Cas Proposal Natasha Service 2

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CAS Activity Proposal Form

Student name:
Natasha Herjawan
Proposed activity: Selling Second Hand Clothes (Service)
Date of starting: 4th March 2015
Day: Wednesday
Approximate time: 3 hour/meeting
Name of Adult leader (supervisor): Helmy Pardede
Position: Supervisor and Leader
Contact detail:


Please comment on how this activity will help you to achieve the Learning Outcomes as IB
CAS requirement?
During the grade eleven field trip to Pramuka Island, my friends and I will be selling second
hand clothing to the citizens of Pulau Pramuka. We will be selling the clothes in three different
categories according to price and all the clothes are donations from all the students. Through
this activity, I hope to gain new experiences by interacting with other people and by helping
them as well. I also hope this activity will teach me to be a more humble person.
Learning Outcomes:
Increase my awareness of my strengths and areas for growth
Selling these clothes to other people will help me be more humble and rise that as a
strength. Helping other will be something that is positive that could bring my life to a
more positive. I always feel happy when I help others and it gives me the satisfaction at
the end seeing all those other people happy and smiling for what I have done
Undertake new challengesThis is something new that I will be doing that is good. I have never sold clothes before
especially in a really hectic situation where its very crowded and many people are
trying to get the best things at the lowest prices. It is not easy to handle this so I think
that it will be a challenge that we will all face together as a group and as a class.
Work collaboratively with othersAs we are doing this as a whole class together with the teachers it is actually both
easier and more difficult. It is easier as there are more hand helping and working at the
same time, however it will also be more difficult as many things are happening all at
once with many different people that can create miscommunications and
misunderstandings. Communication is the key in this project.
Engaged in issue of global importanceBy doing this we are engaging ourselves to the issue of global importance. Not
everyone in the world is as lucky as us in having the things that we need and want.
They need to have things thats not brand new and at a lower price. The local people
needs our help and by doing this we are engaging with them and helping create a
better places for them by having clothes. Were helping with their problem.

Activity Leader:
This student has given me the letter providing information about this CAS program. I am
aware of the need for evaluation and am willing to provide this.
Leaders signature:

Approved by CAS Coordinator:



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