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Levantamento geofsico para projeto de

gasoduto integrado ao mapeamento do

subsolo para os projetos civis e eltricos
Pipelines projects require the availability of information about the subsurface along its route, for the
civil and electrical designs. Geology comprises a wide range of direct methods of prospecting the
soil, as SPT and rotating soundings etc. Geophysics performs these investigations using indirect
methods from surface, determining soil parameters through measurement of its physical properties.
The interpretation of these measures allows inferring the subsoil structure with costs quite competitive
when compared with the direct methods. Among the geophysical methods available, it should be
highlighted the Electroresistivity. This technique, by mean of active (injection of electrical currents in
the ground) or passive resources (measuring the natural electric and magnetic fields), allows to obtain
very accurate models of the subsurface, three-dimensional and with great structure resolution,
depicting layers, faults, water table, rocky basement etc. Typically these surveys are conducted early
in the project for the civil project. Considering that the electrical engineering design studies need
electrical resistivity soil models, for the specification of cathodic protection, for interference studies
where the duct line crosses with transmission lines and also for the design of
grounding systems for pumping stations, city gates and other installations along the duct route, it is
suggested in this paper the integration of geophysical surveys conducted for the civil and electrical
engineering, in a single measurement campaign. This integration will result on lower costs with
geophysical surveys, considering that the measuring teams will go to field only once. It must also be
considered that the same equipments are used for the entire set of measurements. An additional
benefit is that geophysics companies are usually more qualified for this type of survey, than the small
companies that typically measure soil resistivity for electrical design, usually limited to small spacing
Wenner measurements, which was the only one recognized by the former version of NBR-7117,
specific code for the measurement of soil resistivity for electrical projects. This code has undergone
extensive review and in its new 2012 version, supports a wide range of geophysical resources for
conducting soil resistivity measurements and soil modeling.

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