What Makes A Great Speech

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What makes a great speech

Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent. -Dionysius Of Halicarnassus.

Around the world great writers wrote great speeches. Theirs many ingredients in
a cake, such as there are so many ingredients in a speech. A cake isn't sweat
without sugar just like a speech isn't intelligent without a few rhetorical question,
a cake dosent grow without baking powder just like a speech wont be memorable
without bonding with the audience/world. A cake wont be soft if it wasn't for the
butter a speech wont be strong without repetition, the cake would be hard if it
wasn't for the milk, a speech would be hard to hear if it wasn't for Pause and
effective use of punctuation and space. The cake would taste like nothing if it
wasn't for the eggs, just like a speech would have no meaning if the audience
didn't hear in your tone of voice appeal to fear and uncertainty. Other
ingredients matter too, appeal to a sense of pathos, imagery, metaphor,
Anecdotes And so it goes on. every little ingredients counts.

Nelson Mandela one of the greatest man ever alive quoted Children wander
about the streets of the township because they have no school to go to,or no
money to enable them to go to school, or no parent at home to see that they go
to school, because both parents(if there be two)have to work to keep the family
alive When it comes to keeping someone alive and to be precise someone dear
to you it automatically gives you fear. And that fear can be transformed into a
great thing, Appeal to fear and uncertainty in a speech can wake up your
audience, they can realize that if they do this there will be a consequence and
that how they use it most the time. Fear is something that all of us try to
prevent, but at one point in our lives we suffer from that, and when someone as
great as Mandiba(nelson mandalas nickname in South africa) talks about fear,
we all realize it. So appeal to fear and uncertainty makes you connect with the
audience so they can understand you. In a memorable speech it cant be only
happy thoughts, you have to put some intensity.

That is why womens education is almost more important than the education of
boys and men Indira Gandhi quoted that right in the beginning, because she
wanted her audience to know her destination, her main point, Desination in a
speech is fundamental because the audience may not have patience or the
predictable, orderly progression of concrete details and commentary. Destination
is where the audience pick to stay and listen to your speech.

Block by Block,Brick by brick, Calloused hand by calloused hand Barack

Obama one of the most respected man today read his speech in november 2008

that included the famous rule of three is basically a pricipple that suggest that
things that come in threes are more affective. Barrack Obama and all the others
that use the famous rule of three most likely wants the audience or the reader
to remember the information they were given. It makes the speaker appear more
knowledgeable simple, but at the same tim catchy. One of the devices most
used is Bonding with audience. Earl Spencer one quotes We are all united in
September 1997. Bonding with the audience is great because youre letting them
know that you know how its like to be one of them and due to that they will see
your emotions and your action, and you get there attention. They are more likely
to listen to you and they will get more out of the speech.

The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings,fires burning, huge structures

collapsing George Bush;September 200. Imagery, when you use particular
words that create visual representation of ideas in your mind. A writer that gets
to people is a writer that makes them believe that they were there, Imagery in a
speech gets the audience intrigued. The main function of imagery is to pass on a
scene that appeals to as many of the audience as possible. It aids the audiences
imagination to envision the scene.

Should strive to promote the basic right and freedoms to which all human
beingBut as long there are interest groups.. remains at best a partially reales
struggle Aung san suu Kyl ;July 1991. When you give a speech you cant just
give problems, for the audience to listen to you you have to give them a solution.
Thats why Suggested action/solution is crucial in a speech. It gives the audience
a impression that you know what you are talking about, so then they will listen to

God, religion, beliefs. All go in the ethos category. In the name of God, the most
Beneficent, The most Merciful The first level of judgment that is casted by an
audience is targeted at a speakers credibility. When it comes to ethos you have
to know who's your audience so you don't say anything that bothers anybody in
the audience. When someone thinks about ethos while listing to a speech the
first thing they will ask themselves is does this person look like an experts?
Knowing that the person that is reading the speech felt like you, It makes you all
relatable, catches your attention. Anecdotes is when you tell a personal story
about someone thats truly importance you. Fought with me at school endured
those long train journeys between our parents homes with me at the weekends
Earl spencer said at the Princess Dianas funeral his sister ;Semptember 1997.
When you share a personal story it make the audience pay more attention
because at some point it happened to them.

Fifty four years ago to the the day a long jewish boy from a small town in the
Carpathian Mountains woke up Elie Wiesel Deliever this speech at the white
house to the president of amerce and members of congess in April 1999. As you
can see Elie used Reference to the past. When you do that it offers a useful
potential structure to the speech and people like that, they like knowing that Fifty
four years ago this happened. And it used often in structures of great speeches.
I am the first accused Nelson mandela Started his speech with this claim. He
used attention grabbing because the audience is going to want to know why,
who,when Attention grabbing immediately gets the audience hooked in what
they are about to say next. And thats what every Speaker wants. The audience
will judge you and see what your message is in the first 30-60 seconds of your
speech. After that it will be quite hard to change their opinion. Also you opening
sets the entire tone of your presentations, will it be serious or funny, sad or
happy things like that. The first few minutes is when you introduce your message
and tell the audience why they need to understand, listen and maybe change.

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