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Saskia Onggo

Chapter 1
During April, Winston (39) works at the Ministry of Truth and writes in his journal that hes not
supposed to have in Oceania. In the journal, he talks about things that hes experienced/seen
(where some of the things are quite sad). He goes to a meeting called Two Minutes Hate where
Big Brother talks on a screen and everybody experiences severe emotions of distrust and
anger. He talks about two people there, one girl and man. Once Winston got home, he starting
writing down with big brother multiple times in his journal once somebody knocks on the door.
Winston just started writing in his diary/journal. He is rather aggressive mentally but not
physically because he saw this one girl during the Two Minutes Hate where he fantasized about
what he would do to one girl who was wearing a chastity belt.
How could you communicate with the future? 7
...seemed like some sinister enchanter, capable by the mere power of his voice of wrecking
the structure of civilization 15
At the door, Winstons neighbor is knocking (Mrs. Parsons). She asks for help and for Winston
to look at her sink and we meet the children of this time. Its revealed that the children in the
book and age are excited to see peoples execution and are saddened when they miss it. They
call Winston demeaning words like Traitor and Goldstein. When he gets back to his
apartment, he starts to write again and later hides his journal in a way where he would know if
somebody moved it.
Winston is called demeaning words by children because of his looks. His feeling of
loneliness are heightened throughout this chapter because Winston has nobody. He lives alone
and the only company he has are his own thoughts.
It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children. 24
Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull. 27
In this chapter, Winston is dreaming about his family. Hes remembering his past but is awaken
by a woman to complete his exercises. As he completes his exercises, he struggles to recall
memories and other events that have happened in the past. We learn a bit more about his past
in this chapter and where he came from. We also learn more about the harshness about the
world he lives in now. They start doing toe touches, and the woman that is yelling at them is
taunting him and others about not being able to touch their toes and there, for the first time in
several years, WInston touches his toes. Thats probably a meaningful sentence that Im
supposed to read into, but I dont really know how to put it into words
Winston is not very fit and is stuck in the past for this subchapter. He is constantly
remembering previous events even when hes not conscious of it. Theyre in his dreams, theyre
WIth its grace and carelessness it seemed to annihilate a whole culture. 31
the lie passed into history and became truth.. 34

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully
constructed lies 35
In this subchapter, Winston is describing his job and how things work at his job. He talks about
different people that he sees but does not know, and the size of workplace. He takes us through
his day and for his love of what he does. He is assigned different work and it focuses on this
one task where he has to rewrite an article.
Winston loves his work. He recognizes what the people around him do, but do not know
their names. He wonders about what happened to Withers, but does not question. Hes
confident in his writing of Comrade Ogilvy and believes his piece will be picked instead of his
opposite neighbor.
Comrade Ogilvy, unimagined an hour ago, was now a fact. 47
Everything faded away into a shadow-world in which, finally, even the date of the year had
become uncertain. 41
During this part of the book, Winston is at the eating room talking with his friend, or
acquaintance Syme. Syme is working on perfecting Newspeak, and forever erasing Oldspeak
from everybodys lives. Winston suspects this woman is following him and suspects him for his
true feelings, while Mr. Parson describes stories of children becoming things that only follow
what is right.
Winston enjoys Oldspeak, contrary to just about everybody else in this book. He knows
that he should hide his feelings and is conscious about every move he does, even the emotions
shown on his face just to hide his true feelings.
You dont grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. 52
Orthodoxy means not thinking-- not needing to think. Unorthodoxy is consciousness. 53
This subchapter starts by Winston writing in his diary/journal. Hes writing about a bit of
inappropriate things when its revealed that committing the act of sex between Party members is
prohibited. People now refrained from having sex, which it was looked upon as dirty.
Winston is/used to be married to a girl named Katharine and he craves for feeling and
love while Katharine saw it as her duty to the party. He wants love.
Desire was thoughtcrime. 68
Winston is revealing more about how his world works and what he sees and hears. Theres
memories of old riots and also talks about how the proles are treated and the kind of like they
live. He copies down a passage about about rich men (capitalists) and their power of the poor
people, and demonstrates how much he reads. Then he talks about a memory where he saw
Rutherford, Jones, and Aaronson which were old people that got arrested and confessed they
talked to the enemy (Eurasia).

Winston compares things that the Party has told showing how much of the things they say are
complete bullcrap. All of their lies become the truth eventually. Winston is confused, and doubts
himself, questioning if hes a lunatic. But towards the end of the chapter, hes hit with a bit of
gusto and finality and sticks to his beliefs.
They were corpses waiting to be sent back to the grave. 76
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. 81
Winston walks to an area surrounded with pubs as he comes across an old man. Winston
followed him into a pub but didnt really get any information from him. When exiting, he comes
across the lady from the Fiction Department, and is convinced she is following him and is some
kind of spy/Thought Police.
Winston was so curious as to what life was like before. But when he tried to ask the old
man, he was only met with disappointment. Towards the end of the chapter, he gives up kind of
because he believes that he will die.
Life is a moment-to-moment struggle against hunger or cold or sleeplessness, against a sour
stomach or an aching tooth. 102

Chapter 2
The girl that Winston suspects is a spy is actually in love with him. She hands him a note while
tripping, that reads I love you.. Throughout this subchapter Winston tries to at least talk to her
and he does successfully twice. This chapter really shows the precautions that they take to not
be discovered and what how strict everything it.
Winston is constantly fighting his own self-doubt, thinking the girl doesnt have feelings
for him anymore if he doesnt see her. But he gets reassured whenever the thought comes up.
He also has a great memory, and is still constantly looking behind his shoulder to make sure he
isnt suspected for anything. He came early to their meet up and tries to when its time to eat,
showing his eagerness.
He imagined her a fool like all the rest of them, her head stuffed with lies and hatred, her belly
full of ice. 109
Winston is getting to know Julia more in depth, and they have their first official meeting. They
meet in the woods, and have sex, but for this time its more of a political act against the Party
and an act of rebellion for than an act of love. You also learn a bit about Julias life and her past.
Theres lots of things developing in this chapter, like Julias and Winstons relationship.
But Winston really learns a lot more about Julia and her beliefs.
What made it sit at the edge of the lonely wood and pour its music into nothingness? 124
I hate purity, I hate goodness. I dont want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everybody
corrupt to the bones. 125

This subchapter is developing more of their relationship. You learn a lot more about Julia and
how she is as a person. Together they discuss a bit on Winstons past relationship and about
their beliefs. They take lots of precautions in order for their relationship to continue.
Winston becomes more knowledgeable about Julia and the different things he has to do
in order to not be caught. He starts to be developing feelings for Julia that werent there before, I
predict they will grow a lot since shes just about the only thing happening in his life thats
Books were just a commodity that had to be produced, like jam or bootlaces. 130
To be away from the noisy mob of hikers even for a moment gave her a feeling of wrongdoing.

Winston rents the room from Mr. Charrington, and they spend the day their talking and getting
closer. Julia got ahold of some real food and makeup (which she puts on) and Winston has a
scare with a rat. This chapter also shows how their lives work and how Julia might seem like
she supports the Party when she doesnt.
Winstons feelings are increasing for Julia and he gets angry when Julia cancels on him
one afternoon. Even though Winston is aware that what theyre doing is wrong, they continue to
meet and she is becoming very important to him.
Im going to be a woman, not a Party comrade. 142
Syme is gone and his presence is soon forgotten by everybody but Winston. Hate Week is
approaching, so preparations start. Rocket bombs have been crashing more often, and
everything is leading up to this Hate Week. But they do have their differences. While Winston
has a passion for books and how the Party seems to control peoples memories, Julia doesnt. It
doesnt strike her as anything major whenever he brings it up.
Leading a double life has been beneficiary to Winston for hes getting healthier and his
negative emotions arent as present anymore. Hes also been talking to Mr. Charrington more
even though he knows it probably wont go anywhere.
Dirty or clean, the room was paradise. 150
To talk to him was like listening to the tinkling of a worn out musical box. 151
Do you realize that the past, starting from yesterday, has been actually abolished? 155 (really
good page to read)

OBrien goes to talk to Winston giving him his address talking how he has an updated
Newspeak dictionary referencing to Syme a tiny bit. But because of the multiple microphones

and other recording devices in the room, OBrien doesnt say anything that betrays him in any
way. Even though OBrien didnt say anything directly, Winstons thoughts go wild thinking
theyre on the same side.
Even though hes cautious, Winston trusts OBrien. He reads in between the lines of the
things OBrien says, interpreting them in a way that shows OBrien and him support the same
But Syme was not only dead, he was abolished, an unperson. 157
Winston is haunted by his past, he was a greedy child. This section reveals a lot about who he
used to be as a child and how it shaped him to who he is presently. They recognize what will
happen in the future, but still continue their relationship.
Julia is probably his most trusted person other than himself. He easily opens up to her
and hes feeling lots of remorse within this chapter from his past actions. Winstons will is strong,
believing that the Party can do whatever they want, but they cant get inside his head and his
If you loved someone, you loved him, and when you had nothing else to give, you still gave him
love. 164
They could lay bare in the utmost everything that you had done or said or thought; but the inner
heart, whose workings were mysterious even to yourself, remained impregnable. 167
Winston and Julia meet with OBrien discovering he is indeed on their side, but the stakes are
high. OBrien questions the two of them (mostly Winston) to see what they are willing to do to
show their loyalty towards the Brotherhood. Winston also finally gets to know the rest of the old
rhyme with the churches.
Winston feels admiration for OBrien and is excited to know that there are more people
like him out there. You see what kind of person Winston really is and what hes willing to give
just to rebel against the Party. Hes willing to do everything and anything, except get separated
from Julia.
You are prepared to commit suicide, if and when we order you to do so?
Yes. 172
Nothing holds it together except an idea which in indestructible. 176
Hate Week comes and goes and Winston starts reading his book given to him by OBrien. He
reads the book throughout the night to Julia and himself, even though she falls asleep and he
learns more about the Brotherhood.
Winston really learns that hes not alone, and thats all he really wants. Hes reassured
by his thoughts because now he not only has Julia, he has the book. And this book hasnt
changed like every text in his town.
The most savage yells of all came from the schoolchildren. 181
...every stroke of his ink pencil, was a deliberate lie. 183

After waking up, Winston and Julia look out the window, talking when they realize theyve been
listened to this whole time. A telescreen behind the picture. Julia is taken away after getting
beaten and it is revealed that Mr. Charrington is a member of the Thought Police.
Winston is shocked that one person he may have formed a bit of a bond to was actually
the one who would accost to his death in the end. Or maybe thats just me. He is a lot more
open, might I say, revealing how now he thinks the plump woman is pretty although Julia is the
opposite. Even though this isnt a huge development, I think it has a huge meaning.
Why should the fruit be held inferior to the flower? 219
Chapter 3
The chapter starts with Winston being in the Ministry of Love and it introduces how strict they
are within the walls of his cell. This chapter tells a bit of how he was treated while there and the
people he meet (including Ampleforth and Parsons) but eventually people are sent to Room
101. In the end, OBrien is there with Winston.
Throughout this chapter, Winston is confused. Hes thrown into this harsh environment,
which is worse than where he was before and is starved and is constantly in the dark about
whats happening. He has hope that OBrien will come help him despite the fact that he said he
would not from the beginning if anything like that happened.
You can take a whole lot of them and cut their throats in front of my eyes, and Ill stand by and
watch it. But not Room 101! 237
After being taken away, Winston gets tortured and questioned endlessly. Its revealed that
OBrien is a party member and not one from the Brotherhood! OBrien starts to inflict pain within
Winston using this machine of some sorts and is playing with his mind. OBrien attempts to
change the way Winston thinks. Going head to head against the best, Winstons mind continues
to prevail but is ultimately beaten by the machines.
Winston is reduced to tears constantly from the repeating questioning and does anything
to get out of what theyre doing to him presently. Once OBrien gets into the room, Winston is
tested his mind and memory. Winston is fighting himself, his mind unable to molded to the way
the Party wants. The pain blinds him to the truth. But even going head to head against the best,
Winstons mind continues to prevail.
Their real weapon was the merciless questioning that went on and on hour after hour, tripping
him up, laying traps for him, twisting everything that he said, convicting him at every step of lies
and self-contradiction, until he began weeping as much from shame as from nervous fatigue.
In the end the nagging voices broke him down more completely than the boots and fists of the
guard. 242
He was the tormentor, he was the protector, he was the inquisitor, he was the friend. 244
You are here because you have failed in humility, in self-discipline. 248
Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. 249

We do not allow the dead to rise up against us. 254

They begged to be shot quickly so that they could die while their minds were still clean. 255
OBrien is with WInston, getting deep into the explanation of what the Party teaches and what
they want. Winston is still stubborn, refusing to think the way OBrien wants him to think arguing
for what he believes in. Winston also seems himself for the first time in forever, he is not
malnourished, skinny to the point of death.
Winston gains one thing in this chapter. Clarity. Its whats been building up this whole
time, and we finally understand what the Party members want and Winstons views on what
their motive is. Despite him being a walking skeleton, he still cannot be brainwashed by the
Party or OBrien.
Power is not a means; it is an end. 263
We make the laws of nature. 265
No, Winston, you reduced yourself to it. 273
Winston is now being fed, and taken care of becoming the man he once was. He picked up the
pencil, writing down slogans that were told repeatedly in the book. He reveals to OBrien that he
hated Big Brother, and is then sent to the dreaded Room 101.
He realized how much he had actually lost once he started to gain it back. But he
reached a point where hes now fighting himself, and he tried to hide his feelings even from
himself in order to stay alive.
Sanity was statistical. 277
Winston is finally in Room 101 and it is revealed that Winstons fear of rats is projected and he
finally betrays Julia, yelling at OBrien to give a punishment to Julia instead of him.
OBrien finally broke him. Recently, Winston revealed how proud he was for not
betraying Julia, but he finally cracks from his fear of rats.
The worth thing in the world, said OBrien, varies from individual to individual. 283
Winston now plays chess at the Chestnut Tree Cafe. He and Julia are not both out, and have
been and he has a flashback to meeting her. Its revealed that they both betrayed each other,
not feeling love for each other anymore.
Winston now is brainwashed, feeling safe by the image of Big Brother now. His fight is
gone and he now is fully into the Party and their beliefs.
It was the gin that sank him into stupor every night, and gin that revived him every morning.

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