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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicaes Lda.

Ingls 10 Ano Double Comparative
Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

O double comparative pode ser formado de duas maneiras diferentes

consoante a ideia que se pretende transmitir:

The + comparative . + the + comparative

The lighter this packet is, the easier it is to carry.
Quando se pretende indicar que algo aumenta ou diminui de forma
continua, usa-se a seguinte estrutura:

Comparative + and + comparative

The weather is getting colder and colder.

No quadro seguinte surgem alguns exemplos das duas estruturas:

The + comparative . + the +

The warmes, the better
The easier, the more appealing
The bigger, the better
The harder, the more successful
The faster, the funnier
The higher, the more difficult
The more peaceful, the greater
The spicier, the tastier
The nicer, the more lovely
The more refined, the more expensive

Comparative + and + comparative

Warmer and warmer
Taller and taller
Higher and higher
Easier and easier
Prettier and prettier
Thinner and thinner
Better and better
Worse and worse
More and more comfortable
More and more careful
More and more boring
Less and less interesting
More and more hopeless

No se deve confundir a estrutura The + comparative + the + comparative com o grau
The bigger the sun, the happier I feel.
E no:
The biggest the sun, the happiest I fell.

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