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INVER sul Frozen Everything. was normal and as isha be unt one dy Toke up ae there was Something wrong Ten hw hate was, butitwas land of persistent thing thee T could ice Jgnore. Something was cold fd ik was inside no outside Twas thes poce. where someone fad poked me with sige Aa of wer dl and jst gender The cod spread une T was Be 2 sclprre of ee Tada Seer any mors, and. | could cry and i 1nd ome it wap ike a tend of ferecin | was soll man Gea coud throw rocks t me anda hare ac all just, Splintered a bse, shops fortunately, no- cone noticed and everything Catrad on being normal and sit should be all aur me ‘Buel wae frozen Fairy Dust God's got the fairy dust cout again» Seattering every Sebich wae His gine Fingers touched the end ofthe stret snd slowly but complete coery Fving and inanimate thing fel inco sparkling and twinkling A frozen ending ‘A wicked witch pel Tr waiting here potently for lis finger 0 reach inside sme and freeze ry Hood toa Allow my Functions to grind shy fe surly to a hal ‘The drums slow in tempo smut nothing All of chese Fecings finally paralysed by the Fractal forms. crawling Ineiably over every living surface “Then all can become nocmal agin. And I can st about Forgetting Out of it, in it, out of it. Walk up 2 Jong ago rad coed wah tow oo the wonds Thee is snow forecasted want cose noel in's Hazard No sow bere ‘hough, jose dstane eae aoa bids speaking to one anather ‘Sten » ded tee. Grey slog Grey feters sent cose te mee A Teale aa hysinst yale green. sien fr af ‘Ail sound the crows shout about me Snagged iy antes, Wire by T dead other humans Ty flies fall Cold dead skin, Push through spiny undergrowth, A mucky plea Frozen "ruts The sound of rallied aeroplanes. Hard to think Leaning against che sire ‘To flocks of birds, above the bypass. An unattended fie dying A inde of hot ey ach, ‘Aba dips then plammess 4 cold case wind To the woods A snowy path, Walk ince an sandoned quarry. Caves coxrywhere Warm air hat sels of Hood dees oat and Tr to seared to go very far T lose. sy way Emerge inking from the woods. A WF course Tm hungry and know Lam far from fod. wish would snow ‘A dack pubic thicket in the atch of a beech, A. ruined house. A sige private woods no access Branches glow in oe sunlight. Look out at te sky fom the tp of this il think Pon surrounded 37 HlzsanlsOne swoops omer Walk inco it the sun sill cut. My, shadow lear as Sommer fut Soow down ay neck Watching valleys fll of sta Blow cowards me No sheker ees, watering frog the eld wid. ‘Sow faster and. faster, tapping on ny cot. Fang free Hypnotic Tim becoming 2 sno man. Fld to cold atmos. ‘Sun in the distance. This will ke ner soon, The dad departs sting ghost. Haunt Desire company lick. sf cetoem and Want 1 pre al Feat the dissppeinement and unhappiness that was present in cdhood. cannot Understand wha is wrong Terabe apd» disband Friendly and open, et feel that nothing right Restless dike routine, need stimulation and have trouble feting up in the morning KReace Indy to shock and Jame ingens fears, especiy AS i) NaN ’ of engin 2 cow and Spent rn md hours francaly sorting things ou, bt tnd pot te ecole Troll, “eneen ees tnd ard to pase Festa hopeless, morose ml bet ete indi Ny acer How A deny he ayn ‘wrong an stu foe 2 dosoe Pr to be ke see Bethy seme fnehy and emeriinog shen Brame woke and Sheu.” Moy hi Be ot oe cen dere by retken agitate wrth exon sent to The, ‘nose mowemene oe Ss aabiton ads to sortable, mn acese enw of dy aba el 2° havet dane so wll at Mould "Satte to other? craw ad cay bat Bay bce desprng Can il occa reson sd fart, See Me SU ina eth senioy Gree _forf fevers cen fancy Eeeah Ceandvng ‘pica metus abe Farce copra kr dig so dares, ane very ed ie ACROSS A GREAT DIVIDE! Tea weal res rey so Twent to the wed Te ee "south of the cy 1 il from my boo Zor, sel Fee STalow hil T walked thee felling sets othe cys Fring and then ld age athe through hedges of thown and fu Rooks aged in the air abo de been, The shy wera bright cold Ho, Toding to lea i els Freer» gre of v me ana [could ear the nose oF the wood in the winds 3 soft marine ror ewes che see conoid oe eat Leal bling tance Teneed the won! by ts sustarn corm Dice vs Eegiming to dop from the Sore! coor ong ead Beech ts, pteing down conto the copery lero Temes Singh fl in bright sper on the los | ty deoegh ia ee dl midway along is northern tlge Tea to my tee 2 tall grey barked bec, whose tranches fle oun uch wy that ti eny con 1 bd ink the te soany times borg. and ts teats were alfa ome. ‘Around the bassoon ie grey nck bogged ae ‘wre, so hart reseies {he skin om a elephants eg i dout ten fort thee feanch tha crooks sherghy Keck on isl sve dha ce leer Hh scored with ke inco the ern years bel, shih ‘has bulooned with thepromol the weigher ~ TREE CLIMBING ROBERT MACFARLANE sal hee ump “Thy fet wp, near che suit of the bes whe ie bars emenher ad tthe reach sha Ted Come co al the beet eked bxeral branch jue blew a cure in the grnk hl fd hc tran ad puto fet ther the of he fork | oul tay comfortable chee Plremaloe sl fo a rites, pope out walking would poncines pas Ader wht noting tne ope dont gnerly Ss ne dhe “Gadel sete Bids dont general ‘expe to see men tne the Biss usingin tele fcr wrens which whe from ewig to wg so guy they sem to tekpore one ey prt, wearing Sexioudy fom coe Tacs in the oboervory My weight 2 tooement fad mace the treo rok and the wid aggre the roc 9 at Senthe sammie tebe ten reaing hack ad for descr ac of five or tn degen Nov an oleewatny {Rd me ot From tat ght the hod vo tad ou Feet ne Hes map Dapred scos tweodhed: some of where Tames | keews Mag il Wd, Nine Wels Wier Wermvoad. Te the wes coer corduroy ile was train road busy with ca, Dinecly orth was the opt as thre piped incheraor toe ang ft Ihe than my hilltop ese A decpctesed Heres seropline wat descending towards the airfield on the Sys cutis Abe's feud vege tothe est sold se ed ilngthe wind eal here flared tutes hand of cards had carted climbing tee about thre yrs exter Or father, ese fr | ba Fen ats chol tha had a ‘ood for is playground. We Tea libel nd chrtoned thedilerene ersand ought fe the contra exer Calle cde tabs aod fen At ome, ty father bad bu ne and toy brates teehee in he gan, with we bad ‘kfendel succesful opinat dears of rte tacky went ad Bn to climb rcs gin. Just forthe fan of eo topes and no danger thee in the coune of ay liming | bad ard to docrinfute etween tee species THled the ithe Springs ofthe her Becher andthe young cherry aeced pines © ltl ranches callous bark and planes And { found that the hore chest, wich ie lnbes ler unk and priya at alo Tremendous canopy fered the meelnbee "bth "3 icy ween incentive. explored the Herat of treedimking: not extensive, Ut excting Jan Mair bad sexed ops bende ot Dongha. Spree, dang » Cian’ cr snd he mass of which was Tied ips one continous Bie of whe bund Talo Casino fad writen he migisl owe The Baron in The Trees whose young her, Corin, iat Sen hof dale Gre on his fathers forested este ad vows never et foot on the ground again Hie beoe to fis ipercus soa ene pga moving forties between tlie, cherry. en und bln oak Talscame to amie some ft ecchatang re fomtemporry exponents tn rel the soantats tthe rere the rps Clore and” Orcpon Sequoia semperiens the Bent ralwodl on Gr fe ott deer burkel ee eh Most of that height ranches rank coes a faring crown, dense wh ieanches These: ery Spidermen have developed Sleptnal techniques of ascent They uses bow and itrow wore pullg ine up over frm bench This then wed pre a cbing rope into the tree, Once in Fe canopy the ope el we oe tree thet Oey ‘rowan safely and almost Freeh; Up tre, tht ara sor they ave donee 3 ies kingdom remarkable snd ently unstudied “There was nothing mnie shout ny beach tee nothing Silica ini toot no biological evelaion at is suri no ay honey But it Fad become 3 plce to think roost I was fond of td ie well i had no noon oF te. had dimbed ie many ties: at Fst lhe dusk and glaring noon. had climbed fein winter, brushing snow from the branches wich ny hand, with the wood old 36 stane fo the touch, apd eal rows’ nests lack in the Fanches of nearby trees Thod cinbed ie x eary summer, and looked ou oer the. simmering eountrysle, ‘with est jelling the air and the drowsy buzz of a tractor tulle rom somewhere ia the vase nearby fields And Tal cinbed ii monoxen rain, with water alin rods thick enough for the tye t see Climbing the tree ‘asa way to get perspective, however slight to look down, na city chat usualy looked reross. Above all it was 3 way of defraying the c's tlsims on me Angone who les ina cty wil know the fedling of having been there tg Tong The sae vison the sense of Modkage, the longing. for surfaces ther than glss, brik, concrete snd tarmac - the need for 3 ‘wid place of some kind. suthor of The Wid Phe we be lea jlolly yet & ual eye ja TORO anbly ) oe nde | AM SITTING CUBES eT [SIND UKE A WG nih as dumb words are all have 1 mek alsa vue west SES JRE RUBS SAY feeble and undressed ial we oS sideways into the woods Step across the boundary andthe trespass of story will eg Just ay yo My story began when Tad heen suffering depression for months. Many people know thar else place, Where every way you look seems cased of to you: No is written on al sides, on every path, Iwas last in that Bleak, hallow emptiness, haunted by thoughts of suicide, all say viality gone. Then, tone day, into this abyss ef Iielessness someone threw me a rope, fine. ‘An anthropologist who knew my situation telephoned me and invited te to go with him to the Peruvian’ Amazon to visit shamans who worked with the formidable mind medicines ofthe forests Thad to say yes to the journey and yest the tory Tecause sometimes the tee of life may bea tral thing. From Lima, we took a small plane, then a car, then a peque peque: one of the ble motorized dugout canoes which 2ip up and down the rivers of the ‘Amazon. From the ver, ‘we walked tothe shamans! centre, through the forest, which stings you, bites you then strokes you with eves soft asa kites ears. One ‘tees bark sel of mutes, and the ar was alive with smell, from honey-seented Flowers tothe zinging smell of sap and the sour smell of a mossy fetid pool I could almost smell the sunlight Palm fronds rated in the hot mais iz and the whole Fores surged with ie, Ascoming cme weed 2 log night ofthe mind feger, The mete ther fe me was he ding Femck and sas a te as the one a bre 8 the eee Chala and 2 hing age bed feathered the night with noises and all the forest ‘eed mating ad poring reting, cen apf rach [ws sureunded YAY GRIFFITHS bythe warmeh and breach of the forest, green and Vital and ie was as | were drinking in something of ts essence, its spirit, ts soul and I nseded that so badly because [had lost ny awn, Before 1 visited these shamans, [would never have used the term soul Joss, but char vas what 1 fel my_psyehe unhappily Jost and lonely Shamans consider that their job is to eral in the landscape of the mind, to search for someone's sprit and tring i bck strong There are some terms of psychological well-being ‘which can sound The descriptions of trees to be ‘grounded and * she both to fad also to ‘branch out. Forests have long been linked to the psyche, and i seems human universal to sce trees a6 good ways of seeking truths. Acros the work, people have trusted trees for. their solidity and steadfastness, both literally and metaphorically, Inriguingly, the words ‘tee trast and “uc are all rehted words, as if the human race has always trusted trees © embody rth One Amazonian elder says the Amazon is ‘a wide expanse, similar to a perceptive human head” We speak of the ‘tee Hew WE ‘of knowledge’ and. eres hve long. been associaed with wisdom; the Buddha meditated under a tree and in India, Sadhus hive skeays retresed to the Facess for wisdom, Native ‘Americans honoured. the ies of a Sacred Tree. Ihe been with indigenous peple in the Amazon when tiey have watched their forests cout down, heir bands obliterated. They wope, ‘Destroying the forests is the same as. destroying ts they said. “We ae che land!” The deforestation of the Amazon is alse a defresttion of the human mind Shamans are the forae’s dlcors and cherapists their medicines are 2 fee pharmacy The Amazon hasits artists, musicians and philosophers who intiewely Tink the forests with the pathways of the mind. Forests are rich in all the payche’s expressions of art, snus, anguage and culture, tnd the destruction of the ‘Amazon ia Hhe napalning the Berlin Phiharmenic; Turing gas flares throagh the Louvre; ashing every copy of Shakespear; Talldosing the Syhey ‘Opera House and torhing the scares of Mozart. Meanwhile, as 1 lay in the shamans’ hut, the forest night was "gute lcerally enchanted One of the shamans chanted incanations, the sengs or ‘aros which are the songlines of the Amazon, Ethereal, quiet almost to inaudbiley, the songs sre sometimes whistled, sometimes voiced, and sometimes they sound lke panpipes from mils away, rmusic hal-heard from a source unknown, where melody is more ike scene a sist resin in the ai From an unseen tee. [fel as Twas not only. drinking the forest but hearing its ‘The shaman fell quict for while and then began another song, from his wa local, the specific tees and groves of forest. He ‘was singing one of his own onalines Although ie the Songlines of Aboriginal Australia which are. the most famous, [would argue chic the whole wor is wreathed in. songlines, people’ lve of land made The song lay in hot silence for a while, unsung, then from the shadows, came a ‘in leaf spo of song. All the songs seemed. sung in the key of green, The song szemed alive ike a plang and in a whietle I beard a wisp of slender stem, and chen the music grew, elastic and genely enerere asa sapling sprang with green meaning: the songline twined Bhe a vine, melody winding into leaf. This muse was seen and vivid and was so strongly suggestive. of planes thie T felt myselh planclike, rooted in brown Feaf-mould and thirsey for He thesuin, The msc jumped vp to the light, dambered like a vine, streaked forthe heat of noon and wetness ‘Then, at its eight, the music descended a few tones asa leaf would drop swinging down from the canopy to the forest floor [es common knowledge that the Amazon she source of Jhuge numbers of medicines for curing diseases of the body, ut iis also a cure for the mind, Not, I would emphasise, in the form ‘of chemical extraction turned into pills but the true and whole curing resuling from the totality cof medicine, shaman, sone and forest.” What they amounted to was, in a ‘word fe, eis this which can be found inthe forests of Briain or Australis, the forests of the Americas and Isyond: wherever there are forests there is Me And the shamanic role? Ie findabe, wherever there are suiscans, artists, poe see and writers willing to go te the trees for wisdom, wing tolisten to earthsong, ‘That the forests are the Jungs of the world, we knows ‘That the world needs the forests ip order to breathe wwe know But forests are also sources of spirit a8 1 found when my spirit was so ost. ‘The terms for ‘sic and ‘breath’ are inked in many lnguages: anima Lain» means both ‘bresth and ‘soul; psyche - Greek "means ‘breath’ and ‘sou My acute feeling of soul Joss, of ing dangerously de-animated, was cured by the animation, che spirit, of the forests. The forests are a place ‘of transformation, of shopeshifting In the sad he prc th dod change, can move ke 2 vill stein pring THe wlode wen oo dy can be shifted by taking 2 walk though the tees inthe park, en in 3 cy centr, Weadlands cn theerb bud aed and cin fealches They change ae In the woe, you may Ja bot bt por eh, willingly lost, creatively lost, stich awe you t eater the mindy for, where the wind within in How a; eee anit Ind ap yer unfound. A

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