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Continuous Writing 50 marks

Describe about an incident which made you very angry.

Paragraph 1 introduction
- something happened triggered memory
unforgettable class of 2010 secondary school

Paragraph 2
exceptionally hot day- classroom- stuff. restless
students fidgeted- seats- waiting Maths
lessonend. Ring. shrill ringing school
bell echoed throughout school. Mr. stepped
out class, silence that reigned the class last
forty minutes immediately replaced- loud chatter,
name- calling and thumping.
Paragraph 3
Paper missiles hurled- back- class. squeals and
peals of laughter amidst the din of conversation.
moment noticed a classmate- grinning from ear
to ear. Mischief written all over face. Easily
most detestable boy class, incorrigible
prankster impish behaviour constant source
irritation rest class especially girls.
Paragraph 4
diminutive figure inched way where seated,
familiar mischievous grin revealed set of
yellowish protruding teeth. grinning sheepishly.
twinkling of an eye- something desk. bolted out
classroom hear hysterical screams. Perplexed
cause sudden fury of excitement, -knew the
classmate up to mischief again.
Paragraph 5
then saw slimy, creepy creature staring me
moist, beady eyes. all sudden creature landed
lap. froze fear. Then, truth finally sank in, let a
few ear-splitting screams echoed along corridor.
around , could hear hilarious laughter consumed
by bitterness and anger. joke at my expense.
Paragraph 6
seethed in anger hurled verbal abuses top of
my voice, the classmate cowered in silence. face
turned red as beetroot guilt written all over
face. Pandemonium resulted enough catch
attention discipline master stalked class. the
classmate and I summoned room. Each took
turns relate incident. the classmate askedapologize - readily obliged let off stern warning.
Paragraph 7
stepped out room, knew incident would remain

Relevant details

memory long time come. day lost my


Paragraph 8 conclusion
now - what lesson learned relationship with
former classmates

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