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David Ubiera
Mr. Flake
Honors English 12
09 November 2015
I does everyone in here needs to be have a connection to me. How is it that the
clouds still hang on you?. because i'm tired of you, i'm tired of my mom i'm tired of
everyone you stupid rat. Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted color off, And let thine eye look
like a friend on Denmark. Do not forever with thy vaild lids Seek for thy noble father in
the dust. Thou knowst tis common. All that lives must die, Passing through nature to
eternity.. it's true mother, but i cannot keep leaving around people that i cannot
understand. but you are also wrong my cloth nor the way i act can really show what i
feel. Let not thy mother lose her prayers, Hamlet. I pray thee, stay with us. Go not to
Wittenberg. I will do what i can mother but i can not promise you anything. Why, tis a
loving and a fair reply. Be as ourself in Denmark.Madam, come. This gentle and
unforced accord of Hamlet Sits smiling to my heart, in grace whereof No jocund health
that Denmark drinks today But the great cannon to the clouds shall tell, And the kings
rouse the heavens shall bruit again, Respeaking earthly thunder. Come away. oh, God i
wish so hard that suicide was not a sin because if not i would have already been dead i
wish that my soul could melt away and disappear in thin air like the sound of a trumpet
like the owl of a wolf. If you could see how pointless life is to me, the people that i have
to deal with you would have mercy on me, take me away and spare all my sins. or that.
My life is like a house in the middle of nowhere getting eaten alive by termites. My father
has only been gone for less the two months and look what life has come to be. Please
God if you are not going to take me away, please, please take those termites away from

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