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Writing Lesson

"So yesterday we started really thinking about our target at the end...that is to have a step by step direction for others
to follow...so we started to think about how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?"
AH projects on the document camera a materials list for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "I am going to use your
directions from yesterday and I will follow this exactly as you wrote yesterday...we agreed on this supply list
yesterday..." AH reviews supply list verbally with students.
AH begins to follow directions of student writing. "Ok I am going to put peanut butter on one slice..." AH takes entire
jar and places it on bread...she continues to follow these exactly which results in two jars on bread on a plate. "This
is why we need to be very specific....ok I'm ready for the next one...hopefully this one will get me a peanut butter and
jelly as I'm really hungry and missed breakfast."
AH begins to follow directions from student example. Student example is more specific as it asks for the jar to be
opened and the knife to be placed in the jar, however it does not talk about spreading the jelly or bread. "So boys
and girls I know this sounds super silly but what do we have to be when we are writing these directions. We must be
specific...we have to let our readers know exactly what we want them to do..."
AH has students get out their writers notebooks and asks them to take out a blank piece of paper. "You guys just
need a blank piece of paper....5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....ready, I want together let's think of a perfect specific first direction for
making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When you have it put your hand on top of your head....."
Students begin to share their perfect first direction. "Get two slices of bread and place them on the table", another
student states "put the plate on the table." AH reinforces with students that placing the plate on the table is very
specific. AH continues to work with students on sharing specific directions. One student adds, "put two pieces of
bread on a plate." Another student adds "put two pieces of bread next to each other on a plate." AH reinforces that
this detail is more specific by using the term "next to each other."
AH allows students to write their third direction on their own while she circulates and monitors. She then facilitates
students sharing their third direction. She writes the third step on the document camera example which states,
"scoop the sunbutter with the knife and spread the sunbutter on one slice of bread."
"Boys and girls...do you suppose we could say the same thing for the jelly? So boys and girls I think you are getting
this that you need to be more specific....I am going to pass back the work from yesterday and we are going to take
some time updating or changing the wording to be more specific." AH monitors this guided practice and checks in
with students on their progress.
On the board there is a learning target stating "I can write a procedural text with step by step directions in order to
create a finished product." This target is apparently from previous lesson as it is evident that through formative
assessment AH has gone back and found the need to re-teach adding details and being specific today. She has
done this based on reviewing work from the previous day and how students grasped the understanding in relation to
the learning target.
Feedback: Ms. Hayes put significant effort into her preparation for this writing lesson. It was apparent that she
utilized student assessment data to inform her instruction as well. Her demeanor in the classroom and ability to
connect with her students is high. She takes an interest in her students and works to engage them through rapport.
Alyssas ability to relate the learning target to practical, transferable skills was evident during this lesson. She made
connections to the students at a developmentally appropriate level.
Submitted by: T. Alward

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