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May 201 Dear Praying Friends and Family, [reeone estar incard “tis better to go tothe house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting for thats the en ofl mer; and the ving wl ay it to heart" Ecesastes 12 Within the course of a month, we have been to both our fist Brazilan wedding and funeral. We rejoiced with Chloe's babysit as she are estore begin ee ogee nh we cme wa wife ever AO yeas esas Iban! aes Ly cae, The week before he died, we satin the ving room ofthis man who was dying with cancer and Istened wih affected hearts as he expressed te contentehczt with ic moet 40 year with Crt and linge tobe taken home to be with his Saker. Avweck ltr, ae we stood _arcund with the many people whose ie his had touched, we reflected on ths verse in Ecclesiastes. One day that ill be me inthe casket how wl those gathered around remember my fe? These couple of months since ou last prayer letter have been fll of exciting opportunities and changes Language Schoo! Termindmos! Were done! Ourlast day oflanguage schoo, Api Sth, was bittersweet. We were exited to be done and move onto ‘ther things, but we'd grown very close to our professor and were sad to think of not seeing her anymore. (Our Move The two weeks ater Fishing language school we packed up our whole howe and on April JOth, we moved from the South side of 0 Paulo tothe Westside. This coming year we wll spend working under a veteran missionary couple, Mark and Anita Swedberg, a they land asstance to a national church. Theee coming monthe wil be a further time of training 2 we continue to beter aur Portuguese and ‘ur understanding and experience wth the ine and cuts of minty in the culture of raz. As we grow to know the paople ofthe church, ‘50 ows cur insight into the unique challenges faced not just in Braz but in bia city raz Brac s preaching through Philippians in the moming service and teaching though a series on our relationship with Godin the men's Sunday Schoo css. For childrens church during the month of May, Emily is teaching on what means tobe a Chistian. Peaseoin us in prayer as We seek tobe involved here inthe best ways posible, na way that wl leave the church stnger when we arena longer here ‘Our re ches Rus Joav Cinlslon de Melos 92/ Gia Viens 06709-177 Cia SP Planned Travel thie Year [At the end of March, we had the opportunity to take a trip way up North to vist a seminary and see the minstiesn that area. The tip took us int thre diferent states (nd lifering regional accents) andthe area where Rapist Mid- Missions rst began in Rai. What im pressed us about the minsies up North show the churches are working together to begin new chuch plans. ‘Also this year, we wl be taking several ips to other parts of rac as we conser where Ged woul have usto serve long-term. thas _taays been apart of our philosophy of inst to be invoed in seminary traning simultaneously wth church planting and in these ‘rips we willbe visting some cflerent Bible institutes and seminaries. Our fst rip with be mid-lune as we visit Bible institut inthe cap ital ty of Brasil. We ask you to special pray that God will make clear where He would have us serve long term, Family Update ‘And she continues to grow Ate year anda half, Choe is imbing on eventing and geting nto everything (is amazing ~ the refiger ‘ator door opens she's instant there, Chloe loves playing withthe bigger kids inthe nursery and at her frend Tiago’ house, Ifyou have nat akead, please chock out our blag: Weloop it (most) updated, and itwilluaep you beta informed 2st whats going on week-to-week and how you can pay. Thankyou for your continued payers Pralses Pray For ‘We fished language schoo. Wisdom as we get more invalid n the minsties ofthe ‘The move went wll and (with the exception oflosing almost all church ‘of ourhelp on the loading end) smoothly, Our upcoming trp to Basia inne We are getting to knew the folks here ance involved inthe = Cenfortfr this family wh let a ushand, father, nd grant Iministes ofthe church father nctvint, Beer ¢ brik Geum AL

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