2010 Dragging 2

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Reginald Windham ‘Written Reprimand Page 2 July 29, 2010 from leaving the cell. You and Mr, Wilson then tock Youth* to the floor. White Youth® was on the floor she purposefully hit her head on the floor. Ms. MeNeal placed a sweatshirt between Youth's head to prevent her from hurting herself. Once Youth® had calmed down she was placed on her bed again. While Youth* was sitting on her bed she tried to hit head against the wall, however Ms. MeNeal placed her band behind Youth's* head to prevent Youth® fom hurting herself. Afr belng e-directed Youth* finally ealmed dawn and epologized for het behavior. ‘Your poor work performance/misconduct constitute violations of the Department of Juvenile Justice Policies, #102, “Employee Codz of Ethics"; #104, “Employee Code of Conduct”; #713, “Detention Services"; and Lincoln Village Regional Juvenite Detention Center/Youth Development Conter ‘Standard Operating Procedures, #324, Physical end Mechanical Restraints. Furthermore, you received a fener dated January 12, 2007 ofa five (5) day suspension on January 17, 18, 19, 20 and 24, 2007 for misconduct (use of inappropriate and excessive force); end a supervisory souprtac deed ‘April 13, 2006 for poor work performance (failing to sign MAR to verify youth medication), “You are hereby issued this weltten reprimand concerning your poor work performance/mtsconduct, Further incidents of this nature may result in mote severe disciplinary ection against you, up to and including dismissal. ‘A.copy of this written reprimand shell be placed in your permanent personnel file, {In accordance with KRS 18A.020, you may, if you choose, respond to this reprimand in writing. A copy of your response will be placed with the reprimand and the supporting documentation in your Personnel file in this agency and your personnel file malntained by the Personnel Cabinet. A woitton reprimand, in and of itself, is not an eppealable penalization, ec: Hon, Nikki Jackson, Secretary, Personnel Cabinet Hon. Mark A. Sipek, Executive Director, Personnel Board Bamey Kinman, Office of tnvestigations ‘Hasan Davis Joslyn Olinger Glover Jason Reynolds Bob Hayter Teresa Brown Michelle Grady Darlene Heftin

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