April 30, 1962

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Fritz Chosen For Position, ft HIGHLAND. FLING Ford Motor Gives Students Evaluate School; Power Equipment Council Sponsors Exchange by sean i Sh more restive than “Higand Park ILP. Faculty View ¥. Production ofthe high hogs ime aves Seniors Triumph In Annual Debate nt Wichar err Toy Schenk ~* pone “camss Opens to Soph’s FTA Begins Drive, < Aspiring Singers JoinChorusRanks +> "English Classes English Society Share Favorites Selects Members ae Too HIGHLAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL Money, Ait, 1962 Editorials Inquiring Reporter Student Studies in Strasbourg Dress Parade Resembles Circus “The Highland Park circus parade starts with the opening of the fates at 6:00. The animals are asembled with their Eaudy aso ment of fad-ikeatire, Then the parade begins, First the sheepdoss with hair their eyes tuber down the hulls ‘The. ons follow with “teased” manes which elevate the head to such a level that at times the spectators confuse these ‘trawheade” withthe pirates. ‘Ste the "glumphing” elephant in er short skint! f she only new how uply her knees Took ‘Meow. the feminine feline fractures the eyesight with her irs tinted eye. "AS forthe male members of our menagetie, the seals seen with hissiked-hack hae while the mischievous monkey can no Tonge ‘manage to sing from tee Io tre Because his pats are 100 ght! ‘What ate those queer animals over there? Tus! See how they sink into hee sells by merely turing up thee cols. The nex time you se the HP. circus parade top to watch the spectacle but doe certain that you ae aot pat of I Are Only The Select To Be Educated? 1 Highland Park High Sehoo is rly an educational isiution, ten why i cure within the school limited toa select group of ents? This question i ried specify in relerence to the recent showing of a teaching fm ented Oelpus Re, which was ‘alable to Perans and to mimbers ofthe honors English elases who have stated Oedipur Rex. There has defiitely been in juste performed hers “To sumo thatthe Perans and the honors English students are the only ones who have read Oedipus Rex not only absurd, but srossly unfair This Greck tcagedy has been taypht to speech ‘lases and to Engh clases other than the honors ones. Aside from mandatory schoo! sy of the play. one must remember that there are students who have rea the play for pleasure. Existing too, inthis school are stdens who, even though they have not read the ply, would have taken advantage of the cultral oppor Tuniy offered jas the same. Its evident, therefore, that 0 make the estmption that "selet™ students were the only ones interested sn saing Oedipus Rex i definitely unjust! “The teaching fs have bsen restricted to select groups for til nother season, It scene that complaints concerning the routsh tions ofthe sents were roptered after the showing of Our Town. The behavior of these sents cannot be condoned: how cer, the approach to these lms could be proved i an effort 10 Femove the displ problem, First, mandatory atendance at thowe flim should not be requted of students, thus eliminating students who "come Because they have to” Last, communication should be incresed. Certainly there is suficent board space there ace enthusiastic teachers who are wig to announce cue tural events; and there it adequate time in which t inform the tire student boxy of the cultural events svaable, In this way, Sh audience of tly interested students might he drawn os THE 2 ~ HIGHLAND er FLING Hane ei See ae ee lta PLING wom ike to place i pay Beto the Seniors Share Memories by Stephen Shapiro Question: What did you like or member nt hon the Senior oly Ford Being putin ji” on David Wald, My new rai the" evening of cultural eng ‘ment ut the Casing Royale, Joanne Stoll: The wari” hat soaked me onthe tn, Mr, Job Spr: Te frac dn tefresingthowers at ws me tke Jane Gelfand: The stnishing ftom tne ile aims Mrs. Maude Stockman: Water In And Around ‘Who wil be the sky pero fvieg ove away to the stent Solas average The peron ‘ho invent the ngs spn ‘henge inlet Sano Honors Engi ces wich tw Chon March ad the {hs sn ved the Metts Mine oar Es Tor and 'Sering Raye Highland Pak Strmn fate ben edo the Rotgen,repectvety = Thee rumor that Tooy Charan fect "bne Tocca From thei ree'ay excursion 10 Wehingon and ae ow bk tn the wing of things. “Thre ae owever it's few ‘cues “Sina compton, (oral new Mid Chee mee bees Randy Landrum’ hn twom_praducton a Mache ‘rin tame and kes as Wet ceed y the ln (nat {om ere in the ly) and Sinan mde twat clive pon. Mane Soke ened Ferns the eer ay tanks te rb. Maram an An Sinker Np th owed The bze sion Ia hn yet ony tie ot pollesed iit ove yan tthe Rut tem “Ae Farm” Rete ‘tert gs with ng ner {ik Oat tye re lois any ot schol Letter Chaperones Get Class Gratitude Dear Favor, “The members of the Senior ‘cam woul like tthe th op portunity a expres our grt {othe chaperones who sco Me. Harold 8 Aley, Me, Wik iam ‘Donate. Me Lilian i Tam, Me Robert Lora is Ae lene Ml, Mis Amy Shochan, Mave Stockman al diene bene deal of ret for making they one that few of a wl “The Seniors ator’s Nove: Migand Parkite, Doty Strauss is now studying in Swasbourg, Feance, for ine year while her feher is doing esearch there: 1 didn belive i ast year when my father resived a grant from the Navional Science Foundation to-do research work ih Strasbourg for one year! Nevertheless here We ate. and. wete enjoying it very much, Ax you probably know, Stasbours i on fe border hetwoen France and Germany. Everyone speaks © ‘man and most people know Astin, singsoney language which is between French and German. The city ell gute ol, bat there aze quite a few modern buildings T go to the public gi’ Iyeze (the equivalent of high shoo!) and am in the ieme. There are 40 Kids in my els ranging in age from 12 to 16, We all have 19 wear beige socks over our regular clothes. I am taking French, English, Geometry. Alas An, Sewing, and Gyn, Clases are one hour long. with a 1S minute recess at 10:00 during which everyone eats, We sit 40 ata desk and asa consequence there ia reat dea of cheating ‘We stand up when the Teacher enters the room of when we tlk to ber. There are no substitutes; so when 9 teacher is absent We tsther have a stay or go home! Unfortunately, there ate alo lbs of assembles, Schooh starts a¢ $00. AM. and goes til 12:18 and then from 2:00 to 5:0 PM, The lunch time may Scem lng, but when sou consider that most people eat their Bg meal then and that i takes 12 hour w and from school etch say, thee iat really so much tne, We have no scout Thurs days and Sundays and Tse the weekends, “The teaching methods are quite diferent Memorizing seem to be the one ment frequently employed. You have a notchook for every subject in which you write the nots the teacher dctaes The next day you are supposed to know this forthe teacher picks someone to come up infront of the clans and recite the leon, Mont of the kids dapend so completly onthe memorizing that if they forget the exact example given, they are unable 1 make fone wp. Tess re unanouneed snd do ot count as fae T ean ‘gue out, but you must pass the big exams at the end of every 3emonths, We are marke! from I to 10 with S being posing “The highest mark given out is usually @ 7 and ehetefore a 5 oF 6 is considered good. The teachers are very strict and theres rarely any whispering in the classroom The kids have boon extemal nice and helpful wo me. 1 was really surprised to hear that they actualy believe that most ‘Americans ae ether cowboys or gangsters! On the whole most French Kids are less grown-ap than ther counterparts in Amerie. ‘They are also much smaller. During Spring vacauon we're planning to tur the south of France, ly, and. Austin, 1 can wal Is ke a dream come Student of the Month ‘Trudy Feidelseit Demonstrates Responsibility and Sincerity tthe Honor Avior Burd fr omeoow oie fr tce yet Ternr shown by seior Tea to Highling Park High School in Mont Commits ‘She mot ony ranks ih inher President of the Thespian Chap {er EillorinChit of the Alba toms, and Vice Preset of Trudy represented PHS. 2 elepte to Gi’ State Nihal tse sit, Tay come a funden, Her ate an temperment see 10 be ‘many frends Enthsinm and fies charsterze er tons The Student of the Month Award ie an honorry ‘award ‘aoiclly beat exemplifies the ate of HLPHS. Thi present scholarship sind but a tabu to atudents performance. in ery aipet of soho! fe. The Stoo ofthe Month Award was ‘eit bythe Stat Coun i March when i honored Ie bart Aden However the avard fan ben sok stom i HP. school Tray fas papa any active which clade HLS. and, in the opinion of St Paros Gi A" Ace dent ‘Counc “Preiden, Sve Commitee and’ Foreign Exe Pore 4 worth trad ‘hinge Ci. She ian exeutve ton honoring Serving students Citizens Committee Feasts And Fetes Honor Students HIGHLAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL. N. J. Tana Park Tuenays Ape 2 Hon sta fc "member Sion forthe schieements Elwin 8 Sed forthe Cae vr Dichonary of votes Teahouse Is Tops Teahouse of the August Moon Kamal wan crowned Queen the oneal droton of Ned Van ‘ot the nor Soi. repr ‘hat De ler’ lke stant Barbra Arad Hand payed Hate duct New Books Bring New Ideas rn o rotenional book teers ind pocketbooks are Ice of charge rom various Council Backs Changes in Cleanup, Cafeteria, and Song by Jean Rifkin Sling do RASPA JEWELERS ““All'Types of Repairs LECTURE NOTES HOUSE OF FASHION HOUSE OF FASHION ted for esting hie adopt the plcy of sngig th ‘Alta Mater ter every school When Comes to Dress Fabrice“ Come 0 THE YARDAGE SHOP The First National Bank of Highland Park HP Entertains Area School Dance Bands Profson ar osal igh scoot ses tan apes a th ith ata aateeeaeees The Band Clie was cndct- aor seven band fon Conta Senet mang. wt lye thei teens ina concert tthe Nah school a, Five ens ago when the Clinic wait inated in Highland fs the find of in te Woodbridge, Rahway, Roselle Rene Pk Fs Brey an HEP Guidance Offers Help in 3 Areas College Scoreboard Grows Steadily {hs year shoud lo plan fo take Barbar Coda Sons the shivement oats in their Mini wnt sige Five Year Olds Go to Classes at HP fecha ep St the ms eo ‘student determine which oecupa- : ihe to fhe part “The Ply Scho! was eranized chen asthe ter par spate mong games The te like and tose st resstions NELSON Birnn Candy THE THRIFT SHOP Rice oo Company FS FINE FURNITURE ree shor TOWNE SALUTE’ THE PAULUS DAIRY Pavia’ Homogeniaed ‘Viti Milk tn Our Amber Bottle to Ratan Vitamins JORY PHARMACY "onus Some” Tony Milaxzo sauty Salon OWL CINDERMEN SHOW MID-SEASON FORM; Owls Defeated by South Plainfield PISCIOTTA, HERRICK PACE PARKITE SQUAD ter 4ot. Victory Over Manasquan SAHN AND DONELOK Racketmen Hope For Four Parkites Score ALSO HELP HP OWL Winning Tennis Team In Double Figures; s Owls Triumph 57-53 heerleaders Picked, Baseball Begins Experienced Lettermen, Strong Defense Bolster T: & Locastro ‘CLEANERS 5 SHELLEY'S [-—————— ir) College Book St fi SALLY’S wea [RE eer eee | RE YOUNG'S GLASS SERVICE REEDS RUNSWICK BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS. ROBERTSON’S SPORTING GOODS 70 RARITAN AVENUE M. FRISCH & SONS Kamer $0720 Kamer $0720 50 HIRAM STREET Seon 50 HIRAM STREET ‘THE BEST IN HARDWARE SUPPLIES

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