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EDMA310/360 Mathematics Unit Planner Brodie Goricanec $00139081 Unit Overview Unit Title: Patterns Content maths area: ‘Algebra - 4 Grade/ Year Level Grade 4, Level 4 Learning Focus Content Strand: Number and Algebra ‘Sub Strand: Pattern and Algebra Problem Solving: - Verify that a rule generated from a pattern is reasonable = Develop generalisations through problem solving situations Proficiency Strands: Reasoning: - Explain patterns and generalise number sequences ~ Justify the rule used to describe the pattern and provide an explanation of how the rule was obtained a Rationale: ‘The content area of Patterns is an important topic for students to learn about, as the skills learned in solving, pattern tasks are deemed critical in preparing children for algebraic problem solving in the later years (Lee, ‘Swee, Bull, Pe, Ringo, 2011). The mathematics utilised identifying, continuing, creating and generalising patterns provide solid foundation for other areas such as counting, arithmetic, structure, multiplicative concepts, units of measure and proportional reasoning (Papic, 2007). In this unit planner both hands on and written tasks as well as appropriate teaching strategies have been incorporates to provide meaningful learning experiences for students. Assumed prior knowledge of students: * Students have previous experience with identifying and creating patterns, as patterns are a large part of everyday life. + Students have been formally taught about simple patterns from Foundation Level * Prior experiences with counting, colours, shapes a + Students are able to correctly identify and create repeating patterns Grouping strategies to support learning: Throughout this unit planner students will have the opportunity to work both individually and in small groups. Working in small groups creates a vibrant, interactive community in the classroom allowing students to become actively engaged, leading to higher academic achievements and motivation for wanting to learn (Barkley, Howell & Cross, 2014). Overview of assessment: Formative: * Prior knowledge brainstorm: creating a mind map with students’ as a whole class will assist in gaining students’ prior knowledge about key ideas, understandings, concepts about patterns even misunderstandings and questions * Observations/Anecdotal Notes: used to monitor students’ involvement and contribution each class. It will also be used to monitor and observe students as they progress through spaeoqauya UN + yew soquime got + y spreou2quiny + andino ‘use sey andy yea asaKe drysuones eoads e:uoMDUN, + uysyesou99 siaqey pue auygpey{ wonsung + wooisse xp ur Puy swwapAs Dalqo JaNNO - ‘paroauue> fue sup avout J0 089 yoy UL Kem aun sdyysUONE! + ad Buyer BAU InqmoU JON Op am LoqUINU BzUMOWDIUA — + zs sonyea omy uaaagag diysuoneyas ayy Buiquasep Jos poqnau amma sons apislog - ‘Ina P20 s9pio PSujmojfo) waned e-souIMbIS sspotg o897- “ken, ‘tqeipaze eat ypea sauep pappe ywnowre ay ‘aseasout wianed/sioquunu ay yong ur waned esuraned Suymo1y + sqenaren mass00) + arog yseyuado, suzzmeg SuyNOI) sanojo> pue ssoqunu ‘sadeys se yons uous Sunpodas yum uBjsap eMIIMIE — + sodedinsog ey + za 59 puroguews + ssoounosou / woutdynbo 409, Z sured saquinu oy soqna Ajdde pue Aynuapy afensuej o1enidosdde as, _Suonesifesoua8 dojanap dyoy 03 sjooa rensia ss « woned e unpim diysuonejas ou Surquosog + :sonsesd pu dojaxap 01 Sq £23, -poureago sem anu yp moy jo wojreueydxo ue apraosd pue wioned axp aqqiosep 0 pasn ans oun Asnsn{ “2ouonbas 1aquinu asifexaued pue suioned ureqdxg Suruoseay 7 suonens Buysjos wajgoad suonestjeioue8 dojeaag J waned & woxy payesauas ayn e WIA AION :Suyaqos wraqqord :(s)puens Soua;ayord Aouon|y — Buypuerssapun, 7 y (zsovnnov) sopurewos ou st azoya 2124 Wolsialp Jo worreay|diyfmuH BuAjOAUI SoOtLAUS soquINU BuIsn £q swIa|qaxd PLOM oAjoS (T8OVNWOV) Lonea||d;your SuyWIO}sad wosy BuAyNsO4 swoNed Jaquinu aqusap pue a1o\dxy + 4 [on07 :stondpsosap [9097 vA eigofiy pue suroneg (s)puens-qng Bagaéty pur 1aquiny :(s)pues u9yH0D uoneoyidnjmur wos Supqnsoa susomed Joqlunu aquosap pue Siaquin UaAd pu ppo jo saradosd oqp asm AaKL, ppaepueys / stoog steasny fo, 7 ssaquinu waamaq diysuonejes aya quaseuda, suonsung pastjesaues aq ueo suioned susoned soquinu aquiosaq uoneondnjnu Suput0jt0d Joynsare se susned Jaquinu oxojdxq sBuypuersropun jeoneurompen Aon ROM. z_ Twuey, yaaa] 1e9, susoned 24doy, YANNV1d LINO SOLLVWILVW ToRDuny ayy TUTO|ERS | — SIA) Gua aspaymonny Oe “Hoyo ouos aueys Oy Te] andhno par ynday oq sea ain SuopDuTy pueunesisoaui swopms | pey aaey sapms ein siej | swapmsjo sited wos ysy | xipuodiy jo uoysioa sojeus pueod aya 30 ye Bup001 ouonearosqo rig | | J0quind ads yl Bog "oof | ang owes) aunyaews wonuny | ayppre. aya wt (§xipuoddy) "uorealasqo Tiduoug suygeus | sypowoswopmssuug | eayswvapms apiaoid | suNy>eW Monat a oe sy woqssos (Zo0z s9d005 9 ware Mm) (> 2018 lz et °) ou seyonssoquns wont WS | ie pion eaeasg suonsanb | 3810] epuy o12qnu sin on aquosap 09 Susn 9 prnous pasomsue siuopnis moy | asm ayetussep pmo aya oe ‘own afendue| a s82uppV Suotssnosip ssep o} | pareinuui aney no& xa angus siwapms oy | — afm poseioue au Bush uonisodezt you aq stu ays | a1 quDs9p nos plnom MoH "uoraiosgo sidwoid Suipuoxg | so saqunu uorisod 9826 Bie919 20450 gamnou £ayn 0p CUM, susoned Po) uopejar ur waned siuy | ap uo yreou.pun uraned 7, Suymoa8 aquosap 7 waned days yee ut | no 410m 0} a[n4 pastyerauas |, Bujmo8 umo sJomp a1eaI9 ea pom aes eastperoues 03 AMV saridnynur pure soyqnop ‘ quaza4p pum stuapms apiaod 7 wioned wes qunoaf aip aas stuapms 03 s9pu0 ur SAMO; juuiojdxo pue waned yore umop Bupjeaq‘ajqn0.n ‘autos Buymey aq few oum squapmys Aue Yalan 20" adword Suyqeua tp asn nod ues MoH, puy 6 paou nok op weyay cur9iqosd omp uy paseys UoReULOUE axp WO} mow} Apeaufe nox op TUM, gsFoquinu 1940 wo.IN0 paisay nok aney {sy10M an ‘ay 7eUp Mow NOs Op MOF gaynae 99s nos wey 77 ovwarpovase quapms | 93ndano ‘usaned ap Jo 38 -sujsn st | axp aanpoxd day pue pseoq uroned qymoa8 axa 2eip and | aig oy dn awoo 0 swapms aig unop a2m pure wioned ap aquasap or swuapms ysy | {24113100} pinom waned saeys g2xou ayy meup pue | xou aya yunyp Aaya ey ‘ajajdoo 01 aie swwapms | aquuasap oy swuapms ¥sy ‘(@xpuaddy) says :0m| — ~ (xqpusddy) waned wiayed yous jenpiaiput 018 e jo BuuUIBaq a tua squopms aprorg | ssvo 9[oyat 07 ayensuoWIaG Aoy /oSenBuey aonpo.nuy suzoned Suymoss Buquosag suraned Suymor8 ‘auyagnuapt rg wossas 7, caozsis saquine ano uay sumed aapeanrner ANU9p cov ange wag aney sopms sr}eNsUOUOP [A aydares 30M sonb Buigqoad pasomsue squapMs MOH, ‘uoissnosip sse[> 04 paingynuos squapms oF uuoyssas uj oun, 249 Ut mmued siuapms MOH | ssuoneatasqo, ‘eqns e ayeauo pue wioned azaquinu eaneayidn out ‘umo unof 948919 NOK wey ‘adwoug Surpuayy, (sor ‘s's's2) se ons qa ajqensoytu09 ase squapms yep si Joquunt apdwys yam yo 3eIS ‘susp 0810 ome y20Iq uspENG & se g¢ 10 51 se yans soquin “o|feuls B YpHNA BO WEIS “aoueysisse paou Ae dey squopmys Are yes 10 adword Bunqeus Sea rmsasey rea 7” rams anos Ss v08 aijanticy ge eftaens sae aru 22, foquinu ax pey sous nod wioned saquinu, ay 7eyR MOU NOA PIP MOH {aouanbas ayy anupuos or pasn aq wea saiovens 1eUM gaouanbas 82 pasn aq ueo soifowen Serosiq asuroTIEd saquinu asaya waemaq aouasaytp ath SEIeYM, syooq ajoup ut susoned ajou gsusamed soquinu asatp, ‘pao2a4 0 paau film siuapnis yhoqe aUes OY. 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