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CHRIS OYAKHILOME,, D.D. Put your mind-power to work and be all Ged wants you tbe! Thee rw it wt ou cn ahead cy orn be igh THE POWER LIF MIND GNIW NOK sO waMOd 3HL Pree eee Beene tiershe esis EIS a) Cee nd Pee MC CORT) ‘Tie POWER OF YOUR MIND il dite eee and arm yur wat ros he ne rowed mind opyght © 201 LaveWondPobshing Mini of Beer toch Al sss under Iteration Cop a. Contents ‘snlfrconr maybe proce io holo patio ‘Stata writen poms of treed Paishig Al cxipre qt rte om he ng ane Veo of stake eee =e Seren eerie Seteiractirone Ree. ete eo ttnbgg nai rirstonbay er Contents Introduction: A GOD-GIVEN INSTRUMENT. 5 (Chapter 1: RENEWING YOUR MIND: THE CONCEPT OF MIND MANAGEMENT (Chapter 2: UNDERSTANDING THE MIND 1s ‘Chapter 3: “THINK ON THESE THINGS.” 9 (Chapter 4: USE YOUR MIND RIGHT st (Chapter 5: THE CARNAL MIND VS, THE ot SPIRITUAL MIND Chapter 6: THE POWER OF THOUGHTS @ CChapter7: PULLING DOWN STRONGHOLDS 83 Chapter & DEALING WITH NEGATIVE 7 THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS Chapter 9: “TAKE NO THOUGHT” 07 Chapter 10; ATTITUDE-YOUR MENTAL a7 DISPOSITION Chapter 11: SEEITFIRST FROM WITHIN, 9 ‘Chapter 12: MEDITATION-YOUR MOMENT 143 ‘OF CREATION, ‘Chapter 13: SEE ALL THINGS NEW 161 ‘Conclusion: BE RENEWED DAILY: 169 Cfebudine ‘AGod-Given instrument ‘ods greatest desire i for us to Ive \ctorious ives and continually enjoy His blessings bequeathed to us in (Christ Jesus. But one reason many are sil stugging to live that glorious ie their inability to appropriate to themselves what God has akeady made available to them. God in His lovingkindness has, however, ‘equipped you with a special instrument to help you appropriate and come into full possession of these manifold blessings. Tat instument is your mind! God has given us several amazing gifts, and they lave their specaised functions, He gave us mouths with which to chart the course of our ives to confess ‘ourselves into salvation, and beyond that, to where ‘we enjoy the fll enefts thereof (Romans 10:90}. In Romans 12:2, Paul els us about one ofthe wonder ‘gs God gave us ands function; e said, “And be not conformed to this world: ‘but BE YE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND, that ‘ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfec will of God.” ‘This is an important revelation. Paul, by the Spit, Jets us know that God has given us our minds for our ‘transformation. The Englsh word “transformed” Is from the Greek word “metamorphoo” which means “tobe tansfigured or changed irom one form, sate, or level to another” Imagine that the Scripture stopped at “.be ye transformed”; we wouldhave been at aloss.s to how tobe tansformed, Thank God He toldushow! He said ‘well be transformed by the renewing of our minds, ‘not by the renewing of our phones, cars, wardrobes, homes or bank accounts. You can renew these things al you want, you sill won't be transformed until your ‘mind is renewed. That's because God has fashioned Yyour mind as the instrument for your transformation ‘And this transformation wee talking about is fom ‘one level of glory to another, from one standard of living toa higher and better one, ory to God! Your mind is unlimited in its potential to create ‘whatever you desire. When you put your mind power ‘to work, the posstiltes are endless. Therere no iis towhat you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself in ie. ‘Your prosperity is not essentially determined by your geographical location or the economy of the ration in which you lve. What you become in ie is lagely determined by the content and qualiy of your mind, because with your mind you can change anything about your with, you can establish a perfect structure and administration for your fe, and enjoy to the utmost the special fe God has given you. However forallofthesetohappen, youmustinow how to use your mind. In other words, the content and character of your mind must be rich and postive enough to pull toward you what you want. Failure to tse your mind righty wil only resutin stagnation and retrogresson, but if you want a transiguration and transportation to the next level of glory and a higher and better quay of life then you've gotto eam to use Yyour mind right. This is what the Sprit of Gels guiding me through this book to help you discover and understand so you an effectively hamess the power of your mind and channel ts contents in a way thal help you create a ‘winning, successful, and vibrant ie. | RENEWING YOUR MIND: 1 THE CONCEPT OF ‘7 MIND MANAGEMENT fier you come to Chris, God gives you new ways of thinking about Him, leaven, yourself, your circumstances, the word around you, and lfein genera: He gives you new information and shows you how to relate with other people ‘That's why Scripture tls us in Romans 12:2,” be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...” In other words, “Don't act ke the rest ofthe word, but be transformed (ransigured, metamorphosed) by renewing your mind, changing your way of thinking accepting God's thoughts and opinions, exchanging your ideas for His, and learing to think and talk tke Him, But you can‘ think lke God except you have the io {We POWER oF vouR Mie Fight material to think on, which is His Word. God's ‘words are His thoughts clothed in vocabulary. God has shown us that we can influence our thinking in order to become LOMDETOURUFESS — more producive, success ene and. prosperous, You can manage your mind and bing forth excellence, greatness, sucess and prospety. Thisis your responsoy, and God expects you to doit ‘The Bible makes us understand how important itis to manage our minds; it not only determines the character of your personaly, but the resis you get and the qualty of youre. Romans 12:12 “1 beseech you therefore, brethren, by ‘the mercies of God thatye present your boriesa ving sacrice holy, acceptable ‘unto God, wich is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may provewhatisthat good and acceptable, and periect, will of God” (Question: Do you want to tans your lie? Do you want to have a better qualty of Iiet Well Pa saysto youhere by the Spirthat the way orator, improve, and upgrade your life is by renewing your rin Ve termed this spiritual principle “MIND MANAGEMENT", it refers to the concept of reorganizing oteprogramning your ind fits contents and processes) with God's Word and aliging your ‘hiking perceptions and mindset about God, other people the wold and yours, with His Word. If God is teling you to be transformed bythe ‘enewing of your min it means Hes etn you know peeneneee, |. youre the one to make it happen, He's instructing you to doit because He's put the ably within you | You're The Expression of Your Mind Who you are today isa function of your mind Your personality ithe exesson ofthe contents and working of your mind. The Bible sys asa man thinks in his heart, sis he (Proverbs 237). Youre and the totaty of your personaly (how you ve, what you do, the character ofyour words ec) a the exreson of yourmind "Now, God has shown you that you can manage Your mind. That means you can work on your mind and change ts contens, and that change will show up in your character and the results you have in if. Increase Your Value ‘Managing your mind is the primary principle for increasing your value, mulphying your success, ewenns oun nn TH CONCERTO 13 upgrading your state, and thus, enlarging your estate. Sometimes, you may have tied so hard and done all youthought you knew to do about something without ‘much success. What more can you dot Well, why don’t you begin with mind management? Can you ‘manage your mind dferenty regarding that situation? CCan you acces your mental hard crive to see what fies you need to delete and the new ones youneed to download and instal? ‘Yesyou can, and you should. You can make your Iie happier and much more fuliing by making the Fight changes in the stucture of your thinking, \Weive estabshed an important point here: you ‘an transform your life by changing your way of thinking, Le by renewing-or managing your mind. But before we dele deeper into the contents ‘of the mind and how to renew i let us establish an Understanding ofthe mind tse, ee) 2 UNDERSTANDING THE MIND A ) Uch asthe human mind has been ‘explored and discussed, itis yet to be discovered in the laboratory oF revealed though scientific experimentation. Indeed, Understanding of the mind is not something that ‘even the world’s best scents, doctors, historians, oF Plilosophers can give, for ther finest explanations of the mind are speculatory at best ‘That'shecause the mindisanintangible spiritual ‘entity, and only God's Word can shed the best light poweral,and sharper than any ‘woedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, 6 "We rowes oF YOUR MIME and of the joins and marrow, and isa Aiscermer ofthe thoughts and intents of the heart” “Tis is something the ordinary mind can't do oF ‘ive YoU. It takes the revelation of the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit to make such lstncions between the soul and spit known, ‘So we will begin with a simple definition ofthe rind: The mind sthefacuty ofman’sreasoning and thoughts. it holds the power of the Jmagination, recognition andappreciaton, _and is esponsible for processing feelings and emotions, resting in atts and actions. ‘There are some key words in this definition, the first of them being “thoughts” Thoughts) is the creation, recalling, uvpesransne Hew ” reviewing, aid processing of images, for meaning, reason, language, and expresion. This means you can create, recall review, and process images for meaning. In other words, you can give meaning to the images you get. You can ako process those images for reason, language, and expression, All ofthese take place inthe mind. ‘When your eyes focus onan image; i's your mind that interprets that image, and thats when you really see. your mind can'tinterpretit itdoesr't mater what the image fi make no sense to you. For instance, ‘you're given an Arabic book to read, and your mind hase’tbeen wane o understand Arabic eters, they! be uncecogrizable to you. Your fist surprise would be that the words ae written from ight to let In studying this subject-whether in the Old or New Testamentsyoul ciscover that several words are used interchangeably to reer to the mind o its 10 ‘We rawex oF Your mio activites. Examples are “thoughts” “reasonting!", “imagination,” “thinking” and “inclination” Sometimes, youll read a scripture in one Bible version where the word “thought is used, but another version expresses the same word as “reasoning” Youll aso find the words “mind” “soul” and “heart” being substtuted for each other. But the mind isnot the heart, and the heart is not the soul Sometimes, “soul” “hear.” rams “the hidden man of the SMRIUALESTS. art? and “spi” are used wormcas 10 describe the inward man (oho comprises the human spirit and his soul, But these are all just generic expressions of the inward man yout find being used synonymous ‘troughout the scriptures. And they'e just a fraction of the vast number of synonyms that are used in expressing the phenomenon of the mind and is ooensano me THe Md 9 activites. Therefor, tobetter understand the mind, you reed to have a Gear understanding of the scriptural