May 25 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 25, 2016

What is the one thing we all can and must learn from the life of Lord Krishna?
Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

Lord Krishna and Balarama (His elder brother) were willing to do

hard work and showed that prosperity can be achieved through
hard work. Lord Krishna was all-knowing, all-powerful, and
Divinity incarnate, yet He worked as a charioteer for Arjuna.
Krishna was one who recognised the importance of service to
the community; and by His own example showed that service to
others was important. Everyday, after the war of Mahabharata,
Lord Krishna took the horses to the river, washed them and
tended their wounds and applied medicines. Lord Krishna
demonstrated that hard work and compassion to all living beings
constitute the duty of all human beings.
- Summer Roses on Blue Mountains 1976, Ch 3.

The body will shine if the character is fine. Worship of God and serving others
will preserve its charm. Baba

25 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: auh ikhVI cIz hY ijhVI AsIN,Bgvwn ikRSn dI jIvnI qoN is`K skdy
hW Aqy swnUM aus qy zrUr Aml krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,aus bwry
Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: Bgvwn ikRSn Aqy blrwm(ikRSn dw v`fw Brw),dovyN,sKq myhnq krdy
sn Aqy ieh ivKw id`qw ik jIvn dy su`K,sKq myhnq kr ky hI pRwpq kIqy jw

skdy hn[Bgvwn ikRSn,jwxI-jwx sn,srv-SkqImwn sn Aqy idvXqw dy

pRqIk sn pr ies dy bwvjUd auh,Arjun dy r`Qvwn bxy[Bgvwn ikRSn jwxdy
sn ik smwj syvw dI kI mh`qqw hY Aqy AwpxI audwhrx dy ky ,aunHW lokW nUM
ivKwieAw ik smwj syvw dI bhuq mh`qqw hY[hr roz,mhwBwrq dI lVweI qoN
bwd,Bgvwn ikRSn,GoiVAW nUM dirAw au`qy lY ky jWdy sn ,aunHW nUM nihlwauNdy
sn,aunHW dy zKmW dI dyK-Bwl krdy sn Aqy zKmW au`qy dvweI lgwauNdy
sn[Bgvwn ikRSn ny lokW nUM ivKwieAw ik sKq myhnq krnw Aqy swry jIvjMquAW au`qy dieAw krnw ,swry mnu`KW dw Prz bxdw hY[(smr roizz Awn
blU mwaUntynz 1976,A`iDAwey iq`n)[
SrIr iv`c cmk,qW hI Awvy gI jy auh mnu`K,sdwcwrI hY[eISvr dI pUjw Aqy
dUijAW dI syvw krn nwl hI,ieh cmk kwiem rih skdI hY[(bwbw)[

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