Visions of An Effective Teacher

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Visions of an Effective Teacher

There are many qualities that make an effective teacher. The most important
criteria are to have a passion for teaching. Caring about your students and
being interested in them is a quality a one must possess. Another important
criterion is to be curious about the world and to always learn new things to
share with your students.
Being in control and setting the tone as to what is expected of the students
is critical. Classroom policies should be implemented the first day of class so
the students are aware of the rules of the class. Consistency and follow up
when rules are broken is very important.
Introducing new lessons and asking open ended questions to determine what
the students background knowledge is, helps to spark interest in the subject.
Teachers are able to modify the lesson if students already have knowledge of
the subject.
Effective teachers should do formative and summative assessments as they
are teaching their lessons. The assessment is important because it measures
if the students are understanding the lesson and if parts of the lesson should
be modified or repeated.
Effective teachers always use their daily lesson plans as they are teaching to
ensure they are covering everything in the lesson plan. The lesson plan must
align with TEKS and the TEKS should be written on the white board in the
I learned so much as I watched Fat City video. Students with learning disabilities
have a different way of processing information. Teachers call on students to give
answers and a child with a processing disability may take longer to understand and
answer the question. Fat City video demonstrated ways to help students to
participate in class without their classmates being aware of the tools a teacher is
using to help the student with a disability.

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