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Rofemtic Quotes, Quips and Quarks 1 Being man in reality entails ONLY being male. There is no other man! 2 Fem was renamed (wo)man in the 11th Century, making her a not-male man 3 God doesn't ‘exist’ for long when critical thinking is done in view of man, male. 4 The Divine Right of authority in ‘man’ lies in the lies (wo) man and (fe) male 5 Wo-manhood puts femhood in fealty to man. 6 My life’s work is now to shuck (hu)man belief and develop my sapien nature 7 A seminal poet in the 13th Century changed feme, fem's sexuality, to fetmale for the purpose ofrhyme. Patriarchy was OK wath this mutilation. 8 Great phalluses control minds, the greater the phellusy the more control 9 I thank nature's forces everyday that I am a fem and not a seminal man 10 Wo +man is pregnant with man, fem is pregnant with good reasoning 11 Fem as fem has already done good reasoning before stepping out into the world 12 Making aname for which there is no corresponding existent, e.g. wo-man, is like seeing a fish riding a bi Silver is the king's stamp; man, God's stamp, and a woman is man's stamp; we are not current till we pass through ftom one man to another. Webster, Northward Hoe, 1, 186 13 To rock mankind’s males-only boat, one jem as fom suffices. 14 (Wo) manology is the science of the man that's not aman. “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” William James 15 In man the man thet's male is +1 in value, the ‘man’ that's not mele is -1 in value 16 Ihave no contacts in heaven, I am the architect of my own life 17 Is not the apple on the tree of knowledge that led man to fall, it’s the ribment of his seminal mind, wo tacked on to man 18 He who sees both his hands to be right does not know one of them is left, and different. 19 (Hu)manity’s bag of embedded mele bias is woven with hair-thin assertions Having little reasoning and less consistence begging his blatant false assumptions And when his premises are shown to be wrong, He swiftly proclaims his conclusion strong 20 They humbly beg divinity who proudly kneel to prey on fem as (wo) man. 21 Seminal reasoning: since man is male, then (Wwo)man is not-male 22 The most (u)man man on earth is the pope, God’s highest chosen rep 23 (Hu)man, (f)male, (wo)men, Mrs. His Name, mother, wife These are the tools by which he controls her life 24 Manudox, n: the ox imposing the seminal doxy in Manu's law. “Orthodox, n: an ox wearing the popular religious yoke. Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary 25 Seminal power made the manmass believe the saviour rode to town on an ass. 26 Silence is the father-tongue taught to the daughter. She leams its entire vocabulary in two seconds. cause: "Ten measures of speech descended on the world, woman took nine and men one.” Bablonian Tamud: Kiddushim How easy itis to blame! 28 And, because mankind is known for the noise of one word, “man”, in his speech. 29 We have listened to the phallic talk long enough. 31 Man has the patent on the transubstantiation of the Global Lie into Holy Truth 32 Thinking is much too important to be left to seminal men. 33 Jock-strap sentinels watch over phallic-biased governments 34 There is no manifesto more vain that the claim to being made in God’s image! 35 Too much seminal mist has been mistaken for male intelligence. 36 Who crows at dawn does not lay the egg of the day. Yet... crowingis a divine act! 37 If man had called the apple an apfig and fem woman, this would prove his divinity! 38 Little children made to believe in litle fallen angels grow up to be big children who believe in big fallen angels 39 The land of facts and truths is the territory where only good thinkers dare to tread. 40 The seminal is about other-world bigness ike tumescence 41 False names claimed to be holy are usually aimed at those deemed for elimination. “Words not only affect us temporarily; they change us. they socialize us or unsocialize us.” David Reisman, The Lonely Crowd 42 To call irratiogenics like (wo) man useful communication is like calling cancers useful diseases 43 The greater the ‘innate' original sin, the greater the guns "He was clothed with vesture dipped in blood and his name is called The Word of God.” Revelations, XIX, 13c. 95 44 The modus operandi of (au) manity is the name man. expanding it to rise to the top causing the name fém to sink into oblivion, only to rise as w-o-man, 45 Patrists have sexual organs upon which God sprinkles His heavenly seminal dust. 46 The “fall” ofman is an intentional and calculated violation of good reasoning. 47 One can grow a long white beard to pontificate when one is born with a penis. 48 Religious ethics is a fish with horse legs. Ethics is ethics. 49 Ifyou become a sheep in God's flock, beware of God the Werewolf. 50 Mankind invented a violent God like himself then God made man in His image! 51 Feminists sprouted because patrists imposed masculinist thinking in seminal lingo 52 Seminaries are the seminal source-pool for the spermaticos logos, the sperm as word. 53 A girl becomes a fem the day she sees that her mind is as much an asset as her body. 54 Not all fallacies are equal, those that are perfect are phallusies 55 Itis Marcus who was educated, not Tullia 56 Belief in ‘the fall of man’ IS “the fall of man” 57 The father of great studsmanship demands a stable of sluts and whores. 58 “Generic” man protects his throne behind the grandiose revelation of his “holy” name! 59 There is more power in the name fem than there is in all those who believe in (wo) man. 60 A (fe) male man is amale Jekyll in a seminal Hyde. 61 Behold, ‘When Abou Ben Adam’s name led all the rest, Because no fem’s name was on the list! 278 62 Let's at least be consistent in error! If a mele child is a boy, a fetmale child has to be a giboy! No? 63 ‘Wo’ man's wishes are man’s wishes, fem’s wishes are her own. 64 When the force of false names has to be used, one has run out of ideas 65 ‘Wo’ man worships man in, with and through her name as ‘wo’ man “Iwould rather make my name than inherit it" W.M. Thackery 66 Aman addicted to the domination-submission dichotomy has a (hu) man heart. 67 In God's holy dichotomy, he is blessed with divinity because she's cursed with givinity. 68 When “she” is the country, “he” rules “Iam made all things to all men.“ Corinthians IX 47 Wow! 69 The thing which is all things to all men is dominance as “man.” “Man is the measure of all things.” Protagoras. Double Wow! 70 “Wo men fail to stand up to truths and that’s why they are always second rate men and never first rate fem. “Man is man’s A, B. C: There's none that can Read God aright, unless he frst spell man. Quarles, Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man. Triple Wow! 7 Male-biased names are black-white furs that comfort dark woolly minds 72 “Generic” man is in direct proportion to the belief in male superiority “As Adam rib she was made of menstrual blood and semen, Charles Hartshome, Beyond Humanism, 1937 Well! 73 Allinformation about (wo) man is false. 74 The name fem alone is worth more than all the sacred texts called The Word of God 75 Beware of the God in the secular Doctrine of Man! 76 (Hu) manity is revelation of the mediocre 77 People who believe in One-and-Only “holy” Truth don’t search for facts, 78 Believers in One-and-Only Truth are easily converted to another One-and-Only Truth 79 The True Lie is essential (hu)manity because he is essential to the existence of God. 80 The best falsification game on earth is theology, spermaticoi logoi go round and round in holy testicles testifying to the seminal True Lie: the sperm as word. 81 Santa Clause gives Clauses to man to hide all his seminal clauses 82 Pollute a mind and it pollutes hundreds of other minds, 83 It's hard to find good critical thinkers in the maze of True Lie confusions 84 Ethics based on the religion of man creates false morality. 85 Humility is the first big sign of deception 86 Arguments flare up into conflicts and wars when basic premises are false. 87 Man looks down to see his most precious stones, his livingstones. 88 Until we understand that we alone are the stewards of planet earth, we will continue to pollute it 89 A duckrabbit flies downup, a (wo) man falls into anonymous oblivion. “Most of the disputes in the world arise from words.” Lord Mansfield 90 Seminal names make a banquet of apfigs, seminal man and (wo) man render the sciences maniacal and the species cynical 91 (Wo) man is the razor that cuts fem’s mind and heart to shreds 92 Minds soothed by holy words become minds needing a supernatural soother. 93 When truths are not to be found, seminal words do the trick “We no longer test words to see what truth is in them. The majority are only interested in knowing what their effect will be.” John Wilson 94 Father Subject has a history and mother object has a hysteri, a vowel variation that leaves one breathless 95 Having many words at our disposal and uttering them willy-nilly makes us believe we have knowledge. Words are powerful magic tools that can make us elude our own ignorance by disguising it from ourselves with chatter and empty talk. 96 Fem in the community of names is in the charter of her femly creativity. 97 A seminal word, like a doughnut is empty in the middle, is as empty in substance 98 A divine male, like the amoeba is formless in the head. 99 It may be God who made the flea But babies are made by fem like me 100 Man is to (wo)man what fig isto (ap)fig. (ap, apple) 101 Itis when you don’t do good reasoning that you crow like a cock to hide the fact. 102 When lies underwrite what's in the mind, oaths are necessary, creeds are extreme and laws upon laws have to be put into place 103 In the beginning was the word man and in the end, the man-made nuclear bomb 104 What is God-made is first man-made 105 Atruth a day keeps god-man at bay 106 Zam a fom and anything that concerns sapiens and reasoning is my business. 107 The Godfull are full of hatred for the Godless, and therefore no better! 108 God made planet earth the greatest little whorchouse in the cosmos 109 The right to believe in God is the right to violate reason whenever it is expedient 110 (Wo) man is the stall flower in God's stable of whores God is for men and religion for women. Joseph Conrad, Nostromo 111 (Wo)man can fall blindly in love with one man; the man in her name! 112 The Joy of More Jesus is pure seminal lust. 113 The (hu) man palette of colour is manuchromatic (Manu's Law. 2400 BCE) 114 God Lis the parthenogenesis father of God II 115 Fem is not in the rat race for salvation 116 (Hu) manity is the covert euphemism for patriarchy, 117 Sisyphus pushes a stone up the mountain to get his livingstones closer to heaven 118 Since belief keeps patrist prejudices going, mengineers issue male-order catalogues 119 Gentlefem prefer rational men 120 Jesus Christ is the finest example of the weakest link in (hu) manity. 121 A fem cannot lose her femininity any more than a robin can lose its robin-ness 122 When (hu)man speech is an issue male propaganda in speech is the issue 123 Since bees are in apiaries, birds in aviaries, ova in ovaries, then semen is found in seminaries, (semen, basis of seminary) 124 Naming fem woman is the genocide called femicide 125 Wotman’s passport into hu+manity is to give “mankind” a son. 126 Man’s altar of freedom needs w-o +man’s pedestal of bondage The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history George Elliot, The Mill on the Floss As George, she knows. 127 Patrists have many excuses, not one is a good reason. 128 Feminism ‘s greatest drawback comes from its aversion to confront God & Co. 129 From the technique in wo +man and ish tah, one can (wish Therefore, wotman is awtish in man! It’s that easy! 130 Upon all good reasons and common sense I vow to stand against every form of tyranny over the mind of fem. Those who understand evil pardon it; those who resent it, destroy it George Berard Shaw 131 The name of man is raised to the altar in w-o +man, and this is evil 132 all organized religions support patriarchies and all are intellectual terrorists 133 Seminal words are rape seeds. 134 (Hu)man language is the world’s most penis-penetrated boy-toy. 135 Iam the architect of my own destiny and I respect this in every sapien 136 Understanding your global situation and finding answers makes prayers empty and useless 137 Patriarchy knows the monopoly of male-biased names bestows divinity. 138 Traditional. ie, patriarchal marriages, have but one prostitute, Mrs. His Name. 139 Bible is just another name for phallic-biased book 140 For every item revealed by God about man, there is an equal item concealed by man about fem 141 Sexism by other names: religion, humanity, manarchy, manutopia 142 Religion teaches worship of the divine male, not self-growth and rational ideas. Prisons are built with stones of laws; brothels with bricks of religion. William Blake, Proverbs of Hell 143 The name fom falsifies God’s Divine Plan in being “man.” 144 The less a mind understands, the more a mind needs religion, the more you ¢ mind, the more you make it need religion 145 Between Father Subject and mother object is the Great Veneration Gap between Holy Phallus and earthly vulva 146 The word man as the name for the whole species is in contempt of reason, an evil we should all work to stop 147 Patriarchy's studs&ecunts philosophy was brought to fruition in mankind. 148 The name (wo) man was fem’s lobotomy. Fem has healed her mind 149 Areasoning being dislikes namelessness and fem is a reasoning being To be prepared for war is one ofthe most effectual means of preserving peace George Washington Really? Then, to be prepared for dominance is the most effectual means of preserving slavery. mnfuse a 150 So long as there are phallocentric men living on earth, fem may have to hold up on the burial of (hu) manity. 151 It's not a case of re-inventing (wo) manhood, but of re-establishing femhood globelly. 152 The intellectual disabling of the feme mind in all-male historicism cannot be measured, The absence of fem, feme and sapiens made her into an imitation man, a mirror yes-man. 153 Sapiens differentiate themselves from the rest of the animals by making complex speech ‘Animals differentiate themselves by making wool, pearls, honey, dams, etc, which sapiens, even in groups, cannot do 154 Many people believe they are loved by God, an arrogance defying all vanity. 155 Devotion is easy to assume, respect is a much harder task. 156 The love of (wo) man is the hatred of fem, as subtle as bricks 157 A lock of mansheep is the glory of God. To the philosophic eye the vices of the clergy are far less dangerous than their virtues. Edward Gibbon, Decline of the Roman Empire 158 Some names have a way of shouting their message when you don’t even want them to whisper it 159 The Bible dictates that you not to be your own moral agent. “God” takes care of the least sparrow thet falls! 160 People made to believe in their “hutmanity” survive, but few live life 161 Man plays balls in mysterious ways 162 Wolmanness is femininity cut up into sexy bits reassembled to ft ‘mankind” 163 Wolman is in the crotch of the beholder 164 Humanity is the taking-on-of-one-another’s-sins lifestyle. 165 Holy Bulls create Sacred Cows. 166 The penis appears to be the homing device for phallic-based minds. 167 The vainest man, like the vainest nation, has a history of misbegotten power 168 A tongue can be a good thing if it’s not in patrist and priestly mouths. 169 We are damaged by ‘man part = whole species’ dictated by both theology and state The organtzed charity, scrimped and iced Inthe name of a cautious, statistical Christ John Boyle O'Reilly, In Bohemia 170 Many an old wrinkled butt goes looking for a fresh young buttress 171 The one who is without penis cannot understand the call of the penis. 172 Just like a large beautiful fire in the night delivers its tragedies of loss, so too a beautifully written script of prejudice like the Bible delivers its hatreds of fem and fact Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Exodus 22:18 (Honour killing by another name) 173 Don’t touch that tea-kettle. God'sin it. 174 Searching for the focal-point in the assumption of his superiority, man looks at his mentula (mentula — Latin, male genitals -> mental, mentality) 175 You must not mind me, sir; I say rational things but I mean no harm. 176 Semen are trumps in hulmanity. The storehouses are called seminaries 177 Itis ridiculous to leave language in the hands of semen. 178 Creating gods is guy thing, All gods are male and all creators of gods are mele. 179 The politics of male divinity was won in the hidden politics of (fe)*male givinity 180 God is the great cosmic penis penetrating small minds 181 Mankind is one-way communication: from man to man between man and man. 182 Mankind is a blatant but carefully guarded lie 183 Educate a girl to be a fem and you'll have both feme and male rational beings 184 It takes no extraordinary talents to deceive, only seminal virtue. (vir, L. man) 185 Itis femly to see the logical error in ‘man’ 186 When fem is on bended knee as (woman she is in eye-ball-to-ball contact with God 187 He who wears the cross of hu/manity has leamed to lie effectively. 188 Where there are gods there are wars God's servants making a snug living By guiding Mammon in smug giving Keith Preston, Professional Welfare Workers 189 Man sows a large number of gods everywhere to prove male divinity. He who wants to persuade should put his trust, not in the right argument, but in the right word The power of sound has always been greater than the power of sense. Joseph Conrad, A Personal Record 190 Figures usually don’t lie, but the two special ones in jock-straps certainly do 191 The single name ‘fem’ belies the 10,000 male-biased ones in language 192 Earth is a perfect Godylic planet under mankind. War, prostitution, rape, fraud, lies, crime and violence abound in him! 193 Faith in God is the raw desire in man to be worshipped 194 The opium of hu/manity is the name ‘man’ and even some men are starting to see this, 195 The name wolman is very unfemly. 196 To bein search of God is to search for someone with a beard and a talent for lies 197 Man is not vain like wo/man, he doesn’t need a mirror on the wall, he simply looks down ashe says, “Muscle. Muscle on my bod, Which great muscle is my god? “Oh my god!” 198 Patriarchal governance is really manocracy dancing around theocracy. 199 The difference between ‘skirting’ an issue and ‘panting’ one is that skirting one at least leaves it in the playing field, while panting it puts it on exhibition in jock- straps 200 There is a term in Arabic that translates as ‘manman’, whereby we get gumgum with flavourflavour and the lielie through the Word Word. 210 To be human is to be profoundly sexist. 201 Educating fem as wolman didn’t get her in the boardrooms, but it certainly got her in high-class master-bedrooms 202 The chief obstacle to consistence in rationality is the hu/man lie. 203 Every wo/man is one man away from her femness. 204 The fem who refuses to have ‘man’ in her name is a consistent thinker. 205 All ‘man’ and no thinking, make Jane, Helen and Linda lambs of God. 206 Man long ago used religion to rule, today he still does. It’s just called progress The man who is ostentatious is twin to the statue that wears the fig leaf Mark Twain 207 I'm abusinessfem, I also bring home bread bacon and lentils 208 Sings one manboy to the other manboy, “Do you see what I see?” 209 Man’s hu/manity to man is the refined act of confusion 210 The knowing fem does not let “generic man’ disable her psyche 211 (Wo) man is man’s isrationality, not fem’s. 212 Supermen are made up of three seminal parts, father, son and sperm. 213 The ablest fem in all walks of life are fem of reason and upright feeling. Most have better reasoning powers than they themselves realize. “Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.” William James 214 Billions of people would not believe in God if they had never heard God spoken of! 215 There are over three billion lies between the whore and the virgin and everyone is named (wo)man, aman that's not aman! 216 Every fem can now have a larger vision and bigger dreams 217 Patrists are as weak as The Theory of Man. Do not fear them. “God became man so that man may become God." Byzantine Theology We finally have a truth! 218 Femkind can now build a heritage of achievements and ideas. 219 He killed hen-robin with his canon and cock-robin with his cannon 220 How do you spell man? G-o-d. 1 The Board of Lord Gods Inc. is looking for new prophets to increase profits. 2 Doctrines are imposed on the man-made kept-ignorant gullible masses. 223 Intelligence, like knowledge, is acquired one fact at atime. The more facts, the more knowledge one has, the more intelligent one is 224 There is only one man in the human species and he is male 5 ‘Wo’ added to man is an object of man’s lust for power. 226 Seeing fem as fem and both fem and man as sapiens is one rational step for fem and man and one natural and true step for the sapient species. 227 “The Rights of Man” in 1789 guaranteed man the continued control of fem as wo+man. 8 A Father without his capital letter is a father without his special status. 229 Its not politically correct to use the logic-based name fom because the name undoes the theory of man, 230 Not all speech-users are men. Half of them are fem. 231 Between the thing revealed by God and the thing concealed by man lies the seminal sludge of lies 232 Patriarchy runs on the petral of mind control 233 Patriarchy’s Petrol: Ihave my mentula, therefore, I don’tneed facts. (mentula, L. male genitals) 234 A seminar is a seminal session in a seminary filled with special studs. 235 A seminary is aholy playpen for studs that want to get away with ‘it 236 ‘Hu’ man politics made half of the species whores and the other half studs, more precisely, whoremongers and lallers Saint; a dead sinner revised and edited. Ambrose Bierce 237 ‘Hu’ manity is a uniting agency to the extent that it binds everyone in its lies, 238 One fam can do more to undo ‘hu‘manity than the Bible that reveals him 239 Aman of the cloth makes you embrace the great phallus in the sky. 240 A defense of religion is a defense of man as whole species. 241 Wolmen, objects named by man, are bodies-without-minds Married women are kept women and they are beginning to find it out. Logan Pearsall Smith, Afferthoughts 242 To defeme fem is the greatest blaspheme on earth. 243 Atrue-to-reality concept such as fem builds the sufficiency of the mind such that the mind never again goes back to man-made mediocrity. 244 More femes should become manulre detectors 245 A‘wo'man is a layman to the extent that she is laid by man. 246 Fem wants true-to-reality facts to explain herself’ man needs original sin to define himself 247 The patrist bathes in the blissful ignorance that causes ‘hu’man suffering 248 Buridan’s Ass died between two equidistant bales of hay, Mentulati’s Ass will die between the equivalent lies of man, wo man and hu man “Man is the beginning and the end of woman.” Saint Thomas Aquinas 249 Fem is the undoing of man = whole species, fem’s finest hour 250 Man is aname in wo man imposed by bullards and braggarts through phallic-arts 251 When someone’s identity and name is taken away it is easier to be violent to them because they are objectified as non-rational non-feeling things, they are objectified to deprive them of the knowledge that they are individuals who reason, know and feel. 252 ‘Wo’ man is man’s self-referent, his proof that he has balls. 253 As feme we stop being the fe male below the male class. 254 Advocate for a more rational species by breaking the patriarchal code. 255 He who is worshipped on the altar of man, whole species, is god. 256 Who believes in housewifery believes in ancillatry. 257 He gets an erection, ergo, he has a right to have it serviced, ergo, he has the right to set aside responsibility for his sexual behaviour. 258 When your holiest tool is your penis every vagina is yours to use “God became aman so that man may become God” 2)zantine, Theology 259 He St. Petered his dick into a rock hard weapon for worship. (peter —rock) 260 Mankind without femkind is the law of slavery implicit in wo man. 261 In the patriarchal linguistic realm the two are one, man, in the social realm, the two are one, hhim, as Mr. and Mrs. His Name, her birth name cancelled. 262 Patriarchy means that the penis of the father is there in full force with the head and heart phellically identified. 263 You are not free when kneeling before the mangod 264 Paterial stuffis the non-material male stuff that god is made of “The religions of the world are the ejaculations of a few imaginative men.” Ralph Waldo Emerson 265 The sperm is the spirit that spurs man to spear the spurt of his divine glory. (speiro. Gr) 266 The penis is an organ of the male body, not the ruler of society. 267 The condition upon which fem holds her liberty is in consistent reasoning 268 Experience of reality, reason and science discover for us symbols far more rich and vivid, far more simple and moral, and self-expanding, than any religion on earth. 269 There is to me a profoundly affecting ignorance in the large masses of people resisting the large amount of evidence against the existence of Alpha Males in the Sky 270 In ‘hu’ manity, many mistake madness and trances for divine inspiration based on paterial evidence. (paterial immaterial male phenomenon) 271 Justice demands that you promote what is best for the thinking animal 272 The beauty of a rational inquisitive mind standing on her two feet — behold fem. 273 Man (as whole species) is “Neither revealed, nor logical, nor true.” Like the Roman Empire is “Neither holy, nor Roman, nor Empire” (Voltaire) 274 A good and authentic mind has rational and practical expectations. 275 Despite being bom in holy hu man manu/re any fem can rise above it. 276 It is poetic justice that “God’s gift” to Adam, fem, tuned out to be man’s undoing 277 A sapien's worth is determined by the things ut does with a consistent thinker. 278 Sapien action gives me strength: consistent reasoning gives me sustenance 279 The question, “Who is boss? “ in sapienity is anon-starter. In hu manity man is both starter and boss 280 The selfual goal of fem is action based in rational and practical thought 281 The chief value of fom ' knowledge is that it leads to a real and performing femhood. 282 Seminal man shouts, “There's no man that’s not aman,” therefore, God exists 283 Reasoning by what is seen and experienced in reality and nature and using logic is the basis of intelligence and ingenuity 284 An apology by man is an expression of not wanting to dismantle legel patriarchy. Action in the legislative bodies around the globe would show his best intentions 285 Fem and rational men argue from true-to-reality cause and effect relations, man claims to be first cause as God and isn’t bothered by effects. 286 Ut argues from facts, he argues from beliefs. (Ut, inclusive pronoun, he and/or she) 287 Male biases are not built on reason therefore, laws, facts, experience, true-to-reality cause and effect relatedness, probabilities, etc,, must all enter into the fray. Give me a dozen healthy children, well-formed. and my own specific world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any kind of specialist I might select -doctor; lawyer, artist, merchant chief and yes, even beggarman and thief. regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocation and race of his ancestors. John Watson, Behaviorism, 1925 288 One who lives by the facts and consistent reasoning seldom has to apologize. 289 Weak arguments such as man, part = whole species, are hard to destroy because the resistance to evidence is strong 290 Evidence resistors are intransigent at resisting and thus better than electrical resistors. 291 Camels can go through the eye of the needle where there are men who are not men 292 Seldom have we heard, “Girls will be girls,” and never, “Girls grow up to be fem.” 293 Man's lie about fem being a wotman has poisoned too many books 294 Ihave only one father and one brother, God is not my father and man has never been a brother to me 295 Ifthe boy is father to the man, then the girl is mother to the fem 296 Going to church does not make you moral anymore than going to the garage makes you amechanic Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 And this is how he gets to be a patrist or a sexist. 297 Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are and doing things as they ought to be done by the insights gleaned from this knack 298 A girl uses her feme circumstance as she would a good tool, patriarchy teaches a boy to use his male circumstances as the passkey to power and privilege 299 Not tradition, nor custom, nor convention, nor belief, nor time justifies the lie man part = whole species 300 True-to-reality definitions can and often do put an end to disputes 301 A fem’s duty is twofold: 1, her duty to keep her rational capabilities reasoning well, her duty to herself as aseasoning agent, and 2, her duty to respect the individuality and minds of others, her duty to her species 302 Wo tacked on man is the most predatory concept on earth and hu tacked on to man is the most destructive concept on the planet. 303 Infallibility is the largest vanity on earth ever displayed by man, 304 No fom is free who is not mindful ofher femly attributes 305 Lies are the father of fear, and fear is the father of violence. 306 Religion is the politics of the Alpha Male In the Sky, 307 The wifely mothering of God by men is still an unnamed neurosis 308 Its hard acquiring a pair of God balls when you're born without them 309 Nowhere will the resistance to fem be stronger than in religion. 310 Divinity is exhibited in the Museum of Man; Reason in the Museum of Sapiens 311 Religion is simply a seminal extension of man in the Alpha Male direction. 312 The great killing orgies of wars are always in the name of man’s gods. 313 A supematural male is in direct proportion to divine studmanship. 314 Males are individuated as men while not-males are collectivized as fe-minus-males 315 As fem-made names become common currency the True Lie recedes into the dark of its own demise 316 Passing through the eye of the needle is necessary by virtue of ‘original sin” 317 Areligionist gleefully jumps into original sin over and over again 318 Let aman open doors for you and soon he is opening the door to the master’s bedraom 319 Matter/mater never goes to heaven because patter/father is the CEO up there 320 Fem pays twice jor the straw man when she calls herself a wolman 320 A fetmale stands on two illogical male feet, how can she win? 321 Big Brother watches best when lack of trust is at its highest. 322 Seminal ‘facts’ are the venom found in phallic snakes 323 Paternoose, Filijuice and Verboose are the caressmatic men of error. 324 Ifman got a dollar for every lie about the feme in hu manity he would have a heaven-high bank of dollars in heaven 325 Aull is as good as the information he has from the Pope. The more information he has the ‘more important the Papal Bull 326 Mankind knows you can’t trust aman born of woman; wotman is the lie he made in the first place 327 We've been listening to the cock-‘n-bull story for 11,000 years, maybe it's time for the hen-‘n’-cow account of things 328 Woman is a seminivorous man with seminifickle knowledge because Mrs. Peter Semen must believe everything Peter Semen tells her to believe 329 Human competition is the art in which man has only man for consensus 330 Killing the cow to altar the bull is a divine act. 331 Being sent by God proves man’s weakness and passivity. “Humanity must remain as itis.” Pope Leo X111, Quadragesimo anno 1931 ‘Now, this is intelligent. 332 The many-splendoured men-of-the-cloth is enough to dazzle the masses into believing 333 Having a natural taste for common sense my appetite for reason grew. 334 I don’t want to talk like a wotman; I want to talk like a fem. 335 There is too much inexplicable maleness in fe+maleness 336 The patriarchal code is a semantic field of well manu-cured language 337 The patrist’s error, man (part) = (whole) species is laundered in wotman, 338 There is a mystical evolution between monks and monkeys 339 Drowning in the seminal swamp of True Lies both men breath the divine frankincense of divine man 340 Itis time to de-manize knowledge so that reason can be reason. 341 As long as there is life to live fem will live it as fem. 342 The warmest phallic myth is the cozy myth of womb-man 343 Between the studstrut and the catwalk lies the phallic ideology of irrationality as valid. 344 Dog is man’s best friend, Knowledge is fem’s best fiend, 345 Democracy is a contrivance suited to man’s competition with man. 346 On Day 6 God created man, but fem has been evolving for over 20 million years 347 How easy it was for man to make fem anonymous as a wo tacked on to man. 348 The religion of man is the machine thet steamrolls the reasoning power of sapiens. “Take not God’s name in vain, select a time when it will have effect.” Ambrose Bierce 349 Give man a spare rib and he makes a whole god-damned religion out of it “As a priest [listen to alot of wifely discontent. Women have their faults, and I don’t suppose there is @ pastor on earth who doesn’t at times wish he had the power to convert them all back into ribs -nice, quiet, uncomplaining ribs. “ Father Robert Capon, Bed and Board 350 God’s Word is the mystery of making seminal power from semen for men 351 Some men are so good at lies Others bestow economic curses So fem have to make catch-flies ‘And make their own good purses. 352 All equality was lost when fem was renamed wo tacked on to man. 353 Tasting the apple made Eve the first real scientist on earth, 354 No self-respecting fem wants be “a man-who’s-not-a-man,” “Faith in holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for the lost faith in ourselves” Eric Hoffer, The True Believer 355 A feme speech-user is a fem in proportion to the number of true-to-reality names she uses. 356 A fem should not accept the advice of aman who looks upon her as a wo +man 357 A seminal man feels the pain of his missing rib in his groins 358 All religionists are brothers-in-money having a wealthy earth-Father in heaven 359 Wo +men are sheep in sheep’s clothing 360 Mankind rides the same ass that took his saviour to Jerusalem “The less justified a maniis in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excelience for his nation, his religion, his race, or his holy cause.“ Eric Hoffer, The True Believer 361 Man’s rationality is like his fish stories, he adds yards of lies every time he speaks about man being the whole species 362 God's Word is Man’s Cliche. 363 The hand that molly-codales livingstones feels God in all his glory. (livingstones — testicles) Deuteronomy XX111, 1 364 All religions have seminal language in common. 365 The pope’s forgiveness of his potential assassin is the biggest ego trip anyone has taken to the halls of vain and pompous humility. 366 Religious ethics is seminal ethics. 367 What can possibly be “God’s call?” Aloud? Alightning? A UFO? 368 The “transubstantiating” of wine into the blood of Christ is not nearly as impressive as seminal lies transmuting people into sheep 369 Society punishes the wrong-doer, religion punishes the right-thinker “The pursuit of happiness belongs to us, but we must climb around and over the church to getit” Heyward Brown, The Nation 370 What is “God-made” is first man-made 371 Being your brother's keeper in man is always having to confess that you are not male 372 The doctrine of man is patriarchy under the euphemism humanity. 373 The symbol ‘god’ has the power of the sound ‘god’ 374 Bible quotes are always called up where arguments fail 375 ‘God’ is the cosmic bellboy of seminal Truth Semen is the frst principle of everything. Christian Encyclopedia 376 Repeat ‘man’ over and over again. Never mind the facts. 377 Wo +men are off-spring of seminal lingo. (lingo <-linga, Hindu, penis) 378 Half of those who make and use names for speech are not men 379 Livingstones are the mysticism in the trinity of father, son and sperm. 380 Humility is the extremely selfish and pompous pride of the humble. 381 As Mrs, His Name her honour and identity are in her husband’s name 382 Awotman who forgets to rattle her chains of bondage soon gets ogled by other’s husbands 383 When you bury your seminal godfather you find your self. 384 Alittle fun at man’s expense is a gem Relished now and then by every fem. 385 Fem and man evolved at the same time on the same planet bringing different perspectives to the table of experience, trial and error, language development, science and truths and by this are equal in value 386 Ahutman prays on wo+man in religious circles and preys on her in economic ones. “One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of new idea.” Walter Bagehot, Physics and Poltitics 387 The greatest pain in patrists’ groins is the name jem. 388 A truth is planted by true-to-reality symbol and spread by it 389 The lie woman is an assault on fem’s mind 390 Falsely named as 1, fetmale, 2, wo+man, 3, hutman, 4, Mrs. His Name, 5, and ‘Alpha Males in the Sky dittoing the lies, all the petrified eggs of fem’s identity are in man’s basket, 391 Wotman is a seminal red herring 392 Fem is a sapien who found someone more exciting than god, her self as fem. “I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet, cushion.” Henry Thoreau, Walden (Ch.1) 393 Seminal man wellows in a cesspool of seminal knowledge only to be the golden fountainhead of irrationality. 394 Man as man and woman shoots from the hips Fem as fem, with man as man, speak from the mind 395 Hulmanity extracts good from evil like lions extract meat from gazelles. 396 There is a seminal height in the affairs of men ‘Which when taken to its phallic breadth, leads to economic heaven 397 The apfig is renowned as the favorite bi-fruit by two men of opposite sexes 398 Man’s battle with flesh always ends in bed. Fem’s discussion ends in defense of good reasoning for both parties 399 Mankind succeeds to the extent where the noise of the name ‘man’ commands 400 Men who speak: in parables are propheteers of the word. They comprehend things only in parables and are born-again and again 401 Patriarchal hu -manity is the comfort of domesticated sheep. Today it is the humanity of man that is no longer self-confident. Massive defamation of man may spell the doom of us all... The eclipse of humanity... is itselfa dreadful punishment. Abraham J. Herschel, Who is Man? Ifthe human race should perish by a nuclear bomb, this will be the punishment for Auschwitz, where in the ashes, the hope of man was extinguished... At Auschwitz not only man died, but also the idea of man. Elie Wiesel, One Generation After Man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. Job XIV, 1 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, Psalm XXXVI, 37

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