Religion Bible Passage Portfolio Semester One

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Andy Kunz


Religion Bible Passage

a. Trust in God and you will see justice done.
b. John 11: 21-23 (ARV) Martha therefore said unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my
brother had not died. And even now I know that, whatsoever thou shalt ask of God, God will
give thee. Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
c. Sometimes things do not go as planned. In John 11:21-23 Martha, a friend of Jesus, is crying
out for help when her brother is dying of a disease. She goes up to Jesus and asks for him to
heal her brother Lazarus who was also a friend of Jesus. Jesus says tells Martha that her
brother will survive, but a few days later he receives word that Lazarus is dead. Jesus being
distressed with the death of his friend, goes to the town of where he lay dead, and raises him.
Overall, Martha did not know what would happen to her brother but because of her faith in
God her brother was saved. In our everyday lives, things do not go as planned at many
instances, but those are the times that we must go to God for help and you will always find
the right path through him.
d. Dear Lord,
In time of need,
Help us to grow closer to you,
So you might show us the light in times of darkness,
That you might show us the way into heaven,
And never lose hope in you again.

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