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Atrica Project 1. Evaluate and highlight key events in the history of selected African nations 2. Summarize the impact of European colonization on selected African nations 3. Investigate and share some current data related to African nations 4, Locate and map selected African countries and geographic regions Procedure In groups of 4 each group will be responsible for: Drawing your assigned country and filing in the capital, and major geographical items (rivers, lakes, etc). You will research the following, and present in class, 1. Colonization Information (who, what, when , and where) 2. Modern Africa Today (fight for independence, population, infrastructure, education, employment) 3. Cultural Geography (religion, language, customs) 4. Geography (location, terrain, climate, diseases, main cities) Critical Thinking Questions 1. Throughout history, colonization has had both positive and negative effects. What is your opinion of the country you have studied? Was Colonization a Good or Bad idea? 2. What are some of the problems that could arise for a country after it achieves independence’? What are some of the consequences and responsibilities, resulting from independence? 3. How does Geography effect the way the country develops? 4. If you had the opportunity to visit one African nation, what factors would influence your decision? Research websites: World FactBook huip:/iwww.adei, gov/cia/publications/factbook Countries of the world http://www. htm! Africa Online http://www africaonline.comsite: National Geographic Online http://swww-nationalgeographic,com Cheese THINKING SKILL WORKSHEET = Name __ Date 62 ‘West and Central Africa: Relating Cause and Effect ‘The following fourteen statements are related to Section 3, West and Central Africa, pages 566-568 of your text. They represent seven cause-and-effect relationships. Identify the seven cause-and-effect relationships and decide which statement in each pair is the ‘cause and which is the effect. List the fetters of each palr In the appropriate column of the chart below. a. As the demand for slaves dectined, some West African states had to find other goods to trade with Exropeans. b. Samor? Touré led an army against the French. ¢. In 1879, the French built @ rallroad from Dakar to the interior of Africa, 4. Usuman united the Fulani people and created a strong islamic state ©. Some West African societies began to grow eash crops to sel to Europeans. £, King Leopold exploited the people and resources of the Congo, . Britain took control of Nigeria and the Gold Coast. hh, Some West Alrican states increased their power by using European weapons to conquer neighboring states. |. The West African Patrol was established. i. In 1908, the Belgian government took over administration of the Congo. k. Europeans ignored agreements with African leaders. |. Some West African rulers exchanged slaves for European guns and manufactured goods. 1m. In the early 1800s, Islam revived in West Africa and Muslim leaders called for holy wars, 1. In 1807, Britain abolished the slave trade. 2510 Chapier 25 Thinking Skit Worksheet 62 ‘© Prentice Hal, ne. REVIEW WORKSHEET Name _ Date 25 Chapter 25 Africa in the Age of Imperialism Bullding Vocabulary Use your reading in Chapter 25 to decide what terms are belng defined. All the terms appear in the box below. Write the correct term on the line to the fit of each definition. Then use each term in a sentence that gives an important fact about Africa in the age of imperialism. Indirect rule assimilation \ paternalism imperlalisea | scramble for Africa sphere of influence | crest rate cash crop i colony protectorate | eee eae reser eee 1 one country’s domination of political, economic, or cultural life of another 2. governing colonies as parents would guide children 3 name given by Europeans to the race for African colonies 4 system of governing colonies by allowing local rulers to keep some power 5 country with its own government guided by an imperial power 6 farm product sold for money on world market 7. European power’s control of colony at all levels by appointing its officials 8 : possession of a country or an area by a foreign power 8, policy of slowly absorbing colonies politically and culturally 10, region in which imperial power claims exclusive commercial privileges 2 rence: Hall, ne Chapter25 Review Worksheet 25. 25-11->

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