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Samara was able to show that she was aware of multiple visual representations and models that fractions

can be represented by and apply these when determining the size of parts from a whole in a diagram. This
demonstrates that Samara understands the part-whole relationship when working with fractions. Using this
knowledge Samara was able correctly identify the largest fraction in all fraction pairs, providing sufficient
reasoning and justification for her choices. Strategies implemented were; comparing the numerator and
denominator, acknowledging equivalences, benchmarking to half, using higher and lower numbers.
Results throughout the interview highlighted that Samara could easily interpret visual cues to extract data
from a number line as well as place a fraction along one. This shows that Samara understands fractions as
a measure. Samara was also able to work out a worded problem; three people and five pizzas and solve
this (3/5) using a mental strategy but then asked for pen and paper to help explain her reasoning, she
correctly identified that it would be 3 over 5. This shows that Samara also sees fractions as a divisor.
Samara was very confident answering questions around place value, she knew exactly what digits held
what position and what they represented. As a result of this Samara was able to correctly order decimals
from smallest to largest, chose the correct response when selecting the larger decimal in each pair and
make a decimal; for example two tenths = 0.2. This demonstrates Samara is aware of the relationships
between fractions, decimals and percentages and can make connections easily.
Whilst assessing Samaras answers a couple of questions showed that there were some inaccuracies.
Although Samara could answer questions around place value and their representations, she had difficulty
applying them to equations such as 8 x 0.1 & 8/0.1. Her response to what would result in the largest
answer was, 8x 0.1 because she associated multiplying with getting larger which is incorrect in this
context. When asked to work out the answer Samara correctly answered 0.8, as she multiplied the tenth
value by 8. Samara had some difficulty calculating the answer to 8/0.1 and had resulted in using an
algorithm, getting an incorrect answer of 0.0125. Samara was unable to explain she thought the answer
she got was correct other than she applied a standard division algorithm.
Another area that Samara could develop and explore further is her knowledge of ratios. Samara
demonstrated she knew ratios linked with multiplicative relationships as she multiplied the ratio 1:4 by 3
because she saw 3 glasses. Samara was unable to use the information provided to produce the correct
answer of 120mL.

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