Eagle Resume

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7010 Verite Dr
(775) 544-7768

After high school, I will to go on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I will go
to college and receive a degree so I can get a good paying job to support my family. I am going to get
married in the temple of aforesaid church and raise my family with love and complete fidelity.

Academy of Arts Careers and Technology
Honors Diploma
1st place in Nevada Stock Market Simulation

LDS Church
Deacons Quorum 1st counselor, secretary 2012-2014
Teachers Quorum secretary 2014-2015
Priests Quorum Secretary- April 17th2016I was in charge of taking notes during quorum meetings and making sure all of the people in the
quorum are taken care of and are prepared for any activities.
As a holder of the Aaronic Priesthood in the LDS Church, I am responsible with taking care of the
people in my ward, too see to any need that may arise, and to teach and share the Gospel with the
people around me.

Varsity Athlete for Spanish Springs High School
Graphic Design
Straight A student

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