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Public Speaking


crimes, crimes that hurt innocent family. But you can't deny that a few that get
sentenced death penalty are innocent. The death penalty is irreversible, People
can pay for the crimes that they didn't commit and the person that committed
the crime is still out there killing. So are you saying the 1 innocent person dying
doesnt matter? so why is there capital punishment,and why are you in favor of

Cameron Todd Willingham, Cameron was executed in texas in 2004, for

supposedly putting a fire that killed his 3 young daughters. You in Favor must be
thinking He should suffer capital punishment and thats exactly what happened
he got put to death. From 2004 there has been multiple evidence that Cameron
todd Willingham was innocent. The Texas Science Commission has recommended
more education and more training for the fire investigators. But what does that
count? The innocent man is dead. like i said its irreversible. Just imagine that he
was your son or your dad or any that you love. Capital punishment killed a
innocent human, that turns them in the murders that we so much despair. So I
ask again, Why are you in favor on something that can kill innocent people? So
what is Capital punishment going to do? bring him back? i don't think so.

Were Only humans we make mistakes. Some are worse then others, but not
everyone is the same. Since 1973, there has been proof that at least 89 people
that got put to death were innocent. In 7 criminals that got the death penalty
theirs always 1 with no crimes committed. Now think with me, Do you think its
fair? Everyone in this room knows that economic status matters a lot in the
decision on who is going to be put to death. People with a higher economic
status, not can only bribe a judge but also, have a better lawyer.
You that Still have the courage to come in this room and say that Capital
punishment is the right thing, answer me something, what makes us better then
killing the one who killed? Its Hypocritical in every way.
Barbarians, Barbarians, is that what we have become? we are not killing them to
make justice, because thats not justice and we all know it. We want to satisfy
ourselves by killing the murders. Yes we should punish them, but not become
them, otherwise, we are not much better, are we?
Like the people in favor said, we should kill the ones who killed. Keep saying
that over and over in your head. does that sound like justice?huh? It sound like
revenge. Feer. You have spoken a lot about feer. Feer that someday you will be
caught and then be put to death. So this is how we are constructing our society?
Going around saying that killing is wrong, but you want to put feer into people.

So our future world is people being scared of the law? people not wanting to do
something because they are scared? Don't you think that we should teach them?
explain instead of just killing? Didn't you ever feel that you messed up, and you
just need someone to believe in you? and when you saw that someone was there
didn't it feel good to have someone punishing you, but you know that you can
start again?

In 2009 a author called Michael L. Radelet made a 13 year research with police
information. Does Death penalty deter crimes? And his conclusion was " we find
no consistent evidence that capital punishment deter any type pf crimes and if
you don't believe me, search up you will find tons and tons of information on this.
A person that kills, is not scared of being killed. A person that had the courage
the shoot someone or stab someone, is not scared of being shot or stabbed. So I
stand here today to tell you that, death penalty should not be applied. It only
brings feer, anger in the world. And Death penalty is basically an eye for an eye.
So if you believe that we should get what we give, why don't we steal from the
thief's? And if killing isn't justice why are we doing it as well? What says the law?
You will not Kill. How does it say it? by killing!

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