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Chapter 18 and 20-1,20-2 Civil Rights Test (Study Guide Part I)

Have knowledge of the missions, strategies, and reasons for formation of the
following groups: NAACP, SNCC, CORE, NOW, SCLC, Black Panthers,
Black Muslims (Nation of Islam), and unfortunately The KKK. (4????’s)

Know why the following people were significant in the Civil Rights
Movement: Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Jackie Robinson, Medgar
Evars, Martin Luther King Jr, James Farmer

*The reasons for decline and collapse of the SNCC in the 1970’s
*“I ain’t going to jail no more” was part of what groups rallying cry
*The cause for the USA passing the 24th Amendment to the USA Const.
*The cost and gains of the Voter Education Project, Freedom Rides, and the
Montgomery Bus Boycott
* The way “BLACK POWER” changed in its expression in the 70’s and
*When public universities in the South were integrated after what events
*Why some civil rights workers protested the effectiveness of the non-
violent movement in the 1960’s
*The reasons why Robert Kennedy wanted civil rights workers to focus on
*The Effect of the Sit-in movement and Freedom Rides
*Know why it took Pres. Ike 3 weeks to send in federal troops to Little
Rock, AK
* The mission of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic party at the ’64
National Convention
* The reasons why the Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed by such large
majorities in Congress
* Know what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 stopped or allowed
*The organizers of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom had
what in common
*Know what the common goal was for Sit in movements and the Freedom
*Know what social justice and feminism are by definition
*Know how Laurie Pritchett and Bull Connor differed in their handling of
African American protestors.

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