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Creating Auto Increment Column in SharePoint List

using workflow.
This operation are all done using SharePoint Designer. No coding at all.
1. Create new column in list that you want to receive auto increment
Set its default value to (Auto) or (Do not fill this out it is Auto Increment!)
or just leave it blank, and hide it in Adding.aspx form.


AnotherID is same as TicketID and is used for other purpose you will see below

2. Create New List called UniqueNumbers with two columns


NextNumber = Lastnumber + 1

3. Create workflow on First List (Proba in this example) on Item Creating

Workflow works on this way:

Read NextNumber from UniqueNumbers List into variable
Update UniqueNumbers
Please variable value into TicketID (column we want to receive autoincremented
Stop the workflow
Use this if you want ne number to be different from ID fox ex. to start from 1000
instead from 1
------Here is another example to do not use second List for auto increment but to use
List Item ID as number for creating some value for the field you want.
This is done with this row: Set AnotherID to CurrentItem:ID

You may be extended with creating complex value for TicketID like:
Just combine other columns or constants with NextNumber value for generating

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