Fieldwork 20fye 20s16

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Sustainability FYE Spring 2016

Field Work: The World is Your Classroom

DUE: April 18
LENGTH: 4-5 pages
Learning Objective: To witness different constructions of nature and to engage them within the
context of their similarities and differences. This assignment requires you to apply many of the
concepts, thoughts, and feelings discussed in class as well as new ones that will arise while
working in the field.
Step I: Pick one location out of each of the three categories below to visit and observe (plan on
spending at least two hours at each place); then figure out how and when you will get there:
Portland Japanese Garden
Portland Classical Chinese
Crystal Springs
Rhododendron Garden
Leach Botanical Garden

Oxbow Park
Powell Butte

Waterfront Park
Willamette Park

Oaks Bottom

Peninsula Park

Tyron State Park

North Park Blocks

Step II: Youre going to need to take some kind of journal with you to record your observations
and write notes that you will later use to write a paper on the three places you visit. DO NOT
depend upon your memory for this! Not only will taking notes help you remember things you
might forget or mix-up later, the act of writing the information down frees up your mind to
consider things at a deeper level.
Begin with, but DO NOT limit yourself, to these questions:

the role of water in this system?

evidence of human construction or influence?
how do you feel in each place? What about it (and you) brings out these feelings?
draw/sketch something in each place that catches your attention. After drawing it, do
you look at it differently? Explain why or why not.
whats the weather like? How does that influence your perceptions of, and experience
in, the place?
how many other people are there? Does that change your perceptions and experience?
Explain why or why not.
based on these observations, what course reading from the year come to mind?

Step III:

Drawing on, but not limited to, the questions above, write a 4-5 page reflective essay
that compares and contrasts the different types of nature represented by each place.
Keep in mind that for each reflection you make about your visits, you will need to
cite and describe specific examples from the places and the textsthis is your research
and evidence.
This to be a polished (well thought out, written, and edited) piece of writing.
Turn in your notes and sketches with your polished paper.

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