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Mireles 1

Mitzy Mireles
English 4
30 May 2016
Life with a disease
Imagine being diagnosed with a disease you never thought of getting throughout
your life..Not knowing what might happen to you in the future.Although there are many
diseases that can cause harm to a person,chikungunya is one of many
disease.Chikungunya is a virus transmitted to humans by mosquitoes.Symptoms of this
virus are infections like getting a fever,joint pain,headache,muscle pain,joint swelling or
rash.1The deserted boys from the novel Lord of the flies by William Golding might
encounter this because they are on a vacant island and there are a lot of trees which
means that mosquitoes can make homes and can then infect them with chikungunya.
Many flying insects can be good to live around like flies,
caterpillars,wasps,nest,but there is others that can not be around where you are to you like
bees,bumblebees,zika,and malaria.Chikungunya does not often result in death, but the
joint pain may last for months or years and may become a problem through your life of
chronic pain and disability.2Female mosquitoes are the ones that need the blood to
reproduce so mainly female mosquitoes bite a person.If you take care of chikungunya
faster it is faster to get rid of it,but if you do not notice you have it it might cause more
problems towards you..Not all humans have symptoms when they get bitten, but all have
the infectious bite in them if they get bitten by a venomous mosquito.3
Chikungunya can be treated if you take the medications that is necessary to live
better and without pain. The mosquitoes carrying the virus can bite day or night, indoors
or out. Doctors treat the symptoms the best they can4.There has been no cure or healing to
take care or reduce the pain of this disease.Researchers or investigators can investigate
how they can combine medication to find a solution of treating it.Travelers to areas where
the virus is circulating can take precautions against mosquito bites. 5Covering yourself
can prevent you from getting bitten by a mosquito day or night.Chikungunya does not
often result in death, but the joint pain may last for months or years and may become a

1 "Chikungunya virus | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." 2012. 28 Apr. 2016

2 "PAHO WHO | Chikungunya." 2016. 2 May. 2016 <


3 "PAHO WHO | Chikungunya." 2016. 2 May. 2016 <


4 "Chikungunya Virus: Questions and Answers - WebMD." 2014. 2 May. 2016


5 "Chikungunya Virus: Questions and Answers - WebMD." 2014. 2 May. 2016


Mireles 2
cause of chronic pain and disability.6Preventing getting bitten by a mosquito is the best
way to not get a lot of pain in your body.
Protection throughout your body can save you money and pain.A bite here and there
cause itchiness why not try to protect yourself from getting one.Covering your house with
nets can be an excellent way of preventing mosquitoes in your house.Ways of covering
yourself and preventing mosquitoes can be better if you do not live around trees near
water or other places where mosquitoes might live.Cover exposed skin by wearing longsleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.7Even though if it is hot outside wear all covering
clothing to have less probability of getting bitten by a mosquito.Many people consider
that because it is hot they need to wear less clothes because it is hot outside,but that
increases the probability of getting bitten by a mosquito.The mosquito bites in the day
time and reduces its humming of the wings while it is approaching the target and it will
often bite from beneath the arms. 8Mosquitoes bite wear there are humid things one of the
part that is a target for a mosquito is under the arms.
The boys from Lord of flies, by William Golding might encounter being bitten by
a mosquito because they are on an island. Islands have a lot of places where mosquitoes
might want to make homes.Many ignore mosquitoes by trying to swap them away and
not getting bitten.The boys can protect themselves by trying to cover themselves with
their remaining clothing.They can also try to find fabric to try to build a better
shelter.Know that you read what chikungunya can do to your life and body protect
yourself as much as possible.

6 "PAHO WHO | Chikungunya." 2016. 2 May. 2016 <


7 "Chikungunya in the Caribbean - Watch - Level 1, Practice ..." 2014. 2 May. 2016

8 "Prevention of Chikungunya Virus Infection." 2010. 2 May. 2016


Mireles 3

"Chikungunya virus | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." 2012. 28 Apr. 2016
Chikungunya in the Caribbean - Watch - Level 1, Practice ..." 2014. 2 May. 2016
"Chikungunya Virus: Questions and Answers - WebMD." 2014. 2 May. 2016
" "PAHO WHO | Chikungunya." 2016. 2 May. 2016 <
"Prevention of Chikungunya Virus Infection." 2010. 2 May. 2016

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