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STE6217 Power Electronics and

Electrical Drives 1
Assignment: 6


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Exercise 1 (chapter 5)
Basic AC rectifier.
Consider the basic commutation circuit of Fig. 1 with Id =10A .
a) With vS=230 V at 50 Hz and LS=0, Calculate vd and average power Pd.

Figure 1. Diode rectifier

Exercise 2 (Chapter 5)
In the single phase rectifier circuit shown in Fig. 2 vS=230V at 50 Hz, LS= 0.5mH and id=5 A. Calculate
the commutation interval u, DC output voltage vd and output power Pd . What is the percentage voltage
drop in vd due to LS.?

Fig. 2


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Exercise 3 (chapter 5) Three phase AC rectifier.

Some of the questions need to use the Fourier analysis (chapter 3).

Based on Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Diode rectifier with a constant dc current.

a. Derive the solution shown in (1). This is the RMS current.
1. What is the value for Is if Id=100 A?
= (1)
c. Derive the RMS value for the fundamental.
1. What is the value for Is1 if Id=100 A?
d. Derive the result in equation (2)
1. If the line to neutron voltage is 400 V. Find the DC voltage.
2. With a current Id=100 A, find the input power.
0 = 1.35 (2)
e. For the same problem, find the PF.

If the fundamental current is 1% of the short circuit current.

1. Find the inductance.
2. Find the value of the voltage drop at the dc voltage output.

Remark: See Figures 5-32 and 5-33a in book [1].


N. Mohan, T. Undeland, W. Robins, Power electronics, Converters, applications and design, Third edition, Wiley,


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