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Interviews with YHS Liaisons

The hardest part of my job is seeing kids fight, and the hot weather.
The best part of my job is talking with students.
Yes I want to come back next year I like it here.
Staying in school is important. You should stay in school
because it is what's best for you and your future. School can
get hard at times all drama or maybe too much work. We
understand you have other things to do at home or take care
of other important stuff. But no matter how hard it gets you
shouldn't drop out. All the struggles in high school will pay
off in once you graduate and get your diploma. It will all pay
off in the future.

The hardest part of my job is the change in weather, I dont like the
The best part of my job is that its a small campus and Im able to
interact and get to know the students more.
Yes I would want to come back next year.

65% of the people who dropped out of high school say they
regret it because the struggle to get by or barely even have
enough to pay off things . My parents push me to still come
to school because they want a better future for me. They
always tell me how much they regret dropping out, and if
they could go back in time they would do the best they could
in school and graduate no matter how hard it got for them.
They tell me about how they work hard every day to provide
everything for me, but if they had graduated high school and
had gone to college they could have gotten a decent job and
not have to struggle. So, don't give up on school. Later on
you'll look back and know that it was all worth it.

By Paula Oliveras

The best part of my job is seeing the kids make good grades and
The worst part of my job is having to break up fights.
Yes I would definitely want to come back next year.
Del Muro~
The best part of my job is its a new day every day.
The worst part of my job is turning kids in.
Oh yes! I would want to come back next year.

Character Counts Teacher Nomination

Character Counts Teacher Nomination
Do you have a teacher that demonstrates all the pillars of character? Give them the recognition they deserve. Give a quick description on why
you have nominated the teacher of your choice. Then return this slip to Mrs. .McDavid in room 211, and receive a piece of candy.
Your Name:_____________________________________
Teachers Name:________________________________











Quick description of why youve nominated the teacher:

Assets Field Trip

SANTA CRUZ - Ocean Ecology and

History Lessons at the Beach YHS
Open House at Yosemite High School

Student attended on Saturday, May 21, 2016

Student Survey about Yosemite

Pillar of the Month


Whats your favorite thing about Yosemite?

Most of the students said that the best thing
about Yosemite is the bell schedule, others
said is the activities, field trips, and Assets.
What is the thing you like least about
The least thing students like about Yosemite is
the school lunch. Also some students think that
Yosemite is really strict and they dislike that.

"The moment you take responsibility for

everything in your life, is the moment you can
change anything in your life. --Hal Elrod
The events for Character Counts for the month of May;

What is one thing you would change about

-Lip Singing *May 26, 2016


-Certificates * May 18, 2016

One thing students will change, with no

hesitation, is the school lunches.
In the time you have attended Yosemite, how
has it benefited you?
Many students had similar responses that
Yosemite has benefited them in getting caught
up with credits and helping them in graduating.
By Abbey Rangel

Summer Nights
Summer is around the corner guys!! That means longer days and shorter nights;
you would be able to stay out longer with your friends. You do not have to worry
about school or anything, unless you got a job or summer school. Besides all of
that, you will be able to do what you want and have a good time with your friends.
You can go places. Like most people love going to the beach over the summer.
There are many things you can do with family and friends over summer. Make this
summer last. All nighters, parties, road trips, and camping by the lake or river. But
throughout the summer you should be careful and make some good choices. But
again have a good summer!
By Samantha Hicks

Image by Freddie Bland

Special thanks to Leadership for putting on a great Senior Week & a Red Carpet Prom to remember!

Dragon Times
Issue #3

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

-Walt Disney

Interview with Ms. Rose, Associate Principal

Interview by Leticia Carmago
By Edith Guzman

-Senior Trip-May 27, 8:15 sharp

Ms. Rose

-Graduation Practice-May 31 &

June 1 at 8:30 a.m. in the GYM

1. How did you become the Assistant Principal for

Yosemite High? I was an English teacher at Merced
High School for 12 years, and then spent 6 years
working as an instructional coach. I missed working
directly with students, so I decided that the becoming
an administrator would be a good way to work with
students again. When they offered me the position as
an associate principal for IHS and YHS, I was excited and
nervous. I enjoy doing new things and having new
challenges, but it is a huge responsibility to help run a
school, so I was nervous about learning all of the
different things.
2. What do you find the most difficult about your job?
The most difficult part of my job is watching students
make mistakes that can have a long term impact on
them in a negative way and then having to watch their
parents and family members be upset by those choices.
3. What is most rewarding about your job? The most
rewarding part of the job is seeing students take
advantage of the second chance that YHS provides
them, and seeing them get good grades and graduate
and become successful.

-Graduation- June 1 at 6pm at the

Merced Theater, 301 W. Main St.

YHS Prom Royalty

McCoy and Diane

Isiah and Brenda


Yosemite High School Senior Class of 2016

Through four years of school, you think somewhere along the line they would've taught us how to say goodbye.
-Fabian Camacho

4. What was your dream job? I always wanted to be a

teacher. At first, I wanted to teach Kindergarten but
after spending time in the classroom as a teachers
assistant, I decided that so many little kids running
around in one room wasnt for me.
5. Whats your opinion and or experience at YHS? My
experience at YHS has been positive. I love working
with everyone in the office and it is nice to be able to
work with the teachers over here. I enjoyed getting to
know the students. The best part of the day is being
out on campus and talking with students and
encouraging them to do well and getting to know them.
6. School safety seems to be really important for all of
us, and in my opinion I do not feel safe and I know
many others feel the same. What ideas do you have
that can help our environment be safer? Every school
takes safety seriously. It is always a priority for admin
and for teachers. I think we need to really start
focusing on the positive things that happen on our
campus, and to start finding ways to celebrate all the
good things our students do academically and with the
There isnt a person anywhere who isnt capable of
doing more than he things he can. Henry Ford

Letter to Seniors,
School is ending. Yes its going to be hard to say goodbye to our friends, but
it wont be forever. We are all going to move on, but we have ways to keep contact.
Let's make the best out of graduating. Let's move on, find great jobs, go to college,
and have fun. A lot of people say that life is hard after high school. It only is hard if
we make it that way. We need to take life easy and at our own speed, we need to
have fun, but also we need to be prepared for the life ahead of us. Lets have a great
rest of the year!
Amelie Knight

Best Eyes

Samantha & Lane


Summer Horoscopes


Reinaldo & Briana

Most Likely to Succeed

Best Smile

Most Artistic

Best Dressed

Aries - In Summer, think about ways

you can bring more money in, and
hold on to more of the money you
already have and earn.
Taurus - A group of happy little
heavenly bodies are gathering in
your first house, and that house is
"you" in every respect: your
personality, emotions, appearance,
vitality, desires, and determination.
Gemini - Many good things are
bubbling up for you this month;
youll be surprised at how well
things go.

Most Friendly

Paula & Dylan

Angelica & Jose

Class Clown

Edith Guzman

Yesenia & Maro

Biggest Texters

Cutest Couple

Cancer - Four joyful little heavenly

bodies will be stacking up in your
solar eleventh house of friendship,
fun, new acquaintances, and events
sector, so it seems clear that you will
be socializing up a storm.

Most Athletic

Gary & Diego

Leo - A stunning month for your

career advancement is coming up,
especially in the first half.

Miguel & Raquel

David & Vida

DeAndra & Isreal

Virgo - This looks to be a playful,

cheerful, and charming month,
where your schedule will open up as
some things get postponed, and in
the interim, you might be able to
Libra - As the month opens, you will
be focused on money - not the
money you would earn in salary, but
rather money you might need to
fund a dream.
Scorpio - You guard your privacy
intensely, and you also like to do
things alone, on your own terms, so
that you can be in full control.
Sagittarius - Life certainly has been
busy, but you may feel you are on a
spinning wheel, not quite making
the kind of progress you had in
Capricorn - This could turn out to be
a remarkably romantic month, with
lots of possibilities for fun, travel,
and reconnecting with friends from.
Aquarius - This could be a wonderful
month for news about your home
and family.
Pisces - This will be a bright month
because the planets will emphasize
your talents and will be showing you
ways you can showcase them to the

-Horoscopes by Kris Compian

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