a direct hit and someone at the edge of the bolt.
Additional types of catapult ammunition have been added to the ammunition stores
. Note that the cost of existing ammunition has been raised, to be more in line
with the new ammunition:
- A catapult bullet - which is a higher damage, low area shot.
- Grapeshot - which is a lower damage, high area shot.
- A ball of ice - which is similar to the existing catapult stone, but does cold
The "power level" of all siege ammunition has been increased. This should lead t
o higher, more consistent damage when using these weapons.

- Many of the Midgard NPC's have removed the robes favored in enemy lands, and r
eplaced them with appropriate Midgard vests.
- Dungeon: Summoner Hall: Grand Summoner Govannon should no longer be able to he
al himself multiple times in the course of combat.
- Darkness Falls: Beliathan can no longer be fought in the tunnels of Darkness f
alls, however, he will now linger longer in the room when he spawns.
- Hibernia: Touched now correctly resembles the diseased Celt that he is.
- Albion: We have added a bindstone near Swanton Keep in North Black Mountains.

The Snowdonia Relic keep (Albion Power) was the relic keep that was the farthest
from any bindstone. This bindstone should provide a binding location for Albion
players who wish to defend this relic.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps
Keep Lords - At low health, the Keep lords will now summon help from the courtya
rd and the new "personal guard" spawned at keep upgrade level 8. Given their new
found confidence in their allies, keep lords will no longer use their anti-blade
turn abilities.
- When a keep is upgraded to level 8 - 4 additional Keep Guards will spawn near
the lord room.
- If you take over an enemy's keep and that realm has at least one of your relic
s, if you upgrade the keep to level 10 it will spawn a corpse summoner NPC. If y
ou die in PvP and type /transfercorpse "keep name" without the quotes your corps
e will transfer to that keep, although you will still need to be resurrected onc
e you get there. Note that enemy players can kill this NPC and if they do so, th
e /transfercorpse command will be unavailable to you for that keep until he resp
awns (in one hour).

- Fixed the higher material Wrought Jewelry Boxes so they are able to be made co
rrectly now in Albion.
- Fixed the stable leeching tincture recipe so that it creates the leeching tinc
ture and not the ablative tincture.
- In Albion labeled the stable leeching tincture recipe correctly.
A little light reading:
Dark Age of Camelot
Camelot 1.56 Release Notes
Tuesday, December 3, 2002
With 1.56 comes the launching of Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles, the first
expansion pack for the game. Shrouded Isles is a major upgrade for players of Ca
melot - it has an all-new graphics engine, an ambient music soundtrack, revamped
interfaces, new lands to explore, six new classes, and three new races. With Sh
rouded Isles, you'll be able to find new weapons and armor, experience a newer,
deadlier, monster AI, and loads of new content. As of today, if you have purchas
ed the SI box, you'll now be able to explore the new continents and play the six
new classes. For information on the new continents, races, and classes, please

visit the Shrouded Isles web site at


1.56 has a lot of class tweaks and balance changes, and new stuff to test. Hunte
rs and Warriors get boosted in melee power. Healing-types now get RP for resurre
cting their friends, and we've changed resurrection spells around a bit to suppo
rt that. There is a new type of healing spells for each Realm's primary healers
that will make keeping people alive in RvR much easier. We have also taken steps
to address the problems of Assassins being able to fight in melee combat better
than we intended. Read through these notes closely.

We've decided to make Hunters more effective in Melee combat. These changes will
help them greatly in both PvE as well as RvR:
- All Hunter melee skills base damages have been increased "behind the scenes".
The specific melee skills involved are sword and spear. Hunters will now notice
that they do more damage every time they attack an opponent with these weapon ty
pes. Hunters now do more base damage than the other two Archer classes, and will
not need to do anything to take advantage of this change - it will happen autom
atically every time they hit with a weapon.
- Hunters have been given a new line of spells in their Beastcraft specializatio
n that allows them to insta-cast a wolf pet. This can be done at any time, even
in combat. These are shouts that cost 25% power and have a 2 minute recast time.
Please note that if a Hunter is controlling a charmed pet, they cannot summon a
wolf pet. Here's the list:
1 Hunter's Companion 80%
7 Hunter's Pet 80%
13 Hunter's Ally 80%
20 Hunter's Protector 80%
32 Hunter's Avatar 82%

In order to make the Warrior more of a melee damage-dealer, we've increased his
weapon skills (again, behind the scenes, as with the Hunter) so that he will do
more damage every time he hits with an Axe, Hammer, or Sword (both 1 and 2h). Wi
th this change, the Warrior now does more base damage than any other class in th
e game. Warriors don't need to do anything to take advantage of this change - it
will happen automatically every time they hit with a weapon.


Because of the great advantages Assassin classes - Nightshades, Shadowblades, an
d Infiltrators - now have over almost any other class in the game (poisons, stea
lth, devastating combat styles, good base damage, extremely high evade, etc.), w
e've decided to take some steps to bring them back in line with the rest of the
classes in the game. We realize that these three classes are not exactly the sam

e, but they all have a combination of abilities that make them more powerful tha
n other classes of their level. The overall design goal of the assassin is to ha
ve them be able to defeat opponents using a combination of stealth and their "ba
ckstab" combat style chains. Now, with these changes, they'll have to use more s
trategy to defeat their target opponents. There's no way to sugar coat this - th
ese steps will make Assassins less effective in direct combat.
- We've removed the Ignore Pain Realm Ability from all three Assassin classes. T
hese classes have been granted back the realm training points they spent to get
Ignore Pain. It was an oversight that Assassins were given IP at all, and we sho
uld have taken it away sooner.
- We are capping the maximum amount that any player (of any class) can evade at
50%. Assassins are the only classes that can currently go above this cap, by lin
king together their Evade 7 ability, plus the Realm Ability Dodger, plus stat bo
nuses. Assassins will be granted a Realm Ability respec for those who no longer
want Dodger ability (as it is usually Dodger that pushes them above 50%). Please
note that you will get the realm ability respec only if you currently have Dodg
er and you are a Nightshade, a Shadowblade, or an Infiltrator.


The three base healing classes (Clerics, Healers, Druids) now have a new type of
healing spell that will help them in heavy battle - particularly RvR - situatio
ns. This spell type is called a "Spread Heal". These spells need no target - the
y search through the group applying healing power to whoever is lowest in health
(As a percentage of their max, not as a straight value) until the group is full
or the pool has been used. These spells should be especially useful in RvR enco
unters where targeting is a problem and many people can be taking damage at the
same time. In normal PvE encounters or where one target specifically is taking t
he most damage, directed heals remain the most efficient and effective option. W
hen everyone in the group is low, standard group heals remain the best option. S
preadheals fall somewhere in between - when some members of the group are still
full or near full, and some members are falling fast, these heals will be the mo
st efficient option.
Cleric Rejuvenation spec
30 Gift of the Host
39 Boon of the Host
48 Blessing of the Host
Healer Mend spec
30 Ancestor's Gift
39 Ancestor's Favor
48 Ancestor's Boon
Druid Regrowth spec
30 Regenerating Spirits
39 Resuscitating Spirits
48 Reviving Spirits
Battery of Life Realm Ability
Also, a new realm ability is now available to the primary healers in each realm
at a 10 realm point cost, called Battery of Life, which is a different variety o
f spreadheal. It allows the user to create a spreadheal pool that essentially re
mains on him as a battery; checking every round to see if anyone needs healing a

nd applying it when needed just like a spreadheal. If the entire battery is not
used, the remaining amount remains on the caster waiting to be used. This abilit
y should also be particularly useful in RvR - it can grant the healer the initia
tive to heal before everyone in his group starts taking damage. As soon as the g
roup begins taking damage they're already being healed by the battery, and the h
ealer can begin casting another spell which will hopefully be cast before the ba
ttery runs out. The battery and the spreadheal used together should go a long wa
y towards allowing healers in RvR to do what they're intended to do - keep the g
roup alive as long as they have the power left to do so. One important differenc
e to note about the battery from spreadheal - it does not flow into the caster,
only their group mates. This is not intended to be an automatic complete heal fo
r the healer.


Due to the recent change where you now receive Realm Points for resurrecting you
r realm-mates in RvR battles, we've had to change some of the resurrection spell
s. Here's the list:
- All resurrection spells now have a 4 second cast time.
- The power costs for all resurrection spells have not been changed.
- When casting a resurrection spell, you receive a message and the spell cancels
if the target is already considering a resurrection from someone else.
- Resurrection sickness now goes from 100% to 50% when doing a "full rez" on ano
ther player.
- Low level resurrection spells now give 5% RP's to the caster and high level re
zzes do up to 15% of the RP's to the caster. Mid level ones are between the two.

With the class changes that come with 1.56, we're giving the following respec op
tions to the various classes affected by the changes:
- all primary healing classes over level 30 get a single-line respec (because of
spread heal).
- all primary healing classes get a realm ability respec (because of heal batter
- Hunters get a full respec (because of new wolf pets and melee combat changes).
- all Assassin classes automatically get the points back they initially spent fo
r Ignore Pain, and IP is stripped from their character, if they had IP to begin
- all Assassin classes get a realm ability respec if they have Dodger, Ignore Pa
in, or First Aid.
Please note that if you meet these criteria, but you already have a respec of th
e type listed here, you will not get an additional one - for example, if you are
an Infiltrator with a Realm Respec that you haven't used, you won't get another
one. But, if you are an Infiltrator who does not have a Realm Ability respec, y

ou will be given one.

- There is a new window - the Command Window - which has two rows of buttons of
commonly-used Camelot commands. You'll find things like "attack", "sit", "relic
status" and so forth on this window. You can Shift-Left-Click buttons on the Com
mand Window to make quickbar buttons out of them.
- There is a new "Options" window (displayed by clicking "options" from the char
acter stat/information window). This dialog lets you specify in-game settings li
ke sound/music/ambience/ambient music volumes, and name-color scheme. The Shroud
ed Isles client has many more options as well.
- The mini-info window (comes up when you right click on an item) is now a separ
ate window and doesn't share a window with your target/health window.
- There are no longer "white" con color items when you are crafting. When a craf
ting recipe was on a skill boundary (about to change from red to orange con), it
would turn white for one skill point.
- When you use a performance configuration slash command or popup command from i
n game, the changes are saved and should reflect in the main configuration windo
- The compass is now be on by default for new players


- We now support eight characters per realm per server.
- Healing-type classes will now receive Realm Points for resurrecting a friendly
player. Please note that you will not get Realm Points for resurrecting someone
if they did not "give" Realm Points when they were killed. Also please note tha
t the number of RPs you can get from one resurrection is capped at 2x the RPs th
at you yourself are worth.
- Characters in the main menu will now perform an emote after being selected.
- Dying a standard PvE or Suicide fall death should no longer allow you to use t
he corpse summoner. PvP deaths are not affected by this change.
- Corpse summoners can no longer summon corpses while in combat.
- Any summoned pet to a ground target should now obey visibility (turrets for an
- You should no longer see your circular shadow below you when swimming in class
ic shadows. Likewise, you should no longer see your high definition shadow below
you for new shadows when swimming.
- Fixed a bug where brush was sorted incorrectly versus rivers in the classic cl
- Shadows for large monsters on hills should no longer be clipped oddly in terra
in zones from certain angles.

- You can no longer load the Expansion zones while running the Classic client. P
reviously, you could run the expansion client, teleport to an expansion zone, th
en run the classic client and try to enter with that same character, resulting i
n either a client crash or you'd end up in an empty zone. Now if you try to ente
r a SI zone with the classic client, you'll get an error message, and it won't l
et you load.
- The zone loading bar has been moved to not interfere with pretty loading scree

There are five new emotes:
- "/ponder" - for when you just want to go "hmmmmmm".
- "/military" - a military salute.
- "/present" - to present someone with something.
- "/taunt" - a very naughty gesture when you really want to insult someone.
- "/rude" - a rude gesture.


The new sound options allow independent volume setting for each of the following
- Sound Effects: gameplay sounds (combat sounds, spells, etc.)
- Music: basically, the MP3s (play when you enter the game, towns, combat music,
- Ambient Sound Effects: random non-music sounds (birds, wind, etc.)
- Ambient Music: self-explanatory
You should be able to set these options in the old Character Select options menu
and in the new in-game options menu. Possible settings are: "Off", 1-9 (increas
ing volume) & "Full" (full volume).
Sound setting changes made in either the Character Select options menu or the in
-game options menu should persist between play sessions.
Additional Notes:
In the Main Menu of the game, you can change the sound settings (via the Options
button) but they won't take effect until you enter the game or exit and come ba
ck in. However, if you change the settings in the in-game options menu, the volu
me should change in real time giving an audible cue to the current sound level (
if sounds or music is playing at the time).
In the original "classic" Camelot, you only have 2 sound options: Sound Effects
and Music. In this case, the Ambient Effects use the Sound Effects volume value
while music uses the Music volume value.

- Dexterity buffs now affect casting speed on monsters.

The following monsters have had their models changed:

Weakened Demon
red rager
flame thrower
Bright Flame
fire phantom
Spirit of Flames
flame spout

- Dungeon: Darkness Falls: Marbo, the Sapphire Seal Merchant, will now sell a Co
rrupted Dismal Vest for Berserkers.
- All three dragon lairs have been extended in area (to allow better raid co-ord
Albion: A new horse route has been added from Snowdonia Station to Llyn Barfog.
Hibernia: A new horse route has been added from Brynach to Cursed Forest.
Midgard: A new horse route has been added from Gna Faste to West Skona.
Midgard: A new horse route has been added from West Skona to Gna Faste.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: Corpse Summoners will no longer appear at Bledm
eer Faste, Dun Crauchon and Caer Benowyc.
Treasure, General
- The Radiant Moonclipper (Albion) now salvages for the appropriate amount.


- We've added three medallions of passage to all city medallion merchants. These
medallions will port you to the expansion starting zones and will only work if
you have purchased the expansion. New Port Destinations: Gothwaite Harbor, Aegir
hamn, Grove of Domnann

- Fixed the Skill value that the newer Albion Spellcraft gems were set to be mor
e appropriate for what they are
- Split the new Albion weapons out to separate lists appropriately

- Changed the name of the wizened wood to wisened wood

-Added Soul Rending spec and focus gems to Albion Spellcraft: Steaming Fervor Si
gil and Steaming Sigil
- Removed the Soulrending Focus gem from Albion spellcraft
- Fixed new weapon components only using 10th rank materials for Albion and Midg
- Fixed recipes where a "null" object was created in Albion
- Fixed all of the icons for the newer weapons to use the appropriate icon for s
aid weapons (i.e. flexible, hand to hand, and scythes)
- Fixed weapons that are leather, instead of metal, to have their DPS progress n
- Fixed issue with Midgard Alchemy, Herbcraft, etc, not showing up properly
The notes from this morning's patch, officially:
Dark Age of Camelot
Camelot 1.56e Release Notes
Thursday, December 5, 2002
- Delve information on Animist Turret spells will now properly describe the spel
- Turrets and pets set to aggressive will now attack targets that are green thro
ugh red to the caster.
- Player Necromancer resistances from buffs and objects should now "pass through
" to their pets.
- Animist spec levels now "pass through" to their bomber pets. This should affec
t the random damage range that the bombers do.
- If you make a macro with "%s and %t" in it, it will no longer crash the client
- We fixed a problem with power costs for Resurrection spells, where sometimes y
ou would not be able to resurrect another player.
- We fixed a problem with spreadheals where sometimes you would heal for a negat
ive value.
- We fixed a problem where spell effects cast on "spell effect" monsters (like t
he corpse-light) would not play correctly.

- We fixed a problem in Aegirhamn where a cliff piece was invisible from certain

Albion: A new horse route has been added from Llyn Barfog to Snowdonia Station.
Hibernia: A new horse route has been added from Cursed Forest to Brynach.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: The broadcast regions around the 3 center battle
ground keeps have all been made equivalent.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: The broadcast regions around all 21 frontier ke
eps have been extended. Please note that this also means that the bonus RP regio
n is now also larger.
- The guard patrols at the frontier keeps have been split up so they don't all s
pawn in the same spot. They will now spawn on the sides of the castles in additi
on to the front gate.
- The Benowyc Knights are now correctly spawning at Excalibur Castle.
- The corpse summoner for Hildskialf Faste will now spawn at the correct keep.
- The corpse summoner at Nottmoor Faste has been moved away from the wall.


We have added three NPCs (one in each main city) that will assist 1st-10th level
players in returning to their home realms for training. These NPCs will inform
you of two items they will accept in return for a return transport medallion. Th
ese items to be turned in are common drops from monsters local to the main citie
s. Please note that players under eleventh level can only use these medallions.
Also note that during the course of your characters career they may only receive
a total of ten return transport medallions. Please see the following NPCs for m
ore info:
Tir Na Nog: Duvessa
Camelot: Geraint
Jordheim: Bifrost

Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: The Benowyc Knights are now correctly spawning
at Excalibur Castle.
- The corpse summoner for Hildskialf Faste will now spawn at the correct keep.
- The corpse summoner at Nottmoor Faste has been moved away from the wall.http:/
It's a boy! Welcome, Gaheris, to our server family.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.57 Release Notes
Thursday, December 12, 2002


With this version, Gaheris is live, and as such is being moved to the live patch
er instead of the test patcher. There will be no character wipe.


- On a Co-Op server, the realm skill respec should now grant the correct number
of realm skill points.
- All armor/weapon dye colors should now be much closer to what they were in the
Classic Client (SI Only)
- Performance Meter window should now save alpha value correctly between logging
/zoning (SI & Classic)
- (Gaheris/CoOp only) "Select nearest enemy" key (default F8) should now only ta
rget monsters.
- (Gaheris/CoOp only) Name coloring of other players, NPCs, and Pets should now
be correct.
- You can now use the "Ambient Music" setting in the character manager and in-ga
me options menus to change the ambient music volume separate from the ambient ef
fect volume.
- Savages had access to two versions of Purge and Ignore Pain. Savages who purch
ased both types of both abilities will have one stripped and the points refunded
- Savages were not being awarded the Protect I skill, as they should have been.
Savages will now be granted this ability at 15th level, and all current Savages
level 15 or higher will automatically be given it.

We're adding some more emote animations into this version. Please note that one
of these is a replacement for the current "taunt" emote. When we put the origina
l taunt emote in, we didn't foresee the problems people would have with it, and
perhaps we should have. In hindsight it really doesn't fit the spirit of the gam
e as well as the newer (and far funnier) taunt emote that is included in this ve
rsion. We realize that some of you had no problem with the old taunt, but it jus
t didn't "feel" right, so we are replacing it.

Hug - self-explanatory.
Charge - onward!
No - shake your head.
Yes - nod your head.
Raise - raise your hand, as in volunteering or getting attention.
Shrug - shrug your shoulders.
Slap - slap someone.
Slit - let your enemy know what you want to do to him.
Surrender - I give up!

- Animist turrets will no longer attack "gray" level monsters.
- Fixed delve info on support bombers (e.g. Healing Spirit and Spirit of Remedy
in the Animist Verdant Path list).
- GTAE direct damage spells will now critical for list casters like their other
spells. Wild Power affects this normally.
- Fixed a bug with GTAEs sometimes hitting twice.
- Decreased amount of exp taken by Animist controlled turrets (Forest's Servant,
Grove's Assailant, and Battle Messenger lines).
- Lowered level of Animist spell Tangler Youngling in the Arborial Mastery list
by one level to L21. It was overwriting the Spirit of Wrath DD spell.
- Put level caps on the Animist Battle Messenger summons in the Verdant Mastery
list. Since their melee damage (their primary attack) scales up with level diffe
rently from all other turrets, this is a necessary balancing factor to keep lowspecced Animists from using full power turrets.

- Fixed the issue with the Ashen Primal Rune, and Ashen Rune in Midgard Spellcra
ft not showing up properly in the lists
- Enchantment Dusts: The magical dusts that are used in spellcrafting had incorr
ect prices, in some cases over 10x what they should have been. These prices have
been fixed. NOTE: This change is retro-active and has lowered the value of exis
ting dusts in inventories.


- The horse route from Castle Sauvage to Snowdonia Fortress has been shortened a
- The horse route from Snowdonia Fortress to Castle Sauvage has been shortened a
Marfach Caverns: The Ancient Black Oak in Marfach Caverns has granted the Black

Lady new abilities to better defend herself against attackers who choose to flee
combat and return upon healing themselves.
- The reaver-specific diamond seal armor in Darkness Falls should now be availab
- All of the arrows and bolts in the game should now look like arrows and bolts
in inventory and on the ground.
- Jailer Vifil, in Albion, should now drop loot each time he is killed.


Midgard Quests: Players with the sword, the Claw of Ibicus, can turn the sword i
n to Ota Ylring in Aegierhamn for a hand-to-hand version of the Claw of Ibicus.
Hibernia Quests: Players with the lvl 14 item "Valewalker Reward" can turn the i
tem in to Ailionora Parra in the Grove of Domnann for a Shadow Scythe.
Dungeon: Doden's Gruva: You can no longer send a pet at Aros the Spiritmaster in
Doden's Gruva to distract him and run to the other side of the room. Some guard
s have decided to move closer to their leader.
Monsters: Midgard: Iarnwood: Unok is now the proper size and no longer smaller t
han the surrounding redcaps in the area.
- The charges on the Morvalt Ring of the Ancients (Midgard) should now be useabl
- Dagar?s Light Crossbow is now Dagar?s Composite Bow (Midgard).
- The Wight-scarred Breastplate (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The non-merchant inhabitants of Altan Garran and Krrzck in Hibernia have been


- We have increased the amount of Glowing Seals dropped at the frontier and reli
c keeps.
(Edit 11:02 - The format error has been fixed. Thanks :)) Servers are returning,
so I guess you'll be wanting these:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.58 Release Notes

Tuesday, January 7, 2003

In order to give players the chance to respec at high levels, we've put in the a
bility to find objects in the world that will grant the player a realm ability o
r career specialization respec.
Because of their extreme power and high worth, these objects are currently found
only on the dragons in each realm's mainland. On their death, Golestandt, Gjalp
inulva, and Cuuldurach will now drop fifty Luminescent Stones. Half of these wil
l be Full Career Skill respec stones, half Realm Skill respec stones. These ston
es can be traded or sold to other players as any other object in the game.
Luminescent stones can then be taken to special new type of NPC (listed below) a
nd turned in to receive the associated Career or Realm respec.
Please note that after performing a respec, all choices made are your responsibi
lity. Here are the respec NPCs, the objects they will take, and their respec abi
Ellette Redding - Luminescent Exerpise Stone ? Career Skill Respec
Paiton Hazlett - Luminescent Exeregum Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
Tordis - Luminescent Exerpise Stone ? Career Skill Respec
Haili - Luminescent Exeregum Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
Tir na Nog:
Dywana - Luminescent Exerpise Stone ? Career Skill Respec
Bretta - Luminescent Exeregum Stone ? Realm Skill Respec


We're holding off on Windowed mode for the time being, while we address some tec
hnical and support issues. We'll keep you posted on when it will arrive.


- NPCs that are charmed and have healing abilities now will generate more aggres
- Necromancers can no longer control siege weapons in shade mode.
- You can now use left-axe styles on PVE and PVP servers if wielding Albion slas
hing or Hibernian blade weapons.
- Monsters will no longer accept stacked items as quest triggers.
- We fixed a bug where you could have a difficult time picking to select monster
in dungeons or in front of objects.

- Damage adds are now clamped to be the maximum possible

one in a swing rather than the actual damage done (which
ss). This will allow those classes that have damage-adds
ons (i.e. clerical classes) to once again be able to use
m solo monsters.

damage you could have d

was subject to randomne
but cannot spec in weap
damage-adds to help the

- When a player in a group casts an AE damage spell, it no longer puts everyone

in the group into combat. This will mean that abilities such as Mystic Crystal L
ore will now "work" the way they did previously.


- Necromancers now must be visible to their controlled creatures to perform "pet
cast" spells. This fixes the exploit where Necromancers could park their pets i
n keep towers and wander around outside, and have their pets cast at the Necroma
ncer's target.
- Pets of classes such as the Enchanter, Animist, and Bonedancer (and any other
class that can cast offensive spells) will not be able to cast spells on a targe
t unless that target is visible to the pet. We expect this fix to take care of t
he LOS issues for Enchanter-type pets most of the time, but players still may ru
n into situations where the spells are cast even though the pet cannot "see" its
target. We will continue to work on this problem as needed.


We've analyzed the player numbers and level progression on Modred and Andred and
are now making some changes calculated to bring up the population of the PvP se
rvers. Based on our analysis, we've found that even though players get more expe
rience from killing other players, they still level slower than on the live serv
ers on average because they take more deaths (both PvE and PvP) than do players
on the normal servers. In light of this, we're making the following changes:
- We've increased the experience gained by killing level 1 - 30 monsters.
- Experience for killing other players has been increased.
- on PVP servers there's now a 5 minute timer for no experience, realm points, o
r gold. This timer used to be 15 minutes, which resulted in the majority of PvP
kills not generating experience, realm points, or gold.
- Low level dungeons (those under 30th level) have been made PvP-safe (i.e. no k
ill zones).
- The maximum level cap for a few of the dungeons have been changed:
- Cursed Tomb will be capped at 32
- Vendo Caves will be capped at 44
- Koalinth Caverns will be capped at 32
- In patch 1.59 (i.e. the next live patch after this one), the maximum level cap
for Catacombs of Cardova will be changed to level 45. The delay for the changes
in these dungeons are dependent upon the epic quests that some classes may need
to complete. It is highly recommended that players on the Arc of Ages and Craft
of Retribution quests complete these quests before this change goes live.

- In order to ease new characters into the PvP server community, we're putting a
ll newly created characters in a series of "newbie" guilds. These guilds are rou
ghly based on the character's starting location, so all players in the same area
will probably be in the same guild. There are four guilds per Realm, each named
based on the geographical location. Characters can remove themselves from these
guilds by doing a "/gc quit" any time. Please note that characters can technica
lly remain in these guilds for the life of their character, should they choose t
o do so. Being automatically put in a guild at creation gives new characters an
instant chat group and a sense of community with the other players around them.
They can discard this guild at any time, and join a player-run guild when they m
eet the right guild.


- Added Determination to the Savage realm ability list.
- Fixed some bugs in the power costs of the Animist Sap Strength line. Some were
taking no power at all, and some were taking too much. Now all are set to the c
orrect power cost.
- The Animist Briar Eruption spell should now be properly awarded at L17 in the
Verdant Mastery line.
- The Animist Woodspirit Sheath (AOE Bladeturn) line in Verdant Mastery should n
ow pick targets to buff correctly. Please note that it still (correctly) picks r
andom targets in its AOE (up to its maximum), so not everyone in the area will b
e protected.


On the PVP and Co-operative servers you can now buy spell crafting materials use
d by the other realms in each realms major city.
- In Tir Na Nog look for Morolt.
- In Camelot City look for Anyon Becket.
- In Jordheim look for Embla.
Midgard Quests: Bonedancers working on the "Saving the Clan" quest should no lon
ger have to /say Arnfinn to Danica continue on the level 48 portion of the quest
. Also, Arnfinn should now respond to Bonedancers and step them on the quest.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: Resolved a problem with couriers broadcasting w
hen entering their destination keep region. Couriers should now only broadcast w
hen initially spawning.
Dungeon: Earthquakes have shaken the Silvermine Mountains, collapsing large port
ions of the Spraggon Den. The spraggons, confused and disoriented by the earthqu
ake sought a new leader to guide them. Finally, one was chosen to lead them. His
first order of business was to rebuild the den. Adventurers on the live servers
are warned of this Pendragon note. Please do not log out in the spraggon den, o
r your character may log in and fall through the world.
Items: Midgard: The Bonedancer reward 'Odin's Eye Choker' now has the correct sk
ill bonus on it (Bone Army).


- The horse from Caer Diogel to Caer Gothwaite will no longer run through the mi
ddle of trees.
Albion Quests: Players working on the quest "Restoring the Magic" should once ag
ain find Adelon on the ground instead of too far away to speak to him.
Albion Dungeon: Krondon: There was an error with the faction of the ogres inside
of Krondon where players have been receiving positive faction hits with the fac
tion of ogres inside of Krondon by slaying monsters on the Drakoran Legion facti
on. We have retro-actively corrected this on Pendragon - and it will go live wit
h the next version. The ogres inside of Krondon will now be aggressive towards a
ll intruders that venture into their domain, regardless of any previous faction
gains. Note that this change will not affect the ogres outside of Krondon.
Albion Monsters
- The hit points and resistances on Apocalypse have been lowered a bit.
- Rain elements in Aldland will now disappear when they kill a target and after
they have been in combat for 20 seconds.
Albion Quests: Players stuck on step 5 of "Spirits of the Orchard" can now get t
heir seeds from Tomos by right-clicking on him. If Tomos is not up, players will
have to kill Nalsor again to spawn Tomos, then right-click on him. (Note that t
his change was also read into the live servers)
- Noguribando's Vest (Hibernia) should now have the appropriate bonus amounts.
- Grul's Glorious Trident (Midgard) should now drop at the correct level with ap
propriate bonuses.
1.59 (Edited at 9:36 AM EST, two quest notes on the Mammoth Hunt):
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.59 Release Notes
Thursday, January 23, 2003
- Windowed mode and the ability to Alt-Tab have been enabled in the Shrouded Isl
es client. Remember, you may have significant technical issues when you run the
game in windowed mode; be sure to report any problems you find.

- Poisons applied to weapons will now save when zoning.

- In some cases, when a keep lord was killed (usually by a GTAOE spell), the kee
p status would not be changed. This has been fixed.
- A new command for pets has been added - HERE - which commands the pet to come
to your position. Look for it on your pet control window.
- The Looking for group system should now work across zones. It stores up to 30
of each type of group leaders or solo players, and displays the zone name. LFG s
tatus is now saved when zoning.
- You can no longer /INVITE hidden players on PvP severs.
- Certain negative effects on the player would not be overwritten by more powerf
ul negative effects (like slow spells). This has been fixed, and will fix a numb
er of style related effect issues that rely on these spell types.
- Savages will no longer be able to resist their self parry buff (Nails of Kelgo
r line).
- The Purge realm ability is now properly available to Necromancers.
- All Savages now are properly awarded Ignore Laceration at L48 Savagery.
- Necro pets now only get item resistance bonuses from their controller (previou
sly resistance bonuses from buffs were being passed down as well, allowing doubl
e effects).
- Necro power taps cast on monsters now cap the amount of power regained at the
monster's current hitpoints or level, whichever is lower.
- Necromancers in shade mode can no longer use charged items.
- Long macros and macros with commas are no longer cut off when you log out or z
- Sylvan using Large Weapon combat styles will now animate correctly.
- We fixed a bug where sometimes, in rare cases, guild would be created using th
e same guild number. This led to problems where guild messages of the day showed
messages from other guilds, mis-assignment of guild emblems, etc.
- The stack sizes of the Spellcraft ingredients have been changed from 1 to 10.
- Previously, when you /assisted someone, you would target them but your targeti
ng/summary window would not immediately update to reflect it. This has been fixe
d and it will now update as soon as you target them.
- There was a problem where, when moving stacks of objects, sometimes the quanti
ty designated was not calculated, and only one object in the stack was moved. We
fixed, this and now, if you drop a stack on the icon square, it will bring up t
he stack splitter dialog. Also, if you drop a stack on the text area (next to th
e icon, where the item name is displayed) it moves the whole stack without askin
g you. This will allow you to move stacks without any extra clicks.
- Previously, when you make a macro with %T, and have yourself targeted, the mac
ro always returned , for your own name. This has been fixed.

- There was a bug where the command window would not function after you selected
someone's name on the looking for group window. This has been fixed.


You may now buy multiple items at once. With the merchant dialog open, select an
item and Shift-LeftClick on the "BUY" button. It will open a window that allows
you to select how many of the item you would like to purchase. LeftClicking the
left and right arrows on this dialog increases/decreases the amount by 1, Shift
-LeftClicking on the left and right arrows increases/decreases the amount by 10.
If you click on an item's icon in the merchant window, so that the icon of the i
tem you want to purchase is attached to your mouse cursor, you can use the slash
command "/mbuy #" where # is the number (from 1 to 100) that you would like to
This will allow you to macro exact quantities onto your quickbar: eg: /macro BUY
50 /mbuy 50
NOTE: Buying multiple items is the same as if you selected the item and clicked
"buy" X times. This means that if you are buy 10 of an item that is already stac
ked in stacks of 10, you are buying 100 total items.

We've taken a long look at Albion's spellcasting classes, as well as the Thane i
n Midgard, with an eye towards making them more fun to play and functional.
Theurgist Changes
- Theurgist elementals can no longer be rooted or mezzed.
- Theurgist Confusing Gust line has had its radius raised to 350.
- Increased range of Theurgist summons to 2000.
Wizard Changes
- Reduced casting time of Burst of Steam line to 2.5 seconds, which matches the
Spiritmaster and Enchanter PBAE cast times.
Friar Changes
- Increased duration of all Friar self buffs to 15 minutes.
Sorcerer/Cabalist Changes
- Increased value on L48 self shield Nullify Offense to 250.
Sorcerer Changes
- Sorcerers can now charm any monster type. This should strengthen their Mind sp
ec considerably, and facilitate better charming in dungeons (where many monsters
are undead).
- Added Minion Control to the Sorcerer RA list.

- Increased radius of Fog, Blanket and Cloud of Senility to 350.

- Added a power regen buff to Mind spec list so that all three realms have a ver
sion of this spell:
5 Comprehension of Power
15 Perception of Power
26 Perspicuity of Power
36 Cognition of Power
46 Lucidity of Power
- Instead of adding more crowd control to any realm, Sorcerers are getting two n
ew ways of dealing with crowd control.
1) Added a self mez-duration reduction buff to Mind Spec.

Shield Mind
Harden Mind
Steel Mind
Invulnerable Mind

2) Added group mez-duration reduction chant to Mind Spec.

29 Solidarity of Mind
39 Unity of Mind
49 Brotherhood of the Mind
General Magic Changes
- Increased duration of all self-only buffs that had 10 minute timers to 15 minu
- Fixed a delve bug that affected the "cast time" print. Spells with fractional
cast times were truncating the fractional component, so spells with 2.5 second c
ast times (for example) were listed as 2 seconds. Unless noted elsewhere in the
patch notes, no cast times actually changed, they just print correctly now. Plea
se note that spells on the Camelot Herald have always included the fractions of
a second; it is only the delve print function that is being updated.
Thane Changes
- Removed recast timer from Thor's Minor Bolt line. This is consistent with the
Call Mjolnir line, which also doesn't have a recast timer.
- Changed Thor's Vigor line from a Strength only to Strength/Constitution buff.


- We have revised the dragon AI to provide a more consistent breath weapon use i
n all three realms.
- Midgard Quests: Players working on the "Helping the Svartalfar" quest will no
longer be able to get the rabid sveawolf skull from any sveawolf. They must get
it from the rabid sveawolf.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps

- We have added additional camps of higher level mobs for players to hunt at eac
h keep so they can take advantage of the keep experience bonus for claiming a ke
- We have modified the spawn of the guard patrols as well as modified the area t
hese patrols cover. The patrols closest to enemy portal keeps have been reduced
in number and the area they patrol has been reduced as well. Patrols closest to
the border keeps have been increased in number.
- The door for the central keep has been moved making it easier for players usin
g rams to damage the door. Prior to this change, rams were not as effective on t
he door because the door was placed slightly inside the proper location making i
t very difficult to target. Players will not see a visual change, but the ease i
n damaging the door should be noticeable.
- Monsters: Monsters summoned by Summoner Lossren in the Summoners Hall will no
longer drop loot. (already fixed on live)
- We have revised the dragon AI in all three realms - in an effort to provide a
more predictable encounter, as far as breath weapon use, for Golestandt, Cuuldur
ach, and Gjalpinulva.
Hibernia: After having been annihilated by a combination of disease and the brut
ality of the Fomorians in eons long past, the souls of the Parthelonians have be
come restless and seek to extract vengeance against the Fomorians and any other
unlucky individual that cross their path.
Item Notes
- The Seafarer's Death Shroud (Midgard) can now by dyed.
- Future drops of the Sapling Staff (Hibernia) should salvage for the correct ma
terial type.
- Gold Stitched Boots (Midgard) should now correctly appear as cloth.
- The Feverish Runner Drum (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- The Ring of Abundance (Midgard) now increases piety, not intelligence.
- The Dried Moss Ring (Hibernia) should now equip in the ring slot.
- The Mandible Headed Axe (Midgard) should no longer display that it has a proc.
- The Deathsight Perfection Bracer (Albion) has had its magic bonuses slightly a
ltered so that it will not continue to generate a "fails to affect you" message.
The new magic bonuses are: resist darkness 6%, skill deathsight +6, power +1, s
tat int +9.
- The Poorly Woven Vest (Midgard) has been replaced with a new drop, the Poorly
Woven Garb.
- The Circle Protector Ring (Albion) can now be worn in the ring slot.
- The Spider Keeper's Gloves (Hibernia) now has thrust and body resist, instead
of two body resist entries.

- The Decorated Seashell Staff (Hibernia) should now salvage for the appropriate
- The Seething Death Boots (Albion) that are actually leggings have been renamed
Seething Death Leggings.
- The Sable Boots of Dementia (Albion) now increase slashing and body resistance
s, instead of having two body resist entries.
- The Gauntlets of Mortification (Albion) now increase crushing and cold resista
nces, instead of having two cold resist entries.
- The Worn Mail of Dissolution (Albion) now increases thrusting and body resista
nces, instead of having two body resist entries.
- The Diseased Rat Tail (Albion) now increase spirit and body resistances, inste
ad of having two body resist entries.
- The Flesh Stretched Riddle Staff (Albion) now has a Death Servant focus added.
- Future drops of the Bear Mask helm (Midgard) should salvage for the correct ma
terial. Please note that this does not apply to Bear Masks that currently exist
in a player's inventory at the time of this patch.


- Albion Quests: Lost Treasures: Due to a bug, the reward portion of the quest h
as been restructured. If your quest journal now says 'Step 13 - Choose your seco
nd bracer from Ariette' and you did not make a first choice, return to Ariette b
ehind Fort Gwyntell in Dales of Devwy and she will allow you to get your first b
racer. Players will no longer be able to get unlimited no-sell, no-trade bracers
- Albion Quests: Players on Ogre's Might who killed Scureol Hyrde and have the C
hanneler's Orb, but couldn't turn the item in to Master Xavier can now turn the
item in and finish the quest.
Midgard Quests
- The quest "Silent Death" has been opened to Savages and Bonedancers. Also, ALL
rewards for this quest have been changed to "No Sell".
- Mammoth Hunt - Savages that received the non-functioning Tusk Bladed Fist can
take it to Bothrar Hadd in Bjarkan (Gripklosa Mountains) and exchange it for a f
unctioning Tusk Bladed Fist. Players must have Mammoth Hunt listed in their comp
leted quests to exchange the item. Players may only trade in their Tusk Bladed F
ist once.
- Mammoth Hunt: The spells on the following rewards for this quest were set
incorrectly. They now have the correct spells. The rewards affected are:
Ivory Bladed Hammer, Tusked Handled Battlehammer, Tusk Blade, and Boned
Ivory Staff.
- Mammoth Hunt: There were some other problems with the Tusked Handled
Battlehammer that could not be auto-updated. Because of this we have made it
non-functioning. Any player who now has a non-functioning Tusked Handled
Battlehammer (now called a Broken Tusked Handled Battlehammer) should take

it to Bothrar Hadd in Dyrfjell and exchange it for a working one. Because

the object will not be usable at all anymore, players do not have to have
Mammoth Hunt in their completed quests list to perform the exchange. Players
may still only exchange one Battlehammer.
- Bonedancers have been added to the available classes for the Stripe quest.
- A woman named Medana has come to Aegir's Landing to help stop Catla Gardasdott
ir's mad plans. Anyone that is level 49 or 50 should speak to Medana in Dyrfjell
if they wish to help.
- Mucking Through the Ick: Savages and Bonedancers have been receiving the wrong
rewards for this quest. Savages who received the Silkstand Belt (+2 power) can
take it to Belyria in Haggerfel and exchange it for the Hardened Silkstrand Belt
. Bonedancers who received the Hardened Silkstrand Belt (+HPs) and would prefer
the Silkstrand Belt (+power) can also speak to Belyria and exchange their belt.
Players must have completed the Mucking Through the Ick quest and have the belt
with them to exchange it. The exchange may only be done once.
Albion Monsters
- Avalon Isle: Nalsor would sometimes chase players indefinitely or kill them ag
ain at their bindstone after they release. This should no longer happen.
- Isle of Glass: A drakoran commander has been spotted in the drakoran encampmen
ts in the Northwest of the Isle of Glass. It is suspected that he is planning an
attack on Avalonian positions in that region. He has only been seen plotting wi
th his underlings in the early morning hours.
- Crystal Cave: The Xanxicarian Elite have been toned down slightly. They also c
hant correctly during battle now.
- NPC Changes Bjarken: Berge is now a Smith instead of a Vault Keeper. Sisko now
sells Dye making supplies and enchanting/recharging supplies.
- NPC Changes in Hagall: Alfdis Rannveig is now a Smith instead of a Healer. She
has been moved from Bjarken to Hagall. Mikkal will no longer sell spellcrafting
supplies for other realms. A new enchanter has come to the town of Hagall. His
name is Bolverk and he can be found near the three huts in the town.
- NPC Changes in Knarr: Reynilda will now sell Midgard spellcrafting supplies in
stead of Hibernian ones.
- Monsters: Midgard: Iarnwood: The skalds of Aegir are telling tales of a horrib
le creature named Sariloc in Iarnwood forest. The beast is supposedly very deadl
y and can reportedly swallow a kobold in one bite. It is unknown if this beast a
ctually exists or is merely a rumor.
- Ibicus should no longer spawn inside the bridge.
- Cothrom Gorge: Travelers passing by the waterfall have reported that the area
now smells of death. There are also reports of earth tremors in that area. Some
even claim to have seen the very rock around the waterfall move! Globs of green
sludge have been collecting behind the waterfall as well. There is some speculat
ion that the sludge is the source of the foul odor, but others suspect that some
thing else lurks behind the waterfall.

- Vigilant Rock: The sylvanshades south of Necht have reportedly appointed a lea
der as well as placed a scout to watch over the area.
Treasure Changes in Vigilant Rock
- The randomly generated objects that dropped from the monsters Rinne, Taiore, a
nd Laraida in the Vigilant Rock will now drop off Tuliros. The randomly generate
d objects that dropped on Luaire will now drop off Merugat. Tuliros and Merugat
roam in the twisted sylvan valley where Luaire and his co-horts are located.
- Luaire, Rinne, Taiore, and Laraida have been returned to their normal quest sp
awn timer.
Treasure Changes in Vale of Balor
- The randomly generated objects that dropped from the monsters Adwyth, Drygau,
and Anhylaw will now drop off the monsters Cragger and Monger. Cragger (a fomori
an) can be found in one of the houses around the Fomorian town area in Vale of B
alor. Monger (an ixthiar) can be found in and around one of the tree-trunk house
s in the ixthiar area in the Vale of Balor.
- Adwyth, Drygau, and Anhylaw have been returned to their normal quest spawn tim
Expansion Item Notes
- Bonedancers may now wear the Stripe Hide Helm.
- The bonuses on the Necromancer's initiate gift, Necromancer's Staff, have been
changed to match the other caster initiate gifts. Necromancers will now receive
a focus staff at level 5 that contains all three of their spell lines.
- The Pelted Fury cloak reward given to Runemasters, Spiritmasters, Healers, and
Shamans for the "Ota's Quest" the has been altered. The cloak is a multi-class
cloak that previously favored runemasters and spiritmasters. The skills have bee
n adjusted so all four classes will gain a skill benefit.
- Gazsi's Battle Hammer and Gazsi's Blade (Midgard) should now proc correctly.
- Dagda's Cauldron (Hibernia) has been renamed to Cauldron of Clarity to avoid c
onfusion with the relic Cauldron of Dagda.
- The Staff of Repugnance (Albion) is now wielded as a two-handed weapon.
- The Ring of Tangled Vines (Hibernia) should now equip correctly for Hibernia p
- The Golden Disk Brake (Albion) should no longer display that it has a proc.
- The Azure Prayerbound suit of armor in Caer Sidi should now appear as leather
instead of studded.
- The Masterful Agony Boots (Hibernia) now increase mana magic skill instead of
body magic.
- The Barkstripper's Scythe (Hibernia) can now be recharged.
- The Silvered Leather Jerkin (Hibernia) now has body and slashing resist, inste
ad of two separate body resist entries.

- The dwarf Ornulf of Delling Crater should now have Midgard appropriate drops.
- The Birghirian Hauberk (Midgard) can now be worn by shadowblades.
- Gorvos' Frozen Bardiche (Albion) now buffs crush resist instead of power.
- The haunted rowans in Caldey should now be dropping appropriate level unique i
tem focus staves.
- The Glacier Jewel with the resistances to cold, slashing, and body should now
work at the correct level (47).
- The Braided Ivy and Vine Staff now has the correct focus - mentalism.
- Albion: Ariach's Purged Staff is now correctly set as a two-handed weapon.
- The Darkened Vine Necklace (Hibernia) now correctly increases empathy instead
of piety.
Unique Item Generator
In the expansion areas and certain dungeons the Unique Item generator is used. A
reas that use these see more treasure drops on average than old areas of the gam
e. We had not altered the salvage on the objects to compensate for that fact. Th
e base objects for the Random Item Generator now have a consistent salvage value
and are now broken down by size.
Small items - small weapons, small shields, boots and gauntlets.
Medium items - medium sized weapons, medium shields sleeves and helms.
Large items - large weapons, large shields, leggings and chestpieces.
Metal / Strips

/ Ore

Wood / Leather Cloth


Epic Dungeon Item Notes

The second pass through the epic dungeons is done. The following changes were ma
de to improve the risk vs. reward in Caer Sidi, Tuscarian caves, and Galadoria.
- The class set armor pieces are now all level 51.
- The reactive procs on those pieces were upgraded.
- Many items received increased bonuses.
- Salvage was heavily reduced in these dungeons.
Tur Suil Changes
- Queen Qunilaria's drop rates were altered. She will now only drop 1 100Q item,
with a *chance* to drop randomly generated items.

- The Gloves of the Black Archer are now correctly known as the Sleeves of the B
lack Archer (Albion).
- Fur Brushed Chain Leggings (Midgard) can now be dyed and salvaged.
- The charges on the Gatekeeper's Reversion Cloak (Midgard) can now be used. How
ever, please note this item is NOT rechargeable.
Epic Dungeon Notes
We are closely watching the Risk vs reward in the epic dungeons and will continu
e to do so. These are the first of possible changes and are geared towards small
er raid groups.
1) All non-boss monsters in Caer Sidi, Tuscarian Caverns, and Galadoria now drop
more coin.
2) All non-boss monsters in Caer Sidi, Tuscarian Caverns, and Galadoria had thei
r drop rates increased.
3) Numerous treasure table bugs were fixed in the Tuscarian Caverns.
4) Lord Lron Should in Caer Sidi should now drop items.
Albion Quests: Free the Rogue! - Animists and Valewalkers should now be able to
complete this quest.
Hibernia Quests: Crace's Desire - players from Albion and Midgard should now be
able to finish this quest.
- All Portal Master NPCs on the PvP/PvE Servers will now respond to the key word
s [port me]. You must be wearing the medallion of your target destination in ord
er for this to work. This is just an additional method to use the Portal Masters
. You can still continue to use them the previous way if you choose.


- The maximum level cap for Catacombs of Cardova has been changed to level 45. T
he delays for the changes in this dungeon are dependent upon the epic quests tha
t some classes may need to complete. For players who are over the level cap and
are attempting to complete their epics, we have provided the following options f
or the PvP servers only:
- Arc of Ages ? Players over 45th level and attempting to perform step 4 can now
find the forgotten emperor in Cornwall, west of the Catacombs.
- Craft of Retribution ? Players over 45th level and attempting to perform steps
5, 6, or 7 can now find and animated version of the Amulet of Fasius Previlus i
n Cornwall, near the Cornish Giants.


- Grand Lord Martel's difficulty has been adjusted.

- The monsters that have taken control of Grallarhorn Faste on Gaheris have beco
me stronger.
- The "Famine" one-time drop is now do-able by necromancers.
- The encounters at Hildskialf Faste, Bledmeer Faste and Nottmoor Faste have had
their difficulty increased.
Kick back, grab a refreshing beverage, and check out the patch notes. I'm told t
he servers will be back within the hour:
Edit 12:30 PM - sorry about the volley inconsistency. The reuse timer on Volley
is fifteen seconds, and all the patch notes on the subject now agree.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.60 Release Notes
Monday, February 24, 2003
- (SI Only) The paperdoll image should no longer be corrupted by alt-tabbing in
fullscreen mode.
- (SI Only) You can now run multiple instances of the client on the same compute
r simultaneously. You may not log into the same server on two different realms (
except for Co-op and PVP servers). PLEASE BE AWARE that running two instances of
Camelot on one computer is not recommended and will work with only the most adv
anced computer systems. You will be able to run two versions of Camelot simultan
eously only if you have 512megs or more of system RAM. If you run into any probl
ems with running two Camelot instances on the same computer, exit one of them be
fore calling customer support.
- The Looking for Group window is now sortable by clicking on the column headers
- Runes should no longer misprint the name of the first target they hit
- Area of Effect spells should no longer affect group members' camouflage timers
- Players can no longer become realm level 11. Realm Level 10 is the highest.
- You can no longer upgrade a keep door while mezzed, paralyzed, or in shade mod
- It should no longer be possible to earn exp from a duel, which was possible by
using a number of class/pet combinations.
- Bonedancer pet levels will be counted in a more consistent way. This will fix
a bug that allowed them to summon the pets in a certain order to have more pet l
evels total than were intended.

- Previously, there was a bug with name registration, where you would get a mess
age that you already had a last name, even when you didn't. This erroneous messa
ge has been removed.
- If a necromancer is in a group which does all of the damage to a target withou
t the necro/pet attacking at all and the rest of the group is killed, the monste
r should try to attack the pet, not the shade.
- Chat groups can hold up to 200 members
- Relics are now given up to 60 seconds to transfer between zones. This should f
ix most of the problems with players transferring between regions and losing the
ir relic.
- There was a problem with the Bonedancer focus snare spell that would result in
the character losing all spell points. This has been fixed.
- Each time a player attempts to enter/exit stealth, a roughly one and a half se
cond timer is set in which they can't attempt to do it again. This fixes the ste
alth spamming exploit.
- (SI Client Only) Lava should now glow in Muspelheim.
- Delving store objects past the first page should now work.
- A number of bugs with the /groundassist command have been fixed. The range it
can be used in has also been increased to help make it more useful for siege equ
ipment "spotters".
- Dispel mesmerize spells will no longer remove the immunity timer if the target
has a sleeping mesmerize effect on them.
- The Mercenary ability Dirty Tricks should delve properly now (it was previousl
y delving as a "combat heal chant").
- Player guild messages and the guild Message Of The Day should now echo to othe
r regions much more consistently.
- A Necromancer's target window will now update to reflect a target his pet has
acquired, if he does not already have a target.
- Previously, the combat style Kelgor's Might (Midgard, Savage) would pull other
wise stationary NPCs from frontier keeps. This has been fixed.
- Randomly generated items have had their bonus points increased across the boar
d, to make them more competitive with Spellcrafted items. In general Spellcrafte
d items have a huge benefit in customizability, while randomly generated items c
an have bonuses that, while individually nice, do not perfectly suit any one cha
racter. The higher bonus points will allow items to be generated that may have 3
bonuses that are worth using, even though
the 4th may not be perfectly tuned for a given character. High level monsters (7
0+) get even more bonus points, and random object drops from "epic" monsters now
get a quality bonus as well. This should greatly reduce the chance of high leve
l and boss monsters from dropping undesirable items, and produce some variety fr
om existing spellcrafted templates.
- Now, when you use any timer-based ability, spell, or combat style that has a t
imer, the spell/ability/style hotkey on your quickbar will now "gray out". It wi
ll pop back into color mode once it's reusable again.

- When an item is dropped from a flying monster, it drops to the floor height on
the server and the client. We had some issues with flying monsters over water a
nd on slopes where the player could not get the item (it was "out of range"). Th
ese issues should now be fixed.
- When a Necromancer's constitution drops to 3 or below, he can no longer summon
a shade. This change should primarily affect Necromancers on the PvP servers.
- If you are casting a non-targeted spell and your actual target dies or quits,
it no longer cancels the spell. Examples of non targeted spells are: pet targete
d, ground targeted or radius spells.
- In a dungeon, if an item or body is underwater, you should be able to click on
it correctly. You used to get the "player is not visible" message.
- You should now get visual timers on your client when you Repair, Upgrade or Sa
- The following command states are now saved on the server: /SETWHO, /CANCELSTYL
E and /NOQUEUE. The /COLORNAMES was always saved on the client by account and ch
aracter. The /SPELLEFFECTS is not saved.
- Archers whose target dies while trying to release an arrow will now remain noc
ked, and they can select a new target.
- The Theurgist realm ability Siege Bolt can now be used against targets that ar
e in combat.
- Longshot has had its cost reduced to 6 points. A refund is granted for players
who have already purchased it.
- Volley has had its cost reduced to 8 points and its reuse time is now 15 secon
ds, significantly shorter than before. A refund is granted for players who have
already purchased it.
- The initial time to prepare a Volley is now half of what it was.
- Necromancers in shade form can move through doors and stairs more easily.

Version 1.60 has a couple of large changes to the battleground system. The inten
t of these changes is to get more players involved in RvR at lower levels by inc
enting them with experience points. There are two major parts of these additions
: we've added a new lower-level battleground for those players levels 15-19, and
now you can gain lots of experience by completing each Battleground.
Experience for Battlegrounds
We've added a system for experience rewards for completing each battleground. Ba
sically, when you complete a battleground, you can go to a new special NPC that
will give you a medal. That medal can be taken to another new NPC and turned in
for a significant amount of experience points.
To complete a battleground, you must achieve three objectives (note that only th
e keep raid must take place in the Battleground, the rest can be achieved in sta
ndard RvR):

1. Participating and living through a successful raid on a central keep that has
been held by the enemy for at least 45 minutes
2. Being at the realm point cap for that battleground
3. Being in the level range for the battleground, plus one level.
Please note that the realm points
hey can be gained in standard RvR
eep raid and reached the required
their home city and receive their

need not all be earned in the battleground - t

as well. Once players have participated in a k
Realm Point level, players go to a new NPC in
medal of valor.

You can only receive the medal for a battleground if you are within the level ra
nge for that specific battleground, plus one level. For instance, you can only r
eceive the Thidranki medal if you are between 20 and 25.
Medal NPCs
Camelot: Commander Kise can be found on the porch of his house by The Mug.
Jordheim: Ostaden who is repairing his equipment at the local smithy.
TirNaNog: Mobryn who resides in a house near the Chamber of Arms.
After receiving the medal, players may turn in the medal and receive a substanti
al experience reward. Please note that battleground medals must be used within o
ne level of the level cap for a battleground. For example, you can turn in the m
edal and receive the experience reward for Thidranki at 25 but not at 26 or abov
e. You can only turn in one medal per battleground.
Battlefield Experience NPCs
Camelot: Sir Dinairak is in the royal library.
Jordheim: Aiesill is in the great hall.
TirNaNog: Rheollyn is in the palace courtyard.
New Low-Level Battleground
Additionally, a new battleground, Abermenai, has been opened for players to get
their very first taste of RVR action at an earlier level. Characters can enter A
bermenai if they are level 15-19. The realm point cap for this battleground is l
ower than Thidranki(125), but high enough so that players can purchase their fir
st realm abilities at an earlier level.

- Minstrels now receive Danger Sense, Distractions, Climb Walls, and Safe Fall I
- V by specializing in their Stealth skill. They receive these abilities at the
same spec levels that Infiltrators do.


Corpse Summoners are intended to help retrieve relics - some players are using c
orpse summoners to camp out in keeps and simply defend it, gaining Realm Points
all the time. This had led to a situation where some Realms actively do not want
their Relics. We're making two changes in this version to incent Realms to want
to keep their Relics and to not over-use their Corpse Summoners.
1. Characters who are defending
se summoner in their realm will
they currently control (Up to a
ty of defense in this situation

their home frontier against invaders with a corp

now receive a 15% RP bonus for each enemy relic
60% total bonus) to recognize the added difficul
and as an additional relic reward.

2. Characters now will not earn Realm Points in the 30 minutes following a resur
rection at a corpse summoner.
At long last, Dark Age of Camelot gets some new distinctive headwear. We'll be a
dding in new non-armor clothing outfits as well in a few weeks.
- New hats have been added to the game as well as patterns for two of the hats w
hich can be crafted as armor.
Pointed Steeple Hat
Woodsman's Cap
Jester Hat
Pointed Steeple Hat Pattern
Crown Pattern
Pointed Steeple Hat
Fur-Trimmed Cap
Winged Hat
Wolf-head Hat
Pointed Steeple Hat Pattern
Circlet Pattern
Pointed Steeple Hat
Woodsman's Hat
Entwined Leaf Hat
Antlered Hat
Pointed Steeple Hat Pattern
Wreath Pattern
We have added 1 new merchant to each realm. These merchants travel between the t
wo towns outside of the capital city and sell the hats and patterns that we have

Albion: Merwyn Hawley
Midgard: Vinandr
Hibernia: Melanaha


/cg listen - puts the chat group on listen mode. Only the moderator and leaders
can speak.
/cg leader (name) - declare another member of the chat group as a leader. This p
layer can invite other players into the chat group and speak when the chat group
is on listen mode. You don't need to use parentheses.
/cg public - The chatgroup is public and anyone can join by typing /cg join
/cg private - The chatgroup is invite or password only.
/cg join (moderator name) - joins a public chat group by name of the moderator.
/cg join (moderator name) (password) - joins a private chat group which has a pa
ssword set.
/cg password - display the current password for the chat group (moderator only)
/cg password clear - clear the current password (moderator only)
/cg password (text) - set a new password


- You now see an animation when drinking potions.
- You'll now see a graphical effect when you level.
- Binding now has an animation.
- A new effect has been added for when a Spellcraft overcharge goes horribly wro
- You'll now see a special animation when /praying at your gravesite.
- Three new emotes have been added - beg, induct, and dismiss. Use /beg to plead
, /induct when inducting a new guild member (or other ceremonial occasion), and
/dismiss to visually show someone that you're done with them.


Any player level 35-50 will see any other player 35-50 who is lower than them as
"yellow". You will still see players higher than you as orange/red/purple. If y
ou or your target is lower than level 42, the con color will be the same as they
have been. The intent of this change is to have high-level characters not immed

iately go after lower-level enemies that are "easy" kills.

Please note that this change does not affect anything other than how the player
cons to you. To-hit, damage, etc, are NOT affected by this.

- Fixed the stack size of Scales so they are once again created in stacks of 20.
- Wizened wood for Alchemy is now spelled correctly.
- The last two material types of the Wrought Jewelry Box for Midgard have been c
orrectly set to 825 and 925 skill.
- Dropped timer for creating potions so that they are half of what they currentl
y are.
- Shifted the 1000 skill potions/poisons down one rank so they show up while alc
hemists are skilling up in the 900 range


General Magic Changes
- Life transfers can no longer be used on the caster.
Albion Changes
We're entering into the home stretch of Albion changes based on some detailed an
alysis of the realm's capabilities. Hopefully the recent changes will help smoot
h out the capabilities of the realm in RvR by making required RvR abilities more
prevalent, without making them more powerful.
Cleric Changes
- Increased the range on the baseline stun to 1350, and decreased the cast time
on the spec single target DD to 3 seconds.
- Added 2 new lines of buffs in the Enhancement spec track.
1) These spells are 10 minute group cast buffs, which for the duration give the
chance to proc a healing effect when hit.
29 Strength From Adversity
38 Test of Faith
49 Trial By Fire
2) These spells are 15 minute self buffs which raise melee damage output.
17 Refiner's Strength
28 Purifying Strength
39 Mercybringer
Friar Changes

Added group targeted heal-over-time spell to Rejuvenation spec track:

24 Blessed Encouragement
34 Holy Encouragment
44 Champion's Encouragment
Minstrel Changes
- Significantly increased values on the higher levels of the Song of Healing lin
- Significantly reduced the cost of offensive shouts to be comparable to other c
- Increased stun shout duration to be comparable to other single target stun spe
- Added new hit point buffer song (shoutable chant)
30 Barrier of Sound
40 Shield of Melody
50 Wall of Song
Mage (Base Class) Changes
- Instead of getting the root spell Minor Crippling at L3 in Body Destruction, M
ages now get the Vitality Drain lifetap upgrade.
Sorcerer Changes
- Increased Mind Spec AE Mez to 1875 range.
Cabalist Changes
- Life transfers will now transfer up to the listed delve value before healing c
ritical hits from RAs are factored in, and half the amount transferred will be d
educted from the caster. The costs have been raised significantly however to bri
ng them closer in cost to major heal spells. If the caster doesn't have enough l
ife to cast the spell at full value, it will still cast successfully, but will r
educe the caster to 1 hitpoint.
- Changed Ruby Simulacrum proc to be a ranged spell that can be interrupted.
- Increased melee damage on Sapphire Simulacrum.
- Increased defense on Emerald Simulacrum and the damage on its DoT proc.
- Increased damage on Jade Simulacrum's damage shield self buff.
Hibernian Bard Changes
- Significantly increased values in the higher levels of the Chant of Healing li
Midgard Skald Changes
- Significantly reduced the cost of Warcry, Battle Whoop, and Stunning Shout lin
es to be comparable to other classes.

- Significantly increased values in the higher levels of the Simple Song of Rest
Realm Ability Changes
- Longshot now has a reuse timer of 5 minutes, and Volley now has a reuse timer
of 15 seconds.
- Brilliant Aura of Deflection should now last 30 seconds (not 60) as the docume
ntation on the Herald indicates.


We've made a number of changes to siege warfare in 1.60. The intention of these
changes is to make siege weapons useful in keeping and defending keeps. We've in
creased the viability of other siege weapons, so players will not have to rely o
n enormous numbers of Rams when attacking a frontier or relic keep.
Now, attackers should be able to use Catapults to attack players and NPCs inside
the keep, wear them down, then use a more limited number of Rams to get through
the doors. Of course, keep defenders can also use Catapults and Ballistae to pr
otect themselves.
Additionally, we've made Catapults and Ballistae last longer in the world, and t
hey are easier to build and carry than previously.
We'll be monitoring the effects of these changes on keep and relic raids and wil
l make additional tweaks as necessary.
- Ballista and Catapult ammo now stack up to 20.
- The non-raw wood components for catapults and ballistae now weigh roughly half
of what they did previously. This puts them down into the range of non-raw wood
weight of the rams.
- Catapults and Ballistae will naturally degrade now half as fast as they did pr
- The arming timer for Ballistae and Catapults has been cut in half.
- Rams can no longer attack enemy rams.
- Defending rams cannot target their own keep doors.
- Only 3 siege weapons can now attack a door at the same time.
- Ballista damage bonus has been substantially increased against enemy siege wea


- The frontier monster camps that were added in 1.59 have had their difficulty t
weaked slightly. They have had their levels lowered slightly to make the areas m
ore enticing for players to hunt in.

Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps

- New named guards have replaced one of the personal guards that spawn when a ke
ep is upgraded.
- Albion keeps will receive a "Captain", Hibernian keeps will receive a "Niallan
", and Midgard keeps will receive a "Bryti" to help defend the wealth of the rea
lm stored in the keep.
Experience Point Rewards
We have added an experience reward for 2 level ranges outside of the battlegroun
d. They are 35 to 40 and 40 to 45. In order to receive the experience reward you
must take a merchant keep in an enemy frontier after it has been controled for
at least 45 minutes. You must do this once for each level range.
After taking the keep, if you meet the minimum realm points for that level range
, you may go to the medal NPC in the capital cities and receive your Medal of Va
Minimum Realm Level:
35-40 Realm level 2 rank 0
40-45 Realm level 2 rank 5
Once the medal is in a player's posession, it can be taken to the NPC in the cap
ital cities that accepts the battleground medals. Again, a significant experienc
e reward will be given.
In order to receive the medal and hand the medal in for experience, you must be
within the appropriate level range. The medals cannot be saved for use outside o
f the level ranges listed above, and you can only receive each medal and experie
nce reward only once.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds
- Once a battleground keep has been held for 45 minutes, in addition to the shou
t made by the keep lord, an additional banner will appear signifying that taking
the keep would result in the completion of the keep requirement for the battleg
round medal of valor.
- We have slightly altered the configuration of the battleground keeps so that t
he center keep doors face the portal keep that the keep is from. Changes are as
Dun Abermenai faces a neutral location.
Thidranki Faste faces the Midgard portal keep (original layout)
Dun Murdaigean faces the Hibernia portal keep.
Caer Caledonia faces the Albion portal keep.
- Rumors in the alehouses around Prydwen Keep are that the Mithrans have begun c
onverting some of the local youth to their dark ways. Adventurers may spot them

lurking near the entrance to the cursed tomb of Mithra.

General Quest Notes
- All three home cities have arranged for an officiant to perform weddings. Plea
se see either Gilby, Ardkill or Dillion to find out more about a wedding ceremon
- The caster staff rewards for the level 40 guild quest have been changed. The n
ew versions no longer have a proc; instead they now come with a charged effect.
Anyone who completes the quests will now receive the new staffs. For anyone who
has already completed the quests, an NPC has been added to each capital city tha
t will gladly take the old staff and return the new one.
Midgard: Braden who is on the second floor in the house with the three caster tr
Hibernia: Vinry who can be found in the chamber of magic.
Albion: Magess Dejahra who can be found in the first floor of the library in the
Albion Quest Notes
- Weakened Bonds: Players should now find that Archdruid Glasan is once again sp
- Malignant Creatures: All players should now be able to complete this quest.
- Willing Sacrifice: Players should once again be able to summon High Priest And
ania with a willing sacrifice.
- Hands of Fate: The Shade of Ambrosius should be working correctly again.
Albion Monsters
- Dooben in Avalon Marsh is can no longer be charmed.
- A heat resist debuff component has been added to Golestandt's breath weapon.
- The Ellyl and Ravenclan Giants located in Pennine Mountains have decided to se
nd settlers to various places in Llyn Barfog. These explorers have taken their t
reasure and equipment along for the journey to aid them in their relocation.
- The Arawnites, Hollow Men, Cyclops and Bwcas of all types have decided to send
bands of explorers into Lyonesse to discover new grounds to set up camp. Hoping
that the new lands will prove safer to their kind, all of the worldly possessio
ns of these monsters have been sent with the exploring bands.
New Hibernian Quests
- The Broken Seal(level 24): Druid Tobryn has been studying the koalinth near Ti
r Urphost. He is making quite a fuss about his findings. Pay a visit to Druid To
bryn in Tir Uphorst to find out what all the commotion is.

Hibernia Quest Notes

- The Lesser of Two Evils: Players should now find that the siabra and curmudgeo
ns once again have their battle at high noon.
Midgard Quest Notes
- Gokstad's Jewel - This level 18 Hunter only quest, given out by Singrid, has b
een renamed "The Wanestone Jewel" quest to avoid confusion with the level 11 Sha
dowblade trainer quest, "Jewel Hunt".
- Dark Places of the Soul - Rumor has it that a woman in Fort Veldon by the name
of Idona has happened upon some mysterious information. Perhaps you should visi
t her.
Darkness Falls Notes
- Prince Asmoien and Prince Ba'alorien's AI was updated to ensure their encounte
rs reliability.
- The imp merchants of Darkness Falls will no longer aggro on characters from th
e realm they sell items for. They are also not attackable by the realm they sell
items for. Players can still attack other realms merchants, but doing so will r
uin their faction with their own merchants and not allow them to purchase items
until they raise their faction. As a side effect of this change, none of these m
erchants will be killable at all on the PvE or PvP servers.
Tradeskill Merchant Notes
In keeping with our policy of
adeskill tools, we have moved
one area, purchase materials,
tools moved are listed below,

not having tradeskill merchants in range of the tr

many tools so it will not be possible to stand in
and craft without moving. The towns that have had
as well as what tools were moved.

Cornwall station: The forge has been moved to a more appropriate location.
Gna Faste: The lathe and the forge have been moved to more appropriate locations
Innis Carthaig: The lathe has been moved to a more appropriate location.
Tir na Nog: The alchemy table has been moved to just outside of the druid cirle.
Item Notes
In order to compete with Shrouded Isles items, future item drops and quest rewar
ds level 40+ will now come into existence with the magic bonus appropriate to th
e item's level, instead of the magic bonus that corresponds to the material from
which it is made. Previously, the magic bonus was capped at 25% in most instanc
es because the objects are made from their respective 8th level material type. A
s for Darkness Falls vendor items, the sapphire seal equipment will now have a 2
5% magic bonus, and the diamond seal equipment will have a 30% magic bonus. This
change to the magic bonus for old world items DOES NOT apply to existing object
s already in a player's inventory at the time of the applies only to

future drops, future finished quests, and future DF vendor purchases.

The old world "uber rare" objects have had their magic bonuses upgraded to compl
y with current standards. These objects are the 90% quality ones you rarely see
dropping in the old world, up to level 31. This applies only to future drops of
these items, not ones that are currently in existence on a player.
- The Braided Darksteel Helm (Midgard) now buffs slashing and body resists, inst
ead of having two separate body resist entries.
- Pants of the Risen (Albion) now have a spirit resist and energy resist, instea
d of having two separate energy resist entries.
- Bonedancers are now able to use the following staves: Rod of the Soulshade, Kr
opp's Staff, Stately Arcane Staff of Darkness, and Stately Arcane Staff of Suppr
- The Brittle-bone Great Sword (Midgard) had an invalid spell proc removed.
- The salvage value for the Whirling Defender staff (Albion) has been corrected.
- Eir's Circlet (Midgard) can now be salvaged.
- Rod of the Soulshade (Albion and Midgard versions) can now be salvaged.
- Barbed Ebon Coif (Midgard) now has the correct chain icon and graphic instead
of leather.
- The Siabrian Staff of Light, Siabrian Staff of Enchantment, and Siabrian Staff
of the Void (Hibernia) now have the correct number of max charges.
- Seething Death Sleeves (Albion) now increase quickness in place of the second
strength entry.
- Cap of the Keen Mind (Albion) now increases dexterity instead of charisma.
- Ebony Helm of the Corrupt (Albion) now has crush resist in place of a second c
old resist entry.
- Grrar`s Cloak of Evasion (Albion) can now be dyed.
- Blessed Tyr Gloves(Midgard) now have the correct studded icon and graphic inst
ead of leather.
- The Avernal Malison Flail should no longer display that it is left-hand wielda
- The Prismatic Hammer (Midgard) should now have the correct DPS and delay.
- The Runic Ember and the Frozen Soul-shatterer (Midgard) can now be equipped by
Spiritmasters, Runemasters, and Bonedancers.

New horse routes that have been added:

Tir Urphost to Ardee

Ardee to Tir Urphost
Brynach to Drum Cain
Innis Carthaig to East Lough Derg
East Lough Derg to Innis Carthaig
(changed) Horse route from Innis Carthaig to Tir na mBeo now drops you off at th
e stable master.
Castle Sauvage to West Cornwall
West Cornwall to Castle Sauvage
Caer Ulfwych to Snowdonia Fortress
Snowdonia Fortress to Caer Ulfwych
Nalliten to Galplen
Galplen to Nalliten
Gna Faste to Audliten
Audliten to Gna Faste


Albion General
- Barak is no longer charmable.
New Albion Quests
Protecting Anniogel (level 8)
The Drakoran are a continual threat to the town of Anniogel in the Isle of Glass
. Kaere, an Inconnu sent to aid Lady Treva Evasca, is seeking out brave souls to
help her protect the town from possible attacks. Seek out Kaere if you wish to
help protect Anniogel.
Undead Infestation (level 30)
Eafa Smith in Caifelle needs some worthy adventurers to help him with the undead
infestation ruining his lands. Seek him out and hear his story.
Albion Quests
- Lost Treasure: Players who received the object "Grip of the Troll" may return
it to Ariette outside of Fort Gwyntell and exchange it for a Charismatic Bracer.
Players must have Lost Treasure in their completed quests list to exchange the
- Lost Treasure - When on the step to kill either a drakoran archiator or blue-g
reen algae, the quest will now properly step when the algae is killed.
Albion Monsters

- We have fixed a small issue where Kelsanor could be enticed to leave his area.
Now, he will no longer leave his area.
New Hibernia Quests
Cyllane's Cure (level 10)
Cyllane has recently come to Hy Brasil to give aid to Niara, the Priestess of th
e Grove. Cyllane must collect some things for Niara, but she does not know the l
and. She is looking for someone to help her. Speak to Cyllane in Bann-didein if
you can aid her.
The Sylvan's Pain (level 47)
Some Sylvan have come down with some strange disease that causes them great pain
! Sandu is offering a nice reward to any who can cure them. If you think you can
help cure them, speak with him in Droighaid.
Hibernia Quests
- Blademasters who received the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Silent Resistance can exc
hange it for the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Strength by taking it back to Krazck in
World's End. Players must have the quest Corruptors, Botonids and Trade in their
completed quests list to exchange the bracer. From now on, Blademasters will re
ceive the Ixthiar Skin Bracer of Strength as their reward for this quest.
- Twisted Evil - Raiaya now refers correctly to the quest rewards Song of the Vi
nes, Song of the Scythe, and Song of Stealth.
New Midgard Quests
Solving the Argument (level 10)
Ailsa and Olvaerr in Dyrfjell are having a terrible argument and it's keeping Sk
orri from doing his job. Skorri is looking for someone to help him end the argum
ent. If you think you can end the argument, speak with Skorri in Dyrfjell.
Helping the Weaponsmith (level 25)
Yrling in Aegir's Landing needs some help with some experimental armor he's been
working on. If you're traveling that way, you could stop by and see if he needs
Midgard Quest Notes
- Savages have been added to the list of classes that may get the Ghastly Axe on
e-time drop quest.
- Morvalt Crystal: The material type was set incorrectly on two of the rewards f
or this quest. Because material type does not auto-update, players can take thei
r Studded Mammoth Pants and their Fur Brushed Chain Legs back to Kekov and excha
nge them for a pair with the correct armor factor and material type. Players mus
t have the Morvalt Crystal listed in their completed quests list. The exchange m
ay only be performed once.
- The Shambling Shade should no longer be given as a kill task.

- Some of the guards in Aegirhamn, Dyfjell, Bjarkan, and Hagall have been moved
inside the town. This should make it a little easier for players using the /wher
e command.
- Changed the "Enraged Scimitar Kit" in Aegir's Landing so the mob can no longer
be given as a kill task.
- Some low level mob spawns near Aegir's Land in the newbie area were causing mo
bs to roam beyond the wall of the zone. This was changed so that mobs should no
longer spawn or roam behind zone walls.
- The Morvalt larlings that were taking residence at the base of the large junct
ion room with the bridges near Trollheim's entrance are no longer there.
- Cothrom Gorge: Dremcis will not summon his Beomarbhan pet as often as he did a
fter it is slain. The Fuilslathach's will now dissolve a short time after the Be
omarbhan's death.
- Guardians Moirne and Pairu have been moved inside the Grove of Domnann.
- Guardians have been moved inside the two forts of Droighaid. This should help
players using the /where command.
- More Guardians have been added to the Grove of Aalid Feie.
Albion Dungeon Notes
- Krondon: The spell effects used in the Orylle and Orshom Brond encounter have
been greatly reduced to improve framerates.
Midgard Dungeon Notes
- Tuscaren Glacier: King Tuscar's sword would only take on the magical propertie
s of the first spell that hit him. His sword will now properly take on the magic
al properties of the spells he is hit with for short periods of time throughout
the course of his battles
- Tuscaren Glacier: The spell effects used in the King Tuscar and Queen Kula enc
ounter have been greatly reduced to improve framerates.
Crafting Notes
In keeping with our policy of
adeskill tools, we have moved
one area, purchase materials,
tools moved are listed below,

not having tradeskill merchants in range of the tr

many tools so it will not be possible to stand in
and craft without moving. The towns that have had
as well as what tools were moved.

Fort Gwyntell: The alchemy table has been moved to a more appropriate location.
Knarr: The lathe, forge, and alchemy table have been moved to a more appropriate

Aalid Feie: The forge and alchemy table have been moved to more appropriate loca
Droighaid: The forge and alchemy table have been moved to more appropriate locat
Item Notes
- The proc on the Monstrous Proboscis (Hibernia) should now be adding damage as
intended. This should affect other weapons using the same proc type, in all real
- Ariach's Purged Staff (Albion) will no longer use "mace" in combat text.
- Thuxra's Twiggy Staff (Hibernia) should now proc correctly.
- The Dragon-shadow Crown (Midgard) should now increase the hand to hand skill i
nstead of savagery.
- Players should now be able to use the weapons dyes in Tuscaren Glacier on all
the weapons from that zone.
- Nokkvi's Mauler (Midgard) should now increase +hammer skill instead of +crush,
and it should also be using the proper 1-hand hammer animations.
- Unok's Chain Leggings (Midgard) now increase cold and body resistances, instea
d of having two body resist entries.
- Durval's Bloodied Quarterstaff (Albion) should now proc correctly.
- Ancient Stag Skull (Hibernia) now increases crush and slash resistances, inste
ad of having two slash resists.
- Studded Mammoth Pants (Midgard) are now able to be salvaged and dyed.
- Gneiss (Hibernia) in Cothrom Gorge has been itemized.
- The Earthmelder weapons behind the waterfall in the Hibernian Expansion Area s
hould drop with the correct material setting now. Previous drops will not update
- Tuscarian Bloodforged Sleeves had the thrown skill value replaced with parry.
All sleeves will update.
- The Temmelig bracelet, one of the rewards for the Catla's Downfall quest has h
ad its bonuses slightly modified to give players a higher bonus in Charisma and
less of a bonus to Battlesongs.
- Scureol's Belt, from the Ogre's Might Quest, previously had Piety 5 and Consti
tution 5.
Because this belt is given to both Friars and Infiltrators, the 5 Constitution h
as been changed to Dexterity 5.
- The staff Quarter Might now has the correct bonus - a plus to staff.
- Vine Covered Sleeves (Hibernia) now increase blunt skill instead of piercing.
- The Hollowed Earthmelder Wrist unique item (Hibernia) should now equip in the
proper slot. This change should automatically update for players who already hav

e one.
- Khrin's Claw (Midgard) no longer increases power. Instead, the quickness bonus
has been increased to +7.
- The Blade of Ibicus (Midgard) should no longer display that it is usable in th
e left hand.
- Ibicus Studded Sleeves (Midgard) are now made of metal instead of leather. Not
e that this does not auto-update.
- Keelladna Falion in Domnann should be dropping random object generator weapons
that are the appropriate level.
- The Drakoran Scale Robe (Albion) is now set to the correct material and level.
- The Phosphorescent Belt (Hibernia) had the Piety bonus changed to Empathy.
- Particle effects were added to the weapons in Caer Sidi (Albion), Tuscaran Gla
cier (Midgard), and Galladoria (Hibernia). There are still some weapons in these
dungeons that have no particle effects, because there are none that fit correct
ly at this time.
- Skilled Bowstring Ring (Midgard) will now equip in the ring slot as intended.
- Hallowed Legs (Albion) should now have +crush resist displayed instead of a bl
ank 4% entry.
- Marine skrats should no longer be dropping Albion armor.
- Blood Spire Cloak (Albion) can now be given an emblem.
- Otrygg's Darkened Cloak (Midgard) can now be given an emblem.
- The Morvalt Obsidian Sword (Midgard ) can no longer be equipped. This is a bou
nty quest item and was not intended for use as a weapon.
- The following Albion gems can now be recharged: Caster's Minding Thoughts, Str
engthening Power, Quickening Power, Darkening Powers.
- Wrapped Defender (Hibernia) was changed from +3 Valor to +10 constitution.
- The Vine Covered Sword (Hibernia) was changed from +3 Valor to +40 hits.
- The Vine Covered Hammer (Hibernia) was changed from +3 Valor to +40 hits.
- Frosty skeletts in Midgard should now be dropping equipment for the appropriat
e realm.
- Devmer's Holding Robe and Stolen Robes of an Ancient Friar in Albion should no
w have the appropriate sell value.
- Thrawn ogre thrashers in Albion should no longer be dropping a bonedancer staf
- The following cloaks in Hibernia can now be dyed: Darkened Vine Cloak, Phospho
rescent Cloak, Verdant Cloak, Braided Ivy Cloak and Shadowed Blackthorn Cloak.
- Itchy Wool Gloves (Hibernia) had the +6 power bonus reduced to +5 power. Playe
rs are able to receive these gloves at level 9, but the previous level of bonuse

s was preventing their use until level 10.

- The Grim Ward Ring (Albion) can now be equipped.
- Flurry's Dancing Blade and Flurry's Dancing Defender (Albion) should now be us
ing the correct thrusting skill. Flurry's Dancing Defender can now be wielded in
the left hand.
Beaded Resisting Stones
There will be a change to the Beaded Resisting Stones, one of the random quest r
ewards for Ancestral Secrets. IN 1.60, THE NECKLACE WILL BE SET TO NO TRADE. Eve
ryone needs to make sure the necklace is where you want it to stay, because afte
r the next patch you won't be able to give it to any other characters.
We are making this change because we will be implementing some changes in the qu
est that will allow ALL Midgard players the opportunity to get this highly covet
ed necklace, even if they have already finished the quest. Look for patch notes
explaining the changes we made. Please note that quests that offer equivalent re
wards for Albion and Hibernia are in the works.
Additional Salvage Changes
The new salvage chart introduced in version 1.59 has been applied to the handmad
e magic loot (not the "unique" ROG loot) from named mobs in Shrouded Isles. As a
refresher, here is the chart again:
Item size:
small - small shields, small weapons, gloves, boots
medium - medium shields, medium weapons, sleeves, hats
large - large/2h weapons, large shields, legs, chest pieces
Salvage chart:
small - 5 metal/ore/strips; 12 leather/wood; 18 cloth
medium - 10 metal/ore/strips; 24 leather/wood; 36 cloth
large - 15 metal/ore/strips; 36 leather/wood; 54 cloth
New Delve Information
In Shrouded Isles, some of the named monster drops have a functionality that has
been hard to explain, and to identify at a glance. Those items were set up as a
rmor and weapon procs, but the procs are limited to a certain number of charges.
The delve info for those items up until now only displayed the "charged magic i
tem" portion of the item, which leads to many players being frustrated when the
objects don't work with the "use" key. So, with this patch, the delve info for t
hose charged-proc items has changed. If you have a piece of armor that has a cha
rged proc, instead of seeing "charged magic item" above the number of charges, y
ou will now see "Defensive Proc Charges." For weapons, if the proc is charged, y
ou will now see "Offensive Proc Charges." Items that are set up to have normal c
harges will still display the usual "Charged Magic Item" line. Please note that
these charged-proc objects can be recharged like a normal charged item.
Monster Loot Changes
The following quest monsters do not drop unique items anymore. These monsters ar
e associated with quests and should not have had unique items associated with th

em, due to their respawn rate.

ALBION - Barak, Nalsor, Kelsanor, Pazia, Tyian, Avice Swett, Bartholomew Swett,
Warin Grym, Everard Grym, Juliana Grym
MIDGARD - Pyserlian, Edrigu, Modolf, Loden, Urtzi
HIBERNIA - Cronwort, Fuilwort, Tachtwort, Luaire, Rinne, Taiore, Laraida, Adwyth
, Drygau, Anhylaw

ITEM NOTES (SI & Classic)

- A few new armor skins for the high teens to low 40's players have been added a
s new items in various places around the old lands and Shrouded Isles.
- All classes should now be able to complete the Mammoth Hunt Quest.
- Valewalkers and Animists should now be able to complete the Albion quest, Voic
es of the Dead.
- Grand Lord Martel has been slightly adjusted.
- Dun Ailinne and Caer Berkstead have had their difficulty slightly decreased.
Nottmoor Faste, Avarkar Faste, Hlidskialf and Blendrake Faste have had their dif
ficulty slightly increased.
- Gote is no longer set as a name registrar.
Cooperative Server Quest Notes
- Animists should now be able to complete the Albion quest Restoring the Magic.
- Animists and Valewalkers should now be able to continue working on the Stonehe
art Quest.
- Blademasters, Champions, Shamans and Spiritmasters should now be able to compl
ete the Albion quest Malignant Creatures.
Just some bug fixes - no "new" stuff.
Dark Age of Camelot
1.60B Release Notes
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
- Couriers will no longer stop on their path when interacted with by a player.

- Minstrels were erroneously given Evade III at 30th level. All Minstrels who we
re granted Evade III have it removed from their character, and no new Minstrels
will be granted the ability.
- We have temporarily removed the merchants that sell siege equipment in the Bat
tlegrounds while we work on some battleground-only siege weapon bugs.
Cooperative Server
- Grand Lord Martel was spawning more quickly than designed at some keeps. This
has been fixed.
Hibernia Quests
The Broken Seal - Players should now have an easier time using the talisman in t
he mouth of Koalinth Caverns.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds
- Fixed an issue where stealth classes could possibly not receive credit for cap
turing keeps. This should hopefully fix any remaining issues with players finish
ing the requirements correctly, but not getting credit for it. Remember, if you
arent sure you got the requirement, make sure you type /quest and make sure you
see the "Keep Capture quest" completed for the appropriate battle ground you are
fighting in BEFORE you leave.
Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps
- Fixed a small issue where a few frontier patrols were not grouping correctly.
- Fixed the issue with the Midgard heavy starkakedja helm still wanting to use a
circlet pattern.
- Fixed the Albion weighted flail to correctly come out at the appropriate mater
ial level/type for the material 9 and 10 recipes.
Midgard Quests
Note: Temporary fix until next patch. Players stuck on Helping the Weaponsmith b
ecause they need to speak with the shale golem emissary should now be able to re
gularly find him next to Yrling.
Albion Monsters
- Svarm will no longer be given as a kill task.

- The Primal of Air encounter has been made slightly easier.
- The Primal of Fire encounter had some minor changes made to its pathing and sh
ould now function correctly.
- Fixed a small bug with Aroon the Urlamhai in Galladoria were he would not summ
on his guards occasionally.
As you can tell, the emphasis this patch was on making improvements to underutil
ized zones, items, interface improvements, and other user-friendly content thing
s for all our players. By the way - in the frontiers itemization note, please no
te that guards are not technically monsters, and thus drop only coin.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.61 Release Notes
Tuesday, April 1, 2003

We've raised the player stat caps so that high level buff spells will not exceed
the cap. Players who receive high level buff spells from friendly casters will
notice this change the most. This means that races that a high starting stat (su
ch as strength or dexterity) will now be able to buff it a bit more than those r
aces that do not have a high starting stat.


- Pressing Shift-LeftClick on your pet's name in the pet window will now create
a hotbar icon that you can drag to your quickbar. Pressing this new hotkey will
select your pet. (Note: The rest of the buttons/commands on the pet window could
already be made into hotkeys by Shift-LeftClicking on them).
- The mousewheel will now scroll the chat buffers and the quickbar when your mou
se cursor is hovering over them.
- If another player traded 10 items with you, the 10th item would incorrectly sh
ow up in your trade window on later trades. This has been fixed.
- Pressing TAB to toggle the interface will now hide/restore all windows correct
ly. Previously, some windows (such as the compass) would not be hidden, and othe
r windows (the Command Window) would not reappear after you toggled the interfac
e back on.
- There were many monster pathing issues in Avalon City. These have been fixed.

- All frontier zones have been itemized using the Unique Object Generator system
. All monsters killed in all frontier zones will now drop loot.
- Some Bards were able to chain-cast their spells in the Minor Lullaby line, byp
assing the 5 second recast timer. This has been fixed.
- Some Mage cloth helms were incorrectly using the plate helm graphic. This has
been fixed.
- We now have new crafting sounds. You'll now hear a distinct sound for crafting
failure, lose-item failure, success, and masterpiece.


Unique Item Generator Notes
- Unique object drops from Midgard should no longer have +thrown.
- "Unique item" friar robes can now be dyed. This change should apply retroactiv
ely for any "unique" friar robes.
- Midgard chain items should no longer drop with +thrown.
- Items in the 1-10 level range will only use points on two bonus slots instead
of being spread across all four. Items 11-20 will use points on three bonus slot
s. Items 21+ will use the normal four bonus slots.
- The variance on magic bonus has been removed. All Unique Object Generator item
s should drop with the proper magic bonus amount for that item's material level.
- The variance on item points has been removed. All Unique Object Generator item
s should drop with the total proper amount of item points for the monster's leve
- The quality ranges for common monster Unique Object Generator drops, drops fro
m named monsters less than level 50, and drops from named monsters higher than l
evel 50 have been narrowed. The base quality for these drops is now 89%, and can
extend to 100% depending upon which category the monster falls into.
- Resists on items level 1-10 will be a little less common than before.
- Caster staves will no longer be class-restricted in the 1-6 level range.
New Merchants
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Necromancer focus
Gardowen Egesa - Camelot
Doreen Egesa - Cotswold Village
Eabae Egesa - Ludlow Village

Loretta Egesa - Lethantis Association

Daisi Egesa - Adribard's Retreat
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Reaver flexible w
Tyngyr Blade - Adribard's Retreat
Langston Fall - Caer Ulfwych
Ethan Farley - Camelot
Grannis Ynos - Cotswold Village
Ban Ronem - Humberton Village
Alburn Hale - Prydwen Keep
Ember - Snowdonia Station
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Animist focus sta
Iaine - Ardagh
Eleri - Ardee
Izold - Ceannai
Marus - Connla
Cait - Howth
Mearchian - Mardagh
Jiskarr de'Mordan - Tir na Nog
Romney - Tir na Nog
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Valewalker scythe
Iama - Alainn Bin
Brenna - Ardagh
Creirwy - Ardee
Keir - Caille
Glyn - Connla
Glennard - Innis Carthaig
Lavenna - Tir na mBeo
Kedric - Tir na Nog
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Bonedancer focus
Niniver - Fort Atla
Ysunoic - Galplen
Elengwen - Huginfel
Anya Vinsdottir - Jordheim
Raelyan - Mularn Village
Merwdda - Vasudheim
The following merchants in the Camelot Classic world now carry Savage hand to ha
nd weapons:
Armond - Audliten
Svard - Dvalin
Yop - Fort Atla
Hlif - Fort Veldon
Gestod - Galplen
Burr - Haggerfel
Auda - Huginfel
Ema - Jordheim
Hrolf - Mularn Village

Leik - Vasudheim
General Notes
- We have added a horse route from Snowdonia Fortress to Humberton.
- The horse routes that go to Tir Urphost in Hibernia will take a different rout
e that will bring you closer to Koalinth Caverns.
- In the following quests involving the following monsters, players who are on t
he appropriate step will receive credit if they die while attempting to kill the
monster, but their allies get the kill:
Scureol in Ogre's Might, Quillan Muire in Muire Tomb, and Callilepis in Nisse's
Hibernia Quests
- Broken Seal should now be able to be completed.
Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds
- Players who attempt to capture the battleground or merchant keeps for the expe
rience reward and die will receive the requirement if they are within the keep r
egion when the lord is killed by their allies.
- Fixed an issue in Murdaigean where the additional banner that would spawn when
Albion controlled the keep would be a Midgard Banner.
Midgard Dungeons
- We fixed a problem with an arachite prelate attacking players with a root spel
l through the walls at the entrance of Spindelhalla.
Monster Notes
- The three dragons located in the epic zones should provide more feedback to pl
ayers during their encounter to help players developing strategies for the encou
- Ibicus should no longer spawn behind a zone wall.
- The monsters that roam the area by Koalinth Caverns have moved to a new huntin
g ground.
- Fixed the Parthelonians so that they will correctly group up and BAF.
Item changes in the frontiers
- The four Summoners in the Summoner's Hall dungeon now have a chance to drop a
Luminescent Abrogo Stone. These stones can be turned in to the NPC's listed belo
w to receive a Realm Skill Respec. A different type of respec stone is dropped i

n Shrouded Isles - see below.

Camelot: Paiton Hazlett - Luminescent Abrogo Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
Jordheim: Haili - Luminescent Abrogo Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
Tir na Nog: Bretta - Luminescent Abrogo Stone ? Realm Skill Respec
- Frontier monsters are now itemized using new class specific random object gene
rator templates.
- Bards Song now has dexterity instead of empathy.
- The Prismatic Hammer (Midgard) should now have the correct DPS and delay.
- The Runic Ember and the Frozen Soul-shatterer (Midgard) can now be equipped by
Spiritmasters, Runemasters, and Bonedancers.
- The Cath Cloak (Hibernia) now has body resistance 6 instead of duplicate body
resist entries.
- The Bloody Fang (Midgard) should now be the appropriate level.
- All dropped alchemy components are now marked as no sell. Note: these items di
d not previously have a sale value. They have been marked as no sell to prevent
players from mistakenly selling them for 0 copper.
- The Malevolent Shield (Midgard) can now be equipped by Healers and Shamans.
- Gloves of Night (Hibernia) may now be salvaged.
- The second body resist entry on the Bracer of the Pious Defender (Albion) has
been changed to energy.
- Wispy Rigid Orm Spine (Midgard) may now be salvaged.
- Particle effects were added to many of the weapons in Dartmoor, Cursed Forest
and Raumarik.
- The Mouldering Moor Boots (Albion) should now drop with the appropriate level/
AF. This does not apply to any drops of this item previous to this patch.
- The Blue Diamond Staff (Midgard) can now be used by Bonedancers.
- The Chain of Suppression (Midgard) now increases suppression as the name sugge
- One of the doubled body resist entries on the Worn Jewel Dusted Vest (Hibernia
) has been changed to heat resist.
- The Omni Hunting Boots, Omni Hunting Gauntlets, Omni Warchain Boots, Omni Warc
hain Gloves, and Omni Warchain Coif (Midgard) should now have the appropriate na
me and icon sorted out correctly.
- The Ceremonial Robe (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- Troll Hide Sleeves (Albion) can now be dyed.

- Silverwolf Sleeves (Midgard) now give a bonus to piety in place of intelligenc



- We have revisited many of the monsters of Iarnwood and lowered their aggressiv
eness and their attack radius in order to compensate for the low visibility in t
he zone. Players should not be attacked my monsters they were unable to see ofte
n as was previously possible. The area is still dangerous, but it should be much
easier to navigate safely around the wildlife.

Major Changes to Ancestral Secrets Quest

The long awaited changes to the Ancestral Secrets quest in Midgard are finally h
ere. Here?s what we did to allow all players a chance to get the coveted Beaded
Resisting Stones as well as the other random rewards. We have made the quest Anc
estral Secrets repeatable. If you have already completed the quest once you may
go back to Ota Yrling in Aegirhamn and get it again. The rewards are still given
out randomly after you are teleported by Jaklyr, and you may only get each rand
om reward once. Once you have all three random rewards, Ota will no longer give
out the quest. The standard rewards for the quest have not changed. Players that
complete the quest two or more times will not be offered the standard rewards a
t the end of the quest. Instead they will receive a small amount of experience a
nd a decent amount of gold.
Other important changes to this quest:
- The Ancestral Keeper?s level has been raised. Taking a few friends with you is
- The Beaded Resisting Stones are now flagged NO TRADE because everyone now has
the chance to get the Necklace for themselves.
There is an Albion and a Hibernian version of this quest. The Albion version is
called The Lost Stone of Arawn and begins with Honayt?rt in Wearyall Village. Th
e Hibernian version is called The Lost Seed and begins with Terod in Droighaid.
Each quest offers a version of the Beaded Resisting Stones as well as the other
two random rewards.
Hibernian Quests:
Krazckz will now offer players a choice of rewards for finishing the quest "Corr
uptors, Botonids and Trade." If you have already completed the quest and would l
ike to choose a something different, bring your old reward back to Krazckz and h
e will exchange it one time.
- Albion: Xanxicar in the Crystal Cave will no longer spam his stomping message.
Also his defense has been lowered slightly.
- Albion: All ogres are now a part of the Children of Orylle faction and will au
tomatically be aggressive to all players.
- Midgard: Iarnvidiur should now take slightly more damage from attacks.

Albion Dungeons
- Krondon: The oozes of Krondon have burrowed another way out of the dungeon. Pl
ayers can now use this as a secondary entrance and exit point for the dungeon wh
ich will avoid the ogres guarding the main entrance.
- Urlo the spellcraft merchant in Agerirhamn has moved from outside on the ledge
to inside by his fellow merchants.
- Old Matriarch's healing has been toned down.

Item changes in the epic dungeons

- Monsters in Caer Sidi, Tuscaran Glacier and Galladoria now have a chance at dr
opping a single line respec stone. Note that non boss monsters have a significan
tly different drop rate than named boss monsters. These stones can be turned in
to the following NPC's:
Albion: Mae Oswy - Humberton Castle
Midgard: Hjortr - Vasudheim
Hibernia: Ita - Mag Mell
- The jewelry drops in the epic dungeons (Caer Sidi, Tuscaran Glacier and Gallad
oria) have received an increase in imbue points.
- The magic bonuses on the Blackened Arcanium Crescent (Albion) have been modifi
ed to be more reaver appropriate. The magic bonuses are now: +flexible 4, +parry
4, +hitpoints 60, +piety 15.
- The Light Walker's Blade (Hibernia) should now have a particle effect that fit
s correctly.
- The Obsidian Bastard Sword, Obsidian War Hammer, Obsidian Great Sword, and Obs
idian Great Spiked Hammer (Midgard) should now increase the correct weapon skill
- The Dread bone Great Hammer (Midgard) should now look like a hammer instead of
an axe.
- The Nature's Blessed Cudgel (Hibernia) has a different proc attached that shou
ld not interfere with the spells of the weapon's intended class.
- The unique items from Durval (Albion) should now be set to the appropriate lev
el when dropping. Note that this does not apply to objects received from Durval
before this patch.
- Sys'sro's Robes of Substance (Albion) can now be dyed.
- Brungar's Slasher (Midgard) no longer increases the slash skill. In addition,
the magic bonuses have been increased to the appropriate level for the item.

- The Seething Frostbound Axe (Midgard) has a different proc attached that shoul
d no longer interfere with the spells of the weapon's intended class.
- The drop rate for Old Matriarch (Midgard) is now set appropriately for the enc
- The Sacristan Coward's Belt (Albion) should now have the appropriate inventory
- The Rift (Midgard) should now drop items as intended.
- Thuxra's Rooty Staff (Hibernia) has been renamed to Thuxra's Rooty Spear and T
huxra's Twiggy Staff has been renamed to Thuxra's Twiggy Spear.
- The second body resist entry on the Smiting Pendant (Albion) has been changed
to spirit.
- The drop rate for the garran treant seedlings that are part of the Cuinn encou
nter in Hibernia have been adjusted to the appropriate level.
- The Gilded Songster's Vest, the Blessed One's Leggings, and the Songsung Leggi
ngs (Albion) can now be dyed by the appropriate dye type.
- Shadow Walker's Blade now has the correct particle effect.
- The lathe in Bjarken has been moved to a more appropriate location.
- The alchemy table in Gothwaite Harbor has been moved t a more appropriate loca
- The Verdant Scythe (Hibernia) has a different proc attached that should not in
terfere with the spells of the weapon's intended class.
- The Krrzck guardians and the Krrzck warlocks (Hibernia) will now drop more lev
el appropriate treasure.
- Krrkxrx will no longer drop items when it is killed. This mob is a quest NPC a
nd was not intended to be killed for loot.
- In Caer Sidi, there were two drops called "Emerald Encrusted Ring." One of tho
se items fits in the waist slot, and the name has been changed to Emerald Encrus
ted Belt, as originally intended.
- The new versions of Xaga's Tethered Staff and Xaga's Enshrouded Staff (Hiberni
a) should now have the same particle effects as the old versions.
- The Mace of the Valiant and the Bladed Crystal Rapier (Hibernia) had the +valo
r skill replaced with bonuses that are more useful for champions.
- The Ebonynight Void Belt (Albion) and the Ebonynight Spirit Belt have been ren
amed to bracelets as intended.
- The Mammoth Lined Leggings (Midgard) can now be salvaged.
- The Flayed Skin Necklace (Albion) should now display as a necklace in a player
's inventory.
- The Rapier of the Otherworld (Albion) has been renamed to Dirk of the Otherwor
ld to correctly reflect the weapon model.

- The common cash loot item "scimitar cat pelt" has been renamed to "scimitar ca
t hide", to avoid confusion with the "Scimitar Cat Pelt" that is turned in as a
bounty quest item.
- The Darkened Vine Cloak can now have an emblem applied.
- The furry urchin cape, furry urchin shroud, and furry urchin mantle (Albion) c
an now be dyed and have an emblem applied.
- Shambler's War Hammer (Midgard) should now have +1 hammer, and +2 crush resist
- The Mace of Aid (Albion) now increases piety instead of the +crush skill.
- The Blood Spire Cloak can now be dyed.
- The common cash loot item "skimmer skin" has been renamed "ragged skimmer skin
" to avoid confusion with the "Skimmer Skin" that is turned in as a bounty quest
- The Shadowed Blackthorn Cloak, Phosphorescent Cloak, and Verdant Cloak (Hibern
ia) can now have an emblem applied.
- The Bladed Fang (Midgard) should now have the correct DPS.
- Sterkvill (Midgard) can now be salvaged.
- Nokkvi's Mauler (Midgard) should now proc as intended.
- The Darkened Defender (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- Magister Kurgol's Vest (Midgard) now increases piety instead of intelligence.
- The Braided Ivory Cloak can now have an emblem applied.
- Agmundr's Foe Hammer (Midgard) now has a particle effect that fits a bit bette
r than previously.
- All of the Tab'Fren series of staves in Albion should have the appropriate par
ticle effect attached.
- Durval's Staff of Blindness (Albion) should now have the correct DPS.
- Grrar's Cloak of Evasion (Albion) can now have an emblem and dye applied.
- The particle effect should fit correctly on the following staves:
Runed Mammoth Bone, Griffon Bone Staff, Call of the Griffon Staff, Empyrean Rune
walkers Staff, Lord of Niflheim Staff, and Empyrean Bonewalker's Staff, in Midga
Staff of the Dragon Lich, Staff of the Weary Mind, Staff of the Thunder Swarm, E
ye of the Hellfires, and Dark Staff of the Construct, in Albion
- The hard to target lifeless scouts at Caer Hurbury have been moved.

- Lowered the aggro range of the tormented knights guarding Caer Erasleigh.
- The Rock Giant Shamans inside Caer Benowyc should no longer cast at people out
side the keep.
- Bledmeer Faste has had its difficulty increased.
- The encounters at Glenlock Faste, Hlidskialf Faste and Nottmoor Faste have had
their difficulty increased.
- The bosses of the Relic Keeps will now drop more Glowing Dreaded Seals then be

- The higher level material stores (materials 6-10) now carry the essential tool
s for crafting.
More Things That Should Have Been in the Notes
Posted By: Sanya Thomas 2003-04-03 18:18:00
Sometimes the good stuff slips through the documentation cracks as well as... th
e other stuff. Read on!
Players can now zone into Darkness Falls from the Dun Dagda entrance.
/target (name) now works for friendly players.
Archer RA's have been disabled in Darkness falls to prevent some exploits (Volle
y and Longshot)
Pets auto-attacking rooted mobs is fixed. They now act like when a mob is mezzed
. If you have two mobs incoming, and root one, when the first dies, the pet will
not run and attack the rooted one till told to attack.
Pets run to position when you use the "here" command.
Both single target and group insta heals no longer have the timer reset if they
don't heal anyone.
Normal heals and group heals have a reduced power drain if you don't heal anyone
NPC's can no longer shoot through bladeturn.
Version 1.61b is a small update that fixes some bugs and issues introduced in ve
rsion 1.60, and it also documents some 1.60 items that were not included in thos
e release notes. Please note that some of these items have been posted on the He
rald already, but this is a complete list.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.61b Release Notes
1.61b is a small patch that fixes some bugs and issues introduced in 1.60.
- On the PvP servers only, a bug was introduced in 1.60 where anyone (friendly o
r not) could port into a keep via the gatekeeper NPC. This has been fixed; now o
nly those players who are considered friendly to the keep can use the gatekeeper
- The windows key has been disabled on both the classic and SI clients.
- The /mbuy command has been restricted to 100 items at a time to prevent a rare
stacking error.
- Players can now zone into Darkness Falls from the Dun Dagda entrance.
- /target (name) now works for friendly players.
- Longshot and Volley have been disabled in Darkness Falls to prevent exploits.
- Pets auto-attacking rooted monsters is fixed. They now act like when a monster
is mezzed. If you have two monsters incoming, and root one, when the first dies
, the pet will not run and attack the rooted one until told to attack.
- Pets now correctly run to your position when you use the "here" command.
- Both single target and group instant heals no longer have the timer reset if t
hey don't heal anyone.
- Normal heals and group heals have a reduced power drain if you don't heal anyo
- NPCs can no longer shoot through bladeturn.
- You can now target cloud/air/fire type creatures from a distance - you no long
er have to click their name.
- Skald and Shaman damage adds should now stack correctly.
- Valkyn now have their correct spellcasting animations.
- /bind now has a 60 second timer.
- Cuuldurach The Glimmer King has become more vulnerable to heat based damage.

Item Notes
- Several changes were made to the frontier Unique Object Generator treasure tab
les. This should resolve issues of some items not having the correct bonuses for
the intended class as well as insuring the object can be equipped.
- Weaponmaster's Axe (Midgard) - The bonus to slash skill has been changed to a
bonus to axe skill; the duplicate body resist was changed to a cold resist.


Quest Notes
We would like to clear up a few misconceptions about the high level repeatable q
uests that were introduced in this last patch: Ancestral Secrets, The Lost Seed
and The Stone of Arawn.
- First, the reward for doing these quests is a weapon. You will receive the wea
pon reward the first time you do the quest. We recognize that not every weapon i
s tailored for the way your spec'd your character, but we currently do not have
plans to modify these rewards.
- Second, there are three other rewards that can be received by doing this quest
. However, they are RANDOM. You may do the quest multiple times before you get a
ny of them. Please don't appeal to customer service unless you have done the que
st over 10 times and haven't received any of the random rewards at all.
- Third, we had set a maximum number of times that players would have to do the
quest before getting the necklace and unfortunately, mostly due to faulty expect
ations on our part, this didn't work. We have fixed this on the live servers now
and invite all of you that have done the quest more than 10 times to do it agai
n. You should get the necklace on your next run through.
- Fourth, we know that in some cases players will have to do the quest many time
s before getting the necklace. We sympathize, but wish to remind you that we mad
e the quest
repeatable at your request, so that those that wanted the necklace but weren't l
ucky enough to get the random the first time through could keep trying until you
did get it.
- Fifth, thanks for your patience and feedback as we continue make adjustments t
o these quests to make them as smooth as possible for you.
Albion Quests
Several changes have been made to the Lost Stone of Arawn quest. After players h
ave received all three random reward items, they should no longer be able to get
the quest. Also, the NPCs should now recognize that the player has recieved the
random rewards and no longer give them out.
- The Stone of Arawn, step 10 - those of you that didn't get a note from N'cheve
r to give to Ing'ati will have to appeal for a new note. From now on though , N'
chever will give the note.
- Zombies, ghosts and necromancers, step 8. Berzerkers on Gaheris that couldn't

turn in the rod can now do so.

Midgard Quests
- Kyllikki's Scrolls - Catla was sometimes giving leather stealth leggings to He
alers. For now, healers will need to appeal to have their incorrect reward excha
nged for Ukjent Leger leggings. But Catla should now be giving the Ukjent Leger
leggings consistently to healers.
Mammoth Hunt, step 7 - Classes that couldn't turn in the whisker should now be a
ble to.
Ota's Quest, step 8 - Thanes can now turn in the pelt to Ota.
Hibernia Quests
- Corruptors, Botonids and Trade, step 8 - Players should now be able to choose
the "strength and regrowth bracer" if they wish. Follow the directions in your q
uest journal.
Item Notes
- Bow of Monstrosities (Hibernia) - The haste proc has been changed to a more ap
propriate ablative aura proc.
- The quest rewards for Lost Stone of Arawn should be set to the proper material
type and magic bonus. Note that this does not update for players who have alrea
dy finished the quest.

Cooperative Server Notes

- The hard to target Shaman at Hlidskialf Faste has been moved.http://web.archiv
Short list:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.61c Release Notes
Wednesday, April 9, 2003
- The timer on the siege window will now be displayed correctly.
- The chat channel tab that was incorrectly titled "Friends" is now restored to
- Fixed some problems where interface panels could mistakenly get set to zero al
pha and be fully transparent.

- Fixed monster pathing problems with the new entrance sections of Krondon.http:
php?t=game&storyid=888Here are the notes for Dark Age of Camelot version 1.62. A
s you can see, there are a lot of notes to read through that touch almost all as
pects of the game: melee, pet classes, archers, newbie guilds, respecs, etc. As
always, 1.62 is not the end of bug fixes and tweaks - we'll keep working on outs
tanding issues for 1.63 and beyond.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.62 Release Notes
After a long development and testing cycle, here is Dark Age of Camelot version
1.62. It started out development as a "Hibernia tweak and bug fix patch", but qu
ickly mushroomed into a general class balance and bug fixing patch. We've substa
ntially updated/tweaked/adjusted light tanks, pet classes, archers, and made man
y more changes to other classes.
We know that there are more items to tweak and fix in the game, but we strongly
feel that with 1.62, we've come a lot closer to bringing more balance to the gam
e, as well as some needed new features. As always, there are more things to do,
and we'll keep working on any outstanding bug fixes and balance issues as we do
future patches.
A big Thank You must go out to the Team Leads who have been so helpful in provid
ing feedback and testing for 1.62 as it has gone through the testing process. Yo
u should all be proud of yourselves.
Here's a list of just the major items we've addressed in 1.62:
- Many many tweaks and fixes to Hibernian classes. Yes, we know there are more t
o make in the future, but the list of items done for Hibernian classes in 1.62 i
s extensive.
- Addressed Realm Balance via the new /level command. Now, if you have a level 5
0 character on any server, you can create level 20 characters on any other serve
r, and level 30 characters on specific Realms on different servers that we have
determined to be underpopulated. We'll see how this affects Realm balance and ma
ke more changes as appropriate.
- Archers. Archers been given some extra tools to work with - Penetrating Arrow
and Quick Shot.
- Addressed Left Axe combat style being very overpowered. Not a popular decision
with Berserkers and Shadowzerks, but a good one for game balance.
- Addressed light tank issues. Mercenaries and Blademasters have had combat styl
e damage increased on one chain each on their Dual Wield/Celtic Dual styles, as
well as bleed damage from those styles that cause bleeding was increased across
the board. Additionally their special abilities (Dirty Tricks and Triple Wield)
have been made more attractive and useful.

- Implemented the "newbie guild" system on all live servers.

- Pet Classes. We made many enhancements and refinements to various pet classes
from each Realm.
- Re-tuned several high-level encounters. Dragons in each Realm are now easier t
o kill, as is the final encounter in Galladoria (Hibernia, Shrouded Isles).
- Found the infamous "Block/Parry" bug and fixed it.
- Re-tuned the way Bolt spell damage is assessed. You should now see Bolt damage
s raised, especially when hitting lightly armored targets.


Because 1.62 has so many sweeping changes to so many classes, we are designating
this a "class balance patch" and will be granting single line respecs to everyo
ne in the game (level 5 and above) regardless of class or Realm.
Things to remember when using this type of "gift" single line respecs:
- YOU WILL NOT BE GIVEN THE RESPEC IF if you already have 2 unused single respec
s, or if your character has a full respec that you haven't used.
- THE RESPEC WILL BE STRIPPED FROM YOUR CHARACTER if you do not use it before th
e next time you level. If you want to use the respec, use it immediately after l
ogging in; otherwise you risk leveling and losing the respec.
All Assassin classes in 1.62 who had the See Hidden Realm Ability will have that
ability stripped from their character and have the points invested in it return
ed to them, for use in specializing in any other Realm Abilities they wish (incl
uding re-investing in See Hidden if they so choose).


- We found and fixed the infamous "Block/Parry bug" - the one that caused player
s to block and parry less often when attacked by a grouped opponent. This change
will have the most effect in RvR situations where you are fighting an opponent
who is in a group. This fix will also fix an issue with opponents appearing to b
e "in melee" and having bolt spells fired at them blocked more often than intend
- Bolt Spells in general have had their damage calculation modified so that now
you should see damages slightly increased across the board, with much more damag
e inflicted against lightly armored (leather, cloth) opponents. Please note that
this change is for RvR only - it does not affect bolt damage against monsters.
- Side Positional combat styles now will work an extra 15 degrees towards the re
ar of an opponent, and rear position styles work in a 60 degree arc rather than
the original 90 degree standard. This change should even out the difficulty betw
een side and rear positional combat styles, which have the same damage bonus. Pl
ease note that front positional styles are not affected by this change.
- We slightly adjusted combat style (and combat style only) bleed effects so tha
t higher versions go above 7 damage on the initial "tick".

- /mbuy is now added to the command history (accessible by pressing Shift-Up Arr
- /clock now toggles display of a new window that shows the current time of day
(real time, not game time)
- Renamed several keys in the keyboard config to make their use more clear.
- When you level, if your strength increases, your encumbrance will properly inc
- For casters with concentration points, when you level, your concentration pool
is now properly updated.
- You may now delve items in your vault to see additional information about them
- All of the craft recipe windows now display your current skill level in the wi
ndow title, for example: Armorcrafting (705).
- Deaths from DOTs cast by players (including assassin poisons) after the castin
g player has died and released or quit will no longer result in an experience lo
ss death.
- All Nearsight spells now have a 1 minute immunity timer.
- There was a bug where Savage combat styles that hit more than one target were
hitting multiple targets even when the opening for that particular style was not
performed correctly. Now, you'll have to get the style off successfully (i.e. m
eet the opening criteria) in order to hit multiple targets.
- When salvaging cloth items, Clothworking will be checked now instead of Tailor
- If you had any items from your backpack on your quickbar (poisons, potions, et
c) the quickbar icons would be deleted whenever you traded with another player.
This is now fixed and the icons should remain on the quickbar and still point to
the correct items in your backpack.
- You can now /face your pets.
- If you were far enough away from your pet for a long enough duration, sometime
s your pet window would pick up another creature in the zone and start displayin
g its health. This will no longer happen -- if you are too far away from your pe
t for too long, the pet's health meter will now disappear completely. When you m
ove back in range of your pet, the health meter will reappear with the correct i
- (SI Only) Fixed a bug that was causing player hair/head textures to be drawn i
ncorrectly on ATI Radeon 9000+ cards.
- (SI Only) The new Battlegrounds, Abermenai (BG0), should now have a splash scr
een picture when you are entering the zone.
- All monsters names whose names begin with a vowel should now use the article '
an' instead of 'a'.
- Many spell icons were set incorrectly - we've scrubbed through all of them and
made many fixes and adjustments.

- Monsters should no longer target a necromancer in shade mode after the pet has
been rooted.
- There was a bug when repairing an object directly from the trade window would
display a timer bar with a "flashing" indicator bar. Now, repairing in the trade
window should no longer give any repair timer bar - repair is instant, so no ba
r is needed.
- Specialization will now adjust the amount healed in heal over time spells.
- There was a bug on the PvP servers where some Bard pulsing songs would not tak
e effect because of the immunity timer. This has been fixed.
- Alliances on the Co-Op server (Gaheris) will no longer be reset every time a n
ew patch is launched.
Chat Tab Changes
You can now modify your chat tabs to change chat channels to talk in Alliance or
Officer chat by default. When you change the outgoing chat type for a tab, the
tab will now change names to reflect your choice.
Right click on the name of the tab group, and right click on the name of the mes
sage type that you would like to talk to. Your chat tab will change names to ref
lect this. You can set it to: Say, Broadcast, Group, Guild, Alliance Chat, Offic
er Chat, or Chat Group.
To control what messages are visible in this channel, check or uncheck the boxes
to the left of the message type.
To change colors for a specific message type, click on the name of the message t
ype and use the arrow buttons.


There's been a lot of discussion, controversy, and misunderstanding about light
tanks in Dark Age of Camelot. One of the main requests we get is an explanation
for what purpose a light tank serves in a group (both in PvE and RvR). In our de
finition, light tanks are Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers. There is a
fuzzy line in some places (the Savage can also be considered a light tank) but f
or the purposes of this discussion, we're only talking about Blademasters, Merce
naries, and Berserkers.
The purpose the light tank was designed for was to be a damage dealer, but not h
ave much defense. Because of this, they should not be a good one-on-one class, b
ut they should be able to do a great amount of damage when not holding aggressio
n from an enemy player or monster.
A way of illustrating this is that a Blademaster should not be able to go head t
o head (one on one) with an Armsman or Warrior (primary tank) and reliably win.
However, a Blademaster and a Hero working together should be much more effective
in dealing damage than two Heroes working together. The same holds true for the
other Realms - A Mercenary should not be able to take on a Warrior head to head
and win reliably, but a Mercenary/Armsman team should be quite effective. This
is why the primary combat style chains for these light tanks are positional in n
ature - they assume that someone else is holding a monster or enemy player's agg

From reading this description, everyone familiar with these three classes will k
now that they deviate from the design goal in several different points. Berserke
rs do more damage, as they can (usually) go head to head with a same-level prima
ry tank from an enemy realm and win. Those who play Blademasters and Mercenaries
know that in RvR they can not only not go head-to-head with an enemy tank, but
they are not even as effective as intended in tandem with another primary tank two Armsmen or two Heroes are more effective than working with their Realm's li
ght tank.
In light of this, we are making some changes in 1.62 to even the playing field.
Mercenaries and Blademasters do less damage than they should, so in this update,
we are increasing substantially the bleed damage on their high-spec level style
s that have a bleed component, as well increasing the damage on some other style
s. In addition, we're making some changes to Blademaster and Mercenary special a
bilities in this version - check out the "Class Updates" section below, for more
The Berserker being overpowered comes from the fact that Left Axe combat styles
do too much damage overall, which makes them - as well as "Shadowzerks" - do mor
e damage than they should. So, Left Axe style damage is being reduced to return
Berserkers to be consistent with the light tank philosophy.
Blademaster Changes
- The Blademaster Triple Wield special ability has been updated. It is now on a
7 minute re-use timer (it was previously set to 30 minutes). It now will stack p
roperly with other damage adds - it will always increase damage no matter what o
ther buffs or damage adds are currently affecting the Blademaster. Triple Wield
also now makes Blademasters immune to critical melee damage.
- The Ice Storm -> Tempest -> Supernova chain has been modified for Blademasters
only (i.e. Rangers and Nightshades are not affected by this). The damage for ea
ch has been increased, and Ice Storm now has a short stun component.
- Increased bleed damage for Celtic Dual combat styles Tempest and Twin Star. Th
is is a Blademaster ONLY change - other classes that receive Celtic Dual will no
t see increased bleed effects on these styles.
Mercenary Changes
- The Mercenary Dirty Tricks special ability is now on a 7 minute re-use timer (
it was previously set to 30 minutes), and has changed in effect. It now activate
s a 30 second offensive proc effect on the Mercenary that applies a 10 second de
buff on the Mercenary's target every time it is hit. This debuff gives the targe
t a 50% chance to fumble all their melee attacks while under the debuff's effect
- The damage for both styles in the Flank -> Shadow's Rain combat style chain ha
s been increased for Mercenaries only (Infiltrators are not affected).
- Increased bleed damage for Dual Wield combat styles Dark Tendrils and Dual Sha
dows. This is a Mercenary ONLY change - other classes that receive Dual Wield wi
ll not see increased bleed effects on these styles.
- The Dual Wield combat style Dark Tendrils is now based off Parry for Mercenari
es. Formerly it was based off Evade. Please note that Infiltrators will still ha

ve Evade as the opening for this style.

Left Axe Changes
- Reduced the damage done by Left Axe Combat Styles. This will affect both class
es that can specialize in Left Axe (Berserkers and Shadowblades).
- Berserker Left Axe Snowsquall, Icy Brilliance, and Aurora Borealis have had th
eir damage slightly increased (based on the new damage, see previous note) for t
he Berserker (only, this change will not affect the Shadowblade). Additionally,
Aurora Borealis now chains off of Icy Brilliance and has a cold-based DD proc.


Dark Age of Camelot now supports creating new mid-level (20th level) characters
for those players who have attained 50th level on any character on any server. I
n addition, we've flagged certain Realms on some servers as "underpopulated" - o
n those Realms, if you are eligible to use the /level command, you'll be able to
create a new 30th level character.
Check the Camelot Herald at for a list of Realms (by Serve
r) where /level will grant you a level 30.
Once the flag is set, you can enter the game as a brand-new first level characte
r with zero experience points. You must target your trainer and use the /LEVEL c
ommand to grant your player experience. You'll start with at least enough experi
ence to raise to 20th level (30 on some Realms on some servers). You must go to
your trainer and right click on him to gain levels.
Note that any existing character who is below the experience being granted can u
se the /level command. Use of this command will grant experience to reach level
20.5 or level 30.5
Please note that we can dynamically change what level (20 or 30) the /level comm
and will grant you. When we decide to change a Realm's /level status, we'll make
a post on the Herald to announce the change.

We've implemented the newbie guild system, so now all new characters will be pre
-set in a guild. This is the same system that has been featured on the PvP serve
rs for the last few months. Now, when you create a new character, you'll be plac
ed in a guild that is based on your new character's starting location. This will
give legitimately new players some community in their general starting area via
guild chat and an easy way to meet up with like-level new players.
There are four guilds per Realm, each named based on the geographical location.
You can remove yourself from the newbie guild by doing a "/gc quit" any time. Pl
ease note that you can technically remain in these guilds for the life of your c
haracter, should you choose to do so. Being automatically put in a guild at crea
tion gives you an instant chat group and a sense of community with the other pla
yers around you. You can discard this guild at any time, and join a player-run g
uild when they you meet and are invited to the right guild.


Valewalker Changes
- The Valewalker base melee ability has been increased. Valewalkers will now do
more damage every time they hit a target with a melee weapon.
- Changed combat style Damaging Grasp to be a rear positional style to make it e
asier to use. Previously it was in a chain.
- Changed combat style Stunning Blade to have a to-hit bonus.
- Changed Valewalker Close Path line to a shout with a 20 second recast timer.
- Added Mystic Crystal Lore, Raging Power, Wild Power, and Wild Arcana to the Va
lewalker RA list.
- Many Valewalker spells had inconsistent icons. These have been fixed.
Animist Changes
- Animist pets will no longer attempt to attack monsters that are set as "no kil
l" - merchants, gatekeepers, etc.
- Animist pets will now target all enemy players. Previously they would not atta
ck gray or purple enemy players.
- The line of sight check for ground target turret summon spells should now be d
one before the spell is cast. This should prevent animists from losing power whe
n they attempt to cast a turret in an area they can't see.
- The "In Air" check on turret casts has been removed because all turrets should
be created on the nearest point of ground. The "You can't cast this spell in th
e air!" message will not be seen as much now. However, there are still some (vas
tly reduced) situations where this message will erroneously appear. We will cont
inue to work on this problem in future patches.
- Animist pets will target purple monsters. Previously they would not attack any
monsters higher than red.
- Corrected an AI bug in the Essence of the Tree, Guardian Emissary, and Woodspi
rit Sheath bombers that was causing problems with buffing other targets.
- The Constraining Spirit line has had its range increased to 1500.
- The Grove's Assailant line will now display correct information when delved.
- Animist Turrets should no longer attempt to target things which are not in the
ir line of sight.
- Many Animist spells had inconsistent icons. These have been fixed.
- Increased range of the Animist Dancing Spark line to 1500.
- The Ligneous Sheath line of turrets should now properly buff realm-mates withi
n range of their melee buffer spell.
- The turrets summoned by the Vent of Elemental Resistance and Vent of Physical

Resistance spell lines now must be killed normally. Previously, they would alway
s die on the first instance of damage taken by an enemy.
- Please note that we are aware of additional Animist line of sight issues that
have not been addressed in 1.62. These problems still affect, in some cases, pet
and caster line of sight. We'll keep working on these issues in future Camelot
Bard Changes
- Ameliorating Melodies now heals twice as much (its tick frequency was halved f
rom 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds).
- Rhythm of Hibernia, Rhyme of Earth, and Chant of Healing have all had their ra
nges increased to 2000.
- Added Dodger to the Bard RA list to give them the option of boosting their eva
sion chance while playing instruments.
- Bard Pulses on the PvP server should now work while their PvP immunity timer i
s up whether they're targeting themselves or not.
Warden Changes
- Added Mastery of Blocking, Wild Healing, and Mastery of Healing to the Warden'
s RA list.
- Increased the heal values on the Solar Conversion line, and increased the fati
gue cost reduction on the Attack Unfading line. This is to give a reasonable rew
ard for sacrificing martial skills for spec in Regrowth.
Eldritch Changes
- The Lesser Mana Ripple line has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, maki
ng it similar to PBAEs in the other realms.
- The spells Blank, Obliterate, and Extinguish Coordination have had a radius co
mponent added to them, making them similar to the Lesser Health Dispersal line.
- Reduced cast time of the Ethereal Concussion line to 2.6 seconds; this brings
it in line with the Gleam Ray line.
- Added a baseline single-target strength debuff shout in Way of the Eclipse:
8 Cancel Strength
15 Negate Strength
21 Unmake Strength
29 Abrogate Strength
35 Void Strength
43 Vitiate Strength
50 Null Strength
- Added a baseline single-target dexterity debuff shout in Way of the Eclipse:
11 Void Snare
19 Void Net
25 Void Web

33 Void Clamp
40 Void Lock
48 Void Chains
- The Lesser Kinetic Dispersal line has had its attack speed debuff component re
placed with a snare component.
- Eldritch class special RA Negative Maelstrom has had a cold resist debuff comp
onent added (and its base damage slightly reduced to compensate).
Enchanter Changes
- Tuned pet AI to allow pets to melee better while on the run.
- Raised threshold at which the underhill ally will heal.
- Changed underhill zealot AI so that it will no longer charge opponents instead
of casting.
- Fixed underhill zealot's resist debuffing spell to properly debuff heat damage
- Changed Dazzling Flash line to be a single target melee damage debuff.
Mentalist Changes
- Halved the round cost of the Illusory Enemy line.
- Decreased the cast time of the Delusion line to 3 seconds and increased the ra
nge to 1500.
- Changed the Curative Trance line to be a true Heal-over-time. It lasts 10 seco
nds, has a 2 second frequency, and has had its cost and healing amounts adjusted
- Adjusted the costs of the Curative Trance. The new costs are:

Curative Trance 18
Restorative Trance 34
Healing Trance 47
Sanative Trance 58

Hero Change
- Stag Form ability is no longer usable while sitting. Hopefully this should eli
minate some "misfires". It also now has an appropriate icon.

It's time to give Archer classes a bump in ability, as they have been somewhat l
eft behind by the addition of many new abilities and spells in other classes. In
this version, we attempt to bring the Archer back in line to be a fun to play c
lass. However, it is not our intention to ever return the Archer to the sniping
overpowered force that he was at Camelot's launch. These changes should make the
Archer useful and fun, but not make him overpowered.

By "Archer", we are referring to the Hunter, Ranger, and Scout.

General Archer Notes
- We've adjusted the way we calculate fumbles for Archery. Archery attacks have
always had fumbles calculated differently than regular melee attacks. We've rewo
rked this part of the Archery fumble calculation to be more in line with the way
melee fumbles work, meaning Archers should notice a substantial decrease in the
ir fumble rates, somewhere on the order of 1/4 what they were.
- Camouflage timers will no longer be reset by PvE attacks. Only an attack by th
e Archer on another player or a pet or turret controlled by another player will
reset the timer. Camouflage is designed to let the Archer scout in PvP situation
s, so PvE interactions should not affect its timer.
- We have seen complaints that Archers miss their targets at a higher rate then
melee fighters. Please be aware that we have run extensive tests as well as look
ed at the formulas and have found the miss rates for Archers and melee are the s
ame. We will continue to look into this as more reports and logs are generated b
y Archers, but for now there are no miss fixes.
- We have modified how the See Hidden ability interacts with Archer classes. We'
ve varied the range that an assassin can see a non camouflaged hidden archer any
where from 1/4 to 3/4 of the current range depending on the archer's stealth spe
c vs the assassin's level. On average this means that an assassin will have to b
e within about 1/2 the range that he can see the archer from compared to how the
system works currently on the live servers.
Critical Shot Notes
- We've changed the way that aggression is calculated when Archers use Critical
Shot against monsters. Now, aggro generated from damage done by a Critical Shot
is divided among all group members of the Archer. Please note that the Archer wi
ll still get a fraction more damage than any other group member, but it will now
be much easier to pull the monster off the Archer once it has been hit by a Cri
tical Shot. This should make Archers one of the better monster "pullers" for any
PvE group.
Arrows And Bladeturn
All three Archers now receive a new skill called "Penetrating Arrow", which allo
w them to penetrate, to some extent, Bladeturn spells. Here's the details:
- Penetrating Arrow will never go through Bladeturns (both pulsing and single-ta
rget) on the character that cast the spell. This means that a Warden who casts a
bladeturn on himself will never have his own personal bladeturn penetrated.
- Bladeturns cast on group/realm mates can be penetrated. So a Hero that has a p
ulsing bladeturn (or single target) on him from a friendly Warden can have that
bladeturn penetrated.
- Archers receive Penetrating Arrow based on their specialization in their parti
cular Bow skill. They get Penetrating Arrow 1 at 30th spec, Penetrating Arrow 2
at 40th spec, and Penetrating Arrow 3 at 50th spec. Lower levels of PA do less d
amage by not fully penetrating the bladeturn. The highest level of PA does norma
l damage.

- Additionally, Longshot and Volley penetrate ALL Bladeturns, regardless of who

cast them.
- Please note that in this version we have made sure that self bladeturns will n
o longer be overwritten by other bladeturns.
Rapid Fire
The three Archers now also receive a new ability called "Rapid Fire", which allo
ws them to release their bow shot before the normal bow timer. Here's the detail
- When an Archer has this skill, at any time after halfway through their normal
bow timer they can release the shot.
- If you release the shot 75% through the normal timer, the shot (if it hits) do
es 75% of its normal damage. If you release 50% through the timer, you do 50% of
the damage, and so forth - The faster the shot, the less damage it does.
- Rapid Fire shots takes the same endurance as a normal bow shot, but do less da
- Archers receive Rapid Fire 1 at 35 specialization level in their particular bo
w skill, and Rapid Fire 2 at spec level 45. The difference between the two is ho
w much endurance they take - RF 2 takes less endurance than RF 1.
- Please note that you cannot use Rapid Fire with Longshot or Volley.


In order to encourage pet casters to spec in their pet specialization spells, we
are making many additions and tweaks to some of the pet casters in all three re
General Pet Notes
- You can now /face your pets.
- Pet targeted spells should now recognize whether the pet is out of range befor
e the spell is cast.
- If you were far enough away from your pet for a long enough duration, sometime
s your pet window would pick up another creature in the zone and start displayin
g its health. This will no longer happen - if you are too far away from your pet
for too long, the pet's health meter will now disappear completely. When you mo
ve back in range of your pet, the health meter will reappear with the correct in
Pet Control Note
We've changed the way that the different "modes" (passive, aggressive) work when
controlling pets. Now, pets in aggressive mode will automatically attack non fr
iendly targets (before that target performs any aggressive actions), so long as
they are within the pet's aggressive range and the pet isn't currently engaged i
n another action.

In order to still allow the previous "aggressive behavior", where a pet in aggre
ssive mode would not take any action on a target attacking the controller until
the controller told it to, we have also changed the way that Passive mode works.
Pets in Passive mode will now set their target, attack, and change to defensive
mode when the "attack" button on the Pet Control Window is pressed.
The only exception to this new pet control change is the Bonedancer, due to the
complexity of his commander/minion AI. For those Bonedancers who used Aggressive
mode for passive behavior, you should instead use Passive mode, since in Aggres
sive mode your pets will not attack monsters. In RvR Bonedancer pets will attack
players higher than "gray con" however. We will look at this issue in 1.63 and
address it should the need arise.
Animist Changes
- Bombers now use the wisp model and will be visible at all times. Previously th
ey used another effect that caused them to disappear in some cases.
- It is no longer be possible to summon turrets that cannot be attacked by melee
- Tangler turrets now cast increasing duration roots.
- Animists now have access to the RA Wild Minion.
- The Animist pet summoned by the Forestheart Ambusher Realm Ability have been i
ncreased to the proper amount of hitpoints for its level.
Spiritmaster/Runemaster/Bonedancer Changes
- Added a L50 DD, Obsidian Strike, in the Darkness base list to make it more con
sistent with the base lists in other Realms.
- Increased damage on Runemaster Runes of Pain line to be commensurate with dama
ge adds in the other realms.
- The Cold and Matter resist debuffs in the Runemaster Runes of Destruction list
(Vex of Cold line and Vex of Soil line) have been adjusted to require a higher
spec to debuff the damage type of the baseline DD. The Vex of Cold line requires
higher specialization level now, while Vex of Soil requires less. The new level
s for all Runes of Destruction resist debuffs (Vex of Heat didn't change) are:




Spiritmaster Changes
- Changed the Gift of the Fallen line to be realm castable with a 60 second dura
tion. This means you can now cast it on friendly Realm members.

- Reduced casting time of the Dampen Lifeforce line to 2.5 seconds to make it co
nsistent with other casters.
- Added a pet-only mez reduction buff, Tenacious Warrior Spirit at L35 and Indom
itable Warrior Spirit at L45 in the Spirit Enhancement list, to help compensate
for spirit warriors' lack of ranged attack.
35 Tenacious Warrior Spirit
45 Indomitable Warrior Spirit
- Spiritmaster pets, starting with the spirit soldier, now have a chance to take
the melee attack for their controller. The chance increases up to the spirit ch
ampion. The caster must be standing close to the pet for this ability to be used
- Added a pet-only attack speed buff to the Spirit Enhancement list.




- Added the Hinder Prey line to the Spirit Enhancement list, a pet-only offensiv
e proc buff that gives the caster's pet a chance to ensnare a target for a short
time. The speed reduction increases with higher levels, and it won't break in c
28 Hinder Prey
38 Snaring Blow
48 Hunter's Trap
Cabalist/Spiritmaster/Enchanter Changes
- Increased value on pet-only spec stat buffs to be equal to spec buff levels.
Cabalist Changes
- The Strengthen Golem and Hurry Golem lines should be checking the correct skil
l now.
- Added a line of pet-only runspeed enhancement buffs to the Vivification list.
25 Tracker Enhancement
35 Chaser Enhancement
45 Pursuer Enhancement
Enchanter Notes
- The underhill zealot pet now will always cast the DD + debuff spell. Previousl
y it also had a chance of casting a DD + Snare spell which was not as effective
as the DD + Debuff.
- Added a pet-only buff to the Enchantment Mastery list that enhances the effect
iveness of the pet's spells. Against targets higher level than the pet, this sho

uld reduce the chance of a full resist. If used against lower level targets, dam
age done will go up.
40 Beguiling Will
50 Insidious Will
- Added a pet-only buff to the Enchantment Mastery list that gives a chance of a
self heal each time the pet is hit in melee.
29 Enchanted Armor
38 Shimmering Armor
49 Splendorous Armor
- Swapped the levels of the Enchanter Amplify Heat and Amplify Matter lines. Pre
viously, Enchanters were doing high amounts of damage too easily by being able t
o debuff an extremely high level DD of the same element. With this change, Encha
nters will still be able to use this strategy, but now the amount of damage they
can inflict will be more variable.
New Heat Debuff
27 Amplify Heat
36 Endow Heat
49 Empower Heat
New Matter Debuff
23 Amplify Matter
33 Endow Matter
44 Empower Matter
Mentalist Changes
- Ghostly Enemy now adds undead to the list of monster types that can be charmed
, and Dream Enemy can charm any type of creature.


- Changed the Shaman Minor Earth Invigoration line (fatigue regeneration buff) t
o be realm targeted concentration buff. If the target of this buff moves more th
an 1500 world units away from the caster, it will stop affecting the target unti
l he moves back within this range. As with all concentration buffs, if the caste
r is killed all the buffs he is supporting will drop.
- All Bolts have had their cast times reduced to 2.5 seconds.
- Fixed a bug where heal-over-time spells were not updating the target's health
- Fixed a bug where snares that fire off combat styles were using a lower value
than intended.
- Resist debuffs will now interrupt casters once again. Several versions ago, re
sist debuffs were temporarily changed to shouts and when that happened their int
errupt checks were removed. Soon after that patch, resist debuffs were returned
to a castable spell (i.e. were no longer shouts). However, they were still set i
ncorrectly to non-interruptible. They have now been correctly returned to interr

uptible, as they are no longer shouts.

- Self bladeturns will no longer be overwritten by other bladeturns.
- Strength (and strength only) debuffs and disease spells should no longer reduc
e a player's encumbrance below their unbuffed maximum. Debuffers were using the
fact that you could reduce an enemy to 0 movement speed as an effective one minu
te total snare with no counter, which was not the intention of strength debuff s
Realm Abilities
- The Wizard class special Realm Ability Volcanic Pillar has had its damage and
radius increased.
- The Augmented Acuity RA now affects power pool and damage for Nightshade spell
- The Whip of Encouragement Realm Ability has had its reuse timer lowered to 10
minutes and will no longer break in combat.
- The Excited Frenzy Realm Ability has had its reuse timer lowered to 10 minutes
and it should properly increase a pet's attack speed.


- Hibernia: Elves can now be Blademasters.


Epic Zones Revisited
In a continuing effort to revitalize under-utilized areas of the game, we have r
evisited the three zones that contain the original dragons. After evaluating all
three, we are adding new AI for all the existing named mobs to increase the var
iety of encounters in the zone, and tweaking the Dartmoor and Sheeroe Hills zone
s so they will hopefully have as much appeal for players in those realms as Malm
ohus has for Midgard players. In order to do this, we have decreased the scout r
ange of all scout mobs in each zone. This should allow players to navigate the z
one easier and lower the chances of having mobs aggro from distances that are to
o far for players to deal with. We have also lowered the spawn times of some gen
erators that were spawning faster than players were able to reliably deal with.
Additionally, all three dragons have had their damage on one of their two breath
spells greatly lowered.
/Leveled Character Equipment
With the /level command, a system has been added to equip the newly high leveled
characters with some base equipment. The following NPCs will be able to assist
you in obtaining these items.
Camelot: Hadreth, Assistant Wells, Galaris Pritchard, and Lucia Pritchard.

Tir na Nog: Carraent, Aetheonyc, Rhyryn, Gwucyn, Somyr, and Caryan

Jordheim: Gair and Kelleher
General Quest Notes
- Item drops for the Level 20+ bounty quests should now all be stackable. The qu
est NPC's will only take one item at a time, so players will need to unstack the
items in order to turn them in.
- We are thrilled to announce that the winning entries of the "Once Upon a Time.
.." quest contest have been implemented into the game. There is one for each rea
lm: The Hibernian quest is called, "Two Ales, Ailish!," the Albion quest is call
ed "Heart of Albion," and the Midgard quest is called, "The Legend of Fenrir's F
olly." Be sure to read the winning entries on the Herald, we are certain you'll
be as impressed with them as we were, and hope that you'll enjoy our implementat
ions of these wonderful stories.
Albion Quests
- "Heart of Albion": Lady Nimue in Avalon Marsh seeks someone willing to gather
the scattered shards of the Pendant of Hope.
Hibernia Quests
- "Two Ales, Ailish!" Speak with Iao in the Green Rose Pub in Tir na Nog. He see
ms to have lost his glasses and could use some help finding them.
- Season of Remorse - Irksa, in Howth, has been asking for a brave soul to help
rescue some noble empyreans.
Midgard Quests
- Silent Death - Savages that received a hand to hand weapon but are specced ano
ther way, may now turn in their hand to hand weapons to Vahn in Mularn for a ONE
TIME weapon exchange. Be very sure this is what you wish to do because all trad
es are considered final.
- The Legend of Fenrir's Folly - Silvertone in Vasudheim has an interesting stor
y to tell about an adventure with his friends and the dread wolf Fenris.
- Dying wish and Burning Realm - Gudlor, in Huginfell, is seeking adventurers to
help defend the realm.
- Albion: The Fallen Warriors in Barrows are now set correctly to undead monster
- A new wisp model has been added to the game. You should see them floating abou
t the world.
- Albion: The Rock Giant Wizards and Shamans in the Albion frontier are now corr
ectly set to uncharmable.

- Midgard: Fixed a problem with the Vendo Snake Charmer in the Vendo Caverns whe
re upon his death, the summoned snakes would vanish. Now, they will remain up un
til they have been killed.
- Hibernia: The Troglodytes and Thorg in Treibh Caillte have been correctly set
to type "humanoid".
- Hibernia: The Amalgamate Parthanans should now spawn correctly.
Item Notes
- We have enhanced items in one dungeon per realm to increase the dungeons desir
ability as a hunting ground. Note that these changes are retro-active. If you ha
ve any items from the following dungeons; Koalinth, Tepok?s Mine, and The Cursed
Tomb, give them a check. Many items from these areas were increased in effectiv
- The reactive procs on Omni armor were set to the intended spell for each locat
- The Diamond Dagger (Albion) now increases the slash skill and not thrusting.
- Dommel's Fiery Gauntlets (Hibernia) received after this patch should salvage f
or the proper material.
- Robes of the Neophyte (Albion) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- The Blodstein Ring (Midgard) now has the following stats: +2 power, +2 cave ma
gic, +2 mending.
- The Elder Staff of Iceshadow, Elder Staff of Icy Sundering, Elder Staff of Fro
zen Runes, and Elder Staff of Windy Calling (Midgard) can now be equipped by bon
edancers, and also have had particle effects added.
- The Deamhan Circlet of Speed (Hibernia) has been replaced with a new level-app
ropriate version called the Deamhan Circlet of Agility. Note that this new item
is not the original item, so the Deamhan Circlet of Speed players may already ow
n will not be updated.
- Each realm now has a suit of "roleplay" clothes, available on the existing rol
eplay hat merchants. Just like the roleplay hats, these outfits are intended for
looks only, so they do not qualify as armor pieces.
- The curmudgeon crab-catcher in Hibernia should no longer drop Albion items.
- The Resilient Sleeves, Resilient Gloves, and Cap of the Keen Mind (Albion) no
longer have class restrictions, so that necromancers are able to use these items
as well.
- Siegecraft items should now have an inventory icon.
- The Lightbringer sword (Albion) now increases the slash skill instead of chant
- The Vendo Flesh-flayer (Midgard) will no longer delve as having a proc. This i
tem was not intended to be a proc'ing weapon, so the spell was removed.
- The flint knife (Albion) will no longer delve as having a proc. This item was
not intended to be a proc'ing weapon, so the spell was removed.

- Most of the boss mob loot in the frontier dungeons has been upgraded. The old
stats were compared to SI's boss mob imbue points and brought up to par. The onl
y items that were not increased were already equal to or above equivalent SI bos
s mob loot in bonuses. In addition, a few new items were added for the Reaver, N
ecromancer, Animist, Valewalker, Savage and Bonedancer.
- Instances where objects that began with a vowel but were prefixed by the artic
le "a" (a orb of animation) have been corrected.
- All cloaks can now have dyes and emblems applied.
- Future drops of the Sleeves of Night Fire (Hibernia) should salvage for chitin
strips as intended. Any drop previous to this patch will salvage for diamond ba
- Future drops of the Shadowsilk Gloves, Shadowsilk Vest, Shadowsilk Pants, Elve
n Gossamer Gloves, Elven Gossamer Vest, and Elven Gossamer Sleeves (all from Hib
ernia) should be the correct level for the mobs from which those items drop. Pla
yers who already own those items will need to go out adventuring to replace thos
e items, as the field changed will not automatically update on existing items.
- A focus of deathsight has been added to the Mortal Coil Scrying Staff (Albion)
- The Lifeblinder staff (Albion) has been replaced with a new staff called Staff
of the Lifeblinder. The Lifeblinder staves already in existence will remain unc
hanged, but will no longer drop. The new version of the staff has a focus added
in place of one of the bonuses from the original Lifeblinder.
- Particle effects have been added to the Flesh Stretched Riddle Staff, Mortal C
oil Scrying Staff, the old version of the Lifeblinder staff, and the new Staff o
f the Lifeblinder (all in Albion).
- The cloth version of the Sleeves of Buri (Midgard) should now look like cloth
armor and can be dyed with cloth dye.
- The Wretched Skin Robe (Albion) should salvage for the proper amount.
- The Heavy Bastard Sword (Hibernia) should no longer appear to have a proc in d
elve info.
- The items in Dartmoor, Sheeroe Hills, and Malmohus have been upgraded to Shrou
ded Isles standards in bonus points, except for the dragon-specific loot. All it
ems changed were increased in items bonuses were lowered.
- The Njessi Carved Fang (Midgard) should now require sword skill instead of two
- The Lucent Spirit Helm (Hibernia) no longer increases strength twice. Instead,
one of the strength entries is now dexterity.
- The Omni Enchanted Cap and Omni Enchanted Boots (Hibernia) should now be named
properly for the slot in which they equip.
- Blessed Loki Boots (Midgard) should now salvage properly.
- The Sword of the Fiery Heart (Midgard) now has stat increases.


Bounty Quest Notes
- All SI Bounty quest items have been changed to sellable and stackable. The max
imum stack is 15. NPCs will not take an entire stack. You will need to unstack a
nd give bounty items one at a time.
Porting Note
- We have removed the wait time for the portal from the expansion areas to the r
ealm portal keeps after another player begins to teleport back. Players can now
teleport back to the portal keeps at any time without waiting for the portal cer
emony to finish.
Midgard Quests
- Stoneheart - The Runed Cloak of the Trolls and the Cloak of the Troll Fathers
needed to complete this quest are no longer tradeable.
- Ota's Quest - Berserkers who recieved the Griffin's Impervious Pelt Shield wil
l be able to turn that into Ota Yrling in Aegirhamn for a new item that is useab
le by Berserkers.
- Mammoth Hunt - Vorkald will now give Furry Boned Legs with the appropriate AF.
For those who received the original legs, you may return to Vorkald and turn th
em in to receive the appropriate ones.
- Mammoth Hunt: We have slightly toned down the difficulty of step 5, which requ
ires players to clear a Morvalt camp.
Albion Quests
- Free the Rogue - we have made some significant changes to this quest to make i
t easier for players to lure Mercal from his hiding place. Also, players no long
er need to accompany Mercal on his return to town, he will meet you there.
- The Lost Stone of Arawn - Sali'ah now let's the players know that the archmace
is a two-handed weapon.
Hibernia Quests
- Fylara's Armor - In response to player concerns about the long wait for broodm
others, we have decreased the wait time between broodmother spawns.
Albion Monsters
- Caer Sidi: The Apocalypse encounter should no longer stall and be unable to re
start after a failed attempt.
- Dales of Devwy: The spawn rate of the Hoges, Lindon, Dyer, Parmenter and Tinct
or ghost families have been lowered slightly.
- Caer Sidi: Lich Lord Ilron should no longer reset his encounter when he is not

supposed to.
- Players releasing to the bindstone at Wearyall Hill are less likely to be atta
cked by monsters around the bindstone.
- Haunted appletree seedlings will be longer be given as kill tasks.
- The amount of time before Xanxicar's lair (The Crystal Cave) fills with lightn
ing has been increased.
Hibernia Monsters
- Aroon the Urlamhai in Galladoria should not aggro through the walls anymore.
- The special sonic attack used by most shriller monsters should now work reliab
- Lesser anglators should no longer attack you while invisible.
- The difficulty of the final Galladoria encounter has been lowered.
Midgard Monsters
- Iarnvidiurs Lair: Hurjavelen will no longer BAF with the other mobs in it's ar
- Aegir's Landing: The Morvalt that join Gormor and his lieutenants in their dis
ease attack on Dyrfjell will no longer linger outside of the town after their le
aders have left or been killed.
Dungeon Notes
- Trollheim: A bug in 'The Rift' encounter in Trollheim that did not allow The R
ift monster to give experience or drop loot has been fixed.
- Trollheim: Bring a friend problems where monsters would attack from below or a
bove a room have been reduced.
- Tuscaren Glacier: Several bugs with the Icelord Skuf and Steinvor encounter ha
ve been fixed. Steinvor's seers should now work better. Both Steinvor's and Skuf
's magical abilities should now work better.
Item Notes
- Flurry's Dancing Defender (Albion) should now increase +slash resist, instead
of having two separate thrust resist entries.
- Steinvor's Sturdy Axe, Steinvor's Frenzied Axe, and Skuf's Cave Crusher (Midga
rd) can now be dyed with the weapon dyes from Tuscaran Glacier.
- The Vine Wrapped Defender (Hibernia) has a new model.
- The Ancient Stag Spine Spear (Hibernia) no longer has two spirit resist entrie
s. Instead, one of the entries has been replaced by slashing resist.
- Easmarach's Stinger (Hibernia) can now be dyed with the weapon dyes from Galla

- The Water Cat Pelt (Midgard) should now stack properly.
- The Vest of the Infamous Blade (Albion) should now look like leather armor as
- The Cured Saracen Skin Cloak, Cured Highlander Skin Cloak, Cured Avalonian Ski
n Cloak, and Cured Briton Skin Cloak (Albion) can now have an emblem and dye app
- The spelling of Tiaga's Blessed Charm and Tiaga's Charm (Hibernia) is now corr
- The Ancient Engraved Maul (Midgard) should now look like a two-handed hammer a
s intended.
- The Drakoran Scale Chain (Albion) is now set to the appropriate level.
- The Symbiotic Wrap and Arcane Symbiotic Wrap (Albion) now look like a bracer a
s intended.
- Urchin filchers (Albion) should no longer be dropping level 8 jewelry.
- Soxulfr's Hammer Belt (Midgard) should now equip in the waist slot as intended
- The Sapphire Encrusted Ring (Albion) that equipped in the waist slot has been
renamed Sapphire Encrusted Belt.
- The Bladed Crystal Rapier (Hibernia) now increases intelligence instead of the
valor skill.
- Devmer in Albion should no longer drop jewelry items with focus increases.
- The Morvalt Obsidian Sword in Midgard that is a bounty quest item can no longe
r be equipped.
- The proc on the Brazen Stout Defender (Albion) has been changed to a different
spell that should no longer conflict with a friar's own buffs.
- The particle effect on Steinvor's Frenzied Axe (Midgard) should fit correctly.
- Shambler's Large Axe (Midgard) should now increase the axe skill instead of sl
- The Belt of the Deceitful (Albion) should now look like a belt instead of a br
- The Darkened Vine Dirk (Hibernia) can now be dyed with the weapon enamels from
- The urchins in Albion should be dropping level appropriate gear now.
- In Caer Sidi, there were two drops called "Diamond Encrusted Ring." One of tho
se items fits in the waist slot, and the name has been changed to Diamond Encrus
ted Belt, as originally intended.
- The Ancient Brass-shod Staff (Albion) now has a reuse timer and can be recharg

- Host's Regenerative Skin (Albion) can be dyed.

- Yrjo in Aegirhamn now sells low level spears. Niklaas now sells low level twohanded axes, hammers and swords.
- The Emissary of Logi hand-made loot (Midgard) has had a few changes. The Emiss
ary's Ring now increases parry instead of slash. Also, the Emissary's Ring, Logi
's Gem, and the Emissary's Tassel Belt did not have the correct amount of points
assigned to magic bonuses. These have been increased to the appropriate level o
n all three items.
- The Griffin Claw (Midgard) is no longer wieldable in the left hand.
- The model for the Dreaded Frost bound Fang has been changed to better reflect
the area it comes from.
- The Mayor's Ruby Ring (Midgard) can now be equipped in the ring slot.
- The Griffon Slicer, Dark Weaved Vest, and Dark Weaved Leggings (Midgard) now h
ave a proc chance set.
- The Vine Covered Scythe and Verdant Scythe from Galladoria have new weapon mod
els and particle effects.
- The Verdant Recurve Bow and the Primal Windwalker's Bow from Galladoria now ha
ve new bow models.
- The Dreaded Frostbound Fang (Midgard) now has a particle effect.
- Anyone with a non-glowy version of Aroon's Ancient Staff or Aroon's Verdant St
aff (Hibernia) should note that particle effects have been added.
- The Essence Shifted Flail and Essence Shifted Whip (Albion) should include the
ir correct name in combat text (ex. You hit xxxx with your flail, You hit xxxx w
ith your whip). Previously, the flail showed up as mace in combat text, while th
e whip showed up as flail.
- The Azure Silencer Fang and the Livid Silencer Fang (Albion) can now be dyed w
ith the weapon enamels from Caer Sidi. Please note that using dye on these weapo
ns will change only the hilt color.
- The Obsidian Doomspear (Midgard) should now proc as intended, and the +parry b
onus has been changed to +stealth.
- Quillan's Reinforced Vest (Hibernia) should now be dyed with enamel dye instea
d of leather dye.
- The Shadowed Blackthorn Mace (Hibernia) will now repair for the correct cost.
- The Medallion of Albion (one of the rewards in the Secret Orders quest in Albi
on) has been changed. There will be NO TURN IN NPC for this quest. Don't look fo
r one. Your item will simply update by itself.
- Palifan should no longer be dropping crossbows with longbow skill increases.
- The Disembodied Gauntlets (Albion) now increase the slash skill instead of swo
- Gazsi's Friendship Staff (Midgard) can now be salvaged.

- Herbalist's Tunic of Power (Midgard) can now be salvaged.

- The Trident of Soulless Lament (Midgard) can now be dyed with the weapon ename
ls from Tuscaran Glacier.
- The Ring of Shadows (Albion) should now have the icon of a ring instead of a g
- The Morvalt Forced March Ring (Midgard) will now fit in the ring slot as inten
- The Ring of Tangled Vines (Hibernia) now has a use timer and can be recharged.
- The following weapons from Tuscaran Glacier can now be dyed: Tuscarian Runewal
kers Staff, Tuscarian Soul-tethering Staff, Tuscarian Nifl-tethered Staff, Tusca
rian Soul-wrenchers Staff, Tuscarian Bonesplitters Staff, Tuscarian Bonewalkers
Staff, and Tuscarian Shadow-tethered Staff.
Here are the patch notes for Dark Age of Camelot version 1.63. By far the bigges
t component of this patch is suport for Foundations, our optional housing expans
ion. For more information on Foundations, see the housing section of the Herald.
1.63 also has many bug fixes, tweaks, and world/item updates.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.63 Release Notes
With 1.63, Dark Age of Camelot: Foundations makes its debut. This is the optiona
l housing expansion - you can download it if you wish. For more information abou
t Foundations, go to where you'll find informatio
n about the expansion, including a user's guide, house descriptions, maps and ot
her invaluable information.
Getting the Foundations Client
In order to install Foundations, you first must install the client. Here is a li
st of places where you can find the Foundations client:
- Download. It is approximately 55 megs. Go to for
a list of download locations.
- From the CD included in the July issue of Computer Gaming World (SI Client Onl
- From the Dark Age of Camelot: Gold Edition (SI Client Only).
There are two different download options for Foundations: a Classic client versi
on, and a Shrouded Isles version. Obviously, if you have Shrouded Isles, you mus

t install the Foundations SI client, and vice versa.

Please note that the version of Foundations on the magazine CD and the Gold Edit
ion CD will require about a 15mb patch when you first launch the game after inst
alling. The magazine and Gold Edition CDs are for the SHROUDED ISLES CLIENT ONLY
. If you have classic Camelot, you'll have to download the Foundations Classic c


- Added extended delve descriptions for all spells.
- Fixed a bug in delve where most '%' symbols weren't displaying properly.
- Fixed a bug where the sell value of Unique Items greatly decreased after zonin
g the first time after they were found.
- Fixed a bug with the /clock displaying the wrong times for noon and midnight.
- The Unique Object Generator focus staff drops should no longer be a "xxxxx Foc
us Staff" unless there is a focus bonus on the object. The generic name for the
staves has been changed to "Invoker's Staff."
- We have expanded the /ignore command to filter out more messages from anyone o
n your ignore list. In addition to the text that it used to block, it will now b
Chat Group
Guild Chat
Alliance Chat
Officer Chat
Emotes (/bow and /em )

We've decided to remove some of the extra steps required in crafting items. The
purpose of these changes is not to decrease the overall concept of time, or coin
, that goes into these tradeskills, but to remove some of the extra possible fru
stration of the added layers that they create.
With this we have "flattened" Weaponcraft and most of Armorcraft. Flattening is
the process in which we remove the extra steps needed to make a final recipe. Pr
evious to this, if you wanted to make a weapon, you had to make two sub-componen
ts first, then combine them to make the final weapon. Now, you simply use the sa
me amount of total materials that you would have making the sub-combines, and th
e same overall amount of time... but you fire off a single recipe. No more 100%
quality hilts, just to get a 94% final weapon.
In Armorcraft, we've removed the need to create studs, wires, scales, and strapp
ing (this also includes the various studded recipes in Albion Tailoring). We've
replaced them with the best equivalent amount of raw materials, erring on the sm
aller side. This will cause the costs of the armors to change a minor amount, bu
t nothing on a grand scale. And yes,
Armorcraft still requires Tailoring components. Please note that this change wil

l cause a slight variance in the costs from what you are used to, but not by muc
Also, you will notice that most of the recipes in Weaponcraft, Armorcraft, Tailo
ring, and Fletching will now show you the level of the item that is created from
said recipe, when you delve them. As we continue moving forward, we will contin
ue trying to add more useful information to help the crafter do his job.
Other crafting notes
- Flattened the recipes for Weaponcraft and Armorcraft in all three realms, and
Tailoring in Albion
- Added level values to most of the recipes in Weaponcraft, Armorcraft, Tailorin
g, and Fletching for all three realms.
- Added Woodworking recipes that allows for the ability to create smaller, or la
rger, versions of various pieces of furniture for housing.


Classic/SI - Guild track quest rewards, except for the epic quest armors, have b
een upgraded to Shrouded Isles standards in bonus points, except in a few rare i
nstances where the item was at or above the desired bonus point value already. N
o object was decreased in bonus points.
We have added guild bounty point merchants to coincide with the bounty merchants
in the capital cities and expansion starting cities. The NPC names are as follo
Torrence Edelmar
Elenya Edelmar
Luce Edelmar
Daniel Edelmar
Alexander Edelmar
Caer Gothwaite:
Samuel Kriston
The Grove of Domann:

Albion Quests
- Lady Nimue will now spawn in the following locations for the times listed belo
Avalon Marsh - NIGHT ONLY spawn.
Camp Forest - DAY ONLY spawn.
Snowdonia - DAY ONLY spawn.
Midgard Quests
- Thorgil's Daughter - The tomte Rygnol has been moved back to the Executioner's
- Wisdom of Time: Gashir - The bug causing the Priestess of Gashir and her Elves
to blink when players approach them has been fixed.
Albion Dungeon Notes
- Keltoi Fogou: Beven is no longer charmable.
Albion Monsters
- Hunter Kenwin and Guardian Aron at Campacorentin Station now give Kill Tasks.
Midgard Monsters
- Raumarik Revenant now has his damage table set correctly. He will also no long
er heal himself when hitting a player wearing a breastplate dropped by Legion.
Hibernia Monsters
- Word has it that the Meruchas have been appearing more frequently by the water
in Connacht.
Item Notes
- The Omni Bloodhide Robe (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The Omni Bloodhide Gloves and Omni Bloodhide Boots (Midgard) should now be nam
ed properly for the slot in which they equip.
- The 80% quality items intended for salvage purposes will now drop as 89% quali
ty items.
- The Midgard small training shield now has the correct speed.
- Bonedancers can now equip the Vest of the Diabolic.
- The Obsidian Longsword (Midgard) can now be traded to other players.
- The Forked Mephit Tail (Hibernia) now increases blunt instead of crush.
- The Ebony Arms of the Corrupt (Albion) now increases energy resist in place of

a duplicate body resist.

- The class restrictions on the Manaweave Ring (Albion) have been removed.
- Muryan tricksters in Albion should now be dropping level appropriate items.
- The Vindicator set of staves from Cursed Forest should now have particle effec
- The Fallen Archer's Dagger (Albion) will no longer drop. It has been replaced
with a new item, the Felled Archer's Dagger, that uses the proper model. The ori
ginal version will remain as-is for players who already possess one.
- The Stoic Defender (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- Shadowhands Gloves (Albion) can now be dyed.
- The Hibernia version of the Gossamer Soultourn Sleeves will now salvage for a
lower value. The salvage value was inadvertently set too high on this item.
- The following items that were spiritmaster and runemaster only are now set to
allow bonedancers: Twisted Evil Emerald Scepter, Twisted Evil Ruby Scepter, Twis
ted Evil Sapphire Scepter, Twisted Evil Diamond Scepter, Snow Crystal Runecarver
's Staff, Snow Crystal Summoner's Staff, Darkened Staff of Hoarfrost, Suppressor
's Staff of Hoarfrost, Regal Lupine Staff, Royal Lupine Staff, Icebound Effluviu
m Staff of Runes, and Icebound Effluvium Staff of Summoning.
- The Prismatic Studded Gloves (Midgard) should now have the proper AF.
- The Ember Necklace (Midgard) should now be the proper level.
- The Elven Arrows and Barbed Elven Arrows (Albion) will now stack to 100.
- Skull-embossed Gauntlets (Albion) should now salvage.
- The Huntsman's Jerkin (Midgard) can be dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- Deathrune Robes (Albion) can be dyed with the appropriate dye type.
- All store-bought focus staves should now salvage.
- The rust colored dyepot is now called "rust colored cloth dye."
- The Brimstone Breastplate (Midgard) now has the proper magic bonus. Note that
this change will not retroactively update for players who already possess this i
tem. The change only affects future "drops" of this one-time drop item.
- The Mephit Wing (Hibernia) can now be equipped in the cloak slot.
- Robes of Regalia (Hibernia) can now be salvaged.
- The required level for the weapon rewards in Ancestral Secrets (Midgard), Lost
Seeds (Hibernia), and Lost Stone of Arawn (Albion) has been lowered to level 48
- Faded Sleeves (Albion) now look like studded armor instead of leather.
- The parthelonians in the frontiers should now drop only common loot and ROG ma
gic loot, while the parthelonians in Cursed Forest should now only drop common l
oot and the handmade magic loot they've always had.


Midgard Quests
- Gem of the Dwarven King - Players may now only use Longbeard's Necklace in the
area where they locate the box containing the Gem of the Dwarven King. Players
trying to use the necklace outside of that area will receive a message that they
cannot use the necklace.
Midgard Dungeon Notes
- Trollheim: We have reenabled "Bring A Friend" inside this dungeon to pre-1.62
Monster Notes
- Dungeons and outdoors: Particle effect based monsters such as water elementals
and blobs will now scale properly on the fly. Water elementals will grow during
rainstorms and shrink when the storms have passed. Certain types of blobs that
split in two when they suffer a particularly devastating attack will now properl
y change scale on the fly.
- Master Reginald the Rogue trainer in Caer Gothwaite is now a Saracen rather th
en an Avalonian
Items Notes
- The cold cervideth shroud (Hibernia) can now be equipped.
- Kvasir's Sword of Blight and Hjalmar's Thorned Bow (Midgard) can now be dyed w
ith weapon enamels.
- The Robes of the Severed Soul (Albion) has been renamed to Vest of the Severed
- Tuscar's Runed Buckler (Midgard) now increases energy resist in place of a sec
ond heat resist entry.
- The Choker of Catlike Quickness (Hibernia) has been renamed to Choker of Catli
ke Acuity.
- Luso's Claws (Midgard) should now be set to the correct DPS.
- The Death Shroud (Hibernia) should now equip in the cloak slot.
- The Vest of the Gravewalker (Albion) now increases matter resist in place of a
duplicate body resist entry.
- Steinvor's Sturdy Axe (Midgard) has a different particle effect that fits a li

ttle better than the previous one.

- Players should now be able to trade the gem rewards from the Malignant Creatur
es quest in Albion.
- Mammoth Lined Leggings (Midgard) can now be dyed.
- Weno'iak's Chain Leggings (Albion) now increase enhancements instead of augmen
- Weno'iak's Chain Mittens (Albion) will now increase stats correctly.
- The Vine Covered Scythe (Hibernia) had the haste proc replaced with a life tap
- Ancient Brass Longsword - procs a minor vitality drain
- Ancient Brass Cudgel - indendiary pyre (fire DD)
- Ancient Brass Rapier - electrical DD
- Ancient Brass Pike - mana DD
- Ancient Brass Lochaber Axe - mana DD
- Ancient Brass Lucerne Hammer - mana DD
- Ancient Brass Battlehammer - fire DD
- Ancient Brass Two-Handed Sword - stamina heal
- Ancient Brass-Tipped Whip - damage shield
- Ancient Brass-Shod Staff - fire DD
- Ancient Brass-Shod Quarterstaff - minor vitality drain
- Ancient Brass Scythe - Protective Aura of Flame (damage shield)
- All weapons for the The Lost Seed quest in Hibernia have had procs added to th
- Claidheamh falcata - Minor vitality drain
- Birrag Cuaille mace - Incindiary Pyre
- Cuinnsear dagger - void DD
- Ailm Darach spear - ice DD
- Bruais Creigeir shillelagh - Incindiary pyre
- Ard-Ennoilys sword - damage shield
- Corran scythe - dark DD
- Caorrunn Calbh staff - Fire DD
- Gneiss (Hibernia) should now drop 95% quality items. This will only apply to f
uture drops after this patch. Any items from Gneiss before this patch will not r

etroactively update.
- The spell charge on the Ancient Spore Cluster's Cloak (Hibernia) has been chan
ged from an endurance regen.
- The spell charges on the Olcasgean Root Drum, Olcasgean Root Lute, and Olcasge
an Root Flute (Hibernia) has been changed so as not to interfere with any of the
bard's music spells.
- The skelks in World's End will no longer drop small amounts of copper. Itemize
d as an "animal" this mob should not be dropping cash at all.
- The Insidious Samn's Eye (Hibernia) no longer has 2 separate cold resists list
- The Tab'fren series of staves in Albion have new models and particle effects.
- The Braided Ivy Staff (Hibernia) has a new model.
- The Cold's Touch Staff (Albion) now has a particle effect.
- The Guthlac Great Shield (Midgard) has a new model.
Cooperative Server Object Notes
- The Glowing Dreaded Seal now stacks to 10.
Servers are coming down now (as I posted yesterday) and will return in a few hou
rs. Watch this space for more details. Anyway, here are the updated notes we're
bringing live this morning:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.63d Release Notes
Tuesday, July 8, 2003
- When trying to use the "/housefriend" command in a non-housing zone, you now g
et an appropriate message that the command can only be used in a housing zone.
- Under some circumstances, level 1 houses would not charge money for external u
pgrades (roof materials, doors, etc.). This has been fixed.
- There
e deed.

was an issue on Gaheris (the co-op server) where "alt" characters who at
to purchase a lot would be charged for the lot but would not be given th
This situation happened when that account had another character who was
a homeowner and who made that house a guild house. This bug has been fix

- We fixed a bug where if you attempted to purchase an item from a consignment v

endor and dropped that item directly onto your "paper doll" interface (instead o

f simply clicking the 'buy' button), the item would be purchased, but would dele
te an item in your inventory.
- There was a bug that prevented the withdrawal of money from a consigment merch
ant if that merchant had more than 200 plat. This has been fixed. The merchant w
ill give you enough plat such that you have 200 total and will hold onto the res
- You can no longer trade a house to a player if that player already owns a lot
with a different character.
Good morning, everyone - here's what we're bringing live right now. Watch this s
pace for more details! (New note added 9:08 AM EDT)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.63e Release Notes
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Please note that there is a bug that sometimes causes vaults to swap positions w
ithin a house with more than one vault after a server reboot. All items and perm
issions for that vault will be maintained - it's just the order of the vaults wi
thin the house which will sometimes change. This bug will soon be fixed such tha
t you can place your vaults in any order you wish and they will remain in that o
rder after a reboot. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- (NEW 9:08 AM EDT) You can no longer upgrade a house to a bigger one if you hav
e any item attached to a hookpoint. This means that if you have a consignment me
rchant, vault, portal NPC, regular merchant, etc. attached to a hookpoint in you
r house, you'll have to pick it up before upgrading to a larger house.
- A house can no longer be traded if there is money in the consignment merchant.
- Now, you cannot split a stack when dropping into the house vault. You can spli
t a stack when retrieving from a house vault into your inventory - you can only
split stacks where the destination is your inventory backpack or bank vault.
- Fixed a problem on Gaheris where broadcast chat in the housing zone could be h
eard inside individual houses.
- Previously, when editing the guild ranks to your house list from the House Fri
end Permissions List, the name of the rank did not display under the "Name Field
" - it only showed "Guild Rank" under the "Type" Field. This has been fixed, but
please note that you will have to remove the rank as a friend and reset it to s
how the rank name correctly if it is currently mis-set.
- "Repo Men" are now flagged as "House Bankers" in their over-the-head labels. P
reviously they were unlabeled.

- Rent tokens can now be dropped on both the interior and the exterior of a hous
e to pay rent. Previously a bug prevented home owners from dropping rent tokens
on the exterior of their house.
- The porch and carpet colors selected in the selection window now match the col
or that is actually produced by the transaction.
- Fixed some terrain errors in the housing zones - now you won't see floating ga
rden objects, bridges that don't line up correctly, water abnormalities, etc.
- Fixed issue with Albion Cottage and Albion House where some garden points in f
ront of the stairs were blocked.
- Fixed an issue with the Hibernian Villa where players and merchants would sink
into the porch.
- You can no longer transfer a house from a personal home to a guild house, or s
ell a house to another player if your house has a consignment merchant or vault
active. If you want to transfer or sell your house, you must now pick up the con
signment merchant and vault, or sell them.
- We've changed the "order" in which permissions are enforced by the server. Her
e is the new list, in order of priority: Account -> Personal -> Guild Rank -> Gu
ild. This means that any account permissions will take precedence over all other
types of permissions, Personal permissions will take precedence over Guild, etc
Comfy? Good, read on:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.64 Release Notes
Tuesday, August 12, 2003


- Upgraded keeps that are /released will now return to un-upgraded levels. Previ
ously, when a guild claimed and upgraded a keep, then later released the keep, t
he guards would retain some of the bonuses for being upgraded (including having
the appearance of being upgraded guards) even though the keep was unclaimed. In
addition to the keep reverting, all the NPC guards will now revert to normal unupgraded status when a keep is released.
- The Mastery of Arms realm ability should now be affecting attack speed properl
- We have fixed all known icon problems with regards to combat styles and spells
. No changes were made to the actual styles or spells, only the icons were chang

- Using the /lastname command without entering a new last name will now allow ch
aracters to erase their current last name, as requested by the Role Playing Team
- The CHAT.LOG file will no longer be automatically closed when you zone. It wil
l still close when you exit the game to go back to the character select screen.
- Information from delve, /relic, /realm, etc, are now written to your chat.log.
- A new /effects flag, group, which will show any spells cast on or by your grou
p members. (Settable by /effects group or in the options menu).
- New naming options, in both the /hidenames and /shownames command as well as t
he options dialog. Before: Self, Players, Monsters, Gravestones. Now: Self, Play
ers, Monsters, Gravestones, Groupmates, Guildmates, Enemy Players.
- A new /faceloc command has been added. This will turn your character to face t
hese local coordinates.
- Salvages on stacks of items will now return the correct amount of salvage mate
rials. If there are not enough items in the stack to return anything, an error m
essage will be returned to the player and the salvage will not take place.
- The error messages that previously occurred when you were too close to another
repo man and trying to remove an object from your vault have been fixed. Note t
hat a few of the repo man error messages (Wrong realm, doesn't service this vaul
t) will no longer appear, instead only a generic "You aren't close enough to a v
ault or a consignment merchant!" message will appear.
- The /release house command is no longer case sensitive.
- Studded armor will check armor crafting and tailoring for Albion players and u
se whichever skill is higher for repairs.
- Lockbox and consignment monies will combine to pay a house's rent if neither a
lone has enough, but their combined sum is.
- A consignment merchant can no longer sell items if it is already holding over
200 plat.
- You can no longer sell items back to get more than 200 platinum on your charac
- '/sshot ' -- will allow you to give a base name for your screenshots. For exam
ple, to name your screenshots: Raid-01.jpg, Raid-02.jpg, type: /sshot Raid
- A new slash command, "/househelp". Normally, most of the housing popups are sh
own only the first time you do things. Typing /househelp will cause them to be s
hown again.
- Right clicking on Spellcrafting and Alchemy items in Consignment Merchant wind
ows will now show their normal mini-info quick description.
- Fixed a bug where you could port into the housing zone and no houses would app
- When you click on a house, it will now print the house owner's name and the lo
t number to your system message buffer.

- Added an extra tag at the end of weapons and armor on consignment merchants both types will now show quality, armor will show AF and weapons will show DPS i
n the merchant window:
arcanite two-handed sword [200g] (99%, 15.1 dps)
heavy caliocht vest [200g] (100%, AF 35)
- Archer line of sight is now checked both at the draw and the release of a shot


We have added a new performance option to decrease hitching and pausing in key g
ame situations: when first going into towns or portal keeps after zoning, and fi
rst encountering large RVR groups of enemies from other realms.
The option is under the "Config Performance" menu that allows you to control how
the client loads skins from disk. This will allow you to partially load some of
the textures the game uses to avoid hitches and pauses in key game situations.
- [No Precaching] will work largely as before.
- [Precache Armor Skins] is the suggested regular setting. Armor skins will be p
artially loaded into memory. It will take up more memory on average than [No Pre
caching], but it will eliminate some hitches and pauses.
- [Precache All Skins] is recommended for machines with >512MB of RAM. This opti
on will cause the game to take up more memory, but should significantly decrease
s hitches as you run around the world.
These options are documented in-game in the "Config Performance" menu (under "Op
tions" at the character select screen.)
We have optimized the creation of houses as you move around the housing zone. Yo
u should experience far less hitching and lag as you move around or zone into th
ese zones.


Dark Age of Camelot now has a new player market system, where player crafters ca
n choose to publish all the wares being displayed on their consignment merchants
to a database than can be searched by other players. Please note that this syst
em will only be available in housing zones.
If you are a merchant, to publish the contents of the consignment merchant that
you own to the search engine database, type "/listmerchant". Typing /listmerchan
t again removes your merchant from the database. Once a merchant is in the datab
ase, all changes to that merchant will be updated on the fly (price changes, add
ing items to merchant, items being sold from merchant, etc) with no further inte
rvention from the user. Note that /listmerchant will only work when you are near
a house you own.
To search the consignment merchant database, you will right click on the Market
Explorers that are placed at the entrance to each area, as well as in the centra
l market of each zone. Use the window to enter information about the item you ar

e searching for, and click "search". A list of all items matching your search cr
iteria will be returned to you in pages of 20 items at a time. You can page thro
ugh the items using the Previous and Next buttons."
Please note that when you get a list of items back from your search, you will be
given a lot number where the consignment merchant selling the item can be found
- you must then go to that merchant to purchase the item.
Skill lists on the Player Market Query window will only show those skills availa
ble to your realm (except on Gaheris, Mordred, and Andred where it will show ski
lls from all three realms).


1.64 has a new feature for Roleplayers, an "/rpfilter" that lets you filter out
commonly used game terms and abbreviations for any text that you wish. It works
as follows:
/rpfilter will filter your clients chat, eg:
/rpfilter LFG looking for group
So if anyone in chat says "/s LFG blah blah blah" your client will actually prin
So and so says, "looking for group blah blah blah".
The chat is only altered client-side, the server and logs will have all the orig
inal text as it was typed.
- The string to replace must be between 3 and 10 characters long.
- The string to replace it with may be between 1 to 20 characters long.
- Case insenstive (lfg is treated the same as LFG, lFG, LfG, etc)
- The new RP filter will try to not replace words that are parts of larger words
. It does so by checking either side of the search string to see if there are ch
aracters around the letters it tries to replace. So, in the case of "/rpfilter L
FG looking for group"
LFG -> looking for group
xLFG -> xLFG
xLFGx -> xLFGx
LFG!! -> looking for group!!


- In this patch, we have added new bonus types to our dropped items. These bonus
types are detailed below. At this time, these features are only available for t
he classic Camelot dragon loot and Shrouded Isles class-specific epic dungeon ar

- The existing items on classic Camelot dragons have been upgraded with these ne
w bonus types, and new items added to their treasure tables. Please note that a
few items were near or at the desired bonus point level, so those few items did
not receive any noticeable increases. No bonuses were lowered on any of the exis
ting dragon items.
- The Shrouded Isles class-specific epic dungeon armors have also been tweaked t
o get rid of mutually exclusive bonuses. Players who already have some of these
items may notice a few new features in the delve information.
- ALL magic skills - This bonus will increase your skill in any and all of your
spell lines. In other words, if your item is updated to have "ALL magic skills:
+3", then all of your spell lines (if your class has multiple spell lines) will
have a +3 skill increase from that item.
- ALL melee weapon skills - This bonus will increase your skill in many weapon t
ypes. This bonus does not increase shield, parry, archery skills, or dual wield
skills (hand to hand is the exception, as this skill is also the main weapon ski
ll associated with hand to hand weapons, and not just the off-hand skill). If yo
ur item has "All melee weapon skills: +3" and your character can train in hammer
, axe and sword, your item should give you a +3 increase to all three.
- Focus: ALL spell lines - This bonus will give you focus for all your focus spe
ll lines. "Focus: ALL spell lines: 50" would mean that your focus staff gives yo
u 50 focus in darkness, suppression, and runecarving, if you're a runemaster.
- Acuity - This bonus will increase your casting stat, whatever your casting sta
t happens to be. If you're a druid, you should get an increase to empathy, while
a bard should get an increase to charisma.
- The "old" dragon items from Cuuldurach, Golestandt, and Gjalpinuva will now dr
op made of level 10 materials, instead of the standard classic Camelot level 8 m
aterials. Unfortunately, this does not apply to existing original dragon items..
.to accomplish this, totally new items had to be made that are copies of the ori
ginal set of dragon items, because an object's material cannot be changed retroa
ctively. Of these new items, most armor pieces are set to be reactive procs now,
and some of the less popular weapon procs are changed to more favorable ones.

- Added new "level 51" weapons into Fletching and Weaponcraft to help give a sli
ghtly broader choice of weapons now for various specs. This has caused the sideeffect of increasing the "max skill" for these tradeskills, due to where the new
weapons ended up in the skill range.
- Fixed the levels that were shown when delving Fletching recipes. This is a man
ual entry and was off by a single level, or so, in a few of the items.
- Tried to spread out the new "level 51" Fletching recipes to help fill in the v
arious skill gaps that existed in the recipes. We will review this going forward
to see if any additional changes are required.
- All forges and lathes have been updated with the housing graphic.
- Note: The new magus staff has a hidden restriction that will not allow it to b
e equipped by anyone other than a focus caster.


- Changed the "osnadurtha gauntlet" recipes to be labeled "osnadurtha gloves" si
nce that is what is made from said recipes.
- Corrected spelling on the various "mammalogy" potions.
- Albion boned armor now shows the correct level when you delve the various reci
- Hibernian spiked mace recipes now show the levels of said weapons.


Quests- General
- Life Stones given out by Mystemas in Darkness Falls had Quality or Durability
incorrectly set. Return to him to get stones with the proper settings.
Hibernia Quests
- The Piper's Price: Innis Carthaig has been suffering from a rat infestation. P
erhaps you can help them.
- Viraniel?s Plague - Viraniel in Tir na Nog is suffering from a strange ailment
. Seek her out and see what you can do to help her.
- Banba?s Road to Grandmaster - Banba in Howth is almost a grandmaster tailor! S
peak with her and see how you can help her achieve her goal.
- The Lost Relics - Lobais in Tir Na Nog has been troubled by a vision that he's
had. Speak with him to find out about it.
Realm v. Realm
- The spells that Master Eldritches, Master Wizards and the Master of Runes cast
are now direct damage instead of bolts.
- The snare that all three realms Master casters cast has had it's casting range
- Master Eldritches now cast void direct damage spells instead of fire based spe
- Broadcast now works in all the Frontier Portal Keeps.
Relic Keep Guard Changes
- There is a small change to how some guards will now handle relic raids. For ev
ery Relic Keep, the interior doors will now be guarded by named guards from the
keep that is closest to the other Relic Keep in that realm. For example, the int

erior doors of Castle Excalibur are now being guarded by Hurbury Knights. These
inner door guards have been given strict instructions to not leave the courtyard
at any time, and they also cannot be damaged by players outside of the area the
y protect.
Albion Monsters
- Argus Bowman a weapon merchant in Ludlow, has decided to put on the correct cl
othes for his realm.
Midgard Monsters
- In response to player feedback, Innocents in Dodens Grava are now aggressive t
o players.
Hibernia Monsters
- Eresidae in Emain is no longer charmable.
- The choppers in the Hibernian frontier will now group up correctly.
- Cuuldurach's call for help range has been slightly lowered to match that of th
e other old world dragons.
Frontier Dungeons
- In response to Team Lead feedback, we have converted the innocents in each rea
lm's frontier dungeon so they will now protect that realm's players while still
attacking players from other realms.
Item Notes
- The Cloak of Elemental Buffering (Midgard) should no longer have blank level,
condition and durability attributes.
- The sapphire seal hand to hand weapons should now be available on the sapphire
seal weapon merchant for Midgard.
- The Omni Warscale Coif and the Omni Warscale Boots (Hibernia) should equip in
the proper slots.
- The Lesser Telamon Scimitar (Albion) now has magic bonuses.
- The Eir Blessed Pendant (Midgard) should look like a necklace.
- The Ranger Charm (Hibernia) increases stealth instead of parry.
- The Grim Bound Ring (Albion) can now be equipped in either ring slot.
- The Salisbury Dagger (Albion) is now called Salisbury Sword, which better refl
ects the weapon model it uses.
- The Diamond Lochaber Axe (Albion) now increases spirit resist in place of a 2n
d matter resist entry.
- The Charred Scale Hauberk (Hibernia) now increases constitution instead of cha

- The Inconnu Fate Stone (Albion) has been increased in bonus amounts.
- The Ensorcelled Robes of Celerity (Albion) can now be dyed with leather dye.
- The Impish Gem (Albion) is now equipped in the gem slot, instead of the ring s
- The Bracelet of Enchanted Talent (Hibernia) now looks like a bracer instead of
a ring.
- Ngadra should no longer drop Albion items for Midgard players.
- Fathomless Deepscale Gauntlets (Hibernia) now increase constitution in place o
f a dexterity increase that occurred twice on the object.
- The Doomcaller hammer (Albion) now increases matter resist in place of a body
resist increase that occurred twice on the object.
- The class restrictions have been removed from the Bear Mask (Midgard).
- The drop rate for Bricriu Nemhthenga has been increased.
- The Perfect Life Stone and the Weakened Life Stone have been set with the corr
ect durability.
- The Band of Sought Painworking (Albion) is now equippable in both ring slots.
- The Sinister Alluvion Falcata (Hibernia) should no longer have a spell listed
in the delve information.
- The earthshakers will now drop the appropriate armor selections, instead of lo
w level Warden weapons.
- The Rod of the Soulshade (Albion and Midgard) will now salvage for a more appr
opriate value.
- The Gold Lined Drinking Horn (Hibernia) is now stackable.
- Unique large shields from the Frontiers will no longer drop with Thane specifi
c stats.
- The Cath Lute (Hibernia) is now salvageable.
- The Militia Great Mace of Night (Hibernia) now has a more appropriate particle
- The Midgard version of the Book of Chaos will now grant a piety bonus instead
of an intelligence bonus.
- The Bear Claw Talisman (Hibernia) has been granted higher bonuses due to the l
evel of the item.
- The hill cat tooth (Midgard) has had the damage value removed, which was causi
ng it to appear to be a weapon when it was not.
- The Gloves of the Resolute (Albion) are no longer restricted to specific class

- The Hard Leather Sleeves (Albion) are now able to be salvaged.

- The druidic spirits should no longer drop gear of inappropriate levels. (Albio
- The named encounters (other than the dragons) in Sheeroe Hills, Dartmoor, and
Malmohus now have their own exclusive item drops, instead of utilizing item drop
s from other parts of their respective zones.
- The Snow Sapphire (Albion), the Snow Emerald (Hibernia), the Snow Diamond (Mid
gard), the Verdant Ornate Ring (Albion), the Verdant Ornate Necklace (Albion), t
he Verdant Ornate Bracer (Albion), the Verdant Justice (Albion), the Verdant Orn
ate Shield (Albion), the Gilded Verdant Ring (Midgard), the Gilded Verdant Neckl
ace (Midgard), the Gilded Verdant Bracer (Midgard), the Verdant Vengeance (Midga
rd), the Gilded Verdant Shield (Midgard), the Dazzling Verdant Ring (Hibernia),
the Dazzling Verdant Necklace (Hibernia), the Dazzling Verdant Bracer (Hibernia)
, the Verdant Honor (Hibernia), the Dazzling Verdant Shield (Hibernia), the Shim
mering Drakescale Bracer (Albion), the Shimmering Drakescale Chain (Albion), the
Shimmering Drakescale Band (Albion), the Shimmering Drakescale Shield (Albion),
the Shimmering Drakescale Staff (Albion), the Luminescent Drakescale Bracer (Mi
dgard), the Luminescent Drakescale Chain (Midgard), the Luminescent Drakescale B
and (Midgard), the Luminescent Drakescale Shield (Midgard), the Luminescent Drak
escale Staff (Midgard), the Ethereal Drakescale Bracer (Hibernia), the Ethereal
Drakescale Chain (Hibernia), the Ethereal Drakescale Band (Hibernia), the Ethere
al Drakescale Shield (Hibernia), and the Ethereal Drakescale Staff (Hibernia) al
l have received additional bonuses due to their level.


Albion Quests
- Casters that finish the quest The Stone of Arawn will now receive a focus staf
f instead of the previous staff which will no longer be given in the game. If yo
u've already completed the quest and would prefer the new reward, you should ret
urn and speak with Honayt'rt in Wearyall Village.
- Clerics will now be given a choice to choose a more cleric-appriopriate weapon
as their reward for The Stone of Arawn. If you've already completed the quest a
nd would prefer the new reward, you should return and speak with Honayt'rt in We
aryall Village.
- The weapon rewards from the quest The Lost Stone of Arawn can now be traded be
tween players.
Hibernia Quests:
- Level 49 players can now do the Writhing Death quest as well as level 50's, an
d we have added some additional rewards. If you've already completed this quest,
just return and speak with Treal in Cothram Gorge to choose one of the new rewa
rds. You don't need to bring your original reward.
- Casters that finish the quest The Lost Seed will now receive a focus staff ins
tead of the previous staff which will no longer be given in the game. If you've
already completed the quest and would prefer the new reward, you should return a
nd speak with Terod in Droighaid.

Midgard Quests
- Casters that finish the quest Ancestral Secrets will now receive a focus staff
instead of the previous staff which will no longer be given in the game. If you
've already completed the quest and would prefer the new reward, you should retu
rn and speak with Ota Yrling in Aegirhamn.
Dungeon Notes
- Galladoria: The Organic Energy Mechanism will now properly command its minions
to attack players engaged in the encounter. This closes some exploits that made
the encounter much easier than intended.
Item Notes
- The following changes have been made in Tuscaren Glacier: the class specific c
hest pieces have been moved to Hurika, Torst, Jailer Vifil, and Fornfrusenen. Th
is means that Issorden, Elder Icelord Suttung, and Elder Icelord Hjalmar will no
longer drop the chest pieces they have been. King Tuscar now has a small chance
of dropping the necklaces that can only be used with a class's full suit of arm
or equipped.
- Nosdoden (Midgard), Myrddraxis (Hibernia), and Xanxicar (Albion) will now drop
more items per kill.
- The Ebony Impaler (Albion) has a new particle effect that fits the weapon mode
l a little better than the previous one.
- The Tab'fren series of staves in Albion can now be dyed with the epic dungeon
weapon enamels.
- Gloves of the Sagacious Naturalist (Hibernia) will now increase creeping path
and verdant path appropriately.
- The +bow increase on the Petrified Bow (Hibernia) had been removed. The other
magic bonuses on the item have been increased.
- The treasure tables on the Rift (Midgard) have been corrected so that items wi
ll drop as intended. In addition, the number of drops per kill has been increase
d, as well as the quality of future drops. Please note that quality of drops pre
vious to this patch will not update retroactively.
- The Staff of Mind and Body (Albion) can now be dyed with weapon enamel from th
e epic dungeons.
- The Spined Piercer (Hibernia) now has a particle effect.
- The Fine Easmarach Skin (Hibernia) can be dyed with the appropriate enamel dye
- Handmade magic items (Items not created through the Unique Item Generator) fro
m SI mobs level 40+ should now drop with the proper magic bonus. This change wil
l not apply to drops already existing on your will only apply to
future drops of these items. If you should find any new handmade magic items fr
om named mobs in SI that drop without the proper bonus, please /report the bugge
d item in-game.

- Mammoth Boned Boots (Midgard) should now have the proper AF.
- The Unique Object drops from Orylle (Albion) should now drop as appropriate le
vel items. Unfortunately, this does not apply to items that dropped previous to
this patch.
- The Azure Prayerbound set from Caer Sidi can now be dyed with leather dye.
- Dagar's handmade drops should now drop at 95% quality instead of 89. This chan
ge will only affect future drops, not drops acquired before this patch.
- The Essence Shifted Whip (Albion) is now set to do slashing damage as intended
, instead of crushing damage.
- The Emissary's Tasseled Belt (Midgard) is now called the Emissary's Imbued Car
nelian, as it fits in the gem slot and not the belt slot.
- The Death's Kiss Axe (Albion) now has a particle effect.
- The Death Shroud (Hibernia) will now accept an emblem and dye.
- The Ogre's Pious Belt (Albion) now has a correct belt icon.
- The Goosedown Slippers' (Hibernia) extra cold resist bonus has been changed to
- Nesnuir's Staff (Midgard) has had the intelligence bonus replaced with a piety
- The Belt of Palifan, Palifan's Belt, and Palifan's Woven Belt have all had the
ir bonus statistics increased to be more appropriate to the level of the item.
- The portal scrolls are no longer able to be worn around the neck.
- The Flesh Stretched Riddle Staff (Albion) had its salvage value increased to a
n appropriate value.
- Items using the "Titans Speed" proc should now have a buff duration of 1 minut
e after they proc.
- The bugbear scavengers in Tur Suil should now drop more appropriate items.
- The Shining Aura Cloak (Albion) has had the +Chants bonus changed to a +Resist
- The Cyclop's Pupil (Albion) has had the +Chants bonus changed to a +Dex bonus
and had its other stats increased to bring them to more appropriate levels.
- The Death Entrancement Ruby (Albion) should now look like a ruby in your inven
- The Hammer of the Otherworld (Albion) has had its +Flexible bonus lowered so t
hat it can be used by players of the appropriate level.
- Medairis' Tail (Albion) should no longer drop at 70% condition.
- The Enchanter piece Moonspun Robe (Hibernia) has had its salvage value increas
ed to the appropriate level.

- The Enchanted Gold Chain (Hibernia) should now look like a necklace instead of
a ring in your inventory.
- The Blackhearted Great Sword (Midgard) should now cost the correct amount to r
- The class-specific epic dungeon armor suits have been tweaked to get rid of mu
tually exclusive skill increases. Please see the "New Item Features" section to
get details.
- The +battlesongs increase on the skald's Tuscaren Glacier suit has been replac
ed with +parry.
- The +battlesongs increase on the Frozen Blackhearted Axe has been replaced wit
h +strength.
- The +valor increase on the Bladed Crystal Leggings has been replaced with +shi
- The reactive proc spell attached to the leg and sleeve pieces from each of the
epic dungeon armor suits has been changed to an ablative proc, instead of a dir
ect damage proc.
- The Knotted Vine Belt (Hibernia), the Belt of Leaves (Hibernia), the Fern Leaf
Belt (Hibernia), the Braided Willow Belt (Hibernia), the Braided Root Belt (Hib
ernia), and the Twisted Root Belt (Hibernia) have received additional bonuses du
e to their level.
- The Dancing Staff (Midgard) has had its stats increased to be more appropriate
for the item's level and by popular demand now has focuses instead of the Power
and Resist bonuses.
- The Dancing Staff of Darkness (Midgard) has also had its stats increased to be
more appropriate for the item's level and by popular demand now has focuses ins
tead of the Power and Resist bonuses.
- The Vine Wrapped Bladeblocker (Hibernia) no longer increases mutually exclusiv
e weapon skills


- A few bonus names for focus were changed, due to spacing limitations in the na
Old name New name



Phasebound Focus
Soulbound Focus
Fogbound Focus
Mindbound Focus
Woebound Focus
Thrallbound Focus

- A new housing zone has been introduced in each realm:

- Old Sarum in Albion.
- Arothi in Midgard.
- Dunshire in Hibernia.
- With the introduction of the new housing zones, we have increased the decay ra
te on the reverse auctions of the housing lots. Lots will now drop at 1.2 platin
um per hour, instead of the 500 gold per hour decay rate. Further, the minimum p
rice on a housing lot has been lowered to 300 gold.
- Permission level for Consignment merchant added with Deposit/Remove items, and
Withdraw cash permissions.
- Permission level added to allow players other than the owner to pay rent. Plea
se note that this is cash-only; others cannot pay rent with Bounty Points.
- CLASS friend type added to house permissions. Now you can set up your house to
include or exclude certain classes.
- RACE friend type added to house permissions. Now you can set up your house to
include or exclude certain races. This was added at the request of the Roleplayi
ng Team Lead.
- Vault IDs are now displayed when the vault is opened.
- We have added a new /bountyrent command. This will allow players to directly p
ay for their house rent with bounty points, rather than purchasing tokens which
may not be correct in value. This will also only allow players who are guild lea
ders to pay with their own guild bounty points - rather than a guild leader buyi
ng bounty tokens for his own house - or buying guild tokens and using them on a
future guild house. The syntax is /bountyrent personal/guild . The amount is the
number of bounty points you wish to spend. Each bounty point is worth 1gp in re
nt. Only house owners and guild leaders can perform this command.
- When placing a garden object, the player will be told how many more slots are
remaining in the garden.
- When placing an interior object, the player will be told how many more slots a
re remaining in the interior.
- If you are the primary owner of a personal house, your house lot # will be dis
played in the 'Additional Information' section of your character sheet.
- Apprentice and Grandmaster Merchants now carry all 5 types of feathers.
- Valmak's Remains, Tuka's Remains, Oldest's Remains, Coimirceoir's Remains, and
Geirshnae's Remains should have appropriate inventory icons.
- Siegecraft Supplies merchants now carry siegecraft ammo.
- A 20 gold rent token is now available from the housing bounty stores. Addition
ally - Players will be able to turn the 100 gold rent token back in to the house
bounty merchant. The merchant will make change for the players and hand back fi
ve 20 gold rent tokens.
- A Taxidermy Supplies merchant is now available to purchase from the interior h
ousing merchant hookpoints.

- The Nosdoden Wall Trophy should now place correctly.

- Easmarach should now drop Easmarach's Remains as intended.
- The scale of the Nkosi Floor Trophy has been toned down to better fit inside t
he houses.
- The portal keep and Shrouded Isles teleporters for sale in the houses have bee
n combined. There is now one NPC for each realm that can be purchased in your ho
use that will teleport to both locations. All old NPC's have been replaced with
a combined NPC.
The names for the NPCs are as follows:
Svasud Faste and Aegirhamn Teleporter
Druim Ligen and Domnann Teleporter
Castle Sauvage and Gothwaite Teleporter
- Since the portal keep and Shrouded Isles teleporters have been combined into o
ne NPC, players who wish to dispose of their old Shrouded Isles teleporters can
sell the Gothwaite Harbor Teleporter object, Domnann Grove Teleporter object, or
Aegirhamn Teleporter back for full purchase price.
- Players in Hibernia can now obtain mantid trophies by killing Klzkizk and Kris
- Trophy items are no longer sellable to npc merchants for 2cp. They can still b
e sold to other players.
- We have slightly altered how the Hearth passage scrolls and medallions work. I
f you own a lot or a house, the medallions will function as they always have. Ho
wever, if you do not own a lot or a house and try to use the Hearth passage item
s, it will now teleport you to the entrance of the housing area instead of previ
ously where it would do nothing at all and still use the medallion or scroll.
- The Dye, Tincture & Enchantment Supplies merchant should now have all the appr
opriate catalysts.
- Two new signs have been added to the garden signs store, House for Sale and Ba
ttle Plunder for Sale.
- The low hedge, barrel, two barrels, and three barrel stack available from the
garden store should now have the intended prices.
- All known locations where players would 'lose' interior decorations by placing
them in a spot where they could not be picked back up have been fixed.

- The evil Lords in the keeps on Gaheris will now call the monsters in the keep
for help when attacked.
- Fixed an issue at Dun Da Behnn where one of the Ghostly Glimmer Warders would
spawn over and over till the keep was taken.
And here are the live release notes!

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.64g Live Release Notes
Tuesday, August 19, 2003


- A healer will now be able to see how much they heal for when they cast a heal
spell on pet.
- All area affect procs on items will now correctly fire.
- /webdisplay house will now cause your house to display on the herald. Default
is display off.
- There is a new "Hearth Bind Passage Medallion" that will port you to your hous
e bind point at the portal locations. See the foundations section of the note fo
r details.
- /rpfilter now has a maximum of 75 entries. The playing community discovered ma
ny other uses for /rpfilter, so we have expanded the allowed number of entries t
o accomodate.
- /ignore now has a maximum of 50 entries.
- A new slash command, '/groundset ', suggested by the Animist TL report. For ex
ample, To set a groundtarget 500 units in front of you, use '/groundset 500'.
- A healer instant heal's timers are now listed in mm,ss format rather than ssss
- Valewalker and animist spells now print a message to the chat window when cast
and when they expire.
- A proper spell effect has been added to the necromancer's pbae-dot line of spe
lls. You will now see a spell effect emination from the pet regardless of whethe
r or not the spell lands on a target.
- A new sound affect has been added to the necromancer's pbae-dot line of spells
- Necromancers will now receive a "you can not cast that right now" message when
their pet is mezzed or stunned.
- The shade-cast lifetap line of necromancer spells now have a spell effect on b
oth hands during the casting animation.
- Bonedancer Strengthen Pack line and Hasten Pack line pet-only buffs are now af
fecting all pets in the area of effect.
- Bonedancers have now access to Wild Minion RA since it was a prerequisite for

Minion Control RA already on their list.

- The Bonedancer unique RA Resilience of Death now correctly affects all pets no
t only the commander as it was doing previously.
- You can no longer jump while mezzed.
- Potion re-use timers have been fixed.
- The "Items Remaining" feature inside the house will now list the correct numbe
r of decorations remaining.
- /faceloc has been disabled inside of houses.
- Low level druid pets should no longer detect stealthed characters.
- Innis Carthaig is correctly spelled on all road signs.
- Huntress Lena at Caer Ulfwych should now be spawning correctly.
Albion Quests
- Lorraine Elgen in Camelot will once again accept new Armorsmith apprentices.
Midgard Quests
- Savages who completed the quest An End to the Daggers, will now correctly get
coin as part of their reward.
Hibernia Quests
- We've fixed the text that was getting cut off in the Hibernia quest, Viraniel'
s Plague.
- You should be able to more easily find NPC Morven for the Hibernian quest Morv
en's Return.
- The blackthorn leaves for the quest A Piece of Gormghlaith's Mind are now set
to no trade.
- Hibernian players will now be able to engage Klzkizk in combat.
- Banba's Road to Grandmaster Quest - There was a bug where Master Armin in Tir
na Nog would not correctly step you when you completed a quest step. This has be
en fixed. Additionally, the amount of gold rewarded in this quest has been lower
ed to levels more consistent with other quests.

- The magic bonuses on the Ring of Arcane Gestures (Albion) have been corrected,
so that players will be able to equip the ring and gain the magic benefits on i

t once again.
- The Widowmaker, the Belts of Technique, the Pikeman's Belt, the Belt of the Cl
adhammer, the Belt of Swift Flight, and the Belt of Coiled Destruction now have
correct icons.
- The Cape of the Devout will now be worn in the cloak location instead of the g
love location.
- The Greater Staff of Fulmination's health regeneration charge effect has been
changed to a power regeneration charge effect to be more in line with other stav
es of this set.

- The Tuscarian Oracle Vest (Midgard) will now correctly increase "all magic ski
lls" instead of augmentation.
- The forge in Domnann is no longer half buried in the wall.

- It should no longer be possible to pull Chief Galt out side his room in Arvakr
- Floor decorations in the Hibernian villa vault room will be moved back to thei
r pre-1.64 locations.
- The 'Camelot Teleporter' house merchant now sells the correct medallion .
- The teleporters in the housing marketplaces on the PvE and PvP servers now all
sell the correct medallions.
- The spelling of the Potion, Tincture, & Enchantment Vendor should now be corre
ct in all realms.
- Since the portal keep and Shrouded Isles teleporters have been combined into o
ne NPC, players who wish to dispose of their old Shrouded Isles teleporters or p
ortal keep teleporters can sell the combined Svasud Faste and Aegirhamn Teleport
er, the Druim Ligen and Domnann Teleporter, or the Castle Sauvage and Gothwaite
Teleporter back for full purchase price.
- A new teleport has been added to the Portal Ceremonies and Shrouded Isles tele
porters on the regular servers and the Portal, City, and Shrouded Isles teleport
ers on the PvE and PvP servers. This new teleport uses the Hearth Bind Passage M
edallion or Scroll depending on which teleporter you use. The teleporter will tr

ansport players to the house that they are bound in. This does not necessarily m
ean a personal or guild house unless the player is bound in one. Note, the Medal
lion or Scroll will be consumed and you will not be teleported if you are not bo
und in a house.
And here are the 1.64b release notes.
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.64b Release Notes


- Effective immediately, you may only use /house in the region where your house
is located. Note that you can use house for both guild and personal houses, so b
e certain you are checking the right house when you use the command.
- All of the markets have been cleared. This step was taken to eliminate all of
the "false positives" players had been seeing on market searches.
- Merchants are now properly saved on the marketplace. All players will need to
use the /listmerchant command once to relist all of their items.
Well, as you no doubt know, servers went up at 2:40 PM EDT. Sorry, guys, for not
letting you know about the delay - Herald fell down and went boom. Anyway, if y
ou can't get to the game, the following patch note volume should take the rest o
f the afternoon to read ;)
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.65 Release Notes
October 8, 2003
Version 1.65 is the first patch where many of the balance changes came directly
to us from feedback from the community via the reorganized Team Lead program. Of
course there are other sources for player feedback to reach us, but the Team Le
ad program is designed specifically to monitor, assess, and relay community feed
back to us.

For those who are unaware, a few months ago, we hired a producer to be in charge
of Realm balance; to work with the Team Lead program to focus feedback and give
suggested changes. 1.65 is the first live Camelot patch to show the fruit of th
is labor. We want to thank all the Team Leads, the Pendragon testers, and everyo
ne else in the community that gives us constructive feedback for their efforts i
n making Camelot a better game. We hope that this live version is the first of m
any to make Camelot more fun and balanced for everyone.
As noted on the Herald, this patch will bring change to the overall RvR experien
ce in Camelot.
- The frontier keeps now have a new layout to provide variety in keep taking, as
well as to shift the focus from a single door fight to a courtyard fight at man
y of the keeps.
- We have implemented a login check to prevent attackers or defenders from "camp
ing" a frontier or relic keep with alternate characters.
- Based upon Team Lead and Player feedback, we have implemented many RvR-centric
class, combat style and realm ability changes.
- New siege weapon art is in place for all siege equipment.
- The resist system has been updated to lower the effect of extremely high resis
t cases and to lower the extreme effectiveness of casters resist debuffing their
own damage.
Further, many PVE changes have been incorporated into this patch.
- Three additional bonus zones on the Shrouded Isles client have been unlocked.
See the Shrouded Isles section for details.
- New crafting quests to aid crafters have been introduced.
- The drop rates of lower level monsters has been increased, to help lower level
players keep their equipment at an appropriate level.
And, finally, in response to player feedback, we have incorporated some long-req
uested features into the game - such as the /hood command and spell list organiz
ation for non-cloth casters.


- Fixed a bug that in some cases was causing increased resist rates for direct d
amage spells on epic (level 65+) monsters.
- All old world dragons have become more resistant to attacks from extremely sma
ll raiding parties (less than 3 groups). This does not affect the way the dragon
s will fight at all; it only changes the minimum number of people that need to f
ight the dragons to kill them effectively.
- The /gc autoremove account (character name) command is now active. This comman
d allows you to autoremove all of a player's characters from your guild - includ
ing any alternates. Note that this command will fail in tota when attempted on a
guild leader's account.
- All possessive class titles in Midgard have been fixed.

- All known spelling errors in spell text have been fixed.

- Gaining the points necessary for more than one realm level will now award you
the correct number of realm skill points.
- Spell resists from realm abilities are now displayed and applied separately to
the character, which should reduce some of the extreme cases of very high resis
- Previously, resist debuffs counted double versus resist buffs. This has been c
hanged to make them count normally against item, buff, and racial resists.
- The amount of aggro generated by any damage add or damage shield spell has bee
n reduced.
- Added the 'Stormcalling' spec line to the Player Market Query interface.
- We have added a new channel to the system window, "Resists Changed" messages.
Any time your resists change from equipping items or spells (including those cas
t by Animist turrets), the messages will be printed in this channel, which can n
ow be toggled. You can toggle the colors and display of these prints by right-cl
icking on the system text window.
- You should now see a pulsing "sprint" icon when sprinting.
- You should now be able to place instruments on the walls of your house.
- When you use the F7 key to find nearest object - it should select the coins fi
rst if a monster drops multiple objects.
- Guild permissions, when set, should now propagate to all zones much more consi
- Monsters should no longer turn with your character after being stunned.
- There is now a gold amount line printed in the chat window after completed tra
- Mythic Customer Service now has the ability to set a "Server Message of the Da
y" on each server.
- Many of the items that can be found in Darkness Falls have been reviewed and d
etermined to be weaker than what is appropriate to the level of the item. To cor
rect this problem new items have been created based on the original item design,
but with more level appropriate magical bonuses. These new items can be found b
oth available for purchase with seals and dropped from important monsters around
the dungeon. The original items will no longer be available for purchase nor wi
ll they drop from monsters. Combined with the new items, the Darkness Falls merc
hants have had their stores reorganized. Due to this reorganization, the Albion
merchant imp Daro is no longer necessary and has been removed.
- All NPC triggered teleports now should teleport players at the proper angle of
arrival. This should primarily be noticed when using gatekeepers.
- The information button in the class trainers' window was not working correctly
. It displayed all styles and abilities as being rewarded at one level higher th
an it was supposed to. This also meant that level 50 styles rolled over to level
1. This bug has been fixed.


- The /hood command is now implemented. Players wearing hooded cloaks can switch
between hood up and hood down with this command. Default for hooded cloaks is h
ood down.
- Ability Casters (non-cloth wearing casters) will now have their spells display
ed by spec line and spell level, similar to 'List Casters' (cloth wearing caster
- We now, by default, display RvR combat deaths in the color of the realm scorin
g the kill.
(green text) Bob was just killed by Hibchar!
(blue text) Bob was just killed by Midchar!
(red text) Bob was just killed by Albion Keep Lord!
- There is now a graphical timer that shows how long your character has before a
utoreleasing after death.
- Nodrop/Notrade/Nodestroy items now display as such in delve.
- Quickcast will now grey out (like other spells/abilities with recast timers).
- Added new bindable keys for Right Handed Weapon Slot, Two Handed Weapon Slot,
and Ranged Weapon slot. Pressing these keys will act the same as if you had drag
ged the icon to the quickbar and clicked on it.
- In the /realm screen, it now lists keeps that have been claimed by a guild.
- You can now type "/afk (MESSAGE)" and it sets an autoresponse message when som
eone gives you a tell. "/afk" with no argument clears the message.
- Fixed a bug where keys that were held down (such as Ground Target,Mouselook, e
tc) would not work in high framerate situations.
- Fixed a bug where a key bound to 'Shift-(Key)' could fire when pressing just s
hift under certain situations and keybindings.
- Added new slash commands, /rpfilteron and /rpfilteroff to enable and disable t
he RpFilter. This flag saves on zoning and logging.
- Styles that must be performed from Stealth now correctly state this when delve
- Direct damage spells should now delve correctly.
- All SI classes should now show up under the proper categories in the LFG windo


- We have introduced a new frontier keep layout at all frontier keeps except for
Dum Crimthainn, Caer Erasleigh, and Nottmoor Faste, which will keep the old lay

out. This keep layout adds an interior door at the lord tower, and removes one o
f the doors at the gatehouse. Additionally, new doors have been added at each ra
mpart into the lord tower. These new doors will only allow players from the real
m that owns the keep to enter and exit the tower.
- We have replaced the Battlegrounds keeps with the new frontier keep layout.
- A group leader can now claim outposts for his guild with any full group of 8 p
layers. Claiming will require confirmation of agreement by all group members.
- The experience bonus near frontier keeps now matches that of dungeons.
- When a frontier keep is claimed by your guild, with the guild and new frontier
bonus, you will now get the highest experience bonus in the game when hunting a
round that keep.
- Players who attempt to log in near a frontier keep or relic keep that is "unde
r attack" or owned by an enemy realm will now be moved to a "safe point". "Under
attack" is defined as when the doors are actively taking damage or are complete
ly broken open. The safe point for attackers is the portal keep of the enemy fro
ntier they are in. The safe point for defenders is the border keep with the port
al pad of the frontier they are defending.
- Note that players who go linkdead near a frontier will have a 10 minute "windo
w" during which they can log back in without being moved to the safe point.
- Some of the regular courtyard guard contingent of the relic keeps have been as
sociated with keeps throughout the frontier. When a keep is under enemy control,
the guard associated with that keep will no longer be available to assist in re
lic defense.
- Players can no longer climb up two of the climb points at Dun Crimthainn. They
have been blocked in order to give Crimthainn four climb points like all of the
other frontier keeps.

- Single line respecs have been granted for Savages, Cabalists, Enchanters, Rune
masters and Spiritmasters as a result of the changes below.
- All self buffs with 15 minute durations have had their durations increased to
20 minutes.
- The following AE DD lines have had their cast times reduced from four seconds
to three seconds
Calefaction: Molten Earth line
Liquefaction: Simmering Cloud line
Pyromancy: Explosive Blast line
Runes of Destruction: Odin's Ire line
Illusions: Deluge of Illusion
Vacuumancy: Lesser Kinetic Dispersal
Void Mastery: Lesser Null Squall
- The power costs on all higher level Thane spells have been adjusted down.

- The values on Thor's Vigor have been increased to be consistent with other spe
c buffs.
- The radius of the Thunder Shout line has been increased to 300 and the damage
adjusted upwards.
- The radius of the Call Mjollnir line has been increased to 350 and the damage
adjusted upwards.
- Increased the range of the Chant of the Brawl line to 1500.
- Decreased the reuse timer on the Warcry and Battle Shout lines to 15 seconds.
- Added a new shout in the Warcry and Battle Shout lines. War Howl is a new leve
l 43 shout and Battle Roar is a new level 50 shout.
- Skald base hit points have been raised.
- Added a new shout in the Discordant Note and Lesser Cacophany lines. Discordan
t Howl is a new level 43 shout and Deafening Cacophany is a new level 50 shout.
- A bug in Savage's chances to triple or quad has been fixed. Savages should now
triple more frequently than before, and quad less frequently than before. Due t
o this, overall savage damage should decrease.
- Savage buffs have been halved in duration, and had their health cost halved.
- The Savage "Irreverent Gesture" line has been changed from a shout to a four s
econd cast time.
- Savage buffs now subtract a percent of your maximum health, not your estimated
health. Since estimated health was lower, this is an increase from what it used
to be.
- We've toned down the damage that Savages do while wielding any weapon other th
an a Hand to Hand weapon.
Sorcerer/Cabalist changes
- Added a L50 baseline lifedrain in the Body Destruction list (Essence Devourer)
- The Minor Vitality Drain line in the Sorcerer/Cabalist Body Destruction list h
as had its damage increased slightly.
Cabalist/Enchanter/Runemaster changes
- The Diminish Immunities line in the Cabalist Vivification list, the Vex of Col

d line in the Runemaster Runes of Destruction list, and the Amplify Heat line in
the Enchanter Empowering line have been reduced from 15 to 8 seconds. These thr
ee lines debuff damage types the caster herself can cast, which makes the leeway
provided by the increased "teamwork" duration the other resist debuff lines hav
e unnecessary.
Cabalist/Enchanter/Spiritmaster changes
- The focus damage shield spell lines found in the Cabalist, Spiritmaster and En
chanter spell lists have been adjusted so that using them against monsters or pl
ayers higher level than the =caster= has reduced effect. These spells have been
used in exploitive ways that make certain encounters much easier than originally
intended. Players will now have to use more conventional tactics to get past hi
gh-level encounter areas.
Warden Changes
- Increased range on Nature's Revenge chant to 1500.
Cleric Changes
- The range on Stunning Flash line was raised to 1500.
Necromancer Changes
- +CON bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet additional health when
- +QUI bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet quicker attack speed.
- +DEX bonus from items now grants the necromancer's pet quicker casting speed.
- Melee resistance bonuses on items worn by the Necromancer will now be inherite
d by the pet.
- Magic items with +HPs worn by necromancers now correctly transfer the addition
al hits to their pets when summoning.
- Items with +CON/+DEX/+QUI/+Hit benefits transferred to necromancer pets will u
se the necromancer's level for the purpose of determining level-based caps.
- Increased range of Confusing Gust line to 1500. This is a bug fix.
- Added new earth summon spells in the Theurgist Abrasion list at levels 40 and
- Added new ice summon spells in the Theurgist Refrigeration list at levels 32,
40, and 48.
- Reduced the hitpoints on earth elementals, but increased the duration of their
summon from 30 to 60 seconds. Their offensive bonus and run speed increases wit
h higher spec.

- Spells cast by Theurgist ice elementals have been tuned to cast faster, do mor
e damage, and scale appropriately with level to help deal with resists.


- The realm ability Empty Mind was not functioning properly. It has been fixed,
and the effects and costs have been lowered. Empty Mind now grants 5% resistance
per level at a cost of 3, 6, and 10 for levels 1, 2, and 3, respectively. All p
layers who had previously purchased this ability have had the ability removed an
d the cost refunded.
- Spell resists from realm abilities are now displayed and applied separately to
the character, which should reduce some of the extreme cases of very high resis
tances. As a result of this change, all players who had previously purchased the
realm ability Brilliant Aura of Deflection and/or Avoidance of Magic have had t
hese abilities removed and the costs refunded.
- Volcanic Pillar?s radius has been changed from 700 to 500 to bring the ability
more in line with the original intent of the design. All players who had previo
usly purchased this realm ability have had the ability removed and the cost refu
- Note that the refunded abilities above can be re-purchased by players. They st
ill exist, with the modified abilities above.
- Added the Mystic Crystal Lore ability to the list of Realm abilities Thanes ca
n purchase.


Albion Polearm
- Disabler has been changed to medium to-hit and now chains off of Defender's Cr
- Poleaxe has been changed to chain off of Defender's Rage and now has a high to
-hit bonus as well as a higher growth rate.
- Defender's Revenge has been changed to medium fatigue and chain off of Phalanx
. Additionally, the damage has been lowered.
Albion 2handed
- Doubler has been changed to a rear positional, medium damage snare style.
- Sun and Moon has been changed to a high damage 7s stun style that chains off o
f doubler.
- Bone Breaker has been changed to a bleed that chains off of Bone Splitter.
Albion Crush
- Concussion has been changed to a parry opener.

- Bone Crusher has been changed to chain off Concussion.

- Bludgeon has been changed to an anytime style.
Hibernia Blades
- Return blade has been changed to a parry opener.
Hibernia Piercing
- Viper now chains off of Tarantula.
- Cobra now chains off of Copperhead.
- Sidewinder's growth rate has been adjusted to the proper level.
Hibernia Scythe
- Thorny Shield now chains off of Sawgrass.
Midgard Left Axe
- Berzerker Aurora Borealis now has an increased growth rate and higher damage p
Midgard Axe
- Raider is now an evade style. The style?s growth rate has been upwardly adjust
ed and all penalties/bonuses removed.
- Thrym's Strength had the short stun component removed.
Midgard Hammer
- Mjolnir's Fury now chains off of Lambast and has a medium attack bonus with no
defense penalty.
- Demolish now chains off of Frost Hammer and has a medium attack bonus with a m
edium fatigue cost.
Midgard Sword
- Ice Storm now has an evade opener and has had its growth rate adjusted upward.
- Sif's Revenge now chains off of Ice Storm
- Draw Out now has a high to-hit bonus


Hibernia Monsters
- Some of the armorsmith trainers in Hibernia were not training properly. The fo
llowing NPC's have been fixed: Dunstan, Monaghan, Gonvan, Navar, Ormor and Glodr
Quests- General
- We are excited to announce a few new types of quest rewards for players that a
re working to increase their tradeskills. These rewards can be gained through qu
ests given by your tradeskill masters in the capital cities of each realm. Playe
rs must have a minimum skill level of 500 and be a minimum of level 5. For now,
players will be able to do the level 500 quests repeatedly until they have recei
ved all of the different types of tradeskill rewards. In future versions we will
add additional quests at higher levels. These quests will require that players
achieve level 10 and have higher tradeskill levels. We hope that you will enjoy
the benefits from these rewards as you continue to advance your tradeskill ranks
Hibernia Quests
- The quest "Piaras and Lhia" has been changed from level 50 to level 49.
Midgard Quests
- Dark Places of the Soul - This quest was always intended to be a Midgard only
quest. Players that were getting the quest without meeting all of the quest requ
irements will no longer be able to do so. The quest will still be available to a
ll Midgard players that are level 49 or higher and have completed the quest, Muc
king Through the Ick.
Item Notes
- Low level monsters have received an increase in their chance to drop armor, we
apons, and jewelry. This should help players maintain their expected level of eq
uipment as they level up.
- Siege weapons and their sub-components have received new models and icons.
- Many trinket items have received new icons.
- The Accursed Demon Scythe's proc has been adjusted so as to not conflict with
the effect from the Firefox style.
- The Ghostly Cloak one-time drop reward can now be equipped by all three realms
- The pointed steeple hat patterns are now stackable.
- The crown patterns are now stackable.
- The circlet patterns are now stackable.
- The pointed wreath patterns are now stackable.

- The Cloak of Physical Buffering (Midgard), Cape of the Devout (Albion), and Cl
oak of Elemental Buffering (Midgard) can now be emblemized.
- The Wulfen Luminary Hauberk that appears to be leg armor has been renamed to t
he Wulfen Luminary Leggings.
- Jambiyas will no longer report as daggers in combat messages.
- The Small Runic Defender will now grant a stealth bonus instead of an Instrume
nt bonus.
- The common monsters in Doden's Gruva, Marfach Caverns, Hall of the Corrupt, an
d the Summoner's Hall will now drop class-specific unique objects, similar to th
e other frontier areas.
- The Staff of Split Marrow is now restricted to use only by spiritmasters, rune
masters, and bonedancers. In addition, the recharge cost has been lowered to a m
ore reasonable amount.
- The phantom proc from the Cliff Dweller Sword has been removed.
- The Hardened Wormhide Wrap, Worked Wormhide Wrap, Tanned Wormhide Wrap, Harden
ed Wormhide Cloak, Worked Wormhide Cloak, and Tanned Wormhide Cloak have been re
duced in power so that they may be successfully worn
- Grand Summoner Govannon is now guaranteed to drop a magic item when he is kill
- Belt of Etheric Mist (Albion) has received additional bonuses due to its level
- The Glimmerstrike Shield's (Hibernia) proc effect has been changed to a reacti
ve proc effect.
- The Knifeman's Dagger (Albion) is now salvageable.
- Elven Arrows (Albion) and Barbed Elven Arrows (Albion) will now have the appro
priate arrow icon.
- The Wulfen-fur Trimmed Cloak (Midgard) has had its broken charge effect remove
d. Newly dropped cloaks will have a working charged effect.
- The "Flayed Skin" cloth armor (Albion) has been given the correct Albion cloth
armor icons and skins.
- The Bardic Ring (Hibernia) should now have a ring icon in your inventory inste
ad of looking like a gem.
- The Lustrous Summoner Staff (Albion) should now have a particle effect.
- The Sublime Summoner Staff (Hibernia) should now have a particle effect.
- The Radiant Summoner Staff (Midgard) should now have a particle effect.
- The Forgotten Lore Necklace (Albion) will now have a necklace icon.
- Icestrider Frostweavers will no longer drop a lower level bracer.
- The Solitary Gem Choker (Midgard) now has a more appropriate icon.

- The Pendulum Amulet (Albion) now has a more appropriate icon.

- You can no longer wear a brown adder stone (Albion) as a necklace.
- The Robes of Lethean (Albion) have been renamed to the Vest of Lethean, to be
consistant with the appearnce of the item.
- The Mildewed Tunic (Albion) should now be dyable.
- The Death Servant's Staff (Albion) should now be usable by Necromancers.
- Icestriders found in the Midgard frontier now have unique drops.
- Many common objects are now stackable.
- Some dragon dropped items have had their magical bonuses slightly redistribute
d. The power level of these items has not changed, nor will existing items recei
ve the redistribution. The items affected are:
Hibernia: Buckler of Crystalline Mist, the Shield of Tornadic Fury, the Protecto
r of Weary Souls, Ram's Folly, the Ring of Tarka'oz, the Frigid Azure Crusher, t
he Semi-ethereal Robe, Netherworldy Scale Hauberk
Midgard: Brutish Brawler's Armguards, the Ensorcelled Draconic Shield, the Bewit
ched Draconic Shield, the Staff of Ageless Power, the Dragonscale Bracelet, the
Azure Soul Quencher, Runed Saga Etched Shield
Albion: Staff of Perfect Incantation, the Diamond Spiked Vest, the Dragonscale B
uckler, the Defender of Scorched Dreams, the Dragonflame Protector, the Ring of
Arcane Strength, the Robes of the Magus, Timeless Indigo Mail
- The Druidic Oaken Recurve Bow (Hibernia) will no longer claim it needs to be r
epaired after every shot.


We are proud to introduce a new free zone expansion to our customers who have Sh
rouded Isles. Each realm has a new zone available for use by anyone who has Shro
uded Isles installed. These zones are targeted for players who are level 35 or h
igher. The new zones can be reached by either swimming to them or by using one o
f the new flying creatures routes available from the nearest faction based creat
ure tamer.
Albion: Inishail Island
Directly west of Gwyddneau is the foggy marshlands of Inishail Island. The islan
d has a large presence of orcs who were fleeing from the constant attacks of the
ogres, but who now unfortunately have instead come into contact with hostile la
mmias who came to the island to eradicate any undead presence on Inishail. These
two factions are now battling for control of the island while avoiding the mars
hlands, where slimes and sinkholes abound and threaten to kill anyone who ventur
es into the swamp. Adventurers wishing to explore the island can swim from the s
hore or if they are liked by the lammia, they can visit Nimea in Clifton for a q
uicker way to the lammia encampment on Inishail Island.
Midgard: Modernagrav
The eastern rockwall of Faraheim has been destroyed by morvalt who are following

rumors that the Mother can be found on the island east of the rocky barrier. Th
ey were saddened to find that the only thing on the island was a huge, half-buri
ed, ancient skeleton with a large undead presence guarding the remains. Fearing
the remains were the Mother, the morvalt have set up a camp to try and contact t
he spirit. The iarn dwarves have heard of the new island as well and have sent s
ome explorers to the area to investigate. The friends of the iarn dwarves will b
e pleased to find that they can talk to Minerva in the new iarn dwarf settlement
in Faraheim for an unusual trip to her brethren in Modernagrav.
Hibernia: Allta Fearann
For generations, a legend has spread through the ranks of the mantids telling of
an untamed land. The mantids believe their legend is finally becoming reality.
They have found a great island untouched by mortals which they have named Allta
Fearann. Though a closely guarded secret by the mantids, it has been discovered
that this new land is off the coast of World's End. The mantids realize that the
y are not strong enough to complete their exploration of the land alone, and are
allowing those who have shown their friendship a quick passage to Allta Fearann
from their base in World's End to help them tame these wild lands. Dalniver is
the contact for those wishing to use this passage.
- There are new ridable routes to the new faction based mounts. These new routes
will all require you to have the proper faction to use the mounts (the same fac
tion as the destination points), to ensure players do not accidentally take a tr
ip into a hostile area. The new merchants can be found in the following areas:
Albion: Vilmalin can be found right outside Caer Diogel and will sell players a
ride to Clifton.
Midgard: Korlis can be found just outside Hagall and will sell players a ride to
the Iarn dwarf outpost in Faraheim.
Hibernia: Zrrazk can be found just outside of Necht and will sell players a ride
to the Krrzck outpost in World's End.
Quests- General
- We have added quests to the new SI zones for players level 36 and 49. The leve
l 36 quests must be completed before starting the level 49 quests. They begin wi
th the following NPC's: Hibernia - Xaxnxi, Midgard - Shiake, Albion - Veena.
- Rumors have run rampant throughout the realms of strange visions of a far away
place filled with incredible creatures and amazing treasure. Many young adventu
rers have heard these rumors and decided to find out the truth for themselves. S
ome are seeking help in order to begin their journey or to assist one who has al
ready made his way there. Will you assist them with their journey into the unkno
Albion adventurers should visit Gothwaite Harbor and talk to Squire Wellings.
Midgard explorers should visit Aegir's Landing and offer assistance to Kauko.
Hibernian players should meet with Ailionora Para in the Grove of Domnann.
Albion Monsters
- Undead seedsman, haunted appletree seedlings and haunted appletrees can no lon
ger be charmed.
- The final Apocalypse encounter in Caer Sidi has had its difficulty level tweak
ed slightly downward to match the other epic dungeon final encounters.

- Dales of Devwy - A bloodied adventurer named Syhtric has stumbled into Fort Gw
yntell with a dark tale to tell. He was the leader of a band of profiteering mer
cenaries that disappeared in the Dales days ago. His wounds are severe and he ma
y not live long, it would be wise of anyone traveling through the Dales to hear
him out and heed his warnings.
Midgard Monsters
- Monsters should now stay further away from the outside entrance of Trollheim.
Hibernia Monsters
- A new, hardier species of shriller has been spotted outside of Fomor.
- Some monsters in Fomor have been relocated to make navigating past the entranc
e of the dungeon slightly easier.
Item Notes
- We have changed the few Midgard items in the game that were slower than 5.5 se
conds to restrict them from Savage use. Savages who already own one of these wea
pons at the time of this patch will not be affected by this change. However, any
weapon that has a delay slower than 5.5 seconds has been replaced in all future
drops in the game with an identical version that will not allow savages to equi
p the new item.- The new items have had their names modified so that they can be
differentiated from the versions that are not restricted. The new versions of t
he "Mourning Rage", "Dull Asterite Great Sword", "Brittle-bone Great Axe", "Drag
on-shadow Great Axe" and "Dragon-shadow Great Hammer" are named "Mourning Fury",
"Lusterless Asterite Great Sword", "Bone-shard Great Axe", "Wurm-shadow Great A
xe" and "Wurm-shadow Great Hammer", respectively.
- Nosdoden, Myrddraxis and Xanxicar will now drop more items when slain.
- The Vinebound Bladeblocker has had its effect improved to be equivalent with o
ther effects of the same level.
- The cloak rewards from the Writhing Death quest are now dyable and will take a
n emblem.
- The Moonbound Protector now has a reactive effect instead of a volatile effect
- The Writhing Fang Greave (Midgard) will now display the correct DPS in the qui
ckview window.
- The Spear of Victory (Hibernia) will now display the correct DPS in the quickv
iew window.
- Gazsi's Battle Hammer (Midgard) will now salvage for arcanium bars.
- Fiacha Qua (Hibernia) will now drop items with a higher bonus, as appropriate
to the level of the items.
- The Avalon's Watcher (Albion) is now salvageable.
- The Ixthiar Nature's Aid Stone (Hibernia) can be recharged.

- Hurionthex's Belt of Intellect (Hibernia) can be recharged.

- The named items dropped by Olen den Bartender (Midgard) should now have an app
ropriate Bonus % and DPS for their level. These items include: the Morvalt Blade
d Ericril, the Pristine Frost Orm Jerkin and the Pristine Fire Orm Gloves.
- The Singing Beads (Hibernia) should now have a necklace icon in your inventory
- The Disonant Falchion's (Albion) instrument bonus has been replaced with a str
ength bonus.
- Unique object drops from Dalicren will now be the appropriate level.
- The Vine Wrapped Bladed Crystal (Hibernia) will now have a particle effect lik
e other weapons dropped in the area.
- The Wulfen Night Fang (Midgard) should now have a chance to proc.
- The named items dropped by Snemel den Forsumlig (Midgard) should now drop with
an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Snemel
's Sleeves, Snemel's Dancing Mug, Snemel's Mug of Cheer and Snemel's Bladed Moon
Fang. Please note that this will only affect newly dropped items.
- The named items dropped by the various "animate" weapon mobs (Midgard) should
now drop with an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items in
clude: Animated Kite Shield, Animated Great Bow, Animated Great Spiked Hammer, A
nimated Dwarven Great Sword, Animated Double-bladed Axe and Animated Spear. Plea
se note that this will only affect newly dropped items.
- The named items dropped by Alchemist Phorzbreg (Midgard) should now drop with
an appropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Phorzbr
eg's Cap, Phorzbreg's Hooded Mantle, Phorzbreg's Gift Ring, Phorzbreg's Constitu
tion Ring and Phorzbreg's Mending Staff. Please note that this will only affect
newly dropped items.
- The named items dropped by Overste Callejo (Midgard) should now drop with an a
ppropriate Quality and Bonus % for their level. These items include: Callejo's P
ants, Callejo's Gloves, Callejo's Moon Claw, Callejo's Bladed Moon Claw and Call
ejo's Bladed Fang Greave. Please note that this will only affect newly dropped i
- The rewards from Crace's Desire will now be given with a higher bonus as appro
priate to the level of the items.
- The Griffon Slicer Axe will now grant axe skill instead of slash skill.
- The Griffon Seeker's Knife will now grant a dexterity bonus instead of throwin
g skill bonus.
- Arr will now drop bows of the correct realm.
- The Ogre's Magical Belt (Albion) now has a more appropriate icon.
- The Dragon Crystals (Blue, Red, Black, Green, and Purple) have been given colo
r appropriate icons.
- The Darkened Vine Dirk will now repair for the proper amount.
- Xcrzrk will now drop his remains.

- The Death's Protector Shield will now grant Enhancement instead of Enchantment
- Marfoirwort's Rapier will now grant piercing instead of thrusting skill.
- Future drops of the ageless time frozen cloth should salvage properly. Unfortu
nately, this will not apply to any instances of this item already existing at th
e time of the patch.
- The Corrupt Primal of Fire should now drop the appropriate amount of items per
- Twirl will no longer drop unique large weapons with blade skill.
- Grym's Great Robes are now salvageable.

- The Balor's Head wall trophy (Foundations - Hibernia) has been increased to a
more appropriately impressive size.
- The Nosdoden's Head wall trophy (Foundations - Midgard) has been increased to
a more impressive size.
- The Dye, Tincture and Enchantment Supplies vendor should now have the stable e
roding catalyst and the reactive eroding catalyst.
- You can no longer use a porch demolition deed if you have a consignment mercha
- You can now purchase and place a Dye Supply Master in your house to obtain all
of your dyes.
- The method of teleportation for the housing teleporters has been changed. All
the housing teleporters, those that can be purchased and those that are in the m
arketplace on Mordred and Gaheris, have been converted to the scroll method of t
eleportation. Players will be able to purchase a scroll from the merchant and ha
nd it in to be teleported to the desired location.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Evil Keep Lord at Dun Crauchon to spawn mo
re often than normal.
- Occasionally Priestess Linna's personal guards at Nottmoor Faste were not spaw
ning. This has been fixed.
It just wouldn't be a patch without some updates, tweaks, and other details! The
se notes are going live:
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.65a Release Notes

October 9, 2003


- Note that, when upgrading a house, players will receive back the deed from the
house type being replaced. Downgrades and "side-grades" (Gaheris and Mordred-on
ly) will not return a deed. This went live with 1.65, but was not noted.
- The issue in dungeons where monsters would spawn in incorrect locations in som
e dungeons has been fixed.
- All animations in dungeons should now be working.
- The crash issue introduced in 1.65 when zoning into dungeons on Windows 98 and
Windows ME machines has been fixed.
- All gatekeepers in the lord tower in Thidranki now port to the correct locatio
- Materials merchants in Dun Crauchon have been moved outside of the lord tower.
- All doors in Caer Sursbrooke are now attackable by the enemy when the keep is
owned by Hibernia.
- Albion players controlling Dun NGed can now use both inner tower doors properl
y. (Fixed last night via read file)
- All earth theurgist pets will last the correct amount of time. (Fixed last nig
ht via read file)
- Existing Gazsi's Battle Hammers (Midgard) have returned to their previous DPS
rating. As a result, the hammer will also now salvage for asterite. (Fixed last
night via read file)
- The new shrillers outside of Fomor are no longer aggressivehttp://web.archive.
Few quick things, in response to feedback. Thanks! Read on:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.65b Release Notes
October 10, 2003


- Targeting enemies has been made easier.
- We have changed the default realm kill text colors for Albion and Midgard kill
- On Mordred, realm kill text colors have been reverted to previous colors.http:
Whoa. That was faster than I had dared to hope. Here are the notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.66 Release Notes
October 28, 2003

Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot version 1.66. With this live version, we are happ
y to introduce Camelot's second retail expansion, Trials of Atlantis. As of this
morning, Trials of Atlantis has shipped, and will be available in stores as soo
n as retailers receive their shipment.
Trials of Atlantis is about exploration and discovery, and as such, we have inte
ntionally left some parts of the expansion undocumented. It is up to you, the pl
ayers of the game to discover the secrets of this long-lost civilization for you
rselves. However, you will find documentation on some of the expansion's feature
s such as a Master Ability overview, basic mapping information, etc. on the Came
lot Herald at
Welcome to Atlantis!
- Players from all three realms can now purchase new portal medallions at their
primary portal location (Druim Ligen, Castle Sauvage, or Svasud Faste). Players
who have the Shrouded Isles expansion can port there with the Medallion of Isles
Passage. Players who have the Trials of Atlantis expansion can port there with
the Medallion of Heroes Passage.
- In an effort to increase framerates during large scale raids like relic keep r
aids, we have converted many of the guards in the frontier to a new model which
should increase framerate performance, at the cost of a little less variety in t
he guards looks.
- The runemaster Raven Bolt line will no longer incorrectly delve as having a 20
second recast timer.

- Increased the range on Ameliorating Melodies to 2000.

- Increased the range of all cure disease and cure poison spells to 2000.
- All lava in the game is now extremely damaging. Resistances will not mitigate
damage from lava. Travelers should be very careful around lava flows.
- The Midgard Mile Fort doors in Hadrian's Wall will remain unlocked.
- Delving items in the trade window will now correctly show left hand usable and
two handed flags on weapons.
- Shields now display level on the mini-info window.
- Note that version 1.66 contains a large download, for players with the Shroude
d Isles and Classic clients, so that those customers will be able to see armors
and equipment from the Trials of Atlantis Expansion.
- Fixed an issue where monsters would sometimes not spawn correctly. This fixes
the problem where mudmen would not spawn outside of Ardee, as well as other simi
lar problems.

We have added a new feature to help large player groups coordinate and share cre
dit for certain encounters. Battlegroups (similar in function to chatgroups) all
ow players to band together in large numbers (up to 200). Basically battlegroups
behave just like chatgroups, with the added ability for the developers to set c
ertain encounters to give credit to all the members of a battlegroup (instead of
a single player or the group that gets the kill). Right now this is used throug
hout ToA for the Trial Encounters, so more than one group of players can get cre
dit for participating in the encounter, whether or not they or their immediate g
roup got the killing blow. Experience will still be given out based on your imme
diate group. We will be adding additional tools in a version in the near future
that will allow battlegroups to allocate loot amongst the members of the group.
We've also added the ability for battle groups to have a ?Treasurer?. This syste
m works similar to Group autosplit ? If the treasurer is within 4096 units (in g
ame terms, which is approximately 340 feet in real world terms) of loot which is
picked up by a battle group member the loot will go to the treasurer as long as
he has room for it and the item is at least the level set with the bg lootlevel
command. (see below). This should facilitate distribution of loot in large raid
- bg = shorthand for battlegroup in all commands.
- bc = shorthand for battlegroup chat in all commands.
- Battle group sends and battle group leader sends each have their own chat chan
nels now which are customizable on the client.
/battlegroup invite [playername] : Invites the specified player to the battle gr
/battlegroup who : Lists all members of the battle group
/battlegroup groups : will display a group focused version of the /battlegroup w
ho command. It will identify who is grouped within the battlegroup, who is group

ed with people outside the group, and who is solo.

/bg loot treasurer/normal command will toggle the Treasurer feature on or off.
/bg treasurer [battle group member name] to declare a treasurer.
/bg lootlevel [level] to set a threshold for the level an item must be to enter
into this sytem.
/battlegroup remove [playername] : Removes the specified player from the battle
/battlegroup leave : Remove oneself from the battle group
/battlegroup listen : Puts the battle group on listen mode; only the leader and
leaders can speak
/battlegroup leader : Declare another member of the battle group as leader; This
player can invite other players into the battle group and speak when the battle
group is on listen mode.
/battlegroup public : The battle group is public and anyone can join by typing /
bg join
/battlegroup private : The battle group is invite or password-only
/battlegroup join [leader name] : Join a public battlegroup group by name of the
/battlegroup join [leader name] [password] : Join a private battle group which h
as a password set
/battlegroup password : Display the current password for the battle group (leade
r only)
/battlegroup password clear : Clears the current password (leader only)
/battlegroup password [new password] : Sets a new password


Midgard Monsters
- The Seer of Ancient Dawning's normal location has been shifted slightly out of
the lava.
Hibernia Quests
- Magic's scar - Eugor can now be found much more easily.
Item Notes
- Nightfire (Albion) has had its DPS increased to be in line with the other obje
cts dropped in that area.

- The Belt of Protection (Hibernia) will now confer 6% Heat resist in place of t
he 2nd Body resist.
- Increased the value of the smooth golem stone to be more appropriate based on
the situations in which it drops.
- The Ghostly Cloak (Albion) will now grant Instruments instead of Battlesongs s
- The Welkin Helm (Hibernia) will now have the correct reinforced helm icon.
- The Banded Coral Boots (Albion) has had its extra body resist changed to matte


Albion Monsters
- Sarcodina should now have a chance to drop magical loot.
Hibernia Monsters
- The cnoigcrag mincers should now drop cnoigcrag mincer carapaces instead of cu
tter carapaces.
- Curengkur in Alta Fearran will now correctly call for help.
Albion Quests
- Under Attack - On step 2, players need to kill the Drakoran lieutenants and co
mmanders. We received reports that these officers were despawning during combat.
Players fighting the officers located in the camp need to know that at 3AM all
of them will despawn unless all of the officers are engaged in combat. If player
s have aggro on all of the officers at once, they will continue to stay up until
they are killed. Folks that pull them out of camp one at a time will find that
they'll all despawn at 3AM, so please take this into consideration when planning
your strategies.
Item Notes
- Warriors should now be able to equip the Dire Medallion when wearing the full
suit of warrior-only armor from Tuscaren Glacier.
- Recurve Bows dropped by Razorbeak will now come with bonuses attached.
- Wradech's Skin Belt(Albion) will now delve at the correct level.

- Players with the Trials of Atlantis expansion can now use the Heroes portal sc
roll to port to Atlantis. As a result, the following housing teleporters have be
en renamed:

Svasud and Aegirhamn Teleporter is now Svasud, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter
Castle Sauvage and Gothwaite Teleporter is now Sauvage, Isles, and Heroes Telepo
Druim Ligen and Domnann Teleporter is now Ligen, Isles, and Heroes Teleporter

- All PvP and PvE teleporters have been switched to the scroll method of telepor
tation. This means that a player will need to purchase the correct scroll for th
e location they wish to go to then hand it to the teleporter.
- The teleporters on Gaheris and Mordred will allow players who purchase the Tri
als of Atlantis expansion to teleport to Atlantis.

- Keeps under attack on PVP servers will no longer teleport players to a 'safe p
Tomorrow at 10:00 AM EST, we will be taking this small patch live. Expected serv
er downtime is two hours.
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.66m Release Notes
October 28, 2003


- You can no longer target things underwater when above water and vice versa. Th
is means you cannot fire arrows or spells.


Item Notes
- The Crimson Heart-stoppers (Hibernia) should no longer look like daggers in a
player's inventory.


Caer Sidi
- Lich Lord Ilron's images will no longer attack the Lich Lord himself.
- When the Lich Lord lowers his image spell, he will broadcast to everyone in th
e immediate area.
- The period between combat ending and the lowering of the image spell has been
increased slightly.
Item Notes
- The Onyx-tipped Cat o' Nine Tails (Albion) can now be salvaged.
- The Gurgling Rapier (Albion) has been changed to the Gurgling Stiletto to corr
ectly reflect the weapon model used.
- Slogclochs (Hibernia) should no longer drop unique item blades weapons with +p
ierce item bonuses.
- Pester's Barbed Tail (Albion) now increases soulrending skill instead of painw


Item Notes
- The value of some common loot items for centaurs, cyclops, taurs, siam-hes, an
d volurgons were increased to the appropriate amounts for the level of the mobs.

- So that all the water-breating potion components are in one place for those wh
o own houses, ceramic flasks and flasks of water are now available on both the P
oison and Potion Supplies merchant and the Potion, Tincture, & Enchantment Vendo
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, this patch is only seventeen hours and
fifteen minutes aaaaaaah-waaaaaaaaaay!
Um. Yeah. Servers down at 10:00 AM EST, and this goodness applied. Server downti
me estimated at two hours.
Dark Age of Camelot

Test Version 1.66o Release Notes

October 29, 2003


- Fixed a bug with the Valewalker spell Banestrike, having no casting animation.
- We have added a /use2 slash command for using secondary abilities, to be consi
stent with the /use and /interact commands.
- Setting the outgoing chat channel to battlegroup should work properly in all c
lients. You should not be able to set your outgoing channel to BGLeader.


Item Notes
- Summoner Cunovinda should no longer drop Albion gloves for Midgard players.


Item Notes
- The Azure Arcanium Crush (Albion) should now have particle effect that fits be
Here's what's going live tomorrow at 10:02:
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.66q Release Notes
October 30, 2003


Albion Monsters
Dales of Devwy
- The blood liches and ancient zombies associated with the Valnir encounter will
no longer attack when other kinds of undead nearby are attacked.


Oceanus Quests
- We have resolved numerous problems with Krojer and his troop. Please note that
Krojer's champions will now de-spawn briefly should any of the player combatant
s be disqualified. (This was run as a read file, and this fix is currently live.
- Asoeron had his quest level improperly set. If you have done or are doing the
Wicoessas Proposition quest, try checking back with Asoeron. He should take your ru
ins now.
- The Seed Pouch Players stuck on steps 5 and 6 should try /searching for the seed
lings again. A change was made earlier that should fix this issue.
Item Notes
- The Fiery Defender (Hibernia) no longer increases strength cap twice.
- The greater nereid potion and the potion of aquatic respiration can no longer
be sold to NPC merchants.
The patcher is open! Go ahead and download the following:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.66d Release Notes
November 4, 2003


- The mystical boards summoned by the Convoker Summon Wood ability are now trada
ble. They have also had their weight increased in accordance with the intent of
the ability.
- Fixed a bug where the Battlemaster 1 ability Sapping Strike was using old valu
es. The correct values have a higher endurance cost for the user and inflict a l

ower endurance penalty on enemy targets within range

- Fixed a bug that allowed boats to be dropped in lava.
- We have added additional feedback to many of the area actions. (Dig, search, e
tc.) This timer dialogue should tell players how long they have remaining before
they complete these actions (or if they cancel them).


Oceanus Encounters
- Runihura can no longer be pulled outside of his temple.
- The stone encased necklace and the bloodied barbed staff can no longer be pick
ed up by necromancers.
- The jagger sharks are now a little tougher. They are also a little faster when
Egg of Youth
- Resolved an issue where one of the braziers surrounding Sililias Lair would be se
t to realm friendly, thus making it resistant to all damage.
- Sililia level has been adjusted slightly in order to bring it better in line w
ith the expectation of a 2-3 group encounter. The huge braziers have also been l
owered in hits and they will no longer issue a test message when destroyed.
- Clicking on a treasure chest in the Aten's shield encounter area will now brea
k stealth.
- Slight modifications were made to the removal of the belt and gem associated w
ith this trial. When Kirkleis dies, anyone within the structure surrounding the
statue will lose both objects. Anyone who is in the surrounding area (outside of
the structure) and has not completed this encounter or Master Level 1 will keep
these two items. This should alleviate the issue where groups that are waiting
their turn to complete the encounter would lose their belts and gems.
- Fadrins barrier will no longer spawn without Fadrin first being present.
Oceanus Quests
- Berserkers who received the wrong item from the Wicoessas Proposition quest will
now be able to turn their vest into Wicoessa for the correct item.
- Players on Step 1 of the Seed Pouch quest should return to Astoissi near the H
aven of Oceanus if they did not receive their pouch of seeds.

Stygia Encounters
- The burning lengui will now aggro on players sooner, should they come under at
Stygia Quests
- Aponsul has been moved closer to Abteb for The Other Side quest. He can still
be found along the black river in the necropolis.
- On the Lost in the Sands of Time quest, players can now return to Tey if they
lose to Sekhmun and return to find him no longer spawned.
- Players should have an easier time finding Oseye for the Mau of Bastet quest.
- Players that are on step 6 of the Marauding Bandits quests and are stuck becau
se they do not have the Golden Statuette may speak with one of the following NPC
s to receive another one. Players will ONLY be able to receive ONE statuette.
Albion - Soldier Hayden in the Haven of Stygia (next to Scout Relion)
Midgard - Soldat Irina in the Haven of Stygia (next to Hunter Relion)
Hibernia - Saighdear Loghan in the Haven of Stygia (next to Ranger Relion)
Volcanus Quests
- Players can now return to Telgar on the Telgar's Redemption quest if they lose
Bronyar before they giving him the note.
- Players who were getting stuck on the Magical Ingredients quest step 11 will n
ow be able to proceed with their quest as normal after killing the barracuda.
Aerus Quests
- Players stuck after dying to Xelret on the Seven Coin quests should follow the
ir updated quest journal. They can now return to the havens to get another chanc
e at Xelret.
- Players can now kill the vigilant statues again on the Stone King quests to re
spawn the King if they had died and someone else killed that spawn.
Aerus Encounters
- Eramai will now give players a better clue on how to continue the encounter.
Sobekite Eternal Encounters
- There can now be a max of three reavers up at any given time (at least one on
each side).
- Increased the spawn time of the Shadow Reaver.
- Amenemhat should now reset himself upon a player's death and if a player choos

es to accept the challenge and then leave the area.

- The Antron and Speos chieftains will be more common.
- The Antron Treasure Hunter, Diplomat and Arch Mage will be more common now. Th
e Speos Treasure Hunter, Diplomat and Arch mage will be more common now. These m
onsters drop one item needed to initiate Onuris's challenge every time they die.
- The items needed to initiate Onuris's challenge will now drop at a higher rate
from all the common tritons in the dungeon.
- Rrionne will spawn more frequently now.
Item Notes
- Existing and new Sand Scorched Caps and Sun Scorched Helms will have the corre
ct monster type requirements.
- The Ring of the Seventh Solstice (Midgard) now increases mending instead of re
- Bard instruments created from the unique object generator should no longer hav
e a bonus to style damage, melee damage, or melee haste.
- Vault Keepers have been added to all Havens.
Stygia Quests
- Players that are on step 6 of the Marauding Bandits quests and are stuck becau
se they do not have the Golden Statuette may speak with one of the following NPC
s to receive another one. Players will ONLY be able to receive ONE statuette.
Soldat Dwana in the Haven of Stygia (next to Ranger Relion)http://web.archive.or
Read on...
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66e Release Notes
November 6, 2003


- We have added the /bu command as an alternative to /bc to chat in battlegroups

. Note that /bc still works, but /bu is a keyboard friendly alternative.
- Boats have been adjusted further to better predict which boat is in front to a
void locking collision conditions.
- Monsters should follow their leaders up and down better underwater with less s
- Animist summon turret spells will fail if the ground target is adjusted out of
animist line of sight during the cast.
- Item summoning abilities and spells will properly update player encumberance a
fter summon.
- Item summoning abilities and spells (such as Summon Wood) no longer fail if th
e item summoned will over-encumber the user.
- Storm spells wont affect a target with an engage radius if the caster is currentl
y outside that radius.
- Summoned creatures (Such as Theurgist pets and Animist Turrets) won't cause lo
ss of quest kill credit when their summoner leaves the region as they continue t
o attack a monster.
- We have reduced the length of necro pet tether if pet has encounter-related no
-purge effects.
- Fixed a bug where some Master Level Abilities could be quick-cast. All Master
Level Abilities should now be properly flagged as no quick-cast.
- Fixed a bug that caused the length of time that a player was not worth realm p
oints after death to be longer then intended. This bug was introduced in version


Item Notes
- The Vine Choker (Hibernia) can now be equipped by players who have a full suit
of their respective classes' armor from Galladoria.


Trials - General
- We have greatly increased the number of monsters that give Master Level experi
ence in both the original and Shrouded Isles areas. Try exploring areas that you
normally may not visit to find these monsters.

- Nikkas in the Haven of Stygia will now sell catalysts as part of his wares ins
tead of having two lists of liquids and blood.
- Throwing weapon have been added to the merchants in the Havens. Here is a list
of merchants that now sell throwing weapons. Remember to page through the diffe
rent store lists. This list applies to both regular servers and PVP/PVE servers.
Ylwa Eddadottir - the Haven of Oceanus
Terjo - the Haven of Stygia
Ingred - the Haven of Volcanus
Ruupo - the Haven of Aerus.
Nannulf in the Ruinerar Atlantis on the regular servers and Lannulf in the Ruins
of Atlantis on Gaharis/Mordred also sell throwing weapons.
Oceanus Encounters
- Fadrin will now properly reward exp and loot upon death.
Oceanus Quests
- Players stuck on the Origins of the Harpies quest will now be able to speak to
one of the following NPCs to receive the items they need. These NPCs will delet
e any of the capitalized harpy pieces players already have in their inventories
and replace them with new ones. All NPCs can be found in their respective Oceanu
s Haven zones. After speaking with the NPCs, players should get stepped to step
5 for the turn in.
Albion players should speak with Mercenary Deryne.
Midgard players should speak with Warrior Vanja.
Hibernia players should speak with Hero Royan.
Mordred and Gaheris players should speak with Soldier Rydderch.
Stygia Encounters
- The Sphinx Deshrentan should no longer be too far away to interact with player
Stygia Quests
- Grouped players on the Lost in the Sands of Time quest should all be stepped w
hen Sekhmun is summoned
- Marauding Bandits (Albion): Players stuck on Step 9 should return to Scout Rel
ion and say the key word [safe passage] to continue their quest.
Volcanus Quests
- Players who were previously stuck on the Magical Ingredients quest and were mi
ssing either their seaweed or their Lavender Root will now be able to speak with
the following NPCs and retrieve the items they need to continue on with the que

st. All NPCs are located in their appropriate zones in the Volcanus Haven. After
speaking with the NPCs, players should get stepped back to step 12 for the turn
Albion players will need to speak Mercenary Aniqa.
Midgard players will need to speak with Warrior Meino.
Hibernia players will need to speak with Frearwen.
Gaharis/Mordred players should speak with Saighdear Tiriona.
Volcanus Quests
- On the Sacrificial Rites Quest, grouped players should now be stepped at the s
ame time when the Jagged Claw is used.
Aerus Quests
- The Ring of the Seventh Solstice has had it bonuses changed to make it more re
alm approriate. The Midgard version now increases mending instead of rejuvenatio
n. This is a retroactive change and Midgard players will not need to do anything
to obtain the correct ring. Druids or Bards with a mending Ring of the Seventh
Solstice can turn them in to Jowan to receive the correct regrowth ring. Clerics
can give their mending Ring of the Seventh Solstice to Edgan for the correct re
juvenation ring.
Aerus Quests
- On the Seven Coins quests, grouped players should all step when Xelret is summ
Aerus Encounters
- Karise can now be damaged outside of her encounter area again.
Sobekite Eternal
- A "sobekite observer" can now be found behind each locked door that will telep
ort folks one by one to a safe location in the temple if they speak to him.
Item Notes
- The Blood Splattered Keys will now open the Blood Splattered Chests found near
- The Cobra Striking Great Hammer is now correctly set to use Hammer skill and c
rushing damage.
- The Albion studded versions of the Barnacle Encrusted Boots and the Sand Scorc
hed Helm can now be dyed using enamel dyes.

- The Large Weapon skill bonus on the Albion Sand-edged Great Sword has been rep
laced with the Two-handed Weapon skill bonus.
- Hunter jewelry created by the unique object generator should no longer get pow
er regeneration charges.
- Bassem should no longer drop staves set to 22.2 dps.
- The power regen proc on Borjad's Spear (Midgard) now has a proc more suited to
the hunter class.
- Golden Scarab Vest (Hibernia) Enchanters, Eldritches, Mentalists, Animists, Va
lewalkers, Druids, Wardens, Heroes, and Champions that turned their Golden Scara
b Vest to either Miodac or Deavin and are now stuck can return to either one of
these NPCs to have their locked artifact returned to them and the Scarab Wing Ve
st quest removed from their pending list. These classes cannot use the Golden Sc
arab Vest.
Notes that just went live:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66g Release Notes
November 12, 2003
- Some abilities in the Sojourner line were incorrectly set with a power cost. T
hese power costs have been removed.
- (TOA Only) We have addressed several issues with the client memory usage incre
asing over time, and we will continue to monitor this closely.
- (TOA Only) Left clicking and Shift-LeftClicking on the text of the Pet Command
s (Follow, Aggressive, etc) will work properly now, in addition to being able to
click on just the radio button portion of the command.
- (TOA Only) Fixed a display-only issue where you would log out a character with
bounty points and switch to another character with no bounty points, and the ch
aracter sheet would show you has having the bounty of points of the previous cha
- (TOA Only) We have addressed an issue with blue/white fogged screen occurring
with a small number of our users in certain TOA/SI zones. This should allow you
to play without using the 'Water Compatibility Mode' introduced last week. If af
ter this patch you are still experiencing this specific bug, please email toabug with your debug.log, and dxdiag.txt.
- Fixed a bug where the zone names were not displaying correctly in the LFG wind

ow if you were in an Atlantis Hibernia or Atlantis Midgard zone.

- Summoned wood will now work for upgrading keep doors.
- The quest journal will now display all of your pending quests (previously it w
ould only display your first 10 quests).
- Fixed a bug where monsters would lose their pathing in certain situations.
- Necromancers in shade form can now use siege weapons, but only if their pet is
right next to them.
- Necromancers in shade form can now repair doors, but only if their pet is righ
t next to them.
- The total amount of haste a player can receive from items has been increased.
- Prescience Node now has the proper 5 minute recast timer.
- Sapping Strike and Power Leak will now have fixed endurance costs.
- Hunters can now summon appropriate underwater pets.
Albion Quests
- Half Ogres may now obtain and complete the Inconnu Poison quest in Shrouded Is


- Trial encounters that require battlegroups will be noted as such in the master
level window.
Quests - General
- The Melos Alliance quest now correctly states in the journal that you need to
kill a shallow water barracuda.
Oceanus Quests
- The following objects have been set to tradable; harpy feather, harpy talon, a
nd animal bones. Players are now able to barter with other players for these ite
ms to complete the side quest that accompanies the Origins of the Harpies quest.
- The Skyros Order, The Naxos Society, The Melos Alliance (all levels) - There w
as a bug that allowed players to get the repeatable quests for the Skyros Order,
the Naxos Society, and the Melos Alliance after their faction had become neutra
l. This bug has now been fixed.
- For the Love of a Nereid Quest - Players who are stuck on step 11 and need to
kill Naida should speak to Sollon at the meeting place indicated in their journa
l. It is important that players speak to Sollon at the meeting place, not in Mel

os Territory.
Stygia Quests
- The Mau of Bastet and the Mau of Sekhmet - Inarus should now respond to the ke
ywords [prove yourself].
- The Mau of Bastet - The bug preventing Oseye has been found and fixed. (We pro
mise!) Players should now be able to find him in the Land of Atum.
Encounters - General
- Spawn times for many of the master level encounters have been drastically redu
- The Antron and Speos Treasure Hunters, Diplomats and Arch Mages will now spawn
more often.
- Many encounter monsters will now reward players with Master Level Experience w
hen they are killed.
Oceanus Encounters
- Hermes may now occasionally snare his targets.
Stygia Encounters
- Players who did not receive their reward from Abasi after completing the Aidin
g the Mau quest should return to Abasi. He has recognized his error and will be
happily rewarding players for their hard work.
- Nahkt has been set to killable, but players who kill him will receive no exper
ience. This is to discourage players from killing him so those on his quest migh
t be able to complete it.
- Oukesson the Ghillan will now only drop treasure once his final form has been
- Masters of the Desert: This encounter has been moved slightly west from its or
iginal location. This was done to ensure the nomads in Stygia do set up camp on
top of the encounter area.

Volcanus Encounters
- Taurs with healing abilities can now be interrupted.
- Lateef will now spawn much more frequently.
Temple of Twilight Dungeon
- Antioos the Deceitful: Anyone that is missing an item for the "Tasks for Antio

os" quest can go back and acquire the item by killing the associated mob. Also,
players should no longer get stepped ahead in the quest unless they acquire the
correct item.
- Moirai the Shielded: Moirai's Minions should no longer get stuck within her sh
ield when they are wounded.
Sobekite Eternal
- Runihura - Runihura's spike traps now do much less direct damage than they did
before. Runihura will now emote hints as to how to approach the encounter more
frequently than he did before.
- The Antron and Speos Chieftains will now spawn much more frequently.
- Rrionne will now spawn much more frequently. Rrionne will no longer respawn he
r Reflection under any conditions after it is destroyed.
- Runihura will now spawn much more frequently.
Item Notes
- Frozen Cold Glands will now properly stack.
- Salamander Hatchling can no longer be charmed.
- Gorgons in Temple of Twilight will now drop the Ancient Atlantean Sword at a l
ower rate.
- The drop rate for the Fool's Bow and Traldor's Oracle artifacts has been incre
ased to enable them to drop every time from their associated encounters.http://w
In 1.66H you'll find changes to Prescience Node, a way to respec your master lev
el ability track, better explanation of some Trial steps by quest NPCs, the abil
ity for dead battlegroup members to get Trial encounter credit, and many other f
ixes and tweaks for Trials of Atlantis. We will keep working on finding bugs and
issues and are commited to fixing them as fast as possible.
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66h Release Notes
November 13, 2003
- Summoned wood will work for upgrading keep doors.
- Necromancers in shade form can now use siege weapons, but only if their pet is
right next to them.
- Necromancers in shade form can now repair doors, but only if their pet is righ
t next to them.

- Dead members of battlegroups will now receive quest and kill credit as long so
meone in the battlegroup gets credit, if the monster is set up to give battlegro
up credit. This will primarily effect Atlantis encounters at this time.
- Items that add to the stat cap for acuity now actually do so.
- Items that add to the stat cap for any casting stat (acuity or specific) now a
dd to the owner's power pool if their casting stat is raised as a result of rais
ing the stat cap.
- When a monster is considered, a message is now displayed telling you if master
level experience can be gained by killing that monster.
- Spellcrafters and Alchemists have been granted 1 point in Siegecrafting. Note
that this is not "full" siegecraft - spellcrafters and alchemists will not be ab
le to raise their siegecraft skill as high as other crafts. This change in our a
pproach to siegecraft and Spellcrafters and Alchemists allows them to utilize th
e new Master Abilities, while still allowing us to add additional siege related
abilities to these crafts in the future.
Prescience Node was designed to add additional risk to stealthed enemies in the
node's area of effect, without making the stealther immediately open to attacks.
The following changes have been made to Prescience Node in order to more accura
tely reflect the original intent of the ability.
- Enemies revealed by Prescience Node should no longer be attackable through ran
ged attacks nor should it be possible to send a pet to attack them. Area effect
spells should still work as they would on any stealthed target.
- Prescience Node has been updated with a more appropriate object that is easier
to see and target.
- Prescience Node radius has been adjusted down to 1000.


- Players can now switch their Master Level track by using an item that every "f
inal" Trial encounter boss monster has a chance of dropping.


Quests- General
- We have changed the following encounter monsters to give quest credit to an en
tire battlegroup: Legion, Green Maw, and the Ellyl seer.


Quests- General
- We have changed the following encounter monster to give quest credit to an ent

ire battlegroup: Abomos the Soultrapper, Scurceol Hyrde, Marfoirwort, Cronwort,

Fuilwort, and Tachtwort.
Item Notes
- The number of magical item drops from Mortufoghus (Midgard) and Spirit of Lord
Emthoro (Albion) has been increased to a more appropriate amount.


Story Scrolls
- Clues have been added to the following uncombined scrolls to indicate which ar
tifact a particular scroll is related to: Eirene's Journal, Alvarus' Letters, Be
llona's Diary, Kalare's Memoirs, Advisor's Log, Tyrus' Epic Poem, Dysis' Tablet,
Adnes' Letters, Mariasha's Wall, the Fish Scales, Wooden Triptych, Spear's Hist
ory, King's Vase, Marricus' Journal, Julea's Story, Loukas' Journal, Vara's Medi
cal Log, King Kiron's Notes, Tarin's Animal Skin, Carved Tablet, A Love Story, D
amyon's Journal, and the Champion's Notes.
Oceanus Quests
Origins of the Harpies
- All pieces received from the harpies for the sidequest are now stackable.
- Keywords and interaction lines have been added so that players who go linkdead
or logout are able to recover the NPC dialogue.
- Riranwyn will now tell players about Alaeth for the sidequest.
Priceless Antiques
- Nydimeth will now reference all scholars, lorekeepers and sages as researchers
- Luscire Raysano will now hit slower, but for more damage.
- [Safe] has been removed as a keyword in Branigans text.
- The quest journal for step 8 will now tell players to hand the chest into Nydi
meth first.
Broken Communications
- The search area for the scattered shipwreck bits has been changed. Players wil
l no longer be able to /search on the top of the water for the pieces.
- There have been interaction lines and keywords added to various parts of the q
uest journal and the NPCs so players who go linkdead or logout are able to recov
er the NPC dialogue.
Stygia Quests

Marauding Bandits
- Relion will now give better directions to the sobekite marauder camp.
- The sobekite marauder will now cast on players before running.
- Various interaction lines and keywords have been added to the NPCs and the que
st journal so players who go linkdead or logout are able to recover the NPC dial
Volcanus Quests
Magical Ingredients

- Alchemist Yilanna now properly references the fiery orb instead of the fiery essen
- All turn in quest related items have been capitalized for easier identificatio
- Alchemist Yilanna should now give better directions to the beach where players
need to /search for the dried seaweed.
- Various interaction lines and keywords have been added to the NPC and the ques
t journal so players who go linkdead or logout are able to recover the NPC dialo
Oceanus Encounters
- Staff of the God: Jagger shark AI has been improved to counter a potential exp
- The Monument: Fixed a problem where incorrect messages were being displayed th
at a player had moved off one of the five pads.
- Belt of the Sun: This encounter will now give proper credit upon completion.
- Belt of the Moon: This encounter will now give proper credit upon completion.
Stygia Encounters
- Snake Charmer's Weapon: The reward text has been changed to match the object g
iven upon completion.
- Snake Charmer's Weapon: The snake charmer will no longer be attackable prior t
o his walk.
Volcanus Encounters
- Azar has been adjusted slightly to better meet the target difficulty of her en
Sobekite Eternal

- The mechanism that Runihura uses to count the number of players in different l
ocations in the room to fire off the spike traps has been revamped. It would oft
en over-count the number of players in a given location inside of the temple thu
s Runihura would fire the spike traps where he shouldn't normally. The counts wi
ll now be accurate. Be warned that he will still fire the traps off where there
are clusters of players inside of the temple.
Temple of Twilight
- Credit for the "Glowing Barracuda" quest should now correctly be given upon th
e death of the barracuda. Players who have not received credit can kill the barr
acuda again to be given credit correctly.
- The Darid Gremna Eel stomach should now drop more frequently.
Item Notes
- The effective ranges of the Artifact ability "Stealth Lore" have been slightly
- The clouded jewel that drops from the minor dust janni should now sell to NPC
merchants for the appropriate price.
- The following shields will no longer allow emblems due to their unique model:
Sinovia's Protector, Sinovia's Block, Sinovia's Shield, Antioos' Protector, Anti
oos' Block, Antioos' Shield, Qebehsenuef's Shield of Dread, Shield of Silent Obl
ivion, Imsety's Shield of Dread, Hapy's Shield of Dread, Magma Infused Buckler,
Magma Infused Heater Shield, Magma Infused Defender, Enchanted Runed Defender, G
olden Runed Defender, Mystic Runed Defender
- The Embedded Scale Vest (Hibernia) now increases dexterity and dexterity stat
cap instead of piety and piety stat cap.
- The Clerical Mace of Sand (Albion) now increases enhancements instead of encha
- Valewalkers should no longer receive haste procs on unique items.
- The Sand-edged Moon Claw (Midgard) now increases score cap dexterity in place
of a duplicate score cap strength bonus.
- Laodameia's Bow (Albion) should now increase longbow skill.
- Newly dropped Gale, Chasm, Depths, and Blaze weapons (such as the Hammer of th
e Gale, Hammer of the Chasm, etc.) have been changed to a more level appropriate
sell value.
- Cynere`s Rough Skin now correctly equips as a helm.
- The weapon procs on the Fiery Defender Shields for Albion and Hibernia have be
en changed to reactive procs.
- The +Staff skill on the Dreadfin Dire Hammer has been changed to +Hammer.
- The second Spirit resist on the Eye of Bast has been changed to Energy resist.
- Ancient Forged Vest for Berserkers will use the proper Atlantis graphics.

- Midgard's version of the studded Cinder Tainted Sleeves has been changed to us
e +Melee Skill All.
These went live earlier this morning (everything else on Pendragon would require
us to take the servers down - I'll let you know about that as soon as I hear it
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66i Release Notes
November 18, 2003


- In addition to the performance and memory changes made last week, this
client should have better performance and lower memory usage during long
play sessions, especially when you are travelling frequently between areas
in Atlantis.
- We have modified the Trials of Atlantis Options Menu to include 'Mouse
Mode', which offers the same choices as were present in SI and Classic
Clients for 'Mouselook On', 'Mouselook Off', and 'Mouselook Reverse'.http://web.
All right! Thanks for the feedback that made many of these notes possible:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66j Release Notes
November 20, 2003


- Item-based spell duration bonuses no longer work for damage over time spells.
- Artifacts no longer display "Required Level:" in delves.

- In certain cases it was possible to have a pet in defensive mode attack a targ
et it was not intended to be able to strike. This should solve the problem of pe
ts interfering with Chath's Test of Strategy.
- Artifacts now report to the user when they gain experience.
- Changed the print from Pickpocket. It should now print to the pickpocketer "Yo
u pickpocket !", and to all other groupmates " pickpockets for the group!"
- Fixed a crash that could occur on zoning.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when delving some Master Level abilities.


Experienced Trials players who help less-experienced friends complete trials are
now given Master Level Experience for providing this help. The system works as
- Experienced players who have attained at least Master Level 1 are given Master
Level experience if they are in a group with any other player who is granted cr
edit for completing a Trial Step.
- In order to get ML experience for the kill, the experienced player must be gro
uped with at least one player receiving credit for completing the Trial step.
- The experienced player helping out will recieve Master
ch less-experienced player that he helps per Trial step.
player gets credit for completing the encounter, Master
nted to the helper. If two get credit, then twice the ML
o the helper, and so forth.

Level experience for ea

If one less-experienced
Level experience is gra
experience is granted t

- Master Level experience is given only on steps for which the experienced playe
r has already completed.
- Please note that Trials designed to be completed by solo players will not gran
t ML experience for anyone helping out.


Marfach Caverns
- Withered oaks are now considered a plant type and should now meet the requirem
ent for artifacts which require this type of monster for advancement.


Midgard Quests

- Ota's Quest has a step which requires players to gain enough faction to speak
with a bergklan pelterer, but it is requiring longer than we intended for player
s to adjust their faction. We have added an NPC named Pelterer Blegkrak to the e
ntrance area of the big camp of bergklans, and though you'll still need to gain
faction to talk to him, he is more willing to listen to outsiders than pelterers
in the past have been.



We have fixed a number of bugs with the Artifact scrolls. Some bugs related to s
crolls being given the wrong name while others related to the way scrolls were b
eing combined.
Scroll Name Changes
- There were two separate sets of individual scrolls called 'Champion's Notes' i
n the game. One set could be combined to form Remus' Story while the second set
formed the Complete Thoughts of Hermes. This second set has been renamed 'Inscri
bed Stones'.
- The Inscribed Stone scrolls that were already being dropped by monsters were i
ncorrectly named. They are now called 'Atlantis Tablet' scrolls.
Combining Scrolls
- Players can combine a set of Oceanus Artifact Scrolls in various ways now besi
des just combining scrolls in numerical order. This should help save on inventor
y space. For example, scrolls 1 and 2 can be combined into one scroll, and then
later a player could use scroll 3 to combine both into the final book. This can
be done with any combination of scrolls 1, 2, and 3. Also, if players have alrea
dy combined scrolls 1 and 2, and scrolls 2 and 3 (to form two scrolls), they can
now combine those two scrolls to form the final book. This will work with any o
f the combined, but incomplete, scrolls.
Volcanus Quests
- The quest Magical Ingredients has been altered slightly. Players who have comp
leted the quest are urged to return to Alchemist Yilanna in the Volcanus Haven f
or an extra reward for their hard work. Those of you still doing the quest will
be rewarded properly upon completion.
Oceanus Encounters
- The named Priests and Priestesses in Mesothelassa have had their Master Level
Experience rewards slightly reduced.
- It is no longer possible for Linos to despawn during combat.
- Staff of the God - Jagger sharks now have a very small chance to attack someon
e who is healing the person carrying the staff.

Stygia Encounters
- There have been new sightings of prism-winged scarabs in remote areas of Stygi
Fortress of Storms
- The amount of laborers that leave the fortress to repair the forts has been cu
t in half. The amount of laborers that leave the forts to repair the camps has n
ot changed.
- The length of time between the spawning of labor crews has been increased slig
- Warning: Aggressive player pets may attempt to put out the fires in the camps/
forts/fortresses. Doing so may aid in the recovery of those areas, against the p
layer's best interests. The fire fighter behavior is not new with this patch.
Volcanus Encounters
- It will now be a bit more difficult to pull the elite taur defenders away from
Chimera's lair.
- The elite taur defender's chance to mesmerize players has been lowered.
Item Notes
- Lion's Fur Cloak can now be dyed.
- Lion's Share Sleeves previously had a Bonus to Healing Effectiveness value of
28% which rendered the item unusable due to the imbue value being too high. The
bonus has been reduced to the correct value of 4%.
- Players will now receive the Archery Skill bonus when equipping the Cape of th
e Gale.
- Skyros's Sword in Midgard has received a reduction in weapon speed. The speed
was incorrectly set to that of a two-handed sword.
- Multiple items in Aerus were using a non-functional requirement. These items w
ill now receive the corresponding bonuses and list the correct mobs.
- The delve information on raw artifacts has been updated to include the level o
f the final artifact.
- Skyros's Hammer and Skyros's Axe in Midgard have received a reduction in weapo
n speed. The speeds were incorrectly set to that of a two-handed weapon.
- The Battler will now drop Albion medium and large shields with bonuses appropr
iate to the classes that can use those shields.
- The Belt of Lightning (All Realms) has had the bonus requirement moved from th
e duel wield skill to the melee damage skill.

- Animists using the Ancient Chest will now receive Animist items instead of Val
ewalker items.
- The studded Neriad Sharktooth Vest (Midgard) will now grant a Composite Bow in
stead of Long Bow bonus.
- Mane of the Lion Circlet now uses the correct leather helm icon.
- The Charisma bonus on the Wind Torn Cloak received by Armsmen and Paladins has
been changed to a Constitution bonus.
- The Crocodile Tear Ring and the Shield of Khaos have received new requirements
for earning experience. Any experience earned while in enemy frontier regions w
ill go towards the artifact's experience; previously it was earned during period
s of snow or rain.
- The Belt of the Sun will now summon both the slashing and the thrusting versio
ns of its weapons. Also, the summoned Sun Axe is now set as a level 51
These are pretty sweeping changes - they seem small until you think about their
impact on your supplies of gold and time. Thank you all very much for your lists
of reasons and suggestions. Enjoy!
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66k Release Notes
November 21, 2003


As part of our continuing effort to respond to your feedback about Trials of Atl
antis, we have made changes to a couple of systems with the goal of reducing the
difficulty of traveling around Atlantis. We have made some changes to the Water
Breathing potions, and opened up the use of the Djinn Stones of Atlantis to mak
e them more available and useful.
Water Breathing Potion Changes
Durations have been doubled and the swimming speed has been increased across the
board for all the potions. The full list of changes is as follows:
- Lesser Nereid Potion (crafted) duration = 1hour (was 30 min), movement speed =
95% of land speed (was 90%)
- Serous Constant Underwater Breathing Aid (bounty points) duration = 1 hour (wa

s 30 min), movement speed = 85% of land speed (was 80%)

- Potion of Aquatic Respiration (store bought) duration = 30 min (was 15 min), m
ovemement speed = 80% of land speed (was 50%).
- Sip of Ancient Mead (dropped) duration = 40 min (was 20 min), movement speed =
90% of land speed (was 85%)
- Potion of Aquatic Freedom (quest reward) duration = 1 hour (was 30 min), movem
ent speed = 85% of land speed (was 80%).
Djinn Stone Changes
- We have added three additional Djinn Stones to ToA. Each Haven now has a Djinn
stone located nearby, with the goal of speeding up travel between the major are
as of Atlantis. The Aerus Haven, Stygia Haven, and Volcanus Haven have all had n
ew stones placed. In addition, the stone that was located in Oceanus Hersperos h
as been moved close to Oceanus Haven, to make it more convenient.
- In addition to the new stones, the Master Level requirement has been removed f
rom the use of the stones, making them open to all.

Artifact Changes
- Wall Glyphs: Players should now be able to combine the Wall Glyphs for the Tra
itor's Dagger artifact in any combination.
- To help with the problem of matching up scrolls to artifacts, delve informatio
n has been added to every scroll (both individual and combined) that includes th
e name of the artifact it is associated with.
Sobekite Eternal
- All monsters that drop keys will now drop keys every time they die. Additional
ly the Antron and Speos chieftains who drop two different keys will now always d
rop both keys.
- The items required by Onuris to start his challenge will now drop at a much hi
gher rate from all common tritons and nereids in the Sobekite Eternal dungeon.
Aerus Encounters
- Karise should now properly give single groups credit if they defeat her.
Stygia Quests
The Mau of Sekhmet

- There was a bug that stopped some players from speaking with Inarus beyond his
opening paragraph. This bug has been fixed.
The Mau of Bastet
- There was a problem with Oseye's splitting into two that caused him to stop sp
awning. This has been fixed.
- There was a bug that stopped some players from speaking with Inarus beyond his
opening paragraph. This bug has been fixed.
Item Notes
- The Legs of the Spitting Cobra (Albion) are now dyable with enamel.
- Laodameia's Drum (Hibernia) is now actually a drum, instead of a flute.
- The Bracer of Etheric Vitae (Hibernia) will now grant empathy instead of piety
- The Vest of Demise (Midgard) will now grant all melee skill instead of all cas
ter skill.
- The Vest of Casuistry (Midgard) will now grant all melee skill instead of all
caster skill.
- The Desert Shadow Baglama (Albion) and the Pipes of Landrine (Albion) are now
usable by the Albion realm.
- Laodameia's Fist (Midgard) now increases stat cap quickness instead of stat ca
p piety, and style damage instead of spell damage.
- Cloaks with Atlantis-only textures can no longer have emblems applied.
Boats and bug fixes, for which we're all at least somewhat thankful:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.66l Release Notes
November 24, 2003


- You can no longer take falling damage when underwater.
- Volley will now attempt to find the next stack in a player's inventory if the

current stack runs out during the volley.


Based on player feeback about TOA's boats, we are making the following changes t
o player-controlled boats in Trials of Atlantis:
- Fixed the bug where the ground target was placed to far away and the server wo
uld respond that the "target was not visible". You should now be able to place t
he boat waypoint at much farther distances.
- You can now sail a boat if you have a quarter of the maximum passengers on the
boat. Thus, for an 8 person boat, you need two people to sail it(instead of fou
- A boat will reach its maximum speed when you have half the maximum passengers
on the boat (instead of a full boat). This will allow smaller groups to get to t
he various adventuring spots in Atlantis more quickly.
- A new command has been added for boats "/VSET (PUBLIC|PRIVATE)". This allows t
he owner of the boat to set the boat's permissions to be public such that anyone
can board the boat with no invitiation. All boats default to "private" when dro
pped in the water.
Back two hours earlier than expected, it's 1.67 for your enjoyment:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.67 Release Notes
December 16, 2003


- We have fixed a bug that would keep players from gaining Master Level experien
ce while helping other players working on the same encounter and trial. Please n
ote that you must have completed the encounter, and the person you are helping m
ust be doing the encounter for the first time.
- Added the command /vdestination x y (eg: /vdestination 32000 32000) which will
sail your boat to a /loc within your current zone.
- /Vfollow command has been added, which allows the controller of a movable vehi
cle to follow their currently targeted object.
- Players who die in a duel while having a "song" charmed pet will no longer tak
e experience deaths.

- Fixed delve on water breathing potions.

- All objects will now have their weights displayed on the mini-info window.
- (TOA Only) Reflective Water will now have a much more visible water surface at
- Players should now receive updates for house rent due whenever they log into t
he game, regardless of zone.
- (TOA Only) In response to player feedback, we have increased the brightness un
derwater at night.
- The portal ceremonies at the border keeps have been altered slightly, to assis
t players who forget their necklaces from time to time. A new, earlier port has
been added during the period where the teleporters previously stood around and w
aited for players to get ready. After the master and lackeys cast this new telep
ort, they will wait on the teleport pad and then cast the ceremony a second time
- Items generated from the Unique Item generator that have charges can now prope
rly be recharged.
- The game has a new default configuration for GeForceFX 5200 users. This change
will not override any settings for current GeForceFX 5200 users.
- Necromancers who are shapechanged no longer lose the shapechange when summonin
g a shade.
- Spells modified by Radiant Aura artifact ability now last more than one pulse.
- Players can now use /bountyrent on personal houses with alternate characters o
n the same account as the character that owns the house. As a result of this cha
nge, the rent token merchants will be disabled in a future readfile.
- The Panther Form level 10 ability of the Dreamsphere artifact has been changed
. When a character in panther form is attacked, they revert to normal form and l
ose all associated bonuses. This change is specific to the Dreamsphere only and
does not affect other shapechange forms.
- The Egg of Youth artifact had several bugs preventing it from working as desig
ned. These bugs were fixed and the effect altered. The Egg of Youth level ten Ce
lestial Resurrection spell will now restore 10% health and no power to resurrect
ed players. The artifact's ability now costs no power to cast and will resurrect
up to a maximum of 8 realmmates within 1000 radius. This is a retroactive chang
- We have fixed a problem that could cause +all spell skill bonus items to give
double the intended bonus on certain skills.
- Secondary spells on artifacts will no longer be activated if the artifact does
not meet the correct requirement.


We are making a number of changes to how credit is awarded for Atlantis encounte
rs, as well as allowing players to 'work ahead' of their current Master Level, w
hich should allow players to gain a better sense of accomplishment for helping o

thers defeat an encounter. We appreciate everyone's feedback about Trials of Atl

antis, and we hope that these changes will greatly improve the Atlantis experien
ce for everyone involved. We will continue to review areas of Atlantis, and Dark
Age of Camelot as a whole, in a continuing effort to improve the entire Dark Ag
e of Camelot experience for all players.


- We have identified and corrected a problem that could cause players to not be
awarded credit for completing an encounter. With this version, we will be changi
ng artifact and trial encounters to award credit to the group that gets loot rig
hts from the encounter. Battlegroups will also follow this new system if the enc
ounter is battlegroup enabled. This should solve many of the problems players ha
ve with not being awarded encounter credit properly. However, please note that a
ny players that are not in the group or battlegroup when credit is awarded will
still not get credit.


- Currently, players who have not finished their current trial can do all the st
eps except the final encounter of a higher level trial. With this patch, players
will be able to do all encounters of a trial, even if they have not finished th
eir previous trial. Please note that players will still get master level abiliti
es in order.
Here's an example, if you have not finished the first trial, you can now go do R
unihara in trial two and receive credit (if you've completed all the other encou
nters in trial two), but you will not get the level two abilities until you've f
inished the first trial, and then completed the second level's experience requir


- Shark Routes have been added to Atlantis! Stablemasters have been added to the
docks outside of each of the Havens, Oceanus, Stygia, Volcanus and Aerus. There
is also a stablemaster located in Mesothalassa which has routes to each of the
Havens. These merchants also have a ticket that gives you a tour of some of the
more important areas and features of their respective zones. For those of you lo
oking to take advantage of these new routes, don't forget your breathing potions
and look for the following tritons:
- Feurbe is the Oceanus Haven Stablemaster with routes to the Mesothalassa stabl
emaster, and a tour of Oceanus Hesperos.
- Lokhas is the Mesothalassa stablemaster with routes to Haven of Oceanus, Haven
of Aerus, Haven of Stygia, Haven of Volcanus and a tour of Mesothalassa.
- Splogorf is the Volcanus Haven stablemaster with routes to the Mesothalassa st
ablemaster and a tour of Oceanus Anatole.
- Estcheron is the Stygia Haven stablemaster with routes to the Mesothalassa sta
blemaster and a tour of Oceanus Boreal.
- Gombuor is the Aerus Haven stablemaster with routes to the Mesothalassa stable

master and a tour of Oceanus Notos.


- When you use /appeal to check the status of an appeal in-game, you will now se
e the total number of regular tickets waiting for help across all servers, as we
ll as the total number of regular tickets from the server you are on. You will a
lso see the placement of your ticket in this queue. This should give you a bette
r idea of how CSR resources are spread across the servers to help with your ques

- The conversion recipes for Tempered Metal Studs, Tempered Wire, and Tempered S
trapping have been removed from the Metalworking recipe list.
- The conversion recipes for Tempered Metal Studs and Tempered Wire have been re
moved from the Metalworking recipe list.
- The Lugged Spear should now have the appropriate recipe icon in the Tradeskill
recipe list.
- The conversion recipes for Tempered Metal Studs, Tempered Wire, and Tempered S
cales have been removed from the Metalworking recipe list.


To help players find other people to group with, both in Master Level Trials as
well as normal gameplay, we have significantly revamped our
Looking-For-Group system. You can now search and flag yourself and indicate what
kind of group you are seeking (RVR, XP, etc), as well as flags for specific ML
The old checkboxes 'Not Looking', 'Looking For Group', and 'Looking for ...' hav
e been replaced with a new button 'Set LFG' that will allow you to set all your
LFG options.
This new window exists for the TOA client only. SI and Classic clients will stil
l be able to search and list themselves using the old options.

- The group window and mini-group window now show the additional following state

s by changing the affected player's name to an associated color. This functional

ity is present in Classic, Isles, and Trials of Atlantis clients. These states w
ill be prioritized and displayed in the following order with the associated colo
r in parenthesis: linkdead (blue), dead (red), mezzed (cyan), diseased (orange),
poisoned (green), out of zone (grey), nominal (white)
- (TOA Only) We have added several new color choices to the Chat Messages and Sy
stem Messages windows. To adjust the color for specific types of chat
messages (such as 'Alliance Chat' or 'Broadcast') right click on any of the chat
tabs. To adjust the colors for system messages (such as 'Loot Dropped'), right
click on the system message window itself.
- (TOA Only) When adjusting the alpha settings for XML-enabled windows (such as
the chat and summary windows), you can now adjust the text and background alpha
values independantly. Alpha settings are changed as they have always been, by ri
ght clicking on the windows.


This patch contains several updates to the TOA Configurable User Interface syste
m. Some custom skins may not work, or may need minor adjustment to work with the
new changes. As we update the system, we will provide detailed notes in these p
atch notes containing what has been changed.
Anytime you experience any problems with a custom skin, you should switch back t
o one of the pre-built skins using the Options Menu at the Character Select scre
- The following styles have been changed in styles.xml. If you have copied this
file into your custom folder, you will either need to recopy it after patching o
r copy the appropriate control templates to your custom styles.xml:
ButtonTemplate: combo_label
MenuTemplate: generic_menu
ComboBoxTemplate: generic_combobox
- The Help Window, Emblem Picker, Spells window, and ingame Options Menus have a
ll been converted to XML. The new XML files are:
- The new LFG windows use the following new XML files:
- Fixed a crash that UI Modders were encountering when removing health bars from
some windows.
- The group_level adapters will now clear to zero when not being used.
- The following option has been added to label and scalar label definitions:
TextCentered - the text for the label will be centered inside it's width

- The following option has been added to scalar label definitions:

DontDrawWhenZero - the scalar label will not draw when the bound adapter has a v
alue of zero.
- Custom windows now remember their position, alpha, and font alpha settings.
- Custom window support has been added. Window templates for custom windows are
required to have Name fields set to "customX_window" where X is 0 through 9. No
entries have been added to uimain.xml for custom windows. Modders will need to a
dd Include directives in their custom files. (TOA Only)
- The following events have been added allowing modders to toggle windows on and
ToggleStatsIndex (minimizes the stats window)


Quests- General
- The tradeskill masters in each capital city have decided that it is time to pa
ss on their tarnished tradeskill tools.
Albion Quests

- Leoma in Prydwen Keep is seeking assistance in obtaining a potion which can re

store her eyesight.
- The Wounding Stone will now be useable in shade form.
Hibernia Quests
- Mystaia in Ardagh has been causing some trouble around town and the townspeopl
e are not very pleased. She needs someone to help her get out of her predicament
Midgard Quests
- Grimkel in Fort Atla knows of a potion which is said to create wealth. He need
s assistance in collecting the ingredients for the potion.
Item Notes
- Future drops of salvageable common loot items in Spraggons Den should salvage
for the appropriate material. Please note that this change does not affect items
dropped before this patch.
- The empyrean wraiths in the Hibernia frontier should no longer drop Midgard it
- The duplicate Strength bonus on the Vengeance Shield (Midgard) has been change
d to Dexterity.


Albion Quests
- Friars will no longer have to travel back to the trainers in the classic zones
to exchange their Friar Robes every five levels. Sister Evangeline in Caer Goth
waite will now perform this exchange for Friars.
Item Notes
- Shreg's Thin Blade (Midgard) will now grant sword skill instead of slash skill


Quests - General
- Players working on obtaining the Scarab Wing Vest will now need to have neutra
l faction with the maubastet to turn in their Magical Scarab Wing to Tey.
Marauding Bandits

- Thanes and Skalds will no longer be given the choice of a left axe as one of t
heir rewards.
Encounters - General
- We are aware there has been some confusion about whether players have received
credit for a story encounter or not. To help clear up this confusion, players w
ill now receive a message when they successfully complete a story encounter, whe
ther they obtain the artifact or not. Players will see a message like "You have
completed the Fool's Bow Encounter quest." This will then show up in your comple
ted quest list, although story encounters are not quests. If no message is recei
ved, then credit for that encounter was not awarded. When a player unlocks an ar
tifact, the Encounter listing will be removed from the completed list and replac
ed with the Artifact Completion message (such as 'You have completed the Fool's
Bow quest'). Check your completed quest list to see which story encounters you h
ave received credit for in the past.
Artifact Updates
- The Wing's Dive Book now has the story attached to it.
- Information about what artifacts are available to which classes can now be fou
nd on the apprentices in all Havens. Speak to the following apprentices to learn
more about the artifacts.
Stygia: Albion - Danielle, Midgard - Yanja, Hibernia - Wyia.
Volcanus: Albion - Dredge, Midgard - Aidanar, Hibernia - Rhianera
Aerus: Albion - Alice, Midgard - Yager, Hibernia - Noira
Traitor's Dagger and Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Albion)
? We have added thrusting versions of each of these artifacts. Players that have
a slashing version and would like a thrusting version should speak with Scholar
s Margoria or Colene for the Traitor?s Dagger and Scholars Daelin or Samaya for
the Crocodile?s Tooth Dagger. They will offer players a trade-in that once done
cannot be changed. From this point forward, all Albion classes that can activate
either of these Daggers will be offered a choice.
Traitor's Dagger and Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Hibernia)
? We have added piercing versions to each of these artifacts. Nightshades, Range
rs, Heroes, Champions and Blademasters that have a blades version and would like
a piercing version should speak with Sages Darragh or Kelleigh for the Traitor?
s Dagger and Sages Miodac or Deavin for the Crocodile?s Tooth Dagger. They will
offer players a trade-in that once done cannot be changed. From this point forwa
rd, Nightshades, Rangers, Heroes, Champions and Blademasters will be offered a c
hoice of blades or piercing.
Aten's Shield (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that allowed Savages to obtain Aten's Shield although they
could not use it. Savages should return to Loremaster Jorian or Loremistress Ag

neta to return their activated Aten's Shield. The Lorekeepers will give Savages
a locked version of the Aten's Shield which can then be traded or sold. Remus' S
tory will not be returned to Savages.
- Also, we discovered and fixed a bug that was stopping Healers and Shamans from
either unlocking the Shield or having it returned. Any Healer or Shaman that ha
s the Aten's Shield quest in their pending list can either say [Aten] to continu
e the process of unlocking it or say [dispose] to have the Shield returned to th
em for trading/selling.
Bruiser (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing the Lorekeepers in Midgard to give out th
e wrong versions of Bruiser. Players that selected the one-handed version were i
nstead receiving the two-handed version while players that wanted the two-handed
version were receiving the one-handed version. Players may return to Loremistre
ss Hetha or Loremistress Marga to exchange their Bruiser. Please note that this
exchange can only be done ONCE and cannot be undone. Also note that only players
who received Bruiser before this fix can exchange it.
Bruiser (Hibernia)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing the Sages in Hibernia to give out the Mid
gard version of the two-handed Magma Bruiser. Players that received this version
should return to Sage Girom or Sage Aideena to exchange the Midgard Magma Bruis
er for the Hibernian one.
Cycloptic Shield (Albion)
- Friars may now activate the Cycloptic Shield.
Enyalios Boots (Albion)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing Mercenaries to get the plate version of E
nyalios Boots. Mercenaries can take their plate Enyalios Boots to Scholar Girec
or Nisreena to exchange them for a chain version.
Enyalios Boots (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing Berserkers and Savages to get the chain v
ersion of these boots instead of the studded version. Berserkers and Savages can
take their chain Enyalios Boots to Loremaster Pahr or Loremaster Sverrir to exc
hange them for a studded version.
Enyalios Boots (Hibernia)
- We have fixed a bug that was preventing Bards from activating the Enyalios Boo
Guard of Valor (Albion)
? We have fixed a bug with Scholar Girec that was causing him to give Armsmen an
d Paladins a chain version of the Guard of Valor. Armsmen and Paladins who recei

ved a chain version from Scholar Girec should take it back to him in the Hall of
Heroes and exchange it for a plate one. Only Scholar Girec will perform this tr
ade in.
Maddening Scalars Gloves (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing Berserkers and Savages to receive the cha
in version of the Maddening Scalars Gloves. Berserkers and Savages who received
chain versions should return to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their
chain gloves for the Studded Maddening Scalars Gloves.
Oglidarsh Belt (Midgard)
- Savages can now activate the Belt of Oglidarsh. Pure Casters will now have a c
hoice for activating the Belt of Oglidarsh.
Oglidarsh Belt (Albion)
- Pure casters will now have a choice for activating the Belt of Oglidarsh.
Shades of Mists (Hibernia)
- Valewalkers can now unlock the magic of the Shades of Mists Cloak.
Spear of Kings (Hibernia)
- We have fixed a bug with Valewalkers receiving the large weapons version of th
e Spear of Kings. Any Valewalker who received the large weapons version can retu
rn it to Sage Kaenva or Sage Kalin in exchange for a scythe version of the Spear
of Kings.
Winged Helm
- The following classes may now activate the Winged Helm: Scouts, Berserkers, Sa
vages, Hunters, Blademasters, Bards, and Rangers.
Wings Dive (Albion)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing the Scholars to give Mercenaries a plate
version of the Wings Dive leggings instead of chain. Mercenaries can take their
plate version of Wings Dive back to Scholar Girec or Scholar Nisreena and exchan
ge them for a chain version.
Wings Dive (Midgard)
- We have fixed a bug that was causing the Lorekeepers to give Berserkers and Sa
vages a chain version of the Wings Dive leggings instead of studded. Berserkers
and Savages can take their chain version of Wings Dive back to Loremaster Pahr o
r Loremaster Sverrir to exchange them for a studded version.
Wings Dive (Hibernia)

- We have fixed a bug that was preventing Bards from activating the Wings Dive l
Researcher Updates
- We have added artifact information to each realm's Apprentice researcher in th
e Haven of Oceanus. The Apprentices will now tell players which classes can use
a specific artifact. In Albion, speak to Apprentice Aegan. In Midgard, Apprentic
e Yian has this information while Apprentice Garrad in Hibernia knows about the
artifacts. We are in the process of adding this information for Stygia, Volcanus
and Aerus. Please remember, they are only apprentices and they are still learni
ng, so the information they give may change as they learn and grow.
Item Notes
- All partially and fully combined artifact scrolls can now be traded.
- The delve information on Pheobus' Letters, 1 of 3, has been fixed.
- The Corrupt Cincture of Terkari (Midgard) no longer has a 0 power bonus.
- The Axe of the Whispering Wind (Albion) will now have a chance to proc.
- The Embedded Scale Vest (Hibernia) has been renamed to Embedded Bone Vest.
- Stygian and Aerus named quest mobs should no longer drop artifact scrolls. Ple
ase note that the correct number of scrolls were already dropping from common mo
bs, but were mistakenly added to some quest mobs as well.
- Animists can now activate the Cloudsong Artifact.
- The amount of experience required to level the following artifacts has been re
duced: Fool's Bow, Crown of Zahur, Scepter of the Meritorious, Battler, Tartaro'
s Gift, Snatcher, Ceremonial Bracers and Band of Stars. This is a retroactive ch
- The Intelligence Score Cap bonus on the Stone of Atlantis (Midgard) had been c
hanged to a Piety Score Cap bonus.
- Storm Struck Great Axe now has the correct Axe skill bonus.
- Lightning Embossed Studded Helm now uses enamels instead of leather dyes.
- Sleeves of Silent Oblivion (Hibernia) now has a bonus to Intelligence instead
of Piety.
- The Empathy Cap Bonus on the Water-worn Gauntlets (Hibernia) has been changed
to an Acuity Stat bonus.
- The Intelligence Stat and Intelligence Cap bonuses on the Sea Rotted Club were
changed to Acuity Stat and Acuity Cap bonuses.
- The skiff (all realms), Viking Longship (Midgard), British Cog (Albion), and E
lvish Caravel (Hibernia) can now be sold back to NPC merchants for 75% of the pu
rchase price.
- The Wing's Dive Book now has the story attached to it.

- The item level 10 ability on the Belt of the Moon will now summon a one-hand h
ammer appropriate for each realm, in addition to the Moon Staff that is already
part of the ability.
- The charged effect from the Shield of Khaos will now apply the proper affects
to targets inside the area of effect.
- The second spell on Eirene's Chestpiece has been changed to a charged effect,
lasting 30 seconds and converting 15% of spell damage.
- The Belt of Oglidarsh will now equip in the waist slot as intended.
- Lightning Etched Leather Sleeves now have the correct Dexterity value, the pre
vious amount prevented players from receiving the bonus.
- The Shadow-twisted Hauberk (Albion) now uses the correct armor graphic.
- We are happy to introduce a new housing area for each realm with this version.
Albion players can now settle down after a long day of adventuring in Brisworth
y, while Midgard players can start building Frisia into a bustling haven of acti
vity, and Hibernians can stake their claims and design the house of their dreams
in Saerenthal.
Stuff from this morning, some read files, *cough*some stuff we missed from yeste
rday*cough* - enjoy:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.67a Release Notes
December 17, 2003


- Stealth should be working again as it was in 1.66. You should no longer see a
"ghost" of a player who stealths in your own realm or on the PVP servers in oppo
sing realms.
- The /VFOLLOW command has been fixed so it will no longer cause a crash when us
ing just /VFOLLOW with no target to "remove" the follow state.
- Fixed some issues with the new Looking for Group and Looking for Members windo
ws that could cause the client to lockup and go linkdead when retrieving large n
umbers of players.

- The zone wall of Modernagrav should be in the proper place on both the Trials
of Atlantis and Shrouded Isles clients.
- Necromancer armor will now degrade based on their pet being hit. This was chan
ged in 1.67 previously, but was not properly noted. The reason this was changed
was due to the fact that previously necromancers were the only class in the game
that did not receive damage to their armor under normal combat conditions. This
is no longer the case, and now necromancers will need to repair their armor lik
e other classes are required to.


Encounters - General
- Criosphinx witnesses are no longer charmable, as they are there to mark a spec
ific encounter area. This was changed previously in version 1.67, but was not pr
operly noted.
Stygia Encounters
- We fixed an issue with the Golden Spear which would cause Hounthro to dissapea
r with the Golden Spear much too quickly. We have also fixed an issue where the
encounter would not completely reset, causing some future encounters to either o
btain the spear and credit early, or not be able to obtain credit and the spear
at all.
Volcanus Encounters
- Lateef is a little faster now.
Shades of Mist
- The encounter will now properly reset itself when the Long Black Cloak decays
on the ground.
Temple of Twilight
- A bug was introduced with Medusa's lair door not properly unlocking after a fa
iled attempt to slay her. This has been fixed.
- Medusa's Death Gaze damage over time component is no longer curable. This spel
l also has had its area effect stun component changed to a single target stun. T
he chance of this spell occuring has also been lowered.
- Antioos should no longer give "Tasks for Antioos" when a player has finished T
rial 3.
Item Notes

- The item level 10 ability on the Belt of the Sun will now summon more weapon t
ypes appropriate for each realm.
- The Health regen spell on the Light Stone and the Power regen spell on the Dar
k Stone will now stack with other regen spells.

- The new Market Explorer teleporter token merchants in the Midgard housing area
s will sell their tokens now.
Here's the latest edition of our efforts:
Dark Age of Camelot
Live Version 1.67b Notes
December 18, 2003


- The new LFG Settings window will now save its current settings across zoning.
(TOA Only)
- Fixed an issue with the /vdestination command that could cause the boat to tra
vel to an incorrect location. (TOA Only)
- Fixed a bug where characters in other zones could sometimes display as the wro
ng status color on the Group and Mini-Group window (appearing as the new 'mezzed
' color instead of the 'out-of-zone' color).
- Fixed a bug where the gravestones checkbox on the options menu was not correct
ly disabling gravestone names. (TOA Only).


Stygia Quests
- Explorer Ulfson from Midgard and Wanderer Maldon from Hibernia will now direct
players to the appropriate NPCs for the quests 'Welcoming for a Warrior' and 'H
omecoming for a Hero'.
Encounters - General
- We have added a number of new camps in Oceanus to increase the overall number

of monsters that can drop certain artifact scrolls which were not entering the w
orld fast enough.
Volcanus Encounters
- You will now receive trial encounter credit for killing the Pallida-Uraei if y
ou kill it before it splits.
- Misplaced Sacrifice: More than one Anathemic Salamander may spawn at a time no
- When hunting the Volurgons, Shaitan, Apophians, and Hephaestians in Deep Volca
nus, players will no longer receive large positive faction hits for monsters of
opposing factions.
- It is now easier to hit Typhon's Essence in the Heart of Volcanus.
Item Notes
- Maddening Scalars: Friars will now be able to get the activated version of thi
s artifact.
- Rangers should no longer receive unique item recurve bows in Atlantis with mul
tiple strength cap bonuses.
- Hunter unique items in Atlantis now have a chance at having a spell duration b
And a bunch of other stuff, of course:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.67d Release Notes
January 13, 2004


- Fixed an issue where shepherd Master Level Experience was incorrectly awarded
to group members under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where some monsters were incorrectly conning as worth Master Le
vel Experience.
- Fixed Gateway Master Level ability - you can no longer use this ability when h

olding a Relic. The ability has been re-enabled due to this fix.
- Wearing a jewelry piece in a body slot which doesn't have the corresponding ar
mor piece covering (a helm covering your necklace) will no longer cause the jewe
lry piece to occasionally take massive condition loss.
- Chants/songs modified by Radiant Aura (lvl 10 ability of Crocodile's Tear Ring
) to affect all realm-mates within range no longer spam spell effects to all pos
sible targets each pulse. It should now only show spell effects on the caster, o
n the initial cast.
- Sphere of Rejuvenation and Font of Power have been changed so that multiple wa
rds of the same type will no longer have a stacking effect. Additionally, these
fields have been set to return the maximum healing or power values with every ti
ck, with no variance. These will stack with all other forms of power and health
regeneration, friggs, and HoTs. The amount of benefit received from each pulse w
ill be displayed on screen.
- Fixed a bug with the Arch Magery bonus that exists on Traldors Oracle and other a
rtifacts. This bonus should now correctly reduce the target's resist by the list
ed amount. Please note that this only works against resist bonuses that are gran
ted to a target from items (such as spell crafted armor or jewelry).
- Master Level Experience awards have been doubled.

- Leaving all ML step checkboxes unchecked will now include you in the search re
sults for anyone who has also selected that ML and any of the specific trial ste
ps (the same as if you had checked them all)
- Fixed an issue where soloers who did not set an objective would not see group
leaders who had set an objective.
- Fixed an issue where group leaders using the Shrouded Isles/Classic clients wo
uld not see any players in their search listings.

- Fixed a display-only problem with the transparent skin where bringing up the s
pell window, and then another window would cause the spell window to still be dr


Hibernia Monsters
- Players will no longer get multiple koalinth faction improvements from tidal s
heeries. Killing these monsters will now return negative faction for both land s
heerie and water sheerie as well as positive faction for Selki and Koalinth.


Story Encounters
- Players will now receive credit for the following encounters at level 40: Mari
asha's Sharkskin Gloves, Traitor's Dagger, Belt of the Sun, Belt of Oglidarsh, a
nd the Night's Shroud Bracelet.
Sobekite Eternal
- Fixed a problem where it was possible for two Kanakhts to be up at the same ti
me. This encounter should no longer become stuck due to this.
- Ammut's summoned minions will no longer stop short of the lowest ramp in Ammut
's room.
Heart of Volcanus
- We have fixed a bug that caused Katorii's encounter to get into a confused sta
And we're back, or nearly so! Please note that the PBT changes did not go live.
We've decided to hold these off until 1.68, do more testing and get more feedbac
k from our Pendragon players. Thanks to those who have provided first hand feedb
ack thus far. On to this morning's notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.67e Release Notes
January 20, 2004


- Chants/songs modified by Radiant Aura (level 10 ability of Crocodile's Tear Ri
ng) to affect all realm-mates within range no longer spam spell effects to all p
ossible targets each pulse.
- The Spymaster ability, Sabotage, should now delve correctly.
- The Bodyguard and Sabotage Master Level abilities should now work correctly.

- Players who have completed the final encounter of a specific trial, but have n
ot met the master level experience requirements to advance to the next master le
vel, can now receive 'shepherd' experience for assisting others on their current

- We have created alliances for newbie guilds of the same realm. Players in thes
e newbie guilds will be able to speak in alliance chat and will provide better c
ommunication between new players in the game environment.


Item Notes
- There were instances of unique items generated with bonuses to damage (archery
, melee, spell or style) or range (archery or spell) that were not given a speci
fic enemy type making them more powerful than intended. Since these bonuses were
designed to be globally effective for artifacts and other extremely rare object
s only, all instances of these unique items have had the type set to humanoid enemies.

I am starting off with a HUGE apology for the notes, guys. There is no good reas
on for these two things to have been undocumented:
1.67E Errata
- The level ten spells for the Spear of Kings, Cloudsong, and the caster version
of the Crown of Zahur now expire after ten minutes. Because this spell is a cha
nt, the duration will not be displayed in the item or spell delve information. H
owever, the time remaining is displayed in the Bonuses display window.
- The delve information on waterbreathing potions (explaining how fast you move)
is now reflecting the actual percentage of your movement. Now, if the delve say
s 90, you're moving at 90% of land speed. The potions themselves are unchanged.
And, now, two issues:
First, item durability: I've said in IRC and on the Pendragon boards, and now I'
m saying here - we have been reading your reports and comment threads, and we kn
ow there is an issue. The trouble is, the issue does not affect all items in the
game. Heck, at first it was just necromancers sending reports. We are not going
to drop it, and we welcome continuing reports with as much hard data as you can
generate. But right now, we've got nothing conclusive we can point to and say "
A ha! It is this piece of code, and this type of item affected!" We WILL let you
know when we know something concrete.

Second, if you are a Sphere of Rejuvenation or a Font of Power user, we are awar
e of your problems. "But it worked fine on Pendragon," she whimpered weakly. We'
re tracking down the problem now, and the Herald will have more information as s
oon as possible.
Oy. Again, I apologize for the frustration.
Couple small notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.67f Release Notes
January 28, 2004


- Sphere of Rejuvenation and Font of Power should now properly cast on all valid
targets in the area.
- Extra Bodyguard checks are now made to prevent multiple/chained Bodyguards.


- The following changes to PBT are in effect on live servers (and are also on Pe
ndragon's 1.68a Version) - A recast timer has been added to the Pulsing Blade Tu
rn spells for Wardens, Theurgists, and Runemasters. Once a target receives a "bu
bble", they will be ineligible to receive another one for 2.5 seconds.
- Please note that when spell pulses are turned on in the text window, a failure
notice will be returned to the target if PBT tries to place a second bubble wit
hin 2.5 seconds. This failure notice should allow groups with two PBT classes to
synchronize their PBT more easily.
Well, bless my biscuits, it's not even 10:30 yet. Knock on vinyl. Here are the f
inal notes:
EDIT: The Herald is now fully displaying these GARGANTUAN patch notes. Sorry, th
ey were cutting off 2/3rds of the way through.
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.68 Release Notes

February 19, 2004


- Monsters that previously awarded master level experience on a scale based upon
your current master level no longer check that requirement. This will result in
players always receiving the maximum allowed master level experience possible f
or each kill.
- Players will now be able to earn Master Level Experience through realm vs. rea
lm combat. Please note that you will only receive master level experience if the
enemy realm player you have killed is also worth realm points.
- Keep lords now award Master Level Experience on death.
- Creatures killed by damage over time spells while the original caster is dead
will now properly award quest, battlegroup, and trial credit for the kill.
- (TOA Only) The Master Level window now contains 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons
to allow you to page through all 9 master level trials to see which steps you ha
ve and have not completed. You can also enter '/master #' to jump to a specific
trial #.
- By default NPC healers will attempt to restore all of a player's constitution
at once assuming they have enough cash. If the player does not have enough cash
to afford a full restore of constitution, the NPC healer will offer to restore a
s many constitution points as the player can afford.
- Added [Level ##] tag to the end of quest confirmations to indicate the minimum
level for that quest.
- To make selecting and getting your own loot easier, we have added a new key, '
Target Nearest Loot'. This key will target only items that you can actually pick
up (personal & group loot, relics, etc).
- To make finding your loot easier in raid situations, you can now use /stick, /
follow, and /face on objects/loot.
- To make guild information easier to view - we have split the /gc info command
into /gc info, /gc ranks, and /gc alliance into different smaller chunks of info
- The /bg groups command will now list level, class, and zone of soloers in the
- The /bg who will now list level, class, and zone.
- We have added a new /bg groupclass command to see the class makeup of each of
the groups in the battlegroup.
- Shields now display their DPS and size in the delve window.
- "You are hit for..." messages have been changed to "(Attacker name) hits you f

or" in most cases.

- Autosplit messages will now include the name of the item in the "Loot goes to
(player)" message.
- Personal boats will now have the owner's guild emblem on the sail.
- Players will now be able to trade the skiff, Elvish Caravel, British Cog, and
Viking Longship.
- Spells will now cause an interrupt chance on a given target for a duration of
2 seconds after they strike the target. This fixes a bug where casters would be
interrupted for an incorrect amount of time when hit with spells in some cases.
- If a DoT spell is cast from an object with a caster (such as a rune), it is tr
eated as being cast by that object's caster when the effect is placed on the vic
- Graphical effects from radius effect spells will no longer be sent out to thir
d parties in the area if there are more than 40 players around who would receive
it. This is to cut down the general amount of graphical spam in the area. The c
aster and target of a spell will still always see the effect properly.
- AE spells that are cast while above water will not cast on targets under water
and vice versa.
- Fixed a bug with delving spell lists (pressing the "Info" button when highligh
ting a spell line at the trainer). Delving the spell list will now print the cor
rect spell level and print level 50 spells if they exist (previously it was prin
ting 1 spell level higher than the actual level).
- All DD/Snare and DD/Debuff spells will now delve correctly.
- Fixed body/spirit/energy and heat/matter/cold combo resist buff delves.
- If the weapon you are attempting to perform a style with will always fail by t
rying to drain more fatigue than you have (in the case of the Faultfinder style)
, you will see the following message: "Your weapon is too slow to perform the xx
xx style!"
- Guard death messages will no longer have an extra linefeed at the end.
- Items that raise Acuity score cap now correctly raise the cap for items that r
aise the individual score (+Intelligence, +Empathy, etc); previously Acuity scor
e cap items only worked with +Acuity bonus items.
- Items with global melee resist no longer print the resist value twice.
- Rings with use timers will now decrement properly (previously rings with timer
s would be stuck at 15 minutes until they could be used and never be usable).
- Ground Targets will now appear at the current player level when you are underw
ater, instead of going to the ocean floor.
- Fixed a bug where /stick and /follow were breaking too easily while going up a
nd down hills.
- You may now bind game actions to the 'extra' mouse buttons on the side of many
newer mouse models (referred to as 'Mouse4' and 'Mouse5').

- (TOA Only) The options menu will now contain a list of valid resolutions for y
our monitor/video card, to support newer widescreen-style monitors.
- We have made optimizations to crossing zone boundaries to reduce pauses/hitche
s when crossing from one zone into another.
- Characters will now move into the proper polearm attack stance when wielding t
he Lucerne Hammer Polearm Legendary Weapon.
- Trying to purchase an item from a consignment merchant and being refused for n
ot having enough money will no longer result in the item being removed from Mark
et Explorer searches. We strongly recommend that all players with a consignment
merchant go to their merchant and use /listmerchant to refresh their listings in
the consignment market.
- /ignore will now work in battlegroups.


- To make loot distribution easier, you can now print item stats automatically t
o the guild, group, chatgroup, and battlegroup chat channels.
- To use this feature, drag an item from your backpack to the chat buffer. It wi
ll print the delve information of the item to your current outgoing chat channel
- You will be able to use item chat delve in ToA, SI, and Classic interfaces.


As most of you know, Trials of Atlantis features many powerful items and artifac
ts that give very strong bonuses to new special buffs created just for the expan
sion. These buffs were to casting/melee/archery haste, casting/melee/archery dam
age, combat style damage, and archery/casting range. Since the expansion's launc
h we have become aware that by mixing and matching different Trials of Atlantis
items with bonuses to these buffs, players can make their characters far more po
werful than we intended. Because of this, we are now making changes to the way t
hat stat bonuses and some buff types from ToA items are capped, as well as makin
g changes to some of the items themselves.
- In researching this issue, we found that a 50th level character could receive
up to 50 bonus stat points (the character's level divided by 1) from items, buff
s, etc. Our design called for the stat cap to be set at the character's level di
vided by two (plus one), and we've even given this answer out in discussions and
chats. Feedback from our users proved there was a discrepancy. We have fixed th
is bug, so now everyone's stat cap bonus will be lowered to meet the new formula
. Now, a level 50 character's stat bonus cap will be 26, not the overpowered 50.
- A new cap has been added that limits the bonus from ToA items and the amount o
f new ToA buffs that one character can receive. Previously, characters received
the full bonus. Now, they are capped to be level divided by 5, total, for each o
f those three buffs. So, now a level 50 character with three items that each giv
e a +5% bonus to melee combat speed will receive a 10% bonus, cumulative, from t
hose items, instead of 15%.
- Additionally, we have altered all Artifacts as well as many other ToA dropped

items to reduce the amount of bonus they give you to these ToA-specific buffs. A
list of some of these items can be found in the items section later in this pat
ch note.


- Non list casters who have Wild Power will now correctly have a chance to criti
cal hit on DD spells. Note, non list casters still do not receive the additional
base chance that list casters have.
Pet Classes
- Direct damage (including PBAOE) spells cast by a pet now report whether they h
it or are resisted, and how much damage they do, to their owner.
- Duration effects (such as debuffs) cast by casters, necromancer pets, or animi
st bombers outside of /say range (512 units) now also report the effect directly
to the caster.
- Pets that cast spells that their targets resist will now report resist message
s to their owners.
- Theurgist and Animist pets will no longer cast an effect graphic on the caster
's current target.
- The Animist's Vent of Elemental Resistance and Vent of Physical Resistance tur
ret lines will no longer spam the area with messages when the spells are cast or
when they expire. The turrets will also now recast these spells before they exp
- Animist turrets that cast buffs on group members now begin from a random point
in the group when buffing instead of always beginning with the first group memb
- The Briar Burst line of Animist pet-cast PBAOE spells now take into account th
e Animist's specialization and acuity (intelligence) stat.
- Animist bomber pets now gain the benefit of ToA item bonuses for spell damage
and archmagery.
- Animist bomber pets now gain the benefit of their caster's Majestic Will Realm
- The Animist's area of effect root bombers will now behave correctly when used
against monsters that are already rooted, or monsters that were rooted within a
minute of firing the bomber.
- The Animist's Fire and Forget root turrets, as well as their root bombers, wil
l now behave correctly when used against monsters that are already rooted, or mo
nsters that were rooted within a minute of firing the bomber.

- The pets from the Animist's Constraining Spirit line will now attempt to root
the targets in the area even if they are already rooted.
- Forest's Core, in the Animist's Creeping Path base line, will no longer be ins
tant casting its spell; it will now have a three second cast time.
- The Elder Sporespawn, in the Animist's Creeping Mastery spec line, will now hi
t its target appropriately.
- The Dancing Flame spell line, in the Animist's Creeping Mastery spec line, wil
l now fire on its target appropriately, even if the target already has the effec
- Animist Fire and Forget turrets no longer try to target invisible monsters.
- When summoning Animist turrets, the spell will now attempt to summon the turre
t correctly on the ground if the turret would be in an illegal location.
- The icons for the Animist's Constraining Spirit line have been fixed.
- (Classic) The fossil guardian (Summon Bone Patroller line) will now have a vis
ible shield when viewing the monster while running the classic client.
- We have replaced the druid's tree pet with a black bear. This change should el
iminate the problems many druids had with the tree pet interfering with visibili
ty and targeting.
- The erroneous print displaying to the user of Dirty Tricks has been removed.
- Necromancers casting petcast spells now check of line of sight visibility inst
ead of forward arc checks. This should solve a good deal of problems with necrom
ancer pet usability.
- Necromancers in shade mode must be within 100u of their pet when casting storm
- Objects created by necromancers in shade mode (including siege weapons and Pre
science Nodes) are no longer invulnerable.
- The Spiritmaster's spirit champion pet's spells will now all have the correct
icons and casting animations.

- The Thane's direct damage line - beginning with Thor's Minor Bolt and ending w
ith Thor's Full Lightning - has had its damage increased.


- The Crystal Titan ability will now summon a Crystal Titan monster that hits fo
r considerably more damage, has more hit points, and is higher in level.
- Leadership and Warguard should both now share the same recast timer.
- ML10 Spymaster - Blanket of Camouflauge ? Fixed a bug that allowed group membe
rs to move while stealthed in some situations.
- The master ability Banestrike has been renamed to Banespike to avoid any confu
sion with the Valewalker spell Banestrike.
- The Battlewarder ability will now summon a Battlewarder monster that always do
uble hits. Additionally, the Battlewarder can no longer attack any non realm ass
ociated monsters, even if they are being attacked by such monsters.
- (PvP Only) The Warlord ML ability Bolstering Battlecry now only heals the corr
ect friendly targets (groupmate/guildmate/battlegroup member) on PvP servers.
- Convoker Master Level Ability 1, 'Summon Wood', will no longer summon elm wood
boards. The percentage chance of summoning each wood type has changed as well.
While Oak wood boards will now have the highest likelihood of being summoned, th
e Convoker will have a chance of receiving higher quality wood (up to and includ
ing duskwood).
- The Essence Flare master ability, which creates a poison in the inventory of t
he user, has been changed so that the poison may be used by any assassin class w
ith an envenom skill of 1 or greater.
- Font of Power will now generate aggression similar to the recent change for Sp
here of Rejuvenation.
- Grappled targets can no longer be attacked in melee (you will still be able to
attack with arrows). Additionally, Grapple now correctly stuns the caster for 1
2 seconds. This fixes a bug that allowed the caster doing the grappling to conti
nue casting other spells.
- Powerdrain spells (including the Convoker ML ability, Power Trap) will no long
er print erroneous damage messages to players who have 0 power.
- Convokers can no longer place a Prescience Node unless the caster has line of
sight to the ground target.
- Fixed a bug where certain wards, storms, and fonts would spam players with the
message ?You cannot attack this target?
- The Siegewrecker master ability will no longer work against doors.
- The Stormlord master ability, Focusing Winds, now has delve information.
- The Throw Weapon ML ability now checks to see if the user has line of sight to
the target before firing.
- Fixed delve on 'Wave of Healing' to indicate that the target must be in the ca

ster's line of sight to be healed.

- The following ML abilities will only work on enemy realm targets or affect att
acks from enemy realm targets (enemy players or controlled pets): Chaotic Power,
Leadership, Phase Shift.
- All Convoker list master abilities will now be on separate recast timers.
- The Convoker master ability, Brittle Guard, will now be on a five minute recas
t timer.
- Dazzling Array, Enervating Gas, Inebriating Fumes, Mental Siphon, Sense Dullin
g Cloud and Energy Tempest will all now share the same recast timer.
- Dissonating Ward will now have the correct recast time of 5 minutes.
- Energizing Aura and Defending Martyr will both now share the same recast timer
- Leaping Health and Restore the Soul will both now share the same recast timer.
- Oppression, Chaotic Power and Agony Transmission will all now share the same r
ecast timer.
- Primal Agony, Tactical Insight and Demoralization will all now share the same
recast timer.
- Resilient Will, Guided Strike and Cleansing Aura will all now share the same r
ecast timer.
- Sphere of Rejuvenation, Font of Power, Determination Field and Dissonating War
d will all now share the same recast timer.
- Tanglesnare and Poisonspike will both now share the same recast timer.
- Zone of Unmana, Inexorable Defeat and Snaring Tendrils of Power will all now s
hare the same recast timer.


- Bards are now able to purchase the realm ability, Mastery of Concentration.
- Clerics are now able to purchase the realm ability, Wild Power.
- Thanes are now able to purchase the realm abilities, Mastery of Magery and Wil
d Power.


- Drops received after this version that are created by the unique item generato
r will no longer have haste, damage, and range bonuses. This adjustment includes
the following: melee haste, archery haste, spell haste, melee damage, style dam
age, archery damage, spell damage, archery range, and spell range. Any unique it
em drops received prior to this version will be changed to have reduced haste, d
amage, and range bonuses.

- Standard item drops (items not created by the unique item generator) will now
have reduced haste, damage, and range bonuses. This adjustment includes the foll
owing: melee haste, archery haste, spell haste, melee damage, style damage, arch
ery damage, spell damage, archery range, and spell range. Along with this change
, other bonuses on each item have been increased to retain the value of the item
. This change applies for new item drops and any items received prior to this ve
- Please note that item bonuses that were previously limited to being effective
only versus types of mobs will continue to have those restrictions.
- For more information on these changes, please go to http://www.camelotherald.c

- Players will now be able to earn experience from RvR for every artifact. The P
vE requirements will still work, allowing players to choose whether to continue
following the PvE requirement or to engage in RvR. None of the changes involving
the addition of RvR requirements to the artifacts will have any effect on Gaher
is players.
- Rather than focusing on specific classes or races, the following artifacts hav
e also been changed to earn experience from any RvR: Fool's Bow, Crown of Zahur,
Scepter of the Meritorious, Tartaro's Gift, Battler, and Snatcher. The time of
day requirements for earning experience for the Ceremonial Bracers and Band of S
tars has been removed.
- Basic Stealth Lore, Stealth Lore, and Greater Stealth Lore have had their dura
tions reduced to 30, 60, and 90 seconds respectively. The bonus to stealth detec
tion granted by these abilities has also been moderately increased. The intent i
s to make these bonuses very effective in helping to find enemy stealthers in sp
ecific situations (for example, after an enemy stealther has killed several real
mmates in an area). Currently, the bonus granted is too low with such a long dur
ation that it?s basically ?always on.?
- Fixed the spell, 'Aura of Magic', and the delve to 'Feather Fall' on the Cloud
song artifact.
- Damage converted via the level 6 Crocodile's Tear Ring ability will now update
the player's power and endurance bars.
- Fixed archery bonuses (range and haste) to work properly with requirements (su
ch as artifact levels).
- Fixed display of experience remaining on artifacts, so that the experience cou
nter always resets to 0% remaining after each new level instead of displaying "5
0% exp earned towards level 2" immediately after getting the first level.
- Omni-Lifedrain spells (special lifedrain abilities on certain artifacts that d
rain life, power, and endurance) now fail if the user is at full life, power, an
d endurance (previously it would fail if the user was at full life, regardless o
f power/endurance levels).


- To allow players to better bind their keys to player abilities, we're introduc
ing a system of 'Quickbinding'. This allows you to bind any free keyboard key to
a particular quickbar slot.
- To allow players to leave keys free to be used for quickbinding, you can now s
et keys in the Keyboard Config screen to 'No Key'. Select the key, and press the
'[Clear Key]' button that appears. Previously, if you left a key as UNSET, a de
fault key would be selected for it if one was free.
- These bind to a particular slot, so changing what is in the slot will change w
hat the keypress does. You may only assign quickbinds to keys which do not yet h
ave any action mapped to them in the normal keyboard config screen. These quickb
inds are saved on a per-character basis.
(To bind a new key) /qbind bar# slot#
(To get rid of a keybinding) /qunbind bar# slot#
(To see all your current bindings) /qbind
- For example, if you put Quickcast on page 10, slot #5 of your quickbar, and wa
nted to bind a key to it, you would enter: /qbind 10 5
- You will then be prompted to press the key to bind this ability to.

- (TOA Only) We have added a new Quiver Window to allow archer classes to manage
their arrows more easily. There are 4 additional inventory slots on your backpa
ck to place arrows in, and you can pick which arrow will be used to fire next. I
f there are no arrows in your quiver, it will draw out of your backpack as it al
ways has. Type /quiver to bring up the new window.
- You can now drag arrow icons (using Shift-LeftClick) from the quiver to the qu
ickbar to hotkey switching arrow types.

- We have added a new command - /nohelp. A player can use this command to preven
t situations where a player outside of his or her group is healing, for the purp
ose of leeching experience from a monster kill, without their consent. Players c
an also use this command to decline any assistance from nearby Spheres of Rejuve
nation and Fonts of Power.
- If /nohelp is active, the following spells and abilities will not affect the p
layer in any way unless the caster is a member of the player's group: All heal s
pells and regen buffs, the Wave of Healing artifact ability, and the Sphere of R
ejuvenation and Font of Power master level abilities.
- If a player casts a heal spell on a non-consenting player, the spell will comp
lete, but instead of the actual heal taking effect, the player will be told, "Th
at player does not want assistance", in the upper chat window.
- Spell effects will still play over non-consenting players if heal spells, Font
s of Power or Spheres of Rejuvenation try to affect them.


- To address the issue of players maxing out their completed quest list, we have
done two things. First, we have added the ability for players level 26 and over
to clear out specific quests from their completed quest list. Currently a selec
tion of quests that fall in the level 1 to 15 range will be cleared with the exc
eption of guild track quests from levels 7 to 50. To clear a quest, speak to one
of the "Quest Journalists" scattered throughout the land and they will search t
hrough all your completed quests and delete any quest that matches their list of
quests and delete them for you. On Gaheris and Mordred, players may speak to an
y Quest Journalist, not just the one from their realm to have quests deleted.
- The second thing we have done is added a maximum level cap to the level 1-15 q
uests that can be cleared. The cap is 10 levels over the starting level of the q
uest. So if a quest can be received at level 15, only players level 15 through 2
5 can obtain this quest. This will prevent players from repeating quests once th
ey have been deleted from their completed list. The exception to this rule is th
e level 1 through 4 trainer quests, which have been capped at level 5. These que
sts do not affect players beginning their guild track quests at level 7. Also, t
he guild track quests do not have a maximum level cap.
- Please note that this is only for quests you have previously completed. Once t
hey have been cleared, you will not be able to do the quest again. Quests that y
ou still have pending in your journal cannot be cleared by a Quest Journalist. Q
uest Journalists can be found at the following locations:
Camelot Classic
- Cotswold entrance to Camelot (Albion)
- Humberton entrance to Camelot (Albion)
- Mularn entrance to Jordheim (Midgard)
- Vasudheim entrance to Jordheim (Midgard)
- Mag Mell entrance to Tir na Nog (Hibernia)
- Connacht entrance to Tir na Nog (Hibernia)
Shrouded Isles
- Gothwaite Harbor Portal (Albion)
- Aegirhamn Portal (Midgard)
- Grove of Domnann Portal (Hibernia)
Trials of Atlantis (All Realms)
- Hall of Heroes
- Oceanus Portal in Oceanus Hesperos
- Stygia Haven

- Volcanus Haven
- Aerus Haven

- Recipes have been added to the Hibernia Metalworking that will allow crafters
to make trinkets that use strips.
- The rag doll, bedroll pillow, and scarf trinkets will no longer sell back to v
endors for 100% return. Instead, the return value on these trinkets should be in
line with other trinkets (98% return).
- Clothworking - A new trinket called "ruffled scarf" has been added for all mat
erial levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets consume
d, at an increased recipe timer.
- Leatherworking - A new trinket called "tooled leather saddlebag" has been adde
d for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous tri
nkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.
- Metalworking - A new trinket called "gem-studded jewelry box" has been added f
or all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinke
ts consumed, at an increased recipe timer.
- Woodworking - A new trinket called "carved souvenir box" has been added for al
l material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets co
nsumed, at an increased recipe timer.
- Hibernia Metalworking only - A new trinket called "ornate lantern" has been ad
ded for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous t
rinkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.
- Alchemy - Dye Removal Agents for the removal of cloth, leather and enamel dyes
have been added at skill level 108.
- Alchemy - Recipe icons for all dyes will now correspond to the inventory icons
of dyes.
- Albion Spellcrafting - The recipe icons for the Vacuous Fervor Sigil and the V
acuous Sigil will now match the final product's inventory icon.
- Midgard Spellcrafting - The recipe icons for the Ashen Primal Rune and Ashen R
une will now match the final product's inventory icon.
- Hibernia Spellcrafting - The recipe icons for the Light War Spell Stone, Steam
ing Nature Spell Stone, and Steaming Spell Stone will now match the final produc
t's inventory icon.


- Potions and poisons now have color-coded inventory and recipe icons.
- For Alchemy potions, the color coding is as follows: Stat buffs - purple bottl
e; Heal and health regen - red bottle; Endurance heal and endurance regen - gree

n bottle; Power heal and power regen - yellow bottle; Damage shield - orange bot
tle; Attack speed/haste - blue bottle
- For Poisons, the color coding is as follows: DoTs - black vial; Strength debuf
fs - blue vial; Snares - orange vial; Diseases - purple vial; Miscellaneous (atk
speed debuff, and others) - aqua vial


- The combat styles window, the Spec/Ability window, and the Bank/House Vault wi
ndow have now been converted to XML.
- The compass can once again be set to fully transparent (0 alpha).


- Custom windows now remember if they are showing or not between zoning.
- The compass window and performance meter windows no longer need to be open for
the adapter values to be updated.
- The 'DontDrawWhenZero' flag has been added for VerticalStatusBarDefs
- Ten more custom windows have been added, named custom10_window through custom1
- A scalar adapter for combat mode has been added, called "combat_mode".
- New XML Files - stats_spec_abil_window.xml, stats_combat_window.xml, vault_win
dow.xml, vault_chooser.xml
- Modified XML Files - master_level_window.xml
- As with all updates to our UI modding system, this could cause problems with s
ome custom skins. Any time you experience a user interface problem using a custo
m UI, please switch back to a prebuilt skin before treating it as a bug.
- We have added a new adapter, "game_time" to use as the current ingame time.


- We have enhanced the ambient sounds in each realm's capital city.
Midgard Quests
- An End to the Daggers - There was a bug that was causing one of Geyra's Guards
not to follow her. This has been fixed.
- Dark Places of the Soul - Players are now able to trade the Herbalist's Tunic
of Power.
General Monsters

- Rock Giant Shamans now have a higher chance to continue casting while being at
Item Notes
- Items with ablative procs and charges will now have a spell effect and buff ic
on to indicate when the effect has been triggered.
- The Cath Helm (Hibernia) has had its stat bonus changed from Intelligence to D
- The Faded Gloves (Albion) will now have the correct inventory icon.
- Several common loot drops found in Keltoi Fogou have been made stackable by po
pular demand.
- The Aqueous Vest (Albion) has had its salvage value increased slightly to matc
h vests of similar value.
- Cuuldurach's Remains, Golestandt's Remains, and Gjalpinulva's Remains now have
a power level set to 35 for battle group treasury assignment.
- The Robes of Ghostly Light (Albion) will now salvage for a more appropriate am
ount of leather squares.
- The Faded Leggings (Albion) now correctly look like studded armor instead of l
- The Ring of False Bravado (Midgard) has been renamed to Bracelet of False Brav
ado to match the slot in which the item fits.
- The Fuliginous Tiara (all realms) will now salvage for a more appropriate amou
nt of cloth squares.
- (Midgard) The Lashed Web Hauberk's salvage value has been increased.
- (Hibernia) The Loyalist's Scalemail Hauberk and Leggings have been slightly re
named to be consistent with the rest of the armor set.
- Snow vendos in Dodens Gruva will no longer drop low level weapons for Albion p


- Lady Eve will now offer new Paladins a choice of a thrusting one-handed weapon
in addition to the slashing and crushing one-handed weapons and the slashing tw
o-handed weapon she already offers.
Hibernia Quests
- Missing Tapestry: Lilerbad's Beads of Valor have been changed to Lilerbad's Be
ads of Parrying. This item will now grant +2 Parry instead of +2 Valor. Blademas
ters who received Lilerbad's Beads of Quickness with +2 Stealth can trade them b

ack to Lilerbad for the Lilerbad's Beads of Parrying.

- The Lost Seed: We have fixed a bug that allowed pure casters to get a second r
eward from Terod after they completed the quest. Players with the old staff, the
Caorrunn Calbh Staff, may still talk to Terod and receive the replacement focus
- The spawn rate of all of the hall guards and patrols has been greatly reduced.
This will make it easier to travel throughout Krondon's caverns to reach the bo
ss encounters.
Item Notes
- The Charmed String Ring (Midgard) has been changed to be equipped in the ring
slot as opposed to your jewelry slot.
- All Named drops from Trollheim, Avalon City, and Fomor will now have procs/cha
rges (and weapon effects, where appropriate). This will affect pre-existing item
- Nesnuir's Gloves (Midgard) have had the shield bonus changed to a melee haste
bonus as no Midgard Studded wearers can spec in shield.
- Weapons that are dyable will now display as such in the delve information.
- Weapon enamels have been granted a level of 50, so that they may be used in th
e battlegroup treasure system.
- Selected level 50 and 51 bows found in the Classic and Shrouded Isles zones ha
ve been granted offensive procs. For bows selected that already had a charged ef
fect, this change will not be retroactive.
- Balor's Remains, Xanxicar's Remains, and Nosdoden's Remains now have a power l
evel set to 35 for battle group treasury assignment.
- Xanxicar will now drop the appropriate amount of items.


- We have modified the way the Arbiter offers players their Master Level Paths.
Previously, when players clicked on the name of the Master Level Path, they woul
d receive a line asking, "are you [sure] you want that path", or "is that the [c
ourse] you wish to take". These keywords were causing problems for players who h
ad completed ML 1 but hadn't chosen their path yet and said either of those word
s around the Arbiters.
- We have removed those two keywords. Now when a player clicks on the name of a
Master Level Path (such as Warlord or Battlemaster), a dialog box will pop-up, a
sking the player if they wish to choose that path. Players must then either clic
k accept (and be set on that path) or decline. When players accept, they will se
e a message stating that they have been given the Choose Your Path quest and tha

t they have completed this same quest. The quest will then be removed from their
completed list. This should help avoid players being given a path by accident r
ather than by their choice.
Hibernia Remnant Zone
- Shaiee will no longer spawn on top of her tent or in the middle of the ocean.
Her adventurous days are over and she has agreed to return to her normal job ins
ide her tent.
Quests - General
- Fruth, in the tents near the Hall of Heroes, needs someone to help him with so
me errands.
- Verica, in the Ruins of Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item w
hich will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.
- Oktava, in Ruinerar Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item which
will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.
- Athiela, in Scrios de Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item whi
ch will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.
Oceanus Quests
- Players may now use the Janni Powder to combine their objects for the Naxos So
ciety Quest (level 30-39).
- Stolen History - Champions will now be able to equip the Melos Braided Pearl N
ecklace. Any Paladin or Champion who received a Melos Knotted Pearl Necklace can
return it to Actanei in the Melos Territory in Mesothalassa and receive a Melos
Braided Pearl Necklace instead.
- Broken History - Koryna and Oleta will no longer spawn on top of each other.
- Alaeth will now reference a Bunch of Harpy Feathers instead of harpy feathers
to avoid confusion among players.
Stygia Quests
- Marauding Bandits - Berserkers may now choose a one- or two- handed sword as p
art of their reward choices.
Volcanus Quests
- The Great Forge - Sanura can no longer be charmed.
Bounty Quests
- Bounty Quests have been added to the Trials of Atlantis for level 35 to 50 for
all three realms. Speak to the residents of the Havens to learn more about thes
e new Bounty Quests.

Oceanus Monsters
- Melos Harpers are now charmable.
Stygia Monsters
- Setian Desert Scouts will now correctly attempt to enter melee combat when int
Oceanus Encounters
- Due to player feedback, the story encounter, "The Silver Horn", has had a new
function added to it. This function is for groups not wanting to wait for the fu
ll time to expire in between tiers of fighters. Players now have the ability to
walk up to the Triton Announcer and /say ready. This will send out the next tier
of fighters a few seconds later.
- The spell, "Weight of Atlantis", now has a small damage component. This will c
ause players picking up the Heavy Strongbox to take damage and be brought into c
ombat mode, losing benefits such as stealth and speedsong.
- The shark, Razorfin, for the Alvarus' Leggings encounter will now spawn more f
- Players who have the Belt of the Sun or Moon key and did not pick up the belt
from the pedestal can return to the islands from which they obtained it. As long
as the Belt of the Sun or Moon is not spawned you will be able to "USE" your ke
y and receive the Belt of the Sun or Moon and credit for the respective encounte
- Battlegroups will now receive credit for killing the Naxos Tidal Lord.
- The Phoebus Harp encounter no longer awards credit to just one player in the g
roup or battlegroup.
- The Raging Tornado had a slight problem in its growth progress. This has been
repaired and it is now alive and well.
- Sunkaio in Trial 1.1, "Lucky Survivor", would incorrectly deathblow some playe
rs participating in the encounter. This has been fixed.
- Triton treasure hunters are no longer charmable.
- Triton Shamans and Moughart will now award standard master level experience wh
en killed.
Stygia Encounters
- Fortress of Storms has had its difficulty reduced. We have lowered the total a
mount of monsters across the board needed to be defeated to complete this encoun
- Healer's Embrace - Mesedsubastet now has a much lower chance of being attacked
by confused monsters.
- Scarab Wing Vest - Players must now be level 46 to speak to Tey and create the

Magical Scarab-wing Gloves.

- Colossal no longer requires players to be level 50 in order to receive credit
for successful completion of the encounter.
- The Golden Spear story encounter bosses Landrine, Hounthro and Jomnaer have ha
d an engage radius placed on them. This is to prevent training into the Havens.
- Jamaluddin the Dao will now properly drop the Gem of Absorption upon death.
- Some of the Iaculus in the Stygia zones were incorrectly set to have no aggres
sion, this has been fixed.
- Setian guards now have the appropriate Setian faction settings.
Volcanus Encounters
- The general taur population has been thinned out a bit throughout Typhon's Rea
ch and Ashen Isles, particularly around bridges and the entrance area to Deep Vo
lcanus. This should allow a single group a fighting chance to make their way int
o Deep Volcanus.
- The general population taur have had their aggression radius tuned down.
- Erinys Charms - After Samut enters the fray you will now have much more time t
o do battle with him. Samut's Charm effect will now always vanish after Samut pe
rishes. Additionally, the charms will remain with Samut until he perishes after
the battle begins.
- The story encounter, "A Flask", has had its difficulty reduced. The aggro rang
e of any Taur checking for the flask carrier has been reduced. The amount of mon
sters in the area for the encounter has also been reduced.
- The mez spell cast by the Elite Taur Defenders has been changed so it is now o
n an immunity timer.
- Battler will no longer get stuck when chasing retreating players into the lava
in Ashen Isles.
- Encounter 6.1 has been given a new quest name. Rather than completing the 'Rar
e Snake Quest', you will now complete the 'Hunt for the Haje-Uraei'.
- The story encounter, "Shades of Mist", would not properly reset in certain sit
uations. This has been fixed.
Aerus Encounters
- The alternate ending to the Cyclops' Eye encounter has been slightly modified.
Where an entire group of Cyclops would previously charge Kertom under certain c
onditions, now only one brave Cyclops will.
- Kratos has had his roaming area drastically reduced. He will now only roam the
general area where he spawns.
- Cyclops' Eye - A bug has been found and fixed that prevented players from rece
iving quest credit in some cases when defeating either Kleps or Klops to obtain
the Cyclops' Eye Shield.

- Upon turning in the items to Kratos, all players associated with the battlegro
up will receive credit.
- Upon killing Ghita, each player associated with the battlegroup will now recei
ve one token as opposed to a number equivalent to the players in the battlegroup
- Ibn will no longer get stuck in Whirlwind form. Additionally, we have fixed an
issue where Ibn would become unkillable and aggressive before Agne's Sword was
Sobekite Eternal
- Both Chath's Knight and the player Knight have been modified slightly to have
an option for the Diamondback taunting style instead of the Boomslang detaunt st
- When choosing the Horror encounter, Djedkare will now indicate to players that
only 16 people will be rewarded for completing the encounter.
Temple of Twilight
- The non-trial related monsters in the Temple of Twilight will now respawn at a
slower rate, allowing players to move through the dungeon with greater ease.
- The majority of the monsters outside of any of the Gorgon temples have had the
ir spawn rate significantly reduced due to player feedback.
- It should now be easier for players to reach the pregnant cobra area of the du
ngeon. The amount of monsters that need to be killed to reach this area have bee
n reduced.
- Pregnant cobras will now spawn more frequently.
- The Gremna Eel Stomach should now be easier to obtain. The Gremna Eel's will s
pawn more frequently and they now have a higher chance to drop the stomach.
- The molded statues and statue sentinels have been changed to always be active.
This is to fix the targetting issues and the inability to do damage to these mo
- Antioos will only give players the 'Tasks for Antioos' quest once now. If play
ers have received the quest more than once, it will be removed from their pendin
g list when they receive credit for killing Medusa.
- We have fixed an issue where Medusa's temple door would sometimes not properly
unlock itself after the encounter was finished.
- Sinovia has been given a ranged Damage Over Time attack to combat targets out
of melee combat.
Deep Volcanus
- Players who find themselves dead at the end of any of the four Mediator Challe
nge encounters will have their corpses ported back to the Mediator that they spo
ke with to begin the encounter. This will allow players a chance to be resurrect
ed rather than having to /release to bindpoint.

- Trial 7.2, "Know Your Opponent", has had some changes made to how the faction
gaining system works. Now each member in the group will share in an equal amount
of faction gain. This should help ensure that support classes will not be left
behind in a group.
- Crush weapons will now do more damage to Typhon.
- The monsters used in Trial 7, Encounter 9 to take down the mystical barriers i
n Typhon's room have had their level lowered.
- Typhon's defense has been lowered.
- We have fixed an issue where the Katorii encounter could get stuck if an entir
e raid were to die or leave the dungeon before killing Katorii.
City of Aerus Encounters
- Generator Operators should be slightly easier to take down before they reach t
heir destination.
- Trial 9.2, "Defeating Lachlen" will now award battlegroup credit as well as si
ngle group credit.
- We have fixed a bug that could cause Katri to become unkillable if her persona
l guard was killed before reinforcements came.
- After a failed attempt at the final encounter, Ladon's minions will properly r
- We have made a change to Draco that will prevent him from despawning during co
Artifacts and Researchers
- We have fixed a bug that prevented Scouts from receiving the activated Guard o
f Valor from the Scholars.
- We have fixed a bug that prevented Friars from receiving the activated Aten's
Shield from the Scholars.
- We have fixed a bug that was causing Mercenaries to receive the large version
of Aten's Shield instead of the medium one. Mercenaries that received the large
version will return it to Scholars Ailigean or Leron to receive their medium ver
- Due to a bug previous bug with the maubastet Tey, some players below level 46
were able to acquire (but not activate) the Golden Scarab Vest. Since credit for
the encounter is not awarded below level 46 and Tey will only give one pair of
Magical Scarab-wing Gloves to each player, these players are now stuck. We have
put in a fix for these players so they may activate the Golden Scarab Vest. Play
ers that are stuck may obtain credit for the Scarab Wing Vest encounter by speak
ing to Tey provided they meet all of these requirements: they have previously co
mpleted the Magical Scarab-wing Gloves Quest from Tey, they are now at least lev
el 46, they have neutral faction with the maubastet, they have the Golden Scarab

Vest artifact in their inventory, and they have not received credit for the Sca
rab Wing Vest or its encounter already.
Crocodile's Tear Ring
- Up until now, the Crocodile's Tear Ring has been inadvertantly granted to heal
ing classes - the NPC who creates the artifact does not include healing classes
in his text dialog, but accepts the artifact pieces anyways. The classes who fal
l into this category are: Clerics, Friars, Healers, Shaman, Wardens, and Druids.
This has led to some balance problems with some healing classes' spells combine
d with the level 10 ability of that artifact. Instead of removing the Crocodile
Tear Ring totally from these classes, we are giving them the chance of keeping t
he ring, but the level 10 ability for that artifact will not be available for th
ose classes.
- If you are a Cleric, Friar, Healer, Shaman, Warden or Druid that has already a
ctivated the Crocodile's Tears Ring and no long wish to keep it, you may return
it to Scholars Shamira or Khalial in Albion, Loremistresses Margit or Vendela in
Midgard, and Sages Linyive or Narvla in Hibernia. They will give the above clas
ses a locked version of the Crocodile's Tears Ring as well as a copy of Tyrus' E
pic Poem so that they may sell or trade these items. Players may only perform th
is return once.
Traitor's Dagger and Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Midgard)
- (Midgard) We have added axe versions of both the Traitor's Dagger and the Croc
odile's Tooth Dagger. Midgard players will now be given a choice of activating t
hese artifacts as a sword weapon or an axe weapon. For players that have already
activated either of these artifacts, they may exchange their sword version for
an axe version of the artifact. Please note that any levels/experience the artif
act has gained will be lost when it is traded in.
- Loremistress Tyraa and Loremaster Torolf will perform the trade-in for the Tra
itor's Dagger. Loremaster Trygve and Loremaster Joakim will perform the trade-in
for the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger.
Maddening Scalars Gloves (Midgard)
- We are aware of the fact that some Berserkers and Savages received 0 con/70 du
r Gloves when they traded their chain version of the Maddening Scalars Gloves in
for studded ones. To help fix the problem, we have set up another trade-in for
these two classes. Berserkers and Savages with the bugged Maddening Scalars shou
ld return to Loremistress Hetha or Loremistress Marga to exchange their Gloves.
This exchange may only be done once and any artifact levels/experience gained wi
th the Gloves will be lost. Players activating the Gloves with this patch will n
ot be able to trade in their gloves later on.
Bracelet of Zo'karat (All Realms)
- We have fixed a bug that was allowing all classes to obtain this item, althoug
h it is intended for pure casters and healing classes only. A requirement has be
en added to the Bracelet so that only pure casters and healing classes may equip
it. Additionally, only pure casters and healing classes may activate this artif
act from now on. Any class that had previously activated the Bracelet of Zo'kara
t and now cannot use it may return it to one of the following researchers and re
ceive their locked artifact and book back so that they may be traded or sold to

Albion - Scholars Margoria or Colene
Midgard - Loremistress Tyraa or Loremaster Torolf
Hibernia - Sages Darragh or Kelleigh
Traldor's Oracle (All Realms)
- We have fixed a bug that was allowing all classes to obtain this item, althoug
h it is intended for pure casters and Friars only. Any class that previously act
ivated Traldor's Oracle but cannot use it may return it to one of the following
researchers and receive their locked artifact and book back so they may be trade
d or sold to another. Only pure casters and friars may activate this artifact fr
om now on.
Albion - Scholars Margoria or Colene
Midgard - Loremistress Tyraa or Loremaster Torolf
Hibernia - Sages Darragh or Kelleigh
Aten's Shield (All Realms)
- We have replaced the Golden Flames proc on Aten's Shield with a damage shield.
The Golden Flames spell was, under certain cases, causing players to not receiv
e credit for completing encounters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future p
atch to give this shield a more appropriate ability.
Artifact Notes
- Trials of Atlantis introduced many new area of effect artifacts and abilities
that pulse to players within a certain region. Unfortunately, affecting every pl
ayer in range has proven to be unbalancing and damaging to the game, in many way
s. In 1.68, we are introducing limits to the maximum number of players affected
by these artifacts and abilities, to give us a balance point that we can use for
these abilities.
- The maximum number of player targets affected by Radiant Aura spells is now ca
pped at twenty.
- The Fountain of Health and Fountain of Power spells on Jacina's Sash will now
affect a maximum of forty players.
- The Celestial Healing and Herbal Regrowth spells on A Healer's Embrace will no
w affect a maximum of forty players.
- The Aura of Kings spell on the Spear of Kings will now affect a maximum of twe
nty players.
- The Zahur's Aura of Magic spell on the Crown of Zahur will now affect maximum
of twenty players.
- The Aura of Magic Power spell on the Cloudsong cloak will now affect a maximum
of twenty players.

- Players shapechanged by the Band of Stars will no longer be able to right-clic

k remove the effect.
- The Band of Stars will now correctly cast the shapechange, bolt, and debuff po
rtions of the level ten spell.
- The accuracy bonus for the Skill of the Gladiators spell on Battler has been r
- The weapons summoned by the Belt of the Moon will now be lost when the player
logs out or dies during daytime. The weapons will remain if the player dies duri
ng the nighttime or zones to a new area.
- The weapons summoned by the Belt of the Sun will now be lost when the player l
ogs out or dies during nighttime. The weapons will remain if the player dies dur
ing the daytime or zones to a new area.
- The resist bonuses on the cloth version of the Crown of Zahur (Albion) have be
en raised to 5% to match the other versions.
- The chain version of the Crown of Zahur (Albion) now uses an acuity bonus in p
lace of the piety bonus.
- The Dream Sphere artifact (all 3 realms) has been changed so that it now level
s on any mobs killed in ANY Shrouded Isles zone at night.
- The Dream Sphere's self only shapechange spell will no longer be overwritten b
y the group version.
- The Inversion spell on Eirene's Hauberk has been modified. It will now convert
half of the spell damage received into healing. The spell is now set to be a re
active proc and will drop after converting one damage spell.
- The reactive proc on Eirene's Hauberk will now fire correctly during RVR and P
VE combat.
- The Ethereal Phoebus Harp can now be equipped in the Ranged slot.
- The Ethereal Phoebus Harp (Hibernia) will now be equipable by Bards and will n
o longer give the "you have no skill in that weapon" message.
- The Waters of Life spell from A Flask will no longer prevent players from stea
- The Goddess Necklace (all realms) can no longer be held in a weapon slot.
- The Javelins of Flame summoned by the Golden Spear now work as a charged item
and will no longer use ground targeting.
- Jacina's Sash will now earn experience from killing Atlantean cyclops in addit
ion to Atlantean sphinxes and enemies from other realms.
- Weary Explorers now have the correct faction settings to allow Kalare's Neckla
ce to gain experience off of hunting them. Additionally, Kalare's Necklace can n
ow earn experience from the following monsters: Lethos the Unifier, Advisor Tima
nthes, Advisor Zarlanthus, Advisor Gyges, and Advisor Anzelm.
- The Maddening Scalar gloves will now earn experience in the frontier dungeons.
- The Malice weapon proc on the Malice's Axe artifact has been changed to debuff

a percentage of the target's buffed stats.

- Mariasha's Sharkskin gloves will now fire both the damage over time and the di
sease spell correctly.
- Sebak now has an increased chance to drop the Nailah's Robe artifact.
- Radiant Aura (Crocodile Tear Ring level 10 ability) now only works on players
and controlled monsters (pets and charmed monsters). Guards and other realm frie
nds will no longer be affected.
- Radiant Aura will now work on controlled monsters after the first pulse (previ
ously pets would not keep up with Radiant Aura'd speed songs).
- The Scepter's Boon spell on the Scepter of the Meritorious will no longer be c
ancelled when pulsing spells are cancelled. It will also no longer be displayed
in the Bonuses window.
- Scepter of the Meritorious is now set to the correct duration and the pulsing
effect was removed.
- The Traitor's Dagger now has a higher chance to proc the level five spell. Add
itionally, the summoned vampiric mist now has an increased chance to cast its li
- Traldor's Oracle - The Friar version of this artifact has had the melee haste
and style damage each reduced by 1%. The piety bonus has been increased by 3.
- The Harpy Feather Cloak - The melee haste on the cloak has been reduced by 5%.
The parry skill bonus has been increased by 1.
- Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves - The archery haste and archery range bonuses on t
he gloves were each reduced by 2%. The slash, crush, thrust, heat, cold, and ene
rgy resistance bonuses have been increased by 1% for each.
- Scepter of the Meritorious - The melee damage bonus on the Scepter was reduced
by 3%. The strength and dexterity bonuses have been increased by 2.
- Fool's Bow - The archery haste, archery range and archery damage bonuses on th
e Bow have been each reduced by 2%. The Dexterity and Quickness bonuses were eac
h increased by 2 and the archery skill bonus was increased by 1.
- Aten's Shield - The summoned trident of golden flame has had the melee haste b
onus reduced by 2%. The hit point bonus has been increased by 8 hit points and t
he strength bonus has been increased by 4.
- Eirene's Chest piece - All versions of the chest piece that have Style damage
and Melee damage, had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust
resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the chest piece that h
ave spell range and spell Damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%
. The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- The Scorpions Tail - The spell haste bonus on the ring has been reduced by 2%.
The power percentage bonus has been increased by 1%, and the armor factor bonus
has been increased by 2.
- The Golden Spear - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 1% and the style damag
e bonus was reduced by 4%. The strength bonus was increased by 2, the dexterity
bonus was increased by 2, and the slash, crush, and thrust resistance bonuses we
re each increased by 2%.

- Nailah's Robe / Vest - The spell range and spell damage bonuses were each redu
ced by 1%. The crush and thrust resistance bonus were each increased by 1%.
- Crocodiles Tooth - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 3%, the Style damage b
onus was reduced by 2% and the Melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The Strengt
h and Dexterity bonuses were each increased by 6.
- Snake charmers Whip - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee d
amage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit
resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Snake charmers Greave - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee
damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spiri
t resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Snake charmers Scythe - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee
damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spiri
t resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Golden Scarab Vest - All versions of the vest that have archery range and arch
ery damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust
resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the vest that had the
style damage and melee damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%.
The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Battler / Magma Battler - Each version of the Battler / Magma Battler had the
melee haste bonus reduced by 2% and the melee damage bonus reduced by 1%. The sl
ash, crush and thrust resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
- Bruiser / Magma Bruiser - The versions of Bruiser with melee haste and style d
amage had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The spirit and energy resistance
bonuses were each increased by 1%. The remaining versions of Bruiser / Magma Bru
iser were unaffected.
- Jacina's Sash - The spell piercing bonus on the sash was reduced by 1%. The sp
ell duration bonus on the sash was increased by 1%.
- Braggarts Bow - The archery haste bonus was reduced by 3%, the archery damage
bonus was reduced by 2%, and the archery range bonus was reduced by 1%. A bow sk
ill bonus of 3 was added.
- Guard of Valor - The damage, range, and haste bonuses were reduced to 4%. Two
of the score cap increase bonuses were increased by 1.
- Belt of the Sun - The sun weapons Melee damage, and Style damage bonuses were
each reduced by 1%. The sun weapon melee haste bonus was reduced by 5%. The skil
l bonus was increased by 1 and the strength bonus was increased by 6.
- Belt of the Moon - The Moon weapons had the spell haste bonus reduced by 2%. T
he power percentage bonus was increased by 1%.
- Phoebus Harp Necklace - The summoned harp had the spell haste bonus reduced by
3%. Matter, body and spirit resistance bonuses were added at a 2% value.
- Bracelet of Zo'arkat - The spell range bonus was lowered by 2%. The matter, bo
dy and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.
Item Notes

- We have fixed some problems where the monsters in Necropolis were not dropping
scrolls correctly.
- Loukas' Journal, Vol. 1 and 2 will now correctly display the partial story whe
n interacted with.
- The Maddening Scalars level ten spell will now correctly shape-change the play
er and cast the buff spell.
- All weapons summoned by the Crocodile Tooth Dagger will now be the correct lev
- Bence's Letter, 1 of 3 was dropping from rare and difficult to reach mobs. The
scroll has been added to setian sandscryers, setian tremorlings, and setian san
dstrutters that are more accessible and common.
- Dream Gem scrolls can now be sold as there is not a corresponding artifact.
- The Ancient Transmuter now sells greater infectious serum instead of greater l
ethal venom.
- Weapons that are dyable will now display as such in the delve information.
- The blank bonus on Akil's Fury (Hibernia) has been set to a Dexterity bonus.
- The Empathy bonus on the Whirling Song Leggings (Hibernia) has been replaced w
ith a Charisma bonus.
- The Hammer of the Scaled now has the correct chance to proc as well as a parti
cle effect.
- The Dreadfin Dire Sword now has the correct chance to proc.
- The Oceanus chests will now create appropriate level two-handed axes for Warri
- The duplicate Slash Resist bonus on the Worked Wormhide Bracer has been change
d to Spirit Resist.
- The Miasmic Sword (Midgard) will now give a bonus to Sword instead of Two-hand
- The Qebehsenuef's Leggings of Dread (Midgard) now has a bonus to Piety Cap ins
tead of a bonus to Intelligence Cap.
- The duplicate Strength bonus on the Cudgel of the Whispering Wind (Albion) has
been changed to a Constitution Bonus.
- The melee haste bonus on the Lightning Etched Vest (Hibernia) has been changed
from 0% to the correct value.
- The Bow of Apollo (Midgard) now grants a bonus to Composite Bow instead of Lon
- The Runed Wind-wrought Pants (Albion studded) now use enamel dyes instead of l
eather dyes
- The Gloves of the Cryth (Hibernia) no longer have a requirement for the bonus
to healing effectiveness.

- The Mace of the Zenith (Hibernia) will now look like and be wielded as a 1 han
ded mace.
- The Magus Staff of the Chasm, Magus Staff of the Gale, Magus Staff of the Blaz
e, and Magus Staff of the Depths can now be recharged.
- The Lightning Etched Studded Vest (Albion) has had its bonus to melee combat s
peed increased to 5% from 0%.
- Sadri the Traitor (Midgard) will no longer drop staves with bonuses to piercin
- Hapy's Jewel of Dread has had its Piety bonus changed to an Acuity stat bonus.
- The Cyclopean Cloud Skewer (Midgard) has had its stats changed to be appropria
te for a hunter instead of casters.
- The Echo of Imsety (Stygia) will now drop Scale armor instead of chain for Hib
ernian players.
- The Hibernian and Midgard versions of the Azar's Guard shield have had their r
eactive proc changed to a charged ability to bring them in line with the more us
eful Albion version. This will affect pre-existing items, but they will start wi
th zero charges and need to be recharged.
- Hapy's Jewel of Dread (Hibernia) now increases the acuity stat instead of piet
- Imsety's Gloves of Dread (Hibernia) now increase intelligence instead of piety
- The Choker of the Zephyr now increases power percentage in place of a duplicat
e power cap bonus.
- The Ring of the Deep (quest-related item) now has the proper ring inventory ic
- The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Albion) will now drop with a slower attack spe
ed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed.
- The Bow of Silent Oblivion (Hibernia and Albion) will now drop with a slower a
ttack speed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed.
- The Mystic Runed Defender (All Realms) and the Golden Runed Defender (Midgard/
Hibernia) have had their strength bonuses increased slightly to be more appropri
ate to the level of the item.
- The Heart of Volcanus named drops will now have the correct 90 second re-use t
imer and recharge cost for all charged items.
- The Aura of Armoring reactive proc on the Guard of Valor will now stack with a
ll types of armor factor buffs.
- The healing bonus on the Salamander Skin Drum (Albion) has been removed. The r
emaining magical bonuses have been increased.
- The Corroded Circlet of Sutekh (Midgard) now increases quickness instead of pi
ety, and parry instead of staff.

- The Runemasters Staff of Sand (Midgard) will no longer display two "Usable by"
- The Vest of Reveries (Hibernia) no longer has a requirement associated with it
s bonus to constitution.
- The Mace of Blood (Hibernia) now has a bonus to Constitution to replace the bl
ank stat bonus.
- Volcanus items will no longer have "vs. mob type" requirements for stat or res
istance bonuses.
- The blank resistance bonus on the Enchanted Runed Defender (Albion) has been s
et to thrusting resistance.
- The Constitution bonus on the Lightning Etched Mail Hauberk (Albion) is now co
rrectly set to 15 points.
- The Staff of Blood for all three realms now has a Lifetap charge.
- Naxos's Tidal Sword (Hibernia) now correctly gives a bonus to large weaponry i
nstead of blades.
- The Storm Struck Bow (Albion) now gives a bonus to Longbow instead of Bow.
- The Thunder Skin drum (Hibernia) is now able to be equipped by Bards.
- The Rod of Kepa (Midgard) is now set to the correct dps.
- The constitution bonus on the Lightning Etched Mail Hauberk (Midgard) is now c
orrectly set to 15.
- The intelligence bonus on the Shadow-bound Pants (Midgard) has been changed to
- The Wind-dance Lute (Hibernia) is now equipable by bards.
- The Belt of the Clouds (All Realms) has had an Arrow Damage bonus added, to br
ing it to a more appropriate level.
- Azar's Defense (Albion) will now appear to be a small shield, instead of a stu
dded helm.
- The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Midgard) will now drop with a slower attack sp
eed. Existing bows will not be changed.
- The Bow of Silent Oblivion (Midgard) will now drop with a slower attack speed.
Existing bows will not be changed.
- (Pendragon Only) The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Albion) has been adjusted to
be consistent with established bow speeds. This change only applies to newly dro
pped versions of the bow.
- The Bows of the Blaze (All Realms), Bows of the Chasm (All Realms), and the Bo
ws of the Depths (All Realms) have had their bonuses adjusted to be more benefic
ial to archers.
- The Magma Infused Defender shield (All Realms) has had its proc changed so tha
t it is triggered when the shield is used as a weapon.

- Abstrusus Gantelet (Albion) now increases piety and dexterity, instead of inte
lligence and strength.
- Future drops of the Albion caster version of the Storm Struck Staff will drop
with the correct magic bonus. This change does not apply retroactively to existi
ng staves, but players with a 0% bonus staff can still have the magic bonus appl
ied by an NPC enchanter.
- The Legs of the Mutilator has had its second bonus to Dexterity changed to Qui
- The Conflagrant Short Sword (Albion & Hibernia) and the Conflagrant Hatchet (M
idgard) have had their proc damage increased slightly.
- The Voltaic Great Hammer, Voltaic Great Sword, Voltaic War Pick, Voltaic Hooke
d Spear, and Voltaic Battle Spear have had their proc damage increased slightly.
- Lucky Failm (Hibernia) now increases charisma instead of intelligence.
- Pants of the Transfixer (Hibernia) now increase quickness in place of a second
dexterity bonus.
- The particle effect on the Elven Dagger of the Breeze (Hibernia) has been chan
ged to one that should fit the blade better.
- The bonuses on the Call of the Desert Leggings (Skald) have been changed. The
casting haste is now melee haste and the heal bonus has been changed to score ca
p - charisma.
- The Statuesque Eye (all realms) has been adjusted to have the proper amount of
imbue points.
Partial List of Item Changes
- The following is a partial list of items changed that had a significant bonus
reduction for damage, range, or haste.
- The Shawl of Clouds (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Constitution 1
5, Spell Damage 2%, Power Cap 10, Matter Resist 6%, Slashing Resist 9%
- The Sash of the Calm (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Dexterity 15,
Spell Damage 2%, Armor Factor 16, Spirit Resist 6%, Debuff Bonus 10%
- The Bracer of Snow now (all realms) has the following bonuses: Acuity 24, Spel
l Range 2%, Casting Haste 2%, Body Resist 9%, Spell Duration 10%
- The Belt of Thunder (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Melee Damage 2
%, Constitution 22, Energy Resist 8%, Spirit Resist 8%, Body Resist 6%
- The Belt of the Zephyr (all realms)now has the following bonuses: Spell Damage
2%, Constitution 22, Energy Resist 8%, Spirit Resist 8%, Body Resist 6%
- The Ring of the Torrent (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Casting Ha
ste 2%, Crushing Resist 11%, Slashing Resist 10%, Thrusting Resist 10%
- The Cyclone Bracer (all realms)now has the following bonuses: Melee Haste 2%,
Crushing Resist 11%, Slashing Resist 10%, Thrusting Resist 10%
- The Ring of the Cyclone (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Acuity 15,

Spell Range 2%, Power Percentage 10%, Energy Resist 9%, Hit Points 40
- The Bracelet of the Zephyr (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Spell R
ange 2%, Dexterity 18, Matter Resist 8%, Cold Resist 8%, Fire Resist 8%
- The Bracer of Thunder (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Style Damage
2%, Strength 18, Matter Resist 8%, Cold Resist 8%, Fire Resist 8%
- The Gem of the Twilight (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Style Dama
ge 2%, Dexterity 16, Body Resist 8%, Envenom skill 4, Hit Points 52
- The Great War Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Ha
mmer 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%
- The Great War Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe 3
, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%
- The Great Spear of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Celtic
Spear 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%
- The Ancient Forged Vest (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Left Axe 3, S
core Cap: Constitution 8, Score Cap: Dexterity 9, Melee Damage 2%
- The Mace of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Crush 3, Streng
th 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Great Hammer of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee S
kill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The War Pick of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill
All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Mace of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Crush Skill 3,
Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Dagger of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Thrust Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Blade of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Slash Skill 3,
Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Chain of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Flexible Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Long Hammer of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Sk
ill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Glaive of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill A
ll 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Great Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer
Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Great Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Fang Greave of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hand to

Hand Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage
- The Battle Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe Skil
l 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Moon Claw of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hand to H
and Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2
- The Great Hammer of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Large
Weapon Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Dama
ge 2%
- The Spear of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Celtic Spear
Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Adze of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Piercing Skil
l 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Hammer of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Blunt Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Blade of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Blades Skill
3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%
- The Scythe of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Scythe Skil
l 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

- New Trials of Atlantis bonuses are now available for searches via the Market E
- We have added ambient sounds to the player housing market areas, stables, and
- Esbeth, the Tailor Tradeskill Master in the Arothi marketplace will now correc
tly promote players to the next tradeskill level.
- The Bane Merchants and the Potion, Tincture, & Enchantment Vendors now have a
random chance of saying their idle chatter to players instead of saying it every
Trials of Atlantis Trophies
- Players can now make trophies from 9 final Trial encounter monsters, as well a
s barracudas from the waters of Atlantis. New taxidermists and apprentice taxide
rmists have been added to the housing zones in each realm to create the trophies
. Speak to the following NPCs in the housing zones to create your trophies for C
etus, the Runihura, Medusa, Martikhoras, Ammut, the Chimera, Typhon, Talos, and
the Phoenix. The apprentice taxidermists will create barracuda trophies.
Albion - Ectant Dinailaine, Ilphrae Dinailaine, Jhanva Dinailaine, Airyn Dinaila
ine, Ybaedric Dinailaine
Midgard - Frolder, Warmir, Hudi, Thieya, Aenda

Hibernia - Sannan, Sabrea, Sionyn, Sadoc, Sioned


- Players on the PvP and PvE servers will now get the option to teleport to all
three major Realm Frontier Gates when using the Djinn Stones in Atlantis.
- The Albion Decorator for the Mordred and Gaheris servers will now have a Grand
master Merchant token available to purchase.
Artifacts and Researchers
- There was a bug that was allowing players on Gaheris and Mordred to turn in ce
rtain locked artifacts to other realms' researchers. Because the researchers are
set up to only deal with their realm's players, they would not accept the compl
eted book from players of other realms. This left these players thinking they we
re now stuck, their artifact gone, and the activation quest pending. Players in
this situation should take their completed book to their realm's researcher and
turn it in to receive their activated artifact. From now on, players on Gaheris
and Mordred will only be able to turn in their locked artifacts to their own rea
lm's researchers.
Sorry for not updating sooner - technical difficulties with the Herald Hamster.
Here's the errata and hot fix notes:


- The marketplaces in the housing zones now have ambient sounds.
- When an underwater breathing potion expires, players will now get a popup wind
ow that looks like the release timer, but is captioned, "Holding Your Breath."
- The Crystal Titan can no longer be used against monsters.
- The Crystal Titan's duration is now 5 minutes and its recast time is now 30 mi
- Players can can once again bind in Prydwen Keep.
- The Star of Destiny will now correctly be deleted from inventory once it is us
- The bonedancer's life tap shout should no longer share a re-use timer with any
of the master level abilities.
- We have fixed a bug which allowed items with bonuses to the acuity stat cap to
exceed the intended ceiling on item stat cap bonuses.

Here's what just went live:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.68A Release Notes
February 24, 2004


- This client patch includes performance enhancements for both the Shrouded Isle
s and Trials of Atlantis clients that have been in testing on Pendragon recently
. These optimizations are designed to increase framerate when around large numbe
rs of figures (in RVR battles, PVE raids, and in populated towns), as well as im
prove performance when first encountering and loading up new figures.
- To assist satellite users who have been having problems with the login client,
we have made some connection adjustments that should help alleviate many or all
of the issues.
- Necromancers can now once again use power drain spells on targets with 0 power
. These spells will damage the target and give the caster power as in version 1.
- We have fixed a bug that was preventing players from creating trophies with re
mains that required the extraordinary behemoth potion. (Golestandt, Xanxicar, Cu
uldurach, Balor, Gjalpinulva, and Nosdoden)
- Multiple friendly ward/storm spells in the same area will no longer spam the c
asters with error messages.
- The Powerstrike spell found on Unique Items now has the correct damage value.
Quest Journalist Changes
- Connla's Well (Hibernia) will no longer be removed from completed quest lists
by the Quest Journalist.
- Fortune of the Few (Albion) will no longer be capped at level 21.
- Spinner's Cloak (Hibernia) will no longer be capped at level 20, because it is
a prerequisite for other quests. Also, the Quest Journalist will not remove thi
s quest from completed quest lists anymore.
- Egg of Youth (Hibernia) - We have fixed a bug that was preventing Bards from a

ctivating the Egg of Youth.

- Bruiser (Midgard) - We have fixed a bug that was preventing Shamans and Healer
s from activating Bruiser.
- The Foppish Sleeves artifact level 5 ability "Chink in the Armor" should now g
ive its target a more appropriate debuff icon.
- The Wing's Dive and Foppish Sleeve artifacts should now correctly proc their l
evel ten spell in PvP combat.
- The Shield of Khaos, the Eerie Darkness Stone and the Crocodile Tear Ring now
show the correct experience requirement information. Additionally, the Crocodile
Tear Ring will now correctly earn experience in the frontier dungeons.
- We have replaced the Unending Vengeance proc on Maddening Scalars with a damag
e shield. The Unending Vengeance spell was, under certain cases, causing players
to not receive credit for completing encounters. We will be adjusting the spell
in a future patch to give the gloves a more appropriate ability.
- We have replaced the Silver Aura charge on the Snakecharmer's Whip, Snakecharm
er's Greave, Snakecharmer's Scythe with a damage shield. The Silver Aura spell w
as, under certain cases, causing players to not receive credit for completing en
counters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future patch to give the weapons a
more appropriate ability.


Oceanus Encounters
- We have fixed an issue with the Guardian of Atlantis despawning incorrectly wh
ile the Tablet of Atlantis encounter was taking place.
Item Notes
- The Legs of the Mutilator has had its second bonus to Dexterity changed to Qui
- The invalid charge settings have been removed from the Magma Infused Defender
shields(all realms).
And we're up! Here are the final notes, everybody:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.68b Release Notes
February 26, 2004



- Some users were experiencing pauses in open field RVR combat with our initial
optimization patch, as well as some texture flickering. We have removed the prob
lematic optimizations from the live client patch while we continue to look into
Majestic Will Changes
As you know, the documentation for the Majestic Will realm ability says that it
gives the user a bonus to hit 5% per level, and up to three levels. So, technicall
y, at its best, Majestic Will should have been granting a bonus of 15%.
Players who have been blowing away epic monsters, however, know that the actual
granted bonus is much higher. Weve always tracked how often the epic monsters and d
ragons die, and the rate is fast increasing. So, we need to make Majestic Will r
eflect its listed documentation immediately.
- Majestic Will has had its timer reduced from 30 minutes to 10 minutes. This ch
ange is already on live servers as of February 24, 2004.
- The Augmented Acuity III pre-requisite for Majestic Will has been removed.
- There will remain three levels of Majestic Will. Unfortunately, we didn't fore
see some of the technical difficulties involved in making our first 5 level *act
ive* realm ability. (All the other "five level" RAs are passive abilities.) Sinc
e this will involve more testing than we can accomplish in an evening, weve decided
to keep Majestic Will at three levels for now (but at the costs we promised on
February 24). We will revisit Majestic Will along with all the other Realm Abili
ties during the RA review that will occur in New Frontiers.
- Cost per level will be: Level I - 1 point, Level II - 3 points, Level III - 6
- All costs and bonuses are cumulative; meaning that Majestic Will III will cost
10 realm ability points and give a 15% bonus against spell resists.
Majestic Will Refund
- Players that have previously purchased Majestic Will now have the realm abilit
y removed from their characters and their realm skill points refunded.


Shield of Khaos (Midgard and Hibernia)
- We have fixed a bug with the researchers giving out the Shield of Khaos to Tha
nes and Champions. Since the Shield of Khaos is a large shield, these classes sh
ould not have been able to activate it, but they were. Thanes and Champions will
no longer be able to activate the Shield of Khaos. Thanes and Champions that ha

ve already activated the shield may return it to the following researchers and e
xchange it for the completed Shield of Khaos Book and locked artifact. These ite
ms may then be traded or sold to other players.
Midgard - Loremaster Pahr or Loremaster Sverrir
Hibernia - Sage Mareva or Sage Tiernan
Grab a soda, a snack, and your ring shaped pillows, gang:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69 Release Notes
April 14, 2004


- Client performance caused by spell effects, encountering new players/monsters,
and large battles should be greatly improved, especially on Windows XP systems.
- Optimized speed of zoning between two different worlds (Shrouded Isles to Home
land, etc).
- When attempting to repair a door without enough wood, you will now receive a m
essage informing you of the number of wood units you need and the number of wood
units you currently have.
- Speed of the Realm, the spell cast by each realm's hastener NPCs, has had its
duration increased to 4 minutes. This should allow players to make it to the fir
st keep in their frontiers before the spell expires.
- Other speed spells or songs will no longer overwrite Speed of the Realm.
- Self targeted "no recast" spells, such as self bladeturns, should now overwrit
e group pulsing bladeturns even during the 2.5 second no recast period.
- Enemy realm targeted spells can now be cast on targets you're dueling.
- Group-targeted spells and abilities now properly check for the distance of any
pets of group members when casting.
- Point blank area of effect spells no longer fail if the caster has an object t
- Focus spells now properly drop their effects when the caster is the victim of
a crowd control spell.
- Endurance drain spells now report, "Your target's stamina wavers!" to the cast
er/proc beneficiary.

- Non list casters who have a spell list (usually by choosing a master level tra
ck) should now once again have their spell timers updated correctly.
- The stun component on the Albion thrust style, Dragonfang, has been reduced to
5 seconds.
- Dual wield type styles which have a self targeted spell effect should now fire
even in the case that the second attack in the dual wield strike fails for any
reason (target dead, out of range, etc).
- Legendary weapons made before 1.68 will now have reduced melee, spell, and arc
hery damage bonuses. This change has been made to bring these items in line with
the new guidelines established for Trials of Atlantis objects in Version 1.68.
For more information, please visit
- The damage over time "proc" on the Fool's Bow artifact will now fire correctly
- The Restoration ability will now only convert healing to endurance based on th
e actual amount healed. A full health character who receives a heal will no long
er gain endurance with this ability.
- Artifacts no longer incorrectly report experience gains from grey con monsters
- Staves with +All Magic skills no longer give double Druid Nature skill bonuses
- The Jerkin of Withering now reports endurance loss properly to the target.
- Items owned by their owners with heal procs no longer check for /nohelp.
- Players with /nohelp on will no longer be affected by the Crocodile's Tear Rin
- Pets are treated as their owner for the purposes of the /nohelp command.
- With no quiver slot selected, a player's highest ammo slot in their inventory
will always be chosen.
- When you successfully stick/follow/face someone, Run Lock will be automaticall
y disabled so it does not kick back in after the target is no longer valid to fo
llow (such as after the target player/monster dies).
- If you attempt to stick/follow/face someone and it fails, you will no longer s
top following your previous target.
- When riding on horses, your arrow keys will no longer move the camera around (
unless you are in mouselook mode or have mouselook toggle pressed down). Arrow k
eys will move the camera by default only when riding on a boat.
- Fixed an issue where spamming a key bound to a quickbar macro could make the m
acro (such as /qbar) fire incorrectly.
- (ToA Only) When running in windowed mode, the resolutions 800x600, 1024x768, 1
152x864, and 1280x1024 will always be available to select, even if your video ca
rd does not report them as available resolutions.

- (PvP Only) Necromancers on PvP servers can now attack one another when one or
both necromancers are in shade form.
- (PvE & PvP Servers) Using something other than a left axe in your off-hand as
a shadowblade or berserker will no longer allow you to dual wield.
- (PvP Servers) Players will now correctly receive realm points when killing a p
layer who is riding a boat.
- Boats can no longer be dropped in dungeons.
New Commands and Command Changes
- We have added the /gc logins command. This command will toggle a flag on your
character which will send a text message informing you whenever a member of your
guild (who isn't anonymous) logs on or off.
- The /who command has been altered to show a [CG] and a [BG] next to players' n
ames who are the leaders of a public chat group and battlegroup respectively.
- The /who command now allows multiple different search filters at once. For exa
mple, typing /who 40 50 Wizard Emain Dragonhearts would list all of the level 40
through 50 Wizards currently in Emain Macha with a guild that matches the "Drag
onhearts" filter.
- Any member of a public chat or battle group can now invite other players to jo
- A member count has been added to the /bg status command.
- You can now save your default camera position to your own setting. Place your
camera where you want it to be, and type "/setcamera". To erase your custom sett
ings, use "/resetcamera". Once you set a new camera position with /setcamera, yo
u can move your camera back to that position by pressing the 'Reset Camera' key.
This setting is saved on a per-character basis.
- We have added slash commands for "/bonuses" and "/journal" - these commands do
the same thing as if you had clicked on the respective buttons on the Command W
- Added a new slash command: "/quiver dump" - it will take any arrows in your qu
iver and drop them on the ground.
Interface Changes
- (ToA Only) The group and minigroup windows will now display endurance for each
group member.
- (ToA Only) A new group buffs window has been added to let you see all of your
groupmates' buffs. The new window can be opened with the button on your large gr
oup status window.
- Attempting to trade a no-trade item will automatically set the repair flag for
the recipient of the trade. If the target can't repair the item or removes the
repair status, any no-trade item will be removed from the trade.
- Quality and Condition have been added to shield chat delves.

- Speed has been added to weapon and shield full delves.

- Power percent bonuses now display in the BONUSES window.
- Right clicking on a Combat Style icon will now display the name of the Previou
s Style requirement if there is one (before, it would simply show that there was
a previous style required).
- You will now receive a pop-up confirmation box when using a realm ability resp
- (ToA Only) The Vault has been changed to optionally have a "Page Mode" where y
ou can view only items on a certain page, for those players who like to organize
their personal and house vaults by pages.
- You will now get an icon at the top of your screen if you are being protected,
guarded, and/or intercepted. Right clicking on this icon will display who is do
ing the action to you.
- (ToA Only) A "Quiver" button has been added to the Combat Style page to allow
you to bring up your quiver (instead of typing /quiver).
- The text of a macro will no longer be added to the list of previously entered
commands (accessed by pressing "Shift-Up").
Realm v. Realm
- Both of the tower doors on Caer Benowyc can now be used to enter the tower by
Hibernians when Hibernia controls the keep. (Previously, one did not work)
- Relic capture messages now display once to everyone in every zone.
- Keep capture messages now display once and only once to everyone in every zone


General Changes
- We?ve added pet cure mesmerize spells for Necromancers, Bonedancers, and Animi
sts. Necromancers will receive Dead Awakening in their baseline Painworking line
. Bonedancers will receive Free Spirits in their baseline Bone Army line. Animis
ts will receive Purifying Rain in their baseline Verdant Path line.
Archer Changes
- We have given archers a new ability called Sureshot that is available at 45 bo
w specialization for Hunters, Rangers, and Scouts. When Sureshot is toggled on,
the archer will brace herself against attacks from range, giving her a 100% chan
ce of not being interrupted by any ranged attack, including arrows and spells. B
ecause the bow is being fired from a less natural position, the damage from each
arrow is halved. Sureshot cannot be used with Rapid Fire, Critical Shot, Longsh
ot, or Volley. Penetrating Arrow benefits will count towards arrowed fire using

- Increased the buff spells for both Hunters and Rangers to bring them more inli
ne with those available from buffing classes. Hunter?s Frenzied Spirit and Heart
of the Lynx lines have been adjusted upwards, as has Ranger?s Sharpened Senses
Healing and Buffing Class Changes
- Spread heal spells for the Healer, Druid, and Cleric will no longer overwrite
each other in the character's spell list as the character progresses in speciali
zation. As new spread heals are obtained through specialization, the old spread
heal spells will remain on the healer's list. This will allow healing specced cl
erical classes the option of casting a lower level version of spread heal in sit
uations where the power cost of the higher level spread heal might be prohibitiv
- New buff spells have been added for the three primary buff classes in the game
(cleric, shaman, and druid). These spells are point blank area of effect buffs
that affect up to 40 targets within a radius of 1000 units, and which are about
50% as effective as their concentration counterparts on the same lists and have
a 10 minute duration. These new buff spells are intended to help more characters
have access to buffs in RvR and on PvE raids.
Cleric - Enhancements Spec Line
34 Archangels Allotment (Strength/Constitution)
45 Archangels Apportioning (Strength/Constitution)
39 Benefit of the Archangel (Dexterity/Quickness)
49 Bounty of the Archangel (Dexterity/Quickness)
30 Acuity of the Council (Acuity)
41 Acuity of the Congregation (Acuity)
Shaman - Augmentation Spec Line
35 Dispersal of the Deep (Strength/Constitution)
45 Partitioning of the Deep (Strength/Constitution)
36 Shadow's Blessing (Dexterity/Quickness)
46 Shadow's Endowment (Dexterity/Quickness)
30 Alacrity of the Deep (Acuity)
41 Clarity of the Deep (Acuity)
Druid - Nurture Spec Line
33 Strength of the Wildwood (Strength/Constitution)
43 Strength of the Hinterland (Strength/Constitution)
38 Hurricane's Dance (Dexterity/Quickness)
48 Typhoon's Dance (Dexterity/Quickness)
30 Nature's Enlightenment (Acuity)
41 Nature's Sapience (Acuity)
- We have added buff shearing spell lines to the Shaman, Druid, and Cleric buffi
ng lines. These spells are designed to be used offensively against enemy realm t
argets to remove one of their buffs. Characters who have a buff enhancement ripp
ed off them via these spells will also take some damage due to the buff shearing
effect (except in the case of Cleric and Shaman Constitution shearing, which wi
ll result in a natural drop in hit points). Characters who do not have a buff re
moved will not be damaged. Any buff that a player has cast on himself (whether c
oncentration or timed) will not be affected by buff shearing. The Shaman spells
have a bonus to casting speed, the Cleric spells have a bonus to range, and the
Druid spells have a bonus to damage.
Cleric - Enhancements Spec Line (Single Target)


Piety Sequester (Acuity)

Adroitness Commandeer (Dexterity)
Embodiement Annex (Constitution)
Brawn Appropriate (Strength)
Endowment Seize (Strength/Constitution)
Deftness Usurp (Dexterity/Quickness)

Cleric - Enhancements Spec Line (Area of Effect)

42 Piety Bounce (Acuity)
43 Adroitness Eradicate (Dexterity)
44 Embodiement Banish (Constitution)
47 Brawn Unloose (Strength)
48 Endowment Dispossess (Strength/Constitution)
50 Deftness Irrupt (Dexterity/Quickness)
Shaman - Augmentation Spec Line (Single Target)
28 Acuity Cut (Acuity)
31 Dexterity Fragment (Dexterity)
33 Constitution Hash (Constitution)
34 Strength Lop (Strength)
37 Potency Whack (Strength/Constitution)
39 Agility Trunc (Dexterity/Quickness)
Shaman - Augmentation Spec Line (Area of Effect)
40 Acuity Slash (Acuity)
43 Dexterity Mangle (Dexterity)
44 Constitution Clip (Constitution)
47 Strength Hack (Strength)
48 Potency Sever (Strength/Constitution)
50 Agility Mince (Dexterity/Quickness)
Druid - Nurture Spec Line (Single Target)
32 Intelligence Rupture (Acuity)
34 Fleetness Disjoin (Dexterity)
35 Willpower Dissolve (Constitution)
36 Power Cross (Strength)
37 Might Sunder (Str/Con)
39 Nimbleness Tear (Dex/Quick)
Druid - Nurture Spec Line (Area of Effect)
42 Intelligence Gut (Acuity)
44 Fleetness Segment (Dexterity)
45 Willpower Dock (Constitution)
46 Power Unbind (Strength)
47 Might Rend (Str/Con)
49 Nimbleness Shear (Dex/Quick)
- Focus Shell spells have been added to the buffing lines of Druids, Shaman, and
Clerics. These spells, which can be cast on others as well as oneself, absorb a
significant amount of damage from all sources. The caster of the spell will hav
e power drained as the focus shell is held in place, and the shell will drop if
the caster moves or takes any other action. The recipient of the focus shell wil
l not be able to take any action or use any ability, including attacking or heal
ing, while the focus shell is up without causing the shell to fail. The recipien
t of the focus shell (if other than the caster) will be able to move without the
shell breaking, provided they remain within a 2000 unit range of the focus shel
l caster and maintains line of sight. The shell will only protect against realm

Shaman - Augmentation Spec Line

41 Spirit Shell (Absorbs 70%)
Cleric - Enhancement Spec Line
46 Hand of God (Absorbs 85%)
Druid - Nurture Spec Line
47 Nature's Cocoon (Absorbs 90%)
- Animists now have a spell that will allow them to release multiple pets at a t
ime. This spell, called "Release Clump", is available to animists at level 4 in
the Creeping Path base line.
- The maximum number of turrets that an Animist can have spawned at any one time
has been reduced to 15. Please note that bombers will not count towards this to
tal. We are making this change because of the severe problems to game balance, f
rame rate, and server stability caused by the combination of Animist turrets and
power increasing items found in Trials of Atlantis.
- Animist turrets will no longer attempt to snap to the floor when summoned unde
rwater in dungeons.
- Animist bomber pets now check for the Phase Shift master level ability.
- The following Friar spells now have the appropriate expire messages attached t
o them: Shield of Faith, Shield of Piety, Shield of Devotion, Shield of Grace, S
hield of Justice, Shield of Zeal, Shield of Holiness, Shield of the Sanctified,
Blessing of Absorption, Blessing of Dissipation, Saint's Energy, Saint's Stamina
, Saint's Persistence, and Saint's Tenacity.
- Hunters may now attempt to find hidden enemies who have just killed one of the
ir Realmmates via a new ability called "Call of the Hounds". To activate this ne
w ability, the body of your Realmmate must first be selected. Then, six hounds a
re "called" that will sniff their way to any nearby enemies (stealthed or not).
The hounds move at a very slow speed, but should they somehow catch up to a stea
lther, they will not attack but will bark incessantly instead. If there are no n
earby enemies when this ability is used, no hounds will be summoned.
Hunter - Beastcraft Spec Line
30 Call of the Hounds
- Infiltrators have been granted a single line respec as a result of the changes
made to the Dragonfang thrust style this version.
- The damage of the Nightshade's line of shouts, Dart of Night through Lance of

Night, has been increased.

- Spiritmasters can now summon Frostalf and Valkyn pets.
- Warden pulsing blade turn spells will no longer overwrite each other in the ch
aracter's spell list as the Warden progresses in specialization. As new pulsing
blade turn spells are obtained through specialization, the old pulsing blade tur
n spells will remain on the Warden's list. This will allow nurture specced Warde
ns the option to elect to run 8 or 10 second pulsing blade turn to save power.


- (SI and ToA Only) Master level ability runes and wards now have new art to rep
lace the old ground target widget used for these abilities. The art is also colo
r coded with the realm color of the person who cast it.
- The master level ability, Sabotage, will now work only on wards.
- Strafing will now remove Blanket of Camouflage.
- The master level ability, Demoralization, now correctly subtracts value from u
ser's spec level when attacking or casting spells.
- The master level ability, Defending Martyr, has had its cast time removed. It
should now be an instant cast spell.
- The master ability, Blanket of Camouflage, has been changed in the following w
ays: Duration increased to 10 minutes. Recast time increased to 10 minutes. Cast
time increased to 20 seconds.
- The icons for combat styles in the Battlemaster master level line should now d
isplay correctly.
- The Warlord master ability, Warguard, is now a point blank area effect with a
750 radius and 35 second duration. This ability is also now on a 10 minute timer
- Fixed a bug with the Battlewarder master ability. Convokers should now be able
to cast the Battlewarder to their area of choice regardless of whether or not t
hey have line of sight (For example, a caster in the courtyard during a keep def
ense will now be able to summon a battlewarder on the outside of the keep door t
o deter attackers). The battlewarder has also had its level and rate of attack i
- The Master Level ability, Agony Transmission, now reports any damage done to t
he caster. It also now has far less variance and (as stated in the ability's del
ve) also does a significant amount of damage to the caster when cast.
- The master ability, Summon Warcrystal, should no longer share the same re-use
timer as the Spiritmaster's line of specialization debuffs.
- Essence Shatter will no longer strip pulsing buffs (this includes buffs receiv

ed from fonts).
- If a concentration buff is stripped by Essence Shatter, the caster should have
his/her concentration pool restored.
- If a focus shell is stripped by Essence Shatter, the caster should no longer c
ontinue to be power drained.
- If Essence Shatter successfully strips a buff, the name of the buff stripped i
s reported to the caster.
- Wood summoned by Convokers will now disappear when players log out.
- Necromancers no longer lose shade form when they lose control of Master Level
ability pets.
- All master level abilities should now have delve information.
- Master level timer-based abilities will now grey icons out correctly in all si

- Alchemists can now find Unique Cloth Dyes, Unique Leather Dyes, and Unique Ena
mels in their recipe lists at Skill 855.
- The skill check for salvaging cloth items has been changed to Clothworking rat
her than Tailoring.
- Alchemy - Potions, poisons, and tinctures now indicate their respective levels
in recipe delves.
- Tailoring (Midgard) - Frisia will now let the appropriate classes become tailo
rs. In fixing the problem with Frisia, it was discovered a bug that was stopping
Hunters from becoming Tailors. We have fixed the problem now. Happy stitching!
- The inventory icons for the following poisons should now be correct: weak esse
nce of weariness, essence of weariness, weak essence of lethargy, and essence of
- "Ethereal ashes" has been renamed "ethereal ash" to properly correspond to the
tradeskill recipe delve for the extraordinary behemoth potion.
- Delve information has been added to identify mob-dropped Alchemy components.


- Status icons no longer draw when the bound adapter's value is less than 0.
- Mini group invisible buttons no longer require Control IDs.
- Added new adapters for group endurance: "ground_endurance0" to "group_enduranc
- New Events: ToggleQuiver

- New Events: QuiverDump

- New XML Window: Group Buffs (group_buffs.xml)
- New Event: ToggleGroupBuffs
- Adapters for all group buff icons: group_0icon0 to group_7icon29

- Village ambient sounds have been added to the towns and villages across the re


- Some new faces can be seen in each realm's portal keep. They each have a tende
ncy to gossip and supposedly have heard rumors of some new things to come.
- Legiliwin, the Albion Arrow Merchant in Blendrake Faste, now sells arrows in a
ddition to bolts.
- A new stablemaster named Carsten has been added outside the north gates of Tir
Na Nog. He has tickets for the following horse routes.
Tir na Nog to Druim Ligen
Tir na Nog to Brynach
Tir na Nog to Innis Carthaig
- New horse routes have also been added throughout the realm. The new horse rout
es are listed below and tickets can be purchased from the stable masters at the
appropriate location.
Mag Mell to East Lough Derg
East Lough Derg to Mag Mell
Tir na mBeo to Connla
Connla to Tir na mBeo
Druim Cain to Brynach
- New horse routes have also been added throughout the realm. The new horse rout
es are listed below and tickets can be purchased from the stable masters at the
appropriate location.
West Downs to Snowdonia Fortress
Snowdownia Fortress to West Downs
Adribard's Retreat to West Cornwall

West Cornwall to Adribard's Retreat

Campacorentin Station to Adribard's Retreat
Adribard's Retreat to Campacorentin Station
East Camelot Gates to West Cornwall
West Cornwall to East Camelot Gates
East Camelot Gates to Castle Sauvage
Castle Sauvage to East Camelot Gates
- New horse routes have also been added throughout the realm. The new horse rout
es are listed below and tickets can be purchased from the stable masters at the
appropriate location.
Nalliten to Mularn
Mularn to Nalliten
Vasudheim to Vindsaul Faste
Vindaul Faste to Vasudheim
Vasudheim to Huginfel
Huginfel to Vasudheim
Mularn to Svadud Faste
Svasud Faste to Mularn
Huginfel to Raumarik
Raumarik to Huginfel
Quests - General
- For those of you who have been eagerly awaiting the next round of tradeskill q
uests, they are finally here! Crafters should make it a point to visit their cap
ital city trainers to obtain these new quests. Please note that you must have co
mpleted both the 500 and 600 skill level quests before you will be able to acqui
re these new quests.
Quests - Albion
- The Quest Journalist will no longer remove Fortune of Few from players' Comple
ted Quest lists.
- Wolf Pelt Cloak - Players between levels 1 and 11 that have completed this que
st may return to Steward Willie for money and experience. Steward Willie will no
w give money and experience as part of the reward for this quest.
- New Quest - Ydenia's Crush. Level 1 (to level 11) players that can help Ydenia
should speak to her in Cotswold Village.
- New Quest - Andrew's Skins - Level 3 (to level 13) players that can help Andre
w Wyatt should speak to him in Cotswold Village.
- New Quest - Argus's Arrows - Level 4 (to level 14) players that can help Argus
Bowman should speak to him in Ludlow
- New Quest - Godeleva's Need: Godeleva in Cotswold needs someone to help her wi
th a small errand. Visit her in the tavern for more details (Level 2 Quest).
- New Quest - Humberton's Small Problem: Siom Felanis needs someone to help with
a small problem in Humberton Village. Seek her out for more details (Level 4 Qu

Quests - Midgard
- Lover's Circle - Quest Journalists will no longer remove this quest from playe
rs' completed quest list. Players over level 25 may once again obtain this quest
- Sveabone Hilt Sword - Players between levels 1 and 11 that have completed this
quest may now return to Gridash in East Svealand and receive money as part of t
he new reward for this quest. Gridash will now give money as part of the reward
for this quest.
- Rinda's Lost Keys - Players between levels 1 and 11 may return to Dwarven Guar
d Rinda to receive an additional reward for this quest. Dwarven Guard Rinda will
now give this reward as part of the quest.
- Brutal Chains - Players between levels 4 and 14 may return to the Thrall Keepe
r and receive an additional reward for this quest. The Thrall Keeper will now gi
ve out this reward as part of the quest.
- Bolli's Leather Supplies - Players between levels 3 and 13 may return to Bolli
and receive an addiitonal reward for this quest. Bolli will now give out this r
eward as part of the quest.
- Bluebell's Disappearance - Players between levels 4 and 14 may return to Guard
Eske and receive an additional reward for this quest. Guard Eske will now give
out this reward as part of the quest.
- Tric's Lost List - Players between levels 4 and 14 may return to Tric and rece
ive an additional reward for this quest. Tric will now give out this reward as p
art of the quest.
Quests - Hibernia
- A rumor has recently been spreading through Hibernia that a cursed lute has su
rfaced and is causing problems. Kyle, the Healer in Ceannai, could use some help
with this problem. If you are at least level 12, seek out Kyle if you can help
- Tadhg's Lost Treasure - Players between levels 1 and 11 that have completed th
is quest may return to Tadhg in Connla to receive an addtional reward fo rthe qu
est. Tadhg will now give this reward as part of the quest.
- Troya's Research - Players between levels 2 and 12 that have completed this qu
est may return to Troya in Howth to receive an addtional reward. Troya will now
give this reward as part of the quest.
- Kylirean's New Armor - Players between levels 3 and 13 that have completed thi
s quest may return to Kylirean and receive an additioanl reward. Kylirean will n
ow give this reward as part of the quest.
- Youth Gone Wrong - Players between levels 4 and 14 that have completed this qu
est may return to Mandra and receive an additioanl reward. Mandra will now give
this reward as part of the quest.
- New Quest - Nyra's Package - Level 1 (to level 11) players should speak to Nyr
a in Mag Mell if they can help her deliver a package.

- New Quest - Anra's Magic: Anra in Howth has lost her magic and is looking for
someone to help her get it back. Visit her for more details (Level 4 Quest).
- The summoned weapons by the Blue Lady in Marfach Caverns will no longer leave
her room.
Item Notes
- The salvage value on the Robes of Ghostly Light (Albion) has been reduced to a
more appropriate amount.
- The Gold Lined Drinking Horn (Hibernia) should no longer display that it has m
agical bonuses in the delve.
- Slicer (Hibernia) will no longer appear to have an invalid spell attached.
- The Restless Robes (Albion) can now be dyed with leather dye instead of cloth
- Delve information has been added to all respec stones to denote the type of re
spec for which they may be used.
- In some cases, the salvage values of stackable common loot were set incorrectl
y, so that it was impossible to get a salvage return. This has been corrected fo
r all realms.
- Keelia's Protector of Music (Hibernia) now increases dexterity instead of empa
- All instances of the Icy Glacier Skin dropped in Albion should now be usable.


Albion Monsters
- Wradech is no longer immune to physical damage.
Hibernia Monsters
- All Twisted Sylvans are now be correctly set to type - plant
- The fomorian bonic, contrad, saveast, fieralant, feralidin, annek, selbor, cru
errior, marder, smijer, krelier, skajer, shekiant, jonimar, crecher, hofscorian,
alespiar, creln, grendler, balantore, ferresian, lampren, shawilet, jorober wil
l no longer use invisible weapons.
- The balorian maccus, liosliath, and ewyn will no longer use invisible weapons.
Quests - General
- Bounty Quests (All realms) - We have placed a maximum level cap on the bounty

quests in Shrouded Isles. This was done to keep higher level players from being
given teasers about quests they could no longer do. The cap level was set based
on when the highest level monster involved in the bounty quest turned green to p
layers. Example: If the highest level monster involved in a level 20 bounty ques
t is level 21, the quest is capped at level 29 since above level 29 the monsters
involved will be gray. Any bounty quests that involve monsters level 36 and ove
r were not capped.
Quests - Hibernia
- Whatcha Gonna Do - Ailionora will now give Champions a more level appropriate
reward. Champions who received the scale version of the Vine Entwined Hauberk ca
n return to Ailionora to exchange it for the reinforced version of the reward.
Item Notes
- Delve information has been added to all respec stones to denote the type of re
spec for which they may be used.
- The Huleskygge bracer (Midgard) now has a power regen charge instead of an acu
ity buff charge.
- The Sublime Summoner Bracer (Hibernia) now uses charges instead of a weapon pr
oc. Unfortunately players will need to recharge the shield before it can be used
- The Bracer of Sepulchral Light (Albion) now has a power regen charge instead o
f an acuity buff charge.
- The Sepulchral Bardiche (Albion) will now drop with the correct material and d
ps values.
- (Midgard) Grip of the Troll and Troll Fingers can now be salvaged.


- Players will no longer have a chance to get stuck in a tree on their return tr
ip from Atlantis to Hibernia.
- (Hibernia) The Volcanus Haven guards have returned to their posts and are once
again guarding the Haven.
- Martikhoras will no longer vary in level when it spawns.
- The Naxos tetrarch will no longer continue to snare players after they die and
- The gorgon lifesapper, guardian, spellsmith, prowler, keeper, dismantler, high
warrior, and the grotesque gorgon are now all classified as female.
- Naxos wave-riders now use duration based buffs instead of concentration buffs.
This change will allow players to remove a buff cast on them by a charmed Naxos

- Abasi will now engage players in melee combat instead of attempting to fight a
t range.
General Quests
- Traveler Peter will now correctly give out information about Stygian quests.
Oceanus Quests
- The Secrets of Naxos (All realms) - Players on steps 12 and 13 will now receiv
e the Bracers of the Tritons when they kill Nikoda.
Oceanus Encounters
- The Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves encounter will now properly grant encounter cr
edit to all group members.
- Zahur and his minions will now correctly return to their spawn point after com
bat is over.
- The Tablet of Atlantis Encounter should reset properly after completion or fai
lure of the encounter.
- Alvarus' Leggings - Players who do not receive anything from Casyndra's Chest
will now receive a message saying they did not find anything in the chest.
Volcanus Encounters
- The Livid Salamander will no longer assist the salamander hatchlings in battle
unless he is aggro'd independently.
- Shades of Mist - The aged statue will no longer despawn when the Long Black Cl
oak is accidentally left to decay on the ground.
- Shades of Mist - When the Long Black Cloak is removed from the appropriate are
a, the criosphinxes will no longer cease combat, they will continue to pursue pl
ayers normally. Additionally, if a criosphinx has stolen the cloak from a player
and then chases a player outside of the appropriate area, the cloak will return
to the aged statue.
- Tartaros' Staff - Players will no longer be able to engage High Priest Akil in
a manner that denies the High Priest help from his siam-he portal priests.
Aerus Encounters
- When the Cyclops Eye shield drops to the ground, it will now display one messa
ge indicating this rather than several.
- Destin has been moved to a more visible location in the Aerus Haven.
- Enyalios' Boots - Players will no longer receive a Small Crystalline Phial fro
m the creatures of Aerus if they already have one in their inventory. If players
should lose or destroy their existing one, they will be able to obtain another.

- It is no longer possible to pull Danos away from his three guards when he move
s to his night camp.
Sobekite Eternal
- Trial 2, Encounter 10 - The snakes outside of the temple will no longer spawn
extra snakes after making a kill.
- The "To Become A Mummy" encounter will now apply the appropriate mummy skin fo
r the character's race and gender.
Deep Volcanus
- You can no longer stealth by the Barriers in Deep Volcanus in Typhon's Room.
Artifacts and Researchers
- Reavers are now able to receive the activated version of the Scepter of the Me
Belt of the Sun (Hibernia)

Bards will now automatically receive the Belt of the Sun instead of being give
the choice of activating the Belt or having it returned to them. The Sages wer
mistakenly telling Bards that they couldn't use all the features of the Belt o
the Sun, but they can.

Spear of Kings (Midgard)

- Hunters can now choose between a one-handed and a two-handed swords version of
the Spear of Kings in addition to the spears version. Any Hunter that would lik
e to trade in their spears version of the Spear of Kings for a swords version sh
ould speak to Loremaster Jorian or Loremistress Agneta. Please note any experien
ce or levels the spears version of the Spear of Kings has gained will be lost wh
en it is exchanged for the swords versions.
Spear of Kings (Midgard)
- With the recent change to the damage type of the one-handed and two-handed swo
rds version of the Spear of Kings, we have set up a trade-in for players. Player
s may exchange their one-handed sword Spear of Kings for a two-handed sword vers
ion and vice versa. Players may only perform this exchange once. Players can als
o choose to return their one-handed or two-handed Spear of Kings and receive the
locked artifact and Spear of Kings Tale back. These items can then be traded or
sold to another player.
Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Albion)
- A one-handed crush version of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has been added for
Mercenaries, Reavers, Paladins and Armsmen. These classes may exchange their sla

shing or thrusting versions of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger for the crushing ver
sion by speaking to Scholars Daelin or Samaya. Please note any experience or lev
els the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has gained will be lost when it is exchanged fo
r the crushing version.
Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Midgard)
- A one-handed hammer version of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has been added for
Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Berserkers. These classes may exchange t
heir swords or axe versions of the Crocodile's Tooth for the hammers version by
speaking to Loremasters Trygve or Joakim. Please note any experience or levels t
he Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the
hammers version.
Crocodile's Tooth (Midgard)
- Savages now have the choice of activating the Crocodile's Tooth as a hand to h
and weapon in addition to their other choices of sword, axe, and hammer. Savages
that wish to have a hand to hand version should return to Loremasters Trygve or
Joakim to exchange their weapon. Please note any levels or experience your Croc
odile's Tooth has gained will be lost when it is traded in for the hand to hand
Crocodile's Tooth Dagger (Hibernia)
- A one-handed blunt version of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger has been added for
Heroes, Champions, and Blademasters. These classes may exchange their blades or
piercing versions of the Crocodile's Tooth Dagger for the blunt version by speak
ing to Sages Miodac or Deavin. Please note any experience or levels the Crocodil
e's Tooth Dagger has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the blunt vers
Malice's Axe (Albion)
- Crushing versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Clerics and Friars may now
activate Malice's Axe as a one-handed crushing weapon (Malice's Mace). Mercenari
es and Reavers can now select from a slashing version and a one-hand crushing ve
rsion. Armsmen and Paladins can now select from a one-handed slashing, a two-han
ded slashing, a one-handed crushing or a two-handed crushing version. Mercenarie
s, Reavers, Armsmen, and Paladins can speak to Scholars Brivela or Torradan to e
xchange their old Malice's Axe for a crushing version. Please note any experienc
e or levels Malice's Axe has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the cr
ushing version.
Malice's Axe (Midgard)
- Hammer versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Shamans and Healers may now a
ctivate Malice's Axe as a one-handed or two-handed hammer. Warriors, Thanes, Ska
lds, Savages, and Berserkers may now choose from the one-handed or two-handed ha
mmer version in addition to their other choices. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savag
es, and Berserkers can speak to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their
old Malice's Axe for one of the hammer versions. Please note any experience or l
evels Malice's Axe has gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the hammer v

Malice's Axe (Hibernia)

- Blunt versions of Malice's Axe have been added. Blademasters, Druids, Bards, a
nd Wardens may now choose between a one-handed blade and a one-handed blunt vers
ion of the Axe. Heroes and Champions may choose between the one-handed and two-h
anded blunt version in addition to their other choices. Any of these classes can
speak to Sages Girom or Aideena to exchange their old Malice's Axe for a blunt
version. Please note any experience or levels Malice's Axe has gained will be lo
st when it is exchanged for the blunt version.
Battler (Albion)
- Crushing versions of Battler have been added. Clerics and Friars may now activ
ate Battler as a one-handed crushing weapon. Mercenaries and Reavers can now sel
ect from a slashing version and a one-hand crushing version. Armsmen and Paladin
s can now select from a one-handed slashing, a two-handed slashing, a one-handed
crushing or a two-handed crushing version. Mercenaries, Reavers, Armsmen, and P
aladins can speak to Scholars Brivela or Torradan to exchange their old Battler
for a crushing version. Please note any experience or levels Battler has gained
will be lost when it is exchanged for the crushing version.
Battler (Midgard)
- Hammer versions of Battler have been added. Shamans and Healers may now activa
te Battler as a one-handed or two-handed hammer. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savag
es, and Berserkers may now choose from the one-handed or two-handed hammer versi
on in addition to their other choices. Warriors, Thanes, Skalds, Savages, and Be
rserkers can speak to Loremistresses Hetha or Marga to exchange their old Battle
r for one of the hammer versions. Please note any experience or levels Battler h
as gained will be lost when it is exchanged for the hammer version.
Battler (Hibernia)
- Blunt versions of Battler have been added. Blademasters, Druids, Bards, and Wa
rdens may now choose between a one-handed blade and a one-handed blunt version o
f Battler. Heroes and Champions may choose between the one-handed and two-handed
blunt version in addition to their other choices. Any of these classes can spea
k to Sages Girom or Aideena to exchange their old Battler for a blunt version. P
lease note any experience or levels Battler has gained will be lost when it is e
xchanged for the blunt version.
Artifact Notes
- The Shades of Mist and Traitor's Dagger now use new artwork to replace the nec
romancer shade form previously used for the shape change illusions. This change
will no longer allow characters to be effectively invisible in some situations.
- Artifact spells will now be usable as they are unlocked. Previously the artifa
ct spells were set to a minimum level higher than the level at which players cou
ld receive the artifact.
- The time of day requirements for earning experience have been removed from the
Eerie Darkness Stone and the Night's Shroud Bracelet.
- The level ten spells for Aten's Shield and the Snakecharmer weapons and the le

vel five spell for the Maddening Scalars are now a linked absorption buff and da
mage shield.
- The Snakecharmer's Scythe will now cast a damage shield and a 12% absorption b
uff which will stack with their Arborial path absorption buff.
- The Disarm spell procced by the level five spell on the Harpy Feather Cloak wi
ll now last the correct duration.
- The Shadow weapons summoned by the Crocodile's Tooth now have +8 Score Cap bon
uses instead of +10 Score Cap bonuses in order to allow players to use the weapo
ns at level 45.
- The Scorpion Tail should now correctly earn experience from all scorpions.
- The Ceremonial Bracers and the Band of Stars will now earn experience at the s
ame rate as the other RvR only artifacts.
- The spells on Nailah's Robe and Wings Dive should now proc correctly in PvP an
d PvE.
- Snatcher should now correctly earn experience on Gaheris from undead mobs.
- The Strength Cap bonus on the Friar version of the Staff of the God has been c
hanged to a Dexterity Cap bonus.
- The Acuity Cap bonus on the Crown of Zahur (melee scale version) has been chan
ged to a Constitution Cap bonus.
- The reactive proc on Enyalios Boots will now correctly debuff the opponent.
- The axe version of Blade Shadow (Midgard) should now increase axe skill instea
d of sword.
- The crush resist on the Golden Scarab Vest has been increased to 6%.
- The Snakecharmer's Whip has been changed to 3.5 speed in response to player fe
edback. This is a retroactive change.
- The Albion version of the Dream Sphere should now correctly gain experience in
- The Spear of Kings for Midgard sword users is now correctly set to do slashing
- The Harpy Feather Cloak should now earn experience from Defender of Gaa'rvik a
nd Chronus the Mad.
Unique Object Generator Changes
Please note that the changes below do not affect existing items, only future uni
que object drops.
- Removed the old power bonus from all unique object templates.
- Reduced the chance of piety, intelligence, empathy, and charisma to the same l
evel as other stat chances for Atlantis unique object templates.
- Removed strength, constitution, and hits from all unique object bow templates.

- Removed piety, piety cap, power, and power percentage from all unique object p
late armor templates.
Item Notes
- The Harpy Talon Neckguard, the Animal Bone Bracelet, and the Harpy Feather Cha
rm can now be traded.
- The Celestius encounters will now drop new items using new spells; this will n
ot affect existing Celestius items.
- Earth-Studded Gloves (Albion) can now be dyed with enamel dye.
- The 0% Spell Damage bonus on Ember (Hibernia) has been changed 2%
- Laodameia's Bow (Albion) no longer has a requirement attached to the Dexterity
- The Midgard versions of Mace of Blood and Mace of the Pure have been renamed t
o Hammer of Blood and Hammer of the Pure. These two weapons should now also have
hammer inventory icons.
- The Blade of the Tainted (Midgard) should now have the appropriate weapon mode
- The Hissing Dire Trident (Hibernia) should no longer display a second hitpoint
s bonus.
- Any Volcanus hand-made items with reuse timers set to 15 minutes should now ha
ve a reuse timer set to 90 seconds.
- The Great Sword of Dissolution (Hibernia) should now increase large weaponry s
kill instead of blades.
- The Scaly Buckler (Hibernia) should now increase the acuity stat, instead of d
isplaying a blank bonus set to 27 points.
- The Falchion of the Zenith (Albion) now has a particle effect that fits.
- The Cyclopean Sky Scraper (all realms) can now be dyed with weapon enamels.
- The Inscribed Stone, 3 of 3 scroll was previously dropped from mobs that were
very rare spawns. The scroll will now drop from the following mobs: Melos Guards
man, Melos defender, Melos weapon master, Melos frenzied blade. The information
provided by Apprentice Yian, Apprentice Garrad, and Apprentice Aegan has been up
- The bonus to Parry Skill on the Abstrusus Gantelet (Hibernia) has been changed
to a Score Cap Charisma bonus.
- The leather version of the Shadow-bound Leggings (Albion) should now have the
appropriate leather inventory icon. In addition, the leather version of the Shad
ow-bound Leggings will no longer drop, as there is also another set of leather l
egs with identical magical bonuses from that encounter. Instead, there will now
be a studded version of the Shadow-bound Leggings that has a chance to drop.
- The particle effect on Kul's Iron-tipped Whip (Albion) has been changed to one
that fits the weapon better.

- Delve information has been added to the arrows summoned by the Braggart's Bow
and Mariasha's Sharkskin gloves to indicate their bonuses.
- Items with Damage or Range bonuses that use a "vs. monster" requirement are no
w effective against several types of monsters.
- The Legs of the Subjugator (Hibernia) now have the correct reinforced icon ins
tead of a plate icon.
- The Robe of Withering (Albion) is now restricted to friars only.
- Savages and Valewalkers will now correctly receive the Parry bonus on the Shad
es of Mist cloak.
- The Falcon's Strike spear (Midgard) now has a melee damage bonus instead of a
spell damage bonus.
- The Blade of Illusions (Midgard) is now set to do slashing damage.
- Pipe of Desolation (Albion) now has a bonus to stealth instead of healing.
- The Divine Light sword (Midgard) is now set to do slashing damage.
- Borjad's Spear (Midgard) is now set to do slashing damage.
- Savages should now be able to use the Filth Encrusted Key dropped by Martikhor
- The Melodic Drum (Hibernia) now has the appropriate drum model.
- Chisisi should no longer drop Blighted Dirks with intelligence bonuses for Alb
ion players.
- Dimitri's Sword, Bulis's Shield, Kaletor's Staff, and Thoas's Staff can no lon
ger be sold to NPC merchants.

- We are happy to introduce a new housing zone for each realm with this version.
Albion players can now start building in Aylesbury, while Midgard players can n
ow stake their claims in Kaupang, and Hibernians can now settle in Aberillan.
- The Market Explorer database has been cleared. Players who have listed their c
onsignment merchant on the Market Explorer will need to re-list their vendors to
have their wares show up in market searches. To re-list the consignment merchan
t, type /listmerchant twice.
- The /houseloc command has been added. When in the same region as a given lot,
/houseloc (lot number) will tell you the owner's name, the zone name, and the x
and y coordinates within that zone.
- Player Market searches now return the first four letters of the zone name that
the house's merchant is in (i.e. "Caer: Setian Ear" instead of "Setian Ear").
- You can now /settle (value) with a consignment merchant if you wish to remove
less than the full amount of cash. Please note that value is in coppers (For exa

mple, /settle 20000 results in removing 2 gold from the consignment merchant).
- Fixed an issue which was causing additional hitches immediately after entering
housing zones.
- Other speed spells or songs will no longer overwrite Favorable Wind, the spell
cast by each realm's housing musician NPCs.
- Players who use their personal house teleporters to get to Atlantis will now b
e transported to the Oceanus Haven zone, in front of the djinn stone.
- A new horse route has been added to Midgard housing. Jorund now sells tickets
to Yili in the Frisia Marketplace.
- Brisworthy (Albion) - There is now a horse route from Lucearak to Morgealaine.
- Meath (Hibernia) - There are now horse routes that run between the following s
ets of NPCs: Kennet and Erie, Kennet and Ainslee, Ainslee and Cintusmus, Tomin a
nd Cintusmus.
- The doors in the tavern in Brisworthy will now open.
Trials of Atlantis Trophies
- We have added trophies for the following Trials of Atlantis creatures: Ora, Si
novia, Gilia, Naxos Tidal Lord, Melos Wave Master, Skyros Dreadnaught, Hallea, K
osma, Zoea, Chissisi, Daehien, Pallida-Uraei, Keres, Kleps, and Klops. Players c
an speak to the following NPCs in the housing zones to create the new trophies.
Albion - Ectant Dinailaine, Ilphrae Dinailaine, Jhanva Dinailaine, Airyn Dinaila
ine, or Ybaedric Dinailaine
Midgard - Frolder, Warmir, Hudi, Thieya, or Aenda
Hibernia - Sannan, Sabrea, Sionyn, Sadoc, or Sioned
Okay, here we go with live server notes!
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69a Release Notes
April 15, 2004


- The Skald's speed spells should no longer randomly drop while running.
- Please note that the respec given to Infiltrators with yesterday's version mus

t be used at the character's current level. Once your character has gained a lev
el, the respec is removed.

- (Midgard) Players will once again be able to get to their homes in Frisia by g
oing through the Carlingford housing zone.
HOORAY! Everything's up and working, and if I knock on wood any harder I'm going
to break my knuckles. Here are the notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69b Release Notes
April 16, 2004


- Characters who were accidentally awarded Sure Shot at an incorrect bow skill l
evel will now have it stripped on login.
- The /who command should once again support /who (level) without an extra param
- Players should once again see a message if a spell did not take hold due to th
e player being in combat.
- Speed spells will now properly not take hold on targets that are in combat, an
d for 10 seconds thereafter.
- Skalds will now be able to start their speed spells while in combat (however,
their spell will not affect the player, as indicated from the note above).
- The Animist's Release Clump spell releases all pets and turrets under the Anim
ist's control, including Convoker pets.
- You will now be presented with an appropriate error message when attempting to
/release or log into a zone which your client does not support. For example, wh
en playing with the Shrouded Isles client, you were bound in a Trials of Atlanti
s zone and died and attempted to /release. Your character will still move to the
ir bindpoint, but you must log in using use the correct client.


Tradeskill Quests
- Adelaide Dinsmore will now ask for the appropriate elixirs for those doing the
700 alchemy tradeskill quest for Albion.
- Players on the Hibernia 700 tailoring quest will now be asked to hand in the c
orrect gloves and boots (sylvan instead of seamist) and are now properly instruc
ted to return to Tir na Nog.
- Albion players doing the level 700 Fletching quest are now able to turn in the
ir runewood longbows to Acey Dalston at 96% quality or higher.


Artifact Notes
- Artifacts and their spells will now be usable as they are unlocked. This means
that the artifact level for some artifacts (such as the Belt of the Sun) will b
e lowered to the level at which the player can receive the unlocked artifact fro
m the NPC researcher. Previously the artifact spells were set to a minimum level
higher than the level at which players could receive the artifact.
- The secondary ability on the Egg of Youth should now function properly.

- Players should no longer be getting 'stuck' behind housing boundary walls in M
eath, Kilcullen, Carlingford, and Aylesbury.
Read on:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version Release 1.69c Notes
April 19, 2004


- Mystic Crystal Lore and First Aid can no longer be used while the player is in
combat. This fixes a bug that was introduced with version 1.69.

Along with account splitting, we've put in a few fixes.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69d Release Notes
April 28, 2004


- Clerics, Druids, and Healers should now be correctly converted to receive the
lower level spreadheals.
- The Convoker master level abilities, Crystal Titan and Battlewarder, have been
reverted back to their normal levels and damage output. However, these two mons
ters will no longer be able to attack enemy realm guards. They may only be used
against enemy players and their pets.
- The friends list should now work correctly.
- Speed spells should correctly resume at the same time for pet owners and pets
after leaving combat.

- With this version we have introduced an account splitting feature (/charxfer)
for individuals who share an account with multiple characters on them and wish t
o transfer some of these characters to a new account. For more details on the ac
count splitting procedure and fee, please visit
We're back early - here are your notes:
Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.69e Release Notes
May 6, 2004


- Fixed an issue were a Necromancer pet would become invulnerable if they were w
earing negative constitution items.
- The Crystal Titan and Battlewarder will no longer attack realm guards. These t
wo abilities should now work only against enemy realm players and their pets.htt
I got this note from a player:
"Is yellow armour intrinsically better than blue, or is it all based on AF?"
So I asked Mahrin Skel (a world developer, for those of you not familiar with hi
m), and he replied:
"Effective AF is all the combat algorithm looks at, if blue gear is giving bette
r AF than yellow because of higher Quality, the blue gear *is* better. I've test
ed this extensively, 50 percent quality 30th level armor gives the same performa
nce as 100% 15th level armor of the same type (assuming you are 30th). We're goi
ng to be changing the right-click item info to display effective AF so people ar
e more aware of this."
I replied with a look of confusion. There are two kinds of AF? What the heck? He
gave a longer explanation, with tons of detail:
"Okay, I'm going to have to talk in math here.
"Effective AF" is derived from base AF (the number currently displayed
on right-click). Every armor item has a base Armor Factor, base AF divided
by 2 equals Item Level for everything but Cloth, where AF = Level. But when
you're in combat, the base AF is affected by Quality and Condition. Quality
affects both the chance the armor will completely absorb the blow, and the
amount of damage you take when it does, so the impact of quality "double
dips". Condition only affects the damage taken. So "Effective AF" equals
Base AF times Quality squared times Condition.
The "ArmorFact" field on the character display has always reflected this
effective AF rather than base AF. Soon, right-click will also show
effective AF, and base AF will only be shown on Shift+I."
This may look familiar - because it's a repost of part of a Q&A I did with OfCam But for the benefit of those of you not familiar with that wonderful w
ebsite, I have copied the data below. Coming next week, Mahrin promised to give
a similar explanation for armor.
Quality - the direct modifier to how much damage your weapon does.
Condition - another direct modifier, but one that kicks in AFTER quality.
Durability - has no effect on anything but how long a weapon will remain in the
So, all other things being equal (and dozens of factors go into the damage rolls

, I can't explain them all without some serious mathematics, and guys, cut me so
me slack, I majored in theatre and secondary English education), if you (with yo
ur skill in the weapon type) wielding the weapon could do 100 damage, but the qu
ality and condition of the weapon were both 80%, then the weapon would first be
cut to 80 (quality) and then 80% of 80 (the second 80% being the weapon's condit
Bonus - This takes into account any bonuses on the armor of the person you're hi
tting. I'll use the simplest possible example. Let's say your opponent is wearin
g a shirt with a 10% bonus. You have a sword with a 15% bonus. What you then hav
e is a 5% addition to your "to hit" (which is simply your chance to hit the oppo
nent). It doesn't affect how MUCH you hit for, it increases your chances of land
ing a hit on him at all.
Your specialization in the weapon type determines your "range" - the number betw
een the minimum damage the weapon can do and the maximum. Let's say someone with
no spec in sword can hit, with a certain type of sword, for as low as 5 points
and as many as 20. If you have points in that type, you could still only hit for
a max of 20, but your damage floor would be higher - let's say 10. The more spe
c points, the higher the floor. So being speced in a weapon type means you will
over time do a much higher average damage than someone who is untrained.
The whole system is an attempt to make it as realistic as possible.
A quick and dirty spellcraft description, the link to the siege weapon documenta
tion, and a guild page clarification.
A player asked what spellcrafting would be like, and this was my reply. As a spe
llcrafter, you imbue gemstones with magical properties - strength, resists, etc.
Then you apply the gems to high quality player-crafted armor and weaponry. The
skill gains come from making the gems - for the sake of our programmers, the gam
e will assume that if you have the skill to make the gem, you have the skill to
apply them. Of course, if you go beyond certain parameters (you can only add so
many gem properties to a piece safely) and try to over enchant an item, there is
a chance the item you're trying to decorate will blow up in your face and injur
e, maybe even kill you.
Only casters can be spellcrafters - pure melee and hybrids won't be able to even
Check out the siegecraft documentation located here. One helpful tip? If the def
enders are repairing the door against your battering ram faster than you can do
damage, other siege weapons might be of assistance ;).
Finally, I'm getting a lot of email (thanks for the love and the constructive cr
iticism, you guys rock), and a number of you have had questions about the guild
pages. Here's what I told one guildmaster - Right now, the website information w
ill only have the guild name, the emblem, and the number of realm points the gui
ld has accrued. All of that will be drawn automatically from the game, so your g
uild will be listed without you doing a thing. Later on we hope to add more feat
ures, some of which might require your interaction, but you'll be able to access
everything from the web.
If there's anything in particular you would like to see included in future featu
res, please just let me know and I will include it in the feedback I pass on to

Okay! Thanks everyone!
These questions have no relation to one another, they were just recurring themes
in my email and on the boards this week. There were more, of course, but these
I have ANSWERS to. Y'all have a good weekend.
Q: The Igraine server went down tonight at approx 9:30pm. Ok no prob. Figured I
would just log into the Tristan server and play my character over there. But ala
s, when trying to log back in I received the message - account already logged in
. Therefore, I was stuck in limbo until the Igraine server was brought back onli
ne (or the *backup* server). What if the turn around time on this was more than
24 hours?? I am a techy and can understand servers going down from time to time.
But not being able to log in to another server?? Doesn't seem reasonable to a p
aying customer.
A: Okay, this is how it works:
Normally, when a server is shut down while players are still in it, the last thi
ng it does before exiting is to "log out" each of the players. This notifies the
accounting system that the player is no longer in the game and makes it availab
le for use on other servers. When a server goes down in an uncontrolled manner,
there is no notification for the accounting system, and so accounts logged into
that server remain unavailable until the server restarts and lets the accounting
system know what happened.

Q: The /command list is great, but there were some that I dont even RECOGNIZE. Plea
se define upgrade, repair, salvage, and make. Hey! Make isnt on the list anymore! W
hat gives?
A: Here you go:
/upgrade (crafter skill)
Allows for the upgrading of keep doors. This will increase the AF and Total Heal
th of said door.
/repair (crafter skill)
Allows for the repair of items similar to the Smith NPC. Increases the condition
back towards 100% while dropping the durability appropriately.
/salvage (crafter skill)
Allows for the "melting down" of an item for the purpose of extracting the base
material used to make the item.
(Note: for all three of the above, if you have no skill points in that specializ
ation, you can type the command, but it wont do anything until you have the skill.)
An internal command that lets Mythic make crafted items to test them. It shouldnt b
e on a player guide. If players can make this work, wed really, REALLY like to know

Q: When I cast the spells is says you cast the spell, or, you cast the spell and
the creatures is whatever, or your spell is resisted. I know what the resisted
one means, I know what the success one means, but what about the one where it ju
st says I cast the spell? ....Is it resisted? Cast but not effective? Cast but j
ust no success statement? It only happens the first time I cast them in a fight.
..after that is always lets me know if it works or not.
A: You're out of range of the effect print; if it doesn't say it's resisted, the
effect stuck.

Q: How can you tell if autosplit has been turned off by your group leader?
The group gets a message when the leader first makes the change. But if you miss
that, or you have joined the group late, you can tell simply by checking your s
ystem messages whenever someone loots. If autosplit is on, all looting messages
will have (autosplit) in front of the text. If autosplit is off, the message wil
l read So and so loots an item.
Fabulous Friday Q&A, from your emails and the boards. Y'all be safe for the holi
days, and take care of yourselves.
Q: So, the raid I was on destroyed the supply keep. We really needed the supply
MERCHANT to respawn because we were out of siege equipment parts. It took FOREVE
R. How do those keeps respawn after they come under new management?
A: You need to prove you can hold the fort. Right after you win, you are extremely vul
nerable. Only the keep lord instantly respawns, along with the doors and the fla
gs. The next NPC youll see will be an archer, and then guards. The supply merchant
and the roaming guards of your realm are the last to spawn. For a supply keep to
be fully respawned takes a bit less than an hour.
Note that regular keeps have the merchants popping right away.
Q: So whats it take to get credit for capturing a keep? Ive been on a lot of keep beat
downs, but /gc info still shows outposts captured: 0.
A: This is one of the guild features that isnt fully implemented yet most raids are N
OT the work of one guild, so we need to find a fair formula.
Q: The 40th level bezerker epic gives you a choice of weapons, and I wanted an a
xe. But I cant wield it in my left hand. Um, this sucks?
A: Well, the quest and item people agree with you, so the next patch will have t
he axe auto-update to be a weapon for either hand. Just hang on to it.
Q: The loot in the top of (insert high level dungeon here) is rather unimpressiv
e. Whats up with the 80% quality gear?
A: The easily accessible loot right inside is really only meant for two purposes
one, a fast and cheap source of armor for a player who would otherwise be naked o
r in gray armor. And the second, and primary purpose, is for crafters to salvage
the parts are things they need to make higher level armor. Perhaps people in need

of some terrific armor could work out a deal with a crafter to supply them with
parts in return for clothes.
Q: I left my old guild to join a new one. I had a zillion realm points, but when
I joined my new guild their point total didnt change. What gives?
A: Guild realm points are accumulated via straight addition, by adding up the po
ints of the individual members. However, the program does not simply add up the
points that show in your individual program. The points are totaled on the fly,
as someone wearing that guild banner earns them. So when you leave a guild, your
points are your own, but the guild total still includes your earnings while you
were among them. Your new guild doesnt get credit for points you earned as a membe
r of another group.
Q: Ive been leveling out on the frontier on those tasty purple monsters, and I was
still a little bloody from the encounter. Then I died on the frontier to a playe
r, and I lost experience and constitution. WTH?
A: This is intentional. If you are down so much as a single hit point from monst
er damage when you are killed by another player, you will lose exp/con. It seems
unfair, but the alternative is more unbalancing to the game people would fight mo
nsters, and if it looked like they were going to lose, theyd suicide on the nearest
guard and gain risk free, no-loss experience. Leveling on the frontier is not m
eant to be risk-free the possibility of someone taking advantage of your weakened
state is a clear and present danger. The other side of the coin (enemies using t
he native fauna to cause you to suffer) is considered a tactic. Its not terribly NI
CE, but war isnt.
Q: Mesmerize/stun how does it work?
A: Here is how its supposed to work. Each spell has a certain duration. Stuns vary
between 3 and 10 seconds (ten seconds, that is, at level 50), and a mez can last
up to 30 seconds. A stun cannot be broken, but a mez breaks when the victim is
hit or damaged. A melee stun is the same as a caster stun for the purposes of du
ration and effect on the victim.
Both mez and stun spells are affected by the code of diminishing returns, timed
by the victim. For example, say Mark Jacobs hits me with a stun for ten seconds.
The second time he stuns me, I will only be stunned for five seconds. The third
time, 2, the fourth, 1, the fifth, 1, and the sixth doesnt work at all. If I am no
t hit (not necessarily a stun, but not hit in combat at all) again for sixty sec
onds, the timer of diminishing returns is reset. With a mez, the same thing happens. 3
0 seconds, then 15, etc.
This code is activated per victim. Diminishing returns has no knowledge of how t
he spell was cast (shout, spell, ability, style, etc). Lets go back to me being rep
eatedly stunned by Mark, and this time, Matt Firor joins the party. Mark stuns m
e for ten seconds. When Matt takes a swing at me, HIS stun only lasts for five s
econds. Marks second spell (the THIRD time I got hit in this little battle) only la
sts for two.
Some stun and mez spells are instant casts, but they have a recycle time of ten
Please bear in mind that the diminishing by halves stated above may change to ha
ve the timer diminish a little faster than halves.

Got some great questions from the boards and email - here are the answers. Dual
wield, upgrade, and much much more. (DOH! Correction, 11:01 AM 1/3/02 - I was wo
rking off some old numbers, my bad. The base bonus percentages in dual wield are
now correct.)
Q: Can I have some more information on the /upgrade command?
A: /Upgrade works off the Woodworking trade skill. This is generally a secondary
trade skill, so one does not need to be primarily a Woodworking crafter in orde
r to upgrade or repair doors. At the level of 400, you have all the points you n
eed to upgrade a keep or fort door to its maximum level.
Q: What's up with weaponcrafting? It seems way harder and more expensive than an
y of the other trades.
A: You can't compare the cost of one trade to another; they stand alone - so yes
, it's more expensive in some ways, but that's not an accident. Weapons are the
most purchased, most used items in the game - the demand for new and better weap
ons outpaces that of the demand for armor, and they require repair more often. Y
our fellow players swing their weapons more often than they get hit! We're worki
ng closely with crafters to see if anything needs to be adjusted.
Q: Do stats (like intelligence) have anything to do with how often you succeed o
r fail at a trade skill?
A: Nope, the only thing that matters is your skill level. Failure is a percentag
e based on the level of the item relative to your skill, and is random. You coul
d have a hundred successes in a row (statistically unlikely, but possible) becau
se the chance is the same each attempt.
But remember, critical failures (where you lose a component) only happen on item
s that con orange to your skill level. If you find yourself losing too many part
s, drop back to yellows for awhile, where failure only costs you time, not money
Q: My best friend and I were sharing our account. We had an argument, and he cha
nged the password on me. I am the one paying for the account, and I don't think
this is fair.
A: For most situations, as far as Mythic is concerned, the person who has the se
cret word (not the password, the secret word you chose when you signed up) is th
e person who owns the account and has ultimate control. Therefore, if you call u
s (we don't do this via email) and provide the secret word, we will work with yo
u to help keep the account secure.
If an account changes hands for whatever reason, please be sure to call us with
the old secret word and request a new one, along with changing the password. Eve
n if the password is changed, the holder of the secret word has the ultimate con
Q: On my character information sheet, there are fields for Attack Skill and Weap
on Damage. What do these numbers mean?
A: Your attack skill is a composite number that reflects a lot of information ba
sed on your character - your level, spec points, +skill items, weapon bonuses, a
nd buffs.

Weapon damage is a composite number that reflects information that comes from th
e way your weapon interacts with you. (The damage on the weapon's information sc
reen doesn't take into account anything about you and your skill.) For instance,
a purple weapon in your hands does not do the same amount of damage that it wou
ld do in the hands of a higher level player. When you level, the weapon stays th
e same, but your weapon damage on the character information sheet would be highe
Q: I can't find the post you made about the way dual wield, celtic dual, and lef
t axe works. Could you repost it?
A: Sure.
Albion: You wield a weapon in each hand. Each attack round, a coin is tossed - h
eads, you swing the right hand weapon, tails you swing the left. The speed of th
e attack is determined by the speed of the "winning" weapon. Damage is assessed
for each swing based on the spec points you have into that damage type, just as
it is if you're using a single weapon.
In addition, there is a 25% base chance of swinging both weapons. That's if you
never put a single spec point into dual wield - the more you spec in dual, the g
reater the chance of swinging both weapons.
Midgard: Left axe is different. Obviously, you're limited to an axe in your left
hand. You always swing with both weapons, every round - but the base damage is
half what each weapon would normally hit for. This is modified by your spec poin
ts in left axe - there is a base bonus of 20%, and it goes up as you spec.
Your skill in left axe also determines the "floor" damage your left axe does. Yo
ur "floor" damage for your RIGHT hand is determined by your spec in that weapon
type. The higher you spec in both left axe and your primary weapon, the higher y
our average damage per hand will be.
Damage is assessed by your skill in left axe, not by the spec you have in your p
rimary weapon (note - you don't need to spec in axe, unless you're also using an
axe as your primary weapon). You can't get away with only specing in left axe,
though - you'll need to put points into your primary weapon type to get the cool
Hibernia: See Albion. (/em hides)
After much testing, tweaking, comparing, and discussion, here's how group experi
ence works in DAOC:
Let me start off by explaining that the "75% range rule" you old-timers remember
was accurate at one point during the beta. Then, we found a bug - group bonuses
were getting added AFTER people's exp caps were reached, and to a low level pla
yer, those bonuses were sometimes equal to more than three times their experienc
e cap. (Don't worry, newcomers, all the terms will be explained below.) Then som
e aspects of the system were exploited (not really a good word, because no one w
as doing anything bad, but it was not the way we had intended the system to work
). Then we put in some code that made the acceptable range entirely too strict.
Since then, we've tweaked the code, relaxed some restrictions, made the formulas
a bit more generous, etc. This, below, is how the system works. I am sorry this
explanation was so late in coming.
All group experience is divided evenly amongst group members, if they are in the
same level range. What's a level range? One color range. If everyone in the gro

up cons yellow to each other (or high blue, or low orange), experience will be s
hared out exactly evenly, with no leftover points. How can you determine a color
range? Simple - Level divided by ten plus one. So, to a level 40 player (40/10
+ 1), 36-40 is yellow, 31-35 is blue, 26-30 is green, and 25-less is gray.
But a range like that is awfully narrow. Our 40th level friend will be grouping
with more than just yellows, so what happens to the other colors? It's still div
ided exactly evenly (our highest level friend gets the same share he would have
gotten if all his group mates were his level), but lower level group members onl
y keep their experience up to their "experience cap," and the leftover points go
away. (That cap, by the way, is defined as yellow + 10%, aka low orange, and ap
plies to everyone - even solo artists.) In DAOC, anyone can group with anyone el
se and get experience. But for everyone in the group to get the maximum amount o
f experience possible, the encounter must be a challenge to the group.
But what's a challenge to the group? A good rule of thumb goes like this: If the
group has two people, the monster must at least be (con) yellow to the highest
level member. If the group has four people, the monster must at least be orange.
If the group has eight, the monster must at least be red. There are exceptions
(because the higher the level of the players, the wider the level range within a
color is), but that's basically how it works. If an encounter is not challengin
g enough to the group, "challenge code" kicks in.
If "challenge code" has been activated, then the experience is divided roughly l
ike so in a group of two (adjust the colors up if the group is bigger): If the m
onster was blue to the highest level player, each lower level group member will
ROUGHLY receive experience as if they soloed a blue monster. Ditto for green. As
everyone knows, a monster that cons gray to the highest level player will resul
t in no exp for anyone. If the monster was high blue, challenge code may not kic
k in. It could also kick in if the monster is low yellow to the high level playe
r, depending on the group strength of the pair.
It is not possible to say exactly where challenge code kicks in for several reas
ons. For one, the colors are just a convenient way to talk about monsters; "high
blue" and "low blue" will vary from monster to monster. The formula given in th
e first paragraph only applies to players, although it does approximately work f
or monsters. For another thing, challenge code isn't an on-off thing - it slowly
drops off throughout the range.
Again, everyone will hit their cap or thereabouts as long as the encounter was a
challenge to the group.
I will be cruising the various boards all weekend looking at threads on this top
ic, and clarifying this article as needed on Monday. And you know me - if it see
ms to not work the way I said it does, I am ALWAYS glad and grateful to get feed
back. But bear in mind that this issue has a ton of factors. Complete feedback w
ill have your level, the level of your groupmates, where you were fighting, the
monsters you are fighting, what kind of bonuses (camp, BAF, etc) the monsters we
re giving if any, the relative con to each player, the amount of exp received pe
r player, and as much other information as you feel is relevant. "I fought this
monster, I think it was a skeleton, and it was blue and my friend who is 20 leve
ls under me got exp like it was a green" is too vague to help us find a problem,
just FYI =)
Y'all have a good weekend.
All right! Got a lot to cover today, so let's go.
Q: When do hostile mobs become aggressive?

A: Our faction chain isnt completely linear: Hostile does not proceed to aggressive; h
ostile and aggressive are the same faction rating. The difference is that some m
obs are flagged attack and some are flagged never attack. In other words if yo
a neutral mob it will become EITHER hostile if flagged never-attack OR aggressiv
e if flagged attack a hostile mob will never become aggressive or vice versa.
Thanks to our Mentalist team lead for the concise answer!
Q: I want to go to events. Where do I find them?
A: Over there on your left is a link to the calendar. All kinds of people are pu
tting together events for trade fairs, guild recruitment, RVR wars, and even poe
try contests. Go find one, or even start one. If you want to have an event, you
need to provide information a place for people to gather, a time to get together,
a contact name or three, and a real life email address for me to contact you if
I have questions.
Q: The manual states the auto-release timer is one minute per level. This is not

A: Youre right, its not. The manual is incorrect as of this writing its ten minu
the board.
Q: I got into trouble for using a name that YOUR name generator gave me. Uh, wha
ts up with that?
A: Well, our name generator basically takes several authentic sounding syllables
, mushes them together, and presents it to you as an option. **You still need to
use your judgment.** If the resulting name looks or sounds like a racial slur,
a disease, or something else nasty, dont use it. Remember, every warning or suspens
ion letter has a contact address at the bottom for disputing actions taken again
st your account, and we do read all such emails and have reversed name suspensio
ns in the past.
Q: Hi! Just hit 9th with my Cabalist and all my pets are green, regardless of wh
ich pet spell I cast. I tried everything to get a better pet, no dice.
A: At level 9, the pet is always green, although at 10 you have a shot at blue o
nes again, Mr. Cabalist. The max level of your pet is a percentage of your level
, so its always the same ratio to you 88% of you. So, at level 9, high green and low
blue are the same, and your level is so low that 88% of you is green.
Q: How do focus staves work?
A: Oh, boy. Okay, first let me say we are CHANGING this. The current system is n
ot as effective as we want it to be at higher levels.
Focus staves do not affect skill, they affect power costs. It costs 120% of nomi
nal power cost to cast a spell without a focus stave. It also costs 120% of the
power cost if the spell is higher in level than the level of the stave. Having t
he right stave can lower your casting cost down to 90% under the current system.
All existing staves are triple-foci.
That is the current system. I am going to take a risk here and tell you how the

new system will work in advance. The new system combined with new staves current
ly in development will be more effective for the higher level players (40+) and
(with the right stave) lower the casting cost to 80%, not 90%.
Again THIS SYSTEM IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. It will be SOON. Do not write to tell me
it doesnt work this way I know. It doesnt yet. It will. Watch the patch notes for
timing. The current system caps you at 90%.
Here goes, straight from the designers keyboard:
The value of a focus item is based on the *level* of the spell that is being cast.
It is not based on the caster casting it, or the spec level of the caster. If th
e spell level is equal to or less than the number on the focus staff the spell w
ill be cast at 80% of power cost. If the spell level is greater than the focus o
n the staff you will see diminishing returns. If the focus is 3/4 of the spell l
evel the spell will be cast at 90% of power cost, 1/2 of the spell level the spe
ll will be cast at 100% of power cost, 1/4 will be cast at 110%, and no focus wi
ll be cast at 120% of power cost. Keep in mind this is a sliding scale and these
are not tiers, they are just points that I chose to illustrate power costs at d
ifferent intervals. Depending on the focus stave you use you can literally end u
p with a power cost of anywhere between 80-120%.
(Note from Sanya in other words, if your stave is marked 20, and your spell is lev
el 20 or below, that stave will make the spell cost 80% of the listed power cost
. If the stave is 15, and the spell is 20, your spell will cost 90%. If the stav
e is 25 and the spell is 50, the cost will be 100%. And so on.)
There will also be staves that affect a single focus, they will have a bit more
spice than the standard 3 foci staves. It will be much easier to bring a focus t
o minimum power cost using these new ones, albeit at the cost of focusing the ot
her 2 foci.
I hope to heaven that made sense. And people wonder why I prefer Unga Kill class
es; you spellcasters make my head hurt on Friday afternoons. ;)
Q: How can you tell what realm a siege weapon belongs to?
A: Take a whack at it, or cast a spell on it. If you can hurt it, its not yours. I
have heard that the person who BUILT the thing can damage his own machine, but I
have not personally confirmed that. This is a design choice so that the attacke
rs can cast AE spells without damaging friendly weapons.

Have a good weekend, be safe. Next week: Parry and evade skills and how they wor
The weekly list o' questions! Incidentally, I did not get a whole lot of evade q
uestions, so the focus is on block and parry instead of what I said last Friday.
Q: The known issues section of the Herald has changed. What's up?
A: What's up is that instead of it being a list compiled by hand, we're moving t
o a more automated system. Every emailed bug, every appealed bug, every bug that
isn't really a bug but is causing confusion - they're all going into a central
database. People are assigned to go through it and verify that the entry is a bu
g. Once past that stage, it gets marked "Display On Herald" or "Do Not Display."
(It's not totally done yet, which is why all you see at the moment is the old l

ist, only clearer.)

Why not display them all on the Herald automatically? Because in my dreadfully h
umble opinion, the player base does not require step by step instructions on the
occasional exploit, nor does the player community wish to see every spelling er
ror we've made. There may also be several entries for what is essentially the sa
me issue. But it is with great anticipation that we start to roll out the new sy
stem, and hopefully the list will be more comprehensive in the future.
Q: I took some time off from DAOC, and now I want to "re-up." Only, I can't reme
mber my password, and I definitely do NOT want to make a long distance call to g
et it. I also don't want to buy the game again. Help?
A: There's a new tool located at
ml. Assuming you gave us a real email address when you registered the first time
, you can go to that page, fill out a brief form, and your password will be sent
to the address on file.
Q: How long does it take to repair a keep door?
A: Four minutes, assuming you have all your supplies on hand. I can hear the bit
ter laughter of those trying to repair level eight doors now. There's some hope
for you - as a result of some investigating we did on a related matter, we are c
onsidering making higher level door repairs require more time, but less wood.
Remember, when you upgrade a door, you should repair it to 100% before you upgra
de again. See last week's Grab Bag for more detail.
Q: When you parry or block, is your target the only enemy you CAN parry or block
A: Parrying only requires that your target be in front of you in your "visible a
rc;" you do not have to have the enemy specifically targeted. You can't parry or
block attackers who are behind you.
Q: Do you have the same chance to block all the mobs in your visible arc?
A: The same base chance, yes, but remember, the level of the mob relative to you
is part of the equation. Also, you can only block a swing that otherwise would
have hit.
Q: Is there a "timer" for block and parry, ie, does the last time you blocked or
parried have any bearing on your chances to do it again?
A: No. The chance of a successful block or parry is the same each time.
Q: Is your target always one of the enemies you have a chance to block or parry?
A: At the start of a fight, the enemies you have a chance to block or parry are
the first three to swing at you in a six second period, regardless of your targe
t. After that, especially in multiple enemy skirmishes, figuring out which you h
ave a chance to block or parry gets kinda... complicated. It boils down to you h
ave a chance to avoid damage from anything taking a whack at you at some point.

Q: When guarding, can you only guard a friend from blows by your target?
A: You are guarding your friend from everything in your visible arc.
Q: Some people feel that you can't block or parry attacks of the special combat
style nature. Is this true?
A: If it is, it's a bug and we welcome detailed information reported via /appeal
with the bug option selected. (Please, please don't just submit a general appea
l - it dramatically impacts the effectiveness of our in game CS. Be sure to sele
ct the bug option, so that it pops straight into the database the developers use
!) You may be thinking of bladeturn, which doesn't work against special assassin
That about wraps it up. Send corrections and clarifications to me at the address
on your left. Have a good one!
No, I was not able to resolve the many excellent evade questions I received this
week. They have not been forgotten. For now, read onwards for resolution order,
CS questions, and an explanation of why the buff system explanation didn't work
for some classes.
Q: The way you explained the new buff system seems wrong, wrong, wrong for my (i
nsert hybrid class here). Whos crazy, me or you?
A: Me. It was an internal miscommunication. I gave the original explanation exac
tly as *I* received it, and the explanation works for the classes I am personall
y familiar with through my own play time. But it seems that originally, spec buffs wer
e envisioned as buffs that worked on two stats, and base buffs would only affect one s
tat. This isnt how it ultimately worked out, as you all well know. However, some of
us at Mythic kept using the term spec buff to refer to double buffs, as opposed to bu
ffs that require spec points to use. Im told I looked like Id eaten a cockroach when t
his little detail was explained to me.

So the original explanation still applies, but you should substitute double stat bu
ff where it says spec, and single stat buff where it says base. The orig
ut there are too many exceptions - exceptions can be explained by my poor use of
terminology. I completely apologize for the confusion.
Q: I was being harassed in the game, and I sent in an appeal. No one ever talked
to me!
A: We usually deal with harassment by talking to the person who is being a creti
n, not the victim. If we go to investigate, and see nothing, we never just delet
e the appeal we go look at the logs to see what happened. Our CSRs play the game a
nd know perfectly well how frustrating some circumstances are.
Q: Why did you delete my appeal?
A: We didnt. We never delete appeals but we may close some without personally respond
ing to the customer. If thats the case, an email is automatically sent to the addre
ss we have on file for you.

Q: What exactly is the email used for?

A: That email address is ONLY used for technical and billing support. Any other
questions sent there generally receive a polite form letter letting you know tha
t they dont handle gameplay issues. The people that read that email do forward feed
back-type letters. Usually to me, so addressing a letter to support AND me is no
t necessary.
Q: I looked in my errorlog.txt as you suggested last week, and tried to send it
to you. But the file was huge, and my email server wouldnt process it. Do you still
want them?
A: We can only use error logs that are less than two weeks old from the current
date, so you can go ahead and delete old ones. By the way, a complete error log
contains a header, and two enormous chunks of data. Just sending us the header d
oesnt help. Weve used the error logs received in the last few weeks to solve some pret
ty big issues, so keep them coming!
Q: I spent a few days going link dead a lot. Whats going on?

A: A lot of different things. Cable users had a lot of problems this week due to
some infrastructure issues on the cable networks across the country. Were doing wh
at we can to alleviate the problems with some tweaks to the way we send out pack
ets. When the problem is US, youll know because hardly anyone can log into DAOC. Al
so, when its US, well tell you as we have in the past. You may not get as immediate an
answer as you would like, because our network people have to investigate, conta
ct our ISP, and wait for an answer. If the answer is inconclusive, we have to in
vestigate our own material, and possibly call the ISP back with the mature adult
equivalent of It is SO your fault. Either way, its a time consuming process that ta
while to get an answer more definitive than we think or we guess.
Q: Whats the time difference between the Herald and Europe?
A: Us to GMT is 5 hours. Youll have to do the math for your particular part of Europe.
Q: Regarding spellcrafting you said that a mistake at the highest levels of spellc
rafting could kill you. Uh, Im a pure crafter, I really dont want to lose experience.
Also, if Im imbuing a player made object, whose name goes on the item as the creato
A: You wont lose exp, and both names go on the object.
Q: What is the resolution order of attacks and blocks?
A: First, the game checks to see if the enemy would have even hit you. (Bladetur
ns, damage shields, etc all fall into this step.) Next, the game checks to see i
f you evaded the attack. If you dont evade, the game checks to see if you parried t
he attack. If you dont parry, you get a chance to block if youre equipped to do so. Af
ter all that, the game tells you how much damage you took. This is how it works th
e lead programmer just looked directly at the code to be absolutely certain. Sho
rt version the checks are hit/miss, evade, parry, block.

More fun than a cat at a fish fry:

Q: How do haste spells work?
A: You swing more often. Bear in mind that everyone has a melee damage range, an
d that the number of points of inflicted damage can vary anywhere in that range.
(Your range depends on factors such as specialization points, other stat buffs,
enhancing items, your natural stats, etc.)
I have had a lot of questions on this recently, because we recently nerfed it (i
t used to make you swing almost twice as fast as normal even if the person who h
asted you was low level). However we have run EXTENSIVE tests on this spell. Becau
se that potential damage range can be wide, and some fights can be short (short
defined as less than five swings), it is possible to have a situation where you
do less damage with haste up than otherwise. However, those situations are not c
ommon, and have zero to do with the haste spell. All but one of our test runs sh
owed the hasted character doing more damage overall as opposed to the non-hasted
character. And the effect gets better the higher level the haste spell.
Now, Ive been doing these grab bags long enough to know some of yall will disagree wit
h me violently. If youre going to, please send the following information with HASTE
as your subject header (BTW, when I ask for a header, its so I can sort through my
seven billion emails and pull out the ones that are relevant): Class, race, lev
el, weapon spec points, dual wield/left axe spec (if applicable), and weapon spe
Q: How do you set priorities at Mythic in terms of what the coders do each day?
A: Our number one priority is anything that would stop the game for a player. Th
is isnt just crash bugs, this includes anything that would keep you from playing th
e game targeting bugs keeping you from initiating combat, a spell line not working
at all, and so on.
Our second priority involve exploitative scenarios, behavior that falls outside
parameters we have set damage either far above or far below what we consider appro
priate, gold machines (meaning an effortless means of acquiring cash), etc.
From there we try to strike a balance between old stuff and new. For old stuff,
we have four dedicated employees who do nothing but go through player appeals an
d reports. Their job is to read, verify, duplicate, isolate, and report. One of
the people is solely devoted to gathering class feedback, and getting that infor
mation to the developers. I help with that, as there is sometimes a disconnect b
etween the relatively small population on Pendragon and popular opinion as seen
through email and the boards. And of course, the rest of the dev team has their
own niche they look out for the spell guy, the item guy, the item girl, the trades
kill guy, the pathing guy, the quest horde, etc. They do cruise the web, but mos
tly I forward them emails and links. I also follow up in a persistent fashion. I
may not win each debate, but I dont go away =)

Its hard, I think. Its hard for ME, and I know whats going on behind the scenes! For
thing, theres a delay from when YOU say something to when a decision is made on the
topic and it appears in game. The stuff thats been coming in lately higher crit stri
kes for assassins, new spells, etc is all based on feedback we collected two month
s ago. For another thing, our programmers are looking at the game as a whole. Th
ey might have to drop working on a spell or style that doesnt work exactly right in
favor of solving a crash bug, because that crash bug affects ALL the players, n
ot just the player of class X. It doesnt mean that class X, or any other subset of
players, is not very important.

Q: I am missing (insert style here). When can I expect it?

A: Go right click your trainer, and check your style list. Dont forget to scroll up
or down. If it did not appear, please email me your name, your class, your serv
er, and the name of the style. Put a subject header that reads STYLE MISSING for
me, please! From what I have been told, no one should be missing their styles but
they do need to right click their trainer to get it if it had been missing befo
Q: When are you going to fix /stick?
A: Well, technically, its not broken. Its just like /follow, but with a smaller radius
. It still doesnt get you close enough to actually melee the person you are stuck t
o. At this point, I have been told that this is to prevent automatic combat, whe
re you just pick, click, and stick. Whats it good for then? Well, if youre stuck to so
meone, and they stop to cast a spell, youre RIGHT there to whack them. I understand
that a number of you do not like the way this works, and have passed on that fe
Q: Can you comment on the BSI lawsuit?
A: Not and keep my job at the same time, no. And I really like this job. Youll have
to wait for the tell-all book after Mythic fires me. Thanks for the supportive
emails, though!
Q: Why have archers been whacked with the nerf bat so hard?
A: Well, three things one, barring the unforeseen thats the last of the major adjustm
ents, and two, some of that nerf pain was NOT on purpose, it was a bug (category
two, by the definition of our priorities mentioned above) see that patch note mar
ked 1.45C posted by Matt Firor early this morning. Im really sorry about that. So i
s everyone here thats why we took the servers down this morning to fix it.
And three, heres a sample of my email: Can you tell me how I am lvl 42 and totally buf
fed (I am an enh spec cleric) and ONE Archer does over 1100 points of damage to
me before I can take 10 steps? The guy did a crit on me for 599 points and then
two hits for approx 300 each. How in the world can Mythic justify that AND give
them the speed to get away as well? Well, I really cant say I blame the guy for being
a little traumatized.
If you disagree with the disgruntled gentleman posted above,
class (and if you arent an archer Ill delete it, FYI,
r poor clerics, I dont need any more ;)), race, level,
d a **concise** list of reasons why Mythic is wrong. Use the

please send me your

I have tons more emails like ou
and spec point distribution, an

Ill be camping the boards this weekend, as we are collecting feedback about our pro
posed hardcore PVP server. Please dont email me with your ideas, use the boards
y one of the terrific fan-run forums, I lurk at nearly a dozen boards. Have a wo
nderful weekend everyone!
Here's the latest edition. Champions, take note:

Q: Will resist caps be raised? Currently I am at 24% spirit even though I wear 2
8% worth of gear. What I want to know is will the buff stack with my gear giving
me, say, 48%?
A: Yes. The item cap and the buff cap are separate.
Q: (Insert unhappy comment about Champions and the new debuffs here.)
A: The impact was heavier than intended. We are going to be revisiting the debuf
f changes next week. This applies to any class that uses debuffs, incidentally,
but I used Champions in the question as they are a class that really built itsel
f around debuffs. We're also going to be looking over the Champions in general,
in addition to the Friars. And for the love of god, please stop using the word "
disgruntled" in your headers, I wish I'd picked a more fun word like "pickled."
Q: (Insert question answered on the Herald last month.)
A: We do have a keyword search here on the Herald - it's on the left column.
Q: (Insert buff here) does nothing for my class! Could you change it to be usefu
l to me?
A: This is a design choice - not every spell you may be able to cast will necess
arily be usable by you. One example of such a spell, the acuity buff Midgard Sha
men recently received, doesn't actually do anything for a Shaman. Rather, it hel
ps Runemasters and Spiritmasters (with Piety increases) - this was to make Shame
n more desirable in a group, not to necessarily make the Shaman himself any stro
Q: Where are the spells.xml and styles.xml lists you spoke of lo these many moon
s ago?
A: Well, we've been doing some serious revamping of this material lately, so we
decided to hold off putting it into XML until we were finished reviewing it all.
In addition, no one has had the time yet to put together the file. I'm afraid t
here is no ETA on this, although it's something we REALLY want to do. It has not
been forgotten, merely pushed back on the priority list. Sorry =(
Q: With the new display options coming soon for individual guilds on the Herald,
why not make all the possible information (spec breakdowns per character, craft
ing skill levels per character, /played time, etc) available via XML but not dis
played on the Herald itself?
A: While we COULD do that, we SHOULDN'T do that - because anyone could get acces
s to your guild's XML stuff and display it on their own website. This would be a
n egregious invasion of privacy, in our opinion. Password protection is an optio
n, but we do not have the programmer time available to set up such a thing.
Incidentally, check out the new Realm War pages, we've added some nifty features
. The first version of this page did not include unguilded players in the Top Pl
ayer listings - this was a bug, and now corrected to display people without an o
fficial guild.
Q: I cannot solo a freaking blue. It is highly annoying.

A: It should be highly annoying, since that is not our intent. BUT - we run test
s whenever we get class/race/spec/target monster information, and more than half
the time we can solo a blue just peachy. (When we can't, we get cracking on fig
uring out ways to fix that.) Here's one thing - our test characters are in blue/
yellow armor. So, if you cannot kill a blue, AND you are wearing mostly blue or
better armor, please send me your feedback (class/race/level/spec points/overall
armor con color/target monster) with the heading PICKLED SOLOIST.

Have a spiffy weekend!
Short and sweet (Spellcraft/Tradeskill update among the most notable answers):
Q: Any new information on the newest material types?
A: Yes. From our tradeskill guy:
With the advent of the recipes for the 9th/10th material types, we've had to restru
cture the database that we use for all of the tradeskill recipes. Not only did t
his allow us to increase the size, but also allowed us to resequence the recipes
themselves (at least internally) to better deal with future additions.
With this, we'll be rolling out the recipes on our internal server within the ne
xt day, or so. It should then go up to Pendragon within a couple days of that (d
epending on when a Pendragon update is done).
The NPC's that sell the materials for the 9th/10th material types will not be on
Pendragon yet, as we want to make sure that the recipes for the 1st through 8th
material types still work.
Once that happens, the updated recipes will be cycled live, while the Merchants
selling the 9th/10th material types will be added onto Pendragon.
Q: What about Spellcrafting?
A: Theres more from the tradeskill guy!
The plan is to work on implementing Spellcrafting once the 9th/10th materials go fu
lly live, and any of the kinks they may have, are worked out.
For those that aren't aware of what Spellcrafting is, in a nutshell, it'll allow
a Spellcrafter to imbue a player-made item with magical properties.
We plan on "launching" Spellcrafting with the ability to imbue items with these
1) Stat buffs
2) Skill buffs
3) Resistance buffs
In the future, we hope to add the ability to imbue weapons with "procs" and poss
ibly imbue an item with spell charges.
Q: My blademaster needs a little love. Got anything good for me?

A: Would Evade III help? Were adding that to Blademasters next week.
Q: Did you mean for minstrels and mentalists to get the same kind of charm syste
A: Yes, but on further reflection its not working for mentalists very well, given t
hat a minstrel has a better chance of surviving if their pet attacks them, while the m
entalist's chance is lower. Were going to see if we can even that out a little. No,
we wont decrease the minstrels effectiveness, well add something to the mentalist.
Q: The Realm War/RP standings are all messed up. When will it be fixed?
A: Well, hopefully tonight. Post to your favorite message board on Monday if it
doesnt seem to be fixed by then.
Q: Quest contest? Finalist list?
A: Another delay, guys =( I missed two days this week, and I am an army of one h
Q: Why dont you support Windows XP?
A: We do. =)
Here it is - got a ton o' stuff for you tonight.
Q: Why are the flights to the frontier zones every fifteen minutes?
A: The idea behind that design choice was so that if you die in battle and have
no rezz, youre out of that engagement, and the other combatants dont have to kill you
over and over. It brings more tactics into play besides the zerg rush wars of attr
ition are possible with the delay in the return to the field. We would prefer th
at the engagements last longer, which brings us to the next question:
Q: About patch 1.48 it seems like a good step, but as it stands now, is having a b
ig effect on certain classes. When is this patch going live?
A: Weve been keeping tabs on the boards and email, as that patch has some pretty bi
g concepts in it. There has been quite a lot of commentary generated! Many like
it, some hate it, and just about everyone agrees that bringing it live early nex
t week would, well, suck. Everyone includes your favorite dev team. This patch is NOT
going live on Tuesday it needs a lot of testing and discussion. I have a lot of lo
ve going out to and their related community sites, the Safehouse,
the Drunken Friar, Catacombs, and a few other sites for their thoughtful discuss
ions on the new patch. Even the Vault has some useful threads ;) But the biggest
appreciation goes to the Pendragon players, who will be the biggest help to us
in tuning this patch. Which leads us to:
Q: I really want to copy my character to Pendragon. Are you guys ready to do tha
t yet?
A: Not yet :(

Q: The salvage feature seems to be inconsistent in terms of how much value you c
an strip from some items. Is it bugged?
A: It is not bugged, but it is inconsistent. In the future, we will be overhauli
ng the equations, and adding features such as being able to salvage more items tre
e branches for their wood, for a possible example.
Q: How important is it that I have my weapon enchanted?
A: Well, the game assumes you will take advantage of every possible self-improve
ment available to you, and enchanting your armor and weapons (steel or better ma
terials) is part of that. It doesnt matter so much at lower levels, but by your 40s
, you would be at a pretty big disadvantage in PVE if you have not at least some
what improved your gear via enchantments. The disadvantage in RVR, of course, de
pends on what the other players have done.
Q: I know rez effects lower your concentration point pool, but sometimes the rez
effect wears off but I dont get my conc points back. Whats up with that?
A: That is a known bug we will be fixing soon the temporary work around is to log
out and log back in.
Q: If I sprint, and then go into stealth mode, my stamina keeps reducing as if I
were still sprinting. If I tap the sprint key to turn it off I get a message sa
ying You cant sprint while stealthed.
A: That is a display bug tapping the key DOES turn sprint off, but it gives you th
e you cant message.
Q: For once and for all, do spec points over level make a difference?
A: Sometimes. It does not affect all skills and specializations evenly. And for
the ones that ARE impacted, the differences should be small spec points drasticall
y improve your performance up to a certain point, and then level off so that fur
ther improvements are minute but present up to your level. Again, past your leve
l, not all skills are affected by points. Someday, there will be a list out sayi
ng which are so affected. But if in your experience, a given skill improves howe
ver minor the result, youre probably not crazy.
I, on the other hand, am definitely crazy. Yall have a good weekend.
Short 'n' sweet:
Q: I gotta say I totally disagree with the order of resolution you posted awhile
back because of (insert extremely long log file here).
A: One email is a lone crackpot, two emails is a possible problem and I got more t
han two emails on the subject. So I went and poked someone with a stick, and got
the following answer the order is evade, parry, shield, guard, hit/miss, and last
ly bladeturn (if hit = yes). Try THAT and see if its correct.
Q: How far does the LFG flag propagate?

A: Roughly one zone the range is a circle with you in the middle. If you were stan
ding on the line between two zones, your flag would reach about half of each zon
e. (This question and several others were part of a regular Q&A I do with www.da, one of a dozen sites I hit every day.)
Q: How come you dont visit (insert website here)?
A: If you know of a terrific class-specific forum, please send me a link with TR
Y THIS WEBSITE as the header. I currently lurk at the Safehouse, the Drunken Fri
ar, and an Ezboard dedicated to wizards, and Im always happy to add more.
Q: How does an increase or bonus in spec points affect support class spell lines
A: Warning, jargon ahead. I got this straight from the spell designer. Basically
, any spec points that take you over the level of the spell will make it hit/eff
ect for the maximum. Mez/stun/roots arent affected, but healing for example will do
+25% every time if your spec is artificially boosted over the level of the spel
l. Buffs are affected the same way. DD spells will start at +25% if the spec is
artificially boosted, but the actual damage will of course be moderated by resis
tances, etc.
So if you have a natural 50 in your spec line, bonus spec will not help much. Bu
t if you can get up to 50 with items, you can save points for other things and s
till get full spec bonuses. Remember that there are extra bonuses for realm rank
s as well.
Q: Could the XML somehow relate characters on the same account/played by the sam
e person? I am asking for the purpose of a guild web page Im putting together.
A: The trouble with XML is that its available for anyone to use, not just your guil
d. We cannot authenticate who is using which set of information without linking
databases, and we dont want to link our Herald databases to our secure account info
rmation databases. See for more FAQ ab
out the guild features.
Q: What is the overall point of patch 1.48? And when is it going live?
A: We have two goals with 1.48 one is making RVR last longer, to bring in more tac
tical elements that are currently not possible with the lightening fast battles.
The other goal is evening out the discrepancy between levels. Ive been saying sinc
e we launched that our intent was that a 40th level player should have a shot at
a 50th level player. Maybe not a GREAT chance, but a chance. Hence the increase
to the to-hit factor for lower level players and pets in RVR, along with some o
ther changes currently on Pendragon.

1.48 has gone through several revisions in response to feedback from people who
have actually tried it out, as well as a lot of internal testing. I am keeping a
close watch on the concerns of the player community as well. It will go live wh
en weve gotten in beaten into rough shape it is a huge thing, and hopefully when we
ne it will be a good thing as well.
Let's get ready to rumble....

Q: I play an (insert class here) and saying that youre done doing class balance is
(insert adjective here).

A: The producers note did not say done. Let me trot out an old analogy I have used b
. Think of this game as a stereo. We have finished attaching all the knobs and b
uttons. I doubt we will ever be finished with adjusting the volume, the bass boo
st, or the options menu. I can think of some planned additions to a few classes
right off the top of my head, and Im alone in the office on Friday night. If I were
surrounded by the actual designers, the list in my head would be longer. No, I
am not going to list the classes. I do not believe in discussing changes until t
hey have been coded; it only causes problems =)
Q: My friends and I have been hunting in a particular area, and not once did we
see an item drop of (insert armor type here). Instead, we are drowning in (inser
t other armor type here). What gives?
A: Some zones have a random element to them, in that any piece can drop from any
creature. The zone you are talking about is more divided if you hunted in one par
ticular place for six hours, you would indeed be drowning in leather armor. Get
up and move around a little the chain armor youre seeking is about twenty feet thataw
Q: I received an email from It contained some ki
nd of virus, and a note about this being a new game and he hoped Id like it. Why di
d Scott send me a virus?
A: Scott did not. If you have the technical knowledge to do so, look beyond the
header into the origin information youll see that this email did not originate with M
ythic, but came from somewhere else and was set up to appear that it came from M
ythic. Dear (expletive deleted) who is sending these fake emails you have been rep
orted. Please crawl back under your rock and stay there. Now, back to our custom
ers if you are not expecting an email from Scott (ie, you did not send him an emai
l first), delete the messages unopened. And please, please, please use a virus c
hecker regularly. I have more copies of the Sircam virus than any woman will eve
r need.
Q: Do +pac items actually do anything at this time?
A: It appears that +pac, +evade, and +beserk items do not actually affect the sk
ills in question at this time. I would not suggest throwing them out, however the
items will be useful in the future, either by working as advertised or changed t
o something that is useful to the characters likely to have such items. By the w
ay, the rumor that +envenom items do not work is not true the item designer person
ally verified that they DO work. He has a natural 49 in envenom, and has a +1env
enom item, and sure enough, can use the 50th level poisons. To the best of my kn
owledge, all the other +skill items are effective. Do you disagree? Start a thre
ad at your favorite board, or email with +SKILL as the header.
Q: I still do not have my level 50 (insert skill/spell here).
A: First, try right clicking on your trainer and then zoning. This should retroa
ctively give you your hard earned result. If you STILL do not have it, your char
acter may need to be given your level 50 toy by hand. First, double check to be
sure your spec level entitles you to whatever you are seeking. If you're sure yo
u should have it, please email me with LEVEL 50 STYLE/SPELL as your header, and
provide your class, spec point spread, level, and the name of the missing goody.

I have been assured that after all the sacking, the only emails I should get ar
e people whose characters are bugged. I sure hope so. I have some sacks waiting
just in case. The plastic kind.
Q: What resists are effective against mez, stun, and root?
A: Right now, none of them. That is on the agenda, obviously. When they do go in
, be aware that they will behave as all resists do they will not have an affect on
the spell landing, instead the damage you take will be reduced. In the case of mez/st
un/root, the damage is the length of time they are on you. So a high resist will
reduce the amount of time youre trapped. More details to come when this enters the
In other news, MistWolf from Classes of Camelot just finished a tour here at Myt
hic, and has posted the interview on his forum. Thanks, MistWolf, for coming by.
On a side note, there are many great forums and websites out there being run as
selfless projects by terrific people OFTEN AS A FINANCIAL LOSS TO THE OWNERS AND
MANAGERS. Bandwidth isnt free, gang. If you have a special home on the internet, c
onsider helping them out with your loose change. Having independent websites to
get your gaming news from is an invaluable resource. The fansites (and the rants
ites *innocent whistling*) play a major role in keeping people honest. Besides t
he news reporting free of corporate spin, many of these sites eventually form in
to communities for people to belong to. The community is, after all, the real po
int of all the sound and fury in the MMOG genre. But theres no such thing as a free
lunch. Just my two cents for the evening, take it for what its worth.
Thanks, everyone! Have a great weekend!
First up - a teaser about the PVP server.
Q: Where can I find more information on the much-anticipated PVP server?
A: You can find the information less than a week in the future. Keep your eyes o
n the Herald next week for a message from our producer. Hell be posting details on
the new server, as well as detailed information on the new Realm Skills system.
Q: What are the siege weapon commands?
A: Go to our guide to siege weapons and have a look. Several people have written
to me looking for the slash commands every command you need is available through
the GUI (graphical user interface). By the way, you can also give up control of
the weapon by getting out of the control radius, at which point anyone can take
control of it.
Q: What makes armor and weaponry made from the new material types better than mo
nster drops?
A: Well, for one thing, they last longer. The 10th type lasts 50% longer than hi
gh level drops, and the 9th type lasts 25% longer. More durability means less co
st in the long run. In addition, you should check out the next question.

Q: Did the effective AF display change (mentioned on 1/11/02) ever go into the g
A: No, it didnt, turned out to be not possible at this time. So to truly determine
the value of the armor or your weapon, you need to do a little multiplication.
For armor multiply the AF by the quality.
For DPS multiply the displayed DPS by the quality.
As you can see, quality has a major effect on the value and effectiveness of you
r gear.
Q: Why does the address send me form letters whe
n I ask questions?
A: Because that address is ONLY FOR TECH SUPPORT AND BILLING INQUIRIES. (Sorry f
or the caps, yall, this is a FAQ thing.) In the usual 20/20 hindsight everyone has,
we should have called it techbillingsupport instead of just support. For other
questions, try the plethora of fansites, try searching our Knowledge Base (you c
an find it by clicking the FAQ link to your right), and try the search feature t
o dig through four months of grab bags.
Q: Any more details available about that new guild leader thingy that Jeff Hickm
an posted about earlier this week?
A: Why yes!
- If no character in the guild is active, because the entire guild shifted realm
s, the guild will remain untouched.
- As long as someone is marked as a leader (rank 0), other, inactive guild leade
rs will not be demoted.
I understand that many people travel for work and school, go on vacation, etc.,
for more than three weeks. The thing is, three weeks is an eternity in game time
, and things come up for guilds that require someone with administrative powers.
If youre going to be gone for a few weeks, its a good idea to have a second-in-comman
d ANYWAY. You can always demote the stand-in when you return. There are a number
of guilds out there that have been helpless for months to promote, form allianc
es, buy emblems, take over keeps, etc., because their leaders left without turni
ng over administrative control. We (probably naively) assumed that leaders who d
ecided to leave Camelot would not do so without giving someone else the reins. T
his new program addresses these concerns.
Please, though, make sure the email address you have registered with us is accur
ate and up to date. Im a little worried about guild leaders who have been playing t
winks or alts that may miss the email asking them to log in for a few seconds wi
th their leader character. We do not and will not share our email list with anyo
ne at any time entering your real email address will not cause you any spam.
Happy Easter, Passover, or just a darn nice weekend!
Here it is - nothing big tonight, just some odds and ends.
Q: Have you seen the website

A: I sure have. Gang, its another scam. All youre doing when you fill in the form on t
his website is sending your password to some cretin. You arent going to get a hundr
ed gold pieces, or a super fast jump to level 45. If someone offers you somethin
g for nothing, its probably a scam. If you fell for this one, dont waste time chang
r password IMMEDIATELY. If you need further assistance, please contact our tech
and billing support crew. Remember, whoever has the secret word is the person we
consider the legitimate account holder.
Q: I noticed you announced that the PVP server ruleset announcement was delayed
until next week. What about the Realm Point Skill system?
A: That also has been put off until next week. =/ Tis better to be posting and l
ate than to never have posted at all.
Q: There seems to be a problem with stun. Heres the progression first, you successful
ly stun the attacker. Then you try to cast another spell, but youre told that you h
ave been interrupted because youre being attacked. By the time youre done waiting, the
stun has worn off!
A: Er I was under the impression stun was working a little TOO well, but if youve had
this problem, please send a log of the battle with timestamps (so we can see wha
t order things occurred) to me with the header STUN BUG. Be sure to tell me your
class, race, level and the name of the stun in your email.
Q: Darkness Falls items how come realm Xs version of item Z is twice as powerful and
half as expensive?
A: Because its a bug, and we very much appreciate people who send these bugs in whi
le theyre still on the test server and not live. Thanks, all, keep em coming as you fi
nd these things.
Q: What realm do the developers play in?
A: All three. About evenly split, too.
Q: Regarding Darkness Falls what if the keep score is tied?
A: Good question. Okay. Servers go live with the dungeon. Lets say your server is e
venly tied, seven keeps each. Then Hibernia takes one extra from Midgard. The Hi
bbie portal opens. The Midgard forces immediately react and take it back. The sc
ore is back to seven all but the Hib portal is still open. You have to have*more*
keeps than the other two realms to open the portal, but you have to have *fewer*
keeps than one of your enemies for the portal to close. Did that make sense?
So, the score is seven all, but the Hibs are inside and more entering. The Mids
still have a force assembled from taking back their stolen fort, and go over and
take one from Albion. Now Midgard has more keeps, and Hibernias portal closes. Mid
gards portal opens, and the hordes rush in.
As you can see, the only time a tie score results in three closed portals is rig
ht after a server comes up from a reboot.
Can Hibernia, upon realizing that they lost control of the portal, now rush to t
he winning realms port in spot and camp the hapless Middies? Well, no. The port in
spot is set up to keep it safe from port campers. Youll be able to fully zone into

the new dungeon, buff up, etc., before you have to enter into combat with your e
Gang, bear in mind that this new toy is HUGE. You can drop all three of the bigg
est realm dungeons into DF, and STILL have room for most of the other dungeons.
Give it a try, let us know how its working.
I got an email from Jasarina Anarawyn, announcing the opening of the Anarawyn Library.
This is a message board set up for roleplay stories. She assures me her bandwid
th can take the hit, so check it out if youre so inclined.
Thanks, all, and have a good weekend!
It's a big one today, so let's get it up early for you clock watchers out there
in cubicle land ;)
Q: Im still getting those emails that look like they are from you or Scott Jennings
. Whats going on?
A: My initial thought, that someone was being a jerk, was incorrect. Mea culpa.
It is a worm program affecting half the known universe right now called Klez. You can
find more information on it here. By the way, the last five copies Ive received hav
e come from Harvard University, just FYI to the gang in Boston. I run a full sca
n on my machine several times a week, as well as the automatic updater than come
s with any of the good antivirus products. I have to. Good lord, Im still getting S
irCam viruses every week, and that one is as pass as big hair and acid washed jeans
Q: I was hunting in the frontier, and got in a little over my head, so I ran to
the guards for some help. They just stood there and mocked me as I got hammered
on like a door during a drug bust. What was that about?
A: If, when you click on the guy in armor, it says So and so is friendly and is a g
uard, he will help you beat down a monster. If he says hes friendly and a realm guard,
hell only help you beat down another player. Check your potential rescuers message as
you head past him.
Q: Is DAOC Unleashed a legal program?
A: I suddenly got two dozen of these inquiries in the last week, and Im not sure wh
y. No, it is not a legal program. No third party program that provides you with
information in a format unavailable to you within the game, or provides you with
an advantage over players not using said program will ever BE legal. Check out
our EULA for the legalese and how carefully weve covered our tails. If we catch you
, we will ban you, and there are no second chances for that account.
Q: Hey, you took your email address off the website! Now theres a form to fill out!
A: Yes. Check out the link to our new feedback form. It still dumps straight to
my email in box, just as before, but presorted by category. This helps me to get
through the feedback much, much faster than before. And of course, if youve ever g
ot problems with something that doesnt fit a category, or customer service, or mayb
e you just feel like getting something off your chest, Im still at sanya@mythicente No response is guaranteed, but I am still committed to reading ev
erything you send.

Q: Why does (insert monster here) start dodging me like a madman whenever I get
too far away?
A: One of the developers asked me to post her mini-essay here. Heres her comments:
One of the lesser-known features of some of our monsters is the engage radius. This
is a radius defined on a case-by-case basis with specific monsters that we want
to keep within an area. For example, the dragons have an engage radius that pre
tty much encompasses their lairs. If not out on patrol, they will stay within th
eir lair and cannot be pulled from there.
You can often get the monster in question right to the edge of that radius. Howe
ver, if you a standing even one step outside that radius, the monster will begin
to "dodge your blow" (both for ranged and melee attacks). Your characters body mus
t be inside that radius for the dodging to stop. This is there to prevent people
from abusing the fact that the monster cannot physically get to them. Also, mos
t monsters with an engage radius set will have some sort of ranged attack (spell
s, breath weapon, etc.) that they will use if everyone they were fighting has le
ft the area. The ranged attack is also there to minimize abuse of the system.
The reasoning for giving some monsters these radii vary. For example, one of the
newest creatures, Legion, will not go much farther than the bottom of his steps
. We limited him to this distance mostly because of his size, and we wanted to k
eep him away from the pillars that are in his room.
There are currently a couple of minor items that have cropped up relating to the
engage radius that may have caused some confusion to players. Those items are:
Some forces are able to get a monster such that its back is up against t
he engage radius. When in this position, a large monster may try to adjust its m
elee distance against those who are too close by taking a couple steps backwards
. In doing this, it is slowly pushed out of its engage radius (which is defined
by its spawn point). If the monster gets pushed all the way out of that radius,
it will dodge everything. The programmers are looking in to this. In the meantim
e, if you know a monster you are fighting has an engage radius, try to keep it i
n the center of its area, if possible.
There are a few monsters/npcs, such as the RvR gatekeepers, are not mean
t to be killed. These monsters will also give you monsterX swifly dodges your blow as
a message. It is very similar to the message you receive with the engage radius
monsters. We will change this message to make it less confusing to players.
Q: Can you go over the armor factor/absorb/etc stuff again? Previous explanation
s were confusing, and I want to be able to make good choices when I have two sim
ilar pieces of armor and must decide between them.
A: This next part is taken directly from the Vault thread in which I answered so
meones post, so forgive me if it sounds a little out of context. The players questions
are in bold.
"1) How is Total AF calculated (Condition, Quality, location weighting, etc.)?"
The trouble with my answers to these questions, and the answers I have given on
the Herald in the past, is that they are all simplified. I do not have the entir
e formula, and probably won't ever - the WHOLE thing involves tables, probabilit
ies, outside factors, blah blah blah. It's immense. What I have given out are th
e broad brushstrokes, and the best I can do for you.

"1a.) If a dropped loot armor piece has the exact same AF, the exact same qualit
y and the exact same condition as player crafted piece, is it truly identical to
player made or is there some secret calculation for player made armor that make
s Total AF register higher?"
"2) How do AF caps really work (base armor AF vs AF spells)?"
There is technically a cap as to how much AF you can have. You will hit this cap
if every piece of armor you have is your level (armor level = displayed AF/2) a
nd 100% quality. Condition also plays a role - when you get messages saying such
and such could use repairs, you're losing effectiveness.
Now, there are some exceptions - spec line AF buffs of healing classes can take
you over your cap. Certain items can also be coded with a bypass function to tak
e you over your cap.
"3) What does AF actually do? We assume AF determines Hit/Miss only, but is it a
lso used in damage reduction? If its hit/miss only, how does it work? Is your To
tal AF the *only* number used in the hit/mist calculation or are individual armo
r locations/pieces used in determining hit/miss?"
AF is factored into many, many things, to varying degrees, so I can't give you a
complete answer.
But I can sorta answer the last question. Your total AF plays a
he individual pieces play a role elsewhere in the calculations.
off the top of my head, but I want to say the BP covers 25% of
e remember what I said before? The last time I gave percentages
om a design document, so they were accurate.

role, yes, AND t

I can't remember
your body? Anyon
I was working fr

"4) How does Absorb work? Is it simply a % reduction in damage? (i.e. you are hi
t for 100, but have 19% absorb at that location, therefore you are hit for 81) o
r does Absorb use AF to determine how much damage is prevented"
My answer to #1 pretty much applies here too.
Now, for the examples, to make all the above blathering relate to practical term
s. I will use your definition of "better" (1) which makes me get totally missed
more? 2) which makes me get hit FOR LESS when I get hit?), and assume that you'r
e more or less evenly rigged out in appropriately leveled armor:
"I am a lvl 20 Cleric. I have a choice between the following items. Which is "be
1) AF 38 Chain, 27% absorb, 100% qual, 100% cond, 0 bonus
2) AF 40 Studded, 19% absorb, 100% qual, 100% cond, 0 bonus"
The first piece is level 19, the second is 20. The 8% absorb is more significant
than the one level difference, and all other factors are equal, so the answer i
s the first piece.
"or these two:
1) AF 38 Chain, 100% Q/C, 5% bonus, Quest item
2) AF 40 Chain, 100% Q/C, 0% bonus"
Kind of a tossup here. If you're going to be fighting things that have enchanted
weapons (ie, have bonuses applied), you'd rather have the piece with the bonus,
because it will reduce your damage maybe a hair more than the extra AF. But it'
s not significant. You'll outlevel the piece before you see enough fights to tel

l much of a difference. I'd personally go for the quest item, just because they
tend to have their durability set higher than regular stuff, and thus last longe
r and can be repaired more.
"or these two:
1) AF 40 Chain, 100% Q/C, 0% bonus (yellow)
2) AF 44 Chain, 100% Q/C, 0% bonus (orange)"
The orange
better for
your total
d. So, the

is two levels higher than you, and will degrade faster. It's not any
you than the yellow in the slot it occupies, and its contribution to
AF is wasted if the rest of your gear is decent and you've been buffe
yellow piece is optimal.

(Remember, color is a range that gets bigger the higher you are in levels. You n
eed to determine the actual level of the piece to determine how big a waste it i
s. The higher level than you, the bigger the waste.)
None of your examples included quality differences - in any situation where it's
a close call, go with the higher quality item. Keep your stuff in good repair,
as well.
I can't give you an order of value for each factor, as the value of each factor
changes depending on the situation. GENERALLY - level, quality, bonus, condition
. The bottom two are what change the most in weight depending on circumstances level and quality ALWAYS matter.
If I've horribly lost anyone, I apologize, and I will try and make it clearer.

Whew. Big grab bag today! The outpouring of comments on the upcoming PVP server
is extremely interesting, and I am lurking in approximately two dozen discussion
s on the subject. Also, the outpouring of interest in our upcoming Fan Meet has
been tremendous thank you all very much for your support. Were looking forward to mee
ting you.
Be safe, unless youre in the frontiers, and have a good weekend!http://web.archive.
Here it is:
Q: At what level does a weapon proc?
A: A weapon, or a charged item proc, goes off when it is either your level, with
in one level of you, or within two levels of you, depending on the item. Reverse pr
oc items (ie, gloves that proc) follow the same guidelines.
Please bear in mind that you cannot make reverse proc items go off when you choo
se they go off when you are struck in that area. In other words, if you have proci
ng gloves, they go off when youre hit in the hand.
Q: Where can I find a good crafter on my server?
A: Recently, the Herald got some new goodies along with the alliance details. If
you click on Realm War Status, select a server, and then click one of two optio
ns, you can get a great list of crafters who have elected to be known. The first
link is at the top of the page, and says Crafter Listing. Another way to get the same
information is to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the realm war status
page and click either the tree, the hammer, or the grail that page has the realm

guild rankings, and at the bottom, a series of bars labeled Heroes of the Realm cli
ichever you wanted to know more about. This list includes people who have chosen
to be anon. If you want to change your listing, the toggle is /webdisplay trade
Incidentally, the Heroes of the Realm buttons also sort out the top players of t
he realm by class click and see where you stand!
Q: When is the PVP server going to launch?
A: I have no date yet, as the new server is still being coded.
By the way, for those of you
new server I suggest you
el for the game again. A lot
different from when the game
tactical advantage.

who canceled awhile ago but plan to return for the

re-up a little before the new server launches, just to get
has changed in three months, and a TON of stuff is
launched. Those familiar with the game will have a

Q: What are the realm rank titles?

A: For Midgard, the ranks are Vakten, Skiltvakten, Isen Vakten, Flammen Vakten,
Elding Vakten, Stormur Vakten, Isen Herra, Flammen Herra, Elding Herra, Stormur
Herra, Einherjar.
For Albion, the ranks are Protector, Guardian, Warder, Myrmidon, Gryphon Knight,
Eagle Knight, Phoenix Knight, Alerion Knight, Unicorn Knight, Lion Knight, Drag
on Knight.
For Hibernia, the ranks are Wayfarer, Savant, Cosantoir, Brehon, Grove Protector
, Raven Ardent, Silver Hand, Thunderer, Gilded Spear, Tiarna, Emerald Ridere.
Q: That armor factor discussion last week didnt make sense to me I wear (insert cloth
armor type here).
A: Argh. Quite right to determine the level of your armor, you divide the AF by 2,
unless you wear cloth armor, in which case the AF IS the level. My bad.
Q: What steps are you taking to reduce framerate issues in RVR battles?
A: This is one of our hottest issues well be working on in the next few patches. So
me of the things we will be doing include rendering less detail on distant figur
es (right now the game draws everything even if the object is just a speck in th
e distance), and simplifying the geometry on distant environmental objects.
Q: Inquiring Bards want to know what does EMP do for us?
A: Nothing. The reason it lights up
se class can become a class that DOES use
bards power pool. This is not the most
here precisely HAPPY about it, but it is

on the character creation screen is because the ba

empathy for power. Only CHA affects a
satisfying answer Ive ever given, nor is anyone
the truth.

Short and sweet today by the way, the last two questions were taken from a Q&A I d
id for - head over and check it out in the next few days.

Yall be safe, and have a good weekend.
Let's do it:
Q: Why does studded leather show up in both Tailoring and Armorcraft for Albion?
And why can only one of the two tradeskills repair it?
A: Straight from Mr. Trade Designer: Studded leather was in Tailoring originally
. When we went to make the tradeskills for Midgard and Hibernia, we realized sin
ce they didn't have a Plate equivalent, their armorcrafters would only have a si
ngle thing to make. So for those two realms, we moved Studded leather from Tailo
ring to Armorcraft. We added Studded Leather to Armorcraft in Albion as well, bu
t left their tailors the ability to make it since taking away the ability would
have meant removing something they had previously been able to do. As far as the
repairs to studded leather go, only one tradeskill can be set up to repair an i
tem type (i.e. weapon, armor, etc) so that is why only one of those two can repa
ir Studded, and not the other.
Q: You posted some information a few weeks back on how Quality and Condition aff
ect the AF and DPS of items. But months ago you posted something on Quality some
how "double dipping" when dealing with AF and it was a different equation. Which
is correct?
A: For a quick rule of thumb, to find the effective AF or effective
DPS of an item it is simply AF/DPS*Quality*Condition. Side note: If you are usin
g something that is above your level, any level caps that come into play are app
lied first, then quality and condition kick in.
The "double dipping" we talked about before was misinterpreted when we were firs
t discussing it. Quality and Condition come into play a 2nd time during combat.
When you hit a location on a defender, the magic bonus, quality, condition, and
damage modifiers (if that armor is strong/weak versus that armor type), absorpti
on, and AF come into play.
So if you are attacking someone that has armor that is weak to your weapon type,
and the quality, magic bonus, and condition of your weapon is higher then their
armor, you will do a significant amount more damage then you would if everythin
g was even.
Put another way if you have a weapon that is 100% quality, and you hit someone wea
ring 85% quality armor, first the game checks for plus or minuses to that armor
type, and armor level (displayed AF). But after that addition or subtraction, yo
u as the wielder of the weapon will get a 15% bonus. The bonus is then modified
slightly depending on the state of repair (condition) of the weapon and the armo
The short version is get yourself that high quality gear.
Q: Did you know you dont have to wait for the opening Mythic logo screen to go away
on its own? You can click on it as soon as it pops up, and it will go away, and
take you straight to the login box.
A: No kidding? Damn, I learn something new every day from the forums.
Q: Last week, the weapon proccing question your answer should have read a proc goes o

ff when the item is one or two levels higher than you, and always when you are h
igher level than it is.
A: Youre correct, I mistakenly assumed that it would go without saying that a proc
would work if you were higher level than the proccing item. (Is proccing a word?
Q: Which stats affect parry, evade, and block?
A: Parry = dex, evade = dex and quick equally, block = dex.
Q: Which stats affect offensive attacks?
A: Celtic spears use str, all other spears and thrust/pierce weapons use str/dex
equally, crossbows use str/dex equally, all other bows use plain dex, swords an
d hammers use plain str. Staff weapons use str according to my notes, but my fri
ends at The Drunken Friar say (and quite convincingly too) that dex is the modif
ier for friar staffs. Were investigating that here at Mythic; I hope to have some f
ollowup comments next Friday.
Q: Any word on the embarrassingly low percentage rates of block/parry in RVR?

A: So far, it APPEARS that block and parry are working fine its that they dont work
nst styles, which in extremely short combats, are all that a player will be faci
ng. People tend to be, well, dead before anyone is out of endurance. Therefore t
he problem appears to be the pace of combat, not the skills themselves, but we a
re investigating this week to see if there is anything skill-related that needs
tweaking while we continue to search for ways to lengthen the RVR encounters. I
know that's not much of an answer, but I wanted y'all to know we are aware of th
e problem.
Be good, and if you cant be good, be careful. And for heaven's sake, run a virus ch
ecker, people, this Klez thing is making me crazy. Have a great weekend!http://w
Short and sweet:
Q: Any more details about the fan meet scheduled in June?
A: Only a little more the response has been completely out of this world. More tha
n three thousand people have told us they want to be there. So, Ive got some bad ne
ws. When we do open registration, it will be first come first served, with a lim
it on the number of places available so please wait on making transportation reser
vations until you see if youve got a spot. Weve got a whole bunch of activities planne
d, and everyone at Mythic is looking forward to meeting the community in person.
Its evolving into something much bigger than the simple meet and greet we original
ly planned! If the June gathering is as much fun as I think it will be, we will
organize parties around the country.
Q: Does weapon specialization affect your chance to hit a target?
A: No. Weapon spec affects your damage range (from the smallest amount you can d
o to the largest amount you can do), and therefore your average damage, when usi
ng the type of weapon you specced in.

Q: Follow up to last week whats the word on staff weapons, and while Im at it, pole
What stats affect these weapons?
A: Staff weapons are straight dex (many apologies for the confusion I caused las
t week), and polearms are all str., no matter what kind of polearm were talking abo
Q: Will my chant/pulse/regen break mez when 1.50 goes live?
A: Only heals, from one of the healing classes, will break mez in the upcoming p
atch. The various pulsing chanting or regen spells do not break mez.
Q: Any word on the Pendragon character copy?
A: Were not yet done with the automatic functions, so it wont be ready before 1.50 goe
s live. However, the new realm skills system required some serious high level te
sting, so we have copied over 500 high level characters to help us test out the
current patch. We are not planning to copy over any more characters until we hav
e the automatic tool in place, so please dont ask.
Q: Why do +env items actually allow the player wearing the item to apply the hig
her level posions, but my +skill item does not grant me access to the higher lev
el skills or abilities?
A: Envenom is a special case. Envenom ability is a simple check does this person h
ave the requisite skill level or not to use this poison. A poison is not more ef
fective because the user has a higher spec in envenom; either he can use the poi
son or he cannot. Other than that skill check, +envenom items dont do anything. Eve
ry other skill, ability, and spec line in the game is not such a simple true/fal
se equation. Rather, all the other things improve average damage, resist rates,
effectiveness, and so forth. Theyre about the same in terms of how much power the i
tems grant to the individual player.
Short column today were still working diligently on fixing annoying things, adding ne
w goodies, working on player housing, the PVP server, and more, so theres not too m
uch I can say about those things until we get the test patch versions in front o
f you.
Attention fansite editors: If youre going to E3, now is the time to contact me, and
let me know if youd like an interview and a peek at our new engine and other assor
ted bits of goodness. That contact address is, in
case youd forgotten.
Have a spiffy weekend!
In the midst of our fan gathering planning, E3 preparing, PVP server coding, rea
lm skills fixing, housing installing, old bug repairing, new content creating FR
ENZY, I bring you a fresh hot grab bag!
Q: So, NOW do you know any more about the fan gathering?
A: The section of the Herald devoted to the first Camelot Roundtable will be ope
n and accepting reservations on Monday.

Q: What is the difference between +int items and +power items? I thought intelli
gence added to your power pool, so why have two different stat bonuses that do t
he same thing?
A: +Power adds only to your power pool. +Int also adds to your power pool, but p
lays a role in a few other formulas for int casters, such as your concentration
pool total and the average damage that you do when you cast an attack spell. (Da
mage range is mostly determined by your spec points in the specific spell line,
but int plays a minor role.) Also, it is possible to hit a cap with int, whereas
there is no such cap for power. So, both items serve a real purpose.
Q: Same question as above the difference between +con and +hits, please?
A: Essentially the same answer - +hits adds only to your hit point total, but +c
on adds to your HP total AND your defensive range your average damage taken is sli
ghtly affected by con. Nothing big, but a small difference.
Q: Before you all decided to hold off on the heal-breaks-mez-when-the-mezzed-pla
yer-is-at-full-health change, you said that chants, regens, and pulses would not
break mez, and only heal spells would. We paladins beg to differ! Our chant was
indeed breaking mez. Even though the mez change didnt end up happening, why are we

A: After dozens of paladins wrote to inform me of my error, I asked the designer

s. They told me that unlike all the other pulses/regens/chants, the paladin spel
l is unique in that a pally is actually casting a heal spell each cycle. So ther
e you have it youre not chanting, youre automatically casting a small heal every fe
onds. No, I dont know why youre special, you just are.
Q: What does +enhance bonus on some items do for clerics?
A: It mostly helps clerics that are not fully specced in enhancement. Having a +
enhance item does not grant you access to higher level enhancement spells, but i
t allows you cast the spells you do have with the authority, cost, and strength
of someone with a higher spec.
Q: Does dexterity really affect casting time?
A: Yes, if your spell has a casting timer. Chants are not affected, as they have
a standard cast time. If your dex hits the cap, you will be casting 25% faster
than someone with the lowest possible dex.
Q: PVP server testing begins when?
A: Next week. The first wave of beta testers have been invited. If your guild wa
s not invited, you may yet be included in future stages.
Next week youll see the new realm skill system documentation (and hopefully, the fi
nal round of skills fixes - thanks to all who have sent me logs regarding your s
kills). As astute followers of the Herald are already aware, we will be offering
a reset of realm skills for folks that made errors once we have the new documen
tation in place. Decide carefully after we have the accurate information in place,
we will not be offering resets again.

Thanks for playing, and have a wonderful weekend!

Q: The fan gathering seems like it's on the expensive side. Could you explain th
e costs?
A: We are trying to put together the best possible gathering we can, and the pri
ce we've quoted you is all-inclusive. At other gathering events, you may have no
ticed that a ticket to get in is X dollars, an event t-shirt is X more dollars,
and if you'd like to eat dinner it will cost you X more. At the Camelot Roundtab
le, the price of admittance includes the event shirt, a full roster of activitie
s, entrance into drawings for prizes such as a new GeForce 4 video card, and a f
ull lunch or dinner, depending on when you decide to come. After you add everyth
ing up, our costs are pretty comparable to other professional events.
We have to pay for space at the hotel, hotel staff, liability coverage, material
s, and entertainment. One of the most expensive costs is audiovisual aka microphon
es, so you can hear the developers answer your questions. If more than fifty peo
ple come, a microphone is a must, and the hotels rarely allow companies to bring
their own equipment.
We are absolutely NOT making a profit on this event, and are shooting for dead e
ven or a small loss.
Purely-player run events are less expensive because there are some things that a
company is legally obliged to do that a more informal group can get away with a
voiding (such as permits, security staff, and so on). They are also generally mu
ch smaller, allowing them to avoid audiovisual fees, large room fees, staffing c
osts on the part of the hotel, etc. In fact, usually a purely player-run event c
onsists of setting a time and a place, and everyone just showing up and talking.
These small events are also a lot of fun, and I look forward to attending them
But this event grew well beyond a simple lunch and meet n greet. We have a lot of stuf
f planned, and cool door prizes (the ONLY thing the event sponsors are providing free
of charge, by the way) to give away, and neat things to do, because we want you
to walk away from it thinking, damn, that was fun. (Did I mention that this gath
ering is going to be the place we bring out the expansion to show for the first
time to the general public, and if enough people attend, were hoping to set up a co
mputer room so you can take it for a spin?) We are very much looking forward to
meeting our players for the first time face to face. Everyone here is planning t
o attend.
Q: Will Mordred have a kill list, so we can see how many kills?
A: Were test driving that feature right now, check out the realm status page for Mo
rdred if youre curious.
Q: Shaman disease still has trouble with its snare component, was that meant to
go live?
A: No. We thought wed fixed it, because before it never snared. There are some circ
umstances under which it does not snare, and we are working on a fix.

Q: Theres a rumor going around that the expansion will have more than four characte
r slots per realm. True or false?
A: False. We cant add more character slots. Well, I should say its so insanely difficu
lt that it borders on the impossible. I know, I know, I wish I had more too. Try
ing to choose which alt to delete so I can try something new is like choosing be
tween children sometimes.
Sorry its so short today getting Mordred off the ground and getting ready to strut ou
r stuff at E3 AND trying to get 1.50 clean for you has kept Mythic very busy the
se last few weeks.
For those of you who do not follow gaming news obsessively like I do, E3 stands
for Electronic Entertainment Exposition. Its a trade show where game companies from
all over the world take over a convention center and show off their games, new,
old, and evolving. Last year, Mythic had a booth shaped like a castle, to give
you some idea as to the level of excess =) This year, were taking the product that
is currently entertaining 200K subscribers around the world, and demonstrating w
hat were doing to make it better.
And in between bouts of that, I shall be wandering the booths playing with the n
ew toys and hanging out with the people who write your favorite fan and news sit
es. Catacombs? Allakhazam? Casters Realm? Vault Network? Game Banshee? Stratics? Wa
rcry? All of them and many more are getting some time in the Mythic hangout to a
sk us questions on your behalf, so be sure to check out your favorite news site
to see what they have to say. You could use the time you would normally have spe
nt reading the grab bag, as I will still be in Los Angeles next Friday, and wont be
able to bring you this column.
Have fun, be safe, and see you all the week after next.
Here it is, get comfortable:
Q: Please talk about the patch 1.50 changes to left axe, and specifically the do
ublefrost style.
A: Heres everything I have found out in the last week. To refresh everyones memory, th
e patch note said the following:
- All Left Axe styles which grow in damage as you train further in left axe have th
e amount they grow doubled. This is to balance out the fact that left axe damage
is cut in half (because two weapons hit every round).
The reason this change was made was simple left axe styles, because both weapons h
it every round, do half the damage that a regular style does. Therefore, their b
ase damage figure is double that of an ordinary style. The growth rate of left a
xe styles should also be double that of an ordinary style. Left axe users were n
oticing diminishing returns as they leveled up because we had the growth rate set
wrong. So, the purpose of this patch was to fix that problem. Putting more spec
into left axe through either skill points, realm points, or item bonuses, should
now result in the kind of damage more in keeping with a higher spec.

A separate issue, and one not named in the patch notes - doublefrost was set inc
orrectly. There are three kinds of damage formulas for styles use anytime styles ha
e lowest base damage, styles that require an opening move have a medium base dam
age, and end of chain styles have the highest base damage. DF had a medium base damage
, when it should have had the lowest version.

This was not a big deal until we fixed the growth rate. With the growth rate being
wrong, DF was a great style. With the correct growth rate scaling up your damage
as you spec, DF would have been INSANE. So, the base damage of DF was modified
so that it would show growth at the high levels as all the other styles now do,
but not such outrageous growth as to need destruction.
The reduction should not have been noticeable, and in fact players at higher lev
els (both in character and left axe) should be seeing a small improvement. Worst
case scenario: If you have left axe specced ONLY to 34, if you have no realm ra
nks, and if you have no bonus items, you will have the maximum possible reductio
n approximately a 3% reduction.
This was the result of our tests, and the result of tests conducted with actual
player characters. Each set of tests was conducted with the same character, wear
ing the same equipment, fighting the same opponent, forty five minutes of fighti
ng for each test, with the only difference being the code old code and new code.
Short version you shouldnt be seeing much of a difference in doublefrost, but you sho
uld have an improvement in all other styles, one that becomes more apparent the
higher your spec level goes.
I do welcome logs, as always. I am especially interested in logs (parsed if poss
ible, but Ill slog through them no matter what) that compare and contrast RVR damag
e against similar opponents both pre-1.50 and post-1.50. Please note all your vi
tal stats in your email, so we can make a version of you on our internal server
if we have to.
Q: Does my skill in my right hand weapon affect the damage I do with my offhand
weapon, as a left axe user? What about when I use my styles, does my main weapon
skill affect style damage in any way?
A: Your style damage is purely bonus damage, and the base damage formula for tha
t only takes into account your skill in left axe (well, along with the weapons dama
ge, of course). Your regular non-style damage DOES take into account your weapon
spec when calculating the base damage for either hand.
Q: What happened to Whered they go?
A: The world is full of jerks, and OfCamelot was the victim of several such jerk
s specifically, their host company and a speculator in web addresses. The hosting
company expired the domain name and instantly put it up for grabs, with no warni
ng to our favorite site hosts, and a web domain broker snatched it up. Fansites
do not as a general rule make money, and so our friends at OfCamelot are unable
to fight the host company or buy their name back.
The site formerly known as can now be found at http://www. The forums belonging to OfCamelot are now located at http:
//, if youre trying to find your old home. OfCamelot was and wil
l be one of my favorite places to lurk, and I wish that crew the best of luck in
getting their news page back up and running.
Q: Are you going to wipe Mordred before you send it live?
A: Yes. Everyone starts over from scratch when we finish beta. No, we havent decide
d when that is. We just moved to phase 2, and if all the testers report bugs and
exploits as soon as they find them, well be finished that much faster. Phase 3 wil

l bring our population to capacity, so stay tuned. Please dont send me any more ema
il asking if you can join the beta test the original applicant pool still has thou
sands of people in it!
Q: Whats the strike team doing?
A: There are a whole wad of spell lines being re-examined at this time. No, I ca
nt talk about which ones yet. As soon as I have permission from the spell designer,
Ill tell the world.

Speaking of websites and Mordred, someone out there sent me a link to their new
website devoted to the Mordred server. Looked like a neat project, and I was pla
nning to link to it except the dog ate my email. Dear Site Host resend, please, I can
ind the link. Sorry about that!
Have a good and safe weekend, everyone.
Here 'tis:
Q: The Herald keep data updates kinda slowly. Any chance of speeding up the refr
esh rate?
A: At this time, not without crashing the web server. Believe it or not, there s
eems to be a DAOC internet radio station that does keep news updates every twelv
e to twenty minutes. Go here to check it out.
Q: One guild took two keeps the other day, did you reintroduce that bug?

A: No. The Herald occasionally lags behind reality, but keeps are still one per
guild (no matter what server youre playing on sorry, Mordred players, youll have to
alliances to dominate the world).
Q: I am an armorcrafter who wouldnt mind having his skill displayed on the Herald.
How do I display my numbers?
A: You need to type /webdisplay trades while youre in the game. Any questions you m
ight have, theres a FAQ on the display page itself.
Q: Do you have any comments on damage changes in 1.51?
A: No, and everyone I could ask has left the building. I will try and get more i
nformation next week.
Q: Keep guards in the frontiers and the battleground keep guards behave differen
tly. Is this a bug?
A: No. The battleground guards are more like ordinary mobs they have fewer hit poi
nts, and they have no real patrol route that they feel like they must follow. In other
words, if the guard is beating on you, it will follow you until one of you dies
. You need to be out of range for a bit before hell give up on you.
Q: What kind of support do you offer for player-run events?

A: We basically lurk in the area, so in the event of appeals that report some ki
nd of harassment or disruption, we can be on the spot. We also monitor chat chan
nels if that becomes necessary, but generally we try to stay out of things unles
s asked for assistance.
If youre planning something big and elaborate, toss me a heads up notice, and I will m
ake sure the team is aware of it. The server leads are very much on top of thing
s for their communities, though, so I expect anything I forward will be already
Q: (Insert question here about 1.51A)
A: Guys, just about everything in 1.51A was straight from player requests. Some
of you seem to feel that fun things like the cards and dice should not have been
included. I just wanted you to know that a) most of our roleplayers had been re
questing small tavern games for months, and b) the cards and dice took almost no
time at all one of our main programmers was putting in the /random command (by po
pular demand), and the cards and dice aspects took fifteen minutes of extrapolat
ing the code he used for /random.
The next round of strike team fixes include the tweaking of a number of spell lines, i
ncluding all the healing spells.
Q: Mordred launch is... when again?
A: We're doing well =) Phase three will begin in a week or two.
Our fan gathering planner wanted me to mention that more details are coming toge
ther. Well be having a number of panel discussions, with plenty of scheduled time t
o answer your questions. One of the presentations will be the debut of Shrouded
Isles details. I am informed that Im doing a presentation as well. This fills me wi
th horror, but I have three weeks to get over my stage fright
There will be a costume contest in the evening portion of the gathering, a Weake
st (Chainmail) Link trivia contest, food, fun, and over 180 prizes to give away.
There are still spaces available, with discount tickets for children. Sign up,
and get your chance to PK me in person =)
Be safe, be well, and have a good weekend.
Taken from the feedback forms you've been lovingly filling out! But first, some
gentle reminders on behalf of the CSR team:
Q: (Insert question about the appeal process here)

A: Guess its been a few months since we covered the whole appeal thing, so lets go ove
r Appealing 101. (Note to people who have been writing to take issue with my use
of the masculine gender when referring to non-specific people I say he when I mean
he because, well, its technically proper grammar. No offense intended.)
For the best and fastest results:

** Choose the correct option from the menu. If youre stuck in the landscape (and th
e /stuck command doesnt get you loose), you want us to respond as fast as possible.
Sending your Im trapped appeal to the main, non-emergency queue could mean a severa

r wait but selecting the stuck option from the menu will get you help in just a few
tes. Same with all the other options your high priority problem will be dealt with
much faster if you use our system to tell us where in the priority list you are
. Theres no little elf in a pointy hat routing the appeals its all done by the prog

** Be detailed. The most time consuming aspect of customer service is gathering

information. If we know what your problem is before we talk to you, we may be ab
le to have a solution ready before you even lay eyes on one of our CSRs. Sending
an appeal that says help, and then appending it to read help NOW is not going to
y informative to our brilliant but not omniscient staff. Tell us names, zones, t
imes, anything we might need to solve your problem.
** Be specific. My quest is broken means a CSR is going to contact you, and ask what q
uest, what step youre on, what exactly went wrong, and so forth. If you give us tha
t information in an appeal, your problem will be fixed (assuming its not an issue t
hat needs a developer to address it) much faster.
** Dont try to work around the system. If you send your non-emergency problem to a
queue like the stuck list, the CSR will just move it to the proper queue without
talking to you =)
** The bug appeal queue is different from the others. You wont hear back from a per
son. Instead, two people on the strike team read every single bug appeal, and ad
d it to the list. There are actual humans reading this queue. They are sitting t
wenty feet away from me. Their entire job is reading this stuff and verifying th
e problems. But you wont hear anything from them, because if they answered each app
eal, they would have no time to read the appeals. On a related note, please dont se
nd your bug appeal to the regular queue. If you do so, the CSR who talks to you
is only going to send your appeal to the bug queue. The time he spent doing this
might have been better spent helping someone with an emergency. That person wit
h the emergency could be you next time, so help us help you.
** Name violations are another area you wont hear anything back from us. We do read
them, we do take care of them, but there is a priority order here as well. We a
re committed to removing the worst first racial slurs, open obscenity, etc.
** Escalations are not visible. If the CSR told you hed send it to the bug queue, h
e did it. If he told you he could not assist you, and would need to escalate you
r appeal, that is exactly what he did. The supervisor queue is not visible with
the tools you have to see the status of your appeal. Someone WILL get back to yo
u as soon as they can, unless the issue at hand was a bug.
** If you send a harassment appeal, make sure youre being harassed. Please dont appeal
people who walk up, say something insulting, and then leave. This person is a s
impleminded jerk, not a harassment appeal waiting to happen. The key difference
between harassment and simple jerk behavior? The jerk has an extremely short att
ention span, and walks away. By the time youve finished appealing him, he has alrea
dy left, and we can do absolutely nothing. Unless he said something really, real
ly foul (ur a stoopid noob is not really, really foul), just let it go, or /ignore him
. Harassment is repeated bad behavior after you have politely requested that the
individual go away and leave you alone. If thats the case with you, by all means,
contact us and choose the harassment option, and provide the name of the evildoe
r, so we can take care of the problem.
** Cancelling appeals is easy. If, in the heat of passion, you decided to send a
n appeal and then think better of it, you CAN cancel it without having to log ou
t and in to get the pop up refresh window. Just type /cancelappeal (all one word
), and its gone.

** Emailing us for help? Make sure you give us an account login name when you do
so some of you have more than one email address and more than one DAOC account, a
nd its not always possible for us to tell which account you need help with.
Hopefully, youll never need to talk to us. If you do, we want to take care of your
problem as fast as possible. Thanks for checking out these tips.
Q: How exactly do the attribute caps work?
A: Three factors here, separate caps that stack with each other. Heres how to calcu
late your caps:

Item bonuses = 1.5 times your level, rounded down.

Combo buffs (that buff two stats) = 1.5 times your level, rounded down.
Single buffs = your level

Add those three things, and thats your stat cap. At level fifty, your cap is whatev
er your stat is plus 200. I am not entirely clear at this time how realm ability
buffs calculate into this formula, and Ill try to get that for next week, but the
above is the basic formula.
Q: Does having stealth higher than 50 affect movement speed while stealthed, dam
age done in Perforate Artery, and increase your detect hidden range?
A: No, no, and yes.
Q: In an earlier grab bag, you told us that 2H weapons are modified by strength,
and thrust weapons were modified by strength and dexterity. Well, what about 2H
thrust weapons?
A: 75% strength, 25% dexterity.
Q: Regarding Spirit Ward Shield, does it decrease the chance the spell will land
, or decrease the duration of the spell when it does land?
A: This answer applies AFTER 1.51 goes live, since its a little screwy right now. W
hen it is working properly, it will decrease the duration of the spell. The chan
ce to land is simply your level versus the level of the caster. (On Mordred, tha
t is still true, except for that server weve removed a multiplier for level differe
nces. Theres still a level difference, but it is not as marked.)
Q: For 1H/shield users, do you block AND parry, or block OR parry? What I mean i
s, if I have a 10% chance to block and a 10% chance to parry, will I block/parry
10% of the time or 20%?
A: It doesnt work exactly that way, because block and parry are at different points
in the order of combat resolution. (For more information, see an earlier grab b
ag the Herald is fully searchable.) Its impossible to give you percentages, because y
ou only have the chance to parry what you dont block.
Q: Do +pac items do anything?
A: Nope. Most +skill items increase damage taken or given. In the case of the pa
c line, the only way it could do more damage would be to make the spells have a longer

duration, which would be interesting. So, well either change the way +pac works, or d
o like we did with evade and simply remove items with that bonus and add more ap
propriate stats. I have no ETA on a change, but it is something we are aware of.
Okay! Keep sending those feedback forms - except for Appealing 101, everything t
his week came straight from the forms. Heck, everything in the last few patches
have come from our team leads, our testers, and those forms.
Have a nifty weekend; we'll see you Monday.
A little short today, due to early check in for the Fan Gathering starting in tw
o hours, but it's still sweet. Realm rank point totals, further explanation of d
exterity and casting speed, and Ground Targeting 101.
Q: What are the points you need to raise your realm rank?
A: The whole list is pretty long, since each rank is subdivided into ten! Ill put t
he quick and dirty version here:
You start at Rank 1.
To rise to Rank 2, you need 7125 realm points.
Rank 3 = 61750
Rank 4 = 213875
Rank 5 = 513500
Rank 6 = 1010625
Rank 7 = 1755250
Rank 8 = 2797375
Rank 9 = 4187000
Rank 10 = 5974125
Q: Sometimes I get a message saying a player was not worth any realm points to m
e, but I know for a fact that his timer was up. Is this a bug?
A. Nope. There are some circumstances under which you will not be rewarded for r
epeatedly killing another player, that have nothing to do with his timer. This i
s primarily an anti-farming measure.
Q: Got a set of PVP server rules I can look at?
A: We have the most recent version on the sidebar to the left of this article. C
heck it out!
Q: Would you please give more detail as to how dex affects a caster? For instanc
e, I understand that when I have my dex maxed I will cast 25% faster. How does t
his work incrementally? And will a lurikeen be able to cast faster in the end th
an another race?
A: From a dex of 50 to a dex of 250, the formula lets you cast 1% faster for eac
h ten points. From a dex of 250 to the maximum possible (which as you know depen
ds on your starting total), your speed increases 1% for every twenty points. So,
as you can see, a lurikeen may be able to cast A VERY TINY AMOUNT faster than a
nother race, but just barely, and even then depending on the starting stat.
By the way, this same explanation works for the quickness stat for weapon users.

Q: (Insert question here on ground targets)

A: Weve been getting a lot of bug reports, and the problem isnt a bug, its bad docum
ion on our part. Heres our attempt at making that better, guest written for the gra
b bag by a member of the Strike Team. Everyone say hi to James, one of the peopl
e who reads every single bug appeal that is sent. Heres his essay:
Ground Targeting 101
To have the ability to use the new Runemaster and Eldritch Ground Target Area of
Effect (GTAoE) Spells one must first be able to select a ground target since th
e spells will not work if they are just targeted on a Mob. So how do you select
a piece of ground to target? There are two variations of Ground Targeting (GT) o
ne is for players that use mouse look and the other is for those players that mo
ve around with their arrow keys. Since these are so different each will be cover
ed separately. First we will cover mouse look then keyboard.
The first thing to do in Ground Targeting is to find out what key is mapped to t
he Ground Target function. The defaults for this are F5 in FPS style and SHFT-T
in RPG style. If neither of these seem to work then use the /keyboard command to
find out what key Ground Target has been remapped to. If you are using the RPG
default keyboard I suggest that you remap the Ground Target function to somethin
g other than SHFT-T or any other SHFT+key since using the SHFT key with some of
the keys that move the Ground Target Indicator around can lead to confusion and
unexpected difficulties. Once you have found out which key brings up the Ground
Target hold it down for a few seconds and you will see a set of arrows with an i
nverted pyramid in the middle appear at your feet. This is the indicator that yo
u will move to where you want the spell to fire.
If you are using mouse look then all you need to do to move the indicator is cli
ck and hold your right mouse button while holding down the assigned ground targe
t key, i.e. F5, to move the indicator away from you. The left mouse button bring
s it back towards you. Moving the mouse from side to side will move the indicato
r around you in a circle. If you lose sight of the indicator over a rise or in t
he grass you can rotate your mouse wheel forward to raise the center pyramid. Th
is allows you to see where the indicator is even if you cannot see it because of
intervening terrain or bodies. To bring the center pyramid again to ground leve
l simply rotate the mouse wheel back towards you. Once you have the indicator wh
ere you want the spell to fire simply release the Ground Target key and cast the
spell. If you lose the indicator or leave it somewhere then all you need to do
is hold down the Ground Target key again for a few seconds and the indicator wil
l again appear at your feet.
If you use the keyboard to predominately move around the world of Camelot then G
round Targeting for you is only a little different than the mouse look descripti
on above. You still need to hold down the key assigned to Ground Target and you
will have the arrows at your feet in a few seconds. The difference is in how you
move the indicator around. To move the indicator away from you press the forwar
d arrow while holding the Ground Target key. The back arrow key moves the indica
tor back towards you. The left and right arrows move the indicator around you in
a circle. To raise or lower the center pyramid use the Page Up and Page Down ke
ys. Again once you have the Ground Target Indicator where you want the spell to
fire release the Ground Target key and cast the spell. Again if you lose the ind
icator simply hold the Ground Target key for a few seconds again and the Indicat
or will appear at your feet.
This sounds a whole lot more complicated than it actually is in practice and tha
t is exactly what it takes to get proficient at Ground Targeting, practice, prac

tice, practice. The most important thing to remember is to keep the Ground targe
t key pressed while you move the Indicator around. Once you have it where you wa
nt it you will not need to move it very often. If you do need to move it just pr
ess the Ground Target key and the Indicator will appear where you have targeted.
Hold the Ground target key a couple more seconds without moving the Indicator a
nd it will move to a location relevant to you and the indicator's initial placem
ent. A few seconds more and it will reappear at your feet.
This is the same method used to Ground Target with catapults and trebuchets.
By the way, everyone - we received a threat from a friendly neighborhood hacker,
threatening to send out spam mail with a message such as "Want to speed up DAOC
on your machine? Go to the command line on your PC and type this code."
If you get an email that sounds like this, or see a post along those lines, plea
se let me know. The command our little friend says he'll put in the letter will
erase your hard drive.
Be safe, and have fun, gang!
A solid mix tonight, let's get to it:
Q: On Mordred/Andred, why can we not wear helms from a realm other than our own?
A: Heads in DAOC were not designed to be interchangeable, although bodies to som
e extent were. Take the number of helmets and multiply that by the number of rac
es, and youll see why we were unable to bring you the server and allow hats to be s
hared between realms.
Q: Also on Mordred/Andred, a hero can use a polearm, with their spec in spear. D
o armsmen get the same deal, vice versa?
A: Yes. Its a little unfair to armsmen, since they must spec two lines to use a spe
ar while heros only need to spec one line, but the alternative was to not let ei
ther use another realms weapons.
Q: Sometimes during high volume situations, I will get kicked from my server, an
d when I try to relog, I will get the message that I am already logged in. No, Im n
ot! What should I do?
A: Well, the first thing to check is Was this everyone, or just me that got booted? If
it was everyone, then the server will reset itself and solve the problem for yo
u. The next thing to try is simply waiting five minutes. If you try to get back
in before that time, you will traumatize our login server. So give it a minute go
get a drink, reintroduce yourself to family members, what have you. Next on the
list is the technique beloved of tech departments everywhere reboot your machine.
The last resort is contacting our tech support department if you really did wait f
ive minutes between attempts, if rebooting did nothing, and the Herald tells you
that other people are happily playing, you may need to be reset by hand.
Q: Is the loot a monster drops determined when it is spawned, or when it dies?
A: When it dies. Upon death, the game looks at the loot table and chooses from a
list (a list with only one item, for some creatures). This is why, when you giv

e a Realm Guard a weapon, you dont get the weapon back when the Realm Guard dies. T
he Realm Guard has a loot table with nothing on it, regardless of what it might
be holding.
Q: When spellcrafting goes in, will I be able to reset my trade? I have a tailor
ing of 100 and would rather be a spellcrafter.
A: Yes, we are providing an option that will allow you to reset a trade to zero
when we put in spellcrafting.
Q: I have an item that gives me four stats all weapon skill boosts but my class has
five options! Could this item be changed to allow five stat boosts?
A: Unfortunately, no, non-enhanced items are hard coded to only allow for four +
X options.
Q: Please explain how interrupts work in your game. In another game I used to pl
ay, if a magic user started casting a spell, he could finish it so long as he wa
snt hit during the cast time. In DAOC it seems more random.
A: Its not random at all, but it is a very different system than you may be familia
r with. Its a lot more fair to large weapon users, as their potential to interrupt
a caster is exactly the same as a small fast weapon user. Hold on to your backpa
cks, this is going to be fun.
First, we need to understand how melee attacks work in DAOC. Lets say youre swinging a
weapon with a five second delay between swings. You press attack. It goes SWING
(tick tick tick tick tick) SWING (etc). Obviously, this means a two second dela
y weapon goes SWING (tick tick) SWING (etc). Now, according to the game, youre atta
cking for that whole swing/tick cycle. The damage you do is registered at the sa
me time as the swing, but a full cycle consists of the swing AND the ticks.
If you attack a caster, you have a chance of interrupting his regular (non-quick
cast) spells during the whole cycle. The chance to interrupt is purely level bas
ed if the caster is higher level than you, your chance to interrupt is lower.
A quickcast spell does not have any chance of being interrupted doesnt check for that
at all. However, a quickcast spell does not wipe the interrupt check of a cycle
. For example, lets say I am swinging an enormous hammer at Mahrin Skel. Theres a ten
second delay. On the third second, he quickcasts something at me. It hits me. Le
ts say Im stunned. But when he casts a regular spell at me during the same ten second
cycle that began when I first swung my hammer, I may still interrupt him even th
ough I am stunned by the quickcast, because my cycle is still running.
Still with me? Lets see what happens when multiple people are attacking our caster
friend. (Its hard to explain in text, please forgive the sophomoric illustration at
the bottom of all this.)
I have a weapon with a five second delay. Chris has a weapon with a three second
delay. And Jason also has a five second delay weapon. Mahrin will yet again ser
ve as our caster, and he is casting a spell with a three second timer.
First, I swing. One tick later, Chris swings. One tick later than that, Jason sw
ings. One tick after Jason, Mahrin starts to cast. Who will have a chance to int
errupt him? Its all in the timing. In this BEAUTIFUL diagram, s = swing, c = cast,
and t = tick.

At about the halfway point during Mahrins cast, the interrupt check happens. So, go
to halfway (the middle T in Mahrins row). Chriss cycle is finished, and will not inte
rrupt Mahrin. My cycle is ending at about the same time Mahrins interrupt check beg
ins on that spell, so Ive got a 50/50 chance of interrupting him, depending on the
exact timing. Jason is in the middle of his cycle, and therefore definitely has
a chance of interrupting Mahrin.
Whether or not Jason DOES interrupt him depends on level and luck. The chance of
interruption isnt very high. The above applies whether the SWING part did damage o
r not.
As you can see, this system is more fair to all weapon users, and is more realis
tic (a big honking axe is actually just as distracting as a dagger when its swung a
t your head). But, in the interests of fun, weve kept the actual chance low, and th
e higher level the caster, the less likely the caster will lose concentration.
Whew. I need a frosty beverage after all that. I wish you all a safe and happy w
eekend, and well see you Monday. Or maybe on the frontiers before then =)http://web
Time for some grab bag goodness:
Q: What is Mythics policy for third party program users? Are there any exceptions?
A: Taken from a post of mine on the Vault regarding this very subject:
We have a one strike, you're out policy, as our rule of thumb. There are excepti
ons, generally due to the "proof" aspect of our internal policy. There are also
(very rare) exceptions, such as information gathering.
We will suspend someone as long as we have some proof, even though the investiga
tion may not be complete. However, we will NEVER ban someone for hacking or 3rd
party programs without absolute proof. And that proof must come from in-game. We
do not accept logs or screenshots that were not taken by a Mythic employee as a
bsolute proof.
We will happily look at logs and screenshots, and give the submitting player the
benefit of the doubt. We will use such logs and screenshots as a reason to open
an investigation. But those are never the grounds for banning a player in and o
f themselves.
If you think about it, you'll appreciate that - you would not enjoy being banned
based on a potentially altered log, eh?
We have a number of methods by which we catch people using these programs. Pleas
e rest assured that none of those methods involve invading your computer - as ea
sy as that would make catching cheaters, it's unacceptable to all of us at Mythi
c who are at our cores players first. (I personally would quit before I'd work f
or a company that used such blatant invasions of privacy.)
Finally, a number of players from the Dreds have been busted for Jedi, Telepathy
, Ronald McDonald, Kreskin, or whatever the hell people are calling it this week
. All banned. Banning cheater accounts is a priority everywhere, but it's especi

ally important in a full PK environment. If enough cheater accounts crop up and

require banning from the same player, eventually we kick into "ban by IP/credit
card" mode. We do not need or want these players, because they end up chasing aw
ay more people than they represent.
Feel free to /appeal anyone you suspect of cheating. (Please, though, put more t
han "NameofCheater" in your appeal - "I believe that Soandso of such and such gu
ild is using a speedhack, because I am in XXX zone and watching him as of 11:30
PST" is much more helpful.) If they remain in the game after two or three weeks,
either they aren't cheating and they're just that good/organized/clever, *or* w
e could not definitively prove that they were cheating from within the game.
Q: Is fighting from a roof in the frontier considered an exploit or not?
A: I just love these it depends answers (not), but until we have a code solution, our
CSRs are in the extremely uncomfortable position of having to judge each roofer on a c
ase by case basis.
Basically, I would recommend no one fight from a roof. Doing so is a quick and e
asy way to get a reputation as an exploiter, and to invite scrutiny from our sta
ff. For those of you who do not mind a reputation, heres a quick and dirty way to t
ell if youre exploiting: If you cannot be targeted, hit, or if you can only be hit
by one type of attack, youre exploiting. Get down.
For those of you who do not appreciate sharing server space with these creatures
, heres how to tell if you should /appeal someone and get an investigation going: G
et an archer, a distance caster, and a point blank caster. If only one or none o
f you can hit the roofer, hes exploiting. Appeal him. And even if hes gone before the
CSR arrives, dont sweat it too much, because the fine fellow is now on our watch li
I know thats not a very satisfactory answer, and were working on better solutions, but
its what we do at this time.
Q: I hit this guy and he went right back into stealth! I thought you fixed that

A: We did. If hes an infiltrator, thats not a bug, thats a realm ability called V
Q: About blocking or parrying styles can you or cant you?
A: Yes, you can. Your chances of doing so are best when you are solo, trying to
block or parry a style from someone who is also solo. The chances of doing so de
crease with grouped, simultaneous attackers. How much this chance decreases is s
omething we are looking at very closely as part of the melee improvements for 1.
52. Bolt users may recognize this issue as similar to their own, and to them I s
ay you are correct, its the same piece of code involved.
Q: Once spellcrafting is in, will you be able to take the spellcrafted item to a
n enchanter and get further bonuses applied?
A: Yes, but why would you? The spellcrafter will be able to enchant items the sa
me way the NPC does, for less cost.

Q: I use the critical strike style Achilles Heel, which lowers the targets attack sp

Does this mean my target will now hit for more damage per attack (in order to ma
intain their DPS, which is now slower due to my style)? Also, what is the durati
on of this debuff? Finally, does it break as snare does the next time they get h
A: No (the DPS is also lowered as part of this debuff), it varies due to your le
vel vs. target level so I cant answer without more information, and no, once the ta
rget is debuffed, he stays debuffed until it wears off unless he purges.
Q: Another combat resolution question for you where does Guard/Intercept happen in
the order of resolution?
A: At the very beginning, since the real first event in a resolution chain is Hit =
Before I take off, I just have one side note gang, if you send me email, make sure
your inbox is not so full that your provider is not allowing you to receive any
more messages. I had several bounce back to me today as a result. Taking a tech
nique from Dear Abby: Confidential to SUSPENDED?!: We do send out notices to your emai
l address of record the instant we suspend your account explaining what we did,
why, and what your avenues of appeal are. When the notice bounces back, you may
be left with the impression that we didnt give you an explanation. Ive been trying to
let you know for two days what happened empty your box and try again, please?
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Bring it on:
Q: So, rumor has it the spellcrafting and alchemy design document is ready for p
ublic viewing. Can I see it?
A: Sure. Were still on track for getting spellcrafting into the game in the first h
alf of August, so you might as well see all the details: Go here, or click the l
ink on the sidebar.
Q: (Insert comment about exploiting here)
A: I am not sure how this idea took root, but judging from the number of appeals
weve had on the subject, I thought Id best clarify. No, I did not say it was okay to
sit in the world geometry and exploit. Please stop telling our CSRs that I told
you it was okay. I didnt. Its not. If you can let me know where my choice of words was
confusing, I will be happy to clarify - none of us here saw anything ambiguous,
but that doesn't mean much.
Also, if you are a melee, and standing on the ground, it does not follow that th
e guy on the roof is exploiting because you cannot hit him. The guy on the roof
is exploiting if he cannot be hit by more than one damage type such as arrows, nuk
es, PBAOE, etc. Melee doesnt count in determining whether or not our little roofer
is cheating.
Now, people on the same z-axis as you are cheating if you cannot hit them with m
elee damage (such as bridge sitters). By the way, just because someone is cheati
ng from the same z-axis level as you, does not grant you immunity if you ALSO ch
eat to kill him. That just makes you both cheaters. Please /appeal the cheater,
without resorting to cheating yourself.

Thanks much!
Q: Why is there no white dye in the game?
A: I have answered this before, but I am going to shamelessly steal an answer fr
om the wonderful website DAOC Tradeskills, or rather, their forums. A poster nam
ed CapnBry explained it thusly, and hit the ball out of the park:
Think of it this way. Take any item, your desk for instance (I'm assuming you have
a brown wood desk). Turn off all the lights, and your computer monitor, and carr
y the desk into a dark closet. What color is the desk now? Black. Now get one of
those cool Navy Seal red flashlights and shine it on the desk, what color is it
? Mostly red. Now grab one of those annoying blue laser pointers all the damn ki
ds have at the movie theaters. Shine that on the desk, what color is it now? Mos
tly blue. Now get a flashlight out and shine it on, what color is it? Brown agai
n. Get a stronger flashlight. Still brown. Try to think what color light you'd h
ave to shine on a brown desk to get it to turn white. When you figure that out,
we can pass that to Mythic, and probably the Nobel Prize people because it's imp
That's how materials work in any D3D or OpenGL environment, you light a material
to tint a texture.
CapnBry, I salute you. Thats the best and clearest explanation of the problem, EVER
Q: (Insert comment about the proposed armor damage tables from 1.52D)
A: We arent completely satisfied with the way our proposed changes are working in p
ractice. Wed gotten as far as we could go with theory, and needed to put the basic
idea onto the test server to get some real world feedback on it. Please, rest as
sured that things on the test server are not finished products, and we do pay cl
ose attention to your feedback. Some changes are definitely incoming soon.
One thing though some armor types are worn by so many classes that a small change
to that type has a disproportionate effect on the overall game. Just keep that i
n mind as you evaluate the system.
Q: I am confused about how the full respec will work with autotraining. Can you
A: Lets start with some background. Autotraining is a feature of the game for some
classes, but not all of them. One class that has autotrain is the paladin they hav
e slash and chants as skills that autotrain up (extremely slowly) IF they do not
choose to train those skills of their own accord. If a paladin never puts a sin
gle point into slash, by the time he is level 30, he will have a spec of 7 in sl
ash. If he gets to 50 without ever training in slash, he will have autotrained u
p to 12. This feature went into the game a long time ago, and was intended to pr
event a player from entirely gimping himself.
When we first introduced autotrain, the game
to make sure you never fell below a certain
and to cut to the chase, we fixed autotrain
. Instead, if autotrain kicks in, it creates

would use your spec points FOR you,

level. The public outcry was great,
so that it did not take your points
the points and adds them to your to

The free points thing sounds like a much bigger deal than it actually is. For in
stance, going back to our paladin example, a pally has two lines with the autotr

ain option chants and slash. I do not think there is a single paladin that would t
ry and level without putting any points at all into chants.
Now, on to the respec thing. When you activate your respec, the game will check
your character to see if you have any autotrain lines that have a minimum attach
ed to them. If our paladin is level 50, the game will automatically assign point
s to the autotrain lines until they are both at 12, before our paladin does anyt
hing else. (The game calculates what the minimum level should be depending on yo
ur level.)

Why? Well, if a player autotrained, the points he had were free and to prevent abus
the system, those free points must be assigned to the line from which they came.
However, code is an if/then, either/or kind of thing, and the game cannot tell
if the training you did at level whatever was the result of an autotrain or a ch
oice on your part. So the points are automatically deducted.
A player who autotrained, and accepted the fact that he was going to be gimped j
ust to get that handful of extra points, has more points total than a player who
did not autotrain. Its a severe tradeoff for very little reward, but the reward do
es exist.
This is why some people on the test server have a few more points than others of
the same class.
I know theres some objection to minimum spec levels post-respec in the community ri
ght now, and I have passed on your feedback thus far and will continue to do so.
It is still on the test server, after all! But hear me out: The reason weve done i
t this way is because we had a choice between this way, and basically throwing a
ll the points into the pool without taking autotrain into account at all. Had we
chosen the latter option, classes with more than one autotrain line (some class
es have three), you would have seen a situation where some classes had significa
ntly more points than others, and used their free points to bring one spec to full, an
d still have enough points left over to bring other lines to powerful levels. Th
is struck us as bad. So, we put in the restriction. Since its a sure bet that at le
ast one of the lines the points automatically go to is one that the player will
want to pour points into, the number of points the player isnt controlling is very
I am following threads
in terms of the number
e respec). Thats
o have the best chance

on the topic. If you want to comment, please be specific

of points involved, and your level (and spec spread befor
not fair is not good feedback you need to tell me why its no
of being heard.

I hope that helps, and I look forward to the feedback that is sure to result. Yall
have a great weekend, and thanks for being a part of this community.http://web.a
Q: An archer who is aiming an arrow at me, with the bow drawn, has a chance of i
nterrupting my cast even though he hasnt fired at me and I dont see him. Is this inten
A: No, and it should be fixed as part of 1.52. Its related to the problem that prev
ented melee users from blocking or parrying as often as they should have been in

Q: Why dont acuity buffs affect the healing classes?

A: Acuity checks to see if you are a list caster (youre a list caster if your spell
is nicely organized; if your list is a bit of a muddle youre not a list caster, and
more on that in a moment), and if so boosts your casting stat. Mainly this is i
ntelligence, but its piety for the Spiritmaster and Runemaster. But its a class check,
not a stat check, that determines if you can use the buff. The description of a
cuity is a little misleading, and for that I apologize.
Q: Are you done tweaking the Theurgists?
A: No, but the remaining tweaks are things we will be tuning upwards, not downwa
rds. I am not able to go into details, but they are in response to feedback weve ga
Q: Can my (insert class here) have the same organized spell list as the (insert
list caster here)?
A: Not at this time. The two different sorts of classes are organized and coded
very differently. However, the request to sort the spell lists the same way is a
popular request, and HAS been passed on. I look at my shaman list and cry somet
imes, trying to remember which buff is the big one. =)
Q: (Insert question here, that was already handled in a Grab Bag)
A: The Herald is searchable many of the questions I got this week through email an
d the feedback forms are ones I have answered in the past. Were working on making t
he Knowledge Base a little more knowledgable, but in the meantime you CAN search th
e Herald. Try it out! The players have steered this column over a wide range of
territory in the last eight months.
Q: Why is the Cabalist focus shield overwritten by shields that arent as good?
A: Because the overwrite function is determined solely by level, not by power or
quality or affect on DPS. We know this is a problem for some classes and have s
tarted investigating. I am not making any promises, because I dont know what soluti
ons are possible if any.
Q: Does every class have a team lead?
A: As of today, yes. The TL coordinator was heartily sick of listening to me nag
him about filling the empty spots, and was not being too subtle about picturing
me on a spit being slow roasted.
Q: Will you reopen the Pendragon character copier?
A: Yes. The reason we didnt do so during 1.52 was that we made some changes to what
amounts to the character stat sheets at the beginning of 1.52 (to allow for spe
llcrafting and alchemy). This means characters currently on Pendragon are incomp
atible with characters on the live servers, and copies would have had all kinds
of corruption issues. As soon as the character sheets are synced up again, we wi
ll reopen the copier.

Q: Please describe the power rating for the Dreds.

A: Heres Scotts explanation, previously posted to the Vault. By the way, the power rat
ing as it applies to guilds? It doesnt actually DO anything. Its a means by which peop
le can congratulate themselves over how cool they are. Try not to worry too much
about it, just enjoy it. The bonus referred to in the explanation is NOT an in-game b
onus, its a bonus factor in the formula, and the formula alone.

Were still messing with the formula, and will post again if we alter the way power i
culated. The following is the present version:
We've just changed the way power rankings (the "POWER" list on the Camelot Herald s
erver page) are calculated. Since it's changed, we've decided to let you guys kn
ow exactly how the number is calculated, so you can give us feedback on how effe
ctive it is in actually measuring a guild's potential power on a given server.
Note that the following represents *potential* power. Actual applied power is alrea
dy measured - alliance points. If a guild is high in potential power but low in
applied power, they aren't using their power effectively. If a guild is low in p
otential power, but high in applied power, they should congratulate themselves they're benefiting from factors (such as human skill, tactics, strategy and com
munication) that numbers like these can never measure.
Anyway. On to the explanation.
We start with a guild's membership. Very simple here: if a character's logged in in
the past week, they get 1 point per level. We then add the character's realm ra
nk, rounding down. A character with R2L7 has 2 points added. (This factors in th
e added power a character gains through realm abilities.)
That number (level plus realm rank) becomes the Base Character Value (BCV). A level
50 at R3L2 would have a BCV of 53. A level 20 with 3 realm points would have a
BCV of 20.
Now, just showing up for the party isn't enough... how long did they stay? We want
to factor in how long a character's been logged in. We take how many minutes a p
layer has been on that week, divide it by 100, and multiply it by their BCV. We'
ll call that their Online Value (OV). So, that level 20 in the earlier example w
as on for 8 hours (480 minutes) - 4.8 * their BCV of 20. They have an OV of 96.
The level 50 in the previous example who was on for 2 hours (120 minutes) - 1.2
* 53... an OV of 63.6. The level 20, even though he doesn't hit as hard as the l
evel 50, is on (and presumably able to be called on) for longer periods, so he c
ounts for a little more.
(What changed today, by the way, is how the OV was calculated. Previously we weren'
t weighting it by level as heavily.)
If a player's earned more than 10 alliance points in the last week, his BCV is mult
iplied by 4. This weighs heavily those characters who actively participate in Pv
P. Call that a modified BCV - mBCV.
With all that,
power rankings k, has (53 * 4) +
l 20, who didn't,

we can figure out exactly what every character adds to their guild's
mBCV + OV. The level 50, who earned some realm points last wee
63.6, for a total power value of 275 (rounding down). The leve
has 20 + 96, for a total power value of 116.

Now that we have all that, we have one final calculation ld for holding a keep and/or relics. Holding a keep gives the
0%. Holding a relic gives the guild a bonus of 20% per relic.
random guild out of the air, Conquest has a bonus of 130% on

what we award to the gui

guild a bonus of 1
So, just to pick a
their guild power

- 20% for every relic and 10% for the keep they live in.
There you have it!
On a side note, I've had a lot of email complaining about radar users and certai
n zone hole exploits. You can help us with zone hole exploits by sending me emai
l with the exact /loc of the hole and a header of EXPLOIT. As for radar users, t
here are more than fifty sadder but wiser players who in the last few weeks have
discovered that using magic jedi tricks may help you level faster, but it just
means your character is a high level when it gets banned. We have been identifyi
ng users as soon as they use the program, and smacking them. We are committed to
doing so as often as necessary to keep DAOC free of the cheating and exploiting
that has damaged other games in the past.
Thanks for the great questions, thanks for playing, and y'all have a wonderful w
Here we go!
Q: Whenever I try to buy an item for a friend (that my own class or race cannot
equip) I get the message you cannot buy this item. Is this a bug?

A: It is but its only a half bug. While we work on fixing this, heres the workaroun
ad of clicking the name of the item and then clicking buy, click and drag the items
to the buy button and click on it. That will allow you to purchase the item for
your friend.
Q: Im not blocking much more than I did pre-patch 1.52, but my friend is blocking l
ike crazy. We have the same spec. Am I bugged?
A: No, but your friend is most likely using a player crafted shield. The quality
of the player crafted item will make a significant difference try it and see. The
same goes for armor, by the way. You will take less damage while wearing the pl
ayer made stuff than you will in fancy looted gear. That +1 str pair of sleeves?
Bleh. Ditch them and support your nearest crafter.
Q: The new icons are very bright. What can I do?
A: Right click and make the bar a little bit more see-through. That will dull th
e colors and still make them easy to see.
Q: Did the change to Theurgist air/earth pets and their run speed go live? I dont s
ee a difference.
A: As of yesterday, the change was definitely live. To see for yourself, have a
pet race between an air or earth pet and a theurgist ice pet (their speed didnt cha
You need to use a target pretty far in the distance, because the ice pets will s
top running and cast their spell when theyre in range to do so. But still, try it o
ut. The new, faster pets will win the race. Its not a dramatic change; you really h
ave to see the old speed and the new speed next to each other in order to see th
e difference.

Q: Are the new hastener NPCs on the frontier working?

A: No. They will be fixed in 1.53.
Q: Why are archers doing so much damage to me now?
A: Its not all archers, its just the tactical ones. Archers now have a variety of arro
w types, which can be matched against the armor type for maximum damage. The arc
her who hit you extra hard chose an arrow that had a bonus against your type of
Q: How do blocking and parrying work?
A: Both of these skills use dexterity, and the quality of your shield/weapon, to
create a numerical value. That value is compared to your opponents weapon skill va
lue to determine your chances to block or parry. If the numbers are equal, your
base chance is determined entirely by your skill level. Also, before this compar
ison happens, the game looks to see if your opponent is in your forward arc to det
ermine that arc, make a 120 degree angle, and put yourself at the point.
Dual wielders throw an extra wrinkle in. You have half the chance of shield bloc
king a dual wielder as you do a player using only one weapon. Your chance to par
ry is halved if you are facing a two handed weapon, as opposed to a one handed w
If you have multiple attackers, your chance to parry any one attack (which is de
termined in part by your skill in parry) will be divided by the number of attack
ers. Blocking is a little different your chances of blocking multiple opponents pa
rtly depends on the size of your shield. (One opponent for small, two for medium
, three for large.) You will have no chance to shield block any more than that n
umber in any given round of combat.
So what did we do in 1.52 to increase your chances of blocking or parrying? Well
, before this patch, the game was artificially inflating the number of opponents
. (For instance, if you were being attacked by one person, the game was counting
that player AND his groupmates as opponents against you, even if that guys group w
as nowhere nearby. There were other factors as well, but that was the biggest pr
oblem right there.) So for blocking, if one guy was swinging at you, but he was
grouped with four people, the game would decide you had five attackers, and your
small shield might block someone who wasnt actually hitting you. And for parrying,
usly the division mentioned above would be a much smaller number. Now, the game
is only counting people who are actively trying to cause you harm.
But you will never block or parry in RVR as much as you do in PVE,
R youre almost always facing multiple opponents, and as you can
explanation, the chances to block or parry are directly related to
attackers. The change we made in patch 1.52 is most noticeable in
one group battles, but certainly has an impact in epic scale RVR.

because in RV
see from the above
the number of
one group vs.

Q: What is the percentage chance each kind of attack damage has to critical hit?
Do things like the realm abilities that add to critical percentage stack on top
of this or are they a percentage of this?
All attacks start with a base chance of 10%. If you have a skill that says adds 5%, yo
ur base chance is 15%. Incidentally, there is one attack that is an exception to
this - an archers Critical Shot ability will never get additional damage from (low
er case c) critical hits. Remember, because it is a chance and not a hard number

, you will get runs of good luck and runs of bad luck. A true test is conducted
over time. I believe we used four hours as a baseline the last time we tested th
is in house.

By the way, theres a new gaming news site - Virtual World Chat. Theyve done an intervi
ew with Mark about Imperator, and a friendly little interview with me, in the la
st week. Theyre trying to cover MMOGs in general. Give them a look!
Thanks for playing, and have a wonderful weekend.
More fun than guacamole dip:
Q: (Insert question about the newly reopened Pendragon character copier here)
A: Common answers to common questions this week:
You can only copy to Pendragon ONCE. You cant delete the copied character a
nd do over if you didnt like a choice you made. The copier is looking to see if you
successfully copied a character to Pendragon. If the answer is yes, it wont let you
do it again.

The character on Pendragon will have the name of the placeholder you cre
ated, NOT the name of the character you copied over. So, dont name your Pendragon p
laceholder DroopyDrawers as a joke, because youre going to have to live with it, eve
your real character is known as Pippen Galadriel Moonbeam. (For that matter, ple
ase dont name your character DroopyDrawers even as a joke. Its not as funny as you thi
nk it is. Really.)
Q: What happens if you feel that you were treated badly by a CSR? Who watches th
e watchers, so to speak? Is it even worth it to appeal a CSR? Are there other av
enues to address customer service problems besides appeals?
A: Theres a few things you can do. First and foremost, you absolutely may appeal. S
uch appeals will be escalated to the supervisor level. After all, a CSR is the o
nly personal contact with a Mythic employee (and they are all paid employees, lo
cated here at Mythic headquarters) that most customers will ever have, so its in ou
r best interest to make sure that your contact is always polite and professional
. We do log the conversations that CSRs have with customers, so there is always
a record of what was said and by whom for us to look at. You can also always ema
il me my job is to be on your side and assume youre in the right unless the logs prov
e differently. I will always open an investigation if a player asks me to do so. - use the header PROBLEM WITH CSR. Im also always ha
ppy to get HAPPY WITH CSR email too =)
Q: I seem to get more loot, and more rare drops, when I first move into an area.
Are the loot tables somehow connected to the camp bonuses?

A: Nope, its completely random. Youre just having good luck. With that said, its alw
ood to move around ANYWAY, for those fabulous camp bonuses. I just rolled an alt
on one of the servers with a rather low population, and its blissful. Every green
gives the exp of a blue, and all the convenient to town campsites are always ful
l of mobs.

Q: Is there a cap on skills such as parry or block? If I take one of those to 50

, and then add to it with a realm ability, will I hit a point where Im not gaining
any percentages to my skill?
A: Nope. Theres no hard cap at all. The only limit is how many points you have to s
Q: How do you fill the team lead positions? What do the team leads do?
A: Team leads are chosen, never elected. Theres a bunch of things we look for in a
team lead:
Active on class message boards. This doesnt have to mean the Vault there are
many smaller forums we lurk in, and many class-specific sites we watch (The Safe
house, the Drunken Friar, etc.).

An analytical nature. By this, we dont mean a picky britches, although that

does help a lot. We like spreadsheets, charts, and factual data. Someone with a
basic grasp of statistics is always welcome.

Rational. If you have a tendency to post this suxxors without backing up that
statement, you will probably never be a team lead.
Recommendations from other team leads. One from the class TL youre replacin
g cant be beaten, but recommendations from other classes doesnt hurt. The TLs are a te
am, and people are expected to get along. The Pendragon boards can have some pre
tty heated discussions, and a good TL gets along with the others.

A reputation for being a calming influence, not a rabble rouser.

Team leads are expected to give us information. They are not required to post to
message boards at all, although wed prefer our TLs stay active in their communitie
s. They are expected to have a solid grasp of the mechanics of their class, and
while they do not have to be level 50, they should at least be familiar with the
concerns of the high end player of their class.
They are expected to have an excellent microview of their class and its needs. W
e dont expect our team leads to see the big picture of all the classes, thats our job.
We expect the team leads to be civil in tone, and to keep the private board dis
cussions private but we DONT expect the team leads to agree with us, or be little yes
-men and women. Weve got a lot of strong personalities and passionate players, and
thats just the dev team, let alone the other testers =). If youre the type that rolls
over rather than face a little healthy conflict, it might not be a fun experienc
e for you.
It takes a lot of time to be a team lead, and it takes a lot of love for the cla
ss itself. Its largely a thankless job, and one that takes a lot of energy to fulfi
ll. However, despite what some of our TLs may feel like after many months, we co
uldnt do this game without them. They know their classes better than we do (well, e
xcept for those of us whove played a class to 50, and that group of devs would say
they were equal to a TL, not superior), and if weve got a question, we know we can
get an answer from the TLs.
Id ask the TL coordinator to add a few words, but he just finished printing out all
the TL reports, and took the 90 page document in ten point font home for a litt
le light reading this weekend.
At any rate, as I said, the TLs are chosen, not elected. Its a job you cant apply for,
the theory being that youd have to be crazy to want the job =) I do read the email

s from people who want to be team leads, and make suggestions, but the decision
isnt mine. If you want me to take a look at you, just be sure to include your posti
ng name and the URL to the board youre active on. But no promises (and no replies,
if Im going to have the time to read your posts =)) wed rather limp along with an e
spot than fill the spot with the wrong person in a hasty decision.
All righty. I know thats short, but were gearing up for some changes to the website, w
ere looking over styles, were looking at classes that seem to be underperforming in RV
R, and were standing over the guys doing spellcrafting and alchemy, beating them wi
th tree branches.
A special thanks to all the fan mail senders this week =) I cant tell you how much
its appreciated.
An even more special thanks to the critical mail senders we are listening. I only
wish I could answer each one.
If youre looking for a news site, you might want to check out MassiveMultiplayer.or
g. Its another general MMOG news site. I just gave them a little somewhat sassy int
erview. No, Mystery, I wasnt drunk. Sheesh.
And on a final note, the DAOC Atlas Book is now listed at the Mythic Store for p
re-orders. It will be available on August 21, and will be certainly more durable
than the three ring binder or the accordion folder youre currently using, and abso
lutely cheaper than the second computer you keep telling your spouse that you re
ally, really need. Head over here and check it out! We are grateful to Kirstena,
whom I never link to for fear of crashing her web server, but if you know her m
aps, you love them, trust me. I don't play the game without her and the guys her
Have a good weekend everyone, and as always, thanks for being part of the crew.h
Quick note before I get going: We had something weird going on with the log in s
ervers a few hours ago, and Im told the issue is resolved. The trouble is, if you t
ried to log in while things were squirrely, you might be getting the message tha
t youre still logged into the game. Step one: Wait 20 minutes and try again. Step t
wo, assuming step one doesnt solve your problem: Contact Customer Support through t
he phone or email, and we will reset you by hand. Sorry for the inconvenience, f
Now, on to the Bag:
Q: What is the maximum +skill bonus that you can get from items?
A: Your character level divided by five plus one rounded down.
Q: How did you choose the beta testers for the closed phase of Shrouded Isles?
A: The closed beta testers are currently team leads, and testers specifically re
commended by our internal test team. These people arent actually testing the new zo
nes and classes/races the closed beta test is actually a test of the new engine an
d how it works as people go about their normal playtime. The next stage of beta
is where we introduce the new content, and that stage of beta will be bigger, us
ing players taken randomly from the community. Keep watching the Herald for deta

Q: Why are my appeals regarding the Skill Respec being deleted?

A: This answer is guest written by your friends in customer service:
Customer Support is always here to help you with any problems you may have, but we
will not be resetting skill respecs on an individual basis. Any appeals related
to skill respecs will be closed, with an email sent to the customer telling them
that this has occurred. We understand the serious nature of these appeals, and
we wish we could assist you further; unfortunately, we are unable to do so. Plea
se take a moment to review the contents of the previous post (reprinted below) o
n common respec mistakes, and please remember to take your time when respeccing
your character.
Cost vs. Actual Skill The training window shows you the cost to train in t
hat particular skill; it is one level higher than what you currently have. If th
e training window says 50, you do not actually have 50 points in the skill, you
have 49, and you need 50 more points to get to 50.
Double check your points. If you think you have extra points, recheck wh
at you currently have. The chances are good you havent fully trained something you
thought you had, as in the example above. Reread #1, and double check before you
make a final decision.
Take your time! Dont try to get ahead of yourself you have put a lot of time
into this character. Attempting to speed through your respec by clicking somethi
ng rapidly may cause you to spend too many points.
Please remember that you have within two levels to complete the full respec. If
you were level 44 when we put up the respec patch, you have the remainder of lev
el 44, and all but the last pixel of level 45 to take the full respec. Once the
odometer clicks over to level 46, the chance will be past.
Q: I have a set of +4 light gloves, and a set of +10 dex gloves. Which is better
A: It depends. Dex helps your casting time, but the light bonus affects the dama
ge variance (the size of the range between your minimum damage and your maximum
damage) youll have namely, it will raise the floor within that particular spell line.
So, which is better depends on which aspect of your character you want to improve.
Q: Why do my emails to not get answered?
A: The emails DO get answered if they have anything to do with technical support o
r billing issues. If they dont, youd be better off filling out a feedback form.
Q: I was suspended for macroing but I absolutely was not using a macro program. Wh
at gives?
A: Our EULA and our rules of conduct contain a little clause about hardware macr
oing, and thats what you may have been suspended for. Whats hardware macroing? Sometim
es called dime macroing, or lego macroing, it means doing something physical to
your keyboard to cause your character to do something without you actually being
at the keyboard.
How do we determine whether or not youre doing that? Well, almost all of the time i
ts because another player reported you. If your character or pet is killing somethi

ng in an empty room, and youre AFK, you might not realize it when another player or
group enters the area, and therefore you wont realize it if you end up killstealin
g from those other people. And if youre AFK, youre certainly not going to be able to a
nswer when those people try to ask you to either join them, take turns, or stop!
So its important that you physically be present while you are in solo combat. If y
ou are alone and must go AFK, you need to stop fighting, and move your avatar to
an out of the way location to keep from interfering with the play time of other
people who ARE at their keyboards.
If you are interfering with or damaging someone elses experience in the game, a CSR
will contact you and politely ask whats going on. If you dont answer within a reasona
ble time frame (and meanwhile, your character or your pet continues to fight), w
e will need to take action. Since macroing is clearly labeled cheating, we respo
nd as we do to other types of cheating.
Q: Okay, I know that when you guys change a quest item, you let us swap out the
old item for the new. Do you do the same thing for dropped items?
A: No. Quest items are usually used for multiple levels, and can only be acquire
d once, so its only fair that we give you the new and improved version. Dropped ite
ms, however, are generally only useful for a certain level range, and if you can
still use it, you can still get another one.
Q: How is the number of concentration points determined?
A: You get a set amount each time you level; its not based on any stat or skill.

And thats it for this week. There were many Shrouded Isles questions that I DIDNT answ
er, and hopefully the new website (click the link at the top of this page) will
have more and more of the answers in the coming weeks.
By the way, several of you wrote to request that I give some publicity to a batt
legrounds discussion site. It seems that the discussions there are terrific, and
could only get better with more traffic. So, if you love fighting in the battle
grounds, check out Battlegrounds for more details.
Thanks for the wonderful questions, and yall have a terrific weekend. Ill see you in b

Greetings and salutations Before I kick off here, I would like to remind you all t
hat if youve got the problem with your account already logged in, the solution is 1)
twenty minutes, and if that fails, 2) contact Technical Support at support@myth, or at the phone number in the back of the manual that came
with the game. Feedback forms wont help you I go through a different category each da
y, and Im not the person who can help you reset your account anyway. So please, con
tact the right address so we can get you back in the game as fast as possible. N
ow, on to the bag!
Q: Does the realm ability Wild Arcana (duration spell crit enhancer) benefit pet
s in any way?
A: No.
Q: Do you lose more durability if you wait to repair your items as opposed to re

pairing them often, vice versa, or neither?

A: Neither. Durability points are converted to condition points by a ratio formu

la. You may lose a percentage point of durability to our system rounding up if y
ou happen to hit it at the wrong moment, but that is the only exception. You bas
ically need to keep your stuff at 90% condition or better, as there is a noticea
ble difference in the damage you take or give at that point. Its an exponential dro
p you wont notice much of a difference anywhere in the 90s, but youll really feel i
you go below that point.
Q: I know that +envenom items work like skill levels, meaning that if I am level
40 and have +10 worth of envenom items equipped, I can then use the 50th level
poisons. Is the same true of +stealth items? What good does it do me to go over
50 in stealth?
A: It doesnt do you any good to go over 50 (50th level is the point at which you ha
ve the smallest possible detect radius and the highest possible speed-while-stea
lthed), but the items can be used in place of skill points to get you to 50, jus
t like envenom.
Q: Last week, you told us that the maximum +skill items you can equip equals you
r level divided by five plus one. So, at level 50, you could have a maximum of +
11 to your skills. But realm ranks, past the first rank, grant you +1 for a tota
l of +9 at realm rank 10. Do these two factors stack?
A: Yes, they do. If youre realm rank 10, and level 50, you could have a total of +2
0 to some things.
Q: When you spec in polearms, do you have to spec in a specific weapon type?
A: Its a good idea just to max out your average damage speccing in polearm raises you
r maximum damage, and the specific weapon spec raises the bar on the minimum lev
el of damage you will do.
Q: How much damage will I do if my print out reads:
A: (EDIT: I'm taking the answer I had posted out, there is some argument between
the official answer and the experience of the CSRs, so this one will have to wa
it until next week to straighten out. Sorry!)
Q: How much damage will I do if my print out reads:
You hit the bunny for 180 (-23)
You hit the bunny for 50 points in critical damage!
A: Same as above, 230.
In this case, if the bunny had a print out, the bunny would have seen:
You were hit for 230!
The bunny would then have probably felt that you were overpowered, because the c
reatures in his realm cannot hit for 230 in one swing. However, as you can see,
those were actually two different hits, and you arent overpowered unless you manage
to get a crit off every single round. I would not blame the rabbit for feeling
a little frustrated, however.

Q: I am level 40. I have Celtic Dual specced to 39, and Blades to 21. Im seeing ser
iously conflicting answers as to whether or not I should take the blade spec hig
her. What is optimal?
A: Well, that depends on what type of character you want to play, but I do under
stand what youre getting at. Just as the game assumes that characters past level 30
have gone to the trouble of enchanting their armor and weapons (covered in an o
ld grab bag, that), the PVE game assumes a certain level of proficiency with you
r weapon.
First, Im going to answer in a general way, applicable to all classes who can spec
in their weapon. This formula doesnt take styles into account at all (as in, most p
eople only spec up to the style they like best and then stop), its simple math that
determines the damage you will do.
If you have NO trains in your weapon at all, each swing may do 25% to 125% of X
in damage. X is equal to the result of a complex formula, taking into account we
apon quality, condition, bonuses, your strength or dex, the opponents armor, and so
me other things.
If you have trained up to 2/3 of your level in your weapon, each swing may do 75
% to 125% of X.
If you are trained up to your level, each swing may do 100% to 150% of X.
The optimum level as far as the game is concerned is 2/3 your level.
For YOU, Mr. Blademaster, the game takes an average of Celtic Dual and your weap
on spec. And since you are 40th, and your average spec in the two areas is 30, y
ou are currently running better than optimal.
Q: What in the name of a vengeful god is a TGA file, and who do I have to kill t
o look at my own screenshots?
A: Any image editing software will let you at least look at them, AC/DSee has a
nice freeware version. Or you could purchase a copy of Photoshop, or install a c
opy you already own for work or school purposes. TGA is the nicest, most detaile
d file type out there. Or so I was told when I whined about wanting screenshots
in JPG format.
Q: Does the realm ability Serenity stack with mana regen spells?
A: Yes.
Special note of thanks to the gang at the Vault for a fabulous thread on exp gai
n trials and tribulations. I think every possible view has been covered in that
enormous list, and I had a fun morning tabulating and summarizing for the dev te
am. Your voice was heard and appreciated, now you and I will sit back and watch
the patch notes.
And that does it for me, folks, stick a fork in me. You all have a good one, and
for you American types, have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I have learned to m
y sorrow that a monitor tan will not protect you from the rays of the sun at the
beach, so for heavens sake be careful out there.

Short and sweet this week - most of the questions seemed to be about Shrouded Is
les (nothing new to impart this week, we're still whipping the engine into shape
- and no, I don't know anything about Shrouded Isles in Europe, I am really sor
ry) and 1.53, which is still being tested and added to. But read on for what I c
ould say!
Q: Specific to the Dred servers If youre in a group of eight, and the group kills one
person, does everyone get one added to their kill count? Do grays add to the ki
ll count?
A: Yes. No.
Q: How do the resists for each realm match up? For example, only Hibernia has Vo
id spells. Can the other realms resist void attacks?
A: When each spell is delved, the type of damage it does is revealed, regardless
of the realm name for it. Each realm has the resists necessary to defend agains
t the attacks of the other two kingdoms.
Q: Instruments is it worth it to upgrade to higher conned instruments or can I jus
t play this gray one until it breaks apart in my fingers?
A: Im told that the only thing instrument con affects is the length of each song pu
lse a higher level instrument pulses a fraction longer, which is better for offens
ive uses. If you never use your instruments to charm or mez, it probably doesnt mat
ter at all.
Q: Another rumor constitution only affects the number of points you get when you l
evel, so it is a good idea to have +con items on you just as you level. Then you
can take them off and put on other items. True or false?
A: Completely false. Your hit points are always related to your current constitu
tion, however it is affected by buffs, items, whatever.
Q: As you know, people wearing guild cloaks cannot stealth you can still see the c
loak. Any plans to fix this?
A: This one is still a dead horse for the time being not even the new engine can s
olve the problem of allowing multiple layers to become transparent. I sure wish
we could fix it.
Q: A while ago there was a discussion of granted support classes realm points fo
r performing their support role in battle. Any news?
A: We already made one big change it used to be that group members had to be reall
y close together to get points when the groups killers beat down an enemy. We more
than quintupled that range, so that the cloth wearers and healers didnt have to be
in the thick of combat in order to get the points. Were keeping an eye on the progr
ess of those classes before we talk about adding more things.
Q: Any update on the Hibernian dragon? You said you were investigating it, since

it hadnt died yet.

A: It has died the Europeans killed it. And heres the interesting thing theyre
US by a few patches, so they killed the harder version of the dragon. So keep tr
ying! It can be done!
Q: I want to transfer a character on my account to my friends account. He and I had
been sharing mine, but he FINALLY got his own and we would like to play togethe
A: At this time, we dont have that available as an option. Believe me, every week I
pass on how popular that idea is with you guys.
Thanks for the questions, thanks for playing, and have yourselves a wonderful we
Q: How exactly are realm points shared out in a group?
A: First, in order to get points from a kill someone else in your group makes, y
ou need to be in range. Recently, we made that range huge, so that the support c
lasses could get more of the action.

Next, the actual split. The points are split among all the people who did damage
to the victim, and the groupmates of that person. Your share is modified by a r
atio of your level to the level of the highest level person. You are rewarded by
your perceived contribution, measured by your level. Lets say youre level 40, and you
grouped with three other level forty players and a level 45 healer. That level 4
5 healer is considered the highest level person in the formula, even if he didnt do
any actual damage to the victim. The game considers that healer to be integral
to the success of the group. The higher your relative level in the group, the mo
re realm points you get.
People outside your group are calculated in as well if a level 50 ungrouped person
also attacked the victim, then the ratio in the formula awards you points as yo
u relate to the level 50. If the person not in your group is in his own group, t
hen the points are split between the two groups.
Q: I am a tank who trained up in piercing styles. Some piercing styles require e
vade as an opener, which I do not have as a pure tank. Is this an error?
A: No, its not. Weve gone through and cleaned out the errors in the style lines, so an
y of the remaining opening move style listings are intentional. The piercing lines are
rogue oriented. Basically, if youre a pure tank you need to decide if you want the
versatility of having several weapon skills (very useful given the resists we p
ut in a few weeks back) or the concentrated oomph of focusing on a more traditional wa
rriors weapon.
Being able to use a large weapon, then switch to a bleeder style, etc, sounds a
little overpowered. I know it's confusing to have styles you can't use show up o
n your list mingles with things you CAN use, and it is a known issue.
Q: Speaking of styles it seems to me that Ripper doesnt do enough damage for what you

say it should do.

A: Yall, Im going to need to see numbers. Looking at the spreadsheet of styles and the
ir damage settings, all is right with the world. Thats not to say there isnt any chanc
e theres a problem somewhere else outside of the spreadsheet, and Id be happy to look
into it. From what I was looking at, the only style that will consistently outpe
rform the Ripper over time is Perf Artery. Some of the backstabs may sometimes d
o more damage, but not over time. Bring on the logs!
Q: What does +instruments do?
A: It will increase the strength of your direct damage, if youre an instrument user
Q: Is the bonus field the same whether the item comes with a bonus, you get one
added by an enchanter, or its on player crafted armor? Or is it a different type of
A: Its the same. For more details, use the Herald search feature and revisit the di
scussion of bonuses as they apply to armor and weaponry.
Q: Will (insert class here) get a respec after 1.53 goes live?
A: Not determined. Guys, a respec isnt meant to be a pass card to the uber of the mont
h club. Its meant to allow people to undo mistakes made in the past. If something is f
undamentally wrong with a class, it needs to be fixed. For example, were trying to
make blocking more of a factor in RVR. Thats a basic feature of the class. It neede
d to be worked on, quite independently of the respec factor. A respec isnt somethin
g you do on a whim, its a significant change. Any decision you make regarding a res
pec should be made knowing that it is a final decision, with no going back. Did
that make sense?
Q: Why are you making (insert realm ability) cheaper for pure tanks and not for
A: Because if youre playing a pure tank, there should be some benefit unique to tha
t type of playstyle. Wed rather not make hybrid fighters and pure tanks identical i
n every way. It just makes sense for heavy fighters to be able to do some things
more easily.
Q: When is 1.53 going live?
A: The second most popular question this week! We are debating what the best thi
ng to do is spellcrafting and its brother alchemy are not ready yet, but the other
things are nearly done cooking. We may decide to hold back the new tradeskills
and bring the rest live next week.
Q: The new druid pet damage is neat, but wouldnt it make more sense for the cats to
slash and the wolves to thrust?
A: I suspect that some of you started a write in campaign, because there was mor
e email about this than any of the other proposed changes. I mentioned it to the
designer in charge of pets for you.

Q: I was at the Catacombs chat, and several questions got booted to the grab bag
. Got the answers yet?
A: Here you are!
Whats the new level range for group exp without penalty? Answer no, I still d
ont know. The programmer I spoke to tells me I need to take this up with the lead p
rogrammer and overall boss man, who had to leave early today. I want to know thi
s answer myself! It will have to wait another few days, though, I am very sorry.
Is it true that some of the drops from the new RVR dungeon salvage for 9
th and 10th material types? Answer yes.
Will items dropped under the new ROG system that have different qualitie
s have a different value when sold? In other words, two swords, same level, diff
erent stats different prices? Answer no, they will sell for the same amount. You mig
ht be better off selling these items to other players.
What a week! Thanks for your questions, and the terrific feedback Ive been seeing r
egarding our latest and greatest patch. You guys have a great weekend, and well see
you back here soon.
Questions from all over:

Q: I thought the eight character slots option would be in the last patch?
A: Many people made this assumption, because the letter from our president with
our future intentions was included in the patch notes. However, we do not have t
hat option coded yet. We are going to make sure you have the option by the time
Shrouded Isles is launched so that you can explore the new races and classes, ev
en if you already have four characters on your favorite server.
Q: Are the new races restricted to the new classes, or can the new races be the
old classes too?
A: The new races can be some of the old classes. Keep watching the Shrouded Isle
s page for more details.
Q: Will Shrouded Isles be playable over a 56K modem?
A: Yes. The expansion requires a strong video card/computer rig to make the most
of the new eye-candy (although it is playable on lesser systems, you just wont get
the ooh-shiny effects), and the new engine is going to make a big difference in
framerate, but were not doing anything that will affect the rate of data transfer.
Q: When I trained in (insert spell line here), my trainer said I gained power in
that spell line, but I did not see any new spells. Did I miss something?
A: After the first few levels, you dont always
nts. But there are changes behind the scenes. For
floor gets raised, so your average damage becomes
ready have will become more effective, especially

get new spells when you add spec poi

instance, your minimum damage
higher. And base spells you al
at the higher levels where you

r spec and the level of the base spell are different. (The closer your spec is t
o the level of the spell, the more effective that spell will be.)
Q: I was in the new RVR dungeon, and a yellow-to-me Innocent nailed me with a di
sease. It lasted an extremely long time. Was this intentional?

A: Yep. There are several classes that get Cure Disease at a very low level seek on
for relief, because Disease in DAOC means that you dont regen any hit points, and
that any heals you get are only half as effective. In other words, if someone tr
ies to heal you for twenty hit points, you will only be healed by ten.
By the way, I had better mention that we have a bug with the way diseased people
display hit points after they zone. If you have a disease and zone, there is a
chance that your hit points will display as full even if you only have one hit poi
nt with no chance of regenerating more due to your illness. Getting this fixed i
s on our top ten list but until then, please be very careful when zoning with a di
Q: There seems to have been a change to poisons in 1.53. In some cases, they are
as effective as they ever were. But in other cases, they seem to be doing less
damage. Yes or no?
A: This answer I give with some serious embarrassment. I was told about half an
hour ago that a patch note was left out of 1.53. Poisons, like all other forms o
f damage, are now set on the damage resist table. That resist type is body damage. So
anyone with a high body resist is going to suffer less from poison damage, and t
he other resist types will have no effect. Poison was the only sort of damage th
at had no possible resist, so the verdict (AFTER consulting a number of assassin
s) was that this change was necessary. However, it was NOT properly documented,
and for that I am truly sorry.

Q: Can I recopy my character to Pendragon after deleting the copy thats already ther
A: Not at this time. While the copying process is automatic, its flagged as one to a c
ustomer, and we dont have the resources necessary to make further copies by hand unles
s the original copy was bugged. And, if thats the case, please contact us before yo
u delete the character to let us know what happened.
Q: Why did my PVP safety flag turn off on (insert name of server NOT ending in Dred he
A: Check out the patch notes. Theres a PVP invulnerability flag that now operates i
n certain places, to prevent lurking players from attacking people not yet in co
ntrol of their avatars.
Q: What is my Account ID that Mythic is always asking for when I fill out forms?
A: Your account ID is also known as your log in name. Not the CD key number, and
DEFINITELY not your password. Remember, no one from Mythic will ever ask you fo
r your password. Please dont give that to anyone.
Q: I am a cloth caster. My 48th level armor has an AF of 48, and the effective A
F does not go up when the bonus does. My other non-cloth wearing characters have
a higher AF when the bonus goes up. Is this on purpose?

A: Yes, because the bonus has nothing to do with the AF of the armor. The bonus
only kicks in at the time someone or something is attempting to inflict grievous
bodily harm on you. The factor that is making the affective AF rise on your oth
er characters is the absorption which, as a cloth caster, you do not have.

Well, judging from the questions folder, youre mostly insatiably curious about Shro
uded Isles testing. As I posted earlier, the registration form for open beta wil
l be open starting Monday afternoon for 24 hours, and the open beta testers will
be randomly selected from that pool. We are as excited as you are, and look for
ward to having the community crawl over our newest classes and races and helping
us to refine them.
See you here next week, same time, same bat channel. Thanks for reading!http://w
Lets kick off the grab bag tonight with the latest and greatest attempt to scam you
out of your account:

Hello. I have been told that (your highest level character name here) and alts w
ill be deleted within 24 hours of this message being received. If you dont want
your acct deleted, send a email to the email address listed below with your user
name and password information, including the secret word, and your personal info
and I will make sure nothing happens. You will have access the folowing busines
s day. =)
PS: please dont reply to this message, as i more than likely wont get back to yo
u soon. I receive hundreds of emails a day, and it takes me all weekend to sort
through. So send me a email to, which is my personal addre
ss so I can take care of it first thing tomorrow.
Sanya M. Thomas
Internet Relations Manager
Mythic Entertainment
I have to say, this one is funny. The punctuation and grammar are dreadful, and
the entire email directly contradicts everything Ive ever said on the subject of yo
ur secret word or your password. It asks you to send your information to an addr
ess CLEARLY not from Mythic. Furthermore, while it might appear to be from me, i
f you examine the header (in Outlook, you do that by going to Edit --> Options),
youll find that this message originated with someone named Ryan using an
As always, if you fell for this, get in touch with our support staff (support@da immediately and make sure your account is secure.
On to the bag!
Q: For a mercenary, does putting points in dodger also affect advanced evade?
A: The effects stack, so the answer is not exactly, but it wont hurt.

Q: Does a stun break if the victim gets hit while he is stunned?

A: No.
Q: After someone interrupts me, and I try to cast again, sometimes I get the mes
sage you cannot cast again for X seconds. What is going on here?
A: When you are hit for damage, you are considered to be in combat, and you need
three seconds to recover from that. If you dont see the message when you attempt t
o cast, either you took no damage or three seconds elapsed.
Q: Why do you do your maintenance in the mornings?
A: We do know that we have plenty of players from overseas, and US players who w
ork the third shift. However, we have to do our maintenance at a time when the f
ewest players are affected, and that time for our server populations is the morn
ing. I do want to say that this week had much more morning downtime than usual (
between our need to fix the new dungeon lag and the Worldcom meltdown, the morni
ng crew had a bad time of it), and I am very sorry for the inconvenience we are al
l hoping that things wont be this rough again, and we've done what we can to ensure
it won't.
Q: Are you aware of the problems that happen on many relic raids with the zone c
A: Yes, we very much are. Especially those of us that are ON those relic raids w
hen they crash. You dont have to tell us how frustrating it is, believe me. At any
rate, were working on making improvements, I am told.
Q: Why do we have to /setwho trade every time we log in?
A: Its on our bug list as something that needs to be fixed, but as it is not a game
stopper, its one of those fixes that will happen whenever a programmer has a momen
t. We are aware of it, however, and we do plan to fix it.

Q: Why wont the degree of zoom (controlled by the tilde key on the default settings)
from session to session?
A: It wasnt on the list of things to fix, but I will take a look into it.
Q: Last week you told us that the new races can be some of the old classes how abo
ut the other way around, can the old races be the new classes?
A: Yes, in some cases. I was told the list of possible combinations will be on t
he Shrouded Isles site next week, at some point.
Q: You guys adjusted the grouping range code. Can you be a little more detailed as to
what changed? What exactly did you do?
A: Regular readers of the grab bag have been wondering where this was! I finally
managed to trap the programmer responsible, and got the explanation.
There are no actual limits to grouping in DAOC. A level 50 can group with a leve

l 1, if they want. However, each player has a cap on how much experience he can
receive from each kill (which amounts to a high yellow kill plus some), and a pl
ayer cannot hit his cap if the monster was not considered a challenge to the gro
up. And our code also takes a look at each member of the group in relation to th
e monster, and determines whether or not a group member was capable of contribut
ing to a successful kill. Some experience is drained off if the answer was no. S
o, the grouping range is actually a term used by the players affectionately known as t
he min-maxers people who prefer to play at peak efficiency, with no experience poi
nts going to waste because there is no hard limit to who can group with whom. Grou
ping range strictly refers to the range at which there is no penalty.
Because its true a group composed of members falling beyond a certain range will have
some points from a kill vanish, due to either the challenge code requirements that th
e monster be sufficiently difficult for the group, or to the players own experience
We made several changes to the way the group experience code works, in response
to player feedback and requests. First, we widened the challenge range for group
s. A group will now have several levels more of a difference between the highest
level member and the lowest level the group can have without penalty. (I cant say
how many exactly, since the number changes depending on the level of the highest
level person and what the group is fighting.)
Then we followed up that change with another one. As I said above, the code cons
iders whether or not a group member was able to contribute to a successful kill,
and drains off some experience if the answer was no. Our second change was to s
ignificantly reduce the experience drain for lower level (and therefore less lik
ely to contribute) group members. Again, I cant say exactly how much, because the a
nswer depends on the discrepancy between the lowest level group member and the b
ottom level of the challenge range. However, no matter what the difference, the
amount of penalty drain has been reduced across the board, making it easier for
high level players to level up their lower level friends.
Im really not trying to be vague, here, but the formula has too many variables to g
ive you any information beyond the broad brushstrokes. Its now easier for EVERYONE,
and the more efficient the group, the more obvious the effect should be.
Thats it for this week! One small note before I vanish Mythic has finally outgrown th
e original office space, and we are in the midst of packing up and moving to a n
ew (well, new to US) building. The move will not affect your play experience at
all, as our live servers have never been located at our office headquarters. Our
customer service team will remain in the old facility for a little while longer
, because we need to get the new phone system and network installed and tested b
efore we make the switch.
But you will notice some twitches with this, the beloved Camelot Herald, as the
webserver is moving this weekend. The Herald statistics have always needed six s
traight hours of uninterrupted connection to the servers in order to complete an
update cycle (hence the problems with updating this week, by the way), and so y
ou will notice some lag on stats and realm status updates. This link will tell y
ou the last time your server was updated, if youre wondering why your latest conque
st doesnt seem to have made the news. We will get it back up and updating as soon a
s we can!
Thanks, all, and have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Ah, another scam for us to laugh about this Friday. Todays attempt at being a socia
lly maladjusted weasel is from Astute Camelot follo

wers will note that Mythic Entertainment does not use email accounts ending in @ If you receive an email from this fine person asking you for your ac
count name and password, do NOT reply. If you have already replied, dont be embarra
ssed - get in touch with us at as soon as possible.
The account you save may be your own.
On to the regularly scheduled grab bag:
Q: I had been hunting in the new dungeon ever since it came out, and I got used
to a certain drop rate. Since the final patch to fix the lag issues, the drop ra
te has seemed much lower. Did you change it?
A: I went and asked the item team to look up the drop rates, and they assure me
they did not touch any of the treasures, either drop rates or items on any monst
ers (except to fix a few bugs here and there, like items dropping for realms tha
t couldnt use them). If you disagree, please feel free to send me the name of the s
pecific monster whose loot drop rate you feel has changed, and I will investigat
e that specific encounter.
Q: Are there any restrictions on how many Paladin heal chants can be run in a gr
A: No. Paladin heals are instants its as if several clerics all insta-healed a player
at once. So, yes, you could have seven paladins and one fighter, and have all s
even heal chants stack.
Q: I was wondering how power regen spells work with the Serenity realm ability.
Is there a limit to how much power you can regenerate at any one time?
A: The realm ability stacks with all power regen spells, and there is no limit.
Q: Hi, are you planning to announce who got beta accounts?
A: No were about to start ramping up the number of people we let in each week, and po
sting all those names would make quite a long list. You will know if you were ra
ndomly selected if you receive an email. Due to time constraints, I cannot answe
r any emails from people who write to ask if I got their registration.
I will say that at this point, we are still selecting from the regular Pendragon
players, and not yet from the general player population.
Q: I was talking to a friend who respecced from axe/left axe to hammer/left axe,
and although he is three levels below me, he is doing consistently more damage
than me. We tested this by pulling the same monster at the same time he killed his
faster. We did this many times in a row. Both of my axes are top of the line an
d in 100% condition, and I am three levels higher. Is there any explanation?
A: I applaud you for testing this out before sending in your question but there is
nt enough information there for me to be able to tell if there is a problem. Was th
e monster you used for testing susceptible to crush damage? What spec did you bo
th have, exactly? What is the DPS on his weapons versus your weapons? If you hav
e roughly similar DPS numbers, and if there is no wild difference between your s
pecs (except for yours being higher, obviously), and if you get the same results
on different types of monsters with different resistances, then there is a prob
lem and I want to know about it.

Q: So wheres the information on which of the old races can be the new classes?
A: I was just told that were holding off on announcing that until we can give out t
he information for all three realms at the same time which, I am further told, wil
l be next week.
Q: A friend of mine keeps telling me that different classes can do different amo
unts of weapon damage depending on their class. Is it class based, or is melee d
amage dependent on stats/equipment/spec?
A: Both! A pure melee can do more base melee damage than any other classes. Othe
r classes may have special attacks with prerequisites that may allow some indivi
dual attacks to be much higher than the pure tank can achieve, but your basic no
-frills whack with a weapon will always be more damaging coming from a pure mele
e class. The difference between say, the base melee damage of a hybrid and a pur
e tank is not that big, but the difference between a pure tank and a caster is s
ignificant. Further adjustments to damage beyond that basic framework depend on
your stats, equipment, and spec decisions.
Q: Anything planned for the big one year anniversary?
A: Nope. Were just planning to keep on keeping on. Thank you SO much to all of you
who sent congratulations and letters of good wishes with the feedback form I passe
d on many of them to the entire dev team. I wish I could thank you individually
for the morale boosters, they mean a lot to us.
Q: Is there any value (as a Champion) to have Valor to 50 with sheer spec as opp
osed to Valor to 42 with +8 Valor in items?

A: Like any spell line, the +Valor items grant you the power and damage adjustme
nts that speccing in that line would give you, but it will NOT grant you the add
itional spells that a natural spec would. So, you have to decide do you want the sp
evels that come after 42, or not?
Q: Some of the questions on the grab bag have seemed sort of obvious to me. Just
looking for easy questions, are you? ;)
A: I see from your character list that you are a long time player and in fact, I t
hink I remember you specifically from beta 3. So many of these questions will se
em silly and basic to a person who has been playing Dark Age of Camelot for a wh
ole year, but were always adding new customers for whom many things are as yet a my
stery. Also, every day we meet people who do not yet know that they can search t
he Herald for their particular topic and read old Grab Bags. Were working on a bett
er system thats easier to use, FYI.
And that, as they say, is that. For this week, anyway. Thanks, everyone (and I d
o mean everyone, even, maybe especially, you ranters out there ;)), for making t
his a crazy and wonderful year. Right now, on the US servers, there are 3,483,70
2 characters on the active accounts, and we're glad to have every single one. We
couldnt have had such a great year without you!
Thanks again, and have a wonderful and safe weekend.

Very short this week

Q: I was wondering if youd ever consider adding a spell at level 50 to (insert spel
l line here). It sucks that there is no point in speccing to 50 or taking the li
ne past 47.
A: What youre seeing here is a design decision. We wanted to allow people the optio
n of not taking a skill all the way to 50, to give them room to try a more varie
d spec if they chose to do so. So, not all the lines have a 50th spell. But speccing t
o 50 DOES do something it increases your damage range and average. So, you decide is
that little extra edge in damage worth it to you, or would you rather use the 1
47 points for something else?
Q: When each realm has an equal number of keeps, how is the tie broken for control of
Darkness Falls? Do the battlegrounds have anything to do with it?
A: Nope. The battlegrounds have no effect on anything outside their borders. Dar
kness Falls defaults to whoever had been winning before it was a tie.
Q: In an old Grab Bag, you said that empathy did nothing for a bard, that only c
harisma mattered in terms of our power pool. Ive tested this out, and while it is t
rue that only charisma affects our power pool, empathy definitely affects someth
ing the amount of direct damage we can do! Do you have any plans to change this so
that our damage and our power are affected by the same stat?
A: You are absolutely correct, your damage is affected by empathy. Im sorry my earl
ier answer was incomplete. There are no plans to make any changes at this time b
ased on testing and feedback.
Q: Why is evade not affected by either dual wielders or large weapons when block
and parry take penalties against them?
A: It was a design choice; not right or wrong, just evade is not included in the
calculating formulas.
Q: New classes, new races, old classes, old races, where are the details as to w
hich combinations we can enjoy?
A: Delayed yet again. =( This week had some other topics take a great deal of ti
me this week (see the earlier Herald post about the tradeskills :)) for the pers
on who is writing out that class/race combo document. Also, there are some other
details were still working out. We dont want to tell you a class and a race can combi
ne if we turn out to be unable (or for whatever reason, unwilling) to do it.

(I know this is the second delay, and I regret that. Please understand that when
Im writing this column, its the end of a week and sometimes we get a little optimi
in terms of we can finalize in the next week. I feel bad when this happens, but
all I can do is keep you posted.)
Q: I just have a question on the dueling system will people get realm points for d
uels? Is there any benefit to winning?
A: The only benefit to duelists is a good time. Well, that and to satisfy your o
ffended honor ;)

Incidentally, a good time is all you should expect from a duel we will not look at
dueling results during any discussion of class balance. The classes in your own
realm were never intended to stack up against one another in a toe to toe battl
e royale. Some classes arent built that way, some classes need the element of surpr
ise or first strike, etc. Just letting you know in advance enjoy your duels for wh
at they are, and dont try to interpret the results too much.

There is one exception if youre just measuring damage numbers (my spell lands for thi
s much when my opponent is wearing this kind of armor) I will be willing to look
at your logs. Just dont send me something proving this class is better than t
My, what a week. The grab bag will be longer next week, thats for certain. I have a
little stack of topics I had to put a hold on while I waited for verification,
and so next weeks column will have those answers as well as a full complement of ne
w questions. Thanks for your passion and excitement, as always. A special nod an
d smiley emoticon to the players who hang out at the DAOC Tradeskills forum for
such good discussions =) Be safe, be well, be victorious in battle!
The usual mixed bag, pardon the pun:
Q: What does condition/bonus/ quality matter on jewelry?
A: Condition at or below 70% you stop getting stat increases or specific benefits.
Bonus (the bonus field, I should say) at this time, nothing. Quality at this time,
nothing, with one exception: all items including jewelry with a quality of 99, o
r 100 have extra hidden durability past the displayed 100, and thus those items last l
onger than items of lower quality.
Q: Any chance we can recopy characters to Pendragon? Id like to test using a more r
ecent version of my character.
A: Were looking at changing the system to allow you to update your character copy a
fter this next patch goes live.
Q: How do I as the guild leader remove a character (named, say, Bob) from my gui
A: Type /gc autoremove Bob and then wait 24 hours.
Q: Is there a stat I can boost that will affect my miss ratio with my bolts? (I
am not talking about the in-combat penalty that a bolt takes, strictly talking a
bout misses.)
A: No, no stat affects that. The to-hit chance is based strictly on your level v
s. the level of the target. The damage that you do is based on a number of facto
rs, including but by NO means limited to your spec level vs. the level of the ta
rget, and the armor absorption rating of your targets gear.
Q: Why do shouts not have a critical factor? There are critical heals, critical melee
hits, and critical direct damage spell attacks.
A: You cant really compare heals in this case; a critical heal is a realm ability.

(Critical DOTs are also a realm ability.) But the other things all melee attacks h
ave a chance to critical, and all direct damage spell attacks (including bolts)
by a robe or list caster (a caster whose spell book is organized into drop down m
a chance to critical. No other magical attacks have the chance to critical its just t
he design.
Before anyone asks, the request to have all spell lists fixed up like that of th
e list caster has been passed on.
Q: Okay, I understand now why an enemy miss still has the chance to interrupt yo
u, but why does a successful intercept or guard also have the chance to interrup
t you? What about bladeturn?
A: Because someone just charged towards you with a nasty weapon and someone thre
w themselves in the path of the nasty thing to save you. Bladeturn it would help i
f you thought of bladeturn not as a bubble of protection, but as extremely speci
al body armor that fits like a second very hard skin. You arent standing inside a s
afe little room the safety margin stops a millimeter from your tender flesh.
Our system is very different from the one used by other games. If you need a ref
resher on exactly how our interrupt system works, go to the Herald search functi
on and type interrupt. Select the July 12 grab bag and scroll to the bottom (or select
Edit on your browser and use the Find on this page option. Remember, the Herald
ched in this manner for the answers to all sorts of questions.
Q: I heard this is the patch where you get a free level 20 if you have a 50th le
vel character.

A: Its not, were still discussing the specifics of that. To be perfectly frank, that
bably a couple months off, we have a lot of other changes (the four extra charac
ter slots, for example) that were going to put in first.
Q: If I have 800 in my current craft and I decide to do the reset quest and swit
ch to spellcrafting, do my 800 points get switched to spellcrafting or do I star
t at nothing? If my points get wiped, will I get back the money I spent in my cu
rrent craft?
A: Oh dear. I must have not been clear. The tradeskill reset is a RESET. It is n
ot a reSPEC. If you decide to wipe out your points in your current tradeskill, t
hey are gone, gone, gone. You will not get them back for any reason. We are putt
ing in a reset more for the benefit of the people who truly feel that theyd rather
be spellcrafters or alchemists but didnt have the choice back when they originally
picked a trade, and for the benefit of the people who have a handful of points i
n a skill they dont care about at all. If you want to sacrifice 800 points, that is
your choice, but you will be starting from zero in the new skill.
No, there are no refunds. So, please, I beg of you, think through your decision.
If there is the TINIEST chance you might not like the new trade, roll a new cha
racter or wait for the expanded character slots.
Q: What is the formula for how dex affects parry, block, and evade?
A: I cant give you the exact formula, because there are just too many variables. De
x is the only stat that matters as far as stats go in the formulas for parry and
block, so buff the heck out of dexterity to get the maximum benefit (again, the
maximum benefit as far as personal stats go).

Evade is not a skill, and it works very differently from parry and block. Primar
ily, the effectiveness of evade is related to your level of evade (and of course
, your level versus the level of your target). There are many minor factors, of
course, but that is the big one. The stats that affect evade are dex and qui in
equal proportions, just not in as large a proportion as they are in parry or blo
Q: Does a critical arrow shot hit for 1.5X or 2X normal damage?
A: I had a simple answer, but you know, our Scout Team Lead has a document with
about ten billion times the detail as I was going to include, and he kindly offe
red to let me direct traffic to him. Go read his page. Thanks, O!
Q: I am missing (insert style) and I play (insert class that does not get the pr
erequisite for that style, although the class can get access to the line that th
e style is in).
A: You arent missing that style, technically. If your class doesnt get the prerequisit
e ability, then you will not get the style. (You will also not get followups tha
t use that style as an opening move.) In a few cases, you will get the missing styles
when you get to the level where your class gets the ability. Regular readers of
this little column will notice this question is a repeat, but your friends in CS
tell me were still getting a number of appeals on the subject.
Q: Wouldnt it be cool if you could check appeals while you were offline?
A: Heck yes. Were not there yet, but were starting to add more functionality to the su
pport site. Go to the top of this page, and click Camelot Support (the little man with
the red cross on his shield). The left hand column is entitled Get Help click the
option on the list, Appeal Information. Click the top option, Appeal Statistics.
d the global results, or select for your favorite server.
This information used to be released to you in the form of Jeff Hickmans Customer S
ervice Report, and now you can see it whenever you like. A few notes about the s
ystem, however:

Be sure to check the time stamp so you can tell when the information was
reported to the website. The numbers may fluctuate depending on time of day for i
nstance, when lots of people get home from work or school, the offline numbers will dr
op like a rock as those people log into the game and take their place in the lin
e depending on the age of their appeal.
Bear in mind that the times are ONLY for non-escalated appeals. If you a
re stuck, being harassed, or you were told that your appeal had been escalated t
o a supervisor, then your appeal is not being counted as part of the queue, and
you should be hearing from someone much sooner than the average time mentioned.
If you sent a bug appeal, you will not hear back from anyone. Your appea
l is being read by a human, who will then go test whatever it is youre talking abou
t. Yes, a real human. The humans are named Jason, Chris, Aileen, James, and Jen.
And anyone who complains that theyve got nothing to do ;)
- Even if you're offline, our fabulous customer service people may be able to he
lp you and email you the answer. So it's EXTREMELY important that you have the c
orrect email listed on your registration information. We do not sell or share yo
ur email addresses with anyone - please take that leap of faith and give us a re
al email address.
My big project has been reading all the The One Thing threads around the fansites and

forums, and I feel like a kid in a candy store. Too many terrific possibilities,
and too few hours in the day! I will get to all of them, however if your favorite
board has a thread on the one thing I want to see most, make sure the moderator sent
me a link!
Our Shrouded Isles testers are in overdrive, and I hear that next week theyll be wo
rking even harder. Which means its probably a good thing that were raising the limit o
n the number of testers admitted each week. Were also drawing from the general serv
er population now, so watch your mail! Matt K. from Minnesota, your beta CD came
back to me marked Addressee Unknown. Yall might want to drop me a line, because if
ont, I can name about twenty six thousand players whod like to have it.
Thats it for the bag this week! Ill be seeing some of you on the battlefield. You know
what they say, dont bother running because youll only die tired =) And with that litt
le piece of smack talk Ill probably live to regret - Thanks all, and have a wonderf
ul weekend.
New scam for us tonight, as our Grab Bag Appetizer: There is a person using the
email address, and he, she, or it is trying to get you to s
end along your login and password. Remember, no one from Mythic is going to ask
you for your password in an email, so dont give this joker a second thought. If you
already gave him a second thought and your password to boot, dont be shy, give out
tech support crew a call and protect your account.

Another note before I get started on the weekly Q&A earlier this week I was hangin
g out at the Vault, and got into a discussion about exploit spots in the game. It used
to be we had a whole bunch of spots where a player could stand and kill enemies
with no risk to himself. Weve been fixing these spots, and my wording in the threa
d could be interpreted to mean that we were not going to make any more fixes. Th
ats not the case at all if you think youve found a new exploit spot, by all means r
it to us, and report players abusing those spots. The rule of thumb is simple if
the player cant take damage, hes cheating, and customer service will handle it. And th
e dev team will try to create a more permanent solution. So dont hesitate to report
troublesome perches and other geography exploits!
On to the questions, many of which were about Shrouded Isles this week:
Q: What are the system specs for Shrouded Isles?
A: We're still nailing those down. We'll let you know ASAP.
Q: Dont tell me, you still dont have the new class/race combinations for me.
A: Well, not officially, although the clever players on the Shrouded Isles-speci
fic forums have figured out one way to get a sneak peek =) Were just very hesitant
to release an official list in case we have to take a combination out of the pic
ture. And just today, we were seriously discussing removing one of the projected
combinations. Until the list is a little more set in stone, I have to keep dela
ying. The combinations *are* all in internal testing at this time, and many comb
inations are in beta testing.
Q: I heard a rumor that the engine for Shrouded Isles is the same one used by Mo
rrowind. True?
A: No. Both Morrowinds engine and Shrouded Isles engine are based on the NetImmerse 4
engine, but they are not the same.

Q: What resolution are the Shrouded Isles official screenshots taken in?
A: 1024 X 768.
Q: We have five accounts here in my house, and really we only need one CD we just
need five CD keys to activate the expansion. Is there any way we can just buy th
e keys and not the software?
A: We dont have any way to do that. :(
Q: Will people who dont get the expansion still be able to group with people who ha
ve it? What about items? If my friend gets a nifty hat from one of the Isles, wi
ll he be able to come back home and give it to me?
A: Yes. All the loot and characters from the expansion will be completely visibl
e to someone running only the original game. You just wont be able to go to the new
lands or be one of the new races/classes.
Q: Is there a relationship between distance and base damage for an archer, ie, d
oes my basic arrow hit for more up close or far away?
A: No. Range is not a modifier for base arrow damage.
Q: How do you determine how many hit points my character has? Im new to Camelot!
A: Welcome =) Hit points are determined first by your class. There are roughly t
hree base hit point amounts tank, caster, and hybrid. (Rogues are considered hybri
ds as far as hit point totals go.) Your base number of hit points, and the base
number of hit points you get each time you level, are therefore determined by yo
ur class.
Next, your constitution is taken into account. This number is your CON without b
uffs, items, or realm abilities. This number DOES include any bonus points you may hav
e put in while you were rolling up your character.
The next things to be taken into account are any CON buffs you may have, and +CO
N items.
Then realm abilities affecting CON or Health.
Finally, +HP items are added on to the figure for the grand total.
The exact formula is too complex to go into here, but thats the gist of it. CON is
the stat to put bonus points into, if having more hit points matters to you.
Q: Some items Ive come across lately have useless stats are these bugs?
A: Not necessarily. Weve been making a big effort to remove stats that dont work at al
l from items but stats that work are probably not bugs. For example, if your cloth
hat has +QUI on it, it is not a bug. QUI is a working stat in our game. Not eve
ry item provides major enhancement for your particular class. Sometimes its just a
cool looking item with normal AF and a quirky stat boost effect. Or it might be
an item intended to be worn by more than one class.

Q: Ive been on a bunch of Legion raids, and he never seems to drop (insert item her
e) for my (class/spec). Is this a bug?
A: No. Legion and his fellow boss mobs do not drop one of everything instead, they
esigned so that every class can use at least one of their drops. For example, Le
gion may not drop your particular weapon type, but he does drop a breastplate or
a ring or some such that you can use. But keep reading, the second part of the
next answer will be of interest.
Q: It seems to me that the diamond seal level staff for my eldritch is better th
an the Legion dropped staff. Is this a bug?
A: No, it isnt. However, it is something of an oversight. After Shrouded Isles is l
aunched and on its way, our item man and woman intend to evaluate the loot on Le
gion and his comrades. Keep your eyes on the patch notes in the coming months.
Q: Heres my question (insert question here). Please do not respond on the Herald, p
lease reply via email.
A: I am very, very sorry, but I dont usually respond to questions via email. Hundre
ds of people send me their questions each week, and I try to choose questions fo
r this column that have been asked by many players. If I answered each question
personally, I would not have time to read them all!
What a week! Another hundred beta CDs went out this week regretfully, they were sl
ightly delayed leaving the Northern Virginia area, and the randomly chosen teste
rs (a number from all of our servers) may not get into Shrouded Isles until earl
y next week. (Incidentally, if you received a welcome email from me earlier this
week, be advised that I made a typing error - the latest you should get your CD
is November 8, not November 1.) In the next few weeks, were going to let in hundre
ds maybe thousands more, so watch your mailboxes!
Were very excited, and a little overly-caffeinated, but working hard on 1.54. A spe
cial thank you to the testers helping us catch those recipe bugs!
Have a wonderful and safe weekend, and Ill see you all next week.http://web.archive
Before I get going, lets start with a Pendragon note: "We have added a bindstone ne
ar Swanton Keep in North Black Mountains. The Snowdonia Relic keep (Albion Power
) was the relic keep that was the farthest from any bindstone. This bindstone sh
ould provide a location for Albion players who wish to defend this relic to bind
." This was added to Pendragon today, and will go live with the rest of 1.55.
On to the Bag!
Q: My beta CD has not yet arrived!
A: Some CDs have been returned to me with no such address printed on them. The address
ed we used were the ones that potential testers had entered on the form, NOT the
address on the accounts. Im sorry I wont be able to track down those players, but the
re simply isnt enough time left in the test. In some circumstances I will resend a
CD on Monday such as a broken beta disk. I am still working through the emails peo
ple sent, and I regret that due to the volume of mail, I am unable to answer eac

h one. If you have not received a reply by Monday evening, you may assume that I
double checked your address in my database, and that the CD was sent properly.
Q: I heard that you sent the CDs by (insert one, Fed Ex, Airborne Express, UPS,
Pony Express). When I called them, they said that no such package was sent to me
by Mythic!
A: Thats because we didnt use those companies. Just a rumor, sorry. We used the US Pos
tal Service.
Q: I was the first to reach the XXXX tailoring level on (insert server here), ac
tually only the Xth in the game to do so, yet, I'm listed as #2 on the list. Thi
s is not right, not fair, I get no recognition because someone with a name in th
e alphabetic sort higher than mine is in the (edited) top box!
A: I can completely understand your frustration, and I certainly congratulate yo
u. I edited your question a bit to remove your name and server because it is pos
sible that not everyone will appreciate your passion on this topic.
The answer is that the Herald draws its data from the servers, and the servers d
o not measure the order of events. So, while I am sure you were first on your se
rver, there were two of you with the same skill when the Herald took the server
data. And the Herald currently breaks ties by alphabetical order.
But that does raise an interesting point. As the population grows, more and more
crafters are sure to top out in skill. I wish we could sort by first to arrive,
e cant, what do you think we should sort by? We could sort by level. Or time played
. Or amount of gold in the inventory. Alphabetical is the default, thats all.
Crafters! What do you think? Email me at with the
subject line CRAFTER TIEBREAKER and cast your vote! All votes received by Monday m
orning (November 25, 2002) at 8:00 AM EST will be considered. One vote per playe
r, please!
Q: I like the idea of the Co-op server! Is it going to be an RP flagged server,
using the RP server rules for names?
A: Gaheris will not be an RP ruleset server, but were certainly keeping our eyes on
the feedback should we ever put up another co-op server.
Q: Is /charcopy broken?
A: Nope, its just running about ten hours behind, due to the extremely heavy demand
for copies to Pendragon and Gaheris. As the demand dies down, the poor copier w
ill be able to catch up. Please allow a full day before you write or call asking
if the copy occurred. By the way if your copy failed and you did not get an email
, or if you entered the request and didn't get an email, the problem is that the
email we have on file for you is wrong (or your in-box is full Hotmail users, cle
an out your files! ;)). Please update your registration information!
Q: How do you do /charcopy?
A: This information can be found on the Herald, simply by using the handy search
feature over there on your left.

Q: Thats annoying.
A: Youre right, that is. Please recommend the search feature to your friends, thoug
h =) Here are the instructions:
Go to the server you want to make a copy on. (Your choices at this time are Pend
ragon and Gaheris.)
Create a level one character. That IS the name youre going to be stuck with while y
oure testing, so pick a good one.
Log in to that level one character.
When logged in, type /charcopy Server Charactername (if the character you were c
opying was named Uther on Lancelot, you would type /charcopy Lancelot Uther).
Log out.
Watch your email. You'll get an email when we receive your /charcopy request, an
d another when your character is actually copied. Depending on demand, this may
take some time (hours/days in extreme cases).
Copied characters lose everything in their "backpack" inventories and vault. The
y carry with them equipped items and gold. They do not carry with them last name
s or guild affiliations.
If you log into your new character copy and there is ANY anomaly (missing spells
/skills/etc) please do not attempt to /appeal Customer Support, as there's nothi
ng they can do. Delete the character, create a new 1st level character, and emai
l your favorite tools programmer, Scott ( to let
him know what happened and so he can re-copy the character if necessary. (Note t
hat he will check the deleted character to see what hosed up, so just deleting a
character you're tired of isn't recommended.)
If you are from the MLF server, type /charcopy Morgan charactername.
Q: I have a really cool PC and a mediocre laptop machine. Theres no way Shrouded Is
les is going to run on my laptop, but I can play the classic version after a fas
hion. I like taking the laptop on business trips and play DAOC on the road so my q
uestion is, will I be able to play my future reaver even on a computer without S
hrouded Isles?
A: Yes. BUT you will not be able to go into the expansion area zones, so before yo
u leave on a business trip, be sure to park your reaver in one of the original z
Q: In the notes for 1.55D, there was a thing about keep updating. I was wonderin
g how that works?
A: If you are in charge of upgrading your keep, you type /gc
keep will upgrade one level every six minutes until it gets
el. So if your keep is level eight, and you type /gc upgrade
vel ten keep in twelve minutes. If someone else tries to add
he process, there should be a message letting them know they
making that request.

upgrade ##, and the

to your desired lev
10, it will be a le
an upgrade during t
need to wait before

Q: The new rez changes notes are a little confusing.

A: We will have a better version included with the live patch notes.
Q: Popups have been crashing DAOC when I try to play, and no, I am not running K
azaa or trying to hack the game.
A: The first step is to just double check your icons next to the clock on your d
esktop. If I had a nickel for every time Id left my IM running by accident, I would
be on a beach somewhere with a nice adult slushy.
But its possible your machine could be infested with something. Check out this link
for more details.
And check this link for instructions on how to make the pain stop.
I also have recently fallen in love with a program called Ad Aware if you ever cau
ght the Napster/Morpheus/Kazaa bug, I highly recommend running it. The darndest
stuff was installed on my home computer. You can get the free download from Lava
soft, the company that makes it.
And remember anti-virus software is your friend. Get some. Please. My email is beg
ging you.
Q: What are the system specs for Shrouded Isles?
A: Your friends in Customer Service have put together this document:
Here is a list of the Minimum and Recommended system requirements for Shrouded Isle
s. Please read below for an explanation of what we consider the "Minimum".
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS in this case is being used to represent one specific type o
f system configuration that we have found to provide good, stable performance wh
en playing Shrouded Isles. Many other types of configurations will run very well
with Shrouded Isles, as long as you meet the minimum ram and video requirement
and depending on what other types of components that you have:
--The most important thing for good performance is your video card. Upgrading yo
ur video card will give you the biggest boost to Shrouded Isles game performance
, and could allow you to run the game on a slower CPU, etc.
--The second most important thing for good performance is system RAM. Upgrading
your RAM to 384 MB or higher will give you a good performance boost.
--Finally, your CPU definitely plays a factor in Shrouded Isles performance. You
will achieve better load times and performance from a faster CPU.
What this means is that if you are running a PIII 733 Mhz system with 256MB Ram
and a GeForce 3ti video card (or other similar combinations of components), you
will probably have fine performance playing Shrouded Isles, despite the fact tha
t your CPU does not meet the minimum requirements.
Please note, there may be other factors that could hinder game performance. Plea
se be sure to search for various troubleshooting to
System Requirements
The Minimum system requirements are:

O/S: Windows 98/ME/XP (Windows 95/NT not supported) with DirectX 8.0 or later in
CPU: Pentium III 1.4Ghz or AMD Athlon equivalent
Video: Requires compatible 3D-Acceleration Card with 32MB Video RAM
Internet Connection: An Internet connection is required
For full compatibility details please check
The Recommended System Requirements are:
O/S: Windows 98/ME/XP (Windows 95/NT not supported) with DirectX 8.0 or later in
CPU: Pentium 4 1.4Ghz or better
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti series 3D Video Card with 64MB+ Video RAM or equivale
Internet Connection: An Internet connection is required
For full compatibility details please check
Sanya here: I know that many of you may feel that the best specs are what we really me
an for minimum. I can assure you that is not the case with us. We are actively t
esting on many different kinds of systems. Our beta testers run the entire gamut
of available system configurations. You wont get some of the eye candy with the lo
wer end cards and systems, but the new engine and areas are completely playable
on minimum systems. I know my machine here at the office is EXACTLY the minimum re
quired, complete with lousy video card, and I am definitely seeing a performance
increase as opposed to before. And the part about you being able to mix and mat
ch to some extent is quite true, you CAN get away with a lower end CPU as long a
s your other components are terrific. Use your own judgment, and understand that
the minimum is the minimum we recommend.
My old, trusty P2 450 with 128 RAM and the off-brand 32 MB video card at home is
just not going to cut it with this expansion, however, no matter how much rever
se engineering our programmers do. I knew I was going to have to transfer four y
ears worth of stories, video games, and music files eventually, I just didnt want t
o do it now.

I just got a disturbing letter from a player trying to help out a friend. It see
ms she'd written to ask us for a name change, because someone was stalking her i
n the game. Y'all, we don't do name changes unless your name is in violation. So
me people like to act like... nasty people... and then request a name change to
get away from their now-sleazy reputation. So we won't change your name - but if
someone is stalking you (repeated, unwanted contact), take these steps:
1) Tell the person, in /send and /say, to leave you alone.
2) Tell your friends you have asked this person to leave you alone.

3) If the person does not leave you alone, send us an appeal, and from the menu,
make sure you choose the harassment button.
4) Put the person on /ignore.
5) If the person tries to get around the /ignore feature (by following you, jump
ing up and down, getting into your field of vision, taking your monsters or kill
s, etc), continue to appeal them.
We would rather throw your harasser out of the game than have you quit. And for
heaven's sake, be careful giving out in game information. If you have already do
ne so, and someone is stalking you in real life, don't call us - CALL THE COPS.

And on that note, its time to say goodnight, farewell, and happy hunting. Next week
, the Bag will appear on Wednesday, so fill out those question feedback forms by Tuesd
ay if youd like to be included. Have a good weekend!
Because I couldn't leave without doing SOME kind of Bag =):
Before I kick off this baguette, I would like to tip my hat to the assassin comm
unity for the politest protest form letter I have ever received since we launche
d this game. Whoever wrote it was an artist. However, I forwarded one copy to th
e producer, and the rest were thrown out. Also, if youll check the most recent patc
h notes, youll note that you do not actually need to send me any more. Thank you th
ough, I never thought I'd say that I enjoyed spam =)
Next note, from your friends in technical and billing support, we have a new for
m for you it will help speed up the getting help process even more.
Go here: Http://
The text on the page reads: "This page was designed as a way for you to get help
from our Technical Escalation Team as rapidly as possible. The information you
include with this form will help our technical staff determine quickly what migh
t be causing issues that are hindering or preventing you from enjoying Dark Age
of Camelot. Please do not use this form for in-game issues. Customer Service Rep
resentatives are available in game to handle your issues via /appeal, 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week."

Q: Could we please get (insert formula here) to determine if Im near my cap or not?
I need to know because (insert good reason here).
A: Im working on that for you. I know thats not a good answer; honestly, the only reas
on its in the grab bag today is because I wanted everyone to know that I wasnt ignorin
g the question!
Q: I have been told by many that adding the INT buff to a Cleric or even a Minst
rel will help them with their damage and/or healing abilities. True or false?
A: False.
Q: I have had some debates with some fellow clerics that concern the higher leve
l Enhancement buffs. Such as the Dex/Quick or Con/Strngth buffs. They say that s
peccing the Enhance line past level 40 is a waste since by level 40 your buffs w

ill be capped on a player. That even though you could buff for +75 quick and Dex
that the player you are buffing could only gain +50 from it and so it's a waste
. Is this true? Will having a full enhance Cleric be useless?
A: Well, your friends would be sort of right if a full enhance cleric casted sta
t buffs and ONLY stat buffs. (I say sort of because the STR/CON buff you get at 46 may
take people over the cap, but it definitely does some good.) There is an issue
with the very highest level double buffs taking people over the cap, don't get m
e wrong. BUT there are other spells in the enhance line that are of use. Like the
resist energy at a spec of 48, for instance.
Q: Is there a 50.5 mid-ding?
A: No. You might be thinking of the bonus you get if you are level 50 and realm
rank 5.
Q: I live in the UK and I play on US servers. Will I be able to buy the European
edition of S.I. when it is released or do I need to buy the U.S Edition? Is the
re a difference?
A: No, and yes. The European version is customized for their servers. Also, the
European version will be coming out somewhat after ours. I dont have any of the det
ails on the European deal, sorry to say.
Q: I cannot find the new siege ammo types for sale!
A: Albions merchant is Sall Fadri. Hibernians is Arisa, and Midgards is Gwulla. But
ed to scroll to the second page to see them.
Q: Will players be able to add sparkly effects to weapons any time soon?
A: I have no ETA on that. It may not be something we can do at this point. Curre
ntly, each individual sparkly item is lovingly given the sparkles by hand in som
e arcane process. We would need to make the sparkling an automatic process, and
that takes time.
Q: How does a player go about enchanting weapons/recharging items?
A: I am told our official guide to that will be up next week here on the Herald.
Sorry for the delay =(
Q: I would like the option of the bare headed look without losing the stats from
that gear slot.
A: There are invisible hats in the game right now =)
Q: I know pets get a share of the experience when a pet user is fighting monster
s. How will that work with the Bonedancer?
A: Exactly as any pet class does. The experience the pet skims off the top is re
lated to how much damage the pet did in the first place. The amount of damage th
at a pet, or multiple pets, can take is capped at 50% - so the bonedancer wont shar
e more than half the experience with a pet, no matter how many pets he has up an

d running. And of course, the more damage he does directly, the less exp the pet
Q: What about the Necromancer? He cant actually do anything without the pet.
A: True, which is why he will be treated as a non-pet class in terms of exp.

There it is, a miniature Grab Bag to hold us through next week. Next week is goi
ng to be crazy, but we cant wait for everyone to see Shrouded Isles for themselves!
As was mentioned earlier in the week, while our technical and billing support de
partment will be closed tomorrow (its Thanksgiving Day in the USA), our in game CSR
s will still be working around the clock. So have a good holiday in DAOC were thankfu
l to have you there =)
Here it is!
Q: Does DAoC:SI support Anti-aliasing 4xS offered by the GeForce 4 Ti 4600 card?
A: Im not a techie, so I passed this one straight to our technical support lead. Hi
s reply: "SI will work with 4XAA but you may take a performance hit depending on
your system specifications. If you require further assistance or info, please e
(Side note speaking of the support email address, heres a gentle reminder for everyon
e. Its not a general mail address. It should only be used for technical issues or b
illing problems. If you have general questions or comments, there is a handy dan
dy feedback form link down there at the bottom left of this page. Or you can pos
t messages to your favorite message board I either lurk or post at ten different s
Q: (Insert technical question here)
A: Try the support website first believe me, if youre having a problem the odds are g
ood a few dozen other people are having the same one. If it turns out that you a
re indeed a unique snowflake when it comes to technical issues, contact us at th
e email above.
Q: I never got my beta CD, although I did get your email welcoming me. What happ
A: Right this moment, I am looking at a HUGE pile of envelopes. They say things
like "no such address," "incomplete address," and even "no such post office." We
did not address these things by hand I loaded the randomly chosen into a spreadsh
eet that was then imported into a label-making program. In other words, the addr
ess we used was exactly the one that was typed into the registration form. I am
so, so sorry for those of you who got your hopes raised and then dashed. I reall
y do feel bad. Believe me, your feedback requesting a download the next time we
do this has been passed on =/
Q: Last Grab Bag there was a question about pet damage, and you said that the po

ssible pet exp share was capped at 50%. I thought it was 25%?
A: I should have said "up to" 50%. There are three exceptions to the 50% cap encha
nters, spiritmasters, and cabalists all have their pets exp share capped at 25%. An
d of course, as I said last week, the necro is his own exception, being that his
pet is an extension of him.

Remember, thats up to X% the more damage the pets owner does directly, the le
n earn. And of course, these percentages only apply if the pet owner is soloing.
Q: The battleground guards are bugged because (insert reason here).
A: Actually, they are not bugged, they are just different from frontier guards.
This difference was documented in our patch notes awhile back. Heres how they are d
ifferent they have an engage radius. In order to do damage to them, you have to be
within a certain range. This is to keep them from being trained off the center
island and used as an offensive weapon at the zone in staging areas.
Q: You said that spellcrafters can enchant items like the NPC enchanters can, an
d that alchemists would be able to recharge items like the recharger NPC. Wheres th
e documentation?
A: You can now find that information in the guide located on the left of this pa
ge. Since certain reporters who shall remain nameless (because I still love them
) have pointed out that "on the left" has been confusing readers when these colu
mns are reprinted elsewhere, let me quote the relevant bits:
"Enchanting and Recharging Items: Frugal Skills for a Spendthrift Vocation"
"As the spellcrafter and alchemist gain in skill, they each gain unique abilitie
s that help them to save a little coin for themselves and their associates.
"The spellcrafter may enchant items with a bonus (similar to what NPC enchanters
have been providing, but at a higher cost). To do this, the spellcrafter uses d
usts (coppery imbued dusts to platinum ensorcelled dusts) and combines them with
the item in question to graft an enchantment bonus on it. The enchantment bonus
can go all the way to 35% for the highest level items, and you can imbue partia
l enchantments (if, for example, you wish to save on the cost of dusts). You can
also enchant an item partially and then come back later to imbue the remainder.
You'll see all of this reported in your chat window when you combine the dust t
o the weapon or armor.
"The alchemist can recharge items that previously had charges (either their own,
someone else's, or looted from a monster). This is an all-or-nothing propositio
n, unlike enchanting items. The alchemist uses distillates that are of the same
level as the item's tincture being recharged (alloy to arcanium). If the alchemi
st has enough skill, the item is recharged. The amounts of distillate used are t
he same regardless of how many charges remained on the item. Note that in additi
on to being cheaper than the NPC recharger, the alchemist can actually recharge
items anywhere - which should make him or her quite popular on the battlefield w
hen items start running low on charges."
Q: You have spells.xml, what about styles.xml?
A: Id been telling people we would get it out there as soon as our fearless tools p
rogrammer had a few moments, and the moment is finally here. Sorry it took so lo
ng the information was not in a simple database file despite what some may have th

ought, so getting it in user-friendly condition was a process that took some tim
e. But if youd like to load up the styles list for your news/fan site, please check
out the XML link on the left tool bar. Its ready for you!
Two things one, please note that we are aware there is a discrepancy between the g
ame delve information and the data on the site. At this time, the website inform
ation is the accurate material. I am not sure what happened, or when the bug occ
urred, but we are working on resolving the discrepancies as soon as possible.
And two, we cannot help people with installing the XML stuff on their websites u
nder any circumstances, no exceptions. If you dont have the technical ability alrea
dy, please dont try. This is just a nifty little tool made available to those who h
ave the knowhow. For those of us with *my* level of programming skill, well, tha
ts why the Herald is here ;)

Ive got two websites to point you towards today. The first is from the wild and cra
zy woman who brought you The Drunken Friar website and community she has created a
site for the dark side of the force, The Crypt of Albion. I have no doubt that
Crypties will be as much fun as those loony friars. I may not post at either ver
y often, but I will be lurking.
And the second is actually a blast from the past with an all new package. Rememb
er This was a wonderful little news site that began in the origin
al beta, and unfortunately got screwed by a domain name incident. Im happy to say t
hey are back, as Direct Damage. You can hit this link for the press release. Def
initely check them out theyve got an interview with me as the top feature, using ques
tions taken from their message boards. Some of the information is a little outda
ted (the interview was a while back), but there are plenty of other useful nugge
ts to enjoy. *cough*housing gossip*cough
Quick advertising - check the Mythic Store link at the top of the Herald, we add
ed a new shiny thing. It's actually very nice, we added it for launch and gave o
ut a few samples when we hung out at the local software store. I'm thinking, sto
cking stuffer!
Okay! Im not ignoring the previous request for certain formulas, or the great emote
debate I simply have no new information to share. Your feedback and concerns HAVE
been passed on, and I appreciate you taking the trouble to send me your comment
s very much.
Next week realm ability information for our newest classes. Have a safe, and fun w
eekend. If the roads are still nasty where you live, for heavens sake, stay inside
and play DAOC :)
I don't CARE that the movie is getting bad reviews. Let me be excited and make t
hinly veiled references to it with my grab bag. Speaking of which:
Q: If evade is capped at 50% chance to evade, and I have evade 7 and dodger 5, w
here do I stand without any buffs and capped stats? Do I have any use for the hi
ghest level of dodger? Is it possible to give a simple answer?
A: It isn't possible to give a simple answer. The formula includes such elements
as your level, your target's level, your level of evade, your QUI, your DEX, yo
ur buffs to QUI and DEX, the number of people attacking you, your target's weapo
n level, your target's spec in the weapon he is wielding, the kind of attack (DW
, range, etc), attack radius, angle of attack, the style you used most recently,

target's offensive RA, debuffs, and a few others. (The type of weapon large, 1H,
etc doesnt matter.) So it's entirely situational.
Your base chance to evade at Evade 7 is 35% (5% per level). Dodger 5 (3% per lev
el) adds another 15%. But that's just a BASE. Those percentages can be modified
by all of the above. The cap is 50% - but after your base is modified, you might
not be at 50.
So if you were fully buffed, fighting a lower level opponent who wasn't very ski
lled, had evade 7, and dodger 5, you would be over your cap for certain. Which e
lement took you over your cap, I couldn't say. Could be a buff, could be dodger,
could be the level and skill of your opponent.
But if you're fighting multiple attackers, or significantly higher level mobs, o
r someone your level who was buffed and specced better than you are, or someone
smacks you with a debuff, then you would still need dodger 5 to hit your cap. It
might take you over, but you wouldn't reach the cap without it.
So you see, it's really up to you. Do you mostly RVR, or do PVE? Solo or group?
Do you have friends that will keep you buffed all the time, or do you spend a lo
t of time without buffs? The decision is yours, and there is no real right or wr
ong answer.
Q: Is a savage on the tank RA table or the hybrid table?
A: Savages should be on the full tank RA table, and yes, they are currently miss
ing determination. They will get it in the near future, I am told.
Side note Ive seen some threads on savage miss rates. Guys, your miss rate against OR
ANGES is going to be high, so dont bother passing me those logs as proof that youve go
t a problem. I only want to see blue and yellow opponents, and be sure to note i
n your message whether you had a bonus or a penalty against that particular mob
Q: Why are the savage weapons called greaves? If you will check any history text
, you will see that greaves cover the lower legs, not the lower arms.
A: You are technically quite correct but the weapon of the savage is a hybrid desi
gn between the offensive weapon element and the defensive element and look of a
piece of leg armor. Hence the long names of the individual items. Bracers or vam
braces are still worn while wielding the weapon.
Q: If you have two level 50 infiltrators and one trains to 50 in stealth, but th
e other trains to 38 and takes 12 stealth stat bonuses from spellcrafted gear, w
ill they be equally hard to detect? I know the first one will also have safe fal
l, but Im just talking about detection while stealthed.
A: I am told that the two examples will be equally hard to detect.
Q: I typed /gc autoremove Nameofjerk and hes still in my guild. What happened?
A: The autoremover got hung up on something. So, just so everyone knows if the per
son youre trying to remove has not gone away in 24 hours (assuming they are NOT of
guild leader rank I know this is a problem for some, and we are discussing possibl
e solutions), please contact us. Send me an email with FAILED AUTOREMOVE in the

Q: Thanks for the spellcrafter enchantment directions. But can you be more speci
fic? What do each of the dusts do?

A: The cost to enchant is the simplest way to figure it out. Take the item to th
e NPC enchanter. Dont let him enchant the item, just find out how much he wants to
charge you. Lets say he tells you That will cost two gold to enchant. The spellcraft
n then add up to one golds worth of dusts. That can be a dust that costs one gold,
or two dusts that each cost 50 silver, or whatever. The dusts are not different
materials theyre just in denominations like ten and twenty dollar bills. And the effe
ct is cumulative.
The NPC charges approximately 20% of the value of the item. It will cost a playe
r half that to enchant the same item. If you cant add up the cost of dust to equal
exactly half the NPCs price, round up.
Now, thats the base cost to the player. What a spellcrafter wants to charge is up t
o him. The spellcrafters time and effort is certainly worth something.
Q: I am the first female (insert class here) on the server; is there any way to
find out about the other servers?
A: No J Male or female doesnt matter in our fantasy world here, so theres no way that
can be searched for in game or on the Herald. But congratulations anyway.
Q: Are you planning to release an official poster map of Shrouded Isles?
A: No plans that I know of although I want one, darn it.
Q: Realm abilities. New classes. You SAID this week.
A: I have the designer hanging in chains in our dungeon prototype. He swears tha
t he will have them to me on Monday. I was out most of this week with either a c
old or a voodoo doll induced curse and was unable to apply the thumbscrews. Im sorr
y. Please put the voodoo dolls away.
There we go, everyone. By the way, hiding pets inside world objects, and then nu
king enemies with impunity, IS considered an exploit and we will take action if
you're reported. Remember, if you're wondering if you're exploiting, ask yoursel
f if someone can damage you. If they can't, you're exploiting.
See you next time, same bat channel. Have a great weekend, and live long, and pr
I know a lot of you were wondering, so before I get started - he and his wife ha
ve a baby boy, and the family is doing well, despite the little guy's early arri
val. Thanks for the good wishes, you guys :) On to the grab bag!
Q: Does an RA like Wild Power work for necromancers? What about Mastery of Conce
A: Yes.

Q: Is it an oversight on Mythics part that the necromancers power drain spell does not
actually take away power from the enemy caster?
A: No. Heres what the spell was designed to do it does damage to the target. That dam
age is converted into power, which gets added to your pool. Like the blood ritua
ls in your favorite pulp fantasy novel, for example.
Q: Why would I use the Creeping Path spec level 28 Spore Jet over the Creeping P
ath spec level 25 Sporespawn Youth?
A: Because Sporespawn Youth debuffs a single incoming target as soon as its in rang
e, and Spore Jet is a pulsing AOE debuff. Much of the time, if a higher spell se
ems like its not much of an improvement, check to see if your new spell isnt an AOE of
some kind. If thats not the case, please feel free to send me a feedback form, and
I will pass it on to the design team.
Q: You addressed the share of experience the pet takes when an owner is soloing.
What about groups?
A: In a group, the pet gets experience based strictly on the total damage the pe
t does to the target. The pet is NOT treated as another group member (group memb
er experience is total exp divided by number of players in the group modified by
player level vs. the levels of the other group members). Its not much, unless youre u
sing the pet as the main tank for some reason, and even then it would not even b
e equal to a characters share.
Q: When a spell is cast by a pet, what determines the effectiveness of the spell
? Pets level? Your spec?
A: At this time, a pets base casting ability is only modified by the level of the p
et. (The necro being the exception, of course.) I should say this is something w
e are keeping an eye on, and looking at controlled test results for.
Q: Does durability affect the combat formulas at all?
A: Nope. Durability only affects repair issues. If the item has a high durabilit
y it can be repaired to full for less money. As it loses durability, it costs mo
re to make repairs, and then it becomes impossible to fully repair the item. Eve
ntually (when durability hits zero) you can no longer make repairs at all.
Q: Siege weapons vs. mobs can they be used? Do you still get experience for killin
g mobs with siege engines? What about drops? What kind of damage is it considere
A: Siege damage is melee damage, and can be used. Using a siege weapon on a mons
ter will also build ag and put you on the critters hate list. However, you do not g
et experience or drops from a creature that was killed with siege weapons.
Q: Last week you said that the assassin with a natural 50 in stealth and an assa
ssin with a natural 38 and 12 in +stealth items would be equally hard to detect
(although the natural 50 would have better safe fall). But what about if both of
them have a natural 50 in stealth, but one of them has 10 in +stealth items? Do
es it do any good?

A: There is no hard cap on stealth so the player with a total of 60 points in stea
lth will be harder to detect (both for PVE and RVR) than the one with 50. Please
keep in mind that the difference between the detect rates at 50 and 51 would be
so tiny that youd have to be running developer tools in order to really notice it.
At the 50+ level, you wont see dramatic change.
Q: What is a renderer creation failure?
A: It means the graphics engine failed to initialize. In practical terms, it mea
ns a hardware problem. Before you do anything, check and make sure your system i
s up to the minimum spec listed. Shrouded Isles has a different set of system sp
ecs than the original game. If your system is fine, the first thing to try is re
boot and start over. That cures most problems, right there. The next thing to tr
y is updating your drivers both video AND sound. (Remember to reboot after install
ing new drivers, even if the installer doesnt force you to do so.) The third step i
s contacting our technical support wizards at
Q: What exactly does the "taunt" aspect of some melee styles do? Does it give a
bonus to AF, chance to hit, or anything like that?
A: None of that. What "taunt" styles do in our game is move you up on a monsters ha
te list out of proportion to the amount of damage that youve done. I dont have a formu
la, so I couldnt say how much the normal ag is multiplied.
Q: Any update on the "free 20th character if youve got a level 50" option? What abo
ut (insert question here about the specifics of the offer)?
A: Other than were still planning to do it in the next few months? No. Though judgi
ng from the number of questions Ive gotten asking for more information on it, its a go
od thing weve got it on the chart with a bullet.

Some of you may have heard weve got a new team lead looking out for the Dreds hes o
up his own forums at - if youre a Dred player, head
on over and join the fun. Its Scrappinak's forum, and he moderates it as he choose
For those of you celebrating next week, have a wonderful and safe holiday. See y
ou in the game!
And here you thought I didn't get you anything! :)
Q: I am a new minstrel, and I was wondering what sort of pets can I charm?
A: Your first pet spell means you can charm humanoid monsters. The second is hum
anoid plus animal types, the third is those two plus insects, and the fourth is
those three plus magical creatures. The last pet spell levels raise the level ca
p on the creatures you can control without a lot of backtalk from your minion. R
emember that there is also a level cap of sorts on charmed pets the potential pet
will resist the heck out of you if its too high in level. This explanation also wor
ks for mentalists.
The sorcerer has a hard limit built into his progression his first level pet spell
is humanoid, and he cannot ever charm humanoids higher level than 10th. His nex

t pet spell allows him to charm animals in addition to humans, but no humans or
animals higher in level than 15th. And so on.
Hunters are different from all of these, in that they have specific spells for s
pecific pet types. And of course, the necro is also an exception for obvious rea
Q: Some friends and I play
ldings, forts, etc in game
rgaming terrain. How would
ithout violating any rules

miniature wargames. Ive been looking at a lot of the bui

and thinking that those would make incredibly cool wa
you suggest someone go about surveying a building in game w
or copyrights?

A: Id never had this question before, and this week half a dozen requests come in.
You cant ever use our models for profit. But if you want to build a model for your
own private enjoyment, Im told that the average sized human is 80 units tall, and yo
extrapolate from there. If anyone does build a model, Id love to see a picture!
Q: I would like to transfer a character (my wifes) from my account to the account I
bought her for the holidays.
A: At this time, we dont have the resources to offer this option. I do understand t
hat a number of people would like to have this option available, and Ive added you
to the list of people making the request.
Q: I forgot my secret word! Can you help me?
A: Youll need to call our customer service number. For security reasons, we cant help
you with this one via email. The secret word is the final line of defense in you
r account security, and email accounts can be hacked, trojaned, and forwarded ar
ound the entire internet.

Which reminds me! Dont help the hackers never answer an email sent to you from Myth
g you for your password. We will NEVER send you an email asking for your passwor
d. In fact, well never ask you for your password at all. We already know it, eh?
Q: I appealed so and so for nuking from inside the keep, and the CSR said he was
nt exploiting. The Herald seems to imply that what so and so was doing WAS exploiti
ng! Was the CSR wrong?
A: No, the CSR was quite right. The pet LOS fixes currently on Pendragon are the
first step towards rectifying a long standing issue with our game, but that doe
s not mean people who are using the currently live system are cheating.
An exploit IS:
hiding inside geometry where you cannot be hit (rocks, trees, bridges, e
standing on surfaces where you cannot be hit (some rooftops, rocks, etc.
using geometry and/or pathing errors to avoid damage (the infamous stand on
rock so the monster cant hit you ploy)
An exploit is NOT:
standing inside a keep and having ones pet nuke attackers using a nuke that
doesnt require LOS
using GTAOE spells in a cheesy yet legal manner

Using a nuke that doesnt require LOS cant be cheating, see what I mean? Thats a game
lem, not an exploit. The problem with the indoor nuking and the GTAOE targeting issue
isnt that the person or pet casting the spell has somehow found a way to get around
the system, its that the system has a flaw. A flaw that the dev team IS working on
fixing. But for the time being, theres nothing the CS team can do to stop it. I ho
pe that makes things a little more clear. And I hope with all my heart and all m
y typing fingers that these issues become moot in the future.
Q: How come my appeal was canceled without anyone talking to me?
A: Some appeals are closed without an in-game person speaking to you but no appeal
is closed without you being notified. Its just that sometimes we notify you by ema
il. The email address we use for these messages is the one you registered with.
So please, keep your registration up to date! We will never sell or share your e
mail address with anyone, ever, so please do not fear the evil spam god.
Q: The siege master in the battleground is bugged and I cant get the weapons to hit

A: Were having a tough time reproducing this one. So, if this happens to you again,
please send an appeal with your zone, your /loc, your name, and your characters le
vel, along with the date and time that you found the bug. Make sure you mark the
appeal as a bug appeal. You wont hear back, but a human being will read your report
Q: I cant zone? Huh?
A: This is another one we cant reproduce. Logging out and then logging back in fixe
s the problem (and if that doesn't, rebooting your machine will), but before you
log out, send us a bug appeal and tell us the time and date, how long youve been l
ogged in that day, the zone youre in, and the zone you were trying to go to.
Q: Lots of filthy names this week what can I do to help speed up the process of ge
tting these off my server?
A: We welcomed a lot of new players to our world in the last week, and a handful
of those new citizens may need a little adjustment. What you can do is send a name
appeal. Type /appeal Yuckyname is a bad name, hit return, and select the name o
ption. You do not need to go into detail as to why a particular name is bad. Cha
nces are good that the reason is obvious, and if your appeal is short we can rea
d it and get it handled that much faster.
You can also help by not being too jumpy ask yourself if the name is really going
to damage your ability to enjoy the game. Some names WILL damage your enjoyment,
no question, and you should not hesitate to ask us for help. Other names are on
ly lame, or silly, and they wont be taken care of as quickly. We do triage the foules
t of the foul get handled first (with a banstick dont test us), and then the merely d
isgusting. Stupid names are last on the list, so if you see a stupid name linger
for a few weeks, dont appeal again well get to it as soon as possible.

Thats it for this Friday, everyone! Remember, is ON

LY for technical issues or billing problems they cant help you with in-game needs. Ou
r in-game support staff is NOT on vacation, and are working their keyboards off
as I type this. Emergency issues such as people who are stuck, or people being h
arassed (ie repeated and unwanted contact if it isnt both, it isnt harassment) are

handled very quickly.

/public service announcement on - I hope everyone is having fun so far this holi
day season. And youll enjoy the rest of the holiday season if you get someone sober
to drive you home from your New Years Eve celebration. Just saying. Even if youre not
the celebratory type, be careful on the roads. /public service announcement off
Happy New Year!
And we're off!
Q: I am playing on the RP servers,
t the scene, the person I appealed
down. The thing is, hes been a
him. What can I do to speed up the

and it seems like by the time a CSR arrives a

for being a jerk in open channels has quieted
jerk for two weeks straight, and Im sick of appealing

A: The first thing to do after sending us an appeal is /ignore him. If your igno
re list is full, try taking some people off ignore chances are good the first pers
on you put on that list has moved on. (And of course, you are welcome to send me
a feedback form requesting a bigger ignore list!) The reason I suggest ignoring
the creature is simply because if its annoying you, its probably annoying everyone el
se in the area and weve gotten a hundred appeals on it. We will pull logs, and do w
hatever we need to do.
One thing you can do, by the way, is be sure you choose the "violation" option f
rom the drop down menu that appears. (Type /appeal Muttonhead is using the /br c
hannel to talk about Britney Spears wawas here in Jordheim, and has not stopped eve
n though Ive asked him to, hit enter, and choose "violation.") Those appeals take h
igher priority than the generic appeal, and will bring a CSR to the area that mu
ch quicker. If youre wondering if youre choosing the right options from the menus, che
ck out the Herald sidebar, where you will see a new link called How to Appeal. C
heck it out!
(By the way, dont forget to ask the offender to stop before you send the appeal. As
with all harassment and channel violation policies, when we pull logs we need t
o see that you did make a polite attempt at handling the situation. We only step
in if you tried and failed.)
Q: Respec stones on Ebay. Nice.
A: Yeah, I had a hunch it wouldn't take long for the farmers to whip out the ove
ralls and tractors. Item sales are against our EULA, and we will take action aga
inst anyone we catch at it. We are also continuing to evaluate the respec situat
ion in-game. Please feel free to send me links to illegal auctions.
Q: The book I bought says that as an assassin I get a bunch of skills when I lev
el. But I dont seem to.
A: The book is an excellent reference guide I use it myself :) But like most thing
s in life, its not perfect. Some of the abilities on that list arent level based, they
are stealth spec based. Heres the list:
5 Distraction
8 Danger Sense
10 Safe Fall I
16 Detect Hidden
20 Safe Fall II

25 Climb Walls
30 Safe Fall III
40 Safe Fall IV
Before I am swarmed by people who have issues with higher levels of safe fall an
d detect hidden, I would like to say that I have passed on the feedback.
Q: What does Danger Sense do?
A: Detects Scout monsters. As in, youll get a message that says something like "You
detect you are being watched" if a scout monster is giving you the evil eye.
Q: In the 1.59A patch notes it mentions in the "Items" section "The
Deathsight Perfection Bracer (Albion) has had its magic bonuses slightly altered
so that it will not continue to generate a "fails to affect you" message. The n
ew magic bonuses are: resist darkness 6%, skill deathsight +6, power +1, stat in
t +9." My questions are: Since when is there a resist called darkness? What char
acters/monsters use the darkness type attacks? Will I be able to obtain resistan
ce to that type of attack?
A: Whoops! This is a simple typo in the patch notes. It should have said "The ne
w magic bonuses are: resist cold 6%, skill deathsight +6, power +1, stat int +9.
" There isnt any such thing as a darkness attack.
Q: Does Mastery of the Arcane work on debuff spells as well as "buff" spells lis
ted as stated on the Realm Abilities list? Spells such as the necromancer AF deb
uff series of spells?
A: Mastery of the Arcane does work on AF debuffs.
Q: Could you please explain the proposed (1.59a notes)change to necro power taps
in more detail? The notes say "Necro power taps cast on monsters now cap the am
ount of power regained at the monster's current hitpoints or level, whichever is
lower." I assume that means that if you use the spec 1 power tap on a Level 1 m
onster you get back 1 power at a casting cost of 2 power? Likewise if you cast t
he spec 25 tap on a L18 mob you would get a max 18 power back for a casting cost
of 15?
A: This is correct. The cap does not apply
he effect of this is that in groups (where
s), and in RvR (where you aren't capped by
power, which are where the spell is really

when casting on players, of course. T

you are fighting higher level monster
target level), you'll gain much more
supposed to shine.

The current system is basically allowing for zero downtime in solo combat, which
is not the intent for any class.
Q: Why cant you character copy from Gaheris or the Dred servers over to Pendragon?
A: Because on those servers, a troll might be in Tir Na Nog when the copy takes
place, and Pendragon is a regular ruleset server, and therefore said troll will
be hacked to death by lurikeens and have no way to escape a horrible death loop
and post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Q: How do scam artists GET our emails to send us those stupid attempts at passwo

rd theft in the first place?

A: The most common way involves checking your profiles on message boards. Anothe
r method involves basically just taking your character name and adding @yahoo or
@hotmail or another common free email service. My advice is to keep your emails
private if the board offers you an option, or set up a dummy free account to us
e for things like board registration.
Q: What do you do to stop the scammers besides warning us on the Herald?
A: There are several things we can do. We report them, and we contact email prov
iders and tell them their service is being illegally used. We have very good rel
ationships with some providers the guy at Hotmail, for instance, is the best when
it comes to helping us track down and shut down cretins. If you work for an emai
l provider and would like to form a relationship with us to help fight the battl
e, drop me a line!
Q: I never got your email about (insert topic here) because my free email accoun
t exceeded its storage space.
A: Many of the free services have premium upgrades that charge a very small fee
for insane amounts of space. It's either that or clean out your inbox :)
Q: When I type /who nameofzone, I get back peoples guild names and zones I didnt type
in. Any way to limit my searches?
A: Yes. Type /who "Nameofzone" the search needs the quotes and you need to pay att
ention to which letters should be capitalized.
Q: This question: "Q: I am level 40. I have Celtic Duel specced to 39, and Blade
s to 21. Im seeing seriously conflicting answers as to whether or not I should take
the blade spec higher" got a seriously wrong answer lo these many moons ago.
A: It indeed was quite wrong. Here was the word I got today Celtic Duel and your w
eapon spec are two totally different skill checks. (You cant directly compare CD wi
th left axe.) Your spec in Celtic Duel determines only the percentage chance of
you getting a second swing during that round of combat. Celtic Duel has nothing
to do with the damage either swing can do.
The amount of damage done by the weapon is determined by your weapon spec. As weve
all discussed before, raising your spec helps you to do more damage in two diffe
rent ways. First, it raises the damage ceiling, meaning the maximum amount of da
mage a single swing can do. Second, it lowers your variance, meaning the distanc
e between the minimum damage you can do and the maximum damage you can do, by br
inging up the minimum damage limit.
Everyone has a base damage figure with any given weapon type, involving your cla
ss and level (among other factors). Being able to specialize in a weapon type me
ans you will do your base damage times a percentage factor. (Remember, however,
that the base damage number is also affected by what it was that youre attacking your
targets armor and damage types will also affect the damage.) The formula numbers g
iven in August are all too low these days part of the melee improvements a few pat
ches ago was to raise those percentages significantly across the board.
So in the example above, I cant really answer the player. Which is preferable to yo
u? Having a greater chance to swing twice in a single round of combat, or having

each swing count for more? How high you spec past half level depends mostly on
which styles you want to use, although certainly someone who has fully specced i
n their weapon will be doing more damage, and more consistent damage, across the
board. In the end, though, its up to you and the kind of character you want to pla
Q: I want to change my last name. Can I?
A: Sure. Go to the last name registrar and type /lastname Insertnamehere just li
ke you did the first time you got a name. The registrar will charge you ten gold
for the privilege.
All you fashionistas out there, theres a terrific solution available to the questio
n of "but does this color really WORK for me" - click here and see Dye Chart. Th
e famous Maia, who updates for Catacombs and for The Grail Brotherhood aka Grail
News put it together for another famous person, Darkflame from the Camelot chap
ter of Allakhazam's. Please remember, the chart was made with torches on, and in
daylight conditions. Colors can look different under different lighting. Also,
colors will appear differently depending on the computer system and the quality
of the monitor so what you preview at work might look different when you go home.
But caveats aside, its a really nifty chart, and so a big thank you to Maia for all
her hard work, and to Allakhazams for playing host to this useful tool.
(/public service announcement on) Y'all, speaking of community tools and website
s, consider subscribing to a premium service or at least clicking on an ad banne
r now and again. If you use an Emblem Previewer or a Dye Chart or a Character Bu
ilder or a map site or a message board, or even if you just go to the same site
over and over because their link list is better than your bookmarks, it costs th
e host money. If you found something helpful and worth a few bucks, give the aut
hor a little boost - if we the users don't support these sites, eventually they'
ll either shut down or charge big bucks to use them. (/public service announceme
nt off)
I'm off the soapbox for the night, I swear. :) Time to log in! Have a great week
Hey, it's still Friday! Technically, I've got three hours and change left! Anywa
y. Moving right along:
Q: Do regen spells (endurance, power, and health) stack with their realm ability
equivalents (Tirelessness/Longwind, Serenity, and Regeneration)?
A: Yes. Questions on the possible caps on the amount that can be regenerated nee
d to wait, however, as I am getting conflicting reports from the loyal crew that
proofreads these columns.
Q: Is it true that single cast power regens do not stack with group chant regens
, such as Empowering Tranquility stacking with a Bard's Rhyme of Nature?
A: Whichever is higher will overwrite.
Q: Spell resists. Can you give me more details as to how the system works?
A: Heres the answer, straight from the desk of the spell designer:
"Spells have a factor of (spell level / 2) added to their chance to hit. (Spell

level defined as the level the spell is awarded, chance to hit defined as the ch
ance of avoiding the "Your target resists the spell!" message.) Subtracted from
the modified to-hit chance is the target's (level / 2). So a L50 caster casting
a L30 spell at a L50 monster or player, they have a base chance of 85% to hit, p
lus 15%, minus 25% for a net chance to hit of 75%. If the chance to hit goes ove
r 100% damage or duration is increased, and if it goes below 55%, you still have
a 55% chance to hit but your damage or duration is penalized. If the chance to
hit goes below 0, you cannot hit at all. Once the spell hits, damage and duratio
n are further modified by resistances.
"In general, RvR is between opponents within 1 quanta of each other (in the fron
tiers for example, L45-50), and the spells cast are L40+. This results in a 2.55% modifier, which is somewhat lost in the noise of the bonuses from Int/Acuity,
realm abilities, and modifiers from resistances. For characters using spells ar
ound L30, they will see a more significant reduction however, and this factor is
part of it."
Q: Question about the Juggernaught ability. Does it have a proc?
A: No. This pet is simply 100% of your level. Although "simply" hardly seems the
word for such a big pet.
Q: Do melee resistances transfer to the Necromancer's servant?
A: Necro servants rely on their own absorption and buffs for melee attacks. Item
resistance bonuses on the necro himself dont count. However, those do help the act
ual necro, should he be attacked.
Q: Under the bonedancer realm abilities in the documentation on this site, BDs c
an have minion control but not wild minion which is the pre-requisite for it.
A: Oops, thats a bug. Thanks!
Q: In last weeks grab bag, you mentioned such spells as the necro AF debuff spells
fall under the Mastery of the Arcane realm ability. However, after dropping a fe
w points into the RA I was disappointed in the fact that it did not affect our p
ower transfer spell line. Is this not considered a "buff" spell? Is this by desi
gn or just an oversight?
A: Instant effects like heals, damage, and power transfers are not affected by M
astery of the Arcane. I guess the best way to define a buff is "a spell that aff
ects ones starting statistics." If there are exceptions, I will happily publish the
m next week.
Q: Is the Mastery of the Arcane realm ability suppose to be available to Skalds?
If so, why doesn't it have any effect on our chants?
A: Some Skald chants have low values that require a high level of Mastery of the
Arcane to "round up" to the next point. This is an issue Im told will be getting a
nother look.
Q: Why, when I use the character quick entry on my log in screen, does it keep t
elling me that the Gaheris server is a test server when it's not?

A: Because its a bug fixed in the next patch.

Q: The limits on PVP in lower level dungeons have changed a bunch lately where can
I find that information outside the patch notes?
A: First, go to the top of the Herald. Click the button marked "Camelot Support"
its the little guy with the red cross on his shield. On the left of the Support fron
t page is a list of links. Look under "guides and how-tos." Weve updated the file m
arked "Where can I find information about the PvP "hardcore" server?"
Q: What plays into how fast your weapon swings?
A: Base speed of the weapon, quickness, and haste buffs. The end result can be r
educed by haste debuffs. Dex, weapon level, quality, and bonus don't enter into
it, FYI.
Q: I got this email this morning at my hotmail account. The subject line was "Le
ts (sic) be friends" and the sender was a fansite for DAOC. The email was large,
but it looked blank. I open everything through Outlook so it got scanned for vi
rus protection. Not sure what the text was supposed to be, but I thought Id give yo
u a heads up that there might be a new scam going around or something.
A: I appreciate the thought. I like to think Im pretty up to date on the various sc
ams going around, but Im only one person I welcome any warnings people want to give m
e! But this isnt a scam. This is a fairly simple virus-inspired email. Someones addres
s book is infected, and is sending these emails to everyone in their book. It mi
ght be the person with the address you can see, or it might be a spoofed email.
(You can tell spoofs by checking the header information in the options menu.)
But I do want to warn you Outlook is NOT enough protection. You really need to be
running a reputable virus scan software program, preferably one that you keep up
dated by downloading patches on a regular basis. That, and never, ever open an a
ttachment you werent expecting.
Q: I have a whole lot of pending quests, and I cant see some of my most recent ones
. I completed some old ones, but my newer ones didnt become visible! What can I do
besides resorting to the paper system?
A: This is a known bug, when a player gets more than ten pending quests. But fea
r not, your quests have not vanished. This is a known bug that we are working on
- in the meantime, the workaround is the old slash command - /quest.
Q: I appealed someone for harassment and other assorted problems indicating that
he did not play well with others. He probably runs with scissors, too. Anyway,
a CSR arrived in a fairly timely fashion, and the Annoying Person quieted down.
The CSR helped us reach a compromise, and all was well at the campground for twe
nty minutes. Then, I guess the medication wore off, and he was back to being a c
reep, only worse. So we appealed him again and this time, no one showed up. And our
appeals kept getting deleted. It completely ruined our night.
A: Yes, this question is sort of made up I combined a bunch of different cases. Wh
y? Same reason a CSR wont tell you what they said to the other player in harassment
tes. Our CSRs do not discuss the action taken against another persons account, and
neither do I, as it is a matter of privacy. In this case, and in all others that
Ive seen, heres the behind the scenes action:

1) You appealed.
2) The CSR arrives (assuming your appeal was clearly a case of harassment and re
quired the presence of the CSR).
3) The CSR issues a warning to Mr. Antisocial.
4) The CSR lingers, invisibly, to make sure everyone is following the very few,
very simple rules of how to share.
5) The CSR leaves to handle the next emergency.
6) Mr. Antisocial returns to form.
7) The CSR sees the appeal. The CSR can no longer do anything, as the extent of
that CSRs power is issuing a warning.
8) The CSR sends your appeal to someone with the power to suspend and to ban. Th
is makes it APPEAR that your appeal has been deleted, but it hasnt. Its in a new queue
that doesnt report times. The people with the power to suspend or ban are responsi
ble a number of servers. Also, we dont suspend or ban casually there are lots of hoop
s they jump through, gathering evidence to justify the suspension.
So you see, you werent ignored. Mr. Antisocial just had a suspension coming to him,
and your appeal was on the desk of a supervisor, who needed the time to gather
enough proof to explain to HIS boss why Mr. Antisocial needed a vacation from DA
OC. I am sorry this fellow ruined your night, and we work every night towards fi
ltering these people out of the game. We WILL get them. It sucks that you might
have to change your camp spot to keep your night from being ruined. But I can te
ll you, it doesn't matter whether your time was disrupted three minutes, three h
ours, or three days after the appeal was escalated, the logs don't go out of sty
Q: I copied a character to Pendragon for the dragon raids this weekend, and I ke
ep seeing abbreviations after peoples names BTC and TL. What do those mean?
A: TL is "team lead" those insanely dedicated people who help us with feedback on
their class or area of expertise. BTC stands for "bumped test character" right now
, that means someone who has had his RA points artificially bumped to help us te
st the realm abilities in PVE. People with BTC after their names are not suppose
d to be in RVR, incidentally, and hold a position of special trust. (Good luck a
t the dragon raids, testers!)
Another plea from the customer service trenches - please update your email addre
ss entered into your registration information. It's the only way we have of gett
ing in touch with you offline. We don't sell, lend, or trade our customer inform
ation with anyone - if you're willing to put your real email address in your sig
nature file or board user profile (where the scammers regularly go, FYI), please
consider sharing it with us!
By the way, gang, I am getting the minstrel petition. After I realized it was a
petition, I have been deleting all the new copies unread. Congratulations to Den
nis A. of Tuscon, Arizona, who was the first minstrel to send me a copy. The pet
ition is nicely and politely written, and I have passed it to the development te
am along with a count of the number received. Please dont send me anymore at this poi
nt it wont make any difference, and the feedback HAS been expressed. I appreciate t
he courtesy inherent to whomever composed the original document.

Okay, yall, thats it for me this evening. Thanks for the great questions, and well s
u next week!
Ready, set, GO:

Q: Are there any stats that have an affect on weapon proc rates?
A: No.
Q: What effect if any does the quality of a proc tincture have on the proc rate
of the weapon that said tincture is applied to? In other words, is there a diffe
rence between 94% quality and 100% quality?
A: According to the code we looked at, there is no difference between 94 and 100
. I realize that many people feel that there is a difference. If you are among t
hose that thinks it makes a difference, please feel free to send logs. At the to
p of the log, please list your results (in a hundred swings, how many procced) a
long with the name of the weapon with the tincture, and the type of creature or
player you tested it against. Please note that you need to run the same test sev
eral times one run through with each tincture isnt enough evidence, because you might
have had a lucky run.
If I get enough logs (use the header TINCTURE QUALITY LOGS) that say otherwise,
I will investigate again.
Q: After 1.59, Ive noticed that I have to be closer to the keep doors to repair the
m. Was that a change?
A: Yes - Keep door repair range has been reduced. It is no longer possible to re
pair the outer door from within the keep, or vice-versa.
Q: How much damage do I do when I get a critical hit?
A: It depends. In PVE, a critical hit can be for anything between 10 and 100% of
your base damage. In PVP, a critical hit can be for anything between 10 and 50%
. Berserkers who are, well, berserking, hit for 10 to 100% on a critical in PVP
(among other benefits granted through that skill).
Q: The savage uses dex and str. If the savage uses a piercing weapon (both weapo
ns), is the damage base a combo of dex and str or just str. And if it is a combo
, what are the percentages?
A: Piercing is half str half dex, so using the savage's hand to hand ability wit
h piercing weapons is still half strength half dex.
Q: When you obtain a new rank level, you receive another +1 to all specs. Is the
re a cap on total level of spec? Like if I have something trained to 50, does my
+1 get added on?
A: Yes, the +1 is always added, no matter how high youve got something trained, or
how many points youve got through items.

Q: Does purge and Raging Power work on my pet or just on my shade?

A: Purge is supposed to work, and at the moment, works except when the pet is me
zzed or stunned. This is a known bug, and we will fix it. Also a known issue, cu
rrently the other "castable" RAs are not transferring to the necro's shade, but
again, the intent is to fix in the near future.
Q: I have a question regarding pets. Many times now, in combat with the enemy re
alms has my pet been charmed by the enemy and then used to attack me. Mentalists
can do this. Was this intended?
A: Yes. Its a realm ability called Sever the Tether, and thats, well, what the realm a
bility does.
Q: I am getting various reports from people about Dex for HEALING classes. Does
it reduce the casting time of our heals? I have thrown this question into the fo
rums, and most people said it does. However, an official answer would be very mu
ch appreciated. Mainly because I don't see a difference between my 75 Dex and my
178 Dex casting of heals.
A: From
me is 2
ce. The
so on a

the spell designer: "Dex affects cast time for everyone. Minimum cast ti
seconds, so if you're already hitting that mark you won't see a differen
difference between 75 Dex and 178 Dex looks like about a 15% reduction,
3 second spell your cast time should have shaved off half a second."

Q: Why do you sometimes test changes and then not put them live?
A: Well, I could answer that question in my own words, or I could borrow the wor
ds of one of our most valued testers:
"The changes on Pendragon dont always go straight to live. In this most recent case
, that was because they were not tested thoroughly enough that we could say with
confidence how they would interact with other changes planned for the class. Ra
ther than put a patch live with some changes and make more in the future, and ha
ving to make any balance adjustments to the first round of changes because of th
e second, we decided it was better to make and evaluate all changes at once. We
knew that we were not done with certain class changes in version 1.59, so it was
easier to hold them off for future versions. Watch future patch notes and come
help test out the combined changes when they come to Pendragon."
Q: I (a sorcerer) was in the Tomb of Mithra and was unable to charm any of the m
onsters in the dungeon. I was under the impression that with patch 1.59 I would
be able to charm any monster type. Is this a bug?
A: The patch note says "any type of mob" but as you may have already noticed, not
every individual mob is set to charmable. For instance, quest monsters and NPC m
erchants cant be charmed.
In the case of The Tomb of Mithra, the choice was made to flag the lower level m
obs as uncharmable. The reason is simple a new monster wont pop up until the first on
e dies, and we wanted to be sure the Tomb always had a good supply of monsters,
regardless of pets. Higher level monsters in that dungeon are charmable.
BUT! In response to much feedback, I can bring you the following note: "In versi

on 1.60 we will add a new, faster spawning, level 8 mob to the entrance area - t
o allow lower level sorcerers to charm an entrance pet, while still preserving t
he entrance mobs for players to hunt."
Q: I saw this screenshot that says this dude has X mithril due to an exploit. WT
A: No one in DAOC has ever had one mithril at once, let alone the number suggest
ed by that fake screenshot. We monitor the levels of currency in the game very c
losely. If one person were to have their money fluctuate beyond a certain tolera
nce level, a system alarm would tell us to pull logs on that player. We would th
en check out his inventory and his chat logs to be certain there was a good reas
on for him or her to have so much cash. For instance, a guild crafter might inde
ed have a bunch of platinum but his chat logs would show him taking craft orders,
and his activity logs would show him crafting. We do not tolerate exploiters and
Q: Um, I camped out in (insert dungeon here) and when I logged back in, I was at
my bind point.
A: This is a bug that we have fixed, but your server will need to reboot before
you see the fix take effect. Basically, the PVP server rules are affecting every
server so if youre over the "limit" when you camp out in the dungeon, the game will
throw you back to your bind point. Here is a list of the level limits, and pleas
e accept my apologies for the inconvenience.
Tomb of Mithra: 23
Nisses Lair: 28
Muire Tomb: 31
Spraggon Den: 35
Cursed Tomb: 32
Keltoi Fogou: 41
Vendo Caves: 44
Koalinth Caverns: 32
Catacombs of Cardova: 45
Q: Is there a maximum cap for the total regeneration amount? For example, if I h
ave Serenity III and a Mentalist casts Empowering Tranquility on me, will that m
ake for a total power regen of 6?
A: No, there is no cap, and yes, the total regen in that example would be six.
Q: Windowed mode is working perfectly for me, but not my roommate.
A: Let me reprint what I said on one of the forums I was lurking in this week:
One of the reasons we were hesitant to do windowed mode was the technical compli
cations. We tested it and got it to work on a number of systems. However, it is
impossible to test on every single possible configuration. Please send in a bug
report (and be SURE you tell us in that report what your system specs are) if yo
u have problems.
Even if you can run windowed mode, you need to understand that most systems will
take a performance hit. The game was not designed to run in windowed mode and i
s not optimized for it. If you're running three other programs and a chat client
and surfing the web, please do not be surprised when DAOC lags out and stutters

Honestly, if you don't have a tip top system, you might want to consider not run
ning windowed mode. For instance - here, on my semi-spiffy work machine, I can r
un email and the game. I can add a web page to the mix if my character is doing
something like say, resting. My home machine has trouble surfing the web and pla
ying minesweeper, let alone DAOC. If I were to try and run windowed mode at home
, our tech department would mock me. They usually mock me, mind you, so that may
not be relevant.
Our magnificent tech team will be glad to try and help. If you email them (at su with a full description of your system, your drivers
, and so forth, they may be able to help you optimize your system. However, it i
s possible that they will be unable to do so in which case they will suggest you j
ust run it in regular mode.

Okay, thats it for me. Two quick announcements, and then Ill be off one, crafters,
an stop sending the email where you explain how you need a "single component pur
chase option." Next patch, you should have what you need. Two, a little bird tel
ls me that some in our community are being called up for active duty be safe, yall.
And on that note, have a good weekend. (Stay off the roads on Sunday if you live
near a sports bar ;)) I have a hunch that medieval freezers around the country
will be stuffed with dragon meat haunches by Sunday night good luck to all the dra
gon raiders!
The Grab Bag! With a mention of the (mumble whisper /blush)
Q: When a group that had the LFG flag on becomes full, the flag does not automat
ically go off. Is this a bug?
A: No, its a design choice. Lets say your group is full. Suddenly the only healer says
I have to study for midterms and the main tank says "Oops, the kids will be home from
school soon, I need to get dinner started." Both of them say they can stay for
another fifteen minutes. The group is full, but you still need to put the LFG fl
ag on.
The flag not automatically turning off is not a bug but I am told there is a probl
em where group leaders cannot turn the flag off even when they want to. I am loo
king into this.
Q: When a dragon dies on his perch, the loot falls through the mound. Are you aw
are of this bug, and what are you doing in the meantime to make sure everyone ge
ts their loot?
A: Were definitely aware of the bug, and we are working on fixing it. Meanwhile, we
do have a policy. From our in game support supervisor: "If we can prove that th
e loot fell through the ground, we return it. Thing is, though, we can only pull
inventory logs on high level monsters, level 75 and above. Dragons, Legion, etc
So if loot from your big raid cant be picked up, just let us know. (By the way, if
only the raid leaders appeal with the problem, we will be able to get through th
e process much faster not everyone on a raid needs to send that appeal :))

Q: I submitted a bug report on a ROG (random object generator) object in January

, and have not seen any patch notes or fixes on it. What is up?"
A: From the mouth of our Content Producer: "To duplicate ROG bugs, our team need
s the monster name, the item name, the bug, and the location where the monster w
as killed - your bug report may not have had enough information for us to track
down the bug. Please resubmit any ROG bugs with this information and our team wi
ll track this down."
Remember (and this is true of ALL bugs in game), we need to be able to duplicate
the problem in order to correct it. The more information you give us, the faste
r we can help.
Q: 1.55 Patch Notes: "If you take over an enemy's keep and that realm has at lea
st one of your relics, if you upgrade the keep to level 10 it will spawn a corps
e summoner NPC. If you die in PvP and type /transfercorpse "keep name" without t
he quotes your corpse will transfer to that keep, although you will still need t
o be resurrected once you get there. Note that enemy players can kill this NPC a
nd if they do so, the /transfercorpse command will be unavailable to you for tha
t keep until he respawns (in one hour)." I have found that he respawns much fast
er than one measly hour.
A: The notes should have said "(up to an hour)" there is a timer on him at the pre
sent time, so if the timer comes up right after he dies, he might pop right away
Q: What are the bounty quest items and who accepts them?
A: Bounty quests are quests that can be repeated multiple times. (Regular quests
can only be done once.) Basically, if you get a quest that doesnt appear in your j
ournal, youve found a bounty quest. Some can be repeated until you never want to se
e another bandit ear, and others can only be done a handful of times.
You dont get experience for completing these as you do with all other quests (altho
ugh you get the usual mob exp for killing the creature), but the item you eventu
ally get when you turn in the bounty item sells for more than the loot off the t
arget generally sells for. (The aforementioned bandit ears in Albion, for instan
ce they sell for squat, but the medal of merit you get (after turning in the ears
to get the letters to get the medal) sells for a nice amount.) All the realms ha
ve a bunch of these bounty quests. Be sure you talk to all the NPCs you come acr
oss in your travels!
Q: I know of a person who is continually trading accounts with people, he tells
them he does not remember the secret word. He trades accounts, changes their sec
ret word to one he picks, and then call you and gets his own account back.
A: Thats pretty awful. But we have no way of knowing whats going on in emailed convers
ations or talks on the phone, so for us, the person who owns the secret word own
s the account. Do NOT trade accounts with or buy an account from someone who doe
snt give you a secret word. This person may not be trying to cheat you, but better
safe than sorry.
Q: Where are the theurgist staffs in SI? I really want my own glowie. ;)
A: With the Random Object Generator, its hard to be specific. (See the next paragra
ph.) I can promise you that there are the same number of theurgist staffs as the

re are of the other types. I can also tell you that the "glowies" only drop from
named creatures. (For those of you new to our world, "named" means they have a
capitalized name "Sanya" instead of "arachnite warrior.")
By the way, I cant search our database for "theurgist staff" the items are rarely nam
ed that way. An equal number of staffs are planned to boost stats and specs spec
ific to each type of caster, but then the final designs are entered into the dat
abase as "Glowing Staff of Niftiness" as opposed to "Theurgist Staff #7." Add in
the ROG factor, and I cant get a quick answer as to whom you should kill to get yo
ur staff. I truly didnt mean to duck your question, and I hope Ive given you enough re
assurance to keep looking!
Q: What does "proc" mean? Sorry to ask such a newb question.
A: Everyone is a newb at first. Every grab bag has questions that seem simplisti
c to game veterans, but new players join the world every week. Dont be sorry, and s
uggest to anyone sneering at your question on a message board whatever youd like to su
ggest they do with such an enormous amount of free time.
The answer is its short for "process," a term for a triggered action. You swing you
r sword, and that action may trigger a process.
Q: What is the max. effect resist that you can have? With all the magical items
I have, certain resists display 60%+, however I believe I read that the max effe
ctive resist is 20% (or other number I don't recall). When asking other folks, I
get a mix of answers ranging from 10% to unlimited. I've attempted to search th
e archives for an answerto this question, but can't seem to find it anywhere =)
Would you be able to clarify this for me? Thank you =)
A: There is a limit as to how much of a resist stat you can boost from any one s
The max from items should be 26%
From buffs, 26%
Racial resists might add in up to 5%
The RA Avoidance of Magic can add up to 15%
The RA Brilliant Aura of Deflection can add up to 35%.
By the way, I realize that all of those things can under the right circumstances
add up to more than 100%. Even if ALL the resists are stacked together, I dont bel
ieve you can make yourself completely impervious to a particular attack type.
The answer to the question is you might be displaying 60% resist, but if all you
r resists are from items and only items, youre only getting a 26% effective resist.
Q: I am an Arboreal specialized Animist. I would like to know if my Bomber eleme
ntals receive the 3% per level damage increase with the Mastery of Magery realm
ability, and if they receive the additional 5% chance to critical hit per level
with the Wild Power realm ability.
A: Yes to both.
Q: For a reaver, is it true Flexible weapons are based on the same stats as thru
st weapons? (50% Strength, 50% Dexterity)
A: Yes. By the way, our reaver team lead asked me to add that speccing slash or

crush does not affect flexible weapons in anyway.

We have a new person working behind the scenes on the Herald team, as you can se
e from the redesign less scrolling, more reading, pretty buttons. Her presence is
helping us with something more the bane of my existence, my private Waterloo, the
running joke that is my life the Quest Contest!
All entries have now been read. There are seventy (yes, seventy) semi-finalists.
I must confess, a little tear came to my eye as I cross checked the semi-finali
sts against the account database, and found that most of them are still playing an
d many of those on their original characters. I noticed a trend the original chara
cters tend to be on roleplay servers. You roleplay types are amazing, wonderful
Not to say that having an active account will make a difference in the final jud
ging for this particular contest (since its entirely my fault the contest got backburnered for so long) good writing is good writing. No purchase necessary to win.
At any rate, one of our best quest people will be picking winners next week. (He
r time has indeed already been scheduled for this task.) I do not envy her the t
Ten points and a cookie to the person with the best "one year later" joke!
And on that note yes, I am blushing, and for those of you who were at the Camelot
Roundtable last summer, you know how red that is have a good weekend, everyone.htt
Short tonight - because today was all about the quest contest! Read on:
Q: The proposed medal
(see the 1.60B Pendragon notes) for the battlegrounds is interes
ting can you better define participation
for me?
A: You need to be within a certain radius of the keep lord. We are trying to set
that radius so people can t just hang out at the portal keep and get the credit, ye
t big enough so that healers and other people not directly on the front line wil
l still get the credit. You also need to be alive at the time of the keep lord s dea
th. I sure do wish we could program it so that someone who fought for the whole
raid and just died two seconds before the end could still get the nod, but it s not
technically possible at this time. The keep lord kicks over, and the program loo
ks around the defined area and puts a stamp on everyone in the circle.
Q: What is the respawn timer on (insert critter here)?

A: Well, we don t really have respawn timers in our game, so the time that a mob die
s has nothing to do with how soon he will reappear. Each monster is set on a cyc
le Monster Z has a Y% chance to pop every X minutes.
Every X number of minutes, the
checks to see if the monster is up. If the monster is not there, the game rolls
the dice, and decides if we re going to put up a new creature.
The laws of probability apply if a monster is set to do a spawn check every thirty
minutes, and you kill it during minute 29, you stand a chance of still being on
the spot when a new one arrives. Only the very strong, or the very crunchy, sho
uld stand on spawn points.

Q: I found a Random Object Generator (ROG) item that had a stat very useful to m
y class and a stat that my class never, ever uses. Is this a bug?
A: Nope! Most of the ROG loot is meant to be used by multiple classes. The only
"useless" ROG item is one with stats that are completely unusable by the realm t
hat it was found in.
Other examples
A Midgard sword with a hand to hand bonus? Not a bug
a savage can tra
in in sword, and equip a sword in his right hand (paw?) and a hand weapon in his
left. Unusual, but possible, and we try to make sure every possible spec has so
me treasure.
A hand to hand weapon with a sword bonus? See above.
A 2H sword with H2H bonus? Um I
A cloth cap with parry? Not a bug

ll get back to you. :)

ask a valewalker.

A ROG item without stats, despite having capital letters in its name? Not a bug,
if it came off a creature under level six.
But generally speaking, I want to thank you all very much for submitting the det
ailed bug reports. It s very, very helpful, and very much appreciated.
Q: I have a 25 envenom skill. 20 points are "natural," two points from my ring,
and three points spellcrafted onto my sword. But when I try to apply a level 25
poison to my sword, it says I don t have the skill. What s wrong?
A: With the click and drag method of poison application, our system briefly uneq
uips your sword. This means at the second of poison application, you don t have the
sword equipped, and you re losing the three spellcrafted points you need to use a le
vel 25 poison.
The solution? Hotkey your poisons!
Put a poison on your hotbar. When you hit that hotkey, the poison will first che
ck your right hand weapon for a poison. If it has nothing applied, the poison wi
ll stick there. If your right hand weapon already has a poison, it will check yo
ur left hand weapon for a poison. If the left weapon has nothing applied, the po
ison will stick on that one.
Be aware that if both weapons already have poison applied to them, the hotkeyed
poison will overwrite (first the right hand, then the left) whatever was already
there, regardless of level.

Now, on to the Quest Contest.

Once upon a time, I put out a call for quests. As I said last week, the failure
to finish this contest was the darkest cloud in my sky. FINALLY, it is done, and
I think the results are worthwhile.
Originally we were going to choose a winner and a runner up. Forget that. It wou
ld have been like choosing a favorite child.
Tonight's batch of winners wrote incredible stories that can't be implemented in
to the game for whatever reason. Often, the reason is our technological limitati

on - we just don't have the tools or the mechanics to put them in the game. Othe
rs, we didn't see a quest - we saw backstory that we loved too much to reject ou
t of hand, but didn't see the "quest" in it. Others we felt were as quests, too
simple, but as stories, too wonderful to ignore.
So, check out our Honorable Mentions (the link is
contest). Be sure to tune in next week as we bring you the rest of the winners.
Have a great, and safe, weekend!
Q: The item "Arawn's Gift" (potion of power regen 5) is usable only one time? I
have one, I am afraid to use it...
A: I got your answer from the Item Princess, who said, "Arawn's Gift is given to
players during the Voices of the Dead quest. It is supposed to be an extra litt
le boost right before the end fight...a gift from Arawn. Casters get a version w
ith one charge of a power regen, and melee get a version with a health regen. Up
on using the item's one charge, it will disappear from the player's inventory fo
Q: What effect does the realm ability "Duelist's Reflexes" have on Hand-to-hand
spec double/triple/quadruple hitting? Does it increase all three, or just double
hitting? And if it increases only double hitting, does that mean triple and qua
druple hitting rates are consequently lowered along with single hitting? Or is j
ust single hitting lowered?
A: The realm ability raises your chance to get a second attack. It doesnt directly
influence the triple or the quad hit chances, but it mathematically helps in an
indirect way your second attack is a prerequisite for your third attack, and so on
. So by increasing your chances to get a second, youre automatically upping your ch
ances to GET a third, and then a forth. So the answer is the RA only helps get m
ore double attacks, but the effect will trickle down into your other attacks.
Q: I heard that the primary melee classes dont want haste buffs, because they will
not hit as hard each combat round.
A: Completely not true a haste buff makes you attack faster and does not affect yo
ur damage per swing at all.
Q: If all a haste buff does is speed up how fast you swing, why not just get a f
aster weapon?
A: With a haste buff, you can swing a heavy, high damage weapon at the same spee
d as a lighter, lower damage weapon, so it makes you more powerful.
Q: Can you explain the patch note "Life transfers can no longer be used on the c
A: It means you cant use the life transfer spell to self-heal.
Q: In the proposed notes for 1.60, I saw the oft-requested feature of grayed out
hotkeys. What I was wondering is are those keys completely disabled or just tur

ned gray?
A: According to the producer, our intent is that you can still click on a grayed
out hotkey to see how long that particular feature has left to go before it rec
ycles. To which I say, yippee :)
Q: Battleground medals sound nifty. Can you spell out exactly how the game will
decide if we have fulfilled the keep lord part of the requirements for a medal?
A: From one of our encounter designers: "Participation in taking of the battlegr
ound keeps currently involves being alive in the keep region at the time the kee
p lord falls to your realm. There is a limitation to this however. The keep must
have been under the control of an enemy realm for a minimum of 45 minutes.
"If you watch the top portion of the chat window, the region can be seen when yo
u enter it. For example, when you enter the keep region for Murdaigean, the top
portion of the chat window would have a line of text that says, "(Region)You hav
e entered Dun Murdaigean."
"At the time the keep lord falls, a check is done. The check looks for anyone fr
om the realm that got the killing blow and is alive within the region. Those pla
yers are then marked signifying they have completed the keep requirement needed
to receive the medals."
Q: I received a letter telling me that I got a warning on my account for (insert
situation here). I would like to argue my case with a human being.
A: A human being reads every email and investigates every case sent to dispute@m HOWEVER he instantly deletes anything having to do with ga
me mechanics, general feedback, and so forth. He only reads emails related to wa
rnings, suspensions, and bannings. Please dont waste your time unless you are dispu
ting something to do with a warning from customer service. All other types of fe
edback need to go through the Herald forms.
Side note I am perfectly willing to hear you out if you still have concerns after
you have contacted dispute. Thats part of why Im here. But please, use the system firs
t. The vast, vast majority of customers looking to discuss their case are satisf
ied after talking to Dispute King. Hes very nice. Give him and the system a chance.
And give him a few days to review your situation before you contact me. I am th
e Court of Last Resort, and the first thing I do in each case (if you dont send me
a copy of what he told you) is ask Dispute King what he found when he investigat
Q: I have been hunting for the ROG (random object generator) loot, and not findi
ng very much.
A: Shrouded Isles is the primary source for ROG loot hop through a portal and chec
k it out!
Okay, everybody! Thats it for the questions this week. Couple notes first, I have got
ten the minstrel letters, so please dont feel ignored. I do feel like I should say
that there is no clear majority, so in effect the pro and con arguments are canc
eling each other out on this topic. Particular weight is being granted to those
who have actually tried the changes, or seen the effect of these changes - thank
you, testers.
While I am on the subject of petitions, Ive also seen lots of copies of the Dred pe

tition. Again, I should say that feelings run strongly on both sides of the deba
Either way, on either petition, you can stop sending them now opinions on both top
ics had been passed on before, but now theyre REALLY passed on. Thank you for carin
g enough to send both emails and the feedback forms. (The forms are a little mor
e helpful to me, as I am better able to associate an account with the feedback.)

For those of you who are still a little new to our world, or those of you who we
re part of the "I cant believe I didnt know X" thread on the Vault (I forget which s
board it was, but it was darn funny), we are working on getting documentation o
f the basics up there. Todays addition to that category is over there to your left
under "Game Documentation." Its a file called Character Docs, and its got basic inform
ation about, well, some of the basics :) Thanks to our fabulous team leads for c
ombing over this information, it is much appreciated.
Happy Valentines Day, (or Dead Flowers Day, depending on your frame of mind), and h
ave a wonderful weekend. If youre in the Washington, DC area, stop reading this col
umn and go stock up on frozen pizzas and cocoa mix before the storm hits!http://
Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin:
Q: Is there a faster way to select how much gold Im going to give to someone? One a
t a time makes my carpal tunnel disease flare up.
A: Hold down shift as you click, and youll move select ten per click.
Q: I have not seen my question answered, even though Ive sent it in every week.
A: Keep sending it in believe it or not, there is a method to my Grab Bag madness.
Each question you see here was asked by more than one player since the previous
Friday AND I was able to get the Official Answer approved. I read the forms eve
ry week! By the way, you can increase your odds of seeing your question by not s
wearing or using the word "suck," and by quickly proofreading your submission to
be sure it makes sense. Thanks :)
Q: What is a scabbard used for in the game and how would I use it?

A: According to our Item Princess, we dont have any sword scabbards (its the thing a s
word rests in, a sheath, for those of you new to fantasy and ancient history) th
at are used as part of your outfit in the game at this time. Right now, theres the
Albion relic, theres a crafted item in the "trinket" category, quest related items,
and "cash loot" items items that arent used for anything, theyre just there for fu
to sell at the end of a hunting trip.
Q: What is the arcanium simulacrum's advantage over the other "natural" simulacr
ums? How many hitpoints does it have? Everyone seems to say it does the same dam
age as the sapphire, before the proc.
A: Because it is higher level, the arcanium simulacrum hits harder in melee, abs
orbs more damage and has more hitpoints. One thing to note were planning on taking an
other look at these in the near future, and you may find that they become more d
istinctive. If you quote me on this, notice I didnt give an ETA ;)

Q: Question about "overcapping" buffs. As a Friar, I

fs since they hit the buff cap of 50 with my enhance
r the 50 limit, does the game "store" any overage in
ords, is there any benefit whatsoever in overcapping
quipment, buffs, or elsewise?

use my lower level base buf

score of 45. If they go ove
case of debuffs? In other w
if we can do it, be it by e

A: I am told that right now, points over the cap just poof into the void, but Im to
ld that the caps are going to get another look soon and that overcapping points ma
y in the future be stored for the exact reason you mention. Again, see above, Im no
t giving any ETAs, just giving you an idea on things well be looking at soon.
Q: Does the toughness RA add 3% of your hp WITHOUT items or 3% of your max HP in
cluding the points you get from loot?
A: The bonus is applied to the number of hit points you have before hit points y
ou get from +HP items are added in.
Q: Hello! I'm writing to inquire about summonable pets and their armor and weapo
ns. I noticed when I played a spiritmaster that the initial pet is unarmored and
unarmed. As the SM grows in strength and gets new summon spells, the pets start
becoming armored and armed. My question is this: do they actually have armor on
, and do their wielded weapons actually make a different, or are they merely gra
phics? (i.e. is a spirit champion actually wearing chain? and an abomination, as
it appears, plate?)
A: The armor shows what sort of damage the pets armor is vulnerable to. If a pet is
wearing "plate" armor, then the pet is susceptible to crush damage, as if it we
re wearing plate armor... but it's not actually WEARING the armor. It is not ben
efiting from the absorption or armor factor. By the way, a pets displayed weapon wo
rks the same way a pet swinging a hammer isnt actually holding the hammer, but will g
et a bonus against plate armor.
Q: How come my applied tincture isnt working? Is this a bug?
A: Nope! See if this makes sense there are three different sorts of tinctures that
an alchemist can make and apply. Reactive, volatile, and stable tinctures all h
ave different purposes.
Reactive these are applied to armor worn on the head, torso, arms, hands, legs, or
feet. When you are hit in one of those areas, this tinctures effect has a chance o
f going off. These do not work when applied to weapons or shields. A reactive ti
ncture is a defensive measure.
Volatile there are applied to weapons and shields, and have a chance of going off
when the weapon or shield scores a hit of some kinds. The shield tincture wont go o
ff when the shield is used to block. A volatile tincture is used as an offensive
(By the way I should spell out "all weapons except bows," and the reason for that
is long, confusing, and boils down to "because bow damage is a range effect and
calculated more like a spell than a weapon.")
Stable these are charges, effects that can be used, that can be applied to most an
ything that holds still. Please note if an alchemist puts a charge on something, o
nly an alchemist can recharge that something. The NPC chargers are of no use whe
n it comes to player made charges.

Most of the appeals weve gotten on this topic, saying their tincture is bugged and
not working, come from players who attempted to apply reactive tinctures to weap
ons and shields. Just check first to see what type of tincture was used before y
ou report it as a bug.

And thats the bag. If you were going to make fun of me for that song reference I op
ened with, now's the point in our program where we do so :)
Announcement time: On Monday were bringing 1.60 live, and its a pretty hefty patch. Al
bion hadnt had a turn under the microscope in a few months, and it seems like we ma
de up for lost time in one fell swoop. Theres also big things with battlegrounds, a
nd roleplaying meat and marrow (weddings and hats), and literally tons more. I r
ecommend putting aside a few hours Monday just to read the patch notes!
Regular visitors to the Herald have noticed our efforts to improve documentation
. If you host a message board devoted to DAOC, youre welcome to start a thread abou
t what youd like to see the most under "Game Docs" over there to your left. Send me
the link, and well do our best to get the favorites up and running!
Your friends at the Catacombs just redid their map index section a handy "table of
contents" to the DAOC maps on the internet. Check it out.
Also worth a look is the IGN Vault Online Worlds Roundtable - our own Matt Firor
, Producer Man, was a participant.
Just a gentle reminder to our friends and fans who play on servers outside the U
nited States were thrilled to have you playing DAOC, but I, Sanya, can only help with
issues affecting our customers who play on US servers. If youve got technical issu
es, you need to contact the company that hosts your servers. Of course, youre more
than welcome to fill out a Camelot Herald Feedback Form and ask questions for th
e grab bag. But please note - I dont have special character sets installed on my co
mputer, so mail arriving from yall in Asia tends to be gibberish to me. So please,
use the English alphabet for your emails and feedback forms. (If those of you wh
o are bilingual could translate this message and post it to foreign language fan
sites, I would be eternally grateful.)
Have a fabulous weekend, all.
The questions continue to fall like snowflakes in Northern Virginia:

Q: Is the new Minstrel buff "Ablative Armore" supposed to be 100% absorb or 25%?
A: It's set to 100%.

Q: From 1.60: "- Scureol's Belt,

ty 5 and Constitution 5. Because
ors, the 5 Constitution has been
is Scurceol, I see that the C is
ve stats listed at 7 not 5, from

from the Ogre's Might Quest, previously had Pie

this belt is given to both Friars and Infiltrat
changed to Dexterity 5." First thing, his name
missing every time you refer to him. Also, I ha
several sources, please look into it. Thanks.

A: Youre quite right, and the patch note is quite wrong. Thanks for the heads up.

Q: What is the difference between Tower and Heater shields (they're both large s
hields, but is there any difference between the two besides looks)?
The difference is strictly appearance - there is no further difference than what
can be found in the delve and right click info.
Q: Is there a cap on the chance to block?
A: There is currently no hard cap.
Q: Does shield quality affect your chance to block?
A: Not currently.
Q: Does shield condition affect your chance to block?
A: Yes.
Q: What does enchanting a shield do?
A: Increases chance to block.
Q: Do To-Hit modifiers on styles have any effect on whether your opponent succes
sfully Evades, Blocks, or Parries?
A: Nope.
Q: Is the correct Order of Resolution in combat definitely Evade, Parry, Block (
Shield), Guard, Hit/Miss, and then Bladeturn?
A: Yes.
Q: What are the ideal criteria for proving a point through log testing? When att
empting to test Melee combat would being fully unbuffed or fully buffed be more
A: In the exact words of one of our lead programmers: "It really depends on exac
tly what kind of test you're trying to do. In general, the longer the test the b
etter. Sending one log in which shows you fumbling 3 times in a row doesn't prov
e that you have a high fumble rate. That test would require setting out to do a
test specifically on that. Fight with the same weapon, keep the weapon repaired
to the same point, fight against the same creatures if possible, for as long as
possible, and detail the number of fumbles you've had at the end of the test. Ge
nerally a good solid number like 1000 swings gives decent data. The thing to kee
p in mind is there really is a lot of luck involved. Both good and bad. You gene
rally don't notice as much when you're having good luck, it's those bad streaks
that stick out and make you believe that something's wrong."
So, its not so much buffed vs. unbuffed as it is making sure your test is consisten
t throughout the process, and to repeat the test often enough to create a statis
tically significant data pool. We have and will continue to take action using in
-depth player logs. We run our own tests every day, and we try and stay as close
to the scientific method as possible.

Q: How does the Bonus % on a staff affect it? Does it simply effect to-hit when
in combat with the staff? Does it affect spells in any way? Does it affect the d
uration/condition of the staff in any way?
A: Just to hit. It doesn't flow into the duration/condition of the staff to make
it more effective in spellcasting.
Q: (Insert question about a technical problem with your computer or a video card
or problems logging in or billing and so forth.)
A: Guys, my heart breaks whenever I see a tech question in the feedback forms. W
hy? Because although I read all the questions, I dont go through it every day, and
had you contacted tech support, youd probably be taken care of already.
And I cant just forward your emails due to the way our system works. Every time you
send an email to, a customer service ticket is cre
ated using the header information on your email. Those tickets exist to make sur
e a live human being gets in touch with you within 72 business hours (although Im t
old we manage same day service 99% of the time). It would not do you any good to
have my contact information on your service ticket! So, please, dont ask technical
questions of me write to the above address.
But as I said in another grab bag, DO use the Herald form for other questions. T
he Support email address is only for technical issues and billing support any bala
nce issues or other in-game related things are just deleted.
Q: Why did you change the name appeal system?
A: First off, everybody, let me apologize. There was a miscommunication about wh
en the new system was going live, and I did not explain the new system in advanc
e as I should have. So, my bad. Part of what follows appeared on a message board
earlier this week.
The new name appeal system requires you to click on the offending character in o
rder to appeal it. The main concern people seem to have is that they are unable
to report names they see scrolling by in zone chat or death spam. Why is this ok
ay? Because while you might not be able to report a particular bad name, believe
me, everyone standing next to the guy with the bad name already has. Our new sy
stem is designed in part to cut down on duplicate appeals, so that we can read t
hem and respond to them much faster than we have been able to in the past.
Let me give you a classic example. Every case Ive investigated this week has gone e
xactly the same way. The first person I worked with is a terrific person, a long
time customer, and has submitted more name appeals than any other player ever h
as in the history of DAOC. She was concerned about a particularly raunchy name,
and her fear was that no one had appealed it. (Since she had not been in visual
range of the person, and had only seen their name in her text box, she was unabl
e to appeal it herself.) So, she sent a regular appeal and was told not to do that
again. She was pretty mad, and so she and I got in touch. I looked it up for he
r and in the time it took her to send one regular appeal, eleven people who had be
en in visual range had clicked on the raunchy name and appealed it. Eleven in le
ss than two minutes, everybody, using the new system. Just imagine how many appe
als we got using the old system!
Now, under the old system, when we got the very first appeal, our "name cops" ho
pped on it, and changed it. But since we have a policy of reading every single a

ppeal, the ten other appeals needed to be opened and read. And reading those oth
er ten appeals meant that the next name to be appealed had now been in the game
for five minutes. That name had fifteen appeals attached to it. So, the name cop
changed the second name. All fifteen appeals had to be opened. And the time THA
T took meant the third name had twenty five appeals on it. And of course, people
who were AFK would come back, see the first name in their text window, and send
an appeal, not realizing the bad name was already changed. The CSR would get th
at appeal, and if enough time and enough other cases had passed, wouldnt remember t
he specific case and would need to do research and make sure it had been changed
. Add to all that the fact that we do triage we remove raunchy and racist names fi
rst, and then stupid names and we had a problem that snowballed out of control.
How much did it snowball? Eleven thousand new name appeals for three hundred nam
es. Several dozen of which arent even bad at all. In one day. Adding to the backlog
the name staff couldnt get to in days past.
Hence the new system. Its in place mostly because of the RP servers (indeed, it is
to the players of the RP servers that I am speaking to right now :)), although i
t applies to all servers. We have now had a few days to check it out every email I
have received about a bad name, written by a player who was worried that no one
appealed it, has been checked out. Each and every bad name mentioned by email h
ad been appealed by no less than a dozen other players.
The new system allows us to see how many people appealed the same name, cuts dow
n on duplicates, and allows us to "mark" good names so that they cannot be appea
led again. This is going to save us SO much time time that can be better spent on
other essential RP server problems. (Which, speaking of, we worry about as much
as you do. Channel abuse, immersion breaking people, etc, all things that were conc
erned about, and trying to find solutions.) Try to remember that you not being a
ble to appeal a name is not preventing all the people standing next to the bad n
ame from appealing it. And try to keep in mind that this system is allowing us t
o make real headway on the huge backlog of bad names. If youre really, truly worrie
d that no one else has appealed a particular name, or if a name is marked as goo
d and you disagree, you are welcome to email me or send a form through the Heral
d, and well look it up. But Ill bet that someone else beat you to it using the new sys
tem. Please do not send regular appeals about names.
This is only step one in what we hope will be a whole new approach to these kind
s of problems. But the next step, I swear we wont surprise you with it.
And thus ends the bag for this week. In theory I am going out of town tomorrow (
she says as she peers out the window at the gathering storm), hence the early po
st. For some reason, mother nature thinks this is the frozen tundra of the north
and not a climate billed as "temperate," and keeps dumping snow on us, and I am
getting a teensy bit annoyed.
Be safe, have fun, see you Monday!
Short and sweet, with a dash of bitter:
Q: Could you please explain the percentages that each piece of armor is likely t
o be hit by a mob? Also, does the mob matter? For example, if the mob is a flyin
g monster is it more likely to hit your head/arms/hands and by the same token, i
s a small mob like a spider or snake more likely to hit your boots/pants?
A: We opted to move a little bit away from realism with this formula, for the sa
ke of our programs sanity. So the type or size of the creature attacking you doesnt ma
tter, and the percentages are the same for man and beast: 40% Torso, 25% legs, 1

5% arms, 10% head, 5% hands, 5% feet.

Q: You told some of us that youd revisit the shield quality question this week, to
be absolutely 100% certain.
A: Well, here's that bitter part - I asked again and the answer is still that qual
ity does not affect the chance to block at this time. The reason my August grab
bag had a different answer was because I did not check with someone who knew the
code for the answer I asked a designer looking at a design document instead. Sinc
e August, all my answers have been checked with a programmer looking directly at
the game code, and Ive been trying to revisit questions asked back then. Im sorry, gu
ys. I know its frustrating when I contradict myself in this column, and I do the be
st I can to update you as soon as I am aware of such a contradiction.
Q: Embarrassing, but I am sure I am not the only one affected. This question per
tains to my first character, which I lovingly nurtured to 50. Yup. My pally has
5 points of the initial 30 points in Empathy. (laugh now :)) Why? Well, it was m
y first char, I knew nothing about the game when I made him other than it seemed
like a nice trait for him "empathy, great, why not". Didnt know better. A mistake
made by a Newbie, on his first toon.
I am wondering why it is impossible to change the char's initial specs and corre
ct things like that.
A: Well, youre definitely not the only one. My very first MMOG, I did the same thin
g, but with charisma. My only experience up to that point was D&D, and I liked t
o play characters with high CHA scores.
But the reason we cant help you fix that is because our CSRs dont have access to that
part of your character. Its literally welded to your avatar from the first moment t
hat it enters the DAOC world. Im afraid that this one is going to have to go into y
our file of "yeah, top THIS" stories for fan gatherings and guild chat, and into
our file for "future reference."
Q: Does piety affect a Thane or Skald's power at all?
A Thane's power is affected by piety, but the Skald's power is affected by chari
Q: How does the Realm Ability "Avoidance of Magic" know the difference between "
damage types of magic" and other forms of magic? As far as I can tell, all types
of magic - cold, heat, spirit, matter, body, energy have both damage spells and c
rowd control spells.
A: Its bad phrasing in our documentation as opposed to an omniscient spell - Avoida
nce of Magic affects all spells.
Q: "Random" loot splitting I thought whoever got drops was supposed to be complete
ly random. But the last couple weeks have been very frustrating. Let me give one
example: Today I was running in a DF group with my roommate. After about an hou
r with nobody dying, we had equal amounts of gold but I had no diamond seals and f
ive sapphire seals, and my roommate had eight diamonds and twenty-five sapphires
! This has happened to me every day for a few weeks.
So my question is: Is there any chance that your choice of character-class affec
ts your chance of receiving loot, or have I only been darn unlucky for the last

few weeks?
A: You have been officially whacked with the bad luck stick. But it really is ra
ndom this is one of those things weve tested the heck out of, over the course of many
hours and many logs. The loot is distributed evenly over time. The key there is "o
ver time." For example, everyone knows that when you flip a coin, the odds of ge
tting heads or tails is fifty percent, or one chance in two. If you flip the sam
e coin, you will notice "runs" of all tails or all heads. Maybe even twenty-five
in a row. The coin is not broken, however! The thing is, no matter how many tim
es the coin landed on heads before, the odds are always one in two every time yo
u flip it.
So even though your friend got twenty-five sapphires, the odds are still one in
eight (assuming you guys were in a full group) that he will get the next one. Wh
at happened before has no affect on a truly random number generator. If the loot
splitter could assign loot based on what happened before, it would not be truly
Youre certainly due a run of good luck. The last time I had that much good luck com
ing to me, I drew the queen to fill out my royal flush. I'm crossing my fingers
for you.
Q: I just read your post about that polling booth, and I tried to participate. N
ow I realize only players playing on the US servers can take part. Is there any
chance players from the EU can participate in your polls?
A: The thoughts and feelings of European customers (and all the other DAOC playe
rs around the world, in places like Italy and Korea) are important to us. But th
e thing is, we rely on our partners who provide service to those areas for feedb
ack. An MMOG is both a product and a service. We provide the product to everyone
but we only run the service aspect for customers playing on the servers located h
ere in the U.S.
And the polls are going to help us guide the service aspect for the servers you
see listed here on the Herald. (The Herald is an extension of the service, which
is why each of our partners has their own Herald-type website.) Also the polling
booth is connected to our database of accounts. We dont have access to the accounts
located on the servers outside the U.S. at all, so wed have no way of knowing whet
her or not you had an account or not.
But you are always welcome to send me feedback forms, no matter where in the wor
ld you play.
Q: How confidential are your polls? Do you keep records on us as individuals, an
d do you share the info?
A: The polls will be giving us "the big picture." I am able to see the poll resu
lts page, and all it does is tell me the raw number totals how many people said th
ey were male, how many said they preferred not to answer, etc.
No action would ever be taken against your account based on how you answered a p
oll. For example one of the questions in the most recent poll asked if the account
was played by one person, shared in a family, or so forth. Account sharing is t
echnically against the EULA, so I can understand why a lot of people chose to se
lect "I prefer not to answer." But my results page doesnt say "John Doe in Greensbo
ro, North Carolina says he shares the account with his wife." It just says XXX p
eople in total said they share the account.

Our customer information is absolutely private. We may or may not share the raw
number totals, but we would have to see a warrant before wed share anything specifi
Thems the questions. Speaking of European players, there are a bunch of crazed luna
tics planning a tour of "Albion." Seriously. Theyre going on a week long camping tr
ip/sightseeing tour/drinking binge, with planned stops at sites found both in ga
me and in real life. It looks like more fun than ANYTHING, and I surely do wish
I could go. Their website cant take the hit a Herald link would bring them, so forg
ive me for not posting such a link but I just wanted to give a shout out to Amothu
s, Sparklehorse, and the rest of the CT crew for coming up with the plan in the
first place. If this trip is fun, theyre planning future trips to "Midgard" and "Hi
This particular trip is booked already, with the bus already rented but just out o
f sheer curiosity, who thinks that sounds like fun? Would you go if it had less
camping and more showering? If youve got an opinion one way or the other, write to
me with the header TOUR. Seriously interested parties only if you dont even have a pa
ssport, please wait until the topic comes up again. It probably will.
If youve planned a trip like that, or even just a gathering of players at the local
Dairy Queen, and youd like me to announce it, just drop me a line (sanya@mythicent with GATHERING in the header. Im happy to publicize any event that
is really going to happen please, no "maybes or might bes."
Have a good weekend, everyone! A little bird tells me there will be some updates
next week on long awaited things, so watch this space.
Here it is! Lots of battleground questions this week, in game and in feedback fo

Q: What does the confusion spell do against players?

A: According to the magic man, Confusion against a player interrupts their current
action, whether it's a bow shot or spellcast.
Q: Where can I find the Stained Boogey Helmet that infiltrators have been wearin
g lately?

A: Goodness. Usually I dont get enough where is this item questions to make a grab b
ntion worthwhile, but the Boogey Helmet is apparently a hot fashion. The answer
is greater boogeys in Cornwall.
Q: Is there a battleground FAQ I can look at?
A: Eventually were going to get all of this stuff sorted better. For now, heres your h
andy battleground FAQ:
1) What level range battlegrounds are there, and how many are there?
There are four battlegrounds:
Levels 15-19 = Abermenai (realm point cap 125)
Levels 20-24 = Thidranki (realm point cap 350)

Levels 25-29 = Murdaigean (realm point cap 1375)

Levels 30-35 = Caledonia (realm point cap 7125)
By the way, if someone levels past the level cap while in the battlefield, they
are not exploiting. As soon as they log out, zone out, or die and fail to get a
rez, theyre gone. But they technically can be there until then.
2) What are the benefits of killing the enemy in a battlefield other then the en
joyment of killing the enemy?
Thats not enough? Just kidding. :) You gain realm points, which you can use for rea
lm abilities. (Theres a chart with all the realm abilities listed on the left sideb
ar of the Herald.) However, battlegrounds do not give bounty points.
3) Where is the entrance to the battlegrounds?
At the portal keep - buy a Battlegrounds medallion, and stand on the portal pad.
At this time you should not be stealthed when the porting ceremony occurs, or y
ou may fail to port.
4) Are there quests involved in the battlefields? and if so are they applicable
to all classes?
We added a really nifty one in the 1.60 patch. Here is the proper section of the
patch notes:
We've added a system for experience rewards for completing each battleground. Ba
sically, when you complete a battleground, you can go to a new special NPC that
will give you a medal. That medal can be taken to another new NPC and turned in
for a significant amount of experience points.
To complete a battleground, you must achieve three objectives (note that only th
e keep raid must take place in the Battleground, the rest can be achieved in sta
ndard RvR):
1. Participating and living through a successful raid on a central keep that has
been held by the enemy for at least 45 minutes (If you are wondering if you met
this requirement when the battle is over, type /quest after the battle before y
ou do anything else. If you met the requirement, there will be a message indicat
ing that to you.)
2. Being at the realm point cap for that battleground
3. Being in the level range for the battleground, plus one level.
Please note that the realm points
hey can be gained in standard RvR
eep raid and reached the required
their home city and receive their

need not all be earned in the battleground - t

as well. Once players have participated in a k
Realm Point level, players go to a new NPC in
medal of valor.

You can only receive the medal for a battleground if you are within the level ra
nge for that specific battleground, plus one level. For instance, you can only r
eceive the Thidranki medal if you are between 20 and 25.
Medal NPCs

Camelot: Commander Kise can be found on the porch of his house by The Mug.
Jordheim: Ostaden who is repairing his equipment at the local smithy.
TirNaNog: Mobryn who resides in a house near the Chamber of Arms.
After receiving the medal, players may turn in the medal and receive a substanti
al experience reward. Please note that battleground medals must be used within o
ne level of the level cap for a battleground. For example, you can turn in the m
edal and receive the experience reward for Thidranki at 25 but not at 26 or abov
e. You can only turn in one medal per battleground.
Battlefield Experience NPCs
Camelot: Sir Dinairak is in the royal library.
Jordheim: Aiesill is in the great hall.
TirNaNog: Rheollyn is in the palace courtyard.
5) Are there any different rules to the battlefields, then there are on the regu
lar fighting fields?
Yes. Because of the smaller size of the zone, the central guards are different t
han regular frontier keep guards. They have an "engage radius," which in this ca
se means they will not chase players to their portal keeps. Due to this engage r
adius, we made a design decision that siege weapons do not affect them.
The central battleground keeps cannot be claimed by guilds and upgraded, unlike
regular RvR keeps.
Because of the lower level of people in the Battlegrounds - we have provided red
uced cost (Battleground only) Siegemasters - who will give players Siege equipme
nt. These Siegemasters are located in the portal keeps.

Q: When I look at my individual character record on the Herald, I have a very ni

ce I Remain Standing Score. Its easily the highest one on my server, when I check th
ts on the server standings displays. But my name doesnt appear! Is this a bug?
A: Many lists (like the "I remain standing" list youre talking about) require a min
imum number of RP to appear on the server listings. The server I Remain Standing listi
ng requires 30,000 RP earned in one week before a character will display. I am t
old that we programmed it that way because otherwise a secondary character (one
not played, more like parked in a somewhat cheesy manner) could go out to the milegate
once, get one grouped high level kill, and be #1 on the listing. That would be
profoundly annoying to those who actually go out and fight.
Q: (Insert question here about how fast, or how slow it seems, that the Herald u
pdates character and keep data.)
A: The answer is some things we can make faster, some things we cant. We are active
ly working on ways to make the character updates happen faster. Keep watching. A
s for keep and guild information, were at the limits of what we can do technically
with the equipment weve got. And that limit is about once an hour, assuming the ser
vers havent been taken down for things like patches. We could technically do it fas
ter. Unfortunately, that does horrible things to our servers, and so until the m
agic server fairy arrives, we can only sit and dream of real time updates.

Q: I dont remember my secret word. What can you guys do to help me remember?

A: Unfortunately, not much. The example given (of what a typical secret word is)
when you register is mothers maiden name, and thats exactly what the CSR who ans
one is going to tell you.

Because secret words are the final line of security (passwords change, and we ar
e aware of that, thats why account ownership goes to the holder of secret word), its a
good idea to pick a secret word that really is something easy to remember, yet
something only you would know like your mothers maiden name. If you dont remember yo
cret word, I suggest you change your password on a regular basis and of course, no
t giving out the password at all. Why? Because if no one has your password, you
wont NEED to remember your secret word because youll never have to call us to prove
account is your own.

And if youre playing another persons account because theyve given it up, remember, i
dont have the secret word, you will not be able to prove to us that the account is
yours if theres ever a dispute. Caveat emptor.
Q: I gave a creep a helmet, and he said hed pay me later. He has not done so. Can y
ou do anything?
A: I am afraid not. You both accepted the trade where he got a helmet and you go
t nothing. Please, unless you know and trust the person you are trading with, do
not accept the trade unless you are satisfied with the trade exactly as it appe
ars in your window.

Thats it for this week. For all of you who are enjoying a laugh at the Herald chimps e
xpense, I say to you, ook. Last week, when I posted about the little bird and th
e long awaited news, I really, really thought the announcement would be bigger,
with a few more features described. Heres the thing. Were trying very hard not to talk
specifically about stuff unless its THIS close to done, so no one gets frustrated
by hearing about features we ultimately cant include. I am awfully sorry if you fee
l like the news was like American Idols idea of a twist. (I know, I know, I
hat show, but I cant help it. Its like a car wreck with sarcasm on top. What can I say
, Im a chimp.)

We do have a new Herald feature to put up some time next week. This is the Proje
ct X Ive been hinting about I really dont know what I love more, the new Town Squar
d wow, you guys took to that like ducks to water, geesh, already a ton of events
planned) or Project X. Yall tell me next week.
Speaking of the Town Square as with any new toy, there are things to be tweaked an
d fixed. Our newest Herald programmer already has gathered from you some ideas t
o add to it, and a list of little things to fix Monday morning. Keep on sending
that feedback!
Have a spiffy weekend, and well see you in the frontier.
Well, not really, but it sure is thundering outside. I'm on the top floor of the
building here, and have an unfortunate habit of beseeching the heavens to strik
e me down if etc and so forth. I need to get the heck out of here.

Q: Why cant we see the poll results?

A: Several reasons, but mostly because this is a very competitive industry, and
our market research is to help us tune the game for our customers, not someone e
lses customers :) The response so far has been TERRIFIC, but it sure would be nice
to break a hundred thousand (not to mention make an all time record for a compan
y poll) so tell your friends :)
Q: Insert question here about allowing a fill in your own comments section for the Tow
n Square form.

A: The old calendar was a popular feature used by thousands of people, and I ful
ly expect the Town Square to become that popular as well, as word of mouth sprea
ds. But each and every entry to the old calendar had to be reviewed by a human being
avoid problems. It is entirely possible to create a raunchy calendar entry with
out using any word that would trip a bad word filter. It is also possible to be
cruel to another player, and to be generally insulting without swearing. No filt
er on earth can do a good job at moderating an open forum.

So the Town Square is designed specifically to require no moderation, no oversig

ht, and no chance to offend other people using our website. Youre probably familiar
with the phenomenon (especially if youve ever driven in urban traffic), the ten pe
ople with no self control make things more difficult for a thousand others. Howe
ver, we want to make it as user friendly as possible without creating problems.
If weve left out a type of event, please, by all means, submit a feedback form there
en a form for it, Herald Issues.
Thanks to those already using the new feature but, you guessed it, tell your frien
Q: Why do you have aggressive Koalinth located right outside the Koalinth cavern
s (and, on another note, the Caverns are still not itemized, to the best of my k
nowledge)? They kill you the second you zone out.
A: Yikes this scared me, until our world guys did a little digging. First, those K
oalinth were moved ages ago. Patch 1.50: Cliffs of Moher: The Koalinth Sentinels
guarding Koalinth Caverns taken new sentry posts away from the exit of the dung
And itemization: from the 1.47 notes:
-Tepok's Mine (Albion) fully itemized, Item levels 20-35
-Koalinth Lair (Hibernia) fully itemized, Item levels 17-28
-Varluvheim (Midgard) fully itemized, Item levels 34-39
Q: Does enchanting an instrument to put a % bonus on it do anything?
A: Enchanting an instrument doesn't do anything for it, so save your money.
Q: What causes instrument wear, just having a song running, or starting the song
A: Instrument wear is caused by each use (pulse) of a song.
Q: What does the bonus figure do for weapons and armor? I know you answered befo

re, just making sure the answer hasnt changed.

A: Touche :) The answer is still Magic bonuses on weapons and armor affect their ch
ance to hit or be hit, respectively.
Q: I understand how quality effects armor and weapons, but how does it affect ot
her items such as bracers and rings. Do you only get some of the bonuses listed
on the items description, or does it just affect how long the item will last?
A: Quality in the specific case of bracers and rings only affects how long these
items will last, not the potency of their magical effects.
Q: I am a creeping path specced animist. I chose this path mostly because I want
ed the strongest possible fire and forget damage turrets. Does my creep spec lev
el "pass through" to the forest heart turrets? Does my intelligence?
A: The Spell Man sayeth: Intelligence and spec do not affect detached pets. Detache
d pets (theurgist elementals, animist turrets, bonedancer minions) have a spec e
qual to 2/3 their level and effectively have a "medium" intelligence for their l
Q: In the patch notes for 1.56 E, the following was included: "- Animist spec le
vels now "pass through" to their bomber pets. This should affect the random dama
ge range that the bombers do." No mention was made of turrets. The way the spell
is listed on The Herald seems to indicate that at least intelligence and spec l
evel should "pass through" to turrets.
A: Again, the Spell Man sayeth: Turrets are detached pets (theurgist elementals, an
imist turrets, bonedancer minions), and as such don't get the bonuses from the c
aster. Bombers are a special effect of the animist's "normal" spells, and thus t
he caster's stats pass through to their damage checks.
Q: Is the "sticking" chance of the Healer Pacification line spells affected by r
elative level of healer to target, the pacification skill level of the healer, o
r both?
A: Sticking chance is based on level of the caster and level of the spell vs. th
e target's level.
Q: Does +Pacification from items have ANY effect on the above chance of sticking
, or, on the spell effectiveness, assuming it does stick?
A: No.
Okay, thats it for questions. I did get more overcapping questions, to be truthful,
t this point, I think wed better wait a few days to let the changes shake out on Pe
ndragon. Anything on Pendragon is subject to change without notice. Please, give
us a few more days.

One thing I do want to explain to everyone is how to determine level the formulas Matt
published. You start at rank one, level one. So, in the formula blank for level you w
ould put in one. Now, lets say for example that you are rank three, level four. You
enter 24 into the formula, not 34. Thats the most common math error Ive seen, an

e that helps a little.

Please keep in mind during discussions of the proposed overcapping system that t
he change is not intended to be overly dramatic. As you rise in realm level, you
will have a little more flexibility in your stat caps than you did as a realm w
ar beginner. But it COULDNT be a dramatic change, or it would harm our less fanatic
players, who have things like jobs and children. At any rate, we appreciate the
help testing the proposed change.
Quick reminder being big dorks here at Mythic, we like to go to computer shows. Yo
u know, SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY, COMPUTERS FOR 300 DOLLARS. Those shows also sell s
oftware and weve been amused to find our own software on the giant tables next to Civ
3 and other staples of the traveling show. However, weve noticed that often these b
oxes are European copies, not U.S. Please be aware that European boxes mean you
have to play on European servers, and that US boxes mean you have to play on our
servers. If you already know what server you want to play on, make sure the sof
tware you buy matches. They are different versions, and while we provide the gam
e to our partners all over the world, we only run the servers located in our bac
k yard.

Got a letter from a guy named Kwip. He runs a funny, funny website called www.Ne But heres the deal he and his wife, the Kwipette, head up a sort of
rs for a cure thing for multiple sclerosis. If youd like to take part in this worthy c
ause, please, check this link.
Time for me to head on out have a good weekend. Be nice to each other, everyone, i
ts been a long week and my guess is the people logging into a virtual world are parti
cularly trying to escape the real one. Do your part to make it a pleasant escape
? See you on the other side.
This week's grab bag consists of general announcements instead of the miz of que
stions and announcements you are used to. Why?
As you might imagine, I get a copy of every virus and spam encouraging me to enh
ance various bits of my anatomy. The fact that I do not actually have some of th
ose bits owing to the gender I was born with is irrelevant to those sending me t
he spam. Anyway. Something I got earlier this afternoon is locking up my email c
lient, and I cannot open the "questions" folder - where the questions and the an
swers for tonight's grab bag are stored. So, the usual Q&A of the evening is goi
ng to have to wait until Monday.
I do have the annoucements portion, of course, as I type those up throughout the
week. Read on:
April Fool's Day is next Tuesday. Please be aware that several clever people are
planning general wackiness. Indeed, one clever patch note spoofer even jumped t
he gun a bit and posted some this afternoon. Remember, if you don't see it on th
e Herald, it's not true. The Herald does not do April Fool's jokes. The resident
typing chimp does not have a sense of humor in that regard. Just double check h
ere before you hit any panic buttons!
Speaking of the Herald, there is a handy dandy web form for those of you who hav
e technical and other hardware issues. Please go to, fill it out, and someone from technic
al support will hop on it. Please do not use this form for billing issues or in
game problems forms with those types of problems will be deleted.

Got a letter from a guy named Vincano on the Iseult server. He tell me that hes tryi
coordinate a server wide event, and the Town Square wont help. It seems the plan w

as originally for his guild to get together and take a picture (a screenshot) to send
to a guildmate who is in a dusty, sandy place right now, and wont be home for awhil
e. Then someone suggested that all of Albion get together for the picture. AND T
HEN he though maybe it might be fun for the entire server to gather for a pictur
e, to be sent to all the Iseult players who are in dusty, sandy places far from
So, heres his event:
On March 29th, Albion will gather at the North Gate of Camelot for pics and video t
aking, starting at 4PM EST. Then at 5PM EST, we will gather at the Albion Mile G
ate to gather w/ our Midgard and Hibernia server mates and have another pic/vide
o session.
I should say this event is not sponsored by anyone at Mythic, and we cant guarantee t
hat other people will respect the event or not kill anyone attending. I also fee
l like I should point out that it might well be a trifle well, laggy if turnout is
high. But I certainly wish you all the very best of luck in getting a screenshot
to remember. Id love a copy :)
Speaking of screenshots, go to the Camelot Vault. Scroll down to the Featured Sc
reenshot (it's an article, *and* a link on the right sidebar). Look at the scree
nshot. Make sure you click the screenshot and look at all the teeny details. Ye
gods and little fishes. Our friend Lepidus wasnt kidding when he declared this the
Best. Screenshot. Ever.
One of the devs asked me to put this in the column last week due to the number o
f inquiries he had on the subject, and I completely had a memory lapse. Here it
is, a week late:
Q: From the Herald: "Frontier monsters are now itemized using new class specific
random object generator templates." Does this mean that items will be "Skald On
ly, Bard Only" types or will they simply have class specific bonuses?
A: They have class specific bonuses.
See you Monday afternoon with the rest of the bag. Have a great, safe
Last Friday's questions, short and sweet:
Q: Is parry affected by both swords or just the main weapon?
A: From the programmer in charge of such things: Whether holding one weapon, two we
apons, a weapon and a shield, or a two hander, you always get one chance to parr
y per round based on the weapon you're holding in your right hand and your base
chance to parry always increases by 1/2% per spec point in parry.
Q: The Morvalt Ring of the Ancients, a drop from Trollheim dungeon, cannot be re
charged. It has 20 charges to start. Bug or feature?
A: It can't be recharged because it has 20 charges on it in the first place, whi
ch is way more than we normally put on charged items. (A mistake on our part.) H
owever, since we cant edit the number of charges on the item, we just decided to ma
ke it a use it and lose it kind of item. It was either that or remove it from the game
, which we didnt want to do.

Q: Why do the Ashen and other types of Fellwoods not turn neutral/friendly after
killing many grimwoods, but the Knotted and Gnarled Fellwood do turn neutral?
A: They are on different factions - the grimwoods and the mountain fellwoods hat
e each other, the ashen fellwoods and the other fellwoods are not involved. (If
there isnt some dialogue in the game to indicate this, there will be soon.)
Q: For the crafting noises, is everyone going to be able to hear these or just t
he crafter?
A: Just the crafter.
Q: In the Albion frontier, monsters like the Grimwood, Teg Rangers, and
Ravenclan Giants all give a + to Gwalchai. What exactly is a Gwalchmai?
A: Gwalchmai and his horse Destrier were temporarily removed from the game for r
etraining, and will reappear in the future.
Q: How do I update my guilds webpage link on the Herald?
A: A rank 0 person needs to type the command /gc webpage
while in game.
Q: What is the percentage chance per hit for an item to proc? Is this chance dif
ferent for higher level procs? Reactive vs. active?
A: It is set strictly on a per-item basis, so theres no way I could tell you here o
n the grab bag an answer about a particular item.
Q: Why dont Thane's stormcalling spells crit?
A: Only list caster spells naturally crit. (A list caster, for those of you new
to the grab bag, is a caster whose spells organize themselves into neat little d
rop down menus. Also known as a cloth caster.)
Q: How does Piety affect stormcalling?
A: Piety affects spell damage the same way strength affects melee damage.
Q: Does dexterity do more for a list caster than for a hybrid caster?
A: Dex affects casting time the same for all classes.
Here we go!
Q: I submitted a bug report on a ROG (random object generator) object in January
, and have not seen any patch notes or fixes on it. What is up?"
A: From the mouth of our Content Producer: "To duplicate ROG bugs, our team need

s the monster name, the item name, the bug, and the location where the monster w
as killed - your bug report may not have had enough information for us to track
down the bug. Please resubmit any ROG bugs with this information and our team wi
ll track this down."
Remember (and this is true of ALL bugs in game), we need to be able to duplicate
the problem in order to correct it. The more information you give us, the faste
r we can help.
Sanya here: I had a bit of a chuckle at one point this week, one of the message bo
ard had a thread about major ROG object bugs. We RAN to the bug appeal queue and di
d not find a single report. You guys are our best and most important resource, a
nd well-documented, duplicatable (is that a word?) bugs are the ones most likely
to be squashed.
Q. The 1.61 patch notes said "All frontier zones have been itemized using the Un
ique Object Generator system. All monsters killed in all frontier zones will now
drop loot." I've spent the last 2 days hunting Giant Wolves and Forest Adders i
n Forest Sauvage outside of Castle Sauvage in Forest Sauvage. I have not recieve
d one ROG item in that time. Are these guys bugged, or am I just the most unluck
y guy in the universe?
A. Just a reminder - insects/plants/animals/reptiles won't have the new treasure
tables on them. Those mob types don't normally receive magic loot (and were alr
eady itemized with cash loot), and so they wont have a ROG.
Q: A question about the ROG in the frontier: I got a two-handed hammer in Albion
(Hadrian's wall) that my thane could use. Are the drops specific to the realm o
f the person receiving the drop? (I was confused because I thought Midgard chara
cters couldn't use other realm's two-handed weapons.) Another way to put it - we
re my eldritch high enough to hunt in the frontier, would she get Hibernian ROG
stuff in the Midgard or Albion frontiers?
A: Yes, you get ROG stuff specific to your realm.
Q: What is the point of in-game, character marriage (or hats, or pretty dresses,
or whatever)?
A: I could answer that, but a roleplayer would probably give a better answer. An
y roleplayers want to take a swing at explaining the answer? Sanya@mythicenterta Use "WHY GET MARRIED" as the header.
Q: Will the Windswept Wraiths in the frontier still drop the Band of Ice rings,
since they have been given a random object generator?
A: There is a new camp of the old windswepts in Raumarik. The frontier ones have ROG.
Q: Does charisma affect the minstrel's charm spell?
A: No only the minstrels specialization matters.
Q: A previous grab bag stated that primary casting stat has no affect on the con
centration pool, but I tested it with my warden, and she was definitely able to
cast more and better buffs with higher empathy.

A. Increasing your primary casting stat will increase the size of your
concentration pool. Currently, you must relog to see the increase. (Sanya here I s
tole the answer word for word from the player (thanks, L :)) who submitted the q
uestion after checking with the Spell Man, who added yes, you must log in/out to see
it, and it is a bug.
Q: Does the size of the shield affect the chance to block?
A: Nope. The shields size only makes a difference when multiple things are attackin
g you a small shield can block one attacker, a medium shield can block two at once
, and a large shield can block three.
Q: When using a shield related combat style (Slam, Brutalize, etc), does the gam
e use your current slash/thrust/crush weapon skill as its base (as shown on your
character info screen) OR is there a 'hidden' Shield weapon skill not shown on
your character info screen (based on STR? & Shield Spec) that it uses instead?
A: It uses your shield skill - which is based on both your specialization level
and dexterity.
Q: I heard that specializing in Parry does not affect the number of times you ca
n parry in combat. Is this true?
A: Specializing in parry does raise your base chance to parry by 1/2% per spec p
oint. (Remember, base chance means that the chance is modified by other variable
s.) This answer is also true for shield spec.
Q: I just started a berserker and I think I recall seeing in a grab bag that ber
serkers are the only class that can crit for up to 100% in RVR, even if they are
not in frenzy mode. Am I right? Id like to have an answer because Im arguing this wit
h a friend.
A: I hope you didnt bet any money according to the programmer who just looked it up f
or me, when not in frenzy mode berserkers have the same max crit percentages as
everyone else: up to 100% in PvE and up to 50% against enemy players.
Q: When in melee combat, does a miss get calculated first due to evade/block/wha
tever and then armor?
A: Yes, all parrying, blocking (including guard) and evade is calculated before
the actual hit/miss check.
Q: If someone misses but would have hit were it not for your armor, does it do a
ny wear-and-tear damage to your armor, or is that just hits?
A: Misses don't cause any wear and tear to armor.
Q: Does a miss wear down your weapon/shield less than a hit, or at all?
A: Regular melee misses don't cause any damage to the weapon, though parries, bl
ocks, and fumbles (which are basically a special case of miss - if you hadn't fu
mbled you still would have missed anyway) do.

Q: If someone hits, but just barely, does it do more damage, or is damage calcul
ated irrespective of how much you exceeded AF and such by?
A: Wear and tear to armor does not factor in the amount of damage done in the st
rike. At some point we cant be TOO realistic or the game will bog down :)
Q: Are critical hits rolled for before the attack is calculated to hit/miss, or
do you only have a chance to "spend" a crit when you hit?
A: Critical hits are only possible once a hit has already been determined.

Not a whole lot in the way of announcements this week. I do have one big one I am
about to start my E3 scheduling. (The Electronic Entertainment Exposition May 14 16 i
n Los Angeles - three days of sensory overload and machines that go PING.) Its offi
cially a trade only event that you can only get into if youre a reporter, a game mak
r a game technology maker. However, the system is not unbeatable, and I met plen
ty of fans last year. If you are planning to attend, and want to meet up, let me
know now so I can schedule an appointment for you. Last year I was booked from
start to finish, and had more fun than cheese dip hanging out with everybody, ev
en if we didnt have very much time.
Names - just a quick reminder, your name is your name, and we will only change i
t if the name violates one of our rules (not because you are tired of it, and wa
nt a different one). If you think your name was unfairly changed, the means by w
hich you can dispute the change are outlined at the bottom of your letter notify
ing you of the change. If your name was changed and you didn't get the letter, p
lease check your registration information to be sure we have the most recent ema
il address for you. And above all else, please do not contact our phone support
people for name issues - they are strictly for technical and billing support. Th
anks :)
Got a nice letter from a man on Bors: "You had mentioned in the grab bag, about
a player setting up a all realm meeting, and we want to do this on the Bors serv
er as well. We have decided to hold this at 6pm EST Saturday April 5th. The loca
tion is at the AMG in Odins Gate. We're encouraging people to come and take scre
enshots, video, and get up close to poeple that they would normally try to kill,
for one hour in a peaceful get together to support the troops over in iraq. We
have some guildies over there, and I also have a little brother over there as we
"Basically, everyone can start gathering at AMG at 6pm est with weapons unequipp
ed. No spells are to be casted, except for buffs. Then at 7pm EST we will all go
our own way."
Remember - Mythic isn't part of this, we won't help keep the peace, etc and so f
orth. You know the drill.
Thanks for playing, and have a wonderful weekend!
My brain is hanging upside down, I need something to slow me down:
Q: Hot rumor when you adjusted the salvage rates on ROG items, you also adjusted t
he drop rates of said items downwards. True or false?

A: False, so far as I know. If there is a specific area or monster that has a lo

wer drop rate in your opinion, please feel free to let me know. Remember, as wit
h all bugs, we cant do much without specific details. The more you tell me, the mor
e equipped I am to help you.
Q: How are you planning to do housing, scattered throughout the landscape or in
a separate zone?
A: This design point changed from information Id passed to you before we will now hav
e housing in a separate zone, so that more people will be able to have their own
Q: How will I (or my guild/alliance) be able to buy a house? With gold, or with
bounty points, or both?
A: Gold.
ill be a
he range
duals as

There will be upkeep fees, as well. More detail, I cannot give. There w
whole feature on the Herald about all the various options and prices. T
of options is, well, astounding. There are options available for indivi
well as for groups, by the way.

Q: Is the lifetap considered a DD spell?

A: Yes.
Q: When can I, as an alchemist, put a glowie effect on weapons?
A: I sometimes get dj vu when I read questions, but there was a whole flurry of these
this week. The answer, from the crafting devs:
In the initial designs for Alchemy was the ability for Alchemists to add particle e
ffects to weapons. This was publically listed as one of said abilities.
We had to pull that concept (and was documented in patch notes and on the Herald
, I believe) as the way that particle effects are set up right now, it was not f
easible to do.

Basically, glowies are currently not a plug and play option, but something specif
t onto each particular weapon.
Q: Is there any way to raise faction with the monsters connected to the Lords of
the [Un?]Dead (in the Summoner Hall) or the Awakened (Summoner Hall and the fro
ntier dungeons)? If not, then why are they connected to factions at all? A simil
ar question can be directed at all of the monsters in DF other than the Picullus
A: Not all of our factions have counter-factions. Many of them only lower. The l
ead world dev also had this to add: In the case of the RvR dungeons, the intention
was - the more you go to these dungeons, the more they hate you. Factions that o
nly lower do have some uses. Tracking factions on the character gives us a point
of reference for quests, for example.
Q: Just a question about the Savage style, Kelgor's Might. I know its effect is
a PBAoE Haste Debuff. I was just curious on whether the effect was centered on y

ou, or the mob you are attacking, and what the radius of the PBAoE is. Thanks!
A: It's actually AoE, not PBAoE. It's centered on the target, radius 350. (By th
e way, the average sized human model is 80 units tall, if that helps to give you
a frame of reference.)
Q: Do CON buffs work on pets?
A: Yes, Con buffs and debuffs affect melee absorption on pets. (On all monsters,
Q: Will the Volatile Celeric Arcanium Weapon Tincture stack with the savage's se
lf haste?
A: No, they won't stack.
Q: As most DAoC
main reference
USA, European,
ow the versions

Users use the Camelot Herald for all their DAoC Information, and
point no matter what version of DAoC they play whether it be the
Australian etc., could you not expand your guild data base to sh
server too?

A: Just a reminder I love hearing from everyone around the world, but the Herald s
tatistics are only for the US servers. The reason for this is simple we do not hav
e access to the servers in the other countries. So, there is literally no physic
al way for us to build stats pages for our friends playing on other servers.
Mythic-the-developer makes the game for everyone, but Mythic-the-game provider o
nly handles the US servers. And it is Mythic-the-game provider that does the Her
ald. Thats why each one of our partner companies writes and runs their own version
of the Herald.
Q: I would just like to ask if it is possible for people playing the European ve
rsion of DAoC to post feedback regarding questions that you post?

A: You can write me a feedback form, no matter where in the world you play. I al
so am happy to read links to ANY message board that you care to send me, so if t
heres a feedback thread youd really like me to see, send it on! I dont have any spec
haracter sets installed on my computer, and I regretfully only speak English, so
please make allowances for my ignorance if you speak something else as your pri
mary language.
Q: I thought the new [Herald statistics update] system was supposed to be better
on updating the guild boards and player info? Its not working entirely as I expect
ed. Im from Pellinor, by the way.
A: From the Herald programming gorilla: With the latest patch, we've changed the He
rald realm/guild pages so that they are updated by the game itself. There are st
ill some bugs with the new system that we're working on fixing; we hope to have
a completely working system in place by the next patch. In the mean time, all se
rvers should now be updating normally (Pellinor was down for a week) and all sta
t displays and crafter displays (with the exception of the I Remain Standing... list,
which still has some issues) should be working normally.
Herald typing chimp, here: Because the server now updates the stats directly, as
opposed to the old system using an intermediate set of machines, we have to wai

t until we patch to make changes to the program. Some things we can fix with a read
file, and other things we cant. Were still ironing out the kinks of the new system,
Im sorry for the annoyance factor.
Q: I keep noticing that my shaman will have a high I remain standing score and not get
on the List for it Is that due to her not haveing massive RPs compared to the o
A: Well,
ppear on
nts. You

as I said above, some things are still a little screwy with the Herald
But I have a feeling what youre talking about isnt bug related. In order to a
the overall server page, you need to have a minimum of 30,000 realm poi
need at least 10,000 to appear on your servers class page.

Okay, gang! Quick note before I bail out and log in Ive had a number of inquiries abo
ut whether or not were doing anything about this class or that class. Basically, any
Producer Man didnt specifically mention in his letter to you, people are asking ab
out. Guys, he mentioned only things we will ***definitely*** get to in the next
patch. There are several other hot topics I know for a fact that we are discussi
ng, but he didnt mention them in case we have to push the tangible results of those
conversations off until the patch after next. Just because he didnt say it, doesnt me
an its off our radar. Its not possible for us to look at all thirty nine classes each
and every patch, but we try to do what we can.
By the way, its easier for me to pass on clear, concise feedback letters with bulle
ted points than it is for me to convince a dev working a sixty hour week to read
a ten paragraph essay. Unless, of course, I wrote to you requesting the essay!
Just FYI.
I had such fun reading the WHY GET MARRIED email, that I think we should do it a
gain. This weeks theme (and email header) is WHY CRAFT. If you love crafting, tell
me why.
Have a swell weekend, everybody!
The poor little "questions" folder exploded this week with housing, housing, HOU
SING. So, were having a theme Grab Bag this evening. Guess what were talking about?
Q: I heard that we will be able to put trophies in our houses, like the heads of drago
ns and other fearsome beasts such as vicious pixies. Does this mean I should han
g onto my wolf pelts and other objects Ive already collected?
A: Currently, trophy objects (monster parts that can be attached to the wall of
your house) are not in the game they are part of the housing patch. The objects wi
ll be labeled as such in the live game.
Q: June? We have to wait for our house until JUNE?! I cant possibly wait that long!
Im too excited!
A: Well, it would be up sooner, but theres this little thing called E3 the Electronic
Entertainment Exposition. Its happening in mid-May, and attendance isnt optional for
many of us. Its the time of year where everyone in the gaming industry trots out th
eir shiniest new material. Last year, we showed off our Shrouded Isles stuff. Th
is year were showing off our three expansions, and for a week well all be in Los Angel
es. (And if youre going to be at the show, remember, you can email me and make an a

ppointment to see the new stuff and meet in person.)

Q: Didnt Mark promise that we wouldnt have to pay extra for housing? Why is it an expa
A: Dark Age of Camelot: Foundations is completely free to every single customer.
Were calling it an expansion because of the sheer scope of this project, and the l
evel its going to take the game to for many people. In terms of features, its definite
ly more than just a patch.
Q: Hrm. I recall you moving lathes/forges/merchants so that I couldnt craft in plac
e - to cut down on macroing. But it sounds like now people can build their house
s and make extremely macro friendly craft areas.
A: Nope. You will not be able to place elements close enough together in order t
o craft in place.
Q: While were talking about home-based crafting, the 25% reduction in costs combine
s with player merchants will make a house practically pay for itself.
A: Whoops, I better clarify service merchants such as Healers, Emblemeers, and Enc
hanters will offer discounts, not materials merchants. Sorry for the confusion,
weve corrected our documentation.
Q: Will my alts be granted access to my house?
A: Currently, in this beta version, you cant grant access to any character not curr
ently online, which means no alts. Were still discussing exactly what we should do
in this respect. On one hand, it sure would be handy to have a house that all yo
ur alts can go into aka, use the personal vault to transfer items. On the other ha
nd, granting automatic access might be a problem in some situations. Someone mig
ht belong to one guild with one character, and another guild with his alternate
character. (Our system allows personal houses to become guild houses if alts autom
atically get access to personal houses, wed have to make sure that alts were automa
tically removed from the access list and possibly teleported elsewhere, and so o
n and so forth. No simple, snap solutions.) There are some other ramifications a
bout alt character access we still need to discuss and decide on. The short answ
er is, were still too early in the beta process, and we have not decided.
Q: If I purchase a home and then make it a guild house can I then purchase anoth
er house for me personally?
A: Yes.
Q: Can a guild have more than one house?
A: No.
Q: What is going to be done to prevent a massive "land grab" when housing become
A: We do in fact have a plan. It wouldnt be fair to have a system where the people
who can log in at 10 AM automatically have a house. However, I cannot talk about

the plan you will see the details when they go into testing.
Q: What if you run out of houses?
A: We expect that we will. There are currently 400 housing foundations per realm
and we are launching with at least that on each server. I have been assured tha
t well open more zones if we (the powers that be at Mythic) decide we need to. Expe
ct some serious crowding at the beginning, obviously.
Q: If we have to pay rent on a weekly basis, what happens when we are on vacatio
n for three weeks and cant play the game? Do we lose the house?
A: Right now you can prepay up to four weeks rent. Obviously, this is a beta system, a
nd the amounts that can be prepaid are not set in stone.
Q: When can the testers post screenshots?
A: Currently all screens must be approved (since were in such early beta), but the
testers have instructions on how to go about getting screenies approved. Well tell
you when the restriction is lifted or, far more likely, our testers will tell you b
y posting zillions of screenshots!
Q: How are testers chosen?
A: Testers are currently being selected from the Pendragon community, and of cou
rse, the final stage of testing is open to everyone with a character on that ser
Q: How much will houses and the various accessories cost?
A: Prices are not the least bit set at this time, and are set extremely low on P
endragon to encourage people to test every single element.
Q: (Insert other housing question here, along the lines of are you going to add XYZ).
A: Not everything is implemented yet we will be adding more stuff over the next mo
And now, a word from our live team producer: I would like to ask everyone to unders
tand that we are in early beta. We are testing functionality of the systems. NOT
EVERYTHING IS IMPLEMENTED YET, he says with a big grin.

I second that there are lots of things were still implementing. If youre making muf
and you dump in all the blueberries in at once instead of folding them in slowl
y, you get three muffins filled with mashed blueberries and nine that might as w
ell be coffee cake. Why do I always talk about food right before I go to the gym
? Man, I really want a muffin now. Anyway, my point is simply that this is a ver
y complex project, with many elements and objects to be tested. We are only at t
he most basic stage right now, and we are adding more features as we go.

Announcements if you missed my post a few weeks back, I just thought Id remind everyo

ne that Team Kwip from is going to the MS Walk on May 4th,
and that they are sponsored entirely by gamers. Go to his site and click on "MS
News" for more information.
Speaking of web humor, the famous Woody Hearn of /Gu Comics has started to inclu
de Dark Age of Camelot in his extremely funny comic strip and heres our first one! (N
ote to parents like the games he so hilariously lampoons, the strips are rated Tee

Thank you, crafters, for your fabulous essays and excellent feedback. Im going to v
ary the theme a little this week instead of something obvious like Why RVR, tell me
best RVR story, and why it was so meaningful or exciting to you. If you include
the name of your guild, be absolutely sure the rest of the guild is okay with h
aving your common name slapped up on the Herald.

Hey, speaking of crafters seems like many people dont realize that there is a crafter
listing here on the Herald. Click on your realm there at the top is a crafter link
ck it, and a list of every crafter on your sever who was willing to have his or
her skill displayed on the internet will fill your screen.
Thats it for me, everybody have a terrific weekend!
Not a bag, not a baguette:
Q: In patch notes 1.51, there was a note about future respecs, and the condition
s that had to be met for Mythic to grant a respec (not including the dragon ston
es and whatever you all add in the future). I feel (insert class here) has been
changed enough to meet that criteria.
A: There has been a lot of discussion and debate here over the respec issue. As
we suspected when we initially implemented the whole concept of respec, the line
between a major change to a class and a minor one was very blurry, and often de
pended on where you stood. So we've made a change to our policy, and hopefully m
ade it one where there was less gray area.
If a specialization line is weaker than it should be, and we tune it up/add spel
ls or styles, there will be no "free" respec granted. If a specialization line i
s stronger than it should be, and we tune it down/remove anything, we will assig
n "free" respecs.
This is different than what was said before. I apologize for past inconsistency,
and hope that this new policy leaves less room for doubt and confusion. Feedbac
k requesting more alternate means of getting respec stones in game has been pass
ed on, just FYI.
Q: I copied my level 50 character to Pendragon, hoping to test the new /level co
mmand. It wouldn't let me. Is your system bugged?
A: No. As we said, the current /level command is only functional on the accounts
of those flagged for housing testing. So, if you are not in the housing beta, y
ou will not be able to try out /level yet.
Q: Insert all other questions about the proposed /level command here.
A: As I said on one of the message boards - "More details later" means we'll giv
e more specific details... well, later! Seriously, I don't have the details to g

ive you, nor can many of the questions you have be answered at this time. The pu
rpose of the post by our intrepid producer was to let you know that the bare bon
es of the system were done and ready for testing.
Just to be sure we're all on the same page, ALL we have settled for now is that
anyone with a level 50 on their account:
- May create a level 20 character anywhere, including their home server.
- May create a level 30 character on a realm we've designated as "Most Severely
- May create as many of those freebies as they want.
**Everything else** is still under discussion, if you catch my meaning. Thank yo
u for your feedback while we're still in this early phase!
Q: What does condition/bonus/ quality matter on jewelry? You answered this in Oc
tober, but sometimes things change.
A: Grab Bag, 10-25-02: Condition at or below 70% you stop getting stat increases o
r specific benefits. Bonus (the bonus field, I should say) at this time, nothing.
Quality at this time, nothing, with one exception: all items including jewelry wit
h a quality of 99, or 100 have extra hidden durability past the displayed 100, and thu
s those items last longer than items of lower quality. This is still true to the
best of my knowledge.

Q: What is the determining factor for Bow fire rate (other than the bow itself)?
I've heard/read both Dex and Qui but haven't been able to find a definitive ans
A: Quickness.
Q: You guys changed some items by upping the bonuses. Are the older items still
in game or completely replaced by the new ones? Specifically, is a "Shimmering D
oodad of Ooh Shiny" the same as "The Doodad of Ooh Shiny"?
A: "Typically, if the item name remains exactly the same - it has only been upda
ted," said the Lord of the Live Team. "That's correct," said the Item Princess.
"If we *replace* something with a new item, we usually give it a slightly differ
ent name and mention that it was replaced. Otherwise, it's still the original it
em, just a little better. The only thing that might throw people off is that whe
n we update the old items to have the correct bonus, the change takes place on t
he treasure index - which causes it to add "brilliant," "shining" etc, just as i
f you took an item to an enchanter."
I'm sorry the Q&A part of the column is so short this week things are just a bit c
razed around here, what with all the stuff being coded and tested on Pendragon.
I am making up for it with announcements!
Most of the questions this week revolved around the material currently on Pendra
gon, and it's very difficult to answer questions about things that can change by
the hour. One note, if I may? It is easier to understand the questions (and get
answers) from people who have actually tried out the proposed changes. The most
wonderful email in the world about your fears and concerns can't be passed on i
f you don't actually know from experience. Thank you very much for the experienc

ed feedback I did receive this week! It has been passed on the where it will do
the most good. With luck, next week there will be more time to answer questions.
Need a break? A new webcomic about Dark Age of Camelot has appeared. I got to se
e previews, and laughed my tail off at them all, so I think y'all will enjoy thi

One of the joys of being a MMOG provider is being a fat juicy target for con art
ists and scammers. One example someone sent me via feedback form: Ever wondered
how to get free items and money on Dark Age of Camelot? Well here is the way. My
thic receives thousands of e-mails every day. They set up bots to return dynamic
messages to the senders of the mails. Almost every possible email is covered by
a bot. Sending all of those replies often creates far too much traffic to be se
nt out through one mail server. Mythic uses many other web-based mail servers to
snake, or crawl the return mail to the senders. Unfortunately for Mythic, regula
n abuse these bots. This is one of the best ways to do that
That is not at all true. While some of our departments use form letters to addre
ss the thousands of similar issues they deal with each day (which we do only so
we can respond to each customer in a timely fashion), we do not use bots or craw
lers or whatever the heck this scammer was babbling about. If you are concerned
as to whether or not something you see on the web, or something you receive in y
our email is legitimate or not, please do not hesitate to ask me. I will post (a
s I did this morning) or I will reply to you and let you know. I really apprecia
te you guys making me aware of problems.
Pendragon people two things for you one, sorry about the boards, we know they've bee
n up and down all day. It drove us crazy, too. And two, the detailed feedback on
various topics is much appreciated, and read by many.
Let's see, what else yes! Ladies t-shirts! Also known as "baby doll" style shirts,
our Mythic Store now carries a black version and a white version with a scaled-d
own tri-knot logo on the front, suitable for those of us who are not six feet ta
ll with shoulders like a linebacker. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
But after months of nagging the poor beleaguered business manager to get us hoo
ked up with something that didn't fit us like nightgowns, the Mythic Women final
ly have their teeny t-shirts. /em cackles with glee and runs off clutching her s
On that note, I shall take my leave on this rainy Friday, and go whack a few pla uh
, quietly inquire in an anonymous fashion as to the opinions of my fellow player
s within the game! Rawr!
Don't you be rolling your eyes at me and my silly titles, you're going to see X2
tonight same as I am. Anyway, on to the Bag!
Q: What's the purpose of +enhance or +rejuve on your gear - exactly what happens
A: Sayeth the Spell Overlord: "You get a penalty applied to your spells (actual
value for buffs, or variance for heals) if your spec is below the spell's level.
As your spec approaches the level of the spell you actually gain a bonus to you
r buffs or reduced variance on your heals."
Q: About the new Penetrating Arrow I know it will go through one sort of bladeturn
. Will it take bladeturn down altogether?
A: No. This new type of special attack (currently on Pendragon) will not "pop" b

ladeturn, it will just pass through it. You're still safe from other arrow damag
Q: (Insert question about level 50 and Pendragon players)?
A: Once /level goes live, Pendragon 50s will not be excluded from the freebie pr
You no longer need to be in the housing beta in order to test the /level command
. Now, anyone with a level 50 on Pendragon can try it. BUT - only the people in
the housing beta are likely to find the process bug-free. There are still some b
ugs in the system (which is why the system is on Pendragon and all), so, if you
are not in the housing beta and cannot create your free level 20, please wait 24
hours and try again. (The problem is related to logging in and character saves,
the solution will be in place on Monday.)
Q: Can you change the /level reward to 19 and 24? For the battlegrounds! :)
A: New people buy the game every day, and it wouldn't be fair to anyone to have
the battlegrounds invaded by dozens of people at the top of the curve. We alread
y considered this, and decided not to do it. I can't blame anyone for asking, th
ough ;)
If you're itching for some BG action with one of your alts, may I recommend Pend
ragon Battlegrounds? We could always use more testers on the server, and more te
sting of combat scenarios.
Q: I have an ati 9700 video card. Inside cities my torch does not work
properly with the SI addon. I thought it was just a bug you guys would
get around to fixing, but then checked your site and found no known bug
with it. My other pc has a gforce 4MX and does not have the problem.
A: As with all other technical oddities, email - ou
r tech support crew will more than likely be able to solve your problem. If they
can't, they'll at least let you know whether there's anything we can do. And wh
o knows maybe your information will be the crucial piece of data we needed to make
a fix or an improvement.
Q: I just did a class-specific quest I got from my trainer, and the item reward
doesn't do me and my chosen spec line any good. Is this item wrong, or is the qu
est broken?
A: Neither. Not every single quest reward will be suited for every possible spec
line. If you feel that your particular spec line does not have as many suitable
items obtainable from quests, please send us a feedback form to that effect, an
d I will look into it.
Q: Does mana song work during combat? I think it does, just by the way songs are
designed. Every pulse it adds it's modifier to the groups mana pool, regardless
of combat. Mana regens at 1/2 rate during combat, but it does regen, yes?
A: This
t, just
et five

is correct. You regen the same amount of mana in combat as you do at res
at longer intervals. Mana song affects the regen amount regardless of in
So, if you normally get five points a tick, and in combat you normally g
points every two ticks, then with a five point regen song, you would get

ten points a tick at rest and ten points every two ticks in combat. (A tick = u
nit of time.)
Q: Can you block special attacks?
A: Yes.
Q: Does QUI affect spell casting speed, or is that only affected by DEX? Most pl
ayers think only DEX, but some lvl 50s are confident QUI matters.
A: The programmer in charge of such matters looked, and he looked, and he looked
again in multiple places in the code. According to all the data at his disposal
, quickness does not affect casting speed for players.
Q: Will a "+ skill" item have ANY affect when a player already
eyond the level of the spell being used? In other words, if my
in only ice at level 32 (32 ice spec), and is casting a level
(which of course is all he would have available), will having
e ANY difference?

has spec points b

wizard is specced
32 or below spell
a +2 ice ring mak

A: This is a little complex, so I'll just quote the programmer and designer who
answered the question for me: "Items which boost spec will help casting damage u
p to the point where the total spec level including bonuses meets the level of t
he target. This means that a 32nd level Wizard with 32 in Ice will not gain anyt
hing from a +2 item when casting on a 32nd level or lower target, but will on an
ything higher."
Announcements goodness, but have I gotten an avalanche of "The One Thing" links an
d comments. It will take me awhile to sort through everything, but I thank you a
ll for your thoughtful comments and detailed responses. I am going to use all th
is to make a huge list, which will go straight to the producers. Regular readers
of our patch notes know that we make an effort every patch to include something
fun or interesting.
Quest contest, the final update buried in 1.62A were the names of three new quests
. Astute readers may have remembered those quest names from our contest! Indeed,
the three realm winners are now in testing, and will be live for everyone's enj
oyment in the very near future.
A gentle reminder about account security ever hear the old clich about a secret not b
eing a secret if more than one person knows it? The same is true of your passwor
d. If you have given your password to your best friend, or your wife, or your sc
hnauzer, now might be a great time to do a little "spring cleaning" and change t
hat not-secure password. Remember, a random mixture of letters and numbers, uppe
r and lowercase, is the most secure. Most of us would forget such a secure passw
ord, of course, and a password written on a sticky note attached to your monitor
is almost as bad as having "password" for a password. So do the best you can and
keep it to yourself.
Have a terrific weekend!
Go to it:

Q: What forms of cheating and exploiting are allowed in DAOC?

A: I know people are going to think I made this question up. I wish I were makin
g this up. The answer is "there aren't any." And "please report any new cheat or
hack programs you may encounter as you flit across the internet." We know about
most of the programs out there, and actively work on breaking the programs or b
anning the users but I can't be everywhere, and greatly appreciate any tips.
Q: What I would like to know is how item bonuses affect Longbow spec. Since crit
ical hit 9 (the last one) is at spec level 27, will my overall experience be any
different if I continue to spec in longbow to 50, or if I stop at 38 and contin
ue to 50 with items? Also, will the new archer abilities be gained naturally as
we level or with our bow spec, and at what levels?
A: The new archer abilities (Penetrating Arrow and Rapid Fire) will only be lear
ned through specialization in your bow skill. A combined spec/item bonus above 5
0 will give you better results with a bow against targets above level 50.
Q: Is the base chance to critical hit the same for all weapons (bow, sword, spel
l, etc)?
A: All attacks have the same base chance of a critical hit. This chance can then
be modified by things like realm abilities and frenzy mode.
Q: In the Grab Bag of Feb 21 (
?storyid=762) the uses and efficacy of various tinctures was clarified. Specific
ally, it was stated that reactive procs would not fire when applied to a shield
that then blocks. I have personally observed several shields wielded by several
different players proc a reactive in testing. The one player would execute the E
ngage skill, and the other would beat on him. The reactive would invariably fire
after enough hits.
Is this a bug, or was the usage reconsidered (frankly, a reactive SHOULD logical
ly work on a shield)? I don't want to run to an Alc to get one applied, to have
it later switched off. :(
A: Grab bags often turn up bugs, or things not working right, or wrong answers.
In this case, the answer was incomplete. Here's what I got from the Programmer I
n Charge Of Such Things: "[The code says] that if a reactive proc is placed on a
shield, it will go off when the shield blocks but not when you bash with the sh
ield. If an offensive proc is put on the shield, it will go off for bashes but n
ot blocking."
Q: What effect does Ripper have? Does it still come off Leaper? This seems unfai
r the infiltrator's Dragonfang is a single chain off evade.
A: The effect is a bleed. It still comes off Leaper. And it's set to do a whole
lot more damage than Dragonfang, so it's not exactly comparable.
Q: Does Wild Healing (critical heal Realm Ability) have a chance of critically l
anding on Battery of Life (resulting in a larger pool)?
A: No, but Mastery of the Arcane will increase the size of the pool.

Q: Currently pets can see through stealth as long as they are set to attack a pl
ayer before he stealths, this seems a little unfair. Is this an intended part of
the game or a bug?
A: It is an intended part of the game. Now, I realize you make not LIKE the way
it works, and as with all things, I take and report feedback to that effect. Jus
t remember that it is not broken, and that your feedback should reflect that you
're asking for a change, not a fix. (It does matter fixes are a higher priority th
an changes.)
Q: I am looking to buy a laptop. I want to know if the newer ATI Mobile GPU's, o
r Nvidia Geforce2Go video processors will display all of Shrouded Isles graphica
l enhancements. Can you tell me if there are any known issues running DAOC on cu
rrent model laptops?
A: I asked our technical guru, as I am not yet willing to be tethered via a lapt
op :) He replied: "Definitely go with an NVIDIA graphics chip, HOWEVER no laptop
s really right now run SI without some sort of glitch with the SI engine. We are
hoping newer graphics chips can keep up soon." So if you really must play DAOC wh
en you're on the road with only your laptop for company, you may want to conside
r installing the classic client. (Edit: and BIND in one of the classic zones bef
ore you leave for your trip!)

Announcements: Browsing one of my favorite forums today, I realized that it's ti

me for the regular reminder of what "impossible" really means to a game company
like Mythic. When someone from here uses the word "impossible," what they mean t
o say is "this cannot be done with the staff we have and/or the time we have ava
ilable to dedicate to the problem." That's why you'll see someone saying somethi
ng is impossible and six months later it appears in patch notes. As a company, we a
re constantly evolving. Fresh blood often brings fresh thinking, and more help m
eans more time to devote to things we couldn't schedule before.
If you somehow missed the announcement yesterday, we have a new poll up and
y to get your feedback and commentary. A side note one of the questions
asking you to pick your favorite thing. Please rest assured that we're not
g to throw out the rest of the list! We're just asking what you'd most like
ee, to make sure there's an interest in all those things, and we're looking
which item we should schedule first and foremost. Watch the patch notes for
re details.

is a list,
to s

Some of your favorite sources for Camelot news and information around the intern
et had housing beta Sneak Peek contests this week. All those account names have
been submitted to the testing crew. If you were a winner, you should get your in
vitation around the 27th or 28th of May. The invitations will be arriving at the
email address registered to your account so if you think your email address as ch
anged, please be sure to update that information in the next week!
Feeling disappointed that you didn't win a Sneak Peek? Well, they're called snea
k peeks because the plan is currently to go to open beta shortly after the sneak
peek players get their tour. So you won't have to wait too long.
If you haven't checked the wallpaper section lately, take a look. Some fun stuff
Got this letter from a guy on Bors: "Not sure if you can assist us on the Bors s
erver, but there is a player that has been diagnosed with a Brain Tumor. I am tr
ying to coordinate a multi-realm picture taking event for this individual to rai

se their spirits in this sad time. Can you post anything on the Herald to spread
the news so we can have a successful and great turnout? The event is taking pla
ce Saturday May 10th in Hadrians Wall at the crossroads/aquaduct." For more info
rmation, check the Vault board for Bors.
Going to E3? I personally am completely booked at this point, but we'd still lov
e to meet you. Not the royal we, the Mythic we. There will be people at our boot
h in West Hall all three days, ready and willing to give virtual tours and shake
your hand. So stop on by, check out Foundations and Trials of Atlantis, and sha
re a few laughs.
Hold back your tears the Grab Bag is about to hit a two week hiatus. Next week is
E3, and the week after, I'll be out of town. That's not true of the rest of the
company, of course. Everyone else will be back at work, putting the shine on 1.6
2 and Foundations. I'll miss you, but I keep hearing about this bright yellow th
ing in the sky that purportedly provides heat and light. I no longer believe the
rumors, and am forced to see it for myself.
You all have yourselves a wonderful weekend. I don't say this enough but thanks fo
r being part of this community.
Mmm... grab bag...
Q: Lately it seems like my server can be a place that players are using all kind
s of swearing and rude and lewdness. When I've asked them politely to stop, they
have become worse telling me to use my /filter option.
A: There's an old saying that goes "His right to swing his fist ends just where
my nose begins." This applies to swearing which to some people is like an assault
on the ears (or eyes as the case may be).
My mastery of the profane could shock a dockworker. Many are the times that the
air around me takes on a blue tint. But I don't swear on the open channels of a
massively multiplayer game, because unlike a website or a private conversation,
random customers do not have a choice when it comes to "hearing" me.
With that said, people do need to take some responsibility for their own sensiti
vity. If you know you just can't stand certain words, and even a single instance
will upset you to the point of ruining your playtime, turn on the filter. Peopl
e are people. They mess up.
So, Mythic doesn't get involved with single instances of swearing. We don't care
about swearing in guild channels how much swearing is tolerated in a guild channe
l is completely up to the guild.
But if someone is *repeatedly* using inappropriate language in a public channel,
we do want to know, filter or no filter. If you are receiving repeated /sends a
nd /tells in language you have specifically told the speaker you don't want to h
ear, it's harassment and we want to put a stop to it. We can pull logs, so pleas
e don't worry if the person has stopped by the time a CSR arrives.
Short version use your own judgment, use /ignore and /filter without hesitating, a
nd use the appeal system if you have to.
Q: I'm contemplating getting Dodger 3 on my Blademaster, but I can't find any do
cumentation to tell me whether or not this affects my "advanced evade" rather th
an just the "frontal arc" of my character. I'd like to purchase this RA to encha

nce my rear evade (as other tanks hit me in the back when I'm killing their cast
ers), but don't want to spend the points if it won't help me.
A: Dodger affects all your evades.
Q: This "Gold" version what's it have included?
A: All the original content, as many of the patches as are complete by the time
we ship out the master copy, Shrouded Isles, the Shrouded Isles engine (not the
original engine the system specs printed on the Gold Edition box reflect that), th
e housing zones, a really nifty "newbie guide" that actually helps newbies, and
Q: I remember reading that it was decided that crafters with the same skill leve
l were to be ordered in the crafter listing based by /play time, instead of Alph
abetically. (Insert example here conclusively proving that they are not listed c
orrectly.) Did this change?
A: I remember counting all the votes by hand to see what crafters preferred (thi
s was before our poll system was installed). It darn well should be play time. S
o I asked a programmer "The individual skill pages were displaying correctly, the
massive list of crafters for each realm was displaying alphabetically but that [was
a bug, and] has been now fixed." Thanks for bringing that to my attention!
Q: Is the guild autopromote function working?
A: It's not at the moment we hope we'll have it working properly in the near futur
Q: My guildmate told me that +power items don't increase the power pool of hybri
d classes.
A: Your guildmate is yanking your chain. If you have a power pool, +power items
affect it.
Q: What is the benefit to having items granting bonuses to soulrending and to ba
A: They affect damage on shouts.
Q: Is there any way to get the patches other than through the game? I've got a n
ew computer, and I do NOT want to download a year and a half of patches!
A: Yikes. I wouldn't want to, either. You can burn a CD with all your Camelot fi
les from your old computer and copy it that way. You can network the machines an
d copy the files over. If you don't have a CD burner, and you don't want to netw
ork the machines permanently, there's a nifty software package you can buy for a
bout fifty dollars (and a rebate to get some of that back) that comes with a cab
le to connect the machines, and the program then moves all your old files to the
new machine. I took this option, myself - I cannot for the life of me remember
what the program is called, though, so check your local retailer.
Q: Will we be able to use the /level command in realms that we do not have a lev

el 50 character in when this goes live? (ie: I have a level 50 in Midgard but no
t in Hibernia, can I still make a character with the /level command in Hibernia?
A: Yes. Having any 50, anywhere, unlocks access to the new feature.
Q: I'm just wondering when the new patch comes out when we get our /level comman
d does our character have to be on level 5? Or can they start at level 1 and do
it? I was just wondering so I can be prepared to do so.
A: From the fellow who designed the new feature:
"Any character who has less experience than /level will give them can use the co
"So, if your server realm gives you level 20.5 - if you are between 1 and 20.5 you can use /level to get to 20.5.
"So, if your server realm gives you level 30.5 - if you are between 1 and 30.5 you can use /level to get to 30.5."
Q: I remember seeing in, I think, one or two grab bags that it doesn't matter if
a crafter repairs your items or a smith, the durability goes down at the same r
ate. The only difference being that the crafter may or may not charge you for th
e repair, but the smith certainly will. I have heard other players saying that c
rafter repairs take away less durability than smith repairs do. They don't belie
ve me when I say that it was posted to The Herald that the repairs are the same.
A: I couldn't find the answer with the search feature either, although I could h
ave sworn I answered. Anyway, you are correct, the durability costs are equal, n
o matter who makes the repair.
Q: When 1.62 goes live, could you please be more specific about how the hunters
stealth spec will effect see hidden, and also if bonuses to stealth affect See H
idden, or if it is just based off of base stealth. (ie: Will 35+15 stealth be as
effective as 50+0 stealth against See Hidden?)
A: From the programmer in charge of such things: "A 35+15 will be as effective a
s a 50+0, but a 50+15 would be even better."
Q: This question is in regards to the realm
on says, "Grants 5% chance to critical with
ability." I expected it to relate to heals
appears to work for those you don't target
clarify this?

ability, Wild Healing. The descripti

direct heal spells per level of this
that need you to target, but it only
someone (i.e group heals). Could you

A: From the spell king: "It should work on single target heals." So, if it does
not, please appeal it as a bug so that a product quality person can run some tes
All hail the graduating class of 2003! (Thanks for the reminder =)) Be safe, and
try not to celebrate too much. And if you do celebrate too much, stay the heck
off the road.

Do you have a family that plays Dark Age of Camelot together? Write to me at san and let me know how many generations and family membe
rs are logging in and making connections. If there are enough of you out there t
o make an interesting column, I'll print the best responses. You'll need to incl
ude your server(s) and all character names in your email to be eligible to be fe
atured, but I won't print any of your identities without your specific permissio
n to do so.
Thanks for playing, and have a wonderful weekend!
Another big one for you:
Q: The Midgard endurance regen spell I thought the range would be 1500, not 1000?
A: The delve on this spell is throwing people off a bit. When you delve this spe
ll, it tells you the range is 1000. That's quite true you must be within a thousan
d units to cast the spell on the target. The tether range, which doesn't current
ly display in the delve, is correctly set to 1500 units.
Q: (Insert question about community news and such here)
A: If you'll look just above the top Herald story on the front page, you'll see
two "tabs," one that says "Game News" and one that says "Community News." Click
on the tab that you want to see. If you'd like to submit a story or a congratula
tions notice, the form is on the left sidebar, under Herald Features, under the
feedback form, with a link called "Server News."
Q: (Insert Rapid Fire question here)
A: From the producer in charge of such things (astute message board readers may
have seen a very similar quote from one of our team leads earlier today): "The e
ntire intent of rapid fire was to allow archers to fire faster, and by design al
lows them to go as fast as .9 seconds per shot. However, this change should in n
o way allow the archers DPS to go higher then it was 1.62, since damage scales d
ownward along with draw times. We're aware of some issues that may cause an incr
ease in the damage rate in some cases, but this is not intended and will be trea
ted as a bug as soon as we isolate the problem. We'll continue testing this over
the weekend."
Related note interrupts are determined by the speed of the bow is fired, meaning t
hat the time of interruptions for each shot will be scaled down proportionally t
o bow speed. If that made your eyes bleed, here's an example from someone who wo
uld know: "I fire a 5.0 spd bow. Because I am buffed and have stat bonuses, I fi
re that bow at 3.0 seconds. The resulting interrupt on the caster will last 3.0
seconds. If I rapid fire that same bow, I will fire at 1.5 seconds, and the resu
lting interrupt will last 1.5 seconds."
Q: (Insert question about PVE "to hit" rates here)
A: Let's start this answer with a quick refresher in how our "to hit" bonuses wo
rk. For every person attacking a monster, a small bonus is applied to each playe
r's chance to hit the enemy. Allowances are made for those who don't technically
hit things when they are participating in the raid for example, a healer gets cre
dit for attacking a monster when he heals someone who is attacking the monster,

because that's what he does in a battle.

Block, parry, and bolt attacks are affected by this code, as you know. We made a
fix to how the code counts people as "in combat." Before this patch, everyone g
rouped and on the raid was counted as "in combat." The guy AFK getting Mountain
Dew was in combat, the level five guy hovering in the back and hoovering up some
exp was in combat if they were grouped with SOMEONE fighting, they were in combat
. This was a bad thing for block, parry, and bolt users, and so we fixed it.
Sayeth the Executive producer: "We are aware that there are many reports from pl
ayers about the "to hit" problems against high level monsters in 1.62. We are lo
oking into these reports now, and will be especially taking note of any high lev
el raids that happen this weekend. We have run some initial tests internally whi
ch do not show any lowering of "to hit" in those situations. However, we will ru
n more tests and try to figure out where the problems many players are reporting
are coming from. We'll keep you posted on what we find on Monday."
With what I said before his quote in mind, make sure everyone in your group is a
ctively participating in combat, doing whatever their class does. Heal, crush, s
ing, shout, stab, nuke, slash whatever. Everyone off their butts and out of the ba
throom. Make sure you've brought enough people to the battle, because some NPCs
have a set number of attackers that should be met for optimum death. MORE than t
his number won't make the to-hit chances any better, but fewer will make it hard
er to kill.
If you want to add your two cents to our investigation, make sure you tell us ho
w many people were in the raid, what you were fighting, and roughly what level e
veryone was. What classes/exact levels were there would be good to know as well,
but I know that data can be hard to gather in the chaos of battle.
Short version we are continuing to investigate. The initial results matched the to
-hit rates we were seeing pre-patch. If you want to help, send details. Thanks f
or all the feedback so far!
Q: How did you decide which realms got /level 30 bonuses? Why was (insert realm
here) left out? How often will you update the list?
A: Well, I can't say much. We have a method that determines whether or not a par
ticular realm will be on the /level 30 list. We are not going to release this me
Why, you reasonably ask? Well, it may seem odd to some, but for a realm to need
/level 30 *isn't* something we want to happen. Being on this list isn't a good t
hing! Our reward-for-50 system is intended for /level 20. We definitely don't wa
nt anyone reverse engineering our method for determining which realms are added
to the /level 30 list, and then perhaps trying to convince his realm mates to st
op going to battle (or to quit altogether) just to get on the list of ailing rea
We will monitor the populations constantly, and update the level 30 realms as ne
eded. It is our fondest hope that someday, there will be no server on the list b
esides Pendragon.
Q: Is /level all you're going to do for realms with population issues?
A: We need a little time to see the effects of /level before we add any other fi
xes to the fire. Please, let's let the first rush to /level an alternate charact
er settle down before we reach any conclusions.

Q: I used the /level command to get a 30th level character, and let me tell you,
the armor is not EVEN as good as wet Kleenex. This stuff was obviously meant fo
r someone with one of the free level 20s.
A: There are two suits, one for 20s and one for 30s here's what the world builder
in charge of this had to say: "We'd like to take a minute and make some clarific
ations about the free equipment NPC's we added to help the players that use the
/level command.
"In Hibernia you will need to go to Tir na Nog. If you are level 20 you need to
seek out Somyr and Caryan near the mage trainers, and level 30 players need to s
peak with Carraent, Aetheonyc, Rhyryn, and Gwucyn in the stables. We will be add
ing some additional dialogue in 1.63 that will guide you to the right NPC a litt
le more easily.
"In Albion, you will speak with Hadreth, Assistant Wells, Galaris Pritchard, and
Lucia Pritchard in Camelot for both the level 20 and the level 30 equipment. Yo
u need to speak with them while you are exactly level 20 or level 30, they won't
respond to anyone outside of these levels.
"In Midgard you will need to go to Jordheim and speak with Kelleher and his wife
Andras for the level 20 equipment, and you will speak with Gair Svensson for th
e level 30 equipment. The NPC's should mention if they feel you'd be better serv
ed by different level equipment and will indicate with whom you should speak to
get it."
Q: Hey, my Ancient Brass weapon/Lost Seed quest weapon has a proc now! Is this a
A: Nope undocumented feature. From the world builder: "All weapons for the Lost St
one of Arawn quest in Albion have had procs added to them.

Brass Longsword - procs a minor vitality drain

Brass Cudgel - indendiary pyre (fire DD)
Brass Rapier - electrical DD
Brass Pike - mana DD
Brass Lochaber Axe - mana DD
Brass Lucerne Hammer - mana DD
Brass Battlehammer - fire DD
Brass Two-Handed Sword - stamina heal
Brass-Tipped Whip - damage shield
Brass-Shod Staff - fire DD
Brass-Shod Quarterstaff - minor vitality drain
Brass Scythe - Protective Aura of Flame (damage shield)

All weapons for the The Lost Seed quest in Hibernia have had procs added to them
Claidheamh falcata - Minor vitality drain
Birrag Cuaille mace - Incindiary Pyre
Cuinnsear dagger - void DD
Ailm Darach spear - ice DD
Bruais Creigeir shillelagh - Incindiary pyre
Ard-Ennoilys sword - damage shield
Corran scythe - dark DD
Caorrunn Calbh staff - Fire DD
Q: Were any changes made to the Sheeroe Hills encounters?
A: Yes. Technically, we made them easier. Scout monster ranges were reduced from
4000 units to 750. Agro radius units were reduced from 1250 to 768.

Q: On my champion I have the Vine Wrapped Defender shield that is dropped from G
alladoria. The look of the shield was very unique and fit my setup quite well. I
t was a rare item to have as it was a medium round shield. In 1.62 this was chan
A: Yes in response to player feedback, complaining that the shields looked exactly
like shield available from NPC merchants.
Q: From the patch notes: "- The Azure Silencer Fang and the Livid Silencer Fang
(Albion) can now be dyed with the weapon enamels from Caer Sidi. Please note tha
t using dye on these weapons will change only the hilt color." Do the dyes dropp
ed in Sidi only affect hilts on dropped weapons or is it the same on crafted? If
these only dye hilts, is there be a blade enamel dye?
A: From our Item Princess: "The epic dungeon dyes typically affect the entire we
apon model. However, the Azure Silencer Fang and the Livid Silencer Fang "models
" are what we call bladeless hilts, with a particle effect that turns on in comb
at that makes up the "blade" at that point. In that case, the dye only affects t
he hilt, and not the particle effect. The epic dungeon dyes do not work on craft
ed items, and they also do not work on drops that are not from an epic dungeon."
And that's all for this week. Not much to announce I FINALLY have the "Families Who S
lay Together" emails all sorted and read. We have a lot of families logging in e
very night, ranging in age from three years to seventy four! I guess you guys mi
ssed the memo on how only single males in their early twenties play massively mu
ltiplayer games.
Have a good weekend!
Those of you here on the East Coast know what I'm talking about. I swear I just
saw a row of animals go by in twos. Anyhow, on to this week's installment:
Q: (Insert question here about the Lost Seed Bow and how it has no proc.)
A: We are aware of this there are no procs currently tuned for archer and archer d
amage. We completely understand how the Lost Seed bow owners feel, and we're dis
cussing possible options. Thank you for your suggestions.
Q: I have a simple question about the damage penalty you get when using a left h
and axe without any LA spec. My SB wants to use 2 1H and be a crit blade, but pe
ople tell me I must have spec in LA, else I will lose X% damage on my main hand.
How much do I need in LA to get rid of this penalty?
A: There isn't a penalty. Here's what one of our lead programmers had to say whe
n I forwarded your question to him: "That's a very odd way of viewing it. That's
like saying in order to get rid of the -1000% damage penalty my level one chara
cter has, I must reach level fifty and spec to fifty in such and such skill.
"You're not under a penalty for not training left axe, you just don't get the bo
nus that each extra train would give you. Wielding two weapons but not putting p
oints into a dual wield type of skill isn't really a great idea"
Q: Hi, I'd like to ask a question about the way that dex affects block,
parry, evade (dex/qui for evade). Is the dex bonus to these skills "additive" or

Example: if it's additive, let's say that having 200 dex will add the same evade
% to a player with evade I (5% base chance) and to a player with evade V(25% ch
ance). Let's say 200 dex gives +X% evade, first player will end with 5+X% evade
chance and second with 25+X% evade chance. Similar for parry and block.
If it's multiplicative, let's say that having 200 dex multiplies your base evade
chance by X. So 1st player would end with 5*X chance to evade, and second playe
r with 25*X% chance to evade.
A: I used the whole question because it was an excellent and clear description o
f the difference between additive and multiplicative. What a cool word. Anyhow,
the answer is "it's multiplicative."
Q: I heard that Healing someone while they are in battle (and you are not groupe
d with that person) will steal their xp. I thought that I read on the Herald tha
t healing a non grouped person would not steal their xp. Could you clarify this
for me please?
A: Healing does take some experience (and builds ag, so be careful lest you draw
the attention of the beast) for the healer on the monster or monsters being fou
ght. That's why it's considered polite to ask a soloing player if they want your
help before you heal them. A nice buff never took any exp, of course!
Of course, if you're a slow typist and he's about to die, go on ahead and if he gi
ves you attitude for saving his life, don't ever save him again =)
Q: (Insert question about possible changes to drop rates.)
A: I always look into this sort of question, to make certain
al changes or fat fingered database entries. Our mighty Item
ghly looked at our material, and tells me there have been no
rates in months. I do thank you for asking, as we can't fix
now about.

we made no accident
Princess has thorou
adjustments to drop
problems we don't k

Quick reminder about drops every monster has a loot table. A loot table has severa
l different fields. Those fields include the percentage chance that an item will
drop, and then a subset of percentages indicating the sort of loot that will dr
op (most creatures drop different kinds of loot). So, it is possible to have a b
ad run of luck while repeatedly killing a particular monster, and not get anythi
Oddly enough, no one ever asks me if something could be wrong when the same mons
ter drops the same rare object each and every time.
Q: What is your policy on the word "rape"? I believe that to use this word in ca
sual conversation is wrong, and that people should be appealed for using it.
A: The meanings of the word, according to my American Heritage Dictionary, are a
s follows:

The crime of forcing a person to submit to sexual intercourse.

The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
A plant with oil rich seeds used as fodder

See also rapine: the seizure of property by force; plunder.

I respect your sensitivities. On the other hand, it is a word that may be used l
egitimately in our game. As with all things, context is everything. If you were
to ask a person (who was perhaps cheering about having raped a dragon) to, as a
friend, not use that word around you out of respect for your feelings, and he re
sponded, "What word? RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE," then he's a jerk and you should
probably ignore him. If he then followed you around spamming the word at you, yo
u should appeal him for harassment. If someone were to send you messages that he
wanted to rape you, that is considered to be a real life threat, and should be
reported immediately. We log everything, and we will find out the truth of the c
But if people are simply celebrating the utter defeat of an enemy, I'd say, this
is an excellent time to /follow a friend, and go AFK. Perhaps to the kitchen fo
r a little snack, or maybe now's a good time for a bathroom break. At least unti
l the celebration is over. It's not the word it's the intent behind the word.
All right, let's end on a happy note. The family feature was such fun anyone want
to tell me if they met a friend in game? Friend, future spouse, future spouse wh
o is currently your spouse, reunions with old friends thought to be lost in the
sands of time, I'd love to hear about it. Let me know if your friendship is new,
or ongoing ever since DAOC was launched. Tell me if you've met in real life. I'
ll print a selection of the responses, should there be enough to make a good col
umn. The subject header should be MET IN THE GAME, and addressed to Sanya@mythic
I had a lot of technical and billing questions in the Questions folder this week
please note that you do not want me answering anything to do with your hardware o
r your credit card. Insert your own joke here. Seriously, contact support@darkag (or look at the top of the Herald, click the little guy with the
Red Cross symbol on his shield, click "Contact Mythic" on the top yellow bar, an
d select the web form option). Don't use either of these methods for anything bu
t a technical or billing issue! I think you'll be pleased with the response time
. Our techies rock.
Have a terrific weekend, everyone!
Mmm, crunchy:
Q: My friend has the housing files on a CD can I just use his?
A: Yes it's a free expansion, and we want all our customers to have it. But be sur
e before you start that you can use his files if you don't have Shrouded Isles, yo
u need to use the Classic Foundations file set. If you do have Shrouded Isles, y
ou can use the Shrouded Isles Foundations file set.
Q: /charcopy failed me! I must have typed /charcopy pervical Myname a hundred ti
A: Our copier isn't case sensitive but it is spelling sensitive. Please check extra
carefully to be sure you're typing Percival, or Morgan Le Fay, or however your
server name is spelled (according to the server list on the right side of the He

Q: When Foundations is formally released, will it be available by any other mean

s besides a download? Those of us who live in technological blackholes that are
confined to dial up will pay dearly in time and frustration if it's not.
A: We're planning to offer a CD at the Mythic store not at a profit, mind you, jus
t the cost of the CD, the time it takes to burn it, and the shipping costs. Keep
an eye out here for details.
Q: (Insert question about the location of the housing zone, whether or not one c
an have a guild house and a personal house, etc.)
A: We have a pretty solid manual in the housing section of the Herald. Most of t
he questions I got this week can be answered by the manual (the which, I'm told,
will be in a nice printer friendly format when Foundations goes live). The rest
of the questions I got this week revolved around pricing and I don't know anythin
g yet for certain. I imagine just about everyone will have an opinion once we pu
t up our first pass at costs and values =)
Q: I achieved Legendary Grand Master status last week, and was a little hurt to
be left off the Scroll of Valor on Monday. Was my server forgotten?
A: Nope the Scroll of Valor is just not an automatic process. Not everyone wants t
o be recognized in so public a fashion, so the Scroll is a listing of all the pe
ople who asked to be included. We just made a few changes on the Herald to make
it easier for you to report your good news after you read this Bag, click the "Com
munity News" tab. On the right side of the "tab line" is a drop down server menu
, and a link that says "Submit News." If you are a new level 50, or if your char
acter just got married, or if you recently achieved LGM status, click that link.
Next, fill out the form, and for "event type," select "Congratulations To"
Q: My question is about the dragon. I have seen some say that the
purely random, nothing in particular triggering them. I have seen
that it is random BUT is triggered by (choose some or all of the
gs) casting, debuffing, healing, running a healing chant, using a

dragon AOE is
too other said
following thin
proc weapons,

A: Fear not none of the above listed items will cause the dragon (in any realm) to
Q: I play on Mordred is my house safe, and am I safe in the housing zone?
A: Because of the fact that there is no monster pathing in the housing zones, an
d the placement of objects will change drastically depending on the mood and res
ources of the property owners, the housing zones will not be enabled for PVP, no
matter what server we're talking about.
Q: Why not develop a faction inquiry command? i.e. /faction
It would be great to know where you stand with different mobs before traveling a
ll the way to a certain location only to find out that they are aggressive to yo
u and you are unable to get by them.
A: That was such a cool idea that I passed it right to the content producer. As
with many ideas, there was an angle I hadn't thought of. Here's what he told me:
"The problem with a faction inquiry command is that not all monsters on a parti
cular faction care about where you are.

"And not to the same degree.

"In other words, even if we returned a generic "positive" or generic "negative"
values, it may not match up specifically to a particular monster."
Sorry, it's a little short today my usual sources for information have been burnin
g the midnight oil, lately, and will have to resume grab bag duty next week.
But I do have a pair of entertaining links for you - - read
the Journal by a fellow named Jason. The next time someone tells you MMOG playe
rs don't get enough exercise, tell them that Jason is doing it for you. Go, Jaso
n, go!
Been to lately? Woody did a comic for DAOC on Thursday about th
e lack of facilities in our housing. Big smile to Team Lead Guest Akeel for suggest
ing the idea =) Note to those seriously wondering where the bathrooms are in the
houses outhouses are available for purchase.
Talk to you Monday!
Here we go! Sorry about the Herald outage. We are now running on new hardware, a
nd hope you'll find the performance much improved.
Q: From patch notes: "- If a spell is resisted, the spell graphic effect will no
t play on the target creature/player. A white hand (the new spell resist graphic
) will appear above the character's head to indicate the resist."
Can I resist the healing that my pet tries to give me?
A: You are not supposed to resist healing if you are getting the spell effect when
you're being healed, please report it as a bug.
Q: A few months ago, I read, in a grab bag, that you could have 8 paladins runni
ng their heal chants at once, and they would all stack. Does this hold true to s
kalds as well? Thanks!
A: No, the Paladin heal chant is unique in this way.
Q: I have a necro that I want to get armor spellcrafted for, but no one can tell
me what stats transfer to the pet. I have heard only Int and resists transfer.
However, I was recently told that melee resists do not transfer.
A: From our magic designer: "Melee resists currently do not transfer. We're look
ing at ways to pass more stats down to your pet, so you may want to hold off on
buying your suit." Keep in mind that this may or may not happen, and that I have
no ETA if it does happen. I'm printing this just so you know we're thinking abo
ut it =)
Q: My (insert fancy weapon here) doesn't have a glowie or a sparkly effect. I th
ink it is just as rare as (insert weapon with sparkly effect here).
A: We have made a list of all the rare or otherwise special weapons that have no
glowie or sparkly, and sent the list up the chain. There's no specific delivery

date I can give you, but we know about the absent special effects, I assure you
Q: Any chance you can put in a quest to get our monster heads made into trophies
, instead of having to work with a crafter? Also, is there a list of all the mon
sters that might be made into trophies for our houses?
A: We intentionally designed the trophy system so that other players would be ne
eded to make the trophies, and that's not going to change. As for the list, for
now at least it's something to be discovered we won't consider posting or linking
to any spoilers for quite some time to come =) For the details of "how to make a
trophy" be sure to read the manual:
Q: Let's say I buy a lot and a house and I want to turn it into a guild house. W
e have 3 guildmasters, but I have been chosen to be "in-charge" of the guild hou
se and finances. When I deed it to a guild, will the control of the house be giv
en to all 3 GMs?
A: All rank zero characters in the guild are treated as owners of the house.
Q: Where's that CD with the Foundations files? The one you said Mythic would be
selling for cost?
A: I am told you should look on the store next week.
Q: My primary server is Gaheris and I'd like to know if we can build any realm h
ouse on any realm lot, no matter what realm your character is. In other words...
Can a Hib character build a Mid house on an Alb property on the Gaheris server?
A: Yup. Just be sure you buy a Midgard deed in the above described scenario.
Q: If I buy a cottage now and want to upgrade to a house later.... do I pay full
price for the house (10p) or do I get 1p "credit" for my cottage?
A: At this time, you'll need to pay full price for the upgrade.
Q: If someone buys a house for a certain amount of money and then sells it to me
for a different amount of money, what will my weekly rent be? Will it be based
on what the original selling price was or what I paid for it?
A: Rent is based upon the type of the house only, not the buying price or sellin
g price.
Q: After you purchase a lot, how long does a player have to put a house on it?
A: One week of real life time.
Q: What happened to weaponcrafting? Previously, I was a 740ish weaponcrafter. I
have not worked on my woodworking skill that much, it was only at 500. Now it is
required that I level up my wood skill to make an item that doesnt even require
woodworking previously. Is this an error or is this going to be pernament?

A: Straight from the keyboard of the crafting designer: "Weaponcrafting is like

any other tradeskill now wherein if a material is used in the creation of an ite
m, then the appropriate material skill check is required.
"Because of this, items that did not require wood before do now, items that did
not require leather may now as well.
"Once your skill has been brought up to the level that you can create the full r
ecipes again, it will stay constant with the other sub skills involved."
Q: Awhile back, maybe a few months, I found an item called "Broken Shackler Bits
". This item was dropped from a Drakoran Sneak inside Avalon City. It appears to
be a quest item, specifically for a bounty turn in. I have asked around, and to
my surprise, no one else has found this item, seen it, or seen an NPC asking fo
r it. Is it possible that this item is "broken," or the NPC disabled, quest chan
ged, etc.?
A: When I looked for the answer to your question, we turned up a bug. The item *
is* for a bounty turn in quest but you're not supposed to kill drakoran anything t
o get it =) There are monsters called "shacklers" in the Dales of Devwy, and if
you've got good faction with the drakoran, you can turn in the bits to a drakora
n named Beath in the same zone. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Announcement time! As many people know, many people with larceny in their hearts
will grab "one letter off" domain names similar to popular website destinations
. The Herald has arrived there is a site called (there's no "
h" on the word herald). It's not porn, though, it's a scam collector. They ask f
or your account name and password, and then redirect you to the real Herald. You
will not ever need to enter your password just to read the news page of the Cam
elot Herald. So, be careful when you type in our address!
I know lots of people are planning to use bounty points to pay rent
they're buying next week. May I recommend you convert only as many
u need at one time, instead of converting all your points to tokens
will be developing new bounty point rewards in the next few months,
want to have some stockpiled.

on the homes
points as yo
at once? We
and you may

I had an interesting time on IRC yesterday. I first went to #realiseult on the S

tratics IRC server as a favor to a favorite "little brother" of mine. Unfortunat
ely, that channel was not moderated, and well, if you've been in a bathroom at a bu
s station, you can imagine the caliber of the text. A mod from another channel (
shout out to Lexi, who did her best and no, Lex, I level up same as everyone else
does, one pixel at a time) generously invited me to the much more enjoyable envi
ronment of #gawaine, where I had a good time shooting the breeze with the local
inmates uh, community. At least until I got booted from the channel for being an im
poster. That was a very odd feeling, being told I was impersonating myself. So,
Picus NOW do you believe me?
And on that note next week is the Independence Day holiday for the USA, and I'm go
ing to be celebrating by moving instead of doing the grab bag. Hey, if you come
help move about sixty crates of books and a box full of broken computer parts, t
here's free soda and beer at my new place anyway. Have a good one, thanks for hangi
ng in there with us this week, and we'll see you Monday!
It's not ALL Foundations questions, I just thought that title would be funny. Mo

ving right along:

Q: Why don't you ever ban cheaters?

A: In the same twenty four hour block of email that this question was included i
n, I had four people writing to complain about being banned for cheating people sa
ying they deserved another chance, that being banned for cheating was too harsh
a penalty. (To which I say "wah," incidentally. I hear there are games out there
that turn a blind eye towards cheaters, perhaps one of them will be happy to ha
ve you.) We do ban, and suspend, and do whatever we need to do. But we also don'
t discuss the action we take against an account with anyone but the owner of tha
t account, and sometimes, it takes time to gather enough proof to ban. Just repo
rt cheating as you come across it, we will investigate. Remember, however, that
just receiving a beat down doesn't mean the other guy was cheating. Think carefu
lly, and then appeal.
Q: I got a drop called a Giant Ring, except it goes in the wrist slot. It's a ri
ng, not a bracer, so is this a bug?
A: No, that's us being clever. The ring of a Giant must be really big, so big th
at a regular sized person could even wear it as a bracelet.
Q: How can I get my name to appear on the Housing Directory?
A: For now, you need to type /webdisplay trades. Until we get a new command in 1
.64, we "piggybacked" the command onto the one that displays your trade skill le
vel. If you want to keep your crafter skill off the Herald, but wouldn't mind be
ing in the directory, just wait a little longer for the specific command.
Q: I got myself a nifty 100 BP rent token only to discover that my lock box will on
ly hold a maximum of 80. Yikes! What can I do!?
A: Hang onto your token until 1.64. We're putting in something to let you trade
in your supersized token in exchange for five smaller tokens. (It's not a questi
on of unstacking them they aren't stacks. They are single tokens worth X amount.)
Q: In the access permissions for housing, one of the options you can enable is t
he option to banish? How do we go about banishing someone from our home?
A: The command is /boot (playername). You don't actually have to type the parent
heses, and you should be standing inside your house with the one you wish booted
on your target. So, if I want to boot a guy named Drizzt TheUnorginal out of my
house, I would target him, and type /boot Drizzt - and then he's gone.
Q: Regarding the Unique Object Generator in the frontier. With my cleric, scout
and wizard I have hunted out there a lot since the generator was put in the fron
tier. The drop rate is very, very good. Great place to farm for items for my new
/leveled characters. However, it seems to be designed primarily for mages, necr
omancers, and reavers all the class specific loot seems to be for them.
A: I asked the lead content producer, and he tells me that there is a camp with
assigned loot for every class out in the frontier. It sounds like you're hanging
out in the areas that are dropping mage, necro, and reaver loot, since that's a

ll you're getting. Move around a bit more :)

Q: (Insert question about rent.)
A: Okay, here's the deal. You buy a lot. The weekly rent clock starts ticking th
e day you buy it. The AMOUNT of rent you pay is calculated by the size of your h
ome. We don't allow for land speculators in our game, you must build on your pro
perty within one week of purchasing the land, or lose the lot. This is not a bug
, this is entirely intentional you have exactly seven days to build, or the system
won't know what to charge you and will take back the lot.
So it doesn't matter when in that first week you build your house, rent is still
due one week after you buy your lot. Buying a lot on July 1st in the evening, a
nd waiting until the morning of the 8th to build, is more than likely borrowing
After you build your home, your house will want rent money dropped onto it (you
can drop the money nearly anywhere on the interior or the exterior). The system
*wants* you to have enough money on the house to pay your rent, and it will nag
nag nag until you pay up. Every time you zone into the Foundations area that has
your house and lot, you will see a message telling you that you need to pay, un
til sufficient funds are dropped onto the house. This warning isn't a joke! You
will not see it unless you need to fork over more money.
To avoid losing your house, you should try to put money on your house as soon as
you see the warning. If you wait until the last minute, you may find you've wai
ted too long and you'll have to get your things from the repo man.
As always, if your home disappears due to a bug, we will get it all back for you
. We have extensive logs and can find out what we need to do if your loss was bu
g related (and who dropped money on the house, and when they dropped the money,
and how much money was there) just remember that pulling those logs takes a lot of
time, and you may not hear back from us for a few days. Please don't appeal ask
ing how we're doing on your appeal that will make the process take longer for ever
yone, and even one minute extra feels like forever when it's your stuff you're a
sking about.
Q: It has been said that people on our server are claiming a keep, setting the k
eep level 10 , put the doors to lvl 4 and release it shortly after its lvl 10. T
his way they don't waste bounty sitting on a mid to low level keep for hours.
The reason they do this is to save bps. Making one keep lvl 10 keep releasing it
and having it for 12+ hours this way burns less bounty points than setting the
same keep lvl 5 and losing it one hour later 3x in one day.
My question is: IS this a Bug? Or are keeps SUPPOSED to remain at level 10 after
you release them?
A: This was a bug we have since fixed. Keeps will revert to their start level wh
en a guild chooses to release. But please note DOORS remain at whatever level they
were upgraded to until the keep falls and is taken over by the next invading fo
rce. Keeps cost bounty points to maintain, but door strength is based on wood an
d player crafting, with no maintenance costs.
Q: I heard that you were putting in a "search vendor" feature for the next patch
. I'm looking for specific armor sets and would like to know whose porch I shoul
d go to. So, is it true?

A: Yes, the search vendor feature is scheduled for 1.64 (as in, no promises, but
we're working on it right now). The search feature will work zone wide for each
housing zone. (Each server has nine housing zones, and will soon have twelve.)
So, just as in real life, if you don't like the selection at one mall, head over
to the mall in the next county and see what they've got to offer. Twelve shoppi
ng areas should make for an interesting variety!
Q: Is it possible as a homeowner to set it so that all my characters can port ho
me using the Hearth Scrolls? It seems now that only the actual person who bought
the house can and all the alts cannot. The reason I find this very frustrating
is that all my slots are filled and I play all my characters.
A: I understand the frustration. This has been a very popular question this week
, and I have passed it and your feedback on right now, all I can tell you is that
it's not possible at this time, and we're looking into the different options.
Q: (Insert person here) was crossteaming. Do you care?
A: Yes, we care. From the head of in-game services: "If they suspect someone of
cross teaming, they should appeal. We investigate every appeal regarding any vio
lation. We do not, however, contact the customer back who appealed. We can't giv
e out any info on any other account, so we can't tell them what actions we took,
other than it was investigated."
Sanya here: I know a certain number of you (as befits the audience of a game set
roughly in the medieval period) are fans of public hangings and guillotines set
in the town square. But we have to run our customer service team by the standar
ds of the modern era and that means every account is entitled to privacy, and THAT
means we can't tell you what we've done or not done and why to someone else's a
Anyway, your appeals aren't going into a black hole; it is in our best interest
to make our game as free of cheaters as possible.
Q: I was just wondering how a spell gets completely resisted. Not to be confused
with the 'resists' stats that are raisable by items.
I was wondering if say, I had a level 50 Wizard with say 50 points in fire and 2
0 points in ice. Would my level 20 ice spells be resisted more because they are
level 20 spells, or would they be resisted the same as my level 50 spells, only
doing less damage? I wish to know this because it is important to how I'm basing
my specs of some characters I wish to make.
A: Our spell designer told me that lower level spells are resisted more (they ha
ve a lower "to-hit" chance). Hope that helps!
All righty! I don't have much in the way of announcements, so I'll just get out of
the way and let you get to your weekend. For those of you who sent in NON-Founda
tions questions I got them, they've been passed on, and I'm told I'll get the answ
ers next week.
Thanks very much for playing we're glad to have you, and we're glad you're enjoyin
g the game.

I had a whole bunch of announcements, so much so that they made their own grab b
ag. Read on!
You may have noticed that the "guild bounty points in exchange for guild house r
ent" NPCs were removed from the 1.63 patch notes. Our goal is to get this featur
e back in the game with the 1.64 patch, just FYI.
Undocumented feature alert: our rent collecting system will check your consignme
nt merchant for money if the rent is due and you've forgotten to put the gold on
your house. The system will always check the house for money first, but the mon
ey on the consignment merchant does act as a little safety net.
Got a fun in game event you'd like to share
you just make 50? Did your favorite crafter
character get married in game? Look up and
re at the top of the Herald. Submit a story

with the rest of the community? Did

finally achieve LGM status? Did your
check out the Community News tab the

In recent weeks, a number of "returning" customers have asked if there's any way
to acquire a year and nine months of patches without that agonizing download. T
here is now - We're charg
ing for the cost of the CD and our time to burn it but it's free if you buy anythi
ng else from the store.
Just in case you weren't aware, we have an informal "good citizen" reward progra
m. The first person to report an exploit or a dupe without first exploiting it r
eceives a prize. Just today I talked to a gentleman who reported a dupe to us (f
irst testing it with a hat pattern, to see if it truly was a dupe). From next Mo
nday onwards, he'll be playing the game for free, and he and his wife will be ou
r guests as beta testers in every closed beta from now on. It's the least we cou
ld do for someone who directly contributed to the betterment of the game. So, sh
ould you find something with the potential to be seriously harmful to the game,
please send an appeal with all the information, and an email to me (Sanya@mythic, with the header DUPE). The reward depends on the severity of
the problem (i.e., not everything scores a free account ;)), but I will demonstr
ate our gratitude in some way if you're indeed the first to report the problem,
and you've done so in honesty and good faith.
A frequently asked question do you guys at Mythic play the game? We sure do. We ev
en send around little emails when another of our characters hits 50 or saves up
enough to get their house =) We belong to a number of different guilds (anonymou
sly, of course!) to get a better view of the "player on the street" perspective.
We also play independently, to check out the feel of the game for those that ch
oose to remain unguilded. So be nice to random strangers :P. I particularly appr
eciate the nice people that give my little lowbies piles of gold. You see, Mythi
c people can be and have been fired for *any* form of cheating in Dark Age of Ca
melot. We do not help ourselves, or friends, under any circumstances with exp or
gold or items. In fact, we do not log into live servers with anything but a nat
urally grown and leveled (or /leveled) character. As a result, we have to scrimp
for that first suit of "good" armor just like everyone else.
We can and do create characters and gold on Pendragon out of thin air it's often n
ecessary for testing purposes. But the live servers will never be subjected to m
ysterious characters appearing out of thin air, and no one on a live server will
suddenly wield a magic weapon or come into a huge pile of gold. Too many of us
have played MMOGs for too long. That kind of behavior destroys the integrity of
the game, and is useless to us anyway we know you cannot make balance decisions by
creating a character and jumping into the game with no context or experience.
And, that's all I've got tonight. The questions will return next week. http://we

Not at all the same thing as hammer time, fortunately, because I look silly in t
hose pants:
Q: I've found what seems to be a discrepancy among the Morvalt factions. There a
re some morvalts, conning blue and yellow at the moment, that do not give positi
ve 'anti-morvalt' faction, nor do they give negative 'morvalt' faction. The ones
we've found so far are Morvalt renegades (ok that makes a certain amount of sen
se) and Morvalt landflykes. Is there some explanation for why they are faction-l
ess? Is this a bug?
A: You've already hit on why renegades aren't related to the Morvalts, and when
I asked for the explanation behind the landflykes, the same logic will apply it se
ems that "landflyke" is a word that translates as "exile."
Q: I was wondering if you could explain how the immunity timers are supposed to
work with mez. I keep hearing about this immunity timer, but I do not seem to ha
ve any immunity at all unless I'm lucky enough to receive resists buffs.
A: From the spell designer: "If you have a spell cast on you that sets the immun
ity timer, another spell that sets the immunity timer cannot be recast on you fo
r 60 seconds after the effect wears off. Each =type= of spell is on its own immu
nity timer, and the immunity timer doesn't -have- to be set (but it should be on
all player CC spells).
- Healer stuns you. For 60 seconds
ed by a Healer again.
- Immediately after the stun wears
type of spell, so it's got its own
wears off you cannot be mezzed by

after the stun wears off, you cannot be stunn

off, the Healer mezzes you (it's a different
immunity timer). For 60 seconds after the mez
a Healer again (or any other player)."

Just to be doubly sure, I asked one of our fearless programmers to take a look a
t the code. He told me, "Looks to me like any spell set to no recast will set a
60 second time period after it ends in which no spell of that type can be cast a
gain, no matter if the followup spell is set to no recast or not."
Q: A lot of people say Midgard twohanded does ~+15% damage bonus vs. onehanded,
and in Hibernia and Albion (as they have special speccs) twohanded does ~+40% da
mage bonus vs onehanded. I'm talking about style damage. Is that quite correct?
A: Just as a side note, be very afraid of things that "a lot of people" say. For
some reason unknown to mortal man, "a lot of people" tend to be either wrong, o
r not very many people after all.
But that's not the answer to your question! The answer according to the swell gu
y who looked it up is "All two handed weapons get a base 10% damage bonus, plus
an extra amount based on their specialization level."
Q: Are there any plans to fix the Spirit Master's Focus Damage Shield? Currently
it drops when the pet's target is listed in the SM TL Report, I would
just like to know the ETA.
A: I am told we're actively working on it, and to watch the patch notes.

Q: I got Wild Arcana and I've noticed for a Healer it doesn't actually DO anythi
ng. I was hoping you could critical with the Haste debuff, but you can't - and i
t does nothing for roots, mezzes, stuns, and such. Is there
any reason at all for them to have this..?
A: It should be possible to critical with a haste debuff, so if you cannot, it i
s a bug. If you encounter something like this, please send us an appeal with a d
escription of the problem (the amount of detail in the above question is perfect
, thanks). Make absolutely certain you choose "bug appeal" from the menu that po
ps up, so that it goes straight to our test team. We will not contact you, but s
omeone will investigate straight away.
Q: Once and for all, do +Pac skills from SCed armor do anything?
A: Specialization only affects spells with variable values like damage and heali
ng, not stuns and mezmerizes. So, no. We will be looking into making this more u
seful in the future.
Q: I see in the recent patch notes that on Gaheris you changed /broadcast in the
housing zones so that it cannot be heard inside the individual houses. I was wo
ndering what the reasoning is behind disallowing it inside the houses.
A: It came down to feedback from the majority of users people wanted privacy in th
eir houses. Or, put another way, people didn't like the broken illusion when the
y could hear the conversations of hundreds as they hung out inside their lairs.
Enjoyable village chit chatting can still be had as you hang out in your gardens
Q: Wondering - what are the gravestone rules? I know you can only have one at a
time - but how long will they last?
A: 48 hours.
Q: I appealed a quest as broken, and that seemed to help. Meaning, I solved the
quest after I sent the appeal. How do I cancel appeals?
A: Type in /cancelappeal (all one word) - and don't feel bad, it happens to all
of us.
Announcement time! Yesterday, when I announced the beginning of closed beta, I a
dded a teeny bit about "not emailing us." Please don't email me telling me how s
well you are it just breaks my heart when I have to tell you no. "But, but, how ca
n I become known as a trusted tester without getting into beta? What a catch-22!
" The answer to that is easy everyone wants to test the new shiny expansions, but
people who want to test our patches and regular encounters are rare and special.
So rare and special, in fact, that we get to know our testers very well (especi
ally those that are on Pendragon, every patch, reporting every bug they see). An
d the testers who have been around for a while get first crack at the new stuff.
But we always welcome more test server regulars. Keep an eye on the Pendragon c
alendar starting soon there will be a renewed surge of hosted encounter testing.
Another route into the closed betas involves being a team lead. (Yet another rou
te not recommended for the faint of heart.) We just so happen to have some openi
ngs at this time. Check out the Team Lead Program (linked there under Herald Fea

tures) or go directly here for details on what we're looking for and how to appl
Y'all have a safe and enjoyable weekend we'll see you in the game.
Crunch all you want:
Q: I saw that you're no longer reading the Developer's Round Table (one of the m
any Vault message boards). How can I contribute my feedback and opinions?
A: We're still reading Vault boards, just not the Roundtable board. We continue
to read the more specific, smaller boards on that forum. (There are also several
other fan-run message boards around the internet that we lurk at.) And while I
don't answer the feedback forms very often, I do read them. That's actually WHY
I don't answer very many - to make more time to read them all! The forms are alm
ost always better written, anyway the author isn't trying to prove anything to any
one but me, and isn't trying to outdo anyone else. Basically, we haven't so much
stopped reading a board as we have refocused our energy into sources that give
us a better picture of our player base as a whole.
Q: There's a note in the 1.64 test patch notes about style and icon fixes. Can y
ou be more specific?
A: As noted in the 1.64C clarifications, we made over 200 small fixes to icons.
Sorry, IRC guys, I was screwed up. The style lookover is still in the future.
Q: Why did you not fix (insert name of style/spell/equipment) when you looked ov
er similar things?
A: I don't have a direct answer to your question, because there is a difference
between a fix and a change. A change is when we alter something that works in re
sponse to ever-evolving design decisions and player feedback. Before reporting s
omething as broken, be sure that you're not actually requesting a change in desi
Bug appeals are not answered by our CSRs. Instead, those appeals are sent to the
product quality team to read, investigate, and tally. Requests for design chang
es should be sent with a feedback form. Again, you won't hear anything directly
(as I've said before, if I answered all of them, I wouldn't have time to read mo
st of them), but rest assured your "votes" are tallied.
Q: In the herald messages, I see that new /commands are being added all the time
, but I don't always get to read the Herald before the postings go away. Would y
ou please let me know if there is a database or listing somewhere and where I co
uld get access to this?
A: Our loyal and talented Herald programmer updates the list whenever a patch go
es live. The link is on the left sidebar under "Game Documents." There's even a
nice printable version. Let me know with a feedback form (there's a "Herald" cat
egory) if we left something off.
Q: I know I probably didn't get a beta invite, but I had my junk mail being auto
matically being deleted so if it did go into my junk mail folder I never got the
chance to see it. I was wondering if I get a second chance if I did get invited

A: Add us to your list of approved addresses! Okay, seriously this round of tester
s was extremely small and consisted entirely of TLs, TL guests, and people who h
ad a specific invitation from me to join all future closed betas. The next few r
ounds will no doubt consist of testers who have regularly tested things on Pendr
agon over the last few months. If you're not in those categories, you don't need
to worry about having lost your invitation.
Please do update your mail filters to accept mail from us, though. With so many
people asking for beta accounts, we don't need to resend invitation letters, and
I'd hate for anyone to miss out.
Q: Are people allowed to take over the hunting spot I've camped for the last cra
zy number of hours?
A: Yes. Technically, there are no "camps" that people can own. If someone tries
to grab a monster you've already engaged, or tries to leech experience off a mon
ster you're already fighting, then that would be an honor in combat violation. I
f you are unable to resolve **that** particular issue, you can appeal it as a ha
rassment problem. But if another player grabs a spawn from "your" area, there's
nothing we can do. Nobody "owns" a room in a massively multiplayer game. If you
can make agreements with your fellow players, that's great but we can't enforce th
ose agreements for you. And even if someone is behaving in a manner that upsets
you, you cannot break our honor in combat rules in retaliation.
Q: I recently completed the Caledonia keep capture quest with one of my "younger
" characters and was quite happy with the xp I got as a reward. I remember seein
g a while back that there were similar quest for capture of Merchant Keeps in th
e enemy frontier zones. I believe there were 2 such quests for 35-40 and 40-45 l
evel ranges. I think there was a realm rank needed besides the keep capture for
each of these. Could someone fill me in on what RR I would need to attain for th
ese level ranges?
A: To complete these quests, you need to be Realm Rank 2 (if you're between leve
ls 35 and 40), and Realm Rank 2, Level 5 for levels 40 to 45.
Q: I bought an alchemy table for our guild house. I purchased an incantation
chant for spellcrafting and have noticed that I have to buy two merchants to
all the alchemy supplies. Why is that? Since you only have a limited number
hookpoints in the player houses (especially in the smaller houses), wouldn't
be better to have just one merchant like spellcrafting does?


A: It would be except there is no room to combine all of the alchemy supplies. Each
merchant may only carry up to 150 items at this time, and there are more alchem
y components than that hard limit.
Q: I was doing a few trophies the other day and killed Faewren (who can be made
into one of the Cat Trophies for Hibernia). However, it didn't drop remains, Sin
ce myself with my husband have been doing them on our Alb server since the begin
ning of Housing I know that if a mob drops remains it is on first kill. He was b
lue to me, and I did get xp for killing him, but he didn't drop remains. So I wa
nted another four game days for him to spawn again and killed him again and this
time I got remains. While I was waiting for the respawn I reported it. When the
CSR got there, he said that Remains don't drop every time on first kill. Can yo
u please clarify this for me?

A: You're both right. Not every monster drops remains every time. However, this
particular creature is set to drop remains every time it dies, and if it doesn't
, it's a bug.
Q: I spoke with a CSR about a "bug" that displayed the DPS on a weapon different
ly in two locations. The item is a Balor drop and is named "Spear of Victory". W
hen you simple right click the weapon it shows the DPS as being 16.4. When you u
se Shift I to get the delve information it shows the weapon being Base DPS 16.5.
The CSR told me that the delve information is correct.
A: The right click window truncates the value, so if it shows 16.4, it's possibl
e that the value is really 16.4999999. The delve info rounds 16.499999 to 16.5.
At any rate, delve shows the values that are used in calculation.
Q: I have trained to Serenity 4, and I have Empowering Perfection mana regen 5.
Do they stack so essentially I have mana regen 9, or have I wasted my realm skil
l points?
A: Our spell designer told me, "Serenity stacks with spell-based power regen buf
Q: I've asked several other people, and none of us can figure out what this mean
s in the 1.64A patch notes:
"Salvages on stacks of items will now reduce the amount of bars returned based o
n how full the stack is. A full stack will return the entire amount specified in
the salvage count field, a half stack would return half that, etc. If there are
not enough items in the stack to return anything, an error message will be retu
rned to the player and the salvage will not go through."
Can you clarify?
A: I forwarded this question to our trade designer, and added that I too was ver
y confused by the patch note, but I hadn't asked for a rewrite because I assumed
crafters would understand. (For those of you new to the Herald, let me explain I
don't write the patch notes, but I request revisions when I think the notes migh
t be confusing to the typical player.) He replied:
"You aren't the only one that's confused, from what I've heard... it must be how
it is worded.
"It's probably also that most people don't realize that most of the SI common lo
ot is salvagable. You just had to salvage them 1 at a time before.
"If you have a stack of items, you can salvage them now.
"If the stack can have up to 10 items, but your stack that you are salvaging onl
y has 5 items in it, then you only get 50% of the salvage (since salvage is base
d on the total possible stack size).
"If somehow the salvage is set up in such a way that you are getting less then 1
salvage point per item (i.e. for a stack of 10 items you only get 5 bars of met
al) and you try to salvage a stack of 1, it won't let you, since you can't get a
half bar."
I'm still a little confused, but I hope it makes sense to you salvage operators!

Two quick announcements: First, I know this is old news to some of you, but ther
e's a fun little website out there for you trophy makers. They've got a good lis
t up already, and are always looking for more submissions. Check them out at htt
And second, our partner IGames has another event happening! They're calling it t
he month long LAN party the Dark Age of Camelot August Extravaganza. Go to http:// for more details.
Well, stick a fork in me, I'm done for the week. See you all next Monday!http://
It's mighty mighty, it lets it all hang out:
Q: Does QUI affect run speed?
A: No. Run speed is a constant in our game, affected only by haste magic.
Q: Is it possible for a relic to be carried through Darkness Falls using the DF
portal at the relic keep? What about through the RVR frontier dungeons?
A: You can't carry it through the DF portal located in the keep you got the reli
c from, because the portal only works for the relic's "home team." But it's quit
e possible to haul the relic into the RVR dungeons.
Q: I would like to know once and for all (to silence the debate) whether your to
rch (if on) can be seen by the enemy realm?
A: Yes. You're "lit up" if your torch is on.
Q: I just got done exploring Dartmoor on Pendragon, looking for named giants to
kill to check out the new drops. I noticed that the named giants do not always d
rop items now. Is this intended? Or, put another way, are the named giants in Da
rtmoor supposed to drop items all the time as they used to, or has this changed
with the new item drop list that they now utilize?
A: Well, this one engendered a two-part response from our friends on the world t
eam. First, an excellent explanation of how we set drop rates for named mobs in
Dark Age of Camelot emerged from the keyboard of the item princess. Read on:
"Drop rates for named mobs are determined by how often the mob can spawn, and to
a lesser degree what level the mob is. A longer spawn rate means a higher chanc
e at magic drops, while a shorter spawn rate means a lower chance at magic drops
. Named mobs above level 50 will tend to have slightly higher drop rates than na
med mobs below level 50.
"The named mobs in Dartmoor, Sheeroe Hills, and Malmohus that received new items
during 1.64 spawn frequently enough that they do not have a guaranteed 100% dro
p rate."
Great explanation but does that mean the drop rates have been changed in 1.64 for
these creatures? Short version yes. The drop rates for the named mob encounters in

the three zones listed above are incorrectly set on the live servers, and will
change in 1.64. (You can't say we don't 'fess up when we did in fact make change
s! ;) Thanks to the Pendragon tester for bringing this to my attention, so that
I could make sure our whole player base was correctly informed.)
Q: I have a level 30 Paladin and he seems to parry better when he uses his slash
ing weapon more so that when he wields his war mace. Is the weapon type a modifi
er for the parry skill?
A: Certain weapon "styles" can give bonuses to parry/block/evade chance, but the
weapons themselves don't.
Q: In the notes for 1.64D under the Items section you say, "Trophy items are no
longer sellable." However, in another section of the notes you say that the item
s can now be searched for on the player consignment merchants. I'm confused.
A: Our content producer explains, "(As of 1.64) you can no longer accidentally s
ell trophies to a vendor for 2cp. You can still sell them through your merchant
to other players."
Q: So, I was armor crafting, right? I bought 50 alloy bars to start with. I was
crafting boned and llamar armor. After I was done salvaging the stuff I ended up
with 70 alloy bars. I then made another full inventory and finally finished the
night with 95 alloy bars. Is this right?
A: Sure looks good when you put it like that, eh? The fact of the matter is, tho
ugh, while you came out of the deal with more alloy bars, you didn't get back an
y of your other components, so it's not quite the deal it first appears to be. T
he salvage system only returns one type of material to you.
Q: Which is better, 50 spec in weapon/offensive magic line XYZ or 39 (+11 item b
onus points)?
A: I never answer these definitively, because that way lies madness. What's bett
er? It's entirely subjective, and depends on you and your style of play. Do you
solo or group? Do you prefer open field combat, or dungeon crawling? Are you int
o PVE or PVP? And if you picked PVP, do you enjoy mass combat or do you really l
ike dueling? Are you going to make it all the way to fifty, or are you the type
of player who actually prefers the thirties? Do you have a defensive or an offen
sive style?
Here's the thing. A "natural" 50, where you chose to put each of those points in
to the spec line, has some advantages. You get more spells and styles, obviously
, and there are other formulas involving damage and skill that use your spec num
ber. However, when we're talking about strictly base damage, 50 spec is equal to
39 plus 11 points in items. If you have that natural 50, plus 11 points in item
s, you will consistently hit things in your upper range because your base damage
and your maximum damage are both high in other words, low variance.
Many people choose to get to fifty with items, as opposed to going natural. They
feel that the extra improvement and offensive prowess gained in one skill line
going with spec points isn't equal to the value of getting a certain level of pr
oficiency in another line with the points they "save."
The point is, it's about choices. You can be the best ever at one thing, or sacr
ifice a certain amount of your "perfection" to gain more coverage across your ot

her lines. It's up to you, and no answer I can give you will be appropriate for
all contexts.
Q: Is the Realm Ability "Second Wind" usable in combat?
A: Yes.
Q: What's the math for Mentalist's Level/Spec vs the level of pet you can charm?
A: I can't give out the formula, because it's too complicated, with too many fac
tors playing a role. Roughly: The chance to charm a creature is a sliding scale.
As the level of the potential pet exceeds the caster's level, your chance to ch
arm greatly diminishes. Your spec in the pet line does play a part, however, so
someone with specialization will consistently charm higher level pets.
Q: Insert necro question here.
A: Y'all, most of the necro questions I got this week got the response "currentl
y under discussion and will be addressed in 1.65 if not sooner." Sorry to be so
vague, but you are on the schedule.
Q: Is Shield damage (when using a bash intended to damage, for example) dependen
t on a primary weapon skill?
A: When using a shield bash, it's your shield skill that determines damage.
Q: Are monsters affected by acuity buffs?
A: Nope.
That's it for the column this week, thanks for all the questions. And thanks for
the feedback on our new Herald design. Our programmer has been working on it fo
r quite some time, and it's great having so many eyes on it helping us to put th
e final shine on everything.
If you're looking for opportunities to put your own shine on things a little mor
e directly, don't forget to click the Team Lead Ticket and check out the volunte
er opportunities.
Have a great weekend!
Here we go!
Q: Is there any particular reasons why the Blackhearted Spear, from Tuscaran Gla
cier in Midgard, has no particle effects (no 'glowies') on it? Do you think such
an effect will be added to it in the future, and if so, will the ones already i
n game be modified?
A: Short version the reason there's no glowy is because the "attach point" (the po
int on the weapon that a spell effect is attached to) is in a weird place on tha
t weapon, and any effect would look silly. Whether or not that will change depen
ds on whether or not anyone on the art staff is unchained from their desk long e
nough to look at issues unrelated to their deadlines. And that point is several

months away. May I suggest asking again in a few months?

Q: I've heard from several players that procs from armor and weapons dropped in
epic dungeons goes off quite a bit more often than normal player crafted equipme
nt. Is there anything to this?
A: Not a thing. We looked into it and ran some tests to be sure. Side note, thou
gh: Make sure that your things are properly enchanted (the "bright" effect you g
et when you take your items to an NPC enchanter) the game assumes that you will ha
ve the bonuses applied.
Q: Is it an exploit to jump up on the top step at the entrance to the other real
m's Darkness Falls entrance?
A: Yes, and I should add that it's an exploit to get up on any of those steps be
longing to the other realm. Doing so can result in action against your account.
Q: Does the /level command work if we copy our level 50 character to Pendragon,
and then delete the level 50 from the live server?
A: Yes. But please don't delete your level 50 from any live server we won't restor
e it should you change your mind, and there's a saying about grass always lookin
g greener until you actually jump over the fence, etc.
Q: I am curious about my conc pool. I have spoken with other friars, and they ca
n all cast 20 buffs but I can't. I realize that some buffs have a higher cost than
others, but I believe they are casting the same ones I am.
I spoke with a CSR who informed me that enhancement spec has nothing to do with
the conc pool, only the level of the character affects the conc pool. Is this co
A: The CSR is correct, spec does not matter when it comes to figuring out how ma
ny concentration points you have to spend. However, our spell designer tells me
that your casting stat (in your case, piety) also plays a role in determining th
e size of your concentration pool, in addition to your character's level. So ask
your friends what their piety is, and figure out for certain if you are in fact
casting the same buffs.
Q: I haven't seen a Vine Wrapped Impaler drop in Galladoria in a long time is it (
the drop table) still working?
A: Yep. We looked it up and checked the drop settings it's currently coming off se
ven different creatures, four named and three common spawns. Keep hunting :)
(But, but, but Sanya, why can't you tell me exactly where it drops from? The ans
wer to that is either because I'm not supposed to give spoilers, or because I'm
a mean, mean person who is presently somewhat overcaffeinated. You decide! ;))
Q: I recently formed a new guild. I set up all my permission levels and rankings
, and logged out. When I logged back in this morning, nothing was set! This was ann
A: Ow. This is a rare bug, that doesn't affect very many people, so it's difficu

lt to fix. (The first step to fixing a bug is duplicating it, and when it doesn'
t happen very often, we don't have much of a data pool to work with.) Obviously,
we're working on it. Meanwhile, I apologize for the frustration, and hereby pro
vide you with the workaround
If this happens to you, and you're forced to reset everything and don't want to
risk having it happen again, first report the problem to us. Next, go to your re
alm's keep in an Albion frontier zone and set up the ranks and permissions. The
reason you do this is because from what we can tell so far, the server looks in
Albionian (is that a word?) zones and not those of the other two realms to check
for guild settings to propagate for a very few unlucky players. I couldn't begi
n to tell you why that is, other than something vague about how Albion was the f
irst realm we put up on the hardware. I just know it works. But remember to repo
rt that problem via bug appeal so we can add your character information to the s
earch for a fix.
* * *
Slow news day, sorry, y'all. Got a good tip from a fellow known as "Ant" you can u
se the new /rpfilter command to help keep track of your friend's alts. Just set
up the filter so that when you see a friend's alt, it prints out on your client
as "AltName (MainName)." Meaning, if you see me log in as Gertrude, but you know
me better as my main, Sanya, set up the filter so that whenever my name prints
out, you see it as "Gertrude (Sanya) tells you blah blah blah."
Several of you have discovered how much fun it is to mess with each other's name
s in this fashion. By the way, if you change someone's name, and find that you c
an no longer send someone a tell because you can no longer remember what their a
ctual name is, remember you can type /rpfilter (without anything else) and a pop
up window will tell you what youre currently filtering.
Have fun storming the castle, and we'll see you next week.
Off we go!
Q: In the notes from 1.46, it says "-Relic Keep doors are no longer upgradable.
They will spawn at a high wood level (8) and will remain there. They can still b
e repaired." But it seems like they can be upgraded.
A: I can't find a note between now and then (1.46 weren't dinosaurs still walking
the earth back then?), so it's possible it was undocumented but we did change it s
o that that the doors spawn at 8 and can be upgraded up to ten. Thanks for bring
ing this to our attention.
Q: Wow, sure are a lot of virus emails floating around.
A: Yes. And it's another spoofer virus, so delve the headers to see where they c
ame from - they aren't coming from the address you see in your mailbox. Run a to
p of the line, recently updated virus checker often. And take comfort no matter ho
w many of these virus infested emails you're getting, I'm getting more. A lot mo
re. I also get invitations to join extremely specialized porn sites. If you are
the one who signed me up for the one with the tentacles, I will someday find you
and kill you.
Q: One of my friends lost his house. His credit card expired, so his account was
closed for three days and when he came back, the house was gone. Do houses disa

ppear when an account goes into billing suspension?

A: No, they don't. Our billing system and our game aren't connected in any way the
billing system is like a switch, it either lets you have access to the game or
it doesn't. Your characters and your houses continue to exist whether or not you
have access to them. So, if you've got money in the lockbox, our system will co
ntinue to automatically deduct rent every week until the money is gone.
I'm happy to request logs on anyone's behalf so far, each case we've looked into h
as turned out to be a simple matter of there not being enough money to pay the r
ent in the lockbox, or on the consignment merchant.
Q: Three new zones for Shrouded Isles people? This sounds like a crazy download.
A: Actually, it's not going to be that bad. We planted the zone textures (althou
gh not the treasures, the quests, the encounters, or the NPCs) on the Shrouded I
sles CD way back when. When the SI CD was ready for gold master, we determined t
hat we had just enough space to put extra, empty zones on that CD, so our intrep
id Content Producer came in for a few weekends to put those in for future use those zone textures are a bear to download, as you know!
Q: I heard rumors about DAOC's servers and possible security problems. Is there
any truth to this kind of rumor?
A: No.
But let me explain how I can be so definite. (Sorry if this is an overly simplif
ied explanation remember, I have to print my answers for both the technical and th
e non-technical people out there.) A game like ours has two kinds of code, clien
t side (the part that happens on your computer at home) and server side (the cod
e on you guessed it our servers).
Dark Age of Camelot servers have never been hacked. The tools that allow creatio
n of monsters and other world items on live servers are internal development too
ls. (Here at Mythic HQ, access to these things means you work here in our office
and are closely supervised.) These tools are mainly used for two purposes - on
Pendragon during encounter testing, and on live servers by our customer service
people who are replacing lost quest items and other such things. There has never
been a misuse of these tools on any of our live servers.
Our password server has also not been hacked. Every case of "account hacking" ha
s been people not keeping their passwords secure. If you share your password wit
h others, if you email your password to strangers, and if you say, boot up a thi
rd party program and then type your password, your password is not secure. We fe
el bad for people who get taken advantage of, but we can't restore their account
s or their treasures. So never give out your password, and change it frequently.
There are, as many of you know, some client hacks out there. While they cannot c
reate gold or monsters, or provide you with any actual gameplay skill, they can
affect things that your client controls, such as your run speed.
We ban people using these every day. Because we do not want to ban innocent play
ers, our investigation process is painstaking and a little slow. But we get the
cheaters eventually. It's unfortunate, but a fact of life you get a lot of people
together, and the odds are good that a very few of them will be special people who can
't compete without cheating. So, we get copies of all the cheat programs, learn
how to find their users, and make frequent and daily use of the ban stick.

But I digress. The short answer is that DAOC servers have not been hacked.
Q: Hi! Since I got my bard to 50, I have been making some alts and taking them t
o Thidranki. I have a 24 huntress, and as I was playing her last night, I swear
I got 2 or 3 realm points for a particular single kill. However, my friend tells
me I am a liar and that all kills get you only one RP in Thidranki. Is it possi
ble to get more than one RP per kill in Thidranki?
A: Your friend is wrong. Below level 22, a player will only be worth one realm p
oint as a base.* A higher level player that's been in Thidranki for a while coul
d certainly be worth several realm points.
*In regular RVR, remember that past the base score, a player will be worth one e
xtra point for each realm rank they have.
Q: I recently completed the Albion quest "Reports" and I chose the reward of Ava
lon's Watcher, a flexible crusher. My groupmate chose Avalon's Victory, a one-ha
nded crusher. I was able to salvage Victory, but when I try to salvage Watcher,
it says it can not be salvaged. Is this intended?
A: Nope, thanks for letting us know, and watch the patch notes for the fix.
Q: Which Realm Ability will increase the healing of Frigg's?
A: Mastery of the Arcane.
Q: I currently own the original DAoC, and I've downloaded Foundations. If I went
out and bought Shrouded Isles, how would that effect my foundations? Would I ne
ed to re-install, or would it automatically be upgraded with the installation of
The reason i'm asking is because I'm currently on a Dial-Up connection, and I wo
uld hate to download Foundations.
A: Wince. You need to install the SI version of Foundations. However, you're not
stuck with the DL option we're selling CDs on the Mythic store at cost with the f
iles on it (just charging for the CD itself and the time it took to burn one). A
lso, if you buy a t-shirt, the CD is free :)
Q: Are there any plans to add more levels? And if I am level 50, will I just fil
l the exp bar completely, or will it "roll over" and show me an empty bar?
A: Your first question shudder. No, no plans to do so. Your second the bar will fill
up completely, and then hit the ceiling.
Q: I've heard that if we do not pickup the loot dropped by the mobs, the respawn
timer waits until the loot disappears before starting. Is there any truth in th
A: Nope.
* * *

Man, this worm virus thingy is annoying me. Every so often, someone actually doe
s write in with a thank you but I'm afraid the hammer of Thor will come down on me
if I dare open an email with a "thank you" header.
By the way, at 5:00 PM, we successfully moved 178 characters whose owners execut
ed the command correctly. We're going to wait out the weekend and make sure ever
ything is fine with those players. If it is, there will be another character mov
e at 10:00 AM Monday morning, and then each following morning at the same bat ti
me, same bat channel. So! If you're a Dred player who missed tonight's move, go
ahead and play this weekend, just be sure to use the command at some point, and
stay off the Dreds Monday morning.
Speaking of the Dreds if you use the character mover, please be certain to spell y
our Andred character's name correctly. The program is, as all programs are, extr
emely literal if it doesn't find an EXACT match, it will fail. So far, all the fai
led moves are because of simple typing errors.
What a week. Time to go home and kill stuff! Have a great weekend. For those of
you back at college and back to your T1 connections welcome back, we've kept the l
ight on for you.
Labor Day special! Read on:
Q: On the Sidi Inf boots, it says +3 ALL Melee Skills yet Duel Wield isn't liste
d. It's a speccable melee skill with its own styles the same as CS. Both are dep
endent on a secondary spec like slash or thrust, yet DW isnt included on the Royal
Assasins Boots. Will this be changed?
A: The phrase "all melee skills" is a little misleading, sorry about that. Check
the patch notes again, where we explained what the new +melee bonus did:
"- ALL melee weapon skills - This bonus will increase your skill in many weapon
types. This bonus does not increase shield, parry, archery skills, or dual wield
skills (hand to hand is the exception, as this skill is also the main weapon sk
ill associated with hand to hand weapons, and not just the off-hand skill). If y
our item has "All melee weapon skills: +3" and your character can train in hamme
r, axe and sword, your item should give you a +3 increase to all three."
Perhaps a more precise way of putting it would be to say that +melee grants you
a bonus to your handheld, close-quarters weapons.
Q: I looked up a question for the grab bag, and found two different answers. The
n I looked up a second question, and found two different answers again, and both
of them seemed wrong. Can you enlighten me?
A: There are two reasons the grab bag might be wrong:
1) It is describing the way something SHOULD work. If the game is different, the
n the grab bag is still right and the game has a bug; or
2) The grab bag in question is old copy, the game has changed/evolved since then
, and I've had no occasion to revisit the topic because no player has asked me t
o do so.
The most recent answer always "wins" in a battle with earlier answers. But if th
e most recent answer still seems wrong, check the date on the grab bag you're re
ferencing. If it's more than a few months old, I ask that you send me the questi

on again with a note saying the game seems to be different.

For a perfect example of a topic in need of revisiting, see the next question:
Q: (Insert Focus Staff Question here)
A. Here is the updated explanation behind focus staff use. Bear in mind that it'
s a complicated piece of code drawing from many different formulas, and I may ad
d something to this next week:
When you are not using any focus staff at all, a spell will cost you 120% of its
delved cost to cast, provided it is a spell that uses focus. i.e. Healing class
es do not use focus for their spells.
A focus staff will only benefit you if it has focus bonus in the same line as th
at spell, as modified below. (i.e. A staff with 50 levels in Mana will help Mana
spells but not Void spells)
If you are using a focus staff, a spell will cost you between 80-120% of its del
ved power cost to cast, depending upon several factors.
If the condition of the staff is not 100%, you will not get the full focus bonus
, and it will cost more power to cast spells.
If your modified spec level* is below the level of the spell, you will not get t
he full focus bonus, and it will cost more power to cast the spell.
If the focus level on the staff is below the level of the spell, you will not ge
t the full focus bonus, and it will cost more power to cast the spell.
Note that all three of the above conditions factor into power cost. Thus, To get
the the full 80% cost on your spells, you would use a 100% condition staff with
a focus bonus greater than the level of the spell you want to cast, and cast a
spell that is lower in level than your modified spec level. As each of these fac
tors (condition, spec level, and focus level) gets further away from the optimal
condition, the power cost slides from 80% to 120%.
A few examples:
If you have a staff with 50 levels in Mana, are casting a level 50 mana based sp
ell. and your modified spec is 48 (35 spec + 11 in items + 2 for Realm Rank 3) y
ou will get most of the power bonus from using the staff)
If your modified spec was 50 (35 spec +11 in items +4 for Realm Rank 5) then you
would get all of the bonus.
If your modified spec was 16 (1 spec +11 in items +4 for Realm Rank 5) then you
would get little bonus from the staff.
*Your base spec is the number of points you have put into the line. Your modifie
d spec is that number plus items plus realm rank bonuses.
Q: Is the Weekly Rps earned total on the herald a rolling total for the previous
7 days or is it reset on a certain day of the week?
A: It's a rolling total meaning that it's seven days from the last time the page w
as updated.

Q: If you cannot spec a particular skill, but you equip an item with a +skill, w
ill it affect your character at all? For example, as a warden I cannot spec shie
ld, but will using +shield items help me block more?
A: No. In this example, wearing bonus items for shields will not grant you any e
xtra ability to block if you can't train in the specialization.
If you were wondering what the Bag title means long ago, before we had flat screen
monitors and instant Swiss White Chocolate coffee, there used to be an etiquett
e rule that said you shouldn't wear white shoes after Labor Day and before Memor
ial Day. You could get special dispensation for Easter shoes. I have utterly no
idea why. There's your useless trivia for the day.
On the front page of the Herald is a link to the TL program if you're interested i
n applying to be one of our team leads, follow the link and follow the direction
s. Specifically, please put the name of the TL position you're applying for in t
he subject header. Thanks and good luck!
Our fearless Content Producer had a suggestion for anyone concerned about 1.65's
patch day in a month or so. If you want to beat the rush, and have a light down
load on the big day, why not give Pendragon a try? You'll get all of the new art
files now, which is the bulk of any download with new zones to play in. On patc
h day, you'll have a much smaller patch, since you'll already have many of the f
iles. Hope that helps!
It's Labor Day weekend, and the driving is terrible be safe driving out there. If
you party a little too much, stay at the party or call a cab. Don't take any sil
ly chances.
You know I wouldn't leave you without posting it if I could help it:
Q: I tried to submit my beta test application, and it said I already submitted!
Is this because I answered the riddle?
A: No. The application was bugged, briefly if you got that message and you KNOW yo
u didn't sign up, try again. Be sure to check with well meaning spouses and room
mates who may have signed you up, thinking you might not get a chance to do so.
Q: This person that mailed out fake Beta invites...where did he/she get the addr
A: Message boards, IRC, and so forth. It helps a little to write out your email li
ke Player at Hotmail dot com. Everyone still understands, but harvester programs
will ignore it. Also, always select the "keep my email private" option on messa
ge boards whenever possible. Finally, I recommend having two email addresses one f
or boards and such, and one that you register with us. We do not sell our custom
er information.
Q: Any word on Jewelcraft?
A: Jewelcraft is on the back burner, and looking at the schedule for the next si
x months, that's not going to change. I wish I didn't have to say that, but bett

er the truth than false hope.

Q: I'm a 40 SB, I have +constitution and +hp completely capped via stats on gear
. If I spent realm skill points on Augmented Constitution, does it stack with my
A: I am told that yes, it does.
Q: In the battlegrounds...if I fall off the steps made of wood that lead from th
e Portal Keep courtyard to the second level or the Central Keep courtyard to the
second level my characters can lose anywhere from 50-75% of their health! Yet w
hen I fall off or jump from second level of the Portal Keep or Central Keep I lo
se on average 10% health. Heck I even jumped off the four level of the Central K
eep to the courtyard and lose 60% health. Why is this?
A: That sounds like a bug. Anything like that where you lose more health from a
point that is technically lower than another point you've jumped off of, submit
the details (the zone name, the /locs of the two spots) to our bug appeal queue.
You won't hear back directly, but someone will look into it.
Q: I noticed while playing the other day a mention by an NPC of "Mercenary's." A
s you should know, there is no such word.
A: *cringe* I hate those. Anything like that, send as a bug appeal. Wewell, the con
tent producer, but anyway, we just did another sweep looking for those and think
we've fixed most of the most egregious errors. Thank you for bringing that to m
y attention.
Q: This is a question to whether this is a glitch or not, please read: A day tha
t I was helping my friends level, we were all in World's End in Hybrasil. We cam
e upon a monster called the "rencan tri", we already knew that all monsters with
the first name rencan will die within seconds and a "giant anglator" will come
out, yet after I pulled the rencan tri there came no "giant anglator" or as we t
hought, because it was actually INVISIBLE. We were not able to target it unless
it made contact with us and even then it said is wasn't visible, though we kille
d it because we had PBaoe.
I am asking is this a glitch or an actual intended part of the game?
A: Invisible monsters (and your Giant Anglator is one of them) are supposed to b
ecome visible when they attack. This looks like the monster didn't come all the
way out of his invisible state for some reason. If this happens again, please no
te down all the details (how many attackers, what you used to pull with, etc) an
d send a bug appeal.
Q: I was wondering why the following item was not usable by the savage
class: Agmundr's Foe Slayer. Savages can spec themselves in Sword so why they ca
nnot use this sword drop from Tuscaran Glacier. Stats are not class specific. Th
ey are general stats. I consider this as a bug. How can I report this to Mythic
developers? Thanks for any help you can offer me!
A: Well, you found the best way to report this to Mythic developers :) But it's
not a bug, it's a design choice. That weapon is very fast for a two hander, and
savages have a number of innate haste boosters. It would be somewhat overpowerin
g in the hands of a savage.

Don't hesitate to send me things like this for the questions file, though you neve
r know when there might have been an oversight. Right now, our item bug list is
completely clear. Let's give the item princess and her handmaidens things to suf
fer over!
Q: Do you even read negative feedback? (Insert long list of really good feedback
A: Well, yes, if it's written clearly and concisely and free of accusations of b
ias towards a particular realm. Bulleted lists are nice. I have a lot of materia
l I need to read each day, so I love it when someone gets straight to the point
and lays out the data without long essays.
Q: Does the Master of Concentration RA prevent a cast from being interrupted if
an amnesia spell is cast on them?
A: No the amnesia spell is the one thing that will always interrupt, by design. In
cidentally, Mastery of Concentration does not prevent interrupts, it simply impr
oves your chances to not be interrupted.
As you may have noticed, we decided to leave the beta sign up form up through th
e weekend instead of yanking it tonight several of you wrote in to let me know tha
t you could not surf the net at work. We will be pulling the form off the web on
Monday, though, so don't wait too long!
I did a fun interview with an old friend named Mystery it's posted over at Warcry.
Check it out!
Andred players if you missed the excitement in the last few weeks, you can still m
ove your characters, you just can't log into Andred and look at your inventories
. The directions can be found here.
Gentle reminder all third party programs that directly and actively impact the gam
e are illegal, and once we have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is
using such a program, we have a one strike and you're out policy. If you're won
dering a simple log parser that returns results to a separate window = fine. A sim
ple log parser that returns results to your in game chat windows = bad. Anything
that gives you an advantage over another player such as speed or "radar" = very
bad, not to mention pathetic. If you can't compete without cheating, this may n
ot be the game for you.
Of course, remember the other side of the coin just because the other fellow beat
you is not in itself proof that he cheated.
I believe it is time for me to consume some complex carbohydrates. Thanks, as al
ways, for being part of our community.
Hey, if anyone has a copy of that DAOC movie "Ring of Fire," send it or a link t
o me - I'd wanted to post it tonight, and alas! My copy is gone. Anyway, time fo
r the bag:
Q: I have 3300 realm points now and I am totally lost on when I will get to real
m rank 2. I can't find a ladder anywhere that seems accurate. According to an ol
d one I found, I should be around rank 1 level 7 at this point but I'm only rank

1 level 4. How many realm points do I need to get to rank 2?

A: You should indeed be 1.7. The realm point system has a quirk. If you get enou
gh points to go up more than one level, you'll only go up one level but the next t
ime you get so much as a single point, you will go up another level. This will h
appen until you have all the levels you are entitled to.
Of course, on Gaheris, this poses a special problem since you guys usually only
get points in whopping big chunks. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I am loo
king into it.
By the way, your friends in the CSR Pit of Despair recommend this realm point ch
nks. Lots of other neat stuff on that website, too, although I haven't had a cha
nce to personally vouch for everything.
Q: Do dual wield classes have a separate chance to parry with both weapons? Or i
s it the same as if I had only one weapon wielded?
A: Dual wielding does not grant more chances to parry than a single weapon.
Q: Seems like a lot of TOA stuff, and not a lot of stuff about 1.65. What gives?
A: Well, as the Herald typing monkey, I can only post certain things. Usually, I
post about things that are ready for you guys to use or test I get twitchy when I
have to talk about things that are more than a few days away. The riddle contes
t (brought to you by the Herald team and ONLY the Herald team everyone else is wor
king on the actual game) is something I can post every day. Patch notes, the nex
t section of which is coming Monday or Tuesday, barring the unforeseen, can only
be posted after they've been coded and at least tested internally. There are se
veral more installments of 1.65 in the works.
Q: The Ancient Roman Coin from the Stone of Arawn quest is tradable but the Anci
ent Copper Necklace from the same quest isn't tradable. Why is that?
A: The Ancient Copper Necklace is one of the better items in the game. Originall
y it was only rewarded randomly to about 5% of players. When we made the quest r
epeatable so that everyone could have a fair chance at the necklace, we made it
no trade to avoid flooding the game with it. The Ancient Roman Coin is a nice it
em, but not on par with the necklace and is therefore, tradeable.
Q: I've noticed some strange aggro AI on the mylings in Gripklosa Mountains. The
y build "hate" differently than every other mob that I've seen.
So far I've seen:
--They ignore damage from damage shields (focus and concentration) for agro purp
oses. They take damge from it, but the damage seems to be attributed to the cast
er of the shield and not the target of the shield for agro purposes.
--They occasionally accrue hate from the Shaman's heal over time spells.
--They occasionally aggro randomly against players in the area in which they are
engaged. For example, I was playing a level 27 hunter and had a friend helping
me with his 47 shaman. On 3 non-consecutive pulls, the shaman did nothing but bu
ff (no heal, no HoT), yet the myling hit the shaman anyway. I got no experience
reward for those kills even though the Shaman did no damage to the myling direct

ly (shaman didn't have damage shield on himself or me).

Are the mylings behaving differently by design or is thisbehavior a bug?
A: Not every encounter in the game has the same kind of ag, and you're talking a
bout one of the more unique encounters. The content producer's minion told me "T
his is by design. Mylings are very spastic and will attack players almost comple
tely at random. Mylings can also check an area around them and attack anyone reg
ardless of level in that area, so this is one of the few areas where a grey mob
could potentially aggro on a player."
Q: I gave someone a rez, and got realm points for it and being as I was very close
to a new realm rank level, I immediately looked at my character information scr
een. My points were not there!
A: Rez realm points sometimes take a bit to update. Zone, or just wait until you
get other realm points via a kill or a group kill they'll catch up.
Q: I have a guild house that I would like to convert to a personal house. Can th
is be done?
A: I am afraid not. Once a guild house, always a guild house on a fundamental co
de level. There are no plans to change this at this time.
Q: I have done (insert repeatable quest name here) a number of times, and have n
ot yet gotten the (insert rarest reward here). Is the quest broken?
A: Random means just that random. What has happened before has no bearing on the p
resent. Let's say there is a one in twenty chance that you will receive the rare
st possible prize from a particular quest. Even if you got the "common" prize ni
neteen times in a row, there is no guarantee that you will get the rare prize th
e twentieth time. This is because each time you get to the reward stage, your ch
ances are always one in twenty.
I'll certainly investigate at your request, but most often, I've found the reque
st has originated from someone with very bad luck.
Ah, beta madness. If riddles, random selection, and crazy beta stunts weren't en
ough, there are some contests floating around the internet providing MORE chance
s to win a Trials of Atlantis beta! The two I've seen so far:
Classes of Camelot
Camelot Vault
I expect there will be more out there soon.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Got a few interesting tidbits, here:
Q: Where is my beta CD? I got my letter AGES ago.

A: The first round of Beta CDs are on their way across the world, and the second
batch should go out within the week.
Q: What classes can the new races of Atlantis be?
A: Remember that we're still a month and a few days away from launching Trials o
f Atlantis, so this is subject to change. Right now, here's how things stand:
Frostalf: Thane, Healer, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Shaman
Shar: Hero, Champion, Blademaster, Ranger, Nightshade, Mentalist
Half Ogre: Armsman, Mercenary, Cabalist, Wizard, Theurgist, Sorceror
Q: I didn't see a report from my class team lead this month. Was this due to NDA
issues or to some other factor? What do you do when you don't get the reports?
A: There are no reports that are being kept private due to NDA issues right now.
Our volunteers are expected to fill out regular reports, but we also respect th
e fact that our team leads have busy lives outside the game. Sometimes it's just
not possible for someone to get their report done due to family emergencies or
pressure in their day jobs. We aren't going to fuss at someone for that. Of cour
se, if they *regularly* are unable to meet their commitments, we do ask that the
y allow someone with more time to take over the position.
Q: I recently purchased a house beside a lake, yet it didn't have the ambient wa
ter sound effects like my guild house (also on a lake) did. How can you tell if
your house is close enough to the water to have water sounds while inside?
A: Our live producer is out of town, so I asked his minion to answer. Minion Man
replied, "If there is a specific example of places that seem like they should b
e playing water sounds and aren't or vice versa, players should /appeal it as a
bug so we can get it on the list of things to fix." Basically, if your house is
on the shoreline, you should be able to hear water from your front yard. If you
do not have beachfront property, you should not be able to hear it.
Q: My char is an LGM SC. I have been trying to reach the new cap for SC by craft
ing the etched aquamarine eye. I am stuck at 1058. I have crafted 242 of these i
ncredibly expensive gems in the attempt to reach 1059. I have asked the people o
n Guinevere and Percival who have reached 1059 and they say they reached it in a
bout 100 gems. I NEED to know:
a. Am I bugged??
b. Is only one person per server allowed to reach 1059?
c. What is the probability of reaching 1059 after 242 tries?
d. Were the people who made it in 100 gems incredibly lucky or am I just incredi
bly unlucky?
A: I took your question to the trade skills guy, and he answered:
"a) No.
"b) No.
"c) Doesn't matter, it doesn't keep track of how many tries. It once took someon
e 1600 combines to get the last point.
"d) They were incredibly lucky."

There you have it. Personally, I'm betting that it doesn't take you 1600 tries jus
t as the odds are highly against getting from 1058 to 1059 in 100 tries, it is e
xtremely unlikely you'll require 1600. But I'll cross my fingers, eh?
Q: I am a bonedancer. When I went from level 42 to 43, I stopped being able to c
ast both minions in addition to my commander. What gives?
A: What gives is a quirk of the rounding system. You can still have two minions,
it's just that one of them needs to be a little lower level.
The general feeling of most bonedancers about this quirk has been passed on to t
he dev team.

It's not that there weren't other good questions this week it's that we lost time
out of a tight schedule due to Isabel last week, and we're okay, who am I kidding,
my valiant coworkers are pulling overtime to make up for it. Coding all night does
not lend itself to answering questions particularly well. We need to be ready to
open the servers for paying Trials of Atlantis users by the end of October, and
we need to finish 1.65 as well, storm or no storm. The next couple grab bags ar
e likely to be a little on the light side as a result. I beg patience for this p
oor little column until then.
Gentle reminder: the particular "skill" known commonly as "lag jumping" (a metho
d of climbing stairs that are intended to be unclimbable, such as those in Darkn
ess Falls) is considered an exploit and will earn consequences on your account.
Just say no to exploiting and yes, it's still an exploit if you "jump" up your own
realm's stairs to get away from whatever or whoever is chasing you.
If you are sponsoring a beta contest and I haven't put up a link to you yet, let
me know we've got players out there who are dying to take part!
Got a great story from an in game event? We'd love to tell the world over in our
community section. There's a flashing button that says "submit news," and our J
ulie is waiting with bated breath for your tales.
Thanks, and have a terrific weekend!
Read on!
Q: (Insert beta CD question here).
A: The last batch of CDs (except for contest winners) has gone out. Please give
them a few days to arrive before you worry. We are starting to get "return to se
nder" CDs, stamped with messages such as "no such address." I am very sorry to s
ay that we can't spend the time to track down the correct mailing addresses. Tha
t's why we always ask that you provide the address to reduce the number of these r
If you get a CD, but something is wrong (such as having two CDs and both labeled
"disk 2"), please reply to the invitation email with your account name (NOT you
r character name, password, or CD key number), your mailing address, and a descr
iption of what is wrong with the CD.

Q: What is my account name?

A: This was quite a common question this week. Your account name is one of the t
wo things you enter every time you log into Dark Age of Camelot. First you enter
your account name (although if you always play on the same computer, you'll fin
d that your account name will automatically be in a little drop down menu), and
then your password. As I said above, your account name is NOT your CD key number
. We here at Mythic have no CD keys and no way to verify them that is a number pro
vided by the publisher.
Q: Are you still doing character moves from Andred to Mordred?
A: Absolutely. The moves happen every morning at 6:00 AM EDT. If you still have
a character to move, go to Mordred, create a level one character of the realm an
d race your old character has, and type /charpull OldName. Log out, stay out, an
d wait!
Q: I noticed on the recent patch notes that savages had their insta-taunt turned
into a castable one, presumably to remove their ability to insta-taunt enemy ca
sters while moving. However, I didnt see where the Friar and Paladin version of the
insta-taunt was removed. Was this an oversight?
A: Not at all. The savage was the only class in the game that had both insta-tau
nt AND tank Ras such as Determination, and the combination was a little unfair.
Here's a quote from our Balance Producer (whose Team Lead program is responsible
for many of the class balance suggestions we implemented in 1.65):
Savages, Friars, and Paladins all had the ability to insta-interrupt casters at ran
ge (as do others who either do damage or a form of CC with their instas). This a
bility is on a 30 second timer and is most often used at the start of the battle
to help these classes have a better chance of getting into melee range without
being mezzed, stunned, or rooted. The problem wasnt with the interrupt itself, but
with the fact that the Savage was the only class in the game that had both the i
nsta-taunt AND access to tank Realm Abilities.(Determination, Purge, etc at a re
duced cost). Given the choice between removing determination and other RA from t
he savage, or removing the insta-taunt ability, we felt that the making a change
to the insta-taunt would be much less disruptive to the players of that class.
Q: I have a Dwarven Glima Ring when I delve it, it has no listed restrictions, but
I cannot use it. Is this item bugged?
A: Sort of. It's bugged in that you can't see the restriction, but the fact that
you can't equip it is not a bug. Here's what's going on a small number of items (
such as the Glima Ring) have a requirement field in our database, meaning the it
em requires you to be a certain class, race, or what have you in order to wear i
t. But too many requirements cause the item to not show those requirements.
Let's say an item requires you to be one of the Viking classes well, there are fiv
e Viking classes. Five or more requirements make the system choke, so any item t
hat requires you to be a Viking will not say so. We are aware of this bug, and w
orking to fix it.
Q: In Patch 1.65J, you removed the bounty rent merchants. How come? Can we no lo
nger pay rent with our bounty points?

A: We'd hoped to replace the bounty rent merchants for a simpler system we intro
duced in 1.64. (That system - using your bounty points to pay rent on your house
s, using the /bountyrent personal ### or /bountyrent guild #### commands.) We pu
t the merchants back in 1.65K, since there are still some kinks to work out of t
he new system, but please consider this official notice that the merchants will ev
entually retire.
Beat the download rush for 1.65! Try out the new goodness on Pendragon this week
end and when the patch goes live, you'll already have most of the files, and won't
suffer through the patch day patcher clog. We expect to bring 1.65 live next we
ek, although as usual, my saying that will probably incur some sort of major sno
Have a terrific weekend, everyone; we'll see you out on the battlefield.http://w
While it's not as good as the middle chapter, it's still pretty satisfying!
Q: Will the ToA beta testers still need to purchase the ToA expansion CDs, or wi
ll they be able to just use the beta CDs?
A: While the files are the same, what you need to buy is the CD key that comes w
ith the disk, which is what we use to authorize your account.
By the way, everybody we at Mythic don't have access to CD keys directly, and we d
o not have any way of knowing what key belongs to what account. The CD keys come
from our publisher. This means two things one, it won't help to give us your CD k
ey for any reason in the future, and two, make sure your Trials of Atlantis box
is closed, sealed, and was never opened before you put down your money for it. I
f your "CD Key is already in use," you have to take it back to the store to deal
with the problem as much as we'd like to, we won't be able to help you.
Q: I have two accounts, and I don't want to buy two CDs when all I need are two
CD keys.
A: I don't blame you at all, and believe me, I have passed on that feedback. But
again, Mythic doesn't have anything to do with the CD key process, and can't ju
st give you a key.
Q: Do you plan to make DF seal items (with the new improved bonuses from the 1.6
5 patch) salvage for their level-appropriate materials? i.e. lvl 45+ diamond sea
l items = arcanium, etc.?
A: The intention behind the change was to increase the utility of the darkness f
alls items for player use as armor - not to change the salvage values.
Q: Since 1.65, seems like the mudmen huts around Ardee stopped spawning mudmen.
I didn't see a patch note
A: Whoops. You didn't see a patch note because it wasn't on purpose. We're fixin
g that in 1.66. I apologize for the error.
Q: (insert 1.65 resist changes question here)

A: Here's the answer I got from Balance Boy:

"Prior to 1.65, resists were all added together to create a single percentage wh
ich was reduced from the damage of the appropriate type that was taken.
"For example:
"If you had 26% cold resist in items, 14% in cold resist buffs, Avoidance of Mag
ic III (9%), and Brilliant Aura of Deflection (36%), your total resist to cold t
ype damage would be:
"So if you were hit by a spell that did 500 cold damage, the actual damage you r
eceived after resists would be 500*(1- .85) or 75 points. The person casting the
spell on you would see the damage result as 75(-425). That's the way it WAS.
"With the NEW system, resists are added into two separate categories that are ap
plied to the damage consecutively instead of all together at once. Items, Buffs,
and Racial abilities are calculated into the first resist check and Realm Abili
ties that affect resists are calculated in the second check.
"Using the same example as above:
"Your 26% cold resist items and 14% cold resist buffs would be counted first, so
"Then with the same 500 point cold damage spell, the calculation would be 500*(1
-.40) or 300.
"That 300 would then be checked against the AoM III (9%) and BAoD (36%), so 300*
(1-.45) or 165. The person casting the spell on you would see the damage as 165(
"So in this case, we a spell that would have only done 75 points of damage befor
e 1.65, now doing 165.
"This change was designed to address the rare cases of extremely high resists (6
5% and up), without penalizing those with low to moderate resists.(20-40%)."
Now, let me just remind everyone the example above is JUST an example. The math in
the game won't work exactly that way, because in the game, you're wearing armor
, debuffs are in action, etc. But for the purposes of explaining the changes, th
e example needed to be as simple as possible.
Q: I've read that "Trials of Atlantis is designed to further challenge high-leve
l players by introducing a Master Level advancement system. As a player moves se
quentially through each of the nine Trials, they will achieve a corresponding Ma
ster Level. Emphasizing group play, the Trials will have to be surmounted by gro
ups of players journeying through the portal together."
This needs to be clarified please. I cannot buy the game until I know exactly wh
at this statement entails. Are you saying that this is linear ONLY game play? Ar
e you saying that I cannot complete all 9 trials solo? Are you saying that I mus
t be with the same group of people to complete all 9 trials? PLEASE answer these
questions for me!
A: There will be more information coming out in the next few weeks, but in respo

nse to your email, here's what I was just handed hot off the email server:
- The expansion is meant to be played much like a tabletop module, BUT
- It has normal hunting grounds as well.
- Groups of players in their 20s can enjoy much of the hunting, but the Master L
evel Trials and the associated quests start at level 40.
- Many of the encounters that are part of the Trials themselves can be done by o
ne group (although some will require more, such as the final encounter for each
of the Trials.)
So, it's not just linear gameplay, there are lots of new places to hunt and new
treasures to acquire, but the story arc is meant to be followed sequentially. An
d you will need a group for many things, just like the current game, but no, not
the same eight people for the whole expansion. Solo Trials? No. Hope that helps
ease your mind a little.
Q: After patch day, how long does it take the dragon to spawn?
A: All spawn timers in the game have a percentage chance to spawn every few minu
tes. If the dragon fails his spawn roll, he could conceivably not spawn for seve
ral hours. This isn't like other games you may have played, where patch day is a
signal for everyone to stay home for work and pray they kill the giant lizard f
irst. Appealing and asking for the CSR to spawn the dragon won't make it spawn a
ny faster
Clicked the Community tab recently? Our Miss Julie is running a costume contest
for those of you who are dressing up like a character or a monster out of DAOC t
his year. We're looking forward to seeing your pictures, so send 'em in. And it'
s not me judging the contest, so yes, the results really will be announced aroun
d Halloween.
Some people have written to say they'd be perfect for the tech support job, and
that it's not fair that we won't consider them just because they live in, say, O
hio. I'll tell you, Ohio, your resume kicked ass, and you would have been hired
in a second if you lived here. The thing is, we really need someone who can star
t yesterday. Promotions come from within around here, we just moved one of our g
ood people up, and so there's a gap in entry level tech support right NOW. If we
know about a job opening in advance, we consider out of state applicants. Today
's opening has some urgency to it. Sorry :( Keep watching the Herald for opportu
Shout out to the DC Percival Player Gathering! That rolling party just rolled ou
t of here after a fun filled few hours of dev watching and producer harassing. F
or those of you who took the bleeping sunglass holders, you rock! Drive safe, Ca
nadians. And thank you, Kardinal and Crunchy Head, for producing these awesome p
arties. If you're local to DC and would like to catch up to these loons, they're
planning to take over the Maryland RennFaire tomorrow Crownsville will never be th
e same.
And with that, I'm off. Have fun storming the castle.
Definitely has an Atlantean flavor tonight:
Q: How will battlegroups work on Mordred will we be able to use these to keep AEs

from hurting temporary allies?

A: Not at this time, no. I have passed on your requests and feedback on the topi
c, though.
Q: Okay, so, the regular servers have three instances of Trials of Atlantis runn
ing parallel to each other, with different NPCs depending on the realm. How does
this work on Mordred and Gaheris?
A: Those two servers have one instance of TOA that all players have access to. T
he NPCs will be mixed to reflect those servers. I expect the players of those se
rvers to be among the first to complete the Master Levels, since high level play
ers from all three realms are available to raid. Well, assuming that people are
able to get off the boat docks on Mordred ;)
Q: Is TOA going to be a "no PVP" area on Mordred?
A: Heck no. All kill, all the time.
Q: About those waterbreathing potions. I'm a necromancer, and as you know, shade
s can't use potions. Am I doomed to a life of waterwings and noseplugs?
A: From the design team: "We've added code that will support us designing certai
n potions that can be used by Necros in shade form. This should address any fear
s of necros drowning since they will now be able to use water breathing potions.
" From me: we're going to make it so waterbreathing potions are usable by the sh
Q: Can regular, non-necro pets breath underwater?
A: They're really, really good at holding their breath. The mushrooms don't hold
their breath, they just don't have noses.
Q: You're not funny.
A: I know.

Q: What happens when I drown underwater and I /release? Will there be a floating
grave or will my grave just sink to the bottom? What if I'm killed somewhere in
between the surface and the ocean floor?
A: A grave is supposed to appear at the spot you died. If you die while dog padd
ling, the gravestone appears on the surface. If you die on the sandy bottom, it
appears there. If you die while diving, it's just there, neither floating nor si
nking. Make a /loc macro.
Q: Can the boats go on water in the original and Shrouded Isles zones? What happ
ens when boats crash into each other? Can you fight on boats?
A: I am told that at this time boats can't be used on the water outside of TOA.

Boats can't crash into each other if two set off at the same time, the server will
roll to see who goes first. The galley slaves on the winner may then catcall to
the slowpokes rowing away behind.
No combat actions can be taken on the boats. So no pirating, sorry.
Q: Master Abilities sound cool. What "tracks" go with which classes?
A: I can't tell you yet we are still making a few last minute balancing tweaks - b
ut I am told I'll get the list on Monday to post.
Normally, when I'm given dates and times, I fudge the heck out of it. In this ca
se, since we're launching on Tuesday, I think I'm pretty safe.
Q. Will there be a way to respec later if I don't like the track I
A: Yes, players will be able to discover ways to change tracks.

Q. Sounds like these abilities are going to have a huge impact in RvR. Am I goin
g to need to buy TOA to be able to compete?
A. From Balance Boy: "These abilities will likely have a significant impact on h
ow people RvR. However, they were designed as a whole to focus on helping in lar
ger scale Realm on Realm battles, as opposed to 1 on 1 or even 8 on 8." Many of
the abilities are designed to help allies within range on the frontier so you'll s
till get the benefits, even if you haven't picked up the expansion yourself.
Q: How many Master Level Abilities are there? How many will I be able to get?
A: There are nine Master Levels. There are two tracks each player can choose fro
m. There are eight tracks altogether (obviously, there is some overlap between t
he classes). So, there are a total of 72 Master Abilities, but you'll only be ab
le to have nine of them yourself. (All nine will be different not the "bigger vers
ion of last level's" you were worried about.) You'll choose your track when you
finish the first Master Level Trial, and subsequent abilities on the track will
be awarded automatically.
Q. So even though we can choose from two tracks, we can't mix and match
abilities from the two?
A. No. You'll have the choice of track A or track B. If you select A,
then you will receive abilities A1 through A9 as you complete the trials. If you
choose B, you'll receive B1 through B9.
Q. I've heard that these abilities are PvE only from some people, but
then others are saying they are RvR only, which is it?
A. Neither, really. MAs are designed primarily for use in RvR. Some of them will
only be usable on "realm enemies" meaning enemy players, enemy guards, enemy su
mmoned pets, enemy charmed pets, etc, but not on NPC monsters. Others will be us
able in both PvE and RvR.

Q. Will there be a full listing of the MAs made available at some point?
A. Yes. The Herald will have a brief overview at some point of all the Master Le
vel abilities to help give people an idea of how they function. But we will not
be providing hard delve information for these as we do existing spells and abili
ties. The idea behind TOA is one of discovery and we want people to try out the
abilities and learn what they do and when they are most effectively used.
I know you all have a lot more questions about the Master Abilities there will be
more information next week.
So! Have a great weekend, enjoy the anticipation.
For some reason a bit of doggerel about smelling feet keeps running through my m
Q: There are a few new slash commands can you explain them a little better?
A: /use2 this slash command is the same as the "use secondary ability" on the keyb
oard settings. It's meant mainly for artifacts that might have more than one abi
/interact this is how you might read or otherwise interact with a scroll or an art
ifact. If you've got something potentially nifty, try and /interact with it. See
what happens.
There are some other, quest specific commands as well. One of the ladies on the
Pendragon board said it best "Rule of thumb: if a quest explanation says SEARCH, P
LANT, USE, EXCAVATE, etc., it usually implies that is the command you need to us
Q: Insert technical question here:
A: Go to the Knowledge Base search field in the upper right hand corner, and typ
e in Trials of Atlantis. Thousands of typing chimps have worked their little paw
s to the bone updating the knowledge base with solutions to everything our tech
support people have come across. And believe me, after this week, we've come acr
oss just about everything.
Q: If I do parts of another trial before I finish the first trial, can I still g
et credit?
A: From the criminal mastermind herself, our Director of Mythological Ecology: "
If players do the sub-parts to other trials, they will get credit for them. Howe
ver, it will not show up on their master sheet until they are officially on that
trial. For example, if a person is on master level 1(and hasn't killed the fina
l boss) and they finish three sub-parts of master level 2, they will get credit
for those three subparts (but never for the final 10th encounter). It will not s
how up on their sheet until master level 1 is out of the way."
Q: I found an artifact! What does it do? Or, rather, what might it do someday on
ce it's been well-used?

A: For more information, you can ask one of the named Sphinxes in the region the
artifact belongs to. Don't be surprised if you get a riddle back Sphinxes are not
orious for not giving straight answers.
Q: My quest journal doesn't show all my quests either that or some of my quests ha
ve disappeared!
A: The quest journal does have some limits fortunately, the slash command does not
. Just type /quest, and you'll get a nice list of everything you still have goin

* * *
Short bag tonight, guys I'm about to slap up a monstrous document with more detail
s on making your own User Interface skins. I'd like to warn you it's not for the f
aint of heart or those without a fair amount of technical skills. It's definitel
y not stuff friendly to a tech newb and as will all our XML stuff, we don't provid
e personal assistance if you run into trouble. Seriously, if you
don't understand the document, don't even try to make your own skin.
Other announcements:
News from the CS pit we are resolving a large number of problems via email. The wa
y our customer service tools work, though, is one of the CSRs presses a button c
leverly marked "send email to customer." The system pulls up the email address y
ou gave us when you registered. So please, for the love of all that is good and
lightly fermented, please make sure your registration information is up to date
with your real email address.
Hugh Hancock, writing on behalf of, reminded me to let you all kno
w that one of our own DAOC movie makers took home a prize at the film festival so
our heartiest congratulations to Joe Falcione, the director of "The Outcome," fo
r his award for Best Editing! Nice work!
Tonight, we all watch for the return of the Great Pumpkin, and if you don't get
that reference, please don't email me to make me feel old. Speaking of pumpkins,
I got a bunch of terrific emails with photos of DAOC-themed carvings my favorite
was from Zeldara and Festa of Percival. I don't want to crash their webserver wi
th traffic, so take my word for it, it was way cool. Thanks for sending those in
, everybody.
Shout out to Goonster of Palomides, who apparently was a real hero and saved the
life of a friend in a serious car wreck. Get well soon, man, you have a lot of
friends who miss you.
Have a fab Halloween weekend. There are a billion small creatures darting in and
out of traffic, so please drive cautiously and should you indulge in a little wit
ches' brew of your own, get someone else to drive you home. Be safe, y'all.http:
Time for your Friday dose of crunchy goodness:
Q: My Cleric received an item with a bonus to "stat enhancement spell effectiven
ess", but it doesn't seem to be doing anything to the buffs I'm casting. What is
this bonus supposed to do?

A: Spoke the Item Mistress: "There are hard caps in place that limit the amount
of stat increases a player may receive from spells. The new stat enhancement bon
us items from Atlantis will not allow players to go over these limits. Instead,
players will be able to use these bonuses to achieve more effective stat and arm
or factor buffs from lower level spells."
Basically, it will make lower level buffs, buff for more, but with the cheaper c
oncentration costs of the lower level buffs.
If you need a quick reminder of the hard cap numbers:
Hard cap for spec buffs: Player level * 1.5 * 1.25 (93 at level 50)
Hard cap for baseline buffs: Player level * 1.25 (62 at level 50)
Hard cap for buffs from items: Player level * 1.5 (75 at level 50)
Q: I can't seem to use the summoned wood to upgrade doors, only to repair them.
Is this a bug or the design?
A: I am told that this is a bug. Thanks for sending the bug report.
Q: Won't the first Perfecter ability, Purging Wave, make the RA purge obsolete (
except for with AE mezzes), since there is no recast timer?
A: Nope. Balance Boy told me "Purging wave only cures disease. It isn't actually
Q: I stumbled upon Warrior of Stone (for the Kala-something Necklace artifact) H
e was yellow at 50, so I went for it. He didn't fight back at all.
Can it be I stumbled upon the right way to kill him, or isnt he meant to fight b
A: Here's what our director of mythological ecology told me: "This is by the des
ign. The Warrior of Stone was a warrior who fell in love with an Atlantean princ
ess. She'd given him a magical necklace to aid him through the trials. However,
her father, an Atlantean King, forbade her from seeing him again. To that end, h
e cursed the necklace, which turned the warrior in to stone. So, the warrior has
now been where he stands for eons, alive but unable to do anything but watch. H
e desires nothing more than to die so that he can finally rest. Because of that,
he won't fight back."
I really appreciate you asking me, though as you noted, normally a creature who do
esn't fight back *is* bugged, and we're always happy to check.
Q: Are the solo monsters supposed to be harder in TOA than in SI? I'm used to ha
ving no trouble with blue/low-yellow encounters, but I got my clock cleaned.
A: I'm completely happy to ask our designers about monster toughness (since some
thing might be set wrong, you never know), but you'll need to be specific. In th
e past, one or two people did all the creature difficulty settings, but TOA is s
o enormous that we had a sizable crew working on them. So please let me know the n
ame of the zone and the name of the enemy when you submit questions.
Q: Greetin's lads! Were ye going to do something with those taurs that can heal

themselves without bein' interrupted? The taurs are already red to us 50's, whic
h makes them a bloody challenge. Perhaps maybe ye can lower the healing spell by
a few percent. Or if ye want to keep the healing spell, maybe ye can make it in
terruptable or lower the strength of the taurs.
A: Arr, laddie. I'm a lass, m'self.
And the situation you describe was not on purpose. Thank you for bringing it to
our attention it has been fixed in the read files posted right before this grab ba
Q: I'm a level 50 infiltrator and chose the spymaster track. It gives you pickpo
cket at level one. My question: is the reward supposed to the group leader every
A: If the reward ALWAYS goes to the group leader, please report it as a bug. The
group should be sharing in the rewards. From Balance Boy:
The leader is the only one who gets the message.
But the ability is designed so that it adds 20% to the total coin drop, which is
then split with the entire group.
This can be easily confirmed by having everyone sound off how much coin they rec
eived per drop. As long as they are all within 1 copper, it's working fine."
Q: I'm a necro. I can't pick up the "Staff of God" artifact in either my shade f
orm or my necro form. Is this intentional?
A: The evil overlord of encounter design replied, "Because of the nature of the
necromancer shade form, players were able to move in and out of the encounter ar
ea without ever actually activating the encounter. This was causing a great imba
lance in the system as the encounter was designed for one to two groups of playe
rs. So, as it stands right now, a necromancer cannot pick up the item. However,
the necromancer can still aid in the encounter, and the artifact piece is tradab
le (until it is turned in to the NPCs). This means that they will need others to
help them with the encounter."
Q: On some ToA items, I've seen bonuses such as increased range against humanoid
s. Does this bonus apply against players or monsters or both?
A: Just monsters.
Q: Is it possible for more than one person on a server to have the same artifact
A: Yes.
Someone here in the DC area nearly caused an accident on the Capital Beltway. Ou
r Item Mistress was driving along when she saw the plate "ALBZERG." Obviously, a l
ot of people who work here have DAOC or gaming related plates, but we hadn't see
one on someone who didn't work here. Thanks for the laugh, whoever you are!
I got a letter asking why these grab bags have been so Atlantean lately the answer

is that the nature of the prizes and abilities are such that even if you never
set foot in Atlantis, you'll still be affected by it, and it helps everyone to k
now how it works. Besides I can only answer the questions that I get :) So send 'e
m in.
This particular column had a few "thanks for sending the bug report" answers. Le
t me emphasize my thanks, and let those questions serve as proof that your bug a
ppeals and feedback forms may not get a personal response, but they sure do have
an impact. Thanks.
Okay, crew, be safe, have fun, and I'll see you Monday, same bat time, same bat
It got cold here on the East Coast. Let this extra long grab bag keep you inside
and away from annoying outdoor chores!
Q: My character is a junior weaponsmith on a roleplay server. He refuses to serv
e nonhuman races; that is to say, he will not provide weaponry to Inconnu and Ha
lf-Ogres. When confronted by his "racism," he defends his right to not serve inc
onnu and other sub-human races. Sometimes he uses the word "peck," borrowed from
the movie "Willow" the intent is to make fun of the small size of the Inconnu.
Many players believe that it is role-playing and not a violation of the Code of
Conduct, and whether or not they have fun with it, they leave me be. However, I'
m also frequently being told by other players that I am violating the Code of Co
nduct on areas of both racist comment and verbal abuse, and that a report will b
e filed with a CSR.
I have no problem if someone wants to argue with my "no subhuman" stance in char
acter. However, I get really bothered by threats to contact a CSR. As such, I wa
nted to find out if I am indeed violating the Code of Conduct.
A: I edited your question just to keep it from being a grab bag by itself. ;) Fo
r the benefit of the rest of tonight's readers the player made it clear that he ne
ver uses real life slurs or language, and that he's strictly going along with ou
r own backstory in which we indicate the presence of tensions between the mythic
al races.
Short answer no, sir, you are not in violation of the COC. Rather, you're enrichin
g the atmosphere of your server. As long as your language is clean, and doesn't
drag real world horror into the fantasy world, you're in the clear.
Long answer I asked the CS guys to look over your email to make sure I wasn't abou
t to say anything crazy, and our Roleplay CSR gave me this reply:
"Racism, in any medium, is a very touchy subject and with good reason. However,
there's a definite difference between racism in the real world and racial enmity
and hatreds in a fantasy setting.
"Many, if not most, fantasy settings from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy to
Gary Gygax's Dungeons and Dragons to Mythic's Dark Age of Camelot contain racia
l and cultural tensions and feuds. Elves and Dwarves, in most settings, dislike
each other. Dark Elves typically hate every other race other than their own (and
often their own at that). Same can be said with Orcs, trolls, goblins, etc. Cul
ture, race and religion are defining characteristics of potential conflict and s
"Dark Age of Camelot is a game built on such conflict. Three realms with several
races, cultures and religions clash with one another in effort to put an end to

their enemies. Trolls and Dwarves are bitter combatants against Elves and Firbo
lgs who are in turn dire enemies of Avalonians and Saracens. This animosity is w
hat fuels the Realm Vs Realm aspect of Camelot.
"DAoC has recently provided further fiction for roleplay potential within the re
alms with new races that are often seen with distrust or outright hatred. The In
connu and Shar are notable examples of this. Not that such inter realm conflict
is mandated, but it isn't frowned upon either if players choose to go that route
. There are plenty of examples from our quests and encounters to back this up.
"The difference between roleplaying in game racial tensions and being racist in
the real world is being able to differentiate between In Character and Out of Ch
aracter. Roleplaying a Briton who dislikes the new upstart races of the Inconnu
and Half Ogres is perfectly fine within the roleplay aspects of the game setting
s, and adds more depth in roleplay interaction. However, when real world termino
logy is used, and we all know what that is, then the line has been crossed and i
t is no longer "in character."
"We can't fault anyone for wanting to roleplay the tension between uneasy allies
in game. It's definitely not a violation of the Code of Conduct, in any way in
my opinion. At best the term "peck" may be considered a RP violation since it's
from the movie Willow and even then I would think it's not a violation, no more
than calling a dwarf, shorty or stubby or what have you. ;o)"
So there you go. Keep real world language out of it, be consistent, and hope tha
t your fellows on a roleplay server understand that there's a difference between
a character and a player.
Q: Why is my level 34 Mercenary (with 34 DW) getting Flank at 29 and Dark Tendri
ls at 34, when the Herald states that 29 DW is Hypnotic Darkness, 34 is Flank, a
nd 39 is Dark Tendrils?
A: The Herald was wrong, and I thank you for letting us know. The correct inform
ation should read that level 29 is Flank, level 34 gives
Dark Tendrils, and level 44 gives Hypnotic Darkness.
All of you with character builders out there on your websites, please update, an
d accept my apology for the wrong information.
Q: How exactly is one supposed to make Mythic aware of peeving text? For example
, Saffa in Tir na Nog says "Oh, a enchantress..." and, being a spellcrafter, I s
ee that message a LOT. Needless to say it's gotten on my nerves, and I've tried
appeal channels to no effect. If there is an appropriate place to send these sor
ts of concerns to, I would love to know. Or perhaps I've found the right place?
;) Oh, and what's with the badger?
A: You found the right place. Those things make me crazy too :) This particular
one is fixed now, and we welcome hot tips on the others.
EDIT 7:00 PM EST - The badger is an extremely silly joke. SNAAAAKE!
Q: We recently acquired the Fool's Bow artifact for a guildie and are looking to
level it. What classifies as a magic using class?
A: From the Item Prince: "Any class with a usable power pool and/or a class that
creates magical abilities with health and endurance (e.g. savages)."

Q: Can a character possess more than one activated artifact?

A: You can have one of each artifact that is usable by your class. Have fun.
Q: Does the AoE effect on the Battlemaster MLA "Sapping Strike" break mez?
A: Yes.
Q: Is there any way to /follow a boat?
A: No, but the request for such a command has been passed on.
Q: Does the "Mastery of Magery" realm ability affect bolts as well as DDs?
A: It should if it does not, please report it as a bug.
Q: The new items (from ToA) that increase the cap of any ability: Do they actual
ly give an increase to the stated ability? (For example: the Ancient Wrought Hau
berk has a "Bonus to Constitution attribute bonus cap: 5." Does it actually add
anything to Constitution?)
A: From the Item Mistress: " The Bonus to (Stat) attribute cap does not increase
the stat itself. It does raise the cap on the amount of +Stat items the player
will be able to equip. For example, a level 50 player is normally capped at +75
Constitution. However, if they add an item with a Bonus to Constitution bonus ca
p: 5, they will now be able to equip items totaling +80 Con and receive the full
80 points."
Q: The Aten's Shield gains experience or whatever by killing Demons. Is it safe
to assume that anything in Darkness Falls is in the demon category?
A: The overlord of encounters said: " The necyomancers are humanoid and the fami
liars are animals. Everything else in there is a demon."
Q: I was fighting near the haven city of Hesperos. A sphinx popped on the small
harpy island I was on. Didn't think too much of it until I did my PBAE style and
then it attacked me and I died!
A: Again, I called on the overlord she said " The sphinx are wise and powerful and
are tasked with monitoring the various areas in ToA, but they are not invulnera
ble. Attacking and/or killing them (even by accident) does nothing but anger the
entire family.
Q: I need some faction information about buccas/bwcas/angry bwcas. For RP reason
s, I need to raise my bucca/bwca/angry bwca faction to friendly. No, really, I'm
serious. Is this possible?
A: Man, had a lot for the overlord today: " These guys are very grumpy and hate
everyone equally."
Q: I should by all accounts have GREAT Mau faction. I've never killed anything t
o bring down my faction, and I even spent two entire days doing a faction quest

even though they were already friendly to me. As I was on my way to turn in the
results of the quest, I passed some Mau out on the desert. They attacked and kil
led me. I did not kill one of those that attacked me before I died. I released t
o the city and then went back out in the desert to con some neutral, a
ll the rest aggressive!!!! How could this be? My character was conning friendly
to them after hours and hours of faction adjustment. Now she cannot even turn in
the ears for the quest, because she cannot get near the Mau, let alone talk to
them. She is back to square one!
A: I couldn't tell from your question if you went and checked your faction with
the village that gave you the quest originally, or if you just checked the facti
on of those that killed you. It seems there are several kinds of Mau allies to eac
h other, but not necessarily you.
From the overlord: " There are two different Mau factions. There are the maubast
et and the mausekhmet. They are allied. The mausekhmet, however, are a warrior t
ribe and are more distrusting than the maubastet. You can be friendly to the mau
bastet and still have the mausekhmet dislike you. As a side note, killing sacred
lions will lower your faction with both."
Now, you didn't say you'd killed any sacred lions, so I don't think that's your
problem. The things you said you'd killed in your letter should not have had any
effect. Please go back to the village and check and let me know if they specifica
lly dislike you.
* * *
Got a letter asking why the writer wasn't listed on the scroll of valor the answer
is that the Scroll is not an automatic thing. Not everyone wants to have their
new level fifty, or their new Grandmaster Status, announced to the world. If you
would like the recognition, just click on the community news tab, and fill out
the "submit news" form there on the bar. We're always looking for stories from o
ur community, so don't be shy!
Gentle reminder: We play this game along with you, and most of us have played ot
her MMORPGs it's actually a requirement for hire in our customer service pit, you
need to be an experienced DAOC player (read: 40+) and familiar with the genre ov
erall. After all, if we didn't play, we wouldn't have the necessary empathy. So,
the CSRs do know very well how frustrating it is when something goes wrong, and
they try to cut angry people a lot of slack. Now, we need your help. Please und
erstand that a human being reads each and every appeal, and usually the person r
eading the appeal isn't the one who can fix your problem. Skip the swearing and
remarks on potential ancestry, and use the text buffer to tell us the /loc of th
e problem, the NPC name, and other factual tidbits. Cursing in an appeal is the
same thing as cursing directly at a CSR or another player, and as everyone knows
, those things generally result in a little time off. No one deserves to be cuss
ed at or personally attacked. Thanks in advance.
And one other note please, if your friend has a problem, encourage your friend to
appeal. You can't do it for him neither I nor the CSRs can investigate anything ba
sed on the word of a friend, and reading third party appeals means it'll be that
much longer before we get to the person with the problem. Help us get to the pe
rson who needs us don't appeal unless it's your problem. We appreciate it.
Goodness gracious, what a week. You guys have really been the best I cant tell you ho
w much we've appreciated your feedback, questions, and comments. As you can tell
from all the patch notes, read files, and posts, we've been taking it all in. T

Go forth and conquer, I'll see you Monday.

Here it is - short and sweet:
Q: How do I activate an artifact?
A: From Our Lady of Artifacts came this reply:
"To activate an artifact, players have to do three things:
1. Get the Artifact
2. Get the completed book, scroll, etc.
3. Get credit for the encounter.
Players also need to be the right level to turn everything in. If players don't
meet any one of these requirements when they speak to the researcher, it will gi
ve them a message saying 'You're not ready to turn this in and here's generally
what you need to do.' It then goes through the steps I listed above."
Now, with that said we are looking into ways to make it clearer that the player ha
s in fact received credit for the encounter. Most of the bug appeals we're getti
ng on artifact encounters aren't bugged, it's that the player was not part of th
e group that got encounter credit. Thanks for your feedback so far as you know fro
m patch notes, feedback often leads to changes.
Q: Bob and Fred kill the tiger and get the (unactivated) Cornflakes Artifact.
They read on the internet that Cornflakes give you tiger strength. So they give
the unactivated Cornflakes to George, who could use some tiger strength. They al
so give George the scrolls that can be combined to form the book that he turns i
n to activate the Cornflakes.
Can George activate the cornflakes? If he can't, is there anything he can do?
A: From the Evil Encounter Overlord:
"George cannot activate the cornflakes, because he does not have the encounter c
redit. But if he helps Wilma get her cornflakes, that action will give him the c
redit he needs to activate his."
George should also NOT combine the scrolls unless he is sure that he'll be activ
ating the Cornflakes, because the resulting book is not supposed to be tradable.

Q: (Insert question about decoys here.)

A: Decoys aren't supposed to be completely convincing representations of players
they should look real enough to confuse an enemy in the thick of battle, but not
so much that a real attention-to-detail fellow would be confused.
However, if the decoy appears to be able to see hidden, it's a bug.
Q: I tried putting my guild's emblem on my Flayed Cetus' Skin last night, and th
e result nearly cost me my eye-sight.

A: Whoops that's because that cloak along with a number of others in TOA was not s
upposed to be able to take emblems at all. Thanks for letting us know. It's impo
rtant to us that the cloaks that CAN take emblems look good, and that cloaks tha
t can't support the emblem not have the option enabled lest it blind an innocent
Q: I have a question about the tradeskill tools. There is one that says it has a
bonus on minimum crafting quality of 1%. Does this mean that if I craft a 99% w
eapon while I have equipped this quality tool I would get a MP instead? Or is it
s purpose only to get 95% quality as a minimum instead of 94%?
A: From the Item and Tradeskill Princess: " The minimum crafting quality bonus r
aises your quality floor, so as long as you have this item equipped, you should
get a minimum of 95% quality on items you make."
Q: I got to spot 3 in the appeal queue, and all of the sudden I'm at spot 12. Eh
A: Nine people logged in, all of whom submitted an appeal before you did probably
last night or earlier. Logging out doesn't lose your place in line, so if you've
got a hot date, don't wait you'll skip to the head of the line the next time you
log in.
Q: Do you have any paying jobs that I could do remotely?
A: Sorry, no all our paid positions require that you work on site. On the bright s
ide, if you do live around here and land one of our jobs, we offer benefits for
all positions, hourly and salaried.
Q: Is it possible to change my character's gender/hair/face/height/stats?
A: If you had to choose the variable during the character creation process, it's
hard-wired to your character and impossible for our CSRs to change for you.
Q: My Craftmaster seems to have part of a quest, with the keyword "continue" that
I can't click on.
A: That quest isn't supposed to be active yet, and is not complete. Once it is,
you'll be able to well, continue.
* * *
The main announcement tonight is really to go check out the hot fixes we have be
en running this evening the changes all come from your feedback and suggestions.
Other than that, not a whole lot else to say tonight, so I'll let you get back t
o your battles. Good night and good hunting!
Here's this week's edition:
Q: Is there any way at all to change my character's name?
A: Unless the name somehow violates our naming rules, we do not change first nam

es. The character's name is the only identifier other players have to remember r
eputations and past behavior. I realize this caused consternation among the popu
lation when an account trades hands, so caveat emptor.
Q: May I log in using the command line workaround?
A: Should you? No. You're bypassing the patcher, which means you might be missin
g vital files and bug fixes. It's also bypassing our account security system. Sh
ould you have any technical problems, or should you lose control of your account
because you used the command line log in, we will regretfully not be able to he
lp you.
Q: Can we move characters between accounts?
A: This is a commonly requested feature I have passed up the food chain. It's un
der discussion, although I don't expect to hear anything in the near future. See
ms like every other email was about this, this week.
Q: Instead of actually using my bow artifact, I used two other weapons in my wea
pons slots, and kept the artifact bow in the two hand slot, thus not causing any
con loss. To my surprise, it levels up
even when I don't use it. Is this working as intended?
A: There are several reasons why this is all right. For example, changing it wou
ld make leveling up an artifact bow prohibitively difficult. After all, bow user
s typically pull monsters to them with the bow before switching to melee to fini
sh the monster off. It's just as you said later in your letter something nifty. Th
anks for checking, though, I appreciate it.
Q: How long do you guys keep accounts that are not being paid for? I have been d
eployed overseas and will not be able to play for the next six months.
A: We promise not to delete accounts for three weeks after the account's billing
is canceled. However I think you'll be all right. We have never deleted any accou
nts at all, and if we suddenly needed the room, we'd start with characters that
had not been accessed since 2001. And we'll announce that purge here on the Came
lot Herald.
One key thing to note sometimes people delete their characters, and we're happy to
restore them *IF* the backups haven't been purged or written over. (If you dele
te a character and realized to your horror that you didn't really mean it, do no
t create any new characters until you've appealed and had your character restore
d to you. And make that appeal as soon as humanly possible.) So! If you delete a
character, close the account, and at some point reopen the account, you can't e
xpect us to be able to restore the character because the backups will be long gone
Q: I won the lotto for the key to the chests in Cetus's lair. You can imagine my
disappointment when I received a very uninspiring unique object generator item.
A: Our Item Princess explained to me how the treasure chests work: "The treasure
chests are set up to be triggered unique object tables. When you use the key, t
he chest checks your class, and rolls for an item off treasure tables set up for
your class. As for the magic bonus distribution, normal unique object standards

apply... sometimes you get nice items, and sometimes you get something not so u
seful to you."
One of the gentlemen with this question also told me about a club with a blade b
onus on it. Yikes. We fixed the generator bug, so no one else will have this pro
blem. Because items created using the generator are unique, fixes can't be retro
actively applied to the bugged items. If you've got a unique object generator it
em that makes you go "hrm," such as a club with a blade bonus, please appeal it
as a bug.
Q: I'm having trouble finding piercing artifacts the two most obvious candidates,
the Traitor's Dagger and the Crocodile's Tooth, are both blades!
A: The existing design is not wrong teeth and daggers can indeed slice things. But
I see your point. Quoth our Princess: "The 1.67 patch to Pendragon will be addi
ng a thrusting version of the Traitor's Dagger and the Crocodile's Tooth for Alb
ion and a piercing version for Hibernia." Thanks for the feedback.
Q: I am a Reaver, and as you know, we really do like our flexible weapons. Yet d
espite many hours of hunting, I have not found a single flexible weapon in TOA.
Can you give me any hope?
A: Your description of waterlogged armor broke my heart. The Item Mistress told
me you were basically having horrible luck: "Looking at Reavers in particular, o
ne in six mobs in Oceanus eligible to drop gear is able to drop Reaver equipment
, including flexible weapons."
If the area you're hunting does not yield any equipment of the sort you dream of
, try another area.
Q: For the artifacts that are blades and are left hand usable, are they consider
ed a left axe (Midgard) when equipped in the left hand?
A: Again with the Mistress: "Swords that are set to be left hand usable in Albio
n and Hibernia may only be used in the main hand in Midgard. However, left axe a
rtifacts do exist."
Q: Scroll farming: If a Scroll of Uberness 2 of 3 has dropped off of an Uber Nax
os Dude in Meso at 25k 47k, will that same mob type drop the Scroll of Uberness
2 of 3 if he is at a different camp located in Meso at 12k 56k? Or in other word
s: Is the drop table dependant upon mob type or loc or both?
A: The

short version is "mob," but that's a little misleading. Here's the long v
from the Mistress: "The scrolls are placed upon individual mobs. However,
can be multiple mobs with the same name, and each of those might drop dif

For example, there are six different mobs all named setian stormlord, but only t
hree of those six drop XYZ Scroll while the other three drop ABC Scrolls. Additi
onally, some of those setian stormlords might spawn in multiple camps in which c
ase they would drop the same scrolls in each camp."
So, while the it may appear that the camp has something to do with the scroll, i
t actually does not.

Q: Why do artifacts decay?

A: The decay rate for artifacts is intended to be much slower than it is for reg
ular items, just to make sure you can still get good use from one after you've l
eveled it to its maximum power. But we don't ever want to put items into the gam
e that don't decay at all. Getting an item into a game is essentially a function
of time. Without removing items somehow, an economy becomes completely clogged,
and special things are no longer special.
Many people who have made something of a hobby out of game world economies have
written essays on "mudflation" (MMORPGs have their roots in Multiple User Dungeo
ns text based games) I even know people doing their graduate school thesis papers on
the topic. Something about a game economy being a nice microcosm of a real econ
omy. If you've got dreams of being a game designer, it's certainly a good concep
t to be familiar with.
But anyway if you think your artifact is decaying too fast, please
ug appeal. Include information such as the item's DUR at the start and
your play session, how long your session was, how much combat you saw
e session, and the decay rate of a "regular" item you had equipped for
length of time. We will not be able to respond personally, but we will
y investigate.

report it via b
finish of
during th
the same

* * *
An interview with our UI Guy is up at Y'all should hit that li
nk anyway, if you're into customizable interfaces tons of useful information, and
premade mods you can use. I can't pick a favorite to give some love to, so I'll
just give the love to the guys running the site and the forums, and to the intre
pid interviewer "Acliley." And if you like the site, remember there's no such th
ing as a free lunch. SOMEONE has to pay for the bandwidth used when you download
a mod, or the site goes the way of the dodo.
Computer Gaming World magazine has a free DVD-ROM this month, featuring Dark Age
of Camelot. "But I already have the game, k thx," you say? If you're currently
running the classic edition of Dark Age of Camelot, and you have a P3 1.4 gig ma
chine with 256 RAM (and a 32MB 3D video card), grab the magazine and use the DVD
to upgrade to the Shrouded Isles engine for free. You won't get the Shrouded Is
les content for that you need to get the expansion but you can get the graphics and
the performance. Next year at some point, we're going to be phasing out the clas
sic engine. So upgrade for free now, and save yourself the trouble later. (If yo
u forget, we plan to offer a low-cost engine upgrade if you really, really don't
want to get Shrouded Isles.)
And on that note, I'd better skedaddle before more scary white stuff falls. This
is the DC area, after all. For some reason, the locals fear precipitation, and
I certainly wouldn't want to weather the coming FOUR INCHES OF WINTRY MIX withou
t two hundred rolls of toilet paper to call my own. Have a good weekend, everyon
Happy birthday to us! And by us, I mean the dev team that drops what they're wor
king on to get answers for me, and you guys that send the great questions. But l
et's just cut to the column:
Q: I have a Traitor's Dagger that slices right now can I trade it in for a piercin
g version after 1.67, or do I have to get another one? If I can trade it in, can
I get the experience currently on the dagger transferred to my new piercing dag

A: You certainly can trade it in for a stabbing version, I'm told, but there's n
o system coded to allow NPCs to transfer experience. So the new dagger will be s
et to zero.
Q: I saw a patch note about mini-group window colors indicating the status of yo
ur group mates. I was wondering, what happens when more than one thing applies t
o a group member?
A: The order of precedence (meaning situational colors on the top of the list ap
ply over things lower on the list) is:

linkdead (blue)
dead (red)
mezzed (cyan)
diseased (orange)
poisoned (green)
out of zone (grey)
nominal (white)

Q: I read in the patch notes that salamanders now properly take damage from
cold based spells. Does this apply to salamander hatchlings as well?
A: It should.
Q: The difficulty of the Krojer champions seems to vary wildly is this intentional
A: Yes. None of the difficulty settings are incorrect. Some champions are much e
asier to defeat and you only need to kill one to move on in the trial itself but the
loot goes to only the powerful that can beat all six champions.
Q: I'm a young mentalist, and I have what's probably a stupid question for the c
olumn. What kind of monsters can I charm with the different spells?
A: No questions are stupid new players are joining the game all the time. Glad to
have you :)
Spell --- What it can charm
Illusory Enemy --Humanoid
Fabricated Enemy --- Humanoid, Animal
Imaginary Enemy --- Humanoid, Animal, Insect
Phantom Enemy --- Humanoid, Animal, Insect, Magical
Ghostly Enemy --- Humanoid, Animal, Insect, Magical, Undead
Dream Enemy --- Any monster
Q: The Shades of Mist cloak has a very poetic description on it ("used by those
who move unseen and by those who stand at the front of battle") that I think des
cribes me just fine. But I can't equip the cloak!
A: For the purposes of this cloak, "healer types and sub-types" are excluded. Th
at means the following CANNOT use the item: clerics, friars, healers, shamans, d
ruids, bards, and wardens.

Q: I recently started playing on Gaheris. The documentation I have found here on

the Herald says that level 20+ can turn in seals for realm points. Where can le
vel 20-25 characters go to earn these seals?
A: Keep raids. Also, if someone is nice and wants to give you a few seals, you c
an turn them in because we've set the "turn in" flag so low.
I'm also told that on Gaheris, you'll earn a realm ability point with each level
over 20.
Q: I'm on Gaheris, and I just saw this Pendragon note: - Players can now use /bo
untyrent on personal houses with alternate characters on the same account as the
character that owns the house. As a result of this change, the rent token merch
ants will be disabled in the future once this ability is on live servers.
Does this mean I can do this command with my lvl 50 reaver (who has over 13k bou
nty points) and it will pay for her house in Midgard AND my bonedancer's house i
n Albion?
A: This one wound up in the claws of our Product Quality dragon he replied, "Using
the PvE rule set any character on an account can pay the rent using the /bounty
rent command on any house owned by any character on that account. The character
paying the rent must be in the area of the house that he is paying the rent on."
Q: I got in an argument with some folks about how many times you can acquire and
activate a particular artifact, and would like to have an official answer put i
n a grab bag, please?
Let's say I get an armor artifact all leveled up, and eventually wear it out (it
being armor). Is it then possible for me to regain the artifact again just by c
ompleting the previous steps or am I (and everyone else) restricted to only gain
ing each artifact once per characters lifetime?
A: Each character can activate only one of each artifact you can't go back and get
a new one when the first one wears out. So if you've got a really, really cool
artifact that you want to keep for a long, long time, use it sparingly.
Q: I'm curious for some more detail as to the question involving scroll farming
from your last grab bag. If I'm looking for a scroll dropped by mob A, are my ch
ances of getting that scroll better if I kill each spawn point of a mob, then mo
ve on to another spot where that mob spawns? EI. is every scroll "up" in the wor
ld at one point in time on SOME mob of the name which drops it? Or is it a matte
r of camping one named mob until that instance of the mob that holds a scroll ap
A: If I understand your question correctly, you're asking if more than one scrol
l is "waiting" to drop at any one point.
That's not how our system works. Loot doesn't actually exist until the creature
dies. Then the computer rolls to see what drops. Each monster has a percentage c
hance to drop whatever.
So, if a scroll has a 10% chance to drop, your odds are the same whether you wan
der killing all the creatures with the same name, or whether you kill the same m
onster over and over.
Your exp will be better if you move around, though.

Q: My question is about the new TOA magic item Attributes: Many add to your dama
ge towards a particular class, i.e. Demons, Dragons, reptiles. If you have multi
ple items with increased damage to Dragons, for example, will they stack? Is the
re a cap?
A: The Item Mistress gave me this answer: "Items with Melee
, Style Damage or Archery Damage bonuses do indeed stack up
bonus, provided they are versus the same enemy types. Items
versus Humanoids will only be effective versus mobs flagged
against other players."

Damage, Spell Damage

to a maximum of 25%
with a damage bonus
as humanoid, but not

Remember last week, the link to DAOCMODS? If you liked the site, toss them a few
bucks the site's in danger of disappearing due to bandwidth costs. Or, if you've
got a big healthy bandwidth pipe that you feel like sharing, give them a buzz.
I had a number of grab bag questions this week, asking if a particular scroll dr
op was broken. When you write in with that question, you need to tell me what mo
nsters you're killing in an attempt to get the specific scroll. Some of the spoi
ler websites out there have incorrect information, and you'll hunt until the cow
s come home without getting your drop. I'm happy to get someone to investigate f
or you, but I need to make sure you haven't been barking up the wrong tree.
Two functions are going to be off for the next few days you will not be able to co
py characters to Pendragon, or remove every character on a particular account fr
om your guild. These two functions should be back online next Wednesday I'm sorry
for any inconvenience.
Holy cheese dip and badgers. As of this night, the second Friday in December, th
e Friday Grab Bag is two years old. So much for a one time only feature. Thanks
for all the great questions. Together we've turned up all kinds of stuff, and it
's really helped to make the game better.
Time for me to go snarf some eggnog. Have a good weekend, and we'll see you Mond
Of COURSE I went and saw the movie. Didn't we all? On to the column!
Q: Does mob level have any bearing on drop chances? I ask particularly relating
to scrolls. Does a blue con mob have a lower chance to drop a scroll than an ora
nge or red con mob?
A: I asked the Item Mistress, and the answer isn't a simple yes or no. She said
"The difficulty of an encounter is one factor in determining the number of *magi
c* items that are dropped, as well as the drop rate of specific items in a parti
cular encounter. The level of the mob does not necessarily correspond to the dif
ficulty of the encounter, therefore the mob level is not used in setting the dro
p rates.
"Scrolls do not follow the same rules as magic items for their drop rate. There
are two possible drop rates for each scroll, with higher level mobs receiving th
e higher rate."
Q: Will the RA Mastery of the Arcane raise buffs above the hardcap listed in a p

revious grab bag ( click here for the reference)?

A: I am told no, the cap still applies.
Q: Does the necro armor change (based on pets hits) mean the armor will degrade
as if the necro was a tank?
A: Not exactly like a tank but according to Balance Boy, it should be on a par wit
h "a suppression bonedancer, who tends to tank while their pets heal them Necros no
w take the same amount of durability penalty as every other cloth wearing class
in the game. For example, if a Necro pet is hit 1000 times by a sword, and a run
emaster is hit 1000 times by a sword, both should suffer the exact same penalty
to item durability." I certainly appreciate all the feedback on this topic, and
please rest assured it has been passed to the live team.
We're NOT DONE investigating various reported issues. Please see my first announ
cement below for instructions on how to help us isolate any decay rate issues. D
Q: (Insert question here about staff durability.)
A: One of our programmers responded, " A staff will generally only lose conditio
n when it is used as a focus item to cast a given spell (which I assume at the h
igher levels it almost always will be)." And of course, if the staff is used as
a melee weapon, it would lose condition at the same rate as any other melee weap
Q: My artifact says I need to hunt "primitive races" to level it up. What exactl
y are primitive races?
A: The world team Minion 2.0 tells me that in Albion, it's the Highlander and Ha
lf-Ogre; in Midgard, the Troll and the Valkyn; and in Hibernia, the Firbolg and
the Shar.
No insult is intended to these noble races, who have all contributed much to the
ir respective alliances.

As I travel around the internet, I see comments about bugs often, how obvious such
and such a problem is, etc. Here's the thing, y'all. If we can't duplicate it,
we can't fix it. We can know about a problem as players, we can hear you guys ta
lking about a problem, but if we can't make the bug happen while we're running d
ebug programs, we're stuck.
You can help us duplicate the bugs, though! The more information you give us, th
e faster we can set up the proper scenario in our testing dungeon and make it ha
ppen. Give us locs, give us item names, NPC names, zone names. We don't need ela
borate descriptions, usually, although we do appreciate complete sentences. "Fix
gear bug" in a game with hundreds of thousands of items won't help us. "My anci
ent silver ring was at 98 CON at 2:30 PM, and by 3:30 PM, it was 84 CON. I fough
t harpies as the main tank for 45 of those minutes" now, we're cooking with gas. B
ring on the details in those bug appeals!

I've seen a number of posts and questions about the Realm Ability revamp. That r
evamp is scheduled to launch with Frontiers, and fair warning, we're not talking
about a couple tiny adjustments here. The new system is not at all ready for pu
blic consumption, even as a rough draft. But so far, it looks to me to be cleare
r and more consistent. It's a true system, meant to work as a cohesive unit. Any
way, you'll see it before you have to use it, don't fret.
Wow, a deluge of feedback on the proposed Midgard Frontier map. It was overwhelm
ingly positive, and we're glad to know we're on the right track. By far, the pri
mary concern you guys expressed to us was your horror of travel time between the
three frontiers, and your fear of increased travel within a particular frontier
in general. While I can't say anything specific right now, since the details ar
en't actually programmed, I know the guys had travel time as one of their primar
y design concerns, and will be unveiling their transportation ideas next month.
There was also a lot of good feedback on tower placement, strategic point locati
ons, and questions about movement. Thanks for everything.
You guys would have enjoyed hanging out in my office as I went through the hundr
eds of forms. I read one feedback form explaining in detail why he wanted more h
ills and rocks in the terrain, and how the expansion wouldn't be cool without it
. The very next form explained in detail why we should remove every hill and shr
ub if we wanted to make the expansion cool. Then I opened one form telling me we
'd be fools if we put any monsters into the frontier, but that was followed by a
note from a pet charmer, asking us to be sure we didn't limit the monsters to t
he woods! We'll do our best to make compromises that don't compromise the qualit
y of the expansion.
I had a brilliant idea for a pet vending machine, and then I realized I'd left t
he cap off my markers. Those fumes are killer, gang. Never sniff and type. Or, f
or that matter, never drink spiked eggnog and drive, hint hint. Be careful out t
here during this festive season.
That's it for the 2003 Grab Bags. I'd like to send love to Amodin and the rest o
f the Vault Board Moderator gang for all they've done for us this year. Hugs and
sloppy kisses to Catacombs for all the features they host to make life more fun
for the players. Shout out to DAOCMODS for their contribution to helping people
understand our most technical new feature. Warm thanks are due to Allakhazam's,
Warcry, GameRifts, Vault, and the rest of the websites that report our news, ho
st movies and features, and tolerate me with such grace. (I'm probably leaving s
omeone out I'm sorry in advance :)) A wink and a wave to all the IRC chatrooms I l
urk in under various names, pure feedback without observational bias is always a
And to all of you players in the game that I've hung out with, twinked and been
twinked by, been killed by and been repeatedly killed by, bless your hearts for kee
ping it all fun for me. Have a wonderful holiday season.
See you Monday with the Hibernia Frontier proposal!
On to it!
Q: Me and a guildie were having a discussion on whether or not distance from a m

ob affects the aggro generated by spellcasting. For example, if I DD the wee wol
f from 10 units away, do I generate more aggro than if I DD it from 1500 units a
A: According to Mighty Server Man, "It's not so much that you generate less aggr
o when you're further away you still generate just as much. Monsters will generall
y put a higher priority on closer targets though when they're looking for a mele
e attack, so standing further back means you can do more to them before they'll
go after you. Once they've acquired you as a target, however, you've generated a
lot more than your tanks and they may have some difficulty getting the mob off
Q: I was just wondering what the Morvalt Skydda Eyes are for, or worth? I haven'
t found any info leading me to what I should do with them, either sell them, or
turn them in for loot or xp.
A: The Lady of the Quests looked this up for you. Here's her answer: "Morvalt Sk
ydda Eyes are a Midgard bounty item that can be turned into Cadbg,
in Hagall, for experience. You must be at least level 34 to turn them in."
Please note that our CS people can't tell answer this type of question for you,
although they wish they could.
Q: Does the +x% stat debuff bonus with ToA items also work to increase the effec
tiveness of the melee speed debuff that theurgists have?
A: (Side note did anyone else need to read that twice? Y'all never ask the simple
ones after a holiday break!) I am told that the answer is yes. Overall, the stat
debuff bonus affects single stat debuffs and double stat debuffs. Also, some ar
tifact spells and some master level ability spells can also be affected by the d
ebuff bonus.
Q: I recently received a drop in Typhons Reach on one of the encounters for ML6.
The item is a Flame Weapon Enamel, and I can't seem to get it to work on anythi
ng. (Player then demonstrates he did try darn near everything.) Could you please
tell me what this item is used to dye if any, or if this a bug?
A: We've actually got a solution cooking for everyone with similar questions. Ou
r faithful Item Mistress told me that "The next live content patch (not a hot fi
x) will add a line of text to any weapon able to be dyed by enamels found in eit
her Atlantis or Shrouded Isles zones." So you won't have to ask your item will tel
l you :)
Q: For Grab Bag: Regarding Mad Scalars Gloves for Druids, Clerics and Healers: C
urrently Healing classes who get this artifact will receive tank-like stats. Is
this intentional?
A: Sayeth the Mistress: "Not every armor artifact has a version for casters and
meleers. The caster versions usually have different bonuses, as cloth casters ju
st do not melee. So, giving them melee bonuses is not a good option! However, he
aling and hybrid classes do melee, and are able to use all kinds of bonuses on t
he version they receive. Please note that all versions have the same level five
and ten abilities."
Q: Just wanted to ask what happened to the tempters on the Hib side of DF? In th

e room just before the drinkers all along the top were tempters. They seem to ha
ve disappeared. Was this intentional?
A: Nope. It's not a broken spawn generator, though, it's a little more complex.
It is a known issue, and we'll get them fixed as soon as we can.
Q: A recent patch note: "- In response to player feedback, the artifact scrolls
have been adjusted to drop from only one mob type per artifact. Scrolls were als
o moved to different mobs if the associated encounter required players to have g
ood faction with the mobs previously dropping the scrolls." That's confusing. Fo
r example, Regarding Shades 1 drops from siam-he priests, Regarding Shades 2 fro
m those deep purple con taurs, and Regarding shades 3 from purple con siam-he wa
rriors. So will they all drop from priests now, or from siam-hes?
A: Good question, and a popular one in the last few days. In your example, they
will all drop from siam-he monsters. Here's our Item Mistress yet again with the
full answer: "Because scrolls 1 and 3 were found on siam-he, scroll 2 was moved
to a siam-he mob as well (siam-he devotees). Scroll 1 remains on the priests an
d scroll 3 on the warriors.
"Once the players actually go and talk to the npc's, they should understand what
happened since the npc's will list out each scroll and what mobs drop that scro
ll. I can see how the phrase "mob type" was throwing people off."
Hope that helps!
Announcements: If you haven't clicked the "realm ability" link over there on the
left sidebar of the Herald, it's changed. We added the "how far to the next mil
estone" chart in response to popular demand. While an extensive realm ability re
design is cooking along behind the scenes here at Mythic, the number of points i
t takes to climb the ranking ladder will not change.
Regarding lingering issues with encounter credit bugs: Please, please submit the
se problems as bug appeals. Include all the information you can. If you cannot f
it all the information into an appeal, please feel free to email me, or fill out
a Herald form. Our CSRs can't grant encounter credit without a major convoluted
process involving half the dev team and me with an edged weapon, so please don'
t ask them to.
Regarding rumors: Some of the questions this week started off with "I heard a ru
mor about my class, are you really going to" Depends on where the rumor came from.
If it came from the Camelot Herald and was posted by me, then it is probably tru
e! For those of you who do not particularly think I'm funny, that means that you
can't assume anything about rumors until you see what actually happens. Some ru
mors turn out to be true. Others don't. Until it's on the Herald, you never know
. So check the Herald often!
Next week sometime we're going to launch the Frontiers section of the website. I
t won't be much at first, but we hope you'll make it your go to spot for more in
formation on the progress of the next free to subscribers expansion.
Have a swell weekend, everyone!
"It's time to play the music! It's time to light the lights! It's time to meet..
." the weekly grab bag!

Q: There seems to be a lot of confusion about durability loss from armor and wea
pon repairs. You answered this question in a previous grab bag awhile back and s
tated that durability loss is only affected by the amount of con repaired.
However, many experienced players state that there is an ADDITIONAL cost for the
repair itself. In other words: All items will lose 1% DUR for every 1% CON repa
ired, and they will lose 1% more DUR for the repair itself. Thus, an item repair
ed at 99% CON will lose 2% DUR.
A: In this case, the players are quite right. My old answer is wrong. Thanks for
writing and a gentle reminder to all my loyal Friday night readers: If the Herald
kicks back two answers, always use the one with the most recent date.
Q: Phoebus Harp. Your notes said it was fixed. It's not.
A: Thanks for all the reports, guys the fix has been fixed internally, and should
roll live in 1.68. For those of you who do not know what I'm on about the Phoebus
Harp artifact encounter is not correctly giving encounter credit to when complet
ed. I am sorry for the inconvenience and annoyance.
Q: Trial 2, Encounter 7 Pick Your Poison. My battlegroup picked Horror, but we did
n't all get encounter credit. (Insert spoiler here) doesn't say anything about a
credit limit!
A: I hate to say this, but you can't ever assume a spoiler has the most updated
information. We fixed that bug with the NPC's dialogue awhile back, but no one h
as updated the spoiler with a better screenshot.
Generally speaking, you can rely on spoilers to give good general guidelines and
suggestions. But a MMORPG changes and evolves according to feedback and concept
ual adjustments, and the game is the final authority, not a website or a printed
Q: Hiya. I've recently downloaded a UI mod which allows me to view the frontier
zone maps. Is this considered "legal"? It only displays an overview of a zone, a
nd isn't a cheat program that shows other players' locations or anything like th
at. It can be found at the UI skin site, I'd really appreciate
some sort of clarification on this. I think it's great and I'd hate to actually
be cheating the whole time.
A: I checked with the guys if it's JUST a static map, with no "radar" elements tha
t would show the locations of players, NPCs, or monsters, or anything but terrai
n, it's fine. Using this mod gives you no advantage over other players they can pr
int out a map and have the same information.
Q: (Insert question about using our logos and images.)
A: There were about three dozen of these inquiries this week. I'm scared but anyway
. The basic guideline is "are you deriving any profit from the use of our images
? If yes, you're doing something wrong."

If you're planning to get a tattoo of your character, that's fine. Send

me a picture. Unless it's, you know, there.

If you're planning to get all of our player races and logos tattooed all
over you, for the purposes of hiring yourself out as a circus freak and earning
a living, that's bizarre. Please don't.
If you're putting your guild logo on Shrinky Dinks and making keychains
during your guild gathering (hello, PC! Thanks for my keychain, I love it :)), t
hat's terrific.
If you're putting the Dark Age of Camelot title logo on T-shirts and sel
ling them, that's a violation of our trademark.
Anything in the fan site kit is fine to use, if you're making an actual
fan or guild site. For business purposes, you need our specific permission and a
carefully worded disclaimer.
If you have any questions, by all means, mail 'em in to info@mythicentertainment
.com, with the subject header LOGO USE.
Q: Any way to display master levels on the Herald?
A: We're working on it. We prefer to implement "opt out" features first, for tho
se of you who hate being displayed on the internet.
Q: I got the crown of zahur on my heroine and it is scale. There was no option t
o pick a healer type crown, so I know I did not pick some option by accident. At
lvl 9, my crown gained a +charisma cap bonus ... but it is scale, meaning no ch
arisma users can get this bonus.
A: We turn now to our friendly Item Mistress, who wanted me to tell you, "This w
as a bug and has been fixed on the internal server. With 1.68, it will be change
d retroactively to an Acuity Cap bonus.
Thank you for reporting it!"
By the way, our Mistress answered about a zillion things for me this week, but I
try my best to avoid posting unless a fix has been verified as working (at leas
t internally). Since much of the Mistress' work is still being tested as I type
this, you'll have to watch for patch notes.
The Medium Sized Evil Overlord (live producer) and I decided to start something
new and special in 2004, called Just FYI. Meaning, if we know we're going to do
something, but we're still not ready to do a patch note, we're still going to po
st a warning, so as to give you a little head's up.
The first Just FYI is in regards to the Croc Ring. In 1.68, we're going to chang
e it. Healing classes who can currently turn in the artifact and the scrolls (in
spite of the NPC dialogue) can keep it if they want to, capped at level five. I
f you're a healing class who doesn't want the ring without the level ten ability
, we will be putting in a trade option, where you can get the locked artifact an
d the scrolls back and give/sell them to another player. If you are not a healin
g class, you will not be affected.
Basically, we're letting you know early so you won't spend any more time levelin
g the item.
Regarding the New Frontiers expansion I spend so much time talking to people about
this stuff that I tend to take some things for granted. For example, anyone loo

king at the maps sees that the shape of the new peninsula looks exactly like the
current frontier. "But I thought you were doing a total redesign!" Yes, we are bu
t for technical reasons we've kept the outline to save time. We're ripping out e
verything within that outline, though :) Also, bear in mind that the new zones w
ill NOT look like the feature maps we've released. The maps we've released so fa
r are merely to give you an idea of the layout and the features, not the look an
d feel of the finished areas. They're for you to give feedback on the concepts,
not a future look.
It has been suggested that I clarify the "free respecs" we have automatically pr
ogrammed into the game. Every character gets a single line respec upon achieving
their 20th level, and it must be used before they turn 21. I tell people to mak
e plans at 19, and use it the instant they turn 20 if that's what they want. The
same thing happens at 40, and it must be used before you turn 41.
In the 1.67D patch notes, there's a line: " - Players will now receive credit fo
r the following encounters at level 40: Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves, Traitor's D
agger, Belt of the Sun, Belt of Oglidarsh, and the Night's Shroud Bracelet." Let
me clarify this one it used to be you had to be higher level to receive encounter
credit for these artifacts. Now you can get credit beginning at level 40. It do
es NOT mean retroactive credit is applied (not possible with our system) and it
doesn't mean turning 40th automatically gives you encounter credit for these fiv
e artifacts. Hope that helps.
Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!
Where's my blender, darn it. Here, read the column while I look for it:
Q: Most people say that friars are affilated with the church of albion, which is
logical, but then why does it say in the manual that friars are affilated with
the Defenders of Albion? And if the former is true, then why are there friar tra
iners in the Defenders of Albion building in Camelot City?
A: A lore question! From one of our original world designers comes the reply: "F
riars are members of an order called "The Brotherhood." This order was establish
ed by members of the Church who felt their skills could be better used on the ba
ttlefield. This order would work directly for Camelot's army and not the Church
of Albion. This is why they are members of the Defenders of Albion. Friars take
direction from the King, but ultimately answer to the Church." Hey, I learned so
mething today! Thanks for sending in the question.
Q: I was considering getting the Tartaro's Gift artifact on my home server, Gahe
ris (Co-op). I've read from some spoiler sites that it levels off of 'primitive
races'. I've heard many people say that means that you need to RvR to level the
artifact. I'd really like to acquire this artifact (it would be my first. ;)) bu
t my server doesn't have any RvR! How would I accomplish this?
A: The Item Mistress, so fast with the reply button it burns, said, "There are n
ine artifacts that earn experience by killing players from other realms. Gaheris
has alternate leveling requirements that are displayed when the item is delved.
For example, Tartaro's Gift earns experience from killing animals on Gaheris, b
ut earns experience from primitive races on all other servers."
Q: Why can't my reaver cast his Debt to Arawn spell after using the Spirit of th
e Duelist spell on the Harpy Feather Cloak?
A: The official reply: "Players are only able to have one offensive proc buff on

their character at a time. You will need to decide which spell better suits the
situation and cast accordingly."
Q: In a house, if a weapon is placed on the wall for decoration, as soon
as it is double clicked on it disappears completely. Doesn't end up in the doubl
e clickers pack, just disappears. For random clickers like myself (who like to s
ee what everything is ;)), this can be frustrating, and unfair to the person who
Is there any way to make it so the weapon that is clicked on will end up in the
pack of the clicker as oppose to in limbo? :)
A: Well, as
ally on the
So, you can
k, it would

the Evil Overlord had to remind me, the thing on the wall isn't actu
wall it's a copy of something that still exists on someone's account.
see how if we were to let the thing on the wall copy to your backpac
be a wee bit of an exploit.

He says, though, that it *would* be cool to put labels on the decorations, so we

'll add it to our improvements wish list. And I'll look into whether or not it w
ould be possible to "lock" decorations outside the permissions list just to keep
the pretty wall stuff safe from clickers :)
Q: I've noticed that some of the ROG drops from TOA do not have any bonus to the
m; was this on purpose?
A: I don't think so. Kicking your question to the item team means a response fro
m the Item Mistress: "All armor and weapon ROG drops from Atlantis should have t
he bonus value set to the appropriate amount. Jewelry items are the exception be
cause the bonus has no effect on the performance of the jewelry. (The bonus incr
eases the chance to hit for weapons, increases the chance to block for shields,
and decreases the chance of being hit for armor.) If you do receive armor or wea
pons without a bonus, please /appeal it as a bug, and include the name of the mo
b that dropped the item if possible."
But before you appeal it, ask around to see if the item is truly a ROG item, and
not part of a quest or a story encounter. Your fellow players are the greatest
resource of any MMORPG.

My spyware detector has identified 3 files as spyware related:


...what's up?
A: I bounced this to the tech team; those guys have seen nearly everything at th
is point. Sure enough, they'd seen this before the problem is probably a spyware p
rogram with "fizzle" in their name or in their files. Our Techie Sean told me th
at he played another game with a sound effect for an alligator "alligator.wav" and w
ithout fail the spyware catcher would tag is as potentially part of the Gator fa
mily of programs. The sound effect you mention (which is found in all three dire
ctories, if you've got all the expansions installed) is clean.
Q: Last week, this was in the bag: "Q: I have a question about the tradeskill to
ols. There is one that says it has a bonus on minimum crafting quality of 1%. Do
es this mean that if I craft a 99% weapon while I have equipped this quality too

l I would get a MP instead? Or is its purpose only to get 95% quality as a minim
um instead of 94%?"
And the answer was "A: From the Item and Tradeskill Princess: " The minimum craf
ting quality bonus raises your quality floor, so as long as you have this item e
quipped, you should get a minimum of 95% quality on items you make."
As they say at news conferences, "Ma'am, I have a follow-up question". Is it acc
urate to say that when I have the quality bonus item equipped, I have a 2% chanc
e for an MP and a 19.6% chance for each of 95, 96, 97, 98 and 99? If that's not
accurate, what are the right numbers?
A: Good question. Here again is our Princess: "That's correct. Using the minimum
crafting quality bonus leaves your chance at a masterpiece exactly as it has al
ways been - 2%. It wouldn't be very helpful if having a +1 minimum quality bonus
eliminated your 94% quality products, only to leave you with twice as many 95%
So, the remaining 98% chance is divided evenly between the five other possible q
uality outcomes (95, 96, 97, 98, and 99%)."
Announcements: Hi, Agamemnon. Agamemnon is the Vault Forum guy who wants to be f
amous in a creepy internet way, and since he's been such a hell of a guy, here's
me doing my part to make him happy.
Speaking of making people happy, the authors of Mimir's Well (both from the Bede
vere server) are pleased to announce their 200,000th stat hit. If you're not in
the know, let me catch you up it's an IRC bot you can have installed in your IRC c
hannel that automatically interacts with the Herald to display character stats i
n the chat. I don't want to link directly to them for fear of driving their band
width costs out of control, but I just wanted to tip my hat to Notin and Dominus
securis for making something cool. If you're an IRC mod for a server channel loo
king for a nifty channel bot, head to Google! (And if your server channel has Mi
mir's Well, try !stat, !estat, and !help for more information.)
Kind of a slow announcement day, eh? Well, if you're in the path of the snow, st
ay safe, and if you're in one of the warm states think of me kindly. Hey! There's m
y blender!
Have a great weekend, everyone.
It's that time again! Here's the weekly dose:
Q: (Insert question here about artifacts, and the rate at which they gain experi
ence in RVR versus PVE.)
A: From the evil overlord: "The experience gain in RvR is very very slow, and tr
uly not comparable to the PvE experience gain, both in terms of risk and reward.
We are allowing RvR experience gain precisely for this reason, and have no plan
s to increase RvR artifact exp. gain, or add additional methods for other artifa
ct leveling."
In other words, we added the ability to gain a little experience in response to
feedback asking for it. If you play as you might normally play without setting p
articular goals, youll see the experience increase. If youre the sort of player who do
esnt enjoy playing without min-maxing, youll want to stick with PVE. But, if you want

to go raid, youll still make progress. Make sense?

Q: Static Tempest - in a duel, if you, as a thane, activate Static Tempest, afte
r the second pulse, the duel is stopped. It just ends on its own. I thought you
could use all RAs and such while dueling?
A: This is listed on our tracking program as a bug, and scheduled to be fixed.
Q: Why is the Traitor's Dagger artifact offhand usable in Hibernia and Albion bu
t not Midgard?
A: Its scheduled to be made usable in Midgard during 1.68, along with another artif
act. So says the Mistress. Thanks for writing!
Q: (Insert question about the Belt of the Sun.)
A: Our Item Mistress responds: The Belt of the Sun summons one weapon for each skil
l line to ensure that every class has a weapon they can equip. There are no plan
s at this time to add more versions for any realm. Unfortunately, it is not poss
ible to summon only the weapon that matches the player's training.
Q: I was wondering, when Im getting exp for artifacts and I have two artifacts equi
pped that can benefit from what Im hunting, is the exp split between them?
A: Nope. Heres the full answer from the Mistress: Each equipped artifact will receive
the full amount of artifact experience earned. It will not be split. For example
, if you are hunting mobs while
in an enemy frontier, your Crocodile Tear Ring and Egg of Youth artifacts would
each receive full experience with every magical mob killed.
Please note that this answer is for EQUIPPED artifacts. Things perching in your
inventory dont magically get experience.
Q: On a master level 6 raid I got (insert randomly generated item here). I canno
t use this item, however, because it is not a Large Weapon, but a Midgard 2-hand
ed crush weapon. When will I get this hammer changed to a weapon usable by Hiber
nia? And can Customer Service do anything?
A: That item was created using the games Random Object Generator (you may have seen
people in chat talking about a ROG item; well, this is one). As a result, its not
something that can be fixed, either retroactively or on the spot. The gang in Cu
stomer Service doesnt have the ability to fix it, and no patch can fix it either.
The monster or chest that dropped that item is bugged so if something like this ha
ppens again, please send a bug appeal. I apologize for the frustration.
In general, when you send bug appeals, be sure to mention the name of the item,
the monster it dropped from, the /loc you were fighting at, and the name of the
zone. The faster we have all the information, the faster we can make fixes.
Q: As taken from 1.68B patch notes, and I quote:
""Item Notes

- The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Albion) will now drop with a slower attack spe
ed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed.
- The Bow of Silent Oblivion (Hibernia and Albion) will now drop with a slower a
ttack speed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed."
What about Midgard?
A: I hope you dont mind that I edited your passionate letter, good sir. The problem
here is twofold first, the notes arent really explaining what the problem was, and s
econd, your legitimate feedback. So were going to try and reword the notes to expla
in that were actually fixing a bug, but allowing a few items to be grandfathered in
(as we often do when were the ones to screw up), and well add a slow bow for Midgard
to our list of items to add.
Q: I'm a level 5 (insert starting class here). Why won't the (insert advanced tr
ainer here) in the Hall of Heroes zone (or outlying towns in Shrouded Isles) let
me become a (insert advanced class here)?
A: The answer comes from a world goddess: Only certain trainers will promote player
s from their starting class to an advanced class. In the classic zones, these tr
ainers are located in the three main cities - Camelot, Jordheim, and Tir na Nog,
as well as the small towns where new characters first enter the world (the base
trainers direct players to the appropriate advanced trainers). In Shrouded Isle
s, only the trainers in the starting areas of Caer Gothwaite, Aegirhamn, and the
Grove of Domnann will promote players to their advanced classes. The advanced t
rainers in these areas are set up to either start the guild track quests or to d
irect players to the trainer that begins the guild track quest.
Trainers in the outlying towns of Shrouded Isles and those in the Hall of Heroes zo
nes in ToA will not promote players from a starting class to an advanced one.

Weve got some new friends reading the column! One of you wrote in, and very politel
y let me know that Id forgotten to replace my insert question here blurb with an act
uestion. Although I have lost no fewer than three Diet Vanilla Cokes today, by v
irtue of wandering around the office and leaving them in places like the copier
room and the bathroom, I havent forgotten to replace something on the grab bag. Whe
never you see me say insert question here, its meant to let you know that I got a nu
of similar questions on the same theme, and that the same answer applied to all
of them. If YOUR question wasnt answered, please feel free to send it on in.
Thats all from me you all have a fun weekend.
I wouldn't leave without posting this!
Q: When I upgrade a house, I get the deed for my old house back. But when I down
grade my house, I dont get the deed! Is this a bug?
A: No, its not. The system is designed to give you an incentive to upgrade, but hav
e no incentive to downgrade your home.
Q: The realm abilities documentation says there is a two second hard cap on cast
ing speed. No way.
A: That information is in fact outdated and currently wrong. Heres the deal I was try

ing to hold off on posting this in the grab bag until

ussing the issue and what all we were planning to do.
g to do, but there are changes in the works that will
g other things. Your feedback on these topics is much

the dev team finished disc

I still dont know what were goin
affect casting speed, amon

Q: In the patch notes you mention that pet spells will start sending information
to the owner of the pet. Does this include procs done by pets too? Will my Spir
it Champion tell me how much he's lifetapping for?
A: One of our programmers responded, "The intention is that all spells cast by a
pet report their damage done as feedback to their owner. Due to the amount of s
pells already in the game there may be exceptions; they should be treated as bug
s and appealed as such so that they can be fixed." So there you have it! Head ov
er to Pendragon and help us track down the exceptions!
Q: How long is 1.68 going to be on Pendragon?
A: Yall need to help me knock on wood, because Im about to take an educated guess. Two
weeks. Barring the unforeseen. Longtime readers of this column just started cur
sing my parents for spawning me, because Bad Things happen whenever I say barring t
he unforeseen.
Q: With the change to the group window to color code party members condition are
there any indicators for color blind players similar to the - and + used to sho
w relative con?
If there are what are they and where are they documented?
A: Straight from the programmers keyboard:
If "Name" is the character's name, the following sequences indicate state:
Dead: =Name=
Mezzed: !Name!
Out of Zone:


Q: Is there any way it would be possible for all characters on the same
account to be able to port directly to the house of one character on the account
? Maybe a Family Hearth rank?
A: This is the second most popular request I get with housing. (Full co-owner pr
ivileges is the most popular, if you were wondering.) Unfortunately, we dont have a
way to grant all characters on one account porting access. It would not be a sm
all code fix, and there are other potential problems, such as properly stripping
access from all character when the house was sold, etc. So Im afraid the answer is
no at this time. Its a neat idea, though, and Ive tagged it as a popular one.
Q: Insert idea about things to do with the Andred hardware here.
A: You guys are creative, and Ive certainly filed away all your ideas for alternate
server rulesets. But the truth of the matter is we repurposed the Andred hardware bac

k when the server was closed. Andred is basically a brain in a jar, metaphorical
ly speaking, not the whole body.
Remember, if you havent copied over, get moving were tossing the brain on Feb. 26.
Q: My question is, is Essence Flames considered an offensive proc buff? Because
it appears to stack with artifact buffs and both offer offensive procs. Is this
intended or a bug?
A: From the keyboard of Balance Boy: This is a bug. A character should never have m
ore then one offensive proc on at any time. Thanks for pointing out this issue w
ith Essence Flames.
Q: Can you or any of the code boys state if Quality matters for Legendary Weapon
A: The answer lay with not the code boys, but the Item Princess! Indeed it does. Ev
en though the damage that comes from a legendary weapon is elemental instead of
physical (slash, crush, or thrust), the quality of the legendary weapon affects
the DPS the same as if it were a normal damage type weapon.
Q: I went into an area of the game that had no monsters. Whats up?
A: If an area is entered using a geometry exploit, the area might not populate c
orrectly, or creatures may not behave appropriately. You need to find the door.
If you have to jump three hundred times while taking screenshots and chanting th
e name of a Lovecraftian demon, the designers probably didnt mean for you to enter
an area that way. Thanks in advance for reporting any bad geometry.
* * *

Just FYI your quest journal is not of infinite size. There are plans in the works t
ress any storage issues that may come up for our hardcore questers. By hardcore,
I mean those of you who cannot rest until youve spoken to every NPC in our world.
You know who you are. The rest of you stop making fun of us, were having fun our way!
This weeks shout out goes to Chrysanthe, top bug reporter of the week. When one pla
yer tester directly leads to five different patch notes, you know shes special.
As some of you have no doubt observed, this patch contains some things designed
to hinder, break, spindle, fold, and mutilate certain third party programs. Wed app
reciate it if everyone could pop onto Pendragon in the next two weeks and make s
ure there are no performance or movement problems for our average customers who
dont need to cheat to be good at video games. Thanks!
Hey, any of you out there using ZoneAlarm? Theyre looking for beta testers who do t
hings like play MMOGs with their products. Go here if you want to sign up.
Speaking of beta testing as soon as the New Frontiers beta test is ready for you, w
ell post on the Herald. Please just watch the website, and only send feedback to th
e poor little RVR Expansion feedback form. Beta requests are just getting delete
d. Im glad you guys are excited, though, because this is going to need play testing
like weve never seen before. Its not every day that a MMORPG completely changes such
a major part of their game.

Have a nifty keen weekend. No, not a lurikeen. Such dirty minds, sheesh.http://w
Y'all, I am just fresh out of clever, so instead of a cute title, I'm just going
to get this sucker posted.

Q: Is melee style damage also in the 1.68 list of TOA buffs with the new 10% cap
A: Yes. Im sorry it wasnt listed in the original notes.
Q: The seven day trial of the game is it supposed to require a credit card?
A: Yes. The free download of the game comes with seven days of free play, but yo
u do need to enter a credit card number to activate the account. By the way, if
you purchase the software online or at a regular store, there is still a thirty
day free trial attached to the CDs.
Q: Do the following RA skills work for a necro in shade form?
Purge, Majestic Will, Strike the Soul, The Empty Mind, Mastery of Concentration
and finally Mastery of Magery.
I've heard mixed reports from people saying that: None of these RA's work for ne
cros, Some of them work, or that all of them work.
Can you clarify for me? I'm 4L3 and would like to know where to invest my points
A: Heres the most recent list as I know it. If your experience is different, please
let me know:
Mastery of Magery is working by all accounts.
Majestic Will is working by all accounts.
Strike the Soul is working by all accounts.
There are known bugs with the other three and the shade form that were working on.
Its not a pretty answer, but its a true one.
Remember, the RA system will be changing dramatically in a few months. Youll get al
l your points refunded, of course, but just keep the impending change in the bac
k of your mind.
Q: With all the new caps, I have not seen any reference to caps on the +power po
ol, healing effectiveness, and buff effectiveness . Is this an oversight or will
those buffs stay at level/2?
A: The current design calls for those abilities to be capped at your level divid
ed by two.
Q: What exactly does the power pool % increase do? Does it increase the amount o
f power my cleric can generate (like having higher piety)? Or, like the dex cap

increase, do I have to put spellcraft points into power to make it worth anythin
A: Im better off quoting Balance Boy directly here: Power pool is affected by your ac
uity stat, +power bonus, the Ethereal Bond Realm ability, and your level. The re
sulting power pool is adjusted by your power pool % increase bonus.
So if your power pool was 400 after all was said and done, and you had a +4% pow
er pool bonus item, your power would go up 4% to 416.
+ power % works entirely independently from +power itself. So the
comparison to how dex works with dex cap increasing items doesn't apply.
Q: Just curious if the abs proc off Spear of Kings stacks with or overrides the
ablative melee health proc you can get put on player crafted armor?
A: From the Spreadsheet Keeper (yes, my dear regulars, someone new is joining my
merry band of victims er, devs who answer my questions!): Yes, they will stack. One i
s a hit point buffer and one is an aura shield. They are not the same type of sp
Q: Just put on a Giant's Black Sapphire Ring (lvl 50 item). It looks like a ring
, but fits in a wrist spot - not a ring spot :)
A: Imagine how big the ring of some twenty foot tall man mountain would be. Abou
t as big as a bracelet!
Q: Was there some kind of account or Herald clean-up back in January? I monitor
the statistics for my alliance, and I noticed every guild had dozens of their in
active members drop off the Herald rosters between Jan 19 and Jan 20.
A: We did a massive Herald clean up. The Herald computers were in dire need of a
purge; we had year old data clogging up the arteries like pastrami sandwiches.
* * *
Please. Im begging. If you have any plans, at all, to ever contact customer service
for any reason, please make sure the email address we have on your registration
page is valid. We often use email to contact our players. I have a very sad let
ter from someone who has been looking for help for weeks, and yet hes never had an
answer from us. Weve tried to contact him three times, but the email address we hav
e for him is outdated and wrong. Fortunately, he emailed me, so we now have a wa
y to make contact with him. We will never sell your email address so please, give
us one you check regularly.
Well, this was quite a week. Fortunately, my blender is clean. I sure do appreci
ate the many players who took the time to write such thoughtful letters. You guy
s are the best.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sunday always comes too late, but it's Friday -

Q: Insert question here about 4000 unit reporting, crossed swords, refresh rate,
A: If you dont know what that question means, get on over to the New Frontiers Tran
sportation System page and see what everyones talking about.
I CANT answer the questions youve sent because we just laid out everything we have
nd. Those are the paper plans and ideas, and were going to be working with our play
ers to determine what the final design looks like.
I know that one on one fights wont show up on the map, but how big a force it takes
to get on the map hasnt been set for sure we need to see how it works in practice. W
ere planning to have the map refresh every five seconds, but if that turns out to b
e bad for the server, well change it. If 4000 units turns out to take the fun out o
f the game, well reduce it. Who knows? We dont, not until the beta gets going!
Think of it like an elaborate system based on the guard death spam when that spam
rolls, you know there is action in that area. Well, this is a GUI (graphical use
r interface, for you newcomers to our happy band) version.
Q: Okay, whats all this talk about master level ten?
A: You got us :) It was a secret level, we just thought that would be fun. Weve put
stuff like that in the game before, and this was more of the same. You dont know g
lee until youve planned a surprise.
But there you have it Celestius is actually the final trial, and you get to the ar
ea by porting through the secret gates after youve completely finished levels one t
hrough nine.
Q: I have rolled a berserker and have 2 items on from TOA that add +3 to all mel
ee skills. However, I have NO pluses to my Left Axe ability. Why is Left Axe not
considered a melee skill?
A: From the Item Mistress: The Melee Skill All bonus is intended to increase a wea
pon skill when training in one usually excludes the others. For example, players
are unlikely to be trained in both Sword and Axe and therefore will really only
receive an effective bonus for one skill. However, training in Axe does not pre
clude training in Left Axe or Parry, since the player is likely to use both or a
ll at once. If we had included any of the dual wield skills, we would have been
giving those players a double bonus. A player trained in Left Axe always has ano
ther weapon trained, so increasing both was not a viable option.
Q: Did I lose any experience on my artifact when 1.68 went live?
A: No. Before the patch, the percentage display was a number created by some hor
rible formula from hell that I dont understand after three explanations. NOW, the p
ercentage reflects nothing more than how much progress youve made to the artifacts nex
t level. When you ding the artifact, the number will reset to zero and youll start
Q: Was there any changes made to Galladoria? I've set up two raids there this pa
st week to kill both the Conservator and Xaga, and out of killing them both 2 ti
mes over the past 4 days, we've walked away with only ONE single line skill resp
ec stone (Luminescent Ceriac). Also, Darkness Falls seems to not be producing th

e amount of seals it used to.

A: Column regulars know I like to have the dev team
case things were accidentally changed while we were
We looked up both of these for you. Galladoria has
a stone is not a good one, so I think you just got
ed away with one every raid.

look up drop rates, just in

working on the spreadsheets.
not changed the chance to drop
lucky if in the past youve walk

And the DF question? From the Mistress: There have not been any intentional change
s to the drop rates for the seals in Darkness Falls. However, if you provide us
with the names of the mobs you feel are not dropping the normal amount of seals,
we would be happy to check for problems.
Q: Why didnt the player-run consignment merchants update the artifacts they were se
lling to reflect the lower bonuses in 1.68?
A: It has to do with the way we store data. There are literally billions of item
s in the game right now, and to go through them all to update the display would
take years. So the system updates the display on active items things in your inven
tory and bank vault are considered active when you log in. Items on the consignm
ent merchants are not currently considered active until they are moved to the in
ventory of a player. The display then updates when an inventory check is done, w
hich you can force by logging in and logging out.
The item itself had the bonus reduced in the patch, because when you use an item
, it contacts the server to find out what it should do.
Sorry about any confusion, yall.
Q: The artifact "Crocodile Tear Ring" says in the delve that it will gain xp fro
m kills in enemy frontiers. As a Hibernian, this says to me that this artifact s
hould gain xp while in the Midgard and Albion frontiers. The artifact does gain
xp while in the outdoor areas of Mid/Alb frontiers but not from kills inside the
frontier dungeons.
Maddening Scalars artifact was changed in 1.68 to gain xp in the frontier dungeo
ns. Should my Crocodile Tear Ring also gain xp while in enemy frontier dungeons?
A: Again from our lovely Mistress: The Crocodile Tear Ring should gain experience
from experience earned in the frontier dungeons. This will be fixed with the nex
t patch. Thanks for the report!
Q: I have the artifact named Guard of Valor. When I delve, it says that it level
s in the realms frontier dungeons and a place called House of the Dead...where/what
is the House of the Dead? Ive asked around... and no one knows, not even in Map-alot.
A: Wow, theres a blast from the past. House of the Dead was an old name, kind of a
placeholder from an early design document. Oh, Mistress! This was indeed an entry e
rror on our part. The delve has been corrected by replacing "House of the Dead"
with the correct "Summoner's Hall".
Q: Is anyone else having the problem where debuff storms are no longer hitting m
obs? Dex/Quick debuff, starting with yesterdays patch, was no longer hitting any mo
b I tried it on. Using duels I was able to hit buffed players with it, but even
then it would not hit my opponents charmed pet. Was there a patch note I missed?

A: This one caused quite a bit of consternation. Weve been digging all afternoon. H
eres the word, from the Moderately Evil Overlord: In version 1.68, we fixed a bug that
allowed the Battlewarder to be used against monsters. As a result of this fix,
many additional Master Abilities in this 'category' were inadvertently affected.
We are investigating this issue and will look at fixes in a later version. The
list of all abilities that fall into this 'category' is as follows: Cowering Bel
low, Agony Transmission, Zone of Unmana, Primal Agony, Essence Shatter, Dissonan
ce Trap, Snaring Tendrils of Power, Inexorable Defeat, Oppression, Demoralizatio
n, Power Leak, Sapping Strike, Power Trap, and Enervating Gas.
I am really sorry, gang.
Q: Question concerning the one Perfector ability "Greatness" can u tell me what
the ability actually does. Is the ability used for increasing the number of perm
ent buff spells u can cast at once-- 20 spells capped for will it give you 4 ext
ra perment buffs extra to cast or is it what it says increases conceration pool
by 20%. Can you plz clarify this????
A: From our Balance Boy: Whenever you cast a concentration buff, it costs a certai
n amount of concentration points. Obviously, if you cancel a buff, you get those
concentration points back. You are limited in the number of buffs you can cast
based on your concentration pool. Greatness increases your concentration pool by
20% allowing you to cast more buffs.
HOWEVER, there is a second limit to the number of concentration buffs you can ha
ve cast at one time which is currently 20. This is a technical limitation and in
creasing that number is currently on our list of improvements to make.
The higher the level of concentration buffs you are trying to cast, the higher t
he chance that you'll run into the concentration pool cap before you run into th
e 20 buff cap. This is the case where Greatness comes into play by increasing yo
ur conc pool by 20% and letting you cast more buffs.
I hate to be the voice of doom, but I feel like I should mention here that on the l
ist means no deadline has been set, but we do want to do this.
Q: My question is regarding my Belkin Nostromo N52. It allows recordable macros
which would allow me to craft without actually pressing any buttons.
Is this against the rules? My guildmates informed me that it may get me banned o
r my Alch skill reset. So, I have not used it yet. Please let me know.
A: Your guildmates are right on. From the head of in-game customer service: When we
catch people using this, we first suspend the player for 5 days and wipe all of
his tradeskills to zero. Second time is a ban.
Q: I have a Shadowblade on Percival and was wanting to make an infiltrator on Gu
inevere with the same name. I checked the Herald and the name does not show up,
yet when I try and make the character with name of choice, it says name is taken. I wa
s thinking that all names would be on the Herald. Is this a bug, or can somebody
have the name and not show on the Herald?
A: Really old characters that havent logged in for awhile may not appear on the Her
ald. We have never erased any characters (though please remember, Andred is clos
ing on Thursday the 26th, and those characters will indeed be lost forever if yo
u dont copy yours to Mordred), so even a character around but unplayed since 2001 i

s still reserving the name.

If we ever wipe old, unplayed characters, we will post here with plenty of warni
* * *
File it under we are aware of the issue, and trying to resolve it: Powertaps from Necr
omancers on any person that does not have a power pool causes the spell to not w
ork - it takes their power, but does no damage. We are working on the fix but it c
ant be hot wired to the server, and I wont know anything more until Monday.
I dont have a lot of announcements tonight we made them during the day :) Thanks for
a great week, thanks for the great feedback, and Ill see you here next week!http://
Here it is:
Q: We used a trebuchet to take down a monster, and when he died, he dropped loot
but we got no experience or encounter credit. Is this a bug?
A: Nope. There was a point, many moons ago, where it was allowed. For balance re
asons we had to change that, and it was noted in a patch. But its the kind of thing
that newer members of our community wouldnt know. So! Thanks to the people who bro
ught the need for this reminder to my attention. The game allows some siege weap
ons to be used to kill creatures, and does not allow other siege weapons to be u
sed at all. If you do choose a siege weapon that can be used, be aware that you
will not receive encounter credit or experience for the kill.
Q: Do the offensive spell procs on weapons get affected by the users acuity for dam
age purposes? More specifically, is the damage of the offensive clickable spell
procs on artifacts (i.e. bolt on Band of Stars) affected by acuity? I am wonderi
ng if for instance a Band of Stars would do more damage in the hands of my heale
r with 198 piety as opposed to my warrior who has about 50.

A: There shouldnt be a difference. The item is casting the spell, not your character
Q: (Insert question about display freezing and crashing here.)
A: I was having the exact same problems as many of you. Imagine my chagrin when
I found out how ancient my video card drivers were. Its not just game companies tha
t release patches! Anyway, updating the drivers solved my difficulties. If that
doesnt help you, please contact our technical support people: http://support.darkag Please DONT contact the Questions feedback form I only go th
rough this folder once or twice a week, and I am not technically qualified to he
lp you. You do not want my technical help. You want me to stay very, very far fr
om your computer.
Q: Legendary Bows - Do these bows do elemental damage, or the arrow listed damag
e? Popular belief is that they debuff the right elemental, but still do pierce/s
lash/blunt damage. Before I get a bow made could you let us know if they really
do elemental damage?
A: From the keyboard of the Item Princess: Currently, elemental damage types will n
ot function on bows or arrows. For legendary bows, the damage type dealt is stil
l dependent on the arrow's damage type, even though the proc debuffs an elementa

l resist. However, the proc rate on the legendary bows is higher than that of ot
her legendary weapons, which allows the direct damage portion of the spell to he
lp compensate for the lack of elemental damage done by using the legendary bow.
Q: Is there any place either on the Herald or the internet where I can go and te
st how I want to spec a new toon?
A: I build possible characters over at I dont promise th
at its always perfect, but they keep it updated, and as I said, I use it myself. I
lack the technical skills to build one that had as many nifty little features, s
o I just direct people to Catacombs. Plus Im secretly in love with the forum regula
rs over there. Shh, dont tell anyone.
Q: I am having a problem, and I submitted a bug appeal. When am I going to hear
A: Bug appeals are not answered. Not directly, anyway. We have a team of people
in a dungeon who sort and assign your bug appeals for testing.
The first step in any bug fix is duplicating the bug we need to see precisely what
happens on a code level when players do things. If the bug team cant make it happe
n, its not possible to fix the problem. Thats why we always ask for as much data as yo
u can think of.
For example, I recently submitted a bug appeal about an item durability problem.
In order to give our test team enough information to work with, I told them the
- The exact name of the item I had a problem with
- The condition and durability of the item BEFORE repair
- The condition and durability of the item AFTER repair
- Whether a player repaired the item, or an NPC
- Where I was when I was having my item repaired

With all that information, the testing team can set up tests that EXACTLY duplic
ate my circumstances. If I leave any of that information out, the test might com
e back as we couldnt duplicate your results. That drives me bonkers - *I* know I had
eaking problem, darn it! But, when I give them all the information, they CAN dup
licate the problem and the odds of fixing the problem goes way, way up.
But I still wont get an email from them. I know they got my appeal, of course, beca
use the head of testing comes up here and throws things at me. Youll have to take m
y word for it the appeals GET READ. It is in our best interest to fix things as qu
ickly as possible. If something isnt fixed, its because we have not yet been able to d
uplicate it here in our labs. So give us all the details even things you dont think c
ould possibly matter. And please remember that a human being reads each and ever
y appeal, so help them process as many appeals as possible by giving them just t
he facts save the editorials for the feedback form and me.
Q: I was on my necro [on Mordred] today when a shaman and his armsman friend dec
ided to jump me, the shaman kept recasting the dot and although they were not st
acking it was rehitting constantly and doing a lot of damage I died faster then
i have ever died in my life because of this and I was wondering if this is inten

ded to happen or simply a bug which this shaman was exploiting I have a 50 shama
n myself and have never noticed / seen this been done before. I would love to kn
ow if this is a bug or not because if its not I may bring my shaman out of retireme
nt and become hated once again.

A: If Ive understood you, and I certainly dont discount the possibility that Im comp
y befuddled, it sounds like the shaman was not exploiting a bug, but his constan
t casting was interrupting you and preventing you from doing anything. Have a go
od time.
Q: Mastery of arms increases melee weapon speed by 3% per level. Do shields coun
t as a melee weapon?
A: Yes.
Q: I have one unit of Salamander Ash in my back pack, and I cant remove it. Can't b
e dropped, can't be put in vault, can't be sold, can't be salvaged. How do I get
it out of my backpack?
A: If you dont need it to complete an encounter (thats what the Ash is for), you can d
estroy it by selecting the item and hitting your destroy keys. The default destroy key
s are Shift+D if that doesnt work, you can type /keyboard and see what the command is
on your computer.


I start every grab bag session by going through the folder and scattering questi
ons to the developers to answer. Every time, I swear that I wont answer any questio
ns personally, because I just dont have the time to answer EVERYONE. So of course I
cant help it, and as Im sorting the questions with my rapid fire usage of the forwa
n (along with the rapid fire use of the keyboard to add pithy comments like Yeah, Id l
ike to know, too and good point and once my eyes stopped bleeding, I found she ha
int), I answer a few. Those recipients almost always write back with shock and amaz
ement that they havent just been screaming down a well.

Ive spent a total of five years swimming around the MMORPG community pool. Half on
the player side, half on the dark side (which also happens to be a player side,
if its not too hard to believe you dont take jobs like this if you dont love PLA
eaking games). I know what its like to be constantly giving feedback and asking que
stions, and never hearing a single peep acknowledging that I was even alive.
The Herald team is 100% committed to reading every scrap of feedback because of
that. The volume is insane, so we cant promise a reply. The dev team is informed on
a regular (by that I mean hourly) basis what the top issues and concerns are. I wish
I could write to everyone, and personally reassure you all.
Feh, enough of my blathering go on, weve got raids to get to. See you next week.http:
Chow down:
Q: From the 1.68i Release Notes, it states: - We have replaced the Unending Vengean
ce proc on Maddening Scalars with a damage shield. The Unending Vengeance spell
was, under certain cases, causing players to not receive credit for completing e

ncounters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future patch to give the gloves a
more appropriate ability.
The lvl 10 ability on those gloves has been said to be called "Frothing Wound" y
et the notes refer to an "Unending Vengeance". Which leads me to believe that th
e name of the lvl 5 Ability is the Unending Vengeance. I'm just confused as to h
ow changing the gloves from a shield/dmg shield proc to a regular damage shield
proc is "a more appropriate ability" or how, more importantly, it fixes the "cau
sing players to not receive credit for completing encounters?"

A: First Id better clarify the subject of the question. The Maddening Scalars artif
act has a level five ability, Unending Vengeance. It was a reactive proc that reflecte
d damage back to the enemy. The artifacts level ten ability is called Maddening Aura,
its proc turns you into a werewolf. When you are a werewolf, you have a chance
to proc onto your enemy an effect called Frothing Wound, which is a disease based DOT.
God, I love my job. I can say things like when you are a werewolf and no one even blin
I headed over to our sweet Item Mistress for the answer to the question. She had
this reply: The level five spell was replaced on the Maddening Scalars with a more
conventional damage shield as a temporary measure. The previous shield was capa
ble of dealing large amounts of damage to the mobs, and in those situations the
players did not receive encounter credit upon the death of the mob. The current
type of damage shield should not cause any issues with encounter completion cred
it. We anticipate a new spell will be in place for 1.69 that is closer to the or
iginal function.
Q: I have been looking through all of the patch notes and grab bags on the Heral
d, but I cannot find anything that specifically says savages are restricted to 5
.0 delay two handed weapons.. I have been told that the savage cannot equip weap
ons slower then 5.0, however I have equipped a 5.2 delay two handed hammer. My q
uestion is, What weapons are savages restricted from using? Can they equip two h
anded Artifacts that are labeled as having a speed delay of 5.6? Can you give me
the specifics on what they restricted?
A: Restrictions were added to weapons slower than 5.5 seconds to prevent their u
se by Savages as of version 1.65. However, this restriction is not in place for
the artifacts so Savages will be able to use the 5.6 delay two-handed artifacts.
The following is the original 1.65 patch note:
- We have changed the few Midgard items in the game that were slower than 5.5 se
conds to restrict them from Savage use. Savages who already own one of these wea
pons at the time of this patch will not be affected by this change. However, any
weapon that has a delay slower than 5.5 seconds has been replaced in all future
drops in the game with an identical version that will not allow savages to equi
p the new item.- The new items have had their names modified so that they can be
differentiated from the versions that are not restricted. The new versions of t
he "Mourning Rage", "Dull Asterite Great Sword", "Brittle-bone Great Axe", "Drag
on-shadow Great Axe" and "Dragon-shadow Great Hammer" are named "Mourning Fury",
"Lusterless Asterite Great Sword", "Bone-shard Great Axe", "Wurm-shadow Great A
xe" and "Wurm-shadow Great Hammer", respectively.
Q: You recently refunded the points for Majestic Will. My question is this, I do
n't have MW yet. But I was working towards getting it. I just purchased Aug Acui
ty 3. Will I get any refund in points?
A: If were JUST AA3, we totally would have done it. We discussed it long and har

d. But after a lot of agonizing, this was the result. Speaking for the dev team,
I have here the Moderately Evil Overlord: If we refund Augmented Acuity 3, then we
are also forced to refund several abilities that follow on to it - such as Mast
ery of the Art, Concentration, and Mastery of Concentration. Given that all Real
Abilities will be refunded and reworked in New Frontiers, we needed to draw the
semi-evil overlord's line somewhere, and this is where it has been drawn.
So there it is everyone will get a total refund in the future, and it was determin
ed that doing it now had the potential to be more disruptive than helpful. I und
erstand where youre coming from, believe me, and if we WERENT actively working on a pl
an that involved a full refund, wed have done it already no matter what the consequ
Q: After the last patch, I am starting to get DEADLINK too much. My ping to serv
er is about 200 and it has never happened before. Can you please check it and re
ply? My other friends here in Turkey are having the same problems.
A: Im hopelessly provincial, I get such a kick out of knowing we have players all o
ver the world.

Coming from as far away as you, sir, its likely theres a more local problem. However,
were always glad to take a look. Youll need to send us a traceroute our helpful web
provides step by step instructions.
Q: I sold my house and still have stuff on the Bankers, how long will it stay th
ere - until I get it, or will they clean out in a month?
A: Right now it wont go anywhere, but I make no promises as to how long that will b
e true. Its meant as PURELY temporary storage, and if the data file starts to get t
oo big, well start purging it.
Q: I have two houses, sort of. I signed one over to a dear friend. She has gotte
n upset as ladies do sometimes. She has given me the porters and stuff that were
in the house. She left the house set as she had set it per my instructions when
I gave it her. That is with me having full permissions to pay rent and use merc
hants. My question is, if she stops paying her monthly fee and her account goes
inactive, will the house disappear even if I keep paying rent?

A: Fear not as long as the rent is paid on a personal house, it doesnt matter whether
the owners account is active. Please note, though, that the pop up pay your rent me
s wont appear, and you wont be able to retrieve the stuff if you get evicted, so be vi
I would be remiss if I didnt also point out that if it was a nasty breakup, you mig
ht want to reconsider keeping anything of value in the house. It IS still hers, and sh
e can walk in anytime she likes, and take everything and we cant do a darn thing abou
t it.
Q: (Insert grappler question here.)
A: We know about the, er, issues, and working on fixes as I type.
Q: After the last patch +duration items appear to be not working at all. With +1
8% duration prior I was getting 7 ticks on 6 tick DoT. Now after +the patch with

+23% duration, I get only 6 ticks. I read the notes very carefully, and +durati
on seemed to be one of the only things that was not nerfed to 10%. Rightly so, f
or many spells (DoTS expecially) +10% is meaningless. I would think that Theurgi
st pets, Animist pets, debuffs, buffs (PoT, HoT) and DoTs wouild all benefit fro
m this. What gives?
A: Heres the answer from our Code Warrior:
Damage over Time: does not benefit from +duration items
Theurgist pets: do not benefit
Animist turrets: do not benefit
Debuffs: do benefit
Buffs: do benefit
Basically anything that results in a spell icon being placed on a character that ha
s a duration listed, with the exception of damage over time spells, benefit from
duration bonuses.

General comments dear ones, I have a rhetorical question for you. If someone write
s to me to complain about crashing, and evidence suggests that hes also running an
illegal third party program am I going to hell when I laugh at him? And how do I po
litely phrase the sentiment, Well, first, stop cheating, and call me if that doesnt he
lp. Wait, I just found the right way to phrase it. So, there you have it. If you kn
ow someone who is crashing a lot, please make sure he uninstalls illegal program
s before he blames us. Or gives us credit. Whatever.
Of course, if that's not the problem, please, please report the problem to us wi
th your error log, so we can take care of the real issue.
All righty, with that, its off to the weekend. Farewell!
Here it is!
Q: Jewelcraft?

A: Another job for the Moderately Evil Overlord he tells me its not dead, although we
not talking about it any time soon. New Frontiers and the live game are taking a
ll available resources, and so I wouldnt even spare the concept any brain cells. BU
T, just to prepare the field, I thought wed best post this quote: Any original hints o
r plans we had for Jewelcraft are dead. Let me be perfectly clear on that. Any p
lan or hint or system we described in the past was long, long ago nullified by t
he current state of the game.
Q: Can quick cast be changed to an instant cast ability?
A: Well, quick cast is not a fully descriptive name it really means twice as quick as
the spell says.
Making QC into an instant effect would have a lot of balance implications, most of the
m bad. Very, very bad.
Q: I've been looking for a house in the FRISIA zone. I have searched through all

the housing areas and there is no horse merchant that allows me to go to the ce
ntral market for Frisia. Is this an oversight, or am I missing something?
A: Looks like we need to update the ol Herald. There is a horse route which travels
from Jorund to the Frisia Marketplace. Yili is the name of the stable merchant
for the Frisia Marketplace, and Jorund sells tickets to this merchant.
Q: I use multiple arrow types depending on the circumstances, and I use the Shro
uded Isles client (I dont have TOA, and thus, no quiver option.) There seems to be
some kind of bug I cant get the game to accept my changing arrow types. Whatever type
of arrow that was up top when I logged in is the type Im stuck with, even when I m
ove the stacks around.
A: That is a bug, and were trying to figure out what the deal is. Meanwhile, the wo
rkaround (aside from the annoying move the stack, log out, log back in routine) is to
split out a single arrow from the stack you DONT want to use, and have the stack th
at you DO want to use directly beneath the single arrow. That sounds crazier tha
n it is. Here:
Say youve got, in your first bag in your inventory:
20 keen footed
20 blunt footed
20 barbed footed
You dont want the keen arrows right now, you want to use blunt arrows. Arrange your
inventory as follows:
1 keen footed
20 blunt footed
20 barbed footed
19 keen footed
Now fire off the single arrow at whatever. Youll switch to the blunt arrows automat
ically. It does waste an arrow, and Im sorry about that. But its a better work around
than logging, and hopefully you wont have to do it forever.
Q: My tradeskill master in Caer Gothwaite / Grove of Domnann / Aegir's Landing w
on't give me a tradeskill tool quest.
A: As we stated in the 1.67 patch notes, you must speak to your tradeskill maste
r in your realm's capital city to receive one of the tradeskill tool quests.
I've been made aware of some discrepancies - other masters in other locations ha
ve been offering the quests. The above is the intended design. Please send a Tra
deskill/Economy feedback form if you want to suggest other alternatives.
Q: In 1.69A, you have a patch note that says - New buff spells have been added for
the three primary buff classes in the game (cleric, shaman, and druid). These sp
ells are point blank area of effect buffs that affect up to 40 targets within a
radius of 1000 units, and which are about 50% as effective as their concentratio
n counterparts on the same lists and have a 10 minute duration. These new buff s
pells are intended to help more characters have access to buffs in RvR and on Pv
E raids. Im confused as to what spells these shears will affect.

A: Youre not alone. Heres a clarified patch note: - We have added buff shearing spel
es to the Shaman, Druid, and Cleric buffing lines. These spells are designed to

be used offensively against enemy realm targets to remove one of their buffs. Ch
aracters who have a buff enhancement ripped off them via these spells will also
take some damage due to the buff shearing effect. Characters who do not have a b
uff removed will not be damaged. Any buff that a player has cast on himself (whe
ther concentration or timed) will not be affected by buff shearing.
Does that help at all? We really appreciate the help testing these, BTW. As with
all new concepts, the more people who actually try them and provide feedback, t
he more we can tweak and improve the implementation.
Q: My healer has +35% to power pool on items from ToA. This of course is capped
at 25%, so overall I have 25% more power than I would have
otherwise. To me, this means that casting something such as a rez would cost les
s of a percentage of power (from what my power bar shows) than if I didn't have
the 25% increase. So before ToA, my rez on level 50's was costing 50% of my powe
r. After the 25% increase however, it still costs 50% of my power. Am I not unde
rstanding how this works, or is this a bug that I should report?
A: In the case of a rez spell, it doesnt matter how much power you have or what bon
uses you carry, because the rez spells take a percentage of your full power, not
a particular number of power points.
If youre showing a discrepancy on a spell with a fixed power cost, please, let me k
now so that I can investigate.
Q: Will patrols be included in New Frontiers? If so, will they remain as bloody
fast as they are?
A: The Moderately Evil Overlord (one of a number of people on the primary design
team for New Frontiers) replied, "We will have patrols of guards around the imm
ediate vicinity of the Castles in New Frontiers. Their running speed has not bee
n finalized."
Your implied feedback is duly noted, though ;)
Q: Last night, I was running a ML1 Raid for some guildies and we had this item a D
uskwood Ember - drop on Fire Island. It is a lovely staff, but you will note tha
t the bonus to humanoids is a bit , errr, odd, 0%?
A: Thaaaats a bug. Thanks :) It is currently fixed on our internal server, and the
Item Mistress says, "The spell damage value has been changed to the correct valu
e of 2% and will go live with 1.69. Thanks for the report!"

The 1.69 Challenge is on! (Check the earlier story for details.) A few of you ou
t in message board land have the impression were putting in some New Frontiers stuf
f in 1.69. I hope I dont ruin anyones day when I say such is not the case. This contes
t came about because Ive started getting a certain type of email that I get every t
ime were about to start a beta. The nice versions say You know, my friends and I are r
eal testers. Wed love to be in beta. The less friendly versions say You know, you ne
ick real testers, you only pick X. Im a real tester. Pick me.
We dont try to exclude real testers, but in
to the selection. And the small, closed betas
tor going on. So, with some luck, this contest
eal Testers who are always writing to say that

the big betas theres a huge random element

definitely have a high who you know fac
will bring to our attention the R
theyve been left out in the cold.

For those of you Real Testers without a group of friends, I recommend copying up
on Pendragon anyway. Because 50% of the judging criteria will be the test guilds r
ealm point score, there may well be some smaller guilds looking to make a few ne
w friends. And hey, if you feel like youre a tester at heart, Pendragon is always a
n option and Pendragon regulars are always invited to the beta tests before the ge
neral public.
For you small test groups worried that youll need to combine with other guilds just
to have a chance at cracking the rankings do not be afraid, Ill consider your size w
hen I read your reports and look at your point scores. Better to have one solid
group of testers that plays every night than some artificially inflated zerg. So
unds like the opposite advice that I just gave to the solo tester? Its not. I recom
mend that you small groups do consider taking on one or two new friends on Pendr
agon. In this contest, a good tester will be a pearl beyond price, but a mass of
people who dont work as a team will be a hindrance.
Off to the weekend. Be good, and if you cant be good, be careful.http://web.archive
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding:
Q: Last week, you answered a question about Quick Cast, and your answer was bad.
A: Youre right. The answer I should have given was that Quick Cast reduces the time
needed to cast to a flat two seconds, and that a spell that has been quick cast
ed cannot be interrupted. I have been told that the latter is not always the cas
e. If you have been interrupted while quick casting, please report it, and feel
free to send me a screenshot or a log.
Q: In order to obtain certain TOA quests, you first have to gain good faction wi
th certain "tribes". The only way that I have found is by completing the faction
quests over and over again. Is there another way to improve these factions othe
r then having to do quests?
A: From the lips of the quest goddess to your monitor: In most cases, he can raise
his faction in the traditional way - hunting monsters of the opposite faction. U
nless something was changed, there are only two factions that can't be raised th
rough hunting - the Guardians of Paleognosis (named sphinxes) and the taur spect
ators and you start out neutral to those. Don't kill them and you're okay. All t
he other factions in ToA can be raised through hunting.
Since your question didnt specify what kind of monster youre talking about, the answer
is more general than usual. With our luck, youre talking about the exact two facti
ons that she lists as exceptions, eh?
Q: After copying over to Pendragon I noticed that some of my artifacts levels ha
ve changed (ie. Band of Stars and Belt of Oglidarsh). I did not see anything in
notes about the level of them changing. Also, with their decreased level (if it
stays at the lower than 50 level) will the experience required to level them als
o decrease? Thanks for your time.
A: Sayeth the Item MistressL The amount of experience required to level the Band of
Stars and the Ceremonial Bracers was reduced in 1.69a on Pendragon. This change
is retroactive, so players will likely see an increase in their artifact's leve
l if it has not yet reached level ten. No change has been made to the Belt of Og
lidarsh's experience requirement.

Q: I want to know if the amount of experience my character earns is related to t

he experience my artifacts earn. More specifically, on my level 43 minstrel, if
I hunt yellows and get 20m xp, or greens and get 1m xp, will my artifact get mor
e xp from yellows or greens. Also, will my artifact get more xp from hunting yel
lows at 45, say, getting 30m xp, than at 43, getting 20m xp. Thanks!
A: Again, we turn to the Mistress for the answer (although she was not the desig
ner, she is the one who has been working on them and addressing your feedback an
d concerns): The amount of experience earned for the artifact directly corresponds
to the experience earned by the player. Hunting monsters worth 30 million experi
ence points will level the artifact quicker than monsters worth only 20 million
experience points.
Q: Can someone who is using bodyguard to protect another player be focus shelled
A: We summon Balance Boy for this, and all the other buff shear system questions
: Yes, a person who is bodyguarding another can be given a focus shell. Here are so
me points to keep in mind, however:
- The bodyguard cannot use any active ability (not even switching ther target th
at they are bodyguarding) or the focus shell will drop.
- The person being bodyguarded is still entirely vulnerable to all forms of rang
ed damage.
- Both the person casting the focus shell and the bodyguarder will be doing noth
ing at all offensively during the time the shell is up.
Q: Will buff shears break mez?
A: Yes, any successful buff shearing will break mez, regardless of whether or not i
t does damage.
Q: Why do the con shears for clerics and shaman classes no longer do damange, an
d the damage for druid buff shears is half of the original design?
A: The shears are slightly different for each realm.
- Clerics get the benefit of extra range.
- Shaman get the benefit of a quicker casting time.
- Druids get the benefit of doing more damage.
The reason we made this change is because players lose max hit points when they
lose constitution buffs. So, rather then double penalize someone for having a co
n buff sheared, we removed the base damage done by all three classes when castin
g a con or str/con shearIt would be unfair if we removed *all* damage for con sh
ears from druids (since more damage is their class-specific benefit), so instead we ha
lved the amount of damage they do and removed all damage from the shaman and cle
ric versions. This decision was made based on player feedback from Pendragon. We
appreciate the comments, and will be looking for more in response to this chang
Q: Would the new focus shell protect against realm Guards? Or keep guards?

A: Okay, heres the design INTENT. Dont hold me to any of this, since its not impleme
or tested yet.
- It can only be cast on player characters (and Necro pets)
- It will only absorb damage from player characters and pets. (not PvE mobs and
not Realm Guards)
So the answer to your question is no.
I gather I've missed some excitement this week. I blame Balance Boy and the Evil
Overlord of In-Game CS. Those two have offices on either side of mine, and appa
rently could only recover from the Martian Death Flu by giving it to me. I've be
en able to forward your messages, but not reply from my laptop at home. (I told
you, I'm not the most technical human that ever walked the earth.) Please accept
my apologies for the lack of response to the Challenge feedback and other email
s, I will reply next week.
We all really appreciate all the feedback you've sent regarding 1.69. As you can
see, feedback has already resulted in a number of evolutions, and will no doubt
result in more.
We'll see you next week. Meanwhile, I'm going to eat my pudding.
It's still too early to answer most of the questions you've raised (and in some
cases I literally CAN'T answer, see the end of the column), so I'm afraid it's s
hort today. I thank you for sending and posting such great questions, and promis
e I'm keeping track. Here's a few small answers that I DO have:
Q: Is the friar special supposed to be a stun?
A: If it goes into the game exactly as designed, it's supposed to keep those aff
ected from using any weapons, but the targets can still run around, cast spells,
and so forth. So, it's not a stun, in that you aren't just frozen and waiting t
o die.
Q: Why is Mastery of Concentration I so weak?
A: Well, it's not exactly weak, except maybe in comparison to the old version! P
eople who get it will be able to remove mez, lessen the impact of DOT spells, et
c. It's not as powerful as the currently live version, because the new version w
ill be available for a much lower cost. Thus, more people will have it (which is
intentional, as our feedback and personal experience tells us that being mezzed
/stunned is the most annoying part of the current endgame).
Q: It seems like many things are less impressive, and this is unfair to (insert
character here). Is it going to be like this when you take it live?
A: This redesign has to be looked at in the big picture we weakened a lot of thing
s across the board. Every template is taking a hit in some form, not just one or
two. Players with a lot of points should enjoy some benefits, but newcomers (an
d classes that don't rack up the points as well) should not find the system inac
cessible. Everyone should be able to get into the realm point goodies.

We expect to do a lot of tuning in the next few months in response to people bet
a testing. I do NOT think this chart represents the final, end result. Heck, as
the team leads will tell you, it's not even the chart they saw last.
Q: I disagree with your reasoning on Dodger, is this going to get another look?
A: Many of you have made excellent points. We're going to take another look at D
odger for some specific classes.
Q: When is this going live? Will it be part of a patch?

A: No, this isn't part of a patch or even on a particular schedule. It's part of
New Frontiers, the free expansion. Since the expansion is free AND a download,
we're not on any kind of deadline (as we would be if we were trying to meet publ
ishing deadlines - we don't print the boxes or burn the CDs ourselves, so expans
ions like that tend to be hard to stop from launching). Beta will start when alp
ha is over. If everything ticks along on schedule, beta will begin next month. R
egular Herald readers are experiencing a little dj vu, considering I said that awhile
we're going to extend internal testing for as long as necessary.
So, live? I really couldn't say. Late spring? Maybe? I'm guessing wildly here, y
Q: Can you please list out which classes are considered which archetype?
A: That's a great request. I'm going to have one of the designers go back over h
is chart and spell out what classes get what, because the standard archetype cha
rts don't apply to this one. A savage could be both a light tank and a hybrid. A
warden is a hybrid, and a secondary healer Forget it. I'm confusing myself. Next w
eek should see a much improved graph for you.
Across the world, there was just now a collective sigh of, "That's IT? Jeez, tha
t didn't answer hardly ANYTHING." I know, I know. There was an important game de
veloper conference out in California this week, and so we've been missing Balanc
e Boy, the Evil Overlord, the Code Warrior, and others that I haven't made up na
mes for yet. It was HIGH time we released that chart, though, because we needed
to get the first round of feedback and commentary from the general player base b
efore we got any deeper into the implementing stage. But, because of the timing
of the announcement, it made it tough to get answers to questions like "But whats t
he duration on Charge? If I miss with Desperate Bowman, does the no-combat timer
still start? Are the Volley ranges exact, or are there any typo problems?"
Sorry, folks. We'll be back on all cylinders on Monday, bright and early.
For those of you who are getting extremely... excited, I'll say it again, guys.
That chart WILL change. I expect a lot of tuning. I expect some abilities to be
outright discarded, and others changed in a drastic way. I think there's a chanc
e that some things that are currently off the chart will come back on. ESPECIALL
Y once we get into testing, and get user feedback.
And I think your feedback will be crucial. Please try to keep emotions out of yo
ur essays, and try to be as concise and clear as possible. Your voice matters, a
nd your passion is appreciated. Reread our statements of intent right before you
respond we've tried to be very open with the thinking behind the changes, so you

can evaluate our plans with the right context. For the first time in my memory,
players are seeing plans for changes to a released game when those plans are sti
ll basically rough drafts. Remember that, and if you're so inclined, join the ex
periment with your own email.
On that note, it's time to go home and sort through questions to have a good list r
eady on Monday :P If you can't be good, be careful.
Here's what I've got:
Q: I have played since launch. I have also hidden from my enemies in trees since
launch, and since TOA, people beeline right for me. Clearly, these people are c
A: Well, hiding in trees is technically a geometry exploit. But that aside, ther
e is an explanation besides cheating to explain your experiences. Many of you wh
o have written with this complaint don't have the Trials of Atlantis expansion p
In TOA, we changed the way our game draws the trees on the your client. The tree
s are thinner, more graceful, and more realistic looking and hard if not impossible
to hide in. If you don't have the expansion pack, you might appear on your OWN
display to be completely hidden. Meanwhile, someone with TOA sees someone skulki
ng next to a tree in broad daylight.
Q: What happened to the Region Naming Contest?
A: Welcome to the joys of alpha. Our wonderful world team had actually chosen do
zens of winners but then we had to redesign the way we named regions. The new way
needs far fewer region names than the old way. New winner lists will be forthcom
ing, as soon as we're reasonably sure there won't be more revisions.
Q: The search results window doesn't always pop up when I try to use the Market
Explorer. What's up?
A: Sometimes the thing appears if you just give it a few minutes. We know about
the problem and are investigating. If you have any ideas on how to duplicate the
bug, please include them with your bug appeal. CSRs do not answer bug appeals,
but the appeals are all read carefully.
Q: I had four scrolls in my inventory for the same book. The fourth scroll was a
duplicate of the third, and I was planning to give it to a friend. When I combi
ned my three scrolls into a book, the extra one vanished too! WTH?
A: This is a known issue, and to be honest,
rk around is to place ALL your scrolls in a
tend to combine in your inventory. The CSRs
his time, even though they wish they could.

I don't know an ETA on a fix. The wo

vault, and only have the ones you in
can't replace your lost scrolls at t
I'm very sorry for any frustration.

Q: Are mushrooms on horse paths and siege weapons near portal points legal on Mo
A: Yes, because on Mordred, you have the option of destroying them. With one exc
eption you cannot put them in capital cities, because the three capitals are "no-R

VR zones," and therefore other players do not have the option of destroying them
Q: Beta? Progress?
A: The very first beta stage will begin next week. That stage is EXTREMELY limit
ed, and barely can be called a beta it will consist solely of our Team Leads. But
it's finally departing the alpha station, so we're awfully excited. The week aft
er, we're scheduled to add the regular Pendragon players. Of course, that will o
nly happen if the first stage goes well, so it's subject to change.
Hey, speaking of team leads, a new Team Lead coordinator is starting on Monday.
Mike AKA Mackey has moved on to other responsibilities here at Mythic, and he's
going to bring to those the same level of dedication and focus that he brought t
o our beloved volunteers.
But all good things must end, and this gives us the chance to make a new friend.
Miss Linda is going to join the Herald army early next week as the Team Lead co
ordinator, as well as taking on a few other projects near and dear to her heart.
I don't want to go into too much detail, because the Team Leads are going to wa
nt to meet her first. But watch this space, gang there are five team lead openings
, and once she's settled in, we're going to want to fill those openings quick as
a wink. Please don't apply over the weekend give us a chance to transfer all the
addresses and phaser weapons from Mike to Linda. If you're a (no particular orde
r) druid, savage, roleplayer, friar, or necromancer, and you dearly love analysi
s and goat jokes, think about applying when I come out here begging.
Next week, we're also planning to release the "updated for New Frontiers" siege
weapon information, complete with new and shiny screenshots.
Keep that feedback on New Frontiers coming. I'm about cross eyed from staring at
spreadsheets, where I'm keeping score of the major issues and concerns, but it'
s good stuff and I'm glad to have it. And as I've said in various conversations
around the net this week, that email address is
going straight to the design team in charge of New Frontiers. If your letter is
concise, clear, and to the point (you know, NOT like me and my columns), I can
promise you that the fellow in charge of the design team is personally reading i
We've got something else that needs feedback as much as New Frontiers does, and
that's the 1.69 patch currently in testing. Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby throw
the last tattered shreds of my dignity to the winds and openly beg if you can, pl
ease, spend two hours this Saturday night on the Pendragon server. The teams sti
ll participating in the 1.69 Challenge have written some of the best feedback re
ports I've seen in the two and a half years I've sat here as your Herald typing
monkey but they can't do more without more data. You don't have to write a report,
submit a bug, or do a darned thing but come out and roam the frontiers attempti
ng to destroy them.
If everyone who ever copied to Pendragon showed up at say, 8:00 PM EST tomorrow
night for a rumble in Emain, it would be quite a show. Grab your friends, and fo
llow these simple steps tonight:
1. Create a 1st level character on Pendragon. This is the name the character wil
l have on Pendragon, so pick a name you can tolerate that does not violate our r
ules. It does have to be in the same realm as the character you are copying.

2. Log into that level one character.

3. Type /charcopy Server Charactername (For example: if the character you were c
opying was named Bob and was found on Lancelot, you would type /charcopy Lancelo
t Bob).
4. Log out.
5. Watch your email. (Hey, is your email address on the registration page up to
date? If it's not, you won't get anything.) You'll get an email when we receive
your /charcopy request, and another when your character is actually copied. You
do NOT have to stay off your character on your home server, but you do need to s
tay off the Pendragon placeholder.
We'll see you tomorrow at 8 EST! And we will be watching there are no official cont
ests, but you never know who might be nominated for beta inclusion based on the
Gentle reminder CSRs cannot give encounter credit, however much they want to. It i
s true that groups have been granted encounter credit by a customer service pers
on in the past. It's a very, very rare occasion, and the guy doing the granting
is the guy in charge of the whole department, doing so after having watched a pr
earranged raid. Your average Joe (and Josh, James, and Janet) on the floor canno
t grant credit.
Whew. That was a whole lot of announcements, and I need to bail. We'll see you t
omorrow at 8 PM EST, and on Sunday at 2 PM EDT. That's right, Daylights Savings
Time begins this weekend, so if you're in a location that adjusts for that, reme
mber to set your clocks an hour ahead before you pass out Saturday night.
Have a spiffy weekend!
Short this week - I needed to get the 1.69 feedback collated and rated for the c
ontest. We'll return to the usual verbosity next week.
Q: I was participating in a card game/dice game/game of chance, and lost all my
gold. Can your CSRs get it back for me?
A: Am I the only one who finds it deeply, deeply funny and yet deeply, deeply bi
zarre and disturbing that we have CASINOS operating within DAOC? Anyway, heres the
deal with the gold or anything else you might bet you have to trade with another p
layer to give them gold (and all other items). All trades are FINAL in our game.
Dont complete a trade with another player with anything youre not willing to lose for
ever. (And if that gambling problem of yours bleeds into the real world, please,
as a friend in that creepy online way, I beg you - get help before it costs you
more than virtual gold.)
And, on a related note: Dont accept a trade where you give someone an item and he p
romises to pay you later, unless you trust that person implicitly AND youre willing
ss the item goodbye.
Q: 1.69A notes said: - The stun component on the Albion thrust style, Dragonfang
, has been reduced to 5 seconds. We will be offering a respec for those affected
by the Dragonfang change before this change goes to the live servers.
Most recently in the Test Version 1.69n Release Notes this was also stated:
- Infiltrators have been granted a single line respec as a result of the changes

made to the Dragonfang thrust style in version 1.69a.

So, does EVERYONE who uses Dragonfang get the respect or just INFs?
A: I can see how that note caused uncertainty the answer is just Infiltrators. Ive co
llected quite a bit of feedback from the other classes, and I expect there will
be more. Just remember I am reading these things, so if you could keep that in m
ind as you list the reasons you disagree, Id be forever grateful.
Q: Ive had so much fun at the Pendragon events, when will we get them on live serve
rs? What about other times for people on the left coast or overseas?
A: First, the second question were holding an event for the early (by East Coast stan
dards) next week, barring unforeseen weirdness with Pendragon. If youre awake at 7:
30 AM EDT on the 14th, and youve got nothing else to do, come on out. If attendance
is good, our Miss Julie may be able to do more in the future.
Your second question we dont do these events on live servers. I answered a similar qu
estion on the Role Play Vault board (Id stopped by to see if anyone had welcomed ou
r new RP TL). Heres what I said, edited for clarity:
I know that some people, especially roleplayers, would love them. But we have no pl
ans to do them on live servers.
I have done roleplay events for other games, and they have a number of problems:
1. Non-roleplayers (and griefers) swamp the event and disrupt it. The only way to e
ven partially keep the event on track is to have more CSRs muffling, removing an
d suspending people than there are people doing the event... and even then that
doesn't entirely work.
2. Very few players get to participate directly, compared to the population of the
server. Hundreds of people write to complain that they didn't get to interact wi
th the characters or influence the plot.
3. Negative feedback always outweighs the positive - the reward was "stupid," the s
tory was "lame," etc.
4. The staffing requirements for official events is significant as I hinted at in #
1, and when we have the chance to add staff to our loyal pit crew, it helps more
of our customers to add more CSRs. There are already complaints that we don't g
et to appeals fast enough - imagine the wait time if the twenty people working o
n Friday night had to ALL be at an event on one server to prevent chaos!
5. Events are considered by many players as disruptive of their playtime - i.e., "I
wanted to hunt in this dungeon tonight, but I can't because company representat
ives are there doing an event."
There are lots of other reasons, but those are the big ones
But you know - nothing I've announced on Pendragon lately couldn't be done by a pla
yer on a live server. They haven't been roleplaying events at all, not by my def
inition anyway. You don't need me or anyone else to do these things on live serv
ers. And Miss Julie's "submit news" button on the community section of the Heral
d would be perfect for announcing your own contest winners.
Anyway, I know I won't convince too many people that Mythic shouldn't have events,
but I thought you ought to have the explanation behind why we don't do them.

Q: As a sorcerer, I can charm pets that cast buffs. When Im in a group where some p
eople already have the buffs that the pet is casting, the pet doesnt stop spamming
the buffs. ETA on a fix?
A: It is a bug were aware of, but I have no ETA on a fix. Popular one, this week.
Q: Why did my guild not win the 1.69 Challenge?
A: We had many great guilds. A small number were great, and sadly didnt submit all
three reports. High scoring guilds didnt have to write GREAT reports, but they did
need to send three. I suggest that your guild leader apply for inclusion in the
guild beta sign up the form will be posted on about April 20th.
One of the 1.69 challenge winners had this to say in his last report: The people on
Pendragon are great. They've gone out of their way to make us feel welcome and
have always been eager to help. They're excellent hosts, even though we turned P
endragon into an MMORPG version of the Sturgis Bike Rally. There's a wonderful s
ense of community here, with many people having characters in all 3 realms. Pendie
regulars, take a well deserved bow!
Pendragon events will continue simple, fun things that exist primarily to give eve
ryone a starting time, a starting place, and a simple goal to aim towards. Most
bugs that we dont catch with internal testing come out eventually as people simply
play the game. I spent a good bit of time thinking about events this week. Were not
spending that much time planning them, you know? Were just taking the lead on anno
uncing a time and place something every single one of you can do. I know we could
use some more tools to that effect to help you all coordinate your own versions
of scavenger hunts and hide and seek games. The problem usually comes when we tr
y to take your suggestions and make them jerk proof. Got a jerk proof suggestion for e
vent functionality? Send it to me here at the Herald (Sanya at mythicentertainme
nt dot com) with the subject line JERK PROOF EVENT TOOL. I make no promises, but
I will make a list of the best ideas and send em up the chain.
Have a good weekend for those of you driving somewhere to share a holiday, be safe
For some reason, I've been all over forums and IRC today. So let's get to the co
lumn, shall we?
Q: What happened to the "Style Review" I kept hearing about in team lead reports
A: We've decided that it makes more sense to look at styles in context with each
patch, instead of constantly putting the issues off until a "Style Review." Ins
tead of waiting for some mythical (no pun intended) future date that keeps getti
ng pushed back, we're going to try and provide answers to the team lead reports
as we get them.
This is a change from what's been said in the past, I know. I hope you guys can
understand that Mythic has been shuffling employees around, and different people
now have new responsibilities and new ideas. Some change was inevitable. This p
articular call was made awhile ago, but we wanted to talk to the team leads abou
t it first since they were the most affected by our change in plans.
Some people on the forums seem to feel that this means we will not be looking at

styles at all. This is just not true. Next week, we are planning to show some p
roposals to our team leads, and you'll start seeing those notes in 1.70. I'm not
saying it'll fix every style issue ever MENTIONED, but it's the start of real r
esults gleaned from discussions. Better to begin now than to wait!
Other people have asked what's been going on with styles for the last bunch of m
onths. The things we finished, you've seen in patch notes. Behind the scenes, so
meone has been working with a spreadsheet for quite some time. I know some have
expressed concern about their time being wasted again, those discussions are leadi
ng to results, even if the results won't come dramatically all at once. There's
no such thing as wasted discussion if it leads to better understanding.
I've seen a number of our testers and players out in public forums arguing that
an annual "Review with a capital R" was a bad concept (not to mention making a s
imple process sound a lot bigger than it was), and that they were only looking f
orward to it because they thought it was their only chance for this or that issu
e. Ultimately, we agreed that it didn't make sense. The system as it was, was no
t working and was putting off needed change for far too long. The volunteers sho
uldn't have to wait for months to hear answers related to style issues they ment
ion in their reports, and now, they won't.

Q: I dont like my (insert artifact here), and I noticed in the patch notes that you
have set up an NPC to trade it in. Well, I handed it to the NPC, and I didnt like
what I got back. Was the fact that I didnt get to choose what I got back a bug?
A: There were a number of appeals on this topic today you need to check the patch
notes very carefully. Whatever the note says youll get back from the NPC is what yo
ull get no other options.
Q: Will the /level 30 command still work on Pendragon?
A: Yes!
Q: I noticed the new RA chart doesn't list prerequisites, is this on purpose?
A: Yes. In the quest to simplify the system and make it more fair, we've done aw
ay with most prerequisites. With one exception, of course most "tier two" and "tie
r three" versions of an ability require the lower level version of the ability a
s a prerequisite.
Q: My husband has been playing a character on my account when I'm not home, and
has fallen in love with the game. We're going to buy him his own account and com
puter, but can we move his character off my account to his?
A: This is certainly one of the most popular questions I get. Every so often, I
post it here, and I tell people that while we don't have that option right now,
I appreciate their feedback and keep track of how many requests we get for it.
This time? All I'm going to say is you shouldn't roll up any characters on that
new account just yet keep it clean and pristine. And watch this space.


SCAM ALERT: This one is well, its from a special and unique snowflake, all right. It c
laims to be an "exploit" allowing users to get something for nothing.
A couple of months ago the Mythic Entertainment Dark Age of Camelot website
was promoting a contest for 6 months of free subscription (value ~$60).
Entrants were required to have met the following:
1) an DAoC account at least 30 days old
2) submission of a 300 word paragraph describing how DaoC fully immersed
him/her into its medieval world"
Then after a lot of silliness, we get to the meat:
Please follow the instructions provided below to activate your 6 months of
1) Send an e-mail to:
2) Subject line: DAOCcontest.Code2319
3) The body of the e-mail should contain the following:
(insert instructions to provide account names and passwords)
Finally, the Nobel prize winner who dreamed this up explains that Mythic didnt want
to use their OWN EMAIL SYSTEM, and farmed the contest out to Yahoo.
If you know anyone who fell for this scam, tell them to contact our billing supp
ort with their secret word ASAP and change their password. And tell them not to
be embarrassed, people have been taken in by worse.
Two "Matt Firor, Executive Producer" interviews are floating around the internet
if youre a news hound. The first is more of a general industry topic, a transcript
from an in person conversation at a trade show: The second is a
little four question FAQ on Catacombs, and MOST fittingly, that exclusive is loc
ated at the news and resource siteCatacombs! Man, that amuses me. I dont know why.
I owe a great big apology to Catriona, the leader of Cannyssagh Saighin of Hiber
nia, Igraine. She and her people participated in the 1.69 Challenge, and should
have been listed among the second place winners. They were not because of a fili
ng error on my part. I salute her, and her guild, and welcome them to the New Fr
ontiers beta.
What. A. Week. My tell all book is going to have a whole chapter devoted to "Beh
ind the Scenes on Patch Day," let me tell you. Let us all sit back with our slus
hies, and go kick some enemy realm tail.
Hey, what can I say, I'm in a New York state of mind:
Q: I thought that in 1.69, druids, clerics, and healers would all get access to
our lower level spreadheals. Healers didnt, though. Whats up?
A: Its a known issue, and I am really sorry for the frustration, healers. The probl

em isnt something we can fix with a simple hot fix, or even a quick server reboot,
or wed have taken care of it by now. Please know that were working on it.
Q: Is there any way to cycle through the people who sent you tells most recently
? For example, lets say my friend Aarenderestrialis sends me a tell, and then Bob s
ends me a tell before I have the chance to reply to the first person. Is there a
n easy way to get to my friend with the miserably long and complicated name with
out having to type it?
A: Yes, as it happens. Hit r as if you were going to reply to Bob, and then hit escape
, and then hit r again. I learn something every darn day around here.
Q: I JUST finally broke down and bought my own copies of the game, and started a
character over again and then you announce the account splitting. AARGH. Im only leve
l seven, anything I can do?
A: Yes, delete the lowbie. Just be sure to delete EVERY character on the new acc
ount. All of them. Even that level one you accidentally rolled up on the wrong s
erver. The new account (with all the same expansions as the source account) must
be completely empty in order to work.
Q: I would like to transfer a character to an account I have a level 47 on. Can
I do that with account splitting?
A: No, sorry. The account splitting feature was introduced in response to two an
d a half years of player requests from roommates, spouses, and friends, and inte
nded to apply to a very specific situation those who wanted to split a character o
nto a brand new account.
While I know that there are some who would like to transfer characters, and ther
e are some that would like to transfer servers, we are currently only introducin
g the most often requested feature account splitting. We appreciate our players th
at have introduced a friend or family member to the game, and thank them for pay
ing us what I consider to be the highest compliment possible.
Q: I won a contest, and I still dont have my beta invitation!
A: Look in your mailbox on Monday and Tuesday next week. If you use one of the f
ree services, please be aware that your invitation may wind up in the spam folder, so
check there before you panic.
Q: What happened to the guild beta?
A: Were actually still discussing that. There is a chance well go to open beta sooner
than expected, in which case, everyone will get in if they feel like it. I shoul
d know more next week.
Q: My friends have 2 debates going right now. One is about the crit cap for RvR
combat. They refuse to believe that the crit damage cap for RvR combat is at 50%
for players who arent Zerked. They seem to think that it's at 99% all the time. Co
uld you please clear that up?
A: For this, I summoned Balance Boy. He says to you, Tell your friends they should
listen to you more. In RvR a critical hit will do 1-50% additional damage.

Q: The second debate: I seem to recall reading somewhere that one Relic means yo
u get a 10% bonus to damage in RvR combat alone, and 2 Relics means you get it 1
0% in both PvE and RvR. But my friend doesnt think thats true either, could you clear
that up for us please? Thanks!
Since Balance Boy is still here, and the Mackeymobile has a ten minute reuse tim
er, hes still here: Ahh, obviously you should listen to your friends more. ;) Owning o
ne relic, meaning your own relic, gives no bonus at all. Owning two relics (your
s plus another realms) provides a 10% bonus in both PvE and RvR. Owning all three r
elics of a specific type would mean a 20% bonus in both PvE and RvR. Remember, ther
e are two different types of relics, so the bonus in question will vary.
Q: Quick question about dyes. My husband tells me that when you dye something yo
u should use dye remover first because otherwise the old colour will affect the
new colour. This seems like far too much information to store about the colour o
f an object to me. Can you give a definitive answer?
A: The Moderately Evil Overlord (whose wife plays with him at home, in case you
cant tell from his answer) replied, No, your husband is incorrect. (Aren't they always
?) Anyways, the dye remover or bleach is only for folks who want to use the base
color of their gear, and is not required to switch dye types.
Q: 1) Is it true that a bodyguarded person cannot be attacked .... even by spell
2) Is it true that you can create a chain of bodyguards to protect a high damage
caster type? For example ... Tank A bodyguards Tank B who then Bodyguards Caste
r C?
A: The reuse timer on Balance Boy is up! 1) Bodyguard prevents melee attacks only.
A person who is bodyguarded is still vulnerable to ranged damage. Consider invit
ing that archer or caster standing on the corner outside the portal keep into yo
ur group next time you head out to RvR.
2) A bodyguard cannot bodyguard another bodyguard. So no, it can't be chained.
Q: It was stated previously that, in the newly redesigned Realm Ability system,
all the Realm Rank abilities timers would be shortened to be no more than 15 min
utes. Will this include class timers as well?
A: At this time, class timers are not included in that statement about fifteen m
inute limits. Well be looking at those class ability timers some time in the future
Q: Last month, you said that a Quick Cast cannot be interrupted. Here are my log
s of my caster being repeatedly unable to cast a spell, even when Quick Casting.
A: /em slashes the Mackeymobiles tires to prevent him from escaping. Ah, good, hes sti
ll here! Maybe I should have been a little clearer. A Quick Cast, by design, cannot
be "interrupted". But there are ways to stop a player from casting a spell besi
des causing an interruption. If you are mesmerized, stunned, or you become the v
ictim of amnesia while casting, your cast will not be completed. Though you cons
ider yourself to be interrupted in the literal sense of the word, you have not b
een interrupted as far as the games code is concerned. One joke around the office i

s that dead men dont quick cast, meaning that quick-cast is no guarantee that a spel
l go off, just a guarantee that your spell wont be interrupted as the side-effect o
f an attack.
Your friends on the CS floor would like to remind you to pay the rent on your ho
use if youve disabled the warning message, you may be dangerously low on funds. We do
investigate to see if the house was wrongly repossessed, but those investigatio
ns take time. Please, err on the side of caution, and toss some gold into your l
ock box.
Its cheese dip and slushy time. Well see you Monday morning, gang.http://web.archive.o
Short on questions, long on announcements:
Q: Where is the guild beta?
A: Weve decided that it will be better in the long run if we have a longer open bet
a, instead of multiple stages of closed beta. Open beta is currently scheduled t
o begin on May 5. Of course, thats subject to change, depending on how testing goes
over the next week. We look forward to seeing you in New Frontiers!
Q: My guild leader has been MIA for a few weeks now, and I was hoping the autopr
omote feature would kick in soon. Is it working?
A: Its currently disabled it had been acting up, and rather than risk any wrongful pr
omotions, we turned it off. Unfortunately, the programmer responsible for fixing
the feature is busy implementing the new realm ability system for New Frontiers
, and needs to get that done first. Sorry, everyone.
Q: Will 1.70 bring the release of Frontiers?
A: Thats the plan.
Q: I havent seen any style changes in the patch notes so far?
A: Wince. I should have known better than to say anything. After looking at all
the stuff we were doing for 1.70, and all the stuff we had to do in the next thr
ee weeks, it became obvious that something had to be pushed back until May. That
something was the proposed style changes. We still have more than twenty change
s currently designed, and we are NOT going back on presenting them to you but they
have to wait until the coders have time to put them in. Sorry, folks, but I had
to tell you.
Q: Will there be RA respecs with the new RA system?

A: Weve got it listed on the website, but Ill happily say it again YES. A total, 10
fund of all realm ability points will be given.
Q: I am a new player, and I dont understand some of your comments in the grab bag.
For that matter, what the heck is a grab bag?

A: A grab bag question about the grab bag. Theres something funny about that. Here
are some definitions and a short list of the in jokes:

Grab Bag I used to try and do a weekly feature about the topic that garnered the m
ost questions over each week. The fourth week of this, I had a week where the qu
estions didnt fit a theme, so I titled the column Grab Bag. It stuck. That was in De
r of 2001.
Cheese dip I was a game volunteer for another company in another lifetime. I had a
habit of saying more fun than cheese dip, and the other volunteers would tease me for
it. Its just a shout out to those old comrades, and a reminder to myself to not ge
t too far up on my high horse.
Slushy ice, fruit juice, and secret ingredients mixed in a blender at high speed. O
ften enjoyed on Fridays by responsible adults over twenty one who have designate
d drivers.
Item Princess one of our item designers and implementers, the much beloved KC.
Item Mistress another item designer, the equally beloved Yvonne.
Moderately Evil Overlord the live producer, Walt aka Copper.
The Really Evil Overlord the executive producer, Matt Firor.
Quest Goddess several ladies on the quest team have this title, really, but most o
ften its our fabulous Jennifer H.
Balance Boy Mike, aka Mackey, currently doing work on the design team, and serving
as the design teams liason to the Herald women. Heaven help all four of us.
Typing Chimpanzee me :P
Miss Julie, Miss Linda the other members of the Herald team. Miss Julie handles co
mmunity news and hangs out on the Vault (and recently has taken on several feedb
ack folders), and Miss Linda is our Team Lead coordinator and den mother.
Code Warrior one of the programmers, Scott, who wrote many of the features of the
Camelot Herald before moving over to the server programming team. He still slums
with us when something falls down and goes boom, and answers code questions.
Dan the Client Man one of the programmers, cleverly named Dan, who does client pro
gramming and answers questions for me related to that.
Miss Georgia the programmer who wrote the rest of the Herald features and current
web programmer, among other coding duties.
There are probably other people Ive got silly names for, but they dont come up much in
the column.

Psst: Over there. On the left sidebar. Theres a link called Account Splitting FAQ, w
will answer many common questions. There is one mistake in there right now it says
the destination account must be brand new. This is not true. You just need to b
e certain there are NO characters on the server youre trying to move characters to.

For those of you watching for our next product, weve got the basic, bare bones webs
ite up and ready for your perusal: Expect more goodies once
E3 is over. Whats E3? Keep reading!
Attention beta testers: the Jamtland Mountains entrance into the frontier dungeo
n does not work. We will get it back up on Monday. Youll need to access the dungeon
via the other frontiers for the weekend.
Oh, and anyone on Pendragon trying out the new RA system (and you do NOT need to
be a beta tester to do so, simply on Pendragon), please note that weve disabled th
e Static Tempest RA for the weekend. If youre wondering, it was causing a permanent
stun. Funny for the first couple minutes if youve got a sick sense of humor as I d
o, not so funny after that. Well be fixing it to work as the spreadsheet says it do
es next week.
Please, please, please do not use the Herald feedback forms for reporting bugs.
The Herald forms are categorized and sent to email folders on the Herald team, a
nd each folder is only checked once a week. Using the bug appeal function from i
n the game means a human will see the report much, much faster. Theres one exceptio
n send me dupe bugs or other major exploits straight to me, with a subject header
such as DUPE or EXPLOIT. As many of you know, we reward our good citizens with s
wag, beta invites, and even free accounts depending on the severity of the repor
ted exploit or dupe.

Attention all website editors and reporters its that time of year again, gang. Im d
nto my planning for E3 (Electronic Entertainment Exposition). For the third year
in a row, Im meeting with players, fans, and writers in Los Angeles to show them t
he new stuff we have in store and ply them with lanyards. Okay, not just lanyard
s, we have T-shirts, too. If youre going to be there, and youd like to come by the boo
th, contact me (Sanya AT mythicentertainment DOT com) with three twenty minute t
ime blocks that you could spend at our private interview booth located in Concou
rse Hall. Ill do my best to accommodate you. But dont wait I have to turn people aw
ery year and it breaks my heart, so please, make an appointment now.
That not tempting enough? The Moderately Evil Overlord is running the demo with
If YOURE already booked up, and cant come by, be sure to stop by our kiosk in South Ha
ll, under the Vivendi Universal banner.
All right. Let me thank all of you for your patience this week, and wish you a v
ery happy weekend. Well see you Monday!
Pendragon hard cap, design questions answered, and a beta event teaser - read on
Q: What is the hard cap on Pendragon?
A: We were maybe a little pessimistic when we set it to 2000 but people are enjoyi
ng New Frontiers so much that weve had to set it to 1500. We are attempting to simu
late the conditions for a live server, and on a live server with 3000 people, th
ere are definitely not more that 1500 people in the RVR areas at once. We had th
ought when we set the 2K limit, there would still be people in the other parts o
f the game but no. Every last one of you appears to be in the new areas. Hey, were gla
d youre having fun. The new limit should make play testing a little more realistic.
Q: I was foraging for the items for the Origin of the Harpies quest, and after I
found the fourth item, I was unable to get all the random things my friend got.
Is this a bug?

A: Nope. Let me explain (answer edited, sorry for the confusion):

When youre on the quest, you have to forage for four things Harpy Nest Fragments, Har
py Hair, Harpy Bones, and Harpy Teeth, right? And while youre foraging, you sometim
es get lower case items, like harpy talons, or harpy feathers. (With one exception - "
Bunch of Harpy Feathers" - and I'll find out the week after next why that except
ion exists :)) The upper case items cannot be traded, and the quest is designed to not
let you forage any longer than it takes to get the fourth item.
The lower case things are completely random as to which ones (if any) that youll ge
t, and they can be traded for. So, if you want one of the little trinkets you ca
n get when you turn in the lower case items, look for people who might want to t
Q: Is the character copier working?
A: Yes, just a little behind. Its a popular feature this week, as you might have gu
essed. More than four thousand characters have been copied since we reset the fl
ag yesterday!
(These next questions are excerpted from a Q&A I wrote up for Clay, Steve, Mike,
and Alan, hosts of a website that is not at all worksafe so not worksafe that I c
ant even post the name of their website. The questions were great, though, so I wan
ted to get this up here for you all. The answers are all from Balance Boy, excep
t from the first one. If youre comparing the original to this one, please know that
here Ive edited the questions and the answers for clarity.)
Q: It was said that there would be new classes released with Catacombs, Are thos
e even on the drawing board yet? Or have you gotten that far with development?
A: They're on the drawing board. Specifically, the artist's drawing board! Were not
ready to release information; we're still in the "wouldn't it be cool if we had
a class that did THIS" stage.
Q: Why Remedy for nightshades? The cost of the ability makes it almost a reactio
nary defense, while the other two received offensive abilities, I just don't see
it being as effective as intended.
A: Its true that its not as sexy (note to Sanya: Can I say sexy? - Mike)(Since when
I been able to stop you from saying anything? Sanya) as the abilities the other tw
o assassins have, but dont let the lack of sex appeal fool you. Viper (a realm abil
ity that will increase poison damage) is one of the most powerful assassin realm
abilities, and will play a big role in assassin on assassin battles. Remedy is
going to be an extremely potent tool for nightshades, especially in battles agai
nst rival assassins.
Your feedback from within the beta is, as always, welcomed.
Q: About the realm point pool feature (Sanya here: In New Frontiers, you gain re
alm points from killing keep lords, and from being in the area when a keep is de
feated): have you considered the consequences of someone AFK camping a keep and gainin
g free RPs without participating in the siege?
A: Honestly? No. Or should I say, not before you asked this question. Rest assured
that well make sure its not possible to scam a piece of the realm point pool pie by ha

nging out afk someplace. Thanks for bringing that up.

Q: True Sight and Stealth Lore: Will these two counteract each other? Or stack?
A: Right now the two will stack. True Sight is something were going to continue to be
watching very closely through the Frontiers open beta as its going to be a very delica
te balance issue.
Q: TS2 currently is allowing sight of stealthers past the ts2 range, but wont re
-detect until the ts2 range. Once you "Uncover" someone it seems you can see the
m to the edge of the ts3 range.
A: Sounds like a bug. You should only be able to see people within the proper range
at all times.
Q: Why did archers gain access to both Physical Defense and Avoidance of Magic?
A: Mainly because archers are a class that is very vulnerable to both melee classes
and nuking classes. This allows an archer to tailor their defenses to the oppon
ents they feel they face the most, depending on their style of play.
Q: The skald's damage add spontaneously stops pulsing from time to time... Has a
nyone else noticed this? or am I just cursed? =)

A: This is an issue that has been reported, but we have yet to be able to reproduce
consistently. We cant fix it until we can duplicate it. (Note from Sanya if you ca
e this happen on command, please spell out the step by step instructions in a bu
g appeal. That would help a whole lot.)
Q: Why did mentalists get the group evade buff(Strike Prediction)?
A: They are Mentalists. These are those MENSA high IQ type folks who have really bi
g heads and mess with peoples minds and stuff. Where as the other classes who get t
his ability are using their battle training to help their groupmates evade bette
r in combat, the mentalists use their powers of the mind to for-see strikes befo
re them come, at which point they calmly say, My friend, if I were you I would duck ri
ght aboutNOW!
If you are beta testing, would you please give us the zone name and your /loc wh
en you send your bug emails to frontierbugs AT mythicentertainment DOT com? Some
bugs are location-specific, and we can fix them faster if we know where you wer
e when you had a problem. Thanks!
Speaking of beta testing, there will be beta events next week while were in Califor
nia. All you people with time to burn during the day, stay tuned because Ill be peekin
g in on you while Im out in Los Angeles. Up for grabs will be E3 Loot, and even per
manent in game recognition for you or your guild. Ill go into details on Monday, bu
t lets just say that groups who practice moving up a supply chain this weekend will
be at a decided advantage come Wednesday.
That crack of thunder just outside my window was definitely a hint to hit the ro
ad. Ill see you Monday with bells on, gang.

It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack:
Q: New Frontiers question: Can you siege keeps and other things on shore from yo
ur ship? Or can you only attack other ships?
A: Anything that can take damage from a siege weapon can be attacked from a ship
, if youre in range. Attacking other ships is fun, especially when you sink them an
d all the sailors have to dog paddle on the surface of the water. I expect some
great screenshots, soon. Anyway, we had the beachfront keeps in mind when we had
a mental image of ship-mounted siege weaponry, so have at it.
Q: Can you restore my character? My account was in enemy hands for a time and I
recently got it back. But some of my favorite characters were deleted. Now I'm w
ondering, is it possible for Mythic to reset my account to before they were dele
ted? Or give me back my friar, if not all the characters I had? If it is possibl
e, I was wondering who I would need to contact about it. Thank you in advance.
A: Ouch. Im glad your account is back in your hands. I hope you changed your passwo
rd, and called technical support to change your secret word as well.
There is a chance we can get your old character back, but theres no guarantee. It i
s possible, not certain, that the characters you want restored still exist in ba
ckups. Every character deleted, created, or played since a character was deleted
decreased the chance of an old back up, however so dont create anything new, definit
ely dont delete anything further, and send in an appeal right away. Be aware that t
he oldest backups may be naked, with no gear or cash.
If the CSR CAN restore your character, he or she will do so. They empathize with
things like this. If they cant, believe me, they wish they could, but no one in CS
can restore files that have been overwritten.
Q: Just
ard had
in the
us. The

was curious, after a busy week of RvRing, I couldnt help notice that my wiz
disappeared from the weekly charts. With my score, I should have been up
top three or four. Does this happen often? Not a big deal, but was curio
overall total is correct. What happened to the last seven days ranking?

A: I should have posted yesterday, and I apologize. The database that keeps trac
k of the seven day totals is supposed to delete numbers older than a week. That
makes sense, since the formulas that calculate the numbers for display only use
the last seven days of figures. Something went screwy with the database, however
, and the old numbers werent being deleted. THAT made the machine slower than snot,
and the updates were falling behind/taking too long to load. Weve fixed the proble
m, we hope, but we had to completely reset the database yesterday afternoon. Sor
ry about that.
Q: I have heard a lot of questions and speculation about the Quickness stat, so
was wondering if I could get a true answer in the Grab Bag?
We know that the higher your Quickness is, the faster your swing speed is. Howev
er, does this reduce "frontload" damage? If so, could you give us a good explana
tion on how this works? Also, do Realm Abilities such as "Mastery of Arms" and T
oA bonuses to melee speed do the same?
A: I went to the Code Warrior for the answer to this one. If I understand "frontloa

d" damage correctly, he's asking about the correlation between DPS and actual sp
eed - slow weapons hitting slower but for more damage. Quickness does affect thi
s; it can reduce the weapon's speed by up to 40%, and any Quickness over 250 has
no effect. Mastery of Arms and TOA bonuses also reduce weapon speed by what's l
isted in their delve.
Increasing your Quickness decreases your swing time - style damage, however, is bas
ed on your swing time. Therefore by decreasing your swing time, you also decreas
e your style damage, thus reducing frontloading. Over time, increasing your swin
g speed adds more damage because the non-style damage comes faster while the sty
le damage remains the same, however each individual hit will do less damage.
Q: Another New Frontiers question: In the 1.70T patch notes it talks about playe
rs earning exp for taking the center keep in the battle grounds. The note is bel
- Experience rewards have been added which will be granted upon the successful k
eep capture in the battlegrounds from levels 1-44. Upon successfully killing the
Keep Lord/Jarl/Chieftain, every eligible player inside the keep region will be
awarded approximately 25% of their level in experience. This experience reward c
an be earned once per level for every level, up to level 44.
I have a few questions about this.
1) Is the formula based Current Lvl * 25% = exp earned or is it current exp * 25
% = exp earned?
2) The exp can be earned once per lvl for every lvl up to 44. Does this include
lvl 44?
3) is this exp bonus available for the mini dings from lvl 40-44?
A: From the Moderately Evil Overlord:
1. The experience is equal to 25% of the current levels experience. In other words, 2.
5 bubbles.
2. Yes.
3. No, once per level.
Q: What is the strongroom? Inside the Relic Keep there is a door that says stron
groom door. When you click on it, it says The door is locked. Use a key to open it. Wh
ere do I get a key, and whats inside?
A: Ah, youve found a bit of vestigial design. We built a storeroom into the keeps,
in case we wanted to have more treasures and so on for quests. That was during t
he art stage, when were actually building the world objects. By the time the object
s got to the content team, wed changed our minds and decided that the relic keeps s
hould only have relics in them.
And now, of course, were beta testing relic temples lovely open air things you can on
ly reach if youve conquered enough territory to open the gates AND mounted a defens
ive force to keep away last ditch defenders so the strongroom will be gone soon.

Q: How often can I copy to Pendragon? Ive copied one of my characters over, but Id als
o like to copy over my other 50.
A: Its once per account per patch, normally. 1.70 is special, though, and weve reset t
he copier a whole bunch of times. Well probably do it again next week at some point
Q: I've noticed that quite often the time of day changes (day to night or vice v
ersa) when zoning between the capital city and the cities surrounding it. What's
up with that? Are the capitals so huge they span multiple time zones? Or is the
re an evil spell afoot?
A: The evil spell of the demon Server Sync. ;) The capital city is on one machin
e, and the zone outside is another. Ive grossly oversimplified, of course, but thats t
he basic issue at hand. We try to keep them close in time, of course, since lots
of people like to shop or train while they wait for a night spawn or what have
you, but keeping them perfectly synced up is one of those things that would take
resources weve currently allocated to other things (like New Frontiers, grin).
As regulars to the Community section of the Herald already know, along with regu
lars to the Vault message boards, it wasnt Elvis that left the building it was our Mi
ss Julie. We wish her the very best as she leaves to pursue other opportunities.
Dont cry, Vault regulars, she will be replaced. Meanwhile, several of us (including
the content producer, the executive producer, and me) will continue to lurk as
we always have, looking for thoughtful posts and feedback.
Ive got to keep this short. I need to go home and wash my favorite Mythic t-shirt a
nd pull out my dancing shoes (the ones that make me SUPER TALL; you know, 56), because
Im off to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Theres a big honking player gathering going on, a
nd since itll be a few months before we have one of our own, I cant resist the chance
to meet the crazy northerners. Neither can Mythics intrepid marketing princess, Bec
ky, who will be there as well. So if you see two Virginia blossoms, used to eigh
ty five degrees of summer sun, out on John Street trying to decide if 17 degrees
C is hot or cold, give us some pity. Metric system, bah.
Theres yet another player planned gathering the FOLLOWING weekend near here in Coll
ege Park, Maryland, for those loony Percivalians. Man, you guys just dont stop part
ying. I blame Kardinal and Danyeel.
Attention, Camelot loving Hawaiians whens your gathering?!
Have a great weekend, gang. If youre staying in the United States to enjoy your thr
ee day weekend, remember, be safe behind the wheel.
Hey, it's Friday night, we're gonna rock this joint until the morning light...
Q: I'm a level 5 (insert starting class here). Why won't the (insert advanced tr
ainer here) in the Hall of Heroes zone [or outlying towns in Shrouded Isles] let
me become an (insert advanced class here)?
A: I shall quote the Quest Goddess: Only certain trainers will promote players from
their starting class to an advanced class. In the classic zones, these trainers
are located in the three main cities - Camelot, Jordheim, and Tir na Nog, as we
ll as the small towns where new characters first enter the world (the base train

ers direct players to the appropriate advanced trainers). In Shrouded Isles, onl
y the trainers in the starting areas of Caer Gothwaite, Aegirhamn, and the Grove
of Domnann will promote players to their advanced classes. The advanced trainer
s in these areas are set up to either start the guild track quests or to direct
players to the trainer that begins the guild track quest.
In other words, trainers in the outlying towns of Shrouded Isles and those in th
e Hall of Heroes zones in ToA will not promote players from a starting class to
an advanced one.
Q: You mentioned earlier on the Herald that you would find out how the new death
penalty system in New Frontiers would apply to the Mordred server. Got any upda
A: The answer is that the new system wont apply at all. On regular servers, being k
illed in PVE gives your character a special flag. In RVR, you get a different fl
ag. All deaths on Mordred are flagged as PVE, so the new system (which needs the
RVR flag in order to work) wont apply.
Q: Last week in the grab bag you mentioned that you were coming to Canada. I did
nt even know about player meet in Toronto!
A: It was a Percival server gathering, planned and run entirely by players, for
players. I was there to sip cosmopolitans, answer questions, and generally horse
around. And tease the guy who didnt realize I was actually from Mythic until three
in the morning. Actually, if you want to be specific, it was a gathering of pla
yers who post on a specific message board revolving around the Percival server.
Anyone can put a gathering together! Go ahead, go crazy! If its big (around fifty p
layers, give or take a few uncomfortable looking spouses), drop me a line and well
see if we can send anyone to the party.

And of course, you can email events AT, with GATHERING i

n the header, and well pop your event in the Player Gatherings section of the Herald
link is up there to your left under Herald Features.

Q: What does Mythic mean by population and underpopulation? The context is in reg
fee reduction schedule posted in 1.70W.
A: We look at a number of factors. Raw population is just the beginning. We also
look at population over level 30, the population of players over level 40, RVR
activity in terms of realm points exchanged, RVR activity in terms of territory
changing hands, relics, the number of people in RVR zones, realm population, rea
lm activity as it related to realm population, and more.

I know Im dodging your real question, which is whats the formula? Our concern wit
the actual formula is that it wouldnt take much for an organized group to have an
unwanted impact. Please rest assured that we take a lot of factors into consider
ation, and that we recalculate the numbers on a weekly basis.
Q: This guy has a TERRIBLE name, and its not changed yet. Whats up?
A: Our system requires five individual appeals from five different people. After
that minimum standard is reached, a ticket is generated and sent to a CSR. A re
ally terrible name (involving major religious figures, race or gender stereotype
s, natural but somewhat icky bodily functions, or some combination thereof) usua
lly hits that five appeal threshold in milliseconds.

Sometimes it takes a little longer, because community standards vary from server
to server. If a name annoys or offends you for more than a week, youre welcome to
send it to me. I am unlikely to reply due to sheer volume, but I will forward yo
ur note to CS and well look into it.
Q: What happened to my skalds sparkly feet when my speed song was running?
A: We removed the effect in response to overwhelming player feedback, complainin
g that the sparkly feet made them a big fat target in RVR. I have passed on the
request for a toggle switch. (The toggles in game right now are strictly client
side, meaning they only control whether or not the visual effects are on or off
on your machine as far as the server is concerned, the effects are always on. To d
o a server toggle would be a brand new bit of programming.)
Q: You stated earlier that legendary weapons con stat is going to be changed to
either dex or str. Is there anyway to get which are going to have str and which
are going to dex?
A: Our lovely Item Mistress responds, The new versions of the legendary weapons are
currently on Pendragon. I would suggest that curious players log in there and t
ake a look, as there are really too many weapons to list here.


Big thanks to Anders he wrote to me about an automatic boat issue. Internally, they
working. On most servers, they were fine. I dont know what happened to his server,
but we finally tracked down the problem, and I want to thank Mr. Anders for bei
ng so persistent. The Content Underlord sent me this email: The boats have been ret
urned to their regularly scheduled routes. Please keep your hands and feet insid
e the ride at all times. You must be at least three feet tall to ride this ride.
I think Im learning Japanese, I think Im learning Japanese, I really think so! Badly p
araphrased eighties music aside, I just want to remind any players with an inter
est in a Japanese language server that you do NOT need to be a current customer
in order to sign up for the Japanese server beta. The links are at the bottom of
the Heralds left side bar spread the word!
Not all Dark Age of Camelot-sounding URLs belong to us. It would be impossible t
o own all possible Camelot related URLs, after all! Theres a URL out there that I r
efuse to glorify with a link, but it uses a common acronym for this little game.
Theres no actual content there, but it redirects to the official-sounding website
of a scam artist/auction site lamer with the ethics of rat droppings. Anyway, on
e of our customers went there, didnt understand what shed stumbled into, and clicked o
n live help. She was asked for her account name, and then informed that her account wa
s canceled. Of course, you can guess what happened next. If you have given your
account name to someone on this site, please be advised we cannot restore your cha
racters, your equipment, or your gold. Once someone has your password, they can
do whatever they want with your account, and we cant stop them. In fact, if you giv
e them the secret word in addition to your password, they can even take permanen
t control of your account, and were helpless. We recommend you change your password
(and if needed, your secret word as well) as soon as possible, and protect your
self from thieves.
Okay, gang, stick a fork in me, because I think Im done. Ill see you back here on Mond
ay morning or maybe slightly before that, out in the Frontiers.http://web.archive.o

I gave up trying to be coy, and just put your main question right on top:

Q: Will there be a full skill respec in New Frontiers, as well as the realm abil
ity respecs mentioned in the patch notes?
A: Yep. Theres a great big post coming with a lot more information, but I expect th
ats the short answer that everyone was looking for.
Q: Its been said that at the launch of New Frontiers, RA respec stones will be sell
ing for 10 silver off of NPC's. What are you planning to do with people who load
up on the stones with like 100 of them and plan to sell them for 1 to 2 plat af
ter that week of selling has gone away?
A: Laugh at them, because the stones will vanish once the week is over.
Q: Whens launch day, exactly?
A: Ask me on Monday. I dont know for sure right now. Since were not selling this expan
sion, our launch is not set in stone. So, the specific answer depends on how we
feel after the weekend.
Q: The badger at the bottom of the Herald was replaced with a cat? A cat with a
A: Im a tiny bit disturbed yet pleased at the sheer number of you who noticed, and
wrote to ask.
The badger was an old company joke, that predated that goofy badger/mushroom/sna
ke video, thank you very much. WAY predated. In a fit of overcaffeinated exhaust
ion, the Herald designer and tools programmer, Miss Georgia, responded to my req
uest to retire the badger by replacing him with a vicious attack kitten. We just
thought it was funny. We really, REALLY didnt think this many people even scrolled
all the way to the bottom of the website, let alone noticed our weirdness. Colo
r me sheepish. This was the third most popular question I got, and we only did i
t a few days ago.
Q: From the patch notes: - Mastery of Magery has been slightly reduced in effective
ness. Tier 3 and 4 will give an additional 5% bonus instead of 7% and Tier 5 wil
l give an additional 5% bonus instead of 9%. The total bonus with Mastery of Mag
ery V will now be 20% instead of 28%. How much is it per level? It seems that it sh
ould end up at 24% if I'm calculating it correctly. I thought it was 4% for leve
l I and 5% for each level after that now. If it was at 28% and we dropped it by
4% then wouldn't it be at 24%?? Where am I missing something?
A: Were in the process of updating the chart to reflect all the tweaks, changes, ad
justments, and complete redesigns that have gone on in the last few months. Mean
while, the answer to your MoM question:
Tier 1: Adds 2%. 2% total.
Tier 2: Adds 3%. 5% total.
Tier 3: Adds 5%. 10% total.

Tier 4: Adds 5%. 15% total.

Tier 5: Adds 5%. 20% total.
Sorry this is so short tonight. Many of popular questions this week are still un
der discussion here at Mythic, and I could not answer them. Also, I got started
late this week, what with all the New Frontiers excitement.
One common question is always why? Why did we choose this or that? Why did we decide t
o take one action versus another?
The general answer always has something to do with because we thought it would be b
est for the big picture in the long run. Sometimes the long run proves we were wron
g, and we have to change our minds. Sometimes it works out for the best. All we
can do is try stuff out, look at the feedback, ask for advice, and ultimately, g
ive it our best shot. And never, ever quit trying.
None of us have a crystal ball. Beware of game developers claiming that they kno
w what their virtual world will be like in three months. They dont.
We do believe right now that the way we did New Frontiers will ultimately prove
the right way. We tossed our plans up earlier in the process than any MMORPG tha
t I know of has ever tried, and invited feedback. We made changes, and invited m
ore feedback. There hasnt been a single step made without consulting actual players
both in and outside the company.
Thats not to say decisions are based on outcry on this message board or that, or ba
sed on my feedback forms, or even on really brilliant petition drives. Ultimatel
y, the decisions are made by the design team, because SOMEONE has to drive.
But I have forwarded all my petitions, with notes explaining how many I got. Our
TL coordinator has been forwarding every scrap of data she gets along with the
context of the information. The design team has pored over the emails to the fee
dback form and RA Review address for hours. I think it shows. And were not done! I
look forward to seeing more of your feedback from this weekends wars.
Ive got the best job in the WORLD.
See you on Pendragon.
Going down the only road I've ever known, metaphorically speaking:
Q: There has been talk of this new hack-detecting technology. I am all for this
and think it's a great idea. However, I have one concern. I am a programmer that
has a lot of medical clients and if there is some kind of 'drive-scan' I'll eit
her have to quit playing or purchase a new computer for DAoC. Can someone provid
e some kind of clarification on this?
A: There are no drive scans. We are not looking to establish new legal
s, and were not violating anyones privacy. While I am rubbing my
he thought of booting some deserving butts to the curb, I do not think
means necessary is a good attitude for a company to have, and Im
ork for a company that feels the same way.

talons with glee at t
that by any
pleased as punch to w

Q: Do you have any new information on getting CDs burned for those of us who wou
ld rather chew glass than endure the download on our dial up connections?

A: Yes! We have arranged for a partner who now has CDs for sale for the cost of
shipping. The order form can be found here:
Q: Some of the sites on the downloads page have downloads for New Frontiers(open
beta) and thats all.
A: The files on our download link page are now all final it just took a little tim
e for some of our partners to take the word beta off the links. Heck, it took a little
time for ME to take the word beta off the site. Download away.
Q: I recently started playing again. However, my guild leader and officers with
the ability to invite new guild members has left. How long does it take for auto
promote to kick in?
A: Autopromote is temporarily disabled. The programmer who can fix it should hav
e some time now that New Frontiers is on the runway waiting for takeoff. Im very so
rry about the delay.
Q: (Insert question here about autotrain and free respecs.)
A: Okay, first I have to explain that Im a big monkey who phrased the announcement
very badly. Im sorry. TOTALLY my bad. If you dont care about context, skip the next pa
You see, we get appeals every day from autotrained people who try to respec, and
find that they dont get all the points back for their free and especial use. The l
ong, boring, eye-glazing explanation usually fails, and I tend to boil it down t
o those points are lost to you.
While theres a chance were going to take another cold hard look at autotrain in the fu
ture, there are no changes in the way respecs work with autotrained characters f
rom the way it is now on live.
Here is the full, long, eye-glazing explanation for How It Works. If you've been
with us since 2002, you may even recognize this as being basically ripped strai
ght from an old Grab Bag, with new clarifications and edits by the beloved Team
Q: I am confused about how the full respec will work with autotraining. Can you
A: Lets start with some background. Autotraining is a feature of the game for some
classes, but not all of them. One class that has autotrain is the paladin they hav
e slash and chants as skills that autotrain up (extremely slowly) IF they do not
choose to train those skills of their own accord. If a paladin never puts a sin
gle point into slash, by the time he is level 28, he will have a spec of 7 in sl
ash. Those seven levels of points are "free" and don't come from any specializin
g or leveling. If he gets to 48 without ever training in slash, he will have aut
otrained up to a spec level of 12. Again, those seventy plus points just magical
ly appear. This feature went into the game a long time ago, and was intended to
prevent a player from entirely gimping himself.
Whether the feature serves its intended function, or has become instead a tool u
sed primarily by players known as "min/maxers" or "kind of scary" is not the poi
nt of this wee essay, and an entirely separate discussion. Certainly the discuss

ion coming from my badly worded and, well, WRONG note the other day has been car
efully observed and passed up the chain.
When we first introduced autotrain, the game
to make sure you never fell below a certain
and to cut to the chase, we fixed autotrain
. Instead, if autotrain kicks in, it creates

would use your spec points FOR you,

level. The public outcry was great,
so that it did not take your points
the points and adds them to your to

This is why some people have a few more points than others of the same class.
The free points thing
stance, going back to
ain option chants
ry and level to fifty

sounds like a much bigger deal than it actually is. For in

our paladin example, a pally has two lines with the autotr
and slash. I do not think there is a single paladin that would t
without putting any points at all into chants, do you?

A player who autotrained, and accepted the fact that he was going to be gimped j
ust to get that handful of extra points, has more points total than a player who
did not autotrain. Its a severe tradeoff for very little reward, but the reward do
es exist.
Now, on to the respec thing. When you activate your respec, the game will check
your character to see if you have any autotrain lines that have a minimum attach
ed to them. If our paladin is level 50, the game will automatically assign point
s to the autotrain lines until they are both at 12, before our paladin does anyt
hing else. (The game calculates what the minimum level should be depending on yo
ur level.)

Why? Well, if a player autotrained, the points he had were free and to prevent abus
the system, those free points must be assigned to the line from which they came.
However, code is an if/then, either/or kind of thing, and the game cannot tell
if the training you did at level whatever was the result of an autotrain or a ch
oice on your part. So the points are automatically deducted.
NOW we're getting to the whole "lost" thing. If you try to spec out of a line th
at you autotrained into a line you did not autotrain, you will not be able to sp
ec it as high. That's because when you train, autotrain lines AUTOMATICALLY take
however many points that would have been gathered via autotraining. You can thu
s get lines with autotrain back to the same level they were before you respec'ed
, but lines without cannot go that high.
Points are not technically lost. But they can, in some specific circumstances, b
e lost to YOU and customer service is COMPLETELY UNABLE to remove the points from
the autotrained line and give them to you to use.

And just in case it helps, heres a wee chart showing which classes get what, and ho
w many free points you might have at which levels, if you dont ever, ever put points
an autotrained line:
Class Skills Auto Trained
Armsman Slashing, Thrusting
Slashing, Thrusting
Paladin Chants, Slashing
Reaver Slashing, Flexible Weapons
Scout Long Bows

Class Skills Auto Trained

Ranger Recurved Bows
Class Skills Auto Trained
Warrior Axes, Hammers, Swords
e been

Level of spec (counting from one) auto trained if no training points hav
spent in the skill

ou are this close to your next level, you should use your respec before you so much as
whack a single badger."
Do realm level's count? Realm ranks? Basically, if I'm level 50 already, can I l
ose my respec?
A: This free, full skill respec will overwrite anything you happen to be hoardin
g from previous Mythic giveaways, but since you cant outlevel it, you cant lose it, ei
Q: You recently stated that you can no longer crit with a weapon proc. Does this
include style procs, such as Blizzard Blade?
A: Yes.
Q: When Mythic does an update, does the removal or deletion of old files occur?
Will Mythic eventually create a new cd with current files? If so, what of your c
urrent customers? How will this impact them?

A: For your first question, I turn to a programmer whose work is so far behind t
he scenes that I dont even have a clever nickname for him. Therefore, Martys nickname
is Marty. When I asked him what happened to orphan files, he replied, They [the orph
will be cold, dirty and fed gruel.
No, seriously, the number of orphaned files has always been pretty low. Usually, we
replace (overwrite) existing files or add new files as we go along.
Whenever we release a new version, such as the Dark Age of Camelot: Gold Edition
, we print a new master of the classic game, with all the updates to the point w

e ship the new CD. Were going to do another release soon with the original game, Sh
rouded Isles, Foundations, Trials of Atlantis, and New Frontiers, all in a box c
alled Dark Age of Camelot: Platinum. That way, brand new customers dont have to sit
through two years of patches.

Returning customers are a different kettle of fish. Weve offered patch CDs on the My
store before, and we will again the current one is a little out of date. The free
trial available on Gamespy helps returning customers as well as newbies. Finally
, were going to be sending out come home CDs in the next month watch this space
And of course, current customers already have the latest, greatest patches.
Q: If I have already downloaded the New Frontiers Open Beta for Pendragon, will
I need to download the installer again (from the partner sites) to play on my re
gular servers?
A: Wow, two for Marty in one day?! He assures me
ger patch than others on opening day, you do NOT
a second time. I recommend playing on Pendragon
to be sure youve gotten as many of the patch

that while you might have a big

need to get the installer files
up to the bitter end on Monday,
files as humanly possible.

Q: With this full respec, how do I get my artifact weapon exchanged for my new s
A: Unfortunately, the short answer is that you can't. Once an artifact has been
activated, it can not be deactivated or exchanged for another type of that artif
act. Your friends in the CS pit would like you to know that as much as they'd li
ke to help you out, they are powerless to assist you in this matter. If you real
ly love your (insert artifact here) so much that you don't want to give it up, y
ou should probably not respec that skill line.
Yeah, I know, I'm late tonight. I've been scribbling away at the documentation f
or New Frontiers we've got a whole lot more than there is on the beta site, and it
all needs to be pulled together.
Really, if Miss Linda and the Team Lead Program weren't handling the RA document
ation, I'd have lost the rest of my mind by now. The RA chart is just about as f
inal as final can be. Any changes from this point on will be extremely minor, so
please, feel free to rely on it this weekend if you'd like to get a jump on pla
nning your new Realm Ability template. And while you peruse that wonderful chart
, thank a volunteer for helping to ensure that the chart matches what you'll enc
ounter in game. Thank you, volunteers, can't say that enough.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Good night.

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